EX-99.A8 5 d21338dex99a8.htm EX-99.A8 EX-99.A8

Exhibit (a)(8)


Additlonallnfonnatlon and Where to Find It
The informationon thiasil8 does notcon&titute 1111 otrerto buyoraolic:ilation ofan offer to aell any securities.In
111aponse to the exchange alfar commenced by Mylan N.V.• Perrigo has filed a aolicitation/111commendation llatamant onSChedule 140-9 with the securitiesand Exchange Commission (“SEC”).security holdersare urged to read the aollclllltlonfracommandatlon ttal8mant and otherreiiMlntmatarlalsIf and whenIIIey become available biiCIIusa thaywlllcontain lmpor111nllnformetlon.Theaollcltllltlon/recommandallon 81a1Bmantand
other SEC ftllngs madaby Panlgo may ba obtained (when avallabla)without charga at the SEC’s wabaha at
www.sec.gov and atthe IIIY88torrelationssacllon of tha Perrigo webslta atpenlgo.lnvestorroom.com.
Shareholders may also obtaincopies ofllle lnformaUon by contacting MackenziePartners,Inc.at 212-929-
5500 or 800-322-2885 Toii-F111eIn North America or by emailat PRGO@mackenzlepertnanJ.com.
Q.uaUty Affordable Heatthcare Products• Con.ullllll’Haalh- ConValuw
PenigCI Ccmt*lY pte:, a top five gloloelover-the-counter (OTC) COI’8Umar goods IDlpharmacautk:alcompany,otrars ocn urners and cuall:lrnln highqualty pi’QC1Iet$ Ille!Tordable prices.From bbegh’jnga In 1887ua peckag&r of gener1c
horne rarnedlea, f’ent90, hlladqu111111rad 1”1 lraland, grown
to become the world’ll t.geat manufacturer of OTC produclll
anda lar of hfant romU&s ror lhaatDre brand markal. Tha
Cillqlany 19 also a liladi-Q lli’OVkiBr ofbrsndad OTC
produclll,generic exlllnded topicalpraapract.1c1s a’KI
rwelve8 rvyaiiiH fnlmMultillllSeiBnlelll drugT)’Rbrle.
ParrVa lli’CJVIdea “Qualty Allllrdabla Haalhcara Productae”
ucroa1a wide v.tut,y of calegcx1ue and llllDiiJr&phlelil prmarty In North.Amarlca, Europe,and Auatrala, as walas other kay rnerllata i1cllding lereeland China.
Rx Pharm-lltlcala
Specllllty Sclance. Other Bus..,._
o2015 Peqo ccmpany l)lc. Dubl1Ireland, H Riltrts Resarvad PrtvKJ I Lagel I contact
CPSIA Certlllcatlo...
Calfomla DICiarallon oft Compliance
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By usingour aita you consent to tha uaa ofcookies inaccordanca with the t&nns of ourprtvac, polcy.
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Perrigo Board Unanimously Rejects Mylan’s
Unsolicited and Inadequate Offer
Shareholdara W’Q8C1 toprotllctlhelrInvestment andtake nollCUon
DearPen1go Shareholder,
You recenUyrecelvad a requestfromMy1an N.V.(‘Mylan”)tD tender your aharee of Pen1go Companypic;(“Perrigo”) tDM anIn support of Its unsolicited offertD ecqulre Perrigo.On behalfof the Perrigo Board of 0irectors,I strongly urge you to pro1Bctyour investment in Perrigo and NOTlander your sharee into Mytan’s inadequal8 olrar.
Read more•
Latest Press Releases
S.plllmblir 17,2015
Pemgo Board Unanimously Rejects Mylan’s Unsolicited Exchange Offer As 11’18de(JJ&te
S.plllmbllr 14,201!1
Perrigo Annoii1Cement Regarding Unsolicited Offer From Mylan N.V.
Se!Dmber 10,2015
Perrigo Responds to Misleading Lstterfrom MylanExecutive Chairman
ISH AI Preaa Reteuaa ]
Press Releases
Fact Sheet
SEC Filings
nf. i Additional Documents
For further information:
Althur J.8hannon
VIce Prasldent, II’MI8ior Rslattonl and Gbbal
Phone;(289) 88&-1708
E-rnal: $hillnnonQperrlgo.com
C2015 Peqo Company pic,
Prtvacy I Legal I Conlact
- t
PenlgaEmplayalls CPIIA Certlllcatlons Calfomll.DKII.ratiCIII tit Compliance
ar.tle)r J-ph
DhciDr, Investor Relatlana en(! Global
Phone:(289) 6116-3373
Q.uaUty Atl’ordabls Heallhcare Products• Coii8UII*’Healh-
COII9UITIBIS and CU91Drnar.J h pnxt.ICi9 at affordablll
Dubl’l lrelllnd, H RfltdS Re$erved
PBnVo Company pic, a tcp live global ov•·th&-countar
(OTC) consumer gaads lnlpharmace lllcampany,alfers
prklas.Fl’llmIB begh’lngs In 1887as a packager dl generic home relll8d1Ba.Per!Vl. uartared In Ireland,haa grown to become1he’MWid’s IBrge8t11Blul8ct!Jrer of OTC producta
ancle’-”Pilllr of i1fant forma.for theebv brand market. The
ny Ill 111110 a laadr>G pro111dar ofbrandad OTC
productJ,generic extended topicll P*crtmon l)t’Od.lciJ n
racalves roy!Mtlas from MuiUpla SciaroaiB drugTysabrle.
Perrigo pro11ides “Quelly Allordlll*Hedhcere Products®”
across a willa Vlll1aly of product cal8gortBB and gaographiBB
prineliy in Nor!hAmeriCe, Europe, en(!Aultreie, • well•
oCher key martals lncbllng Israeland China.


