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Franklin Liberty Shares

Franklin Liberty
International Opportunities ETF

Summary Prospectus
January 12, 2017


Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund's prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund’s prospectus, statement of additional information and other information about the Fund online at www.franklintempleton.com/prospectus. You can also get this information at no cost by calling (800) DIAL BEN/342-5236 or by sending an e-mail request to prospectus@franklintempleton.com. The Fund's prospectus and statement of additional information, both dated January 12, 2017, as may be supplemented, are all incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus.

Franklin Templeton Investments

Investment Goal

Long-term capital appreciation.

Fees and Expenses of the Fund

The following table describes the fees and expenses that you will incur if you own shares of the Fund. You may also incur usual and customary brokerage commissions when buying or selling shares of the Fund, which are not reflected in the Example that follows.

Annual Fund Operating Expenses

(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)

Management fees  0.60% 
Distribution and service (12b-1) fees  None 
Other expenses1  0.34% 
Acquired fund fees and expenses1  0.04% 
Total annual Fund operating expenses  0.98% 
Fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement2  -0.34% 
Total annual Fund operating expenses after fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement1, 2  0.64% 

1. Other expenses and acquired fund fees and expenses are based upon estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.

2. The investment manager has contractually agreed to waive or assume certain expenses so that total annual Fund operating expenses (excluding acquired fund fees and expenses and certain non-routine expenses) for the Fund do not exceed 0.60% until January 11, 2018. Contractual fee waiver and/or expense reimbursement agreements may not be changed or terminated during the time periods set forth above.


This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the Fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem all of your shares at the end of the period. The Example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the Fund's operating expenses remain the same. The Example reflects adjustments made to the Fund's operating expenses due to the fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements by management as described above for the 1 Year numbers only. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

    1 Year  3 Years 
    $ 65  $ 278 

Portfolio Turnover

The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes when Fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in annual Fund operating expenses or in the Example, affect the Fund’s performance.

Principal Investment Strategies

Under normal market conditions, the Fund invests predominantly in equity securities in developed, developing and frontier markets outside of the U.S. across the entire market capitalization spectrum. The Fund’s individual country and sector weightings may vary significantly from its benchmark index, and investments will not necessarily be in the securities that comprise its benchmark index. The Fund’s exposure to various regions and markets will vary from time to time according to the investment manager’s opinions as to the prevailing conditions and prospects for these markets. In seeking to outperform the relevant market of each region, the investment manager consults with various local asset managers based in certain regions around the world (Sub-Advisors). Although the Sub-Advisors assist the investment manager in the selection of local securities, the investment manager retains the sole discretion with respect to portfolio security selection.

The Fund invests in equity securities of companies listed on the stock markets in regions/countries that may include, but are not limited to, Africa; Australia; Canada; Latin America; Europe (including the United Kingdom); Asia (including Japan, Korea, China and India); and the Middle East, with the benefit of local knowledge. The Fund may invest in developed or developing market countries, including those considered to be “frontier” market countries (i.e., those that are smaller, less developed and less accessible developing market countries). Under normal market conditions, the Fund will provide exposure to investments that are economically tied to at least three different countries. The equity securities in which the Fund invests are principally common stocks and preferred stocks. The Fund also may invest in exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to obtain exposure to equity investments in local markets. The Fund may, from time to time, have significant positions in particular sectors such as financials.

The Fund may also invest a portion of its assets in cash, which may be in U.S. dollars or foreign currencies.

The Fund may enter into certain derivative transactions, principally currency forward contracts; currency futures contracts; equity futures contracts (including equity index futures contracts); and options, including equity options (including equity index options). The use of these derivative transactions may allow the Fund to obtain net long or short exposures to select instruments, currencies or countries. These derivatives may be used to enhance Fund returns, increase liquidity, gain exposure to certain instruments or markets in a more efficient or less expensive way and/or hedge risks associated with its other portfolio investments.

When choosing equity investments for the Fund, the investment manager applies a research driven, “bottom up,” fundamental long-term approach, focusing on the market price of a company’s securities relative to the investment manager’s evaluation of the company’s long-term earnings, asset value and cash flow potential. The Fund seeks to invest in companies that the investment manager considers to be financially strong with favorable growth potential and sustainable competitive advantages. The investment manager may also consider, among other factors, a company’s price/earnings ratio, profit margins and liquidation value. The Fund is an actively managed ETF that does not seek to replicate the performance of a specified index. The Fund may have a higher degree of portfolio turnover than funds that seek to replicate the performance of an index.

