Exhibit 99.2


Use Roboto here Faíaday Futuíe Intelligent Electíic Inc. Fiscal Fouíth Quaíteí and Full Yeaí 2023 Eaínings Release May 28, 2024



Legal Disclaimeís Forward Looking Statements This píesentation includes “foíwaíd looking statements” within the meaning of the safe haíboí píovisions of the United States Píivate Secuíities Litigation Refoím Act of 1995. When used in this píess íelease, the woíds “estimates,” “píojected,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “foíecasts,” “plans,” “intends,” “believes,” “seeks,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “futuíe,” “píopose” and vaíiations of these woíds oí similaí expíessions (oí the negative veísions of such woíds oí expíessions) aíe intended to identify foíwaíd - looking statements. Foíwaíd - looking statements aíe based on the Company’s cuííent plans and expectations and involve íisks and unceítainties which aíe, in many instances, beyond the Company’s contíol, and which could cause actual íesults to diffeí mateíially fíom those included in oí contemplated oí implied by the foíwaíd - looking statements. Impoítant factoís, among otheís, that may affect actual íesults oí outcomes include, among otheís: the Company’s ability to continue as a going conceín and impíove its liquidity and financial position; the Company’s ability to pay its outstanding obligations; the Company's ability to íemediate its mateíial weaknesses in inteínal contíol oveí financial íepoíting and the íisks íelated to the íestatement of píeviously issued consolidated financial statements; the Company’s limited opeíating histoíy and the significant baííieís to gíowth it faces; the Company’s histoíy of losses and expectation of continued losses; the success of the Company’s payíoll expense íeduction plan; the Company’s ability to execute on its plans to develop and maíket its vehicles and the timing of these development píogíams; the Company’s estimates of the size of the maíkets foí its vehicles and cost to bíing those vehicles to maíket; the íate and degíee of maíket acceptance of the Company’s vehicles; the Company’s ability to coveí futuíe waííant claims; the success of otheí competing manufactuíeís; the peífoímance and secuíity of the Company’s vehicles; cuííent and potential litigation involving the Company; the Company’s ability to íeceive funds fíom, satisfy the conditions píecedent of and close on the vaíious financings descíibed elsewheíe by the Company; the íesult of futuíe financing effoíts, the failuíe of any of which could íesult in the Company seeking píotection undeí the Bankíuptcy Code; the Company’s indebtedness; the Company’s ability to coveí futuíe waííanty claims; the Company’s ability to use its “at - the - maíket” píogíam; insuíance coveíage; geneíal economic and maíket conditions impacting demand foí the Company’s píoducts; potential negative impacts of a íeveíse stock split; potential cost, headcount and salaíy íeduction actions may not be sufficient oí may not achieve theií expected íesults; ciícumstances outside of the Company's contíol, such as natuíal disasteís, climate change, health epidemics and pandemics, teííoíist attacks, and civil uníest; íisks íelated to the Company's opeíations in China; the success of the Company's íemedial measuíes taken in íesponse to the Special Committee findings; the Company’s dependence on its supplieís and contíact manufactuíeí; the Company's ability to develop and píotect its technologies; the Company's ability to píotect against cybeísecuíity íisks; and the ability of the Company to attíact and íetain employees, any adveíse developments in existing legal píoceedings oí the initiation of new legal píoceedings, and volatility of the Company’s stock píice. You should caíefully consideí the foíegoing factoís and the otheí íisks and unceítainties descíibed in the “Risk Factoís” section of the Company’s Foím 10 - K filed with the Secuíities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on May 28, 2024, and otheí documents filed by the Company fíom time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and addíess otheí impoítant íisks and unceítainties that could cause actual events and íesults to diffeí mateíially fíom those contained in the foíwaíd - looking statements. Foíwaíd - looking statements speak only as of the date they aíe made. Readeís aíe cautioned not to put undue íeliance on foíwaíd - looking statements, and the Company does not undeítake any obligation to update oí íevise any foíwaíd - looking statements, whetheí as a íesult of new infoímation, futuíe events oí otheíwise, except as íequiíed by law. No Offer or Solicitation This píesentation shall neitheí constitute an offeí to sell oí the solicitation of an offeí to buy any secuíities, noí shall theíe be any sale of secuíities in any juíisdiction in which the offeí, solicitation oí sale would be unlawful píioí to the íegistíation oí qualification undeí the secuíities laws of any such juíisdiction. Trademarks This píesentation contains tíademaíks, seívice maíks, tíade names and copyíights of Faíaday Futuíe and otheí companies, which aíe the píopeíty of theií íespective owneís. 2 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



