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Seadrill Investor Presentation Barclays CEO Energy & Power Conference, New York 05 September 2018 Exhibit 99.1

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Disclaimer We have prepared this document solely for informational purposes. You should not definitively rely upon it or use it to form the definitive basis for any decision, contract, commitment or action whatsoever, with respect to any proposed transaction or otherwise. The information contained herein includes certain statements, estimates and projections with respect to our anticipated future performance (including illustrative returns on equity) and anticipated industry trends. Such statements, estimates and projections reflect various assumptions concerning anticipated results and industry trends, which assumptions may or may not prove to be correct. Actual results and trends may vary materially and adversely from the projections contained herein. We have prepared this document and the analyses contained in it based, in part, on certain assumptions and information obtained by us from the recipient, its directors, officers, employees, agents, affiliates and/or from other sources. Our use of such assumptions and information does not imply that we have independently verified or necessarily agree with any of such assumptions or information, and we have assumed and relied upon the accuracy and completeness of such assumptions and information for purposes of this document. Neither we nor any of our affiliates, or our or their respective officers, employees, advisors or agents, make any representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document or any oral information provided in connection herewith, or any data it generates and accept no responsibility, obligation or liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract, tort or otherwise) in relation to any of such information. We and our affiliates and our and their respective officers, employees, advisors and agents expressly disclaim any and all liability which may be based on this document and any errors therein or omissions therefrom. Neither we nor any of our affiliates, or our or their respective officers, employees, advisors or agents, make any representation or warranty, express or implied, that any transaction has been or may be effected on the terms or in the manner stated in this document, or as to the achievement or reasonableness of future projections, management targets, estimates, prospects or returns, if any. Any views or terms contained herein are preliminary only, and are based on financial, economic, market and other conditions prevailing as of the date of this document or as at the date stated in respect of that information and are therefore subject to change. We undertake no obligation or responsibility to update any of the information contained in this document. Past performance does not guarantee or predict future performance. This document and the information contained herein do not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security, commodity or instrument or related derivative, nor do they constitute an offer or commitment to lend, syndicate or arrange a financing, underwrite or purchase or act as an agent or advisor or in any other capacity with respect to any transaction, or commit capital, or to participate in any trading strategies, and do not constitute legal, regulatory, accounting or tax advice to the recipient. We recommend that the recipient seek independent third party legal, regulatory, accounting and tax advice regarding the contents of this document. This document does not constitute and should not be considered as any form of financial opinion or recommendation by us or any of our affiliates. This document is not a research report and was not prepared by the research department of Seadrill Limited or any of its affiliates. Neither you nor your directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors and affiliates may use the information contained in this document in any manner whatsoever, in whole or in part, other than in connection with evaluating the proposal contained herein. This document may contain material non-public information concerning Seadrill Limited and/or its affiliates and/or Seadrill Limited’s and/or its affiliates’ securities. You and your directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors and affiliates must only use such information in accordance with your compliance policies and procedures, contractual obligations and applicable laws and regulations. Some or all of the information contained herein is or may be price sensitive information and the use of such information may be regulated or prohibited by applicable legislation relating to insider dealing. You and your directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors and affiliates must not use any such information for any unlawful purpose.

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Agenda Restructured and strengthened balance sheet Our business Market development Investment proposition

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Restructured and strengthened balance sheet

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c.$6 billion of debt and other liabilities removed Raised $1.08 billion of fresh capital $880 million of New Secured Notes $200 million of New Equity $2.1 billion cash at emergence $1.6 billion unrestricted No Financial covenants until 2021 other than Minimum Liquidity No bank facility maturities until June 2022 Restructured and strengthened balance sheet USD 12.6bn USD 7.4bn Seabras Seadrill Partners Seamex Archer Notes Represents SFL debt consolidated on Seadrill’s balance sheet. The change is paydown of debt during the filing period. Total lease liability is $1.1bn pre and post emergence.

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Our business

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Notes Market cap as of as of 03 September 2018 for Seadrill Partners, and as of 1 June 2018 for Archer In April 2017 Seadrill converted a subordinated loan made to Archer into a $45MM convertible note. The convertible note has an annual PIK coupon of 5.5%, matures in 2021 and has a conversion price of $2.083 Our business Non-Drilling 8 Floaters, 3 Tender rigs 6 PLSVs Drilling 3 Jack-ups Market Cap: $150 million1 $45 million Convertible Note2 5 Jack-ups 0% Market Cap: $308 million1 4 Floaters 20 Floaters, 21 Jackups 35% 50% 66% Seadrill Ltd. consolidated (includes AOD): 35 delivered rigs 9 newbuilds Managed drilling rigs: 16 delivered rigs on behalf of Seadrill Partners and Seamex 4 newbuilds on behalf of Northern Drilling Other non-drilling investments Seabras Sapura Archer

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Our joint ventures and investment holdings 50/50 joint venture with Sapura Energy 6 Pipelay Support Vessels $1.8 billion of backlog with Petrobras Debt of $1.1 billion and cash position of $470 million 50/50 joint venture with Fintech 5 high-spec jack-ups $1.3 billion of backlog with PEMEX as of August 2018 Debt of $1,110 million comprised of: $730 million bank debt $380 million Seller’s Credit and working Capital loan (both provided by Seadrill) Cash position of $120 million Seadrill owns: 16% equity stake (c.$150 million market cap) $45 million convertible note Seadrill owns: 35% stake in SDLP common units (c.$300 million market cap) 16 million subordinated units 49% stake in Seadrill Capricorn Holdings LLC 42% stake in Seadrill Operating LP 11 drilling rigs: 8 floaters, 3 tender rigs $1.2 billion backlog as of August 2018 Debt of $3.3 billion and cash position of $805 million Note: Cash and debt figures are as of Q2 2018

