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ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Nasdaq: LITM S n o w L a k e R e s ou r c es L t d . , d/b/a Snow Lake Lithium Ltd. ISSUER FREE WRITING PROSPECTUS Da t e d N o v e m b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 1 Filed Pursuant to Rule 433 Related to the Preliminary Prospectus dated November 04, 2021 and Registration Statement No. 333 - 254755



DISCLAIMER & F ORW A R D - LOO K ING ST A TEMENTS N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 2 No securities commission or securities regulatory authority or other regulatory authority has reviewed, passed upon or endorsed the accuracy or adequacy of this document . Any representation to the contrary is unlawful and is expressly disclaimed by Snow Lake Resources Ltd . , d/b/a Snow Lake Lithium Ltd . (“Company”) . The information contained in this presentation does not purport to be all - inclusive or to contain all information that prospective investors may require . Prospective investors are encouraged to conduct their own analysis and reviews of the Company and of the information contained in this presentation . Prospective investors should consult their own professional advisors to assess their potential investment in the Company . The remarks contained in this presentation (“Presentation” may contain forward - looking statements relating to the Company’s operations or to its business environment . Such statements are based on the Company’s operations, forecasts, and projections, but are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict or control . A number of factors could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those expressed . Although any such forward - looking statements are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot guarantee that actual results will be consistent with these forward - looking statements . In addition, the Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward - looking statements, for any reason . We also do not commit in any way to guarantee that we will continue reporting on items or issues that arise . This Presentation has been provided to the recipient for information purposes only and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein . The contents are not to be reproduced or distributed to the public or press . The information contained herein is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness . Throughout this Presentation various logos and trademarks will be used . These trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners . This presentation contains or references to certain market, industry and peer group data which is based upon information from independent industry publications, market research, analyst reports and surveys and other publicly available sources . Although Snow Lake Lithium believes these sources to be generally reliable, such information is subject to interpretation and cannot be verified with complete certainly due to limits on the availability and reliability of raw data, the voluntary nature of the data gathering process and other inherent limitations and uncertainties . Snow Lake Lithium has not independently verified any of the data from third party sources referred to in this presentation and accordingly, the accuracy and completeness of such data is not guaranteed . An investment in the Company's securities should be considered highly speculative . There is no guarantee that an investment in the Company will earn any positive return in the short or long term . An investment in the Company is appropriate only for investors who have the capacity to absorb a loss of some or all of their investment . There are certain risk factors associated with an investment in the Company’s securities . In addition, there are a number of risk factors that could cause future results to differ materially from those described herein . Additional risks and uncertainties, including those that the Company does not know about now or that it currently deems immaterial, may also adversely affect the Company’s business or any investment therein .



SNOW LAKE LITHIUM FREE WRITING PROSPECTUS STATEMENT N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 3 This presentation highlights basic information about us and the proposed offering. Because it is a summary, it does not contain all of the information that you should consider before investing. We have filed a registration statement (including a preliminary prospectus) with the SEC for the offering to which this presentation relates, which registration statement has not yet been declared effective by the SEC (File No . 333 - 254755 ) . Before you invest, you should read the preliminary prospectus and the registration statement (including the risk factors described therein) for more complete information about us and the offering . You may access these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC Website at http : //www . sec . gov . Alternatively, we or any underwriter participating in the offering will arrange to send you the prospectus if you contact ThinkEquity LLC, Prospectus Department, 17 State Street, 22 nd Floor, New York, New York 10004 , telephone : ( 646 ) 968 - 9355 or e - mail : prospectus@think - equity . com . This presentation does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor will there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state or jurisdiction . The offering is only being made by means of the prospectus .



OFFERING S UM M A RY Off e r in g Si z e USD $20 Million S h ar e s Off e r e d 2,857,143* Expected Price Range $6.50 - $7.50 Symbol / Listing N as d a q : LI T M U s e o f P r o c ee ds Resource development activities including additional exploratory drilling, the preparation of a PEA, other technical studies and reports, possible strategic acquisitions; and marketing and general corporate purposes Sole Boo k R u nn e r ThinkEquity *Assuming an initial public offering (IPO) price of $7.00 per share, which is the midpoint of the estimated range of the IPO price N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 4



OUR S TO R Y Snow Lake Lithium (SLL) is committed to operating a fully renewable and sustainable lithium mine that can deliver a completely traceable, carbon neutral and zero harm product to the electric vehicle and battery market in North America. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 5



