EX-10.6 10 filename10.htm

Exhibit 10.6



Exclusive Option Agreement


本独家购买权协议(下称“本协议”)由以下各方于2020330日在中华人民共和国(下称“中国”) 厦门签订:

This Exclusive Option Agreement (“this Agreement”) is executed by and among the Parties below as of March 30, 2020, in Xiamen, the People’s Republic of China (“China” or “PRC”):


(1)合利恒文化有限公司,一家依据中国法律设立并存续的外商独资企业,注册地址为中国(福建)自由贸易试验区厦门片区象屿路93号厦门国际航运中心C栋4层431单元B之五 (“股份购买权人”)。

Heliheng Culture Co., Ltd., a wholly foreign-owned enterprise organized and existing under the laws of the PRC, with its legal address at Room 5, 431B, Building C, Xiamen International Shipping Center, No.93 Xiangyu Road, China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Xiamen (“Optionee”);



Zhuoqin Huang, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Weiyi Lin, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Rongdi Zhang, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Xiayu Cui, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Chunxiao Cui, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Yu Huang, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Azhen Lin, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*];



Exclusive Option Agreement




Wuyang Chen, a PRC citizen with Identification No.: [*] (Zhuoqin Huang, Weiyi Lin, Rongdi Zhang, Xiayu Cui, Chunxiao Cui, Yu Huang, Azhen Lin together with Wuyang Chen, the “Shareholders”);



Xiamen Pop Culture Co., Ltd., a company organized and existing under the laws of the PRC, with its legal address at Unit 836, No.5 Mucuo Road, Huli District, Xiamen (“Target Company”).



In this Agreement, the Optionee, the Shareholders and the Target Company are herein referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.





1.黄卓勤、林伟毅、张荣娣、崔夏宇、崔春晓、黄裕、林阿真、陈武杨系目标公司股东,分别持有目标公司的59.5527%、10.0198%、9.0995 %、6.1049 %、6.1049 %、2.4233%、0.1212 %和0.1212 %的股份,八人合计持有目标公司93.5475%的股份(“股份”);

Zhuoqin Huang, Weiyi Lin, Rongdi Zhang, Xiayu Cui, Chunxiao Cui, Yu Huang, Azhen Lin together with Wuyang Chen are the Shareholders of Target Company and hold 59.5527%, 10.0198%, 9.0995 %, 6.1049 %, 6.1049 %, 2.4233%, 0.1212 % and 0.1212% of the shares in Target Company respectively; the Shareholders hold 93.5475% of the shares in Target Company (the “Shares”);



The Shareholders agree to irrevocably grant the Optionee an exclusive option right through this Agreement, and the Optionee agrees to accept such exclusive option right to purchase all or any Shares held by a Shareholder in Target Company.


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Now therefore, upon mutual discussion and negotiation, the Parties have reached the following agreement:



Sale and Purchase of Shares



Option Granted


1.1.1股东同意在此不可撤销且无条件地授予股份购买权人一项不可撤销的专有购买权,股份购买权人以该等购买权在中国法律允许的前提下,按照股份购买权人自行决定的行使步骤,并按照本协议第1.2 条所述的价格,随时一次或多次从股东购买,或指定一人或多人(“被指定人”)从股东处购买其现在和将来所持有的目标公司的全部和/或部分股份(无论股东持有的股份数额或持股比例将来是否发生变化)(“股份购买权”)。

The Shareholders hereby irrevocably and unconditionally grant the Optionee an irrevocable and exclusive right to purchase, or designate one or more persons (each, a “Designee”) to purchase their Shares in Target Company now or then held by the Shareholders (regardless whether the Shareholders’ number of shares held and/or percentage of shareholding is changed or not in the future) once or at multiple times at any time in part or in whole at the Optionee 's sole and absolute discretion to the extent permitted by PRC laws and regulations, and at the price described in Section 1.2 herein (such right being the “Option”).



Except for the Optionee and the Designee(s), no other person shall be entitled to the Option or other rights with respect to the Shares of the Shareholders. Target Company hereby agrees to the grant by the Shareholders of the Option to the Optionee. The term “person” as used herein shall refer to individuals, corporations, partnerships, partners, enterprises, trusts or any other type of economic entity.


