EX-10.7 7 d312438dex107.htm OFFICE SERVICES AGREEMENT Office Services Agreement

Exhibit 10.7



Date of Agreement: December 24, 2010    Agreement No. 079-1436-11

Provider (also referred to in this Agreement as “We”, “Us” or


Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc.

t/a Symphony Suites


Client (also referred to in this Agreement as “You” or “Your”):

Durata Therapeutics, Inc.

89 Headquarters Plaza

North Tower, 14th Floor

Morristown, NJ 07960

This writing sets forth Your Agreement with Us to provide You with designated office access and shared use with Our other Clients of Our facilities, services and common areas. This Agreement consists of two (2) pages, together with the attached Schedule A (Financial Terms), the attached Schedule B (Local Rules and Regulations– which We may change from time to time, after giving You written notice), and the attached Supplement(s). By signing this writing You and We agree to the terms and provisions contained in this writing and said attachments. You agree to inform Your employees, agents, representatives, and contractors of these provisions.


1. We agree to provide to You the office access and other monthly services as listed on Schedule A, and shared use of the facilities, services, equipment and common areas, and You agree to use the same only for office purposes. You and We agree this Agreement will continue in effect for the time period set forth on Schedule A, and at Your option, may be extended for one additional year with an adjustment of 10% (ten percent) above the Monthly Contract Charges (for Office Access and Furniture Rental only) shown in Schedule A by notifying Us in writing at least 60 days before the initial time period ends that You choose to exercise this option.


2. You acknowledge this Agreement is not a lease, does not give You any rights with Our Landlord, and does not give You any interest in Our offices, facilities, common areas, Building, or the land on which they are located. Rather, this Agreement is a license arrangement which gives You use of these office access, facilities, services and common areas, subject to Our canceling this arrangement for cause. You agree this Agreement will end when and if Our Landlord ends Our lease for Our offices and areas which is not scheduled to expire during the term. You acknowledge that You are not permitted to transfer Your rights under this Agreement to anyone, and that any attempt by You, or anyone else, to transfer Your said rights, will not be effective to actually cause such a transfer to occur. You agree not to allow or permit anyone other than You, Your employees and business visitors to use this office access, and shared use of Our facilities and areas. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You may, without Our consent, assign this Agreement to any person or entity that is Your parent company; a wholly owned subsidiary of Yours or of Your parent company; the surviving entity of a merger You are involved in; or the buyer of all or substantially all of Your assets.


3. In addition to Your office access, We provide You with the services identified in Schedule A and other services We offer. We are the only service providers authorized to provide services available from Us in the offices and facilities. You agree that for the duration of this Agreement and for one year thereafter, neither You nor Your employees will solicit any of Our other Clients to provide or provide to them, any of the services We are available or able to provide.


4. You agree to fully and timely pay monthly in advance the Monthly Contract Charges set forth on Schedule A for the full time period of this Agreement and all renewals. In addition, You agree to fully and promptly pay for any additional services You request of Us upon Our billing You. The fee schedule for these additional services is available upon request, and is updated by Us from time to time. You agree to pay all charges authorized and/or requested by You, Your employees, agents, representatives and contractors.


5. You agree to use Our offices, services and facilities in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement as a first -class office and only for the approved purpose You have stated to Us. You agree to use these office access, services and facilities as required by laws, ordinances and regulations which apply to Your operations, including those which require You to have licenses and/or permits.


6. You must take good care of and not damage or make any changes to the office, facilities, furnishings and equipment We provide to You. At the end of this Agreement, You must deliver the same to Us in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted. If any damage
  to Our property should occur while in Your care, custody or control, You agree to pay reasonable repair/replacement costs; and You agree to notify Us immediately upon Your becoming aware of such damage occurring. Only We are authorized to make repairs to Our property.


7. We will endeavor to make available to You these services and facilities during the regular business hours described in Schedule B. However, upon 30 days prior notice, We reserve the right to discontinue or modify the said services, facilities and charges (except office access) in response to changes from suppliers and adjust the charges accordingly.


8. Due to the imperfect nature of verbal, written and electronic communications, We cannot guarantee the services or facilities We provide to You. We are not liable for any loss or damage (direct or consequential) resulting from Our failure to properly provide a service, office access, or facility to You. We also are not liable, in any way for any failure until You have told Us about it and have given Us a reasonable time to correct that failure. Our only obligation to You for any failure to render any service, or for error or omission by Us, or for any delay or interruption of service, is to make an adjustment to Your bill in an amount equal to the charge for such service for the period during which the failure, delay or interruption continues.


9. We and/or Our Landlord are not liable to You, or to anyone You invite or permit into Our offices or areas, for any injury (including death), loss or damage resulting from the actions or omissions of Our employees, Clients, their guests, or anyone else, or resulting from any condition or failure of the offices access, facilities and/or areas provided by Us. You waive all claims You may come to have against Us and/or Our Landlord for damage or loss to Your property arising from fire, theft, or other occurrences. However, You may exercise Your lawful rights to the extent there has occurred willful misconduct or gross negligence by Us or Our employees, while under Our control, and such willful misconduct or gross negligence has caused You injury, loss or damages.


10. You will have breached this Agreement if You do not fully and timely make the payments, perform the acts, and comply with the requirements, for which You are responsible under this Agreement.


  a. If You breach this Agreement, We have the right to cease to provide to You the designated office access, as well as some or all of Our other services without Our first obtaining a court order or other authorization. In the event of such a breach, We also have the right to terminate this Agreement early, and to exclude You, Your employees, agents, representatives, contractors, customers and visitors from Our offices (including Your designated office access), facilities and areas. However, in the absence of an emergency, We agree not to take such action without first giving You written notice of Your breach (or breaches) and a 5 calendar day opportunity to remedy all of Your breaches. Our failure to give You such written notice despite Your breach of this Agreement, does not mean We have waived Our right to do so in the future.


  b. Our early termination of this Agreement does not end Your obligations to Us. You will still be liable to Us for all unpaid and overdue fees for office access, facilities



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      1       Initials: Client CF      Provider LOGO

  and services, as well as for the Monthly Contract Charges listed in Schedule A, or those Monthly Contract Charges applicable at the time of termination, whichever is greater, for the remainder of the current term of this Agreement. Upon Our early termination of this Agreement, the unbilled charges and/or remaining applicable Monthly Contract Charges will be due as a lump sum.


  c. If, while You are in breach of this Agreement You abandon, or are removed from Your office access and leave behind personal property of Yours, We may treat the same as abandoned and dispose of the same as We see fit, at Your cost and expense.


