EX1A-2A CHARTER 3 NanoDelawareCertificate.htm CHARTER


	First: The name of this Corporation is Nano Stone Inc.

	Second:Its registere-d office in the State of Delavlare is to be located at  	___
2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400 	Street, in the City of 	Wilmington
County of 	Ne\v Castle 	Zip Code  19808 	.	The registered ageat 	charge  there of is  Corporation Service Company

Third: The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any la\vful act or activity for
\Vhich corporations may be organized under the General Corporation  Law of
	Fourth:The amount of the total stock of this corporation  is authorized  to issue is
15;000,000 	shares (number of authorized shares)  \Vith a par value of
$0.0001 	per share.
	Fifth: The name and mailing address of the incorporator  are as follows:
Name .Sanin Mody 	 	-
Mailing Address 2125 Center Ave2  Suite 414
Fott LeeNJ 	Zip Code_0_7_02_4 	_
	I, The Undersigned, for the putpose  of fortning  a corporation  under  the laws of the State  of Delaware,  do make,  file and  record  this Certificate,  and  do certify  that  the facts herein stated are true, and I have accordingly  hereunto set my hand this
4th 	day of 	May 	, A.D. 20  16 	.


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 	NAME: Sanin Mody

{type or print)


State  of Delaware
DeHvered  11:43 10510412016
FlLED 11:43 Af OS/04!2016
SR  20162118441 Flit Number	6035448