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Exhibit 99.29

UNDKRTAKJNG TSX VINnr"RE EXCHANGE (the"l."cbante") CONDUCT 01' BUSINES5 OF PHAIGIACAN C\PrrAL CORP. r•Ptuamuacu•-,t A COMPANY TO BE LISTED ON THE EXCHANCE TO: RE: THE UNDERSIGNED, hcn!by undatabs as follows: 1. while llsled on lhc Exc:lwtgc, It will make IBvcstmcnUI (..lnvatmenta'1only in companies wt.Jsc sole business is or will be lbe production, sale .1®1 distribu&ion of mcdiQIJ mlll'ijuana in Clftllda. as permitunder o Health Cauwl& license; 1o seek ange approvol for ;my mvestment which is not an iavesrmeat Jn 11 compnny whose bWiinea it ot will be 2. 3. lhe production, sllle and dislriltutlon of med.h:al marijuana ill Canada. W permitted under • Hc alth C;moda license; and to seek Exchange approval for any Investment outside of Cllltllda. f\ID 1014 DATED at Toronto, Ontario u of theday of' PHARMACAN CAPITAL CORP. --Name: nc1e: ;J Paul Rosen DfreciOr Nume: ntJa: Lome Ocnm:r Direct.of


UNDERT.\KJNG TO: TSX VENTURE BXCIL\NGB(lbe 114Excltaap") CONDUCT or B1!SINESS Of PHADIACAN C.\PITAt CORP. (••PflannGCM"), A COMPANY TO B£ LISTED ON THEUCR.\NGB RE: l. while listed on the lbu:h:mp, it will nualcc inWSlrl'll=nts ("Jin'Uimlnll'1only ln compnnies Ml0$1 mle business b or will be tho pradu&.1ion, 11nd dtilributiono( mc=dlcal marijuana in Canll&IA, upcrndu.:d under 11 Haldll C Jlc:usc; 2. '· ID se.clc E.dua11p approval far any fnves&mcnt which is no& U. itlYalmel\t itt I COmpaA)' WboiCI business is or will bo me tale and dbcnbud.on of medica! marijuana iQ Caoadd, • pcmrilled undn a Haith Cllcl!nSO; and fO fleCk &r;baap!1ppi"''II'I'Il r.,.. M)' lnvesbrtcm outJide uf Cun:ul&. DATED illT01on10, Ontario liS or me_ day of , l0t4 .PHARMACAN C\Pn'ALCORP. Pr. Paul Rosa l'tfamc: 1itlc: Dito:W 0 Per: Name: 1'ille: Din:dDt