Exhibit 99.1








(1) Type of assets that were reviewed.

AMC Diligence, LLC (“AMCD”) or its subsidiary, through acquisition on December 18, 2015, JCIII & Associates, LLC (“JCIII”; formerly known as JCIII & Associates, Inc.; and together with AMC Diligence, LLC referred to collectively as “AMC”) performed due diligence services as described below utilizing various scopes of review. All of these mortgage loans, which were originated by multiple parties, were purchased by an affiliate of Bayview Fund Management LLC (“Client”) in multiple bulk transactions and were reviewed by AMC on behalf of such party. The mortgage loans were reviewed via files imaged and provided by the Client or its designee for review.


(2) Sample size of the assets reviewed.

The diligence review (the “Review”) was conducted on a portion of the securitization mortgage loan population reviewed by AMC. The total population covered during the Review varied by mortgage loan scope. The Client may have utilized multiple third party review (“TPR”) firms for the securitization and AMC may or may not have reviewed all of the mortgage loans in the securitization loan population for a specific scope of review.


The mortgage loan review sample was broken down into the following review scopes (the “AMC Population”):

§“Compliance Review”:                                      729 mortgage loans
§“Data Integrity Review”:                                  729 mortgage loans
§“Securitization Payment History Review”:      774 mortgage loans


Throughout the securitization process, the Client may have removed or added various mortgage loans from the securitization population for reasons that are unknown to AMC. AMC’s disclosures herein reflect findings on the securitization population (as known by AMC) as of the date hereof.


(3) Determination of the sample size and computation.

The AMC Population, to our knowledge, is a subset of all mortgage loans in the securitization population. AMC does not know what percentage of total mortgage loans in the securitization population were reviewed by a third party due diligence provider and therefore we cannot comment as to the sufficiency of such sample as a percentage of the overall securitization population.


(4) Quality or integrity of information or data about the assets: review and methodology.

AMC compared certain data fields on the securitization tape provided by Client to the data found in the actual file as captured by AMC or in certain instances to other verification sources provided by the Client. The fields included in the data integrity review are detailed below (please note items with a * represent the latter of the information from the Note or modification, if relevant, on the mortgage loan in question).




(5) Origination of the assets and conformity to stated underwriting or credit extension guidelines, standards, criteria or other requirements: review and methodology.

Not applicable.


(6) Value of collateral securing the assets: review and methodology.

Not applicable.


(7) Compliance of the originator of the assets with federal, state and local laws and regulations: review and methodology.


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Please be advised that AMC did not make a determination as to whether the mortgage loans complied with federal, state or local laws, constitutional provisions, regulations or ordinances that are not expressly enumerated below. There can be no assurance that the Review uncovered all relevant factors relating to the origination of the mortgage loans, their compliance with applicable law and regulations and the original appraisals relating to the mortgaged properties or uncovered all relevant factors that could affect the future performance of the mortgage loans. Furthermore, the findings reached by AMC are dependent upon its receiving complete and accurate data regarding the mortgage loans from mortgage loan originators and other third parties upon which AMC is relying in reaching such findings.


Please be further advised that AMC does not employ personnel who are licensed to practice law in the various jurisdictions, and the findings set forth in the reports prepared by AMC do not constitute legal advice or opinions. They are recommendations or conclusions based on information provided to AMC. Information contained in any AMC report related to the applicable statute of limitations for certain claims may not be accurate or reflect the most recent controlling case law. Further, a particular court in a particular jurisdiction may extend, not enforce or otherwise allow claims beyond the statute of limitations identified in the report based on certain factors, including the facts and circumstances of an individual mortgage loan. All final decisions as to whether to purchase or enter into a transaction related to any individual mortgage loan or the mortgage loans in the aggregate, any investment strategy and any legal conclusions, including the potential liability related to the purchase or other transaction involving any such mortgage loan or mortgage loans, shall be made solely by the Client, or other agreed upon party, that has engaged AMC to prepare its reports pursuant to its instructions and guidelines. The Client, or other agreed upon party, acknowledges and agrees that the scoring models applied by AMC are designed to identify potential risk and the Client, or other agreed upon party, assumes sole responsibility for determining the suitability of the information for its particular use. AMC does not make any representation or warranty as to the value of any mortgage loan or mortgage loans collateral that has been reviewed by AMC.


AMC reviewed each mortgage loan to determine, as applicable, to the extent possible and subject to the caveats below, whether the mortgage loan complies with:



(I) Federal Truth in Lending Act (“TILA”), as implemented by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. Part 1026, as set forth below:

a)Rescission (§1026.23):
i)failure to provide the right of rescission notice;
ii)failure to provide the right of rescission notice in a timely manner and to the correct consumer(s);
iii)errors in the right of rescission notice;
iv)failure to provide the correct form of right of rescission notice;
v)failure to provide the three (3) business day rescission period; and
vi)any material disclosure violation on a rescindable loan that gives rise to the right of rescission under TILA, which means the required disclosures of the annual percentage rate, the finance charge, the amount financed, the total of payments, the payment schedule, the HOEPA disclosures;
b)TIL Disclosure (§§1026.17, 18 and 19) as applicable for loans with application dates prior to October 3, 2015:
i)review and comparison of the initial and final TIL disclosures, and any re-disclosed TIL(s);
ii)proper execution by all required parties;
iii)principal and interest calculations, and proper completion of the interest rate and payment summary; and
iv)timing of initial and re-disclosed TIL(s);
c)Tolerances (§§1026.18, 22 and 23):
i)inaccurate Annual Percentage Rate (APR) outside of applicable tolerance by comparing disclosed APR to re-calculated APR; and
ii)inaccurate Finance Charge outside of applicable tolerance by comparing disclosed Finance Charge to re-calculated Finance Charge;
d)High-cost Mortgage (§§1026.31, 32 and 33):
i)points and fees threshold test;
ii)APR threshold test;
iii)prepayment penalty test; and
iv)compliance with the disclosure requirements, limitation on terms and prohibited acts or practices in connection with a high-cost mortgage;
e)Higher-priced Mortgage Loan (§1026.35):
i)APR threshold test; and


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ii)compliance with the escrow account and appraisal requirements;


(II) Federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (“RESPA”), as implemented by Regulation X, 12 C.F.R. Part 1024, as set forth below:

a)Good Faith Estimate (GFE) (§1024.7) as applicable for loans with application dates prior to October 3, 2015:
i)confirm the presence of the current GFE form in effect at the time of origination;
ii)verify GFE was provided to the borrower(s) within three (3) business days of application;
iii)verify all sections of the GFE were accurately completed and that information was reflected in the appropriate locations;
iv)determine whether a valid and properly documented changed circumstance accompanies any changes to loan terms and/or fees on any revised GFEs over the applicable tolerance(s); and
v)confirm the presence of a settlement service provider list, as applicable.
b)Final HUD-1/A Settlement Statement (HUD) (§1024.8) as applicable for loans with application dates prior to October 3, 2015:
i)confirm current applicable HUD form was provided;
ii)determination that the loan file contains the final HUD;
iii)escrow deposit on the final HUD matches the initial escrow statement amount; and
iv)verify all sections of the final HUD were accurately completed and that information was reflected in the appropriate locations.
c)GFE and Final HUD Comparison (§1024.7) as applicable for loans with application dates prior to October 3, 2015:
i)review changes disclosed on the last GFE provided to the borrower(s) to determine that such changes were within the allowed tolerances;
ii)confirm loan terms and fees disclosed on the third page of the final HUD accurately reflect how such items were disclosed on the referenced GFE, page 2 of the final HUD and loan documents; and
iii)review any documented cure of a tolerance violation to determine that the proper reimbursement was made and a revised HUD was provided at or within 30 days of settlement.
d)Additional RESPA/Regulation X Disclosures and Requirements (§1024.6, 15, 17, 20, and 33):
i)confirm the presence of the Servicing Disclosure Statement form in the loan file;
ii)verify the Servicing Disclosure Statement was provided to the borrower(s) within three (3) business days of application;
iii)confirm the presence of the Special Information Booklet in the loan file or that the loan file contains documentary evidence that the disclosure was provided to the borrower;
iv)confirm the Special Information Booklet was provided within three (3) business days of application;
v)confirm the presence of the Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure in the loan file in the event the lender has affiliated business arrangements;
vi)confirm the Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure was provided no later than three (3) business days of application;
vii)confirm the Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure is executed; and
viii)confirm the presence of the Initial Escrow Disclosure Statement in the loan file and proper timing.

(III) The disclosure requirements and prohibitions of Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI of the Texas Constitution and associated regulations;


(IV) The disclosure requirements and prohibitions of state, county and municipal laws and ordinances with respect to “high-cost” loans, “covered” loans, “higher-priced” loans, “home” loans or any other similarly designated loan as defined under such authorities, or subject to any other laws that were enacted to combat predatory lending, as may have been amended from time to time;


(V) Federal and state specific late charge and prepayment penalty provisions;


(VI) Document Review

AMC reviewed each mortgage loan file and verified if the following documents, if applicable, for the Review scope in question at the time of review, were included in the file and if the data on these documents was consistent:

§Initial application (1003);
§Final application (1003);


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§Sales contract;
§Title/Preliminary Title;
§Initial TIL;
§Final TIL;
§Final HUD-1;
§Initial and final GFE’s;
§Right of Rescission Disclosure;
§Mortgage/Deed of Trust;
§Mortgage Insurance;
§Tangible Net Benefit Disclosure;
§FACTA disclosures; and
§Certain other disclosures related to the enumerated tests set forth herein.


(8) Other: review and methodology.


Post-Acquisition Payment History Review

AMC performed a review utilizing a compiled monthly report provided by the Client of the contractual next due dates while the mortgage loans were serviced by BLS and contractual paid to dates while the mortgage loans were serviced by CFS using month-end cut-off in each case. Using the MBA methodology, AMC created a payment string using a 24 month look back for each mortgage loan within the payment history random sample population.  This payment history review was performed with information provided by the Client and utilizing the Clients’ instructions concerning the payment history calculation. During the review, AMC utilized either the contractual next due dates or the contractual paid to dates to which AMC was instructed to add a month to reflect the next due contractual paid to date, (together, the “next due dates”). After the next due date was compiled, AMC created a delinquency string based on that next due data and then compared that pay string to the one provided by the Client on the securitization tape.  AMC was not given additional information such as cash flow to confirm that a payment was made in any given month resulting in the interest paid to date or contractual next due date provided.  As such, AMC cannot confirm that the payment strings verified reflected payments actually being made on the mortgage loans versus the servicer advancing the interest paid to dates or contractual next due dates to reflect extensions, deferments or other payment holidays.



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There were 729 mortgage loans in the final compliance population as reviewed by AMC. After all documents were presented, 452 (62.00%) of the mortgage loans had compliance exceptions; however, only 75 (10.29%) of the mortgage loans had exceptions that triggered a C or D rating under the NRSRO rating criteria noted above.



Pursuant to the applicable NRSRO criteria, AMC graded certain compliance exceptions as non-material based upon seasoning of the mortgage loan. Certain mortgage loans were seasoned beyond the applicable period under TILA in which affirmative claims could be brought by a consumer. The time period is not limited for claims, other than rescission, which are raised as a defense to foreclosure. Information contained in any AMC report related to the applicable statute of limitations for certain claims may not be accurate or reflect the most recent controlling case law. Further, a particular court in a particular jurisdiction may extend, not enforce or otherwise allow claims beyond the statute of limitations identified in the report based on certain factors, including the facts and circumstances of an individual mortgage loan.


AMC Diligence, LLC (729 Mortgage Loans)

Compliance: Event Level Loan Count % of Loans
A 277 38.00%
B 377 51.71%
C 10 1.37%
D 65 8.92%
Total 729 100.00%


The following exceptions were noted on the mortgage loans included in the Compliance Review performed by AMCD. Only compliance EV3s, as noted when conducting the original review in question, are listed below. An EV3 may not result in a compliance C or D grade per relevant rating agency guidelines and some mortgage loans may have multiple exceptions. Certain RESPA and application date related exceptions, based upon the time of the initial review or client preference, may have originally been considered an EV3 and may be reported in the table below as such but would now be considered an EV2 or “B” per NRSRO guidelines. The # of Exceptions shown in the table below refers to the total number of exceptions which fell into that category and the % Loans is based solely on the # of Exceptions as a percentage of the total loans reviewed. However, it is possible that a single loan may have multiple exceptions within an Exception category.


Category Exception # of Exceptions % Loans
Compliance  TIL Right to Cancel Missing, Incorrect, Incomplete and/or provided on the wrong form, or provided at the wrong time 95 13.03%
  TIL Finance Charge or APR Tolerance Non-Compliance 75 10.29%
  Missing, Incorrect, or Incomplete HUD-1 66 9.05%
  Federal Higher Priced Mortgage Loan and related exceptions 19 2.61%
  TIL- MDIA Non-Compliance 18 2.47%
  Other – Missing Data 13 1.78%
  Other TILA Violations 9 1.23%
  Missing, Incorrect or Incomplete TIL 9 1.23%
  Incomplete Loan Image 7 0.96%
  State Higher Priced Mortgage Loan and related exceptions 7 0.96%
  Missing Note 6 0.82%
  State Compliance – Late Charge Non-Compliant 4 0.55%
  State Compliant 1 0.14%
Total   329  


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AMC compared data fields on the securitization tape provided by the Client to the data found in the actual file or in certain instances to other verification sources where data may have changed since the origination of the loan such as borrower last name changing due to marital status changes or address changing due to 911 address changes or Note address not reflecting a physical address. In total, 554 unique mortgage loans (75.99% of the total) were identified to have variances across twenty-nine (29) unique data fields (a total of 32 unique data fields were included in the Data Integrity Review). The largest variances were found on Current Maturity Date, Original Rate and Origination FICO.


During the course of the data integrity review, AMC noted the following items:

§Approximately half of the Current Maturity Date deltas are off by less than a full month indicating most likely that a change in the due date was approved at some point;
§Almost all (196 of 201) of the Original Interest Rate Deltas were off by less than 0.005 as it appeared that the Interest Rate per the securitization tape was rounded up to two decimal places;
§The Mod Loan Amount deltas appear to be due to the tape value reflecting total modification unpaid principal balance whereas the audited value reflects the accruing principal balance (excluding deferred amounts). The Client may have updated these values on the final securitization tape; and
§Most of the deltas for Original FICO, Property Type and Appraised Value were due to the data not being available in the file provided.


Data Field Primary Document # Deltas % Loans
CURRENT MATURITY DATE Latter of Note or Modification 292 40.05%
ORIGINAL RATE Note 201 27.57%
ORIGINAL FICO Credit Report or FACTA 175 24.01%
MOD LOAN AMOUNT Modification 78 10.70%
MOD DATE Modification 75 10.29%
APPRAISED VALUE Appraisal or other Property Information 73 10.01%
ORIGINAL P&I Note 45 6.17%
MOD FLAG Modification 43 5.90%
PROPERTY TYPE Appraisal or other Property Information 37 5.08%
MOD FIRST PAYMENT DATE Modification 35 4.80%
PROPERTY ZIP Note 18 2.47%
FIRST RATE ADJ DATE Latter of Note or Modification 12 1.65%
PROPERTY CITY Note 10 1.37%
FIRST PAYMENT ADJ DATE Latter of Note or Modification 9 1.23%
AMORTIZATION TYPE Latter of Note or Modification 6 0.82%
BALLOON FLAG Latter of Note or Modification 6 0.82%
NOTE DATE Note 6 0.82%
LIEN POSITION Title documentation 3 0.41%
PURPOSE HUD, 1003 or 1008 (approval) 3 0.41%
ARM INDEX Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%
MARGIN Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%
MAX LIFE RATE Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%
MIN LIFE RATE Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%
PERIODIC CAP Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%
PERIODIC FLOOR Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%
RATE CHANGE FREQ Latter of Note or Modification 2 0.27%



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Using the MBA methodology as applied based upon the scope defined above under Item 4(8), AMC created a payment string using a 24 month look back for each mortgage loan within the payment history random sample population. The results of this review are summarized below.


12 Month Lookback

Clean Pay During Lookback Loan Count % of Loans
Yes 772 99.74%
No 2 0.26%
Total 774 100.00%


24 Month Lookback

Clean Pay During Lookback Loan Count % of Loans
Yes 750 96.90%
No 24 3.10%
Total 774 100.00%


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Loan Level Exception - Disposition (Loan Grades)

Run Date - 4/11/2017 6:10:00 PM

AMC Loan ID 2017-SPL3 ID State Occupancy Purpose QM Status Overall Grade Credit Grade Credit Exceptions Credit Exception Information Credit Exception Comments Compliance Grade Compliance Exceptions Compliance Exception Information Compliance Exception Comments Compliance Factors Subject to Predatory -
Unable to Test
Disposition 2 Fitch

Seasoning >
3 Years
Subject to
Section 32
High Cost
State High
Cost Loan
200367305 2017SPL3100027 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367313 2017SPL3100002 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367358 2017SPL3100004 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200367362 2017SPL3100019 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200367386 2017SPL3100009 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200367394 2017SPL3100013 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing Missing initial and final title work.   3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200367414 2017SPL3100026 AZ Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367430 2017SPL3100001 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367452 2017SPL3100007 OK Primary Refinance   3 3 [3] Miscellaneous Compliance - Missing Document: Service Provider Disclosure not provided     3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Miscellaneous Compliance - Missing Document: Right to Cancel (RTC) not provided
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
Missing Refi purpose   TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. UTD Indeterminable D D Yes UTD   N/A N/A
200367489 2017SPL3100010 ME Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200367495 2017SPL3100005 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367498 2017SPL3100011 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367500 2017SPL3100024 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $96328.82 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $96370.88 in the amount of $42.06.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
Final TIL dated 12/15/99 but not executed by the borrower until 12/16/99.
Confirmed the TIL Finance Charges on Note and Final TIL.
  TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367541 2017SPL3100015 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367580 2017SPL3100022 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367633 2017SPL3100017 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.           B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367639 2017SPL3100018 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367646 2017SPL3100023 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $150925.86 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $150996.56 in the amount of $70.70.
[2] State Compliance - (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367687 2017SPL3100031 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200367719 2017SPL3100021 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367723 2017SPL3100040 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367726 2017SPL3100016 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200367728 2017SPL3100034 CT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200367741 2017SPL3100014 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-9 Used on Non Same Lender Refinance: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinance by a creditor that is not considered the original creditor. The H-9 form was used, the H-8 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
The loans being paid off at closing are to Commercial Credit Loans, Inc. and Beneficial Mortgage Co. of North Carolina.   TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200367754 2017SPL3100029 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367781 2017SPL3100045 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $66106.33 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $66281.34 in the amount of $175.01.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367796 2017SPL3100028 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367811 2017SPL3100032 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200367818 2017SPL3103576 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367827 2017SPL3100053 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200367831 2017SPL3100043 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367835 2017SPL3100038 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
          B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367837 2017SPL3100044 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367892 2017SPL3100036 CT Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200367912 2017SPL3100046 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 3/30/2006 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 3/30/2006 12:00:00 AM.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200367917 2017SPL3100039 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367950 2017SPL3100062 NJ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367966 2017SPL3100030 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $82088.46 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $82139.86 in the amount of $51.40.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200367980 2017SPL3100042 OH Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing Title not provided   2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Tangible Net Benefit): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Mortgage loan refinanced does not have a tangible net benefit to the borrower.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200367989 2017SPL3100033 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200367995 2017SPL3100047 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Missing Document - Title: Evidence of title is missing     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368001 2017SPL3100055 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368030 2017SPL3100037 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $47398.17 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $47491.38 in the amount of $93.21.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Complaint Agency Disclosure Not Provided): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
Refinance, seasoned >3 years, Lender did not include attorney fees in finance charges   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200368037 2017SPL3100054 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $126882.73 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $126949.31 in the amount of $66.58.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)
Unable to determine rate lock; rate lock agreement not provided in loan file.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200368065 2017SPL3100041 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368126 2017SPL3100035 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368140 2017SPL3100049 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368146 2017SPL3100074 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368174 2017SPL3100080 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200368189 2017SPL3100058 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368230 2017SPL3100063 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368244 2017SPL3100075 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368250 2017SPL3103577 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200368267 2017SPL3100048 RI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368276 2017SPL3100066 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368301 2017SPL3100082 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.   3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200368316 2017SPL3100064 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200368319 2017SPL3100067 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368321 2017SPL3100052 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
          B B Yes Yes No No No
200368365 2017SPL3100065 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200368379 2017SPL3100050 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368460 2017SPL3100061 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $153776.78 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $153833.32 in the amount of $56.54.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
Under disclosure due to daily simple interest of $61.20 for life of loan.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200368553 2017SPL3100073 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $149084.50 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $149164.90 in the amount of $80.40.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200368577 2017SPL3100078 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368601 2017SPL3100083 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $35358.10 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $35508.09 in the amount of $149.99. Finance Charges under disclosed by $149.99.Lender did not include $150.00 Attorney's Fee from HUD in TIL Finance calculations.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200368602 2017SPL3100089 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)
[2] State Compliance - Virginia Mortgage Lender and Broker Act (Collateral Secured by Personal Property): Virginia Mortgage Lender and Broker Act:  Collateral securing the mortgage loan is other than real estate or residential property.
Collateral is real estate   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368603 2017SPL3100079 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368613 2017SPL3100068 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Home Improvement   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368620 2017SPL3100084 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368643 2017SPL3100109 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200368660 2017SPL3100070 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368677 2017SPL3103578 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368681 2017SPL3100090 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368687 2017SPL3100069 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368690 2017SPL3100071 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
    Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.   - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368708 2017SPL3100093 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368715 2017SPL3100087 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368753 2017SPL3100119 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)
    TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   - B B Yes Yes No No No
200368782 2017SPL3100076 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368795 2017SPL3100097 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368845 2017SPL3100086 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200368847 2017SPL3100099 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Missing Document - Title: Evidence of title is missing     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.           B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368898 2017SPL3100128 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368902 2017SPL3100120 CT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $353620.82 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $353680.84 in the amount of $60.02.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 2/3/2006 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 2/3/2006 12:00:00 AM.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200368932 2017SPL3100126 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200368940 2017SPL3100091 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided): Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200368947 2017SPL3100116 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Colorado Consumer Credit Code (First Lien Refinance Notice Not Provided): Colorado Consumer Credit Code: Borrower not provided First Lien Refinance Notice.     Assignee Liability:  For a transaction involving a security interest in land, any action that may be brought against the original creditor may be maintained against any subsequent assignee where the assignee, its subsidiaries, or affiliates were in a continuing business relationship with the original creditor either at the time the credit was extended or at the time of the assignment unless the assignment was involuntary or the assignee shows by a preponderance of evidence that it did not have reasonable grounds to believe that the original creditor was engaged in violations of the code and that it maintained procedures reasonably adapted to apprise it of the existence of the violations.     B B Yes Yes No No No
200368982 2017SPL3100127 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.           B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369031 2017SPL3100107 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200369053 2017SPL3100096 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369061 2017SPL3100146 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369063 2017SPL3100121 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369072 2017SPL3100092 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200369085 2017SPL3100088 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369087 2017SPL3100144 ND Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369149 2017SPL3103579 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.           B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369179 2017SPL3100145 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369189 2017SPL3100105 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200369197 2017SPL3100095 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369231 2017SPL3100104 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $86666.84 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $86707.42 in the amount of $40.58.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369233 2017SPL3100134 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369296 2017SPL3100122 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: RESPA (2010):  Borrower not provided with list of service providers.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
Interest rate per note 10.10.  Interest rate on TIL 10.0968   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200369301 2017SPL3100100 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $192513.34 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $192603.46 in the amount of $90.12.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200369314 2017SPL3100123 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Not Provided Prior to Closing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure within a reasonably practicable time after using credit score.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369333 2017SPL3100114 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 10/23/2007 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 10/19/2007 12:00:00 AM.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369343 2017SPL3100140 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369344 2017SPL3100125 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369408 2017SPL3100147 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369425 2017SPL3100111 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369431 2017SPL3100124 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)     TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.     B B Yes Yes No No No
200369439 2017SPL3100148 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369442 2017SPL3100113 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369458 2017SPL3100139 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369460 2017SPL3100151 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369472 2017SPL3100132 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369490 2017SPL3100149 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369520 2017SPL3100150 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 2/20/2001 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 2/15/2001 12:00:00 AM.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369538 2017SPL3100133 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act: Borrower's ability to repay was not verified.
No evidence to support ability to repay was located in file.       - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369611 2017SPL3100106 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369625 2017SPL3100117 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369684 2017SPL3100158 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369690 2017SPL3100108 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369704 2017SPL3100160 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369713 2017SPL3100118 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200369714 2017SPL3100156 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369720 2017SPL3100157 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369722 2017SPL3100155 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369753 2017SPL3100159 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA 7-day Waiting Period - Initial TIL Less than 7 days from Consummation: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Initial TIL was not delivered to the borrower at least seven (7) business days prior to note date.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200369763 2017SPL3100129 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)     TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.     B B Yes Yes No No No
200369764 2017SPL3100152 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.           B B Yes Yes No No No
200369783 2017SPL3100112 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200369799 2017SPL3100154 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200369805 2017SPL3100115 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200369900 2017SPL3100137 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.     TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200370043 2017SPL3100142 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200370045 2017SPL3100135 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200370057 2017SPL3100166 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200370110 2017SPL3100165 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $94345.38 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $94387.09 in the amount of $41.71.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200370126 2017SPL3100163 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200370229 2017SPL3100141 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200370235 2017SPL3100130 PA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200370237 2017SPL3100167 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200370240 2017SPL3100162 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200370929 2017SPL3100025 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $173182.32 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $173770.60 in the amount of $588.28.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200370937 2017SPL3100003 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125%: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 13.97000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 14.24219% outside of 0.125% tolerance.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $136431.53 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $137377.76 in the amount of $946.23.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA APR -  subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200370942 2017SPL3100008 TN Investment Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Note Error: Interest rate is blank. Note has APR but no stated interest rate.  Backed into rate by matching to payment amount in order to run compliance.   1           - A A Yes No N/A N/A N/A
200370977 2017SPL3100020 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200370979 2017SPL3100012 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200370998 2017SPL3100006 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200371035 2017SPL3100060 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200371041 2017SPL3100059 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $85606.45 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $85656.16 in the amount of $49.71.
[2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200371074 2017SPL3100057 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200371078 2017SPL3100056 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $75500.48 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $75542.02 in the amount of $41.54.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200371099 2017SPL3100077 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200371116 2017SPL3100051 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200371122 2017SPL3100072 IA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200371150 2017SPL3100094 NY Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.           B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200371154 2017SPL3100081 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200371194 2017SPL3100101 WI Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200371208 2017SPL3100131 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200371209 2017SPL3100138 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200371236 2017SPL3100085 OH Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200371282 2017SPL3100103 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200371284 2017SPL3100098 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $219072.78 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $219134.38 in the amount of $61.60.
[2] State Compliance - Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided): Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
TIL itemization did not disclose Tax service fee of $50 as a prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200371308 2017SPL3100102 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.           B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200371335 2017SPL3100110 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $152102.46 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $152165.21 in the amount of $62.75.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200371370 2017SPL3100153 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200371374 2017SPL3100164 MD Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200371402 2017SPL3100161 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Final TIL Missing: Missing Final TIL.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200371451 2017SPL3100136 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1             A A Yes Yes No No No
200371454 2017SPL3100143 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200487482 2017SPL3100311 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $517,628.19 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $517,708.82 in the amount of $80.63.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200487510 2017SPL3100221 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200487521 2017SPL3100310 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200487528 2017SPL3100395 CT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200487608 2017SPL3100231 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487645 2017SPL3100227 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200487663 2017SPL3100407 VT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487666 2017SPL3100288 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $302,635.03 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $302,693.16 in the amount of $58.13.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487669 2017SPL3100305 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200487686 2017SPL3100345 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200487733 2017SPL3100402 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200487747 2017SPL3100349 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200487762 2017SPL3100316 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $166,728.40 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $166,791.73 in the amount of $63.33.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487779 2017SPL3100391 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  Estimated HUD1 used for any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125%: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 12.50000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 13.37776% outside of 0.125% tolerance.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $84,986.18 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $88,094.94 in the amount of $3,108.76.
HUD in file appears to be Final but portions illegible for review.   TILA APR -  subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200487805 2017SPL3100327 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200487809 2017SPL3100343 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200487817 2017SPL3101229 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487832 2017SPL3100360 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200487837 2017SPL3101224 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-9 Used on Non Same Lender Refinance: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinance by a creditor that is not considered the original creditor. The H-9 form was used, the H-8 form should have been used.     TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487845 2017SPL3100365 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200487853 2017SPL3101233 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200487856 2017SPL3100235 NV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487869 2017SPL3100379 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200487903 2017SPL3100362 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200487912 2017SPL3100219 MT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200487921 2017SPL3100361 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200487944 2017SPL3100367 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200487968 2017SPL3100199 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488010 2017SPL3100218 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200488026 2017SPL3100214 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200488030 2017SPL3101243 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Not Provided Prior to Closing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure within a reasonably practicable time after using credit score.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
Initial Loan application not provided for review- app date based off of 30 days prior to note date       - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200488053 2017SPL3100366 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200488071 2017SPL3100183 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200488327 2017SPL3100390 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488329 2017SPL3100338 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488330 2017SPL3100184 IN Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200488332 2017SPL3100255 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200488334 2017SPL3100241 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488336 2017SPL3100260 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200488338 2017SPL3100297 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200488342 2017SPL3100398 NJ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488347 2017SPL3103580 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488370 2017SPL3100315 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
      Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200488382 2017SPL3100279 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $93,858.48 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $93,907.51 in the amount of $49.03.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200488399 2017SPL3100203 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200488403 2017SPL3100264 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488497 2017SPL3100254 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
do not see the stated doc type in file       - B B Yes Yes No No No
200488555 2017SPL3100251 MA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488570 2017SPL3100394 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488582 2017SPL3100320 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488590 2017SPL3100384 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200488596 2017SPL3100340 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529175 2017SPL3100758 OR Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529188 2017SPL3100773 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529196 2017SPL3100750 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529197 2017SPL3100448 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529219 2017SPL3100438 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $141,414.08 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $141,458.16 in the amount of $44.08.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529220 2017SPL3101328 CO Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529227 2017SPL3100596 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529230 2017SPL3100751 OR Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529245 2017SPL3101297 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529247 2017SPL3101325 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529254 2017SPL3100571 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529255 2017SPL3100540 NH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529256 2017SPL3100555 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529257 2017SPL3100682 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.       Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200529261 2017SPL3101278 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529268 2017SPL3100645 WI Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529279 2017SPL3100745 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529284 2017SPL3100465 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529303 2017SPL3101318 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
Document is not dated       - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529306 2017SPL3100683 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529314 2017SPL3100646 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200529315 2017SPL3100511 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] State Compliance - Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan: Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.87265% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.88000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.5800% + 3%, or 7.58000%.  Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.         State HPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529318 2017SPL3100506 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529322 2017SPL3100697 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529323 2017SPL3100548 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200529333 2017SPL3100431 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529339 2017SPL3100499 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right To Cancel Not Provided to All Required Parties: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided to all parties whose ownership interest is or will be subject to the security interest.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200529354 2017SPL3100524 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529362 2017SPL3100707 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided): Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529363 2017SPL3100425 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529375 2017SPL3100558 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529385 2017SPL3100770 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529388 2017SPL3100478 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529396 2017SPL3100668 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $78,587.41 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $78,629.88 in the amount of $42.47.
[2] State Compliance - Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided): Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.
Unable to determine under disclosure due to missing itemization of amount financed.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529415 2017SPL3100633 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529446 2017SPL3101269 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529452 2017SPL3100787 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529457 2017SPL3100518 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Missing Document - Title: Evidence of title is missing
File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title   2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529490 2017SPL3100734 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529501 2017SPL3100449 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $318,326.01 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $318,437.97 in the amount of $111.96. The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529511 2017SPL3100678 IA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529518 2017SPL3100685 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $75,876.57 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $75,919.04 in the amount of $42.47.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529559 2017SPL3100613 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529581 2017SPL3100666 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529593 2017SPL3100660 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $114,363.89 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $114,407.34 in the amount of $43.45.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200529598 2017SPL3100616 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529601 2017SPL3101310 OH Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] State Compliance - (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements
Prepayment charge not allowed per state (OH) - max prepayment charge for OH is 1% - Note states 3%, 2%, 1% declining.   TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200529605 2017SPL3100705 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529632 2017SPL3103581 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529667 2017SPL3100485 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529677 2017SPL3100414 OH Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529715 2017SPL3101313 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529717 2017SPL3100497 NJ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529723 2017SPL3101305 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529726 2017SPL3100718 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements Prepayment charge not allowed per state (OH) - max prepayment charge for OH is 1% - Note states 3%, 2%, 1% declining.       - B B Yes Yes No No No
200529737 2017SPL3100723 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529764 2017SPL3100454 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529788 2017SPL3100728 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $107,539.89 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $107,586.32 in the amount of $46.43. The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200529792 2017SPL3101260 IN Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200529793 2017SPL3100688 MA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529823 2017SPL3100463 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529861 2017SPL3100780 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200529993 2017SPL3100608 OR Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200529996 2017SPL3100630 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200530468 2017SPL3100412 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633700 2017SPL3100993 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200633721 2017SPL3100959 NE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200633725 2017SPL3100826 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200633752 2017SPL3100953 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633773 2017SPL3101014 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633776 2017SPL3101367 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633786 2017SPL3100852 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633793 2017SPL3101352 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633795 2017SPL3101175 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/25/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200633810 2017SPL3101156 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633817 2017SPL3101120 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200633821 2017SPL3100955 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633828 2017SPL3101216 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200633840 2017SPL3100903 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633862 2017SPL3101011 NC Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200633877 2017SPL3100856 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633881 2017SPL3101002 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633882 2017SPL3100906 NE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633904 2017SPL3101155 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633911 2017SPL3101371 IA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $158,843.22 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $158,935.88 in the amount of $92.66. TIL itemization did not disclose an appraisal review fee of $80.00 as prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200633914 2017SPL3100822 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633951 2017SPL3101164 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200633973 2017SPL3100816 NE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633980 2017SPL3100983 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200633981 2017SPL3101125 FL Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 6/17/1998 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 6/18/1998 12:00:00 AM.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/18/1998 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200634045 2017SPL3101202 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $82,348.26 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $82,414.86 in the amount of $66.60.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634051 2017SPL3101134 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/11/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634056 2017SPL3101036 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.   3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200634062 2017SPL3101094 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634073 2017SPL3101194 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634102 2017SPL3101159 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634133 2017SPL3100914 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634146 2017SPL3100904 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634147 2017SPL3101360 ND Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634150 2017SPL3100839 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200634152 2017SPL3101123 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200634173 2017SPL3100970 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634184 2017SPL3100938 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634190 2017SPL3101086 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634193 2017SPL3101043 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634200 2017SPL3101087 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634202 2017SPL3100857 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634238 2017SPL3100867 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634239 2017SPL3101380 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $174,740.09 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $174,820.07 in the amount of $79.98.
[2] State Compliance - (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements
Colorado Consumer Credit Code, a consumer may prepay in
full, or in part if payment is no less than $5, the unpaid balance
at any time without penalty.
The under disclosure is due to a payment stream calculation error.  The lender did not calculate any payment increase when the ARM loan adjusted.
  TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634240 2017SPL3100905 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.03990% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.05000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.22% + 1.5%, or 5.72000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: RESPA (2010):  Borrower not provided with list of service providers.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Missing: RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement.
borrower was provided with disclosure but no date is provided on the form.   TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634241 2017SPL3100889 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/24/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634288 2017SPL3101040 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $23,611.63 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $23,861.79 in the amount of $250.16. TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $250 as a prepaid finance charge   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200634336 2017SPL3101220 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634354 2017SPL3101074 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634403 2017SPL3101212 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634418 2017SPL3101343 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634435 2017SPL3101195 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/21/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634439 2017SPL3101158 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower. Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure for this transaction not in loan file.       - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634485 2017SPL3101032 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634494 2017SPL3101147 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.     Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.   - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634497 2017SPL3101128 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application. initial ABA disclosure for this transaction is missing. ABA provided signed at closing.       - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634501 2017SPL3101127 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634525 2017SPL3101049 NJ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634541 2017SPL3101382 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634561 2017SPL3103582 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $29,727.68 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $29,983.13 in the amount of $255.45.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
Unable to determine source of under disclosed finance charges as the final HUD figures match the Itemization of Amount Financed.   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200634572 2017SPL3100976 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $36,940.48 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $37,140.48 in the amount of $200.00.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test: South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
TIL itemization did not disclose a closing attorney fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200634586 2017SPL3101114 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200634589 2017SPL3100971 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634592 2017SPL3100899 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634615 2017SPL3101124 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634620 2017SPL3101369 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/28/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
Verified.       - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634623 2017SPL3101022 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $41,153.92 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $41,353.90 in the amount of $199.98. TIL Itemization did not disclose the attorney closing fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200634630 2017SPL3101148 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634637 2017SPL3101377 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634664 2017SPL3100995 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634669 2017SPL3101383 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/31/2001 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200634789 2017SPL3100818 NC Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634794 2017SPL3101192 ND Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200634824 2017SPL3101102 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200634853 2017SPL3101047 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200634868 2017SPL3100997 NH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200710983 2017SPL3101584 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711012 2017SPL3101645 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] State Compliance - Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan: Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.03930% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.04000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.1400% + 3%, or 7.14000%.  Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.          State HPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711027 2017SPL3101564 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711036 2017SPL3101530 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711040 2017SPL3103150 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/17/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200711068 2017SPL3101430 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711077 2017SPL3101598 ND Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711082 2017SPL3101691 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711119 2017SPL3101664 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $118,902.41 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $118,942.57 in the amount of $40.16.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 6/30/2000 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 7/3/2000 12:00:00 AM.
Disbursement date not provided used settlement date   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711121 2017SPL3101567 MT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711132 2017SPL3101499 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711151 2017SPL3101504 NC Primary Refinance Limited Cash-out GSE   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711168 2017SPL3101629 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711179 2017SPL3101425 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711181 2017SPL3101639 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
      Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200711193 2017SPL3101685 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711194 2017SPL3101759 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] State Compliance - Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan: Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.91240% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.31000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.4100% + 3%, or 7.41000%.  Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] State Compliance - Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act: Borrower's ability to repay was not verified.
[2] State Compliance - Minnesota Tangible Net Benefit Test: Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act: Mortgage loan does not provide a tangible net benefit to the borrower.
    TILA MDIA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
Yes State HPML - Compliant D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200711201 2017SPL3101766 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711216 2017SPL3101683 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711230 2017SPL3101535 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711240 2017SPL3101603 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711252 2017SPL3101768 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/30/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711285 2017SPL3103588 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711286 2017SPL3101677 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711300 2017SPL3101620 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711306 2017SPL3101574 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/20/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711315 2017SPL3101742 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711362 2017SPL3101524 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711386 2017SPL3101509 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711393 2017SPL3101508 AL Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711411 2017SPL3101695 VT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711412 2017SPL3101735 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711417 2017SPL3101592 NC Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/22/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711421 2017SPL3101452 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711448 2017SPL3101706 MD Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711474 2017SPL3103107 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided): Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Rate Lock-In/Float Disclosure not provided to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711481 2017SPL3101538 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711488 2017SPL3103143 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711510 2017SPL3101595 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711517 2017SPL3101390 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711533 2017SPL3103108 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711551 2017SPL3101669 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711554 2017SPL3101558 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711567 2017SPL3101628 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711569 2017SPL3101675 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] State Compliance - Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan: Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.24850% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.25000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.3500% + 3%, or 7.35000%.  Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        State HPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711575 2017SPL3101658 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $147,770.08 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $147,900.55 in the amount of $130.47.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200711589 2017SPL3101701 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711595 2017SPL3101423 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/28/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711614 2017SPL3101458 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[2] State Compliance - Washington Residential Mortgage Loan (Disclosure of Material Terms Not Provided Timely): Washington HB 2770: Mortgage loan file does not contain a disclosure summary of all material terms provided to borrower within three (3) business days of  receipt of the loan application.
      Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200711674 2017SPL3101506 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $242,051.61 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $242,303.28 in the amount of $251.67.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711686 2017SPL3101572 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711705 2017SPL3101520 NC Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711729 2017SPL3101417 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711757 2017SPL3101436 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200711779 2017SPL3103208 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/22/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711782 2017SPL3101539 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711783 2017SPL3101754 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200711794 2017SPL3101778 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711809 2017SPL3101716 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711820 2017SPL3101481 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711834 2017SPL3101455 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711846 2017SPL3101569 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/7/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711847 2017SPL3101474 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200711881 2017SPL3101505 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711901 2017SPL3101578 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 11/13/2006 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/11/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
RTC expiration 11/10/2006.  Expected Expiration 11/15/2006.
Mortgage Notary date 11/11/2006.  Transaction disbursed on 11/13/2006.
  TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200711918 2017SPL3101676 MA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711930 2017SPL3103144 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711935 2017SPL3101767 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711937 2017SPL3101415 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711947 2017SPL3101720 ME Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200711951 2017SPL3101478 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/4/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711989 2017SPL3101543 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200711993 2017SPL3101646 ME Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.       Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200712001 2017SPL3101765 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200712040 2017SPL3101660 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712045 2017SPL3101440 ME Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712050 2017SPL3101611 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712067 2017SPL3101638 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200712167 2017SPL3101779 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712184 2017SPL3101442 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712201 2017SPL3101557 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.75264% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.76000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.42% + 1.5%, or 5.92000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200712202 2017SPL3101636 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/24/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200712207 2017SPL3101391 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712442 2017SPL3103117 WA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200712449 2017SPL3101601 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/28/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200712489 2017SPL3101565 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200712538 2017SPL3101734 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200712554 2017SPL3101590 UT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200712569 2017SPL3103589 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200712595 2017SPL3101732 VA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test: Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200781131 2017SPL3102670 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.26096% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.26000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.69% + 1.5%, or 5.19000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 801) Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 801 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 803) Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 803 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days: RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – GFE column on HUD Comparison Chart Inaccurate: RESPA (2010) – GFE column on page 3 of Final HUD-1 does not match most recently disclosed GFE.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): GFE indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Final HUD-1 indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.
    RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781139 2017SPL3103256 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.38726% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.38000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.46% + 1.5%, or 5.96000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance With Cure: RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation with evidence of cure provided on Final HUD-1.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200781150 2017SPL3102538 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
[2] State Compliance - Washington Residential Mortgage Loan (Disclosure of Material Terms Not Provided Timely): Washington HB 2770: Mortgage loan file does not contain a disclosure summary of all material terms provided to borrower within three (3) business days of  receipt of the loan application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781151 2017SPL3101895 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781162 2017SPL3102572 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.00014% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.00000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.78% + 1.5%, or 6.28000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781165 2017SPL3102676 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781173 2017SPL3101976 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781215 2017SPL3102497 HI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781220 2017SPL3103268 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.       Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200781229 2017SPL3102480 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781243 2017SPL3101799 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781244 2017SPL3102590 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781263 2017SPL3101929 PA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200781266 2017SPL3101807 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781302 2017SPL3103252 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/21/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781318 2017SPL3102657 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781332 2017SPL3101887 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781361 2017SPL3102536 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200781374 2017SPL3102616 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781384 2017SPL3101892 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781395 2017SPL3101942 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781411 2017SPL3101796 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781418 2017SPL3102429 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781435 2017SPL3102581 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
      Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200781446 2017SPL3102559 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781463 2017SPL3101845 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/20/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781466 2017SPL3103217 NE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781494 2017SPL3102583 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200781498 2017SPL3102433 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781544 2017SPL3103227 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781549 2017SPL3102462 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  2/2/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781550 2017SPL3101873 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] State Compliance - North Carolina Rate Spread Threshold Test: North Carolina Rate Spread Home Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.75550% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.75000% is in excess of allowable threshold of US Treasury 4.0900% + 3%, or 7.09000% and Conventional Mortgage Rate 5.2900% + 1.75%, or 7.04000%.  Compliant Rate Spread Home Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
        State HPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200781551 2017SPL3102482 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.80291% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.84000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.39% + 1.5%, or 4.89000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
no rate lock in file
Rate on note is 11.36. Rate on TIL shows 11.3604
  TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781576 2017SPL3101785 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781578 2017SPL3102685 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.17600% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.17000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.93% + 1.5%, or 6.43000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA MDIA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781610 2017SPL3103262 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781639 2017SPL3102508 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781649 2017SPL3102466 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781653 2017SPL3102465 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.48339% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.50000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.82% + 1.5%, or 6.32000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - P&I Payment Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Payment amount on the Final TIL does not match the P&I payment for the loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA Rate-Payment Summary Table - Introductory Total Payment (PITI) Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011):  Total payment amount (PITI) on the Final TIL does not match the total payment amount for the loan.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Not Charged for Actual Amounts of Third Party Fees): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower charged for products or services not provided or not charged actual amount for third party fee.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation without  evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days: RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA -  Initial GFE Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA: Initial GFE not provided to Borrower(s) within three (3) business days of Application Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781680 2017SPL3102451 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781684 2017SPL3101857 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781686 2017SPL3103261 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200781695 2017SPL3102661 PA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781696 2017SPL3101955 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data: Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Number of Units: Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Property Type: Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  9/4/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200781718 2017SPL3101871 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781731 2017SPL3103240 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781733 2017SPL3102620 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781735 2017SPL3102478 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] State Compliance - New York Subprime Home Loan Threshold Fixed: New York Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.58590% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.58000% is in excess of allowable threshold of Prime Mortgage Market Rate 5.02000 + 1.75%, or 6.77000%.  Compliant SubPrime Loan.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
        State HPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200781740 2017SPL3102435 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200781820 2017SPL3102475 NY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781857 2017SPL3102652 CO Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781927 2017SPL3103244 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781937 2017SPL3101992 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
Unable to determine due to missing evidence in file.
Disclosure not located in file.
Disclosure not located in file.
Not located in file.
  TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200781945 2017SPL3101830 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] State Compliance - California HPML Threshold Test: California Higher-Priced Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.74729% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.77000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.82% + 1.5%, or 6.32000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.74729% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.77000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.82% + 1.5%, or 6.32000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Not Provided Timely: RESPA (2010) - Borrower did not receive a list of service providers at the time the Good Faith Estimate was provided.
    Assignee Liability is unclear.  The provisions of the Act may only be enforced by the Attorney General or the licensed person’s licensing agency.  Any person who willfully and knowingly violates any provision of the Act shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 for each violation. A prepayment penalty or yield spread premium provision of a higher-priced mortgage loan that violates the Act shall be unenforceable.

TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200781949 2017SPL3102653 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200781955 2017SPL3101808 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200781985 2017SPL3102586 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200781996 2017SPL3101792 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782006 2017SPL3102604 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/23/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200782010 2017SPL3101863 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200782037 2017SPL3102700 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782038 2017SPL3101984 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200782050 2017SPL3102529 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200782053 2017SPL3101991 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782054 2017SPL3102438 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  2/1/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200782087 2017SPL3101825 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.70760% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.73000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.04% + 1.5%, or 5.54000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200782113 2017SPL3102651 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200782160 2017SPL3102622 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200782167 2017SPL3102695 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.00620% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.01000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.77% + 1.5%, or 5.27000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200782226 2017SPL3103229 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782243 2017SPL3102571 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $321,316.78 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $321,663.49 in the amount of $346.71.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200782248 2017SPL3102460 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.41760% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.34000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.72% + 1.5%, or 5.22000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/12/2010 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days: RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
Note: 10.5984; HUD 10.6   TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200782262 2017SPL3101842 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200782271 2017SPL3102489 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.53889% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.54000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.67% + 1.5%, or 6.17000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Not Provided within 3 Business Days of Application: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not sent within three (3) business days of the creditor application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/16/2010 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA -  Initial GFE Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA: Initial GFE not provided to Borrower(s) within three (3) business days of Application Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): GFE indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Final HUD-1 indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: RESPA (2010):  Borrower not provided with list of service providers.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA MDIA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200782278 2017SPL3102626 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200782285 2017SPL3102494 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200782311 2017SPL3102641 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.     Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.   - C C Yes Yes No No No
200782482 2017SPL3101875 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782493 2017SPL3101972 CO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Colorado Consumer Credit Code (First Lien Refinance Notice Not Provided): Colorado Consumer Credit Code: Borrower not provided First Lien Refinance Notice.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/26/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    Assignee Liability:  For a transaction involving a security interest in land, any action that may be brought against the original creditor may be maintained against any subsequent assignee where the assignee, its subsidiaries, or affiliates were in a continuing business relationship with the original creditor either at the time the credit was extended or at the time of the assignment unless the assignment was involuntary or the assignee shows by a preponderance of evidence that it did not have reasonable grounds to believe that the original creditor was engaged in violations of the code and that it maintained procedures reasonably adapted to apprise it of the existence of the violations.   - B B Yes Yes No No No
200782503 2017SPL3103266 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782546 2017SPL3101874 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.     TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200782551 2017SPL3102598 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/20/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200782569 2017SPL3101979 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.09880% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.13000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.04% + 1.5%, or 5.54000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days: RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200782581 2017SPL3102516 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200782600 2017SPL3101912 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200782655 2017SPL3102551 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200783885 2017SPL3103594 TX Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $68,432.32 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $68,557.63 in the amount of $125.31.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
TIL itemization did not include a $125 attorney fee as a prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200906380 2017SPL3102056 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)     TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200906390 2017SPL3103426 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200906604 2017SPL3102754 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200906642 2017SPL3102093 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200906666 2017SPL3102106 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200906742 2017SPL3102329 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200906797 2017SPL3103094 WY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200906873 2017SPL3102222 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200906892 2017SPL3103014 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200906919 2017SPL3102168 ND Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907029 2017SPL3102911 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907035 2017SPL3103011 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200907060 2017SPL3103558 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907086 2017SPL3103194 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.86881% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.89000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.33% + 1.5%, or 4.83000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate: Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA -  Initial GFE Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA: Initial GFE not provided to Borrower(s) within three (3) business days of Application Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
[2] Federal Compliance - SAFE Act - LO Company NMLS license status not approved: Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act: Loan Originator Organization not in approved license status to conduct loan origination activities.
[2] Federal Compliance - SAFE Act - Individual LO NMLS license status not approved: Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act: Individual Loan Originator not in approved license status to conduct loan origination activities.
    Liability appears to be limited to originators/licensees.

TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200907172 2017SPL3102703 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200907258 2017SPL3103064 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200907265 2017SPL3102085 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907282 2017SPL3102228 SD Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200907296 2017SPL3102255 UT Investment Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - ARM Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.
[3] Federal Compliance - CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA

TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes No N/A N/A N/A
200907324 2017SPL3103283 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $82,749.05 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $82,983.73 in the amount of $234.68. TIL is under disclosed due to the Attorney fee in the amount of $200 was not included in the TIL itemization.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200907350 2017SPL3103334 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907396 2017SPL3102787 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/8/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200907503 2017SPL3102298 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907546 2017SPL3102966 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125%: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 14.17000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 14.77521% outside of 0.125% tolerance.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $135,505.22 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $138,232.09 in the amount of $2,726.87.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 6/30/2000, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 6/30/2000.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Not Provided to Borrower At or Before Consummation: Truth in Lending Act: Final TIL was not provided to the borrower by closing.
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA APR -  subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
Tested TR Tested B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200907617 2017SPL3102981 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.50981% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.50000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.48% + 1.5%, or 5.98000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $72,810.90 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $72,851.39 in the amount of $40.49.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation without  evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – GFE column on HUD Comparison Chart Inaccurate: RESPA (2010) – GFE column on page 3 of Final HUD-1 does not match most recently disclosed GFE.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – HUD column on HUD Comparison Chart Inaccurate: RESPA (2010) – HUD-1 column on page 3 of Final HUD-1 does not match charges on page 2 of disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
Unable to determine under disclosure due to missing itemization of amount financed   RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
200907664 2017SPL3102906 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $59,354.02 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $59,554.11 in the amount of $200.09.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/27/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Complaint Agency Disclosure Not Provided): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
    Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired C C Yes Yes No No No
200907702 2017SPL3102359 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200907740 2017SPL3102829 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $156,957.94 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $157,212.03 in the amount of $254.09.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $250 as prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200907766 2017SPL3103531 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $164,011.35 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $164,094.38 in the amount of $83.03.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test: South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
Erroneous – Underdisclosure due to loan being DSI   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired C C Yes Yes No No No
200907841 2017SPL3102077 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200907954 2017SPL3102759 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200907968 2017SPL3103572 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/16/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908000 2017SPL3102230 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
      Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200908021 2017SPL3102213 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200908110 2017SPL3103523 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/28/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200908191 2017SPL3103510 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/12/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908259 2017SPL3103041 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/30/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200908283 2017SPL3102196 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/16/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200908322 2017SPL3103352 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $206,670.22 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $206,783.38 in the amount of $113.16. Unable to determine under disclosure due to missing itemization of amount financed.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200908463 2017SPL3103598 TX Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  9/2/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
[2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as the loan file does not contain an Appraisal): (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan Violation (File does not contain an Appraisal or other acceptable evaluation to confirm the Value on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value and to verify the CLTV does not exceed 80% maximum.  Test performed using stated value or other valuation method in file other than appraisal.)
[2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained): Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6): Acceptable FNMA title insurance endorsements not obtained for home equity loan.  Although the loan file contains the T-42 Endorsement, there is no evidence the Title Policy includes the Texas T-42.1 endorsement. (The loan is a Texas Section 50 (a)(6) home equity loan.)
[2] State Compliance - Texas Home Loan (Refinance of Special Mortgage): Unable to test special mortgage refinance due to missing information.
    Assignee Liability:  Although this exception indicates the assignee has less protections against claims from the consumer, it is not indicative of an actual violation.

This is a Secondary Market requirement by the GSEs and some investors.  (This Endorsement provides coverage against certain Texas 50(a)(6) exceptions at closing.)
  - B B Yes Yes No No No
200908482 2017SPL3102258 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $213,227.49 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $213,275.99 in the amount of $48.50.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/28/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test: South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $150 as a prepaid finance charge.   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired C C Yes Yes No No No
200908514 2017SPL3103058 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $157,415.41 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $157,466.37 in the amount of $50.96.
[2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)
Under disclosure due to DSI payment calculation in Clarity.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908527 2017SPL3102345 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/23/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908572 2017SPL3103087 CT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200908586 2017SPL3102101 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Number of Units: Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Property Type: Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
200908646 2017SPL3103534 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $222,128.11 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $222,238.85 in the amount of $110.74. Verified origination fee of $927.21 to HUD and itemization of amount financed. Under disclosure of $110.74 unable to be determined.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200908654 2017SPL3103320 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $229,870.16 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $229,992.66 in the amount of $122.50. Unable to determine cause of $122.50 under disclosure, no evidence of additional fees located on the Itemization of Amount financed.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908663 2017SPL3103377 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200908721 2017SPL3103027 CT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/19/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200908727 2017SPL3102714 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200908730 2017SPL3102303 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $279,131.84 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $279,166.95 in the amount of $35.11.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908773 2017SPL3102792 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200908807 2017SPL3103028 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/31/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908882 2017SPL3103073 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data: Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Number of Units: Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/23/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
[2] State Compliance - Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test: Virginia Mortgage Lender and Broker Act:  Unable to determine if mortgage loan was refinanced within the past twelve (12) months without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing prior loan information.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200908895 2017SPL3103304 OR Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908954 2017SPL3103309 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200908972 2017SPL3102711 NH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/13/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908973 2017SPL3102216 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200908982 2017SPL3102332 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  1/5/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909017 2017SPL3102930 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $318,156.53 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $318,300.88 in the amount of $144.35.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
Erroneous - Under disclosure due to loan being DSI.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909021 2017SPL3102157 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - ARM Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.
[3] Federal Compliance - CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Not Provided to Borrower At or Before Consummation: Truth in Lending Act: Final TIL was not provided to the borrower by closing.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA

TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
200909027 2017SPL3102932 ID Primary Refinance Rate/Term   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided): Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Rate Lock-In/Float Disclosure not provided to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909051 2017SPL3103383 VT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] State Compliance - Vermont Interest Act - Vermont High Rate, High Point Loan (Interest Rate and/or Points and Fees): Vermont Interest Act: Note Rate on subject loan of 11.58000% is in excess of allowable threshold of Declared Rate 6.0000% + 3%, or 9.00000, or Points on the loan of .00000% exceed the allowable threshold of 4%.  Compliant State Loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
    Neither Section 104 nor the Regulation provide specifically for assignee liability; however, given that Section 104 grants the Department authority to require any “lender”, which term is undefined, to refund any discount points or other charges paid by a borrower who has not received the required disclosures, purchasers and assignees should exercise caution in purchasing such loans.   State Loan - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909083 2017SPL3102380 AZ Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200909100 2017SPL3103053 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909119 2017SPL3102342 MD Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200909130 2017SPL3103051 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200909139 2017SPL3102177 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $420,991.10 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $421,227.20 in the amount of $236.10.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
Under disclosure appears to be due to lender not including attorney fee of $250 and flood cert fee of $5.50 in prepaid finance charges, per TIL itemization.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
200909189 2017SPL3103573 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $508,303.09 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $508,367.97 in the amount of $64.88.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909200 2017SPL3103192 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200909202 2017SPL3102789 HI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $414,860.24 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $415,144.29 in the amount of $284.05.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided
TIL Itemization reflects prepaid finance charges of $5,051.93 and  actual calculated prepaid finance charges are $5,240.18, a difference of $188.25. No evidence in file the attorney fee of $188.25 is not a prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909224 2017SPL3103462 HI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909231 2017SPL3102848 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909244 2017SPL3103032 AL Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909279 2017SPL3103034 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $512,292.03 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $512,523.08 in the amount of $231.05. Under disclosure caused by Daily simple interest   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909287 2017SPL3102909 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200909313 2017SPL3102233 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
200909350 2017SPL3103463 HI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200909354 2017SPL3102304 IL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/29/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200909472 2017SPL3103029 HI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909514 2017SPL3102308 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/20/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
200909526 2017SPL3103449 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
200909535 2017SPL3102135 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125%: Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 11.02000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 11.15190% outside of 0.125% tolerance.
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $28,824.85 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $29,020.69 in the amount of $195.84.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/21/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test: South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
TIL Itemization did not include Attorney fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge.   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA APR -  subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired C C Yes Yes No No No
200909545 2017SPL3103380 NM Primary Refinance Rate/Term   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
200909557 2017SPL3102892 SC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $30,050.43 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $30,243.78 in the amount of $193.35.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File): South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
[2] State Compliance - South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test: South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.
TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge   Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

Exceptions occurring more than 6 years ago may be outside the states statute of limitations. Due to the potential remedies available to a court, this exception carries elevated risk to an assignee during the initial 6 years after occurrence of the violation. After the expiration of this 6 year period, the exception retains risk for claims raised as a defense to foreclosure, but not at the same level as during the initial 6 years for affirmative claims.

TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  TILA SOL Expired C C Yes Yes No No No
200909564 2017SPL3102826 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
200909587 2017SPL3102020 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold): Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.00512% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.94000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.36% + 1.5%, or 5.86000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/5/2009 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 5 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA HPML - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA MDIA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No No
201070935 2017SPL3102812 UT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
201070950 2017SPL3102716 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided
[3] Closing / Title - TILA - Final TIL Missing
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003
File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability. UTD Indeterminable D D No UTD   N/A N/A
201070987 2017SPL3103559 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201071046 2017SPL3102771 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.     TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201073588 2017SPL3103597 TX Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  4/9/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as the loan file does not contain an Appraisal): Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6): The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value.  Test performed using stated value or other valuation method in file other than appraisal.
[2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained): Unable to determine whether the loan contains a T-42 and T-42.1 Endorsement due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Texas Home Loan Counseling Agencies List Not Provided: Unable to test counseling agencies list due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Texas Home Loan Counseling Disclosure Not Provided Timely: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - Texas Home Loan (Mortgage Information Resource List not Provided): Texas Home Loan: Borrower did not receive list of other resources where mortgage information can be found.
    Assignee Liability:  Although this exception indicates the assignee has less protections against claims from the consumer, it is not indicative of an actual violation.

This is a Secondary Market requirement by the GSEs and some investors.  (This Endorsement provides coverage against certain Texas 50(a)(6) exceptions at closing.)
  - B B Yes Yes No No No
201074165 2017SPL3103596 TX Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained): Unable to determine whether the loan contains a T-42 and T-42.1 Endorsement due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan  (The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value reflected on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as it does not match the appraised value): Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6):   The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as it does not match the appraised value.
    Assignee Liability:  Although this exception indicates the assignee has less protections against claims from the consumer, it is not indicative of an actual violation.

This is a Secondary Market requirement by the GSEs and some investors.  (This Endorsement provides coverage against certain Texas 50(a)(6) exceptions at closing.)
  - B B Yes Yes No No No
201075853 2017SPL3103595 TX Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/30/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained): Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6): Acceptable FNMA title insurance endorsements not obtained for home equity loan.  Although the loan file contains the T-42 Endorsement, there is no evidence the Title Policy includes the Texas T-42.1 endorsement. (The loan is a Texas Section 50 (a)(6) home equity loan.)
    This is a Secondary Market requirement by the GSEs and some investors.  (This Endorsement provides coverage against certain Texas 50(a)(6) exceptions at closing.)   - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076248 2017SPL3103341 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/19/2008 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
201076249 2017SPL3103191 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
201076262 2017SPL3103541 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/28/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076263 2017SPL3102961 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Federal HPML 2009 Compliant: Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.49995% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.50000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.21% + 1.5%, or 5.71000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Mortgage Loan.
[3] Closing / Title - Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state
[3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA 3-day Waiting Period - Corrected TIL for APR Inaccuracy Received Less than 3 Business Days from Consummation: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Corrected TIL for APR inaccuracy was not received by the borrower at least three (3) business days prior to closing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation without  evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 801) Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 801 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 803) Without Cure: RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 803 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing: Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.
State of TN requires a minimum 10 day grace period on high cost loans. Note calls for a 5 day grace period.   RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

RESPA (Sections 4 and 5) contains no explicit assignee liability provisions within the statute or implementing regulation, Regulation X, for these type of violations.

TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - If Non-Compliant, subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant C C Yes Yes No No No
201076270 2017SPL3102893 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $479,868.77 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $480,029.52 in the amount of $160.75.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/25/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
Under disclosure due to daily simple interest.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201076290 2017SPL3102823 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076313 2017SPL3102384 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/20/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076325 2017SPL3103353 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  2/3/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076344 2017SPL3102004 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/22/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
    TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201076350 2017SPL3102697 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided
[3] Closing / Title - TILA - Final TIL Missing
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[2] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003
File only contains Mortgage.  Compliance testing not completed.   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability. UTD Indeterminable D D No UTD   N/A N/A
201076354 2017SPL3103527 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076404 2017SPL3102894 KS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data: Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Number of Units: Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Property Type: Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/2/2005 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076425 2017SPL3102335 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/22/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076437 2017SPL3103319 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076441 2017SPL3102031 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076451 2017SPL3101997 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/5/2007 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
201076469 2017SPL3102272 WV Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076485 2017SPL3103465 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076510 2017SPL3103281 OR Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.   3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/10/2005 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076532 2017SPL3102180 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  7/3/2000 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076537 2017SPL3102250 WY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076541 2017SPL3102992 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title   3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  HUD1, not signed or stamped used for any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/26/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
      Yes TR HUD Deficiency D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076542 2017SPL3102234 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076568 2017SPL3102027 AL       3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided
[3] Closing / Title - TILA - Final TIL Missing
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003
File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability. UTD Indeterminable D D No UTD   N/A N/A
201076581 2017SPL3103485 MO Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076595 2017SPL3103459 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA 3-day Waiting Period - Corrected TIL for APR Inaccuracy Received Less than 3 Business Days from Consummation: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Corrected TIL for APR inaccuracy was not received by the borrower at least three (3) business days prior to closing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201076617 2017SPL3103079 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data: Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Number of Units: Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Property Type: Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  7/3/2006 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
      Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076624 2017SPL3103008 MS Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076630 2017SPL3102406 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/28/2003 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076635 2017SPL3103321 MS Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076648 2017SPL3102955 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $242,843.43 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $242,951.55 in the amount of $108.12. Erroneous Exception- Under-disclosure is due to variance in DSI calculation method of $.27/mo, totaling $96.66 over the life of the loan.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201076670 2017SPL3102011 GA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/4/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076675 2017SPL3102357 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] State Compliance - Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test: Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076688 2017SPL3102266 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076705 2017SPL3103364 LA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $92,628.97 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $92,673.09 in the amount of $44.12.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
Unable to determine under-disclosure due to missing Itemization of Amount Financed.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076716 2017SPL3102772 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076729 2017SPL3102170 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/27/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076755 2017SPL3103076 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $153,558.83 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $153,597.05 in the amount of $38.22. Per the itemization of amount financed all fees included. The interest calculation method chosen reflects the closest payment per Note in file however, causes an under disclosure of $38.22.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076763 2017SPL3103593 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Federal HPML 2009 Compliant: Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.77328% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.77000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.74% + 1.5%, or 5.24000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Mortgage Loan.
[3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA 3-day Waiting Period - Corrected TIL for APR Inaccuracy Received Less than 3 Business Days from Consummation: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Corrected TIL for APR inaccuracy was not received by the borrower at least three (3) business days prior to closing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate: RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.
    TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA HPML - If Non-Compliant, subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.
  FHPML - Compliant B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076768 2017SPL3103022 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  1/8/2008 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
201076777 2017SPL3102924 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/15/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076780 2017SPL3101998 OR Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076789 2017SPL3102316 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  9/9/2001 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076796 2017SPL3102876 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201076811 2017SPL3102112 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
Grace period not allowed per state (TN) – min grace period for TN is 10 days - note states 5 days       Late Charge C C Yes Yes No No No
201076841 2017SPL3103080 MI Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $87,222.18 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $87,263.95 in the amount of $41.77.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/31/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower.
[2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
Unable to determine reason for under disclosure.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076892 2017SPL3103169 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Federal FACTA Disclosure Timing Test: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure within a reasonably practicable time after using credit score.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076908 2017SPL3102841 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076910 2017SPL3103466 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
201076913 2017SPL3103056 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $183,525.34 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $183,617.71 in the amount of $92.37.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/18/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
Unable to determine the reason for the under disclosure due to being without an amortization schedule.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201076928 2017SPL3102075 WI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No No
201076935 2017SPL3102244 SD Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076975 2017SPL3102775 AL Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/11/2008 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076978 2017SPL3102873 AL       3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided
[3] Closing / Title - TILA - Final TIL Missing
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003
File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability. UTD Indeterminable D D No UTD   N/A N/A
201076979 2017SPL3103457 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201076986 2017SPL3102067 IA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Security Instrument not provided     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $94,407.02 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $94,444.69 in the amount of $37.67.
[3] Federal Compliance - TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date: Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 9/29/1999, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 9/29/1999.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/29/1999 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
    TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
In TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201076999 2017SPL3102124 VT Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Miscellaneous Compliance - Initial TIL not provided         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077011 2017SPL3103456 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $264,387.50 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $264,488.50 in the amount of $101.00.     TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201077042 2017SPL3103193 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/13/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077058 2017SPL3102249 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/7/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077061 2017SPL3102877 GA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided
[3] Closing / Title - TILA - Final TIL Missing
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003
File only contains Mortgage.  Compliance testing not completed.   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability. UTD Indeterminable D D No UTD   N/A N/A
201077066 2017SPL3102293 DE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/19/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077084 2017SPL3102150 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/26/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077099 2017SPL3102299 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/13/2007 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
201077107 2017SPL3103287 NE Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - ARM Disclosure Compliant: TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure does not match terms of loan.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Miscellaneous Compliance - (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077117 2017SPL3102885 AL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201077129 2017SPL3102734 HI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   1 1       1           - A A Yes Yes No No N/A
201077130 2017SPL3102207 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state Minimum grace period for TN is 10 days, note states 5 days.       Late Charge C C Yes Yes No No N/A
201077160 2017SPL3102914 NC Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/24/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077169 2017SPL3103154 MI Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] State Compliance - Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Not Charged for Actual Amounts of Third Party Fees): Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower charged for products or services not provided or not charged actual amount for third party fee.         - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077229 2017SPL3103360 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state
[3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $39,195.59 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $39,292.74 in the amount of $97.15.
[Tenn. Code Ann. § 45-20-103(15)(A).] The late payment fee may only be assessed for a payment past due for 10 days or more.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired C C Yes Yes No No No
201077237 2017SPL3102816 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-9 Used on Non Same Lender Refinance: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinance by a creditor that is not considered the original creditor. The H-9 form was used, the H-8 form should have been used.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
    TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201077239 2017SPL3102277 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
    3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/24/2007 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] State Compliance - Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test: Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201077243 2017SPL3103490 WA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/12/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077263 2017SPL3103069 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/14/2004 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
Unable to verify due to missing documentation.   TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No No
201077295 2017SPL3103461 TN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201077312 2017SPL3103374 VA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/21/2004 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
[2] State Compliance - Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test: Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.
    TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions. Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201077320 2017SPL3102976 PA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/21/2001 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077345 2017SPL3102209 ID Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003
[3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing
File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.   3 [3] Federal Compliance - ARM Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
    TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077352 2017SPL3103451 CA Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - ARM Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.
[3] Federal Compliance - CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status: TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Final HUD-1: Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.
[3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/31/2001 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel: Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.
    TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA

TILA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA

TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.
Yes TR Indeterminable D D Yes Yes No No N/A
201077366 2017SPL3103044 FL Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077370 2017SPL3103018 MN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/19/1999 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077382 2017SPL3103013 OK Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     1           - A A Yes Yes No No No
201077393 2017SPL3103012 PA Primary Refinance Rate/Term   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Loan File - (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file
[3] Closing / Title - Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided
[3] Closing / Title - TILA - Final TIL Missing
[3] Federal Compliance - Missing Final HUD-1
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003
File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.   TILA - 1yr affirmative, 3yrs for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability. UTD Indeterminable D D No UTD   N/A N/A
201077493 2017SPL3103367 KY Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 1       3 [3] Federal Compliance - Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed: Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $22,141.37 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $22,180.52 in the amount of $39.15.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.
TIL itemization did not disclose a tax service fee of $50 as prepaid finance charge.   TILA Finance Charge - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims, 3 years for rescindable transactions.  Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201077519 2017SPL3103078 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/23/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Received Timely): Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure at the time of closing.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077527 2017SPL3103057 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077530 2017SPL3103336 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.         - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077539 2017SPL3103372 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  8/3/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077678 2017SPL3102247 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing: Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/30/2009 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 3 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date : Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Received Timely): Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] Federal Compliance - TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11): Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)
    TILA MDIA - subject to a 1 year SOL for affirmative claims under TILA, Unlimited as a defense to foreclosure. Assignee liability.

