EX-99.6 2 g084173_ex99-6.htm EXHIBIT 99.6


Exhibit 99.6

























I, Mikhail Gurevich, ID number A31931609, am authorized to sign on behalf of Dominion Capital LLC, registration number (Connecticut) 1040466 ("Dominion" or "the Applicant"), after being advised that I am required to declare the truth and that I may be subject to penalties under the law if I fail to do so, hereby declare as follows:

1.I hereby make this declaration in support of the motion to commence proceedings filed against Hub Cyber Security Ltd., CRN 511029373 (the “Company" or the “Hub") ("The Motion").
2.The facts stated in this Affidavit are known to me personally, based on my review of documents, and/or on legal advice received from the Applicant's legal advisors, whom I trust.
3.My role at Dominion Capital is Managing Partner, and I am a resident of the United States.
4.The Motion is filed against HUB, which is a public company that has been operating for an extended period in a manner inconsistent with its definition, accumulating debts totaling tens of millions of NIS, breaching its unambiguous commitments to repay its loan to Dominion Capital LLC, despite the repayment deadline having passed, all while blatantly ignoring demands directed towards it, and amidst genuine concern that HUB is operating in a manner suggestive of asset dissipation and at least selectively preferring creditors and raising additional capital without covering its obligations to its historical investors and lenders.
5.Furthermore, based on the legal advice received from the Applicant's legal advisors, there cannot and should not be any distribution since HUB is insolvent both under the cash flow assessment and the balance sheet assessment, as affirmed by HUB itself, among other things, in the 2022 annual report published by its own accord, which included a going concern note regarding HUB's ability to repay its debts and its liquidity.
6.The Applicant holds a debt with an overdue repayment date, in the amount of NIS 11,626,700.73 (USD 3,089,726) as of April 2, 2024, where every attempt by the Applicant to collect it didn’t succeed, and it became clear that not only does HUB lacks economic prospects, it lacks economic viability altogether at this point in time.
7.It is worth noting that the Applicant has made numerous attempts to induce HUB to fulfill its obligations according to agreements entered into with it, attempted to reach agreements with HUB regarding the provision of security HUB committed to provide, yet this commitment was blatantly violated, forcing the Applicant to resort to legal proceedings in accordance with the agreements.
8.However, recently, it has become apparent to the Applicant that HUB continues to deepen its debts and incur new obligations in the magnitude of millions of dollars despite being insolvent, all while publicizing reports which, in light of HUB's past conduct, cast doubt on their reliability.
9.The Applicant, a registered limited liability company from the state of Connecticut, USA, entered into a financing agreement with Hub and held a debt due of 11,626,700.73 NIS (US$3,089,726) as of April 2, 2024.
10.HUB, a public traded company that, according to its representations, has developed technology and products in the cybersecurity, software, quality, reliability, and risk management systems sectors. Additionally, according to HUB's representations arising from HUB's latest annual report (2022 report), HUB currently operates in several countries and provides innovative computing solutions for cybersecurity, as well as a wide range of cybersecurity and reliability, available professional services, maintenance, and safety (RAMS). (See page 46 of Annex 5).




