6-K 1 tm2121291d3_6k.htm FORM 6-K






Washington, D.C. 20549








Report of Foreign Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16

under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of July, 2021


Commission File Number: 001-37777





(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)



(Translation of registrant’s name into English)




Bartolomé Mitre 434

C1036AAH Buenos Aires

Republic of Argentina

(Address of principal executive offices)




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1.   Financial Statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2020, presented on comparative basis.







Consolidated Financial Statements


For the financial year ended on

December 31, 2020, presented on comparative basis





3. INCOME TAX   47
12. DIVIDENDS   60
14. INSURANCE   60
3. FAIR VALUES   111
8. INCOME TAX   120







Consolidated Financial Statements


For the financial year ended on

December 31, 2020, presented on comparative basis







Name:   Grupo Supervielle S.A.
Financial year:   N° 42 started on January 1, 2020
Legal Address:  

Bartolomé Mitre 434, piso 5

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Core Business:   Carry out, on its own account or third parties’ or related to third parties, in the country or abroad, financing activities through cash or instrument contributions to already-existing or to-be-set-up corporations, whether controlling such corporations or not, as well as the purchase and sale of securities, shares, debentures and any kind of property values, granting of fines and/or guarantees, set up or transfer of loans as guarantee, including real, or without it not including operations set forth by the Financial Entities Law and any other requiring public bidding.
Registration Number at the IGP:   212,617
Date of Registration at IGP:   October 15, 1980
Amendment of by-laws (last):   April 24, 2018 (Registration in progress)
Expiration date of the Company’s By-Laws:   October 15, 2079
Corporations Article 33 Companies general Law     Note 7 to Separate Financial Statements


Composition of Capital Stock as of December 30, 2020


Shares   Capital Stock 
Quantity   Class  N.V. $   Votes per
in thousands
of $
in thousands
of $
 61,738,188   A: Non endorsable, common shares of a nominal value   1    5    61,738    61,738 
 394,984,134   B: Non endorsable, common shares of a nominal value   1    1    394,984    394,984 
 456,722,322                 456,722    456,722 








As of December 31, 2020, 2019 and January 1, 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


ASSETS  Notes and
  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and due from banks  1.8 and 5   36,674,869    35,945,321    70,551,282 
Cash      12,792,522    11,913,810    10,030,991 
Financial institutions and correspondents      23,730,020    23,990,794    60,498,513 
Argentine Central Bank      19,623,684    21,683,566    57,359,875 
Other local and financial institutions      4,106,336    2,307,228    3,138,638 
Others      152,327    40,717    21,778 
Debt Securities at fair value through profit or loss  1.8, 5, 11.1 and A   9,871,903    773,959    31,439,537 
Derivatives  11.2 y 5   143,944    350,679    33,349 
Reverse Repo transactions  5   22,354,735    -    - 
Other financial assets  1.8, 11.3 and 5   4,284,340    2,875,979    4,347,282 
Loans and other financing  5, 11.4 and B   105,974,985    121,028,573    163,609,714 
To the non-financial public sector      23,530    39,301    68,697 
To the financial sector      12,062    87,834    834,679 
To the Non-Financial Private Sector and Foreign residents      105,939,393    120,901,438    162,706,338 
Other debt securities  5,11.5 and A   41,264,149    14,528,311    9,212,805 
Financial assets pledged as collateral  5 and 11.6   4,904,935    7,261,332    4,203,681 
Current income tax assets      -    139,487    1,292,809 
Investments in equity instruments  5 and A   116,328    19,847    21,789 
Property, plant and equipment  F   7,103,638    5,450,311    4,536,193 
Investment property  F   5,997,945    5,520,143    865,687 
Intangible assets  G   6,782,538    5,929,802    5,626,709 
Deferred income tax assets      3,020,783    1,781,699    1,075,226 
Other non-financial assets  11.7   1,352,880    1,762,068    3,763,756 
Inventories  11.8   70,964    60,521    146,428 
Non-current assets held for sale      -    -    5,864 
TOTAL ASSETS      249,918,936    203,428,032    300,732,111 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements .








As of December 31, 2020, 2019 and January 1, 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   Notes and
   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Deposits        178,641,594    121,176,255    198,760,086 
 Non-financial public sector   5,11.9 and H    7,911,255    7,447,131    23,258,016 
 Financial sector        57,416    38,253    52,851 
 Non-financial private sector and foreign residents        170,672,923    113,690,871    175,449,219 
Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   5 and 11.10    2,002,005    258,060    561,448 
Derivatives   11.14    1,995    -    197,328 
Repo transactions   5    -    435,401    - 
Other financial liabilities   5 and 11.11    7,529,685    12,411,386    10,833,123 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   5 and 11.12    5,851,412    12,276,610    16,823,037 
Unsubordinated debt securities   5 and 16.4    4,226,748    8,286,163    19,491,853 
Current income tax liabilities        1,288,267    -    1,656,517 
Subordinated debt securities   5 and 16.4    1,140,469    2,886,028    2,898,105 
Provisions   11.13    681,092    901,203    182,025 
Deferred income tax liabilities        42,005    643,354    511,920 
Other non-financial liabilities   11.15    12,146,092    11,196,159    11,346,062 
TOTAL LIABILITIES        213,551,364    170,470,619    263,261,504 
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    
Capital stock        456,722    456,722    456,722 
Paid in capital        28,858,170    33,275,663    33,275,003 
Capital Adjustments        2,968,586    2,968,586    2,968,586 
Reserves        -    14,241,451    11,407,964 
Retained earnings        -    (14,135,405)   (4,944,694)
Other comprehensive income        642,945    117,647    - 
Net income for the period/year        3,412,111    (3,993,474)   (5,722,657)
Shareholders' Equity attributable to owners of the parent company        36,338,534    32,931,190    37,440,924 
Shareholders' Equity attributable to non-controlling interests        29,038    26,223    29,683 
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY        36,367,572    32,957,413    37,470,607 
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY        249,918,936    203,428,032    300,732,111 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.








For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   Notes   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Interest income   11.16    64,649,919    60,983,630 
Interest expenses   11.17    (28,574,136)   (47,531,380)
Net interest income        36,075,783    13,452,250 
Service fee income   11.20    11,493,824    11,707,556 
Service fee expenses   11.21    (3,547,939)   (3,054,959)
Income from insurance activities   14    1,671,455    1,667,287 
Net Service Fee Income        9,617,340    10,319,884 
Subtotal        45,693,123    23,772,134 
Net income from financial instruments (NIFFI) at fair value through profit or loss   11.18    3,315,582    28,536,370 
Result from derecognition of assets measured at amortized cost   11.19    (11,630,883)   - 
Exchange rate difference on gold and foreign currency        1,064,518    (441,188)
Subtotal        (7,250,783)   28,095,182 
Other operating income   11.22    3,886,203    3,742,326 
Results from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency        8,035,834    (7,891,885)
Loan loss provisions        (8,755,174)   (10,524,351)
Net operating income        41,609,203    37,193,406 
Personnel expenses   11.23    18,167,844    19,283,345 
Administration expenses   11.24    10,312,494    10,310,670 
Depreciations and impairment of non-financial assets   11.25    2,407,028    2,691,218 
Other operating expenses   11.26    6,572,487    8,654,873 
Operating income / (loss)        4,149,350    (3,746,700)
Income / (loss) before taxes        4,149,350    (3,746,700)
Income tax        734,974    250,357 
Net income / (loss) for the year        3,414,376    (3,997,057)
Net income / (loss) for the year attributable to owners of the parent company        3,412,111    (3,993,474)
Net income / (loss) for the year attributable to non-controlling interests        2,265    (3,583)


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.









For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income / (loss) for the year attributable to owners of the parent company   3,412,111    (3,993,474)
PLUS: Diluting events inherent to potential ordinary shares   -    - 
Net income / (loss) attributable to owners of the parent company adjusted by dilution   3,412,111    (3,993,474)
Weighted average of ordinary shares   456,722    456,722 
PLUS: Weighted average of number of ordinary shares issued with dilution effect.   -    - 
Weighted average of number of ordinary shares issued of the period adjusted by dilution effect.   456,722    456,722 
Basic Income per share   7.47    (8.74)
Diluted Income per share   7.47    (8.74)


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements







For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income / (loss) for the year   3,414,376    (3,997,057)
Components of Other Comprehensive Income not to be reclassified to profit or loss          
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment and intangibles.   687,598    158,245 
Income tax   (206,279)   (47,474)
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment and intangibles   481,319    110,771 
Net income from equity instrument at fair value through changes in other comprehensive income          
Total Other Comprehensive Income not to be reclassified to profit or loss   481,319    110,771 
Components of Other Comprehensive Loss to be reclassified to profit or loss   -    - 
Income  for the year for the year from financial instrument at fair value through other comprehensive income   69,422    9,832 
Income tax   (24,893)   (2,949)
Net income from financial instrument at fair value through changes in other comprehensive income   44,529    6,883 
Total Other Comprehensive Loss to be reclassified to profit or loss   44,529    6,883 
Total Other Comprehensive Income   525,848    117,654 
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company   525,298    117,647 
Other comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests   550    7 
Total Comprehensive Income   3,940,224    (3,879,403)
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company   3,937,409    (3,875,827)
Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests   2,815    (3,576)


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.







For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


                     Other comprehensive income          
Items  Capital
  Paid in
of PPE
  Earnings or
los accrued by
institutions at
FV through
profit and loss

Shareholders´ equity
attributable to
parent company



equity attributable
to non-controlling

Re-expressed Balance at December 31, 2019   456,722   2,968,586   33,275,663   191,302   14,050,149   (18,128,879)  110,771   6,876   32,931,190   26,223   32,957,413 
Absorption of negative retained earnings RG777/18 CNV           (4,417,493)  (191,302)  (19,316,859)  23,925,654   -   -   -   -   - 
Balance at December 31, 2019   456,722   2,968,586   28,858,170   -   (5,266,710)  5,796,775   110,771   6,876   32,931,190   26,223   32,957,413 
Distribution of retained earnings by the shareholders’ meeting on April 28, 2020:                                             
Constitution of reserves   -   -   -   -   5,796,775   (5,796,775)  -   -   -   -   - 
Dividend distribution   -   -   -   -   (530,065)  -   -   -   (530,065)  -   (530,065)
Net Income for the year   -   -   -   -   -   3,412,111   -   -   3,412,111   2,265   3,414,376 
Other comprehensive income for the year   -   -   -   -   -   -   480,826   44,472   525,298   550   525,848 
Balance at December 31, 2020   456,722   2,968,586   28,858,170   -   -   3,412,111   591,597   51,348   36,338,534   29,038   36,367,572 



The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.







For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos)


                     Other comprehensive income          
Items  Capital
  Paid in
of PPE
  Earnings or
los accrued by
institutions at
FV through
profit and loss


Shareholders´ equity
attributable to
parent company



Shareholders´ equity
attributable to
non-controlling interest

Re-expressed Balance at December 31, 2018   456,722   2,968,586   33,275,003   191,302   11,216,662   (9,935,561)  -       38,172,714   30,243   38,202,957 
IFRS 9 Impact Adjustments                       (731,790)          (731,790)  (560)  (732,350)
Balance at December 31, 2018   456,722   2,968,586   33,275,003   191,302   11,216,662   (10,667,351)  -       37,440,924   29,683   37,470,607 
Distribution of retained earnings by the shareholders’ meeting on April 26, 2019:                                             
Purchase of subsidiaries ‘shares   -   -   660   -   -   -   -   -   660   116   776 
Constitution of reserves   -   -   -   -   2,833,487   (2,833,487)  -   -   -   -   - 
Dividend distribution   -   -   -   -   -   (634,567)  -   -   (634,567)      (634,567)
Net Income for the year   -   -   -   -   -   (3,993,474)  -   -   (3,993,474)  (3,583)  (3,997,057)
Other comprehensive income for the year   -   -   -   -   -       110,771   6,876   117,647   7   117,654 
Balance at December 31, 2019   456,722   2,968,586   33,275,663   191,302   14,050,149   (18,128,879)  110,771   6,876   32,931,190   26,223   32,957,413 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.







For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income / (loss) for the year before Income Tax   4,149,350    (3,746,700)
Adjustments to obtain flows from operating activities:          
Depreciation and Impairment of Property, plant and   equipment   (2,407,028)   2,691,218 
Loan loss provisions   8,755,174    10,524,351 
Other adjustments          
-  Exchange rate difference on gold and foreign currency   (1,064,518)   441,188 
-  Interests from loans and other financing   (64,649,919)   (60,983,630)
-  Interests from deposits and financing received   28,574,136    47,531,380 
-  Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   (3,315,582)   (28,536,370)
-  Result from derecognition of  financial assets measured at amortized cost   11,630,883    - 
-  Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency   (8,035,834)   7,891,885 
-  Fair value measurement of investment properties   92,457    - 
-  Interest on liabilities for financial leases   207,035    289,286 
-  Allowances reversed   (703,329)   (678,796)
(Increases) / decreases from operating assets:          
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   (16,249,181)   33,611,922 
Derivatives   206,735    (317,330)
Reverse Repo transactions   (22,354,735)   - 
Loans and other financing          
    To the non-financial public sector   15,771    29,396 
    To the other financial entities   75,772    746,845 
    To the non-financial sector and foreign residents   70,434,455    89,277,980 
Other debt securities   (26,735,838)   (5,499,656)
Financial assets in guarantee   2,356,397    (3,057,651)
Investments in equity instruments   (48,917)   1,942 
Other assets   3,998,166    2,786,079 
Increases / (decreases) from operating liabilities:          
Non-financial public sector   464,124    (15,810,885)
Financial sector   19,163    (14,598)
Private non-financial sector and foreign residents   28,509,102    (112,971,816)
Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   1,743,945    (303,388)
Derivatives   1,995    (197,328)
Repo transactions   (435,401)   435,401 
Other liabilities   (3,796,649)   715,793 
Income Tax paid   (1,378,825)   (1,593,465)
Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities (A)   10,058,904    (36,736,947)
Payments related to:          
Purchase of PPE, intangible assets and other assets   (4,693,293)   (1,568,190)
Purchase of liabilities and equity instruments issued by other entities   (47,564)   - 
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash adquired   (7,292)   (269,497)


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.







For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Disposals related to PPE, intangible assets and other assets   425,906    253,102 
Net cash used in investing activities (B)   (4,322,243)   (1,584,585)
Interest on finance lease liabilities   (1,366,164)   (1,703,937)
Financing received from Argentine Financial Institutions   (21,298,598)   (155,072,118)
Unsubordinated debt securities   (6,785,701)   (23,641,628)
Subordinated debt securities   (1,774,264)   (1,147,619)
Dividends paid   (530,065)   (634,567)
Changes in the ownership of subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control   -    776 
Financing received from Argentine Financial Institutions   14,873,400    150,529,469 
Unsubordinated debt securities   2,653,805    11,452,531 
Subordinated debt securities   -      
Net cash used in financing activities (C)   (14,227,587)   (20,217,093)
Effects of exchange rate changes and exposure to changes in the purchasing power of money on cash and cash equivalents (D)   22,704,526    4,573,429 
NET INCREASE / (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS  (A+B+C+D)   14,213,600    (53,965,196)
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR (Note 1.9)   38,109,467    98,382,223 
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency of cash and equivalents   (12,856,541)   (6,307,560)
 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR (Note 1.9)   39,466,526    38,109,467 


(*) In the items “Loans and other financing - non-financial sector and foreign residents”and “Other Assets”, “Purchase of PPE,intangible asstes and other assets” and “Other liabilities” and “Purchase of PPE,intangible asstes and other assets” and “Other assets” 1,125,663, 803,901 and 876,864 corresponding to non-monetary transactions were eliminated.


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Grupo Supervielle S.A. (hereinafter, "the Group"), is a company whose main activity is investment in other companies, Its main income comes from the distribution of dividends from these companies and the obtaining of income from other financial assets.


The consolidated financial statements of Grupo Supervielle S.A. they have been consolidated, line by line with the financial statements of Banco Supervielle S.A., Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A., Sofital S.A. F. e I.I., Tarjeta Automática S.A., Supervielle Asset Management S.A., Espacio Cordial Servicios S.A., Supervielle Seguros S.A., InvertirOnline S.A.U., InvertirOnline,Com Argentina S.A.U., Micro Lending S.A.U., Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A., Bolsillo Digital S.A.U., Futuros del Sur S.A. and Easy Cambio S.A..


The main investment of the Company is its shareholding in Banco Supervielle S.A., a financial entity included in Law No. 21.526 of Financial Institutions and subject to BCRA regulations, for which the valuation and exposure guidelines used have been adopted by said Entity (see Note 1.1) in accordance with that established in Title IV, Chapter I, Section I, Article 2 of the 2013 Orderly Text of the National Securities Commission (CNV).


These consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on March 8, 2021.


1.1.Differences between the accounting framework established by the BCRA and IFRS


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared pursuant to: (i) provisions set by Intenational Accounting Standards N° 34, “Interim Financial Information” (IAS 34) and (ii) the accouting information framework set by the Argentine Central Bank which is based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretation Committee with the following exceptions:


(i)Temporary exception of IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” application over debt instruments of the non-financial public sector,


(ii)Temporary exception of the application of Section 5.5 (Value Impairment) for Group C entities, a category that includes Cordial Compañia Financiera S.A.. Therefore, provisions of the aforementioned entity are held under minimum provisions standards set by the Argentine Central Bank. See note 1.2.4 a)


(iii)presentation within other comprehensive income of the monetary result corresponding to items of a monetary nature that are measured at fair value with a counterpart in other comprehensive income. Communication “A” 7211 established that said monetary result must be presented within the income for the year as of 1.1.21. Had the aforementioned exposure criterion been applied at the end of the year ended December 31, 2020, the net result would have amounted to $ 3,185,980 and the Other Comprehensive Income to $ 4,163,540.


1.2. Preparation basis


These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in acoordance whith the accounting framework established by B.C.R.A. described in Note 1.1.


The Gruop´s Board has concluded that these consolidated financial statements reasonably express the financial position, financial performance and cash flows.


The preparation of financial statements requires that the Group carries out calculations and evaluations that affect the amount of incomes and expenses recorded in the year. In this sense, calculations are aimed at the estimation of, for example, credit risk provisions, useful life of property, plant and equipment, impairments and amortizations, recoverable value of assets, income tax charges and the reasonable value of certain financial instruments. Future real results may defer from calculations and evaluations as of the date of these consolidated financial statements preparation.


The areas that involve a greater degree of judgment or complexity or areas in which the assumptions and estimates are significant for the consolidated financial statements are described in Note 1.4.


As of these financial statements issuance date, such statements are pending of transcription to Inventory and Balance Sheet Book.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.2.1Going concern


As of the date of these consolidated financial statements there are no uncertainties with respect to events or conditions that may raise doubts regarding the possibility that the Group continues to operate normally as a going concern.


1.2.2Measuring unit – IAS 29 (Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies)


Figures included in these consolidated financial statements are expressed in thousands of Argentine pesos, unless otherwise stated.


The Group´s consolidated financial statements recognice changes in the currency purchasing power until August 31, 1995. As from such date, in virtue of existing economic stability conditions and pursuant to Communication “A” 2365 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, accounting measurements were not re-expressed until December 31, 2001. In virtue of Communication “A” 3702 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, the application of the method was resumed and became effective on January 1, 2002. Previous accouting measurements were considered to be expressed in the currency as of December 31, 2001.


Pursuant to Communication “A” 3921 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, in compliance with Decree 664/03 issued by the National Executive Power, the application of the re-expression of financial statements in homogeneous currency was interrupted as from March 1, 2003. Therefore, the Group applied said re-expression until February 28, 2003.


In turn, Law N° 27,468 (B.O. 04/12/2018) amended article 10° of Law N° 23,928 and its amendments, thus establishing that the abolition of all legal and regulating standards that set and authorize price indexing, monetary updating, cost changes or any other manner of re-increasing debts, taxes, prices or fees for goods, works or services does not include financial statements, regarding which the application of article 62 of the General Corporations Law N° 19,550 (T.O 1984) and its amendments shall prevail. Likewise, the aforementioned legal body set de abolition of Decree N° 1269/2002 dated on July 16, 2002 and its amendments and instructed the National Executive Power, through its controlling agencies, to set the date as from which said regulations became into effect in relation with financial statements to be submitted. Therefore, on February 22, 2019, the Argentine Central Bank issued Communication “A” 6651 which established that financial statements shall be prepared in a homogeneous currency as from January 1, 2020. Therefore, these consolidated financial statements have been re-expressed as of December 31, 2020.


1.2.3Comparative information


The information included in these consolidated financial statements and in the aforementioned notes as of December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019 is presented, exclusively with comparative purposes regarding the information as of December 31, 2020.


It is worth to be mentioned that, Communication “A” 6778, issued by the Argentine Central Bank, required the retroactive application of the impairment model set forth in section 5.5 of IFRS 9 with temporary withdrawal of non-financial public sector´s debt instruments and the re-expression of financial statements pursuant to IAS 29. In virtue of the aforementioned, the Group has applied the following:


(i)Retroactive re-expression of figures included in the Financial Situation as of December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019 for the purpose of submitting such figures as if the new accounting policies had been in force since January 1, 2019, and


(ii)Retroactive re-expression of figures included in the Income Statement, Other Comprehensive Income and Changes in the Shareholders’ Equity Statement as of December 31, 2019 for the purpose of submitting such figures as if the new accounting policies had been in force since January 1, 2019.


(iii)Present a third column in the statement of financial position with the balances as of January 1, 2019


1.2.4Changes in accounting policies and new accounting standards


With the approval of new IFRS, modifications or derogations of the standards in force, and once such changes are adopted through Adoption Bulletins issued by Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas (FACPCE), the Argentine Central Bank will determine the approval of such standards for financial entities. In general terms, no anticipated IFRS application shall be allowed unless upon adoption such anticipated measure is specified.


The following are changes that were made effective over the course of the quarter ended on December 31, 2020:








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


(a)Impairment of financial assets


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6430 and 6847 Financial Entities shall start to apply provisions on Financial Assets Impairment included in paragraph 5.5 of IFRS 9 as from fiscal years starting on 1 January, 2020, except for Non-financial Public Sector´s debt securities, which shall be temporarily excluded from the scope of said provisions. Likewise, Communication “A” 6938 issued by the Argentine Central Bank set the postponement of the application of the section targeted to “B” group Companies until January 1, 2022,a category that includes Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.; therefore, provisions of said Entity are held under the minimum provisions regulations set by the Argentine Central Bank. It is worth mentioning that through communications "A" 7108 and 7134, the Argentine Central Bank ordered the classification of financial entities into groups "A", "B" and "C", leaving Cordial Compañía Financiera classified as Group "C" as of October 1, 2020.


Upon the application of impairment model included in section 5.5 of IFRS 9, a decrease of about 850 million and 1,042 million would have been recorded in the shareholders ´equity as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 respectively.


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Provisions recorded in financial statements   7,829,857    7,982,688 
Provisions pursuant to section 5.5 of IFRS 9   9,044,555    9,471,317 
Difference (*)   1,214,698    1,488,629 


     (*) These balances do not include the effect of income tax


IFRS 9 foresees an expected credit los model, by means of which financial assets are classified in three impairment stages, based on changes in credit quality as from its initial recognition and show how a Company measures impairment loss and applies the effective interest method. Note 1.2 g) offers greater detail on how expected credit loss is measured.


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6778 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, Financial Entities shall apply the following in virtue of the effects of the application of section 5.5 of IFRS 9:


(i)utilized internal models that shall meet IFRS 9 requirements; thus, applying such models to all assets included in such regulation with temporary exception abovementioned, and


(ii)apply the Regulation retroactively, thus setting the transition date on January 1, 2019.


The following chart includes the reconciliation between uncollectibility risk provisions as of 12.31.2019 pursuant to the criteria set by the Amended Text on “Debtors Classification” and “Minimum Uncollectibility Risk Provisions” set by the Argentine Central Bank and the new uncollectibility risk provisions pursuant the expected credit loss model set by IFRS 9 with temporary exceptions above mentioned in the first paragraph:


Category of financial instrument  Credit risk
pursuant to
Standards set by
the Argentine
Central Bank
   Re-measurements   Reclassifications   Credit risk
pursuant to IFRS
9 (as per scope of
“A” 6847)
Loans and other financing                    
Other financial assets   86,530         250,255    336,785 
Loans and other financing                    
Other Financial Entities   16,445         -    16,445 
NFPS and Res. Abroad   -    -    -    - 
Overdrafts   875,918         1,132,608    2,008,526 
Documents   1,033,531         (538,084)   495,447 
Mortgage loans   580,367         47,645    628,012 
Pledge loans   58,889    16,495    57,210    132,594 
Personal loans   1,372,350    13,997    (261,314)   1,125,033 
Credit Cards   863,227         (126,517)   736,710 
Financial Lease   103,786         85,348    189,134 
Others   2,955,712         (646,551)   2,309,161 
Debt securities   4,941         (100)   4,841 
Contingent commitments   500         (500)   - 
TOTAL   7,952,196    30,492    -    7,982,688 


* Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.´s balances of provisions are held under minimum provisions Standards pursuant to Communication “A” 6990 issued by the Argentine Central Bank.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Note 1.3 includes further information on the definition of credit risk provision pursuant to the expected credit loss model set by IFRS 9 with scope set by the Argentine Central Bank.


(b)Re-expression by inflation of financial statements


Pursuant to IAS 29 “Financial Information in hyperinflationary economies”, financial statements of an entity, whose functional currency accounts for that currency of a hyperinflationary economy shall be expressed in terms of a current measurement unit as of the reporting fiscal year closing date regardless of whether such statements are based on the historical cost method or a current cost method. To such ends, in general terms, such entity shall calculate the inflation recorded as from the acquisition date or revaluation date, when applicable, in non-monetary items. Such requirements also include the comparative information of financial statements.


With the purpose of stating whether an economy is classified as Hyperinflationary in accordance with IAS 29, the provision sets forth a series of factors to be considered, which includes an accrued inflation rate in three years close to or higher than the 100%. That is the reason why, pursuant to IAS 29, the Argentine economy must be considered as a high inflation economy as from July 1, 2018.


In short, pursuant to IFRS 29 re-expression mechanism, monetary assets and liabilities shall not be re-expressed since such assets and liabilities are expressed in a measurement unit in force as of the reported period closing. Assets and liabilities subject to adjustments tied to specific agreements, shall be adjusted pursuant to such agreements. Non-monetary items measured at current values at the end of the reported period, such as the realization net value or others, shall be re-expressed. The remaining non-monetary assets and liabilities shall be re-expressed in accordance with a general price index. The loss or earning of a net monetary position shall be included in the net income of the reported period in a separate item. It is worth to be mentioned that earnings or losses over the monetary position of instruments at fair value through profit and loss in OCI is included in Other Comprehensive Income of the period/fiscal year. Upon the sale of such instruments its result is reclassified in the line “Results from sale or withdrawal of financial instruments rated at amortized cost” in the net income of the fiscal year.


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6651, issued by the Argentine Central Bank on February 22, 2019, financial statements shall be prepared in a constant currency as from fiscal years starting on January 1, 2020. In this sense, Communication “A” 6849 issued by the Argentine Central Bank sets the re-expression frequency of the accounting information in a homogeneous currency on a monthly basis, and the index utilized to such ends accounts for the National Consumer Index drawn up by INDEC (basis month: December 2016) and for such items with previous initial date, IPIM issued by FACPCE is utilized, pursuant to Ruling JG 517/16. Likewise, transition date, in virtue of the retroactive application has been set on January 1, 2019.


(c)Other Changes in the Accounting Framework set by the Argentine Central Bank


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6847, financial entities will be allowed to re-categorize, as from Januray 1,2020, instruments of the non-financial public sector rated at fair value through profit and loss and at fair value through profit and loss in OCI at an amortized cost criterion, while utilizing the accounting value of such date as addition value. As for instruments affected by this option, interest accrual and accessories shall be interrupted as long as the accounting value is above its fair value. Upon such measurement, the abovementioned financial instruments, at fair value as of December 31, 2020 there would be no significant impact on equity and results for the year.


(d)Definition of a business – Changes in accordance to IFRS 3


On October 22, 2018, IASB released changes, which include the definition of business with the purpose of helping entities determine whether a transaction must be recorded as a combination of business or the acquisition of an asset. Such changes:


(i)clarifies that, the definition of business, an acquired group of activities and assets, shall include at least a good and a substantial process that together shall contribute significantly to the capacity of developing products;


(ii)removes the evaluation of whether market players can replace the lack of processes or goods and continue with the production of products;


(iii)add explanatory guidelines and examples to help entities evaluate whether a substantial process has been acquired;


(iv)restrict definitions of a business or product by focusing on goods and services granted to clients and remove the reference to the capacity of reducing costs, and








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


(v)add an optional concentration trial that enables a simplified evaluation of whether a set of activities and acquired businesses are not a business.


Entities need to apply changes in transactions which acquisitions date as from the beginning of the first annual period over which it has been informed as of January 1, 2020.


The Group does not see any initial effect unless a combination of businesses is made effective.


(e)Definition of significant or relatively significant Changes to IAS 1 and IAS 8


On October 31, 2018, IASB released these changes with the purpose of improving the understanding of the definition of significant or relatively significant, coordinating the drawing up of the definition in IFRS and the Conceptual Framework to avoid any misunderstanding whatsoever that may stem from the different definitions, in that sense, IASB has added support requirements in IAS 1 in the definition to add importance and clarity in its application. Additionally, said board provides existing guides regarding the definition of significant and relatively significant in a single place together with the definition.


This change affects mainly section 7 of IAS 1, section 5 of IAS 8 and removes section 6 of IAS 8. Such change is applicable in a prospective manner to annual periods as from January 1, 2020.


The Group considers that such changes have no significant effect in its financial statements.


(f)Amendment to the Conceptual Framework


IASB has issued a new Conceptual Framework. Said change will not imply any changes in the accounting standards in force. However, entities that utilize the Conceptual Framework to define accounting policies for those transactions, events or situations that are not included in the accounting standards in force, apply a new Conceptual Framework as from January 1, 2020, thus evaluating whether their accounting policies are still the most suitable ones.


The Group considers that such changes have no significant effect in its financial statements.


(g)Change in the Reference Interest rate (IBOR) – Changes to IFRS 9


On September 26, 2019, IASB released a change that requires additional disclosures regarding the uncertainty resulting from the reform in the reference interest rate. Such release accounts for the first reaction to potential effects that IBOR reform may produce in financial statements and modifies specific cash flow coverage accounting requirements assuming that the reference interest rate is not modified as a result of such reform. These changes have become effective as from January 1, 2020 with retroactive effect.


The Group considers that such changes have no significant effect in its financial statements.


(h)Absorption of Negative Non-Allocated Income


In accordance with the provisions of Title IV, Chapter III, Section 3, Subsection b) of the Regulations of the Argentine Securities Commission (Restated Text 2013), the Company has made use of the option to absorb the accumulated negative results that were generated as a consequence of the inflation adjustment by application of the IAS 29, subject to the ratification of the AGM.


Based on the foregoing, and in accordance with the order of absorption of accumulated losses as established in such regulations, Grupo Supervielle’s Net Worth as of January 1, 2020 (transition date) is composed as follows:


   Miles of $ 
Capital stock   456,722 
Capital Adjustment   2,968,586 
Issue Premium   28,858,170 
Other comprehensive income   117,647 
Total shareholders´ equity   32,401,125 







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The following sets forth changes that have not become in force as of December 31, 2020:


(a)Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint Venture – changes in IFRS 10 and IAS 28.


IASB carried out changes specifically on IFRS 10 “Consolidated Financial Entities” and IAS 28 “Investments in associates and joint ventures”. Such changes clarify the accounting of sales or contribution of assets between the investor and its associates and joint ventures and confirm that the accounting treatment depends on whether non-monetary assets sold or contributed to the associate or joint venture account for a “business” (as defined in IFRS 3).


When non-monetary assets account for a business, the investor will recognize earnings or losses of the sale or contribution of assets. If assets do not account for a business, earnings or losses are recognized by the investor only up to the amount recognized by the investor in the associate or joint venture. These changes are applied with retroactive effect.


IASB has decided to delay the application date for this modification until the research project over the interest method is concluded.


The Group is evaluating the impact of the application of this new standard.


(b)IFRS 17 “Insurance contracts”


On May  18, 2017, IASB issued IFRS 17 “Insurance contracts” which provides a comprehensive framework based on principles for measurement and presentation of all insurance contracts. The new rule will supersede IFRS 4 Insurance contracts and requires that insurance contracts be measured using cash flows of existing enforcement and that income be recognized as the service is rendered during the coverage period. The standard will come into force for the fiscal years beginning as from November 1, 2023.


The Group is evaluating the impact of the application of this new standard.


c)Changes in IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16 – Reference interest rate reform (IBOR)


With the purpose of working out issues resulting from the implementation of the reference interest rate reform (IBOR), on August 27, the IASB released changes in standards. The most important changes are related to the accounting of financial instruments at amortized cost. Such changes require that financial entities update contractual cash flows resulting from the reference interest rate reform through the modification of the effective interest rate pursuant to paragraph B5.4.5 of IFRS 9. Therefore, no impact on income is recorded as a result of such modification. Said change shall be applied only when necessary as a direct consequence of the application of the reference interest rate reform (IBOR). IFRS 16 was also modified; thus, requiring lessees to utilize the same modification when accounting changes in leasing payments to be produced as a result of the reference interest rate reform (IBOR). Such changes will become effective as from January 1, 2021.


The Group is assessing the impact of said new standard.


1.3 Impairment of financial assets


The Group evaluates, based on a prospective approach, expected credit losses (“ECL”) related to financial assets rated at amortized cost or fair value with changes in another comprehensive income, the exposure resulting from loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts with the scope set by Communication “A” 6847 issued by the Argentine Central Bank.


The Group measures ECL of financial instruments reflecting the following:


(a)a probability amount, weighed and unbiased, that is defined through the evaluation of a range of possible result;

(b)the temporal value of money; and

(c)the reasonable and sustainable information available at no cost nor excessive effort on the submission date on past events, current conditions and future economic condition forecasts.


IFRS 9 sets forth the following “Three stages” model for the impairment based on changes in the credit quality from initial recognition:







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


·      If, on the submission date, the credit risk of a financial instrument has not increased significantly since its initial recognition, the Group will classify such instrument in “Stage 1”.


·      If a significant increase in credit risk (“SICR”) is detected, from its initial recognition, the instrument is moved to “Stage 2”, but such instrument is not deemed to contain a credit impairment.


·      If the financial instrument contains credit impairment, it is moved to “Stage 3”.


·      For financial instruments in “Stage 1”, the Bank measures ECL at an amount equivalent to the amount of expected credit loss during the useful life term of the asset that result from potential default events within the next 12 months. As for Financial Instruments in “Stage 2” and “Stage 3”, the Group measures ECL during the useful life term of the asset (hereinafter “lifetime”). Note 1.3.1 includes a description of how the Group defines when a significant increase in credit risk has occurred.


·      A generalized concept in the measurement of ECL pursuant to IFRS 9 shall be considered prospective information.


·      Financial assets with impairment on credit value, either purchased or produced, account for those financial assets which have been impaired since initial recognition. ECL of this type of financial instruments is always measured during the asset lifetime (“Stage 3”).


The following chart summarizes the impairment requirements pursuant to IFRS 9 (for financial assets that do not entail impairment on credit value, either purchased or produced:


Changes in the credit quality since initial recognition  
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3  
(initial recognition) (significant increase of credit
risk since initial recognition)
(Impaired credit)  
ECL over the next
12 months
Lifetime ECL  


The following describes the Group´s judgements and assumptions for ECL measurement:


1.3.1. Significant increase in credit risk


The Group considers that a financial asset has experienced a significant credit risk increase when one or more than the following qualitative and quantitative criteria have been observed:


Personal and Business Banking


·Portfolios between 31 and 90 days past due

·The credit origination score has deteriorated by more than 30% with respect to the current performance score

·Score of behavior less than cut off 1

·Loans and credit cards refinanced under Decree No. 260/2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19) that were impaired at the time of refinancing. Or, loans that were not impaired at the time of refinancing, but deferred more than 5 installments.

·Entrepreneurs portfolio affected by the Sectorial Analysis (explained below).


Corporate Banking


·Portfolios between 31 and 90 days past due

·Maximum Argentine Central Bank a situation equal to 2

·Credit Ratings C (Probability of default higher than 30%)

·Its rating deteriorated by more than two notes from its credit approval rating.

·Entrepreneurs portfolio affected by the Sectorial Analysis (explained below).




Renta Higher income : Segment plan sueldo (payrroll customers) >=400, Segment Open Market >=700 y Segment Senior Citizens >=610

Rest: Segment plan sueldo (payrroll customers) >=500, Segment Open Market >=700 y Segmento Senior Citizens >=610







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Consumer Finance


·Portfolios between 31 and 90 days past due.

·Entrepreneurs portfolio affected by the Sectorial Analysis (explained below).


Sectoral Analysis – Covid-19 Risk


In virtue of the fact that internal impairment models do not reflect properly Covid-19 impact on the local and global economic situation (See Note 22) as historical information is utilized, a sectoral analysis has been included as additional definition of the significant risk increase.


In such analysis, companies’ default risk is evaluated according to the type of industry and the impact such companies have suffered in face of the current economic situation, while taking into account their features, seasonal nature, etc.


Finally, the different industries are classified into four types of risk. They are:


·Low risk

·Medium risk

·High risk

·Very high risk


This additional definition of a significant increase in credit risk has been applied for the SME and E&P segments, for the very high and high risk activities (only for the Single Firm portfolio):


Very high risk High risk
Construction Machinery & equipment
Tourism & Gastronomy Iron and steel industry
Real estate Home appliances
Entertainmet Sports
Passenger transport Textile
Professional services  


1.3.2. Individual and collective evaluation basis


Expected losses are estimated both in a collective and individual manner.


The Group´s individual estimation is aimed at calculating expected losses for significantly impaired risks. In these cases, the amount of credit losses is calculated as the difference between expected cash flows discounted at the effective interest rate of the operation and the value in the books of the instrument.


For collective estimation of expected credit losses, instruments are distributed in groups of assets depending on credit risk features. Exposures within each group are segmented in accordance with the similar features of the credit risk, including the debtor´s payment capacity pursuant to contractual conditions. These risk features need to play a key role in the estimation of future flows of each group. Credit risk features may consider the following factors, among others:


Entity Parameter Segment
Personal and Businesses Banking

Probability of Default


Personal loans (1)
Credit cards (1)
Mortgage loans
Other financings

Loss Given Default


Personal loans
Credit cards
Mortgage loans
Other financings







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Entity Parameter Segment
Corporate Banking

Probability of Default

(DP) (2)

Small Companies
Medium Companies
Big Companies
Financial Sector

Loss Given Default


Secured loans
Unsecured loans


Consumer Finance

Probability of Default


Credit cards loans
Cash loans
Cash consumptions and directed loans
CCF Automobile Loans
Tarjeta Automatica Personal loans

Loss Given Default


Credit Cards
Personal loans
CCF Automobile Loans


(1)For credit cards and personal loans, the Group includes an additional layer of analysis: senior citizens, high income, open market, high income payroll, non- high income open market, non-high income payroll, Personal and Business, former senior cityzens and former payroll


(2)Probability of default within Corporate Banking is calculated by grouping clients based on the client size for Stage 1 facilities. For Stage 2 and Stage 3, Probability of default is calculated including all segments of Corporate Banking due to the lack of materiality to form a larger group.


The credit risk characteristics used to group the instruments are, among others: type of instrument, debtor's sector of activity, geographical area of activity, type of guarantee, aging of past due balances and any other factor relevant to estimating the future cash flows.


Grouping of financial instruments is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis by the Credit Risk and Stress Test Area.


1.3.3 Definition of default and impaired credit


The Group considers that a financial instrument is in default when such instrument entails one or more of the following criteria:


Personal and Businesses Banking


·Financial instruments delinquent after 90 days in contractual payments.


Corporate Banking


·Financial instruments delinquent more than 90 days in past due.

·Financial instruments with B.C.R.A. situation greater than or equal to 3.

·Rating C or D.


Consumer Finance


·Financial instrument more than 90 days past due.


These criteria are applied in a consistent manner to all financial instruments and are aligned with the internal definition of defaultused for the administration of credit risk. Likewise, such definition is consistently applied to define PD (“Probability of Default”), Exposure at Default (“EAD”) and Loss Given Default ( “LGD”).







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.3.4. Measurement of Expected Credit Loss – Explanation of inputs, assumptions and calculation techniques


ECL is measured on a 12-month or lifetime basis, depending on whether a significant increase in credit risk has been recorded since initial recognition or whether an asset is considered to be credit-impaired. ECL are the discounted product of the Probability of Default (“PD”), Exposure at default (“EAD”) and Loss Given Default (“LGD”), defined as follows::


·The PD represents the likelihood of a borrower defaulting on its financial obligation (pursuant to the “Definition of default and credit impaired” set forth in Note 1.3.3), either over the next 12 months or over the remaining lifetime (lifetime PD) of the obligation.


