EX-99.1 2 tm2032539d2_ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1


Exhibit 99.1



























  Nexa Resources S.A.
  Condensed consolidated interim
financial statements (Unaudited)
at and for the three and nine-month
periods ended September 30, 2020







Nexa Resources S.A.


Condensed consolidated interim income statement


Periods ended September 30

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



       Three-month period ended   Nine-month period ended 
   Note   2020   2019   2020   2019 
Net revenues   4    537,826    563,568    1,316,407    1,746,892 
Cost of sales   5    (397,481)   (504,119)   (1,103,860)   (1,471,882)
Gross profit        140,345    59,449    212,547    275,010 
Operating expenses                         
Selling, general and administrative   5    (36,640)   (57,206)   (107,460)   (140,353)
Mineral exploration and project development   5 and 6    (12,553)   (33,502)   (35,487)   (84,990)
Impairment of non-current assets   25    (65,121)   (142,133)   (549,715)   (142,133)
Other income and expenses, net   7    (1,119)   (4,480)   (15,060)   (13,502)
         (115,433)   (237,321)   (707,722)   (380,978)
Operating (loss) income        24,912    (177,872)   (495,175)   (105,968)
Net financial results   8                     
Financial income        2,213    6,574    9,266    18,909 
Financial expenses        (42,774)   (26,098)   (121,611)   (89,973)
Other financial items, net        (21,380)   (37,593)   (169,410)   (27,281)
         (61,941)   (57,117)   (281,755)   (98,345)
Loss before income tax        (37,029)   (234,989)   (776,930)   (204,313)
Income tax   9                     
Current        (21,148)   (9,862)   (41,645)   (36,492)
Deferred        23,502    73,585    112,789    84,538 
Net loss for the period        (34,675)   (171,266)   (705,786)   (156,267)
Attributable to NEXA's shareholders        (28,672)   (150,237)   (609,201)   (143,851)
Attributable to non-controlling interests        (6,003)   (21,029)   (96,585)   (12,416)
Net loss for the period        (34,675)   (171,266)   (705,786)   (156,267)
Weighted average number of outstanding shares – in thousands        132,439    132,439    132,439    132,684 
Basic and diluted losses per share – USD        (0.22)   (1.13)   (4.60)   (1.08)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income


Periods ended September 30

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



         Three-month period ended     Nine-month period ended 
   Note     2020     2019     2020     2019 
Net loss for the period        (34,675)   (171,266)   (705,786)   (156,267)
Other comprehensive loss, net of income tax - items that can be reclassified to the income statement                         
Cash flow hedge accounting   15(b)   (558)   (3,561)   (760)   1,644 
Deferred income tax        186    1,211    246    (559)
Translation adjustment of foreign subsidiaries        (13,790)   (53,678)   (181,515)   (51,138)
         (14,162)   (56,028)   (182,029)   (50,053)
Other comprehensive loss, net of income tax - items that will not be reclassified to the income statement                         
Changes in fair value of financial liabilities that relate to changes in the Company’s own credit risk   22(c)   (5,093)   -    10,691    - 
Deferred income tax        1,682    -    (3,640)   - 
         (3,411)   -    7,051    - 
Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of income tax        (17,573)   (56,028)   (174,978)   (50,053)

Total comprehensive loss for the period

        (52,248)   (227,294)   (880,764)   (206,320)
Attributable to NEXA’s shareholders        (44,133)   (201,773)   (764,921)   (194,062)
Attributable to non-controlling interests        (8,115)   (25,521)   (115,843)   (12,258)

Total comprehensive loss for the period

        (52,248)   (227,294)   (880,764)   (206,320)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Condensed consolidated interim balance sheet


All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



Assets  Note   September 30,
   December 31,
Current Assets            
Cash and cash equivalents   13    954,392    698,618 
Financial investments   14    30,435    58,423 
Derivative financial instruments   15    17,762    4,835 
Trade accounts receivables   16    182,275    177,231 
Inventory   17    213,288    295,258 
Other assets   18    118,190    140,984 
         1,516,342    1,375,349 
Non-Current Assets               
Financial investments   14    -    352 
Derivative financial instruments   15    13,609    14,689 
Deferred income tax   9    269,710    262,941 
Other assets   18    124,340    145,471 
Property, plant and equipment   19    1,765,119    2,122,690 
Intangible assets   20    1,073,139    1,538,526 
Right-of-use assets   21    20,197    29,547 
         3,266,114    4,114,216 
Total assets        4,782,456    5,489,565 
Liabilities and shareholders’ equity               
Current liabilities               
Loans and financings   22    155,671    33,149 
Lease liabilities   21    15,555    16,474 
Derivative financial instruments   15    6,948    8,276 
Trade payables        313,678    414,080 
Confirming payables        95,739    82,770 
Dividends payable        4,541    6,662 
Asset retirement and environmental obligations   23    31,295    19,001 
Contractual liabilities        25,082    26,351 
Salaries and payroll charges        54,626    58,919 
Other liabilities        79,740    33,308 
         782,875    698,990 
Non-current liabilities               
Loans and financings   22    1,765,604    1,475,408 
Lease liabilities   21    11,113    17,910 
Derivative financial instruments   15    30,891    13,542 
Asset retirement and environmental obligations   23    209,615    274,826 
Provisions   24    26,184    26,071 
Deferred income tax   9    218,271    273,278 
Contractual liabilities        140,362    154,171 
Other liabilities        26,968    35,308 
         2,429,008    2,270,514 
Total liabilities        3,211,883    2,969,504 
Shareholders’ equity               
Attributable to NEXA’s shareholders        1,332,531    2,147,452 
Attributable to non-controlling interests        238,042    372,609 
         1,570,573    2,520,061 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity          4,782,456    5,489,565 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows


Periods ended September 30

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



          Three-month period ended     Nine-month period ended
    Note     2020     2019     2020     2019  
Cash flows from operating activities                                        
Loss before income tax             (37,029 )     (234,989 )     (776,930 )     (204,313 )
Impairment of non-current assets     25       65,121       142,133       549,715       142,133  
Depreciation and amortization     19, 20 and 21       61,359       93,498       181,084       247,922  
Interest and foreign exchange effects             26,451       35,610       222,762       77,247  
(Loss) gain on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets     7       269       (1,590 )     362       (608 )
Changes in provisions             11,825       (1,203 )     20,761       11,377  
Changes in operating assets and liabilities     13 (b)     52,074       87,644       3,085       (86,271 )
Interest paid on loans and financings     22 (c)     (7,937 )     (10,465 )     (45,337 )     (47,029 )
Changes in fair value of loans and financings     8       (3,110 )     -       4,457       -  
Interest paid on lease liabilities     21 (b)     (274 )     (328 )     (1,164 )     (687 )
Premium paid on bonds repurchase     22 (c)     -       -       (14,481 )     -  
Income tax paid             (630 )     (5,238 )     (18,174 )     (39,563 )
Net cash provided by operating activities             168,119       105,072       126,140       100,208  
Cash flows from investing activities                                        
Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment     19       (79,268 )     (104,349 )     (224,234 )     (263,958 )
Net (purchases) sales of financial investments             12,163       42,015       (87,727 )     35,975  
Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment             355       4,326       713       5,135  
Net cash used in by investing activities             (66,750 )     (58,008 )     (311,248 )     (222,848 )
Cash flows from financing activities                                        
New loans and financings     22 (c)     -       -       1,185,250       13,624  
Financing costs     22 (c)     (1,650 )     -       (9,087 )     (255 )
Payments of loans and financings     22 (c)     (4,623 )     (7,703 )     (711,890 )     (15,019 )
Payments of lease liabilities     21 (b)     (2,164 )     (3,516 )     (6,790 )     (11,849 )
Dividends paid     1 (b)     -       (2,460 )     (55,952 )     (104,876 )
Dividends not withdrawn             1,009       -       1,009       -  
Repurchase of the Company’s own shares             -       -       -       (8,103 )
Capital reduction of subsidiary – non-controlling interests             -       -       (1,826 )     -  
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities             (7,428 )     (13,679 )     400,714       (126,478 )
Foreign exchange effects on cash and cash equivalents             (2,331 )     2,332       (27,011 )     2,910  
Other high liquid short term investments     13       67,179       -       67,179       -  
(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents             158,789       35,717       255,774       (246,208 )
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period             795,603       751,013       698,618       1,032,938  
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period             954,392       786,730       954,392       786,730  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders’ equity
At and for the three-month period ended September 30
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



   Capital   Treasury
paid in capital
   Total   Non-
controlling interests
   Total shareholders’  
At June 30, 2019   133,320    (9,455)   1,043,755    1,316,472    (5,968)   (77,963)   2,400,161    425,189    2,825,350 
Net loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (150,237)   -    (150,237)   (21,029)   (171,266)
Other comprehensive loss for the period   -    -    -    -    -    (51,536)   (51,536)   (4,492)   (56,028)
Total comprehensive loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (150,237)   (51,536)   (201,773)   (25,521)   (227,294)
Capital increase from non-controlling interests   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    5,782    5,782 

Total contributions by and distributions to


   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    5,782    5,782 
At September 30, 2019   133,320    (9,455)   1,043,755    1,316,472    (156,205)   (129,499)   2,198,388    405,450    2,603,838 
At June 30, 2020   132,438    -    993,755    1,245,418    (748,082)   (246,865)   1,376,664    246,157    1,622,821 
Net loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (28,672)   -    (28,672)   (6,003)   (34,675)
Other comprehensive loss for the period   -    -    -    -    -    (15,461)   (15,461)   (2,112)   (17,573)

Total contributions by and distributions to


   -    -    -    -    (28,672)   (15,461)   (44,133)   (8,115)   (52,248)
At September 30, 2020   132,438    -    993,755    1,245,418    (776,754)   (262,326)   1,332,531    238,042    1,570,573 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders’ equity
At and for the nine-month period ended September 30
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



   Capital   Treasury
paid in capital
   Total   Non-
At January 1, 2019   133,320    (1,352)   1,043,755    1,318,728    61,430    (79,288)   2,476,593    425,208    2,901,801 
Impact of the adoption of IFRS 16   -    -    -    -    71    -    71    -    71 
Impact of the adoption of IFRIC 23   -    -    -    -    (4,023)   -    (4,023)   -    (4,023)
At January 1, 2019 after impacts of the adoption of new standards   133,320    (1,352)   1,043,755    1,318,728    57,478    (79,288)   2,472,641    425,208    2,897,849 
Net loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (143,851)   -    (143,851)   (12,416)   (156,267)
Other comprehensive (loss) income for the period   -    -    -    -    -    (50,211)   (50,211)   158    (50,053)
Total comprehensive loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (143,851)   (50,211)   (194,062)   (12,258)   (206,320)
Capital increase from non-controlling interests   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    27,946    27,946 
Repurchase of the Company’s own shares   -    (8,103)   -    -    -    -    (8,103)   -    (8,103)
Dividends distribution to NEXA's
shareholders - USD 0.53 per share
   -    -    -    -    (69,832)   -    (69,832)   -    (69,832)
Dividends distribution to non-controlling interests
and to NEXA PERU’s investment shares
   -    -    -    (2,256)   -    -    (2,256)   (35,446)   (37,702)

Total contributions by and distributions to


   -    (8,103)   -    (2,256)   (69,832)   -    (80,191)   (7,500)   (87,691)
At September 30, 2019   133,320    (9,455)   1,043,755    1,316,472    (156,205)   (129,499)   2,198,388    405,450    2,603,838 
At January 1, 2020   133,320    (9,455)   1,043,755    1,279,068    (158,980)   (140,256)   2,147,452    372,609    2,520,061 
Reclassification – note 3 (Revision)   -    -    -    (33,650)   -    33,650    -    -    - 
At January 1, 2020 after reclassification (Revised)   133,320    (9,455)   1,043,755    1,245,418    (158,980)   (106,606)   2,147,452    372,609    2,520,061 
Net loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (609,201)   -    (609,201)   (96,585)   (705,786)
Other comprehensive loss for the period   -    -    -    -    -    (155,720)   (155,720)   (19,258)   (174,978)
Total comprehensive loss for the period   -    -    -    -    (609,201)   (155,720)   (764,921)   (115,843)   (880,764)
Dividends distribution to NEXA's
shareholders - USD 0.38 per share
   -    -    (50,000)   -    -    -    (50,000)   -    (50,000)
Cancellation of 881,902 treasury shares
acquired for USD 9,455 – note 1 (i)
   (882)   9,455    -    -    (8,573)   -    -    -    - 
Dividends distribution to non-controlling interests
- note 1 (b)
   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (5,332)   (5,332)
Capital reduction of subsidiary non-controlling interests - note 1 (k)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (13,392)   (13,392)

Total contributions by and distributions to


   (882)   9,455    (50,000)   -    (8,573)   -    (50,000)   (18,724)   (68,724)
At September 30, 2020   132,438    -    993,755    1,245,418    (776,754)   (262,326)   1,332,531    238,042    1,570,573 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



1General information


Nexa Resources S.A. (“NEXA”) was incorporated on February 26, 2014 under the laws of Luxembourg as a public limited liability company (société anonyme). Its shares are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) and the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”). The Company’s registered office is located at 37A, Avenue J. F. Kennedy in the city of Luxembourg in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


NEXA and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) own and operate three polymetallic mines in Peru, and two polymetallic mines in Brazil. The Company is also constructing another polymetallic mine in Brazil. The Company's mining operations comprise large-scale, mechanized underground and open pit mines. The Company also owns a zinc smelter in Peru and two zinc smelters in Brazil.


