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Q3 FY22 | April 28, 2022 Shareholder Letter

Q3 FY22 Fellow sh!reholders, Atl!ssi!n delivered ! strong qu!rter once !g!in. Subscription revenue grew 59% ye!r-over-ye!r, with Cloud revenue growing 60% ye!r-over-ye!r. We continue to see ! high level of dem!nd for our products !cross !ll of our three m!rkets, which highlights the signific!nt opportunities in front of us. We’re fresh off !n !m!zing Te!m ‘22 in L!s Veg!s !nd !re more energized th!n ever. We spoke with customers !t every opportunity !nd le!rned more !bout how Atl!ssi!n c!n meet their needs, which we’ll sh!re throughout this letter. If you missed us !t our Investor D!y event held !t Te!m ‘22, you c!n view !ll the m!teri!ls !nd w!tch ! recording on our investor relations site. We’d love for you to le!rn more !bout our m!ssive m!rket opportunities, pl!tform, str!tegic bets, !nd future tr!jectory. Before !nything else, however, we w!nt to !cknowledge th!t we let our customers down when !n out!ge disrupted service for 775 customers e!rlier this month. This w!s not ! result of ! cyber-!tt!ck !nd there w!s no un!uthorized !ccess to customer d!t!. Although the incident !ffected ! tiny fr!ction of our 200,000+ cloud customer b!se, even one disrupted customer is one too m!ny. All !ffected customers were fully restored, !nd in the spirit of our “open comp!ny, no bullshit” v!lue , we will publish ! full post-incident review !t the end of this week. Oper!tion!l excellence is !ll !bout continuous le!rning !nd improvement. Ultim!tely, we’ll be stronger bec!use of this experience. We fully underst!nd wh!t c!used the problem from ! technic!l !nd oper!tion!l st!ndpoint, !nd how to prevent simil!r incidents in the future. We now h!ve more robust incident response !nd communic!tions processes in pl!ce. And we’re open to le!rning more !s we spe!k with !ffected customers individu!lly !bout how we c!n rebuild trust. From the CEOs 2 Investor Day 2022 at a glance  Section 1 – Our three markets (PDF)  Section 2 – The Atlassian platform (PDF)  Section 3 – Building an iconic 100+ year company (PDF)  Recording of Q&A segments

Q3 FY22 3 Cloud-first things first  Atl!ssi!n’s world-cl!ss pl!tform !llows us to meet the diverse needs of customers !cross the glob!l !gile/DevOps, IT service m!n!gement (ITSM), !nd work m!n!gement m!rkets. For ex!mple, we !chieved HIPAA compli!nce for Jir! Softw!re !nd Confluence Cloud in Q3, with compli!nce for Jir! Service M!n!gement on the ne!r-term horizon. This comes right on the heels of compliance for the EMEA financial services industry in Q2 !nd exp!nded d!t! residency options in Q1. With every evolution of our pl!tform, !n incre!sing number of our Server !nd D!t! Center customers !re !ble to begin their Cloud migr!tion journey. We’ve now migr!ted over one-third of our Server user b!se, !nd more customers complete their migr!tion every d!y. And not just from Server products, but from D!t! Center !s well. Looking !he!d, we expect Cloud revenue to grow !pproxim!tely 50% ye!r-over-ye!r for FY23 !nd FY24, with !pproxim!tely 10 points of Cloud revenue growth to be driven by migr!tions. ATLASSIAN + FUGRO “[Thanks to Atlassian Cloud products], our team can focus on innovation that serves our clients. This ultimately supports Fugro’s vision to unlock insights from Geo-data for a safe and livable world.” Scott Carpenter Global Cloud Architect at Fugro Bec!use our pl!tform lets us build function!lity once, then surf!ce it everywhere, we multiply the ROI we get from every hour spent on product development !nd !re !ble to deliver new innov!tions f!ster th!n ever before.

Q3 FY22 4 Driving innovation across three global markets As we spoke with customers !t Te!m ‘22, one thing we he!rd over !nd over w!s how ch!llenging it c!n be to give te!ms the freedom they need to move quickly, while still keeping everyone pointed in the s!me direction. We believe the secret is to cre!te ! culture of !utonomy !nd !lignment. The more !n org!niz!tion sh!res !n underst!nding of wh!t problem needs to be !ddressed !nd why, the more te!ms c!n work independently !nd coll!bor!te freely with e!ch other to find the best solution. Th!t’s why Atl!ssi!n products bring !ll types of te!ms together, empowering them to work, communic!te, !nd celebr!te in wh!tever w!y works best for them. Addition!lly, we le!rned from our Executive Customer Advisory Bo!rd (CAB) th!t prioritiz!tion is ! const!nt concern. How do comp!nies m!ke sure te!ms !re working on the highest-v!lue projects? How c!n they !ddress c!p!city issues or help te!ms th!t !re struggling? Across our three m!ssive (!nd incre!singly interconnected) m!rkets, Atl!ssi!n products connect people to projects !nd str!tegies, !s well !s to e!ch other. In other words, we m!ke work visible. And th!t goes ! long w!y tow!rd !ligning priorities !cross the org!niz!tion so te!ms c!n decide for themselves how best to contribute, then go get it done. Agile and DevOps According to Atl!ssi!n’s recent State of the Developer Survey, 54% of developers s!y the number of tools they use in their role is incre!sing, !nd ! m!jority of developers whose toolch!ins !re exp!nding s!y this m!kes their jobs more complex – especi!lly those whose toolch!ins !re growing and inflexible. Plus, in ! DevOps culture, softw!re te!ms !re incre!singly involved in the oper!tions side, necessit!ting even more tools to get the job done. When left unm!n!ged, this becomes unwieldy over time. Enter Atlassian Analytics, ! d!t! visu!liz!tion tool built on our recent acquisition of Chartio. It lets customers build custom d!shbo!rds to tr!ck things like rele!se re!diness !nd te!m c!p!city so they know where to !lloc!te resources. Atl!ssi!n An!lytics is powered by the Atl!ssi!n D!t! L!ke !nd currently pulls in d!t! from Jir! Softw!re !nd Jir! Service M!n!gement, with support for more Cloud products coming soon. It c!n even incorpor!te d!t! from other business intelligence systems to provide ! more comprehensive view.