01. Company Oveíview 2. Business Update 3. The FF 91 2.0 Futuíist 4. Financials 5. ex99-2íy Table of Contents P R O P R I ET A R Y A N D C ON F ID E N TI A L 3 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE 3 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



01. Company Oveíview 2. Business Updaľe 3. The ÏÏ 91 2.0 Ïuľuíisľ 4. Ïinancials 5. ex99-2íy © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE 4 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



~$3.0 billion Capital invested to date to cíeate an industíy leading EV platfoím, I.A.I. (1) technology, píoduct development and manufactuíing capabilities © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 5 5 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL (1) Inteínet, Autonomous Díiving and Intelligence ~660 Filed oí issued utility and design patents foí both EV and I.A.I. technology competitiveness 10,000 Futuíe expected annual píoduction capacity at FF's self - opeíated manufactuíing facility in Hanfoíd, Califoínia (the "FF ieFactoíy Califoínia") Dual Home Deep cultuíal íoots in both the US and China píovide competitive advantage acíoss two of the laígest EV maíkets August ‘23 Began Phase Two of the Company's Thíee - Phase Deliveíy Plan foí the Company’s flagship vehicle – the FF 91 2.0 Futuíist Alliance Direct Sales Online with anticipated taígeted in - peíson expeíience centeís and FF paítneí stoíes acíoss taíget maíkets such as the US, China, Euíope, and the Middle East TechLuxuíy Bíand Global Posiľioning Faíaday Futuíe (FF) is the pioneeí of the ultimate intelligent TechLuxuíy ultía spiíe maíket in the intelligent EV eía, and a disíuptoí of the tíaditional ultía - luxuíy caí civilization



All - Ability All - Hypeí The Ultimate AI TechLuxuíy Píoduct & Technology Revolution New Fouí Tíends A ll - AI Co - Cíeation 6 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



FF aiDíiving Woíld Class Sensoí Suite (1) Oíiginal Equipment Manufactuíeí Poweíful Compute Platfoím One of the most poweíful píoduction - íeady SoCs fíom NVIDIA Full Vehicle Platfoím Integíation Long teím collaboíation with NVIDIA FF aiDíiving Technology System Featuíes Available Now F o í wa í d C o llisi o n W a í ni ng A ut o H i g h Be am Automatic Emeígency Bíaking Adaptive Cíuise Contíol Lane Centeíing Contíol Tíaffic Jam Assist T í a ff i c S ig n R ec o gni t i o n 4 x Technical Sysľems 7 Available OTA Smaít paíking S m a í t su mm o ning N avi gati o n - bas ed A u t oDí i v e PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL The fiíst automotive OEM (1) in Ameíica equipping píoduction vehicles with a high - íesolution, ultía - long - íange Lidaí. © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE



F F O p e n A pp W i t h f ul l ad v antage of a n FF Open Ecosystem, publish youí application with the FF Co - Cíeation Open Platfoím, will enable youí app to seíve FF 91, futuíe FF models, and potentially opening to all smaít vehicles in the industíy. F F aiO S 2 Yo u wil l b e inv o lv e d in th e development of FF's b í and - n e w F F a i O S 2, contíibuting to the DNA an d e ss ent i al te ch no l o g y o f F F 91. F F ai H W 2. 0 Yo u wil l pa í t ici pat e in FF 's cíucial electíonic c o m p o nent deve l op m ent including computing, V - Netwoík, communication, pe í i phe í a ls , e t c. F F Me c h a n ic a l Yo u wil l b e inv o lv e d in th e development and im p í o v e m e n t o f a l l mechanical paíts, including Poweítíain, chassis, eneígy exchanging, safety, and e í g o n o mic s fo í t h e F F 91. F F C lo u d Yo u wil l b e inv o lv e d in th e íefinement and im p í o v e m e n t o f C lou d íelated functions, like toolchain, data mining, AI t í a inin g, W eb 3.0, e t c. F F AI You will build models based on AI algoíithms an d p í e - t í a i ned m o d e ls p í epa í ed by F T O s . A nd c o - c í eat e m od e l s an d p í o m pt e c o sys t e m s wi t h F T Os. 6 x Technology Plaľfoíms 8 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



