Table of Contents

As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on November 29, 2017



Washington, D.C. 20549




Investment Company Act file number 811-22592

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1800

Los Angeles, CA 90071

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Ronald R. Redell

President and Chief Executive Officer

c/o DoubleLine Capital LP

333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1800

Los Angeles, CA 90071

(Name and address of agent for service)

(213) 633-8200

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code

Date of fiscal year end: September 30

Date of reporting period: September 30, 2017

Table of Contents

Item 1. Reports to Stockholders.

Table of Contents





Annual Report

September 30, 2017

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund



DoubleLine Capital LP  

333 S. Grand Avenue

18th Floor

Los Angeles, California






Table of Contents
Table of Contents    



Chairman’s Letter


Financial Markets Highlights


Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance


Standardized Performance Summary


Schedule of Investments


Statement of Assets and Liabilities


Statement of Operations


Statements of Changes in Net Assets


Statement of Cash Flows


Financial Highlights


Notes to Financial Statements


Report of Independent Registered Accounting Firm


Federal Tax Information


Additional Information Regarding the Fund’s Investment Activities


Trustees and Officers


Portfolio Managers


Information About Proxy Voting


Information About Portfolio Holdings


Householding — Important Notice Regarding Delivery of Shareholder Documents


Fund Certification


Proxy Results


Dividend Reinvestment Plan


Privacy Notice



  Annual Report   September 30, 2017   3

Table of Contents
Chairman’s Letter  


September 30, 2017



Dear Shareholder,

On behalf of the team at DoubleLine, I am pleased to deliver the Annual Report for the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (NYSE: DBL, the “Fund”) for the 12-month period ended September 30, 2017. On the following pages, you will find specific information regarding the Fund’s operations and holdings. In addition, we discuss the Fund’s investment performance and the main drivers of that performance during the reporting period.

If you have any questions regarding the Fund, please don’t hesitate to call us at 877-DLine11 (877-354-6311), or visit our website www.doublelinefunds.com where our investment management team offer deeper insights and analysis on relevant capital market activity impacting investors today. We value the trust that you have placed with us, and we will continue to strive to offer thoughtful investment solutions to our shareholders.




Ronald R. Redell, CFA

Chairman of the Board of Trustees

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund

November 1, 2017


4   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents
Financial Markets Highlights  


September 30, 2017


·   Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Agency MBS)

For the 12-month period ended September 30, 2017, the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. MBS Index returned 0.30% with its duration extending from 2.50 to 4.47 years; during this time U.S. Treasury (UST) yields increased across the curve. In aggregate, prepayment speeds declined by about 39%. The shift in prepayment speed trends is largely associated with two differing rate regimes with 2016 mortgage rates reaching close to historic lows. Thirty-year mortgage rates, as measured by Freddie Mac 30-year commitment rates, increased during this period from 3.42% to 3.83%. With the increase in rates, overall refinancing activity, as measured by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) U.S. Refinancing Index Seasonally-Adjusted, declined by approximately 40%; however, in contrast, overall purchasing activity, as measured by the MBA Purchase Index Seasonally-Adjusted, increased by about 5%. Total gross issuance during this time period was about $1.5 trillion, approximately $100 billion more than the same time period for the prior year.


·   Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (Non-Agency MBS)

For the 12-month period ended September 30, 2017, non-Agency MBS spreads tightened in line with securitized credit. While fundamentals including home prices remained strong, non-Agency MBS have been affected by recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. The effects of the hurricanes on housing and bondholders should become clearer in coming months. Supply continued to lag demand from investors looking to re-invest principal paying down from legacy paper creating a strong positive technical environment for the historically tight spread levels we have seen in the space. Re-performing and non-performing loan transactions continued to compose the majority of new supply. There has been an increase in Jumbo 2.0 issuance due to improved securitization economics. Non-qualifying mortgages have also seen increased issuance activity over the past year.


·   Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS)

For the 12-month period ended September 30, 2017, new issue CMBS spreads tightened alongside broader credit and equity indices. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. CMBS Index ERISA Eligible Total Return Value returned -0.13%, underperforming the broader Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index return of 0.07%. For the reporting period, 10-year AAA last cash flows (LCFs) tightened by 0.29% to 0.86% over swaps, while BBB- bonds tightened by 2.10% to 3.65% over swaps. $81.6 billion in new issuance priced during the 12-month reporting period compared to $64.2 billion from October 2015 through September 2016. The Trepp CMBS Delinquency Rate for U.S. Commercial Real Estate loans increased in 7 of the 12 months ending September 30, 2017.


·   Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs)

For the 12-month period ended September 30, 2017, CLO issuance was $108.7 billion, largely due to a flurry of activity during the spring and summer of 2017. The most active quarter of issuance was the second quarter of 2017 with $35 billion in issuance. The third quarter of 2017 was close behind with $30 billion in issuance. Issuance for the first quarter of 2017 started off slow as the market was still absorbing supply from the fourth quarter of 2016. Risk Retention, a regulation that requires CLO mangers to retain either a 5% horizontal or vertical slice of the CLO, went effective on December 24, 2016. Since the implementation of Risk Retention, all CLOs that have been issued in 2017 have been required to comply with Risk Retention requirements. Spreads have tightened significantly during the 12-month reporting period with spreads at year-to-date tights and near post-crisis tights.


  Annual Report   September 30, 2017   5

Table of Contents
Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance   (Unaudited)
September 30, 2017


For the 12-month period ended September 30, 2017, the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund outperformed the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index return of 0.07% on both a net asset value and market price basis. The outperformance is largely due to spread tightening across securitized credit. Prices across non-Agency MBS were up approximately 3% during the period with Alt-A securities being the best performers within the sector. Other securitized credit sectors, including CLO and CMBS, were also accretive to performance primarily due to interest income. Agency MBS was the main detractor from performance as the UST curve sold-off with the 2-year and 10-year yields up 0.72% and 0.74%, respectively. While prices were down across the sector, losses were mitigated by robust interest income from derivative positions such as inverse floating rate and inverse interest-only securities. The Fund continued to employ leverage and had a levered weighted average duration of 8.9 years as of September 30, 2017.


12-Month Period Ended 9-30-17         1-Year  

Net Asset Value (NAV) Return


Market Price Return


Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index


For additional performance information, please refer to the “Standardized Performance Summary.”

Opinions expressed herein are as of September 30, 2017 and are subject to change at any time, are not guaranteed and should not be considered investment advice. This report is for the information of shareholders of the Fund.

The views expressed herein (including any forward-looking statement) may not be relied upon as investment advice or as an indication of the Fund’s trading intent. Information included herein is not an indication of the Fund’s future portfolio composition. Securities and indices discussed are not recommendations and are presented as examples of issue selection or portfolio management processes. They have been picked for comparison or illustration purposes only. No security presented within is either offered for sale or purchase. DoubleLine reserves the right to change its investment perspective and outlook without notice as market conditions dictate or as additional information becomes available.

DoubleLine® is a registered trademark of DoubleLine Capital LP.

Shares of closed-end investment companies frequently trade at a discount to their net asset value, which may increase investors’ risk of loss. There are risks associated with an investment in the Fund. Investors should consider the Fund’s investment objective, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. An investment in the Fund should not constitute a complete investment program.

The Fund’s daily New York Stock Exchange closing prices, net asset values per share, as well as other information are available at http://www.doublelinefunds.com/opportunistic-credit-fund/ or by calling the Funds’ shareholder servicing agent at (877) 354-6311.

This document is not an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities, nor shall there be any sale or offer of these securities, in any jurisdiction where such sale or offer is not permitted.

The Fund’s shares are only offered through broker/dealers on the secondary market. Unlike an open-end mutual fund, a closed-end fund offers a fixed number of shares for sale. After the initial public offering, shares are bought and sold in the secondary marketplace, and the market price of the shares is determined by supply and demand, not by net asset value (NAV), often at a lower price than the NAV. A closed-end fund is not required to buy its shares back from investors upon request.

Credit ratings from Moody’s Investor Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) range from the highest rating of Aaa for bonds of the highest quality that offer the lowest degree of investment risk to the lowest rating of C for the lowest rated class of bonds. Credit ratings from S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”) range from the highest rating of AAA for bonds of the highest quality that offer the lowest degree of investment risk to the lowest rating of D for bonds that are in default. Credit ratings are determined from the highest available credit rating from any Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (“NRSRO”). DoubleLine chooses to display credit ratings using S&P’s rating convention, although the rating itself might be sourced from another NRSRO. In limited situations when the rating agency has not issued a formal rating, the rating agency will classify the security as nonrated.

Fund investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible.

Investments in debt securities typically decline in value when interest rates rise. This risk is usually greater for longer-term debt securities. Investments in asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities include additional risks that investors should be aware of including credit risk, prepayment risk, possible illiquidity and default, as well as increased susceptibility to adverse economic developments. The Fund may invest in foreign securities which involve greater volatility and political, economic and currency risks and differences in accounting methods. These risks are greater for investments in emerging markets. Investments in lower rated and non-rated securities present a greater risk of loss to principal and interest than higher rated securities. Investment strategies may not achieve the desired results due to implementation lag, other timing factors, portfolio management decision-making, economic or market conditions or other unanticipated factors.

In addition, the Fund may invest in other asset classes and investments such as, among others, REITs, credit default swaps, short sales, derivatives and smaller companies which include additional risks.

The Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses must be considered carefully before investing. You can obtain the Fund’s most recent periodic reports and certain other regulatory filings by calling 1 (877) 354-6311/ 1 (877) DLINE11, or visiting www.doublelinefunds.com. You should read these reports and other filings carefully before investing.

The performance shown assumes the reinvestment of all dividends and distributions and does not reflect any reductions for taxes. Total return does not reflect broker commissions or sales charges in connection with the purchase or sale of Fund shares. Performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than original cost. Current performance of the Fund may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance data current to the most recent month-end may be obtained by calling (877) 354-6311 or by visiting http://www.doublelinefunds.com/opportunistic-credit-fund/.

This material may include statements that constitute “forward-looking statements” under the U.S. securities laws. Forward-looking statements include, among other things, projections, estimates, and information about possible or future results related to the Fund, market or regulatory developments. The views expressed herein are not guarantees of future performance or economic results and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual outcomes and results to


6   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents


September 30, 2017


differ materially from the views expressed herein. The views expressed herein are subject to change at any time based upon economic, market, or other conditions and DoubleLine undertakes no obligation to update the views expressed herein. While we have gathered this information from sources believed to be reliable, DoubleLine cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Any discussions of specific securities should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell those securities. For a complete list of Fund holdings, please refer to the Schedule of Investments provided in this report.

Fund holdings and sector allocations are subject to change and are not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Please refer to the Schedule of Investments for a complete list of Fund holdings.

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index—This index represents securities that are SEC-registered, taxable, and dollar denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment grade fixed rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities. These major sectors are subdivided into more specific indices that are calculated and reported on a regular basis.

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. CMBS Index ERISA Eligible Total Return Value—This index measures the performance of investment grade commercial mortgage-backed securities, which are classes of securities that represent interests in pools of commercial mortgages, and includes only ERISA-eligible CMBS.

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. MBS Index—This index measures the performance of investment grade fixed-rate mortgage-backed pass-through securities of the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs): Ginnie Mae (GNMA), Fannie Mae (FNMA), and Freddie Mac (FHLMC).

Duration—A measure of the sensitivity of a price of a fixed income investment to a change in interest rates, expressed as a number of years.

Freddie Mac U.S. 30-year Commitment Rates—The interest rate charged by Freddie Mac to lend money to a qualified borrower on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage loan.

Last Cash Flow (LCF)—The last revenue stream paid to a bond over a given period.

Mortgage Bankers Association U.S. Refinancing Index Seasonally-Adjusted—An index that covers all mortgage applications to refinance an existing mortgage adjusted to take into account changes in data due to seasonality. It includes conventional and government refinances.

Mortgage Bankers Association Purchase Index Seasonally-Adjusted—An index that includes all mortgage applications for purchases of single-family homes adjusted to take into account changes in data due to seasonality. It covers the entire market, both conventional and government loans and all products.

SpreadThe difference between yields on differing debt instruments, calculated by deducting the yield of one instrument from another. The higher the yield spread, the greater the difference between the yields offered by each instrument. The spread can be measured between debt instruments of differing maturities, credit ratings and risk.

Trepp CMBS Delinquency Rate—A report published by Trepp on a monthly basis giving the total principal balances of loans with delinquencies divided by the total principal balance of all loans.

A direct investment cannot be made in an index. The performance of any index mentioned in this commentary has not been adjusted for ongoing management, distribution and operating expenses applicable to mutual fund investments.

Quasar Distributors, LLC provides filing administration for DoubleLine Capital LP.


  Annual Report   September 30, 2017   7

Table of Contents
Standardized Performance Summary  


September 30, 2017



Opportunistic Credit Fund

Returns as of September 30, 2017

  1-Year   3-Year
  Since Inception
(1-27-12 to 9-30-17)

Total Return based on NAV

      3.49%       8.47%       7.70%       8.47%

Total Return based on Market Price

      2.09%       10.98%       7.50%       8.97%

Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index

      0.07%       2.71%       2.06%       2.45%

Performance data quoted represents past performance; past performance does not guarantee future results. The performance information shown assumes renivestment of all dividends and distributions. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares when sold may be worth more or less than the original cost. Current performance of the fund may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. Performance reflects management fees and other fund expenses. Performance data current to the most recent month-end may be obtained by calling (213) 633-8200 or by visiting www.doublelinefunds.com.


8   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents
Schedule of Investments  DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund  

September 30, 2017





Citi Held For Asset Issuance,



Series 2015-PM1-C

    5.01% ^      12/15/2021       2,015,119  

Coinstar Funding LLC,



Series 2017-1A-A2

    5.22% ^      04/25/2047       5,190,419  

Jimmy Johns Funding LLC,



Series 2017-1A-A2II

    4.85% ^      07/30/2047       5,047,787  

SoFi Professional Loan Program,



Series 2013-1-R

    3.61% ^¥@Þ      12/17/2043       777,445  



  Total Asset Backed Obligations
(Cost $14,547,237)




ALM Ltd.,



Series 2015-12A-C1R
(3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.20%)

    4.50% ^      04/16/2027       1,005,070  

Apidos Ltd.,



Series 2014-18A-D
(3 Month LIBOR USD + 5.20%)

    6.51% ^      07/22/2026       1,511,250  

ARES Ltd.,



Series 2014-1A-SUB

    8.79% ^@      04/17/2026       544,519  

Atrium Corporation,



Series 2017-9A-DR (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.60%)

      4.92% ^      05/28/2030       999,749  

Babson Ltd.,



Series 2014-3A-D2 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.40%)

    5.63% ^      01/15/2026       501,623  

Series 2014-3A-E2 (3 Month LIBOR USD + 6.50%)

    7.80% ^      01/15/2026       754,762  

Series 2015-2A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.80%)

    5.11% ^      07/20/2027       1,001,990  

Series 2016-2A-E (3 Month LIBOR USD + 6.90%)

    8.21% ^      07/20/2028       2,026,723  

Series 2017-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.60%)

    4.88% ^      07/18/2029       1,009,492  

Barings Ltd.,



Series 2016-3A-C (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.95%)

    5.25% ^      01/15/2028       1,008,817  

BlueMountain Ltd.,



Series 2013-1A-DR (3 Month LIBOR USD + 7.50%)

    8.81% ^      01/20/2029       1,949,701  

Brookside Mill Ltd.,



Series 2013-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.05%)

    4.35% ^      04/17/2025       987,315  

Canyon Capital Ltd.,



Series 2017-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.60%)

    4.86% ^      07/15/2030       999,742  

Series 2017-1A-E (3 Month LIBOR USD + 6.25%)

    7.51% ^      07/15/2030       976,674  

Cent Ltd.,



Series 2014-22A-C (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.75%)

    5.06% ^      11/07/2026       512,466  

Dryden Senior Loan Fund,



Series 2017-50A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.25%)

    4.51% ^      07/15/2030       499,877  

Galaxy Ltd.,



Series 2015-21A-E1 (3 Month LIBOR USD + 5.60%)

    6.91% ^      01/20/2028       1,007,442  




Gilbert Park Ltd.,



Series 2017-1A-E

    0.00% ^      10/15/2030       2,000,000  

Halcyon Loan Advisors Funding Ltd.,



Series 2014-3A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.65%)

    4.80% ^      10/22/2025       501,177  

Jay Park Ltd.,



Series 2016-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 7.00%)

    8.31% ^      10/20/2027       2,024,048  




Series 11A-INC

    4.52% ^@      04/19/2022       2,107  

Neuberger Berman Loan Advisers Ltd.,



Series 2017-25A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.25%)

    4.49% ^      10/18/2029       999,531  

Octagon Investment Partners Ltd.,



Series 2012-1A-CR (3 Month LIBOR USD + 4.00%)

    5.30% ^      07/15/2029       1,009,842  

Series 2014-1A-C (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.65%)

    4.96% ^      11/14/2026       501,738  

Series 2014-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 6.60%)

    7.91% ^      11/14/2026       1,016,710  

Series 2015-1A-DU (3 Month LIBOR USD + 4.59%)

    0.00% ^      05/21/2027       945,352  

Series 2017-1A-SUB

    0.00% #^      03/17/2030       1,861,291  

TCI-Cent Ltd.,



Series 2016-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 6.75%)

    8.07% ^      12/21/2029       1,014,084  

TCI-Symphony Ltd.,



Series 2016-1A-D (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.80%)

    5.10% ^      10/13/2029       2,019,517  

Voya Ltd.,



Series 2017-3A-C (3 Month LIBOR USD + 3.55%)

    4.87% ^      07/20/2030       999,188  



  Total Collateralized Loan Obligations
(Cost $32,204,535)





Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Trust,



Series 2007-4-B

    6.10% # ^      02/10/2051       360,198  

Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.,



Series 2007-T26-AJ

    5.57% #      01/12/2045       441,404  

Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust,



Series 2015-GC27-D

    4.58% #^      02/10/2048       498,124  

Series 2015-GC27-XA

    1.57% # I/O      02/10/2048       384,703  

Series 2016-GC36-D

    2.85% ^      02/10/2049       388,990  

Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates,



Series 2012-CR4-E

    4.74% #^Þ      10/15/2045       618,333  

Series 2014-UBS4-E

    3.75% ^Þ       08/10/2047       756,868  

Series 2014-UBS4-F

    3.75% ^Þ       08/10/2047       786,747  

Series 2014-UBS4-G

    3.75% ^¥Þ      08/10/2047       745,862  

Series 2014-UBS4-V

    0.00% #^¥Þ      08/10/2047       —    

Series 2015-CR26-C

    4.64% #      10/10/2048       553,711  

Series 2015-CR26-XD

    1.39% #^ I/O      10/10/2048       432,495  

Series 2015-DC1-D

    4.50% #^      02/10/2048       421,060  

Series 2015-LC19-D

    2.87% ^      02/10/2048       446,825  

Series 2015-LC23-E

    3.65% #^      10/10/2048       1,132,623  

Series 2016-CR28-E

    4.30% #^      02/10/2049       421,614  

GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust,



Series 2004-C3-E

    5.14% #^      12/10/2041       587,276  

Great Wolf Trust,



Series 2017-WFMZ-MC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 10.47%)

      11.71% ^      09/15/2019       5,018,814  

GS Mortgage Securities Corporation,



Series 2014-GC26-C

    4.66% #      11/10/2047       505,803  

Series 2014-GC26-D

    4.66% #^      11/10/2047       563,056  

Series 2015-GC28-D

    4.47% #^      02/10/2048       435,635  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   Annual Report   September 30, 2017   9

Table of Contents
Schedule of Investments  DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund  (Cont.)  

September 30, 2017





JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Corporation,



Series 2012-CBX-XA

    1.82% # I/O      06/15/2045       1,406,177  

JP Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust,



Series 2006-LDP9-AMS

    5.34%       05/15/2047       437,875  

Series 2007-LDPX-AM

    5.46% #      01/15/2049       184,130  

JPMBB Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust,



Series 2013-C14-XC

    1.12% #^ I/O      08/15/2046       524,328  

Series 2013-C15-D

    5.25% #^      11/15/2045       553,403  

Series 2013-C17-E

    3.87% #^Þ      01/15/2047       387,999  

Series 2014-C19-E

    4.00% #^Þ      04/15/2047       2,568,574  

Series 2014-C19-F

    3.75% #^Þ      04/15/2047       1,057,943  

Series 2014-C19-NR

    3.75% #^¥Þ      04/15/2047       1,956,727  

Series 2014-C26-XA

    1.28% # I/O      01/15/2048       270,325  

Series 2015-C27-D

    3.99% #^      02/15/2048       402,731  

Series 2015-C32-C

    4.82% #      11/15/2048       773,172  

Series 2015-C32-XD

    0.50% #^ I/O      11/15/2048       528,882  

LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust,



Series 2007-C7-AJ

    6.39% #      09/15/2045       561,829  

LSTAR Commercial Mortgage Trust,



Series 2016-4-XA

    2.10% #^ I/O       03/10/2049       431,654  

Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust,



Series 2007-C1-AM

    6.01% #      06/12/2050       569,363  

Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust,



Series 2014-C15-D

    5.06% #^      04/15/2047       464,881  

Series 2014-C19-C

    4.00%       12/15/2047       475,598  

Series 2015-C26-D

    3.06% ^      10/15/2048       854,578  

Series 2015-C27-D

    3.24% #^      12/15/2047       595,004  

Morgan Stanley Capital, Inc.,



Series 2014-CPT-G

    3.56% #^      07/13/2029       516,766  

Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust,



Series 2007-C30-AJ

    5.41% #      12/15/2043       307,205  

Series 2007-C33-AJ

    6.22% #      02/15/2051       568,121  

Wells Fargo Commercial Mortgage Trust,



Series 2012-LC5-E

    4.78% #^      10/15/2045       386,637  

Series 2015-NXS4-D

    3.75% #      12/15/2048       670,765  



  Total Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage Backed Obligations
(Cost $34,362,309)




Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust,



Series 2006-1-2A1

    3.79% #      03/25/2036       2,134,834  

Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust,



Series 2005-8-2CB1

    6.00%       09/25/2035       1,362,125  

Banc of America Funding Corporation,



Series 2006-A-4A1

    3.50% #      02/20/2036       1,211,328  




Series 2007-AB1-A5

    5.03% ß      03/25/2037       10,074,826  

Series 2010-RR6-6A2

    9.30% #^      07/26/2037       1,131,262  

Series 2010-RR6A-2216

    3.33% #^Þ      06/26/2036       4,896,112  

Chase Mortgage Finance Trust,



Series 2007-S1-A7

    6.00%       02/25/2037       1,859,394  

Series 2007-S3-1A5

    6.00%       05/25/2037       1,949,086  

ChaseFlex Trust,



Series 2007-1-1A1

    6.50%       02/25/2037       2,138,081  

CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust,



Series 2007-4-1A35 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.70%)

    5.46% I/F I/O      05/25/2037       593,330  

Series 2007-4-1A36 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 0.30%)

    1.54%       05/25/2037       1,497,868  

CIM Trust,



Series 2016-1RR-B2

      12.32% #^      07/26/2055       6,526,616  

Series 2016-2RR-B2

    9.15% #^      02/27/2056       6,400,922  




CIM Trust, (Cont.)



Series 2016-3RR-B2

    11.02% #^      02/27/2056       6,446,896  

Series 2017-3RR-B2

    16.78% #^      01/27/2057       6,649,451  

Citicorp Mortgage Securities, Inc.,



Series 2006-2-1A14

    5.50%       04/25/2036       1,849,542  

Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust, Inc.,



Series 2006-8-A4 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 19.66%)

    16.26% ^ I/F      10/25/2035       831,125  

Series 2010-9-3A7

    9.83% ^Þ      01/25/2036       3,753,054  

Series 2010-9-4A3

    6.99% #^      09/25/2035       5,808,699  

CitiMortgage Alternative Loan Trust,



Series 2007-A4-1A6

    5.75%       04/25/2037       2,794,788  

Series 2007-A6-1A16

    6.00%       06/25/2037       2,258,374  

Country wide Alternative Loan Trust,



Series 2005-85CB-2A5 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 1.10%)

    2.34%       02/25/2036       1,386,832  

Series 2005-85CB-2A6 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 21.63%)

    17.10% I/F      02/25/2036       445,232  

Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corporation,



Series 2005-11-7A1

    6.00%       12/25/2035       2,737,033  

Credit Suisse Mortgage Capital Certificates,



Series 2006-5-3A3

    6.50%       06/25/2036       2,024,497  

Series 2006-9-2A1

    5.50%       11/25/2036       1,088,685  

Series 2006-9-6A14

    6.00%       11/25/2036       673,225  

First Horizon Asset Securities, Inc.,



Series 2007-AR3-2A2

    3.27% #      11/25/2037       1,439,503  

IndyMac Mortgage Loan Trust,



Series 2005-AR1-2A1

    3.72% #      11/25/2035       657,306  

Series 2005-AR23-6A1

    3.23% #      11/25/2035       1,946,737  

JP Morgan Alternative Loan Trust,



Series 2006-S1-2A5

    5.50%       02/25/2021       515,966  

JP Morgan Resecuritization Trust,



Series 2011-1-1A10

    6.00% #^      12/26/2036       3,880,824  

Series 2011-1-2A10

    6.00% #^      06/26/2037       3,828,729  

Lehman Mortgage Trust,



Series 2007-10-1A1

    6.00%       01/25/2038       1,626,471  

Series 2007-4-1A3

    5.75%       05/25/2037       1,783,658  

Lehman XS Trust,



Series 2005-2-1A2 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 0.70%)

    1.94%       08/25/2035       768,415  

MASTR Asset Securitization Trust,



Series 2007-2-A3

    6.25%       01/25/2038       1,037,322  

Nationstar HECM Loan Trust,



Series 2016-2A-M2

    6.54% ^      06/25/2026       6,556,647  

Series 2016-2A-M2

    4.70% ^      05/25/2027       4,304,136  

Series 2016-3A-M2

    5.68% ^      08/25/2026       3,309,946  

Nomura Resecuritization Trust,



Series 2010-2RA-A2

    5.50% ^      01/26/2036       2,137,301  

RBSGC Structured Trust,



Series 2008-B-A1

    6.00% ^      06/25/2037       1,623,384  

Residential Accredit Loans, Inc.,



Series 2005-AS14-3A1

    6.00%       09/25/2035       1,661,435  

Series 2005-QS13-2A3

    5.75%       09/25/2035       2,645,261  

Series 2006-QS10-A1

    6.00%       08/25/2036       1,823,373  

Series 2006-QS6-1A5

    5.75%       06/25/2036       2,114,093  

Series 2006-QS7-A3

    6.00%       06/25/2036       3,761,946  

Series 2007-QS1-1A1

    6.00%       01/25/2037       1,013,771  

Series 2007-QS3-A1

    6.50%       02/25/2037       4,188,224  

Series 2007-QS6-A1
(1 Month LIBOR USD + 0.33%)

    1.57%       04/25/2037       1,423,879  

Series 2007-QS6-A102

    5.75%       04/25/2037       1,810,667  

Series 2007-QS6-A2 (1 Month LIBOR USD + 55.58%)

      45.27% I/F      04/25/2037       836,714  


10   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Table of Contents

September 30, 2017





Residential Asset Securitization Trust,



Series 2006-A6-1A12
(1 Month LIBOR USD + 7.10%)

    5.86% I/F I/O      07/25/2036       707,104  

Series 2006-A6-1A9

    6.00%       07/25/2036       1,022,691  

Series 2007-A2-1A2

    6.00%       04/25/2037       3,723,257  

Series 2007-A7-A1

    6.00%       07/25/2037       1,893,638  

Series 2007-A8-1A3

    6.00%       08/25/2037       1,005,254  

Residential Funding Mortgage Securities Trust,



Series 2006-S5-A9

    6.00%       06/25/2036       2,083,377  

Series 2007-S2-A4

    6.00%       02/25/2037       1,198,031  

Series 2007-S6-1A10

    6.00%       06/25/2037       1,355,109  

Springleaf Mortgage Loan Trust,



Series 2013-2A-B2

    6.00% #^      12/25/2065       4,996,423  

Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Trust,



Series 2006-1-2A2

    3.33% #      02/25/2036       1,334,580  

Structured Asset Securities Corporation,



Series 2005-11H-A3

    5.50%       06/25/2035       6,421,873  

Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates,



Series 2006-8-A4

    4.53% ß      10/25/2036       3,145,008  

Wells Fargo Alternative Loan Trust,



Series 2007-PA3-2A1

    6.00%       07/25/2037       2,944,129  



  Total Non-Agency Residential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
(Cost $161,011,252)




Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,



Series 2016-KF22-B (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.05%)

    6.28% ^      07/25/2023       493,455  

Series 3211-SI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 27.67%)

    22.48% I/F I/O      09/15/2036       771,029  

Series 3236-ES (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.70%)

    5.47% I/F I/O      11/15/2036       353,516  

Series 3256-S (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.69%)

    5.46% I/F I/O      12/15/2036       229,805  

Series 3292-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.87% I/F I/O      03/15/2037       130,829  

Series 3297-BI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.76%)

    5.53% I/F I/O      04/15/2037       1,699,250  

Series 3311-BI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.76%)

    5.53% I/F I/O      05/15/2037       1,061,607  

Series 3311-IA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.41%)

    5.18% I/F I/O      05/15/2037       1,154,754  

Series 3314-SH (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.40%)

    5.17% I/F I/O      11/15/2036       191,430  

Series 3317-DS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 15.00%)

    11.91% I/F       05/15/2037       213,249  

Series 3330-KS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.55%)

    5.32% I/F I/O      06/15/2037       144,133  

Series 3339-AI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.55%)

    5.32% I/F I/O      07/15/2037       30,612  

Series 3339-TI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.14%)

    4.91% I/F I/O      07/15/2037       656,730  

Series 3374-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.45%)

    5.22% I/F I/O      10/15/2037       444,323  

Series 3382-SU (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.30%)

    5.07% I/F I/O      11/15/2037       98,567  

Series 3404-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.77% I/F I/O      01/15/2038       1,121,304  

Series 3423-GS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.65%)

    4.42% I/F I/O      03/15/2038       76,863  

Series 3435-S (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.98%)

    4.75% I/F I/O      04/15/2038       811,913  

Series 3508-PS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.65%)

    5.42% I/F I/O      02/15/2039       63,798  

Series 3725-CS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.77% I/F I/O      05/15/2040       195,294  

Series 3728-SV (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.45%)

    3.22% I/F I/O      09/15/2040       317,241  




Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, (Cont.)



Series 3736-SN (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.05%)

    4.82% I/F I/O      10/15/2040       2,841,421  

Series 3753-SB (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.77% I/F I/O      11/15/2040       986,120  

Series 3780-SM (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.50%)

    5.27% I/F I/O      12/15/2040       1,230,660  

Series 3815-ST (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.85%)

    4.62% I/F I/O      02/15/2041       359,167  

Series 3905-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 22.75%)

    16.56% I/F       08/15/2041       1,943,514  

Series 3924-SJ (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.77% I/F I/O      09/15/2041       368,763  

Series 3960-ES (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.95%)

    4.72% I/F I/O      11/15/2041       1,230,860  

Series 3997-LZ

    3.50%       02/15/2042       8,047,145  

Series 4064-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.77% I/F I/O      06/15/2042       906,607  

Series 4155-GS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.46%)

    3.98% I/F       01/15/2033       2,796,059  

Series 4217-CS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.28%)

    3.80% I/F       06/15/2043       12,198,666  

Series 4225-BS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 11.87%)

    8.57% I/F       12/15/2040       3,679,484  

Series 4291-MS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.90%)

    4.67% I/F I/O      01/15/2054       917,104  

Series 4302-GS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.15%)

    4.92% I/F I/O      02/15/2044       1,884,041  

Federal National Mortgage Association,



Series 2005-72-WS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.75%)

    5.51% I/F I/O      08/25/2035       39,477  

Series 2005-90-SP (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.75%)

    5.51% I/F I/O      09/25/2035       366,726  

Series 2006-117-SQ (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.55%)

    5.31% I/F I/O      12/25/2036       152,766  

Series 2006-119-HS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.65%)

    5.41% I/F I/O      12/25/2036       103,154  

Series 2006-123-CI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.74%)

    5.50% I/F I/O      01/25/2037       1,658,317  

Series 2006-60-YI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.57%)

    5.33% I/F I/O      07/25/2036       874,388  

Series 2007-15-BI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.70%)

    5.46% I/F I/O      03/25/2037       723,330  

Series 2007-20-S (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.74%)

    5.50% I/F I/O      03/25/2037       210,693  

Series 2007-21-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.48%)

    5.24% I/F I/O      03/25/2037       93,488  

Series 2007-30-IE (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.74%)

    5.50% I/F I/O      04/25/2037       388,906  

Series 2007-32-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.86% I/F I/O      04/25/2037       726,736  

Series 2007-40-SA
(1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.86% I/F I/O      05/25/2037       294,043  

Series 2007-48-SE (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.86% I/F I/O      05/25/2037       46,087  

Series 2007-64-LI
(1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.56%)

    5.32% I/F I/O      07/25/2037       139,144  

Series 2007-68-SA
(1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.65%)

    5.41% I/F I/O      07/25/2037       41,006  

Series 2007-75-PI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.54%)

    5.30% I/F I/O      08/25/2037       1,806,348  

Series 2008-33-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.76% I/F I/O      04/25/2038       818,399  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   Annual Report   September 30, 2017   11

Table of Contents
Schedule of Investments  DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund  (Cont.)  

September 30, 2017





Federal National Mortgage Association, (Cont.)



Series 2008-42-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.90%)

    4.66% I/F I/O      05/25/2038       725,602  

Series 2008-5-GS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.25%)

    5.01% I/F I/O      02/25/2038       151,839  

Series 2008-62-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.05%)

    4.81% I/F I/O      07/25/2038       502,210  

Series 2008-68-SB (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.86% I/F I/O      08/25/2038       339,064  

Series 2009-111-SE (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.25%)

    5.01% I/F I/O      01/25/2040       98,524  

Series 2009-12-CI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.60%)

    5.36% I/F I/O      03/25/2036       384,801  

Series 2009-26-SM (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.35%)

    5.11% I/F I/O      08/25/2038       1,561  

Series 2009-47-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.86% I/F I/O      07/25/2039       61,086  

Series 2009-48-WS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.95%)

    4.71% I/F I/O      07/25/2039       63,972  

Series 2009-67-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.15%)

    3.91% I/F I/O      07/25/2037       22,947  

Series 2009-87-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.76% I/F I/O      11/25/2049       109,760  

Series 2009-91-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.15%)

    4.91% I/F I/O      11/25/2039       259,057  

Series 2010-109-BS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 55.00%)

      41.39% I/F       10/25/2040       1,292,153  

Series 2010-115-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.60%)

    5.36% I/F I/O      11/25/2039       80,644  

Series 2010-11-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.80%)

    3.56% I/F I/O      02/25/2040       106,620  

Series 2010-134-SE (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.65%)

    5.41% I/F I/O      12/25/2025       409,289  

Series 2010-142-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.60%)

    5.36% I/F I/O      12/25/2040       2,040,544  

Series 2010-150-MS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.53%)

    5.29% I/F I/O      01/25/2041       711,965  

Series 2010-15-SL (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.95%)

    3.71% I/F I/O      03/25/2040       215,062  

Series 2010-19-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.40%)

    4.16% I/F I/O      03/25/2050       43,872  

Series 2010-31-SB (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.00%)

    3.76% I/F I/O      04/25/2040       202,154  

Series 2010-39-SL (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.67%)

    4.43% I/F I/O      05/25/2040       349,757  

Series 2010-8-US (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.80%)

    3.56% I/F I/O      02/25/2040       67,413  

Series 2010-9-GS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.75%)

    3.51% I/F I/O      02/25/2040       84,241  

Series 2011-114-S (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.76% I/F I/O      09/25/2039       335,531  

Series 2011-146-US (1 Month LIBOR USD + 7.00%)

    5.27% I/F       01/25/2042       2,401,585  

Series 2011-40-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 10.00%)

    6.91% I/F       09/25/2040       177,041  

Series 2011-55-BZ

    3.50%       06/25/2041       3,380,004  

Series 2011-58-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.55%)

    5.31% I/F I/O      07/25/2041       382,694  

Series 2011-5-PS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.40%)

    5.16% I/F I/O      11/25/2040       131,143  

Series 2012-22-AZ

    4.00%       03/25/2042       5,278,367  

Series 2012-29-SG (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.76% I/F I/O      04/25/2042       105,038  

Series 2012-56-SN (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.05%)

    4.81% I/F I/O     06/25/2042       1,134,334  

Series 2012-76-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.76% I/F I/O      07/25/2042       1,266,018  

Series 2012-82-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 7.53%)

    5.36% I/F       08/25/2042       759,135  




Federal National Mortgage Association, (Cont.)



