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215 Apolena Avenue

Newport Beach, California 92662






Telephone: 949/673-4510     Fax: 949/673-4525


August 30, 2016



Pamela Long

United States Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20549


  Re:  Fuda Group (USA) Corporation
     Amendment #6 to Registration Statement on Form S-1
     File No. 333-208078


Dear Ms. Long:


Attached for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission is Amendment No. 6 to the Fuda Group (USA) Corporation registration statement on Form S-1.


The following responses address the comments of the reviewing staff of the Commission as set forth in a comment letter dated August 3, 2016 (the "Comment Letter"). The comments in the Comment Letter are sequentially numbered and the answers set forth herein refer to each of the comments by number and by citing the location of each response thereto in the Registration Statement.


The offering has been changed from an offer of 100,000,000 shares at $2.00 to 50,000,000 shares at $5.85. The appropriate changes have been made throughout the registration statement.


The Company determined to raise the offering at a per share price from $2.00 per share to $5.85. The appropriate changes have been made throughout the registration statement.


The page referenced page numbers below refer to the pages appearing on the redlined copy.


Company Website


1.We note the disclosure of potential acquisitions on your company website related to gold mining, graphite mining, fluorite mining, and granite/marble mining including company names, reserves, production, and economic values. Considering that you have not entered any agreements to acquire these companies please tell us why this information is included on your company website.


The Company has removed these references from its website.







2.Please update your financial statements for the period ending June 30, 2016 in your next amendment.


The financial statements have been updated for the period ending June 30, 2016.


Risk Factors


3.We note your response to comment 5 and we reissue the comment. It appears the term possible reserve has not been removed from page 26.


The noted disclosure has been revised and appears on page 26 of the prospectus.




4.We note your response to prior comment 6 and your revised disclosure. It appears your per share amount is inaccurate based upon the net tangible book value disclosed at March 31, 2016 and shares outstanding. Please revise.


The noted disclosure has been corrected. Please note that the dilution tables have been revised based on the new offering price. Dilution begins on page 36 of the prospectus.


The Business


5.We note your response to comment 8. It appears you reference 8 parcels of land with land use rights and 3 operating mines in your disclosure, however your map indicates 7 parcels of land and 2 operating mines. Please advise. Additionally revise to include a scale to your map.


A revised map has been included showing the 3 mines and 8 parcels of land as well as a scale. The map appears on page 44 of the prospectus.


6.We note your revised map on page 45. Your disclosure implies that your land use rights surround or are adjacent to operating gold mines however it appears from your map that there is considerable distance between your land use rights and the operating mines. Please advise and, if necessary, revise your disclosure to clarify.


The revised map gives a good indication of the distance between the land use rights properties and the operating gold mines. The disclosure has also been clarified and appears on page 44 of the prospectus.







7.Please expand upon the following aspects of the table presented at the bottom of page 43 in your next amendment:


· Please explain the disparity in the difference between your purchase and sale prices for granite blocks (231%) and granite construction slabs (15%); and


· Please explain how you were able to sell more tonnage than you purchased for both types of granite.


Additionally, please disclose, within this table, the average purchase price and average sales price in U.S. dollars in your next amendment.



We have corrected and revised the disclosure of this section in the Form S-1 Amendment #6 on page 5 and 42.



Management’s Discussion and Analysis

Discussion of the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014


8.For your granite stones business, please disclose the following for both fiscal years ended 2015 and 2015:


Total tonnage sold;
Average sales price per tonnage;
Average purchase price per tonnage; and
Any other actors, such as shipping costs, included in your cost of sales.


Based on the table provided on page 43, it appears your gross margin would be at most 56.8% which is lower than the 61.6% disclosed in the table. Please advise. This comment also applies to your disclosure for the three months ended March 31, 2016 and 2015.


We have included the following disclosure in the Form S-1 Amendment #6 on page 5 and 42.