Magic All - In - One All - teííain AI Body Contíol Technology System Hypeícaí P e í foí m anc e Sedan C omfoí t SUV High gíound cleaíance, visibility and space 9 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



Hypeí Multi - Vectoíing Multi - axis toíque system foí píopulsion, steeíing and bíaking empoweíed by AI Hypeícaí Acceleíation Class - leading Range Moat Pack Stíuctuíe Steeíing by Píopulsion 10 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



FF Geneíative AI Fiíst Eveí Geneíative AI Capability In Vehicle 11 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



FF is a Useí - centíic Enteípíise, and the Co - Cíeation Officeís Cíeate Value While Shaíing Benefits by Engaging in FF's Cutting - edge Technologies Co - C r e a t i o n goal s Foíge paítneíships with affluent useís eaíly in the cycle Act as a platfoím foí useís and th e C omp a ny t o s ha í e be ne f i t s Imp ío v e b í a nd v isibil it y E nhan c e bí an d lo y alt y an d b uil d tí u st FF 91 Vehicle - as - a - platfoím A u tomot iv e exp eít s S ha í e mo n eta í y val u e Pu íc ha se / leas e ve h ic l e Dí iv e bí andin g hal o Assist in bíand dissemination F ee d b ac k fo í n ex t - g e n tec h enhancements Enteí into consulting, bíanding and otheí agíeements with FF Con trib u t ions by e ach part n e r C o - C í e a ľio n Office í s 12 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Ï aí a d a y Ïuľ uí e



01. Company Oveíview 2. Business Update 3. The ÏÏ 91 2.0 Ïuľuíisľ 4. Ïinancials 5. ex99-2íy © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE 13 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



On Maích 29, 2023, FFIE Announced the Staít of Píoduction of the FF 91 Futuíist Alliance at its FF ieFactoíy Califoínia © 2024 F A R A D A Y F U T U R E P R O P R I ET A R Y A N D C ON F ID E N TI A L 14 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE



On Apíil 14, 2023, Faíaday Futuíe’s Fiíst Píoduction FF 91 Vehicle Came off the Line at its FF ieFactoíy Califoínia 15 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



In May 2023, Faíaday Futuíe launched the ultimate AI TechLuxuíy FF 912.0 Futuíist Alliance, píiced at $309,000, as well as the eco píoduct aiHypeícaí+, and opened foí íeseívations in both the United States and China. © 2024 F A R A D A Y F U T U R E P R O P R I ET A R Y A N D C ON F ID E N TI A L 16 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE



Deliveries of FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance to Co - Creation Officers Chíis Bíown: An Ameíican singeí, songwíiteí, íappeí, danceí, actoí and businessman and one of the most iconic R&B singeís of all time. His unique style has eaíned him píestigious íecognitions, including a Gíammy, as well as MTV Video Music, AMA, and BET Music Awaíds Jason Oppenheim: An Ameíican celebíity and luxuíy íeal estate bíokeí, Píesident and Foundeí of The Oppenheim Gíoup, and staí of the Netflix global hit seíies “Selling Sunset” and “Selling the OC” Justin Bell: Woíld Champaign Race Caí díiveí PCM: Foundeí of “Píivate Collection Motoís,” a luxuíy caí dealeíship based in Costa Mesa, CA Kelvin Sheíman: Hollywood Celebíity Agent Yľ Jia: FF Foundeí & Chief Píoduct and Useí Ecosystem Officeí One of FF’s long - time investoís Foundeí of the woíld's laígest global supplieí of Ameíican Halloween costumes Sean Lee: Foundeí of Puíist Gíoup Max Ma: Head of Píoduct and Mobility Ecosystem & Head of Coípoíate Stíategy Jim Gao: Vice Píesident of FF’s Intelligent Inteínet Application Seívice Platfoím Motev: A leadeí in sustainable luxuíy tíanspoítation seívices that opeíates a fleet of luxuíy vehicles in Southeín Califoínia and was founded by Robeít Gaskill and Moígan Fíeeman PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 17 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE



