EX-4.22 8 d853065dex422.htm EX-4.22 EX-4.22

Exhibit 4.22


Certain identified confidential information has been redacted from this exhibit because it is both (i) not material and (ii) would be competitively harmful if publicly disclosed.

Confidential portions of this Exhibit are designated by [*****].


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Contracting Company: PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A.    CNPJ: 08.561.701/0001-01
Contracted Company: COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA    CNPJ: 07.654.824/0001-24


Project Name: PagSeguro—Squad—Data Engineering



Contract No.: 2735/19



Service Agreement No.: 03

The present Service Agreement shall be governed by the aforementioned Service Rendering Agreement, signed between PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A. and COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA on July 15th, 2019.


The present Service Agreement provides for the allocation of a squad of professionals with profiles for software development, acting in agile dynamics, according to the work model used by PagSeguro. The professionals who make up Squad shall work with full-time dedication.

The detailed scope of the services, as well as the items outside the scope are described in the document TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL: PS-20190930-DATENG-v4.1 which, initialed between the Parties, becomes an indissociable Attachment to this Service Agreement.


a) [*****]



b) [*****] according to the ratecard below:




Additional Hour Value

Professional Profile












Warning not





10 p.m. to 6


Night Overtime

Senior Data Engineer

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Full Data Engineer

   3    DC    528    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
   4       704       [*****]            

100% of the Hour Value


Additional payments on the Hour Value

                  Warning not triggered    Overtime   


10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

   Night Overtime
                  [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]


[*****] Confidential information redacted

LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Premises and Requirements:

All premises and requirements are detailed in the TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL document: PS-20190930-DATENG-v4.1, already mentioned.

Service Rendering Location:

The activities shall be carried out from the Compasso Delivery Centers in Rio Grande do Sul and in specific situations and according to the need, also in person at the Customer’s headquarters.

Service Rendering Time:

Activities which are not specified as 24x7 shall be performed during business hours. Business hours are considered the period from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, GMT -3 (Brasília Time Zone) from Monday to Friday, except holidays.

All Compasso’s professionals strictly observe the CLT rules, especially with regard to the mandatory lunch break and limits on working hours.

Travel Expenses:

These are not included in the price, and must be reimbursed to Compasso upon presentation of an expense report, accompanied by a Debit Note and payment instructions, as long as previously informed and authorized by PagSeguro by email, under the terms and limitations of its current policies.

Travel expenses are understood as: transportation, food, insurance and accommodation, under the terms below


Travel Expense Policy

Daily Meals Southeast Region**

Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time Insurance –

In case of international travel Ground travel   
   Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt Intercity bus when applicable

Travel/Displacements during business hours

**If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.

Payment Terms:

➣ [*****] shall be issued until [*****], when applicable;

[*****] Confidential information redacted



LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


All NFs shall mature within [*****] from the date of issue;




Taxes are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), and COFINS (3%), for billing in Brazil;


Service invoices must be issued by the Contracted Party no later than the 12th of each month and shall be paid in the 30 ddl mode.



Compasso shall issue the Invoices from the unit executing the services, being able to use its branches



In the event of activities outside the contracted scope and not provided for in the extras described herein, they must be previously approved between the Customer and Compasso, and shall be the subject of a specific Service Agreement;



All operations related to this contracting shall be billed in national currency (BRL).



Unless previously notified as provided for in the agreement, at the end of the term, the services described herein are automatically renewed under the same conditions.



As provided for in the agreement, for each 12-month period the amounts presented herein shall be monetarily restated by the IPCA.

Other conditions:

The other terms and conditions provided for in the Service Rendering Agreement referenced hereinabove apply to the Services.

The following are an integral part of the present Service Agreement:


In the event of any divergence between the terms and conditions of this agreement and the proposals mentioned hereinabove, the provisions of this Service Agreement shall prevail.

Beginning of the Activities: 2 weeks after approval of the Commercial Proposal.

Term: 06 months

[*****] Confidential information redacted



LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Kind of Project: Dedicated SQUAD


In witness whereof, the Parties hereby sign the present SA, in two (02) counterparts of equal content form, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.


São Paulo, November 5th, 2019.




DocuSigned by:

/s/ Wagner Chagas Feder

By: Wagner Chagas Feder



DocuSigned by:

/s/ Artur Gaulke Schunck

By: Artur Gaulke Schunck




DocuSigned by:

/s/ Renato Bertozzo Duarte

By: Renato Bertozzo Duarte



DocuSigned by:

/s/ Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira

By: Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira




DocuSigned by:

1./s/ Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta

Name: Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta



DocuSigned by:

/s/ Isabel Macieira Sorio

Name: Isabel Macieira Sorio




LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs








DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19




PagSeguro—Squad—Data Engineering


November 1st, 2019


Proposal Number: PS-20190930-DATENG-v4



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Initial Considerations



The information contained in this document about products, services, images, graphic layouts and intellectual conception are the property of COMPASSO or its respective suppliers, its duplication being allowed only for the internal use of PagSeguro, and cannot be utilized as a source of information to third parties, as well as all information provided to COMPASSO should not be disclosed or used in other projects, except in the case of written authorization from both parties;


The content of this document includes ideas and material owned by COMPASSO, and must be used exclusively for the evaluation of the referred proposal;


This material cannot be accessed by people who are not directly connected to the customer and to the evaluation of the concerned proposal;


The same terms are also valid with respect to information obtained in meetings and documents received about the customer and utilized by COMPASSO to prepare this proposal;


No part of this document may be reproduced in other documents and/or presentations without the express written authorization by COMPASSO.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19






DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Squad Data Engineering Composition—SP and DC



The squad shall be allocated within a period of up to 2 weeks, after approval of the commercial proposal.