Unsolicited and Inadequate Offer
Shareholdara W’Q8C1 toprotllctlhelrInvestment andtake nollCUon
Latest Press Releases
Se!Dmber 17,2015
Perrigo Board UnBnimously Rejects Mylan’s Unsolicited Exchange Offer As II’IBdelJJale
Se!Dmber 14,2015
Perrigo Aniii.U1C8ment Regarding Unsolicited Offer From Mylan N.V.
SeJDmber 10,2011
Perrigo Responds to Misleading Lstterfrom MylanExecutive Chairman
m Presentations
Fact Sheet
[ ISEC Filings
Auguat 28,2015
Perrigo Confident Its Shareholden Will Reject Mylan’a Value Deatructive Transaction Additional Documents
Auguat 25,2015
Letter to Shareholders
Auguat 14,2015
ISS Afflrms Pentgo’s Position That Plq)O!ed Mylan Transaction Would Be Value
Auguat 13,2015
Perrigo Comments On Mylan’s Reckless L...owering OfTenderThreshcld
lllay 29,2015
RIJie 2.10 AnnoLn:ement
For further information:
Althur J.Shannon
VIce Prasldent, lnvastor Rlllatlonl and Gbbal
Phone;(289) 88&-1708
E-rnal: $hannonQperrlgo.com
a..dle)r J-ph
DhciDr, lnvestar Relatlans and Glabal
Phone:(289) 6116-3373
Perrigo Rejects Latest Mylan Unsolicited Offer
Perrigo Rejects Mylan Unsolicited Offer
Perrigo Board Unsnlmously ReJects Unsolicited Proposalfrom Mylan
Rule 2.10 AnnoLn:ement
Announcement Regarding Possible Offer
Company piC, atop nva giDbal--lh&-countar
(OTC) CCIIWUmarIJQCICt. IDlpharmaceuticalcompany,alfers
consumers and cualomln highq- proct.lciB at atrordable price&.From ita bagiYingi’l1887ua paekaget of generic home ramedlaa,Pentgo, headquar111red Ireland, has grown
to becorna the world’s llllnufac:Uiter or OTC products ands q lar or hfant forrrUa8 for lha&toni brand markat. Tha
ny is 111$0 a t.c!i”G JOtOVi:ler ofbranded OTC
producl!l,ganarlc 6ld8nded topk:alpresproct.lciB and
racelveB I’CI)’aiUaa ft’cm Mu”-’111 Sclllroslil drugTyaabrle.
JOtOVklas “Qualty A!lordalllll Haalhcara ProduCIBe”
acros• a wide or product catagorle$ and gacgraphiM
prmarty In NorthAlr&rlca, Eui’Uil8, and Australa, as \WIas
Clthar kay martcats lnclJdlng Israeland China.
Con&merHealhcue convua. Perrigq·
G2015 Pllrrtgo Company J*,
Dubi’llreland, H RiWrta Re&arved
Prtvacy I L..gl I Contact
Panlgo Employ”•
CPSIA Cartllk:atlona
CalfornlaDactaratton of Compllanea
hllp:llwww.perrigo.c:cmlsbnlalonavalue/pi’IISS.aspx 112


