EX-1.01 2 exhibit1012022sd.htm EX-1.01 Document

Exhibit 1.01
Varex Imaging Corporation
This report for the year ended December 31, 2022 is presented to comply with Rule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Rule”). 
a.Company Overview
Varex Imaging Corporation (the “Company,” “our” or “us”) is a leading innovator, designer and manufacturer of X-ray components including tubes, digital detectors, linear accelerators, image software processing solutions and stand-alone x-ray based systems in select application areas. Our components are used in medical diagnostic imaging, security inspection systems, and industrial quality inspection systems, as well as for analysis and measurement applications in industrial manufacturing applications. Global OEMs incorporate our X-ray imaging components in their systems to detect, diagnose, protect, irradiate and inspect. The Company has approximately 2,400 full-time employees, located at manufacturing and service center sites in North America, Europe, and Asia. For more information about us, visit https://www.vareximaging.com/.

b.Supply Chain Overview
The Company’s supply chain is complex, and there are multiple tiers between the Company and the mine. The Company relies on its vendors to provide information on the origin of the conflict minerals contained in components that are included in the Company’s products. The Company validates a vendor’s information as complete and reasonable using a check sheet, and any concerns are sent back to the vendor to address.
II.Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (“RCOI”) and Due Diligence Measures
The Company identified 208 vendors as in-scope, based on the probability of 3TG in their products. The Company conducted a supply chain survey of these in-scope vendors, using the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s (“RMI”) Conflict Minerals Reporting Template v6.22, release date May 11, 2022 (“CMRT”), to determine whether the necessary conflict minerals in components contained in the Company’s products were sourced responsibly, per the Company’s policy and the OECD Guidance (as defined below). The survey requested vendors to identify smelters or refiners (“SORs”) and country of origin of the conflict minerals they provide to the Company. The Company used London Bullion Market Association data (“LBMA Data”), Responsible Jewellrey Council data (“RJC Data”), the RMI SOR Full Database (“SOR Full Database”) and RMI RCOI data (“RCOI Data”) to establish country of origin. The Company found that some of the SORs identified were sourcing from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (the “DRC”) or an adjoining country, but all these SORs were found to be in conformance with the RMI Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (“RMAP”) standards.

The Company’s due diligence measures have been designed to conform, in all material respects, to the framework in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas Third Edition, including the supplements for tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold (“3TG”) (such guidance, the “OECD Guidance”). In accordance with the five-step framework in the OECD Guidance, the Company’s due diligence exercise included:

(1)Establish strong company management systems.
The Company’s Conflict Minerals Team includes key members of the Global Supply Chain Management team in each business unit worldwide. The Company’s requirements for vendor conflict minerals management are contained in the Company’s vendor training material and in the Conflict Minerals Policy. The Conflict Minerals Policy is posted on the Company’s external website (https://www.vareximaging.com/legal-information) and is referenced in purchase orders and vendor contractual agreements. In short, the requirements are that vendors adhere to the OECD Guidance, provide a CMRT including a list of smelters, follow up on risk concerns identified by the Company and make efforts to become conflict free. The Conflict Minerals Team planned and executed the due diligence methods necessary to complete a RCOI, determined the risk associated with the use of conflict minerals, established steps to mitigate risks, and reported on supply chain due diligence. To assist in completing these due diligence actions, the Company became a member of the RMI, which is a consortium of companies who are working together to “provide companies with tools and resources to make sourcing decisions that improve regulatory compliance and support responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.”

A key element of the RMI RMAP is the research of known SORs, audits of SORs, and publishing the results of this activity in databases that the Company uses to determine country of origin and assess risk in the supply chain. Specifically, the Company looks up country of origin of SORs using RCOI Data and uses data from the SOR Full Database to assess SOR risk. The Company discusses risks associated with vendors directly with each vendor, and the Company discusses risks associated with SORs with the vendors using those SORs.

The Company uses the publicly available RMI Grievance Mechanism (“GM”). Vendors are informed of this GM in the Company’s Conflict Minerals Vendor Training. This GM may be used for complaints against the Company, the RMI, the RMI RMAP, or auditors used by the RMI, or other grievances related to conflict minerals. The grievances, including corrective action, are tracked and monitored by the RMI.