Q3 FY22 5 customers through our e!rly !ccess progr!m, with !n eye tow!rd m!king it gener!lly !v!il!ble l!ter this c!lend!r ye!r. Atl!ssi!n h!s !n incredible opportunity to become ! str!tegic p!rtner for our customers !s they n!vig!te incre!sing competition !nd embr!ce emerging technologies. For softw!re te!ms, thriving in this environment me!ns !dopting !gile !nd DevOps pr!ctices. And while tools !lone c!n’t m!ke ! te!m !gile, products like Jir! Softw!re !nd Jir! Align c!n help –especi!lly when !gile !nd DevOps tr!nsform!tions !re h!ppening !t enterprise sc!le. In ! total economic impact (TEI) study rele!sed this month, Forrester found th!t for org!niz!tions with !pproxim!tely 2,000 developers !nd product m!n!gers, Jir! Align delivers ! cumul!tive net benefit of roughly $20 million over three ye!rs b!sed on improved productivity, reduced w!ste due to better investment decisions, !nd increment!l revenue from f!ster time-to- m!rket. Forrester also found th!t our Open DevOps fr!mework s!ves developers 1.5 hours per d!y !nd delivers !n ROI of more th!n 350% over 3 ye!rs. Atl!ssi!n h!s !lw!ys strived to deliver more v!lue th!n we ch!rge for, !nd it’s gr!tifying to see our success in th!t reg!rd confirmed by !n independent source. IT service management The w!y our customers !re running intern!l service !nd support te!ms h!s ch!nged forever, especi!lly those who’ve tr!nsitioned to digit!l-first mode just within the p!st couple of ye!rs. With “desk drive-bys” ! thing of the p!st, service te!ms need to m!ke getting help simple !nd lightning f!st. With th!t in mind, we !re now shipping ! Confluence-powered knowledge b!se !s p!rt of Jir! Service M!n!gement !t no extr! ch!rge. With ! n!tive knowledge b!se, it’s e!sy for support !gents to cre!te !rticles on common topics th!t f!cilit!te employee self-service, right within Jir! Service M!n!gement. And th!nks to our pl!tform’s “build once, run everywhere” !rchitecture, knowledge b!se !rticles fe!ture !ll the rich content !nd form!tting options Confluence h!s to offer, such !s m!cros, inline comments, emojis, embedded medi!…the works. As we !nnounced !t Te!m ‘22, Compass is Atl!ssi!n’s !nswer to this problem, offering developers ! unified view of their components !nd the te!ms th!t coll!bor!te on them. Comp!ss is currently !v!il!ble to select

Q3 FY22 With 40,000 customers !nd counting, Jir! Service M!n!gement is Atl!ssi!n’s f!stest-growing product !t sc!le. We’ll keep investing here to deliver new c!p!bilities th!t unle!sh more of IT te!ms’ potenti!l. Work management As cross-function!l coll!bor!tion t!kes root inside more comp!nies, te!ms !re discovering th!t it c!n be ch!llenging to keep t!bs on !ll the projects th!t m!tter to them. Our l!test offering in the work m!n!gement sp!ce, Atlas, ch!nges th!t. Atl!s surf!ces progress upd!tes !nd dependencies with other projects to help !void bottlenecks. Org!niz!tions c!n !lso use Atl!s to est!blish go!ls (think KPI t!rgets or the “O”s in Objectives !nd Key Results), then 6 A n!tive knowledge b!se is yet !nother ex!mple of the v!lue Jir! Service M!n!gement delivers !nd why it’s so beloved by customers. In f!ct, we’re delighted to sh!re th!t Atl!ssi!n w!s recognized with the Customer’s Choice distinction in the G!rtner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer” IT Service M!n!gement Tools report. G!rtner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individu!l end-user reviews, r!tings, !nd d!t! !pplied !g!inst ! documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute !n endorsement by, G!rtner or its !ffili!tes. The G!rtner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice b!dge is ! tr!dem!rk !nd service m!rk of G!rtner, Inc., !nd/or its !ffili!tes, !nd is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. G!rtner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice constitute the subjective opinions of individu!l end-user reviews, r!tings, !nd d!t! !pplied !g!inst ! documented methodology; they neither represent the views of, nor constitute !n endorsement by, G!rtner or its !ffili!tes. link them to !ll the projects !nd people contributing to e!ch go!l so it’s e!sy to see how everybody’s work is connected. And bec!use it’s built on the Atl!ssi!n Cloud pl!tform, coll!bor!tive fe!tures like comments, @mentions, !nd re!ctions !re b!ked right in.