The chart below presents the Squad composition, considered as a monthly baseline:


Professional #


Professional’s Profile




   Senior Data Engineer—PF    Data extraction and intake based on Oracle Golden Gate, Kafka and AWS platforms


   Full Data Engineer—PF    Data extraction and intake based on Oracle Golden Gate, Kafka and AWS platforms



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19





The scope of this proposal provides for the allocation of a squad of professionals with profiles for software development and data analysis, acting in agile dynamics under PagSeguro management.


The professionals composing the squad shall work with exclusive dedication (full-time).


Team allocation is during business hours, from Monday to Friday, within the range from 9 am to 6 pm (except holidays);


The team allocated to this squad shall be working physically from Compasso’s Delivery Centers.


This team works with a weekly workload of 40 hours.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19



Below we present the commercial proposal based on the profiles mapped for the Data Engineering composition


Professional Profile




Gross monthly amount per profile

Senior Data Engineer—PF*

   1    [*****]

Full Data Engineer—PF*

   3    [*****]

Gross Monthly Amount

   4    [*****]




Values are presented in Brazilian Reais;


The levied are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), Cofins (3%);


The values above consider the allocation of this squad for a period of 6 months.


* working in Compasso’s Delivery Center

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19



Overtime DrillDown



  Additional Hour Value

Professional Profile

   Professional#    Base    Hours/Month    Value/hour   Monthly
  Warning not
  Overtime   Nighttime
10 p.m. to 6

Senior Data Engineer

   1    DC    176    [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]

Full Data Engineer

   3    DC    528    [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]
   4       704      [*****]        

% of the Hour Value

  Additional payments on the Hour Value
  Overtime   Nighttime

10 p.m. to
6 a.m.

                [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]



Calculation in the month after the execution of the service



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Travel Policy



Travel Expense Policy

Daily Meals Southeast Region



Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time

Insurance—In the case of International trips

Ground travel

Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt Intercity bus when applicable Travel/Displacements during business hours

**If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.



Calculation in the month after the trip



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party



Policy valid only for professionals based outside São Paulo/SP.

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Commercial Conditions



The billing referring to [*****] shall be made by the CNPJ of Compasso Tecnologia Ltda;



The billing shall be performed [*****];






The payment term shall be [*****] from the date of issue of the NFS;



Values for full-time allocation of professionals listed in this proposal, working during business hours. Additional hours are subject to the additions provided for in the CLT;



The values presented in this proposal are valid for a period of 12 months, and shall be adjusted annually based on the IPCA accumulated in the period;



Logistics expenses for the performance of Compasso professionals (allocated in Compasso’s Delivery Centers) at PagSeguro’s headquarters, shall be the customer’s responsibility and billed through Invoice issued by Compasso Tecnologia LTDA, following Compasso’s Expense policies;



PagSeguro shall not be charged for logistics expenses for professionals headquartered in São Paulo/SP;



The formalization shall be performed after the signature of a service agreement linked to the master agreement existing between the parties;



This proposal is valid for 30 days from its issuance date.

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19






LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Contracting Company: PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A.    CNPJ: 08.561.701/0001-01
Contracted Company: COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA    CNPJ: 07.654.824/0001-24


Project Name: PagSeguro—Squad—Merchant APP


Contract No.: 2735/19    Service Agreement No.: 04
The present Service Agreement shall be governed by the aforementioned Service Rendering Agreement, signed between PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A. and COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA on July 15th, 2019.


The present Service Agreement provides for the allocation of a squad of professionals with profiles for software development, acting in agile dynamics, according to the work model used by PagSeguro. The professionals who make up Squad shall work with full-time dedication.

The detailed scope of the services, as well as the items outside the scope are described in the document TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL: PS-20190930-MERAPP-v5 which, initialed between the Parties, becomes an indissociable Attachment to this Service Agreement.


a) [*****]



b) [*****] charged according to the ratecard below:



  Additional Hour Value


   Professional#    Base    Hours/Month    Value/hour   Monthly
  Warning not
  Overtime   Nighttime
10:00 p.m.
to 6 a.m.
  Night Overtime
Average Rate    3    DC    176    [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]
   3       176      [*****]        

% of the Hour Value


Additional payments on the Hour Value

  Overtime   Nighttime

p.m. to 6

                [*****]   [*****]   [*****]   [*****]

[*****] Confidential information redacted




DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Premises and Requirements:

All premises and requirements are detailed in the TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL document: PS-20190930-MERAPP-v5, already mentioned.

Service Rendering Location:

The activities shall be carried out from the Compasso Delivery Centers in Rio Grande do Sul and in specific situations and according to the need, also in person at the Customer’s headquarters.

Service Rendering Time:

Activities which are not specified as 24x7 shall be performed during business hours. Business hours are considered the period from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, GMT -3 (Brasília Time Zone) from Monday to Friday, except holidays.

All Compasso’s professionals strictly observe the CLT rules, especially with regard to the mandatory lunch break and limits on working hours.

