
ATS-N/UA: Filer Information

Filer CIK
Filer CCC
File No:
IntelligentCross, LLCis making this filing pursuant to the Rule 304 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Statement about the Form ATS-N Amendment pursuant to Instruction A.7 (g) of this form.
The purpose of the updating amendment is to update the ATS's fee schedule and remove references to one of the ATS's clearing firms, as the agreement between the parties has been terminated. The amendment makes changes to Part II, Items 6 and 7, and Part III, Items 19, and 22. The amendment applies to all Subscribers but does not apply to the broker-dealer operator because the broker-dealer operator does not trade on the platform. 
Is this a LIVE or TEST Filing? Radio button checked LIVE Radio button not checked TEST
Is this an electronic copy of an official filing submitted in paper format in connection with a hardship exemption? Checkbox not checked

Submission Contact Information

Phone Number
E-Mail Address

Notification Information

Notify via Filing Website only? Checkbox not checked

ATS-N/UA: Part I: Identifying Information

Identifying Information

1. Is the organization, association, Person, group of Persons, or system filing the Form ATS-N a broker-dealer registered with the Commission? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
2. Full name of registered broker-dealer of the NMS Stock ATS ("Broker-Dealer Operator") as stated on Form BD:


3. Full name(s) of NMS Stock ATS under which business is conducted, if different:

NMS Stock ATS Full Name Record: 1
IntelligentCross ATS 
4. Provide the SEC file number and CRD number of the Broker-Dealer Operator:

a. SEC File No.:


b. CRD No.:


5. Provide the full name of the national securities association of the Broker-Dealer Operator, the effective date of the Broker-Dealer Operator's membership with the national securities association, and Market Participant Identifier ("MPID") of the NMS Stock ATS:

a. National Securities Association:

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) 

b. Effective Date of Membership:


c. MPID of the NMS Stock ATS:


6. Provide, if any, the website URL of the NMS Stock ATS: 

7. Provide the primary, and if any, secondary, physical street address(es) of the NMS Stock ATS matching system:

Primary Address
Street 1
Street 2
755 Secaucus Road 
Secondary Address

8. Attach as Exhibit 1, the most recently filed or amended Schedule A of Form BD for the Broker-Dealer Operator disclosing information related to direct owners and executive officers.

Attach / Remove / View Exhibit 1

Checkbox not checked Select if, in lieu of filing, IntelligentCross, LLC  certifies that the information requested under this Exhibit is available at the website above and is accurate as of the date of this filing.

9. Attach as Exhibit 2, the most recently filed or amended Schedule B of Form BD for the Broker-Dealer Operator disclosing information related to indirect owners.

Attach / Remove / View Exhibit 2

Checkbox not checked Select if, in lieu of filing, IntelligentCross, LLC  certifies that the information requested under this Exhibit is available at the website above and is accurate as of the date of this filing.

10. For filings made pursuant to Rule 304(a)(2)(i)(A) through (D) (i.e., Form ATS-N Amendments), attach as Exhibit 3 a document marked to indicate changes to "yes" or "no" answers or additions to or deletions from any Item in Part I, II, and Part III, as applicable. Do not include in Exhibit 3 Items that are not changing.

Attach / Remove / View Exhibit 3

ATS-N/UA: Part II: Activities of the Broker-Dealer Operator and its Affiliates

Item 1: Broker-Dealer Operator Trading Activities on the ATS

a. Are business units of the Broker-Dealer Operator permitted to enter or direct the entry of orders and trading interest (e.g., quotes, conditional orders, or indications of interest) into the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
d. Can orders and trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS be routed to a Trading Center operated or controlled by the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 2: Affiliates Trading Activities on the ATS

a. Are Affiliates of the Broker-Dealer Operator permitted to enter or direct the entry of orders and trading interest into the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
d. Can orders and trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS be routed to a Trading Center operated or controlled by an Affiliate of the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 3: Order Interaction with Broker-Dealer Operator; Affiliates

a. Can any Subscriber opt out from interacting with orders and trading interest of the Broker-Dealer Operator in the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
b. Can any Subscriber opt out from interacting with the orders and trading interest of an Affiliate of the Broker-Dealer Operator in the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 4: Arrangements with Trading Centers

a. Are there any formal or informal arrangements (e.g., mutual, reciprocal, or preferential access arrangements) between the Broker-Dealer Operator and a Trading Center to access the NMS Stock ATS services (e.g., arrangements to effect transactions or to submit, disseminate, or display orders and trading interest in the ATS)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 5: Other Products and Services

a. Does the Broker-Dealer Operator offer Subscribers any products or services for the purpose of effecting transactions or submitting, disseminating, or displaying orders and trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS (e.g., algorithmic trading products that send orders to the ATS, order management or order execution systems, data feeds regarding orders and trading interest in, or executions occurring on, the ATS)? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, identify the products or services offered, provide a summary of the terms and conditions for use, and list here the applicable Item number in Part III of this form where the use of the product or service is explained. If there is no applicable Item in Part III, explain the use of the product or service with the ATS here.
The ATS offers a market data feed (the "IQX Data Feed") that disseminates all eligible orders that Subscribers submit to the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes (as defined in Part III, Item 7). The IQX Data Feed only displays orders that Subscribers choose to display ("Displayed Orders").

Orders eligible to be Displayed Orders are: (1) Limit Orders, including ALO Orders; and (2) Primary Peg Orders, including ALO Orders. For more information on Order Types in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes, please see Part III, Item 7. The ATS will display Limit Orders and Primary Peg Orders that are at the same price as contra-side interest that is displayed (1) inside the ATS or (2) as part of the National Best Bid or Offer ("NBBO") as determined by the SIP and/or SRO proprietary data feeds.

Subscribers and non-Subscribers can receive the IQX Data Feed ("IQX Data Feed Recipients"). Non-Subscribers that receive the IQX Data Feed include buy-side firms, banks, and National Securities Exchanges. The IQX Data Feed is provided to IQX Data Feed Recipients through Pico. The ATS does not charge IQX Data Feed Recipients for the receipt of the IQX Data Feed. Pico, however, charges a telecommunications/communications fee of $500 per month to receive the IQX Data Feed that IQX Data Feed Recipients are responsible for paying. Additional information regarding the IQX Data Feed can be found in response to Part III, Item 15. 
b. If yes to Item 5(a), are the terms and conditions of the services or products required to be identified in Item 5(a) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
c. Does any Affiliate of the Broker-Dealer Operator offer Subscribers, the Broker-Dealer Operator, or both, any products or services for the purpose of effecting transactions or submitting, disseminating, or displaying orders or trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 6: Activities of Service Providers

a. Does any employee of the Broker-Dealer Operator or its Affiliate that services both the operations of the NMS Stock ATS and any other business unit or any Affiliate of the Broker-Dealer Operator ("shared employee") have access to confidential trading information on the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, identify the business unit, Affiliate, or both that the shared employee services, and provide a summary of the role and responsibilities of the shared employee at the ATS and the business unit, Affiliate, or both that the shared employee services.
The parent and sole member of IntelligentCross, Imperative Execution Inc. ("Imperative Execution"), is in the business of developing and licensing the technology that underlies the ATS platform operated by IntelligentCross. Imperative Execution licenses such technology to IntelligentCross pursuant to an expense sharing agreement between IntelligentCross and Imperative Execution. There are certain employees of Imperative Execution ("Shared Employees") that are IntelligentCross registered persons with FINRA ("Registered Persons"). All Shared Employees have access to Subscriber confidential trading information, as the only business line of IntelligentCross is that of operating the ATS. Additionally, certain Shared Employees of Imperative Execution have access to confidential trading information of the ATS but only under the supervision of an IntelligentCross Registered Person. The Imperative Execution employees that have access to confidential trading information (as defined in Part II, Item 7.a) are in senior management or are engineers that are responsible for the maintenance of the technology that Imperative Execution licenses to IntelligentCross. Neither IntelligentCross or Imperative Execution operate any other regulated business activities (e.g., market making, or other financial services). 
b. Does any entity, other than the Broker-Dealer Operator, support the services or functionalities of the NMS Stock ATS ("service provider") that are required to be explained in Part III of this form? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, both identify the service provider and provide a summary of the role and responsibilities of the service provider in response to the applicable Item number in Part III of this form, as required. List the applicable Item number here. If there are services or functionalities that are not applicable to Part III, identify the service provider, the services and functionalities, and also provide a summary of the role and responsibilities of the service provider here.
The parent and sole member of IntelligentCross, Imperative Execution is in the business of developing and licensing the technology that underlies the ATS platform operated by IntelligentCross. Imperative Execution licenses such technology to IntelligentCross pursuant to an expense sharing agreement between IntelligentCross and Imperative Execution. Please see Part III, Item 11 for additional information regarding the functions of Imperative Execution.