11. You agree to pay Us promptly upon demand, notwithstanding the expiration or Our early termination of this Agreement:


  a. The Monthly Contract Charges described in Par. 10b above;


  b. All costs, expenses, losses and damages, including legal costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, We suffer or incur because of Your failure to fully and timely satisfy Your obligations under this Agreement, and/or in connection with Our efforts to enforce Your satisfaction and/or compliance with these obligations; and


  c. The reasonable cost of repair or replacement of Our offices, facilities, areas, furnishings, equipment and/or property because of their damage or destruction while in your possession, or caused by Your use or misuse; and


  d. All charges associated with telephone fraud traceable to Your account.


12. At the end of this Agreement, regardless of whether it has run its full time period or has been terminated early by Us, You agree as of the termination date:


  a. To remove all of Your personal property and leave Our offices (including Your designated office areas), facilities and areas. We are not responsible for Your personal property which remains after this termination date, and We may dispose of such personal property as We see fit, at Your cost and expense; and


  b. To leave Our offices (including Your designated office access), facilities and areas, in an acceptable condition normal wear and tear excepted; and


  c. To return all keys and security cards; and


  d. To have completed Your notification to all of Your correspondents to stop using Our address and phone number.


13. We, Our Landlord, and/or Landlord’s Lender have the right at any time to enter and/or inspect Your designated office to make repairs and/or to show the same to prospective Clients. If this occurs during working hours, We shall use reasonable efforts to minimize disruption to Your business operations.


14. All notices between You and Us must be in writing, and must be given as follows:


  a. For notices to You: Placed in the local mailbox, with a copy mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, directed to Your address set forth at the beginning of this Agreement with a follow-up email to Ben Pe [bpe@duratatherapeutics.com].


  b. For notices to Us: Mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the Managing Officer, c/o SymphonySuites, 89 Headquarters Plaza, North Tower 14th Floor, Morristown, NJ, 07960


15. For the duration of this Agreement, You are authorized to use Our address as Your business address in the manner We prescribe using Your business name as it appears on the first page of this Agreement or on the Client Application. We are not Your agent for the purpose of receiving legal papers on Your behalf. The phone number assigned to You is, and will always remain, Our property. It may not be used in any published
  directory without Our prior written consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld. If this Agreement ends by way of expiration, and without any uncured breach of this Agreement, You may request mail or phone forwarding services following such expiration at Our stated rates and conditions. In the absence of mail forwarding instructions, We may, at Our option, and without notice, obligation or liability to You, return mail to sender if returnable without charge to Us, or dispose of it if not returnable. After any expiration or termination of this Agreement and/or the services hereunder, if You should continue to use Our assigned mailing address or phone number in any current directories; websites; letterheads; or in any place whereby it appears to business correspondents that You continue to maintain a presence at Our premises, You agree that You will pay Us a sum of 1.5 times Our usual fee for such usage for as long as the usage continues. You further agree that We are not required to notify You in advance of imposing such fees.


16. You agree to defend, reimburse and protect Us, Our officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates (called “Our Group”) from and against all obligations, liabilities, claims, damages, costs and fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees) which may be imposed upon, or asserted against, Our Group because of Your actions or omissions or those of Your employees, agents, representatives, contractors, visitors or of those You permit to occupy or use Our offices, facilities and/or areas (called “Your Group”), or which arise out of Your failure to fully and timely pay, perform or comply with any provision or requirement contained in this Agreement.


17. You agree to pay for and maintain in force, for the duration of this Agreement, including all renewal time periods, a commercial general liability insurance policy which insures You for the obligations You owe to Us under Paragraph 16 of this Agreement, and which also insures You, Us and Our Landlord Second ROC Jersey Associates as additional insured against claims for bodily injury (including death) and property damage, occurring on, in, or about Our offices, areas and/or Building, with policy limits of at least $1 million combined single limit per occurrence. You agree to provide to Us a duly issued certificate of insurance memorializing these insurance coverages, from an insurance company acceptable to Us, before You and We begin Our performance of this Agreement.


18. If You become insolvent, transfer Your assets for the benefit of Your creditors, file, or there is filed against You, bankruptcy or insolvency lawsuits, We have the right to immediately and without notice, terminate this Agreement early, and to exercise all of Our rights available under the law.


19. The laws of New Jersey shall be used to resolve all disputes and to interpret this Agreement. The Superior Court of New Jersey is the only place in which You or We shall present any and all disputes and/or claims either of Us may have concerning this Agreement and/or its performance. If a portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, that determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other provisions.


20. This Agreement including its attached Schedules and Supplement(s), is the entire Agreement between You and Us; and it supersedes any and all previous Agreements, arrangements and understandings We may have had (if any). This Agreement may not be changed or altered in any way except in writing signed by both You and We. This Agreement, and all changes to it, shall be effective only when signed by both You and Our Managing Officer.


You and We sign this Agreement below on behalf of ourselves, everyone who succeeds to Our interests, and everyone to whom You (with Our Consent) and/or We transfer rights under this Agreement.


Provider: Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc. t/a    Client: Durata Therapeutics, Inc., by:

SymphonySuites, by:


Signature: LOGO         Date: 12/31/10

   Signature: LOGO                          Date: 12/27/10
Title: Managing Officer    Print Name & Title: Corey Fishman, Chief Operating Officer






Term of the Agreement: January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012





    Total Monthly  


   Office Access for Office/Suite No(s). 1436; 1433; 1430; 1427; 1425; 1478; 1476; 1474 Including office cleaning, maintenance services, heating and air conditioning during normal business hours    $ 14,893      $ 14,893   


   Furniture Rental (see also Furniture Rental Supplement)    $ 3,607      $ 3,607   


   Complete Multiline Telephone Equipment    $ 40   $ 400   


   Executive Telephone Upgrade w/display    $ 20      $ 200   
   Dedicated Analog Modem Only Line    $ 24     


   Dedicated Analog Fax & Modem Line    $ 45   $ 90   
   Local Area Network Nodes (with IP address)    $ 20     


   High Speed T-1 Internet Service (includes LAN node for each)    $ 30   $ 300   
   Additional Voice Mailbox + Message Center    $ 45     
   Attendant Answering    $ 50     
   Attendant Screening (1st person)    $ 120     
   Attendant Screening (additional person)    $ 60     


   Indoor Parking (Morristown)    $ 65      $ 650   
      $ 0     
      $ 0     
      $ 0     
   Verizon Directory Listing    $ 5     


     $ 20,140   


     $ 40,280   


* See current price schedule for one time setup charges

The above Services listing is not necessarily complete and may be amended from time to time to reflect changes in services and/or equipment.




