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Relevant event
Loma Negra Compañía Industrial Argentina Sociedad Anónima
Date: March 24, 2023
Marcos I. Gradin
Marcos I. Gradin |
Chief Financial Officer |
Cecilia Grierson 355 4° piso
(1107) – Cdad. Autónoma de Bs. As.
Tel +54 11 4319-3000
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1. |
Appointment of the persons in charge of subscribing the minute.
2. |
Consideration of the documents to which paragraph 1°) of Section 234 of the Argentine Corporations Act refers to, that correspond to the regular financial year No. 98 ended on December 31st, 2022.
3. |
Consideration of the positive unallocated earnings
of the year ended on December 31st, 2022 of the amount of ARS 1,938,676 (in thousands). Consideration of the proposal of the Board of Directors to allocate said sum to the "Optional Reserve for Future Dividends". Delegation of the
power to completely or partially use such reserve one or more times to the Board of Directors, depending on the evolution of the business and until the next shareholders' meeting at which the financial statements as of December
31st, 2023 are considered.
4. |
Consideration of the performance of the members of the Board of
Directors for the year ended December 31st, 2022.
5. |
Consideration of the performance of the members of the Supervisory
Committee for the year ended on December 31st, 2022.
6. |
Consideration of the remunerations to the Board of Directors
corresponding to the fiscal year that ended on December 31st, 2022 for $359,221,771.90 (total remunerations), in excess of $244,326,878.71 over the limit of FIVE PERCENT (5%) of the profits set by article 261 of Law No. 19,550 and
regulations, upon proposal of non-distribution of dividends.
Cecilia Grierson 355 4° piso
(1107) – Cdad. Autónoma de Bs. As.
Tel +54 11 4319-3000
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7. |
Consideration of the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory
Committee for the year ended on December 31st, 2022.
8. |
Setting the number of directors and appointment of full and alternate
members for year 2023. Approval of a policy aimed at maintaining a proportion of at least 20% independent members over the total number of members of the Board during the year in course.
9. |
Appointment of the full and alternate members of the Supervisory
Committee for year 2023.
10. |
Appointment of External Auditors and of the main partner and alternate partner of the respective accounting firm for the year of 2023.
11. |
Approval of the fees of the External Auditors for the year ended on
December 31st, 2022.
12. |
Consideration of the fees of the External Auditors for the year 2023.
13. |
Approval of the budget of the Audit Committee for 2023.
Cecilia Grierson 355 4° piso
(1107) – Cdad. Autónoma de Bs. As.
Tel +54 11 4319-3000
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14. |
Consideration of the voluntary reduction of the capital stock for a total amount of up to 12,543,339 ordinary shares and cancellation of the public offering regime of said shares. Consideration of the
amendment of the fifth article of the Bylaws. Consideration of the delegation of powers to the Board of Directors of the Company in relation to the capital reduction.
15. |
Consideration of the extension of the amount of the Global Program for the issuance of Negotiable Obligations authorized by the CNV through Resolution No. RESFC-2020-20695-APN-DIR#CNV dated May 7, 2020
of the CNV (the “Program”) of US$ 150,000,000 (one hundred and fifty million United States dollars) to a maximum amount in circulation at any time of up to US$ 500,000,000 (five hundred million United States dollars) or its equivalent
in other currencies, in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Negotiable Obligations No. 23,576, its amendments and supplements, and Title II of the CNV Rules (NT 2013 and amended). Consideration of the delegation of powers to
the Board of Directors of the Company in relation to the increase in the amount of the Program.
16. |
Granting of the relevant authorizations for the carrying out of
paperwork and to make the necessary filings.
Marcos I. Gradin
Investor Relations Officer