The Company’s major shareholder is Votorantim S.A. (“VSA”), which holds 64.25% of its equity. VSA is a Brazilian privately-owned industrial conglomerate that holds ownership interests in metal, steel, cement and energy companies, among others.


Principal events and transactions


(a)COVID-19 outbreak impacts on NEXA financial statements and operations


In March 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the current COVID-19 disease (“COVID-19”) as a pandemic. Since then, COVID-19 spread across the world with severe effects that impacted the global economy in general and the Company’s business. As a response to COVID-19, the Company implemented and continues to implement additional safety procedures in all its operations to ensure the health and safety of its employees, contractors and communities.


The Company also remains committed to the continuity of its business and has implemented measures to mitigate and reduce the impacts COVID-19 had and could still have on its operations, supply chain and financial condition.


Government authorities in the countries in which the Company operates, especially in Peru, have implemented policies in response to the COVID-19 global outbreak, which affected the Company’s financial position, results of operations and cash flow for the nine-month period ended on September 30, 2020, mainly during the second quarter of 2020.


In this context, in Peru, on March 15, 2020, the government declared a state of emergency in response to COVID-19, imposing operating restrictions on non-essential industries, which included the mining sector. The restriction period was continuously extended until May 10, 2020 and consequently, mining operations at Cerro Lindo, Atacocha and El Porvenir were suspended during this period and the operation of the Cajamarquilla smelter was reduced to approximately 50% of its production capacity. After the end of the state of emergency, operations at the Cerro Lindo and El Porvenir mining units began a gradual ramp up following personnel mobilization restrictions and strict health and safety protocols. Currently, Cerro Lindo and El Porvenir continue to operate subject to additional measures to control and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The safety protocols implemented at each of the mines for incoming site personnel continue to limit the size and range of activity of the workforce available on site. Considering COVID-19 and its impact on the macroeconomic environment, the uncertain time for recovery and the Company’s efforts to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency, in June, the Company decided to keep operations of the higher-cost Atacocha underground mine suspended. Currently, the Company has still not defined how long this suspension will last and the decision will depend both on the duration and severity of the economic uncertainty related to COVID-19 and on an improvement in the mine’s economic viability. The Company has accrued a total of approximately USD 8,141 as of September 30, 2020 (USD 3,406 as of June 30, 2020) mainly of employee termination costs related to this suspension, which is the Company’s best estimate as of September 30, 2020. The Company expects these termination payments to be completed in the coming months.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



In Brazil, the Company’s mining and smelting operations have been operating normally, with the exception of the Juiz de Fora smelter which operated at 60% of its normal production capacity in May and June, in anticipation of lower market demand due to global economic conditions. Beginning in July, this smelter returned to operate at close to full production and is expected to do so for the remainder of the year. Construction activities at the Aripuanã project continue to progress and production is scheduled to start in the beginning of 2022. The original project timeline was extended and the original capital expenditures estimates were revised upward following a comprehensive study of unanticipated external factors and internal issues, such as the delays in the project’s detailed engineering studies, which affected the estimated investment in mine development, consumables and spare parts; the additional infrastructure services due to issues experienced during earthworks activities; the impact of COVID-19; among others.


Although the Company’s operations continue their return to normal, the ultimate impact of the COVID-19 global outbreak on the Company’s financial performance, financial condition and cash flows, depends on its continuing duration and severity, on the efforts to contain its spread and on the impact of measures taken by the Company, governments and others in response. A new period of disruption or an extended global recession caused by the outbreak, could materially and adversely impact the Company’s results of operations, access to sources of liquidity and overall financial condition. As disclosed below, the Company has taken and continues to take measures to strengthen its cash position and enhance its short-term liquidity. Refer to note 22 for additional information.


(b)Dividends distribution


On February 13, 2020, the Company’s Board of Directors proposed to proceed with an advance on dividend to the Company’s shareholders of record on March 16, 2020 of approximately USD 50,000, which was paid on March 30, 2020. Additionally, during the second quarter, the Company’s subsidiary Pollarix S.A. (“Pollarix”) declared and paid dividends in the amount of USD 5,332 to non-controlling interests owned by Votorantim Geração de Energia S.A. (“VGE”) which is a related party.


(c)Repurchase of Nexa Peru Bonds


On February 24, 2020, the Company completed a tender offer to purchase for cash any and all of its outstanding 2023 Notes. Holders of the 2023 Notes tendered an aggregate principal amount of USD 214,530, or 62.55% of the outstanding principal amount as of the date of the offer. USD 128,470 of the 2023 Notes remain outstanding. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


(d)Loan agreement


On March 12, 2020, the Company, through its subsidiary Nexa Resources Peru S.A.A. (“Nexa Peru”), entered into a term loan with a global financial institution, in the principal amount of BRL (Brazilian reais) 477,000 thousand (approximately USD 100,000) with a 5-year maturity. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


(e)Export Credit Notes


At the end of March 2020, the Company entered into four Export Credit Note agreements in the total principal amount of BRL 1,247,000 thousand (approximately USD 250,000) with maturity dates between 1 and 5 years. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


On April 9, 2020, the Company entered into an additional export credit note agreement in the total principal amount of BRL 230,000 thousand, (approximately USD 45,297), with a 1-year maturity. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(f)Disbursement of Revolving Credit Facility


On April 14, 2020, in order to enhance its short-term liquidity, the Company fully drew down its Revolving Credit Facility in the amount of USD 300,000. As of June 30, 2020, the amount was fully repaid with the proceeds obtained from the Bond Offering, described below. The Revolving Credit Facility remains available for the Company until October 2024. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


(g)Bond offering


On June 15, 2020, the Company concluded a Bond Offering in the amount of USD 500,000, with a maturity date in January 2028 and an interest rate of 6.50% per year. This offering was made to refinance some of the Company’s existing debt, extending NEXA’s average debt term. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


(h)Debt prepayments


With the funds raised through the Bond Offering mentioned above, the Company prepaid:


(i) on June 19, 2020, the outstanding principal and accrued interest of an Export Facility Agreement in the amount of USD 100,246;


(ii) on June 23, 2020, the outstanding principal and accrued interest of the Revolving Credit Facility in the total amount of USD 301,348; and,


(iii) on June 29, 2020, the outstanding principal and accrued interest of an Export Credit Note in Brazil in the amount of USD 96,425.


(i)Cancellation of treasury shares


On June 4, 2020, at NEXA’s Extraordinary General Meeting, the shareholders of the Company approved the cancellation of the 881,902 shares held in treasury, previously repurchased by the Company under its normal course issuer bid executed in 2018 and 2019.


(j)Acquisition and transfer of the 7.7% participation in the Aripuanã Project between subsidiaries


On April 28, 2020, the Board of Directors of Nexa Peru approved the sale of this company’s participation in Mineração Dardanelos Ltda. (“Dardanelos”) at a USD 17,970 market value, corresponding to its 7.7% interest in the Aripuanã project, to Nexa Recursos Minerais S.A. (“Nexa Brazil”). After the acquisition executed in 2019 of a third party’s 30% non-controlling interest in the Aripuanã Project, this transfer between Nexa Peru and Nexa Brazil consolidates the project’s ownership in Nexa Brazil, NEXA’s principal wholly-owned subsidiary in Brazil. This sale, which was concluded in June, had no effect on NEXA’s consolidated financial statements.


(k)Decrease in the subscribed capital from Pollarix


On April 22, 2020, NEXA’s subsidiary Pollarix reduced proportionally its subscribed capital in the amount, to be paid to its shareholders, of BRL 110,000 thousand (USD 20,057), of which BRL 73,334 thousand (USD 13,392) were related to non-controlling interests owned by VGE, a related party. Of the amount owed to VGE, Pollarix has already paid BRL 10,000 thousand (USD 1,826) and the remaining amount of BRL 63,334 thousand (USD 11,228 converted at the spot exchange rate on September 30, 2020) will be paid by the end of December 2020.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(l)BNDES new Loan agreement


On July 22, NEXA, through its subsidiary, Dardanelos, entered into a new loan agreement with the Brazilian Economic and Social Bank (“BNDES”) of up to BRL 750,000 thousand (approximately USD 140,000) at a cost of TLP (“taxa a longo prazo” or “Long term rate”) + 3.39%, with a maturity date in 2040. This agreement is guaranteed by Nexa Brazil and NEXA. The proceeds will be used to finance the ongoing construction of the Aripuanã project.


The Company expects to disburse the first part of the amount over the fourth quarter of 2020 and the remaining amount during 2021.


(m)Unwinding of derivative financial instruments


On July 02, 2020, the Company unwound two derivative financial instruments at their respective mark to market (“MTM”) values at such date. As a result of this transaction, NEXA received net proceeds in cash of USD 3,691, which are included in the Cash Flow statement, in Operating activities. Also, an expense of USD 7,022 was registered in the Income statement, in Other financial items net, considering the difference between the MTM values on July 2nd and those registered as of June 30, 2020.


These derivatives were used to mitigate the exposure to the foreign currency risk associated with changes in the Brazilian real exchange rate:


- Collars, which were contracted in November 2018; and


- A cross-currency swap, which was contracted jointly with a NCE in November 2019.


2Information by business segment


The presentation of segment results and reconciliation to loss before income tax in the condensed consolidated interim income statement is as follows:



               Three-month period ended 
               September 30, 2020 
   Mining   Smelting   Intersegment



Net revenues (i)   206,035    422,113    (99,443)   9,121    537,826 
Cost of sales   (146,475)   (336,318)   99,443    (14,131)   (397,481)
Gross profit   59,560    85,795    -    (5,010)   140,345 
Selling, general and administrative   (18,393)   (15,817)   -    (2,430)   (36,640)
Mineral exploration and project development   (8,917)   (966)   -    (2,670)   (12,553)
Impairment of non-current assets   (56,857)   (8,264)        -    (65,121)
Other income and expenses, net   (6,447)   (3,672)   -    9,000    (1,119)
Operating (loss) income   (31,054)   57,076    -    (1,110)   24,912 
Depreciation and amortization   40,943    20,235         181    61,359 
Exceptional items (iii)   57,054    8,677    -    -    65,731 
Adjusted EBITDA   66,943    85,988    -    (929)   152,002 
Exceptional items (iii)                       (65,731)
Depreciation and amortization                       (61,359)
Net financial results                       (61,941)
Loss before income tax                       (37,029)


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



               Three-month period ended 
               September 30, 2019 
   Mining   Smelting   Intersegment



Net revenues (i)   248,369    442,161    (124,477)   (2,485)   563,568 
Cost of sales   (221,026)   (414,712)   124,477    7,142    (504,119)
Gross profit   27,343    27,449    -    4,657    59,449 
Selling, general and administrative   (29,919)   (23,571)   -    (3,716)   (57,206)
Mineral exploration and project development   (30,950)   (2,553)   -    1    (33,502)
Impairment of non-current assets   (142,133)   -    -    -    (142,133)
Other income and expenses, net   (1,585)   (431)   -    (2,464)   (4,480)
Operating (loss) income   (177,244)   894    -    (1,522)   (177,872)
Depreciation and amortization   68,183    23,661    -    1,654    93,498 
Exceptional items (iii)   142,133    -    -    -    142,133 
Adjusted EBITDA   33,072    24,555    -    132    57,759 
Exceptional items (iii)                       (142,133)
Depreciation and amortization                       (93,498)
Net financial results                       (57,117)
Loss before income tax                       (234,989)


               Nine-month period ended 
               September 30, 2020 
   Mining   Smelting   Intersegment