Travel Expenses:

These are not included in the price, and must be reimbursed to Compasso upon presentation of an expense report, accompanied by a Debit Note and payment instructions, as long as previously informed and authorized by PagSeguro by email, under the terms and limitations of its current policies.

Travel expenses are understood as: transportation, food, insurance and accommodation, under the terms below


Travel Expense Policy

Daily Meals Southeast Region

Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time


Insurance—In the case of International trip

Ground travel

   Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt Intercity bus when applicable Travel/Displacements during business hours

**If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.

Payment Terms:

➣ [*****] shall be issued until [*****], when applicable;

➣ All NFs shall mature within [*****] from the date of issue;

[*****] Confidential information redacted

DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs




Taxes are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), and COFINS (3%), for billing in Brazil;


Service invoices must be issued by the Contracted Party no later than the 12th of each month and shall be paid in the 30 ddl mode.



Compasso shall issue the Invoices from the unit executing the services, being able to use its branches



In the event of activities outside the contracted scope and not provided for in the extras described herein, they must be previously approved between the Customer and Compasso, and shall be the subject of a specific Service Agreement;



All operations related to this contracting shall be billed in national currency (BRL).



Unless previously notified as provided for in the agreement, at the end of the term, the services described herein are automatically renewed under the same conditions.



As provided for in the agreement, for each 12-month period the amounts presented herein shall be monetarily restated by the IPCA.

Other conditions:

The other terms and conditions provided for in the Service Rendering Agreement referenced hereinabove apply to the Services.

The following are an integral part of the present Service Agreement:


In the event of any divergence between the terms and conditions of this agreement and the proposals mentioned hereinabove, the provisions of this Service Agreement shall prevail.

Beginning of the Activities: 2 weeks after approval of the Commercial Proposal.

Term: 06 months

DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Kind of Project: Dedicated SQUAD

In witness whereof, the Parties hereby sign the present SA, in two (02) counterparts of equal content form, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, December 3rd, 2019.




DocuSigned by:

/s/ Wagner Chagas Feder

By: Wagner Chagas Feder



DocuSigned by:

/s/ Artur Gaulke Schunck

By: Artur Gaulke Schunck




DocuSigned by:

/s/ Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira

By: Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira



DocuSigned by:

/s/ Renato Bertozzo Duarte

By: Renato Bertozzo Duarte




DocuSigned by:

1. ./s/ Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta

Name: Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta



DocuSigned by:

/s/ Isabel Macieira Sorio

Name: Isabel Macieira Sorio


DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs






DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19




PagSeguro—Squad—Merchant APP

November 14th, 2019

Proposal Number: PS-20190930-MERAPP-v5 (DC Compasso action)



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Initial Considerations



The information contained in this document about products, services, images, graphic layouts and intellectual conception are the property of COMPASSO or its respective suppliers, its duplication being allowed only for the internal use of PagSeguro, and cannot be utilized as a source of information to third parties, as well as all information provided to COMPASSO should not be disclosed or used in other projects, except in the case of written authorization from both parties;



The content of this document includes ideas and material owned by COMPASSO, and must be used exclusively for the evaluation of the referred proposal;



This material cannot be accessed by people who are not directly connected the customer and to the evaluation of the concerned proposal;



The same terms are also valid with respect to information obtained in meetings and documents received about the customer and utilized by COMPASSO to prepare this proposal;



No part of this document may be reproduced in other documents and/or presentations without the express written authorization by COMPASSO.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19






DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19





The scope of this proposal provides for the allocation of a squad of professionals with profiles for software development and data analysis, acting in agile dynamics, according to the work model utilized by PagSeguro.



This professional squad shall work in the development of data solutions, in the Analytics area of PagSeguro.



The professionals composing the squad shall work with exclusive dedication (full-time).



Team allocation is during business hours, from Monday to Friday, within the range from 7 am to 7 pm (except holidays);



The team allocated to this squad shall be working physically from Compasso’s Delivery Centers, in Passo Fundo/RS;



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Squad Merchants APP Composition



The squad shall be allocated within a period of up to 2 weeks, after approval of the commercial proposal.



The chart below presents the Squad composition, considered as a monthly baseline:


Professional #


Professional’s Profile




   Data Architect Specialist    Analytical Data Modeling, ETL process specification and Data Warehouse


   Senior Data Engineer    Data Exploration and Transformation


   Full Data Engineer    Data Exploration and Transformation



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19






DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19



Below we present the commercial proposal based on the profiles mapped for the Squad Merchant APP composition


Within this composition, the average man value is [*****].




Values are presented in Brazilian Reals;



The levied are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), Cofins (3%);



The values above consider the allocation of this squad for a period of 6 months.

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19



Overtime DrillDown




Additional Hour Value













Warning not





10 p.m. to
6 a.m.



Average Rate

   3    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
   3       176       [*****]            


% of the
Hour Value


Additional payments on the Hour Value


Warning not





10 p.m. to
6 a.m.



