CORRESP 16 filename16.htm Letter


August 27, 2015        


Ms. Kathryn McHale

Senior Staff Attorney

Division of Corporation Finance

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission

100 F Street, NE

Washington, D.C. 20549


  Re: LM Funding America, Inc.
    Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-1
    Filed August 7, 2015
    File No. 333-205232

Dear Ms. McHale:

On behalf of LM Funding America, Inc. (the “Company”), we are transmitting the following responses to the Staff’s letter dated August 19, 2015 containing the Staff’s comments regarding Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-1 (the “Registration Statement”) submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) on August 7, 2015. Simultaneous herewith, the Company is filing an Amendment No. 2 to the Registration Statement, and unless otherwise indicated or the context suggests otherwise, all references to the “Registration Statement” in this letter refer to the Amendment No. 2 to the Registration Statement being filed on the date hereof. For your convenience, the full text of each of the Staff’s comments is set forth below, and the Company’s response to each comment directly follows the applicable text.

Dilution, page 33


1. We note your dilution calculation in which you utilized 3,300,000 total shares (assuming minimum number of shares offered) of common stock to calculate the pro forma net tangible book value per share as of June 30, 2015. It appears to us that it would be more meaningful to reflect only the corporate reorganization in your pro forma net tangible book value per share before the offering. Please revise and make similar changes to the calculation assuming maximum number of shares offered.

RESPONSE: Please be advised that the Company has revised the calculation of pro forma net tangible book value per share as of June 30, 2015 in the Registration Statement based on the revised number of 2,100,000 outstanding pre-offering shares (rather than the previously indicated 3,300,000). Please see Page 33 of the Registration Statement.


2. On a related matter, please revise the tabular disclosures on the bottom of page 33 and on page 34 to reflect the resulting stockholders from the corporate reorganization as existing stockholders and update the calculation as appropriate.




























Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

Page 2


RESPONSE: Please be advised that the Company has revised the tabular disclosures on Pages 33 and 34 to reflect the resulting stockholders from the corporate reorganization as existing stockholders. The Company has also updated the calculation as appropriate.

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Revenue Recognition, page F-10


3. We note your response to our comment 9.


    Please tell us how you considered whether you satisfied the conditions in ASC 860-10-40-5a (isolation of transferred financial assets) and ASC 860-10-40-5b (transferee’s rights to pledge or exchange) in considering whether you had a completion of a transfer under ASC 310-30.


    We note that an association has the ability to terminate the agreement at any time and restore all original claims on collections as long as the association remits all payments due on the account to you. Please tell us the circumstances in which an association would be incented to terminate the purchase agreement using this clause. Please clarify for us the benefits an association would receive using this termination clause considering the association is required to remit all payments due on the account to LMF.


    Please clarify for us why you believe an association has the right to make material decisions regarding the collection process. According to paragraph 1.d. of the Association Receivables Purchase Agreement filed as Exhibit 10.10 to Form S-1 filed on June 25, 2015, the association assigns, transfers, sets over, and delivers unto you and grants to you all of the association’s right, title and interest in all decision making ability as it relates to the form and substance of the collection process and all decision making ability as it relates to settlement offers. Please discuss the role of law firms you engage to perform collection work, to whom they report, and the extent of interaction and influence associations have in the collection process. Also, please clarify for us why making material decisions regarding the collections process would result in the transferor maintaining effective control. Please cite specific guidance that supports your assertion.


    Please tell us whether an association has the right to levy and collect finance charges, late fees and other costs against unit owners of delinquent accounts pursuant to its association agreement with unit owners and whether those fees and charges are assigned, transferred, set over and delivered unto you as part of the purchase agreement.




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

Page 3


RESPONSE: Before responding to the Staff’s specific questions, the Company would like to provide the Staff with the following supplemental background information regarding the nature of the Company’s business and its contracts:

For the information of the Staff, the form of Association Receivables Purchase Agreement attached as Exhibit 10.10 to the Registration Statement is the base form of agreement currently used by the Company with its original product. However, the Company has over time made changes to the general form of agreement that it has used for the original product (the “Original Product Agreement”). Initially, the Company’s typical form of Original Product Agreement contained provisions granting Associations the right to make material decisions regarding the collections process (we refer to this variant of the Original Product Agreement as “Form A” solely for purposes of this letter). A representative sample of Form A is being supplementally provided to the Staff with this letter as Exhibit D hereto. We note that Section 4 of Form A provides that “[Law Firm] will seek full payoffs on all LMF accounts and will not settle any account for less than the full amount due under Section 718.116, Florida Statutes, without the express written consent of Association.” As a result of this provision, the Company cannot effect a settlement on an account, even if the debtor makes a good settlement offer, without the approval of the Association.

Beginning December 2012, the Company started phasing out the Associations’ rights to make material decisions regarding the collections process. As mentioned above, the form of Original Product Agreement attached as Exhibit 10.10 to the Registration Statement represents the Company’s current form of Original Product Agreement (we refer to this as “Form B” in this letter). As the Staff points out, Section 1.d of Form B grants to the Company all decision making ability as it relates to the collection process from account debtors. In lieu of giving Associations the right to influence the collections process, Form B grants Associations the right to terminate the agreement under Section 13.c.

The Company notes that the form of agreement typically used by the Company under the New Neighbor Guaranty (the “NNG Agreement”) is similar to Form B insofar as the Company having control over the collections process and the Association having a termination right.

For the information of the Staff, as of June 30, 2015, the Company’s portfolio represented approximately $1.58 million in receivables under a variant of the Form A agreement, $280 thousand in receivables under a variant of the Form B agreement, and $996 thousand in receivables under a NNG Agreement. However, as the Company proceeds to implement Form B going forward and expects that a greater portion of its business will be under the New Neighbor Guaranty, the Company anticipates that an increasingly smaller portion of its business will involve provisions of the type included in Form A.




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

Page 4


Further to the foregoing, the Company’s responses to the Staff’s specific bullet-point questions are as follows (in the same order as the Staff’s bullets):


    Analysis of ASC 860-10-40-5. The Company notes that, under ASC 860-10-40-5, a transfer of a financial asset, or a group of assets, is accounted for as a sale (and purchase) “if and only if, all of the following conditions are met”: (a) isolation of transferred financial assets, (b) transferee’s right to pledge or exchange, and (c) effective control. If any one of these conditions are not met, then a transaction is not deemed to be a transfer of a financial asset under ASC 860-10-40-5. For the reasons described below, the Company has historically determined, and continues to believe, that the “effective control” condition is not satisfied. Furthermore, the Company believes that the “isolation” prong of the analysis is not satisfied as described below.