Pico Quantitative Trading ("Pico") is the ATS's managed co-location and network provider. Pico provides networking services and on-site assistance in the data center where the ATS's equipment is hosted. All Subscribers must connect to Pico in order to establish connectivity with IntelligentCross. Further information on Pico is contained in Part III, Item 6.

Additionally, as referenced in Part III, Item 22, IntelligentCross has entered into clearing agreements with Instinet, LLC ("Clearing Firm"), which is a FINRA and NYSE member firm and a member of the National Securities Clearing Corporation, to provide for clearance and settlement of transactions executed on the ATS.

The ATS has contracted with several consultants ("Consultants"), including IntelligentCross's Chief Compliance Officer and Financial and Operations Principal ("FINOP") who are Registered Persons with the Broker-Dealer Operator and not employees of Imperative Execution or IntelligentCross. 
c. If yes to Item 6(b), does the service provider, or any of its Affiliates, use the NMS Stock ATS services? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, identify the service provider, or the Affiliate as applicable, and the ATS services that the service provider or its Affiliates use.
Instinet, LLC, is a subscriber to the ATS and provides clearance and settlement of transactions executed on the ATS. 
d. If yes to Item 6(c), are the services that the NMS Stock ATS offers and provides to the entity required to be identified in Item 6(c) the same for all Subscribers? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 7: Protection of Confidential Trading Information

a. Describe the written safeguards and written procedures to protect the confidential trading information of Subscribers to the NMS Stock ATS, including:

i. written standards controlling employees of the ATS that trade for employees' accounts; and

ii. written oversight procedures to ensure that the safeguards and procedures described above are implemented and followed.
IntelligentCross has implemented written safeguards and procedures designed to protect the confidential trading information of its Subscribers.

Access to Confidential Trading Information

Preliminarily, IntelligentCross notes that the operation of the ATS is the sole activity of the broker-dealer and IntelligentCross does not have any other business units. As such, all Shared Employees and Imperative Execution employees are responsible for the operation of the ATS or for the ATS's compliance with Reg. ATS or other applicable rules. Nevertheless, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 301(b)(10), a Series 24 registered supervisor of IntelligentCross ensures that the ATS restricts access to Subscriber confidential trading information, which includes Subscribers' real time and historical orders and executions ("Subscriber Confidential Trading Information"), to Shared Employees and Imperative Execution employees who are operating the ATS or responsible for its compliance with Reg. ATS or any other applicable rules. Determinations regarding granting access to Subscriber Confidential Trading Information are completed on a case-by-case basis. In making determinations, the ATS considers the function of the Shared Employees, Imperative Execution employees and the Consultants. and the type of Subscriber Confidential Trading Information being accessed. Individuals with access to Subscriber Confidential Trading Information are only authorized to use such information for its intended purpose and cannot disseminate or give such information to anyone not authorized to receive that information.

Those individuals responsible for the operation of the ATS have controlled access via unique login credentials to view a Subscriber's orders and trades in the ATS systems. If an order has been made available to IntelligentCross, it resides on the IntelligentCross server, but such data is only accessible by IntelligentCross operations personnel or Imperative Execution personnel as supervised by IntelligentCross Registered Persons. IntelligentCross requires such personnel to understand the authorized uses of such information and requires such personnel to acknowledge, in the form of an attestation, this understanding. Personnel undergo annual compliance training that includes materials related to protecting confidential trading information.

Requests for access to real-time Subscriber Confidential Trading Information must be approved by the CEO/COO of the ATS or their designee. The requests must be for individuals involved in the operation or compliance functions of the ATS. IntelligentCross conducts at least quarterly reviews of the individuals that have access to Subscriber Confidential Trading Information to ensure its continued compliance with Rule 301(b)(10). As part of the review, IntelligentCross confirms that individuals with access to Subscriber Confidential Trading Information continue to have a valid need to access such information.

IntelligentCross protects against unauthorized access to or use of Subscriber Confidential Trading Information by use of a password system. Login credentials and passwords are required to gain access to systems containing confidential trading information. Passwords are required to be changed periodically and are disabled for terminated individuals or those no longer requiring access. Because the ATS is the sole business unit of IntelligentCross, the ATS does not maintain physical separation barriers.

With respect to the ATS's service provider Pico, Pico employs a dedicated, segregated management environment to provide secure access for management of customer and customer facing systems. The environment is protected via a defense in-depth strategy, utilizing a combination of firewalls, network access controls, intrusion detection systems and 2-factor authentication. Customer systems and networks utilize access control lists enforcing the appropriate segmentation and prevention of unauthorized access or data exfiltration. Controls and their effectiveness are actively monitored by a dedicated information security group utilizing a Security Information Event Management system (SIEM), ensuring deviations or anomalies are detected, alerted and reported in a timely manner.

With respect to Instinet, the ATS's clearing provider, it is a broker dealer that is subject to the various rules and requirements that broker-dealers adhere to as part of their day-to-day operations. IntelligentCross has an agreement with Instinet that contains standard confidentiality provisions that further protect Subscriber Confidential Trading Information from potential misuse.

IntelligentCross is required to report transactions executed in the IntelligentCross ATS to the consolidated tape via a FINRA Trade Reporting Facility (TRF).

Personal Securities Transactions

IntelligentCross policies and procedures require pre-approval of personal securities transactions by Registered Persons of the ATS and require a 30-day holding period. The policies and procedures cover all securities transactions in outside brokerage accounts directed by employees, including but not limited to transactions in securities issued by a company (e.g. stocks, bonds), transactions in any reference securities (e.g. options, preferred stock, futures), and transactions in any packaged products including but not limited to mutual funds and exchange traded funds.

Registered Persons are not permitted to day trade in any securities. They must submit a request in writing or via email to the CCO and CEO prior to each personal securities transaction and must obtain approval from either the CCO or CEO prior to effecting a personal securities transaction. Associated Persons must submit a form or standard email request to the CCO and CEO that identifies:

Security Name & Symbol
Purchase or Sale
For Sales: Compliance with 30 Day Holding Period

Compliance personnel conduct periodic reviews of individuals brokerage accounts to ensure compliance with IntelligentCross policies and procedures regarding personal securities transactions. 
b. Can a Subscriber consent to the disclosure of its confidential trading information to any Person (not including those employees of the NMS Stock ATS who are operating the system or responsible for its compliance with applicable rules)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
d. Provide a summary of the roles and responsibilities of any Persons that have access to confidential trading information, the confidential trading information that is accessible by them, and the basis for the access.
The Shared Employees, certain Imperative Execution employees, the CCO, and the FINOP, and employees at Pico and Instinet have access to Subscriber Confidential Trading Information. Generally, Shared Employees and Imperative Execution employees have access to both real-time and historical order and trade information; however, certain individuals may be provided access to only historical order and trade information given their job function. For example, the CCO and FINOP who are Consultants do not have access to real-time Subscriber Confidential Trading Information. Shared Employees and Imperative Execution employees have access to Subscriber Confidential Trading Information to ensure proper operations and maintenance of the ATS. As a network provider, Pico will have access to confidential information because they monitor IntelligentCross's network and host IntelligentCross's equipment. As IntelligentCross's clearing service provider, Instinet will have access to Subscriber execution information but not order information. 