11.On March 22, 2022, HUB's board of directors approved HUB's engagement in a merger agreement with Mount Rainier Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation ("RNER"), a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) with an equity value of approximately USD 1.28 billion. As part of the merger transaction, certain investors and A-Labs committed to providing a minimum gross investment amount of USD 50 million to HUB according to the agreed company valuation in a private placement offering.
12.According to HUB’s representations in July 2022, HUB also submitted a request by Section 350 of the Companies Law, 5759-1999, to convene a general meeting of shareholders to approve the merger agreement. At the end of February 2023, HUB completed the merger with RNER at a value of $1.3 billion, while at the time of its delisting from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, HUB’s equity value stood at $250 million. However, investors who participated in the RNER offering that merged with HUB redeemed their investment according to the rights they received at the offering. In light of the investors and A-Labs not fulfilling their announced plans to fund the USD 50 million PIPE, HUB entered into a loan agreement with the applicant as follows.
13.On March 1, 2023, HUB's shares began trading on the The Nasdaq Market LLC (symbol HUBC).
14.It should be noted that at the time of the merger in March 2023, HUB presented, among other things, that it had completed the development of the product it intends to market and that its annual revenue forecast is USD 91 million. However, these presentations by HUB and its management were subsequently found to need to be more accurate. A copy of a newspaper article published last January in Calcalist, containing the information disclosed by HUB's former CEO, is attached as Annex 7.
15.The severity of HUB's conduct and the management's behavior is doubly alarming given that concurrently with the presentation of these misleading materials, HUB acted and received a short-term loan from the applicant for $2.5 million USD while committing to provide guarantees for loan repayment and to repay the loan on time. However, as detailed below, HUB fundamentally breached these commitments.
16.The applicant's multiple attempts over the last half a year to recover the loan provided to HUB have been fruitless. It has become clear to the Applicant that not only does HUB lack economic viability, but it currently also lacks financial feasibility, given its conduct.
17.The following is the description of the facts:
18.On February 28, 2023, the Applicant and HUB signed a SENIOR SECURED DEMAND PROMISSORY NOTE for $2.5 million as part of an Equity Line of Credit Agreement (the “Note"). Additionally, under Section 5.1 of the Note, a default interest mechanism was established, allowing the Applicant to charge default interest at a rate of 24% per annum in the event of non-payment by the Applicant, which constitutes a default under Section 7.1 of the Note. Furthermore, in accordance with Section 7 of the Note, the failure to register the securities in the Applicant's name constitutes grounds for immediate repayment of the debt. A copy of the Note dated February 28, 2023, is attached as Annex 8.
19.On March 28, 2023, the first amendment to the Note was signed, setting the repayment date for the debt on April 28, 2023, and immediately upon receipt of a demand from the Applicant ("the Note Amendment"). So, from this date, the Applicant is entitled to demand immediate repayment, along with interest and penalties as specified in the Note. A copy of the March 28, 2023 amendment is attached as Annex 9.





20.Additionally, the amendment to the Note stipulated that HUB must register the securities in the Applicant's favor no later than thirty (30) days after the repayment date. Failure to do so by May 28, 2023, resulted in HUB's default under the Note terms. As of this date, the required agreement for the transfer of rights and securities has not been signed, and the securities have not been registered in favor of the Applicant as required.
21.It should be noted that at this time, an Equity Purchase Agreement was signed between the parties, pursuant to which HUB is entitled (but not obligated) to allocate to the applicant company shares of HUB up to a total value of $100 million over a period of 36 months. Considering the above commitment, HUB allocated to Dominion one million ordinary shares.
22.On March 30, 2023, HUB filed an immediate report regarding the amendment to the Note, including the commitment to register the securities as stipulated. A copy of the report dated March 30, 2023, is attached as Annex 10.
23.Accordingly, on May 1, 2023, I, on behalf of the Applicant, approached HUB's then CEO, Mr. Uzi Moskowitz, demanding payment of the debt. However, this demand went unanswered, and the debt remained unpaid. A copy of the demand from May 1, 2023, is attached as Annex 11.
24.On May 16, 2023, I made another attempt on behalf of the Applicant to HUB, clarifying that it was a notice of default in accordance with the promissory note. This demand also went unanswered, and the debt remained unpaid. However, HUB engaged in negotiations to reach agreements in connection with an agreement that was due to expire at the end of June 2023. This agreement did not materialize and was revealed as a deliberate delay and cynical exploitation of an opportunity provided by the Applicant to HUB. A copy of the demand from May 16, 2023, is attached as Annex 12.
25.On August 11, 2023, HUB belatedly published its annual report for the year 2022, within which a going concern note was included, implying that there is a concern that HUB may not continue to operate beyond 12 months (see page 158 of the annual report attached as Annex 5). Furthermore, as part of the annual report, HUB confirmed that the applicant had fulfilled HUB's immediate debt and is currently in breach of payment performance and securities provisions and is seeking agreements with the applicant. (see pages 89-90 of the annual report attached as Annex 5).
26.On November 7, 2023, after negotiations failed, I made another attempt on behalf of the Applicant to demand repayment of the debt (the loan note plus accrued but unpaid interest). Once again, this request went unanswered, and the debt remained unpaid. However, HUB sent (through Goldfarb's office and LATHAM & WATKINS LLP Israel office) another draft version of the replacement agreements, an updated work registration agreement, and a notice approximately a month later, none of which resulted in any binding agreements. A copy of the demand from November 7, 2023, is attached as Annex 13.
27.Due to HUB's intolerable delay, despite presenting valid arguments for debt repayment, registration of securities, and other matters, the Applicant had no choice but to file a lawsuit in the New York court on December 1, 2023, seeking enforcement of the promissory note and its amendment. A copy of the lawsuit (without appendices) is attached as Annex 14.