Effective Control Analysis. With respect to Form B, even though Section 1.d of Form B grants the Company all decision making authority over the collection process, the Company believes that several features of the relationship between the Company and its Association clients, together with the Association’s termination rights under Form B, have the cumulative effective of giving the Association effective control over the Company’s ability to realize the anticipated value from the contract. These features are as follows:


  (1) Per the legal requirements in some states, including Florida, only the Association has the legal standing to enforce its lien against Association members and collect delinquent assessments (together with interest and late fees) from them. This fundamental legal barrier necessitates the continuing involvement of the Association in order for the Company to receive the anticipated benefits from its contract with the Association. For example, depending on applicable state procedural rules, a representative of the Association may need to render testimony or affidavits as to the validity and/or amount of the debt being collected. The Association may also be obligated to participate in the preparation of account ledgers. Often the Association will want to negotiate payment plans and other accommodations directly with the account debtor given the personal nature of relationships among people living in close proximity in a community. In view of the foregoing, even though Form B requires the Association to take enforcement-related actions that are requested by the Company, an Association may intentionally or unintentionally fail to cooperate or delay its compliance with these requests.




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

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  (2) The legal counsel that is engaged to collect from account debtors has an attorney/client relationship directly with the Association, which practically means that Associations typically have the ability under bar rules to direct the efforts of legal counsel and communicate with legal counsel confidentially in ways that may not serve the Company’s interests. Although Section 1.d attempts to grant all collection decision authority to the Company, the clause does not and cannot override the nature of the attorney/client relationship between legal counsel and the Association and the duties that legal counsel has toward its client.


  (3) The termination right in Section 13 of Form B, which is described in more detail below, also gives the Association the ability to terminate its relationship with the Company. Although the Company believes that Associations will typically not exercise this right, the Company believes that this right, when combined with the other features of the relationship, gives the Association a material level of control over the relationship envisioned by the contract.

The Company has determined that, in its best judgment, the combined effect of the foregoing features of the Company’s unique business, as well as the nature of the Company’s relationship and contracts with Associations, gives the Association a material degree of control over the ability of the Company to realize the anticipated value that it expects to receive under its Form B contracts. This is the case even though the Company seeks to obtain control over the collection process under Form B. In addition, the Company believes that Form A provides an even greater level of control by the Associations and is sufficient to cause the Company’s transactions under Form A to fail the “effective control” condition of ASC 860-10-40-5.

Isolation Analysis. While the foregoing analysis focuses on the “effective control” prong of the ASC 860-10-40-5 analysis, the Company has also determined that the “isolation” prong of the ASC 860-10-40-5 analysis is not clearly satisfied. The Company notes that, because of the unique nature of its business and transactions, the Company cannot be certain that in all circumstances its rights under its Association contracts are beyond the reach of the transferor or its creditor, including a bankruptcy trustee or receiver. Although the Company seeks to structure its transactions so that its rights under its contracts will remain undisturbed in the event of the bankruptcy of an Association client, the Company has been involved in legal proceedings in which an Association (or receiver or bankruptcy trustee) alleged that the Company’s contract with Associations is, because of the ongoing nature of the contract and the potential involvement of the Association in collection activities, subject to rejection as an executory contract or otherwise adversely affected in bankruptcy proceedings. Accordingly, although the Company’s contracts involve an outright purchase of certain future collection proceeds of the Association with no recourse against the




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

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Association, the Company cannot be certain that in all cases that its right to receive the bargained-for future collection proceeds will not be adversely affected by the arguments of creditors.

In sum, the Company’s analysis of its contracts under ASC 860-10-40-5 has resulted in a determination that two of the three conditions of the pronouncement are not satisfied.


    Association Termination Right. Under Form B and the NNG Agreement, an Association has the right to terminate the agreement (either in its entirety or as to specified accounts) by paying in full to the Company all amounts that would have been payable to the Company, and paying to the applicable legal counsel all amounts that would have been payable to it, as if full collection on the account occurred on the termination date. The Staff has asked for information regarding the circumstances under which an Association would be incented to terminate agreement.

This termination provision has been included in the Company’s contracts at the requests of some Associations to cover unusual and/or unexpected situations that may arise. The termination provision exists to give Associations the ability to terminate a relationship with the engaged legal counsel that the Association may be unhappy with or if the Association is otherwise dissatisfied with its business relationship with the Company. The termination right may also be beneficial to an Association if a combination of circumstances converge that lead the Association to believe that it may receive more financial benefit from terminating than by staying the relationship— such as if the Association believes that it is at risk of collecting unpaid assessments because the total collection amount is approaching the fair market value of the unit, or if the Association believes it will realize the upside of owning the unit as a result of a lien foreclosure sale. To date, a total of 241 Associations have exercised termination rights for an aggregate of 825 accounts, resulting in termination payments of approximately $530,000 to the Company.

The Company does not believe that Associations will frequently exercise the termination right and that they typically will not be incented to do so. However, as indicated above, the Company believes that even if the termination provision alone did not constitute “effective control” within the meaning of ASC 860-10-40-5, the combined effect of the termination provision and other features of the contract and relationship does result in effective control.



Material Decisions Regarding Collections Process. As stated above, Form A reserves to the Association the right to make material decisions regarding the collections process, and therefore under such contracts the Associations maintain




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

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effective control over the account. Under Form A, an Association has the right to control all settlements which result in an account being settled for less than a full payoff. Form A contracts pay proceeds of collection first to the Company for purchase price, interest, and late fees, then to the law firm legal fees and costs, then past due assessments owed to the Association. This places the Association in a first loss position. In order to protect the Association from settlements that only benefit the Company and the law firm, the Form A contract places the law firm under direct control of the Association. This gives the Association under a Form A contract control over settlements which effectively determines the payoff outcome and timing for the Company as well as the Association. As mentioned above, as to Form B, even though Form B does not grant Associations the right to control the collection process, other features of Form B and the relationship thereunder confer “effective control” upon the Association.