Series 2013-17-MS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.40%)

    3.92% I/F       03/25/2043       5,708,287  

Series 2013-18-BS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.40%)

    3.92% I/F       03/25/2043       3,790,537  

Series 2013-41-SC (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.14% I/F       05/25/2043       2,275,723  

Series 2013-51-SH (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.14% I/F       05/25/2033       3,033,484  

Series 2013-55-KS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.00%)

    4.14% I/F       06/25/2043       8,967,471  

Series 2013-61-ZN

    3.00%       06/25/2033       3,768,468  

Series 2013-83-US (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.00%)

    3.76% I/F       08/25/2043       9,355,417  

Series 374-19

    6.50% I/O      09/25/2036       114,741  

Government National Mortgage Association,



Series 2009-104-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.35%)

    5.12% I/F I/O      11/16/2039       224,314  

Series 2010-98-IA

    5.78% # I/O      03/20/2039       41,536  

Series 2011-56-BS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.87% I/F I/O      11/16/2036       6,141  

Series 2011-56-KS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.87% I/F I/O      08/16/2036       34,986  

Series 2011-69-SB (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.35%)

    4.11% I/F I/O      05/20/2041       195,947  

Series 2011-70-WS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 9.70%)

    7.23% I/F       12/20/2040       10,090,222  

Series 2011-71-SG (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.40%)

    4.16% I/F I/O      05/20/2041       326,897  

Series 2011-72-AS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.38%)

      4.14% I/F I/O      05/20/2041       365,764  

Series 2011-89-SA (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.45%)

    4.21% I/F I/O      06/20/2041       415,058  

Series 2012-34-LI (1 Month LIBOR USD + 122.00%)

    6.00% I/F I/O      12/16/2039       367,046  

Series 2013-119-TZ

    3.00%       08/20/2043       8,742,617  

Series 2013-188-MS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.55%)

    4.32% I/F I/O      12/16/2043       855,127  

Series 2013-39-HS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 4.75%)

    3.51% I/F I/O      03/20/2041       5,331,385  

Series 2014-39-SK (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.20%)

    4.96% I/F I/O      03/20/2044       1,458,171  

Series 2014-59-DS (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.25%)

    5.02% I/F I/O      04/16/2044       2,095,065  

Series 2014-63-SD (1 Month LIBOR USD + 5.55%)

    4.31% I/F I/O      04/20/2044       1,615,478  

Series 2014-69-ST (1 Month LIBOR USD + 6.10%)

    4.87% I/F I/O      12/16/2039       1,299,075  



  Total US Government / Agency Mortgage Backed Obligations
(Cost $148,922,728)





12   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Table of Contents

September 30, 2017





United States Treasury Notes

    1.25%        12/31/2018       13,975,391  



  Total US Government and Agency Obligations
(Cost $13,994,770)




BlackRock Liquidity Funds FedFund - Institutional Shares

    0.92% ¨         434,577  

Fidelity Institutional Money Market Government Portfolio - Class I

    0.91% ¨         434,577  

Morgan Stanley Institutional Liquidity Funds Government Portfolio - Institutional Share Class

    0.90% ¨         434,577  



  Total Short Term Investments
(Cost $1,303,731)



  Total Investments 126.5%
(Cost $406,346,562)
  Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets (26.5)%       (86,865,332



  NET ASSETS 100.0%     $ 327,926,869  





SECURITY TYPE BREAKDOWN as a % of Net Assets:     

Non-Agency Residential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations


US Government / Agency Mortgage Backed Obligations


Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage Backed Obligations


Collateralized Loan Obligations


US Government and Agency Obligations


Asset Backed Obligations


Short Term Investments


Other Assets and Liabilities







# Variable rate security. Coupon is based on weighted average coupon of underlying collateral. Rate disclosed as of September 30, 2017.


ß Step coupon bond. The interest rate shown is the rate in effect as of September 30, 2017.


^ Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified institutional buyers. These securities are determined to be liquid by the Adviser, unless otherwise noted, under procedures established by the Fund’s Board of Trustees. At September 30, 2017, the value of these securities amounted to $143,642,176 or 43.8% of net assets.


¥ Illiquid security


@ Security pays interest at rates that represent residual cashflows available after more senior tranches have been paid. The interest rate disclosed reflects the estimated rate in effect as of September 30, 2017.


I/O Interest only security


I/F Inverse floating rate security whose interest rate moves in the opposite direction of reference interest rates. Reference interest rates are typically based on a negative multiplier or slope. Interest rate may also be subject to a cap or floor.


All or partial amount transferred for the benefit of the counterparty as collateral for reverse repurchase agreements.


¨ Seven-day yield as of September 30, 2017


Þ Value was determined using significant unobservable inputs.


Reverse Repurchase Agreements                                 
Counterparty    Rate    Trade Date      Maturity
     Principal      Principal & Interest  

JP Morgan Securities LLC

   1.88%      9/14/2017        10/13/2017      $ 26,309,000      $ 26,331,035  

Goldman Sachs

   1.89%      9/28/2017        10/30/2017        18,407,000        18,408,933  

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

   1.79%      9/24/2017        10/25/2017        14,030,000        14,034,326  

Goldman Sachs

   1.32%      8/22/2017        11/17/2017        13,982,000        14,001,994  

JP Morgan Securities LLC

   1.68%      9/14/2017        10/13/2017        7,438,000        7,443,568  

JP Morgan Securities LLC

   1.69%      9/27/2017        10/13/2017        2,852,000        2,852,401  

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

   1.99%      9/24/2017        10/25/2017        2,778,000        2,778,921  






            $ 85,796,000      $ 85,851,178  







The weighted average daily balance of reverse repurchase agreements during the reporting period ended September 30, 2017 was $72,793,099, at a weighted average interest rate of 1.45%. Total market value of underlying collateral (refer to the Schedule of Investments for positions transferred for the benefit of the counterparty as collateral) for open reverse repurchase agreements at September 30, 2017 was $104,986,972.


Securities Accounted for as Secured Borrowings       
     Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements  
      Overnight and
   Up to 30 days      31-90 days      Greater than
90 days

Reverse Repurchase Agreements


US Government and Agency Obligations

   $—    $      $ 13,982,000      $      $ 13,982,000  

US Government / Agency Mortgage Backed Obligations

     —      71,814,000                      71,814,000  















Total Borrowings

   $—    $ 71,814,000      $ 13,982,000      $      $ 85,796,000  















Gross amount of recognized liabilities for reverse repurchase agreements


      $ 85,796,000  





The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   Annual Report   September 30, 2017   13

Table of Contents
Statement of Assets and Liabilities  

September 30, 2017




Investments in Securities, at Value*

  $ 413,488,470  

Short Term Investments*


Interest and Dividends Receivable


Receivable for Investments Sold


Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets


Total Assets




Payable for Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Payable for Investments Purchased


Investment Advisory Fees Payable


Administration, Fund Accounting and Custodian Fees Payable


Professional Fees Payable


Accrued Expenses


Interest Payable for Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Total Liabilities


Commitments and Contingencies (See Note 2)


Net Assets

  $ 327,926,869  



Capital Stock ($0.00001 par value)

  $ 149  

Additional Paid-in Capital


Undistributed (Accumulated) Net Investment Income (Loss) (See Note 5)


Accumulated Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments


Net Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments


Net Assets

  $ 327,926,869  

*Identified Cost:


Investments in Securities

  $ 405,042,831  

Short Term Investments


Shares Outstanding and Net Asset Value Per Share:


Shares Outstanding (unlimited authorized)


Net Asset Value per Share

  $ 22.04  


14   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Table of Contents
Statement of Operations  

For the Year Ended September 30, 2017







  $ 30,259,352  

Total Investment Income




Investment Advisory Fees


Interest Expense for Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Administration, Fund Accounting and Custodian Fees


Professional Fees


Trustees Fees


Shareholder Reporting Expenses


Registration Fees


Miscellaneous Expenses


Insurance Expenses


Transfer Agent Expenses


Total Expenses


Net Investment Income (Loss)




Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments


Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments


Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)



  $ 11,026,927  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   Annual Report   September 30, 2017   15

Table of Contents
Statements of Changes in Net Assets    



Year Ended
September 30, 2017


Year Ended
September 30, 2016




Net Investment Income (Loss)

  $ 24,276,829     $ 26,755,515  

Net Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments

    140,093       301,555  

Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) on Investments

    (13,389,995     (1,436,231

Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

    11,026,927       25,620,839  



From Net Investment Income

    (28,788,755     (36,780,598

Return of Capital

    (989,188     (755,007

Total Distributions to Shareholders

    (29,777,943     (37,535,605



Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Net Share Transactions

    814,357       1,100,708  

Total Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets

  $ (17,936,659   $ (10,814,058



Beginning of Period

  $ 345,863,528     $ 356,677,586  

End of Period

  $ 327,926,869     $ 345,863,528  

Undistributed (Accumulated) Net Investment Income (Loss) (See Note 5)

  $ 3,485,828     $ 3,095,760  


16   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Table of Contents
Statement of Cash Flows  

For the Year Ended September 30, 2017




Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Operations

  $ 11,026,927  

Adjustments to Reconcile the Change in Net Assets from Operations to Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating activities:


Purchases of Long Term Investments


Proceeds from Disposition of Long Term Investments


Net (Purchases of) Proceeds from Disposition of Short Term Investments


Net Amortization (Accretion) of Premiums/Discounts


Net Realized (Gain) Loss on Investments


Net Change in Unrealized Depreciation (Appreciation) of Investments


(Increase) Decrease in:


Interest and Dividends Receivable


Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets


Receivable for Investments Sold


Increase (Decrease) in:


Payable for Investments Purchased


Investment Advisory Fees Payable


Interest Payable for Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Accrued Expenses


Administration, Fund Accounting and Custodian Fees Payable


Professional Fees Payable


Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Operating Activities




Cash Dividends Paid to Common Stockholders


Proceeds from Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Repayment of Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Net Cash Provided By (Used In) Financing Activities




Cash at Beginning of Period


Cash at End of Period

  $ —    



Additional Paid-in Capital from Dividend Reinvestment

  $ 814,357  

Cash Paid for Interest on Reverse Repurchase Agreements

  $ 1,037,653  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.   Annual Report   September 30, 2017   17

Table of Contents
Financial Highlights    



Year Ended
September 30, 2017

    Year Ended
September 30, 2016
    Year Ended
September 30, 2015
    Year Ended
September 30, 2014
    Year Ended
September 30, 2013

Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period

  $ 23.30     $ 24.10     $ 23.41     $ 22.97     $ 24.87  

Income (Loss) from Investment Operations:


Net Investment Income (Loss)1

    1.63       1.81       2.21       1.83       1.63  

Net Gain (Loss) on Investments (Realized and Unrealized)

    (0.89     (0.08     0.97       0.61       (1.05

Total from Investment Operations

    0.74       1.73       3.18       2.44       0.58  

Less Distributions:


Distributions from Net Investment Income

    (1.93     (2.48     (2.49     (2.00     (2.48

Return of Capital

    (0.07     (0.05     —         —         —    

Total Distributions

    (2.00     (2.53     (2.49     (2.00     (2.48

Net Asset Value, End of Period

  $ 22.04     $ 23.30     $ 24.10     $ 23.41     $ 22.97  

Market Price, End of Period

  $ 24.04     $ 25.68     $ 24.88     $ 23.60     $ 22.88  

Total Return on Net Asset Value2

    3.49%       7.81%       14.33%       11.12%       2.24%  

Total Return on Market Price3

    2.09%       14.38%       17.08%       12.46%       (6.60)%  

Supplemental Data:


Net Assets, End of Period (000’s)

  $ 327,927     $ 345,864     $ 356,678     $ 345,682     $ 338,659  

Ratios to Average Net Assets:


Expenses, including interest expense

    1.80%       1.59%       1.65%       1.67%       1.40%  

Expenses, excluding interest expense

    1.48%       1.44%       1.49%       1.49%       1.36%  

Net Investment Income (Loss)

    7.32%       7.77%       9.27%       7.90%       6.70%  

Portfolio Turnover Rate

    17%       14%       4%       22%       17%  


1  Calculated based on average shares outstanding during the period.
2  Total return on Net Asset Value is computed based upon the Net Asset Value of common stock on the first business day and the closing Net Asset Value on the last business day of the period. Dividends and distributions are assumed to be reinvested at the prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan.
3  Total return on Market Price is computed based upon the New York Stock Exchange market price of the Fund’s shares and excludes the effect of brokerage commissions. Dividends and distributions are assumed to be reinvested at the prices obtained under the Fund’s dividend reinvestment plan.


18   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund      The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Table of Contents
Notes to Financial Statements  

September 30, 2017


1.  Organization

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (the “Fund”) was formed as a closed-end management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), and originally classified as a non-diversified fund. The Fund is currently operating as a diversified fund. The Fund has previously operated as a non-diversified fund and may operate as a non-diversified fund in the future to the extent permitted by applicable law. The Fund was organized as a Massachusetts business trust on July 22, 2011 and commenced operations on January 27, 2012. The Fund is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbol “DBL”. The Fund’s investment objective is to seek high total investment return by providing a high level of current income and the potential for capital appreciation.

2.  Significant Accounting Policies

The Fund is an investment company that applies the accounting and reporting guidance issued in Topic 946, “Financial Services—Investment Companies”, by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”). The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies of the Fund. These policies are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“US GAAP”).

A. Security Valuation. The Fund has adopted US GAAP fair value accounting standards which establish a definition of fair value and set out a hierarchy for measuring fair value. These standards require additional disclosures about the various inputs and valuation techniques used to develop the measurements of fair value and a discussion of changes in valuation techniques and related inputs during the period. These inputs are summarized in the three broad levels listed below:


    Level 1—Unadjusted quoted market prices in active markets for identical securities


    Level 2—Quoted prices for identical or similar assets in markets that are not active, or inputs derived from observable market data


    Level 3—Significant unobservable inputs (including the reporting entity’s estimates and assumptions)

Assets and liabilities may be transferred between levels. The Fund uses end of period timing recognition to account for any transfers.

Market values for domestic and foreign fixed income securities are normally determined on the basis of valuations provided by independent pricing services. Vendors typically value such securities based on one or more inputs described in the following table which is not intended to be a complete list. The table provides examples of inputs that are commonly relevant for valuing particular classes of fixed income securities in which the Fund is authorized to invest. However, these classifications are not exclusive, and any of the inputs may be used to value any other class of fixed-income securities. Securities that use similar valuation techniques and inputs as described in the following table are categorized as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. To the extent the significant inputs are unobservable, the values generally would be categorized as Level 3.


Fixed-income class         Examples of Inputs


    Benchmark yields, transactions, bids, offers, quotations from dealers and trading systems, new issues, spreads and other relationships observed in the markets among comparable securities; and proprietary pricing models such as yield measures calculated using factors such as cash flows, financial or collateral performance and other reference data (collectively referred to as “standard inputs”)

Corporate bonds and notes; convertible securities

    Standard inputs and underlying equity of the issuer

US bonds and notes of government and government agencies

    Standard inputs

Residential and commercial mortgage-backed obligations; asset-backed obligations (including collateralized loan obligations)

    Standard inputs and cash flows, prepayment information, default rates, delinquency and loss assumptions, collateral characteristics, credit enhancements and specific deal information, trustee reports

Investments in registered open-end management investment companies will be valued based upon the net asset value (“NAV”) of such investments and are categorized as Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.

The Fund may enter into reverse repurchase agreements. In a reverse repurchase agreement, the Fund sells to a financial institution a security that it holds with an agreement to repurchase the same security at an agreed-upon price and date. A reverse repurchase agreement involves the risk that the market value of the security may decline below the repurchase price of the


  Annual Report   September 30, 2017   19

Table of Contents
Notes to Financial Statements  (Cont.)  

September 30, 2017


security. The Fund will segregate assets determined to be liquid by the Adviser or otherwise cover its obligations under reverse repurchase agreements. Due to the short term nature of the reverse repurchase agreements, face value approximates fair value at September 30, 2017.

Securities may be fair valued by the Adviser in accordance with the fair valuation procedures approved by the Board of Trustees (the “Board”). The Adviser’s valuation committee is generally responsible for overseeing the day to day valuation processes and reports periodically to the Board. The Adviser’s valuation committee and the pricing group are authorized to make all necessary determinations of the fair values of portfolio securities and other assets for which market quotations or third party vendor prices are not readily available or if it is deemed that the prices obtained from brokers and dealers or independent pricing services are deemed to be unreliable indicators of market or fair value.

The following is a summary of the fair valuations according to the inputs used to value the Fund’s investments as of September 30, 20171:



Investments in Securities


Level 1


Money Market Funds

     $ 1,303,731  

Total Level 1


Level 2


Non-Agency Residential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations


US Government / Agency Mortgage Backed Obligations


Collateralized Loan Obligations


Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage Backed Obligations


US Government and Agency Obligations


Asset Backed Obligations


Total Level 2


Level 3


Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage Backed Obligations


Non-Agency Residential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations


Asset Backed Obligations


Total Level 3



     $ 414,792,201  

Certain of the Fund’s assets/liabilities are held at face value, which approximates fair value for financial statement purposes. The following is a summary of such assets/liabilities as of September 30, 2017.


Other Financial Instruments


Level 1

     $ —    

Total Level 1


Level 2


Reverse Repurchase Agreements


Total Level 2


Level 3



     $ 85,796,000  

See the Schedule of Investments for further disaggregation of investment categories.


1 There were no transfers into or out of Level 1 during the year ended September 30, 2017.


20   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents

September 30, 2017


The following is a reconciliation of investments in which significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) were used in determining fair value:


          Fair Value as of
    Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
    Net Change in
    Net Accretion
    Purchases 1     Sales 2    

Transfers Into

Level 34

    Transfers Out
of Level 34
    Fair Value as of
    Net Change in
on securities
held at
9/30/2017 3

Investments in Securities


Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage Backed Obligations

    $ 7,860,895     $ —       $ (170,165   $ 230,750     $ 957,573     $ —       $ —       $ —       $ 8,879,053     $ (188,311

Non-Agency Residential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations

      9,986,031       49,787       575,313       232,635       7,566       (578,782     —         (1,623,384     8,649,166       538,436  

Asset Backed Obligations

      1,107,087       —         (329,642     —         —         —         —         —         777,445       (329,642


    $ 18,954,013     $ 49,787     $ 75,506     $ 463,385     $ 965,139     $ (578,782   $ —       $ (1,623,384   $ 18,305,664     $ 20,483  


1 Purchases include all purchases of securities and payups.


2 Sales include all sales of securities, maturities, and paydowns.


3 Any difference between net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on securities held at September 30, 2017 may be due to a security that was not held or categorized as Level 3 at either period end.


4 Transfers between Level 3 and Level 2 were due to a change in observable and/or unobservable inputs from the prior fiscal year end.

The following is a summary of quantitative information about Level 3 Fair Value Measurements:


          Fair Value as of
9/30/2017 *
    Valuation Techniques     Unobservable
  Input Values     Impact to valuation from an increase to input

Non-Agency Commercial Mortgage Backed Obligations

    $ 8,879,053      
  Yields     9.58%-26.13%     Increase in yields would result in the decrease in the fair value of the security

Non-Agency Residential Collateralized Mortgage Obligations

  $ 92.91-$97.87     Significant changes in the market quotes would result in direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security

Asset Backed Obligations

    $18.75     Significant changes in the market quotes would result in direct and proportional changes in the fair value of the security


* Level 3 securities are typically valued by pricing vendors. The appropriateness of fair values for these securities is monitored on an ongoing basis by the Adviser, which may include back testing, results of vendor due diligence, unchanged price review and consideration of market and/or sector events.

B. Federal Income Taxes. The Fund has elected to be taxed as a “regulated investment company” and intends to distribute substantially all of its taxable income to its shareholders and otherwise comply with the provisions of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies. Therefore, no provision for federal income taxes has been made.

The Fund may be subject to a nondeductible 4% excise tax calculated as a percentage of certain undistributed amounts of net investment income and net capital gains.

The Fund has followed the authoritative guidance on accounting for and disclosure of uncertainty in tax positions, which requires the Fund to determine whether a tax position is more likely than not to be sustained upon examination, including resolution of any related appeals or litigation processes, based on the technical merits of the position. The Fund has determined that there was no effect on the financial statements from following this authoritative guidance. In the normal course of business, the Fund is subject to examination by federal, state and local jurisdictions, where applicable, for tax years for which applicable statutes of limitations have not expired. The Fund identifies its major tax jurisdictions as U.S. Federal, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of California.

C. Security Transactions, Investment Income. Investment securities transactions are accounted for on trade date. Gains and losses realized on sales of securities are determined on a specific identification basis. Interest income is recorded on an accrual basis. Discounts/premiums on debt securities purchased are accreted/amortized over the life of the respective securities using the effective interest method except for certain deep discount bonds where management does not expect the par value above the bond’s cost to be fully realized. Dividend income and corporate action transactions, if any, are recorded on the ex-date. Non-cash dividends included in dividend income, if any, are recorded at the fair market value of securities received. Paydown gains and losses on mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities are recorded as components of interest income on the Statement of Operations.


  Annual Report   September 30, 2017   21

Table of Contents
Notes to Financial Statements  (Cont.)  

September 30, 2017


D. Dividends and Distributions to Shareholders. Dividends from net investment income will be declared and paid monthly. The Fund will distribute any net realized long or short-term capital gains at least annually. Distributions are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

Income and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from US GAAP. Permanent book and tax basis differences relating to shareholder distributions will result in reclassifications between paid-in capital, undistributed (accumulated) net investment income (loss), and/or undistributed (accumulated) realized gain (loss). Undistributed (accumulated) net investment income or loss may include temporary book and tax basis differences which will reverse in a subsequent period. Any taxable income or capital gain remaining at fiscal year end is distributed in the following year.

E. Use of Estimates. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

F. Share Valuation. The NAV per share of the Fund is calculated by dividing the sum of the value of the securities held by the Fund, plus cash and other assets, minus all liabilities (including estimated accrued expenses) by the total number of shares outstanding, rounded to the nearest cent. The Fund’s NAV is typically calculated on days when the NYSE opens for regular trading (except that the Fund does not calculate its NAV on holidays when the principal U.S. bond markets are closed, such as Columbus Day and Veterans Day).

G. Guarantees and Indemnifications. Under the Fund’s organizational documents, each Trustee and officer of the Fund is indemnified, to the extent permitted by the 1940 Act, against certain liabilities that may arise out of performance of their duties to the Fund. Additionally, in the normal course of business, the Fund enters into contracts that contain a variety of indemnification clauses. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. However, the Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts.

3.  Related Party Transactions

DoubleLine Capital LP (the “Adviser”) provides the Fund with investment management services under an Investment Management Agreement (the “Agreement”). Under the Agreement, the Adviser manages the investment of the assets of the Fund, places orders for the purchase and sale of its portfolio securities and is responsible for providing certain resources to assist with the day-to-day management of the Fund’s business affairs. As compensation for its services, the Adviser is entitled to a monthly fee at the annual rate of 1.00% of the average daily total managed assets of the Fund. Total managed assets means the total assets of the Fund (including assets attributable to any reverse repurchase agreements, dollar roll transactions or similar transactions, borrowings, and/or preferred shares that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities in respect of reverse repurchase agreements, dollar roll transactions or similar transactions, and borrowings). An affiliate of the Adviser owned 7,038 shares of the Fund as of September 30, 2017. The Adviser has arrangements with DoubleLine Group LP to provide personnel and other resources to the Fund.

4.  Purchases and Sales of Securities

For the year ended September 30, 2017, purchases and sales of investments, excluding U.S. Government securities and short term investments , were $79,513,075 and $67,202,006 respectively. In U.S. Government securities (defined as long-term U.S. Treasury bills, notes and bonds), purchases and sales of investments were $25,988,281 and $11,990,430, respectively.

5.  Income Tax Information

The tax character of distributions for the Fund were as follows:



Year Ended

September 30, 2017

     Year Ended
September 30, 2016

Distributions Paid From:


Ordinary Income

     $ 28,788,755      $ 36,780,598  

Return of Capital

       989,188        755,007  

Total Distributions Paid

     $ 29,777,943      $ 37,535,605  


22   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents

September 30, 2017


The Fund designated as long-term capital gain dividend, pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 852(b)(3), the amount necessary to reduce the earnings and profits of the Fund related to net capital gain to zero for the tax year ended September 30, 2017.

The cost basis of investments for federal income tax purposes as of September 30, 2017, was as follows:


Tax Cost of Investments

     $ 405,466,049  

Gross Tax Unrealized Appreciation


Gross Tax Unrealized Depreciation


Net Tax Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

     $ 9,326,152  

As of September 30, 2017, the components of accumulated earnings (losses) for income tax purposes were as follows:


Net Tax Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)

     $ 9,326,152  

Undistributed Ordinary Income


Total Distributable Earnings


Other Accumulated Gains (Losses)


Total Accumulated Earnings (Losses)

     $ (24,850,467

As of September 30, 2017, the following capital loss carryforward was available:


Capital Loss
  $30,420,682        Indefinite  

The Fund may elect to defer to the first day of the next taxable year all or part of any late-year ordinary loss or post-October capital loss. As of September 30, 2017, the Fund deferred, on a tax basis, qualified late year losses of $3,752,787.

Additionally, US GAAP requires that certain components of net assets relating to permanent differences be reclassified between financial and tax reporting. These reclassifications have no effect on net assets or NAV per share. The permanent differences primarily relate to paydown losses, market discount and return of capital. For the year ended September 30, 2017, the following table shows the reclassifications made:


(Accumulated) Net
Income (Loss)
Net Realized
Gain (Loss)
  $5,891,182      $ (4,901,994    $ (989,188

6.  Share Transactions

Transactions in the Fund’s shares were as follows:


           Year Ended
September 30, 2017
     Year Ended
September 30, 2016
           Shares      Amount      Shares      Amount  

Reinvested Dividends

       35,305      $ 814,357        44,881      $ 1,100,708  

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Resulting from Net Share Transactions

       35,305      $ 814,357        44,881      $ 1,100,708  

7.  Trustees Fees

Trustees who are not affiliated with the Adviser and its affiliates received, as a group, fees of $97,901 from the Fund during the year ended September 30, 2017. These trustees may elect to defer the cash payment of part or all of their compensation. These deferred amounts, which remain as liabilities of the Fund, are treated as if invested in shares of the Fund or other funds managed by the Adviser and its affiliates. These amounts represent general, unsecured liabilities of the Fund and vary according to the total returns of the selected funds. Trustees Fees in the Fund’s Statement of Operations are shown as $97,901 which includes $97,665 in current fees (either paid in cash or deferred) and an increase of $236 in the value of the deferred amounts. Certain trustees and officers of the Fund are also officers of the Adviser; such trustees and officers are not compensated by the Fund.


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Notes to Financial Statements  (Cont.)  

September 30, 2017


8.  Principal Risks

Below are summaries of some, but not all, of the principal risks of investing in the Fund, each of which could adversely affect the Fund’s NAV, market price, yield, and total return. The Fund’s prospectus provided additional information regarding these and other risks of investing in the Fund at the time of the initial public offering of the Fund’s shares.


  market discount risk:  The price of the Fund’s common shares of beneficial interest will fluctuate with market conditions and other factors. Shares of closed-end management investment companies frequently trade at a discount from their net asset value.


  issuer risk:  The value of securities may decline for a number of reasons that directly relate to the issuer, such as its financial strength, management performance, financial leverage and reduced demand for the issuer’s goods and services, as well as the historical and prospective earnings of the issuer and the value of its assets.


  investment and market risk:  An investment in the Fund is subject to the risk of loss. The value of the Fund’s securities and financial assets may move up or down, sometimes rapidly and unpredictably. Further, the value of securities held by the Fund may decline in value due to factors affecting securities markets generally or particular industries. Securities markets may, in response to governmental actions or intervention, economic or market developments, or other external factors, experience periods of high volatility and reduced liquidity. Certain securities may be difficult to value during such periods. These risks may be heightened for fixed income securities due to the current historically low interest rate environment.


  collateralized debt obligations risk:  The risks of an investment in a collateralized debt obligation (“CDO”) depend largely on the quality and type of the collateral and the tranche of the CDO in which the Fund invests. Normally, collateralized bond obligations (“CBOs”), CLOs and other CDOs are privately offered and sold, and thus are not registered under the securities laws. As a result, investments in CDOs may be characterized by the Fund as illiquid securities; however, an active dealer market, or other relevant measures of liquidity, may exist for CDOs allowing a CDO potentially to be deemed liquid by the Adviser under liquidity policies approved by the Board. In addition to the risks associated with debt instruments (e.g., interest rate risk and credit risk), CDOs carry additional risks including, but not limited to: (i) the possibility that distributions from collateral will not be adequate to make interest or other payments; (ii) the quality of the collateral may decline in value or default; (iii) the possibility that the Fund may invest in CDOs that are subordinate to other classes; and (iv) the complex structure of the security may not be fully understood at the time of investment and may produce disputes with the issuer or unexpected investment results.


  credit risk:  Credit risk is the risk that one or more of the Fund’s investments in debt securities or other instruments will decline in price, or fail to pay interest, liquidation value or principal when due, because the issuer of the obligation or the issuer of a reference security experiences an actual or perceived decline in its financial status.


  mortgage-backed securities risk:  The risk that borrowers may default on their mortgage obligations or the guarantees underlying the mortgage-backed securities will default or otherwise fail and that, during periods of falling interest rates, mortgage-backed securities will be called or prepaid, which may result in the Fund having to reinvest proceeds in other investments at a lower interest rate. During periods of rising interest rates, the average life of a mortgage-backed security may extend, which may lock in a below-market interest rate, increase the security’s duration, and reduce the value of the security. Enforcing rights against the underlying assets or collateral may be difficult, or the underlying assets or collateral may be insufficient if the issuer defaults. The values of certain types of mortgage-backed securities, such as inverse floaters and interest-only and principal-only securities, may be extremely sensitive to changes in interest rates and prepayment rates.


  sovereign debt obligations risk:  Investments in countries’ government debt obligations involve special risks. The issuer or governmental entity that controls the repayment of sovereign debt may not be able or willing to repay the principal and/or interest when due in accordance with the terms of such debt or otherwise in a timely manner.



loan risk:  Investments in loans are in many cases subject to the risks associated with below-investment grade securities. Investments in loans are also subject to special risks, including, among others, the risk that (i) if the Fund holds a loan through another financial institution, or relies on a financial institution to administer the loan, the Fund’s receipt of principal and interest on the loan is subject to the credit risk of that financial institution; (ii) loans in which the Fund invests typically pay interest at floating rates, and the borrower may have the ability to change or adjust the interest rate on a loan or under circumstances that would be unfavorable to the Fund; (iii) it is possible that any collateral securing a loan may be insufficient or unavailable to the Fund; (iv) investments in highly leveraged loans or loans of stressed, distressed, or defaulted issuers may be subject to significant credit and liquidity risk; (v) transactions in loans may settle on a delayed basis, and the Fund potentially may not receive the proceeds from the sale of a loan for a substantial period of time after the sale; and (vi) loans may be difficult to value and may be illiquid, which may adversely affect an investment in the Fund. It is unclear whether the


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Table of Contents

September 30, 2017


  protections of the securities laws against fraud and misrepresentation extend to loans and other forms of direct indebtedness. In the absence of definitive regulatory guidance, the Fund relies on the Adviser’s research in an attempt to avoid situations where fraud or misrepresentation could adversely affect the Fund. There can be no assurance that the Adviser’s efforts in this regard will be successful.


  inverse floaters and related securities risk:  Investments in inverse floaters, residual interest tender option bonds and similar instruments expose the Fund to the same risks as investments in debt securities and derivatives, as well as other risks, including those associated with leverage and increased volatility. An investment in these securities typically will involve greater risk than an investment in a fixed rate security. Distributions on inverse floaters, residual interest tender option bonds and similar instruments will typically bear an inverse relationship to short term interest rates and typically will be reduced or, potentially, eliminated as interest rates rise.


  high yield risk:  The risk that debt instruments rated below investment grade or debt instruments that are unrated and determined by the Adviser to be of comparable quality are predominantly speculative. These instruments, commonly known as “junk bonds,” have a higher degree of default risk and may be less liquid than higher-rated bonds. These instruments may be subject to greater price volatility due to such factors as specific corporate developments, interest rate sensitivity, negative perceptions of high yield investments generally, and less secondary market liquidity.


  interest rate risk:  Interest rate risk is the risk that debt instruments will change in value because of changes in interest rates. The value of an instrument with a longer duration (whether positive or negative) will be more sensitive to changes in interest rates than a similar instrument with a shorter duration. As of the date of this report, interest rates in the U.S. are near historically low levels, increasing the exposure of bond investors to the risks associated with rising interest rates.


  foreign (non-U.S.) investment risk:  The Fund’s investments in and exposure to foreign securities involve special risks. For example, the value of these investments may decline in response to unfavorable political and legal developments, unreliable or untimely information or economic and financial instability. Foreign securities may experience more rapid and extreme changes in value than investments in securities of U.S. issuers. Investing in securities of issuers based or doing business in emerging markets entails all of the risks of investing in securities of foreign issuers, but to a heightened degree. To the extent that the investments are made in a limited number of countries, events in those countries will have a more significant impact on the Fund. If the Fund buys securities denominated in a foreign currency, receives income in foreign currencies or holds foreign currencies from time to time, the value of the Fund’s assets, as measured in U.S. dollars, can be affected unfavorably by changes in exchange rates relative to the U.S. dollar or other foreign currencies. Foreign markets are also subject to the risk that a foreign government could restrict foreign exchange transactions or otherwise implement unfavorable currency regulations.


  foreign currency risk:  The Fund’s investments in or exposure to foreign currencies or in securities or instruments that trade, or receive revenues, in foreign currencies are subject to the risk that those currencies will decline in value relative to the U.S. dollar or, in the case of hedging positions (if used), that the U.S. dollar will decline in value relative to the currency being hedged.


  emerging markets risk:  Investing in emerging market countries involves substantial risk due to the potential to have limited information compared to what may be available or required by more developed countries; higher brokerage costs; different accounting, auditing and financial reporting standards; different clearing and settlement procedures and custodial services; the potential for less developed legal systems and thinner trading markets as compared to those in developed countries; currency blockages or transfer restrictions; an emerging market country’s dependence on revenue from particular commodities or international aid; and expropriation, nationalization or other adverse political or economic developments.


  credit default swaps risk:  Credit default swaps involve greater risks than investing in the reference obligation directly as well as liquidity risk, counterparty risk and credit risk. A buyer will lose its investment and recover nothing should no event of default occur. When the Fund acts as a seller of a credit default swap, it is exposed to many of the same risks of leverage described herein since if an event of default occurs the seller must pay the buyer the full notional value of the reference obligation.


  leverage risk:  Leverage is a speculative technique that may expose the Fund to greater risk and increased costs. When leverage is used, the net asset value and market price of the Fund’s shares and the Fund’s investment return will likely be more volatile.



derivatives risk:  Derivatives are subject to a number of risks applicable to other investments, such as liquidity risk, issuer risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, leverage risk, counterparty risk, management risk and, if applicable, smaller company risk.


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Notes to Financial Statements  (Cont.)  

September 30, 2017


  They also involve the risk of mispricing or improper valuation, the risk of unfavorable or ambiguous documentation, and the risk that changes in the value of a derivative may not correlate perfectly or at all with an underlying asset, currency, interest rate or index.


  counterparty risk:  The Fund will be subject to credit risk with respect to the counterparties to the derivative contracts (whether a clearing corporation in the case of exchange-traded instruments or another third party in the case of over-the-counter instruments) and other instruments entered into directly by the Fund or held by special purpose or structured vehicles in which the Fund invests. Subject to certain limitations for U.S. federal income tax purposes, the Fund is not subject to any limit with respect to the number of transactions it can enter into with a single counterparty. To the extent that the Fund enters into multiple transactions with a single or a small set of counterparties, it will be subject to increased counterparty risk.


  restricted securities risk:   The Fund may hold securities that are restricted as to resale under the U.S. federal securities laws. There can be no assurance that a trading market will exist at any time for any particular restricted security. Limitations on the resale of these securities may prevent the Fund from disposing of them promptly at reasonable prices or at all. The Fund may have to bear the expense of registering the securities for resale and the risk of substantial delays in effecting the registration. Also, restricted securities may be difficult to value because market quotations may not be readily available, and the values of restricted securities may have significant volatility.

