EX-99.1 16 dex991.htm ROSEN CONSULTING GROUP MARKET STUDY Rosen Consulting Group Market Study

Exhibit 99.1



California and

Selected MSAs

Market Overview



December 2010



Kenneth T. Rosen

Randall Sakamoto

Amber Schiada

Jeremiah Lee

Eric Finnigan

Melinda Gilbert


Rosen Consulting Group

1995 University Avenue

Suite 550

Berkeley, CA 94704

510 549-4510

510 849-1209 fax




© 2010 Rosen Consulting Group


Executive Summary






California’s economy is the largest in the nation, producing more than $1.8 trillion in goods and services in 2008, accounting for approximately 13.0% of the national gross domestic product. The state is prone to boom and bust cycles, which means it typically underperforms the nation during recessions, but also returns to growth at a stronger pace during recovery periods. We believe California will continue this pattern during the current recovery period, outperforming national employment growth through 2014. California is a highly attractive place to live and work, and because of this, the state tends to recover more quickly from recessions as population growth fuels economic expansion.



California is slowly emerging from recession, and total employment gains in recent months are an encouraging sign that the economy is on the path to recovery. We expect job creation will continue in 2010, at 0.9% or 124,000 jobs, but should accelerate in 2011 and 2012 to 1.3% and 1.6%, respectively, adding 394,000 jobs during the two-year period. Throughout the forecast period, employment growth in the state is projected to outpace national employment growth. We expect gross state product growth will accelerate to 1.5% in 2011 and further to 3.1% in 2012. During the final two years of the forecast we expect gross state product growth will average 2.4% annually.



California is an attractive place to live and work, and continued steady demographic growth will support steady economic growth through the longer term. New and existing residents are attracted to its sprawling coastline, numerous parks and beaches, warm weather, and countless recreational opportunities. The state’s continued demographic growth and innovative spirit will support new industry growth for years to come, and it will remain one of the most desirable places to live and work for the foreseeable future.



With more than 38.5 million residents, California is the most populous state in the nation. The state represents roughly 12.5% of the national population, and its population has expanded at a 1.7% annual rate since 1970. The state’s population is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1.1% from 2010 through 2050, according to projections from the California Demographic Research Unit.



Improving economic conditions through the first half of 2010, as well as the introduction of broad tax hikes, ushered in promising improvements to the state’s fiscal health. In May 2010, general fund revenue increased by $1.3 billion, a 25% increase from May 2009. While in comparison to an extremely low base, the increase in revenues can be attributed to a 12.5% increase in sales tax revenue, a 26.8% increase in corporate taxes, and a near-50% increase in personal income tax receipts from May 2009.


With this trend expected to accelerate through the near-term forecast period, the rise in tax revenues will coincide with the overall economic rebound.



Property development in the State of California is notoriously difficult from the builder’s perspective, as a myriad of legislative, physical and economic factors restrict or inhibit commercial and residential construction. As a result, nearly all of California’s coastal or urbanized markets are supply constrained with significant barriers to entry. While the onerous process can deter new development, the existing regulatory environment is highly favorable to existing owners of property and helps to mitigate the risk of oversupply.



California’s office market contains more than 634 million square feet of office space across the state. RCG believes California’s office market is reaching bottom as of mid-2010. Job creation in office-using sectors has turned upward in the year to-date. Going forward, rising confidence and expansions by office users will likely push net absorption into positive territory in 2010, as new space is leased and sublease space is pulled off the market.



For almost the past 15 years, California’s apartment market recorded a lower rental vacancy rate than the United States as a whole. The apartment market benefits from limited supply, strong demand and a low rate of single family housing affordability. Although conditions have weakened in recent years as a result of the recession, RCG expects a brisk recovery as accelerating population growth, resumed hiring, and a lack of new units coming online drive a steady reduction in the rental vacancy rate throughout California’s major metropolitan areas. In particular, a high level of immigration and growth of the baby- and echo-boomer cohorts should fuel the health of the California apartment market. RCG expects the recovery in California’s economy to continue in 2010 and accelerate thereafter, fueling the rebound of the apartment market.



RCG’s universe of California metropolitan areas contained approximately 552 million square feet of retail space as of 2009. As the state, national and global economic recoveries gain momentum, California retail properties are expected to perform strongly compared with other geographic areas in the future. Retail spending by both local residents and outside visitors should rebound during the next several years. RCG believes California’s retail market will bottom in 2010. Positive trends in retail sales and cargo volumes at California ports suggest that consumers are more confident in their personal financial situations and are loosening purse strings accordingly.

San Diego



Employment is stabilizing in San Diego. We expect hiring in San Diego to outpace the national recovery, with local employment growth averaging 1.5% annually between 2010 and 2014, compared with 1.2% nationally.


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The military presence in San Diego plays a large role in the local economy, with 12 Navy and Marine bases located in the region. In recent years, the population at area bases increased with the consolidation of bases in other regions. In 2010, an estimated 342,000 jobs are expected to be supported by the military presence in the area, generating an estimated economic impact of more than $24.6 billion, according to the San Diego Military Defense Council. Because of this strong military presence, many aerospace and defense manufacturing firms are located in the region, and are key drivers of the local economy. Many of these firms are located near the bases or north of the University of California, San Diego.



Apartment rental demand is regaining traction. Institutional-grade properties are facing the most competition from newly completed projects that were originally planned as luxury condos but delivered as apartments with the shift in the market. Deliveries are expected to slow through the end of 2010, helping to ease the future strain on the market. As hiring regains momentum and households feel more comfortable living apart from roommates, we expect the annual vacancy rate to decline to 8.1% in 2011 and to reach 6.0% by 2014.



The stabilizing economy is causing tenant demand to improve throughout San Diego’s office market. In the first quarter, the CBD office vacancy rate decreased to 16.1% from 16.6% a quarter earlier. In the suburban office market, the vacancy rate dropped to 21.0% in the first quarter compared with an historical high of 22.3% a quarter earlier. In response to recent weakness and overbuilding during recent years, few projects are under way in the market, which should help prevent a further oversupply of available space.



The retail market is beginning to show signs of recovery. We expect demand to improve gradually, causing the vacancy rate to decline to 5.8% by year-end 2010. As hiring regains momentum and consumer spending improves, the vacancy rate will likely drop further, reaching 2.4% by year-end 2014.

San Francisco



Following a year of dramatic reductions in payroll levels across all San Francisco employment sectors, job losses decelerated through the first three months of 2010. Although companies continue to reduce payroll levels and complete recently announced layoffs, the rate of job losses in the San Francisco MSA is subsiding and should eventually result in overall job growth by year-end 2010. Employment growth is expected to accelerate to 1.2% by 2011 and 1.9% by 2014.



Numerous software development firms are located within the San Francisco MSA, fitting within a range of categories, including traditional home and business software, gaming, social media, education, and multimedia design. San Francisco’s proximity to the Silicon Valley drives local growth in the industry. Start-ups


are drawn to the area for its opportunities to collaborate with other firms, share vendors and customers, and access public research centers established to serve the industry.



The rate at which apartment rental rates declined eased through the first quarter of 2010. Rental market conditions are expected to improve through the near-term forecast period, with the Census rental vacancy rate dropping to 5.2% by 2011 and CPI rent growth expected to increase by an average of 3.8% annually during this time.



The stabilizing local economy and low lease rates are driving demand for office space in San Francisco, with new and existing tenants continuing to take advantage of the soft market conditions during the first quarter. Most noticeably, the absorption of premier view space in the CBD trended upwards recently. Through the second half of the forecast period, lease rate growth in the CBD should accelerate.



Outside the CBD, leasing activity in the suburban office market ticked upwards during the first quarter of 2010—an indication that the market is making forward progress through the office market cycle. As demand for space and a more sustainable recovery takes hold into 2011, we expect the tighter market conditions to hasten improvements to lease rates and occupancy levels.



Rising asset values, a resurgence in the volatile equity markets, and increasingly positive job prospects resulted in a rise in retail activity in the early part of 2010. By 2014, as employment returns to pre-recession levels and the effects of the most recent downturn on home prices as well as household balance sheets have subsided, we expect the retail vacancy rate to return to the low-2% range, while retail rents increase by close to 4% annually.

San Antonio



San Antonio’s economy is nearing recovery, with job losses during the three months to March 2010 totaling just 800 positions, a vast improvement from the 12,400 jobs lost during the same period in 2009. We believe 2010 will be a slow recovery year, but 2011 should record more robust employment growth of 1.7%, accelerating to 2.1% growth in 2012.



Three military bases are located within the San Antonio metropolitan area, supporting thousands of government and civilian jobs in the region. The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program will bring additional medical training and research facilities to the military bases and is expected to net roughly 5,000 military and civilian jobs. The realignment is expected to create an economic benefit of more than $5 billion.



Office market conditions are expected to improve through 2010, after several quarters of deteriorating fundamentals. We expect the rate will decline steadily, falling to 15.4% by 2014. Rent growth will remain weak in 2010 and 2011, but as the market tightens, rent growth should accelerate.


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San Antonio’s suburban office market is stabilizing after more than 18 months of weak demand. As hiring picks up, the vacancy rate should decline through the forecast period, falling to 15.3% by 2014. We expect slower rental rate increases through the forecast period, with growth averaging 1.8% annually from 2011 through 2014.



Retail market fundamentals in San Antonio weakened slightly in 2009. The vacancy rate increased to 10.1% from 9.0% at year-end 2008. Construction activity slowed in 2009 to 1.4 million square feet of completions, which should help shield the market from extreme oversupply. We expect that as employment growth accelerates, and consumers are more secure in their employment, retail spending will increase, supporting retailer expansion.




After nearly two years of job losses, Honolulu began adding jobs in September 2009, indicating that the local economy is on the rebound. From September through March 2010, the economy added 5,000 jobs, regaining 20% of the jobs lost during the recession. We expect this momentum will continue through the remainder of 2010, with total employment expected to increase by 1.0% year-over-year in December.



The state of Hawaii is home to a large military presence, which helps to sustain economic growth in the region. The Department of Defense (DoD) has an ongoing military focus in the state since Hawaii is the westernmost point in the Pacific region of the United States, outside of Alaska. The U.S. DoD is the second-highest source of revenue for the state after the tourism industry. Total military spending in Hawaii is estimated to have a $10.1 billion impact on the state economy accounting for 92,000 jobs.



Landownership in Hawaii is highly concentrated among government agencies and private landowners. The small amount of privately held land limits development and fee simple ownership opportunities. Approximately 29% of the state’s total land is owned by government agencies, including counties, state and the federal government. Of this public land, approximately 74% is controlled by the Hawaii state government. The 10 largest private landowners control 14% of the state’s land, and the 110 largest own approximately 21%.



Accelerated job losses through much of 2009 and a trend towards more frugal living accommodations continued to detract from apartment demand, placing upward pressure on the rental vacancy rate. With hiring on the rebound, the vacancy rate should decline to 6.3% in 2010. We expect steady rent growth will continue.



The weak economy contributed to a decline in office market fundamentals in 2009 and through the first quarter of 2010. We expect fundamentals will improve through year-end 2010 as hiring gains steam, consequently driving demand for space


in downtown Honolulu. With minimal new construction in the development pipeline, supply-side pressure should remain non-existent.



Federal government spending largely sustained suburban office space demand in 2009, but was not strong enough to offset weak demand from construction, tourism, and mortgage firms; many within these industries were laid off in the past year. We expect that demand weakness will subside through the remainder of 2010 as hiring picks up. The suburban office vacancy rate should slowly decline to 9.5% by year-end 2014, slightly above pre-recession levels. Very little new construction is in the pipeline, which should limit supply-side pressure in the market.



Honolulu’s retail market is one of the healthiest commercial real estate sectors on the island. The recession resulted in weaker spending from tourists and locals, causing some retailers to struggle, but for the most part the Honolulu retail market weathered the recession fairly well. The vacancy rate is expected to decline to 2.1% by year-end 2011, and will fluctuate between 2.0% and 3.2% through the remainder of the forecast period.



Hawaii’s hotel industry is in the early stages of recovery as tourism activity gains momentum. Across the country, the upscale and upper upscale segments of the market rebounded sooner than the lower-end of the spectrum, and hotels in Hawaii should react in similar fashion. Instability in other tropical North American tourist destinations, the oil spill in the Gulf and an Asian economic recovery should boost hotel industry performance in Hawaii.


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California Market Overview



State Economy

California’s economy is the largest in the nation, producing more than $1.8 trillion in goods and services in 2008, the latest data available, accounting for approximately 13.0% of the national gross domestic product. The state is prone to boom and bust cycles, which means it typically underperforms the nation during recessions, but also returns to growth at a stronger pace during recovery periods. We believe California will continue this pattern during the current recovery period, outperforming national employment growth through 2014. California is a highly attractive place to live and work, and because of this, the state tends to recover more quickly from recessions as population growth fuels economic expansion.

Historical Conditions

California boasts a diverse industry mix and in 2008 it was the world’s eighth-largest economy. The state’s non-farm employment base totaled more than 13.9 million people as of May 2010 and by the end of our forecast period, we expect this will grow to more than 14.6 million people. The state accounts for roughly 1 out of every 10 jobs nationally, with the majority of positions in service-producing industries. As of 2009, the state ranked 11th in terms of mean income per capita, at $38,721 annually, compared with the national figure of $35,794 annually. California’s mean income per capita was 8.2% higher than the national figure in 2009, speaking to its highly educated workforce and greater share of skilled workers.

Major industries within the state include technology innovation and investment, life sciences, media, trade, agriculture and tourism. Government services, educational and health services, manufacturing and financial services are also major industries and important drivers of economic growth. The state’s diverse industry mix leads to stronger economic growth during periods of national economic expansion. Industry clusters are sprinkled throughout the state, with the most important industry clusters located in Northern California, the Central Valley and Southern California.

Northern California boasts a strong technology cluster that includes software and semiconductor development and manufacturing, as well as biotechnology research. These industries typically cluster near universities and drive venture capital investment in the region. In addition, agriculture and tourism are important drivers of economic growth in the region. Southern California is home to a variety of media and technology companies, and biotechnology firms. Both Northern and Southern California are important trade hubs for both the state and the nation. The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles rank among the top ports globally in terms of cargo volume, while the Port of Oakland is also an important trade hub. The Central Valley is dominated by agriculture and food manufacturing, and has been


informally titled “America’s Salad Bowl” because a majority of the nation’s fruits and vegetables are grown in this region. Tourism is an important economic driver throughout most of the state, as visitors are attracted to the numerous theme parks, beaches, and entertainment venues in Southern California, while Northern California attracts visitors who want to explore the various historical sites in San Francisco and experience the wine and agriculture movement in Napa and Sonoma Counties. Additionally, the state’s numerous state and federal parks draw people from around the world, particularly those drawn to the state’s natural beauty and mild weather.

Employment growth in California typically outpaces the nation during periods of economic expansion, but also underperforms the national trend during recessions. From January 1970 through May 2010, California year-over-year employment growth outpaced national job growth by 23 basis points on a monthly basis. The most recent recession proved to be one of the most challenging for the state, with the rate of job loss outpacing the national rate by 1.2 percentage points from January 2008 through May 2010. The state’s diverse industry mix contains highly specialized industries that have been prone to volatility during previous economic cycles. The decline of defense and aerospace manufacturing during the 1990s recession is one example of this phenomenon, and the dot-com bust in 2001 is another example. However, in both examples, it is important to note that these industry clusters were located in Southern and Northern California, respectively, and thus these regions within the state were impacted in different ways. In essence, the diverse mix of industries has at times insulated one part of the state while another was in recession. When Southern California’s defense and aerospace manufacturing industry declined in the early 1990s, Northern California’s economy was less impacted, and the same was true for Southern California when Northern California experienced the dot-com bust on a larger scale during the early 2000s recession.


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During the early 1990s recession, California’s defense and aerospace manufacturing industry was a victim of budget cuts following the end of the Cold War, exacerbating an already-weak economic environment at the time. The pullback in orders resulted in a loss of more than 287,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector from the peak in April 1990 through August 1994, prolonging the recession in the state beyond the end of the national recession. The loss of manufacturing jobs, which are typically higher paying than other low-skilled positions, created a negative ripple effect throughout the economy. While the national recession officially ended in March 1991, total job losses in California continued until November 1993, with job losses exceeding 519,000 positions. However, following this period, year-over-year employment growth in California outpaced national job growth by an average of 24 basis points on a monthly basis from December 1993 through August 2001, before the start of the next recession. Year-over-year employment growth in California was particularly strong from September 1995 through August 2001, outpacing national job growth by 80 basis points on a monthly basis, on average. California added more than 2.0 million jobs during this period.

California’s highly concentrated technology manufacturing industry suffered severe losses after the dot-com bubble burst in 2001, which was compounded by the events of 9/11 when the national economy fell further into recession. Job losses in the manufacturing sector were most severe from year-end 2000 through year-end 2003, totaling more than 350,000. Industries connected to the technology manufacturing industry and internet-based industries also suffered. The professional and business services sector is also tied to the technology industry, and recorded a loss of more than 196,000 jobs from year-end 2000 through November 2003. The manufacturing sector never recovered from the tech-bust, largely a result of firms utilizing offshore manufacturing to reduce costs. However, professional and business services gained more than 201,200 jobs from the trough in November 2003 through the most recent peak in November 2007. Additionally, other sectors helped drive total employment growth during the period leading up to the most recent recession, including educational and health services, government, construction, and trade.

California’s specialized industries are prone to volatility, which can lead to more severe recessions in California relative to the national economy; however, California’s economy is also diverse enough that it typically bounces back strongly, often outpacing the national trend. California boasts a highly educated and innovative workforce and because of this, its economy has a reputation for evolving and developing new industries as a source of growth. Although the state’s economy is prone to booms and busts, the general trend is on an upward trajectory. The innovative workforce breeds ingenious new industries and jobs to go along with them, and this boosts the state’s profile as a dominant world economy. These factors should drive healthy long-term economic growth for the foreseeable future.

Current Conditions

California’s economy is slowly rebounding after two years of job losses. Total employment increased by nearly 139,000 jobs from year-end 2009 through May 2010. With the exception of the construction and transportation and utilities sectors, all sectors added jobs during the five months through May. The unemployment rate peaked in March 2010 at 12.6% and fell to 12.4% by May. California’s unemployment rate has typically exceeded the national unemployment rate, and is especially higher than the national rate during recessions. However, this trend is largely a result of the state’s strong population growth, and subsequently more rapidly growing labor force rather than a result of weaker economic fundamentals.


The current recession in California was driven by the downturn in the single family housing market and the subsequent subprime turmoil, both of which resulted in severe job losses in the construction and financial services sectors. As the national recession took hold, the state’s trade, financial activities and professional and business services sectors began to suffer as well. Lower home prices resulted in weaker tax revenues, and subsequently state budget cuts, which led to reduced hours and wages for government employees and job cuts in the sector. The trickle effect of the housing bust and the national recession had a deeply negative impact on California’s economy, but as history indicates, the severity of the recession in California was the norm. Consequently, we believe the state will recover at a healthy pace as has happened in previous growth cycles. The worst of the current recession is over, and 2010 will likely be a recovery year for the state’s economy.

Several sectors will be strong drivers of economic growth during the forecast period, particularly trade, educational and health services, leisure and hospitality, and professional and business services. With the exception of manufacturing, all of California’s major employment sectors should add jobs through 2014.


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Major Employment Sectors

Several employment sectors are highly concentrated in California, and these sectors also accounted for the majority of total job growth during the growth period leading up to the current recession. Trade, educational and health services, professional and business services, leisure and hospitality, and government composed 71.3% of total employment in the state as of May 2010. The government sector is the most concentrated, accounting for 18.1% of total employment as of May, followed by trade (15.2%), professional and business services (14.7%), educational and health services (12.7%) and leisure and hospitality (10.7%).



California’s government sector is the state’s most concentrated as of May 2010 with more than 2.5 million jobs. Jobs within the sector include local, state and federal government employees, as well as public sector education employees. The sector has historically been less volatile than other sectors, but has suffered in recent years as a result of state and local budget cuts. Reduced sales and property tax volumes contributed to a decline in government budgets,


resulting in wage cuts, reduced hours and layoffs. The sector has typically recorded continued job expansion on the heels of population growth as this typically increases the demand for social services and associated government jobs. However, following the early 2000s recession, the sector lost more than 57,000 jobs; the sector shed an additional 43,500 jobs in 2009 as a result of the recession. The largest annual job gains were recorded in the 1990s, during a period of fiscal health. The sector is expected to contract further by year-end 2010 by 1.0% as the state continues to work through its budget crisis. Thereafter, we expect job growth to return, averaging 0.9% growth annually from 2011 through 2014, adding more than 86,000 jobs during the period.


The trade sector accounted for 15.2% of total employment as of May 2010, with more than 2.1 million jobs. Retail trade makes up a majority of trade positions, accounting for 70.9% of total sector employment, while wholesale trade positions compose the remainder.

California is home to the West Coast’s three largest ports: the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and the Port of Oakland. Together, these ports handled more than 13.5 million 20-foot equivalent units of cargo in 2009, and they supported numerous wholesale trade jobs in the state. The goods that are shipped through the ports are transshipped to every state in the nation. In addition to the ports, several international airports within the state support cargo trade. The Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco International Airports handle the bulk of air cargo in the state. In 2009, more than 491,000 metric tons of cargo moved through the Oakland’s airport, more than 1.5 million tons through the Los Angeles airport, and the San Francisco International Airport handled more than 408,000 metric tons of air cargo.

Total trade employment declined by more than 317,000 jobs in 2008 and 2009, a contraction of 6.5% and 7.2%, respectively, year-over-year. However, through the first five months of 2010, the sector added 20,900 jobs. As the recovery gains momentum and consumer



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and business spending increase, this sector should continue to add jobs. Trade activity through the ports is already increasing, eventually driving job growth in wholesale trade employment. Increased retail spending will boost employment on the retail trade side. Total trade employment growth is expected to average 1.8% annually through 2014.

Professional and Business Services

Professional and business services employs a broad range of positions, including legal, consulting, engineering, accounting, computer design, research and development, management, administration, and support services positions. The sector accounted for 14.7% of total employment as of May 2010, accounting for more than 2.0 million jobs, and has typically been a strong driver of overall employment growth in the state.


Tech-based firms rely heavily on the engineering, computer design, and software development skills of professionals within this sector, and the build-up of the tech industry during the late 1990s drove sector growth. From 1995 through 2000, the sector grew by an annual average of 5.9%, adding more than 657,000 jobs. Following the dot-com bust of 2001, the sector lost more than 196,000 jobs, but this loss was minimal compared with the jobs gained during the previous growth cycle, speaking to the resilience of the sector and its importance to California’s economy. The state’s highly educated workforce contributes to innovative technology development, with the largest cluster located in the Northern California region, particularly in the Silicon Valley. Venture capital investment in the state is driven by the technology industry. In 2009, venture capital funding totaled more than $8.9 billion, accounting for slightly more than half the total venture capital funding in the nation.

The professional and business services sector contracted by 4.6% in 2008 and further by 7.1% in 2009, but we believe the sector is poised for growth in 2010. Firms may have laid off more employees than necessary in anticipation of a more severe recession, and firms have


begun hiring again to make up for those losses. The sector added 36,100 jobs during the five months through May, and we expect this hiring momentum will continue through the remainder of the year. The professional and business services sector is expected to grow by 1.2% year-over-year in December, with annual growth averaging 1.8% thereafter through 2014.

Educational and Health Services

California’s educational and health services sector is the state’s fourth-largest, employing more than 1.7 million people as of May 2010, accounting for 12.7% of total employment. This sector is the only sector that has been relatively recession-proof, adding jobs every year since at least 1990. The state’s aging baby-boomer demographic is a major demand driver for medical services, and demand for these services is expected to grow for the foreseeable future, necessitating job growth through the longer term. Educational positions in the sector are those employed by private education facilities, which are typically less dependent on state funding, and thus, are relatively protected from state budget cuts. As such, the volatility in the state budget situation has little impact on hiring in this sector. Additionally, the demand for post-secondary education



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continues to grow as more industries require a bachelor’s degree or specialized vocation training. Private campuses continue to open throughout the state to meet this demand. Sector employment growth slowed to 0.2% in 2009, but should record a healthy bounce in 2010. The sector added more than 10,000 jobs in the first five months of 2010, and we expect employment growth will average 2.6% annually through 2014.

Leisure and Hospitality

California is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the world. The leisure and hospitality sector is an important driver of employment growth in the state. Although the sector caters more to the resident population, the tourism industry helps drive growth in the sector because of the numerous tourist destinations within the state. According to the California Travel and Tourism Commission, domestic and international tourists spent more than $87 billion in the state in 2009, supporting more than 881,000 jobs. California also boasts the largest market share of domestic tourism than any other state, accounting for 11.3% of visitors in the United States. International visitors to California made up 21.3% of total international tourism to the United States during the same period. In descending order by the number of visitors, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Australia, France, South Korea, and China were the top countries of origin for international visitors in 2008.


The leisure and hospitality sector accounted for 10.7% of total employment in the state in May 2010, with more than 1.4 million jobs. The global recession negatively impacted tourism in 2008 and 2009, and the high unemployment rate in California tempered demand for leisure and hospitality services, resulting in more than 103,000 job losses in 2008 and 2009 in total. However, through the first five months of 2010, the sector added 16,800 jobs, and we expect this momentum will continue through the remainder of the year. The sector is projected to grow by 1.5% annually through 2014.


The manufacturing sector has been in decline since the early 2000s recession, shrinking by more than 643,000 jobs from year-end 2000 through year-end 2009. Firms continue to offshore locations to manufacture goods at a lower cost, negatively impacting manufacturing employment in the state. Although food manufacturers in the Central Valley need to be within close proximity to farms in order to efficiently package food products, other manufacturing industries moved offshore, particularly to Asia and Mexico. However, the maquiladora programs near the border of Mexico do slightly benefit the state, even if those manufacturing jobs are not domestic. Firms ship the components of their goods to Mexico for assembly and in return only pay the duties on the value added to the goods, rather than duties on the value of the completed good. This program helps drive manufacturing job growth in Mexican border towns, boosting incomes in those economies. This job growth helps fuel retail spending in border towns on the California side, resulting in increased sales tax revenues for the state.

In addition to agribusiness manufacturing and maquiladora programs, California’s manufacturing sector boasts a strong technology manufacturing component. Manufacturing of high-technology devices and components is increasingly moving overseas. However, the innovative forces behind the manufacturing methods used often stays within the state, even if the modes of production move offshore.

The manufacturing sector accounted for roughly 8.9% of total employment in the state as of May 2010, with more than 1.2 million employees. The sector added roughly 5,400 jobs in the five months through May 2010, although we expect growth will be relatively flat in 2010. The manufacturing sector will likely continue to shed jobs as offshore manufacturing increasingly becomes a more cost-effective solution for firms.



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Financial Activities

California’s financial activities sector represented 5.6% of total employment as of May 2010, with more than 780,000 jobs. The sector includes positions in insurance, securities, real estate leasing and sales, and banking. The sector grew during the housing boom with the increase in mortgage companies and real estate professionals. The sector began to shed jobs in 2006, however, when the housing bubble burst. The financial activities sector lost nearly 160,000 jobs from year-end 2005 through year-end 2009, and lost an additional 1,200 jobs in the five months through May 2010. Recovery in this sector will be slow, and we expect a slight contraction in 2010, of 0.2%. Thereafter, job growth should average 1.1% annually through 2014, slower than in recent history.



The housing industry drove much of the growth in California’s construction sector during the recent growth cycle. The sector added more than 157,000 jobs from year-end 2002 through year-end 2005 before job losses began. The sector shed more than 373,000 jobs through year-end 2009 and an additional 16,800 jobs through the


first five months of 2010. Residential construction activity dropped off dramatically once home prices began to deteriorate. Commercial construction activity began to slow in 2008 as the recession deepened and capital flows to finance projects began to dry up. The residential and commercial real estate markets will drive growth in the construction sector going forward, but these markets may take several years to fully recover. Construction sector employment is expected to contract by 2.9% year-over-year in December 2010 before growing moderately at an average annual rate of 1.2% through 2014.

Information Services

The information services sector is highly concentrated in the state relative to the nation because of the state’s strong media, software publishing and telecommunications presence. The sector accounted for 3.2% of total employment as of May 2010. The media and entertainment industry is largely concentrated in Southern California, which drives information services sector employment in the state. Traditional media companies have been reporting declining revenues for several years, particularly as a result of the internet’s growing popularity as a new form of media consumption. Roughly 228,500 people were employed in California’s media and entertainment industry in 2008, including positions in motion picture and sound industries, broadcasting, and independent artists, writers and performers, as cited by the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation. Additionally, other states have aggressively courted media companies, slightly impacting California’s industry. Nonetheless, California is expected to remain at the center of the media and entertainment industry as it has the infrastructure, technology innovation and lifestyle that is vital to the industry.


The information services sector added approximately 4,100 jobs through the first five months of 2010. Employment in this sector has historically been volatile, and we expect this trend will continue given the shifting nature of the industry and the emergence of new media. However, job growth should continue through the forecast period, averaging 1.3% annually through 2014.


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Economic Outlook

California is slowly emerging from recession, and total employment gains in recent months are an encouraging sign that the economy is on the path to recovery. We expect job creation will continue in 2010, at 0.9% or 124,000 jobs, but should accelerate in 2011 and 2012 to 1.3% and 1.6%, respectively, adding 394,000 jobs during the two-year period. We expect a national economic slowdown will occur in 2013, tempering employment growth in the state to 1.0% and 149,000 jobs added. However, employment growth is expected to pick up again in 2014, reaching 1.7% with the addition of nearly 245,000 jobs. Throughout the forecast period, employment growth in the state is projected to outpace national employment growth. Gross state product declined an estimated 3.2% in 2009 as the global recession curtailed consumer and business spending. Because California is the world’s eighth-largest economy, global economic trends can impact the state to a greater degree than other states. However, as the national economy recovers, and global markets follow suit, we expect an increase in gross state product in 2010 of 0.9%. We expect gross state product growth will accelerate to 1.5% in 2011 and further to 3.1% in 2012. During the final two years of the forecast we expect gross state product growth will average 2.4% annually.




California Employment Trends



   Units     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004     2005     2006  

Total Employment

     (000     14,701.0        14,447.9        14,456.3        14,393.2        14,631.8        14,955.6        15,116.0   

% change

       3.4     -1.7     0.1     -0.4     1.7     2.2     1.1

Natural Resources & Mining

     (000     27.0        24.3        22.8        22.7        22.9        24.3        25.2   

% change

       3.0     -9.8     -6.5     -0.2     0.8     6.1     3.8


     (000     765.6        772.7        781.4        817.6        869.3        939.2        912.2   

% change

       7.5     0.9     1.1     4.6     6.3     8.0     -2.9


     (000     1,876.1        1,685.9        1,592.3        1,525.7        1,511.0        1,499.9        1,478.7   

% change

       2.2     -10.1     -5.6     -4.2     -1.0     -0.7     -1.4

Trade, Transport. & Utilities

     (000     2,761.8        2,705.7        2,726.6        2,720.4        2,778.1        2,858.5        2,900.3   

% change

       2.9     -2.0     0.8     -0.2     2.1     2.9     1.5


     (000     596.6        519.2        476.3        475.0        481.6        475.1        460.5   

% change

       11.0     -13.0     -8.3     -0.3     1.4     -1.4     -3.1

Financial Activities

     (000     816.2        847.2        870.3        891.5        911.3        941.2        924.4   

% change

       0.9     3.8     2.7     2.4     2.2     3.3     -1.8

Prof. & Business Services

     (000     2,266.6        2,122.1        2,109.0        2,070.0        2,124.1        2,187.4        2,264.3   

% change

       5.4     -6.4     -0.6     -1.8     2.6     3.0     3.5

Educ. & Health Services

     (000     1,402.1        1,479.3        1,518.5        1,549.7        1,572.1        1,600.4        1,631.5   

% change

       1.2     5.5     2.7     2.1     1.4     1.8     1.9

Leisure & Hospitality

     (000     1,353.7        1,364.3        1,391.6        1,417.0        1,455.1        1,496.7        1,539.3   

% change

       2.6     0.8     2.0     1.8     2.7     2.9     2.8

Other Services

     (000     493.1        501.9        506.9        502.8        504.4        504.3        510.3   

% change

       2.2     1.8     1.0     -0.8     0.3     0.0     1.2


     (000     2,338.9        2,420.5        2,455.2        2,397.6        2,401.9        2,432.1        2,475.4   

% change

       2.8     3.5     1.4     -2.3     0.2     1.3     1.8

Gross State Product Growth

       7.6     -0.4     1.3     3.0     5.2     4.3     3.1



   2007     2008     2009     2010f     2011f     2012f     2013f     2014f  

Total Employment

     15,176.8        14,639.1        13,770.6        13,894.6        14,070.2        14,288.5        14,437.5        14,682.4   

% change

     0.4     -3.5     -5.9     0.9     1.3     1.6     1.0     1.7

Natural Resources & Mining

     27.5        28.7        24.0        24.1        24.5        24.7        24.8        25.0   

% change

     9.1     4.4     -16.4     0.4     1.3     0.9     0.4     0.9


     853.8        725.8        566.2        549.5        554.5        562.2        567.5        577.2   

% change

     -6.4     -15.0     -22.0     -2.9     0.9     1.4     1.0     1.7


     1,449.7        1,377.1        1,232.3        1,233.7        1,231.4        1,229.0        1,222.1        1,222.0   

% change

     -2.0     -5.0     -10.5     0.1     -0.2     -0.2     -0.6     0.0

Trade, Transport. & Utilities

     2,923.9        2,749.1        2,558.3        2,615.2        2,658.9        2,705.4        2,736.2        2,786.1   

% change

     0.8     -6.0     -6.9     2.2     1.7     1.8     1.1     1.8


     474.8        468.6        446.7        458.0        462.3        467.8        470.9        476.4   

% change

     3.1     -1.3     -4.7     2.5     0.9     1.2     0.7     1.2

Financial Activities

     878.5        826.6        781.4        779.7        786.8        797.6        804.4        815.2   

% change

     -5.0     -5.9     -5.5     -0.2     0.9     1.4     0.9     1.3

Prof. & Business Services

     2,269.4        2,165.3        2,011.5        2,035.9        2,067.2        2,107.3        2,137.3        2,185.8   

% change

     0.2     -4.6     -7.1     1.2     1.5     1.9     1.4     2.3

Educ. & Health Services

     1,700.5        1,746.4        1,749.8        1,792.4        1,838.9        1,890.8        1,931.5        1,986.8   

% change

     4.2     2.7     0.2     2.4     2.6     2.8     2.2     2.9

Leisure & Hospitality

     1,574.7        1,547.1        1,470.7        1,494.5        1,514.8        1,540.7        1,556.6        1,584.3   

% change

     2.3     -1.8     -4.9     1.6     1.4     1.7     1.0     1.8

Other Services

     516.9        499.9        468.1        474.2        481.1        488.0        492.9        500.6   

% change

     1.3     -3.3     -6.4     1.3     1.5     1.4     1.0     1.6


     2,514.4        2,514.4        2,471.0        2,445.5        2,458.0        2,483.4        2,501.9        2,531.8   

% change

     1.6     0.0     -1.7     -1.0     0.5     1.0     0.7     1.2

Gross State Product Growth

     1.8     0.4     -3.2     0.9     1.5     3.1     2.2     2.5

Sources: BLS, California Employment Development Department, RCG


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State Demographics

Population Trends

With more than 38.5 million residents, California is the most populous state in the nation. The state represents roughly 12.5% of the national population, and its population has expanded at a 1.7% annual rate since 1970. Population growth tends to slow during recessions, as net migration to the state is typically weaker during these periods. On the flip side, population growth picks up during periods of economic health. The housing boom drove many out of the state when affordability fell too low for most households; many residents sought more affordable housing in nearby states. After averaging 1.7% annually from 2001 to 2004, population growth slowed to an average of 1.1% annually from 2005 to 2008. Population growth slowed further to 0.9% in 2009 as a result of slow net migration and weak employment fundamentals.

California is a highly desirable place to live, despite high home prices and a higher cost of living relative to the nation. Outweighing these factors are the state’s numerous parks and beaches, favorable weather, and numerous recreational opportunities, in addition to employment opportunities in a variety of industries and for a wide range of skill levels. Additionally, young people come to the state for its numerous colleges and universities. The attractive quality of life and innovative industry mix keeps many graduates within the state. In recent years, housing affordability drove some residents to other states; however, since home prices declined, affordability increased to 43.2% in 2009. This increased affordability should help drive stronger positive net migration, or at least prevent out-migration en masse as was the case during the housing boom. As employment conditions continue to improve within the next year and during the forecast period, population growth should remain steady.

The state’s population is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1.1% from 2010 through 2050, according to projections from the California Demographic Research Unit. This amounts to an increase of more than 21.3 million people, bringing the state’s


total population to 59.5 million by 2030. Ongoing population growth will continue to drive economic growth and increased demand for goods and services in tandem. This economic growth will stimulate tax revenues and contribute to the stability of the state government. Additionally, continued population growth will provide a larger pool of workers for employers to choose from, adding to the desirability of the state for employers and further contributing to innovation and economic expansion. International net migration is another source of population growth, and California is one of the top immigration destinations in the country.

Household Trends

Economic health typically fosters new household formation, and this is the case in California. The household formation rate slowed in the mid-1990s, reflecting the weaker economic environment in the state at the time, to an average of 0.7% annually from 1993 through 1996. The household formation rate increased again during the period leading up to the 2000s recession, during a period of economic health, averaging 1.0% annually from 1997 through 2000. The household formation rate slowed again in 2006 and 2007 to 0.4% annually as the California economy began to slip into recession and high home prices tempered new household formation. Household formation declined further in 2008 and 2009 to 0.6% and 0.5%, respectively, pointing to the decline in California’s economy, increase in unemployment, and increase in foreclosures. Many were forced to move in with relatives or roommates in order to save on housing costs, driving the household formation rate to turn negative.

Net Migration Trends

California’s net migration trend typically follows economic trends in the state. When employment fundamentals are positive, net migration tends to be stronger, and vice versa. Net migration turned negative in the mid-1990s as a result of the state recession, resulting in a loss of more than 408,000 people from 1993 through 1996. It turned positive again in 1997 and accelerated during the tech-boom period, averaging 339,000 people annually from 1999 through 2001. Although it slowed during the early 2000s recession, net migration remained strong, averaging 263,000 people annually from 2002 through 2004. As home prices grew more unaffordable for a majority of households during the housing boom of the mid-2000s, net migration slowed dramatically, averaging 86,000 people from 2005 through 2007. Although affordability improved, the weak economy kept net migration low, averaging just 83,000 people annually in 2008 and 2009.

Out-migration to lower cost states was the main culprit for slow net migration in recent years, particularly as people sought lower home prices during the single family housing boom. According to the Census, California was the top state for out-migration to other states from 2005 to 2007, totaling more than 948,000 people. The largest share of out migrants moved to Arizona, many of whom sought more-affordable single family homes. More than 248,000


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people migrated to Arizona during the two-year period, while Texas ranked second, with almost 245,000 people migrating there during the same period. Nonetheless, more people moved into California than moved out during this period, resulting in positive net migration, a testament to the state’s desirability as a place to live and work. Home prices in California are now much more affordable, and because California boasts an attractive quality of life, we expect net migration will increase during the forecast period.


California is the top immigration state in the nation, with more than 227,000 documented immigrants entering the state in 2009. Immigration trends typically follow economic trends, increasing when job growth is stronger, and slowing when employment fundamentals are weak. Immigration declined by 16.7% year-over-year during 1994 and by 19.7% in 1995, reflecting the weak economic growth during the period. Immigration picked up sharply during the dot-com boom, increasing by 34.9% in 2000 and by 30.0% in 2001, again demonstrating that immigration trends mirror the economic health of the state and the availability of jobs. To further illustrate the point, immigration declined sharply following the dot-com bust, by 39.4% in 2003.

California is the first point of entry for many immigrants coming from Asia and South America. From 1984 through 2009, documented immigration averaged more than 206,000 people annually. According to the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), second-generation immigrants totaled approximately 7.0 million residents in 2005, or more than 19% of the state’s population that year. Second-generation immigrants are typically better educated than their parents, and earn a greater income during their lifetimes, both of which benefit California’s economy. However, a larger share of first-generation immigrants is better educated now than they were in the past few decades. According to the PPIC, 35% of immigrants who arrived between 2004 and 2007 held a degree, compared with 19% who arrived in the late 1980s. Entrepreneurship among first- and second-

generation immigrant groups is also greater than in the native-born population. According to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, immigration entrepreneurial activity increased from 0.46% to 0.51% in 2008, while the U.S.-born entrepreneurial rate increased by only 1 basis point during the same period to 0.27%, creating a wider gap between immigrant and U.S.-born entrepreneurship. These positive factors should continue to increase for the foreseeable future, further cementing California’s reputation for having a highly innovative and educated workforce, which should attract businesses to the state.


Income Trends

California boasts a highly educated workforce, with 37.2% of Californians having an associate’s degree or higher compared with 35.2% nationally in 2008. Additionally, 29.6% of Californians held a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with 27.7% nationally. The state’s numerous colleges and universities support innovation and creativity within the state, and foster an entrepreneurial spirit. This innovation drives industry growth in a number of areas, including high technology, life sciences, and media. California’s established industries, such as trade, agriculture, and tourism, should continue to thrive in the long term as well. In addition, the state’s highly educated workforce warrants higher incomes, and California ranks in the top quartile for income levels among the 50 states.

Income per capita in California has exceeded the national rate since 1948 when recordkeeping began, by an average of 15.6% annually through 2009. As of 2009, California’s income per capita exceeded the national figure by 8.2%, at $38,721. The gap between the state and national figures was squeezed during the mid-1990s recession, with income per capita in the state exceeding the national figure by an average of 5.6% from 1993 through 1997. However, from 1998 through 2009, the gap widened and the state figure exceeded the national figure by an average of 8.9%. California’s highly innovative workforce and diverse industry mix warrants higher incomes, particularly because the state’s population is highly educated.


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Economic and Demographic Summary

California’s is an attractive place to live and work, and continued steady demographic growth will support steady economic growth through the longer term. New and existing residents are attracted to its sprawling coastline, numerous parks and beaches, warm weather, and countless recreational opportunities. The state’s continued demographic growth and innovative spirit will support new industry growth for years to come, and it will remain one of the most desirable places to live and work for the foreseeable future.

Increasing domestic migration should boost population growth during the forecast period, as should increased immigration. California is currently in an economic recovery period, but when employment fundamentals improve, we expect population growth will increase in concert. Furthermore, household formation should increase as economic stability typically prompts more people to create new households. Demographic patterns typically follow economic growth, and because California is prone to economic boom and bust cycles, so is its demographic growth. However, many factors will continue to drive people to the state including: a highly accredited state university system and numerous private universities and colleges; warm weather, numerous parks, beaches and outdoor recreational opportunities; sophisticated industries; and overall quality of life. These factors will continue to drive long-term demographic growth in California.

State Fiscal Environment

California continues to grapple with double-digit unemployment rates, ongoing corrections in the real estate market, and more frugal consumer spending, which has led to a heightened level of distress in the state’s finances. A significant proportion of state revenues are derived from three specific sources: sales and use tax, income tax, and corporate tax, each of which is closely tied to economic and business cycles and account for an estimated 94.2% of the state’s General Fund revenues in fiscal year 2010-2011. As a result, the deterioration of the state economy has had a disproportional effect on the state’s fiscal health. At the city and county level, the same drivers continue to rattle local government budgets, necessitating continued program cuts and hiring freezes in the coming fiscal year. However, despite previous talk of bankruptcy and seemingly irreparable damage to state operations and state credit ratings, the state continues to make progress and should emerge from this down period in the economic cycle. The growing concentration and anticipated growth of emerging technological industries in the state should stimulate job growth, as well as consumer spending, driving the improvements to the state economy and fiscal health of the state in the coming years. Given the cyclical nature of the economy and an anticipated economic rebound, this should result in a strong recovery in the fiscal health of the state as economic conditions at both the state and national level improve through the near-term forecast period.

Budget Challenges

The size of the economy as well as the state’s diverse and large population of residents and industries makes balancing the state budget, while appeasing a wide variety of constituents, a daunting task. Total expenditures by the state are expected to require $122.6 billion in fiscal year 2010-2011. With a gross state product approaching $2 trillion, or approximately 13% of the United State GDP in 2008, California’s ties to international trade, tourism, technological innovation, and agriculture make it one of the largest and most diverse economies in the world.

The state’s political and institutional constraints do not lend themselves to any easy solutions to the fiscal crisis. California requires a two-thirds vote, or super-majority, in order to pass changes to the budget, which generally prevents swift action in response to financial challenges. The two-thirds majority was established in an effort to prevent overspending; instead, it led to gridlock and did not prevent increased spending by the state. If the push to change the required majority is successful, the state budget process would likely become more streamlined and effective in response to changing conditions. For the 19th time in the last 25 years, California begins the 2010-2011 fiscal year with no budget in place. The same two-third super-majority that is required for budget passage and tax increases has resulted in the all-too-familiar stalemate between Democrats and Republicans and hence delay in the budget approval.

The passage of Proposition 13 in 1978 forced the legislative body of California and municipalities to rely far too heavily on income taxes and sales taxes as sources of revenue, leaving budgets vulnerable to downturns in the economic cycle – the likes of which we are experiencing today. Despite the limits placed on assessed real estate value by Proposition 13, rising housing and commercial property values in addition to the rise in job growth fueled by these industries during the boom period motivated both state and local governments to increase spending. The effects of the correction in real estate values and property tax receipts - as real estate transactions waned and reductions to personal income dramatically decreased consumer spending - forced the state legislature and local governments to tighten their belts in reaction to the decline in revenue.

The state’s initiative process also reduced the state’s ability to adapt to abrupt reductions in revenues. From the passage of Proposition 13 to the passage of Proposition 98, which mandates spending on K-12 and community college education regardless of other fiscal considerations, the referendum process has reduced the legislature’s flexibility in times of crisis. While the effects of the initiative process on the fiscal health of the state are debatable, it can be argued that direct-ballot initiatives have limited the state’s ability to raise taxes, but at the same time have forced spending mandates on the state legislature, leaving little room to maneuver during periods of economic distress.


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Adding to the state’s long-term budget concerns, a recent independent study found that the state’s three largest pension funds, CalPERS, CalSTRS, and the University of California retirement system, have a shortfall of approximately half a trillion dollars, which is several times the amount reported by the funds. Though paid slowly over a long period, the state will likely have to divert a growing amount of funding to paying off this debt over time.

Budget Solutions

Improving economic conditions through the first half of 2010, as well as the introduction of broad tax hikes, ushered in promising improvements to the state’s fiscal health. In May 2010, general fund revenue increased by $1.3 billion, a 25% increase from May 2009. While in comparison to an extremely low base, the increase in revenues can be attributed to a 12.5% increase in sales tax revenue, a 26.8% increase in corporate taxes, and a near-50% increase in personal income tax receipts from May 2009. With this trend expected to accelerate through the near-term forecast period, the rise in tax revenues will coincide with the overall economic rebound.

Despite the improving economic conditions through the first half of the year, lingering long-term debts continue to weigh on California’s financial situation. Outstanding, general fund-backed debt, which includes both general obligation bonds and legislature-authorized lease revenue bonds, surpassed $90 billion in June 2010. As of January 2010, the state’s projected general fund budget gap for fiscal year 2010-2011 was $19.9 billion. Following the adoption of $8.9 billion in Special Session solutions, the projected general fund budget gap improved to $19.1 billion by the May 2010 revision. Solutions adopted during the special session include reductions to state spending, various fund shifts, and federal funding. Additional budget solutions included the decentralization of state-run services and transfer to local governments, as well as the taxation/legalization of marijuana, which by some estimates could potentially generate $1.3 billion in tax revenue.


In order to balance the budget this coming fiscal year, social program cuts, as well as furloughs and layoffs of state employees were implemented. In the proposed 2010-2011 budget, expenditure reductions account for close to 65% of the budget gap solutions, while federal funding accounts for close to 18%. Expenditure cuts include the elimination of some child-care programs, a reduction in funding for local mental health services, and the elimination of the CalWORKs program. As a result, general fund expenditures are projected to fall 3.5% from the previous fiscal year to $83.4 billion in fiscal year 2010-2011. The proposals to close the remaining budget gap include alternative funding sources (6.7%), as well as fund shifts and other revenues (11%). This includes a $650 million loan of excise taxes on gasoline. In addition to these solutions, the creative accounting tactics in order to overcome this enormous shortfall, including the transfer of funds from other accounts to the General Fund, will have to be paid back at some point in the future.

In an effort to prevent similar collapses in the state budget, the governor is proposing permanent budget reform and the creation of a “Rainy-Day Fund” to protect state coffers for the effects of future economic downturns. While doing little to untangle the connection between state finances and the economy, this proactive approach should better prepare the state for the future recessions.

Budget Outlook

California’s resilience during previous periods of deficit spending and weak tax revenues indicates that the state economy will overcome the effects of the current fiscal crisis and will return to positive growth much like it has following previous recessions. California has survived many periods of deficit spending and weak tax revenue, signaling that the current situation is part of an ongoing pattern of up and down years for the state. The current fiscal crisis has resulted in three years of deficit General Fund spending between fiscal years 2006-2007 and 2008-2009, totaling nearly $13.9 billion. Nonetheless, the deficit between fiscal years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 totaled $11.1 billion, and the state still emerged from the downturn with a



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four-year period of surplus. This period of turmoil occurred in synch with the tech bust, reflecting the negative impact of economic downturns on state coffers. Likewise, the state faced a five-year budget crisis beginning in fiscal year 1987-1988 and lasting through fiscal year 1992-1993, mirroring the recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s, and recovered with the improvement of the state’s economy. This period of downturn was followed by seven years of surplus, demonstrating yet again that long periods of distress can be followed by even longer periods of health for the state.

The state’s resilience during previous recessions illustrates its ability to emerge from this budget crisis. Unlike the federal budget, the heightened dependence of state revenues on the health of the economy and income levels supporting consumer spending result in cyclical changes in the state surplus or deficit which closely align with the health of the state economy. Consequently, the anticipated rise in tax revenues, resumed growth of personal incomes, and rise in consumer spending in the coming years point to both improvements in economic conditions and the fiscal health of California.

Positive Outlook for the State of California

Despite the current challenges, the state of California is in an enviable position for long-term health. The high quality of life in the state is anticipated to attract and retain both residents and businesses in the coming years, contributing to the state’s recovery. In addition to being a place where people want to live and work, the state is also home to dynamic knowledge-based industries that are expected to drive employment growth in the coming years. In fact, the state is known for its strong entrepreneurial spirit, with the existing core of businesses expected to attract new start-ups in the coming years, further contributing to hiring. Innovative clean tech, biotech, and healthcare firms are expected to be among the first to add jobs in the state, which is already the country’s largest technology hub. The development of new technologies is expected to reignite the industry, in turn causing growth to spill over into other sectors as well. Generally, the state follows a boom and bust cycle, bouncing back from recessions with sustained periods of economic expansion. While the current downturn has proven more difficult than any other in recent history, the same trend of resumed employment growth led by the state’s dynamic industries is expected to emerge in the coming years. We expect employment to stabilize in 2010, with hiring regaining momentum by 2011 and lasting through the forecast period.

Desirable Quality of Life

Despite the higher cost of living, California is a state where people want to live and work, and in turn a place where businesses want to locate. Out-migration in recent years was high because of high home prices, but more people moved into the state than moved out, nonetheless. People from around the world are attracted to the state’s quality of life and job opportunities in a variety of fields.

Immigration to California is the highest of all 50 states, and many enter the state via the H-1B visa program. These immigrants are well educated, bolstering the state’s reputation for having a highly skilled workforce.

California is the first point of entry to the country for many immigrants, particularly those from Asia and South America. Not only do these residents boost the state’s diversity profile, but they add to the demand for services and supporting employment. In addition to contributing to employment growth, immigrants also contribute to the state’s buying power. The Hispanic population represented more than $228 billion in buyer power, according to a 2009 report published by the California Business Investment Services agency, while the Asian population contributed $150 billion in buying power. The number of immigrants in the state attracts business investment as well, further contributing to the health of the state economy. As of 2008, California ranked first among all 50 states for foreign direct investment, courting more than $300 billion. We believe this trend will continue for the foreseeable future.

The state’s natural beauty, varied geography, abundance of national and state parks, temperate climate, diverse industry mix, and top-ranked post-secondary educational institutions will continue to draw people from around the world. California is also home to world-class cities, including San Francisco and Los Angeles, helping to drive tourism and attract new residents. The allure of the state and its many attractions ensures that people and businesses will continue to be drawn to California, boosting economic growth for years to come.

The economic downturn impacted California in terms of job losses and reduced output of goods and services. However, home prices fell, making homeownership more affordable than it was during the housing boom, which should drive increased net migration to the state, thus boosting economic growth. Homeowners who are able to afford their mortgages also have less incentive to move to other states, especially with home prices down. As job opportunities improve through the forecast period and beyond, the desirable quality of life California offers will draw more residents to the state. We expect net migration will accelerate through the forecast period, driving the need for additional jobs and services, boosting the economic health of the state.

Pioneering Industry Mix

California’s highly skilled and educated workforce drives innovation and entrepreneurialism in the state. More Californians have obtained a post-secondary degree than the national share of the population. Although the state unemployment rate increased dramatically during the recession, periods of high unemployment often spark increased innovation and entrepreneurship, especially in a highly educated population such as California’s. Because California is a highly desirable place to live, unemployed residents find ways to remain in the


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state and pursue small business opportunities which further support overall economic growth. Increased innovation fueled the growth of the technology industry during and after the 1990s recession, and again following the 2001 recession. The most recent recession will likely have a similar impact on innovation within the state, and the development of new ideas and products will help drive the state’s economic recovery.

The high-technology industry emerged within California, and the state is a worldwide leader in tech-related employment. Approximately one million technology workers reside in the state, accounting for nearly one-sixth of all tech-related employees nationwide. Prominent technology firms located within the state include Oracle, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Electronic Arts, and many others, and despite the higher cost of doing business, firms are attracted to the state’s highly-educated talent pool and desirable quality of life. We expect the continued growth of the technology industry will drive economic growth in the state for the foreseeable future.

California’s established technology industry helped fuel the growth of the biotechnology industry in the state, which is highly clustered near prominent universities in both Northern and Southern California. Clean technology is also a growing subsector of the technology industry, and as demand for cleaner resources increases through the long term, this industry will continue to grow and drive economic growth. Government incentives abound for both biotechnology and clean technology innovation and investment. The National Institutes of Health awarded more than $3.2 billion in funding to institutions within the state of California in 2009 for a variety of biotechnology research initiatives, more than to any other state. This trend will likely continue to be the norm, especially as the industry grows.

Increased demand for healthcare services and innovative medical developments will fuel the biotechnology industry resulting in sustained growth in the educational and health services sector. California’s aging population fueled demand for these services throughout the recession, and it was one of the only sectors that continued to grow in many metropolitan areas during the downturn. The larger echo-boomer population will likewise drive demand for health services, and this in turn will fuel continued biotechnology development within the state.

California is the epicenter for media and entertainment, and the state’s high-technology industry is fueling innovation in this industry as well. Although other states are increasingly offering government incentives in an effort to attract motion picture and television production dollars, California remains the dominant player in this field. The industry is so established and deeply ingrained within the culture that the state will likely remain the center of the film and television industry for many years to come. The high-technology industry is working hand-in-hand with the film and television production industry. The digital arts industry is a thriving technology subsector; as film and television productions become more sophisticated, the demand for

these skills will continue to increase. California’s innovative spirit is evident throughout all of its most prominent specialized industries, driving long-term economic growth in the state.

State Government Rebound

California’s large population warrants a large government services sector, and it plays an important role in providing employment and stability through social services. The housing bust and financial crisis led to weaker tax revenues during the recession and consequently massive budget cuts. However, as the economy improves and hiring picks up, government employment and program funding should improve in concert with increased tax revenues. The state’s strong high-technology presence should help fuel the economic recovery faster than in other states, as we believe this sector will be a strong driver of economic growth nationwide. Additionally, growing demand for clean tech, biotechnology and healthcare services will fuel economic growth. As the economy continues to stabilize and grow through the forecast period, tax revenues should follow suit, helping the state overcome budget shortfalls.

Positive Outlook for California

Despite the current weakness in the state’s economy, California is well poised for a strong recovery. Because the state economy is prone to booms and busts, we believe it will emerge from the current recession stronger than many other states. Additionally, the established high-technology, biotechnology, and healthcare industries will fuel sustainable long-term economic growth in the state. Traditionally, California has been home to a highly educated and innovative workforce that attracts business investment from around the world. The state’s specialized industry mix should continue to draw new businesses and people alike through the long term.

California is an attractive place to live and work, and this will continue to drive new residents to the state. The numerous highly accredited post-secondary institutions attract young people from around the world, and help drive in-migration. In turn, these institutions help drive innovation and investment within the state’s highly specialized industries. The state’s beautiful geography, numerous recreational opportunities, and desirable quality of life keep many people in the state, which drives more sustainable economic growth.

Barriers to Entry

Property development in the State of California is notoriously difficult from the builder’s perspective, as a myriad of legislative, physical and economic factors restrict or inhibit commercial and residential construction. As a result, nearly all of California’s coastal or urbanized markets are supply constrained with significant barriers to entry. While the onerous process can deter new development, the existing regulatory environment is highly favorable to existing owners of property and helps to mitigate the risk of oversupply.


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In terms of physical geography, a lack of developable land in desirable locations limits new construction. The state’s natural beauty constrains growth as much as it attracts new residents and visitors. The coastline is, for the most part, fully developed with little land available that is not built-out or designated as protected open space. The California Coastal Commission regulates development within close proximity, which in some areas can be as far as five miles, to the ocean. In some parts of the state, preserved open space and an activist residential population inhibit further growth. The vast majority of open land still present in the state is located considerable distances away from the main population centers, and thus not in ideal locations for near-term development. What little space available along the coast or in close proximity to metropolitan areas is subject to strict land use controls promulgated at the state and local levels.

Legislative procedures in the form of building codes, planning regulations and required environmental reviews have also limited the development of new office projects. This process of approvals for new development is one of the most arduous in the United States, and its complexity is scaled with the size of the development. Building codes and planning regulations are set at the municipal level and thus vary throughout the state. These regulations vary from limits on density to congestion prevention to San Francisco’s infamous Proposition K which prevents construction that will create shadows on city parks. Additionally, less formal processes such as neighborhood association reviews can significantly add to the timing and cost of new development. Environmental review is generally required at the state level by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the most stringent state-level environmental review legislation in the United States. CEQA requires that state and local agencies identify significant environmental impacts of their actions and to avoid or mitigate these impacts where feasible. The CEQA lengthens the permitting and review process for a new project in the state and many times discourages developers from building in California at all.

Most major commercial building projects are subject to full review under CEQA. Should the lead agency determine that the project could have significant environmental impacts, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is required if the developer does not revise project plans. Mitigation measures and alternatives to the proposed project that may reduce or avoid environmental impacts are proposed in the EIR, while also identifying the environmentally superior alternative. The lead agency may then require feasible design alternatives or mitigation measures before final project approval. Including a public review period, the CEQA environmental review process often takes a year or longer to complete, and in many cases, special interest groups or another party can—and often do—delay the process further by issuing lawsuits under CEQA’s stringent requirements.

In addition to environmental review, many municipalities, particularly

in coastal or environmentally sensitive areas, adopted growth management measures to slow or altogether prohibit building activity. These regulations seek to manage density, traffic, population and the locations of new developments. While these restrictions deter outside developers, the regulations as they exist are a positive to existing owners of property and generally add to the quality of life for a given area, increasing the attractiveness of living and working in the state.

Office Market Overview

Market Conditions

California’s office market contains more than 634 million square feet of office space across the state. Approximately 55% of the total office space is located in Southern California metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Inland Empire and Ventura. The remaining 45% of the inventory is found in Northern California metropolitan areas, including San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland and San Jose. While office space exists in other smaller metropolitan areas, the major markets represent the bulk of the institutional-grade properties and trends in these regions are representative of California as a whole.

Several factors set California’s economy apart from others. Its world-class educational and research institutions along with a diverse array of cultural and outdoor recreational opportunities help to attract and retain a highly educated and talented workforce. Its network of venture capital firms is mature, yet still dynamic. These factors combine to foster a business environment highly conducive to innovation. Despite its high costs of living and doing business, a wide variety of office-using industry clusters are located throughout California, including professional services, finance, government, media and entertainment, internet and technology, biotech and medical.

Barriers to entry in California’s office market are generally high, particularly in coastal regions. A lack of developable land inhibits large new developments in most major metropolitan areas. Restrictive building codes and extensive planning and environmental review requirements in addition to high costs associated with land and construction discourage development as well.

During the second half of the 1990s, conditions in California’s overall office market strengthened following a period of weak fundamentals associated with the early 1990s recession. Robust economic growth and job creation in the office-using employment sectors fueled rising demand for office space throughout the state during the second half of the decade. Improving fundamentals were marked by falling vacancy rates, accelerating rent growth and developers bringing large amounts of new office space to the market. Between 1991 and 2000, employment in the three main office-using sectors—professional and business services, financial activities and information services—


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expanded by 4.2% annually, totaling more than 1.0 million new jobs. By comparison, total state employment grew at an average annual rate of 2.2% during the same period.

From a high point of 18.6% in 1991, the overall vacancy rate trended downward steadily through the decade, reaching 8.9% by 2000. Suburban properties benefited most from the steadily growing demand in the 1990s. Suburban office parks were attractive at the time, particularly to technology-related firms, because space offered was flexible and scalable, parking was readily available and these locations enabled firms to create campus-like environments. As a result, the vacancy rate for suburban office properties improved to a greater extent than CBD properties. The suburban vacancy rate decreased to 7.5% in 2000, down 10.7 percentage points from 1991. By comparison, the CBD vacancy rate decreased by 9.6 percentage points to reach 8.3% in 2000.

Markets where technology-related clusters flourished during the tech-boom recorded the lowest vacancy rates during the period. San Francisco’s office vacancy rate decreased to a fourth-quarter low of 2.3% in 1999 from 14.9% in 1991. In San Jose, 2.6% of the total office space was vacant in 2000, down from 17.1% in 1990. Bay Area landlords were able to raise rents aggressively during this period, aided by strong demand and supply constraints. Office rents in San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland grew by 236%, 156% and 112%, respectively between 1995 and 2000.

To accommodate accelerating growth in office demand, particularly from technology firms, developers ramped up construction activity during the expansion phase of the property cycle. Total annual completions increased to 19.6 million square feet in 2001 from just 361,000 square feet in 1993. In total, more than 61.0 million square feet of new office came online in California between 1993 and 2001. The lion’s share of this new space was delivered in the suburbs. Furthermore, higher costs, development restrictions and difficulty assembling necessary parcels to build on were barriers to entry in CBD markets, pushing developers outside to the suburbs.



Just 4.1% of the total office space delivered in California between 1993 and 2001 was located in CBDs.

When scaled by relative size, San Jose recorded the largest construction boom in the late 1990s. Total office inventory grew by 31.5% between 1993 and 2001 with the addition of 7.8 million square feet. In Los Angeles, which is a much larger and more stable market, developers expanded total office inventory just 6.3% during the period. On the other hand, Los Angeles tied with San Francisco for the most space delivered, in absolute terms, each with a total of 10.1 million square feet between 1993 and 2001. Ventura and the Inland Empire were at the low end of the spectrum, with 1.2 million square feet and 864,000 square feet of new space completed during the same period.

With the decline in the technology industry and the onset of the early 2000s recession, office market conditions in California, along with the rest of the United States, began to deteriorate. From 2001 to 2003, total employment in the office-using sectors contracted by 6.6% in California, resulting in the elimination of approximately 224,900 positions throughout the state. Losses were concentrated, however, in the professional and business services and information services sectors; employers in the financial activities sector managed to continue expanding payrolls during the period.

As some firms cut back on non-essential space and others closed, the amount of space available on the market grew sharply. After dropping to 8.9% in 2000, California’s overall vacancy rate increased by 9.4 percentage points during the next two years to reach 18.3% in 2002. The suburban vacancy rate increased by 11.5 percentage points to 19.0%, compared with a 9.5 percentage-point increase in California’s CBDs to 17.8%.

From a regional perspective, the more volatile, tech-heavy markets in Northern California recorded the largest vacancy rate increases during the early 2000s recession. San Jose’s total office vacancy rate increased to 27.3% in 2002 from 2.6% two years earlier. The


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vacancy rate in San Francisco increased over a longer period, rising to 24.3% in 2003 from 2.3% in 1999. Markets with more stable and/ or diverse industry clusters were less volatile during this period. In Sacramento, where office demand is fueled heavily by government-related tenants, the vacancy rate increased by just 3.1 percentage points from 2000 to 2002, while the vacancy rate in Los Angeles increased by 5.8 percentage points during the same period.

California office market conditions began to turn around in the aftermath of the tech-bust around 2003; as leasing activity increased, more and more sublease space was absorbed or withdrawn, and construction activity waned. Demand was driven during the next several years by a combination of sources. Housing and mortgage-related firms grew rapidly and leased office space in areas where local housing markets boomed such as the Inland Empire, Orange County and San Diego. Other major metropolitan areas in the Bay Area, as well as Los Angeles and San Diego to varying degrees, benefited from new growth among tech-related firms of varying size, from multinationals to a new wave of venture capital-backed start-ups.

New hiring in the professional and business services, financial activities and information services sectors expanded payrolls by 6.2% in the three-year period between 2004 and 2006, representing 212,800 new jobs. Across these sectors, however, job growth was uneven during the mid-2000s expansion period. Professional and business services added 199,400 jobs between 2004 and 2007. Financial activities sector employment grew through the recession, albeit at a slower pace. Hiring picked up considerably in 2001, however, as demand heated up for financial services associated with the booming housing market. The sector added 125,000 positions statewide between 2001 and 2005. Job growth trends in the information services sector were irregular during the expansion period, as growing software, media and entertainment companies balanced the structural decline in traditional telecommunications industries. Statistics show a slight loss of less than 1,000 information services jobs between 2004 and 2007.



As a result of this strengthening demand and slowing construction completions around the state, the overall office market supply-demand balance began to improve slowly in 2003, marked by the annual vacancy rate decreasing by 0.6 percentage points to 17.7% on the year. This supply-demand balance improved further in subsequent years, as job creation ramped up and the supply response lagged. The overall vacancy rate decreased to 11.9% in 2006, 6.4 percentage points less than the previous year-end peak in 2002.

Office markets where fundamentals deteriorated the most dramatically during the early 2000s recession improved most strongly during the mid-2000s expansion period. San Francisco’s overall office vacancy rate dropped to 9.1% by 2007, 15.2 percentage points less than the cyclical high in 2003. San Jose’s vacancy rate dropped by 14.8 percentage points to 12.5% from 2002 through 2007. Other markets with a more stable tenant base or relatively quick supply response recorded vacancy rate decreases less than the overall average. San Diego’s vacancy rate dropped by just 2.7 percentage points to 8.9% in 2005 from 2002. Sacramento’s vacancy rate steadily increased during the period, mainly as a result of overbuilding.

Despite a falling vacancy rate in 2003 and 2004, average asking rents declined, reaching $24.08 per square foot in the fourth quarter of 2004. As the vacancy rate dropped appreciably off peak levels through 2005, landlords became increasingly able to leverage negotiating power on lease terms. Overall rent growth, measured on a fourth quarter-over-fourth quarter basis, accelerated through the next several years, reaching 14.5% in 2007 from 5.9% in 2005. Rent growth statewide decelerated in 2008 as new leasing slowed and large amounts of vacant space were placed on the market. The most supply-constrained markets recorded the most aggressive rent growth, primarily San Francisco, San Jose and, to some degree, Los Angeles.

The mid-2000s building cycle, has ultimately proved to be milder than the previous cycle, which started in the late 1990s and continued


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through the early 2000s—a factor of more realistic demand expectations by developers and rising construction costs. The current construction cycle began its upswing in 2005, two years after the vacancy rate started falling. Through 2009, a total of just 42.2 million square feet were completed since 2005; RCG is forecasting the trough to come in 2011. Factoring in the expected 2.8 million square feet in 2010 and 675,000 square feet in 2011, RCG expects a total of 45.6 million square feet of new office space to be delivered between 2005 and 2011, an average of 6.5 million square feet per year. RCG believes the current cycle peaked in 2008 with 11.0 million square feet delivered. By comparison, between 1997 and 2004, a total of 82.0 million square feet of office space came online in California, or an average of 10.2 million square feet per year. The previous cyclical peak came in 2001 with 19.6 million square feet delivered on the year.