[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      3       Initials: Clien CF     Provider LOGO



1. You agree to pay Us in advance on the first day of each month for all Monthly Contract Charges, whether or not You have received an invoice from Us for the same. We will bill variable charges for other services monthly and payment for such is due within 10 days of the invoice date.


2. All of Your payments to Us must be made in United States currency or by checks drawn on United States banks. Payments made by credit card will be subject to an additional fee of a least 3% or as imposed by the bank or issuing entity, whichever is higher. Returned checks will be subject to a fee of $25.


3. You agree to pay a 5% late charge on any outstanding balance which We receive later than the 10th of the month in which it is due. Further if You fail to pay Us before the 20th of the month in which a payment is due, You agree to pay interest charges at 1.25% per month until We receive payment. We are not limited to just requiring and receiving from You these interest and late payment charges, and may resort to such remedies and actions as the law and/or this Agreement gives Us.


4. You are responsible for payment of all applicable taxes on the services received under this Agreement.


5. Should You give Us timely notice of Your intention to not renew this Agreement and fail to leave Our offices or remove Your property at the end of the term, the services herein and this Agreement will automatically continue on a month-to -month basis with the following conditions:


  a. You will pay Office Access at a 100% premium above the charge in the last month of the regular term and


  b. Office Access will be paid in whole month increments only (even if occupancy only continues for a partial month), and


  c. In the last month of occupancy, You will provide Us with written notice in the first 15 days of that month of Your intention to end occupancy and the services hereunder on the last day of that month.


6. If You have signed a Furniture Rental Supplement of this Agreement, You agree to pay Us all monies You owe to Cadogan Resources, LLC. Your failure to fully and timely do so shall be a breach of this Agreement, as well as a breach of the Furniture Rental Supplement.


7. In the event an Amendment to this Agreement must be prepared for renewals, additions, extensions, changes, etc., the Amendment Processing Fee on the front of this document shall apply. This Fee does not apply in the event of automatic renewal of a current Agreement.


8. If You dispute any portion of Our charges, You agree to timely and fully pay to Us the portion of Our charges You do not dispute; and You further agree to advise Us in writing, within 30 days after You receive Our bill, of the portion of said bill You dispute. If You do not advise Us in writing within this 30 day period that You dispute all or some of Our charges on said bill, You will have waived Your right to dispute Our charges.


9. We provide telephone service to You through Our carriers billed at or less than basic AT&T tariff rates depending upon usage level, and we do not charge for incoming calls. We do not charge for Toll Free calls unless there is excessive trunk usage. We reserve the right to charge you any applicable provider fees and taxes plus:


  a. the standard FCC rate for each call if you use an alternate carrier and
  b. a minimum usage of $30 per month per phone (which amount may be revised by Us with 30 days prior notice) to allow us to meet our contract usage levels and for incoming trunks and


  c. charge a fee for additional broadband usage if any external VOIP calling services are used.


10. Simultaneously with Your signing of this Agreement (of which this Schedule B is a part), You will pay a Refundable Retainer in the amount indicated on the reverse side of this page. This Refundable Retainer may be applied by Us, at any time, at Our discretion, to the outstanding monies You owe to Us (whether for required payments, compensation for repairs or damages You have caused Us to make or suffer, or for monies You owe to Cadogan Resources, LLC, under its Furniture Rental Supplement with You - if You have signed such a Supplement). We have the right to require that You replenish the Refundable Retainer by replacing dollar for dollar the funds We apply from this Refundable Retainer. During or subsequent to the term of this Agreement, You cannot designate that the Retainer be applied toward any Monthly Contract or additional charges. At the expiration of the Agreement and when You have satisfied all of Your obligations; vacated the premises; left the same in an acceptable condition normal wear and tear excepted; returned all keys and security cards; paid all charges; and removed Your property from Our premises, We will refund to You the balance remaining of this Refundable Retainer within 45 to 60 days mailed to the person signing this Agreement at the Client Address above.


11. In the event any of the walls in the offices occupied by You are marked or damaged in anyway, You agree to reimburse Us for a repainting charge at the time of moving for all of the offices You occupy at a cost of $150.00 per room.


12. Our staff and employees are an essential part of Our ability to deliver Our services. You acknowledge this, and agree that:


  a. You will not directly contract, or otherwise agree with, Our staff and employees for the performance of services; and will arrange for such performance only through Us;


  b. You will not, during the duration of this Agreement, and for the one year period immediately following its expiration or early termination, directly or indirectly, hire any person who has been an employee of Ours, or a member of Our staff at the location at which you have licensed offices hereunder at any time this Agreement was in effect, and


  c. If You violate the provisions of (b.) above, in addition to such other remedies as the law gives to Us, You agree to pay Us 30% of such person’s annual compensation or $15,000.00, whichever is greater, for each of such persons You hire. You agree with Us that such a charge is a reasonable estimation of the loss We would suffer in such a situation, and that a more accurate calculation of Our loss would be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix.



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      4       Initials: Client CF      Provider LOGO




1. SymphonySuites is a community of professionals, and the office decorum should at all times reflect adherence by its members to the highest standards of conduct and appearance for the benefit of all. You agree not to interfere with Our other Clients, or with the activities of Our employees, or those of Our Landlord, or its Tenants.


2. Please respect others conducting business in the center by wearing appropriate business attire fitting a professional office environment during regular business hours. As a minimum, specifically not permitted are shorts; jeans; athletic clothing; athletic footwear; denim clothing; shirts without collars (for men); hats; clothing with advertisements or logos; and other inappropriate articles of clothing.