9.  Offsetting Assets and Liabilities

The Fund is subject to various Master Netting Arrangements, which govern the terms of certain transactions with select counterparties. The Master Netting Arrangements allow the Fund to close out and net its total exposure to a counterparty in the event of a default with respect to all the transactions governed under a single agreement with a counterparty. The Master Netting Arrangements also specify collateral posting arrangements at pre-arranged exposure levels. Under the Master Netting Arrangements, collateral is routinely transferred if the total net exposure to certain transactions (net of existing collateral already in place) governed under the relevant Master Netting Arrangement with a counterparty in a given account exceeds a specified threshold depending on the counterparty and the type of Master Netting Arrangement.

As of September 30, 2017, the Fund held the following instruments that were subject to offsetting on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities:



Amounts of
     Gross Amounts
Offset in the
Statement of
Assets  and
     Net Amounts
presented in the
Statement of
Assets  and
     Gross Amounts not offset in the
Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Description             Financial

Reverse Repurchase Agreements

   $ 85,796,000      $ —        $ 85,796,000      $ 85,796,000      $ —        $ —    

10.  Subsequent Events

In preparing these financial statements, the Fund has evaluated events and transactions for potential recognition or disclosure through the date the financial statements were issued. The Fund has determined there are no subsequent events that would need to be disclosed in the Fund’s financial statements.


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Report of Independent Registered Accounting Firm    


To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund:

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (the “Fund”), including the schedule of investments, as of September 30, 2017, and the related statements of operations and cash flows for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Fund is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Fund’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of September 30, 2017, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund as of September 30, 2017, the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, the changes in its net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.



Costa Mesa, California

November 21, 2017


  Annual Report   September 30, 2017   27

Table of Contents
Federal Tax Information  


September 30, 2017


For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2017, certain dividends paid by the Fund may be subject to a maximum tax rate of 15% (20% for taxpayers with taxable income greater than $400,000 for single individuals and $450,000 for married couples filing jointly), as provided for by the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. The percentage of dividends declared from ordinary income designated as qualified dividend income was as follows:


Qualified Dividend Income


For corporate shareholders, the percent of ordinary income distributions qualifying for the corporate dividends received deduction for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2017, was as follows:


Dividends Received Deduction


The percentage of taxable ordinary income distributions that are designated as short-term capital gain distributions under Internal Revenue Section 871(k)(2)(c) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2017, was as follows:


Qualified Short-term Gains


The percentage of taxable ordinary income distributions that are designated as interest related dividends under Internal Revenue Section 871(k)(1)(c) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2017, was as follows:


Qualified Interest Income


Shareholders are advised to consult their own tax adviser with respect to the tax consequences of their investment in the Fund.


28   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents
Additional Information Regarding the Fund’s Investment Activities  


September 30, 2017


Investments in Pools of Loans: The Fund may invest in pools of loans through mortgage- or other asset-backed securities, where a trust or other entity issues interests in the loans, some of which interests may be senior to others. Alternatively, the Fund may invest directly in pools of loans, itself or with other clients of the Adviser or their related parties. The Fund’s direct investments in pools of loans present risks that may differ from the Fund’s investments in mortgage- and other asset-backed securities. For example, if it were to invest directly in such a pool without any co-investors, the Fund would incur all losses incurred on the loans acquired in the pool. However, if the Fund were to invest in a senior tranche of a mortgage- or other asset-backed security, it might have a more limited exposure to losses on the loans. In connection with the Fund’s direct purchase of certain loan portfolios, the Fund will incur costs, which may include the costs of various diligence-related services. The diligence-related services the Fund may require in connection with such investments may include, without limitation, loan file review, underwriting documentation review, and site visits. The Adviser would typically rely on information and analyses furnished as part of these diligence-related services in determining whether to invest in a particular loan portfolio. The costs associated with investments in a pool of loans may be significant and will reduce the performance contribution of such investments. The Fund may invest in pools of loans through collateralized debt obligations (“CDOs”) and other structured products sponsored or managed by, or otherwise affiliated with, the Adviser or related parties of the Adviser. Such investments may include investments in debt or equity interests issued of the CDO or structured product as well as investments purchased on the secondary market, and the Fund may invest in any tranche of the CDO or structured product, including an equity tranche.

Original Issuance, Subordinated Tranche Investments: The Fund may invest in any level of the capital structure of an issuer of mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities, including the equity or “first loss” tranche. Senior tranche investments in mortgage-backed or asset-backed securities are paid from the cash flows from the underlying assets before the junior tranches and equity or “first loss” tranches. Any losses on the underlying assets are first borne by the equity tranches, next by less junior tranches, and finally by the senior tranches. Accordingly, subordinated tranche investments, and especially “first loss” tranches, involve greater risk of loss than more senior tranches. The subordinated tranches the Fund may buy include those rated below investment grade or unrated instruments of similar credit quality. Below investment grade bonds are high yield, high risk bonds, commonly known as junk bonds.

The Adviser may aggregate the Fund’s order for an investment in, or sale of, an interest in a subordinated tranche, including investments at original issuance, with orders of one or more other DoubleLine funds or other DoubleLine accounts. Certain diligence-related or structuring costs and expenses will be allocated to all of the accounts, including the Fund, participating in the aggregated transaction pro rata based on the amount of investment made by each account participating in the transaction. The Fund’s participation in any such aggregated transaction will be subject to a number of conditions intended to result in the fair and equitable treatment of each participating account, including the Fund. For example, the Fund will not incur diligence- or structuring-related expenses in connection with any such transaction in excess of 0.50% of the value of the Fund’s investment in the structured product without the Fund’s Board of Trustees review of those expenses. The Adviser may advance diligence- or structuring-related expenses relating to such transactions on behalf of the Fund and seek to receive reimbursement (without interest) of any such expenses advanced on behalf of the Fund at a later date.

Affiliated Investments: The Adviser is, and may be in the future, affiliated with certain large financial institutions (“affiliates”) that hold interests in an entity that are of a different class or type than the class or type of interest held by the Fund. Conflicts may arise in cases where the Fund and affiliates invest in different parts of an issuer’s capital structure, such as when an affiliate holds securities in an entity that are senior or junior to the securities held by the Fund, which could mean that the affiliate will be entitled to different payments or other rights, or that in a workout or other distressed scenario the interests of the affiliate might be adverse to those of the Fund and the affiliate and the Fund might have disparate investment outcomes. For example, an affiliate may acquire a loan, loan participation, or a loan assignment of a particular borrower in which one or more Funds have an equity investment. In negotiating the terms and conditions of any such investments, or any subsequent amendments or waivers, the Adviser may find that its own interests, the interests of an affiliate, and/or the interests of the Fund could conflict. The Adviser may seek to avoid such conflicts in certain circumstances when investing on behalf of its clients, including the Fund, and, as a result, the Adviser may choose not to make certain investments on behalf of the Fund and/or its other clients. Those foregone investment opportunities may adversely affect the Fund’s performance if similarly attractive opportunities are not available or cannot be identified.

Stapled Securities: The Fund may invest in stapled securities, which are financial instruments comprised of two or more different instruments that are contractually bound to form a single salable unit; they cannot be bought or sold separately. Stapled securities may often include a share in a company and a unit in a trust related to that company. The resulting security is influenced by both parts, and must be treated as one unit at all times, such as when buying or selling a security. The value of stapled securities and the income, if any, derived from them may fall as well as rise. The market for stapled securities may be illiquid at times, even for those securities that are listed on a domestic or foreign exchange.


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Additional Information Regarding the Fund’s Investment Activities  (Cont.)  


September 30, 2017


Capital Controls: Capital controls are measures a nation’s government can use to regulate capital entering and/or exiting a country and may include residency-based measures such as transaction taxes, limits or outright prohibitions on the transfer of currencies, securities or other assets. These measures may be economy-wide, sector-specific (usually the financial sector), or industry specific (for example, “strategic” industries). They may apply to all flows, or may differentiate by type or duration of the flow (debt, equity, direct investment; short-term vs. medium- and long-term). Types of capital controls include exchange controls that prevent or limit the buying and selling of a national currency at the market rate, caps on the allowed volume for the international sale or purchase of various financial assets, transaction taxes, minimum stay requirements, requirements for mandatory approval, or even limits on the amount of money a private citizen is allowed to remove from the country. The imposition of capital controls by a government of a country in which the Fund invests may significantly and adversely affect the values and liquidity of a Fund’s investments in the affected jurisdiction and may prevent indefinitely the repatriation of a Fund’s assets from the affected jurisdiction.


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Trustees and Officers  


September 30, 2017


Name, Address, and

Year of Birth(1)

  Position with Fund  

Term of Office

and Length of

Time Served

  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5
  Number of

Other Directorships

Held by Trustee

During Past 5 Years

Independent Trustees

Joseph J. Ciprari, 1964   Trustee   Class I (2019)*/ Since Inception   President, Remo Consultants, a real estate financial consulting firm. Formerly, Managing Director, UBS AG. Formerly, Managing Director, Ally Securities LLC.   18   None
John C. Salter, 1957   Trustee   Class II (2017)*/ Since Inception   Partner, Stark Municipal Brokers. Formerly, Managing Director, Municipals, Tullet Prebon Financial Services LLC (d/b/a Chapdelaine). Formerly, Partner, Stark, Salter & Smith, a securities brokerage firm specializing in tax exempt bonds.   18   None
Raymond B. Woolson, 1958   Trustee   Class III (2018)*/ Since Inception   President, Apogee Group, Inc., a company providing financial consulting services.   18   Trustee, Advisors Series

(1) The address of each Independent Trustee is c/o DoubleLine, 333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1800, Los Angeles, CA 90071.

(2) Includes each series of DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund and DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund.

(3) Quasar Distributors, LLC serves as the principal underwriter of DoubleLine Funds Trust and Advisors Series Trust.

* The common shareholders of the Fund are expected to vote to elect trustees of the relevant class at the annual shareholders meeting in the year indicated above

The following Trustee is an “interested person” of the Fund as defined in the 1940 Act because he is an officer of the Adviser.


Name, Address, and

Year of Birth(1)

  Position with Fund  

Term of Office

and Length of

Time Served

  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years   Number of

Other Directorships

Held by Trustee

During Past 5 Years

Interested Trustees

Ronald R. Redell, 1970   Trustee, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer   Class III (2018)*/Since Inception   Trustee, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Executive, DoubleLine Group LP (since January 2013); Trustee, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since July 2011); Executive, DoubleLine Capital (since July 2010); President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since January 2010).   2   None

(1) The address of each Interested Trustee is c/o DoubleLine, 333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1800, Los Angeles, CA 90071.

(2) Includes DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund.

* The common shareholders of the Fund are expected to vote to elect trustees of the relevant class at the annual shareholders meeting in the year indicated above


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Trustees and Officers  (Cont.)    



The officers of the Fund who are not also Trustees of the Fund are:


Name, Address, and

Year of Birth(1)



Held with Fund


Term of Office

and Length of

Time Served

  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years
Susan Nichols, 1962   Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer   Indefinite/Since Inception   Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since October 2011); Treasurer and Principal Financial and Accounting Officer, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since July 2011); Director of Mutual Funds Operations, DoubleLine Capital. Formerly, Southern Wholesaler, DoubleLine Capital. Formerly, Assistant Treasurer, DoubleLine Funds Trust.
Adam D. Rossetti, 1978   Chief Compliance Officer   Indefinite/Since August 2017   Chief Compliance Officer, DoubleLine Capital (since August 2017); Chief Compliance Officer, DoubleLine Equity LP (since August 2017); Chief Compliance Officer, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since August 2017); Chief Compliance Officer, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since August 2017); Chief Compliance Officer, DoubleLine Alternatives (since June 2015); Legal/Compliance, DoubleLine Group LP (since April 2015); Vice President and Counsel, Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (from April 2012 to April 2015).
Louis C. Lucido, 1948   Secretary   Indefinite/Since Inception   Member of the Board of Directors, 826LA (since June 2013); Member of the Board of Directors, Junior Achievement of Southern California (since June 2013); Member of the Board of Directors, CASA of Los Angeles (since February 2013) and Chairman (since June 2016); Secretary, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Secretary, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since July 2011); Chief Operating Officer, DoubleLine Capital (since June 2010); Secretary, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since January 2010); Formerly, Executive Vice President, DoubleLine Capital (from December 2009 through May 2010); Formerly, Vice Chairman, CASA of Los Angeles (from June 2014 to June 2016).
Winnie Han, 1988   Assistant Treasurer   Indefinite/Since May 2017   Assistant Treasurer, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since May 2017); Assistant Treasurer, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since May 2017); Assistant Treasurer, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since May 2017); Assistant Treasurer, DoubleLine Capital (since March 2017); Formerly, Investment Accounting Supervisor, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (June 2016 to March 2017); Formerly, Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers (January 2011 to June 2016).
Cris Santa Ana, 1965   Vice President   Indefinite/Since Inception   Vice President, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Vice President, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since July 2011); Vice President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since April 2011); Chief Risk Officer, DoubeLine Capital (since June 2010). Formerly, Chief Operating Officer, DoubeLine Capital (from December 2009 through May 2010).
Earl A. Lariscy, 1966   Vice President and Assistant Secretary   Indefinite/Vice President Since May 2012 and Assistant Secretary Since Inception   Vice President and Assistant Secretary, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Vice President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since May 2012); Vice President and Assistant Secretary, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since May 2012 and inception, respectively); General Counsel, DoubeLine Capital (since April 2010).
David Kennedy, 1964   Vice President   Indefinite/May 2012   Vice President, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Vice President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since May 2012); Vice President, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since May 2012); Manager, Trading and Settlements, DoubeLine Capital (since December 2009).
Jeffery J. Sherman, 1977   Vice President   Indefinite/Since Inception   Deputy Chief Investment Officer, DoubleLine (since June 2016); President and Portfolio Manager, DoubleLine Alternatives (since April 2015 and May 2015, respectively); Vice President, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Vice President, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since July 2011); Portfolio Manager, DoubleLine Capital (since September 2010); Fixed Income Asset Allocation, DoubleLine Capital (since December 2009).


32   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

Table of Contents


September 30, 2017


Name, Address, and

Year of Birth(1)



Held with Fund


Term of Office

and Length of

Time Served

  Principal Occupation(s) During Past 5 Years
Patrick A. Townzen, 1978   Vice President   Indefinite/Since
September 2012
  Vice President, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since January 2013); Vice President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since September 2012); Vice President, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since September 2012); Manager of Operations, DoubeLine Capital (since September 2012). Formerly, Manager, Western Asset Management Company.
Brady J. Femling, 1987   Vice President   Indefinite/Since May 2017   Vice President, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since May 2017); Vice President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since May 2017); Vice President, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since May 2017); Senior Fund Accountant, DoubleLine Capital (Since April 2013). Formerly, Fund Accounting Supervisor, ALPS Fund Services (From October 2009 to April 2013).
Neal L. Zalvan, 1973   AML Officer and Vice President   Indefinite/AML Officer Since May 2016; Indefinite/Vice President Since May 2017   Anti-Money Laundering Officer and Vice President, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (since May 2016 and May 2017, respectively); Anti-Money Laundering Officer and Vice President, DoubleLine Funds Trust (since May 2016 and May 2017, respectively); Anti-Money Laundering Officer and Vice President, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (since May 2016 and May 2017, respectively); Anti-Money Laundering Officer, DoubleLine Capital, DoubleLine Equity LP and DoubleLine Alternatives (since March 2016); Legal/Compliance, DoubleLine Group LP (since January 2013); Legal/Compliance, Batterymarch Financial Management, Inc. (From June 2011 to December 2012).

(1) The address of each officer is c/o DoubleLine, 333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 1800, Los Angeles, CA 90071.

The Statement of Additional Information includes additional information about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request, by calling 877-DLine11 (877-354-6311).


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Portfolio Managers  


September 30, 2017


Effective January 1, 2017, the portfolio managers for the Fund are Jeffrey E. Gundlach, Philip A. Barach, Luz M. Padilla and Joel A. Damiani. Each of them has served as a portfolio manager of the Fund since the Fund’s inception.

Information About Proxy Voting

Information about how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities held during the most recent twelve month period ended June 30th is available no later than the following August 31st without charge, upon request, by calling 877-DLine11 (877-354-6311) and on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (the “SEC”) website at www.sec.gov.

A description of the Fund’s proxy voting policies and procedures is available (i) without charge, upon request, by calling 877-DLine11 (877-354-6311); and (ii) on the commission’s website at www.sec.gov.

Information About Portfolio Holdings

The Fund intends to disclose its portfolio holdings on a quarterly basis by posting the holdings on the Fund’s website. The disclosure will be made by posting the Annual, Semi-Annual and Form N-Q regulatory filings on the Fund’s website.

The Fund is required to file its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for its first and third fiscal quarters on Form N-Q. The Fund’s Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. You can also review and obtain copies of the Forms N-Q at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, DC (information on the operation of Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330).

Householding — Important Notice Regarding Delivery of Shareholder Documents

In an effort to conserve resources, the Fund intends to reduce the number of duplicate Annual and Semi-Annual Reports you receive by sending only one copy of each to addresses where we reasonably believe two or more accounts are from the same family. If you would like to discontinue householding of your accounts, please call toll-free 877-DLine11 (877-354-6311) to request individual copies of these documents. We will begin sending individual copies thirty days after receiving your request to stop householding.

Fund Certification

The Fund is listed for trading on the NYSE and has filed with the NYSE its annual chief executive officer certification regarding compliance with the NYSE’s listing standards. The Fund filed with the SEC the certification of its chief executive officer and principal financial officer required by section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Proxy Results

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held on February 24, 2017 for shareholders of record as of the close of business on December 16, 2016 to re-elect John C. Salter, a Class II trustee nominee, for the Fund. The nominee was elected with 12,654,002, affirmative votes and 299,477 votes withheld. For the Fund, Trustees whose terms of office continued after the Annual Meeting of Shareholders because they were not up for re-election are Joseph J. Ciprari, Raymond B.Woolson and Ronald R. Redell.


34   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

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Dividend Reinvestment Plan  


September 30, 2017


Unless the registered owner of Common Shares elects to receive cash by contacting U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC (the “Plan Administrator”), all dividends, capital gains and returns of capital, if any, declared on Common Shares will be automatically reinvested by the Plan Administrator for shareholders in the Fund’s Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan (the “Plan”), in additional Common Shares. Common Shareholders who elect not to participate in the Plan will receive all dividends and other distributions payable in cash directly to the shareholder of record (or, if the Common Shares are held in street or other nominee name, then to such nominee) by the Plan Administrator as dividend disbursing agent. Participation in the Plan is completely voluntary and may be terminated or resumed at any time without penalty by providing notice in writing to the Plan Administrator at least 5 days prior to the dividend/distribution record date; otherwise such termination or resumption will be effective with respect to any subsequently declared dividend or other distribution.

Whenever the Fund declares an income dividend, a capital gain distribution or other distribution (collectively referred to as “dividends”) payable either in shares or cash, non-participants in the Plan will receive cash and participants in the Plan will receive a number of Common Shares, determined in accordance with the following provisions. The Common Shares will be acquired by the Plan Administrator for the participants’ accounts, depending upon the circumstances described below, either (i) through receipt of additional unissued but authorized Common Shares from the Fund (“Newly Issued Common Shares”) or (ii) by purchase of outstanding Common Shares on the open market (“Open- Market Purchases”) on the New York Stock Exchange or elsewhere. If, on the payment date for any Dividend, the market price per Common Share plus estimated brokerage trading fees is equal to or greater than the NAV per Common Share (such condition is referred to here as “market premium”), the Plan Administrator shall receive Newly Issued Common Shares, including fractions of shares from the Fund for each Plan participant’s account. The number of Newly Issued Common Shares to be credited to each participant’s account will be determined by dividing the dollar amount of the Dividend by the NAV per Common Share on the date of issuance; provided that, if the NAV per Common Share is less than or equal to 95% of the current market value on the date of issuance, the dollar amount of the Dividend will be divided by 95% of the market price per Common Share on the date of issuance for purposes of determining the number of shares issuable under the Plan. If, on the payment date for any Dividend, the NAV per Common Share is greater than the market value plus estimated brokerage trading fees (such condition being referred to here as a “market discount”), the Plan Administrator will seek to invest the Dividend amount in Common Shares acquired on behalf of the participants in Open-Market Purchases.

In the event of a market discount on the payment date for any Dividend, the Plan Administrator will have until the last business day before the next date on which the Common Shares trade on an “ex-dividend” basis or in no event more than 30 days after the record date for such Dividend, whichever is sooner (the “Last Purchase Date”), to invest the Dividend amount in Common Shares acquired in Open-Market Purchases. It is contemplated that the Fund will pay monthly Dividends. If, before the Plan Administrator has completed its Open-Market Purchases, the market price per Common Share exceeds the NAV per Common Share, the average per Common Share purchase price paid by the Plan Administrator may exceed the NAV of the Common Shares, resulting in the acquisition of fewer Common Shares than if the Dividend had been paid in Newly Issued Common Shares on the Dividend payment date. If the Plan Administrator is unable to invest the full Dividend amount in Open-Market Purchases during the purchase period or if the market discount shifts to a market premium during the purchase period, the Plan Administrator may cease making Open-Market Purchases and may instead receive the Newly Issued Common Shares from the Fund for each participant’s account, in respect of the uninvested portion of the Dividend, at the NAV per Common Share at the close of business on the Last Purchase Date provided that, if the NAV is less than or equal to 95% of the then current market price per Common Share, the dollar amount of the Dividend will be divided by 95% of the market price on the date of issuance for purposes of determining the number of shares issuable under the Plan.

The Plan Administrator maintains all registered shareholders’ accounts in the Plan and furnishes written confirmation of all transactions in the accounts, including information needed by shareholders for tax records. Common Shares in the account of each Plan participant will be held by the Plan Administrator in non-certificated form in the name of the Plan participant, and each shareholder proxy will include those shares purchased or received pursuant to the Plan. The Plan Administrator will forward all proxy solicitation materials to participants and vote proxies for shares held under the Plan in accordance with the instructions of the participants.

In the case of Common Shares owned by a beneficial owner but registered with the Plan Administrator in the name of a nominee, such as a bank, a broker or other financial intermediary (each, a “Nominee”), the Plan Administrator will administer the Plan on the basis of the number of Common Shares certified from time to time by the Nominee as participating in the Plan. The Plan Administrator will not take instructions or elections from a beneficial owner whose Common Shares are registered with the Plan Administrator in the name of a Nominee. If a beneficial owner’s Common Shares are held through a Nominee and are not registered with the Plan Administrator as participating in the Plan, neither the beneficial owner nor the Nominee will be participants in or have distributions reinvested under the Plan with respect to those Common Shares. If a beneficial owner of


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Dividend Reinvestment Plan  (Cont.)



September 30, 2017


Common Shares held in the name of a Nominee wishes to participate in the Plan, and the Shareholder’s Nominee is unable or unwilling to become a registered shareholder and a Plan participant with respect to those Common Shares on the beneficial owner’s behalf, the beneficial owner may request that the Nominee arrange to have all or a portion of his or her Common Shares registered with the Plan Administrator in the beneficial owner’s name so that the beneficial owner may be enrolled as a participant in the Plan with respect to those Common Shares. Please contact your Nominee for details or for other possible alternatives. Participants whose shares are registered with the Plan Administrator in the name of one Nominee may not be able to transfer the shares to another firm or Nominee and continue to participate in the Plan.

There will be no brokerage charges with respect to Common Shares issued directly by the Fund as a result of dividends payable either in Common Shares or in cash. However, each participant will pay a pro rata share of brokerage trading fees incurred in connection with Open-Market Purchases. The automatic reinvestment of Dividends will not relieve participants of any federal, state or local income tax that may be payable (or required to be withheld) on such Dividends. Participants that request a sale of Common Shares through the Plan Administrator are subject to brokerage commissions.

The Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan. There is no direct service charge to participants with regard to purchases in the Plan; however, the Fund reserves the right to amend the Plan to include a service charge payable by the participants.

All correspondence, questions, or requests for additional information concerning the Plan should be directed to the Plan Administrator by calling toll-free (877) DLine11 (877-354-6311) or by writing to U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC at P.O. Box 701, Milwaukee, WI 53201. Be sure to include your name, address, daytime phone number, Social Security or tax I.D. number and a reference to DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund on all correspondence.


36   DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund     

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Privacy Notice  


September 30, 2017


What Does DoubleLine Do With Your Personal Information?

Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. This notice provides information about how we collect, share, and protect your personal information, and how you might choose to limit our ability to share certain information about you. Please read this notice carefully.

All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday businesses. Accordingly, information, confidential and proprietary, plays an important role in the success of our business. However, we recognize that you have entrusted us with your personal and financial data, and we recognize our obligation to keep this information secure. Maintaining your privacy is important to us, and we hold ourselves to a high standard in its safekeeping and use. Most importantly, DoubleLine does not sell its customers’ non-public personal information to any third parties. DoubleLine uses its customers’ non-public personal information primarily to complete financial transactions that its customers request or to make its customers aware of other financial products and services offered by a DoubleLine affiliated company.

DoubleLine may collect non-public information about you from the following sources:


  Information we receive about you on applications or other forms;
  Information you may give us orally;
  Information about your transactions with us or others;
  Information you submit to us in correspondence, including emails or other electronic communications; and
  Information about any bank account you use for transfers between your bank account and any Fund account, including information provided when effecting wire transfers.

The types of personal information DoubleLine collects and shares depend on the product or service you have with us. This information may include:


  Social Security Number;
  account balances;
  transaction or loss history;
  investment experience;
  account transactions;
  risk tolerance.

DoubleLine does not disclose any non-public personal information about our customers or former customers without the customer’s authorization, except that we may disclose the information listed above, as follows:


  to provide information to nonaffiliated third parties in connection with our performance of the services we have agreed to provide you. For example, it might be necessary to do so in order to process transactions and maintain accounts.
  DoubleLine will release any of the non-public information listed above about a customer if directed to do so by that customer or if DoubleLine is authorized by law to do so, such as in the case of a court order, legal investigation, or other properly executed governmental request.
  to alert a customer to other financial products and services offered by DoubleLine or an affiliate, DoubleLine may share information with an affiliate, including companies using the DoubleLine name. Such products and services may include, for example, other investment products offered by a DoubleLine company. If you prefer that we not disclose non-public personal information about you to our affiliates for this purpose, you may direct us not to make such disclosures (other than disclosures permitted by law) by calling 877-DLine11 (877-354-6311). If you limit this sharing and you have a joint account, your decision will be applied to all owners of the account.

We have procedures designed to limit access to your personal account information to those agents and vendors who need to know that information to provide products and services to you. Your information is not provided by us to nonaffiliated third parties for marketing purposes. We seek to maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to guard your non-public personal information.

Information Collected from Websites. Websites maintained by DoubleLine or its service providers may use a variety of technologies to collect information that help DoubleLine and its service providers understand how the website is used. Information collected from your web browser (including small files stored on your device that are commonly referred to as “cookies”) allow the websites to recognize your web browser and help to personalize and improve your user experience and enhance navigation of the website. You can change your cookie preferences by changing the setting on your web browser to delete or reject cookies. If you delete or


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Privacy Notice  (Cont.)



September 30, 2017


reject cookies, some website pages may not function properly. Certain portions of doublelinefunds.com are maintained or controlled by third parties, each of which has privacy policies which may differ, in some cases significantly, from the privacy policies described in this notice. Please contact your DoubleLine representative if you would like to receive more information about the privacy policies of third parties.

As required by federal law, DoubleLine will notify customers of DoubleLine’s Privacy Policy annually. DoubleLine reserves the right to modify this policy at any time, but in the event that there is a change, DoubleLine will promptly inform its customers of that change.


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DoubleLine Capital LP  

333 South Grand Avenue

18th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90071





1. 213. 633. 8200






Investment Adviser:

DoubleLine Capital LP

333 South Grand Avenue

18th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90071

Administrator and Transfer Agent:

U.S. Bancorp Fund Services, LLC

P.O. Box 701

Milwaukee, WI 53201


U.S. Bank, N.A.

1555 North River Center Drive Suite 302

Milwaukee, WI 53212

Independent Registered

Public Accounting Firm:

Deloitte & Touche LLP

695 Town Center Drive Suite 1200

Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Legal Counsel:

Ropes & Gray LLP

Prudential Tower

800 Boylston Street

Boston, MA 02199

Contact Information:



1-877-DLine11 or





Table of Contents

Item 2. Code of Ethics.

The registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the registrant’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer. The registrant has not made any substantive amendments to its code of ethics during the period covered by this report. The registrant has not granted any waivers from any provisions of the code of ethics during the period covered by this report. A copy of the registrant’s Code of Ethics is filed herewith.

Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.

The registrant’s board of trustees has determined that there is at least one audit committee financial expert serving on its audit committee. Raymond B. Woolson is the “audit committee financial expert” and is considered to be “independent” as each term is defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR.

Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.

The registrant has engaged its principal accountant to perform audit services, audit-related services, tax services and other services during the past two fiscal years. “Audit services” refer to performing an audit of the registrant’s annual financial statements or services that are normally provided by the accountant in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years. “Audit-related services” refer to the assurance and related services by the principal accountant that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit. “Tax services” refer to professional services rendered by the principal accountant for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning. There were no “Other services” provided by the principal accountant. The following table details the aggregate fees billed or expected to be billed for each of the last two fiscal years for audit fees, audit-related fees, tax fees and other fees by the principal accountant.



         FYE 9/30/2017             FYE 9/30/2016     


  Audit Fees

  $66,870   $65,285

  Audit-Related Fees

  N/A   N/A

  Tax Fees

  $9,380   $8,975

  All Other Fees

  N/A   N/A

The audit committee has adopted pre-approval policies and procedures that require the audit committee to pre-approve all audit and non-audit services of the registrant, including services provided to any entity affiliated with the registrant.

The percentage of fees billed by Deloitte & Touche LLP applicable to non-audit services pursuant to waiver of pre-approval requirement were as follows:


          FYE 9/30/2017             FYE 9/30/2016     

  Audit-Related Fees

  0%   0%

  Tax Fees

   0%   0%

  All Other Fees

   0%   0%

All of the principal accountant’s hours spent on auditing the registrant’s financial statements were attributed to work performed by full-time permanent employees of the principal accountant.

Table of Contents

(If more than 50 percent of the accountant’s hours were spent to audit the registrant’s financial statements for the most recent fiscal year, state how many hours were attributed to work performed by persons other than the principal accountant’s full-time, permanent employees.)

The following table indicates the non-audit fees billed or expected to be billed by the registrant’s accountant for services to the registrant and to the registrant’s investment adviser (and any other controlling entity, etc.—not sub-adviser) for the last two years. The audit committee of the board of trustees/directors has considered whether the provision of non-audit services that were rendered to the registrant’s investment adviser is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant’s independence and has concluded that the provision of such non-audit services by the accountant has not compromised the accountant’s independence.


  Non-Audit Related Fees

     FYE 9/30/2017              FYE 9/30/2016        


     $9,380        $8,975  

  Registrant’s Investment Adviser

       N/A            N/A  

Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.


  (a) The registrant is an issuer as defined in Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, (the “Act”) and has a separately-designated standing audit committee established in accordance with Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Act. The independent members of the committee are as follows: Joseph J. Ciprari, John C. Salter, and Raymond B. Woolson.

Item 6. Investments.


(a) Schedule of Investments is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.

Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

Table of Contents

DoubleLine Funds Trust

DoubleLine Equity Funds

DoubleLine Capital LP

DoubleLine Commodity LP

DoubleLine Equity LP

DoubleLine Private Funds

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund

DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund


Proxy Voting, Corporate Actions and Class Actions

August 2015


  I. Background

This Proxy Voting, Corporate Actions and Class Actions Policy (“Policy”) is adopted by DoubleLine Capital LP, DoubleLine Commodity LP and DoubleLine Equity LP (each, as applicable, “DoubleLine”, the “Adviser” or the “Firm”), DoubleLine Funds Trust and DoubleLine Equity Funds (each, as applicable, the “Trust”) and each series of the Trusts (each an “Open-End Fund”), the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (“DBL”) and DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (“DSL” and, together with DBL and all of the Open-End Funds collectively, the “Funds”) to govern the voting of proxies related to securities held by the Funds and actions taken with respect to corporate actions and class actions affecting such securities, and to provide a method of reporting the actions taken and overseeing compliance with regulatory requirements.

Each private investment fund (such as, but not limited to, the DoubleLine Opportunistic Income Master Fund LP (and its related entities) and the DoubleLine Leverage Fund LP (and its related entities), each of which is a “Private Fund” and, collectively, the “Private Funds”) managed by DoubleLine also adopts this Policy.

DoubleLine generally will exercise voting authority on behalf of its separate account clients (“Separate Account Clients” and together with the Funds and Private Funds, the “Clients”) only where a Client has expressly delegated authority in writing to DoubleLine and DoubleLine has accepted that responsibility. Separate Account Clients that do not provide written authorization for DoubleLine to exercise voting authority are responsible for their own proxy voting, corporate actions and class actions and this Policy does not apply to them.

To the extent that voting a proxy or taking action with respect to a class action or corporate action (in each case, a “proposal”) is desirable, DoubleLine (or its designee) will seek to take action on such proposal in a manner that it believes is most likely to enhance the economic value of the underlying securities held in Client accounts and, with respect to proposals not otherwise covered by the Guidelines herein, DoubleLine (or its designee) will seek to consider each proposal on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration any relevant contractual obligations as well as other relevant facts and circumstances at the time of the vote. DoubleLine will not respond to proxy solicitor requests unless DoubleLine determines that it is in the best interest of a Client to do so.


  II. Issue

Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Rule”), requires every investment adviser who exercises voting authority with respect to client securities to adopt and implement

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written policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that the adviser votes proxies in the best interest of its clients. The procedures must address material conflicts that may arise between DoubleLine and a Client in connection with proxy voting. The Rule further requires the adviser to provide a concise summary of the adviser’s proxy voting policies and procedures and to provide copies of the complete proxy voting policy and procedures to clients upon request. Lastly, the Rule requires that the adviser disclose to clients how they may obtain information on how the adviser voted their proxies.


  III. Policy – Proxies and Corporate Actions; Role of Third-Party Proxy Agent

To assist DoubleLine in carrying out its proxy voting obligations, DoubleLine has retained a third-party proxy voting service provider, currently Glass, Lewis & Co. (“Glass Lewis”), as its proxy voting agent. Pursuant to an agreement with DoubleLine, Glass Lewis obtains proxy ballots with respect to securities held by one or more Client accounts advised by DoubleLine, evaluates the individual facts and circumstances relating to any proposal, and, except as otherwise provided below, votes on any such proposal in accordance with the Guidelines set forth in Attachment A hereto (the “Guidelines”).

In the event that a proposal is not adequately addressed by the Guidelines, Glass Lewis will make a recommendation to DoubleLine as to how to vote on such proposal. The portfolio manager or other authorized person of the relevant Client will review the recommendation made by Glass Lewis and will instruct Glass Lewis to vote the Client’s securities against Glass Lewis’ recommendation when DoubleLine believes doing so is in the best interests of the Client. The portfolio manager or authorized person shall record the reasons for any such instruction and shall provide that written record to the Chief Compliance Officer or his/her designee. In the absence of a timely instruction from DoubleLine to the contrary, Glass Lewis will vote in accordance with its recommendation. In the event that Glass Lewis does not provide a recommendation with respect to a proposal, DoubleLine may vote on any such proposal in its discretion and in a manner consistent with this Policy.

In the event that DoubleLine determines that a recommendation of Glass Lewis (or of any other third-party proxy voting service retained by DoubleLine) was based on a material factual error, DoubleLine will investigate the error, taking into account, among other things, the nature of the error and the related recommendation, and seek to determine whether Glass Lewis (or any other third-party proxy voting service retained by DoubleLine) is taking reasonable steps to reduce similar errors in the future.

The Guidelines provide a basis for making decisions in the voting of proxies and taking action with respect to class actions or corporate actions for Clients. When voting proxies or taking action with respect to class actions or corporate actions, DoubleLine’s utmost concern in exercising its duties of loyalty and care is that all decisions be made in the best interests of the Client and with the goal of maximizing the value of the Client’s investments. With this goal in mind, the Guidelines cover various categories of voting decisions and generally specify whether DoubleLine (or its designee) will vote (assuming it votes at all) for or against a particular type of proposal. The applicable portfolio managers who are primarily responsible for evaluating the individual holdings of the relevant Client are responsible in the first instance for overseeing the voting of proxies and taking action with respect to class actions or corporate actions for such Client (though they are not expected to review each such vote or action). Such portfolio managers may, in their discretion, vote proxies or take action with respect to class actions or corporate actions in a manner that is inconsistent with the Guidelines (or instruct Glass Lewis to do so) when they determine that doing so is in the best interests of the Client. In making any such determination, the portfolio managers may, in their discretion, take into account the recommendations of appropriate members of DoubleLine’s executive and senior management, other investment personnel and, if desired, an outside service.