Net revenues (i)   479,024    1,068,532    (239,122)   7,973    1,316,407 
Cost of sales   (447,887)   (890,860)   239,122    (4,235)   (1,103,860)
Gross profit   31,137    177,672    -    3,738    212,547 
Selling, general and administrative   (49,301)   (46,800)   -    (11,359)   (107,460)
Mineral exploration and project development   (29,399)   (6,066)   -    (22)   (35,487)
Impairment of non-current assets   (503,544)   (46,171)   -    -    (549,715)
Other income and expenses, net   (16,612)   (1,554)   -    3,106    (15,060)
Operating (loss) income   (567,719)   77,081    -    (4,537)   (495,175)
Depreciation and amortization   117,486    63,302    -    296    181,084 
Exceptional items (iii)   503,544    46,171    -    -    549,715 
Adjusted EBITDA   53,311    186,554    -    (4,241)   235,624 
Exceptional items (iii)                       (549,715)
Depreciation and amortization                       (181,084)
Net financial results                       (281,755)
Loss before income tax                       (776,930)


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




               Nine-month period ended 
               September 30, 2019 
   Mining   Smelting   Intersegment



Net revenues (i)   766,922    1,405,974    (424,396)   (1,608)   1,746,892 
Cost of sales   (608,251)   (1,268,547)   424,396    (19,480)   (1,471,882)
Gross profit   158,671    137,427    -    (21,088)   275,010 
Selling, general and administrative   (80,458)   (57,208)   -    (2,687)   (140,353)
Mineral exploration and project development   (78,911)   (6,079)   -    -    (84,990)
Impairment of non-current assets   (142,133)   -    -    -    (142,133)
Other income and expenses, net   (11,602)   (24,805)   -    22,905    (13,502)
Operating (loss) income   (154,433)   49,335    -    (870)   (105,968)
Depreciation and amortization   171,886    74,376    -    1,660    247,922 
Exceptional items (iii)   142,133    -    -    -    142,133 
Adjusted EBITDA   159,586    123,711    -    790    284,087 
Exceptional items (iii)                       (142,133)
Depreciation and amortization                       (247,922)
Net financial results                       (98,345)
Loss before income tax                       (204,313)


(i) As more fully described in the consolidated financial statements at December 31, 2019, all revenues from products or services transferred to customers occurs at a point in time.


(ii) The internal information used for making decisions is prepared using IFRS based accounting measurements and management reclassifications between income statement line items, which are reconciled to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements in the column “Adjustments”. Reclassifications are primarily comprised of derivative financial instruments from Other income and expenses, net to Cost of sales, and certain overhead cost centers from Other income and expenses, net to Cost of sales and/or Selling, general and administrative.


(iii) Exceptional items are composed of impairment losses from non-current assets (refer to note 25) in the amount of USD 65,121 for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020 and USD 549,715 for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020 (2019: USD 142,133) and miscellaneous adjustments.


3Basis of preparation of the consolidated financial statements


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements at and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting (“IAS 34”) using the accounting principles consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).


The Company made a voluntary election to present the condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020 and 2019.


The Company is also presenting a condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders’ equity for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020 and 2019 in accordance with SEC Final Rule Release No. 33-10532, Disclosure Update and Simplification.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements do not include all disclosures required by IFRS for annual consolidated financial statements and accordingly should be read in conjunction with the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019 prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of, and using the accounting policies, methods of computation and presentation consistent with those applied and disclosed in the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019.


The preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with IAS 34 requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses for the period end. These critical accounting estimates represent estimates that are uncertain and changes in those estimates could materially impact the Company’s condensed consolidated interim financial statements. Actual future outcomes may differ from present estimates and the Company reviews its estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis using the most current information available. Management also exercises judgment in the process of applying the Company’s accounting policies.


The critical judgments and estimates in the application of accounting principles during the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 are the same as those disclosed in the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019.


The Company reviewed the accounting policies related to the classification of royalties and validity fees in its financial statements during this period. As a result of this review, the Company made some immaterial reclassifications in the 2019 comparable information, which effects are described in notes 5, 6 and 7 to be consistent with 2020.


The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the Company’s results of operations, cash flows and financial position for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020. The Company’s condensed consolidated interim financial statements presented herein reflect estimates and assumptions made by management that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods presented. Such estimates and assumptions affect, among other things, the carrying amounts of the Company’s goodwill, long-lived assets, indefinite-lived intangible assets, inventory, deferred income taxes, and the allowance for doubtful accounts. Events and changes in circumstances arising after September 30, 2020, including those resulting from the impacts of COVID-19, will be reflected in management’s estimates for future periods.


These condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 were approved on October 29, 2020 to be issued in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors.


New and amended standards effective January 1, 2020


Several new or amended standards became applicable for the current reporting period. The Company does not expect any changes in its accounting policies or any retrospective adjustments as a result of the adoption of these standards and amendments.


Impact of new standards issued but not yet applied by the Company


During the current reporting period, the IASB issued thirteen new amendments to previously issued standards that are not yet effective and have not been applied by the Company. The Company does not believe that these new standards will have a material effect on its financial statements.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




Revision of the condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders’ equity


The condensed consolidated interim statements of changes in shareholders’ equity have been revised to reflect an adjustment as of January 1, 2020 in the amount of USD 33,650 related to a reclassification affecting the cumulative translation reserve account within Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss and Additional Paid in Capital in the statement of changes in shareholders’ equity, to correct a misclassification identified in these balances, with no effect to the total shareholders’ equity. This reclassification is not material for any of the periods presented and it has no impact on the Company’s financial position as of December 31, 2019, or the condensed consolidated interim income statement, comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity or cash flows for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2019.


4Net revenues


   Three-month period ended   Nine-month period ended 
   2020   2019   2020   2019 
Gross revenues   589,027    615,374    1,440,027    1,913,485 
    Revenues from products (i) (ii)   570,629    595,514    1,395,170    1,857,466 
    Revenues from services   18,398    19,860    44,857    56,019 
Taxes on sales (iii)   (50,315)   (51,009)   (121,428)   (163,449)
Return of products sales   (886)   (797)   (2,192)   (3,144)
Net revenues   537,826    563,568    1,316,407    1,746,892 


(i) Revenues from products decreased in the three-month period ended in September 2020, mainly due to the lower mining production in Peru. Although the Cerro Lindo and El Porvenir mines restarted operations in May and have gradually increased their throughput rates, they were still limited by the size and range of activity of the workforce available on site, during this three-month period.


(ii) Revenues from products decreased in the nine-month period ended in September 2020, mainly due to significantly lower metal prices in the international markets combined with lower mining production due to the government imposed restriction period on the Company’s Peruvian operations, the impact of ramping-up after this restriction period and the continuing limited size and range of

activity of the workforce available on site. This decrease in revenues is also a result of the lower smelting production, due to Cajamarquilla operating at 50% during the restricted period and Juiz de Fora operating at 60% of its capacity in May and June, due to lower market demand resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.


(iii) For comparative purposes as explained in note 3, 2019 amounts reflect the reclassification of mining royalties from Net Revenues to Cost of sales of USD 146 and USD 355 for the three and nine-month periods ended on September 30, 2019, respectively. The 2020 amounts already consider this reclassification and are comparable.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




5Expenses by nature


       Selling,   exploration   Three-month period ended 
   Cost of   general and   and project   2020   2019 

sales (iv)/(v)



   development (vi)   Total   Total 
Raw materials and consumables used (i)   (219,618)   (1,796)   -    (221,414)   (273,126)
Third-party services (ii)   (82,104)   (17,031)   (7,693)   (106,828)   (152,963)
Depreciation and amortization (iii)   (60,125)   (1,229)   (5)   (61,359)   (93,498)
Employee benefit expenses   (33,808)   (12,576)   (2,611)   (48,995)   (64,799)
Other expenses   (1,826)   (4,008)   (2,244)   (8,078)   (10,441)
    (397,481)   (36,640)   (12,553)   (446,674)   (594,827)


   Cost of   Selling,   exploration   Nine-month period ended 
   sales   general and   and project   2020   2019 




   development (vi)   Total   Total 
Raw materials and consumables used (i)   (598,987)   (4,574)   -    (603,561)   (805,352)
Third-party services (ii)   (216,245)   (38,250)   (21,264)   (275,759)   (416,238)
Depreciation and amortization (iii)   (177,225)   (3,844)   (15)   (181,084)   (247,922)
Employee benefit expenses   (105,642)   (41,756)   (7,940)   (155,338)   (182,229)
Other expenses   (5,761)   (19,036)   (6,268)   (31,065)   (45,484)
    (1,103,860)   (107,460)   (35,487)   (1,246,807)   (1,697,225)


(i) Raw materials and consumables used decreased in the three-month period ended in September 2020, mainly due to the lower mining production in the Company’s operations in Peru, as described in note 4. For the nine-month period, raw materials and consumables also decreased due to significantly lower concentrate prices combined with the lower production in the Company’s operations, as described in note 4.


(ii) Third-party services decreased in the three and nine-month periods ended in September 2020, mainly due to lower production in the Peruvian mining operations which decreased the services contracted for the mines’ preparation and development, lower maintenance services expenses and other expense reduction efforts.


(iii) Depreciation and amortization decreased in the three and nine-month periods ended in September 2020, mainly due to the reduction in the carrying amount of long-lived assets as a result of the impairment of non-current assets recorded in 2019 and in the first and third quarter of 2020. This decrease is also associated with the lower production in the Peruvian mining operations, since the Company uses the units of production method of depreciation and amortization for certain assets.


(iv) Refer to note 17 for information about idle capacity costs and inventory impairment, both mainly associated with the COVID-19 outbreak.


(v) For comparative purposes as explained in note 3, 2019 amounts reflect the reclassification of mining royalties from Net Revenues and from Other income and expenses, net to Cost of sales of USD 661 and 2,357 for the three and nine-month periods ended on September 30, 2019, respectively. The 2020 amounts already consider this reclassification and are comparable.


(vi) For comparative purposes as explained in note 3, 2019 amounts reflect the reclassification of validity fees from Other income and expenses, net to Mineral exploration and project development of USD 1,512 and 4,616 for the three and nine-month periods ended on September 30, 2019, respectively. The 2020 amounts already consider this reclassification and are comparable.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




6Mineral exploration and project development


   Three-month period ended   Nine-month period ended 
   2020   2019   2020   2019 
Mineral exploration (i)   (9,392)   (23,363)   (23,916)   (59,200)
Project development (FEL 1 and FEL 2)   (3,161)   (10,139)   (11,571)   (25,790)
    (12,553)   (33,502)   (35,487)   (84,990)


The decrease in mineral exploration and project development, in the three and nine-month periods ended in September 2020, is mainly related to the Company having revised its short-term capital allocation, temporarily suspended its greenfield projects and reduced its mineral exploration expenses in response to COVID-19. The effects of the temporary suspension of such projects have been reflected in the Company’s cash flow estimates for the impairment tests made as of March 31, 2020 and as of September 30, 2020.


(i) For comparative purposes as explained in note 3, 2019 amounts reflect the reclassification of validity fees from Other income and expenses, net to Mineral exploration and project development of USD 1,512 and 4,616 for the three and nine-month periods ended on September 30, 2019, respectively. The 2020 amounts already consider this reclassification and are comparable.


7Other income and expenses, net


   Three-month period ended   Nine-month period ended 
   2020   2019   2020   2019 
Remeasurement of environmental obligations   (1,271)   (517)   4,025    3,395 
(Provision) reversal of legal claims - note 24   126    (4,498)   (7,867)   (8,753)
Derivative financial instruments - note 15 (b)   4,818    (1,566)   (3,071)   75 
(Loss) gain on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets   (269)   1,590    (362)   608 
Contributions to communities   (292)   (2,667)   (1,620)   (4,081)
Other operating income (expenses), net (i)   (4,231)   3,178    (6,165)   (4,746)
    (1,119)   (4,480)   (15,060)   (13,502)


(i) For comparative purposes as explained in note 3, 2019 amounts reflect the reclassification of mining royalties from Other income and expenses, net to Cost of sales of USD 515 and USD 2,002 and of validity fees from Other income and expenses, net to Mineral exploration and project development of USD 1,512 and USD 4,616 for the three and nine-month periods ended on September 30, 2019, respectively. The 2020 amounts already consider this reclassification and are comparable. Additionally, as of September 30, 2020, this amount includes the USD 8,141 mainly associated with employee termination costs related to the temporary suspension of Atacocha's underground mine as explained in note 1 (a).