                  [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]



Calculation in the month after the execution of the service



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Travel Policy



Travel Expense Policy


Daily Meals Southeast Region                                     [*****]

Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time

Insurance—In the case of International trip

Ground travel

Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt Intercity bus when applicable Travel/Displacements during business hours

**If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.




Calculation in the month after the trip



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party



Allocation of professionals involving travel expenses shall always have prior alignment by email authorizing the movement and acknowledging the associated expenses

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19


Commercial Conditions



The billing referring to [*****] shall be made by the CNPJ of Compasso Tecnologia Ltda;



The billing shall be performed [*****];






The payment term shall be [*****] from the date of issue of the NFS;



Values for full-time allocation of professionals listed in this proposal, working during business hours. Additional hours are subject to the additions provided for in the CLT;



The values presented in this proposal are valid for a period of 12 months, and shall be adjusted annually based on the IPCA accumulated in the period;



Logistics expenses for the performance of Compasso professionals (allocated in Compasso’s Delivery Centers) at PagSeguro’s headquarters, shall be the customer’s responsibility and billed through a Debit Note issued by Compasso Tecnologia LTDA, following Compasso’s Expense policies;



The formalization shall be performed after the signature of a service agreement linked to the master agreement existing between the parties;



This proposal is valid for 30 days from its issuance date.

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: 9504C02B-A17A-462E-B435-41DF40CD2C19






LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Contracting Company: PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A.            CNPJ: 08.561.701/0001-01
Contracted Company: COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA            CNPJ: 07.654.824/0001-24

Project Name: PagSeguro—Squad 1—Financial Conciliation System

Contract No.: 2735

1st Amendment

The present Service Agreement shall be governed by the aforementioned Service Rendering Agreement, signed between PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A. and COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA on July 15th, 2019.

The present document aims to add the Service Agreement 01 signed on August 13th, 2019, expanding the capacity of Squad through the addition of the TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Increment Squad 01—Financial Conciliation System PS 20191126-SYSADMIN_v2.

The writing of the consolidated AS_01 becomes:

Scope: The present Service Agreement provides for the allocation of a squad of professionals with profiles for software development, acting in agile dynamics, according to the work model used by PagSeguro.

The detailed scope of the services, as well as the items outside the scope are described in the documents i) TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Squad 1—Financial Conciliation System PS-20190725- 10_v2; and ii) TECHNICAL / COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Increment Squad 01—Financial Conciliation System PS 20191126-SYSADMIN_v2 that initialed between the parties become indissoluble Attachments to this Service Agreement.


a) [*****]




b) [*****] according to the ratecard below:




Additional Hour Value













Warning not





10:00 p.m.
to 6 a.m.



Senior Data Engineer

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Senior DevOps Analyst

   2    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Senior Backend Dev

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Full Backend Dev

   2    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Senior Automation Tester

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
   7       1232       [*****]            

[*****] Confidential information redacted




DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


% of the Hour Value


Additional payments on the Hour Value

Warning not triggered




Nighttime 10:00 p.m. to 6 a.m.


Night Overtime


   [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Assumptions and Requirements:

All assumptions and requirements are detailed in the documents TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Squad 1—Financial Conciliation System PS-20190725-10_v2 and TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Increment Squad 01—Financial Conciliation System PS 20191126- SYSADMIN_v2 already mentioned.

Service Rendering Location:

The activities shall be carried out from the Compasso Delivery Centers in Rio Grande do Sul and in specific situations and according to the need, also in person at the Customer’s headquarters.

Service Rendering Time:

Activities which are not specified as 24x7 shall be performed in business hours. Business hours are considered the period from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, GMT -3 (Time Zone Brasília).

Travel Expenses:

These are not included in the price, and must be reimbursed to Compasso upon presentation of an expense report, accompanied by a Debit Note and payment instructions, as long as previously informed and authorized by PagSeguro, under the terms and limitations of its current policies. Travel expenses are understood as: transportation, food, insurance and accommodation, under the terms below



Travel Expense Policy


Daily Meals Southeast Region**

Hotel—Executive 3-St ar Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time

Insurance—In the case of International trip Ground travel

          Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt
Intercity bus when applicable
   Travel/Displacements during business hours      



If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.

Payment Terms:



[*****] shall be issued until [*****], when applicable;



All NFs shall mature within [*****] from the date of issue;

[*****] Confidential information redacted

DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs





Taxes are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), and COFINS (3%), for billing in Brazil;



Service invoices must be issued by the Contracted Party no later than the 12th of each month and shall be paid in the 30 ddl mode.



Compasso shall issue the Invoices from the unit executing the services, being able to use its branches



In the event of activities outside the contracted scope and not provided for in the extras described herein, they must be previously approved between the Customer and Compasso, and shall be the subject of a specific Service Agreement;



All operations related to this contracting shall be billed in national currency (BRL).



Unless previously notified as provided for in the agreement, at the end of the term, the services described herein are automatically renewed under the same conditions.



As provided for in the agreement, for each 12-month period the amounts presented herein shall be monetarily restated by the IPCA.

Other conditions:

The other terms and conditions provided for in the Service Rendering Agreement referenced hereinabove apply to the Services.

The following are an integral part of the present Service Agreement:

Attachment I—TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Squad 1—Financial Conciliation System PS-20190725-10_v1 and TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Increment Squad 01—Financial Conciliation System PS 20191126- SYSADMIN_v2

Attachment II—The Contracting Party’s Information Security and Data Protection

In the event of any divergence between the terms and conditions of this agreement and the proposals mentioned hereinabove, the provisions of this Service Agreement shall prevail.

DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Beginning of the Activities: From the signature of the Amendment to the Service Agreement

Term: 12 months

Kind of Project: Dedicated SQUAD

In witness whereof, the Parties hereby sign the present SA, in two (02) counterparts of equal content form, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, December 4th, 2019.




DocuSigned by:     DocuSigned by:
/s/ Wagner Chagas Feder     /s/ Artur Gaulke Schunck

By: Wagner Chagas Feder

    By: Artur Gaulke Schunck
Position:           Position:    



DocuSigned by:     DocuSigned by:
/s/ Renato Bertozzo Duarte     /s/ Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira

By: Renato Bertozzo Duarte

    By: Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira
Position:           Position:    



DocuSigned by:     DocuSigned by:
1. /s/ Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta     /s/ Isabel Maceira Sorio

Name: Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta

    Name: Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira
CPF No:           CPF No::    

DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs



TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Squad 1—Financial Conciliation System

PS-20190725-10_v2 and TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL PagSeguro—Increment Squad 01—

Financial Conciliation System PS 20191126- SYSADMIN_v2


DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6




Increment AS 01—Financial Conciliation Squad

December 4th, 2019

Proposal Number: PS-20191126-SYSADMIN-V2



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


Initial Considerations



The information contained in this document about products, services, images, graphic layouts and intellectual conception are the property of COMPASSO or its respective suppliers, its duplication being allowed only for the internal use of PagSeguro, and cannot be utilized as a source of information to third parties, as well as all information provided to COMPASSO should not be disclosed or used in other projects, except in the case of written authorization from both parties;



The content of this document includes ideas and material owned by COMPASSO, and must be used exclusively for the evaluation of the referred proposal;



This material cannot be accessed by people who are not directly connected to the customer and to the evaluation of the concerned proposal;



The same terms are also valid with respect to information obtained in meetings and documents received about the customer and utilized by COMPASSO to prepare this proposal;



No part of this document may be reproduced in other documents and/or presentations without the express written authorization by COMPASSO.



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6






DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6





The scope of this proposal foresees the increase of professionals with profiles to act as SysAdmin, acting in agile dynamics under the management of PagSeguro in the Financial Conciliation squad.



The professionals who compose the Squad shall work with full-time dedication;



The team shall be allocated during business hours from Monday to Friday, within from 9 am to 6 pm (except holidays);



The team will act in person or remotely from Compasso’s Delivery Centers;



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6



Below we present the commercial proposal based on the profiles mapped to increase the Financial Conciliation squad


Professional Profile




Professional #


Gross monthly amount per profile

Senior DevOps Analyst

   Delivery Center    1    [*****]

Gross Monthly Amount

      2    [*****]



Values are presented in Brazilian Reais;



The levied are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), Cofins (3%);



The values above consider the allocation of this squad for a period of 6 months.



* action from Compasso’s Delivery Center

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6



Based on the increment of 1 professional with a Senior DevOps profile detailed on the previous slide, below is the new DrillDown Additional Hours for the Financial Conciliation squad




Additional Hour Value

Professional Profile


Professional #










Warning not





10:00 p.m.
to 6 a.m.



Senior Data Engineer

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Senior DevOps Analyst

   2    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Senior Backend Dev

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Full Backend Dev

   2    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]

Senior Automation Tester

   1    DC    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
   7       1232       [*****]            


% of the Hour


Additional payments on the Hour Value


Warning not





10:00 p.m.
to 6 a.m.



                  [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]



Calculation in the month after the execution of the service



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


Travel Policy



Travel Expense Policy

  Daily Meals Southeast Region                    [*****]   

Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time Insurance—In case of international travel Ground travel

         Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt
Intercity bus when applicable
  Travel/Displacements during business hours   
  **If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.   



Calculation in the month after the trip



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party



Allocation of professionals involving travel expenses shall always have prior alignment by email authorizing the movement and acknowledging the associated expenses

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6


Commercial Conditions



The billing referring to [*****] shall be made by the CNPJ of Compasso Tecnologia Ltda;



The billing shall be performed [*****];






The payment term shall be [*****] from the date of issue of the NFS;



Values for full-time allocation of professionals listed in this proposal, working during business hours. Additional hours are subject to the additions provided for in the CLT;



The values presented in this proposal are valid for a period of 12 months, and shall be adjusted annually based on the IPCA accumulated in the period;



Logistics expenses for the performance of Compasso professionals (allocated in Compasso’s Delivery Centers) at PagSeguro’s headquarters, shall be the customer’s responsibility and billed through Invoice issued by Compasso Tecnologia LTDA, following Compasso’s Expense policies;



PagSeguro shall not be charged for logistics expenses for professionals headquartered in São Paulo (SP);



The formalization shall be performed after the signature of a service agreement linked to the master agreement existing between the parties;



This proposal is valid for 30 days from its issuance date.

