144 1 fp0044403_144.htm Form 144
          Washington, D.C. 20549 Expires: June 30, 2020
            Estimated average burden  
            hours per response 1.00
          FORM 144          
                                        CUSIP NUMBER
ATTENTION: Transmit for filing 3 copies of this form concurrently with either placing an order with a broker to execute sale    
    or executing a sale directly with a market maker.   WORK LOCATION
1(a) Name of Issuer (b) IRS Ident. No. (c) SEC File No.  
RiverNorth Opportunities Fund, Inc 46-4084978 333-169317 (e) Telephone No.
1(d) Address of Issuer Street City State Zip Code Area Code Number
  325 North LaSalle Street, Suite 645  Chicago IL 60654 312 832-1440
2(a) Name of Person for Whose Account the Securities are to be Sold (b) Relationship to Issuer (c) Address (street) City State Zip Code
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC Subadviser 325 North LaSalle Street, Suite 645  Chicago IL 60654
  INSTRUCTION: The person filing this notice should contact the issuer to obtain the I.R.S. Identification Number and the S.E.C. File Number.  
3 (a) (b) SEC USE (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
  Name and Address of ONLY          
  Each Broker Through            
Title of the Whom the Securities   Number of   Number of Shares Approximate Name of Each
Class of are to be Offered or Each   Shares or Other Aggregate or Other Units Date of Sale Securities
Securities Market Maker Who is Broker-Dealer Units to be Sold Market Value Outstanding (See instr. 3(f)) Exchange
To Be Sold Acquiring the Securities File Number (See instr. 3(c)) (See instr. 3(d)) (See instr. 3(e)) (MO. DAY YR.) (See instr. 3(g))
Common Wayne Hummer Investments, LLC 231 South LaSalle Street, 13th Floor Chicago, IL 60604   71,632 1247113 7,163,235 07/18/2019 NYSE
1. (a)  Name of issuer 3. (a)  Title of the class of securities to be sold
(b)  Issuer’s I.R.S. Identification Number (b)  Name and address of each broker through whom the securities are intended to be sold
(c)  Issuer’s S.E.C. file number, if any (c)  Number of shares or other units to be sold (if debt securities, give the aggregate face amount)
(d)  Issuer’s address, including zip code (d)  Aggregate market value of the securities to be sold as of a specified date within 10 days prior to the
(e)  Issuer’s telephone number, including area code   filing of this notice
                    (e)  Number of shares or other units of the class outstanding, or if debt securities the face amount thereof
2. (a)  Name of person for whose account the securities are to be sold   outstanding, as shown by the most recent report or statement published by the issuer
(b)  Such person’s relationship to the issuer (e.g., officer, director, (f)   Approximate date on which the securities are to be sold
  10 percent stockholder, or member of immediate family of (g)  Name of each securities exchange, if any, on which the securities are intended to be sold
  any of the foregoing)                              
(c)  Such person’s address, including zip code                              
        Potential persons who are to respond to the collection of information contained in this form are not required        
        to respond unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.   SEC 1147 (08-07)
        Furnish the following information with respect to the acquisition of the securities to be sold        
        and with respect to the payment of all or any part of the purchase price or other consideration therefor:        
      Name of Person From      
Title of Date You Name of Acquisition Whom Acquired (If gift, Amount of Date of Nature
the Class Acquired Transaction also give date donor acquired) Securities Acquired Payment of Payment
Common 12/29/2015 Shares purchased at IPO Issuer 375000 12/29/2015 Cash
INSTRUCTIONS: If the securities were purchased and full payment therefor was not made in cash at the time of purchase, explain in the table or in a note thereto the nature of the
      consideration given. If the consideration consisted of any note or other obligation, or if payment was made in installments describe the arrangement and state when
      the note or other obligation was discharged in full or the last installment paid.
        Furnish the following information as to all securities of the issuer sold during the past 3 months        
        by the person for whose account the securities are to be sold.        
Name and Address of the Seller Title of Securities Sold Date of Sale Amount of Securities Sold Gross Proceeds
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 5/2/2019 5500 93830.38
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 5/6/2016 5500 94719.18
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/4/2019 2000 33800
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/4/2019 800 13504
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/5/2019 2000 33840
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/6/2019 2000 33840
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/6/2019 1191 20187.45
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/10/2019 200 3420
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/13/2019 4000 67883
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/13/2019 1000 17020
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/18/2019 513 8757
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/20/2019 2000 34141
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 6/21/2019 581 9935.10
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/2/2019 370 6386.20
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/5/2019 3400 58684
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/8/2019 738 12811.68
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/8/2019 4500 77895
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/9/2019 400 6969.70
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/10/2019 3000 52350
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 7/10/2019 2372 41510
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 07/11/2019 5500 96910
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 07/15/2019 4018 70917.70
RiverNorth Capital Management, LLC 325 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 645, Chicago, IL 60654 Common 07/16/2019 1755 30537
3(c) above reflects the number of shares to be sold over the next 3 months. 3(d) above reflects opening market price of $17.41 as of 07/17/2019. 3(f) above reflects anticipated date of first sale.
See the definition of “person” in paragraph (a) of Rule 144. Information is to be given not   The person for whose account the securities to which this notice relates are to be sold
only as to the person for whose account the securities are to be sold but also as to all   hereby represents by signing this notice that he does not know any material adverse
other persons included in that definition. In addition, information shall be given as to   information in regard to the current and prospective operations of the Issuer of the securities
sales by all persons whose sales are required by paragraph (e) of Rule 144 to be aggregated   to be sold which has not been publicly disclosed. If such person has adopted a written
with sales for the account of the person filing this notice.   trading plan or given trading instructions to satisfy Rule 10b5-1 under the Exchange Act,
                          by signing the form and indicating the date that the plan was adopted or the instruction
                          given, that person makes such representation as of the plan adoption or instruction date.
  07-17-2019       Marcus Collins  
          The notice shall be signed by the person for whose account the securities  
  DATE OF PLAN ADOPTION OR GIVING OF INSTRUCTION,       are to be sold. At least one copy of the notice shall be manually signed.  
  IF RELYING ON RULE 10B5-1.       Any copies not manually signed shall bear typed or printed signatures.  
ATTENTION: Intentional misstatements or omission of facts constitute Federal Criminal Violations (See 18 U.S.C. 1001)
                                            SEC 1147 (02-08)