ATS-N/UA: Part III: Manner of Operations

Item 1: Types of ATS Subscribers

Select the type(s) of Subscribers that can use the NMS Stock ATS services: Checkbox not checked   Investment Companies  
Checkbox not checked   Retail Investors  
Checkbox not checked   Issuers  
Checkbox checked   Brokers  
Checkbox checked   NMS Stock ATSs  
Checkbox not checked   Asset Managers  
Checkbox checked   Principal Trading Firms  
Checkbox not checked   Hedge Funds  
Checkbox not checked   Market Makers  
Checkbox not checked   Banks  
Checkbox checked   Dealers  
Checkbox not checked   Other  

Item 2: Eligibility for ATS Services

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS require Subscribers to be registered broker-dealers? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
b. Are there any other conditions that the NMS Stock ATS requires a Person to satisfy before accessing the ATS services? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, list and provide a summary of the conditions.
The ATS allows as Subscribers those applicants who satisfy certain eligibility requirements. Specifically, Subscribers must meet the following requirements: 1. A broker-dealer registered with the SEC and a member of at least one SRO. 2. Pass Office of Foreign Asset Control ("OFAC") checks and pass disciplinary/regulatory reviews. The disciplinary/regulatory review will include reviewing public information to determine if the potential Subscriber has a disciplinary history that would preclude trading on the ATS. 3. Satisfy such technical or systems requirements as may be prescribed by IntelligentCross, including but not limited to: connectivity certification, the ability to send orders and cancellations, and to receive trades, cancellations, rejects and trade breaks from the ATS. 4. Have clearing and settlement systems and/or arrangements in place to support participation on the ATS, as described further in Part III, Item 22. 5. Attest to having in place arrangements to ensure all staff and systems involved in the conduct of business with IntelligentCross are suitable, adequately registered, as applicable, properly trained and supervised. 6. Execute the Subscriber Agreement. 7. Execute all other applicable agreements required to facilitate clearance, settlement, trade reporting, error correction and cancellation of trades effected on or through the ATS. IntelligentCross shall, after receiving a completed Subscriber application and any additional documentation requested, in its discretion, approve or reject such application, or approve such application subject to such conditions and/or restrictions as it considers appropriate (e.g., potentially limiting the number of orders a Subscriber may send). It processes all applications and completes its review and approval/denial process within thirty calendar days of reception of each completed Subscriber application. Each approval or denial must be authorized by the Chief Compliance Officer and communicated to the Head of Trading Operations. Trading Operations shall then promptly notify the applicant of the decision. IntelligentCross creates and maintains records of all such decisions granting access, denying access, and granting limited or restricted access, for each applicant, and the reasons for so doing. 
c. If yes to Item 2(b), are the conditions required to be identified in Item 2(b) the same for all Persons? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
d. Does the NMS Stock ATS require Subscribers to enter a written agreement to use the ATS services? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 3: Exclusion from ATS Services

a. Can the NMS Stock ATS exclude, in whole or in part, any Subscriber from the ATS services? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, list and provide a summary of the conditions for excluding, in whole or in part, a Subscriber from the ATS services.
A Subscriber can be excluded from the ATS if the Subscriber no longer satisfies the eligibility requirements for acceptance as a Subscriber. Additionally, the operation of the ATS is continuously monitored by the ATS's trading operations team ("Trading Operations") to ensure the smooth and correct functioning of the system as well as adherence to the ATS's operating procedures and the applicable securities rules and regulations. Authorized personnel can monitor order entry port status, order acknowledgement latency, market data quality, and potential trade-throughs, in addition to detailed metrics on order entry rates, open and executed exposures, and executed volumes. Authorized personnel monitor to determine whether Subscribers are sending orders in excess of 5,000 orders per second or a single order with notional value greater than $50,000,000. Any orders in excess of these limits will be rejected by the ATS, and authorized personnel will have discussions with Subscribers who exceed these limits about their order entry behavior.

In addition to real-time monitoring, any anomalies in the activities in the ATS will be reviewed using end-of-day reports. These reports include T+1 clearing breaks, same entity crosses and execution quality reports. In the event of a problem, such as a systems error at a Subscriber or market data issues, Trading Operations may, among other actions, halt the activity of a Subscriber or set of Subscribers and/or stock or set of stocks in order to contain the impact of a problem while pursuing a resolution. 
b. If yes to Item 3(a), are the conditions required to be identified in Item 3(a) the same for all Subscribers? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 4: Hours of Operation

a. Provide the days and hours of operation of the NMS Stock ATS, including the times when orders or trading interest can be entered on the ATS, and any hours of operation outside of regular trading hours.
Dates and Hours of Operation The ATS will be open for the transaction of business on all business days during which the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") is open for business. The ATS will observe the holiday schedule of the NYSE. The ATS will be operational during regular US market hours, generally 9:30:00 am to 4:00:00 pm Eastern Time. It will execute trades only during Regular Trading Hours (as defined below) but will begin to accept orders beginning thirty minutes prior to the open of trading beginning 9:00 am ("Pre-Market Order Acceptance Period"). Earlier Subscriber Connectivity is available upon request, as some Subscribers initiate their start-up operations prior to 8:30 AM. There is no benefit to Subscribers for Earlier Subscriber Connectivity, and for those Subscribers requesting Earlier Subscriber Connectivity, the Pre-Market Order Acceptance Period still begins at 9:00 am. Event Description Time (Eastern Time) System Start and Acceptance of Subscriber Connectivity 8:30 am Pre-Market Order Acceptance Period 9:00 am - 9:30 am Regular Trading Hours 9:30 am - 4:00 pm 
b. Are the hours of operations the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 5: Means of Entry

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS permit orders and trading interest to be entered directly into the ATS (e.g., via Financial Information eXchange ("FIX") protocol, Binary)? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, explain the protocol that can be used to directly enter orders and trading interest into the ATS.
General Operation of the ATS

Subscribers access the ATS via a Financial Information Exchange ("FIX") connection. Such access is available to Subscribers through an internet protocol address via communications that are compliant with the FIX API provided by the ATS. The ATS currently supports FIX 4.2.

The ATS does not accept orders via any other forms of communication (e.g., telephone, email, instant message).

Required Fields

Subscribers must communicate the following information to the ATS upon order entry through FIX:
Message Type
Client Order ID (unique identifier for order per session)
Execution Instructions
Subscriber Order Capacity (Agent, Principal, Riskless)
Side (Buy, Sell, Sell Short, Sell Short Exempt)
Price instructions
Time in Force
Time of Order Creation (expressed in UTC)
Order Type
Order Quantity
ClientID (used for identifying the client (MPID))
Handling Instruction (ATS supports automated execution and does not provide broker intervention)

Order Parameters

Minimum Quantity - Subscribers may submit orders with a MinQty for execution.
Maximum Quantity - Subscribers may submit orders with a MaxQty for execution.

The ATS's FIX Specification is available to Subscribers upon request. 
b. If yes to Item 5(a), are the protocols required to be identified in Item 5(a) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
c. Are there any other means for entering orders and trading interest into the NMS Stock ATS (e.g., smart order router, algorithm, order management system, sales desk)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 6: Connectivity and Co-location

