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12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2022
Investments, All Other Investments [Abstract]  
The following table summarizes the fair value of financial instruments at December 31, 2022 and 2021:

Fair Value of Financial Instruments at Dec 3120222021
In millionsCostGainLossFair ValueCostGainLossFair Value
Cash equivalents:
Held-to-maturity securities 1
$872 $— $— $872 $317 $— $— $317 
Money market funds 355 — — 355 489 — — 489 
Total cash equivalents$1,227 $— $— $1,227 $806 $— $— $806 
Marketable securities 2
$927 $12 $— $939 $237 $$— $245 
Other investments:
Debt securities:
Government debt 3
$754 $$(133)$622 $746 $17 $(28)$735 
Corporate bonds1,274 10 (159)1,125 1,251 93 (20)1,324 
Total debt securities$2,028 $11 $(292)$1,747 $1,997 $110 $(48)$2,059 
Equity securities 4
— 10 13 — 20 
Total other investments$2,033 $16 $(292)$1,757 $2,004 $123 $(48)$2,079 
Total cash equivalents, marketable securities and other investments$4,187 $28 $(292)$3,923 $3,047 $131 $(48)$3,130 
Long-term debt including debt due within one year 5
$(15,060)$1,683 $(498)$(13,875)$(14,511)$27 $(2,641)$(17,125)
Derivatives relating to:
Interest rates 6
$— $105 $— $105 $— $$(140)$(139)
Foreign currency— 115 (30)85 — 46 (18)28 
Commodities 6
— 72 (61)11 — 142 (92)50 
Total derivatives$— $292 $(91)$201 $— $189 $(250)$(61)
1.The Company's held-to-maturity securities primarily included treasury bills and time deposits.
2.The Company's investments in marketable securities are included in "Other current assets" in the consolidated balance sheets.
3.U.S. Treasury obligations, U.S. agency obligations, U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities and other municipalities’ obligations.
4.Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value.
5.Cost includes fair value hedge adjustment gains of $46 million at December 31, 2022 and $47 million at December 31, 2021 on $2,279 million of debt at December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021.
6.Presented net of cash collateral where master netting arrangements allow.

Cost approximates fair value for all other financial instruments.

Debt Securities
The Company’s investments in debt securities are primarily classified as available-for-sale. The following table provides the investing results from available-for-sale securities for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020.

Investing Results
In millions202220212020
Proceeds from sales of available-for-sale securities$543 $424 $837 
Gross realized gains$43 $50 $94 
Gross realized losses$45 $12 $40 
The following table summarizes the contractual maturities of the Company’s investments in debt securities:

Contractual Maturities of Debt Securities at Dec 31, 2022 1
In millions
Within one year$71 $68 
One to five years855 773 
Six to ten years594 503 
After ten years508 403 
Total$2,028 $1,747 
1.Includes marketable securities with maturities of less than one year.

Portfolio managers regularly review the Company’s holdings to determine if any investments in debt securities are other-than-temporarily impaired. The analysis includes reviewing the amount of the impairment, as well as the length of time it has been impaired.

The credit rating of the issuer, current credit rating trends, the trends of the issuer’s overall sector, the ability of the issuer to pay expected cash flows and the length of time the security has been in a loss position are considered in determining whether unrealized losses represent an other-than-temporary impairment. The Company did not have any credit-related losses in 2022, 2021 or 2020.

The following table provides the fair value and gross unrealized losses of the Company’s investments in debt securities that were deemed to be temporarily impaired at December 31, 2022 and 2021, aggregated by investment category:

Temporarily Impaired Debt Securities at
Dec 31
Less than 12 months12 months or moreTotal
Fair ValueUnrealized Losses
In millions
Government debt 1
$273 $(37)$333 $(96)$606 $(133)
Corporate bonds818 (110)158 (49)976 (159)
Total temporarily impaired debt securities$1,091 $(147)$491 $(145)$1,582 $(292)
Government debt 1
$295 $(13)$151 $(15)$446 $(28)
Corporate bonds355 (17)16 (3)371 (20)
Total temporarily impaired debt securities$650 $(30)$167 $(18)$817 $(48)
1.U.S. Treasury obligations, U.S. agency obligations, U.S. agency mortgage-backed securities and other municipalities' obligations.