·EAD is based on the amounts the Group expects to be owed at the time of default, over the next 12 months (12 months EAD) or the remaining lifetime (lifetime EAD). For example, for a revolving commitment, the Group includes the current drawn balance plus any further amount that is expected to be drawn up to the current contractual limit by the time of default, should it occur.


·LGD represents the Group´s expectation of the extent of loss on a defaulted exposure. LGD varies by type of counterparty, seniority of claim, availability of collateral or other type of credit support. LGD is expressed as a percentage per unit of exposure at the time of default LGD is calculated on a 12-month or lifetime basis, where 12 month LGD is the percentage of loss expected to be made if the default occurs in the next 12 months and lifetime LGD is the percentage of loss expected to be made if the default occurs over the remaining expected lifetime of the loan.


ECL is determined by projecting PD, LGD and EAD for each future month and each individual exposure or collective segment. These three components are multiplied and adjusted for the likelihood of survival (that is, the exposure has not been prepaid or defaulted in an earlier month). This effectively calculates an ECL for each future month, which is then discounted back to the reporting date and summed. The discount rate used inthe ECL calculation is the original effective interest rate or an approximation thereof.


The Entity based its calculation of the ECL parameters on internal modelsthat were adapted in order to be compliant with IFRS 9.


The Group includes prospective economic information in its definition of DP, EAD and LGD over 12 months or Lifetime. See Note 1.3.5 for the explanation of prospective information and its consideration in the calculation of ECL.


1.3.5 Forward-looking information considered in expected credit loss models


The evaluation of significant credit increases and the calculation of ECL include prospective information. The Group carried out a historical analysis and identifies key economic variable that affect the credit risk and expected credit losses for each portfolio.


Forecasts of these economic variable (“base economic scenario”) are provided on a six-month basis by the Research team of the Group and offer a better estimated outlook of the economy for the next 12 months. The impact of such economic variables on DP and LGD resulted from the statistic regression analysis to understand the impact the changes in these variables has had historically on default rates and LGD components.


In addition to the base economic scenario, the Research team of the Group also provides two potential scenarios together with scenario analysis. The number of other scenarios is defined in accordance with the analysis of the main products to ensure the lineal effect between the future economic scenario and related expected credit losses. The number of scenarios and its features are re-evaluated on a six-month basis, except a situation occurs in the macroeconomic framework that justifies a greater regularity.


As of January 1, 2020 and as of December 31, 2020, as for its portfolios, the Group concluded that three scenarios have properly captured non-lineal items. Scenario analysis are defined by means of a combination of statistic and know-how judgement analysis, taking into account the range of potential results of which each scenario is representative. The evaluation of credit risk significant increases is carried out by means of the utilization of DP lifetime in the base scenario and other scenarios, multiplied by the related analysis of each scenario, together with qualitative and quantitative and backstop indicators (See Note 1.3.1). The aforementioned is defined if the financial instrument is in Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3 and, therefore, whether to register a 12-month ECL or Lifetime. As with any economic forecast, projections and probabilities of occurrence are subject to a high degree of inherent uncertainty, and therefore actual results may be significantly different than projected. The Group considers that these forecasts account for its best calculation of potential results and has analyzed the non-lineal and asymmetric impacts within the different portfolios of the Group to establish that chosen scenarios are representative of the range of potential scenarios.







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The most significant assumptions utilized to calculate ECL as of December 31, 2020 are as follows:


 Parameter Industry / Segment Segment Macroeconomic variable Optimistic scenario Base
Pessimistic scenario
Personal and Businesses Banking Open Market Inflation Rate 41.34% 46.79% 52.43%
Private Sector Wage 55.74% 50.68% 45.61%
Quantity of Private Sector
5928.02 5924.43 5920.84
Private Sector Wage 10.19% 2.65% -4.48%
Senior Citizens Inflation Rate 41.34% 46.79% 52.43%
Monthly Economic Activity
139.56 138.00 136.45
Corporate banking All Interest Rate (3.78)% (4.63)% (5.53)%
Monthly Economic Activity
139.56 138.00 136.45
Consumer finance CCF Private Sector Wage 55.74% 50.68% 45.61%
Monthly Economic Activity
139.56 138.00 136.45
CCF Automobile secured Private Sector Wage 55.74% 50.68% 45.61%
Inflation Rate 41.34% 46.79% 52.43%


 Parameter Industry / Segment Segment Macroeconomic variable Optimistic scenario Base
Pessimistic scenario
Loss Given Default Supervielle
All Private Sector Wage 55.74% 50.68% 45.61%
Consumer Finance CCF Private Sector Wage 55.74% 50.68% 45.61%
CCF Automobile secured Private Sector Loans 70.49% 64.09% 57.68%
Private Sector Wage 55.74% 50.68% 45.61%


The following are estimations assigned to each scenario as of December 31, 2020:


Base scenario   80%
Optimistic scenario   10%
Pessimistic scenario   10%


Sensitivity analysis


The chart below includes changes in ECL as of December 31, 2020 that would result from reasonably potential changes in the following parameters:


December 31, 2020
Reported ECL Allowance   8,060,595 
Gross carrying amount   115,212,232 
Reported Loss rate   191,6%
ECL amount by scenarios     
Favorable scenario   8,009,485 
Unfavorable scenario   9,335,907 
Loss Rate by scenarios     
Favorable scenario   6,8%
Unfavorable scenario   7,9%
Coverage Ratio per Scenario     
Favorable Impact   176.15%
High Impact   183.02%







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.3.6 Maximum exposure to credit risk


The chart below includes an analysis of credit risk exposure of the financial instruments for which expected credit loss provisions are recognized. The gross amount of financial assets books included in the chart accounts for the maximum credit risk exposure of such assets.


   December 31, 2020     
   Stage 1   Stage 2   Stage 3   Total 
Overdrafts   12,516,187    285,078    297,364    13,098,629 
Documents   18,228,303    610,850    146,257    18,985,410 
Mortgage loans   7,894,984    2,118,357    1,044,497    11,057,838 
Pledge loans   1,227,511    312,404    352,278    1,892,193 
Personal loans   19,046,519    1,452,586    624,009    21,123,114 
Individuals and Business   15,535,247    1,425,146    510,209    17,470,602 
Consumer finance   3,511,272    27,440    113,800    3,652,512 
Credit cards   43,593,130    3,200,435    376,131    47,169,696 
Individuals and Business   38,301,754    2,633,285    240,254    41,175,293 
Consumer finance   5,291,376    567,150    135,877    5,994,403 
Financial Lease   2,817,385    217,321    152,820    3,187,526 
Others   31,936,876    3,636,401    4,502,842    40,076,119 
Total   137,260,895    11,833,432    7,496,198    156,590,525 


1.3.7 Collateral and other credit enhancements


Collateral is an instrument pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of default. The Entity accepts collateral as security before a potential breach on behalf of a debtor occurs.


The Argentine Central Bank classifies these guarantees in three types: Preferred “A” (considered self-settleable), Preferred “B” (made up by mortgage or pledge loans) and remaining guarantees (mainly bank guarantees and fines).


In virtue of the administration of collateral, the Group relies on a specific area devoted to the review of the legal compliance and suitable instrumentation of received collateral. In accordance with the type of collateral, the guarantors may be people or companies (in the case of mortgages, pledges, fines, guarantees and liquid funds) and international top level Financial Entities (for credit letters stand by).


The Group monitors collateral held for financial assets considered to be credit-impaired as it becomes more likely that the Group will take possession of collateral to mitigate potential credit losses.


Credit Impaired loans  Gross
   Allowances for loans losses   Book value   Fair value of collateral 
Overdrafts   302,868    152,155    111,620    81,482 
Financial Lease   152,820    98,234    131,345    102,255 
Documents   146,257    138,617    1,065    631 
Mortgage loans   1,044,497    249,563    534,799    480,309 
Personal loans   624,009    1,178,476    -    - 
Pledge loans   352,278    132,263    136,698    107,785 
Credit cards   389,148    277,243    1,609    1,319 
Other   4,484,321    2,684,430    2,119,714    1,450,733 
Total   7,496,198    4,910,981    3,036,850    2,224,514 







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.3.8 Allowances for loan loss


Allowances for loan losses recognized in the year is affected by a range of factors as follows:


·Transfers between Stage 1 and Stage 2 or 3 given financial instruments experience significant increases (or decreases) in credit risk or are impaired over the period, and the resulting “increase” between ECL at 12 months and Lifetime;

·Additional assignments for new financial instruments recognized during the period, as well as write-offs for withdrawn financial instruments;

·Impact on the calculation of ECL of changes in DP, EAD and LGD during the period, resulting from the regular updating of model inputs;

·Impact on the measurement of ECL as a result of changes in models and assumptions;

·Impact resulting from time elapsing as a consequence of the current value updating;

·Conversion to local currency for foreign-currency-denominated assets and other movements; and

·Financial assets withdrawn during the year and application of provisions related to assets withdrawn from the balance sheet during the year.


The following charts explain changes in the provision for credit risk between the beginning and end of the year due to the following factors:


   Stage 1   Stage 2   Stage 3   Total 
Allowances for loan losses as of 12/31/2019   1,541,949    797,359    5,643,380    7,982,688 
From Stage 1 to Etapa 2   (68,055)   770,070    -    702,015 
From Stage 1 to Etapa 3   (18,333)   -    2,348,073    2,329,740 
From Stage 2 to Etapa 3   -    (183,807)   718,285    534,478 
From Stage 2 to Etapa 1   7,004    (69,795)   -    (62,791)
From Stage 3 to Etapa 2   -    7,235    (36,953)   (29,718)
From Stage 3 to Etapa 1   (530)   -    (43,553)   (44,083)
Net changes   1,101,355    2,039,699    2,439,691    5,580,745 
Withdrawn financial assets   (766,473)   (1,631,758)   (6,257,178)   (8,655,409)
Direct charge   (627,389)   (93,531)   (36,430)   (757,350)
Exchange Differences and Others   79,458    25,784    135,666    240,908 
Allowances for loan losses as of 12/31/2020   1,248,986    1,661,256    4,910,981    7,821,223 

*Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.´s balances of provisions are held under minimum provisions Standards pursuant to Communication “A” 6990 issued by the Argentine Central Bank.


   Assets Before Allowances     
   Stage 1   Stage 2   Stage 3   Total 
Assets Before Allowances as of 12/31/2019   113,892,858    6,341,521    8,776,882    129,011,261 
From Stage 1 to Etapa 2   (3,209,085)   3,209,085    -    - 
From Stage 1 to Etapa 3   (1,558,494)   -    1,558,494    - 
From Stage 2 to Etapa 3   -    (853,320)   853,320    - 
From Stage 2 to Etapa 1   755,663    (755,663)   -    - 
From Stage 3 to Etapa 2   -    41,113    (41,113)   - 
From Stage 3 to Etapa 1   73,945    -    (73,945)   - 
Net changes   (15,583,223)   2,395,478    (1,091,109)   (14,278,854)
Withdrawn financial assets   (438,285)   (795,448)   (3,028,143)   (4,261,876)
Direct charge   (460,839)   (68,702)   (26,759)   (556,300)
Exchange Differences and Others   2,979,031    334,375    568,571    3,881,977 
Assets Before Allowances as of 12/31/2020   96,451,571    9,848,439    7,496,198    113,796,208 







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   Assets Before Allowances    
   Stage 1   Stage 2   Stage 3   Total as of December 31,
Promissory notes   18,228,303    610,850    146,257    18,985,410 
Unsecured corporate loans   12,407,922    793,555    2,359,458    15,560,935 
Overdrafts   2,034,612    159,552    302,868    2,497,032 
Mortgage loans   7,894,984    2,118,357    1,044,497    11,057,838 
Automobile and other secured loans   1,227,511    312,404    352,278    1,892,193 
Personal loans   19,046,519    1,452,586    624,009    21,123,114 
Credit card loans   17,420,091    1,839,515    389,148    19,648,754 
Foreign Trade Loans   9,558,036    1,585,023    1,901,861    13,044,920 
Other financings   3,270,182    725,488    163,301    4,158,971 
Other receivables from financial transactions   2,546,026    33,788    59,701    2,639,515 
Receivables from financial leases   2,817,385    217,321    152,820    3,187,526 
Subtotal   96,451,571    9,848,439    7,496,198    113,796,208 
Allowances for loan losses   (1,248,986)   (1,661,256)   (4,910,981)   (7,821,223)
Total   95,202,585    8,187,183    2,585,217    105,974,985 


1.3.9 Write-off policy


The Group writes off, in whole or in part, when it has exhausted all practical recovery efforts and has concluded there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. Indicators that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery include: (i) ceasing enforcement activity and (ii) where the Group´s recovery method is foreclosing on collateral and the value of the collateral is such that there is no reasonable expectation of recovering in full.


The Group may write-off financial assets that are still subject to enforcement activity, The outstanding contractual amounts of such assets written off during the year ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019 amount to 7,198,080 and 5,240,360 respectively. The Group still seeks to recover amounts it is legally owed in full, but which have been partially written off due to no reasonable expectation of recovery.


   12.31.2020   12.31.2019 
Balance at the beginning of the year  5,240,360   3,614,921 
Additions   5,788,119    6,113,008 
Disposals   (1,229,014)   (1,666,458)
Cash colletion   (550,119)   (631,103)
Portfolio sales   (77,117)   (61,979)
Condonation   (601,778)   (973,376)
Exchange differences and other movements   (2,601,385)   (2,821,111)
Gross carrying amount   7,198,080    5,240,360 


1.4 Critical accounting policies and estimates


The preparation of financial statements in accordance with the accounting framework established by the Argentine Central Bank requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires Management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the accounting standards established by the Argentine Central Bank to establish the Group's accounting policies.


The Group has identified the following areas that involve a higher degree of judgment or complexity, or areas in which the assumptions and estimates are significant for the consolidated financial statements that are essential for understanding the underlying accounting / financial reporting risks:







AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2020 

Presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


a)            Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments


The fair value of financial instruments that do not list in active markets are measured through the use of valuation techniques. Such techniques are validated and regularly reviewed by qualified independent personnel of the area that developed such techniques. All models are evaluated and adjusted before being use in order to make sure that results express current information and comparative market prices. As long as possible, models use only observable information; however, factors such as credit risk (own or counterparty), volatilities and correlations require the use of estimates. Changes in assumptions regarding such factors may impact on the fair value reported for financial instruments.


b)            Allowances for loan losses and advances.


As of January 1, 2020, the Group adopted retroactively to January 1, 2019, with the scope mentioned in Note 1.2.4. (a), section 5.5. of IFRS 9 referring to the impairment of financial assets. In this sense, the Group evaluates the expected credit losses (ECL) on a prospective basis of the credit risk associated with the financial assets measured at amortized cost, to the debt instruments measured at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income, to accounts receivable for leases, as well as commitments and guarantees granted not measured at fair value, with the exception of debt instruments of the Non-Financial Public Sector that are temporarily excluded from the provisions for impairment of financial assets, contained in section 5.5 of IFRS 9, as well as the provisions of Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A. as provided in Communication “A” 6990 of the B.C.R.A.


The measurement of expected credit losses is an area that requires the use of complex models and significant assumptions about future economic conditions and credit behavior (for example, the probability that the customer will go into default and that losses will result for the Group). The explanation of the inputs, assumptions and estimation techniques used to measure the ECL is presented in more detail in Note 1.3, including the key sensitivities of the ECL to changes in these elements.


It should be noted that, in the application of accounting requirements to measure ECL, significant judgments are necessary, such as:


(i)  Determination of the criterion of significant increase in credit risk 

(ii)  Choice of appropriate models and assumptions for the measurement of ECL 

(iii) Establishment of the number and relative weight of the prospective scenarios for each portfolio segment and the associated ECL, and 

(iv)  Establishment of groups of similar financial assets for the purpose of measuring ECL.


c)            Impairment of Non-Financial Assets


Intangible assets with finite lives and property, plants and equipment are amortized or depreciated along their useful lives in a straight-line method. The Group reviews the conditions related to these assets to determine whether events and circumstances justify a review of the amortization and remaining depreciation period and whether there are factors or circumstances that imply an impairment in the value of assets that cannot be recovered.


The Group has applied the judgment in the identification of impairment indicators for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. The Group has defined that there was no evidence of impairment for any period included in the consolidated Financial Statements. Given the aforementioned, no recoverable value has been calculated.


The evaluation process for potential impairment of an asset of indefinite useful life is subject to and require a significant judgment in many points over the course of the analysis, including the identification of its cash-generating unit, the identification and allocation of assets and liabilities to a cash-generating unit and the definition of their recoverable value. The recoverable value is compared with the carrying value in order to define the non-recoverable portion of such value. When calculating the recoverable value of the cash-generating unit in virtue of the assessment of annual or regular impairment, the Group use estimates and significant judgments on future cash flows of the cash-generating unit. Its cash flow forecasts are based on assumptions that account for the best use of its cash-generating unit.


Although the Group believes that assumptions and forecasts used are suitable in virtue of the information available for the administration, changes in assumptions or circumstances may require changes in the assessment. Negative changes in assumptions utilized in an impairment tests of indefinite useful life intangible assets may result in the reduction or removal of the excess of fair value over the book value, which would result in the potential recognition of the impairment.


The Group decided that it would not be necessary to recognize an impairment loss in indefinite useful life intangible assets under such conditions.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


d)     Income tax and deferred tax


A significant judgment is required to determine liabilities and assets from current and deferred taxes. The current tax is measured at the amount expected to be paid to the taxation authority using the tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the end of the reporting period. The deferred tax is measured over temporary differences between tax basis of assets and liabilities and book values at the tax rates that are expected to apply when the asset is realized or the liability settled.


Assets from deferred tax are recognized upon the possibility of relying on future taxable earnings against which temporary differences can be used, based on the Senior Management´s assumptions regarding amounts and opportunities of future taxable earnings. Later, it is necessary to determine whether assets from deferred tax are likely to be used and set off future taxable earnings. Real results may differ from estimates, such as changes in tax legislation or the result of the final review of affidavits issued by tax authorities and tax courts.


Likely future tax earnings and the number of tax benefits are based on a medium term business plan prepared by the administration. Such plan is based on reasonable expectations.


1.5.Changes in loans and other financing


Under certain circumstances, the Group renegotiates or changes contractual cash flows of loans granted to clients. In these cases, the Group evaluates whether the new terms are substantially different from initial terms. The Group carries out this practice while taking into account the following:


(i)       If the client is in financial difficulties, the Bank evaluates whether such change only reduces contractual cash flows to amounts expected to be paid by the borrower.

(ii)      Significant extension of the term when the borrower does not have financial difficulties.

(iii)     Significant change in the interest rate.

(iv)     Change in the currency in which the loan is denominated.

(v)      Integration of guarantees or credit improvements that significantly affect the credit risk related to the loan.


If, after the change, the loan terms are substantially different, the Group withdraws the original financial instrument and recognizes a new asset at fair value and recalculates a new effective interest rate for such asset. Therefore, renegotiation date is considered as the initial recognition date in virtue of the calculation of impairment and the definition of a new significant increase in credit risk. However, the Group also evaluates whether the new recognized asset is considered as an impaired asset, especially when the renegotiation stemmed from the lack of payment capacity on behalf of the client. The differences in the accounting value are recognized in the results as well as losses and earnings resulting from the withdrawal of such financial asset.


If the terms of the loan after the change are not substantially different, the renegotiation or change will not produce the withdrawal of the financial asset, and the Group will recalculate the gross accounting value based on reviewed funds flow while recognizing a guarantee or loss from the change in results. The new gross accounting value is recalculated as the value discounted from the modified funds flow at the initial effective interest rate.




A subsidiary is an entity (or subsidiary), including structured entities, in which the Group has control because it (i) has the power to manage relevant activities of the subsidiary (ii) has exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involment with the subsidiary, and (iii) has the ability to use its power over the subsidiary in order to affect the amount of the investor´s returns. The existence and the effect of the substantive rights, including substantive rights of potential vote, are considered when evaluating whether the Group has power over the other entity. For a right to be substantive, the right holder must have the practical competence to exercise such right whenever it is necessary to make decisions on the direction of the entity’s relevant activities. The Group can have control over an entity, even when it has less voting powers than those required for the majority.


Accordingly, the protecting rights of other investors, as well as those related to substantive changes in the subsidiary´ activities or applicable only in unusual circumstances, do not prevent the Group from having power over a subsidiary. The subsidiaries are consolidated as from the date on which control is transferred to the Group, ceasing its consolidation as from the date on which control ceases.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The following chart provides the subsidiaries which are object to consolidation:


Percentage of Participation
               12/31/2020    12/31/2019
Company    Condition    Legal Adress  Principal
  Direct    Direct and Indirect    Direct    Direct and Indirect
Banco Supervielle S.A.    Controlled    Bartolomé Mitre 434, C.A.B.A., Argentina  Commercial Bank   97.10%   99.90% (1)   97.10%   99.90% (1) 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.    Controlled    Reconquista 320, C.A.B.A., Argentina  Financial Company   5.00%   99.90%   5.00%   99.90%
Tarjeta Automática  S.A.    Controlled    Bartolomé Mitre 434, C.A.B.A., Argentina  Credit Card   87.50%   99.99%   87.50%   99.99%
Supervielle Asset  Management S.A.    Controlled    Bartolomé Mitre 434, C.A.B.A., Argentina  Asset Management and Other Services   95.00%   100.00%   95.00%   100.00%
Sofital S.A.F. e I.I.    Controlled    Bartolomé Mitre 434. C.A.B.A., Argentina  Real State   96.80%   100.00%   96.80%   100.00%
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.    Controlled    San Martín 719/731. 1° Piso. Ciudad de Mendoza. Argentina  Retail Services   95.00%   100.00%   95.00%   100.00%
Supervielle Seguros S.A.    Controlled    Reconquista 320. 1° Piso. C.A.B.A., Argentina  Insurance   95.00%   100.00%   95.00%   100.00%
Micro Lending S.A.U.    Controlled    Bartolomé Mitre 434. C.A.B.A., Argentina  Financial Company   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%
InvertirOnline S.A.U.    Controlled    San Martin 323. 11° Piso. C.A.B.A., Argentina  Financial Broker   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%
InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U.    Controlled    San Martin 323. 11° Piso. C.A.B.A.,
  Representations   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%
Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A.    Controlled    Reconquista 320. 1° Piso. C.A.B.A., Argentina  Insurance Broker   95.20%   100.00%   95.00%   100.00%
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.    Controlled    Bartolomé Mitre 434, C.A.B.A., Argentina  Fintech   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%
Futuros del Sur S.A.    Controlled    03 de Febrero 515, Rosario,  Santa Fe  Financial Broker   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%   100.00%
Easy Cambio S.A.    Controlled    Av. Colón 2535, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires  Financial Company
   100.00%   100-00%    -    - 


(1)Grupo Supervielle S,A,’s direct and indirect interest in Banco Supervielle S,A votes amounts to 99.87% as of 12/31/20 and 12/31/2019.

(2)All the subsidiaries carry out their activities in Argentina, the local and functional currency being Argentine pesos.


Financial Statements of controlled companies are for the same period of the Group´s Financial Statements.


Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealized gains on transactions between group companies are eliminated.


Non-controlling interests in the results and equity of subsidiaries are shown separately in the consolidated statement of income, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in shareholder’s equity and statement of financial position, respectively.


In accordance with the provisions of IFRS 3, the acquisition method is the one used to account for the acquisition of subsidiaries. The identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured at their fair values ​​on the acquisition date.








Presented on comparative basiss

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Goodwill is measured as the difference between the net of the amounts at the acquisition date of the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, the consideration transferred, the amount of the non-controlling interest in the acquiree and the fair value of an interest in the acquired prior to the acquisition date.


The consideration transferred in a business combination is measured at the fair value of the assets transferred by the acquirer, of the liabilities incurred by it with the former owners of the acquiree and of the equity interests issued by the acquirer. Transaction costs are recognized as expenses in the periods in which costs have been incurred and services have been received, except for transaction costs incurred to issue equity instruments that are deducted from equity and transaction costs incurred to issue debt deducted from their book value.


1.7.Consolidated Structured Entities


The Group has securitized certain financial instruments, mainly loans, originated by personal and pledge loans through the transfers of said instruments to financial trusts that issue multiple classes of debt securities and participation certificates.


Regarding the financial statements as of December 31, 2020 the following consolidated structured entities have been consolidated as of the date of these consolidated financial statements:


   Financial     Due of
  Securitized   Issued Securities
Issuers  Trust  Set-up on  obligation  Amount   Type  Amount  Type  Amount
Micro Lending S.A.U.  III  06/08/2011  10/12/2016  $39,779   VDF TV A VDF B  VN$ 31,823  CP  VN$ 1,592
Micro Lending S.A.U.  IV  09/01/2011  06/29/2017  $40,652   VDF TV A VDF B  VN$ 32,522  CP  VN$ 1,626




Regarding the financial statements as of December 31, 2019 the following consolidated structured entities have been consolidated as of the date of these consolidated financial statements:


   Financial     Due of
  Securitized   Issued Securities
Issuers  Trust  Set-up on  obligation  Amount   Type  Amount  Type  Amount
Banco  Serie 97  03/27/2018  03/27/2020  $750,000   VDF TV A  VN$ 712,500  CP  VN$ 37,500
Cordial Compañía Financiera  20  04/08/2019  01/15/2022  $600,000   VDF  VN$ 480,000  CP  VN$ 120,000
Cordial Compañía Financiera  21  06/24/2019  06/15/2022  $1,000,000   VDF  VN$ 780,000  CP  VN$ 220,000
Cordial Compañía Financiera  22  11/13/2019  01/15/2021  $571,560   VDF  VN$ 469,260  CP  VN$ 102,300
Micro Lending S.A.U.  III  06/08/2011  10/12/2016  $39,779   VDF TV A VDF B  VN$ 31,823  CP  VN$ 1,592
Micro Lending S.A.U.  IV  09/01/2011  06/29/2017  $40,652   VDF TV A VDF B  VN$ 32,522  CP  VN$ 1,626
Micro Lending S.A.U.  XVIII  12/01/2017  10/15/2022  $119,335   VDF TV A VDF TV B  VN $ 89,501  CP  VN$ 22,543


The Group controls a structured entity when it is exposed to, or holds the right to, variable returns and has the capacity to allocate returns through its power to run the activities of the entity, Structured entities are consolidated as from the date on which the control is transferred to the Group. The consolidation of such entities is ceased on the date on which such control is terminated.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


As for financial trusts, the Group has evaluated the following:


·The purpose and design of the trust

·Identification of relevant activities

·Decision-making process on these activities

·If the rights that the Group owns allow it to direct the relevant activities of the trust

·If the Group is exposed, or is entitled to the variable results from its participation in said trust

·If the Group has the capacity to affect said results through its power over the trust


In accordance with the aforementioned, the Group has decided that it holds control on such financial trusts and, therefore, such structured entities have been consolidated.


The following chart details the assets and liabilities of Structured Entities that have been consolidated by the Group as of December 31, 2020, 2019 and January 1 2019:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2020   12/31/2018 
Loans   -    2,170,985    2,157,698 
Financial assets   -    148,174    292,925 
Other assets   -    397,110    264,215 
Total Assets   -    2,716,269    2,714,838 
Financial liabilities   -    1,939,295    1,870,572 
Other liabilities   -    56,675    311,106 
Total Liabilities   -    1,995,970    2,181,678 


Transactions with non-controlling interest


The Group treats transactions with non-controlling interests that do not result in a loss of control as transactions with equity owners of the Group. A change in ownership interest results in an adjustment between the carrying amounts of the controlling and non-controlling interests to reflect their relative interests in the subsidiary. Any difference between the amount of the adjustment to non-controlling interests and any consideration paid or received is recognized in a separate reserve within equity attributable to owners of the Group.


1.8.Foreign currency translation


(a)       Functional and presentation currency


Figures included in the consolidated financial statements as per each entity of the Group are expressed in the functional currency, that is, in the currency of the main economic setting where it operates. Consolidated financial ftatements are expressed in Argentine pesos, which is the functional currency and the reporting currency of the Group.


(b)       Transactions and balances


Transactions in foreign currency are converted in the functional currency at the reference Exchange rate released by the Argentine Central Bank and those carried out in other currencies, at the repo rate in US dollars for the reference Exchange rate released by the Argentine Central Bank. Earnings and losses in foreign currency that result in the liquidation of such transactions and the conversion of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at closing exchange rates, are recognized in the integral income statement, under “Difference of exchange rate in gold and foreign currency”, except when such items are deferred in the shareholders’ equity for transactions classified as cash flow hedging, when applicable.


As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 the balances in US dollars were converted at the reference exchange rate determined by the Argentine Central Bank. In the case of foreign currencies other than US dollars, they have been converted to this currency using the types of passes reported by the Argentine Central Bank.


1.9.Cash and due from banks


Cash and due from banks includes cash available, freely available deposits in local banks and correspondent banks abroad, which are liquid short-term instruments and have a maturity of less than three months from the date of origination.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Assets recorded in cash and due from Banks are recorded at amortized cost which is close to its fair value.


Cash equivalents are made up by highly liquid short-term securities with three-month or shorter initial maturities, with fair value rating.


The composition of the cash on each of the indicated dates is detailed below:


Item  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   12/31/2018 
Cash and due from banks   36,674,869    35,945,321    70,551,282 
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   1,868,604    773,959    26,458,010 
Money Market Funds   923,053    1,390,187    1,372,931 
Cash and cash equivalents   39,466,526    38,109,467    98,382,223 


For their part, the reconciliations between the balances of those items considered cash equivalents in the Statement of Cash Flow and those reported in the Statement of Financial Position as of the indicated dates are set out below:


Items  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   12/31/2018 
Cash and due from Banks               
As per Statement of Financial Position   36,674,869    35,945,321    70,551,282 
As per the Statement of Cash Flows   36,674,869    35,945,321    70,551,282 
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss               
As per Statement of Financial Position   9,871,903    773,959    31,439,537 
Securities not considered as cash equivalents   (8,003,299)   -    (4,981,527)
As per the Statement of Cash Flows   1,868,604    773,959    26,458,010 
Money Market Funds               
As per Statement of Financial Position – Other financial assets   4,284,340    2,875,979    4,347,282 
Other financial assets not considered as cash   (3,361,287)   (1,485,792)   (2,974,351)
As per the Statement of Cash Flow   923,053    1,390,187    1,372,931 


Reconciliation of financing activities at December 31, 202 and 2019 is as follows:



Balances at

   Cash Flows   Other non-cash    Balances at  
Items   12/31/2019    Cobros    Pagos    movements    12/31/2020 
Unsubordinated Debt securities   8,286,163    2,653,805    (6,785,701)   72,481    4,226,748 
Subordinated Debt securities   2,886,028    -    (1,774,264)   28,705    1,140,469 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   12,276,610    14,873,400    (21,298,598)   -    5,851,412 
Lease Liabilities   -    -    (1,366,164)   2,547,862    1,181,698 
Total   23,448,801    17,527,205    (31,224,727)   2,649,048    12,400,327 




Associates are entities over which the Group has significant influence (directly or indirectly), but not control, generally accompanying a stake of between 20 and 50 percent of the voting rights. Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method, and are initially recognized at cost. The book value of the associates includes the goodwill identified in the acquisition less accumulated impairment losses, if applicable. Dividends received from associated entities reduce the book value of the investment in them. Other changes subsequent to the acquisition in the Group's participation in the net assets of an associate are recognized as follows: (i) the Group's participation in the gains or losses of associates is recorded in the income statement as profit or loss. by associates and joint ventures and (ii) the Group's share in other comprehensive income is recognized in the statement of other comprehensive income and is presented separately. However, when the Group's share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, the Group will cease to recognize its share of additional losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Unrealized gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group's participation in the associates; unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the transferred asset.


1.11.Segment Reporting


An operating segment is defined as a component of an entity or a Group that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses (including revenues and expenses relating to transactions with other components of the same entity), and whose financial information is evaluated on a regular basis by the chief operating decision maker.


Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to:


(i)             Key personnel of the senior management who account for the main authority in operating decision-making processes and is responsible for allocating resources and assessing the performance of operating segments; and


(ii)            The Board, who is in charge of making strategic decisions of the Group.


1.12.Financial Instruments


Initial Recognition and measurement


Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on trade-date, the date on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset.


At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset or liability at its fair value plus or minus, in the case of a financial asset or financial liability not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are incremental and directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability, such as fees and commissions. Transaction costs of financial assets and financial liabilities carried at fair value through profit or loss are expensed in profit or loss. Immediately after initial recognition, an expected credit loss allowance (ECL) is recognized for financial assets measured at amortized cost and investments in debt instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, as described in note 1.12, which results in an impariment loss being recognized in profit or loss when an asset is newly originated.


When the fair value of financial assets and liabilities differs from the transaction price on initial recognition, the Group recognizes the difference as follows:


-When the fair value is evidenced by a quoted price in an active market for an identical asset or liability or based on a valuation technique that only uses data from observable markets, the difference is recognized as a gain or loss.


In all other cases, the difference is deferred and the timing of recognition of deferred day one profit or loss is determined individually. It is either amortized over the life of the instrument until its fair value can be determined using market observable inputs, or realized through settlement.


Financial Assets


a – Debt Instruments


Debt instruments are those instruments that meet the definition of a financial liability from the issuer’s perspective, such as loans, government and corporate bonds and, accounts receivables purchased from clients in non-recourse factoring transactions.




Pursuant to IFRS 9, the Entity classifies financial assets depending on whether these are subsequently measured at amortized cost, fair value through other comprehensive income or fair value through profit or loss, on the basis of:


a)the Group’s business model for managing financial assets, and;


b)the cash-flows characteristics of the financial asset








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Business Model


The business model reflects how the Group manages a group of financial assets in order to generate cash flows. That is, whether the Group’s objective is solely to collect the contractual cash flows from the assets (measured at amortized cost) or is to collect both the contractual cash flows and cash flows arising from the sale of assets (measured at fair value through other comprehensive income). If neither of these is applicable, then the financial assets are classified as part of other business model and measured at fair value through profit or loss.


The business model of the Group does not depend on the management’s intentions for an individual instrument. Consequently, such business model is not assessed instrument by instrument, but at a higher aggregated level.


The Group reclassifies an instrument when and only when its business model for managing those assets has changed.


Therefore, this business model is not evaluated instrument by instrument, but at a higher level of aggregated portfolios and is based on observable factors such as:


-How the business model’s return is evaluated and how financial assets held in that business model are evaluated and reported to the Group’s key personnel.

-The risks affecting the business model’s return (and financial assets held in that business model) and, particularly, the way these risks are managed.

-How the Group’s key personnel is compensated (for instance, if salaries are based on the fair value of the assets managed or on contractual cash flows collected)

-The expected frequency, the value, moment and reasons of sales are also important aspects.


The evaluation of the business model is based on reasonably expected scenarios, irrespective of worst-case or stress case scenarios. If after the initial recognition cash flows are realized in a different manner from the original expectations, the Group will not change the classification of the remaining financial assets held in that business model, but it will consider such information for evaluating recent purchases or originations. An instrument’s reclassification is only made when, and only when, an entity changes its business model for managing financial assets.


Contractual Cash Flow Characteristics


Where the business model is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows or to collect contractual cash flows and sell, the Group assesses whether the financial instruments’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest. Where the contractual terms introduce exposure to risk or volatility that are inconsistent with a basic lending arrangement, the related financial asset shall be classified and measured at fair value through profit or loss.


Based on the aforementioned, there are three different categories of Financial Assets:


i)            Financial assets at amortized cost.


Financial assets shall be measured at amortized cost if both of the following conditions are met:


(a)the financial asset is held for collection of contractual cash flows, and


(b)the assets’s cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest.


The amortized cost is the amount at which it is measured at initial recognition minus the principal repayments, plus or minus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between that initial amount and the maturity amount and, for financial assets, adjusted for any loss allowance.


ii)            Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income:


Financial assets shall be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income when:


(a)the financial asset is held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling financial assets and


(b)the asset’s cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


These instruments shall be initially recognized at fair value plus or minus transaction costs that are incremental and directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the instrument, and subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. Gains and losses arising out of changes in fair value shall be included in other comprehensive income within a separate component of equity. Impairment gains or losses or reversal, interest revenue and foreign exchange gains and losses on the instrument’s amortized cost shall be recognized in profit or loss. At the time of sale or disposal, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified from equity to the income statement. Interest income from these financial assets is determined using the effective interest rate method.


iii)            Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:


Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss comprise:


-Instruments held for trading

-Instruments specifically designated at fair value through profit or loss

-Instruments with contractual cash-flows that do not represent solely payments of principal and interest


These financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value and any change in fair value measurement is charged to the income statement.


The Group classifies a financial instrument as held for trading if such instrument is acquired or incurred for the main purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the short term, or it is part of a portfolio of financial instruments which are managed together and for which there is evidence of short-term profits or if it is a derivative financial instrument not designated as a hedging instrument. Derivatives and trading securities are classified as held for trading and are measured at fair value.


b – Equity Instruments


Equity instruments are instruments that do not contain a contractual obligation to pay and that evidence a residual interest in the issuer’s net assets.


Such instruments are measured at fair value through profit and loss, except where the Group’s senior management has elected, at initial recognition, to irrevocably designate an equity investment at fair value through other comprehensive income. This option is available when instruments are not held for trading. The gains or losses of these instruments are recognized in other comprehensive income and are not subsequently reclassified to profit or loss, including on disposal. Dividends that result from such instrument will be charged to income when the Group’s right to receive payments is established.


Derecognition of Financial Assets


The Group recognizes the write-off of financial assets only when any of the following conditions are met:


1.The rights on the financial asset cash flows have expired; or

2.The financial asset is transferred pursuant to the requirements in 3.2.4 of IFRS 9.


The Group derecognizes financial assets that have been transferred only when the following characteristics are met:


1.The contractual rights to receive the cashflows from the assets have expired or when they have been transferred and the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.

2.The Entity retains the contractual rights to receive cash flows from assets but assumes a contractual obligation to pay those cash flows to oher entities and transfers subtantially all of the risks and rewards. These transactions result in derecognition if the Group:


a.            Has no obligation to make payments unless it collects amounts from the assets;

b.            Is prohibited from selling or pledging the financial assets;

c.            Has an obligation to remit any cash it collects from the assets without material delay.


Write Off of Financial Assets


The Group reduces the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when it has no reasonable expectations of recovering a financial asset in its entirety of a portion thereof. A write-off constitues a derecognition event.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Financial Liabilities




The Group classifies its financial liabilities as subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective rate method, except for:


-Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

-Financial liabilities arising from the transfer of financial assets which did not qualify for derecognition.

-Financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments.


Financial Liabilities valued at fair value through profit or loss: At initial recognition, the Group can designate a liability at fair value through profit or loss if it reflects more appropriately the financial information because:


-The Group eliminates or substantially reduces an accounting mismatch in measurement or recognition inconsistency; or

-if financial assets and financial liabilities are managed and their performances assessed on a fair value basis according to an investment strategy or a documented risk management; or

-if a host contract contains one or more embedded derivatives and the Group has opted for designating the entire contract at fair value through profit or loss.


Financial guarantee contract: A guarantee contract is a contract which requires the issuer to make specified payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payments when due, in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument.


Financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments are initially measured at fair value and subsequently measured at the higher of the amount of the loss allowance and the unaccrued premium at year end.


Derecognition of financial liabilities


The Entity derecognizes financial liabilities when they are extinguished; this is, when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled or expires.




Derivatives are initially recognized at their fair value on the date on which the derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value.


All derivative instruments are recognised as assets when their fair value is positive, and as liabilities when their fair value is negative. Any change in the fair value of derivative instruments is included in the income statement.


The Group has not applied hedge accounting in these consolidated financial statements.


1.14.Repo Transactions


Reverse Repo Transactions


According to the derecognition principles set out in IFRS 9, these transactions are treated as secured loans since the risk has not been transferred to the counterparty. Loans granted in the form of reverse repo agreements are accounted for under “Repo Transactions”, classified by counterparty and also by the type of assets received as collateral. At the end of each month, accrued interest income is charged under “Repo Transactions” with its corresponding offsetting entry in “Interest Income.” The assets received and sold by the Group are derecognized at the end of the repo transaction, and an in-kind liability is recorded to reflect the obligation to deliver the security disposed of.


Repo Transactions


Loans granted in the form of repo transactions are accounted for under “Repo Transactions”, classified by counterparty and also by the type of asset pledged as collateral. In these transactions, when the recipient of the underlying asset becomes entitled to sell it or pledge it as collateral, it is reclassified to “Financial assets pledged as collateral”. At the end of each month, these assets are measured according to the category they had before they were subject to the repo transaction, and results are charged against the applicable accounts, depending on the type of asset. At the end of each month, accrued interest expense is charged under “Repo Transactions” with its corresponding offsetting entry in “Interest-Expenses”.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Operating leases


Leases where the lessor retains a substantial portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases (net of lease incentives) are recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. In addition, the Group recognizes the associated costs such as amortization and expenses.