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS offer co-location and related services (e.g., cabinets and equipment, cross-connects)? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, provide a summary of the terms and conditions for co-location and related services, including the speed and connection (e.g., fiber, copper) options offered.
The ATS primary matching engines are located in the Equinix NY4 data center in Secaucus, New Jersey. Subscribers wanting to connect directly to IntelligentCross' User Acceptance Testing ("UAT") and Production servers will need to have NY4 cross-connects with the servers of IntelligentCross' network provider, Pico. The ATS does not charge Subscribers for cross-connects and is not involved in the installation of cross-connects; a Subscriber wishing to cross-connect must deal directly with NY4. If the Subscriber is in any of the following datacenters - Mahwah, Carteret, CH4, or DC3 - orders will be able to be routed across Pico backbone to the IntelligentCross Servers in NY4. Standard NY4 Cross connects are Single mode, 1 GBps. However, the ATS will support Multi Mode, 10Gbps upon Subscriber request. 
b. If yes to Item (6)(a), are the terms and conditions required to be identified in Item 6(a) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
c. Does the NMS Stock ATS offer any other means besides co-location and related services required to be explained in this Item 6(a) to increase the speed of communication with the ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
e. Does the NMS Stock ATS offer any means to reduce the speed of communication with the ATS (e.g., speed bumps)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 7: Order Types and Attributes

a. Identify and explain each order type offered by the NMS Stock ATS. In your explanation, include the following:

i. priority, including the order type's priority upon order entry and any subsequent change to priority (if applicable); whether and when the order type can receive a new time stamp; the order type's priority vis-à-vis other orders on the book due to changes in the NBBO or other reference price; and any instance in which the order type could lose execution priority to a later arriving order at the same price;

ii. conditions, including any price conditions (e.g., how price conditions affect the rank and price at which it can be executed; conditions on the display or non-display of an order; or conditions on executability and routability);

iii. order types designed not to remove liquidity (e.g., post-only orders), including what occurs when such order is marketable against trading interest on the NMS Stock ATS when received;

iv. order types that adjust their price as changes to the order book occur (e.g., price sliding orders or pegged orders) or have a discretionary range, including an order's rank and price upon order entry and whether such prices or rank may change based on the NBBO or other market conditions when using such order type; when the order type is executable and at what price the execution would occur; whether the price at which the order type can be executed ever changes; and if the order type can operate in different ways, the default operation of the order type;

v. whether an order type is eligible for routing to other Trading Centers;

vi. the time-in-force instructions that can be used or not used with each order type;

vii. the circumstances under which order types may be combined with another order type, modified, replaced, canceled, rejected, or removed from the NMS Stock ATS; and

viii. the availability of order types across all forms of connectivity to the NMS Stock ATS and differences, if any, in the availability of an order type across those forms of connectivity.
Order Types

Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders

Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders are orders to buy or sell a stated amount of a security that are to be executed only at the midpoint price of the NBBO in the Midpoint Discrete Match Matching Process. The ATS will accept Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders with or without a limit price. Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders will be non-displayed.

Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders

Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders are orders to buy or sell a stated amount of a security that are to be executed only at the midpoint price of the NBBO in the Midpoint Discrete Match Matching Process. The ATS will accept Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders with or without a limit price. Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders will be non-displayed. Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders will be automatically canceled by the ATS within 100 milliseconds of order receipt by the matching engine. The amount of time until the Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order will be automatically canceled is calculated from the time of order receipt. The amount of time until a Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order is canceled is determined by the ATS's AI Model and is calibrated on a security-by-security basis. The time period until automatic cancellation will be longer than or equal to the minimum resting time period. The time period until automatic cancellation may be less than the time between Match Events such that a Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order may be cancelled without participating in a Match Event. For instance, if, for a particular security, the time period until automatic cancellation is 20 milliseconds but the time between Match Events is 30 milliseconds, it is possible that a Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order would be entered by a Subscriber and be automatically cancelled before the first Match Event subsequent to order entry. The factors that contribute to determining the amount of time until a Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order is canceled include time of day, price reaction after trades, volume and volatility in the security, average spread, trade size, and other market factors. The time until cancellation is adjusted after enough data points have been accumulated to warrant an adjustment. A Subscriber may cancel a Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order at any time before the order is fully executed or the ATS cancels the order.

Below is an example of the operation of a Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order:

Security XYZ has a Match Event Interval to occur between 7 to 12 milliseconds apart.

The next Match Event is scheduled at 10:01:04:010.

At 10:01:04:000, Subscriber A submits a 1000 share Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg buy order with a limit price of $25.06 to participate in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process for Security XYZ. Assume that the time period until the Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Order is automatically cancelled for Security XYZ is 30 milliseconds.

At 10:01:04:005, Subscriber B submits a 500 share sell order with no limit price and a TIF of Day to participate in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process for Security XYZ.

At the next scheduled Match Event for Security XYZ, (10:01:04:010), the matching engine retrieves the NBBO and determines that the NBBO is $25.05 by $25.07. The Midpoint price at the time of the Match Event is $25.06 and is the Matching Price. Assuming that Subscriber A's and Subscriber B's orders have met the minimum resting period, Subscriber A will match 500 shares with Subscriber B at $25.06 during the Match Event at 10:01:04:010. Subscriber A's remaining order for 500 shares is eligible to participate in any subsequent Midpoint Discrete Matching Processes occurring prior to the automatic cancellation of the order by the ATS at 10:01:04:030.

Primary Peg Orders

Primary Peg Orders are orders to buy at the NBB, or sell at the NBO, a stated amount of a security that are to be executed only in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes. Orders may be submitted with or without a limit price. Primary Peg Orders may be displayed or non-displayed at the Subscriber's discretion. If a displayed Primary Peg Order would cross contra-side interest displayed inside the ATS or as part of the NBBO, such order will be displayed and ranked at the contra-side interest inside the ATS or NBBO price. In the event the displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO updates, such order's displayed and ranked price will be updated to the most aggressive price permissible without crossing displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO, up to the order's limit price.

Marketable Peg Orders

Marketable Peg Orders are orders to buy at or below the NBO, or sell at or
above the NBB, a stated amount of a security that are to be executed only in the Discrete Bid/Offer
Matching Processes. Orders may be submitted with or without a limit price. Marketable Peg Orders will be non-displayed

Limit Orders

Limit Orders are orders to buy or sell a stated amount of a security at a specified price or better that are to be executed only in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes. Limit Orders may be displayed or non-displayed at the Subscriber's discretion. If a displayed Limit Order would cross contra-side interest displayed inside the ATS or as part of the NBBO, such order will be displayed and ranked at the displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or NBBO price. In the event the displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO updates, such order's displayed and ranked price will be updated to the most aggressive price permissible without crossing displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO, up to the order's limit price.

Market Orders

Market Orders are orders to buy or sell a stated amount of a security that is to be executed at or in between the NBBO only in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes. Market Orders will be non-displayed.

Add Liquidity Only Orders

Subscribers may designate Orders as Add Liquidity Only ("ALO"). ALO Orders are to be entered only in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process. ALO orders are Limit or Primary Peg orders that rest on the order book instead of the order being able to execute against contra interests that are already on the book at the same price or better price. ALO orders will only interact with other orders if the ALO order be adding liquidity. Generally, for two given orders the one received first by the Matching Engine will be deemed to be adding liquidity.

The ATS will accept orders with time-in-force instructions of Day or IOC. Day will be the default time-in-force instruction. Day Orders will be held by the ATS on its books from the time of receipt until the end of Regular Trading Hours. If unfulfilled by the end of Regular Trading Hours, such Day orders will be cancelled and the Subscriber who submitted the order will be notified. IOC orders will only be available in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes and will be held until the completion of the next Match Event, and if unexecuted, will be canceled. IOC orders may be submitted with or without a limit price. IOC Orders will be non-displayed. All orders entered into the ATS are considered Not Held.

All open orders are canceled at the end of the trading day.


IntelligentCross does not support the routing of orders to any other venue.

Message Priority

Incoming orders and related messages are processed in the order in which they are received by the ATS.

Match Priority

Generally, an order's match priority will be based on price, display type (for the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes), and the time at which such order is received relative to other orders. With respect to the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes, at each price level, Display Orders will have priority over non-Display Orders. All orders will be timestamped and accordingly prioritized based on the time of their receipt by the ATS. Matching instructions are specified in accordance with the FIX protocols described above in Part III, Item 5 and defined by industry standard FIX tags defined for these matching instructions.

Orders received by the ATS during the Pre-Market Order Acceptance Period will be queued until the beginning of Regular Trading Hours and then matched with time priority based on the order receipt by the ATS. Orders received outside these periods will not be accepted. For all eligible securities, the ATS will only execute if Limit-Up-Limit-Down ("LULD") bands are present and the effective price of a potential match is not constrained by a LULD band.