December 31, 2014      Purchase   Purchase   Sales   Sales 
   Quantity   Price   Unit Price   Price   Unit Price 
Granite Blocks (Ton)   59,084   $12,904,888   $218   $35,625,844   $603 
Granite Slabs (Square Meter)   36,887   $634,791   $17   $1,029,100   $28 
Total       $13,539,679        $36,654,944      
December 31, 2015        Purchase    Purchase    Sales    Sales 
    Quantity    Price    Unit Price    Price    Unit Price 
Granite Blocks (Ton)   91,240   $5,191,344   $57   $25,907,614   $284 
Granite Slabs (Square Meter)   383,316   $6,876,383   $18   $11,834,426   $31 
Total       $12,067,727        $37,742,040      


We have revised the disclosures and included the following information under Management’s Discussion and Analysis Discussion of the Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014





The purchase price of granite stones was higher in 2013 because the granite stones involved additional effort and costs for the supplier to prepare to meet the requirements of the international customer as well as the standards to export. As of December 31, 2013, the Company had ending inventory in the amount of RMB34,702,993 or US$5,679,391 to carryover. In 2014, the Company had shifted its business to focus on domestic customers rather than international customers and therefore renegotiated the purchase price of the granite stones with the suppliers. The suppliers agreed to lower the price of the goods as there was less effort and cost for the supplier to prepare the goods for domestic customers. As a result of the 2013 ending inventory that was carried over to 2014 and the renegotiation of prices with the suppliers, the cost of goods and gross margin were effected in 2014.


   Revenues   Cost of Sales   Gross Margin % 
   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended 
   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31, 
   2015   2014   2015   2014   2015   2014 
Granite Stones   29,481,294    12,966,742    11,323,077    5,243,149    61.6%   59.6%
Graphite   224,936    -    199,957    -    11.1%   0.0%
Fluorite   249,926    -    174,966    -    30.0%   0.0%
Gold   187,989    -    238,036    -    -26.6%   0.0%
Total   30,144,145    12,966,742    11,936,036    5,243,149    60.4%   59.6%


   Revenues   Cost of Sales   Margin % 
   For the Three Months Ended   For the Three Months Ended   For the Three Months Ended 
   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30, 
   2016   2015   2016   2015   2016   2015 
Granite Stones   13,328,169    9,902,672    3,721,342    4,493,506    72.1%   54.6%
Graphite   280,008         276,464         1.3%     
Fluorite   280,008         277,826         0.8%     
Gold   8,552,656         5,311,951         37.9%     
Total   22,440,841    9,902,672    9,587,583    4,493,506    57.3%   54.6%


   Revenues   Cost of Sales   Margin % 
   For the Six Months Ended   For the Six Months Ended   For the Six Months Ended 
   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30, 
   2016   2015   2016   2015   2016   2015 
Granite Stones   18,335,610    14,830,360    4,669,760    7,652,499    74.5%   48.4%
Graphite   280,008    -    276,464    -    1.3%   0.0%
Fluorite   280,008    -    277,826    -    0.8%   0.0%
Gold   8,630,590    -    5,383,788    -    37.6%   0.0%
Total   27,526,216    14,830,360    10,607,838    7,652,499    61.5%   48.4%


   For the Years Ended 
   December 31,   December 31, 
   2015   2014 
Cost of sales        
Custom duties charges   -    194,166 
Freight and courier   -    540,451 
Product costs   11,936,036    4,507,982 
Other cost of sales   -    550 
Total   11,936,036    5,243,149 





Discussion of Three months ended March 31, 2016 and 2015


9.We note your disclosure to explain why gross margin increased from 35.9% to 79.9% is that you “acquired at low cost and sold at high price.” Please expand on the specific factors that allowed you to do this, including material trends in the granite market that enabled this.


We have corrected and revised the gross margin for the discussion for the Three and Six months ended June 30, 2016 and 2015. Please refer to Comment 8 for Gross Margin information as well.


The gross margin was effected by the quality of the granite stones received by the Company from the supplier. The Company purchased granite stones in batches from the suppliers, and the Company would sort the granite stones into different grades. In 2016, the Company received better-quality granite stones than in 2015, therefore the Company was able to sell them at a higher price. The imperfect granite stones received in 2015 were included as part of the cost of the inventory which resulted in a lower profit margin in 2015.