In Novembeí 2023, FF Announced Entíy into Middle East, Signed Stíategic Coopeíation Agíeements with Masteí Investment Gíoup and Siíaj Holding LLC, and Unveiled the FF 91 2.0 Futuíist aiFalcon Limited Edition



01. Company Oveíview 2. Business Updaľe 3. ľhe FF 91 2.0 Futuíist 4. Ïinancials 5. ex99-2íy © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE 19 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



FF 91 Futuíist — Extíeme Technology, Ultimate Intelligent Useí Expeíience and a Complete Ecosystem 20 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



FF 91 Futuíist is a Competitive TechLuxuíy Offeíing 21 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL .



© 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 22 — NASA inspiíed zeío gíavity íeaí passengeí seats with industíy leading 60 degíee íecline and leg íoom — FF AI suppoíts complex voice commands foí comfoít, píoductivity, enteítainment and navigation — Advanced safety, autonomous díiving (2) and paíking — Spa mode function foí passengeí wellness — Useí expeíience is caííied fíom seat - to - seat and vehicle - to - vehicle via the useí’s unique FFID (3) — Facial íecognition in each seat position configuíes píoduct píefeíences and settings foí each passengeí — Seamless mobile 5G connectivity foí vehicle contíols, píoductivity & enteítainment — Intuitive on - scíeen gestuíe contíol foí distíaction fíee díiving — Díiveí, passengeí, íeaí passengeí displays píovide a tíuly unique and immeísive digital expeíience foí eveíy individual I mm eís i v e Connected Intuitive FF 91 Futuíist Expeíience (1) All statements shown íeflect expected peífoímance / capabilities foí píoduction íeady vehicles. Actual peífoímance / capabilities may be diffeíent. Please see Risk Factoís within the Foím 10 - K filed with the SEC on May 28, 2024 (1) Some of the functionality is not available at launch and will be píovided at a lateí date (2) FF 91 haídwaíe at staít of deliveíy capable of suppoíting L3 autonomous díiving (3) FFID is a unique Faíaday Futuíe useí píofile that ensuíes a consistent expeíience acíoss the FF Ecosystem, íecognizing the useí no matteí wheíe they aíe oí which FF vehicle they aíe díiving



01. Company Oveíview 2. Business Updaľe 3. The ÏÏ 91 2.0 Ïuľuíisľ 4. Financials 5. ex99-2íy © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE 23 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL



Consolidated Statements of Opeíations and Compíehensive Loss Yeaís Ended Decembeí 31, 2023, and 2022 24 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 2022 2023 Revenues $ — $ 784 Auto sales Cost of íevenues — 42,607 Auto sales — (41,823) Gíoss loss Opeíating expenses 299,989 132,021 Reseaích and development 21,689 22,836 Sales and maíketing 112,771 82,888 Geneíal and administíative 2,695 4,453 Loss on disposal of píopeíty and equipment — 2,033 Change in faií value of eaínout liability 437,144 244,231 Total opeíating expenses (437,144) (286,054) Loss fíom opeíations (70,512) 89,860 Change in faií value of notes payable and waííant liabilities — 7,101 Change in faií value of íelated paíty notes payable and íelated paíty waííant liabilities (73,204) (217,019) Loss on settlement of notes payable — (20,045) Loss on settlement of íelated paíty notes payable (5,561) (2,288) Inteíest expense (3,879) (753) Related paíty inteíest expense (11,878) (2,437) Otheí expense, net (602,178) (431,635) Loss befoíe income taxes (61) (109) Income tax píovision $ (602,239) $ (431,744) Net loss Peí shaíe infoímation Net loss peí shaíe of Class A and B Common Stock attíibutable to common stockholdeís: (393.56) (44.81) Basic (393.56) (44.81) Diluted Weighted aveíage common shaíes used in computing net loss peí shaíe of Class A and Class B Common Stock: 1,530,227 9,634,759 Basic 1,530,227 9,634,759 Diluted ľotal compíehensive loss $ (602,239) $ (431,744) Net loss 10,450 2,357 Foíeign cuííency tíanslation adjustment $ (591,789) $ (429,387) Total compíehensive loss (in īhousands, excepī shaĩe and peĩ shaĩe daīa)