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



8Net financial results


   Three-month period ended   Nine-month period ended 
   2020   2019   2020   2019 
Financial income                    
Interest income on financial investments and cash equivalents   1,152    5,745    6,187    16,913 
Other financial income   1,062    829    3,079    1,996 
    2,213    6,574    9,266    18,909 
Financial expenses                    
Interest on loans and financings   (29,187)   (12,546)   (71,498)   (49,096)
Premium paid on bonds repurchase (i)   -    -    (14,481)   - 
Interest on other liabilities   (2,036)   (1,944)   (5,909)   (7,731)
Interest on contractual liabilities   (1,426)   (1,578)   (4,412)   (4,966)
Interest on lease liabilities - note 21 (b)   (403)   (1,269)   (1,439)   (3,143)
Other financial expenses   (9,722)   (8,761)   (23,872)   (25,037)
    (42,774)   (26,098)   (121,611)   (89,973)
Other financial items, net (ii)                    
Foreign exchange loss (iii)   (12,540)   (32,911)   (151,422)   (27,186)
Derivative financial instruments – note 15 (b)   (11,950)   (4,682)   (13,531)   (95)
Fair value of loans and financings – note 22 (c)   3,110    -    (4,457)   - 
    (21,380)   (37,593)   (169,410)   (27,281)
Net financial results  (61,941)   (57,117)   (281,755)   (98,345)


(i) Amount related to the premium paid on the bonds repurchased in the tender offer made on February 24, 2020. Refer to note 22 (b) for additional information.


(ii) Since September 30, 2020, the Company is presenting the income and expenses from derivative financial instruments and from the changes in the fair value of loans and financings by their net results, since this is the way how management analyzes these items. Consequently, the Company has adjusted the financial income and the financial expenses subtotals for the comparative periods in the income statement.


(iii) The increase in foreign exchange losses, in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, is mainly driven by the significant devaluation of BRL against USD, which affected Nexa Brazil’s financial liabilities denominated in USD by 34% for this period. The amount of USD 86,261 included in the foreign exchange losses, for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, is related to the outstanding USD denominated intercompany debt of Nexa Brazil with NEXA (USD 7,225 for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020). Intercompany loan balances are fully eliminated in the consolidated financial statements; however, foreign exchange losses or gains are not eliminated in the consolidated financial statements. As of September 30, 2020, the outstanding intercompany balance is USD 250,177 (December 31, 2019: USD 250,570).


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



9Current and deferred income tax


(a)Reconciliation of income tax benefit (expense)


    Three-month period ended     Nine-month period ended
    2020     2019     2020     2019  
Loss before income tax     (37,029 )     (234,989 )     (776,930 )     (204,313 )
Standard rate     24.94 %     24.94 %     24.94 %     24.94 %
Income tax benefit at standard rate     9,235       58,607       193,766       50,956  
Difference in tax rate of subsidiaries outside Luxembourg     541       6,463       36,572       9,007  
Special mining levy and special mining tax     (762 )     (49 )     (1,215 )     (5,074 )
Deferred tax on net operating losses (i)     (4,297 )     -       (33,897 )     -  
Withholding tax on dividends paid by subsidiaries     -       -       -       (9,764 )
Deferred charges on exchange variation of non-monetary entries     (2,969 )     10,780       (25,161 )     13,038  
Impairment of goodwill (ii)     -       -       (78,197 )     -  
Other permanent tax differences     606       (12,078 )     (20,724 )     (10,117 )
Income tax benefit     2,354       63,723       71,144       48,046  
Current     (21,148 )     (9,862 )     (41,645 )     (36,492 )
Deferred     23,502       73,585       112,789       84,538  
Income tax benefit     2,354       63,723       71,144       48,046  


(i) During the nine-month period ended on September 30, 2020, Nexa Resources Atacocha S.A.A (“Nexa Atacocha”) derecognized deferred income taxes in relation to temporary differences that will not be recovered and may not give rise to future tax consequences.


(ii) In March, the Company recognized an impairment of goodwill (for additional information refer to note 25) and its deferred income tax will not be recovered and may not give rise to future tax consequences.


(b)Analysis of deferred income tax assets and liabilities


   September 30,
   December 31,
Tax credits on net operating losses (i)   105,546    160,905 
Uncertain income tax treatments (ii)   (6,543)   (9,779)
Tax credits on temporary differences          
Foreign exchange losses   56,834    31,027 
Environmental liabilities   15,135    24,293 
Asset retirement obligations   19,476    18,751 
Tax, civil and labor provisions   6,207    6,962 
Other provisions   8,103    7,933 
Provision for obsolete and slow-moving inventory   6,184    5,734 
Provision for employee benefits   4,538    7,270 
Revaluation of derivative financial instruments   5,538    2,864 
Other   24,638    11,517 
Tax debits on temporary differences          
Depreciation, amortization and asset impairment   (177,216)   (247,552)
Revaluation of loans and financings   (3,640)   - 
Capitalized interests   (9,052)   (28,505)
Other   (4,309)   (1,757)
    51,439    (10,337)
Deferred income tax assets   269,710    262,941 
Deferred income tax liabilities   (218,271)   (273,278)
    51,439    (10,337)


19 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(i) The decrease in tax benefits on net operating losses, in the nine-month period ended on September 30, 2020, is mainly driven by the devaluation of the BRL against USD during this period, which affected the Company’s tax credits from the Company’s Brazilian legal entities.


(ii) The decrease in uncertain income tax treatments is mainly related to settlements of certain income tax uncertain positions in Nexa Peru and Nexa Atacocha.


(c)Effects of deferred tax on income statement and other comprehensive income


   September 30,
   December 31,
Balance at the beginning of the period   (10,337)   (97,444)
Effect on income for the period   112,789    103,255 
Effects on other comprehensive (loss) income (i)   (55,338)   453 
Impact of IFRIC 23 adoption   -    (10,070)
Foreign exchange (loss) gain   4,325    (6,531)
Balance at the end of the period   51,439    (10,337)


(i) The main effect is related to foreign translation losses and gains. The decrease, as of September 30, 2020, is due to the foreign translation driven by the BRL devaluation against USD during this period.


(d)Summary of contingent liabilities on income taxes


There are uncertainties and legal proceedings for which it is unlikely that an outflow of economic resources will be required. In such cases, a provision is not recognized. As of September 30, 2020, the main legal proceedings are related to the carryforward calculation of net operating losses and deductibility of foreign exchange losses and other expenses. The estimated amount of these contingent liabilities is USD 167,239 (December 31, 2019: USD 182,380). The decrease in the contingent liabilities on income taxes is mainly driven by the BRL and PEN devaluation against USD during this period.


10Financial risk management


Financial risk factors


The Company’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: a) market risk (including currency risk, interest rate risk and commodities risk); b) credit risk; and c) liquidity risk.


A significant portion of the products sold by the Company are commodities, with prices pegged to international prices observed in the London Metal Exchange ("LME") and denominated in USD. Part of the production costs, however, is denominated in BRL and Peruvian Soles (“PEN”), and therefore, there is a currencies mismatch between revenues and costs. Additionally, the Company has debts linked to different indices and currencies, which may impact its cash flows


In order to mitigate the potential adverse effects of each financial risk factor, the Company follows a Financial Risk Management Policy that establishes governance and guidelines for the financial risk management process, as well as metrics for measurement and monitoring. This policy establishes guidelines and rules for:


(i) Commodities Exposure Management, (ii) Foreign Exchange Exposure Management, (iii) Interest Rate Exposure Management, (iv) Issuers and Counterparties Risk Management, and (v) Liquidity and Financial Indebtedness Management. All strategies and proposals must comply with the Financial Risk Management Policy guidelines and rules, be presented to and discussed with the Finance Committee of the board of directors, and, when applicable, submitted for the approval of the Board of Directors, under the governance structure described in the Financial Risk Management Policy.


20 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(a)Market risk


The purpose of the market risk management process is to protect the Company's cash flow against adverse events, such as changes in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices.


(i)Foreign exchange rates risk


Foreign exchange rates risk is managed through the Company’s Financial Risk Management Policy, which states that the objectives of derivative transactions are to reduce cash flow volatility, hedge against foreign exchange exposure and minimize currency mismatches.


All actions related to the market risk management process are intended to protect cash flows in USD, to maintain the ability to pay financial obligations, and comply with liquidity and indebtedness levels defined by management.


Presented below are the financial assets and liabilities in foreign currencies at September 30, 2020. These mainly result from the foreign operations of Nexa Brazil for which the functional currency is the BRL. The increased economic uncertainty and risks due to the COVID-19 global outbreak introduced significant volatility in foreign exchange rates in relation to the USD that impacted NEXA since the Company has foreign operations mainly related to Nexa Brazil.


Intercompany loans balances are fully eliminated in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements. However, the related foreign exchange gains or losses are not and are presented as foreign exchange effects in the financial results. Refer to note 8 for additional information.


USD amounts of foreign currency balances  September 30,
   December 31,
Cash, cash equivalents and financial investments   182,142    109,511 
Derivative financial instruments   19,496    15,596 
Trade accounts receivables   37,636    27,883 
    239,274    152,990 
Loans and financings   352,256    119,095 
Derivative financial instruments   30,891    16,134 
Trade payables   143,376    194,646 
Lease liabilities   20,660    22,020 
Use of public assets   17,967    23,279 
    565,150    375,174 
Net exposure   (325,876)   (222,184)


Because of the COVID-19 global outbreak, foreign exchange rates have become more volatile and therefore the Company has been affected by higher variations in its foreign exchange results.


(ii)Interest rates risk


The Company's interest rate risk arises mainly from long-term loans. Loans at variable rates expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk. Loans at fixed rates expose the Company to fair value risk associated with interest rates. Refer to note 22 for further information related to interest rates.


The Company’s Financial Risk Management Policy establishes guidelines and rules to hedge against changes in interest rates that impact the Company’s cash flows of the Company. Exposure to each interest rate is projected until the maturity of the assets and liabilities exposed to the interest rate. Occasionally the Company enters into floating to fixed interest rate swaps to manage its cash flow interest rate risk.


As of September 30, 2020, there have been no significant impacts on the Company’s exposure to interest rate risk as a result of the COVID-19 global outbreak.


21 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(iii)Commodity prices risk


This risk is related to the volatility in the prices of the Company's commodities. Prices fluctuate depending on demand, production capacity, producers' inventory levels, the commercial strategies adopted by large producers, and the availability of substitutes for these products in the global market.


The Company’s Financial Risk Management Policy establishes guidelines to mitigate the risk of fluctuations in commodity prices that could impact the cash flows of the Company. The exposure to the price of each commodity considers the monthly projections of production, purchases of inputs and the maturity flows of hedges associated with them.


Commodity prices hedge transactions are classified into the following hedging strategies:


Hedges for sales of zinc at a fixed price (Customer Hedge)


The objective is to convert sales at fixed prices to floating prices, observed on the London Metal Exchange (LME). The purpose of the strategy is to maintain the revenues of a business unit linked to the LME prices. These transactions usually relate to purchases of zinc for future settlement on the over-the-counter market.


Hedges for mismatches of quotational periods (Book Hedge)


The objective is to hedge quotational periods’ mismatches arising between the purchases of metal concentrate or processed metal and the sale of the processed metal. These transactions usually relate to purchases and sales of zinc for future trading on the over-the-counter market.


Hedges for the operating margin of metals (Strategic Hedge)


The objective is to reduce the volatility of the cash flow from LME prices for zinc, copper and silver and ensure a more predicable operating margin. This strategy is carried out through the sale of zinc forward contracts. For Nexa Brazil, the transaction also involves the sale of USD forward contracts in order to hedge the operating margin in BRL.


(b)Credit risk


Trade receivables, derivative financial instruments, term deposits, bank deposit certificates ("CDBs") and government securities create exposure to credit risk with respect to the counterparties and issuers. The Company has a policy of making deposits in financial institutions that have, at least, a rating from two of the following international rating agencies: Fitch, Moody’s or Standard & Poor’s. The minimum rating required for counterparties is A+/A1 (local rating scale) or BBB-/Baa3 (global rating scale). Financial institutions in Peru, where only global rating assessments are available, can meet the Company’s policy provided they have a rating of "BBB-" by at least one rating agency.


The pre-settlement risk methodology is used to assess counterparty risks in derivative transactions. This methodology consists of determining the risk associated with the likelihood (via Monte Carlo simulations) of a counterparty defaulting on the financial commitments defined by contract.


The global ratings are obtained from the rating agencies Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poor's, and are related to commitments in foreign or local currency and, in both cases, assess the capacity to honor these commitments, using a scale applicable on a global basis. Therefore, both ratings in foreign currency and in local currency are internationally comparable ratings.


The ratings used by the Company are always the most conservative ratings of the referred agencies.


22 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



In the case of credit risk arising from customer credit exposure, the Company assesses the credit quality of the customer, considering mainly the history of the relationship and financial indicators defining individual credit limits, which are continuously monitored. The Company performs initial analyses of customer credit and, when deemed necessary, guarantees or letters of credit are obtained to mitigate the credit risk. Additionally, most sales to the United States of America, Europe and Asia are collateralized by letters of credit and credit insurance. Refer to note 16 for additional information.