    Levy and Collect Finance Charges, etc. For the information of the Staff, state statutes and the organizational documents of Associations (Articles, Bylaws, Declaration of Condominium or Conditions Covenants and Restrictions in the case of HOA’s) collectively afford Associations the right to levy and collect finance charges, late fees and other costs against unit owners with delinquent accounts. Specifically, in Florida, finance charges are authorized by statute at 18% per annum unless the governing documents state otherwise. Florida Statutes authorize charging late fees if late fees are adopted in the organizational documents. Legal fees and costs are specifically authorized by Florida Statutes. The charges for these amounts remain the property of the Associations, with the law firms acting on behalf of the Associations to collect these charges (and the Associations having the obligation to provide witnesses and other necessary evidence). The right to enforce and collect these amounts directly from the account debtors is not assigned to the Company since the Company typically would not have standing to appear in court to collect them from the account debtor. However, the Association assigns its future collection proceeds from those actions and pays those amounts to the Company once collected, with such payment being made through the law firm’s trust account per the Company’s contract with the Associations.

Finance Receivables, page F-11


4. We note your response and related changes to our comment 11. Please revise to explain how you determine that the uncollectibility of the receivable is confirmed.




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

Page 8


RESPONSE: Please be advised that the Company has revised the Registration Statement to explain how it determines that the uncollectibility of the receivable is confirmed. Please see Page F-12 of the Registration Statement. As detailed in the Registration Statement, the Company considers writing off a receivable when (i) a first mortgage holder who names the Association in a foreclosure suit takes title and satisfies an estoppel letter for amounts owed which are less than amounts the Company funded to the association; (ii) a tax deed is issued with insufficient excess proceeds to pay amounts the Company funded to the Association; or (iii) an Association settles an account for less than amounts the Company funded to the Association. Upon the occurrence of any of these events, the Company evaluates the potential recovery via a deficiency judgment against the prior owner and the ability to collect upon the deficiency judgment within the 20 year statute of limitations period or whether the deficiency judgment can be sold. Additionally, with New Neighbor Guaranty accounts and other accounts where the Company has purchased insurance, the Company will determine if after applying insurance proceeds any write offs are warranted. If the Company determines that collection through a deficiency judgment or sale of a deficiency judgment is not feasible, the Company writes off the unrecoverable receivable amount.

Note 9. Fair Value of Financial Instruments, page F-15


5. We note your response to our comment 12.


    You state that the valuation calculation assumes much smaller collection rates as receivables age. Please provide us the quarterly or annual collection rates actually used in the valuation calculation.

RESPONSE: The Company refers the Staff to the supplemental narrative and sample workpaper from our independent third party valuation firm, Marshall & Stevens, attached to this letter as Exhibit A. The Company notes that the collection rates do decline somewhat as accounts age but believes that use of an average quarterly collection rate of 3% is a reasonable assumption for estimating the timing of future cash flows based on the information the Company is able to derive from its systems.


    Please provide us the information used to support the assertion that your historical quarterly collection rate has been 3% over an 8.5 year period.

RESPONSE: The Company refers the Staff to the collection rate table attached as Exhibit B hereto showing the Company’s collection rates based on the monthly age of an account. This table reflects dates through June 30, 2015 and is similar to the table used for the valuation at December 31, 2014. Please be advised that this table reflects the average time elapsed between original funding and payoff for all units funded through June 30, 2015. The table does not show the average collection cycle for an average unit in dollar terms, as that information is not readily available, and total amount of funding does not directly correlate to future cash flows. Please be advised that this table pools the receivables to show what percentage the Company collects based on the number of units that could have historically reached that age, and the number units that were collected at that age. This table “pools” the units to ensure an accurate representation of collectability.




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

Page 9


    Please provide us a table detailing the actual quarterly collection rate for the past 12 quarters.

RESPONSE: The Company refers the Staff to Exhibit C hereto for the requested schedule detailing the actual quarterly collection rate based on total units at the beginning of each quarter and units paid off during the quarter. The table does not show the average collection cycle for an average unit in dollar terms, as that information is not readily available. The Company has determined that looking at the receivables in total, as is presented in the requested table, accurately reflects the actual aging and collections of the Company’s receivables balance needed to do a valuation. This table is inhibited by the Company’s purchasing of new units, thus skewing the data depending on whether the Company purchased more or less accounts than were collected in that given period. For instance, if the Company purchased significantly more accounts than it collected, in a specified period of time, using the logic in Exhibit C, the Company would have a negative average collection percentage. Therefore, the Company believes that to accurately depict the collection rates, the accounts must be looked at in static pools as noted by the data utilized by our independent third party valuation specialist.


    Please note that ASC 820 requires a reporting entity to use the best information available including considering expectations about the timing of future cash flows. If there is variability in the collection of cash flows, (e.g. significantly greater cash flows are expected earlier in the receivables life), this variability should be considered in your fair value measurement.

RESPONSE: Please be advised that the Company relied on the expertise of our independent third party valuation firm, Marshall & Stevens, which believed that using a 3% average quarterly collection rate was the best estimate to use based on the information available from our system. Management answered all questions from Marshall & Stevens to help them fully understand the Company’s business and the nature of the Company’s receivables, as well as provided all historical data the Company has in its system for their analysis. The Company believes that, based on the methodology implied by Marshall & Stevens, all requirements of ASC 820 have been fulfilled, as receivables were grouped together by similar age and cash flows were derived from these different aging buckets.

Exhibit 5.1 – Opinion of Foley Lardner LLP


6. We note your response to comment 14 from our letter dated July 8, 2015; however, it does not appear that the requested revision was made to Exhibit 5.1. Please revise to opine that the warrants are a binding obligation of the company under the laws of Florida.




Ms. Kathryn McHale

<August 27, 2015>

Page 10


RESPONSE: Please be advised that Foley & Lardner LLP revised its Opinion to opine that the warrants are a binding obligation of the Company under the laws of the state of Florida. Please refer to the third and fourth paragraphs of the Opinion.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the foregoing, please feel free to contact me.


Very truly yours,


/s/ Curt P. Creely


Curt P. Creely



Exhibit A

to filing letter of LM Funding America, Inc.