Order Amendment

An open order may be amended by Subscribers to the extent the amendment is received by the ATS before a Match Event involving that order occurs. Order amendments are processed in the order in which they are received by the ATS. The match priority of an order will be preserved when amending the quantity of an order to a value less than the existing quantity of the order; however, the match priority of an order will be lost when amending the quantity of an order to a value greater than the existing quantity or when amending any other value in addition to the quantity of the order.

Order Cancellation

An open order may be cancelled by Subscribers to the extent the cancellation order is received by the ATS before a Match Event involving that order occurs. Cancellation orders will cancel all remaining open quantity on an order. Cancellation orders are processed in the order in which they are received by the ATS. 
b. Are the terms and conditions for each order type and attribute the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 8: Order Sizes

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS require minimum or maximum sizes for orders or trading interest? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, specify any minimum or maximum order or trading interest size requirements and any related handling procedures.
The minimum units of trading for NMS Stocks traded on the ATS is one share. Only orders that are $50,000,000 or less in notional value will be eligible for trading on the ATS.

Additionally, the ATS offers a minimum and maximum quantity modifiers for execution. A minimum quantity modifier allows Subscribers to request a minimum share amount on an execution, such that if the available liquidity is below the minimum quantity amount, the order will not execute. A maximum quantity modifier allows Subscribers to request a maximum share amount on an execution, such that an order would not execute against any orders that have a size greater than the maximum share amount. For example, if a Subscriber set a maximum quantity of 200 shares, the order would not execute against any orders that have an order quantity greater than 200 shares. 
b. If yes to Item 8(a), are the requirements and procedures required to be identified in Item 8(a) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
c. Does the NMS Stock ATS accept or execute odd-lot orders? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, specify any odd-lot order requirements and related handling procedures (e.g., odd-lot treated the same as round lot).
Odd Lot orders are handled the same as round lot orders and are treated the same for priority purposes. 
d. If yes to Item 8(c), are the requirements and procedures required to be identified in Item 8(c) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
e. Does the NMS Stock ATS accept or execute mixed-lot orders? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, specify any mixed lot order requirements and related handling procedures (e.g., mixed lot treated the same as round lot).
Mixed Lot orders are handled the same as round lot and odd-lot orders and are treated the same for priority purposes 
f. If yes, to Item 8(e), are the requirements and procedures required to be identified in 8(e) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 9: Conditional Orders and Indications of Interest

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS send or receive any messages indicating trading interest (e.g., IOIs, actionable IOIs, or conditional orders)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 10: Opening and Reopening

a. Explain how the NMS Stock ATS opens or re-opens for trading, including when and how orders and trading interest are priced, prioritized, matched, and executed, and identify any order types allowed prior to the start of regular trading hours or following a stoppage of trading in a security during regular trading hours.
The ATS will open for trading in a given security when: 1. A transaction in the security has occurred and a trade has been reported on the consolidated tape; 2. There is at least one publicly-displayed limit buy and one publicly-displayed limit sell order for the security; 3. Regular Trading Hours have begun; and, 4. Valid LULD bands for the security have been publicly disseminated. If an NMS Stock is halted for trading, the ATS will resume matching when: 1. It receives a message from the SIP indicating that trading has resumed in the security; 2. Valid LULD bands are present; and 3. An execution in that security has occurred and a trade has been reported on the consolidated tape. 
b. Are the processes and procedures governing opening and re-opening the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
c. Explain how unexecuted orders and trading interest are handled at the time the NMS Stock ATS begins regular trading at the start of regular trading hours or following a stoppage of trading in a security during regular trading hours.
Orders received by the ATS during the Pre-Market Order Acceptance Period will be queued until the beginning of Regular Trading Hours and then matched at the first Match Event in each matching process (as defined in Part III, Item 11) with an order's priority based on its receipt by the ATS. Orders received outside these periods will not be accepted. In the event of a stoppage of trading during Regular Trading Hours, the ATS will hold any unfilled orders already resting on its books. Subscribers can cancel or modify orders during a trading halt. When the ATS resumes matching, any unfilled orders will be eligible to execute at the next Match Event. Any unfilled orders that remain open at the end of Regular Trading Hours will automatically be cancelled. 
d. Are the processes or procedures governing unexecuted orders and trading at the time the NMS Stock ATS begins regular trading at the start of regular trading hours, or following a stoppage of trading in a security during regular trading hours, the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
e. Are there any differences between pre-opening executions, executions following a stoppage of trading in a security during regular trading hours, and/or executions during regular trading hours? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 11: Trading Services, Facilities and Rules

a. Provide a summary of the structure of the NMS Stock ATS marketplace (e.g., crossing system, auction market, limit order matching book) and explain the means and facilities for bringing together the orders of multiple buyers and sellers on the NMS Stock ATS.
Discrete Match Events

The ATS accepts orders in all NMS Stocks eligible for trading (e.g., those that are not subject to a trading halt). The ATS offers two separate matching processes ("Matching Processes") that execute orders using discrete match events ("Match Events") in each security. Subscribers choose which Matching Process to which they send their orders. The Matching Processes are: (1) the "Midpoint Discrete Matching Process," which only include Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders and Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders and executes such orders at the midpoint of the prevailing NBBO at the time of the Match Event; and (2) the "Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes," which includes limit, market, ALO, and primary and marketable peg orders that execute at prices that are at or between the prevailing NBBO at the time of the Match Event. The Midpoint Discrete Matching Process is also referred to as Intelligent Midpoint. The Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process is also referred to as ASPEN (Adverse Selection Protection Engine).

The Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes are three separate but identical Matching Processes that are distinguished solely by their fee structure. The three Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes are: "Discrete Bid/Offer Fee/Fee"; "Discrete Bid/Offer Maker/Taker"; and "Discrete Bid/Offer Taker/Maker." All Matching Processes, including the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process, act independent of each other, i.e., orders resting in one book do not interact with orders resting in another book.

Orders in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process will not be displayed. Orders in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes may be marked by Subscribers as either displayed or non-displayed. Orders eligible to be Displayed Orders are: (1) Limit Orders, including ALO Orders and (2) Primary Peg Orders, including ALO Orders. The ATS will display Limit Orders and Primary Peg Orders that are at the same price as contra-side interest that is displayed (1) inside the ATS or (2) as part of the National Best Bid or Offer ("NBBO") as determined by the SIP and/or SRO proprietary data feeds. If a displayed Limit Order or Primary Peg Order would cross displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO, such order will be displayed at the displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or NBBO price. In the event the displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO updates, such order's displayed price will be updated to the most aggressive price permissible without crossing displayed contra-side interest inside the ATS or the NBBO, up to the order's limit price. ALO orders will only execute if they are adding liquidity and will remain on the order book until canceled or they receive an execution. 
b. Are the means and facilities required to be identified in Item 11(a) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
c. Explain the established, non-discretionary rules and procedures of the NMS Stock ATS, including order interaction rules for the priority, pricing methodologies, allocation, matching, and execution of orders and trading interest, and other procedures governing trading, such as price improvement functionality, price protection mechanisms, short sales, locked-crossed markets, the handling of execution errors, and the time-stamping of orders and executions.
The Matching Processes contain the following characteristics and any differences between them will be noted accordingly.

Match Events

The Match Events in each security occur at scheduled times as determined by the ATS's matching algorithm throughout the day and are calibrated separately by each Matching Process. Each Matching Process acts independently of each other. Described below is how the ATS determines the time between Match Events and how the ATS calibrates this time for each Matching Process.

Match Event Intervals for Midpoint Discrete Matching Process

The ATS randomizes the time between Match Events within a time range ("Match Event Intervals"); Match Event Intervals are calibrated on a security-by-security basis. A Match Event Interval for a security consists of a minimum amount of time between Match Events and a maximum amount of time between Match Events. The reason the time between Match Events is randomized within a Match Event Interval is to prevent Subscribers from attempting to discern a trading advantage by determining when the next Match Event will occur. The Midpoint Discrete Matching Process has Match Event Intervals between 1 millisecond and up to 200 milliseconds that are calibrated on a security-by-security basis.