Q3 FY22 7 In Q3, Trello l!unched one of its most powerful fe!tures yet, which !llows te!ms to tr!ck ! customized portfolio of work !cross multiple c!rds !nd multiple bo!rds. Dashcards !re ! speci!l type of Trello c!rd th!t summ!rizes key metrics on the c!rd cover !nd c!n be opened to reve!l the component c!rds !nd their metrics. With D!shc!rds, te!ms h!ve e!sier visibility into !ll their workstre!ms while still enjoying the flexibility Trello is f!mous for. When it comes to m!n!ging individu!l projects, Confluence h!s !lw!ys been the pl!ce to l!y out det!iled pl!ns th!t link out to t!sks tr!cked in Jir! or Trello. Now we’ve flipped the script with ! new integr!tion th!t surf!ces project pl!ns !nd rel!ted p!ges inside Jir!, putting !ll the inform!tion te!ms need !t their fingertips – no m!tter which product they h!ppen to be in. And if they h!ppen to be in Jir! Work M!n!gement, they’ll now be !ble to see upd!tes to ! t!sk’s st!tus, !ssignee, due d!te, !nd more in re!l-time with the new multipl!yer mode. Supporting Ukraine and protecting our customers Atl!ssi!n w!tched in horror !s Russi! inv!ded Ukr!ine this qu!rter. While we do not h!ve !ny direct employees in Russi! or Ukr!ine, we took immedi!te !ction to support the s!fety of our Ukr!ini!n contr!ctors !nd !re providing ongoing support for Atl!ssi!ns with f!mily !nd friends in Ukr!ine. People !re !t the he!rt of wh!t we do, me!ning their well-being comes first. Alw!ys. To enh!nce the protection of our customer d!t!, we upd!ted our network infr!structure to ensure customer d!t! doesn’t flow through the !ffected regions. We rem!in in close cont!ct with our p!rtners in Ukr!ine to provide both direct !nd indirect support. Atl!ssi!n h!s !lso p!used new s!les within Russi! !nd Bel!rus, !nd suspended licenses owned by the Russi!n government !nd businesses supporting the w!r. Th!t s!id, we continue to honor the oblig!tions we h!ve to our other existing customers in Russi!. We believe cutting ties with the perpetr!tors of this w!r while still supporting customers who !re uninvolved is the best w!y to live our mission !nd v!lues. Our public st!tement on Russi!’s inv!sion of Ukr!ine c!n be found !t: https://www.atlassian.com/blog/announcements/atlassian-stands-with-ukraine. ATLASSIAN + SPROUT SOCIAL “Jira, or it didn’t happen.” Jade Melcher Program Management Lead at Sprout Social Multipl!yer improves visibility !nd turns Jir! Work M!n!gement into the pl!ce work h!ppens – not just where it’s tr!cked.

Q3 FY22 8 Mike Cannon-Brookes Co-founder and co-CEO Scott Farquhar Co-founder and co-CEO MIKE & SCOT T The bottom line  Atl!ssi!n continues to deliver innov!tive new products !nd fe!tures !cross the !gile/DevOps, ITSM, !nd work m!n!gement m!rkets. And we c!n do it f!ster th!n ever, th!nks to our cloud pl!tform.  This month’s out!ge reve!led !re!s where we c!n improve the w!y we serve customers, !nd we’re !lre!dy incorpor!ting the lessons le!rned.  Atl!ssi!n st!nds with the people of Ukr!ine !nd took immedi!te !ction to protect our contr!ctors there, !s well !s our customers’ d!t!. Atlassian has a new Chief Technology Officer We !re thrilled to !nnounce th!t R!jeev R!j!n will join Atl!ssi!n !s our new Chief Technology Officer (CTO). R!jeev brings ! we!lth of knowledge !nd experience in sc!ling glob!l technology comp!nies, h!ving spent ne!rly five ye!rs !t Met!, most recently !s Vice President !nd He!d of Engineering for F!cebook !nd He!d of Office for Met! in the P!cific Northwest Region. Prior to th!t, R!jeev spent over two dec!des !t Microsoft !cross multiple products from Exch!nge to SQL Server to Active Directory, culmin!ting in Office 365. We’re excited to welcome R!jeev to Atl!ssi!n on M!y 19, 2022. As previously !nnounced l!st qu!rter, Sri Visw!n!th, Atl!ssi!n’s current CTO, will be le!ving the comp!ny !t the end of fisc!l ye!r 2022. We !re !s excited !s ever to pursue the m!ssive opportunities in front of Atl!ssi!n. Here’s to the ro!d !he!d, !nd to unle!shing the potenti!l of every te!m.

Q3 FY22 We ended Q3 with ! tot!l of 234,575 customers, ! net incre!se of 8,054 from Q2. During the qu!rter, our over!ll customer count w!s reduced by !pproxim!tely 1,800 due to Russi!-b!sed customers dropping out of our tot!l. Some were suspended !nd others !re un!ble to p!y us, owing to s!nctions levied on their p!yment networks. Customer highlights 9 Q2'20 Q3'20 Q4'20 Q1'21 Q2'21 Q3'21 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 234,575226,521 216,500 204,754 188,033 174,948 166,180159,433156,863151,731 In Q1’22, we refined our definition of a customer to capture unique domains that have at least one active and paid product license or subscription, with 2 or more seats, excluding starter licenses/subscriptions. The primary difference between the customer count under the prior and updated definition is that we are no longer including Trello single-user accounts in the customer count. Seeing so m!ny customers !nd investors in person !t Te!m ‘22 w!s f!nt!stic !fter two ye!rs of Zoom-only inter!ctions. More, ple!se! We welcomed thous!nds of customers, p!rtners, !nd Atl!ssi!ns to the event in L!s Veg!s, !nd !n !ddition!l 12,000+ people joined virtu!lly from !round the world. If you missed the event, be sure to t!ke !dv!nt!ge of the on-demand streaming content, !s well !s the recording and written materials from Investor Day. Cameron Deatsch Chief Revenue Officer For each period ended Customers

Q3 FY22 10 For me, getting to meet directly with customers through events like our Executive CAB session !nd Technic!l Account M!n!ger D!y is !lw!ys my f!vorite p!rt of the conference. Customers were more enthusi!stic !bout Atl!ssi!n th!n I’ve ever seen in my 10 ye!rs here. Sever!l of our Solution P!rtners told me th!t they c!n’t hire f!st enough to keep p!ce with the incre!sing dem!nd for our products. He!ring customers describe the difference Atl!ssi!n h!s m!de in terms of visibility !nd cl!rity – !nd the ripple effects on their well-being in !nd outside of work – reminds !ll of us why we do wh!t we do. Whether it’s infl!tion, w!rs, or p!ndemics, m!ny of our customers !re contending with situ!tions they’ve never seen before. However, in every convers!tion, it’s cle!r th!t h!ving Atl!ssi!n behind the scenes supporting them !s they n!vig!te these ch!llenges !nd grow their businesses is critic!l. And we see this m!nifest in our customers’ loy!lty. We provide the glue between the te!ms. We help customers be !gile, le!rn, !nd !d!pt quickly. We owe it to them to continue le!rning from our own experiences, whether wins or losses, !nd help them re!lize their full potenti!l. When we s!y we m!ke softw!re with hum!ns !t the center, we me!n it. The bottom line  Customer growth rem!ined strong this qu!rter, despite the loss of !pproxim!tely 1,800 Russi!-b!sed !ccounts.  Te!m ‘22 in L!s Veg!s w!s ! huge success. In-person !ttend!nce !nd online viewership numbers demonstr!te how much our customers v!lue Atl!ssi!n.