I N V E S T ME N T HIGHLIGHTS Positioned to capitalize on the rapid growth in demand for lithium, driven by the electrification of the g l ob a l a u t o m ob i l e fl ee t Powered by 100% renewable energy and launching the first fully electric lithium mine Geographic proximity to the expanding North American electric vehicle and battery production positions us as an integral provider of sustainable raw materials Based on current resource, a fully functioning lithium mine could produce 160,000 tonnes per annum of 6% lithium spodumene concentrate over an 8 - 10 year period 13,828 acre site has only been 5% explored and already uncovered 11.1 million metric tonnes indicated and inferred resource at 1% Li2O Leadership team of experienced mining executives and operators, with a track record of de - risking and delivering N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 6



A BUSINESS THAT BALANCES PURPOSE AND PROFIT We aim to become the w o rl d ’s f i r s t li t h i u m mi n e to achieve certified “B C o r p o ra t i o n ” s t a t u s Committed to integrating sustainability in all c o r p o r ate s t r ate g y and d e c i s i o n - m a ki n g processes, as well as effective risk - management strategies and systems based on sound science. B Co rpo r at i o n A “Certified B Corporation” is a business that meets the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corporations are legally required through their articles of incorporation to consider the impact of their decisions on all their stakeholders. The B Corporation legal framework helps companies protect their mission through capital raises and leadership changes and gives directors more flexibility when evaluating potential sale and liquidity options. For more details: www.bcorporation.net N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 7



IN 2020 LITHIUM PRODUCTION FELL 4.6% Lithium production by Country and demand projections 2020 Global Lithium mine production (and reserves) in thousand tonnes: 40.0 (4,700) — Australia 20.6 (9,200) — Chile 1 4 . 0 (1,5 0 0 ) — C hina 6 . 2 ( 1 , 9 0 0 ) — A r g e n t ina 1 . 9 ( 9 6) — B r a z il 1 . 2 ( 2 2 0) — Z i mb a bwe 0 . 9 (60) — P o r t u g a l 0 . 9 ( 7 5 0 ) — U S 0 . 5 (530) — RoW ( i nc l u ding C a n a da ) S u p p ly s h o rt f a lls e x p e c t e d ( M T ) d e s pite new p l a n n e d l i th i u m m i ni ng o p e r a ti o ns Source: includes data from US Geological Survey, British Geological Survey © U K R I a nd W o rl d M i ni ng D a t a 6,000,000 4 , 5 00 , 0 0 0 3,000,000 1, 5 00 ,0 0 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 P r o j e ct S u pp ly T o t a l D e m an d Source: Benchmark Mineral Intelligence – Lithium Forecast, Q1 2021 N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 8



USA BATTERY PRODUCTION SET TO GROW SIGNIFICANTLY “ W e n e e d a u t om a k e rs a nd o t h e r co mp a n i e s t o k ee p i n v e s t i n g h e re i n Am e r i ca a n d n ot t a k e t he b e n e f it s of o u r p u b l i c i nv e s t me n t s a n d e x p a n d e l e ctri c v e h i c l e s a n d ba t t e ry m a n u f a ct u r i n g a bro a d .” P r esid e nt Bi d e n May 2021 • Over - reliance on China (>70% of worldwide capacity for lithium - ion batteries) is se e n as a U SA n ati o n al se c u r i t y r i s k. • June 2021: White House announces plan to secure an end - to - end domestic s u p p l y c h ain f o r a d v a n c e d b att e r ies ― $ 1 7 b i l l i o n o f l o an aut h o r i t y f o r D e p t. o f E n e r g y (D O E ) ― DOE to release National Blueprint for Lithium Batteries • Re c e n t i n v e s t m e n ts an n o u n c e d : ― F o r d and S K Inn o v a t i o n : “ B l u e O valS K” JV to p r o d u ce ~60 GWh an n ual l y in traction battery cells and array modules starting mid - decade ― GM and LG Chem building one of the world’s largest battery facilities in Ohio; considering building two more plants in the next four years ― Panasonic to boost production capacity of batteries for Tesla in Nevada in an investment expected to exceed $100 million Go v e rnment pol i c y m a nd a ti n g s u p p o rt f o r loc a lly s o u r c e d l i th i u m N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 9



GLOBAL LITHIUM DEMAND WILL MORE THAN DOUBLE BY 2024 Driven by acceleration of battery production Forecasted growth in lithium demand: Global Lithium Consumption vs Electric Vehicle Battery Demand, 2014 - 2024 • 47.3 kt i n 2020 to 117.4 k t i n 2024 ( C A G R o f 25 . 5 % ) 1 • 1 8 5 kt p er y ear b y 2030 (Source: IEA Global EV O u t l oo k) 2 • c . 6 5 % o f g l o bal l i t h i u m is u s ed f o r b atte r y p r o d u c t i o n 1 1 Source: GlobalData, Mining Intelligence Center 2 S o u r c e : I E A Glo b a l E V O u t l o o k Source: GlobalData, Mining Intelligence Center, www.globaldata.com N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 10