At each Match Event for each security, the matching engine for the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process will retrieve the current NBBO and check its book for orders that can be matched. Orders eligible for matching will be matched in time priority at the NBBO midpoint price at the Match Event. The purpose of the scheduled matches is to achieve two objectives: (1) provide for as many matches as possible to maximize liquidity; and (2) keep the NBBO as stable as possible for a period of time after executions occur on the ATS. During Match Event Intervals (i.e., between Match Events), Subscribers have full order control and can cancel or reprice orders until the next Match Event.

The ATS's artificial intelligence functionality model ("AI Model") then analyzes the executions that occur on the ATS and adjusts the Match Event Interval to achieve the two objectives described above. Other factors that contribute to determining the Match Event Interval include time of day, volume and volatility in the security, average spread, trade size, and other market factors. The Match Event Intervals per security are adjusted after enough data points have been accumulated to warrant an adjustment.

Below is an example of how the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process works using Match Event Intervals. The assumptions include:

Security XYZ has a Match Event Interval to occur between 7 to 12 milliseconds apart.

The next Match Event is scheduled at 10:01:04:003.

Subscriber A has submitted a 500 share buy order with a limit price of $25.06 and TIF of Day to participate in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process for Security XYZ.

Subscriber B has submitted a 200 share buy order with a limit price of $25.07 and TIF of Day to participate in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process for Security XYZ (this order was received after Subscriber A's order so Subscriber A has priority over Subscriber B).

Subscriber C submits a 600 share sell order with no limit price and a TIF of Day to participate in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process for Security XYZ.

At the next scheduled Match Event for Security XYZ, (10:01:04:003), the matching engine retrieves the NBBO and determines that the NBBO is $25.05 by $25.07. The Midpoint price at the time of the Match Event is $25.06 and is the Matching Price. As a result, the following executions occur during the Match Event at 10:01:04:003.

Subscriber A will match 500 shares with Subscriber C at $25.06.

Subscriber B will match 100 shares with Subscriber C at $25.06.

Subscriber A's 500 share order has been fully filled.

Subscriber B received a fill of 100 shares and has 100 shares remaining that will be eligible for the next Match Event.

Subscriber C's 600 share order has been fully filled.

The next Match Event will be at a time between 10:01:04:010 and 10:01:04:015 because the last match event was at 10:01:04:003 and the Match Event Intervals are between 7 and 12 milliseconds apart. This process will continue throughout the trading day.

The AI Model makes a daily determination as to whether the Match Event Intervals for each security should be increased, decreased, or stay the same. Registered Persons of the ATS review and approve the changes made by the AI Model.

In the XYZ example described above, the Match Event Intervals could increase (e.g., from 7-12 milliseconds to 12-16 milliseconds) stay the same (7-12 milliseconds) or decrease (e.g., from 7-12 milliseconds to 5-8 milliseconds).

Match Event Intervals for The Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes

The Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes will have Match Event Intervals between 150 and 900 microseconds that will be calibrated on a security-by-security basis. The AI Model for the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes is similar to the AI Model of the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process but is calibrated separately such that, for any given security, the Match Event Intervals for the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes will be different from the Match Event Intervals for the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process.

Below is an example of how the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes works using Match Event Intervals. The assumptions include:

Security XYZ has a Match Event Interval to occur between 175 to 200 microseconds apart.

The next Match Event is scheduled at 10:01:04:003:005.

Subscriber A has submitted a 500 share buy limit order with a limit price of $25.06 and TIF of Day to participate in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes for Security XYZ.

Subscriber B has submitted a 200 share buy limit order with a limit price of $25.07 and TIF of Day to participate in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes for Security XYZ.

Subscriber C submits a 600 share sell market order with no limit price and TIF of Day to participate in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes for Security XYZ.

At the next scheduled Match Event for Security XYZ (10:01:04:003:005), the matching engine retrieves the NBBO and determines that the NBBO is $25.05 by $25.07. As a result, the following executions occur during the Match Event at 10:01:04:003:005:

Subscriber B will match 200 shares with Subscriber C at $25.07.

Subscriber A will match 400 shares with Subscriber C at $25.06.

Subscriber B's 200 share order has been fully filled.

Subscriber A received a fill of 400 shares and has 100 shares remaining that will be eligible for the next Match Event.

Subscriber C's 600 share order has been fully filled at prices of $25.06 and $25.07.

The next Match Event will be at a time between 10:01:04:003:180 and 10:01:04:003:205 because the last match event was at 10:01:04:003:005 and the Match Event Intervals are between 175 and 200 microseconds apart. This process will continue throughout the trading day.

The AI Model makes a daily determination as to whether the Match Event Intervals for each security should be increased, decreased, or stay the same. Registered Persons of the ATS review and approve the changes made by the AI Model.

In the XYZ example described above the Match Event Intervals could increase (e.g., from 175-200 microseconds to 185-205 microseconds), stay the same (175-200 microseconds), or decrease (e.g., from 175-200 microseconds to 165-180 microseconds). The AI Model determines the amount of the increase or decrease in the Match Event Intervals.

Minimum Resting Period

For the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process, only orders that have rested on the order book for a minimum period of time are eligible to match. "Minimum Resting Periods" are determined by the AI Model and set in a stock-specific fashion, similar to Match Events. The purpose of these periods is to further reduce adverse selection. However, in no event will the minimum resting period exceed 200 milliseconds. At this time, there will be no Minimum Resting Period for orders on the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes.


The ATS provides an "anti-internalization" setting to its Subscribers. This setting can be enabled upon client request and will prevent the self-matching of two orders from the same Subscriber on the ATS's order books. This setting will not be enabled by default, but can be enabled upon Subscriber request and will be enforced by the Client ID setting. Subscribers can either contact IntelligentCross trading operations to enable this functionality on an MPID basis or they can configure the trading systems to prevent self-crossing at a client or trading desk level.

Locked or Crossed Market

The ATS will not match if the NBBO as determined by the SIP and/or SRO proprietary data feeds for the stock is crossed (where the NBB price exceeds the NBO price) or if the NBBO as determined by the SIP and/or other SRO proprietary data feeds is locked (where the NBB price equals the NBO price).

Sub-Dollar Pricing

For orders in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process, in the event that the NBB is less than $1.00, the ATS will execute orders at the midpoint price, regardless of the number of decimal places.

For orders in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes, in the event that the NBB is less than $1.00, the ATS will execute orders at valid prices within the NBBO.

Orders Eligible for Matching

With respect to the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process, the following orders will be eligible for matching during a Match Event:

1. Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders that are buy orders with limit prices equal to or higher than NBBO midpoint.
2. Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders that are sell orders with limit prices equal to or lower than NBBO midpoint.
3. Midpoint Discrete Peg Orders without limit prices.
4. Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders that are buy orders with limit prices equal to or higher than NBBO midpoint.
5. Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders that are sell orders with limit prices equal to or lower than NBBO midpoint.
6. Midpoint Discrete Time-in-Force Peg Orders without limit prices.

With respect to the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes, the following orders will be eligible for matching during a Match Event:

1. Primary Peg Orders with no limit price or those with limit prices that are within the prevailing NBBO at the time of a Match Event.
2. Marketable Peg Orders with no limit price or those with limit prices that can execute within the prevailing NBBO at the time of a Match Event.
3. Limit Orders with limit prices that are within the prevailing NBBO at the time of a Match Event.
4. Market Orders.
5. ALO Orders.

Match Priority Criteria

Generally, an order's match priority will be based on price, display type (for the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes), and the time at which such order is received relative to other orders. With respect to the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes, at each price level, Display Orders will have priority over non-Display Orders. All orders will be timestamped and accordingly prioritized based on the time of their receipt by the ATS. Matching instructions are specified in accordance with the FIX protocols described above in Part III, Item 5 and defined by industry standard FIX tags defined for these matching instructions.

Orders received by the ATS during the Pre-Market Order Acceptance Period will be queued until the beginning of Regular Trading Hours and then matched with time priority based on the order receipt by the ATS. Orders received outside these periods will not be accepted. For all eligible securities, the ATS will only execute if Limit-Up-Limit-Down ("LULD") bands are present and the effective price of a potential match is not constrained by a LULD band.