By 2007, the effects of slowing demand surfaced and a lagged supply response began to overshoot market demand. California’s fourth-quarter vacancy rate was stable at 11.9% following four consecutive years of decline. Housing-boom markets led the deterioration in market fundamentals: Orange County’s and San Diego


office vacancy rates increased by 4.0 and 3.4 percentage points, respectively, in 2007. By the next year, every office market in the state posted rising vacancy rates. The overall office market vacancy rate jumped to 15.0% in 2008, followed by an additional increase to 18.2% in 2009.

Declines in average asking rents usually trail a falling market, as landlords are more apt to offer concessions before lowering advertised lease rates. Furthermore, newly completed space is often priced at premium rates relative to the overall market. Nevertheless, rent growth decelerated throughout the state in 2008, rising by just 2.1% over the prior year’s levels. By 2009, every market posted falling rents, as the overall statewide average asking rent declined by 12.2%.


RCG believes California’s office market is reaching bottom as of mid-2010. Job creation in office-using sectors, the primary leading indicator of office demand, has turned upward in the year to-date. Going forward, rising confidence and expansions by office users will likely push net absorption into positive territory in 2010, as new space is leased and sublease space is pulled off the market. The overall vacancy rate will likely stabilize at 18.3% by year-end 2010, following a two-year, 6.4 percentage-point increase.

The vacancy rate will likely be slow to move down, despite positive demand indicators, as firms expand into “shadow” space, which is office space that is not available for sublease but currently unused by the tenant. Oftentimes subleasing a block of office space may not be feasible or appropriate for the tenant, given the costs of leasing and the potential of needing to occupy the space in the near future. The overall vacancy rate in California should decrease to 17.5% in 2011. By 2012 and in the years that follow, the pace of absorption should pick up, with the vacancy rate expected to tick downward through the next several years to reach 13.1% by 2014.

Positive rent growth will likely lag the upturn in demand during the five-year forecast period. RCG is forecasting average asking rents to fall by an additional 2.5% in 2010. In the meantime, landlords are likely to phase out the generous lease concessions first — free rent and relatively high tenant improvement allowances, for instance — that became prevalent during the recent recession, which will boost effective rents in the short term. As the vacancy rate trends downward and competition for space heats up, particularly for high-quality Class A buildings, landlords will regain pricing power on rents. Following a 1.9% rise in 2011, rents should grow at an accelerating pace through the remainder of the forecast period. RCG expects the average California office asking rent to grow by 3.9% in 2012, 4.1% in 2013 and 5.3% in 2014 to end the forecast period at $31.96 per square foot.

The supply response to the market’s near- to medium-term recovery will likely be muted. As mentioned earlier, the current construction


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cycle is nearing a close, as builders finish projects already in progress and suspend others where possible. Since new construction generally lags a demand recovery, we do not expect many new buildings to break ground until at least the 2012-2013 timeframe. Furthermore, lending standards for construction loans do not show any signs of easing, especially as regional banks continue to work through legacy balance sheet problems. While it is true that construction costs fell during the recession, this is likely a short-term aberration. Rising demand for raw materials from emerging markets is expected to push wholesale price inflation during the medium-term global economic recovery. Many projects going forward will be deemed unfeasible as a result of these rapidly rising costs. A total of 5.3 million square feet of new office space is forecasted to come online in between 2012 and 2014 timeframe, far less than comparable phases in previous cycles. With a lack of much new supply coming online in the 2013-2014 timeframe, rent growth prospects in the medium term and beyond are positive.

Apartment Market Overview

Market Conditions

For almost the past 15 years, the state of California recorded a lower rental vacancy rate than the United States as a whole. The apartment market benefits from limited supply, strong demand and a low rate of single family housing affordability. Although conditions have weakened in recent years as a result of the recession, RCG expects a brisk recovery as accelerating population growth, resumed hiring, and a lack of new units coming online drive a steady reduction in the rental vacancy rate throughout California’s major metropolitan areas. In particular, a high level of immigration and growth of the baby- and echo-boomer cohorts should fuel the health of the California apartment market.

The strong demographics are a result of the long-term view that the state is an attractive place to live and work. Population growth peaked in the 1980s, with the addition of more than 5.8 million residents, up from approximately 4.5 million in the 1960s and 3.5 million in the 1970s. By 1990, the state population reached nearly 29.8 million residents. The population boom coupled with favorable tax treatment for new development spurred construction throughout the state. The number of multifamily units permitted accelerated to more than 775,000 in the 1980s from 758,000 in the 1970s and 726,000 in the 1960s.

In the 1990s, permitting activity declined significantly, particularly for multifamily properties. The removal of federal tax subsidies, a recession in the early part of the decade and the resultant declines in real estate values contributed to this trend. During the 1990s, multifamily permitting activity dropped by 71.3% from the previous decade to approximately 222,000 units. At the same time, the population of California grew by another four million residents and the economy expanded as technology companies flourished in the


latter part of the decade. The combination of strong demand and little new supply caused the Census rental vacancy rate to drop to 4.9% in the fourth quarter of 1999. However, in spite of tightening market conditions, rent growth remained tepid through the 1990s, with an average annual increase in the CPI rental component of 2.0% from 1991 to 1999. Rent growth accelerated quickly thereafter, rising by 6.0% and 7.5% in 2000 and 2001, respectively.

During the past decade, multifamily permitting activity increased, albeit from a low level. Additionally, condominiums composed an increasingly large portion of permitting activity, as low interest rates and rapidly rising home prices encouraged Californians to buy rather than rent, particularly in areas such as San Diego. While new apartment supply was delivered in the past ten years, a significant number of rental units were converted to condominiums during the housing-bubble years, counteracting some of the increase in supply. From 2000 to 2009, permits for approximately 361,000 units were pulled in buildings with more than five units, representing a 62.6% increase from the prior decade. In the last few years, new construction activity fell to the lowest level since at least 1960. From 2000 to 2009, the California population increased by nearly 5.1 million people, a slowdown from the peak growth in the 1980s, but still rapid when compared with the country as a whole. Despite the slowdown in new construction, dramatic shifts in local employment caused the rental vacancy rate to more than double between 2000 and 2009. In the fourth quarter of 2009, the vacancy rate was 7.9% in California as compared with 10.7% nationally. Rent growth slowed dramatically in 2009 as well, dropping to only 0.2% growth from an annual average of 4.8% from 2000 to 2008.

Deteriorating rental market fundamentals caused by job losses and a slowdown in population growth coupled with tight credit conditions drove sharp declines in multifamily permitting in 2009 and 2010. With permits for only 8,200 units issued in 2009, multifamily permitting activity fell to its slowest year since records began in 1960. Permits for only 5,500 units were pulled year-to-date through May 2010. Despite the lack of new supply delivered recently, the


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California vacancy rate increased to 8.2% in the first quarter of 2010 from 7.9% in the fourth quarter of 2009. Much of the increase in vacant residential units is a result of significant payroll cuts and some households consolidating into shared living arrangements. Additionally, the bursting of the housing bubble created many vacant single family homes and condo units that were made available for rent. The CPI rental component decreased by 0.5% year-over-year in the first quarter of 2010 as increasing vacancies weakened landlord bargaining power.


RCG expects the recovery in California’s economy to continue in 2010 and accelerate thereafter, fueling the rebound of the apartment market. After shedding jobs for several years, nearly 139,000 jobs were created in California during the first five months of 2010, which will help to begin the process of stabilizing rental demand. The recent turnaround in the homeownership rate will create a new normal, bolstering the number of rental households. Fueled by increasing job opportunities, higher mobility and California’s high quality of life, net migration, population growth and household formation should all accelerate through the forecast period. The positive demographic and employment prospects for the next several years, combined with continued distress in single family housing, should translate into a healthy recovery for the rental apartment market.

The current tight credit conditions and relatively weak demand fundamentals should discourage much new development in the near term, preventing any significant risk of oversupply. Permitting activity, a forward-looking indicator for new supply, is expected to average 15,000 units annually in 2010 and 2011, increasing to 27,000 units permitted per year from 2012 to 2014. The significant barriers to entry in many markets throughout the state will also constrain future development. Not only does California have geographical constraints, high land costs and few shovel-ready lots in many regions, but also strict zoning regulations, anti-growth or anti-congestion measures and a lengthy environmental impact review. Additionally, some urban


areas have a neighborhood review process that can add another layer to the arduous development process. Community facilities districts are often created to fund the infrastructure necessary for new housing developments. The assessments, while applicable to multifamily as well, can have a significant impact on the own/rent decision process of prospective home buyers. The impact of this restrictive environment aids existing multifamily owners by constraining new construction and increasing the cost of single family housing ownership.

Through the remainder of this year, the leasing market should stabilize and we expect the vacancy rate to reach 7.7%. As the economy strengthens in 2011, providing job opportunities and restoring income growth that will prompt some households to de-couple, the vacancy rate should move below the 7% threshold. The continued distress within the single family market is likely to counter the increased for-sale housing affordability, which will prevent some renters from becoming homeowners and funnel many new households into the rental market. Further along the forecast horizon, the rental vacancy rate should continue to trend lower, reaching 5.6% by 2014.

Tightening market conditions should allow for rent appreciation in the near term, in addition to curtailing the deployment of leasing concessions. The growth rate of the CPI rental component should steadily increase from a recent low of 0.2% in 2009 through most of the forecast period. In 2010, we expect CPI rents to increase by 1.8% despite weak occupancy demand. As apartment units are absorbed, landlords should regain pricing power by 2011 when we expect a 4.0% increase in the CPI rental component. An economic slowdown in 2013 will constrain demand, yet rents should increase by approximately 5.0% per year between 2012 and 2014.

In the long term, RCG believes that California’s high rate of immigration and population growth, low rate of single family housing affordability and strong outlook for economic expansion should fuel demand for rental units throughout the state at level outperforming that of the nation as a whole. The attractiveness of the state as an ideal place to live and work should not be underestimated: the lifestyle, innovative industries and diverse population base will continue to attract new residents during all economic environments. Additionally, high barriers to entry for new product and a historically low level of new supply coming online in the near term should allow for tight market conditions and rapid rent growth relative to the national trend.

Retail Market Overview

Market Conditions

RCG’s universe of California metropolitan areas contained approximately 552 million square feet of retail space as of 2009. From a regional perspective, 70% of the state’s retail space is located in Southern California, including the Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and Inland Empire metropolitan areas. The remainder of the


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state’s retail space tracked by RCG is found in Northern California within the San Francisco, Sacramento, Oakland and San Jose metropolitan areas. The vast majority of investment-grade retail space in the state is located within these nine metropolitan areas. Therefore, RCG believes describing conditions in these regions is representative of California retail market as a whole. RCG’s positive view of California’s retail property market is based on a mix of factors. Favorable demographics, strong local drivers in the short and long term, tourism spending, and supply constraints should all support a healthy retail market as the economy expands.

As the state, national and global economic recoveries gain momentum, California retail properties are expected to perform strongly compared with other geographic areas in the future. Retail spending by both local residents and outside visitors should rebound during the next several years.

California’s $1.85 trillion economy is the eighth-largest in the world, ahead of Russia, Spain, Brazil and Canada. Nearly 38.5 million people live within its borders, more than any other state in the country. If a rough estimate of two-thirds of the state’s economy is driven directly by the consumer sector, the magnitude of retail properties required to meet the needs of California’s population is formidable. California’s consumers retrenched during the recession as home price depreciation and stock market fluctuations eroded household net worth and consumer credit dried up. However, looking ahead, RCG’s long-term view of California is positive. Its ability to attract and retain both a highly educated, innovative workforce and a diverse mix of industries bodes well for its future economic growth. Through 2014, RCG forecasts California’s total non-farm payrolls to expand by approximately 5.0%. Favorable opportunities should emerge from the rebound in consumer spending that will coincide with the economic recovery.

California is a tourism destination of choice for both U.S. residents and international visitors to the United States. The economic impact of tourism on the state’s retail market is significant: California visitors


spent an estimated $87.7 billion in 2009, according to the California Travel & Tourism Commission. However the recession has negatively impacted the industry: spending fell by 10.0% in 2009. Despite these short-term effects, RCG believes California’s retail market is uniquely positioned to benefit from the post-recession rebound in tourism spending, as well as the emerging middle classes in rapidly growing economies of Asia and South America.

On the domestic front, California was the top destination of U.S. leisure travelers as of 2008, according to the California Travel & Tourism Commission, the latest data available. Features that attract visitors to the state, including a favorable year-round climate and various cultural and recreational opportunities, are stable. RCG expects that U.S. inter-state travelers will continue to prefer California as a destination into the long term.

International visitors already view California as a favorable tourist destination: approximately one in five international visitors to the United States in 2008 went to California, according to the California Travel & Tourism Commission. Residents from Mexico and Canada accounted for the largest shares of the total volume. Visitors from overseas originated largely from the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Australia, France, South Korea, China (excluding Hong Kong), and Taiwan.

Furthermore, RCG expects the ballooning population of middle class consumers in China and other emerging Asian countries, as well as South American countries like Brazil and Argentina, to boost tourism activity and drive retail demand in California. The state’s proximity to Asia and South America and its positive international reputation make California an ideal destination choice for this new class of world traveler. Expected rises in overall incomes and appreciation of Asian currencies to the U.S. dollar will likely amplify these effects as well.

Retail market conditions in California during the past decade have generally correlated economic cycles. The vacancy rate trended downward during the 1990s throughout the state to reach a cyclical low of 4.7% in 2000. With the tech-bust and the concurrent declines in stock markets, consumer demand slowed in the early years of the 2000s decade. Market conditions, however, were somewhat resilient to the widespread job cuts that occurred throughout the state. The overall vacancy rate increased by just 1.0 percentage point to 5.7% in 2001. The largest increase at the market level was in the Inland Empire, where the vacancy rate increased by 1.7 percentage points to 6.3% on the year.

Retail demand rebounded quickly in the following year, marked by the sharp increase in net absorption, a proxy for demand. The overall vacancy rate decreased by 0.3 percentage points to 5.4% in 2002. Through the next three years, retailers in California expanded space usage faster then developers could bring new space online. As a result, the vacancy rate continued to drop before reaching 4.0% in


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2005. San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles recorded retail vacancy rates less than 3.0% in 2005. The statewide vacancy rate leveled off in 2006 as construction deliveries increased markedly to 16.4 million square feet.

Landlords were generally able to raise rents during the last expansion period as high-quality space became increasingly scarce. Overall asking rents grew at an average annual rate of 5.0% from 2004 to 2008, with annual growth peaking in 2005 at 8.4%. Market-level rent growth varied. In Sacramento, for instance, asking rents grew by 13.1% in 2005 and 11.1% in 2006. Inland Empire retail rents grew by 4.9% in 2005 before jumping 22.0% in 2006. Year-over-year rent growth trends in other metropolitan areas were more moderate, highlighting the impact of the housing market on retail conditions.

During the current recession, the retail market performed relatively well when compared with other property types. However, the vacancy rate exceeded the previous cycle’s peak in 2001. The vacancy rate increased to 8.3% in 2009, up a total of 4.3 percentage points from 2006. From a regional perspective, markets with the most significant barriers to entry have tended to outperform the overall state average. In San Francisco, for instance, the vacancy rate was relatively stable during the recession and increased by just 0.3 percentage points to 2.6% by 2009. Los Angeles’s retail vacancy rate increased to 4.9% in 2009 from 2.8% in 2007. On the other hand, in markets where the housing market underwent a more pronounced boom-bust cycle, the retail vacancy rate swung higher. Sacramento’s vacancy rate jumped to 14.6% in 2009 from a low of 3.9% in 2003. In the Inland Empire, the vacancy rate increased to 11.8% by 2009 from 5.3% in 2005.

As demand softened and vacant space began to pile up throughout the state, landlords lost negotiating power on lease terms, reflected by the 7.8% decline in rents during 2009. Retail properties in Sacramento and San Diego recorded the worst declines since the beginning of the recession, at 21.7% and 15.4%, respectively. Orange County, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Jose retail rents each dropped by less than 6.0%.


Much of the new retail development during the housing-boom period was tied closely with residential development. Many new retail centers were constructed near large housing tracts with the expectation that new homeowners would shop at them. Construction activity slowed after 2006 alongside slowing residential development. Annual deliveries decreased to approximately 6.0 million square feet in 2009, after reaching a cyclical peak in 2006 at 16.4 million square feet. Completed projects in Los Angeles, the Inland Empire and Oakland accounted for approximately 89% of all new retail space that came online in California in 2009. Construction activity in the remainder of the state slowed dramatically.


RCG believes California’s retail market will bottom in 2010. Positive trends in retail sales and cargo volumes at California ports suggest that consumers are more confident in their personal financial situations and are loosening purse strings accordingly. Rising demand for retail space will likely follow close behind. RCG expects the vacancy rate to stabilize in 2010 at 8.4%. In the years that follow, the vacancy rate is forecasted to decrease incrementally to reach 6.0% by 2014.

Despite a stabilizing vacancy rate, landlords are not likely to have significant pricing power on rents until 2011, illustrated by the 2.7% forecasted decline in asking rents in 2010. However, effective rents, which are not quantified at the market level, should improve before asking rents. Landlords are more likely to phase-out generous concessions before increasing the asking price on a given space. Asking rents should begin growing on an annual basis by 2011. RCG forecasts rent growth to accelerate through 2014, reaching 5.2% in the final year of the forecast period, up from 2.4% in 2011.

The slowdown in new supply coming online is another positive for the market. RCG’s construction forecast calls for 2.4 million square feet of new space to come online in 2010 in California, by far the lowest single-year total since at least 1988. In the years that follow, construction will likely increase to meet rising demand. Several factors, however, should keep construction activity at relatively subdued levels compared with the historical averages. In addition to the geographic and regulatory constraints that support high land prices and make the state one of the most challenging markets in the United States for new construction, construction costs are expected to increase beyond the recession as a result of rising demand for raw materials from emerging markets in Asia. Financing for construction projects is largely unavailable and these challenging financing conditions are not likely to diminish in the near term, further constraining new development activity. Total annual deliveries are forecasted to increase to 8.8 million square feet by 2014, up from 2.6 million in 2011. The arduous development environment is expected to minimize the risk of oversupply even as construction activity increases during the forecast horizon.


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San Diego

Economy & Demographics

Employment is stabilizing in San Diego. Although payrolls declined by 2.6% year-over-year in March, 8,500 jobs were added in the first three months of the year, reflecting a turnaround from the ongoing layoffs of the past two years. In total, 101,800 jobs were cut from year-end 2007 to year-end 2009. Accordingly, the recent addition of jobs in many sectors marks a major shift in the local economy. From December to March, sectors to add jobs included trade, transportation and utilities, information services, professional and business services, educational and health services, and leisure and hospitality. Looking forward, we anticipate that the biotech, clean tech, education, and healthcare industries will be the main drivers of employment growth in the region. We expect hiring in San Diego to outpace the national recovery, with local employment growth averaging 1.5% annually between 2010 and 2014, compared with 1.2% nationally. Through the short term, employment growth will likely be slow, as layoffs taper off and hiring gradually regains strength. We expect payrolls to increase by 1.1% in 2010, with annual growth accelerating to 2.0% by 2014.

Unlike the previous boom, we anticipate that housing will play only a minor role in the expansion of the economy. Nonetheless, increased home ownership affordability compared with recent lows will likely attract new residents to the region, including many households that moved to neighboring counties at the height of the housing market, as well as baby boomers purchasing retirement homes. We expect net migration to average 10,300 residents annually between 2010 and 2014, in contrast to the average loss of 16,500 residents annually between 2003 and 2006.

Household income growth slowed in 2009, increasing by 1.6% compared with 4.9% annual average growth in 2005 through 2008. However, as the economy improves and unemployment declines, household income growth should average a more-robust 4.3% annually through 2014. Personal income growth will outpace household income growth, averaging 5.3% annually through 2014.




The military presence in San Diego plays a large role in the local economy, with 12 Navy and Marine bases located in the region. In recent years, the population at area bases increased with the consolidation of bases in other regions. In 2010, an estimated 342,000 jobs are expected to be supported by the military presence in the area, generating an estimated economic impact of more than $24.6 billion, according to the San Diego Military Defense Council. Because of this strong military presence, many aerospace and defense manufacturing firms are located in the region, and are key drivers of the local economy. Many of these firms are located near the bases or north of the University of California, San Diego.



The military is a stabilizing force in the local economy. Already, increased construction spending on the expansion of area bases is supporting an estimated 10,000 civilian construction jobs. Approximately $1 billion in construction is currently under way at Camp Pendleton, with a total of $4 billion in military construction projects planned for the region through fiscal year 2012.



San Diego is a technology hub that includes firms within the biotechnology, internet, software development, and information technology industries. The biotechnology industry is the most concentrated cluster of innovation employment in the region. According to the Milken Institute, San Diego has the most geographically dense cluster of biotech employment in the world and ranked second in the nation for scientific research and development services in 2009. Firms are attracted to the region by the existing cluster of biotech companies, the highly educated workforce, and the presence of major research institutions.



The expansion of tech firms in the region is expected to drive the recovery, with biotech and clean tech companies among the first to expand. Even during the downturn, startups still emerged in the region, with 300 new firms adding 1,070 jobs in 2009, reflecting a 13% increase from 2008. In the first quarter, venture capital investment totaled $223 million, up from $92 million during the same period a year earlier, but still down from the strong activity a few years ago. Biotech and medical device and equipment firms received 64% of the funding in the first quarter.



The only sector to grow year-over-year in the region in March was educational and health services, which expanded by 1.6%, adding 2,300 jobs during the 12-month period. As the population grows in the coming years, especially the number of retirees, we expect demand for educational and health services to increase further, driving strong hiring in the sector. Between 2010 and 2014, we expect the educational and health services sector to grow by an average of 2.7% annually, expanding faster than any other sector in the region.


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Access to venture capital will be an important driver for hiring, particularly in the biotech and clean tech industries. We believe these industries will lead the recovery as the demand for these products continues to grow. San Diego’s desirable quality of life and access to its highly skilled workforce will also drive expansion of these industries through the long term. The rebound in venture capital investment helped drive the recent rebound in start-ups, and their hiring activity, and indicate the potential for continued growth and expansion in San Diego.

Multifamily Housing Market

Rental demand is regaining traction. In the first quarter, the Census vacancy rate, which includes all rental units, posted 8.5%, roughly unchanged from the previous quarter, and down from 9.9% a year earlier. Institutional-grade properties are facing the most competition from newly completed projects that were originally planned as luxury condos but delivered as apartments with the shift in the market. Likewise, the shadow supply of individually owned condos for rent is also putting pressure on Class A apartment properties. Nonetheless, deliveries are expected to slow through the end of 2010, helping to ease the future strain on the market. We expect the annual Census vacancy rate to post 8.8% in 2010, roughly unchanged from 8.9% in 2009. As hiring regains momentum and households feel more comfortable living apart from roommates, we expect the annual vacancy rate to decline to 8.1% in 2011 and to reach 6.0% by 2014. By comparison, the annual vacancy rate posted a low of 5.2% in 2003. Construction activity will likely be slow through the short term, climbing from 1,300 units permitted in 2010 to 4,500 units permitted in 2014. By comparison, 9,900 units were permitted in 2003. Rent growth, as measured by the CPI rent component, will likely average 3.6% annually between 2010 and 2014, increasing from 2.0% in 2010 to 4.3% in 2014.



Submarkets where no new units are expected to come online in 2010 will likely remain the most stable in the short term.




       These supply-constrained areas include La Jolla/University City, Mira Mesa/Rancho Bernardo, National City/Chula Vista, and North Beaches.



The demand outlook for San Diego is positive. In addition to the anticipated influx of new residents, the region is an important university and military hub, ensuring long-term rental demand. In 2010, for example, the return of the USS Carl Vinson to the Pacific Fleet is expected to bring thousands of relocated families to the region, many of which will likely rent apartment units.



While conversions from condos to apartments added new supply to the rental market, the concentration was primarily limited to the downtown area. Despite this oversupply of condo and rental units downtown, demand is beginning to pick up in the submarket, reflecting the potential for improved fundamentals in the coming years. Downtown is finally catching on as a residential area with the growing restaurant, retail and nightlife scene helping to attract young professionals to the submarket.



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Office Market

The stabilizing economy is causing tenant demand to improve throughout San Diego’s office market in the first quarter of 2010. In the CBD, the vacancy rate decreased to 16.1% from 16.6% a quarter earlier. Despite initial signs of recovery, improvement will likely be gradual. Whereas the year-end CBD vacancy rate last bottomed at 8.6% in 2004, we do not expect it to reach the single digits again until year-end 2014, falling to 8.8%. Through the end of 2010, RCG expects occupancy losses to taper off but leasing to remain slow, leaving the vacancy rate nearly flat from the first quarter, posting 15.9% at year-end. As hiring picks up pace, the CBD vacancy rate will likely decline, with absorption gaining momentum through the remainder of the forecast period. No projects are currently in the pipeline for downtown, and we do not expect any deliveries through the forecast period. Rents in the CBD declined by 3.7% during the first quarter compared with year-end 2009, and we expect them to decline further, albeit slightly, through year-end 2010, posting a 4.0% annual drop. However, as demand increases in line with stronger hiring, we expect rent growth will accelerate through 2014. CBD rents are projected to increase by 2.1%, and then grow by a more-robust 5.8% annually from 2012 through 2014.

In the suburban office market, the vacancy rate dropped to 21.0% in the first quarter of 2010 compared with an historical high of 22.3% a quarter earlier. However, the rate is still highly elevated from the recent year-end low of 8.6% in 2005. In response to recent weakness and overbuilding during recent years, few projects are under way in the market, which should help prevent a further oversupply of available space. In 2010, RCG expects just 317,000 square feet to be delivered, down from an average of more than 1.6 million square feet completed annually between 2005 and 2008 when development was most active. Furthermore, RCG expects no deliveries to occur in the suburbs in 2011. As fundamentals improve, building will likely resume, but will remain slower than in the previous years, rising from 275,000 square feet completed in 2012 to 480,000 square feet delivered in 2014. After a significant decline in asking rents of 12.8%

year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2009, rents were relatively flat during the first quarter through suburban office market. RCG expects the overall suburban asking rent to drop by 0.9% year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2010. RCG expects rent growth to resume in 2011, increasing from 1.9% in 2011 to an average of 5.2% between 2012 and 2014.



A handful of tenants relocated out of the CBD in recent quarters to take advantage of rent declines and vacancies in some of the more desirable suburban markets such as La Jolla and University Town Center, which are historically more supply-constrained markets. The downtown submarket is dominated by legal, accounting, and government-related firms that favor the downtown market for the proximity to other related companies.



The amount of available sublease space in the CBD doubled from the fourth quarter to the first quarter, to nearly 38,000 square feet. However, this represents only 2.5% of the total space available in downtown. Local brokers report that many firms held on to their vacant space for several quarters after completing rounds of layoffs, and some of this space is slowly coming online, contributing to the increase in sublease space. From the peak in the fourth quarter of 2008, the amount of available sublease space declined by 66.7%.



In contrast to recent years when biotech firms only leased space near UC San Diego and La Jolla, companies are beginning to occupy locations in the South County area as well, taking advantage of low lease rates and large incentives. This expansion of the biotech footprint throughout the San Diego region reflects the growing strength of the cluster and bodes well for leasing outside of the traditional biotech core in the coming years.



Several large leases were signed in the Summit Rancho Bernardo submarket, including a 196,000 square-foot lease by Nokia, helping to bring the vacancy rate down during the first quarter. Even with the recent improvement to the overall vacancy rate, the San Diego office market still faces challenges in absorbing excess space in the near term. However, longer term, the market is poised for steady growth, particularly as the biotech and clean tech industries continue to expand, driving demand for space.

Retail Market

The retail market is beginning to show signs of recovery. In the first quarter, the vacancy rate decreased slightly to 6.2% from 6.4% a quarter earlier. Moreover, absorption totaled 110,000 square feet in the first quarter, in contrast to the average negative absorption of 378,000 square feet per quarter in 2009. We expect demand to improve gradually, causing the vacancy rate to decline to 5.8% by year-end 2010. As hiring regains momentum and consumer spending improves, the vacancy rate will likely drop further, reaching 2.4% by year-end 2014. By comparison, the most recent year-end low


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for the vacancy rate was 2.2% in both 2005 and 2006. The area is supply-constrained in many submarkets, with high barriers to entry preventing construction, helping to keep the vacancy rate low. Between 2004 and 2008, an average of 1.2 million square feet was delivered annually, with most new properties completed in outlying suburban areas. In response to the shift in the economy, deliveries dropped to 140,000 square feet in 2009. Construction activity will likely be slow in the coming years, giving the market time to absorb existing vacancies. In 2010, we expect no new space to be delivered to the market. Construction activity will likely pick up in the subsequent years, rising from 175,000 square feet completed in 2011 to 1.4 million square feet delivered in 2014. The average asking rent will likely stabilize in 2010, increasing by 1.0%, following the 15.4% drop in 2009. Between 2011 and 2014, we expect rent growth to average 4.7% annually.



Tourists and residents alike are attracted to San Diego’s natural beauty and sprawling coastline, which helps drive retail spending in the region. Numerous tourist attractions draw visitors from around the world each year, including the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Lego Land, numerous world-class golf courses, and the Gas Lamp quarter in downtown, among others. Visitor spending exceeded $6.9 billion in 2009, generating an economic impact of more than $15.9 billion during the same period. Visitor spending was down by 12.7% in 2009 compared with 2008 as a result of the global economic slowdown, but we expect this trend will reverse in 2010 and through the forecast period.



The potential $753 million expansion of the convention center would bring more business and tourist dollars to the region, benefiting local retailers and helping to accommodate larger conventions. The expansion would add 200,000 square feet of meeting space, 100,000 square feet of additional meeting rooms and a third ballroom, as well as a 500-room hotel.



The weakest submarkets are in the suburbs, where the majority of new construction was delivered during recent



years. In the first quarter, submarkets with double-digit vacancy rates included Escondido, Miramar and Oceanside. We expect outlying suburban areas to take longer to recover than the more supply-constrained central submarkets.



Value-focused tenants are expanding in the region, leasing many of the spaces vacated in the past couple of years. Downtown, affordable restaurants are opening new locations, helping to absorb vacancies from more expensive restaurants that went out of business. Likewise, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Marshalls, Ross and Trader Joe’s are expanding in the region, easing the pressure created by the occupancy losses from big-box retailers.



The growing population, improved hiring, and rebounding tourism should fuel healthy retail sales in the coming years, contributing to strength in the local retail market. High barriers to entry will likely help to keep many submarkets supply-constrained, further benefiting the overall vacancy rate and rent growth.



Carmel Country Plaza is located at the intersection of Carmel Country Road and Del Mar Heights Road in San Diego. As of 2010, an estimated 66,400 people live within three miles of the property, up from 33,300 in 1990. Total households within a three-mile radius increased to an estimated 25,900 in 2010 from 13,200 in 1990. Average household income within a three-mile radius is estimated at $170,900 as of 2010, with per capita income estimated at $66,900. Retail sales within a three-mile radius of the property totaled $792.4 million in 2009.



Rancho Carmel Plaza and Carmel Mountain Plaza are located in San Diego where Interstate 15 intersects with State Route 56 and Carmel Mountain Road, respectively, separated by a distance of approximately one mile. The population within a three-mile radius of Rancho Carmel Plaza is estimated at 116,400 as of 2010, up from 76,600 in 1990. Within a three-mile radius of Carmel Mountain Plaza, the population is estimated at 99,300, up from 73,400 in 1990. The total


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number of households located within three miles of Rancho Carmel Plaza increased to an estimated 40,300 in 2010, up from 26,200 in 1990. Within three miles of Carmel Mountain Plaza, total households grew to an estimated 36,100 in 2010, up from 26,600 in 1990. Average household income within three-mile radii of Rancho Carmel Plaza and Carmel Mountain Plaza are estimated at $117,900 and $110,000, respectively, in 2010. Per capita income within three-mile radii of Rancho Carmel Plaza and Carmel Mountain Plaza are estimated at $40,900 and $40,100, respectively. Retail sales within three-mile radii of Rancho Carmel Plaza and Carmel Mountain Plaza totaled $1.5 billion and $1.7 billion, respectively, in 2009.



South Bay Marketplace is located in National City on Highland Avenue near its intersection with State Route 54. An estimated 174,400 people live in a three-mile radius of the property as of 2010, up from 154,300 in 1990. The total number of households located within a three-mile radius of the property increased to an estimated 51,900 in 2010, up from 47,700 in 1990. Average household income within a three-mile radius is estimated at $57,200 in 2010, with per capita income estimated at $18,100. Within a three-mile radius of the property, retail sales totaled $3.1 billion in 2009.



Lomas Santa Fe Plaza and Solana Beach Towne Centre are located in Solana Beach where Interstate 5 intersects with Lomas Santa Fe Drive, separated by a distance of less than one mile. As of 2010, the population within a three-mile radius of Lomas Santa Fe Plaza is estimated at 41,000, up from 37,200 in 1990. Within three miles of Solana Beach Towne Centre, the population is estimated at 40,500, up from 37,000 in 1990. The total number of households within a three-mile radius of Lomas Santa Fe Plaza grew to an estimated 17,500 in 2010, up from 14,900 in 1990. Total households within a three-mile radius of Solana Beach Towne Centre increased to an estimated 17,300 in 2010, up from 14,800 in 1990. Average household income within three-mile radii of Lomas Santa Fe Plaza and Solana Beach Towne Centre is estimated $144,200 and $143,500, respectively in 2010. Per capita income within three-mile radii of Lomas Santa Fe Plaza and Solana Beach Towne Centre is estimated at $62,200 and $61,900, respectively. Within three-mile radii of Lomas Santa Fe Plaza and Solana Beach Towne Centre, retail sales totaled $765.5 million and $755.4 million, respectively, in 2009.

San Francisco

Economy & Demographics

Following a year of dramatic reductions in payroll levels across all San Francisco employment sectors, job losses decelerated through the first three months of 2010. Year-to-date job losses through March 2010 totaled roughly 1,200 jobs, which pales in comparison to the

more than 24,000 jobs lost between March 2009 and December 2008. Although companies continue to reduce payroll levels and complete recently announced layoffs, the rate of job losses in the San Francisco MSA is subsiding and should eventually result in overall job growth by year-end 2010. While most companies continue to grapple with staff reductions, nascent companies in emerging tech industries are expanding payrolls, driven by the success of recent IPOs and federal funding. A destination for online gaming, social networking, and clean-tech companies, San Francisco is profiting from continuing job growth during a low period in the economic cycle. As companies regain some confidence in the market, this positive momentum should carry through the remainder of the year with total employment increasing by 0.4% in 2010, a net gain of 4,100 jobs during this 12-month period.

The lasting effects of the recession on access to credit by consumers and businesses, as well as overall spending and household net worth, will likely continue to restrain growth in the economy through the near-term forecast period. We expect fiscal turbulence at the state and local government level will lead to continued public sector layoffs and furloughs, while job losses in the construction and financial activities sectors should extend into next year as real estate construction activity remains at a relative standstill. San Francisco has a diverse economic base and employment growth is expected to accelerate to 1.2% by 2011 and 1.9% by 2014. During the 5-year forecast period, we expect the metropolitan area to regain close to 53,000 jobs or approximately 70% of all jobs lost in 2008 and 2009. The resurgence in hiring through the remainder of the year should push the unemployment rate to less than 9% by year-end 2010. While hiring should accelerate through the near term, we expect the unemployment rate to remain elevated, especially in comparison to the sub-4% levels in 2006, as previously discouraged workers reenter the labor force and payrolls expand at a moderate pace.

Population growth is estimated to have turned negative in 2009, by 0.4%. Recent job losses and a high cost of living drove many residents to lower-priced counties to the east. However, we believe the dip is



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temporary and that population growth will resume in 2011, averaging 0.8% growth annually through 2014. Household formation is expected to increase during the same period, averaging 0.7% annually. After a dip in 2008 to 0.3%, household income growth rebounded in 2009 to 2.6%. As the unemployment rate declines through the forecast period, average household income should increase by an average of 5.5% annually through 2014.



Numerous software development firms are located within the San Francisco MSA, fitting within a range of categories, including traditional home and business software, gaming, social media, education, and multimedia design. San Francisco’s proximity to the Silicon Valley drives local growth in the industry. Start-ups are drawn to the area for its opportunities to collaborate with other firms, share vendors and customers, and access public research centers established to serve the industry. Many of these newcomers choose to locate in San Mateo County, which contains 14.4% of Bay Area high-tech employment. San Francisco County contains 9.2%, according to a 2009 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.



San Francisco is a world class city that draws visitors from around the globe. In addition, Marin County is a growing tourist attraction with its numerous world-renowned wineries and organic farms, and beautiful geography. Tourism activity is slowly rebounding from 2009 lows, with total air passenger activity increasing by 3.7% in April 2010 from one year ago. The rise in activity can be attributed to growth in domestic travel; international travel through San Francisco International Airport (SFO) continued to contract during this time. However, as the global economy regains stability, international travel should increase. Countries with a growing middle class, including China and Russia, are expected to boost international tourism in the longer term.



Current federal investments in industries such as clean tech and biotech, where the Bay Area is particularly strong,



       helps to solidify an alignment between the maturation of these industries and future growth in the regional economy. According to Clean Edge, the San Francisco Bay Area (including the Silicon Valley and the East Bay) ranked first out of the largest MSAs for clean-tech jobs. The biotechnology industry was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, and many firms have had a presence in the region for more than 30 years. Within San Francisco, many of these companies are clustered in the Mission Bay area. Both clean tech and biotechnology will continue to thrive in the Bay Area and should spur the first wave of economic growth in the MSA.



During the first quarter of 2010, venture capital (VC) investment in the California 8th and 12th Congressional Districts, which encompass the bulk of San Francisco and San Mateo counties, totaled $480 million involving 82 deals, a slight improvement in comparison to the $460 million invested during the first quarter of 2009. Investments in biotech and software companies amounted to more than 50% of total VC investment during the first quarter of the year.

Multifamily Housing Market

The rate at which apartment rental rates declined eased through the first quarter of 2010; however, apartment owners continue to combat falling occupancy levels with discounted lease rates and flexible leasing terms. With employment opportunities still in short supply, rental unit absorption remains weak. The condo market has improved significantly in recent quarters, with sales prices stabilizing, particularly for more moderately priced units. With no major condominium projects expected to come online in the near term, we expect condominium for-sale inventory to continue to thin, resulting in price appreciation during the near-term forecast period. Rental market conditions are expected to improve through the near-term forecast period, with the Census rental vacancy rate dropping to 5.2% by 2011 and CPI rent growth expected to increase by an average of 3.8% annually during this time. As companies begin hiring after a year of sharp reductions in payroll levels, we expect the renewed demand for rental units to lead to positive rent growth. By 2014, we expect the CPI rental growth rate to approach 5% annually.



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While few condominium units are slated for delivery through the near-term forecast period, a number of major apartment projects recently completed construction or are slated for delivery in the coming months. Major apartment projects include: the rehabilitation of the Old Presidio hospital and the first phase of Trinity Place. By year-end 2010, approximately 900 market-rate apartment units are slated for completion in the San Francisco metropolitan area.



Single family homes are highly unaffordable in the San Francisco metropolitan area, which should drive demand for rental units through the forecast period and beyond. Approximately 22.7% of households were able to afford a median-priced home in 2009, up from a recent low of 9.5% in 2005. We expect that as the median price appreciates through the forecast period, affordability will decline again, falling to 14.4% by 2014. The decreasing single family affordability will ensure that the rentership rate in the Bay Area remains high.

Office Market

The stabilizing local economy and low lease rates are driving demand for office space in San Francisco, with new and existing tenants continuing to take advantage of the soft market conditions during the first quarter. Most noticeably, the absorption of premier view space in the CBD trended upwards recently, but at significant discounts to peak rents and with a considerable amount of tenant improvement dollars. While the ongoing flight-to-quality revived demand for the CBD’s most sought-after office spaces, a vast amount of non-view, commodity space continues to languish on the market, helping to maintain the elevated vacancy rate. Although the CBD vacancy rate did trend downward 30 basis points from the end of 2009, to 12.6% in first quarter of 2010, RCG believes that since expectations exist about increasing levels of available space coming online, this will continue to place upward pressure on the vacancy rate during the year. However, RCG expects a rebound in hiring through the second half of the year as well as the advantageous leasing environment, to drive a rise in new and renewal leasing activity in the CBD. As a result, we expect the vacancy rate to improve to 12.1% by year-end 2010, and with no new construction activity expected through most of the forecast period, the CBD vacancy rate will likely return to single-digit levels by 2013. Through the near-term forecast period, with the vacancy rate still at relatively elevated levels, we expect limited upward pressure on lease rates. However, through the second half of the forecast period, lease rate growth in the CBD should accelerate, pushing the average rent back to $40 per square foot by 2013.

Outside the CBD, leasing activity in the suburban office market ticked upwards during the first quarter of 2010 – an indication that the market is making forward progress through the office market


cycle. The non-CBD vacancy rate edged downwards 50 basis points during the first three months of the year to 18.2%, while the Peninsula office market also showed signs of recovery: the vacancy rate slipped by 70 basis points to 16.3% during this time. Small, nascent, tech-related companies continued to drive much of the leasing activity, taking advantage of discounted lease rates and favorable short-term, sublease contracts. While smaller companies continue to drive much of the leasing activity in the suburbs, many of the market’s larger, existing office tenants are rumored to be actively looking for opportunities to expand within the market. Following the 26.3% decline in the average non-CBD office rental rate in 2009, companies previously priced out of the San Francisco office market are now taking advantage of the current market conditions. By the end of 2010, we expect the suburban office lease rates in both the non-CBD and Peninsula office markets to decline for a second consecutive year, dropping by 1% and 3.7%, respectively. As demand for space and a more sustainable recovery takes hold into 2011, we expect the tighter market conditions to hasten improvements to lease rates and occupancy levels.



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Downtown San Francisco is home to numerous law offices, advertising, engineering, and financial firms that are major tenants supporting the CBD office market. Firms are attracted to the natural beauty of the city, and its easy access for employees via subway, ferry, automobile, or bus. The recession resulted in an increase in the vacancy rate and softer rents, but we expect an uptick in hiring during the forecast period will drive demand in downtown.



The downsizing of many Downtown office tenants through 2009 left a considerable amount of premier, view-space vacant. Recognizing an opportunity to secure this space at deeply discounted rents, some office tenants began to lease much of this excess space. Priced at $80 to $100 per square foot at the peak of the market, these highly prized office spaces are being leased at a reported $60 per square foot, but considerable tenant improvement dollars are included in the deals.



With more than 500,000 square feet of available sublease space slated to come to market in the second and third quarters of 2010, office tenants, primarily in the financial services industry, will execute planned office space consolidations, placing upward pressure on the vacancy rate through 2010 and into 2011. Approximately 2 million square feet of available sublease space is currently on the market, but we expect that as hiring accelerates through the forecast period, demand for this space will increase.



Demand for built-out, creative space in the South of Market (SOMA) office submarket increased in recent quarters, driven by smaller tech companies that often prefer the flexible and more affordable short-term contracts offered on sublease office space. In the first quarter of 2010, the SOMA office vacancy rate improved to 26.4% from 28.9% at the end of 2009. Despite this improvement early in 2010, the submarket vacancy rate is still more than double the 11.8% vacancy rate observed in late 2007, while the average direct, Class-A lease rate fell to 10% during this time, reaching $34 per square foot.



Lease renewals accounted for more than 23% of all leasing activity during the first quarter of 2010. We expect this trend to continue through the near-term forecast period as existing tenants take advantage of low lease rates and attractive tenant concessions.



In the largest lease during the first quarter, Shutterfly agreed to occupy approximately 100,000 square feet at Bayshore Technology Park in Redwood Shores. More recently, Walmart leased 266,000 square feet of office space in the former Gap corporate campus in San Bruno in April 2010, marking one of the largest signed office leases in the Bay Area in recent years.

Retail Market

Rising asset values, a resurgence in the volatile equity markets, and increasingly positive job prospects resulted in a rise in retail activity


in the early part of 2010. However, tourist-dependent retail districts continue to battle rising vacancy rates, offering tenants attractive short-term lease deals, and should continue to underperform until both incomes and tourism activity rebounds. Faced with an elevated unemployment rate, a continued deleveraging of household balance sheets, and continued stock market volatility, consumers will be forced to maintain a cautious approach to spending, dampening retail sales growth through the year. As a result, the retail vacancy rate is expected to remain at 2.6% by year-end 2010, while lease rates decline by 2.5% to roughly $32 per square foot. By 2014, as employment returns to pre-recession levels and the effects of the most recent downturn on home prices as well as household balance sheets have subsided, we expect the retail vacancy rate to return to the low-2% range, while retail rents increase by close to 4% annually.



After sitting vacant for more than one year, the 53,400 square-foot, former Virgin Megastore in Union Square will be occupied by Forever 21. The company will reportedly pay approximately $3.5 million annually to occupy the space. The vacancy-riddled Union Square retail district was hit



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       particularly hard during the most recent recession from a combination of a drop-off in tourism spending and a lack of demand for luxury items - and their high-priced boutiques. Storefronts in the retail district are slowly regaining tenants as a growing number of smaller, shorter-term leases are signed.



Along with the completion of new housing units along the T-Third light rail, retailer Fresh & Easy will open its first San Francisco location with a 15,000 square-foot store that is part of the 140-unit condominium development, 5800 Third Street. An estimated 1,000 new residents expect to move into this Bayview neighborhood during the next year.



In 2009, retail sales in San Francisco County slipped by 0.8% from the previous year to $9.7 billion, according to the 2010 California Retail Survey. Although negative, the decline in retail sales is an improvement from the more than 2% annual drop in 2008. In San Mateo County, retail sales fell by 1.5% in 2009 and 6.4% in 2008. According to the California Retail Survey’s relative strength index, which is based on each counties’ five-year compound growth rate of retail sales, San Francisco County was ranked fifth-strongest retail market in the state, while San Mateo County was ranked 44th.



Economic indicators point to improving job prospects in the coming quarters, which should boost retail spending in the region as residents feel more comfortable in their employment situation. Additionally, we expect travel to the region to regain momentum, which should boost retail spending, and consequently drive retailer expansions.



Del Monte Center is located in Monterey near State Route 1, also known as Cabrillo Highway. An estimated 53,300 people live in a three-mile radius of the property as of 2010, slightly less than 58,500 in 1990. The total number of households within a three-mile radius of the property as of 2010 is estimated at 23,500, down slightly from 24,600 in 1990. Average household income within a three-mile radius is estimated at $88,900 in 2010, with per capita income estimated at $40,200. Retail sales within a three-mile radius of the property totaled $1.6 billion in 2009.

San Antonio

Economy & Demographics

San Antonio’s economy is nearing recovery, with job losses during the three months to March 2010 totaling just 800 positions, a vast improvement from the 12,400 jobs lost during the same period in 2009. Hiring is expected to pick up through the remainder of 2010, with the metropolitan area adding 6,500 jobs from March through December, resulting in annual employment growth of 0.7%. Total employment reached bottom in February of 2010, and from the peak in July 2008, job losses totaled more than 28,000, or roughly 3.3% of total jobs—a relatively small loss compared with other major metropolitan areas. With the exception of government and educational


and health services, all employment sectors suffered job losses through the recession. We believe 2010 will be a slow recovery year, but 2011 should record more robust employment growth of 1.7%, accelerating to 2.1% growth in 2012. In line with our expectation for a national economic slowdown in 2013, employment growth in San Antonio will likely slow to 1.2% that year, increasing to 1.8% growth in 2014. From 2011 through 2014, San Antonio job growth should outpace the nation. The unemployment rate increased 10 basis points to 7.4% in March compared with year-end 2009. However, we expect increased hiring will drive the rate down to 6.8% by year-end 2010. Employment growth through the forecast period should bring the rate down to 5.5% by year-end 2014.

Strong net migration to San Antonio from 2006 through 2008, averaging 34,000 people annually, was driven by low home prices, healthy employment fundamentals and San Antonio’s attractive quality of life. Net migration slowed to an estimated 16,800 people in 2009 as a result of weaker employment trends. However, we expect net migration will increase through the forecast period. Population growth in San Antonio is typically quite strong, similar to other southern metropolitan areas, averaging 2.0% annually from 2000 through 2009. Although population growth is expected to slow, it should remain strong, averaging 1.8% annual through 2014.

Average household income was nearly flat in 2009, increasing by a scant 0.2%, largely as a result of job losses. Personal income growth slowed as well, to 2.4%, compared with an average of 7.1% annually from 2005 through 2008. We expect both metrics will improve as the unemployment rate continues to decline. Personal income growth is projected to average 6.3% annually through 2014, while household income growth is expected to average 4.5% annually during the same period.



Three military bases are located within the San Antonio metropolitan area, supporting thousands of government and civilian jobs in the region. The Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program will bring additional medical


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training and research facilities to the military bases and is expected to net roughly 5,000 military and civilian jobs. The realignment is expected to create an economic benefit of more than $5 billion. The government sector, which includes military positions, added 2,300 jobs in 2009, more than any other sector, representing a 2.4% annual gain. Through the first three months of 2010, sector growth was flat. The government sector is expected to drive total job growth through the forecast period, adding more than 13,200 jobs by 2014.



Tourism is a major industry in San Antonio, as it is the home of the world-famous Alamo and the Riverwalk. Several phases of expansion are planned and under way that will eventually extend the Riverwalk nine miles south of downtown, and four miles north of downtown upon completion. The $72.1 million San Antonio River Museum Reach leg of the extension was completed in February 2010, and is expected to drive additional tourism to the area. The Mission Reach extension and improvement project to the south is in the beginning stages, and is expected to cost more than $271 million, $25 million of which will come from federal stimulus funds. These improvements to the Riverwalk will ensure its attraction for the long term, thus driving tourism and retail sales.



The Toyota Tundra assembly plant was a boon for the manufacturing industry when it opened in 2006, driving sector job growth. In the years that followed, however, consumer preferences shifted toward fuel-efficient vehicles and a severe national recession stifled consumer spending. Tundra sales in the United States peaked in 2007 at nearly 200,000 units before sales fell by 30% in 2008 to less than 140,000 units. Sales were down an additional 42% in 2009, to just under 80,000 units. Despite slower sales, output is expected to increase in 2010 when the plant adds Tacoma production to the line, for which hiring has already begun. Although increased production will benefit local vendors and contribute to some new jobs in the area, we do not expect the gains will offset total manufacturing sector job losses. Net job losses in the manufacturing sector are expected to total roughly 500 between March and December 2010 before net losses slow to an average of 200 positions annually through 2014.



San Antonio’s diverse economy is poised for a more rapid recovery than most metropolitan areas nationwide. Although manufacturing weakness is a concern, the sector represents less than 5% of the region’s job base and poses a relatively small threat to the recovery of the overall economy. Forbes ranked San Antonio second in its list of fastest-recovering cities in late November 2009, and in early 2010 the Brookings Institute cited San Antonio as a top economic performer. In the long run, San Antonio will continue to be a place where people want to live, work, and retire, and stable demographic growth will support economic expansion for the foreseeable future.


Multifamily Housing Market

San Antonio’s multifamily housing market is stabilizing and is expected to rebound quickly when job growth accelerates. The Census vacancy rate, which includes all rental properties, increased to 13.2% during the first quarter from 12.5% the previous quarter, but the rate is still below the historical average. Little new construction will keep the market from becoming oversupplied during the forecast period, helping to drive the vacancy rate down to 10.9% by 2014 as demand picks up. San Antonio boasts large student and military populations, and both groups drive demand for rental units. Additionally, the region has a large immigrant population, many of whom are renters. Rent growth, as measured by the CPI rental component, was 0.6% year-over-year in the first quarter. As the vacancy rate declines, rent growth should accelerate, averaging 4.0% annually through 2014. Relatively little construction activity is expected during the first half of the forecast period, with permit activity projected to average 1,300 units annually in 2010 and 2011, compared with 5,400 units on average from 2005 through 2008 at the height of the building boom. Permitting should increase thereafter, but remain below historical levels, averaging 2,600 units annually from 2012 through 2014.



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San Antonio’s large military presence serves as a constant source of demand for rental housing. Additionally, healthy net migration is typically a strong demand source in the market. During 2006, 2007 and 2008, net migration accounted for more than two-thirds of total population growth during the same period, one of the highest rates in RCG’s market universe. Net migration slowed in 2009 and is not expected to pick up again until 2012, which may weaken demand. However, because development activity is at the lowest level in several years, the drop-off in demand should not have a significant impact on market fundamentals.



The apartment market is making a comeback after a year of weak demand. The average rental rate for units in conventional, mid-rise, and high-rise properties increased by 0.9% year-over-year to $697 per unit in May 2010, according to ALN Apartment Data. During the same period, the vacancy rate declined by 2.3 percentage points to 10.3%. Landlords had been offering several weeks worth of concessions to lure new tenants, but these offers have become fewer and fewer in recent months.



The single family housing market is highly affordable, which poses the most significant risk to demand for multifamily housing. As job growth accelerates and incomes grow, more households may wish to purchase a home rather than rent.



Lack of construction financing is the largest hurdle for developers and restricting new supply. Demand conditions are favorable and are expected to improve through the forecast period. Thus, developers with capital to start new projects may consider ramping up development efforts now to capitalize on renewed demand by the time projects are completed in the next 18 to 24 months.

Office Market

Office market conditions are expected to improve through 2010, after several quarters of deteriorating fundamentals. Extremely tight market conditions in the CBD in 2008 completely eroded in 2009. The vacancy rate rose to 18.3% by year-end 2009 compared with 10.1% at year-end 2008, and increased further to 18.6% as of the first quarter of 2010. Because San Antonio’s downtown office market is relatively small, with only 4.9 million square feet of space, large movements in or out of the submarket often create volatile statistics. In this case, a large block of sublease space came online during 2009 that has yet to be absorbed, driving up the overall vacancy rate. Although hiring is expected to pick up through the remainder of 2010, demand is not expected to increase downtown markedly until 2011, and the vacancy rate will likely remain in the 18% range through 2011. We expect the rate will decline steadily thereafter, falling to 15.4% by 2014. Average asking rents in the CBD declined by 3.6% in 2009 after a 2.5% decline in 2008, bringing rents back to


their 2006 level. Rents were unchanged between the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010. Rent growth will remain weak in 2010 and 2011, but as the market tightens, rent growth should accelerate to 2.0% in 2012, and then slow to an average of 1.6% annually in 2013 and 2014.

San Antonio’s suburban office market is stabilizing after more than 18 months of weak demand. The vacancy rate increased by 7.2 percentage points in 2008 from 10.7% at year-end 2007, and has remained near 18.0% since that time. We expect it will increase to 18.7% by year-end 2010 as a result of weak demand. However, as hiring picks up, the vacancy rate should decline through the forecast period, falling to 15.3% by 2014. A large amount of new construction was delivered in the three years ending in 2009, totaling nearly 2.5 million square feet. Nearly 1.4 million square feet were delivered in 2008 alone, which was partly to blame for the sharp rise in the vacancy rate that year. The last amount of speculative space is scheduled for delivery by year-end 2010 totaling 200,000 square feet. No projects are in the pipeline for 2011, and construction activity is expected to be minimal during the second half of the forecast period. Despite weak demand, average asking rents increased by 4.6% year-to-date



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during the first quarter to $26.92 per square foot, driven by the addition of Class A space in recent years. We expect slower rental rate increases through the forecast period, with growth averaging 1.8% annually from 2011 through 2014.



One small Class B building is under construction in the CBD, totaling more than 21,000 square feet. This relatively small addition to the office stock in 2010 should have a minimal impact on fundamentals.



Available sublease space in the CBD declined by 50,000 square feet between year-end 2009 and the first quarter of 2010 to 296,400 square feet. However, this is still a relatively large amount of sublease space available, representing about one-third of total vacant space downtown. Almost all of the sublease space available during the first quarter was Class A quality.



San Antonio’s relatively small downtown office market is not always a first choice for tenants. Although rents are more competitive downtown than in the overall suburban office market, potential tenants are sometimes deterred by lack of easy highway access and congestion caused by tourists. Additionally, much of the stock downtown is older, and lacks large contiguous blocks of space that many tenants require.



The newer Far Northwest submarket is relatively small, but growing, with only 279,000 square feet of total inventory. The addition of 200,000 square feet of space this year will nearly double the total stock. As of the first quarter, the vacancy rate was one of the highest in the suburban market at 30.1%, and it will likely rise by year-end when the new development enters the market because, as of this writing, it has not been fully pre-leased.



Several large leases were signed in the suburban office market during the first quarter, most of which were for space in the Northwest submarket, totaling more than 115,000 square feet. Nationwide and Allstate signed two of the largest leases during the quarter.



The amount of sublease space available in the suburban market declined by 9.0% at year-end 2009 compared with the previous year, to about 203,000 square feet, and declined further to 200,000 square feet as of the first quarter. Leasing activity picked up in several submarkets, particularly in the North Central and Northwest submarkets. During the first quarter, the vacancy rate in the North Central submarket declined to 12.7% from 14.1% a year ago. Similarly, the Northeast submarket vacancy rate declined to 17.4% from 23.0% a year ago.



The level of speculative construction in the past several years caught up to the suburban office market in 2009, driving the vacancy rate above market equilibrium. We expect the vacancy rate will be high through the forecast period. Leasing activity is increasing, however, and with the reduction in new construction, the market should be able to absorb the excess space relatively quickly once employment growth picks up.


Retail Market

Retail market fundamentals in San Antonio weakened slightly in 2009. The vacancy rate increased to 10.1% from 9.0% at year-end 2008. Weaker demand led to a decline in the average rental rate of 3.8% to $14.35 per square foot. Construction activity slowed in 2009 to 1.4 million square feet of completions, which should help shield the market from extreme oversupply. We expect the vacancy rate will increase slightly to 10.3% by year-end 2010 as demand remains soft in 2010, mostly during the first half of the year. Similarly, rent growth will be weak, increasing only slightly to $14.48 per square foot on average, or by 0.9%. We expect that as employment growth accelerates, and consumers are more secure in their employment, retail spending will increase, supporting retailer expansion. The vacancy rate is expected to decline steadily through 2014, to 8.9%, while rents should grow by an average annual rate of 2.2% from 2011 through 2014.



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San Antonio’s retail market is supported by both tourism and local resident dollars. Small, independent restaurants and retailers line the Riverwalk and are sprinkled throughout downtown, while more upscale shopping centers can be found in residential areas.



Retail sales were up by 5.8% year-over-year as of the first quarter of 2010 (latest data available) and up by 3.2% compared with the previous quarter. San Antonio’s unemployment rate was lower than the national rate by 2.4 percentage points as of March, and we expect it will decline through year-end, which should support greater retail spending in the region.



Independent retailers suffered most through the recession, having a negative impact on neighborhood/strip properties. According to Marcus and Millichap, the vacancy rate for neighborhood strip properties increased by 2.0 percentage points year-over-year in the second quarter to 12.1%.



Job growth will be the key to the retail market recovery. As consumers become more comfortable in their economic situation, and incomes grow, retail sales will increase and drive demand for retail real estate. We believe 2010 will be a recovery year, but more robust expansion is not likely to occur until 2011.



Alamo Quarry is located on Basse Road, near its intersection with U.S. Route 281 in San Antonio. As of 2010, an estimated 116,200 people live in a three-mile radius of the property, up from 102,500 in 1990. The total number of households within a three-mile radius of the property is estimated at 46,600 in 2010, up from 42,500 in 1990. Average household income within a three-mile radius is estimated at $63,900 in 2010, with per capita income estimated at $26,000. Retail sales within a three-mile radius of the property totaled $3.1 billion in 2009.


Economy & Demographics

After nearly two years of job losses, Honolulu began adding jobs in September 2009, indicating that the local economy is on the rebound. From peak to trough, October 2007 through September 2009, Honolulu recorded more than 25,000 jobs losses, or 5.5% of total peak employment. From September through March 2010, the economy added 5,000 jobs, regaining 20% of the jobs lost during the recession. We expect this momentum will continue through the remainder of 2010, with total employment expected to increase by 1.0% year-over-year in December. Tourism activity, a major economic driver, suffered through the recession and resulted in job losses in the large leisure and hospitality sector. As the economic recovery gains traction, tourism should increase, and hiring in the leisure and hospitality sector should follow suit, helping drive total employment growth. The educational and health services sector, another major driver of economic growth, sustained healthy expansion through the recession, and will continue to drive overall employment growth on the island. Additionally, construction, financial activities and trade


are significant employers on the island. In all, we expect total employment growth will accelerate to 1.3% in 2011 and 2012, slow to 0.7% in 2013 in line with a national economic slowdown, and pick up again in 2014 to 1.0%. The unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in March from 6.1% at year-end 2009. The unemployment rate has typically trended much lower than the national rate because of the island’s weak demographic growth and consequently smaller labor force. We expect it will decline marginally during the forecast period, but will likely remain greater than 4.5% through the duration, slightly more than historical trends.

Population growth is typically minimal, averaging 0.4% annually since 1990. Because net migration was negative since 1993, population growth is largely supported by the natural increase in the population. Household formation growth on the other hand averaged 0.9% annually since 1990. Net migration will likely remain negative through the forecast period as people continue to move off the island, but population and household growth should be positive, both averaging 0.5% annually through 2014.

Both personal income and household income growth slowed to less than 1.0% annually in 2009, largely a result of job losses. We believe that both will grow at a slightly quicker pace in 2010 as jobs begin to return to the economy. Personal income should increase at an average annual rate of 4.8% from 2011 through 2014, while household income growth is expected to average 4.2% during the same period.



Honolulu’s government sector is its largest, composing more than one-fifth of total employment. In 2008 (latest data available), government spending accounted for 24% of the Hawaii’s $28 billion GSP and its contribution to the state’s GSP increased by 36% from 1998 to 2008. Military spending in Hawaii totals approximately $8 billion annually, and has helped keep businesses afloat despite the cutback in privately funded projects. Honolulu will receive $121 million from the federal government to renovate and


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modernize the Honolulu federal courthouse and the Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Federal Building. In addition to supporting construction employment, this injection of funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will provide a boost to local businesses.



The state of Hawaii is home to a large military presence, which helps to sustain economic growth in the region. The Department of Defense (DoD) has an ongoing military focus in the state since Hawaii is the westernmost point in the Pacific region of the United States, outside of Alaska. The U.S. DoD is the second-highest source of revenue for the state after the tourism industry. Total military spending in Hawaii is estimated to have a $10.1 billion impact on the state economy accounting for 92,000 jobs.



Tourism activity is a major economic driver, and supports growth in the leisure and hospitality sector. The sector composes about 15% of total employment and is the island’s second-largest sector. Tourism also generates state tax revenue, which in turn supports the government sector. About 20% of GSP in 2008 was related to tourism, or $11.4 billion. One-third of tourism spending can be attributed to visitors from the western region of the United States., tying the health of Honolulu’s economy to economic stability, or the lack thereof in the western states. We expect tourism activity will increase in the near term, but could slow in 2013 and 2014 in line with a national economic slowdown.



Declining demand for both residential and commercial real estate prompted a sharp drop in construction activity and construction payrolls in 2008 and 2009, which was the fastest-growing employment sector in Hawaii during the previous decade. Real construction activity statewide is estimated to have declined by 20% in 2009. However, we believe 2010 will be a recovery year for the sector as the overall economy begins to rebound. Much of this recovery depends on federal stimulus funding, however.



The Island of Oahu, also known as the City and County of Honolulu, is the political and cultural capital of Hawaii. The island is the state’s most populous, with approximately 907,600 residents, or 70.1% of Hawaii’s population of 1.30 million people as of 2009.



Oahu is the economic engine of the state, and Honolulu, particularly downtown, is the center of political, cultural, business, trade and travel activity for Hawaii. Honolulu is also a center of international trade and travel for the United States and Asia. The island’s main industries include tourism, construction and military, while health care, finance and trade employ a large share of the total workforce. As of June 2010, 74.3% of the state’s 587,900 jobs and 70.1% of Hawaii’s civilian labor force were located on the island of Oahu.



Landownership in Hawaii is highly concentrated among government agencies and private landowners. The small amount of privately held land limits development and fee



       simple ownership opportunities. Approximately 29% of the state’s total land is owned by government agencies, including counties, state and the federal government. Of this public land, approximately 74% is controlled by the Hawaii state government. The 10 largest private landowners control 14% of the state’s land, and the 110 largest own approximately 21%.



Hawaii’s hotel industry is in the early stages of recovery as tourism activity gains momentum. Year-to-date through June 2010, the statewide hotel occupancy rate increased 7.5 percentage points to 69.0%, while revenue per available room (RevPAR) was up 1.2% during the same period to $118.58, according to Smith Travel Research. On the island of Oahu, occupancy was up 7.1 percentage points to 75.0% in the first half of 2010, while RevPAR grew 2.6% to $144.57. Across the country, the upscale and upper upscale segments of the market rebounded sooner than the lower- end of the spectrum, and hotels in Hawaii should react in similar fashion. Instability in other tropical North American tourist destinations, the oil spill in the Gulf and an Asian economic recovery should boost visitor volumes to Hawaii and hotel industry performance.



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Multifamily Housing Market

Accelerated job losses through much of 2009 and a trend towards more frugal living accommodations continued to detract from apartment demand, placing upward pressure on the rental vacancy rate. The Census vacancy rate increased to 6.9% in the first quarter from 5.2% in the previous quarter. However, with hiring on the rebound, the vacancy rate should decline to 6.3% in 2010, falling through the forecast period to 5.4% by 2014. The CPI rental component, our proxy for rent growth, increased by 3.2% annually in the fourth quarter 2009, despite weaker demand fundamentals. We expect steady rent growth will continue, averaging 4.0% annually through 2014.



Honolulu’s single family housing market is the least affordable in RCG’s market universe. As of year-end 2009, only 19.6% of households could afford a median-priced home, up from a low of 8.7% in 2005 at the height of the housing boom. We expect affordability will decline through the forecast period, falling into the low teens in 2012 through 2014. The island’s low affordability rate will force many households to rent for a longer period than in other MSAs, driving demand for multifamily rental units, and ultimately steady rent growth.



Permitting activity picked up in the first quarter, with more than 500 units permitted compared with 200 for all of 2009. Increased permitting may be a positive sign that developers are optimistic about longer-term demand. We expect permitting will average 1,300 units annually through 2014.

Office Market

The weak economy contributed to a decline in office market fundamentals in 2009 and through the first quarter of 2010. The CBD vacancy rate increased to 12.9% in the first quarter compared with 11.0% at year-end 2008 and 12.2% at year-end 2009. The average asking rental rate in the CBD declined by 4.9% in 2009, but first-quarter rents improved slightly, increasing by 1.4% compared with year-end 2009. We expect fundamentals will improve through



year-end 2010 as hiring gains steam, consequently driving demand for space in downtown Honolulu. The CBD vacancy rate is expected to decline to 12.6% by year-end, although rents will likely remain soft. The vacancy rate should slowly decline through the remainder of the forecast period, falling to 10.0% by year-end 2014. CBD rent growth is expected to resume in 2011, averaging 1.7% annually through 2014. With minimal new construction in the development pipeline, supply-side pressure should remain non-existent.

Federal government spending largely sustained suburban office space demand in 2009, but was not strong enough to offset weak demand from construction, tourism, and mortgage firms; many within these industries were laid off in the past year. The suburban office vacancy rate increased by 2.7 percentage points between year-end 2008 and year-end 2009, to 11.3%, and further to 12.4% in the first quarter of 2010. We expect that demand weakness will subside through the remainder of 2010 as hiring picks up, driving the vacancy rate down to 11.9% by year-end. After contracting by 4.7% year-over- year in 2009, suburban office market rents recorded an increase of 2.8% during the first quarter. Rent growth will likely slow through the remainder of 2010, recording a small annual increase of 1.0% by year-end, and then averaging 1.4% annually from 2011 through 2014. Very little new construction is in the pipeline, which should limit supply-side pressure in the market. The suburban office vacancy rate should slowly decline to 9.5% by year-end 2014, slightly above pre-recession levels.



The downtown tenant base includes a mix of financial services firms, tourism-related firms, and federal government tenants. Recent demand has been driven by federal spending and by firms associated with Honolulu’s rail project.



Tenants currently have the upper hand in lease negotiations, and landlords have been offering months of free rent and generous tenant-improvement packages. As the economy recovers, we expect these deals will be fewer and fewer. However, these tactics will help to fill space, and as the market tightens, rent growth should accelerate.


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The amount of available sublease space downtown remained unchanged since the second quarter of 2009, at 1.0%. Although this indicates the market is stabilizing, landlords of non-sublease space reduced rents in order to remain competitive. We expect the trend will not continue beyond 2010.



Some tenants are investing in office condos, viewing them as a smart investment in the depressed-pricing environment. However, these deals are not commonplace, as the initial mortgage payments are pricier than existing rents, and financing is still tight.



Available sublease space in the suburban office market increased by 21.6% between the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010. However, the amount available, at 35,600 square feet, represents a small portion of the total space available, at 0.6%. We believe that market conditions are stabilizing; sublease space will not likely increase significantly before year-end, and may even decline.