December 31, 2015 Financial Statements 

4. Security Deposits to Suppliers, page F-13


10.We note your response to prior comment 20 and your rollforward of this account provided as schedule 2. Please address the following:


As previously requested, please provide a rollforward for all periods presented of your inventory account. We note the line item in your rollforward “decrease – inventory purchase” but are not able to tie these transactions back to the $0 balance at December 31, 2015 and $30,982 balance of inventory at March 31, 2016;


We have provided a revised Inventory rollforward schedule (Attachment #1) and Security Deposits to Supplier rollforward schedule (Attachment #2) which should provide clarification on this comment.


Tell us the nature of the transaction “decrease-withdrawal from supplier” and provide the journal entry you use to record this transaction; and


“Decrease-Withdrawal from supplier” is when the deposits/advances to suppliers are refunded/returned from the suppliers to the Company. The journal entry as follows:


DR Bank/Cash

CR Security Deposits to Suppliers


We have revised the label of “Decrease-Withdrawal from supplier” to “Return/Withdrawal of deposits from supplier” in the revised Security Deposits to Supplier rollforward schedule.


Tell us how you arrived at the $881,833 spot rate per the balance sheet at December 31, 2015 and how this relates to the rollforward amounts provided.


We have provided a revised Inventory rollforward schedule (Attachment #1) and Security Deposits to Supplier rollforward schedule (Attachment #2) which should provide clarification on this comment.





Related Party Transactions, page F-14


  11. We note your responses to prior comments 21 through 23 and your revised disclosure. Please address the following:


  · You indicate that the stones that were traded to relieve A/P and were done so at a later time than the purchase of the land. Therefore the fair value of the stones was not determinable and therefore a gain or loss was not recorded. On page 72 you disclose that when the stones were delivered you would decrease inventory and record cost of sales. Tell us why you could not deliver the stones at the time of the land exchange if the stones were included in inventory. In other words, tell us why you could not record the exchange of land for stones at historical cost if these stones were purchased and recorded as inventory;


The Company could not record the exchange of land for stones at historical costs because the stones to be delivered to the land sellers are based on fair market sales price in the future, and is not based on the costs of the stones paid by the Company. The sales to relieve the accounts payable were not needed immediately as the exchange wasn’t instant and the stones in inventory at the time weren’t all going to relieve this debt. The agreement was to provide stones in barter when the land sellers needed the stones. The transaction would have been completed when the lands were transferred if all of the stones were immediately delivered from inventory and extinguished but instead the stones were delivered as required and “sold” or bartered at fair market value of the stones in the future which can changed considerably over the period of the barter where there was no fixed or historical price that could be utilized.


  · As previously requested, please provide us the journal entries used to record all Land that is currently recorded on your balance sheet. These entries should include the original purchase of the land, the transfer of stones where inventory is decreased and the cost of sales and gain is recorded;


We have provided the journal entries as requested (Attachment #3)


  · Please provide a rollforward of your inventory line item for all periods presented. This rollforward should clearly indicate the transactions related to the barter transactions where stones were delivered as consideration for the land;


We have provided a revised Inventory rollforward schedule (Attachement #1) for all periods presented and indicated the transactions related to the barter transactions.


  · You state that no gain or loss was to be recorded because these transactions were not at arms-length however you have reclassified out of revenue gains on barter transactions as a restatement to your financial statements. Tell us how it is appropriate to record a gain on these transactions and also tell us the difference between the amounts recorded as revenue in your amendment #4 and the gain reclassified in the current amendment. For example, in amendment #4 you recorded $8,257,534 and $23,100,627 as barter revenue for the years ending December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively but reclassified as a gain from barter transactions in your recent amendment #5 $7,631,963 and $15,850,360 for the years ending December 31, 2015 and 2014 respectively;


  · Your response did not address how your accounting complies with GAAP, specifically ASC 845 or ASC 850. In this regard, it is unclear why any gain is being recorded when the stones are delivered. As a transaction with a related party, we would assume no gain would be recognized when using the carrying value of the amount of the stones. To the extent this is an exchange, tell us whether or not these transactions are in the normal course of business and if they have commercial substance as defined in ASC 845-10-30-4.