The following table reflects the credit quality of issuers and counterparties for transactions involving cash and cash equivalents, financial investments and derivative financial instruments. The variations presented are mainly related to the Company's transactions in the period and not to changes in the counterparties’ ratings.


       September 30, 2020       December 31, 2019 













Cash and cash equivalents

AAA   82,186    -    82,186    11,243    -    11,243 
AA+   2    -    2    5,997    -    5,997 
AA   12,489    -    12,489    18    99,853    99,871 
AA-   17,065    20,039    37,104    1    10,869    10,870 
A+   -    253,317    253,317    -    156,032    156,032 
A   -    166,399    166,399    -    230,084    230,084 
A-   -    288,400    288,400    -    38,824    38,824 
BBB+   -    80,057    80,057    -    67,467    67,467 
BBB   -    17,584    17,584    -    23,552    23,552 
BBB-   -    11,524    11,524    -    31,416    31,416 
No rating (i)   2    5,328    5,330    3    23,259    23,262 
    111,744    842,648    954,392    17,262    681,356    698,618 


       September 30, 2020       December 31, 2019 












Financial investments                              
AAA   24,828    -    24,828    44,985    -    44,985 
AA+   1,328    -    1,328    8,170    -    8,170 
AA   -    -    -    352    -    352 
AA-   901    -    901    656    -    656 
No rating (i)   3,378    -    3,378    4,612    -    4,612 
    30,435    -    30,435    58,775    -    58,775 


       September 30, 2020       December 31, 2019 













Derivative financial instruments

AAA   3,208    -    3,208    16,025    -    16,025 
AA   -    -    -    -    1,029    1,029 
A+   -    8,030    8,030    -    422    422 
A-   -    20,133    20,133    -    2,048    2,048 
    3,208    28,163    31,371    16,025    3,499    19,524 


(i) Refers to subsidiaries of international financial institutions that do not have a global rating available in the international rating agencies. According to the Company's policy, for these financial institutions, the rating of the financial institution controlling entities is assumed, which must be at least BBB-.


23 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(c)  Liquidity risk


This risk is managed through the Company's Financial Risk Management Policy, which aims to ensure the availability of funds to meet the Company’s financial commitments. The main liquidity measurement and monitoring instrument is the cash flow projection, using a minimum projection period of 12 months from the benchmark date.


The table below shows the Company's financial liabilities to be settled by the Company based on their maturity (the remaining period from the balance sheet up to the contractual maturity date). The amounts shown represent the estimated undiscounted future cash flow, which include interest to be incurred and, accordingly, do not reconcile directly with the amounts presented in the condensed consolidated interim balance sheet.


September 30, 2020 

Less than

1 year


Between 1 and

3 years


Between 3 and

5 years


Over 5


Loans and financings   224,180    198,048    686,069    1,381,731    2,490,028 
Lease liabilities   13,821    12,750    97    -    26,668 
Derivative financial instruments   6,948    10    30,788    93    37,839 
Trade payables   313,678    -    -    -    313,678 
Confirming payables   95,739    -    -    -    95,739 
Salaries and payroll charges   54,626    -    -    -    54,626 
Dividends payable   4,541    -    -    -    4,541 
Related parties   11,228    494    -    -    11,722 
Asset retirement and environmental obligations   31,295    42,458    77,737    213,156    364,646 
Use of public assets   1,095    2,532    2,853    22,299    28,779 
    757,151    256,292    797,544    1,617,279    3,428,266 


December 31, 2019 

Less than

1 year


Between 1 and

3 years


Between 3 and

5 years


Over 5


Loans and financings   91,511    342,095    610,750    842,222    1,886,578 
Lease liabilities   17,903    16,361    120    -    34,384 
Derivative financial instruments   8,272    6,918    6,577    51    21,818 
Trade payables   414,080    -    -    -    414,080 
Confirming payables   82,770    -    -    -    82,770 
Salaries and payroll charges   58,919    -    -    -    58,919 
Dividends payable   6,662    -    -    -    6,662 
Related parties   -    834    -    -    834 
Asset retirement and environmental obligations   19,001    68,296    76,629    273,484    437,410 
Use of public assets   1,446    3,177    3,581    30,729    38,933 
    700,564    437,681    697,657    1,146,486    2,982,388 


In the second quarter, the Company took measures to enhance its short-term liquidity to mitigate the effects of the economic scenario due to the COVID-19 global outbreak on the Company’s cash flows. Such measures included the strengthening of its cash position by incurring new loans and obtaining new financings. As a result, the total amount of financial liabilities, related to Loans and financings, maturing between less than 1 year increased by the amount of USD 132,669. During the third quarter and given that the Company’s operation are returning to normal, as explained in note 1, there was no need to incur any additional liquidity measures. Refer to note 22 for information about debt covenants.


(d)  Capital management


The Company’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard its ability to continue as a going concern, so it can continue to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders; and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.


24 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the level of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets or metals produced to reduce debt. The Company monitors capital mainly using the leverage ratio, calculated as net debt to Adjusted EBITDA.


Net debt and Adjusted EBITDA measures should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for net income or operating income, as indicators of operating performance, or as alternatives to cash flow as measures of liquidity. Additionally, management’s calculation of Adjusted EBITDA may be different from the calculation used by other companies, including competitors in the mining and smelting industry, so these measures may not be comparable to those of other companies.


   Note   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Loans and financings   22    1,921,275    1,508,557 
Lease liabilities   21    26,668    34,384 
Derivative financial instruments   15    6,468    2,294 
Cash and cash equivalents   13    (954,392)   (698,618)
Financial investments   14    (30,435)   (58,775)
Net debt (i)        969,584    787,842 
Loss for the year        (708,526)   (159,007)
Plus (less):               
    Depreciation and amortization        251,053    317,892 
    Net financial results        288,264    104,854 
    Income tax benefit        (79,970)   (56,873)
EBITDA (ii)        (249,179)   206,866 
Exceptional items        549,715    142,133 
Adjusted EBITDA (i)        300,536    348,999 
Leverage ratio (Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA)        3.23    2.26 


(i) Net debt is defined as (a) loans and financings, plus or minus (b) the fair value of derivative financial instruments less (c) cash and cash equivalents, less (d) financial investments. Adjusted EBITDA for capital management calculation uses the same assumptions described in note 2 for Adjusted EBITDA by segment.


(ii) EBITDA for Leverage ratio purpose is comprised of the prior 12 months profits and losses of the Company for the disclosed period. Refer to note 22 for information regarding financial covenants clauses in debt contracts.


25 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



11Sensitivity analysis


Presented below is a sensitivity analysis of the main risk factors that affect the pricing of the outstanding financial instruments relating to cash and cash equivalents, financial investments, loans and financing, and derivative financial instruments. The main sensitivities are the exposure to changes of the US Dollar exchange rate, the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI) interest rates, the US Dollar coupon and the commodity prices. The scenarios for these factors are prepared using market sources and other relevant sources, in compliance with the Company's policies.


The scenarios at September 30, 2020 are described below:


·Scenario I: considers a change in the market forward yield curves and quotations as of September 30, 2020, according to the base scenario defined by the Company for the next 3 months, on December 31, 2020.


·Scenario II: considers a change of + or -25% in the assumptions as of September 30, 2020.


·Scenario III: considers a change of + or -50% in the assumptions as of September 30, 2020.


                           Impacts on income statement       Impacts on statement
of comprehensive income
                   Scenarios II and III           Scenarios II and III 
Risk factor  Quotation at September 30, 2020  

Cash and

and financial


   Loans and financings   Derivative financial instruments   Changes from 2020   Scenario I   -25%   -50%   +25%   +50%   Scenario I   -25%   -50%   +25%   +50% 
Foreign exchange rates                                                                           
BRL   5.6407    142,179    350,563    (11,395)   6.43%   (16)   (1,543)   (3,085)   1,543    3,085    (7,393)   28,752    57,504    (28,752)   (57,504)
EUR   1.1724    1,994    -    -    0.65%   13    (498)   (997)   498    997    -    -    -    -    - 
PEN   3.6003    34,369    2,788    -    2.87%   905    (7,895)   (15,791)   7,895    15,791    -    -    -    -    - 
CAD   1.3325    1,391    -    -    0.95%   -    -    -    -    -    13    (348)   (696)   348    696 
NAD   16.7100    2,209    -    -    3.77%   -    -    -    -    -    83    (552)   (1,104)   552    1,104 
Interest rates                                                                           
BRL - CDI   1.90%   142,166    185,604    (11,395)   1 bps    (400)   6,648    13,851    (6,146)   (11,840)   -    -    -    -    - 
USD - LIBOR   0.21%   -    242,352    (7,728)   6 bps    (97)   (238)   (478)   235    468    1    (2)   (4)   2    4 
Price - commodities                                                                           
Zinc   2,413    -    -    4,927    (4.68)%   5,312    28,358    56,716    (28,358)   (56,716)   (632)   (3,372)   (6,743)   3,372    6,743 


26 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements
At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020
All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



12Financial instruments


(a)Breakdown by category


The Company classifies its financial assets and liabilities under the following categories: amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income and fair value through profit or loss. The classification by category and the corresponding accounting policies of each financial instruments in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those applied and disclosed in the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019.


       September 30, 2020 
Assets per balance sheet  Note   Amortized cost   Fair value through
profit or loss
Cash and cash equivalents   13    954,392    -    954,392 
Financial investments   14    30,435    -    30,435 
Derivative financial instruments   15(a)   -    31,371    31,371 
Trade accounts receivables   16    103,863    78,412    182,275 
Related parties (i)        744    -    744 
         1,089,434    109,783    1,199,217 


       September 30, 2020 
Liabilities per balance sheet  Note   Amortized cost   Fair value through
profit or loss
Loans and financings   22(a)   1,744,007    177,268    1,921,275 
Lease liabilities   21(b)   26,668    -    26,668 
Derivative financial instruments   15(a)   -    37,839    37,839 
Trade payables        313,678    -    313,678 
Confirming payables        95,739    -    95,739 
Use of public assets (ii)        17,967    -    17,967 
Related parties (ii)        11,722    -    11,722 
         2,209,781    215,107    2,424,888 


       December 31, 2019 
Assets per balance sheet  Note   Amortized cost   Fair value through profit or loss   Total 
Cash and cash equivalents   13    698,618    -    698,618 
Financial investments   14    58,775    -    58,775 
Derivative financial instruments   15(a)   -    19,524    19,524 
Trade accounts receivables   16    107,995    69,236    177,231 
Related parties (i)        744    -    744 
         866,132    88,760    954,892 


       December 31, 2019 
Liabilities per balance sheet  Note   Amortized cost   Fair value through profit or loss   Total 
Loans and financings   22(a)   1,411,179    97,378    1,508,557 
Lease liabilities   21(b)   34,384    -    34,384 
Derivative financial instruments   15(a)   -    21,818    21,818 
Trade payables        414,080    -    414,080 
Confirming payables        82,770    -    82,770 
Use of public assets (ii)        23,279    -    23,279 
Related parties (ii)        834    -    834 
         1,966,526    119,196    2,085,722 


(i) Classified as Other assets in the condensed consolidated interim balance sheet.


(ii) Classified as Other liabilities in the condensed consolidated interim balance sheet.


27 of 44





Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(b)Fair value by hierarchy


           September 30, 2020 
   Note   Level 1   Level 2   Total 
Derivative financial instruments   15    -    31,371    31,371 
Trade accounts receivables        -    78,412    78,412 
         -    109,783    109,783 
Loans and financings designated at fair value (i)        -    177,268    177,268 
Derivative financial instruments        -    37,839    37,839 
         -    215,107    215,107 


              December 31, 2019 
    Note     Level 1      Level 2      Total 
Derivative financial instruments   15    -    19,524    19,524 
Trade accounts receivables        -    69,236    69,236 
         -    88,760    88,760 
Loans and financings designated at fair value (i)        -    97,378    97,378 
Derivative financial instruments        -    21,818    21,818 
         -    119,196    119,196 


(i) Loans and financings are measured at amortized cost, except for certain contracts for which the Company has elected the fair value option. The carrying amount of other financial instruments measured at amortized cost do not differ significantly from their fair value.


(c)Fair value measurement and disclosures


The valuation techniques used in the fair value measurement and disclosure processes, including the critical accounting estimates used and judgements made by the Company, are consistent with those applied and disclosed in the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019.


There were no reclassifications between fair value levels in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020. None of the financial instruments were classified as Level 3 as of September 30, 2020.


