Form S-3ASR - Automatic shelf registration statement of securities of well-known seasoned issuers:
SEC Accession No. 0001501570-20-000294
Filing Date
2020-11-19 16:51:07
Effectiveness Date

Document Format Files

Seq Description Document Type Size
1 S-3ASR veritex-sx3asr.htm S-3ASR 179293
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4 EX-5.2 ex52opinion-final.htm EX-5.2 11751
5 EX-23.1 veritex-exhibit231edgar.htm EX-23.1 2478
6 EX-25.1 veritex-exhibit251edgar.htm EX-25.1 8609
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  Complete submission text file 0001501570-20-000294.txt   4629185
Mailing Address 8214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE SUITE 400 DALLAS TX 75225
Business Address 8214 WESTCHESTER DRIVE SUITE 400 DALLAS TX 75225 972-349-6200
Veritex Holdings, Inc. (Filer) CIK: 0001501570 (see all company filings)

IRS No.: 270973566 | State of Incorp.: TX | Fiscal Year End: 1231
Type: S-3ASR | Act: 33 | File No.: 333-250203 | Film No.: 201329366
SIC: 6022 State Commercial Banks