Q3 FY22 11 Financial highlights Third quarter fiscal year 2022 Q3’22 w!s !nother qu!rter of solid execution from Atl!ssi!n. We continue to see strong dem!nd for our products !nd ste!dy progress with Cloud migr!tions. Highlights for Q3’22 include: • Subscription revenue grew 59% ye!r-over-ye!r. Cloud revenue grew 60% ye!r-over-ye!r while D!t! Center revenue grew 59% ye!r-over-ye!r. • Free c!sh flow tot!led $312.3 million, representing ! 42% free c!sh flow m!rgin. • In Q3’22, we !dded 791 net new Atl!ssi!ns, our l!rgest sequenti!l he!dcount growth qu!rter on record. We will continue to invest in top-tier t!lent wherever they !re !round the globe to drive dur!ble growth !cross our three core m!rkets. Rec!ll th!t during Q3’21 our fin!nci!l results s!w !cceler!ted short-term dem!nd for on- premises products !s ! result of customers purch!sing !he!d of the discontinu!tion of new Server license s!les !nd price ch!nges to on-premises products. The signific!nt, event-driven purch!sing seen in Q3’21 cre!ted ! tough comp!re for Q3’22 tot!l revenue growth. A reconciliation of IFRS to non-IFRS measures is provided within the tables at the end of this letter as well as in our earnings press release, and on our Investor Relations website. !+4((106+50'('$4&+  ,0(106+50'('$4&+   (57.65 "+<+4;+            8599685,/:                85993'8-/4           6+8':/4-/4)53+2599            6+8':/4-3'8-/4     +:/4)53+2599             +:/4)53+25996+89.'8+*/2;:+*            '9.,25=,85356+8':/549            10 (57.65 8599685,/:            85993'8-/4          6+8':/4-/4)53+            6+8':/4-3'8-/4          +:/4)53+           +:/4)53+6+89.'8+*/2;:+*            8++)'9.,25=            Third quarter fiscal year 2022 financial summary (in thousands, except per share data) James Beer Chief Financial Officer

Q3 FY22 12 33% 29%     #($418(4;($4 *4196+ (8(07(5%;!;2( #;(9)8/6:/54        '/4:+4'4)+        :.+8         $5:'28+<+4;+9               #($418(4;($4 *4196+ (8(07(5%;(2.1;/(06 25;*         ':'+4:+8          #+8<+8          '81+:62')+'4*9+8</)+9         $5:'28+<+4;+9           Q2'21 Q3'21 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 $740.5 $688.5 $614.0 $559.5$568.7 $501.4 Total revenue U.S. $ in millions (Y/Y growth rate in %) 34% 30% 37% 23% 38% 30% (in thousands, except percentage data) Revenue

Q2 FY22 13 Year-over year growth % Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22 Cloud 36% 35% 47% 53% 58% 60% Data Center 42% 75% 62% 68% 83% 59% Marketplace and services 5% 86% 13% 26% 20% (4%) Server 5% 17% (2%) (7%) (12%) (19%) Total revenues 23% 38% 30% 34% 37% 30% In Q3’22, Server revenue includes approximately $12 million of perpetual license revenue. In Q3’22, Marketplace and services revenue includes approximately $5 million of premier support revenue. Included in Server is perpetual license revenue. Perpetual license revenue is captured as other revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations. (1) (4) (3) Included in Marketplace and services is premier support revenue. Premier support is a subscription-based arrangement for a higher level of support across different deployment options. Premier support is recognized as subscription revenue on the Consolidated Statements of Operations as the services are delivered over the term of the arrangement. (2) U.S. $ in millions Revenue by deployment $740.5 $688.5 $614.0 $559.5$568.7 $501.4 Q2’21 Q3’21 Q4’21 Q1’22 Q2’22 Q3’22 $132.3 $135.5 $139.5 $140.3$164.2 $153.4 $57.6 $49.8 $45.4 $39.9 $59.9 $41.5 $151.1 $139.1 $111.2 $99.1 $94.7 $76.1 $399.5$364.1 $317.9$280.2$249.9$230.4 Cloud Data Center Marketplace and services Server (2) (1) (4) (3) Note: revenue totals may not foot due to rounding

Q3 FY22 14 Revenue by Geography Q3’21 ($) Q3’21 Y/Y Growth % Q3’22 ($) Q3’22 Y/Y Growth % Americas $272M 32% $366M 35% EMEA $233M 45% $291M 25% Asia Pacific $64M 42% $83M 31% Total $569M 38% $740M 30% Revenue by geogr!phy w!s consistent with expect!tions !cross !ll geogr!phies. Rec!ll th!t in Q3’21, we s!w signific!nt short-term, “event-driven” on-premises dem!nd th!t w!s prim!rily driven by p!rtners in EMEA, !nd to ! lesser extent APAC. Q3’22 did not see the s!me m!gnitude of event-driven beh!vior. This m!de for ! p!rticul!rly tough comp!re in EMEA, !nd to ! lesser extent APAC, which is reflected in the Q3’22 revenue by geogr!phy growth r!tes. In Q3’22 we did not observe !ny ch!nges in the dem!nd environment in EMEA from the previous qu!rter. The proportion of tot!l revenue gener!ted in EMEA incre!sed sequenti!lly to 39% in Q3’22 from 38% in Q2’22. While it’s still e!rly in Q4’22, to d!te, we h!ve not seen !ny m!teri!l ch!nges in dem!nd levels specific to Europe !nd we continue to see strong growth !round the world.