[*****] Confidential information redacted



DocuSign Envelope ID: ED8A317F-9A22-4B5B-B0ED-1A33B9C185F6






Conclusion Certificate

Envelope identification: ED8A317F9A224B5BB0ED1A33B9C185F6    Status: Concluded
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Status: Original    Holder: Isabela Retamero Paco    Location: DocuSign
01/15/2020 12:22:15 p.m.    [*****]   


Signatory Events





Aristides Tranquillini Neto       Submitted: 01/15/2020 12:24:29 p.m.
[*****]       Resent: 01/16/2020 03:29:54 a.m.
LAWYER       Viewed: 01/16/2020 03:51:54 a.m.
UNIVERSO ONLINE SA       Signed: 01/16/2020 03:54:28 a.m.
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Accepted: 01/15/2020 5:42:04 p.m.      
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Isabel Macieira Sorio    DocuSigned by:    Submitted: 01/16/2020 03:54:30 a.m.
[*****]       Viewed: 01/16/2020 04:02:40 a.m.
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   Adoption of signature: Pre-selected style   
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Accepted: 12/26/2018 09:01:03 a.m.      
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Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira    DocuSigned by:    Submitted: 01/16/2020 04:03:01 a.m.
[*****]       Viewed: 01/16/2020 05:38:03 a.m.
Products Director       Signed: 01/16/2020 05:38:26 a.m.
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   Using IP address: [*****]   


Signature and Electronic Registration Terms:

Accepted: 01/16/2020 05:38:03 a.m.      
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Renato Bertozzo Duarte    DocuSigned by:    Submitted: 01/16/2020 05:38:28 a.m.
[*****]       Viewed: 01/16/2020 11:51:11 a.m.
Legal Director       Signed: 01/16/2020 11:51:21 a.m.
Universo Online S.A.      
Security Level: Email address, Account authentication    Adoption of signature: Pre-selected style   
(None)    Using IP address: [*****]   
   Signed with the use of the cell phone   


Signature and Electronic Registration Terms:


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Signatory Events





Accepted: 01/16/2020 11:51:11 a.m.      
ID: [*****]      
Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta    DocuSigned by:    Submitted: 01/16/2020 11:51:23 a.m.
[*****]       Viewed: 01/16/2020 11:53:07 a.m.
Security Level: Email address, Account authentication (None)       Signed: 01/16/2020 11:53:58 a.m.
   Adoption of signature: Pre-selected style   
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Signature and Electronic Registration Terms:

Accepted: 01/16/2020 11:53:07 a.m.      
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Wagner Chagas Feder    DocuSigned by:    Submitted: 01/16/2020 11:54:01 a.m.
[*****]       Viewed: 01/16/2020 12:51:43 p.m.
Security Level: Email address, Account authentication (None)       Signed: 01/20/2020 04:33:25 a.m.
   Adoption of signature: Pre-selected style   
   Using IP address: [*****]   


Signature Terms and Electronic Registration:

Accepted: 01/16/2020 12:51:43 p.m.      
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Artur Gaulke Schunck    DocuSigned by:    Submitted: 01/20/2020 04:33:27 a.m.
[*****]       Viewed: 01/20/2020 05:00:58 a.m.
CFO       Signed: 01/20/2020 05:01:06 a.m.
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Payment events

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Signature and Electronic Registration Terms

Signature Terms and Electronic Registration created on: 02/07/2018 05:43:37

The parties hereby agree at: Aristides Tranquillini Neto, Isabel Macieira Sorio, Renato Bertozzo Duarte, Wagner Chagas Feder, Artur Gaulke Schunck


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Signature Terms and Electronic Registration created on: 12/27/2017 06:27:37 a.m.

The parties hereby agree at: Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira, Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta


Electronic Registration and Signature Disclosure

Periodically, UOL—UNIVERSO ONLINE S/A may be legally required to provide you with certain written notices or disclosures. The terms and conditions for providing you with such notices and disclosures electronically through the electronic signature system of DocuSign, Inc. (DocuSign). Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically satisfactorily and agree to these terms and conditions, please confirm your acceptance by clicking on the “I agree” button at the bottom of this document.

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Required hardware and software**:



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I am able to print or save or email this disclosure to a location where I can print it for future reference and access; and



Until or unless I notify UOL—UNIVERSO ONLINE S/A as described above, I consent to receiving exclusively in electronic form, all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acceptances and other documents which must be provided or made available to me by UOL—UNIVERSO ONLINE S/A during the course of my relationship with you.

LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Contracting Company: PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A.    CNPJ: 08.561.701/0001-01
Contracted Company: COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA    CNPJ: 07.654.824/0001-24

Project Name: PagSeguro—Data Specialists.


Contract No.: 2735/19    Service Agreement No.: 05

The present Service Agreement shall be governed by the aforementioned Service Rendering Agreement, signed between PAGSEGURO INTERNET S.A. and COMPASSO TECNOLOGIA LTDA on July 15th, 2019.


The present Service Agreement provides for the allocation of a squad of professionals with profiles for software development, acting in agile dynamics, according to the work model used by PagSeguro.

The team shall be composed of an SR data engineer working with exclusive dedication (full-time) and our Evangelist in Data Engineering part-time (50%).

The detailed scope of the services, as well as the items outside the scope are described in the document TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL: PS-20191016-DATSPC-v2 which, initialed between the Parties, becomes an indissociable Attachment to this Service Agreement.


a) [*****]




b) [*****] according to the ratecard below:





Additional Hour Value



Professional #















10 p.m. to
6 a.m.



Data & Analytics Specialist    0.5    SP    88    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
Senior Data Engineer    1    RS    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
   1.5       264       [*****]               


% of the
Hour Value


Additional payments on the Hour Value


not triggered





10 p.m. to
6 a.m.











[*****] Confidential information redacted




DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Premises and Requirements:

All premises and requirements are detailed in the TECHNICAL/COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL document: PS-20191016-DATSPC-v2, already mentioned.