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Improving our competitive position Integrated Services Full suite of third party services e.g. ROV, casing, cuttings, logistics Managed Pressure Drilling First Column Stabilized Drilling Unit to receive the ABS MPD notation Integrated Performance Management Data driven operational efficiency improvements Rig equipment integrity integrated with asset management system Proven track record of project execution More than 40 rigs delivered since 2007 6 rigs reactivated in the last year Addressing new market sectors Sevan design: DP station-keeping in midwater depths Addition of mooring capability to 6th Gen, BE semisubmersibles Integrated Services Plato Integrated Performance Management MPD

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West Cressida Working for Ophir Energy, Thailand Starting July 2018 West Tucana Working for GDI, Qatar Starting October 2018 Securing new contracts West Gemini Working for Eni, Angola Recently excised options on 3 wells Starting January 2018 West Neptune Working for LLOG, US-GOM Recently added 1 year extension West Phoenix Working for multiple customers (Anasuria, Statoil, VNG) in UK and Norway Starting May 2018 Note: 1 Contracts highlighted above include those awarded to rigs owned by Seadrill Limited, Seadrill Partners, and SeaMex, and do not include recent West Mira contract awarded ($106m in backlog) West Hercules Working for Siccar Point, UK and Equinor Norway Starting April 2018 West Telesto Working for Schlumberger, India Starting April 2018 West Capella Working for Repsol, Aruba Starting October 2018 for Shell Malaysia Jack-ups: $39 million Floaters BE: $215 million Floaters HE: $156 million Backlog awarded during restructuring1

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Market development

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…Market showing signs of a recovery… Sources: Rystad Energy, IHS Markit Rigpoint …as is contracting activity… …and utilization Upstream spending is increasing… Upstream E&P Spend (CAPEX) $ billion (as of May 2018) Fixture Awards # awards Total Fleet Utilization %

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…and this is reflected in increased contracting activity Source: IHS Markit Rigpoint Benign Environment Floaters Premium Jack-ups1 Key: Bubble size represents contract duration (rig-days) Harsh Environment Floaters Notes Benign environment jack-ups capable of operating in +350 ft water depths

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Investment proposition

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Our investment proposition Scale with a modern fleet Competitive cost structure Proven track record of safe and efficient operations Restructured balance sheet provides five year runway and enables contracting discipline

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Scale: significant global presence 4300 employees in 24 countries Corporate office in London, with 2 Hemisphere offices / 2 Technical Service Centers covering all major offshore markets HE Floaters2 Ultra Deepwater Floaters Tender rigs Jack-ups Corporate and Hemisphere Offices Technical Services Centres

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Number of Rigs1 Scale: large and modern fleet Seadrill and Peer Group Fleet Fleet Average Age4 (3) (3) (2) Sources: Company filings, IHS Markit Rigpoint Notes Excludes newbuilds Seadrill fleet figures include rigs owned by Seadrill Ltd. (excluding 9 newbuilds), and those managed on behalf of Seadrill Partners, SeaMex, and Northern Drilling Fleet age excludes newbuild rigs Includes ARO Drilling (2)

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Scale: focused in the right markets Sources: Company filings, IHS Markit Rigpoint Harsh Environment Floaters Premium Jack-ups3 6th & 7th Generation Floaters (4) 94 % Total Floater Fleet % Total Jackup Fleet % Total Floater Fleet 49 86 41 95 74 54 83 88 83 81 100 100 82 36 23 29 9 17 18 100 (1) (1) 52 Notes: Seadrill fleet figures include rigs owned by Seadrill Ltd. (excluding 9 newbuilds), and those managed on behalf of Seadrill Partners, SeaMex, and Northern Drilling Premium jack-ups defined as all BE and HE rigs built after 2000 and capable of operating in water depths of +350 ft Includes ARO Drilling

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Competitive cost structure Sources: Company filings, Seadrill Opex Model All-in operating cost per rig1 $k/day 2 Notes: All-in operating cost per rig comprises reported vessel and rig opex, reimbursable expenses, and G&A (less any restructuring costs); assumes a ratio for daily vessel and rig opex between floaters and jack-ups of 2.5, and a ratio for G&A allocation between floaters and jack-ups of 2.0 (according to Seadrill accounting practices) Per day figures reflect fleet size based on the average of the rig count at the start and end of each reporting period, and excludes newbuilds Peer group includes: Transocean, Ensco, Noble, Diamond Offshore, Rowan, Pacific Drilling, Ocean Rig, Shelf Drilling 3 4 4 3 Floaters Jack-ups

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Technical Utilization (%) Proven track record of safe and efficient operations Total Incident Frequency & Total Recordable Incident Frequency

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Restructured balance sheet: enables contracting discipline 5-year financial runway No debt maturities until June 2022 No debt amortisation payments until Q1 2020, with the ability to defer up to Q2 2021 No financial covenants until Q1 2021, other than minimum liquidity Net leverage and DSCR covenants post-2021 only affect borrowing margin – no event of default risk Good liquidity $2.1 billion upon emergence $1.6 billion unrestricted Rig deployment Strengthened financial position provides flexibility in when and how we reactivate and contract our rigs

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Positioning for the recovery: illustrative returns Illustrative Return Sensitivity Increase in equity value resulting from a 10% change in enterprise value ENTRY POINT $ million per floater equivalent Illustrative Equity Returns 250 % % % % % % % Increase in equity value vs change in asset value1 % % % % % Source: Arctic Securities Note: Based on a Seadrill Ltd. share price of $19 as of August 2018

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Summary Strongly believe in an offshore market recovery Proven track record of safe and efficient operations Competitive on cost Well positioned, asset, balance sheet and liquidity wise Ability to deploy our assets intelligently and leverage the recovery