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Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2020
Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies  
Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Note 1: Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Nature of Operations and Principles of Consolidation

The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Merchants Bancorp, a registered bank holding company (the “Company”) and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Merchants Bank of Indiana (“Merchants Bank”) and Farmers-Merchants Bank of Illinois (“FMBI”). Merchants Bank’s primary operating subsidiaries include Merchants Capital Corp. (“MCC”) and Merchants Capital Servicing, LLC (“MCS”). All direct and indirectly owned subsidiaries owned by Merchants Bancorp are collectively referred to as the “Company”. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

Merchants Bank operates under an Indiana state bank charter and provides full banking services. As a state bank and non-Federal Reserve member, it is subject to the regulation of the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions (“IDFI”) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”). The Company is further subject to regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (“Federal Reserve”) governing bank holding companies. Merchants Bank operates from six locations in Indiana, including Lynn, Spartanburg, Richmond, Carmel and Indianapolis. Merchants Bank generates commercial, mortgage and consumer loans and receives deposits from customers located primarily in Hamilton, Marion, Wayne, Randolph and surrounding counties in Indiana. Merchants Bank’s loans are generally secured by specific items of collateral including real property, consumer assets and business assets. Merchants Bank’s Mortgage Warehousing segment funds and participates in single-family and multi-family, agency eligible loans across the nation.

FMBI operates under an Illinois state bank charter and provides full banking services. As a state bank and non-Federal Reserve member, it is subject to the regulation of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (“IDFPR”) and the FDIC. FMBI operates from four offices located in Joy, Paxton, Melvin, and Piper City, Illinois.

MCC is primarily engaged in mortgage banking, specializing in lending for multi-family rental properties and healthcare facilities. It is a Federal Housing Authority (“FHA”) approved mortgagee and a Government National Mortgage Association (“Ginnie Mae”), Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (“Freddie Mac”) issuer.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

In March 2020, COVID-19 was identified as a global pandemic and began affecting the health of large populations around the world. As a result of the spread of COVID-19, economic uncertainties have arisen which may negatively affect the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the Company. As of this Form 10-K, management is not aware of any known effects that have impacted the financial viability and going concern of the Company. The duration of these uncertainties and the ultimate financial effects cannot be reasonably known at this time.

Material estimates that are particularly susceptible to significant change relate to the determination of the allowance for loan losses, loan servicing rights and fair values of financial instruments. The uncertainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic could cause significant changes to these estimates compared to what was known at the time these consolidated financial statements were prepared.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Company considers all liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents. Cash equivalents consist primarily of cash amounts due from depository institutions, interest-bearing deposits in other banks, money market accounts, and federal funds sold.

At December 31, 2020, the Company’s cash accounts exceeded federally insured limits by approximately $165.9 million. Included in this amount is approximately $157.2 million with the Federal Reserve and $2.7 million with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis (“FHLBI”), and $23,000 with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (“FHLBC”).

At December 31, 2019, the Company’s cash accounts exceeded federally insured limits by approximately $492.1 million. Included in this amount is approximately $478.8 million with the Federal Reserve and $2.3 million with the FHLBI, and $20,000 with the FHLBC.

Securities purchased under agreements to resell

Securities purchased pursuant to a simultaneous agreement (RRA) to resell the same securities at a specified price and date generally have maturity dates of 90 days or less and are carried at cost. Every 90 days the RRAs rollover.

Mortgage Loans in Process of Securitization

Mortgage loans in process of securitization are recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in earnings. These include multi-family rental real estate loan originations to be sold as Ginnie Mae mortgage backed securities and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac participation certificates, all of which are pending settlement with firm investor commitments to purchase the securities, typically occurring within 30 days.

Available for Sale Securities

Certain debt securities that management has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity are classified as “held to maturity” and recorded at amortized cost. The Company had no securities held to maturity at December 31, 2020 or 2019. Securities not classified as held to maturity or trading are classified as “available for sale” and recorded at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses excluded from earnings and reported in other comprehensive income. Purchase premiums and discounts are recognized in interest income using the interest method over the terms of the securities. Gains and losses on the sale of securities are recorded on the trade date and are determined using the specific identification method.