(2)Identify and assess risk in the supply chain
The Company identified 208 vendors as in-scope, based on the probability of 3TG in their products. The Company requested a completed CMRT from all in-scope vendors. The Company received CMRTs from 177 vendors, representing approximately 85% of in-scope vendors, and each vendor identified in its CMRT the names and locations of SORs that process conflict minerals used in components provided by such vendor. However, since a number of vendors reported that their SOR data may be incomplete, the country-of-origin data may also be incomplete. The Company evaluated the information collected, including subjecting the results to a detailed quality review check sheet. If discrepancies, errors, or omissions were identified, the response for that vendor was deemed unacceptable and was returned for correction by the vendor. Approximately 67% of the CMRTs collected were acceptable as received or successfully corrected by the vendor and accepted by the Company. The Company reviewed and compared the responses with other information in the Company’s possession and, where appropriate, made further inquiries of the Company’s vendors. The Company contacted vendors that did not respond by a specified date and sent reminder emails requesting their responses.

An appropriate risk level was assigned to the 33% of vendors who did not make the corrections requested by the Company. The Company reviewed and compared the responses with other information (including information provided by Company experts) in the Company’s possession and, where appropriate, made further inquiries of the Company’s vendors.

The Company followed a defined escalation process for vendors that did not respond to the request for CMRT data. All in-scope vendors received a CMRT request email. Those not responding in one week received a reminder email, and those not responding in two weeks received a final reminder email. Internal

Company buyers were identified for each vendor, and any vendor not responding to the final reminder email was escalated to the buyer for further action.

The result of this CMRT data collection effort is that the Company received CMRTs from 85% of in-scope vendors. The resulting list of SORs identified by the Company’s vendors is found in Appendix A at the end of this document. Since the Company requested company-level CMRTs from its vendors, the resulting SOR list may contain SORs that are not in the Company’s product supply chain.
(3)Design and implement a strategy to respond to identified risks.
The Company completes a risk assessment after collecting data from in-scope vendors to identify supply chain risks relevant for the current reporting year. The Company has a process for determining risk using a set of standard risk factors. Supply chain risks include the risk associated with each vendor and the risk associated with each SOR identified by the vendors. LBMA Data, RJC Data, RCOI Data and the SOR Full Database are used to determine appropriate risk mitigation factors.

Vendors are assessed for risk factors that include whether they have conflict minerals policies, whether they have corrective management systems, whether they have overall conflict minerals management systems, and whether they have risky SORs in their supply chain. An SOR may be deemed a high-risk SOR for one or both of the following reasons: 1) It does not have a valid RMI smelter ID and thus may not be a SOR and/or 2) it is not in conformance with the RMAP standards and not actively pursuing this status.

For each risk factor a possible course of action is determined, and appropriate risk mitigation actions are provided to vendors. Generally, vendors are asked to identify real SORs and to pressure those SORs to pursue RMAP conformance. To mitigate risk factors, the Company’s Procurement Organization puts pressure on vendors to make improvements, which may include qualifying an alternate vendor for the material. The result of these efforts has been year-over-year improvement in vendors identifying actual smelters more accurately.

A summary of results and identified risks are published in a year-end report for the reporting year, which is presented to key members of the Global Supply Chain Management team. The risk factors identified during this process are subsequently managed by the Company Risk Management System, and appropriately acted upon.

(4)Carry out independent third-party audit of supply chain due diligence at identified points in the supply chain.
The RMI manages an independent third-party audit program for 3TG SORs. The results of these audits are reviewed by the RMI and made publicly available for companies to reference. The Company uses the results of these independent third-party audits to determine the country of origin of SORs and identify which SORs have been audited and are conformant with RMI RMAP standards. In reporting year 2022, the Company found that 92% of SORs were either conformant with the RMAP standards or “active” according to the RMI, meaning such SORs have committed to undergo an RMAP assessment, completed the relevant documents, and scheduled the on-site assessment. The Company also cooperates with other members of the RMI to identify SORs that require additional investigation to determine whether they are an eligible SOR for the audit program, to supplement RCOI Data to determine the country of origin of conflict minerals processed by the SOR, and to determine whether the SOR is RMI RMAP conformant.

(5)Report on supply chain due diligence.
This Conflict Minerals Report constitutes the Company’s annual report on its 3TG due diligence, is filed with the SEC, and is available on the Company’s website at https://www.vareximaging.com/investor-relations/.

