EX-99.1 5 tm209734d5_ex99-1.htm EXHIBIT 99.1


Exhibit 99.1




Date: [•], 20[•]


To: Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.

222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 2100

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Attention: [•]




Re:      Registered Forward Transaction


Ladies and Gentlemen:


The purpose of this letter agreement (this “Confirmation”) is to confirm the terms and conditions of the transaction entered into between us on the Trade Date specified below (the “Transaction”). This Confirmation constitutes a “Confirmation” as referred to in the ISDA Master Agreement specified below.


1.The definitions and provisions contained in the 2006 ISDA Definitions (the “2006 Definitions”) and the 2002 ISDA Equity Derivatives Definitions (the “2002 Definitions” and, together with the 2006 Definitions, the “Definitions”), each as published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc., are incorporated into this Confirmation.


Each party further agrees that this Confirmation, the Pricing Supplement (as defined below) delivered hereunder and the Agreement (as defined below) together evidence a complete binding agreement between Party A and Party B as to the subject matter and terms of the Transaction to which this Confirmation relates, and shall supersede all prior or contemporaneous written or oral communications with respect thereto. This Confirmation, together with any other Confirmations for registered forward transactions entered into between Party A and Party B in connection with the Sales Agreement (as defined below) (each, an “Additional Confirmation”) shall supplement, form a part of, and be subject to an agreement in the form of the 2002 ISDA Master Agreement (the “Agreement”) as if Party A and Party B had executed an agreement in such form on the Trade Date. In the event of any inconsistency between the Agreement, this Confirmation, the Pricing Supplement, the 2006 Definitions and the 2002 Definitions, the following will prevail for purposes of the Transaction in the order of precedence indicated: (i) the Pricing Supplement, (ii) this Confirmation, (iii) the 2002 Definitions, (iv) the 2006 Definitions and (v) the Agreement. The parties hereby agree that no Transaction other than the Transaction to which this Confirmation relates and the Transactions to which the Additional Confirmations, if any, relate (each, an “Additional Transaction”) shall be governed by the Agreement. For purposes of the 2002 Definitions, the Transaction is a Share Forward Transaction. For the avoidance of doubt, if there exists any ISDA Master Agreement between Party A and Party B or any confirmation or other agreement between Party A and Party B pursuant to which an ISDA Master Agreement is deemed to exist between Party A and Party B, then notwithstanding anything to the contrary in such ISDA Master Agreement, such confirmation or agreement or any other agreement to which Party A and Party B are parties, the Transaction shall not be considered a Transaction under, or otherwise governed by, such existing or deemed ISDA Master Agreement, and the occurrence of any Event of Default or Termination Event under the Agreement with respect to either party or the Transaction shall not, by itself, give rise to any right or obligation under any such other agreement or deemed agreement.





Party A and Party B each represent to the other that it has entered into the Transaction in reliance upon such tax, accounting, regulatory, legal, and financial advice as it deems necessary and not upon any view expressed by the other.


2.The terms of the particular Transaction to which this Confirmation relates are as follows:


General Terms:


  Party A: [DEALER NAME]
  Party B: Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.
  Trade Date: [•], 20[•]
  Effective Date: The first day occurring on or after the Trade Date on which Shares that are sold through [AGENT NAME], acting as forward seller for Party A (in such capacity, the “Agent”) pursuant to the ATM Equity Offering Sales Agreement, dated March 10, 2020 between Party A, Party B, the Agent and the other parties thereto (the “Sales Agreement”), settle.
  Base Amount: The specified aggregate number of Shares to be sold through the Agent during the period from and including the Trade Date through and including the Hedge Completion Date, as set forth in the Forward Instruction Notice (as defined in the Sales Agreement); provided, however, that if Party A (or an affiliate thereof) is unable to establish a commercially reasonable hedge in the number of Shares specified in the Forward Instruction Notice using commercially reasonable efforts, consistent with its normal trading and sales practices and applicable law and regulations, pursuant to Section 2(b) and Section 2(k), respectively, of the Sales Agreement, then the Base Amount shall be reduced to reflect any reduction in the aggregate number of Shares actually borrowed by Party A (or an affiliate thereof) and sold by the Agent; provided, further, that on each Settlement Date, the Base Amount shall be reduced by the number of Settlement Shares for such Settlement Date.
  Maturity Date: The earlier of: (i) [DATE]1 (or, if such date is not a Scheduled Trading Day, the next following Scheduled Trading Day) and (ii) the date on which the Base Amount is reduced to zero.



1 Insert Maturity Date specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice (as defined in the Sales Agreement).





  Hedge Completion Date: The earliest of: (i) the date specified in writing as the Hedge Completion Date by Party B, (ii) any Settlement Date and (iii) [DATE]. Promptly after the Hedge Completion Date, Party A will furnish Party B with a pricing supplement (the “Pricing Supplement”) in substantially the form of Annex B hereto specifying the Hedge Completion Date, the Base Amount as of the Hedge Completion Date (the “Initial Base Amount”), the Initial Forward Price and the Maturity Date, all determined in accordance with the terms hereof.
  Forward Price: On the Hedge Completion Date, the Initial Forward Price, and on any other day, the Forward Price as of the immediately preceding calendar day multiplied by the sum of (i) 1 and (ii) the Daily Rate for such day; provided that on each Forward Price Reduction Date, the Forward Price in effect on such date shall be the Forward Price otherwise in effect on such date, minus the Forward Price Reduction Amount for such Forward Price Reduction Date.
  Initial Forward Price: [•]%2 of the volume-weighted average price at which the Shares are sold through the Agent in a commercially reasonable manner that reflects prevailing market prices pursuant to the Sales Agreement during the period from and including the Trade Date through and including the Hedge Completion Date, adjusted by the Calculation Agent in a commercially reasonable manner to (i) reflect on each day during such period the sum of 1 and the Daily Rate for such day multiplied by the then-Initial Forward Price as of such day and (ii) reduce the then-Initial Forward Price by the relevant Forward Price Reduction Amount on each Forward Price Reduction Date occurring on or before the Hedge Completion Date.
  Daily Rate: For any day, a rate (which may be positive or negative) equal to (i)(A) the Overnight Bank Rate for such day, minus (B) the Spread, divided by (ii) 365.



2 Insert percentage equal to 100 minus the agreed upon Forward Seller Commission (which shall not exceed 2%, unless otherwise agreed in the case of a “distribution” within the meaning of Rule 100 of Regulation M under the Exchange Act), as specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.





  Overnight Bank Rate: For any day, the rate set forth for such day opposite the caption “Overnight Bank Funding Rate”, as such rate is displayed on Bloomberg Screen “OBFR01 <Index> <GO>”, or any successor page; provided that, if no rate appears for a particular day on such page, the rate for the immediately preceding day for which a rate does so appear shall be used for such day.
  Spread: [•]3 basis points.
  Prepayment: Not Applicable.
  Variable Obligation: Not Applicable.
  Forward Price Reduction Date: Each date (other than the Trade Date) set forth on Schedule I under the heading “Forward Price Reduction Date.”
  Forward Price Reduction Amount: For each Forward Price Reduction Date, the Forward Price Reduction Amount set forth opposite such date on Schedule I.
  Shares:Common stock, USD 0.01 par value per share, of Party B (also referred to herein as the “Issuer”) (Exchange identifier: “AHH”).
  Exchange: New York Stock Exchange.
  Related Exchange(s): All Exchanges.



3 Insert Spread specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.





  Clearance System: DTC.
  Calculation Agent: Party A. Whenever the Calculation Agent is required to act or to exercise judgment in any way with respect to any Transaction hereunder, it will do so in a good faith and commercially reasonable manner and, where applicable, by reference to the effect on Party A’s hedge position, assuming that Party A maintains a commercially reasonable hedge position at the time of the event.


Following any determination, adjustment or calculation hereunder by the Calculation Agent, the Calculation Agent will upon written request by Party B promptly following (and, in any event, within five Exchange Business Days of) such request, provide to Party B a report (in a commonly used file format for the storage and manipulation of financial data but without disclosing Party A’s confidential or proprietary models or other information that may be confidential, proprietary or subject to contractual, legal or regulatory obligations to not disclose such information) displaying in reasonable detail the basis for such determination, adjustment or calculation, as the case may be.