The historical cost includes expenditures that are directly attributable to the acquisition of these items and those expenses are charged to profit or loss during the lease term.


The depreciation applied to the leased underlying assets is consistent with the one applied to similar assets’ group. In turn, the Group applies IAS 36 for the application of identified losses


Finance leases


They have been recorded at the current value of the unearned amounts, calculated according to the conditions agreed in the respective contracts, based on the interest rate implicit in them.


Initial measurement


The Group uses the interest rate implicit in the lease to measure the net investment. This is defined in such a way that the initial direct costs are automatically included in the net investment of the lease.


Initial direct costs, other than those incurred by manufacturers or concessionaires, are included in the initial measurement of the net investment of the lease and reduce the amount of income recognized over the term of the lease. The interest rate implicit in the lease is defined in such a way that initial direct costs are automatically included in the net investment in the lease; there is no need to add them separately.


The difference between the gross amount receivable and the present value represents the finance income that is recognized over the term of the lease. Finance income from leases is recorded in profit or loss for the year. Impairment losses are recognized in income for the year.


1.16.Property, plant and equipment


Property, plant and equipment is measured at historical cost less depreciation, except for land and buildings, where the Group adopted the revaluation model. The historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition or building of these items.


All other property, plant and equipment were valued at acquisition or construction cost, net of accumulated depreciation and / or accumulated impairment losses, if any, except for real estate, for which the Group adopted the revaluation method. The cost includes the expenses that are directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of these items.


Management updates the valuation of the fair value of land, buildings, facilities and machinery (classified as property, plant and equipment), taking into account independent valuations. Management determines the value of property, plant and equipment within a range of fair value estimates and considering the currency in which the market transactions are carried out. The revaluations are carried out with sufficient regularity, in order to ensure that the book value, at all times, does not differ significantly from the fair value of each asset subject to revaluation.


The subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognized as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group, and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of an asset is derecognized when replaced.


Repairs and maintenance expenses are charged to profit or loss when they are incurred.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method, applying annual rates sufficient to extinguish the values of assets at the end of their estimated useful lives. In those cases in which an asset includes significant components with different useful lives, such components are recognized and depreciated as separate items.


The following chart presents the useful life for each item included in property, plant and equipment:


Property, plant and equipment Estimated useful
Buildings 50 Years
Furniture   10 Years
Machines and equipment 5 Years
Vehicles 5 Years
Others 5 Years


The asset’s residual values and useful lives are reviewed and adjusted if appropriate, at the end of each reporting period.


An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount.


a)Result from sale


The results for the sale of property, plant and equipment are calculated by comparing the income obtained with the book value of the respective asset. The resulting profits or losses are recorded in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.


b)Buildings- Revaluation and historical cost


The following table reveals the following information related to the class of assets that have been accounted for at their revalued value, as well as the book values that would have been recognized if the assets had been accounted for under a cost model:


              Revaluation Adjustment – OCI accumulated                  
Class   Appraiser   Revaluation
    At the
Beginning of
the year
      Change of year       At the End of
the year
amount if it
had been
under the
Cost Model
Buildings   Tribunal de Tasaciones de
 la Nación
 CM Ingeniería en
 Reporte Inmobiliario
  31/12/2019     1,812,338       818,447       2,630,785       (59,048 )     1,151,442  
TOTALES             1,812,338       818,447       2,630,785       (59,048 )     1,151,442  


          Revaluation Adjustment – OCI accumulated           
Class  Appraiser  Revaluation
   At the
Beginning of
the year
    Change of year    At the End of
the year
amount if it
had been
under the
Cost Model
Inmuebles  Tribunal de Tasaciones de
la Nación
CM Ingeniería en
 Reporte Inmobiliario
  31/12/2019   2,056,037    (243,699)   1,812,338    (22,997)   440,578 
TOTALES         2,056,037    (243,699)   1,812,338    (22,997)   440,578 


The revaluation of the land and buildings owned by the entity shows a surplus of 818,447 as of December 31, 2020 and a deficit of 243,699 as of December 31, 2019, which added to its historical cost and net of depreciation of the revaluation yields a total of 3,723,179 and 2,229,919 for this asset class, as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


In fiscal year 2020, the sum of $ 687,598 is allocated to Other Comprehensive Income (OCI).


1.17.Investment properties


Investment properties are composed of buildings held for obtaining a rent or for capital appreciation or both, but is never occupied by the Group.


Investment properties are measured at its fair value, and any gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value is recognized in profit or loss. Investment properties are never depreciated. The fair value is determined using sales comparison approach prepared by the Group’s management considering a report of an independent valuation expert.


Investment properties under the cost approach reflect the amount that would be required to replace the service capacity of the asset. They were valued at acquisition or construction cost, net of accumulated depreciation and / or accumulated depreciation losses. The cost includes expenses that are directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of these items.


Movements in investment properties for the year ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 were as follows:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Income derived from rents (rents charged)   9,719    14,998 
Direct operating expenses of properties that generated income derived from rents   (6,637)   (13,168)
Fair value remeasurement   (92,457)   - 


The net result generated by the investment property as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounts to a loss of 89,375 and an income of 1,830 respectively, and is recognized under "Other operating income", "Administrative expenses" and "Other operating expenses". in the consolidated comprehensive income statement.


Gain and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount.


1.18.Intangible Assets




Goodwill resulting from the acquisition of subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures account for the excess of the:


(i)consideration transferred, valued at fair value as of acquisition date
(ii)amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquired entity; and
(iii)acquisition-date fair value of any previous equity interest in the acquired entity
(iv)over the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired.


Goodwill is included in the intangible assets item in the consolidated financial statement.


Goodwill is not subject to amortization, but it is annually tested for impairment. Impairment losses are not reverted once recorded. Gains and losses on the disposal of an entity include the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity sold.


Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units for the purpose of impairment testing. Goodwill impairment is recognized when the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount which derives from the fair value of the cash-generating unit.


The fair value of the reporting unit is estimated using discounted cash flows techniques.


(b)Trademarks and licenses


Trademarks and licenses acquired separately are initially valued at historical cost, while those acquired through a business combination are recognized at their estimated fair value at the acquisition date..


Intangible assets with a finite useful life are subsequently carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and / impairment losses, if any. These assets are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Trademarks acquired by the Group have been classified as intangible assets with an indefinite useful life. The main factors considered for this classification include the years in which they have been in service and their recognition among industry customers.


Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are those that arise from contracts or other legal rights that can be renewed without a significant cost and for which, based on an analysis of all the relevant factors, there is no foreseeable limit of the period over which the asset is expected to generate net cash flows for the Group. These intangible assets are not amortized, but are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be impaired, either individually or at the level of the cash generating unit. The categorization of the indefinite useful life is reviewed annually to confirm if it is still applicable.




Costs associated with software maintenance are recognized as an expense when incurred. Development, acquisition and implementation costs that are directly attributable to the design and testing of the identifiable and unique software that the Group controls are recognized as assets.


The development, acquisition or implementation costs initially recognized as expenses for a period are not subsequently recognized as the cost of the intangible asset. The costs incurred in the development, acquisition or implementation of software, recognized as intangible assets, are amortized by applying the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives, in a term that does not exceed five years.


Goodwill impairment


Goodwill is assigned to the Group's cash generating units on the basis of the operating segments.


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   12/31/2018 
Supervielle Seguros S.A.   9,686    9,686    9,686 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   243,971    243,971    243,971 
Banco Regional de Cuyo S.A.   50,784    50,784    50,784 
InvertirOnline S.A.U. / InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U.   1,846,042    1,846,042    1,846,042 
Micro Lending S.A.U.   1,453,519    1,453,519    1,453,519 
Futuros del Sur S.A.   5,127    5,127    - 
Easy Cambio S.A.   7,292    -    - 
Otros   23,516    23,516    9,817 
 TOTAL   3,639,937    3,632,645    3,613,819 


The recoverable amount of a cash generating unit is determined on the basis of its value in use. These method uses cash flow projections based on approved financial budgets covering a period of five years.


The key assumptions are related to marginal contribution margins. These were determined on the basis of historic performances, other external sources of information and the expectations of market development.


The discount rates used are the respective average cost of capital ("WACC"), which is considered a good indicator of the cost of capital. For each cash generating unit, where the assets are assigned, a specific WACC was determined considering the industry, the country and the size of the business.


The main macroeconomic premises used are detailed below:


   Real   Forecast   Forecast   Forecast   Forecast   Forecast 
   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025 
Inflation (end of period)   35.6%   46.8%   29.2%   19.6%   18.0%   18.0%
Inflation (average)   44.6%   41.1%   37.7%   24.3%   18.7%   18.0%
Cost of funding (average)   31.3%   40.0%   26.8%   21.5%   18.8%   18.8%
Loan’s interest rate (average)   59.4%   57.9%   54.8%   50.1%   47.6%   46.0%


Goodwill has been tested annually for impairment. No impairment adjustments have been determined over these assets as a result of the tests performed.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The sensitivity analysis for the cash-generating unit to which the Goodwill was allocated was based on a 1% increase in the weighted average cost of capital. The Group concluded that no impairment loss would need to be recognized on the Goodwill in the segment under these conditions.




Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost includes the acquisition costs (net of discounts, rebates and similar), as well as other costs that have been incurred to bring the inventories to their current location and conditions to be commercialized. The net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of sale.


The inventories’ net realizable values are reviewed and adjusted if carrying amount is greater than its net realizable value at the end of each reporting period.


The Group establishes an allowance for obsolete inventory and low turnover rate products at the end of each year.


1.20.Assets held for sale


The assets, or groups of assets, with some directly associated liabilities, classified as held for sale in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations" will be disclosed separately from the rest of assets and liabilities.


An asset may be classified as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered primarily through a sale transaction, rather than through its continued use, and a sale is considered highly probable.


To apply the above classification, an asset must meet the following conditions:


-It must be available for immediate sale in its current conditions;
-Management must be committed to a plan to sell the asset and have started an active program to locate a buyer and complete the plan;
the asset must be actively marketed for sale at a reasonable price, in relation to its current fair value;
-the sale must be expected to be completed within 12 months from the reclassification date;
-it is unlikely that the plan will be significantly changed or withdrawn.


The assets, or groups of assets, possibly with some directly associated liabilities, classified as held for sale in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations", are measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.


The Group will not depreciate the asset while classified as held for sale.


The balances of financial instruments, deferred taxes and investment properties classified as held for sale are not subject to the valuation methods detailed above.


1.21.Impairment of non-financial assets


Assets with an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortization but are tested annually for impairment or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be impaired. Other assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable or, at least, on an annual basis.


Impairment losses are recognized when the carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. For purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest level for which there are separately identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or group of assets (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at the end of each reporting period.


1.22.Trust Assets


Assets held by the Group in its Trustee role, are not included in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Commissions and fees earned from trust activities are included in Service fee income.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the consolidated financial statement where the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realize the assets and settle the liability simultaneously.


1.24.Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other Financial Institutions


The amounts owed to other financial institutions are recorded at the time the bank disburses the proceeds to the Group. Non-derivative financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost.


1.25.Provisions / Contingencies


A provision will be recognized when:


-an entity has a present obligation (legal or implicit) as a result of past event;
-it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying future economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and
-the amount can be reliably estimated.


An Entity will be deemed to have an implicit obligation where (a) the Group has assumed certain responsibilities as a consequence of past practices or public policies and (b) as a result, the Group has created an expectation that it will discharge those responsibilities


The Group recognizes the following provisions:


For labor, civil and commercial lawsuits: provisions are calculated based on lawyers’ reports about the status of the proceedings and the estimate about the potential losses to be afforded by the Group, as well as on the basis of past experience in this type of claims.


For miscellaneous risks: These provisions are set up to address contingencies that may trigger obligations for the Group. In estimating the provision amounts, the Group evaluates the likelihood of occurrence taking into consideration the opinion of its legal and professional advisors.


Other contingent liabilities are: i) possible obligations that arise from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Group; or ii) present obligations that arise from past events but it is not probable that an outflow of resources will be required to its settlement; or whose amount cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.


Other contingent liabilities are not recognized. Contingent liabilities, whose possibility of any outflow in settlement is remote, are not disclosed unless they involve guarantees, in which case the nature of the guarantee is disclosed.


The Group does not account for positive contingencies, other than those arising from deferred taxes and those contingencies whose occurrence is virtually certain.


As of the date of these consolidated financial statements, the Group's management believes there are no elements leading to determine the existence of contingencies that might be materialized and have a negative impact on these consolidated financial statements other than those disclosed in Note 13.


1.26.Other non-financial liabilities


Non-financial accounts payable are accrued when the counterparty has fulfilled its contractual obligations and are measured at amortized cost.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.27.Employee benefits


The Group approved a long-term incentive plan for members of senior management and the Board of Directors, in which participants will be entitled to receive cash payments over time if certain performance targets are met.


In addition, provisions are made related to early retirement plans and for benefits related to career awards. The liability related to these plans and benefits is not expected to be canceled in the next 12 months. Therefore, they are measured at the present value of future cash flows expected to be made with respect to the services provided by employees until the end of the year using the unit credit method. The level of salaries, experience and severance, as well as years of service are taken into account. Expected future payments are discounted using the market rate at the end of the fiscal year corresponding to sovereign bonds with terms and currency that match the expected flows. Remeasurements as a result of experience and changes in actuarial premises are recognized in income.


Termination benefits are payable when employment is terminated by the Group before the normal retirement date, or when an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits. The group recognises termination benefits at the earlier of the following dates: (a) when the group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits; and (b) when the entity recognises costs for a restructuring that is within the scope of IAS 37 and involves the payment of terminations benefits. In the case of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy, the termination benefits are measured based on the number of employees expected to accept the offer. Benefits falling due more than 12 months after the end of the reporting period are discounted to present value.


1.28.Debt Securities


Subordinated and unsubordinated Debt Securitiesissued by the Group are measured at amortized cost. Where the group buys back its own debt securities , such obligations will be derecognized from the Consolidated Financial Statements and the difference between the residual value of the financial liability and the amount paid will be recognized as financial income or expenses.


1.29.Assets and liabilities derived from insurance contracts


The Group applies IFRS 4 “Insurance Contracts” in order to recognize and measure the assets and liabilities derived from insurance contracts.


Assets derived from insurance contracts


An insurance contract is a contract under which the Group (the insurer) accepts significant insurance risk from another party (the policyholder) by agreeing to compensate the policyholder if a specified uncertain future event (the insured event) adversely affects the policyholder.


Once a contract has been classified as an insurance contract, it remains an insurance contract for the rest of its term, even if the insurance risk is significantly reduced during this period, unless all rights and obligations are extinguished or expired.


The insurance contracts offered by the Group include property insurance that covers combined family insurance, theft and similar risks, property damage, personal accidents, among other risks. They also include temporary life insurance contracts.


Total premiums are recognized on the date of issuance of the policy as an account receivable. At the same time, a reserve for unearned premiums representing premiums for risks that have not yet expired is recorded as a liability. Unearned premiums are recognized as income during the contract period, which is also the coverage and risk period. The book value of insurance accounts receivable is reviewed for impairment whenever events or circumstances indicate that the book value may not be recoverable. The impairment loss is recorded in the income statement.


Liabilities derived from insurance contracts


Debt with insured


The insurance claims reserves represent debts with insured people for claims reported to the company and an estimate of the claims that have already been incurred but that have not yet been reported to the company (IBNR). The reported claims are adjusted on the basis of technical reports received from independent appraisers.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Debts with reinsurers and co-insurers


The Group mitigates the risk for some of its insurance businesses through co-insurance or reinsurance contracts in other companies. In the case of co-insurance, the Group associates with another company to cover a risk assuming only a percentage of it and also the premium. In reinsurance, the risk is transferred to another insurance company both proportionally (as a percentage of the risk) and not proportionally (excess loss is covered above a certain limit). The reinsurance agreements assigned do not exempt the Group from its obligations to the insured.


Coinsurance and reinsurance liabilities represent balances owed under the same conditions and the amounts payable are estimated in a manner consistent with the contract that gave rise to them.


Debts with producers


They represent liabilities with insurance agents originated in the commissions for the insurance operations that they originate for the Group companies. The balances of the current accounts with these entities are also included.


Technical commitments


The current risk reserve regularizes the premiums to be collected based on the incurred but not reported risks.




The accounts that make up this item are expressed in currency that has not considered the variation of the price index since February 2003, except for the item "Capital Stock", which has been kept at its nominal value.


Common shares are recognized in shareholders´ equity and carried at nominal value.


1.31.Reserves and Dividend distribution


Pursuant to provisions set by the Argentine Corporations law, the Group and its subsidiaries, other than Banco Supervielle and Cordial Compañía Financiera, are required to appropriate 5% of the net income for the fiscal year to the legal reserve until such reserve is equal to 20% of Capital stock, plus the balance of the Capital Adjustment account.


As concerns Banco Supervielle and Cordial Compañía Financiera, according to the regulations set forth by the Argentine Central Bank, 20% of net income for the fiscal year, net of previous years’ adjustments, if any, is required to be appropriated to the legal reserve. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, in appropriating amounts to other reserves, Financial Institutions are required to comply with the provisions laid down by the Argentine Central Bank in the revised text on distribution of dividends described in Note 16.6.


The distribution of dividends to the Group’s shareholders is recognized as a liability in the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year in which dividends are approved by the Group’s Shareholders.


1.32.Revenue Recognition


Financial income and expense is recognized in respect of all debt instruments in accordance with the effective interest rate method, pursuant to which all gains and losses which are an integral part of the transaction effective interest rate are deferred.


The results that are included within the effective rate include expenditures or income related to the creation or acquisition of a financial asset or liability, such as compensation received for the analysis of the client's financial condition, negotiation of the terms of the instrument, the preparation and processing of the documents necessary to conclude the transaction and the compensations received for the granting of credit agreements that are expected to be used by the client. The Group records all its non-derivative financial liabilities at amortized cost, except those included in the caption "Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss", which are measured at fair value.


It should be noted that the commissions that the Group receives for the origination of syndicated loans are not part of the effective rate of the product, being these recognized in the Statement of Income at the time the service is provided, as long as the Group does not withhold part of it or this is kept in the same conditions as the rest of the participants. The commissions received by the Group for the negotiations in the transactions of a third party are not part of the effective rate either, these being recognized at the time they are perfected.


IFRS 15 establishes the principles that an entity must apply to account for income and cash flows from contracts for the sale of goods or services to its customers.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The amount to be recognized will be that which reflects the payment to which it is expected to be entitled for the services provided.


The income from the Group's services is recognized in the income statement in accordance with the fulfillment of performance obligations, thus deferring those income related to customer loyalty programs, which are provisioned based on the fair value of the point and its redemption rate, until they are exchanged by the client and can be recognized in the results of the year.


Below is a summary of the main commissions earned by the Group:


Commission Frecuency of revenue
Account maintenance Monthly
Safe deposit boxes Semi-annual
Issuing Bank Event driven
Credit Card renewal Annual
Check management Event driven


Income from investment property rentals is recognized in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income based on the straight-line method over the term of the lease, in accordance with the provisions of note 1.15.


1.33.Income tax


Income tax expense for the year includes current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized in the consolidated statements of income, except for items required to be recognized directly in other comprehensive income. In this case, the income tax liability related to such items is also recognized in such statement.


Current income tax expense is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantially enacted as of the date of the Statement of Financial Position in the countries where the Company and its subsidiaries operate and generate taxable income. The Group periodically assesses the position assumed in tax returns in connection with circumstances in which the tax regulation is subject to interpretation. The Group sets up provisions in respect of the amounts expected to be required to pay to the tax authorities.


Deferred income tax is recognized, using the deferred tax liability method, on temporary differences arising from the carrying amount of assets and liabilities and their tax base. However, the deferred tax arising from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business combination which, at the time of the transaction does not affect income or loss for accounting or tax purposes, is not recorded. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) enacted as of the date of the Financial Statements and that are expected to be applicable when the deferred tax assets are realized or the deferred tax liabilities are settled.


Deferred income tax assets are recognized only to the extent future tax benefits are likely to arise against which the temporary differences can be offset.


The Group recognizes a deferred tax liability for taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries and affiliates, except that the following two conditions are met:


·the Group controls the timing on which temporary differences will be reversed; and
·such temporary differences are not likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.


Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are offset when a legal right exists to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and to the extent such balances are related to the same tax authority of the Group or its subsidiaries, where tax balances are intended to be, and may be, settled on a net basis..


1.34.Earnings per share


Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing net income attributable to the Group’s shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the year.


Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net income for the year by the weighted average number of common shares issued and dilutive potential common shares at year end. Since the Company has no dilutive potential common shares outstanding, there are no dilutive earnings per share amounts.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




The Group determines operating segments based on performance reports which are reviewed by the Board and key personnel of the Senior Management and updated upon changes.


With the purpose of implementing a strategic vision focused on the individual client and Small and Medium Size Companies that require and values closeness and digital service models, the Retail Banking sector turned into a new area of Individuals and Businesses Banking.


In this sense, Small and Medium Size Companies clients and the loan portfolio have been transferred from the Corporate Division to the Individuals and Businesses area. Such change became effective on Junuary 1, 2020. The comparative information as of December 31, 2019 was modified with the purpose of showing the new organization and making it comparable to information as of December 31, 2020.


As from January 1, 2020, the Bank´s clients receive the following services:


Individuals and Businesses Banking Segment:


-Small companies, individuals and companies that record anual sales of up to 100,000
-“Small and Medium Size Companies”, companies that record anual sales of over 100,000 up to 700,000


Corporate Baking Segment:


-Megras that record anual sales over 700,000 up to 2,500,000
-Big Companies. Grandes companies that record anual sales of over 2,500,000


TheGroup considers the business for the type of products and services offered, identifying the following operating segments:


a-Personal and Business Banking– Includes a wide range of financial products and services targeted to small comoanies, included in Entrepreneours & SMSs, and high income people identified with so-called Identité proposal. Likewise, the Bank offers services and products targeted to retirees and pensioneers.
b-Corporate Banking – Includes advisory services at a corporate and financial level, as well as the administration of assets and loans targeted to corporate clients.
c-Bank Treasury – This segment is in charge of the assignment of liquidity of the Entity in accordance with the different commercial areas´ needs and its own needs, Treasury implements financial risk administration policies of the Bank, administers trading desk operations, distributes financial products, such as negotianle securities and develops business with the financial sector clients and whole sale non-financial sector clients.Consumer – Includes loans and other credit products targeted to middle and lower-middle income sectors and non-financial products and services.
d-Consumer Finance– Includes loans and other credit products targeted to middle and lowed-middle income sectors and non-financial products and services.
e-Insurance: Includes insurance products, with a focus on life insurance, to targeted customers segments
f-Asset Management and Other Services– Includes MFs administered by the Group. Includes also assets, liabilities and results of Micro Lending S.A.U., Invertir Online.Com Argentina S.A.U. and InvertirOnline S.A.U, Easy Cambio S.A., Bolsillo Digital S.A.U and Futuros del Sur S.A.


Operating results of the different operating segments of the Group are reviewed individually with the purpose of taking decisions over the allocation of resources and the performance analysis of each segment. The performance of such segments will be evaluated based on operating income and is measured consistently with operating income/(expenses) of the consolidated income statement.


Transaction between segments are carried out at arm´s length. Income, expenses and results from transfers between operating segments are eliminated in consolidation.


The Group does not present information by geographical segments because there are no operating segments in economic environments with risks and rewards that are significantly different.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The following chart includes information by segment as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Result by segments   Personal
  Insurance   Asset Management and
Other Services
  Adjustments   Total as of
Interest income     22,014,538     12,970,575     25,570,031     4,433,064     1     42,118     (380,408 )   64,649,919  
Interest expenses     (8,181,916 )   (1,073,707 )   (18,395,101 )   (1,367,357 )   -     (22,335 )   466,280     (28,574,136 )
Distribution of results by Treasury     3,409,620     (6,389,960 )   2,980,340     -     -     -     -     -  
Net interest income     17,242,242     5,506,908     10,155,270     3,065,707     1     19,783     85,872     36,075,783  
Services Fee Income     7,464,407     672,282     59,634     2,133,202     -     1,584,304     (420,005 )   11,493,824  
Services Fee Expenses     (2,453,402 )   (192,364 )   (59,759 )   (762,313 )   -     (50,423 )   (29,678 )   (3,547,939 )
Income from insurance activities     -     -     -     -     1,454,204     -     217,251     1,671,455  
Net Service Fee Income     5,011,005     479,918     (125 )   1,370,889     1,454,204     1,533,881     (232,432 )   9,617,340  
Subtotal     22,253,247     5,986,826     10,155,145     4,436,596     1,454,205     1,553,664     (146,560 )   45,693,123  
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss     -     -     2,315,048     143,465     353,513     162,716     340,840     3,315,582  
Income from withdrawal of assets rated at amortized cost     -     -     (11,599,109 )   -     -     -     (31,774 )   (11,630,883 )
Exchange rate difference on gold and foreign currency     379,276     52,605     423,261     37,771     (98 )   73,132     98,571     1,064,518  
NIFFI And Exchange Rate Differences     379,276     52,605     (8,860,800 )   181,236     353,415     235,848     407,637     (7,250,783 )
Other operating income     1,592,173     1,578,797     263,311     364,549     10,498     209,585     (132,710 )   3,886,203  
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency     524,511     (1,056,358 )   10,416,258     (1,083,197 )   (381,065 )   (253,720 )   (130,595 )   8,035,834  
Loan loss provisions     (4,327,078 )   (3,340,522 )   (4,061 )   (1,083,001 )   -     (512 )   -     (8,755,174 )
Net operating income     20,422,129     3,221,348     11,969,853     2,816,183     1,437,053     1,744,865     (2,228 )   41,609,203  
Personnel expenses     (13,284,682 )   (1,271,081 )   (930,606 )   (1,713,808 )   (317,809 )   (531,780 )   (118,078 )   (18,167,844 )
Administration expenses     (7,431,135 )   (508,923 )   (462,356 )   (1,463,065 )   (264,086 )   (452,096 )   269,167     (10,312,494 )
Depreciations and impairment of non-financial assets     (1,924,361 )   (144,156 )   (108,498 )   (135,823 )   (20,761 )   (10,497 )   (62,932 )   (2,407,028 )
Other operating expenses     (3,834,147 )   (1,255,328 )   (736,478 )   (602,436 )   (1,826 )   (102,244 )   (40,028 )   (6,572,487 )
Operating income     (6,052,196 )   41,860     9,731,915     (1,098,949 )   832,571     648,248     45,901     4,149,350  
Result  from associates and joint ventures     -     -     -     6,161     -     -     (6,161 )   -  
Result before taxes     (6,052,196 )   41,860     9,731,915     (1,092,788 )   832,571     648,248     39,740     4,149,350  
Income tax     1,615,781     88,157     (2,598,189 )   181,775     (294,523 )   (254,802 )   526,827     (734,974 )
Net income     (4,436,415 )   130,017     7,133,726     (911,013 )   538,048     393,446     566,567     3,414,376  
Net income for  the  period attributable to owners of the parent company     (4,436,415 )   130,017     7,133,726     (911,013 )   538,048     393,446     564,302     3,412,111  
Net income for the period attributable to non-controlling interest     -     -     -     -     -     -     2,265     2,265  
Other comprehensive income     145,096     76,432     315,836     -     -     -     (11,516 )   525,848  
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company     145,096     76,432     315,836     -     -     -     (12,066 )   525,298  
Other comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interest     -     -     -     -     -     -     550     550  
Comprehensive income for the period     (4,291,319 )   206,449     7,449,562     (911,013 )   538,048     393,446     555,051     3,940,224  
Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company     (4,291,319 )   206,449     7,449,562     (911,013 )   538,048     393,446     552,236     3,937,409  
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests     -     -     -     -     -     -     2,815     2,815  


Assets by segments  Personal
  Insurance  Asset
Management and
  Adjustments  Total as of
Cash and due from banks   12,345,694   533,467   23,288,860   238,350   2,176   399,895   (133,573)  36,674,869 
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   -   -   8,827,214   1,034,836   -   9,853   -   9,871,903 
Loans and other financing   52,474,975   42,240,378   5,823,214   7,387,494   592,067   49,403   (2,592,546)  105,974,985 
Other Assets   8,569,275   8,324,470   59,244,268   2,889,984   1,254,830   1,079,317   16,035,035   97,397,179 
Total Assets   73,389,944   51,098,315   97,183,556   11,550,664   1,849,073   1,538,468   13,308,916   249,918,936 
Liabilities by segments                                 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and others financial institutions   93,834,062   16,184,803   65,197,484   3,561,745   -   -   (136,500)  178,641,594 
Unsubordinated Debt securities   15,011   -   5,794,777   2,529,652   -   47,288   (2,535,316)  5,851,412 
Other liabilities   23,896   12,588   4,190,264   -   -   -   -   4,226,748 
Total Liabilities   7,481,326   2,073,534   5,859,468   2,016,065   857,130   580,052   5,964,035   24,831,610 
    101,354,295   18,270,925   81,041,993   8,107,462   857,130   627,340   3,292,219   213,551,364 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Result by segments   Personal and
    Insurance     Asset
    Adjustments     Total as of
Interest income     30,299,716       19,478,945       6,132,454       6,909,734       -       303,685       (2,140,904 )     60,983,630  
Interest expenses     (11,995,095 )     (4,676,394 )     (28,791,269 )     (4,350,249 )     -       (182,092 )     2,463,719       (47,531,380 )
Distribution of results by Treasury     5,561,129       (8,244,969 )     2,683,840       -       -       -       -       -  
Net interest income     23,865,750       6,557,582       (19,974,975 )     2,559,485       -       121,593       322,815       13,452,250  
Services Fee Income     7,153,210       1,532,939       50,267       2,715,230       -       868,490       (612,580 )     11,707,556  
Services Fee Expenses     (1,979,204 )     (166,561 )     (66,517 )     (1,171,833 )     -       (41,409 )     370,565       (3,054,959 )
Income from insurance activities     -       -       -       -       1,398,033       -       269,254       1,667,287  
Net Service Fee Income     5,174,006       1,366,378       (16,250 )     1,543,397       1,398,033       827,081       27,239       10,319,884  
Subtotal     29,039,756       7,923,960       (19,991,225 )     4,102,882       1,398,033       948,674       350,054       23,772,134  
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss     13,964       -       27,334,563       331,348       526,305       132,899       197,291       28,536,370  
Exchange rate difference on gold and foreign currency     2,601,282       281,748       (3,381,094 )     11,166       1,679       29,577       14,454       (441,188 )
NIFFI And Exchange Rate Differences     2,615,246       281,748       23,953,469       342,514       527,984       162,476       211,745       28,095,182  
Other operating income     1,660,667       857,889       466,186       571,724       10,190       212,318       (36,648 )     3,742,326  
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency     (2,143,659 )     (2,532,581 )     (534,910 )     (1,605,792 )     (974,964 )     (475,643 )     375,664       (7,891,885 )
Loan loss provisions     (4,318,311 )     (4,078,945 )     31,810       (2,210,257 )     -       51,352       -       (10,524,351 )
Net operating income     26,853,699       2,452,071       3,925,330       1,201,071       961,243       899,177       900,815       37,193,406  
Personnel expenses     (14,363,517 )     (1,412,159 )     (886,187 )     (1,740,329 )     (255,296 )     (414,831 )     (211,026 )     (19,283,345 )
Administration expenses     (7,109,858 )     (464,220 )     (421,634 )     (1,589,636 )     (359,381 )     (360,971 )     (4,970 )     (10,310,670 )
Depreciations and impairment of non-financial assets     (2,089,898 )     (273,511 )     (107,738 )     (136,548 )     (12,751 )     (9,014 )     (61,758 )     (2,691,218 )
Other operating expenses     (4,635,429 )     (2,306,727 )     (693,363 )     (865,702 )     (1,673 )     (135,505 )     (16,474 )     (8,654,873 )
Operating income     (1,345,003 )     (2,004,546 )     1,816,408       (3,131,144 )     332,142       (21,144 )     606,587       (3,746,700 )
Result  from associates and joint ventures     -       -       -       4,570       -       -       (4,570 )     -  
Result before taxes from continuing operations     (1,345,003 )     (2,004,546 )     1,816,408       (3,126,574 )     332,142       (21,144 )     602,017       (3,746,700 )
Income tax     (7,382 )     (9,104 )     (24,573 )     797,441       (301,677 )     (117,296 )     (587,766 )     (250,357 )
Net income     (1,352,385 )     (2,013,650 )     1,791,835       (2,329,133 )     30,465       (138,440 )     14,251       (3,997,057 )
Net income for  the  period attributable to owners of the parent company     (1,352,385 )     (2,013,650 )     1,791,835       (2,329,133 )     30,465       (138,440 )     17,834       (3,993,474 )
Net income for the period attributable to non-controlling interest     -       -       -       -       -       -       (3,583 )     (3,583 )
Other comprehensive income     1,974       1,393       3,513       -       110,772       -       2       117,654  
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company     1,974       1,393       3,513       -       110,772       -       (5 )     117,647  
Other comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interest     -       -       -       -       -       -       7       7  
Comprehensive income for the period     (1,350,411 )     (2,012,257 )     1,795,348       (2,329,133 )     141,237       (138,440 )     14,253       (3,879,403 )
Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company     (1,350,411 )     (2,012,257 )     1,795,348       (2,329,133 )     141,237       (138,440 )     17,829       (3,875,827 )
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests     -       -       -       -       -       -       (3,576 )     (3,576 )


Assets by segments   Personal and
    Insurance     Asset
    Adjustments     Total as of
Cash and due from banks     10,471,379       1,392,602       22,967,633       437,209       4,608       3,295,926       (2,624,036 )     35,945,321  
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss     -       -       425,174       126,287       -       222,498       -       773,959  
Loans and other financing     56,949,123       52,378,783       5,070,179       7,898,463       618,048       41,858       (1,927,881 )     121,028,573  
Other Assets     3,216,482       1,600,424       24,599,171       3,692,214       1,485,761       733,256       10,352,871       45,680,179  
Total Assets     70,636,984       55,371,809       53,062,157       12,154,173       2,108,417       4,293,538       5,800,954       203,428,032  








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Liabilities by segments                                
Deposits   86,332,383    14,481,577    21,342,192    2,219,629    -    -    (3,199,526)   121,176,255 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and others financial institutions   17,161    -    12,250,927    1,293,014    -    62,652    (1,347,144)   12,276,610 
Unsubordinated Debt securities   147,721    104,240    8,013,021    -    -    21,181    -    8,286,163 
Other liabilities   6,349,306    1,876,158    5,926,868    4,308,010    1,031,927    3,517,477    5,721,845    28,731,591 
Total Liabilities   92,846,571    16,461,975    47,533,008    7,820,653    1,031,927    3,601,310    1,175,175    170,470,619 




On December 21, 2019, the National Executive enacted Income Tax Law 27,541. This law has introduced several changes to the previous income tax treatment. Some of the key changes involved in the reform include:


Article 27 of the Law stipulates that the inflation adjustment, positive or negative, corresponding to the first and second fiscal year beginning on January 1, 2019, should allocate a sixth (1/6) in that fiscal period and the remaining five sixth (5/6), in equal parts, in the next five (5) immediate fiscal periods.


In turn, it is clarified that said provision does not preclude the allocation of the remaining thirds corresponding to previous periods, calculated in accordance with the previous version of article 194 of the Income Tax Law.


Article 48 of the Law 27,541 establishes that until the fiscal years beginning as of January 1, 2021 inclusive, the tax rate will be thirty percent (30%) -Dividends or distributed profits will be 7%.


The following table reconciles the statutory income tax rate in Argentina to the Group´s effective tax rate as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Current income tax   (1,105,459)   (324.684)
Income tax – deferred method   1,609,262    524.618 
Income tax allotted in the Income Statement   503,803    199.934 
Income tax allotted in Other comprehensive income   231,171    50.423 
Total Income Tax Charge   734,974    250.357 


The following is a reconciliation between the income tax charged to income as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, that which would result from applying the current tax rate on the accounting profit


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Income before taxes   4,149,350    (3,746,700)
Tax rate   30%   30%
Income for the year at tax rate   1,244,805    (1,124,010)
Permanent differences at tax rate:          
Contribution SGR   (325,110)   (346,218)
Investment property revaluations   32,122    - 
Valuation of mutual funds   (5,305)   (20,085)
Tax inflation adjustment   55,764    1,511,989 
Adjustment DDJJ 2019   (17,127)   14,449 
Corrections to the deferred   (570,021)   - 
Non-deductible results   319,846    214,232 
Income tax   734,974    250,357 


3.1Deferred tax


The net position of the deferred tax is as follows:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Deferred tax assets   3,020,783    1.781,699 
Deferred tax liability   (42,005)   (643,354)
Net assets by deferred tax   2,978,778    1.138,345 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Deferred tax assets / (liabilities) are summarized as follows:


Item  Balance at
to Income
to OCI
   Balance at
Shelters   17,393    75,948    -    93,341 
Organization and development expenses   (67,115)   (167,222)   -    (234,337)
Intangible assets   (861,167)   (20,331)   -    (881,498)
Investments   (24,626)   (18,373)   -    (42,999)
Others   (8,337)   1,481    -    (6,856)
Retirement plans   114,991    849    -    115,840 
Forecasts of eventual commitments   505    4,701    -    5,206 
Loan Loss Reserves   797,965    1,141,120    -    1,939,085 
Property, plant and equipment   (1,292,660)   264,071    (206,279)   (1,234,868)
Shareholding   -    (1,444)   814    (630)
Foreign Currency   (83,709)   65,665    (24,834)   (42,878)
Sale and replacement   38,114    -    -    38,114 
Provisions   249,024    (125,743)   -    123,281 
Loan origination costs   938    -    -    938 
Loans to employees   -    295,424    -    295,424 
Staff rewards   -    91,325    -    91,325 
Inflation adjustment credit   2,032,364    490,706    -    2,523,070 
Bankruptcies   224,665    (27,445)   -    197,220 
Total   1,138,345    2,070,732    (230,299)   2,978,778 


Item  Balance at
to Income
to OCI
   Balance at
Shelters   25,420    (8,027)   -    17,393 
Miscellaneous Goods   2,892    (2,892)   -    - 
Financial Trusts   (31,705)   31,705    -    - 
Organization and development expenses   (72,412)   5,297    -    (67,115)
Intangible assets   (426,795)   (434,372)   -    (861,167)
Investments   (11,081)   (10,597)   (2,948)   (24,626)
Others   5,820    (14,157)   -    (8,337)
Retirement plans   120,440    (5,449)   -    114,991 
Forecasts of eventual commitments   1,173    (668)   -    505 
Loan Loss Reserves   1,499,025    (701,061)   -    797,964 
Property, plant and equipment   (800,147)   (445,039)   (47,474)   (1,292,660)
Shareholding   -    -    -    - 
Foreign Currency   (171,599)   87,891    -    (83,708)
Sale and replacement   66,561    (28,447)   -    38,114 
Provisions   22,545    226,479    -    249,024 
Loan origination costs   -    938    -    938 
Inflation adjustment credit   -    2,032,364    -    2,032,364 
Bankruptcies   333,167    (108,502)   -    224,665 
Total   563,304    625,463    (50,422)   1,138,345 


The net position of the deferred tax is as follows:


Deferred taxes to be recovered in more than 12 months   2,694,402 
Deferred taxes to be recovered in 12 months   1,628,438 
Subtotal – Deferred tax assets   4,322,840 
Deferred taxes to be paid in more than 12 months   1,320,927 
Deferred taxes to be paid in 12 months   23,135 
Subtotal – Deferred tax liabilities   1,344,062 
Total Net Assets by deferred Tax   2,978,778 


According to the analysis carried out by the Group, it is considered that the assets detailed above meet the requirements to consider them recoverable and thus carry out the corresponding recognition.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Financial instruments held by the Group as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2020  Fair value
through profit or
   Fair value
- Cash and due from banks   -    36,674,869    -    36,674,869 
- Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   9,871,903    -    -    9,871,903 
- Derivatives   143,944    -    -    143,944 
- Reverse Repo transactions   -    22,354,735    -    22,354,735 
- Other financial assets   3,407,010    877,330    -    4,284,340 
- Loans and other financing   -    105,974,985    -    105,974,985 
- Other debt securities   34,534,781    6,729,368    -    41,264,149 
- Financial assets pledged as collateral   4,687,488    217,447    -    4,904,935 
- Investments in Equity Instruments   86,923    -    29,405    116,328 
Total Assets   52,732,049    172,828,734    29,405    225,590,188 
- Deposits   -    178,641,594    -    178,641,594 
- Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   2,002,005    -    -    2,002,005 
- Derivates   1,995    -    -    1,995 
- Other financial liabilities   7,326,629    203,056    -    7,529,685 
- Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   -    5,851,412    -    5,851,412 
- Unsubordinated debt securities   -    4,226,748    -    4,226,748 
-Subordinated debt securities   -    1,140,469    -    1,140,469 
Total Liabilities   9,330,629    190,063,279    -    199,393,908 


Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2019  Fair value
through profit or
   Fair value
- Cash and due from banks   -    35,945,321    -    35,945,321 
- Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   773,959    -    -    773,959 
- Derivatives   350,679    -    -    350,679 
- Other financial assets   1,499,630    1,376,349    -    2,875,979 
- Loans and other financing   -    121,028,573    -    121,028,573 
- Other debt securities   -    4,765,437    9,762,874    14,528,311 
- Financial assets pledged as collateral   6,704,298    557,034    -    7,261,332 
- Investments in Equity Instruments   7,890    -    11,957    19,847 
Total Assets   9,336,456    163,672,714    9,774,831    182,784,001 
- Deposits   -    121,176,255    -    121,176,255 
- Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   258,060    -    -    258,060 
- Repo transactions   -    435,401    -    435,401 
- Other financial liabilities   8,163,994    4,247,392    -    12,411,386 
- Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   -    12,276,610    -    12,276,610 
- Unsubordinated debt securities   -    8,286,163    -    8,286,163 
-Subordinated debt securities   -    2,886,028    -    2,886,028 
Total Liabilities   8,422,054    149,307,849    -    157,729,903 




Fair value is defined as the amount by which an asset may be exchanged or a liability may be settled, in an arm’s length orderly transaction between knowledgeable principal market participants (or more advantageous) at the date of measurement of the current market conditions regardless of whether such price is directly observable or estimated utilizing a valuation technique under the assumption that the Group is a going concern.