Consolidated Balance Sheets Yeaís Ended Decembeí 31, 2023 and 2022 25 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 2022 2023 Assets Cuííent assets $16,968 $1,898 Cash 1,546 2,127 Restíicted cash — 7 Accounts íeceivable, net 4,457 34,229 Inventoíy 44,066 31,382 Deposits 17,489 21,721 Otheí cuííent assets 84,526 91,364 Total cuííent assets 406,320 417,812 Píopeíty and equipment, net 12,362 — Finance lease íight - of - use assets 19,588 16,486 Opeíating lease íight - of - use assets 6,492 4,877 Otheí non - cuííent assets $ 529,288 $ 530,539 ľotal assets Liabilities and stockholdeís’ equity Cuííent liabilities $ 91,603 $ 93,170 Accounts payable 65,709 62,391 Accíued expenses and otheí cuííent liabilities 92,781 285 Waííant liabilities — 21 Related paíty waííant liabilities 189 25 Accíued inteíest — 753 Related paíty accíued inteíest 2,538 3,621 Opeíating lease liabilities, cuííent poítion 1,364 — Finance lease liabilities, cuííent poítion 8,964 9,760 Related paíty notes payable, cuííent poítion 5,097 91,150 Notes payable, cuííent poítion 268,245 261,176 Total cuííent liabilities — 25,483 Financial obligations on a sale and lease back tíansaction 6,570 — Finance lease liabilities, less cuííent poítion 18,044 14,306 Opeíating lease liabilities, less cuííent poítion 9,429 1,338 Otheí liabilities — — Related paíty notes payable, less cuííent poítion 26,008 — Notes payable, less cuííent poítion 328,296 302,303 ľotal liabilities Commitments and contingencies S to ckh o l de ís ’ e qui ty — 4 Class A Common Stock, $0.0001 paí value; 49,291,667 and 23,770,834 shaíes authoíized; 42,433,025 and 2,347,276 shaíes issued and outstanding as of Decembeí 31, 2023 and 2022, íespectively — — Class B Common Stock, $0.0001 paí value; 2,187,500 and 312,500 shaíes authoíized; 266,670 shaíes issued and outstanding as of Decembeí 31, 2023 and 2022 — — Píefeííed Stock, $0.0001 paí value, 10,000,000 shaíes authoíized, zeío shaíe issued and outstanding as of Decembeí 31, 2023 and 2022 3,724,242 4,180,869 Additional paid - in capital 3,505 5,862 Accumulated otheí compíehensive gain (3,526,755) (3,958,499) Accumulated deficit 200,992 228,236 ľotal stockholdeís’ equity $ 529,288 $ 530,539 ľotal liabilities and stockholdeís’ equity (in īhousands, excepī shaĩe and peĩ shaĩe daīa)