For debt securities with fair value below amortized cost when the Company does not intend to sell a debt security, and it is more likely than not the Company will not have to sell the security before recovery of its cost basis, it recognizes the credit component of an other-than-temporary impairment of a debt security in earnings and the remaining portion in other comprehensive income. For held to maturity debt securities, the amount of other-than-temporary impairment recorded in other comprehensive income for the noncredit portion of a previous other-than-temporary impairment is amortized prospectively over the remaining life of the security on the basis of the timing of future estimated cash flows of the security.

Loans Held for Sale under Mortgage Banking Activities

The Company uses participation agreements to fund mortgage loans held for sale from closing or purchase until sold to an investor. Under a participation agreement the Company elects to purchase a participation interest of up to 100% in individual loans. The Company shares proportionately in the interest income and the credit risk until the loan is sold to an investor. The Company holds the collateral until it is sent under a bailee arrangement to the investor. Typical investors are large financial institutions or government agencies. These loans are carried at the lower of cost or fair value in the aggregate. Net unrealized losses, if any, are recognized through a valuation allowance and included in noninterest income.

Other mortgage loans originated and intended for sale in the secondary market, for which the fair value option has been elected, are carried at fair value at each balance sheet date. The Company believes that the fair value is the best indicator of the resolution of these loans. The difference between the cost and fair value was not material at December 31, 2020.

For all loans held for sale, interest earned from the time of funding to the time of sale is accrued and recognized as interest income. Gains and losses on loan sales are recorded in noninterest income, and generally direct loan origination costs and fees are deferred at origination of the loan and are recognized in noninterest income and noninterest expense upon sale of the loan. 

The gain on sale of loans in the income statement may include placement and origination fees, capitalized mortgage servicing rights, trading gains and losses and other related income.


Loans that management has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff are reported at their outstanding principal balances, adjusted for unearned income, charge-offs, the allowance for loan losses, any unamortized deferred fees or costs on originated loans, and unamortized premiums or discounts on purchased loans.

For loans amortized at cost, interest income is accrued based on the unpaid principal balance.

The accrual of interest on loans is discontinued at the time the loan is 90 days past due unless the credit is well-secured and in process of collection. Past-due status is based on contractual terms of the loan. In all cases, loans are placed on nonaccrual or charged off at an earlier date if collection of principal or interest is considered doubtful.

All interest accrued but not collected for loans that are placed on nonaccrual or charged off is reversed against interest income. The interest collected on these loans is applied to the principal balance until the loan can be returned to an accrual status. Loans are returned to accrual status when all the principal and interest amounts contractually due are brought current and future payments are reasonably assured.

For all loan portfolio segments, the Company promptly charges off loans, or portions thereof, when available information confirms that specific loans are uncollectable based on information that includes, but is not limited to, (1) the deteriorating financial condition of the borrower, (2) declining collateral values, and/or (3) legal action, including bankruptcy, that impairs the borrower’s ability to adequately meet its obligations. For impaired loans that are considered to be solely collateral dependent, a partial charge-off occurs or a specific reserve is assigned.

When cash payments for accrued interest are received on impaired loans in each loan class, the Company records the payment as interest income unless collection of the remaining recorded principal amount is doubtful, at which time payments are used to reduce the principal balance of the loan. Troubled debt restructured loans recognize interest income on an accrual basis at the renegotiated rate if the loan is in compliance with the modified terms.

The Company offers warehouse loans or credit to fund mortgage loans held for sale from closing until sale to an investor. Under a warehousing arrangement the Company funds a mortgage loan as secured financing. The warehousing arrangement is secured by the underlying mortgages and a combination of deposits, personal guarantees and advance rates. The Company typically holds the collateral until it is sent under a bailee arrangement instructing the investor to send proceeds to the Company. Typical investors are large financial institutions or government agencies. Interest earned from the time of funding to the time of sale is recognized as interest income as accrued. Fees earned agreements are recognized when collected as noninterest income.