When a financial instrument is sold in a liquid and active market, its settled price in the market in a real transaction provides the best evidence of its fair value. When a stipulated price is not settled in the market or when it cannot be an indicator of a fair value of the instrument, in order to determine such fair value, another similar instrument’s fair value may be used, as well as the analysis of discounted flows or other applicable techniques. Such techniques are significantly allocated by the assumptions used.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The Group classifies the fair values of the financial instruments into 3 levels, according to the quality of the data used for their determination.


Fair Value level 1: The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly-traded derivatives, debt securities or available for sale) is based on market quoted prices as of the date of the reporting period. If the quote price is available and there is an active market for the instrument, it will be included in Level 1.


Fair Value level 2: The fair value of financial instruments which are not traded in active markets, such as over-the-counter derivatives, is determined using valuation techniques that maximize the use of observable market data and rely the least possible on the Group’s specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value a financial instrument are observable, such instrument is included in level 2.


Fair Value level 3: If one or more significant inputs are not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3.


The portfolio of financial instruments held by the Group is detailed below, as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Instrument portfolio as of 12/31/2020  FV level 1   FV level 2   FV level 3 
- Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   9,632,732    239,171    - 
- Derivatives   143,944    -    - 
- Other financial assets   3,407,010    -    - 
- Other debt securities   6,353,196    28,181,585    - 
- Financial assets pledged as collateral   4,687,488    -    - 
- Investments in Equity Instruments   86,923    29,405    - 
Total Assets   24,311,293    28,450,161    - 
- Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   2,002,005    -    - 
- Derivatives   1,995           
- Other financial liabilities   7,326,629    -    - 
Total Liabilities   9,330,629    -    - 


Instrument portfolio as of 12/31/2019  FV level 1   FV level 2   FV level 3 
- Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   768,961    -    4,998 
- Derivatives   350,679    -    - 
- Other financial assets   1,499,630    -    - 
- Other debt securities   9,762,874    -    - 
- Financial assets pledged as collateral   6,704,298    -    - 
- Investments in Equity Instruments   7,890    11,957    - 
Total Assets   19,094,332    11,957    4,998 
- Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   258,060    -    - 
- Other financial liabilities   8,163,994    -    - 
Total Liabilities   8,422,054    -    - 


Below is shown the reconcilation of the financial instruments classiffied as Fair Value Level 3:


FV level 3  12/31/2019  Transfers  Additions  Disposals  P/L  12/31/2020 
- Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   4,996   -   -   4,996   -          - 


The Group’s policy is to recognize transfers between fair value levels only at end of period. The transfers were produced by the classification as Level 3 of the financial instruments with lack of observable prices.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Valuation Techniques


Valuation techniques to determine fair values Level 2 and Level 3 include the following:


-Market or quoted prices for similar instruments.
-The estimated present value of instruments.


The valuation technique to determine fair value Level 2 is based on inputs other than the quoted price included in Level 1 that are readily observable for the asset or liability (i.e., prices).


For Level 3, the Group uses valuation techniques through spot rate curves which calculate the yield upon market prices.


These valuation techniques are detailed below:


-    Interpolation model: It consists of the determination of the value of financial instruments that do not have a market price at the closing date, based on quoted prices for similar assets (both in terms of issue, currency, and duration) in the active markets ( MAE, Bolsar or secondary) through the linear interpolation of them. This technique has been used by the Entity to determine the fair value of the instruments issued by the BCRA and Treasury Bills without quotation at the end of this period.

-    Performance Curve Model under Nelson Siegel: This model proposes a continuous function to model the trajectory of the instant forward interest rate considering as a domain the term comprised until the next interest and / or capital payment. It consists in the determination of the instrument’s price estimating volatility through market curves. The Entity has used this model to estimate prices in debt securities or financial instruments with variable interest rate.


The principal inputs considered by the Group for its determination of fair values ​​under the linear interpolation model are:


-    Instrument prices that were quoted between the date the curve is estimated and the settlement date of the latest payment available.

-    Implicit rates in the last available tender.

-    Only instruments that have been traded with a 24-hour settlement are considered.

-    If the same instrument has been listed on MAE (“Mercado Abierto Electrónico”) and Bolsar, only the market price that has been traded in the market with higher volume is considered

-    The yield curve is standardized based on a set of nodes, each of which has an associated expiration date.

-    Instruments denominated in US dollars are converted at the exchange rate on the date the instrument is negotiated.


Likewise, for the determination of fair values under the Nelson Siegel model, the main data and aspects considered by the Entity were:


-    The Spot rate curves in pesos + BADLAR and the Spot rate curve in US dollars are established based on bonds predefined by Financial Risk Management.

-    The main source of prices for Bonds is MAE, without considering those corresponding to operations for own portfolio.

-    The portfolio of bonds used as input is changed with every issuance.


The Group periodically evaluates the performance of the models based on indicators which have defined tolerance thresholds.


Under IFRS, the estimated residual value of an instrument at inception is generally the transaction price.


In the event that the transaction price differs from the determined fair value, the difference will be recognized in the income statement proportionally for the duration of the instrument.


Fair Value of Other Financial Instruments


The following describes the methodologies and assumptions used to determine the fair values of financial instruments not recorded at their value in these financial statements:


-    Assets whose fair value is similar to book value: For financial assets and liabilities that are liquid or have short-term maturities (less than three months), the book value is considered to be similar to fair value.

-    Fixed rate financial instruments: The fair value of financial assets was determined by discounting future cash flows at the current market rates offered, for each year, for financial instruments with similar characteristics. The estimated fair value of deposits with a fixed interest rate was determined by discounting future cash flows through the use of market interest rates for deposits with maturities similar to those of the Group's portfolio.

-    For listed assets and the quoted debt, fair value was determined based on market prices.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The following chart includes a comparison between the fair value and the accounting value of financial instruments not recorded at fair value as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Other Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2020  Accounting
   Fair value   FV Level 1   FV Level 2   FV Level 3 
Financial Assets                    
-Cash and due from Banks   36,674,869    36,674,869    36,674,869    -    - 
-Other financial assets   877,330    877,330    877,330    -    - 
-Loans and other financing   105,974,985    112,402,330    -    -    112,402,330 
- Repo transactions   22,354,735    22,354,735    22,354,735    -    - 
- Other Debt Securities   6,729,368    6,729,368    6,729,368    -    - 
-Financial assets pledged as collateral   217,447    217,447    217,447    -    - 
    172,828,734    179,256,079    66,853,749    -    112,402,330 
Financial Liabilities                         
-Deposits   178,641,594    179,320,910    -    -    179,320,910 
- Other financial liabilities   203,056    203,056    203,056    -    - 
-Financing received from the BCRA and other financial institutions   5,851,412    5,607,016    -    -    5,607,016 
- Unsubordinated Debt securities   4,226,748    4,226,748    4,226,748    -    - 
- Subordinated Debt securities   1,140,469    1,192,293    1,192,293    -    - 
    190,063,279    190,550,023    5,622,097    -    184,927,926 


Other Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2019  Accounting
   Fair value   FV Level 1   FV Level 2   FV Level 3 
Financial Assets                    
-Cash and due from Banks   35,945,321    35,945,321    35,945,321    -    - 
-Other financial assets   1,376,349    1,376,349    1,376,349    -    - 
-Loans and other financing   121,028,573    125,967,144    -    -    125,967,144 
- Other Debt Securities   4,765,437    4,878,150    4,878,150    -    - 
-Financial assets pledged as collateral   557,034    557,034    557,034    -    - 
    163,672,714    168,723,998    42,756,854    -    125,967,144 
Financial Liabilities                         
-Deposits   121,176,255    121,178,487    -    -    121,178,487 
-Other financial liabilities   4,247,392    4,247,392    4,247,392    -    - 
-Repo transactions   435,401    435,401    435,401    -    - 
-Finances received from the BCRA and other financial institutions   12,276,610    11,950,528    -    -    11,950,528 
- Unsubordinated Debt securities   8,286,163    8,286,163    8,286,163    -    - 
- Subordinated Debt securities   2,886,028    3,223,964    3,223,964    -    - 
    149,307,849    149,321,935    16,192,920    -    133,129,015 


Fair Value of Equity instruments


The following are the equity instruments measured at Fair Value throughin profit or loss as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Grupo Financiero Galicia S.A.   74,881    7,890 
Pampa Holding S.A   8,286    - 
Loma Negra S.A.   3,179    - 
Others   785    - 
Total   87,131    7,890 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The following are the equity instruments measured at Fair Value through in Other Comprehensive Income as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Detail  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Mercado Abierto Electrónico S.A.   4,610    6,276 
Seguro de Depósitos S.A   1,614    2,197 
Compensador Electrónica S.A.   919    1,251 
Provincanje S.A.   271    370 
Cuyo Aval Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca   1,436    1,428 
Argencontrol S.A.   125    170 
Los Grobo Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca   73    95 
IEBA S.A.   61    83 
Otras Sociedades de Garantía Recíproca   134    86 
Total   9,243    11,956 


Detail  Fair value
   Income through
   Fair value
Mercado Abierto Electrónico S.A.   6,276    (1,666)   4,610 
Seguro de Depósitos S.A   2,197    (583)   1,614 
Compensador Electrónica S.A.   1,251    (332)   919 
Provincanje S.A.   370    (99)   271 
Cuyo Aval Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca   1,428    8    1,436 
Argencontrol S.A.   170    (45)   125 
Los Grobo Sociedad de Garantía Recíproca   95    (22)   73 
IEBA S.A.   83    (22)   61 
Otras Sociedades de Garantía Recíproca   86    48    134 
Total   11,956    (2,713)   9,243 




When the Group transfers financial assets under an agreement that meets all requirements to derecognize such assets, the difference between the carrying amount of those assets and the amount received as consideration is charged to income.


(a)Transfers that do not qualify for derecognition


The following is a detail of the financial assets transferred by the Group that continue to be recognized in its consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Securitized Personal Loans        
Asset         -    2,197,444 
Liabilities   -    1,156,889 
Transfers of receivables with recourse          
Asset   -    41,116 
Liabilities   -    - 


(b)Transfers of financial assets that qualify for derecognition


The Group makes, in certain opportunities, non-recourse portfolio sales. In these cases, the Group has not retained any substantial risk or reward regarding the transferred portfolio, and therefore, such portfolio meets derecognition requirements.




The movements in the Group's significant non-controlled interests as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, were as follows:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Balance at the beginning   26,223    29,683 
Participation in profit for the year   2,265    (3,583)
Participation in OCI for the year   550    7 
Share premium in subsidiaries   -    116 
Balance at closing   29,038    26,223 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the balances recorded for long-term benefits amounted to 1,146,516 and 947,536, respectively. The amount for the year recognized as an expense in respect of staff retirement benefits as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 was 447,850 and 739,182, respectively.


The evolution during the exercises is detailed below:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Balance at the beginning   947,536    396,082 
Discharges from the exercise   557,291    741,121 
Benefits paid to participants   (358,311)   (189,667)
Balance at closing   1,146,516    947,536 




Related parties are considered to be all those entities that directly, or indirectly through other entities, control over another, are under the same control or may exercise significant influence over the financial or operational decisions of another entity.


The Group controls another entity when it has power over the financial and operating decisions of other entities and in turn obtains benefits from it. On the other hand, the Group considers that it has joint control when there is an agreement between the parties regarding the control of a common economic activity.


Finally, those cases in which the Group has significant influence is due to the power to influence the financial and operating decisions of another entity but not being able to exercise control over them. For the determination of such situations, not only the legal aspects are observed but also the nature and substance of the relationship.


Additionally, related parties are considered to be the key personnel of the Group's Management (members of the Board and managers of the Group and its subsidiaries), as well as the entities over which key personnel may exercise significant influence or control.


Controlling Entity


Mr. Julio Patricio Supervielle is the main shareholder of the Groups, with registered address on Bartolomé Mitre 434, 5th floor, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Julio Patricio Supervielle´s interest in the capital and votes of the Group as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounts to the 35.12% and 57.89%, respectively.


Remuneration of key personnel


The remuneration received by the key personnel of the Group as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounts to 628.7 million and 480.8 million respectively.


Transactions with related parties


The financings, including those that were restructured, were granted in the normal course of business and on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and guarantees, as those in force at the time to grant credit to non-related parties. Likewise, they did not imply a risk of bad debts greater than normal nor did they present any other type of unfavorable conditions.


The following table presents the aggregate amounts of total consolidated financial exposure of the Bank to related parties, the number of recipients, the average amounts and the single largest exposures as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


   As of December 31,
   As of December 31,
Aggregate total financial exposure   242,271    1,311,056 
Number of recipient related parties   80    95 
(a) Individuals   71    86 
(b) Companies   9    10 
Average total financial exposure   3,028    18,729 
Single largest exposure   933,426    1,120,671 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




10.1 The Group as lessee


(i)The following table shows the carrying amount in the statement of financial position:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Right-of-use asset          
Land and buildings   2,146,928    2,047,262 
Lease liability          
Current   660,694    637,103 
Non-current   521,004    651,311 
Total   1,181,698    1,288,414 


(ii)The following table shows the amounts charged in the income statement:


Items  12/31/2020 
Right-of-use assets – Depreciation   780,397 
Interest expenses on lease liabilities (Other operating expenses)   207,035 


(iii)Lease activities:


The Group leases several branches. Rental agreements are generally made for fixed periods of 1 to 3 years, but may have extension options as described in (iv) below.


Contracts may contain lease components or not. The Group assigns consideration in the contract to the lease and non-lease components based on their independent relative prices. However, for the leases of real estate for which the Group is a lessee, it has chosen not to separate the lease components and those that are not, and instead counts them as a single lease component.


Lease terms are negotiated individually and contain a wide range of different terms and conditions. Lease agreements do not impose other obligations to do or not do, other than the leased assets owned by the lessor. Leased assets cannot be used as collateral for obtaining loans.


Until 2018, Property, Plant and Equipment leases were classified as operating leases. As of January 1, 2019, leases are recognized as a right-of-use asset by registering a liability as a counterparty on the date on which the leased asset is available for use by the Entity.


Assets and liabilities arising from leases are initially measured based on the present value. Lease liabilities include the net present value of the following lease payments:


·fixed payments (including fixed payments in substance), less any incentives receivable;

·variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, initially measured using the index or rate as at the commencement date;

·amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees;

·the exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise that option, and

·payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercising an option to terminate the lease.


Lease payments to be made under reasonably certain extension options are also included in the measurement of the liability.


Lease payments are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If that rate cannot be easily determined, which is generally the case with leases in the Group, the lessee's incremental borrowing rate is used, which is the rate that the individual lessee would have to pay to borrow the necessary funds to obtain an asset of similar value to the asset by right of use in a similar economic environment with similar terms, security and conditions.


To determine the incremental interest rate, the Group:


·whenever possible, uses the external financing recently received as a starting point, adjusted to reflect changes in financing conditions since the external financing was received.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


·uses a rate determination approach that begins with a risk-free interest rate adjusted for credit risk for leases that the Entity already has for those cases in which it does not have recent third-party financing, and

·makes specific adjustments for the lease, for example, term, currency and guarantee.


The Group is exposed to possible future increases in variable lease payments based on an index or rate, which are not included in the lease liability until they become effective. When adjustments to lease payments based on an index or rate become effective, the lease liability is reassessed and adjusted against the right-of-use asset.


Lease payments are allocated between capital and financial cost. The financial cost is charged to income during the lease period to produce a constant periodic interest rate on the remaining balance of the liability for each period.


The right-of-use assets are measured at cost comprising the following:


·the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability;

·any lease payment made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received;

·any initial direct costs, and

·an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease.


The right-of-use assets are generally depreciated during the shortest useful life of the asset and the lease term in a linear fashion.


Payments associated with short-term leases of equipment and all leases of low-value assets are recognized linearly as an expense in income. Short-term leases are leases with a lease term of 12 months or less and that does not contains a purchase option. Low-value assets include computer equipment and small items of office furniture.


(iv) Extension and termination options


Extension and termination options are included in several property leases. These are used to maximize operational flexibility in terms of managing the assets used in operations. Most of the extension and termination options maintained are exercisable only by the Group and not by the respective lessor.


10.2 The Group as lessor


The following is a breakdown of the maturities of the Group's financial and operating leases receivables and of the current values as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Financial Lease Receivables  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Up to 1 year   1,982,763    2,427,517 
More than a year up to two years   1,099,924    1,589,089 
From two to three years   634,899    906,151 
From three to five years   355,885    574,487 
More than five years   14,429    27,744 
Total   4,087,900    5,524,988 
Unearned financial income   (1,196,789)   (1,186,636)
Net investment in the lease   2,891,111    4,338,352 


The balance of allowance for loan losses related to finance leases amounts to 252,961 and 111,708 as of December 31, 2020 and 2019.


Operating Lease Receivables  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Up to 1 year   16,067    22,744 
More than a year up to two years   13,766    21,418 
From two to three years   9,202    18,438 
From three to five years   -    12,528 
Total   39,035    75,128 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




    12/31/2020    12/31//2019     01/01/2019 
11.1 Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss                
Goverment securities   8,864,640    768,967     7,632,295 
Corporate securities   401,671    4,992     130,690 
Securities issued by the Argentine Central Bank   605,592    -     23,676,552 
    9,871,903    773,959     31,439,537 
11.2 Derivatives                
Debtor balances related to forward operations in foreign currency to be settled in pesos   143,415    350,679     5,275 
Debtor balances related to forward operations in foreign currency   529    -     28,074 
    143,944    350,679     33,349 
11.3 Other financial assets                
Participation Certificates in Financial Trusts   40,855    41,648     84,320 
Investments in Asset Management and Other Services   1,528,987    747,738     1,441,064 
Other investments   535,684    523,622     606,364 
Receivable from spot sales peading settlament   1,078,244    188,679     8,633 
Several debtors   832,131    809,898     1,315,848 
Miscellaneous debtors for credit card operations   203,809    516,154     808,739 
Miscellaneous debtors for collections   64,630    48,240     82,314 
    4,284,340    2,875,979     4,347,282 
11.4 Loans and other financing                
To the non-financial public sector   23,530    39,307     68,697 
To the financial sector   12,062    87,841     705,558 
Overdrafts   2,494,262    7,621,574     10,472,759 
Promisory notes   31,372,798    26,712,017     29,986,883 
Mortgage loans   10,412,719    10,778,278     11,219,491 
Automobile and other secured loans   1,777,956    1,660,828     3,542,573 
Personal loans   20,426,406    22,184,437     39,804,302 
Credit cards loans   19,094,080    17,634,809     18,782,816 
Foreign trade Loans   9,858,309    24,710,532     28,227,113 
Receivables from financial leases   2,891,110    4,338,377     7,006,810 
Others   7,611,753    5,260,573     13,792,712 
    105,974,985    121,028,573     163,609,714 
11.5 Other debt securities                
Goverment securities   13,078,920    5,746,397     9,148,602 
Securities issued by the Argentine Central Bank   28,181,585    8,769,584     - 
Others   3,644    12,330     64,203 
    41,264,149    14,528,311     9,212,805 
11.6 Financial assets pledged as collateral                
Special guarantees accounts in the Argentine Central Bank   3,710,757    2,887,173     2,843,836 
Deposits in guarantee   1,194,178    4,374,159     1,359,845 
    4,904,935    7,261,332     4,203,681 
11.7 Other non-financial assets                
Other Miscellaneous assets   603,701    1,124,745     821,905 
Loans to employees   235,259    359,305     373,086 
Payments in advance   321,958    18,474     350,759 
Works of art and collector's pieces   32,343    47,032     33,434 
Retirement Plan   143,252    205,805     267,925 
Assets acquired through financial leases   -    -     1,897,303 
Other non-financial assets   16,367    6,707     19,344 
    1,352,880    1,762,068     3,763,756 
11.8  Inventories                
Electronics   56,282    29,614     128,265 
Home and Health care   16,110    10,529     19,899 
Tools and Workshop Equipment   259    22,121     438 
Obsolescence Reserve   (1,687)   (1,743 )   (2,174)
    70,964    60,521     146,428 
11.9 Deposits                
Non-financial sector   7,911,255    7,447,131     23,258,016 
Financial sector   57,416    38,253     52,851 
Current accounts   16,891,003    14,819,309     14,486,996 
Savings accounts   102,845,465    54,445,823     99,155,172 
Time deposits and investments accounts   46,113,056    40,457,410     58,226,125 
Others   4,823,399    3,968,329     3,580,926 
    178,641,594    121,176,255     198,760,086 
11.10 Liabilities at fair value through profit and loss   2,002,005    258,060     241,261 
Liabilities for transactions in local currency   -    -     320,187 
Liabilities for transactions in foreign currency   2,002,005    258,060     561,448 
11.11 Other financial liabilities                
Amounts payable for spot transactions pending  settlement   1,362,541    2,986,677     1,157,326 
Collections and other operations on behalf of third parties   4,952,137    7,112,817     7,423,271 
Fees accrued to pay   5,423    366     76,123 
Financial guarantee contracts   19,832    20,786     76,592 
Liabilities associated with the transfer of financial assets not derecognised   -    970,923     1,897,303 
Lease liability   1,181,698    1,288,420     152,547 
Others   8,054    31,397     49,961 
    7,529,685    12,411,386     10,833,123 
11.12 Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions                
Financing received from local financial institutions   645,206    1,278,545     2,611,318 
Financing received from international institutions   5,206,206    10,998,065     14,211,719 
    5,851,412    12,276,610     16,823,037 
11.13 Provisions                
Restructuring Provision   -    680,700     - 
Eventual commitments   8,634    -     2,505 
Unused Balances Credit Cards   206,812    -     - 
Charges to be paid to National Social Security Administration   225,387    -     - 
Other contingencies   240,259    220,503     179,520 
    681,092    901,203     182,025 
11.14 Derivatives                
Credit balances related to foreign currency forward transactions payable in pesos   1,995    -     197,328 
    1,995    -     197,328 
11.15 Other non-financial liabilities                
Payroll and social securities   5,500,933    5,418,349     4,633,094 
Sundry creditors   3,660,784    3,216,302     3,469,684 
Tax payable   1,802,458    295,066     2,391,566 
Social security payment orders pending settlement   894,809    1,869,651     464,508 
Revenue from contracts with customers (1)   188,665    297,448     260,544 
Contribution to the deposit guarantee fund   92,864    90,481     95,895 
Other   5,579    8,862     30,771 
    12,146,092    11,196,159     11,346,062 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


(1)Deferred income resulting from contracts with customers includes the liability for the customers’ loyalty program. The Group estimates the value of the points assigned to customers through the application of a mathematical model that considers assumptions about redemption rates, the fair value of points redeemed based on the combination of available products, and customer preferences, as well as the expiration of not redeemed points. As of December 31, 2020,2019 and 2018, the amounts of 188,665, 262,069 and 260,546, respectively, have been recorded for the points not redeemed or expired.


The following table shows the estimated use of the liability recorded as of December 31, 2020:


Item  Up to 12
   Up to 24
   More than 24
Revenue from contracts with customers   88,352    46,692    53,621    188,665 


11.16 Interest Income


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Interest on overdrafts   2,678,469    6,217,172 
Interest on promissory notes   6,226,382    8,002,945 
Interest on personal loans   14,173,544    17,584,460 
Interest on corporate unsecured loans   5,981,812    8,360,682 
Interest on credit card loans   3,818,628    6,555,201 
Interest on mortgage loans   3,994,607    5,148,348 
Interest on automobile and other secured loan   738,403    943,454 
Interest on foreign trade loans   1,453,129    2,356,094 
Interest on financial leases   704,408    1,537,851 
Interest on public and private securities measured at amortized cost   20,474,483    3,187,574 
Others   4,406,054    1,089,849 
Total   64,649,919    60,983,630 


11.17 Interest Expenses


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Interest on current accounts deposits   6,325,123    8,182,612 
Interest on time deposits   19,574,998    27,030,920 
Interest on other financial liabilities   2,285,959    10,472,760 
Interest from financing from financial sector   100,834    373,163 
Others   287,222    1,471,925 
Total   28,574,136    47,531,380 


11.18 Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Income from corporate and government securities   2,999,989    2,086,171 
Income from securities issued by the Argentine Central Bank   135,491    25,478,678 
Derivatives   180,102    971,521 
Total   3,315,582    28,536,370 


11.19 Result from derecognition of assets measured at amortized cost


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Result from derecognition or sale of government securities   201,122    - 
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency on government securities   (11,832,005)   - 
Total   (11,630,883)          - 


11.20 Service fee income


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Commissions from deposits accounts   4,627,421    4,777,932 
Commissions from credit and debit cards   3,413,407    3,944,787 
Commissions from loans operations   164,852    401,369 
Others Commissions   3,131,296    2,401307 
Others   156,848    182,161 
Total   11,493,824    11,707,556 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


11.21 Service fee expenses


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Commissions paid   3,469,516    2,955,834 
Export and foreign currency operations   78,423    99,125 
Total   3,547,939    3,054,959 


11.22 Other operating income


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Loans recovered and allowances reversed   703,329    678,796 
Insurance commissions   51,525    92,967 
Rental from safety boxes   340,303    390,561 
Commissions from trust services   9,638    35,778 
Returns of risk funds   1,215,745    235,093 
Sale of fixed assets   133,983    - 
Adjustment of various credits   145,020    258,582 
Default interests   212,927    573,061 
Others   1,073,733    1,477,488 
Total   3,886,203    3,742,326 


11.23 Personnel expenses


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Payroll and social securities   16,674,343    16,902,762 
Others expenses   1,493,501    2,380,583 
Total   18,167,844    19,283,345 


11.24 Administrative expenses


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Directors´ and statutory auditors’fees   341,473    382,327 
Professional fees   3,043,173    1,385,391 
Advertising and publicity   688,664    737,956 
Taxes   1,857,380    2,000,527 
Maintenance, security and services   2,822,887    2,351,755 
Rent   71,894    70,446 
Others   1,487,023    3,382,268 
Total   10,312,494    10,310,670 


11.25 Depreciation and impairment of non-financial assets


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment   523,212    928,664 
Depreciation of other non-financial assets   234,143    145,582 
Depreciation of intangible assets   869,276    609,799 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets   780,397    772,179 
Impairment of other-non financial assets   -    234,994 
Total   2,407,028    2,691,218 


11.26 Other operating expenses


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Promotions related with credit cards   525,355    695,109 
Turnover tax   3,950,539    5,104,596 
Fair value on initial recognition of loans   195,459    273,505 
Contributions made to deposit insurance system   215,115    224,350 
Adjustments of loan and credit card balances   96,381    176,670 
Fraud   36,858    79,812 
Interest on finance lease liabilities   207,035    289,286 
Coverage services   13,599    25,648 
Contributions to Guarantee Fund Deposits   289,814    332,127 
Charge for bad debts of various loans and for other provisions   561,811    197,711 
Shareholders personal property tax   5,948    680,703 
Others   474,573    575,356 
Total   6,572,487    8,654,873 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




On April 28, 2020, the Shareholders’ General Meeting approved the following distribution of retained earnings for the year ended on December 31, 2019:


*            Dividend distribution (530,065)

*            Other reserve: 5,796,775




International Financial Reporting Standards result in a contingent liability consisting of (i) a possible obligation, arising from past events, the existence of which must be confirmed by the occurrence of one or more future events of an uncertain nature, which are not have under the control of the Group or (ii) a present obligation that has not been probable or whose amount cannot be measured or estimated with sufficient reliability.


The provisions recorded are detailed below


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Legal issues   32,557    44,992    63,838 
Labor lawsuits   59,263    38,184    59,920 
Tax   113,303    106,030    28,147 
Unused Balances Credit Cards   206,812    -    - 
Deceased ANSES   225,387    -    - 
Judicial Deposits   22,328    21,465    20,553 
Eventual commitments   8,634    500    2,505 
Restructuring Provision   -    680,703    - 
Others   12,808    9,329    7,062 
Total   681,092    901,203    182,025 




14.1 Assets and liabilities related to insurances activities


The assets and liabilities related to insurance contracts are detailed below, as of the indicated dates:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Assets related to insurance contracts (Loans and other financing)          
Receivables premius   590,044    618,048 
Commissions receivables   2,023    - 
Total   592,067    618,048 
Liabilities related to insurance contracts (Other non-financial liabilities)          
Debt with insured   136,124    185,380 
Debt with reinsurers   11,731    55,239 
Debt with co-insurers   -    2,317 
Debt with producers   183,809    204,734 
Technical commitments   221,719    236,877 
Outstanding claims paid by re-insurance companies (regularizer)   (9,059)   (655)
Total   544,324    683,892 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


    12/31/2020    12/31/2019 
Debt with insured          
Property insurance          
Direct administrative insurance   18,158    15,305 
Direct insurance in mediation   25    1,089 
Claims settled to pay   293    1,199 
Claims occurred and not reported - IBNR   9,794    20,093 
Life insurance          
Direct administrative insurance   64,506    56,181 
Direct insurance in judgments   1,418    1,687 
Direct insurance in mediation   886    2,500 
Claims settled to pay   19,164    27,526 
Claims occurred and not reported - IBNR   21,880    59,800 
Total   136,124    185,380 
Debt with producers          
Producers currenct account   39,274    38,456 
Commisions for premiums receivable   144,535    166,278 
Total   183,809    204,734 
Technical commitments          
Course and similar risk          
Premiums and surcharges   221,714    236,824 
Premium insufficiency   5    53 
Total   221,719    236,877 


14.2 Income from insurances activities


The composition of the item “Result for insurance activities” as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 is as follows:


Items  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Accrued premiums   2,300,856    2,647,100 
Accrued claims   (308,798)   (369,043)
Production expenses   (320,603)   (610,770)
Total   1,671,455    1,667,287 




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, Banco Supervielle S.A. is the depository of the Asset managed by Supervielle Asset Management S.A. In accordance with CNV General Resolution No. 622/13, below are the portfolio, net worth and number of units of the Mutual Funds mentioned earlier.


Asset Management and Other  Portfolio   Net Worth   Number of Units 
Services  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Premier Renta C.P. Pesos   36,297,562    19,102,978    36,260,237    19,073,740    12,597,963,038    3,958,398,573 
Premier Renta Plus en Pesos   168,089    148,593    162,743    145,942    11,899,481    10,250,999 
Premier Renta Fija Ahorro   1,721,266    633,632    1,709,665    625,555    59,317,777    12,851,475 
Premier Renta Fija Crecimiento   73,983    63,880    73,386    63,519    3,983,791    3,688,485 
Premier Renta Variable   188,342    226,525    185,576    223,267    6,689,975    6,982,580 
Premier FCI Abierto Pymes   941,245    762,874    917,368    761,157    119,588,138    91,559,624 
Premier Commodities   259,125    28,642    255,128    18,506    25,702,973    2,596,034 
Premier Capital   192,336    175,700    191,253    175,237    36,842,932    36,057,519 
Premier Inversión   736,703    184,279    713,499    184,185    1,576,391,366    442,160,447 
Premier Balanceado   1,196,216    849,326    1,195,336    848,551    253,733,905    249,317,925 
Premier Renta Mixta   3,559,642    181,413    3,151,517    181,266    1,072,064,209    76,562,093 
Premier Renta Mixta en USD   112,768    177,270    112,768    176,618    2,083,508    2,815,589 
Premier Performance en USD   526,115    617,918    521,839    616,532    7,724,190    9,312,208 
Premier Global USD   490,472    951,503    489,973    948,567    5,444,411    11,338,023 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)






Law No. 24485 and Decree No. 540/95 established the creation of the Deposit Insurance System to cover the risk attached to bank deposits, in addition to the system of privileges and safeguards envisaged in the Financial Institutions Law.


Through Decree No. 1127/98 dated September 24, 1998, the National Executive Branch established the maximum coverage limit of the guarantee system, applicable to demand or time deposits, in pesos and/or foreign currency. Until February 28, 2019, such limit amounts to 450, pursuant to Communication “A” 5943. As from March 1, 2019, such limit amounted to 1,000 pursuant to Communication “A” 6654. As from May 1, 2020, the new limit amounts to $ 1,500, pursuant to Communication “A” 6973.


This regime does not include deposits made by other financial institutions (including time deposit certificates acquired through a secondary transaction), deposits made by persons directly or indirectly related to the entity, deposits of securities, acceptances or guarantees, and those set up after July 1, 1995 at an interest rate higher than that periodically set forth by the Argentine Central Bank on the basis of the daily survey carried out by that agency (*). Excluded from the regime are also the deposits whose ownership was acquired through endorsement and placements offering incentives additional to the interest rate. The system has been implemented through the creation of the so-called “Deposit Guarantee Fund" (F.G.D.), which is managed by the company Seguros de Depósitos S.A. (SEDESA) and whose shareholders are the Central Bank and the financial institutions in the proportion determined for each of them by that agency on the basis of contributions made to such fund.


(*) Enforced on January 20, 2019, pursuant to provision “A” 6435, such exclusions are as follows: Sight deposits with agreed-upon rates exceeding reference rates and term deposits and investments exceeding 1.3 times such rate. Reference rates are released on a regular basis by the Argentine Central Bank in accordance with a mobile average of the last five banking business days of passive rates that may arise for term deposits of up to 100 (or its equivalent in other currencies) from the survey to be carried out by said institution.




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 Grupo Supervielle’s following assets are restricted:


Detail  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Other receivables from financial transactions          
Special guarantee accounts in the Argentine Central Bank   3,710,757    2,887,162 
    3,710,757    2,887,162 
Miscellaneous Receivables          
Trust guarantee deposits   -    5,173 
Guarantee deposits for currency forward transactions   601,248    2,865,356 
Guarantee deposits for credit cards transactions   421,942    432,118 
Guarantee deposits for repo transactions   -    32,510 
Other guarantee deposits   160,820    215,866 
    1,184,010    3,551,023 




Pursuant to General Ruling N° 629 issued by the National Securities Commission, supporting documentation of our accounting and administration operations for the financial years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and until September 30, 2020, the accounting books since September 2012 up to date and all corporate books are safeguarded in the registered headquarters.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Any other documentation or book, older than the date specified above for each case, is safeguarded by the firm AdeA S.A., whose warehouse is located on Ruta Provincial N°36, Km 31,500, Bosques, Partido de Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires Province.




Banco Supervielle S.A.


Unsubordinated Debt Securities


Global Program for the Issuance of Medium-Term Securities for up to N/V USD 2,300,000 of Banco Supervielle S.A.


On September 22, 2016, the Shareholders' meeting No. 117, resolved to approve the creation of a Global Program for the financial trusts for up to a maximum outstanding amount of USD 800,000. The Program was authorized by the National Securities Commission through Resolution No. 18,376 dated November 24, 2016. On March 6, 2018, the Shareholders' meeting, resolved to approve the extension of the Program for up to a maximum outstanding amount of USD 2,300,000. The Program was authorized by the National Securities Commission through Resolution No. 19,470 dated April 16, 2018.


Frequent issuer regime registration CNV


On August 6, 2018, the Board of Directors resolved to request the National Securities Commission (the “CNV”) to register the Bank as a frequent issuer of debt securities . Said request was authorized by the CNV through Resolution No. 19,958 dated December 27, 2018. The Bank is registered with the CNV as a frequent issuer of debt securities under No. 03. At the board meeting of the company on March 7, 2019, it was resolved to approve the Bank's ratification in the Frequent Issuer Regime and at the Board meeting on December 2, 2019 it was resolved to allocate the maximum amount of USD 300,000 corresponding to the Global Issuance Program of Debt securities for up to USD 2,300,000, with the bank in the process of reducing the maximum amount of said Program. The CNV approved said ratification through Resolution DI-2020-11-APN-GE #CNV dated February 11, 2020.


On June 12, 2020, the Board of Directors of Banco Supervielle SA, approved the issuance of a Class G Non-Subordinated Negotiable Obligation for an amount that will not exceed in its N/V USD 30,000,000 set within the Global Program of Debt Securities. It was also approved to modify the terms of said issuance, so that the Issue Amount is up to USD 50,000,000 and without prejudice to the fact that the Debt securities are denominated in USD dollars, they may be integrated and payments under them can be made in pesos. The bidding period ended on June 25, 2020.


As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the amounts outstanding and the terms corresponding to outstanding unsubordinated debt securities were as follows:


The following describes issuances in force as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Issuance     Nro. of                  Book Value 
date  Currency  Class  Amount   Amortization  Term  Maturity date  Rate  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
02/09/17  $  A   4,150,140   50% on 2-9-2020 and 50% at maturity on 8-9-2020  42  08/09/2020  Floating Badlar of Private Banks + 4.50%. with a minimum 18% nominal annual   -    5,179,248 
12/22/17  $  C   659,750   3 installments:
12-22-2020 33.33%.
06-22-2021 33.33%. and upon maturity 33.34%.
  48  12/22/2021  Floating Badlar + 4.25%   444,327    908,288 
02/14/18  $  E   1,607,667   3 equal and consecutive annual installments. 1° 02-14-21  60  02/14/2023  Floating Badlar of Private Banks + 4.05%   1,579,563    2,177,447 
06/30/20  u$s  G   30,000,000   Quarterly: 12-22-20, 06-22-21, 06-30-21  12  06/30/2021  2% Nominal Annual   2,202,858    - 
                       Total   4,226,748    8,264,983 


The outstanding amount of the Class A Debt securities was reduced on October 17, 2018 by a nominal value in pesos of $ 618,030 and on January 23, 2019 by a nominal value in pesos of $ 254,925. Thus resulting in the total amount of circulation in pesos of $ 3,895,215.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Subordinated debt securities


Program for the issuance of Debt securities for up to N/V $ 750,000 (increased to N/V $ 2,000,000) of Banco Supervielle S.A.


As of March 25, 2013, the Bank’s Extraordinary General shareholders’ meeting, approved the creation of a Global Program for the issuance of debt securities for up to a maximum outstanding amount of $750,000. On April 15, 2016, the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting approved the increase the maximum outstanding amount of the Program to $2,000,000 or its equivalent in foreign currency, passed by Resolution N° 18,224 from the National Securities Commission on September 22, 2016.


The following chart provides the main terms and conditions of issuances underway as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Issuance                  Maturity      Book Value 
date  Currency  Class  Amount   Amortization  Term  date  Rate   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
08/20/2013  U$S  III   22,500   100% at mat,  84 Months  08/20/20   7%   -    1,780,980 
11/18/2014  U$S  IV   13,441   100% at mat,  84 Months  11/18/21   7%   1,140,469    1,105,048 
Total                            1,140,469    2,886,028 


Micro Lending S.A.U.: Program for the Issuance of Debt securities


The following is a detail of the issues in effect as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Class  Issuance
  FV (in
   Rate  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Clase III  10/04/2017  10/05/2020   35,000   Floating BADLAR + 7,0%   -    21,180 
Total            -    21,180 




The detail of the financial trusts in which The Entity acts as Trustee or as Trustee is summarized below:


As Trustee:


Banco Supervielle S.A.


Below is a detail of financial trusts:


Below is a detail of the Guarantee Management trust where the Bank acts as a trustee as of December 31, 2020:


Financial trust Indenture
executed on
Due of principal obligation Original
Beneficiaries Settlers
Fideicomiso de Administración Interconexión 500 KV ET Nueva San Juan - ET Rodeo Iglesia 09/12/2018 The Term of this Trust Fund Contract will be in force over 24 months as from 09/12/2018, or until the expiration of liabilities through Disbursements (Termination Date”). 30 days (thirty days) after the maturity of this Trust Agreement without the parties’ having agreed upon an Extension Commission, the Trustor of the trust account shall receive USD 6,000 (six thousand US Dollars) at the exchange rate in force in Banco Supervielle as a fine. - - Those initially mentioned in Exhibit V (DISERVEL S.R.L., INGENIAS S.R.L, GEOTECNIA (INV. CALVENTE), NEWEN INGENIERIA S.A., INGICIAP S.A., MERCADOS ENERGETICOS, DISERVEL S.R.L.) and providers of works, goods and services included in the Project to be assigned by the Trustee with prior consent of the Trustor Interconexion Electrica Rodeo S.A.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


As of 09/30/2020, Banco Supervielle S.A. as Trustee, is undergoing a negotiation process for the Contract “Extension Commission”. On 10/07/2020, the Trustor accepted the extension commission and the Bank accepted the request for the extension of the Trust contract sent by IERSA on 09/16/2020.