ELECTRIC VEHICLE PRODUCTION DRIVING DEMAND FOR LITHIUM The global market is set to grow with a CAGR of 30% this decade O u t l o o k f o r EV M a r k e t S h a r e by M a j o r Regio n • Estimated worldwide EV sales: • 2 . 5 milli o n in 2 0 2 0 • 11 . 2 milli o n in 2 0 2 5 • 3 1 . 1 mill i o n b y 2 0 3 0 • EVs to represent c.32% of annual new car sales by 2030. • Policymakers are pushing OEMs towards lower emissions. Fuel economy regulations, quota systems and city policies all play a growing role • Batteries keep getting better and charging speeds are also rising • By the mid - 2020s, EVs are expected to reach up - front price parity – without subsidies – with internal combustion vehicles in most segments Source: Deloitte Analysis, IHS Markit, EV - Volumes.com N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 11



DEMAND FOR EVs DRIVEN BY CORPORATE NET ZERO AMBITION Decarbonizing corporate fleets is a key focus for many Amazon plans to have 10,000 custom electric delivery vehicles on the road by 2022, and 100,000 by 2030. The EVs will help Amazon reach its goal of being carbon neutral by 2040. FedEx's entire parcel pickup and delivery f l ee t wi l l b e z e r o - e m i s s i o n E V s b y 2 0 4 0. The company plans to invest $2 billion into vehicle electrification, sustainable energy, and carbon sequestration. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 12 In 2020, UPS ordered 10,000 purpose - built e l e c tric v e h i c l e s from A rri v a l . T h e i n i ti a l 10,000 vehicles are being rolled out in the UK, Europe and North America from 2020 to 2024, at an annual cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.



OEMs MAKING PUBLIC COMMITMENTS TO CAPTURE THE MARKET By 2023 more than 300 electric and plug - in hybrid models will be available 100% of sales from EVs by 2040 All - electric by 2035 Investing $7.4B in US EV production facilities Half of sales electric by 2025 Investing $30B in EVs by 2023 50% of sales from EVs by 2025 $30B commitment to EVs by 2025 Introducing 10 EVs by 2022 N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 13



OEMs FOCUSED ON SUSTAINABLY SOURCED MATERIALS Tr a c e a bil i ty o f r a w m a t e r i a ls i s a key s u p p ly ch a i n r i s k G l o b a l P urc h a si n g & S u p p l y C h a i n enrolling 100% of strategic suppliers in Sustainability Goals Framework Procurement uses a sustainability risk model for rating all suppliers and the country of origin Supplier CSR Guidelines require Tier - 1 suppliers to deploy policies to their suppliers Supplier Sustainability Guidelines & G r e e n P ur ch a sin g G ui d e l i n e s for all suppliers Recently joined the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) to promote the use of comprehensive, third - party assessments of mining practices Sustainability requirements are enshrined in contracts and specifications N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 14



…AND ARE NOW FACTORING TOTAL SUPPLY CHAIN EMISSIONS OEMS are committed to reducing their Scope 3 carbon emissions The automotive industry has largely focused on the reduction of tailpipe emissions; reducing material production emissions should also be a priority. P e r c e nt o f T o t a l C u r r e nt Li f e c y c le E m i s s i o ns o f In t e r n a l C omb us t i o n Engine V e hi c l e s Source: Natural and bio Gas Vehicle Association; expert interviews; McKinsey analysis “Since 65 - 80% of emissions an automobile generates are from tailpipe emissions, and corresponding indirect emissions come from fuel supply, the industry has understandably focused on electrifying powertrains. However, to reach the full potential of automotive decarbonization — and achieve the zero - carbon car — industry players now must turn their a t t e n t i o n t o m a t e r i a l e m i s s i o n s a s w e l l .” The zero - carbon car: Abating material emissions is next on the agenda – McKinsey (September 2020) T h e a l l - e l e c t r ic I D . 3 is t h e f i r s t Vo l k sw a g e n e v e r t h a t is n o t j u s t p r o du c e d w i t h a c a r bo n - ne u t r a l b a l a n ce b u t which is also delivered with a carbon - neutral balance. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 15