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Limitations of this Policy. This Policy applies to voting and/or consent rights of securities held by Clients. DoubleLine (or its designee) will, on behalf of each Client (including the Funds or the Private Funds) vote in circumstances such as, but not limited to, plans of reorganization, and waivers and consents under applicable indentures. This Policy does not apply, however, to consent rights that primarily represent decisions to buy or sell investments, such as tender or exchange offers, conversions, put options, redemption and Dutch auctions. Such decisions, while considered not to be covered within this Policy, shall be made with the Client’s best interests in mind. In certain limited circumstances, particularly in the area of structured finance, DoubleLine may, on behalf of Clients, enter into voting agreements or other contractual obligations that govern the voting of shares. In the event of a conflict between any such contractual requirements and the Guidelines, DoubleLine (or its designee) will vote in accordance with its contractual obligations.

In addition, where DoubleLine determines that there are unusual costs and/or difficulties associated with voting on a proposal, which more typically might be the case with respect to proposals relating to non-U.S. issuers, DoubleLine reserves the right to not vote on a proposal unless DoubleLine determines that the expected benefits of voting on such proposal exceed the expected cost to the Client, such as in situations where a jurisdiction imposes share blocking restrictions which may affect the ability of the portfolio managers to effect trades in the related security. DoubleLine will seek to consult with its Clients in such circumstances unless the investment management agreement or other written arrangement with the applicable Client gives DoubleLine authority to act in its discretion.

All proxies, class actions or corporate actions received shall be retained by the Chief Risk Officer or designee. Such records shall include whether DoubleLine voted such proxy or corporate actions and, if so, how the proxy was voted. The records also shall be transcribed into a format such that any Client’s overall proxy and corporate actions voting record can be provided upon request.

DoubleLine provides no assurance to former clients that applicable proxy, class actions or corporate actions information will be delivered to them.


  IV. Proofs of Claim

DoubleLine does not complete proofs-of-claim on behalf of Clients for current or historical holdings other than for the Funds; however, DoubleLine will provide reasonable assistance to Clients with collecting information relevant to filing proofs-of-claim when such information is in the possession of DoubleLine. DoubleLine does not undertake to complete or provide proofs-of-claim for securities that had been held by any former client. DoubleLine will complete proofs-of-claim for the Funds and Private Funds, or provide reasonable access to the applicable Fund’s or Private Fund’s administrator to file such proofs-of-claim when appropriate.


  V. Class Actions Policy

In the event that Client securities become the subject of a class action lawsuit, the applicable portfolio manager(s) will assess the value to Clients in participating in such legal action. If the portfolio manager decides that participating in the class action is in the Client’s best interest, DoubleLine will recommend that the Client or its custodian submit appropriate documentation on the Client’s behalf, subject to contractual or other authority. DoubleLine may consider any relevant information in determining whether participation in a class action lawsuit is in a Client’s best interest, including the costs that would be incurred by the Client and the resources that would be expended in participating in the class action, including in comparison to the Client pursuing other legal recourse against the issuer. DoubleLine also may choose to notify Clients (other than the Funds and the Private Funds) of the class action without making a recommendation as to participation, which would allow Clients to decide how or if to proceed.

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DoubleLine provides no assurance to former clients that applicable class action information will be delivered to them.


  VI. Procedures for Lent Securities and Issuers in Share-blocking Countries

At times, DoubleLine may not be able to take action in respect of a proposal on behalf of a Client when the Client’s relevant securities are on loan in accordance with the Client’s securities lending program and/or are controlled by a securities lending agent or custodian acting independently of DoubleLine. Notwithstanding this fact, in the event that DoubleLine becomes aware of a proposal on which a Client’s securities may be voted and with respect to which the outcome of such proposal could reasonably be expected to enhance the economic value of the Client’s position and some or a portion of that position is lent out, DoubleLine will make reasonable efforts to inform the Client that DoubleLine is not able to take action with respect to such proposal until and unless the Client recalls the lent security. When such situations relate to the Funds or the Private Funds, DoubleLine will take reasonable measures to recall the lent security in order to take action timely. There can be no assurance that any lent security will be returned timely.

In certain markets where share blocking occurs, shares must be frozen for trading purposes at the custodian or sub-custodian in order to vote. During the time that shares are blocked, any pending trades will not settle. Depending on the market, this period can last from one day to three weeks. Any sales that must be executed will settle late and potentially be subject to interest charges or other punitive fees. For this reason, in blocking markets, DoubleLine retains the right to vote or not, based on the determination of DoubleLine’s investment personnel as to whether voting would be in the Client’s best interest.


  VII. Proxy Voting Committee; Oversight

DoubleLine has established a proxy voting committee (the “Committee”) with a primary responsibility of overseeing compliance with the Policy. The Committee, made up of non-investment executive officers, the Chief Risk Officer, and the Chief Compliance Officer (or his/her designee), meets on an as needed basis. The Committee will (1) monitor compliance with the Policy, including by periodically sampling proxy votes for review, (2) review, no less frequently than annually, the adequacy of this Policy to ensure that such Policy has been effectively implemented and that the Policy continues to be designed to ensure that proxies are voted in the best interests of Clients, and (3) review potential conflicts of interest that may arise under this Policy, including changes to the businesses of DoubleLine, Glass Lewis or other third-party proxy voting services retained by DoubleLine to determine whether those changes present new or additional conflicts of interest that should be addressed by this Policy.

The Committee shall have primary responsibility for managing DoubleLine’s relationship with Glass Lewis and/or any other third-party proxy voting service provider, including overseeing their compliance with this Policy generally as well as reviewing periodically instances in which (i) DoubleLine overrides a recommendation made by Glass Lewis or (ii) Glass Lewis does not provide a recommendation with respect to a proposal. The Committee shall also periodically review DoubleLine’s relationships with such entities more generally, including for potential conflicts of interest relevant to such entities and whether DoubleLine’s relationships with such entities should continue.


  VIII. Procedures for Material Conflicts of Interest

The portfolio managers will seek to monitor for conflicts of interest arising between DoubleLine and a Client and shall report any such conflict identified by the portfolio managers to the Committee. Should

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material conflicts of interest arise between DoubleLine and a Client as to a proposal, the proposal shall be brought to the attention of the Committee, who shall involve other executive managers, legal counsel (which may be DoubleLine’s in-house counsel or outside counsel) or the Chief Compliance Officer as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Committee to attempt to resolve such conflicts. The Committee shall determine the materiality of such conflict if the conflict cannot be resolved. (An example of a specific conflict of interest that should be brought to the Committee is a situation where a proxy contest involves securities issued by a Client. When in doubt as to a potential conflict, portfolio managers shall bring the proxy to the attention of the Committee.)

If, after appropriate review, a material conflict between DoubleLine and a Client is deemed to exist, DoubleLine will seek to resolve any such conflict in the best interest of the Client whose assets it is voting by pursuing any one of the following courses of action: (i) voting (or not voting) in accordance with the Guidelines; (ii) convening a Committee meeting to assess available measures to address the conflict and implementing those measures; (iii) voting in accordance with the recommendation of an independent third-party service provider chosen by the Committee; (iv) voting (or not voting) in accordance with the instructions of such Client; (v) or not voting with respect to the proposal if consistent with DoubleLine’s fiduciary obligations.

Investments in the DoubleLine Funds. In the event that DoubleLine has discretionary authority to vote shares of a Fund owned by all Clients (including the Funds), DoubleLine will vote the shares of such Fund in the same proportion as the votes of the other beneficial shareholders of such Fund. Under this “echo voting” approach, DoubleLine’s voting of a Fund’s shares would merely amplify the votes already received from such Fund’s other shareholders. DoubleLine’s potential conflict is therefore mitigated by replicating the voting preferences expressed by the Fund’s other shareholders.


  IX. Procedures for Proxy Solicitation

In the event that any employee of DoubleLine receives a request to reveal or disclose DoubleLine’s voting intention on a specific proxy event to a third party, the employee must forward the solicitation request to the Chief Compliance Officer or designee. Such requests shall be reviewed with the Committee or appropriate executive and senior management. Any written requests shall be retained with the proxy files maintained by the Chief Operating Officer or designee.


  X. Additional Procedures for the Funds

A. Filing Form N-PX

Rule 30b1-4 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 requires mutual funds to file an annual record of proxies voted by a Fund on Form N-PX. Form N-PX must be filed each year no later than August 31 and must contain the Funds’ proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ending June 30.

The Funds rely upon their respective fund administrator to prepare and make their filings on Form N-PX. DoubleLine shall assist the fund administrator by providing information (including by causing such information to be provided by any third party proxy voting service for record comparison purposes as deemed necessary) regarding any proxy votes made for the Funds within the most recent twelve-month period ending June 30. DoubleLine shall retain records of any such votes with sufficient information to make accurate annual Form N-PX filings.

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B. Providing Policies and Procedures

Mutual funds (including the Funds) that invest in voting securities are required to describe in their Statements of Additional Information (“SAIs”) the policies and procedures that they use to determine how to vote proxies relating to securities held in their portfolios. The Funds also may chose to include these policies and procedures as part of their registration statement. Closed-end funds (such as DBL and DSL) must disclose their proxy voting policies and procedures annually on Form N-CSR.

Funds are required to disclose in shareholder reports that a description of the fund’s proxy voting policies and procedures is available (i) without charge, upon request, by calling a specified toll-free (or collect) telephone number; (ii) on the fund’s website, if applicable; and (iii) on the Commission’s website at http://www.sec.gov. The fund administrator shall ensure that such disclosures are included when preparing shareholder reports on the Funds’ behalf. The Funds currently do not provide the proxy policies and procedures on their website.

A Fund is required to send the description of the fund’s proxy voting policies and procedures within three business days of receipt of the request, by first-class mail or other means designed to ensure equally prompt delivery. The Funds rely upon the fund administrator to provide this service.


  XI. Recordkeeping


  A. DoubleLine must maintain the documentation described in this Policy for a period of not less than five (5) years from the end of the fiscal year during which the last entry was made on such record, the first two (2) years at its principal place of business. DoubleLine will be responsible for the following procedures and for ensuring that the required documentation is retained, including with respect to class action claims or corporate actions other than proxy voting. DoubleLine has engaged Glass Lewis to retain the aforementioned proxy voting records on behalf of DoubleLine (and its Clients).


  B. Client request to review proxy votes:

Any written request from a Client related to actions taken with respect to a proposal received by any employee of DoubleLine must be retained. Only written responses to oral requests need to be maintained.

The Client Service group will record the identity of the Client, the date of the request, and the disposition (e.g., provided a written or oral response to Client’s request, referred to third party, not a proxy voting client, other dispositions, etc.).

In order to facilitate the management of proxy voting record keeping process, and to facilitate dissemination of such proxy voting records to Clients, the Client Service group will distribute to any Client requesting proxy voting information DoubleLine’s complete proxy voting record for the Client for the period requested. If deemed operationally more efficient, DoubleLine may choose to release its entire proxy voting record for the requested period, with any information identifying a particular Client redacted. The Client Service group shall furnish the information requested, free of charge, to the Client within a reasonable time period (within 10 business days) and maintain a copy of the written record provided in response to Client’s written (including e-mail) or oral request. A copy of the written response should be attached and maintained with the Client’s written request, if applicable, and stored in an appropriate file.

Clients can require the delivery of the proxy voting record relevant to their accounts for the five year period prior to their request.

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  C. Examples of proxy voting records:


  - Documents prepared or created by DoubleLine that were material to making a decision on how to vote, or that memorialized the basis for the decision.Documentation or notes or any communications received from third parties, other industry analysts, third party service providers, company’s management discussions, etc. that were material in the basis for the decision.


  XII. Disclosure

The Chief Compliance Officer or designee will ensure that Form ADV Part 2A is updated as necessary to reflect: (i) all material changes to this Policy; and (ii) regulatory requirements related to proxy voting disclosure.

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Attachment A to Proxy Voting, Corporate Action and Class Action Policy


The proxy voting decisions set forth below refer to proposals by company management except for the categories of “Shareholder Proposals” and “Social Issue Proposals.” The voting decisions in these latter two categories refer to proposals by outside shareholders.


•             For trustee nominees in uncontested elections

•             For management nominees in contested elections

•             For ratifying auditors, except against if the previous auditor was dismissed because of a disagreement with the company or if the fees for non-audit services exceed 51% of total fees

•             For changing the company name

•             For approving other business

•             For adjourning the meeting

•             For technical amendments to the charter and/or bylaws

•             For approving financial statements

Capital Structure

•             For increasing authorized common stock

•             For decreasing authorized common stock

•             For amending authorized common stock

•             For the issuance of common stock, except against if the issued common stock has superior voting rights

•             For approving the issuance or exercise of stock warrants

•             For authorizing preferred stock, except against if the board has unlimited rights to set the terms and conditions of the shares

•             For increasing authorized preferred stock, except against if the board has unlimited rights to set the terms and conditions of the shares

•             For decreasing authorized preferred stock

•             For canceling a class or series of preferred stock

•             For amending preferred stock

•             For issuing or converting preferred stock, except against if the shares have voting rights superior to those of other shareholders

•             For eliminating preemptive rights

•             For creating or restoring preemptive rights

•             Against authorizing dual or multiple classes of common stock

•             For eliminating authorized dual or multiple classes of common stock

•             For amending authorized dual or multiple classes of common stock

•             For increasing authorized shares of one or more classes of dual or multiple classes of common stock, except against if it will allow the company to issue additional shares with superior voting rights

•             For a stock repurchase program

•             For a stock split

•             For a reverse stock split, except against if the company does not intend to proportionally reduce the number of authorized shares

Mergers and Restructuring

•             For merging with or acquiring another company

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•             For recapitalization

•             For restructuring the company

•             For bankruptcy restructurings

•             For liquidations

•             For reincorporating in a different state

•             For spinning off certain company operations or divisions

•             For the sale of assets

•             Against eliminating cumulative voting

•             For adopting cumulative voting

Board of Trustees

•             For limiting the liability of trustees

•             For setting the board size

•             For allowing the trustees to fill vacancies on the board without shareholder approval

•             Against giving the board the authority to set the size of the board as needed without shareholder approval

•             For a proposal regarding the removal of trustees, except against if the proposal limits the removal of trustees to cases where there is legal cause

•             For non-technical amendments to the company’s certificate of incorporation, except against if an amendment would have the effect of reducing shareholders’ rights

•             For non-technical amendments to the company’s bylaws, except against if an amendment would have the effect of reducing shareholder’s rights

Anti-Takeover Provisions

•             Against a classified board

•             Against amending a classified board

•             For repealing a classified board

•             Against ratifying or adopting a shareholder rights plan (poison pill)

•             Against redeeming a shareholder rights plan (poison pill)

•             Against eliminating shareholders’ right to call a special meeting

•             Against limiting shareholders’ right to call a special meeting

•             For restoring shareholders’ right to call a special meeting

•             Against eliminating shareholders’ right to act by written consent

•             Against limiting shareholders’ right to act by written consent

•             For restoring shareholders’ right to act by written consent

•             Against establishing a supermajority vote provision to approve a merger or other business combination

•             For amending a supermajority vote provision to approve a merger or other business combination, except against if the amendment would increase the vote required to approve the transaction

•             For eliminating a supermajority vote provision to approve a merger or other business combination

•             Against adopting supermajority vote requirements (lock-ins) to change certain bylaw or charter provisions

•             Against amending supermajority vote requirements (lock-ins) to change certain bylaw or charter provisions

•             For eliminating supermajority vote requirements (lock-ins) to change certain bylaw or charter provisions

•             Against expanding or clarifying the authority of the board of trustees to consider factors other than the interests of shareholders in assessing a takeover bid

•             Against establishing a fair price provision

•             Against amending a fair price provision

•             For repealing a fair price provision

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•             For limiting the payment of greenmail

•             Against adopting advance notice requirements

•             For opting out of a state takeover statutory provision

•             Against opt into a state takeover statutory provision


•             For adopting a stock incentive plan for employees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of outstanding common stock or if the potential dilution from all company plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of outstanding common stock

•             For amending a stock incentive plan for employees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the minimum potential dilution from all company plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of outstanding common stock

•             For adding shares to a stock incentive plan for employees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of outstanding common stock or if the potential dilution from all company plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of outstanding common stock

•             For limiting per-employee option awards

•             For extending the term of a stock incentive plan for employees

            Case-by-case on assuming stock incentive plans

•             For adopting a stock incentive plan for non-employee trustees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of outstanding common equity or if the minimum potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of outstanding common equity

•             For amending a stock incentive plan for non-employee trustees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the minimum potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of outstanding common equity

•             For adding shares to a stock incentive plan for non-employee trustees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of outstanding common equity or if the minimum potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of the outstanding common equity

•             For adopting an employee stock purchase plan, except against if the proposed plan allows employees to purchase stock at prices of less than 85% of the stock’s fair market value

•             For amending an employee stock purchase plan, except against if the proposal allows employees to purchase stock at prices of less than 85% of the stock’s fair market value

•             For adding shares to an employee stock purchase plan, except against if the proposed plan allows employees to purchase stock at prices of less than 85% of the stock’s fair market value

•             For adopting a stock award plan, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of the outstanding common equity or if the minimum potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of the outstanding common equity

•             For amending a stock award plan, except against if the amendment shortens the vesting requirements or lessens the performance requirements

•             For adding shares to a stock award plan, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of the outstanding common equity or if the minimum potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of the outstanding common equity

•             For adopting a stock award plan for non-employee trustees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of the outstanding common equity or if the minimum potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of the outstanding common equity

•             For amending a stock award plan for non-employee trustees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the minimum potential dilution from all plans is more than 10% of the outstanding common equity.

•             For adding shares to a stock award plan for non-employee trustees, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of the outstanding common equity or if the minimum

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potential dilution from all plans, including the one proposed, is more than 10% of the outstanding common equity

•             For approving an annual bonus plan

•             For adopting a savings plan

•             For granting a one-time stock option or stock award, except decide on a case-by-case basis if the plan dilution is more than 5% of the outstanding common equity

•             For adopting a deferred compensation plan

•             For approving a long-term bonus plan

•             For approving an employment agreement or contract

•             For amending a deferred compensation plan

•             For amending an annual bonus plan

•             For reapproving a stock option plan or bonus plan for purposes of OBRA

•             For amending a long-term bonus plan

Shareholder Proposals

•             For requiring shareholder ratification of auditors

•             Against requiring the auditors to attend the annual meeting

•             Against limiting consulting by auditors

•             Against requiring the rotation of auditors

•             Against restoring preemptive rights

•             For asking the company to study sales, spin-offs, or other strategic alternatives

•             For asking the board to adopt confidential voting and independent tabulation of the proxy ballots

•             Against asking the company to refrain from counting abstentions and broker non-votes in vote tabulations

•             Against eliminating the company’s discretion to vote unmarked proxy ballots.

•             For providing equal access to the proxy materials for shareholders

•             Against requiring a majority vote to elect trustees

•             Against requiring the improvement of annual meeting reports

•             Against changing the annual meeting location

•             Against changing the annual meeting date

•             Against asking the board to include more women and minorities as trustees.

•             Against seeking to increase board independence

•             Against limiting the period of time a trustee can serve by establishing a retirement or tenure policy

•             Against requiring minimum stock ownership by trustees

•             Against providing for union or employee representatives on the board of trustees

•             For increasing disclosure regarding the board’s role in the development and monitoring of the company’s long-term strategic plan

•             For creating a nominating committee of the board

•             Against urging the creation of a shareholder committee

•             Against asking that the chairman of the board of trustees be chosen from among the ranks of the non-employee trustees

•             Against asking that a lead trustee be chosen from among the ranks of the non-employee trustees

•             For adopting cumulative voting

•             Against requiring trustees to place a statement of candidacy in the proxy statement

•             Against requiring the nomination of two trustee candidates for each open board seat

•             Against making trustees liable for acts or omissions that constitute a breach of fiduciary care resulting from a trustee’s gross negligence and/or reckless or willful neglect

•             For repealing a classified board

•             Against asking the board to redeem or to allow shareholders to vote on a poison pill shareholder rights plan

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•             Against repealing fair price provisions

•             For restoring shareholders’ right to call a special meeting

•             For restoring shareholders’ right to act by written consent

•             For limiting the board’s discretion to issue targeted share placements or requiring shareholder approval before such block placements can be made

•             For seeking to force the company to opt out of a state takeover statutory provision

•             Against reincorporating the company in another state

•             For limiting greenmail payments

•             Against advisory vote on compensation

•             Against restricting executive compensation

•             For enhancing the disclosure of executive compensation

•             Against restricting trustee compensation

•             Against capping executive pay

•             Against calling for trustees to be paid with company stock

•             Against calling for shareholder votes on executive pay

•             Against calling for the termination of trustee retirement plans

•             Against asking management to review, report on, and/or link executive compensation to non-financial criteria, particularly social criteria

•             Against seeking shareholder approval to reprice or replace underwater stock options

•             For banning or calling for a shareholder vote on future golden parachutes

•             Against seeking to award performance-based stock options

•             Against establishing a policy of expensing the costs of all future stock options issued by the company in the company’s annual income statement

•             Against requesting that future executive compensation be determined without regard to any pension fund income

•             Against approving extra benefits under Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPs)

•             Against requiring option shares to be held

•             For creating a compensation committee

•             Against requiring that the compensation committee hire its own independent compensation consultants-separate from the compensation consultants working with corporate management-to assist with executive compensation issues

•             For increasing the independence of the compensation committee

•             For increasing the independence of the audit committee

•             For increasing the independence of key committees

Social Issue Proposals

•             Against asking the company to develop or report on human rights policies

•             Against asking the company to limit or end operations in Burma

•             For asking management to review operations in Burma

•             For asking management to certify that company operations are free of forced labor

•             Against asking management to implement and/or increase activity on each of the principles of the U.S. Business Principles for Human Rights of Workers in China.

•             Against asking management to develop social, economic, and ethical criteria that the company could use to determine the acceptability of military contracts and to govern the execution of the contracts

•             Against asking management to create a plan of converting the company’s facilities that are dependent on defense contracts toward production for commercial markets

•             Against asking management to report on the company’s government contracts for the development of ballistic missile defense technologies and related space systems

•             Against asking management to report on the company’s foreign military sales or foreign offset activities

•             Against asking management to limit or end nuclear weapons production

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•             Against asking management to review nuclear weapons production

•             Against asking the company to establish shareholder-designated contribution programs

•             Against asking the company to limit or end charitable giving

•             For asking the company to increase disclosure of political spending and activities

•             Against asking the company to limit or end political spending

•             For requesting disclosure of company executives’ prior government service

•             Against requesting affirmation of political nonpartisanship

•             For asking management to report on or change tobacco product marketing practices, except against if the proposal calls for action beyond reporting

•             Against severing links with the tobacco industry

•             Against asking the company to review or reduce tobacco harm to health

•             For asking management to review or promote animal welfare, except against if the proposal calls for action beyond reporting

•             For asking the company to report or take action on pharmaceutical drug pricing or distribution, except against if the proposal asks for more than a report

•             Against asking the company to take action on embryo or fetal destruction

•             For asking the company to review or report on nuclear facilities or nuclear waste, except against if the proposal asks for cessation of nuclear-related activities or other action beyond reporting

•             For asking the company to review its reliance on nuclear and fossil fuels, its development or use of solar and wind power, or its energy efficiency, except vote against if the proposal asks for more than a report.

•             Against asking management to endorse the Ceres principles

•             For asking the company to control generation of pollutants, except against if the proposal asks for action beyond reporting or if the company reports its omissions and plans to limit their future growth or if the company reports its omissions and plans to reduce them from established levels

•             For asking the company to report on its environmental impact or plans, except against if management has issued a written statement beyond the legal minimum

•             For asking management to report or take action on climate change, except against if management acknowledges a global warming threat and has issued company policy or if management has issued a statement and committed to targets and timetables or if the company is not a major emitter of greenhouse gases

•             For asking management to report on, label, or restrict sales of bioengineered products, except against if the proposal asks for action beyond reporting or calls for a moratorium on sales of bioengineered products

•             Against asking the company to preserve natural habitat

•             Against asking the company to review its developing country debt and lending criteria and to report to shareholders on its findings

•             Against requesting the company to assess the environmental, public health, human rights, labor rights, or other socioeconomic impacts of its credit decisions

•             For requesting reports and/or reviews of plans and/or policies on fair lending practices, except against if the proposal calls for action beyond reporting

•             Against asking the company to establish committees to consider issues related to facilities closure and relocation of work

•             For asking management to report on the company’s affirmative action policies and programs, including releasing its EEO-1 forms and providing statistical data on specific positions within the company, except against if the company releases its EEO-1 reports

•             Against asking management to drop sexual orientation from EEO policy

•             Against asking management to adopt a sexual orientation non-discrimination policy

•             For asking management to report on or review Mexican operations

•             Against asking management to adopt standards for Mexican operations

•             Against asking management to review or implement the MacBride principles

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•             Against asking the company to encourage its contractors and franchisees to implement the MacBride principles

•             For asking management to report on or review its global labor practices or those of its contractors, except against if the company already reports publicly using a recognized standard or if the resolution asks for more than a report

•             Against asking management to adopt, implement, or enforce a global workplace code of conduct based on the International Labor Organization’s core labor conventions

•             For requesting reports on sustainability, except against if the company has already issued a report in GRI format

Adopted by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board: March 25, 2010

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board: March 1, 2011

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board: August 25, 2011

Renewed and approved by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board of Trustees: March 19, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board: May 22, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board: November 20, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Funds Trust Board: August 21, 2014

Adopted by the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund Board of Trustees: August 24, 2011

Renewed and approved by the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund Board of Trustees: March 19, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund Board of Trustees: May 22, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund Board of Trustees: November 20, 2013 Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund Board of Trustees: August 21, 2014

Adopted by the DoubleLine Equity Funds Board of Trustees: March 19, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Equity Funds Board: May 22, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Equity Funds Board: November 20, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Equity Funds Board: August 21, 2014

Adopted by the DoubleLine Income Solutions Board of Trustees: March 19, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Income Solutions Board of Trustees: May 22, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Income Solutions Board of Trustees: November 20, 2013

Renewed, reviewed and approved by the DoubleLine Income Solutions Board of Trustees: August 21, 2014

Reviewed and approved by the Boards of the DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Equity Funds, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund and DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund: August 20, 2015

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Information about how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities held during the most recent twelve month period ended June 30th is available no later than the following August 31st without charge, upon request, by calling (877) DLine11 (877-354-6311) and on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.

(a)(1) The following provides biographical information about the individuals who are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management of the registrant’s portfolio (“Portfolio Managers”) as of the date of this filing:

Jeffrey E. Gundlach (Portfolio Manager since the Fund’s inception)

Mr. Jeffrey E. Gundlach is the founder and Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of DoubleLine Capital LP (“Doubleline” or the “Adviser”). Mr. Gundlach has been Chief Executive Officer of DoubleLine since its inception in December 2009.

Philip A. Barach (Portfolio Manager since the Fund’s inception)

Mr. Barach is co-founder and President of DoubleLine. He attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he received a BA in International Relations and an MBA in Finance. Mr. Barach assists Mr. Gundlach in overseeing the implementation of the Fund’s overall strategy.

Joel A. Damiani (Portfolio Manager since the Fund’s inception)

Mr. Damiani is a founding member of DoubleLine. He also is a Portfolio Manager in the Mortgage Group. Mr. Damiani holds both a BS in Molecular Biology and an MS in Finance from the University of Wisconsin. He is a CFA charterholder. Mr. Damiani assists in managing the mortgage-backed securities and other structured products portion of the Fund’s portfolio.

Luz M. Padilla (Portfolio Manager since the Fund’s inception)

Ms. Padilla has been a Portfolio Manager of DoubleLine since January 2010. As part of the Fund’s portfolio management team, Ms. Padilla manages the emerging markets fixed income portion of the Fund’s portfolio.

(a)(2) The following provides information on other accounts managed on a day-to-day basis by the Portfolio Managers listed above as of September 30, 2017:

Table of Contents

Name of Portfolio


      Number of    
        Total Assets of    
Accounts ($
  Number of Accounts
    Subject to a Performance    
  Total Assets of Accounts
  Subject to a Performance  
Fee ($ millions)

Jeffrey E. Gundlach


Registered investment companies

    30     $84,261   -   -

Other pooled investment vehicles

    19     $7,411   4   $3,165

Other accounts

    63     $9,393   1   734

Phillip A Barach


Registered investment companies

    15     $68,389   -   -

Other pooled investment vehicles

    12     $6,322   3   $3,015

Other accounts

    47     $6,498   1   $734

Joel A Damiani


Registered investment companies

    2     $544   -   -

Other pooled investment vehicles

    2     $2,790   2   $2,779

Other accounts

    -     -   -   -

Luz M. Padilla


Registered investment companies

    11     $11,199   -   -

Other pooled investment vehicles

    2     $100   -   -

Other accounts

    5     $1,139   1   $734

Conflicts of Interest

From time to time, potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise between a portfolio manager’s management of the investments of the Fund, on the one hand, and the management

Table of Contents

of other accounts, on the other. Potential and actual conflicts of interest also may result because of the Adviser’s other business activities. Other accounts managed by a portfolio manager might have similar investment objectives or strategies as the Fund, be managed (benchmarked) against the same index the Fund tracks, or otherwise hold, purchase, or sell securities that are eligible to be held, purchased or sold by the Fund. The other accounts might also have different investment objectives or strategies than the Fund.

Knowledge and Timing of Fund Trades. A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of the portfolio managers’ management of the Fund. Because of their positions with the Fund, the portfolio managers know the size, timing and possible market impact of the Fund’s trades. It is theoretically possible that a portfolio manager could use this information to the advantage of other accounts under management, and also theoretically possible that actions could be taken (or not taken) to the detriment of the Fund.

Investment Opportunities. A potential conflict of interest may arise as a result of a portfolio manager’s management of a number of accounts with varying investment guidelines. Often, an investment opportunity may be suitable for both the Fund and other accounts managed by the portfolio manager, but securities may not be available in sufficient quantities for both the Fund and the other accounts to participate fully. Similarly, there may be limited opportunity to sell an investment held by the Fund and another account. The Adviser has adopted policies and procedures reasonably designed to allocate investment opportunities on a fair and equitable basis over time.

Under the Adviser’s allocation procedures, investment opportunities are allocated among various investment strategies based on individual account investment guidelines, the Adviser’s investment outlook, cash availability and a series of other factors. The Adviser has also adopted additional internal practices to complement the general trade allocation policy that are designed to address potential conflicts of interest due to the side-by-side management of the Fund and certain pooled investment vehicles, including investment opportunity allocation issues.

Conflicts potentially limiting the Fund’s investment opportunities may also arise when the Fund and other clients of the Adviser invest in different parts of an issuer’s capital structure, such as when the Fund owns senior debt obligations of an issuer and other clients own junior tranches of the same issuer. In such circumstances, decisions over whether to trigger an event of default, over the terms of any workout, or how to exit an investment may result in conflicts of interest. In order to minimize such conflicts, a portfolio manager may avoid certain investment opportunities that would potentially give rise to conflicts with other clients of the Adviser or the Adviser may enact internal procedures designed to minimize such conflicts, which could have the effect of limiting the Fund’s investment opportunities. Additionally, if the Adviser acquires material non-public confidential information in connection with its business activities for other clients, a portfolio manager or other investment personnel may be restricted from purchasing securities or selling certain securities for the Fund or other clients. When making investment decisions where a conflict of interest may arise, the Adviser will endeavor to act in a fair and equitable manner between the Fund and other clients; however, in certain instances the resolution of the conflict may result in the Adviser acting on behalf of another client in a manner that may not be in the best interest, or may be opposed to the best interest, of the Fund.

Broad and Wide-Ranging Activities. The portfolio managers, the Adviser and its affiliates engage in a broad spectrum of activities. In the ordinary course of their business activities, the portfolio managers, the Adviser and its affiliates may engage in activities where the interests of certain divisions of the Adviser and its affiliates or the interests of their clients may conflict with the interests of the shareholders of the Fund.

Table of Contents

Possible Future Activities. The Adviser and its affiliates may expand the range of services that it provides over time. Except as provided herein, the Adviser and its affiliates will not be restricted in the scope of its business or in the performance of any such services (whether now offered or undertaken in the future) even if such activities could give rise to conflicts of interest, and whether or not such conflicts are described herein. The Adviser and its affiliates have, and will continue to develop, relationships with a significant number of companies, financial sponsors and their senior managers, including relationships with clients who may hold or may have held investments similar to those intended to be made by the Fund. These clients may themselves represent appropriate investment opportunities for the Fund or may compete with the Fund for investment opportunities.

Performance Fees and Personal Investments. A portfolio manager may advise certain accounts with respect to which the advisory fee is based entirely or partially on performance or in respect of which the portfolio manager may have made a significant personal investment. Such circumstances may create a conflict of interest for a portfolio manager in that the portfolio manager may have an incentive to allocate the investment opportunities that he or she believes might be the most profitable to such other accounts instead of allocating them to the Fund. The Adviser has adopted policies and procedures reasonably designed to allocate investment opportunities between the Fund and performance fee based accounts on a fair and equitable basis over time.

Use of Leverage. During periods in which the Fund is using leverage, the fees paid to the Adviser for investment advisory services, which may directly or indirectly affect the portfolio managers’ compensation, will be higher than if the Fund did not use leverage because the fees paid will be calculated on the basis of the Fund’s total managed assets, including assets attributable to reverse repurchase agreements, dollar roll transactions or similar transactions and/or borrowings, and to any preferred shares that may be outstanding, which may create an incentive for a portfolio manager to leverage the Fund or to leverage using strategies that increase the Adviser’s fee.

(a)(3) The following describes how the Adviser is compensated as of September 30, 2017:

The Fund pays a monthly fee to the Adviser, computed and paid at the annual rate (as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily total managed assets) of 1.00%. “Total managed assets” means the total assets of the Fund (including assets attributable to any reverse repurchase agreements, dollar roll transactions or similar transactions, borrowings, and/or preferred shares that may be outstanding) minus accrued liabilities (other than liabilities representing reverse repurchase agreements, dollar roll transactions or similar transactions, and/or borrowings). For purposes of calculating “total managed assets,” the liquidation preference of any preferred shares outstanding is not considered a liability. With respect to any reverse repurchase agreements, dollar rolls or similar transactions, “total managed assets” also includes any proceeds from the sale of an asset of the Fund to a counterparty in such a transaction, in addition to the value of the asset so sold as of the relevant measuring date. The average daily total managed assets of the Fund for any month is determined by taking an average of all of the determinations of total managed assets during such month at the close of business on each business day during such month.

The overall objective of the compensation program for portfolio managers is for the Adviser to attract competent and expert investment professionals and to retain them over the long-term. Compensation is comprised of several components which, in the aggregate are designed to

Table of Contents

achieve these objectives and to reward the portfolio managers for their contribution to the success of their clients and the Adviser. Portfolio managers are compensated through a combination of base salary, discretionary bonus and equity participation in the Adviser. Bonuses and equity generally represent most of the portfolio managers’ compensation. However, in some cases, portfolio managers may have a profit sharing interest in the revenue or income related to the areas for which the portfolio managers are responsible. Such profit sharing arrangements can comprise a significant portion of a portfolio manager’s overall compensation.

Salary. Salary is agreed to with managers at time of employment and is reviewed from time to time. It does not change significantly and often does not constitute a significant part of a portfolio manager’s compensation.

Discretionary Bonus/Guaranteed Minimums. Portfolio managers receive discretionary bonuses. However, in some cases, pursuant to contractual arrangements, some portfolio managers may be entitled to a mandatory minimum bonus if the sum of their salary and profit sharing does not reach certain levels.

Equity Incentives. Portfolio managers may participate in equity incentives based on overall firm performance of the Adviser, through direct ownership interests in the Adviser or participation in stock option or stock appreciation plans of Adviser. These ownership interests or participation interests provide eligible portfolio managers the opportunity to participate in the financial performance of the Adviser as a whole. Participation is generally determined in the discretion of Adviser, taking into account factors relevant to a portfolio manager’s contribution to the success of Adviser.

Other Plans and Compensation Vehicles. Portfolio managers may elect to participate in the Adviser’s 401(k) plan, to which they may contribute a portion of their pre- and post-tax compensation to the plan for investment on a tax-deferred basis. The Adviser may also choose, from time to time to offer certain other compensation plans and vehicles, such as a deferred compensation plan, to portfolio managers.