Following the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default pursuant to Section 5(a)(vii) of the Agreement with respect to which Party A is the sole Defaulting Party, Party B shall have the right to designate an independent, nationally recognized equity derivatives dealer to replace Party A as the Calculation Agent, and the parties hereto shall work in good faith to execute any appropriate documentation required by such replacement the Calculation Agent.


Settlement Terms:


Settlement Date: Any Scheduled Trading Day following the Effective Date and up to and including the Maturity Date, as designated by (a) Party A pursuant to “Termination Settlement” below or (b) Party B in a written notice (a “Settlement Notice”) that satisfies the Settlement Notice Requirements and is delivered to Party A at least (i) two Scheduled Trading Days prior to such Settlement Date, which may be the Maturity Date, if Physical Settlement applies, and (ii) 30 Scheduled Trading Days prior to such Settlement Date, which may be the Maturity Date, if Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement applies; provided that (x) the Maturity Date shall be a Settlement Date if on such date the Base Amount is greater than zero and (y) if Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement applies and Party A shall have fully unwound its commercially reasonable hedge in a commercially reasonable manner during an Unwind Period by a date that is more than two Scheduled Trading Days prior to a Settlement Date specified above, Party A may, by written notice to Party B, specify any Scheduled Trading Day prior to such originally specified Settlement Date as the Settlement Date.





  Settlement Shares: With respect to any Settlement Date, a number of Shares, not to exceed the Base Amount, designated as such by Party B in the related Settlement Notice or by Party A pursuant to “Termination Settlement” below; provided that the Settlement Shares so designated shall, in the case of a designation by Party B, be at least equal to the lesser of 100,000 and the Base Amount at that time; provided, further, that on the Maturity Date the number of Settlement Shares shall be equal to the Base Amount on such date.
Settlement:Physical Settlement, Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement, at the election of Party B as set forth in a Settlement Notice delivered on or after the Effective Date that satisfies the Settlement Notice Requirements; provided that Physical Settlement shall apply (i) if no Settlement Method is validly selected, (ii) with respect to any Settlement Shares in respect of which Party A is unable to unwind its hedge by the end of the Unwind Period (a) in a manner that, in the good faith, reasonable judgment of Party A based on the advice of counsel, is consistent with the requirements for qualifying for the safe harbor provided by Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act (as if such requirements were applicable to purchases by Party A in connection with its unwind activity hereunder and under any Additional Transaction) or (b) due to the occurrence of Disrupted Days or to the lack of sufficient liquidity in the Shares on any Exchange Business Day during the Unwind Period, (iii) to any Termination Settlement Date (as defined below under “Termination Settlement”) or (iv) if the Maturity Date is a Settlement Date other than as the result of a valid Settlement Notice in respect of such Settlement Date; provided, further, that, if Physical Settlement applies under clause (ii) immediately above, Party A shall provide written notice to Party B at least two Scheduled Trading Days prior to the applicable Settlement Date.





Settlement Notice Requirements:Notwithstanding any other provision hereof, a Settlement Notice delivered by Party B that specifies Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement will not be effective to establish a Settlement Date or require Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement unless Party B delivers to Party A with such Settlement Notice a representation signed by Party B substantially in the form set forth in clause (a) under the heading “Representations, Warranties and Agreements of Party B”.
  Unwind Period: Each Exchange Business Day that is not a Suspension Day during the period from and including the first Exchange Business Day following the date Party B validly elects Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement in respect of a Settlement Date through the second Scheduled Trading Day preceding such Settlement Date (or the immediately preceding Exchange Business Day if such Scheduled Trading Day is not an Exchange Business Day); subject to “Termination Settlement” below. If any Exchange Business Day during an Unwind Period is a Disrupted Day, the Calculation Agent shall make commercially reasonable adjustments to the terms of the Transaction (including, without limitation, the Cash Settlement Amount, the number of Net Share Settlement Shares and the 10b-18 VWAP) to account for the effect of the occurrence of such Disrupted Day on Party A’s commercially reasonable hedge position, assuming Party A has acted in a commercially reasonable manner.
  Suspension Day: Any Exchange Business Day on which Party A determines, in its good faith, commercially reasonable judgment, based on the advice of counsel, that Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement may violate applicable securities laws. Party A shall promptly (and, in any event, within two Exchange Business Days) notify Party B in writing if it receives such advice from its counsel.





  Market Disruption Event: Section 6.3(a) of the 2002 Definitions is hereby amended by replacing the first sentence in its entirety with the following: “‘Market Disruption Event’ means in respect of a Share or an Index, the occurrence or existence of (i) a Trading Disruption, (ii) an Exchange Disruption, (iii) an Early Closure or (iv) a Regulatory Disruption, in each case, that the Calculation Agent determines is material.”
  Early Closure: Section 6.3(d) of the 2002 Definitions is hereby amended by deleting the remainder of the provision following the term “Scheduled Closing Time” in the fourth line thereof.
  Regulatory Disruption: Any event that Party A, in its reasonable discretion based on the advice of counsel, determines makes it appropriate with regard to any legal, regulatory or self-regulatory requirements or related policies and procedures for Party A to refrain from or decrease any market activity in connection with the Transaction. Subject to applicable legal requirements and Party A’s internal policies and guidelines, Party A shall promptly notify Party B upon the occurrence of a Regulatory Disruption and shall subsequently promptly notify Party B on the day Party A believes that the circumstances giving rise to such Regulatory Disruption have changed. Party A shall make its determination of a Regulatory Disruption in a manner consistent with the determinations made with respect to other issuers under similar facts and circumstances.
  Exchange Act: The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time.
  Securities Act: The Securities Act of 1933, as amended from time to time.
  Physical Settlement: On any Settlement Date in respect of which Physical Settlement applies, Party B shall deliver to Party A through the Clearance System the Settlement Shares for such Settlement Date, and Party A shall deliver to Party B, by wire transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated by Party B, an amount in cash equal to the Physical Settlement Amount for such Settlement Date, on a delivery versus payment basis. If, on any Settlement Date, the Shares to be delivered by Party B to Party A hereunder are not so delivered (the “Deferred Shares”), and a Forward Price Reduction Date occurs during the period from, and including, such Settlement Date to, but excluding, the date such Shares are actually delivered to Party A, then the portion of the Physical Settlement Amount payable by Party A to Party B in respect of the Deferred Shares shall be reduced by an amount equal to the Forward Price Reduction Amount for such Forward Price Reduction Date, multiplied by the number of Deferred Shares.





  Physical Settlement Amount: For any Settlement Date in respect of which Physical Settlement applies, an amount in cash equal to the product of (i) the Forward Price on such Settlement Date and (ii) the number of Settlement Shares for such Settlement Date.
  Cash Settlement: On any Settlement Date in respect of which Cash Settlement applies, if the Cash Settlement Amount for such Settlement Date is a positive number, Party A will pay such Cash Settlement Amount to Party B. If the Cash Settlement Amount is a negative number, Party B will pay the absolute value of such Cash Settlement Amount to Party A. Such amounts shall be paid on the Settlement Date by wire transfer of immediately available funds.
  Cash Settlement Amount: For any Settlement Date in respect of which Cash Settlement applies, an amount determined by the Calculation Agent equal to the difference between (1) the product of (i) (A) the average Forward Price over the period beginning on, and including, the date that is one Settlement Cycle following the first day of the applicable Unwind Period and ending on, and including, such Settlement Date (calculated assuming no reduction to the Forward Price for any Forward Price Reduction Date that occurs during the Unwind Period, except as set forth in clause (2) below), minus a commercially reasonable commission (which shall not exceed USD [•]) in respect of each Share purchased during the Unwind Period, minus (B) the average of the 10b-18 VWAP prices per Share on each Exchange Business Day during such Unwind Period, and (ii) the number of Settlement Shares for such Settlement Date, and (2) the product of (i) the Forward Price Reduction Amount for any Forward Price Reduction Date that occurs during such Unwind Period, and (ii) the number of Settlement Shares with respect to which Party A has not unwound its commercially reasonable hedge for the Transaction in a commercially reasonable manner, as of such Forward Price Reduction Date.