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Exercise of Option


1.2.1股份购买权人行使其股份购买权以符合中国法律和法规的规定为前提。股份购买权人行使股份购买权时,应向股东发出书面通知(“股份购买通知”),股份购买通知应载明以下事项:(a) 股份购买权人关于行使股份购买权的决定;(b) 股份购买权人拟从股东购买的股份份额(“被购买的股份” );和(c)被购买的股份的买入日期。

Subject to the provisions of the PRC laws and regulations, the Optionee may exercise the Option by issuing a written notice to a Shareholder (the “Option Notice”), specifying: (a) the Optionee’s decision to exercise the Option; (b) the portion of the shares to be purchased from a Shareholder (the “Optioned Shares”); and (c) the date for purchasing the Optioned Shares.


1.2.2被购买股份的买价(“基准买价”)应为人民币 10 元或中国法律下允许的最低价格,如该最低价格高于人民币10元。如果股份购买权人在行权时中国法律要求评估股份,各方通过诚信原则另行商定,并在评估基础上对该股份买价进行必要调整,以符合当时适用之任何中国法律之要求(统称“股份买价”)。

The purchase price of the Optioned Shares (the "Base Price") shall be RMB10, or the minimum price then permitted by the PRC laws and regulations if such lowest price is higher than RMB10. If appraisal is required by the PRC laws and regulations at the time when the Optionee exercises the Option, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith and based on the appraisal result make necessary adjustment to the Shares Purchase Price so that it complies with any and all then applicable PRC laws and regulations (collectively, the " Shares Purchase Price ").



Shareholders agree, upon receiving the Shares Purchase Price, to return the Shares Purchase Price to the Optionee’s offshore parent company Pop Culture Group Co., Ltd (“the Optionee’s Parent Company”).



Transfer of Optioned Shares



For each exercise of the Option:



A Shareholder shall cause Target Company to promptly convene a shareholders meeting, at which a resolution shall be adopted approving the Shareholder’s transfer of the Optioned Shares to the Optionee and/or the Designee(s);


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A Shareholder shall obtain written statements from the other shareholder of Target Company giving consent to the transfer of the Shares to the Optionee and/or the Designee(s) and waiving any right of first refusal related thereto (as appropriate);



A Shareholder shall execute a share transfer contract with respect to each transfer with the Optionee and/or each Designee (whichever is applicable), in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Option Notice regarding the Optioned Shares;



The relevant Parties shall execute all other necessary contracts, agreements or documents, obtain all necessary government licenses and permits and take all necessary actions to transfer valid ownership of the Optioned Shares to the Optionee and/or the Designee(s), unencumbered by any security interests, and cause the Optionee and/or the Designee(s) to become the registered owner(s) of the Optioned Shares;



For the purpose of this Section and this Agreement, “security interests” shall include securities, mortgages, third party's rights or interests, any stock options, acquisition right, right of first refusal, right to offset, ownership retention or other security arrangements, but shall be deemed to exclude any security interest created by this Agreement and a Shareholders’ Share Pledge Agreement. “Shareholders’ Share Pledge Agreement” as used in this Section and this Agreement shall refer to the Share Pledge Agreement (Attachment 1) executed by and among the Optionee, Shareholders, and Target Company on the date of this Agreement, whereby the Shareholders pledge all of their shares in Target Company to the Optionee, in order to guarantee Target Company's performance of its obligations under the Exclusive Services Agreement executed by and between Target Company and the Optionee (Attachment 2).


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Covenants regarding Target Company



Target Company hereby covenant as follows:



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’ s Parent Company, it shall not in any manner supplement, change or amend the articles of association and bylaws of Target Company, increase or decrease its registered capital, or change its structure of registered capital in other manners;



It shall maintain Target Company's corporate existence in accordance with good financial and business standards and practices by prudently and effectively operating its business and handling its affairs;



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, it shall not at any time following the date hereof, sell, transfer, mortgage or dispose of in any manner any assets of Target Company or legal or beneficial interest in the business or revenues of Target Company, or allow the encumbrance thereon of any security interest;