Micro Lending Financial Trust


The following are financial trusts where Micro Lending S.A.U acts as settler:




Set-up on



Issued Securities
Type Amount   Amount Type Amount
III 06/08/2011 $ 39,779 VDF TV A VN$ 31,823 VDF B VN $ 6,364 CP VN $ 1,592
Vto: 03/12/13 Vto: 11/12/13 Vto: 10/12/16
IV 09/01/2011 $ 40,652 VDF TV A VN$ 32,522 VDF B VN $ 6,504 CP VN $ 1,626
Vto: 06/20/13 Vto: 10/20/13 Vto: 06/29/17




Pursuant to regulations set by the Argentine Central Bank, 20% of the profits for the year, net of possible prior year adjustments, where applicable, are to be allocated to the Legal Reserve.


Pursuant to the amended text on distributions of dividends, financial entities shall comply with a series of requirements, as follows: i) They shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 34 and 35 bis of the Financial Institutions Law; ii) No liquidity assistance loans shall have been granted to them; iii) they shall be in compliance with information regimes; iv) they shall not record shortfalls in the compiled minimum capital (without computing for such purposes the effects of the individual exemptions granted by the Superintendence of Financial and Foreign Exchange Institutions) or minimum cash, v) they shall have complied with additional capital margin when applicable.


The entities not facing any of these situations may distribute dividends in accordance with provisions set forth in said amended text, provided the entity´s liquidity or solvency is not jeopardized.


It is worth to be mentioned that pursuant to Communication “A” 6464 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, until March 31, 2020, financial entities, which, for the purpose of determining the distributable result, have not applied the additional on capital margins shall rely on previous authorization issued by the SEFyC.


On August 30, 2019 and with the purpose of stabilizing the exchange market, the Argentine Central Bank issued Communication “A” 6768, pursuant which financial entities shall rely on the previous authorization of Exchange and Financial Entities Superintendence before distributing its income. Over the course of such authorization process, the Central Bank will assess, among other items, potential effects of the application of international accounting standards pursuant to Communication “A” 6430 (Paragraph 5.5 of IFRS 9 – Detriment of financial assets value) as well as the effects of the re-expression of financial statements pursuant to Communication “A” 6651.


On March 19, 2020 the Argentine Central Bank issued Communication “A” 6939 by means of which the suspension of income distribution of financial entities was made effective until June 30, 2020.


Later, on June 4, 2020, through Communication “A” 7035, the Argentine Central Bank extended such suspension until December 31, 2020.




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the minimum cash reserve was made up as folllows:


Item  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 (*) 
Current accounts in the Argentine Central Bank   9,586,497    8,554,797 
Sight accounts in the Argentine Central Bank   10,288,224    7,909,938 
Special guarantee accounts in the Argentine Central Bank   3,521,513    1,975,535 
Special accounts for previous credit payment   -    1,836 
Total   23,396,234    18,442,106 

(*) Historical values without inflation adjustment


It is worth mentioning that on those dates, the Group was in compliance with minimum cash integration requirements.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




On January 17, 2017, Banco Supervielle S.A. received a communication from the Ministry of Public Treasury of the Province of San Luis giving notice of the termination of the Financial Agent Contract that Banco Supervielle has with the Province, effective as of February 28, 2017. The communication also states that, without prejudice to the exercise of the right to terminate the contract, the Province may continue to operate with the Bank until a new financial agent is selected.


Since February 2017, the Bank has continued rendering financial services to the Government of San Luis Province and its employees.


On June 7, 2018, the Province ratified said agreement over a 12-month period, thus regularizing the Bank´s role as exclusive payment agent, which has not been interrupted since 20 years ago. Such agreement has been renewed several times and according to the last renewal signed, it expires on November 30, 2020.


In January 2019, the government of San Luis Province disclosed the terms and conditions of the auction to be held by the Province for the new financial agent agreement. The Bank submitted its offer on March 15, 2019. Only two offers were submitted. On December 6, 2019, the Government of San Luis issued Decree N°8589 by means of which the auction was closed without assigning such financial agent agreement.


As of these financial statements, the Bank continues rendering financial services to the government of San Luis province and its employees.




Comprehensive Risk Management is a key discipline for financial institutions. The Group intends to create, through its subsidiaries, a solid and efficient organization in risk management, the framework for an optimal use of its capital and to identify business opportunities in the markets and geographic regions in which it operates, seeking the best risk-reward balance for its shareholders. The risk management framework is communicated to the entire organization and strives to strike a balance between a strong risk culture and being an innovative company, focused on its customers and recognized for its agile, easy and friendly operating style.


The Company's Board of Directors considers that its criteria and guidelines regarding risk management are a key part of its Corporate Governance. The risks to which the Group is exposed are inherent to the financial industry, such as credit, the market, interest rate, liquidity, operational risk, reputation and strategic risk. In addition, the Group is exposed to the risk of securitization, given its leadership role on this issue.


Financial risk factors


Credit risk


The Integral Risk Committee approves credit risk strategies and policies submitted in accordance with recommendations provided by the Integral Risk Corporate Department, the Credit Corporate Department and commercial sectors and in compliance with regulations set by the Argentine Central Bank. The credit strategy and policy is aimed at the development of commercial opportunities within the framework and conditions of the Group´s business plan, while keeping suitable caution levels in face of the risk.


Policies and procedures enable the definition of accurate aspects aimed at the deployment of the Group´s Strategy related to the administration of credit risk; among them, the Group´s criteria to grant loans, credit benefits and powers, types of products and the way in which the structure is organized, among other aspects. Likewise, the Group relies on an integral risk policy where aspects related to general key risk governance as well as specific manuals and procedures that include, among others, all relevant regulations issued by the Argentine Central Bank.


The Group´s credit risk management policies are applied to corporate and individuals. To such ends, a customer segmentation has been defined for Corporate Banking and Personal and Business Banking.


The Group focuses on supporting companies belonging to sectors with potential, and successful in their activity. Within the range of credit products offered for the business segment, the Group aims to develop and lead the factoring and leasing market, as well as to be a benchmark in foreign trade.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Within Corporate Banking, we seek a solid proposal for medium and large companies’ market, seeking to maintain proximity with clients through service centers, agreements with clients throughout their value chain, and providing agile responses through existing credit processes.


Regarding Personal and Business Banking, in addition to payroll and senior citizens segments, special focus is placed on Entrepreneurs and SMEs, SMEs as well as the Banks´s Identité segment.


In the case of CCF, the focus is consumer finance, fundamentally in granting personal loans, credit cards and car loans.


The area of Capital Markets and Structuring targets the trust business segment; placement of assets in the capital market through financial trusts and debt securities, own and of third parties; and for its part, the area of Treasury and Finance has the Trading Desk within its scope. Among traded products are: interbank call, REPO transactions, corporate call, securities from public sector and monetary policy instruments of the Central Bank, acquisition of consumer portfolios, third-party financial trusts, negotiation of financial derivatives (futures, rate swaps, etc.), among others.


The Group is willing to carry out a strategy that enable it to address its contractual commitments, both under normal market conditions and adverse situations. Therefore, the Group relies on scoring and rating models to estimate probability of default (PD) for the different client portfolios. As for risk appetite framework, the Group relies on cut-offs for each risk-based segment that express the maximum risk to be assumed in terms of probability of default.


In addition to PD parameters, the Group relies on estimates of exposure at default (EAD) and loss given default (LGD) parameters with the purpose of estimating Group’s allowance for loan losses and the necessary economic capital to face unexpected losses that may arise due to credit risk.


The Group is aimed at keeping a diversified and atomized portfolio, in order to minimize risk concentration. To such ends, loan originationand client portfolio profiles are adjusted to each different circumstance. To this end, the entity has an indicators dashboard linked to the appetite for credit and concentration risk. The evolution of the NPL, Coverage and Cost of Risk indicators is monitored in relation to target limits established according to risk appetite and the strategy determined in the entity's business plan. Likewise, there is a portfolio limits scheme that measures balance concentration by debtor or economic group, the concentration of the main debtors, concentration by value chain, economic activities, portfolio by risk level based on the facility risk rating. and the exposure in foreign currency both at a total level and by product type.


Credit Risk Measurement Models


The Entity relies on models aimed at estimating the distribution of potential credit losses in its credit portfolio, which depend on defaults by the counterparties (PD – Probability of Default), as well as the assumed exposure to such defaults (EAD –Exposure At Default) and the recoveries of each defaulted loan (LGD – Loss Given Default).


Based on the aforementioned, the Group has developed a Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) model.


Regarding CCF, it also has estimates of the aforementioned parameters related to credit risk and a monitoring model of the RAROC Measurement metric.


The Group has deepened its work on the expected loss methodologies under IFRS 9, focusing on methodological improvements in the estimation of parameters (PD, EAD and LGD), aligning the definition of the parameters to the credit process. The forward looking model has been redesigned including more variables and openings. Likewise, effects resulting from the pandemic have been evaluated and incorporated into the expected loss calculation.


Allowances for loan losses calculation


Based on the results of the PD (probability of default), EAD (exposure at the time of default) and LGD (loss in the event of default) estimates, the associated statistical forecast is calculated.


Allowances for loan losses calculation is based on models that analyzes the Group’s own portfolio information to estimate, in global terms, the average value of the loss distribution function over an annual term (expected credit loss). The expected credit loss is determined based on PD, EAD, and LGD loss factors.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Economic Capital Calculation


The economic capital for credit risk is the difference between the portfolio’s value at risk (according to the confidence level for individuals of 99.9% and for companies of 99%) and the expected credit losses.


The Group relies on economic capital models for credit risk (one for individuals and another for companies). Such quantitative models include the exacerbation of capital by concentration risk and Securitization Risk. In the economic capital calculation models a one year holding period is used, except from factoring exposures where a six month holding period is used.


Counterparty Risk Management


The Group relies on a Counterparty’s Risk Map approved by the Credit Committee where the following limits are defined for each counterparty according to the Group’s risk appetite: credit exposure and settlement limits, foreign exchange settlement risk, securities settlement risk and Repo transactions settlement risk, among other.


Regarding the economic capital for the counterparty’s risk, it is included in the Economic Capital Quantitative Model for Credit Risk.


Impairment of Financial Instruments


Those credits classified as irrecoverable are eliminated from assets, recognizing them in off-balance sheet accounts. Their balance as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounts to 7,198,080 and 5,240,360 respectively.


Market risk


Group defines Market Risk as the risk resulting from deviations in the trading portfolio value as a result of market fluctuations during the period required for the settlement of portfolio positions.


The Risk Department’s measurement, control and follow-up perimeter covers those operations where certain loss risk in the Group ´s shareholders equity value is assumed, as a result of changes in market factors. Such risk results from the variation in risk factors under evaluation (interest rate, exchange rate, market price of equity instruments and options), as well as liquidity risk in the different products and markets where the Group operates.


According to its business strategy, Banco Supervielle is the component of the Group with the greatest exposure to this risk. On the other hand, Cordial Compañía Financiera has a minimum exposure to market risk and associated with liquidity management purposes. That is why market risk controls present a greater level of detail and emphasis on Banco Supervielle's trading portfolio.


With the purpose of measuring the risk of positions homogeneously and therefore, setting a limit and threshold structure to support management and control schemes, Banco Supervielle uses the VaR model (Value at Risk), which defines the maximum expected loss to be recorded in a financial asset portfolio in normal market conditions, within a certain period of time and at a pre-established confidence level. Indicators obtained from this enable the Group to identify a potential market risk and take preventive measures.


Market risk management is focused on the trading portfolio managed by the Trading desk, although there is also a broader control including managed positions with liquidity management objectives. For this reason, in terms of the broader trading portfolio, the controls are limited to the exposure to the assumed risk, measured using the VaR methodology, in relation to the regulatory capital (RC). In addition, a control is carried out on the VaR by group of assets, thus limiting the risk that the Entity can assume in each group of assets considered in isolation. The objective is to incorporate an element of alert to credit events or break in the correlations between groups of assets, events that may escape the consideration of a diversified VaR.


The controls over the Trading desk are more exhaustive. Approved strategies and policies are reflected in what is known internally as a unified Risk Map document, where detailed operations enabled by the Trading desk can be explained in detail. In the same document the entire framework of controls that translate the risk appetite with which the Entity is willing to operate is exposed. In this way, limitations are established on the open position in certain financial instruments, VaR limit on the diversified portfolio, maximum allowable loss amount before executing the stop loss policy and conditions that could lead to the execution of a stop strategy gain. The entire control scheme is complemented by action plans that must be implemented once a violation occurs within the limits established therein.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The exposure to the Group's exchange rate risk at the end of the year by currency type is detailed below:


   Balances as of 12/31/2020   Balances as of 12/31/2019 


Financial Assets


Monetary Financial


















US Dollar   41,990,008    35,304,336    529    6,686,201    50,991,646    50,143,529    -    848,117 
Euro   973,974    785,018    -    188,956    807,436    783,009    -    24,427 
Others   293,119    6,208    -    286,911    199,363    5,028          -    194,335 
Total   43,257,101    36,095,562    529    7,162,068    51,998,445    50,931,566    -    1,066,879 


Financial assets and liabilities are presented net of derivatives, which are disclosed separately. Derivative balances are shown at their Fair Value at the closing price of the respective currency.


The table above includes only Monetary Assets and Liabilities, since investments in equity instruments and non-monetary instruments does not generate foreign exchange risk exposure.


A sensitivity analysis was performed considering reasonably possible changes in foreign exchange rates in relation to the Group's functional currency. The percentage of variation used in this analysis is the same the Group used in its Business Plan and Projections.


       12/31/2020       12/31/2019 
Currency  Variation   P/L   Equity   Variation   P/L   Equity 
US Dollar   40.20%   2,687,853    2,687,853    31.9%   270,549    270,549 
    (40.20)%   (2,687,853)   (2,687,853)   (31.9)%   (270,549)   (270,549)
Euro   40.20%   75,960    75,960    31.9%   7,793    7,793 
    (40.20)%   (75,960)   (75,960)   (31.9)%   (7,793)   (7,793)
Other   40.20%   115,338    115,338    31.9%   61,993    61,993 
    (40.20)%   (115,338)   (115,338)   (31.9)%   (61,993)   (61,993)
Total   40.20%   2,879,151    2,879,151    31.9%   340,335    340,335 
    (40.20)%   (2,879,151)   (2,879,151)   (31.9)%   (340,335)   (340,335)


Sensitivity Analysis


It is important to note that within the daily report provided to the trading desk for the monitoring of the exposure to assumed risk, the Financial Risk Management makes a comparison between the profitability obtained and the implicit risk for each asset. When using a diversified VaR methodology, it is important to provide information related to the contribution that each asset in the portfolio makes to the aggregate VaR measurement, and fundamentally if this asset generates risk diversification or not. That is why, within the variables included in the daily report, the VaR component of each asset is included, thus allowing a sensitivity analysis on the impact of each asset on the total risk.


With the aim of improving the assumed risk analysis through the use of alternative measurement metrics, the Group recognizes the change in market conditions on exposure to risk through an adjustment to the volatilities used in the VaR calculation. According to the methodology used, the returns of assets registered in more recent dates have a greater incidence in the calculation of volatilities. In parallel, the Entity performs a measurement and monitoring of the assumed risk through the application of an expected shortfall methodology, analyzing the universe of unexpected losses located in the distribution queue beyond the critical point indicated by VaR.


Economic capital calculation


Banco Supervielle adopts the diversified Parametric VaR methodology for the calculation of market risk economic capital, both at a consolidated and individual level. It should be noted that in the case of Cordial Compañía Financiera, according to the provisions established by the Argentine Central Bank, its Board of Directors has chosen to quantify its needs for economic capital by applying a simplified methodology. According to this methodology, the aggregate economic capital arises from the following expression:


EC = (1,05 x MC) + max [0; ΔEVE – 15 % x bS)]


Where, EC: economic capital according to profile’s risk (ICAAP).


MC: Minimum capital requirement in accordance with Argentine Central Bank regulations.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


ΔEVE (Economic Value): measure of interest rate risk calculated according to the Standardized Framework bS (Basic Shareholders’ equity) : Tier 1 capital.


Interest Rate Risk


Interest Rate Risk is the risk derived from the likelihood that changes in the Group’s financial condition occur as a result of market interest rate fluctuations, having effect on its financial income and economic value. The following are such risk factors:


üDifferent terms maturity and interest rate re-adjustment dates for assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items.

üForecast, evolution and volatility of local interest rates and foreign interest rates.

üThe basis risk that results from the unsuitable correlation in the adjustment of assets and liabilities interest rates for instruments that contain similar revaluation features;


The Group’s interest rate risk management model, includes the analysis of interest rates gaps. Such analysis enables the basic explanation of the financial statement structure as well as the detection of interest rate risk concentration along the different terms. Special attention focuses on the accumulated gap during the first ninety days, as it is the holding period used when evaluating exposure to interest rate risk in each of the entities and due to its relevance when evaluating actions that may modify the structural balance positioning.


The interest rate risk management is aimed at keeping the Group’s exposure within those levels of risk appetite profile validated by the Board upon changes in the market interest rates.


To such ends, the interest rate risk management relies on the monitoring of two metrics:


üMVE – VaR Approach: measures the difference between the economic values estimated given the interest rate market curve and said value estimated given the interest rate curve resulting from the simulation of different stress scenarios. The Group uses this approach to calculate the economic capital for this risk.

üNIM – EaR Approach: measures changes in expected accruals over a certain period of time (12 months) upon an interest rate curve shift resulting from a different stress situation simulation practices.


With the publication of Communication "A" 6397, the Argentine Central Bank presented the applicable guidelines for the treatment of interest rate risk in the investment portfolio. The regulation makes a distinction between the impact of fluctuations in interest rate levels on the underlying value of the entity's assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items (economic value or MVE), and the alterations that such movements in the interest rate may have on sensitive income and expenses, affecting net interest income (NII). This same criterion had already been adopted by Banco Supervielle, so that the new regulations implied a readaptation of the management model to the suggested measurement methodology, maintaining some criteria and incorporating others.


As established by the regulator, both Banco Supervielle and Cordial Compañia Financiera must use the Standardized Framework described in point 5.4. of the Communication "A" 6397 for the measurement of the impact on the economic value of the entities (ΔEVE) of six proposed disturbance scenarios. These scenarios include parallel movements in the curves of market interest rates upwards or downwards, flattening or steepening of the slope of these curves, as well as an increase or decrease in short-term interest rates. A base curve of market interest rates is considered for each of the significant currencies in the financial statement of each entity. According to the applicable regulation, Banco Supervielle has to use an internal measurement system (SIM) for measurement based on results (ΔNIM). This requirement is not applicable to Cordial Compañía Financiera. It is important to highlight that Banco Supervielle, which has not been qualified by the Argentine Central Bank as having a local systemic importance (D-SIB), is not legally bound to have its own internal measurement system (SIM) for the measurement based on economic value (ΔEVE).


Beyond the regulatory provisions, it is important to note that both Banco Supervielle and Cordial Comapñia Financiera have been working with internal measurement systems (SIM) to measure the impact of rate fluctuations, both on economic value (ΔEVE) and on results (ΔNIM). The development of these systems included the definition of assumptions for the determination of the maturity flow of different lines of assets and liabilities without defined maturity or with implicit or explicit options of behavior.


During 2020 an important methodological change was implemented, since the Entity decided to align itself with the provisions of the Standardized Framework in relation to assets and liabilities with Units of Purchasing Power (UVA) adjustment and stopped considering them as susceptible to interest rate risk in the risk calculation with its internal measurement systems (SIM).








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Following good practices in risk management and with the aim of ensuring the goodness of fit of the internal models used, a backtesting methodology was developed applicable to the results obtained with the interest rate risk measurement tool (approach MVE-VaR). Specifically, an evaluation of the discount rates projected in the critical scenario is carried out.


Improvements were made to the dynamic rate GAP measurement tool, allowing various sensitivity exercises to be carried out in a year characterized by a changing context and numerous regulations that altered financial margins.


Economic Capital Calculation


As a first step to calculate economic capital, Banco Supervielle calculates its exposure to interest rate risk from the MVE-EaR (economic value) approach of its internal measurement system (SIM), using a holding period of three months (90 days) and a confidence level of 99%. This quantitative model includes the exacerbation of capital by securitization risk. The result obtained is compared with the worst result of the alterations proposed in the six scenarios proposed by the Standardized Framework, with the resulting economic capital being the worst of both measurements (SIM and Standardized Framework).


In the case of Cordial Compañía Financiera, as mentioned above, the Entity's Board of Directors has chosen to quantify its needs for economic capital by applying a simplified methodology. With regard to interest rate risk, the Group measures the impact of fluctuations in market interest rates on the economic value based on the application of the Standardized Framework. In the event that the worst ΔEVE of the six scenarios proposed by the regulation exceeds 15% of the basic net worth (capital level one) of the Entity, the sum of the economic capital calculated according to the simplified methodology would be increased by said excess.


The exposure to interest rate risk is detailed in the table below. It presents the residual values and average rate ​​of the assets and liabilities, categorized by date of renegotiation of interest or expiration date, the lowest.


  Term in days     
   Up to 30   From 30 to 90   from 90 to 180   from 180 to 365   More than 365   Total 
Assets and Liabilities   To 12/31/2020
Total Financial Assets   94,212,108    23,283,810    21,884,220    13,991,605    76,333,380    229,705,123 
Total Financial Liabilities   (110,298,588)   (23,704,722)   (5,066,130)   (1,500,505)   (69,482,671)   (210,052,616)
Net Amount   (16,086,480)   (420,912)   16,818,090    12,491,100    6,850,709    19,652,507 


  Term in days     
   Up to 30   From 30 to 90   from 90 to 180   from 180 to 365   More than 365   Total 
Assets and Liabilities   To 12/31/2019
Total Financial Assets   57,417,639    20,427,549    15,594,538    16,684,376    69,002,031    179,126,133 
Total Financial Liabilities   (68,842,995)   (18,271,575)   (6,965,625)   (9,086,825)   (60,866,894)   (164,033,914)
Net Amount   (11,425,356)   2,155,974    8,628,913    7,597,551    8,135,137    15,092,219 


The table below shows the sensitivity to a reasonably possible additional variation in interest rates for the next year, taking into account the composition as of December 31, 2020. Variations in rates were determined considering the scenarios set by Communication "A" 6397 for the calculation of the Interest Rate Risk in the Investment Portfolio. The parameters taken as a base and or budgeted by the Bank for fiscal years 2020 and 2019 and the changes are considered reasonable possible based on the observation of market conditions:


   12/31/2020  12/31/2019


variation in the

interest rate


Increase /

(decrease) in the

income statement



variation in the

interest rate


Increase /

(decrease) in the

income statement

Decrease in the interest rate  4% ARS; 2% USD   (433,698)  4% ARS; 2% USD   (486,558)
Increase in the interest rate  4% ARS; 2% USD   430,992   4% ARS; 2% USD   354,392 


If the market interest rates for instruments denominated in pesos decreased by 4 percentage points and f 2 percentage points for those denominated in US dollars, net income for the year would decrease by 433,698 and 486,558 as of the end of December 31, 2020 and 2019 respectively. On the contrary, if the interest rates increased in equal measure, net income for the year would increase by 430,992 and 354,392 respectively.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Liquidity Risk


The Group defines Liquidity Risk as the risk of assuming additional financing expenses upon unexpected liquidity needs. Such risk results from the difference of sizes and maturities between the Group’s assets and liabilities. Such risks involve the following:


üFunding Liquidity Risk means the risk to obtain funds at normal market cost when needed, based on the market’s perception of the Group.

üMarket Liquidity Risk means the risk resulting from the Group’s incapacity to offset an asset position at market price, as a consequence of the following two key factors:

·Assets are not liquid enough,

·Changes in the markets where those assets are traded.


Liquidity and concentration indicators of funding sources are used to determine the tolerance to this risk, starting from the most restrictive definitions to the most comprehensive ones.


The following are the main core metrics used for liquidity risk management:


üLCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio): measures the relation between high quality liquid assets and total net cash outflows over a 30-day period. The Group estimates this indicator on a daily basis, having met during the year the minimum value established by law, as well as that established internally based on their risk appetite.

üNet Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR): measures the ability of the Group to fund its activities with sufficiently stable sources to mitigate the risk of future stress situations arising from its funding. The Group calculates this indicator on a daily basis, having complied with the minimum value required by the regulator and that that established internally based on its risk appetite.

üCoverage of Remunerated Accounts and Pre-Payable Term Deposits this indicator is aimed to reduce funding dependence of unstable sources in non-liquid scenarios.


In addition, the Assets and Liabilities Committee performs a daily monitoring of some follow-up metrics . Such indicators are used to analyze the main components of LCR while assessing the Group’s liquidity condition and warning upon trend changes that may affect the guidelines set by the risk appetite policy. Additionally, within these monitoring indicators, Committee assess for the availability of liquid assets to respond to an eventual withdrawal of more volatile deposits, such us remunerated sight accounts and deposits of the public sector in foreign currency.


During 2020 the local financial market operated with high levels of liquidity due to the impact of restrictions on mobility, the consequent drop in the level of economic activity and the strong monetary issue faced by the Central Bank of Argentina to cover the needs of assistance to the sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This strong initial growth of the monetary base had its correlation in the use of LELIQ and Pasive Repo by the monetary authority as an absorption mechanism. In line with the aforementioned, Banco Supervielle experienced strong growth in demand balances, both for retail and institutional clients. The latter, with their correlate in loans to the Central Bank of Argentina via LELIQ and / or Repo, counteracted the positive effect of growth in retail balances and put pressure on the LCR, which was effectively managed throughout the year, staying within comfort values established by the Board of Directors.


Liquidity in dollars strengthened throughout the year. On the one hand, the strong drop in deposits that began in August 2019 gradually diminished until reaching a reversal and slightly positive monthly variations towards the end of 2020. This was combined with an active management of loan collections in dollars, which is reflected in a significant fall in balances on this line of the balance sheet.


Economic capital calculation


The Group relies on the following elements that ensure the suitable management of this type of risk:


üBroad liquidity indicators dashboard, to monitor liquidity levels. Each indicator relies on its relevant threshold and limit, which are monitored on a daily basis by the Risk Area (sending due warnings upon violation cases), on a byweekly basis by the Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) and on a monthly basis by the Integral Risk Committee. Likewise, a weekly report is drawn up and sent to members of the Integral Risk Committee, ALCO and the Board.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


üIndicators that measure the concentration of funding sources, establishing the Group’s risk appetite.


üDevelopment and monitoring of new liquidity coverage and leverage indicators set by the Argentine Central Bank in compliance with Basle III route map.


üDifferent liquidity risk follow-up tools have been added, including a disaggregate assessment of contractual term mismatches and funding concentration reports, by counterparty, product and significant currency. The accuracy of the information required for such reports contributed to the improvement of our Risk Management Information System (MIS).


üThe liquidity coverage ratio is used to assess the Group’s capacity to meet liquidity needs over a 30-day period within a stress scenario described by the Argentine Central Bank. The follow-up of this indicator is carried out on a daily basis, keeping the Group’s liquidity director and officials updated on its evolution.


üPermanent monitoring of limit and threshold compliance in virtue of the stable funding ratio (NSFR).


üIndividual stress tests, carried out on a daily basis upon an eventual critical scenario of a sudden withdrawal of deposits and its impact on the minimum cash position and LCR.


üIntraday liquidity monitoring tools as indicated above.


üRegarding contingency plans, the Group follows a policy that ensures the application of its guidelines in stress tests, according to the decision taken by ALCO Committee and Integral Risk Committee.


The Risk management framework described herein enables a suitable liquidity condition; therefore, the Group considers the economic capital estimation unnecessary to cover such risk, as long as the Group’s solvency should not be affected once the stress tests contingency plan have been implemented.


Below is an analysis of the assets and liabilities maturities, determined based on the remaining period as of December 31, 2020 until the contractual maturity date, based on undiscounted cash flows:


As of 12/31/2020 

Less than 1



From 1 to 6



From 6 to 12



From 1 to 5



More than 5


TOTAL ASSETS   106,974    51,892    16,565    62,649    33,851    271,931 
TOTAL LIABILITIES   121,539    21,223    8,925    18,478    5,548    175,713 




In December 2017, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) granted Banco Supervielle S,A, a loan (tranche A) for USD 40,000,000, USD 35,000,000 of which are settled over a three-year term and the remaining USD 5,000,000 over a five-year term, In June 2018, the Bank was granted a loan (tranche B) for USD 93,500,000, USD 40,000,000 are settled over a year term and the remaining USD 53,500,000 are settled over ywo years and a half. As of December 31, 2020, Tranche B was canceled in its entirety, and the USD 35,000,000 of Tranche A.


In turn, in September 2019, the Entity was granted a senior non-guaranteed syndicated loan for USD 80,000,000 (eighty million US Dollars) at a three-year term and a Libor interest rate +3,40% by the FMO, the Dutch development bank, as organizer, and Proparco, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency, Such funds were immediately allocated among Small and Medium Size Companies Clients of our portfolio who run their businesses in regional exporting economies in different sectors. During the month of November 2020, the first capital installment for USD 20,000,000 was paid.


It is worth to be mentioned that such agreement is subject to the compliance of certain financial covenants, certain “do and do not do” conditions as well as certain reporting requirements.


As of December 31, 2019, the Entity did not meet the non-performing loan ration nor the coverage.Therefore, on January 29, 2020, the Entity started the process to receive a waiver with BID, which was made effective on February 18, 2020. As a result of such waiver, BID waives its right to accelerate such debt resulting from the breach in non-performing loan ratios and coverage ratios over a period that started on October 1, 2019 and finished in December 31, 2019, Likewise, on April 16, 2020 new exemptions were requested thus extending the agreed terms until April 30, 2020.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


On August 11, 2020, a new amendment was agreed that extends the agreed deadlines from May 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.


As of December 31, 2020 the Bank was in compliance with the financial covenants of both loans.






On October 16, 2020, the Group acquired 100% of the capital stock of Easy Cambio S,A, for a total price of $13,7 millons, a company authorized by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic as Exchange Agent, in order to expand the offer of financial services provided to individual clients throughout the country,


The amounts recognized as of the date of acquisition for each main class of assets acquired and liabilities assumed are(expressed in the currency of the acquisition date):


   Fair Value 
Cash and Due from Banks   6,474 
Other Assets   1,240 
Miscellaneous obligations   (28)
Net identifiable assets acquired   7,686 
Consideration of the acquisition:     
- Amount paid net of expenses   14,978 
Net cash flow used - investment activities   14,978 
Goodwill   7,292 


The goodwill determined is attributable to the synergies that exist between the Easy Cambio S,A, business, and that of the Group. If the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 2020, Grupo Supervielle's net result would have been 3,411,124.




A financial asset and a financial liability shall be offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Group fulfill with paragraph 42 of IAS 32, and currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts; and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.


In addition, the Group has master netting arrangement that not satisfies the offsetting criteria but creates a right of set-off that becomes enforceable and affects the realization or settlement of individual financial assets and financial liabilities only following a specified event of default or in other circumstances not expected to arise in the normal course of business.


As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the amount of assets and liabilities subject to a master netting arrangement not offset is as follows:






   Net in Financial   

Amounts subject to a master netting

arrangement not offset

12/31/2020  Gross
amount (a)
offset (b)
(c) = (a) – (b)

Financial asset /

(Financial liability)

   Collateral   Net amount 
Credit cards transactions   -    -    -    (3,143,567)   487,207    (2,656,360)
Derivatives instruments  103,093   40,322   143,415   -   -   - 
Total   103,093    40,322    143,415    (3,143,567)   487,207    (2,656,360)








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


        Net in
   Amounts subject to a master netting
arrangement not offset
12/31/2019  Gross
amount (a)
offset (b)
(c) = (a) – (b)
   Financial asset /
(Financial liability)
   Collateral   Net amount 
Credit cards transactions   -    -    -    (3,115,913)   827,175    (2,288,738)
Derivatives instruments   423,353    (72,673)   350,680    -    -    - 
Total   423,353    (72,673)   350,680    (3,115,913)   827,175    (2,288,738)


          Net in
    Amounts subject to a master netting
arrangement not offset
01/01/2019   Gross
amount (a)
offset (b)
(c) = (a) – (b)
    Financial asset /
(Financial liability)
    Collateral     Net amount  
Credit cards transactions     -       -       -       (3,317,186 )     1,109,154       (2,208,032 )
Total     -       -       -       (3,317,186 )     1,109,154       (2,208,032 )




The group has adopted the presentation of all assets and liabilities in order of liquidity due to this presentation provides information that is reliable and more relevant.


The amounts expected to recover or cancel assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019 are set out below, considering:


a) those expected to be recovered or canceled within the following twelve months after the reporting period, and

b) those expected to be recovered or canceled after twelve months after that date.








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
   12 months   More than
12 months
   Total   12 months   More than
12 months
   Total   12 months   More than
12 months
Cash and due from banks   36,674,869    -    36,674,869    35,945,321    -    35,945,321    70,551,282    -    70,551,282 
    Cash   12,792,522    -    12,792,522    11,913,810    -    11,913,810    10,030,991    -    10,030,991 
    Argentine Central Bank   19,623,684    -    19,623,684    21,683,566    -    21,683,566    57,359,875    -    57,359,875 
    Other local financial institutions   4,106,336    -    4,106,336    2,307,228    -    2,307,228    3,138,638    -    3,138,638 
    Others   152,327    -    152,327    40,717    -    40,717    21,778    -    21,778 
Debt Securities at fair value through profit or loss   9,871,903    -    9,871,903    773,959    -    773,959    31,439,537    -    31,439,537 
Derivatives   143,944    -    143,944    350,679    -    350,679    33,349    -    33,349 
Reverse Repo transactions   22,354,735    -    22,354,735    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other financial assets   4,284,340    -    4,284,340    2,875,979    -    2,875,979    4,347,282    -    4,347,282 
Loans and other financing   75,732,012    30,242,973    105,974,985    85,382,991    35,645,582    121,028,573    80,257,621    83,352,093    163,609,714 
To the non-financial public sector   12,632    10,898    23,530    9,552    29,749    39,301    15,761    52,936    68,697 
To the financial sector   12,062    -    12,062    44,739    43,095    87,834    750,131    84,548    834,679 
To the Non-Financial Private Sector and Foreign residents   75,707,318    30,232,075    105,939,393    85,328,700    35,572,738    120,901,438    79,491,729    83,214,609    162,706,338 
Other debt securities   29,240,741    12,023,408    41,264,149    14,049,153    479,158    14,528,311    2,736,867    6,475,938    9,212,805 
Financial assets in guarantee   4,904,935    -    4,904,935    7,261,332    -    7,261,332    4,197,176    6,505    4,203,681 
Current income tax assets   -    -    -    139,487    -    139,487    1,283,027    9,782    1,292,809 
Investments in equity instruments   19,954    96,374    116,328    -    19,847    19,847    -    21,789    21,789 
Property, plant and equipment   -    7,103,638    7,103,638    -    5,450,311    5,450,311    -    4,536,193    4,536,193 
Investment Property   -    5,997,945    5,997,945    -    5,520,143    5,520,143    -    865,687    865,687 
Intangible assets   -    6,782,538    6,782,538    -    5,929,802    5,929,802    -    5,626,709    5,626,709 
Deferred income tax assets   451,540    2,569,243    3,020,783    364,030    1,417,669    1,781,699    9,651    1,065,575    1,075,226 
Otros activos no financieros   717,343    635,537    1,352,880    1,027,543    734,525    1,762,068    370,845    3,392,911    3,763,756 
Inventories   70,964    -    70,964    60,521    -    60,521    146,428    -    146,428 
Other non-financial assets   -    -    -    -    -    -    5,864    -    5,864 
TOTAL ASSETS   184,467,280    65,451,656    249,918,936    148,230,995    55,197,037    203,428,032    195,378,929    105,353,182    300,732,111 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
   12 months   More than
12 months
   Total   12 months   More than
12 months
   Total   12 months   More than
12 months
Deposits   178,641,219    375    178,641,594    121,174,620    1,635    121,176,255    198,578,765    181,321    198,760,086 
Non-financial public sector   7,911,255    -    7,911,255    7,447,131    -    7,447,131    23,258,016    -    23,258,016 
Financial sector   57,416    -    57,416    38,253    -    38,253    52,851    -    52,851 
Non-financial private sector and foreign residents   170,672,548    375    170,672,923    113,689,236    1,635    113,690,871    175,267,898    181,321    175,449,219 
Liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   2,002,005    -    2,002,005    258,060    -    258,060    561,448    -    561,448 
Derivatives   1,995    -    1,995    -    -    -    197,328    -    197,328 
Repo Transactions   -    -    -    435,401    -    435,401    -    -    - 
Other financial liabilities   6,815,543    714,142    7,529,685    11,648,366    763,020    12,411,386    10,465,839    367,284    10,833,123 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   5,521,544    329,868    5,851,412    11,827,975    448,635    12,276,610    14,993,485    1,829,552    16,823,037 
Unsubordinated debt securities   3,155,866    1,070,882    4,226,748    5,830,503    2,455,660    8,286,163    4,508,759    14,983,094    19,491,853 
Current income tax liability   1,288,267    -    1,288,267    -    -    -    1,656,517    -    1,656,517 
Subordinated debt securities   1,140,469    -    1,140,469    1,790,228    1,095,800    2,886,028    54,743    2,843,362    2,898,105 
Provisions   42,181    638,911    681,092    9,076    892,127    901,203    24,379    157,646    182,025 
Deferred income tax liability   42,005    -    42,005    643,354    -    643,354    201,980    309,940    511,920 
Other non-financial liabilities   10,325,369    1,820,723    12,146,092    8,907,109    2,289,050    11,196,159    9,646,214    1,699,848    11,346,062 
TOTAL LIABILITIES   208,976,463    4,574,901    213,551,364    162,524,692    7,945,927    170,470,619    240,889,457    22,372,047    263,261,504 








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




The Group operates in a complex economic context which main variables have been featured by strong volatility at a national and international level.