  Net Share Settlement: On any Settlement Date in respect of which Net Share Settlement applies, if the Cash Settlement Amount (determined as if Cash Settlement were applicable in respect of such Settlement Date) is a (i) negative number, Party B shall deliver the Net Share Settlement Shares to Party A, or (ii) positive number, Party A shall deliver the Net Share Settlement Shares to Party B; provided that if Party A determines in its good faith and commercially reasonable judgment that it would be required to deliver Net Share Settlement Shares to Party B, Party A may elect to deliver a portion of such Net Share Settlement Shares on one or more dates prior to the applicable Settlement Date.
  Net Share Settlement Shares: On any Settlement Date in respect of which Net Share Settlement applies, the absolute value of the Cash Settlement Amount divided by the average of the 10b-18 VWAP prices per Share on each Exchange Business Day during such Unwind Period, with the number of Shares rounded up in the event such calculation results in a fractional number.
  10b-18 VWAP: For any Exchange Business Day during the Unwind Period which is not a Suspension Day, the volume-weighted average price at which the Shares trade as reported in the composite transactions for the Exchange on such Exchange Business Day, excluding (i) trades that do not settle regular way, (ii) opening (regular way) reported trades on the Exchange on such Exchange Business Day, (iii) trades that occur in the last ten minutes before the scheduled close of trading on the Exchange on such Exchange Business Day and ten minutes before the scheduled close of the primary trading session in the market where the trade is effected, and (iv) trades on such Exchange Business Day that do not satisfy the requirements of Rule 10b-18(b)(3), as determined in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner by the Calculation Agent. The parties agree that the Calculation Agent shall refer to the Bloomberg Page “AHH <Equity> AQR SEC” (or any successor thereto), for such Exchange Business Day to determine the 10b-18 VWAP absent unavailability of such page (or a successor thereto) or error, as determined by the Calculation Agent.





  Settlement Currency: USD.
  Failure to Deliver: Applicable if Party A is required to deliver Shares hereunder; otherwise, Inapplicable.




  Method of Adjustment: Calculation Agent Adjustment; notwithstanding anything in the 2002 Definitions to the contrary, the Calculation Agent may make an adjustment pursuant to Calculation Agent Adjustment to any one or more of the Base Amount, the Forward Price and any other variable relevant to the settlement or payment terms of the Transaction in a commercially reasonable manner, using its good faith and commercially reasonable judgment. Section 11.2(e) of the 2002 Definitions is hereby amended by deleting clause (iii) thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, the declaration of a cash dividend will not constitute a Potential Adjustment Event.
  Additional Adjustment: If, in the commercially reasonable judgment of Party A, the stock loan fee to Party A (or an affiliate thereof) in a commercially reasonable hedge position, excluding the federal funds or other interest rate component payable by the relevant stock lender to Party A or such affiliate (the “Stock Loan Fee”), over any one-month period, of borrowing a number of Shares equal to the Base Amount to hedge its exposure to the Transaction exceeds a weighted average rate equal to [•]4 basis points per annum, the Calculation Agent shall reduce the Forward Price to the extent necessary to compensate Party A for the amount by which the Stock Loan Fee exceeded a weighted average rate equal to [•]5 basis points per annum during such period. The Calculation Agent shall notify Party B prior to making any such adjustment to the Forward Price and, upon the request of Party B, Party A shall provide an itemized list of the Stock Loan Fees for the applicable one-month period.


Account Details:


  Payments to Party A: To be advised under separate cover or telephone confirmed prior to each Settlement Date.



4 Insert initial Stock Loan Fee specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.

5 Insert initial Stock Loan Fee specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.






Payments to Party B:  To be advised under separate cover or telephone confirmed prior to each Settlement Date.
Delivery of Shares to Party A:  To be advised.
Delivery of Shares to Party B:  To be advised.


3.       Other Provisions:


Conditions to Effectiveness:


The Transaction shall be effective if and only if Shares are sold by the Agent on or after the Trade Date and on or before the Hedge Completion Date pursuant to the Sales Agreement. If the Sales Agreement is terminated prior to any such sale of Shares thereunder, the parties shall have no further obligations in connection with the Transaction, other than in respect of breaches of representations or covenants on or prior to such date. For the avoidance of doubt, if the Sales Agreement is terminated prior to the Hedge Completion Date, this Confirmation shall remain in effect with respect to any Shares that had been sold by the Agent on or after the Trade Date and prior to such termination.


Interpretive Letter:


Party B agrees and acknowledges that the Transaction is being entered into in accordance with the October 9, 2003 interpretive letter from the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission to Goldman, Sachs & Co. (the “Interpretive Letter”). Party B represents that it is eligible to conduct a primary offering of Shares on Form S-3 and that the offering contemplated by the Sales Agreement complies with Rule 415 under the Securities Act.


Representations, Warranties and Agreements of Party B: Party B hereby represents and warrants to, and agrees with, Party A as of the date hereof that:


(a)Party B represents to Party A on the Trade Date and on any date that Party B notifies Party A that Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement applies to the Transaction, that (A) Party B is not aware of any material nonpublic information regarding Party B or the Shares, (B) each of its filings under the Securities Act, the Exchange Act or other applicable securities laws that are required to be filed have been filed and that, as of the date of this representation, when considered as a whole (with the more recent such filings deemed to amend inconsistent statements contained in any earlier such filings), there is no misstatement of material fact contained therein or omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements made therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, and (C) Party B is neither entering into this Confirmation nor making any election hereunder to create actual or apparent trading activity in the Shares (or any security convertible into or exchangeable for Shares) or to raise or depress or otherwise manipulate the price of the Shares (or any security convertible into or exchangeable for Shares) or otherwise in violation of the Exchange Act.





(b)Any Shares, when issued and delivered in accordance with the terms of the Transaction, will be duly authorized and validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, and the issuance thereof will not be subject to any preemptive or similar rights.


(c)Party B has reserved and will keep available at all times, free from preemptive rights, out of its authorized but unissued Shares, solely for the purpose of issuance upon settlement of the Transaction as herein provided, the maximum number of Shares as shall be issuable at such time upon settlement of the Transaction as set forth below under the heading “Maximum Share Delivery”. All Shares so issuable shall, upon such issuance, be accepted for listing or quotation on the Exchange.


(d)Party B agrees to provide Party A at least ten Scheduled Trading Days’ written notice (an “Issuer Repurchase Notice”) prior to executing any repurchase of Shares by Party B or any of its subsidiaries (or entering into any contract that would require, or give the option to, Party B or any of its subsidiaries, to purchase or repurchase Shares), whether out of profits or capital or whether the consideration for such repurchase is cash, securities or otherwise (an “Issuer Repurchase”), that alone or in the aggregate would result in the Base Amount Percentage (as defined below) being (i) equal to or greater than 7.5% of the outstanding Shares or (ii) greater by 0.5% or more than the Base Amount Percentage at the time of the immediately preceding Issuer Repurchase Notice (or in the case of the first such Issuer Repurchase Notice, greater by 0.5% or more than the Base Amount Percentage as of the later of the date hereof or the immediately preceding Settlement Date, if any). The “Base Amount Percentage” as of any day is the fraction (1) the numerator of which is the aggregate of the Base Amount and each “Base Amount” (as defined in the applicable Additional Confirmation and any additional Share Forward Transaction or other equity derivative transaction under any outstanding Additional Transactions) and (2) the denominator of which is the number of Shares outstanding on such day.


(e)No filing with, or approval, authorization, consent, license registration, qualification, order or decree of, any court or governmental authority or agency, domestic or foreign, is necessary or required for the execution, delivery and performance by Party B of this Confirmation and the consummation of the Transaction (including, without limitation, the issuance and delivery of Shares on any Settlement Date) except (i) such as have been obtained under the Securities Act, and (ii) as may be required to be obtained under state securities laws.


(f)Party B agrees not to make any Issuer Repurchase if, immediately following such Issuer Repurchase, the Base Amount Percentage would be equal to or greater than 8.0%.


(g)Party B is not insolvent, nor will Party B be rendered insolvent as a result of the Transaction.


(h)Neither Party B nor any of its affiliated purchasers (within the meaning of Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act) shall take or refrain from taking any action (including, without limitation, any direct purchases by Party B or any of its affiliated purchasers or any purchases by a party to a derivative transaction with Party B or any of its affiliated purchasers), either under this Confirmation, under an agreement with another party or otherwise, that could reasonably be expected to cause any purchases of Shares by Party A or any of its affiliates in connection with any Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement of the Transaction not to meet the requirements of the safe harbor provided by Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act if such purchases were made by Party B.