3. Neither You nor anyone You invite into the premises can use Our facilities, premises, areas and/or property for immoral purposes or in such a manner as to violate applicable laws, codes, regulations, and/or the conditions of Our insurance policies, or those of Our Landlord, or make these policies invalid or more expensive; nor in such a manner as is hazardous, unsafe, or which in Our opinion, or that of Our Landlord, impairs the first class character of Our offices and/or Building.


4. The following are prohibited on the premises at all times:


  a. Smoking


  b. Pets or other animals except bona fide seeing eye dogs


  c. Bicycles or other mobile transportation on the premises


  d. Hazardous materials or equipment-which would include halogen lamps, candles, solvents, paints, etc.


  e. Furnishings not specified by Us including desks, tables, chairs, bookcases, etc.


  f. Deleted


  g. Connection or installation of any telephone, broadband or communications equipment including cabling not provided by Us including wireless or other multipoint access LAN’s


  h. Display of any signs, awnings, advertisements or projections which may be visible from any common area of the facilities or floor, or from the outside of the building


  i. Installation or use of cooking equipment in Your office including hot plates; microwave ovens, etc.


  j. Storage or disposal of food in Your office


  k. Installation of any vending machines


  l. Use of the office for residential, dwelling or sleeping purposes


  m. Applying tape to any walls or furniture on the premises


  n. Changing of locks for doors and furnishings provided by Us


  o. Installation or use of any equipment which in Our judgement, or in the judgement of Our Landlord, cause any interference, impairment, discomfort, inconvenience or annoyance to Us, Our Landlord or Our other Clients


5. The following are prohibited without Our prior written consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld and may be subject to special instructions or fees:


  a. refrigerators of all types and heavy objects such as safes, etc.


  b. installation of office equipment with power requirements beyond those of a desktop PC or laser printers


  c. use of electrical extension cables or power strips


  d. installation of wall hangings; whiteboards, lamps, etc.


  e. Storage of boxes or other objects in Your office which are visible from the hallways


  f. Plants resting on the furniture or floor


6. You must ensure that noise emanating from Your office from radios; video equipment; cell phones, speaker phones, etc. cannot be heard beyond Your office.


7. All full-time Client staff working at SymphonySuites can be assigned pass cards and keys for 24 hour access to their offices. Do not transfer or duplicate these keys, and they must be surrendered upon request or returned directly to Us at the end of Your employment or the Agreement term, whichever is sooner. If lost, there is a charge for replacement, as well as changing of the locks. After regular business hours and all
  day weekends, ensure that all doors leading to the outside or elevator corridor are securely locked at all times and do not admit any strangers, even if they claim to be visiting other clients.


8. The common areas including the hallways, ante-rooms, conference rooms, lunch room, reception area, etc. should be kept clean and uncluttered throughout the work day. Therefore, after each use, leave all common areas clean and uncluttered, and carry all open beverages through the hallways using the provided lids.


9. Please do not conduct meetings or business in the reception area, hallways or pantry.


10. Janitorial services are available after 5:00 pm of each work day. For Clients leaving earlier, waste receptacles may be left in the Mens/Ladies Room for disposal. Please do not leave receptacles or any objects for disposal in the hallways during working hours.


11. Please do not use the offices for babysitting of children at any time. Older children using the facilities for work must adhere to the requirements of this Schedule including dress standards. In addition, please inform Your visitors that children should not wait in the common areas at any time, or be heard anywhere on the floor during business hours.


12. Regular business hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday except Holidays. SymphonySuites staff Holidays are New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Please note that air conditioning may not be available outside of regular business hours and on building holidays based on the local building schedule.


13. Do not remove furnishings or any other items from any other offices on the floor, even if they appear vacant. When using the wood furniture, please use desk mats, coasters or felt bases to avoid causing scratches. All desk chairs must have a floor mat at all times. Repairs are costly and billable to You.


14. You are responsible to make Your visitors aware of these rules. Violation may result, in some cases, in consequences which could include the issuance by Us of a notice of default and/or the immediate removal from Our premises of the offending person.


15. Our staff are required to maintain a helpful, but strictly professional relationship with Our Clients. Clients are prohibited from offering gratuities; presenting work requests directly to Our staff outside of Our approved procedures; offering Our staff employment, developing personal or external business relationships with Our staff; or becoming involved in any relationships with Our staff which have the potential for creating conflicts of interest, illegal conduct and/or the opportunity for allegations of sexual harassment.

Other guidance is contained in the current Client Handbook, and is a part of these Rules and Regulations. These Rules and Regulations may be supplemented, changed or deleted by SymphonySuites after written notice is given.




[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      5       Initials: Client CF      Provider LOGO

(Intentionally blank)





Cadogan Resources, L.L.C. (referred to as “Cadogan” in this document) and Durata Therapeutics, Inc. (referred to as “You” or “Your” in this document), make this additional Agreement (the “Supplement”) to the Office Services Agreement No. 079-1436-11 between You and Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc. t/a SymphonySuites (referred to as “SymphonySuites” in this document). Cadogan agrees to rent to You and You agree to rent from Cadogan, on a week-to-week basis, the equipment and furniture listed on the Equipment/Furniture Addendum, on the reverse side of this page, for the length of term indicated and under the terms and conditions set forth below.


1. Your right to rent this equipment and furniture depends on Your Office Services Agreement with Symphony Suites, and if that Agreement ends, so will Your rights under this Supplement. You may use this equipment and furniture only in connection with Your use of the designated office access, facilities and areas, provided to You by Symphony Suites, and only in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Agreement with SymphonySuites. If You breach Your Agreement with SymphonySuites, Cadogan may, at its option, terminate this Supplement and Your rights in said equipment and furniture. Conversely, if You breach this Supplement, that breach will also be a breach of Your Office Services Agreement with SymphonySuites.


2. You agree to fully and timely pay in advance, the rental charges set forth on the Addendum, on the reverse side of this Supplement; and You also agree to fully and timely satisfy the performances and requirements You have assumed in this Supplement with regard to said furniture and equipment. You agree to make all of Your payments to Cadogan, by making these payments to SymphonySuites – who serves as the collection agent for Cadogan with regard to these payments.