Principal Risks

You could lose money by investing in the Fund. ETF shares are not deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed or endorsed by, any bank, and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, or any other agency of the U.S. government. The Fund is subject to the principal risks noted below, any of which may adversely affect the Fund’s net asset value (NAV), trading price, yield, total return and ability to meet its investment goal. Unlike many ETFs, the Fund is not an index-based ETF.

Market   The market values of securities or other investments owned by the Fund will go up or down, sometimes rapidly or unpredictably. The market value of a security or other investment may be reduced by market activity or other results of supply and demand unrelated to the issuer. This is a basic risk associated with all investments. When there are more sellers than buyers, prices tend to fall. Likewise, when there are more buyers than sellers, prices tend to rise.

Stock prices tend to go up and down more dramatically than those of debt securities. A slower-growth or recessionary economic environment could have an adverse effect on the prices of the various stocks held by the Fund.

Foreign Securities   Investing in foreign securities typically involves more risks than investing in U.S. securities, and includes risks associated with: internal and external political and economic developments – e.g., the political, economic and social policies and structures of some foreign countries may be less stable and more volatile than those in the U.S. or some foreign countries may be subject to trading restrictions or economic sanctions; trading practices – e.g., government supervision and regulation of foreign securities and currency markets, trading systems and brokers may be less than in the U.S.; availability of information – e.g., foreign issuers may not be subject to the same disclosure, accounting and financial reporting standards and practices as U.S. issuers; limited markets – e.g., the securities of certain foreign issuers may be less liquid (harder to sell) and more volatile; and currency exchange rate fluctuations and policies. The risks of foreign investments may be greater in developing or emerging market countries.

Regional Focus   Because the Fund may invest at least a significant portion of its assets in companies in a specific region, including Europe, the Fund is subject to greater risks of adverse developments in that region and/or the surrounding regions than a fund that is more broadly diversified geographically. Political, social or economic disruptions in the region, even in countries in which the Fund is not invested, may adversely affect the value of investments held by the Fund. Current political uncertainty surrounding the European Union (EU) and its membership, including the 2016 referendum in which the United Kingdom voted to exit the EU, may increase market volatility. The financial instability of some countries in the EU, including Greece, Italy and Spain, together with the risk of that impacting other more stable countries may increase the economic risk of investing in companies in Europe.

Developing Market Countries   The Fund’s investments in securities of issuers in developing market countries are subject to all of the risks of foreign investing generally, and have additional heightened risks due to a lack of established legal, political, business and social frameworks to support securities markets, including: delays in settling portfolio securities transactions; currency and capital controls; greater sensitivity to interest rate changes; pervasiveness of corruption and crime; currency exchange rate volatility; and inflation, deflation or currency devaluation.

Smaller and Midsize Companies   Securities issued by smaller and midsize companies may be more volatile in price than those of larger companies, involve substantial risks and should be considered speculative. Such risks may include greater sensitivity to economic conditions, less certain growth prospects, lack of depth of management and funds for growth and development, and limited or less developed product lines and markets. In addition, smaller and midsize companies may be particularly affected by interest rate increases, as they may find it more difficult to borrow money to continue or expand operations, or may have difficulty in repaying any loans.

Currency Management Strategies   Currency management strategies may substantially change the Fund’s exposure to currency exchange rates and could result in losses to the Fund if currencies do not perform as the investment manager expects. In addition, currency management strategies, to the extent that they reduce the Fund’s exposure to currency risks, may also reduce the Fund’s ability to benefit from favorable changes in currency exchange rates. Using currency management strategies for purposes other than hedging further increases the Fund’s exposure to foreign investment losses. Currency markets generally are not as regulated as securities markets. In addition, currency rates may fluctuate significantly over short periods of time, and can reduce returns.

