Exhibit 99.1


ORACLE HEALTH Heart Failure Monitoring System Voice of the Heart Ρ



Jae Bang Founder & CEO • Clinical, Technology and Business operations x 18 years with Medtronic and Heart Failure startups T E AM Dr. Dan Burkhoff MD PhD CMO • Part Time • Former VP at Heartware - $1.2B Exit to Medtronic • World renowned Physician Scientist with expertise in Startup and Heart Failure Jim Georgakopoulos PhD CSO • Former CSO at a Heart Failure startup and NASDAQ company • Former Heart Failure startup founder • 30 Years in Heart Failure and cardiac hemodynamics Randy Armstrong CTO • Former Technology Fellow at Cameron Health – $1.3B Exit to Boston Sci • 30 Years in Implantable Cardiac devices development 2



Prof. Frits Prinzen PhD Cardiac Hemodynamics & Heart Failure Expert Dr. David Kraus MD Heart Failure Cardiologist Dr. Kevin Heist MD. PhD Asso c i a t e P r o f e ssor Harvard Dr. Toshi Okabe MD Cardiac E l ec t r o p hy sio l ogi s t Anatoly Yakovlev PhD Machine Learning ADVISORS 3



Heart Failure = Breathing Problem



Atrial Pressure = Changes in Heart Sounds



Heart Failure Problem



Problem: Wearables Low Accuracy Limi t e d Data Poor Compliance



Problem: Cath Lab Procedure C ompl e x Not for E v e r y o n e Exp e n s i v e



Solution : Tiny Insertable Cardiac Monitor 55 x 15 x 6 mm 3 Year Battery Longevity 2 min office procedure No Follow Up



1. Simple Office Procedure Physician numbs a small area on the chest region. And Makes a ¼” incision Inserts the device under the skin. Covers with a s t e rile b a nd a g e .



2. Multi - Sensor E C G A c o u s tic Sensor 3 Axis Ac c ele r o m e t er



3. Data Driven Management



4. High Compliance Zero maintenance for 3 years S m a r tphone as a conduit for secured Data transfer Comprehensive long - term trending analysis Access via secured web portal for Data Driven management



5. Short Regulatory process + Reimbursement Insu r an c e Coverage $7400



Competitive Landscape



Pricing & Revenue Model $1000 COG per unit $5300 Sales price per unit $7400 Insurance Coverage per procedure



2 Year Sales Distribution Model 20 Heart Failure C a r di o log i s ts 6 Hospitals 2 Highest Volume States



Device and Data Strategy Com p r eh en s i v e Cardiac Data Long - Term T r endi n g D at a Unique Data on Sick Hearts



$5.3 B TAM



Phase I: Targeting a Sub - Group with a 510K device Dia s t olic Heart Failure No Device Therapy Solution Phase I 510K Sub - Group Arr h y thmia Indication



ASK: $8M Series A Q3 2021 Animal Implant Q3 2022 Early Feasibility Study x 25 device implant in 5 canine x BioComp, F un ct i o n al i t y , UX testing Q3 2023 FDA Clearance x Commercialization x 10 - 30 Patient Implant x Most Comprehensive long term cardiac data



VC Interests in Heart Failure Monitor



Attractive Acquisitions Target



510K Clinical Path Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2021 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2022 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2023 2024 Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Engineering A ni m a l S t u d y P r e - Sub Me e t i n g Submit 510K P a t i e n t I m pla n t 5 1 0K C l e a r an c e Commercialization






WHY NOW? Because of lack of comprehensive long - term c a r d iac D A T A th a t c an impact patients and clinicians far beyond Heart Failure. 26



MIS S I O N Provide the most comprehensive and predictive long - term cardiac data for heart failure patients to prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and improve patients quality of life. jaeb@oracle - 27



ORACLE HEALTH jaeb@oracle -