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Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, it shall not incur, inherit, guarantee or suffer the existence of any debt, except for (i) debts incurred in the ordinary course of business other than through loans; and (ii) debts disclosed to the Optionee for which the Optionee’s written consent has been obtained;



It shall always operate all of Target Company’s businesses during the ordinary course of business to maintain the asset value of Target Company and refrain from any action/omission that may affect Target Company's operating status and asset value;



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, it shall not cause Target Company to execute any major contract, except the contracts in the ordinary course of business (for purpose of this subsection, a contract with a value exceeding RMB One million shall be deemed a major contract);



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, it shall not cause Target Company to provide any person with any loan or credit;



It shall provide the Optionee with information on Target Company's business operations and financial condition at the Optionee’s request;



If requested by the Optionee, it shall procure and maintain insurance in respect of Target Company's assets and business from an insurance carrier acceptable to the Optionee, at an amount and type of coverage typical for companies that operate similar businesses;



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, it shall not cause or permit Target Company to merge, consolidate with, acquire or invest in any person;


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It shall immediately notify the Optionee of the occurrence or possible occurrence of any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings relating to Target Company's assets, business or revenue;



To maintain the ownership by Target Company of all of its assets, it shall execute all necessary or appropriate documents, take all necessary or appropriate actions and file all necessary or appropriate complaints or raise necessary and appropriate defenses against all claims;



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, it shall ensure that Target Company shall not in any manner distribute dividends to its shareholders, provided that upon the Optionee’s written request, Target Company shall immediately distribute all distributable profits to its Shareholders;



At the request of the Optionee, it shall appoint any persons designated by the Optionee as the director and/or executive director of Target Company; and



Unless otherwise required by PRC law, Target Company shall not be dissolved or liquated without prior written consent by the Optionee.



Covenants of the Shareholders



Shareholders hereby covenant as follows:



Without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company, they shall not sell, transfer, mortgage or dispose of in any other manner any legal or beneficial interest in the shares in Target Company held by the Shareholders, or allow the encumbrance thereon of any security interest, except for the pledge placed on these shares in accordance with the Shareholders’ Share Pledge Agreement (Attachment 1);


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The Shareholders shall cause the shareholders' meeting and/or the board of directors and/or executive director of Target Company not to approve the sale, transfer, mortgage or disposition in any other manner of any legal or beneficial interest in the shares in Target Company held by a Shareholder, or allow the encumbrance thereon of any security interest, without the prior written consent of the Optionee, except for the pledge placed on these shares in accordance with the Shareholders’ Share Pledge Agreement (Attachment 1) entered into with the Optionee and Target Company;



The Shareholders shall cause the shareholders' meeting or the board of directors and/or executive director of Target Company not to approve the merger or consolidation with any person, or the acquisition of or investment in any person, without the prior written consent of the Optionee or the Optionee’s Parent Company;


2.2.4将发生的或可能发生的任何关于其所拥有的股份的诉讼、仲裁 或行政程序立即通知股份购买权人;

The Shareholders shall immediately notify the Optionee of the occurrence or possible occurrence of any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings relating to the shares in Target Company held by a Shareholder;



They shall cause the shareholders' meeting or the board of directors and/or executive director of Target Company to vote their approval of the transfer of the Optioned Shares as set forth in this Agreement and to take any and all other actions that may be requested by the Optionee;



To the extent necessary to maintain the Shareholders’ ownership in Target Company, they shall execute all necessary or appropriate documents, take all necessary or appropriate actions and file all necessary or appropriate complaints or raise necessary and appropriate defenses against all claims;



They shall appoint any designee of the Optionee as the director and/or executive director of Target Company, at the request of the Optionee;


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At the request of the Optionee at any time, a Shareholder shall promptly and unconditionally transfer its shares in Target Company to the Optionee’s Designee(s) in accordance with the Option under this Agreement, and the Shareholder hereby waives its right of first refusal (if any) to the share transfer by the other existing shareholder of Target Company (if any);



Upon transfer of the Shares held by the Shareholders to the Optionee, in case of Target Company changing from company limited by shares to limited liability company, Shareholders shall assist Target Company to prepare all application documents as required by laws and regulations in connection with the aforementioned change (subject to the application documents list required by relevant government authorities) and relevant procedures. In respect of the matters in connection with the aforesaid changes, Shareholders shall render the necessary assistance and shall not hinder or treat negatively the processing and completion of the abovementioned matters.


