Exhibit 2.1





ROSS MILLER Secretary of State SCOTT W. ANDERSON Deputy Secretary for Commercial Recordings STATE OF NEVADA OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE Commercial Recordings Division 202 N. Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701 - 4069 Telephone (775) 684 - 5708 Fax (775) 684 - 7138 PEDER K DAVISSON TOCCA LIFE HOLDINGS,INC. NV PEDER K DAVISSON TOCCA LIFE HOLDINGS,INC. NV Special Handling Instructions: 12 - 31 - 14 FSC EA/STOCK SPLIT/AMENDED RESTATED/REPLACEMENT BL/EXP/EMAIL/ALF Charges Job:C20141231 - 1993 December 31, 2014 Description Document Number Filing Date/Time Qty Price Amount Stock Split 20140835441 - 32 12/31/2014 9:20:17 AM 1 $175.00 $175.00 24 Hour Expedite 20140835441 - 32 12/31/2014 9:20:17 AM 1 $125.00 $125.00 Amended & Restated Articles 20140835438 - 88 12/31/2014 9:21:17 AM 1 $175.00 $175.00 24 Hour Expedite 20140835438 - 88 12/31/2014 9:21:17 AM 1 $125.00 $125.00 Business License 20140835438 - 88 12/31/2014 9:21:17 AM 1 $0.00 $0.00 Total $600.00 Payments Type Description Amount Credit 021815|14123154431587 $600.00 Total $600.00 Credit Balance: $0.00 Job Contents : File Stamped Copy(s): Business License(s): 2 1



Filed in the office of Document Number 20140835441 - 32 , •l'Y Ross Miller Secretary of State State of Nevada Filing Date and Time 12/31/2014 9:20 AM Entity Number C4514 - 1989 1 N,affleof : . T - Ba:r:H - .tfnC. 2. The boardddi . ·reqund - -- - .. S ,,., , . ,,, T ,,, , h .. '· e .. ··,.,., .,., .·,: l ';; - /11 . . 1 : . :S .. ,. . _, . - .._ , ... \ .. W ..... - . , wM par value • if "'" o ' z f - . - .each... , ,, ,, *c - if - : C/f/ . llM.· e - .,:;ct f ·., sharfil'ieb11M ·300,000tOOO slmr e n1' 1 .... S OJlO:l par value• • 4 . - · ' . T = fte··numt,eret. i - -- h - lany ofUdlcta.>m: lany,Of.. - .lfter .• 9(D'tira of - .SO: • wJ.ue . . · ...a mn.· bl· u, t . o.,:...;..... wt1o1e I will be rounded up to lOOshams (a 7 da - .tmed --- ) . D* rt• : (reqL!ired) FINHa .. Time: •tp:at«tbmtf O . . _y (mlllltridtbe1nriban - .a - • --- • - , IMPOATNR'! · .toindudeanyd1he - .· • •ti e • r - - · - .••· Thi$ hmmt.Jt!lbf» i ' - · ... .., .



Filed in the office of , Document Number 20140835438 - 88 •l'Y Filing Date and Time Ross Miller 12/31/2014 9:21 AM Secretary of State State of Nevada Entity Number C4514 - 1989 pany . . ..· . qr. · Amended and Restaled+Amdes . } !J U - - -- · - - ffflfflls.. - ........ ·• or· 1. 1'4 - - ., - lf!ltt \ l$: : 2, ille a:t <IM• - Ƒ - -- ••' :lll • •••d - P" - " lllmt " . J. .lit mm . bfln .b)f ln; - :• Ƒ N<> - ad• ;1m. m111e Miohn i:ru ttt tmt ¾$y dtM of M llie · w - 'lQtmt - dthe «dfw:a. ·m'tmt Ill TM - d. CJ The Im bdtl $ l'I AU,J MW. Q T M t>f!.M ,* n . ilJTtie. mtW . Qt't l'li \ ive Cl . · 0 IRS tl \ 1¢ l:IU ·NUen. ff!lffl•. - t.t.ctelemit 111 MiclH O O· Other. TM or UMim. bfln - : t .if•• ) L.E lUfflll! #l'ld• of fflmg; } JWI.A !%1 1" . (ml.t!d ml l:!ia.llttffl' lt!lim• - - .. ttre ilJ ) :Ji::: - . T,Mtt: IO ill !he llllitn tM tirl to 'nwwmmw,, - by e!I/IJ!l/1$, .·. be . - d ,fl.3f - tt