The pandemic outbreak in March 2020 produced by Covid-19 has had significant consequences globally, most countries implemented a series of unprecedented restrictions.The different sanitary restricting measures produced, to a greater or lesser extent, an almost immediate impact on economies which witnessed the quick fall of production and activity indicators. Accordingly, most governments implemented fiscal aid packages to sustain part of the population’s income and reduce the risk of breaches in payment chains; thus, avoiding a financial and economic crisis as well as companies´ bankruptcies, Argentina was not the exception and the Government took action in the wake of the pandemic,


The Argentine economy was in a recessive process and the pandemic outbreak in March 2020 turned the scenario even more complex. The country is expected to close 2020 with activity fall,


The following are the main local indicators:


GDP estimated fall (EMAE) as of December 2020 amounted to a 10,0%,

Accrued inflation between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 amounted to a 36,1% (Consumer Price Index - CPI),

Between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020, the peso recorded a 40% depreciation against the USD, according to the Exchange rate released by Banco de la Nación Argentina,

The monetary authority implemented additional Exchange restrictions which, in turn, affected the foreign currency value in existing alternative markets for certain Exchange operations restricted in the official market,


These measures, aimed at restricting the access to the exchange market with the purpose of containing the demand of dollars, entail the Argentine Central Bank´s prior authorization request for certain operations; thus, the following operations impact for the society:


Payment of dividends and earnings to non-residents

Payment of financial loans granted to non-residents: those companies that register scheduled capital maturities between 10/15/2020 and 03/31/2021 shall submit a capital refinancing program of at least the 60%, with new external indebtedness and an average life of two years and shall be allowed to acquire only the equivalent to the 40% of agreed-upon capital commitments

Payment of debt securities issuance with public registration

Payment of indebtedness among residents in foreign currency


Additionally, the exchange regime mandated the registration and settlement of funds resulting from the following operations and concepts in local currency:


Exports of goods and services

Collection of prefinancings, advances and post-financing of exports of goods

Exports of services

Disposal of non-produced non-financial assets

Disposal of external assets


Such exchange restrictions, or those to be issued, might affect the Group's capacity to access the Mercado Único y Libre de Cambios (MULC) for the acquisition of necessary foreign currency to address financial obligations, Assets and liabilities in foreign currency as of December 30, 2020 have been estimated in accordance with MULC´s quotations in place,


Likewise, in October 2020, the Government launched a set of measures aimed at contributing with the development of exportable goods and promoting the local market and construction industry,








Presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


With the purpose of mitigating the economic crisis, the Argentine Central Bank issued the following set of pre-emptive measures:


•     Communication “A” 6937 reduced the restriction over the maximum position in liquidity bills of the Argentine Central Bank (LELIQ) with the purpose of making liquidity available and encouraging credit line provisions for Small and Medium Size Companies at a preferential rate (Not exceeding 24% annually). Communication “A” 7054 modified the standards on Minimum Cash” due to the authorization of financing lines at a 24% subsidized rate, which includes a special tranche for investments in national capital goods and another tranche with minimum requirements for companies that have not had access to banking loans. As from July 1, 2020, “Medium and Small Size Clients” are included in the item of “Decrease of minimum cash demand in average in pesos” provided such funds are allocated in the acquisition of machinery and equipment produced for national Small and Medium Size companies, among other modifications, As of the date of these financial statements issuance, loans of 24% rates and 0% rates have been granted for 10,7 billion and 819 million respectively. As from October 16, 2020, through Communication “A” 7140, regulations on “Financing line for productive investments of Small and Medium Size companies were enforced,


•     Communications “A” 6942 and “A” 6949, determined the postponement of the maturity of loans granted by local financial institutions that would become effective on March 20 and April 12, and cancelled any punitive interest over unpaid balances in loans granted by financial entities. Communication “A” 7044 and “7107” extended maturities for loans granted by local financial entities until December 31, 2020 and unpaid installments are deferred until such loan’s life termination. Through Communication “A” 7181 it was extended until March 31, 2021,


•      Communication “A” 6939 suspended, until June 30, 2020, the distribution of dividends for financial entities, Such measure was extended through Communication “A” 7035 until December 31, 2020. Through Communication “A” 7181 it was extended until March 31, 2021,


•      Communication “A” 6945 established that, until June 30, 2020, any operation carried out through ATMs shall not be subject to any charge or commission. Communication “A” 7107 extended such term until December 31, 2020, Through Communication “A” 7181 it was extended until March 31, 2021,


•      Communications “A” 6964 and 7095 automatically refinanced unpaid balances of credit card financing to be registered between April 1, 2020 and April 30, 2020 and between September 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020 respectively. Such balances have been refinanced over a year term with three-month grace period in 9 monthly equal and consecutive installments. Likewise, pursuant to Communication “A” 6993, the Argentine Central Bank established a zero-interest-rate financing policy, applicable only to eligible clients to be defined by the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP) in the future. Additionally, through Communication “A” 7082 opened the possibility of granting “Zero Culture Rate Loans” at 24 months under a 12-month grace period. Communication “A” 7111 extended delinquency days for 1, 2, and 3 categories over a 60-day term, Such measure is applicable until December 31, 2020. Through Communication “A” 7181 it was extended until March 31, 2021,


•      Decree 312/2020, issued by the Argentine Central Bank, suspended the closing of bank accounts. Decree 544/2020, issued on June 19, 2020, extends until December 31, 2020 the suspension of the obligation of closing bank accounts and the application of disqualification pursuant to Article 1° of Law N° 25,730, as well as the application of fines .


•      Communication “A” 6980 established that non-adjustable term deposits under ARS 1 million made up by individuals as from April 20, 2020, will entail a minimum rate of 70% of the LELIQ average auction. Communication “A” 7018 extended the scope of such measures over all term deposits regardless of their minimum amount. Later, Communication “A”7027 increased the minimum rate equivalent to 79% LELIQ average auction. And, as from August 1, 2020, an additional increase from such 79% to an 87% was set for term deposits of individuals exceeding the ARS 1 million,


The volatile and uncertain context remains as of the issuance of these financial statements,


The Group's Board of Directors monitors the evolution of variables that may affect its business; thus, defining the course of action and identifying any potential impact on its equity and financial situation. The Group's financial statements must be read in virtue of said circumstances.






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December, 31 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019:



Level of fair

















   Options   Final Position 
Government Securities                                   
Treasury Bill $ adj CER Mat. 05/21/21   1    2,779,504    -    -    2,779,504    -    2,779,504 
Treasury Bonus linked U$S 11/30/21   1    789,538    -    -    789,538    -    789,538 
Treasury Bonus linked U$S 04/29/22   1    774,667    -    -    774,667    -    774,667 
Treasury Bill $ VR mat.01/29/21   1    476,999    -    -    476,999    -    476,999 
Argentine National Bonus $ Badlar+200 04/03/22   1    474,334    -    -    474,334    -    474,334 
Treasury Bonus BONCER 2% $ 2026   1    397,557    -    -    397,557    -    397,557 
Argentine National Bonus $ Mat 10/17/23   1    361,028    -    -    361,028    -    361,028 
Treasury Bonus $ Aj CER 1.50% Mat.03/25/24   1    332,965    -    -    332,965    -    332,965 
Treasury Bonus $ Aj CER 1.40% Mat.03/25/23   1    292,883    -    -    292,883    -    292,883 
Treasury Bill $ VR Mat.03/31/21   1    265,125    -    -    265,125    -    265,125 
Treasury Bonus Linked USD  4% Mat 08/05/2021   1    429,244    -    -    429,244    -    429,244 
Argentine National Bonus 2.5% $ 07/22/2021 (TC21)   1    5,407    -    -    5,407    -    5,407 
Bocon – Consolidation Bonus $ 8 serie (PR15)   1    4,447    -    -    4,447    -    4,447 
Treasury Bill        -    -    6,905,401    -    -    - 
Others   1    1,480,942    642,679    726,895    (521,063)   -    (521,063)
Central Bank Bills                                   
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat. 01/07/2021   1    298,179    -    -    298,179    -    298,179 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat. 01/26/2021   1    292,413    -    -    292,413    -    292,413 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat. 12/31/2021   1    15,000    -    -    15,000    -    15,000 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat        -    -    23,676,552    -    -    - 
Corporate Securities                                   
ON Ypf S.A Cl.5 $ Mat.01/24/21 CG   2    167,276    -    -    167,276    -    167,276 
ON Telecom Arg $ CL.7 Mat.12/10/23   1    162,500    -    -    162,500    -    162,500 
ON Telecom Arg $ CL.6 Mat.12/10/21   2    71,895    -    -    71,895    -    71,895 
Vcp Pyme Catalinas Coop.3 $ Mat.04/12/20   3    -    3,530    -    -    -    - 
ON Quickfood Clase 9 $ Vto. 11/24/22   3    -    1,464    -    -    -    - 
Others   1         126,286    130,689    -    -    - 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)



Level of fair

















   Options   Final Position 
Total Debt Securities at Fair value through profit or loss        9,871,903    773,959    31,439,537    7,869,898    -    7,869,898 
OTHER DEBT SECURITIES                                   
Measured at fair value through profit or loss                                   
Government Securities                                   
Treasury Bonus vinc al U$S 29/04/22   1    4,800,600    -    -    4,800,600    -    4,800,600 
Treasury Bonus $ Aj CER 1.50% Mat.03/25/24   1    526,331    -    -    526,331    -    526,331 
Treasury Bonus $ Aj CER 1.40% Mat.03/25/23   1    313,172    -    -    313,172    -    313,172 
Treasury Bonus $ Aj CER 1.20% Mat 03/18/22   1    250,000    -    -    250,000    -    250,000 
Treasury Bonus $ Aj CER 1.30% Mat.09/20/22   1    126,689    -    -    126,689    -    126,689 
Treasury Bonus Nat $ Adj CER 05/08/21   1    103,747    -    -    103,747    -    103,747 
Treasury Bonus BONCER 2% $ 2026   1    100,395    -    -    100,395    -    100,395 
Treasury Bonus $Adj CER 1.50% Mat.03/25/24   1    68,607    -    -    68,607    -    68,607 
Treasury Bonus Nat $ Badlar 05/08/21   1    63,623    -    -    63,623    -    63,623 
Treasury Bonus Nat T2V1        129,325    -    -    129,325    -    129,325 
Treasury Bonus Nat  TV22        622,300    -    -    622,300    -    622,300 
Treasury Bill $ 172D Adj. Cer Mat. 05/21/21 (X21Y1)        32,395    -    -                
Centrak Bank Bills                                   
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat. 01/19/21   2    9,806,030    -    -    9,806,030    -    9,806,030 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/05/21   2    3,979,284    -    -    3,979,284    -    3,979,284 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/21/21   2    3,914,420    -    -    3,914,420    -    3,914,420 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/07/21   2    3,673,231    -    -    3,673,231    -    3,673,231 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/26/21   2    3,407,758    -    -    3,407,758    -    3,407,758 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/28/21   2    3,400,862    -    -    3,400,862    -    3,400,862 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/07/20   2    -    7,400,401    -    -    -    - 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/08/20   2    -    1,249,822    -    -    -    - 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/03/20   2    -    739,603    -    -    -    - 
Liquidity Central Bank Bills Mat.01/06/20   2    -    339,021    -    -    -    - 
Others   2    -    33,983    -    -    -    - 
Corporate Securities                                   
Others   1    32    44    67    32    -    32 
Measured at amortized cost                                   
Government Securities                                   
Treasury Bonus $ Fixed rate 22% Mat.05/21/22        5,584,160    -    -    5,584,160    -    5,584,160 
Argentine Sovereign Bond. $ Badlar+200 04/03/2022        253,422    -    -    253,422    -    253,422 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Items  Level of fair
   Options   Final Position 
National Treasury Bonus Tf Mat. 11/21/2020        -    4,206,973    6,473,283    -    -    - 
National Treasury Bonus T2V1        104,196    -    -    -    -    - 
Treasury Bill U$S 203 days Mat.03/15/2019        -    -    2,177,552    -    -    - 
Others        -    79,356    554,006    -    -    - 
Corporate Securities                                   
Vdff CCF Créditos 21 $ C.G.        -    327,909    -    -    -    - 
Vdff CCF Créditos 20 $ C.G.        -    113,432    -    -    -    - 
Vdff CCF Créditos 22 $ CG        -    37,767    -    -    -    - 
Others        3,570    -    7,897    3,571    -    3,571 
Total other debt securities       41,264,149   14,528,311   9,212,805   41,127,559   -   41,127,559 
INSTRUMENTOS DE PATRIMONIO                                   
EQUITY INSTRUMENTS                                   
Measured at fair value through profit and loss                                   
Grupo Financiero Galicia SA   1    74,881    7,890    1,091    74,881    -    74,881 
Pampa Energía S.A.   1    8,286    -    -    8,286    -    8,286 
Loma Negra S.A.   1    3,179    -    -    3,179    -    3,179 
YPF SA   1    178    -    2,266    178    -    178 
Banco Macro SA   1    137    -    -    137    -    137 
Bolsas y Mercados Arg. $ Ord. (BYMA)   1    64    -    -    64    -    64 
Ternium Arg S.A.Ords."A"1 Voto Esc   1    53    -    -    53    -    53 
Banco Francés SA   1    52    -    -    52    -    52 
Aluar SA   1    52    -    -    52    -    52 
Central Puerto S.A. Ord. 1 voto Esc   1    41    -    -    41    -    41 
Others        -    -    18,432    -    -    - 
Measured at fair value with changes in OCI                                   
Others        29,405    11,957    -    9,451    -    9,451 
Total equity instruments        116,328    19,847    21,789    96,374    -    96,374 
Total        51,252,380    15,322,117    40,674,131    49,093,831    -    49,093,831 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1,2019 balances of loans and other financing are the following:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Normal situation   36,823,291    55,341,261    82,874,800 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   2,147,954    1,673,250    6,498,256 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   7,135,947    11,852,095    15,026,414 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   27,539,390    41,815,916    61,350,130 
Subject to special monitoring               
- Under Observation   2,932,556    331,221    330,091 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   21,150    14,540    11,303 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   1,475,455    187,368    7,927 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   1,435,951    129,313    310,861 
With problems   419,889    136,074    66,552 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   118,379    8,348    4,999 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   148,849    51,358    22,576 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   152,661    76,368    38,977 
High risk of insolvency   2,225,396    4,900,519    772,520 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   -    25,736    7,483 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   1,735,079    1,897,771    95,813 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   490,317    2,977,012    669,224 
Uncollectible   9,001    29,041    52,246 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   -    -    - 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   -    2,112    61 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   9,001    26,929    52,185 
TOTAL COMMERCIAL PORTFOLIO   42,410,133    60,738,116    84,096,209 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Normal situation   71,095,432    62,117,576    77,821,711 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   2,431,597    946,380    1,131,583 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   6,788,008    8,426,085    11,232,900 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   61,875,827    52,745,111    65,457,228 
Low Risk   155,373    2,228,650    3,950,274 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   20,461    123,590    55,524 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   2,654    271,392    293,831 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   132,258    1,833,668    3,600,919 
Medium Risk   302,933    1,807,499    2,906,406 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   3,728    63,706    24,210 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   3,243    175,615    70,152 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   295,962    1,568,178    2,812,044 
High Risk   437,428    2,299,912    2,937,655 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   12,309    32,671    6,593 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   59,004    131,878    18,788 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   366,115    2,135,363    2,912,274 
Uncollectible   810,933    401,864    283,880 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   35,065    6,793    109 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   171,334    94,709    2,442 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   604,534    300,362    281,329 
Uncollectible classified as such under regulatory requirements   -    2,612    4,924 
   -With "A" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   -    -    - 
   -With "B" Preferred Collateral and Counter-guarantees   -    -    - 
   - Without Preferred Collateral nor Counter-guarantees   -    2,612    4,924 
TOTAL CONSUMER AND HOUSING PORTFOLIO   72,802,099    68,858,113    87,904,850 
TOTAL GENERAL(1)   115,212,232    129,596,229    172,001,059 


The preceding note includes the classification of loans using the debtor classification system of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (DCS). The forecasts and guarantees granted are not included.


(1) Conciliation with Statement of Financial Position:            
Loans and other financing   105,974,985    121,028,573    163,609,714 
Other debt securities   41,264,149    14,528,311    9,212,805 
Computable items out of balance   (32,026,902)   (5,960,655)   (821,460)
 plus allowances   7,821,223    7,982,688    7,767,360 
 plus IFRS adjusments non computable for DCS   660,892    592,300    633,523 
 less non deductible ítems for DCS   (3,376)   (7,369)   (17,506)
 less Debt securities measured at amortized cost   (40,505,641)   (14,528,274)   (9,204,837)
Total   115,212,232    129,596,229    172,001,059 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019 the concentration of leans and other financing are the following:


   Préstamos y Otras financiaciones 
   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Number of Clients  Balance   % over total
   Balance   % over total
   Balance   % over total
10 largest customers   11,322,409    9.8%   16,467,365    12.7%   22,495,712    13.1%
50 following largest customers   16,038,920    13.9%   23,039,132    17.8%   26,641,104    15.5%
100 following largest customers   10,137,314    8.8%   12,457,396    9.6%   15,005,322    8.7%
Rest of customers   77,713,589    67.5%   77,632,336    59.9%   107,858,921    62.7%
TOTAL   115,212,232    100.0%   129,596,229    100.0%   172,001,059    100.0%






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020 the breakdown of leans and other financing are the following:


       Remaining terms for maturity     
Item  Past due portfolio   1 month   3 months   6 months   12 months   24 months   Up to 24
Non-financial Public Sector   -    4,542    4,401    6,678    14,187    24,482    -    54,290 
Financial Sector   -    2,248    4,779    11,657    5,492    -    -    24,176 
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad   11,319,745    55,440,520    34,858,328    53,077,156    48,823,538    56,655,748    159,117,696    419,292,731 
TOTAL   11,319,745    55,447,310    34,867,508    53,095,491    48,843,217    56,680,230    159,117,696    419,371,197 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Changes in property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1,2019, are as follows:


                       Depreciation   Net carrying 
Item  At the
beginning of
the year



   Revaluation   Additions   Disposals   Accumulated   Disposals   Of the
   At the end of
the year
   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Cost model                                            
Furniture and facilities   1,488,485    10         61,068    (30,084)   (1,144,099)   10,585    (100,150)   (1,233,664)   285,805    344,386 
Machinery and equipment   4,338,082    -         1,184,905    (436,367)   (3,772,098)   (187,874)   (308,075)   (4,268,047)   818,573    565,984 
Vehicles   235,178    5         72,729    (47,045)   (104,162)   28,394    (44,344)   (120,112)   140,750    131,016 
Right of Use of Leased Properties   2,047,260    50         803,901    (704,233)   (771,302)   604,923    (780,397)   (946,776)   1,200,152    1,275,958 
Construction in progress   653,718    -         152,147    (167,470)   -    -    -    -    638,395    653,718 
Revaluation model                                                       
Land and Buildings   2,598,537    50    687,598    923,116    (1,846)   (119,288)   2,489    (70,643)   (187,442)   4,019,963    2,479,249 
Total   11,361,260    10    687,598    3,197,866    (1,387,045)   (5,910,949)   458,517    (1,303,609)   (6,756,041)   7,103,638    5,450,311 


                       Depreciation   Net carrying 
Item  At the
beginning of
the year



   Revaluation   Additions   Disposals   Accumulated   Disposals   Of the year   At the end of the year   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cost model                                            
Furniture and facilities   1,389,586    10    -    107,952    (9,053)   (969,910)   3,439    (177,628)   (1,144,099)   344,386    419,676 
Machinery and equipment   4,328,676    10    -    194,511    (185,105)   (3,525,054)   425,113    (672,157)   (3,772,098)   565,984    803,622 
Vehicles   236,115    5    -    47,385    (48,322)   (83,177)   21,317    (42,302)   (104,162)   131,016    152,938 
Right of Use of Leased Properties   -    50    -    2,047,260    -    -    877    (772,179)   (771,302)   1,275,958    - 
Construction in progress   746,082    -    -    154,345    (246,709)   -    -    -    -    653,718    746,082 
Revaluation model                                                       
Land and Buildings   2,537,144    50    158,245    146,035    (242,887)   (123,269)   40,558    (36,577)   (119,288)   2,479,249    2,413,875 
Total   9,237,603         158,245    2,697,488    (732,076)   (4,701,410)   491,304    (1,700,843)   (5,910,949)   5,450,311    4,536,193 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The movements in investment properties as of December  31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019 are as follows:


Item  At the beginning of
the year



   Net Gain / Loss by
Fair Value
   Additions   Disposals*   Net Carrying
   Net Carrying
Measurement at fair value                                   
Rent building   5,520,143    50    (92,457)   1,447,123    (876,864)   5,997,945    5,520,143 
Total   5,520,143         (92,457)   1,447,123    (876,864)   5,997,945    5,520,143 


Item  At the beginning of
the year



   Additions   Disposals*   Net Carrying
   Net Carrying
Measurement at fair value                              
Rent building   865,687    50    4,661,716    (7,260)   5,520,143    865,687 
Total   865,687         4,661,716    (7,260)   5,520,143    865,687 

    * Related to transfers






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Intangible assets of the Group as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019 are as follows:


                   Depreciation   Net carrying 
Item  At the
of the year
   Additions   Disposals   At the
of the year
   Disposals   Of the
   At the end
of the year
   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Measurement at cost                                                  
Goodwill   3,632,645    -    7,292    -    -    -    -    -    3,639,937    3,632,645 
Brands   199,999    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    199,999    199,999 
Other intangible assets   4,117,494    -    1,729,070    (14,278)   (2,020,336)   (72)   (869,276)   (2,889,684)   2,942,602    2,097,158 
TOTAL   7,950,138    -    1,736,362    (14,278)   (2,020,336)   (72)   (869,276)   (2,889,684)   6,782,538    5,929,802 



Net carrying

Item  At the
of the year
   Additions   Disposals   At the
of the year
   Disposals   Of the
   At the end
of the year
   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Measurement at cost                                                  
Goodwill   3,613,819    -    18,826    -    -    -    -    -    3,632,645    3,613,819 
Brands   199,999    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    199,999    199,999 
Other intangible assets   3,223,591    -    899,136    (5,233)   (1,410,700)   163    (609,799)   (2,020,336)   2,097,158    1,812,891 
TOTAL   7,037,409    -    917,962    (5,233)   (1,410,700)   163    (609,799)   (2,020,336)   5,929,802    5,626,709 


Depreciation for the year is included in the line "Depreciations and impairment of non-financial assets" in the statement of comprehensive income.






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019 the concentration of deposits are the following:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Number of customers  Placement
   % over total
   % over total
   % over total
10 largest customers   49,058,148    27.5%   16,219,698    13.4%   45,874,213    23.1%
50 following largest customers   29,831,979    16.7%   15,959,079    13.2%   31,669,824    15.9%
100 following largest customers   9,460,733    5.3%   8,180,458    6.8%   12,027,798    6.1%
Rest of customers   90,290,734    50.5%   80,817,020    66.7%   109,188,251    54.9%
TOTAL   178,641,594    100.0%   121,176,255    100.0%   198,760,086    100.0%






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020:


   Remaining terms for maturity 
Item  1 month   3 months   6 months   12 months   24 months   Up to 24
Non-financial public sector   6,710,152    1,231,706    98,236    -    -    -    8,040,094 
Financial sector   57,416    -    -    -    -    -    57,416 
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad   161,757,730    9,037,195    897,077    118,056    530    -    171,810,588 
Liabilities at fair value through profit and loss   2,005,724    -    -    -    -    -    2,005,724 
Repo operations   -    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Other financial liabilities   6,363,359    136,247    190,496    336,101    385,817    497,359    7,909,379 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   159,497    215,697    5,264,037    223,264    284,417    25,191    6,172,103 
Unsubordinated debt securities   -    761,913    2,967,037    649,155    1,134,745    686,833    6,199,683 
Subordinated debt securities   -    -    39,805    1,171,457    -    -    1,211,262 
TOTAL   177,053,878    11,382,758    9,456,688    2,498,033    1,805,509    1,209,383    203,406,249 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1, 2019:


       As of December 31, 2020 (per currency)         
Items  12/31/2020   Dollar   Euro   Real   Others   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and Due from Banks   20,398,250    19,133,411    972,675    15,461    276,703    18,919,331    34,259,181 
Debt securities at fair value through profit or loss   1,846,252    1,846,252    -    -    -    959,676    5,848,807 
Derivatives   529    529    -    -    -         28,074 
Other financial assets   1,133,994    1,133,884    110    -    -    1,567,666    1,246,398 
Loans and other financing   15,222,168    15,219,370    1,780    -    1,018    29,246,976    44,252,951 
Other Debt Securities   4,800,665    4,800,665    -    -    -    88    2,177,686 
Financial assets in guarantee   524,543    524,543    -    -    -    6,130,740    968,680 
Other non-financial assets   240,739    240,739    -    -    -    244,060    312,453 
TOTAL ASSETS   44,167,140    42,899,393    974,565    15,461    277,721    57,068,537    89,094,230 
Deposits   25,199,406    24,737,162    462,244    -    -    31,770,757    65,591,896 
Non-financial public sector   903,482    903,332    150    -    -    2,956,100    16,544,340 
Financial sector   2,057    2,057    -    -    -    12,337    6,237 
Non-financial private sector and foreign residents   24,293,867    23,831,773    462,094    -    -    28,802,320    49,041,319 
Liabilities at fair value with changes in results   -    -    -    -    -    -    320,187 
Other financial liabilities   2,378,133    2,049,159    322,767    13    6,194    5,570,566    1,054,988 
Financing received from the Argentine Central Bank and other financial institutions   5,200,132    5,200,132    -    -    -    10,993,994    14,219,556 
Unsubordinated debt securities   2,202,858    2,202,858    -    -    -    -      
Subordinated debt securities   1,140,468    1,140,468    -    -    -    2,886,028    2,898,105 
Other non-financial liabilities   380,014    380,006    7    -    1    464,324    1,078,098 
TOTAL LIABILITIES   36,501,011    35,709,785    785,018    13    6,195    51,685,669    85,162,830 
NET POSITION   7,666,129    7,189,608    189,547    15,448    271,526    5,382,868    3,931,400 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




The balance of loan loss risk provisions as of December 31, 2020 is presented below:


           ECL of remaining life of the financial
Items  Balances at
the beginning
of fiscal year
   ECL of the
12 months
credit risk
   FI with
   FI with credit
purchased or
produced by
Other financial assets   336,785    (1,307)   -    173,040    (134,994)   373,524 
Loans and other financing                              
Other financial entities   16,446    29,430    -    973    (12,438)   34,411 
Non-financial private sector and residents abroad   7,624,617    154,586    1,408,614    932,094    (2,710,177)   7,409,734 
Overdrafts   2,008,526    (94,684)   21,896    (1,141,590)   (210,819)   583,329 
Documents   495,448    6,591    287,275    (24,601)   (203,005)   561,708 
Mortgages   628,012    (2,411)   98,597    (333,213)   (103,793)   287,192 
Pledge loans   132,594    5,423    6,840    90,203    (62,400)   172,660 
Personal Loans   1,125,034    89,322    93,202    50,499    (360,518)   997,539 
Credit cards   736,710    66,050    477,809    (44,262)   (328,196)   908,111 
Financial lease   189,133    55,132    (9,407)   (23,516)   (56,104)   155,238 
Others   2,309,160    29,163    432,402    2,358,574    (1,385,342)   3,743,957 
Other debt securities   4,840    (2)   -    -    (1,284)   3,554 
TOTAL PROVISIONS   7,982,688    182,707    1,408,614    1,106,107    (2,858,893)   7,821,223 







Separate Financial Statements


For the financial year ended on

December 31, 2020, presented on comparative basis in homogeneous currency








As of December 31, 2020, 2019 and January 1, 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   Notes and
   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and due from banks   1.4 and 5.1    72,164    162,686    6,600 
Cash        4    3    6 
Financial institutions and correspondents                    
Other local and financial institutions        72,160    162,683    6,594 
Other financial assets   1.4, 5.2 and 8    317,828    983,082    2,022,480 
Other debt securities   5.3 and A    751,625    -    235,639 
Current income tax assets   8    30,244    59,666    - 
Investments in equity instruments        19,954    -    - 
Investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures   3 and 5.4    31,143,899    28,239,305    32,017,999 
Property, plant and equipment   5.5 and F    2,335    3,262    3,816 
Intangible Assets   5.6 and G    4,161,337    4,215,252    4,252,814 
Deferred income tax assets   8    46,908    -    2,983 
Other Non-financial assets   5.7 and 8    139,493    202,921    268,995 
TOTAL ASSETS        36,685,787    33,866,174    38,811,326 
Debt securities  issued        -    -    58,688 
Current income tax liabilities        -    -    273,630 
Deferred income tax liabilities        -    576,332    260,765 
Other Non-Financial Liabilities   5.8 and 8    347,253    358,652    777,318 
TOTAL LIABILITIES        347,253    934,984    1,370,401 
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    
Capital Stock        456,722    456,722    456,722 
Capital adjustments        2,968,586    2,968,586    2,968,586 
Paid in capital        28,858,170    33,275,663    33,275,003 
Earnings Reserved        -    14,241,451    11,407,965 
Retained earnings        -    (14,135,405)   (4,944,693)
Other comprehensive income        642,945    117,647    - 
Net Income for the year        3,412,111    (3,993,474)   (5,722,658)
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY        36,338,534    32,931,190    37,440,925 
TOTAL NET LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY        36,685,787    33,866,174    38,811,326 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the separate financial statements.








For the financial years ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   Notes   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Interest income   5.9    35,605    129,149 
Interest expenses   5.10    -    (2,067)
Net interest income        35,605    127,082 
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   5.11    211,954    385,838 
Result from derecognition of assets measured at amortized cost        (31,774)   - 
Exchange rate difference on gold and foreign currency        94,058    (6,077)
NIFFI And Exchange Rate Differences        274,238    379,761 
Subtotal        309,843    506,843 
Other operating income   5.12    230,272    227,737 
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency        (92,347)   326,137 
Net operating income        447,768    1,060,717 
Personnel expenses   5.13    118,094    211,120 
Administration expenses   5.14    309,806    226,910 
Depreciation and impairment of non-financial assets        62,134    61,760 
Other operating expenses   5.15    23,654    29,676 
Operating income        (65,920)   531,251 
Profit of subsidiaries and associates   5.16    2,972,982    (3,973,937)
Income before taxes        2,907,062    (3,442,686)
Income tax        (505,049)   550,788 
Net income of the year        3,412,111    (3,993,474)


The accompanying notes and schdules are an integral part of the separate financial statements.









For the financial year ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Item  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income for the period attributable to owners of the parent company   3,412,111    (3,993,474)
PLUS: Diluting events inherent to potential ordinary shares   -    - 
Net income attributable to owners of the parent company adjusted by dilution   3,412,111    (3,993,474)
Weighted average of ordinary shares   456,722    456,722 
PLUS: Weighted average of number of ordinary shares issued with dilution effect.   -    - 
Weighted average of number of ordinary shares issued of the period adjusted by dilution effect   456,722    456,722 
Basic Income per share   7,47    (8,74)
Diluted Income per share   7,47    (8,74)


The accompanying notes and schdules are an integral part of the separate financial statements.








For the financial year ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income from the year   3,412,111    (3,993,474)
Components of Other Comprehensive Income not to be reclassified to profit or loss          
Income of the period from the participation of Other Comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures recorded through the utilization of the participation method   536,814    117,647 
Total Other Comprehensive Income not to be reclassified to profit or loss   536,814    117,647 
Components of Other Comprehensive Loss to be reclassified to profit or loss          
Loss for the period from financial instrument at fair value through other comprehensive income   (10,643)   - 
Income tax   (873)   - 
Total Other Comprehensive Loss to be reclassified to profit or loss   (11,516)   - 
Total Other Comprehensive Income   525,298    117,647 
Total Comprehensive Income   3,937,409    (3,875,827)
Total comprehensive income attributable to parent company   3,937,409    (3,875,827)


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the separate financial statements








For the financial year ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


                                  Other comprehensive income      




(Note 10)

    Paid in
of PPE
    Earnings or
los accrued
by financial
at FV
profit and
Re-expressed Balance at December 31, 2019   456,722    2,968,586    33,275,663    191,302    14,050,149    (18,128,879)   117,647    -    32,931,190 
Absorption of negative retained earnings RG777/18 CNV   -    -    (4,417,493)   (191,302)   (19,316,859)   23,925,654    -    -    - 
Balance at December 31, 2019   456,722    2,968,586    28,858,170    -    (5,266,710)   5,796,775    117,647    -    32,931,190 
Distribution of retained earnings by the shareholders’ meeting on April 28, 2020:                                             
Constitution of reserves   -    -    -    -    5,796,775    (5,796,775)   -    -    - 
Dividend distribution   -    -    -    -    (530,065)   -    -    -    (530,065)
Net Income for the year   -    -    -    -    -    3,412,111    -    -    3,412,111 
Other comprehensive income for the year   -    -    -    -    -    -    536,814    (11,516)   525,298 
Balance at December 31, 2020   456,722    2,968,586    28,858,170    -    -    3,412,111    654,461    (11,516)   36,338,534 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the separate financial statements.








For the financial year ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


                                  Other comprehensive income      


(Note 10)




    Paid in
of PPE
or los
accrued by
at FV
profit and
Re-expressed Balance at December 31, 2018   456,722    2,968,586    33,275,003    191,302    11,216,663    (9,935,561)   -    -    38,172,715 
IFRS 9 Impact Adjustments   -    -    -    -    -    (731,790)   -    -    (731,790)
Balance at December 31, 2018   456,722    2,968,586    33,275,003    191,302    11,216,663    (10,667,351)   -    -    37,440,925 
Other movements   -    -    660    -    -    -    -    -    660 
Distribution of retained earnings by the shareholders’ meeting on April 26, 2019:                                             
Constitution of reserves   -    -    -    -    2,833,486    (2,833,486)   -    -    - 
Dividend distribution   -    -    -    -    -    (634,568)   -    -    (634,568)
Net Income for the year   -    -    -    -    -    (3,993,474)   -    -    (3,993,474)
Other comprehensive income for the year   -    -    -    -    -    -    117,647    -    117,647 
Balance at December 31, 2019   456,722    2,968,586    33,275,663    191,302    14,050,149    (18,128,879)   117,647    -    32,931,190 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the separate financial statements .








For the financial year ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income for the year before Income Tax   2,907,062    (3,442,686)
Adjustments to obtain flows from operating activities:          
Results of associates and join ventures   (2,972,982)   3,973,938 
Depreciation and impairment   62,134    61,761 
Exchange rate difference on gold and foreign currency   (94,058)   6,077 
Interests from loans and other financing   (35,605)   (129,148)
Interests from deposits and financing   -    2,067 
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency   92,347    (326,137)
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss   (211,954)   (385,839)
(Increases) / decreases from operating assets:          
Other debt securities   (1,054,055)   (4,084)
Other assets   630,138    1,140,176 
Increases / (decreases) from operating liabilities:          
Other liabilities   (11,396)   (335,998)
Income Tax paid   (89,641)   (565,534)
Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities (A)   (778,010)   (5,407)
Purchase of PPE, intangible assests and other assets   (7,292)   (23,644)
Purchase of liability or equity instruments issued by other entities   (47,564)   - 
Purchase of investments in subsidiaries   (7,688)   (250,533)
Contributions made to subsidiaries   (196,665)   (973,409)
Dividends collected   862,995    1,063,231 
Net cash used in investing activities (B)   603,786    (184,355)
Dividends paid   (530,065)   (634,568)
Changes in the ownership of subsidiaries that do not result in loss of control   -    662 
Unsubordinated debt securities   -    (60,754)
Net cash used in financing activities (C)   (530,065)   (694,660)
Effects of exchange rate changes and exposure to changes in the purchasing power of money on cash and cash equivalents (D)   188,300    406,367 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C+D)   (515,989)   (478,055)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year (NOTE 1.5)   1,144,624    1,708,987 
Result from exposure to changes in the purchasing power of the currency in cash and equivalents   (240,031)   (86,308)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year (NOTE 1.5)   388,604    1,144,624 


The accompanying notes and schedules are an integral part of the separate financial statements






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Grupo Supervielle S.A. (hereinafter, “the Group”), is a company whose main activity is the investment in other companies. Its main income is given by the distribution of dividends of such companies and the raising of earnings of other financial assets.


The main investment of the Company accounts for the stake in Banco Supervielle S.A., a financial entity governed pursuant to Law N° 21,526 of Financial Statements and subject to provisions issued by the Argentine Central Bank, in virtue of which the entity has adopted valuation and disclosure guidelines pursuant to provisions included in Title IV, chapter I, Section I, article 2 of the Amended Text 2013 issued by the National Securities Commissions.


The issuance of these Consolidated Financial Statements as of the three-month period ended on December 31, 2020 was passed by the Board of the Company over the course of its meeting held on March 8, 2021.


1.1.Differences between the accounting framework established by the BCRA and IFRS


These financial statements have been prepared pursuant to: (i) provisions set by Intenational Accounting Standards N° 34, “Interim Financial Information” (IAS 34) and (ii) the accouting information framework set by the Argentine Central Bank which is based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretation Committee with the following exceptions:


(a)Temporary exception of IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” application over debt instruments of the non-financial public sector,

(b)Temporary exception of the application of Section 5.5 (Value Impairment) for Group C entities, a category that includes Cordial Compañia Financiera S.A.. Therefore, provisions of the aforementioned Entity are held under minimum provisions standards set by the Argentine Central Bank. See note 1.2.4 a).

(c)Presentation within other comprehensive income of the monetary result corresponding to items of a monetary nature that are measured at fair value with a counterpart in other comprehensive income. Communication “A” 7211 established that said monetary result must be presented within the income for the year as of 1.1.21. Had the aforementioned exposure criterion been applied at the end of the year ended December 31, 2020, the net result would have amounted to $ 3,400,539 and the Other Comprehensive Income to $ 3,948,981.


1.2.Preparation basis


These separated financial statements have been prepared in acoordance whith the accounting framework established by B.C.R.A. described in Note 1.1.


The Gruop´s Board has concluded that these consolidated financial statements reasonably express the financial position, financial performance and cash flows.


The preparation of financial statements requires that the Group carries out calculations and evaluations that affect the amount of incomes and expenses recorded in the period. In this sense, calculations are aimed at the estimation of, for example, credit risk provisions, useful life of property, plant and equipment, impairments and amortizations, recoverable value of assets, income tax charges and the reasonable value of certain financial instruments. Future real results may defer from calculations and evaluations as of the date of these separate financial statements preparation.


As of these financial statements issuance date, such statements are pending of transcription to Inventory and Balance Sheet Book.


1.2.1.Going concern


As of the date of these separate Financial Statements there are no uncertainties with respect to events or conditions that may raise doubts regarding the possibility that the Group continues to operate normally as a going concern.


1.2.2.Measuring unit


Figures included in these financial statements are expressed in thousands of Argentine pesos, unless otherwise stated.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The Group´s financial statements recognice changes in the currency purchasing power until August 31, 1995. As from such date, in virtue of existing economic stability conditions and pursuant to Communication “A” 2365 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, accounting measurements were not re-expressed until December 31, 2001. In virtue of Communication “A” 3702 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, the application of the method was resumed and became effective on January 1, 2002. Previous accouting measurements were considered to be expressed in the currency as of December 31, 2001.


Pursuant to Communication “A” 3921 issued by the Argentine Central Bank, in compliance with Decree 664/03 issued by the National Executive Power, the application of the re-expression of financial statements in homogeneous currency was interrupted as from March 1, 2003. Therefore, the Group applied said re-expression until February 28, 2003.


In turn, Law N° 27,468 (B.O. 04/12/2018) amended article 10° of Law N° 23,928 and its amendments, thus establishing that the abolition of all legal and regulating standards that set and authorize price indexing, monetary updating, cost changes or any other manner of re-increasing debts, taxes, prices or fees for goods, works or services does not include financial statements, regarding which the application of article 62 of the General Corporations Law N° 19,550 (T.O 1984) and its amendments shall prevail. Likewise, the aforementioned legal body set de abolition of Decree N° 1269/2002 dated on July 16, 2002 and its amendments and instructed the National Executive Power, through its controlling agencies, to set the date as from which said regulations became into effect in relation with financial statements to be submitted. Therefore, on February 22, 2019, the Argentine Central Bank issued Communication “A” 6651 which established that financial statements shall be prepared in a homogeneous currency as from January 1, 2020. Therefore, these financial statements have been re-expressed as of December 31, 2020.


1.2.3.Comparative information


The information included in these financial statements and in the aforementioned notes as of December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019 is presented, exclusively with comparative purposes regarding the information as of December 31, 2020.


It is worth to be mentioned that, Communication “A” 6778, issued by the Argentine Central Bank, required the retroactive application of the impairment model set forth in section 5.5 of IFRS 9 with temporary withdrawal of non-financial public sector´s debt instruments and the re-expression of financial statements pursuant to IAS 29. In virtue of the aforementioned, the Group has applied the following:


(i)Retroactive re-expression of figures included in the Financial Situation as of December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2019 for the purpose of submitting such figures as if the new accounting policies had been in force since January 1, 2019, and

(ii)Retroactive re-expression of figures included in the Income Statement, Other Comprehensive Income and Changes in the Shareholders’ Equity Statement as of December 31, 2019 for the purpose of submitting such figures as if the new accounting policies had been in force since January 1, 2019.

(iii)Present a third column in the statement of financial position with the balances as of January 1, 2019


1.2.4.Changes in accounting policies and new accounting standards


With the approval of new IFRS, modifications or derogations of the standards in force, and once such changes are adopted through Adoption Bulletins issued by Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales en Ciencias Económicas (FACPCE), the Argentine Central Bank will determine the approval of such standards for financial entities. In general terms, no anticipated IFRS application shall be allowed unless upon adoption such anticipated measure is specified.


The following are changes that were made effective over the course of the quarter ended on December 31, 2020:


(a)Impairment of financial assets


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6430 and 6847 Financial Entities shall start to apply provisions on Financial Assets Impairment included in paragraph 5.5 of IFRS 9 as from fiscal years starting on 1 January, 2020, except for Non-financial Public Sector´s debt securities, which shall be temporarily excluded from the scope of said provisions. Likewise, Communication “A” 6938 issued by the Argentine Central Bank set the postponement of the application of the section targeted to “B” group Companies until January 1, 2021,a category that includes Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.; therefore, provisions of said Entity are held under the minimum provisions regulations set by the Argentine Central Bank. It is worth mentioning that through communications "A" 7108 and 7134, the Argentine Central Bank ordered the classification of financial entities into groups "A", "B" and "C", leaving Cordial Compañía Financiera classified as Group "C" as of October 1, 2020.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Upon the application of impairment model included in section 5.5 of IFRS 9, a decrease of about 689 million and 1,042 million would have been recorded in the shareholders ´equity as of December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 respectively.


(b)Re-expression by inflation of financial statements


Pursuant to IAS 29 “Financial Information in hyperinflationary economies”, financial statements of an entity, whose functional currency accounts for that currency of a hyperinflationary economy shall be expressed in terms of a current measurement unit as of the reporting fiscal year closing date regardless of whether such statements are based on the historical cost method or a current cost method. To such ends, in general terms, such entity shall calculate the inflation recorded as from the acquisition date or revaluation date, when applicable, in non-monetary items. Such requirements also include the comparative information of financial statements.