(i)Party B will not engage in any “distribution” (as defined in Regulation M under the Exchange Act (“Regulation M”)) that would cause a “restricted period” (as defined in Regulation M) to occur during any Unwind Period.


(j)Party B (i) is capable of evaluating investment risks independently, both in general and with regard to the Transaction; (ii) will exercise independent judgment in evaluating the recommendations of any broker-dealer or its associated persons, unless it has otherwise notified the broker-dealer in writing; and (iii) has total assets of at least USD 50 million as of the date hereof.


(k)Party B acknowledges and agrees that:


(i)during the term of the Transaction, Party A and its Affiliates may buy or sell Shares or other securities or buy or sell options or futures contracts or enter into swaps or other derivative securities to establish, adjust or unwind its hedge position with respect to the Transaction;


(ii)Party A and its Affiliates may also be active in the market for the Shares and Share-linked transactions other than in connection with hedging activities in relation to the Transaction;


(iii)Party A shall make its own determination as to whether, when or in what manner any hedging or market activities in Party B’s securities shall be conducted and shall do so in a manner that it deems appropriate to hedge its price and market risk with respect to the Forward Price and the 10b-18 VWAP;


(iv)any market activities of Party A and its Affiliates with respect to the Shares may affect the market price and volatility of the Shares, as well as the Forward Price and 10b-18 VWAP, each in a manner that may be adverse to Party B; and


(v)the Transaction is a derivatives transaction in which it has granted Party A the right, under certain circumstances, to receive cash or Shares, as the case may be; Party A may purchase Shares for its own account at an average price that may be greater than, or less than, the effective price paid by Party B under the terms of the Transaction.


(l)The assets of Party B do not constitute “plan assets” under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, the Department of Labor Regulations promulgated thereunder or similar law.





(m)Party B shall, at least one day prior to the first day of any Unwind Period, notify Party A of the total number of Shares purchased in Rule 10b-18 purchases of blocks pursuant to the once-a-week block exception contained in Rule 10b-18(b)(4) by or for Party B or any of its affiliated purchasers during each of the four calendar weeks preceding the first day of the Unwind Period and during the calendar week in which the first day of the Unwind Period occurs (“Rule 10b-18 purchase”, “blocks” and “affiliated purchaser” each being used as defined in Rule 10b-18).


(n)During any Unwind Period, Party B shall (i) notify Party A prior to the opening of trading in the Shares on any day on which Party B makes, or expects to be made, any public announcement (as defined in Rule 165(f) under the Securities Act) of any merger, acquisition, or similar transaction involving a recapitalization relating to Party B (other than any such transaction in which the consideration consists solely of cash and there is no valuation period), (ii) promptly notify Party A following any such announcement that such announcement has been made, and (iii) promptly deliver to Party A following the making of any such announcement information indicating (A) Party B’s average daily Rule 10b-18 purchases (as defined in Rule 10b-18) during the three full calendar months preceding the date of the announcement of such transaction and (B) Party B’s block purchases (as defined in Rule 10b-18) effected pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of Rule 10b-18 during the three full calendar months preceding the date of the announcement of such transaction. In addition, Party B shall promptly notify Party A of the earlier to occur of the completion of such transaction and the completion of the vote by target shareholders.


(o)Party B is not, and after giving effect to the transactions contemplated hereby will not be, required to register as an “investment company” as such term is defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.


(p)Without limiting the generality of Section 13.1 of the 2002 Definitions, Party B acknowledges that Party A is not making any representations or warranties or taking any position or expressing any view with respect to the treatment of the Transaction under any accounting standards including ASC Topic 260, Earnings Per Share, ASC Topic 815, Derivatives and Hedging, or ASC Topic 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity and ASC 815-40, Derivatives and Hedging – Contracts in Entity’s Own Equity (or any successor issue statements) or under FASB’s Liabilities & Equity Project.


(q)Party B understands that no obligations of Party A to it hereunder will be entitled to the benefit of deposit insurance and that such obligations will not be guaranteed by any affiliate of Party A or any governmental agency.


(r)Party B is not aware of any federal, state or local (including non-U.S. jurisdictions) law, rule, regulation or regulatory order applicable to the Shares would give rise to any reporting, consent, registration or other requirement (including without limitation a requirement to obtain prior approval from any person or entity) as a result of Party A or its affiliates owning or holding (however defined) Shares as part of its hedging activities in connection with the Transaction, other than Sections 13 and 16 under the Exchange Act.





(s)Upon obtaining knowledge of the occurrence of any event that would constitute an Event of Default, a Potential Event of Default or a Potential Adjustment Event, Party B will so notify Party A in writing within one Scheduled Trading Day; provided, however, that should Party B be in possession of material non-public information regarding Party B, Party B shall so notify Party A without communicating such information to Party A.


(t)Party B (i) has such knowledge and experience in financial and business affairs as to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of entering into the Transaction, (ii) has consulted with its own legal, financial, accounting and tax advisors in connection with the Transaction, and (iii) is entering into the Transaction for a bona fide business purpose.


(u)Ownership positions of Party B’s common stock held by Party A or any of its affiliates solely in its capacity as a nominee or fiduciary do not constitute “beneficial ownership” by Party A for the purposes of Article VII of the Articles of Amendment and Restatement of Party B, as amended and supplemented (the “Articles”), including without limitation Section 7.2 thereof.


Covenants of Party B:


Subject to the provisions of “Private Placement Procedures” below, the parties acknowledge and agree that any Shares delivered by Party B to Party A on any Settlement Date will be newly issued Shares and when delivered by Party A (or an affiliate of Party A) to securities lenders from whom Party A (or an affiliate of Party A) borrowed Shares in connection with hedging its exposure to the Transaction will be freely saleable without further registration or other restrictions under the Securities Act, in the hands of those securities lenders, irrespective of whether such stock loan is effected by Party A or an affiliate of Party A. Accordingly, subject to the provisions of “Private Placement Procedures” below, Party B agrees that the Shares that it delivers to Party A on each Settlement Date will not bear a restrictive legend and that such Shares will be deposited in, and the delivery thereof shall be effected through the facilities of, the Clearance System.


Covenants of Party A:


(a)Unless the provisions set forth below under “Private Placement Procedures” shall be applicable, Party A shall use any Shares delivered by Party B to Party A on any Settlement Date to return to securities lenders to close out open Share loans created by Party A or an affiliate of Party A in the course of Party A’s or such affiliate’s hedging activities related to Party A’s exposure under this Confirmation.


(b)In connection with bids and purchases of Shares in connection with any Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement of the Transaction, Party A shall use good faith efforts to conduct its activities, or cause its affiliates to conduct their activities, in a manner consistent with the requirements of the safe harbor provided by Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act, as if such provisions were applicable to such purchases as well as any analogous purchases occurring on the same day under any Additional Transaction.





(c)Party A hereby represents and covenants to Party B that it has implemented policies and procedures, taking into consideration the nature of its business, reasonably designed to ensure that individuals conducting hedging activity related to any Transaction do not have access to material non-public information regarding Issuer or the Shares.


(d)Within one Exchange Business Day of purchasing any Shares in connection with any Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement of the Transaction pursuant to the once-a-week block exception set forth in paragraph (b)(4) of Rule 10b-18, Party A shall notify Party B of the total number of Shares so purchased.


Insolvency Filing:


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the Agreement or in the Definitions, upon any Insolvency Filing in respect of the Issuer, the Transaction shall automatically terminate on the date thereof without further liability of either party to this Confirmation to the other party (except for any liability in respect of any breach of representation or covenant by a party under this Confirmation prior to the date of such Insolvency Filing).


Extraordinary Dividends:


If an ex-dividend date for an Extraordinary Dividend occurs on or after the Trade Date and on or prior to the Maturity Date (or, if later, the last date on which Shares are delivered by Party B to Party A in settlement of the Transaction), Party B shall pay an amount, as determined by the Calculation Agent, in cash equal to the product of such Extraordinary Dividend and the Base Amount to Party A on the earlier of (i) the date on which such Extraordinary Dividend is paid by the Issuer to holders of record of the Shares or (ii) the Maturity Date. “Extraordinary Dividend” means the per Share amount of any cash dividend or distribution declared by Party B with respect to the Shares that is specified by the board of trustees of the Issuer as an “extraordinary” dividend.