The completion of the Kapolei Courthouse Complex will boost demand for office space from legal professionals in the already-tight West Oahu submarket. As of the first quarter, the vacancy rate in the West Oahu submarket was 1.3% compared with the overall suburban vacancy rate of 12.4%. Additionally, no sublease space was available in this submarket.

Retail Market

Honolulu’s retail market is one of the healthiest commercial real estate sectors on the island. The recession resulted in weaker spending from tourists and locals, causing some retailers to struggle, but for the most part the Honolulu retail market weathered the recession fairly well. The vacancy rate declined by 40 basis points in 2009 to 2.5%, and further to 2.2% in the first quarter of 2010. Rents continued to grow during the same period, increasing by 13.2% year- over-year in the fourth quarter of 2009, and increasing an additional 12.6% during the first quarter to $47.34 per square foot. Despite these positive indicators, we believe Honolulu’s retail market could


soften slightly by year-end, as new space enters the market. The vacancy rate is projected to increase to 2.4% by year-end 2010, and the average asking rent will decline from current levels to $47.10 per square foot. As hiring picks up and the global economy improves, tourism activity will increase, as will local spending. The vacancy rate is expected to decline to 2.1% by year-end 2011, and will fluctuate between 2.0% and 3.2% through the remainder of the forecast period. Rent growth should average 2.6% annually from 2011 through 2014. Approximately 400,000 square feet of space is scheduled to deliver in 2012, and an additional 600,000 square feet is expected in 2014.



Tourism activity helps drive retail spending in Honolulu. Although visitor volume declined in 2009 as a result of the global recession, visitor traffic should increase in line with improving economic conditions. International visitor volume to Oahu increased by 24.9% in May 2010 compared with the same month a year ago. This increase is compared with quite low numbers in 2009, which was compounded by the H1N1 influenza scare during that period. However, year-to-date, international visitor volume was up 9.7% in May compared with the same period in 2009.



Although the majority of visitors to Hawaii are from the western United States, international visitors from Japan and Canada compose a significant share. Visitors from China are a growing group, and we believe that the growing middle-class demographic in China will result in increased tourism to Hawaii given its proximity. Year-to-date through May, visitors arriving by air from China increased by 26.6% compared with the same period in 2009.



Waikiki retail rents remain one of the most expensive in the nation, ranking the market fifth among major metropolitan areas. Globally, Waikiki ranked 31st for most expensive retail market for tenants, with space going for an average of $300 per square foot.



Despite the current downturn in the Honolulu economy, the $500 million, 1.5 million square-foot, mixed-use Ka Makana



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Alii mall, is scheduled to break ground in late 2010 and reach full build-out by 2013. Under a 65-year lease agreement, the project will be built on land owned by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.



The Shops at Kalakaua and Waikiki Beach Walk are located in the southeastern area of Honolulu on Kalakaua Avenue, near its intersection with Lewers Street, separated by a distance of less than one mile. An estimated 181,700 people live in a three-mile radius of The Shops at Kalakaua as of 2010, up from 175,300 in 1990. Within three miles of Waikiki Beach Walk, the population is estimated at 174,000, up from 168,600 in 1990. The total number of households within a three-mile radius of The Shops at Kalakaua is estimated at 86,600 as of 2010, up from 77,100 in 1990. Total households within a three-mile radius of Waikiki Beach Walk increased to an estimated 80,000 in 2010, up from 75,200 in 1990. Average household income within three-mile radii of The Shops at Kalakaua and Waikiki Beach Walk are estimated at $69,800 and $70,100, respectively, in 2010. Per capita income within three-mile radii of The Shops at Kalakaua and Waikiki Beach Walk are estimated at $32,600 and $32,700, respectively. \Within three-mile radii of The Shops at Kalakaua and Waikiki Beach Walk, retail sales totaled $5.6 billion and $5.5 billion, respectively, in 2009.



Waikele Center is located adjacent to Interstate H1 on Lumiaina Street in Waipahu. As of 2010, an estimated 106,700 people live in a three-mile radius of the property, up from 87,400 in 1990. The total number of households within a three-mile radius of the property is estimated at 30,500 in 2010, up from 24,400 in 1990. Average household income within a three-mile radius is estimated at $94,500 in 2010, with per capita income estimated at $27,600. Within a three-mile radius of the property, retail sales totaled $2.2 billion in 2009.


© 2010 Rosen Consulting Group, LLC    38



Appendix A - Comparable Property Demographics



Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Ahoskie Commons


1400 Memorial Drive East

  Ahoskie   NC   27910-3926     2,645        -7.6   $ 29,963        2,581        -2.4   $ 31,966        6.7     94   

Alamosa Plaza


145 Craft Drive

  Alamosa   CO   81101-2273     4,167        7.7   $ 31,310        4,346        4.3   $ 33,814        8.0     147   

Crossroads Plaza-SC


406 Highway 28 Bypass

  Anderson   SC   29624-3026     13,114        0.8   $ 29,843        13,341        1.7   $ 31,421        5.3     464   

Claremont Plaza-Ashland


2300 Claremont Avenue

  Ashland   OH   44805-4512     7,627        5.1   $ 40,206        7,832        2.7   $ 42,355        5.3     270   



180 Lena Drive

  Aurora   OH   44202-9202     7,641        16.5   $ 63,408        8,158        6.8   $ 66,443        4.8     270   

Huron Crest Plaza


850 North Van Dyke Road

  Bad Axe   MI   48413-9016     1,910        -7.9   $ 38,727        1,805        -5.5   $ 40,831        5.4     68   

Point Plaza


12031 US Highway 19

  FL   34667-2057     26,190        5.7   $ 35,686        27,818        6.2   $ 39,618        11.0     926   

Town Fair Center


1320 James Avenue

  Bedford   IN   47421-3592     7,148        -0.8   $ 35,633        7,102        -0.6   $ 37,656        5.7     253   

Paul Bunyan


1401 Paul Bunyan Drive NW

  Bemidji   MN   56601-4123     5,197        15.7   $ 34,679        5,587        7.5   $ 37,605        8.4     184   



282 Berlin Mall Road

  Berlin   VT   05602-8292     4,112        0.9   $ 46,467        4,124        0.3   $ 51,377        10.6     145   



14136 Baxter Drive

  Brainerd   MN   56401-3339     8,323        16.1   $ 38,037        8,936        7.4   $ 40,912        7.6     294   

Kmart Plaza-Brandon


1602 West Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-4808     31,334        32.8   $ 59,063        35,842        14.4   $ 63,817        8.0     1,108   

Springdale Plaza


1671 Springdale Drive

  Camden   SC   29020-2079     4,326        6.0   $ 45,917        4,530        4.7   $ 49,327        7.4     153   

Del Prado


1420 Del Prado Boulevard

  Cape Coral   FL   33990-3789     27,144        40.4   $ 55,144        31,831        17.3   $ 61,122        10.8     960   

Kmart Plaza-Cheboygan


1109 East State Street

  Cheboygan   MI   49721-2124     2,571        -2.5   $ 30,344        2,517        -2.1   $ 31,645        4.3     91   

Chillicothe Place


867 North Bridge Street

  Chillicothe   OH   45601-1704     10,110        0.1   $ 36,732        10,122        0.1   $ 38,684        5.3     358   

Glenway Crossing


5100 Glencrossing Way

  Cincinnati   OH   45238-3361     50,956        0.9   $ 44,027        51,160        0.4   $ 47,007        6.8     1,802   

Whitewater Trade Center


2100 North Park Road

  Connersville   IN   47331-2902     6,424        -6.9   $ 36,243        6,160        -4.1   $ 37,145        2.5     227   

Crystal River Plaza


420 North Suncoast Boulevard

  FL   34429-5466     5,059        10.5   $ 38,283        5,430        7.3   $ 41,562        8.6     179   

Prairie Hills


1681 Third Avenue West

  Dickinson   ND   58601-3025     6,990        3.8   $ 44,716        7,149        2.3   $ 50,744        13.5     247   

Pleasant Hill Plaza


1630 Pleasant Hill Road

  Duluth   GA   30096-5899     34,946        24.0   $ 49,531        39,189        12.1   $ 49,930        0.8     1,236   

Oxford Commons


3500 Old Oxford Road

  Durham   NC   27712-9416     1,148        8.9   $ 67,875        1,219        6.2   $ 71,356        5.1     41   

Dekalb Plaza


2692 Dekalb Pike

  PA   19401-1833     31,358        1.3   $ 59,208        31,667        1.0   $ 64,234        8.5     1,109   

Kmart Plaza-Eastlake


33752 Vine Street

  Eastlake   OH   44095-5100     26,440        -1.2   $ 47,774        26,146        -1.1   $ 50,109        4.9     935   



841 Cleveland Street

  Elyria   OH   44035-4107     22,550        3.2   $ 45,194        22,960        1.8   $ 47,692        5.5     798   

Hills Plaza West


2301 West 38th Street

  Erie   PA   16506-4503     33,763        0.0   $ 42,812        33,712        -0.2   $ 45,495        6.3     1,194   

Fenton Plaza


64 Fenton Plaza

  Fenton   MO   63026-4110     15,591        7.7   $ 67,584        16,180        3.8   $ 72,334        7.0     551   

Fern Park


6735 South US Highway 17/92

  Fern Park   FL   32730-2041     35,805        1.2   $ 50,320        36,892        3.0   $ 54,418        8.1     1,266   

Pine Ridge Square


1401 West Main Street

  Gaylord   MI   49735-8946     3,272        4.1   $ 39,464        3,317        1.4   $ 41,441        5.0     116   

Arrowhead Point


701 North Commercial

  Harrisburg   IL   62946-3335     4,275        -3.2   $ 33,524        4,226        -1.2   $ 36,940        10.2     151   

Grand Vue


101 Town & Country Lane

  Hazard   KY   41701-9524     3,088        6.3   $ 30,093        3,104        0.5   $ 33,432        11.1     109   

Kohls-Highland Heights


6235 Wilson Mills Road

  OH   44143-2106     22,858        -5.6   $ 56,496        21,956        -4.0   $ 60,255        6.7     808   



1100 North High Street

  Hillsboro   OH   45133-8257     3,552        3.7   $ 36,226        3,607        1.6   $ 39,484        9.0     126   

Copper Country


1703 Memorial Road

  Houghton   MI   49931-2462     5,027        -1.0   $ 30,974        4,986        -0.8   $ 33,088        6.8     178   

Grand River Plaza


3599 East Grand River

  Howell   MI   48843-8513     7,779        34.7   $ 62,426        8,790        13.0   $ 64,240        2.9     275   

North Heights Plaza


8280 Old Troy Pike

  OH   45424-1056     15,198        -0.7   $ 54,303        15,088        -0.7   $ 56,765        4.5     538   



1060 Highway 15

  Hutchinson   MN   55350-3157     6,311        9.7   $ 48,910        6,625        5.0   $ 51,947        6.2     223   

Western Plaza


2085 North Marine Boulevard

  Jacksonville   NC   28546-6920     17,075        17.0   $ 42,331        18,352        7.5   $ 46,027        8.7     604   

Countryside Place


1879 Deerfield Road

  Lebanon   OH   45036-9245     7,971        32.7   $ 57,604        8,983        12.7   $ 63,101        9.5     282   

Mari-Mac Village


800 Trinity Drive

  Los Alamos   NM   87544-4104     5,458        4.0   $ 87,409        5,577        2.2   $ 96,245        10.1     193   

Macedonia Commons


8210 Macedonia Commons Blvd

  Macedonia   OH   44056-1850     11,867        7.9   $ 70,838        12,308        3.7   $ 74,787        5.6     420   



2814-2822 Highway 71

  Marianna   FL   32446-1883     3,890        4.5   $ 36,373        4,056        4.3   $ 39,554        8.7     138   

Liberty Fair


240 Commonwealth Boulevard W

  Martinsville   VA   24112-1800     9,018        -5.6   $ 30,436        8,718        -3.3   $ 32,289        6.1     319   

Mayfield Heights 624 Alpha


624 Alpha Drive

  Cleveland   OH   44143-2123     21,227        -4.3   $ 54,841        20,538        -3.3   $ 58,509        6.7     751   

Mayfield Heights 625 Alpha


625 Alpha Drive

  Cleveland   OH   44143-2114     21,233        -4.4   $ 55,096        20,543        -3.3   $ 58,777        6.7     751   



750-850 Apollo Boulevard

  Melbourne   FL   32935-5068     19,826        4.3   $ 43,275        20,690        4.4   $ 47,157        9.0     701   



5960 Heisley Road

  Mentor   OH   44060-1834     19,591        7.4   $ 59,121        20,254        3.4   $ 62,484        5.7     693   

Indian Hills


4208 East Blue Grass Road

  MI   48858-7966     12,632        17.6   $ 29,603        13,527        7.1   $ 31,404        6.1     447   

Times Square


42nd and Broadway

  IL   62864     6,890        -2.6   $ 32,629        6,801        -1.3   $ 35,211        7.9     244   

Central Center


809 North 12th Street

  Murray   KY   42071-1648     7,525        9.7   $ 31,163        7,906        5.1   $ 33,139        6.3     266   

North Pointe Plaza-SC


7400 Rivers Avenue

  SC   29406-4644     19,867        20.4   $ 44,146        21,758        9.5   $ 47,740        8.1     703   

Rivertowne Square


3003 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard

  New Bern   NC   28562-5211     14,617        23.0   $ 40,932        15,918        8.9   $ 44,647        9.1     517   

McCain Plaza


4124 East McCain Boulevard

  North Little
  AR   72117-2523     21,535        0.5   $ 47,100        21,729        0.9   $ 50,798        7.9     762   

Kmart Plaza-Ocala


3711 NE Silver Springs Blvd

  Ocala   FL   34470-4999     18,102        12.1   $ 42,266        19,597        8.3   $ 45,465        7.6     640   

Westside Crossing


5028-5290 West Colonial Dr

  Orlando   FL   32808-7619     40,769        13.6   $ 39,980        44,327        8.7   $ 43,306        8.3     1,442   

Ormond Towne Square


1458 West Granada Boulevard

  FL   32174-5919     12,660        10.0   $ 46,028        13,526        6.8   $ 49,469        7.5     448   

Quincy Place


1110 North Quincy Avenue

  Ottumwa   IA   52501-3883     9,828        -2.2   $ 36,553        9,714        -1.2   $ 40,194        10.0     348   

Palafox Square


8934 Pensacola Boulevard

  Pensacola   FL   32534-1927     16,201        13.1   $ 43,223        17,409        7.5   $ 46,511        7.6     573   

Memorial Square


1000 Memorial Drive

  Pulaski   VA   24301-2920     5,511        -0.6   $ 36,107        5,485        -0.5   $ 40,131        11.1     195   

Valley Park Centre


3093 East Main Street

  Russellville   AR   72802-9643     7,639        10.5   $ 30,806        8,084        5.8   $ 32,704        6.2     270   

Fairview Station


621 Fairview Road

  Simpsonville   SC   29680-7501     12,252        28.4   $ 60,069        13,791        12.6   $ 64,364        7.2     433   

Mariner Square


13050 Cortez Boulevard

  Spring Hill   FL   34613-4854     13,276        43.7   $ 39,715        15,608        17.6   $ 44,595        12.3     470   

Stone Mountain


5615 Memorial Drive

  GA   30083-3256     37,365        1.3   $ 45,038        38,140        2.1   $ 46,235        2.7     1,322   



3000 Crane Drive

  Streetsboro   OH   44241     7,075        15.3   $ 60,123        7,521        6.3   $ 62,857        4.5     250   

North Pointe Plaza-FL


15001-15233 North Dale Mabry

  Tampa   FL   33618-1816     32,170        9.8   $ 61,057        34,458        7.1   $ 65,753        7.7     1,138   

Town N’Country Promenade


7021 West Waters Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33634-2203     39,246        12.3   $ 49,463        42,315        7.8   $ 53,932        9.0     1,388   

Tarpon Square


41232 US Highway 19 North

  FL   34689-5106     23,011        14.1   $ 45,809        24,810        7.8   $ 49,865        8.9     814   

Tiffin Mall


870 West Market Street

  Tiffin   OH   44883-2567     8,623        -2.2   $ 40,441        8,513        -1.3   $ 43,014        6.4     305   

Trinidad Plaza


2202 Freedom Road

  Trinidad   CO   81082-1212     3,926        3.2   $ 34,485        4,074        3.8   $ 38,846        12.6     139   

West Towne Plaza


441 North Duncan Bypass

  Union   SC   29379-8665     5,098        -6.4   $ 32,571        4,887        -4.1   $ 34,637        6.3     180   

Kmart Plaza-West 65th


3250 West 65th Street

  Cleveland   OH   44102-5745     63,674        -8.2   $ 33,079        60,349        -5.2   $ 34,933        5.6     2,252   

Pamlico Plaza


536 Pamlico Plaza

  Washington   NC   27889-3337     5,633        8.8   $ 30,140        5,896        4.7   $ 32,267        7.1     199   

Kmart Plaza-Waterbury


899 Wolcott Street

  Waterbury   CT   06705-1301     37,466        0.1   $ 38,783        37,531        0.2   $ 42,021        8.3     1,325   



1300 Ninth Avenue SE

  Watertown   SD   57201-5399     7,825        3.2   $ 40,343        8,001        2.3   $ 44,102        9.3     277   

Pasco Square


7201 Country Road 54

  New Port
  FL   34653-6106     34,144        15.4   $ 40,917        37,462        9.7   $ 45,183        10.4     1,208   

West Bay Plaza


30100 Detroit Road

  Westlake   OH   44145-1945     19,119        3.0   $ 80,238        19,257        0.7   $ 85,655        6.8     676   

South Ridge


1025 South South Street

  Wilmington   OH   45177-2923     5,989        8.6   $ 40,572        6,238        4.2   $ 42,900        5.7     212   

University Centre


354 South College Road

  Wilmington   NC   28403-1632     24,902        17.0   $ 38,893        27,203        9.2   $ 41,666        7.1     881   

Apple Blossom Corners


2190 South Pleasant Valley

  Winchester   VA   22601-7003     16,046        17.0   $ 48,535        17,358        8.2   $ 54,801        12.9     568   



1635 Oxford Street

  Worthington   MN   56187-1896     4,148        -5.4   $ 46,431        4,042        -2.6   $ 51,080        10.0     147   

Kmart Plaza-Zanesville


3431 North Maple Avenue

  Zanesville   OH   43701-1340     8,471        0.3   $ 39,675        8,470        0.0   $ 42,227        6.4     300   



1189 Broad Street

  Clifton   NJ   07013-3327     69,195        -4.5   $ 63,846        67,781        -2.0   $ 67,910        6.4     2,447   



8500 Henry Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19128-2111     36,694        -0.9   $ 67,347        36,503        -0.5   $ 72,895        8.2     1,298   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Ahoskie Commons


1400 Memorial Drive East

  Ahoskie   NC   27910-3926     2,426        -11.8   $ 28,546        2,321        -4.3   $ 29,354        2.8     86   

Alamosa Plaza


145 Craft Drive

  Alamosa   CO   81101-2273     4,199        8.5   $ 31,779        4,341        3.4   $ 33,688        6.0     149   

Crossroads Plaza-SC


406 Highway 28 Bypass

  Anderson   SC   29624-3026     13,389        2.5   $ 30,983        13,583        1.5   $ 32,312        4.3     474   

Claremont Plaza-Ashland


2300 Claremont Avenue

  Ashland   OH   44805-4512     7,648        5.6   $ 41,693        7,762        1.5   $ 43,552        4.5     270   



180 Lena Drive

  Aurora   OH   44202-9202     7,729        18.8   $ 64,508        8,127        5.2   $ 66,539        3.1     273   

Huron Crest Plaza


850 North Van Dyke Road

  Bad Axe   MI   48413-9016     1,858        -10.8   $ 39,214        1,725        -7.2   $ 40,579        3.5     66   

Point Plaza


12031 US Highway 19

  FL   34667-2057     26,068        5.4   $ 35,494        28,149        8.0   $ 38,380        8.1     922   

Town Fair Center


1320 James Avenue

  Bedford   IN   47421-3592     7,240        -0.3   $ 35,824        7,158        -1.1   $ 37,152        3.7     256   

Paul Bunyan


1401 Paul Bunyan Drive NW

  Bemidji   MN   56601-4123     5,336        19.2   $ 36,741        5,696        6.8   $ 39,315        7.0     189   



282 Berlin Mall Road

  Berlin   VT   05602-8292     3,973        0.2   $ 48,259        3,928        -1.1   $ 53,510        10.9     141   



14136 Baxter Drive

  Brainerd   MN   56401-3339     8,064        13.5   $ 37,893        8,456        4.9   $ 39,533        4.3     285   

Kmart Plaza-Brandon


1602 West Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-4808     31,864        34.9   $ 59,553        35,570        11.6   $ 63,210        6.1     1,127   

Springdale Plaza


1671 Springdale Drive

  Camden   SC   29020-2079     4,396        7.5   $ 45,998        4,556        3.6   $ 48,713        5.9     155   

Del Prado


1420 Del Prado Boulevard

  Cape Coral   FL   33990-3789     25,522        31.3   $ 56,282        29,850        17.0   $ 61,661        9.6     903   

Kmart Plaza-Cheboygan


1109 East State Street

  Cheboygan   MI   49721-2124     2,458        -5.8   $ 30,121        2,341        -4.8   $ 30,615        1.6     87   

Chillicothe Place


867 North Bridge Street

  Chillicothe   OH   45601-1704     10,336        0.3   $ 37,135        10,269        -0.7   $ 38,249        3.0     366   

Glenway Crossing


5100 Glencrossing Way

  Cincinnati   OH   45238-3361     50,309        -0.7   $ 44,773        49,804        -1.0   $ 46,813        4.6     1,779   

Whitewater Trade Center


2100 North Park Road

  Connersville   IN   47331-2902     6,442        -6.6   $ 34,633        6,197        -3.8   $ 34,627        0.0     228   

Crystal River Plaza


420 North Suncoast Boulevard

  FL   34429-5466     5,149        12.3   $ 38,811        5,491        6.6   $ 41,256        6.3     182   

Prairie Hills


1681 Third Avenue West

  Dickinson   ND   58601-3025     7,072        5.0   $ 45,734        7,195        1.7   $ 51,583        12.8     250   

Pleasant Hill Plaza


1630 Pleasant Hill Road

  Duluth   GA   30096-5899     34,946        22.5   $ 50,710        38,992        11.6   $ 50,944        0.5     1,236   

Oxford Commons


3500 Old Oxford Road

  Durham   NC   27712-9416     1,245        14.5   $ 70,130        1,343        7.9   $ 74,087        5.6     44   

Dekalb Plaza


2692 Dekalb Pike

  PA   19401-1833     31,695        2.6   $ 60,844        31,844        0.5   $ 64,705        6.3     1,121   

Kmart Plaza-Eastlake


33752 Vine Street

  Eastlake   OH   44095-5100     26,537        -1.0   $ 48,842        26,178        -1.4   $ 50,789        4.0     939   



841 Cleveland Street

  Elyria   OH   44035-4107     22,561        2.7   $ 46,348        22,599        0.2   $ 48,261        4.1     798   

Hills Plaza West


2301 West 38th Street

  Erie   PA   16506-4503     33,929        0.6   $ 43,831        33,698        -0.7   $ 46,010        5.0     1,200   

Fenton Plaza


64 Fenton Plaza

  Fenton   MO   63026-4110     15,368        8.0   $ 68,524        15,799        2.8   $ 72,795        6.2     544   

Fern Park


6735 South US Highway 17/92

  Fern Park   FL   32730-2041     35,712        0.8   $ 51,602        36,766        3.0   $ 54,594        5.8     1,263   

Pine Ridge Square


1401 West Main Street

  Gaylord   MI   49735-8946     3,200        1.2   $ 40,396        3,148        -1.6   $ 41,611        3.0     113   

Arrowhead Point


701 North Commercial

  Harrisburg   IL   62946-3335     4,265        -3.6   $ 33,295        4,164        -2.4   $ 35,454        6.5     151   

Grand Vue


101 Town & Country Lane

  Hazard   KY   41701-9524     2,970        5.9   $ 30,083        3,013        1.5   $ 32,532        8.1     105   

Kohls-Highland Heights


6235 Wilson Mills Road

  OH   44143-2106     22,431        -6.5   $ 57,577        21,394        -4.6   $ 60,765        5.5     793   



1100 North High Street

  Hillsboro   OH   45133-8257     3,446        0.9   $ 36,006        3,415        -0.9   $ 38,086        5.8     122   

Copper Country


1703 Memorial Road

  Houghton   MI   49931-2462     5,109        0.4   $ 31,246        5,098        -0.2   $ 32,522        4.1     181   

Grand River Plaza


3599 East Grand River

  Howell   MI   48843-8513     7,740        33.0   $ 64,171        8,383        8.3   $ 65,995        2.8     274   

North Heights Plaza


8280 Old Troy Pike

  OH   45424-1056     15,065        -1.7   $ 55,056        14,756        -2.1   $ 56,810        3.2     533   



1060 Highway 15

  Hutchinson   MN   55350-3157     6,297        9.2   $ 51,279        6,494        3.1   $ 54,148        5.6     223   

Western Plaza


2085 North Marine Boulevard

  Jacksonville   NC   28546-6920     17,724        17.3   $ 43,938        18,712        5.6   $ 47,040        7.1     627   

Countryside Place


1879 Deerfield Road

  Lebanon   OH   45036-9245     7,821        30.0   $ 58,720        8,639        10.5   $ 63,436        8.0     277   

Mari-Mac Village


800 Trinity Drive

  Los Alamos   NM   87544-4104     5,239        -0.2   $ 89,825        5,150        -1.7   $ 97,261        8.3     185   

Macedonia Commons


8210 Macedonia Commons Blvd

  Macedonia   OH   44056-1850     12,030        8.8   $ 72,214        12,325        2.5   $ 75,788        4.9     425   



2814-2822 Highway 71

  Marianna   FL   32446-1883     3,895        6.9   $ 36,205        4,033        3.5   $ 38,157        5.4     138   

Liberty Fair


240 Commonwealth Boulevard W

  Martinsville   VA   24112-1800     8,929        -6.7   $ 30,044        8,526        -4.5   $ 30,988        3.1     316   

Mayfield Heights 624 Alpha


624 Alpha Drive

  Cleveland   OH   44143-2123     20,871        -4.9   $ 55,904        20,079        -3.8   $ 59,075        5.7     738   

Mayfield Heights 625 Alpha


625 Alpha Drive

  Cleveland   OH   44143-2114     21,144        -5.0   $ 56,099        20,331        -3.9   $ 59,263        5.6     748   



750-850 Apollo Boulevard

  Melbourne   FL   32935-5068     19,632        2.6   $ 43,396        20,261        3.2   $ 46,194        6.4     694   



5960 Heisley Road

  Mentor   OH   44060-1834     19,653        8.4   $ 60,484        20,165        2.6   $ 63,259        4.6     695   

Indian Hills


4208 East Blue Grass Road

  MI   48858-7966     12,724        18.8   $ 28,971        13,320        4.7   $ 29,874        3.1     450   

Times Square


42nd and Broadway

  IL   62864     6,894        -2.4   $ 32,999        6,751        -2.1   $ 34,701        5.2     244   

Central Center


809 North 12th Street

  Murray   KY   42071-1648     7,781        13.8   $ 32,287        8,146        4.7   $ 34,227        6.0     275   

North Pointe Plaza-SC


7400 Rivers Avenue

  SC   29406-4644     20,605        24.6   $ 45,434        22,798        10.6   $ 48,478        6.7     729   

Rivertowne Square


3003 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard

  New Bern   NC   28562-5211     14,155        19.7   $ 41,460        14,975        5.8   $ 44,017        6.2     501   

McCain Plaza


4124 East McCain Boulevard

  North Little
  AR   72117-2523     21,360        0.0   $ 48,054        21,446        0.4   $ 51,231        6.6     755   

Kmart Plaza-Ocala


3711 NE Silver Springs Blvd

  Ocala   FL   34470-4999     18,460        15.4   $ 42,456        20,144        9.1   $ 44,608        5.1     653   

Westside Crossing


5028-5290 West Colonial Dr

  Orlando   FL   32808-7619     39,897        10.9   $ 40,425        43,082        8.0   $ 42,939        6.2     1,411   

Ormond Towne Square


1458 West Granada Boulevard

  FL   32174-5919     12,996        12.8   $ 47,268        13,811        6.3   $ 50,032        5.8     460   

Quincy Place


1110 North Quincy Avenue

  Ottumwa   IA   52501-3883     9,712        -2.7   $ 36,431        9,511        -2.1   $ 38,986        7.0     343   

Palafox Square


8934 Pensacola Boulevard

  Pensacola   FL   32534-1927     16,312        13.6   $ 43,378        17,249        5.7   $ 45,966        6.0     577   

Memorial Square


1000 Memorial Drive

  Pulaski   VA   24301-2920     5,338        -2.8   $ 34,550        5,204        -2.5   $ 37,190        7.6     189   

Valley Park Centre


3093 East Main Street

  Russellville   AR   72802-9643     7,873        14.6   $ 31,574        8,364        6.2   $ 32,962        4.4     278   

Fairview Station


621 Fairview Road

  Simpsonville   SC   29680-7501     12,571        35.5   $ 60,633        14,064        11.9   $ 63,877        5.4     445   

Mariner Square


13050 Cortez Boulevard

  Spring Hill   FL   34613-4854     13,445        44.1   $ 38,741        15,337        14.1   $ 42,302        9.2     476   

Stone Mountain


5615 Memorial Drive

  GA   30083-3256     37,757        2.0   $ 45,726        38,292        1.4   $ 46,443        1.6     1,335   



3000 Crane Drive

  Streetsboro   OH   44241     6,947        17.0   $ 61,050        7,261        4.5   $ 62,742        2.8     246   

North Pointe Plaza-FL


15001-15233 North Dale Mabry

  Tampa   FL   33618-1816     31,440        7.1   $ 61,567        33,510        6.6   $ 65,134        5.8     1,112   

Town N’Country Promenade


7021 West Waters Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33634-2203     38,996        11.6   $ 49,909        41,997        7.7   $ 53,146        6.5     1,379   

Tarpon Square


41232 US Highway 19 North

  FL   34689-5106     22,862        12.4   $ 46,167        24,431        6.9   $ 49,487        7.2     809   

Tiffin Mall


870 West Market Street

  Tiffin   OH   44883-2567     8,654        -1.8   $ 41,314        8,474        -2.1   $ 43,312        4.8     306   

Trinidad Plaza


2202 Freedom Road

  Trinidad   CO   81082-1212     3,922        2.8   $ 34,979        4,010        2.2   $ 38,540        10.2     139   

West Towne Plaza


441 North Duncan Bypass

  Union   SC   29379-8665     5,134        -4.5   $ 32,141        4,965        -3.3   $ 33,331        3.7     182   

Kmart Plaza-West 65th


3250 West 65th Street

  Cleveland   OH   44102-5745     62,372        -9.0   $ 33,354        58,781        -5.8   $ 34,762        4.2     2,206   

Pamlico Plaza


536 Pamlico Plaza

  Washington   NC   27889-3337     5,635        9.4   $ 31,147        5,846        3.7   $ 32,778        5.2     199   

Kmart Plaza-Waterbury


899 Wolcott Street

  Waterbury   CT   06705-1301     37,772        0.5   $ 39,767        37,572        -0.5   $ 41,891        5.3     1,336   



1300 Ninth Avenue SE

  Watertown   SD   57201-5399     7,843        3.4   $ 40,179        7,910        0.9   $ 42,767        6.4     277   

Pasco Square


7201 Country Road 54

  New Port
  FL   34653-6106     33,662        14.4   $ 41,123        37,355        11.0   $ 44,555        8.3     1,191   

West Bay Plaza


30100 Detroit Road

  Westlake   OH   44145-1945     18,817        2.1   $ 81,379        18,658        -0.8   $ 86,076        5.8     666   

South Ridge


1025 South South Street

  Wilmington   OH   45177-2923     5,969        9.6   $ 41,136        6,161        3.2   $ 42,583        3.5     211   

University Centre


354 South College Road

  Wilmington   NC   28403-1632     24,997        18.8   $ 40,032        26,983        7.9   $ 42,200        5.4     884   

Apple Blossom Corners


2190 South Pleasant Valley

  Winchester   VA   22601-7003     16,002        17.4   $ 49,489        17,030        6.4   $ 55,123        11.4     566   



1635 Oxford Street

  Worthington   MN   56187-1896     4,229        -3.2   $ 45,452        4,136        -2.2   $ 48,920        7.6     150   

Kmart Plaza-Zanesville


3431 North Maple Avenue

  Zanesville   OH   43701-1340     8,444        0.1   $ 40,212        8,364        -1.0   $ 41,846        4.1     299   



1189 Broad Street

  Clifton   NJ   07013-3327     69,675        -4.1   $ 64,951        67,979        -2.4   $ 68,351        5.2     2,464   



8500 Henry Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19128-2111     37,823        2.8   $ 68,640        38,238        1.1   $ 73,304        6.8     1,338   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Bala Cynwyd


121 East City Avenue

  Bala Cynwyd   PA   19004-2448     90,404        -6.5   $ 37,784        87,248        -3.5   $ 40,971        8.4     3,197   

Barracks Road


975 Emmet Street

  Charlottesville   VA   22903-4891     28,778        7.2   $ 43,751        29,912        3.9   $ 48,226        10.2     1,018   

Bethesda Row


7115 Arlington Road

  Bethesda   MD   20814-2908     56,816        2.5   $ 125,996        57,899        1.9   $ 139,446        10.7     2,009   

Blue Star


1701 US Highway 22

  Plainfield   NJ   07069-6512     34,750        -1.2   $ 79,434        34,741        0.0   $ 86,671        9.1     1,229   

Brainerd Village


5780 Brainerd Village Road

  Chattanooga   TN   37411-4058     24,609        7.6   $ 39,395        25,635        4.2   $ 41,908        6.4     870   

Brick Plaza


100 Chambers Bridge Road

  Brick   NJ   08723-3480     30,858        5.4   $ 55,736        31,750        2.9   $ 60,711        8.9     1,091   



510 Milltown Road

  NJ   08902-3327     40,205        2.8   $ 61,175        40,963        1.9   $ 66,154        8.1     1,422   



1006 US Highway 46

  Clifton   NJ   07013-2443     72,133        -4.2   $ 53,686        70,900        -1.7   $ 57,271        6.7     2,551   

Congressional Plaza


154 Congressional Lane

  Rockville   MD   20852-1539     49,908        8.1   $ 89,134        51,939        4.1   $ 98,841        10.9     1,765   



113-295 Skokie Valley Road

  Highland Park   IL   60035-4403     22,848        2.2   $ 112,807        23,300        2.0   $ 119,698        6.1     808   

Dedham Plaza


747 Providence Highway

  Dedham   MA   02026-6832     25,506        1.6   $ 70,104        25,733        0.9   $ 77,635        10.7     902   



1800 East Franklin Street

  Chapel Hill   NC   27514-5858     20,443        10.1   $ 51,502        21,843        6.9   $ 55,926        8.6     723   

Ellisburg Circle


1590 Kings Highway North

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08034-2301     38,746        2.1   $ 71,872        39,225        1.2   $ 78,795        9.6     1,370   

Falls Plaza


1200 West Broad Street

  Falls Church   VA   22046-2116     51,690        1.5   $ 101,231        52,395        1.4   $ 114,976        13.6     1,828   



1045 Bustleton Pike

  Feasterville   PA   19053-7676     28,318        1.6   $ 67,782        28,539        0.8   $ 73,364        8.2     1,002   

Federal Plaza


1776 East Jefferson Street

  Rockville   MD   20852-4028     51,130        7.1   $ 88,952        52,973        3.6   $ 98,543        10.8     1,808   



1842 Bethlehem Pike

  Flourtown   PA   19031-1504     24,189        -1.6   $ 77,510        24,010        -0.7   $ 84,745        9.3     856   

Gaithersburg Square


558 North Frederick Avenue

  Gaithersburg   MD   20877-2504     49,056        4.8   $ 81,218        50,294        2.5   $ 91,051        12.1     1,735   

Garden Market


4700 Gilbert Avenue

  IL   60558-1753     37,038        -3.9   $ 80,164        36,407        -1.7   $ 85,381        6.5     1,310   

Governor Plaza


6623 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-2361     27,465        -1.5   $ 55,302        27,277        -0.7   $ 61,850        11.8     971   



1225 Highway 33

  Hamilton   NJ   08690-2713     23,448        6.1   $ 78,226        24,235        3.4   $ 85,360        9.1     829   



350 Walt Whitman Road

  NY   11746-8704     22,968        -0.4   $ 94,232        22,782        -0.8   $ 105,159        11.6     812   

Idylwood Plaza


7501 Leesburg Pike

  Falls Church   VA   22043-2103     48,108        2.5   $ 100,878        48,886        1.6   $ 114,293        13.3     1,701   



1605 Lititz Pike

  Lancaster   PA   17601-6507     38,073        1.5   $ 43,563        38,472        1.1   $ 46,619        7.0     1,347   

Langhorne Square


1361 Lincoln Highway

  Levittown   PA   19056-1135     31,095        4.1   $ 71,334        31,724        2.0   $ 77,881        9.2     1,100   

Laurel Centre


910 Fairlawn Avenue

  Laurel   MD   20707-4806     32,734        8.4   $ 70,866        33,957        3.7   $ 78,293        10.5     1,158   

Lawrence Park


1991 Sproul Road

  Broomall   PA   19008-3512     35,175        -1.3   $ 73,856        34,947        -0.7   $ 80,559        9.1     1,244   

Loehmann’s Plaza


7281 Arlington Boulevard

  Falls Church   VA   22042-3200     50,515        1.4   $ 90,628        51,051        1.1   $ 100,710        11.1     1,787   

Mid-Pike Plaza


1180 Rockville Pike

  Rockville   MD   20852-1408     45,971        10.0   $ 91,614        48,163        4.8   $ 101,894        11.2     1,626   

North City Plaza


3332 Wilmington Road

  New Castle   PA   16105-1039     5,574        1.2   $ 48,305        5,593        0.3   $ 51,335        6.3     197   

North Lake Commons


345 South Rand Road

  Lake Zurich   IL   60047-2271     14,546        11.8   $ 112,883        15,387        5.8   $ 120,184        6.5     514   



9173 Roosevelt Boulevard

  Philadelphia   PA   19114-2218     82,958        -3.8   $ 48,296        81,333        -2.0   $ 52,106        7.9     2,934   

Northeast Plaza


3253 Bufurd Highway

  Atlanta   GA   30329-1707     56,306        12.7   $ 66,267        60,331        7.2   $ 71,292        7.6     1,991   

Old Keene Mill


8408 Old Keene Mill Road

  Springfield   VA   22152-2302     38,660        -0.3   $ 113,384        38,790        0.3   $ 125,796        10.9     1,367   

Pan Am


3089 Nutley Street

  Fairfax   VA   22031-1931     40,042        5.4   $ 101,005        41,178        2.8   $ 113,285        12.2     1,416   

Perring Plaza


1951 East Joppa Road

  Baltimore   MD   21234-2733     47,592        1.0   $ 56,212        47,983        0.8   $ 61,369        9.2     1,683   

Quince Orchard Plaza


660 Quince Orchard Road

  Gaithersburg   MD   20878-1410     49,313        6.2   $ 81,784        50,884        3.2   $ 91,787        12.2     1,744   



2535 Ross Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20910-2029     73,655        2.0   $ 82,811        74,758        1.5   $ 92,677        11.9     2,605   

Gratiot Plaza


30785 Gratroit Avenue

  Roseville   MI   48066-1769     50,185        0.5   $ 47,264        50,265        0.2   $ 47,657        0.8     1,775   



970 Easton Avenue

  Somerset   NJ   08873-1745     30,741        5.0   $ 69,553        31,620        2.9   $ 76,336        9.8     1,087   



600 East Lancaster Avenue

  Shillington   PA   19607-1367     36,767        0.5   $ 40,075        37,157        1.1   $ 42,818        6.8     1,300   

Shops at Willow Lawn


1601 Willow Lawn Drive

  Richmond   VA   23230-3427     39,194        -3.4   $ 50,774        38,784        -1.1   $ 56,764        11.8     1,386   

Town and Country-Hammond


2330 West Thomas Street

  Hammond   LA   70401-2830     11,432        16.9   $ 29,377        12,451        8.9   $ 31,447        7.0     404   

Town and Country-Springfield


2403 South MacArthur Boulevard

  Springfield   IL   62704-4505     37,016        1.3   $ 40,612        37,284        0.7   $ 42,572        4.8     1,309   

Troy Hills


1099 US Highway 46

  Parsippany   NJ   07054-2177     21,910        2.9   $ 83,902        22,258        1.6   $ 91,561        9.1     775   

Tysons Station


7500 Leesburg Pike

  Falls Church   VA   22043-2005     48,114        2.5   $ 100,875        48,892        1.6   $ 114,294        13.3     1,702   



10241 Old Georgetown Road

  Bethesda   MD   20814-1901     45,989        3.4   $ 108,544        47,016        2.2   $ 121,198        11.7     1,627   



1236 Richmond Road

  Williamsburg   VA   23185-2827     12,152        26.5   $ 57,149        13,583        11.8   $ 64,170        12.3     430   

Willow Grove


122 Park Avenue

  Willow Grove   PA   19090-3219     32,109        -2.2   $ 67,856        31,753        -1.1   $ 73,625        8.5     1,136   

Beltline Business Center


6210 North Beltline Road

  Irving   TX   75063-2601     22,699        8.4   $ 51,001        23,830        5.0   $ 54,206        6.3     803   


    Burnsville   MN       20,747        16.6   $ 90,429        22,314        7.6   $ 96,550        6.8     734   


    Edina   MN       40,464        0.7   $ 60,033        40,854        1.0   $ 63,787        6.3     1,431   

Commerce Park North


15621-15631 Blue Ash Drive

  Houston   TX   77090-5907     28,708        25.6   $ 47,902        31,940        11.3   $ 51,292        7.1     1,015   

Gateway 5/6


6025 Commerce Drive

  Irving   TX   75063-2654     25,704        8.0   $ 51,612        26,933        4.8   $ 54,576        5.7     909   

Huntington Drive Center


154 East Huntington Drive

  Monrovia   CA   91016-3415     36,256        3.8   $ 65,262        37,651        3.9   $ 71,917        10.2     1,282   

Northgate II


10305 Brockwood Road

  Dallas   TX   75238-1656     61,070        -0.4   $ 43,571        61,945        1.4   $ 44,977        3.2     2,160   

Northview Business Center


9001 N I H 35

  Austin   TX   78723-5278     49,931        5.2   $ 40,833        52,304        4.8   $ 42,780        4.8     1,766   

Northwest Business Park


N56W13365 Silver Spring Drive

  WI   53051-6149     19,430        6.3   $ 59,478        20,020        3.0   $ 63,146        6.2     687   

Patapsco Industrial Center


1100 East Patapsco Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21225-2231     24,225        -0.3   $ 43,149        24,251        0.1   $ 47,210        9.4     857   

Plaza Southwest 1-5


7302 Harwin Drive

  Houston   TX   77036-2009     106,309        11.5   $ 39,895        113,663        6.9   $ 42,387        6.2     3,760   

Quadrant Center

  FL       65,442        -1.4   $ 40,571        66,625        1.8   $ 44,016        8.5     2,315   

Springbrook Business Park


South 180th Street

  Kent   WA       23        9.5   $ 87,500        23        0.0   $ 91,667        4.8     1   

Tamarac Square


7777 East Hampden Avenue

  Denver   CO   80231-4865     51,805        2.3   $ 53,655        53,300        2.9   $ 56,891        6.0     1,832   

Westchase Park


11201 Richmond Avenue

  Houston   TX   77082-6653     89,512        14.1   $ 44,844        96,578        7.9   $ 47,164        5.2     3,166   

Abbeville Plaza


441 Highway 28 Bypass

  Abbeville   SC   29620-5543     2,856        -5.3   $ 31,632        2,791        -2.3   $ 32,589        3.0     101   

Asheville Plaza


85 Tunnel Road

  Asheville   NC   28805-1200     19,375        4.2   $ 35,747        20,072        3.6   $ 38,857        8.7     685   

Carolina Place


819 West Carolina Avenue

  Hartsville   SC   29550-4413     6,129        -3.3   $ 40,608        6,051        -1.3   $ 45,354        11.7     217   

Centre Pointe Plaza


1231 North Bright Leaf Blvd

  Smithfield   NC   27577-4229     6,717        9.3   $ 29,402        7,188        7.0   $ 30,484        3.7     238   

Chadwick Square


800 Greenville Highway

  Hendersonville   NC   28792-5725     12,249        7.9   $ 41,865        12,872        5.1   $ 45,580        8.9     433   

Chelsea Place


1302-1420 Seven Springs Blvd

  New Port
  FL   34655-5643     24,376        19.3   $ 44,912        27,022        10.9   $ 49,801        10.9     862   

Chester Plaza


1435 J A Cochran ByPass

  Chester   SC   29706-2186     4,480        -6.1   $ 34,464        4,309        -3.8   $ 37,723        9.5     158   

Chestnut Square


110 Chestnut Street

  Brevard   NC   28712-3354     4,817        -0.2   $ 40,229        4,864        1.0   $ 41,768        3.8     170   

Colony Square


1197 Peachtree Street

  Atlanta   GA   30361-3502     83,029        34.0   $ 56,376        94,729        14.1   $ 62,437        10.8     2,937   

Commerce Crossing


210 Highway 441 South

  Commerce   GA   30529-4840     3,124        24.3   $ 42,607        3,557        13.9   $ 46,367        8.8     110   

Countryside Shops


5524-5986 Flamingo Road

  Cooper City   FL   33330-2728     29,336        3.2   $ 77,974        30,297        3.3   $ 86,662        11.1     1,038   

Shipyard Plaza


4201 Denny Avenue

  Pascagoula   MS   39581-5502     13,243        -7.4   $ 33,997        13,501        2.0   $ 35,272        3.8     468   

Douglas Commons


8471-8515 Hospital Drive

  Douglasville   GA   30134-2412     16,077        47.4   $ 50,647        19,075        18.7   $ 53,560        5.8     569   

Elmwood Oaks


800 South Clearview Parkway

  Harahan   LA   70123-3416     37,132        -2.3   $ 50,630        37,809        1.8   $ 56,009        10.6     1,313   

Forest Hills Centre


1700 Raleigh Road NW

  Wilson   NC   27896-2092     15,640        8.0   $ 35,318        16,424        5.0   $ 37,575        6.4     553   

Forrest Gallery


1905 North Jackson Street

  Tullahoma   TN   37388-2200     6,893        6.4   $ 41,321        7,157        3.8   $ 44,934        8.7     244   

Fort Walton Beach Plaza


411 NE Racetrack Road

  Fort Walton
  FL   32548-2503     22,876        5.7   $ 51,218        23,901        4.5   $ 57,903        13.1     809   

Gaffney Plaza


North Logan

  Gaffney   SC   29341     2,001        15.3   $ 57,146        2,109        5.4   $ 60,548        6.0     71   



6800 Wrightsville Avenue

  Wilmington   NC   28403-3673     16,349        21.3   $ 49,364        18,074        10.6   $ 53,917        9.2     578   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Bala Cynwyd


121 East City Avenue

  Bala Cynwyd   PA   19004-2448     93,131        -3.1   $ 38,566        91,897        -1.3   $ 40,999        6.3     3,294   

Barracks Road


975 Emmet Street

  Charlottesville   VA   22903-4891     28,553        6.4   $ 45,304        29,183        2.2   $ 49,144        8.5     1,010   

Bethesda Row


7115 Arlington Road

  Bethesda   MD   20814-2908     57,157        4.0   $ 129,227        58,116        1.7   $ 142,277        10.1     2,022   

Blue Star


1701 US Highway 22

  Plainfield   NJ   07069-6512     34,248        -2.1   $ 82,094        33,783        -1.4   $ 88,420        7.7     1,211   

Brainerd Village


5780 Brainerd Village Road

  Chattanooga   TN   37411-4058     24,696        7.7   $ 40,542        25,438        3.0   $ 42,327        4.4     873   

Brick Plaza


100 Chambers Bridge Road

  Brick   NJ   08723-3480     30,667        4.6   $ 57,332        31,286        2.0   $ 61,600        7.4     1,085   



510 Milltown Road

  NJ   08902-3327     40,467        3.8   $ 62,493        41,107        1.6   $ 66,132        5.8     1,431   



1006 US Highway 46

  Clifton   NJ   07013-2443     72,371        -3.5   $ 55,079        70,852        -2.1   $ 58,044        5.4     2,560   

Congressional Plaza


154 Congressional Lane

  Rockville   MD   20852-1539     50,465        9.5   $ 91,628        52,373        3.8   $ 99,985        9.1     1,785   



113-295 Skokie Valley Road

  Highland Park   IL   60035-4403     22,861        1.8   $ 113,600        23,029        0.7   $ 117,500        3.4     809   

Dedham Plaza


747 Providence Highway

  Dedham   MA   02026-6832     25,707        3.4   $ 71,944        25,867        0.6   $ 78,402        9.0     909   



1800 East Franklin Street

  Chapel Hill   NC   27514-5858     20,709        12.5   $ 52,604        22,027        6.4   $ 56,559        7.5     732   

Ellisburg Circle


1590 Kings Highway North

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08034-2301     38,531        1.6   $ 73,587        38,511        -0.1   $ 79,694        8.3     1,363   

Falls Plaza


1200 West Broad Street

  Falls Church   VA   22046-2116     52,108        2.5   $ 103,663        52,668        1.1   $ 115,335        11.3     1,843   



1045 Bustleton Pike

  Feasterville   PA   19053-7676     28,732        2.7   $ 69,542        28,929        0.7   $ 74,598        7.3     1,016   

Federal Plaza


1776 East Jefferson Street

  Rockville   MD   20852-4028     51,778        8.5   $ 91,339        53,565        3.5   $ 99,602        9.0     1,831   



1842 Bethlehem Pike

  Flourtown   PA   19031-1504     24,516        -0.4   $ 80,000        24,353        -0.7   $ 86,069        7.6     867   

Gaithersburg Square


558 North Frederick Avenue

  Gaithersburg   MD   20877-2504     50,978        8.6   $ 83,624        52,636        3.3   $ 92,086        10.1     1,803   

Garden Market


4700 Gilbert Avenue

  IL   60558-1753     37,021        -4.0   $ 81,971        36,235        -2.1   $ 86,273        5.2     1,309   

Governor Plaza


6623 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-2361     27,642        -0.8   $ 57,524        27,376        -1.0   $ 63,136        9.8     978   



1225 Highway 33

  Hamilton   NJ   08690-2713     23,437        6.3   $ 80,574        23,883        1.9   $ 86,864        7.8     829   



350 Walt Whitman Road

  NY   11746-8704     24,400        5.3   $ 96,671        24,523        0.5   $ 105,352        9.0     863   

Idylwood Plaza


7501 Leesburg Pike

  Falls Church   VA   22043-2103     48,438        3.6   $ 103,554        49,137        1.4   $ 114,727        10.8     1,713   



1605 Lititz Pike

  Lancaster   PA   17601-6507     38,469        2.6   $ 44,902        38,724        0.7   $ 47,217        5.2     1,361   

Langhorne Square


1361 Lincoln Highway

  Levittown   PA   19056-1135     30,664        3.7   $ 74,292        30,863        0.7   $ 80,597        8.5     1,085   

Laurel Centre


910 Fairlawn Avenue

  Laurel   MD   20707-4806     33,544        10.6   $ 72,501        34,550        3.0   $ 78,928        8.9     1,186   

Lawrence Park


1991 Sproul Road

  Broomall   PA   19008-3512     35,000        -1.4   $ 76,604        34,590        -1.2   $ 83,220        8.6     1,238   

Loehmann’s Plaza


7281 Arlington Boulevard

  Falls Church   VA   22042-3200     50,835        1.8   $ 93,446        51,157        0.6   $ 102,624        9.8     1,798   

Mid-Pike Plaza


1180 Rockville Pike

  Rockville   MD   20852-1408     46,568        10.7   $ 94,225        48,504        4.2   $ 103,205        9.5     1,647   

North City Plaza


3332 Wilmington Road

  New Castle   PA   16105-1039     5,479        0.2   $ 49,163        5,415        -1.2   $ 52,395        6.6     194   

North Lake Commons


345 South Rand Road

  Lake Zurich   IL   60047-2271     14,543        12.5   $ 113,105        15,208        4.6   $ 118,129        4.4     514   



9173 Roosevelt Boulevard

  Philadelphia   PA   19114-2218     85,935        0.2   $ 49,061        86,108        0.2   $ 52,502        7.0     3,039   

Northeast Plaza


3253 Bufurd Highway

  Atlanta   GA   30329-1707     57,413        16.2   $ 68,688        61,042        6.3   $ 73,781        7.4     2,031   

Old Keene Mill


8408 Old Keene Mill Road

  Springfield   VA   22152-2302     37,938        -2.0   $ 115,471        37,592        -0.9   $ 126,458        9.5     1,342   

Pan Am


3089 Nutley Street

  Fairfax   VA   22031-1931     40,564        6.9   $ 104,579        41,633        2.6   $ 114,766        9.7     1,435   

Perring Plaza


1951 East Joppa Road

  Baltimore   MD   21234-2733     46,211        -1.6   $ 57,760        45,519        -1.5   $ 62,041        7.4     1,634   

Quince Orchard Plaza


660 Quince Orchard Road

  Gaithersburg   MD   20878-1410     50,946        9.7   $ 84,250        52,798        3.6   $ 92,883        10.2     1,802   



2535 Ross Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20910-2029     74,794        4.1   $ 85,569        76,033        1.7   $ 94,715        10.7     2,645   

Gratiot Plaza


30785 Gratroit Avenue

  Roseville   MI   48066-1769     49,603        -0.7   $ 47,594        49,392        -0.4   $ 47,820        0.5     1,754   



970 Easton Avenue

  Somerset   NJ   08873-1745     30,584        6.6   $ 71,077        31,178        1.9   $ 76,019        7.0     1,082   



600 East Lancaster Avenue

  Shillington   PA   19607-1367     36,886        1.0   $ 41,029        36,876        0.0   $ 42,941        4.7     1,305   

Shops at Willow Lawn


1601 Willow Lawn Drive

  Richmond   VA   23230-3427     39,568        -2.0   $ 51,474        39,222        -0.9   $ 56,547        9.9     1,399   

Town and Country-Hammond


2330 West Thomas Street

  Hammond   LA   70401-2830     11,544        16.3   $ 32,087        12,452        7.9   $ 34,343        7.0     408   

Town and Country-Springfield


2403 South MacArthur Boulevard

  Springfield   IL   62704-4505     36,922        1.4   $ 42,211        37,016        0.3   $ 43,757        3.7     1,306   

Troy Hills


1099 US Highway 46

  Parsippany   NJ   07054-2177     21,844        2.2   $ 86,658        21,871        0.1   $ 93,208        7.6     773   

Tysons Station


7500 Leesburg Pike

  Falls Church   VA   22043-2005     48,438        3.6   $ 103,554        49,137        1.4   $ 114,727        10.8     1,713   



10241 Old Georgetown Road

  Bethesda   MD   20814-1901     47,010        5.9   $ 111,173        48,164        2.5   $ 121,727        9.5     1,663   



1236 Richmond Road

  Williamsburg   VA   23185-2827     12,696        27.2   $ 59,402        13,827        8.9   $ 65,179        9.7     449   

Willow Grove


122 Park Avenue

  Willow Grove   PA   19090-3219     31,792        -2.2   $ 69,914        31,245        -1.7   $ 74,792        7.0     1,124   

Beltline Business Center


6210 North Beltline Road

  Irving   TX   75063-2601     22,794        9.2   $ 51,985        23,730        4.1   $ 54,584        5.0     806   


    Burnsville   MN       20,418        15.7   $ 92,126        21,606        5.8   $ 97,408        5.7     722   


    Edina   MN       41,021        2.4   $ 61,604        41,465        1.1   $ 64,747        5.1     1,451   

Commerce Park North


15621-15631 Blue Ash Drive

  Houston   TX   77090-5907     28,018        24.6   $ 48,983        29,892        6.7   $ 52,207        6.6     991   

Gateway 5/6


6025 Commerce Drive

  Irving   TX   75063-2654     25,710        8.1   $ 52,600        26,677        3.8   $ 54,930        4.4     909   

Huntington Drive Center


154 East Huntington Drive

  Monrovia   CA   91016-3415     36,135        4.2   $ 66,798        37,303        3.2   $ 72,841        9.0     1,278   

Northgate II


10305 Brockwood Road

  Dallas   TX   75238-1656     62,477        1.3   $ 44,261        63,512        1.7   $ 45,210        2.1     2,210   

Northview Business Center


9001 N I H 35

  Austin   TX   78723-5278     50,227        5.3   $ 41,857        52,787        5.1   $ 43,602        4.2     1,776   

Northwest Business Park


N56W13365 Silver Spring Drive

  WI   53051-6149     19,011        5.6   $ 61,306        19,338        1.7   $ 64,462        5.1     672   

Patapsco Industrial Center


1100 East Patapsco Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21225-2231     24,558        0.3   $ 44,987        24,388        -0.7   $ 48,953        8.8     869   

Plaza Southwest 1-5


7302 Harwin Drive

  Houston   TX   77036-2009     107,801        12.4   $ 41,202        115,789        7.4   $ 43,178        4.8     3,813   

Quadrant Center

  FL       65,124        -3.2   $ 41,070        65,291        0.3   $ 43,532        6.0     2,303   

Springbrook Business Park


South 180th Street

  Kent   WA       0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        —          —     

Tamarac Square


7777 East Hampden Avenue

  Denver   CO   80231-4865     53,203        5.1   $ 53,839        55,478        4.3   $ 56,038        4.1     1,882   

Westchase Park


11201 Richmond Avenue

  Houston   TX   77082-6653     89,202        14.3   $ 45,952        96,259        7.9   $ 47,748        3.9     3,155   

Abbeville Plaza


441 Highway 28 Bypass

  Abbeville   SC   29620-5543     2,957        -1.1   $ 31,976        2,913        -1.5   $ 32,630        2.0     105   

Asheville Plaza


85 Tunnel Road

  Asheville   NC   28805-1200     19,369        3.8   $ 36,360        19,751        2.0   $ 38,767        6.6     685   

Carolina Place


819 West Carolina Avenue

  Hartsville   SC   29550-4413     6,244        -1.9   $ 39,660        6,165        -1.3   $ 42,791        7.9     221   

Centre Pointe Plaza


1231 North Bright Leaf Blvd

  Smithfield   NC   27577-4229     7,080        15.3   $ 31,057        7,731        9.2   $ 32,144        3.5     250   

Chadwick Square


800 Greenville Highway

  Hendersonville   NC   28792-5725     12,510        9.4   $ 41,312        13,104        4.8   $ 43,780        6.0     442   

Chelsea Place


1302-1420 Seven Springs Blvd

  New Port
  FL   34655-5643     24,459        18.2   $ 44,851        27,299        11.6   $ 48,692        8.6     865   

Chester Plaza


1435 J A Cochran ByPass

  Chester   SC   29706-2186     4,479        -6.2   $ 32,642        4,327        -3.4   $ 33,769        3.5     158   

Chestnut Square


110 Chestnut Street

  Brevard   NC   28712-3354     4,825        1.7   $ 39,311        4,870        0.9   $ 40,067        1.9     171   

Colony Square


1197 Peachtree Street

  Atlanta   GA   30361-3502     83,904        36.3   $ 59,557        93,455        11.4   $ 66,668        11.9     2,967   

Commerce Crossing


210 Highway 441 South

  Commerce   GA   30529-4840     3,045        22.0   $ 41,377        3,507        15.2   $ 43,766        5.8     108   

Countryside Shops


5524-5986 Flamingo Road

  Cooper City   FL   33330-2728     30,523        5.2   $ 78,104        31,727        3.9   $ 85,524        9.5     1,080   

Shipyard Plaza


4201 Denny Avenue

  Pascagoula   MS   39581-5502     12,761        -10.5   $ 36,890        12,256        -4.0   $ 38,664        4.8     451   

Douglas Commons


8471-8515 Hospital Drive

  Douglasville   GA   30134-2412     15,939        47.2   $ 52,186        18,510        16.1   $ 54,863        5.1     564   

Elmwood Oaks


800 South Clearview Parkway

  Harahan   LA   70123-3416     36,843        -2.5   $ 51,774        37,565        2.0   $ 56,280        8.7     1,303   

Forest Hills Centre


1700 Raleigh Road NW

  Wilson   NC   27896-2092     15,949        10.8   $ 36,071        16,657        4.4   $ 37,745        4.6     564   

Forrest Gallery


1905 North Jackson Street

  Tullahoma   TN   37388-2200     6,777        5.2   $ 41,045        6,914        2.0   $ 43,565        6.1     240   

Fort Walton Beach Plaza


411 NE Racetrack Road

  Fort Walton
  FL   32548-2503     22,690        4.6   $ 52,608        23,355        2.9   $ 58,048        10.3     802   

Gaffney Plaza


North Logan

  Gaffney   SC   29341     2,049        17.4   $ 56,168        2,176        6.2   $ 58,286        3.8     72   



6800 Wrightsville Avenue

  Wilmington   NC   28403-3673     16,912        24.1   $ 50,850        18,501        9.4   $ 54,698        7.6     598   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Grand Marche


4533 Johnston Street

  Lafayette   LA   70503-4235     27,939        7.8   $ 50,034        28,728        2.8   $ 55,215        10.4     988   

Gulf Gate Plaza


2560-2896 East Tamiami Trail

  Naples   FL   34112-5705     23,705        10.1   $ 50,640        25,543        7.8   $ 55,486        9.6     838   



422 East Nelson Street

  Lexington   VA   24450-2729     3,611        7.1   $ 44,480        3,739        3.5   $ 49,685        11.7     128   

Heritage Walk


1920 North Columbia Street

  Milledgeville   GA   31061-2093     6,170        9.5   $ 37,073        6,501        5.4   $ 39,692        7.1     218   

Conway Crossing


4415 Hoffner Avenue

  Orlando   FL   32812-2331     37,231        16.0   $ 48,232        40,797        9.6   $ 52,171        8.2     1,317   

Industrial-4101 South I-85


4101 Scott Futrell Drive

  Charlotte   NC   28208-3592     12,617        7.3   $ 35,594        13,281        5.3   $ 37,025        4.0     446   

Lancaster Plaza


589 Highway Nine Bypass East

  Lancaster   SC   29720-4107     8,275        20.7   $ 30,875        9,097        9.9   $ 31,576        2.3     293   



403-411 West Meeting Street

  Lancaster   SC   29720-2321     9,131        20.0   $ 30,950        10,018        9.7   $ 31,610        2.1     323   

Lawrence Commons


1700-1728 North Locust Avenue

  Lawrenceburg   TN   38464-2241     4,813        -1.1   $ 29,608        4,882        1.4   $ 31,084        5.0     170   

Land-Lawrence County


US Highway 52

  South Point   OH   45680     4,476        6.8   $ 34,203        4,593        2.6   $ 36,454        6.6     158   

Litchfield Landing


14427 Ocean Highway

  Pawleys Island   SC   29585-4820     2,481        42.8   $ 63,144        2,863        15.4   $ 69,130        9.5     88   

MacLand Pointe


1750 Powder Springs Road

  Marietta   GA   30064-4850     22,950        7.2   $ 60,069        24,046        4.8   $ 63,018        4.9     812   

Land-Manatee County


US Route 41

  Bradenton   FL   34207     39,474        4.2   $ 37,120        41,420        4.9   $ 40,609        9.4     1,396   

Masonova Plaza


1015-1069 Mason Avenue

  FL   32117-4611     28,388        0.4   $ 28,426        29,183        2.8   $ 30,647        7.8     1,004   

New Smyrna Beach Regional


1910-1988 State Road 44

  New Smyrna
  FL   32168-8345     9,296        13.0   $ 40,087        10,049        8.1   $ 43,336        8.1     329   

North River Village


6100-6324 US Highway 301 North

  Ellenton   FL   34222-3014     12,639        33.0   $ 47,346        14,457        14.4   $ 51,810        9.4     447   

North Village Center


3300 Highway 17 South

  Myrtle Beach   SC   29577     5,146        32.7   $ 39,636        5,929        15.2   $ 41,746        5.3     182   

Old Kings Commons


Seven Old Kings Road North

  Palm Coast   FL   32137-8248     20,815        90.6   $ 47,049        26,553        27.6   $ 49,546        5.3     736   

Palm Gardens


11660 Oakhurst Road

  Largo   FL   33774-3950     31,689        -3.2   $ 53,224        31,603        -0.3   $ 58,205        9.4     1,121   

Parkmore Plaza


6209-6275 Highway 90 West

  Milton   FL   32570-1708     8,031        14.2   $ 42,474        8,768        9.2   $ 46,212        8.8     284   

Paulding Commons


4109 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway

  Hiram   GA   30141-2643     7,403        60.2   $ 61,685        9,010        21.7   $ 65,259        5.8     262   

Pensacola Plaza


4324 Lillian Highway

  Pensacola   FL   32506-4217     29,300        -1.4   $ 32,277        29,522        0.8   $ 34,704        7.5     1,036   



960 West Lafayette

  Medina   OH   44258     11,474        17.6   $ 59,130        12,342        7.6   $ 62,998        6.5     406   

Plaza North


2111 Asheville Highway

  Hendersonville   NC   28739-2131     12,818        8.3   $ 43,747        13,525        5.5   $ 47,725        9.1     453   

Providence Square


5672 International Way

  Charlotte   NC   28270-6986     32,576        13.3   $ 70,828        35,277        8.3   $ 73,107        3.2     1,152   



5116 North Roxboro Street

  Durham   NC   27704-1420     15,180        12.6   $ 45,860        16,329        7.6   $ 46,773        2.0     537   

Scottsville Square


2140-2710 Scottsville Road

  KY   42104-4104     15,445        24.7   $ 44,026        17,154        11.1   $ 47,019        6.8     546   

Seven Hills


138-188 Mariner Boulevard

  Spring Hill   FL   34609-5687     16,402        34.3   $ 46,819        18,873        15.1   $ 52,399        11.9     580   

Shelby Plaza


1641 East Dixon Boulevard

  Shelby   NC   28152-6949     9,057        0.6   $ 31,782        9,180        1.4   $ 32,546        2.4     320   

Smyrna Village


551-57 South Lowry Street

  Smyrna   TN   37167-3800     15,629        41.6   $ 49,373        18,333        17.3   $ 52,197        5.7     553   

Smyth Valley Crossing


1125-1193 North Main Street

  Marion   VA   24354-4121     3,563        -2.1   $ 35,415        3,487        -2.1   $ 39,375        11.2     126   

South Beach


3740-4194 Third Street South

  FL   32250-5822     18,168        10.3   $ 64,442        19,463        7.1   $ 69,678        8.1     643   

Spalding Village


100-142 Spalding Village

  Griffin   GA   30223-1786     10,215        7.0   $ 33,081        10,691        4.7   $ 35,189        6.4     361   

Stadium Plaza


1805-1839 Stadium Drive

  Phenix City   AL   36867-3109     18,148        5.4   $ 31,438        18,683        3.0   $ 34,172        8.7     642   

Stanley Market Place


106 East Dallas Road

  Stanley   NC   28164-2051     4,295        3.7   $ 47,125        4,437        3.3   $ 48,356        2.6     152   



561 Third Street SW

  Taylorsville   NC   28681-3005     3,079        3.0   $ 37,179        3,184        3.4   $ 39,120        5.2     109   

Thomasville Commons


1122 Randolph Street

  Thomasville   NC   27360-5730     11,611        5.5   $ 36,770        12,046        3.8   $ 38,260        4.1     411   

Union Plaza


US Highway 17

  Union   SC   29379     4,889        -8.0   $ 31,866        4,666        -4.6   $ 33,786        6.0     173   

University Center


1400 Charles Boulevard

  Greenville   NC   27858-4411     29,210        28.1   $ 31,955        32,800        12.3   $ 33,791        5.7     1,033   

Valley West

    Glendale   AZ   85301     62,957        7.1   $ 39,669        66,757        6.0   $ 42,348        6.8     2,227   

Venice Plaza


450 North Venice Bypass

  Venice   FL   34285-6037     23,221        16.5   $ 45,657        25,493        9.8   $ 49,073        7.5     821   

Waterlick Plaza


9607 Timberlake Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502     11,287        11.8   $ 51,804        11,930        5.7   $ 56,670        9.4     399   

Watson Central


2191 Watson Boulevard

  Warner Robins   GA   31093-2961     23,910        19.0   $ 48,473        26,134        9.3   $ 52,468        8.2     846   

Wesley Chapel Crossing


2440 Wesley Chapel Road

  Decatur   GA   30035-3425     27,935        8.6   $ 52,534        29,318        5.0   $ 54,398        3.5     988   