Summary. As described above, an investment professional’s total compensation is determined through a subjective process that evaluates numerous quantitative and qualitative factors, including the contribution made to the overall investment process. Not all factors apply to each investment professional and there is no particular weighting or formula for considering certain factors. Among the factors considered are: relative investment performance of portfolios (although there are no specific benchmarks or periods of time used in measuring performance); complexity of investment strategies; participation in the investment team’s dialogue; contribution to business results and overall business strategy; success of marketing/business development efforts and client servicing; seniority/length of service with the firm; management and supervisory responsibilities; and fulfillment of the Adviser’s leadership criteria.

Table of Contents

(a)(4) The following provides information about the dollar range of equity securities in the registrant beneficially owned by the Portfolio Managers as of September 30, 2017:


Portfolio Manager   Aggregate Dollar Range of Beneficial          
       Ownership in the Registrant

Jeffrey E. Gundlach


Philip A. Barach


Joel A. Damiani


Luz M. Padilla


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.

There were no purchases made by or on behalf of the Registrant or any “affiliated purchaser,” as defined in Rule 10b-18(a)(3) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, of shares of the Registrant’s equity securities that are registered by the Registrant pursuant to Section 12 of the Exchange Act made in the period covered by this report.

Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.

There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s board of trustees.    

Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


(a) The Registrant’s President and Treasurer have reviewed the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Act”)) as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this report, as required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the Act and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Based on their review, such officers have concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures are effective in ensuring that information required to be disclosed in this report is appropriately recorded, processed, summarized and reported and made known to them by others within the Registrant and by the Registrant’s service provider.


(b) There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Act) that occurred during the last fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Management Investment Companies

The registrant did not engage in securities lending activities during the fiscal year reported on this Form N-CSR.

Table of Contents

Item 13. Exhibits.


(a) (1) Any code of ethics or amendment thereto, that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends to satisfy Item 2 requirements through filing an exhibit. Filed herewith.

(2) A separate certification for each principal executive and principal financial officer pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Filed herewith.

(3) Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under the Act sent or given during the period covered by the report by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons. Not applicable.

(4) Change in the registrant’s independent public accountant. There was no change in the registrant’s independent public accountant for the period covered by this report.


(b) Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Furnished herewith.

Table of Contents


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant)                   DoubleLine  Opportunistic Credit Fund                                                 

By (Signature and Title)    Ronald R. Redell                                                  

                     Ronald R. Redell, President and Chief Executive Officer

Date                      11/24/2017                                                                                          

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title)               Ronald R. Redell                                                      

                       Ronald R. Redell, President and Chief Executive Officer

Date             11/24/2017                                                                                  

By (Signature and Title)               Susan Nichols                                

                       Susan Nichols, Treasurer and Principal Financial

                       Accounting Officer

Date            11/24/2017                                                                                  

EX-99.CODE 2 d447012dex99code.htm CODE OF ETHICS CODE OF ETHICS




Code of Ethics


DoubleLine Investment Management North Asia Ltd.

DoubleLine Group LP

DoubleLine Capital LP

DoubleLine Equity LP

DoubleLine Alternatives LP

DoubleLine Funds Trust

DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund


DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund

Effective Date: September 2017










    Applicable to all Personnel




    Access to the Code




    Regulatory Requirements




    Other Topics Covered In the Code




    Code May be Supplemented by Other Applicable Policies




    Best Judgment and Further Advice




Duty to Report Violations of this Code, Sanctions and Acknowledgement




    Duty to Report Violations of this Code












General Standard of Conduct




    Fiduciary Duty




    Adherence to Good Business Practices




     Compliance with Applicable Federal Securities Laws and Other Requirements




    Client Representations




    Market Rumors




Conflicts of Interest




    General Statement of Policy




    General Description of Conflicts




    Particular Conflicts




    General Antifraud Prohibitions








    General Statement of Policy -- Confidentiality




    Sharing of Information Within the Companies




    Sharing of Information Outside the Companies




    Reasonable Safeguards




    Reporting of Possible Confidentiality Breach




Prohibition Against Insider Trading




    Companies’ Policy – Insider Trading




    Recognizing Material Nonpublic Information




     Avoiding the Receipt and Misuse of Material Nonpublic Information




     Required Steps to Take If Exposed to Material Nonpublic Information




    Responsibilities of the Chief Compliance Officer




    Reporting of Insider Trading Activity




    Review of Insider Trading Activity




    Annual Attestation




     Reporting of Accounts and Transactions Involving Securities and Other Financial Products




     General Statement of Companies’ Policy With Respect to Account and Notification




     Review of Account Statements and Holding Report Notifications




    Investment Activities








    Provisions of General Applicability




     Prohibitions and Pre-Approval Requirements of General Applicability



- i -



    Additional Restrictions Applicable to Access Persons




Outside Business Activities




    General Policy




    Receipt of Payment of Third Party Compensation




    Annual Attestation




Gifts and Gratuities and Political Activities




    Gifts and Gratuities




    Political Contributions




    Foreign Corrupt Practices Act




    Annual Attestation




Client Complaints and Indications of Inappropriate Conduct




    General Statement of Policy




    Responsibility of the Chief Compliance Officer




Annual Review by Trustees



Acknowledgement of Receipt of Initial Code of Ethics
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Initial Code of Ethics (consultants)
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Amended Code of Ethics
Exhibit I.A.:      New Access Person Introduction Checklist
Exhibit VII A1:    Annual or Initial Holdings Report
Exhibit VII A2:    Request for Duplicate Confirmations and Statements
Exhibit VII      Policy Regarding Special Trading Procedures for Securities of Certain Closed-End Funds
Exhibit VIII C:    Request for Preauthorization – Personal Trades
Exhibit X. A.:      Annual Non-Cash Compensation Acknowledgement and Certification (aka: Gift Form)
Exhibit X. B:      Initial Political Contributions Report
Exhibit XI D:      Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Questionnaire
Exhibit XI E:      Required Annual Attestations and Disclosures


- ii -

I.            INTRODUCTION

A number of entities affiliated with DoubleLine Group LP (“Group”)1 have jointly adopted this Code of Ethics (the “Code”) to set forth the ethical and professional standards required of those entities listed and defined below (collectively, the “Companies”) and to demonstrate the commitment of the Companies and their management to maintaining the trust and confidence of the investors in the funds offered by the Trust, DBL and DSL (all defined below and collectively, the “Funds”) and of the Adviser’s clients, to upholding high standards of integrity and business ethics and professionalism, and to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and with the Companies’ internal policies and procedures. Various employees of Group, which provides operational support for the Trust, DBL and DSL, will perform certain actions discussed herein on behalf of DBL, DSL and the Trust.

The entities comprising the Companies are:

DoubleLine Investment Management North Asia Ltd. (“North Asia”)

DoubleLine Group LP (“Group”)

DoubleLine Capital LP (“Adviser”, “DoubleLine”, “Capital”)

DoubleLine Equity LP (“Adviser”, “DoubleLine”, “Equity”)

DoubleLine Alternatives LP (“Adviser”, “DoubleLine”, “Alternatives”)

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (“DBL”)

DoubleLine Funds Trust (“Trust”)

DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (“DSL”)

Together, the series of funds within the Trust are known as the “DoubleLine Funds”.



Applicable to all Personnel

The Code covers all personnel of Group, DBL, DSL, the Trust and the Advisers, including partners, officers, directors (and other persons occupying a similar status or performing similar functions), and employees, as well as individuals associated with the Companies in any manner that provide investment advice on their behalf and are subject to their supervision and control (collectively, hereinafter, the “DoubleLine Personnel” or “Personnel”). The term “Personnel” shall also include any individuals who are members of the DoubleLine Capital GP LLC, which is Capital’s general partner. Temporary employees and consultants that, in each case, are engaged by any of the Companies to provide clerical, administrative or professional services that are not directly investment related will not be considered to be Personnel subject to this Code except to the extent the Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”)2 or designee notifies them to the contrary.



1Group is an entity which serves as the employer of the persons termed as “DoubleLine Personnel” under the Code. However, while it provides these persons to supply services to the Advisers under various service contracts, Group itself does not conduct activities requiring registration as a registered investment adviser. Group adopts this Code solely as an administrative convenience, to ensure that all persons employed by Group are subject to the Code because of the services rendered to registered investment advisers.

2 References to CCO within the Code shall be construed to mean the CCO of DoubleLine Capital LP (the “Capital CCO”) except where expressly indicated otherwise. It is expected that the Capital CCO will involve the CCO of Alternatives (or other entities) as and when necessary.

New employees, to include any temporary employees or consultants designated by the CCO or designee, shall be briefed as to the requirements of the Code of Ethics, with Exhibit I. A. serving as a guideline to that introduction. The briefing is not a substitute for reading the Code in its entirety at least annually. The fact that a briefing has not occurred or that the CCO or designee has not made a determination of any existing employee’s change of status does not in any way limit the obligation of any person to comply with all applicable provisions of the Code.



Applicability of this Code to the Disinterested Trustees

Various provisions of this Code either do not apply to the Trustees of the Trust, DBL or DSL who are not “interested persons” within the meaning of Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Disinterested Trustees”), or applies only in a limited fashion.

The following Sections of this Code do not apply to the Disinterested Trustees:



Section VIII (Investment Activities)



Section IX (Outside Business Activities)



Section X (Gifts and Gratuities and Political Activities)

In addition, Disinterested Trustees are required to comply with only Subsection A(5) of Section VII (Reporting of Accounts and Transactions Involving Securities and Other Financial Products).



Authority to Exempt Any Person from Coverage

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chief Compliance Officer may exempt any person from all or any portion of the Code upon a finding that such person is neither an “Access Person,” as defined at Rule 17j-1(a)(1) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment Company Act”) or Rule 204A-1 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”) or a “supervised person,” as defined at Section 202(a)(25) of the Advisers Act, and that, such person’s duties and responsibilities are such that application of all or any particular portion of this Code to such person is not reasonably necessary.    Accordingly, all persons subject to the Code shall be considered to be Access Persons, regardless of whether they meet any particular definition thereof while persons that have been exempted from all or any particular portion of the Code shall not be considered to be Access Persons to the extent of that exemption.

The Chief Compliance Officer also may waive provisions of the Code on a case-by-case basis, after reviewing the circumstances surrounding the request for a waiver. An example of such a waiver would be the waiver of the two-day requirement to execute a trade. The Chief Compliance Officer shall keep a written record of all such waivers and the basis for such waiver, which typically shall be recorded on a trade approval form or via email.


- 2 -



The CCO is responsible (i) for maintaining a record of all personnel associated from time-to- time with the Companies and, as to each individual, the dates of such person’s association, the title or position held by such individual and whether such person was exempted from all or any portion of the Code and, therefore is not considered to be an Access Person, and, (ii) as to all persons exempted from all or any portion of the Code, for documenting the basis for such exemption. The CCO generally shall rely upon the Group’s Human Resources department for all such lists.






Document: A record of all Trustees, officers and employees of a Fund and documentation of the basis for any exemption from the Code



Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer



Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which such record was created, provided any documentation as to any exemption from the Code shall be maintained for a minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the relevant individual’s association with the Companies was terminated.



Regulatory Reference: Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)(1)(D) and Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(ii)




Access to the Code

All Personnel will be provided access to the Code, either in hard copy or on the Companies’ internal electronic systems. Personnel should keep the Code available for easy reference.



Regulatory Requirements

The Code has been adopted in connection with the Companies’ compliance with Rule 204A- 1 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”) or Rule 17j-1(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “Investment Company Act”), as applicable.

As registered investment advisers, the Advisers, pursuant to Rule 204A-1, are required to establish, maintain and enforce a written code of ethics that, at a minimum:



Sets forth the general standard of conduct required of all supervised persons, which standard reflects the fiduciary duties that the Advisers and all such individuals owe to the Advisers’ clients.



Requires compliance by all supervised persons with applicable federal securities laws.



Requires certain supervised persons to report, and for the Advisers to review, their personal securities transactions and holdings periodically.


- 3 -


Requires prompt reporting by all supervised persons of any violations of this Code.



Requires distribution by the Advisers of the Code and of any amendments to all supervised persons and for the Advisers to obtain written acknowledgements from all such individuals as to their receipt of the Code.

DBL, DSL, the Trust and the Advisers also are required pursuant to Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company Act to adopt a written code of ethics that contain provisions reasonably necessary to prevent their “Access Persons,” as defined in Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(a)(1), from:



employing any device, scheme or artifice to defraud a Fund;



making any untrue statement of a material fact to a Fund or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made to a Fund, in light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading;



engaging in any act, practice or course of business that operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit on a Fund; or



engaging in any manipulative practice with respect to a Fund.



Other Topics Covered In the Code

In addition to the minimum requirements set forth above, the Code also addresses the Companies’ policies and procedures regarding:



Sanctions for violating the Code



Safeguarding and maintaining confidential information



Prohibitions against insider trading



Investment activities



Outside business activities



Giving and receiving of gifts and entertainment



Political activities



Client complaints



Annual review by Trustees


- 4 -


Code May be Supplemented by Other Applicable Policies

The Code has been drafted in a manner that allows it to apply equally to all Personnel regardless of their specific functions or responsibilities. As a result of this “one size fits all” approach, the Companies may, from time-to-time, supplement the Code as it applies to Personnel that perform certain functions or that have particular responsibilities by the adoption of separate, more specialized policies and procedures. Where this is the case, Personal to whom these separate policies and procedures apply must comply with both the Code and these additional policies – or the more restrictive of the two in the case of a conflict. More generally, the existence of the Code should not be understood as relieving Personnel, in any manner, from their continuing responsibility to familiarize themselves, and to comply, with all applicable policies and procedures of the Companies.



Best Judgment and Further Advice

It is not reasonable to expect this Code or other applicable policies or procedures of the Companies to cover all of the possible situations that Personnel may encounter. For this reason, nothing in this Code removes the need for all Personnel to use their best judgment in order to maintain high professional standards and to consult with their supervisors as well as appropriate legal or compliance Personnel, as needed.

Personnel that are unsure how to handle a particular situation are urged to consult with their supervisor or legal or compliance personnel for advice.





Advisers Act Section 202(a)(25): Definitions (definition of “Supervised Person”)


Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(a): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (adoption of code of ethics)


Investment Company Act Section 17: Transaction of Certain Affiliated Persons and Underwriters


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1: Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel




- 5 -





Duty to Report Violations of this Code

DoubleLine Personnel are required to report promptly any violation or potential violation of the Code to the CCO. Any such report shall be maintained in confidence and no retaliation shall be made against the individual making such report and, indeed, any retaliation for reporting a violation of the Code shall itself constitute a violation of the Code.






Any individual that becomes aware of a violation of this Code must promptly report such violation.



RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Any applicable individual




Review and Investigation

The CCO shall be responsible for the prompt review and investigation of any violations of the Code reported to, or independently discovered by, the CCO. The CCO shall be responsible for reporting any substantiated material violations of the Code to appropriate senior management within the Companies and to the Board of Trustees of the Trust, DSL or DBL (as applicable) (the “Trustees”) and for appropriately documenting such review and investigation, the reporting thereof to senior management, and any action, including any sanctions, taken as a result thereof.



Heightened Supervision or Other Responsive Actions

The CCO shall be responsible for determining whether any violation of the Code that is brought to the CCO’s attention indicates a need (i) for heightened supervisory procedures, and, if so, the means by which such need should be addressed, and (ii) any change in the Companies’ procedures or policies or applicable controls. In addition, the CCO, after conferring with outside counsel, shall also be responsible for determining whether the violation, or any sanction imposed as a result thereof, requires additional disclosure or reporting, including to the Companies’ clients or, any regulatory, law enforcement or other outside party. The CCO shall be responsible for appropriately documenting each determination.



Involvement of Legal Counsel

Notwithstanding the assignment of responsibility to the CCO with respect to the review and investigation and reporting of violations, where either the Chief Compliance Officer, counsel, or the Disinterested Trustees determine that sufficient reasons exist for any such review, investigation, or reporting to be conducted under the direction of legal counsel or such outside counsel as shall engage for such purpose, such legal or outside counsel shall have the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of such review, investigation, and the reporting and


- 6 -

documentation thereof.






The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for the review and investigation of violations of the Code, for reporting of any substantiated material violations to the Companies’ senior management and/or the Trustees, as applicable, for determining whether the violation indicates a need for heightened supervisory procedures, changes to procedures or policies or applicable controls, and whether there is any requirement to disclose or report the violation or any sanction imposed as a result thereof.



RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer







Document: Documentation of the review and investigation of purported violations of the Code and the reporting, if applicable, thereof to senior management and/or the Trustees of any action taken as a result thereof.



Responsible Party: Chief Compliance Officer



Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years from the end of the fiscal year during which the documentation was created, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.



Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(12) and (e) and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)(B).




Where the Chief Compliance Officer is Implicated by the Violation Being Reported

Notwithstanding the foregoing, where a person making a report believes that the CCO is implicated in any violation being reported, the reporting person may report such violation to any of the Companies’ senior management, including the Disinterested Trustees, as such individual believes is appropriate (the “Receiving Person”). Upon the receipt of a report of a violation, the Receiving Person shall either cause the Companies to undertake such review and investigation of the reported violation and to take such other action as is contemplated above or promptly report such matter to another member of senior management as the Receiving Person believes is appropriate, who, upon receipt of such report, shall have the responsibility of a Receiving Person.


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Each Receiving Person, if any, is responsible for either causing the applicable Adviser to undertake such review and investigation of any violation of the Code as is contemplated above or for promptly reporting such matter to another member of senior management who shall, thereupon, assume the responsibilities of a Receiving Person.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each Receiving Person





Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(a)(4): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (duty to report violations)


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(12)(ii): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (record of any violation of the Code and action taken as a result)


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(e)(1): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (holding periods for certain required records)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(c)(2)(ii)(A): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Administration of Code of Ethics)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)(B): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Recordkeeping Requirements)







Requirement that Chief Compliance Officer be Informed of all Internal Discipline

No internal discipline shall be imposed, nor any decision reached to not impose discipline, on any DoubleLine Personnel for violation of this Code without the underlying matter and the sanction to be imposed being first brought to the attention of the CCO.



Possible Sanctions

Possible sanctions for violation of this Code may include, but need not be limited to, reprimands, monetary fines, suspensions, reduction in responsibilities, grade or title, or termination. Sanctions are imposed by the Code of Ethics Committee, which generally shall consist of the General Counsel, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and other senior Personnel that they may designate.





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All Personnel must read, understand and adhere to this Code as well as any amendments or changes to the Code. Personnel (with the exception of the Trustees) are required to sign3 an Acknowledgement that they have read the entire Code, and from time-to-time, any amendments, and have had an opportunity to review any portions with their supervisor and a member of the Compliance Department.

By signing the Acknowledgement, each signatory agrees to perform fully all applicable responsibilities and to comply with all applicable restrictions, limitations, and requirements set forth in the Code and acknowledge that any such failure may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Failure to comply with the terms of this Code can also subject the Companies and responsible supervisors and involved individuals to fines, penalties and potentially even criminal proceedings in addition to significant reputational harm and regulatory sanctions. From time-to-time, the Companies may ask any recipient of this Code may be asked to certify his or her continued compliance with the applicable terms and/or with any other applicable restrictions, limitations or requirements and to sign an Acknowledgement with respect to any amendments hereto.

A copy of the Acknowledgement can be found at the end of this Code.    Each recipient is required to return the completed Acknowledgement to the Chief Compliance Officer.



Each recipient is responsible for providing a signed copy of the Acknowledgement to the Chief Compliance Officer.




The Chief Compliance Officer or designate is responsible for obtaining a signed copy of the Acknowledgement from each recipient with respect to the Code and any amendments thereto. The CCO or designate will review to ensure that all access persons submit their Acknowledgement forms.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer



3 “Sign” shall be construed to indicate the use of electronic means, including through any systems used by the Companies to monitor the Code.


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Document: Acknowledgement relating to receipt and review of Code and any amendments thereto


Responsible Party: Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period:  A minimum of five years from the end of the fiscal year in which the applicable individual ceases to be a supervised person of the Companies, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best practices and Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(12)(iii).





Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(a)(5): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (written acknowledgement)


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(12)(iii): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (record of written acknowledgement)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1: Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel



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The Companies are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of their shareholders and clients, to upholding high standards of integrity and business ethics and professionalism, and to compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and its own internal policies and procedures.

Compliance with these standards is crucial to the Companies’ long-term success. Simply put, the Companies’ continued success is dependent upon its reputation and there is no more certain way to diminish the Companies’ reputation than by failing to put their shareholders and clients first. If the Companies serve their shareholders and clients honestly and equitably and to the best of their abilities, their success will follow.

The general standard of conduct required by all Personnel reflects a number of underlying requirements including:



the fiduciary duty owed by the Companies and their Personnel to the Funds’ shareholders and the Adviser’s clients;



the Companies’ intent to adhere to good business practices;



applicable legal and regulatory requirements;



the Companies’ own internal policies and procedures; and



representations that the Companies have made to its clients in agreements, offering documents or other written materials.



Fiduciary Duty

The Companies’ and all Personnel owe a fiduciary duty to the Funds’ shareholders and to the Adviser’s clients. This means that the Companies and their Personnel must always place the interests of the Funds’ shareholders and the Adviser’s clients first and may not put their own interests ahead of their shareholders’ and clients’ interests or otherwise abuse their position of trust and responsibility. More specifically, the Companies’ fiduciary duty to their shareholders and clients requires that Personnel adhere to the following standards:



Any recommendation to a client must have a reasonable basis and must be suitable for the client in light of the client’s needs, financial circumstances, and investment objectives;



Facts that may be material to the client’s economic interest or decision- making must be disclosed fully and fairly and Personnel must refrain from engaging in fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative conduct;



Best execution should be provided with respect to client transactions; and


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Conflicts of interest should be fully disclosed and fairly managed (as discussed more fully at Section IV hereof).

All Personnel should note that various topics mentioned within the Code, such as but not limited to, best execution or soft dollars are addressed in more detail in other policies, which also should be consulted when researching the Companies’ policies on such topics.



Adherence to Good Business Practices

The Companies expect all Personnel to adhere to the principles of good business practice. At a minimum, this requires Personnel to engage in fair and honest conduct in all their dealings and to perform their functions and meet their responsibilities with a degree of professionalism reasonable to the circumstances.



Compliance with Applicable Federal Securities Laws and Other Requirements

Inherent in the above standard is the requirement that the Companies and all Personnel comply at all times with all applicable securities laws as well as the Companies’ own internal policies and procedures.

While many applicable legal and regulatory requirements are reflected in this Code or the Companies’ other policies and procedures, Personnel should not assume that this is true of every relevant securities law or regulation. As a result, Personnel must take the responsibility to inform themselves of, and understand, the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to their activities. For this same reason, the Companies expect all Personnel to stay current with respect to applicable regulatory and legislative developments.



Client Representations

The Companies and all Personnel are also expected to comply with any representations that the Companies have made to their clients, including, but not limited to, representations that are made in formal agreements between the Companies and their clients or the offering documents for any of the Companies’ products (where applicable). This is particularly relevant with respect to adherence to stated objectives and constraints applicable to a portfolio or fund.



Market Rumors

No officer or employee of the Companies shall originate or, except as permitted below, circulate in any manner a false or misleading rumor about a security or its issuer for the purpose of influencing the market price of the security. A statement that is clearly an expression of an individual’s or the Companies’ opinion, such as an analyst’s view of the prospects of a company, is not considered to be a rumor, and is excluded from these restrictions.


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Where a legitimate business reason exists for discussing a rumor, for example where a client is seeking an explanation for an erratic share price movement which could be explained by the rumor, care should be taken to ensure that the rumor is communicated in a manner that:

• sources the origin of the information (where possible);

• gives it no additional credibility or embellishment;

• makes clear that the information is a rumor; and

• makes clear that the information has not been verified.

If in doubt, Personnel should consult with the CCO regarding questions about the appropriateness of any communications about specific securities.






Advisers Act Section 206: Prohibited Transactions by Investment Advisers


Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(a)(1) and (2): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (adoption of general standard of business conduct and requirement of compliance with applicable Federal securities laws)


Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(e)(4): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethic (definition of “Federal Securities Laws”)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(b): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Unlawful Actions)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(c): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Code of Ethics)


Investment Company Act Rule 38a-1(f)(1): Compliance Procedures and Practices of Certain Investment Companies (definition of “Federal Securities Laws”)



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General Statement of Policy

The fiduciary duties imposed on the Companies and Personnel require all Personnel to be sensitive to the possibility of conflicts of interest, whether real or apparent, in transactions with clients. This includes conflicts between the interest of the Companies or their Personnel and their clients and conflicts between two clients. As a general matter, conflicts should be avoided. Where they cannot be avoided, it will generally be the case that they should be disclosed and specific consent obtained from the client with respect thereto. When in doubt, Personnel should contact their supervisor or a member of legal or compliance for advice.



General Description of Conflicts

While it is impossible to describe all conflicts that may arise, in general, conflicts will include various practices in which the Companies or any Personnel have a pecuniary or other interest in recommending or undertaking a transaction for a client. It is important to understand that a conflict does not require that the client suffer any actual harm. It also does not require that the improper interest in question be tangible or otherwise quantifiable or even certain. It is enough if the improper interest is, or could be viewed as, a motivating factor in the Companies or Personnel recommending or undertaking the transaction.

An improper interest may be economic, personal or otherwise. In the case of an economic interest, the interest may be a positive benefit or the avoidance, or minimization of, a negative economic result, e.g., the avoidance of an expense or a loss, or loss minimization.

Improper interests can include a wide variety of situations, including situations where:



The transaction allows the Companies or Personnel to generate fees or profits, or avoid losses or expenses, from another relationship as, for example, is the case with respect to soft dollars (discussed further below), the receipt of finder’s fees, outside commissions or bonuses;



The Companies or Personnel are directly interested in the transaction as, for example, is the case with respect to principal transactions;



The transaction benefits a third party in which the Companies or any Personnel has an ownership or other economic interest;



The transaction provides a benefit to a third party, rather than to the Companies or any Personnel directly, for an improper purpose as, for example, one that:



involves any quid pro quo, e.g., where the benefit is returned to the Companies or Personnel in some manner;


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is done to benefit a spouse or child or other person for personal reasons; or



is done to repay a favor or out of gratitude or for the purpose of obtaining or continuing to receive lavish gifts or entertainment (as discussed further below).

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all Personnel should avoid any investment, interest, association or other relationship that interferes, might interfere, or even might be perceived as interfering with the independent exercise by the individual of good judgment in the best interest of the Advisers’ clients or the Funds’ shareholders.



Particular Conflicts



Conflicts Related to the Provision of Disinterested and Impartial Advice or Undertaking a Transaction on Behalf of a Client

Any advice or recommendation, or transaction undertaken on behalf of a client, must be disinterested and impartial. An interest in a security or issuer, whether direct or indirect, or a relationship with an issuer, may support an inference that advice or a recommendation or the undertaking concerning such security or the securities of an issuer was not disinterested and impartial.

Accordingly, to minimize the possibility of such conflicts the Companies have adopted policies discussed elsewhere herein with respect to:



the investment activities of DoubleLine Personnel (see Sections VII and VIII hereof);



the holding of any position (e.g., as a director or trustee) with an issuer or its affiliates (see Section IX hereof); or



any present or proposed business relationship with an issuer or its affiliates (see Section IX hereof).



Appropriation of Client Information for Personal Benefit

DoubleLine Personnel may not trade or recommend trading in securities on the basis of client information, including information related to client positions, trades, or strategies. This means that trades and recommended trades by Personnel should always be based upon an investment assessment that is independent of any nonpublic client information.



Soft Dollars

The term “soft dollars” is generally understood as an arrangement under which research or brokerage products or services, other than execution of securities transactions, are obtained by an adviser from or through a broker-dealer in exchange for the direction by the Adviser of client brokerage transactions to the broker-dealer. Because such arrangements can have the effect of using client assets to pay for services that benefit the Adviser, rather than the client directly, participation by an Adviser in such arrangements is considered to violate an


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Adviser’s fiduciary duty to its clients and, therefore, is generally prohibited. The one exception to the foregoing is found in Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), which exempts the provision of brokerage and research services from the foregoing prohibition. Any arrangements for brokerage and research services, however, should comply with any separate policies or procedures that may be adopted from time-to-time.



Selecting Suppliers and Service Providers

The acceptance of any compensation or other benefit from a supplier or service provider to the Companies, especially one involving expenses that are, directly or indirectly, borne by an Adviser’s clients, may also be perceived as a conflict in that it may lead to a perception that the provider’s selection may not be in the clients’ best interest. Accordingly, the Companies’ use of any brokerage firm or other vendor, or service provider may be subject to separate policies and procedures of the Companies subjecting such use to a pre-approval process and other requirements for the purpose of minimizing the possibility of such conflicts. Moreover, Personnel may not accept compensation, whether in the form of cash or otherwise, for their own benefit from a service provider except in accordance with the provisions of Subsection B of Section IX hereof, which relates to receipt or payment of third party compensation, and Section X hereof, which relates to gifts and entertainment.



Potential Conflicts of Interest Arising from Transactions in Affiliated Entities

DoubleLine may recommend that its clients invest in public or private investment vehicles sponsored by or affiliated with DoubleLine. Examples of such investment vehicles include the DoubleLine Funds, hedge funds sponsored by DoubleLine, securitized assets created by DoubleLine or its affiliates or collateralized loan obligations sponsored by DoubleLine. The possibility exists that DoubleLine could take a position on governance matters for investment vehicles sponsored or affiliated with DoubleLine that could be adverse to some or all shareholders, equity holders or noteholders in these sponsored or affiliated investment opportunities. The Code of Ethics Committee is responsible to review and resolve or seek to mitigate such conflicts through appropriate controls.



General Antifraud Prohibitions

DoubleLine Personnel are prohibited from:



employing any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud a client or prospective client;



engaging in any transaction, practice, or course of business that operates as a fraud or deceit upon a client or prospective client;



making any untrue statement of a material fact to a client or omitting to state a material fact necessary to make a statement made not misleading; or



engaging in any act, practice or course of business that is fraudulent, deceptive, or manipulative.


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Exchange Act Section 28(e): Effect on Existing Law (exchange, broker, and dealer commissions; brokerage and research services)


Advisers Act Section 206: Prohibited Transactions by Investment Advisers


Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(a)(1) and (2): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (adoption of general standard of business conduct and requirement of compliance with applicable Federal securities laws)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(b): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Unlawful Actions)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(c): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Code of Ethics)


Investment Company Act Rule 38a-1(f)(1): Compliance Procedures and Practices of Certain Investment Companies (definition of “Federal Securities Laws”)



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General Statement of Policy -- Confidentiality

All DoubleLine Personnel have a duty to safeguard and treat as confidential all nonpublic information concerning the Companies, investors in the Funds, clients of the Advisers, and all transactions in which the Advisers or its clients are involved.     This includes all information concerning a client’s financial circumstances and holdings, and advice furnished to the client. Moreover, employees may only use Companies or client information within the scope of their employment and, accordingly, may not appropriate such information for their own use or benefit or the use or benefit of any third party.

Confidential information also shall be construed to mean any information acquired from a third party pursuant to a non-disclosure (confidentiality) agreement (“NDA”) or confidentiality clauses contained in contractual arrangements with such third parties. Such NDAs or confidentiality clauses generally require DoubleLine to keep the other party’s Confidential Information in confidence using a reasonable degree of care, which shall be at least the same degree of care that DoubleLine uses to maintain its own Confidential Information of like importance, and to use the other party’s Confidential Information only to carry out its obligations and exercise its rights under the applicable agreement. DoubleLine Personnel are encouraged and reminded to allow access to such third parties’ confidential information only to those of employees having a need to know such information. DoubleLine Personnel also should consult members of the Legal Department if any questions arise about the particular terms of any NDA or the confidentiality clause of any applicable contract.



Sharing of Information Within the Companies

DoubleLine Personnel should only share client or proprietary information within the Companies with individuals that have a legitimate business need for knowing the particular information. In addition, employees should not share information in violation of any Information Walls implemented by the Companies as a means of isolating certain kinds of sensitive information within the Companies so that it is not available to employees that perform “public” functions, such as the making of recommendations or giving of advice with respect to trading. Employees should bring to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer any attempt by other Personnel to solicit or obtain client or proprietary information for which they do not have a legitimate business need.






Each individual that becomes aware of any attempt by Personnel to solicit or obtain client or proprietary information for which they do not have a legitimate business need should bring such matter to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each applicable individual



Presentations to the Fund’s Trustees


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In presenting or furnishing a report to the Fund’s Trustees, representatives of service providers (such as an Adviser) to the Funds generally should refrain from identifying or discussing Fund portfolio transactions that occurred within the preceding 15 calendar days or Fund portfolio transactions that will occur or are actively being considered within the following 15 calendar days (a “Disclosed Portfolio Transaction”). Exceptions to the foregoing policy may be made upon the request of a Trustee, with the permission of the Chief Compliance Officer or as is otherwise necessary for the Trustees to fulfill their oversight responsibilities.



Notification to Disinterested Trustees

For the purposes of assisting the Disinterested Trustees in fulfilling their reporting obligations under the Code, whenever the Chief Compliance Officer is informed or otherwise becomes aware of a Disclosed Portfolio Transaction, the Chief Compliance Officer shall provide the Disinterested Trustees with specific notice of such fact and remind them of the reporting requirements applicable to the Disinterested Trustees with respect to the applicable securities. Notwithstanding such obligation on the part of the Chief Compliance Officer, any failure by the Chief Compliance Officer to provide such notice shall not affect or otherwise lessen in any way any reporting obligation that the Disinterested Trustees may have under this Code or otherwise.






The Chief Compliance Officer, upon becoming aware of a Disclosed Portfolio Transaction, shall provide notice of such fact to the Disinterested Trustees.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer






Document: Notification to the Disinterested Trustees of a Disclosed Portfolio Transaction


Responsible Party: Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years from the end of the fiscal year in which the notice is given, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Fund and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practices.



Sharing of Information Outside the Companies

DoubleLine Personnel should not discuss or share client or proprietary information with individuals outside the Companies, other than with parties that both have a legitimate need to know such information and have either provided a confidentially agreement that covers such


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information, which, in accordance with the Companies’ policies, has been reviewed and approved by the Companies’ Legal/Compliance Department (or outside legal counsel, as appropriate) or are themselves under a separate duty to maintain the confidentiality of the information, such as, for example, the Companies’ outside counsel or accounting firm, or employees of regulated entities such as prime brokers, clearing firms or transfer agents. When any doubt exists as to the need for a confidentially agreement, employees should contact the Companies’ Legal/Compliance Department or legal counsel if appropriate.



Reasonable Safeguards

DoubleLine Personnel should use special care to limit the possibility of inadvertent disclosure of client or proprietary information. In particular, Personnel should:



keep their desk and work areas clear of all confidential information when they are not present;



lock (via the screen or similar locking mechanism) all desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones, blackberries and other such devices when unattended;



dispose of confidential documents by shredding them or placing them in confidential document waste bins or otherwise complying with proper document destruction procedures;



keep sensitive information removed from the office out of public view;



limit discussions of such information within the Companies to individuals who have a legitimate business need for knowing the particular information;



consider whether the use of a code name in place of a client’s name may be advisable (or contractually required) and



consider whether the use of a code name in place of an issuer’s name may be advisable.

Employees should not:



leave confidential information in the open, including in a conference room, once a meeting is over;



discuss confidential information in places where it may be inadvertently overheard by unauthorized persons, such as in elevators, public transportation, restaurants or the like;



discuss confidential information while using a speaker-phone that is turned up loud enough to be overhead by visitors or unauthorized Personnel; or


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discuss confidential information with individuals outside the Companies except in accordance with the policy set forth above.



Reporting of Possible Confidentiality Breach

Employees should promptly bring to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer or legal counsel (if deemed appropriate) any suspicion that an unauthorized person has obtained confidential information.



Special Considerations Involving Information Disclosure About Publicly Traded Clients

The inadvertent disclosure of nonpublic information about a client that has publicly traded securities outstanding may trigger a disclosure requirement on the part of the client. Accordingly, anyone who unintentionally discloses nonpublic information regarding a client that has publicly traded securities should immediately contact the Chief Compliance Officer so that a determination can be made as to whether there is a need to take any action, including alerting such client of such disclosure so that it will have an opportunity to publicly disclose such information.



Each individual should promptly bring any suspicion that an unauthorized person has obtained confidential information to the attention of the Chief Compliance Office or the General Counsel.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each applicable individual


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Companies’ Policy – Insider Trading

It is unlawful for any person to trade on one’s own behalf or on behalf of others, or to “tip” or recommend trading in securities on the basis of material nonpublic (i.e., inside) information concerning an issuer or to pass such information to others improperly. Violations of the foregoing can result in severe civil and criminal penalties for the individuals involved and can result in the imposition of significant penalties on the Companies.