III.Steps to Mitigate Risk
The Company intends to take the following steps to help mitigate the risk that the necessary conflict minerals in our products could finance or benefit armed groups:
(1)Work with vendors that distribute other company’s goods to obtain a list of manufacturers and CMRTs and improve the quality of RCOI data coming from those sources. During reporting year 2022, many of these manufacturers were identified. It is expected that this action will result in improved results next reporting year.
(2)Work with vendors to improve the quality of data.
(3)Continue to improve the response rate of vendors

The Company relies on its vendors to obtain conflict minerals information and cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of all data.
The Company’s due diligence identified 374 SORs that were identified as SORs by the RMI (see Appendix A). The RMI has performed independent third-party audits on many of these SORs (61% are RMI RMAP conformant) and is pursuing audits for the remaining SORs. The Company is working in coordination with other members of the RMI by providing the RMI the SORs used in the Company’s supply chain which require additional investigation or audit to confirm eligible SORs, country of origin, and conformance status.
Facilities Used to Process Necessary Conflict Minerals Used in In-Scope Products: While the Company has exercised due diligence and worked closely with its vendors to survey its conflict minerals supply chain (as described above), the Company is not able to identify with reasonable certainty all facilities used to process necessary conflict minerals used in in-scope products. However, based on the information acquired through the due diligence process, the Company believes that the facilities that may have been used to process the 3TG necessary to the functionality or production of in-scope products include the smelters and refiners listed in Appendix A. Since the Company requested company-level CMRTs from its vendors, the resulting SOR list may contain SORs whose 3TG is not in the Company’s products, i.e., the SOR list may be overinclusive.
Information About Country of Origin of Necessary Conflict Minerals Used in In-Scope Products: While the Company has exercised due diligence and worked closely with its vendors to survey the supply chain (as described above), the Company is not able to determine with reasonable certainty the countries of origin of the 3TG used in all in-scope products or whether the 3TG in all in-scope products is from recycled or scrap sources.
However, the Company has identified the countries of origin shown in the following table:

MetalCountries of OriginNotes
TantalumAustralia, Belarus, Brazil, Burundi, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia**, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, ZimbabweThe reported tantalum from the DRC and other covered countries came from 11 smelters (Smelter IDs CID002505, CID001192, CID000460, CID002557, CID000616, CID002544, CID002545, CID000914, CID000917, CID001277, CID001969) all of which have been audited and validated as "conformant" by the RMI, which is internationally recognized for managing an independent third-party assessment program in line with the OECD Guidance.*
TinAngola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Chile, China, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, YemenThe reported tin from the DRC and other covered countries came from 5 smelters (Smelter IDs CID003387, CID001105, CID001898, CID002180, CID003831) all of which have been audited and validated as "conformant" by the RMI, which is internationally recognized for managing an independent third-party assessment program in line with the OECD Guidance.*

MetalCountries of OriginNotes
TungstenAustralia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Canada, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Russian Federation, Rwanda, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Vietnam, ZimbabweThe reported tungsten from the DRC and other covered countries came from 4 smelters (Smelter IDs CID002502, CID000568, CID002543, CID002044) all of which have been audited and validated as "conformant" by the RMI, which is internationally recognized for managing an independent third-party assessment program in line with the OECD Guidance.*
GoldAlgeria, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Benin (HR), Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador (HR), Eritrea, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guatemala (HR), Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Honduras (HR), Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Panama (HR), Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Republic of, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, St Vincent and Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey (HR), Turks and Caicos, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan (HR), Viet Nam, Vietnam, Zambia, ZimbabweThe reported gold from the other covered countries came from 1 smelter (Smelter ID CID002561) all of which have been audited and validated as "conformant" by the RMI, which is internationally recognized for managing an independent third-party assessment program in line with the OECD Guidance.*

Information about Efforts to Determine Mine or Location of Origin: The description of the Company’s due diligence exercise set forth above under the heading “Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (“RCOI”) and Due Diligence Measures” covers the Company’s efforts to determine the mine or location of origin with the greatest possible specificity.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements relating to risk mitigation made in this report, as well as certain other statements made in this report, are forward-looking in nature and are based on the Company’s management’s current expectations or beliefs. These forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of performance and are subject to a number of uncertainties and other factors (such as whether industry organizations and initiatives such as the RMI remain effective as a source of external support to us in the conflict minerals compliance process and whether the results of our efforts to improve the due diligence process will be effective) that may be outside of the Company’s control and that could cause actual events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the statements made herein.

Documents Incorporated by Reference

Unless otherwise stated herein, any documents, third-party materials or references to websites (including the Company’s) are not incorporated by reference in, or considered to be a part of, this report unless expressly incorporated by reference herein.