Acceleration Events:


The following events shall each constitute an “Acceleration Event”:


(a)Stock Borrow Events. In the good faith, commercially reasonable judgment of Party A, Party A (or its affiliate) (i) is unable to hedge Party A’s exposure to the Transaction in a commercially reasonable manner because of the lack of sufficient Shares being made available for Share borrowing by lenders, or (ii) would incur a Stock Loan Fee to borrow a number of Shares equal to the Base Amount of more than a weighted average rate of [•]6 basis points per annum (each, a “Stock Borrow Event”);



6 Insert maximum Stock Loan Fee specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.





(b)Dividends and Other Distributions. On any day occurring after the Trade Date Party B declares a distribution, issue or dividend to existing holders of the Shares of (i) any cash dividend (other than an Extraordinary Dividend) to the extent the aggregate of all cash dividends having an ex-dividend date during the period from and including any Forward Price Reduction Date (with the Trade Date being a Forward Price Reduction Date for purposes of this clause (b) only) to but excluding the next subsequent Forward Price Reduction Date exceeds, on a per Share basis, the Forward Price Reduction Amount set forth opposite the first date of any such period on Schedule I (such cash dividend, an “Excess Dividend”), (ii) share capital or securities of another issuer acquired or owned (directly or indirectly) by Party B as a result of a spin-off or other similar transaction or (iii) any other type of securities (other than Shares), rights or warrants or other assets, for payment (cash or other consideration) at less than the prevailing market price as determined by the Calculation Agent; for the avoidance of doubt, any amount calculated pursuant to this “Acceleration Events” Section as a result of an Excess Dividend shall not be adjusted by the value associated with such Excess Dividend;


(c)ISDA Early Termination Date. Either Party A or Party B has the right to designate an Early Termination Date pursuant to Section 6 of the Agreement, in which case, except as otherwise specified herein and except as a result of an Event of Default under Section 5(a)(i) of the Agreement, the provisions of “Termination Settlement” below shall apply in lieu of the consequences specified in Section 6 of the Agreement;


(d)Other ISDA Events. The announcement of any event that if consummated, would result in an Extraordinary Event or the occurrence of any Change in Law or a Delisting; provided that in case of a Delisting, in addition to the provisions of Section 12.6(a)(iii) of the 2002 Definitions, it will also constitute a Delisting if the Exchange is located in the United States and the Shares are not immediately re-listed, re-traded or re-quoted on any of the New York Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ Global Select Market or the NASDAQ Global Market (or their respective successors); and provided, further, that the definition of “Change in Law” provided in Section 12.9(a)(ii) of the 2002 Definitions is hereby amended by (i) replacing the phrase “the interpretation” in the third line thereof with the phrase “, or public announcement of, the formal or informal interpretation”, (ii) replacing the parenthetical beginning after the word “regulation” in the second line thereof the words “(including, for the avoidance of doubt and without limitation, (x) any tax law or (y) adoption, effectiveness or promulgation of new regulations authorized or mandated by existing statute)” and (iii) immediately following the word “Transaction” in clause (X) thereof, adding the phrase “in the manner contemplated by Party A on the Trade Date”; or


(e)Ownership Event. In the good faith, commercially reasonable judgment of Party A, on any day, the Share Amount for such day exceeds the Applicable Share Limit for such day (if any applies).





For purposes of clause (e) above, the “Share Amount” as of any day is the number of Shares that Party A and any person whose ownership position would be aggregated with that of Party A, including any “group” (within the meaning of Section 13 of the Exchange Act) of which Party A is or may be deemed to be a part (Party A or any such person or group, a “Party A Person”) under any law, rule, regulation, regulatory order or organizational documents or contracts of Party B (including without limitation Article VII of the Articles) that are, in each case, applicable to ownership of Shares (“Applicable Restrictions”), owns, beneficially owns, constructively owns, controls, holds the power to vote or otherwise meets a relevant definition of ownership under any Applicable Restriction, as determined by Party A in its reasonable discretion. The “Applicable Share Limit” means a number of Shares equal to (A) the minimum number of Shares that would reasonably be expected to give rise to reporting or registration obligations (other than any filing under Section 13 of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, in each case, as in effect on the Trade Date) or other requirements (including obtaining prior approval from any person or entity) of a Party A Person, or would reasonably be expected to result in an adverse effect on a Party A Person, under any Applicable Restriction, as determined by Party A in its good faith, reasonable discretion (it being understood that reporting obligations under Section 13 or Section 16 of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, in each case, as in effect on the Trade Date, will not be deemed to have such an adverse effect), minus (B) 1% of the number of Shares outstanding.


Termination Settlement:


Upon the occurrence of any Acceleration Event, Party A shall have the right to designate, upon at least one Scheduled Trading Day’s notice, any Scheduled Trading Day following such occurrence to be a Settlement Date hereunder (a “Termination Settlement Date”) to which Physical Settlement shall apply, and to select the number of Settlement Shares relating to such Termination Settlement Date; provided that (i) in the case of an Acceleration Event arising out of an Ownership Event, the number of Settlement Shares so designated by Party A shall not exceed the number of Shares necessary to reduce the Share Amount to the Applicable Share Limit, and (ii) in the case of an Acceleration Event arising out of a Stock Borrow Event the number of Settlement Shares so designated by Party A shall not exceed the number of Shares as to which such Stock Borrow Event exists. If, upon designation of a Termination Settlement Date by Party A pursuant to the preceding sentence, Party B fails to deliver the Settlement Shares relating to such Termination Settlement Date when due or otherwise fails to perform obligations within its control in respect of the Transaction, it shall be an Event of Default with respect to Party B and Section 6 of the Agreement shall apply. If an Acceleration Event occurs during an Unwind Period relating to a number of Settlement Shares to which Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement applies, then on the Termination Settlement Date relating to such Acceleration Event, notwithstanding any election to the contrary by Party B, Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement shall apply to the portion of the Settlement Shares relating to such Unwind Period as to which Party A has unwound its commercially reasonable hedge in a commercially reasonable manner and Physical Settlement shall apply in respect of (x) the remainder (if any) of such Settlement Shares and (y) the Settlement Shares designated by Party A in respect of such Termination Settlement Date. If an Acceleration Event occurs after Party B has designated a Settlement Date to which Physical Settlement applies but before the relevant Settlement Shares have been delivered to Party A, then Party A shall have the right to cancel such Settlement Date and designate a Termination Settlement Date in respect of such Shares pursuant to the first sentence hereof. If Party A designates a Termination Settlement Date as a result of an Acceleration Event caused by an excess dividend of the type described in paragraph “(b) Dividends and Other Distributions” under the heading “Acceleration Events,” no adjustment(s) shall be made to account for the amount of such excess dividend.





Private Placement Procedures:


If Party B is unable to comply with the provisions of “Covenants of Party B” above because of a change in law or a change in the policy of the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff, or Party A otherwise reasonably determines, based upon advice of counsel, that any Settlement Shares to be delivered to Party A by Party B may not be freely returned by Party A or its affiliates to securities lenders as described under “Covenants of Party B” above, then delivery of any such Settlement Shares (the “Restricted Shares”) shall be effected pursuant to Annex A hereto, unless waived by Party A.


Rule 10b5-1:


It is the intent of Party A and Party B that following any election of Cash Settlement or Net Share Settlement by Party B, the purchase of Shares by Party A during any Unwind Period comply with the requirements of Rule 10b5-1(c)(1)(i)(B) of the Exchange Act and that this Confirmation shall be interpreted to comply with the requirements of Rule 10b5-1(c).


Party B acknowledges that (i) during any Unwind Period Party B does not have, and shall not attempt to exercise, any influence over how, when or whether to effect purchases of Shares by Party A (or its agent or affiliate) in connection with this Confirmation and (ii) Party B is entering into the Agreement and this Confirmation in good faith and not as part of a plan or scheme to evade compliance with federal securities laws including, without limitation, Rule 10b-5 promulgated under the Exchange Act.