TILA ROR Form - Because this issue is not uniformly settled among the circuit courts, the continuing risk that the borrower may have an extended right to rescind (3 additional years) if a creditor uses the incorrect Model Form remains. Because of this uncertainty, we continue to recommend that creditors use Model Form H-8 only for refinances involving a new creditor and Model Form H-9 for refinances involving the same creditor.
  TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No
201077695 2017SPL3102737 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/19/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Received Timely): Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided Timely): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure at the time of closing.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077696 2017SPL3102254 IN Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   2 1       2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/10/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No N/A
201077705 2017SPL3102203 NM Primary Refinance Cash-out - Other   3 3 [3] Closing / Title - Title: Evidence of title is missing File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.   2 [2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] Federal Compliance - RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application: Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.
        - B B Yes Yes No No No
201077749 2017SPL3102245 OH Primary Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation   3 3 [3] Application / Processing - Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003     3 [3] Federal Compliance - Notice of Right to Cancel Missing: Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.
[2] General Appraisal Requirements - Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.
[2] Federal Compliance - FACTA Disclosure Missing: FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.
[2] Federal Compliance - Initial Loan Application Status Test: No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.
[2] State Compliance - (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified): Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.
[2] State Compliance - Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis): Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.
PPP expired.  PPP not allowed per state (OH).  State (OH) allows prepayment penalty of not more than 1% if the loan is prepaid before 5 years; Note allows prepayment penalty of 2% during year 1 and 1% during year 2.   TILA ROR - 3yrs for rescindable transactions.   TILA SOL Expired B B Yes Yes No No No





Exception Standard Report (Loan Grades)