2.2.10在适用的中国法律所允许的范围内,股东应及时将其获得的利润、权益、股息或清算所得捐赠给股份购买权人或股份购买权人指定的其他方; 和

Shareholders shall promptly donate any profits, interests, dividends, or proceeds of liquidation to the Optionee or any other person designated by the Optionee to the extent permitted under the applicable PRC laws; and



The Shareholders shall strictly abide by the provisions of this Agreement and other contracts jointly or separately executed by and among the Shareholders, Target Company and the Optionee, perform the obligations hereunder and thereunder, and refrain from any action/omission that may affect the effectiveness and enforceability thereof. To the extent that a Shareholder has any remaining rights with respect to the shares subject to this Agreement hereunder or under the Shareholders’ Share Pledge Agreement (Attachment 1) or under the Power of Attorney granted in favor of Party A (Attachment 3 to Attachment 10), the Shareholder shall not exercise such rights except in accordance with the written instructions of the Optionee.



Representations and Warranties



The Shareholders and Target Company hereby represent and warrant to the Optionee, jointly and severally, as of the date of this Agreement and each date of transfer of the Optioned Shares, that: 



They have the power, capacity, and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and any share transfer contracts to which they are a Party concerning the Optioned Shares to be transferred thereunder (each, a “Transfer Agreement”), and to perform their obligations under this Agreement and any Transfer Agreement. The Shareholders and Target Company agree to enter into Transfer Agreement consistent with the terms of this Agreement upon the Optionee’s exercise of the Option. This Agreement and the Transfer Agreement to which a Shareholder and Target Company are the parties constitute or will constitute their legal, valid and binding obligations and shall be enforceable against them in accordance with the provisions thereof;


3.2无论是本协议或任何转让合同的签署和交付还是其在本协议或任何转让合同项下的义务的履行均不会:(i)导致违反任何有关的中国法律; (ii)与目标公司章程或其他组织文件相抵触;(iii)导致违反其是一方或对其有约束力的任何合同或文件,或构成其是一方或对其有约束力的任何合同或文件项下的违约;(iv)导致违反有关向任何一方颁发的任何许可或批准的授予和(或)继续有效的任何条件;或(v)导致向任何一方颁发的任何许可或批准中止或被撤销或附加条件;

The execution and delivery of this Agreement or any Transfer Agreement and the obligations under this Agreement or any Transfer Agreement shall not: (i) cause any violation of any applicable laws of China; (ii) be inconsistent with the articles of association, bylaws or other organizational documents of Target Company; (iii) cause the violation of any contracts or instruments to which they are a party or which are binding on them, or constitute any breach under any contracts or instruments to which they are a party or which are binding on them; (iv) cause any violation of any condition for the grant and/or continued effectiveness of any licenses or permits issued to either of them; or (v) cause the suspension or revocation of or imposition of additional conditions to any licenses or permits issued to either of them;


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A Shareholder has a good and merchantable title to the shares in Target Company he or she holds. Except for the Shareholders’ Share Pledge Agreement (Attachment 1) entered into with the Optionee and Target Company, the Shareholder has not placed any security interest on such shares;



Target Company has a good and merchantable title to all of its assets, and has not placed any security interest on the aforementioned assets;



Target Company does not have any outstanding debts, except for (i) debt incurred in the ordinary course of business; and (ii) debts disclosed to the Optionee for which the Optionee’s written consent has been obtained;



Target Company has complied with all the PRC laws and regulations applicable to asset acquisitions; and



There is no pending or threatened litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings relating to the shares in Target Company, assets of Target Company or Target Company.



Effectiveness and Termination of This Agreement



This Agreement shall become effective upon the date hereof, after being executed or sealed by the Parties or executed by their legal representatives.



This Agreement shall be terminated after all the shares in Target Company held by the Shareholders and/or all the assets of Target Company have been legally transferred to the Optionee and/or its designee in accordance with this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above provision, the Optionee shall in any event be entitled to terminate this Agreement by prior written notice to the Shareholders and Target Company thirty (30) days in advance, and the Optionee shall not be held liable for default in respect of the unilateral termination of this Agreement.