Party B hereby agrees with Party A that during any Unwind Period, Party B shall not communicate, directly or indirectly, any Material Non-Public Information (as defined herein) to any Derivatives Personnel (as defined below). For purposes of the Transaction, “Material Non-Public Information” means information relating to Party B or the Shares that (a) has not been widely disseminated by wire service, in one or more newspapers of general circulation, by communication from Party B to its shareholders or in a press release, or contained in a public filing made by Party B with the Securities and Exchange Commission or otherwise disseminated in a manner constituting “public disclosure” within the meaning of Regulation FD under the Exchange Act and (b) a reasonable investor might consider to be of importance in making an investment decision to buy, sell or hold Shares. For the avoidance of doubt and solely by way of illustration, information should be presumed “material” if it relates to such matters as dividend increases or decreases, earnings estimates, changes in previously released earnings estimates, significant expansion or curtailment of operations, a significant increase or decline of orders, significant merger or acquisition proposals or agreements, significant new products or discoveries, extraordinary borrowing, major litigation, liquidity problems, extraordinary management developments, purchase or sale of substantial assets, or other similar information For purposes of the Transaction, “Derivatives Personnel” means any employee on the trading side of the [Equity Derivatives Group] of Party A and does not include [•] or [•] (or any other person or persons designated from time to time by the Compliance Group of Party A).





Maximum Share Delivery:


Notwithstanding any other provision of this Confirmation, in no event will Party B be required to deliver to Party A on any Settlement Date, whether pursuant to Physical Settlement, Net Share Settlement, Termination Settlement or any Private Placement Settlement, more than a number of Shares equal to twice the Initial Base Amount, subject to reduction by the amount of any Shares delivered by Party B on any prior Settlement Date and subject to adjustment from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this Confirmation and the 2002 Definitions but solely with respect to adjustments arising from events caused by Party B or under the control of Party B.


Transfer and Assignment:


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the Agreement, Party A may assign or transfer any of its rights or delegate any of its duties hereunder to (i) any affiliate of Party A, whose obligations hereunder and under the Agreement are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by Party A or its ultimate parent or parent entity pursuant to the terms of a guarantee in a form reasonably acceptable to Party B or (ii) any affiliate of Party A with a long-term issuer rating equal to or better than the credit rating of Party A at the time of such assignment or transfer; provided that (A) Party B will neither (x) be required to pay an additional amount in respect of an Indemnifiable Tax under Section 2(d)(i)(4) of the Agreement under the law as of the date of the transfer or assignment, nor (y) receive a payment from which an amount has been deducted or withheld for or on account of any Tax in respect of which the other party is not required to pay an additional amount, in either case, as a result of such transfer or assignment and (B) no Event of Default or Potential Event of Default shall (x) have occurred with respect to Party A or (y) occur with respect to either party solely as a result of such transfer and assignment. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Confirmation to the contrary requiring or allowing Party A to purchase, sell, receive or deliver any Shares or other securities to or from Party B, Party A may designate any of its affiliates to purchase, sell, receive or deliver such Shares or other securities and otherwise to perform Party A’s obligations in respect of the Transaction and any such designee may assume such obligations; provided that Party B will neither (x) be required to pay an additional amount in respect of an Indemnifiable Tax under Section 2(d)(i)(4) of the Agreement under the law as of the date of the transfer or assignment, nor (y) receive a payment from which an amount has been deducted or withheld for or on account of any Tax in respect of which Party A or such designee is not required to pay an additional amount, in either case, as a result of such designation. Party A shall be discharged of its obligations to Party B only to the extent of any such performance.




Party B agrees to indemnify Party A and its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, agents and controlling parties (Party A and each such affiliate or person being an “Indemnified Party”) from and against any and all losses, claims, damages and liabilities, joint and several, incurred by or asserted against such Indemnified Party arising out of, in connection with, or relating to any breach of any covenant or representation made by Party B in this Confirmation or the Agreement and will reimburse any Indemnified Party for all reasonable expenses (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) as they are incurred in connection with the investigation of, preparation for, or defense of any pending or threatened claim or any action or proceeding arising therefrom, whether or not such Indemnified Party is a party thereto, but only to the extent that the relevant loss, claim, damage, liability or expense is found in a final and nonappealable judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted from such breach. Party B will not be liable under this Indemnity paragraph to the extent that any loss, claim, damage, liability or expense is found in a final and nonappealable judgment by a court to have resulted from Party A’s material breach of any covenant or representation made by Party A in this Confirmation or the Agreement or any willful misconduct, fraud, gross negligence or bad faith of any Indemnified Party. For the avoidance of doubt, any payments due as a result of this provision may not be used to set off any obligation of Party A upon settlement of the Transaction.







Non-Reliance: Applicable.

Additional Acknowledgments: Applicable.

Agreements and Acknowledgments Regarding Hedging Activities: Applicable.


4.The Agreement is further supplemented by the following provisions:


No Collateral or Setoff:


Notwithstanding Section 6(f) or any other provision of the Agreement or any other agreement between the parties to the contrary, the obligations of Party B hereunder are not secured by any collateral. Obligations under the Transaction shall not be set off against any other obligations of the parties, whether arising under the Agreement, this Confirmation, under any other agreement between the parties hereto, by operation of law or otherwise, and no other obligations of the parties shall be set off against obligations under the Transaction, whether arising under the Agreement, this Confirmation, under any other agreement between the parties hereto, by operation of law or otherwise, and each party hereby waives any such right of setoff. In calculating any amounts under Section 6(e) of the Agreement (to the extent such provision may be applicable), notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, (a) separate amounts shall be calculated as set forth in such Section 6(e) with respect to (i) the Transaction and (ii) all other Transactions, and (b) such separate amounts shall be payable pursuant to Section 6(d)(ii) of the Agreement.


Status of Claims in Bankruptcy:


Party A acknowledges and agrees that this confirmation is not intended to convey to Party A rights with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby that are senior to the claims of common shareholders in any U.S. bankruptcy proceedings of Party B; provided, however, that nothing herein shall limit or shall be deemed to limit Party A’s right to pursue remedies in the event of a breach by Party B of its obligations and agreements with respect to this Confirmation and the Agreement; and provided, further, that nothing herein shall limit or shall be deemed to limit Party A’s rights in respect of any transaction other than the Transaction.





Limit on Beneficial Ownership:


Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof, Party A shall not have the “right to acquire” (within the meaning of NYSE Rule 312.04(g)) Shares hereunder and Party A shall not be entitled to take delivery of any Shares deliverable hereunder (in each case, whether in connection with the purchase of Shares on any Settlement Date or any Termination Settlement Date, any Private Placement Settlement or otherwise) to the extent (but only to the extent) that, after such receipt of any Shares hereunder, (i) the Share Amount would exceed the Applicable Share Limit, (ii) the Section 16 Percentage would exceed 4.9% or (iii) Party A and each person subject to aggregation of Shares with Party A under Section 13 or Section 16 of the Exchange Act and rules promulgated thereunder (the “Party A Group”) would directly or indirectly beneficially own (as such term is defined for purposes of Section 13 or Section 16 of the Exchange Act and rules promulgated thereunder) in excess of [•]7 Shares (the “Threshold Number of Shares”). Any purported delivery hereunder shall be void and have no effect to the extent (but only to the extent) that, after such delivery, (i) the Share Amount would exceed the Applicable Share Limit, (ii) the Section 16 Percentage would exceed 4.9% or (iii) Party A Group would directly or indirectly so beneficially own in excess of the Threshold Number of Shares. If any delivery owed to Party A hereunder is not made, in whole or in part, as a result of this provision, Party B’s obligation to make such delivery shall not be extinguished and Party B shall make such delivery as promptly as practicable after, but in no event later than one Exchange Business Day after, Party A gives notice to Party B that, after such delivery, (i) the Share Amount would not exceed the Applicable Share Limit, (ii) the Section 16 Percentage would not exceed 4.9% and (iii) Party A Group would not directly or indirectly so beneficially own in excess of the Threshold Number of Shares. The “Section 16 Percentage” as of any day is the fraction, expressed as a percentage, (A) the numerator of which is the number of Shares that Party A and any of its affiliates or any other person subject to aggregation with Party A for purposes of the “beneficial ownership” test under Section 13 of the Exchange Act, or any “group” (within the meaning of Section 13 of the Exchange Act) of which Party A is or may be deemed to be a part beneficially owns (within the meaning of Section 13 of the Exchange Act), without duplication, on such day (or, to the extent that for any reason the equivalent calculation under Section 16 of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder results in a higher number, such higher number) and (B) the denominator of which is the number of Shares outstanding on such day. Without limitation of the other provisions of this paragraph, unless Party A shall have paid in full the settlement payment due to Party B in respect of the Shares that would have been required to be delivered absent the provisions of this paragraph despite any delay in delivery of Shares as a result of the application of this paragraph and notwithstanding its rights pursuant to the immediately succeeding paragraph, Party A agrees to use good faith efforts to cause the limits in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of the first sentence of this paragraph to not be exceeded at the time of any settlement that would otherwise be made by Party B hereunder, and, if any such limits are exceeded at such time, to use good faith efforts to minimize both the amount of such excess and the duration of the period during which such excess exists, in each case, solely to the extent such excess exists or would exist as a result of transactions or activities undertaken by Party A and/or any affiliate thereof not in connection with the Transaction or any other transaction or agreement entered into with Party B or at Party B’s behest.