28.After receiving information regarding HUB's conduct that could amount to preference of creditors, I contacted Israeli attorneys to conduct an examination of HUB's status in Israel, particularly in light of its refusal to act in accordance with the promissory note and to register securities as required.
29.From the aforementioned examination, it was learned that after signing the amendment to the promissory note, work was registered by third parties in HUB (unrestricted work registered on March 21, 2024, in favor of GOTTDIENER TAMAS (which is not known to me and no report was found regarding this work according to the Applicant's and its legal advisors' knowledge); work amounting to 750,000 NIS registered on November 12, 2023, in favor of Bank Leumi Le-Israel; and unrestricted work registered in favor of Qpoint Technologies Ltd. on September 28, 2023). Additionally, an examination of HUB's business status report revealed that HUB has debts amounting to millions of shekels to other entities, and the Applicant is not the sole creditor of HUB, including a financial claim filed in recent months exceeding 13 million shekels. A copy of the work registration page from the Companies Registrar is attached as Annex 15; and a copy of HUB's business status report is attached as Annex 16.
30.Furthermore, according to reports from April 5, 2024 (two publications in the media, one dated April 4, 2024, and the other April 5, 2024), it was learned that HUB entered into two new "transactions" aimed at benefiting HUB. One transaction was for the acquisition of the activities of QPoint Technologies Ltd ("QPoint"), and the other was a financing transaction in the amount of 8 million dollars (with a variable interest rate of 7-8.5% as long as the amount is repaid by June 12, 2024), allegedly intended to increase HUB's working capital and fulfill its obligations to its creditors. According to the publications, the financing transaction was secured, among other things, by QPoint shares. A copy of the report from April 5, 2024, is attached as Annex 17.
31.Further, we wish to emphasize that regarding the above report, HUB added a reference that the detailed information constitutes a description of "certain terms" of the transaction, and therefore it follows that the applicant does not have any details of the transaction, which only increases the applicant's genuine concern regarding HUB's conduct.
32.However, contrary to HUB's statements in its reports and its obligations under the promissory Note towards the Applicant, HUB was supposed to register securities for the Applicant's benefit. Instead, HUB raised various and varied claims regarding its inability to register the securities to which it is entitled under the promissory note. In fact, it has now been revealed that later securities were registered in favor of other creditors, and later in time.
33.I would like to add and clarify that according to information provided to me in March 2023, a class action lawsuit was filed against HUB in Israel. Allegations were made regarding HUB's conduct, including claims related to HUB's immediate reports described as misleading presentations. Additionally, within the framework of the class action lawsuit, claims were raised concerning breaches of fiduciary duties and negligence of board members (Case No. 11921-03-23, Honorable Judge Yaakov Sharvit). A copy of the approval request is attached as Annex 18;a copy of HUB's report regarding the class action lawsuit in Israel in the Maya and Edgar systems is attached as Annex 19 (see also page 122 of the annual report attached as Annex 5).



34.Furthermore, according to HUB's reports, a few months later, in July 2023, two additional class action lawsuits were filed against HUB in New York, USA. One lawsuit pertained to alleged misleading presentations by HUB, and the other related to false or misleading statements in HUB's issuance documents and the failure to disclose material negative information by HUB's officers. This process was not reported in the Maya system. A copy of HUB's report regarding the class action lawsuit in New York in the Edgar system is attached as Annex 20 (see also page 123 of the annual report attached as Annex 5).
35.In addition to this perplexing conduct, it is worth noting that only in the past year, there were approximately 46 different reports in the Maya system regarding changes in the management status and board members' issues within HUB. Relevant pages from the Maya system are attached as Annex 21.
36.In essence, HUB has done everything possible to avoid fulfilling its obligation and/or acting in accordance with agreements it signed. However, despite the Applicant seemingly being just a regular creditor for a loan provided to HUB, the Applicant's position entitles it to the registration of securities in accordance with the promissory note. This should be viewed as a secured creditor, especially considering the commitment to register the securities in the public registry (Edgar) as detailed above.
37.On February 14, 2024, the Applicant delivered a final demand to HUB for repayment of the debt in accordance with the requirements outlined in the bankruptcy laws. However, once again, HUB chose not to respond to this letter within the specified period and failed to settle the debt. Following HUB's silence after receiving this demand letter, and its failure to take advantage of the opportunity to raise and clarify its claims under Section 10(a)(1)(a) of the bankruptcy law (see also Bankruptcy (Insolvency), 56123-03-21, W&W Cannabis Ltd. v. Discover Growth Fund, LLC, paragraph 18), the Applicant filed a notice of intent. A copy of the demand letter from February 14, 2024, is attached as Annex 22; a copy of the delivery confirmation to HUB is attached as Annex 23.
38.It should be noted that over a period of over half a year, the Applicant made unsuccessful attempts at collection and enforcement due to HUB's conduct. Therefore, HUB's debt to the Applicant as of April 2, 2024, amounts to 11,626,700.73 shekels ($3,089,726). A copy of the accurate debt calculation as of April 2, 2024, is attached as Annex 24; a copy of the exchange rate conversion as of April 7, 2024, is attached as Annex 25.
39.Furthermore, despite HUB not responding to the demand letter, on March 26, 2024, HUB submitted its response to the proceedings in New York, where HUB unequivocally acknowledged the debt, in accordance with legal advice given to me, which I believe amounts to an acknowledgment by the debtor (see references and quotes within the motions).
40.Additionally, HUB did not present any evidence of its ability to repay - quite the opposite. HUB stated that it relies on external financing sources for debt repayment (as asserted by HUB, contact was made with a company named Keystone), and that delays in connection with these financing sources led to the inability to repay, also here and in accordance with legal advice given to me, which I believe amounts to an acknowledgment by the debtor (see references and quotes within the motions). A copy of the allegations letter on behalf of the father dated March 26, 2024, is attached as Annex 26.
41.In our case, and according to legal advice given to me, there is no doubt that the presumption set forth in Section 10(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Law applies, as (a) HUB's debt to the Applicant amounts to NIS