Run Date - 4/11/2017 6:10:00 PM

AMC Loan ID 2017-SPL3 ID Loan Exception ID Exception ID Purpose Occupancy State Loan Status Exception Date Exception Category Exception Subcategory Exception Type Exception Status Exception Status
Change Date
Exception Grade Exception Exception Detail Exception Information Compensating Factors Comments
200367305 2017SPL3100027 2537963 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367313 2017SPL3100002 2538015 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367394 2017SPL3100013 345701 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200367394 2017SPL3100013 345704 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200367394 2017SPL3100013 356701 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   Missing initial and final title work.    
200367394 2017SPL3100013 2538053 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367430 2017SPL3100001 2538127 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367452 2017SPL3100007 344761 4747 Refinance Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
200367452 2017SPL3100007 344769 2903 Refinance Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Right to Cancel (RTC) not provided        
200367452 2017SPL3100007 344779 2877 Refinance Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Service Provider Disclosure not provided        
200367452 2017SPL3100007 344793 3829 Refinance Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   Missing Refi purpose    
200367495 2017SPL3100005 2538298 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367498 2017SPL3100011 329908 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/29/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367500 2017SPL3100024 346480 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $96328.82 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $96370.88 in the amount of $42.06. Confirmed the TIL Finance Charges on Note and Final TIL.    
200367500 2017SPL3100024 346482 2647 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s). Final TIL dated 12/15/99 but not executed by the borrower until 12/16/99.    
200367500 2017SPL3100024 350918 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200367541 2017SPL3100015 328976 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/28/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367633 2017SPL3100017 405470 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 01/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200367639 2017SPL3100018 345105 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367639 2017SPL3100018 345108 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200367639 2017SPL3100018 2538365 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367646 2017SPL3100023 345185 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $150925.86 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $150996.56 in the amount of $70.70.      
200367646 2017SPL3100023 351168 3057 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements        
200367646 2017SPL3100023 2538460 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367723 2017SPL3100040 2538603 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367726 2017SPL3100016 345352 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367726 2017SPL3100016 345355 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
200367726 2017SPL3100016 2538709 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367728 2017SPL3100034 330577 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 12/29/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367741 2017SPL3100014 330687 2644 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/29/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-9 Used on Non Same Lender Refinance Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinance by a creditor that is not considered the original creditor. The H-9 form was used, the H-8 form should have been used. The loans being paid off at closing are to Commercial Credit Loans, Inc. and Beneficial Mortgage Co. of North Carolina.    
200367741 2017SPL3100014 2538906 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367781 2017SPL3100045 330971 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/29/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200367781 2017SPL3100045 339925 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $66106.33 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $66281.34 in the amount of $175.01.      
200367818 2017SPL3103576 2539524 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367835 2017SPL3100038 331428 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/29/2015 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200367835 2017SPL3100038 331429 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/29/2015 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200367892 2017SPL3100036 340940 4013 Refinance Rate/Term Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200367892 2017SPL3100036 340941 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200367892 2017SPL3100036 2539616 6515 Refinance Rate/Term Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367912 2017SPL3100046 351505 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367912 2017SPL3100046 351506 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 3/30/2006 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 3/30/2006 12:00:00 AM.      
200367912 2017SPL3100046 351507 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200367912 2017SPL3100046 2539705 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367950 2017SPL3100062 2539833 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NJ Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367966 2017SPL3100030 332932 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $82088.46 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $82139.86 in the amount of $51.40.      
200367980 2017SPL3100042 345818 4211 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   Title not provided    
200367980 2017SPL3100042 345830 1058 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200367980 2017SPL3100042 345831 2210 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.      
200367980 2017SPL3100042 345832 2214 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.      
200367980 2017SPL3100042 427772 2222 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 02/05/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Tangible Net Benefit) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Mortgage loan refinanced does not have a tangible net benefit to the borrower.      
200367980 2017SPL3100042 2539980 6515 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200367995 2017SPL3100047 345909 589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Title Missing Document Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200367995 2017SPL3100047 2540212 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368030 2017SPL3100037 345927 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $47398.17 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $47491.38 in the amount of $93.21. Refinance, seasoned >3 years, Lender did not include attorney fees in finance charges    
200368030 2017SPL3100037 351667 2338 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Complaint Agency Disclosure Not Provided) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345944 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345945 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345946 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345947 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345951 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $126882.73 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $126949.31 in the amount of $66.58.      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345952 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200368037 2017SPL3100054 345954 770 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing   Unable to determine rate lock; rate lock agreement not provided in loan file.    
200368140 2017SPL3100049 351915 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
200368140 2017SPL3100049 2540310 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368174 2017SPL3100080 337604 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368189 2017SPL3100058 2540397 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368250 2017SPL3103577 337602 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368267 2017SPL3100048 2540457 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary RI Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368276 2017SPL3100066 337775 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368276 2017SPL3100066 2540534 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368301 2017SPL3100082 346392 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368301 2017SPL3100082 346394 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200368301 2017SPL3100082 358749 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.    
200368301 2017SPL3100082 358759 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200368301 2017SPL3100082 2540851 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368316 2017SPL3100064 342009 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 01/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200368321 2017SPL3100052 337813 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368321 2017SPL3100052 337814 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200368379 2017SPL3100050 2541108 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368460 2017SPL3100061 346644 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $153776.78 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $153833.32 in the amount of $56.54. Under disclosure due to daily simple interest of $61.20 for life of loan.    
200368460 2017SPL3100061 2541246 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368553 2017SPL3100073 342578 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $149084.50 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $149164.90 in the amount of $80.40.      
200368601 2017SPL3100083 346821 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $35358.10 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $35508.09 in the amount of $149.99. Finance Charges under disclosed by $149.99.Lender did not include $150.00 Attorney's Fee from HUD in TIL Finance calculations.    
200368602 2017SPL3100089 347939 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200368602 2017SPL3100089 347940 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200368602 2017SPL3100089 348118 2495 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Virginia Mortgage Lender and Broker Act (Collateral Secured by Personal Property) Virginia Mortgage Lender and Broker Act:  Collateral securing the mortgage loan is other than real estate or residential property. Collateral is real estate    
200368602 2017SPL3100089 352695 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200368602 2017SPL3100089 368350 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.      
200368603 2017SPL3100079 355096 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200368603 2017SPL3100079 2541454 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368613 2017SPL3100068 339220 2647 Refinance Cash-out - Home Improvement Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 01/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).      
200368620 2017SPL3100084 338926 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200368620 2017SPL3100084 338927 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200368620 2017SPL3100084 2541572 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368643 2017SPL3100109 339062 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368681 2017SPL3100090 2541668 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368690 2017SPL3100071 347022 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200368690 2017SPL3100071 347023 2337 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200368715 2017SPL3100087 2541787 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368753 2017SPL3100119 349613 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200368753 2017SPL3100119 2541950 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368795 2017SPL3100097 339435 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200368795 2017SPL3100097 343173 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200368795 2017SPL3100097 2542107 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368847 2017SPL3100099 347139 589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Title Missing Document Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200368847 2017SPL3100099 347141 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200368898 2017SPL3100128 2542316 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368902 2017SPL3100120 339910 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $353620.82 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $353680.84 in the amount of $60.02.      
200368902 2017SPL3100120 339912 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200368902 2017SPL3100120 343723 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 2/3/2006 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 2/3/2006 12:00:00 AM.      
200368902 2017SPL3100120 2542442 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368940 2017SPL3100091 340051 1683 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided) Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.      
200368940 2017SPL3100091 2542590 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200368947 2017SPL3100116 347464 1469 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Colorado Consumer Credit Code (First Lien Refinance Notice Not Provided) Colorado Consumer Credit Code: Borrower not provided First Lien Refinance Notice.      
200368982 2017SPL3100127 343951 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200369031 2017SPL3100107 340316 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200369061 2017SPL3100146 340332 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200369061 2017SPL3100146 2542849 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369063 2017SPL3100121 2542981 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369072 2017SPL3100092 340371 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200369072 2017SPL3100092 340372 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200369072 2017SPL3100092 2543136 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369087 2017SPL3100144 340446 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200369087 2017SPL3100144 344175 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200369087 2017SPL3100144 2543269 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369149 2017SPL3103579 340750 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200369179 2017SPL3100145 2543389 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369189 2017SPL3100105 340954 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200369189 2017SPL3100105 340957 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200369189 2017SPL3100105 2543504 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369231 2017SPL3100104 347882 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $86666.84 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $86707.42 in the amount of $40.58.      
200369231 2017SPL3100104 2543583 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369296 2017SPL3100122 358522 770 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing        
200369296 2017SPL3100122 358542 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200369296 2017SPL3100122 358543 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200369296 2017SPL3100122 358544 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing RESPA (2010):  Borrower not provided with list of service providers.      
200369296 2017SPL3100122 358545 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200369296 2017SPL3100122 363284 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 01/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan. Interest rate per note 10.10.  Interest rate on TIL 10.0968    
200369301 2017SPL3100100 344952 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $192513.34 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $192603.46 in the amount of $90.12.      
200369301 2017SPL3100100 2543687 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369314 2017SPL3100123 341315 1059 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Not Provided Prior to Closing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure within a reasonably practicable time after using credit score.      
200369314 2017SPL3100123 359758 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200369314 2017SPL3100123 2543823 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369333 2017SPL3100114 341344 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200369333 2017SPL3100114 341346 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 01/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 10/23/2007 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 10/19/2007 12:00:00 AM.      
200369333 2017SPL3100114 2543865 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369344 2017SPL3100125 2543777 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369431 2017SPL3100124 345395 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200369439 2017SPL3100148 2543682 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369442 2017SPL3100113 2543588 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369460 2017SPL3100151 349323 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200369460 2017SPL3100151 2543532 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369520 2017SPL3100150 346210 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 2/20/2001 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 2/15/2001 12:00:00 AM.      
200369520 2017SPL3100150 346211 2647 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).      
200369538 2017SPL3100133 342129 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200369538 2017SPL3100133 342130 1982 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/03/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act: Borrower's ability to repay was not verified. No evidence to support ability to repay was located in file.    
200369611 2017SPL3100106 2543382 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369625 2017SPL3100117 342449 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 01/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
200369625 2017SPL3100117 2543191 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369684 2017SPL3100158 2543095 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369704 2017SPL3100160 2542973 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369714 2017SPL3100156 2542892 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369720 2017SPL3100157 342672 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200369720 2017SPL3100157 2542822 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369753 2017SPL3100159 342721 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200369753 2017SPL3100159 342737 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200369753 2017SPL3100159 347176 2634 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 01/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA 7-day Waiting Period - Initial TIL Less than 7 days from Consummation Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Initial TIL was not delivered to the borrower at least seven (7) business days prior to note date.      
200369753 2017SPL3100159 2542753 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369763 2017SPL3100129 343971 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200369764 2017SPL3100152 343922 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200369783 2017SPL3100112 2542457 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369799 2017SPL3100154 2541462 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200369900 2017SPL3100137 344108 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
200370045 2017SPL3100135 2541548 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370057 2017SPL3100166 343650 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200370057 2017SPL3100166 2541599 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370110 2017SPL3100165 343519 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 01/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $94345.38 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $94387.09 in the amount of $41.71.      
200370110 2017SPL3100165 2541690 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370126 2017SPL3100163 2541799 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370235 2017SPL3100130 2542102 6515 Refinance Rate/Term Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370237 2017SPL3100167 2542236 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370240 2017SPL3100162 2542324 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370929 2017SPL3100025 338529 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200370929 2017SPL3100025 338531 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200370929 2017SPL3100025 338578 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $173182.32 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $173770.60 in the amount of $588.28.      
200370929 2017SPL3100025 2540831 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200370937 2017SPL3100003 333578 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200370937 2017SPL3100003 333579 2640 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125% Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 13.97000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 14.24219% outside of 0.125% tolerance.      
200370937 2017SPL3100003 333580 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $136431.53 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $137377.76 in the amount of $946.23.      
200370937 2017SPL3100003 334129 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
200370942 2017SPL3100008 360253 423 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Investment TN Reviewed with Exceptions 01/08/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Note Error: Interest rate is blank.   Note has APR but no stated interest rate.  Backed into rate by matching to payment amount in order to run compliance.    
200371041 2017SPL3100059 336237 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200371041 2017SPL3100059 336239 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $85606.45 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $85656.16 in the amount of $49.71.      
200371078 2017SPL3100056 333904 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $75500.48 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $75542.02 in the amount of $41.54.      
200371150 2017SPL3100094 336412 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200371208 2017SPL3100131 2541162 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200371236 2017SPL3100085 336713 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200371236 2017SPL3100085 2541237 6515 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200371282 2017SPL3100103 2540173 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200371284 2017SPL3100098 334826 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $219072.78 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $219134.38 in the amount of $61.60. TIL itemization did not disclose Tax service fee of $50 as a prepaid finance charge.    
200371284 2017SPL3100098 337109 1683 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 12/31/2015 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided) Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.      
200371284 2017SPL3100098 2540244 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200371308 2017SPL3100102 335018 1058 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200371335 2017SPL3100110 335009 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL Finance Charge of $152102.46 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $152165.21 in the amount of $62.75.      
200371370 2017SPL3100153 2540350 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200371402 2017SPL3100161 335394 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200371402 2017SPL3100161 335395 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200371402 2017SPL3100161 335396 3366 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/30/2015 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing Missing Final TIL.      
200371402 2017SPL3100161 2540509 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200371454 2017SPL3100143 2539882 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200487482 2017SPL3100311 615893 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $517,628.19 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $517,708.82 in the amount of $80.63.      
200487482 2017SPL3100311 615924 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487510 2017SPL3100221 612193 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487510 2017SPL3100221 2539938 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200487521 2017SPL3100310 613446 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487528 2017SPL3100395 613792 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487528 2017SPL3100395 613816 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200487528 2017SPL3100395 613818 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200487608 2017SPL3100231 624190 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200487645 2017SPL3100227 619571 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487645 2017SPL3100227 619600 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200487663 2017SPL3100407 624423 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VT Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200487666 2017SPL3100288 621178 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $302,635.03 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $302,693.16 in the amount of $58.13.      
200487666 2017SPL3100288 621632 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487666 2017SPL3100288 621668 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200487686 2017SPL3100345 622497 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487747 2017SPL3100349 622325 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200487762 2017SPL3100316 614263 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $166,728.40 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $166,791.73 in the amount of $63.33.      
200487779 2017SPL3100391 623578 2640 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125% Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 12.50000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 13.37776% outside of 0.125% tolerance.      
200487779 2017SPL3100391 623579 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $84,986.18 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $88,094.94 in the amount of $3,108.76.      
200487779 2017SPL3100391 637802 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  Estimated HUD1 used for any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing. HUD in file appears to be Final but portions illegible for review.    
200487817 2017SPL3101229 624294 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487817 2017SPL3101229 624295 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200487817 2017SPL3101229 2540015 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200487837 2017SPL3101224 610614 2644 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 04/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-9 Used on Non Same Lender Refinance Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinance by a creditor that is not considered the original creditor. The H-9 form was used, the H-8 form should have been used.      
200487853 2017SPL3101233 614989 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487856 2017SPL3100235 619810 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NV Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200487869 2017SPL3100379 624494 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200487912 2017SPL3100219 619728 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MT Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487912 2017SPL3100219 619772 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MT Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200487921 2017SPL3100361 622531 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200487921 2017SPL3100361 622564 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200487921 2017SPL3100361 2540056 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200487968 2017SPL3100199 619740 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488010 2017SPL3100218 619539 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200488010 2017SPL3100218 2540101 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200488026 2017SPL3100214 619567 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488030 2017SPL3101243 621405 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application. Initial Loan application not provided for review- app date based off of 30 days prior to note date    
200488030 2017SPL3101243 621930 1059 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Not Provided Prior to Closing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure within a reasonably practicable time after using credit score.      
200488030 2017SPL3101243 2538386 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200488053 2017SPL3100366 613825 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488053 2017SPL3100366 613837 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 04/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200488071 2017SPL3100183 610282 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 04/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200488071 2017SPL3100183 610809 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 04/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200488327 2017SPL3100390 624040 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488332 2017SPL3100255 620599 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488332 2017SPL3100255 620633 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.      
200488332 2017SPL3100255 620634 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200488334 2017SPL3100241 620363 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488336 2017SPL3100260 615121 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488336 2017SPL3100260 2538461 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200488338 2017SPL3100297 617788 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200488342 2017SPL3100398 623941 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NJ Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488347 2017SPL3103580 615383 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488370 2017SPL3100315 615541 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200488370 2017SPL3100315 615890 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488370 2017SPL3100315 2538711 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200488382 2017SPL3100279 620914 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488382 2017SPL3100279 621313 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $93,858.48 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $93,907.51 in the amount of $49.03.      
200488399 2017SPL3100203 620228 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200488403 2017SPL3100264 615221 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488497 2017SPL3100254 620172 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488497 2017SPL3100254 620239 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information. do not see the stated doc type in file    
200488497 2017SPL3100254 620240 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200488570 2017SPL3100394 623407 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200488596 2017SPL3100340 621871 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 04/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529175 2017SPL3100758 2539024 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529188 2017SPL3100773 722851 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529196 2017SPL3100750 737931 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529197 2017SPL3100448 717019 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529197 2017SPL3100448 717025 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529219 2017SPL3100438 726003 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529219 2017SPL3100438 726129 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529219 2017SPL3100438 726130 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $141,414.08 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $141,458.16 in the amount of $44.08. The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.    
200529219 2017SPL3100438 2539254 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529227 2017SPL3100596 724715 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529245 2017SPL3101297 732425 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529247 2017SPL3101325 741003 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529247 2017SPL3101325 741023 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529254 2017SPL3100571 726734 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529255 2017SPL3100540 725596 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529256 2017SPL3100555 726106 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529257 2017SPL3100682 735115 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529257 2017SPL3100682 762875 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 05/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200529261 2017SPL3101278 718321 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200529261 2017SPL3101278 725140 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529268 2017SPL3100645 733397 1268 Refinance Rate/Term Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200529279 2017SPL3100745 723415 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529303 2017SPL3101318 738229 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200529303 2017SPL3101318 738234 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200529303 2017SPL3101318 738236 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application. Document is not dated    
200529303 2017SPL3101318 738238 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200529303 2017SPL3101318 738257 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529303 2017SPL3101318 2539504 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529306 2017SPL3100683 722450 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529314 2017SPL3100646 732863 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529314 2017SPL3100646 732925 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200529314 2017SPL3100646 732926 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200529315 2017SPL3100511 724120 5661 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.87265% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.88000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.5800% + 3%, or 7.58000%.  Compliant State Higher  Priced Loan.      
200529315 2017SPL3100511 751313 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529318 2017SPL3100506 724821 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529322 2017SPL3100697 735773 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529323 2017SPL3100548 724200 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200529323 2017SPL3100548 724201 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200529323 2017SPL3100548 724202 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200529323 2017SPL3100548 744509 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529339 2017SPL3100499 718440 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200529339 2017SPL3100499 718442 2646 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right To Cancel Not Provided to All Required Parties Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided to all parties whose ownership interest is or will be subject to the security interest.      
200529339 2017SPL3100499 733613 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529339 2017SPL3100499 733678 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200529354 2017SPL3100524 723640 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529362 2017SPL3100707 726494 1683 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided) Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.      
200529363 2017SPL3100425 724267 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529385 2017SPL3100770 740627 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529385 2017SPL3100770 740663 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529385 2017SPL3100770 2538294 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529396 2017SPL3100668 734454 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529396 2017SPL3100668 734818 1683 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided) Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Lock-in Agreement not provided to borrower.      
200529396 2017SPL3100668 734819 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $78,587.41 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $78,629.88 in the amount of $42.47. Unable to determine under disclosure due to missing itemization of amount financed.    
200529415 2017SPL3100633 730480 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529415 2017SPL3100633 730511 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529415 2017SPL3100633 2538261 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529446 2017SPL3101269 724473 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529446 2017SPL3101269 724476 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200529452 2017SPL3100787 739804 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529452 2017SPL3100787 739911 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529452 2017SPL3100787 2538095 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529457 2017SPL3100518 717430 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529457 2017SPL3100518 717440 589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/07/2016 Title Missing Document Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title    
200529457 2017SPL3100518 724183 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529457 2017SPL3100518 2538072 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200529490 2017SPL3100734 741152 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529501 2017SPL3100449 750891 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $318,326.01 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $318,437.97 in the amount of $111.96. The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.    
200529511 2017SPL3100678 734388 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529518 2017SPL3100685 735343 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529518 2017SPL3100685 735356 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $75,876.57 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $75,919.04 in the amount of $42.47.      
200529559 2017SPL3100613 720420 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529581 2017SPL3100666 733528 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529593 2017SPL3100660 733550 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200529593 2017SPL3100660 733551 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529593 2017SPL3100660 733552 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $114,363.89 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $114,407.34 in the amount of $43.45. The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.    
200529593 2017SPL3100660 773585 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 05/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529598 2017SPL3100616 728176 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529598 2017SPL3100616 728211 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529601 2017SPL3101310 722794 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529601 2017SPL3101310 722872 4013 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200529601 2017SPL3101310 722874 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200529601 2017SPL3101310 739445 3057 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements   Prepayment charge not allowed per state (OH) - max prepayment charge for OH is 1% - Note states 3%, 2%, 1% declining.    
200529605 2017SPL3100705 722390 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529605 2017SPL3100705 722395 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200529632 2017SPL3103581 740355 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529632 2017SPL3103581 775399 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/21/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.      
200529632 2017SPL3103581 775425 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/21/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200529677 2017SPL3100414 723556 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529715 2017SPL3101313 736553 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529715 2017SPL3101313 736565 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 05/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529717 2017SPL3100497 724766 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NJ Reviewed with Exceptions 05/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529726 2017SPL3100718 732009 3057 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements   Prepayment charge not allowed per state (OH) - max prepayment charge for OH is 1% - Note states 3%, 2%, 1% declining.    
200529726 2017SPL3100718 732125 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529737 2017SPL3100723 733231 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529788 2017SPL3100728 735121 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $107,539.89 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $107,586.32 in the amount of $46.43. The calculation of the monthly payment is causing the under disclosure.    
200529792 2017SPL3101260 742762 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529792 2017SPL3101260 742923 4967 Refinance Rate/Term Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200529823 2017SPL3100463 723695 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 05/09/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529861 2017SPL3100780 740411 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 05/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529996 2017SPL3100630 718721 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200529996 2017SPL3100630 734174 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 05/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200529996 2017SPL3100630 2538041 6515 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 03/16/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using a 7 month lookback from the consummation date.      
200530468 2017SPL3100412 716535 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 05/06/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633700 2017SPL3100993 861075 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200633721 2017SPL3100959 923497 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NE Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200633725 2017SPL3100826 858690 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 06/10/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633725 2017SPL3100826 858716 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 06/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200633752 2017SPL3100953 861902 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633773 2017SPL3101014 908856 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633795 2017SPL3101175 917790 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/24/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/25/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200633795 2017SPL3101175 937582 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633810 2017SPL3101156 871199 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633817 2017SPL3101120 863167 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633817 2017SPL3101120 863182 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200633821 2017SPL3100955 860425 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633828 2017SPL3101216 873090 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633828 2017SPL3101216 873104 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200633840 2017SPL3100903 921708 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633862 2017SPL3101011 863465 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633862 2017SPL3101011 863467 3934 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200633862 2017SPL3101011 863473 4211 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200633862 2017SPL3101011 863492 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200633877 2017SPL3100856 919693 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/24/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633881 2017SPL3101002 883589 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633904 2017SPL3101155 930367 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633911 2017SPL3101371 929596 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633911 2017SPL3101371 929891 2641 Refinance Rate/Term Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $158,843.22 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $158,935.88 in the amount of $92.66. TIL itemization did not disclose an appraisal review fee of $80.00 as prepaid finance charge.    
200633951 2017SPL3101164 870218 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633980 2017SPL3100983 924086 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200633981 2017SPL3101125 868349 3934 Refinance Rate/Term Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200633981 2017SPL3101125 868386 5861 Refinance Rate/Term Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/18/1998 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200633981 2017SPL3101125 868387 4013 Refinance Rate/Term Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200633981 2017SPL3101125 868390 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200633981 2017SPL3101125 868398 2642 Refinance Rate/Term Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 6/17/1998 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 6/18/1998 12:00:00 AM.      
200634045 2017SPL3101202 947127 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $82,348.26 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $82,414.86 in the amount of $66.60.      
200634051 2017SPL3101134 867421 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/11/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200634051 2017SPL3101134 867422 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634051 2017SPL3101134 867423 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200634051 2017SPL3101134 867424 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200634056 2017SPL3101036 861227 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634056 2017SPL3101036 861229 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200634056 2017SPL3101036 861234 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200634056 2017SPL3101036 861235 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634056 2017SPL3101036 861236 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.    
200634133 2017SPL3100914 955193 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634146 2017SPL3100904 921734 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634146 2017SPL3100904 921739 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634147 2017SPL3101360 862608 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634147 2017SPL3101360 862609 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634147 2017SPL3101360 862610 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 06/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634147 2017SPL3101360 894185 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary ND Reviewed with Exceptions 06/18/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634150 2017SPL3100839 927165 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200634150 2017SPL3100839 927212 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634150 2017SPL3100839 927214 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200634150 2017SPL3100839 927408 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634152 2017SPL3101123 927587 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200634152 2017SPL3101123 927589 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200634152 2017SPL3101123 927622 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634152 2017SPL3101123 933711 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634190 2017SPL3101086 922889 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634238 2017SPL3100867 944651 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634238 2017SPL3100867 950191 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 06/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200634239 2017SPL3101380 888513 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $174,740.09 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $174,820.07 in the amount of $79.98. The under disclosure is due to a payment stream calculation error.  The lender did not calculate any payment increase when the ARM loan adjusted.    
200634239 2017SPL3101380 912364 3057 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 06/23/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements   Colorado Consumer Credit Code, a consumer may prepay in
full, or in part if payment is no less than $5, the unpaid balance
at any time without penalty.
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898615 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.03990% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.05000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.22% + 1.5%, or 5.72000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898616 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898617 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898618 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898619 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898620 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898621 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing RESPA (2010):  Borrower not provided with list of service providers. borrower was provided with disclosure but no date is provided on the form.    
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898622 1327 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Missing RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement.      
200634240 2017SPL3100905 898861 770 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing        
200634241 2017SPL3100889 948964 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634241 2017SPL3100889 949049 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/24/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200634288 2017SPL3101040 882484 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634288 2017SPL3101040 882589 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $23,611.63 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $23,861.79 in the amount of $250.16. TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $250 as a prepaid finance charge    
200634336 2017SPL3101220 883057 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634354 2017SPL3101074 865406 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634418 2017SPL3101343 860162 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634418 2017SPL3101343 860164 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/10/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200634435 2017SPL3101195 875461 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634435 2017SPL3101195 875462 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/21/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200634435 2017SPL3101195 875464 2214 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.      
200634435 2017SPL3101195 875465 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200634435 2017SPL3101195 875467 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634435 2017SPL3101195 900151 2211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/20/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).      
200634435 2017SPL3101195 904628 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634435 2017SPL3101195 904642 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200634439 2017SPL3101158 887162 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower. Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure for this transaction not in loan file.    
200634485 2017SPL3101032 863528 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634485 2017SPL3101032 863530 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634485 2017SPL3101032 863531 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200634485 2017SPL3101032 863532 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634494 2017SPL3101147 886188 2337 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200634494 2017SPL3101147 886194 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634497 2017SPL3101128 929759 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application. initial ABA disclosure for this transaction is missing. ABA provided signed at closing.    
200634525 2017SPL3101049 935980 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NJ Reviewed with Exceptions 06/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634525 2017SPL3101049 936095 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NJ Reviewed with Exceptions 06/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634525 2017SPL3101049 936129 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NJ Reviewed with Exceptions 06/28/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634541 2017SPL3101382 871869 2211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).      
200634541 2017SPL3101382 871872 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.      
200634541 2017SPL3101382 871873 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/14/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200634561 2017SPL3103582 895312 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634561 2017SPL3103582 895329 2337 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/18/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200634561 2017SPL3103582 895330 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $29,727.68 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $29,983.13 in the amount of $255.45. Unable to determine source of under disclosed finance charges as the final HUD figures match the Itemization of Amount Financed.    
200634572 2017SPL3100976 861898 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/11/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634572 2017SPL3100976 893661 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $36,940.48 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $37,140.48 in the amount of $200.00. TIL itemization did not disclose a closing attorney fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge    
200634572 2017SPL3100976 893663 5662 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/18/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200634586 2017SPL3101114 929143 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634586 2017SPL3101114 929169 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200634586 2017SPL3101114 929171 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200634586 2017SPL3101114 929172 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200634589 2017SPL3100971 921851 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634589 2017SPL3100971 921852 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634589 2017SPL3100971 942452 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200634615 2017SPL3101124 867713 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634620 2017SPL3101369 916798 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 06/24/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application. Verified.    
200634620 2017SPL3101369 950786 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 06/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634620 2017SPL3101369 950858 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 06/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/28/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200634623 2017SPL3101022 912544 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $41,153.92 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $41,353.90 in the amount of $199.98. TIL Itemization did not disclose the attorney closing fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge.    
200634623 2017SPL3101022 945893 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634630 2017SPL3101148 868475 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634637 2017SPL3101377 885838 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634637 2017SPL3101377 885847 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Ability to repay not verified.      
200634637 2017SPL3101377 885848 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 06/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200634664 2017SPL3100995 920909 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 06/24/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200634669 2017SPL3101383 941805 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634669 2017SPL3101383 941829 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200634669 2017SPL3101383 941893 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/31/2001 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200634669 2017SPL3101383 941894 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200634669 2017SPL3101383 942263 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/29/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200634669 2017SPL3101383 951284 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200634669 2017SPL3101383 953053 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200634789 2017SPL3100818 918466 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 06/24/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200634824 2017SPL3101102 931853 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 06/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200710983 2017SPL3101584 1025431 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711012 2017SPL3101645 1063357 5661 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.03930% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.04000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.1400% + 3%, or 7.14000%.  Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.      
200711012 2017SPL3101645 1063371 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711027 2017SPL3101564 1049882 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711036 2017SPL3101530 1017091 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066091 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066100 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066105 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/17/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066106 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066108 1973 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower.      
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066110 1976 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower.      
200711040 2017SPL3103150 1066113 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200711082 2017SPL3101691 1042645 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711119 2017SPL3101664 1045106 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711119 2017SPL3101664 1045154 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 6/30/2000 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 7/3/2000 12:00:00 AM. Disbursement date not provided used settlement date    
200711119 2017SPL3101664 1049856 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $118,902.41 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $118,942.57 in the amount of $40.16.      
200711121 2017SPL3101567 1047205 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MT Reviewed with Exceptions 07/23/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711132 2017SPL3101499 1016086 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711151 2017SPL3101504 1040418 2798 Refinance Limited Cash-out GSE Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711151 2017SPL3101504 1040465 1267 Refinance Limited Cash-out GSE Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200711168 2017SPL3101629 1019739 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/17/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711181 2017SPL3101639 1019759 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/17/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711181 2017SPL3101639 1019761 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/17/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200711181 2017SPL3101639 1019764 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/17/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200711181 2017SPL3101639 1025816 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200711181 2017SPL3101639 1025831 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200711181 2017SPL3101639 1025832 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200711193 2017SPL3101685 1016186 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068092 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068126 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068127 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068131 5661 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.91240% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.31000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.4100% + 3%, or 7.41000%.  Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.      
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068133 3353 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.      
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068134 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068150 1982 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act: Borrower's ability to repay was not verified.      
200711194 2017SPL3101759 1068151 5670 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Minnesota Tangible Net Benefit Test Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator and Servicer Licensing Act: Mortgage loan does not provide a tangible net benefit to the borrower.      
200711216 2017SPL3101683 1036503 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711230 2017SPL3101535 1017493 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711230 2017SPL3101535 1025324 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711252 2017SPL3101768 1069072 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711252 2017SPL3101768 1069500 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/30/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711252 2017SPL3101768 1069501 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711285 2017SPL3103588 1022888 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711300 2017SPL3101620 1079996 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711306 2017SPL3101574 1051103 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711306 2017SPL3101574 1051149 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/20/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711306 2017SPL3101574 1051151 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711362 2017SPL3101524 1044173 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711386 2017SPL3101509 1016690 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711417 2017SPL3101592 1018480 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711417 2017SPL3101592 1018488 5861 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/22/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711417 2017SPL3101592 1018489 1268 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200711417 2017SPL3101592 1018490 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711417 2017SPL3101592 1018491 4967 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200711474 2017SPL3103107 1092141 6223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 07/31/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided) Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Rate Lock-In/Float Disclosure not provided to borrower.      
200711481 2017SPL3101538 1063870 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711533 2017SPL3103108 1014874 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711554 2017SPL3101558 1046987 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/23/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200711567 2017SPL3101628 1061436 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711569 2017SPL3101675 1033126 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711569 2017SPL3101675 1033153 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711569 2017SPL3101675 1033155 5661 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 Minnesota Subprime Threshold Test Fixed Loan Minnesota Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.24850% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.25000% is in excess of allowable threshold of USTreasury 4.3500% + 3%, or 7.35000%. Compliant State Higher Priced Loan.      
200711575 2017SPL3101658 1065127 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $147,770.08 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $147,900.55 in the amount of $130.47.      
200711589 2017SPL3101701 1058416 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711595 2017SPL3101423 1022522 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711595 2017SPL3101423 1022575 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/28/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711595 2017SPL3101423 1022576 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711614 2017SPL3101458 1015263 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200711614 2017SPL3101458 1015282 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711614 2017SPL3101458 1024895 2501 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Washington Residential Mortgage Loan (Disclosure of Material Terms Not Provided Timely) Washington HB 2770: Mortgage loan file does not contain a disclosure summary of all material terms provided to borrower within three (3) business days of  receipt of the loan application.      
200711674 2017SPL3101506 1016350 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711674 2017SPL3101506 1016436 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200711674 2017SPL3101506 1016465 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $242,051.61 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $242,303.28 in the amount of $251.67.      
200711705 2017SPL3101520 1016510 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711729 2017SPL3101417 1050630 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711757 2017SPL3101436 1015039 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200711779 2017SPL3103208 1068775 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711779 2017SPL3103208 1068949 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/22/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711779 2017SPL3103208 1068950 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711779 2017SPL3103208 1068951 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200711779 2017SPL3103208 1091649 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 07/31/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200711782 2017SPL3101539 1063225 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711783 2017SPL3101754 1068535 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200711783 2017SPL3101754 1080260 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711794 2017SPL3101778 1069055 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711794 2017SPL3101778 1069399 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711809 2017SPL3101716 1077012 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 07/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711820 2017SPL3101481 1034067 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711834 2017SPL3101455 1015020 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711846 2017SPL3101569 1047626 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/7/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711881 2017SPL3101505 1039753 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711901 2017SPL3101578 1052267 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/11/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711901 2017SPL3101578 1052268 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711901 2017SPL3101578 1052270 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 11/13/2006 12:00:00 AM, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 11/11/2006 12:00:00 AM. Mortgage Notary date 11/11/2006.  Transaction disbursed on 11/13/2006.    
200711901 2017SPL3101578 1052271 2647 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s). RTC expiration 11/10/2006.  Expected Expiration 11/15/2006.    
200711930 2017SPL3103144 1063063 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711935 2017SPL3101767 1080743 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711937 2017SPL3101415 1022439 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200711937 2017SPL3101415 1022440 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711937 2017SPL3101415 1050450 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711951 2017SPL3101478 1020821 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200711951 2017SPL3101478 1023285 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/4/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200711951 2017SPL3101478 1023286 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200711989 2017SPL3101543 1044971 2210 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.      
200711989 2017SPL3101543 1044972 2214 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.      
200711989 2017SPL3101543 1044973 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.      
200711989 2017SPL3101543 1044974 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200711993 2017SPL3101646 1064948 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ME Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200712040 2017SPL3101660 1065137 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712067 2017SPL3101638 1064615 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200712167 2017SPL3101779 1068624 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712201 2017SPL3101557 1053552 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.75264% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.76000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.42% + 1.5%, or 5.92000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.       
200712201 2017SPL3101557 1053556 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200712201 2017SPL3101557 1053557 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200712201 2017SPL3101557 1053560 1320 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/25/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.      
200712201 2017SPL3101557 1065350 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712201 2017SPL3101557 1065374 1291 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 07/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.      
200712202 2017SPL3101636 1063723 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712202 2017SPL3101636 1063741 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200712202 2017SPL3101636 1063751 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 07/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/24/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200712449 2017SPL3101601 1018073 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712449 2017SPL3101601 1018136 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/28/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200712489 2017SPL3101565 1048249 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 07/24/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712538 2017SPL3101734 1075788 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712569 2017SPL3103589 1034613 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200712569 2017SPL3103589 1034615 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200712569 2017SPL3103589 1034668 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200712569 2017SPL3103589 1034670 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200712595 2017SPL3101732 1020611 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200712595 2017SPL3101732 1020664 3934 Refinance Rate/Term Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200712595 2017SPL3101732 1020677 5861 Refinance Rate/Term Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200712595 2017SPL3101732 1020678 4013 Refinance Rate/Term Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200712595 2017SPL3101732 1020679 5681 Refinance Rate/Term Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.      
200712595 2017SPL3101732 1020680 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 07/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188020 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.26096% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.26000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.69% + 1.5%, or 5.19000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188022 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188025 5429 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 801) Without Cure RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 801 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188026 5432 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 803) Without Cure RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 803 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188027 1274 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188028 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188029 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188030 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188031 1295 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): GFE indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188032 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188033 1324 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Final HUD-1 indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188037 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1188039 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1200213 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1200255 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.      
200781131 2017SPL3102670 1206727 1275 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – GFE column on HUD Comparison Chart Inaccurate RESPA (2010) – GFE column on page 3 of Final HUD-1 does not match most recently disclosed GFE.      
200781139 2017SPL3103256 1174147 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.38726% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.38000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.46% + 1.5%, or 5.96000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781139 2017SPL3103256 1174148 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781139 2017SPL3103256 1174153 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200781139 2017SPL3103256 1174154 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200781139 2017SPL3103256 1195173 1297 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance With Cure RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation with evidence of cure provided on Final HUD-1.      
200781150 2017SPL3102538 1169141 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781150 2017SPL3102538 1169191 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781150 2017SPL3102538 1169192 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781150 2017SPL3102538 1169193 2501 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Washington Residential Mortgage Loan (Disclosure of Material Terms Not Provided Timely) Washington HB 2770: Mortgage loan file does not contain a disclosure summary of all material terms provided to borrower within three (3) business days of  receipt of the loan application.      
200781151 2017SPL3101895 1194563 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781151 2017SPL3101895 1194565 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200781162 2017SPL3102572 1154831 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.00014% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.00000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.78% + 1.5%, or 6.28000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781162 2017SPL3102572 1154833 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200781162 2017SPL3102572 1154834 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200781162 2017SPL3102572 1154836 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200781165 2017SPL3102676 1172636 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781173 2017SPL3101976 1215635 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 08/24/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781173 2017SPL3101976 1215650 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 08/24/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781220 2017SPL3103268 1186964 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781229 2017SPL3102480 1173067 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781229 2017SPL3102480 1173083 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781243 2017SPL3101799 1190974 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781244 2017SPL3102590 1190188 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200781263 2017SPL3101929 1195922 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200781302 2017SPL3103252 1173757 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781302 2017SPL3103252 1198958 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/21/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200781302 2017SPL3103252 1198959 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781318 2017SPL3102657 1182894 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781318 2017SPL3102657 1197868 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200781332 2017SPL3101887 1166788 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781361 2017SPL3102536 1194766 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200781361 2017SPL3102536 1194768 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781361 2017SPL3102536 1194769 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200781374 2017SPL3102616 1169843 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781384 2017SPL3101892 1194608 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781384 2017SPL3101892 1194614 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200781411 2017SPL3101796 1160803 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/13/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781411 2017SPL3101796 1160808 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781435 2017SPL3102581 1189827 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200781435 2017SPL3102581 1189828 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200781435 2017SPL3102581 1189833 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781435 2017SPL3102581 1189835 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200781435 2017SPL3102581 1202042 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781446 2017SPL3102559 1184267 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781463 2017SPL3101845 1162733 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781463 2017SPL3101845 1162782 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/20/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200781494 2017SPL3102583 1189829 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781494 2017SPL3102583 1189840 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200781494 2017SPL3102583 1189845 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200781498 2017SPL3102433 1156113 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781549 2017SPL3102462 1204025 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781549 2017SPL3102462 1204128 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  2/2/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200781549 2017SPL3102462 1204129 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781549 2017SPL3102462 1204130 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200781549 2017SPL3102462 1204131 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200781550 2017SPL3101873 1167087 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781550 2017SPL3101873 1167088 5693 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 North Carolina Rate Spread Threshold Test North Carolina Rate Spread Home Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.75550% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.75000% is in excess of allowable threshold of US Treasury 4.0900% + 3%, or 7.09000% and Conventional Mortgage Rate 5.2900% + 1.75%, or 7.04000%.  Compliant Rate Spread Home Loan.      
200781551 2017SPL3102482 1180346 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/17/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.80291% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.84000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.39% + 1.5%, or 4.89000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781551 2017SPL3102482 1180347 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/17/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781551 2017SPL3102482 1180348 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/17/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200781551 2017SPL3102482 1180349 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/17/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200781551 2017SPL3102482 1196812 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan. Rate on note is 11.36. Rate on TIL shows 11.3604    
200781551 2017SPL3102482 1196844 770 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing   no rate lock in file    
200781578 2017SPL3102685 1195799 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.17600% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.17000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.93% + 1.5%, or 6.43000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781578 2017SPL3102685 1195801 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781578 2017SPL3102685 1195802 3353 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.      
200781610 2017SPL3103262 1197316 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781639 2017SPL3102508 1191040 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781649 2017SPL3102466 1194441 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171144 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.48339% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.50000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.82% + 1.5%, or 6.32000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171145 5428 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance Without Cure RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation without  evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171146 1274 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171147 1277 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA -  Initial GFE Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA: Initial GFE not provided to Borrower(s) within three (3) business days of Application Date.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171148 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171149 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171150 1291 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171151 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171152 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171153 1320 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171154 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171155 1328 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171156 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171157 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice not provided to borrower at the time of application.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171158 1979 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Not Charged for Actual Amounts of Third Party Fees) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower charged for products or services not provided or not charged actual amount for third party fee.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171159 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171160 2590 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - P&I Payment Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Payment amount on the Final TIL does not match the P&I payment for the loan.      
200781653 2017SPL3102465 1171161 2591 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA Rate-Payment Summary Table - Introductory Total Payment (PITI) Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011):  Total payment amount (PITI) on the Final TIL does not match the total payment amount for the loan.      
200781680 2017SPL3102451 1192538 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781680 2017SPL3102451 1192758 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781686 2017SPL3103261 1164405 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781686 2017SPL3103261 1164406 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200781686 2017SPL3103261 1164408 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200781686 2017SPL3103261 1164454 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781686 2017SPL3103261 1164455 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200781695 2017SPL3102661 1213595 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158482 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158486 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158487 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158489 5302 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158490 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  9/4/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158491 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158492 5332 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Number of Units Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158493 5307 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Property Type Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158494 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
200781696 2017SPL3101955 1158495 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200781718 2017SPL3101871 1194210 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781718 2017SPL3101871 1194258 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200781731 2017SPL3103240 1193987 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781735 2017SPL3102478 1194188 5690 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 New York Subprime Home Loan Threshold Fixed New York Subprime Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.58590% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.58000% is in excess of allowable threshold of Prime Mortgage Market Rate 5.02000 + 1.75%, or 6.77000%.  Compliant SubPrime Loan.      
200781735 2017SPL3102478 1206543 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781735 2017SPL3102478 1206544 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200781735 2017SPL3102478 1206564 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200781927 2017SPL3103244 1194280 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200781937 2017SPL3101992 1197518 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure. Disclosure not located in file.    
200781937 2017SPL3101992 1197519 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200781937 2017SPL3101992 1197520 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower. Disclosure not located in file.    
200781937 2017SPL3101992 1197521 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided. Not located in file.    
200781937 2017SPL3101992 1197522 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided   Unable to determine due to missing evidence in file.    
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165534 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.74729% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.77000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.82% + 1.5%, or 6.32000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165535 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165538 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165539 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165540 1291 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on GFE does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165541 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165542 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165544 1326 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Not Provided Timely RESPA (2010) - Borrower did not receive a list of service providers at the time the Good Faith Estimate was provided.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165545 5682 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 California HPML Threshold Test California Higher-Priced Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.74729% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.77000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.82% + 1.5%, or 6.32000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1165546 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.      
200781945 2017SPL3101830 1182733 1320 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Maximum prepayment penalty on HUD-1 does not match actual maximum prepayment penalty.      
200781949 2017SPL3102653 1196924 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781955 2017SPL3101808 1162281 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 08/14/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200781955 2017SPL3101808 1162283 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 08/14/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200781996 2017SPL3101792 1190041 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782006 2017SPL3102604 1193914 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/23/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200782038 2017SPL3101984 1187479 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782050 2017SPL3102529 1167837 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782053 2017SPL3101991 1186385 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1190237 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1190332 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1190474 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1190475 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  2/1/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1190476 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1190477 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200782054 2017SPL3102438 1202618 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200782087 2017SPL3101825 1161097 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.70760% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.73000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.04% + 1.5%, or 5.54000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200782087 2017SPL3101825 1161098 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200782087 2017SPL3101825 1161099 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200782087 2017SPL3101825 1161100 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200782087 2017SPL3101825 1172076 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782160 2017SPL3102622 1188849 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200782160 2017SPL3102622 1201262 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1188750 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.00620% or Final Disclosure APR of 12.01000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.77% + 1.5%, or 5.27000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1188751 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1188754 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1188756 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1188758 2211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).      