With the purpose of stating whether an economy is classified as Hyperinflationary in accordance with IAS 29, the provision sets forth a series of factors to be considered, which includes an accrued inflation rate in three years close to or higher than the 100%. That is the reason why, pursuant to IAS 29, the Argentine economy must be considered as a high inflation economy as from July 1, 2018.


In short, pursuant to IFRS 29 re-expression mechanism, monetary assets and liabilities shall not be re-expressed since such assets and liabilities are expressed in a measurement unit in force as of the reported period closing. Assets and liabilities subject to adjustments tied to specific agreements, shall be adjusted pursuant to such agreements. Non-monetary items measured at current values at the end of the reported period, such as the realization net value or others, shall be re-expressed. The remaining non-monetary assets and liabilities shall be re-expressed in accordance with a general price index. The loss or earning of a net monetary position shall be included in the net income of the reported period in a separate item. It is worth to be mentioned that earnings or losses over the monetary position of instruments at fair value through profit and loss in OCI is included in Other Comprehensive Income of the period/fiscal year. Upon the sale of such instruments its result is reclassified in the line “Results from sale or withdrawal of financial instruments rated at amortized cost” in the net income of the period/fiscal year.


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6651, issued by the Argentine Central Bank on February 22, 2019, financial statements shall be prepared in a constant currency as from fiscal years starting on January 1, 2020. In this sense, Communication “A” 6849 issued by the Argentine Central Bank sets the re-expression frequency of the accounting information in a homogeneous currency on a monthly basis, and the index utilized to such ends accounts for the National Consumer Index drawn up by INDEC (basis month: December 2016) and for such items with previous initial date, IPIM issued by FACPCE is utilized, pursuant to Ruling JG 517/16. Likewise, transition date, in virtue of the retroactive application has been set on January 1, 2019.


(c)Other Changes in the Accounting Framework set by the Argentine Central Bank


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6847, financial entities will be allowed to re-categorize, as from Januray 1,2020, instruments of the non-financial public sector rated at fair value through profit and loss and at fair value through profit and loss in OCI at an amortized cost criterion, while utilizing the accounting value of such date as addition value. As for instruments affected by this option, interest accrual and accessories shall be interrupted as long as the accounting value is above its fair value. Upon such measurement, the abovementioned financial instruments, at fair value as of December 31, 2020 there would be no significant impact on equity and results for the year.


1.3.Critical accounting policies and estimates


The accounting policies are consistent with those used in the financial statements as of December 31, 2019.


The preparation of financial statements requires the Entity to make estimates and evaluations that affect the amount of the assets and liabilities recorded, and the disclosure of contingencies, as well as the income and expenses recorded in the year. In this sense, estimates are made to calculate, for example, provisions for uncollectible, useful lives of property, plant and equipment, depreciation and amortization, the recoverable value of assets, the charge for income tax, , some labor positions and the contingency, labor, civil and commercial lawsuits. Actual future results may differ from the estimates and evaluations made at the date of preparation of these Separated Financial Statements.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.4.Foreign currency translation


(a)Functional and presentation currency


Figures included in the Separated Financial Statements as per each entity of the Group are expressed in the functional currency, that is, in the currency of the main economic setting where it operates. Separated Financial Statements are expressed in Argentine pesos, which is the functional currency and the reporting currency of the Group.


(b)Transactions and balances


Transactions in foreign currency are converted in the functional currency at the reference Exchange rate released by the Argentine Central Bank and those carried out in other currencies, at the repo rate in US dollars for the reference Exchange rate released by the Argentine Central Bank. Earnings and losses in foreign currency that result in the liquidation of such transactions and the conversion of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency at closing exchange rates, are recognized in the integral income statement, under “Difference of exchange rate in gold and foreign currency”.


As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 the balances in US dollars were converted at the reference exchange rate determined by the B.C.R.A. In the case of foreign currencies other than US dollars, they have been converted to this currency using the types of passes reported by the B.C.R.A.


1.5.Cash and due from banks


Cash and equivalents are considered to be the total of the item Cash and Due from Banks and Investments with maturity up to 90 days from the date of their acquisition or constitution, according to the following detail:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and due from banks   72,164    162,686    6,600 
Other financial assets   316,440    981,938    1,467,588 
Other debt securities   -    -    234,799 
Cash and cash equivalents   388,604    1,144,624    1,708,987 


Reconciliation between the balances of the Statement of Financial Position and those items considered cash equivalents in the Cash Flow Statement:


Item  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and due from Banks               
As per Statement of Financial Position   72,164    162,686    6,600 
As per the Statement of Cash Flows   72,164    162,686    6,600 
Other financial assets               
As per Statement of Financial Position   317,828    983,082    2,022,480 
Other financial assets not considered as cash equivalents   (1,388)   (1,144)   (554,892)
As per the Statement of Cash Flows   316,440    981,938    1,467,588 
Other debt securities               
As per Statement of Financial Position   751,625    -    235,639 
Other debt securities not considered as cash equivalents   (751,625)   -    (840)
As per the Statement of Cash Flows   -    -    234,799 


1.6.            Information by segment


The Group determines the operating segments based on the management reports that are reviewed by the Board of Directors and key management personnel, and updates them as they present changes.


The Group analyzes the business on a consolidated basis, thus identifying the operating segments mentioned in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


1.7.Financial Instruments


Other financial assets and other deb securities


i)            Financial assets at amortize cost


Financial assets shall be measured at amortized cost if:


(a)            the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect contractual cash flows and


(b)            the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.


These financial instruments shall be measured at its fair value plus incremental, directly attributable, transaction costs, and subsequently measured at amortized cost.


A financial asset’s amortized cost is the amount at which it is acquired minus the cumulative amortization plus accrued interests (using the effective interest method), net of any impairment loss.


The effective interest method uses the rate that allows the estimated future cash flows to be discounted to be received or paid over the life of the instrument or a shorter period, if appropriate, equalizing the net book value. By applying this method, the Group identifies the incremental direct costs as an integral part of the effective interest rate.


ii)            Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income:


Financial assets shall be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income when:


(a)            the financial asset is held within a business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling financial assets and


(b)            the contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the amount outstanding.


These instruments shall be initially recognized at fair value plus incremental, directly attributable, transaction costs, and subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive incomes. Gains and losses arising out of changes in fair value shall be included in other comprehensive incomes within a separate component of equity. Impairment losses or reversal, interest revenue and foreign exchange rate gains and losses shall be recognized in profit or loss. At the time of sale or disposal, the accumulated gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive incomes are reclassified from equity to the income statement.


Investments in Mutual Funds: they have been valued according to the value of the share in force on the last business day corresponding to the end of the fiscal year.


iii)            Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:


Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss comprise:


-     Instruments held for trading


-     Instruments specifically designated at fair value through profit or loss


-     Instruments with contractual terms that do not represent contractual cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding


These financial instruments shall be initially recognized at fair value and any gain or loss shall be recognized in profit or loss upon effectiveness.


The Group classifies a financial instrument as held for trading if it is acquired or incurred with an intention to sell or repurchase them in the short term, or it is part of a portfolio of financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is evidence of a recent pattern of short-term profit-taking or it is a derivative which is not embedded in a qualifying hedging relationship. Derivatives and instruments held for trading shall be classified as held for trading and are recognized at fair value.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The fair value of these instruments was calculated using the prices prevailing at the end of each year in active markets, if representative. In the absence of an active market, valuation techniques were used that included the use of market operations carried out in conditions of mutual independence, between interested parties and duly informed, whenever available, as well as references to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially similar, or the analysis of discounted cash flows. The estimation of fair values is explained in more detail in the section "critical accounting policies and estimates".


Additionally, financial assets can be valued ("designated") at fair value through profit or loss when, in doing so, the Group eliminates or significantly reduces an inconsistency in measurement or recognition.


iv)Financial liabilities – Debt securities issued


Debt securities issued by Group are measured at amortize cost.


v)Investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures


Subsidiaries are entities over which the Group has control. The Group controls an entity when such entity is exposed, or holds control, to receive variable yields as a result of its interest, and has the capacity to utilize its power to run operating and financial policies of such entity to impact on yields. Subsidiaries are consolidated as from the date on which the control is transferred to the Company, and are excluded from consolidation as from the date such control ceases.


Associates are entities on which the Group has a significant influence, that is, the power to intervene in financial-and-business-related decision making processes of such associate, but without gaining control.


Pursuant to IAS 27 and 28, separate financial statements, investments in subsidiaries and associates may be recorded through the use of “interest method” or “proportional equity value method”.


In virtue of the utilization of Interest Method, investments are initially recognized at cost, and such amount increases or decreases for the recognition of investor´s interest in earnings and losses of the entity after the acquisition/set-up date.


Likewise, net indentifiable assets and contingent liabilities acquired in the initial investment in a subsiadiary and/or associateare initially valuated at fair value as of investment date. When applicable, the value of interest in subsidiaries and associates includes the goodwill recognized on such date. When the interest of the group in losses is equivalent to or exceeds the value of the interest in such entities, the Entity does not recognize additional losses, except upon the existence of legal or assumed obligations related to the provision of funds or payments on behalf of such entities.


The interest in earnings and losses of subsidiaries and associates is recognized in the line “Income from associates and joint ventures” in the separate income statement. The interest of the Entity in other income from subsidiaries and associates is recognized in the line “Interest of associates and joint ventures recorded through the utilization of Interest method of the separate statement of other comprehensive results.


The Group determines the date of each report upon the existence of objective evidence showing that an investment in a subsidiary or associate is not recovereable. If so, the devaluation amount is calculated as the difference between the recovereable value of such investment and its accounting value, while recognizing the resulting amount in “Income from associates and joint ventures” in the separate income statement.


1.8.Intangible Assets


a)            Goodwill:


Goodwill resulting from the acquisition of subsidiaries, affiliates or joint ventures accounts for the excess between:


(i)            the cost of one acquisition, which is valued as the amount of the transferred payment, valued at fair value as of the acquisition date plus the amount of non-controlling interest; and






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


(iii)the fair value of recognizable acquired assets and assumed liabilities of such acquisition.


All goodwill is included in the item intangible assets in the consolidated statement of financial position.


Goodwill is not amortized. The Group evaluates, annually or upon devaluation indicators, the recoverability of goodwill based on future discounted fund flows plus any other information available as of the preparation of consolidated Financial Statements. Earnings and losses from the sale of an entity include the goodwill balance in the sold entity.


Goodwill is assigned to cash-raising units with the purpose of carrying out recoverability tests. Such assignment applies to those cash-raising units (or group of units), identified in accordance with the operating segment criterion and benefiting from the combination of businesses from which goodwill resulted.


Goodwill´s impairment test


Goodwill are assigned to the Group's cash generating units on the basis of the operating segments.


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Supervielle Seguros S.A.   9,721    9,721    9,721 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   11,928    11,928    11,928 
InvertirOnline S.A.U. / InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U.   1,864,559    1,864,559    1,846,041 
Micro Lending S.A.U.   1,453,519    1,453,519    1,453,519 
Futuros del Sur S.A.   5,127    5,127    - 
Easy Cambio S.A.   7,291    -    - 
 TOTAL   3,352,145    3,344,854    3,321,209 


The recoverable amount of a cash generating unit is determined on the basis of use value calculations. These calculations use cash flow projections based on approved financial budgets covering a period of five years.


The main key assumptions are related to marginal contribution margins. These were determined on the basis of past results, other external sources of information and their expectations of market development.


The discount rates used are the respective average cost of capital ("WACC"), which is considered a good indicator of the cost of capital. For each cash generating unit, where the assets are assigned, a specific WACC was determined considering the industry, the country and the size of the business.


The goodwill values recorded as of December 31, 2020 and 2019, have been tested as of the date of the financial statements and no adjustments for impairment have been determined as a result of the analyzes performed.


b)            Trademarks and licenses


Trademarks and licenses acquired separately are initially valued at historical cost, while those acquired through a business combinations are recognized at their estimated fair value at the acquisition date.


As of the closing date of the separate financial statements , intangible assets with a finite useful life are subsequently carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and / impairment losses, if any. These assets are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that it might be impaired.


The trademarks acquired by the Group have been classified as intangible assets with an indefinite useful life. The main factors considered for this classification include the years in which they have been in service and their recognition among industry customers.


Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are those that arise from contracts or other legal rights that can be renewed without a significant cost and for which, based on an analysis of all the relevant factors, there is no foreseeable limit of the period over which the asset is expected to generate net cash flows for the Group. These intangible assets are not amortized, but are subject, annually or whenever there are indications of devaluation, to annual assessment for impairment, either individually or at the level of the cash generating unit. The categorization of the indefinite useful life is reviewed annually to confirm if it is still sustainable.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Impairment losses are recognized when the book value exceeds its recoverable value. The recoverable value of the assets corresponds to the higher of the recoverable value of the asset or its value in use. For purposes of the impairment test, the assets are grouped at the lowest level in which they generate identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). The devaluations of these non-financial assets - other than goodwill - are reviewed at each reporting date to verify possible reversals.


c)            Software


Costs related to software maintenance are recognized as expenses when incurred. Development, acquisition or implementation costs which are directly attributable to identifiable and single software design and tests controlled by the Group are recognized as assets.


Development, acquisition or implementation costs recognized initially as period expenses, are not recognized as intangible asset cost. Costs incurred in the development, acquisition or implementation of software, recognized as intangible assets are amortized through the application of straight-line method during their estimated useful lives, over a term not exceeding five years.


1.9.Property, plant and equipment


Lots and buildings were recorded at their revaluated values based on periodically appraisals; for which purpose independent appraisers were hired, net of the consequent building depreciation. A revaluation reserve is recognized in Other Comprehensive Income.


Any property, plant and equipment are recorded at their net historical cost of accrued depreciations and/or accrued devaluation losses, if any, except for real estate, for which the Group adopted the revaluation method. The cost includes expenses directly attributable to the acquisition or building of these ítems.


Management updates the valuation of the fair value of land, buildings, facilities and machinery (classified as property, plant and equipment), taking into account independent valuations. Management determines the value of a property, plant and equipment within a range of estimates of their fair value and considering the currency in which transactions are carried out in the market. The revaluations are carried out with sufficient regularity, in order to ensure that the book value, at all times, does not differ significantly from the fair value of each asset subject to revaluation.


The subsequent costs are included in the active value or are recognized as a separate asset, as appropriate, if and only if it is probable that they generate future economic benefits for the Entity, and their costs can be fairly measured. The book value of the asset that is being replaced is withdrwan, thus the new asset is amortized by the number of years of useful life left at the moment of the improvement.


The maintenance and reparations expenses are recognized in the consolidated income statement of the fiscal year in which they are incurred.


The depreciation is calculated utilizing the straight-line method, applying annual rates sufficient to extinguish the values of goods at the end of their estimated useful life. In the event that an asset includes significant components with different useful lives, they are recognized and depreciated as separate items.


The following chart presents the useful life for each of the items forming part of the item property, plant and equipment:


Property, plant and equipment  Estimated Useful Life
Buildings  50 Years
Furnitures and Facilities  10 Years
Machines and equipment  5 Years
Vehicles  5 Years
Others  5 Years






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The residual value of the property, plant and equipment, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed and adjusted if necessary, at each fiscal year closing or when there are devaluation signs.


The book value of the property, plant and equipment is immediately reduced at its recoverable amount when the book amount is greater than the estimated recoverable amount.


1.10.Other receivables and debts


Receivables and liabilities have been valued at their nominal value plus financial results accrued as of each financial year closing. Such resulting values do not differ significantly from those recorded by applying existing accounting standards, which establish that they are to be valued at their best possible estimated receivable or payable amount, respectively, discounted by utilizing a certain rate that shows the time value of the money and specific risks involved in the estimated operation at the moment of its inclusion in assets and liabilities respectively.


Banking and financial debts have been valued in accordance with the amount of money received, net of transaction costs, plus accrued financial results based on the return interest rate estimated upon initial recognition.


1.11.Reserved Earnings and dividend distribution


As for income resulting from dividends, there are certain restrictions for Companies where the Group holds interest. Such restrictions are mentioned in Note 1.29 as per Consolidated Financial Statements.


1.12.Recognition of income


Financial income and expenses are recorded for all assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost in accordance with the effective rate method, thus the differentiation from all positive and negative results which are an integral part of the operation effective rate.


Results contained in the effective rate include expenses or income related to the creation or acquisition of a financial asset or liability.


The Group´s income from services are recognized in the income statement in accordance with the performance obligations compliance.


1.13.Capital Stock


The accounts in this item are expressed in currency that has not considered the variation of the price index since February 2003, except for the item "Capital Stock", which has been kept at its nominal value.


Ordinary shares are classified in equity and are recorded at their nominal value.


1.14.Profit and Loss Accounts


The income statements were expressed as mentioned in Note 1.2.4 b).




The portfolio of financial instruments held by the Group is detailed below, as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2020  Fair value - PL   Amortized cost   Fair value - OCI   Total 
- Other debt securities   -    -    751,625    751,625 
- Other financial assets   317,828    -    -    317,828 
Total Assets   317,828    -    751,625    1,069,453 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2019  Fair value - PL   Amortized cost   Fair value - OCI   Total 
- Other financial assets   983,082            983,082 
Total Assets   983,082              983,082 




Fair value is defined as the amount by which an asset may be exchanged or a liability may be settled, in an arm’s length orderly transaction between knowledgeable principal market participants (or more advantageous) at the date of measurement of the current market conditions regardless of whether such price is directly observable or estimated utilizing a valuation technique under the assumption that the Group is a going concern.


When a financial instrument is sold in a liquid and active market, its settled price in the market in a real transaction provides the best evidence of its fair value. When a stipulated price is not settled in the market or when it cannot be an indicator of a fair value of the instrument, in order to determine such fair value, another similar instrument’s fair value may be used, as well as the analysis of discounted flows or other applicable techniques. Such techniques are significantly allocated by the assumptions used.


The Group classifies the fair values of the financial instruments into 3 levels, according to the quality of the data used for their determination.


Fair Value level 1: The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly-traded derivatives, debt securities or available for sale) is based on market quoted prices as of the date of the reporting period. If the quote price is available and there is an active market for the instrument, it will be included in Level 1.


Fair Value level 2: The fair value of financial instruments which are not traded in active markets, such as over-the-counter derivatives, is determined using valuation techniques that maximize the use of observable market data and rely the least possible on the Group’s specific estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value a financial instrument are observable, such instrument is included in level 2.


Fair Value level 3: If one or more significant inputs are not based on observable market data, the instrument is included in level 3.


The portfolio of financial instruments held by the Group is detailed below, at the close of the period ended on December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Portfolio of instruments at  12/30/2020  FV Level 1   FV Level 2   FV Level 3 
- Other financial assets   317,828    -    - 
Total Assets   317,828    -    - 


Portfolio of instruments at  12/31/2019  FV Level 1   FV Level 2   FV Level 3 
- Other financial assets   983,082    -    - 
Total Assets   983,082    -    - 


Fair Value of Other Financial Instruments


The following chart includes a comparison between the fair value and the accounting value of financial instruments not recorded at fair value as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


Other Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2020  Accounting value   Fair value   FV Level 1   FV Level 2   FV Level 3 
Financial Assets                         
-Cash and due from banks   72,164    72,164    72,164    -    - 
Total Assests   72,164    72,164    72,164    -    - 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Other Financial Instruments as of 12/31/2019  Accounting value   Fair value   FV Level 1   FV Level 2   FV Level 3 
Financial Assets                         
-Cash and due from banks   162,686    162,686    162,686    -    - 
Total Assests   162,686    162,686    162,686    -    - 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




                Issuers’ last Financial Statements            
Subsidiary  Class  Market Value/Nominal  Number   Main Activity  Capital Stock   Shareholders’ equity  Book value at 12.31.2020   Book value at  12.31.2019   Book value at  01.01.2019 
Banco Supervielle  S.A.  Ord.  1   805,533,007   Commercial Bank   829,564    28,377,821    27,531,683    24,861,107    27,505,713 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.  Ord.  1   12,847,878   Financial Company   256,957    2,901,916    145,095    176,485    138,207 
Sofital S.A.F.e.I.I.  Ord.  1   20,854,642   Financial operations and administration of securities   21,544    1,300,290    868,195    736,241    854,221 
Tarjeta Automática S.A.  Ord.  1   397,091,618   Promotion, spreading, creation, purchase-sale, professional services and other activities related with the creation and functioning of credit, debit and similar cards for the acquisition of all type of goods, products, services, or other type, processing clients’ accounts, Clearing and/or compensation among clients, and/or adhered entities and/or admitted in the system,   453,819    230,440    201,634    396,102    691,947 
Supervielle Asset Management S.A.  Ord.  1   1,336,915   Mutual Fund Management   1,407    370,447    351,927    241,297    361,775 
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.  Ord.  1.000   1,273   Trading of products and services   1,340    298,468    255,232    292,820    610,927 
Supervielle Seguros S.A.  Ord.  1   1,393,391   Insurance company   14,667    980,111    929,416    1,022,537    1,089,885 
FF Fintech SUPV I  -  -   655,000   Financial Trust   64,874    87,351    87,351    69,598    53,116 
Micro Lending S.A.U.  Ord.  1   362,000,000   Financing investments   362,000    132,224    133,797    124,639    373,738 
Invertir Online  InvertirOnline S.A.U  Ord.  100   2,400   Settlement and Clearing Agent   240    388,359                
   InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U  Ord.  0,01   80,451,077   Representations   804    19,063    406,883    313,595    338.470 
Supervielle Productores Asesores  de Seguros S.A.  Ord.  1   30,095,000   Insurance Broker   31,555    13,611    12,963    129    - 
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U  Ord.  1   48,100,000   Computer Services   68,100    58,001    57,908    41    - 
Futuros del Sur S.A.  Ord.  1,000   55   Settlement and Clearing Agent   55,027    153,530    153,504    4,714    - 
Easy Cambio S.A.  Ord.  3,000   1,500   Services and exchange agency   4,500    8,311    8,311    -    - 
Total investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures             31,143,899    28,239,305    32,017,999 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




   12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
5.1 Cash and due from banks   4    3    6 
Cash   72,160    162,683    6,594 
Financial institutions and correspondents   72,164    162,686    6,600 
5.2 Other financial assets               
Mutual funds investments   316,440    414,984    380,721 
Other investments   -    566,955    1,627,208 
Miscellaneous Debtors   1,388    1,143    14,551 
    317,828    983,082    2,022,480 
5.3 Other debt securities               
Public securities   751,625    -    235,639 
    751,625    -    235,639 
5.4 Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures               
Banco Supervielle  S.A.   27,531,683    24,861,107    27,505,713 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   145,095    176,485    138,207 
Sofital S.A.F. e I.I.   868,195    736,241    854,221 
Tarjeta Automática S.A.   201,634    396,102    691,947 
Supervielle Asset Management S.A.   351,927    241,297    361,775 
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.   255,232    292,820    610,927 
Supervielle Seguros S.A.   929,416    1,022,537    1,089,885 
FF Fintech SUPV I   87,351    69,598    53,116 
Micro Lending S.A.U   133,797    124,639    373,738 
Invertir Online S.A.U e invertir Online.com Argentina   406,883    313,595    338,470 
Supervielle Broker de Seguros S.A.   12,963    129    - 
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.   57,908    41    - 
Futuros del Sur S.A.   153,504    4,714    - 
Easy Cambio S.A.   8,311    -    - 
    31,143,899    28,239,305    32,017,999 
5.5 Property, plant and equipment               
Vehicles   2,335    3,262    3,816 
    2,335    3,262    3,816 
5.6 Intangible Assets               
Goodwill – Businness combination   3,352,145    3,344,853    3,321,209 
Relations with clients   586,204    630,170    674,135 
Brand   199,999    199,999    199,999 
Proprietary Software & Technology   22,989    40,230    57,471 
    4,161,337    4,215,252    4,252,814 
5.7 Other non-financial assets               
Overdrafts  to employees   2,310    2,937    6,497 
Payments made in advance   -    -    2,203 
Retirement  insurance   137,183    199,984    258,416 
Other non-financial assets   -    -    1,879 
    139,493    202,921    268,995 
5.8 Other non-financial liabilities               
Compensation and social charges payable   16,532    31,083    29,640 
Miscellaneous creditors   260,039    255,045    677,629 
Provision for long-term incentive   70,682    68,495    70,049 
Provision Board fees   -    4,029    - 
    347,253    358,652    777,318 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
5.9 Interest income          
Earned interests   2,886    25 
Profit by government securities measure at amortized cost   32,719    129,124 
    35,605    129,149 
5.10 Interest expenses          
Expenses from NO issuance   -    2 
Lost interest from NO issuance   -    38 
Profit by government securities measure at amortized cost   -    2,027 
    -    2,067 
5.11 Net from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss          
Interests from Time Deposits   48,120    132,987 
Income from Holding – MF   95,843    139,405 
Income from Holding –Government Securities   67,991    113,446 
    211,954    385,838 
5.12 Other operating income          
Subsidiaries’ advisory fees   194,201    142,783 
Third parties’ advisory fees   -    1,677 
Royalties   1,254    1,137 
Other income   1,508    3,330 
Revaluation of retirement insurance contributions   33,309    78,644 
Income from sale of shares   -    166 
    230,272    227,737 
5.13 Personnel expenses          
Personnel expenses   118,094    211,120 
    118,094    211,120 
5.14 Administration expenses          
Bank expenses   650    2,109 
Professional fees   49,667    69,341 
Fees to directors and syndics   197,006    93,635 
Taxes, rates and contributions   14,113    21,659 
Insurance   533    2,275 
Expenses and office services   7,585    7,911 
Other expenses   40,252    29,980 
    309,806    226,910 
5.15 Other operating expenses          
Turnover tax from Service Activities   10,166    7,298 
Turnover tax from Financial Activities   7,535    11,899 
Prescription of tax credits   -    269 
Personal property tax shares and equity   5,948    - 
Lost interests   5    10,210 
    23,654    29,676 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
5.16  Results from associates and joint ventures          
Results  from equity investment in Banco Supervielle S.A   2,133,763    (3,837,741)
Results  from equity investment in Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   (31,389)   (85,349)
Results  from equity investment in  Tarjeta Automática  S.A.   (194,467)   (295,844)
Results  from equity investment in  Supervielle Asset  Management S.A.   293,850    180,149 
Results  from equity investment in Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.   (37,588)   (31,167)
Results  from equity investment in  Supervielle Seguros S.A.   480,711    245,600 
Results  from equity investment in  Sofital S.A.F. e I.I.   168,310    34,106 
Results  from equity investment in Micro Lending S.A.U.   9,158    (249,099)
Results  from equity investment in InvertirOnline S.A. e  InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.   109,430    63,911 
Results  from equity investment in FF Fintech S.A.   3,655    1,645 
Results  from equity investment in Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A.   (25,054)   (57)
Results  from equity investment in Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.   (23,664)   (37)
Results  from equity investment in Futuros del Sur S.A.   85,643    (54)
Results  from equity investment in Easy Cambio S.A.   624    - 
    2,972,982    (3,973,937)




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, the Group does not hold restricted assets.




As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, corporations where Grupo Supervielle S.A. holds direct or indirect shares, and with which it consolidates its Financial Statements are the following:


Company   Condition   Legal Adress   Principal
  Percentage of direct
    Percentage of direct
and indirect
  12/31/2020     12/31/2019     12/31/2020     12/31/2019  
Banco Supervielle S.A.   Controlled   Bartolomé Mitre
434. C.A.B.A..
    97.10 %     97.10 %     99.90 %     99.90 %(1)
Cordial Compañía
Financiera S.A.
  Controlled   Reconquista 320.
  Financial Company     5.00 %     5.00 %     99.90 %     99.90 %
Tarjeta Automática  S.A.   Controlled   Bartolomé Mitre
434. C.A.B.A..
  Credit Card     87.50 %     87.50 %     99.99 %     99.99 %
Supervielle Asset
Management S.A.
  Controlled   Bartolomé Mitre
434. C.A.B.A..
  Mutual Fund     95.00 %     95.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Sofital S.A.F. e I.I.   Controlled   Bartolomé Mitre
434. C.A.B.A..
  Real State     96.80 %     96.80 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Espacio Cordial de
Servicios S.A.
  Controlled   San Martín
719/731. 1° Piso.
Ciudad de
  Retail Services     95.00 %     95.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Supervielle Seguros S.A.   Controlled   Reconquista 320.
1° Piso. C.A.B.A..
  Insurance     95.00 %     95.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Micro Lending S.A.U.   Controlled   Bartolomé Mitre
434. C.A.B.A..
    100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Company   Condition   Legal Adress   Principal
  Percentage of direct
    Percentage of direct
and indirect
  12/31/2020     12/31/2019     12/31/2020     12/31/2019  
InvertirOnline S.A.U.   Controlled   San Martin 323.
11° Piso.
  Settlement and
Clearing Agent
    100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Argentina S.A.U.
  Controlled   San Martin 323.
11° Piso.
  Representations     100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Supervielle Productores
Asesores de Seguros S.A.
  Controlled   Reconquista 320. 1° Piso. C.A.B.A.. Argentina   Insurance Broker     95.20 %     95.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.   Controlled   Bartolomé Mitre
434. C.A.B.A..
    100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Futuros del Sur S.A.   Controlled   03 de Febrero
515, Rosario,
Santa Fe
  Settlement and
Clearing Agent
    100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %     100.00 %
Easy Cambio S.A.   Controlled   Av. Colón 2535,
Mar del Plata,
Buenos Aires
  Services and
exchange agency
    100.00 %     -       100.00 %     -  


(1)Grupo Supervielle S.A.’s direct and indirect interest in Banco Supervielle votes amounts to 99.87% as of 12/31/20 and 12/31/19.


On February 12, 2019, Banco Supervielle S.A. made an irrevocable contribution of capital to Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A. for 950,000, while Grupo Supervielle S.A. committed a capital contribution in cash and / or in kind for the sum of 50,000. On February 27, 2019, the assembly of Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A. resolved to capitalize said contributions, subject to the authorization of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic in the terms of Communication "A" 6304, by virtue of the contribution in kind made by Grupo Supervielle.


On June 12, 2019, Grupo Supervielle S.A. made an irrevocable contribution of capital to Banco Supervielle S.A. for 475,000. On July 10, 2019, the assembly of Banco Supervielle S.A. resolved to capitalize contributions received increasing the capital stock in the amount of 21,345,787, through the issuance of up to 21,345,787 new Class B shares. The period of preferential subscription and accretion in accordance with article 194 of the Law 19,550, the capital increase amounted to $ 20,711,607, corresponding to issue 20,711,607 Class B shares (with an issue premium of $ 21,9340 per share), in favor of Grupo Supervielle SA as a contributing shareholder. This capital increase is being processed by the corresponding regulators.


On June 14, 2019, Grupo Supervielle S,A, and Banco Supervielle S,A, made an irrevocable contribution of capital to Cordial Compañia Financiera S,A, for 25,000 and 475,000 respectively, On July 10, 2019 the assembly of Cordial Compañía Financiera S,A, resolved to capitalize said contributions increasing the capital stock in the amount of 28,415,064 by issuing 28,415,064 new shares (with a paid in capital from 16,5963 per share). This capital increase is being processed by the corresponding regulators.


On July 24, 2019 “Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.” was created, which will have the purpose of carrying out the design, programming and development of software, mobile phone applications, web pages and / or any other digital means for the marketing of products and services related to management and processing of payments made by and in favor of third parties. Grupo Supervielle S.A. owns 100% of the Share Capital.


On December 18, 2019 Grupo Supervielle S.A. has acquired Futuros del Sur S.A.


On March 13, 2020, Grupo Supervielle S.A. and Sofital, integrated capital contributions to Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A. for $ 30,000,000 and $ 1,498,800, respectively, as approved by the Extraordinary Meeting on March 12, 2020, increasing the share capital in the amount of $ 31,498,800, by issuing 31,498,000 new ordinary shares. Said capital increase is in the process of authorization by the corresponding regulators.


On March 13, 2020, Grupo Supervielle S.A. integrated a capital contribution to Futuros del Sur S.A. for $ 50,000,000 conformed as approved by the Extraordinary Assembly on March 12, 2020, increasing the share capital in the amount of $ 50,000,000, by issuing 50,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of $ 1,000 each. Said capital increase is in the process of authorization by the corresponding regulators.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


On March 13, 2020, Grupo Supervielle S.A. added a capital contribution to Bolsillo Digital S.A.U. for $ 48,000,000 as approved by the Extraordinary Meeting on March 12, 2020, increasing the share capital in the amount of 48,000,000, by issuing 48,000,000 ordinary shares. Said capital increase is in the process of authorization by the corresponding regulators.


As resolved by the Board of Directors on September 24, 2020, Grupo Supervielle S.A. made a capital contribution to Bolsillo Digital S.A.U. of $ 12,500,000 on October 5, 2020, which was capitalized on the same date, increasing the capital stock in the amount of $ 12,500,000 to $ 60,600,000, through the issuance of 12,500,000 non-endorsable registered common shares of par value of $ 1 each and entitled to 1 vote per share.


On October 16, 2020 Grupo Supervielle S.A. acquired 100% of the capital stock of Easy Cambio S.A., represented by 1,500 ordinary, nominative, non-endorsable shares, with a par value of $ 3,000 each and entitled to 1 vote per share.


As resolved by the Board of Directors on October 13, 2020, Grupo Supervielle S.A. made an irrevocable contribution to Play Digital S.A. of $ 34,571,700 on October 20, 2020 to subscribe 32,514,069 ordinary, book-entry shares, with a nominal value of $ 1 each and with the right to 1 vote per share. In addition, As resolved by the Board of Directors on December 2, 2020, Grupo Supervielle S.A. subscribed, on December 18, 2020, 9,233,052 ordinary, book-entry shares, with a par value of $ 1 each and with the right to one vote per share of Play Digital S.A. at a total price of $ 10,471,188. As of December 31, 2020, the participation of Grupo Supervielle S.A. in Play Digital it amounts to 3.0719% of the share capital and votes.


The following describes Controlled Companies’ shareholders’ equity and results:


As of December 31, 2020 – In thousands of pesos  
Company  Assets   Liabilities   Shareholders’
   Net income 
Banco Supervielle S.A. (1)   241,452,147    212,929,230    28,377,821    2,211,348 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   10,736,343    7,834,427    2,901,916    (628,426)
Tarjeta Automática S.A.   378,745    148,305    230,440    (232,046)
Supervielle Asset Management S.A.   556,205    185,758    370,447    312,201 
Sofital S.A. F. e I.I.   1,304,881    4,591    1,300,290    147,207 
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.   551,961    253,493    298,468    (44,281)
Micro Lending S.A.U.   242,883    110,659    132,224    (5)
InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U.   41,028    21,965    19,063    1,990 
InvertirOnline S.A.U.   6,166,128    5,777,769    388,359    80,314 
Supervielle Seguros S.A. (2)   1,887,592    907,481    980,111    190,231 
Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A.   37,706    24,095    13,611    (26,305)
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.   85,553    27,552    58,001    (23,571)
Futuros del Sur S.A.   201,011    47,481    153,530    85,669 
Easy Cambio S.A.   14,023    5,712    8,311    (786)


(1)The net equity and the net result attributable to the owners of the parent company are reported.

(2)The result is reported for six months.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


As of December 31, 2019 – In thousands of pesos
Company  Assets   Liabilities   Shareholders’
   Net income 
Banco Supervielle S.A. (1)   194,668,114    168,862,482    25,629,109    (3,559,623)
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   11,216,444    7,686,102    3,530,342    (2,005,940)
Tarjeta Automática S.A.   596,329    133,843    462,486    (375,885)
Supervielle Asset Management S.A.   362,756    108,759    253,997    190,840 
Sofital S.A. F. e I.I.   1,247,750    71,563    1,176,187    (148,531)
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.   566,352    223,604    342,748    4,236 
Micro Lending S.A.U.   305,004    172,775    132,229    (352,380)
InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U.   30,349    13,276    17,073    (2,437)
InvertirOnline S.A.U.   3,546,570    3,222,384    324,186    49,954 
Supervielle Seguros S.A. (2)   2,116,380    1,048,186    1,068,194    364,196 
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U.   53    12    41    (126)
Futuros del Sur S.A.   4,927    213    4,714    (701)

(1)Corresponds to the Shareholders´Equity and Net Income attributable to parent company.

(2)The result is reported for six months.


As of December 31, 2020 and 2019 and January 1,2019 balances with Grupo Supervielle S.A‘s controlled are as follows:


Assets  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and due from banks               
Banco Supervielle S.A.   1,427    1,889    1,417 
InvertirOnline S.A.U. Cta. Cte.   68,683    156,437    746 
    70,110    158,326    2,163 
Other debt securities               
Time deposits - Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   -    566,955    - 
    -    566,955    - 
Other financial assets               
Banco Supervielle S.A.   -    -    736,867 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   1,224    1,110    904,666 
Tarjeta Automática S.A.   36    33    40 
Espacio Cordial De Servicios S.A.   127    -    186 
    1,387    1,143    1,641,759 
Other non financial liabilities               
Pending contributions – Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A.   -    97    - 
Provisions - Banco Supervielle S.A.   77    93    356 
    77    190    356 


As of December 30, 2020 and 2019, results with Grupo Supervielle S.A‘s controlled are as follows:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Interest income          
Interests from current accounts – Banco Supervielle S.A.   (19)   25 
Interest on paid accounts – CCF   (2,143)   - 
Interest on paid account– IOL   (724)   - 
    (2,886)   25 






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Interest expense          
Interests from current accounts – Banco Supervielle S.A.   -    2 
    -    2 
Other operating income          
Banco Supervielle S.A.   178,268    127,585 
Sofital S.A.F. e I.I.   148    141 
Supervielle Asset Management S.A.   1,439    1,373 
Tarjeta Automática S.A.   423    404 
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   14,266    13,592 
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.   911    826 
    195,455    143,921 
Administrative expenses          
Bank expenses – Banco Supervielle S.A.   362    1,895 
Rent – Banco Supervielle S.A.   6,009    6,565 
Legal and accounting consultancy services   844    802 
Fees for market operations - InvertirOnline S.A.U.   2318    911 
    9,533    10,173 
Net income from financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss          
Interest from time deposits– Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.   48,120    127,082 
Interest from time deposits – Banco Supervielle S.A.   -    5,904 
    48,120    132,986 




Law 27,451 has been recently enacted, which mainly establishes the following accounting impacts:


Article 27 of the Law stipulates that the inflation adjustment, positive or negative, corresponding to the first and second fiscal year beginning on January 1, 2019, should allocate a sixth (1/6) in that fiscal period and the remaining five sixth (5/6), in equal parts, in the next five (5) immediate fiscal periods.


In turn, it is clarified that said provision does not preclude the allocation of the remaining thirds corresponding to previous periods, calculated in accordance with the previous version of article 194 of the Income Tax Law.


Article 48 of the Law 27,541 establishes that until the fiscal years beginning as of January 1, 2021 inclusive, the tax rate will be thirty percent (30%) -Dividends or distributed profits will be 7%.


The following table reconciles the statutory income tax rate in Argentina to the Group´s effective tax rate as of December 31, 2020 and 2019:


   12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Comprehensive Income of the financial year Income Tax   2,907,062    (3,442,686)
Tax Rate in Force   30%   30%
Result of financial year before Income Tax at the tax rate   872,118    (1,032,806)
Permanent differences (at tax rate):          
Result of equity investments   (891,894)   1,192,181 
Untaxed results   16,250    (36,188)
Tax Inflation adjustment   32,461    427,601 
Deferred tax rate difference   (570,021)   - 
Affidavit adjustment 2019   36,037    - 
Income Tax/(Breakdown) of the fiscal year   (505,049)   550,788 


Additionally, minimum presumed income tax is determined by applying the 1% tax over computable assets as of financial year closing. This tax complements income tax.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The Group’s tax obligation in the financial year will coincide with the highest amount of both taxes. However, if, in a financial year, the minimum presumed income tax exceeds income tax, such excess may be recorded as a down-payment of any income tax excess over the minimum presumed income tax that might be produced in any of the following ten financial years.


The evolution of liabilities balance from deferred tax is expressed as follows:


Item  Deferred income tax
   Deferred income
tax liabilities
Balance at the beginning of financial year   89,694    (22,333)
Changes of the fiscal year   (2,898)   (17,555)
Balance as of year closing   86,796    (39,888)




The composition of loans and debts in accordance with collection or payment estimated terms and interest rate accrued as of December 31, 2020 is as follows:


income tax
   Other non-
income tax
   Other non-
To mature:                         
1st. Quarter   317,828    30,244    36,605    -    276,570 
2nd. Quarter   -    -    34,296    -    - 
3rd. Quarter   -    -    34,296    -    - 
4th. Quarter   -    -    34,296    -    - 
Over a year   -    -    -    46,908    70,683 
Subtotal to mature:   317,828    30,244    139,493    46,908    347,253 
Matured term   -    -    -    -    - 
Total   317,828    30,244    139,493    46,908    347,253 
At fixed rate   -    -    -    -    - 
At floating rate   316,441    -    -    -    - 
Not accrue interest   1,387    30,244    139,493    46,908    347,253 
Total   317,828    30,244    139,493    46,908    347,253 




As of December 31, 2020, and 2019 the corporate capital stock is the following:


Capital Stock  Nominal
Capital stock as of 12/31/2020   456,722 
Capital stock as of 12/31/2019   456,722 


Pursuant to the Corporate By-law, any share transfer or event enabling any changes in its condition or alterations in its stock holding structure shall be informed to the Argentine Central Bank.