August 21, 2015

  One Tampa City Center
  Suite 3405
  201 N. Franklin St.

Tampa, FL 33602



813.963.2251 fax


Mr. Steve Weclew

LM Funding, LLC

302 Knights Run Avenue

Tampa, FL 33602


Dear Steve:

In regards to your request, we have responded to comment 5 of the Securities and Exchange Commission letter entitled Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-1, Filed August 7, 2015, File No. 333-205232.

Please find a sample work paper attached for the valuation of LM Funding, LLC’s (LMF) 2013 Standard Deal receivables (Receivables), as well as support for the assumed 3% quarterly collection rate. We assumed all collections to happen within an 8.5 year period based on data provided by and conversations held with LMF management. In the course of the valuation, we grouped the Receivables by age and used the following formula to calculate an expected net cash flow to LMF:

(Expected Value)  *  (Probability of Collection)  *  (Number of Units Outstanding)

The Expected Value was determined by a regression analysis of the historical median payout of accounts by age.

The Probability of Collection was determined by an equal probability of collection in future periods with an account having a maximum lifespan of 8.5 years. For example, an account that is 6 years old would have an estimated remaining life of 2.5 years, while an account that is 2.5 years old would have an estimated remaining life of 6 years. An account is expected to pay out at the ratio of:



Number of periods in estimated remaining lifes

We have attached worksheets highlighting our intermediate calculations whereby we grouped the accounts by age as the probability of collection is determined by the remaining estimated life of the account. We followed the guidance of FASB ASC 820 and used the best available information about the expectations of the timing of the future cash flows.






LMF Supporting Schedules

Standard Deal































































Time Outstanding

    0.00        0.25        0.50        0.75        1.00        1.25        1.50        1.75        2.00        2.25        2.50        2.75        3.00        3.25        3.50        3.75        4.00        4.25        4.50        4.75   





























































Trend Payout (LINEAR)

    1304        1534        1763        1993        2222        2451        2681        2910        3140        3369        3598        3828        4057        4287        4516        4745        4975        5204        5434        5663   

Outstanding Accounts at age

    3        —          —          —          15        149        380        185        155        208        311        369        324        356        354        280        226        180        227        110   

Age Group

    12/31/2014     3/31/2015     6/30/2015     9/30/2015     12/31/2015     3/31/2016     6/30/2016     9/30/2016     12/31/2016     3/31/2017     6/30/2017     9/30/2017     12/31/2017     3/31/2018     6/30/2018     9/30/2018     12/31/2018     3/31/2019     6/30/2019     9/30/2019  


    115        135        156        176        196        216        237        257        277        297        317        338        358        378        398        419        439        459        479        500   


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    1,111        1,226        1,340        1,455        1,570        1,684        1,799        1,914        2,029        2,143        2,258        2,373        2,487        2,602        2,717        2,831        2,946        3,061        3,176        3,290   


    12,595        13,773        14,952        16,131        17,309        18,488        19,667        20,845        22,024        23,203        24,381        25,560        26,738        27,917        29,096        30,274        31,453        32,632        33,810        34,989   


    36,381        39,494        42,608        45,721        48,834        51,948        55,061        58,174        61,288        64,401        67,514        70,627        73,741        76,854        79,967        83,081        86,194        89,307        92,421        95,534   


    19,940        21,512        23,083        24,655        26,227        27,799        29,371        30,942        32,514        34,086        35,658        37,230        38,802        40,373        41,945        43,517        45,089        46,661        48,233        49,804   


    18,716        20,084        21,452        22,819        24,187        25,554        26,922        28,289        29,657        31,025        32,392        33,760        35,127        36,495        37,863        39,230        40,598        41,965        43,333        44,700   


    28,029        29,938        31,847        33,755        35,664        37,572        39,481        41,390        43,298        45,207        47,116        49,024        50,933        52,841        54,750        56,659        58,567        60,476        62,385        64,293   


    46,628        49,601        52,574        55,546        58,519        61,492        64,464        67,437        70,410        73,382        76,355        79,327        82,300        85,273        88,245        91,218        94,191        97,163        100,136        103,109   


    61,410        65,090        68,771        72,451        76,132        79,812        83,492        87,173        90,853        94,534        98,214        101,894        105,575        109,255        112,936        116,616        120,296        123,977        127,657        131,337   


    59,750        63,129        66,507        69,886        73,264        76,643        80,021        83,400        86,778        90,156        93,535        96,913        100,292        103,670        107,049        110,427        113,806        117,184        120,563        123,941   


    72,667        76,556        80,445        84,333        88,222        92,111        96,000        99,889        103,778        107,667        111,556        115,445        119,334        123,222        127,111        131,000        134,889        138,778        142,667        146,556   


    79,932        83,992        88,053        92,113        96,173        100,234        104,294        108,355        112,415        116,476        120,536        124,596        128,657        132,717        136,778        140,838        144,898        148,959        153,019        157,080   


    69,931        73,312        76,692        80,073        83,454        86,834        90,215        93,596        96,976        100,357        103,738        107,118        110,499        113,880        117,260        120,641        124,022        127,402        130,783        —     


    62,460        65,341        68,221        71,101        73,982        76,862        79,742        82,622        85,503        88,383        91,263        94,143        97,024        99,904        102,784        105,664        108,545        111,425        —          —     


    55,103        57,532        59,960        62,389        64,818        67,247        69,676        72,105        74,534        76,963        79,392        81,821        84,250        86,679        89,108        91,537        93,966        —          —          —     


    77,088        80,343        83,597        86,852        90,107        93,361        96,616        99,871        103,125        106,380        109,635        112,889        116,144        119,398        122,653        125,908        —          —          —          —     


    41,528        43,210        44,893        46,575        48,257        49,940        51,622        53,304        54,986        56,669        58,351        60,033        61,715        63,398        65,080        —          —          —          —          —     


    47,139        48,974        50,809        52,644        54,480        56,315        58,150        59,985        61,820        63,656        65,491        67,326        69,161        70,996        —          —          —          —          —          —     