Perrigo Board Unanimously Rejects Mylan’s
Unsolicited and Inadequate Offer
Shareholdara W’Q8C1 toprotllctlhelrInvestment andtake nollCUon
14•11 S.pt.mber17,2015
Perrigo Board Unanimously Rejects Mylan’s Unsolicited Exchange Offer As
14•ll August 10,20111
Creating Long-Term Value for Shareholdenl
14•11 Aprtl21,2015
Creating Superior Value for Sharaholdenl
(j) lnfonnatlon
( ) Preas Releases
Fact Sheet
•SEC Filings
nf. i Additional Documents
For further information:
Althur J.8hannon
VIce Prasldent, lnvastor Rslattonl and Gbbal
Phone;(289) 88&-1708
E-rnal: $hannonQperrlgo.com
DhciDr, Investor Relatlans en(! Global
Phone:(289) 6116-3373
Q.uaUty Atl’ordabls Heallhcare Products• PBnVo Company pic, a tcp live global ov•·th&-countar
(OTC) consumer gaads lnlpharmace at company,alfers
pnxb:ts at affardablll
Coii8U...-Healh- Nub1tlonala
C2015 Peqo Company pic.
Dubl’llrelllnd, H RfltdS Reserved
mIB begh’lngs In 1887as a packager dl genarlc
Prtvacy I Legal I Conlact
home remedlsa.Per!Vl. uartarad In Ireland,haa grown to become1he’MWid’s IBrge8t11Blul8ci!Jrer of OTC producta
ancle’-”Pilllr of i1fant forma.for theebv brand market. The
ny Ill 111110 alaadr>G provldar ofbrandad OTC
productJ,generic extended topicll P*crtmon l)t’Od.lciJ n
racalves roy!Mtlas from Mu la SclaroaiB drugTysabrle.
Perrigo provides “Quelly Allordlll*Hedhcere Products®” across a willa Vlll1aly of product catagoriBB and geographiBB
prineliy in Nor!hAmeriCe, Europe, en(!Aultreie, • well•
oCher key martals lncbllng Israeland China.
- t
CPIIA Certlllcatlona
Calfomta D etaratton tit Compliance


Perrigo Board Unanimously Rejects Mylan’s
Unsolicited and Inadequate Offer
Shareholdara W’Q8C1 toprotllctlhetrInvestment andtake nollCUon
Additional Documents
Fann 8-K- September 17,2015
==E_=SuJs Preas Releases
-m Presentations
Morgan stanley Opinion and Consent Letter- September 17,2015
Opinion of Morgan StanleyS·eptember 18, 2015
Excerpts fromPentgo Company pic Preliminary Proxy statement on
Employee Com!Ninication-Letter from Chainnan A CEO
Employee Com!Ninlcatlon -Fn quently Asked Quntlons
Fact Sheet
Pentgo Board Unanimously Re)ecte Mylan’s Unaollcfted Exchange
Offer as Inadequate
• Customer Letter
• Perrlgo Memorandum and Articles of Anoclatlon
• Quarterly Reaulta for Pertod Ending Auguat 5,2015
• Quarterly Results for Pertod Ending Man:h 28,2015
• FiscalYear 2015 Audfted Flnanclale
• FiscalYear 2014 Audfted Flnanclala
Q.uaUty AITordable Heallhcare Products• Cona mer H•llll-
[ ISEC Filings
For further information:
Althur J.8hulnon
VIce Praslden1, lnvastor Rlllaltonl and Gbbal
Phone;(289) 88&-1708
E-rnul: $hllnnonQperrlgo.com
ar.tle)r J-ph
DhciDr, lnves1Dr Relallana end Glabel
Phona: (289) 6116-3373
Can Perrigq·
ParrVa ComJ81Y pic, a tap five global ov•·th&-countsr (OTCJ consumer goads In!pharmaceuticalcompany,alTers CCIIII!IUITI8111 and C:U8Wman hqat aflbrdabla prices.FromIB bllglhrjngs .-, 1887as a packager llll ganartc home n n-.dlea,Par!Vl, unreel Ireland,has giO’Ml
1D bacoma1he ‘MWid”s larga8t IIB’Iufai:I!Jrer of OTC produc:18 ande illr of irfant foiYJUu for lhannbrand markat. Tha Carflany Ill alloa leadprovlllllr ofbranded OTC
prvduc:18,guooric; GldundBd tapil;alprasprvct.n In! rac:elvea royaltlaa f’ram Mu la Sc:laroals drugTyaalllt8. provida8 “Quaity AIIDrda’*’Hedhc.eProduc:18e”
ac:rosa a wkiaof product c:atagorlaa and gacgraphiBB
pri’neriy in North.Americ.,Europe,end AuW’eie, • well• Dlher kay martelll cUing Israeland ChN..
C2015 Pento Company !*;. Dul*llreland, H RReserved Prtvacy I Legal I Conblc;t
T t
Pentgo EmplooJeea
CPSIA Certlllcatlona
Calfomta DKtaraaon of Compliance