The land barter deals are affiliated entities and not related parties because Mr. Xiaobin Wu, the Company’s officer and director, is the Managing Director of Dandong Fuda Investment Co., Ltd (“Fuda Investment”) and Winner International Industries Ltd., (“Winner International”), each of these entities also holds a small (under 5%) interest in the Company which are considered affiliated entities instead of related parties. As a result of being an affiliated entity and not a related party, the Company sold the stones for a profit over cost therefore a gain on barter exchange is being recognized. 





We have revised and included the following disclosure under “Related Party Transactions” and “Barter Trade Exchange” footnote.


Related Party Transactions


Mr. Xiaobin Wu, the Company’s officer and director, is the Managing Director of Dandong Fuda Investment Co., Ltd (“Fuda Investment”) and Winner International Industries Ltd., (“Winner International”), each of these entities also holds a small (under 5%) interest in the Company which are considered affiliated entities.


Sales revenues from affiliated entities were $nil and $nil, and the corresponding cost of sales from affiliated entities were $nil and $nil for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively.


In 2014, the Company acquired lands from Fuda Investment for RMB 156,845,700 and from Winner International for RMB 65,965,000. In addition, Fuda Investment and Winner International has executed sales agreements to purchase granite stones from the Company. Any revenues and cost of sales for these entities is shown separately on the Statement of Operation as Revenue and Cost of Sales from Affiliated Entities. The purchase price of the land (corresponding outstanding payables) was to be paid off by fair market sales price of the stones as a barter trade exchange. (Refer to “Barter Trade Exchange” Footnote)


Barter trade revenues from affiliated entities were $8,260,746 and $23,100,645, and the corresponding cost of sales from affiliated entities were $625,571 and $7,133,522 for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Gains from barter trade were $7,631,963 and $15,967,123 for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively.


Barter Trade Exchange


In 2013, the Company acquired lands from Beijing Huanda Renewal Resources Recycling Co. Ltd. (“Beijing Huanda”) (non-related party) for RMB 55,944,000. In addition, Beijing Huanda is also a customer of the Company who has executed sales agreements to purchase granite stones from the Company. The purchase price of the land (its corresponding outstanding payables) were partially paid off in cash as well as in a barter trade exchange which the fair market sales price of the stones were used to offset the outstanding payables.


In 2014, the Company acquired lands from Fuda Investment (affiliated entity) for RMB 156,845,700, and from Winner International (affiliated) for RMB 65,965,000. In addition, Fuda Investment and Winner International has executed sales agreements to purchase granite stones from the Company. The purchase price of the land (its corresponding outstanding payables) was to be paid off by fair market sales price of the stones as a barter trade exchange.


In accordance to ASC 845-10-05-6, the transactions above are considered nonmonetary transaction because the transactions involve exchange of products held for sale in the ordinary course of business (inventory) for other productive assets (lands) as a means of selling the product (inventory) to a customer.


In accordance to ASC 845-10-30, the lands purchased were recorded at the purchase price of the lands (assets received) as indicated on the agreement because the costs to acquire the stones from the suppliers; and the grade, the sales prices, and the quantity of stones to be delivered was not determinable at the time of the exchange. As a result, the earning process was not completed at the time of the exchange and therefore gain or loss cannot be computed at the time of the exchange.


The Company could not record the exchange of land for stones at historical costs because the stones to be delivered to the land sellers are based on fair market sales price in the future, and is not based on the costs of the stones paid by the Company. The sales to relieve the accounts payable were not needed immediately as the exchange wasn’t instant and the stones in inventory at the time weren’t all going to relieve this debt. The agreement was to provide stones in barter when the land sellers needed the stones. The transaction would have been completed when the lands were transferred if all of the stones were immediately delivered from inventory and extinguished but instead the stones were delivered as required and “sold” or bartered at fair market value of the stones in the future which can changed considerably over the period of the barter where there was no fixed or historical price that could be utilized.