The possession of material nonpublic information by any employee or other Personnel may be attributed to the Companies generally unless the information is effectively isolated by the use of Information Walls so that it is not available to employees that perform public functions, including trading and the making of recommendations or giving of advice with respect to trading. A breach of the Companies’ Information Walls so that nonpublic information is not confined to Personnel that do not perform public functions can result in the Companies being required to suspend activities involving trading and the making of recommendations in whole or in part for some indefinite period of time in certain circumstances.

As a result, strict compliance with all applicable procedures that the Companies institute to contain the flow of material nonpublic information is required of all Personnel. Moreover, and as described more fully below, Personnel that become aware of material nonpublic information must promptly contact the Chief Compliance Officer and otherwise comply with the requirements of Subsection D below.

The provisions of this Section VI shall, and shall be construed so as to, apply to the Trustees of the Trust, DSL or DBL who are not interested persons of DBL, DSL, the Trust or the Advisers only in respect or their status and activities as such.

Personnel that have questions concerning the requirements of the policies set forth in this Section are urged to consult with their supervisor, the compliance personnel responsible for maintaining information walls, the Chief Compliance Officer or legal counsel as appropriate.



Recognizing Material Nonpublic Information



Nonpublic Information

Typically, for purposes of the U.S. securities laws, information is considered “nonpublic” if the information has not been broadly disseminated to investors in the marketplace such as by releasing the information over the news wires, disclosing it in public filings (e.g., Forms 10-K or 10-Q) or otherwise disseminating it in a manner that makes it fully available to investors and a reasonable time has elapsed to allow such dissemination.


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Information is considered “material” if: (1) there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would consider the information important in making an investment decision; or (2) a reasonable investor would consider it as having significantly altered the total mix of information relating to the issuer’s securities. Generally, this includes any information the disclosure of which would have a meaningful effect on the price of an outstanding security.

Determining materiality is a fact-specific inquiry, requiring a careful assessment of the inferences a reasonable person would draw from a given set of facts. By way of guidance, the Securities and Exchange Commission has indicated the following as examples of the types of information or events that may be considered material:



impending or potential mergers, acquisitions, tender offers, joint ventures, or changes in assets, such as a large disposal of the same;



earnings or revenue information and changes in previously disclosed financial information;



events regarding the issuer’s securities, e.g., advance knowledge of a ratings downgrade, defaults on securities, calls of securities for redemption, public or private sales of additional securities, stock splits or changes in dividends, repurchase plans or changes to the rights of security holders;



new products or discoveries, or developments regarding clients or suppliers (e.g., the acquisition or loss of a major contract);



significant changes in control or management;



changes in auditors or auditor notification that the issuer may no longer rely on an auditor’s report;



impending bankruptcies or receiverships;



information relating to the market for an issuer’s securities, such as a large order to purchase or sell securities; and



prepublication information regarding reports in the financial press.

Because assessments of materiality are necessarily highly fact-specific, when in doubt DoubleLine Personnel should err on the side of caution and treat the matter in question as material and bring such matter to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer for further consideration.



Breach of Fiduciary Duty or Duty of Trust or Confidence

Generally, except in the case of tender offers (as described in the immediately following subparagraph), the legal prohibitions on the use of material nonpublic information are


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dependent upon such information being obtained under a fiduciary duty or a duty of trust or confidence (or, directly or indirectly, from someone who has such a duty). Nevertheless, even where information is obtained outside of a fiduciary relationship or relationship of trust or confidence, the use of material nonpublic information may still trigger regulatory investigations and reputational concerns.     For this reason, as a general policy, the Companies prohibit intentionally obtaining any material, nonpublic information by all Personnel, regardless of whether the information is obtained pursuant to a fiduciary duty or a duty of trust or confidence, except to the extent explicit written approval is obtained from the General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer, or a designee of either the General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer. An example of such approval would be the creation (in writing) of an information wall to facilitate the receipt of such material, nonpublic information.



Special Situations -- Tender Offers

Exchange Act Rule 14e-3 specifically prohibits trading or “tipping,” e.g., providing information to third parties, while in the possession of material nonpublic information regarding a tender offer received from the tender offeror, the target company or anyone acting on behalf of either – irrespective of whether the information was obtained in breach of a fiduciary duty or similar duty of trust and confidence. Personnel that become aware of nonpublic information relating to a tender offer must promptly contact the Chief Compliance Officer and otherwise comply with the requirements of Subsection D below.



Avoiding the Inadvertent Receipt and Misuse of Material Nonpublic Information

Nonpublic information may come to the attention of DoubleLine Personnel in a variety of ways. Personnel should be aware of the most likely situations so that they can either avoid being inadvertently “tainted” with such information, which as discussed above may impact their ability to perform their usual functions for the Companies as well as the Companies’ ability to engage in business as usual, or take such actions as are described below to minimize the impact such information may have on the Companies and the affected employee.

In the event any Personnel comes into possession of, or is otherwise exposed to, nonpublic information, such individual must immediately notify the Chief Compliance Officer or designee and must otherwise comply with the requirements of Subsection D below. Upon being informed of any such matter, the Chief Compliance Officer or designee will make a determination of whether trading (as a firm or for personal trades or both) or other restrictions or controls should be put in place to minimize any conflicts of interest that may result or lead to any improper use or dissemination of material nonpublic information by the Companies or their employees. Personnel in possession of material nonpublic information may not discuss the information with, or provide any investment views with respect to any securities to which the information represents material nonpublic information to, anyone else within or outside the Companies except the General Counsel, the Chief Compliance Officer or other members of the Legal/Compliance Department; as otherwise expressly permitted by this Code of Ethics; or as may be expressly authorized in writing by the Chief Compliance Officer or General Counsel. See Section VI.D. below.


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Each individual contacted for the purpose of gauging the Companies’ interest in a potential transaction that has not been publicly disclosed, is responsible for directing the other party to the Chief Compliance Officer and for bringing such contact to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The applicable individual




From time to time, investment banks may contact Personnel for the purpose of gauging the Companies’ interest in a potential transaction that has not yet been publicly disclosed. Because of the potential for such conversations, even when conducted on a hypothetical or no names basis, to result in the disclosure of material, nonpublic information, such conversations must be coordinated through the Chief Compliance Officer and comply with any restrictions or other requirements imposed thereby.

Personnel that are contacted for such purpose must promptly interrupt the investment bank representatives and inform them that applicable policies require that such calls be coordinated through the Companies’ General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer. After providing the investment banking representatives with contact information for the General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer, the contacted Personnel should terminate the call and promptly bring the call to the attention to the General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer. 4



Involvement by the Companies in a Nonpublic Transaction

The Advisers may bid for, or cause one of its clients to bid for, securities in a company, purchase securities in a private placement, serve on a creditors’ committee with respect to a bankrupt entity, or otherwise be involved in another type of transaction with an issuer through which the Advisers may be made aware of material nonpublic information. In such situations, the head of the business unit involved in such transactions is responsible for informing the Chief Compliance Officer of such involvement at or before the initiation thereof, to the extent practical, but in any event before any material nonpublic information is provided to the Advisers or any Personnel.




4 Assuming the proper protocols are followed, this provision is not intended to prevent personnel from providing an indication of interest to purchase shares of an initial public offering, whether in the context of a roadshow or as part of an underwriter gathering its book for a pending deal.


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The head of the business unit involved in any transaction with an issuer that may result in the receipt by an Adviser of material nonpublic information is responsible for bringing such matter to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The applicable business unit head



Intentional Receipt of Material Non Public Information

If you intend to receive any material, non-public information related to a company with a class of publicly traded securities (whether domestic or foreign), you must contact the Chief Compliance Officer or the Legal/Compliance Department in advance of its receipt. The Chief Compliance Officer or the Legal/Compliance Department will work with the appropriate business unit(s) to determine whether to receive the information and whether to implement informational wall and other procedures, as appropriate.

Under certain circumstances, Personnel may seek or agree to receive material non-public information for a legitimate purpose in the context of a transaction in which an Adviser (or its affiliates), on behalf of itself or a client entity or account, is a potential participant or in the context of forming a confidential relationship. This may include receiving “private” information from agent banks, normally facilitated through on-line services such as, but not limited to, Intralinks, Debt Domain or SyndTrak. This information may be available to all potential purchasers of an investment opportunity represented, for example, by an investment which may not generally qualify as a “security” for purposes of the federal securities laws (e.g., certain bank loans). Typically, that information can be used to evaluate the investment opportunity and in making an investment decision.

Prior to receipt of such information, the Personnel must request approval from the Chief Compliance Officer or his or her designee.

Generally, if a confidentiality agreement is to be signed in the context of such transactions, members of the Legal/Compliance group should evaluate carefully whether a duty of confidentiality and/or a duty not to trade in the relevant issuer’s securities without prior disclosure will be created before any information is received under the confidentiality agreement. However, even in the absence of a written confidentiality agreement, a duty to disclose material non-public information before trading may be created when an oral agreement is made or an expectation exists that the confidentiality of such information will be maintained or that the information will not be used in trading. For example, if the persons providing or receiving the information have a pattern or practice of sharing confidences so that the recipient knows or reasonably should know that the provider expects the information to be kept confidential, such pattern or practice may be sufficient to form a confidential relationship.


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Material non-public or deal-specific information may be given in connection with an Adviser making a direct investment in a company on behalf of a client in the form of equity or debt; it may also involve a purchase by an Adviser on behalf of a client of a debt or equity security in a secondary transaction or in the form of a loan participation. The information can be conveyed through a portal such as Intralinks, Debt Domain or SyndTrak, orally from a sponsor or dealer or through other electronic delivery or hard copy documentation. This type of situation typically arises in mezzanine financings, loan participations, bank debt financings, venture capital financing, purchases of distressed securities, oil and gas investments and purchases of substantial blocks of stock from insiders. Even though the investment for which the deal-specific information is being received may not be a publicly traded security, the company may have other classes of publicly traded securities, and the receipt of the information by an Adviser can affect the ability of other parts of the organization to trade in the issuer’s securities. For the aforementioned reasons, prior to receiving any information that may constitute material, non-public information on a company with any class of publicly traded securities (whether domestic or foreign), please contact the Legal/Compliance Department, who will help to evaluate whether the information may represent material non public information and, where necessary, implement the appropriate Information Wall and trading procedures.



Contacts with Officials or Representatives of Publicly-Held Companies

Contacts with public companies may constitute an important part of the Companies’ research efforts and investment decisions may be made based on conclusions formed through these contacts, as well as through an analysis of publicly available information. Difficult legal issues arise, however, when, in the course of these contacts, Personnel become aware of material nonpublic information.     This could happen, for example, if an issuer’s Chief Financial Officer prematurely discloses quarterly results to an individual associated with the Companies, or an investor relations representative selectively discloses significant news to a handful of investors, including Personnel of a Company. In such situations, the Companies must make a judgment as to its further conduct. Any individual who believes he or she may receive or has received material nonpublic information about an issuer must promptly contact the Chief Compliance Officer and otherwise comply with the requirements of Subsection D below.

Whenever practicable, Personnel shall provide advance notice to the Chief Compliance Officer or his designate of any meetings Personnel will attend at which officials or representatives of a company with securities will discuss matters related to the issuer of the securities unless the meeting is open to the public or open broadly to the investment community. Upon the request of the Chief Compliance Officer or designate, the Personnel attending such a meeting shall provide a brief summary of the substantive information provided during the meeting.


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Any individual who believes he or she may have received nonpublic information from an issuer is responsible for promptly bringing such matter to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each applicable individual




Board Seats

DoubleLine Personnel are sometimes asked to sit or act as Board members for an issuer of publicly held securities. As noted at Section IX A hereof, any such arrangement must be pre- approved and, in connection therewith, the Chief Compliance Officer, in accordance with Subsection E below, will make a determination of whether trading or other restrictions or controls should be put in place to minimize any conflicts of interest that may result therefrom or prevent the improper use or dissemination of material nonpublic information by the Companies or its employees and as is required to comply with any restrictions imposed by the issuer on its directors. It should be noted that such approval generally will not be granted.

In addition, Board members of public issuers may also be exposed to material nonpublic information concerning other publicly held companies that may have dealings with the company on whose board they sit. Personnel sitting on the board of a company who receive material nonpublic information concerning other publicly held companies must immediately contact the Chief Compliance Officer and otherwise comply with the requirements of Subsection D below.



Creditors’ Committees

Participants on creditors’ committees are often exposed to nonpublic information regarding the debtor company. This exposure may affect the Companies’ ability to trade in securities in that company. Accordingly, Personnel should not agree to sit on any creditor’s committee, whether official or informal (including preliminary meetings that precede creditors’ committees), without first contacting the Chief Compliance Officer, who will obtain any necessary approvals and make a determination of whether trading or other restrictions or controls should be put in place to minimize any conflicts of interest that may result therefrom or any improper use of material nonpublic information by the Companies or its employees and as may otherwise be required of members of the creditor committee.



Other Situations



Information Originating within the Companies

Material, non-public information may include information originating within the Companies, for example, information regarding open-end or closed-end funds advised by the Advisers, such as information on a fund’s portfolio holdings, net asset value, expected dividend rate, or any other information that could be considered material. DoubleLine Personnel that are


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contacted by another employee for the purpose of communicating material, nonpublic information as to which the employee was previously unaware must immediately notify the Chief Compliance Officer regardless of whether any nonpublic information is actually communicated and may be required to comply with the requirements of Subsection D below. See Exhibit VIII for information on restrictions on DoubleLine Personnel trading in shares of closed-end funds advised by the Advisers.



Information Originating Outside the Companies

All Personnel who come into receipt of material nonpublic information, no matter what the source or circumstances, must immediately contact the Chief Compliance Officer and may have to comply with the requirements of Subsection D below.



Expert Networks

The Companies occasionally use expert networks as part of its research efforts. A more detailed procedure regarding the use of expert networks is contained within the Advisers’ Compliance Manual.






Any individual who believes he or she may have received material nonpublic information or who has been contacted by another employee for the purpose of communicating material nonpublic information of which the individual was previously generally unaware, must promptly bring such matter to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each applicable individual




Required Steps to Take If You Have Been Exposed to Material Nonpublic Information

Personnel who believe they have been exposed to or may possess material nonpublic information should cease any further actions in any way related to such information or any issuer to which it relates and immediately take the following steps:



contact the Chief Compliance Officer or Legal/Compliance Personnel;



refrain from discussing the information with, or providing any investment views with respect to any securities to which the information relates to, anyone else within or outside the Companies



Except that you may disclose the information to the General Counsel, the Chief Compliance Officer or other members of the Legal/Compliance Department in accordance with your obligations under this Code of Ethics and you may disclose the information and/or provide your investment view with respect to the relevant securities as expressly permitted by this


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Code of Ethics or as may be expressly authorized in writing by the Chief Compliance Officer or General Counsel;



refrain from transactions involving the subject securities or related securities (whether for a personal account or an account of a client) or otherwise attempting to take advantage of the information whether for one’s own benefit, that of the Companies, a client or any other person; and



comply with any restrictions or controls that are put in place by the Companies in response to such exposure or possession.

Personnel who are authorized to possess material nonpublic information in accordance with this Code of Ethics shall take all appropriate measures to prevent the unauthorized dissemination of that information, including:



reviewing such information in a private office; and



avoiding the storage of such information on any network drives to which others (other than the Chief Compliance Officer, Legal, IT or Compliance Personnel and anyone else cleared to view the exact same information) have permission to access.



Responsibilities of the Chief Compliance Officer



Upon Receipt of Notification of Possible Receipt of Material, Nonpublic Information/Imposition of Information Barriers

Upon the receipt of any notification with respect to the receipt by Personnel of possible material, nonpublic information, the Chief Compliance Officer, in conjunction with legal counsel if deemed necessary, shall be responsible for making a determination of whether the information is material and nonpublic and, if so, whether any actions or precautions should be taken, including restricting the Companies’ activities in any way or placing an Information Wall around the individual involved in such matter together with any other relevant individuals from the public portions of the Companies.



Restrictions on Communication and Information Barriers

Individuals subject to information barriers are prohibited from discussing the information that gave rise to the information barrier except:



among other individuals who are part of the same walled off group;



with the Companies’ legal counsel, Chief Compliance Officer or such other persons as the Chief Compliance Officer shall specifically direct.


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Individuals subject to information barriers should use care to maintain the information that gave rise to the information barrier in confidence and shall:



take reasonable steps, including such steps as are set forth at Subsection D of Section V hereof, to safeguard the protected information;



not discuss such matter with anyone except as specifically provided above; and



in accordance with Subsection B of Section V hereof, bring to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer any attempt by Personnel to solicit or obtain such information unless they have a legitimate business need or reason.




The Chief Compliance Officer shall also be responsible for documenting any notice received, any review undertaken, and any action taken.






The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for determining whether any matter reported is material and nonpublic and, if so, the Companies’ response thereto.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer







Document: Notice of any receipt of material nonpublic information by any individual and the Companies’ response thereto.


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practices





The Chief Compliance Officer shall be responsible for managing the Companies’ participation in any response thereto. (See also the discussion at Section VI. C. 1.)


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The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for managing the Companies’ response to any pre-sounding request.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer







Document: Documentation of any response to a pre-sounding request.


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years, such documentation to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practices




Maintenance of Restricted and Watch List

The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for maintaining the Companies’ Restricted and Watch Lists. The Chief Compliance Officer may designate others to assist with the maintenance of these lists.

The Restricted List generally may be disclosed to DoubleLine Personnel and consists of a list of issuers, e.g.., companies, in which Personnel are prohibited from trading, absent an exemption from such restriction.

The Watch List generally is not disclosed to Personnel and consists of a list of issuers as to which a limited or select group of Personnel may be in possession of material nonpublic material information or other sensitive information. However, the Chief Compliance Office may share the Watch List with certain Personnel as necessary to further the purposes of this Code of Ethics or for other purposes the Chief Compliance Officer deems necessary or appropriate.

The Restricted and Watch Lists are maintained separately. The Restricted List is typically stored on network drives accessible to all Access Persons, while the Watch List shall not be stored on network drives accessible by Access Person except as the Chief Compliance Officer may deem necessary to further the purposes of this Code of Ethics or for other purposes the Chief Compliance Officer deems necessary or appropriate.

The Companies also maintain a list of bank loan borrowers which are not currently issuers of public securities and in respect of which Personnel have accessed private information on services such as, but not limited to, Intralinks, Debt Domain or SyndTrak.


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The Companies also maintain a list of private issuers (such as hedge funds or private operating companies) in which Personnel are invested, based on information gathered as part of the procedures outlined in this Code of Ethics.

As a general matter, the Chief Compliance Officer shall be responsible for the determination to add or remove an issuer from any of the Restricted List, the Watch List, the list of bank loan borrowers, the list of private issuers or any other lists deemed necessary to comply with these provisions of the Code of Ethics.

In considering whether an issuer should be added or removed from the Restricted or Watch List, the following presumptions shall apply:



Issuers that are the subject of an Information Wall or similar controls should be placed on the Companies’ Watch List.



Issuers as to which Personnel are in possession of material nonpublic information should be placed on the Companies’ Watch List, provided that if such information is not restricted to a limited number of Walled Off individuals, the issuer should be placed on the Companies’ Restricted List.



Issuers for whom Personnel serve as directors or members of official creditors’ committee should generally be placed on the Restricted List or, if information walls or other appropriate measures are taken, on the Watch List.






The Chief Compliance Officer or designee is responsible for maintaining the Companies’ Watch and Restricted Lists.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer or designee



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Document: Documentation of any consideration to add an issuer to the Companies’ Watch or Restricted Lists.


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period:     A minimum of five years, such documentation to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practices




Reporting of Insider Trading Activity

All DoubleLine Personnel are required to immediately report to the Chief Compliance Officer any activity related to a client or client related account or employee or employee related account that appears to be based upon material nonpublic information. Upon receipt of such notice, the Chief Compliance Officer shall be responsible for conducting such review with respect thereto as the Chief Compliance Officer believes appropriate and, in conjunction with the Companies’ senior management, for determining whether the Companies should take any action in response thereto, including reporting such matter to any official, as may be required or appropriate and for documenting such notice, review and determination. The Chief Compliance Officer may deem it appropriate, but is not required, to engage outside counsel to conduct an investigation into or assist with a review of such matters.




Any individual who is aware of any activity related to a client or client related account or employee or employee related account that appears to be based upon material nonpublic information, shall promptly report it to the Chief Compliance Officer.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each applicable individual






The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for conducting a review upon receipt of a report of possible insider trading and for determining, in conjunction with the Companies’ senior management, whether the Companies should take any action in response thereto.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer



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Document: Documentation of the review and investigation of purported insider trading activity and the Adviser’s response thereto


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years from the end of the fiscal year in which the applicable individual ceases to be a supervised person of the Companies, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practice




Reviews for Insider Trading Activity

The Compliance Department may review employee activities for insider trading related activities (to include personal or client trading, as well as management of material non-public information), including but not limited to (i) monitoring or reviewing of email communications or other interactions between Personnel and representatives of issuers of securities and (ii) monitoring of meeting calendars of Personnel for meetings with officers or representatives of issuers of securities. Employees shall cooperate with the Compliance Department’s review of such activities.



Annual Attestation

Personnel will be required to attest annually to their compliance with the foregoing policies on insider-trading. See the form at Exhibit XI E.




   Advisers Act Section 204A: Prevention of Misuse of Nonpublic Information

Advisers Act Section 206: Prohibited Transactions by Investment Advisers


Exchange Act, Section 9: Manipulation of Security Prices


Exchange Act, Section 10: Manipulative and Deceptive Devices


Exchange Act Rule 10b5-1: Trading on the Basis of Material Nonpublic Information in Insider Trading Cases


Exchange Act Rule 14e-3: Transactions in Securities on the Basis of Material, Nonpublic Information in the Context of Tender Offers



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General Statement of Companies’ Policy With Respect to Account and Notification

All DoubleLine Personnel, other than Disinterested Trustees, are required to notify the Companies promptly, in the manner provided below, upon opening any outside account for a Covered Person or Immediate Family Member, each as hereinafter defined, for the purchase, holding or disposition of any financial product, e.g., a security, future, commodity, or any derivative thereon, provided that no notice shall be required with respect to an account of an Immediate Family Member to the extent the individual has no direct or indirect influence or control over such account and that Personnel shall be required to certify in writing that they have no direct or indirect influence or control over such account.

The term “Covered Person” shall mean any account that is beneficially owned by (i) an individual who is subject to these procedures; (ii) such individual’s spouse or domestic partner; (iii) such individual’s child or a child of the individual’s spouse or domestic partner, provided, in each case, the child resides in the same household with, or is financially dependent upon, the individual; and (iv) any account as to which the individual has discretionary authority or direct influence or control, including any account for which an individual acts as trustee, executor or custodian, but excluding any account for an Adviser’s client to the extent the discretion is exercised on behalf of the Adviser.

The term “Immediate Family Member” shall mean, any grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in law, brother-in law, or sister-in- law, but only to the extent such family member shares a household with the individual.

Personnel who are new to the Companies, or whose employment predates the date this Code was first put into effect, must, promptly notify the Companies of all existing accounts that would otherwise fall within the foregoing notification requirement.

All DoubleLine Personnel are also required to notify the Companies promptly upon any change in the account set up information, e.g., a change to the name of the account or the account number, or the closing of such account.

Any information required to be submitted to the Companies pursuant to this Section VII may be delivered, at the Companies’ option, through authorized and designated compliance systems designed for such purpose.

1.            Account and Initial Holdings Notification

All account and initial holding notifications, including account openings, changes to an account and account closings, must be made in writing to designated Compliance Personnel, and in the case of accounts, shall include the name of the broker, dealer, bank or other party with whom the account was established. Such notification should be provided using Exhibit VII A1 (or its substantial equivalent in any designated compliance system). All initial holding notifications shall be submitted within ten (10) days of a person being designated as


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an Access Person and being subjected to the requirements of the Code. Information submitted in initial holdings reports must be current as of a date no more than forty five (45) days prior to the date the person becomes an Access Person. Information submitted in annual holdings reports must be current as of a date no more than forty five (45) days prior to the date submitted.

At the time any such notification is made, the brokerage or other firm that is to carry the account also must be notified of the need to provide copies of account statements and confirmations to the Companies. Such notification should be provided by completing and mailing a copy of the form letter attached hereto as Exhibit VII A2.



Right of Companies to Limit Where Accounts May be Carried

Notwithstanding anything herein, the Companies reserve the right to limit the particular firms at which personal securities accounts may be opened and carried, provided that the Chief Compliance Officer may grant exceptions to such policy in the case of hardship or for other good cause.






All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for providing the Companies with prompt notification with respect to all financial accounts related to holdings of securities, futures, commodities, or any derivative.









Document: Documentation related to account and initial position notification


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the account was approved, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Adviser and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(1) and (e) and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)




Disclosure and Furnishing of Quarterly Transaction Reports Regarding Financial Products

No later than thirty days after the end of each calendar quarter, all Personnel, other than Disinterested Trustees, must provide designated Compliance personnel with the following information with respect to all transactions during such quarter involving a security or


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financial product, other than “Excluded Transaction,” as defined below, in which they have any direct or indirect beneficial interest:



The date of the transaction, the type of product and, as applicable, the exchange ticker symbol or CUSIP, the title, the interest rate and maturity date (if applicable), the number of shares and the principal amount of each security or financial product involved;



The price of the security or financial product at which the transaction was effected;



The name of the broker, dealer, bank or other party with or through which the transaction was effected; and



The date that the report is submitted.



Excluded Transactions

For purposes hereof, the term “Excluded Transaction” means any of the following:



A transaction involving an Excluded Product (as defined in Section VII A 7) or a Non-Volitional Transaction



A transaction as to which all of the information required to be reported is contained in a broker trade confirmation or account statement that has been previously provided to the Companies;



A transaction pursuant to an “Automatic Investment Plan,” which, in accordance with Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(a)(11), means a program in which regular periodic purchases (or withdrawals) are made automatically in (or from) investment accounts in accordance with a predetermined schedule and allocation and which includes a dividend reinvestment plan.



All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for providing the Companies with timely quarterly transaction reports in a form substantially similar to Exhibit VII A 3.




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Document: Quarterly transaction reports


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the account was approved, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(1) and (e) and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)



Annual Holdings Reports

As required by Rule 204A-1 under the Advisers Act, and Rule 17j-1 under the Investment Company Act, not later than 45 days after January 1st, all Personnel, other than Disinterested Trustees, are required to report in a dated writing to the Chief Compliance Officer the following information, which must be current as of January 1st:



The title, number of shares and principal amount of each security or financial product, other than an Excluded Product, in which the individual has any direct or indirect beneficial ownership;



The name of any broker, dealer, bank or other party through whom an account is held for the direct or indirect benefit of the individual.



The timing of the submission of these reports is designed to coincide with a quarterly transaction report to alleviate confusion about the submission of reports.



All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for providing the Companies with timely annual holdings reports using the form (or its substantial equivalent in any designated compliance system)) found at Exhibit VII A1.




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Document: Annual holdings reports


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the account was approved, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(1) and (e) and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)



Reporting Requirements Applicable to Disinterested Trustees

While Disinterested Trustees are not subject to the foregoing reporting requirements, they are required to report any transaction, other than a “Non-Reportable Transaction” (as hereinafter defined), involving a security, other than one that is an Excluded Product, undertaken by the Disinterested Trustee or any Covered Person or any Immediate Family Member, if the Disinterested Trustee knew or, in the ordinary course of fulfilling his or her official duties as a Trustee of the Fund, should have known that, during a 15-day period immediately preceding or after the date of the transaction, (i) the Fund purchased or sold such security, or (ii) the Fund or an adviser to the Fund was considering the purchase or sale of such security (such transaction a “Covered Transaction”).



Reporting Requirements

Any Disinterested Trustee that is required to report a Covered Transaction shall, no later than 30 days after the end of the calendar quarter in which such transaction occurred, file such report containing such information with respect to such transaction and any account in which the transacted securities were held with the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer.



Definition of Non-Reportable Transaction

For purposes hereof, the term “Non-Reportable Transaction” means any transaction taken as part of an Automatic Investment Plan or a Non-Volitional Transaction.



Each Disinterested Trustee is responsible for providing the applicable Adviser with timely quarterly transaction reports, as or if applicable.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Each Disinterested Trustee


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Document: Quarterly transactions reports for Disinterested Trustees


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the account was approved, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(1) and (e) and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)



Other Reports or Information

Notwithstanding the foregoing, all Personnel may be required to provide such additional information regarding any holdings of, or transactions in, financial products at such times and in such manner as designated Compliance Personnel may request.



Excluded Products

For purposes hereof, the term “Excluded Products” means the following:



Direct obligations of the federal government of the United States (Note for clarification: this does not include obligations of any state, including obligations of any municipality or state agency).



Bankers’ acceptances, bank certificates of deposit, commercial paper and high quality short-term debt instruments, including repurchase agreements.



Shares issued by money market funds.



Shares in open-end investment companies (mutual funds) (Note: this does not include open-end investment companies that are advised or sub-advised by DoubleLine or any affiliate).



Shares issued by unit investment trusts that are invested exclusively in one or more mutual funds not advised by DoubleLine or any affiliate. (Mutual funds advised by DoubleLine or any affiliate are “Reportable Funds”.)



Nonfinancial commodities (e.g., pork belly contracts).



Investments in 529 plans not managed, distributed, marketed or underwritten by an DoubleLine or any of its affiliates.5



Non-Volitional Transaction



5 See SEC no-action letter, WilmerHale, July 28, 2010.


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For purposes hereof, the term “Non-Volitional Transaction” means any transaction effected for any account over which the applicable Personnel had no direct or indirect influence or control, including transactions such as demutualization, stock splits, stock from mergers or spin-offs, automatic tender offers or stock dividends.



Review of Account Statements and Holding Report Notifications

On a monthly basis, designated Compliance Personnel shall review any account statement and any Holding Report Notification form submitted by Personnel. Personnel shall arrange for duplicates of account statements and confirmations by using Exhibit VII A2 (or its substantial equivalent in any designated compliance system). Should an Access Person be designated to review account statements and holding reports, an independent Access Person (independent of and senior to the reviewing Access Person) shall review the primary reviewer’s account statements and holding reports.



The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for the completion of any required review.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: The Chief Compliance Officer.




Document: Documentation relating to the review of employee trading


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the matter reported related, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Best practices and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f)(1)(C)


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Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(a) (3): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (review of securities transactions and holdings)


Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(b): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (reporting requirements)


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(1): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (record of report with respect to securities transactions)


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(e): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (holding period for certain records)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(d): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Reporting Requirements of Access Persons)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(e): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Preapproval of Investments in IPOs and Limited Offerings)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(f): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Recordkeeping Requirements)



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The Companies impose a number of restrictions on trading and investment activities by DoubleLine Personnel, other than Disinterested Trustees. These restrictions are designed to assist the Companies in complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements; to help avoid conflicts of interest, including apparent conflicts; and, ultimately, to protect the Companies’ reputation.



Provisions of General Applicability



Prohibition on Doing Indirectly What Cannot Be Done Directly

DoubleLine Personnel are expected to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the restrictions and prohibitions set forth in this Code. Accordingly, to the extent any transaction would put an individual in an economic position that would be substantially equivalent to a prohibited or restricted transaction, such transaction is similarly prohibited or restricted. By way of illustration, where a long position in an underlying equity would be prohibited, it would be prohibited for an individual to establish a derivative or synthetic position that achieves similar economics.



When in Doubt

When in doubt as to the applicability of these restrictions and prohibitions to any transaction, Personnel should either refrain from entering into the transaction or discuss the matter with their supervisor or a member of Compliance or Legal.



Breaking Trades

As all or part of a sanction imposed, the Companies may require that Personnel break or unwind any transaction entered into by any Personnel in violation of these provisions. In such case, the Companies shall not have any obligation to reimburse the individual for any loss suffered as a result thereof and any realized profits shall be disgorged and provided to a charitable organization chosen by the Companies.




The Chief Compliance Officer may grant exceptions to certain restrictions or prohibitions set forth herein in the case of hardship or for other good cause, provided that any such exemption shall be documented and otherwise in compliance with any applicable legal requirements.



Trade Request Submission Requirements and Timing Expectations

Personnel should understand that the Approving Officers will be under no obligation to respond to any request for approval within any stated time and once any such matter is considered may withhold approval for any reason or for no reason at all and, in any event, may withhold approval where it is determined that any such transaction may be legally


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uncertain, may give the appearance of a conflict of interest, or may expose the Companies to reputational risk, risk of regulatory inquiry or other harm, no matter how remote.

All personal trades must be submitted through the designated compliance system (currently Schwab Compliance Technologies). Certain transactions may require additional documentation (such as the form provided as Exhibit VIII C) at the discretion of the Approving Officers.

Should any person use email to make a personal trade request, such person is presumed to be making all of the representations that are present on the sample forms provided in this policy (including similar forms available in any electronic or automated preclearance system). The use of email to make such requests should be restricted to situations such as when the requestor is out of office or the use of the prescribed form is otherwise impractical and such procedure should be considered to be the exception to the general procedure of requesting preapproval using the form provided as Exhibit VIII C.

NOTE: Post-approval is not permitted. Any trade completed before pre-approval is obtained or after the approval window has terminated may be broken or unwound as provided at Section VIII. B. 4 and may result in disciplinary action.



Document: Documents related to any decision to approve a hardship or other exception


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer, as applicable


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the approval was given or denied.


Regulatory Reference: Best practices and Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(iii) and 204A-1(c)



Prohibitions and Pre-Approval Requirements of General Applicability



Prohibited Transactions

Nonpublic Information. All DoubleLine Personnel are strictly prohibited from trading or participating in any investment activity, including without limitation the making of any recommendation, whether on their own behalf or on behalf of a shareholder or client of the Companies or other third party, on the basis of material nonpublic information or nonpublic client information, including client securities information.


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Manipulative Conduct. Personnel are strictly prohibited from engaging in any trading or investment activity that constitutes manipulative conduct. This would includes trades that do not have a bona fide purpose, e.g., that are done to influence market price or convey a false appearance of price movement or volume.

Fraud. Personnel are strictly prohibited from participating in any investment activity that is known to any such individual to involve fraudulent activities such as forgery, non-disclosure or misstatement of material facts or the taking of any action that is meant to conceal or misrepresent the actual facts of a matter. This would include, for example, knowingly backdating a document or recording a trade as occurring at an incorrect time.

Restricted List. Absent an exception specifically granted by the Chief Compliance Officer, Personnel are prohibited from trading or participating in any investment activity in any security on the Companies’ Restricted List.

Uncovered Short Trade. Personnel are prohibited from entering into an uncovered short trade.

Uncovered Option. Personnel are prohibited from writing an uncovered option.



Transactions Requiring Additional Documentation to obtain Pre-Approval

All DoubleLine Personnel are prohibited from engaging in any Restricted Transaction (as defined below) without first obtaining prior approval by the Chief Compliance Officer or the CCO’s designates (collectively, the “Approving Officers”).

For purposes hereof, a Restricted Transaction shall mean:

(a) acquiring ownership, directly or indirectly, in any security issued in an initial public offering or a limited offering or private placement (each as defined below), including any interest in a hedge fund

For purposes of the foregoing, the term “initial public offering” shall mean an offering of securities registered under the Securities Act of 1933, the issuer of which, immediately before the registration was not subject to the reporting requirements of section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


  (b) transfers of interest in private placements sponsored by the Companies, other than transfers for estate planning purposes or that are court-mandated

For purposes of the foregoing, the terms “limited offering” or “private placement” shall each mean an offering of securities that is exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to Section 4(2), which provides an exemption for transactions by an issuer not involving any public offering, or Section 4(6), which involve offers or sales by an issuer solely to one or more accredited investors, or pursuant to Rule 504, Rule 505, or Rule 506 of Regulation D, which allow offerings for a limited dollar amount and/or


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to a limited number of investors, or any other applicable exemption from registration under the Securities Act of 1933.



transactions involving Prohibited Securities (as defined in Exhibit VIII, Prohibited Securities are any securities of the closed-end funds for which an Adviser or one of its affiliates acts as an investment manager, investment adviser or sub- adviser ).

Transactions involving any closed end fund advised or sub advised by DoubleLine must be pre-approved without exception. All requests for pre- approval must be submitted using the form provided as Appendix 2 to Exhibit VIII to this Code. It may prove necessary for the Code of Ethics Committee to discuss such requests and reach agreement as to whether that transaction can be approved in light of the circumstances.