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1188776 770 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing        
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1200923 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782167 2017SPL3102695 1200973 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 08/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200782226 2017SPL3103229 1172057 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782243 2017SPL3102571 1187176 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782243 2017SPL3102571 1187292 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782243 2017SPL3102571 1187294 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $321,316.78 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $321,663.49 in the amount of $346.71.      
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1167643 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.41760% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.34000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.72% + 1.5%, or 5.22000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1167647 1274 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.      
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1167648 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1167649 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1167650 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1167651 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note. Note: 10.5984; HUD 10.6    
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1186011 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782248 2017SPL3102460 1211356 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/12/2010 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185926 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185943 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.53889% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.54000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.67% + 1.5%, or 6.17000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185945 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/16/2010 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185946 1277 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA -  Initial GFE Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA: Initial GFE not provided to Borrower(s) within three (3) business days of Application Date.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185947 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185948 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185949 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185950 1295 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): GFE indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185951 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185952 1324 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Prepayment Penalty Information on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Final HUD-1 indicates no prepayment penalty for loan containing prepayment penalty.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185953 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing RESPA (2010):  Borrower not provided with list of service providers.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185954 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185955 1328 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782271 2017SPL3102489 1185956 2633 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Not Provided within 3 Business Days of Application Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not sent within three (3) business days of the creditor application date.      
200782278 2017SPL3102626 1168021 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782278 2017SPL3102626 1168050 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200782278 2017SPL3102626 1168051 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782285 2017SPL3102494 1188939 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200782311 2017SPL3102641 1171798 2337 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 08/16/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200782493 2017SPL3101972 1198376 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782493 2017SPL3101972 1198385 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/26/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200782493 2017SPL3101972 1198387 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782493 2017SPL3101972 1198389 1469 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CO Reviewed with Exceptions 08/21/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Colorado Consumer Credit Code (First Lien Refinance Notice Not Provided) Colorado Consumer Credit Code: Borrower not provided First Lien Refinance Notice.      
200782503 2017SPL3103266 1176406 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/17/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782546 2017SPL3101874 1193794 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782546 2017SPL3101874 1194109 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
200782551 2017SPL3102598 1163015 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782551 2017SPL3102598 1163554 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200782551 2017SPL3102598 1163555 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/20/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200782551 2017SPL3102598 1163556 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/15/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782569 2017SPL3101979 1186751 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 11.09880% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.13000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.04% + 1.5%, or 5.54000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200782569 2017SPL3101979 1186754 1274 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -   GFE Settlement charges Good Thru Date Less than 10 Days RESPA (2010):  GFE does not provide minimum ten (10) business day availability for estimate of charges and terms for all other settlement charges.      
200782569 2017SPL3101979 1186755 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200782569 2017SPL3101979 1186756 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200782569 2017SPL3101979 1186757 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/18/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.      
200782581 2017SPL3102516 1191882 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 08/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782600 2017SPL3101912 1195186 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200782600 2017SPL3101912 1209546 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200782655 2017SPL3102551 1179485 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 08/17/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200783885 2017SPL3103594 1211483 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200783885 2017SPL3103594 1211563 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200783885 2017SPL3103594 1211565 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 08/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $68,432.32 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $68,557.63 in the amount of $125.31. TIL itemization did not include a $125 attorney fee as a prepaid finance charge.    
200906380 2017SPL3102056 1463950 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200906390 2017SPL3103426 1457101 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200906604 2017SPL3102754 1450803 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200906666 2017SPL3102106 1449459 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200906742 2017SPL3102329 1466389 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200906797 2017SPL3103094 1463596 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WY Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200906873 2017SPL3102222 1459591 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200906892 2017SPL3103014 1442113 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907035 2017SPL3103011 1430083 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907035 2017SPL3103011 1463139 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1477688 770 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing        
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1478521 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.86881% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.89000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.33% + 1.5%, or 4.83000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1478527 5436 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 SAFE Act - LO Company NMLS license status not approved Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act: Loan Originator Organization not in approved license status to conduct loan origination activities.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1478528 5439 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 SAFE Act - Individual LO NMLS license status not approved Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act: Individual Loan Originator not in approved license status to conduct loan origination activities.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1478529 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1478530 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1478531 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1496702 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1496703 2589 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 2011 TIL-MDIA - Interest Rate Inaccurate Truth in Lending Act (MDIA 2011): Interest rate on the Final TIL does not match interest rate for the loan.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1502369 1277 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA -  Initial GFE Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA: Initial GFE not provided to Borrower(s) within three (3) business days of Application Date.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1502370 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200907086 2017SPL3103194 1502371 1328 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Servicing Disclosure:  Servicing Disclosure Statement Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Servicing Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Servicing Disclosure Statement to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200907258 2017SPL3103064 1457501 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907258 2017SPL3103064 1457609 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200907258 2017SPL3103064 1457611 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200907258 2017SPL3103064 1457617 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200907258 2017SPL3103064 1474589 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200907282 2017SPL3102228 1460363 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907282 2017SPL3102228 1460383 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200907282 2017SPL3102228 1460405 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200907282 2017SPL3102228 1460411 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200907282 2017SPL3102228 1475736 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200907296 2017SPL3102255 1461601 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Investment UT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907296 2017SPL3102255 1461638 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Investment UT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200907296 2017SPL3102255 1461648 6301 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Investment UT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 ARM Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.      
200907296 2017SPL3102255 1461649 6302 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Investment UT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.      
200907324 2017SPL3103283 1440264 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907324 2017SPL3103283 1440368 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $82,749.05 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $82,983.73 in the amount of $234.68. TIL is under disclosed due to the Attorney fee in the amount of $200 was not included in the TIL itemization.    
200907350 2017SPL3103334 1445189 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907396 2017SPL3102787 1450492 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907396 2017SPL3102787 1466743 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/8/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200907503 2017SPL3102298 1464048 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907546 2017SPL3102966 1468820 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907546 2017SPL3102966 1502058 2640 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125% Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 14.17000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 14.77521% outside of 0.125% tolerance.      
200907546 2017SPL3102966 1502059 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $135,505.22 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $138,232.09 in the amount of $2,726.87.      
200907546 2017SPL3102966 1502060 2647 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Notice of Right to Cancel Expiration Date Prior or equal to Disbursement Date Truth in Lending Act:  Actual Date(s) on Notice of Right to Rescind occurs prior to expected date(s).      
200907546 2017SPL3102966 1502061 3365 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Not Provided to Borrower At or Before Consummation Truth in Lending Act: Final TIL was not provided to the borrower by closing.      
200907546 2017SPL3102966 1502078 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/08/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 6/30/2000, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 6/30/2000.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469668 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469815 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.50981% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.50000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.48% + 1.5%, or 5.98000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469816 5428 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance Without Cure RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation without  evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469817 1275 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – GFE column on HUD Comparison Chart Inaccurate RESPA (2010) – GFE column on page 3 of Final HUD-1 does not match most recently disclosed GFE.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469818 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469819 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469820 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469821 1307 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – HUD column on HUD Comparison Chart Inaccurate RESPA (2010) – HUD-1 column on page 3 of Final HUD-1 does not match charges on page 2 of disclosure.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469822 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1469823 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $72,810.90 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $72,851.39 in the amount of $40.49. Unable to determine under disclosure due to missing itemization of amount financed    
200907617 2017SPL3102981 1493773 770 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) GFE Error: There is no evidence that the interest rate was locked prior to closing        
200907664 2017SPL3102906 1462565 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907664 2017SPL3102906 1462618 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/27/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200907664 2017SPL3102906 1462619 2336 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Complaint Agency Disclosure Not Provided) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200907664 2017SPL3102906 1462621 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $59,354.02 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $59,554.11 in the amount of $200.09.      
200907664 2017SPL3102906 1462654 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200907702 2017SPL3102359 1468879 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907740 2017SPL3102829 1457053 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $156,957.94 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $157,212.03 in the amount of $254.09. TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $250 as prepaid finance charge.    
200907740 2017SPL3102829 1457054 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907740 2017SPL3102829 1469825 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200907766 2017SPL3103531 1467352 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907766 2017SPL3103531 1467403 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $164,011.35 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $164,094.38 in the amount of $83.03. Erroneous – Underdisclosure due to loan being DSI    
200907766 2017SPL3103531 1486602 5662 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/05/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200907841 2017SPL3102077 1446982 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200907841 2017SPL3102077 1472485 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907954 2017SPL3102759 1451722 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907954 2017SPL3102759 1451890 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200907954 2017SPL3102759 1451892 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200907968 2017SPL3103572 1476822 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200907968 2017SPL3103572 1477291 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/16/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908000 2017SPL3102230 1459751 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908000 2017SPL3102230 1459797 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908000 2017SPL3102230 1459838 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908000 2017SPL3102230 1459841 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908000 2017SPL3102230 1459924 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200908000 2017SPL3102230 1475953 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1458626 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1458640 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1458641 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1475003 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1475004 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1475005 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1475006 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1475007 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200908021 2017SPL3102213 1475008 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908110 2017SPL3103523 1466240 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908110 2017SPL3103523 1466251 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908110 2017SPL3103523 1466268 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/28/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908191 2017SPL3103510 1498826 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/12/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908191 2017SPL3103510 1498827 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1452373 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1452431 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1452439 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1452441 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1452443 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1473332 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/30/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1473333 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1473334 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
200908259 2017SPL3103041 1473335 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459965 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459970 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459975 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459983 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/16/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459984 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459985 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1459987 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908283 2017SPL3102196 1476026 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200908322 2017SPL3103352 1454015 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $206,670.22 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $206,783.38 in the amount of $113.16. Unable to determine under disclosure due to missing itemization of amount financed.    
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1450694 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1451055 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1451057 6336 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained) Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6): Acceptable FNMA title insurance endorsements not obtained for home equity loan.  Although the loan file contains the T-42 Endorsement, there is no evidence the Title Policy includes the Texas T-42.1 endorsement. (The loan is a Texas Section 50 (a)(6) home equity loan.)      
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1451060 2456 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Texas Home Loan (Refinance of Special Mortgage) Unable to test special mortgage refinance due to missing information.      
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1469260 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  9/2/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1469261 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908463 2017SPL3103598 1507856 6231 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 10/10/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as the loan file does not contain an Appraisal) (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan Violation (File does not contain an Appraisal or other acceptable evaluation to confirm the Value on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value and to verify the CLTV does not exceed 80% maximum.  Test performed using stated value or other valuation method in file other than appraisal.)      
200908482 2017SPL3102258 1461920 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908482 2017SPL3102258 1461923 5662 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200908482 2017SPL3102258 1461924 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $213,227.49 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $213,275.99 in the amount of $48.50. TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $150 as a prepaid finance charge.    
200908482 2017SPL3102258 1481902 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/28/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908514 2017SPL3103058 1460491 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $157,415.41 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $157,466.37 in the amount of $50.96. Under disclosure due to DSI payment calculation in Clarity.    
200908514 2017SPL3103058 1460492 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WV Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
200908527 2017SPL3102345 1467955 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908527 2017SPL3102345 1486080 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AZ Reviewed with Exceptions 10/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/23/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908572 2017SPL3103087 1462204 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200908572 2017SPL3103087 1462206 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908572 2017SPL3103087 1462208 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200908572 2017SPL3103087 1462220 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449795 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449809 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449810 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449811 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449812 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449813 5332 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Number of Units Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449814 5307 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Property Type Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908586 2017SPL3102101 1449815 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908646 2017SPL3103534 1468360 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908646 2017SPL3103534 1468486 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $222,128.11 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $222,238.85 in the amount of $110.74. Verified origination fee of $927.21 to HUD and itemization of amount financed. Under disclosure of $110.74 unable to be determined.    
200908654 2017SPL3103320 1444826 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $229,870.16 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $229,992.66 in the amount of $122.50. Unable to determine cause of $122.50 under disclosure, no evidence of additional fees located on the Itemization of Amount financed.    
200908663 2017SPL3103377 1456865 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908721 2017SPL3103027 1449368 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908721 2017SPL3103027 1472659 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/19/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908721 2017SPL3103027 1472660 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CT Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200908727 2017SPL3102714 1445530 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908727 2017SPL3102714 1445769 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908727 2017SPL3102714 1445915 4747 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
200908727 2017SPL3102714 1478776 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908727 2017SPL3102714 1478777 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908730 2017SPL3102303 1485659 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $279,131.84 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $279,166.95 in the amount of $35.11.      
200908773 2017SPL3102792 1452297 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908773 2017SPL3102792 1452555 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908807 2017SPL3103028 1448672 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/31/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908807 2017SPL3103028 1448673 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/29/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1464490 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1464732 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1464737 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499594 5302 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499595 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/23/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499596 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499597 5332 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Number of Units Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499598 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499599 5681 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test Virginia Mortgage Lender and Broker Act:  Unable to determine if mortgage loan was refinanced within the past twelve (12) months without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing prior loan information.      
200908882 2017SPL3103073 1499600 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200908895 2017SPL3103304 1427789 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 09/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908895 2017SPL3103304 1427880 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 09/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200908895 2017SPL3103304 1427881 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 09/27/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908954 2017SPL3103309 1449786 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908954 2017SPL3103309 1449831 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200908972 2017SPL3102711 1430500 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908972 2017SPL3102711 1430522 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/13/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200908972 2017SPL3102711 1430523 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200908973 2017SPL3102216 1459749 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908973 2017SPL3102216 1459761 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 10/01/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200908982 2017SPL3102332 1477287 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200908982 2017SPL3102332 1477329 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  1/5/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909017 2017SPL3102930 1463469 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909017 2017SPL3102930 1463513 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $318,156.53 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $318,300.88 in the amount of $144.35. Erroneous - Under disclosure due to loan being DSI.    
200909017 2017SPL3102930 1490183 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1454886 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1454978 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1454986 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1454987 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1454988 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1454989 3365 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Not Provided to Borrower At or Before Consummation Truth in Lending Act: Final TIL was not provided to the borrower by closing.      
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1499266 6301 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 ARM Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.      
200909021 2017SPL3102157 1499267 6302 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.      
200909027 2017SPL3102932 1468972 6223 Refinance Rate/Term Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act (Rate Lock Agreement Not Provided) Idaho Residential Mortgage Practices Act: Rate Lock-In/Float Disclosure not provided to borrower.      
200909051 2017SPL3103383 1454412 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VT Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200909051 2017SPL3103383 1454413 5263 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VT Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   3 Vermont Interest Act - Vermont High Rate, High Point Loan (Interest Rate and/or Points and Fees) Vermont Interest Act: Note Rate on subject loan of 11.58000% is in excess of allowable threshold of Declared Rate 6.0000% + 3%, or 9.00000, or Points on the loan of .00000% exceed the allowable threshold of 4%.  Compliant State Loan.      
200909100 2017SPL3103053 1454776 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909100 2017SPL3103053 1488996 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200909100 2017SPL3103053 1489001 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200909130 2017SPL3103051 1453522 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909130 2017SPL3103051 1488812 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200909139 2017SPL3102177 1467072 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909139 2017SPL3102177 1467369 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200909139 2017SPL3102177 1497425 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $420,991.10 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $421,227.20 in the amount of $236.10. Under disclosure appears to be due to lender not including attorney fee of $250 and flood cert fee of $5.50 in prepaid finance charges, per TIL itemization.    
200909189 2017SPL3103573 1477005 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909189 2017SPL3103573 1477327 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $508,303.09 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $508,367.97 in the amount of $64.88.      
200909200 2017SPL3103192 1475197 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909200 2017SPL3103192 1475242 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909200 2017SPL3103192 1475244 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200909202 2017SPL3102789 1450457 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary HI Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $414,860.24 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $415,144.29 in the amount of $284.05. TIL Itemization reflects prepaid finance charges of $5,051.93 and  actual calculated prepaid finance charges are $5,240.18, a difference of $188.25. No evidence in file the attorney fee of $188.25 is not a prepaid finance charge.    
200909202 2017SPL3102789 1488161 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary HI Reviewed with Exceptions 10/05/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
200909224 2017SPL3103462 1490283 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary HI Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
200909231 2017SPL3102848 1461162 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909231 2017SPL3102848 1461179 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
200909244 2017SPL3103032 1449921 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909244 2017SPL3103032 1488327 1267 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
200909279 2017SPL3103034 1450842 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909279 2017SPL3103034 1499898 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/07/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $512,292.03 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $512,523.08 in the amount of $231.05. Under disclosure caused by Daily simple interest    
200909354 2017SPL3102304 1464731 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909354 2017SPL3102304 1464873 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200909354 2017SPL3102304 1490371 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IL Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/29/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909472 2017SPL3103029 1480408 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary HI Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
200909514 2017SPL3102308 1465828 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
200909514 2017SPL3102308 1465829 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/20/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909514 2017SPL3102308 1465830 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 10/03/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200909526 2017SPL3103449 1461485 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200909535 2017SPL3102135 1452762 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909535 2017SPL3102135 1452823 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/21/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909535 2017SPL3102135 1452825 2640 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL APR Under/Over Disclosed By Greater Than 0.125% Truth In Lending Act:  Final TIL APR of 11.02000% is underdisclosed from calculated APR of 11.15190% outside of 0.125% tolerance.      
200909535 2017SPL3102135 1452826 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $28,824.85 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $29,020.69 in the amount of $195.84. TIL Itemization did not include Attorney fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge.    
200909535 2017SPL3102135 1473203 5662 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/04/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200909557 2017SPL3102892 1461428 2337 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina Home Loan (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Complaint Agency Disclosure Not In File) South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower did not acknowledge receipt of document specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200909557 2017SPL3102892 1461429 5662 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 South Carolina CHL Complaint Agency Disclosure Timing Test South Carolina Home Loan: Borrower not provided with a document, at time of application, specifying the agency designated to receive complaints or inquiries about the origination and making of the loan.      
200909557 2017SPL3102892 1461435 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/02/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909557 2017SPL3102892 1492318 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $30,050.43 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $30,243.78 in the amount of $193.35. TIL itemization did not disclose an attorney fee of $200 as a prepaid finance charge    
200909557 2017SPL3102892 1492356 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary SC Reviewed with Exceptions 10/06/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/30/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909564 2017SPL3102826 1456903 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909564 2017SPL3102826 1457103 2210 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.      
200909564 2017SPL3102826 1457104 2214 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.      
200909564 2017SPL3102826 1457105 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/30/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429361 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429425 5675 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Fed HPML) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan (Stated APR Exceeds HPML Threshold) Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 12.00512% or Final Disclosure APR of 11.94000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.36% + 1.5%, or 5.86000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Loan.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429426 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429427 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/5/2009 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 5 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429429 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429430 2210 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429431 2214 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429432 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429433 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
200909587 2017SPL3102020 1429434 3353 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 09/28/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.      
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1952734 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1952735 2802 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Compliance Open   2 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003        
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1952745 2799 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided        
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1953713 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1953742 3829 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.    
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1953747 4697 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing        
201070950 2017SPL3102716 1953751 4747 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
201070987 2017SPL3103559 1960014 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201070987 2017SPL3103559 1998544 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201071046 2017SPL3102771 1958202 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201071046 2017SPL3102771 1958266 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900571 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900768 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  4/9/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900770 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900775 6231 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as the loan file does not contain an Appraisal) Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6): The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value.  Test performed using stated value or other valuation method in file other than appraisal.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900786 6336 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained) Unable to determine whether the loan contains a T-42 and T-42.1 Endorsement due to missing information.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900976 2452 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Texas Home Loan Counseling Disclosure Not Provided Timely Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1900977 2457 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/12/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Texas Home Loan (Mortgage Information Resource List not Provided) Texas Home Loan: Borrower did not receive list of other resources where mortgage information can be found.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1912642 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/13/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
201073588 2017SPL3103597 1912805 2449 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/13/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Texas Home Loan Counseling Agencies List Not Provided Unable to test counseling agencies list due to missing information.      
201074165 2017SPL3103596 1837233 6336 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/05/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained) Unable to determine whether the loan contains a T-42 and T-42.1 Endorsement due to missing information.      
201074165 2017SPL3103596 1884513 6418 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/09/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan  (The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value reflected on the Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as it does not match the appraised value) Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6):   The lender/Assignee cannot conclusively rely on the Value on Acknowledgement of Fair Market Value as it does not match the appraised value.      
201075853 2017SPL3103595 1830740 6336 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/03/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (TX50(a)(6)) Texas Cash-out Loan (T-42 Endorsement Not Obtained) Texas Constitution Section 50(a)(6): Acceptable FNMA title insurance endorsements not obtained for home equity loan.  Although the loan file contains the T-42 Endorsement, there is no evidence the Title Policy includes the Texas T-42.1 endorsement. (The loan is a Texas Section 50 (a)(6) home equity loan.)      
201075853 2017SPL3103595 1833315 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/05/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201075853 2017SPL3103595 1833390 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/30/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201075853 2017SPL3103595 1833391 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TX Reviewed with Exceptions 12/05/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076248 2017SPL3103341 1953062 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076248 2017SPL3103341 1953142 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076248 2017SPL3103341 1953160 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/19/2008 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076248 2017SPL3103341 1953162 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076248 2017SPL3103341 1953163 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076248 2017SPL3103341 2000639 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201076262 2017SPL3103541 1962492 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076262 2017SPL3103541 1962643 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/28/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076262 2017SPL3103541 1962644 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981414 6444 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Federal HPML 2009 Compliant Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 9.49995% or Final Disclosure APR of 9.50000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 4.21% + 1.5%, or 5.71000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Mortgage Loan.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981415 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981416 5428 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 10% Tolerance Without Cure RESPA (2010): 10% tolerance violation without  evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981417 5429 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 801) Without Cure RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 801 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981418 5432 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) - 0% Tolerance (Line 803) Without Cure RESPA (2010): 0% tolerance violation for 803 fee without evidence of sufficient cure provided.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981420 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981421 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981422 1294 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Initial Payment on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Initial payment on GFE does not match actual payment on loan.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981423 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981424 1325 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) – Written Service Provider List Missing Unable to determine if the borrower received a list of service providers due to missing information.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 1981425 2635 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA 3-day Waiting Period - Corrected TIL for APR Inaccuracy Received Less than 3 Business Days from Consummation Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Corrected TIL for APR inaccuracy was not received by the borrower at least three (3) business days prior to closing.      
201076263 2017SPL3102961 2011806 711 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state   State of TN requires a minimum 10 day grace period on high cost loans. Note calls for a 5 day grace period.    
201076270 2017SPL3102893 1978086 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076270 2017SPL3102893 1978281 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/25/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076270 2017SPL3102893 1978282 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076270 2017SPL3102893 1978283 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $479,868.77 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $480,029.52 in the amount of $160.75. Under disclosure due to daily simple interest.    
201076290 2017SPL3102823 1973083 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076290 2017SPL3102823 1976342 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201076313 2017SPL3102384 1981569 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076313 2017SPL3102384 1981606 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/20/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076313 2017SPL3102384 1981607 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MO Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076325 2017SPL3103353 1971891 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076325 2017SPL3103353 1971896 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  2/3/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076325 2017SPL3103353 1971897 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076344 2017SPL3102004 1964758 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/22/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076344 2017SPL3102004 1964759 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076344 2017SPL3102004 1964760 4929 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 or DC) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used.      
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1961659 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1961722 2799 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided        
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1986922 2802 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Compliance Open   2 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003        
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1986937 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1986947 3829 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   File only contains Mortgage.  Compliance testing not completed.    
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1986948 4747 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/22/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
201076350 2017SPL3102697 1986949 4697 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/22/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing        
201076354 2017SPL3103527 1962779 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076354 2017SPL3103527 1962844 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076354 2017SPL3103527 1962845 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201076354 2017SPL3103527 1962846 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953482 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953543 5302 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953544 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/2/2005 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953545 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953546 5332 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Number of Units Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953547 5307 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Property Type Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953548 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953549 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076404 2017SPL3102894 1953568 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary KS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076425 2017SPL3102335 1979331 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/22/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076425 2017SPL3102335 1979332 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076441 2017SPL3102031 1965379 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076441 2017SPL3102031 1965570 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076441 2017SPL3102031 1965571 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076451 2017SPL3101997 1952072 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076451 2017SPL3101997 1952145 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/5/2007 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076451 2017SPL3101997 1952146 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076451 2017SPL3101997 1952149 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076451 2017SPL3101997 2025428 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/28/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965004 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965086 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965094 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/10/2005 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965095 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965096 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965097 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076510 2017SPL3103281 1965165 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OR Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.    
201076532 2017SPL3102180 1972545 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076532 2017SPL3102180 1972809 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  7/3/2000 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076532 2017SPL3102180 2004825 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076537 2017SPL3102250 1977856 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076541 2017SPL3102992 1963550 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076541 2017SPL3102992 1963627 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076541 2017SPL3102992 1963648 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title    
201076541 2017SPL3102992 1963821 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076541 2017SPL3102992 1963861 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/26/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076541 2017SPL3102992 2012071 1974 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076541 2017SPL3102992 2012072 1977 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/27/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076541 2017SPL3102992 2012102 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/27/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  HUD1, not signed or stamped used for any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing.      
201076542 2017SPL3102234 1964007 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076542 2017SPL3102234 1964092 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076542 2017SPL3102234 1964094 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
201076542 2017SPL3102234 1964095 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1954377 2799       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided        
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1954381 2798       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1983299 2802       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Compliance Open   2 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003        
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1983310 4967       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1983312 3829       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.    
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1983315 4747       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
201076568 2017SPL3102027 1983316 4697       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing        
201076595 2017SPL3103459 1978596 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076595 2017SPL3103459 1978861 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201076595 2017SPL3103459 1978862 2635 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA 3-day Waiting Period - Corrected TIL for APR Inaccuracy Received Less than 3 Business Days from Consummation Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Corrected TIL for APR inaccuracy was not received by the borrower at least three (3) business days prior to closing.      
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977690 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977861 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977945 5302 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Missing Construction Status Data Construction Status for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977946 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  7/3/2006 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977947 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977948 5332 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Number of Units Number of Units for the Primary Valuation was not provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977949 5307 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 (Missing Data) Property Type Property Type for the Primary Valuation was not provided. Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076617 2017SPL3103079 1977950 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201076624 2017SPL3103008 1962008 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076624 2017SPL3103008 1962115 4013 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076624 2017SPL3103008 1962116 5334 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201076624 2017SPL3103008 1962118 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076630 2017SPL3102406 1980941 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076630 2017SPL3102406 1981270 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/28/2003 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076630 2017SPL3102406 1981271 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076635 2017SPL3103321 1965817 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076635 2017SPL3103321 1999914 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/22/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076635 2017SPL3103321 1999915 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MS Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076648 2017SPL3102955 1979197 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076648 2017SPL3102955 1979576 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $242,843.43 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $242,951.55 in the amount of $108.12. Erroneous Exception- Under-disclosure is due to variance in DSI calculation method of $.27/mo, totaling $96.66 over the life of the loan.    
201076670 2017SPL3102011 1964884 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076670 2017SPL3102011 1965071 5445 Refinance Rate/Term Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201076670 2017SPL3102011 1965072 5861 Refinance Rate/Term Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/4/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076670 2017SPL3102011 1998870 1267 Refinance Rate/Term Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
201076675 2017SPL3102357 1979188 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076675 2017SPL3102357 1979315 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076675 2017SPL3102357 1979320 5681 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.      
201076675 2017SPL3102357 1979321 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076688 2017SPL3102266 1978131 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201076688 2017SPL3102266 2008800 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076705 2017SPL3103364 1967664 1268 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure -  Missing Signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not obtain signature on Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure.      
201076705 2017SPL3103364 1967665 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201076705 2017SPL3103364 1967666 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary LA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $92,628.97 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $92,673.09 in the amount of $44.12. Unable to determine under-disclosure due to missing Itemization of Amount Financed.    
201076716 2017SPL3102772 1972339 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076716 2017SPL3102772 1972379 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076716 2017SPL3102772 1972407 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076716 2017SPL3102772 1972410 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076729 2017SPL3102170 1972548 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076729 2017SPL3102170 1972648 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/27/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076729 2017SPL3102170 1972649 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076755 2017SPL3103076 1977450 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $153,558.83 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $153,597.05 in the amount of $38.22. Per the itemization of amount financed all fees included. The interest calculation method chosen reflects the closest payment per Note in file however, causes an under disclosure of $38.22.    
201076763 2017SPL3103593 1981460 6444 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Federal HPML 2009 Compliant Federal Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan: APR on subject loan of 10.77328% or Final Disclosure APR of 10.77000% is in excess of allowable threshold of APOR 3.74% + 1.5%, or 5.24000%.  Compliant Higher Priced Mortgage Loan.      
201076763 2017SPL3103593 1981461 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201076763 2017SPL3103593 1981462 1285 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on GFE does not match Note.      
201076763 2017SPL3103593 1981463 1287 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Loan Amount on Final GFE Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Loan Amount on Final GFE does not match Note.      
201076763 2017SPL3103593 1981464 1314 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA (2010) -  Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 Inaccurate RESPA (2010): Interest Rate on Final HUD-1 does not match Note.      
201076763 2017SPL3103593 1981466 2635 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA 3-day Waiting Period - Corrected TIL for APR Inaccuracy Received Less than 3 Business Days from Consummation Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure):  Corrected TIL for APR inaccuracy was not received by the borrower at least three (3) business days prior to closing.      
201076768 2017SPL3103022 1953203 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076768 2017SPL3103022 1953652 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076768 2017SPL3103022 1953654 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076768 2017SPL3103022 1953668 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
201076768 2017SPL3103022 1953669 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076768 2017SPL3103022 1953673 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  1/8/2008 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076777 2017SPL3102924 1978471 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076777 2017SPL3102924 1978593 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/15/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076777 2017SPL3102924 1978594 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076789 2017SPL3102316 1957809 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076789 2017SPL3102316 1957811 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  9/9/2001 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076789 2017SPL3102316 1957812 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076789 2017SPL3102316 1957813 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076789 2017SPL3102316 1957814 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
201076789 2017SPL3102316 1957815 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076811 2017SPL3102112 1967988 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076811 2017SPL3102112 1971721 711 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state   Grace period not allowed per state (TN) – min grace period for TN is 10 days - note states 5 days    
201076811 2017SPL3102112 1971722 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201076811 2017SPL3102112 2001560 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201076841 2017SPL3103080 1979929 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076841 2017SPL3103080 1980030 1973 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Bill of Rights Disclosure Not Provided) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower Bill of Rights disclosure not provided to borrower.      
201076841 2017SPL3103080 1980031 2641 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $87,222.18 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $87,263.95 in the amount of $41.77. Unable to determine reason for under disclosure.    
201076841 2017SPL3103080 2008284 5861 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 12/31/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076841 2017SPL3103080 2008285 1270 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076841 2017SPL3103080 2008286 1977 Refinance Rate/Term Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Caution and Home Ownership Counseling Notice Not Provided Timely Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076892 2017SPL3103169 1979469 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076892 2017SPL3103169 1979596 5791 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Federal FACTA Disclosure Timing Test FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure within a reasonably practicable time after using credit score.      
201076892 2017SPL3103169 1979597 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076892 2017SPL3103169 1979598 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076908 2017SPL3102841 1977149 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076908 2017SPL3102841 1977219 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076908 2017SPL3102841 1977220 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076910 2017SPL3103466 1978474 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076913 2017SPL3103056 1972275 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076913 2017SPL3103056 1972449 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/18/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076913 2017SPL3103056 1972470 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201076913 2017SPL3103056 2002385 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary GA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $183,525.34 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $183,617.71 in the amount of $92.37. Unable to determine the reason for the under disclosure due to being without an amortization schedule.    
201076928 2017SPL3102075 1966634 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076928 2017SPL3102075 1966635 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
201076935 2017SPL3102244 1972084 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076935 2017SPL3102244 1972128 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076935 2017SPL3102244 1972129 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076935 2017SPL3102244 1972131 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076935 2017SPL3102244 2008099 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201076935 2017SPL3102244 2008100 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary SD Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
201076975 2017SPL3102775 1966499 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076975 2017SPL3102775 1966590 6505 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/11/2008 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201076975 2017SPL3102775 1966591 4013 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076975 2017SPL3102775 1966592 2645 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076975 2017SPL3102775 1966614 5445 Refinance Rate/Term Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1958237 2798       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1958238 2799       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided        
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1981467 2802       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Compliance Open   2 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003        
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1981486 4967       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1981503 3829       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.    
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1981504 4747       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
201076978 2017SPL3102873 1981505 4697       Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing        
201076979 2017SPL3103457 1978096 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201076979 2017SPL3103457 1978103 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201076979 2017SPL3103457 1978104 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201076979 2017SPL3103457 1978105 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201076986 2017SPL3102067 1978043 2876 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Security Instrument not provided        
201076986 2017SPL3102067 2729635 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/03/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/29/1999 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201076986 2017SPL3102067 2729637 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/03/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $94,407.02 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $94,444.69 in the amount of $37.67.      
201076986 2017SPL3102067 2730222 2642 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IA Reviewed with Exceptions 04/03/2017 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TILA Rescission - Disbursement Date Less than 3 Business Days From Transaction Date Truth in Lending Act:  Subject loan transaction disbursed on 9/29/1999, prior to three (3) business days from transaction date of 9/29/1999.      
201076999 2017SPL3102124 2001818 5780 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary VT Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial TIL not provided        
201077011 2017SPL3103456 1978067 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077011 2017SPL3103456 1978158 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $264,387.50 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $264,488.50 in the amount of $101.00.      
201077042 2017SPL3103193 1980645 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077042 2017SPL3103193 1980865 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/13/2002 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077042 2017SPL3103193 1980866 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
201077042 2017SPL3103193 1980867 6302 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.      
201077058 2017SPL3102249 1977681 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077058 2017SPL3102249 1977915 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  3/7/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077058 2017SPL3102249 1977916 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1957868 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1957880 2799 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided        
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1980440 2802 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Compliance Open   2 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003        
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1980484 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1980485 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1980498 3829 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   File only contains Mortgage.  Compliance testing not completed.    
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1980499 4747 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
201077061 2017SPL3102877 1980502 4697 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing        
201077066 2017SPL3102293 1978366 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077066 2017SPL3102293 1978525 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 3/19/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077066 2017SPL3102293 1978541 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary DE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077084 2017SPL3102150 1972058 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201077084 2017SPL3102150 1972059 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/26/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077084 2017SPL3102150 1972060 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077099 2017SPL3102299 1957893 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077099 2017SPL3102299 1957971 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 2/13/2007 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201077099 2017SPL3102299 1957972 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201077099 2017SPL3102299 1957973 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077099 2017SPL3102299 1957980 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077107 2017SPL3103287 1966102 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077107 2017SPL3103287 1966141 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201077107 2017SPL3103287 1966142 6299 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 ARM Disclosure Compliant TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure does not match terms of loan.      
201077107 2017SPL3103287 1966167 3934 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Miscellaneous Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Initial GFE not provided        
201077107 2017SPL3103287 1966168 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NE Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077117 2017SPL3102885 1977443 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary AL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077130 2017SPL3102207 1977430 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077130 2017SPL3102207 1977519 711 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state   Minimum grace period for TN is 10 days, note states 5 days.    
201077160 2017SPL3102914 1978850 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077160 2017SPL3102914 1978945 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/24/2006 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077160 2017SPL3102914 1978946 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary NC Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077169 2017SPL3103154 1978970 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077169 2017SPL3103154 1979186 1979 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MI Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act (Borrower Not Charged for Actual Amounts of Third Party Fees) Michigan Consumer Mortgage Protection Act:  Borrower charged for products or services not provided or not charged actual amount for third party fee.      
201077229 2017SPL3103360 1967609 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077229 2017SPL3103360 1967618 711 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Note Error: Note grace period days less than minimum per state   [Tenn. Code Ann. § 45-20-103(15)(A).] The late payment fee may only be assessed for a payment past due for 10 days or more.    
201077229 2017SPL3103360 1967636 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $39,195.59 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $39,292.74 in the amount of $97.15.      
201077237 2017SPL3102816 1976814 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077237 2017SPL3102816 1976852 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201077237 2017SPL3102816 1976853 2644 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-9 Used on Non Same Lender Refinance Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinance by a creditor that is not considered the original creditor. The H-9 form was used, the H-8 form should have been used.      
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958338 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958435 5681 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.      
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958436 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958472 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing        
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958473 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958476 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/24/2007 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201077239 2017SPL3102277 1958477 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201077243 2017SPL3103490 1984019 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077243 2017SPL3103490 1984049 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077243 2017SPL3103490 1984061 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 11/12/2005 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077243 2017SPL3103490 1984062 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary WA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077263 2017SPL3103069 1961478 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077263 2017SPL3103069 1961538 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/14/2004 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201077263 2017SPL3103069 1961539 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201077263 2017SPL3103069 1961540 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077263 2017SPL3103069 1961545 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.   Unable to verify due to missing documentation.    
201077295 2017SPL3103461 1978315 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077295 2017SPL3103461 1978518 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077295 2017SPL3103461 2009838 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary TN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952118 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952265 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 5/21/2004 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952266 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952268 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952269 5681 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Virginia Tangible Net Benefit Test Unable to determine if the loan was refinanced without a tangible net benefit to the borrower due to missing information.      
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952270 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077312 2017SPL3103374 1952312 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary VA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077320 2017SPL3102976 1982370 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077320 2017SPL3102976 1982436 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 10/21/2001 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077320 2017SPL3102976 1982437 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary PA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077345 2017SPL3102209 1980487 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077345 2017SPL3102209 1980730 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.    
201077345 2017SPL3102209 1980791 6301 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 ARM Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.      
201077345 2017SPL3102209 2005715 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary ID Reviewed with Exceptions 12/24/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977801 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977901 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977924 6505 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No Fees No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/31/2001 which is 1 months prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.  Due to missing HUD-1 or Closing Disclosure, no fees were used in testing.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977925 4013 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1 Missing Final HUD-1.  No document containing fees provided.  Any applicable Federal, State or Local compliance testing is unreliable.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977927 6301 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 ARM Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: ARM loan program disclosure not provided to the borrower.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977928 6302 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 CHARM Booklet Disclosure Status TIL variable rate disclosure: Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, CHARM Booklet, not provided to the borrower.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 1977929 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 2008014 5334 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Missing Information to Determine Origination Channel Unable to determine the origination channel based on the loan documents provided for review. The compliance review was performed with using the equivalent evaluation that would be considered for an Origination Channel of Retail.      
201077352 2017SPL3103451 2008015 1267 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary CA Reviewed with Exceptions 12/26/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Missing RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to borrower.      
201077366 2017SPL3103044 1967719 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077366 2017SPL3103044 2004123 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary FL Reviewed with Exceptions 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201077370 2017SPL3103018 1978669 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077370 2017SPL3103018 1979273 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 6/19/1999 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077370 2017SPL3103018 1979274 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077370 2017SPL3103018 1979288 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary MN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/21/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077382 2017SPL3103013 1965699 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OK Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 1965705 2799 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 Missing Document: Note - Subject Lien not provided        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 1965706 2798 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 1965707 2802 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/20/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Compliance Open   2 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Initial 1003        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 2000052 4747 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/23/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Missing Final HUD-1        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 2000055 4697 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/23/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Compliance Open   3 TILA - Final TIL Missing        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 2000059 4967 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/23/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077393 2017SPL3103012 2000068 3829 Refinance Rate/Term Primary   Incomplete File QC Complete 12/23/2016 Loan Package Documentation Loan File Compliance Open   3 (Missing Doc) Incomplete loan images/file   File only contains Mortgage and Title Policy.  Compliance testing not completed.    
201077493 2017SPL3103367 1956431 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201077493 2017SPL3103367 1956432 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201077493 2017SPL3103367 1956433 2641 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary KY Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Final TIL Finance Charge Under Disclosed Truth In Lending Act: Final TIL Finance Charge of $22,141.37 is underdisclosed from calculated Finance Charge of $22,180.52 in the amount of $39.15. TIL itemization did not disclose a tax service fee of $50 as prepaid finance charge.    
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1956136 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957513 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 4/23/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957514 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957515 2211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Signed) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not signed by borrower(s).      
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957516 2212 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Received Timely) Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957517 2216 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure at the time of closing.      
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957518 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.      
201077519 2017SPL3103078 1957519 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
201077527 2017SPL3103057 1954998 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077527 2017SPL3103057 1955136 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201077530 2017SPL3103336 1954053 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application RESPA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure to applicant within three (3) business days of application.      
201077539 2017SPL3103372 1954801 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077539 2017SPL3103372 1955109 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of  8/3/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077539 2017SPL3103372 1955111 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956278 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956399 1153 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Missing Data) Last Rate Set Date  Last Date Rate Set was not provided.  In order to determine Average Prime Offer Rate (APOR), the worst case scenario was used between Application Date and Transaction Date.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956400 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 8/30/2009 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 3 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956401 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956402 2212 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Received Timely) Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956403 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956404 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1956405 3353 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 TIL-MDIA - Initial TIL Missing Truth in Lending Act (Early TIL Disclosure): Initial TIL was not provided to the borrower.      
201077678 2017SPL3102247 1988984 4928 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/22/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 TILA - Incorrect Right To Cancel Form Used - H-8 Used on Same Lender Refinance (Circuit 1, 4, 6, or 11) Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not executed on the proper Model Form for a refinancing by the same creditor. The H-8 form was used, the H-9 form should have been used. (The property state is in the 1st, 4th, 6th, or 11th circuit.)      
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1953155 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1953235 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/19/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1953236 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1953240 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1986561 2212 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Received Timely) Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1986562 2216 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided Timely) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure at the time of closing.      
201077695 2017SPL3102737 1986563 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.      
201077696 2017SPL3102254 1958073 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 1/10/2004 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077696 2017SPL3102254 1958074 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary IN Reviewed with Exceptions 12/20/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077705 2017SPL3102203 1955995 4211 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Closing / Title Credit Open   3 Title: Evidence of title is missing   File does not contain either Preliminary or Final Title.    
201077705 2017SPL3102203 1956086 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 7/29/2008 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077705 2017SPL3102203 1956087 1270 Refinance Cash-out - Other Primary NM Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 RESPA Disclosure - Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure Not Provided Within 3 Business Days of Application Unable to determine compliance with timing requirements due to missing Initial Loan Application Date.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956438 2798 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Loan Package Documentation Application / Processing Credit Open   3 Missing Document: Missing Lender's Final 1003        
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956502 4967 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Property - Appraisal General Appraisal Requirements Compliance Open   2 Due to lack of appraised value, compliance tests requiring an LTV were run off an assumed value of a contract sales price or original loan amount, whichever applies.        
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956510 5445 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 FACTA Disclosure Missing FACTA Disclosure Rule: Creditor did not provide FACTA Credit Score Disclosure.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956511 5861 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   2 Initial Loan Application Status Test No evidence of application date located in file.  Compliance tests were run using an application date of 9/17/2007 which is 1 month(s) prior to consummation.  A 7 month lookback was used to determine this application date.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956512 2210 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document Not Retained by Lender) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Home Mortgage Loan Information Document not retained by lender.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956513 2214 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Closing Disclosure Not Provided) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Consumer did not receive the required Closing Disclosure.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956514 2221 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (Ability to Repay not Verified) Unable to determine if borrower's ability to repay has been verified due to missing information.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956515 2223 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act (No Documentation of Tangible Net Benefit Analysis) Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act:  Mortgage loan file does not contain documentation of the analysis of the borrower's reasonable tangible net benefit.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1956516 2645 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/19/2016 Compliance Federal Compliance Compliance Open   3 Notice of Right to Cancel Missing Truth in Lending Act: Notice of Right to Cancel was not provided.      
201077749 2017SPL3102245 1989476 3057 Refinance Cash-out - Debt Consolidation Primary OH Reviewed with Exceptions 12/22/2016 Compliance State Compliance Compliance Open   2 (Doc Error) Note Error: Loan does not comply with state prepayment penalty requirements   PPP expired.  PPP not allowed per state (OH).  State (OH) allows prepayment penalty of not more than 1% if the loan is prepaid before 5 years; Note allows prepayment penalty of 2% during year 1 and 1% during year 2.    