TRANSPORTATION A MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR TO CLIMATE CHANGE Global CO 2 Emissions from Transportation El e c t r ic v e hi c l e s a r e key t o m ee t ing e m iss i o n t a r g e t s • Transportation accounts for around a fifth of global CO 2 emissions • Unlike sectors such as marine transportation and aviation, light passenger vehicles have a clear technological path to net - zero emissions by 2050: electrification 45.1% Road (passenger) (includes cars, motorcycles, buses and taxis) 29.4% Road (freight) ( i n cl u d e s t r u ck s an d l o rr i e s ) 11.6% 10.6% Aviation Shipping 2 . 2 % Other 1 . 0 % R a i l 7 4 .5 % of t r anspo r t e m i s s i ons c o m e f r om r oad v e h i c l e s N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 16 • Consumption of c.0.6 million barrels of oil products per day averted by EV use in 2019 • 17 c o u n tri e s h a v e a nn o u n c e d 1 0 0% zero - emission vehicle targets, or the phase - out of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2050 • USA climate envoy John Kerry described November’s COP26 Conference as "the last best chance" to avert the worst environmental consequences for the world



HIGHLIGHTS OF THE THOMPSON BROTHERS LITHIUM PROJECT • Property includes multiple spodumene pegmatite dykes, which typically appear in clusters • Indicated resource estimate of 9.08 Mt @ 1 .00% L i 2 O ; i n f erred resou r c e e s t im a t e o f 1 .97 Mt @ 0.98% Li 2 O using a 0.3% Li 2 O cut - off grade • I n i t ial t es t i n g s u gges t s t h at a f u ll y f un c t io n i n g l i t h ium m i n e c o u l d pr o d u c e 1 60k t o nn es per annum of 6% lithium ore concentrate over an 8 to 10 year period • Potential to significantly increase the resource t h r o u gh a t arge t ed d ri ll i n g s t ra t egy N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 17



THOMPSON BROTHERS LITHIUM PROJECT Large Secure Land Position • Snow Lake has a strong land position encompassing 13,828 acres P ro M i n i n g Co mm un i t y • HudBay operates the Lalor Mine and concentrator in the Snow Lake district • Recent investments in the district by several mining companies demonstrate high confidence in the potential for new mine discoveries • Nearly a century of historic and consistent mining in the area Access • Year round access to the Property can be gained via boat, barge, helicopter or winter ice/bush roads E x i s t i n g I nfras t r u c t u re • Powerline traversing the Property • Airstrip located 8.5km to the north • Major Road access within 11km • Railway access 65km to the south Located in mining - friendly jurisdiction with access a nd i nf r a s truct u re N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 18



THOMPSON BROTHERS PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Excellent Dimensions • The Thompson Brothers deposit has been d ri l l tested o v e r a 1Km s t ri k e a n d to a vertical depth of 1/2 Km • The deposit is tabular in form and dips near vertical Excellent Widths • The deposit averages 7 to 10m in true width Co n s i s t e n t Grad e s • Li 2 O grades within the deposit are consistent from contact to contact and drill hole to drill hole. Simplest structure possible making it easier to predict M i n i n g • Snow Lake sees the potential for an underground mining operation accessed via ramp at Thompson Brothers and potential open pit opportunities at Sheritt Gordon. • A sm a l l o p e n p i t c o uld b e u s e d to e x tr a c t t h e crown pillar to the deposit at Thompson Brothers. E x p lora t i o n U p s i de • Snow Lake Lithium is confident it can delineate significant additional lithium resources along strike and down dip at the Thompson Brothers deposit • Additional resources can also be developed within the SG Pegmatite cluster. Historical drilling in 1942 confirmed spodumene in 20 holes (not included in existing resource) Drill results show promise of significant lithium resource The lithium enriched Thompson Brothers (TB) and Sherritt Gordon (SG) pegmatite dyke clusters occur on either side o f t h e C r ow d u c k Bay F a u lt t h at b i s e c ts t h e p r o p e r ty N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 19



A ZERO CARBON MINE POWERED BY RENEWABLE ENERGY Working together with leading partners to e n s u re e m i ss i o ns a re net z e ro One of Canada’s largest integrated e l e c tri c i ty a n d n a t u r a l g a s d i s t r i b ut i on u t i l i ti e s, wi th o v e r 9 7% o f e l e c tri c i ty produced from hydroelectric renewable. A leading innovator in mining technology, providing power solutions for sustainable development. Meglab signed an MOU with Snow Lake Lithium to d e v e l op t h e wor l d ’ s f i rst a l l - e l e c tri c lithium mine. “ A s tre n d s in t h e m i n i n g i n d u s try s h i f t t o war d s e l ectr i ca l p o we r, t h e e x perie n ced p o w er s o l utio n s team and communications experts at Meglab have developed industry l e a d i n g s o l utio n s to m eet t h e c h a ll e n ges bro ug h t o n by t h is s h i f t – W e a re e x c i ted to p a rt n er w ith S n o w L a k e L it h i u m o n t h e w o r l d ’ s f irs t al l - e l ectr ic l it h ium m i n e . ” L o u i s V alade President, Meglab N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 20