West Gate Plaza


5440 Highway 90 West

  Mobile   AL   36619-4227     9,321        2.3   $ 44,033        9,498        1.9   $ 46,036        4.5     330   

West Towne Square


2204 Shorter Avenue

  Rome   GA   30165-2036     9,891        3.7   $ 38,623        10,195        3.1   $ 41,767        8.1     350   

Westgate Square


15740-15984 West State Road 84

  Sunrise   FL   33326-1206     22,537        6.5   $ 79,431        23,715        5.2   $ 86,986        9.5     797   

Whitehall Kent


1975 Courtland Drive

  Kent   OH   44240-4611     12,801        4.2   $ 38,487        13,008        1.6   $ 40,916        6.3     453   

Willowdaile II


3823 Guess Road

  Durham   NC   27705-1533     18,252        12.4   $ 48,859        19,605        7.4   $ 49,942        2.2     646   

Winnsboro Plaza


721 US Highway 321 Bypass S

  Winnsboro   SC   29180-6326     2,851        -3.8   $ 27,474        2,756        -3.3   $ 29,044        5.7     101   

Alexander Plaza


541 Alexander Plaza

  Franklin   TN   37064-3094     17,028        30.7   $ 75,645        19,492        14.5   $ 82,715        9.3     602   

Ashley Crossing


2245 Ashley Crossing

  Charleston   SC   29414-5704     23,887        10.7   $ 47,635        25,182        5.4   $ 52,609        10.4     845   

Banks Station


101 Banks Station

  Fayetteville   GA   30214-7507     9,200        22.6   $ 66,354        10,162        10.5   $ 68,526        3.3     325   

Beacon Heights


1462 Eatonton Road

  Madison   GA   30650-4640     1,925        14.9   $ 47,533        2,080        8.1   $ 51,475        8.3     68   

Tri-State Plaza


294 Country Road 120 South

  South Point   OH   45680-8825     9,720        -1.5   $ 31,718        9,631        -0.9   $ 34,010        7.2     344   

Capital West


4330 West Tennessee Street

  Tallahassee   FL   32304     21,262        16.4   $ 28,330        23,095        8.6   $ 30,965        9.3     752   

Carriage Gate


833 Eastern Bypass

  Richmond   KY   40475-2569     12,185        20.7   $ 30,303        13,320        9.3   $ 32,779        8.2     431   

Cherokee Square


1802 North Jackson Street

  Tullahoma   TN   37388-8218     7,071        6.3   $ 40,800        7,337        3.8   $ 44,389        8.8     250   

Chesterfield Commons


831 Chesterfield Highway

  Cheraw   SC   29520-7004     3,873        0.7   $ 32,954        3,861        -0.3   $ 34,779        5.5     137   

Columbia Square


845 Nashville Highway

  Columbia   TN   38401-2477     8,962        1.7   $ 32,820        9,198        2.6   $ 33,558        2.2     317   

Country Bridge


9020 US Highway 64

  Arlington   TN   38002-4767     18,046        25.6   $ 77,710        19,930        10.4   $ 82,662        6.4     638   

Dodge County Marketplace


1310 Oak Street

  Eastman   GA   31023-3310     3,242        6.5   $ 31,646        3,376        4.1   $ 34,152        7.9     115   

Eastridge Crossing


200 Thompson Street

  Hendersonville   NC   28792-2806     11,850        10.8   $ 40,074        12,607        6.4   $ 43,593        8.8     419   

East Side Plaza


3010 East Meighan Boulevard

  Gadsden   AL   35903-3916     6,891        1.9   $ 33,292        6,952        0.9   $ 34,829        4.6     244   

Ellis Crossing


649 North Expressway

  Griffin   GA   30223-2021     11,656        4.5   $ 34,213        12,046        3.4   $ 36,536        6.8     412   

Farragut Pointe


11132 Kingston Pike

  Farragut   TN   37934     11,938        18.0   $ 81,651        12,938        8.4   $ 87,594        7.3     422   

Felton’s Crossing


877 Joe Frank Harris Parkway

  Cartersville   GA   30120-2140     8,971        19.7   $ 41,875        9,836        9.6   $ 43,813        4.6     317   

Five Forks Crossing


3055 Five Forks Trickum Road

  Lilburn   GA   30047     21,265        18.5   $ 77,987        23,406        10.1   $ 79,447        1.9     752   

Five Forks Village


850 Dogwood Road

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-7218     21,369        19.8   $ 77,413        23,598        10.4   $ 78,870        1.9     756   

Fort Oglethorpe Marketplace


526 Battlefield Parkway

  GA   30742-3849     16,085        12.7   $ 36,375        17,141        6.6   $ 39,192        7.7     569   

Hickory Corners


1840 US Highway 70 SE

  Hickory   NC   28602-5156     8,981        9.2   $ 34,282        9,481        5.6   $ 35,482        3.5     318   

Island Creek Crossing


715 North Norwood

  Wallace   NC   28466-1541     2,620        7.0   $ 32,613        2,756        5.2   $ 35,724        9.5     93   

Kelley Corners


230 Kelley Street

  Lake City   SC   29560-2416     4,050        4.0   $ 30,938        4,160        2.7   $ 33,224        7.4     143   

Lawrenceville Town Center


455 Grayson Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30245-7171     19,918        50.3   $ 59,490        23,404        17.5   $ 62,011        4.2     704   

Lexington Commons


1233 North Lee Highway

  Lexington   VA   24450-3307     3,120        8.5   $ 41,419        3,241        3.9   $ 46,537        12.4     110   

Merchant’s Square


7195 Highway 85

  Riverdale   GA   30274-2963     30,508        13.0   $ 41,813        32,508        6.6   $ 41,971        0.4     1,079   

Merchant’s Walk


837-839 Broad Street

  Sumter   SC   29150-2542     12,964        2.3   $ 39,753        13,032        0.5   $ 42,815        7.7     459   

Memorial Village


710 Memorial Boulevard

  Murfreesboro   TN   37130-2791     29,754        46.4   $ 37,968        35,125        18.1   $ 40,071        5.5     1,052   

Myrtle Grove


5511 Carolina Beach Road

  Wilmington   NC   28412-2630     14,849        37.0   $ 56,630        17,062        14.9   $ 60,530        6.9     525   

Lafayette Center


1109 North Main Street

  Lafayette   GA   30728-2119     3,724        7.1   $ 29,650        3,888        4.4   $ 31,403        5.9     132   

Overlook at Hamilton Place


2288 Gunbarrel Road

  Chattanooga   TN   37421-2670     17,067        22.1   $ 49,029        18,700        9.6   $ 52,815        7.7     604   

Pepperell Corners


2300 Pepperell Parkway

  Opelika   AL   36801     9,714        13.4   $ 38,187        10,404        7.1   $ 41,927        9.8     344   

Pineridge Crossing


1788 East Broad Avenue

  Rockingham   NC   28379-4442     7,786        -3.9   $ 29,541        7,676        -1.4   $ 30,886        4.6     275   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Grand Marche


4533 Johnston Street

  Lafayette   LA   70503-4235     28,124        8.3   $ 52,971        29,426        4.6   $ 57,402        8.4     995   

Gulf Gate Plaza


2560-2896 East Tamiami Trail

  Naples   FL   34112-5705     23,229        8.8   $ 52,485        25,048        7.8   $ 56,672        8.0     822   



422 East Nelson Street

  Lexington   VA   24450-2729     3,523        5.9   $ 45,010        3,571        1.4   $ 49,118        9.1     125   

Heritage Walk


1920 North Columbia Street

  Milledgeville   GA   31061-2093     6,159        9.4   $ 37,331        6,400        3.9   $ 39,286        5.2     218   

Conway Crossing


4415 Hoffner Avenue

  Orlando   FL   32812-2331     36,711        13.9   $ 48,905        40,001        9.0   $ 52,139        6.6     1,298   

Industrial-4101 South I-85


4101 Scott Futrell Drive

  Charlotte   NC   28208-3592     13,034        11.8   $ 36,584        14,221        9.1   $ 37,543        2.6     461   

Lancaster Plaza


589 Highway Nine Bypass East

  Lancaster   SC   29720-4107     8,480        22.5   $ 31,336        9,406        10.9   $ 31,746        1.3     300   



403-411 West Meeting Street

  Lancaster   SC   29720-2321     9,341        20.9   $ 31,501        10,322        10.5   $ 31,925        1.3     330   

Lawrence Commons


1700-1728 North Locust Avenue

  Lawrenceburg   TN   38464-2241     5,090        3.8   $ 30,244        5,141        1.0   $ 31,443        4.0     180   

Land-Lawrence County


US Highway 52

  South Point   OH   45680     4,438        7.2   $ 34,079        4,523        1.9   $ 35,488        4.1     157   

Litchfield Landing


14427 Ocean Highway

  Pawleys Island   SC   29585-4820     2,581        45.9   $ 65,811        2,893        12.1   $ 71,881        9.2     91   

MacLand Pointe


1750 Powder Springs Road

  Marietta   GA   30064-4850     23,030        8.7   $ 62,419        24,128        4.8   $ 64,771        3.8     815   

Land-Manatee County


US Route 41

  Bradenton   FL   34207     38,192        1.9   $ 36,823        39,923        4.5   $ 39,251        6.6     1,351   

Masonova Plaza


1015-1069 Mason Avenue

  FL   32117-4611     28,799        1.4   $ 29,293        29,398        2.1   $ 30,964        5.7     1,019   

New Smyrna Beach Regional


1910-1988 State Road 44

  New Smyrna
  FL   32168-8345     9,171        12.4   $ 41,153        9,738        6.2   $ 44,330        7.7     324   

North River Village


6100-6324 US Highway 301 North

  Ellenton   FL   34222-3014     12,301        29.7   $ 46,893        13,680        11.2   $ 50,270        7.2     435   

North Village Center


3300 Highway 17 South

  Myrtle Beach   SC   29577     5,391        39.2   $ 39,821        6,200        15.0   $ 40,518        1.8     191   

Old Kings Commons


Seven Old Kings Road North

  Palm Coast   FL   32137-8248     21,898        101.0   $ 48,190        27,636        26.2   $ 50,501        4.8     774   

Palm Gardens


11660 Oakhurst Road

  Largo   FL   33774-3950     31,758        -3.4   $ 54,144        31,359        -1.3   $ 58,098        7.3     1,123   

Parkmore Plaza


6209-6275 Highway 90 West

  Milton   FL   32570-1708     8,331        15.9   $ 43,959        9,007        8.1   $ 47,263        7.5     295   

Paulding Commons


4109 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway

  Hiram   GA   30141-2643     7,640        64.2   $ 63,071        9,204        20.5   $ 65,713        4.2     270   

Pensacola Plaza


4324 Lillian Highway

  Pensacola   FL   32506-4217     28,903        -2.9   $ 32,652        28,696        -0.7   $ 34,356        5.2     1,022   



960 West Lafayette

  Medina   OH   44258     11,399        19.4   $ 61,005        12,175        6.8   $ 64,769        6.2     403   

Plaza North


2111 Asheville Highway

  Hendersonville   NC   28739-2131     12,859        9.5   $ 43,089        13,468        4.7   $ 45,749        6.2     455   

Providence Square


5672 International Way

  Charlotte   NC   28270-6986     32,978        17.6   $ 71,812        36,576        10.9   $ 73,914        2.9     1,166   



5116 North Roxboro Street

  Durham   NC   27704-1420     15,482        15.7   $ 47,415        16,772        8.3   $ 48,199        1.7     548   

Scottsville Square


2140-2710 Scottsville Road

  KY   42104-4104     15,557        27.5   $ 44,950        16,905        8.7   $ 47,059        4.7     550   

Seven Hills


138-188 Mariner Boulevard

  Spring Hill   FL   34609-5687     16,791        36.9   $ 46,017        19,043        13.4   $ 49,502        7.6     594   

Shelby Plaza


1641 East Dixon Boulevard

  Shelby   NC   28152-6949     9,186        2.5   $ 32,263        9,294        1.2   $ 32,944        2.1     325   

Smyrna Village


551-57 South Lowry Street

  Smyrna   TN   37167-3800     16,080        46.0   $ 50,352        18,763        16.7   $ 52,964        5.2     569   

Smyth Valley Crossing


1125-1193 North Main Street

  Marion   VA   24354-4121     3,564        -4.5   $ 35,065        3,448        -3.3   $ 38,310        9.3     126   

South Beach


3740-4194 Third Street South

  FL   32250-5822     17,908        8.0   $ 65,898        18,973        6.0   $ 71,123        7.9     633   

Spalding Village


100-142 Spalding Village

  Griffin   GA   30223-1786     10,640        11.2   $ 33,216        11,145        4.8   $ 34,460        3.7     376   

Stadium Plaza


1805-1839 Stadium Drive

  Phenix City   AL   36867-3109     18,320        7.0   $ 31,628        18,809        2.7   $ 33,637        6.4     648   

Stanley Market Place


106 East Dallas Road

  Stanley   NC   28164-2051     4,469        9.8   $ 49,030        4,694        5.0   $ 50,117        2.2     158   



561 Third Street SW

  Taylorsville   NC   28681-3005     3,080        1.6   $ 37,533        3,122        1.4   $ 38,904        3.7     109   

Thomasville Commons


1122 Randolph Street

  Thomasville   NC   27360-5730     11,365        4.9   $ 37,478        11,630        2.3   $ 38,497        2.7     402   

Union Plaza


US Highway 17

  Union   SC   29379     5,003        -6.6   $ 31,597        4,792        -4.2   $ 32,665        3.4     177   

University Center


1400 Charles Boulevard

  Greenville   NC   27858-4411     31,072        36.8   $ 32,969        34,904        12.3   $ 34,475        4.6     1,099   

Valley West

    Glendale   AZ   85301     62,758        6.2   $ 40,465        67,621        7.8   $ 42,543        5.1     2,220   

Venice Plaza


450 North Venice Bypass

  Venice   FL   34285-6037     22,636        14.6   $ 45,288        24,698        9.1   $ 47,874        5.7     801   

Waterlick Plaza


9607 Timberlake Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502     11,562        15.3   $ 51,529        12,141        5.0   $ 54,788        6.3     409   

Watson Central


2191 Watson Boulevard

  Warner Robins   GA   31093-2961     24,047        19.6   $ 49,979        26,001        8.1   $ 53,761        7.6     850   

Wesley Chapel Crossing


2440 Wesley Chapel Road

  Decatur   GA   30035-3425     28,110        8.9   $ 53,320        29,237        4.0   $ 54,357        1.9     994   

West Gate Plaza


5440 Highway 90 West

  Mobile   AL   36619-4227     9,605        2.6   $ 45,448        9,684        0.8   $ 47,197        3.8     340   

West Towne Square


2204 Shorter Avenue

  Rome   GA   30165-2036     9,930        3.6   $ 38,531        10,087        1.6   $ 40,313        4.6     351   

Westgate Square


15740-15984 West State Road 84

  Sunrise   FL   33326-1206     22,152        4.9   $ 80,061        22,979        3.7   $ 86,527        8.1     783   

Whitehall Kent


1975 Courtland Drive

  Kent   OH   44240-4611     12,953        4.4   $ 39,645        13,098        1.1   $ 41,836        5.5     458   

Willowdaile II


3823 Guess Road

  Durham   NC   27705-1533     18,712        16.1   $ 50,600        20,300        8.5   $ 52,085        2.9     662   

Winnsboro Plaza


721 US Highway 321 Bypass S

  Winnsboro   SC   29180-6326     2,858        -2.2   $ 26,402        2,806        -1.8   $ 26,831        1.6     101   

Alexander Plaza


541 Alexander Plaza

  Franklin   TN   37064-3094     16,961        33.2   $ 79,835        19,401        14.4   $ 86,164        7.9     600   

Ashley Crossing


2245 Ashley Crossing

  Charleston   SC   29414-5704     23,895        11.2   $ 49,467        25,165        5.3   $ 54,377        9.9     845   

Banks Station


101 Banks Station

  Fayetteville   GA   30214-7507     9,059        21.2   $ 69,106        9,786        8.0   $ 70,903        2.6     320   

Beacon Heights


1462 Eatonton Road

  Madison   GA   30650-4640     2,003        18.5   $ 48,579        2,160        7.8   $ 52,365        7.8     71   

Tri-State Plaza


294 Country Road 120 South

  South Point   OH   45680-8825     9,692        -1.0   $ 31,752        9,526        -1.7   $ 33,143        4.4     343   

Capital West


4330 West Tennessee Street

  Tallahassee   FL   32304     21,190        16.5   $ 27,914        22,808        7.6   $ 29,480        5.6     749   

Carriage Gate


833 Eastern Bypass

  Richmond   KY   40475-2569     12,573        24.8   $ 32,266        13,599        8.2   $ 34,883        8.1     445   

Cherokee Square


1802 North Jackson Street

  Tullahoma   TN   37388-8218     6,952        5.1   $ 40,705        7,089        2.0   $ 43,204        6.1     246   

Chesterfield Commons


831 Chesterfield Highway

  Cheraw   SC   29520-7004     3,945        2.4   $ 33,279        3,960        0.4   $ 34,764        4.5     140   

Columbia Square


845 Nashville Highway

  Columbia   TN   38401-2477     9,426        7.9   $ 33,645        10,072        6.9   $ 34,394        2.2     333   

Country Bridge


9020 US Highway 64

  Arlington   TN   38002-4767     18,297        26.3   $ 79,088        19,598        7.1   $ 83,743        5.9     647   

Dodge County Marketplace


1310 Oak Street

  Eastman   GA   31023-3310     3,359        7.9   $ 30,410        3,458        3.0   $ 31,887        4.9     119   

Eastridge Crossing


200 Thompson Street

  Hendersonville   NC   28792-2806     11,945        11.6   $ 39,399        12,580        5.3   $ 41,751        6.0     422   

East Side Plaza


3010 East Meighan Boulevard

  Gadsden   AL   35903-3916     7,021        2.8   $ 34,098        7,062        0.6   $ 35,380        3.8     248   

Ellis Crossing


649 North Expressway

  Griffin   GA   30223-2021     12,266        9.8   $ 34,450        12,786        4.2   $ 35,943        4.3     434   

Farragut Pointe


11132 Kingston Pike

  Farragut   TN   37934     12,280        20.3   $ 83,174        13,219        7.7   $ 88,083        5.9     434   

Felton’s Crossing


877 Joe Frank Harris Parkway

  Cartersville   GA   30120-2140     9,237        23.7   $ 43,380        10,101        9.4   $ 45,030        3.8     327   

Five Forks Crossing


3055 Five Forks Trickum Road

  Lilburn   GA   30047     20,729        19.2   $ 80,163        22,961        10.8   $ 81,326        1.5     733   

Five Forks Village


850 Dogwood Road

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-7218     21,387        20.2   $ 79,318        23,752        11.1   $ 80,535        1.5     756   

Fort Oglethorpe Marketplace


526 Battlefield Parkway

  GA   30742-3849     15,660        9.9   $ 36,865        16,258        3.8   $ 38,573        4.6     554   

Hickory Corners


1840 US Highway 70 SE

  Hickory   NC   28602-5156     8,704        8.1   $ 34,799        9,001        3.4   $ 35,796        2.9     308   

Island Creek Crossing


715 North Norwood

  Wallace   NC   28466-1541     2,743        11.3   $ 32,963        2,875        4.8   $ 35,031        6.3     97   

Kelley Corners


230 Kelley Street

  Lake City   SC   29560-2416     3,982        2.0   $ 31,611        4,011        0.7   $ 33,759        6.8     141   

Lawrenceville Town Center


455 Grayson Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30245-7171     20,294        57.3   $ 60,113        22,904        12.9   $ 62,168        3.4     718   

Lexington Commons


1233 North Lee Highway

  Lexington   VA   24450-3307     3,027        7.8   $ 41,707        3,092        2.2   $ 46,215        10.8     107   

Merchant’s Square


7195 Highway 85

  Riverdale   GA   30274-2963     30,969        11.2   $ 42,568        32,396        4.6   $ 42,810        0.6     1,095   

Merchant’s Walk


837-839 Broad Street

  Sumter   SC   29150-2542     13,229        4.0   $ 39,819        13,339        0.8   $ 41,736        4.8     468   

Memorial Village


710 Memorial Boulevard

  Murfreesboro   TN   37130-2791     29,538        44.1   $ 38,996        34,109        15.5   $ 40,546        4.0     1,045   

Myrtle Grove


5511 Carolina Beach Road

  Wilmington   NC   28412-2630     15,092        37.3   $ 58,064        16,900        12.0   $ 61,521        6.0     534   

Lafayette Center


1109 North Main Street

  Lafayette   GA   30728-2119     4,014        16.8   $ 29,959        4,268        6.3   $ 31,358        4.7     142   

Overlook at Hamilton Place


2288 Gunbarrel Road

  Chattanooga   TN   37421-2670     16,934        22.7   $ 50,322        18,224        7.6   $ 53,404        6.1     599   

Pepperell Corners


2300 Pepperell Parkway

  Opelika   AL   36801     10,090        17.5   $ 39,722        10,825        7.3   $ 42,425        6.8     357   

Pineridge Crossing


1788 East Broad Avenue

  Rockingham   NC   28379-4442     7,815        -3.5   $ 28,617        7,662        -2.0   $ 29,070        1.6     276   



Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median



108-150 Riverstone Parkway

  Canton   GA   30114-2448     8,105        120.4   $ 48,049        10,407        28.4   $ 50,538        5.2     287   

Shannon Square


4720 Jonesboro Road

  Union City   GA   30291-1956     14,374        59.2   $ 45,964        17,139        19.2   $ 49,270        7.2     508   

La Grange


299 Commerce Avenue

  LaGrange   GA   30241-2339     10,921        6.4   $ 33,733        11,425        4.6   $ 35,618        5.6     386   

White Sands


550 Mary Esther Cutoff

  Fort Walton
  FL   32548-4080     19,985        7.8   $ 49,105        21,051        5.3   $ 55,886        13.8     707   

Woodstock Place


10029 Highway 92

  Woodstock   GA   30188-6430     20,838        34.0   $ 66,295        24,025        15.3   $ 66,875        0.9     737   

Lake Street Plaza


510 West Lake Street

  Addison   IL   60101-2307     28,888        2.3   $ 63,223        29,241        1.2   $ 65,694        3.9     1,022   



1769 Whiskey Road

  Aiken   SC   29803-7337     13,013        17.0   $ 60,809        14,070        8.1   $ 65,059        7.0     460   



33 Fifth Street SE

  Barberton   OH   44203-4203     20,119        -2.5   $ 39,062        19,788        -1.7   $ 41,023        5.0     712   

Barrington Plaza


546 Stockbridge Road

  MA   01230-1296     1,581        -0.9   $ 58,139        1,601        1.3   $ 64,155        10.3     56   

Beavercreek Plaza


1294 North Fairfield Road

  Beavercreek   OH   45432-2636     14,821        7.2   $ 76,770        15,274        3.1   $ 81,604        6.3     524   

Belden Village


4800 Everhard Road NW

  Canton   OH   44718-2413     21,417        1.9   $ 49,942        21,594        0.8   $ 53,515        7.2     757   



53 Donnermeyer Drive

  Bellevue   KY   41073-1352     57,092        -2.3   $ 33,237        56,289        -1.4   $ 36,054        8.5     2,019   

Bloomington Commons


1701 East Empire Street

  Bloomington   IL   61704-3532     34,688        12.6   $ 52,042        36,812        6.1   $ 56,285        8.2     1,227   

Camino Square


291 West Camino Real

  Boca Raton   FL   33432-5943     37,691        1.7   $ 55,716        38,975        3.4   $ 60,348        8.3     1,333   

Lakeside Plaza


2108 Cortez Road West

  Bradenton   FL   34207-1242     48,690        4.3   $ 37,506        51,151        5.1   $ 41,003        9.3     1,722   

Bridgehampton Commons


1527 Montauk Highway

  Bridgehampton   NY   11932     1,741        6.9   $ 94,076        1,804        3.6   $ 107,376        14.1     62   

Kmart Plaza-Brunswick


3303 Center Road

  Brunswick   OH   44212-3830     15,814        9.5   $ 64,350        16,549        4.7   $ 67,599        5.0     559   



2101 Southgate Parkway

  Cambridge   OH   43725-3080     6,300        -2.1   $ 31,415        6,227        -1.2   $ 33,759        7.5     223   

Canton Hills


3901 Everhard Road NW

  Canton   OH   44709-4004     23,934        1.2   $ 48,710        24,035        0.4   $ 51,420        5.6     846   

Voice Road Plaza


Seven Voice Road

  Carle Place   NY   11514-1505     47,510        -3.4   $ 87,357        46,561        -2.0   $ 96,312        10.3     1,680   



151 Centereach Mall

  Centereach   NY   11720-2747     32,759        3.7   $ 86,664        33,273        1.6   $ 96,056        10.8     1,159   

Cross Pointe


261 East Alex Bell Road

  Centerville   OH   45459-2706     26,242        -3.8   $ 63,753        25,669        -2.2   $ 66,659        4.6     928   

Charles Town


Four Charles Town Plaza

  Charles Town   WV   25414-3954     6,137        27.7   $ 42,940        6,857        11.7   $ 47,490        10.6     217   

Saint Andrews Center


975 Savannah Highway

  Charleston   SC   29407-7859     28,401        6.2   $ 40,328        29,428        3.6   $ 43,473        7.8     1,004   

Independence Square


7411 East Independence Blvd

  Charlotte   NC   28212-9431     34,109        14.1   $ 49,992        37,012        8.5   $ 52,029        4.1     1,206   

Red Bank


2011 Dayton Boulevard

  Chattanooga   TN   37415-6411     16,294        5.1   $ 37,184        16,830        3.3   $ 39,424        6.0     576   

Cherry Hill


400 East Evesham Road

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08003-3399     30,368        5.7   $ 78,141        31,218        2.8   $ 85,230        9.1     1,074   

Ridge Plaza


5375 Ridge Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45213-2543     53,963        -3.0   $ 45,935        53,105        -1.6   $ 49,362        7.5     1,909   



1075 West 14 Mile Road

  Clawson   MI   48017-1407     49,837        -2.1   $ 61,516        49,196        -1.3   $ 63,664        3.5     1,763   



2045 Cottman Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19149-1118     113,930        -4.3   $ 43,088        111,345        -2.3   $ 46,099        7.0     4,029   

Big Town


400 Big Town Shopping Center

  Dallas   TX   75149-7014     42,776        -0.9   $ 40,041        43,249        1.1   $ 41,291        3.1     1,513   

Mount Rose Plaza


1045 Mount Rose Avenue

  York   PA   17403-2961     35,270        4.2   $ 41,745        36,315        3.0   $ 44,929        7.6     1,247   



2702 North Tibbs Avenue

  Indianapolis   IN   46222-2131     34,816        -3.2   $ 36,349        34,447        -1.1   $ 38,013        4.6     1,231   

Ridge Pike Plaza-Eagleville


3200 Ridge Pike

  Norristown   PA   19403-1430     17,026        10.6   $ 82,622        17,828        4.7   $ 90,789        9.9     602   

Sports Authority Plaza


993 North Semoran Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32807-3560     42,552        5.4   $ 43,445        44,813        5.3   $ 46,728        7.6     1,505   

Pocono Plaza


300 Lincoln Avenue

  PA   18301-2815     10,964        12.7   $ 46,901        11,629        6.1   $ 50,732        8.2     388   

Eastern Boulevard


2430 Eastern Boulevard

  York   PA   17402-2901     28,033        7.5   $ 45,841        29,290        4.5   $ 49,248        7.4     991   

Town & Country-Elgin


308 South McLean Boulevard

  Elgin   IL   60123-7137     34,069        13.9   $ 62,634        36,595        7.4   $ 66,187        5.7     1,205   



15446 Manchester Road

  Ballwin   MO   63011-3029     26,734        0.0   $ 87,319        26,672        -0.2   $ 93,246        6.8     946   

Value City-Elmsmere


2201 Kirkwood Highway

  Elsmere   DE   19805-4903     35,578        -0.8   $ 49,537        35,803        0.6   $ 52,854        6.7     1,258   



349 Midway Boulevard

  Elyria   OH   44035-2441     21,751        -0.3   $ 42,461        21,808        0.3   $ 44,582        5.0     769   

Erie Mini Mart


West 26th Street

  Erie   PA   16502     38,453        0.1   $ 37,921        38,369        -0.2   $ 40,399        6.5     1,360   



22128 Farmington Road

  Farmington   MI   48336-4010     31,004        -4.2   $ 64,230        30,225        -2.5   $ 65,745        2.4     1,097   



5208 West Washington Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46241-2208     28,337        -2.1   $ 38,013        28,223        -0.4   $ 39,768        4.6     1,002   

Fern Park


5400 Touchstone Drive

  Orlando   FL   32819-9453     26,526        23.4   $ 44,120        29,753        12.2   $ 46,923        6.4     938   

Forest Park


4140 Jonesboro Road

  Forest Park   GA   30297-1072     14,615        2.5   $ 33,686        15,032        2.9   $ 34,718        3.1     517   

Kmart Plaza


2111 South US Highway One

  Fort Pierce   FL   34950-5151     16,189        3.7   $ 31,658        17,044        5.3   $ 33,896        7.1     573   



1500 Browns Bridge Road

  Gainesville   GA   30501-4717     13,595        25.7   $ 40,441        15,283        12.4   $ 43,015        6.4     481   

Akers Center


1453 East Franklin Boulevard

  Gastonia   NC   28054-4059     21,055        6.6   $ 37,876        21,932        4.2   $ 39,102        3.2     745   

Gettysburg Plaza


231 West Street

  Gettysburg   PA   17325-2510     5,774        12.8   $ 44,323        6,121        6.0   $ 47,427        7.0     204   

South Shore Plaza


1111 South Beacon Boulevard

  Grand Haven   MI   49417-2608     11,125        6.0   $ 48,602        11,454        3.0   $ 49,737        2.3     393   

Green Orchard


745 Center Drive NW

  Walker   MI   49544-6918     24,004        0.3   $ 42,566        24,126        0.5   $ 43,629        2.5     849   



3861 Gravois Avenue

  Saint Louis   MO   63116-4657     75,180        -0.6   $ 38,158        75,160        0.0   $ 41,842        9.7     2,659   



18235 Euclid Avenue

  Cleveland   OH   44112-1027     50,824        -9.8   $ 35,174        47,715        -6.1   $ 37,330        6.1     1,798   



1650 East County Line Road

  Greenwood   IN   46227-0965     34,545        9.8   $ 53,162        36,421        5.4   $ 56,173        5.7     1,222   

Grove Gate


2969 SW 32nd Avenue

  Miami   FL   33133-3612     71,650        11.7   $ 44,407        76,767        7.1   $ 47,957        8.0     2,534   



501 Dual Highway

  Hagerstown   MD   21740-5715     25,549        10.9   $ 42,074        27,078        6.0   $ 46,120        9.6     904   

South Hamilton


2800 South Hamilton Road

  Columbus   OH   43232-4961     35,977        1.3   $ 40,012        36,348        1.0   $ 41,560        3.9     1,272   

Hampton Bays


190 West Montauk Highway

  Hampton Bays   NY   11946-2386     6,150        5.6   $ 66,426        6,267        1.9   $ 73,611        10.8     218   



7238 North Lindbergh Boulevard

  Hazelwood   MO   63042-2019     31,538        -2.5   $ 49,556        31,057        -1.5   $ 52,656        6.3     1,115   



1190 Jefferson Road

  Rochester   NY   14623-3102     20,638        3.8   $ 54,942        20,978        1.7   $ 58,641        6.7     730   

Homestead Town Square


915 North Homestead Boulevard

  Homestead   FL   33030-5026     34,538        67.6   $ 35,670        41,635        20.6   $ 39,646        11.1     1,222   



5235 Aldine Mail Road

  Houston   TX   77039-3803     21,050        4.5   $ 33,912        21,899        4.0   $ 36,257        6.9     744   



1111 Ridge Road East

  Rochester   NY   14621-1903     55,296        -6.0   $ 33,279        53,430        -3.4   $ 34,675        4.2     1,956   



8949 Jennings Station Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63136-5072     39,491        -5.0   $ 33,215        38,376        -2.8   $ 34,790        4.7     1,397   

Atlanta Center (Jonesboro)


Jonesboro Road

  Atlanta   GA   30349     14,544        34.7   $ 43,901        16,646        14.5   $ 47,749        8.8     514   



1356 Hoffman Boulevard

  West Mifflin   PA   15122-2301     38,804        -7.5   $ 33,136        37,027        -4.6   $ 35,674        7.7     1,372   



1724 Woodman Drive

  Dayton   OH   45420-3662     44,015        -4.8   $ 42,652        42,684        -3.0   $ 44,419        4.1     1,557   



2200 Greenbush Street

  Lafayette   IN   47904-2342     31,044        6.7   $ 32,677        32,496        4.7   $ 33,263        1.8     1,098   

Semoran Restaurant


State Road 436

  Orlando   FL   32808     34,912        5.1   $ 39,260        36,684        5.1   $ 41,939        6.8     1,235   

Wal-Mart Plaza


1111 Missouri Avenue

  Largo   FL   33770-1815     47,119        -1.2   $ 40,823        47,478        0.8   $ 44,053        7.9     1,666   

Selmon’s Plaza


2480 East Bay Drive

  Largo   FL   33771-2467     51,120        -2.3   $ 41,187        51,204        0.2   $ 44,487        8.0     1,808   

Reef Plaza


3282 North State Road Seven

  FL   33319-5615     65,154        -0.6   $ 38,110        66,582        2.2   $ 41,626        9.2     2,304   

Babies-R-Us Plaza


7350 West Commercial Boulevard

  Lauderhill   FL   33319-2128     73,786        2.0   $ 43,048        76,285        3.4   $ 46,512        8.0     2,610   

Leesburg Shops


745 North 14th Street

  Leesburg   FL   34748-4212     12,351        27.6   $ 34,113        14,077        14.0   $ 36,815        7.9     437   



1040-1070 Lemay Ferry Road

  Lemay   MO   63125-1744     42,045        -0.9   $ 44,638        41,831        -0.5   $ 47,554        6.5     1,487   



3220 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-3382     45,959        8.7   $ 48,531        48,214        4.9   $ 51,119        5.3     1,625   

Century Plaza


37300 Five Mile Road

  Livonia   MI   48154-1800     24,441        -7.6   $ 77,488        23,363        -4.4   $ 79,604        2.7     864   



100 Commercial Road

  Leominster   MA   01453-3333     16,741        0.3   $ 55,046        16,806        0.4   $ 60,263        9.5     592   



3824 Pio Nono Avenue

  Macon   GA   31206-3081     16,087        -6.5   $ 22,278        15,690        -2.5   $ 22,401        0.6     569   

Old Towne Village


111 Gallatin Road North

  Madison   TN   37115-3701     21,078        6.6   $ 37,820        21,944        4.1   $ 40,043        5.9     745   

Peppertree Plaza


5600 West Sample Road

  Margate   FL   33073-3423     52,792        6.5   $ 56,205        55,460        5.1   $ 62,604        11.4     1,867   

Marketplace Square (Stuart)


3245 NW Federal Highway

  Jensen Beach   FL   34957-4457     14,642        19.3   $ 49,860        16,247        11.0   $ 55,600        11.5     518   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code    2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



108-150 Riverstone Parkway

  Canton   GA   30114-2448      7,783         110.4   $ 49,259        9,332        19.9   $ 52,044        5.7     275   

Shannon Square


4720 Jonesboro Road

  Union City   GA   30291-1956      14,998         67.5   $ 47,744        17,208        14.7   $ 49,956        4.6     530   

La Grange


299 Commerce Avenue

  LaGrange   GA   30241-2339      11,436         10.2   $ 33,565        11,973        4.7   $ 34,510        2.8     404   

White Sands


550 Mary Esther Cutoff

  Fort Walton
  FL   32548-4080      19,354         6.4   $ 50,197        20,049        3.6   $ 56,109        11.8     685   

Woodstock Place


10029 Highway 92

  Woodstock   GA   30188-6430      20,018         31.0   $ 68,755        22,387        11.8   $ 69,341        0.9     708   

Lake Street Plaza


510 West Lake Street

  Addison   IL   60101-2307      28,641         2.1   $ 65,010        28,722        0.3   $ 67,157        3.3     1,013   



1769 Whiskey Road

  Aiken   SC   29803-7337      12,982         18.3   $ 60,041        13,798        6.3   $ 62,730        4.5     459   



33 Fifth Street SE

  Barberton   OH   44203-4203      20,022         -3.2   $ 39,846        19,496        -2.6   $ 41,411        3.9     708   

Barrington Plaza


546 Stockbridge Road

  MA   01230-1296      1,635         -1.6   $ 58,825        1,604        -1.9   $ 64,195        9.1     58   

Beavercreek Plaza


1294 North Fairfield Road

  Beavercreek   OH   45432-2636      14,742         7.4   $ 79,513        15,003        1.8   $ 83,672        5.2     521   

Belden Village


4800 Everhard Road NW

  Canton   OH   44718-2413      21,132         1.1   $ 50,473        21,034        -0.5   $ 52,915        4.8     747   



53 Donnermeyer Drive

  Bellevue   KY   41073-1352      57,482         -1.9   $ 34,051        56,750        -1.3   $ 36,731        7.9     2,033   

Bloomington Commons


1701 East Empire Street

  Bloomington   IL   61704-3532      35,075         13.9   $ 54,169        36,833        5.0   $ 57,655        6.4     1,241   

Camino Square


291 West Camino Real

  Boca Raton   FL   33432-5943      37,544         0.5   $ 56,352        38,477        2.5   $ 60,026        6.5     1,328   

Lakeside Plaza


2108 Cortez Road West

  Bradenton   FL   34207-1242      47,543         2.4   $ 37,218        49,836        4.8   $ 39,694        6.7     1,681   

Bridgehampton Commons


1527 Montauk Highway

  Bridgehampton   NY   11932      1,954         14.6   $ 96,236        2,040        4.4   $ 110,168        14.5     69   

Kmart Plaza-Brunswick


3303 Center Road

  Brunswick   OH   44212-3830      15,181         5.8   $ 66,671        15,495        2.1   $ 69,452        4.2     537   



2101 Southgate Parkway

  Cambridge   OH   43725-3080      6,277         -2.6   $ 32,534        6,115        -2.6   $ 34,480        6.0     222   

Canton Hills


3901 Everhard Road NW

  Canton   OH   44709-4004      23,723         0.7   $ 49,058        23,565        -0.7   $ 50,765        3.5     839   

Voice Road Plaza


Seven Voice Road

  Carle Place   NY   11514-1505      49,279         0.6   $ 90,394        48,946        -0.7   $ 98,368        8.8     1,743   



151 Centereach Mall

  Centereach   NY   11720-2747      33,864         7.3   $ 89,106        34,543        2.0   $ 97,489        9.4     1,198   

Cross Pointe


261 East Alex Bell Road

  Centerville   OH   45459-2706      25,718         -5.6   $ 64,248        24,705        -3.9   $ 66,351        3.3     910   

Charles Town


Four Charles Town Plaza

  Charles Town   WV   25414-3954      6,353         33.6   $ 45,855        7,047        10.9   $ 50,824        10.8     225   

Saint Andrews Center


975 Savannah Highway

  Charleston   SC   29407-7859      28,333         6.2   $ 41,725        29,483        4.1   $ 44,683        7.1     1,002   

Independence Square


7411 East Independence Blvd

  Charlotte   NC   28212-9431      34,734         18.2   $ 50,997        38,579        11.1   $ 52,458        2.9     1,228   

Red Bank


2011 Dayton Boulevard

  Chattanooga   TN   37415-6411      16,530         6.3   $ 38,132        16,949        2.5   $ 39,953        4.8     585   

Cherry Hill


400 East Evesham Road

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08003-3399      30,891         8.8   $ 80,513        31,643        2.4   $ 86,048        6.9     1,093   

Ridge Plaza


5375 Ridge Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45213-2543      53,679         -2.8   $ 46,497        52,649        -1.9   $ 49,359        6.2     1,899   



1075 West 14 Mile Road

  Clawson   MI   48017-1407      48,724         -3.2   $ 62,630        47,553        -2.4   $ 64,362        2.8     1,723   



2045 Cottman Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19149-1118      117,919         -0.7   $ 43,911        117,651        -0.2   $ 46,271        5.4     4,171   

Big Town


400 Big Town Shopping Center

  Dallas   TX   75149-7014      42,831         0.8   $ 40,734        43,392        1.3   $ 41,541        2.0     1,515   

Mount Rose Plaza


1045 Mount Rose Avenue

  York   PA   17403-2961      35,450         4.6   $ 42,735        36,135        1.9   $ 45,084        5.5     1,254   



2702 North Tibbs Avenue

  Indianapolis   IN   46222-2131      34,463         -3.9   $ 36,252        33,890        -1.7   $ 37,265        2.8     1,219   

Ridge Pike Plaza-Eagleville


3200 Ridge Pike

  Norristown   PA   19403-1430      16,959         9.6   $ 84,625        17,476        3.1   $ 92,675        9.5     600   

Sports Authority Plaza


993 North Semoran Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32807-3560      42,508         4.6   $ 43,745        44,579        4.9   $ 46,079        5.3     1,503   

Pocono Plaza


300 Lincoln Avenue

  PA   18301-2815      10,821         11.6   $ 47,232        11,238        3.9   $ 49,889        5.6     383   

Eastern Boulevard


2430 Eastern Boulevard

  York   PA   17402-2901      27,914         7.5   $ 46,906        28,746        3.0   $ 49,587        5.7     987   

Town & Country-Elgin


308 South McLean Boulevard

  Elgin   IL   60123-7137      34,480         15.5   $ 62,969        36,799        6.7   $ 65,374        3.8     1,219   



15446 Manchester Road

  Ballwin   MO   63011-3029      26,902         1.6   $ 88,600        26,860        -0.2   $ 93,825        5.9     951   

Value City-Elmsmere


2201 Kirkwood Highway

  Elsmere   DE   19805-4903      35,502         -0.6   $ 51,283        35,504        0.0   $ 54,009        5.3     1,256   



349 Midway Boulevard

  Elyria   OH   44035-2441      21,247         -2.1   $ 43,342        20,980        -1.3   $ 44,875        3.5     751   

Erie Mini Mart


West 26th Street

  Erie   PA   16502      38,563         0.8   $ 38,942        38,314        -0.7   $ 40,847        4.9     1,364   



22128 Farmington Road

  Farmington   MI   48336-4010      30,581         -6.0   $ 65,152        29,425        -3.8   $ 66,109        1.5     1,082   



5208 West Washington Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46241-2208      28,237         -2.0   $ 37,857        28,027        -0.7   $ 38,903        2.8     999   

Fern Park


5400 Touchstone Drive

  Orlando   FL   32819-9453      27,681         28.3   $ 44,406        30,369        9.7   $ 46,033        3.7     979   

Forest Park


4140 Jonesboro Road

  Forest Park   GA   30297-1072      14,768         3.7   $ 34,693        15,150        2.6   $ 35,864        3.4     522   

Kmart Plaza


2111 South US Highway One

  Fort Pierce   FL   34950-5151      16,825         8.0   $ 31,884        18,679        11.0   $ 34,261        7.5     595   



1500 Browns Bridge Road

  Gainesville   GA   30501-4717      14,179         30.8   $ 41,053        15,813        11.5   $ 42,932        4.6     501   

Akers Center


1453 East Franklin Boulevard

  Gastonia   NC   28054-4059      21,154         8.2   $ 39,128        22,088        4.4   $ 40,164        2.6     748   

Gettysburg Plaza


231 West Street

  Gettysburg   PA   17325-2510      5,833         13.7   $ 45,310        6,093        4.5   $ 47,889        5.7     206   

South Shore Plaza


1111 South Beacon Boulevard

  Grand Haven   MI   49417-2608      11,054         6.9   $ 49,234        11,335        2.5   $ 50,331        2.2     391   

Green Orchard


745 Center Drive NW

  Walker   MI   49544-6918      23,719         -0.2   $ 43,117        23,599        -0.5   $ 43,699        1.3     839   



3861 Gravois Avenue

  Saint Louis   MO   63116-4657      75,775         0.4   $ 38,712        75,609        -0.2   $ 41,794        8.0     2,680   



18235 Euclid Avenue

  Cleveland   OH   44112-1027      50,929         -10.2   $ 35,514        47,710        -6.3   $ 37,012        4.2     1,801   



1650 East County Line Road

  Greenwood   IN   46227-0965      35,002         10.8   $ 53,825        36,542        4.4   $ 55,901        3.9     1,238   

Grove Gate


2969 SW 32nd Avenue

  Miami   FL   33133-3612      68,475         7.1   $ 45,534        71,724        4.7   $ 48,859        7.3     2,422   



501 Dual Highway

  Hagerstown   MD   21740-5715      25,716         10.9   $ 42,953        26,711        3.9   $ 46,130        7.4     910   

South Hamilton


2800 South Hamilton Road

  Columbus   OH   43232-4961      35,983         1.2   $ 41,180        36,310        0.9   $ 42,026        2.1     1,273   

Hampton Bays


190 West Montauk Highway

  Hampton Bays   NY   11946-2386      6,685         14.9   $ 67,967        7,001        4.7   $ 74,190        9.2     236   



7238 North Lindbergh Boulevard

  Hazelwood   MO   63042-2019      31,315         -2.9   $ 50,110        30,593        -2.3   $ 52,256        4.3     1,108   



1190 Jefferson Road

  Rochester   NY   14623-3102      20,551         4.6   $ 56,253        20,746        1.0   $ 59,314        5.4     727   

Homestead Town Square


915 North Homestead Boulevard

  Homestead   FL   33030-5026      32,252         57.0   $ 36,309        35,649        10.5   $ 38,775        6.8     1,141   



5235 Aldine Mail Road

  Houston   TX   77039-3803      20,823         3.1   $ 35,295        21,279        2.2   $ 37,680        6.8     736   



1111 Ridge Road East

  Rochester   NY   14621-1903      55,540         -4.9   $ 34,000        53,831        -3.1   $ 34,926        2.7     1,964   



8949 Jennings Station Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63136-5072      39,677         -4.2   $ 33,519        38,610        -2.7   $ 34,278        2.3     1,403   

Atlanta Center (Jonesboro)


Jonesboro Road

  Atlanta   GA   30349      15,630         43.3   $ 45,632        17,466        11.8   $ 48,432        6.1     553   



1356 Hoffman Boulevard

  West Mifflin   PA   15122-2301      38,595         -7.5   $ 34,137        36,829        -4.6   $ 36,496        6.9     1,365   



1724 Woodman Drive

  Dayton   OH   45420-3662      44,184         -4.7   $ 43,483        42,689        -3.4   $ 44,935        3.3     1,563   



2200 Greenbush Street

  Lafayette   IN   47904-2342      30,957         6.1   $ 33,453        31,978        3.3   $ 33,938        1.4     1,095   

Semoran Restaurant


State Road 436

  Orlando   FL   32808      34,645         4.1   $ 39,747        36,617        5.7   $ 41,427        4.2     1,225   

Wal-Mart Plaza


1111 Missouri Avenue

  Largo   FL   33770-1815      47,175         -1.2   $ 41,612        47,091        -0.2   $ 44,154        6.1     1,668   

Selmon’s Plaza


2480 East Bay Drive

  Largo   FL   33771-2467      51,532         -2.5   $ 42,016        51,189        -0.7   $ 44,565        6.1     1,823   

Reef Plaza


3282 North State Road Seven

  FL   33319-5615      64,304         -1.8   $ 38,490        64,881        0.9   $ 40,952        6.4     2,274   

Babies-R-Us Plaza


7350 West Commercial Boulevard

  Lauderhill   FL   33319-2128      72,690         0.5   $ 43,521        74,086        1.9   $ 45,941        5.6     2,571   

Leesburg Shops


745 North 14th Street

  Leesburg   FL   34748-4212      12,440         28.5   $ 33,757        14,315        15.1   $ 35,470        5.1     440   



1040-1070 Lemay Ferry Road

  Lemay   MO   63125-1744      42,158         -0.4   $ 45,204        41,762        -0.9   $ 47,398        4.9     1,491   



3220 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-3382      45,897         9.1   $ 50,107        48,154        4.9   $ 52,717        5.2     1,623   

Century Plaza


37300 Five Mile Road

  Livonia   MI   48154-1800      23,124         -11.2   $ 78,369        21,556        -6.8   $ 80,319        2.5     818   



100 Commercial Road

  Leominster   MA   01453-3333      16,378         -1.3   $ 57,027        16,121        -1.6   $ 61,163        7.3     579   



3824 Pio Nono Avenue

  Macon   GA   31206-3081      16,125         -6.7   $ 23,252        15,629        -3.1   $ 23,358        0.5     570   

Old Towne Village


111 Gallatin Road North

  Madison   TN   37115-3701      20,411         5.7   $ 38,353        20,978        2.8   $ 39,795        3.8     722   

Peppertree Plaza


5600 West Sample Road

  Margate   FL   33073-3423      53,078         6.6   $ 56,823        55,369        4.3   $ 62,174        9.4     1,877   

Marketplace Square (Stuart)


3245 NW Federal Highway

  Jensen Beach   FL   34957-4457      14,511         18.3   $ 49,573        16,074        10.8   $ 53,879        8.7     513   



Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Martins Food Plaza


520 South Raleigh Street

  Martinsburg   WV   25401-2642     15,132        29.9   $ 44,168        17,123        13.2   $ 49,636        12.4     535   



1970 Lincoln Way East

  Massillon   OH   44646-6965     23,184        3.8   $ 45,034        23,573        1.7   $ 47,514        5.5     820   

NASA Plaza


787 South Babcock Street

  Melbourne   FL   32901-1801     19,667        10.5   $ 40,817        21,056        7.1   $ 44,789        9.7     696   

Erie Commons


7980 Plaza Boulevard

  Mentor   OH   44060-5517     16,220        5.4   $ 60,950        16,600        2.3   $ 64,606        6.0     574   

Hill’s Plaza-Mentor


8445 Market Street

  Mentor   OH   44060-4116     22,883        6.6   $ 62,626        23,581        3.1   $ 66,042        5.5     809   

Middletown Plaza


300 West Main Street

  Middletown   PA   17057-1220     9,358        2.0   $ 47,014        9,489        1.4   $ 50,887        8.2     331   

Miller Road


9420 SW 56th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-6422     51,861        -2.4   $ 55,385        52,261        0.8   $ 60,300        8.9     1,834   

Morse Plaza


1700 Morse Road

  Columbus   OH   43229-9513     56,319        -2.7   $ 42,385        55,780        -1.0   $ 44,083        4.0     1,992   

Beltline Plaza


1680 East Apple Avenue

  Muskegon   MI   49442-4241     17,584        -1.1   $ 28,478        17,457        -0.7   $ 28,962        1.7     622   



1974 North Wickham Road

  Melbourne   FL   32935-8179     23,359        7.7   $ 47,743        24,727        5.9   $ 53,080        11.2     826   



420 Nanuet Mall South

  Nanuet   NY   10954-2710     32,410        3.8   $ 75,964        33,025        1.9   $ 83,215        9.5     1,146   

New Kensington


200 Tarentum Bridge Road

  PA   15068-4626     20,017        -6.2   $ 38,519        19,302        -3.6   $ 42,041        9.1     708   

Lake Forest


1450 Main Street

  Baton Rouge   LA   70802-4663     29,395        -3.3   $ 25,911        28,627        -2.6   $ 27,660        6.8     1,040   

Port Richey


US Highway 19

  New Port
  FL   34652     28,794        7.0   $ 34,711        30,727        6.7   $ 38,525        11.0     1,018   

Norriton Square (Norristown)


55 East Germantown Pike

  East Norriton   PA   19401-1558     29,787        1.4   $ 60,109        30,090        1.0   $ 65,131        8.4     1,053   

Ives Dairy Crossing


19975 NW Second Avenue

  Miami   FL   33169-2911     57,733        -0.1   $ 40,912        58,877        2.0   $ 43,878        7.2     2,042   

Oak Creek


2100 East Whipp Road

  Dayton   OH   45440-2820     28,250        -4.2   $ 57,967        27,492        -2.7   $ 60,704        4.7     999   



3656 Wall Avenue

  Ogden   UT   84405-7101     27,913        1.8   $ 43,836        28,689        2.8   $ 46,957        7.1     987   

Olentangy Plaza


3360 Olentangy River Road

  Columbus   OH   43202-1521     60,544        -3.2   $ 41,125        59,929        -1.0   $ 42,888        4.3     2,141   



12 James Street

  Middletown   PA   17057-3326     11,486        1.4   $ 47,079        11,654        1.5   $ 50,510        7.3     406   



2470 South Orange Avenue

  Orlando   FL   32806-4544     48,305        8.8   $ 40,967        51,707        7.0   $ 44,408        8.4     1,708   

Value City-Ottawa


2900 Columbus Street

  Ottawa   IL   61350-1010     7,228        2.9   $ 44,037        7,365        1.9   $ 47,315        7.4     256   

Big Lots Plaza


3210 Crill Avenue

  Palatka   FL   32177-4159     7,284        6.7   $ 28,249        7,623        4.7   $ 30,177        6.8     258   

Hill’s Plaza-Penn Hills


Rodi Road

  Penn Hills   PA   15235     32,114        -5.3   $ 44,221        31,058        -3.3   $ 47,226        6.8     1,136   

Pinellas Park


74th Avenue

  Pinellas Park   FL   33781     45,839        -2.3   $ 40,930        45,995        0.3   $ 44,466        8.6     1,621   

Manetto Hill Plaza


50 Manetto Hill Road

  Plainview   NY   11803-1360     29,340        1.3   $ 104,021        29,541        0.7   $ 116,174        11.7     1,038   

Whole Foods Center


7676 Peters Road

  Plantation   FL   33324-4002     45,993        3.1   $ 56,445        47,791        3.9   $ 62,082        10.0     1,627   

Sample Plaza


1040 East Sample Road

  FL   33064-5120     46,880        -0.6   $ 44,467        47,964        2.3   $ 48,059        8.1     1,658   

Forty-Four Plaza


75 Dutchess Turnpike

  Poughkeepsie   NY   12603-6422     20,966        0.5   $ 43,538        21,048        0.4   $ 47,135        8.3     742   



4003 Durand Avenue

  Racine   WI   53405-4400     27,231        0.6   $ 43,584        27,348        0.4   $ 45,320        4.0     963   

Pleasant Valley Promenade


6254 Glenwood Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27612-2616     35,344        41.8   $ 63,224        41,417        17.2   $ 65,627        3.8     1,250   

Crossroads Plaza


800 Bustleton Pike

  Richboro   PA   18954-1360     15,851        4.3   $ 91,241        16,187        2.1   $ 99,003        8.5     561   



44 Godwin Avenue

  Ridgewood   NJ   07450-3706     38,674        -0.9   $ 101,521        38,610        -0.2   $ 111,120        9.5     1,368   

Riviera Plaza


3500 Broadway

  Riviera Beach   FL   33404-2332     29,231        12.7   $ 43,734        31,589        8.1   $ 46,895        7.2     1,034   

Target 31 South


3700 South East Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46227-1241     27,911        -3.5   $ 38,032        27,459        -1.6   $ 39,965        5.1     987   

Harrisburg East


5005 Jonestown Road

  Harrisburg   PA   17109-2922     24,846        2.6   $ 57,300        25,211        1.5   $ 61,661        7.6     879   

Salem Plaza


5120 Salem Avenue

  Dayton   OH   45426-2042     21,795        -2.4   $ 42,121        21,441        -1.6   $ 43,665        3.7     771   

Sand Lake Plaza


937 Sand Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32809-7711     18,091        2.9   $ 38,713        18,797        3.9   $ 41,660        7.6     640   



3653 South Orlando Drive

  Sanford   FL   32773-5611     20,829        32.6   $ 48,982        23,732        13.9   $ 53,122        8.5     737   



7400 Abercorn Street

  Savannah   GA   31406-2447     26,237        -1.2   $ 39,631        26,495        1.0   $ 42,262        6.6     928   



11985 Lebanon Road

  Cincinnati   OH   45241-1701     14,065        -1.2   $ 70,764        13,965        -0.7   $ 75,585        6.8     497   

Shiloh Springs Plaza


2250 Shiloh Springs Road

  Dayton   OH   45426-2036     21,393        -2.1   $ 42,814        21,091        -1.4   $ 44,364        3.6     757   


    Shreveport   LA       30,504        -3.7   $ 27,793        29,960        -1.8   $ 29,276        5.3     1,079   

Southeast Plaza


4282 Bee Ridge Road

  Sarasota   FL   34233-2563     35,669        3.8   $ 51,204        37,179        4.2   $ 56,008        9.4     1,262   

Southland 75


8341 Springboro Pike

  Miamisburg   OH   45342-3780     23,931        2.6   $ 57,274        24,120        0.8   $ 60,234        5.2     846   

Cassinelli Square (Springdale)


11360 Princeton Pike

  Cincinnati   OH   45246-3213     17,440        -2.9   $ 49,771        17,094        -2.0   $ 53,026        6.5     617   

Kmart Plaza


1390 Upper Valley Pike

  Springfield   OH   45504-4022     11,731        -5.1   $ 39,543        11,390        -2.9   $ 41,312        4.5     415   



751 West Sproul Road

  Springfield   PA   19064-1215     41,759        -1.6   $ 69,859        41,449        -0.7   $ 75,647        8.3     1,477   

Oak Tree Plaza


6157 Ninth Avenue North

  FL   33710-6203     49,380        -3.2   $ 41,605        49,318        -0.1   $ 44,879        7.9     1,746   



2875 Richmond Avenue

  Staten Island   NY   10314-5811     69,197        10.6   $ 74,269        72,697        5.1   $ 81,652        9.9     2,447   



54 Ira Road

  Syosset   NY   11791-3503     19,311        0.3   $ 128,606        19,324        0.1   $ 140,689        9.4     683   

Cross Creek


14500 Racho Boulevard

  Taylor   MI   48180-4732     27,115        -3.6   $ 47,323        26,563        -2.0   $ 48,423        2.3     959   



982 North Market Street

  Troy   OH   45373-1432     9,235        0.0   $ 43,683        9,278        0.5   $ 46,050        5.4     327   

Tuttle Bee


3700 South Tuttle Avenue

  Sarasota   FL   34239-6409     38,513        0.2   $ 47,801        39,545        2.7   $ 51,598        7.9     1,362   

Tyvola Road


5401 South Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28217-2741     35,178        13.1   $ 48,786        38,151        8.5   $ 50,693        3.9     1,244   

Upper Allen Plaza


123 Gettysburg Pike

  Mechanicsburg   PA   17055-5605     14,073        13.7   $ 61,403        14,962        6.3   $ 66,759        8.7     498   

Arlington Square


1881 Henderson Road

  OH   43221-2501     41,718        1.6   $ 61,085        42,286        1.4   $ 63,859        4.5     1,475   

West Broad Plaza


4050 West Broad Street

  Columbus   OH   43228-1449     42,047        5.1   $ 42,894        43,179        2.7   $ 45,400        5.8     1,487   

West Market Street


1200 West Market Street

  York   PA   17404-3416     29,585        3.2   $ 38,813        30,328        2.5   $ 41,892        7.9     1,046   

Bradlees Plaza


410 Reidville Drive

  Waterbury   CT   06705-2633     31,745        -0.2   $ 38,968        31,766        0.1   $ 42,287        8.5     1,123   

Harvest Plaza


2801 East Waterloo Road

  Akron   OH   44312-4046     19,825        1.7   $ 43,107        19,968        0.7   $ 45,368        5.2     701   


    Watertown   NY       4,964        2.7   $ 36,934        5,018        1.1   $ 41,150        11.4     176   

West Gates


2225 Buffalo Road

  Rochester   NY   14624-1509     19,570        -2.0   $ 52,594        19,354        -1.1   $ 55,408        5.4     692   

Century III


7005 Clairton Road

  West Mifflin   PA   15122-2428     25,187        -6.5   $ 48,808        24,217        -3.9   $ 53,217        9.0     891   

Belmart Plaza


612 Belvedere Road

  West Palm
  FL   33405-1231     26,837        10.7   $ 39,688        28,852        7.5   $ 41,898        5.6     949   



133 Huber Village Boulevard

  Westerville   OH   43081-3311     36,523        3.1   $ 57,437        37,286        2.1   $ 60,258        4.9     1,292   

Westmont Plaza


640 West Cuthbert Boulevard

  Westmont   NJ   08108-3642     55,370        -0.4   $ 54,495        55,319        -0.1   $ 59,883        9.9     1,958   



East Main Street

  Columbus   OH   43215     56,506        -4.1   $ 29,631        55,702        -1.4   $ 31,129        5.1     1,998   



2287 Cloverdale Avenue

  NC   27103-2301     29,223        2.7   $ 39,185        30,105        3.0   $ 40,786        4.1     1,034   

Chain O’Lakes Plaza


1534 Third Street SW

  Winter Haven   FL   33880-4314     20,182        16.4   $ 40,402        22,080        9.4   $ 43,400        7.4     714   

Gordon Plaza


13191 Gordon Boulevard

  Woodbridge   VA   22191-1129     21,142        19.5   $ 69,373        23,263        10.0   $ 76,322        10.0     748   

Burke Town Plaza


5727 Burke Center

  Burke   VA   22015-2204     21,157        -1.0   $ 121,892        21,155        0.0   $ 134,244        10.1     748   

Land-Burlington Commerce Park

    Burlington   NC   27215     18,512        9.6   $ 39,533        19,556        5.6   $ 40,842        3.3     655   

Harford Mall Business Center


600 Balitmore Pike

  Bel Air   MD   21014-4223     22,775        18.0   $ 79,883        24,479        7.5   $ 88,748        11.1     806   

Fair Lanes Union Hills


3825 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-2261     42,195        12.3   $ 75,116        45,636        8.2   $ 81,353        8.3     1,492   

Clinton Bowling Center


7610 Old Branch Avenue

  Clinton   MD   20735-1603     17,779        1.2   $ 80,939        17,852        0.4   $ 89,206        10.2     629   

Colonie Plaza


1892 Central Avenue

  Albany   NY   12205-4200     12,503        5.0   $ 67,870        12,740        1.9   $ 74,654        10.0     442   

Columbia Plaza


501 Columbia Turnpike

  Rensselaer   NY   12144-4542     9,127        9.1   $ 56,985        9,506        4.2   $ 62,308        9.3     323   

Gateway International


1302 Concourse Drive

  MD   21090-1022     14,342        2.8   $ 70,106        14,541        1.4   $ 78,387        11.8     507   

Gateway Park


687 South Lake Powell

  Page   AZ   86040     2,482        6.0   $ 53,543        2,605        5.0   $ 59,297        10.7     88   



2115 West Guadalupe Road

  Mesa   AZ   85202-7343     58,869        5.7   $ 59,095        62,254        5.8   $ 63,083        6.7     2,082   

Harford Mall


696 Baltimore Pike

  Bel Air   MD   21014-9032     22,215        17.9   $ 79,387        23,863        7.4   $ 88,214        11.1     786   

Land-Hillsborough Crossing


Cardinal Drive

  Hillsborough   NC   27278     4,916        4.5   $ 53,014        5,191        5.6   $ 59,699        12.6     174   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Martins Food Plaza


520 South Raleigh Street

  Martinsburg   WV   25401-2642     15,360        32.2   $ 44,554        17,108        11.4   $ 48,762        9.4     543   



1970 Lincoln Way East

  Massillon   OH   44646-6965     23,048        3.6   $ 45,432        23,172        0.5   $ 47,319        4.2     815   

NASA Plaza


787 South Babcock Street

  Melbourne   FL   32901-1801     18,860        7.4   $ 40,832        19,731        4.6   $ 43,910        7.5     667   

Erie Commons


7980 Plaza Boulevard

  Mentor   OH   44060-5517     16,371        5.9   $ 62,260        16,650        1.7   $ 65,361        5.0     579   

Hill’s Plaza-Mentor


8445 Market Street

  Mentor   OH   44060-4116     23,052        6.4   $ 64,139        23,496        1.9   $ 66,889        4.3     815   

Middletown Plaza


300 West Main Street

  Middletown   PA   17057-1220     9,342        1.6   $ 48,524        9,380        0.4   $ 52,465        8.1     330   

Miller Road


9420 SW 56th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-6422     53,046        0.0   $ 56,050        53,931        1.7   $ 59,899        6.9     1,876   

Morse Plaza


1700 Morse Road

  Columbus   OH   43229-9513     55,974        -2.7   $ 43,359        55,643        -0.6   $ 44,656        3.0     1,980   

Beltline Plaza


1680 East Apple Avenue

  Muskegon   MI   49442-4241     17,573        -1.1   $ 29,046        17,345        -1.3   $ 29,350        1.0     622   



1974 North Wickham Road

  Melbourne   FL   32935-8179     23,049        6.0   $ 48,192        24,092        4.5   $ 52,305        8.5     815   



420 Nanuet Mall South

  Nanuet   NY   10954-2710     32,642        4.7   $ 77,582        33,085        1.4   $ 83,155        7.2     1,154   

New Kensington


200 Tarentum Bridge Road

  PA   15068-4626     19,885        -6.3   $ 39,497        19,113        -3.9   $ 42,316        7.1     703   

Lake Forest


1450 Main Street

  Baton Rouge   LA   70802-4663     28,699        -5.2   $ 27,429        28,289        -1.4   $ 29,118        6.2     1,015   

Port Richey


US Highway 19

  New Port
  FL   34652     28,436        5.5   $ 34,642        30,720        8.0   $ 37,553        8.4     1,006   

Norriton Square (Norristown)


55 East Germantown Pike

  East Norriton   PA   19401-1558     29,853        2.8   $ 61,619        30,020        0.6   $ 65,470        6.2     1,056   

Ives Dairy Crossing


19975 NW Second Avenue

  Miami   FL   33169-2911     58,004        -0.1   $ 41,058        59,002        1.7   $ 42,753        4.1     2,051   

Oak Creek


2100 East Whipp Road

  Dayton   OH   45440-2820     28,112        -4.6   $ 58,907        27,197        -3.3   $ 61,030        3.6     994   



3656 Wall Avenue

  Ogden   UT   84405-7101     28,557        4.2   $ 44,237        29,540        3.4   $ 46,626        5.4     1,010   

Olentangy Plaza


3360 Olentangy River Road

  Columbus   OH   43202-1521     60,461        -2.8   $ 42,506        60,094        -0.6   $ 44,255        4.1     2,138   



12 James Street

  Middletown   PA   17057-3326     11,693        1.8   $ 48,640        11,748        0.5   $ 52,274        7.5     414   



2470 South Orange Avenue

  Orlando   FL   32806-4544     47,846        7.9   $ 41,324        51,069        6.7   $ 44,415        7.5     1,692   

Value City-Ottawa


2900 Columbus Street

  Ottawa   IL   61350-1010     7,262        4.1   $ 45,172        7,341        1.1   $ 47,744        5.7     257   

Big Lots Plaza


3210 Crill Avenue

  Palatka   FL   32177-4159     7,218        5.3   $ 29,237        7,398        2.5   $ 30,660        4.9     255   

Hill’s Plaza-Penn Hills


Rodi Road

  Penn Hills   PA   15235     31,995        -5.8   $ 45,495        30,742        -3.9   $ 47,626        4.7     1,132   

Pinellas Park


74th Avenue

  Pinellas Park   FL   33781     45,694        -3.2   $ 41,855        45,188        -1.1   $ 44,745        6.9     1,616   

Manetto Hill Plaza


50 Manetto Hill Road

  Plainview   NY   11803-1360     30,319        4.2   $ 108,066        30,560        0.8   $ 118,409        9.6     1,072   

Whole Foods Center


7676 Peters Road

  Plantation   FL   33324-4002     45,048        1.0   $ 57,141        46,057        2.2   $ 61,544        7.7     1,593   

Sample Plaza


1040 East Sample Road

  FL   33064-5120     46,589        -1.2   $ 44,898        47,115        1.1   $ 47,621        6.1     1,648   

Forty-Four Plaza


75 Dutchess Turnpike

  Poughkeepsie   NY   12603-6422     20,690        1.0   $ 44,515        20,628        -0.3   $ 47,344        6.4     732   



4003 Durand Avenue

  Racine   WI   53405-4400     27,751        3.9   $ 44,832        28,038        1.0   $ 46,251        3.2     981   

Pleasant Valley Promenade


6254 Glenwood Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27612-2616     36,922        49.5   $ 65,097        43,234        17.1   $ 67,373        3.5     1,306   

Crossroads Plaza


800 Bustleton Pike

  Richboro   PA   18954-1360     15,901        5.4   $ 94,167        16,146        1.5   $ 101,289        7.6     562   



44 Godwin Avenue

  Ridgewood   NJ   07450-3706     38,386        -1.6   $ 104,378        37,902        -1.3   $ 112,993        8.3     1,358   

Riviera Plaza


3500 Broadway

  Riviera Beach   FL   33404-2332     28,284        9.6   $ 44,577        29,864        5.6   $ 47,553        6.7     1,000   

