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Exhibit 99.3
 Company Profile  I-ON Communications Co., Ltd. 

 01  I-ON in a nutshell  02  What we do  03  Where we are  04  Milestone  05  Partners & Customers  Table of Contents  Challenges we address  06  Market opportunity  07  Our offerings  08 

 I-ON in a nutshell  1999 2002  Korea’s first-to-market WCM  Global recognition 2014  Red Herring ·Gartner  Distributorship partner in Japan  No.1 Market sharein Japan packaged CMS  Undisputed market leader in  Korea & Japan WCM · CMS  ECM +  Energy · Sport IT  2017  EU funded multilateral joint R&D - EUREKA  18+ years expertisein unstructured data management  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 What we do  Sport ICT  • Mobile Ticketing  • WCM  • EDMS / EFSS  • DAM  • e-Signature  ECM  • Fan Engagement  • Sport ·Event Marketing  • e-Caddie  • Voice Referee  • e-Commerce CMS  • Executive Dashboard  Unstructured Data Management  Energy ICT  • DRMS  • AMI  • DER  • Energy Prosumer  • Micro Grid  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Where we are  ▪ Moving towards no.1 sport data services▪ Partnered with KLPGA, KPGA, LPGA, PGA  Sport  ▪ Ticketing service for KBL, WKBL 2018  ▪ Partnered with Korea 3X3  ▪ Domestic 1st Smart Grid mover  Energy  ECM  ▪ Thai energy market entry with gov’t bodies▪ Japan DR sales with a local partner  ▪ Commercialization in UK  ▪ No.1 market share in Korea, Japan CMS▪ Channel partner sales in SEA  ▪ M&A with Digital Marketing vendors in Korea and SEA  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Milestone  No.1  Korea, Japan CMS  18Yrs  Expertise in ECM  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Our Partners  Reseller Japan Singapore Vietnam Thailand USA JV Indonesia Branch Japan HQ South Korea  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Our Customers  Korea  USA  Japan  Malaysia  Indonesia  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Challenges we address  01 Unstructured data explosion  Faster processing with distributed repository  02 Digital marketing growth  Scalable offerings to unlock the value of CX  03 High TCO of enterprise SW  SaaS delivery that leads to faster ROI  04 50% paper printed in offices trashed  Paperless solution to go green  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Market opportunity  80  70  60  50  40  30  20  10  0  67.14  58  50  43  37  31.66  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022  ECM market worldwide 2017-2022 (US$)  Source: Statista  130ZB  Unstructured data by 2025  (Source: IDG)  $75B  Smart Grid by 2020  (Source: Global Industry Analysts)  $561B  IoT market by 2022  (Source: Research and Markets)  $4.7B  Sports analytics by 2021  (Source: Reports & Reports)  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Our offerings  Extract business value from data andAccelerate your business.  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 ICS  I-ON Content Server  Korea’s first-to-market WCM enabling users to create, edit,manage and publish content with little knowledge ofweb programming languages and helps marketers in theorganization to develop and deploy digital content in amore agile and effective way in response to digitalmarketing.  I-ON has a strong market presence in South Korea and  “  Japan. It markets a core CMS platform with additionalmodular extensions.  - ˹A vendor may meet your needs˼ in Magic Quadrant for WCM 2014 by  Content Reuse  Reuse and repurpose contentby separating components intocontent, design, programming  Visual Authoring Tool  Embedded WYSIWYG based  content authoring tool  Easy Integration  Integration with other digitalexperience delivery products  Fast Access  HTML publishing provides fast  access to system resources  Deployment Settings  Deployment setting options -  days, hours, minutes, immediateor on-demand  One Source Multi Use  Convertible into various formatsfor various device use  Preview Editing  Convenient content editing in  preview mode  Collaboration  Custom settings of approval rules,Workflow for collaboration  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 IDS  I-ON Deploy Server  IDS automatizes content deployment optimized foroperating of multiple service servers and diverse contentassets. Featuring automation of deployment process,  simultaneous / scheduled deployment to multipleservers instead of manual content deployment thatpossibly causes errors, IDS speeds up the updates andmaximizes efficiency of enterprise site operation.  Service Integrity  Transaction-based simultaneous  broadcast transmission  Scalability  Multi-tier deployment facilitatesservice expansion  Fast Recovery  Deployment history, snap-shot,system logs, version roll-back  Stability  Detect critical errors using staticprogram analysis before  development completion  Hybrid  Combine benefits of products inthe market for deployment indistributed environment  Reliability  Secure deployment based on  data encryption - DES, RSA, SSL  Time-efficient  Automated deployment byscheduling, simultaneousdeployment  Reduce Network Traffic  Compressed deployment ofcontents and sources  Free from Time & Space  Deploy anywhere at any timeusing web-based UI  Web Accessibility Compliant  Minimize unnecessary work fornon-standard tags handling  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 IDAS  I-ON Digital Asset Management System  IDAS facilitates comprehensive and systematicmanagement and distribution of rich media assetssuch as video, audio files, images, documents, etc.  