3. The equipment and furniture You are renting is, and shall always remain, the property of Cadogan. You are obligated to maintain said property in good physical condition, and to protect Cadogan’s ownership rights in the furniture and equipment. Your obligations in this regard include the following:


  a. You must keep the equipment and furniture in good repair, condition and working order;


  b. You must not remove the equipment and furniture from the designated office area provided to You by SymphonySuites.


  c. You must use appropriate mats on all surfaces which are subject to direct contact or wear. You must return the equipment and furniture to Cadogan in good repair, condition and working order. Conditions caused by ordinary wear and tear are acceptable, but not if this condition could have been prevented or lessened by Your using desk pads.
  d. Only Cadogan is authorized to make repairs to the furniture.


  e. You will not use or offer Cadogan equipment or furniture as security for Your repayment of any debt or for the satisfaction of any of Your obligations.


4. You agree to protect and reimburse Cadogan from and with regard to all loss and/or damage Cadogan suffers because of Your failure to satisfy any of Your obligations listed in this Supplement. Additionally, You are totally responsible for any and all loss or damage to the equipment and/or furniture regardless of how such loss or damage occurred normal wear and tear excepted.


5. You agree to keep all rental equipment and furniture insured under an all risks/loss/damage insurance policy in an amount equal to what it would cost to fully replace this equipment and furniture. You also agree to carry liability and property damage insurance covering this equipment and furniture and its use. The policies must defend, protect and reimburse Cadogan and Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc. t/a SymphonySuites against with regard to, all claims, liabilities, damages and costs connected with, and resulting from, this equipment and/or furniture and/or its use.


6. You acknowledge that You are not permitted to transfer Your rights under this Supplement to anyone, and that any attempt by You, or anyone else, to transfer Your said rights, will not be effective to actually cause such a transfer to occur.


7. Neither SymphonySuites nor Cadogan make any guaranty expressly or implied to You or anyone else concerning the fitness of said equipment and furniture for any purpose, its salability, design, condition, performance capabilities or any other aspect of said equipment and furniture or concerning its material or workmanship.


We sign this Supplement below on behalf of ourselves, everyone who succeeds to Our interests, and everyone to whom We may transfer Our rights under this Supplement with Cadogan’s consent.


Cadogan Resources L.L.C.       Durata Therapeutics, Inc.
Signature   LOGO  

as Agent

    Signature   LOGO





(To Be Submitted Later)

Rate Basis: Two Year


Description    Room    Tag No.    Type    Cond

Weekly Furniture Rental Charge $902

Charges are billed monthly and the maximum charge in any full month will be based on four weeks billing.

This Schedule may be amended to reflect requested changes in furnishings. However, if the Rate Basis is reduced for any furnishings, any increased charges will be retroactive to the start of the rental period for the furnishings indicated.

Condition Codes

N= New and unblemished.

E= Excellent-nearly new with no visible surface scratches.

G= Good- Some surface wear may appear, but no surface scratches penetrate the polyurethane coating to the wood.

F= Fair-Some minor scratches may appear on the work surface or edge only-side panels are free of all scratches.

O= Other-see notes



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      8       Initials: Client              Provider                         


Cadogan Resources, L.L.C. (referred to as “Cadogan” in this document) and Durata Therapeutics, Inc. (referred to as “You” or “Your” in this document), make this additional Agreement (the “Supplement”) to the Office Services Agreement No. 079-1436-11 between You and Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc. t/a SymphonySuites (referred to as “SymphonySuites” in this document). Cadogan agrees to rent to You and You agree to rent from Cadogan, on a week-to-week basis, the equipment and furniture listed on the Equipment/Furniture Addendum, on the reverse side of this page, for the length of term indicated and under the terms and conditions set forth below.


1. Your right to rent this equipment and furniture depends on Your Office Services Agreement with Symphony Suites, and if that Agreement ends, so will Your rights under this Supplement. You may use this equipment and furniture only in connection with Your use of the designated office access, facilities and areas, provided to You by Symphony Suites, and only in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Agreement with SymphonySuites. If You breach Your Agreement with SymphonySuites, Cadogan may, at its option, terminate this Supplement and Your rights in said equipment and furniture. Conversely, if You breach this Supplement, that breach will also be a breach of Your Office Services Agreement with SymphonySuites.


2. You agree to fully and timely pay in advance, the rental charges set forth on the Addendum, on the reverse side of this Supplement; and You also agree to fully and timely satisfy the performances and requirements You have assumed in this Supplement with regard to said furniture and equipment. You agree to make all of Your payments to Cadogan, by making these payments to SymphonySuites – who serves as the collection agent for Cadogan with regard to these payments.


3. The equipment and furniture You are renting is, and shall always remain, the property of Cadogan. You are obligated to maintain said property in good physical condition, and to protect Cadogan’s ownership rights in the furniture and equipment. Your obligations in this regard include the following:


  a. You must keep the equipment and furniture in good repair, condition and working order;


  b. You must not remove the equipment and furniture from the designated office area provided to You by SymphonySuites.


  c. You must use appropriate mats on all surfaces which are subject to direct contact or wear. You must return the equipment and furniture to Cadogan in good repair, condition and working order. Conditions caused by ordinary wear and tear are acceptable, but not if this condition could have been prevented or lessened by Your using desk pads.
  d. Only Cadogan is authorized to make repairs to the furniture.


  e. You will not use or offer Cadogan equipment or furniture as security for Your repayment of any debt or for the satisfaction of any of Your obligations.


4. You agree to protect and reimburse Cadogan from and with regard to all loss and/or damage Cadogan suffers because of Your failure to satisfy any of Your obligations listed in this Supplement. Additionally, You are totally responsible for any and all loss or damage to the equipment and/or furniture regardless of how such loss or damage occurred normal wear and tear excepted.


5. You agree to keep all rental equipment and furniture insured under an all risks/loss/damage insurance policy in an amount equal to what it would cost to fully replace this equipment and furniture. You also agree to carry liability and property damage insurance covering this equipment and furniture and its use. The policies must defend, protect and reimburse Cadogan and Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc. t/a SymphonySuites against with regard to, all claims, liabilities, damages and costs connected with, and resulting from, this equipment and/or furniture and/or its use.


6. You acknowledge that You are not permitted to transfer Your rights under this Supplement to anyone, and that any attempt by You, or anyone else, to transfer Your said rights, will not be effective to actually cause such a transfer to occur.