Allowance for Loan Losses

The allowance for loan losses is established as losses are estimated to have occurred through a provision for loan losses charged to net interest income. Loan losses are charged against the allowance when management believes the uncollectability of a loan balance is confirmed. Subsequent recoveries, if any, are credited to the allowance.

The allowance for loan losses is evaluated on a regular basis by management and is based upon management’s periodic review of the collectability of the loans in light of historical experience, the nature and volume of the loan portfolio, adverse situations that may affect the borrower’s ability to repay, estimated value of any underlying collateral and prevailing economic conditions. This evaluation is inherently subjective as it requires estimates that are susceptible to significant revision as more information becomes available.

The allowance consists of allocated and general components. The allocated component relates to loans that are classified as impaired. For those loans that are classified as impaired, an allowance is established when the discounted cash flows, (collateral value or observable market price) of the impaired loan is lower than the carrying value of that loan. The general component covers non-impaired loans and is based on historical charge off experience and expected loss from default derived from the Company’s internal risk rating process. Other adjustments may be made to the allowance for pools of loans after an assessment of internal or external influences on credit quality that are not fully reflected in the historical loss or risk rating data.

A loan is considered impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that the Company will be unable to collect the scheduled payments of principal or interest when due pursuant to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment include payment status, collateral value and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Loans that experience insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not classified as impaired. Management determines the significance of payment delays and payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the loan and the borrower, including the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower’s prior payment record and the amount of the shortfall in relation to the principal and interest owed. Impairment is measured on a loan by loan basis for commercial and construction loans by the fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral dependent, the loan’s obtainable market price, or present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate. For impaired loans where the Company utilizes discounted cash flows to determine the level of impairment, the Company includes the entire change in the present value of cash flows as bad debt expense.

Groups of loans with similar risk characteristics are collectively evaluated for impairment based on the group’s historical loss experience, adjusted for changes in trends, conditions and other relevant factors that affect repayment of the loans. Accordingly, the Company does not separately identify individual consumer and residential loans for impairment measurements, unless such loans are the subject of a restructuring agreement due to financial difficulties of the borrower.

In the course of negotiating with borrowers, the Company may choose to restructure the contractual terms of certain loans. In restructuring the loan, the Company attempts to work out an alternative payment schedule with the borrower in order to optimize collectability of the loan. A troubled debt restructuring (“TDR”) occurs when, for economic or legal reasons related to a borrower’s financial difficulties, the Company grants a concession to the borrower that it would not otherwise consider. Terms may be modified to fit the ability of the borrower to repay in line with its current financial status, and the restructuring of the loan may include the transfer of assets from the borrower to satisfy the debt, a modification of loan terms, or a combination of the two.

Nonaccrual loans, including TDRs that have not met the six-month minimum performance criterion, are reported as nonperforming loans. For all loan classes, it is the Company’s policy to have any restructured loans which are on nonaccrual status prior to being restructured remain on nonaccrual status until three months of satisfactory borrower performance, at which time management would consider its return to accrual status. A loan is generally classified as nonaccrual when the Company believes that receipt of principal and interest is doubtful under the terms of the loan agreement. Most generally, this is at 90 or more days past due.

With regard to determination of the amount of the allowance for credit losses, restructured loans are considered to be impaired. As a result, the determination of the amount of impaired loans for each portfolio segment within troubled debt restructurings is the same as detailed previously above.

Premises and Equipment

Depreciable assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is charged to expense using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets.

The estimated useful lives for premises and equipment are as follows:



7 to 40


Leasehold improvements


5 to 11


Software and intangible assets

3 to 10


Furniture, fixtures and equipment


3 to 15






Expenditures for property and equipment and for renewals or betterments that extend the originally estimated economic life of the assets are capitalized. Expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to expense. When an asset is retired or otherwise disposed of, the cost and accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss is included in the results of operations.

Federal Home Loan Bank Stock

Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) stock is a required investment for institutions that are members of a FHLB. The required investment in the common stock is based on a predetermined formula, carried at cost and evaluated for impairment.