IDAS is an enterprise-level digital asset managementsolution that converts rich media assets into a widerange of formats and shares them with people incharge to reuse the enterprise contents and toefficiently manage the assets from license-sensitiveresources and repetition of unnecessary resources.  Share & Collaborate  Avoid repetitive tasks and ensure  smooth handover, flexibleresponse to requests for  collaboration across departments  Fast Access  Access anywhere at any time witha web-based, centralized mgmt,Reduce time and cost with  simplified process in searchingand deployment of assets  Enhance Value  Efficient content creation by auto  archiving, various formatssupport, content protection,deployment API  Standard-compliant  Workflow settings by authoritybased on the business processmodeling and global standard-  compliant metadata ensure systemscalability and brand consistency  Content Lifecycle Management  Analyze content utilization andprioritize contents to effectivelymanage the content lifecycle  Increase Productivity  Reduce repetitive tasks based on  the optimized system for  information assets and help to reuseupdated version of content that isedited / transcoded by other users  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 ICE  I-ON Content Ecosystem  ICE provides an optimized ecosystem for content  service under rapidly changing environment such as  mass storage, shorter update cycle, increasing needsof real time content and diversification of contentconsumption channels. From content registration,commercialization, approval to billing, ICE providesthe content provider an end-to-end solution tomanage content lifecycle. ICE has been adopted by  major broadcasters and mobile carriers in Korea.  Setting-based System  Individual system for each CP bysetting content type, attribution,  workflow and API module  Unlimited Product Management  Automatic product / event /promotion creation with billing rulemapping  Integrated wire/wireless service  Template authoring tool, data bindingof service APIs  Distribution engine  Automated operation tool for the  stable commercial services and address  low productivity and work load  Flexible Content Management  Content modeling by type,attribute and automated collection  / distribution  Workflow by CP  Workflow setting by CP  High Interoperability  Interfacing with PG, Billing systems  that fit the service, Interface bycontent, service  Big Data Analysis  Servicing recommended content,hit content based on statistics by  service, API  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 GAIA  Distributed Repository Service  GAIA is a unstructured data repository platform as well as  a cloud computing category that facilitates a back-end  service to speed up development, testing, and operationof an application. GAIA helps application developers easilyand quickly integrate their applications with businesslogic and data / user management.  Key Benefits  • Shorter time to develop, test and run applications  • Unstructured data management  • SaaS (Software as a Service) delivery  • Simple but secure user authentication  • Optimized for content management  • Simple but secure user authentication via OAuth2.0  Analytics  User APIManagement  Push WorkflowNotification  Geolocation  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 e.Form  e-Signature Service  The most comprehensive e-Signature service e.Formdigitizes all paper based forms and enables you to create,fill out, sign, send and manage electronic forms in PCs,tablets and smartphones. Even when the signers arefar away geographically, e.Form helps you speed upcontract work and accelerate your business.  eform.io  • Franchise Agreement  • Rental Application  • Real Estate Contract  • Employment Agreement  • Medical Forms  • Estimate Sheet  • Inspection Report  • Survey  • Many more...  Custom Electronic Forms  Any forms with a visualform generator  Smart Consulting  Promotion and consultingwith unlimited e-catalog  uploading  Boost Sales  Speed up making acontract with e-Signature  Cost-effective  Save expenses for usingpaper, mailing, faxing  Faster ROI  SaaS (Software as a Service)delivery to pay as you goand to ensure faster ROI  Contract on-the-go  Fill out and sign the formeven without face-to-facecommunication  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 iDrive  e-Docs Management System  A SaaS based EDMS, iDrive centralizes all types of e-docsin the organization to provide easy and comprehensivemanagement on a lifecycle of e-documents from creation,approval, archiving, sharing to destruction.  Centralized Repository  Centralized management ofdocuments protects  enterprise assets  Easy File Transfer & Sharing  Intuitive UI, Drag & Drop toupload files, URL for file sharing  Collaboration  Custom settings for workflow,approval rules to streamline thebusiness  SaaS Delivery  Provide a subscription-basedmodel to faster ROI  Time & Cost Efficiency  Reduce cost for documentretention and management,anti-duplicate file  Smart Search  Search by various conditions -name, content, file type, date  Everywhere, Anytime  Enhanced accessibility with  multi-device support  Email Archiving  Email & attachments are  automatically archived to a  centralized server  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Assist9  Executive Dashboard  Limited capital, lack of IT manpower and knowledgeinformation are SMB/Startup CEO’s big concern. Theaggregation of 9 core functions encompassing ERP, PMS,SFA, HR, e-Approval optimized for SMBs, Assist9 identifiesthe corporate operational efficiencies, gives C-levelexecutives great insights and drive the business forwardwith the right data.  