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Governing Law and Resolution of Disputes



Governing law



The execution, effectiveness, construction, performance, amendment and termination of this Agreement and the resolution of disputes hereunder shall be governed by the formally published and publicly available laws of China. Matters not covered by formally published and publicly available laws of China shall be governed by international legal principles and practices.



Dispute Resolution



In the event of any dispute with respect to the construction and performance of this Agreement, the Parties shall first resolve the dispute through friendly negotiations. In the event the Parties fail to reach an agreement on the dispute within 30 days after either Party's request to the other Parties for resolution of the dispute through negotiations, either Party may submit the relevant dispute to the Xiamen Arbitration Commission for arbitration, in accordance with its then effective arbitration rules. The arbitration shall be conducted in Xiamen, China, and the language used in arbitration shall be Chinese. The arbitration award shall be final and binding on all Parties.



Taxes and Fees



Each Party shall pay any and all transfer and registration tax, expenses and fees incurred thereby or levied thereon in accordance with the PRC laws and regulations in connection with the preparation and execution of this Agreement and the Transfer Contracts, as well as the consummation of the transactions contemplated under this Agreement and the Transfer Contracts.


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All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be delivered personally or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, by a commercial courier service or by facsimile transmission to the address of such Party set forth below. A confirmation copy of each notice shall also be sent by email. The dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:



Notices given by personal delivery, by courier service or by registered mail, postage prepaid, shall be deemed effectively given on the date of delivery or refusal at the address specified for notices.


7.1.2通知如果是以传真发出的,则以成功传送之日为有效送达日(应 以自动生成的传送确认信息为证)。

Notices given by facsimile transmission shall be deemed effectively given on the date of successful transmission (as evidenced by an automatically generated confirmation of transmission).



For the purpose of notices, the addresses of the Parties are as follows:


股份购买权人: 合利恒文化有限公司
地址: 中国(福建)自由贸易试验区厦门片区象屿路93号厦门国际航运中心C栋4层431单元B之五                                     
联系人: 黄卓勤
电话: [*]
Optionee: Heliheng Culture Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 5, 431B, Building C, Xiamen International Shipping Center, No.93 Xiangyu Road, China (Fujian) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Xiamen                                     
Attn: Zhuoqin Huang
Phone: [*]


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股东: 黄卓勤
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Zhuoqin Huang
Phone: [*]


股东: 林伟毅
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Weiyi Lin
Phone: [*]


股东: 张荣娣
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Rongdi Zhang
Phone: [*]


股东: 崔夏宇
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Xiayu Cui
Phone: [*]


股东: 崔春晓
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Chunxiao Cui
Phone: [*]


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股东: 黄裕
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Yu Huang
Phone: [*]


股东: 林阿真
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Azhen Lin
Phone: [*]


股东: 陈武杨
电话: [*]
Shareholder: Wuyang Chen
Phone: [*]


目标公司: 厦门普普文化股份有限公司
地址: 厦门市湖里区穆厝路5号836单元                                   
联系人: 黄卓勤
电话: [*]
Target Company: Xiamen Pop Culture Co., Ltd.
Address: Unit 836, No.5 Mucuo Road, Huli District, Xiamen                                    
Attn: Zhuoqin Huang
Phone: [*]



Any Party may at any time change its address for notices by a notice delivered to the other Parties in accordance with the terms hereof.


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The Parties acknowledge that any oral or written information exchanged among them with respect to this Agreement is confidential information. Each Party shall maintain the confidentiality of all such information, and without obtaining the written consent of other Parties, it shall not disclose any relevant information to any third parties, except in the following circumstances: (a) such information is or will be in the public domain (provided that this is not the result of a public disclosure by the receiving party); (b) information disclosed as required by applicable laws or rules or regulations of any stock exchange; or (c) information required to be disclosed by any Party to its legal counsel or financial advisor regarding the transaction contemplated hereunder, and such legal counsel or financial advisor are also bound by confidentiality duties similar to the duties in this section. Disclosure of any confidential information by the staff members or agency hired by any Party shall be deemed disclosure of such confidential information by such Party, which Party shall be held liable for breach of this Agreement. This Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason.