Appendix A: Smelter and Refiner List

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
1GoldAdvanced Chemical CompanyCID000015Conformant
2GoldAida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.CID000019Conformant
3GoldAllgemeine Gold-und Silberscheideanstalt A.G.CID000035Conformant
4GoldAlmalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AMMC)CID000041Conformant
5GoldAngloGold Ashanti Corrego do Sitio MineracaoCID000058Conformant
6GoldArgor-Heraeus S.A.CID000077Conformant
7GoldAsahi Pretec Corp.CID000082Conformant
8GoldAsaka Riken Co., Ltd.CID000090Conformant
9GoldAtasay Kuyumculuk Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.CID000103Active
10GoldAurubis AGCID000113Conformant
11GoldBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)CID000128Conformant
12GoldBoliden ABCID000157Conformant
13GoldC. Hafner GmbH + Co. KGCID000176Conformant
15GoldCCR Refinery - Glencore Canada CorporationCID000185Conformant
16GoldCendres + Metaux S.A.CID000189Active
17GoldYunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd.CID000197Active
18GoldChimet S.p.A.CID000233Conformant
19GoldChugai MiningCID000264Conformant
20GoldDaye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Ltd.CID000343Active
21GoldDSC (Do Sung Corporation)CID000359Conformant
23GoldEco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. East PlantCID000425Conformant
24GoldOJSC Novosibirsk RefineryCID000493Active
25GoldRefinery of Seemine Gold Co., Ltd.CID000522Active
26GoldGuoda Safina High-Tech Environmental Refinery Co., Ltd.CID000651Active
27GoldHangzhou Fuchunjiang Smelting Co., Ltd.CID000671Active
28GoldLT Metal Ltd.CID000689Conformant
29GoldHeimerle + Meule GmbHCID000694Conformant
30GoldHeraeus Metals Hong Kong Ltd.CID000707Conformant
31GoldHeraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KGCID000711Conformant
32GoldHunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.CID000767Active
33GoldHunan Guiyang yinxing Nonferrous Smelting Co., Ltd.CID000773Active
34GoldHwaSeong CJ CO., LTD.CID000778Not Active
35GoldInner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Co., Ltd.CID000801Conformant
36GoldIshifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd.CID000807Conformant
37GoldIstanbul Gold RefineryCID000814Conformant

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
38GoldJapan MintCID000823Conformant
39GoldJiangxi Copper Co., Ltd.CID000855Conformant
40GoldAsahi Refining USA Inc.CID000920Conformant
41GoldAsahi Refining Canada Ltd.CID000924Conformant
42GoldJSC Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing PlantCID000927Active
43GoldJSC UralelectromedCID000929Active
44GoldJX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd.CID000937Conformant
45GoldKazakhmys Smelting LLCCID000956Active
47GoldKennecott Utah Copper LLCCID000969Conformant
48GoldKojima Chemicals Co., Ltd.CID000981Conformant
49GoldKyrgyzaltyn JSCCID001029Active
50GoldL'azurde Company For JewelryCID001032Active
51GoldLingbao Gold Co., Ltd.CID001056Active
52GoldLingbao Jinyuan Tonghui Refinery Co., Ltd.CID001058Active
53GoldLS-NIKKO Copper Inc.CID001078Conformant
54GoldLuoyang Zijin Yinhui Gold Refinery Co., Ltd.CID001093Active
56GoldMatsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd.CID001119Conformant
57GoldMetalor Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd.CID001147Conformant
58GoldMetalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd.CID001149Conformant
59GoldMetalor Technologies (Singapore) Pte., Ltd.CID001152Conformant
60GoldMetalor Technologies S.A.CID001153Conformant
61GoldMetalor USA Refining CorporationCID001157Conformant
62GoldMetalurgica Met-Mex Penoles S.A. De C.V.CID001161Conformant
63GoldMitsubishi Materials CorporationCID001188Conformant
64GoldMitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.CID001193Conformant
65GoldMoscow Special Alloys Processing PlantCID001204Active
66GoldNadir Metal Rafineri San. Ve Tic. A.S.CID001220Conformant
67GoldNavoi Mining and Metallurgical CombinatCID001236Conformant
68GoldNihon Material Co., Ltd.CID001259Conformant
69GoldOhura Precious Metal Industry Co., Ltd.CID001325Conformant
70GoldOJSC "The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant" (OJSC Krastsvetmet)CID001326Active
71GoldPAMP S.A.CID001352Conformant
72GoldPenglai Penggang Gold Industry Co., Ltd.CID001362Active
73GoldPrioksky Plant of Non-Ferrous MetalsCID001386Active
74GoldPT Aneka Tambang (Persero) TbkCID001397Conformant
75GoldPX Precinox S.A.CID001498Conformant
76GoldRand Refinery (Pty) Ltd.CID001512Conformant
77GoldRoyal Canadian MintCID001534Conformant
78GoldSabin Metal Corp.CID001546Not Active
79GoldSamduck Precious MetalsCID001555Active