The Company initially recognized land assets and its corresponding payables to the sellers at purchase price of the lands as indicated on the agreement. When stones were delivered to the sellers as ordered, the fair market sales price of the stones delivered were recognized against the outstanding amount owed to the sellers. The differences between the fair market sales price of the stones delivered and the cost of the stones purchased by the Company in inventory were recognized as gain or loss from barter trade.


The Company reviewed ASC 845-10-30-4 and determined that the barter trade exchange transactions above are in the normal course of business and have commercial substance because the Company’s future cash flows are expected to significantly change as a result of the exchange. The Company’s future cash flows are expected to significantly change because the configuration (risk, timing, and amount) of the future cash flows of the asset(s) received differs significantly from the configuration of the future cash flows of the asset(s) transferred. In the normal course of business, the Company purchase granite stones, sell to customers for profit and receive cash payment from the customers which has commercial substance. In the barter trade exchange, the Company purchased granites stones and sold to the land sellers as customers and received land as payment. The future cash flows of the lands received differs significantly from the configuration of the future cash flows of the granite stones transferred. If the Company did not acquire lands from these customers, the Company would receive cash from these customers as payment. In contrary, if the Company did not sell granite stones to these land sellers as customers, the Company would pay cash to these land sellers for the lands as payment.


Please refer to the following for more information for the comparison based on Amendment No. 4 to the S-1 Registration Statement and Amendment No. 6 to the S-1 Registration Statement: 


Per Form S-1 Amendment #4


   Sales Revenues   Cost of Sales   Gross Margin 
   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended 
   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31, 
   2015   2014   2015   2014   2015   2014 
Affiliated entities   8,257,534    23,100,627    625,571    7,250,258    7,631,963    15,850,369 
Third parties   30,147,357    19,417,843    11,936,279    7,020,073    18,211,078    12,397,770 
Total   38,404,891    42,518,470    12,561,850    14,270,331    25,843,041    28,248,139 


Per Form S-1 Amendment #6


   Sales Price (Fair Value)   Cost of Goods (Fair Value)   Gain/Loss 
   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended 
   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31, 
   2015   2014   2015   2014   2015   2014 
Barter Trade-Affiliated parties   8,257,534    23,100,645    625,571    7,133,522    7,631,963    15,967,123 
Barter Trade-Third parties   3,212    6,451,083    243    1,893,660    2,969    4,557,423 
Total   8,260,746    29,551,728    625,814    9,027,182    7,634,932    20,524,546 


   Revenues   Cost of Sales   Gross Margin 
   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended   For the Years Ended 
   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31,   December 31, 
   2015   2014   2015   2014   2015   2014 
Regular Trade-Related parties   -    -    -    -    -    - 
Regular Trade-Third parties   30,144,145    12,966,742    11,936,036    5,243,149    18,208,109    7,723,593 
Total   30,144,145    12,966,742    11,936,036    5,243,149    33,479,988    48,774,699 





March 31, 2016 Financial Statements

Statements of Cash Flows, page F-25


12.As previously requested, please revise so that the March 31, 2015 cash flows from operating activities foots properly.


The Staff’s comment has been noted and the disclosure corrected for March 31, 2015. We have included June 30, 2016 and June 2015 Statements of Cash Flows in the amended filings.




/s/ Lee W. Cassidy


Lee W. Cassidy 





Fuda Group (USA) Corporation

Inventory Rollforward Schedule (Comment #10-Attachment #1)