Target 31 South


3700 South East Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46227-1241     27,332        -4.9   $ 37,982        26,729        -2.2   $ 39,241        3.3     967   

Harrisburg East


5005 Jonestown Road

  Harrisburg   PA   17109-2922     24,774        3.4   $ 58,782        25,011        1.0   $ 62,611        6.5     876   

Salem Plaza


5120 Salem Avenue

  Dayton   OH   45426-2042     21,307        -3.8   $ 42,801        20,656        -3.1   $ 43,695        2.1     754   

Sand Lake Plaza


937 Sand Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32809-7711     17,515        3.3   $ 39,130        18,431        5.2   $ 40,996        4.8     619   



3653 South Orlando Drive

  Sanford   FL   32773-5611     20,461        29.8   $ 49,890        22,847        11.7   $ 53,656        7.5     724   



7400 Abercorn Street

  Savannah   GA   31406-2447     26,584        0.3   $ 40,070        27,199        2.3   $ 41,829        4.4     940   



11985 Lebanon Road

  Cincinnati   OH   45241-1701     14,643        3.2   $ 70,474        14,796        1.0   $ 73,899        4.9     518   

Shiloh Springs Plaza


2250 Shiloh Springs Road

  Dayton   OH   45426-2036     21,015        -3.5   $ 43,351        20,397        -2.9   $ 44,235        2.0     743   


    Shreveport   LA       30,383        -4.2   $ 28,110        29,914        -1.5   $ 29,061        3.4     1,075   

Southeast Plaza


4282 Bee Ridge Road

  Sarasota   FL   34233-2563     35,691        4.0   $ 50,632        37,812        5.9   $ 53,920        6.5     1,262   

Southland 75


8341 Springboro Pike

  Miamisburg   OH   45342-3780     23,953        2.6   $ 58,132        23,817        -0.6   $ 60,497        4.1     847   

Cassinelli Square (Springdale)


11360 Princeton Pike

  Cincinnati   OH   45246-3213     17,807        -0.3   $ 50,474        17,689        -0.7   $ 52,725        4.5     630   

Kmart Plaza


1390 Upper Valley Pike

  Springfield   OH   45504-4022     11,611        -4.4   $ 40,646        11,283        -2.8   $ 42,160        3.7     411   



751 West Sproul Road

  Springfield   PA   19064-1215     41,785        -1.1   $ 72,308        41,318        -1.1   $ 78,258        8.2     1,478   

Oak Tree Plaza


6157 Ninth Avenue North

  FL   33710-6203     49,363        -3.6   $ 42,420        48,642        -1.5   $ 45,193        6.5     1,746   



2875 Richmond Avenue

  Staten Island   NY   10314-5811     70,027        12.4   $ 77,918        72,997        4.2   $ 84,715        8.7     2,477   



54 Ira Road

  Syosset   NY   11791-3503     19,809        3.0   $ 132,051        19,889        0.4   $ 143,952        9.0     701   

Cross Creek


14500 Racho Boulevard

  Taylor   MI   48180-4732     25,448        -8.4   $ 47,833        24,115        -5.2   $ 48,680        1.8     900   



982 North Market Street

  Troy   OH   45373-1432     9,155        -0.5   $ 44,760        9,054        -1.1   $ 46,476        3.8     324   

Tuttle Bee


3700 South Tuttle Avenue

  Sarasota   FL   34239-6409     38,662        0.2   $ 47,602        40,314        4.3   $ 49,982        5.0     1,367   

Tyvola Road


5401 South Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28217-2741     37,220        19.5   $ 49,794        41,362        11.1   $ 52,123        4.7     1,316   

Upper Allen Plaza


123 Gettysburg Pike

  Mechanicsburg   PA   17055-5605     13,843        12.7   $ 62,744        14,466        4.5   $ 67,038        6.8     490   

Arlington Square


1881 Henderson Road

  OH   43221-2501     42,438        3.0   $ 62,971        43,247        1.9   $ 65,569        4.1     1,501   

West Broad Plaza


4050 West Broad Street

  Columbus   OH   43228-1449     42,204        5.9   $ 44,012        43,497        3.1   $ 46,107        4.8     1,493   

West Market Street


1200 West Market Street

  York   PA   17404-3416     29,672        3.9   $ 39,846        30,158        1.6   $ 42,040        5.5     1,049   

Bradlees Plaza


410 Reidville Drive

  Waterbury   CT   06705-2633     31,712        0.3   $ 39,799        31,504        -0.7   $ 42,038        5.6     1,122   

Harvest Plaza


2801 East Waterloo Road

  Akron   OH   44312-4046     19,652        1.0   $ 44,297        19,529        -0.6   $ 46,290        4.5     695   


    Watertown   NY       4,880        2.5   $ 37,658        4,892        0.3   $ 41,309        9.7     173   

West Gates


2225 Buffalo Road

  Rochester   NY   14624-1509     19,378        -2.2   $ 53,744        18,987        -2.0   $ 55,981        4.2     685   

Century III


7005 Clairton Road

  West Mifflin   PA   15122-2428     25,090        -6.6   $ 50,179        24,054        -4.1   $ 54,222        8.1     887   

Belmart Plaza


612 Belvedere Road

  West Palm
  FL   33405-1231     25,803        6.0   $ 40,200        26,907        4.3   $ 41,793        4.0     913   



133 Huber Village Boulevard

  Westerville   OH   43081-3311     36,554        3.7   $ 58,950        37,434        2.4   $ 61,428        4.2     1,293   

Westmont Plaza


640 West Cuthbert Boulevard

  Westmont   NJ   08108-3642     55,093        0.1   $ 56,007        54,727        -0.7   $ 60,494        8.0     1,949   



East Main Street

  Columbus   OH   43215     56,301        -3.8   $ 30,663        55,794        -0.9   $ 32,238        5.1     1,991   



2287 Cloverdale Avenue

  NC   27103-2301     29,596        4.5   $ 39,967        30,368        2.6   $ 41,278        3.3     1,047   

Chain O’Lakes Plaza


1534 Third Street SW

  Winter Haven   FL   33880-4314     20,660        18.3   $ 40,606        22,718        10.0   $ 42,645        5.0     731   

Gordon Plaza


13191 Gordon Boulevard

  Woodbridge   VA   22191-1129     22,319        25.8   $ 71,866        24,650        10.4   $ 78,595        9.4     789   

Burke Town Plaza


5727 Burke Center

  Burke   VA   22015-2204     21,359        -1.0   $ 123,639        21,267        -0.4   $ 136,224        10.2     755   

Land-Burlington Commerce Park

    Burlington   NC   27215     19,553        15.4   $ 40,498        20,819        6.5   $ 41,449        2.3     692   

Harford Mall Business Center


600 Balitmore Pike

  Bel Air   MD   21014-4223     22,326        16.4   $ 83,112        23,504        5.3   $ 91,232        9.8     790   

Fair Lanes Union Hills


3825 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-2261     42,506        13.2   $ 76,588        46,844        10.2   $ 81,906        6.9     1,503   

Clinton Bowling Center


7610 Old Branch Avenue

  Clinton   MD   20735-1603     17,162        -1.1   $ 83,599        16,903        -1.5   $ 90,840        8.7     607   

Colonie Plaza


1892 Central Avenue

  Albany   NY   12205-4200     12,439        5.0   $ 71,042        12,569        1.1   $ 78,296        10.2     440   

Columbia Plaza


501 Columbia Turnpike

  Rensselaer   NY   12144-4542     9,121        8.4   $ 59,189        9,369        2.7   $ 63,685        7.6     323   

Gateway International


1302 Concourse Drive

  MD   21090-1022     14,415        4.0   $ 72,312        14,585        1.2   $ 79,949        10.6     510   

Gateway Park


687 South Lake Powell

  Page   AZ   86040     2,499        6.7   $ 54,147        2,597        3.9   $ 56,944        5.2     88   



2115 West Guadalupe Road

  Mesa   AZ   85202-7343     58,504        5.1   $ 60,268        62,845        7.4   $ 63,385        5.2     2,069   

Harford Mall


696 Baltimore Pike

  Bel Air   MD   21014-9032     21,598        16.0   $ 82,259        22,715        5.2   $ 90,305        9.8     764   

Land-Hillsborough Crossing


Cardinal Drive

  Hillsborough   NC   27278     4,998        6.4   $ 53,644        5,231        4.7   $ 58,898        9.8     177   



Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

McRay Plaza


3875 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-2263     41,917        12.3   $ 75,256        45,336        8.2   $ 81,485        8.3     1,483   

Land-Northwood Industrial Park


247 Leonard Lane

  Salisbury   MD   21801-8057     11,152        14.1   $ 42,244        11,963        7.3   $ 47,020        11.3     394   

Park Sedona Plaza


2300 West Highway 89A

  Sedona   AZ   86336-5344     5,700        14.0   $ 53,545        6,177        8.4   $ 60,020        12.1     202   

Patriot’s Plaza/Office


8051 Ritchie Highway

  Pasadena   MD   21122-1090     31,250        3.3   $ 68,592        31,710        1.5   $ 76,566        11.6     1,105   

Plantation Bowling


8200 West State Road

  FL   33324     42,639        4.0   $ 58,635        44,481        4.3   $ 64,217        9.5     1,508   

Plaza Del Rio


2740 West 16th Street

  Yuma   AZ   85364-4231     30,673        19.7   $ 40,341        33,774        10.1   $ 44,332        9.9     1,085   


    Baltimore   MD       126,410        -3.8   $ 33,740        124,290        -1.7   $ 37,385        10.8     4,471   

Regal Row


111 Regal Row

  Dallas   TX   75247-5605     14,453        -3.3   $ 33,113        14,474        0.2   $ 34,163        3.2     511   

Rolling Road Plaza


1110 North Rolling Road

  Catonsville   MD   21228-3826     36,129        2.1   $ 60,101        36,631        1.4   $ 65,576        9.1     1,278   

Rosedale Plaza


1763 Chesaco Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21237-1518     50,167        -0.2   $ 48,060        50,411        0.5   $ 52,798        9.9     1,774   

Skyline Village


2035 East Market Street

  Harrisonburg   VA   22801-8880     14,511        13.0   $ 36,931        15,502        6.8   $ 40,187        8.8     513   

Smoketown Plaza


13801 Mount Pleasant Drive

  Woodbridge   VA   22191-2229     23,013        21.9   $ 69,040        25,556        11.1   $ 75,846        9.9     814   

Southwest Mixed Use


4999 Fairview Avenue

  MD   21090-1405     32,021        -1.7   $ 49,537        31,778        -0.8   $ 54,751        10.5     1,133   

Spotsylvania Crossing


3655 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22407-6832     17,342        34.2   $ 60,620        19,772        14.0   $ 67,650        11.6     613   

Sudley Towne Plaza


7685 Sudley Road

  Manassas   VA   20109-2811     20,392        14.9   $ 69,514        21,981        7.8   $ 76,534        10.1     721   

Lutherville Station


170 West Ridgely Road

  Lutherville   MD   21093-5103     30,013        3.3   $ 65,581        30,621        2.0   $ 71,133        8.5     1,061   

Waldorf Bowling Center


11920 Acton Lane

  Waldorf   MD   20601-3689     16,066        17.9   $ 77,399        17,314        7.8   $ 86,989        12.4     568   

Wilkens Beltway Plaza


4622 Wilkens Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21229-4842     51,950        -2.9   $ 46,505        51,417        -1.0   $ 50,740        9.1     1,837   

York Road Plaza


6378 York Road

  Baltimore   MD   21212-2361     70,952        -0.3   $ 53,280        71,217        0.4   $ 59,046        10.8     2,509   

Costco Plaza-Alhambra


2207 West Commonwealth Avenue

  Alhambra   CA   91803-1302     89,132        3.3   $ 52,500        92,478        3.8   $ 58,427        11.3     3,152   



6005 Madison Avenue

  Carmichael   CA   95608-0521     61,306        -0.5   $ 50,885        62,930        2.7   $ 56,034        10.1     2,168   



10930 Alondra Boulevard

  Cerritos   CA   90703-1503     77,280        -0.6   $ 60,126        78,677        1.8   $ 66,419        10.5     2,733   

Costco-Chula Vista


1144 Broadway

  Chula Vista   CA   91911-2707     59,278        -0.6   $ 46,764        60,402        1.9   $ 51,885        11.0     2,097   

Home Depot Plaza-Copiague


1101 Sunrise Highway

  Copiague   NY   11726-1342     48,882        -1.7   $ 79,198        48,284        -1.2   $ 87,288        10.2     1,729   

Corona Hills


480 North McKinley Street

  Corona   CA   92879-1291     31,488        16.4   $ 66,121        34,815        10.6   $ 72,554        9.7     1,114   

Costco Plaza-Fairfax


4725 West Ox Road

  Fairfax   VA   22030-6125     30,851        24.0   $ 111,354        33,824        9.6   $ 123,936        11.3     1,091   

Costco Plaza-Glendale


5850 West Bell Road

  Glendale   AZ   85308-3872     45,393        15.8   $ 69,729        49,591        9.3   $ 75,191        7.8     1,605   

North Haven


111 Universal Drive North

  North Haven   CT   06473-3152     23,829        2.0   $ 57,664        24,092        1.1   $ 62,816        8.9     843   

Plaza del Sol II


3223 West Indian School Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85017-4070     65,873        3.6   $ 34,576        68,926        4.6   $ 37,251        7.7     2,330   

Costco Plaza-Tempe


1315 West Elliot Road

  Tempe   AZ   85284-1104     48,866        12.3   $ 60,482        53,070        8.6   $ 64,359        6.4     1,728   

White Marsh


9919 Pulaski Highway

  Baltimore   MD   21220-1411     26,181        8.0   $ 57,235        27,205        3.9   $ 63,173        10.4     926   

Santa Ana


3500 West MacArthur Boulevard

  Santa Ana   CA   92704-6808     63,378        0.5   $ 69,438        64,923        2.4   $ 76,066        9.5     2,242   

Anastasia Plaza


1033 A1A Beach Boulevard

  FL   32084-6731     10,539        25.1   $ 54,672        12,006        13.9   $ 60,301        10.3     373   



2952 Aventura Boulevard

  Aventura   FL   33180-3103     73,210        3.6   $ 42,018        75,950        3.7   $ 45,587        8.5     2,589   

Berkshire Commons


7101 Radio Road

  Naples   FL   34104-6706     23,798        24.2   $ 52,220        26,723        12.3   $ 57,040        9.2     842   

Bolton Plaza


3566 Blanding Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32210-5253     33,335        5.8   $ 44,428        34,951        4.9   $ 47,324        6.5     1,179   

Bonner’s Point


3077 Highway 431

  Roanoke   AL   36274-1738     2,541        -2.9   $ 32,214        2,525        -0.6   $ 34,766        7.9     90   

Carriage Gate


3425 Thomasville Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32309-3493     19,723        23.2   $ 71,408        21,842        10.7   $ 79,381        11.2     698   

Seven Springs


8615 Little Road

  New Port
  FL   34654-4926     28,467        8.2   $ 35,000        30,516        7.2   $ 39,090        11.7     1,007   

Chasewood Plaza


6230 West Indiantown Road

  Jupiter   FL   33458-4649     20,458        20.9   $ 70,496        22,579        10.4   $ 76,660        8.7     724   

Columbia Marketplace


1213 Highway 98 Bypass

  Columbia   MS   39429-3702     2,933        0.0   $ 25,028        2,917        -0.6   $ 28,372        13.4     104   

Country Club-Montgomery


1740 Carter Hill Road

  Montgomery   AL   36106-2002     31,094        -6.8   $ 35,031        30,137        -3.1   $ 37,227        6.3     1,100   



10500 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-6276     24,861        12.3   $ 60,882        26,770        7.7   $ 65,298        7.3     879   

Fairway Executive Center


2500 SW Second Avenue

  FL   33315-3114     36,890        8.1   $ 47,915        39,149        6.1   $ 52,301        9.2     1,305   

La Grange Marketplace


908 Hogansville Road

  LaGrange   GA   30241-1412     10,844        6.7   $ 33,954        11,358        4.7   $ 35,941        5.9     384   



11228 Old State Highway 63 S

  Lucedale   MS   39452-4842     1,902        17.6   $ 38,060        2,035        7.0   $ 40,452        6.3     67   

Marketplace-Alexander City


855 Market Place

  AL   35010-3377     4,316        -3.3   $ 32,801        4,242        -1.7   $ 34,894        6.4     153   

Martin Downs Village Center


3030 SW Martin Downs Boulevard

  Palm City   FL   34990-2643     12,488        18.5   $ 72,986        13,672        9.5   $ 81,702        11.9     442   

Martin Downs Village Shoppes


3001 SW Martin Downs Boulevard

  Palm City   FL   34990-2644     12,481        18.5   $ 72,934        13,664        9.5   $ 81,640        11.9     441   



4115 NW 16th Boulevard

  Gainesville   FL   32605-3505     29,498        12.2   $ 42,838        31,711        7.5   $ 45,850        7.0     1,043   

Newberry Square


1220 NW 76th Boulevard

  Gainesville   FL   32606-6750     21,453        20.7   $ 48,993        23,692        10.4   $ 53,161        8.5     759   

North Miami


18995 Biscayne Boulevard

  Miami   FL   33180-2818     67,792        3.2   $ 41,289        70,095        3.4   $ 44,829        8.6     2,398   

Ocean Breeze Plaza


1780 NE Jensen Beach Boulevard

  Jensen Beach   FL   34957-7292     11,795        13.9   $ 47,531        12,803        8.6   $ 52,644        10.8     417   

Paragon Brandon JV

    Brandon   FL   33511     34,360        28.0   $ 62,503        38,776        12.9   $ 67,275        7.6     1,215   



4655 Salisbury Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32256-0902     30,548        14.0   $ 45,994        33,065        8.2   $ 49,254        7.1     1,080   

Regency Square


2458 West Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-4717     28,810        36.6   $ 56,512        33,238        15.4   $ 61,383        8.6     1,019   

Russell Ridge


1475 Buford Drive

  Lawrenceville   GA   30043-7717     18,588        33.2   $ 76,807        21,165        13.9   $ 79,845        4.0     657   

Terrace Walk


5771 East Fowler Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33617-2398     42,542        12.8   $ 37,262        46,018        8.2   $ 39,975        7.3     1,505   

University Market Place


8356 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33024-6600     55,044        2.7   $ 55,057        56,867        3.3   $ 60,383        9.7     1,947   

Village Commons


5500 Thomasville Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32312-3814     13,829        24.5   $ 92,807        15,386        11.3   $ 103,110        11.1     489   

Villages in Trussville


322 Main Street

  Trussville   AL   35173-1425     10,321        26.0   $ 69,901        11,384        10.3   $ 75,754        8.4     365   

West County Marketplace


1179 Huffman Road

  Birmingham   AL   35215-7501     21,075        -0.3   $ 46,314        21,064        -0.1   $ 49,404        6.7     745   

Westland One


6196 Lake Gray Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32244-7503     25,623        26.0   $ 48,732        28,818        12.5   $ 52,800        8.3     906   

Federal 10


1046 Federal Road

  Houston   TX   77015-4804     24,710        0.6   $ 42,059        25,285        2.3   $ 44,981        6.9     874   



1200 Lathrop Street

  Houston   TX   77020-7541     32,328        3.1   $ 27,883        33,560        3.8   $ 30,248        8.5     1,143   

Park Plaza 14


3129 Gertsner Memorial Drive

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-6961     18,352        -0.1   $ 32,488        18,312        -0.2   $ 34,726        6.9     649   

York Plaza 45


45 York Plaza

  Houston   TX   77003     51,402        14.2   $ 30,808        55,658        8.3   $ 33,655        9.2     1,818   



2902 South Shepherd Drive

  Houston   TX   77098-1538     79,699        18.0   $ 65,588        87,332        9.6   $ 70,498        7.5     2,819   

Almeda Road


5110 Almeda Road

  Houston   TX   77004-5907     74,819        15.7   $ 45,914        81,421        8.8   $ 48,988        6.7     2,646   

Angelina Village


3061 South John Redditt Drive

  Lufkin   TX   75904-5603     10,894        6.7   $ 40,316        11,335        4.1   $ 42,268        4.8     385   

Bandera Village


1615 Bandera Road

  San Antonio   TX   78228-3804     54,298        5.7   $ 34,125        56,764        4.5   $ 35,890        5.2     1,920   

Bayshore Plaza


3800 Spencer Street

  Houston   TX   77007-3547     67,555        16.4   $ 51,955        73,682        9.1   $ 57,394        10.5     2,389   



State Highway 60

  Bay City   TX   77414     51        -5.6   $ 36,875        49        -3.9   $ 41,429        12.3     2   

Bellaire Boulevard


5130 Bellaire Boulevard

  Bellaire   TX   77401-4003     94,954        12.2   $ 52,102        101,845        7.3   $ 56,823        9.1     3,358   



8707 West Bellfort Street

  Houston   TX   77031-2403     66,224        9.8   $ 37,459        70,367        6.3   $ 40,100        7.1     2,342   

Bellfort SW



  Houston   TX   77024     40,187        7.5   $ 31,416        42,404        5.5   $ 33,527        6.7     1,421   



Bellaire Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77025     58,124        12.1   $ 65,070        62,294        7.2   $ 69,143        6.3     2,056   

Bingle Square


11077 Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092-7311     52,861        9.1   $ 41,140        56,146        6.2   $ 43,565        5.9     1,870   

Braeswood Square


5300 North Braeswood Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77096-3307     76,527        8.7   $ 42,517        81,010        5.9   $ 45,221        6.4     2,707   



5910 Broadway Street

  Galveston   TX   77551-4305     16,433        -3.8   $ 33,627        17,371        5.7   $ 36,342        8.1     581   



2125 South Broadway Avenue

  Tyler   TX   75701-4214     27,567        13.2   $ 39,346        29,586        7.3   $ 42,345        7.6     975   

Broadway Marketplace


917 East Broadway Road

  Tempe   AZ   85282-1518     58,174        11.3   $ 43,106        63,211        8.7   $ 45,732        6.1     2,057   

Broadway Plaza


2403 Broadway Street

  Little Rock   AR   72206-2137     15,412        -6.5   $ 26,184        14,960        -2.9   $ 28,145        7.5     545   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

McRay Plaza


3875 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-2263     41,996        13.1   $ 76,793        46,272        10.2   $ 82,105        6.9     1,485   

Land-Northwood Industrial Park


247 Leonard Lane

  Salisbury   MD   21801-8057     11,363        16.7   $ 42,365        12,055        6.1   $ 45,597        7.6     402   

Park Sedona Plaza


2300 West Highway 89A

  Sedona   AZ   86336-5344     5,767        16.5   $ 53,674        6,273        8.8   $ 58,708        9.4     204   

Patriot’s Plaza/Office


8051 Ritchie Highway

  Pasadena   MD   21122-1090     31,002        3.0   $ 70,451        31,226        0.7   $ 77,489        10.0     1,096   

Plantation Bowling


8200 West State Road

  FL   33324     41,667        2.0   $ 59,358        42,773        2.7   $ 63,815        7.5     1,474   

Plaza Del Rio


2740 West 16th Street

  Yuma   AZ   85364-4231     31,457        23.2   $ 40,451        34,658        10.2   $ 42,807        5.8     1,113   


    Baltimore   MD       126,526        -3.5   $ 34,979        123,588        -2.3   $ 38,655        10.5     4,475   

Regal Row


111 Regal Row

  Dallas   TX   75247-5605     14,662        -1.1   $ 33,279        14,689        0.2   $ 34,028        2.3     519   

Rolling Road Plaza


1110 North Rolling Road

  Catonsville   MD   21228-3826     36,445        1.8   $ 61,476        36,474        0.1   $ 66,153        7.6     1,289   

Rosedale Plaza


1763 Chesaco Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21237-1518     49,266        -1.8   $ 49,477        48,517        -1.5   $ 53,990        9.1     1,742   

Skyline Village


2035 East Market Street

  Harrisonburg   VA   22801-8880     14,473        13.5   $ 37,893        15,196        5.0   $ 40,788        7.6     512   

Smoketown Plaza


13801 Mount Pleasant Drive

  Woodbridge   VA   22191-2229     24,055        26.9   $ 71,411        26,846        11.6   $ 77,868        9.0     851   

Southwest Mixed Use


4999 Fairview Avenue

  MD   21090-1405     31,865        -1.4   $ 51,376        31,451        -1.3   $ 55,993        9.0     1,127   

Spotsylvania Crossing


3655 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22407-6832     17,528        35.0   $ 62,408        19,622        12.0   $ 68,235        9.3     620   

Sudley Towne Plaza


7685 Sudley Road

  Manassas   VA   20109-2811     19,785        12.1   $ 70,685        21,373        8.0   $ 76,442        8.1     700   

Lutherville Station


170 West Ridgely Road

  Lutherville   MD   21093-5103     30,523        3.3   $ 67,117        30,695        0.6   $ 71,371        6.3     1,080   

Waldorf Bowling Center


11920 Acton Lane

  Waldorf   MD   20601-3689     15,715        17.9   $ 80,247        16,585        5.5   $ 88,472        10.2     556   

Wilkens Beltway Plaza


4622 Wilkens Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21229-4842     51,473        -3.2   $ 47,966        50,392        -2.1   $ 51,874        8.1     1,820   

York Road Plaza


6378 York Road

  Baltimore   MD   21212-2361     69,758        -1.4   $ 55,323        68,817        -1.4   $ 60,186        8.8     2,467   

Costco Plaza-Alhambra


2207 West Commonwealth Avenue

  Alhambra   CA   91803-1302     88,952        2.8   $ 54,002        91,296        2.6   $ 59,119        9.5     3,146   



6005 Madison Avenue

  Carmichael   CA   95608-0521     61,773        0.7   $ 51,827        64,686        4.7   $ 56,476        9.0     2,185   



10930 Alondra Boulevard

  Cerritos   CA   90703-1503     77,578        0.1   $ 61,641        78,659        1.4   $ 67,093        8.8     2,744   

Costco-Chula Vista


1144 Broadway

  Chula Vista   CA   91911-2707     60,678        2.3   $ 47,835        62,993        3.8   $ 52,367        9.5     2,146   

Home Depot Plaza-Copiague


1101 Sunrise Highway

  Copiague   NY   11726-1342     51,131        3.1   $ 81,233        51,328        0.4   $ 87,988        8.3     1,808   

Corona Hills


480 North McKinley Street

  Corona   CA   92879-1291     31,744        16.1   $ 66,878        35,420        11.6   $ 72,213        8.0     1,123   

Costco Plaza-Fairfax


4725 West Ox Road

  Fairfax   VA   22030-6125     32,726        31.1   $ 114,326        35,168        7.5   $ 125,719        10.0     1,157   

Costco Plaza-Glendale


5850 West Bell Road

  Glendale   AZ   85308-3872     44,914        14.6   $ 71,328        49,536        10.3   $ 76,469        7.2     1,589   

North Haven


111 Universal Drive North

  North Haven   CT   06473-3152     23,700        2.0   $ 59,059        23,723        0.1   $ 63,426        7.4     838   

Plaza del Sol II


3223 West Indian School Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85017-4070     65,647        3.3   $ 35,282        70,105        6.8   $ 37,349        5.9     2,322   

Costco Plaza-Tempe


1315 West Elliot Road

  Tempe   AZ   85284-1104     48,019        9.3   $ 61,585        52,469        9.3   $ 64,784        5.2     1,698   

White Marsh


9919 Pulaski Highway

  Baltimore   MD   21220-1411     26,395        8.7   $ 58,345        27,082        2.6   $ 63,637        9.1     934   

Santa Ana


3500 West MacArthur Boulevard

  Santa Ana   CA   92704-6808     64,179        1.5   $ 70,886        65,905        2.7   $ 76,629        8.1     2,270   

Anastasia Plaza


1033 A1A Beach Boulevard

  FL   32084-6731     10,829        27.5   $ 56,104        12,712        17.4   $ 60,378        7.6     383   



2952 Aventura Boulevard

  Aventura   FL   33180-3103     73,480        4.0   $ 42,520        76,065        3.5   $ 45,363        6.7     2,599   

Berkshire Commons


7101 Radio Road

  Naples   FL   34104-6706     23,638        22.6   $ 53,894        26,228        11.0   $ 57,716        7.1     836   

Bolton Plaza


3566 Blanding Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32210-5253     32,479        3.9   $ 45,252        33,681        3.7   $ 47,533        5.0     1,149   

Bonner’s Point


3077 Highway 431

  Roanoke   AL   36274-1738     2,714        3.0   $ 32,824        2,740        1.0   $ 34,680        5.7     96   

Carriage Gate


3425 Thomasville Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32309-3493     19,106        17.3   $ 69,707        20,609        7.9   $ 74,802        7.3     676   

Seven Springs


8615 Little Road

  New Port
  FL   34654-4926     28,558        7.7   $ 35,100        31,084        8.9   $ 38,090        8.5     1,010   

Chasewood Plaza


6230 West Indiantown Road

  Jupiter   FL   33458-4649     21,417        25.6   $ 71,373        23,061        7.7   $ 77,117        8.0     757   

Columbia Marketplace


1213 Highway 98 Bypass

  Columbia   MS   39429-3702     2,975        2.3   $ 25,028        2,969        -0.2   $ 27,069        8.2     105   

Country Club-Montgomery


1740 Carter Hill Road

  Montgomery   AL   36106-2002     30,370        -8.7   $ 36,431        29,084        -4.2   $ 38,486        5.6     1,074   



10500 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-6276     24,375        11.1   $ 62,102        26,008        6.7   $ 65,226        5.0     862   

Fairway Executive Center


2500 SW Second Avenue

  FL   33315-3114     36,115        5.5   $ 48,647        36,838        2.0   $ 53,606        10.2     1,277   

La Grange Marketplace


908 Hogansville Road

  LaGrange   GA   30241-1412     11,200        10.4   $ 33,702        11,734        4.8   $ 34,662        2.8     396   



11228 Old State Highway 63 S

  Lucedale   MS   39452-4842     1,950        20.2   $ 40,247        2,091        7.2   $ 43,240        7.4     69   

Marketplace-Alexander City


855 Market Place

  AL   35010-3377     4,544        -1.6   $ 32,474        4,477        -1.5   $ 33,673        3.7     161   

Martin Downs Village Center


3030 SW Martin Downs Boulevard

  Palm City   FL   34990-2643     12,102        16.2   $ 73,658        12,978        7.2   $ 80,870        9.8     428   

Martin Downs Village Shoppes


3001 SW Martin Downs Boulevard

  Palm City   FL   34990-2644     12,240        16.2   $ 73,302        13,129        7.3   $ 80,390        9.7     433   



4115 NW 16th Boulevard

  Gainesville   FL   32605-3505     29,035        12.1   $ 44,478        30,764        6.0   $ 47,048        5.8     1,027   

Newberry Square


1220 NW 76th Boulevard

  Gainesville   FL   32606-6750     22,053        21.3   $ 50,509        23,925        8.5   $ 54,103        7.1     780   

North Miami


18995 Biscayne Boulevard

  Miami   FL   33180-2818     68,151        3.7   $ 41,672        70,505        3.5   $ 44,379        6.5     2,410   

Ocean Breeze Plaza


1780 NE Jensen Beach Boulevard

  Jensen Beach   FL   34957-7292     11,523        11.6   $ 47,731        12,318        6.9   $ 51,646        8.2     408   

Paragon Brandon JV

    Brandon   FL   33511     33,622        26.4   $ 63,026        37,356        11.1   $ 66,793        6.0     1,189   



4655 Salisbury Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32256-0902     31,525        16.3   $ 46,923        33,417        6.0   $ 49,097        4.6     1,115   

Regency Square


2458 West Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-4717     29,927        40.8   $ 57,188        33,620        12.3   $ 61,113        6.9     1,058   

Russell Ridge


1475 Buford Drive

  Lawrenceville   GA   30043-7717     18,613        33.7   $ 78,715        21,164        13.7   $ 81,763        3.9     658   

Terrace Walk


5771 East Fowler Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33617-2398     42,026        11.2   $ 37,397        45,238        7.6   $ 39,068        4.5     1,486   

University Market Place


8356 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33024-6600     55,327        2.7   $ 55,581        56,593        2.3   $ 59,592        7.2     1,957   

Village Commons


5500 Thomasville Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32312-3814     13,489        21.8   $ 92,234        14,696        9.0   $ 100,972        9.5     477   

Villages in Trussville


322 Main Street

  Trussville   AL   35173-1425     10,096        24.6   $ 71,741        10,849        7.5   $ 77,479        8.0     357   

West County Marketplace


1179 Huffman Road

  Birmingham   AL   35215-7501     20,921        -0.5   $ 47,367        20,710        -1.0   $ 49,290        4.1     740   

Westland One


6196 Lake Gray Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32244-7503     26,042        26.8   $ 49,610        28,978        11.3   $ 52,929        6.7     921   

Federal 10


1046 Federal Road

  Houston   TX   77015-4804     24,523        -0.2   $ 43,463        25,093        2.3   $ 46,315        6.6     867   



1200 Lathrop Street

  Houston   TX   77020-7541     32,970        4.9   $ 29,130        34,343        4.2   $ 31,892        9.5     1,166   

Park Plaza 14


3129 Gertsner Memorial Drive

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-6961     18,699        1.9   $ 33,735        18,946        1.3   $ 35,555        5.4     661   

York Plaza 45


45 York Plaza

  Houston   TX   77003     52,275        15.9   $ 31,947        55,835        6.8   $ 35,325        10.6     1,849   



2902 South Shepherd Drive

  Houston   TX   77098-1538     80,581        19.5   $ 67,690        87,362        8.4   $ 73,807        9.0     2,850   

Almeda Road


5110 Almeda Road

  Houston   TX   77004-5907     75,129        16.4   $ 47,332        80,646        7.3   $ 51,569        9.0     2,657   

Angelina Village


3061 South John Redditt Drive

  Lufkin   TX   75904-5603     11,122        8.0   $ 39,773        11,486        3.3   $ 40,806        2.6     393   

Bandera Village


1615 Bandera Road

  San Antonio   TX   78228-3804     54,382        5.6   $ 34,576        56,917        4.7   $ 36,130        4.5     1,923   

Bayshore Plaza


3800 Spencer Street

  Houston   TX   77007-3547     69,316        18.9   $ 54,032        74,744        7.8   $ 60,525        12.0     2,452   



State Highway 60

  Bay City   TX   77414     53        -7.0   $ 36,071        52        -1.9   $ 39,286        8.9     2   

Bellaire Boulevard


5130 Bellaire Boulevard

  Bellaire   TX   77401-4003     94,870        12.8   $ 54,795        101,815        7.3   $ 59,265        8.2     3,355   



8707 West Bellfort Street

  Houston   TX   77031-2403     66,060        10.0   $ 39,004        70,294        6.4   $ 41,259        5.8     2,336   

Bellfort SW



  Houston   TX   77024     40,368        8.5   $ 32,526        42,770        6.0   $ 34,578        6.3     1,428   



Bellaire Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77025     58,486        12.3   $ 67,713        62,626        7.1   $ 72,085        6.5     2,069   

Bingle Square


11077 Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092-7311     53,104        9.4   $ 42,488        56,370        6.2   $ 44,626        5.0     1,878   

Braeswood Square


5300 North Braeswood Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77096-3307     77,626        9.3   $ 44,159        82,175        5.9   $ 46,627        5.6     2,745   



5910 Broadway Street

  Galveston   TX   77551-4305     15,934        -6.9   $ 35,430        16,191        1.6   $ 38,404        8.4     564   



2125 South Broadway Avenue

  Tyler   TX   75701-4214     27,109        12.3   $ 40,229        28,598        5.5   $ 42,582        5.8     959   

Broadway Marketplace


917 East Broadway Road

  Tempe   AZ   85282-1518     55,911        8.2   $ 44,239        60,642        8.5   $ 46,389        4.9     1,977   

Broadway Plaza


2403 Broadway Street

  Little Rock   AR   72206-2137     15,430        -5.7   $ 26,622        15,132        -1.9   $ 28,303        6.3     546   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Bryan Village


South Texas Avenue

  Bryan   TX   77803     13,323        7.1   $ 35,492        13,984        5.0   $ 39,294        10.7     471   

Bryant Square


306 South Bryant Avenue

  Edmond   OK   73034-5733     24,686        16.6   $ 62,767        26,572        7.6   $ 68,061        8.4     873   



2190 Calder Street

  Beaumont   TX   77701-1521     21,710        -9.0   $ 33,180        20,745        -4.4   $ 35,469        6.9     768   

Camelback Village Square


34 East Camelback Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85012-1621     75,447        7.0   $ 40,252        80,556        6.8   $ 43,110        7.1     2,668   

Caprock Center


2801 50th Street

  Lubbock   TX   79413-4328     44,555        4.7   $ 39,273        46,033        3.3   $ 43,020        9.5     1,576   

Cedar Bayou


1017 Bayou Road

  La Marque   TX   77568-4158     13,546        10.5   $ 37,237        14,321        5.7   $ 39,790        6.9     479   

Central Park North


600 Kenrick Drive

  Houston   TX   77060-3630     22,636        13.8   $ 33,971        24,395        7.8   $ 36,760        8.2     801   

Central Park Northwest VI


2400 Central Parkway

  Houston   TX   77092-7732     49,878        10.0   $ 43,420        53,099        6.5   $ 45,879        5.7     1,764   

Land-Citadel Drive at Loop 610


Citadel Plaza Drive

  Houston   TX   77008     53,279        5.7   $ 41,944        55,860        4.8   $ 45,471        8.4     1,884   



2652 W 34th Avenue

  Amarillo   TX   79109-4806     39,282        2.9   $ 39,431        40,494        3.1   $ 42,344        7.4     1,389   

Coronado Hills


7022 North Mesa Street

  El Paso   TX   79912-3649     31,251        12.9   $ 55,236        33,579        7.5   $ 59,163        7.1     1,105   

League City Plaza


219 West Main Street

  League City   TX   77573-3736     21,199        37.9   $ 68,413        24,269        14.5   $ 74,606        9.1     750   



9302 Wilcrest Drive

  Houston   TX   77099-2129     72,042        11.3   $ 37,011        76,994        6.9   $ 39,404        6.5     2,548   



800 North Main Street

  Vidor   TX   77662-4336     5,885        -3.0   $ 39,241        5,840        -0.8   $ 42,867        9.2     208   

Cullen Center


9205 Cullen Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77051-3316     32,170        10.4   $ 30,202        34,361        6.8   $ 32,404        7.3     1,138   

Cullen Plaza


6200 Bellaire Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77081-4902     100,054        11.3   $ 43,384        106,884        6.8   $ 46,153        6.4     3,539   

Cypress Pointe


370 FM 1960 Road West

  Houston   TX   77090-3518     30,258        21.2   $ 56,184        33,287        10.0   $ 60,262        7.3     1,070   

Danville Plaza


2004 Louisville Avenue

  Monroe   LA   71201-6121     19,917        -4.8   $ 31,132        19,510        -2.0   $ 33,251        6.8     704   

De Vargas


600 North Guadalupe

  Santa Fe   NM   87501-1456     18,361        10.1   $ 48,689        19,383        5.6   $ 54,818        12.6     649   

Del Sol Market Place



  Houston   TX   77023     49,538        13.3   $ 30,953        53,462        7.9   $ 33,605        8.6     1,752   

East Town


Third Avenue

  LA   70601     19,877        -2.1   $ 30,384        19,659        -1.1   $ 32,611        7.3     703   



2801 Eubank Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87112-1395     65,683        7.7   $ 45,641        68,963        5.0   $ 47,938        5.0     2,323   



9624 Mesa Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-3024     16,689        7.0   $ 29,337        17,583        5.4   $ 31,210        6.4     590   



1183 Edgebrook Drive

  Houston   TX   77034-1803     41,500        14.4   $ 40,769        44,681        7.7   $ 43,455        6.6     1,468   

Evelyn Hills


1554 North College Avenue

  Fayetteville   AR   72703-1916     24,634        24.1   $ 36,293        27,465        11.5   $ 39,704        9.4     871   

Fiesta Village


2912 Fulton Street

  Houston   TX   77009-5738     54,168        12.9   $ 36,167        58,433        7.9   $ 40,054        10.7     1,916   

Fondren/West Airport


12355 Fondren Road

  Houston   TX   77035-5201     55,289        12.5   $ 43,931        59,338        7.3   $ 46,945        6.9     1,955   

Fondren Southwest Village


11251 Fondren Road

  Houston   TX   77096-5507     62,727        10.6   $ 42,677        66,855        6.6   $ 45,509        6.6     2,219   

Food King Place


2415 Avenue P

  Galveston   TX   77550-7834     16,134        -9.5   $ 30,442        17,061        5.8   $ 33,017        8.5     571   

Basha’s Valley Plaza


3115 South McClintock Drive

  Tempe   AZ   85282-5601     65,888        7.7   $ 45,615        70,535        7.1   $ 48,283        5.8     2,330   

Galveston Place


2711 61st Street

  Galveston   TX   77551-2134     16,430        -2.8   $ 34,189        17,414        6.0   $ 37,050        8.4     581   

Geyer Springs


8717 Geyer Springs Road

  Little Rock   AR   72209-5051     14,183        -1.8   $ 33,489        14,116        -0.5   $ 35,269        5.3     502   

Gillham Circle


190 Gilham Circle

  Port Arthur   TX   77640-5512     12,358        -8.7   $ 30,622        11,838        -4.2   $ 32,792        7.1     437   

Glenbrook Square


6322 Telephone Road

  Houston   TX   77087-5410     39,961        7.0   $ 34,098        42,018        5.2   $ 36,722        7.7     1,413   

Griggs Road


5764 Griggs Road

  Houston   TX   77021-3723     50,903        9.9   $ 30,600        54,181        6.4   $ 32,734        7.0     1,800   

Harrisburg Plaza


6830 Harrisburg Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77011-4626     39,597        6.6   $ 31,283        41,635        5.2   $ 33,623        7.5     1,400   

Heights Plaza


239 West 20th Street

  Houston   TX   77008-2511     56,827        11.5   $ 45,211        60,902        7.2   $ 49,019        8.4     2,010   

Highland Square


3502 Summer Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38111-3628     39,345        -5.4   $ 34,367        38,363        -2.5   $ 36,044        4.9     1,392   

Humblewood Shopping Plaza


11035 East Freeway

  Houston   TX   77029-1930     19,855        0.6   $ 41,003        20,303        2.3   $ 43,889        7.0     702   

Independence Plaza


1220 North Town East Boulevard

  Mesquite   TX   75150-7605     33,763        -1.2   $ 48,575        34,050        0.9   $ 49,959        2.8     1,194   

Inwood Village


428 West Little York Road

  Houston   TX   77076-1305     35,386        5.8   $ 34,628        37,021        4.6   $ 37,325        7.8     1,252   

Island Market Place


915 Sixth Street North

  Texas City   TX   77590-6354     11,749        5.8   $ 41,393        12,196        3.8   $ 44,674        7.9     416   

Jacinto City


11007 Market Street Road

  Houston   TX   77029-2336     19,106        0.3   $ 40,409        19,517        2.2   $ 43,260        7.1     676   



1153 Kingwood Drive

  Kingwood   TX   77339-3033     13,172        26.5   $ 73,951        14,849        12.7   $ 78,736        6.5     466   

Kmart Plaza


4070 Ryan Street

  LA   70605-2820     23,484        4.0   $ 41,420        23,942        2.0   $ 44,265        6.9     831   




  Houston   TX   77005     84,520        12.9   $ 67,009        90,984        7.7   $ 71,671        7.0     2,989   

Land-East Orem


East Orem Drive

  Houston   TX   77048     21,703        15.5   $ 33,748        23,558        8.6   $ 36,590        8.4     768   

Land-Highway 3


Highway Three

  Texas City   TX   77591     10,865        12.6   $ 37,450        11,583        6.6   $ 40,100        7.1     384   




  San Antonio   TX       55,361        -0.2   $ 32,969        56,402        1.9   $ 34,760        5.4     1,958   




  Houston   TX   77022     46,721        5.3   $ 36,504        48,840        4.5   $ 39,736        8.9     1,652   




  Houston   TX   77011     44,619        9.3   $ 28,880        47,432        6.3   $ 31,290        8.3     1,578   

Land-Mesa Road at Tidwell


Mesa Road

  Houston   TX   77022     46,721        5.3   $ 36,504        48,840        4.5   $ 39,736        8.9     1,652   




  Houston   TX   77045     17,992        28.3   $ 40,190        20,186        12.2   $ 43,053        7.1     636   

Land-Northwest Freeway


Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX       56,290        15.1   $ 48,973        61,122        8.6   $ 54,238        10.8     1,991   

Land-South Shaver Street



  Houston   TX   77008     53,743        14.7   $ 49,326        58,250        8.4   $ 54,108        9.7     1,901   

Land-River Pointe Drive


River Pointe Drive

  Conroe   TX   77304     15,472        40.9   $ 40,787        18,080        16.9   $ 44,484        9.1     547   



Sheldon Street

  Houston   TX   77008     54,501        10.3   $ 42,328        58,159        6.7   $ 46,171        9.1     1,928   

Land-US Highway 171


US Highway 171

  DeRidder   LA   70634     2,637        2.7   $ 31,795        2,667        1.1   $ 34,617        8.9     93   

Land-W Little York at Rosslyn


West Little York

  Houston   TX       56,290        15.1   $ 48,973        61,122        8.6   $ 54,238        10.8     1,991   

Land-W Little York at I-45


West Little York

  Houston   TX   77076     38,062        5.0   $ 32,761        39,710        4.3   $ 34,996        6.8     1,346   

Land-W Loop N at I-10


West Loop North

  Houston   TX   77024     69,048        10.6   $ 60,101        73,694        6.7   $ 64,088        6.6     2,442   

Land-Woodland Highway


Woodland Highway

  Plaquemine   LA   70764     4,231        -2.9   $ 34,865        4,139        -2.2   $ 38,315        9.9     150   



2553 Gessner Drive

  Houston   TX   77080-3801     38,199        9.1   $ 43,736        40,440        5.9   $ 46,380        6.0     1,351   



7053 Lawndale Street

  Houston   TX   77023-4210     40,018        5.5   $ 32,964        41,875        4.6   $ 35,535        7.8     1,415   

Little York Plaza


1421 Little York

  Houston   TX   77093-3221     33,562        3.6   $ 33,675        34,779        3.6   $ 36,190        7.5     1,187   

Long Point


7846 Long Point Road

  Houston   TX   77055-3621     49,504        10.1   $ 44,750        52,738        6.5   $ 47,202        5.5     1,751   

Lyons Avenue


5800 Lyons Avenue

  Houston   TX   77020-4834     33,317        4.5   $ 26,974        34,786        4.4   $ 29,332        8.7     1,178   



10000 Emmett F Lowry Expy

  Texas City   TX   77591-2127     5,902        22.8   $ 40,356        6,475        9.7   $ 43,226        7.1     209   

Market Boulevard


101 North Douglas Boulevard

  OK   73130-3329     24,493        4.9   $ 41,266        25,326        3.4   $ 44,760        8.5     866   

Market at Westchase


11145 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77042-3207     86,176        14.7   $ 47,704        93,201        8.2   $ 49,980        4.8     3,048   

Markham Square


9101 West Markham Street

  Little Rock   AR   72205-2215     35,673        2.9   $ 47,722        36,404        2.1   $ 50,495        5.8     1,262   



Twin Cities Highway

  Nederland   TX   77627     16,040        -2.9   $ 49,415        15,851        -1.2   $ 52,242        5.7     567   

Miracle Corners


2221 South Shaver Street

  Houston   TX   77502-3655     45,780        -1.3   $ 39,695        46,405        1.4   $ 42,254        6.4     1,619   

Montgomery Plaza


1418 North Loop 336 West

  Conroe   TX   77304-3539     14,654        39.5   $ 41,401        17,067        16.5   $ 45,099        8.9     518   

NASA One Business Center


100 East Nasa Road One

  Webster   TX   77598-5346     29,680        15.2   $ 56,927        32,179        8.4   $ 60,926        7.0     1,050   

Navigation Business Park


3401 Navigation Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77003-1722     49,374        13.2   $ 30,078        53,274        7.9   $ 32,936        9.5     1,746   

New Boston Road


1714 New Boston Road

  Texarkana   TX   75501-3502     19,156        2.8   $ 31,686        19,594        2.3   $ 34,525        9.0     678   

North Main Square


3600 North Main Street

  Houston   TX   77009-5409     57,169        14.6   $ 40,884        62,007        8.5   $ 44,960        10.0     2,022   

North Oaks


13839 Breck Street

  Houston   TX   77066-1701     34,114        10.0   $ 64,340        36,347        6.6   $ 68,107        5.9     1,207   

North Park Plaza


5874 Eastex Freeway

  Beaumont   TX   77706-7077     18,284        -0.1   $ 40,843        18,349        0.4   $ 43,908        7.5     647   

North Towne Plaza


5815 Wyoming Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87109-3151     56,687        11.3   $ 49,525        60,402        6.6   $ 53,312        7.6     2,005   

North Triangle


17425 North Freeway

  Houston   TX   77090-4917     29,809        22.0   $ 56,024        32,846        10.2   $ 60,091        7.3     1,054   

Northbrook Center


5330 West 34th Street

  Houston   TX   77092-6626     53,281        9.2   $ 40,971        56,605        6.2   $ 43,411        6.0     1,884   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Bryan Village


South Texas Avenue

  Bryan   TX   77803     13,189        6.5   $ 36,194        13,791        4.6   $ 39,342        8.7     466   

Bryant Square


306 South Bryant Avenue

  Edmond   OK   73034-5733     25,280        19.1   $ 64,153        26,939        6.6   $ 69,207        7.9     894   



2190 Calder Street

  Beaumont   TX   77701-1521     21,982        -7.4   $ 34,901        21,148        -3.8   $ 37,631        7.8     777   

Camelback Village Square


34 East Camelback Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85012-1621     74,743        6.0   $ 41,101        80,569        7.8   $ 43,603        6.1     2,643   

Caprock Center


2801 50th Street

  Lubbock   TX   79413-4328     44,665        5.3   $ 40,236        46,284        3.6   $ 43,469        8.0     1,580   

Cedar Bayou


1017 Bayou Road

  La Marque   TX   77568-4158     13,952        14.9   $ 39,159        15,237        9.2   $ 41,755        6.6     493   

Central Park North


600 Kenrick Drive

  Houston   TX   77060-3630     22,274        12.6   $ 34,962        23,459        5.3   $ 37,555        7.4     788   

Central Park Northwest VI


2400 Central Parkway

  Houston   TX   77092-7732     50,125        10.5   $ 44,798        53,393        6.5   $ 47,013        4.9     1,773   

Land-Citadel Drive at Loop 610


Citadel Plaza Drive

  Houston   TX   77008     54,362        7.8   $ 43,511        57,239        5.3   $ 47,584        9.4     1,923   



2652 W 34th Avenue

  Amarillo   TX   79109-4806     39,388        3.5   $ 41,484        40,238        2.2   $ 44,184        6.5     1,393   

Coronado Hills


7022 North Mesa Street

  El Paso   TX   79912-3649     31,524        17.7   $ 54,830        34,194        8.5   $ 57,159        4.2     1,115   

League City Plaza


219 West Main Street

  League City   TX   77573-3736     23,089        47.0   $ 71,726        26,020        12.7   $ 77,672        8.3     817   



9302 Wilcrest Drive

  Houston   TX   77099-2129     72,727        12.3   $ 38,294        78,293        7.7   $ 40,131        4.8     2,572   



800 North Main Street

  Vidor   TX   77662-4336     6,083        0.8   $ 39,899        6,070        -0.2   $ 42,660        6.9     215   

Cullen Center


9205 Cullen Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77051-3316     32,250        11.8   $ 31,252        34,501        7.0   $ 33,474        7.1     1,141   

Cullen Plaza


6200 Bellaire Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77081-4902     99,697        11.5   $ 44,834        106,702        7.0   $ 47,167        5.2     3,526   

Cypress Pointe


370 FM 1960 Road West

  Houston   TX   77090-3518     30,245        19.2   $ 57,258        32,149        6.3   $ 60,889        6.3     1,070   

Danville Plaza


2004 Louisville Avenue

  Monroe   LA   71201-6121     19,941        -4.7   $ 32,080        19,602        -1.7   $ 33,861        5.6     705   

De Vargas


600 North Guadalupe

  Santa Fe   NM   87501-1456     17,964        8.1   $ 50,601        18,707        4.1   $ 56,468        11.6     635   

Del Sol Market Place



  Houston   TX   77023     50,397        15.5   $ 32,087        53,806        6.8   $ 35,265        9.9     1,782   

East Town


Third Avenue

  LA   70601     20,389        -0.5   $ 31,689        20,454        0.3   $ 33,557        5.9     721   



2801 Eubank Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87112-1395     65,235        8.2   $ 47,045        68,869        5.6   $ 48,754        3.6     2,307   



9624 Mesa Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-3024     16,364        7.6   $ 30,216        17,283        5.6   $ 32,014        6.0     579   



1183 Edgebrook Drive

  Houston   TX   77034-1803     43,181        18.0   $ 42,178        46,577        7.9   $ 44,379        5.2     1,527   

Evelyn Hills


1554 North College Avenue

  Fayetteville   AR   72703-1916     23,854        20.6   $ 36,756        25,848        8.4   $ 39,150        6.5     844   

Fiesta Village


2912 Fulton Street

  Houston   TX   77009-5738     55,068        14.7   $ 37,782        58,604        6.4   $ 42,359        12.1     1,948   

Fondren/West Airport


12355 Fondren Road

  Houston   TX   77035-5201     55,599        13.1   $ 45,616        59,703        7.4   $ 48,403        6.1     1,966   

Fondren Southwest Village


11251 Fondren Road

  Houston   TX   77096-5507     62,960        11.1   $ 44,292        66,972        6.4   $ 46,786        5.6     2,227   

Food King Place


2415 Avenue P

  Galveston   TX   77550-7834     16,343        -9.9   $ 32,637        16,356        0.1   $ 35,148        7.7     578   

Basha’s Valley Plaza


3115 South McClintock Drive

  Tempe   AZ   85282-5601     64,324        5.4   $ 46,567        69,053        7.4   $ 48,780        4.8     2,275   

Galveston Place


2711 61st Street

  Galveston   TX   77551-2134     15,822        -6.5   $ 36,140        16,109        1.8   $ 39,143        8.3     560   

Geyer Springs


8717 Geyer Springs Road

  Little Rock   AR   72209-5051     14,336        -1.2   $ 33,932        14,276        -0.4   $ 34,875        2.8     507   

Gillham Circle


190 Gilham Circle

  Port Arthur   TX   77640-5512     12,542        -7.5   $ 32,596        12,050        -3.9   $ 34,947        7.2     444   

Glenbrook Square


6322 Telephone Road

  Houston   TX   77087-5410     40,391        8.3   $ 35,167        42,759        5.9   $ 37,884        7.7     1,429   

Griggs Road


5764 Griggs Road

  Houston   TX   77021-3723     51,664        11.4   $ 31,797        55,046        6.6   $ 34,015        7.0     1,827   

Harrisburg Plaza


6830 Harrisburg Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77011-4626     40,698        9.2   $ 32,510        43,003        5.7   $ 35,195        8.3     1,439   

Heights Plaza


239 West 20th Street

  Houston   TX   77008-2511     57,806        13.7   $ 46,911        61,632        6.6   $ 51,803        10.4     2,044   

Highland Square


3502 Summer Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38111-3628     38,508        -7.4   $ 34,800        37,249        -3.3   $ 36,272        4.2     1,362   

Humblewood Shopping Plaza


11035 East Freeway

  Houston   TX   77029-1930     19,898        0.9   $ 42,212        20,453        2.8   $ 45,153        7.0     704   

Independence Plaza


1220 North Town East Boulevard

  Mesquite   TX   75150-7605     33,950        -0.1   $ 49,102        34,270        0.9   $ 49,830        1.5     1,201   

Inwood Village


428 West Little York Road

  Houston   TX   77076-1305     35,318        6.0   $ 36,006        37,066        5.0   $ 38,728        7.6     1,249   

Island Market Place


915 Sixth Street North

  Texas City   TX   77590-6354     12,209        10.3   $ 43,186        13,149        7.7   $ 46,327        7.3     432   

Jacinto City


11007 Market Street Road

  Houston   TX   77029-2336     19,202        0.8   $ 41,708        19,733        2.8   $ 44,635        7.0     679   



1153 Kingwood Drive

  Kingwood   TX   77339-3033     13,951        34.9   $ 74,815        15,553        11.5   $ 78,883        5.4     493   

Kmart Plaza


4070 Ryan Street

  LA   70605-2820     24,278        6.2   $ 42,780        25,026        3.1   $ 45,046        5.3     859   




  Houston   TX   77005     84,689        13.9   $ 69,591        90,990        7.4   $ 74,840        7.5     2,995   

Land-East Orem


East Orem Drive

  Houston   TX   77048     22,365        19.1   $ 35,520        24,004        7.3   $ 38,225        7.6     791   

Land-Highway 3


Highway Three

  Texas City   TX   77591     11,322        17.1   $ 39,420        12,418        9.7   $ 41,946        6.4     400   




  San Antonio   TX       55,293        -0.2   $ 33,613        56,721        2.6   $ 35,487        5.6     1,956   




  Houston   TX   77022     47,416        6.8   $ 38,097        49,931        5.3   $ 41,635        9.3     1,677   




  Houston   TX   77011     45,610        11.6   $ 30,149        48,192        5.7   $ 33,008        9.5     1,613   

Land-Mesa Road at Tidwell


Mesa Road

  Houston   TX   77022     47,416        6.8   $ 38,097        49,931        5.3   $ 41,635        9.3     1,677   




  Houston   TX   77045     18,843        36.7   $ 42,110        20,728        10.0   $ 45,115        7.1     666   

Land-Northwest Freeway


Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX       57,232        17.3   $ 51,025        61,535        7.5   $ 57,667        13.0     2,024   

Land-South Shaver Street



  Houston   TX   77008     54,691        16.7   $ 51,313        58,795        7.5   $ 56,964        11.0     1,934   

Land-River Pointe Drive


River Pointe Drive

  Conroe   TX   77304     15,591        42.8   $ 42,523        18,275        17.2   $ 45,938        8.0     551   



Sheldon Street

  Houston   TX   77008     55,282        12.5   $ 43,965        58,744        6.3   $ 48,415        10.1     1,955   

Land-US Highway 171


US Highway 171

  DeRidder   LA   70634     2,660        3.3   $ 34,036        2,712        2.0   $ 37,104        9.0     94   

Land-W Little York at Rosslyn


West Little York

  Houston   TX       57,232        17.3   $ 51,025        61,535        7.5   $ 57,667        13.0     2,024   

Land-W Little York at I-45


West Little York

  Houston   TX   77076     38,406        5.6   $ 33,827        40,255        4.8   $ 36,431        7.7     1,358   

Land-W Loop N at I-10


West Loop North

  Houston   TX   77024     69,319        11.4   $ 62,449        74,207        7.1   $ 66,078        5.8     2,452   

Land-Woodland Highway


Woodland Highway

  Plaquemine   LA   70764     4,489        -2.0   $ 36,946        4,467        -0.5   $ 39,956        8.1     159   



2553 Gessner Drive

  Houston   TX   77080-3801     38,765        9.5   $ 45,111        41,208        6.3   $ 47,411        5.1     1,371   



7053 Lawndale Street

  Houston   TX   77023-4210     40,985        8.0   $ 34,214        43,248        5.5   $ 37,239        8.8     1,450   

Little York Plaza


1421 Little York

  Houston   TX   77093-3221     33,700        3.7   $ 34,753        35,042        4.0   $ 37,543        8.0     1,192   

Long Point


7846 Long Point Road

  Houston   TX   77055-3621     49,491        10.5   $ 46,011        52,748        6.6   $ 48,183        4.7     1,750   

Lyons Avenue


5800 Lyons Avenue

  Houston   TX   77020-4834     33,747        5.7   $ 28,135        35,236        4.4   $ 30,859        9.7     1,194   



10000 Emmett F Lowry Expy

  Texas City   TX   77591-2127     6,226        26.1   $ 43,236        6,973        12.0   $ 45,833        6.0     220   

Market Boulevard


101 North Douglas Boulevard

  OK   73130-3329     24,164        3.6   $ 42,546        24,720        2.3   $ 45,478        6.9     855   

Market at Westchase


11145 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77042-3207     85,723        15.0   $ 49,044        92,687        8.1   $ 51,343        4.7     3,032   

Markham Square


9101 West Markham Street

  Little Rock   AR   72205-2215     35,994        4.1   $ 48,363        36,693        1.9   $ 50,402        4.2     1,273   



Twin Cities Highway

  Nederland   TX   77627     16,234        -1.5   $ 51,558        16,031        -1.3   $ 54,760        6.2     574   

Miracle Corners


2221 South Shaver Street

  Houston   TX   77502-3655     46,280        -0.6   $ 40,902        47,281        2.2   $ 43,145        5.5     1,637   

Montgomery Plaza


1418 North Loop 336 West

  Conroe   TX   77304-3539     14,958        42.7   $ 43,220        17,537        17.2   $ 46,579        7.8     529   

NASA One Business Center


100 East Nasa Road One

  Webster   TX   77598-5346     29,502        18.4   $ 58,213        32,022        8.5   $ 61,298        5.3     1,043   

Navigation Business Park


3401 Navigation Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77003-1722     50,126        15.0   $ 31,277        53,364        6.5   $ 34,625        10.7     1,773   

New Boston Road


1714 New Boston Road

  Texarkana   TX   75501-3502     19,399        4.5   $ 31,341        19,767        1.9   $ 33,248        6.1     686   

North Main Square


3600 North Main Street

  Houston   TX   77009-5409     58,565        16.5   $ 42,744        62,710        7.1   $ 47,639        11.5     2,071   

North Oaks


13839 Breck Street

  Houston   TX   77066-1701     33,130        7.2   $ 65,438        34,900        5.3   $ 68,684        5.0     1,172   

North Park Plaza


5874 Eastex Freeway

  Beaumont   TX   77706-7077     18,908        2.7   $ 43,178        18,987        0.4   $ 45,739        5.9     669   

North Towne Plaza


5815 Wyoming Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87109-3151     57,007        12.1   $ 50,981        60,786        6.6   $ 53,899        5.7     2,016   

North Triangle


17425 North Freeway

  Houston   TX   77090-4917     30,019        19.9   $ 56,858        31,972        6.5   $ 60,499        6.4     1,062   

Northbrook Center


5330 West 34th Street

  Houston   TX   77092-6626     53,311        9.5   $ 42,388        56,602        6.2   $ 44,545        5.1     1,885   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median




11077 Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092-7311     52,861        9.1   $ 41,140        56,146        6.2   $ 43,565        5.9     1,870   

Northwest Crossing-Houston


5760 Hollister Street

  Houston   TX   77040-5716     44,020        8.1   $ 40,838        46,499        5.6   $ 43,069        5.5     1,557   

Northwest Park Plaza


FM 149

  Houston   TX   77069     30,090        6.2   $ 37,065        31,535        4.8   $ 39,884        7.6     1,064   

Oak Forest


1352 West 43rd Street

  Houston   TX   77018-4206     47,688        8.2   $ 40,661        50,428        5.8   $ 43,569        7.2     1,687   

Oak Park Village


1955 Nacogdoches Road

  San Antonio   TX   78209-2217     37,032        2.9   $ 45,019        38,362        3.6   $ 47,198        4.8     1,310   

Orchard Green


5900 Renwick Drive

  Houston   TX   77081-2406     101,482        12.1   $ 47,481        108,695        7.1   $ 50,802        7.0     3,589   

Palmer Plaza


3500 Palmer Highway

  Texas City   TX   77590-6514     16,575        5.2   $ 39,909        17,185        3.7   $ 42,876        7.4     586   

Park Southwest


10450 Stancliff Road

  Houston   TX   77099-4341     60,226        11.0   $ 39,070        64,408        6.9   $ 41,661        6.6     2,130   

Park Terrace


1147 North Pine Street

  DeRidder   LA   70634-2819     4,688        5.4   $ 39,849        4,804        2.5   $ 43,110        8.2     166   

Parkway Square


2412 Texas Avenue South

  TX   77840-4634     30,307        14.0   $ 26,676        32,705        7.9   $ 29,400        10.2     1,072   

Parliament Square


11799 West Avenue

  San Antonio   TX   78216-2559     42,733        14.1   $ 49,706        46,071        7.8   $ 52,639        5.9     1,511   

Phelan West


3845 Phelan Boulevard

  Beaumont   TX   77707-2243     24,880        -5.1   $ 39,159        24,336        -2.2   $ 42,085        7.5     880   



5152 Avenue H

  Rosenberg   TX   77471-2014     15,295        38.9   $ 43,253        17,820        16.5   $ 46,535        7.6     541   



4138 Ayers Street

  TX   78415-5315     39,818        -1.1   $ 32,767        39,815        0.0   $ 34,738        6.0     1,408   



23741 Highway 59

  Porter   TX   77365-5388     9,507        34.0   $ 53,351        10,985        15.6   $ 58,293        9.3     336   



855 Lisbon Street

  Lewiston   ME   04240-6100     20,912        3.0   $ 34,487        21,157        1.2   $ 37,936        10.0     740   

Puckett Plaza


3440 Bell Street

  Amarillo   TX   79109-4142     37,801        5.1   $ 48,256        39,303        4.0   $ 52,599        9.0     1,337   

Pueblo Anozira


5100 South McClintock Drive

  Tempe   AZ   85282-7374     67,693        6.1   $ 48,489        71,965        6.3   $ 51,693        6.6     2,394   

Randalls-Cypress Station


5219 FM 1960 Road West

  Houston   TX   77069-4401     33,210        10.3   $ 66,527        35,442        6.7   $ 70,260        5.6     1,175   

Randalls-El Dorado


570 El Dorado Boulevard

  Webster   TX   77598-2202     32,720        14.0   $ 65,273        35,338        8.0   $ 69,302        6.2     1,157   

Randalls-Kings Crossing


4540 Kingwood Drive

  Kingwood   TX   77345-2600     23,161        22.8   $ 97,012        25,724        11.1   $ 104,899        8.1     819   



10505 Jones Road

  Houston   TX   77065-4211     36,159        25.4   $ 70,977        40,371        11.7   $ 75,393        6.2     1,279   

River Oaks-East


1938 West Gray Street

  Houston   TX   77019-4805     72,515        17.6   $ 62,039        79,404        9.5   $ 67,030        8.0     2,565   

River Oaks-West


2028 West Gray Street

  Houston   TX   77019-3602     72,398        18.0   $ 63,261        79,363        9.6   $ 68,190        7.8     2,561   

River Pointe-Shopping Ctr


220 South Loop 336 West

  Conroe   TX   77304-3306     9,904        46.6   $ 45,612        11,725        18.4   $ 49,854        9.3     350   



5130 Avenue H

  Rosenberg   TX   77471-2014     15,300        38.7   $ 43,221        17,816        16.4   $ 46,494        7.6     541   

San Pedro Court


San Pedro Avenue

  San Antonio   TX   78216     48,405        -2.5   $ 27,777        48,685        0.6   $ 29,676        6.8     1,712   

Sheldon Forest-North


435 Sheldon Road

  Channelview   TX   77530-3542     13,140        7.2   $ 48,041        13,782        4.9   $ 51,720        7.7     465   

Sheldon Forest-South


437 Sheldon Road

  Channelview   TX   77530-3542     13,180        7.2   $ 48,067        13,823        4.9   $ 51,742        7.6     466   

Shops at Three Corners


8202 Kirby Drive

  Houston   TX   77054-1602     54,448        14.2   $ 57,926        58,820        8.0   $ 61,794        6.7     1,926   

South Loop Business Park


6148 South Loop East

  Houston   TX   77087-1006     49,791        8.8   $ 31,766        52,757        6.0   $ 33,915        6.8     1,761   

Southwest Park II


10530 Rockley Road

  Houston   TX   77099-3554     63,284        10.4   $ 38,890        67,529        6.7   $ 41,433        6.5     2,238   

Southgate-Lake Charles


2916 Ryan Street

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-8511     23,860        0.1   $ 36,453        23,881        0.1   $ 39,168        7.4     844   



2758 West 70th Street

  Shreveport   LA   71108-4502     24,618        -2.4   $ 27,774        24,356        -1.1   $ 29,157        5.0     871   

Southgate II


2190 Calder Street

  Beaumont   TX   77701-1521     21,710        -9.0   $ 33,180        20,745        -4.4   $ 35,469        6.9     768   



4451 West Fuqua

  Houston   TX   77045-6205     24,143        25.9   $ 45,963        26,979        11.8   $ 49,275        7.2     854   

Southridge Plaza


600 West William Cannon Drive

  Austin   TX   78745-5859     43,691        10.4   $ 44,485        46,732        7.0   $ 46,155        3.8     1,545   

Spanish Crossroads


3415 Bell Street

  Amarillo   TX   79109-4141     37,806        5.0   $ 48,151        39,294        3.9   $ 52,437        8.9     1,337   