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in the, ) o the State ofN at stfflh place« p as may be desipted, from time to time by the or in the Bylaws of this Corpomti ·as amended from time to time. ARTICLBlX The Corporation tbe right to alter. dwlp or any• k>n in: Amended a Rtitated Amcles of Jnoo on, in the manur ·ffGW or. ribed by ·• all ri"ts .remxt upon stoekholdm Mrefft amgramed subj m fli&. oo. AI.TlCLiX To the fulest by law, a ,ot of the .. t not k lmhle to the Corpomion or its olden f« damages for of u ad or . lfthe Nevada 0 - erat Law or any othet¥w of N is appmwl by tt. •kbPI• of this Ito oo sdoo . . ..... . or - lW>Uity of d or o ·then. the liabiit¥ of a or officer of the shall oo· eliminated or fimkedto'dle tuu.t e,.. permitted by the N Oemmd Corpotaticm Law as:so amendw, Any repnt or modjlk:ation of.the.f ,,mvisioos of this Section a·bytt. stoekholdtr.l of the oo tllal1 not IJ.afact any right or ·of a direetor or oftmer,oftt. g at the .time o£ or' tt. liability of any · or coftm.er of the with respect to any • or ominioos of Mb.· dim,tor or officer oocw:ring prior to, Mh:repeal or modifiQatioo. ARTICLEXl The following i,rovisions shall appiJ to tt. persons enumerated w. 1. lUght tomdemnificatioo.of Dnotors a Offieeo. n.e. n1· - . .1 - m1ess, to the fullut · by - W: it presently emts «may be any (ID " mdemniled. who.: or is or is threatned to oo.. .a party or.,i,r involved in:any actkm,. suit or· .,. whether . admird ve or,in <• .by • .• <.Jf tt. fact tut.·wdl person. or a person fix. w:hom .persooJs,11$le(Pl is or was a or._. .of the Co or, while ad orotrieer of the is or,wa, g.atthe · of the 'u.a;dnctor$ .c>ftw«. empmyee or apmof: orof.ar p.joint limited HlbilitY y. tna. se llOUpmftt entity including servwe with· or and to employee benefit plQs, against alt liability and 1 ou ( , .t.) incumd by such Indemmfied it · PmoeedinJ• · the preceding , . • . ise provided in Secupn 3 of this Artiele 1 1'e CorpomtiOO .shall be nquired to mdenmii) a mdenmlied ·•·.. with a Prooeeding («:pm. •.• . ·by such 1ndenmified Penoo ooiJ if ti$ of dCh (or pm by the hmm was in bytt.Boariof . 2. of of .and Officers. The Corporamm,,sball tbe ex (including attorneys" fees) w,J.imd by a . in clelmd•g.any .in• ofits.fim,u provided_ howev•,;#tat to the x.tent l,J law:, wdl of in mlvaee oftbe •of the Pmceed:ing .. 1» mwle, upon ptof mumlertaking b,·· - ifted PenQnto rqiay all udwnted if , thJt the Jndemnified Person is not to'be mdemnjfioo 1m Amtle XI or it diwld he ly otherwise. · 3. C •by Director& and lf a claim b oo or · of undor this ArtieteXI waotpaid inblwfthit:,o.da)'.sat.a.w c:laim bytt. itled ·•"bcu by the them P.. - mar• sun •reoowr - unpaW, tof $t1Chetmw and. if fulit whole.or m pm. .sball be entitled to 1»),aid the of t:Mh eW.. many._ ;the Corporation shd have ti$ b of p - ovial thJt die lndemnmed ··hdon· is t10t enutled m the fiatiott or adv tof .umlef lbble law:. 2



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NEVADA STATE BUSINESS LICENSE TOCCA LIFE HOLDINGS,INC. Nevada Business Identification # NV19891019019 Expiration Date: May 31, 2015 ROSS MILLER Secretary of State In accordance with Title 7 of Nevada Revised Statutes, pursuant to proper application duly filed and payment of appropriate prescribed fees, the above named is hereby granted a Nevada State Business License for business activities conducted within the State of Nevada . Valid until the expiration date listed unless suspended, revoked or cancelled in accordance with the provisions in Nevada Revised Statutes. License is not transferable and is not in lieu of any local business license, permit or registration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of State, at my office on December 31, 2014 You may verify this license at www.nvsos.gov under the Nevada Business Search. License must be cancelled on or before its expiration date if business activity ceases. Failure to do so will result in late fees or penalties which by law cannot be waived.