Further Warranties



The Parties agree to promptly execute documents that are reasonably required for or are conducive to the implementation of the provisions and purposes of this Agreement and take further actions that are reasonably required for or are conducive to the implementation of the provisions and purposes of this Agreement.



Breach of Agreement



If a Shareholders or Target Company conducts any material breach of any term of this Agreement, the Optionee shall have right to terminate this Agreement and/or require Shareholders or Target Company to compensate all damages; this Section 10 shall not prejudice any other rights of the Optionee herein;


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Shareholders or Target Company shall not have any right to terminate this Agreement in any event unless otherwise required by the applicable laws.






Amendment, change and supplement



Any amendment, change and supplement to this Agreement shall require the execution of a written agreement by all of the Parties.



Entire agreement


除了在本协议签署后所作出的书面修订、补充或修改以外,本协议构成本协议各方达成的完整合同,取代在此之前 就本协议标的物所达成的所有口头或书面的协商、陈述和合同。

Except for the amendments, supplements or changes in writing executed after the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement reached by and among the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and shall supersede all prior oral and written consultations, representations and contracts reached with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.






The headings of this Agreement are for convenience only, and shall not be used to interpret, explain or otherwise affect the meanings of the provisions of this Agreement.






This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English language in ten (10) copies, each Party having one copy with equal legal validity; in case there is any conflict between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


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In the event that one or several of the provisions of this Agreement are found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any aspect in accordance with any laws or regulations, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected or compromised in any respect. The Parties shall strive in good faith to replace such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions with effective provisions that accomplish to the greatest extent permitted by law and the intentions of the Parties, and the economic effect of such effective provisions shall be as close as possible to the economic effect of those invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions.






This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the interest of the respective successors of the Parties and the permitted assigns of such Parties.






Any obligations that occur or that are due as a result of this Agreement upon the expiration or early termination of this Agreement shall survive the expiration or early termination thereof.


11.7.2本协议第 5、8、10 条和本第 11.7 条的规定在本协议终止后继续有效。

The provisions of Sections 5, 8, 10 and this Section 11.7 shall survive the termination of this Agreement.






Any Party may waive the terms and conditions of this Agreement, provided that such a waiver must be provided in writing and shall require the signatures of the Parties. No waiver by any Party in certain circumstances with respect to a breach by other Parties shall operate as a waiver by such a Party with respect to any similar breach in other circumstances.





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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed, or caused their respectively duly authorized representatives to execute, this Exclusive Option Agreement as of the date first above written.



Optionee: Heliheng Culture Co., Ltd. (Seal)



By: /s/Zhuoqin Huang  


Title: Legal Representative



Shareholder: Zhuoxin Huang



By: /s/Zhuoqin Huang  



Shareholder: Weiyi Lin



By: /s/Weiyi Lin  



Shareholder: Rongdi Zhang



By: /s/Rongdi Zhang  



Shareholder: Xiayu Cui



By: /s/Xiayu Cui  



Shareholder: Chunxiao Cui



By: /s/Chunxiao Cui  


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Shareholder: Yu Huang



By: /s/Yu Huang  



Shareholder: Azhen Lin



By: /s/Azhen Lin  



Shareholder: Wuyang Chen



By: /s/Wuyang Chen  



Target Company: Xiamen Pop Culture Co., Ltd. (Seal)



By: /s/Zhuoqin Huang  


Title: Legal Representative


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The Share Pledge Agreement entered into among Heliheng Culture Co., Ltd., Zhuoqin Huang, Weiyi Lin, Rongdi Zhang, Xiayu Cui, Chunxiao Cui, Yu Huang, Azhen Lin, Wuyang Chen, and Xiamen Pop Culture Co., Ltd. on March 30, 2020



The Exclusive Services Agreement entered into between Heliheng Culture Co., Ltd. and Xiamen Pop Culture Co., Ltd. on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Zhuoqin Huang on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Weiyi Lin on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Rongdi Zhang on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Xiayu Cui on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Chunxiao Cui on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Yu Huang on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Azhen Lin on March 30, 2020



The Power of Attorney executed by Wuyang Chen on March 30, 2020



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