Data Compare

Run Date - 4/13/2017 5:45:27 AM

AMC Loan ID 2017-SPL3 ID Field Label Bid Tape Field Value Field Value Comment
201614018 2017SPL3100001 Representative FICO 659    
201614020 2017SPL3100003 Representative FICO 600    
201614020 2017SPL3100003 Maturity Date 2025-02-24 2032-02-24 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614021 2017SPL3100004 Representative FICO 571    
201614022 2017SPL3100005 Representative FICO 581    
201614022 2017SPL3100005 Appraised Value 62000    
201614022 2017SPL3100005 Property Type Single Family    
201614023 2017SPL3100006 Maturity Date 2036-11-10 2036-12-10  
201614024 2017SPL3100007 Representative FICO 701    
201614024 2017SPL3100007 Appraised Value 60000    
201614024 2017SPL3100007 Property Type Single Family    
201614024 2017SPL3100007 Maturity Date 2019-05-20 2019-05-06  
201614025 2017SPL3100008 Maturity Date 2035-04-06 2034-11-03 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 360 month amortization term.
201614025 2017SPL3100008 Note Date 2000-03-03 2000-03-01  
201614026 2017SPL3100009 Representative FICO 692    
201614028 2017SPL3100011 Representative FICO 718    
201614028 2017SPL3100011 Maturity Date 2024-11-01 2024-11-17  
201614029 2017SPL3100012 Maturity Date 2029-02-10 2039-04-10 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614030 2017SPL3100013 Representative FICO 613    
201614030 2017SPL3100013 Appraised Value 190000    
201614030 2017SPL3100013 Property Type Single Family    
201614030 2017SPL3100013 Maturity Date 2035-12-20 2035-12-10  
201614031 2017SPL3100014 Maturity Date 2036-04-05 2036-03-22  
201614033 2017SPL3100016 Maturity Date 2026-12-15 2026-12-03  
201614035 2017SPL3100018 Representative FICO 600    
201614035 2017SPL3100018 Maturity Date 2025-04-21 2025-04-12  
201614036 2017SPL3100019 Maturity Date 2022-11-22 2022-11-15  
201614037 2017SPL3100020 Mod First Payment Date 2010-02-05 2009-09-05 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored first payment date.
201614037 2017SPL3100020 Maturity Date 2023-01-05 2023-03-05 Stated revised Maturity date per AOT.
201614038 2017SPL3100021 Street xxx xxx  
201614038 2017SPL3100021 Maturity Date 2020-03-15 2020-03-01  
201614039 2017SPL3100022 Maturity Date 2018-05-02 2018-05-18  
201614041 2017SPL3100024 Maturity Date 2019-12-05 2019-12-20  
201614042 2017SPL3100025 Representative FICO 658    
201614042 2017SPL3100025 City xxx xxx  
201614043 2017SPL3100026 Maturity Date 2021-11-07 2021-11-23  
201614044 2017SPL3100027 Maturity Date 2021-12-05 2021-12-01  
201614046 2017SPL3100029 Appraised Value 42000    
201614046 2017SPL3100029 Property Type Single Family    
201614047 2017SPL3100030 Representative FICO 659    
201614050 2017SPL3100033 Maturity Date 2024-07-14 2024-06-14  
201614051 2017SPL3100034 Representative FICO 668    
201614053 2017SPL3100035 Representative FICO 595    
201614054 2017SPL3100036 Representative FICO 653    
201614054 2017SPL3100036 Appraised Value 285000    
201614054 2017SPL3100036 Property Type Single Family    
201614055 2017SPL3100037 Representative FICO 590    
201614055 2017SPL3100037 Maturity Date 2024-09-20 2024-09-05  
201614058 2017SPL3100040 Maturity Date 2022-09-10 2022-08-10  
201614059 2017SPL3100041 Representative FICO 529    
201614059 2017SPL3100041 Maturity Date 2019-04-05 2019-04-30  
201614060 2017SPL3100042 Zip xxx xxx  
201614061 2017SPL3100043 Representative FICO 626    
201614061 2017SPL3100043 Maturity Date 2034-05-14 2034-04-14  
201614062 2017SPL3100044 Representative FICO 660    
201614063 2017SPL3100045 Maturity Date 2018-03-03 2018-03-24  
201614065 2017SPL3100046 Representative FICO 645    
201614065 2017SPL3100046 Maturity Date 2026-04-15 2026-04-05  
201614066 2017SPL3100047 Representative FICO 616    
201614067 2017SPL3100048 Representative FICO 622    
201614068 2017SPL3100049 Representative FICO 613    
201614068 2017SPL3100049 Maturity Date 2019-05-01 2019-05-15  
201614071 2017SPL3100051 Maturity Date 2018-07-20 2021-07-20  
201614072 2017SPL3100052 Representative FICO 667    
201614075 2017SPL3100055 Appraised Value 62000    
201614075 2017SPL3100055 Property Type Single Family    
201614076 2017SPL3100056 Maturity Date 2034-04-08 2034-05-08  
201614077 2017SPL3100057 Representative FICO 696    
201614077 2017SPL3100057 Maturity Date 2022-12-05 2022-12-02 Stated revised Maturity Date per AOT
201614078 2017SPL3100058 Maturity Date 2026-01-16 2025-09-16  
201614079 2017SPL3100059 Maturity Date 2031-03-27 2031-03-12  
201614080 2017SPL3100060 Mod Loan Amount 55526.33 54882.14 Verified to AOT dated 6/25/2010
201614080 2017SPL3100060 Appraised Value 69000   not located in file
201614080 2017SPL3100060 Property Type Single Family   not located in file
201614080 2017SPL3100060 Mod Date 2009-12-16 2010-06-25 Verified to AOT dated 6/25/2010
201614080 2017SPL3100060 Mod First Payment Date 2010-06-15 2010-07-15 Verified to AOT dated 6/25/2010
201614080 2017SPL3100060 Maturity Date 2027-08-15 2028-02-15 Verified to AOT dated 6/25/2010
201614082 2017SPL3100062 Maturity Date 2023-06-01 2023-06-20  
201614086 2017SPL3100065 Maturity Date 2021-05-03 2021-04-28  
201614087 2017SPL3100066 Representative FICO 601    
201614087 2017SPL3100066 Maturity Date 2035-05-06 2035-04-05  
201614088 2017SPL3100067 Representative FICO 592    
201614089 2017SPL3100068 Zip xxx xxx  
201614089 2017SPL3100068 Maturity Date 2030-03-16 2030-03-10  
201614090 2017SPL3100069 Property Type Single Family 2 Family  
201614090 2017SPL3100069 Street xxx xxx  
201614092 2017SPL3100071 Maturity Date 2024-10-04 2024-10-21  
201614093 2017SPL3100072 Street xxx xxx  
201614093 2017SPL3100072 Maturity Date 2029-04-15 2029-03-15  
201614095 2017SPL3100074 Maturity Date 2022-05-03 2022-04-30  
201614096 2017SPL3100075 Representative FICO 597    
201614097 2017SPL3100076 Representative FICO 693    
201614099 2017SPL3100077 Maturity Date 2038-01-15   AOT does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.
201614100 2017SPL3100078 Maturity Date 2024-12-25 2024-12-14  
201614102 2017SPL3100080 Representative FICO 615    
201614103 2017SPL3100081 Mod First Payment Date 2011-03-14 2010-04-14 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored first payment date.
201614103 2017SPL3100081 Maturity Date 2039-10-14 2039-05-14 Stated revised Maturity Date per AOT
201614104 2017SPL3100082 Representative FICO 536    
201614106 2017SPL3100084 Representative FICO 667    
201614106 2017SPL3100084 Maturity Date 2018-05-01 2018-03-01  
201614106 2017SPL3100084 Note Date 1998-02-XX 1998-02-XX  
201614107 2017SPL3100085 Representative FICO 538    
201614107 2017SPL3100085 Has Modification? Yes No  
201614107 2017SPL3100085 Mod Date 2010-06-28    
201614107 2017SPL3100085 Maturity Date 2027-09-20 2027-09-09  
201614110 2017SPL3100088 Maturity Date 2026-04-10 2026-04-05  
201614111 2017SPL3100089 Maturity Date 2032-05-03 2032-04-03  
201614114 2017SPL3100092 Representative FICO 643    
201614114 2017SPL3100092 Maturity Date 2019-01-13 2018-10-13  
201614115 2017SPL3100093 Representative FICO 729    
201614116 2017SPL3100094 Representative FICO 587    
201614116 2017SPL3100094 Maturity Date 2032-10-22 2033-02-22  
201614117 2017SPL3100095 Maturity Date 2025-10-12 2025-10-04  
201614119 2017SPL3100097 Representative FICO 671    
201614119 2017SPL3100097 Maturity Date 2023-04-01 2023-04-14  
201614120 2017SPL3100098 Maturity Date 2036-07-10 2036-07-07  
201614121 2017SPL3100099 Representative FICO 637    
201614121 2017SPL3100099 Appraised Value 75000    
201614121 2017SPL3100099 Property Type Single Family    
201614122 2017SPL3100100 Maturity Date 2036-11-02 2036-11-01  
201614124 2017SPL3100102 Representative FICO 601   not located in file
201614124 2017SPL3100102 Mod First Payment Date 2010-02-20 2009-09-20 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored first payment date.
201614124 2017SPL3100102 Zip xxx xxx same
201614125 2017SPL3100103 Representative FICO 655    
201614127 2017SPL3100105 Maturity Date 2038-09-05 2038-09-02  
201614129 2017SPL3100107 Representative FICO 625    
201614130 2017SPL3100108 Zip xxx xxx  
201614130 2017SPL3100108 Maturity Date 2038-05-01 2038-05-15  
201614132 2017SPL3100109 Representative FICO 500    
201614132 2017SPL3100109 Borrower Last Name xxx xxx  
201614133 2017SPL3100110 Zip xxx xxx  
201614135 2017SPL3100112 Maturity Date 2025-08-05 2025-07-05  
201614137 2017SPL3100114 Representative FICO 673    
201614139 2017SPL3100116 Representative FICO 655    
201614139 2017SPL3100116 City xxx xxx  
201614143 2017SPL3100120 Representative FICO 541    
201614143 2017SPL3100120 Appraised Value 160000    
201614143 2017SPL3100120 Property Type Single Family    
201614145 2017SPL3100122 Maturity Date 2027-06-02 2027-06-01  
201614148 2017SPL3100125 Maturity Date 2020-11-18 2020-11-14  
201614152 2017SPL3100129 Maturity Date 2023-06-15 2023-06-12  
201614154 2017SPL3100130 Representative FICO 746    
201614154 2017SPL3100130 Appraised Value 83000    
201614154 2017SPL3100130 Property Type Mobile Home    
201614155 2017SPL3100131 Maturity Date 2028-06-08 2028-10-08 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614156 2017SPL3100132 Representative FICO 566    
201614159 2017SPL3100133 Representative FICO 659    
201614160 2017SPL3100134 Representative FICO 691    
201614160 2017SPL3100134 Maturity Date 2018-04-12 2018-03-12  
201614161 2017SPL3100135 Maturity Date 2021-12-01 2021-12-20  
201614162 2017SPL3100136 Balloon 0 1 Calculated balloon based on terms of Forbearance Agreement with term of 230 months but amortization term of 317 months
201614162 2017SPL3100136 Representative FICO 556    
201614162 2017SPL3100136 Maturity Date 2038-07-03 2034-01-03 Stated revised Maturity Date per Forbearance Agreement
201614163 2017SPL3100137 Representative FICO 630   not located in file
201614163 2017SPL3100137 Maturity Date 2022-02-21 2021-04-10 Verified to Note
201614165 2017SPL3100138 Representative FICO 606   not located in file
201614165 2017SPL3100138 Mod First Payment Date 2010-12-01 2010-07-01 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored first payment date.
201614166 2017SPL3100139 Appraised Value 125196    
201614166 2017SPL3100139 Property Type Single Family    
201614167 2017SPL3100140 Representative FICO 660    
201614168 2017SPL3100141 Representative FICO 568    
201614169 2017SPL3100142 Representative FICO 596    
201614171 2017SPL3100144 Representative FICO 698    
201614171 2017SPL3100144 Maturity Date 2020-02-05 2020-02-20  
201614172 2017SPL3100145 Representative FICO 674    
201614172 2017SPL3100145 Maturity Date 2018-07-02 2018-07-01  
201614174 2017SPL3100147 City xxx xxx  
201614174 2017SPL3100147 Maturity Date 2022-05-16 2022-05-02  
201614176 2017SPL3100149 Representative FICO 682    
201614176 2017SPL3100149 Maturity Date 2025-12-15 2025-12-05  
201614177 2017SPL3100150 Maturity Date 2031-03-02 2031-03-01  
201614179 2017SPL3100151 Maturity Date 2036-01-15 2036-01-09  
201614180 2017SPL3100152 Representative FICO 671    
201614180 2017SPL3100152 Appraised Value 214000    
201614180 2017SPL3100152 Property Type Single Family    
201614182 2017SPL3100154 Maturity Date 2027-03-15 2027-03-05  
201614183 2017SPL3100155 Representative FICO 622    
201614185 2017SPL3100157 Representative FICO 596    
201614186 2017SPL3100158 Representative FICO 654    
201614189 2017SPL3100161 Representative FICO 640   not located in file
201614189 2017SPL3100161 Appraised Value 62000   not located in file
201614189 2017SPL3100161 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 5/8/2010 as indicated by tape
201614189 2017SPL3100161 Mod Date 2010-05-08   Missing Modification dated 5/8/2010 as indicated by tape
201614189 2017SPL3100161 Zip xxx xxx  
201614189 2017SPL3100161 Maturity Date 2020-03-01 2019-08-01 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 5/8/2010 as indicated by tape
201614190 2017SPL3100162 Maturity Date 2038-03-20 2038-03-15  
201614191 2017SPL3100163 Maturity Date 2021-05-12 2021-01-12  
201614192 2017SPL3100164 Representative FICO 545    
201614192 2017SPL3100164 Maturity Date 2025-07-27 2025-03-12  
201614193 2017SPL3100165 Representative FICO 513    
201614193 2017SPL3100165 City xxx xxx  
201614196 2017SPL3100183 Representative FICO 581    
201614197 2017SPL3100184 Representative FICO 700    
201614197 2017SPL3100184 Maturity Date 2019-03-20 2019-03-11  
201614199 2017SPL3100199 Maturity Date 2023-09-06 2023-09-03  
201614200 2017SPL3100203 Representative FICO 657    
201614200 2017SPL3100203 Zip xxx xxx  
201614202 2017SPL3100218 Maturity Date 2038-04-06 2038-04-05  
201614204 2017SPL3100221 Representative FICO 621   not located in file
201614204 2017SPL3100221 Mod Loan Amount   406588.12 Per AOT dated 4/4/2008
201614204 2017SPL3100221 Mod Date 2008-10-31 2008-04-04 Per AOT located in file, no AOT dated 10/31/2008 located
201614204 2017SPL3100221 Mod First Payment Date   2008-04-08 Per AOT dated 4/4/2008
201614204 2017SPL3100221 Maturity Date 2043-12-23 2037-03-08 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614205 2017SPL3100227 Representative FICO 715    
201614206 2017SPL3100231 Representative FICO 643    
201614207 2017SPL3100235 Representative FICO 664    
201614207 2017SPL3100235 First Interest Rate Change Date 2003-11-15 2003-11-06 Per Note, first rate change date is 24 months from Date of Loan
201614212 2017SPL3100260 Representative FICO 657    
201614212 2017SPL3100260 Maturity Date 2039-09-15 2039-09-05  
201614213 2017SPL3100264 Representative FICO 706    
201614213 2017SPL3100264 Maturity Date 2019-11-20 2019-07-10  
201614214 2017SPL3100279 Representative FICO 622    
201614214 2017SPL3100279 Mod Date 2013-12-31   Missing Modification.
201614214 2017SPL3100279 Maturity Date 2049-02-16 2027-07-16 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 12/31/2013 as indicated per tape.
201614221 2017SPL3100316 Representative FICO 590    
201614221 2017SPL3100316 First Interest Rate Change Date 2003-11-15 2003-11-01  
201614221 2017SPL3100316 First Payment Change Date 2003-12-15 2003-12-06  
201614221 2017SPL3100316 Maturity Date 2033-01-15 2032-11-06  
201614223 2017SPL3100327 Maturity Date 2035-10-25 2035-09-25  
201614224 2017SPL3100338 Representative FICO 666    
201614224 2017SPL3100338 Maturity Date 2019-09-01 2019-09-23  
201614225 2017SPL3100340 Representative FICO 620    
201614230 2017SPL3100360 City xxx xxx  
201614230 2017SPL3100360 Maturity Date 2036-05-10 2036-05-05  
201614231 2017SPL3100361 Maturity Date 2036-12-05 2036-10-05  
201614232 2017SPL3100362 Representative FICO 566    
201614233 2017SPL3100365 City xxx xxx  
201614234 2017SPL3100366 Representative FICO 561    
201614235 2017SPL3100367 Maturity Date 2023-05-01 2023-04-01  
201614237 2017SPL3100384 Representative FICO 693    
201614237 2017SPL3100384 Maturity Date 2037-03-01 2037-03-23  
201614238 2017SPL3100390 Balloon 0 1 Calculated based on terms per AOT, stated maturity date reflects 480 month term however, payment is based on 720 month term.
201614239 2017SPL3100391 Appraised Value 81000    
201614239 2017SPL3100391 Maturity Date 2036-05-15 2036-02-15  
201614240 2017SPL3100394 Property Type Mobile Home Single Family Detached  
201614240 2017SPL3100394 Maturity Date 2021-11-18 2021-11-03  
201614241 2017SPL3100395 Representative FICO 773   not located in file
201614241 2017SPL3100395 Mod Loan Amount 115736.86 114860.06 Per AOT dated 12/27/2013
201614241 2017SPL3100395 Appraised Value 185000   not located in file
201614241 2017SPL3100395 Mod Date 2013-02-05 2013-12-27 Per new AOT provided dated 12/27/2013
201614241 2017SPL3100395 Mod First Payment Date 2003-09-05 2014-01-05 Per AOT dated 12/27/2013
201614242 2017SPL3100398 Zip xxx xxx  
201614246 2017SPL3100412 Property Type Single Family Manufactured Housing  
201614246 2017SPL3100412 Has Modification? No Yes Per tape at acquisition, loan had been modified.  Missing Mod dated 2/25/2013.
201614246 2017SPL3100412 Maturity Date 2023-02-22 2020-09-12 Per Note.  Possibly missing Modification as indicated by tape at acquisition.
201614247 2017SPL3100414 Representative FICO 665    
201614247 2017SPL3100414 First Interest Rate Change Date 2004-12-15 2004-12-22  
201614247 2017SPL3100414 First Payment Change Date 2005-01-15 2005-01-05  
201614247 2017SPL3100414 Maturity Date 2027-12-15 2027-12-05  
201614248 2017SPL3100425 Property Type Multi Family Single Family Detached  
201614249 2017SPL3100431 Representative FICO 574    
201614249 2017SPL3100431 Property Type Single Family Manufactured Housing  
201614249 2017SPL3100431 Maturity Date 2034-01-15 2033-12-15  
201614250 2017SPL3100438 Representative FICO 624    
201614250 2017SPL3100438 Maturity Date 2029-02-05 2029-01-05  
201614251 2017SPL3100448 Maturity Date 2026-11-03 2026-11-20  
201614252 2017SPL3100449 Maturity Date 2032-06-20 2040-03-20 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614254 2017SPL3100463 Representative FICO 664   not located in file
201614254 2017SPL3100463 Maturity Date 2038-01-05 2037-09-05 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614256 2017SPL3100478 Representative FICO 681    
201614257 2017SPL3100485 Maturity Date 2029-10-15 2029-10-01  
201614258 2017SPL3100497 Representative FICO 578    
201614260 2017SPL3100506 Maturity Date 2037-02-15 2037-02-05  
201614261 2017SPL3100511 Maturity Date 2038-04-15 2038-04-03  
201614262 2017SPL3100518 Property Type Single Family Mobile Home (Multi-Wide)  
201614263 2017SPL3100524 Representative FICO 661    
201614264 2017SPL3100540 Maturity Date 2034-09-08 2036-01-08  
201614265 2017SPL3100548 Representative FICO 545    
201614265 2017SPL3100548 Maturity Date 2037-09-15 2037-09-01  
201614267 2017SPL3100558 Maturity Date 2036-11-20 2036-11-10  
201614268 2017SPL3100571 Property Type Multi Family Single Family Detached  
201614269 2017SPL3100596 Maturity Date 2036-05-05 2036-03-05  
201614270 2017SPL3100608 Maturity Date 2037-09-01 2037-09-27  
201614272 2017SPL3100616 Representative FICO 706    
201614272 2017SPL3100616 Maturity Date 2033-11-01 2033-11-21  
201614273 2017SPL3100630 Appraised Value 426666 393360  
201614274 2017SPL3100633 Representative FICO 591    
201614274 2017SPL3100633 Maturity Date 2044-07-01 2044-08-01  
201614275 2017SPL3100645 Representative FICO 594    
201614276 2017SPL3100646 Representative FICO 641    
201614276 2017SPL3100646 Maturity Date 2035-01-15 2035-02-01  
201614277 2017SPL3100660 Maturity Date 2029-10-01 2029-10-21  
201614279 2017SPL3100668 Maturity Date 2028-08-25 2028-08-05  
201614280 2017SPL3100678 Representative FICO 605    
201614280 2017SPL3100678 Appraised Value 65000 70000  
201614280 2017SPL3100678 Maturity Date 2033-08-05 2033-06-24  
201614281 2017SPL3100682 Mod Date 2014-08-08 2013-08-21 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored first payment date.
201614281 2017SPL3100682 Mod First Payment Date 2014-08-08 2013-09-08 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored first payment date.
201614281 2017SPL3100682 Maturity Date 2034-04-08 2034-05-08 Per AOT, stated revised maturity date
201614282 2017SPL3100683 Maturity Date 2035-08-15 2035-08-11  
201614284 2017SPL3100688 Representative FICO 558    
201614284 2017SPL3100688 First Interest Rate Change Date 2006-07-19 2006-07-14  
201614285 2017SPL3100697 Maturity Date 2035-11-15 2035-11-05  
201614286 2017SPL3100705 Representative FICO 615    
201614287 2017SPL3100707 Representative FICO 644    
201614287 2017SPL3100707 First Interest Rate Change Date 2006-07-19 2006-06-26  
201614287 2017SPL3100707 First Payment Change Date 2006-08-19 2006-08-12  
201614287 2017SPL3100707 Street xxx xxx  
201614287 2017SPL3100707 Maturity Date 2024-07-19 2024-07-12  
201614288 2017SPL3100718 Representative FICO 677    
201614289 2017SPL3100723 Representative FICO 599    
201614289 2017SPL3100723 Maturity Date 2038-04-01 2038-04-20  
201614292 2017SPL3100745 Representative FICO 522   not located in file
201614292 2017SPL3100745 Has Modification? No Yes AOT dated 10/24/2003 located in file
201614292 2017SPL3100745 Mod Date   2003-10-24 AOT dated 10/24/2003 located in file
201614292 2017SPL3100745 Mod First Payment Date   2003-11-12 AOT dated 10/24/2003 located in file
201614292 2017SPL3100745 Maturity Date 2033-11-12 2031-10-12 Per Note.  AOT does not state new Maturity Date and no approval in file with terms to calculate.
201614293 2017SPL3100750 Representative FICO 590    
201614293 2017SPL3100750 Maturity Date 2023-01-03 2023-01-01  
201614296 2017SPL3100770 Representative FICO 637   not located in file
201614296 2017SPL3100770 Mod Loan Amount   67769.67 AOT located in file dated 10/29/2005
201614296 2017SPL3100770 Has Modification? No Yes AOT located in file dated 10/29/2005
201614296 2017SPL3100770 Mod Date   2005-10-29 AOT located in file dated 10/29/2005
201614296 2017SPL3100770 Mod First Payment Date   2005-11-21 AOT located in file dated 10/29/2005
201614296 2017SPL3100770 Maturity Date 2031-02-21 2020-01-21 Per Note.  AOT does not state maturity date and no approval in file to use for terms
201614298 2017SPL3100780 Maturity Date 2048-02-10 2048-03-10  
201614299 2017SPL3100787 Representative FICO 683    
201614299 2017SPL3100787 Maturity Date 2024-06-15 2024-02-02  
201614300 2017SPL3100816 Representative FICO 681    
201614300 2017SPL3100816 First Interest Rate Change Date 2000-02-25 2000-02-20  
201614300 2017SPL3100816 Maturity Date 2023-06-25 2023-02-25  
201614301 2017SPL3100818 Representative FICO 611    
201614301 2017SPL3100818 Maturity Date 2034-07-30 2034-07-27  
201614301 2017SPL3100818 Original Interest Rate 7.75 7.7496  
201614302 2017SPL3100822 Representative FICO 563   not located in file
201614302 2017SPL3100822 First Payment Change Date 2004-12-01 2004-12-15 Per Note, first payment change date is 24 months from date of first payment
201614302 2017SPL3100822 Maturity Date 2018-02-01 2017-11-15 Verified to Note
201614303 2017SPL3100826 Maturity Date 2023-11-05 2023-11-21  
201614303 2017SPL3100826 Original Interest Rate 12.04 12.0396  
201614305 2017SPL3100839 Representative FICO 563   not located in file
201614305 2017SPL3100839 Mod Loan Amount   57085.26 Per AOT dated 6/11/2010.  Missing more recent Mod dated 7/24/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614305 2017SPL3100839 Mod Date 2014-07-24 2010-06-11 Per only AOT in file.
201614305 2017SPL3100839 Mod First Payment Date   2010-07-10 Per AOT dated 6/11/2010.  Missing more recent Mod dated 7/24/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614305 2017SPL3100839 City xxx xxx  
201614305 2017SPL3100839 Maturity Date 2040-02-10 2038-03-10 Per AOT dated 6/11/2010.  Missing more recent Mod dated 7/24/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614306 2017SPL3100852 Representative FICO 564    
201614307 2017SPL3100856 Representative FICO 709    
201614307 2017SPL3100856 Maturity Date 2019-01-01 2019-01-19  
201614307 2017SPL3100856 Original Interest Rate 8.58 8.5824  
201614309 2017SPL3100867 Representative FICO 631   not located in file
201614309 2017SPL3100867 Appraised Value 92000   not located in file
201614309 2017SPL3100867 Maturity Date 2035-03-20 2022-12-09 Per Note.  AOT does not state new maturity date and no approval in file with AOT terms.
201614310 2017SPL3100889 Representative FICO 758    
201614310 2017SPL3100889 Appraised Value 30400    
201614310 2017SPL3100889 Property Type Single Family UTD  
201614310 2017SPL3100889 Maturity Date 2035-01-05 2035-01-28  
201614312 2017SPL3100903 Maturity Date 2025-06-15 2026-01-15 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614314 2017SPL3100905 Representative FICO 619    
201614314 2017SPL3100905 Original Interest Rate 11.57 11.5668  
201614317 2017SPL3100938 Zip xxx xxx Per Note
201614318 2017SPL3100953 Maturity Date 2026-09-12 2026-08-01  
201614319 2017SPL3100955 Original Interest Rate 9.49 9.4896  
201614320 2017SPL3100959 Representative FICO 575    
201614320 2017SPL3100959 Maturity Date 2033-04-15 2034-06-15  
201614321 2017SPL3100970 Representative FICO 667    
201614321 2017SPL3100970 Maturity Date 2019-07-15 2019-07-09  
201614321 2017SPL3100970 Original Interest Rate 7.75 7.7496  
201614322 2017SPL3100971 Maturity Date 2027-11-17 2027-11-13  
201614323 2017SPL3100976 Representative FICO 733    
201614323 2017SPL3100976 Original Interest Rate 7.52 7.5156  
201614328 2017SPL3100997 Maturity Date 2038-02-15 2038-02-01  
201614328 2017SPL3100997 Original Interest Rate 9.65 9.6516  
201614329 2017SPL3101002 Representative FICO 752    
201614329 2017SPL3101002 Maturity Date 2024-08-04 2024-07-20  
201614329 2017SPL3101002 Original Interest Rate 7.39 7.3932  
201614330 2017SPL3101011 Maturity Date 2021-03-11 2020-11-11  
201614330 2017SPL3101011 Original Interest Rate 9 9.0012  
201614331 2017SPL3101014 Representative FICO 534   not located in file
201614331 2017SPL3101014 Mod Loan Amount 45475.08 41855.09 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614331 2017SPL3101014 Original Interest Rate 15 14.9976 Verified to Note
201614332 2017SPL3101022 Representative FICO 684    
201614332 2017SPL3101022 Maturity Date 2019-01-16 2019-01-01  
201614332 2017SPL3101022 Original Interest Rate 7.02 7.0224  
201614333 2017SPL3101032 Mod Loan Amount 44316.05 40673.72 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614333 2017SPL3101032 Original Interest Rate 9.9 9.8964 Verified to Note
201614334 2017SPL3101036 Representative FICO 704   not located in file
201614334 2017SPL3101036 Mod Date 2010-11-24   Missing Modification.
201614334 2017SPL3101036 Maturity Date 2024-08-15 2025-06-13 Per Note.
201614334 2017SPL3101036 Original Interest Rate 8.5 8.4996 Per Note
201614335 2017SPL3101040 Original Interest Rate 6.53 6.5292  
201614336 2017SPL3101043 Representative FICO 621    
201614336 2017SPL3101043 Original Interest Rate 11.95 11.9508  
201614337 2017SPL3101047 Mod Loan Amount 216959.41 215017.07 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614337 2017SPL3101047 Original Interest Rate 6.71 6.7092 Verified to Note
201614337 2017SPL3101047 Borrower Last Name xxx xxx Verified to Note, tape reflects co-borrower last name
201614338 2017SPL3101049 Representative FICO 749    
201614338 2017SPL3101049 Maturity Date 2020-04-20 2020-04-07  
201614338 2017SPL3101049 Original Interest Rate 7 6.9996  
201614339 2017SPL3101074 Maturity Date 2028-09-01 2028-09-23  
201614340 2017SPL3101086 Representative FICO 738    
201614340 2017SPL3101086 Original Interest Rate 7.09 7.0896  
201614341 2017SPL3101087 Maturity Date 2020-10-20 2020-09-15  
201614344 2017SPL3101114 Representative FICO 618    
201614345 2017SPL3101120 Representative FICO 575    
201614346 2017SPL3101123 Representative FICO 619   not located in file
201614346 2017SPL3101123 Mod Date 2009-11-30   Missing Modification
201614346 2017SPL3101123 Maturity Date 2045-09-15 2038-05-15 Per Note.   Missing Modification dated 11/30/2009 as indicated by tape.
201614347 2017SPL3101124 Mod Loan Amount 29752.88 29167.49 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614348 2017SPL3101125 Representative FICO 556   not located in file
201614348 2017SPL3101125 Mod Loan Amount 59205.59 57813.13 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614348 2017SPL3101125 Appraised Value 50000   not located in file
201614348 2017SPL3101125 Maturity Date 2052-12-02 2052-05-02 stated Maturity Date per AOT
201614349 2017SPL3101127 Representative FICO 642    
201614349 2017SPL3101127 Maturity Date 2020-03-10 2020-02-01  
201614350 2017SPL3101128 Representative FICO 584    
201614350 2017SPL3101128 Original Interest Rate 10.55 10.5456  
201614352 2017SPL3101134 Maturity Date 2036-08-25 2036-08-16  
201614353 2017SPL3101147 Original Interest Rate 7.11 7.1136  
201614354 2017SPL3101148 Representative FICO 675    
201614354 2017SPL3101148 Mod Loan Amount 115896.97 112368.93 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614354 2017SPL3101148 Maturity Date 2035-06-03 2035-07-03 Per Note
201614354 2017SPL3101148 Original Interest Rate 8.18 8.1816 Verified to Note
201614356 2017SPL3101155 Representative FICO 699    
201614356 2017SPL3101155 Maturity Date 2033-10-16 2033-10-03  
201614356 2017SPL3101155 Original Interest Rate 7.68 7.6812  
201614357 2017SPL3101156 Original Interest Rate 9.49 9.4896  
201614358 2017SPL3101158 Maturity Date 2036-06-15 2036-06-01  
201614358 2017SPL3101158 Original Interest Rate 7.94 7.9368  
201614359 2017SPL3101159 Maturity Date 2023-12-05 2023-11-05  
201614361 2017SPL3101175 Original Interest Rate 8.25 8.2548  
201614363 2017SPL3101194 Maturity Date 2038-04-05 2038-04-29  
201614363 2017SPL3101194 Original Interest Rate 11.65 11.6508  
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Representative FICO 609   not located in file
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Interest Rate Change Frequency   6 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 First Interest Rate Change Date   2003-07-31 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Interest Rate Life Max   18.9 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Interest Rate Life Min   9.17 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Interest Rate Periodic Cap   2 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Interest Rate Periodic Floor   2 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Margin   2.92 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 First Payment Change Date   2003-09-15 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Index Type   Prime Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Has Modification? Yes No No Modification located in file.
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Mod Date 2004-11-11   No Modification located in file
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Maturity Date 2031-12-15 2031-08-15 Per Note
201614365 2017SPL3101202 Amortization Type Fixed ARM Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614366 2017SPL3101212 Original Interest Rate 7.02 7.0224  
201614367 2017SPL3101216 Representative FICO 680    
201614367 2017SPL3101216 Mod Loan Amount 58673.16 57649.25  
201614368 2017SPL3101220 Maturity Date 2023-07-15 2023-07-01  
201614369 2017SPL3101224 Maturity Date 2033-10-20 2033-10-08  
201614370 2017SPL3101229 Representative FICO 741    
201614370 2017SPL3101229 Maturity Date 2037-07-01 2037-08-01  
201614371 2017SPL3101233 Mod Loan Amount   127349.49 Per AOT dated 1/31/2014
201614371 2017SPL3101233 Mod First Payment Date   2014-02-07 Per AOT dated 1/31/2014
201614371 2017SPL3101233 Maturity Date 2049-01-20 2049-01-07 Stated maturity date per AOT
201614372 2017SPL3101243 Has Modification? Yes No Loan is not modified.  Tape appears to reflect Deferment Agreement which only defers payment to original maturity date.
201614372 2017SPL3101243 Mod Date 2013-08-31   Loan is not modified.  Tape appears to reflect Deferment Agreement which only defers payment to original maturity date.
201614372 2017SPL3101243 Zip xxx xxx  
201614372 2017SPL3101243 Maturity Date 2036-12-06 2022-09-06 Per Note.
201614373 2017SPL3101260 Representative FICO 643    
201614373 2017SPL3101260 Appraised Value 98000    
201614373 2017SPL3101260 Maturity Date 2031-09-19 2031-09-01  
201614374 2017SPL3101269 Representative FICO 656    
201614374 2017SPL3101269 Appraised Value 64000 70000  
201614374 2017SPL3101269 Maturity Date 2034-02-15 2034-02-02  
201614375 2017SPL3101278 Representative FICO 683    
201614376 2017SPL3101297 Maturity Date 2020-12-06 2020-12-05  
201614377 2017SPL3101305 Maturity Date 2027-12-21 2027-12-11  
201614378 2017SPL3101310 Representative FICO 629   not located in file
201614378 2017SPL3101310 First Interest Rate Change Date 2003-09-01 2003-08-13 Per Note, first rate change date is 24 months from the date of loan
201614378 2017SPL3101310 Has Modification? Yes No No modification located in file and no indication loan has been modified
201614378 2017SPL3101310 Mod Date 2013-06-10   No modification located in file and no indication loan has been modified
201614378 2017SPL3101310 Maturity Date 2017-05-01 2016-09-01 Per Note
201614379 2017SPL3101313 Representative FICO 617    
201614380 2017SPL3101318 Representative FICO 721    
201614381 2017SPL3101325 Maturity Date 2027-04-07 2027-04-23  
201614382 2017SPL3101328 Representative FICO 518    
201614382 2017SPL3101328 City xxx xxx  
201614383 2017SPL3101343 Representative FICO 668    
201614383 2017SPL3101343 Original Interest Rate 6.71 6.7092  
201614384 2017SPL3101352 Zip xxx xxx  
201614384 2017SPL3101352 Maturity Date 2026-02-05 2026-02-21  
201614384 2017SPL3101352 Original Interest Rate 9.82 9.8194  
201614385 2017SPL3101360 Representative FICO 754    
201614385 2017SPL3101360 Original Interest Rate 6.28 6.2832  
201614386 2017SPL3101367 Original Interest Rate 9.98 9.978  
201614387 2017SPL3101369 Representative FICO 610    
201614388 2017SPL3101371 Representative FICO 572   not located in file
201614388 2017SPL3101371 Mod Loan Amount 69687.59 65711.83 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614388 2017SPL3101371 Original Interest Rate 10.75 10.749 Verified to Note
201614389 2017SPL3101377 Maturity Date 2022-07-15 2022-06-07  
201614390 2017SPL3101380 Representative FICO 642    
201614390 2017SPL3101380 Mod Loan Amount 104412.67 102280.73 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614390 2017SPL3101380 Maturity Date 2032-10-10 2032-10-01  
201614391 2017SPL3101382 Maturity Date 2038-09-03 2038-09-01  
201614391 2017SPL3101382 Original Interest Rate 9.9 9.8964  
201614392 2017SPL3101383 Representative FICO 619    
201614392 2017SPL3101383 Appraised Value 69000    
201614392 2017SPL3101383 Lien Position 1 3  
201614392 2017SPL3101383 Original Interest Rate 12.25 12.252  
201614393 2017SPL3101390 Original Interest Rate 7.36 7.3596  
201614393 2017SPL3101390 Original P&I 970.72 744.66  
201614395 2017SPL3101415 Representative FICO 620    
201614395 2017SPL3101415 Original Interest Rate 8.25 8.2548  
201614396 2017SPL3101417 Mod Loan Amount 146558.57 138568.76 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614396 2017SPL3101417 Original P&I 1906.27 1439.43 Per Note, tape reflects irregular first payment
201614397 2017SPL3101423 Original Interest Rate 10.15 10.1496  
201614398 2017SPL3101425 Representative FICO 669    
201614398 2017SPL3101425 Original Interest Rate 7.46 7.4592  
201614398 2017SPL3101425 Original P&I 620.51 503.58  
201614399 2017SPL3101430 Mod Loan Amount 163846.58 155750.4 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614399 2017SPL3101430 Maturity Date 2040-06-09 2040-07-09  
201614399 2017SPL3101430 Original Interest Rate 10 9.9996 Verified to Note
201614400 2017SPL3101436 Representative FICO 658   not located in file
201614400 2017SPL3101436 Maturity Date 2033-10-10 2024-09-26 Per Note.  AOT does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.
201614401 2017SPL3101440 Mod Loan Amount 42139.24 41603.63 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614402 2017SPL3101442 Mod Loan Amount 50328.12 49278.84 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614402 2017SPL3101442 Mod Date 2010-01-09 2009-09-02 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614402 2017SPL3101442 Mod First Payment Date 2010-02-08 2009-09-08 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614402 2017SPL3101442 Maturity Date 2028-07-08 2029-03-08 Stated revised Maturity Date per AOT.
201614403 2017SPL3101452 Representative FICO 606    
201614403 2017SPL3101452 Maturity Date 2023-03-10 2023-01-27  
201614403 2017SPL3101452 Original Interest Rate 11.29 11.292  
201614404 2017SPL3101455 Maturity Date 2037-05-05 2037-05-03  
201614405 2017SPL3101458 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification.  Does not appear loan has been modified per current terms.
201614405 2017SPL3101458 Mod Date 2010-01-18   Missing Modification dated 1/18/2010.  Does not appear loan has been modified based on current terms.
201614405 2017SPL3101458 Maturity Date 2037-08-18 2038-08-18 Per Note
201614407 2017SPL3101478 Original Interest Rate 8.57 8.574  
201614408 2017SPL3101481 Original Interest Rate 7.45 7.446  
201614408 2017SPL3101481 Original P&I 555.94 450.29  
201614409 2017SPL3101499 Original P&I 597.74 452.55  
201614410 2017SPL3101504 Representative FICO 588   not located in file.
201614410 2017SPL3101504 Mod Date 2012-03-20   Missing Modification.
201614410 2017SPL3101504 Maturity Date 2052-04-15 2023-07-15 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 3/20/2012 as indicated per tape.
201614411 2017SPL3101505 Maturity Date 2023-02-15 2023-02-07  
201614412 2017SPL3101506 Representative FICO 700   not located in file
201614412 2017SPL3101506 Appraised Value 228000   not located in file
201614412 2017SPL3101506 Mod Date 2010-04-30   Missing Modification.
201614412 2017SPL3101506 Maturity Date 2036-07-15 2034-12-10 Per Note. Missing Modification dated 4/30/2010 as indicated per tape.
201614412 2017SPL3101506 Original Interest Rate 6.96 6.9552 Per Note
201614413 2017SPL3101508 Maturity Date 2021-10-14 2021-09-14  
201614414 2017SPL3101509 Mod Loan Amount 222095.21 208820.62 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614414 2017SPL3101509 Maturity Date 2052-04-01 2052-05-01  
201614415 2017SPL3101520 Representative FICO 590    
201614415 2017SPL3101520 Maturity Date 2033-12-05 2033-12-24  
201614415 2017SPL3101520 Original Interest Rate 10.25 10.2492  
201614416 2017SPL3101524 Original Interest Rate 9.41 9.4116  
201614417 2017SPL3101530 Original Interest Rate 8.99 8.994  
201614418 2017SPL3101535 Original Interest Rate 7.36 7.3596  
201614418 2017SPL3101535 Original P&I 1839.46 1333.46  
201614419 2017SPL3101538 Representative FICO 700   not located in file
201614419 2017SPL3101538 Mod Loan Amount 72290.21 70714.98 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614419 2017SPL3101538 Maturity Date 2043-07-01 2043-07-16  
201614420 2017SPL3101539 Original P&I 1238.05 862.01  
201614421 2017SPL3101543 Mod Loan Amount   62879.34 Per AOT located in file.
201614421 2017SPL3101543 Mod Date 2010-02-27 2009-02-19 Per only AOT located in file.  Missing Modification dated 2/27/2010 as indicated per tape.
201614421 2017SPL3101543 Mod First Payment Date   2009-03-03 Per AOT located in file.
201614421 2017SPL3101543 Maturity Date 2034-04-03 2039-02-03 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 350 month amortization term.
201614422 2017SPL3101557 Original Interest Rate 11.21 11.2092  
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Mod Loan Amount 245921.18 242377.74 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Appraised Value 377000   not located in file
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Property Type Single Family Condo (Low Rise)  
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Mod Date 2010-11-16 2010-01-08 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Mod First Payment Date 2010-12-15 2010-01-15 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Maturity Date 2036-06-15 2036-09-15 Revised Maturity Date as stated on AOT dated 1/8/2010
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Original Interest Rate 6.96 6.9552 Verified to Note
201614423 2017SPL3101558 Original P&I 1771.4 1673.75 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment
201614424 2017SPL3101564 Representative FICO 567   not located in file
201614424 2017SPL3101564 Mod Loan Amount 137137.95 128731.9 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614424 2017SPL3101564 Original Interest Rate 9.51 9.5052 Verified to Note
201614424 2017SPL3101564 Original P&I 1188.16 1118.89 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614425 2017SPL3101565 Maturity Date 2037-03-20 2037-03-12  
201614426 2017SPL3101567 Maturity Date 2037-06-15 2037-06-05  
201614426 2017SPL3101567 Original Interest Rate 7.45 7.446 Verified to Note
201614426 2017SPL3101567 Original P&I 593.94 517.06 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614427 2017SPL3101569 Maturity Date 2035-04-13 2035-04-12  
201614428 2017SPL3101572 Original Interest Rate 9.98 9.978 Verified to Note.
201614428 2017SPL3101572 Original P&I 688.87 655.41 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614429 2017SPL3101574 Original Interest Rate 7.15 7.1508 Verified to Note
201614429 2017SPL3101574 Original P&I 624.38 530.74 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614430 2017SPL3101578 Original Interest Rate 8.63 8.6328 Verified to Note
201614430 2017SPL3101578 Original P&I 1315.96 1255.95 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614431 2017SPL3101584 Original P&I 847.49 645.79 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614432 2017SPL3101590 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 2/28/2014 as indicated per tape
201614432 2017SPL3101590 Mod Date 2014-02-28   Missing Modification dated 2/28/2014 as indicated per tape
201614432 2017SPL3101590 Maturity Date 2037-02-21 2038-03-21 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 2/28/2014 as indicated per tape
201614432 2017SPL3101590 Original Interest Rate 7.18 7.1844 Verified to Note
201614433 2017SPL3101592 Representative FICO 536   not located in file
201614433 2017SPL3101592 Appraised Value 63000   not located in file
201614433 2017SPL3101592 Maturity Date 2032-03-16 2032-03-01 Verified to Note.
201614433 2017SPL3101592 Original Interest Rate 10.5 10.4988 Verified to Note.
201614433 2017SPL3101592 Original P&I 566.75 489.75 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614434 2017SPL3101595 Maturity Date 2039-12-02 2039-12-01  
201614434 2017SPL3101595 Original Interest Rate 11.91 11.9124  
201614435 2017SPL3101598 Mod Loan Amount 115014.26 110858.74 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614435 2017SPL3101598 Original P&I 1733.99 1419.04 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614436 2017SPL3101601 Mod Loan Amount 257187.51 241674.34 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614437 2017SPL3101603 Balloon 0 1 Calculated balloon based on AOT amortization term of 478 months versus AOT term of 466 months.
201614437 2017SPL3101603 Mod Loan Amount 71560.27 68723.77 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614437 2017SPL3101603 Original P&I 1119.88 757 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614438 2017SPL3101611 Maturity Date 2039-01-16 2038-12-01 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term
201614438 2017SPL3101611 Original P&I 2449.35 1985.14 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614439 2017SPL3101620 Mod Loan Amount 79601.27 78158.98 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614439 2017SPL3101620 Original Interest Rate 10.07 10.074 Verified to Note
201614439 2017SPL3101620 Original P&I 987.9 962.88 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614441 2017SPL3101628 Original Interest Rate 8.67 8.6724 Verified to Note.
201614441 2017SPL3101628 Original P&I 1138.67 1013.64 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614443 2017SPL3101636 Representative FICO 625    
201614443 2017SPL3101636 Appraised Value 260000    
201614443 2017SPL3101636 Original P&I 1950.05 1641.99  
201614444 2017SPL3101638 Representative FICO 703    
201614444 2017SPL3101638 Street xxx xxx Verified to Note
201614444 2017SPL3101638 Maturity Date 2024-06-12 2023-09-12 Verified to Note.  No modification located in the file.
201614444 2017SPL3101638 Original Interest Rate 7.36 7.3596 Verified to Note
201614444 2017SPL3101638 Original P&I 670.72 486.22 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment
201614445 2017SPL3101639 Representative FICO 638    
201614445 2017SPL3101639 Appraised Value 130000    
201614445 2017SPL3101639 Maturity Date 2020-07-16 2020-06-16  
201614446 2017SPL3101645 Mod Loan Amount 79579.67 77856.8 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614446 2017SPL3101645 Original P&I 1077.57 850.93 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614447 2017SPL3101646 Representative FICO 573   not located in file
201614447 2017SPL3101646 Mod Loan Amount 78234.06 76271.59 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614448 2017SPL3101658 Has Modification? Yes No No Modification located in file.
201614448 2017SPL3101658 Mod Date 2008-10-31   No Modification located in file.
201614448 2017SPL3101658 Maturity Date 2038-04-20 2037-06-20 Per Note.  No modification located in file.
201614449 2017SPL3101660 Representative FICO 665   not located in file
201614449 2017SPL3101660 Maturity Date 2027-08-20 2027-08-15 Verified to Note.
201614449 2017SPL3101660 Original Interest Rate 8.38 8.3796 Verified to Note.
201614449 2017SPL3101660 Original P&I 1156.86 898.18 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614450 2017SPL3101664 Has Modification? Yes No No modification located in file
201614450 2017SPL3101664 Mod Date 2008-04-30   No modification located in file
201614450 2017SPL3101664 Maturity Date 2025-06-18 2015-07-10 Per Note. Missing Modification dated 4/30/2008 as indicated per tape.
201614452 2017SPL3101675 Maturity Date 2038-05-01 2038-05-16 Verified to Note.
201614452 2017SPL3101675 Original Interest Rate 9.25 9.249 Verified to Note.
201614452 2017SPL3101675 Original P&I 2176.2 1790.18 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614453 2017SPL3101676 Original P&I 593.44 527.64 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614455 2017SPL3101683 Original P&I 1034.42 972.77 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614456 2017SPL3101685 Mod Loan Amount 52250.11 52127.39 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614457 2017SPL3101691 Mod Date 2009-12-25 2009-08-19 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614457 2017SPL3101691 Mod First Payment Date 2010-01-24 2009-08-24 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614457 2017SPL3101691 Maturity Date 2021-10-24 2021-09-24 Stated revised Maturity Date per the AOT
201614457 2017SPL3101691 Original P&I 1092.11 781.11 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614458 2017SPL3101695 First Interest Rate Change Date 2006-03-10 2006-02-18  
201614458 2017SPL3101695 First Payment Change Date 2006-04-10 2006-04-03  
201614458 2017SPL3101695 Maturity Date 2034-03-10 2034-03-03  
201614459 2017SPL3101701 Representative FICO 609   not located in file