Q3 FY22 15 Headcount Tot!l employee he!dcount w!s 8,179, !n incre!se of 791 employees since the end of Q2’22. We hired !cross !ll m!jor functions, with the l!rgest number being !dded in R&D. Net income (in thousands, except percentage data)     4155/$4*,0 "#-85993'8-/4     54"#-85993'8-/4     !16$.12(4$6,0*(:2(05(5 "#56+8':/4-+>6+49+9       54"#56+8':/4-+>6+49+9       (5($4&+$0''(8(.12/(06(:2(05(5 "#8+9+'8).'4**+<+2563+4:+>6+49+9        54"#8+9+'8).'4**+<+2563+4:+>6+49+9             $4-(6,0*$0'5$.(5(:2(05(5 "#3'81+:/4-'4*9'2+9+>6+49+9      54"#3'81+:/4-'4*9'2+9+>6+49+9          (0(4$.$0'$'/,0,564$6,8((:2(05(5 "#-+4+8'2'4*'*3/4/9:8':/<++>6+49+9      54"#-+4+8'2'4*'*3/4/9:8':/<++>6+49+9          2(4$6,0*,0&1/( "#56+8':/4-/4)53+2599      54"#56+8':/4-/4)53+               (57.65 +:/4)53+2599      +:/4)53+25996+89.'8+*/2;:+*      10 (57.65 +:/4)53+      +:/4)53+6+89.'8+*/2;:+*           4((&$5+).19 "#4+:)'9.685</*+*(?56+8':/4-'):/</:/+9        +99'6/:'2+>6+4*/:;8+9         +99!'?3+4:95,2+'9+5(2/-':/549         8++)'9.,25=             Free cash flow (in thousands, except percentage data) (in thousands, except percentage data) Margins, operating expenses, and operating income

Q3 FY22 16 Financial targets  !+4((106+50',0* 70(  "+<+4;+  3/22/54:5 3/22/54 85993'8-/4  :5  6+8':/4-3'8-/4   +:25996+89.'8+*/2;:+*    &+/-.:+*'<-9.'8+9;9+*/4)536;:/4-*/2;:+*"#4+:25996+89.'8+  3/22/54:5 3/22/54 10 !+4((106+50',0* 70(  85993'8-/4  :5 6+8':/4-3'8-/4  +:/4)53+6+89.'8+*/2;:+*   &+/-.:+*'<-9.'8+9;9+*/4)536;:/4-*/2;:+*454"#4+:/4)53+6+89.'8+ 3/22/54:5 3/22/54 Fiscal year 2022 outlook Revenue For FY22, we expect to see the following trends: SUBSCRIPTION REVENUE • We now expect subscription revenue growth ye!r-over-ye!r to be in the mid-50s % r!nge for FY22, versus our prior expect!tion of !pproxim!tely 50% growth. • We expect our ye!r-over-ye!r subscription revenue growth r!te to be lower in the second h!lf of FY22 rel!tive to the first h!lf. • Rec!ll, our subscription revenue in Q3’21 benefited from ! strong D!t! Center revenue growth r!te, driven by !cceler!ted dem!nd resulting from the discontinu!tion of new Server license s!les !nd customers purch!sing !he!d of both Server !nd D!t! Center price incre!ses th!t went into effect during Q3’21. • For D!t! Center revenue, ! portion of ! customer’s commitment is recognized up-front !s subscription revenue in the period th!t the contr!ct is signed, while the rem!inder is recognized r!t!bly over the life of the contr!ct. • In !ddition, it is import!nt to note th!t Q4’21 continued to see strong D!t! Center revenue growth, !s it benefited from r!t!ble revenue rolling off of our deferred revenue b!l!nce. Our deferred revenue b!l!nce !lso benefited from the event-driven purch!sing observed in Q3’21, !s noted !bove. • For FY22, we expect our Cloud revenue growth r!te to !cceler!te rel!tive to FY21.

Q3 FY22 17 MAINTENANCE REVENUE • We expect m!inten!nce revenue to slowly contr!ct over the rem!inder of FY22 !s customers continue to migr!te to our subscription products. In Q4’22, we expect m!inten!nce revenue to decline to !pproxim!tely $115 million. OTHER REVENUE • We expect M!rketpl!ce revenue, which is reflected in other revenue !nd the prim!ry driver of this line item, to be !pproxim!tely fl!t rel!tive in FY22 rel!tive to FY21. • Rec!ll, M!rketpl!ce revenue will be imp!cted by the lowered M!rketpl!ce t!ke r!tes on the s!les of third-p!rty Cloud !pps which !re designed to incentivize further Cloud !pp development. • Note th!t revenue on the s!le of third-p!rty M!rketpl!ce !pps is recognized in the period the product is purch!sed. • As noted previously, upgr!des of existing licenses !re no longer offered, !nd !s ! result, we do not expect !ny m!teri!l level of perpetu!l license revenue in Q4’22 or beyond. Profitability We expect to further r!mp our hiring pl!ns in Q4’22 !nd beyond. As noted !bove, hiring !nd the retention of our t!lented te!m is the key to Atl!ssi!n’s future. We will continue to hire t!lent from !cross the globe with the m!jority in R&D. Our investments will focus on migr!ting our on-premises customers, pl!tform !dv!ncements, new Cloud fe!tures !nd products in e!ch of our three core m!rkets, !nd bolstering the ecosystem !round us. We expect the following in FY22: • Gross m!rgin will decline in FY22 rel!tive to FY21 due to our investments to support our Cloud migr!tions !nd the shift from Server to Cloud. These investments include migr!tion-focused personnel costs !s well !s incre!sed cloud hosting costs. • Oper!ting m!rgin is expected to decline !s we continue to invest in innov!tion !nd hiring. • Free c!sh flow is expected to see v!ri!bility !s ! result of the business mix shift to the Cloud !s well !s the imp!ct of !ny event-driven customer purch!sing !ctivity rel!ted to price ch!nges, loy!lty discount reductions (effective July 1, 2022), !nd the end of Server upgr!des. The reduction in oper!ting m!rgin in FY22 noted !bove will !lso imp!ct our free c!sh flow m!rgin in FY22. The !bove trends reflect our commitment to our long-term str!tegy !nd the m!ssive m!rket opportunities in front of us th!t we !re well equipped to t!p.