An amendment of an outstanding order will affect its match priority and Minimum Resting Period as follows:

1. If an order's size is decreased, its timestamp will remain the same, its priority will not change and it will not wait through a new Minimum Resting Period.
2. If an order's size is increased, the timestamp will be renewed, its priority will change and, if part of the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process, it will wait through a new Minimum Resting Period.
3. If an order's price is changed, the timestamp will be renewed, its priority will change and, if part of the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process, it will wait through a new Minimum Resting Period.

IntelligentCross conducts trading strictly in an agency capacity on the ATS. IntelligentCross does not conduct trading in a proprietary capacity.

Execution Errors

The ATS has written supervisory policies and procedures in place to handle trade execution errors and "clearly erroneous trades." Each potential error situation will be evaluated by the ATS's personnel on a case by-case basis. In particular, the ATS's error policy is included within the ATS's Subscriber Agreement that is signed by both parties (ATS and client) prior to the Subscriber's commencement of trading activity upon the ATS's platform. If a trade is transacted in error and it is determined that the error was due to a system failure or other issue with the ATS's platform that resulted in a poor execution (i.e., outside the NBBO), the ATS will contact each of the Subscribers associated with the error cross trade and inform them that the ATS is canceling the trade. The ATS will then initiate the cancel on the ATS and communicate either electronically (ACT Web for NASDAQ TRF) or over the telephone (NYSE TRF) the trade report cancellation for each side of the cross trade. In the instances in which the trade was good (i.e., inside the NBBO), and as a result of a systems issue, the ATS failed to acknowledge the execution to one of the two Subscribers associated with the error cross trade transacted on the ATS, the ATS will contact the affected Subscriber and ask whether or not they want to maintain (keep) the trade. If the Subscriber does not want to maintain the trade, the ATS will take the affected Subscriber's position and book it to IntelligentCross's error account. IntelligentCross will then trade out of the error position via IntelligentCross's routing broker as soon as is possible. An IntelligentCross employee will book the error position and subsequently close-out the transaction through IntelligentCross's error account for settlement purposes and document within IntelligentCross's systems all details regarding the error transaction(s). The error transaction detail will include all details surrounding the error trade(s) and subsequent close-out trades (if any). The detail will also include an identification of all associated parties, the cause/reason for the error, or details surrounding Subscriber contact(s). The error trade detail will then be reviewed and electronically signed off as "compliance review" by the CCO or his designee and subsequently reviewed and signed off on as "Supervisory Review" by IntelligentCross's CEO or his/her supervisory principal designee.

The ATS will also perform the required OATS entries if the error trade is for an OATS reportable security.

With respect to a market wide event that may contain clearly erroneous transaction, the ATS monitors all email notification regarding clearly erroneous transactions. Upon receipt of a clearly erroneous e-mail notification, the ATS will immediately review the ATS's trading activity during the relevant timeframe to determine whether or not the ATS traded the securities referenced in the notification. The ATS will then take immediate action (if any executions have been identified through the review) to reverse the trades upon the ATS and NASDAQ's WebLink ACT. A file in IntelligentCross's systems will be created that documents any ACT reversals that have been performed as a result of a clearly erroneous notification.

Order Entry Restrictions

The ATS will not accept orders that reference a symbol not authorized for trading (e.g., if there is a trading halt). The minimum price variation ("MPV") for orders received by the ATS shall be $0.01 for orders priced $1.00 or greater, and $0.0001 for orders priced below $1.00. Orders received with increments below the MPV will be rejected.

Sell orders must be designated as long, short or short exempt in the event there is a short sale restriction in place. Subscribers are responsible for the compliance of their trades with all short sale locate and delivery rules and regulations.


All orders, executions, clearing contracts, and post-trade reports are anonymous. Subscribers are only made aware of IntelligentCross as party or contra-party on orders and executions.

The ATS does not provide any means of communication between Subscribers. There is no negotiation, chat, instant message, indication of interest, "Flash Order", or similar functionality provided. 
d. Are the established, non-discretionary rules and procedures required to be identified in Item 11(c) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 12: Liquidity Providers

Are there any formal or informal arrangements with any Subscriber or the Broker-Dealer Operator to provide orders, or trading interest to the NMS Stock ATS (e.g., undertaking to buy or sell continuously, or to meet specified thresholds of trading or quoting activity)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 13: Segmentation; Notice

a. Are orders and trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS segmented into categories, classifications, tiers, or levels (e.g., segmented by type of participant, order size, duration, source, or nature of trading activity)? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
c. Does the NMS Stock ATS identify orders or trading interest entered by a customer of a broker-dealer on the NMS Stock ATS as a customer order? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 14: Counter-Party Selection

a. Can orders or trading interest be designated to interact or not interact with certain orders or trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS (e.g., designated to execute against a specific Subscriber's orders or trading interest or prevent a Subscriber's order from executing against itself)? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, explain the counter-party selection procedures, including how counter-parties can be selected, and whether the designations affect the interaction and priority of trading interest in the ATS.
Anti-Internalization The ATS provides an "anti-internalization" setting to its Subscribers. This setting can be enabled upon client request and will prevent the self-matching of two orders from the same Subscriber on the ATS's order books. This setting will not be enabled by default, but can be enabled upon Subscriber request and will be enforced by the Client ID setting. Subscribers can either contact IntelligentCross trading operations to enable this functionality on an MPID basis or they can configure the trading systems to prevent self-crossing at a client or trading desk level. 
b. If yes to Item 14(a), are the procedures for counter-party selection required to be identified in Item 14(a) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 15: Display

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS operate as an Electronic Communication Network as defined in Rule 600(b)(23) of Regulation NMS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
b. Are Subscriber orders and trading interest bound for or resting in the NMS Stock ATS displayed or made known to any Person (not including those employees of the NMS Stock ATS who are operating the system)? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No
If yes, explain the display procedures, including how and when Subscriber orders and trading interest are displayed, how long orders and trading interest are displayed, what information about orders and trading interest is displayed, and the functionality of the Broker-Dealer Operator and types of market participants that receive the displayed information.
For the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes, the ATS offers the IQX Data Feed, which displays eligible orders in real-time to IQX Data Feed Recipients. Subscribers, in their discretion, may submit Primary Peg Orders, Limit Orders and ALO Orders as displayed orders. The ATS will display Limit Orders and Primary Peg Orders that are at the same price as contra-side interest that is displayed (1) inside the ATS or (2) as part of the National Best Bid or Offer ("NBBO") as determined by the SIP and/or SRO proprietary data feeds. For all Displayed Orders, the ATS disseminates all eligible bids and offers along with the size available (full depth of book) in the IQX Data Feed as part of the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes. The IQX Data Feed also disseminates all executions that occur in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Processes in real-time. The execution information includes the price and number of shares executed 
c. If yes to Item 15(b), are the display procedures required to be identified in 15(b) the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 16: Routing

a. Can orders and trading interest in the NMS Stock ATS be routed to a destination outside the NMS Stock ATS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 17: Closing

a. Are there any differences between how orders and trading interest are treated on the NMS Stock ATS during the close and how orders and trading interest are treated during regular trading hours? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No
b. Is the treatment of orders and trading interest during the close the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 18: Trading Outside of Regular Trading Hours

a. Does the NMS Stock ATS conduct trading outside of its regular trading hours? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 19: Fees

a. Identify and describe any fees or charges for use of the NMS Stock ATS services, including the type of fees (e.g., subscription, connectivity), the structure of the fees (e.g., fixed, volume-based, transaction-based), variables that impact the fees (e.g., types of securities traded, block orders, form of connectivity to the ATS), differentiation among types of Subscribers (e.g., broker-dealers, institutional investors, retail) and range of fees (e.g., high and low).
For the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process and the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Fee/Fee, the Base Rate charged by IntelligentCross is .0008 per share for each side of a transaction. The Base Rate for the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Maker/Taker is (.0028) rebate per share for Subscribers that provide liquidity and .0030 per share fee for Subscribers that remove liquidity.
The Base Rate for the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Taker/Maker is (.0016) rebate per share for Subscribers that remove liquidity and .0020 per share fee for Subscribers that provide liquidity.