The financial risk factors policy has been developed by the Management of Banco Supervielle S.A., the Group's main investment.


Integral Risk Management is a key discipline for financial institutions. Grupo Supervielle intends to create, through its subsidiaries, a solid and efficient organization in risk management, the framework for an optimal use of its capital and to identify business opportunities in the markets and geographic regions in which it operates, seeking the best balance risk-reward. for its shareholders. The risk management framework is communicated to the entire organization and strives to achieve a balance between a solid culture of risk and being an innovative company, focused on its customers and recognized for its agile, simple and friendly operation style.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The Board of Directors considers that its criteria and guidelines regarding risk management are a key part of its Corporate Governance. The risks to which the Company is exposed are inherent to the financial industry, such as credit, the market, the interest rate, liquidity, operational risk, reputation and strategic risk. In addition, the Company is exposed to the risk of securitization, given the leadership role it has over this issue.


Financial risk factors


Credit risk


The Integral Risk Committee passes credit risk strategies and policies submitted in accordance with recommendations provided by the Integral Risk Corporate Department, the Credit Corporate Department and commercial sectors and in compliance with regulations set by the Argentine Central Bank. The credit strategy and policy is aimed at the development of commercial opportunities within the framework and conditions of the Group´s business plan, while keeping suitable caution levels in face of the risk.


Policies and procedures enable the definition of accurate aspects aimed at the deployment of the Bank´s Strategy related to the administration of credit risk; among them, the Group´s criteria to grant loans, credit benefits and powers, types of products and the way in which the structure is organized, among other aspects. Likewise, the Group relies on an integral risk policy where aspects related to general key risk governance as well as specific manuals and procedures that include, among others, all relevant regulations issued by the Argentine Central Bank.


The entity´s credit risk administration policy is open to corporate and individual markets. To such ends, a customer segmentation has been defined for corporate banking, retail banking and finance..


The Group is focused on supporting companies that belong to potential sectors, and, rely on a successful background in their activities. Within the credit products range offered to the Corporate segment, the Group aims at developing and keeping its leading position in the factoring and leasing market in addition to playing a reference role in international trade.


As for corporate banking, we seek to have a solid proposal for the Megras market by building close ties with clients through attention centers, agreements with clients along with their value chain and the delivery of effective responses through existing credit processes.


With regard to Personal and Businesses, in addition to the loose flat segments and beneficiaries of pension assets (retirees), special focus is placed on Entrepreneurs and SMEs, SMEs as well as the Bank's Identity segment.


In the case of CCF, the focus is consumer finance, fundamentally in granting personal loans, credit cards and car loans.


In turn, the Finance area is focused on trust businesses, asset allocation in the capital market through financial trusts and bonds, its own portfolio or third parties´, and the trading desk. Some of the existing products are: interbanking call, Repo transactions, call corporate, Government Securities and currency policy instruments of the Central Bank, Consumption portfolio purchase, third parties´ financial trusts, swap negotiation (futures, swaps, etc.), among others.


The Group is willing to carry out a strategy that enable it to address its contractual commitments, both under normal market conditions and negative situations. Therefore, the Entity relies on scoring and rating models with the purpose of estimating probability of default (PD) of the different client portfolios. As for risk appetite framework, the Group relies on cut-offs for each segment that express the maximum risk to be assumed in terms of probability of default.


In addition to PD parameters, the Group relies on estimates of exposure at default (EAD) and loss given default (LGD) parameters with the purpose of estimating Group’s allowance for loan losses and the necessary economic capital to face unexpected losses that may arise due to credit risk.


The Group is aimed at keeping a diversified and atomized portfolio, in order to minimize risk concentration. To such ends, loan originationand client portfolio profiles are adjusted to each different circumstance. To this end, the entity has an indicators dashboard linked to the appetite for credit and concentration risk. The evolution of the NPL, Coverage and Cost of Risk indicators is monitored in relation to target limits established according to risk appetite and the strategy determined in the entity's business plan. Likewise, there is a portfolio limits scheme that measures balance concentration by debtor or economic group, the concentration of the main debtors, concentration by value chain, economic activities, portfolio by risk level based on the facility risk rating and the exposure in foreign currency both at a total level and by product type.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


Credit Risk Measurement Models


The Entity relies on models aimed at estimating the distribution of potential credit losses in its credit portfolio, which depend on defaults by the counterparties (PD – Probability of Default), as well as the assumed exposure to such defaults (EAD –Exposure At Default) and the recoveries of each defaulted loan (LGD – Loss Given Default).


Based on the aforementioned, the Group has developed a Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) model.


Regarding CCF, it also has estimates of the aforementioned parameters related to credit risk and a monitoring model of the RAROC Measurement metric.


The Group has deepened its work on the expected loss methodologies under IFRS 9, focusing on methodological improvements in the estimation of parameters (PD, EAD and LGD), aligning the definition of the parameters to the credit process. The forward looking model has been redesigned including more variables and openings. Likewise, effects resulting from the pandemic have been evaluated and incorporated into the expected loss calculation.


Allowances for loan losses calculation


Based on the results of the PD (probability of default), EAD (exposure at the time of default) and LGD (loss in the event of default) estimates, the associated statistical forecast is calculated.


The exercises for estimating statistical forecasts are studies that aim to analyze the Entity's own portfolio information in order to estimate, in global terms, the average value of the loss distribution function for an annual time horizon in healthy operations, and for the entire life of the credits in those operations that are considered impaired (provisions for expected loss).


Economic Capital Calculation


The economic capital for credit risk is the difference between the portfolio’s value at risk (according to the confidence level for individuals of 99.9% and for companies of 99%) and the expected credit losses.


The Group relies on economic capital models for credit risk (one for individuals and another for companies). Such quantitative models include the exacerbation of capital by concentration risk and Securitization Risk. In the economic capital calculation models a one year holding period is used, except from factoring exposures where a six month holding period is used.


Counterparty Risk Management


The Entity has a counterparty risk map where it is defined by each counterparty based on the Entity's risk appetite: credit exposure and settlement limits (Settlement), settlement risk (Settlement) in exchanges, securities, repo transactions between other aspects that the Entity approves in the Credit Committee and defining a framework of action for finances.


Regarding the economic capital for the counterparty’s risk, it is included in the Economic Capital Quantitative Model for Credit Risk.


Written off loans


Those credits classified as irrecoverable are eliminated from assets, recognizing them in off-balance-sheet accounts. Their balance as of December 31, 2020 and 2019 amounts to 7,198,080 and 5,240,360 respectively.


Market risk


Group defines Market Risk as the risk resulting from deviations in the trading portfolio value as a result of market fluctuations during the period required for the settlement of portfolio positions.


The Risk Department’s measurement, control and follow-up perimeter covers those operations where certain loss risk in the Group ´s shareholders equity value is assumed, as a result of changes in market factors. Such risk results from the variation in risk factors under evaluation (interest rate, exchange rate, market price of equity instruments and options), as well as liquidity risk in the different products and markets where the Group operates.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


According to its business strategy, Banco Supervielle is the component of the Group with the greatest exposure to this risk. On the other hand, Cordial Compañía Financiera has a minimum exposure to market risk and associated with liquidity management purposes. That is why market risk controls present a greater level of detail and emphasis on Banco Supervielle's trading portfolio.


With the purpose of measuring the risk of positions homogeneously and therefore, setting a limit and threshold structure to support management and control schemes, Banco Supervielle uses the VaR model (Value at Risk), which defines the maximum expected loss to be recorded in a financial asset portfolio in normal market conditions, within a certain period of time and at a pre-established confidence level. Indicators obtained from this enable the Group to identify a potential market risk and take preventive measures.


Market risk management is focused on the trading portfolio managed by the Trading desk, although there is also a broader control including managed positions with liquidity management objectives. For this reason, in terms of the broader trading portfolio, the controls are limited to the exposure to the assumed risk, measured using the VaR methodology, in relation to the regulatory capital (RC). In addition, a control is carried out on the VaR by group of assets, thus limiting the risk that the Entity can assume in each group of assets considered in isolation. The objective is to incorporate an element of alert to credit events or break in the correlations between groups of assets, events that may escape the consideration of a diversified VaR.


The controls over the Trading desk are more exhaustive. Approved strategies and policies are reflected in what is known internally as a unified Risk Map document, where detailed operations enabled by the Trading desk can be explained in detail. In the same document the entire framework of controls that translate the risk appetite with which the Entity is willing to operate is exposed. In this way, limitations are established on the open position in certain financial instruments, VaR limit on the diversified portfolio, maximum allowable loss amount before executing the stop loss policy and conditions that could lead to the execution of a stop strategy gain. The entire control scheme is complemented by action plans that must be implemented once a violation occurs within the limits established therein.


The exposure to the Group's exchange rate risk at the end of the year by currency type is detailed below:


   Balances as of 12/31/2020   Balances as of 12/31/2019 
Currency  Monetary
   Derivatives   Net
   Derivatives   Net
US Dollar   41,990,008    35,304,336    529    6,686,201    50,991,646    50,143,529    -    848,117 
Euro   973,974    785,018    -    188,956    807,436    783,009    -    24,427 
Others   293,119    6,208    -    286,911    199,363    5,028    -    194,335 
Total   43,257,101    36,095,562    529    7,162,068    51,998,445    50,931,566    -    1,066,879 


Financial assets and liabilities are presented net of derivatives, which are disclosed separately. Derivative balances are shown at their Fair Value at the closing price of the respective currency.


The table above includes only Monetary Assets and Liabilities, since investments in equity instruments and non-monetary instruments does not generate foreign exchange risk exposure.


A sensitivity analysis was performed considering reasonably possible changes in foreign exchange rates in relation to the Group's functional currency. The percentage of variation used in this analysis is the same the Group used in its Business Plan and Projections.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements 

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


       12/31/2020       12/31/2019 
Currency  Variation   P/L   Equity   Variation   Resultado   P/L 
US Dollar   40.2%   2,687,853    2,687,853    31.9%   270,549    270,549 
    -40.2%   (2,687,853)   (2,687,853)   -31.9%   (270,549)   (270,549)
Euro   40.2%   75,960    75,960    31.9%   7,793    7,793 
    -40.2%   (75,960)   (75,960)   -31.9%   (7,793)   (7,793)
Other   40.2%   115,338    115,338    31.9%   61,993    61,993 
    -40.2%   (115,338)   (115,338)   -31.9%   (61,993)   (61,993)
Total   40.2%   2,879,151    2,879,151    31.9%   340,335    340,335 
    -40.2%   (2,879,151)   (2,879,151)   -31.9%   (340,335)   (340,335)


Sensitivity Analysis


It is important to note that within the daily report provided to the trading desk for the monitoring of the exposure to assumed risk, the Financial Risk Management makes a comparison between the profitability obtained and the implicit risk for each asset. When using a diversified VaR methodology, it is important to provide information related to the contribution that each asset in the portfolio makes to the aggregate VaR measurement, and fundamentally if this asset generates risk diversification or not. That is why, within the variables included in the daily report, the VaR component of each asset is included, thus allowing a sensitivity analysis on the impact of each asset on the total risk.


With the aim of improving the assumed risk analysis through the use of alternative measurement metrics, the Group recognizes the change in market conditions on exposure to risk through an adjustment to the volatilities used in the VaR calculation. According to the methodology used, the returns of assets registered in more recent dates have a greater incidence in the calculation of volatilities. In parallel, the Entity performs a measurement and monitoring of the assumed risk through the application of an expected shortfall methodology, analyzing the universe of unexpected losses located in the distribution queue beyond the critical point indicated by VaR.


Economic capital calculation


Banco Supervielle adopts the diversified Parametric VaR methodology for calculating economic capital by market risk, both at a consolidated and individual level. It should be noted that in the case of Cordial Compañía Financiera, in accordance with the provisions of point of the T.O. of the Guidelines for Risk Management in Financial Institutions, its Board of Directors has chosen to quantify its economic capital needs by applying the simplified methodology described in point 1.3.3. of the aforementioned ordered text.


Interest Rate Risk


Interest Rate Risk is defined as the risk that stems from the likelihood of changes in the Group’s financial condition as a result of market interest rate fluctuations, having effect on the entity’s financial incomes as well as their economic value. The following are such risk factors:


üDifferent maturity terms and interest rate re-adjustment dates for assets, liabilities and holdings out of balance sheet.

üLocal rate, foreign rate and CER in virtue of their forecast, evolution and volatility

üThe basis risk that results from the unsuitable correlation in the adjustment of assets and liabilities rates for instruments that contain similar revaluation features;

üImplicit options in certain assets, liabilities and items out of the Entity’s financial statement scope


Group implements the interest rate risk administration model, also known as financial statement structural risk, by including the analysis of interest rates gaps. Such analysis enables the basic explanation of the financial statement structure as well as the detection of interest risk concentration along the different terms. Special attention is given to the gap accrued over the first ninety days, since it is the holding period utilized at the moment of evaluating the exposure to interest rate risk in each entity and given its importance when evaluating actions that may modify the balance sheet structural positioning.


The administration of the balance sheet interest rate is aimed at keeping the Group´s exposure within those levels of risk appetite profile validated by the Board upon changes in the market interest rates.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements 

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


To such ends, the interest rate risk administration relies on the monitoring of two metrics: 


üMVE – VaR Approach: measures the difference between the economic values estimated given the market curve and said value estimated given the interest rate curve resulting from the simulation of different stress scenarios. The entity utilizes this approach to calculate the economic capital for this risk.

üNIM – EaR Approach: measures changes in expected accruals over a certain period of time (12 months) upon an interest rate curve shift resulting from a different stress situation simulation practices.


Communication “A” 6397, issued by the Argentine Central Bank, disclosed the guidelines to be applied for interest risk management in the investment portfolio. Such regulation makes a difference between the impact of changes on interest rate levels over the underlying value of assets, liabilities and items out of balance sheet of the entity (economic value or MVE) and variations such as changes in rates that may affect income or expenses; thus, affecting the net income from interest (NII). This criterion had already been adopted by Banco Supervielle at an individual and consolidated level; therefore, said new regulation meant a re-adaptation of the administration model to the suggested measurement model while keeping certain criteria and adding others


In terms of regulations, both Banco Supervielle and Cordial Compañía Financiera must utilize the Standardized Framework specified in paragraph 5.4 of Communication “A” 6397 for the measurement of the impact on the economic value of entities (∆EVE) of six disturbance scenarios. Such scenarios include parallel up or down movements in market rate curves, flattening or steeping of such curves´ slope, as well as increases or decreases in short term rates. One average market rate curve is considered for every significant currency in the financial statement of each entity. As it belongs to Group “A” of financial entities, pursuant to the classification provided in paragraph 4.1 of provisions “Authorities of Financial Entities”, Banco Supervielle, at a consolidated and individual level, must utilize an internal measurement system (IMS) for the measurement based on Income (∆NIM). The aforementioned requirement does not apply for Cordial Compañía Financiera as it has been classified within Grupo “B”. It is worth to be mentioned that Banco Supervielle is not compelled to rely on an internal measurement system of its own for the measurement based on the economic value (∆EVE) because, temporarily, it is not classified by the Argentine Central Bank as Local Systemic Importance (LSI).


It is important to point out that, beyond any provision, both Banco Supervielle and Cordial Compañía Financiera have been working on internal measurement systems (IMS) for the measurement of the impact of rate changes, both over the economic value (∆EVE) and income (∆NIM). The development of these systems included the inclusion of assumptions for the determination of maturity flow of different lines of assets and liabilities without specified maturity or with behavior implicit or explicit options.


During 2020 an important methodological change was implemented, since the Entity decided to align itself with the provisions of the Standardized Framework in relation to assets and liabilities with Units of Purchasing Power (UVA) adjustment and stopped considering them as susceptible to interest rate risk in the risk calculation with its internal measurement systems (SIM).


Following good practices in risk management and in order to ensure the goodness of fit of the internal models used, a backtesting methodology was developed applicable to the results obtained with the interest rate risk measurement tool (approach MVE-VaR). Specifically, an evaluation of the discount rates projected in the critical scenario is carried out.


Improvements were made to the dynamic rate GAP measurement tool, allowing various sensitivity exercises to be carried out in a year characterized by a changing context and numerous regulations that altered financial margins.


Economic Capital Calculation


The first step in the calculation of the economic capital of Banco Supervielle is given by the calculation of its exposure to interest rate risk based on the MVE-EaR (economic value) of its internal measurement system (IMS), utilizing a three-month holding period (90 days) and a 99% reliability level. This quantitative model includes the capital exacerbation by securitization risk. The produced outcome is compared with the worst result of changes assumed in the sis scenarios proposed by the Standardized Framework, being the resulting economic capital the worst of both measurements (IMS and Standardized Framework).


As for Cordial Compañía Financiera, as abovementioned, the Board of the Entity decided to quantify its economic capital need through the application of a simplified methodology. As for interest rate risk, the Entity carries out measurements of the impact of changes in market rates over the economic value through the application of the Standardized Framework. If the worst (∆EVE) of the six scenarios proposed by the regulation exceeds the 15% of the Entity´s basic net equity (level one capital), the addition of economic capitals calculated in accordance with the simplified methodology would be increased by such excess.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements 

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


The following chart described the interest rate risk exposure as well as residual values of assets and liabilities, classified by renegotiation dates or maturity date, the lowest.


   Term in days     
Assets and Liabilities as of
  Up to 30   From 30 to
   from 90 to 180   from 180 to
   More than
Total Financial Assets   94,212,108    23,283,810    21,884,221    13,991,605    76,333,380    229,705,124 
Total Financial Liabilities   110,298,588    23,704,722    5,066,131    1,500,505    69,482,670    210,052,616 
Net Amount   (16,086,480)   (420,912)   16,818,090    12,491,100    6,850,710    19,652,508 


   Term in days     
Assets and Liabilities as of
  Up to 30   From 30 to
   from 90 to 180   from 180 to
   More than
Total Financial Assets   57,417,639    20,427,549    15,594,538    16,684,376    69,002,031    179,126,133 
Total Financial Liabilities   68,842,995    18,271,575    6,965,625    9,086,825    60,866,894    164,033,914 
Net Amount   (11,425,356)   2,155,974    8,628,913    7,597,551    8,135,137    15,092,219 


The following chart describes the sensitivity upon a potential addition variation in interest rates for the next fiscal year while taking into account the composition as of December 31, 2020 and 2019. Changes in rates have been determined in accordance with the scenarios proposed by Communication “A” 6397 for the calculation of Interest Rate Risk in Investment Portfolio. Parameters utilized as guidelines and/or budgeted by the Bank for 2020 and 2019 fiscal year and changes are deemed reasonably likely as a result of the observation of market conditions:


   12/31/2020  12/31/2019
Item  Additional
changes in
Interest Rates
  Increase /
(decrease) of
income tax net
changes in
Interest Rates
  Increase /
(decrease) of
income tax net
Decrease in the interest rate  4% ARS; 2% USD   (433,698)  4% ARS; 2% USD   (486,558)
Increase in the interest rate  4% ARS; 2% USD   430,992   4% ARS; 2% USD   354,392 


If market interest rates recorded 4 percentage points decrease for pesos-denominated instruments and 2 percentage point decrease for those dollar-denominated instruments, the net annual income, net of income tax, would fall in 433,698 and would amount to 486,558 thousand as from December 31, 2020 and 2019 closing respectively. Otherwise, if rates recorded a like increase, earnings of $ 430,992 and losses of $ 354,392 thousand would be recorded respectively.


Liquidity Risk


The Group defines Liquidity Risk as the risk of assuming additional financing expenses upon unexpected liquidity needs. Such risk results from the difference of sizes and maturities between the Entity’s assets and liabilities. Such risks involve the following:


üFunding Liquidity Risk means the risk that results from the impossibility of relying on funds at normal market cost when needed, grounded on the market’s perception for the Entity.

üMarket Liquidity Risk means the risk resulting from the Entity’s incapacity to off-set a position at market price in one or several assets for the raising of funds, as a consequence of the following two key factors:


·Assets are not liquid enough; that is, do not rely on the necessary secondary market.

·Changes that may take place in those markets where it lists


Indicators of liquidity and concentration of funding sources enable the quantification of tolerance to this risk, starting from the most acid and restrictive definitions of liquidity concept to the most comprehensive ones that include distinctive features of the Entity’s business model.


The Following are the main core metrics utilized for the liquidity risk administration:


üLCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio): measures the relation between high quality liquid assets and total net cash outflows over a 30-day period. Banco Supervielle estimates this indicator on a daily basis, having met the minimum forecasted value in 2018 as required by regulations in force and internally in accordance with the risk appetite.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements 

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


üNSFR or Stable Funding Ratio: measures Banco Supervielle´s capacity, at an individual and consolidated level, to finance its activities with stable-enough sources to mitigate the risk of future stress situation resulting from funding. As from 2018, Banco Supervielle calculates such indicator on a daily basis, having met the minimum forecasted value in 2018 as required by regulations in force and internally in accordance with the risk appetite.

üCoverage of Remunerated Accounts and Pre-Payable Term Deposits this indicator is aimed at limiting funding dependence of more unstable sources in illiquid scenarios, either idiosyncrasy or systemic.


Additionally, the management is complemented with the daily monitoring of a series of follow-up metrics within the scope of the Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO). These indicators seek to disaggregate the main components of the LCR, offering an assessment of the liquidity situation in the entity and alerting to eventual changes in trend that may put into play the guidelines established in the risk appetite policy. Within the board of monitoring indicators within the scope of this Committee, the availability of liquid assets is also evaluated to respond to an eventual outflow of more volatile deposits, understood as paid sight accounts and public sector deposits in currency. foreign.


During 2020 the local financial market operated with high levels of liquidity due to the impact of restrictions on mobility, the consequent drop in the level of economic activity and the strong monetary issue faced by the Central Bank of Argentina to cover the needs of assistance to the sectors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This strong initial growth of the monetary base had its correlation in the use of LELIQ and Pasive Repo by the monetary authority as an absorption mechanism. In line with the aforementioned, Banco Supervielle experienced strong growth in demand balances, both for retail and institutional clients. The latter, with their correlate in loans to the Central Bank of Argentina via LELIQ and / or Repo, counteracted the positive effect of growth in retail balances and put pressure on the LCR, which was effectively managed throughout the year, staying within comfort values established by the Board of Directors.


Liquidity in dollars strengthened throughout the year. On the one hand, the strong drop in deposits that began in August 2019 gradually diminished until reaching a reversal and slightly positive monthly variations towards the end of 2020. This was combined with an active management of loan collections in dollars, which is reflected in a significant fall in balances on this line of the balance sheet.


Economic capital calculation


The Group relies on the following elements that ensure the suitable management of this type of risk:


üBroad liquidity indicators dashboard, to monitor liquidity levels. Each indicator relies on its relevant threshold and limit, which are monitored on a daily basis by the Risk Area (sending due warnings upon violation cases), on a byweekly basis by the Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) and on a monthly basis by the Integral Risk Committee. Likewise, a weekly report is drawn up and sent to members of the Integral Risk Committee, ALCO and the Board.

üIndicators that measure the concentration of funding sources, establishing the Group’s risk appetite.

üDevelopment and monitoring of new liquidity coverage and leverage indicators set by the Argentine Central Bank in compliance with Basle III route map.

üDifferent liquidity risk follow-up tools have been added, including a disaggregate assessment of contractual term mismatches and funding concentration reports, by counterparty, product and significant currency. The accuracy of the information required for such reports contributed to the improvement of our Risk Management Information System (MIS).

üThe liquidity coverage ratio is used to assess the Group’s capacity to meet liquidity needs over a 30-day period within a stress scenario described by the Argentine Central Bank. The follow-up of this indicator is carried out on a daily basis, keeping the Group’s liquidity director and officials updated on its evolution.

üPermanent monitoring of limit and threshold compliance in virtue of the stable funding ratio (NSFR).

üIndividual stress tests, carried out on a daily basis upon an eventual critical scenario of a sudden withdrawal of deposits and its impact on the minimum cash position and LCR.

üIntraday liquidity monitoring tools as indicated above.






Notes to Separate Financial Statements 

As of December 31, 2020 presented on comparative basis 

(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)


üRegarding contingency plans, the Group follows a policy that ensures the application of its guidelines in stress tests, according to the decision taken by ALCO Committee and Integral Risk Committee.


The Risk management framework described herein enables a suitable liquidity condition; therefore, the Group considers the economic capital estimation unnecessary to cover such risk, as long as the Group’s solvency should not be affected once the stress tests contingency plan have been implemented.


Below is an analysis of the assets and liabilities maturities, determined based on the remaining period as of December 31, 2020 until the contractual maturity date, based on undiscounted cash flows:


Al 12/31/2020  Less than 1
   From 1 to 6
   From 6 to 12
   From 1 to 5
   More than 5
ASSESTS   106,974    51,892    16,565    62,649    33,851    271,931 
LIABILITIES   121,539    21,223    8,925    18,478    5,548    175,713 




There are no events or operations that occurred after December 31, 2020 that could materially affect the equity situation or the results of the Group as of the closing date of this period.






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




Item  Balance at
   Balance at
   Balance at
LTPE9  - Treasury Bill $ - Mat.  01/31/2019   -    -    234,799 
LTPA9  - Treasury Bill $ - Mat. 04/30/2019   -    -    840 
Argentine National Bonus T2V1   129,325    -    - 
Argentine National Bonus  TV22   622,300    -    - 
Total other debt securities   751,625    -    235,639 
Total   751,625    -    235,639 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




   Gross carrying amount   Depreciation   Net
Item  At the
of the
   Increases   Disposals   At the end
of the
   At the
beginning of
the year
   Aliquot   Disposals   Of the
   At the end of
the year
Vehicles   4,637    -    -    4,637    (1,375)        -    (927)   (2,302)   2,335 
Total   4,637    -    -    4,637    (1,375)        -    (927)   (2,302)   2,335 


   Gross carrying amount   Depreciation   Net carrying amount 
Item  At the
of the
   Increases   Disposals   At the end
of the
   At the
beginning of
the year
   Aliquot   Disposals   Of the
   At the end of
the year
   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Vehicles   4,637    -    -    4,637    (821)                 -    (554)   (1,375)   3,262    3,816 
Total   4,637    -    -    4,637    (821)        -    (554)   (1,375)   3,262    3,816 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




   Gross carrying amount   Depreciation   Net
Item  At the
beginning of
the year
   Increases   Disposals   At the end
of the year

At the
of the

   Disposals   Of the
   At the end
of the year
Goodwill   3,344,853    7,292    -    3,352,145    -    -    -    -    -    3,352,145 
Relations with clients   703,445    -    -    703,445    (73,275)   16    -    (43,966)   (117,241)   586,204 
Brand   199,999    -    -    199,999    -    -    -    -    -    199,999 
Proprietary Software & Technology   68,966    -    -    68,966    (28,736)   4    -    (17,241)   (45,977)   22,989 
Total   4,317,263    7,292    -    4,324,555    (102,011)        -    (61,207)   (163,218)   4,161,337 


   Gross carrying amount   Depreciation   Net carrying amount 
Item  At the
beginning of
the year
   Increases   Disposals   At the end
of the year
   At the
of the
   Disposals   Of the
   At the end
of the year
   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Goodwill   3,321,209    23,644    -    3,344,853    -    -    -    -    -    3,344,853    3,321,209 
Relations with clients   703,445    -    -    703,445    (29,310)   16    -    (43,965)   (73,275)   630,170    674,135 
Brand   199,999    -    -    199,999    -    -    -    -    -    199,999    199,999 
Proprietary Software & Technology   68,965    -    -    68,965    (11,494)   4    -    (17,241)   (28,735)   40,230    57,471 
Total   4,293,618    23,644    -    4,317,262    (40,804)        -    (61,206)   (102,010)   4,215,252    4,252,814 






(Expressed in thousands of pesos in homogeneous currency)




and branches
in the
       As of
December 31,
2020 (per
   As of   As of 
Items  country   As 12/31/2020   Dollar   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Cash and Due from Banks   65,977    65,977    65,977    160,992    4,459 
Other financial assets   248,628    248,628    248,628    252,741    301,434 
Other non-financial assets   137,184    137,184    137,184    199,984    258,416 
TOTAL ASSETS   451,789    451,789    451,789    613,717    564,309 
Other non-financial liabilities   320,781    320,781    320,781    321,276    732,963 
TOTAL LIABILITIES   320,781    320,781    320,781    321,276    732,963 
NET POSITION   131,008    131,008    131,008    292,441    (168,654)





Grupo Supervielle S.A. 


(in thousands of pesos)


Brief description of the business and evolution of operations


The Company is focused on gaining a leading position in the local financial business by offering innovative, inclusive and accessible financial services, Its strategy, deployed by its different companies (banking and non-banking) enables the access to every population segment with the required product offer, service model and risk/reward relationship required.


The result of the period ended on December 31, 2020, yields a profit of 3,412,111, which represents a return on average net worth of 10.8%, This result was originated, mainly, by the results of our investments in companies.


On April 28, 2020, the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting approved the following distribution of the results of the 2019 fiscal year:


* Dividend distribution: (530,065) 

* Other reserve: 5,796,775


Grupo Supervielle S.A. is the parent company of the economic group and As of December 31, 2020 and 2019, recorded the following direct and indirect equity investments in its subsidiaries:


      Interest in capital stock 
Company  Main Activity  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Banco Supervielle S.A.  Commercial Bank   99.90%   99.90%
Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.  Financial Company   99.90%   99.90%
Tarjeta Automática S.A.  Credit Card and Consumer Loans   99.99%   99.99%
Supervielle Asset Management S.A.  Asset management company   100.00%   100.00%
Sofital S.A.F. e I.I.  Financial operations and administration of marketable securities   100.00%   100.00%
Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A.  Trading of products and services   100.00%   100.00%
Supervielle Seguros S.A.  Insurance Company   100.00%   100.00%
Micro Lending S.A.U.  Financing investments   100.00%   100.00%
Invertir Online S.A.U.  Settlement and Clearing Agent   100.00%   100.00%
InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U.  Representaciones   100.00%   100.00%
Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A.  Insurance Broker   100.00%   100.00%
Bolsillo Digital S.A.U  Computer Services   100.00%   100.00%
Futuros del Sur S.A.  Settlement and Clearing Agent   100.00%   100.00%
Easy Cambio S.A.  Services and exchange agency   100.00%   - 





Grupo Supervielle S.A. 

Informative Review as of December 31, 2020 

(in thousands of pesos)


Brief description of Related Companies


Banco Supervielle S.A. is a private equity bank founded by the Supervielle family, and has a history of 133 years in the Argentine financial system and a leading competitive position in certain market segments that are strategic for the company. Banco Supervielle's philosophy focuses on agility as a key part of its work culture, putting the client at the center of all its actions through the generation of profitable value propositions and promoting digital adoption. It is the main subsidiary of Grupo Supervielle. Since May 2016, the Group's shares have been listed on Byma and on the NYSE. As of December 31, 2020, its infrastructure supports its multi-channel distribution strategy, with a strategic national presence through 277 access points, 13 bank payment, sales and collection points; 79 points of sale of Iudú Compañía Financiera located in Walmart supermarkets, 457 ATMs, 221 self-service terminals and 256 express boxes with biometric identification. On the other hand, the Bank also offers financial services through 20 Automatic Card consumer financing centers, 5 MILA branches for customer support, completing the network with points of sale through 579 related agencies. Likewise, Supervielle offers solutions through its digital channels, applications and solutions developed for different business segments, and also offers products and services through Grupo Supervielle's digital attackers platforms to clients located throughout the country. As of December 31, 2020, the Bank records 241,452,147 worth assets and shareholders’ equity attributable to parent company of 28,377,821. Net income recorded in the three months period ended on December 31, 2020 amounted to 2,211,348 which mainly resulted from the financial margin and the service margin.


Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A. is a financial service firm, subject to regulations issued by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, whose main business is made up by credit card and loan granting and the sale of insurance policies in Walmart Argentina’s outlets. As of December 31, 2020, recorded negative results of 628,426. On November 2, 2020, the Extraordinary Assembly of Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A. resolved, among other things, to reform the bylaws including the modification of the name of the Company to “IUDÚ Compañía Financiera S.A.”. By Resolution No. 3/2021 of the B.C.R.A., no objections were made to the aforementioned change of company name. As of the date of issuance of these financial statements, said statute reform is pending registration in the Public Registry of Commerce.


Tarjeta Automática S.A.’s main activity includes the issuance and administration of credit cards and consumer loans. The period ended on December 31, 2020, recorded negative results of 232,046. In November 2012, Tarjeta Automática started to market credit cards, personal loans and insurance policies on account and behalf of Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A., collecting a monthly fee for such services.


Supervielle Asset Management S.A. is focused on the promotion, instruction and administration of investment mutual funds pursuant to Law 24,083, its Ruling Decree and any other legal or ruling standard addressing such activities. At present, the company records 13 active funds. As of December 31, 2020, earnings amounted to 312,201.


Sofital S.A.F. e I.I. is a company whose main activity includes financial operations and the administration of marketable securities. As of December 31, 2020, earnings amounted to 147,207.


Espacio Cordial de Servicios S.A. is a company focused on the trading of all kinds of goods and services related to insurance, tourism, health plans and/or services and other goods and services. As of December 31, 2020, recorded negative results of 44,281.


Supervielle Seguros S.A., the insurance company of Grupo Supervielle S.A., records shareholders equity for 980,111 and assets for 1,887,591. As of December 31, 2020, earnings amounted to 190,231.


Micro Lending S.A., specializes in the financing of pledge credits, particularly used cars. As of December 31, 2020, recorded negative results of 5.


InvertirOnline S.A.U., is a specialized online trading platform, which occupies a leading position among the top five in the online Broker segment in Argentina, and a reference in the Fintech sector in the country. As of December 31, 2020 InvertirOnline S.A.U obtained earnings of 80,314 and InvertirOnline.Com Argentina S.A.U. it presented a profit of 1,990.


Bolsillo Digital S.A.U. is a company dedicated to the commercialization of products and services related to the management and processing of payments. As of December 31, 2020, recorded a negative result of 23,571.


Futuros del Sur S.A. is a company whose main activity is to engage on its own account or on behalf of third parties or associated with third parties, in the country or abroad, to act as agent in the categories in which it is duly registered by the National Securities Commission. As of December 31, 2020, presented a profit of 85,669.





Grupo Supervielle S.A. 

Informative Review as of December 31, 2020 

(in thousands of pesos)


Brief description of Related Companies


Supervielle Productores Asesores de Seguros S.A. is a company whose purpose is to carry out the activity of intermediation, promoting the conclusion of life, property and social security contracts, advising insured and insurable. As of December 31, 2020, it presented a negative result of 26,305.


Easy Cambio S.A. is a society that provides home and exchange agency services. As of December 31, 2020, it obtained positive results for 1,790.




Grupo Supervielle S.A. 

Informative Review as of December 31, 2020 

(in thousands of pesos)




The following offers information related to Consolidated Financial Statements, on a comparative basis:


Statement of Financial Position  12/31/2020   12/31/2019   01/01/2019 
Total Assets   249,918,936    203,428,032    300,732,111 
Total Liabilities   213,551,364    170,470,619    263,261,504 
Changes in Shareholders’ Equity   36,367,572    32,957,413    37,470,607 
Total Liabilities plus Changes in Shareholders’ Equity   249,918,936    203,428,032    300,732,111 


Income Statement  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Net income from interest   36,075,783    13,452,250 
Net income from commissions   9,617,340    10,319,884 
Net income before income tax   4,149,350    (3,746,700)
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company - Earnings   3,937,409    (3,875,827)


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Total operating activities   10,058,904    (36,736,947)
Total investment activities   (4,322,243)   (1,584,585)
Total financing activities   (14,227,587)   (20,217,093)
Effect of changes in exchange rate   22,704,526    4,573,429 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents   14,213,600    (53,965,196)





Grupo Supervielle S.A. 

Informative Review as of December 31, 2020 

(in thousands of pesos)




The following offers information related to Consolidated Financial Statements, on a comparative basis:


Indicators (figures in thousands of pesos)  12/31/2020   12/31/2019 
Liquidity   22.09%   31.45%
- Cash and cash equivalents (*1)   39,466,526    38,109,467 
- Deposits   178,641,594    121,176,255 
Solvency   17.03%   19.33%
- Shareholders Equity   36,367,572    32,957,413 
- Total Liabilities   213,551,364    170,470,619 
Immobilization of Capital   9.78%   10.08%
-Immobilized Assets (*2)   24,445,076    20,504,544 
-Total Assets   249,918,936    203,428,032 
ROE (*3)   11.4%   (12.2)%


(*1) Including cash, listed corporate and government securities and mutual funds shares. 

(*2) Including the following items: Equity Investments, Miscellaneous Receivables, Premises and Equipment, Miscellaneous Assets, Intangible Assets and unallocated items. 

(*3) Calculated on a daily basis.


For Statement of Financial Position and Income Statement structure, the Group utilized the consolidated accounts, which follow the presentation of Financial Statement provisions set by Communication “A” 3147 and complementary provisions issued by the Argentine Central Bank related to the Accounting Informative Regime for the annual disclosure and guidelines set by Technical Pronouncement N°8 issued by the Argentine Federation of Economy Sciences Professional Councils and the General Ruling 622/13 issued by the National Securities Commission.





Grupo Supervielle S.A. 

informative review as of December  31, 2020 

(in thousands of pesos)


Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)


The Argentine Central Bank, through Communication “A” 5541 and its amendments set the Implementation Plan for Convergence towards International Financial Report Standards (IFRS) issued by International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting Standards Committee (IFRSC), for entities under its supervision, except for the application of section 5.5, (detriment of value) of IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments” and IAS 29 (which determines the obligatory restatement of financial statements in accordance with the detailed in note 1.2.b), for financial years started on January 1, 2018, Likewise, entities shall prepare their opening Financial Statements as from January 1, 2017 to be used as comparative base of the financial year to start on January 1, 2018, which will be the first Financial Statements submitted under these standards as of March 31, 2018.


On February 22, 2019 the Argentine Central Bank issued Communication "A" 6651, through which it established that as of January 1, 2020, the financial statements are prepared in constant currency. In this sense, Communication “A” 6849 issued by the Argentine Central Bank sets the re-expression frequency of the accounting information in a homogeneous currency on a monthly basis, and the index utilized to such ends accounts for the National Consumer Index drawn up by INDEC (basis month: December 2016) and for such items with previous initial date, IPIM issued by FACPCE is utilized, pursuant to Ruling JG 517/16. Likewise, transition date, in virtue of the retroactive application has been set on January 1, 2019.


Pursuant to Communication “A” 6430 and 6847 Financial Entities shall start to apply provisions on Financial Assets Impairment included in paragraph 5.5 of IFRS 9 as from fiscal years starting on 1 January, 2020, except for Non-financial Public Sector´s debt securities, which shall be temporarily excluded from the scope of said provisions. Likewise, Communication “A” 6938 issued by the Argentine Central Bank set the postponement of the application of the section targeted to “B” group Companies until January 1, 2021,a category that includes Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A.; therefore, provisions of said Entity are held under the minimum provisions regulations set by the Argentine Central Bank. It is worth mentioning that through communications "A" 7108 and 7134, the Argentine Central Bank ordered the classification of financial entities into groups "A", "B" and "C", leaving Cordial Compañía Financiera classified as Group "C" as of October 1, 2020.


In turn, pursuant to Article 2, Chapter I, Section I, of Title IV of the modified text issued by the National Securities Commission, issuing entities, whose main assets are made up by investments in financial entities or insurance companies, are exempted from submitting their Financial Statements under IFRS and may choose their submission in accordance with the provisions issued by the Argentine Central Bank and the National Insurance Superintendence, respectively.


As for the aforementioned requirements, the following is set out:


  Grupo Supervielle S.A.’s corporate purpose is, exclusively, the realization of financial and investment activities;

  the investment in financial entities and in the insurance company accounts for 80,2% of Grupo Supervielle S.A.’s assets, being the main assets of the Group,

  80,3% of Grupo Supervielle S.A.’s incomes come from its equity investments in financial entities’ and insurance company results,

  Grupo Supervielle S.A. holds 99,90% direct and indirect stock investments in Banco Supervielle S.A. a 99,90% of Cordial Compañía Financiera S.A., and a 100% of Supervielle Seguros S.A., resulting in the Group’s control in those entities.




For the financial year 2021, Grupo Supervielle expects to keep its contribution to the Argentine economy evolution and growth through its credit origination.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  Grupo Supervielle S.A.
Date: July 7, 2021 By: /s/ Mariano Biglia
    Name: Mariano Biglia
    Title: Chief Financial Officer