In addition, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if any delivery owed to Party A hereunder is not made, in whole or in part, as a result of the immediately preceding paragraph, Party A shall be permitted to make any payment due in respect of such Shares to Party B in two or more tranches that correspond in amount to the number of Shares delivered by Party B to Party A pursuant to the immediately preceding paragraph.



7 Insert number equal to 4.9% of the outstanding Shares as of the relevant Trade Date.





Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act:


In connection with Section 739 of the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010 (the “WSTAA”), the parties hereby agree that neither the enactment of the WSTAA or any regulation under the WSTAA, nor any requirement under the WSTAA or an amendment made by the WSTAA, shall limit or otherwise impair either party’s otherwise applicable rights to terminate, renegotiate, modify, amend or supplement this Confirmation or the Agreement, as applicable, arising from a termination event, force majeure, illegality, increased costs, regulatory change or similar event under this Confirmation, the 2002 Definitions incorporated herein, or the Agreement (including, but not limited to, rights arising from any Acceleration Event or Illegality (as defined in the Agreement)).




(a)Addresses for Notices. For the purpose of Section 12(a) of the Agreement:


Address for notices or communications to Party A:




Address for notices or communications to Party B:


Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.

222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 2100

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Attention: [•]


(b)Waiver of Right to Trial by Jury. Each party waives, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect of any suit, action or proceeding relating to this Confirmation. Each party (i) certifies that no representative, agent or attorney of the other party has represented, expressly or otherwise, that such other party would not, in the event of such a suit action or proceeding, seek to enforce the foregoing waiver and (ii) acknowledges that it and the other party have been induced to enter into this Confirmation by, among other things, the mutual waivers and certifications herein.




The Office of Party A for the Transaction is: [New York][London][Toronto][•]


The Office of Party B for the Transaction is: Inapplicable, Party B is not a Multibranch Party







The parties hereto intend for:


(a)the Transaction to be a “securities contract” as defined in Section 741(7) of Title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”), qualifying for the protections under Section 555 of the Bankruptcy Code;


(b)a party’s right to liquidate the Transaction and to exercise any other remedies upon the occurrence of any Event of Default under the Agreement with respect to the other party to constitute a “contractual right” as defined in the Bankruptcy Code;


(d)Party A to be a “financial [institution” within the meaning of Section 101(22][participant” within the meaning of Section 101(22A]) of the Bankruptcy Code; and


(d)all payments for, under or in connection with the Transaction, all payments for the Shares and the transfer of such Shares to constitute “settlement payments” as defined in the Bankruptcy Code.




If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Confirmation, or the application thereof to any party or circumstance, shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part for any reason, the remaining terms, provisions, covenants, and conditions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if this Confirmation had been executed with the invalid or unenforceable provision eliminated, so long as this Confirmation as so modified continues to express, without material change, the original intentions of the parties as to the subject matter of this Confirmation and the deletion of such portion of this Confirmation will not substantially impair the respective benefits or expectations of parties to this Confirmation; provided, however, that this severability provision shall not be applicable if any provision of Section 2, 5, 6 or 13 of the Agreement (or any definition or provision in Section 14 of the Agreement to the extent that it relates to, or is used in or in connection with any such Section) shall be so held to be invalid or unenforceable.


Governing Law/Jurisdiction:


This Confirmation and any claim, controversy or dispute arising under or related to this Confirmation shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without reference to the conflict of laws provisions thereof. The parties hereto irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of New York and the United States Court for the Southern District of New York in connection with all matters relating hereto and waive any objection to the laying of venue in, and any claim of inconvenient forum with respect to, these courts.







Effective from the date of commencement of discussions concerning the Transaction, each of Party A and Party B and each of their employees, representatives, or other agents may disclose to any and all persons, without limitation of any kind, the tax treatment and tax structure of the Transaction and all materials of any kind (including opinions or other tax analyses) relating to such tax treatment and tax structure.


Commodity Exchange Act:


Each of Party A and Party B agrees and represents that it is an “eligible contract participant” as defined in Section 1a(18) of the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (the “CEA”), the Agreement and the Transaction are subject to individual negotiation by the parties and have not been executed or traded on a “trading facility” as defined in Section 1a(51) of the CEA.


Tax Matters:


(a)For the purpose of Section 3(f) of the Agreement:


(i)Party A makes the following representations:


(A)[It (or its regarded owner for U.S. federal income tax purposes) is a “U.S. person” (as that term is used in section 1.1441-4(a)(3)(ii) of the United States Treasury Regulations) for U.S. federal income tax purposes.]8


(B)[It is a national banking association organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, and is an exempt recipient under section 1.6049-4(c)(1)(ii)(M) of the United States Treasury Regulations.]


(C) [(i) It is a bank organized under the laws of Canada; (ii) it is a corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes; and (iii) each payment received or to be received by Party A in connection with this Confirmation will be effectively connected with its conduct of a trade or business in the United States.]


(D) [•]


(ii)Party B makes the following representations:


(A)It is a “U.S. person” (as that term is used in section 1.1441-4(a)(3)(ii) of the United States Treasury Regulations) for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


(B)It is a real estate investment trust for U.S. federal income tax purposes and is organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, and is an exempt recipient under section 1.6049-4(c)(1)(ii)(J) of the United States Treasury Regulations.



8 Tax provisions to be customized for relevant Dealer.





(b)Withholding Tax imposed on payments to non-US counterparties under the United States Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. “Tax” and “Indemnifiable Tax”, each as defined in Section 14 of the Agreement, shall not include any U.S. federal withholding tax imposed or collected pursuant to Sections 1471 through 1474 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), any current or future regulations or official interpretations thereof, any agreement entered into pursuant to Section 1471(b) of the Code, or any fiscal or regulatory legislation, rules or practices adopted pursuant to any intergovernmental agreement entered into in connection with the implementation of such Sections of the Code (a “FATCA Withholding Tax”). For the avoidance of doubt, a FATCA Withholding Tax is a Tax the deduction or withholding of which is required by applicable law for the purposes of Section 2(d) of the Agreement.


(c)HIRE Act. To the extent that either party to the Agreement with respect to the Transaction is not an adhering party to the ISDA 2015 Section 871(m) Protocol published by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. on November 2, 2015 and available at www.isda.org, as may be amended, supplemented, replaced or superseded from time to time (the “871(m) Protocol”), the parties agree that the provisions and amendments contained in the Attachment to the 871(m) Protocol are incorporated into and apply to the Agreement with respect to the Transaction as if set forth in full herein. The parties further agree that, solely for purposes of applying such provisions and amendments to the Agreement with respect to the Transaction, references to “each Covered Master Agreement” in the 871(m) Protocol will be deemed to be references to the Agreement with respect to the Transaction, and references to the “Implementation Date” in the 871(m) Protocol will be deemed to be references to the Trade Date of the Transaction. [For greater certainty, if there is any inconsistency between this provision and the provisions in any other agreement between the parties with respect to the Transaction, this provision shall prevail unless such other agreement expressly overrides the provision of the Attachment to the 871(m) Protocol.]


(d)Tax documentation. For the purposes of Sections 4(a)(i) and 4(a)(ii) of the Agreement, Party B shall provide to Party A a valid and duly executed U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form W-9, or any successor thereto, completely accurately and in a manner reasonably acceptable to Party A [and, in particular, with the “corporation” or “partnership” box checked on line 3 thereof], (i) on or before the date of execution of this Confirmation; (ii) promptly upon reasonable demand by Party A; and (iii) promptly upon learning that any such tax form previously provided by Party B has become invalid, inaccurate, obsolete or incorrect. Additionally, Party B shall, promptly upon request by Party A, provide such other tax forms and documents reasonably requested by Party A.