201614459 2017SPL3101701 Maturity Date 2024-12-20 2024-11-20 Verified to Note.
201614459 2017SPL3101701 Original P&I 568.82 509.99 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614460 2017SPL3101706 Representative FICO 649   not located in file
201614460 2017SPL3101706 Maturity Date 2019-10-20 2019-10-05 Verified to Note.
201614460 2017SPL3101706 Original Interest Rate 7.77 7.7724 Verified to Note.
201614460 2017SPL3101706 Original P&I 1009.14 944.08 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614461 2017SPL3101716 Maturity Date 2021-07-05 2021-07-22 Verified to Note.
201614461 2017SPL3101716 Original Interest Rate 9.98 9.978 Verified to Note.
201614461 2017SPL3101716 Original P&I 734.93 636.13 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614462 2017SPL3101720 Original Interest Rate 8.44 8.4372  
201614463 2017SPL3101732 Representative FICO 668   not located in file
201614463 2017SPL3101732 Has Modification? Yes No No modification located in file
201614463 2017SPL3101732 Mod Date 2013-11-09   No modification located in file
201614463 2017SPL3101732 Maturity Date 2041-12-03 2036-11-03 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 11/9/2013 as indicated by tape.
201614463 2017SPL3101732 Original Interest Rate 9.43 9.426 Verified to Note
201614463 2017SPL3101732 Borrower Last Name xxx xxx Verified to Note, tape reflects co-borrower last name.
201614464 2017SPL3101734 Representative FICO 574   not located in file
201614464 2017SPL3101734 Mod Loan Amount   353512.89 Per AOT located in file.
201614464 2017SPL3101734 Mod Date 2014-10-31 2009-03-24 Per most recent AOT located in file. Missing more recent Modification dated 10/31/2014 as indicated per tape.
201614464 2017SPL3101734 Mod First Payment Date   2009-04-01 Per AOT located in file.
201614464 2017SPL3101734 Maturity Date 2044-05-01 2039-03-01 Per AOT dated 3/24/2009, AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 360 month amortization term.  Missing Modification dated 10/31/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614464 2017SPL3101734 Original P&I 3464.05 3355.95 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment
201614465 2017SPL3101735 Representative FICO 627   not located in file
201614465 2017SPL3101735 Mod Loan Amount 64786.17 62120.43 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614465 2017SPL3101735 Maturity Date 2051-07-05 2051-04-05  
201614466 2017SPL3101742 Representative FICO 625   not located in file
201614466 2017SPL3101742 Mod Loan Amount 103823.33 103218.53 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614466 2017SPL3101742 Maturity Date 2027-10-01 2027-09-22  
201614466 2017SPL3101742 Original Interest Rate 10.1 10.104 Verified to Note
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Representative FICO 640   not located in file
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Mod Loan Amount   46917.48 Per AOT located in file
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Mod Date 2014-02-26 2013-08-30 Per most recent AOT located in file.  Missing more recent Modification as indicated by tape.
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Mod First Payment Date   2013-09-01 Per AOT located in file
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Zip xxx xxx Verified to Note
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Maturity Date 2049-06-01 2023-09-01 Per AOT dated 8/30/2013.  Missing more recent Modification dated 6/26/2014 as indicated per tape.
201614467 2017SPL3101754 Original P&I 700.67 664.68 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614468 2017SPL3101759 Representative FICO 629    
201614468 2017SPL3101759 Original Interest Rate 11.91 11.9124  
201614470 2017SPL3101765 Representative FICO 678   not located in file
201614470 2017SPL3101765 Maturity Date 2029-06-15 2029-05-01 Verified to Note.
201614470 2017SPL3101765 Original Interest Rate 8.5 8.4996 Verified to Note.
201614470 2017SPL3101765 Original P&I 1265.97 978.93 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614471 2017SPL3101766 Original Interest Rate 9.65 9.6516  
201614473 2017SPL3101768 Mod Loan Amount 124416.38 118033.92 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614473 2017SPL3101768 Original P&I 1582.9 1172.57 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614474 2017SPL3101778 Maturity Date 2027-01-12 2027-01-28  
201614474 2017SPL3101778 Original Interest Rate 7.11 7.1136  
201614475 2017SPL3101779 Maturity Date 2034-05-29 2034-05-14  
201614477 2017SPL3101785 Maturity Date 2021-04-15 2021-04-06  
201614478 2017SPL3101792 Mod Loan Amount 61929.21 60380.08 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614478 2017SPL3101792 Original Interest Rate 8.75 8.7492 Verified to Note
201614479 2017SPL3101796 Maturity Date 2036-11-02 2036-11-21  
201614480 2017SPL3101799 Maturity Date 2028-12-03 2028-12-22  
201614483 2017SPL3101808 Maturity Date 2033-11-12 2033-11-03  
201614483 2017SPL3101808 Original Interest Rate 8.56 8.5644  
201614485 2017SPL3101825 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 3/8/2013 as indicated by tape
201614485 2017SPL3101825 Mod Date 2013-03-08   Missing Modification dated 3/8/2013 as indicated by tape
201614485 2017SPL3101825 Maturity Date 2026-01-15 2025-10-08 Per Note
201614486 2017SPL3101830 Maturity Date 2041-05-10 2041-05-09  
201614486 2017SPL3101830 Original Interest Rate 10.39 10.386  
201614487 2017SPL3101842 Maturity Date 2028-08-10 2028-07-10 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 240 month amortization term.
201614488 2017SPL3101845 Mod Loan Amount 91408.68 87966.9 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614488 2017SPL3101845 Maturity Date 2042-10-09 2042-11-09 Revised Maturity Date as stated on AOT
201614488 2017SPL3101845 Original Interest Rate 10.28 10.2792 Verified to Note
201614490 2017SPL3101857 Original Interest Rate 6.92 6.9204  
201614491 2017SPL3101863 Mod Loan Amount 30460 29777.48 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614491 2017SPL3101863 Mod Date 2011-11-28 2011-07-22 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614491 2017SPL3101863 Mod First Payment Date 2011-12-27 2011-07-27 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614491 2017SPL3101863 Maturity Date 2031-05-14 2031-03-27 Stated revised Maturity Date per AOT.
201614492 2017SPL3101871 Mod Loan Amount 51187.35 49017.53 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614492 2017SPL3101871 Maturity Date 2039-11-03 2039-12-03 Stated revised Maturity Date per AOT
201614492 2017SPL3101871 Original Interest Rate 9.83 9.8316 Verified to Note
201614494 2017SPL3101874 Original Interest Rate 7.69 7.6908  
201614495 2017SPL3101875 Mod Loan Amount 181967.57 175190.79 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614496 2017SPL3101887 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 2/20/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614496 2017SPL3101887 Mod Date 2010-02-20   Missing Modification dated 2/20/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614496 2017SPL3101887 Maturity Date 2020-01-20 2019-12-17 Verified to Note
201614496 2017SPL3101887 Original Interest Rate 8.82 8.8212 Verified to Note
201614498 2017SPL3101892 Original Interest Rate 11.87 11.8668  
201614501 2017SPL3101912 Maturity Date 2036-06-05 2036-06-27  
201614501 2017SPL3101912 Original Interest Rate 6.96 6.9552  
201614502 2017SPL3101929 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 11/5/2009 as indicated by tape
201614502 2017SPL3101929 Mod Date 2009-11-05   Missing Modification dated 11/5/2009 as indicated by tape
201614502 2017SPL3101929 Maturity Date 2024-09-04 2024-07-20 Verified to Note
201614507 2017SPL3101955 Appraised Value 37000    
201614507 2017SPL3101955 Property Type Single Family    
201614508 2017SPL3101972 Balloon 0 1 Calculated balloon based on terms of AOT.  AOT term of 474 months versus amortization term of 478 months, resulting in balloon on stated maturity date.
201614508 2017SPL3101972 Mod Loan Amount 245324.84 238900.69 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614508 2017SPL3101972 Original Interest Rate 8.76 8.7636 Verified to Note
201614509 2017SPL3101976 Maturity Date 2029-03-04 2029-03-30  
201614510 2017SPL3101979 Has Modification? Yes No Tape reflects Mod as Extension Agreement, is not a Modification
201614510 2017SPL3101979 Mod Date 2012-08-20   Tape reflects date of Extension Agreement, is not a Modification
201614510 2017SPL3101979 Maturity Date 2042-02-25 2042-02-13 Verified to Extension Agreement
201614511 2017SPL3101984 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 1/31/2014 as indicated by tape
201614511 2017SPL3101984 Mod Date 2014-01-31   Missing Modification dated 1/31/2014 as indicated by tape
201614511 2017SPL3101984 Maturity Date 2035-12-04 2026-09-26 Verified to Note
201614511 2017SPL3101984 Original Interest Rate 9.33 9.3264 Verified to Note
201614513 2017SPL3101992 Appraised Value 53000    
201614513 2017SPL3101992 Original Interest Rate 9.39 9.3852  
201614515 2017SPL3101997 Appraised Value 165000    
201614515 2017SPL3101997 Property Type Single Family UTD  
201614515 2017SPL3101997 Original Interest Rate 8.62 8.6184  
201614516 2017SPL3101998 Original Interest Rate 6.72 6.7188  
201614519 2017SPL3102011 Original Interest Rate 8.5 8.4996  
201614521 2017SPL3102020 Original Interest Rate 11.34 11.3364  
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Appraised Value 43000   not located in file
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 11/23/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Mod Date 2010-11-23   Missing Modification dated 11/23/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614523 2017SPL3102027 First Payment Date 2000-11-05   Missing Note
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Maturity Date 2040-11-05   Missing Note
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Note Date 2000-10-XX 2000-09-XX Missing Note, date taken from Mortgage
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Original Interest Rate 7.5   Missing Note
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Original P&I 209.66   Missing Note
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Amortization Type Fixed   Missing Note
201614523 2017SPL3102027 Purpose Refinance   Insufficient documents in file to confirm
201614525 2017SPL3102031 Original Interest Rate 7.7 7.698  
201614532 2017SPL3102056 Zip xxx xxx  
201614537 2017SPL3102067 City xxx xxx Verified to Note, tape reflects mailing address
201614537 2017SPL3102067 Street xxx xxx Verified to Note, tape reflects mailing address
201614537 2017SPL3102067 Zip xxx xxx Verified to Note, tape reflects mailing address
201614537 2017SPL3102067 Note Date 1999-10-XX 1999-09-XX Verified to Note
201614537 2017SPL3102067 Original Interest Rate 9.132 12.34 Verified to Note, tape appears to be AOT rate
201614537 2017SPL3102067 Original P&I 475 621.05 Verified to Note, tape reflects AOT payment amount
201614539 2017SPL3102075 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 11/30/2009 as indicated per tape.
201614539 2017SPL3102075 Mod Date 2009-11-30   Missing Modification dated 11/30/2009 as indicated per tape.
201614539 2017SPL3102075 Original Interest Rate 7.47 7.4676 Verified to Note
201614540 2017SPL3102077 Appraised Value 69500   not located in file
201614540 2017SPL3102077 Maturity Date 2034-11-20 2034-09-20 Per Note.  AOT does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.
201614541 2017SPL3102085 Maturity Date 2035-11-15 2035-10-15 Per Note.  AOT does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.
201614546 2017SPL3102101 Appraised Value 300000    
201614546 2017SPL3102101 Property Type Single Family    
201614546 2017SPL3102101 Original Interest Rate 7.67 7.6656  
201614547 2017SPL3102106 Maturity Date 2021-03-05 2021-03-28  
201614547 2017SPL3102106 Original Interest Rate 7.02 7.0224  
201614549 2017SPL3102112 Mod Loan Amount   63571.64 Per AOT in file dated 3/20/2012.
201614549 2017SPL3102112 Mod Date 2014-02-18 2012-03-20 Per AOT in file dated 3/20/2012.  Missing more recent modification dated 2/18/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614549 2017SPL3102112 Mod First Payment Date   2012-04-15 Per AOT in file dated 3/20/2012.
201614549 2017SPL3102112 Maturity Date 2039-05-05 2040-02-15 Per AOT dated 3/20/2012, stated Revised Maturity Date.  Missing more recent modification dated 2/18/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614551 2017SPL3102124 Original Interest Rate 6.71 6.709  
201614552 2017SPL3102135 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 2/3/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614552 2017SPL3102135 Mod Date 2010-02-03   Missing Modification dated 2/3/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614552 2017SPL3102135 Maturity Date 2023-04-03 2021-11-03 Verified to Note.  Missing Modification dated 2/3/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614556 2017SPL3102150 Mod Date 2010-10-02 2010-05-26 Per AOT, tape reflects restored interest rate effective date
201614556 2017SPL3102150 Mod First Payment Date 2010-11-01 2010-06-01 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614556 2017SPL3102150 Maturity Date 2035-10-01 2036-07-01 Revised Maturity Date as stated on AOT
201614564 2017SPL3102168 Maturity Date 2028-09-04 2028-09-01  
201614570 2017SPL3102180 Appraised Value 51000    
201614570 2017SPL3102180 Property Type   Single Family Detached  
201614570 2017SPL3102180 Street xxx xxx  
201614573 2017SPL3102196 Mod Loan Amount   65923.94 Per AOT located in file.
201614573 2017SPL3102196 Appraised Value 112000   not located in file
201614573 2017SPL3102196 Mod Date 2012-01-30 2006-03-24 Per only AOT located in file.  Missing more recent Modification dated 1/30/2012 as indicated by tape.
201614573 2017SPL3102196 Mod First Payment Date   2006-04-01 Per AOT located in file.
201614573 2017SPL3102196 Maturity Date 2052-03-05 2023-01-01 Per Note.  AOT in file does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.  However, missing more recent Modification dated 1/30/2012 as indicated by tape.
201614573 2017SPL3102196 Original Interest Rate 9.25 9.2496 Verified to Note.
201614577 2017SPL3102203 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 10/29/2013 as indicated by tape.
201614577 2017SPL3102203 Mod Date 2013-10-29   Missing Modification dated 10/29/2013 as indicated by tape.
201614577 2017SPL3102203 Original Interest Rate 11 11.0028 Verified to Note
201614578 2017SPL3102207 Maturity Date 2021-07-05 2036-04-05 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614578 2017SPL3102207 Original Interest Rate 10.02 10.0176 Verified to Note
201614579 2017SPL3102209 First Interest Rate Change Date 2000-01-16 2001-07-12  
201614579 2017SPL3102209 First Payment Change Date 2000-02-16 2001-08-16  
201614581 2017SPL3102213 Mod Loan Amount 78095.77 68083.14 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614581 2017SPL3102213 Appraised Value 78000   not located in file
201614583 2017SPL3102216 Mod Loan Amount 121576.39 118190.68 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614583 2017SPL3102216 Mod Date 2011-02-06 2010-09-30 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614583 2017SPL3102216 Mod First Payment Date 2011-03-05 2010-10-05 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614585 2017SPL3102222 Original Interest Rate 9.57 9.5724  
201614588 2017SPL3102230 Appraised Value 62000    
201614589 2017SPL3102233 Maturity Date 2038-05-01 2038-05-29  
201614589 2017SPL3102233 Original Interest Rate 10.14 10.1412  
201614590 2017SPL3102234 Appraised Value 455000    
201614590 2017SPL3102234 Property Type Single Family UTD  
201614590 2017SPL3102234 Original Interest Rate 8.67 8.6724  
201614593 2017SPL3102244 Appraised Value 76000    
201614593 2017SPL3102244 Original Interest Rate 7.58 7.5804  
201614594 2017SPL3102245 Appraised Value 150000    
201614597 2017SPL3102249 Mod Date 2011-09-05 2011-04-08 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614597 2017SPL3102249 Mod First Payment Date 2011-10-04 2011-05-04 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614599 2017SPL3102254 Original Interest Rate 8.5 8.4996 Verified to Note
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Interest Rate Change Frequency   1 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 First Interest Rate Change Date   1997-08-15 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Interest Rate Life Max   14.51 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Interest Rate Life Min   6.51 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Interest Rate Periodic Cap   2 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Interest Rate Periodic Floor   2 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Margin   0.01 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 First Payment Change Date   1998-08-15 Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Index Type   Prime Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 3/31/2004 as indicated by tape.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Mod Date 2004-03-31   Missing Modification dated 3/31/2004 as indicated by tape.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Maturity Date 2029-05-15 2017-07-15 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 3/31/2004 as indicated by tape.
201614601 2017SPL3102255 Amortization Type Fixed ARM Per Note.  No modification located converting to Fixed rate.
201614608 2017SPL3102272 Original Interest Rate 7.11 7.1136  
201614610 2017SPL3102277 Appraised Value 82000    
201614610 2017SPL3102277 Original Interest Rate 9.9 9.8964  
201614613 2017SPL3102293 Appraised Value 163000    
201614613 2017SPL3102293 Property Type Single Family    
201614613 2017SPL3102293 Original Interest Rate 7.45 7.446  
201614615 2017SPL3102298 Maturity Date 2026-05-27 2026-05-16  
201614615 2017SPL3102298 Original Interest Rate 9.57 9.5724  
201614616 2017SPL3102299 Appraised Value 245000    
201614618 2017SPL3102303 Mod Loan Amount   109640.53 Per latest AOT located in file.
201614618 2017SPL3102303 Mod Date 2009-12-16 2009-01-21 Per latest AOT located in file. Missing more recent modification dated 12/16/2009 as indicated per tape.
201614618 2017SPL3102303 Mod First Payment Date   2009-02-09 Per latest AOT located in file.
201614618 2017SPL3102303 Maturity Date 2044-06-09 2037-05-09 Per Note.  AOT in file dated 1/21/2009 does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.  Missing possible more recent modification dated 12/16/2009 as indicated by tape.
201614620 2017SPL3102308 Mod Loan Amount 491216.3 465329.77 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614620 2017SPL3102308 Original Interest Rate 7.25 7.2492 Verified to Note
201614624 2017SPL3102316 Appraised Value 36000   not located in file
201614624 2017SPL3102316 Original Interest Rate 12.5 12.4992 Verified to Note
201614626 2017SPL3102329 Original Interest Rate 7.27 7.2696  
201614628 2017SPL3102335 Original Interest Rate 10.39 10.386  
201614629 2017SPL3102342 Mod Loan Amount 151854.17 146627.5 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614629 2017SPL3102342 Original Interest Rate 9.58 9.5772 Verified to Note
201614630 2017SPL3102345 Original Interest Rate 6.22 6.217  
201614636 2017SPL3102359 Maturity Date 2031-07-15 2031-06-15  
201614636 2017SPL3102359 Original Interest Rate 11.51 11.5104  
201614653 2017SPL3102380 Mod Loan Amount 162896.35 142844.76 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614653 2017SPL3102380 Original Interest Rate 11 11.002 Verified to Note
201614655 2017SPL3102384 Mod Loan Amount 90497.32 89497.32 Verified to AOT
201614655 2017SPL3102384 Mod Date 2010-06-17 2010-01-29 Per AOT, tape reflects restored interest rate effective date
201614655 2017SPL3102384 Mod First Payment Date 2010-07-16 2010-02-16 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614665 2017SPL3102406 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 4/29/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614665 2017SPL3102406 Mod Date 2014-04-29   Missing Modification dated 4/29/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614665 2017SPL3102406 Maturity Date 2023-12-03 2023-09-03 Verified to Note.
201614665 2017SPL3102406 Original Interest Rate 7.62 7.6176 Verified to Note.
201614673 2017SPL3102429 Maturity Date 2037-11-25 2037-11-19  
201614674 2017SPL3102433 Has Modification? Yes No Current terms same as original Note, appears that AOT in file was rescinded
201614674 2017SPL3102433 Mod Date 2010-05-20   AOT in file dated 6/16/2009 but appears may not be active given current terms match Note.  No mod located dated 5/20/2010.
201614674 2017SPL3102433 Maturity Date 2028-05-13 2027-03-13 Verified to Note.
201614674 2017SPL3102433 Original Interest Rate 9.33 9.3264 Verified to Note
201614675 2017SPL3102435 Maturity Date 2039-05-05 2039-05-26  
201614676 2017SPL3102438 Appraised Value 88000    
201614679 2017SPL3102451 Mod Loan Amount 69506.69 65203.63 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614679 2017SPL3102451 Maturity Date 2030-08-01 2030-09-01  
201614679 2017SPL3102451 Original Interest Rate 12.67 12.666 Verified to Note
201614680 2017SPL3102460 Has Modification? Yes No No modification located in file. Tape appears to reflect Extension Agreement which is not considered to be a modification.
201614680 2017SPL3102460 Mod Date 2013-01-28   No modification located in file. Tape appears to reflect Extension Agreement which is not considered to be a modification.
201614680 2017SPL3102460 Original Interest Rate 10.6 10.5984 Verified to Note
201614681 2017SPL3102462 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 7/30/2012 as indicated by tape.
201614681 2017SPL3102462 Mod Date 2012-07-30   Missing Modification dated 7/30/2012 as indicated by tape.
201614681 2017SPL3102462 Maturity Date 2047-08-16 2037-03-07 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 7/30/2012 as indicated by tape.
201614682 2017SPL3102465 Original Interest Rate 9.13 9.1308  
201614683 2017SPL3102466 Zip xxx xxx  
201614683 2017SPL3102466 Maturity Date 2037-01-13 2036-12-13  
201614683 2017SPL3102466 Original Interest Rate 7.45 7.446  
201614690 2017SPL3102489 Original Interest Rate 10.14 10.1412  
201614693 2017SPL3102497 Maturity Date 2029-10-10 2029-10-20  
201614693 2017SPL3102497 Original Interest Rate 13.86 13.8588  
201614698 2017SPL3102516 Maturity Date 2038-09-18 2038-09-10  
201614698 2017SPL3102516 Original Interest Rate 9.98 9.9756  
201614700 2017SPL3102529 Original Interest Rate 9.14 9.1368  
201614701 2017SPL3102536 Maturity Date 2029-10-01 2034-06-30 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 360 month amortization term.
201614701 2017SPL3102536 Original Interest Rate 10.86 10.864 Verified to Note
201614702 2017SPL3102538 Maturity Date 2039-07-01 2039-07-26  
201614704 2017SPL3102551 Mod Loan Amount 204534.17 197792.3 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614705 2017SPL3102559 Has Modification? Yes No No Modification located in file, tape appears to reflect a Deferment Authorization, not a Modification.
201614705 2017SPL3102559 Mod Date 2011-10-31   Tape appears to reflect Deferment Authorization, not a Modification.
201614705 2017SPL3102559 Maturity Date 2034-03-16 2034-02-01 Verified to Note
201614707 2017SPL3102571 Mod Loan Amount 144690.39 138162.75 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614707 2017SPL3102571 Mod Date 2011-11-06 2010-12-29 Per AOT.  Tape reflects date of restored interest rate effective date.
201614707 2017SPL3102571 Mod First Payment Date 2011-12-05 2011-01-05 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614708 2017SPL3102572 Original Interest Rate 11.61 11.6088  
201614710 2017SPL3102581 Appraised Value 54000    
201614711 2017SPL3102583 Zip xxx xxx  
201614711 2017SPL3102583 Original Interest Rate 10.14 10.1412  
201614712 2017SPL3102586 Original Interest Rate 12.07 12.0744  
201614714 2017SPL3102590 Original Interest Rate 9.08 9.0816  
201614716 2017SPL3102598 Mod Loan Amount 419851.79 398963.69 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614716 2017SPL3102598 Street xxx xxx Verified to Note
201614716 2017SPL3102598 Original Interest Rate 10.76 10.758 Verified to Note
201614721 2017SPL3102616 Original Interest Rate 11.84 11.8392  
201614724 2017SPL3102622 Original Interest Rate 8.67 8.6724 Verified to Note.
201614725 2017SPL3102626 Original Interest Rate 8.67 8.6724  
201614727 2017SPL3102641 Maturity Date 2023-09-15 2023-09-12  
201614728 2017SPL3102651 Original Interest Rate 6.78 6.7764  
201614729 2017SPL3102652 Original Interest Rate 12.5 12.4992  
201614730 2017SPL3102653 Original Interest Rate 8.75 8.748  
201614731 2017SPL3102657 Original Interest Rate 7.94 7.944  
201614733 2017SPL3102661 Original Interest Rate 8.75 8.7492  
201614735 2017SPL3102670 Original Interest Rate 8.75 8.748  
201614736 2017SPL3102676 Mod Loan Amount 35447.27 33593.08 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614736 2017SPL3102676 Mod Date 2010-04-04 2009-11-20 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614736 2017SPL3102676 Mod First Payment Date 2010-05-03 2009-12-03 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614738 2017SPL3103594 Original Interest Rate 10.25 10.2492  
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Appraised Value 64500   not located in file
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 5/5/2010 as indicated by tape.  Appears tape may reflect Deferment Authorization, not a modification.
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Mod Date 2010-05-05   Missing Modification dated 5/5/2010 as indicated by tape.  Appears tape may reflect Deferment Authorization, not a modification.
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Street xxx xxx Verified to Mortgage
201614740 2017SPL3102697 First Payment Date 2001-02-01   Missing Note
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Lien Position 1   Insufficient documents in file to confirm.
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Note Date 2000-12-XX 2000-12-XX  
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Original Interest Rate 6   Missing Note
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Original P&I 375.11   Missing Note
201614740 2017SPL3102697 Amortization Type Fixed   Missing Note
201614741 2017SPL3102700 Original Interest Rate 9.41 9.406  
201614745 2017SPL3102703 Balloon 0 1 Calculated balloon based on terms of AOT.  AOT term of 196 months versus amortization term of 201 months, resulting in balloon on stated maturity date.
201614745 2017SPL3102703 Mod Loan Amount 46075.75 44289.78 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614749 2017SPL3102714 Original Interest Rate 7.99 7.9896  
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Appraised Value 470000   not located in file
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Property Type Single Family   not located in file
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 3/17/2014 as indicated by tape
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Mod Date 2014-03-17   Missing Modification dated 3/17/2014 as indicated by tape
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Zip xxx xxx Same
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Maturity Date 2049-05-13 2037-02-13 Per Mortgage, Missing Modification dated 3/17/2014 as indicated by tape
201614751 2017SPL3102716 Original Interest Rate 8.6724 8.67 Verified to Note
201614759 2017SPL3102754 Mod Loan Amount 56058.12 55734.88 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614759 2017SPL3102754 Mod Date 2010-01-06 2009-08-18 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614759 2017SPL3102754 Mod First Payment Date 2010-02-05 2009-09-05 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614759 2017SPL3102754 Maturity Date 2021-10-05 2021-12-05 Stated revised Maturity Date per AOT.
201614759 2017SPL3102754 Original Interest Rate 7.25 7.249 Verified to Note
201614760 2017SPL3102759 Mod Loan Amount 64545.58 60429.23 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614760 2017SPL3102759 Original Interest Rate 11.94 11.9352 Verified to Note
201614763 2017SPL3102771 Appraised Value 310000   not located in file
201614763 2017SPL3102771 Mod Date 2016-05-11 2011-05-19 Per AOT.  Tape reflects restored interest rate effective date.
201614763 2017SPL3102771 Mod First Payment Date 2016-06-10 2011-06-10 Per AOT.  Tape reflects first payment date of restored term.
201614763 2017SPL3102771 Original Interest Rate 8 7.9992 Verified to Note
201614764 2017SPL3102772 Appraised Value 135000    
201614764 2017SPL3102772 Original Interest Rate 9.57 9.5724  
201614766 2017SPL3102775 Original Interest Rate 10.63 10.6308  
201614768 2017SPL3102787 Maturity Date 2029-12-12 2029-10-12  
201614770 2017SPL3102789 Maturity Date 2038-03-24 2038-03-21  
201614773 2017SPL3102792 Mod Loan Amount 139744.71 134818.61 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614773 2017SPL3102792 Maturity Date 2035-03-05 2035-01-05  
201614777 2017SPL3102812 Original Interest Rate 7.72 7.7184  
201614780 2017SPL3102823 Original Interest Rate 6.96 6.9552  
201614787 2017SPL3102848 Mod Loan Amount 181422.24 175846.73 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614787 2017SPL3102848 Appraised Value 175000   not located in file
201614787 2017SPL3102848 Original Interest Rate 10.96 10.9572 Verified to Note
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Appraised Value 84000   not located in file
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Property Type Single Family   not located in file
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 12/22/2009 as indicated by tape.
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Mod Date 2009-12-22   Missing Modification dated 12/22/2009 as indicated by tape.
201614793 2017SPL3102873 First Payment Date 2008-03-08   Missing Note
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Maturity Date 2035-10-08 2038-02-08 Verified to Mortgage
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Original Interest Rate 11.6088   Missing Note
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Original P&I 874.15   Missing Note
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Amortization Type Fixed   Missing Note
201614793 2017SPL3102873 Purpose Refinance   Insufficient documents in file to confirm.
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Appraised Value 93000   not located in file
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Property Type Single Family   not located in file
201614795 2017SPL3102877 First Payment Date 2004-03-12   Missing Note
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Lien Position 1   Insufficient documents in file to confirm
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Note Date 2004-02-XX 2004-02-XX Per Mortgage, missing Note.
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Original Interest Rate 8.64   Missing Note
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Original P&I 867   Missing Note
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Amortization Type Fixed   Missing Note
201614795 2017SPL3102877 Purpose Refinance   Insufficient documents in file to confirm
201614800 2017SPL3102885 Original Interest Rate 8.92 8.9172  
201614801 2017SPL3103597 Original Interest Rate 13.66 13.662  
201614804 2017SPL3102894 Appraised Value 40000    
201614804 2017SPL3102894 Property Type Single Family    
201614811 2017SPL3102906 Mod Loan Amount 69628.34 64928.25 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614811 2017SPL3102906 Appraised Value 110000   not located in file
201614811 2017SPL3102906 Property Type Single Family Manufactured Housing  
201614811 2017SPL3102906 Original Interest Rate 7.25 7.2492 Verified to Note
201614814 2017SPL3102909 Mod Loan Amount   66803.67 Per AOT located in file
201614814 2017SPL3102909 Mod Date 2009-12-05 2012-01-30 Per AOT located in file
201614814 2017SPL3102909 Mod First Payment Date   2012-03-05 Per AOT located in file
201614814 2017SPL3102909 Maturity Date 2036-09-05 2042-02-05 Per AOT dated 1/30/2012
201614814 2017SPL3102909 Original Interest Rate 6.71 6.7092 Verified to Note
201614816 2017SPL3102914 Maturity Date 2027-06-03 2027-05-03  
201614817 2017SPL3102924 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 9/24/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614817 2017SPL3102924 Mod Date 2008-09-24   Missing Modification dated 9/24/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614818 2017SPL3102930 Maturity Date 2044-10-09 2037-07-09 Per Note.  AOT does not state Maturity Date and no AOT worksheet in file so cannot determine interest rate, amortization term or maturity date.
201614820 2017SPL3102932 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 8/24/2011 as indicated by tape.
201614820 2017SPL3102932 Mod Date 2011-08-24   Missing Modification dated 8/24/2011 as indicated by tape.
201614820 2017SPL3102932 Maturity Date 2051-09-20 2035-09-20 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 8/24/2011 as indicated by tape.
201614820 2017SPL3102932 Original Interest Rate 9.5 9.4992 Verified to Note.
201614832 2017SPL3102961 Original Interest Rate 9.24 9.2436  
201614837 2017SPL3102966 Maturity Date 2020-10-15 2020-07-15  
201614839 2017SPL3102976 Original Interest Rate 11.25 11.2488  
201614840 2017SPL3102981 Original Interest Rate 9.08 9.0816  
201614848 2017SPL3102992 Appraised Value 121000   not located in file
201614848 2017SPL3102992 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 11/21/2016 as indicated by tape.
201614848 2017SPL3102992 Mod Date 2016-11-21   Missing Modification dated 11/21/2016 as indicated by tape.
201614853 2017SPL3103008 Original Interest Rate 8.5 8.4996  
201614854 2017SPL3103595 Mod Loan Amount   161842.77 Per AOT provided.
201614854 2017SPL3103595 Mod First Payment Date   2010-09-20 Per AOT provided.
201614854 2017SPL3103595 Maturity Date 2035-12-12 2041-11-20 Revised Maturity Date per AOT dated 9/16/2010.
201614854 2017SPL3103595 Original Interest Rate 8.5 8.4996 Verified to Note.
201614856 2017SPL3103012 Appraised Value 66000   not located in file
201614856 2017SPL3103012 Maturity Date 2021-08-15 2038-11-15 Based on AOT terms where payments are made until paid in full, calculated maturity date.
201614856 2017SPL3103012 Original Interest Rate 11.2488 11.25 Verified to Note
201614858 2017SPL3103014 Original Interest Rate 8.75 8.7492  
201614859 2017SPL3103018 Appraised Value 84000    
201614859 2017SPL3103018 Property Type   Single Family Detached  
201614859 2017SPL3103018 City xxx xxx  
201614861 2017SPL3103022 Appraised Value 74000    
201614863 2017SPL3103027 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 9/20/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614863 2017SPL3103027 Mod Date 2010-09-20   Missing Modification dated 9/20/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614863 2017SPL3103027 Maturity Date 2047-03-05 2036-10-05 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 9/20/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614863 2017SPL3103027 Original Interest Rate 7.71 7.7112 Verified to Note.
201614865 2017SPL3103029 Maturity Date 2036-06-14 2036-06-30  
201614865 2017SPL3103029 Original Interest Rate 8.43 8.4276  
201614869 2017SPL3103032 Maturity Date 2031-02-15 2031-01-15  
201614869 2017SPL3103032 Original Interest Rate 10.75 10.7496  
201614870 2017SPL3103034 Mod Loan Amount 224687.63 219169.17 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614872 2017SPL3103041 Appraised Value 689200    
201614872 2017SPL3103041 Maturity Date 2037-06-20 2037-06-05  
201614872 2017SPL3103041 Original Interest Rate 7.45 7.446  
201614877 2017SPL3103053 Maturity Date 2034-06-12 2034-06-02  
201614877 2017SPL3103053 Original Interest Rate 7.1 7.1004  
201614879 2017SPL3103057 Balloon 0 1 Calculated balloon based on terms of AOT.  AOT term of 495 months versus amortization term of 424 months, resulting in balloon on stated maturity date.
201614879 2017SPL3103057 Original Interest Rate 9.38 9.3756 Verified to Note
201614880 2017SPL3103058 Has Modification? Yes No No indication loan is modified, tape mod date is prior to Note Date
201614880 2017SPL3103058 Mod Date 2000-01-01   No indication loan is modified, tape mod date is prior to Note Date
201614880 2017SPL3103058 Maturity Date 2027-07-04 2027-05-22 Per Note
201614883 2017SPL3103069 Appraised Value 69000    
201614883 2017SPL3103069 Original Interest Rate 9.64 9.642  
201614884 2017SPL3103073 Appraised Value 136000   not located in file
201614884 2017SPL3103073 Property Type Single Family UTD not located in file
201614884 2017SPL3103073 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 10/22/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614884 2017SPL3103073 Mod Date 2008-10-22   Missing Modification dated 10/22/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614884 2017SPL3103073 Maturity Date 2040-07-05 2036-03-05 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 10/22/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614886 2017SPL3103076 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 2/28/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614886 2017SPL3103076 Mod Date 2014-02-28   Missing Modification dated 2/28/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614889 2017SPL3103079 Appraised Value 67000    
201614889 2017SPL3103079 Property Type Single Family    
201614892 2017SPL3103087 Mod Loan Amount 91014.66 90899.5 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614892 2017SPL3103087 Original Interest Rate 8.1 8.0976 Verified to Note
201614898 2017SPL3103107 Mod Loan Amount 75206.95 72104.9 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614898 2017SPL3103107 Original P&I 936.13 691.14 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614900 2017SPL3103117 Maturity Date 2037-08-05 2037-06-05  
201614900 2017SPL3103117 Original Interest Rate 7.75 7.7496  
201614901 2017SPL3103143 First Interest Rate Change Date 2008-03-04 2008-02-16  
201614901 2017SPL3103143 First Payment Change Date 2008-04-04 2008-04-01  
201614901 2017SPL3103143 Maturity Date 2020-04-04 2020-04-01  
201614903 2017SPL3103150 Representative FICO 657   not located in file
201614903 2017SPL3103150 Mod Loan Amount 62557.37 61374.28 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614903 2017SPL3103150 Original Interest Rate 9.41 9.414 Verified to Note.
201614903 2017SPL3103150 Original P&I 892.14 680.79 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201614904 2017SPL3103154 Original Interest Rate 7.94 7.9368  
201614917 2017SPL3103192 Mod Loan Amount 185571.12 168391.65 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614917 2017SPL3103192 Property Type PUD PUD Attached same
201614917 2017SPL3103192 Original Interest Rate 9.94 9.9396 Verified to Note
201614919 2017SPL3103194 Maturity Date 2027-03-04 2027-02-04  
201614923 2017SPL3103208 Maturity Date 2038-05-13 2038-05-12  
201614923 2017SPL3103208 Original P&I 767.07 534.55  
201614927 2017SPL3103227 Maturity Date 2035-10-15 2035-10-09  
201614927 2017SPL3103227 Original Interest Rate 9.9 9.8964  
201614929 2017SPL3103240 Maturity Date 2026-09-22 2026-09-15  
201614931 2017SPL3103252 Mod Loan Amount 77103.75 75719.81 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614932 2017SPL3103256 Maturity Date 2030-06-18 2030-05-18  
201614933 2017SPL3103261 Appraised Value 105000   not located in file
201614933 2017SPL3103261 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 6/12/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614933 2017SPL3103261 Mod Date 2010-06-12   Missing Modification dated 6/12/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614933 2017SPL3103261 Maturity Date 2024-12-01 2021-04-01 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 6/12/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614933 2017SPL3103261 Original Interest Rate 12.5 12.4992 Verified to Note.
201614935 2017SPL3103266 Borrower Last Name xxx xxx  
201614941 2017SPL3103281 Appraised Value 207000    
201614941 2017SPL3103281 Property Type Manufactured Housing Single Family Detached  
201614941 2017SPL3103281 Original Interest Rate 6.89 6.8868  
201614943 2017SPL3103287 Appraised Value 64000    
201614948 2017SPL3103304 Maturity Date 2038-03-15 2038-03-08  
201614948 2017SPL3103304 Original Interest Rate 10.63 10.6308  
201614951 2017SPL3103309 Maturity Date 2037-03-20 2037-03-06  
201614957 2017SPL3103320 Mod Date 2009-01-02 2009-01-05 Per AOT
201614957 2017SPL3103320 Maturity Date 2037-01-01 2042-04-20 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 400 month amortization term.
201614959 2017SPL3103596 Original Interest Rate 8.75 8.7492  
201614962 2017SPL3103336 Original Interest Rate 12.1 12.1032  
201614963 2017SPL3103341 Appraised Value 82000   not located in file
201614963 2017SPL3103341 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 12/31/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614963 2017SPL3103341 Mod Date 2008-12-31   Missing Modification dated 12/31/2008 as indicated by tape.
201614965 2017SPL3103352 Maturity Date 2038-03-15 2038-03-01  
201614966 2017SPL3103353 Original Interest Rate 8.14 8.1432  
201614967 2017SPL3103360 Original Interest Rate 7.27 7.2696  
201614968 2017SPL3103364 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 2/8/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614968 2017SPL3103364 Mod Date 2014-02-08   Missing Modification dated 2/8/2014 as indicated by tape.
201614969 2017SPL3103367 Original Interest Rate 8.25 8.2548  
201614972 2017SPL3103372 Original Interest Rate 8 7.9992  
201614973 2017SPL3103374 Mod Loan Amount   80920.2 Per AOT located in file.
201614973 2017SPL3103374 Appraised Value 86000   not located in file
201614973 2017SPL3103374 Mod Date 2010-02-02 2009-03-18 Per only AOT located in file.  Missing more recent modification dated 2/2/2010 as indicated by tape.
201614973 2017SPL3103374 Mod First Payment Date   2009-04-01 Per AOT located in file.
201614973 2017SPL3103374 Original Interest Rate 9.66 9.6588 Verified to Note
201614974 2017SPL3103377 Mod Loan Amount 123741.88 117914.41 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614975 2017SPL3103380 Original Interest Rate 14.75 14.7504  
201614976 2017SPL3103383 Maturity Date 2052-12-15   Revised Maturity Date line on AOT is blank as well as first payment date so cannot confirm new maturity date.
201614989 2017SPL3103449 Mod Loan Amount 31737.45 28119.88 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201614990 2017SPL3103451 Appraised Value 96000    
201614995 2017SPL3103462 Maturity Date 2037-02-01 2037-02-20  
201614996 2017SPL3103463 Maturity Date 2037-10-07 2037-09-07 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon amortization term.
201614996 2017SPL3103463 Original Interest Rate 8.43 8.4276 Verified to Note
201615000 2017SPL3103485 Original Interest Rate 7.94 7.9368  
201615002 2017SPL3103490 Appraised Value 180000    
201615002 2017SPL3103490 Original Interest Rate 9.9 9.8964  
201615019 2017SPL3103510 Original Interest Rate 10.13 10.1304  
201615021 2017SPL3103523 Appraised Value 72000    
201615023 2017SPL3103531 Mod Loan Amount 74445.08 71239.54 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201615026 2017SPL3103541 Original Interest Rate 11.59 11.586  
201615040 2017SPL3103558 Mod Loan Amount   42764.54 Per latest AOT located in file.
201615040 2017SPL3103558 Mod Date 2015-03-13 2011-10-27 Per latest AOT located in file.  Missing more recent Modification dated 3/13/2015 as indicated by tape.
201615040 2017SPL3103558 Mod First Payment Date   2011-11-11 Per latest AOT located in file.
201615040 2017SPL3103558 Maturity Date 2021-10-11 2029-04-11 Per AOT dated 10/27/2011.  Missing more recent Modification dated 3/13/2015 as indicated by tape.
201615042 2017SPL3103559 Mod Date 2006-09-30 2010-09-30 Verified to AOT
201615042 2017SPL3103559 Original Interest Rate 7.45 7.446 Verified to Note
201615043 2017SPL3103598 Maturity Date 2036-10-18 2036-10-09  
201615047 2017SPL3103572 Mod Loan Amount   70931 Per executed AOT located in file
201615047 2017SPL3103572 Has Modification? No Yes Per executed AOT located in file
201615047 2017SPL3103572 Mod Date   2009-04-08 Per executed AOT located in file
201615047 2017SPL3103572 Mod First Payment Date   2009-05-04 Per executed AOT located in file
201615047 2017SPL3103572 Maturity Date 2039-11-04 2036-07-04 AOT does not state Maturity Date but provides for monthly payments until paid in full so calculated maturity date based upon 327 month amortization term.
201615048 2017SPL3103573 Mod Loan Amount 197821.71 184584.88 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201615050 2017SPL3103577 Representative FICO 661    
201615050 2017SPL3103577 Maturity Date 2022-05-12 2022-05-11  
201615051 2017SPL3103578 Zip xxx xxx  
201615052 2017SPL3103579 Representative FICO 580    
201615055 2017SPL3103582 Maturity Date 2022-07-03 2022-07-18  
201615055 2017SPL3103582 Original Interest Rate 7.27 7.2696  
201615056 2017SPL3103588 Representative FICO 643   not located in file
201615056 2017SPL3103588 Has Modification? Yes No Missing Modification dated 9/4/2012 as indicated by tape.
201615056 2017SPL3103588 Mod Date 2012-09-04   Missing Modification dated 9/4/2012 as indicated by tape.
201615056 2017SPL3103588 Maturity Date 2042-09-15 2036-12-15 Per Note.  Missing Modification dated 9/4/2012 as indicated by tape.
201615056 2017SPL3103588 Original P&I 856.45 760.61 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201615057 2017SPL3103589 Representative FICO 734   not located in file
201615057 2017SPL3103589 Mod Loan Amount 444225.94 434199.59 Per AOT accruing balance.  Tape reflects balance including deferred amount.
201615057 2017SPL3103589 Appraised Value 565000   not located in file
201615057 2017SPL3103589 Original Interest Rate 8.67 8.6724 Verified to Note
201615057 2017SPL3103589 Original P&I 3824.81 3404.82 Verified to Note.  Tape reflects irregular first payment.
201615058 2017SPL3103593 Original Interest Rate 10.6 10.6008 Verified to Note
201615058 2017SPL3103593 Borrower Last Name xxx xxx Verified to Note