Other Real Estate Owned

Assets acquired through, or in lieu of, loan foreclosure are held for sale and are initially recorded at fair value less cost to sell at the date of foreclosure, establishing a new cost basis. Subsequent to foreclosure, valuations are periodically performed by management and the assets are carried at the lower of carrying amount or fair value less cost to sell. Revenue and expenses from operations and changes in the valuation allowance are included in net income or expense from other real estate.

Mortgage Servicing Rights

Mortgage servicing assets are recognized separately when rights are acquired through purchase or through sale of financial assets. Under the servicing assets and liabilities accounting guidance (ASC 860-50), servicing rights resulting from the sale or securitization of loans originated by the Company are initially measured at fair value at the date of transfer. The Company has elected to initially and subsequently measure the mortgage servicing rights for mortgage loans using the fair value method. Under the fair value method, the servicing rights are carried in the balance sheet at fair value and the changes in fair value are reported in earnings in the period in which the changes occur.

Fair value is based on market prices for comparable mortgage servicing contracts, when available, or alternatively, is based on a valuation model that calculates the present value of estimated future net servicing income. The valuation model is from an independent third party and it incorporates assumptions that market participants would use in estimating future net servicing income, such as the cost to service, the discount rate, the custodial earnings rate, an inflation rate, ancillary income, prepayment speeds, prepayment penalties, and default rates and losses. These variables change from quarter to quarter as market conditions and projected interest rates change, and may have an adverse impact on the value of the mortgage-servicing right and may result in a reduction to noninterest income.

Servicing fee income is recorded for fees earned for servicing loans. The fees are based on a contractual percentage of the outstanding principal or a fixed amount per loan and are recorded as income when earned. The change in the fair value of the mortgage-servicing rights is netted against loan servicing fee income.

Goodwill and Intangible Assets

Goodwill is tested annually for impairment or more frequently if impairment indicators are present. If the implied fair value of goodwill is lower than its carrying amount, a goodwill impairment is indicated and goodwill is written down to its implied fair value. Subsequent increases in goodwill value are not recognized in the financial statements.

Intangible assets, which include licenses and trade names, are amortized over a period ranging from 84 to 120 months using a straight-line method of amortization. Customer list intangible assets were amortized over 21 months using a straight-line method of amortization. Also included are core deposit intangibles that are amortized over a 10 year period using the accelerated sum of the years digits method of amortization. On a periodic basis, the Company evaluates events and circumstances that may indicate a change in the recoverability of the carrying value.

Investment in Qualified Affordable Housing Limited Partnerships

The Company has elected to account for its investment in affordable housing tax credit limited partnerships using the proportional amortization method described in FASB ASU 2014-01, “Investments—Equity Method and Joint Ventures (Topic 323): Accounting for Investments in Qualified Affordable Housing Projects (A Consensus of the FASB Emerging Issues Task Force).” Under the proportional amortization method, an investor amortizes the initial cost of the investment to income tax expense in proportion to the tax credits and other tax benefits received and recognizes the net investment performance in the income statement as a component of income tax expense. The investment in the limited partnerships is included in other assets in the consolidated balance sheets. During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company sold some of these assets to a fund in which it is a general partner and holds a minority interest in the limited partnership.

Income Taxes

The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with income tax accounting guidance (ASC 740, Income Taxes). The income tax accounting guidance results in two components of income tax expense: current and deferred. Current income tax expense reflects taxes to be paid or refunded for the current period by applying the provisions of the enacted tax law to the taxable income or excess of deductions over revenues. The Company determines deferred income taxes using the liability (or balance sheet) method. Under this method, the net deferred tax asset or liability is based on the tax effects of the differences between the book and tax bases of assets and liabilities, and enacted changes in tax rates and laws are recognized in the period in which they occur. Deferred income tax expense results from changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities between periods. Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance if, based on the weight of evidence available, it is more likely than not that some portion or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized.