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
80GoldSamwon Metals Corp.CID001562Not Active
81GoldSEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A.CID001585Conformant
82GoldShandong Tiancheng Biological Gold Industrial Co., Ltd.CID001619Active
83GoldShandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co., Ltd.CID001622Conformant
84GoldSichuan Tianze Precious Metals Co., Ltd.CID001736Conformant
85GoldSo Accurate Group, Inc.CID001754Not Active
86GoldSOE Shyolkovsky Factory of Secondary Precious MetalsCID001756Active
87GoldSolar Applied Materials Technology Corp.CID001761Conformant
88GoldSumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.CID001798Conformant
89GoldSuper Dragon Technology Co., Ltd.CID001810Active
90GoldTanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K.CID001875Conformant
91GoldGreat Wall Precious Metals Co., Ltd. of CBPMCID001909Active
92GoldThe Refinery of Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd.CID001916Conformant
93GoldTokuriki Honten Co., Ltd.CID001938Conformant
94GoldTongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd.CID001947Active
96GoldUmicore S.A. Business Unit Precious Metals RefiningCID001980Conformant
97GoldUnited Precious Metal Refining, Inc.CID001993Conformant
98GoldValcambi S.A.CID002003Conformant
99GoldWestern Australian Mint (T/a The Perth Mint)CID002030Conformant
100GoldYamakin Co., Ltd.CID002100Conformant
101GoldYokohama Metal Co., Ltd.CID002129Conformant
102GoldZhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold CorporationCID002224Conformant
103GoldGold Refinery of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd.CID002243Conformant
104GoldMorris and WatsonCID002282Active
105GoldSAFINA A.S.CID002290Conformant
106GoldGuangdong Jinding Gold LimitedCID002312Active
107GoldUmicore Precious Metals ThailandCID002314Active
108GoldGeib Refining CorporationCID002459Conformant
109GoldMMTC-PAMP India Pvt., Ltd.CID002509Conformant
110GoldKGHM Polska Miedz Spolka AkcyjnaCID002511Conformant
111GoldFidelity Printers and Refiners Ltd.CID002515Active
112GoldSingway Technology Co., Ltd.CID002516Active
113GoldShandong Humon Smelting Co., Ltd.CID002525Active
114GoldShenzhen Zhonghenglong Real Industry Co., Ltd.CID002527Active
115GoldAl Etihad Gold Refinery DMCCCID002560Conformant
116GoldEmirates Gold DMCCCID002561Conformant
117GoldInternational Precious Metal RefinersCID002562Active

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
118GoldKaloti Precious MetalsCID002563Active
119GoldSudan Gold RefineryCID002567Active
120GoldT.C.A S.p.ACID002580Conformant
121GoldREMONDIS PMR B.V.CID002582Conformant
122GoldFujairah Gold FZCCID002584Active
123GoldIndustrial Refining CompanyCID002587Active
124GoldShirpur Gold Refinery Ltd.CID002588Active
125GoldKorea Zinc Co., Ltd.CID002605Conformant
126GoldMarsam MetalsCID002606Active
127GoldTOO Tau-Ken-AltynCID002615Conformant
128GoldAbington Reldan Metals, LLCCID002708Conformant
129GoldShenzhen CuiLu Gold Co., Ltd.CID002750Active
130GoldAlbino Mountinho Lda.CID002760Active
132GoldL'Orfebre S.A.CID002762Conformant
133Gold8853 S.p.A.CID002763Active
135GoldWIELAND Edelmetalle GmbHCID002778Conformant
136GoldOgussa Osterreichische Gold- und Silber-Scheideanstalt GmbHCID002779Conformant
137GoldAU Traders and RefinersCID002850Active
138GoldGCC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd.CID002852Active
139GoldSai RefineryCID002853Active
140GoldModeltech Sdn BhdCID002857Active
141GoldBangalore RefineryCID002863Conformant
142GoldKyshtym Copper-Electrolytic Plant ZAOCID002865Active
143GoldDegussa Sonne / Mond Goldhandel GmbHCID002867Active
144GoldPease & CurrenCID002872Not Active
145GoldJALAN & CompanyCID002893Active
146GoldSungEel HiMetal Co., Ltd.CID002918Conformant
147GoldPlanta Recuperadora de Metales SpACID002919Conformant
148GoldABC Refinery Pty Ltd.CID002920Active
149GoldSafimet S.p.ACID002973Active
150GoldState Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and TechnologyCID003153Active
151GoldAfrican Gold RefineryCID003185Active
152GoldGold Coast RefineryCID003186Active
153GoldNH Recytech CompanyCID003189Conformant
154GoldTSK PretechCID003195Not Active
155GoldQG Refining, LLCCID003324Active
156GoldDijllah Gold Refinery FZCCID003348Active
157GoldCGR Metalloys Pvt Ltd.CID003382Active
158GoldSovereign MetalsCID003383Active
159GoldC.I Metales Procesados Industriales SASCID003421Active