Fair value estimates were assessed by the Company to evaluate the impacts of the COVID-19 global outbreak and the only impact identified is related to the changes in the Company’s credit risk which affect the fair value of debts which are designated as fair value option. Refer to note 22 (c).


13Cash and cash equivalents




   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Cash and banks   113,377    299,374 
Term deposits (i)   841,015    399,244 
    954,392    698,618 


The increase in the cash and cash equivalents balance, as of September 30, 2020, is mainly because of the new loans and financings taken by the Company during the first half of 2020 as explained in note 22.


(i) As part of its strategy to enhance liquidity during 2020 and to meet its cash operating commitments, the Company made a reclassification of USD 67,179 from financial investments to cash and cash equivalents.


28 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(b)Changes in operating assets and liabilities


   Three-month period ended   Nine-month period ended 
   2020   2019   2020   2019 
Decrease (increase) in assets                    
Trade accounts receivables (i)   (57,674)   12,285    (35,394)   16,835 
Inventory (ii)   (20,308)   11,305    45,239    (41,450)
Other assets (iii)   5,516    36,153    (1,681)   (50,105)
Increase (decrease) in liabilities                    
Trade payables (iv)   67,359    7,782    (6,159)   (34,484)
Confirming payables (v)   38,597    12,899    12,969    8,357 
Contractual liabilities   (3,893)   (5,002)   (19,490)   (17,660)
Other liabilities (vi)   22,477    12,222    7,601    32,236 
    52,074    87,644    3,085    (86,271)


(i) Changes in trade accounts receivable in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, are mainly due to the lower revenues as explained in note 4.


(ii) Changes in inventories in the nine-month period, are mainly due to lower purchases of raw materials, mainly for the Company’s smelter segment that uses zinc concentrate in its operations, and also to the decrease in mining production in Peru and smelting production in Peru and Brazil.


(iii) Changes in other assets in the nine-month period, are mainly due to the variation of derivative financial instruments, refer to note 15 for additional information.


(iv) Changes in trade payables in the nine-month period, are mainly due to lower contracted services and reduced purchases from suppliers as explained in note 5.


(v) Changes in confirming payables in the nine-month period, are due to reverse factoring transactions in Cajamarquilla, mainly due to new operations carried out with additional suppliers since July 2020.


(vi) Changes in other liabilities in the nine-month period, are mainly due to the increase of the income tax payable in Nexa Peru and Nexa CJM.


(c)  Non-cash transactions


During the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, the Company had additions related to asset retirement obligations in the amount of USD 6,722 (September 30,2019: USD 7,215); additions to right-of-use assets in the amount of USD 5,339 (September 30,2019: USD 3,517); liabilities to increase property, plant and equipment in the amount of USD 7,511; and, a liability with a related party arising from the Pollarix’s capital reduction, as explained in note 1 (k), in the amount of USD 11,228.


14Financial investments




   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Investment fund quotas   27,711    28,126 
Bank certificates of deposit   2,724    25,540 
Other   -    5,109 
    30,435    58,775 


The decrease in financial investments, as of September 30, 2020, is mainly related to the reclassification of funds to cash and cash equivalents as explained in note 13.


29 of 44





Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



15Derivative financial instruments


(a)Fair value by strategy


       September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Strategy  Per Unit   Notional   Fair value   Notional   Fair value 
Mismatches of quotational periods                    
Zinc forward   ton    234,423    2,530    258,220    (713)
              2,530         (713)
Sales of zinc at a fixed price                         
Zinc forward   ton    22,649    2,398    15,252    (1,043)
              2,398         (1,043)
Interest rate risk                         
LIBOR vs. CDI (i) (ii)   USD    -    -    90,000    (1,413)
IPCA vs. CDI   BRL    226,880    1,261    226,880    1,482 
              1,261         69 
Foreign exchange risk                         
BRL vs. USD (i)   BRL    477,000    (12,657)   -    - 
Collars USD vs. BRL (ii)   BRL    -    -    653,148    (607)
              (12,657)        (607)
              (6,468)        (2,294)
Current assets             17,762         4,835 
Non-current assets             13,609         14,689 
Current liabilities             (6,948)        (8,276)
Non-current liabilities             (30,891)        (13,542)


(i) Related to derivative financial instruments entered into at the same time of certain debt contracts in order to manage some of the risks of such debt contracts. Refer to note 22 (c) for additional information.


(ii) On July 02, 2020, the Company unwound the related derivative financial instruments. For additional information refer to note 1(m).


(b)Changes in fair value in the nine-month period ended


Strategy  Inventory   Cost of

Other income
and expenses,

Mismatches of quotational periods   338    (4,682)   2,978    (1,740)   -    (760)   (7,108)
Sales of zinc at a fixed price   -    -    -    (1,331)   -    -    (4,771)
Interest rate risk – LIBOR vs. CDI (i)   -    -    -    -    16,982    -    15,568 
Interest rate risk – IPCA vs. CDI   -    -    -    -    211    -    432 
Foreign exchange risk - BRL vs USD (i)   -    -    -    -    (12,657)   -    - 
Foreign exchange risk
– Collars USD vs. BRL (ii)
   -    -    -    -    (18,067)   -    (18,675)
    338    (4,682)   2,978    (3,071)   (13,531)   (760)   (14,554)


(i) Related to the changes in fair value of certain derivative financial instruments entered into at the same time of certain debt contracts in order to manage some of the risks of such debt contracts. Refer to note 22 (c) for additional information.


(ii) Related to zero cost collars entered into to manage foreign currency risk on the Aripuanã project capital expenditures, that were unwound on July 02, 2020, as described in note 1 (m) and 15 (a) above. Losses were driven by the devaluation of the BRL against USD during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020.


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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



16Trade accounts receivables




   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Trade accounts receivables   183,507    175,948 
Related parties   2,043    3,620 
Impairment of trade accounts receivables (i)   (3,275)   (2,337)
    182,275    177,231 


(i) The COVID-19 global outbreak could have changed the risk profile of the Company’s customers, especially those clients that might have transactions, or are located in areas, which are affected, or are more prone to be economically affected. As such risks increase, the Company expects an increase in impairment losses on trade accounts receivables. As of September 30, 2020, the Company has taken an impairment, related to COVID-19, of USD 599 in order to reflect the actual economic scenario and the deterioration in the risk profile of the Company´s clients.


(b)Analysis by currency


   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Brazilian Real   36,599    26,817 
US Dollar   144,639    149,348 
Other   1,037    1,066 
    182,275    177,231 


(c)Aging of trade accounts receivables


   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Current   177,281    150,134 
Up to 3 months past due   5,404    26,810 
From 3 to 6 months past due   229    135 
Over 6 months past due   2,636    2,489 
    185,550    179,568 
Impairment   (3,275)   (2,337)
    182,275    177,231 






   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Finished products (i)   86,719    106,595 
Semi-finished products (i)   44,099    89,239 
Raw materials (i)   43,194    50,848 
Auxiliary materials and consumables   67,115    76,974 
Inventory provisions (ii)   (27,839)   (28,398)
    213,288    295,258 


(i) The decrease in inventories, as of September 30, 2020, is mainly due to lower purchases of raw materials, mainly for the Company smelter segment that uses zinc concentrate in its operations, and also to the decrease in mining production in Peru and smelting production in Peru and Brazil.


(ii) As a result of the lower metal prices in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, a provision to reduce inventory costs to net realizable value in the amount of USD 2,934 has been recognized in cost of sales. Any additional economic downturn associated with the COVID-19 global outbreak might impact the Company’s capacity to sell its inventories as global demand for its products decreases. As a result, an additional provision for non-realizable inventories might be required in the future.


31 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



Due to lower mining production and smelting production in Peru because of the Peruvian government’s mandates in response to the COVID-19 outbreak (as explained in Note 1) and also due to the 40% reduction in production at Juiz de Fora smelting unit in Brazil, in May and June, because of the anticipated lower market demand also associated with COVID-19, the Company recognized USD 73,930 in cost of sales related to abnormal production costs for the nine-month period ended on September 30, 2020. Idle capacity used to determine the abnormal cost of production was calculated using the historical production data of the actual production during the period this idle capacity was estimated. Since August, the Company determined that there was no longer need to recognize any abnormal production costs since the operating units were returning to their projected production.


18Other assets


   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Recoverable income tax   46,514    44,513 
Other recoverable taxes (i)   119,667    157,008 
Advances to third parties   15,051    19,942 
Prepaid expenses   9,685    11,678 
Judicial deposits   4,929    7,281 
Other assets   46,684    46,033 
    242,530    286,455 
Current assets   118,190    140,984 
Non-current assets   124,340    145,471 


(i) The decrease in other recoverable taxes is mainly related to certain tax strategies adopted by the Company to offset tax credits, mainly related to payroll taxes.


32 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




19Property, plant and equipment


(a)Changes in the nine-month period ended


   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 
   Dam and
   Assets and
   Other   Total   Total 
At December 31                                        
Cost   1,027,045    2,399,957    535,092    201,892    261,117    45,035    4,470,138    4,179,485 
Accumulated depreciation   (488,386)   (1,647,403)   -    (97,233)   (93,009)   (21,417)   (2,347,448)   (2,211,034)
Net balance at the beginning of the period   538,659    752,554    535,092    104,659    168,108    23,618    2,122,690    1,968,451 
Additions (i)   -    4,166    234,275    -    -    1,371    239,812    263,958 
Disposals and write-off   -    (688)   (1,384)   -    -    (21)   (2,093)   (4,757)
Depreciation   (37,302)   (83,124)   -    (4,679)   (618)   (943)   (126,666)   (149,177)
Impairment of non-current assets (ii)   (30,565)   (22,431)   (65,934)   (12,097)   (6,438)   -    (137,465)   (42,683)
Foreign exchange effects   (79,300)   (104,078)   (120,218)   (15,094)   (437)   (4,509)   (323,636)   (71,345)
Transfers - note 20 (a)   40,645    53,087    (96,313)   -    10    1,770    (801)   (4,009)
Reclassification - note 21 (a)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (2,278)
Remeasurement of asset retirement obligations   -    -    -    (6,722)   -    -    (6,722)   (7,215)
Balance at the end of the period   432,137    599,486    485,518    66,067    160,625    21,286    1,765,119    1,950,945 
Cost   918,137    2,246,041    485,518    172,168    264,804    37,541    4,124,209    4,310,179 
Accumulated depreciation   (486,000)   (1,646,555)   -    (106,101)   (104,179)   (16,255)   (2,359,090)   (2,359,234)
Balance at the end of the period   432,137    599,486    485,518    66,067    160,625    21,286    1,765,119    1,950,945 
Average annual depreciation rates %   4    7    -    5    8    -           


(i) Additions include capitalized borrowing costs on assets and projects under construction in the amount of USD 743 for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020 (September 30, 2019 – USD 6,306).


(ii) Impairment loss of USD 137,465 is mainly comprised of impairment of non-current assets in the amount of USD 90,780 (note 25) and impairment of assets and projects under construction in the amount of USD 47,295 (note 19 (b)).


33 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




(b)Impairment of Jarosite project


The Company has reviewed its portfolio of assets and projects under construction and concluded that there are impairment indicators for its projects. Execution of the Jarosite project is suspended and with ongoing studies to conclude its economical and operational viability. The Company used the fair value method to test the Jarosite project for impairment and recorded a further impairment loss in the amount of USD 7,313 for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020, accumulating USD 45,220 for the nine-month period. Expenses related to the project after the aforementioned impairment will be registered as impairment loss in the income statement.


For the impairment calculation, the Company has analyzed each component of the project and classified them as saleable, scrap, or labor expenses directly attributable to the project. Saleable and scrap were evaluated in accordance with the Company’s historical recoverability on sale of assets in accordance with each category, and capitalized labor expenses were written off entirely.


(c)Capital Commitments - Aripuanã Project


At September 30, 2020, the Company had contracted USD 106,888 (USD 211,259 in December 31, 2019) of capital expenditures related to the Aripuanã project for the purchase of property, plant and equipment that have not been incurred yet. The decrease of capital commitments is mainly related to the devaluation of the BRL against USD during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, commitments that were agreed in December and were performed during the nine-month period ended, and the reschedule of the project’s operations to January 2022.