PERFECTLY POSITIONED TO SUPPLY A CRITICAL RESOURCE TO THE NORTH AMERICAN EV AND N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 21 BATTERY MARKET • G l o b al l i t h ium d e m and is set to m o r e t h an d o u b l e b y 2 0 24 , m ain l y d r i v e n b y e l e c t r ic v e h i c l e (E V) a n d b atter y p r o d u c t i o n n ee d e d to r e d u ce g l o b al c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s • A s E V and b atter y p r o d u c t i o n in N o r th A m e r i c a i n c r e ase s, S n o w L ake L i t h ium wil l d e l i v e r t h is c r i t i c al r e s o u r c e in t h e m o st su s tai n a b l e way • W e a r e a b us i n e ss t h at b ala n c e s p u r p o se and p r o fi t , w h i c h is set to b e n e fit f r o m t h e t r a n s i t i o n t o e l e c t r ic t r an s p o r tat i o n Sn o w L a k e Lithium



CLOSE PROXIMITY TO LOW EMISSION TRANSPORTATION NODES Arctic Gateway Group (owner of Hudson Bay Railway) is made up of 627 miles of former Canadian National (CN) trackage, with a network that connects with CN in The Pas. Easy access to Global manufacturing centres by rail a n d s e a • 35 km from Hudson Bay Railway • Direct access South to the U n i ted S tates r a il n etwo r k • Direct access North to Port of Churchill (Europe by ship) S n o w L a ke Lithium N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 22



STRATEGICALLY LOCATED TO SUPPLY THE NORTH AMERICAN “AUTO ALLEY” Located at the tip of the NAFTA “superhighway” with e a s y a cc e s s to N o r t h A meri c a n b a t t ery a n d ele c tr i c v e h i c le m a nu f a c t uri n g s i te s . Addresses three major issues for manufacturers: • N o r t h A meri c a n s o u r c e o f l i th i u m • L o w t r a n s p o r t a ti o n c o s ts • Re d u c i n g s u pp ly c h a i n em i ss i o n s S n o w L ake L i t h i u m F ord I on P a rk , S o u t h e ast M I L G C h e m b a t t e ry f a c i l i t y , Hol l a n d , M I GM/LG Chem battery plant (2022), Lordstown, OH P a n a s o n i c / Te sla b a t t e ry f a c i l i t y , R e n o , N V G M / L G C he m b a t t e ry p l a n t ( p ro p o s e d ) , S p r i n g Hi ll , TN 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 23



FULLY INTEGRATED PROCESSING STRATEGY 1 Ore is extracted fr o m the gr ou n d a t c .1% L i 2 O 2 Ore is then crushed a n d s o r t ed re s u l t i n g i n a m o re c o n c e n tr a ted r o c k w i th c .2 % L i 2 O 3 Floatation plants turn concentrated r o c k i n to 6% L i 2 O lit h i u m s p o d u me n e 4 L i th i u m s p o d u m e n e i s pr o c e s s ed a t h y d r o x i de plants to create b a tter y - gra de lit h i u m L oc ate d at m i n i n g s i t e N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 24 O ff s i t e h y d r o x i d e fa c i lit y C o n v e rt i ng o re t o ba t t e ry - gr a d e l i th i u m



KEY TIMELINE Current estimates for timing of key milestones at Thompson Brothers Lithium Project Q 4 2 0 2 1 P r e l i m i n a ry e x p l o r a tion program N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 25 I n i ti a l P u b l i c Offering Preliminary Economic A s s e s s m e n t (PEA) Begin Permitting & E n v i ro n m e n t a l Process Additional Drilling and Drone Survey Initiate F e a si b i l i ty Studies Begin Site Development Start Mining 2017 - 18 Q 4 2 0 2 1 Q 4 2 0 2 1 Q 4 2 0 2 1 Q 1 2 0 2 2 Drilling 10,000m 2 0 2 2 Q 4 2 0 2 2 Q 1 2 0 2 3 Q 1 2 0 2 4 D r i ll i n g 10 , 000m



ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORT OF LOCAL COMMUNITY We are acutely aware of the need to respect human rights and the interests, cultures, customs and values of employees and communities affected by our activities. As a company seeking B Corp certification this is embedded in our operating philosophy. “Snow Lake Lithium fits well within Manitoba’s priorities to expand mining operations, green manufacturing and employment” Dori Gingera - Beauchemin Manitoba Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Resource Development “Snow Lake Lithium will be a beneficial project not just for Snow Lake and Northern Manitoba but for the entire province. The economic potential of this exciting project is one that the M a n i t o ba C h a m b e rs o f C o mm e r c e a n d t h e M a n i t o ba M i n e r a l D eve l o p m e n t F u n d i s pr oud to s up p o r t ” Chu c k D a vi d s o n President, Manitoba Chamber of Commerce “ Th e S n o w La k e C h a m b e r o f C o mm e r c e i s e x c i t e d f o r t h e upcoming winter drill program by Snow Lake Lithium! We have been impressed with Dale Schultz and his team from the beginning and would love to see one of the world’s most sought after minerals being mined in our community!” Gerard Lamontagne President, Snow Lake Chamber of Commerce N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 26



EXPERIENCED AND PURPOSE - LED LEADERSHIP With 100 years of combined mining industry knowledge P h i lip G r o s s C E O & B o a r d M e m b e r • Globally recognised mining sector leader with more than 20 years experience in leading resources and mining operations • Expert knowledge and relationships with global commodities and supply chain management firms • Current external positions i n c l u d e C I O at T e m p le A ss e t Management, a leader in resource development and investment • Previously the CEO of Royal Standard Minerals, a public gold producer D a l e S c hu ltz ( P .G e o ) V P R e s our ce D e v & Board Member • Veteran exploration and mining expert with a career s p a n n i n g 3 0 y e a r s • G e o l o g i c al wo r k at m u lti p le mines including Echo Bay L u p i n , C la u d e R e s o u r c e s Seabee, Battle Mountain Hemlo Camp, Battle Mountain Kori Kollo • Lo c al k n ow l e d g e f r o m T V X N e w Br i ta n n i a i n S n o w Lake, Manitoba • International consulting experience in Bolivia, E cu a d o r , M e x i c o , C o l u m b i a, Peru, Paraguay, Honduras, Haiti, and Myanmar D e r e k K n i g h t S e c r e t a r y a n d C OO • Operations focused e x e c u t i v e w i th m o r e t h an 1 5 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e i n construction and project management in large i n d u st r i al e n v i r o n m e n ts • Most recently held position of COO and Vice President o f O p e r at i o n s f o r an operating quarry • Ear ly c a r ee r i n c l u d e d t i m e with Jacobs and Unilever as a Maintenance Planner and continuous improvement lead • H o l d s s e v e r al p r o f e ss i o n al trade licenses B r i an Y o u n g s ( P .G e o ) VP E x p l o r a t i o n • Leading mining consultant and Field Manager with more than 20 years experience specialising in new mining operations • 10 years as a senior airborne geophysics technician with Geotech Ltd • B o a r d m e m b e r at G a m e t Gold and lead technical a d v i s o r to T e ma g a m i G o ld I n c . ( P r o g e n i to r M e tals) • Member of Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists M ari o M i ra n da CFO • Senior finance executive with 25 years experience in the mineral exploration and energy sectors • P r o v e n s u cc e ss w i th ta k i n g multiple mining companies through to production a c r o ss N o r th Am e r i c a a n d Latin America • Previously held senior f i n a n c e r o l e s i n t h e m i n i n g i n d u st r y at F N X M i n i n g I n c , L a k e s h o r e G o l d , B o l i v ar G o ld C o r p , P a c i f i c St r at u s Energy, and Kinross Gold • Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant Adam Savitz I n d e p en d en t E S G A d v i s o r • Purpose - driven and highly networked cross - functional E S G l e a d e r , w i th 1 6 y e a r s o f global experience inspiring CEOs and companies across sectors, to design, build and execute pioneering ESG strategies • Advised mining companies a r o u n d t h e w o r ld • Previously held positions with PwC (Sustainability and Climate Change team) and as an E S G a naly st at I nn o v e st (now MSCI ESG) modelling sustainability data N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 27