    23,074        23,939        24,804        25,668        26,533        27,398        28,262        29,127        29,992        30,856        31,721        32,586        33,450        —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    34,931        36,193        37,455        38,716        39,978        41,240        42,501        43,763        45,025        46,287        47,548        48,810        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    54,439        56,337        58,235        60,132        62,030        63,928        65,826        67,723        69,621        71,519        73,417        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    16,344        16,894        17,445        17,996        18,546        19,097        19,647        20,198        20,748        21,299        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    22,682        23,422        24,161        24,900        25,639        26,378        27,117        27,857        28,596        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     





























































Net Cash Flow To LMF

    941,994        990,026        1,038,058        1,086,089        1,134,121        1,182,152        1,230,184        1,278,216        1,326,247        1,344,944        1,370,387        1,341,814        1,336,587        1,345,854        1,315,740        1,289,861        1,199,898        1,139,449        1,058,661        955,134   

Discount Factor

    1.0000        0.9836        0.9674        0.9515        0.9359        0.9205        0.9054        0.8905        0.8759        0.8615        0.8474        0.8334        0.8197        0.8063        0.7930        0.7800        0.7672        0.7546        0.7422        0.7300   

Present Value of Cash Flows

    941,994        973,762        1,004,232        1,033,438        1,061,414        1,088,192        1,113,803        1,138,279        1,161,650        1,158,675        1,161,200        1,118,311        1,095,654        1,085,128        1,043,420        1,006,093        920,548        859,811        785,727        697,245   

LMF Supporting Schedules

Standard Deal













































Time Outstanding

    5.00        5.25        5.50        5.75        6.00        6.25        6.50        6.75        7.00        7.25        7.50        7.75        8.00        8.25   











































Trend Payout (LINEAR)

    5892        6122        6351        6581        6810        7039        7269        7498        7728        7957        8186        8416        8645        8875   

Outstanding Accounts at age

    112        49        66        91        24        29        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     

Age Group

    12/31/2019     3/31/2020     6/30/2020     9/30/2020     12/31/2020     3/31/2021     6/30/2021     9/30/2021     12/31/2021     3/31/2022     6/30/2022     9/30/2022     12/31/2022     3/31/2023  


    520        540        560        581        601        621        641        662        682        702        722        743        763        783   


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    3,405        3,520        3,634        3,749        3,864        3,978        4,093        4,208        4,323        4,437        —          —          —          —     


    36,168        37,346        38,525        39,704        40,882        42,061        43,240        44,418        45,597        —          —          —          —          —     


    98,647        101,761        104,874        107,987        111,100        114,214        117,327        120,440        —          —          —          —          —          —     


    51,376        52,948        54,520        56,092        57,663        59,235        60,807        —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    46,068        47,436        48,803        50,171        51,538        52,906        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    66,202        68,110        70,019        71,928        73,836        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    106,081        109,054        112,027        114,999        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    135,018        138,698        142,379        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    127,319        130,698        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    150,445        —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     


    —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —          —     











































Net Cash Flow To LMF

    821,249        690,111        575,341        445,210        339,485        273,015        226,108        169,728        50,601        5,139        722        743        763        783   

Discount Factor

    0.7180        0.7062        0.6946        0.6832        0.6720        0.6609        0.6501        0.6394        0.6289        0.6186        0.6084        0.5984        0.5886        0.5789   

Present Value of Cash Flows

    589,661        487,363        399,637        304,166        228,126        180,446        146,988        108,524        31,823        3,179        439        444        449        453   


     —          1        2        3        4   

Accounts Paid off

     155        570        477        439        391   

Accounts in Pool

     11,494        11,494        11,473        11,409        11,393   

Payoff Percent

     1.35     4.96     4.16     3.85     3.43


     Month     Qtr  

Average Collection (Rounded)

     1.0     3.1


     5        6        7        8        9        10        11        12   

Accounts Paid off

     347        275        301        222        227        207        190        159   

Accounts in Pool

     11,261        11,227        11,196        11,171        11,089        11,063        11,013        10,937   

Payoff Percent

     3.08     2.45     2.69     1.99     2.05     1.87     1.73     1.45


     13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20   

Accounts Paid off

     201        154        143        168        177        148        124        142   

Accounts in Pool

     10,889        10,804        10,723        10,673        10,648        10,600        10,566        10,515   

Payoff Percent

     1.85     1.43     1.33     1.57     1.66     1.40     1.17     1.35


     21        22        23        24        25        26        27        28   

Accounts Paid off

     164        124        125        125        124        116        116        125   

Accounts in Pool

     10,495        10,385        10,333        10,281        10,217        10,072        9,763        9,677   

Payoff Percent

     1.56     1.19     1.21     1.22     1.21     1.15     1.19     1.29


     29        30        31        32        33        34        35        36        37   

Accounts Paid off

     102        88        96        97        89        87        86        94        73   

Accounts in Pool

     9,630        9,529        9,429        9,350        9,301        9,171        9,048        8,981        8,825   

Payoff Percent

     1.06     0.92     1.02     1.04     0.96     0.95     0.95     1.05     0.83


     38        39        40        41        42        43        44        45        46   

Accounts Paid off

     91        92        73        59        86        85        52        62        46   

Accounts in Pool

     8,562        8,427        8,245        8,055        7,824        7,554        7,305        7,097        6,918   

Payoff Percent

     1.06     1.09     0.89     0.73     1.10     1.13     0.71     0.87     0.66


     47        48        49        50        51        52        53        54        55   

Accounts Paid off

     58        39        49        48        44        41        26        23        26   

Accounts in Pool

     6,712        6,372        6,097        5,766        5,397        5,225        5,088        4,772        4,551   

Payoff Percent

     0.86     0.61     0.80     0.83     0.82     0.78     0.51     0.48     0.57


     56        57        58        59        60        61        62        63        64   

Accounts Paid off

     25        26        15        16        18        20        5        11        7   

Accounts in Pool

     4,453        4,242        3,971        3,714        3,492        3,360        3,108        2,796        2,585   

Payoff Percent

     0.56     0.61     0.38     0.43     0.52     0.60     0.16     0.39     0.27


     65        66        67        68        69        70        71        72        73   

Accounts Paid off

     10        13        5        4        5        4        4        2        6   

Accounts in Pool

     2,434        2,342        2,105        1,929        1,744        1,560        1,281        1,081        1,019   

Payoff Percent

     0.41     0.56     0.24     0.21     0.29     0.26     0.31     0.19     0.59


     74        75        76        77        78        79        80        81        82   

Accounts Paid off

     2        4        3        4        1        2        —          —          —     

Accounts in Pool

     956        888        758        586        534        416        287        273        262   

Payoff Percent

     0.21     0.45     0.40     0.68     0.19     0.48     0.00     0.00     0.00


     83        84        85        86   

Accounts Paid off

     —          —          —          —     

Accounts in Pool

     178        45        44        42   

Payoff Percent

     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00

Exhibit B

to filing letter of LM Funding America, Inc.

LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     11  

Number Paid

     155        725        1201        1628        2012        2333        2600        2884        3092        3291        3484        3648   

Number Active

     11339        10769        10272        9781        9379        8926        8627        8312        8079        7798        7579        7365   

Total Accounts

     11494        11494        11473        11409        11391        11259        11227        11196        11171        11089        11063        11013   

% of units paid off by this month

     1.3     5.0     4.2     3.8     3.4     3.1     2.4     2.6     1.9     2.0     1.8     1.6


Average Per Month


Average Per Quarter


Average Per Quarter (Rouneded)


LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   12     13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23  

Number Paid

     3758        3937        4058        4160        4298        4463        4581        4686        4792        4943        5003        5092   

Number Active

     7176        6952        6746        6563        6375        6185        6019        5880        5723        5552        5382        5241   

Total Accounts

     10934        10889        10804        10723        10673        10648        10600        10566        10515        10495        10385        10333   

% of units paid off by this month

     1.2     1.8     1.4     1.2     1.5     1.6     1.3     1.1     1.2     1.5     1.1     1.1

LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31     32     33     34     35     36  

Number Paid

     5194        5263        5285        5221        5298        5367        5376        5421        5470        5521        5527        5527        5569   

Number Active

     5087        4949        4785        4511        4379        4263        4145        4008        3880        3780        3644        3521        3402   

Total Accounts

     10281        10212        10070        9732        9677        9630        9521        9429        9350        9301        9171        9048        8971   

% of units paid off by this month

     1.2     1.0     0.9     1.2     1.1     1.0     0.7     1.0     1.0     0.9     0.9     0.8     1.0

LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   37     38     39     40     41     42     43     44     45     46     47     48     49  

Number Paid

     5538        5463        5478        5419        5346        5283        5162        5039        4949        4874        4769        4551        4387   

Number Active

     3287        3099        2949        2826        2709        2541        2392        2258        2148        2044        1943        1821        1710   

Total Accounts

     8825        8562        8427        8245        8055        7824        7554        7297        7097        6918        6712        6372        6097   

% of units paid off by this month

     0.7     1.1     1.2     0.7     0.6     1.2     0.8     0.7     0.7     0.7     0.6     0.4     0.5

LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   50     51     52     53     54     55     56     57     58     59     60     61     62  

Number Paid

     4018        3923        3844        3737        3457        3405        3347        3200        2993        2781        2652        2573        2374   

Number Active

     1551        1456        1381        1311        1208        1146        1106        1038        952        885        837        787        734   

Total Accounts

     5569        5379        5225        5048        4665        4551        4453        4238        3945        3666        3489        3360        3108   

% of units paid off by this month

     0.2     0.8     0.6     0.5     0.1     0.7     0.3     0.3     0.4     0.0     0.2     0.6     -0.2

LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   63     64     65     66     67     68     69     70     71     72     73     74     75  

Number Paid

     2170        2005        1900        1846        1654        1513        1369        1234        1023        837        796        748        695   

Number Active

     626        580        524        496        438        414        375        326        258        235        223        208        193   

Total Accounts

     2796        2585        2424        2342        2092        1927        1744        1560        1281        1072        1019        956        888   

% of units paid off by this month

     1.2     0.0     0.8     0.4     0.2     -0.5     0.0     0.6     0.8     -1.8     0.0     0.1     0.0

LM Funding

Unit Aging and

Payoff Percentage



Months Held

   76     77     78     79     80     81     82     83     84     85     86  

Number Paid

     586        454        418        328        232        221        213        150        38        37        35   

Number Active

     172        132        115        88        55        52        49        28        7        7        7   

Total Accounts

     758        586        533        416        287        273        262        178        45        44        42   

% of units paid off by this month

     -1.0     0.2     0.9     0.4     2.0     0.1     0.3     3.0     0.2     -0.4     -0.8

Exhibit C

to filing letter of LM Funding America, Inc.

Quarter Ending

   Active At Start Of Quarter      Collected In Quarter      Percent Collected  


     4304         353         8.2   


     4668         424         9.08   


     4806         374         7.78   


     4949         358         7.23   


     4899         330         6.74   


     4839         412         8.51   


     4682         432         9.23   


     4574         334         7.3   


     4433         371         8.37   


     4177         444         10.63   


     3874         466         12.03   


     3586         397         11.07   


     3327         315         9.47   


     3108         408         13.13   

Exhibit D

to filing letter of LM Funding America, Inc.





PARTIES:       DATE:                    


301 W. Platt St. #375

Tampa, FL 33606




Association is a not for profit condominium owners’ association. Association assesses its owners for common expenses. Some owners have failed to pay assessments in accordance with Association’s governing rules. Association has the right to secure payment through a lien of an owner’s condominium unit which secures Association’s assessment along with interest, administrative fees, and costs of collection. LMF pays Associations for an assignment of an Association’s lien collection proceeds. LMF, at its expense, collects an Association’s delinquent assessments, accrued late interest and administrative fees, and exercises its foreclosure rights. LMF seeks a return on its investment by collecting and keeping the late interest payments and administrative late fee payments and through an option to bid for title of a condominium in the event the Association forecloses. The Association benefits by increasing its cash flows and eliminating the cost and effort required to collect delinquent assessments through the foreclosure process. LMF must limit amounts funded to amounts it can collect in the event of a first mortgage foreclosure (6 months past due or 1% of mortgage amount). Generally, LMF funds a percentage of this limited amount. Upon collection, LMF retains the late interest, administrative late fees, costs, attorney’s fees, and the purchase price paid by LMF. LMF pays the balance of all delinquent assessments collected to the Association as further described in this Agreement.


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 


Assessments” means regular, and not special, charges for common expenses of Association’s condominium which are regularly assessed against the unit owner but not including additional charges for interest, administrative fees, costs, and attorney’s fees.