20Intangible assets


(a)Changes in the nine-month period ended


       September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 
   Goodwill   Rights to use
   Other   Total   Total 
At December 31                    
Cost   674,645    1,569,505    59,408    2,303,558    2,401,298 
Accumulated amortization   -    (725,712)   (39,320)   (765,032)   (658,837)
Net balance at the beginning of the period   674,645    843,793    20,088    1,538,526    1,742,461 
Disposals   -    -    -    -    (378)
Amortization   -    (42,816)   (1,978)   (44,794)   (86,500)
Transfers - note 19 (a)   -    -    801    801    4,009 
Impairment of non-current assets - note 25   (267,342)   (144,908)   -    (412,250)   (99,450)
Foreign exchange effects   (1,105)   (3,645)   (4,394)   (9,144)   (2,399)
Balance at the end of the period   406,198    652,424    14,517    1,073,139    1,557,743 
Cost   406,198    1,419,722    43,820    1,869,740    2,399,825 
Accumulated amortization   -    (767,298)   (29,303)   (796,601)   (842,082)
Net balance at the end of the period   406,198    652,424    14,517    1,073,139    1,557,743 
Average annual amortization rates %   -    6    -           


34 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




21Right-of-use assets and lease liabilities


(a)Right-of-use assets - Changes in the nine-month period ended


           September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 

Lands and


   IT equipment   Vehicles   Total   Total 
At December 31                        
    Cost   6,836    10,280    5,846    22,810    45,772    41,521 
    Accumulated amortization   (1,569)   (2,878)   (3,675)   (8,103)   (16,225)   - 
Net balance at the beginning of the period   5,267    7,402    2,171    14,707    29,547    41,521 
New contracts   329    995    -    4,015    5,339    3,517 
Amortization   (1,212)   (2,187)   (1,733)   (4,492)   (9,624)   (12,245)
Reclassification - note 19 (a)   -    -    -    -    -    2,278 
Foreign exchange effects   (847)   (1,390)   -    (2,828)   (5,065)   (2,803)
Balance at the end of the period   3,537    4,820    438    11,402    20,197    32,268 
    Cost   7,165    11,275    5,847    26,825    51,112    47,316 
    Accumulated amortization   (3,628)   (6,455)   (5,409)   (15,423)   (30,915)   (15,048)
Net balance at the end of the period   3,537    4,820    438    11,402    20,197    32,268 
Average annual amortization rates %   25    34    63    39           


(b)Lease liabilities - Changes in the nine-month period ended


   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 
At December 31   34,384    41,450 
New contracts   5,339    3,517 
Payments of lease liabilities   (6,790)   (11,849)
Interest paid on lease liabilities   (1,164)   (687)
Interest accrued - note 8   1,439    3,143 
Reclassification   -    3,088 
Foreign exchange effects   (6,540)   (1,583)
Net balance at the end of the period   26,668    37,079 
Current liabilities   15,555    17,119 
Non-current liabilities   11,113    19,960 


Leasing agreements were assessed by the Company to evaluate any COVID-19 impacts, and no material impacts in the measurement of the liabilities were identified for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020.


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Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




22Loans and financings




                  September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Type  Average interest rate  Current   Non-current   Total   Total 
Eurobonds - USD  Fixed + 5.73%   22,436    1,315,555    1,337,991    1,043,748 
Export credit notes  LIBOR + 1.54%
108.83% CDI
   88,064    171,440    259,504    97,378 
Term loans  LIBOR + 1.27%
Fixed + 8.49%
   24,887    169,208    194,095    197,926 
BNDES  TJPL + 2.82%
SELIC + 3.10%
TLP - IPCA + 5.22%
   5,972    63,168    69,140    95,295 
Debentures  107.50% CDI   4,764    4,756    9,520    20,265 
Other      9,548    41,477    51,025    53,945 
       155,671    1,765,604    1,921,275    1,508,557 
Current portion of long-term loans and financing (principal)   122,694                
Interest on loans and financings   32,977                


(b)Loans and financing transactions during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020


On February 24, 2020, the Company completed a tender offer to purchase for cash any and all of its outstanding 2023 Notes. Holders of the 2023 Notes tendered an aggregate principal amount of USD 214,530, or 62.55% of the outstanding principal amount as of the date of the offer. USD 128,470 of the 2023 Notes at a cost of 4.625% p.a. remain outstanding. In the transaction the Company also paid an amount of USD 14,481 related to the premium over the notes, which was recognized in the net financial results. Refer to note 8 for additional information on the effect on income statement.


On March 12, 2020, in order to enhance its short-term liquidity, Nexa Peru entered into a term loan with a global financial institution, in the principal amount of BRL 477,000 thousand (approximately USD 100,000) at a cost of 8.5% p.a., with a five-year maturity and an option to prepay before maturity. Simultaneously, the Company contracted a swap to exchange the interest rate to 2.45% p.a. as well as the currency of debt service repayments from BRL to USD. The Company accounted for the term loan under the fair value option to eliminate the accounting mismatch that would arise if amortized cost were used. The term loan is guaranteed by NEXA.


At the end of March 2020, in order to enhance its short-term liquidity in Brazil, the Company entered into four export credit note agreements in the total principal amount of BRL 1,247,000 thousand (approximately USD 250,000) at costs between 134.2% of CDI and CDI + 1.80% up to 4.20%, with maturity dates between 1 and 5 years. All these credit notes were obtained from global financial institutions and can be repaid before maturity.


On April 9, 2020, Nexa Brazil entered into an additional export credit note agreement in the total principal amount of BRL 230,000 thousand, representing USD 45,297 approximately, registered in the date of the received cash, at a cost of CDI + 3.90%, with a one-year maturity. The export credit note is guaranteed by NEXA.


On April 14, 2020, in order to enhance its short-term liquidity, the Company fully drew down its revolving credit facility in the amount of USD 300,000.


On June 15, 2020, the Company concluded a Bond Offering in the amount of USD 500,000, with a maturity date in January 2028 at an interest rate of 6.50% per year. The interest on the notes will be paid semi-annually commencing on January 18, 2021. The bonds are guaranteed by Nexa Brazil, Nexa Peru and Nexa Cajamarquilla. The funds of this new offering were used to prepay three outstanding debts, as follows:


36 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




a. Export Facility Agreement in the aggregate principal amount of USD 100,000 and USD 246 of accrued interest, on June 19, 2020;


b. Revolving Credit Facility in the aggregate principal amount of USD 300,000 and USD 1,348 of accrued interest, on June 23, 2020; and


c. Export Credit Note in Brazil in the aggregate principal amount of USD 91,308, USD 4,521 of accrued interest and USD 596 of penalty charge, on June 29, 2020.


(c)Changes in the nine-month period ended


   September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 
Balance at the beginning of the period   1,508,557    1,424,867 
New loans and financings   1,185,250    13,624 
Financing costs   (9,087)   (255)
Payments of loans and financings   (711,890)   (15,019)
Foreign exchange effects   (65,331)   (8,894)
Changes in the Company´s credit risk of the financial liability (i)   (10,691)   - 
Fair value of loans and financings (i)   4,457    - 
Reclassification   -    (3,088)
Interest accrual   79,828    55,402 
Premium paid on bonds repurchase - note 8   (14,481)   - 
Interest paid on loans and financings   (45,337)   (47,029)
Balance at the end of the period   1,921,275    1,419,608 


(i) Related to the changes in the fair value of two debt contracts for which the Company elected to apply the fair value option. The fair value option aims to eliminate the accounting mismatch that would arise if amortized cost were used since such debt contracts have derivative financial instruments contracted to economically modify certain terms of such debt contracts. In the accumulated period, the fair value of the relevant derivative financial instruments resulted in a gain in the total amount of USD 4,325. Therefore, in the nine-months, the net result between the debt contracts and the relevant derivative financial instruments was a loss of USD 132 (excluding the effect of changes in the Company´s credit risk of the financial liability in the amount of USD 10,691, included in other comprehensive income). Below is a summary of these two debt contracts terms:


a. Export Credit Note agreement in the principal amount of USD 90,000, at a cost of three-month Libor + 1.54% p.a., with a five-year maturity. Simultaneously, the Company contracted a swap to exchange the interest index to CDI + 1.30% p.a., as well as the currency of debt service repayments from USD to BRL. However, as mentioned in note 1 (m), this swap was unwound in July, but this debt will still be measured at fair value as initially defined.


b. Term loan in the principal amount of BRL 477,000 thousand (approximately USD 100,000) at a cost of 8.5% p.a., with a five-year maturity. Simultaneously, the Company contracted a swap to exchange the interest rate to 2.45% p.a. as well as the currency of debt service repayments from BRL to USD.


(d)Maturity profile


                           September 30, 2020 
   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025  

As from


Eurobonds - USD   14,748    7,164    -    124,229    -    -    1,191,851    1,337,992 
Export credit notes   1,507    86,505    43,271    -    83,466    44,755    -    259,504 
Term loans   639    44,241    40,354    20,340    314    88,207    -    194,095 
BNDES   1,640    7,084    11,009    11,009    10,718    9,849    17,831    69,140 
Debentures   -    4,763    4,757    -    -    -    -    9,520 
Other   4,343    9,652    9,446    8,243    7,736    7,736    3,868    51,024 
    22,877    159,409    108,837    163,821    102,234    150,547    1,213,550    1,921,275 


37 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




(e)Analysis by currency


           September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
   Current   Non-current   Total   Total 
USD   51,430    1,517,589    1,569,019    1,389,462 
BRL   103,810    245,762    349,572    119,095 
Other   431    2,253    2,684    - 
    155,671    1,765,604    1,921,275    1,508,557 


(f)Analysis by index


           September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
   Current   Non-current   Total   Total 
Fixed rate   27,336    1,407,262    1,434,598    1,044,564 
LIBOR   28,918    202,034    230,952    345,601 
TLP   4,808    33,658    38,466    53,712 
BNDES SELIC   730    18,424    19,154    25,970 
CDI   92,436    92,830    185,266    20,265 
TJLP   1,367    11,396    12,763    18,333 
Other   76    -    76    112 
    155,671    1,765,604    1,921,275    1,508,557 


(g)Guarantees and covenants


The Company has loans and financings that are subject to certain financial covenants at the consolidated level, such as: (i) leverage ratio; (ii) capitalization ratio; and (iii) debt service coverage ratio. When applicable, these compliance obligations are standardized for all debt agreements. No changes to the contractual guarantees occurred in the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020. Before the end of June 30, 2020, waiver agreements were concluded as explained below.


The financial covenants are measured annually and semiannually, as required by the debt contracts, and given the impact of the COVID-19 on the Company’s financial situation as of June 30, 2020, the Company obtained waivers in respect of its Leverage Ratio as of June 30, 2020 and as of December 31, 2020 and repaid certain of its debts with Leverage Ratio covenants. NEXA will not be required to measure its Leverage Ratio Covenant until June 30, 2021. These waivers were negotiated in anticipation of a possible breach of the Leverage Ratio at the end of June and December 2020, and the Company paid waiver fees in the amount of USD 2,234.


23Asset retirement and environmental obligations


(a)Changes in the nine-month period ended


       September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 
   Total   Total 
Balance at the beginning of the period   222,377    71,450    293,827    270,283 
Payments   (1,973)   (5,901)   (7,874)   (9,058)
Foreign exchange effect   (26,803)   (19,356)   (46,159)   (9,868)
Interest accrual   8,154    2,348    10,502    11,107 
Remeasurement discount rate (i)   (5,361)   (4,025)   (9,386)   (9,741)
Balance at the end of the period   196,394    44,516    240,910    252,723 
Current liabilities   20,599    10,696    31,295    19,114 
Non-current liabilities   175,795    33,820    209,615    233,609 


38 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




(i) As of September 30, 2020, the risk-free rate used for Peru was between 2.7% to 5.8% (December 31, 2019: 5.2% to 7.8%) and for Brazil was between 0.9% to 8.3% (December 31, 2019: 3.5% to 5.3%). As of September 30, 2019, the risk-free rate used for Peru was between 5.6% to 8.4% (December 31, 2018: 3.4% to 9.5%) and Brazil was between 2.9% to 5.4% (December 31, 2018: 3% to 5.4%).




(a)Changes in the nine-month period ended


               September 30, 2020   September 30, 2019 
   Tax   Labor (i)   Civil   Environmental (ii)   Total   Total 
Balance at the beginning of the period   7,748    13,779    1,061    3,483    26,071    30,641 
Additions (i)   673    10,100    13    4,375    15,161    9,233 
Reversals   (234)   (5,046)   -    (2,014)   (7,294)   (7,230)
Interest accrual   185    976    28    (197)   992    2,409 
Payments   (148)   (1,432)   (7)   -    (1,587)   (2,909)
Settlements with escrow deposits   -    (468)   -    -    (468)   - 
Foreign exchange effects   (1,817)   (3,945)   (299)   (637)   (6,698)   (1,087)
Adoption of IFRIC 23   -    -    -    -    -    (6,047)
Other   361    (293)   (61)   -    7    1,291 
Balance at the end of the period   6,768    13,671    735    5,010    26,184    26,301 


(i) The increase in additions of labor provisions is related to unfavorable rulings in certain labor lawsuits and administrative procedures for which the Company has updated its provision estimate. This increase was offset by foreign exchange effects and reversals that caused the balance to be at the same level of December 31, 2020.