EXPERIENCED AND PURPOSE - LED LEADERSHIP Bo a rd Mem b e rs L o u i e S i m e n s Chairman • Chairman of the board of directors since December 2020, and a director since November 2018. • The Managing Director of a private construction company he joined the Nova Minerals Ltd board of directors in December 2017 . • Extensive experience in micro - cap equities and sta r t - u p i n v e sti n g , as w e ll as i n c o r p o r ate restructuring, due diligence and mergers and acquisitions, where he utilizes his knowledge of c o r p o r ate g o v e r n a n c e a n d p r o j e c t m a n a g e m e n t. • Since 2020. He has served as Non - Executive Chairman of Torian Resources Ltd, and during his time at Torian Resources, Mr. Simens was instrumental in the company’s recapitalization and turnaround. Nachum Labkowski Independent Board Member • A d i r e c to r s i n c e N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 8 , N a c h um Labkowski is currently the Chief Executive Officer and principal investor in Halevi Enterprises, a private equity firm which he founded in 2010 that holds equity in more than 30 private companies and invests in real estate worldwide. • M r . L a b k ow s k i ’ s u n i q u e a p p r o a c h to i n v e sti n g h as provided significant returns from those companies he has invested in to date. H ada s s ah S l ate r I n d e p en d en t B o a r d M e m b e r • A d i r e c to r s i n c e O c to b e r 2 0 2 1 , H a dass ah Slat e r brings with her 10 years of leadership experience as President of Board of Directors for a large C a n a d i an n o n - f o r - p r o f i t c o m p a n y . • Ms. Slater has created a $33 million dollar non - profit centre in Toronto, Canada using various government and private charitable funds and grants. • Her latest project created an endowment fund f o r t h i s N F P w i th p lan s o f f u tu r e e x p o n e n t i al growth. • Her broad experience in strategic business direction, employee leadership, government lobbying, and investor relations is valuable. Allan Engel I n d e p en d en t B o a r d M e m b e r • A d i r e c to r s i n c e Se p t e m b e r 2 0 2 1 , A llan E n g e l h as t hr e e d e c a d e s e x p e r i e n c e i n m a n a g i n g investments on behalf of private and family trusts in the United Kingdom, Europe and Israel. • S i n c e 2 0 1 4 h e h as b u i lt u p a p o r tfo l i o o f investments in the UK concentrating mainly on real estate, but also publishing and broadcast media. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 28



ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Nasdaq: LITM PRO-FORMA BALANCE SHEETAND CAP TABLE Balance sheet highlights (as of 30 June 2021): •Cash –C$318,843 •Debt –C$1,374,819 •Shareholders’ Equity –C$4,752,866 Snow Lake Lithium is majority held by Nova Minerals Limited, an ASX listed Company. •Nova Minerals Limited (74%) •2789502 Ontario Inc (10%) • Management Ownership (10%) Pre-Offering Cap TableCommonStock Outstanding 13,010,176 Warrants (WAEP*: $1.25) 864,525 Options (WAEP*: $2.02) 820,000 Restricted Share Units 240,000 Convertible Notes (WAEP*: $1.01) 751,163 Fully Diluted 15,685,864 *WAEP shown are in approximate US$ amounts



USE OF PROCEEDS BREAKDOWN U s e o f P r o c ee ds Percentage Amount (USD) Resource development activities 52% $9.27 million Technical studies and reports 20% $3.56 million Corporate purposes 11% $1.96 million Ge n e r a l c or p or a te expenses 17% $3.03 million Total 100% $ 1 7 .82 m il l i o n After deducting the estimated underwriters’ commissions and offering expenses payable by us, we expect to receive net proceeds of approximately US$17.82 million from this offering (or approximately US$20.57 million if the underwriters exercise the over - allotment option in full), based on an assumed public offering price of USD $7 per share, which is the midpoint of the estimated offering range set forth in the offering summary. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 30



TIMELINE UP COMING MILE S TONES Accumulated large land position of 13,828 acres Diamond drilled 4120 m M i n e r a l r e s o ur c e of 1 1 . 1M t a t 1% L i 2 O P EA u n d e rw a y N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 31 Complete bankable feasibility studies Finalize LiOH offtake agreements Explore strategic partnerships Secure project financing Build project execution team LiOH marketing Mine/concentrator Chemical plant Complete metallurgical analysis Complete PEA Magnetic drone survey of entire property Drill program of 10,000 m Initiate baseline environmental permitting studies Begin PFS Up c o m i ng M i l e s ton e s S c he d ule K e y A cc o m pli s h m e n t s M iles t ones f o r t he Ne x t 1 2 M o n t h s * Be y o nd t he Ne x t 1 2 M o n t h s …* * M i l e s to n es s u b je c t to c h a n g e



I N V E S T ME N T HIGHLIGHTS Positioned to capitalize on the rapid growth in demand for lithium, driven by the electrification of the global automobile fleet Powered by 100% renewable energy and launching the first fully electric lithium mine Geographic proximity to the expanding North American electric vehicle and battery production, positions us as an integral provider of sustainable raw materials Based on current resource, a fully functioning lithium mine could produce 160,000 tonnes per annum of 6% lithium spodumene concentrate over an 8 - 10 year period 13,828 acre site has only been 5% explored and already uncovered 11.1 million metric tonnes indicated and inferred resource at 1% Li2O Leadership team of experienced mining executives and operators, with a track record of de - risking and delivering N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 32