Equity Securities
There were no material adjustments to the carrying value of the not readily determinable investments for impairment or observable price changes for the year ended December 31, 2022. The net unrealized loss recognized in earnings on equity securities totaled $8 million for the year ended December 31, 2022 ($13 million net unrealized loss for the year ended December 31, 2021).

Investments in Equity SecuritiesDec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2021
In millions
Readily determinable fair value$10 $20 
Not readily determinable fair value$186 $209 
Risk Management
The Company’s business operations give rise to market risk exposure due to changes in foreign exchange rates, interest rates, commodity prices and other market factors such as equity prices. To manage such risks effectively, the Company enters into hedging transactions, pursuant to established guidelines and policies that enable it to mitigate the adverse effects of financial market risk. Derivatives used for this purpose are designated as hedges per the accounting guidance related to derivatives and hedging activities, where appropriate. A secondary objective is to add value by creating additional non-specific exposure within established limits and policies; derivatives used for this purpose are not designated as hedges. The potential impact of creating such additional exposure is not material to the Company’s results. Accounting guidance requires companies to recognize all derivative instruments as either assets or liabilities at fair value.

The Company’s risk management program for interest rate, foreign currency and commodity risks is based on fundamental, mathematical and technical models that take into account the implicit cost of hedging. Risks created by derivative instruments and the mark-to-market valuations of positions are strictly monitored at all times, using value-at-risk and stress tests. Counterparty credit risk arising from these contracts is not significant because the Company minimizes counterparty concentration, deals primarily with major financial institutions of solid credit quality, and the majority of its hedging transactions mature in less than three months. In addition, the Company minimizes concentrations of credit risk through its global orientation by transacting with large, internationally diversified financial counterparties. It is the Company’s policy to not have credit risk-related contingent features in its derivative instruments. No significant concentration of counterparty credit risk existed at December 31, 2022. The Company does not anticipate losses from credit risk, and the net cash requirements arising from counterparty risk associated with risk management activities are not expected to be material in 2023.

The Company revises its strategies as market conditions dictate and management reviews its overall financial strategies and the impacts from using derivatives in its risk management program with the Company’s senior leadership who also reviews these strategies with the Dow Inc. Board and/or relevant committees thereof.

Derivative Instruments
The notional amounts of the Company's derivative instruments at December 31, 2022 and 2021, were as follows:

Notional Amounts 1
Dec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2021
In millions
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contracts$1,500 $3,000 
Foreign currency contracts$2,408 $5,300 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contracts$$36 
Foreign currency contracts$8,837 $8,234 
1.Notional amounts represent the absolute value of open derivative positions at the end of the period. Multi-leg option positions are reflected at the maximum notional position at expiration.

The notional amounts of the Company's commodity derivatives at December 31, 2022 and 2021, were as follows:

Commodity Notionals 1
Dec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2021Notional Volume Unit
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Hydrocarbon derivatives19.2 9.7 million barrels of oil equivalent
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Hydrocarbon derivatives— 0.1 million barrels of oil equivalent
Power derivatives— 3.3 thousands of megawatt hours
1.Notional amounts represent the net volume of open derivative positions outstanding at the end of the period.
Maturity Dates of Derivatives Designated as Hedging InstrumentsYear
Interest rate contracts2023
Foreign currency contracts2023
Commodity contracts2026

Interest Rate Risk Management
The main objective of interest rate risk management is to reduce the total funding cost to the Company and to alter the interest rate exposure to the desired risk profile. To achieve this objective, the Company hedges using interest rate swaps, “swaptions,” and exchange-traded instruments.

Foreign Currency Risk Management
The global nature of the Company's business requires active participation in the foreign exchange markets. The Company has assets, liabilities and cash flows in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. The primary objective of the Company's foreign currency risk management is to optimize the U.S. dollar value of net assets and cash flows. To achieve this objective, the Company hedges on a net exposure basis using foreign currency forward contracts, over-the-counter option contracts, cross-currency swaps and nonderivative instruments in foreign currencies. Exposures primarily relate to assets, liabilities and bonds denominated in foreign currencies, as well as economic exposure, which is derived from the risk that currency fluctuations could affect the dollar value of future cash flows related to operating activities.