Uncertain tax positions are recognized if it is more likely than not, based on the technical merits, that the tax position will be realized or sustained upon examination. The term more likely than not means a likelihood of more than 50 percent; the terms examined and upon examination also include resolution of the related appeals or litigation processes, if any. A tax position that meets the more-likely-than-not recognition threshold is initially and subsequently measured as the largest amount of tax benefit that has a greater than 50 percent likelihood of being realized upon settlement with a taxing authority that has full knowledge of all relevant information. The determination of whether or not a tax position has met the more-likely-than-not recognition threshold considers the facts, circumstances and information available at the reporting date and is subject to management’s judgment. With a few exceptions, the Company is no longer subject to U.S. federal, state and local or non-U.S. income tax examinations by tax authorities for years before 2017.

The Company recognizes interest and penalties, if any, on income taxes as a component of income tax expense.

The Company files consolidated income tax returns with its subsidiaries.

Earnings Per Share

Basic earnings per share is the Company’s net income available to common shareholders, which represents net income less dividends paid or payable to preferred stock shareholders, if any, divided by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during each period. Diluted earnings per share is calculated in the same manner as basic earnings per share, but also reflects the issuance of additional common shares that would have been diluted if such shares had been outstanding, as well as any adjustment to income that would result from the assumed issuance.

Share-based Compensation Plans

The Company has an equity incentive plan that provides for annual awards of shares to certain members of senior management based upon the Company’s performance and attainment of certain performance goals established by the Board of Directors. Share awards are valued at the estimated fair value on the date of the award and generally vest over three years. Compensation expense for the awards is recognized in the consolidated financial statements ratably over the vesting period.

In 2018, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors also approved a plan for non-executive directors to receive a portion of their annual fees in the form of restricted common stock, which has been issued once per year, subsequent to the annual meeting of shareholders. This plan was amended to issue allocated shares on a quarterly basis, beginning after the Company’s 2021 annual meeting of shareholders.

During 2020, the Company established an employee stock ownership plan (“ESOP”) to provide certain benefits for all employees who meet certain requirements.

Revenue Recognition

The Company’s principal source of revenue is interest income from loans, investment securities and other financial instruments that are not within the scope of Accounting Standards Codification Topic 606, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”. The Company has evaluated the nature of its contracts with customers and determined that further disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers into more granular categories beyond what is presented in the Consolidated Statements of Income was not necessary. Because performance obligations are satisfied as services are rendered and the transaction prices are fixed, there is little judgment involved in applying Topic 606 that significantly affects the determination of the amount and timing of revenue from contracts with customers.

The Company recognizes revenues as they are earned based on contractual terms, as transactions occur, or as services are provided and collectability is reasonably assured.

Interest income on loans is accrued as earned using the interest method based on unpaid principal balances, except for interest on loans in nonaccrual status. Interest on loans in nonaccrual status is recorded as a reduction of loan principal when received.

The Company also earns other noninterest income through a variety of financial and transaction services provided to corporate and consumer clients such as deposit service charges, debit card network fees, collection fees, safe deposit box rental fees and gain/(loss) on sale of other real estate owned. Revenue is recorded for noninterest income based on the contractual terms for the service or transaction performed.

Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive income consists of net income and other comprehensive income (loss), net of applicable income taxes. Other comprehensive income (loss) and accumulated other comprehensive income consist of unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on available for sale investment securities and reclassification adjustments for investment gains/(losses) on the sale of available for sale investment securities.

Derivative Financial Instruments

The Company occasionally enters into derivative financial instruments as part of its interest rate risk management strategies. These derivative financial instruments consist primarily of interest rate locks and forward sale commitments. These derivative instruments are recorded on the Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition, as either an asset or liability, at their fair value. Changes in fair value are recognized in noninterest income on the Consolidated Statements of Income. The Company also offers interest rate swaps to some customers through a third-party dealer. These derivatives generally work together as an economic interest rate hedge, but the Company does not designate them for hedge accounting treatment. Consequently, changes in fair value of the corresponding derivative financial asset or liability are recorded as either a charge or credit to current earnings during the period in which the changes occurred, typically resulting in no net earnings impact.


Certain reclassifications may have been made to the 2019 and 2018 financial statements to conform to the financial statement presentation as of and for the year ended December 31, 2020. These reclassifications had no effect on net income.