Association” means the not for profit condominium owners’ association listed as a party to this agreement and its agents and representatives including its Management Company.

Collection Proceeds” means any amount recovered through any means including payment plans or tenant payors pursuant to Florida Statute §718.116(11).

Delinquent Assessments” means for each past due Assessment pertaining to a Delinquent Unit set forth on the Schedule of Assignments, the proceeds from, (a) the past due Assessment, (b) interest, administrative fees, costs and attorney’s fees chargeable thereon by Association as described in Association’s Declaration, (c) all accelerated Assessments charged to a Delinquent Unit, (d) any other recovery arising from Association’s lien, or future lien, against a Delinquent Unit, and (e) any recovery from the owner of a Delinquent Unit.

Delinquent Unit” means a unit of the condominium which owes past due Assessments.

LMF” means LM Funding, LLC, a Florida limited liability company and its assigns.

Origination Fee” means 5.0000% of the Purchase Price paid on each Schedule of Assignments.

Purchase Price” means the initial amount paid by LMF to Association for Delinquent Assessments set forth on the Schedule of Assignments which shall be the sum of past due Assessments charged to a Delinquent Unit not to exceed the lesser of (i) the sum of six (6) months Assessments, or (ii) one percent (1%) of the original principal balance of the first mortgage recorded against a Delinquent Unit.

Pre-Existing Legal Fees” means any legal fees paid by Association for the collection of delinquent assessments prior to assignment of a Delinquent Assessment to LMF.

Retainage” means the sum of all past due or accelerated Assessments for a Delinquent Unit less the Purchase Price.

Schedule of Assignments” means a list of Delinquent Units and Delinquent Assessments whose proceeds Association wishes to sell and assign to LMF and LMF agrees to purchase pursuant to this Agreement.


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 

1. Offer and Acceptance. During the term of this Agreement, Association will have the right to offer and LMF will accept an assignment of proceeds of Delinquent Assessments. LMF will purchase all Delinquent Assessments for any Delinquent Unit for the Purchase Price.

2. Purchase Price Payment. Within one calendar week of delivery by Association of due diligence information set forth in Schedule 1 attached hereto, LMF will prepare a Schedule of Assignments to this Agreement setting forth Delinquent Assessments assigned and the Purchase Price.

3. Allocation of Proceeds. LMF shall apply the Collection Proceeds of the Delinquent Assessments received for each Delinquent Unit as follows:

(a) First, to LMF, (i) any interest, (ii) administrative late fees, (iii) costs and (iv) attorney’s fees accrued or incurred upon all or any portion of the Delinquent Assessment(s);

(b) Second, to LMF the Purchase Price;

(c) Third, to LMF, fifty percent (50%), and Association, fifty percent (50%), of Pre-Existing Legal Fees subsequently collected by LMF; and

(d) Fourth, to Association 100% of all Retainage.

LMF shall remit all amounts owed to Association by the 15th day of the month following collection. Upon payment in full for a Delinquent Unit’s Delinquent Assessment(s), LM shall record a satisfaction of lien, if necessary, and re-assign all rights relating to the Delinquent Unit to Association.

4. Attorney in Fact — Power of Attorney. For the limited purposes of this Agreement, Association hereby constitutes and appoints LMF to represent Association in collection of Delinquent Assessments and to distribute the proceeds pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Association authorizes LMF to (i) engage Business Law Group, P.A. (“BLG”) and other legal counsel to act upon behalf of Association as attorney in fact for Association and Association acknowledges, accepts, and waives all conflicts if BLG also represents other condominium or homeowner associations within or superior to Association; (ii) issue invoices for Delinquent Assessments and collect, receive and deposit the payments thereon; (iii) accelerate payments and file liens and foreclosure actions against a Delinquent Unit for Delinquent Assessment(s); (iv) file civil suit against the Delinquent Unit owners for collection of Delinquent Assessments; (v) substitute counsel on behalf of the association; and (vi) enforce all other rights of Association with respect to the collection of Delinquent Assessment granted to Association by Florida Law, the Association’s Declaration, Articles, By-Laws or otherwise including attesting


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 

via sworn affidavit to the correctness of amounts due and owing. LMF shall advance any and all attorneys’ fees, court costs, copy costs, postage, lien recording fees or other fees and costs incurred in connection with collecting upon any Delinquent Assessment which shall be recoverable by LMF pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement. BLG will seek full payoffs on all LMF accounts and will not settle any account for less than the full amount due under Section 718.116, Florida Statutes, without the express written consent of Association. Should Association request Business Law Group to perform other services, such as attending board meetings and rendering advice unrelated to collections, Association shall be responsible for these legal fees. Association shall be liable for filing fees and service of process costs in the event Association orders a foreclosure action without LMF’s consent.

Association further agrees and shall direct its Management Company to cooperate with LMF’s efforts to collect Delinquent Assessments by providing reasonably requested information, executing court documents necessary to protect Association’s rights in the collection of Delinquent Assessments, providing an officer of Association for testimony or other purposes, and endorsing checks made payable to Association for Delinquent Assessments so that LMF may apply and divide them pursuant to this Agreement. Any and all Management Company charges are the sole responsibility of Association. Association shall note all assignments of proceeds from Delinquent Assessments to LMF upon its books and records of account. Association shall issue “coupon stop pay” instructions to its bank on all Delinquent Units funded by LMF. LMF shall have the right to file a UCC-1 to perfect its security interest upon amounts owed to LMF held in Association’s accounts.

Association has designated this board member as its Designated Member to communicate directly with LMF:
















Association will promptly notify LMF of any change of Designated Member or Management Company.