Q3 FY22 18 SHARE COUNT We expect sh!re-b!sed compens!tion (SBC) expense to be signific!ntly higher in FY22 versus FY21 !s we invest in hiring !nd ret!ining our te!m. Rec!ll th!t we report our fin!nci!l st!tements in !ccord!nce with IFRS. SBC is recognized on ! more front-lo!ded schedule comp!red to U.S. GAAP. SBC is !lso imp!cted by ! number of v!ri!bles e!ch of which !re inherently difficult to forec!st. We !re t!rgeting !pproxim!tely 1-2% sh!re count dilution in FY22. Despite the expected incre!se in SBC expense in FY22, our comp!r!ble sh!re dilution will still be r!nked in the lower h!lf of our peer comp!ny set. Redomiciling from the United Kingdom to the United States As we noted !t Investor D!y, we !re exploring redomiciling our p!rent holding comp!ny from the United Kingdom to the United St!tes. We believe moving our p!rent entity to the United St!tes will incre!se our !ccess to ! bro!der set of investors, support our inclusion in !ddition!l stock indices, improve fin!nci!l reporting comp!r!bility with our industry peers, stre!mline our corpor!te structure, !nd provide more flexibility in !ccessing c!pit!l. We do not !nticip!te signific!nt oper!tion!l or business model ch!nges !s ! result. We !lso do not expect our over!ll corpor!te income t!x r!te to ch!nge m!teri!lly. Our income t!x r!te is prim!rily driven by our oper!tions in the U.S. !nd Austr!li!. This would not ch!nge !fter we redomicile. Redomiciling to the U.S. would le!d us to ch!nge our !ccounting st!nd!rds from IFRS to U.S. GAAP. This tr!ns!ction is subject to fin!l !pprov!l, including by our Bo!rd of Directors !nd sh!reholders. We’re continuing to work on this initi!tive in prep!r!tion for ! fin!l Bo!rd review. If we secure Bo!rd !pprov!l, we would submit the propos!l for sh!reholder !pprov!l. Pending !ll required !pprov!ls, we would !im to close the tr!ns!ction e!rly in fisc!l ye!r 2023 !nd begin reporting under U.S. GAAP for Q1’23.

Q3 FY22 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC Consolidated statements of operations (U.S. $ and shares in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) 19 !+4((106+50'('$4&+  ,0(106+50'('$4&+  "+<+4;+9 #;(9)8/6:/54               '/4:+4'4)+              :.+8             $5:'28+<+4;+9                 59:5,8+<+4;+9                 8599685,/:                  6+8':/4-+>6+49+9 "+9+'8).'4**+<+2563+4:                 '81+:/4-'4*9'2+9                  +4+8'2'4*'*3/4/9:8':/<+               $5:'256+8':/4-+>6+49+9                 6+8':/4-/4)53+2599                :.+845456+8':/4-/4)53++>6+49+4+:                 /4'4)+/4)53+             /4'4)+)59:9                4)53+2599(+,58+/4)53+:'>+>6+49+                4)53+:'>+>6+49+               +:/4)53+2599                 +:/4)53+25996+89.'8+'::8/(;:'(2+:558*/4'8?9.'8+.52*+89 '9/)                /2;:+*                &+/-.:+*'<+8'-+9.'8+95;:9:'4*/4-;9+*:5)536;:+4+:25996+8 9.'8+'::8/(;:'(2+:558*/4'8?9.'8+.52*+89 '9/)                 /2;:+*                  35;4:9/4)2;*+9.'8+('9+*6'?3+4:+>6+49+'9,5225=9 !+4((106+50'('$4&+  ,0(106+50'('$4&+  59:5,8+<+4;+9             "+9+'8).'4**+<+2563+4:             '81+:/4-'4*9'2+9              +4+8'2'4*'*3/4/9:8':/<+             35;4:9/4)2;*+'358:/@':/545,')7;/8+*/4:'4-/(2+'99+:9'9,5225=9 !+4((106+50'('$4&+  ,0(106+50'('$4&+  59:5,8+<+4;+9            "+9+'8).'4**+<+2563+4:           '81+:/4-'4*9'2+9            

Q3 FY22 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC Consolidated statements of financial position (U.S. $ in thousands) 20 $4&+  70(  70$7',6(' 55(65 ;88+4:'99+:9 '9.'4*)'9.+7;/<'2+4:9          #.58::+83/4<+9:3+4:9       $8'*+8+)+/<'(2+9         $'>8+)+/<'(2+9      +8/<':/<+'99+:9       !8+6'/*+>6+49+9'4*5:.+8);88+4:'99+:9               99+:9.+2*,589'2+      !16$.&744(06$55(65         54);88+4:'99+:9 !856+8:?'4*+7;/63+4:4+:       +,+88+*:'>'99+:9         55*=/22       4:'4-/(2+'99+:94+:       "/-.:5,;9+'99+:94+:        #:8':+-/)/4<+9:3+4:9       :.+8454);88+4:'99+:9        !16$.010&744(06$55(65        !16$.$55(65        ,$%,.,6,(5 ;88+4:2/'(/2/:/+9 $8'*+'4*5:.+86'?'(2+9        $'>2/'(/2/:/+9        !85</9/549       +,+88+*8+<+4;+         +'9+5(2/-':/549      +8/<':/<+2/'(/2/:/+9        >).'4-+'(2+9+4/5845:+94+:  B   !16$.&744(06.,$%,.,6,(5          54);88+4:2/'(/2/:/+9 +,+88+*:'>2/'(/2/:/+9       !85</9/549       +,+88+*8+<+4;+         $+8325'4,')/2/:?4+:     B +'9+5(2/-':/549       :.+8454);88+4:2/'(/2/:/+9       !16$.010&744(06.,$%,.,6,(5        !16$..,$%,.,6,(5         37,6; #.'8+)'6/:'2        #.'8+68+3/;3         :.+8)'6/:'28+9+8<+9         :.+8)53654+4:95,+7;/:?      ));3;2':+**+,/)/:           !16$.(37,6;        !16$..,$%,.,6,(5$0'(37,6;       