P E GMATI T E S TYP IC A L L Y OCCUR IN CLUSTERS • Lithium pegmatite dykes account for about one - fourth of the world’s lithium production and are a distinct class of mineral deposits. • Pegmatite dykes are late stage igneous rocks characterized by distinctive textures and massive crystals that may range up to several metres in size. • Pegmatites tend to be intruded into shallow crustal depths along anisotropies such as faults, fractures, foliation, and bedding. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 34 Overview of lithium pegmatite deposit geology • Pegmatites do not form in isolation: they typically occur as members of larger populations of cogenetic bodies numbering tens to hundreds and occupying a few tens of square kilometres, or districts. At the district scale, pegmatites typically display mineralogical and geochemical zonation that is broadly concentric surrounding an exposed or inferred granitic pluton. • The lithium enriched Thompson Brot h e rs ( TB) a n d S h e rr i tt G or d on (SG) pegmatite dyke clusters occur on either side of the Crowduck Bay Fault that bisects Snow Lake’s Property.



THOMPSON BROTHERS LITHIUM PEGMATITE DYKE CLUSTER The Thompson Brothers Lithium deposit represents only one of several lithium - enriched pegmatite dykes forming a cluster associated with the Crowduck Bay Fault • The deposit was drilled in 2017/18 and results have confirmed the resource potential of the lithium deposit • The lithium mineralization occurs as spodumene, a coarse grained, green mineral, rich in lithium - LiAl (SiO3) 2 Thompson Brothers Lithium Pegmatite Dyke Cluster N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 35



THOMPSON BROTHERS LITHIUM DEPOSIT • The Thompson Brothers deposit has been drill tested 1 km along strike and to a vertical depth of ½ Km. • The mineralization averages 7 to 10m in thickness. • Drilling results have delivered consistent lithium grades, excellent widths and the mineralization remains open along strike and to depth. • Potential to develop small surface starter pit on the crown pillar followed by ramp access and underground bulk mining methods. • The mineralization is composed of quartz, feldspar, spodumene and micas. Deposit has no sulphide minerals Spodumene (Li 2 O) Pegmatite from TBL N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 36



DRILLING STRATEGY TO INCREASE RESOURCE • Current Global Resources: 11.1 Million Tonnes at 1.0% Li 2 O • The deposit is open in all directions and Snow Lake is confident that the resource can be easily expanded to > 20 Mt • Exploration has only taken place on lest than 5% of the land package Snow Lake’s drilling program is designed to achieve the following: • Define the extensions of the deposit • Expand the current resource base • Explore the SG dyke cluster and identify additional resources N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 37



RESOURCE E S TIMATION N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 38 Indicated Resource of 9.08 Mt at 1.00% Li 2 O and an Inferred Resource of 1 . 9 7 M t @ 0 . 9 8% L i 2 O us i n g a 0.3% Li 2 O cut - off grade



OUTSIDE TARGET SHERRITT GORDON CLUSTER (SG) • SG lithium pegmatite dyke cluster consists of three lithium pegmatite dykes located on the west side of the Crowduck Bay Fault • The SG - 1 dyke was drill tested in 1942 to a depth of 50m and the dyke remains open at depth. This drilling intersected spodumene in every hole. The SG - 2 dyke remains untested • T h e G r a ss R i v e r ( G R ) l i t h i um p e g m a tite w a s discovered in August of 2018 by routine prospecting and is interpreted to be part of the SG lithium pegmatite dyke cluster • Snow Lake plans to establish access, strip, map and co m p l e te i n i ti a l d r i l l te st of t h e S G - 1, S G - 2 a n d G R lithium pegmatites N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 39



PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT NEARING COMPLETION M i ne L ayou t • Preliminary Economic Assessment to be completed by Q3 2021 • Environmental Baseline Study to commence Spring of 2022 • Feasibility Studies to commence summer of 2022 N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 40



Contact: D e r e k K n i g h t Chief Operating Officer m ob i le : ( 5 19 ) 9 09 - 87 45 e m a i l : d k @ sno w la k e li t h i u m . c om t w i tt e r : @ S no w L a k e L i t h i u m w e bs i t e : sno w la k e l i t h i u m . c om Snow Lake Resources Ltd., d/b/a Snow Lake Lithium Ltd. N a sd a q : L I TM ENABLING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE 41