Delivery of Cash:


For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Confirmation shall be interpreted as requiring Party B to deliver cash in respect of the settlement of the Transaction, except in circumstances where the required cash settlement thereof is permitted for classification of the contract as equity by ASC 815-40 (formerly EITF 00-19) as in effect on the Trade Date (including, without limitation, where Party B so elects to deliver cash or fails timely to elect to deliver Shares in respect of such settlement). For the avoidance of doubt, the preceding sentence shall not be construed as limiting (i) any indemnification requirements applicable to Party B hereunder or (ii) any damages that may be payable by Party B as a result of breach of this Confirmation.





[Risk Disclosure:]9


Party B represents and warrants that it has received, read and understands Party A’s “Risk Disclosure Statement Regarding OTC Derivatives Products” and acknowledges the terms thereof as if it had signed the Risk Disclosure Statement Verification contained therein as of the date hereof.


[U.S. Stay Regulations:]


The parties agree that the terms of Section 1 and Section 2 and the related defined terms (together, the “Bilateral Terms”) of the form of bilateral template entitled “Full-Length Omnibus (for use between U.S. G-SIBs and Corporate Groups)” published by ISDA on November 2, 2018 (currently available on the 2018 ISDA U.S. Resolution Stay Protocol (the “Protocol”) page at www.isda.org and, a copy of which is available upon request), the effect of which is to amend the qualified financial contracts between the parties thereto to conform with the requirements of the QFC Stay Rules, are hereby incorporated into and form a part of this Confirmation, and for such purposes this Confirmation shall be deemed a “Covered Agreement,” Party A shall be deemed a “Covered Entity” and Party B shall be deemed a “Counterparty Entity.” In the event that, after the date of this Confirmation, both parties hereto become adhering parties to the Protocol, the terms of the Protocol will replace the terms of this paragraph. In the event of any inconsistencies between this Confirmation and the terms of the Protocol or the Bilateral Terms (each, the “QFC Stay Terms”), as applicable, the QFC Stay Terms will govern. Terms used in this paragraph without definition shall have the meanings assigned to them under the QFC Stay Rules. For purposes of this paragraph, references to “this Confirmation” include any related credit enhancements entered into between the parties or provided by one to the other. In addition, the parties agree that the terms of this paragraph shall be incorporated into any related covered affiliate credit enhancements, with all references to Party A replaced by references to the covered affiliate support provider.


“QFC Stay Rules” means the regulations codified at 12 C.F.R. 252.2, 252.81–8, 12 C.F.R. 382.1-7 and 12 C.F.R. 47.1-8, which, subject to limited exceptions, require an express recognition of the stay-and-transfer powers of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and the Orderly Liquidation Authority under Title II of the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the override of default rights related directly or indirectly to the entry of an affiliate into certain insolvency proceedings and any restrictions on the transfer of any covered affiliate credit enhancements.


Other Forwards / Dealers:


Party A acknowledges that Party B has entered or may enter in the future into one or more similar forward transactions for the Shares (each, an “Other Forward” and collectively, the “Other Forwards”) with one or more dealers, and/or affiliates thereof (each, an “Other Dealer” and collectively, the “Other Dealers”). Party A and Party B agree that if Party B designates a “Settlement Date” with respect to one or more Other Forwards for which “Cash Settlement” or “Net Share Settlement” is applicable, and the resulting “Unwind Period” for such Other Forwards coincides for any period of time with an Unwind Period for the Transaction (the “Overlap Unwind Period”), Party B shall notify Party A at least one Scheduled Trading Day prior to the commencement of such Overlap Unwind Period of the first Scheduled Trading Day and length of such Overlap Unwind Period, and Party A shall be permitted to purchase Shares to unwind its commercially reasonable hedge in respect of the Transaction only on alternating Scheduled Trading Days during such Overlap Unwind Period, commencing on the first, second, third or later Scheduled Trading Day of such Overlap Unwind Period, as notified to Party A by Party B at least one Scheduled Trading Day prior to such Overlap Unwind Period (which alternating Scheduled Trading Days, for the avoidance of doubt, may be every other Scheduled Trading Day if there is only one Other Dealer, every third Scheduled Trading Day if there are two Other Dealers, etc.).


[Remainder of page intentionally left blank]



9 To include in confirm for Jefferies..






Please confirm that the foregoing correctly sets forth the terms of our agreement by signing and returning this Confirmation.

  Yours faithfully,





Confirmed as of the date first written above:  









Forward Price Reduction Date10   Forward Price Reduction Amount11 
Trade Date   USD 0.000 
[•]   USD [•] 
[•]   USD [•] 
[•]   USD [•] 
[•]   USD [•] 
[•]   USD [•] 




10 Insert Forward Price Reduction Dates specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.

11 Insert Forward Price Reduction Amounts specified by Party B in the Forward Instruction Notice.









(i)If Party B delivers the Restricted Shares pursuant to this clause (i) (a “Private Placement Settlement”), then delivery of Restricted Shares by Party B shall be effected in accordance with private placement procedures customary for private placements of equity securities of substantially similar size with respect to such Restricted Shares reasonably acceptable to Party A; provided that Party B may not elect a Private Placement Settlement if, on the date of its election, it has taken, or caused to be taken, any action that would make unavailable either the exemption pursuant to Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act for the sale by Party B to Party A (or any affiliate designated by Party A) of the Restricted Shares or the exemption pursuant to Section 4(a)(1) or Section 4(a)(3) of the Securities Act for resales of the Restricted Shares by Party A (or any such affiliate of Party A), and if Party B fails to deliver the Restricted Shares when due or otherwise fails to perform obligations within its control in respect of a Private Placement Settlement, it shall be an Event of Default with respect to Party B and Section 6 of the Agreement shall apply. The Private Placement Settlement of such Restricted Shares shall include customary representations, covenants, blue sky and other governmental filings and/or registrations, indemnities to Party A, due diligence rights (for Party A or any designated buyer of the Restricted Shares by Party A), opinions and certificates, and such other documentation as is customary for private placement agreements of equity securities of a substantially similar size, all reasonably acceptable to Party A. In the case of a Private Placement Settlement, Party A shall, in its good faith discretion, adjust the number of Restricted Shares to be delivered to Party A hereunder in a commercially reasonable manner to reflect the fact that such Restricted Shares may not be freely returned to securities lenders by Party A and may only be saleable by Party A at a discount to reflect the lack of liquidity in Restricted Shares. Notwithstanding the Agreement or this Confirmation, the date of delivery of such Restricted Shares shall be the Clearance System Business Day following notice by Party A to Party B of the number of Restricted Shares to be delivered pursuant to this clause (i). For the avoidance of doubt, delivery of Restricted Shares shall be due as set forth in the previous sentence and not be due on the date that would otherwise be applicable.


(ii)If Party B delivers any Restricted Shares in respect of the Transaction, unless it is advised in writing by outside counsel that any of the following actions would violate applicable securities laws because of a change in law or a change in the policy of the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff occurring after the Trade Date, Party B agrees that (i) such Shares may be transferred by and among Party A and its affiliates and (ii) after the minimum “holding period” within the meaning of Rule 144(d) under the Securities Act has elapsed after the applicable Settlement Date, Party B shall promptly remove, or cause the transfer agent for the Shares to remove, any legends referring to any transfer restrictions from such Shares upon delivery by Party A (or such affiliate of Party A) to Party B or such transfer agent of seller’s and broker’s representation letters customarily delivered by Party A or its affiliates in connection with resales of restricted securities pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act, each without any further requirement for the delivery of any certificate, consent, agreement, opinion of counsel, notice or any other document, any transfer tax stamps or payment of any other amount or any other action by Party A (or such affiliate of Party A).









Date:       [•], 20[•]


To:          Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc.

222 Central Park Avenue, Suite 2100

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Attention: [•]




Ladies and Gentlemen:


This Pricing Supplement is the Pricing Supplement contemplated by the Registered Forward Transaction dated as of [•], 20[•] (the “Confirmation”) between Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc. (“Party B”) and [DEALER NAME] (“Party A”).


For all purposes under the Confirmation,


(a)the Hedge Completion Date is [•];
(b)the Base Amount shall be [•], subject to further adjustment in accordance with the terms of the Confirmation;
(c)the Maturity Date shall be [•]; and
(d)the Initial Forward Price shall be USD [•].


  Very truly yours,





Confirmed as of the date first above written:  