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
160GoldEco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. North PlantCID003424Conformant
161GoldEco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. West PlantCID003425Conformant
162GoldAugmont Enterprises Private LimitedCID003461Active
163GoldKundan Care Products Ltd.CID003463Active
164GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 1)CID003487Active
165GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 2)CID003488Active
166GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 3)CID003489Active
167GoldEmerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 4)CID003490Active
168GoldK.A. RasmussenCID003497Active
169GoldAlexy MetalsCID003500Active
170GoldSancus ZFS (L’Orfebre, SA)CID003529Active
171GoldSellem Industries Ltd.CID003540Not Active
172GoldMD OverseasCID003548Active
173GoldMetallix Refining Inc.CID003557Active
174GoldMetal Concentrators SA (Pty) Ltd.CID003575Conformant
176GoldValue TradingCID003617Not Active
177GoldGold by Gold ColombiaCID003641Conformant
178GoldDongwu Gold GroupCID003663Active
179TantalumAsaka Riken Co., Ltd.CID000092Not Active
180TantalumChangsha South Tantalum Niobium Co., Ltd.CID000211Conformant
181TantalumGuangdong Rising Rare Metals-EO Materials Ltd.CID000291Not Active
182TantalumExotech Inc.CID000456Not Active
183TantalumF&X Electro-Materials Ltd.CID000460Conformant
184TantalumGuangdong Zhiyuan New Material Co., Ltd.CID000616Conformant
185TantalumJiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CID000914Conformant
186TantalumJiujiang Tanbre Co., Ltd.CID000917Conformant
187TantalumLSM Brasil S.A.CID001076Conformant
188TantalumMetallurgical Products India Pvt., Ltd.CID001163Conformant
189TantalumMineracao Taboca S.A.CID001175Conformant
190TantalumMitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.CID001192Conformant
191TantalumNPM Silmet ASCID001200Conformant
192TantalumNingxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd.CID001277Conformant
194TantalumYanling Jincheng Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.CID001522Conformant
195TantalumSolikamsk Magnesium Works OAOCID001769Active
196TantalumTaki Chemical Co., Ltd.CID001869Conformant
197TantalumTelex MetalsCID001891Conformant
198TantalumUlba Metallurgical Plant JSCCID001969Conformant
199TantalumHengyang King Xing Lifeng New Materials Co., Ltd.CID002492Conformant
200TantalumD Block Metals, LLCCID002504Conformant

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
201TantalumFIR Metals & Resource Ltd.CID002505Conformant
202TantalumJiujiang Zhongao Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.CID002506Conformant
203TantalumXinXing HaoRong Electronic Material Co., Ltd.CID002508Conformant
204TantalumJiangxi Dinghai Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd.CID002512Conformant
205TantalumKEMET Blue MetalsCID002539Conformant
206TantalumH.C. Starck Co., Ltd.CID002544Conformant
207TantalumH.C. Starck Tantalum and Niobium GmbHCID002545Conformant
208TantalumH.C. Starck Hermsdorf GmbHCID002547Conformant
209TantalumH.C. Starck Inc.CID002548Conformant
210TantalumH.C. Starck Ltd.CID002549Conformant
211TantalumH.C. Starck Smelting GmbH & Co. KGCID002550Conformant
212TantalumGlobal Advanced Metals BoyertownCID002557Conformant
213TantalumGlobal Advanced Metals AizuCID002558Conformant
214TantalumResind Industria e Comercio Ltda.CID002707Conformant
215TantalumJiangxi Tuohong New Raw MaterialCID002842Conformant
216TantalumYancheng Jinye New Material Technology Co., Ltd.CID003583Conformant
217Tantalum5D Production OUCID003926Active
218TinChenzhou Yunxiang Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.CID000228Conformant
219TinCNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd.CID000278Not Active
221TinCV Gita PesonaCID000306Not Active
222TinPT Aries Kencana SejahteraCID000309Conformant
223TinPT Premium Tin IndonesiaCID000313Conformant
224TinCV United SmeltingCID000315Not Active
226TinEM VintoCID000438Conformant
227TinEstanho de Rondonia S.A.CID000448Conformant
228TinFenix MetalsCID000468Conformant
229TinGejiu Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co., Ltd.CID000538Conformant
230TinGejiu Zili Mining And Metallurgy Co., Ltd.CID000555Active
231TinHuichang Jinshunda Tin Co., Ltd.CID000760Not Active
232TinGejiu Kai Meng Industry and Trade LLCCID000942Active
233TinChina Tin Group Co., Ltd.CID001070Conformant
234TinMalaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC)CID001105Conformant
235TinMetallic Resources, Inc.CID001142Conformant
236TinMineracao Taboca S.A.CID001173Conformant
238TinMitsubishi Materials CorporationCID001191Conformant
239TinJiangxi New Nanshan Technology Ltd.CID001231Conformant
240TinNovosibirsk Processing Plant Ltd.CID001305Active
241TinO.M. Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.CID001314Conformant

