EX-10.15 13 ex10-15.htm


Exhibit 10.15




Subaward Agreement
Prime Awardee Subawardee
Institution/Organization (“PRIME RECIPIENT”) Institution/Organization (“SUBRECIPIENT”)
Name: Shuttle Pharmaceutical, LLC Name: Rhode Island Hospital

1 Research Court, Suite 450

Rockville, MD 20850


593 Eddy Street

Providence, RI 02903


Prime Award No.


Subaward No.



National Cancer Institute




Subaward Period of Performance

Phase 110/27/14 - 6/18/15 Phase II 6/19/15- 6/18/17

Amount Funded this Action


Est. Total (if incrementally funded)



Project Title

Development of Radiation Modulators for Use DurinQ Radiotherapy


Reporting Requirements [Check here if applicable: 181 See Attachment 4]


Terms and Conditions


1) Prime Recipient hereby awards a cost reimbursable subaward, as described above, to Subrecipient. The statement of work and budget for this subaward are (check one): _____ as specified in Subrecipient’s proposal dated _______________; or _X_ as shown in Attachments 3 & 4. In its performance of subaward work, Subrecipient shall be an independent entity and not an employee or agent of Prime Recipient.


2) Prime Recipient shall reimburse Subrecipient not more often than monthly for allowable costs. All invoices shall be submitted using Subrecipient’s standard invoice, but at a minimum shall include current and cumulative costs (including cost sharing), subaward number, and certification as to truth and accuracy of invoice. Invoices that do not reference Prime Recipient’s subaward number shall be returned to Subrecipient. Invoices and questions concerning invoice receipt or payments should be directed to the appropriate party’s Financial Contact, as shown in Attachment 2.


3) A final statement of cumulative costs incurred, including cost sharing, marked “FINAL,” must be submitted to Prime Recipient’s Administrative Contact NOT LATER THAN sixty (60) days after subaward end date. The final statement of costs shall constitute Subrecipient’s final financial report.


4) All payments shall be considered provisional and subject to adjustment within the total estimated cost in the event such adjustment is necessary as a result of an adverse audit finding against the Subrecipient.


5) Matters concerning the technical performance of this subaward should be directed to the appropriate party’s Project Director, as shown in Attachment 2. Technical reports are required as shown above, “Reporting Requirements.”


6) Matters concerning the request or negotiation of any changes in the terms, conditions, or amounts cited in this subaward agreement should be directed to the appropriate party’s Administrative Contact, as shown in Attachment 2. Any such changes made to this subaward agreement require the written approval of each party’s Authorized Official, as shown in Attachment 2.


7) Each party shall be responsible for its negligent acts or omissions and the negligent acts or omissions of its employees, officers or directors, to the extent allowed by law.


8) Either party may terminate this agreement with thirty days written notice to the appropriate party’s Administrative Contact, as shown in Attachment 2. Prime Recipient shall pay Subrecipient for all allowable, noncancellable obligations in the event of termination.


9) No-cost extensions require the approval of the Prime Recipient. Any requests for a no-cost extension should be addressed to and received by the Administrative Contact, as shown in Attachment 2, not less than thirty days prior to the desired effective date of the requested change.


10) The Subaward is subject to the terms and conditions of the Prime Award and other special terms and conditions, as identified in Attachment 1.


By an Authorized Official of PRIME RECIPIENT: By an Authorized Official of SUBRECIPIENT:

Anatoly Dritschilo, MD - CEO                       Date







Attachment 2

Subaward Ar._ reement

Prime Recipient Contacts Subrecipient Contacts
Administrative Contact Administrative Contact

Peter D. Dritschilo

President & CFO

Name: Kim-Marie Lawrence

Shuttle Pharmaceuticals, LLC

One Research Court, Suite 450

Rockville, MD 20850-6252


Office of Research Administration

1 Hoppin Street, Suite 1.300

Providence, RI 02903-4141

Telephone: 240-271-0642 Telephone: 401.444.8554
Fax: 301-519-8081 Fax: 401.444.4061
Email: hoya92@aol.com Email: klawrence@Iifespan.org
Principal Investigator Project Director
Name: Theodore Phillips, MD Name: Timothy Kinsella, MD

Shuttle Pharmaceuticals, LLC

One Research Court, Suite 450

Rockville, MD 20850-6252


Rhode Island Hospital

593 Eddy Street, APC 1

Providence, RI 02903

Telephone: 240-403-4212 Telephone: 401.444.6203
Fax: 301-519-8081 Fax: 401.444.5335
Email: farfa12@aol.com Email: tkinsella@lifespan.org
Financial Contact Financial Contact

Peter D. Dritschilo President & CFO

President & CFO


Donald Hook

Manager, Research Finance


Shuttle Pharmaceuticals, LLC

One Research Court, Suite 450

Rockville, MD 20850-6252


Rhode Island Hospital

1 Hoppin Street, Suite 1.300

Providence, RI 02903-4141

Telephone: 240-271-0642 Telephone: 401-444-5112
Fax: 301-519-8081 Fax: 401-444-4061
Email: hoya92@aol.com Email: dhook@lifespan.org
Authorized Official Authorized Official

Anatoly Dritschilo, MD



Joan M. Silva

Administrative Manager


Shuttle Pharmaceuticals, LLC

One Research Court, Suite 450

Rockville, MD 20850-6252


Rhode Island Hospital

Office of Research Administration

1 Hoppin Street, Suite 1.300

Providence, RI 02903-4141

Telephone: 202-444-4068 Telephone: 401.444.4006
Fax: 301-519-8081 Fax: 401.444.4061
Email: dritscha@georgetown.edu Email: jsilva@lifespan.org