Spring Plaza


9492 Hammerly Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77055-5447     46,653        7.9   $ 44,417        49,232        5.5   $ 46,859        5.5     1,650   



10717 Jones Road

  Houston   TX   77065-4215     35,915        25.5   $ 70,542        40,130        11.7   $ 74,837        6.1     1,270   

Stella Link


8714 Stella Link Road

  Houston   TX   77025-3402     60,741        12.1   $ 63,021        65,117        7.2   $ 67,096        6.5     2,148   



1407 Studewood Street

  Houston   TX   77008-4561     57,930        13.4   $ 44,405        62,541        8.0   $ 48,417        9.0     2,049   

Summer Place


1474 Hillcrest Drive

  San Antonio   TX   78228-3064     53,493        5.6   $ 33,992        55,923        4.5   $ 35,745        5.2     1,892   

Ten Blalock Square


10 Blalock Circle

  Houston   TX   77024-6513     71,919        10.2   $ 58,115        76,671        6.6   $ 62,067        6.8     2,544   

Town and Country-Lubbock


320 University Avenue

  Lubbock   TX   79415-3429     25,965        3.1   $ 30,107        26,649        2.6   $ 32,745        8.8     918   

Town and Country-Midwest City


160 North Air Depot Boulevard

  OK   73110-1701     26,189        2.9   $ 38,633        26,832        2.5   $ 41,868        8.4     926   

University Park Plaza


3205 North University Drive

  Nacogdoches   TX   75965-2683     9,964        9.4   $ 26,212        10,499        5.4   $ 28,459        8.6     352   

University Plaza-Houston


Bay Area

  Houston   TX   77059     30,307        11.7   $ 63,260        32,484        7.2   $ 66,963        5.9     1,072   



Ninth Avenue

  Port Arthur   TX   77642     18,788        -7.5   $ 36,763        18,063        -3.9   $ 39,357        7.1     664   

Village Arcade


2516 University Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77005-3229     81,217        11.7   $ 63,913        87,061        7.2   $ 68,447        7.1     2,872   

Loop 610 and 11th Street


1190 West Loop North

  Houston   TX   77055-7218     47,259        16.1   $ 53,185        51,388        8.7   $ 57,653        8.4     1,671   

West Loop Commerce Center


1140 West Loop North

  Houston   TX   77055-7218     48,254        16.1   $ 54,106        52,458        8.7   $ 58,584        8.3     1,707   

West-10 Business Center


1030 Wirt Road

  Houston   TX   77055-6849     50,594        11.7   $ 54,494        54,198        7.1   $ 58,695        7.7     1,789   

Westbury Triangle


11320 Chimney Rock Road

  Houston   TX   77035-2902     59,878        10.7   $ 45,864        63,804        6.6   $ 48,842        6.5     2,118   

Westchase Center


11041 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77042-3205     85,008        14.5   $ 47,788        91,880        8.1   $ 50,122        4.9     3,007   



6823 Cantrell Road

  Little Rock   AR   72207-4134     30,398        -0.3   $ 45,530        30,563        0.5   $ 47,892        5.2     1,075   

Westhill Village


7519 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77063-4614     96,561        12.4   $ 45,061        103,616        7.3   $ 47,824        6.1     3,415   



8350 Phelan Boulevard

  Beaumont   TX   77706-6169     14,153        1.3   $ 58,017        14,273        0.9   $ 61,477        6.0     501   



3507 Jewella Avenue

  Shreveport   LA   71109-4419     21,987        -5.3   $ 24,570        21,370        -2.8   $ 25,969        5.7     778   

Westwood Village


451 Bertrand Drive

  Lafayette   LA   70506-5555     30,396        3.6   $ 40,387        30,725        1.1   $ 43,601        8.0     1,075   

Wilcrest Southwest



  Houston   TX   77042     53,369        12.9   $ 41,043        57,551        7.8   $ 43,747        6.6     1,888   

Williams Trace


3316 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-4406     30,251        33.4   $ 90,900        34,949        15.5   $ 96,463        6.1     1,070   

Windsor Hills


4629 NW 23rd Street

  OK   73127-2103     40,783        0.7   $ 36,654        41,316        1.3   $ 39,899        8.9     1,442   

Wolflin Village


2001 South Georgia Street

  Amarillo   TX   79109-1830     38,923        1.9   $ 36,958        39,972        2.7   $ 39,725        7.5     1,377   

York Townhouse


2530 Yorktown Street

  Houston   TX   77056-4810     86,690        14.1   $ 57,130        93,599        8.0   $ 61,798        8.2     3,066   

Freeway Junction


3797-3879 Highway 138 SE

  Stockbridge   GA   30281-4141     3,335        52.8   $ 64,168        3,951        18.5   $ 65,414        1.9     118   

First Street Station


803-819 North First Street

  Albemarle   NC   28001-3307     6,535        -3.4   $ 35,167        6,473        -1.0   $ 37,413        6.4     231   

Shoppes at Easton


8823 Elliott Road

  Easton   MD   21601-2956     7,521        25.6   $ 49,423        8,312        10.5   $ 56,930        15.2     266   

Starkville Crossing


882 Highway 12 West

  Starkville   MS   39759-3570     1,445        21.1   $ 47,519        1,547        7.1   $ 52,117        9.7     51   

Big Oaks Crossing


3850 North Gloster Street

  Tupelo   MS   38804-9732     2,348        14.8   $ 48,681        2,476        5.5   $ 53,030        8.9     83   

Brook Highland Plaza


5291 Highway 280 South

  Birmingham   AL   35242-5315     13,619        30.3   $ 84,934        15,306        12.4   $ 92,723        9.2     482   

Lowes-Terre Haute


4701 South US Highway 41

  Terre Haute   IN   47802-4412     8,717        3.1   $ 36,286        8,848        1.5   $ 38,591        6.4     308   

Belden Park Crossings I


5496 Dressler Road

  Canton   OH   44720-7749     21,723        1.9   $ 50,316        21,923        0.9   $ 53,762        6.8     768   

Metro Square


2728 West Peoria Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85029-5202     61,707        4.4   $ 45,570        64,968        5.3   $ 48,208        5.8     2,182   

Queen Anne Plaza


10 Washington Street

  Norwell   MA   02061-1749     9,669        6.1   $ 82,898        9,970        3.1   $ 91,468        10.3     342   

Ambassador Row


3501-3561 Ambassador Caffery

  Lafayette   LA   70503-5130     24,025        9.7   $ 53,472        24,870        3.5   $ 58,765        9.9     850   



100-128 Arnould Boulevard

  Lafayette   LA   70506-6214     29,641        6.0   $ 45,002        30,284        2.2   $ 48,421        7.6     1,048   

Pinhook Plaza


100-145 James Comeaux Road

  Lafayette   LA   70508-3256     22,757        7.1   $ 46,971        23,381        2.7   $ 50,965        8.5     805   

Bluebonnet Village


7512-7750 Bluebonnet Boulevard

  Baton Rouge   LA   70809-1627     25,155        15.7   $ 55,422        26,622        5.8   $ 59,222        6.9     890   

Sherwood South


1801-1823 S Sherwood Forest

  Baton Rouge   LA   70816-8322     35,070        6.2   $ 48,858        35,813        2.1   $ 51,881        6.2     1,240   

Siegen Village


6900-7044 Siegen Lane

  Baton Rouge   LA   70809-4529     27,270        15.9   $ 57,197        28,908        6.0   $ 60,967        6.6     964   



1029-1131 Millerville Road

  Baton Rouge   LA   70816-1277     24,798        6.8   $ 47,005        25,377        2.3   $ 49,228        4.7     877   

Country Club Plaza


803-865 Brownswitch Road

  Slidell   LA   70458-5335     14,994        20.0   $ 58,816        16,371        9.2   $ 63,993        8.8     530   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



11077 Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092-7311     53,104        9.4   $ 42,488        56,370        6.2   $ 44,626        5.0     1,878   

Northwest Crossing-Houston


5760 Hollister Street

  Houston   TX   77040-5716     43,825        7.7   $ 42,295        46,258        5.6   $ 44,016        4.1     1,550   

Northwest Park Plaza


FM 149

  Houston   TX   77069     29,979        5.3   $ 38,522        31,316        4.5   $ 41,134        6.8     1,060   

Oak Forest


1352 West 43rd Street

  Houston   TX   77018-4206     48,304        8.7   $ 42,081        51,186        6.0   $ 45,016        7.0     1,708   

Oak Park Village


1955 Nacogdoches Road

  San Antonio   TX   78209-2217     36,887        3.2   $ 45,746        38,387        4.1   $ 47,754        4.4     1,305   

Orchard Green


5900 Renwick Drive

  Houston   TX   77081-2406     102,273        13.0   $ 49,087        109,829        7.4   $ 52,700        7.4     3,617   

Palmer Plaza


3500 Palmer Highway

  Texas City   TX   77590-6514     17,454        10.4   $ 41,763        18,793        7.7   $ 44,625        6.9     617   

Park Southwest


10450 Stancliff Road

  Houston   TX   77099-4341     61,814        13.5   $ 40,705        66,923        8.3   $ 42,856        5.3     2,186   

Park Terrace


1147 North Pine Street

  DeRidder   LA   70634-2819     4,618        3.4   $ 41,900        4,716        2.1   $ 44,644        6.5     163   

Parkway Square


2412 Texas Avenue South

  TX   77840-4634     31,052        17.0   $ 27,022        33,443        7.7   $ 29,484        9.1     1,098   

Parliament Square


11799 West Avenue

  San Antonio   TX   78216-2559     42,460        13.9   $ 50,635        45,861        8.0   $ 53,462        5.6     1,502   

Phelan West


3845 Phelan Boulevard

  Beaumont   TX   77707-2243     25,456        -2.8   $ 41,253        25,011        -1.8   $ 43,689        5.9     900   



5152 Avenue H

  Rosenberg   TX   77471-2014     17,004        51.6   $ 46,169        20,310        19.4   $ 49,392        7.0     601   



4138 Ayers Street

  TX   78415-5315     40,514        0.0   $ 34,048        40,529        0.0   $ 36,189        6.3     1,433   



23741 Highway 59

  Porter   TX   77365-5388     10,262        42.0   $ 55,240        11,792        14.9   $ 59,367        7.5     363   



855 Lisbon Street

  Lewiston   ME   04240-6100     20,818        2.0   $ 34,311        20,768        -0.2   $ 36,426        6.2     736   

Puckett Plaza


3440 Bell Street

  Amarillo   TX   79109-4142     38,029        5.8   $ 51,088        39,157        3.0   $ 55,541        8.7     1,345   

Pueblo Anozira


5100 South McClintock Drive

  Tempe   AZ   85282-7374     65,321        3.6   $ 49,685        69,808        6.9   $ 52,614        5.9     2,310   

Randalls-Cypress Station


5219 FM 1960 Road West

  Houston   TX   77069-4401     30,676        6.1   $ 69,616        32,182        4.9   $ 72,804        4.6     1,085   

Randalls-El Dorado


570 El Dorado Boulevard

  Webster   TX   77598-2202     33,430        16.2   $ 66,305        36,153        8.2   $ 69,252        4.4     1,182   

Randalls-Kings Crossing


4540 Kingwood Drive

  Kingwood   TX   77345-2600     23,348        23.9   $ 99,595        25,647        9.9   $ 106,213        6.6     826   



10505 Jones Road

  Houston   TX   77065-4211     35,717        23.9   $ 72,509        39,131        9.6   $ 77,352        6.7     1,263   

River Oaks-East


1938 West Gray Street

  Houston   TX   77019-4805     73,600        19.7   $ 64,012        79,601        8.2   $ 70,410        10.0     2,603   

River Oaks-West


2028 West Gray Street

  Houston   TX   77019-3602     73,971        20.2   $ 65,188        80,064        8.2   $ 71,542        9.7     2,616   

River Pointe-Shopping Ctr


220 South Loop 336 West

  Conroe   TX   77304-3306     9,662        47.6   $ 48,256        11,361        17.6   $ 52,944        9.7     342   



5130 Avenue H

  Rosenberg   TX   77471-2014     17,011        51.6   $ 46,174        20,318        19.4   $ 49,399        7.0     602   

San Pedro Court


San Pedro Avenue

  San Antonio   TX   78216     48,789        -1.7   $ 28,317        49,688        1.8   $ 30,387        7.3     1,726   

Sheldon Forest-North


435 Sheldon Road

  Channelview   TX   77530-3542     12,966        5.2   $ 49,835        13,529        4.3   $ 53,163        6.7     459   

Sheldon Forest-South


437 Sheldon Road

  Channelview   TX   77530-3542     12,966        5.2   $ 49,835        13,529        4.3   $ 53,163        6.7     459   

Shops at Three Corners


8202 Kirby Drive

  Houston   TX   77054-1602     54,429        14.9   $ 60,678        58,608        7.7   $ 64,887        6.9     1,925   

South Loop Business Park


6148 South Loop East

  Houston   TX   77087-1006     50,579        10.7   $ 32,974        53,761        6.3   $ 35,226        6.8     1,789   

Southwest Park II


10530 Rockley Road

  Houston   TX   77099-3554     64,659        12.6   $ 40,412        69,769        7.9   $ 42,474        5.1     2,287   

Southgate-Lake Charles


2916 Ryan Street

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-8511     24,410        2.2   $ 37,899        24,774        1.5   $ 40,034        5.6     863   



2758 West 70th Street

  Shreveport   LA   71108-4502     24,619        -2.9   $ 28,125        24,393        -0.9   $ 28,959        3.0     871   

Southgate II


2190 Calder Street

  Beaumont   TX   77701-1521     21,982        -7.4   $ 34,901        21,148        -3.8   $ 37,631        7.8     777   



4451 West Fuqua

  Houston   TX   77045-6205     26,030        32.9   $ 47,216        29,026        11.5   $ 50,879        7.8     921   

Southridge Plaza


600 West William Cannon Drive

  Austin   TX   78745-5859     44,295        13.0   $ 45,426        47,492        7.2   $ 46,661        2.7     1,567   

Spanish Crossroads


3415 Bell Street

  Amarillo   TX   79109-4141     38,085        5.8   $ 51,118        39,213        3.0   $ 55,567        8.7     1,347   

Spring Plaza


9492 Hammerly Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77055-5447     47,075        8.6   $ 45,955        49,882        6.0   $ 48,153        4.8     1,665   



10717 Jones Road

  Houston   TX   77065-4215     35,208        24.3   $ 72,101        38,622        9.7   $ 76,717        6.4     1,245   

Stella Link


8714 Stella Link Road

  Houston   TX   77025-3402     60,775        12.6   $ 65,656        65,139        7.2   $ 69,982        6.6     2,149   



1407 Studewood Street

  Houston   TX   77008-4561     58,880        15.4   $ 46,144        62,967        6.9   $ 51,204        11.0     2,082   

Summer Place


1474 Hillcrest Drive

  San Antonio   TX   78228-3064     53,498        5.7   $ 34,416        56,010        4.7   $ 35,946        4.4     1,892   

Ten Blalock Square


10 Blalock Circle

  Houston   TX   77024-6513     73,230        11.6   $ 59,785        78,483        7.2   $ 63,191        5.7     2,590   

Town and Country-Lubbock


320 University Avenue

  Lubbock   TX   79415-3429     26,045        3.9   $ 30,934        26,895        3.3   $ 33,452        8.1     921   

Town and Country-Midwest City


160 North Air Depot Boulevard

  OK   73110-1701     25,555        1.2   $ 39,643        25,876        1.3   $ 42,235        6.5     904   

University Park Plaza


3205 North University Drive

  Nacogdoches   TX   75965-2683     10,036        10.9   $ 26,281        10,490        4.5   $ 28,047        6.7     355   

University Plaza-Houston


Bay Area

  Houston   TX   77059     31,509        15.2   $ 64,714        33,950        7.8   $ 67,505        4.3     1,114   



Ninth Avenue

  Port Arthur   TX   77642     18,940        -6.3   $ 38,720        18,298        -3.4   $ 41,352        6.8     670   

Village Arcade


2516 University Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77005-3229     81,562        12.2   $ 66,076        87,308        7.0   $ 71,263        7.9     2,885   

Loop 610 and 11th Street


1190 West Loop North

  Houston   TX   77055-7218     47,916        18.2   $ 55,439        51,961        8.4   $ 60,002        8.2     1,695   

West Loop Commerce Center


1140 West Loop North

  Houston   TX   77055-7218     49,202        17.8   $ 56,300        53,283        8.3   $ 60,836        8.1     1,740   

West-10 Business Center


1030 Wirt Road

  Houston   TX   77055-6849     51,357        13.4   $ 56,594        55,172        7.4   $ 60,424        6.8     1,816   

Westbury Triangle


11320 Chimney Rock Road

  Houston   TX   77035-2902     60,646        11.3   $ 47,460        64,421        6.2   $ 50,427        6.3     2,145   

Westchase Center


11041 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77042-3205     85,782        14.9   $ 49,002        92,729        8.1   $ 51,272        4.6     3,034   



6823 Cantrell Road

  Little Rock   AR   72207-4134     30,205        0.6   $ 46,218        30,333        0.4   $ 47,936        3.7     1,068   

Westhill Village


7519 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77063-4614     96,519        13.2   $ 46,820        103,745        7.5   $ 49,148        5.0     3,414   



8350 Phelan Boulevard

  Beaumont   TX   77706-6169     14,127        2.3   $ 60,806        14,160        0.2   $ 63,961        5.2     500   



3507 Jewella Avenue

  Shreveport   LA   71109-4419     21,841        -5.8   $ 24,936        21,385        -2.1   $ 26,013        4.3     772   

Westwood Village


451 Bertrand Drive

  Lafayette   LA   70506-5555     30,384        3.7   $ 42,259        31,254        2.9   $ 45,120        6.8     1,075   

Wilcrest Southwest



  Houston   TX   77042     55,261        16.3   $ 42,733        60,354        9.2   $ 45,077        5.5     1,954   

Williams Trace


3316 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-4406     30,634        36.2   $ 93,720        36,024        17.6   $ 99,182        5.8     1,083   

Windsor Hills


4629 NW 23rd Street

  OK   73127-2103     40,917        0.8   $ 37,734        41,314        1.0   $ 40,297        6.8     1,447   

Wolflin Village


2001 South Georgia Street

  Amarillo   TX   79109-1830     38,832        1.9   $ 38,870        39,489        1.7   $ 41,393        6.5     1,373   

York Townhouse


2530 Yorktown Street

  Houston   TX   77056-4810     87,750        14.9   $ 58,957        94,772        8.0   $ 63,431        7.6     3,104   

Freeway Junction


3797-3879 Highway 138 SE

  Stockbridge   GA   30281-4141     3,180        51.1   $ 65,883        3,610        13.5   $ 67,560        2.5     112   

First Street Station


803-819 North First Street

  Albemarle   NC   28001-3307     6,662        -2.6   $ 36,586        6,577        -1.3   $ 38,322        4.7     236   

Shoppes at Easton


8823 Elliott Road

  Easton   MD   21601-2956     7,635        27.2   $ 51,309        8,267        8.3   $ 57,889        12.8     270   

Starkville Crossing


882 Highway 12 West

  Starkville   MS   39759-3570     1,423        20.5   $ 49,098        1,495        5.1   $ 52,976        7.9     50   

Big Oaks Crossing


3850 North Gloster Street

  Tupelo   MS   38804-9732     2,478        20.5   $ 46,772        2,635        6.3   $ 48,926        4.6     88   

Brook Highland Plaza


5291 Highway 280 South

  Birmingham   AL   35242-5315     13,927        31.9   $ 87,861        15,640        12.3   $ 94,625        7.7     493   

Lowes-Terre Haute


4701 South US Highway 41

  Terre Haute   IN   47802-4412     9,193        8.0   $ 36,973        9,431        2.6   $ 38,701        4.7     325   

Belden Park Crossings I


5496 Dressler Road

  Canton   OH   44720-7749     21,754        1.4   $ 50,943        21,680        -0.3   $ 53,232        4.5     769   

Metro Square


2728 West Peoria Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85029-5202     61,149        3.5   $ 46,555        65,324        6.8   $ 48,729        4.7     2,163   

Queen Anne Plaza


10 Washington Street

  Norwell   MA   02061-1749     9,179        4.3   $ 85,650        9,289        1.2   $ 92,663        8.2     325   

Ambassador Row


3501-3561 Ambassador Caffery

  Lafayette   LA   70503-5130     23,872        9.6   $ 56,143        25,081        5.1   $ 60,667        8.1     844   



100-128 Arnould Boulevard

  Lafayette   LA   70506-6214     29,478        6.3   $ 46,902        30,621        3.9   $ 50,010        6.6     1,043   

Pinhook Plaza


100-145 James Comeaux Road

  Lafayette   LA   70508-3256     22,793        7.2   $ 48,934        23,753        4.2   $ 53,453        9.2     806   

Bluebonnet Village


7512-7750 Bluebonnet Boulevard

  Baton Rouge   LA   70809-1627     24,993        15.8   $ 58,387        26,443        5.8   $ 61,789        5.8     884   

Sherwood South


1801-1823 S Sherwood Forest

  Baton Rouge   LA   70816-8322     34,217        4.1   $ 51,367        34,992        2.3   $ 54,302        5.7     1,210   

Siegen Village


6900-7044 Siegen Lane

  Baton Rouge   LA   70809-4529     26,537        13.5   $ 60,184        28,024        5.6   $ 63,662        5.8     939   



1029-1131 Millerville Road

  Baton Rouge   LA   70816-1277     24,350        5.4   $ 49,033        25,044        2.9   $ 51,209        4.4     861   

Country Club Plaza


803-865 Brownswitch Road

  Slidell   LA   70458-5335     14,772        17.6   $ 58,986        15,966        8.1   $ 62,057        5.2     522   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median



104-110 Gause Boulevard West

  Slidell   LA   70460-2625     18,030        12.4   $ 52,461        19,181        6.4   $ 57,580        9.8     638   

Village at Northshore


105-135 Northshore Boulevard

  Slidell   LA   70460-6821     7,840        18.1   $ 51,117        8,490        8.3   $ 56,600        10.7     277   

Plaza Acadienne


2150-2234 West Laurel Avenue

  Eunice   LA   70535-2908     5,400        2.0   $ 27,418        5,485        1.6   $ 29,545        7.8     191   

Tarpon Heights


16245-16263 East Main Street

  Cut Off   LA   70345-3805     2,829        6.6   $ 44,371        2,889        2.1   $ 48,559        9.4     100   

Squaw Peak Plaza


6819 North 16th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85016-1049     50,909        8.2   $ 47,609        54,653        7.4   $ 50,688        6.5     1,801   

Coral Square Promenade


725 North University Drive

  Coral Springs   FL   33071-7000     66,661        1.9   $ 50,286        68,824        3.2   $ 55,343        10.1     2,358   

Primrose Marketplace


3350 South Glenstone Avenue

  Springfield   MO   65804-4408     30,372        8.6   $ 41,593        31,956        5.2   $ 44,098        6.0     1,074   



99 Rockingham Park Boulevard

  Salem   NH   03079-2900     11,572        6.4   $ 70,390        11,936        3.2   $ 77,843        10.6     409   

North Brunswick Plaza


979 US Highway One

  NJ   08902-2712     37,472        4.0   $ 62,884        38,401        2.5   $ 68,053        8.2     1,325   

Vernon Circle


295 Hartford Turnpike

  Vernon   CT   06066-4783     20,088        8.9   $ 71,570        20,884        4.0   $ 78,028        9.0     710   

Sun Plaza


6385 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32818-7824     40,641        14.8   $ 44,665        44,318        9.1   $ 48,247        8.0     1,437   

Plaza East


101 South Green River Road

  Evansville   IN   47715-7314     28,569        -0.2   $ 41,252        28,598        0.1   $ 43,562        5.6     1,010   

Plaza West


2500 North First Avenue

  Evansville   IN   47710-2950     25,383        -3.8   $ 33,119        24,914        -1.9   $ 34,930        5.5     898   

Laurel Plaza


9608 Fort Meade Road

  Laurel   MD   20707-4404     32,523        8.2   $ 70,153        33,693        3.6   $ 77,333        10.2     1,150   

Woodlawn Plaza


4726 South Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28217-2151     32,262        10.8   $ 47,746        34,641        7.4   $ 49,556        3.8     1,141   

Town Square


30200 Euclid Avenue

  Wickliffe   OH   44092-1605     33,898        -3.6   $ 43,666        33,097        -2.4   $ 45,752        4.8     1,199   

Eastgate Plaza-OH


2110 Harding Highway

  Lima   OH   45804-3422     10,818        -6.7   $ 31,282        10,343        -4.4   $ 33,529        7.2     383   

Kroger Plaza


529 North Galloway Avenue

  Mesquite   TX   75149-3400     28,311        5.1   $ 54,744        29,388        3.8   $ 57,427        4.9     1,001   

Ambassador Row Courtyards


3600A-3619F Ambassador Caffery

  Lafayette   LA   70503-5133     23,729        10.1   $ 54,109        24,584        3.6   $ 59,392        9.8     839   

Fountain Plaza


7770 East McDowell Road

  Scottsdale   AZ   85257-3744     36,890        3.6   $ 46,026        38,932        5.5   $ 48,814        6.1     1,305   



3812 Liberty Highway

  Anderson   SC   29621-1344     10,508        11.5   $ 45,908        11,136        6.0   $ 48,101        4.8     372   

East Forest Plaza


5420 Forest Drive

  Columbia   SC   29206-5401     22,952        4.8   $ 50,597        23,758        3.5   $ 55,178        9.1     812   

Eden Centre


824 South Van Buren Road

  Eden   NC   27288-5358     6,422        -2.8   $ 32,820        6,423        0.0   $ 34,691        5.7     227   

Land-Wal-Mart Fremont


Luther Road

  Fremont   NE   68633     336        -2.6   $ 39,358        325        -3.3   $ 41,630        5.8     12   

Land-Wal-Mart Kearney


48th Street

  Kearney   NE   68847     12,319        13.1   $ 45,317        13,111        6.4   $ 49,358        8.9     436   

Jacksonville Regional


3000 Dunn Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32218-4554     15,674        21.0   $ 46,432        17,195        9.7   $ 50,377        8.5     554   



2244 Wyoming Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87112-2620     66,623        5.1   $ 39,923        69,294        4.0   $ 42,251        5.8     2,356   

Cascade Crossings


4516 I-75 Business Spur

  Sault Sainte
  MI   49783-9184     5,845        -0.5   $ 33,759        5,838        -0.1   $ 35,508        5.2     207   

Orleans Station


1600 Robert E Lee Boulevard

  New Orleans   LA   70122-2826     19,808        -48.1   $ 44,112        24,047        21.4   $ 49,917        13.2     701   



9624 Mesa Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-3024     16,686        7.0   $ 29,335        17,580        5.4   $ 31,206        6.4     590   

Central Park Northwest VII


2501 Central Parkway

  Houston   TX   77092-7729     50,545        9.7   $ 42,986        53,760        6.4   $ 45,414        5.6     1,788   

Airport Square


5245 Airport Highway

  Toledo   OH   43615-6800     32,635        1.6   $ 43,432        32,837        0.6   $ 45,560        4.9     1,154   

Peach Street Square


1902 Keystone Drive

  Erie   PA   16509-7702     16,095        4.6   $ 48,027        16,441        2.2   $ 51,116        6.4     569   

West Park Square


1700 West Park Square

  Xenia   OH   45385-2667     10,762        3.9   $ 44,358        10,957        1.8   $ 47,130        6.2     381   

Barrington Town Center


70 Barrington Town Sq. Dr.

  Aurora   OH   44202-7791     6,586        12.3   $ 81,202        6,919        5.1   $ 86,655        6.7     233   

Peachland Promenade


24123 Peachland Boulevard

  Port Charlotte   FL   33954-3774     14,968        16.6   $ 48,853        16,315        9.0   $ 54,550        11.7     529   

Finley Square


1500 Butterfield Road

  IL   60515-1003     32,776        0.8   $ 67,527        32,941        0.5   $ 69,856        3.4     1,159   

Lakeside Plaza


157 Paragon Parkway

  Clyde   NC   28721-9481     5,231        3.6   $ 43,305        5,388        3.0   $ 46,133        6.5     185   

New Town Village


9616 Resitertown Road

  Owings Mills   MD   21117-4139     27,593        15.4   $ 68,304        29,458        6.8   $ 74,492        9.1     976   

Freestate Bowl


3245 Kirchoff Road

  IL   60008-1821     38,242        -1.3   $ 74,256        38,131        -0.3   $ 79,952        7.7     1,353   

Ocean City

    Ocean City   MD   21842     2,181        0.4   $ 46,572        2,215        1.6   $ 51,347        10.3     77   

North Road Plaza


2795 North Road

  Orangeburg   SC   29118-2806     7,184        1.2   $ 40,824        7,261        1.1   $ 42,684        4.6     254   

Wando Crossing


1500 Highway 17 North

  SC   29465-3307     19,206        20.2   $ 69,463        20,928        9.0   $ 75,930        9.3     679   

Shoppes Of Boot Ranch


300 East Lake Road

  Palm Harbor   FL   34685-2427     35,826        5.1   $ 57,289        37,247        4.0   $ 62,348        8.8     1,267   

Valle Del Sol


1625 Rio Bravo Boulevard SW

  Albuquerque   NM   87105-6057     15,762        17.0   $ 35,772        17,026        8.0   $ 38,811        8.5     557   



2565 Crain Highway

  Waldorf   MD   20601-3169     16,032        17.6   $ 76,997        17,264        7.7   $ 86,522        12.4     567   

Westbrooke Village


7405 Quivira Road

  Shawnee   KS   66216-3525     40,831        5.4   $ 57,828        42,496        4.1   $ 61,004        5.5     1,444   

Bartow Marketplace


101 Market Place Boulevard

  Cartersville   GA   30120-2236     8,948        20.3   $ 41,978        9,831        9.9   $ 43,947        4.7     316   

Newnan Crossing


955 Bullsboro Drive

  Newnan   GA   30265-1321     9,382        61.5   $ 58,854        11,345        20.9   $ 61,847        5.1     332   

Midway Plaza


910 Athens Highway

  Loganville   GA   30052-4952     13,615        75.4   $ 66,653        16,722        22.8   $ 68,005        2.0     482   

Paradise Marketplace


3830 East Flamingo Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-6234     70,354        0.1   $ 42,132        70,583        0.3   $ 44,370        5.3     2,488   

Tropicana Marketplace


6130 West Tropicana Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89103-4604     47,854        5.0   $ 48,634        49,466        3.4   $ 51,835        6.6     1,692   

Brookhollow Business Center


2000 West Governors Circle

  Houston   TX   77092-8745     47,627        11.6   $ 46,381        50,989        7.1   $ 49,117        5.9     1,684   

South Miami


6200 South Dixie Highway

  South Miami   FL   33143-4933     34,354        -1.7   $ 70,233        34,726        1.1   $ 75,603        7.6     1,215   



650 West La Palma Avenue

  Anaheim   CA   92801-2361     70,462        -0.3   $ 52,191        71,876        2.0   $ 57,915        11.0     2,492   

Burlington Coat Factory


6303 West Broad Street

  Richmond   VA   23230-2009     34,220        -0.7   $ 53,462        34,430        0.6   $ 58,445        9.3     1,210   

Meridian Street Warehouse


2019 Meridian Street

  Arlington   TX   76011-7805     50,479        -1.3   $ 38,214        51,305        1.6   $ 40,229        5.3     1,785   

Bristol Plaza


597 Farmington Avenue

  Bristol   CT   06010-3932     27,285        2.8   $ 57,661        27,767        1.8   $ 62,795        8.9     965   



1436 Dogwood Drive SW

  Conyers   GA   30012-5130     11,244        16.9   $ 45,406        12,233        8.8   $ 46,284        1.9     398   

River Hills


299 Swannanoa River Road

  Asheville   NC   28805     17,487        6.2   $ 37,811        18,277        4.5   $ 41,037        8.5     618   

River Pointe


1550 Riverstone Parkway

  Canton   GA   30114-2889     7,312        124.6   $ 47,658        9,419        28.8   $ 50,300        5.5     259   

Richmond Square


5125 Richmond Avenue

  Houston   TX   77056-6701     91,670        13.2   $ 59,606        98,667        7.6   $ 64,368        8.0     3,242   

Centre at Post Oak


5000 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77056-5613     85,942        13.6   $ 61,937        92,711        7.9   $ 66,633        7.6     3,040   

Brandywine Commons


1200 Rocky Run Parkway

  Wilmington   DE   19803-1456     15,837        8.0   $ 87,003        16,514        4.3   $ 92,802        6.7     560   

University Commons


3060 Evans Street

  Greenville   NC   27834-6939     27,136        32.6   $ 39,707        30,821        13.6   $ 42,289        6.5     960   

Eastwood Festival Center


7001 Crestwood Boulevard

  Birmingham   AL   35210-2332     24,346        -3.3   $ 43,449        23,935        -1.7   $ 46,845        7.8     861   

Wellington Market Place


13833 Wellington Trace

  Wellington   FL   33414-2116     17,903        31.8   $ 77,484        20,307        13.4   $ 83,601        7.9     633   

Sam’s Park and Shop


3505 Connecticut Avenue NW

  Washington   DC   20008-2400     149,185        6.1   $ 69,601        153,848        3.1   $ 78,666        13.0     5,276   

Village at Shirlington


2700 South Quincy Street

  Arlington   VA   22206-2226     109,148        6.2   $ 78,749        113,271        3.8   $ 91,045        15.6     3,860   



5725 West Bell Road

  Glendale   AZ   85308-3869     45,865        15.2   $ 68,889        50,030        9.1   $ 74,233        7.8     1,622   

Enterprise Plaza


6140-A University Drive

  Huntsville   AL   35806-1710     14,130        18.9   $ 42,447        15,440        9.3   $ 44,905        5.8     500   

Northcreek Commons


101 Northcreek Boulevard

  Goodlettsville   TN   37072-1911     10,817        24.1   $ 49,004        11,993        10.9   $ 52,180        6.5     383   

Rancho Town and Country


850 South Rancho Drive

  Las Vegas   NV   89106-3831     65,006        0.8   $ 33,978        66,124        1.7   $ 36,023        6.0     2,299   

Mission Center


4000 South Maryland Parkway

  Las Vegas   NV   89119-7560     58,360        -7.1   $ 35,340        56,954        -2.4   $ 37,668        6.6     2,064   

Dickinson Village


3400 Gulf Freeway

  Dickinson   TX   77539-4119     9,698        31.4   $ 50,977        10,871        12.1   $ 56,199        10.2     343   



105 Kenning Road

  Crosby   TX   77532-5127     3,870        13.1   $ 55,360        4,172        7.8   $ 60,725        9.7     137   

Marketplace-Saint Petersburg


7044 22nd Avenue North

  FL   33710-3932     44,523        -3.4   $ 43,202        44,436        -0.2   $ 46,596        7.9     1,575   

Village Center Six-Tampa


13100 North Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33618-2406     43,907        11.0   $ 55,807        47,248        7.6   $ 60,332        8.1     1,553   

Orchard Square


4290 Bells Ferry Road NW

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-7140     21,371        13.3   $ 68,237        23,037        7.8   $ 70,459        3.3     756   

Broadway Marketplace


505 South Broadway

  Denver   CO   80223-4001     86,688        -1.1   $ 43,653        87,521        1.0   $ 46,166        5.8     3,066   

Carmel Mountain Plaza


11610 Carmel Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92128-4621     36,303        11.3   $ 88,227        38,831        7.0   $ 98,218        11.3     1,284   

Shoppers World


One Worcester Road

  Framingham   MA   01701-5359     30,879        -2.4   $ 66,812        30,551        -1.1   $ 72,706        8.8     1,092   

Woodfield Village Green


1430 East Golf Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-4902     31,582        -2.1   $ 68,134        31,330        -0.8   $ 72,274        6.1     1,117   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



104-110 Gause Boulevard West

  Slidell   LA   70460-2625     17,678        9.8   $ 52,493        18,654        5.5   $ 55,838        6.4     625   

Village at Northshore


105-135 Northshore Boulevard

  Slidell   LA   70460-6821     7,733        14.9   $ 51,567        8,264        6.9   $ 55,845        8.3     273   

Plaza Acadienne


2150-2234 West Laurel Avenue

  Eunice   LA   70535-2908     5,380        2.0   $ 28,869        5,475        1.8   $ 30,826        6.8     190   

Tarpon Heights


16245-16263 East Main Street

  Cut Off   LA   70345-3805     2,752        4.8   $ 47,419        2,810        2.1   $ 53,101        12.0     97   

Squaw Peak Plaza


6819 North 16th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85016-1049     50,377        7.2   $ 48,504        54,560        8.3   $ 51,783        6.8     1,782   

Coral Square Promenade


725 North University Drive

  Coral Springs   FL   33071-7000     66,000        0.5   $ 50,710        67,311        2.0   $ 54,301        7.1     2,334   

Primrose Marketplace


3350 South Glenstone Avenue

  Springfield   MO   65804-4408     30,586        9.6   $ 42,811        31,951        4.5   $ 44,836        4.7     1,082   



99 Rockingham Park Boulevard

  Salem   NH   03079-2900     11,334        5.3   $ 71,782        11,497        1.4   $ 77,681        8.2     401   

North Brunswick Plaza


979 US Highway One

  NJ   08902-2712     38,041        5.1   $ 64,475        38,845        2.1   $ 68,180        5.7     1,345   

Vernon Circle


295 Hartford Turnpike

  Vernon   CT   06066-4783     19,537        8.5   $ 72,874        20,025        2.5   $ 78,053        7.1     691   

Sun Plaza


6385 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32818-7824     39,883        13.0   $ 45,376        43,347        8.7   $ 48,136        6.1     1,411   

Plaza East


101 South Green River Road

  Evansville   IN   47715-7314     28,610        0.1   $ 41,397        28,440        -0.6   $ 42,816        3.4     1,012   

Plaza West


2500 North First Avenue

  Evansville   IN   47710-2950     25,646        -3.7   $ 33,214        25,070        -2.3   $ 34,358        3.4     907   

Laurel Plaza


9608 Fort Meade Road

  Laurel   MD   20707-4404     33,265        10.6   $ 71,749        34,266        3.0   $ 78,015        8.7     1,177   

Woodlawn Plaza


4726 South Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28217-2151     34,198        16.8   $ 48,709        37,737        10.4   $ 50,890        4.5     1,210   

Town Square


30200 Euclid Avenue

  Wickliffe   OH   44092-1605     33,706        -3.9   $ 44,651        32,745        -2.9   $ 46,088        3.2     1,192   

Eastgate Plaza-OH


2110 Harding Highway

  Lima   OH   45804-3422     10,701        -7.2   $ 31,851        10,210        -4.6   $ 33,628        5.6     378   

Kroger Plaza


529 North Galloway Avenue

  Mesquite   TX   75149-3400     28,354        5.4   $ 55,300        29,219        3.1   $ 57,164        3.4     1,003   

Ambassador Row Courtyards


3600A-3619F Ambassador Caffery

  Lafayette   LA   70503-5133     23,693        10.1   $ 56,817        24,928        5.2   $ 61,328        7.9     838   

Fountain Plaza


7770 East McDowell Road

  Scottsdale   AZ   85257-3744     36,008        1.0   $ 46,846        38,060        5.7   $ 49,369        5.4     1,274   



3812 Liberty Highway

  Anderson   SC   29621-1344     10,828        14.3   $ 47,120        11,469        5.9   $ 49,351        4.7     383   

East Forest Plaza


5420 Forest Drive

  Columbia   SC   29206-5401     22,864        3.5   $ 52,156        23,780        4.0   $ 56,378        8.1     809   

Eden Centre


824 South Van Buren Road

  Eden   NC   27288-5358     6,464        -1.0   $ 32,964        6,406        -0.9   $ 33,910        2.9     229   

Land-Wal-Mart Fremont


Luther Road

  Fremont   NE   68633     326        -5.0   $ 41,087        315        -3.4   $ 43,690        6.3     12   

Land-Wal-Mart Kearney


48th Street

  Kearney   NE   68847     12,431        14.3   $ 46,507        13,078        5.2   $ 49,926        7.4     440   

Jacksonville Regional


3000 Dunn Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32218-4554     16,149        23.5   $ 47,854        17,594        9.0   $ 50,731        6.0     571   



2244 Wyoming Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87112-2620     66,592        5.5   $ 41,174        69,582        4.5   $ 42,975        4.4     2,355   

Cascade Crossings


4516 I-75 Business Spur

  Sault Sainte
  MI   49783-9184     5,810        -0.6   $ 33,859        5,731        -1.4   $ 34,768        2.7     205   

Orleans Station


1600 Robert E Lee Boulevard

  New Orleans   LA   70122-2826     23,066        -39.4   $ 45,484        25,097        8.8   $ 50,995        12.1     816   



9624 Mesa Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-3024     16,367        7.6   $ 30,211        17,287        5.6   $ 32,011        6.0     579   

Central Park Northwest VII


2501 Central Parkway

  Houston   TX   77092-7729     50,736        10.4   $ 44,406        54,039        6.5   $ 46,580        4.9     1,794   

Airport Square


5245 Airport Highway

  Toledo   OH   43615-6800     32,704        1.7   $ 42,752        32,496        -0.6   $ 43,781        2.4     1,157   

Peach Street Square


1902 Keystone Drive

  Erie   PA   16509-7702     16,093        5.1   $ 48,991        16,279        1.2   $ 51,905        5.9     569   

West Park Square


1700 West Park Square

  Xenia   OH   45385-2667     12,402        20.6   $ 45,554        13,225        6.6   $ 47,949        5.3     439   

Barrington Town Center


70 Barrington Town Sq. Dr.

  Aurora   OH   44202-7791     6,706        15.3   $ 82,404        7,030        4.8   $ 86,693        5.2     237   

Peachland Promenade


24123 Peachland Boulevard

  Port Charlotte   FL   33954-3774     14,562        15.0   $ 49,340        15,544        6.7   $ 53,921        9.3     515   

Finley Square


1500 Butterfield Road

  IL   60515-1003     32,889        1.5   $ 69,220        32,890        0.0   $ 71,114        2.7     1,163   

Lakeside Plaza


157 Paragon Parkway

  Clyde   NC   28721-9481     5,276        3.2   $ 43,575        5,327        1.0   $ 45,550        4.5     187   

New Town Village


9616 Resitertown Road

  Owings Mills   MD   21117-4139     27,050        13.8   $ 69,545        28,195        4.2   $ 74,413        7.0     957   

Freestate Bowl


3245 Kirchoff Road

  IL   60008-1821     38,012        -1.5   $ 75,989        37,660        -0.9   $ 80,588        6.1     1,344   

Ocean City

    Ocean City   MD   21842     2,145        -0.7   $ 46,623        2,116        -1.4   $ 49,843        6.9     76   

North Road Plaza


2795 North Road

  Orangeburg   SC   29118-2806     7,197        2.9   $ 40,389        7,250        0.7   $ 41,322        2.3     255   

Wando Crossing


1500 Highway 17 North

  SC   29465-3307     19,317        22.1   $ 71,793        21,057        9.0   $ 78,326        9.1     683   

Shoppes Of Boot Ranch


300 East Lake Road

  Palm Harbor   FL   34685-2427     34,689        1.8   $ 58,695        35,034        1.0   $ 62,814        7.0     1,227   

Valle Del Sol


1625 Rio Bravo Boulevard SW

  Albuquerque   NM   87105-6057     15,505        16.6   $ 37,175        16,266        4.9   $ 39,731        6.9     548   



2565 Crain Highway

  Waldorf   MD   20601-3169     16,282        17.6   $ 79,144        17,170        5.5   $ 87,241        10.2     576   

Westbrooke Village


7405 Quivira Road

  Shawnee   KS   66216-3525     40,875        5.8   $ 59,610        42,971        5.1   $ 62,639        5.1     1,446   

Bartow Marketplace


101 Market Place Boulevard

  Cartersville   GA   30120-2236     9,293        24.3   $ 43,661        10,175        9.5   $ 45,354        3.9     329   

Newnan Crossing


955 Bullsboro Drive

  Newnan   GA   30265-1321     9,234        58.4   $ 60,394        10,725        16.2   $ 62,952        4.2     327   

Midway Plaza


910 Athens Highway

  Loganville   GA   30052-4952     13,324        74.1   $ 67,962        15,430        15.8   $ 69,273        1.9     471   

Paradise Marketplace


3830 East Flamingo Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-6234     73,064        4.1   $ 43,814        77,321        5.8   $ 46,272        5.6     2,584   

Tropicana Marketplace


6130 West Tropicana Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89103-4604     49,284        8.3   $ 50,217        52,980        7.5   $ 54,110        7.8     1,743   

Brookhollow Business Center


2000 West Governors Circle

  Houston   TX   77092-8745     47,777        12.6   $ 47,969        51,139        7.0   $ 51,072        6.5     1,690   

South Miami


6200 South Dixie Highway

  South Miami   FL   33143-4933     34,987        0.0   $ 70,538        35,571        1.7   $ 74,598        5.8     1,237   



650 West La Palma Avenue

  Anaheim   CA   92801-2361     72,196        2.3   $ 53,436        74,346        3.0   $ 57,935        8.4     2,553   

Burlington Coat Factory


6303 West Broad Street

  Richmond   VA   23230-2009     34,516        0.2   $ 54,749        34,681        0.5   $ 59,006        7.8     1,221   

Meridian Street Warehouse


2019 Meridian Street

  Arlington   TX   76011-7805     52,025        1.8   $ 39,066        54,305        4.4   $ 40,694        4.2     1,840   

Bristol Plaza


597 Farmington Avenue

  Bristol   CT   06010-3932     26,942        2.1   $ 59,580        26,987        0.2   $ 64,043        7.5     953   



1436 Dogwood Drive SW

  Conyers   GA   30012-5130     11,294        18.5   $ 46,230        12,141        7.5   $ 47,075        1.8     399   

River Hills


299 Swannanoa River Road

  Asheville   NC   28805     17,060        6.2   $ 38,285        17,566        3.0   $ 40,837        6.7     603   

River Pointe


1550 Riverstone Parkway

  Canton   GA   30114-2889     7,071        111.0   $ 49,153        8,469        19.8   $ 52,183        6.2     250   

Richmond Square


5125 Richmond Avenue

  Houston   TX   77056-6701     92,036        14.1   $ 61,863        99,176        7.8   $ 66,586        7.6     3,255   

Centre at Post Oak


5000 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77056-5613     86,782        14.8   $ 63,924        93,680        8.0   $ 68,597        7.3     3,069   

Brandywine Commons


1200 Rocky Run Parkway

  Wilmington   DE   19803-1456     15,928        8.4   $ 90,196        16,387        2.9   $ 95,840        6.3     563   

University Commons


3060 Evans Street

  Greenville   NC   27834-6939     28,758        40.5   $ 40,844        32,432        12.8   $ 42,905        5.0     1,017   

Eastwood Festival Center


7001 Crestwood Boulevard

  Birmingham   AL   35210-2332     24,416        -3.0   $ 44,590        23,958        -1.9   $ 47,295        6.1     864   

Wellington Market Place


13833 Wellington Trace

  Wellington   FL   33414-2116     15,236        12.6   $ 78,274        16,380        7.5   $ 82,731        5.7     539   

Sam’s Park and Shop


3505 Connecticut Avenue NW

  Washington   DC   20008-2400     150,250        7.3   $ 72,200        154,151        2.6   $ 82,254        13.9     5,314   

Village at Shirlington


2700 South Quincy Street

  Arlington   VA   22206-2226     111,368        9.0   $ 81,907        115,154        3.4   $ 93,502        14.2     3,939   



5725 West Bell Road

  Glendale   AZ   85308-3869     45,311        14.0   $ 70,596        49,878        10.1   $ 75,497        6.9     1,603   

Enterprise Plaza


6140-A University Drive

  Huntsville   AL   35806-1710     14,061        22.8   $ 43,085        15,283        8.7   $ 44,733        3.8     497   

Northcreek Commons


101 Northcreek Boulevard

  Goodlettsville   TN   37072-1911     11,130        26.2   $ 49,494        12,205        9.7   $ 51,693        4.4     394   

Rancho Town and Country


850 South Rancho Drive

  Las Vegas   NV   89106-3831     63,915        -0.8   $ 35,373        67,197        5.1   $ 37,903        7.2     2,261   

Mission Center


4000 South Maryland Parkway

  Las Vegas   NV   89119-7560     59,614        -4.8   $ 37,184        61,758        3.6   $ 39,592        6.5     2,108   

Dickinson Village


3400 Gulf Freeway

  Dickinson   TX   77539-4119     9,577        31.5   $ 54,346        10,467        9.3   $ 59,146        8.8     339   



105 Kenning Road

  Crosby   TX   77532-5127     3,915        13.5   $ 57,597        4,212        7.6   $ 63,343        10.0     138   

Marketplace-Saint Petersburg


7044 22nd Avenue North

  FL   33710-3932     44,439        -3.8   $ 44,063        43,762        -1.5   $ 46,924        6.5     1,572   

Village Center Six-Tampa


13100 North Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33618-2406     43,548        8.8   $ 56,346        46,699        7.2   $ 59,674        5.9     1,540   

Orchard Square


4290 Bells Ferry Road NW

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-7140     20,917        11.0   $ 70,649        22,181        6.0   $ 72,254        2.3     740   

Broadway Marketplace


505 South Broadway

  Denver   CO   80223-4001     87,753        1.1   $ 44,149        89,958        2.5   $ 46,693        5.8     3,104   

Carmel Mountain Plaza


11610 Carmel Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92128-4621     36,935        13.7   $ 90,227        39,391        6.7   $ 99,785        10.6     1,306   

Shoppers World


One Worcester Road

  Framingham   MA   01701-5359     31,303        -1.0   $ 68,915        31,044        -0.8   $ 73,643        6.9     1,107   

Woodfield Village Green


1430 East Golf Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-4902     31,743        -1.7   $ 69,641        31,433        -1.0   $ 72,628        4.3     1,123   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Carillon Place


5010 Airport Road North

  Naples   FL   34105-2407     24,143        32.4   $ 67,863        27,761        15.0   $ 73,086        7.7     854   

Fairfax Town Center


12210 Fairfax Towne Center

  Fairfax   VA   22033-2877     31,211        21.1   $ 116,864        33,914        8.7   $ 129,232        10.6     1,104   

New Hope Commons


5428-B New Hope Commons Drive

  Durham   NC   27707-9716     16,220        11.1   $ 61,519        17,359        7.0   $ 65,663        6.7     574   

Towne Center Prado


2609 Bells Ferry Road

  Marietta   GA   30066-3601     19,428        21.5   $ 60,543        21,471        10.5   $ 62,459        3.2     687   

Independence Commons


19000 East 39th Street South

  Independence   MO   64057-2315     19,390        13.4   $ 57,604        20,522        5.8   $ 61,649        7.0     686   

Perimeter Pointe


1155 Mount Vernon Highway

  Atlanta   GA   30338-5441     37,568        2.3   $ 73,588        38,831        3.4   $ 78,853        7.2     1,329   

Ocean East


2300 SE Ocean Boulevard

  Stuart   FL   34996-3310     16,673        9.2   $ 43,218        17,720        6.3   $ 47,168        9.1     590   

PineTree Plaza


300 SW Blue Parkway

  MO   64063-3982     19,808        9.2   $ 65,979        20,652        4.3   $ 71,238        8.0     701   

La Mirada


14920 La Mirada Boulevard

  La Mirada   CA   90638-4722     52,962        4.8   $ 69,279        55,229        4.3   $ 76,868        11.0     1,873   

Target Plaza


250 West Esplanade Drive

  Oxnard   CA   93036-1103     32,917        13.5   $ 62,111        35,463        7.7   $ 68,619        10.5     1,164   

West Junction


4955 Highway Six N

  Houston   TX   77084-2718     26,417        16.4   $ 66,331        28,604        8.3   $ 70,394        6.1     934   

University Plaza


1121 South Plaza Way

  Flagstaff   AZ   86001-6317     13,825        22.6   $ 40,970        15,229        10.2   $ 45,731        11.6     489   

Coolidge Corner


256 Harvard Street

  MA   02446-2904     171,582        -0.2   $ 57,024        172,042        0.3   $ 63,114        10.7     6,068   

Central Avenue 138-142


138-142 Central Avenue

  Westfield   NJ   07090-2108     37,925        -0.2   $ 95,524        38,095        0.5   $ 102,510        7.3     1,341   


      MD       10,251        3.9   $ 117,595        10,472        2.2   $ 131,016        11.4     363   


    Hickory   NC       7,452        9.4   $ 38,712        7,870        5.6   $ 39,796        2.8     264   



Route Seven

  Lexington   VA   24450-9807     3,580        7.2   $ 44,463        3,709        3.6   $ 49,430        11.2     127   



715 North Norwood

  Wallace   NC   28466-1541     2,620        7.0   $ 32,613        2,756        5.2   $ 35,724        9.5     93   

New Centre Market


5511 Carolina Beach Road

  Wilmington   NC   28412-2630     14,849        37.0   $ 56,630        17,062        14.9   $ 60,530        6.9     525   



3010-3036 E Meighan Boulevard

  Gadsden   AL   35903-3916     6,891        1.9   $ 33,292        6,952        0.9   $ 34,829        4.6     244   


    Fayetteville   GA       4,849        39.8   $ 81,818        5,552        14.5   $ 87,202        6.6     171   

Parkway Station


115 Russell Parkway

  GA   31088-6175     20,579        15.8   $ 48,663        22,290        8.3   $ 52,719        8.3     728   

Hayden Plaza North


12434 North Cave Creek Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85022-5831     46,702        8.1   $ 54,478        49,937        6.9   $ 58,725        7.8     1,652   

South Monroe Commons


3030 South Monroe Street

  Tallahassee   FL   32301-6997     21,822        10.3   $ 27,496        23,301        6.8   $ 30,135        9.6     772   

Pearl Arts II


1260 East Altamonte Drive

  FL   32701-5010     34,474        0.8   $ 50,099        35,473        2.9   $ 53,994        7.8     1,219   

Babies-R-Us Plaza


4869 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33417-4627     38,482        10.9   $ 38,709        41,244        7.2   $ 42,137        8.9     1,361   

Largo Plaza


11607 Abercorn Street

  Savannah   GA   31419-1903     15,784        1.6   $ 41,973        16,111        2.1   $ 44,607        6.3     558   

Augusta Square


3412 Wrightsboro Road

  Augusta   GA   30909-2500     19,898        1.5   $ 42,320        20,151        1.3   $ 44,390        4.9     704   



278 Tuckahoe Road

  Yonkers   NY   10710-5512     82,827        0.1   $ 61,514        83,145        0.4   $ 67,081        9.0     2,929   



7424 Bustleton Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19152-4312     109,920        -4.4   $ 43,019        107,431        -2.3   $ 46,047        7.0     3,888   

Westwood Plaza


1812 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard

  Charleston   SC   29407-4868     23,276        6.3   $ 46,728        24,120        3.6   $ 50,717        8.5     823   


    Kent   OH       8,757        0.2   $ 40,779        8,720        -0.4   $ 42,820        5.0     310   

Vine Street Square


3107 West Vine Street

  Kissimmee   FL   34741-3738     23,901        35.7   $ 35,701        27,829        16.4   $ 38,785        8.6     845   



2100 South Randall Road

  Geneva   IL   60134-3990     18,560        17.7   $ 83,670        20,093        8.3   $ 89,695        7.2     656   

Northfield Square


1602 North State Route 50

  Bourbonnais   IL   60914-9304     14,087        15.4   $ 48,129        15,106        7.2   $ 50,819        5.6     498   

Waterloo Plaza


2715 Crossroads Boulevard

  Waterloo   IA   50702-4409     19,395        -0.1   $ 38,649        19,421        0.1   $ 41,246        6.7     686   

Clive Plaza


10331 University Avenue

  Clive   IA   50325-6472     35,908        20.1   $ 65,360        39,343        9.6   $ 69,291        6.0     1,270   

Des Moines


4900 SE 14th Street

  Des Moines   IA   50320-1604     22,250        4.1   $ 45,630        22,853        2.7   $ 48,897        7.2     787   

East Wichita


2057 North Rock Road

  Wichita   KS   67206-1257     24,006        7.9   $ 53,667        25,095        4.5   $ 55,965        4.3     849   

West Wichita


350 South Tracy Street

  Wichita   KS   67209-2566     28,929        -0.1   $ 39,321        29,238        1.1   $ 41,132        4.6     1,023   

Kmart-South Tulsa (Vacant)


8314 East 71st Street

  Tulsa   OK   74133-2932     36,750        6.3   $ 57,352        38,199        3.9   $ 61,775        7.7     1,300   

Accent Plaza


212 West Plano Parkway

  Plano   TX   75075-8925     32,704        3.0   $ 68,047        34,126        4.4   $ 69,972        2.8     1,157   

Randol Plaza-North Arlington


915 East Randol Mill Road

  Arlington   TX   76011-6017     48,980        -2.7   $ 41,308        49,599        1.3   $ 43,377        5.0     1,732   

Skyline Plaza


715 Skyline Drive

  Duncanville   TX   75116-3923     26,323        4.8   $ 42,388        27,351        3.9   $ 43,650        3.0     931   

Kroger Center


140 North Garland Avenue

  Garland   TX   75040-6107     40,670        -4.6   $ 48,556        40,434        -0.6   $ 50,351        3.7     1,438   



5800 South Hulen Street

  Fort Worth   TX   76132-2684     45,746        22.0   $ 49,578        50,814        11.1   $ 52,740        6.4     1,618   

Westheimer Plaza-West Oaks


14411 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77077-5243     44,276        21.0   $ 55,496        48,816        10.3   $ 59,178        6.6     1,566   

Voss Center


8300 West Sam Houston Pkwy S

  Houston   TX   77072-5008     83,487        11.2   $ 34,560        89,032        6.6   $ 36,802        6.5     2,953   



4553 Garth Road

  Baytown   TX   77521-2123     17,636        9.4   $ 46,526        18,729        6.2   $ 49,690        6.8     624   

Green Ridge Square


3390-B Alpine Avenue NW

  Grand Rapids   MI   49504-1672     26,372        0.2   $ 42,241        26,463        0.4   $ 43,297        2.5     933   

Cumming Marketplace


1250 Market Place Blvd

  Cumming   GA   30041-7929     11,337        80.2   $ 72,163        14,205        25.3   $ 77,836        7.9     401   

Jester Plaza


1400 Post Oak Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77056-3029     76,300        15.9   $ 65,004        82,953        8.7   $ 69,654        7.2     2,699   

Arrowhead Crossing


7553 West Bell Road

  Peoria   AZ   85382-3829     42,895        19.0   $ 70,488        47,247        10.2   $ 76,431        8.4     1,517   

Highland Grove


10323 Indianapolis Boulevard

  Highland   IN   46322-3509     27,573        7.0   $ 63,296        28,576        3.6   $ 66,587        5.2     975   

Maple Grove Crossing


8080 Wedgewood Lane North

  Maple Grove   MN   55369-9406     19,405        21.7   $ 90,498        21,141        9.0   $ 97,584        7.8     686   

Eastchase Market


I-30 & Eastchase Parkway

  Fort Worth   TX   76120     27,343        10.5   $ 51,080        29,183        6.7   $ 54,351        6.4     967   

Tanasbourne Town Center


18101 NW Evergreen Parkway

  Beaverton   OR   97006-7439     45,896        26.5   $ 63,225        51,297        11.8   $ 67,407        6.6     1,623   

Mesquite Town Center


1330 North Town East Boulevard

  Mesquite   TX   75150-4159     34,915        -1.8   $ 47,789        35,124        0.6   $ 49,158        2.9     1,235   

Township Marketplace


115 Wagner Road

  Monaca   PA   15061-2457     13,439        -4.2   $ 44,668        13,073        -2.7   $ 48,369        8.3     475   

King Cullen Plaza


124 Veterans Memorial Highway

  Commack   NY   11725-3432     21,516        -1.3   $ 102,538        21,324        -0.9   $ 114,817        12.0     761   

Warner Robins Place


2724 Watson Boulevard

  GA   31093-8051     21,593        21.6   $ 51,688        23,793        10.2   $ 56,194        8.7     764   

Welleby Plaza


10077 West Oakland Park

  Sunrise   FL   33351-6919     52,891        2.9   $ 50,509        54,900        3.8   $ 55,551        10.0     1,871   

Union Square


1871 Dickerson Boulevard

  Monroe   NC   28110-2759     9,495        20.1   $ 46,409        10,551        11.1   $ 49,790        7.3     336   

City View


1526 Alleghany Street

  Charlotte   NC   28208-0801     23,715        8.9   $ 29,976        25,138        6.0   $ 31,114        3.8     839   

Shawnee Village


6457 Quivira Road

  Shawnee   KS   66216-2745     34,137        7.5   $ 59,490        35,811        4.9   $ 62,748        5.5     1,207   

Palm Harbor


100 Palm Coast Parkway NE

  Palm Coast   FL   32137-8241     19,229        89.3   $ 46,987        24,508        27.5   $ 49,531        5.4     680   

Kempwood II


8100 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77055-1030     55,021        8.7   $ 39,999        58,257        5.9   $ 42,370        5.9     1,946   

Salisbury Marketplace


2092-2142 Statesville Blvd

  Salisbury   NC   28147-1408     8,581        3.7   $ 43,438        8,837        3.0   $ 47,125        8.5     303   

Saugus Plaza


180 Main Street

  Saugus   MA   01906-4502     41,961        2.3   $ 65,312        42,529        1.4   $ 70,918        8.6     1,484   

Wendover Place


1214 Bridford Parkway

  Greensboro   NC   27407-2645     26,506        20.3   $ 47,561        29,071        9.7   $ 49,184        3.4     937   

Copperfield Village


7055 Highway Six North

  Houston   TX   77095-2505     38,146        24.6   $ 71,332        42,229        10.7   $ 76,042        6.6     1,349   



50 East Wynnewood Road

  Wynnewood   PA   19096-2013     61,400        -4.1   $ 61,331        60,079        -2.2   $ 66,615        8.6     2,172   

Centennial Plaza


3040 NW 59th Street

  OK   73112-4247     41,513        1.4   $ 43,106        42,174        1.6   $ 46,433        7.7     1,468   

Alafaya Commons


11792-11970 E Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32826-4626     32,122        39.8   $ 57,884        37,232        15.9   $ 64,364        11.2     1,136   

Southland Plaza


2019 US Highway 31 South

  Decatur   AL   35601-6500     17,540        1.8   $ 36,587        17,769        1.3   $ 38,502        5.2     620   

Valley View


1803 Vance Jackson Road

  San Antonio   TX   78213-4476     58,690        4.6   $ 35,711        61,078        4.1   $ 37,697        5.6     2,076   

University Collection


5502 East Fowler Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33617-2226     44,092        12.3   $ 36,662        47,608        8.0   $ 39,412        7.5     1,559   

Old Saint Augustine Plaza


11250 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-1142     29,782        19.0   $ 65,755        32,786        10.1   $ 71,111        8.1     1,053   

Wellington Town Square


11924 West Forest Hill Blvd

  Wellington   FL   33414-6256     21,858        59.4   $ 76,399        26,086        19.3   $ 82,794        8.4     773   



4711 Hope Valley Road

  Durham   NC   27707-5651     24,091        32.3   $ 59,552        27,363        13.6   $ 61,953        4.0     852   

Escondido Promenade


1256 Auto Park Way

  Escondido   CA   92029-2227     35,333        6.5   $ 52,260        37,127        5.1   $ 58,489        11.9     1,250   

Market at Town Center


2545 Town Center Boulevard N

  Sugar Land   TX   77479-2318     28,395        31.2   $ 93,799        32,616        14.9   $ 99,556        6.1     1,004   



3335 North Academy Boulevard

  CO   80917-5103     43,770        0.1   $ 52,257        44,370        1.4   $ 56,038        7.2     1,548   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Carillon Place


5010 Airport Road North

  Naples   FL   34105-2407     23,945        30.0   $ 69,998        26,922        12.4   $ 74,452        6.4     847   

Fairfax Town Center


12210 Fairfax Towne Center

  Fairfax   VA   22033-2877     33,296        28.1   $ 119,118        35,668        7.1   $ 131,059        10.0     1,178   

New Hope Commons


5428-B New Hope Commons Drive

  Durham   NC   27707-9716     16,607        14.3   $ 63,011        17,880        7.7   $ 66,350        5.3     587   

Towne Center Prado


2609 Bells Ferry Road

  Marietta   GA   30066-3601     19,817        23.6   $ 62,665        21,371        7.8   $ 64,097        2.3     701   

Independence Commons


19000 East 39th Street South

  Independence   MO   64057-2315     19,305        13.7   $ 59,467        20,127        4.3   $ 62,824        5.6     683   

Perimeter Pointe


1155 Mount Vernon Highway

  Atlanta   GA   30338-5441     38,996        5.9   $ 75,669        40,486        3.8   $ 79,976        5.7     1,379   

Ocean East


2300 SE Ocean Boulevard

  Stuart   FL   34996-3310     16,428        8.0   $ 43,100        17,106        4.1   $ 45,967        6.7     581   

PineTree Plaza


300 SW Blue Parkway

  MO   64063-3982     20,397        12.7   $ 68,047        21,175        3.8   $ 73,085        7.4     721   

La Mirada


14920 La Mirada Boulevard

  La Mirada   CA   90638-4722     52,729        4.4   $ 71,023        54,453        3.3   $ 78,161        10.1     1,865   

Target Plaza


250 West Esplanade Drive

  Oxnard   CA   93036-1103     33,637        16.8   $ 63,810        35,689        6.1   $ 69,374        8.7     1,190   

West Junction


4955 Highway Six N

  Houston   TX   77084-2718     26,233        15.0   $ 68,028        28,041        6.9   $ 71,413        5.0     928   

University Plaza


1121 South Plaza Way

  Flagstaff   AZ   86001-6317     13,843        23.6   $ 41,388        14,988        8.3   $ 45,313        9.5     490   

Coolidge Corner


256 Harvard Street

  MA   02446-2904     177,246        3.4   $ 58,638        178,377        0.6   $ 64,288        9.6     6,269   

Central Avenue 138-142


138-142 Central Avenue

  Westfield   NJ   07090-2108     37,095        -2.0   $ 99,176        36,543        -1.5   $ 106,743        7.6     1,312   


      MD       10,242        4.4   $ 121,019        10,381        1.4   $ 133,853        10.6     362   


    Hickory   NC       7,646        13.2   $ 39,375        8,056        5.4   $ 40,030        1.7     270   



Route Seven

  Lexington   VA   24450-9807     3,632        5.9   $ 45,146        3,683        1.4   $ 48,927        8.4     128   



715 North Norwood

  Wallace   NC   28466-1541     2,743        11.3   $ 32,963        2,875        4.8   $ 35,031        6.3     97   

New Centre Market


5511 Carolina Beach Road

  Wilmington   NC   28412-2630     15,092        37.3   $ 58,064        16,900        12.0   $ 61,521        6.0     534   



3010-3036 E Meighan Boulevard

  Gadsden   AL   35903-3916     7,021        2.8   $ 34,098        7,062        0.6   $ 35,380        3.8     248   


    Fayetteville   GA       4,604        41.3   $ 85,387        5,093        10.6   $ 90,721        6.2     163   

Parkway Station


115 Russell Parkway

  GA   31088-6175     20,931        18.0   $ 50,493        22,663        8.3   $ 54,582        8.1     740   

Hayden Plaza North


12434 North Cave Creek Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85022-5831     46,216        7.4   $ 55,842        50,148        8.5   $ 59,700        6.9     1,635   

South Monroe Commons


3030 South Monroe Street

  Tallahassee   FL   32301-6997     21,225        6.8   $ 27,625        22,143        4.3   $ 29,440        6.6     751   

Pearl Arts II


1260 East Altamonte Drive

  FL   32701-5010     33,907        0.4   $ 51,281        34,837        2.7   $ 54,168        5.6     1,199   

Babies-R-Us Plaza


4869 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33417-4627     39,083        11.6   $ 39,065        41,419        6.0   $ 41,039        5.1     1,382   

Largo Plaza


11607 Abercorn Street

  Savannah   GA   31419-1903     15,709        2.9   $ 42,106        16,255        3.5   $ 43,605        3.6     556   

Augusta Square


3412 Wrightsboro Road

  Augusta   GA   30909-2500     19,928        2.6   $ 42,555        20,125        1.0   $ 44,176        3.8     705   



278 Tuckahoe Road

  Yonkers   NY   10710-5512     82,700        0.7   $ 63,549        82,495        -0.3   $ 68,391        7.6     2,925   



7424 Bustleton Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19152-4312     113,676        -0.9   $ 43,836        113,371        -0.3   $ 46,246        5.5     4,020   

Westwood Plaza


1812 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard

  Charleston   SC   29407-4868     23,090        5.3   $ 48,429        23,920        3.6   $ 52,543        8.5     817   


    Kent   OH       8,653        -0.5   $ 41,242        8,557        -1.1   $ 42,419        2.9     306   