    Liaoning Fuda     Fuda UK     Marvel     TOTAL      
    RMB     USD     RMB     USD     RMB     USD     USD      
1/1/2014-Beginning Balance     34,702,993       5,679,351               -               -       5,679,351      
Increase: Purchases from suppliers     48,503,455       7,892,278               -               -       7,892,278      
Increase: Returns from Customers     -       -               -               -       -      
Less: Barter trade outgoing     (55,478,220 )     (9,027,182 )             -               -       (9,027,182 )    
Less: Regular trade outgoing     (27,704,638 )     (4,507,982 )             -               -       (4,507,982 )    
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss             (32,621 )             -               -       (32,621 )    
12/31/2014-Ending Balance     23,590       3,843       -       -       -       -       3,843     BS
1/1/2015-Beginning Balance     23,590       3,843       -       -               -       3,843      
Increase: Purchases from suppliers   75,123,231    12,063,939    1,482,270    238,036    2,334,680    374,923    12,676,897     
Increase: Returns from Customers     -       -               -               -       -      
Less: Barter trade outgoing     (3,897,003 )     (625,814 )             -               -       (625,814 )    
Less: Regular trade outgoing   (71,249,819)   (11,441,912)   (1,482,270)   (238,036)   (2,334,680)   (374,923)   (12,054,871)    
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss        (55)        -    -    -    (55)    
12/31/2015-Ending Balance     -       -       -       -       (0 )     -       -     BS
1/1/2016-Beginning Balance     -       -       -       -               -       -      
Increase: Purchases from suppliers     6,204,700       948,597       669,000       102,279               -       1,050,877      
Increase: Returns from Customers     -       -               -               -       -      
Less: Barter trade outgoing     -       -               -               -              
Less: Regular trade outgoing     (6,203,528 )     (948,418 )     (469,878 )     (71,837 )             -       (1,020,255 )    
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss             2               358               -       360      
3/31/2016-Ending Balance     1,172       181       199,122       30,801       -       -       30,982     BS
4/1/2016-Beginning Balance     -       -       -       -               -       -      
Increase: Purchases from suppliers     30,520,552       4,669,939       35,185,934       5,383,788       3,622,584       554,290       10,608,018      
Increase: Returns from Customers     -       -               -               -       -      
Less: Barter trade outgoing     -       -               -               -       -      
Less: Regular trade outgoing     (30,519,380 )     (4,669,760     (35,185,934 )     (5,383,788 )     (3,622,584 )     (554,290 )     (10,607,838 )    
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss     -       (3 )             -               -       (3 )    
6/30/2016-Ending Balance     1,172       176       -       -       -       -       176     BS





Fuda Group (USA) Corporation

Security Deposits to Supplier Rollforward Schedule (Comment #10-Attachment #2)



   Liaoning Fuda   Fuda UK   TOTAL BS    
   Supplier A   Supplier B   Supplier C   Subtotal   Supplier A            
   RMB   RMB   RMB   USD   RMB   USD   USD    
1/1/2014-Beginning Balance   9,702,000    9,702,000    9,702,000    4,763,370              4,763,370    
Increase: Payment to Supplier Deposit                  -              -    
Less: Inventory Purchased applied against deposits             (4,420,000)   (719,204)             (719,204)   
Less: Return/Withdrawal of deposits from supplier   (5,000,000)   (7,500,000)        (2,033,947)             (2,033,947)   
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss                  (25,041)             (25,041)   
12/31/2014-Ending Balance   4,702,000    2,202,000    5,282,000    1,985,178    -    -    1,985,178   BS
1/1/2015-Beginning Balance   4,702,000    2,202,000    5,282,000    1,985,179         -    1,985,179    
Increase: Payment to Supplier Deposit   14,370,092              2,307,674    6,460,000    1,037,403    3,345,077    
Less: Inventory Purchased applied against deposits   (14,370,092)             (2,307,674)        -    (2,307,674)   
Less: Return/Withdrawal of deposits from supplier   (4,702,000)   (2,202,000)   (5,282,000)   (1,956,933)        -    (1,956,933)   
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss                  (28,246)        (41,237)   (69,483)   
12/31/2015-Ending Balance   -    -    -    -    6,460,000    996,166    996,166   BS
1/1/2016-Beginning Balance   -    -    -    -    6,460,000    995,559    995,559    
Increase: Payment to Supplier Deposit   10,500,000    9,500,000    9,225,000    4,468,026    6,460,000    987,629    5,455,655    
Less: Inventory Purchased applied against deposits                  -         -    -    
Less: Return/Withdrawal of deposits from supplier                  -         -    -    
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss                  52,539         15,296    67,835    
3/31/2016-Ending Balance   10,500,000    9,500,000    9,225,000    4,520,565    12,920,000    1,998,484    6,519,049    
1/1/2016-Beginning Balance   -    -    -    -    6,460,000    999,242    999,242    
Increase: Payment to Supplier Deposit   10,500,000    9,500,000    9,225,000    4,471,707    6,460,000    988,442    5,460,149    
Less: Inventory Purchased applied against deposits                  -         -    -    
Less: Return/Withdrawal of deposits from supplier                  -         -    -    
Less: Exchange Rate Gain/Loss                  (73,087)        (43,110)   (116,197)   
6/30/2016-Ending Balance   10,500,000    9,500,000    9,225,000    4,398,620    12,920,000    1,944,574    6,343,194   BS





