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GLOBAL BLUE GROUP HOLDING AG 2022 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1st September, 2022 Signy, Switzerland, 11th August 2022 Global Blue Group Holding AG (“Global Blue”) will hold its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) on September 1, 2022 at 11:00 CEST at Bahnhofstrasse 53, Zurich, Switzerland. The preparatory documents for the AGM are posted in the “Investor Relations” section of Global Blue’s website: https://ir.globalblue.com/. A copy of the invitation to the AGM together with the Proxy Card are filed as Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 to the Company’s Report on Form 6-K, dated August 11, 2022 . CONTACTS INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACTS Frances Gibbons – Head of Investor Relations Mob: +44 (0)7815 034 212 – Mail: fgibbons@globalblue.com ABOUT GLOBAL BLUE Globa l Blue pioneered the concept of Tax Free Shopping 40 years ago. Through continuous innovation, we have become the leading strategic technology and payments par tner, empowering reta i lers to improve their per formance and shoppers to enhance their exper ience. Globa l Blue of fers innovati ve solutions in three di fferent f ie lds:  Tax Free Shopping: Helping reta i lers at over 300,000 points of sa le to e fficient ly manage 35 mi l l i on Tax Free Shopping transactions a year, thanks to its fu l ly integrated in -house technology plat form. Meanwhi le , i ts industry -leading di gi tal Tax Free shopper so lutions create a better, more seamless customer exper ience  Payments services: Providing a ful l su i te of foreign exchange and Payments technology so lutions that a l low acquirers, hotels and reta i lers to offer va lue-added services and improve the customer exper ience dur ing 31 mi ll ion payment transactions a year at 130,000 points o f interaction  Complementary RetailTech: Offer ing new technology solutions to reta i lers, including dig i ta l receipts and eCommerce returns , that can be eas i ly integrated with their core systems and a l low them to optimise and digita li se their processes throughout the omni -channe l customer journey, both in-store and online In addi t ion, our data and advisory serv ices offer a strategic advisory to help reta i lers identi fy oppor tunit ies for growth , whi le our shopper exper ience and engagement solut ions provide data -dr iven solutions to increase footfal l , convert foot fa l l to revenue and enhance performance. For more in formation, vis i t http://www.globalblue.com/corporate/ Pre-pandemic figures FY 2019-20 Source: Global Blue