Derivative Instruments   The performance of derivative instruments depends largely on the performance of an underlying instrument, such as a currency, security or index, and such instruments often have risks similar to their underlying instrument, in addition to other risks. Derivatives involve costs and can create economic leverage in the Fund's portfolio which may result in significant volatility and cause the Fund to participate in losses (as well as gains) in an amount that exceeds the Fund's initial investment. Certain derivatives have the potential for unlimited loss, regardless of the size of the initial investment. Other risks include illiquidity, mispricing or improper valuation of the derivative instrument, and imperfect correlation between the value of the derivative and the underlying instrument so that the Fund may not realize the intended benefits. When a derivative is used for hedging, the change in value of the derivative may also not correlate specifically with the currency, security, index or other risk being hedged. With over-the-counter derivatives, there is the risk that the other party to the transaction will fail to perform.

Focus   To the extent that the Fund focuses on particular countries, regions, industries, sectors or types of investment from time to time, the Fund may be subject to greater risks of adverse developments in such areas of focus than a fund that invests in a wider variety of countries, regions, industries, sectors or investments.

Management   The Fund is subject to management risk because it is an actively managed investment portfolio. The Fund's investment manager applies investment techniques and risk analyses in making investment decisions for the Fund, but there can be no guarantee that these decisions will produce the desired results.

Cash/Cash Equivalents   To the extent the Fund holds cash or cash equivalents rather than securities in which it primarily invests or uses to manage risk, the Fund may not achieve its investment objectives and may underperform.

Market Trading   The Fund faces numerous market trading risks, including the potential lack of an active market for Fund shares, losses from trading in secondary markets, periods of high volatility and disruption in the creation/redemption process of the Fund. Any of these factors, among others, may lead to the Fund’s shares trading at a premium or discount to NAV. Thus, you may pay more (or less) than NAV when you buy shares of the Fund in the secondary market, and you may receive less (or more) than NAV when you sell those shares in the secondary market. The investment manager cannot predict whether shares will trade above (premium), below (discount) or at NAV.

Authorized Participant Concentration   Only an authorized participant (Authorized Participant) may engage in creation or redemption transactions directly with the Fund. The Fund has a limited number of institutions that act as Authorized Participants. To the extent that these institutions exit the business or are unable to proceed with creation and/or redemption orders with respect to the Fund and no other Authorized Participant is able to step forward to create or redeem Creation Units (as defined below), Fund shares may trade at a discount to NAV and possibly face trading halts and/or delisting. This risk may be more pronounced in volatile markets, potentially where there are significant redemptions in ETFs generally.


Because the Fund is new, it has no performance history. Once the Fund has commenced operations, you can obtain updated performance information at libertyshares.com or by calling (800) DIAL BEN/342-5236. The Fund's past performance (before and after taxes) is not necessarily an indication of how the Fund will perform in the future.

Investment Manager

Franklin Advisers, Inc. (Advisers)


Franklin Templeton Investimentos (Brasil) Ltda. (FTI Brasil), Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. (FTIC), Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited (FTIML), Franklin Templeton Investments (ME) Limited (FTIME), Franklin Templeton Investment Trust Management Co., Ltd. (FT Korea), and Templeton Asset Management Ltd. (TAML).

Portfolio Managers

Stephen H. Dover, CFA   Senior Vice President of Advisers and portfolio manager of the Fund since inception (2017).

Purav A. Jhaveri, CFA, FRM   Portfolio Manager of Advisers and portfolio manager of the Fund since inception (2017).

Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares

The Fund is an ETF. Fund shares may only be purchased and sold on a national securities exchange through a broker-dealer. The price of Fund shares is based on market price, and because ETF shares trade at market prices rather than NAV, shares may trade at a price greater than NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a discount). The Fund issues or redeems shares that have been aggregated into blocks of 100,000 shares or multiples thereof (Creation Units) to Authorized Participants who have entered into agreements with the Fund’s distributor, Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc. The Fund will generally issue or redeem Creation Units in return for a basket of securities (and an amount of cash) that the Fund specifies each day.


The Fund’s distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income, capital gains, or some combination of both, unless you are investing through a tax-deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account, in which case your distributions would generally be taxed when withdrawn from the tax-deferred account.

Payments to Broker-Dealers and
Other Financial Intermediaries

If you purchase the Fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), Advisers or other related companies may pay the intermediary for the sale of Fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or other intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary's website for more information.

Franklin Templeton Investments

Franklin Templeton Distributors, Inc.
One Franklin Parkway
San Mateo, CA 94403-1906

Franklin Liberty
International Opportunities ETF

Investment Company Act file #811-23124

© 2017 Franklin Templeton Investments. All rights reserved.