Fuda Group (USA) Corporation

Journal Entry for Land, Transfer of Stones, etc Schedule (Comment #11-Attachment #3)



Date   Transaction Description    Debit    Credit 
10/20/12   Land    1,126,650.00      
     Accounts Payable-Dandong City, Room 1816 100 Jinjiang Street         1,126,650.00 
    Land    29,421,000.00      
     Accounts Payable-FIL Limited         29,421,000.00 
04/30/13   Land    1,563,000.00      
     Accounts Payable- Gao Shi Jun         1,563,000.00 
05/30/13   Land    39,402,040.51      
     Accounts Payable- Wu Xiao Bin         39,402,040.51 
07/01/13   Land    55,944,000.00      
    Accounts Payable-Beijing Huanda         55,944,000.00 
04/30/14   Land    193,389,700.00      
    Accounts Payable-Fuda Investments         127,424,700.00 
    Accounts Payable-HK Winner         65,965,000.00 
         320,846,390.51    320,846,390.51 
Year 2013   Accounts Payable-Beijing Huanda    12,011,463.60      
    Cash or Bank (Various)         12,011,463.60 
Year 2014   Accounts Payable-Beijing Huanda    39,646,322.18      
    Sales-Barter Trade         39,646,322.18 
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade    11,637,837.87      
    Inventory         11,637,837.87 
    Accounts Payable-Beijing Huanda    4,266,214.22      
    Cash or Bank (Various)         4,266,214.22 
    Sales-Barter Trade    39,646,322.18      
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade         11,637,837.87 
    Gain/(Loss) on Barter Trade         28,008,484.31 
Year 2015   Accounts Payable-Beijing Huanda    20,000.00      
    Sales-Barter Trade         20,000.00 
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade    1,515.15      
    Inventory         1,515.15 
    Sales-Barter Trade    20,000.00      
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade         1,515.15 
    Gain/(Loss) on Barter Trade         18,484.85 
Year 2014   Accounts Payable-Fuda Investments    89,197,290.00      
    Sales-Barter Trade         89,197,290.00 
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade    28,876,910.79      
    Inventory         28,876,910.79 
    Sales-Barter Trade    89,197,290.00      
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade         28,876,910.79 
    Gain/(Loss) on Barter Trade         60,320,379.21 
Year 2015   Accounts Payable-Fuda Investments    38,277,410.00      
    Sales-Barter Trade         38,277,410.00 
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade    2,896,017.65      
    Inventory         2,896,017.65 
    Sales-Barter Trade    38,277,410.00      
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade         2,896,017.65 
    Gain/(Loss) on Barter Trade         35,381,392.35 
Year 2014   Accounts Payable-HK Winner    52,772,000.00      
    Sales-Barter Trade         52,772,000.00 
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade    14,963,470.86      
    Inventory         14,963,470.86 
    Sales-Barter Trade    52,772,000.00      
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade         14,963,470.86 
    Gain/(Loss) on Barter Trade         37,808,529.14 
Year 2015   Accounts Payable-HK Winner    13,193,000.00      
    Sales-Barter Trade         13,193,000.00 
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade    999,469.70      
    Inventory         999,469.70 
    Sales-Barter Trade    13,193,000.00      
    Cost of goods sold-Barter Trade         999,469.70 
    Gain/(Loss) on Barter Trade         12,193,530.30 