7. Neither SymphonySuites nor Cadogan make any guaranty expressly or implied to You or anyone else concerning the fitness of said equipment and furniture for any purpose, its salability, design, condition, performance capabilities or any other aspect of said equipment and furniture or concerning its material or workmanship.


We sign this Supplement below on behalf of ourselves, everyone who succeeds to Our interests, and everyone to whom We may transfer Our rights under this Supplement with Cadogan’s consent.


Cadogan Resources L.L.C.       Durata Therapeutics, Inc.
Signature   LOGO  

as Agent

    Signature   LOGO





Rate Basis: Two Year


Description    Room    Tag No.    Type    Cond

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1423    2094    Seating    G

Eco 36 x 72 R/H Stepped Desk

   1423    2486    Desk    E

Eco 39 x 20 Desk Height L-Return

   1423    2487    L-Return    N

Eco 72 x 24 Kneespace Credenza

   1423    2489    Credenza    E

Framed Poster

   1423    546    Art   

Framed Poster: Mondrian

   1423    467    Art   

M2616 Display Telephone

   1423    1434    Phone   

Pompa HB Leather Desk Chair

   1423    2154    Seating    G

47 x 20 Desk Height U-Return

   1424    NT    U-Return    G

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1424    2883    Seating    E

Framed Poster

   1424    2288    Art   

M2616 Telephone

   1424    NT    Phone   

Petri 36 x 72 L/H Stepped Desk

   1424    2885    Desk    G

Petri 98x19 Rear Unit

   1424    2515    Rear Unit    G

48 x 72 Wood/Wood Panel w/base

   1425    2666    Panel    E

EPH Desk Unit w/Peninsula & Overhead Shelf

   1425    644    Desk    G

EPH Desk Unit w/Peninsula & Overhead Shelf

   1425    2276    Desk    G

Framed Poster

   1425    791    Art   

Framed Poster: VanGogh Starlight Over Rh

   1425    150    Art   

Humanscale Liberty Task Chair w/arms

   1425    1635    Seating    N

Humanscale Liberty Task Chair w/arms

   1425    1636    Seating    N

Attache HB Leather Desk Chair

   1426    2544    Seating    G

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1426    2558    Seating    E

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1426    2872    Seating    E

Eco 36 x 72 Bookcase

   1426    2023    Bookcase    E

Eco 42 x 78 L/H Conference Desk

   1426    2299    Desk    G

Eco 54 x 25 Desk Height L/H BBF L-Return

   1426    2999    L-Return    G

Eco 66 x 19 Credenza

   1426    2300    Credenza    E

Framed Poster

   1426    861    Art   

M2616 II Display Telephone

   1426    936    Phone   

Eco 72 x 25 Desk Height FF (30”) L-Return

   1427    2996    L-Return    E

Eco 78 x 24 BBF Rear Unit

   1427    2201    Rear Unit    G

Eco 84” Overhead Unit

   1427    2296    Overhead Furniture    E

Framed Poster: Ecole de Botanique

   1427    1335    Art   

Meridian 30 x 20 5-Drawer Lateral File

   1427    673    File Cabinet    E

Meridian 30 x 20 Tall Storage Cabinet

   1427    2373    Storage Unit    E

48 x 25 Desk Height U-Return

   1428    2174    U-Return    G

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1428    2367    Seating    E

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1428    2368    Seating    E



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      8       Initials: Client CF      Provider LOGO

Eco 36 x 72 Bookcase

   1428    2399    Bookcase    N

Eco 36 x 72 Bookcase

   1428    2674    Bookcase    E

Framed Poster

   1428    470    Art   

M2616 Telephone

   1428    NT    Phone   

Petri 42 x 84 L/H Stepped Arc Desk

   1428    2172    Desk    G

Pompa HB Leather Desk Chair

   1428    2213    Seating    G

48 x 20 Typing Height U Return

   1429    2601    U-Return    E

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1429    2380    Seating    E

Framed Poster: Murnau Landscape

   1429    1318    Art   

M2616 Telephone

   1429    NT    Phone   

Petri 111 x 19 BBF/FF Rear Unit

   1429    2839    Rear Unit    E

Petri 36 x 78 L/H Stepped Desk

   1429    2798    Desk    E

Waveland LB Leather Desk Chair

   1429    2831    Seating    E

Contour II Leather Large Task Chair

   1430    723    Seating    G

Eco 36 x 20 Desk Height R/H L-Return (lam)

   1430    2694    L-Return    E

Eco 36 x 72 R/H Stepped Desk (lam)

   1430    2693    Desk    E

Eco 72 x 24 Credenza (lam)

   1430    2692    Credenza    E

Framed Poster

   1430    520    Art   

Framed Poster

   1430    548    Art   

48 x 20 Desk Height U Return

   1431    2177    U-Return    E

Attache HB Leather Desk Chair

   1431    2568    Seating    E

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1431    2138    Seating    E

Collegeville Stack Guest Chair

   1431    2142    Seating    E

Eco 108 x 19 2 -Pedestal Rear Unit

   1431    2175    Rear Unit    E

Eco 108” Overhead Unit

   1431    2178    Overhead Furniture    E

Eco 36 x 84 L/H Conference U-Desk

   1431    2176    Desk    E

M2616 Telephone

   1431    1346    Phone   

Petri 36 x 72 Bookcase

   1431    2605    Bookcase    E

Attache LB Leather Conference Chair

   1432    2133    Seating    G

Attache LB Leather Desk Chair

   1432    19    Seating    G

Attache LB Leather Desk Chair

   1432    26    Seating    G

Attache LB Leather Desk Chair

   1432    2277    Seating    G

Framed Poster: Day to Day

   1432    1294    Art   

Quattro 48 x 84 Racetrack Table w/inlay & 6 mats

   1432    766    Table    G

Framed Poster: Port Costa

   1433    2165    Art   

Framed Poster: Wisteria

   1433    2164    Art   

Kimball 2 Drawer Cherry Lateral File

   1433    2203    File Cabinet    G

Kimball Cherry L/H L-Desk

   1433    604    Desk    G

M2616 Telephone

   1433    NT    Phone   

Meridian 30 x 20 5-Drawer Lateral File

   1433    2768    File Cabinet    E

Meridian 30 x 20 5-Drawer Lateral File

   1433    2769    File Cabinet    E

Meridian 30 x 20 Tall Storage Cabinet

   1433    2767    Storage Unit    E

Framed Poster: ‘Transition

   1434    2161    Art   

M2616 Telephone

   1434    1349    Phone   



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      9       Initials: Client CF      Provider LOGO