Q3 FY22 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC Consolidated statements of cash flows (U.S. $ in thousands) (unaudited) 21 !+4((106+50'('$4&+  ,0(106+50'('$4&+  2(4$6,0*$&6,8,6,(5 4)53+2599(+,58+/4)53+:'>+>6+49+                *0;9:3+4:9:58+)54)/2+/4)53+2599(+,58+/4)53+:'>+>6+49+:54+:)'9. 685</*+*(?56+8':/4-'):/</:/+9 +68+)/':/54'4*'358:/@':/54              +68+)/':/545,8/-.:5,;9+'99+:9             #.'8+('9+*6'?3+4:+>6+49+               +:2599-'/454+>).'4-+*+8/<':/<+'4*)'66+*)'22:8'49'):/549  B            358:/@':/545,*+(:*/9)5;4:'4*/99;'4)+)59:           4:+8+9:/4)53+              4:+8+9:+>6+49+             +:,58+/-4);88+4)?2599-'/4             +:;48+'2/@+*259954/4<+9:3+4:9              +:2599549'2+5,/4<+9:3+4:9*/9659'25,'99+:9'4*5:.+8             .'4-+9/4'99+:9'4*2/'(/2/:/+9 $8'*+8+)+/<'(2+9                  !8+6'/*+>6+49+9'4*5:.+8'99+:9                 $8'*+'4*5:.+86'?'(2+9685</9/549'4*5:.+8454);88+4:2/'(/2/:/+9             +,+88+*8+<+4;+               4:+8+9:8+)+/<+*              4)53+:'>6'/*4+:                (6&$5+2418,'('%;12(4$6,0*$&6,8,6,(5               08(56,0*$&6,8,6,(5 ;9/4+99)53(/4':/5494+:5,)'9.')7;/8+*                  !;8).'9+95,/4:'4-/(2+'99+:9      B      B !;8).'9+95,6856+8:?'4*+7;/63+4:                 !;8).'9+95,/4<+9:3+4:9                 !85)++*9,8533':;8/:/+95,/4<+9:3+4:9              !85)++*9,8539'2+95,/4<+9:3+4:9  B           .'4-+/48+9:8/):+*)'9.  B  B         !'?3+4:5,*+,+88+*)549/*+8':/54     B         (6&$5+2418,'('%;75(',0,08(56,0*$&6,8,6,(5               ,0$0&,0*$&6,8,6,(5 !85)++*9,853+>+8)/9+5,9.'8+56:/549          !'?3+4:95,2+'9+5(2/-':/549                  !'?3+4:5,/99;'4)+)59:9,58*+(:  B  B  B     4:+8+9:6'/*               "+6'?3+4:5,+>).'4-+'(2+9+4/5845:+9  B               !85)++*9,8539+::2+3+4:5,)'66+*)'22:8'49'):/549  B                                         B      (6&$5+75(',0),0$0&,0*$&6,8,6,(5                 ,,+):5,+>).'4-+8':+).'4-+954)'9.'4*)'9.+7;/<'2+4:9                (6,0&4($5('(&4($5(,0&$5+$0'&$5+(37,8$.(065                $5+$0'&$5+(37,8$.(065$6%(*,00,0*1)2(4,1'                 +:*+)8+'9+/4)'9.'4*)'9.+7;/<'2+4:9/4)2;*+*/4'99+:9.+2*,589'2+    B     B $5+$0'&$5+(37,8$.(065$6(0'1)2(4,1'                      

Q3 FY22 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC Reconciliation of IFRS to non-IFRS results (U.S. $ and shares in thousands, except per share data) (unaudited) 22 !+4((106+50'('$4&+  ,0(106+50'('$4&+  4155241),6 "#-8599685,/:                  !2;9#.'8+('9+*6'?3+4:+>6+49+             !2;9358:/@':/545,')7;/8+*/4:'4-/(2+'99+:9            54"#-8599685,/:              2(4$6,0*,0&1/( "#56+8':/4-/4)53+2599                !2;9#.'8+('9+*6'?3+4:+>6+49+               !2;9358:/@':/545,')7;/8+*/4:'4-/(2+'99+:9             54"#56+8':/4-/4)53+                (6,0&1/( "#4+:/4)53+2599                 !2;9#.'8+('9+*6'?3+4:+>6+49+               !2;9358:/@':/545,')7;/8+*/4:'4-/(2+'99+:9             !2;954)5;654/36'):8+2':+*:5+>).'4-+'(2+9+4/5845:+9'4*)'66+* )'229  B             +994)53+:'>+,,+):9'4*'*0;9:3+4:9               54"#4+:/4)53+             (6,0&1/(2(45+$4( "#4+:/4)53+25996+89.'8+*/2;:+*                !2;9#.'8+('9+*6'?3+4:+>6+49+             !2;9358:/@':/545,')7;/8+*/4:'4-/(2+'99+:9             !2;954)5;654/36'):8+2':+*:5+>).'4-+'(2+9+4/5845:+9'4*)'66+* )'229  B         +994)53+:'>+,,+):9'4*'*0;9:3+4:9      B         54"#4+:/4)53+6+89.'8+*/2;:+*             "(,*+6('$8(4$*(',.76('5+$4(517656$0',0* &+/-.:+*'<+8'-+9.'8+9;9+*/4)536;:/4-*/2;:+*"#4+:25996+89.'8+                !2;9/2;:/54,8539.'8+56:/549'4*"#%9      B       &+/-.:+*'<+8'-+9.'8+9;9+*/4)536;:/4-*/2;:+*454"#4+:/4)53+6+8 9.'8+               4((&$5+).19 "#4+:)'9.685</*+*(?56+8':/4-'):/</:/+9               +99'6/:'2+>6+4*/:;8+9                 +99!'?3+4:95,2+'9+5(2/-':/549                  8++)'9.,25=                $.++,,+):95,:.+9+*/2;:/<+9+);8/:/+9=+8+45:/4)2;*+*/4:.+"#)'2);2':/545,*/2;:+*4+:25996+89.'8+,58:.+:.8++'4*4/4+354:.9+4*+* '8).A  '4*4/4+354:.9+4*+* '8).A  (+)';9+:.++,,+):=5;2*.'<+(++4'4:/*/2;:/<+