Closed end funds not managed by DoubleLine require preapproval as described below under “Transactions requiring pre-approval”.

Requests for approval of all Restricted Transactions must be submitted directly to the Chief Compliance Officer. When considering approval of any request, the Approving Officers will take into consideration whether the investment opportunity is one that should have been reserved for an Adviser’s clients and whether the opportunity is being offered by virtue of the individual’s position with an Adviser.



All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for obtaining pre-approval of all Restricted Transactions.




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Document: Documents related to any decision of a request to approve a Restricted Transaction including the reason supporting any approval


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the approval was given or denied.


Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(iii) and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(e)






Advisers Act Section 204A: Prevention of Misuse of Nonpublic Information


Advisers Act Section 206: Prohibited Transactions by Investment Advisers


Advisers Act Rule 204A-1(c): Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics (pre- approval of certain investments)


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13)(iii): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (record of decision regarding certain securities acquisitions)


Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1(e): Personal Investment Activities of Investment Company Personnel (Pre-Approval of Investments in IPOs and Limited Offerings)




Transactions Requiring Pre-approval

Except as expressly stated below, DoubleLine Personnel must obtain pre-approval for any investment transaction in an account for which notification is required to be given pursuant to Section VII A hereof or as to which a Holdings Report Notification form would be required pursuant to Section VII B hereof, other than those listed in (i) below. Any transaction as to which pre-approval has been obtained must be completed within the two business days following the day pre-approval is obtained. Transactions, or portions thereof, not completed within these times constraints must be immediately canceled and, thereafter, may only be completed following the obtaining of a new pre-approval. The CCO may waive the two day requirement in the CCO’s sole judgment.

Limit orders, once approved, are not subject to further pre-approval, unless the limit or other factors are changed.


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Transactions involving an Access Person and the purchase or sale of commercial real estate must be pre-approved by an Approving Officer, regardless of whether such transaction is effected through an entity controlled by an Access Person or in such Access Person’s individual capacity.



Pre-approval is not required for the following types of transactions:



Purchase or sales involving an Excluded Product ;



Purchase or sales pursuant to an Automated Investment Plan;



Assignment of options or exercise of an option at expiration;



Pre-established, automated, regular and periodic (e.g., monthly, quarterly) investments in the DoubleLine Funds through the Companies’ 401(k) plan via automatic payroll contributions of less than or equal to whatever the maximum contribution to a 401(k) plan happens to be in a given calendar year as established and published by the Internal Revenue Service.



Pre-established, automated, regular and periodic (e.g., monthly, quarterly) re- balancing transactions in the DoubleLine Funds through the Companies’ 401(k) plan.



Purchase or sales of shares issued by unit investment trusts that are invested exclusively in one or more mutual funds not advised by an Adviser or any affiliate.

(ii) De minimis exception

Any personal trade of any equity security of 1,000 shares or $35,000 market value, whichever is less in dollar terms, except for trades listed below, will be processed by DoubleLine’s designated compliance system under the de minimis exception. The de minimis exception shall also apply to trades in a Reportable Fund (any fund advised or sub-advised by the Firm) that does not exceed $35,000.

ALL de minimis trades must be entered into the designated compliance system (currently Schwab Compliance Technologies).

The de minimis exception may not be used for:



Any bond (debt security) trade (except trades in direct obligations of the federal government of the United States or municipal bonds)2;



Any security issued by a client;



Any initial public offering;


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Any private placement;



Any closed end funds managed by DoubleLine – either as adviser or sub-adviser;



To trade any security for which pre-approval has been denied to the requestor within the past fifteen days

Access Person may not use the de minimis exception to avoid compliance with other aspects of this Code.

All transactions not listed above in this paragraph require pre-approval by the Chief Compliance Officer or designate.

DoubleLine Personnel that are registered representatives of a broker dealer also must request written pre-approval from that broker dealer before engaging in private securities transactions or transacting in initial public offerings.



Additional Restrictions Applicable to Access Persons



Transactions with a Heightened Approval Requirement

To avoid potential conflict situations and the appearance of a conflict, Access Persons shall not enter into any transactions that could reasonably be characterized as a contrary transaction or a trading ahead transaction, each as described below, unless the particular transaction has been pre-approved by Approving Officers. The applicable Approving Officers shall only approve such a transaction where they (i) have documented their awareness of such facts as would allow the specific transaction to be characterized as a contrary transaction or a trading ahead transaction and (ii) have a reasonable belief that the transaction will not adversely impact the client’s position or strategy. In making such determination, the Approving Officers shall consider such factors, such as the size of the transaction or the liquidity of the market for such product, as they reasonably believe are relevant to such determination.

Contrary Transaction. A contrary transaction is one that that reflects a view that is contrary to:



any currently contemplated, but unexecuted, shareholder or client transaction or current recommendation made to a shareholder or client or other transaction under active consideration, but only to the extent the individual is aware of such contemplated transaction or recommendation;



any trade made on behalf of a shareholder or client by such individual or by the Companies during the previous fifteen (15) days, but only to the extent the individual is aware of such trade; and


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any current position known by the individual to be held by a shareholder or client as a result of either or both of the Companies’ recommendation or decision.

For purposes of the foregoing, any strategy or research shall be considered to be a recommendation that has been made to a shareholder or client to the extent it has been made known to the applicable shareholder or client, is being prepared for the benefit of such shareholder or client, or is being used in connection with the exercise by the Companies of trading discretion on behalf of such shareholder or client.

Trading Ahead Transaction A “trading ahead transaction” is one that seeks to take advantage of market movements that are likely to result from an impending trade, e.g., an increase in price as a result of the purchase of a large position, or the execution of contemplated strategy or research.





Each Access Person is responsible for any pre-approval obtained with respect to a contrary transaction or trading ahead transaction to reflect awareness of such facts as requires the specific transaction to be so characterized.






Round Trip Transactions within 60 Day Window

Access Persons shall forfeit any profit from the purchase and sale, or short sale and purchase, of the same (or equivalent) securities, other than Excluded Products, within any sixty (60) day period. Such profits will be calculated by matching most recent purchases against a given sale or most recent sales against a given purchase.

For the sake of clarity, this provision does not prevent an Access Person from transacting within the sixty-day period to limit losses. However, if any such trades are effected without pre-approval, should such trades prove to be profitable, the profit shall be disgorged under the provisions of this Code. Other limitations under this Code on such a transaction may apply.

Note: This prohibition effectively limits the utility of options trading and short sales of securities and could make legitimate hedging activities less available.




Transactions or securities not requiring pre-approval


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Excluded Products
Non-Volitional transactions
Automated Investment Plans
Assignment of options or exercise of an option at expiration
Automated payroll purchase or sale of DoubleLine Funds into the DoubleLine 401(k) up to the annual statutory limit for contributions to a 401(k) plan
Automated (pre-planned) rebalancing transactions leading to the purchase or sale of DoubleLine Funds into the DoubleLine 401(k)
Purchase or sales of shares issued by unit investment trusts that are invested exclusively in one or more mutual funds not advised by an Adviser or any affiliate
Transactions or securities REQUIRING pre-approval
Trades in any mutual fund or closed end fund advised or subadvised by DoubleLine
Trades in any stock (to mean: any equity security)
Trades in any bond that is not an excluded security
Trades in any closed end fund
Trades in any ETF
Trades in any financial derivatives
Transactions or securities REQUIRING increased review or documentation before pre-approval
ANY private placement (private company, hedge fund, etc)
ANY Initial Public Offering (IPO)
ANY trade in a DoubleLine advised (or sub-advised) Closed End Fund
Contrary Transactions
Trading Ahead Transactions





Advisers Act Section 204A: Prevention of Misuse of Nonpublic Information


Advisers Act Section 206: Prohibited Transactions by Investment Advisers


Advisers Act Rule 204-2(a)(13(ii): Books and Records to be Maintained by Investment Advisers (list of Access Persons)



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General Policy

It is the policy of the Companies to require all DoubleLine Personnel to obtain written pre- approval from the Approving Officers before accepting any outside employment or compensation, e.g.., other than with the Companies, the General Partner or any affiliate thereof. This includes engaging in any business activity other than a passive investment and would include being an officer, director, limited or general partner, member of a limited liability company, employee or consultant.

DoubleLine Personnel that are registered representatives of a broker dealer also must request written pre-approval from that broker dealer before accepting any outside employment or compensation, or outside directorship.



Non-Profit Entities

The foregoing requirement does not apply to volunteer service by Personnel, other than investment advisory services, on an uncompensated basis for non-profit entities. Service as an officer or director of a non-profit entity is subject to the requirements in the paragraph below.



Directorships and Officer Positions

Approval of any Personnel to serve on the board of directors/trustees or in an officer position of any issuer entity will only be granted based upon a determination that such service will not create an actual or potential conflict with the interest of the Companies’ shareholders or clients. Where such service is authorized, the Chief Compliance Officer shall make a determination of whether trading or other restrictions or controls should be put in place to minimize any conflicts of interest that may result therefrom or any improper use of material nonpublic information by the Companies or their employees and as is required to comply with any restriction imposed by the issuer on its directors/trustees/officers. (See also Section VI C 5 above.)

Where the board or officer service is within the scope of the individual’s employment by the Companies, whether because the Companies, for example, (i) are affiliated with the Adviser(s) (as is the case with the Funds), (ii) hold a position in the entity or (iii) an Adviser’s clients hold a position in the entity, all compensation awarded to directors, in the form of cash or securities, shall be for the benefit of an Adviser’s clients holding such interest, and, if none, for the Companies’ benefit and accordingly individuals serving in such capacity shall disgorge all compensation received. Board or officer service in an affiliated operating entity which is within the scope of an individual’s employment by the Companies does not require preapproval. Personnel should confirm whether such position is (a) within the scope of their employment and (b) if the entity is affiliated, with the Capital CCO.

Board and officer positions for charitable organizations or non-profit companies will be considered on a case by case basis. Approval will be granted only if no conflict of interest


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exists between the Board or officer position under consideration and the requestor’s duties at the Companies or between or among the Companies and its clients and the charitable organization or non-profit company. Such charitable board or officer positions should not interfere with or affect such person’s ability to perform their job requirements.



Fiduciary Appointments

DoubleLine Personnel may not accept appointment as (i) a fiduciary, including as an executor, trustee, guardian, or conservator, or (ii) a consultant in connection with fiduciary or active money management matters, without the written pre-approval from the Approving Officers. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to appointments involving estates of family members.




The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for documenting all approvals given, the terms thereof, and the notice given with respect thereto. Personnel shall attest to their outside business activities on a quarterly basis on a form substantially similar to Exhibit VII A 3.





All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for obtaining written pre-approval of all outside business activities from the Approving Officers.




Document: Documents related to the approval of outside business activities


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: During such time as the employee is engaged in any approved activity and for a minimum of five years thereafter.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practice



Receipt of Payment of Third Party Compensation

Except with the written pre-approval of the Chief Compliance Officer, Personnel are not allowed to accept compensation for their own benefit from, or pay to, a third party regardless of whether the compensation is in the form of cash or non-cash compensation. All commission and other payments must be paid to, or by, the Companies and cannot be paid directly to, or by, an employee.


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The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for documenting all approvals given, the terms thereof, and the notice given with respect thereto.





All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for obtaining written pre-approval from the Chief Compliance Officer before accepting or paying any compensation directly to a third party.




Document: Documents related to the approval of the receipt or payment of third party compensation


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: During such time as the employee is engaged in any approved activity and for a minimum of five years thereafter.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practice



Annual Attestation

Personnel will be required to attest annually to their continued compliance with the foregoing requirements. (See Exhibit XI E.)


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EXPLANATORY NOTE: The following discussion constitutes interpretive guidance of the Code of Ethics Committee and does not form a part of the Code of Ethics. In the event of any conflict between this guidance and the Code of Ethics, the terms of the Code of Ethics shall control.


GIFTS COVERED BY SECTION X.A.2(ii)(b): As provided below, the Code of Ethics Committee has authority to grant waivers to the general prohibition of receipt of gifts from Covered Individuals (as defined below) having a business relationship with trading desk Personnel. (Such Covered Individuals are “Trading Desk Covered Individuals” and are more commonly thought of as “sell side brokers”.) However, it is the general policy of the Companies that, unless there is no practical alternative, Personnel should decline receipt of gifts and entertainment from Trading Desk Covered Individuals and treat all entertainment, travel, meetings, conferences and similar gratuities as a business expense and seek payment or reimbursement under the Companies’ policy concerning reasonable business expenses.


Accordingly, the Code of Ethics Committee intends to interpret this exception authority narrowly, and Personnel should assume that an exception request will not be granted in most cases. In general, and subject to case-by-case review, the Code of Ethics Committee anticipates that an exception is likely to be granted only if:


1.   There is a clearly demonstrable and reasonable business purpose tied to receipt of such gift;


2.   Such business purpose does not, in the sole judgment of the Code of Ethics Committee, create the appearance that the gift is provided as compensation for doing business with the Trading Desk Covered Individual or his employer; and


3.   It is not practicable to treat all or a portion of such gift as an expense reimbursable under the Companies’ business expense policies.


EXAMPLES AND LIMITED PRE-APPROVAL: The following examples are provided to assist in illustrating the application of these principles and to provide limited pre-approval to certain types of events. In the view of the Code of Ethics Committee, certain types of activities fall into the categories that would be approved by the Code of Ethics Committee. Similarly, other activities clearly would not be approved by the Code of Ethics Committee and examples of these activities also are provided. Obviously, there are many permutations of these principles and examples; when in doubt, the Code of Ethics Committee should be consulted. The following examples are not exhaustive.


It is expected that Personnel will use good judgment when making choices under these interpretations. The Interpretation is not intended to create a requirement to discuss every potential conference or meeting with the Code of Ethics Committee, but rather to provide guidelines for the exercise of good judgment.


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Activities that may be deemed to be pre-approved:


A.                An analyst attends an issuer conference in Los Angeles (i.e., no travel required) sponsored by a single broker. Fifty issuers are present. The analyst meets with ten of the issuers during the course of the day. Lunch is served during the middle of the day. The Companies would presume that an attempt was made (through email) to arrange to pay for lunch prior to attending the conference. If the broker responds via email that it is not practical to pay separately for lunch (e.g., separate billing is not possible or it is not possible to determine the cost of that lunch), the analyst may attend the issuer conference and eat lunch.


B.               A portfolio manager attends a series of issuer conferences (of the type described in example A, above) sponsored by a single broker in different locations. Transportation between cities is provided by the broker to allow the buy side representatives to eat and talk during transit. Given the time of day and as an accommodation, a meal is provided during the transit between locations. The Companies would presume that an attempt was made (through email) to arrange to pay for the meal prior to attending the conference. If the broker responds that it is not practical for the Companies to pay separately for that meal, the analyst may attend the conference, use the transportation between cities and eat the lunch. Either the Companies or the individual (which is a business decision unrelated to the Code of Ethics) should arrange to pay for the cost of airfare (or other transportation) to the other location as well as any hotel or other costs.


C.                An analyst is attending an issuer conference (described above). Unbeknowst to her in advance, a mid-afternoon snack (cheese, crackers, cookies etc.) is made available to all participants. The analyst may eat the snack without making further arrangements for payment given the timing involved and the socially obvious difficulty of approaching the coordinating broker to make further billing arrangements after the payment deals described above already have been reached.


Events falling into categories A, B and C need not receive specific approval from the Code of Ethics Committee, as such permission may be deemed to have been granted by this Interpretation.


Activities that would not be approved by the Code of Ethics Committee:

D.                Members of the trading desk of a trading counterparty wish to take members of the Companies’ trading desk to dinner. Covered Individuals attending the dinner should arrange for payment for their meal(s) and seek reimbursement under the Companies’ policies concerning reasonable business expenses.


E.               A trader wishes to attend a sporting or theater event with tickets provided by a trading counterparty with a representative of that trading counterparty present. The trader will need to purchase that ticket at their own expense, or ask through the proper expense channels if the Companies are willing to pay the expense of that ticket.


F.                 A trader wishes to attend a conference at a ski resort during a weekend when there is a one hour training session on Bloomberg. Either the Companies or the trader should arrange to pay for the conference, transportation to the ski resort and hotel accommodations, as well as any other costs associated with this trip.


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Events falling into categories D, E and F will not receive permission from the Code of Ethics Committee and, for the avoidance of doubt, do not qualify for deemed pre-clearance.


The Code of Ethics Committee designates the Capital Chief Compliance Officer as its representative in these matters, with the sole and absolute discretion to determine whether the entire Code of Ethics Committee needs to consider any particular request. Nothing in this Interpretation is designed to express an opinion as to the Companies’ obligations to make reimbursement for any activities; such determinations are made pursuant to other policies not part of the Code of Ethics.

Giving, receiving or soliciting a gift in a business setting, sponsoring lavish client entertainment or soliciting or making political contributions may create an appearance of impropriety or may raise a potential conflict of interest. In order to minimize these concerns, the Companies have adopted the following limitations on soliciting, receiving or giving gifts or soliciting or making political contributions.



Gifts and Gratuities



Solicitations of Gifts

DoubleLine Personnel are prohibited from soliciting, directly or indirectly, any item of value (a “Gift”), e.g., gifts, loans, favors, or lavish entertainment from any individual employed by any entity with which any of the Companies has, or hopes to have, a business or client relationship (a “Covered Individual”).



Receipt of Gifts and Entertainment



General Exclusion

DoubleLine Personnel may accept Gifts from any individual if the individual giving the gift is related to the recipient by blood or marriage or is a close personal friend and the gift is consistent with such relationship.



Unsolicited Gifts (Excluding Entertainment)

DoubleLine Personnel may accept unsolicited Gifts from Covered Individuals, provided such Gift falls within one of the following categories:

(a) Covered Individuals not associated with trading desk broker counterparties)



the gift has a value of less than $100 and is consistent with customary business practices;



the gift is perishable and the recipient shares it with co-workers at the Companies; or



acceptance of the gift is approved in writing by the Chief Compliance Officer.


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  (a) Trading Desk Covered Individuals (i.e. persons associated with trading desk broker counterparties) (ex. sell side traders, analysts, portfolio managers)

DoubleLine Personnel should not accept gifts from Trading Desk Covered Individuals described in this category X.A.2(ii)(b). Exceptions to this rule may only be granted by the Code of Ethics Committee with the Capital Chief Compliance Officer present and voting.

DoubleLine Personnel must report any gift received on Exhibit X.A (or its substantial equivalent in any designated compliance system) annually and will be required to make the following attestation (or an equivalent provided by the Legal/Compliance Department) each quarter and also annually when submitting their gift form:

“I have not accepted any compensation from any source (other than DoubleLine) for the purchase or sale of any property to or for any registered investment company or any controlled company thereof.”

Personnel may not accept cash gifts from Covered Individuals under any circumstances.

Gifts presented to an Adviser by a single party on behalf of several clients shall be reported to the Compliance and Accounting Departments for potential allocation of the potential or perceived compensation that may arise from any such gift.

Any gifts, regardless of value, received by Personnel shall be reported on Exhibit X.A.



Unsolicited Entertainment

DoubleLine Personnel may accept unsolicited entertainment from Covered Individuals described in X.A.2(ii)(a) above, provided (i) such entertainment is consistent with customary business practices and the host is in attendance; (ii) the entertainment is being provided to attendees or participants at a meeting sponsored by the host without Personnel being singled out, or (iii) the entertainment is approved in writing by the Chief Compliance Officer. Such entertainment is “Reasonable Entertainment”.

DoubleLine personnel should not accept unsolicited entertainment from Covered Individuals described in category X.A.2(ii)(b) above (i.e. Trading Desk Covered Individuals). Exceptions to this rule may only be granted by the Code of Ethics Committee with the Capital Chief Compliance Officer present and voting.



Other circumstances and possible exceptions



Registered persons (i.e. persons carrying a securities license through the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) may not give or accept any gifts to Covered Individuals exceeding $100 (or the current limit established in FINRA Rule 3220) under any circumstances, nor may any exception be granted to the gift limitation rules for registered persons. (See FINRA Rule 3220.) All such registered persons shall consult with the


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broker dealer carrying their securities license for further requirements imposed by that broker dealer.



Non-registered persons must receive permission from the Chief Compliance Officer or General Counsel to receive a gift exceeding $100.



Notification of the Receipt of Unsolicited Gifts or Entertainment

All employees must declare all gifts and any entertainment that is not Reasonable Entertainment received during the calendar year to Compliance using Exhibit X. A. Such reports must be received by January 30 of the subsequent year.



All DoubleLine Personnel must notify the Chief Compliance Officer on an annual basis regarding the receipt of any unsolicited gift or entertainment.





Giving of Gifts and Entertainment

DoubleLine Personnel are required to obtain the written approval of an Approving Officer6 prior to giving any Gift, other than “reasonable entertainment costs” (as described below), to any Covered Individual or other person covered by any of the provisions below. Reasonable entertainment costs are construed to mean the costs of meals provided to Covered Persons which would not be deemed to be lavish by a reasonable person. Such reasonable entertainment costs may be approved pursuant to the Companies’ then applicable expense reimbursement policies.



Permitted Entertainment

Approving Officers control decisions regarding permitted entertainment. Receipts from such entertainment shall set forth the date, parties in attendance and their employers, the entertainment provided, the business purpose therefore, and include an itemized list of the costs associated therewith. To be considered and approved as Reasonable Entertainment, both the host and the guest must attend the entertainment together. Moreover, any entertainment shall be appropriate for business entertainment such as, for example, sporting, civic or cultural events. Questions involving sponsorships of events may be considered by a subset of the Code of Ethics Committee at the discretion of the Capital CCO.



Special Treatment Regarding Foreign Officials, Regulators and Pension Plans

DoubleLine Personnel may not give any Gift or other thing of value, including entertainment,


6 For purposes of the Gift and Entertainment section of the Code of Ethics, “Approving Officers” is construed to include to mean the members of DoubleLine’s Code of Ethics Committee.


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reasonable or otherwise, to any representative of a governmental, regulatory or self- regulatory organization, pension plans or any foreign official without the written pre- approval of an Approving Officer. The foregoing restriction shall not include the offering of coffee, tea, a soda or the like, or of a snack or light refreshment to a representative attending a meeting at one of the Companies, any food or drink that is offered generally to other attendees or participants at a meeting sponsored by the Companies, or other offerings of similar character and intent.



Special Treatment Regarding Unions and Union Officials

Special reporting rules apply when officers of the Companies furnish gifts or entertainment to labor unions or union officials. These special rules are independent of, and in addition to, any approval procedures otherwise applicable under this Code. The Companies may be required to file Form LM-10 with the Department of Labor by March 31st of the calendar year following any year in which the Companies or any Personnel made any payments, gave any gifts, or entertained any union officials, including union pension fund trustees. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for ensuring that all information required to be reported on Form LM-10 related to gifts or entertainment furnished to labor unions or labor officials (as defined under applicable laws and regulations pertaining to Form LM-10) is captured within accounting records.

(iv)       Personnel may not give anything of value, including entertainment, reasonable or otherwise, to any union or union representative, including a union pension fund trustee, without the written pre-approval of the Chief Compliance Officer.

(v)        Requirements of Clients and Other Third Parties

Personnel shall not provide a gift or entertainment to a client, potential client or other third party in violation of any policy established by such client, potential client or other third party.

Personnel subject to any Code of Ethics or similar policies of any client, issuer, or other third party must comply with such policies as though such policies were set forth herein and made a part hereof.

(vi)       Charitable Donations

Nothing within this Code shall be construed to prevent personal charitable contributions by DoubleLine Personnel to qualified Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) organizations for which an Adviser does not act as investment manager.

Nothing within this Code shall be construed to prevent corporate charitable contributions by Companies to qualified Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) organizations for which an Adviser does not act as investment manager.

Proposed charitable contributions by DoubleLine Personnel or an Adviser to qualified Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) organizations for which an Adviser acts as investment manager should be discussed with the applicable Companies’ General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer prior to making the charitable contribution.


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Personnel wishing to make personal charitable contributions to organizations outside the United States shall consult with the CCO before doing so.



Notice and Approval Process

All requests by DoubleLine Personnel with respect to the approval of a Gift or any entertainment, other than permitted reasonable entertainment costs, shall be in writing and provided to the Chief Compliance Officer for consideration.



Gift Log

The Chief Compliance Officer shall maintain a Gift Log, which shall consist of the compilation of each Employee’s Gift Logs, as prepared and presented annually. (See Exhibit X A, (or its substantial equivalent in any designated compliance system).

The Chief Financial Officer shall ensure that the Companies’ accounting records capture such additional information as may be necessary in connection with any filing that may be required in connection with Form LM-10 or any other gift and entertainment reporting scheme to which the Companies and/or their Personnel may be subject.



Review of Gift Log

The Chief Compliance Officer or designate is responsible for the review of the Gift Log on at least an annual basis for the purpose of identifying patterns that may raise concerns. The Chief Financial Officer or designate is responsible for the review of Companies’ accounting records on at least an annual basis for the purpose of identifying patterns that may raise concerns.



Filing of Forms

The Chief Financial Officer or designate is responsible for the timely filing of Form LM-10 and any other gifts and entertainment reports that the Companies may be required to make.




In addition to the Gift Log, the Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for maintaining documentation relating to the Chief Compliance Officer’s (or designate’s) annual review of the Gift Log. The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for maintaining documentation relating to the Chief Financial Officer’s (or designate’s) annual review of accounting records and all entertainment notices and any filings as to which the Companies are subject.

The Chief Financial Officer (or designate’s) is responsible for ensuring that accounting records accurately reflect, with sufficient details necessary, any transaction required to be reported on Form LM-10.


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Document: Documents related to gifts and entertainment, including the Gift and Entertainment Log and any Forms LM-10 filed


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer and the Chief Financial Officer as described above.


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years from the end of the fiscal year in which the event occurs.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practice




Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959


Form LM-10


U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977




Political Contributions

In the U.S., both federal and state laws impose limitations, and in some cases restrictions, on certain kinds of political contributions and activities. These laws apply not only to U.S. citizens, but also to foreign nationals and both U.S. and foreign corporations and other institutions. Accordingly, the Companies have adopted policies and procedures concerning political contributions and activities regarding federal, state, and local candidates, officials and political parties.

This policy regarding activities and political contributions applies to the Companies and all Personnel. Failure to comply with these rules could result in civil or criminal penalties for the Companies and the individuals involved.

These policies are intended solely to comply with applicable laws and regulations and to avoid any appearance of impropriety. These policies are not intended to interfere with an individual’s right to participate in the political process.



General Prohibition on Contributions to Obtain Business

Both the Companies and DoubleLine Personnel are prohibited from making or soliciting political contributions for the purpose of obtaining or retaining adviser contracts with government entities. For purposes hereof, the term political contribution includes contributions to a current office holder, candidate, political party, or party or political committees (including committees supporting or opposing ballot initiatives, e.g.., referendum).



Prohibition and Restrictions on Contributions by the Companies


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Federal law prohibits political contributions by the Companies or in their name in support of candidates for federal office. Accordingly, such contributions are prohibited. Because restrictions may also apply with respect to contributions to state and local officials, no such contributions may be made by the Companies or in their names except to the extent the same is first approved in writing by the Approving Officers.



Contributions by DoubleLine Personnel


After any person requests preclearance, as a generality, approval likely will be given for $350 or less to any one candidate for whom Personnel may vote (per election), and $150 or less to candidates for whom Personnel may not vote (per election, where primaries and general elections are considered two separate elections). Any contribution in excess of $350 generally will not receive preclearance from the Chief Compliance Officer or designate. Payments to a political party of a state or locality where the investment adviser is providing or seeking to provide investment advisory services to a government entity also are covered by this requirement. The CCO or designate has absolute discretion to deny requests to make political contributions for any or no reason. The dollar limitations provided in this paragraph apply to political contributions of any type for any recipient in any election.

a. Political Contributions receiving additional scrutiny

1. Making Contributions to Individuals related to Clients or Prospects

It is the Companies’ policy that Personnel generally are prohibited from making political contributions to a candidate or official that serves or is seeking to serve on the governing board of any of the Companies’ shareholders or clients or to any potential client for which an Adviser has participated in a “Request for Proposal” (RFP) or similar process which could result in an Adviser being awarded an investment mandate, all such political contributions being “Client Related Political Contributions”. Exceptions to the restrictions on Client Related Political Contributions only can be granted by a combination of any three of the following persons who are the Approving Officers in this section of the Code: the Companies’ CEO, President, General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer (in other words, at least three approvals are required). It is presumed that, to the extent possible, these four persons would meet to discuss such approvals if circumstances permit such a meeting to occur.

Without limiting the requirement to receive approval for all political contributions, of particular sensitivity are contributions to candidates that


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currently can or potentially could influence the hiring of DoubleLine for money management mandates. Personnel should expect that requests involving potential contributions7 to officials8 of government entities9 who can influence the hiring of an investment adviser in connection with money management mandates10may receive additional scrutiny and may not be approved.

These prohibitions exist whether the government entity seeks an Adviser’s services through a separate account, a covered pooled investment vehicle (such as a hedge fund or other private investment vehicle) or a registered investment company (such as the Funds), if the Funds are an investment option of a plan or program of a government entity that is participant directed.

b. No bundling

Personnel also are prohibited from seeking the assistance of others (including Political Action Committees) to bundle or coordinate the solicitation of such contributions. In sum, Personnel shall not attempt to do indirectly what they may not do directly, including by channeling political contributions through third parties such as spouses or domestic partners.11

c. Actions to take if Personnel inadvertently make an unapproved contribution

Personnel detecting that they have made a contribution without receiving preclearance should report such contributions to the General Counsel or Chief Compliance Officer immediately. In certain cases, it is possible that seeking (and achieving) the return of the contribution can preclude application of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) rules and penalties. However, because the rule is relatively new, and such procedures have not been widely attempted across the industry, there can be no assurance that any attempt to preclude application of the statutory penalties will be completely successful. Personnel are advised to comply with the requirements at all times, to avoid the


7 A contribution is defined to include a gift, subscription, loan, advance, deposit of money, or anything of value made for the purpose of influencing an election for a federal, state or local office, including any payments for debts incurred in such an election or payments towards the transition or inaugural expenses of the successful candidate for state or local office.

8 An official includes an incumbent, candidate or successful candidate for elective office of a government entity if the office is directly or indirectly responsible for, or can influence the outcome of, the hiring of an investment adviser or has authority to appoint any person who is directly or indirectly responsible for, or can influence the outcome of, the hiring of an investment adviser.

9 Government entities include all state and local governments, their agencies and instrumentalities, and all public pension plans and other collective government funds, including participant-directed plans such as 403(b), 457, and 529 plans.

10 See SEC Rule 206(4)-5 under the Advisers Act.

11 SEC Rule 206(4)-5(d) makes it unlawful for any investment adviser covered by the rule and its covered associates to do anything indirectly which, if done directly, would result in a violation of that rule.


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potential difficulty of attempting to unwind an impermissible political contribution.


  d. Restrictions on Foreign Nationals

Political contributions, expenditures and disbursements, whether directly or indirectly, to U.S. candidates by persons who are not U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens are prohibited by law. Accordingly, Personnel who are not U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens are prohibited from making political contributions, expenditures or disbursements with respect to U.S. candidates.

e. Restrictions on Reimbursement of Contributions by Others

Personnel (and the Companies) are prohibited from reimbursing others for political contributions.

f. Solicitations of Political Contributions by DoubleLine Personnel

In soliciting political contributions, Personnel must avoid any confusion that suggests, in any way, that the Companies have approved, supports or is otherwise involved in the solicitation. Without limitation, Personnel involved in soliciting political contributions must not:



use the address or name of the Companies; and



in soliciting other Personnel must clearly state that the contribution is entirely voluntary on the part of the person being solicited.

g. Prohibition on Use of Paid Third Party Solicitors for Government Entity Advisory Business

Personnel of the Companies shall not engage third parties to solicit government entities for advisory business unless such third parties are certain registered broker-dealers or registered investment advisers. Only the Approving Officers may authorize use of a third party (which must be a registered broker-dealer or registered investment adviser subject to rules prohibiting “pay to play” practices) to solicit government entities for advisory business. Prior to the Approving Officers granting such approval, the Companies shall adopt appropriate policies and procedures to monitor and oversee such activities.

h.Use of Companies’ Facilities for Political Purposes

The Companies’ facilities may only be used for political purposes to the extent such use is first approved in writing by the Approving Officers.

i.Use of Companies’ Name and Address of the Companies

No use of the Companies’ names or addresses may be used in connection with explicit political activities unless required by law or permission has been first


- 67 -

obtained in writing from the Approving Officers. This includes listing of the Companies’ names in biographical or professional descriptions.

j. Recordkeeping

The Advisers are required to retain chronological records of any    such contributions made by its Personnel or an Adviser. Any contributions (whether or not subject to the de minimis exclusion) made by Personnel shall be annotated on the quarterly reports submitted to compliance on Exhibit VII A.3 (or a substantially equivalent record).

Records of contributions by the Companies to government officials able to influence the selection of investment advisers for money management mandates and to Political Action Committees and other records related to this requirement shall be maintained by Corporate Accounting.

As part of the Initial Reports, new Access Persons are required to provide information regarding their political contributions for the two-year period prior to becoming an Access Person, to allow the Companies to verify whether any such contributions have the potential to disqualify an Adviser from future or current business opportunities with government entities.

See the Compliance Policies and Procedures Manual for a discussion of how the Companies conform to the requirements under California laws pertaining to state and local public pension plans.



Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”)




The purpose of this section of the Code is to ensure compliance with all applicable anti-bribery laws and to prevent Companies’ employees from offering, promising, paying or providing, or authorizing the promising, paying or providing of any amount of money or anything of value to a Public Official or Private Sector Counterparty Representative (each, as defined below) for the purpose of improperly obtaining, directing or retaining business or securing an improper advantage for the Companies.

“Public Official” includes a “Foreign Official” as defined under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977, as amended, (“FCPA”). U.S. government officials are Public Officials. The definition of “Public Official” includes any person who is employed full- or part-time by a. government, or by regional subdivisions of governments, including states, provinces, districts, counties, cities, towns and villages or by


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independent agencies, state-owned businesses, state-controlled businesses or public academic institutions. This would include, for example, employees of sovereign wealth funds, government sponsored pension plans (i.e. pension plans for the benefit of government employees), and government sponsored university endowments. For FCPA purposes only, “Public Official,” also includes political party officials and candidates for political office. For example, a campaign contribution is the equivalent of a payment to a Public Official under the FCPA. In certain cases, providing a payment or thing of value to a person actually known to be an immediate family member of a Public Official or a charity associated with a Public Official may be the equivalent of providing a thing of value to the Public Official directly. Under the FCPA, the employees of public international organizations, such as the African and Asian Development Banks, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations and the Organization of American States, are considered Public Officials.

A “Private Sector Counterparty Representative” is an owner, employee or representative of a private entity, such as a partnership or corporation, with which an Adviser is conducting or seeking to conduct business.

The FCPA in pertinent part, makes it illegal for a U.S. issuer, domestic concern, or any person other than an issuer or domestic concern while in the territory of the United States, to utilize the mails or any instrumentality of U.S. commerce, corruptly, in furtherance of a payment, or the provision of anything of value, or an offer, promise or authorization thereof directly or indirectly, to a foreign government official, political party or candidate, for the purpose of influencing his or her official actions or securing any improper advantage, or inducing such foreign official to use his or her influence with a foreign government to affect or influence any act or decision of such government in order to assist the U.S. company in obtaining or retaining business for or with, or directing business to, any person. The statute further prohibits payments or gifts of anything of value to any person while “knowing” that such payment or gift will be given to a foreign official for a business purpose.

Companies’ policy is to prohibit Personnel from offering, promising, paying or providing, or authorizing the promising, paying or providing (in each case, directly or indirectly, including through Third Parties) of any amount of money or anything of value (colloquially termed a “bribe”) to any Public Official, including a person actually known to be an immediate family member of a Public Official and a former Public Official, in order to improperly influence or reward any official action or decision by such person for Companies’ benefit. Neither funds from Companies nor funds from any other source may be used to make any such payment or gift on behalf of or for Companies’ benefit.

Additionally, Companies’ policy provides that Personnel are prohibited from offering, promising, paying or providing, or authorizing the promising, paying or providing of (in each case, directly or indirectly, including through Third Parties) a


- 69 -

bribe to a Private Sector Counterparty Representative in order to induce or reward that person’s improper performance of their functions or activity.

Generally, offering or authorizing a bribe will trigger liability under the FCPA. There is no minimum threshold – any amount offered or authorized for the purposes described in the paragraphs above creates potential liability under the FCPA.

Such activities by Access Persons are prohibited by Companies. Note, too, that authorizing or tacitly approving of such activities by third parties on behalf of Companies also could create liability for the Access Person and/or the Companies.