Petri 36 x 72 Arc Front Double Ped Desk

   1434    2290    Desk    G

Petri 60” Computer Credenza w/Pedestal

   1434    2289    Credenza    G

Pompa HB Leather Desk Chair

   1434    2313    Seating    G

Post Medium Cherry Guest Chair (COM fabric)

   1434    2207    Seating    G

Eco 92 x 24 Rear Unit

   1435    2737    Rear Unit    G

Framed Poster

   1435    471    Art   

M2616 Telephone

   1435    1379    Phone   

Petri 36 x 72 Arc Front Ped Desk

   1435    2153    Desk    E

Pompa HB Leather Desk Chair

   1435    711    Seating    G

Post Medium Cherry Guest Chair (COM fabric)

   1435    2281    Seating    G

48 x 72 Wood/Wood Panel w/base

   1436    2686    Panel    E

Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm

   1436    2687    Seating    E

Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm

   1436    2701    Seating    E

Eco 36 x 25 Desk Height R/H L-Return

   1436    2704    L-Return    E

Eco 41 x 25 Desk Height L/H L-Return

   1436    2703    L-Return    E

Eco 77 x 30 BBF Rear Unit

   1436    2705    Rear Unit    E

Eco 77 x 30 BBF Rear Unit

   1436    2706    Rear Unit    E

Framed Artwork: Ocean Park #19

   1436    2162    Art   

Framed Artwork: Red Tiled Hillside

   1436    2160    Art   

Meridian 18” 5-Drawer Vertical File

   1436    2772    File Cabinet    E

Meridian 18” 5-Drawer Vertical File

   1436    2773    File Cabinet    E

Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm

   1474    2075    Seating    E

EPH Desk Unit w/Peninsula & Overhead Shelf

   1474    646    Desk    G

Framed Poster: Matisse

   1474    468    Art   

M2616 Telephone

   1474    NT    Phone   

Meridian 36 x 20 5-Drawer Lateral File

   1474    2372    File Cabinet    E

Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm

   1476    2668    Seating    G

Eco 30 x 24 2 Drawer Lateral File

   1476    3045    File Cabinet    E

Eco 30” Upper Bookcase

   1476    2600    Bookcase    E

Eco 48 x 31 Desk Height FF L-Return

   1476    2719    L-Return    E

Eco 77 x 24 BBF Rear Unit

   1476    2720    Rear Unit    E

Framed Poster: Chagall

   1476    469    Art   

M2616 Display Telephone

   1476    1412    Phone   

Tackboard 24 x 60

   1476    1582    Tackboard    N

Eco 30” Upper Bookcase

   1478    2581    Bookcase    E

Framed Poster

   1478    458    Art   

Framed Poster

   1478    460    Art   

Meridian 60 x 24 Rectangular Table

   1478    2287    Table    E

Weekly Furniture Rental Charge $902



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      10       Initials: Client CF      Provider   LOGO

Charges are billed monthly and the maximum charge in any full month will be based on four weeks billing.

This Schedule may be amended to reflect requested changes in furnishings. However, if the Rate Basis is reduced for any furnishings, any increased charges will be retroactive to the start of the rental period for the furnishings indicated.

Condition Codes

N= New and unblemished.

E= Excellent-nearly new with no visible surface scratches.

G= Good- Some surface wear may appear, but no surface scratches penetrate the polyurethane coating to the wood.

F= Fair-Some minor scratches may appear on the work surface or edge only-side panels are free of all scratches.

O= Other-see notes



[] Symphony Suites. All Rights Reserved. CONFIDENTIAL Rev. 708      11       Initials: Client CF      Provider    LOGO

Add Office Amendment

Date: December 23, 2011

RE: Agreement No. 079-1436-11

This Amendment to the referenced Agreement is prepared in accordance with Paragraph 20.

Whereas, You have requested to add services for an additional office(s) effective January 1, 2012 to the end of the referenced Agreement term, and We have agreed to same provided that:

1) You are not in default of any of the terms of the referenced Agreement and,

2) You have paid all charges billed prior to the above date and,

3) This Amendment is fully executed within 10 days from the above date and is returned with the additional security retainer shown in the attached Supplemental Schedule A prior to the effective occupancy date above.

On the effective occupancy date above, the current Agreement and Monthly Contract Charges will be supplemented by the attached SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE A, and FURNITURE RENTAL SUPPLEMENT.

All other paragraphs, terms, and conditions of the referenced Agreement are unmodified and remain in full force and effect.

The Parties hereto, on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, have caused this Amendment to be duly executed as of the day and year first written above.



Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc.

t/a Symphony Suites




Durata Therapeutics, Inc.



Managing Officer     Title: COO
Date: 1/21/12     Date: 1/3/12








    Total Monthly  



Office Access** for Office/Suite No(s). 1422

Including office cleaning, maintenance services, heating and air conditioning during normal business hours

   $ 2,290      $ 2,290   


   Furniture Rental (see also Furniture Rental Supplement)    $ 936      $ 936   


   Complete Multiline Telephone Equipment    $ 95   $ 380   


   Executive Telephone Upgrade w/display    $ 40      $ 40   
   Dedicated Analog Modem Only Line    $ 24     
   Dedicated Analog Fax & Modem Line    $ 45  
   Local Area Network Nodes (with IP address)    $ 20     


   High Speed T-1 Internet Service (includes LAN node for each)    $ 30   $ 120   
   Additional Voice Mailbox + Message Center    $ 45     
   Attendant Answering    $ 50     
   Attendant Screening (1st person)    $ 120     
   Attendant Screening (additional person)    $ 60     
   Indoor Parking (where available)    $ 65     
      $ 0     
      $ 0     
      $ 0     
   Verizon Directory Listing    $ 2     


     $ 3,766   


     $ 7,532   


* See current price schedule for one time setup charges

The above Services listing is not necessarily complete and may be amended from time to time to reflect changes in services and/or equipment.