Q3 FY22 ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC Reconciliation of IFRS to non-IFRS financial targets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

Q3 FY22 24 FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This shareholder letter contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which statements involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact could be deemed forward looking, including risks and uncertainties related to statements about our products, customers, anticipated growth, infrastructure, platform, proposed redomiciliation, outlook, technology and other key strategic areas, and our financial targets such as revenue, share count, and IFRS and non-IFRS financial measures including gross margin, operating margin, and net income (loss) per diluted share. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in this shareholder letter to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this shareholder letter or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law. The achievement or success of the matters covered by such forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any such risks or uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions prove incorrect, our results could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements we make. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Forward-looking statements represent our management’s beliefs and assumptions only as of the date such statements are made. Further information on these and other factors that could affect our financial results is included in filings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, including the section titled “Risk Factors” in our most recent Forms 20-F and 6-K (reporting our quarterly results). These documents are available on the SEC Filings section of the Investor Relations section of our website at: https://investors.atlassian.com. ABOUT NON-IFRS FINANCIAL MEASURES Our reported results and financial targets include certain non-IFRS financial measures, including non-IFRS gross profit, non-IFRS operating income, non-IFRS net income, non-IFRS net income per diluted share, and free cash flow. Management believes that the use of these non-IFRS financial measures provides consistency and comparability with our past financial performance, facilitates period-to-period comparisons of our results of operations, and also facilitates comparisons with peer companies, many of which use similar non-IFRS or non-GAAP financial measures to supplement their IFRS or GAAP results. Non-IFRS results are presented for supplemental informational purposes only to aid in understanding our results of operations. The non-IFRS results should not be considered a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with IFRS, and may be different from non-IFRS or non- GAAP measures used by other companies. Our non-IFRS financial measures include: • Non-IFRS gross profit. Excludes expenses related to share-based compensation and amortization of acquired intangible assets. • Non-IFRS operating income. Excludes expenses related to share-based compensation and amortization of acquired intangible assets. • Non-IFRS net income and non-IFRS net income per diluted share. Excludes expenses related to share-based compensation, amortization of acquired intangible assets, non-coupon impact related to exchangeable senior notes and capped calls, the related income tax effects on these items, and a discrete tax impact resulting from a non-recurring transaction. • Free cash flow. Free cash flow is defined as net cash provided by operating activities less capital expenditures, which consists of purchases of property and equipment and payments of lease obligations. Our non-IFRS financial measures reflect adjustments based on the items below: • Share-based compensation. • Amortization of acquired intangible assets. • Non-coupon impact related to exchangeable senior notes and capped calls: • Amortization of notes discount and issuance costs. • Mark to fair value of the exchangeable senior notes exchange feature. • Mark to fair value of the related capped call transactions. • Net loss on settlements of exchangeable senior notes and capped call transactions. • The related income tax effects on these items, and a discrete tax impact resulting from a non-recurring transaction. • Purchases of property and equipment and payments of lease obligations. We exclude expenses related to share-based compensation, amortization of acquired intangible assets, non-coupon impact related to exchangeable senior notes and capped calls, the related income tax effects on these items, and a discrete tax impact resulting from a non-recurring transaction from certain of our non-IFRS financial measures as we believe this helps investors understand our operational performance. In addition, share-based compensation expense can be difficult to predict and varies from period to period and company to company due to differing valuation methodologies, subjective assumptions, and the variety of equity instruments, as well as changes in stock price. Management believes that providing non-IFRS financial measures that exclude share-based compensation expense, amortization of acquired intangible assets, non-coupon impact related to exchangeable senior notes and capped calls, the related income tax effects on these items, and a discrete tax impact resulting from a non-recurring transaction allow for more meaningful comparisons between our results of operations from period to period.

Q3 FY22 25 Management considers free cash flow to be a liquidity measure that provides useful information to management and investors about the amount of cash generated by our business that can be used for strategic opportunities, including investing in our business, making strategic acquisitions, and strengthening our statement of financial position. Management uses non-IFRS gross profit, non-IFRS operating income, non-IFRS net income, non-IFRS net income per diluted share, and free cash flow: • As measures of operating performance, because these financial measures do not include the impact of items not directly resulting from our core operations. • For planning purposes, including the preparation of our annual operating budget. • To allocate resources to enhance the financial performance of our business. • To evaluate the effectiveness of our business strategies. • In communications with our Board of Directors and investors concerning our financial performance. The tables in this shareholder letter titled “Reconciliation of IFRS to non-IFRS Results” and “Reconciliation of IFRS to non-IFRS financial targets” provide reconciliations of non-IFRS financial measures to the most recent directly comparable financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS. We understand that although non-IFRS gross profit, non-IFRS operating income, non-IFRS net income, non-IFRS net income per diluted share, and free cash flow are frequently used by investors and securities analysts in their evaluation of companies, these measures have limitations as analytical tools, and you should not consider them in isolation or as substitutes for analysis of our results of operations as reported under IFRS. ABOUT ATLASSIAN Atlassian unleashes the potential of every team. Our team collaboration and productivity software helps teams organize, discuss and complete shared work. Teams at more than 225,000 customers, across large and small organizations - including Bank of America, Redfin, NASA, Verizon, and Dropbox - use Atlassian's project tracking, content creation and sharing, and service management products to work better together and deliver quality results on time. Learn more about our products, including Jira Software, Confluence, Jira Service Management, Trello, Bitbucket, and Jira Align at https://atlassian.com. Investor relations contact: Martin Lam, IR@atlassian.com Media contact: Marie-Claire Maple, press@atlassian.com