The other fees incurred by Subscribers of the ATS are SRO fees and fees charged by our clearing provider, Instinet.

The ATS passes through certain regulatory fees (including FINRA's Section 3 fee and Trading Activity Fee ("TAF") for Subscribers who are not FINRA members), and fees billed to the ATS for Subscribers through third-party providers for accessing market data. 
b. Identify and describe any fees or charges for use of the NMS Stock ATS services that are bundled with the Subscriber's use of non-ATS services or products offered by the Broker-Dealer Operator or its Affiliates, including a summary of the bundled services and products, the structure of the fee, variables that impact the fee, differentiation among types of Subscribers, and range of fees.
c. Identify and describe any rebate or discount of fees or charges required to be identified in Items 19(a) and 19(b), including the type of rebate or discount, structure of the rebate or discount, variables that impact the rebate or discount, differentiation among types of Subscribers, and range of rebate or discount.
With respect to trading in the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process and the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Fee/Fee, there are two ways existing ATS Subscribers can pay lower fees, ("Subscriber Fee Discount"), as described below:

1. Total Composite Volume (TCV) Incentive*--if average daily participation of TCV is:

TCV % Commission rate per share traded
=> 12 bps of TCV 2 mils per share
=> 10 bps of TCV 3 mils per share
=> 8 bps of TCV 4 mils per share
=> 4 bps of TCV 6 mils per share
=> Base Rate 8 mils per share

-The Base Rate is the same for all Subscribers. Any Subscriber Fee Discount Rate will be calculated retroactively on all shares traded for that calendar month and will be rounded down.
-TCV is the total market volume in all NMS Stocks reported to the Consolidated Tape.

2. Active Order Incentive**

Live in 200 to 500 unique symbols at a time (on average) 6 mils per share
Live in 501 to 1000 unique symbols at a time (on average) 4 mils per share
Live in 1001 to 2000 unique symbols at a time (on average) 3 mils per share
Live in over 2000 unique symbols at a time (on average) 2 mils per share

-On a per symbol basis, orders must be 95% marketable where marketable means: (1) for the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process orders priced at NBBO midpoint or more aggressive than midpoint and (2) the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Fee/Fee buy orders priced at the NBB or above and sell orders at the NBO or below.
-IntelligentCross will monitor open orders every few minutes to calculate the average unique symbols in the book on a daily basis.
-Have a minimum allow execution quantity (MinQty tag) of less than or equal to 100 shares.
-Have a maximum allow execution quantity (MaxQty tag) of greater than or equal to 100 shares.
-Not be an IOC Order.
-Rate will be calculated retroactively on all shares traded for that calendar month and will be rounded down.
-If a Subscriber is live for a symbol in both the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process and the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Fee/Fee, it will count twice for purposes of qualifying for the Active Order Incentive.

Trading in the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Maker/Taker and Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Taker/Maker will not be taken into account for purposes of qualifying for the Subscriber Fee Discount. If a Subscriber qualifies for a Subscriber Fee Discount, the pricing will apply to their trading activity in both the Midpoint Discrete Matching Process and the Discrete Bid/Offer Matching Process Fee/Fee. The ATS can offer the Subscriber Fee Discount to allow new Subscribers to receive the Subscriber Fee Discount and pay the lowest fee charged to any existing Subscriber based on the above criteria for up to three months. 

Item 20: Suspension of Trading

a. Explain any procedures for suspending or stopping trading on the NMS Stock ATS, including the suspension of trading in individual NMS stocks.
The ATS is programmed to react to "halt" or "pause" messages it receives from the SIP from all U.S. equities exchanges. It will not execute transactions in a security during periods in which trading in the security is halted (e.g., subject to a LULD trading pause, single stock circuit breaker, or regulatory halt). The ATS will also halt trading if it is determined that the ATS is experiencing system issues that require such action. A Subscriber may cancel or modify an order during a halt. 
b. Are the procedures for suspending or stopping trading the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 21: Trade Reporting

a. Explain any procedures and material arrangements for reporting transactions on the NMS Stock ATS, including where an ATS reports transactions and under what circumstances.
Once an execution occurs, the ATS will send electronic messages containing execution reports to the originators of the order as well as the NYSE Trade Reporting Facility. The Nasdaq Trade Reporting Facility is used as a back-up. 
b. Are the procedures and material arrangements for reporting transactions on the NMS Stock ATS the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 22: Clearance and Settlement

a. Describe any procedures and material arrangements undertaken to facilitate the clearance and settlement of transactions on the NMS Stock ATS (e.g., whether the ATS becomes a counterparty, whether it submits trades to a registered clearing agency, or whether it requires Subscribers to have arrangements with a clearing firm).
IntelligentCross has an agreement with Instinet, LLC, a member of the National Securities Clearing Corporation, to act on behalf of IntelligentCross to clear and settle all transactions executed on the ATS, and Instinet submits the ATS's executions to NSCC for clearing and to DTC for settling. All Subscribers must have clearing brokers that are NSCC/DTC members. IntelligentCross is a counterparty to all trades on the ATS and Subscribers know only that IntelligentCross was the counterparty to their trade. 
b. Are the procedures and material arrangements undertaken to facilitate the clearance and settlement of transactions on the NMS Stock ATS the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 23: Market Data

a. Identify the sources of market data used by the NMS Stock ATS (e.g., proprietary feed from a national securities exchange, feed from the securities information processor ("SIP")), and how the ATS uses market data from these sources to provide the services that it offers, including how the ATS uses market data to determine the NBBO and protected quotes, and display, price, prioritize, execute, and remove orders and trading interest on the ATS.
The ATS uses a combination of SIP and direct feeds to determine the NBBO and to price executions. If direct feeds are available and utilized by the ATS, they will be used to price the NBBO. If a direct feed that the ATS receives is deemed not reliable, it will use the SIP price from that exchange. The ATS utilizes the direct feeds from the following exchanges:
- Nasdaq; Nasdaq BX; Nasdaq PSX
b. Are the sources of market data and how the NMS Stock ATS uses market data for the services that it offers the same for all Subscribers and the Broker-Dealer Operator? Radio button checked Yes Radio button not checked No

Item 24: Order Display and Execution Access

a. Has the NMS Stock ATS displayed Subscriber orders to any Person (other than NMS Stock ATS employees) and had an average daily share volume of 5% or more in that NMS stock as reported by an effective transaction reporting plan or disseminated through an automated quotation system during four of the preceding six calendar months? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 25: Fair Access

a. Has the NMS Stock ATS executed 5% or more of the average daily trading volume in an NMS stock as reported by an effective transaction reporting plan or disseminated through an automated quotation system during four of the preceding six calendar months? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

Item 26: Aggregate Platform Data

Does the NMS Stock ATS publish or otherwise provide to one or more Subscribers aggregate platform-wide order flow and execution statistics of the ATS that are not otherwise required disclosures under Rule 605 of Regulation NMS? Radio button not checked Yes Radio button checked No

ATS-N/UA: Part IV: Contact Information, Signature Block, and Consent to Service

Provide the following information of the Person at IntelligentCross, LLC  prepared to respond to questions for this submission:

First Name:


Last Name:








Primary Street Address of the NMS Stock ATS:

Street 1
Street 2

Mailing Address of the NMS Stock ATS (if different):

Street 1
Street 2

The IntelligentCross, LLC  consents that service of any civil action brought by, or notice of any proceeding before, the SEC or a self-regulatory organization in connection with the alternative trading system's activities may be given by registered or certified mail to the contact employee at the primary street address or mailing address (if different) of the NMS Stock ATS, or via email, and the addresses provided on this Form ATS-N. The undersigned, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she has executed this form on behalf of, and with the authority of, said alternative trading system. The undersigned and IntelligentCross, LLC  represent that the information and statements contained herein, including exhibits, schedules, or other documents attached hereto, and other information filed herewith, all of which are made a part hereof, are current, true, and complete.

IntelligentCross, LLC :
IntelligentCross, LLC 