      Initials: Client CF      Provider   LOGO


Cadogan Resources, L.L.C. (referred to as “Cadogan” in this document) and Durata Therapeutics, Inc. (referred to as “You”

or “Your” in this document), make this additional Agreement (the “Supplement”) to the Office Services Agreement No. 079-1436-11 between You and Chartwell Consulting Group, Inc. t/a SymphonySuites (referred to as “SymphonySuites” in this


Cadogan agrees to rent to You and You agree to rent from Cadogan, on a week-to-week basis, the equipment and furniture listed on the Equipment/Furniture Addendum, on the reverse side of this page, for the length of term indicated and under the terms and conditions set forth below.


1. Your right to rent this equipment and furniture depends on Your Office Services Agreement with Symphony Suites, and if that Agreement ends, so will Your rights under this Supplement. You may use this equipment and furniture only in connection with Your use of the designated office access, facilities and areas, provided to You by Symphony Suites, and only in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Agreement with SymphonySuites. If You breach Your Agreement with SymphonySuites, Cadogan may, at its option, terminate this Supplement and Your rights in said equipment and furniture. Conversely, if You breach this Supplement, that breach will also be a breach of Your Office Services Agreement with SymphonySuites.


2. You agree to fully and timely pay in advance, the rental charges set forth on the Addendum, on the reverse side of this Supplement; and You also agree to fully and timely satisfy the performances and requirements You have assumed in this Supplement with regard to said furniture and equipment. You agree to make all of Your payments to Cadogan, by making these payments to SymphonySuites – who serves as the collection agent for Cadogan with regard to these payments.


3. The equipment and furniture You are renting is, and shall always remain, the property of Cadogan. You are obligated to maintain said property in good physical condition, and to protect Cadogan’s ownership rights in the furniture and equipment. Your obligations in this regard include the following:


  a. You must keep the equipment and furniture in good repair, condition and working order;


  b. You must not remove the equipment and furniture from the designated office area provided to You by SymphonySuites.


  c. You must use appropriate mats on all surfaces which are subject to direct contact or wear. You must return the equipment and furniture to Cadogan in good repair, condition and working order. Conditions caused by ordinary wear and tear are acceptable, but not if this condition could have been prevented or lessened by Your using desk pads.
  d. Only Cadogan is authorized to make repairs to the furniture.


  e. You will not use or offer Cadogan equipment or furniture as security for Your repayment of any debt or for the satisfaction of any of Your obligations.


4. You agree to protect and reimburse Cadogan from and with regard to all loss and/or damage Cadogan suffers because of Your failure to satisfy any of Your obligations listed in this Supplement. Additionally, You are totally responsible for any and all loss or damage to the equipment and/or furniture regardless of how such loss or damage occurred.


5. You agree to keep all rental equipment and furniture insured under an all risks/loss/damage insurance policy in an amount equal to what it would cost to fully replace this equipment and furniture. You also agree to carry liability and property damage insurance covering this equipment and furniture and its use. The policies must be acceptable to Cadogan and SymphonySuites, and must defend, protect and reimburse Cadogan and SymphonySuites against, and with regard to, all claims, liabilities, damages and costs connected with, and resulting from, this equipment and/or furniture and/or its use.


6. You acknowledge that You are not permitted to transfer Your rights under this Supplement to anyone, and that any attempt by You, or anyone else, to transfer Your said rights, will not be effective to actually cause such a transfer to occur.


7. Neither SymphonySuites nor Cadogan make any guaranty expressly or implied to You or anyone else concerning the fitness of said equipment and furniture for any purpose, its salability, design, condition, performance capabilities or any other aspect of said equipment and furniture or concerning its material or workmanship.


We sign this Supplement below on behalf of ourselves, everyone who succeeds to Our interests, and everyone to whom We may transfer Our rights under this Supplement with Cadogan’s consent.


Cadogan Resources L.L.C.       Durata Therapeutics, Inc.
Signature   LOGO  

as Agent

    Signature   LOGO



Rate Basis:


Tag    Description    Location    Type    Cond


   M2616 II Display Telephone    1420    Phone   


   Attache HB Leather Conference Chair    1420    Seating    E


   Aspen Guest Chair (Streber Krauss)    1420    Seating    G


   Eco 114 x 19 Top    1420    Rear Unit    E


   Petri 19” L-Panel    1420    Rear Unit    E


   Petri 36 x 19 FF Pedestal    1420    Rear Unit    E


   Petri 16 x 19 BFF Pedestal    1420    Rear Unit    E


   42 x 25 Desk Height U-Return    1420    U-Return    E


   Petri 36 x 72 R/H Desk    1420    Desk    E


   Framed Poster: Chagall    1420    Art   


   Framed Poster    1421    Art   


   M2008 Telephone    1421    Phone   


   M2008 Telephone    1421    Phone   


   Eco 42 x 20 Desk Height L-Return    1421    L-Return    E


   Eco 30 x 31 Desk Height L-Return    1421    L-Return    E


   Eco 105 x 19 BBF Rear Unit    1421    Rear Unit    E


   Eco 76 x 30 BBF Rear Unit    1421    Rear Unit    E


   Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm    1421    Seating    E


   Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm    1421    Seating    E


   Framed Poster: Stonington Inside Passage    1422    Art   


   M2008 II Telephone    1422    Phone   


   Contour III LB Leather Task Chair T-arm    1422    Seating    G


   Eco 114 x 24 Top w/L-Panel    1422    Rear Unit    E


   Eco 36 x 24 FF Pedestal    1422    Rear Unit    E


   Eco 108x24 Top    1422    Rear Unit    E


   Meridian 18” 5-Drawer Vertical File    1422    File Cabinet    E

Weekly Furniture Rental Charge $234

Charges are billed monthly and the maximum charge in any full month will be based on four weeks billing.

This Schedule may be amended to reflect requested changes in furnishings. However, if the Rate Basis is reduced for any furnishings, any increased charges will be retroactive to the start of the rental period for the furnishings indicated.

Condition Codes

N= New and unblemished.

E= Excellent-nearly new with no visible surface scratches.

G= Good- Some surface wear may appear, but no surface scratches penetrate the polyurethane coating to the wood.

F= Fair-Some minor scratches may appear on the work surface or edge only-side panels are free of all scratches.

O= Other-see notes


      Initials: Client CF      Provider   LOGO