Vine Street Square


3107 West Vine Street

  Kissimmee   FL   34741-3738     23,857        35.8   $ 35,505        28,052        17.6   $ 37,259        4.9     844   



2100 South Randall Road

  Geneva   IL   60134-3990     18,863        21.1   $ 84,453        20,416        8.2   $ 89,692        6.2     667   

Northfield Square


1602 North State Route 50

  Bourbonnais   IL   60914-9304     14,372        18.1   $ 50,034        15,294        6.4   $ 52,886        5.7     508   

Waterloo Plaza


2715 Crossroads Boulevard

  Waterloo   IA   50702-4409     19,423        0.7   $ 40,153        19,442        0.1   $ 42,270        5.3     687   

Clive Plaza


10331 University Avenue

  Clive   IA   50325-6472     36,231        21.4   $ 67,469        39,514        9.1   $ 70,828        5.0     1,281   

Des Moines


4900 SE 14th Street

  Des Moines   IA   50320-1604     22,065        3.2   $ 46,793        22,773        3.2   $ 49,402        5.6     780   

East Wichita


2057 North Rock Road

  Wichita   KS   67206-1257     24,555        10.6   $ 54,228        25,718        4.7   $ 55,680        2.7     868   

West Wichita


350 South Tracy Street

  Wichita   KS   67209-2566     29,000        0.2   $ 39,867        29,193        0.7   $ 41,074        3.0     1,026   

Kmart-South Tulsa (Vacant)


8314 East 71st Street

  Tulsa   OK   74133-2932     37,035        8.1   $ 58,502        38,609        4.3   $ 62,288        6.5     1,310   

Accent Plaza


212 West Plano Parkway

  Plano   TX   75075-8925     34,562        8.4   $ 69,347        38,469        11.3   $ 70,936        2.3     1,222   

Randol Plaza-North Arlington


915 East Randol Mill Road

  Arlington   TX   76011-6017     50,399        1.0   $ 42,394        52,485        4.1   $ 44,205        4.3     1,782   

Skyline Plaza


715 Skyline Drive

  Duncanville   TX   75116-3923     26,708        6.0   $ 42,698        27,508        3.0   $ 43,378        1.6     945   

Kroger Center


140 North Garland Avenue

  Garland   TX   75040-6107     39,978        -5.8   $ 49,094        39,346        -1.6   $ 50,264        2.4     1,414   



5800 South Hulen Street

  Fort Worth   TX   76132-2684     44,077        17.4   $ 50,496        48,263        9.5   $ 53,233        5.4     1,559   

Westheimer Plaza-West Oaks


14411 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77077-5243     44,018        20.9   $ 57,049        48,161        9.4   $ 59,744        4.7     1,557   

Voss Center


8300 West Sam Houston Pkwy S

  Houston   TX   77072-5008     83,097        11.9   $ 35,742        89,007        7.1   $ 37,444        4.8     2,939   



4553 Garth Road

  Baytown   TX   77521-2123     17,945        10.6   $ 48,270        19,056        6.2   $ 51,701        7.1     635   

Green Ridge Square


3390-B Alpine Avenue NW

  Grand Rapids   MI   49504-1672     26,046        -0.1   $ 42,805        25,916        -0.5   $ 43,377        1.3     921   

Cumming Marketplace


1250 Market Place Blvd

  Cumming   GA   30041-7929     11,659        84.6   $ 72,620        14,102        21.0   $ 76,856        5.8     412   

Jester Plaza


1400 Post Oak Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77056-3029     76,968        17.3   $ 66,749        83,466        8.4   $ 71,522        7.2     2,722   

Arrowhead Crossing


7553 West Bell Road

  Peoria   AZ   85382-3829     43,572        21.5   $ 72,061        48,699        11.8   $ 77,548        7.6     1,541   

Highland Grove


10323 Indianapolis Boulevard

  Highland   IN   46322-3509     27,791        8.8   $ 64,364        28,528        2.7   $ 67,009        4.1     983   

Maple Grove Crossing


8080 Wedgewood Lane North

  Maple Grove   MN   55369-9406     19,292        22.1   $ 92,964        20,446        6.0   $ 98,805        6.3     682   

Eastchase Market


I-30 & Eastchase Parkway

  Fort Worth   TX   76120     27,668        12.1   $ 52,536        29,898        8.1   $ 55,435        5.5     979   

Tanasbourne Town Center


18101 NW Evergreen Parkway

  Beaverton   OR   97006-7439     47,449        30.2   $ 64,842        52,106        9.8   $ 68,063        5.0     1,678   

Mesquite Town Center


1330 North Town East Boulevard

  Mesquite   TX   75150-4159     35,170        -0.6   $ 48,280        35,423        0.7   $ 49,002        1.5     1,244   

Township Marketplace


115 Wagner Road

  Monaca   PA   15061-2457     13,275        -5.0   $ 45,666        12,838        -3.3   $ 48,470        6.1     470   

King Cullen Plaza


124 Veterans Memorial Highway

  Commack   NY   11725-3432     22,107        2.5   $ 104,974        22,112        0.0   $ 114,915        9.5     782   

Warner Robins Place


2724 Watson Boulevard

  GA   31093-8051     21,566        22.5   $ 53,285        23,442        8.7   $ 57,177        7.3     763   

Welleby Plaza


10077 West Oakland Park

  Sunrise   FL   33351-6919     51,957        1.0   $ 51,077        53,095        2.2   $ 54,866        7.4     1,838   

Union Square


1871 Dickerson Boulevard

  Monroe   NC   28110-2759     9,613        21.6   $ 47,068        11,127        15.8   $ 49,854        5.9     340   

City View


1526 Alleghany Street

  Charlotte   NC   28208-0801     24,744        14.1   $ 30,746        26,817        8.4   $ 31,615        2.8     875   

Shawnee Village


6457 Quivira Road

  Shawnee   KS   66216-2745     34,123        8.2   $ 61,448        36,160        6.0   $ 64,670        5.2     1,207   

Palm Harbor


100 Palm Coast Parkway NE

  Palm Coast   FL   32137-8241     20,055        98.6   $ 48,162        25,323        26.3   $ 50,568        5.0     709   

Kempwood II


8100 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77055-1030     54,417        8.6   $ 41,114        57,656        6.0   $ 43,072        4.8     1,925   

Salisbury Marketplace


2092-2142 Statesville Blvd

  Salisbury   NC   28147-1408     8,685        3.7   $ 42,793        8,853        1.9   $ 45,154        5.5     307   

Saugus Plaza


180 Main Street

  Saugus   MA   01906-4502     42,264        2.8   $ 67,236        42,546        0.7   $ 72,138        7.3     1,495   

Wendover Place


1214 Bridford Parkway

  Greensboro   NC   27407-2645     27,121        23.4   $ 48,167        29,405        8.4   $ 49,274        2.3     959   

Copperfield Village


7055 Highway Six North

  Houston   TX   77095-2505     37,220        21.9   $ 72,289        40,157        7.9   $ 77,001        6.5     1,316   



50 East Wynnewood Road

  Wynnewood   PA   19096-2013     62,106        -2.8   $ 62,565        61,089        -1.6   $ 66,620        6.5     2,197   

Centennial Plaza


3040 NW 59th Street

  OK   73112-4247     41,519        1.6   $ 43,958        42,041        1.3   $ 46,769        6.4     1,468   

Alafaya Commons


11792-11970 E Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32826-4626     32,563        42.0   $ 58,372        36,527        12.2   $ 63,651        9.0     1,152   

Southland Plaza


2019 US Highway 31 South

  Decatur   AL   35601-6500     17,633        2.9   $ 37,780        17,849        1.2   $ 39,044        3.3     624   

Valley View


1803 Vance Jackson Road

  San Antonio   TX   78213-4476     58,419        4.1   $ 36,299        60,985        4.4   $ 38,007        4.7     2,066   

University Collection


5502 East Fowler Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33617-2226     43,581        11.1   $ 36,832        46,894        7.6   $ 38,511        4.6     1,541   

Old Saint Augustine Plaza


11250 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-1142     29,748        18.7   $ 67,475        32,117        8.0   $ 71,571        6.1     1,052   

Wellington Town Square


11924 West Forest Hill Blvd

  Wellington   FL   33414-6256     20,264        46.4   $ 78,477        22,129        9.2   $ 83,002        5.8     717   



4711 Hope Valley Road

  Durham   NC   27707-5651     25,651        37.6   $ 60,659        28,823        12.4   $ 63,110        4.0     907   

Escondido Promenade


1256 Auto Park Way

  Escondido   CA   92029-2227     35,977        8.1   $ 54,010        37,917        5.4   $ 59,411        10.0     1,272   

Market at Town Center


2545 Town Center Boulevard N

  Sugar Land   TX   77479-2318     28,207        33.5   $ 97,874        32,967        16.9   $ 103,903        6.2     998   



3335 North Academy Boulevard

  CO   80917-5103     44,350        2.0   $ 53,918        46,041        3.8   $ 57,290        6.3     1,569   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Town and Country Plaza


2400 West Thomas Street

  Hammond   LA   70401-2843     11,424        16.9   $ 29,363        12,441        8.9   $ 31,425        7.0     404   

Cambridge Square


2036 Johnson Ferry Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30319-2500     38,676        7.2   $ 66,670        40,606        5.0   $ 70,609        5.9     1,368   

Martin Downs Town Center


2710 SW Martin Downs Boulevard

  Palm City   FL   34990-6019     14,178        19.1   $ 67,141        15,560        9.8   $ 74,009        10.2     501   

Westgate Market


6700 West Kellogg Drive

  Wichita   KS   67203-2216     22,311        4.7   $ 46,350        23,024        3.2   $ 48,534        4.7     789   

Arboretum Crossing


9333 Research Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78759-7364     55,491        9.6   $ 52,914        59,367        7.0   $ 55,519        4.9     1,963   

La Plaza Del Norte


125 NE Loop 410

  San Antonio   TX   78216-4730     41,199        5.6   $ 42,575        43,119        4.7   $ 44,597        4.7     1,457   

Grassland Crossing


5665 Highway Nine

  Alpharetta   GA   30004-3959     10,658        90.9   $ 106,675        13,367        25.4   $ 117,132        9.8     377   

Great Northern Plaza North


26520 Lorain Avenue

  OH   44070-3203     24,059        -5.7   $ 64,496        23,192        -3.6   $ 68,422        6.1     851   



6351 Interstate 55 North

  Jackson   MS   39213-9720     24,397        3.1   $ 45,722        24,645        1.0   $ 47,830        4.6     863   

Santana Row


368 Santana Row

  San Jose   CA   95128-2062     91,321        3.3   $ 72,523        94,515        3.5   $ 78,378        8.1     3,230   

Price Plaza-Houston


20280 Katy Freeway

  Katy   TX   77449-7500     33,561        29.4   $ 81,636        37,745        12.5   $ 87,480        7.2     1,187   

Broadmoor Village


950 West Centerville Road

  Garland   TX   75041-5823     47,478        -4.3   $ 43,070        47,231        -0.5   $ 44,519        3.4     1,679   

Richardson Plaza


110 West Campbell Road

  Richardson   TX   75080-3510     34,255        4.4   $ 66,589        35,738        4.3   $ 68,460        2.8     1,212   

Century Plaza


1800 South Semoran Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32822-2801     53,666        12.3   $ 43,380        58,093        8.3   $ 46,467        7.1     1,898   

White Lake Commons


7121 Dixie Highway

  Clarkston   MI   48346-2077     11,031        2.4   $ 78,190        11,161        1.2   $ 81,394        4.1     390   

Marlton Pike


2005 Marlton Pike East

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08003-1201     30,455        4.0   $ 88,038        31,019        1.9   $ 95,730        8.7     1,077   



1105 Route 130 South

  Cinnaminson   NJ   08077-3039     21,365        5.6   $ 72,251        21,806        2.1   $ 79,778        10.4     756   

Oakcreek Village


4600 Chapel Hill Boulevard

  Durham   NC   27707-2669     22,973        19.8   $ 58,867        25,267        10.0   $ 61,373        4.3     813   

Frankford Avenue


8812 Frankford Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19136-1313     73,436        -3.8   $ 46,719        71,991        -2.0   $ 50,274        7.6     2,597   



901 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19107-3111     165,792        -1.8   $ 32,332        164,282        -0.9   $ 35,098        8.6     5,864   

Wellness Center-Upper Darby


6800 Market Street

  Upper Darby   PA   19082-2412     125,941        -6.8   $ 38,754        121,398        -3.6   $ 41,942        8.2     4,454   

Center Square


1301 Skippack Pike

  PA   19422-1254     16,832        4.6   $ 89,895        17,216        2.3   $ 97,863        8.9     595   



2010 Whitehall Mall

  Whitehall   PA   18052-5125     44,657        1.2   $ 38,905        45,360        1.6   $ 41,628        7.0     1,579   


    Easton   PA       9,596        14.1   $ 72,380        10,216        6.5   $ 80,041        10.6     339   



250 West Chester Pike

  Havertown   PA   19083-4638     78,696        -4.2   $ 56,886        77,043        -2.1   $ 61,979        9.0     2,783   

Whiteland Town Center


200 West Lincoln Highway

  Exton   PA   19341-2623     16,045        14.3   $ 95,880        17,150        6.9   $ 107,459        12.1     567   



2333 West Main Street

  Lansdale   PA   19446-1346     23,577        4.7   $ 71,135        24,155        2.5   $ 78,262        10.0     834   



905 Lincoln Highway

  Morrisville   PA   19067-3573     38,624        -3.7   $ 46,423        37,920        -1.8   $ 49,498        6.6     1,366   

Bucks County


101 East Street Road

  Feasterville   PA   19053-6048     27,995        1.4   $ 66,891        28,186        0.7   $ 72,372        8.2     990   



Easton Road

  Warrington   PA   18976     15,498        22.9   $ 89,260        16,873        8.9   $ 97,491        9.2     548   

Broadway Center-Garland


3161 Broadway Boulevard

  Garland   TX   75043-1528     38,436        -1.6   $ 47,258        38,736        0.8   $ 48,985        3.7     1,359   

Sagamore @ 26


311 Sagamore Parkway North

  Lafayette   IN   47904-2800     30,952        6.5   $ 32,929        32,389        4.6   $ 33,521        1.8     1,095   

Ahwatukee Foothills Towne Ctr


4711 East Ray Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85044-6230     35,452        16.0   $ 74,958        38,878        9.7   $ 80,744        7.7     1,254   

Ashford Place


4776 Ashford Dunwoody Road

  Atlanta   GA   30338-5504     38,127        4.3   $ 74,959        39,680        4.1   $ 79,950        6.7     1,348   

Pike Seven Plaza


8350 Leesburg Pike

  Vienna   VA   22182-2401     33,872        3.8   $ 111,788        34,712        2.5   $ 124,329        11.2     1,198   



3459 Old Halifax Road

  South Boston   VA   24592-4900     4,653        -1.1   $ 33,395        4,608        -1.0   $ 36,587        9.6     165   

City Place Market


2415 North Haskell Avenue

  Dallas   TX   75204-3716     68,757        7.7   $ 51,099        72,140        4.9   $ 55,488        8.6     2,432   

Wendover Ridge


4214 West Wendover Avenue

  Greensboro   NC   27407-1919     30,481        15.4   $ 46,339        32,896        7.9   $ 47,833        3.2     1,078   

Cordele Marketplace


1215 East 16th Avenue

  Cordele   GA   31015-1543     5,311        -1.1   $ 24,006        5,382        1.3   $ 25,741        7.2     188   



5125 Old Granbury Road

  Fort Worth   TX   76133-2017     51,943        17.3   $ 46,004        56,879        9.5   $ 48,065        4.5     1,837   

Belden Park Crossings II


5496 Dressler Road

  Canton   OH   44720-7749     21,723        1.9   $ 50,316        21,923        0.9   $ 53,762        6.8     768   

Southland Crossing


1280 Doral Drive

  Boardman   OH   44514-1906     26,145        -7.1   $ 40,817        24,927        -4.7   $ 42,890        5.1     925   

Pike Nurseries-Peachtree City


103 Highway 74 South

  GA   30269-1646     10,197        11.4   $ 80,504        10,844        6.4   $ 84,556        5.0     361   

Pike Nurseries-Woodstock


2475 Towne Lake Parkway

  Woodstock   GA   30189-5525     16,985        30.7   $ 79,345        19,461        14.6   $ 82,347        3.8     601   

Market Place


6135 Peachtree Parkway

  Norcross   GA   30092-3304     27,754        8.4   $ 55,950        29,579        6.6   $ 57,129        2.1     982   

Sandy Plains Village


4651 Woodstock Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-1698     17,662        16.5   $ 105,458        19,284        9.2   $ 111,159        5.4     625   

Tequesta Shoppes


105 North US Highway One

  Tequesta   FL   33469-2737     14,562        7.3   $ 70,433        15,425        5.9   $ 76,304        8.3     515   

Rancho Encanto Plaza


5011 North 35th Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85017-3023     69,010        3.2   $ 35,015        72,149        4.6   $ 37,754        7.8     2,441   

Oakley Plaza


801 Fairview Road

  Asheville   NC   28803-1167     13,851        8.0   $ 41,748        14,560        5.1   $ 45,052        7.9     490   

Mariner’s Village


4592 East Michigan Street

  Orlando   FL   32812-5233     54,596        12.3   $ 44,696        59,139        8.3   $ 47,925        7.2     1,931   

Carmel Commons


7611 Pineville Matthews Road

  Charlotte   NC   28226-3909     33,021        26.0   $ 68,696        37,222        12.7   $ 71,650        4.3     1,168   

East Port Plaza


9000 South Federal Highway

  Port Saint
  FL   34952-3408     23,563        29.3   $ 43,267        26,960        14.4   $ 46,416        7.3     833   

Mainstreet Square


7800 S US Hwy 17/92 Suite 160

  Orlando   FL   32730-2259     35,349        0.4   $ 50,588        36,287        2.7   $ 54,641        8.0     1,250   

Garrison Ridge Crossing


2650 Dallas Highway

  Marietta   GA   30064-7513     13,918        29.7   $ 88,328        15,609        12.2   $ 92,577        4.8     492   

Smoketown Station/Block 2


13720 Smoketown Road

  Woodbridge   VA   22192-4205     42,756        17.0   $ 74,710        46,753        9.4   $ 83,060        11.2     1,512   



575 Molly Lane

  Woodstock   GA   30189-3710     24,096        24.0   $ 66,378        27,014        12.1   $ 67,333        1.4     852   

Powers Ferry Plaza


1275 Powers Ferry Road SE

  Marietta   GA   30067-9486     32,751        -0.3   $ 54,304        33,371        1.9   $ 57,319        5.6     1,158   

West State Plaza


7535 State Avenue

  Kansas City   KS   66112-2815     14,861        -2.6   $ 41,015        14,739        -0.8   $ 42,576        3.8     526   

Desert Square


2419 South Kolb Road

  Tucson   AZ   85710-8434     45,775        8.0   $ 39,717        48,559        6.1   $ 42,375        6.7     1,619   

Corporate Center I/II


8868 Research Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78758-6497     59,997        5.1   $ 45,295        63,044        5.1   $ 47,052        3.9     2,122   



10804 Fallstone

  Houston   TX   77099-3469     60,858        10.8   $ 38,967        65,045        6.9   $ 41,550        6.6     2,152   

Fairview Oaks


101-129 Fairview Road

  Ellenwood   GA   30294-2722     11,598        41.9   $ 62,402        13,473        16.2   $ 64,552        3.4     410   

Enchanted Forest


10020 Baltimore National Pike

  Ellicott City   MD   21042-3760     9,836        14.0   $ 131,258        10,519        6.9   $ 147,462        12.3     348   

Shawan Plaza


11399 York Road

  Cockeysville   MD   21030-1909     13,656        12.0   $ 63,409        14,384        5.3   $ 69,821        10.1     483   

Glen Burnie Village


7566 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3717     32,504        0.5   $ 60,640        32,523        0.1   $ 67,482        11.3     1,150   



5660 Baltimore National Pike

  Catonsville   MD   21228-1401     50,762        -1.2   $ 51,390        50,667        -0.2   $ 56,501        9.9     1,795   



1015 York Road

  Towson   MD   21204-2516     36,429        1.7   $ 67,432        36,824        1.1   $ 73,302        8.7     1,288   



2151 York Road

  Timonium   MD   21093-3110     28,358        4.9   $ 66,703        29,103        2.6   $ 72,442        8.6     1,003   

Timonium Crossing


2080 York Road

  Timonium   MD   21093-4251     29,619        4.3   $ 66,249        30,332        2.4   $ 71,969        8.6     1,048   

Club Center


1496 Reisterstown Road

  Pikesville   MD   21208-3817     44,386        3.0   $ 58,710        45,180        1.8   $ 64,393        9.7     1,570   

Perry Hall


4215 Ebenezer Road

  Nottingham   MD   21236-2141     33,041        11.1   $ 67,723        34,782        5.3   $ 73,962        9.2     1,169   

Orchard Square


1212 York Road

  Lutherville   MD   21093-6240     31,894        2.2   $ 72,445        32,328        1.4   $ 79,354        9.5     1,128   



1662-1758 S Congress Avenue

  Palm Springs   FL   33461-2142     48,748        -3.5   $ 39,936        49,070        0.7   $ 42,842        7.3     1,724   

Lovejoy Station


11191 Tara Boulevard

  Hampton   GA   30228-1672     8,177        43.4   $ 56,170        9,475        15.9   $ 57,077        1.6     289   

Kroger Rivermont Station


8465 Holcombe Bridge Road

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-8530     26,801        4.5   $ 91,518        28,165        5.1   $ 96,484        5.4     948   

Hyde Park Plaza


3760 Paxton Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45209-2306     50,274        -1.7   $ 46,144        49,747        -1.1   $ 49,791        7.9     1,778   

Eagan Promenade


1299 Promenade Place

  Eagan   MN   55122-2293     18,544        4.8   $ 75,308        19,126        3.1   $ 81,506        8.2     656   

Midway Marketplace


1450 University Avenue West

  Saint Paul   MN   55104-4012     64,536        -3.2   $ 52,300        63,486        -1.6   $ 56,546        8.1     2,282   

Lake Brandon Village


1051 West Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-4125     34,470        29.6   $ 59,827        39,130        13.5   $ 64,585        8.0     1,219   

Grand Plaza


4210 West 45th Avenue

  Amarillo   TX   79109-5499     40,881        6.5   $ 48,863        42,735        4.5   $ 53,714        9.9     1,446   

Plaza South


710 Memorial Boulevard

  Murfreesboro   TN   37129-2791     29,754        46.4   $ 37,968        35,125        18.1   $ 40,071        5.5     1,052   

Madison Centre


8000 Madison Boulevard

  Madison   AL   35758-2035     10,973        26.3   $ 61,051        12,222        11.4   $ 64,783        6.1     388   

Cook’s Corner


172 Bath Road

  Brunswick   ME   04011-2528     7,228        4.0   $ 49,768        7,370        2.0   $ 55,780        12.1     256   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Town and Country Plaza


2400 West Thomas Street

  Hammond   LA   70401-2843     11,441        16.2   $ 31,963        12,335        7.8   $ 34,212        7.0     405   

Cambridge Square


2036 Johnson Ferry Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30319-2500     39,443        8.7   $ 68,506        41,104        4.2   $ 72,035        5.2     1,395   

Martin Downs Town Center


2710 SW Martin Downs Boulevard

  Palm City   FL   34990-6019     14,041        16.9   $ 66,942        15,085        7.4   $ 72,449        8.2     497   

Westgate Market


6700 West Kellogg Drive

  Wichita   KS   67203-2216     22,362        6.0   $ 47,291        23,055        3.1   $ 48,856        3.3     791   

Arboretum Crossing


9333 Research Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78759-7364     53,937        7.7   $ 53,722        57,462        6.5   $ 55,768        3.8     1,908   

La Plaza Del Norte


125 NE Loop 410

  San Antonio   TX   78216-4730     40,752        5.8   $ 43,302        42,856        5.2   $ 45,035        4.0     1,441   

Grassland Crossing


5665 Highway Nine

  Alpharetta   GA   30004-3959     11,423        101.8   $ 108,525        13,489        18.1   $ 117,948        8.7     404   

Great Northern Plaza North


26520 Lorain Avenue

  OH   44070-3203     23,498        -6.6   $ 65,244        22,405        -4.7   $ 68,508        5.0     831   



6351 Interstate 55 North

  Jackson   MS   39213-9720     24,162        3.0   $ 46,689        24,283        0.5   $ 48,334        3.5     855   

Santana Row


368 Santana Row

  San Jose   CA   95128-2062     91,920        3.9   $ 74,261        94,807        3.1   $ 79,234        6.7     3,251   

Price Plaza-Houston


20280 Katy Freeway

  Katy   TX   77449-7500     33,061        27.5   $ 83,688        36,485        10.4   $ 88,809        6.1     1,169   

Broadmoor Village


950 West Centerville Road

  Garland   TX   75041-5823     47,777        -3.6   $ 43,350        47,470        -0.6   $ 44,203        2.0     1,690   

Richardson Plaza


110 West Campbell Road

  Richardson   TX   75080-3510     34,810        6.2   $ 67,309        36,633        5.2   $ 68,548        1.8     1,231   

Century Plaza


1800 South Semoran Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32822-2801     52,109        9.2   $ 44,043        56,047        7.6   $ 46,237        5.0     1,843   

White Lake Commons


7121 Dixie Highway

  Clarkston   MI   48346-2077     10,939        1.0   $ 79,499        10,894        -0.4   $ 81,969        3.1     387   

Marlton Pike


2005 Marlton Pike East

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08003-1201     30,473        4.3   $ 90,123        30,772        1.0   $ 96,341        6.9     1,078   



1105 Route 130 South

  Cinnaminson   NJ   08077-3039     21,118        4.4   $ 74,452        21,285        0.8   $ 81,250        9.1     747   

Oakcreek Village


4600 Chapel Hill Boulevard

  Durham   NC   27707-2669     23,581        23.5   $ 60,829        26,015        10.3   $ 62,947        3.5     834   

Frankford Avenue


8812 Frankford Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19136-1313     75,451        -0.5   $ 47,679        75,295        -0.2   $ 50,766        6.5     2,669   



901 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19107-3111     173,867        3.0   $ 33,193        175,933        1.2   $ 35,862        8.0     6,149   

Wellness Center-Upper Darby


6800 Market Street

  Upper Darby   PA   19082-2412     128,377        -4.7   $ 39,618        125,526        -2.2   $ 41,928        5.8     4,540   

Center Square


1301 Skippack Pike

  PA   19422-1254     16,646        4.8   $ 92,649        16,873        1.4   $ 99,588        7.5     589   



2010 Whitehall Mall

  Whitehall   PA   18052-5125     44,607        1.3   $ 40,186        45,004        0.9   $ 42,348        5.4     1,578   


    Easton   PA       9,598        14.2   $ 73,813        10,096        5.2   $ 80,517        9.1     339   



250 West Chester Pike

  Havertown   PA   19083-4638     79,107        -3.6   $ 58,694        77,450        -2.1   $ 62,989        7.3     2,798   

Whiteland Town Center


200 West Lincoln Highway

  Exton   PA   19341-2623     16,097        15.6   $ 98,165        17,041        5.9   $ 108,344        10.4     569   



2333 West Main Street

  Lansdale   PA   19446-1346     23,345        3.7   $ 73,401        23,569        1.0   $ 80,244        9.3     826   



905 Lincoln Highway

  Morrisville   PA   19067-3573     38,747        -2.8   $ 47,972        37,986        -2.0   $ 50,359        5.0     1,370   

Bucks County


101 East Street Road

  Feasterville   PA   19053-6048     28,314        2.7   $ 68,777        28,507        0.7   $ 73,748        7.2     1,001   



Easton Road

  Warrington   PA   18976     15,638        22.3   $ 92,706        16,679        6.7   $ 100,843        8.8     553   

Broadway Center-Garland


3161 Broadway Boulevard

  Garland   TX   75043-1528     38,091        -2.4   $ 47,724        38,092        0.0   $ 49,051        2.8     1,347   

Sagamore @ 26


311 Sagamore Parkway North

  Lafayette   IN   47904-2800     30,780        6.5   $ 33,720        31,862        3.5   $ 34,180        1.4     1,089   

Ahwatukee Foothills Towne Ctr


4711 East Ray Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85044-6230     34,793        13.7   $ 76,552        38,578        10.9   $ 81,448        6.4     1,231   

Ashford Place


4776 Ashford Dunwoody Road

  Atlanta   GA   30338-5504     39,301        7.9   $ 77,992        41,026        4.4   $ 81,788        4.9     1,390   

Pike Seven Plaza


8350 Leesburg Pike

  Vienna   VA   22182-2401     34,152        5.0   $ 113,286        34,844        2.0   $ 123,618        9.1     1,208   



3459 Old Halifax Road

  South Boston   VA   24592-4900     4,677        -1.3   $ 32,531        4,585        -2.0   $ 33,843        4.0     165   

City Place Market


2415 North Haskell Avenue

  Dallas   TX   75204-3716     72,319        13.2   $ 52,379        75,721        4.7   $ 56,947        8.7     2,558   

Wendover Ridge


4214 West Wendover Avenue

  Greensboro   NC   27407-1919     30,965        17.9   $ 47,081        33,156        7.1   $ 48,083        2.1     1,095   

Cordele Marketplace


1215 East 16th Avenue

  Cordele   GA   31015-1543     5,433        0.8   $ 23,784        5,450        0.3   $ 24,633        3.6     192   



5125 Old Granbury Road

  Fort Worth   TX   76133-2017     49,928        13.2   $ 46,664        54,159        8.5   $ 48,389        3.7     1,766   

Belden Park Crossings II


5496 Dressler Road

  Canton   OH   44720-7749     21,754        1.4   $ 50,943        21,680        -0.3   $ 53,232        4.5     769   

Southland Crossing


1280 Doral Drive

  Boardman   OH   44514-1906     25,611        -8.3   $ 41,374        24,150        -5.7   $ 42,832        3.5     906   

Pike Nurseries-Peachtree City


103 Highway 74 South

  GA   30269-1646     10,061        10.3   $ 83,120        10,491        4.3   $ 85,946        3.4     356   

Pike Nurseries-Woodstock


2475 Towne Lake Parkway

  Woodstock   GA   30189-5525     16,798        32.7   $ 81,094        19,452        15.8   $ 83,691        3.2     594   

Market Place


6135 Peachtree Parkway

  Norcross   GA   30092-3304     27,403        6.7   $ 56,982        29,054        6.0   $ 58,074        1.9     969   

Sandy Plains Village


4651 Woodstock Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-1698     17,882        17.6   $ 107,191        19,341        8.2   $ 111,282        3.8     632   

Tequesta Shoppes


105 North US Highway One

  Tequesta   FL   33469-2737     15,105        10.6   $ 70,751        16,102        6.6   $ 76,033        7.5     534   

Rancho Encanto Plaza


5011 North 35th Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85017-3023     69,247        3.1   $ 35,886        73,848        6.6   $ 37,916        5.7     2,449   

Oakley Plaza


801 Fairview Road

  Asheville   NC   28803-1167     14,057        8.7   $ 42,247        14,607        3.9   $ 44,890        6.3     497   

Mariner’s Village


4592 East Michigan Street

  Orlando   FL   32812-5233     52,954        8.6   $ 45,291        56,867        7.4   $ 47,780        5.5     1,873   

Carmel Commons


7611 Pineville Matthews Road

  Charlotte   NC   28226-3909     34,377        30.8   $ 69,944        38,806        12.9   $ 72,476        3.6     1,216   

East Port Plaza


9000 South Federal Highway

  Port Saint
  FL   34952-3408     23,554        28.4   $ 43,517        27,568        17.0   $ 46,275        6.3     833   

Mainstreet Square


7800 S US Hwy 17/92 Suite 160

  Orlando   FL   32730-2259     34,599        -0.3   $ 51,603        35,475        2.5   $ 54,609        5.8     1,224   

Garrison Ridge Crossing


2650 Dallas Highway

  Marietta   GA   30064-7513     14,099        29.7   $ 91,338        15,421        9.4   $ 95,126        4.1     499   

Smoketown Station/Block 2


13720 Smoketown Road

  Woodbridge   VA   22192-4205     42,301        16.6   $ 76,582        46,939        11.0   $ 83,818        9.4     1,496   



575 Molly Lane

  Woodstock   GA   30189-3710     23,599        20.7   $ 68,688        25,980        10.1   $ 69,474        1.1     835   

Powers Ferry Plaza


1275 Powers Ferry Road SE

  Marietta   GA   30067-9486     33,288        1.1   $ 56,490        33,831        1.6   $ 58,796        4.1     1,177   

West State Plaza


7535 State Avenue

  Kansas City   KS   66112-2815     14,976        -1.6   $ 41,432        14,858        -0.8   $ 42,311        2.1     530   

Desert Square


2419 South Kolb Road

  Tucson   AZ   85710-8434     45,894        8.1   $ 40,728        48,811        6.4   $ 43,020        5.6     1,623   

Corporate Center I/II


8868 Research Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78758-6497     58,736        3.9   $ 45,997        61,679        5.0   $ 47,470        3.2     2,077   



10804 Fallstone

  Houston   TX   77099-3469     61,712        13.0   $ 40,677        66,754        8.2   $ 42,831        5.3     2,183   

Fairview Oaks


101-129 Fairview Road

  Ellenwood   GA   30294-2722     12,191        43.5   $ 63,569        14,084        15.5   $ 65,182        2.5     431   

Enchanted Forest


10020 Baltimore National Pike

  Ellicott City   MD   21042-3760     9,761        14.1   $ 132,764        10,197        4.5   $ 146,285        10.2     345   

Shawan Plaza


11399 York Road

  Cockeysville   MD   21030-1909     13,326        11.1   $ 64,149        13,682        2.7   $ 68,990        7.5     471   

Glen Burnie Village


7566 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3717     32,716        0.7   $ 62,573        32,627        -0.3   $ 68,274        9.1     1,157   



5660 Baltimore National Pike

  Catonsville   MD   21228-1401     50,591        -1.5   $ 53,255        49,893        -1.4   $ 57,653        8.3     1,789   



1015 York Road

  Towson   MD   21204-2516     35,946        0.9   $ 69,027        35,816        -0.4   $ 74,130        7.4     1,271   



2151 York Road

  Timonium   MD   21093-3110     27,547        4.0   $ 67,690        27,774        0.8   $ 71,982        6.3     974   

Timonium Crossing


2080 York Road

  Timonium   MD   21093-4251     29,544        3.8   $ 67,478        29,768        0.8   $ 71,769        6.4     1,045   

Club Center


1496 Reisterstown Road

  Pikesville   MD   21208-3817     43,795        2.4   $ 60,498        43,914        0.3   $ 65,167        7.7     1,549   

Perry Hall


4215 Ebenezer Road

  Nottingham   MD   21236-2141     32,072        9.1   $ 69,578        32,698        2.0   $ 75,245        8.1     1,134   

Orchard Square


1212 York Road

  Lutherville   MD   21093-6240     31,548        1.6   $ 74,063        31,528        -0.1   $ 80,260        8.4     1,116   



1662-1758 S Congress Avenue

  Palm Springs   FL   33461-2142     48,943        -2.7   $ 40,353        49,578        1.3   $ 42,447        5.2     1,731   

Lovejoy Station


11191 Tara Boulevard

  Hampton   GA   30228-1672     9,043        48.1   $ 56,539        10,194        12.7   $ 57,363        1.5     320   

Kroger Rivermont Station


8465 Holcombe Bridge Road

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-8530     26,920        4.2   $ 94,992        28,153        4.6   $ 99,232        4.5     952   

Hyde Park Plaza


3760 Paxton Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45209-2306     49,729        -2.1   $ 46,641        48,918        -1.6   $ 49,743        6.7     1,759   

Eagan Promenade


1299 Promenade Place

  Eagan   MN   55122-2293     18,629        5.7   $ 76,818        19,246        3.3   $ 81,233        5.7     659   

Midway Marketplace


1450 University Avenue West

  Saint Paul   MN   55104-4012     65,291        -1.6   $ 53,731        64,294        -1.5   $ 57,708        7.4     2,309   

Lake Brandon Village


1051 West Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-4125     34,140        29.3   $ 60,098        38,007        11.3   $ 63,729        6.0     1,207   

Grand Plaza


4210 West 45th Avenue

  Amarillo   TX   79109-5499     41,228        7.7   $ 51,665        42,654        3.5   $ 56,439        9.2     1,458   

Plaza South


710 Memorial Boulevard

  Murfreesboro   TN   37129-2791     29,538        44.1   $ 38,996        34,109        15.5   $ 40,546        4.0     1,045   

Madison Centre


8000 Madison Boulevard

  Madison   AL   35758-2035     10,854        29.2   $ 63,134        11,975        10.3   $ 66,150        4.8     384   

Cook’s Corner


172 Bath Road

  Brunswick   ME   04011-2528     6,878        2.8   $ 50,634        6,886        0.1   $ 55,606        9.8     243   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Renaissance Centre


301 West State Road 436

  FL   32714-4133     38,794        2.6   $ 53,024        40,312        3.9   $ 57,271        8.0     1,372   

West Farms


1600 South East Road

  Farmington   CT   06032-2610     29,308        1.1   $ 60,693        29,505        0.7   $ 65,950        8.7     1,037   

Ocala West


2400 SW College Road

  Ocala   FL   34471-4767     13,222        21.4   $ 36,414        14,745        11.5   $ 40,207        10.4     468   

Genito Crossing


13100 Midlothian Turnpike

  Midlothian   VA   23113-4206     15,758        24.9   $ 95,768        17,455        10.8   $ 104,838        9.5     557   

Bermuda Square


12607 Jefferson Davis

  Chester   VA   23831-5307     11,194        24.6   $ 69,305        12,419        10.9   $ 75,334        8.7     396   

Central Park Office Tech


1900 Firman Drive

  Richardson   TX   75081-1882     35,733        4.9   $ 66,688        37,302        4.4   $ 68,683        3.0     1,264   

Skyway Business Center


3002-3020 Skyway Circle South

  Irving   TX   75038-4205     36,423        1.4   $ 47,773        37,110        1.9   $ 49,464        3.5     1,288   



2340 West Burnside

  Portland   OR   97210     60,147        11.1   $ 41,460        63,692        5.9   $ 44,422        7.1     2,127   

Northgate III


11901 Forestgate Drive

  Dallas   TX   75243-5412     62,034        0.3   $ 44,787        62,937        1.5   $ 46,111        3.0     2,194   

Valwood II


2210 Hutton Drive

  Carrollton   TX   75006-6853     30,596        14.9   $ 62,215        32,790        7.2   $ 65,665        5.5     1,082   

Valley View Commerce Park


2000 Academy Lane

  TX   75234-9239     28,007        12.1   $ 53,805        29,757        6.3   $ 56,421        4.9     991   

Parkway Tech Center


1825 East Plano Parkway

  Plano   TX   75074-8502     29,751        7.9   $ 70,311        31,691        6.5   $ 72,584        3.2     1,052   

Carpenter Center


8701 John W. Carpenter Freeway

  Dallas   TX   75247-4642     15,682        2.3   $ 31,273        16,068        2.5   $ 32,399        3.6     555   

Shady Trail Business Center


11048 Shady Trail

  Dallas   TX   75229-5602     28,452        4.9   $ 41,768        29,537        3.8   $ 42,910        2.7     1,006   

Carrier Place


1517 North Carrier Parkway

  Grand Prairie   TX   75050-2375     23,327        10.5   $ 40,605        24,804        6.3   $ 42,136        3.8     825   

Centennial Promenade


9555 East County Line Road

  Englewood   CO   80112-3501     24,006        16.3   $ 89,280        26,065        8.6   $ 93,327        4.5     849   

Ridgedale Festival


14000 Wayzata Boulevard

  Minnetonka   MN   55305-1740     20,742        1.0   $ 74,543        20,941        1.0   $ 79,497        6.6     734   

Cordata Centre


4299 Meridian Street

  Bellingham   WA   98226-6475     16,674        20.1   $ 40,530        18,319        9.9   $ 44,096        8.8     590   

Tamiami Trail


13850 SW 8th Street

  Miami   FL   33184-3033     34,510        16.0   $ 58,698        37,580        8.9   $ 65,121        10.9     1,221   

Garden Square


8515 NW 186th Street

  Hialeah   FL   33015-2555     36,371        30.4   $ 65,467        40,985        12.7   $ 72,249        10.4     1,286   



1765 Kingsdale Center

  Columbus   OH   43221-2001     47,555        -1.7   $ 51,268        47,480        -0.2   $ 53,908        5.1     1,682   

Post Street 150


150 Post Street

  San Francisco   CA   94108-4707     184,066        3.3   $ 64,505        189,793        3.1   $ 70,944        10.0     6,510   

Old Town Center


50 University Avenue

  Los Gatos   CA   95030-6028     17,729        2.8   $ 117,763        18,322        3.3   $ 126,762        7.6     627   

Rainbow Plaza


771 South Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89145-6241     68,277        3.8   $ 49,861        70,318        3.0   $ 53,133        6.6     2,415   

Academy Place


5110 North Academy Boulevard

  CO   80918-4002     40,321        2.7   $ 56,358        41,557        3.1   $ 59,921        6.3     1,426   

West-10 Business Center II


8042 Katy Freeway

  Houston   TX   77024-1908     51,950        12.7   $ 56,941        55,820        7.5   $ 61,177        7.4     1,837   

Piscataway Towne Center


1306 Centennial Avenue

  Piscataway   NJ   08854-4324     29,374        4.4   $ 85,489        30,139        2.6   $ 93,618        9.5     1,039   

Commerce Center


9000 Southwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77074-1526     89,702        10.0   $ 33,599        95,327        6.3   $ 35,511        5.7     3,173   

Spring Creek Centre


464 East Joyce Boulevard

  Fayetteville   AR   72703-6186     16,993        30.0   $ 46,018        19,191        12.9   $ 49,798        8.2     601   

Shoppes of Silverlakes


18201-18391 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33029-1417     21,993        25.1   $ 111,225        24,392        10.9   $ 123,736        11.2     778   

Atlantic Village


953 Atlantic Boulevard

  FL   32233-3311     23,921        7.9   $ 54,847        25,327        5.9   $ 59,521        8.5     846   



1020 North Edgewood Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32254-2324     24,169        -1.4   $ 32,824        24,510        1.4   $ 35,090        6.9     855   

Fort Caroline


6060 Fort Caroline Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32277-1880     25,223        10.1   $ 44,993        26,905        6.7   $ 48,311        7.4     892   

Monument Pointe


1531 Monument Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32225-8353     25,851        24.1   $ 56,622        28,784        11.4   $ 61,457        8.5     914   

Oak Hill


7628 103rd Street

  Jacksonville   FL   32210-9735     26,494        14.1   $ 46,321        28,564        7.8   $ 49,476        6.8     937   

Mandarin Mini-Storage


10601 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-8232     25,080        12.5   $ 61,493        27,018        7.7   $ 65,950        7.2     887   

East Bay Plaza


3665 East Bay Drive

  Largo   FL   33771-1990     45,263        -1.6   $ 41,431        45,440        0.4   $ 44,708        7.9     1,601   

Eustis Square


200 Ardice Avenue

  Eustis   FL   32726-6239     15,308        23.6   $ 40,150        17,316        13.1   $ 43,448        8.2     541   

Forest Edge


5701 North Edgewater Drive

  Orlando   FL   32810-5258     32,714        5.8   $ 45,791        34,530        5.6   $ 48,990        7.0     1,157   

Lake Mary Centre


3697 Lake Emma Road

  Lake Mary   FL   32746-6121     19,420        26.5   $ 73,911        21,810        12.3   $ 80,105        8.4     687   

Bird Ludlum


6710 Bird Road

  Miami   FL   33155-3706     55,137        -1.6   $ 55,565        55,831        1.3   $ 60,487        8.9     1,950   

Plaza Del Rey


10000 West Flagler Street

  Miami   FL   33174-1828     60,012        3.1   $ 46,571        62,155        3.6   $ 50,889        9.3     2,122   

Point Royale


19101 South Dixie Highway

  Miami   FL   33157-7732     39,131        9.8   $ 50,516        41,602        6.3   $ 55,371        9.6     1,384   

West Lakes Plaza


15000 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33193-2301     60,154        12.0   $ 58,146        64,402        7.1   $ 64,065        10.2     2,128   

Epsilon/Diana Building


300 Clematis Street

  West Palm
  FL   33401-4614     30,078        16.3   $ 39,942        32,991        9.7   $ 42,348        6.0     1,064   

EQY Building


777 17th Street

  Miami Beach   FL   33139-1854     31,684        -3.0   $ 45,782        31,755        0.2   $ 51,514        12.5     1,121   

Parker Towne Centre


1105 East Parker Road

  Plano   TX   75074-5327     35,592        9.6   $ 65,296        38,200        7.3   $ 67,325        3.1     1,259   

Four Corners


28519 Tomball Parkway

  Tomball   TX   77375-4545     6,974        35.8   $ 60,225        7,936        13.8   $ 65,702        9.1     247   

Shops at Skylake


1650 NE Miami Gardens Drive

  North Miami
  FL   33179-4900     73,309        1.3   $ 40,491        75,081        2.4   $ 43,771        8.1     2,593   

Plaza Alegre


14630 SW 26th Street

  Miami   FL   33175-8065     40,170        18.0   $ 61,116        43,915        9.3   $ 67,654        10.7     1,421   

Fresh Meadows


6126 188th Street

  NY   11365-2713     194,458        -0.3   $ 57,202        195,714        0.7   $ 62,801        9.8     6,878   

Magruder’s Center


205 North Washington Street

  Rockville   MD   20850-1702     36,231        20.4   $ 97,941        39,296        8.5   $ 109,672        12.0     1,281   

Courthouse Center


Four West Middle Lane

  Rockville   MD   20850-2213     36,350        20.4   $ 97,792        39,433        8.5   $ 109,488        12.0     1,286   



24 Peninsula Center

  Rolling Hills   CA   90274-3506     32,229        3.3   $ 107,399        33,444        3.8   $ 118,911        10.7     1,140   

Arundel Plaza


6650 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-2317     27,660        -1.5   $ 55,769        27,463        -0.7   $ 62,343        11.8     978   

Woodgrove Festival


1001 West 75th Street

  Woodridge   IL   60517-2608     41,613        4.0   $ 72,129        42,486        2.1   $ 75,117        4.1     1,472   

Corporex Plaza I


3902-3904 Corporex Park Drive

  Tampa   FL   33619-1180     16,000        8.2   $ 33,645        17,006        6.3   $ 36,300        7.9     566   

President’s Plaza


4801 George Road

  Tampa   FL   33634-6265     24,053        6.5   $ 46,500        25,404        5.6   $ 49,815        7.1     851   

Inverness Business Park


Inverness Drive

  Englewood   CO   80112     18,892        29.8   $ 91,588        21,185        12.1   $ 96,675        5.6     668   

Avion Business


2155 Chennault

  Carrollton   TX   75006-5091     71,911        10.5   $ 55,863        77,161        7.3   $ 58,681        5.0     2,543   

Nassau Park


251 Nassau Park Boulevard

  Princeton   NJ   08540-5935     10,510        17.2   $ 106,467        11,262        7.2   $ 117,383        10.3     372   

Carrollwood Commons


15110 North Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33618-1817     32,760        9.8   $ 61,130        35,093        7.1   $ 65,827        7.7     1,159   

Shady Oaks


2499 SW 27th Avenue

  Ocala   FL   34474-4407     12,279        22.7   $ 35,539        13,741        11.9   $ 39,426        10.9     434   



435 Uvalde Road

  Houston   TX   77015-3717     29,305        7.0   $ 45,190        30,758        5.0   $ 48,061        6.4     1,036   

Hammond Aire Plaza


9632 Airline Highway

  Baton Rouge   LA   70815-5505     33,655        5.1   $ 45,499        34,217        1.7   $ 47,627        4.7     1,190   

Crossroads Center


2600 David H McLeod Boulevard

  Florence   SC   29501-4098     12,522        10.8   $ 48,091        13,188        5.3   $ 51,830        7.8     443   

Mountainside Plaza


4005 East Chandler Boulevard

  Phoenix   AZ   85048-8828     27,268        16.9   $ 79,346        29,949        9.8   $ 85,067        7.2     964   

Maplewood Plaza


1200 North University Drive

  Coral Springs   FL   33071-6621     63,796        0.7   $ 52,980        65,510        2.7   $ 58,150        9.8     2,256   

Festival at Manassas


10320 Festival Lane

  Manassas   VA   20109-3548     26,044        11.3   $ 68,826        27,724        6.5   $ 75,388        9.5     921   

Acadiana Square


5700 Johnston Street

  Lafayette   LA   70503-5312     21,767        10.4   $ 54,941        22,542        3.6   $ 60,391        9.9     770   



605 Haywood Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-2744     24,109        10.0   $ 43,765        25,666        6.5   $ 45,539        4.1     853   



16900 US Highway 441

  Mount Dora   FL   32757-6729     16,197        24.2   $ 41,349        18,342        13.2   $ 44,853        8.5     573   



3251 Richmond Avenue

  Staten Island   NY   10312-2123     64,830        11.9   $ 75,759        68,417        5.5   $ 83,445        10.1     2,293   

North Rivers Market


7800 River Avenue

  SC   29406-4057     19,482        19.4   $ 44,121        21,263        9.1   $ 47,627        7.9     689   

Wayne Heights Plaza


1503 East Main Street

  Waynesboro   PA   17268-1890     7,889        7.3   $ 44,311        8,220        4.2   $ 47,510        7.2     279   

River Pointe-Residential I


1600 River Pointe Drive

  Conroe   TX   77304-2690     14,164        38.6   $ 42,107        16,474        16.3   $ 45,576        8.2     501   

Market Place of Brown Deer


9140 North Green Bay Road

  Milwaukee   WI   53209-1209     19,414        1.6   $ 53,603        19,615        1.0   $ 56,672        5.7     687   

Brown Deer Center


9200 North Green Bay Road

  Brown Deer   WI   53209-1104     19,336        1.6   $ 53,703        19,538        1.0   $ 56,780        5.7     684   

Shoppers World


12575 West Capitol Drive

  Brookfield   WI   53005-2469     30,581        2.1   $ 54,475        30,934        1.2   $ 57,527        5.6     1,082   

West Allis Center


2625 South 108th Street

  West Allis   WI   53227-1931     49,696        2.4   $ 52,235        50,329        1.3   $ 55,779        6.8     1,758   

Point Loomis


3555 South 27th Street

  Milwaukee   WI   53221-1348     74,402        -1.5   $ 40,696        74,046        -0.5   $ 42,944        5.5     2,631   

Wayne Avenue Plaza


993 Wayne Avenue

  Chambersburg   PA   17201-3895     11,358        7.1   $ 40,395        11,834        4.2   $ 43,465        7.6     402   

Delk Spectrum


2900 Delk Road SE

  Marietta   GA   30067-5320     32,936        -0.7   $ 54,756        33,502        1.7   $ 57,692        5.4     1,165   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Renaissance Centre


301 West State Road 436

  FL   32714-4133     38,678        2.8   $ 54,179        40,173        3.9   $ 57,430        6.0     1,368   

West Farms


1600 South East Road

  Farmington   CT   06032-2610     29,286        2.2   $ 62,534        29,349        0.2   $ 67,175        7.4     1,036   

Ocala West


2400 SW College Road

  Ocala   FL   34471-4767     13,483        26.1   $ 37,342        15,030        11.5   $ 40,684        8.9     477   

Genito Crossing


13100 Midlothian Turnpike

  Midlothian   VA   23113-4206     16,063        29.6   $ 95,715        17,369        8.1   $ 103,773        8.4     568   

Bermuda Square


12607 Jefferson Davis

  Chester   VA   23831-5307     10,773        24.5   $ 70,028        11,770        9.3   $ 75,403        7.7     381   

Central Park Office Tech


1900 Firman Drive

  Richardson   TX   75081-1882     35,810        6.4   $ 67,783        37,637        5.1   $ 69,135        2.0     1,267   

Skyway Business Center


3002-3020 Skyway Circle South

  Irving   TX   75038-4205     36,408        1.8   $ 48,274        36,864        1.3   $ 49,339        2.2     1,288   



2340 West Burnside

  Portland   OR   97210     62,235        15.7   $ 42,686        65,230        4.8   $ 45,532        6.7     2,201   

Northgate III


11901 Forestgate Drive

  Dallas   TX   75243-5412     62,435        1.4   $ 45,226        63,441        1.6   $ 46,015        1.7     2,208   

Valwood II


2210 Hutton Drive

  Carrollton   TX   75006-6853     29,798        14.3   $ 63,528        31,447        5.5   $ 66,647        4.9     1,054   

Valley View Commerce Park


2000 Academy Lane

  TX   75234-9239     27,932        12.9   $ 54,333        29,221        4.6   $ 56,307        3.6     988   

Parkway Tech Center


1825 East Plano Parkway

  Plano   TX   75074-8502     31,346        12.9   $ 71,342        35,207        12.3   $ 73,161        2.5     1,109   

Carpenter Center


8701 John W. Carpenter Freeway

  Dallas   TX   75247-4642     16,435        7.0   $ 31,540        16,957        3.2   $ 32,526        3.1     581   

Shady Trail Business Center


11048 Shady Trail

  Dallas   TX   75229-5602     29,890        10.1   $ 42,510        30,943        3.5   $ 43,217        1.7     1,057   

Carrier Place


1517 North Carrier Parkway

  Grand Prairie   TX   75050-2375     23,738        10.6   $ 41,373        25,145        5.9   $ 42,473        2.7     840   

Centennial Promenade


9555 East County Line Road

  Englewood   CO   80112-3501     25,250        22.9   $ 89,561        27,866        10.4   $ 92,077        2.8     893   

Ridgedale Festival


14000 Wayzata Boulevard

  Minnetonka   MN   55305-1740     20,503        0.1   $ 76,540        20,551        0.2   $ 80,527        5.2     725   

Cordata Centre


4299 Meridian Street

  Bellingham   WA   98226-6475     16,988        23.2   $ 41,001        18,359        8.1   $ 43,825        6.9     601   

Tamiami Trail


13850 SW 8th Street

  Miami   FL   33184-3033     36,197        19.8   $ 59,774        38,498        6.4   $ 64,647        8.2     1,280   

Garden Square


8515 NW 186th Street

  Hialeah   FL   33015-2555     37,639        35.9   $ 65,434        41,320        9.8   $ 70,298        7.4     1,331   



1765 Kingsdale Center

  Columbus   OH   43221-2001     47,755        -0.7   $ 53,537        47,942        0.4   $ 56,306        5.2     1,689   

Post Street 150


150 Post Street

  San Francisco   CA   94108-4707     193,294        8.6   $ 66,700        201,575        4.3   $ 72,581        8.8     6,836   

Old Town Center


50 University Avenue

  Los Gatos   CA   95030-6028     17,794        4.0   $ 120,581        18,388        3.3   $ 127,231        5.5     629   

Rainbow Plaza


771 South Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89145-6241     67,877        2.7   $ 51,620        72,461        6.8   $ 55,329        7.2     2,401   

Academy Place


5110 North Academy Boulevard

  CO   80918-4002     41,352        5.7   $ 58,276        43,346        4.8   $ 61,319        5.2     1,463   

West-10 Business Center II


8042 Katy Freeway

  Houston   TX   77024-1908     52,662        14.5   $ 59,280        56,717        7.7   $ 63,220        6.6     1,863   

Piscataway Towne Center


1306 Centennial Avenue

  Piscataway   NJ   08854-4324     29,011        2.9   $ 87,443        29,314        1.0   $ 94,507        8.1     1,026   

Commerce Center


9000 Southwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77074-1526     89,575        10.2   $ 34,597        95,405        6.5   $ 36,268        4.8     3,168   

Spring Creek Centre


464 East Joyce Boulevard

  Fayetteville   AR   72703-6186     17,052        29.6   $ 46,599        18,821        10.4   $ 49,180        5.5     603   

Shoppes of Silverlakes


18201-18391 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33029-1417     21,920        26.4   $ 111,496        23,718        8.2   $ 125,361        12.4     775   

Atlantic Village


953 Atlantic Boulevard

  FL   32233-3311     24,290        6.3   $ 56,415        25,475        4.9   $ 60,409        7.1     859   



1020 North Edgewood Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32254-2324     23,797        -2.7   $ 33,570        24,023        1.0   $ 35,560        5.9     842   

Fort Caroline


6060 Fort Caroline Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32277-1880     24,540        7.6   $ 45,906        25,841        5.3   $ 48,221        5.0     868   

Monument Pointe


1531 Monument Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32225-8353     26,320        23.8   $ 57,488        29,028        10.3   $ 61,196        6.5     931   

Oak Hill


7628 103rd Street

  Jacksonville   FL   32210-9735     26,810        14.2   $ 47,315        28,719        7.1   $ 49,889        5.4     948   

Mandarin Mini-Storage


10601 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-8232     24,532        11.3   $ 62,826        26,188        6.8   $ 65,997        5.0     868   

East Bay Plaza


3665 East Bay Drive

  Largo   FL   33771-1990     45,253        -1.7   $ 42,199        45,132        -0.3   $ 44,704        5.9     1,600   

Eustis Square


200 Ardice Avenue

  Eustis   FL   32726-6239     14,986        21.8   $ 39,621        16,972        13.3   $ 41,961        5.9     530   

Forest Edge


5701 North Edgewater Drive

  Orlando   FL   32810-5258     31,715        4.0   $ 46,558        33,495        5.6   $ 49,029        5.3     1,122   

Lake Mary Centre


3697 Lake Emma Road

  Lake Mary   FL   32746-6121     19,062        24.4   $ 75,529        20,942        9.9   $ 80,994        7.2     674   

Bird Ludlum


6710 Bird Road

  Miami   FL   33155-3706     55,681        -1.2   $ 56,282        56,291        1.1   $ 60,559        7.6     1,969   

Plaza Del Rey


10000 West Flagler Street

  Miami   FL   33174-1828     60,307        3.9   $ 47,175        62,357        3.4   $ 50,650        7.4     2,133   

Point Royale


19101 South Dixie Highway

  Miami   FL   33157-7732     40,249        13.5   $ 51,048        42,349        5.2   $ 55,318        8.4     1,424   

West Lakes Plaza


15000 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33193-2301     61,629        14.4   $ 59,199        65,429        6.2   $ 63,806        7.8     2,180   

Epsilon/Diana Building


300 Clematis Street

  West Palm
  FL   33401-4614     28,428        10.2   $ 40,465        30,114        5.9   $ 42,280        4.5     1,005   

EQY Building


777 17th Street

  Miami Beach   FL   33139-1854     31,690        -2.9   $ 46,534        31,848        0.5   $ 54,087        16.2     1,121   

Parker Towne Centre


1105 East Parker Road

  Plano   TX   75074-5327     36,895        13.2   $ 66,134        42,105        14.1   $ 67,767        2.5     1,305   

Four Corners


28519 Tomball Parkway

  Tomball   TX   77375-4545     6,273        24.8   $ 60,327        6,779        8.1   $ 65,758        9.0     222   

Shops at Skylake


1650 NE Miami Gardens Drive

  North Miami
  FL   33179-4900     73,456        1.7   $ 40,877        75,348        2.6   $ 43,071        5.4     2,598   

Plaza Alegre


14630 SW 26th Street

  Miami   FL   33175-8065     42,088        22.3   $ 62,386        45,020        7.0   $ 67,545        8.3     1,489   

Fresh Meadows


6126 188th Street

  NY   11365-2713     194,894        0.2   $ 59,203        194,901        0.0   $ 64,100        8.3     6,893   

Magruder’s Center


205 North Washington Street

  Rockville   MD   20850-1702     36,502        20.7   $ 100,255        38,868        6.5   $ 109,975        9.7     1,291   

Courthouse Center


Four West Middle Lane

  Rockville   MD   20850-2213     36,642        20.7   $ 100,435        39,011        6.5   $ 110,141        9.7     1,296   



24 Peninsula Center

  Rolling Hills   CA   90274-3506     31,692        1.3   $ 108,486        32,297        1.9   $ 116,560        7.4     1,121   

Arundel Plaza


6650 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-2317     27,727        -0.8   $ 57,968        27,459        -1.0   $ 63,586        9.7     981   

Woodgrove Festival


1001 West 75th Street

  Woodridge   IL   60517-2608     41,203        2.9   $ 74,036        41,446        0.6   $ 77,039        4.1     1,457   

Corporex Plaza I


3902-3904 Corporex Park Drive

  Tampa   FL   33619-1180     16,130        9.9   $ 33,690        17,257        7.0   $ 35,537        5.5     570   

President’s Plaza


4801 George Road

  Tampa   FL   33634-6265     24,056        6.3   $ 46,760        25,520        6.1   $ 48,825        4.4     851   

Inverness Business Park


Inverness Drive

  Englewood   CO   80112     20,456        41.6   $ 91,715        22,467        9.8   $ 93,922        2.4     723   

Avion Business


2155 Chennault

  Carrollton   TX   75006-5091     73,889        12.7   $ 56,793        80,188        8.5   $ 58,863        3.6     2,613   

Nassau Park


251 Nassau Park Boulevard

  Princeton   NJ   08540-5935     10,508        17.3   $ 109,716        11,071        5.4   $ 119,676        9.1     372   

Carrollwood Commons


15110 North Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33618-1817     32,037        7.2   $ 61,909        34,163        6.6   $ 65,498        5.8     1,133   

Shady Oaks


2499 SW 27th Avenue

  Ocala   FL   34474-4407     12,804        27.2   $ 36,204        14,306        11.7   $ 39,621        9.4     453   



435 Uvalde Road

  Houston   TX   77015-3717     29,152        6.4   $ 46,426        30,380        4.2   $ 49,055        5.7     1,031   

Hammond Aire Plaza


9632 Airline Highway

  Baton Rouge   LA   70815-5505     32,823        3.5   $ 47,670        33,478        2.0   $ 49,664        4.2     1,161   

Crossroads Center


2600 David H McLeod Boulevard

  Florence   SC   29501-4098     12,412        11.6   $ 48,434        12,946        4.3   $ 51,157        5.6     439   

Mountainside Plaza


4005 East Chandler Boulevard

  Phoenix   AZ   85048-8828     26,471        14.1   $ 81,682        29,386        11.0   $ 86,490        5.9     936   

Maplewood Plaza


1200 North University Drive

  Coral Springs   FL   33071-6621     63,170        -0.7   $ 53,374        64,070        1.4   $ 57,122        7.0     2,234   

Festival at Manassas


10320 Festival Lane

  Manassas   VA   20109-3548     25,590        9.6   $ 70,481        27,284        6.6   $ 76,240        8.2     905   

Acadiana Square


5700 Johnston Street

  Lafayette   LA   70503-5312     21,286        9.9   $ 57,718        22,377        5.1   $ 62,346        8.0     753   



605 Haywood Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-2744     24,393        11.8   $ 44,225        25,943        6.4   $ 45,285        2.4     863   



16900 US Highway 441

  Mount Dora   FL   32757-6729     16,049        23.0   $ 41,156        18,222        13.5   $ 43,749        6.3     568   



3251 Richmond Avenue

  Staten Island   NY   10312-2123     65,992        13.7   $ 79,282        69,070        4.7   $ 86,412        9.0     2,334   

North Rivers Market


7800 River Avenue

  SC   29406-4057     20,449        24.5   $ 45,375        22,595        10.5   $ 48,297        6.4     723   

Wayne Heights Plaza


1503 East Main Street

  Waynesboro   PA   17268-1890     7,957        9.4   $ 46,724        8,259        3.8   $ 50,539        8.2     281   

River Pointe-Residential I


1600 River Pointe Drive

  Conroe   TX   77304-2690     14,384        39.1   $ 43,278        16,856        17.2   $ 46,465        7.4     509   

Market Place of Brown Deer


9140 North Green Bay Road

  Milwaukee   WI   53209-1209     19,024        -0.8   $ 55,446        18,818        -1.1   $ 57,294        3.3     673   

Brown Deer Center


9200 North Green Bay Road

  Brown Deer   WI   53209-1104     18,930        -0.7   $ 55,459        18,731        -1.1   $ 57,302        3.3     670   

Shoppers World


12575 West Capitol Drive

  Brookfield   WI   53005-2469     30,158        0.9   $ 56,289        30,061        -0.3   $ 58,668        4.2     1,067   

West Allis Center


2625 South 108th Street

  West Allis   WI   53227-1931     48,441        -0.1   $ 54,582        48,076        -0.8   $ 57,875        6.0     1,713   

Point Loomis


3555 South 27th Street

  Milwaukee   WI   53221-1348     74,857        -0.5   $ 42,174        74,108        -1.0   $ 44,315        5.1     2,648   

Wayne Avenue Plaza


993 Wayne Avenue

  Chambersburg   PA   17201-3895     11,421        9.2   $ 42,549        11,835        3.6   $ 45,147        6.1     404   

Delk Spectrum


2900 Delk Road SE

  Marietta   GA   30067-5320     33,294        0.6   $ 57,173        33,768        1.4   $ 59,425        3.9     1,178   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Bloomingdale Square


855 East Bloomingdale Avenue

  Brandon   FL   33511-8113     28,590        23.7   $ 70,323        31,915        11.6   $ 76,042        8.1     1,011   

Spring Valley 6


2221 Lakeside Blvd

  Richardson   TX   75082-4305     31,761        3.5   $ 67,649        33,029        4.0   $ 69,782        3.2     1,123   



2306 NE Loop 410

  San Antonio   TX   78217-5603     37,067        4.4   $ 41,992        38,610        4.2   $ 44,152        5.1     1,311   

Bandera Festival


8407 Bandera Road

  San Antonio   TX   78228-2574     48,591        26.7   $ 61,976        54,301        11.8   $ 65,660        5.9     1,719   

Benchmark Crossing


5757 Hollister

  Houston   TX   77040-5715     44,276        8.1   $ 40,655        46,781        5.7   $ 42,881        5.5     1,566   



East Huntland Drive

  Austin   TX   78752     65,332        2.4   $ 38,244        67,773        3.7   $ 40,055        4.7     2,311   

El Campo


1270 North Mechanic Street

  El Campo   TX   77437-2614     4,671        -0.8   $ 39,429        4,621        -1.1   $ 42,712        8.3     165   



10945 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77042-3203     83,762        14.3   $ 47,892        90,482        8.0   $ 50,312        5.1     2,962   

Market at First Colony


3591 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-4404     31,298        33.5   $ 90,259        36,164        15.6   $ 95,858        6.2     1,107   

Mason Park Centre


501 South Mason Road

  Katy   TX   77450-2491     31,515        32.0   $ 92,167        35,671        13.2   $ 99,414        7.9     1,115   

Rosemeade Park


2515 E Rosemeade Parkway

  Carrollton   TX   75007-2036     62,273        19.5   $ 62,804        69,642        11.8   $ 65,687        4.6     2,202   

University Park


615 East University Drive

  TX   77840-1803     33,212        10.6   $ 26,590        35,484        6.8   $ 29,324        10.3     1,175   

Park Northern


8021 North 35th Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85051-5867     72,673        4.3   $ 41,502        76,443        5.2   $ 44,067        6.2     2,570   

Southwest Walgreen’s

    Phoenix   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Town ‘N Country Plaza


7555 West Hillsborough Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33615-4103     30,374        7.5   $ 47,994        32,187        6.0   $ 51,662        7.6     1,074   

Crossroads Square


70 North University Drive

  FL   33024-6730     55,161        2.3   $ 53,829        56,915        3.2   $ 59,092        9.8     1,951   

McMinn Plaza


927 Decatur Pike

  Athens   TN   37303-3037     7,006        9.8   $ 34,182        7,362        5.1   $ 36,389        6.5     248   

Twin Lakes


455 Highway 321 North

  Lenoir City   TN   37771-2064     6,273        15.4   $ 42,493        6,781        8.1   $ 45,666        7.5     222   

Central Plaza


5916 West Loop 289

  Lubbock   TX   79424-1117     34,986        11.1   $ 48,355        37,117        6.1   $ 53,567        10.8     1,237   

Vista Ridge Plaza I


420 East Round Grove Road

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8307     34,028        28.0   $ 68,675        38,608        13.5   $ 72,543        5.6     1,203   

Shops at Vista Ridge


500 East Round Grove Road

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8309     33,055        28.8   $ 69,015        37,588        13.7   $ 72,843        5.5     1,169   

Vista Ridge Plaza II


420 East FM 3040

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8307     34,002        27.9   $ 68,749        38,574        13.5   $ 72,602        5.6     1,203   

Belair Center


8400 East Eight Mile Road

  Detroit   MI   48234-1109     53,698        -5.2   $ 34,946        52,197        -2.8   $ 35,567        1.8     1,899   

Country Club


1515 Northgate Mile

  Idaho Falls   ID   83401-2014     20,491        13.2   $ 44,206        22,159        8.1   $ 47,720        7.9     725   