Make C-level executives become  Information Supermen  Business Management Know-how  Collect functions required to run abusiness by automatizing the  operation processes  Optimized for Startups & SMBs  Fit for Startups and SMBs unlike ERPtargeting large-sized companies  Faster ROI  Pay-as-you-go, Core applicationsof your choice  “  to drive business success  C-level as Information Superman  Easily retrieve information withoutemployees help  Boost productivity  Make employees take responsibilities  for what they do and be more  productive  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 LAMS  Load Aggregators’ Management System  Korean  1st OpenADR2.0  based Demand Response  Management System, I-ON LAMS is designed to manage  all the aspects that utilities need to deliver effective  DR, or Demand Response programs in a single system.  Real-time Dashboard  Provide aggregators withaccurate data on energy  consumption status in real time  Industry standard compliantsystem  Korean 1st OpenADR2.0 a/bcertified system  Remote Control of End-user  Devices  Monitor and manage clientgateway devices to gauge energyconsumption / curtailment data  Mobile Support  Easy access to the system viawebsite or mobile devices  RRMSE(Relative Root MeanSquared Error)  Evaluate energy consumptionpattern of each facility andfigure out reliability &  availability of DR resources  Robust CBL Calculation  Easy CBL(Customer BaselineLoad)calculation by RRMSE,Reliable DR, Economic DR  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Easydo  SaaS based Web Content Management  A SaaS based Web Content Management, Easydo enablesnon-IT people to create and update websites with just afew clicks and to implement their digital marketing Website  strategies based on insights from web analytics.  Digital  Marketing  Reporting  Social Media  • Web authoring in a drag-and-drop way  • Templates & components of your choice  • Reliable AWS cloud environment  • Multimedia resources management  • Digital marketing based on insights  from user behavior analysis  • Authority management  • Strategic insights using Google Analytics  • Website visitors heatmap  • Custom report  • Manage and monitor a string of social media channels in a single platform  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 2WayPIN  2-Channel Authentication Service  2-Channel Authentication Service,  2WayPIN splits  !  Is OTP (One Time PW) safe enough?  personal information and input each part using twodifferent channels under different network to ensurepersonal information protection as well as userauthentication.2WayPIN ensures simple yet robust  security as it never requires input of the entire personaldata into one place and there’s no need to installprograms or bring additional hardware to identify the user.  Optimized for security login / FinTech  Prevent leakage and illegal use of personal information  Prevent mobile SMiShing  Prevent mobile malicious code hacking  Authentication via cell phone  Controversy over OTP safety in Vietnamfollowing VND500M bank account hack,Aug 2016  2Ch Authentication became MANDATORY, Sep 2013OTP is NOT compulsory since 2Q, 2016 in Korea  SMS leads to SMiShing in USAARS is still recognized secure methods  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 TAMM  Ticket Admission Marketing & Management  TAMM facilitates sports / eventpromotion and operationstrategies to develop a powerfulfan and audience engagement.  With its proven excellent  experiences in golf opens - LPGA  Hana Bank Championship, SKTelecom Open, Reebok FitFestand many more- TAMM isfueling its horizontal growth inearnest and becoming a global  leading event data & marketing  service.  LPGA Hana BankChampionship  Your Ticket  About Location FAQ Sponsor  • Drive more traffic, increase fan engagement  • Build a loyal audience  • Ticket sales on your own site  • Become a data king, know your fans’ needs  • Connect, engage better with fans and  supporters  • Grow lifetime value of audience  (both on match days and non-match days)  • Reward fans, satisfy your audience  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 VoiceBall  Amateur Baseball League Umpire & Data Service  Sound HW  The thrill of real sport -VoiceBall,  Voice Referee  where all the fun begins!  Your amateur baseball game becomes a major league  Live Status  Umpire System  Player System  Data Loyalty  Real-time sound effect  Engage and promote better  Leverage stats ·data on  Sport tech provides  gives you more fun  simply by sharing a link  games and players to get  differentiated customer  and concentration  to a registration page  insights and to implement  experience and boost  or a umpire page  ingenious promotion  their loyalty  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 GPager  GPS Tracker with 2-way Communication  GPager is a GPS tracker with 2-way communication that worksbased on IoT networks. You can track just about anything and stayinformed. With GPager you can even reply to multiple choicemessages by simply touching the screen of the device.  Hana Bank  pionship  127.0mm  9.0mm 33.6mm  Highly recommended if you want to:  • Manage assets and improve security  • Stay informed with instant updates including  location information  • Protect the elderly and children  • Enhance operating efficiency by reducing idle  items  • Reduce manpower cost by streamlining worker  dispatch  More than just GPS tracking:  • Asset / People Tracker  • Rental Service Manager  • Electronic Anklet  • e-Caddie  Copyright © I-ON Communications. All rights reserved. 

 Thank you!  15, Teheran-ro 10-gil, Gangnam-gu,  Seoul, South Korea  www.i-on.net/eng l +82. 2. 3430. 1200 l intlbiz@i-on.net