83,313.65 as detailed in the aforementioned section; (b) HUB acknowledges the existence of the debt to the Applicant, within the framework of the allegations letter submitted by it on March 26, 2024, despite the fact that the demand letter did not receive any response from it; (c) HUB acknowledges that this debt has not been settled even though its due date has already passed, also here within the framework of the allegations letter submitted by it on March 26, 2024, despite the fact that the demand letter did not receive any response from it; (d) the Applicant has sent several notices to HUB, the last of which was sent on February 14, 2024, written clearly and explicitly stipulated that if the debt is not repaid to the Applicant, she will be forced to act in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law including the presumption set forth in Section 10; (e) Three months have not yet passed since the date the payment demand was delivered to HUB as stated.

In this situation, there is no doubt that HUB is insolvent from a cash flow perspective.

42.Moreover, from a financial perspective, HUB is unable to meet its obligations, as indicated in HUB's annual report (attached as Annex 5), which details that HUB's recorded losses from 2021 to 2022 increased by approximately 361% (see pages 83-95 of the annual report). As stated by HUB in its annual report for 2022, filed by it, there was already concern and significant uncertainty about HUB's liquidity and its ability to meet its obligations on time (see references and quotes within the motions).

At this stage, it is important to emphasize that HUB has not yet filed an annual report for the year 2023.

43.Moreover, as evidenced in the interim report dated April 20, 2023, and in the notice of late filing of the annual report for the year 2022 (Form 20F), it was stated that due to allegations of potential fraud regarding the use of company funds by the former CEO, a special independent directors' committee was appointed and identified unreasonable expenses amounting to approximately NIS 2.5 million. Furthermore, media reports suggest that the former CEO used funds to renovate his private residence, raising concerns about the credibility of HUB's reports. Therefore, in this situation, it can be inferred that there is a basis for issuing a motion to commence proceedings under Section 9(g) of the Bankruptcy Law. Copies of the 20FNT report dated December 31, 2023, are attached as Annex 27; copies of the interim report (Form 6-K) dated April 20, 2023, are attached as Annex 28 s; copies of the publications are attached as Annex 29.
44.Given the detailed circumstances, considering all the efforts made by the Applicant to assist HUB in fulfilling its obligations, the Applicant had no choice but to file the aforementioned motions; otherwise, there is a genuine concern that HUB will act to dispose of assets or pay debts belatedly, leaving the Applicant with a broken market.




This is my name, this is my signature, and the contents of this affidavit are true.

  /s/ Mikhail Gurevich
  Mikhail Gurevich

Notary Approval

I confirm that on April 9, 2024 appeared before me, Attorney David Eisner Danovitch, Mr. Mikhail Gurevich, identified by me personally and after warning the declarant that he must declare the truth and that he will be subject to the penalties prescribed by law if he fails to do so, he confirmed the accuracy of the declaration and signed it in my presence.

  /s/ David Eisner Danovitch, Adv.