(ii) The increase in environmental provisions, as of September 30, 2020, is mainly related to the assessment issued by the Peruvian environmental agency that proposed corrective measures on the Company’s mine operations in Peru, as well as further inquiries by said agency.


(b)Breakdown of legal claims provision


The provisions and the corresponding judicial deposits are as follows:


       September 30, 2020       December 31, 2019 
   Provisions   Carrying
   Provisions   Carrying
Tax   (1,467)   8,235    6,768    (2,449)   10,197    7,748 
Labor   (2,457)   16,128    13,671    (3,071)   16,850    13,779 
Civil   (648)   1,383    735    (832)   1,893    1,061 
Environmental   -    5,010    5,010    -    3,483    3,483 
    (4,572)   30,756    26,184    (6,352)   32,423    26,071 


The outstanding judicial deposits of the Company as of nine-month period ended September 30, 2020 are USD 4,929 (December 31, 2019: USD 7,281).


(c)Summary of contingent liabilities


The Company is part of other litigation involving a risk of possible loss, for which no provision is recognized, as detailed below:


39 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.  


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated




   September 30, 2020   December 31, 2019 
Tax   179,532    196,031 
Labor   32,488    39,918 
Civil   16,061    21,549 
Environmental (i)   79,339    112,920 
    307,420    370,418 


(i) The decrease in contingent liabilities on environmental liabilities is mainly driven by the BRL devaluation against USD during this period.


40 of 44




Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



25Impairment of non-current assets


According to NEXA’s polices, every year, the Company performs its annual impairment test on September 30 for the Cash Generating Units (“CGUs”) that have goodwill allocated and every quarter it performs an additional test if impairment indicators are identified for any of its CGUs.


On March 31, 2020, after having identified impairment indicators in the period and executed an impairment test, the Company recognized a total pre-tax impairment loss of USD 446,687 (after-tax USD 368,490) comprised of an impairment loss of USD 179,345 in its Cerro Pasco CGU and an impairment loss of USD 267,342 in its goodwill in Mining Peru (the lowest level within the Company at which the goodwill generated in the acquisition of Nexa Peru is monitored by the Company’s management). This impairment loss, at that time, arose mainly as a result of the decrease in short- and mid-term commodities prices, suspension of production, discontinued projects and increased operating costs. On March 31, 2020, in addition, an impairment loss of USD 37,907 was recognized in the Jarosite project described in note 19.


For the three month-period ended on September 30, 2020, the Company performed its annual impairment test for the CGUs to which goodwill has been previously allocated (Cerro de Pasco, Cerro Lindo and Cajamarquilla) and given that the Company assessed that there were new impairment indicators, as described below in the impairment analysis, that would require an additional impairment assessment of its non-current assets, the Company expanded the scope of this test to include all of NEXA’s CGUs.


After performing the test, the Company recognized an amount of pre-tax impairment loss of USD 56,343 (after-tax USD 42,561) in its Cerro Pasco CGU in the three-month period ended September 30, 2020. This impairment loss arose mainly as a result of a decrease in the market long term zinc price, which is assessed by the Company as part of the strategic planning process which is performed during the third quarter of every year as well as a result of the higher CAPEX to be invested in the Cerro de Pasco CGU. In addition, NEXA recognized an impairment loss of USD 7,313 in the Jarosite project as described in note 19, mainly for additional amounts to be paid to suppliers for services of engineering and construction provided; and, an amount of USD 2,075 in individual assets under construction.


In summary, for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2020, the Company has recognized a total impairment of USD 550,325, comprised by USD 267,342 in goodwill in Mining Peru, USD 235,687 in Cerro Pasco CGU, USD 45,220 in Jarosite Project and USD 2,075 in individual assets under construction.


The impairment loss represents the excess of the carrying amount of the assets over their respective fair values less costs of disposal (“FVLCD”).


Valuation methods and assumptions for recoverable amount based on FVLCD


FVLCD is an estimate of the price that the Company would receive to sell an asset, CGU or group of CGUs in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, less the cost of disposal. FVLCD is not an entity-specific measurement but is focused on market participants’ assumptions for a particular asset. FVLCD is estimated by the Company using discounted cash flows techniques and, although the Company considers observable inputs, a substantial portion of the assumptions used in the calculations are unobservable. These cash flows are classified as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy. No CGUs are currently assessed for impairment by reference to a recoverable amount based on FVLCD classified as level 1 or level 2.


41 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



Forecast assumptions


The cash flow forecasts are based on management’s best estimates of expected future revenues and costs, including the future cash costs of production, capital expenditure, and closure, restoration and environmental costs. The resulting estimates are based on detailed life of mine and long term production plans. When calculating FVLCD, these forecasts include anticipated expansions (greenfield projects), considering their evaluation and development stage.


The cash flow forecasts may include net cash flows expected to be realized from the extraction, processing and sale of material that does not currently qualify for inclusion in ore reserves. Such non-reserve material is only included when the Company has confidence it will be converted to reserves. This expectation is usually based on preliminary drilling and sampling of areas of mineralization that are contiguous with existing ore reserves, as well as on the historical internal conversion ratio. Typically, the additional evaluation required for conversion to reserves of such material has not yet been done because this would involve incurring evaluation costs earlier than is required for the efficient planning and operation of the producing mine.


For purposes of determining FVLCD from a market participant’s perspective, the cash flows incorporate management’s internal price forecasts. The internal price forecasts are developed using a robust model that incorporates market-based supply, demand and cost data. The internal price forecasts used for ore reserve estimation testing and the Company’s strategic planning are generally consistent with those used for the impairment testing.


Cost levels incorporated in the cash flow forecasts are based on the current life of mine plan and long term production plan for the CGU, which are based on detailed research, analysis and iterative modelling to optimize the level of return from investment, output and sequence of extraction. The mine plan takes into account all relevant characteristics of the orebody, including waste-to-ore ratios, ore grades, haul distances, chemical and metallurgical properties of the ore, process recoveries and capacities of processing equipment that can be used. The life of mine plan and long term production plans are, therefore, the basis for forecasting production output and production costs in each future year.


The discount rates applied to the future cash flow forecasts represent the Company’s estimate of the rate that a market participant would apply having regard to the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the future cash flow estimates have not been adjusted. The Company’s weighted average cost of capital is generally used for determining the discount rates, with appropriate adjustments for the risk profile of the countries in which the individual CGUs operate. With respect to the estimated future cash flows of capitalized exploration assets and development projects, the Company applies a price to net assets value ratio discount in order to reflect the inherent risk of such projects and that are neither adjusted in the discount rate nor in the future cash flows. The discount is based on the stage of the project and type of metal.


The cash flow forecasts were adjusted to reflect potential impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on the Company and the future projections and operational decisions of the management.


The process of estimating the recoverable amount involves the use of assumptions, projections for future cash flows and judgment. These calculations use cash flow projections, based on approved financial and operational budgets for a five-year period. After the five-year period, the cash flows are extended until the end of the useful life of mine or indefinitely for the smelters. The smelters’ cash flows do not use growth rates in the cash flow projections of the terminal value. Management’s assumptions and estimates of future cash flow used for the Company’s impairment testing of goodwill and non-financial assets are subject to risk and uncertainties, including metal prices and macroeconomic conditions, which are particularly volatile and partially or totally outside the Company’s control. Short-term prices estimated by the Company for 2020 and 2021 reflect the current environment and then, are subject to heightened uncertainty and variability which could significantly impact the valuation of the non-current assets in the future.


42 of 44



Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



Impairment analysis


During the third quarter of 2020, mainly because of the decline in long term zinc prices determined when the Company updated its long-term forecasting, as mentioned above, Aripuanã project costs re-baseline and some increased CAPEX expected for Cerro de Pasco CGU, the Company’s management considered that these indicators could have a material impact on the CGUs recoverable amount and therefore, an estimation of all CGUs recoverable amount was performed.


Below is a breakdown of the CGU’s carrying amount tested for impairment at September 30, 2020:


   Goodwill   Fair value of mining
assets (iv)
   Other net assets
carrying amount
   Total carrying
Cerro Lindo (i)   -    347,414    252,499    599,913 
Cerro Pasco (i)   -    158,793    72,872    231,665 
Goodwill   310,938    -    -    310,938 
Mining Peru (ii)   310,938    506,207    325,371    1,142,516 
Cajamarquilla   92,494    -    584,388    676,882 
Três Marias system (iii)   -    -    354,153    354,153 
Aripuanã   -    -    248,262    248,262 
Juiz de Fora   -    -    102,569    102,569 
    403,432    506,207    1,614,743    2,524,382 


(i) Includes exploration assets and development projects with capitalized mining rights and development costs allocated.


(ii) Represents the lowest level within the Company at which the goodwill generated in the acquisition of Nexa Peru is monitored.


(iii) Currently Três Marias smelter is integrated with the operations of Vazante and Morro Agudo and, therefore, are considered as a single CGU.


(iv) Corresponds to the fair value of the identifiable assets recorded at the date of acquisition of Nexa Peru in previous years, which is recorded at the consolidated level.


(a)Key assumptions used in impairment test


The recoverable amount for each CGU was determined based on FVLCD method, which was higher than the value in use.


The Company identified long term metal prices, discount rate and life of mine (“LOM”) as key assumptions for the recoverable amount determination, due to the material impact of such assumptions may cause on the recoverable value. These assumptions are summarized below:



September 30,


   September 30, 2019 
Long term Zinc (USD/t)   2,449    2,571 
Discount rate (Brazil)   7.82%    7.10% 
Discount rate (Peru)   7.22%    6.38% 
Brownfield projects - LOM (years)   from 5 to 17    from 8 to 13 
Greenfield projects - LOM (years)   from 12 to 18    from 12 to 24 


(b)Impairment loss test process


During the third quarter of 2020, following the determination of the recoverable amount of the CGUs, the Company compared the carrying amount of each CGU with its respective recoverable amount. At this step, the Company identified an additional impairment loss at the CGU Cerro Pasco in the amount of USD 56,343.




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Nexa Resources S.A.


Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements 


At and for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2020 

All amounts in thousands of US dollars, unless otherwise stated



(c)Impairment loss – Cerro Pasco


The additional economic impairment loss during the third quarter was identified at the CGU level and is not directly related to a single asset, the loss was allocated in a pro rata basis to the following assets:


(i)Cerro Pasco CGU


   Carrying amount
prior to
   Carrying amount
after impairment
Property, plant and equipment   146,240    (21,860)   124,379 
Intangible assets   230,675    (34,482)   196,193 
Other net assets   (145,249)   -    (145,249)
    231,665    (56,343)   175,323 


The Company performed a stress test on the key assumptions used for the calculation of the recoverable amount of the CGU Cerro Pasco and Mining Peru goodwill. A decrease of 5% in the long-term LME zinc price to USD 2,326 per ton compared to management´s estimation as at September 30, 2020 would have had resulted in the recognition of an impairment loss of USD 106,157 (or an additional impairment of USD 49,814). Also, an increase of 5% in discount rate compared to management´s estimation as at September 30, 2020 would have had resulted in an impairment loss of USD 65,505 (or an additional impairment of USD 9,162).


(d)Impairment results – Other CGUs


The impairment indicators identified, during the third quarter, led to a decrease in the recoverable amount of all the Company’s CGUs. However, the effects were less prominent than in the CGU Cerro Pasco and Mining Peru and no impairment loss were identified in other CGUs.


The Company also estimated the amount by which the value assigned to each of these key assumptions must change in order for the CGUs recoverable amount to be equal to their carrying amount:


    Excess over
    Decrease in Long term
Zinc (USD/t)
    Increase in WACC 
Cash generating unit   amount    Change    Price    Change    Rate 
Cerro Lindo   346,167    (47)%   1,298    65%   11.90%
Cajamarquilla   101,689    (4)%   2,354    11%   8.00%
Três Marias system   1,137,525    (38)%   1,518    284%   30.00%
Juiz de fora   589,646    (55)%   1,102    479%   45.30%
Aripuanã   412,143    (34)%   1,616    90%   14.90%
Goodwill - Mining Peru   35,229    (5)%   2,330    5%   7.60%


26Events after the reporting period


(a)BNDES disbursement


On October 26, 2020, after complying with all the established precedent conditions, the Company disbursed the first tranche of the Aripuanã Financing agreement signed with BNDES in the amount of approximately BRL 225,000 thousand (approximately USD 39,889) at a cost of TLP + 3.39%, with the maturity date in 2040.


*      *      *


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