EX-4.1 4 d282069dex41.htm FORM OF A SHARE CERTIFICATE Form of A Share Certificate

Exhibit 4.1


EROS INTERNATIONAL PLC All correspondence to: Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited Queensway House Hilgrove Street St Helier MR SAM SAMPLE Jersey DESIGNATION (IF ANY) JE1 1ES MR JOINT HOLDER 1 Shareholder Helpline: 0870 707 4040 ADD1 ADD2 You can check your holding at ADD3 www.investorcentre.co.uk/je ADD4 Shareholder Reference Number 99999 000001 C1234567890 X X X (AA111AAZZ) ISIN JEXXXXXXXXXX SG328 Stock Class XXX Broker Code XXXXX Location Code X 00000XXX/000000/000000 11WKVB D01 ORD Share Certifi cate - A ORDINARY SHARES OF £0.30 EROS INTERNATIONAL PLC (Incorporated in the isle of Man with registered number 007466V) Number of Shares **XXXXXX.XXXX** Issued DD MMMMM YYYY This is to Certify that MR A SAMPLE MR B SAMPLE MR C SAMPLE is/are the Registered Holder(s) of XXXXXXXXXX A ORDINARY SHARES OF £0.30, fully paid, in EROS INTERNATIONAL PLC, subject to the Articles of Association of the Company. For and on behalf of Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited. Authorised Signatory Authorised Signatory Stock Class ORD Certifi cate No. XXXXXXXX (Jersey) This certifi Limited, cate must Queensway be surrendered House, before Hilgrove any Street, transfer St of Helier, the whole Jersey, or part JE1 of 1ES, the Shareholder shares herein Helpline: mentioned 0870 can 707 be 4040. registered, to Computershare Investor Services You can check your holding at: www.investorcentre.co.uk/je SG161 XXXXXX


Change of Address you Please can check let us that know your by address registering details with Investor printed overleaf Centre at are www. correct. investorcentre. If you needco. touk/je make Once any alterations registered or you you can are select planning the “Change to move, of Address” option to amend your address details. Alternatively you can complete and sign the form below. Kindly account Note: printed This hereon. form is This issued personalised only to the form addressee(s) is not transferable and is specific between to different the class (i) of account security holders; and the (ii) unique classes designated of security; for or (iii) any uniquely instruction designated that does accounts. not comply The with Company these conditions. and Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited accept no liability House Number Post Code (BLOCK Street/Road Name CAPITALS) (BLOCK Town/City CAPITALS) (BLOCK County CAPITALS) Computershare Registered Investor Offi ce: Queensway Services (Jersey) House, Limited Hilgrove is Street, registered St Helier, in Jersey, JE1 No 1ES. 75005, Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission. Please Sign In the case of joint holders ALL must sign. In the case of a corporation this form should be signed by two authorised signatories (e.g. Director & Company Secretary) stating their capacity. Alternatively, this form can be signed by a director of the company in the presence of a witness who attests the signature or under its common seal. Date / / Signature (1) Signature (2) Signature (3) Signature (4) H 2 9 0 C1234567890 X X X 00000XXX/000000/000000 11WKVB D01 Reference No. C0123456789 Transfer No. Certifi cate No. XXXXXXXX LSTSC Number of Shares **XXXXX** XXXXXXXXXX