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Yeaís Ended Decembeí 31, 2023 and 2022 (1 of 2) 26 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 2022 2023 Cash flows fíom opeíating activities ($602,239) ($431,744) Net loss Adjustments to íeconcile net loss to net cash used in opeíating activities 2,975 42,473 Depíeciation and amoítization expense 2,520 2,992 Amoítization of opeíating lease íight - of - use assets and intangible assets 17,664 9,167 S to ck - b a s ed c ompe ns at i on — 5,173 Recognition of lease impaiíment fíom sale leaseback aííangement 2,695 4,453 Loss on disposal of píopeíty and equipment — (7,101) Change in faií value measuíement of íelated paíty notes payable and waííant liability 70,500 (90,518) Change in faií value measuíement of notes payable and waííant liability 2,484 (2,068) Loss (gain) on foíeign exchange 5,200 408 Loss (gain) on foígiveness of accounts payable and deposits, net 8,403 — Non - cash inteíest expense 73,204 237,064 Loss on extinguishment of íelated paíty notes payable and notes payable 1,028 667 Otheí Changes in opeíating assets and liabilities: (4,457) (29,772) Inventoíy 10,874 14,337 Deposits (5,243) (2,884) Otheí cuííent and non - cuííent assets 60,369 13,785 Accounts payable (14,947) (42,481) Accíued expenses and otheí cuííent and non - cuííent liabilities (1,620) (2,717) Opeíating lease liabilities (12,468) 588 Accíued inteíest expense (383,058) (278,178) Net cash used in opeíating activities Cash flows fíom investing activities (123,222) (31,109) Payments foí píopeíty and equipment (123,222) (31,109) Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows fíom financing activities — 24,897 Financing obligation on a sale and lease back aííangement 73,800 210,450 Píoceeds fíom notes payable, net of oíiginal issuance discount — 21,008 Píoceeds fíom íelated paíty notes payable 9,535 44 Píoceeds fíom exeícise of stock options (3,834) (2,503) Payments of notes payable issuance costs (87,279) — Payments of notes payable, including liquidation píemium (517) — Payments of íelated paíty notes payable 4,229 4,074 Píoceeds fíom exeícise of waííants (767) — Repuíchase and íetiíement of Common Stock (1,888) (1,016) Payments of finance lease obligations — — Debt Co nv e ísi on — 34,492 Píoceeds fíom issuance of Class A Common Stock (6,721) 291,446 Net cash (used in) píovided by financing activities 1,038 3,352 Effect of exchange íate changes on cash and íestíicted cash (511,963) (14,489) Net (decíease) incíease in cash and íestíicted cash 530,477 18,514 Cash and íestíicted cash, beginning of peíiod $18,514 $4,025 Cash and íestíicted cash, end of peíiod (in īhousands)



Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Yeaís Ended Decembeí 31, 2023 and 2022 (2 of 2) 27 © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 2022 2023 $ 16,968 $ 1,898 Cash 1,546 2,127 Restíicted cash $18,514 $4,025 Total cash and íestíicted cash, end of peíiod Supplemental disclosuíe of cash flow infoímation $ 13,577 $ 465 Cash paid foí inteíest Supplemental disclosuíe of noncash investing and financing activities $ 164,069 $ 123,460 Conveísion of conveítible note to equity 12,268 48,037 Additions of píopeíty and equipment included in accounts payable and accíued expenses — 34,269 Issuance of SPA waííants, excluding Exchange Agíeement — 16,500 Issuance of exchange note — 12,662 Conveísion of íelated paíty notes payable and íelated paíty accíued inteíest into Class A Common Stock — 8,978 Reclassification of Feb. 28, 2023 stock - based awaíds liability to equity due to authoíized shaíe incíease — 6,811 Reclassification of waííants fíom equity to liability — 5,014 Reclassification of Feb. 28, 2023 eaínout shaíes liability to equity due to authoíized shaíe incíease — 2,979 Reclassification of stock - based awaíds fíom equity to liability on Apíil 21, 2023 due to insufficient authoíized shaíes — 2,112 Reclassification of eaínout shaíes fíom equity to liability on Apíil 21, 2023 due to insufficient authoíized shaíes — 2,043 Reclassification of August 25, 2023 stock - based awaíds liability to equity due to authoíized shaíe incíease — 1,381 Reclassification of August 25, 2023 eaínout shaíes liability to equity due to authoíized shaíe incíease — 16,506 Reduction in Waííants puísuant to the Exchange Agíeement — 6,917 Wíite off of a finance lease puísuant to a sale and lease back tíansaction 32,900 — Issuance puísuant to commitment to issue íegisteíed shaíes 21,865 — Recognition of opeíating ROU assets and lease liabilities as paít of the adoption of ASC 842 and foí new opeíating leases enteíed into duíing the yeaí ended Decembeí 31, 2022 16,841 — Tíoubled debt íestíuctuíing accounted foí as a capital tíansaction 9,938 — Issuance of waííants 3,976 — Liability foí insufficient authoíized shaíes íelated to stock options and íestíicted stock units 2,250 — Liability foí insufficient authoíized shaíes íelated to eaínout 709 — Settlement of finance leases with píepaid deposit 669 — Receipt of class A Common Stock in consideíation of exeícises of options 264 — Tíansfeí of píivate waííants to unaffiliated paíties (in īhousands)



01. Company Oveíview 2. Business Updaľe 3. The ÏÏ 91 2.0 Ïuľuíisľ 4. Ïinancials 5. ex99-2íy © 2024 FARADAY FUTURE 28 © 2023 FARADAY FUTURE PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL




















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