(i)         Personnel will be required to complete Exhibit XI. D. upon becoming an Access Person or upon any changes in their status regarding non-US government officials. Also, certain persons that are not Access Persons may be required to complete Exhibit XI. D because of the nature of their responsibilities with the Companies or as a result of their contractual relationship with the Companies.

(ii)         The CFO or Treasurer (as applicable) shall ensure that any payments made by the Companies to a foreign official are properly recorded in the financial books and records of the Companies.

(iii)         Any requests by foreign officials or persons with access to foreign officials for a bribe to be paid by Personnel or engaging in any similar behavior should be reported promptly to the Chief Compliance Officer.



Annual Attestation

Personnel will be required to attest annually to their continued compliance with the foregoing requirements. (See Exhibit XI E.)


- 70 -





General Statement of Policy

All DoubleLine Personnel are required to promptly bring to the Chief Compliance Officer any communication received, whether verbal, electronic, e.g., email, text message, instant messenger (e.g., “chat”), or fax, hard copy, or otherwise, that contains (or appears to contain) any form of complaint about impermissible or inappropriate conduct of the Companies. Similarly, and in accordance with Section VI hereof, Personnel should also bring to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer, any communication received that contains a nonpublic or confidential information about a security or issuer that is inappropriate for receipt by the employee.     Employees should bring to the Chief Compliance Officer’s attention the receipt of any other information that may reasonably be of concern (e.g., possible illegal activities, allegations of misconduct on the part of any employee, allegations of mistreatment of any client).



All DoubleLine Personnel are responsible for bringing to the attention of the Chief Compliance Officer any client complaints.





Responsibility of the Chief Compliance Officer



Review and Reporting

Upon being notified of a complaint or other indications of impermissible or inappropriate conduct, the Chief Compliance Officer shall promptly review the complaint and make a determination as to whether, in light of any such review, the facts underlying the complaint indicate a need to notify the Companies’ legal counsel or otherwise take any immediate action including imposition of restrictions or heightened supervision with respect to any individual or Supervisor and/or is otherwise indicative of a weakness or other shortcoming in the Companies’ procedures or policies.

Upon notification of a matter not involving a complaint, the Chief Compliance Officer shall undertake such review and take such additional action as the Chief Compliance Officer shall think appropriate.




The Chief Compliance Officer, working with the applicable senior management, will arrange for an acknow

ledgement to be sent in response to all written complaints.


- 71 -



For each written complaint, the Chief Compliance Officer shall create a record, which shall include the complainant’s name and address; the date the complaint was received; the name of any Personnel identified in the complaint and the identification of any Personnel responsible for subject matter of the complaint; a description of the nature of the complaint; and the disposition of the complaint.

For each complaint, the Chief Compliance Officer shall also maintain a narrative (or correspondence) involving any review or investigation and follow up activities, indicating who undertook the investigation, what the findings were and what follow-up steps have been taken.



Upon notification of a complaint or certain other matters, Chief Compliance Officer shall make such review and make such filings as are appropriate and cause the Companies to acknowledge any such complaint in writing. The Chief Compliance Officer shall also be responsible for appropriate documentation regarding the above.


RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Chief Compliance Officer



Document: Documents related to all client complaints.


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years from the end of the fiscal year in which the event occurs.


Regulatory Reference: Best Practice




No less frequently than annually, the Chief of Compliance and other senior management shall furnish a written report to the Trustees, which shall:



describe any issues arising under the Code of Ethics or “material compliance matter,” as such term is defined at Rule 38a-1(e)(2) of the Investment Company Act, not previously reported to the Trustees, including any information regarding sanctions and remedial actions taken in response thereto;


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list all waivers given by quantity and type and describe any waivers that might be considered material or important by the Trustees;



list all approvals of investments in IPOs and Limited Offerings that were granted;



certify that the Chief Compliance Officer has reviewed the Code and the compliance and supervisory policies and procedures of the Companies and has found that they are reasonably designed to prevent violations of the Federal Securities Laws and of the Code itself.

The Chief Compliance Officer shall provide reports similar to those described above (and elsewhere in the Code) to the boards of trustees (or directors) of other registered investment companies for which an Adviser serves as an adviser or sub-adviser.



Document: Annual Reports to Trustees/Directors


Responsible Party: The Chief Compliance Officer


Maintenance Period: A minimum of five years after the end of the fiscal year in which the report was made, such document to be retained for the first two years in an appropriate office of the Companies and, thereafter, in an easily accessible place.


Regulatory Reference: Advisers Act Rule 204-2 and Investment Company Act Rule 17j-1


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New Employee Introduction (as of August 2017)

Exhibit I. A.


  Overview of DoubleLine and affiliates
  Overview of DoubleLine executive management
  Compliance Policies and Procedures
    G drive
  Code of Ethics
    Securities Account Reporting – Initial/ Quarterly/ Annual
    Initial reports-within ten days
    Trading Reporting/Preclearance
    Sixty Day Holding Period
    Trading in closed-end funds managed by an Adviser
    Outside Business Activities
    Political contributions
  Overview of Insider Trading Policy
    (New Equity, GDC and EMFI members must speak with the CCO or designee)
  Anti-Money Laundering-Customer Identification Procedures (AML-CIP)
  Briefer to check this box if Anti-Money Laundering Training is required
  Overview of Privacy Policy
  Overview of Email, Electronic Communications and Social Media Policy
  Overview of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  Overview of BCP procedures

I have been briefed on DoubleLine’s compliance policies and procedures and acknowledge that the

briefing is not a substitution for reading and referring to DoubleLine’s compliance policies and

procedures, including the Code of Ethics.



Print Name:





- 74 -













This acknowledgement must be signed and returned to the Chief Compliance Officer.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read the Code of Ethics for DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund, DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP, DoubleLine Group LP, and DoubleLine Capital LP (which contains the Insider Trading Policy for DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP, and DoubleLine Capital LP) and have had an opportunity to review any portions thereof with my supervisor and the Chief Compliance Officer or other member of the Compliance Department.    By signing below, I agree to perform fully in accordance with such provisions of the Code of Ethics as are applicable to me, including the requirement that I promptly report to the Chief Compliance Officer any violation of the Code of which I become aware. I understand that my failure to fully comply with all applicable provisions may subject me to disciplinary action up to and including termination and can also subject me to fines, penalties and even criminal actions and result in significant reputational harm.


  Print Name:    


- 75 -













This acknowledgement must be signed and returned to the Chief Compliance Officer.

I have received and read the Code of Ethics (which contains the Insider Trading Policy for DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund, DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP, DoubleLine Group LP and DoubleLine Capital LP) (collectively, “DoubleLine”). I understand that, as a consultant, I may be exposed to certain information pertaining to DoubleLine’s portfolio management or trading strategies, including securities traded by DoubleLine on behalf of its clients.

If I am exposed to such information, I will notify the Chief Compliance Officer immediately. I understand that, in such cases, I may be required to conform to the requirements of the Code of Ethics for access persons.


  Print Name:       




- 76 -












This acknowledgement must be signed and returned to the Chief Compliance Officer.

I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the amended Code of Ethics for DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund, DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP, DoubleLine Group LP and DoubleLine Capital LP (which contains the Insider Trading Policy, dated as of                         , and have had an opportunity to review any portions thereof with my supervisor and a member of the Compliance Department. By signing below, I agree to perform fully in accordance with such provisions of the Code of Ethics as are applicable to me, including the requirement that I promptly report to the Chief Compliance Officer any violation of the Code of which I become aware. I understand that my failure to fully comply with all applicable provisions may subject me to disciplinary action up to and including termination and can also subject me to fines, penalties and even criminal actions and result in significant reputational harm.


Print Name:                                                                                                    


- 77 -

Exhibit VII. A1.









Annual or Initial Holdings Report

Data is complete as of                                 



firm name)







   # shares    Total $    Notes

(For initial reports: Account statements may be attached if they are within ten days of the date of hire. If the date of this report is more than ten days after the date of the account statements, this chart shall be updated with any changes, or if none, so state.)

(For annual reports: Account statements may be attached if they are within forty-five days of the date that this report is required to be submitted. If the date of this report is more than forty-five days after the date of the account statements, this chart shall be updated with any changes, or if none, so state.)

(If I annotate that the Companies have my account statements on file, I have reviewed those files for completeness and accuracy.)







  TYPE OR PRINT NAME                                              






Exhibit VII A2

DoubleLine Capital LP

DoubleLine Equity LP

DoubleLine Alternatives LP

DoubleLine Group LP

Sample Request for Duplicate Confirmations and Statements


[Address of Outside Firm]


              ACCOUNT #

Dear Sir/Madam:

Please be advised that [insert employee name] is an employee of DoubleLine Capital LP, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP or DoubleLine Group LP (“DoubleLine”) and in compliance with FINRA conduct rule 3050, Rule 206(4)-7 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and/or DoubleLine’s employee Code of Ethics, this account is subject to a requirement that duplicate account statements and trade confirmations be sent to our compliance department at the address below:

In connection with the above account, please send duplicate confirmations and account statements to my employer at the following address:

Attn: Chief Compliance Officer

DoubleLine Capital LP/DoubleLine Equity LP/ DoubleLine Alternatives LP /DoubleLine Group LP

333 South Grand Ave, Suite 1800

Los Angeles, CA 90071

If you have established electronic delivery of such duplicate information for other persons to our firm’s automated compliance systems, please establish such delivery for (NAME OF INDIVIDUAL).

If you have any questions or comments relative to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Very truly yours,



Exhibit VII A.3. Code of Ethics – version August 2017


A.            Trading Activity. Please list all reportable transactions or you may attach current statements and indicate “no trades other than the trades listed on the attached statements from                             ” [include name(s) of all brokerage accounts]. If duplicate statements for ALL accounts are being provided to DoubleLine, you may check the box “No reportable trades other than the trades listed on duplicate statements provided to Compliance.”

If you have not made any reportable transactions, please check the box for “NO TRADES”.



Date of    


   Type    Security Name    Symbol/CUSIP        Quantity    Price        Broker          Account Number
  “No Reportable trades other than the trades listed on duplicate statements provided to Compliance.”
  No trades.


B. New Accounts. Have any new brokerage accounts been established in the most recent quarter in which securities were held for your direct or indirect benefit?    ☐  Yes    ☐  No

If yes, please list.



Account Name



    Brokerage Firm or Bank Name    



Account Number



Date Established




C. Managed, Non-Discretionary Accounts. Do you maintain a managed, non-discretionary account?  ☐  Yes    ☐  No If yes, Please answer the following:
  1 Have you suggested any trades or directed your broker to make any trades on your behalf?    ☐  Yes    ☐  No
  2 Have you contacted your broker regarding allocations of investments in your account?    ☐  Yes    ☐  No


        If you responded yes to any of these questions, please see a member of the Legal/Compliance Department
D. Political Contributions: Have you made any political contributions in the past quarter?  ☐  Yes    ☐No      If yes, please list:

City &  

State   (location) of   election  


Election (year &  


Ex: 2010 general  

election or 2010   primary election  

   Candidate for office of (ex.   President,   Governor,   Mayor)      Were you eligible to vote in the election? (Y or N)   

Date of Political


   Total $


E. Social Media. Have you used personal social media to conduct DoubleLine business during the past quarter?    ☐    Yes    ☐  No
F. Outside Business Activities. Have you requested permission for any new outside business activities during the quarter?  ☐  Yes    ☐  No
     If yes, please list the activity                            
     If no, please see the Chief Compliance Officer.
G. Gifts. I have not accepted any compensation from any source for the purchase or sale of any property to or for any registered investment company or any controlled company thereof.


H. I confirm that the above information is complete and accurate.






Effective as of January 1, 2012

(as amended on August 21, 2013)




The Companies (as defined in the Code) have adopted the Code of Ethics (the “Code”), which contains an Insider Trading Policy and Procedures which, among other things, prohibits inappropriate insider trading in any securities, and prohibits all employees from improperly using or disclosing material, non-public information. These special procedures govern trading by DoubleLine Personnel (other than Disinterested Trustees) in securities of closed-end funds managed by an Adviser.



Persons to Whom this Special Trading Policy Applies

This Special Trading Policy applies to all DoubleLine Personnel (other than Disinterested Trustees) as well as to any transactions in securities participated in by family members, trusts or corporations controlled by DoubleLine Personnel. In particular, this Policy applies to securities transactions by:


    the DoubleLine Personnel’s spouse;
    the DoubleLine Personnel’s minor children;
    any other relatives living in the DoubleLine Personnel’s household;
    a trust in which the DoubleLine Personnel has a beneficial interest, unless such DoubleLine Personnel has no direct or indirect control over the trust;
    a trust as to which the DoubleLine Personnel is a trustee;
    a revocable trust as to which the DoubleLine Personnel is a settlor;
    a corporation of which the DoubleLine Personnel is an officer, director or 10% or greater stockholder; or a partnership of which the DoubleLine Personnel is a partner (including investment clubs), unless the DoubleLine Personnel has no direct or indirect control over the partnership.

The family members, trust and corporations listed above are referred to as “Related Persons.”



Securities to which this Special Trading Policy applies

Unless stated otherwise, this Policy and the following Special Trading Procedures apply to all transactions by DoubleLine Personnel and their Related Persons involving any securities of the closed-end funds for which an Adviser or one of its affiliates acts as an investment manager, investment adviser or sub-adviser (the “Closed-End Funds”). The current list of Closed-End Funds is set forth on Appendix 1 hereto. For purposes of this policy, the securities of the Closed-End Funds themselves are referred to as the “Prohibited Securities.” Exhibit 1 may be revised from time to time; and, therefore, DoubleLine Personnel should contact the CCO prior to executing a personal transaction involving any closed-end fund that is managed, advised or sub-advised by an Adviser or any of its affiliates to determine whether the securities involved in the proposed transaction are Prohibited Securities.



Special trading procedures relating to the prohibited securities

A.    Preclearance and conditions for personal trading

All investment transactions in Prohibited Securities in which DoubleLine Personnel and/or a Related Person has or will acquire a Beneficial Ownership interest must be precleared by the CCO, using a specially designed form which generally will be similar to the form provided as Appendix 2 to these procedures, including any forms present in any automated or electronic preclearance system.


Preclearance shall be requested by completing and submitting a copy of the applicable preclearance request form to the CCO. No investment transaction subject to preclearance may be effected prior to receipt of written or electronic authorization of the transaction by the CCO. The authorization and the date of authorization will be reflected on the preclearance request form. Any preclearance granted will only be granted for the remainder of the day on which such preclearance is granted. Any transaction, or portion thereof, not completed that same business day will require a separate preapproval.

The CCO may undertake such investigation as he or she considers necessary to determine that the investment transaction for which preclearance has been sought complies with the terms of the Code and this Special Trading Policy and is consistent with the general principles described at the beginning of the Code. The CCO may consider, and reject a requested trade based on, any matter that he or she believes would make, or would be perceived to make, such trade improper.

In order for DoubleLine Personnel to make an initial purchase of one of the Closed-End Funds, such Closed-End Fund must have completed all of its initial common and preferred shares offerings and not otherwise be engaged in an offering of its shares.

The Advisers reserve the right to impose a minimum purchase amount of Prohibited Securities. Such a limitation may be necessary to assist in controlling potential regulatory risks related to Access Persons’ regulatory filing obligations.

B. Blackout Periods

DoubleLine Personnel may not purchase or sell shares of a Closed-End Fund during the following period:

from the three-week period prior to a quarterly board meeting (or, if earlier, the time when internal dividend discussions regarding the proposed dividends to be declared at that meeting become material) until after the two business days following the issuance of the press release regarding dividends declared at that meeting; and

the CCO may impose additional blackout periods for trading in a Closed-End Fund as necessary.

C. Holding Period

DoubleLine Personnel may only invest in a Closed-End Fund as a long-term investment. The Code enforces a minimum six-month holding period, which means DoubleLine Personnel may not sell shares of a Closed- End Fund within six months of purchasing them, or purchase shares of a Closed-End Fund within six months of selling them. Any violation of this six-month holding period will require disgorgement of any profits. Certain DoubleLine Personnel may be required to file forms promptly with the SEC regarding their transactions in shares of a Fund. For additional details, please review the “Procedures with Respect to Fund Obligations under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934” otherwise known as the Section 16 Policy. You may not be able to sell shares of a Closed-End Fund notwithstanding your compliance with the holding period requirement, including, for example, if a blackout period applies. A blackout period may apply for an extended period of time and you may not be able to sell shares of a Closed-End Fund when you wish, if at all.

D. Conditions of Approval/Preclearance

When requesting preclearance to transact in a Prohibited Security, DoubleLine Personnel generally will attest that they:


    Are in compliance with the Code in making the request to trade a Prohibited Security
    Are not trading on material, non-public information
    Will make all necessary regulatory filings
    Understand that any preapprovals are only good through the end of the same business day that preapproval is granted and that they must receive a new preapproval to trade on the following business day
    Are not purchasing a Prohibited Security within six months of a sale of a Prohibited Security of the same Closed-End Fund
    Are not selling a Prohibited Security within six months of a purchase of a Prohibited Security of the same Closed-End Fund and are not creating a short position
    Are not entering into a Contrary Transaction (opposite advice given to a Client)
    Are meeting any other conditions listed on the form and within the Code.

E.    Post-Trade Reporting and Attestations

DoubleLine Personnel shall submit to the CCO a report of every securities transaction in Prohibited Securities in which he or she and any of such DoubleLine Personnel’s Related Persons have participated as soon as practicable following the transaction. Such reports shall conform to the requirements of the Code. In addition, on an annual basis, each DoubleLine Personnel must confirm the amount of Prohibited Securities which such person and his/her Related Persons beneficially own.

DoubleLine Personnel (and not a Fund or an Adviser) are personally responsible for ensuring that their transactions comply fully with any and all applicable securities laws, including, but not limited to, the restrictions imposed under Sections 16(a) and 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and Rule 144 under the Securities Act of 1933. DoubleLine Personnel have sole responsibility for any and all reports required under the Exchange Act and any applicable rules or regulations thereunder, such as Forms 3, 4 and 5. DoubleLine Personnel are advised to review carefully the requirements of the Funds’ Section 16 Policy to ensure that any omission by DoubleLine Personnel to make any such report does not inadvertently cause the Adviser or any of the Closed-End Funds to fail to meet applicable reporting requirements.

Each DoubleLine Personnel shall attest, on an annual basis, that he or she has reviewed and understands (i) his or her filing requirements under Sections 16(a) and 16(b) of the Exchange Act, as discussed above (including Forms 3, 4 and 5), and (ii) the Advisers’ policy regarding material, non-public information under the Code.

F.    Resolving Issues Concerning Insider Trading

If you have any doubts or questions as to whether any information that you possess regarding a Fund is material or non-public, or as to the applicability or interpretation of any of the foregoing procedures, or as to the propriety of any action, you should contact the CCO before trading or communicating the information to anyone. Until these doubts or questions are satisfactorily resolved, you should presume that the information is material and non-public and you should not trade in the securities or communicate the information that you possess to anyone.

G. Penalties

Penalties for failing to comply with this Exhibit shall include all penalties described within the Code. By way of example and not limitation, penalties for failing to comply with the requirements of this Exhibit may include required disgorgement, the timing of which may not be advantageous to the tax or other financial considerations of the DoubleLine Personnel, as well as the disgorgement described under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act. It is anticipated that DoubleLine Personnel failing to comply with the

requirements of this Exhibit could be barred from trading any of the Funds listed on Appendix 1 – or any future closed-end funds to be managed by the Adviser.

H.    Modifications and Waivers

The Companies reserve the right to amend or modify this Policy Statement at any time. Waiver of any provision of this Policy Statement in a specific instance only may be authorized in writing as described within the Code.

Appendix 1 to Exhibit VIII:

List of Closed-End Funds Advised by DoubleLine Capital LP

DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund

DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund

List of Closed-End Funds Sub-advised by DoubleLine Capital LP

RiverNorth/DoubleLine Strategic Opportunity Fund, Inc.

Appendix 2 to Exhibit VIII





Any preapproval with respect to a transaction in shares of DBL, DSL or OPP is only good through the end of the same business day that pre-approval is obtained. Any transaction, or portion thereof, not completed that same business day will require a separate approval.




Name of






Price if

limit order

   Buy or Sell   










Check if





If an option or warrant, describe the underlying security:    


    I request pre-approval authorization to effect transaction(s) in the security indicated above for my personal account(s) or another account(s) in which I have a beneficial interest. I am familiar with and certify that this request is made in compliance with the Code of Ethics.
    I am not in possession of material, non-public information concerning the securities listed above, and I have consulted with the Chief Compliance Officer or his or her designee if I have any doubts regarding whether information in my possession may be material, non-public information regarding such securities.
    If buying, I have not made a sale of a security listed above within SIX MONTHS of this trade date, and I understand that I may not be able to sell the shares I intend to purchase for an extended period of time because of the required holding period and, potentially, an extended blackout period.
    If selling, I have not made a purchase of a security listed above within SIX MONTHS of this trade date AND this trade will NOT result in a short position.
    Unless indicated, this purchase is not an IPO or private placement.
    If I am a portfolio manager, trader or analyst: This transaction is not a Contrary Transaction (opposite of investment advice given to clients.)
    I understand that any preapprovals are only good through the end of the same business day that preapproval is granted, and I must receive a new preapproval to trade on the following business day.
    I am solely responsible for all regulatory filings related to my trading activity in DBL or DSL, as applicable.
    I have read, understand and agree to the terms of the preauthorization to trade DBL or DSL, as applicable, including the Code of Ethics requirements for personal trading.


Transaction Authorized









Signature of Person Requesting                     


Exhibit VIII C










Any transaction as to which pre-approval has been obtained must be completed two business days following the day pre-approval is obtained. Any transaction, or portion thereof, not so completed will require a New Approval. I will apply for an extension if required.




Name of






Price if

limit order

   Buy or Sell    #of Shares/
Units (or $)










If an option or warrant, describe the underlying security:    


    I request pre-approval authorization to effect transaction(s) in the security indicated above for my personal account(s) or another account(s) in which I have a beneficial interest. I am familiar with and certify that this request is made in compliance with the Codes of Ethics.
    I am not in possession of material, non-public information concerning the securities listed above.
    If selling, I have held this security for more than sixty days or I will sustain a loss by selling now.
    Unless indicated, this purchase is not an IPO or private placement.
    If I am a portfolio manager, trader or analyst: This transaction is not a Contrary Transaction (opposite of investment advice given to clients.)


Transaction Authorized









Signature of Person Requesting                     


Exhibit X. A.










Instructions: Complete all sections of form. If not applicable, please indicate N/A or None.








I hereby acknowledge and certify that I understand the rules and procedures under the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund, DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund, DoubleLine Funds Trust, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Group LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP and DoubleLine Capital LP Code of Ethics regarding Non-Cash Compensation and Gifts.

I have not accepted any compensation from any source (other than DoubleLine) for the purchase or sale of any property to or for any registered investment company or any controlled company thereof.

I further certify that during the last twelve months I have not directly or indirectly accepted or made payments or offers of payments of any non-cash compensation, except for the following items unrelated to any registered investment company business conducted by DoubleLine. (None of the following may be accepted by persons involved in portfolio management or trading):


  a) usual and customary promotional items, of de minimis value, such as hats, pens, T-shirts, and similar items marked with a vendor’s logo


  b) gifts of nominal value (i.e. under $100 to or from any single individual associated with a vendor per year) or;


  c) an occasional meal or entertainment such as a sporting event, a show, or comparable events, with the vendor present. If the vendor does not accompany you to such events then the cost of the tickets are subject to the gift and dollar limitations above. All entertainment or meals should be neither so frequent nor so extensive as to raise any question of propriety and may not be preconditioned on achievement of a sales target or volume of trades.

Report all gifts given or received below (you are not required to report the usual or customary promotional items such as hats, pins, t-shirts, and similar items marked with a vendor’s logo). Also report all entertainment RECEIVED. You need not report entertainment given:

For period January 1,          through December 31,             .




Gift Description      


From whom received or to whom given


Est. Value                 





DoubleLine Group LP

DoubleLine Equity LP

DoubleLine Alternatives LP

DoubleLine Group LP

Code of Ethics

Exhibit X.B.

Initial Political Contributions Report

Data is complete as of                              Please indicate all political contributions made for the two-year period prior to the date of this report. Contributions to political parties need not indicate election cycle or candidate, unless the contribution to the political party was earmarked for a particular election or candidate. Political contributions to political action committees also must be indicated on this form. All political contributions must be recorded on this form, regardless of the size of the contribution. Please list in chronological order, starting oldest to newest.

☐ None.


Recipient    City and State
(location) of

Election (year and
type. Ex. 2011
general election or

2012 primary

   Candidate for
office of (ex.

Were you eligible to
vote in the election

(Yes or No)


Date of Political


   Total $

I certify that the above information is complete and correct. I further certify that I have not paid or otherwise influenced another to make a political contribution.









Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Questionnaire

Exhibit XI D

In keeping with DoubleLine’s adherence to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), we require that all new Access Persons (and certain other persons) complete this questionnaire. Please respond to questions 1 and 2 below.

1. Are you now or have you ever been a Non-U.S. Government Official?*

Yes                                       No      

If you answered yes to this question, please complete the information requested below:

Your Name


Official Title


Name of Government Body

(Agency, Regulator, State Owned Entity, Ministry, etc.)






Dates you were (are)Non-U.S. Government Official



From (mm/dd/year)                    To (mm/dd/year)


Describe the Scope of your responsibilities



Attach additional information if more than one person and /or with more than one government body.

2. Is any member of your family (e.g., Spouse/Partner, Parent, Grandparent, In-laws, Sibling, Child,) a Non-U.S. Government Official, or do you have a close relationship with a Non-U.S. Government Official who has the ability to influence DoubleLine’s Business?

Yes                               No      

If you answered yes to this question, please complete the information requested below:

Your Name     
Name of Non-U.S. Government Official     
Official Title     

Name of Government Body

(Agency, Regulator, State owned Entity, Ministry, etc.)


Dates this Individual was (is) Non-U.S. Government Official



From (mm/dd/year)                    To (mm/dd/year)


Describe the scope of this Official’s responsibility


Did this Non-U.S. Government Official refer you to DoubleLine?    Yes                                                No      

Attach additional information if more than one position and/or with more than one government body.


Print Name      Signature      Date


DoubleLine defines a *Non-U.S. Government Official as:

“Non-U.S. Government Official” is broadly defined and includes any employee, agent or representative of a non-US government, and any non-US political party, party official or candidate. This can include royalty, non-US legislators, representatives of non- US state-owned enterprises and sovereign wealth funds, trade delegations, and employees of public international organizations (including but not limited to the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and many other international agencies), regardless of rank or position, and any individuals acting on behalf of a Non-U.S. Government Official.

This may involve activities done on a paid or unpaid basis.

Exhibit XI E














Please read this form carefully. Answer all questions completely, sign, date and return this form to the Chief Compliance Officer.

REQUIREMENT TO KEEP THIS INFORMATION CURRENT: You are required to promptly provide updated information, in writing, to the Chief Compliance Officer in the event any of the information that you report below changes or becomes inaccurate in any way.



I have received or have access to the DoubleLine Capital LP, DoubleLine Equity LP, DoubleLine Alternatives LP (each an “Adviser”), DoubleLine Group LP, DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund (“DBL”), DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (“DSL”) and DoubleLine Funds Trust (collectively, the “Trust”) (collectively the “Companies”) Code of Ethics (the “Code”).



I am aware that the policies and procedures set forth in the Code are designed to assist me, the Companies and the Companies’ employees in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the Companies’ own internal standards, and to maintaining the trust and confidence of those individual with whom the Companies conducts business and to upholding high standards of integrity and business ethics.



I have read and understand the Code and I agree to comply with it fully.



I understand that any failure on my part to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, or requirements and the policies and procedures set forth in the Code may have serious


adverse consequences for both me and the Companies and can lead to disciplinary actions by the Companies against me up to and including termination.



If at any time I have any doubt, whatsoever, as to the correct policy or procedure to follow in relation to any matter covered by the Code, or if I am unclear as to the meaning or effect of anything contained in the Code, I agree to consult with legal or compliance personnel.



If I am a new hire or otherwise new as an Access Person, I will provide records showing any and all political contributions made during the two year period prior to my becoming an Access Person. If this is my annual attestation, I have made all political contributions pursuant to requirements of the Code of Ethics and have made all such reports as are required by the Code of Ethics. If I have made no political contributions during the two- year period prior to my becoming an employee or in the year since my last annual attestation, I have indicated “None” on the following line.






Since my date of employment with any of the Companies or the date of execution of my last Annual Attestation and Disclosure Form, whichever is later, I have complied fully with the Companies’ policies on directorships of public or private companies and, except with respect to the Companies, or as otherwise disclosed below, I do not currently serve as a director of any public or private companies. (If none, please indicate “None”.)






Since my date of employment with either of the Companies or the date of execution of my last Annual Attestation and Disclosure Form, whichever is later, I have complied fully with the Companies’ policies on outside business activities and, except with respect to the Companies, or as otherwise disclosed below, I am not currently engaged in any other business activities, or employed or compensated by any other person or serve as an officer, partner or employee of any business organization. (If none, please indicate “None”.)






Since my date of employment with either of the Companies or the date of execution of my last Annual Attestation and Disclosure Form, whichever is later, I have complied fully with the Companies’ policies on the reporting of accounts and transactions involving securities and other financial products. Without limiting the foregoing, I have notified the Companies with respect to all outside accounts opened for the purchase, holding or disposition of any financial products that are beneficially owned by: (i) me; (ii) my spouse or domestic partner; (iii) my child or a child of my spouse or domestic partner, provided, in each case, the child resides in the same household with, or is financially dependent upon, me; and (iv) any account as to which I have discretionary authority or direct influence or control, including any account for which I act as trustee,


executor or custodian, but excluding any account for a client to the extent the discretion is exercised on behalf thereof.     I have also notified the Companies with respect to accounts beneficially owned by any Immediate Family Member, as hereinafter defined, that shares a household with me, unless I have no direct or indirect influence or control over such account. For purposes of the foregoing, the term “Immediate Family Member shall mean, any grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in law, brother-in law, or sister-in-law. In addition, in connection with each account, I have requested that duplicate copies of confirmations and account statements be provided to the Companies and have notified the Companies of all changes thereto.



Since my date of employment with either of the Companies or the date of execution of my last Annual Attestation and Disclosure Form, whichever is later, I have complied fully with the Companies policies on the filing of Holdings Report Notification forms with respect to transactions in financial products are beneficially owned by: (i) me; (ii) my spouse or domestic partner; (iii) my child or a child of my spouse or domestic partner, provided, in each case, the child resides in the same household with, or is financially dependent upon, me; (iv) an Immediate Family Member that shares a household with me, unless I have no direct or indirect influence or control over such transaction.



Since my date of employment with either of the Companies or the date of execution of my last Annual Attestation and Disclosure Form, whichever is later, I have not received any third party compensation, except as indicated below. (If none, please indicate “None”.)





I acknowledge the confidential nature of nonpublic information regarding our clients. Consistent with applicable policies and guidelines, I will respect and safeguard the privacy of our clients and the confidential nature of their information. Without limiting the general nature of this commitment, I will not access or seek to gain access to confidential information regarding any past or present client, except in the course of fulfilling my job responsibilities. I understand that in this context, confidential information is considered to include all nonpublic information that can be personally associated with an individual.

I will not use another person’s computer sign-on or computer access code or provide another the use of my sign-on code to gain access to confidential information without proper authorization. I will not disclose confidential information to those who are not authorized to receive it. In addition, I will not, without proper authorization, copy or preserve by paper writing, electronic, or any other means confidential information, nor will I disseminate any such information without proper authorization. If I am in doubt about whether the authorization provided is proper, I will consult the Companies’ Compliance or legal personnel for guidance.

I acknowledge the receipt of my IDs and Passwords. I understand that passwords are the equivalent of my signature. I understand that I will only access information that is

required for me to perform my assigned tasks. I acknowledge that if I disclose passwords to any other person, I will be fully accountable

and responsible for any use or misuse by that individual to the same extent as if I had performed the act or omission. If I have any reason to believe that the confidentiality of my passwords has been violated, I will notify my supervisor immediately and ensure that the passwords are promptly changed. I further understand that if my Personal Electronic Device is able to connect to DoubleLine’s technology resources and is lost, stolen, sold or otherwise transferred from my possession in any permanent manner, I will notify DoubleLine’s Information Technology Group immediately to allow DoubleLine to mitigate any security breaches that could occur.



I have complied fully with the Companies’ insider-trading policy as set forth in the Code, and I have read and understand the Companies’ policy on the use of material, non-public information.



I have reviewed and understand my personal obligations regarding the filing requirements under Sections 16(a) and 16(b) of the Exchange Act as they apply to me, including, but not necessarily limited to, Forms 3, 4 and 5.



Authorization is hereby granted to the Companies to open any and all mail and monitor all forms of communication addressed to my attention and delivered to the Companies.



Nothing has changed in my disclosures regarding non-US Government Officials and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act since my last report. (Otherwise, I will complete a new form regarding non-US Government Officials and submit it with this attestation.)



I understand that a willful misstatement or omission of information requested on this form, or a violation of any applicable federal or state law, regulatory or self-regulatory organization requirement, or any of the Advisers’, DBL’s, DSL’s or the Trust’s policy or procedures, as set forth in the Code, or otherwise, may be considered grounds for termination of my employment and other disciplinary action by the Companies.



I have not ever been charged with, pled guilty or nolo contondere (“no contest”) to or been convicted of a felony.



I have not ever been charged with, convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere in a domestic, foreign, or military court to a misdemeanor involving: investments or an investment-related business, or any fraud, false statements, or omissions, wrongful taking of property, bribery, perjury, forgery, counterfeiting, extortion, or a conspiracy to commit any of these offenses.



I have not ever been named in or subject to any finding or disciplinary action of any kind imposed by any state, U.S.,. or non-U.S. regulatory or self-regulatory body with authority over any of the Companies’ lines of business or any aspect of the U.S. financial markets, such as but not limited to: the SEC, FINRA, Commodities Futures Trade Commission (“CFTC”) or National Futures Association (“NFA”).



I have not ever been found by any U.S. Federal regulatory agency, any state regulatory agency, or any foreign financial regulatory authority to have made a false statement or


omission, or to have been dishonest, unfair, or unethical; to have been involved in a violation of investment-related regulations or statutes; or to have been the cause of an investment-related business having its authorization to do business denied, suspended, revoked, or restricted. I have not ever had a federal regulatory agency, state regulatory agency, or foreign financial regulatory authority prevent me from associating with an investment-related business, restrict my activity, enter an order against me in connection with an investment related activity, or impose a civil money penalty on me.



I have not ever had a license or authorization to serve as a registered person or as someone in a similar capacity be denied, suspended or revoked, nor have I ever had a license or authorization to serve as an attorney, accountant or federal contractor either be suspended or revoked.



I have not ever had a court enter any order or make any finding against me related to any investment-related statutes or investment related activities;, dismiss, pursuant to a settlement agreement, an investment related civil action brought against me by a state or foreign financial regulatory authority; enjoin, or otherwise limit, me from engaging in any investment-related activity or from violating any investment-related statute, rule, or order. I am not a party to any proceeding whatsoever that could lead to such a court order.



I am not aware of any item that is required to be reported to any employer that hires me. I am not aware of any item related to me that any of the Companies would be required to report to any regulatory entity. I am not the subject of any regulatory or civil proceeding that could result in a change to the responses in this attestation.




I, Ronald R. Redell, certify that:


1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund;


2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:


  (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


  (b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  (c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and


  (d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


  (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and


  (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date:           11/24/2017                                      Ronald R. Redell                                 
  Ronald R. Redell
  President and Chief Executive Officer


I, Susan Nichols, certify that:


1. I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund;


2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:


  (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


  (b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


  (c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and


  (d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


  (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and


  (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date:     11/24/2017                                         Susan Nichols                                                 
   Susan Nichols
   Treasurer and
   Principal Financial and Accounting Officer


Certification Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, each of the undersigned officers of the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund, does hereby certify, to such officer’s knowledge, that the report on Form N-CSR of the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund for the period ended September 30, 2017 fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as applicable, and that the information contained in the Form N-CSR fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund for the stated period.


    Ronald R. Redell                                                                 Susan Nichols                                              
Ronald R. Redell    Susan Nichols
President and Chief Executive Officer   

Treasurer and

Principal Financial Accounting Officer

Dated:            11/24/2017                                             Dated:            11/24/2017                                         

This statement accompanies this report on Form N-CSR pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and shall not be deemed as filed by DoubleLine Opportunistic Credit Fund for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

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