2017-SPL3 ID Data Cutoff Date Next Due Date AMC
Pay History Summary (MBA)
Pay History Summary
Pay History
Clean 12 Clean 24 Pay History
2017SPL3100002 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100003 02/28/2017 2/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100019 02/28/2017 3/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100008 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100001 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100020 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100022 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100021 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100014 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100029 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100028 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100053 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100033 02/28/2017 2/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100047 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100056 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100049 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100080 02/28/2017 4/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100063 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103577 02/28/2017 2/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100082 02/28/2017 3/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100067 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100052 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100061 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100073 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100094 02/28/2017 3/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100078 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100081 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100083 02/28/2017 4/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100079 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100131 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100085 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100146 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103579 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100125 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100149 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100110 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100106 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100112 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100154 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100143 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100168 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100190 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100219 02/28/2017 4/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100229 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100230 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100199 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101234 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100234 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100207 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100208 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100223 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000010000000000 000000000000010000000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3100192 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100241 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100212 02/28/2017 3/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100215 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100205 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100238 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100246 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100263 02/28/2017 4/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101235 02/28/2017 4/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100257 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101237 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100261 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103580 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100279 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100276 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100292 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000111000 000000000000000000111000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3100284 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100281 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100296 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100287 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100306 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100299 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100304 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101245 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100313 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101242 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100317 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101246 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100321 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100324 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100334 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100339 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100327 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100381 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100345 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100352 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100361 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100356 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100358 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100371 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100365 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100367 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100363 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101256 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101255 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100373 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100391 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100388 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100408 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100406 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100390 02/28/2017 4/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100403 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100411 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100507 02/28/2017 2/28/2017 000000000000001000000000 000000000000001000000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3100492 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000011 000000000000000000000011 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3100437 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100508 02/28/2017 2/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100459 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100461 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100446 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101263 02/28/2017 4/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100441 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100468 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100421 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100546 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100451 02/28/2017 6/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100584 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100550 02/28/2017 2/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100442 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100551 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100481 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101279 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100482 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100484 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101272 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100474 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100502 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100503 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100494 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100506 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100637 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100498 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100655 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101290 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100534 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100530 02/28/2017 6/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100535 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100540 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100553 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100543 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100676 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100562 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100572 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100570 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100569 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100585 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100586 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100574 02/28/2017 7/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100709 02/28/2017 4/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101294 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100621 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100592 02/28/2017 5/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100606 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100614 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100603 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100622 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100716 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100718 02/28/2017 2/23/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101302 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100633 02/28/2017 5/1/2017 000000000000000000000001 000000000000000000000001 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3101301 02/28/2017 4/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100631 02/28/2017 4/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100632 02/28/2017 4/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100732 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101298 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100726 02/28/2017 2/28/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100635 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100649 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100642 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101303 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100721 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100656 02/28/2017 4/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101306 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100663 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101317 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100671 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100688 02/28/2017 4/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100702 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100712 02/28/2017 5/3/2017 000000000000003210000000 000000000000003210000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3101310 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101313 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100747 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100727 02/28/2017 4/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100703 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100754 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100787 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100751 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100746 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100740 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101328 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100753 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100734 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101320 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100778 02/28/2017 4/26/2017 000000000000011021010100 000000000000011021010100 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3100756 02/28/2017 4/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100783 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100801 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100782 02/28/2017 3/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100795 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100828 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100807 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100826 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100814 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100836 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100855 02/28/2017 2/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100844 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100927 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100868 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101332 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100837 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100856 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100860 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100851 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100869 02/28/2017 4/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100994 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100993 02/28/2017 4/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100866 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100929 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100893 02/28/2017 4/28/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100888 02/28/2017 2/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101342 02/28/2017 4/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100880 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101344 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100950 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100910 02/28/2017 2/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100906 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100908 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000076 000000000000000000000076 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3100909 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101058 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100921 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100931 02/28/2017 4/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101068 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100932 02/28/2017 7/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100999 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100960 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101006 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100966 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100968 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100983 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100973 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101100 02/28/2017 5/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101349 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100991 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100984 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100982 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101017 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3100987 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101025 02/28/2017 5/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101355 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101016 02/28/2017 3/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101358 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101033 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101144 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101022 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101357 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101048 02/28/2017 3/28/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101023 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101364 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101044 02/28/2017 2/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101057 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101361 02/28/2017 6/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101038 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101176 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101055 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101056 02/28/2017 5/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101059 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101083 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101070 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101075 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101363 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101076 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101373 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101085 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101091 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101366 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101103 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101369 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101099 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101117 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101116 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101135 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101130 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101138 02/28/2017 4/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101374 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101162 02/28/2017 3/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101190 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101153 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101163 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101189 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101204 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101212 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101193 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101211 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101201 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101380 02/28/2017 2/10/2017 000000000000000000001000 000000000000000000001000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3101381 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101219 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101388 02/28/2017 5/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103100 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101393 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101664 02/28/2017 2/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101396 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101391 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101662 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101663 02/28/2017 2/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101421 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101416 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101424 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101668 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101670 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101415 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103588 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101432 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101434 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101447 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103107 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103108 02/28/2017 2/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101466 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101474 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101484 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101678 02/28/2017 5/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101482 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101487 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101681 02/28/2017 4/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101485 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101490 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101494 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101496 02/28/2017 5/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101683 02/28/2017 2/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103112 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101505 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101693 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103127 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101523 02/28/2017 7/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103125 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101518 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101539 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101695 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101528 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101540 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000100 000000000000000000000100 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3101535 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103123 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101544 02/28/2017 4/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101541 02/28/2017 2/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101550 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101580 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101601 02/28/2017 3/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101598 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101567 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101571 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103131 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101547 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101553 02/28/2017 4/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101616 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101576 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101559 02/28/2017 4/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101585 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000001222 000000000000000000001222 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3101595 02/28/2017 2/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103139 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101701 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101721 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101630 02/28/2017 4/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101603 02/28/2017 4/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101621 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101599 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101609 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101607 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101610 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101629 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101617 02/28/2017 2/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101640 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101740 02/28/2017 2/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101655 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101769 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101646 02/28/2017 4/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101659 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101707 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101711 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101703 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101705 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101729 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101738 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101751 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101732 02/28/2017 2/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101782 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101765 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101760 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102611 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102614 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102580 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102578 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102615 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101802 02/28/2017 2/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103218 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102504 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101822 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101798 02/28/2017 6/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101800 02/28/2017 6/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101788 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102628 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101789 02/28/2017 2/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101793 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101790 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102584 02/28/2017 5/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103222 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102629 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101814 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102590 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102597 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101839 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102437 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103224 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101846 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102633 02/28/2017 2/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103226 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102631 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102639 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101796 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103229 02/28/2017 7/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101832 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102591 02/28/2017 2/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102652 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101806 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102439 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102649 02/28/2017 6/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102650 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102515 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101818 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103238 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102443 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102523 02/28/2017 6/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101851 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101861 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102521 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101844 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103236 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102477 02/28/2017 6/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102456 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102541 02/28/2017 5/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101874 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101870 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102528 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101873 02/28/2017 3/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101864 02/28/2017 3/27/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102457 02/28/2017 6/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102671 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102604 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102606 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101875 02/28/2017 3/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101886 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102463 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102467 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101889 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101900 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101888 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101884 02/28/2017 6/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101895 02/28/2017 10/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102533 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102464 02/28/2017 2/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102474 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101896 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102535 02/28/2017 4/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101902 02/28/2017 6/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102470 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102537 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102471 02/28/2017 6/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101894 02/28/2017 6/26/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103249 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101906 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101907 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102610 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101905 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101926 02/28/2017 2/27/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102480 02/28/2017 4/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101931 02/28/2017 6/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102619 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000009 000000000000000000000009 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102624 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102547 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000100000 000000000000000000100000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102683 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103258 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102686 02/28/2017 6/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102484 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102552 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102550 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102688 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103594 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101935 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102554 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101950 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103270 02/28/2017 4/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102657 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102556 02/28/2017 6/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101941 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102646 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101956 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101951 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102653 02/28/2017 6/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101958 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000001000000000 000000000000001000000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102560 02/28/2017 4/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101953 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101966 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102663 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101969 02/28/2017 4/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101976 02/28/2017 5/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103264 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101988 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101984 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101993 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101973 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101972 02/28/2017 6/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102505 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101989 02/28/2017 3/23/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3101986 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102695 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102004 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103002 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103302 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000111 000000000000000000000111 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102697 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102011 02/28/2017 2/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103277 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103306 02/28/2017 5/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103307 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102729 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102024 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103310 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102025 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103011 02/28/2017 2/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102712 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102709 02/28/2017 4/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102705 02/28/2017 6/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102735 02/28/2017 6/18/2019 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102740 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102034 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000001011000000 000000000000001011000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102040 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102715 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102737 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103283 02/28/2017 2/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103013 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000002110010100 000000000000002110010100 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102741 02/28/2017 4/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102050 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102037 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103326 02/28/2017 4/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103329 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103333 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103290 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103324 02/28/2017 8/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103327 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102055 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103289 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102046 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102051 02/28/2017 6/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102053 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103292 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102060 02/28/2017 6/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102771 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102077 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103297 02/28/2017 5/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103020 02/28/2017 3/28/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102070 02/28/2017 3/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103299 02/28/2017 5/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103351 02/28/2017 5/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102748 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102781 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103303 02/28/2017 2/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102073 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102106 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103308 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102088 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102094 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102750 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103312 02/28/2017 6/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102787 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103311 02/28/2017 3/23/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102113 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102114 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102757 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103039 02/28/2017 6/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103374 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102759 02/28/2017 3/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103375 02/28/2017 6/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103325 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103330 02/28/2017 4/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102131 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102139 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102129 02/28/2017 4/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102764 02/28/2017 6/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103332 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102136 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103051 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102766 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000111 000000000000000000000111 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3103344 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102141 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103343 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102158 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103383 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103052 02/28/2017 5/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102149 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103369 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102819 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103056 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103055 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103396 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103404 02/28/2017 12/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103062 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102170 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102193 02/28/2017 6/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102797 02/28/2017 6/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102796 02/28/2017 6/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102828 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102172 02/28/2017 3/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102825 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102802 02/28/2017 6/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102190 02/28/2017 5/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102824 02/28/2017 4/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103425 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102194 02/28/2017 5/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102159 02/28/2017 4/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102838 02/28/2017 4/23/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102832 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103389 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103386 02/28/2017 5/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103064 02/28/2017 2/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102844 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102855 02/28/2017 2/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102166 02/28/2017 4/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102856 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102178 02/28/2017 9/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103428 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102869 02/28/2017 4/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102872 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102182 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102188 02/28/2017 4/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103439 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102208 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102211 02/28/2017 2/3/2017 000000000000001110000011 000000000000001110000011 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3103403 02/28/2017 3/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102218 02/28/2017 3/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102232 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000001100000000110 000000000001100000000110 Yes No No  
2017SPL3102200 02/28/2017 6/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102236 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102840 02/28/2017 3/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102834 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102883 02/28/2017 3/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103597 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102239 02/28/2017 4/7/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102886 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102847 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103448 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103451 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103413 02/28/2017 5/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102848 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103416 02/28/2017 6/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103082 02/28/2017 4/11/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102893 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102255 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103452 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102251 02/28/2017 6/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102256 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102254 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102258 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102896 02/28/2017 2/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102904 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102865 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102864 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102264 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000012 000000000000000000000012 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3102908 02/28/2017 4/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103434 02/28/2017 1/10/2018 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102909 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103430 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102272 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103485 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103433 02/28/2017 4/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103092 02/28/2017 3/17/2017 000000000002100000000000 000000000002100000000000 Yes No No  
2017SPL3103480 02/28/2017 11/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102276 02/28/2017 7/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103096 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103482 02/28/2017 8/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103461 02/28/2017 3/30/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103498 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103133 02/28/2017 5/14/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102303 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102309 02/28/2017 7/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102912 02/28/2017 4/24/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102914 02/28/2017 5/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102916 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102314 02/28/2017 6/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102943 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103516 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102316 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103471 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102321 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102325 02/28/2017 3/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102944 02/28/2017 9/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102322 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102913 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102946 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102323 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102331 02/28/2017 6/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102330 02/28/2017 4/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103520 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000100000000000 000000000000100000000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3103162 02/28/2017 3/22/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102340 02/28/2017 5/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103163 02/28/2017 5/10/2017 000000000000001000000000 000000000000001000000000 Yes Yes No  
2017SPL3103523 02/28/2017 4/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102923 02/28/2017 11/19/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103522 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103527 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102338 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103170 02/28/2017 4/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103535 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102355 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102927 02/28/2017 3/25/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102955 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103530 02/28/2017 5/18/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102350 02/28/2017 3/12/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103177 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103534 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102354 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103180 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103492 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103183 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103546 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102935 02/28/2017 4/27/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103493 02/28/2017 6/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102966 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102361 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102963 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102370 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102951 02/28/2017 4/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102981 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102386 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102982 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102381 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103502 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103550 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103593 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103551 02/28/2017 2/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102961 02/28/2017 3/6/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103508 02/28/2017 3/9/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103557 02/28/2017 4/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102403 02/28/2017 5/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103558 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102965 02/28/2017 3/10/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102990 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102406 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102970 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102374 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102410 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102986 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103195 02/28/2017 3/21/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102992 02/28/2017 3/2/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103196 02/28/2017 2/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103197 02/28/2017 4/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102397 02/28/2017 5/17/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103199 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103517 02/28/2017 3/16/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102382 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102417 02/28/2017 4/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103201 02/28/2017 3/1/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102407 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102994 02/28/2017 3/8/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103538 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102995 02/28/2017 3/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103565 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103539 02/28/2017 3/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103563 02/28/2017 3/5/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102393 02/28/2017 2/15/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103564 02/28/2017 7/16/2019 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103566 02/28/2017 3/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102422 02/28/2017 3/13/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3102979 02/28/2017 2/20/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103572 02/28/2017 2/4/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes  
2017SPL3103574 02/28/2017 3/3/2017 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 Yes Yes Yes