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
242TinOperaciones Metalurgicas S.A.CID001337Conformant
243TinPT Artha Cipta LanggengCID001399Conformant
244TinPT Babel Inti PerkasaCID001402Conformant
245TinPT Babel Surya Alam LestariCID001406Conformant
246TinPT Bangka Tin IndustryCID001419Active
247TinPT Belitung Industri SejahteraCID001421Active
249TinPT DS Jaya AbadiCID001434Not Active
250TinPT Eunindo Usaha MandiriCID001438Not Active
251TinPT Karimun MiningCID001448Not Active
252TinPT Mitra Stania PrimaCID001453Conformant
253TinPT Panca Mega PersadaCID001457Active
254TinPT Prima Timah UtamaCID001458Conformant
255TinPT Refined Bangka TinCID001460Conformant
256TinPT Sariwiguna BinasentosaCID001463Conformant
257TinPT Stanindo Inti PerkasaCID001468Conformant
258TinPT Sumber Jaya IndahCID001471Not Active
259TinPT Timah Tbk KundurCID001477Conformant
260TinPT Timah Tbk MentokCID001482Conformant
261TinPT Timah NusantaraCID001486Active
262TinPT Tinindo Inter NusaCID001490Active
263TinPT Tommy UtamaCID001493Conformant
264TinRui Da HungCID001539Conformant
265TinSoft Metais Ltda.CID001758Not Active
267TinGejiu Yunxin Nonferrous Electrolysis Co., Ltd.CID001908Active
268TinVQB Mineral and Trading Group JSCCID002015Active
269TinWhite Solder Metalurgia e Mineracao Ltda.CID002036Conformant
270TinYunnan Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CID002158Conformant
271TinTin Smelting Branch of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd.CID002180Conformant
272TinCV Venus Inti PerkasaCID002455Conformant
273TinMagnu's Minerais Metais e Ligas Ltda.CID002468Conformant
274TinPT Tirus Putra MandiriCID002478Active
275TinMelt Metais e Ligas S.A.CID002500Active
276TinPT ATD Makmur Mandiri JayaCID002503Conformant
277TinO.M. Manufacturing Philippines, Inc.CID002517Conformant
278TinPT Inti Stania PrimaCID002530Not Active
279TinCV Ayi JayaCID002570Conformant
280TinElectro-Mechanical Facility of the Cao Bang Minerals & Metallurgy Joint Stock CompanyCID002572Active
281TinNghe Tinh Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock CompanyCID002573Active

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
282TinTuyen Quang Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock CompanyCID002574Active
283TinCV Dua SekawanCID002592Not Active
284TinPT Rajehan AriqCID002593Conformant
285TinPT Cipta Persada MuliaCID002696Conformant
286TinAn Vinh Joint Stock Mineral Processing CompanyCID002703Active
287TinResind Industria e Comercio Ltda.CID002706Conformant
288TinSuper LigasCID002756Active
289TinPT O.M. IndonesiaCID002757Not Active
290TinAurubis BeerseCID002773Conformant
291TinMetallo Spain S.L.U.CID002774Conformant
292TinPT Bangka Prima TinCID002776Conformant
293TinPT Sukses Inti MakmurCID002816Conformant
294TinPT Kijang Jaya MandiriCID002829Not Active
295TinThai Nguyen Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.CID002834Conformant
296TinPT Menara Cipta MuliaCID002835Conformant
297TinHuiChang Hill Tin Industry Co., Ltd.CID002844Conformant
298TinModeltech Sdn BhdCID002858Active
299TinPT Lautan Harmonis SejahteraCID002870Not Active
300TinGuangdong Hanhe Non-Ferrous Metal Co., Ltd.CID003116Conformant
301TinChifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co., Ltd.CID003190Conformant
302TinPT Bangka SerumpunCID003205Conformant
303TinPongpipat Company LimitedCID003208Active
304TinTin Technology & RefiningCID003325Conformant
305TinDongguan CiEXPO Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.CID003356Active
306TinMa'anshan Weitai Tin Co., Ltd.CID003379Conformant
307TinPT Rajawali Rimba PerkasaCID003381Conformant
308TinLuna Smelter, Ltd.CID003387Conformant
309TinYunnan Yunfan Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CID003397Active
310TinPrecious Minerals and Smelting LimitedCID003409Active
311TinGejiu City Fuxiang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.CID003410Active
312TinPT Mitra Sukses GlobalindoCID003449Conformant
313TinCRM Fundicao De Metais E Comercio De Equipamentos Eletronicos Do Brasil LtdaCID003486Conformant
314TinCRM SynergiesCID003524Conformant
315TinFabrica Auricchio Industria e Comercio Ltda.CID003582Conformant
316TinDS MyanmarCID003831Conformant
317TinPT Putera Sarana Shakti (PT PSS)CID003868Conformant
318TungstenA.L.M.T. Corp.CID000004Conformant
319TungstenKennametal HuntsvilleCID000105Conformant
320TungstenGuangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID000218Conformant
321TungstenChongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID000258Conformant
322TungstenCNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd.CID000281Active