Service Rendering Location:

The activities shall be carried out from the Compasso Delivery Centers in Rio Grande do Sul and in specific situations and according to the need, also in person at the Customer’s headquarters.

Service Rendering Time:

Activities which are not specified as 24x7 shall be performed during business hours. Business hours are considered the period from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, GMT -3 (Time Zone Brasília) from Monday to Friday, except holidays.

All Compasso’s professionals strictly observe the CLT rules, especially with regard to the mandatory lunch break and limits on working hours.

Travel Expenses:

These are not included in the price, and must be reimbursed to Compasso upon presentation of an expense report, accompanied by a Debit Note and payment instructions, as long as previously informed and authorized by PagSeguro by email, under the terms and limitations of its current policies.

Travel expenses are understood as: transportation, food, insurance and accommodation, under the terms below


Travel Expense Policy

Daily Meals Southeast Region

Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time

Insurance—In the case of International trip

Ground travel

   Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt Intercity bus when applicable Travel/Displacements during business hours

**If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.

[*****] Confidential information redacted

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LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Payment Terms:


[*****] shall be issued [*****], when applicable;


All NFs shall mature within [*****] from the date of issue;




Taxes are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), and COFINS (3%), for billing in Brazil;



Compasso shall issue the Invoices from the unit executing the services, being able to use its branches;



In the event of activities outside the contracted scope and not provided for in the extras described herein, they must be previously approved between the Customer and Compasso, and shall be the subject of a specific Service Agreement;



All operations related to this contracting shall be billed in national currency (BRL).



Unless previously notified as provided for in the agreement, at the end of the term, the services described herein are automatically renewed under the same conditions.



As provided for in the agreement, for each 12-month period the amounts presented herein shall be monetarily restated by the IPCA.

Other conditions:

The other terms and conditions provided for in the Service Rendering Agreement referenced hereinabove apply to the Services.

The following are an integral part of the present Service Agreement:


In the event of any divergence between the terms and conditions of this agreement and the proposals mentioned hereinabove, the provisions of this Service Agreement shall prevail.

Beginning of the Activities: 2 weeks after approval of the Commercial Proposal.

Term: 03 months

[*****] Confidential information redacted

DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs


Kind of Project: Dedicated SQUAD

In witness whereof, the Parties hereby sign the present SA, in two (02) counterparts of equal content form, in the presence of the undersigned witnesses.

São Paulo, January 09th, 2020.




DocuSigned by:     DocuSigned by:
/s/ Wagner Chagas Feder     /s/ Artur Gaulke Schunck

By: Wagner Chagas Feder

    By: Artur Gaulke Schunck
Position:           Position:    



DocuSigned by:     DocuSigned by:
/s/ Renato Bertozzo Duarte     /s/ Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira

By: Renato Bertozzo Duarte

    By: Cleyton de Almeida Ferreira
Position:           Position:    



DocuSigned by:     DocuSigned by:


  /s/ Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta    

/s/ Isabel Macieira Sorio


Carlos Guilherme de Almeida Idoeta


Isabel Macieira Sorio

CPF No:       CPF No:  

DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710


LOGO    Business Solutions for your Needs





DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710




PagSeguro—Data Specialists

November 18th, 2019

Proposal Number: PS-20191016-DATSPC-v2



DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710


Initial Considerations



The information contained in this document about products, services, images, graphic layouts and intellectual conception are the property of COMPASSO or its respective suppliers, its duplication being allowed only for the internal use of PagSeguro, and cannot be utilized as a source of information to third parties, as well as all information provided to COMPASSO should not be disclosed or used in other projects, except in the case of written authorization from both parties;



The content of this document includes ideas and material owned by COMPASSO, and must be used exclusively for the evaluation of the referred proposal;



This material cannot be accessed by people who are not directly connected to the customer and to the evaluation of the concerned proposal;



The same terms are also valid with respect to information obtained in meetings and documents received about the customer and utilized by COMPASSO to prepare this proposal;



No part of this document may be reproduced in other documents and/or presentations without the express written authorization by COMPASSO.



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DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710





This is a proposal with a defined scope and deadline, aiming to solve PagSeguro’s needs related to its Data Lake, through the definition of solution design and construction of models that present the practices to be followed by the engineering team. The scope of this proposal is limited to the themes described below;



The team shall be composed of an SR data engineer working with exclusive dedication (full-time) and our Evangelist in Data Engineering part-time (50%).



Team allocation is during business hours, from Monday to Friday, within the range from 7 am to 7 pm (except holidays);



The team allocated to this squad shall be working physically of the PagSeguro installations, in São Paulo/SP and part in Compasso’s Delivery Centers.



This team works with a weekly workload of 40 hours.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710



Theme #1—Data Files

Processing of data stream or batch sent in avro format to Kafka, for versioning, consolidation (merge), formatting (parquet) and partitioning of files in a specialized layer for data analysis in the cloud storage.




Removing the need to copy data to Redshift storage;



Making the data layer independent of search engines;



Implementation of a data life/cooling cycle to reduce costs.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710



Theme #2—Data Catalog

Creation of a centralized data catalog to be used as a metastore by the query engines (Presto, Hive, Spark SQL, Impala, Redshift Spectrum, Athena and etc.) which use the SQL language to query the data of the cloud storage.