Commodity Risk Management
The Company has exposure to the prices of commodities in its procurement of certain raw materials. The primary purpose of commodity hedging activities is to manage the price volatility associated with these forecasted inventory purchases.

Derivatives Not Designated in Hedging Relationships
Foreign Currency Contracts
The Company also uses foreign exchange forward contracts, options and cross-currency swaps that are not designated as hedging instruments primarily to manage foreign currency exposure.

Commodity Contracts
The Company utilizes futures, options and swap instruments that are effective as economic hedges of commodity price exposures, but do not meet hedge accounting criteria for derivatives and hedging, to reduce exposure to commodity price fluctuations on purchases of raw materials and inventory.

Interest Rate Contracts
The Company uses swap instruments that are not designated as hedging instruments to manage interest rate exposures. The Company uses interest rate swaps, "swaptions," and exchange-traded instruments to accomplish this objective.

Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
Cash Flow Hedges
For derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedging instruments, the gain or loss on the derivative is recorded in AOCL; it is reclassified to income in the same period or periods that the hedged transaction affects income. The unrealized amounts in AOCL fluctuate based on changes in the fair value of open contracts at the end of each reporting period. The Company anticipates volatility in AOCL and net income from its cash flow hedges. The amount of volatility varies with the level of derivative activities and market conditions during any period.

The portion of the mark-to-market effects of the foreign currency contracts is recorded in AOCL; it is reclassified to income in the same period or periods that the underlying item affects income.

Commodity swaps, futures and option contracts with maturities of not more than 60 months are utilized and designated as cash flow hedges of forecasted commodity purchases. The designated portion of the mark-to-market effect of the cash flow hedge instrument is recorded in AOCL; it is reclassified to income in the same period or periods that the underlying commodity purchase affects income.
Fair Value Hedges
For interest rate instruments that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges, the gain or loss on the derivative as well as the offsetting loss or gain on the hedge item attributable to the hedged risk are recognized in current period income and reflected as “Interest expense and amortization of debt discount” in the consolidated statements of income, except for amounts excluded from the assessment of effectiveness that are recognized in earnings through an amortization approach.

Net Foreign Investment Hedges
The Company designates derivatives that qualify as effective net foreign investment hedges, the results of which are presented in the effect of derivative instruments table. The Company also utilizes non-derivative instruments as net foreign investment hedges. The Company had outstanding foreign-currency denominated debt designated as a hedge of net foreign investment of $152 million at December 31, 2022 ($174 million at December 31, 2021).

The following tables provide the fair value and balance sheet classification of derivative instruments at December 31, 2022 and 2021:

Fair Value of Derivative InstrumentsDec 31, 2022
In millionsBalance Sheet ClassificationGross
Counterparty and Cash Collateral Netting 1
Net Amounts Included in Consolidated Balance Sheets
Asset derivatives
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contractsOther current assets$351 $(246)$105 
Foreign currency contractsOther current assets58 (39)19 
Commodity contractsOther current assets199 (148)51 
Total $608 $(433)$175 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Foreign currency contractsOther current assets$146 $(50)$96 
Commodity contractsOther current assets22 (1)21 
Total $168 $(51)$117 
Total asset derivatives  $776 $(484)$292 
Liability derivatives
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contractsAccrued and other current liabilities$246 $(246)$— 
Foreign currency contractsAccrued and other current liabilities58 (39)19 
Commodity contractsAccrued and other current liabilities258 (198)60 
Total $562 $(483)$79 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Foreign currency contractsAccrued and other current liabilities$61 $(50)$11 
Commodity contractsAccrued and other current liabilities12 (11)
Total $73 $(61)$12 
Total liability derivatives  $635 $(544)$91 
1.Counterparty and cash collateral amounts represent the estimated net settlement amount when applying netting and set-off rights included in master netting arrangements between the Company and its counterparties and the payable or receivable for cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparty.
Fair Value of Derivative InstrumentsDec 31, 2021
In millionsBalance Sheet Classification Gross
Counterparty and Cash Collateral Netting 1
Net Amounts Included in Consolidated Balance Sheets
Asset derivatives
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contractsOther current assets$14 $(14)$— 
Interest rate contractsDeferred charges and other assets130 (130)— 
Foreign currency contractsOther current assets24 (13)11 
Foreign currency contractsDeferred charges and other assets117 (89)28 
Commodity contractsOther current assets305 (173)132 
Commodity contractsDeferred charges and other assets(2)
Total $599 $(421)$178 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contractsOther current assets$$— $
Foreign currency contractsOther current assets23 (16)
Foreign currency contracts Deferred charges and other assets(1)— 
Commodity contractsOther current assets(5)
Total $33 $(22)$11 
Total asset derivatives  $632 $(443)$189 
Liability derivatives
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contractsAccrued and other current liabilities$33 $(14)$19 
Interest rate contractsOther noncurrent obligations192 (130)62 
Foreign currency contractsAccrued and other current liabilities15 (13)
Foreign currency contractsOther noncurrent obligations90 (89)
Commodity contractsAccrued and other current liabilities267 (192)75 
Commodity contractsOther noncurrent obligations(2)— 
Total $599 $(440)$159 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Interest rate contractsAccrued and other current liabilities$59 $— $59 
Foreign currency contractsAccrued and other current liabilities31 (16)15 
Foreign currency contractsOther noncurrent obligations(1)— 
Commodity contractsAccrued and other current liabilities25 (8)17 
Total $116 $(25)$91 
Total liability derivatives  $715 $(465)$250 
1.Counterparty and cash collateral amounts represent the estimated net settlement amount when applying netting and set-off rights included in master netting arrangements between the Company and its counterparties and the payable or receivable for cash collateral held or placed with the same counterparty.

Assets and liabilities related to forward contracts, interest rate swaps, currency swaps, options and other conditional or exchange contracts executed with the same counterparty under a master netting arrangement are netted. Collateral accounts are netted with corresponding assets or liabilities, when applicable. The Company posted cash collateral of $80 million at December 31, 2022 ($71 million at December 31, 2021). Cash collateral of $2 million was posted by counterparties with the Company at December 31, 2022 (zero at December 31, 2021).
The following table summarizes the gain (loss) of derivative instruments in the consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income for the years ended December 31, 2022, 2021 and 2020:

Effect of Derivative Instruments
Amount of gain (loss) recognized in OCI 1
Amount of gain (loss) recognized in income 2
Income Statement Classification
In millions202220212020202220212020
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
Fair value hedges:
Interest rate contracts$— $— $— $— $(25)$69 
Interest expense and amortization of debt discount 3
Excluded components 4
— — — — Interest expense and amortization of debt discount
Cash flow hedges:
Interest rate contracts239 (62)— (10)(9)(2)Interest expense and amortization of debt discount
Foreign currency contracts13 (20)13 (15)Cost of sales
Commodity contracts166 133 (8)310 62 (31)Cost of sales
Net foreign investment hedges:
Foreign currency contracts34 31 (38)— — — 
Excluded components 4
59 54 27 44 11 20 Sundry income (expense) - net
Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments$503 $171 $(32)$357 $24 $59 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments:
Interest rate contracts$— $— $— $(1)$(8)$(16)Interest expense and amortization of debt discount
Foreign currency contracts— — — (249)(253)28 Sundry income (expense) - net
Commodity contracts— — — 48 (46)11 Cost of sales
Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments$— $— $— $(202)$(307)$23 
Total derivatives$503 $171 $(32)$155 $(283)$82 
1.OCI is defined as other comprehensive income (loss).
2.Pretax amounts.
3.Gain (loss) recognized in income of derivatives is offset by gain (loss) recognized in income of the hedged item.
4.The excluded components are related to the time value of the derivatives designated as hedges.

The following table provides the net after-tax gain (loss) expected to be reclassified from AOCL to income within the next 12 months:

Expected Reclassifications from AOCL within the next 12 monthsDec 31,
Cash flow hedges:
Interest rate contracts$(7)
Commodity contracts$(48)
Foreign currency contracts$
Net foreign investment hedges:
Excluded components$—