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
323TungstenGlobal Tungsten & Powders Corp.CID000568Conformant
324TungstenHunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd.CID000766Conformant
325TungstenHunan Chunchang Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CID000769Conformant
326TungstenJapan New Metals Co., Ltd.CID000825Conformant
327TungstenGanzhou Huaxing Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.CID000875Conformant
328TungstenKennametal FallonCID000966Conformant
329TungstenTejing (Vietnam) Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID001889Not Active
330TungstenWolfram Bergbau und Hutten AGCID002044Conformant
331TungstenXiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID002082Conformant
332TungstenJiangxi Minmetals Gao'an Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd.CID002313Not Active
333TungstenGanzhou Jiangwu Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd.CID002315Conformant
334TungstenJiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID002316Conformant
335TungstenJiangxi Xinsheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd.CID002317Conformant
336TungstenJiangxi Tonggu Non-ferrous Metallurgical & Chemical Co., Ltd.CID002318Conformant
337TungstenMalipo Haiyu Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID002319Conformant
338TungstenXiamen Tungsten (H.C.) Co., Ltd.CID002320Conformant
339TungstenJiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID002321Conformant
340TungstenGanzhou Seadragon W & Mo Co., Ltd.CID002494Conformant
341TungstenAsia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd.CID002502Conformant
342TungstenChenzhou Diamond Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.CID002513Conformant
343TungstenH.C. Starck Tungsten GmbHCID002541Conformant
344TungstenTANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KGCID002542Conformant
345TungstenMasan Tungsten Chemical LLC (MTC)CID002543Conformant
346TungstenJiangwu H.C. Starck Tungsten Products Co., Ltd.CID002551Conformant
347TungstenHunan Chuangda Vanadium Tungsten Co., Ltd. WujiCID002579Not Active
348TungstenNiagara Refining LLCCID002589Conformant
349TungstenChina Molybdenum Co., Ltd.CID002641Conformant
350TungstenGanzhou Haichuang Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID002645Conformant
351TungstenJiangxi Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd.CID002647Not Active
352TungstenHydrometallurg, JSCCID002649Active
353TungstenUnecha Refractory metals plantCID002724Active
354TungstenSouth-East Nonferrous Metal Company Limited of Hengyang CityCID002815Not Active
355TungstenPhilippine Chuangxin Industrial Co., Inc.CID002827Conformant
356TungstenXinfeng Huarui Tungsten & Molybdenum New Material Co., Ltd.CID002830Conformant
357TungstenACL Metais EireliCID002833Active
358TungstenMoliren Ltd.CID002845Active
359TungstenKGETS Co., Ltd.CID003388Conformant
360TungstenFujian Ganmin RareMetal Co., Ltd.CID003401Conformant

NumberMetalSmelter NameSmelter IdRemarks
361TungstenLianyou Metals Co., Ltd.CID003407Conformant
362TungstenJSC "Kirovgrad Hard Alloys Plant"CID003408Active
363TungstenNPP Tyazhmetprom LLCCID003416Active
364TungstenGEM Co., Ltd.CID003417Conformant
365TungstenAlbasteel Industria e Comercio de Ligas Para Fundicao Ltd.CID003427Active
366TungstenCronimet Brasil LtdaCID003468Conformant
367TungstenArtek LLCCID003553Active
368TungstenFujian Xinlu TungstenCID003609Conformant
369TungstenOOO “Technolom” 2CID003612Active
370TungstenOOO “Technolom” 1CID003614Active
371TungstenLLC VolstokCID003643Active
373TungstenHANNAE FOR T Co., Ltd.CID003978Active
374TungstenDONGKUK INDUSTRIES CO., LTD.CID004060Active