CORRESP 1 filename1.htm

1000 Cathedral Place
925 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6C 3L2

Telephone: (604) 662-8808
Facsimile: (604) 669-8803

Reply Attention of:
Rod Talaifar

Our File No.:
6963 055

Direct Line:
(604) 692-3023



October 27, 2014


Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Attention: Linda Cvrkel, Branch Chief

Dear Sirs/Mesdames:

Re:        MFC Industrial Ltd. (the "Company")
Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2013 (the "2013 20-F")
Filed March 31, 2014
File No. 001-04192

We act as counsel for the Company and write in connection our telephone conversation with Heather Clark of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") on October 27, 2014 regarding our letter dated August 29, 2014 (the "Initial Response Letter") in response to the initial letter dated August 7, 2014 from the Commission commenting on the 2013 20-F. Further to such conversation, on behalf of the Company, please find enclosed herewith a copy of the exhibit referenced in the Initial Response Letter.

We trust the foregoing to be in order, but should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (604) 692-3023.

Yours truly,


Per:        /s/ Rod Talaifar
Rod Talaifar

cc.        MFC Industrial Ltd.
Attention: Samuel Morrow


DECEMBER 31, 2013

Note 41. RecastRestatement of Consolidated Statements during the Measurement Period and Correction of an Error (continued)

Reconciliation of net income for the year ended December 31, 2012:

RecastRestated RecastRestated Error
    Historical     adjustments*     adjustments**     correction     RecastRestated
Net sales $     479,507 $     $     $     $     479,507
Equity income 6,152 6,152
       Gross revenues 485,659 485,659
Costs and Expenses:
       Costs of sales 407,626 (918 )(i) 406,708
       Impairment of available-for-sale securities 4,265 4,265
       Impairment of interest in resource properties 42,631 _ 42,631
       Selling, general and administrative 47,737 47,737
       Share-based compensation — selling, general
       and administrative 9 9
       Finance costs 12,431 (797 )(ii) 11,634
514,699 (1,715 ) 512,984
Loss from operations (29,040 ) 1,715 (27,325 )
Other items:
       Exchange differences on foreign currency
       transactions 7,108 7,108
       Change in fair value of puttable instrument
       financial liabilities (77 ) (77 )
       Bargain purchase 247,004 (21,821 ) (6,504 ) 218,679
Income before income taxes 224,995 (21,821 ) 1,715 (iii) (6,504 ) 198,385
Income tax (expense) recovery:
       Income taxes 8,528 8,528
       Resource property revenue taxes (5,902 ) (5,902 )
2,626 2,626
Net income for the year 227,621 (21,821 ) 1,715 (6,504 ) 201,011
       Less: Net (income) loss attributable to non-
       controlling interests (867 ) (867 )
Net income attributable to owners of the parent
company $ 226,754 $ (21,821 ) $ 1,715 $ (6,504 ) $ 200,144
Basic and diluted earnings per share $ 3.62 $ (0.35 ) $ 0.03 $ (0.10 ) $ 3.20

*    Adjustments reflecting new information obtained during the measurement period about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, which consisted of:.
                Overstatement of land values; assets held for sale $     (4,465 )
Overstatement of land values; hydrocarbon unproved lands (17,945 )
Under-accrual of gas cost allowance (1,737 )
Understatement of facility term financing (4,804 )
(28,951 )
Income tax effect thereon 7,130
Net restated adjustments $ (21,821 )

** Adjustments representing effects on the post-combination earnings as a result of the revision of assets and liabilities at the acquisition date, which consisted of: (i) reversal of expiry of hydrocarbon unproved lands; (ii) reduction of interest accretion on facility term financing; and (iii) the total of (i) and (ii) above.
The net income, total comprehensive income and comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company for the year ended December 31, 2012 were reduced by 26,610 (representing the sum of the recastrestated adjustments and error correction).


DECEMBER 31, 2013

Note 41. RecastRestatement of Consolidated Statements during the Measurement Period and Correction of an Error (continued)

Reconciliation of financial position as at December 31, 2012:

ASSETS RecastRestated RecastRestated Error
   Historical    adjustments*    adjustments**    Correction    RecastRestated
Current Assets
       Assets held for sale $     128,657 $     (4,465 )(i) $     $                 $     124,192
       Other current assets 555,621 555,621
              Total current assets 684,278 (4,465 ) 679,813
Non-current Assets  
       Hydrocarbon unproved lands 48,728 (17,945 )(ii) 918 (i) 31,701
       Deferred income tax assets 18,510 7,130 (v) (6,504 ) 19,136
       Other non-current assets 629,973 629,973
              Total non-current assets 697,211 (10,815 ) 918 (6,504 ) 680,810
$ 1,381,489 $ (15,280 ) $ 918 $ (6,504 ) $ 1,360,623
Current Liabilities
       Account payables and accrued expenses $ 77,586 $ 1,737 (iii) $ 80 *** $ $ 79,403
       Facility term financing 7,390 3,869 (iv) (797 )(ii) 10,462
       Other current liabilities 253,954 (80 )*** 253,874
       Total current liabilities 338,930 5,606 (797 ) 343,739
Long-term liabilities
       Facility term financing 11,328 935 (iv) 12,263
       Other long-term liabilities 267,846 267,846
              Total long-term liabilities 279,174 935 280,109
              Total liabilities 618,104 6,541 (797 ) 623,848
       Capital stock, fully paid 382,746 382,746
       Treasury stock (68,610 ) (68,610 )
       Contributed surplus 13,037 13,037
       Retained earnings 426,184 (21,821 )(vi) 1,715 (iii) (6,504 ) 399,574
       Accumulated other comprehensive income 3,840 3,840
              Shareholders' equity 757,197 (21,821 ) 1,715 (6,504 ) 730,587
Non-controlling interests 6,188 6,188
              Total equity 763,385 (21,821 ) 1,715 736,775
$ 1,381,489 $ (15,280 ) $ 918 $ (6,504 ) $ 1,360,623


Adjustments reflecting new information obtained during the measurement period about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date, which consisted of:

                (i) Overstatement of land values; assets held for sale       $     (4,465 )
(ii) Overstatement of land values; hydrocarbon unproved lands (17,945 )
(iii) Under-accrual of gas cost allowance   (1,737 )
(iv)  Understatement of facility term financing (4,804 )
  (28,951 )
(v) Income tax effect thereon 7,130
(vi) Net restated adjustments $ (21,821 )


Adjustments representing effects on the post-combination earnings as a result of the revision of assets and liabilities at the acquisition date, which consisted of: (i) reversal of expiry of hydrocarbon unproved lands; (ii) reduction of interest accretion on facility term financing; and (iii) the total of (i) and (ii) above.


Reclassification of provisions for warranty into accounts payables and accrued expenses.