5. Foreclosure. During the time a foreclosure is pending and thereafter in the event the Association takes title to a Delinquent Unit, at the request of LMF, Association will exercise its rights set forth in its Declaration and ask a court to appoint a receiver to collect any rents being paid upon the Delinquent Unit in foreclosure. Rents collected shall be applied to Delinquent Assessments in accordance with Section 3. In the event


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 

collection of a Delinquent Assessment results in the Unit being sold in a foreclosure auction, LMF shall have the right to bid for the Delinquent Unit as attorney in fact for Association applying amounts owed for the Delinquent Assessment of the Delinquent Unit to the foreclosure price as well as any additional funds that LMF, in its sole discretion, decides to pay. If a foreclosure auction for a Delinquent Unit results in the Association taking title to the Delinquent Unit, LMF in its sole discretion may direct the Association to immediately quit claim title of the Unit to LMF, and at LMF’s direction the Association shall immediately quit claim title of the unit to LMF. After quit claim of a Delinquent Unit from Association to LMF, LMF shall pay all future assessments on a current basis. Association shall permit LMF to lease all Units purchased by LMF pursuant to this section in a manner consistent with leases permitted under Association’s Declaration and By-laws. Proceeds collected from the rental or sale of the unit shall be applied pursuant to section 3 of this agreement with any additional funds paid by LMF to purchase the unit added to the amounts distributed to LMF in section 3(b). LMF agrees to advise the Association of all material terms of its leases and all such leases shall comply with Association’s lawful restrictions regarding use of Units, including, but not limited to restrictions regarding pets, motor vehicles, motorcycles, antennae, satellite dishes, patio furniture, barbeques, and the like.

6. LMF Reports. LMF shall provide monthly Status reports to Association of all Delinquent Assessments detailing outstanding balances. Upon request from Association’s Designated Member, LMF will provide Association with statement of accounts for any Delinquent Unit.

7. Mistakes. LMF’s purchase of the proceeds of a Delinquent Assessment is non-recourse to Association except in the event of a Mistake made by Association. Mistake shall be defined as when LMF reasonably determines it has been unable to collect a Delinquent Assessment because:

(i) A Delinquent Owner has proved payment to Association was made prior to assignment of proceeds to LMF;

(ii) Association has supplied materially inaccurate information with respect to the Delinquent Assessment, Delinquent Unit, or Delinquent Unit Owner that results in a lapse or violation of a statutory deadline, failure to effect service of process, or denial of a lien or foreclosure action with regard to the Delinquent Assessment;

(iii) The Association has made a conflicting assignment of the proceeds of the Delinquent Assessment to its management company, lenders, attorneys or others; or

(iv) The Association compromises with the Unit owner amounts owed for a Delinquent Assessment or takes any other action to diminish the value or probability of collection of a Delinquent Assessment.

The Association is obligated to reimburse LMF for the Purchase Price for any of the foregoing Mistakes through the Set-Off described in this Agreement. After the occurrence of three Mistakes, LMF shall have the right to decline to purchase additional accounts and to demand payment of the Purchase Price in cash.


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 

8. Unit Owner Defenses. In the event a Delinquent Owner has challenged the validity of a Delinquent Assessment because it is in violation of the Association’s Articles, By-Laws, Declaration or as a matter of law and such challenge has required additional pleadings to be filed to protect a lien or foreclosure action LMF shall return the account to the Association and recover the Purchase Price via Set-Off. Such challenges are best defended by the Association’s counsel rather than LMF’s collection attorneys.

9. Unit Owner Bankruptcy or Master Association Foreclosure. In the event a Delinquent Unit Owner files for protection under federal bankruptcy laws or a Master Association with a superior lien files a foreclosure action, LMF may at its option be reimbursed by the Association for the Purchase Price paid for Delinquent Assessments owed by such Delinquent Unit Owner, in which case all collection rights on such account will be re-assigned to the Association. Once a Delinquent Unit Owner has filed for bankruptcy protection and the account has been reassigned to the association, the association shall have the option to leave the account at the attorney whom LMF has nominated, for monitoring, and LMF shall pay for monitoring expenses.

10. Set-Off and Repayment. Except where specifically stated otherwise, amounts owed by Association to LMF shall be paid through set-off against amounts owed by LMF to Association for a period of six months and thereafter shall be due and payable in cash upon demand of LMF.

11. LMF Indemnification. LMF will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Association from any damages incurred by Association solely and directly arising from LMF’s, or its, officers’, employees’, or agents’ negligence or willful misconduct while acting to collect Delinquent Assessments on behalf of Association pursuant to this Agreement.

12. Term and Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon ten (10) days written notice. Upon termination, Association shall have no obligation to assign the proceeds of any additional Delinquent Assessments and LMF shall have no obligation to purchase assignments of proceeds of any additional Delinquent Assessments. All other provisions herein shall survive termination until all Delinquent Assessments on the accounts assigned to LMF are paid in full or the outstanding value of the sum of all such Delinquent Assessments is less than ten percent (10%) of the total balance due at the date of termination, or when LMF decides to re-assign remaining amounts it is handling to the Association.


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 

13. Mortgagee Foreclosure Protection Under Declaration. If the date of Association’s Declaration precedes the effective date of Section 718.116, Florida Statutes, or if the Association’s Declaration excuses anyone taking title through foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure from payment of Delinquent Assessments, then in the event such purchaser refuses to pay Delinquent Assessments because of the provisions of Association’s Declaration, LMF will have the option to return the account to Association pursuant to the terms of Section 7.

14. Miscellaneous. (i) Expenses. Except as otherwise provided herein, each party shall pay its own expenses in connection with the execution and performance of this Agreement including professional fees. (ii) Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings. (iii) Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. All disputes arising hereunder shall be resolved exclusively in the state courts of Florida.

In any dispute arising hereunder the prevailing party shall be entitled to recovery of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs from investigation through appeal. (iv) Construction. The language in all parts of this Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning, strictly neither for nor against any party hereto, and without implying a presumption that the terms thereof shall be more strictly construed against the person who drafted the document, it being acknowledged and agreed that representatives of both parties have participated in the preparation hereof. (v) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original and all of which together will constitute the same agreement, whether or not all parties execute each counterpart. (vi) Further Assurances. The parties agree that they will from time to time, upon the reasonable request of the other party and without additional consideration, execute, acknowledge and deliver all such further endorsements, assignments, and transfers as may be required in conformity with this Agreement for the collection of Delinquent Assessments and distribution of the proceeds there from in accordance with this Agreement. (vii) Communication with Unit Owners. Association shall answer all inquiries of Unit owners as required by Section 718.112(2)(a)(2), Florida Statutes.


Association Initial                     

LMF Initial                 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have each executed this Agreement on the date first above written.





AGREED AND ACCEPTED THIS      DAY OF             , 201    .









Association Initial                     

LMF Initial