Creation of a semantic layer to access data from cloud storage



Enabling data access administration through grants to cloud storage directories



DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710



Theme #3—Maintenance

Contingency flows, integrity assurance process and data consistency in the Data Lake analytical layer, processing buffers and log engineering (repository and availability for consultations).




Creation of mechanics for active monitoring—does not include the creation of all necessary alerts and dashboards;



Creation of fault tolerance mechanisms for the Kafka data capture process and availability for consumption.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710


Process and Deliverables



The purpose of this work is to develop an analytical data solution, based on a Data Lake that is:



Data Centric



Elastic, safe, reliable and with the best cost performance



Easy to add new data producers and consumers



The purpose of the specialists is to build the models of how each part should be implemented by the engineers;



The work of the specialists will follow the following steps:

1. Based on the themes defined herein, determine the product backlog;

2. Prioritize backlog items in 2-week sprints (in conjunction with PagSeguro PO)

3. In each sprint

a. Devise a solution for the need

b. Build a model for the solution

c. Define the set of use and development practices to be adopted by the engineers



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Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10


Week 11


Week 12

Theme 1


Theme 2


Theme 3

Evangelist   Technical monitoring   Technical monitoring   Technical monitoring
  Technical monitoring   Technical monitoring
Senior Data Engineer




Each theme will be divided into N sprints according to the schedule above. The definition of deliverables shall be defined in the planning for each sprint;



Before the beginning of each sprint the backlog can be altered or reprioritized;



The evangelist shall be dedicated to development during the sprints of the first theme, in the others he/she shall act as an advisor;



At the end of each sprint, one (or more) prototypes shall be delivered to be used as a model by the engineering team for the developments;



The operationalization of the development can be scaled up with the allocation of more data engineers.



DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710





All access necessary to perform the work from the PagSeguro office in São Paulo/SP, or from Compasso DCs, will be granted to the team members by PagSeguro itself;



The deliverables of this work are limited to solution drawings and model construction of the practices to be adopted. Therefore, some points of the solution shall be limited to only a few objects (e.g.: tables), requiring replication by the data engineering team;



We recommend that, during the execution of the sprints which compose the first theme, the Data Engineer part of this team is moved to the headquarters of PagSeguro.



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DocuSign Envelope ID: 52E7CF08-F373-4C73-9EF5-C00519B79710


Team Composition—Commercial Planning



The team shall be allocated within a period of up to 2 weeks, after approval of the commercial proposal.



The chart below presents its composition, considered as a monthly baseline:


Professional #


Professional’s Profile




   Data & Analytics Specialist    Understanding the needs related to the data life cycle and creating cloud engineering solutions (AWS) to meet these needs. Responsible for finding ways to overcome the challenges inherent in a Big Data context, ensuring reliability, security, performance and a manageable cost.


   Senior Data Engineer    Responsible for building the construction of what is designed by the Specialist.



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Below we present the commercial proposal based on the profiles mapped for the herein proposed team composition:


Professional Profile

   Professional #    Gross monthly
amount per profile

Data & Analytics Specialist

   0.5    [*****]

Senior Data Engineer*

   1    [*****]

Gross Monthly Amount

   1.5    [*****]




Values are presented in Brazilian Reais;



The levied are already included in the presented amounts, namely: ISSQN (2%), PIS (0.65%), Cofins (3%);



The values above consider the allocation of this team for a period of 3 months.



* working in Compasso’s Delivery Center

[*****] Confidential information redacted



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Overtime DrillDown




Additional Hour Value













Warning not





10 p.m. to
6 a.m.



Data & Analytics Specialist    0.5    SP    88    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
Senior Data Engineer    1    RS    176    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]
   1.5       264       [*****]            


% of the
Hour Value


Additional payments on the Hour Value


Warning not





10 p.m. to
6 a.m.



                  [*****]    [*****]    [*****]    [*****]



Calculation in the month after the execution of the service



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party

[*****] Confidential information redacted



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Travel Policy



Travel Expense Policy


Daily Meals Southeast Region     [*****]

Hotel—Executive 3-Star Category

Air—Cheapest ticket at the defined time

Insurance—In the case of International trip

Ground travel

Corporate Taxi/Uber fare upon receipt Intercity bus when applicable Travel/Displacements during business hours

**If there is an update to the food allowance item in the Travel Policy, it shall be communicated to the Customer by email and shall be subject to formalization through an amendment to the present Service Agreement.




Calculation in the month after the trip



Collection upon presentation of report and approval by the Contracting party

[*****] Confidential information redacted



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Commercial Conditions



The billing referring to [*****] shall be made by the CNPJ of Compasso Tecnologia Ltda;



The billing shall be performed [*****];






The payment term shall be [*****] from the date of issue of the NFS;



Values for full-time allocation of professionals listed in this proposal, working during business hours. Additional hours are subject to the additions provided for in the CLT;



The values presented in this proposal are valid for a period of 12 months, and shall be adjusted annually based on the IPCA accumulated in the period;



Logistics expenses for the performance of Compasso professionals (allocated in Compasso’s Delivery Centers) at PagSeguro’s headquarters, shall be the customer’s responsibility and billed through a Debit Note issued by Compasso Tecnologia LTDA, following Compasso’s Expense policies;



The formalization shall be performed after the signature of a service agreement linked to the master agreement existing between the parties;



This proposal is valid for 30 days from its issuance date.

[*****] Confidential information redacted



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