Land-University Park

  TX       33,263        10.1   $ 27,487        35,462        6.6   $ 30,233        10.0     1,176   

Spring Valley Commons


9003 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29223-5800     16,801        14.8   $ 52,815        18,111        7.8   $ 56,446        6.9     594   

Town & Country


1012-1038 Buenaventura Blvd

  Kissimmee   FL   34743-7865     25,079        48.3   $ 51,082        29,756        18.7   $ 55,877        9.4     887   

Chastain Square


4279 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30342-3769     39,008        15.2   $ 87,598        42,295        8.4   $ 96,119        9.7     1,380   

McAlpin Square


1900 East Victory Drive

  Savannah   GA   31404-3713     31,634        -1.2   $ 33,547        31,889        0.8   $ 36,150        7.8     1,119   

Moore Plaza


5545 South Padre Island Drive

  TX   78411-4107     46,210        5.0   $ 45,999        47,631        3.1   $ 48,502        5.4     1,634   

Lennox Town Center


1647 Olentangy River Road

  Columbus   OH   43212-1494     55,903        -2.8   $ 33,853        55,502        -0.7   $ 35,478        4.8     1,977   

Sun Center


3622 West Dublin Granville Rd

  Columbus   OH   43235-4901     36,500        6.8   $ 66,565        37,883        3.8   $ 69,386        4.2     1,291   

Perimeter Center


6644-6804 Perimeter Loop Road

  Dublin   OH   43017-3204     17,207        39.7   $ 85,444        19,638        14.1   $ 89,236        4.4     609   

Derby Square


2161 Stringtown Road

  Grove City   OH   43123-2989     17,155        17.9   $ 60,362        18,457        7.6   $ 64,741        7.3     607   

Barboursville Center


Five Mall Road

  Barboursville   WV   25504-1822     4,933        2.4   $ 43,464        5,002        1.4   $ 46,169        6.2     174   

South Main Street Plaza


2250 South Main Street

  Bellefontaine   OH   43311-8904     5,921        0.5   $ 42,798        5,916        -0.1   $ 44,991        5.1     209   

Shoppes at Turnberry


1701-1797 Hill Road North

  Pickerington   OH   43147-8732     20,778        35.8   $ 67,711        23,505        13.1   $ 71,455        5.5     735   

H.H. Greg


1371 Main Street

  Hamilton   OH   45013-1635     19,883        8.9   $ 42,381        20,828        4.8   $ 44,624        5.3     703   

Easton Market


3740 Easton Market

  Columbus   OH   43219-6025     42,405        6.6   $ 46,828        43,832        3.4   $ 48,449        3.5     1,500   

Dublin Village


6561 Dublin Center Drive

  Dublin   OH   43017-5079     35,550        9.5   $ 69,318        37,287        4.9   $ 72,331        4.3     1,257   

Washington Park Plaza


615 Lyons Road

  Dayton   OH   45459-3978     23,795        1.7   $ 64,772        23,914        0.5   $ 67,689        4.5     842   



2300 Dixwell Avenue

  Hamden   CT   06514-2108     24,594        2.3   $ 61,922        24,975        1.6   $ 67,512        9.0     870   

Cameron Creek Business Park


9210 Cameron Road

  Austin   TX   78754-3918     43,523        6.2   $ 39,429        45,796        5.2   $ 41,417        5.0     1,539   

Land-Cameron Creek

    Austin   TX       50,529        3.8   $ 40,624        52,936        4.8   $ 42,605        4.9     1,787   

Daniel Village


2803 Wrightsboro Road

  Augusta   GA   30909-3913     27,925        -5.7   $ 31,701        27,347        -2.1   $ 33,256        4.9     988   



255 John F Kennedy Road

  Dubuque   IA   52002-5313     20,945        5.0   $ 44,323        21,506        2.7   $ 47,380        6.9     741   

Davenport Center


3808 Brady Street

  Davenport   IA   52806-6008     31,773        1.2   $ 43,817        32,105        1.0   $ 46,293        5.7     1,124   

Big Curve


320 West 32nd Street

  Yuma   AZ   85364-8187     22,252        18.8   $ 43,121        24,471        10.0   $ 46,588        8.0     787   

Calumet Center


500 River Oaks West

  Calumet City   IL   60409-5443     45,813        -6.2   $ 46,140        44,402        -3.1   $ 48,482        5.1     1,620   



1740 North Kostner Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60639-4703     164,760        -2.7   $ 42,691        162,986        -1.1   $ 45,764        7.2     5,827   

Chicago-87th Street


125 West 87th Street

  Chicago   IL   60620-1304     99,867        -7.1   $ 38,723        96,245        -3.6   $ 41,000        5.9     3,532   

Elston Center


5033 North Elston Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60630-1707     130,002        -4.2   $ 53,269        127,644        -1.8   $ 57,428        7.8     4,598   

Countryside Plaza


140 Countryside Plaza

  Countryside   IL   60525-3981     26,375        -2.4   $ 74,775        26,190        -0.7   $ 79,685        6.6     933   

Crestwood Center


13200 South Cicero Avenue

  Crestwood   IL   60445-1426     33,486        -0.2   $ 56,008        33,577        0.3   $ 60,395        7.8     1,184   

Forest Park


7600 West Roosevelt Road

  Forest Park   IL   60130-2273     84,357        -7.5   $ 53,704        81,160        -3.8   $ 57,586        7.2     2,984   

Matteson Center


21000 South Cicero Avenue

  Matteson   IL   60443-1696     19,824        10.0   $ 64,112        20,786        4.9   $ 67,777        5.7     701   

Niles Center


8500 West Golf Road

  Niles   IL   60714-1154     50,204        0.1   $ 66,732        50,316        0.2   $ 70,834        6.1     1,776   

Mount Prospect Center


1500 South Elmhurst Road

  IL   60056-5205     43,106        -3.2   $ 61,662        42,549        -1.3   $ 65,460        6.2     1,525   

Norridge Center


4210 North Harlem Avenue

  Norridge   IL   60634-1223     104,504        -4.0   $ 55,753        102,558        -1.9   $ 59,755        7.2     3,696   

Oak Lawn Center


4101 West 95th Street

  Oak Lawn   IL   60453-2613     64,997        -4.8   $ 61,436        63,612        -2.1   $ 65,659        6.9     2,299   

Oakbrook Terrace


17W734 22nd Street

  IL   60181-4402     33,911        3.6   $ 68,116        34,565        1.9   $ 70,732        3.8     1,199   



1311 Golf Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-4879     32,765        -2.4   $ 68,192        32,495        -0.8   $ 72,332        6.1     1,159   



9435 Skokie Boulevard

  Skokie   IL   60077-1312     53,381        1.0   $ 75,807        53,885        0.9   $ 80,876        6.7     1,888   

Downers Grove


7401 Lemont Road

  IL   60516-3805     42,116        3.9   $ 72,102        42,962        2.0   $ 75,111        4.2     1,490   

Naper West Plaza


510 South State Route 59

  Naperville   IL   60540-0915     32,878        15.2   $ 83,959        34,924        6.2   $ 88,207        5.1     1,163   

Northfield Square Mall


1175 East Main Street

  Carbondale   IL   62901-3126     10,005        2.8   $ 18,805        10,111        1.1   $ 20,435        8.7     354   

Evergreen Square


901 West Lake Avenue

  Peoria   IL   61614-5987     36,179        -1.1   $ 44,921        36,116        -0.2   $ 47,976        6.8     1,280   



North Larkin

  Crest Hill   IL   60435     40,504        26.2   $ 48,454        45,318        11.9   $ 51,834        7.0     1,433   

Griffith Center


430 West Ridge Road

  Griffith   IN   46319-1018     27,288        -1.9   $ 49,834        27,165        -0.5   $ 52,845        6.0     965   

Merrillville Center


6063 Broadway

  Merrillville   IN   46410-2683     19,720        0.1   $ 45,817        19,802        0.4   $ 48,011        4.8     697   

East Washington


North Shadeland

  Indianapolis   IN   46219     31,576        -3.2   $ 39,926        31,163        -1.3   $ 41,531        4.0     1,117   

Roeland Center


4950 Roe Boulevard

  Roeland Park   KS   66205-1110     43,561        0.0   $ 46,509        44,053        1.1   $ 48,471        4.2     1,541   



300 West Park Mall

  MO   63703-6357     13,025        6.6   $ 36,300        13,502        3.7   $ 39,609        9.1     461   

Kansas Center


4707 East Bannister Road

  Kansas City   MO   64137-1201     22,996        -2.4   $ 38,906        22,819        -0.8   $ 40,632        4.4     813   

Gladstone Kmart Plaza


4820 North Oak Trafficway

  Kansas City   MO   64118-4691     29,446        2.6   $ 46,929        30,389        3.2   $ 49,474        5.4     1,041   


    O’Fallon   MO   63366     23,913        40.9   $ 68,518        27,622        15.5   $ 74,175        8.3     846   

Cave Springs Crossing


4045 Veterans Memorial Parkway

  Saint Peters   MO   63376-6421     23,282        6.1   $ 64,072        24,350        4.6   $ 67,822        5.9     823   



12222 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Hazelwood   MO   63044-2501     18,510        -1.2   $ 51,561        18,408        -0.6   $ 55,045        6.8     655   

Overland Crossing


8901 Page Avenue

  Overland   MO   63114-6119     44,422        -2.2   $ 44,606        43,762        -1.5   $ 46,857        5.0     1,571   

Deer Creek


Laclede Station Road

  Maplewood   MO   63143     61,899        0.2   $ 53,012        61,896        0.0   $ 57,487        8.4     2,189   

Dunn Center


2855 Dunn Road

  Florissant   MO   63033-6705     40,075        -4.1   $ 43,199        39,008        -2.7   $ 45,311        4.9     1,417   

Oklahoma City II

  OK       36,289        0.3   $ 33,124        36,746        1.3   $ 36,057        8.9     1,283   

Wellness Center-Eastwick


2821 Island Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19153-2300     55,668        -4.8   $ 37,595        54,293        -2.5   $ 40,635        8.1     1,969   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010

    2010 Median
HH Income

    2015 Median


Bloomingdale Square


855 East Bloomingdale Avenue

  Brandon   FL   33511-8113     28,251        22.3   $ 70,442        31,444        11.3   $ 75,077        6.6     999   

Spring Valley 6


2221 Lakeside Blvd

  Richardson   TX   75082-4305     32,297        5.1   $ 68,408        34,026        5.4   $ 69,965        2.3     1,142   



2306 NE Loop 410

  San Antonio   TX   78217-5603     37,556        5.0   $ 42,770        39,349        4.8   $ 44,487        4.0     1,328   

Bandera Festival


8407 Bandera Road

  San Antonio   TX   78228-2574     47,653        27.3   $ 63,464        53,022        11.3   $ 66,709        5.1     1,685   

Benchmark Crossing


5757 Hollister

  Houston   TX   77040-5715     44,189        8.4   $ 41,827        46,739        5.8   $ 43,520        4.0     1,563   



East Huntland Drive

  Austin   TX   78752     63,983        1.0   $ 39,233        66,374        3.7   $ 41,072        4.7     2,263   

El Campo


1270 North Mechanic Street

  El Campo   TX   77437-2614     4,696        -1.0   $ 41,107        4,672        -0.5   $ 44,487        8.2     166   



10945 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77042-3203     83,031        14.6   $ 49,221        89,677        8.0   $ 51,653        4.9     2,937   

Market at First Colony


3591 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-4404     31,448        35.7   $ 92,549        36,976        17.6   $ 97,917        5.8     1,112   

Mason Park Centre


501 South Mason Road

  Katy   TX   77450-2491     30,530        28.4   $ 93,233        33,808        10.7   $ 99,601        6.8     1,080   

Rosemeade Park


2515 E Rosemeade Parkway

  Carrollton   TX   75007-2036     64,652        23.9   $ 64,073        74,184        14.7   $ 66,044        3.1     2,287   

University Park


615 East University Drive

  TX   77840-1803     33,386        12.6   $ 27,185        35,593        6.6   $ 29,470        8.4     1,181   

Park Northern


8021 North 35th Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85051-5867     72,424        3.5   $ 42,327        77,363        6.8   $ 44,312        4.7     2,561   

Southwest Walgreen’s

    Phoenix   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Town ‘N Country Plaza


7555 West Hillsborough Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33615-4103     30,449        7.4   $ 48,172        32,445        6.6   $ 50,300        4.4     1,077   

Crossroads Square


70 North University Drive

  FL   33024-6730     55,228        2.2   $ 54,518        56,384        2.1   $ 58,517        7.3     1,953   

McMinn Plaza


927 Decatur Pike

  Athens   TN   37303-3037     7,071        12.1   $ 33,919        7,399        4.6   $ 35,232        3.9     250   

Twin Lakes


455 Highway 321 North

  Lenoir City   TN   37771-2064     6,640        21.0   $ 42,251        7,233        8.9   $ 44,537        5.4     235   

Central Plaza


5916 West Loop 289

  Lubbock   TX   79424-1117     35,521        13.2   $ 49,654        37,457        5.5   $ 54,450        9.7     1,256   

Vista Ridge Plaza I


420 East Round Grove Road

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8307     34,408        30.3   $ 70,110        39,239        14.0   $ 72,488        3.4     1,217   

Shops at Vista Ridge


500 East Round Grove Road

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8309     34,369        32.8   $ 70,392        39,252        14.2   $ 72,789        3.4     1,216   

Vista Ridge Plaza II


420 East FM 3040

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8307     34,532        30.0   $ 70,230        39,355        14.0   $ 72,588        3.4     1,221   

Belair Center


8400 East Eight Mile Road

  Detroit   MI   48234-1109     52,912        -5.9   $ 35,386        50,924        -3.8   $ 35,797        1.2     1,871   

Country Club


1515 Northgate Mile

  Idaho Falls   ID   83401-2014     20,894        16.1   $ 44,923        22,803        9.1   $ 47,452        5.6     739   

Land-University Park

  TX       33,527        11.8   $ 28,259        35,674        6.4   $ 30,567        8.2     1,186   

Spring Valley Commons


9003 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29223-5800     16,678        14.4   $ 53,369        18,001        7.9   $ 56,130        5.2     590   

Town & Country


1012-1038 Buenaventura Blvd

  Kissimmee   FL   34743-7865     25,288        48.8   $ 51,095        30,013        18.7   $ 54,188        6.1     894   

Chastain Square


4279 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30342-3769     40,066        18.9   $ 92,102        43,194        7.8   $ 100,492        9.1     1,417   

McAlpin Square


1900 East Victory Drive

  Savannah   GA   31404-3713     32,148        0.3   $ 34,046        32,873        2.3   $ 36,491        7.2     1,137   

Moore Plaza


5545 South Padre Island Drive

  TX   78411-4107     46,259        4.9   $ 47,581        47,170        2.0   $ 49,820        4.7     1,636   

Lennox Town Center


1647 Olentangy River Road

  Columbus   OH   43212-1494     56,232        -2.2   $ 34,914        56,112        -0.2   $ 36,866        5.6     1,989   

Sun Center


3622 West Dublin Granville Rd

  Columbus   OH   43235-4901     36,570        7.5   $ 67,932        37,923        3.7   $ 70,312        3.5     1,293   

Perimeter Center


6644-6804 Perimeter Loop Road

  Dublin   OH   43017-3204     15,866        29.4   $ 87,736        17,107        7.8   $ 91,996        4.9     561   

Derby Square


2161 Stringtown Road

  Grove City   OH   43123-2989     17,664        21.4   $ 62,198        18,846        6.7   $ 66,105        6.3     625   

Barboursville Center


Five Mall Road

  Barboursville   WV   25504-1822     4,969        6.1   $ 44,229        5,061        1.9   $ 46,367        4.8     176   

South Main Street Plaza


2250 South Main Street

  Bellefontaine   OH   43311-8904     5,913        1.2   $ 43,459        5,879        -0.6   $ 44,948        3.4     209   

Shoppes at Turnberry


1701-1797 Hill Road North

  Pickerington   OH   43147-8732     21,076        37.0   $ 67,928        23,144        9.8   $ 70,253        3.4     745   

H.H. Greg


1371 Main Street

  Hamilton   OH   45013-1635     19,590        7.8   $ 42,568        20,227        3.3   $ 44,022        3.4     693   

Easton Market


3740 Easton Market

  Columbus   OH   43219-6025     42,853        7.9   $ 47,862        44,033        2.8   $ 49,388        3.2     1,516   

Dublin Village


6561 Dublin Center Drive

  Dublin   OH   43017-5079     35,389        9.8   $ 70,959        36,995        4.5   $ 73,472        3.5     1,252   

Washington Park Plaza


615 Lyons Road

  Dayton   OH   45459-3978     24,141        1.7   $ 65,418        23,855        -1.2   $ 67,687        3.5     854   



2300 Dixwell Avenue

  Hamden   CT   06514-2108     24,388        2.0   $ 63,877        24,419        0.1   $ 68,761        7.6     863   

Cameron Creek Business Park


9210 Cameron Road

  Austin   TX   78754-3918     44,143        7.2   $ 40,529        46,511        5.4   $ 42,234        4.2     1,561   

Land-Cameron Creek

    Austin   TX       50,793        4.1   $ 41,524        52,905        4.2   $ 43,618        5.0     1,796   

Daniel Village


2803 Wrightsboro Road

  Augusta   GA   30909-3913     27,743        -5.8   $ 31,953        27,068        -2.4   $ 33,031        3.4     981   



255 John F Kennedy Road

  Dubuque   IA   52002-5313     20,957        5.0   $ 45,522        21,310        1.7   $ 48,010        5.5     741   

Davenport Center


3808 Brady Street

  Davenport   IA   52806-6008     32,447        4.1   $ 45,383        32,996        1.7   $ 47,576        4.8     1,148   

Big Curve


320 West 32nd Street

  Yuma   AZ   85364-8187     22,837        21.2   $ 43,169        25,251        10.6   $ 45,159        4.6     808   

Calumet Center


500 River Oaks West

  Calumet City   IL   60409-5443     45,675        -6.0   $ 47,232        44,334        -2.9   $ 48,773        3.3     1,615   



1740 North Kostner Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60639-4703     163,227        -3.3   $ 43,819        160,442        -1.7   $ 46,641        6.4     5,773   

Chicago-87th Street


125 West 87th Street

  Chicago   IL   60620-1304     99,382        -7.3   $ 39,728        95,952        -3.5   $ 41,225        3.8     3,515   

Elston Center


5033 North Elston Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60630-1707     130,541        -3.5   $ 54,818        128,125        -1.9   $ 58,343        6.4     4,617   

Countryside Plaza


140 Countryside Plaza

  Countryside   IL   60525-3981     26,368        -1.9   $ 76,362        26,084        -1.1   $ 80,576        5.5     933   

Crestwood Center


13200 South Cicero Avenue

  Crestwood   IL   60445-1426     32,949        -1.3   $ 57,587        32,686        -0.8   $ 61,232        6.3     1,165   

Forest Park


7600 West Roosevelt Road

  Forest Park   IL   60130-2273     84,641        -7.1   $ 55,053        81,761        -3.4   $ 58,178        5.7     2,994   

Matteson Center


21000 South Cicero Avenue

  Matteson   IL   60443-1696     19,787        10.3   $ 65,594        20,275        2.5   $ 67,736        3.3     700   

Niles Center


8500 West Golf Road

  Niles   IL   60714-1154     49,966        0.1   $ 68,092        49,464        -1.0   $ 71,545        5.1     1,767   

Mount Prospect Center


1500 South Elmhurst Road

  IL   60056-5205     43,689        -2.1   $ 63,141        43,159        -1.2   $ 65,944        4.4     1,545   

Norridge Center


4210 North Harlem Avenue

  Norridge   IL   60634-1223     104,990        -3.2   $ 57,291        103,085        -1.8   $ 60,571        5.7     3,713   

Oak Lawn Center


4101 West 95th Street

  Oak Lawn   IL   60453-2613     64,429        -5.3   $ 63,031        62,768        -2.6   $ 66,652        5.7     2,279   

Oakbrook Terrace


17W734 22nd Street

  IL   60181-4402     33,897        4.4   $ 69,870        34,291        1.2   $ 72,128        3.2     1,199   



1311 Golf Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-4879     32,906        -1.9   $ 69,641        32,558        -1.1   $ 72,667        4.3     1,164   



9435 Skokie Boulevard

  Skokie   IL   60077-1312     53,872        1.8   $ 77,663        54,101        0.4   $ 81,530        5.0     1,905   

Downers Grove


7401 Lemont Road

  IL   60516-3805     41,764        2.8   $ 74,131        42,007        0.6   $ 77,188        4.1     1,477   

Naper West Plaza


510 South State Route 59

  Naperville   IL   60540-0915     33,351        16.5   $ 86,399        35,079        5.2   $ 90,237        4.4     1,180   

Northfield Square Mall


1175 East Main Street

  Carbondale   IL   62901-3126     10,066        3.4   $ 19,546        10,042        -0.2   $ 20,998        7.4     356   

Evergreen Square


901 West Lake Avenue

  Peoria   IL   61614-5987     36,081        -1.5   $ 46,057        35,707        -1.0   $ 48,469        5.2     1,276   



North Larkin

  Crest Hill   IL   60435     40,576        26.3   $ 50,198        45,058        11.1   $ 53,785        7.1     1,435   

Griffith Center


430 West Ridge Road

  Griffith   IN   46319-1018     27,519        -0.8   $ 51,074        27,374        -0.5   $ 53,304        4.4     973   

Merrillville Center


6063 Broadway

  Merrillville   IN   46410-2683     19,853        0.9   $ 46,598        19,876        0.1   $ 48,316        3.7     702   

East Washington


North Shadeland

  Indianapolis   IN   46219     31,355        -3.5   $ 39,886        30,878        -1.5   $ 40,787        2.3     1,109   

Roeland Center


4950 Roe Boulevard

  Roeland Park   KS   66205-1110     42,424        -2.7   $ 47,674        42,438        0.0   $ 49,573        4.0     1,500   



300 West Park Mall

  MO   63703-6357     13,181        7.7   $ 36,355        13,563        2.9   $ 38,458        5.8     466   

Kansas Center


4707 East Bannister Road

  Kansas City   MO   64137-1201     22,933        -3.1   $ 40,022        22,630        -1.3   $ 40,938        2.3     811   

Gladstone Kmart Plaza


4820 North Oak Trafficway

  Kansas City   MO   64118-4691     29,460        2.6   $ 47,703        30,478        3.5   $ 49,626        4.0     1,042   


    O’Fallon   MO   63366     24,717        42.1   $ 71,453        28,203        14.1   $ 77,730        8.8     874   

Cave Springs Crossing


4045 Veterans Memorial Parkway

  Saint Peters   MO   63376-6421     23,416        7.6   $ 66,082        24,906        6.4   $ 69,003        4.4     828   



12222 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Hazelwood   MO   63044-2501     18,329        -3.1   $ 52,737        17,955        -2.0   $ 55,132        4.5     648   

Overland Crossing


8901 Page Avenue

  Overland   MO   63114-6119     43,872        -3.5   $ 45,134        42,768        -2.5   $ 46,621        3.3     1,552   

Deer Creek


Laclede Station Road

  Maplewood   MO   63143     61,772        0.1   $ 53,804        61,412        -0.6   $ 57,609        7.1     2,185   

Dunn Center


2855 Dunn Road

  Florissant   MO   63033-6705     39,929        -3.9   $ 43,543        38,831        -2.8   $ 44,623        2.5     1,412   

Oklahoma City II

  OK       36,188        0.6   $ 34,067        36,458        0.8   $ 36,978        8.5     1,280   

Wellness Center-Eastwick


2821 Island Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19153-2300     56,265        -3.5   $ 38,417        55,269        -1.8   $ 40,546        5.5     1,990   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Westgate Plaza


2610 South Soncy Road

  Amarillo   TX   79124-2302     16,249        6.9   $ 51,224        17,018        4.7   $ 56,392        10.1     575   



1600 North Business 45

  Corsicana   TX   75110-2713     8,268        4.8   $ 31,429        8,548        3.4   $ 32,903        4.7     292   

North Richland Hills


Davis Boulevard

  TX   76180     38,244        9.4   $ 56,259        40,674        6.4   $ 59,779        6.3     1,353   

Coral Way Plaza


8755 SW 24th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-2005     66,035        0.1   $ 46,990        67,391        2.1   $ 51,032        8.6     2,336   

Butterfield Square


2000 Butterfield Road

  IL   60515-1055     32,201        0.6   $ 69,393        32,289        0.3   $ 71,795        3.5     1,139   

East Woodfield Square


1733 East Woodfield Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-5112     32,087        -2.4   $ 68,228        31,752        -1.0   $ 72,416        6.1     1,135   

Linwood Square


4445 East 10th Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46201-2708     44,546        -2.7   $ 32,814        44,132        -0.9   $ 34,282        4.5     1,575   

Wellness Center-Trexlertown


Route 222

  Trexlertown   PA   18087     13,510        50.2   $ 77,279        15,723        16.4   $ 83,470        8.0     478   

Colony Plaza


4707 Highway Six

  TX   77459-3988     32,808        32.9   $ 87,367        37,825        15.3   $ 92,955        6.4     1,160   

Cypress Village


13135 Louetta Road

  Cypress   TX   77429-5155     21,673        43.4   $ 97,023        25,199        16.3   $ 105,782        9.0     767   

I-45/Telephone Road Cntr


3337 Telephone Road

  Houston   TX   77023-5401     50,525        7.8   $ 31,197        53,370        5.6   $ 33,460        7.3     1,787   

McKinney Centre


1970 North Central Expressway

  McKinney   TX   75070-2908     14,499        43.2   $ 50,586        17,055        17.6   $ 53,401        5.6     513   

Little York


West Little York Road

  Houston   TX   77076     22,521        18.5   $ 62,152        24,556        9.0   $ 66,279        6.6     797   

Northway Park II


4849 Homestead Road

  Houston   TX   77028-5814     26,716        2.2   $ 24,062        27,619        3.4   $ 25,841        7.4     945   

Railwood Industrial Park II


9051 Spikewood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-4505     12,754        7.1   $ 31,240        13,441        5.4   $ 33,399        6.9     451   

Lincoln Place Centre


6109 North Illinois Street

  IL   62208-2714     11,769        16.8   $ 58,517        12,635        7.4   $ 62,736        7.2     416   

Black Canyon Tech Center


18008 North Black Canyon Hwy

  Phoenix   AZ   85053-1770     57,206        10.1   $ 53,561        61,471        7.5   $ 57,733        7.8     2,023   

Summit Park


14046 Summit Drive #100

  Austin   TX   78729-2518     33,246        30.3   $ 59,824        37,782        13.6   $ 62,795        5.0     1,176   

Tucson Tech Center


3661 North Campbell Avenue

  Tucson   AZ   85719-1527     54,721        7.0   $ 30,517        57,943        5.9   $ 32,591        6.8     1,935   

Aerotech R&D


1915 AeroTech Drive

  CO   80916-4219     25,851        2.2   $ 40,890        26,552        2.7   $ 43,362        6.0     914   

Academy Point Atrium II


1150 Academy Park Loop

  CO   80910-3714     35,479        -3.4   $ 36,877        35,582        0.3   $ 39,025        5.8     1,255   

Broadbent Business Park


2709 Pan American Freeway

  Albuquerque   NM   87107-1650     43,852        4.0   $ 34,939        45,447        3.6   $ 37,428        7.1     1,551   


    Albuquerque   NM       50,915        4.2   $ 34,968        52,839        3.8   $ 37,309        6.7     1,801   

Land-Summit Park

    Austin   TX       50,529        3.8   $ 40,624        52,936        4.8   $ 42,605        4.9     1,787   

Millcreek Commons


936 Richards Road

  Antioch   TN   37013-3200     34,977        12.1   $ 44,042        37,021        5.8   $ 46,420        5.4     1,237   



2176 Hillsboro Road

  Franklin   TN   37069-6230     5,042        22.3   $ 111,000        5,615        11.4   $ 120,788        8.8     178   

Regal Distribution Center


4747 Leston Street

  Dallas   TX   75247-5713     13,942        -2.7   $ 32,572        13,970        0.2   $ 33,633        3.3     493   

Cherry Grove Plaza


440 Ohio Pike

  Cincinnati   OH   45255-3348     18,492        -5.4   $ 61,775        18,068        -2.3   $ 64,046        3.7     654   

Shoppes at Mason


5210 State Route 741

  Mason   OH   45040-2337     13,574        40.9   $ 87,403        15,606        15.0   $ 95,452        9.2     480   

Beckett Commons


8160 Princeton Glendale Road

  OH   45069-5883     13,416        16.8   $ 75,927        14,388        7.3   $ 78,275        3.1     474   

Westchester Plaza


7855 Tylersville Road

  OH   45069-2510     19,454        15.6   $ 84,970        20,826        7.1   $ 91,491        7.7     688   

Hamilton Meadows


1474 Main Street

  Hamilton   OH   45013-1088     18,787        9.6   $ 43,170        19,741        5.1   $ 45,370        5.1     664   

East Pointe Crossing


7000 East Broad Street

  Columbus   OH   43213-1519     27,102        18.4   $ 54,411        29,188        7.7   $ 57,404        5.5     959   

Northgate Plaza


7345 State Route Three

  Westerville   OH   43082-8654     17,025        16.3   $ 95,900        18,354        7.8   $ 104,888        9.4     602   

Windmiller Plaza I


1045 Hill Road North

  Pickerington   OH   43147-8666     17,346        39.0   $ 72,993        19,765        14.0   $ 78,010        6.9     613   

Worthington Park Centre


1365 Worthington Centre Drive

  Worthington   OH   43085-4901     33,222        9.7   $ 55,584        34,911        5.1   $ 59,107        6.3     1,175   

Bent Tree Plaza


14460 New Falls of Neuse

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8227     12,304        137.4   $ 76,307        15,908        29.3   $ 81,906        7.3     435   

Lake Pine Plaza


910 US Highway 64 West

  Apex   NC   27523-7184     22,963        21.9   $ 84,100        25,605        11.5   $ 88,522        5.3     812   

Maynard Crossing


1203 NW Maynard Road

  Cary   NC   27513     35,653        32.7   $ 80,944        40,822        14.5   $ 86,844        7.3     1,261   

Kernersville Marketplace


971 South Main Street

  Kernersville   NC   27284-7439     13,518        28.0   $ 52,542        15,181        12.3   $ 55,480        5.6     478   

Evans Crossing


2834 Washington Road

  Augusta   GA   30909-2140     21,912        2.5   $ 49,845        22,360        2.0   $ 53,841        8.0     775   

Franklin Square


1303 US Highway 127 S Ste 106

  Frankfort   KY   40601-4385     7,867        4.1   $ 42,620        8,034        2.1   $ 44,730        5.0     278   

Lakeshore Village


23201 Marter Road

  Saint Clair
  MI   48080-2729     33,070        -4.5   $ 55,267        32,221        -2.6   $ 55,670        0.7     1,170   

Saint Ann Square


10423 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Saint Ann   MO   63074-1815     30,628        -3.3   $ 42,668        30,019        -2.0   $ 44,949        5.3     1,083   

Brookville Plaza


7805 Timberlake Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502-2601     12,666        12.9   $ 50,768        13,477        6.4   $ 55,408        9.1     448   

Statler Square


850 Statler Boulevard

  Staunton   VA   24401-4885     11,321        7.2   $ 41,568        11,489        1.5   $ 45,528        9.5     400   



2350 SE Green Oaks Boulevard

  Arlington   TX   76018-0917     30,354        35.2   $ 66,601        34,611        14.0   $ 70,691        6.1     1,074   

Village Center-Southlake


2110 E Southlake Boulevard

  Southlake   TX   76092-6527     19,238        16.7   $ 92,471        20,934        8.8   $ 97,647        5.6     680   

Nashboro Village


2292 Murfreesboro Pike

  Nashville   TN   37217-3313     25,311        16.6   $ 49,768        27,247        7.7   $ 52,933        6.4     895   

Garner Towne Square


2700 Timber Drive

  Garner   NC   27529-2591     17,030        34.0   $ 43,667        19,621        15.2   $ 45,247        3.6     602   

Lloyd King Center


6350 Sheridan Boulevard

  Arvada   CO   80003-6645     48,805        -3.0   $ 48,317        48,700        -0.2   $ 51,158        5.9     1,726   

Cheyenne Meadows


815 Cheyenne Meadows Road

  CO   80906-4902     22,367        2.6   $ 44,611        23,101        3.3   $ 46,570        4.4     791   

Shiloh Springs


6850 North Shiloh Road

  Garland   TX   75044-2912     28,877        14.0   $ 76,032        31,189        8.0   $ 80,509        5.9     1,021   

Bethany Park Place


1212 East Bethany Drive

  Allen   TX   75002-5843     22,416        69.1   $ 85,251        27,359        22.1   $ 90,258        5.9     793   

Stroh Ranch


12959 South Parker Road

  Parker   CO   80134-3447     13,154        85.7   $ 89,960        16,546        25.8   $ 94,371        4.9     465   

Woodmen Plaza


3578 Hartsel Drive Suite A

  CO   80920-2104     33,603        20.7   $ 70,455        36,760        9.4   $ 75,345        6.9     1,188   

Preston Brook-Frisco


7500 Preston Road

  Frisco   TX   75034-5615     25,789        145.3   $ 87,334        34,017        31.9   $ 92,164        5.5     912   

Beauclerc Village


9700 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-5436     25,441        10.0   $ 55,672        27,169        6.8   $ 59,704        7.2     900   

Franklin Towne Center


3391 State Route 27

  Somerset   NJ   08823-1358     15,965        11.7   $ 92,586        16,780        5.1   $ 101,903        10.1     565   

Village on the Park


2350 South Parker Road

  Denver   CO   80231-5942     72,804        4.9   $ 47,200        75,727        4.0   $ 48,979        3.8     2,575   

Phar-Mor Plaza


351 Englewood Parkway

  Englewood   CO   80110-2303     48,638        0.0   $ 47,712        49,499        1.8   $ 50,132        5.1     1,720   

Heritage West


11088 West Jewel Avenue

  Lakewood   CO   80232-6139     36,726        1.7   $ 61,155        37,171        1.2   $ 64,890        6.1     1,299   

Quincy Place


4261 South Buckley Road

  Aurora   CO   80013-2952     51,388        18.4   $ 70,041        55,984        8.9   $ 73,182        4.5     1,817   

Spring Creek


1654 South Circle Drive

  CO   80910-4433     41,761        -1.4   $ 37,549        42,392        1.5   $ 39,650        5.6     1,477   

East Bank


4042 South Parker Road

  Aurora   CO   80014-4131     49,249        11.8   $ 60,470        52,583        6.8   $ 62,745        3.8     1,742   

West 38th Street


2630 West 38th Street

  Denver   CO   80211-2104     59,497        4.7   $ 39,747        61,398        3.2   $ 42,551        7.1     2,104   

Shops at West Melbourne


1500 West New Haven Avenue

  FL   32904-3906     23,390        25.9   $ 40,953        26,307        12.5   $ 44,953        9.8     827   



1355 Oaklawn Avenue

  Cranston   RI   02920-2622     24,588        1.4   $ 56,354        24,640        0.2   $ 62,025        10.1     870   

South Plains


6801 Slide Road

  Lubbock   TX   79424-1517     39,275        11.9   $ 50,586        41,786        6.4   $ 56,291        11.3     1,389   

Poca Fiesta


1020 West Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85210-4804     61,436        3.7   $ 46,116        64,406        4.8   $ 49,220        6.7     2,173   

Wellington Park


6430 Tryon Road

  Cary   NC   27511-7050     21,454        14.2   $ 72,873        23,356        8.9   $ 76,079        4.4     759   

Bayshore Gardens


6040 14th Street West

  Bradenton   FL   34207-4104     34,599        3.5   $ 36,478        36,186        4.6   $ 39,955        9.5     1,224   

Lafayette Market Place


3500 State Road 38 East

  Lafayette   IN   47905-5164     27,536        8.1   $ 38,305        28,973        5.2   $ 39,444        3.0     974   



455 East 500 South Street

  Salt Lake
  UT   84111-3323     53,286        0.8   $ 40,575        54,893        3.0   $ 43,142        6.3     1,885   

Pine Street 1881


1881 Pine Street

  Saint Louis   MO   63103-2264     46,426        0.4   $ 27,551        46,556        0.3   $ 30,262        9.8     1,642   

Apollo Computer


300 Apollo Drive

  Chelmsford   MA   01824-3626     28,605        -0.1   $ 59,774        28,637        0.1   $ 65,456        9.5     1,012   

Linear Technology


1630 McCarthy Boulevard

  Milpitas   CA   95035-7417     37,001        20.8   $ 98,343        40,728        10.1   $ 107,263        9.1     1,309   

Manhattan Towers


1230-1240 Rosecrans Avenue

  CA   90266-2416     72,485        5.0   $ 75,417        75,654        4.4   $ 85,161        12.9     2,564   

Gateway West


3838 East Van Buren Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85008-6982     38,642        12.6   $ 34,129        41,869        8.4   $ 36,821        7.9     1,367   

Sorrento 10505


10505 Sorrento Road

  San Diego   CA   92121-1608     27,258        28.4   $ 76,496        30,698        12.6   $ 88,131        15.2     964   

Volusia Point


1808 West Intl Speedway Blvd

  FL   32114-1248     18,055        3.1   $ 29,796        18,748        3.8   $ 32,111        7.8     639   



5120 Great Oak Drive

  Lakeland   FL   33815-3180     3,440        10.4   $ 48,655        3,688        7.2   $ 54,987        13.0     122   

Continental Can


Touhy Avenue

  Elk Grove
  IL   60007     25,066        -4.6   $ 57,847        24,562        -2.0   $ 61,814        6.9     887   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Westgate Plaza


2610 South Soncy Road

  Amarillo   TX   79124-2302     16,231        8.2   $ 55,753        16,763        3.3   $ 60,203        8.0     574   



1600 North Business 45

  Corsicana   TX   75110-2713     8,375        6.1   $ 32,530        8,608        2.8   $ 33,553        3.1     296   

North Richland Hills


Davis Boulevard

  TX   76180     37,866        8.5   $ 57,292        40,502        7.0   $ 60,739        6.0     1,339   

Coral Way Plaza


8755 SW 24th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-2005     66,844        1.2   $ 47,682        68,304        2.2   $ 51,221        7.4     2,364   

Butterfield Square


2000 Butterfield Road

  IL   60515-1055     31,961        0.8   $ 71,319        31,868        -0.3   $ 73,318        2.8     1,130   

East Woodfield Square


1733 East Woodfield Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-5112     31,770        -2.4   $ 69,538        31,361        -1.3   $ 72,562        4.3     1,124   

Linwood Square


4445 East 10th Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46201-2708     43,721        -4.3   $ 32,730        42,918        -1.8   $ 33,685        2.9     1,546   

Wellness Center-Trexlertown


Route 222

  Trexlertown   PA   18087     13,622        50.4   $ 78,749        15,131        11.1   $ 84,527        7.3     482   

Colony Plaza


4707 Highway Six

  TX   77459-3988     33,468        36.8   $ 90,348        39,363        17.6   $ 95,478        5.7     1,184   

Cypress Village


13135 Louetta Road

  Cypress   TX   77429-5155     21,443        40.4   $ 100,339        23,422        9.2   $ 108,624        8.3     758   

I-45/Telephone Road Cntr


3337 Telephone Road

  Houston   TX   77023-5401     51,753        10.2   $ 32,429        54,851        6.0   $ 34,920        7.7     1,830   

McKinney Centre


1970 North Central Expressway

  McKinney   TX   75070-2908     15,733        58.0   $ 50,186        18,988        20.7   $ 52,897        5.4     556   

Little York


West Little York Road

  Houston   TX   77076     22,657        17.7   $ 64,611        24,398        7.7   $ 68,019        5.3     801   

Northway Park II


4849 Homestead Road

  Houston   TX   77028-5814     26,591        2.1   $ 24,909        27,458        3.3   $ 27,055        8.6     940   

Railwood Industrial Park II


9051 Spikewood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-4505     12,807        8.0   $ 32,344        13,553        5.8   $ 34,533        6.8     453   

Lincoln Place Centre


6109 North Illinois Street

  IL   62208-2714     11,813        17.2   $ 59,773        12,411        5.1   $ 63,465        6.2     418   

Black Canyon Tech Center


18008 North Black Canyon Hwy

  Phoenix   AZ   85053-1770     55,612        8.3   $ 54,979        60,383        8.6   $ 58,474        6.4     1,967   

Summit Park


14046 Summit Drive #100

  Austin   TX   78729-2518     32,949        30.5   $ 61,836        36,880        11.9   $ 64,345        4.1     1,165   

Tucson Tech Center


3661 North Campbell Avenue

  Tucson   AZ   85719-1527     54,916        7.5   $ 31,353        58,246        6.1   $ 33,177        5.8     1,942   

Aerotech R&D


1915 AeroTech Drive

  CO   80916-4219     26,347        4.3   $ 42,145        27,770        5.4   $ 44,400        5.4     932   

Academy Point Atrium II


1150 Academy Park Loop

  CO   80910-3714     36,379        -0.7   $ 38,323        37,543        3.2   $ 40,347        5.3     1,287   

Broadbent Business Park


2709 Pan American Freeway

  Albuquerque   NM   87107-1650     43,549        4.7   $ 36,499        45,241        3.9   $ 38,953        6.7     1,540   


    Albuquerque   NM       51,112        4.7   $ 36,359        53,138        4.0   $ 38,397        5.6     1,808   

Land-Summit Park

    Austin   TX       50,793        4.1   $ 41,524        52,905        4.2   $ 43,618        5.0     1,796   

Millcreek Commons


936 Richards Road

  Antioch   TN   37013-3200     35,141        12.4   $ 44,639        36,938        5.1   $ 46,373        3.9     1,243   



2176 Hillsboro Road

  Franklin   TN   37069-6230     5,100        25.1   $ 114,119        5,777        13.3   $ 121,151        6.2     180   

Regal Distribution Center


4747 Leston Street

  Dallas   TX   75247-5713     14,245        1.2   $ 33,086        14,403        1.1   $ 33,994        2.7     504   

Cherry Grove Plaza


440 Ohio Pike

  Cincinnati   OH   45255-3348     20,548        5.0   $ 64,500        20,868        1.6   $ 67,380        4.5     727   

Shoppes at Mason


5210 State Route 741

  Mason   OH   45040-2337     13,564        39.8   $ 88,337        15,171        11.9   $ 95,327        7.9     480   

Beckett Commons


8160 Princeton Glendale Road

  OH   45069-5883     14,203        22.2   $ 75,909        14,972        5.4   $ 78,965        4.0     502   

Westchester Plaza


7855 Tylersville Road

  OH   45069-2510     19,645        17.3   $ 85,904        20,872        6.3   $ 91,406        6.4     695   

Hamilton Meadows


1474 Main Street

  Hamilton   OH   45013-1088     18,523        8.5   $ 43,367        19,176        3.5   $ 44,785        3.3     655   

East Pointe Crossing


7000 East Broad Street

  Columbus   OH   43213-1519     27,844        21.4   $ 55,864        29,218        4.9   $ 58,358        4.5     985   

Northgate Plaza


7345 State Route Three

  Westerville   OH   43082-8654     17,646        22.0   $ 99,081        19,120        8.4   $ 108,206        9.2     624   

Windmiller Plaza I


1045 Hill Road North

  Pickerington   OH   43147-8666     17,307        40.5   $ 73,327        19,111        10.4   $ 76,217        3.9     612   

Worthington Park Centre


1365 Worthington Centre Drive

  Worthington   OH   43085-4901     32,990        9.4   $ 56,484        34,431        4.4   $ 59,331        5.0     1,167   

Bent Tree Plaza


14460 New Falls of Neuse

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8227     14,391        172.5   $ 77,878        16,736        16.3   $ 84,832        8.9     509   

Lake Pine Plaza


910 US Highway 64 West

  Apex   NC   27523-7184     23,366        24.5   $ 86,346        26,458        13.2   $ 90,432        4.7     826   

Maynard Crossing


1203 NW Maynard Road

  Cary   NC   27513     37,432        40.3   $ 83,658        42,336        13.1   $ 88,855        6.2     1,324   

Kernersville Marketplace


971 South Main Street

  Kernersville   NC   27284-7439     13,383        28.6   $ 53,881        14,723        10.0   $ 56,285        4.5     473   

Evans Crossing


2834 Washington Road

  Augusta   GA   30909-2140     22,144        2.5   $ 50,568        22,487        1.6   $ 53,482        5.8     783   

Franklin Square


1303 US Highway 127 S Ste 106

  Frankfort   KY   40601-4385     8,027        6.0   $ 43,859        8,180        1.9   $ 45,884        4.6     284   

Lakeshore Village


23201 Marter Road

  Saint Clair
  MI   48080-2729     32,224        -6.2   $ 55,558        31,200        -3.2   $ 55,597        0.1     1,140   

Saint Ann Square


10423 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Saint Ann   MO   63074-1815     30,019        -4.9   $ 43,100        29,111        -3.0   $ 44,696        3.7     1,062   

Brookville Plaza


7805 Timberlake Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502-2601     12,986        17.2   $ 51,570        13,771        6.0   $ 55,045        6.7     459   

Statler Square


850 Statler Boulevard

  Staunton   VA   24401-4885     11,423        8.2   $ 41,806        11,524        0.9   $ 44,889        7.4     404   



2350 SE Green Oaks Boulevard

  Arlington   TX   76018-0917     31,734        40.5   $ 67,832        35,074        10.5   $ 71,013        4.7     1,122   

Village Center-Southlake


2110 E Southlake Boulevard

  Southlake   TX   76092-6527     19,505        18.8   $ 94,429        21,455        10.0   $ 99,961        5.9     690   

Nashboro Village


2292 Murfreesboro Pike

  Nashville   TN   37217-3313     25,433        16.6   $ 50,047        27,056        6.4   $ 52,171        4.2     900   

Garner Towne Square


2700 Timber Drive

  Garner   NC   27529-2591     17,476        39.5   $ 44,683        20,284        16.1   $ 45,816        2.5     618   

Lloyd King Center


6350 Sheridan Boulevard

  Arvada   CO   80003-6645     49,783        -0.1   $ 48,977        50,525        1.5   $ 51,346        4.8     1,761   

Cheyenne Meadows


815 Cheyenne Meadows Road

  CO   80906-4902     22,638        4.6   $ 46,013        23,875        5.5   $ 48,015        4.4     801   

Shiloh Springs


6850 North Shiloh Road

  Garland   TX   75044-2912     28,912        14.9   $ 76,436        31,171        7.8   $ 79,954        4.6     1,023   

Bethany Park Place


1212 East Bethany Drive

  Allen   TX   75002-5843     23,204        73.0   $ 87,155        28,230        21.7   $ 90,957        4.4     821   

Stroh Ranch


12959 South Parker Road

  Parker   CO   80134-3447     13,773        92.1   $ 93,374        16,828        22.2   $ 97,378        4.3     487   

Woodmen Plaza


3578 Hartsel Drive Suite A

  CO   80920-2104     34,522        23.5   $ 72,496        37,583        8.9   $ 77,036        6.3     1,221   

Preston Brook-Frisco


7500 Preston Road

  Frisco   TX   75034-5615     23,965        126.0   $ 89,445        29,279        22.2   $ 94,271        5.4     848   

Beauclerc Village


9700 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-5436     24,815        8.2   $ 56,711        26,275        5.9   $ 59,397        4.7     878   

Franklin Towne Center


3391 State Route 27

  Somerset   NJ   08823-1358     15,993        13.2   $ 94,938        16,818        5.2   $ 103,679        9.2     566   

Village on the Park


2350 South Parker Road

  Denver   CO   80231-5942     72,160        4.9   $ 47,355        75,504        4.6   $ 48,627        2.7     2,552   

Phar-Mor Plaza


351 Englewood Parkway

  Englewood   CO   80110-2303     48,962        0.5   $ 47,845        50,520        3.2   $ 50,066        4.6     1,732   

Heritage West


11088 West Jewel Avenue

  Lakewood   CO   80232-6139     36,917        2.6   $ 62,343        37,316        1.1   $ 65,052        4.3     1,306   

Quincy Place


4261 South Buckley Road

  Aurora   CO   80013-2952     49,923        15.5   $ 70,167        53,802        7.8   $ 72,718        3.6     1,766   

Spring Creek


1654 South Circle Drive

  CO   80910-4433     42,407        0.9   $ 38,755        44,073        3.9   $ 40,726        5.1     1,500   

East Bank


4042 South Parker Road

  Aurora   CO   80014-4131     47,599        8.4   $ 60,492        50,547        6.2   $ 62,238        2.9     1,683   

West 38th Street


2630 West 38th Street

  Denver   CO   80211-2104     60,895        7.8   $ 40,445        63,184        3.8   $ 43,456        7.4     2,154   

Shops at West Melbourne


1500 West New Haven Avenue

  FL   32904-3906     22,909        24.4   $ 41,130        24,890        8.7   $ 44,258        7.6     810   



1355 Oaklawn Avenue

  Cranston   RI   02920-2622     24,064        1.0   $ 58,560        23,907        -0.7   $ 63,663        8.7     851   

South Plains


6801 Slide Road

  Lubbock   TX   79424-1517     39,922        14.0   $ 52,412        42,095        5.4   $ 57,173        9.1     1,412   

Poca Fiesta


1020 West Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85210-4804     61,495        4.1   $ 47,065        65,683        6.8   $ 49,791        5.8     2,175   

Wellington Park


6430 Tryon Road

  Cary   NC   27511-7050     21,731        16.8   $ 74,324        24,188        11.3   $ 77,004        3.6     769   

Bayshore Gardens


6040 14th Street West

  Bradenton   FL   34207-4104     32,897        0.5   $ 35,843        34,212        4.0   $ 38,193        6.6     1,163   

Lafayette Market Place


3500 State Road 38 East

  Lafayette   IN   47905-5164     27,736        9.5   $ 39,808        28,898        4.2   $ 40,667        2.2     981   



455 East 500 South Street

  Salt Lake
  UT   84111-3323     53,252        1.3   $ 41,476        55,061        3.4   $ 44,034        6.2     1,883   

Pine Street 1881


1881 Pine Street

  Saint Louis   MO   63103-2264     47,501        2.5   $ 28,134        47,260        -0.5   $ 30,548        8.6     1,680   

Apollo Computer


300 Apollo Drive

  Chelmsford   MA   01824-3626     28,732        0.6   $ 61,865        28,714        -0.1   $ 66,820        8.0     1,016   

Linear Technology


1630 McCarthy Boulevard

  Milpitas   CA   95035-7417     39,183        28.7   $ 100,643        42,169        7.6   $ 108,049        7.4     1,386   

Manhattan Towers


1230-1240 Rosecrans Avenue

  CA   90266-2416     72,274        5.3   $ 77,740        74,884        3.6   $ 85,983        10.6     2,556   

Gateway West


3838 East Van Buren Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85008-6982     38,700        13.1   $ 34,843        42,514        9.9   $ 37,349        7.2     1,369   

Sorrento 10505


10505 Sorrento Road

  San Diego   CA   92121-1608     27,104        27.5   $ 77,928        29,479        8.8   $ 87,238        11.9     959   

Volusia Point


1808 West Intl Speedway Blvd

  FL   32114-1248     18,286        4.7   $ 30,579        18,913        3.4   $ 32,300        5.6     647   



5120 Great Oak Drive

  Lakeland   FL   33815-3180     3,371        10.9   $ 49,627        3,636        7.9   $ 55,277        11.4     119   

Continental Can


Touhy Avenue

  Elk Grove
  IL   60007     24,768        -4.4   $ 59,049        24,208        -2.3   $ 61,754        4.6     876   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Plaza Paseo Del Norte


9201 Coors Boulevard NW

  Albuquerque   NM   87114-4003     27,808        39.8   $ 65,218        31,842        14.5   $ 70,075        7.4     984   

Sycamore Plaza


8070 Academy Road NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87111-1159     56,306        12.2   $ 51,537        60,174        6.9   $ 55,517        7.7     1,991   

Space Center


5019 Pulaski Street

  Dallas   TX   75247-5929     10,420        0.3   $ 32,271        10,604        1.8   $ 33,705        4.4     369   

Ensley Square


1765 East Nine Mile Road

  Pensacola   FL   32514-5479     17,643        9.7   $ 42,982        18,748        6.3   $ 45,931        6.9     624   

Pine Tree Plaza


410 Blanding Boulevard

  Orange Park   FL   32073-5051     23,518        16.7   $ 55,495        25,926        10.2   $ 59,643        7.5     832   

Regency Court


9041 Southside Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32256-5484     27,688        40.6   $ 62,469        32,002        15.6   $ 68,361        9.4     979   

Town Square


112 South West Shore Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33609-2539     32,313        8.3   $ 53,154        34,443        6.6   $ 57,952        9.0     1,143   

Boynton Lakes Plaza


4740 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-7909     41,247        13.5   $ 47,930        44,576        8.1   $ 52,508        9.6     1,459   

Braelinn Village


1101 North Peachtree Parkway

  GA   30269-4209     9,546        31.8   $ 84,351        10,793        13.1   $ 88,775        5.2     338   

Briarcliff LaVista


4006 Lavista Road

  Tucker   GA   30084-5205     34,503        2.0   $ 61,040        35,347        2.5   $ 63,932        4.7     1,220   

Briarcliff Village


2162 Henderson Mill Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30345-3762     34,528        1.9   $ 61,557        35,340        2.4   $ 64,520        4.8     1,221   

Buckhead Court


3850 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30342-4418     45,219        18.9   $ 86,532        49,582        9.7   $ 94,933        9.7     1,599   

Cromwell Square


3788 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30342-4417     45,685        19.1   $ 86,524        50,125        9.7   $ 94,936        9.7     1,616   

Cumming 400


580 Atlanta Road

  Cumming   GA   30040-2744     10,744        81.8   $ 68,706        13,509        25.7   $ 73,608        7.1     380   

Dunwoody Hall


5500 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

  Atlanta   GA   30338-4165     34,431        1.0   $ 73,603        35,386        2.8   $ 78,689        6.9     1,218   

Dunwoody Village


1317 Dunwoody Village Parkway

  Dunwoody   GA   30338-4124     34,491        0.7   $ 73,590        35,406        2.7   $ 78,696        6.9     1,220   

Loehmann’s Plaza-Atlanta


2470 Briarcliff Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30329-3012     59,147        13.4   $ 67,113        63,565        7.5   $ 72,158        7.5     2,092   

Highland Square


3213 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-4366     30,018        33.2   $ 90,785        34,665        15.5   $ 96,324        6.1     1,062   

Milford Commons


999 North Dupont Boulevard

  Milford   DE   19963-1072     5,561        21.9   $ 44,473        6,144        10.5   $ 47,755        7.4     197   

Lantana Village


1301 South Dixie Highway

  Lantana   FL   33462-5411     29,272        7.5   $ 44,315        31,042        6.1   $ 47,822        7.9     1,035   

Summerlin Square


1520 Colonial Boulevard

  Fort Myers   FL   33907-1022     27,484        24.0   $ 43,477        31,120        13.2   $ 46,969        8.0     972   

Memorial Bend


5158 Memorial Drive Suite 402

  GA   30083-3111     40,861        1.2   $ 44,049        41,685        2.0   $ 45,319        2.9     1,445   

Paces Ferry Plaza


1261 West Paces Ferry Road

  Atlanta   GA   30327-2305     30,402        17.5   $ 83,551        33,242        9.3   $ 90,866        8.8     1,075   

Powers Ferry Square


3714 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30342-4417     45,315        19.7   $ 87,279        49,810        9.9   $ 95,700        9.6     1,603   

Powers Ferry Village


6300 Powers Ferry Road NW

  Marietta   GA   30339-2919     23,762        2.5   $ 71,976        24,515        3.2   $ 76,447        6.2     840   

Roswell Village


649 Holcomb Bridge Road

  Roswell   GA   30076-1511     25,417        3.1   $ 73,689        26,489        4.2   $ 81,514        10.6     899   

Sandy Springs Village


6650 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30328-3167     32,279        0.9   $ 73,868        33,241        3.0   $ 79,733        7.9     1,142   

Trowbridge Crossing


7525 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30350-4838     31,422        -1.6   $ 72,249        31,959        1.7   $ 77,410        7.1     1,111   

Glenwood Village


2603 Glenwood Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27608-1044     38,772        23.0   $ 53,569        43,521        12.3   $ 56,904        6.2     1,371   



1954 Old Fort Parkway

  Murfreesboro   TN   37129-6900     20,697        54.7   $ 44,465        24,817        19.9   $ 47,157        6.1     732   

Harpeth Village Fieldstone


2020 Fieldstone Parkway

  Franklin   TN   37069-4337     7,095        34.2   $ 88,664        8,166        15.1   $ 95,882        8.1     251   

Peartree Village


210 Franklin Road

  Brentwood   TN   37027-3218     12,200        25.9   $ 96,421        13,597        11.5   $ 103,785        7.6     431   

Merchants Village


520 Folly Road

  Charleston   SC   29412-3019     21,741        8.2   $ 46,863        22,752        4.7   $ 50,316        7.4     769   

Palm Trails Plaza


1101 South Military Trail

  FL   33442-7645     54,092        1.4   $ 46,793        55,864        3.3   $ 50,642        8.2     1,913   

Chamblee Plaza


5528 Peachtree Industrial Blvd

  Chamblee   GA   30341-2218     36,813        6.5   $ 59,409        38,437        4.4   $ 62,454        5.1     1,302   

Mableton Crossing


4875 Floyd Road

  Mableton   GA   30126-1379     20,107        15.0   $ 56,960        21,638        7.6   $ 59,891        5.1     711   

Family Center at Taylorsville


5600 South Redwood Road

  Taylorsville   UT   84123-5323     45,444        5.8   $ 53,673        47,510        4.6   $ 57,525        7.2     1,607   

Family Center at Fort Union


900 East Fort Union Boulevard

  Midvale   UT   84047-1714     47,665        6.1   $ 57,470        50,031        5.0   $ 61,506        7.0     1,686   

Family Center at Riverdale 510


1050 West Riverdale Road

  Riverdale   UT   84405-3721     23,880        4.4   $ 51,863        24,819        3.9   $ 56,324        8.6     845   

Family Center at Orem


130 East University Parkway

  Orem   UT   84058-7686     41,079        18.0   $ 46,505        45,600        11.0   $ 50,151        7.8     1,453   

Family Center at 33rd South


93 West 3300 South

  Salt Lake
  UT   84115-3740     51,829        3.4   $ 41,444        53,979        4.2   $ 44,008        6.2     1,833   

Family Place at Logan


50 East 400 North

  Logan   UT   84321-4021     19,401        18.1   $ 38,528        21,270        9.6   $ 41,497        7.7     686   

Family Center at Las Vegas


2100 West Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-2224     68,634        -0.1   $ 33,350        69,459        1.2   $ 35,228        5.6     2,427   

Family Center at Rapid City


740-780 Mountain View

  Rapid City   SD   57702-2519     21,248        7.5   $ 39,793        22,181        4.4   $ 42,866        7.7     751   

Family Center at Ogden


21 Harrisville Road

  Ogden   UT   84404-3975     22,042        12.8   $ 41,763        23,700        7.5   $ 44,586        6.8     780   

Springfield Commons


1120 South Holland-Sylvania Road

  Toledo   OH   43615-4516     27,126        4.1   $ 45,899        27,538        1.5   $ 48,248        5.1     959   

Oviedo Park Crossing


Red Bug Lake Road

  Oviedo   FL   32765     20,294        21.0   $ 78,163        22,448        10.6   $ 84,180        7.7     718   

Merriam Town Center


5700 Antioch Road

  Merriam   KS   66202-2015     38,043        1.2   $ 50,940        38,822        2.1   $ 53,732        5.5     1,345   

Candlers Station


3700 Candlers Mountain Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502-2267     12,652        4.9   $ 35,170        13,085        3.4   $ 37,334        6.2     447   

Shoppes at 104


14601 SW 104th Street

  Miami   FL   33186-2905     54,240        11.3   $ 58,927        57,924        6.8   $ 64,463        9.4     1,918   

Highlands Square


1100 Dunn Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32218-4832     15,674        21.0   $ 46,432        17,195        9.7   $ 50,377        8.5     554   



3158 Dixie Highway

  Erlanger   KY   41018-1850     27,378        3.2   $ 53,627        28,098        2.6   $ 57,402        7.0     968   

Plaza at Sunset Hills


10980 Sunset Plaza

  Saint Louis   MO   63127-1229     23,995        -0.3   $ 66,194        23,980        -0.1   $ 70,303        6.2     849   

Promenade at Brentwood


One Brentwood Promenade Court

  Brentwood   MO   63144-1428     50,498        -1.4   $ 56,896        50,122        -0.7   $ 61,097        7.4     1,786   

Keller Plaza


4500 LeMay Ferry Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63129-1614     38,325        2.7   $ 59,578        38,774        1.2   $ 63,601        6.8     1,355   

Gravois Village Plaza


4523 Gravois Village Plaza

  High Ridge   MO   63049-1838     13,987        8.5   $ 66,624        14,569        4.2   $ 71,941        8.0     495   

Southtowne Centre


4621 Chippewa Street

  Saint Louis   MO   63116-1610     82,880        -0.9   $ 39,533        82,734        -0.2   $ 43,174        9.2     2,931   

Northland Square


303 Collins Road NE

  Cedar Rapids   IA   52402-3118     31,664        13.1   $ 53,339        33,664        6.3   $ 56,772        6.4     1,120   

Morris Corners


1425 East Battlefield Street

  Springfield   MO   65804-3701     35,279        7.4   $ 39,953        36,943        4.7   $ 42,469        6.3     1,248   

Olympic Oaks Village


12109 Manchester Road

  Des Peres   MO   63131-4310     21,516        0.8   $ 85,207        21,635        0.6   $ 90,369        6.1     761   

Heritage Business Center


9177 Dutton Drive

  Twinsburg   OH   44087-1956     11,665        10.5   $ 77,514        12,192        4.5   $ 82,473        6.4     413   

Hardline Services


180 Lena Drive

  Aurora   OH   44202-9202     7,597        16.6   $ 63,539        8,113        6.8   $ 66,563        4.8     269   

VSA Building


9300 Dutton Drive

  Twinsburg   OH   44087-1968     11,705        10.5   $ 77,385        12,236        4.5   $ 82,343        6.4     414   

Alumax Building


3000 Crane Drive

  Streetsboro   OH   44241     7,075        15.3   $ 60,123        7,521        6.3   $ 62,857        4.5     250   

Steris Building


5960 Heisley Road

  Mentor   OH   44060-1834     19,591        7.4   $ 59,121        20,254        3.4   $ 62,484        5.7     693   

American Plaza


3144 S Kingshighway Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63139-1118     87,291        -0.5   $ 38,689        87,333        0.1   $ 42,231        9.2     3,087   

Norfolk Commerce Center


5365-5505 Robin Hood Road

  Norfolk   VA   23513-2416     39,601        1.5   $ 43,952        39,979        1.0   $ 48,373        10.1     1,401   



2401 South Brentwood Boulevard

  Brentwood   MO   63144-2301     47,736        -1.2   $ 61,046        47,285        -0.9   $ 65,398        7.1     1,688   

Walgreen’s Plaza

    Saint Louis   MO       29,962        -0.1   $ 66,390        29,930        -0.1   $ 70,090        5.6     1,060   

Home Quarters-Saint Louis


6303 South Lindbergh Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63123-7803     39,390        0.9   $ 56,343        39,522        0.3   $ 60,137        6.7     1,393   



381 Nesconset Highway

  Hauppauge   NY   11788-2516     24,443        2.5   $ 89,398        24,700        1.1   $ 98,950        10.7     864   



7800 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77055-1024     53,649        8.6   $ 40,373        56,825        5.9   $ 42,761        5.9     1,897   

Mill Avenue 420


420 Mill Avenue

  Tempe   AZ   85281-2828     39,956        10.4   $ 36,540        43,268        8.3   $ 39,112        7.0     1,413   

Mill Avenue 501


501 South Mill Avenue

  Tempe   AZ   85281-3612     44,771        11.0   $ 38,117        48,614        8.6   $ 40,676        6.7     1,583   

Tamarac Town Square


8129-8315 N Pine Island Road

  Tamarac   FL   33321-1543     53,878        3.7   $ 51,007        56,067        4.1   $ 55,882        9.6     1,906   

Riverside Square


8100-8268 Wiles Road

  FL   33067-2061     47,012        9.5   $ 67,860        49,949        6.3   $ 75,069        10.6     1,663   

Charlotte Square


2150 Tamiami Trail

  FL   33948-2136     19,272        7.3   $ 42,795        20,237        5.0   $ 47,027        9.9     682   

Springfield Tower


6825 Bland Street

  Springfield   VA   22150-2613     39,480        6.8   $ 96,635        40,897        3.6   $ 109,316        13.1     1,396   

Kings Court


708 Blossum Hill Road

  Los Gatos   CA   95032-3503     31,856        1.6   $ 104,585        32,817        3.0   $ 113,360        8.4     1,127   

Bellewood Square


3635 Gas Light Curve

  Montgomery   AL   36116-1780     25,891        8.2   $ 44,425        27,038        4.4   $ 45,893        3.3     916   

Treasure Coast Plaza


401-575 21st Street

  Vero Beach   FL   32960-5455     18,122        8.1   $ 43,565        19,240        6.2   $ 46,772        7.4     641   



777 17th Street

  Miami Beach   FL   33139-1854     31,684        -3.0   $ 45,782        31,755        0.2   $ 51,514        12.5     1,121   

Leesburg Plaza


500 East Market Street

  Leesburg   VA   20176-4112     15,951        44.2   $ 97,161        18,701        17.2   $ 111,928        15.2     564   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Plaza Paseo Del Norte


9201 Coors Boulevard NW

  Albuquerque   NM   87114-4003     27,503        39.4   $ 67,044        30,490        10.9   $ 71,718        7.0     973   

Sycamore Plaza


8070 Academy Road NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87111-1159     56,089        13.1   $ 53,648        59,992        7.0   $ 56,551        5.4     1,984   

Space Center


5019 Pulaski Street

  Dallas   TX   75247-5929     10,891        7.3   $ 32,510        11,266        3.4   $ 34,028        4.7     385   

Ensley Square


1765 East Nine Mile Road

  Pensacola   FL   32514-5479     17,734        10.1   $ 43,330        18,512        4.4   $ 45,319        4.6     627   

Pine Tree Plaza


410 Blanding Boulevard

  Orange Park   FL   32073-5051     23,126        15.3   $ 56,461        25,403        9.9   $ 59,546        5.5     818   

Regency Court


9041 Southside Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32256-5484     27,702        41.9   $ 63,719        30,741        11.0   $ 68,417        7.4     980   

Town Square


112 South West Shore Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33609-2539     31,618        7.0   $ 53,928        33,689        6.6   $ 58,308        8.1     1,118   

Boynton Lakes Plaza


4740 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-7909     41,262        13.2   $ 48,207        43,856        6.3   $ 51,700        7.2     1,459   

Braelinn Village


1101 North Peachtree Parkway

  GA   30269-4209     9,685        29.9   $ 86,796        10,579        9.2   $ 90,437        4.2     343   

Briarcliff LaVista


4006 Lavista Road

  Tucker   GA   30084-5205     35,179        3.2   $ 62,416        35,870        2.0   $ 64,798        3.8     1,244   

Briarcliff Village


2162 Henderson Mill Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30345-3762     34,823        2.8   $ 63,067        35,436        1.8   $ 65,564        4.0     1,232   

Buckhead Court


3850 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30342-4418     46,879        22.8   $ 90,291        51,098        9.0   $ 98,617        9.2     1,658   

Cromwell Square


3788 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30342-4417     47,012        23.0   $ 90,537        51,288        9.1   $ 98,875        9.2     1,663   

Cumming 400


580 Atlanta Road

  Cumming   GA   30040-2744     10,913        86.3   $ 68,966        13,161        20.6   $ 72,531        5.2     386   

Dunwoody Hall


5500 Chamblee Dunwoody Road

  Atlanta   GA   30338-4165     35,654        4.3   $ 75,865        36,760        3.1   $ 79,834        5.2     1,261   

Dunwoody Village


1317 Dunwoody Village Parkway

  Dunwoody   GA   30338-4124     35,539        4.3   $ 76,154        36,631        3.1   $ 80,087        5.2     1,257   

Loehmann’s Plaza-Atlanta


2470 Briarcliff Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30329-3012     59,944        16.6   $ 69,592        63,982        6.7   $ 74,729        7.4     2,120   

Highland Square


3213 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-4366     29,937        34.8   $ 92,826        35,183        17.5   $ 98,229        5.8     1,059   

Milford Commons


999 North Dupont Boulevard

  Milford   DE   19963-1072     5,642        24.9   $ 46,141        6,220        10.2   $ 48,581        5.3     200   

Lantana Village


1301 South Dixie Highway

  Lantana   FL   33462-5411     29,749        8.1   $ 44,925        31,258        5.1   $ 47,875        6.6     1,052   

Summerlin Square


1520 Colonial Boulevard

  Fort Myers   FL   33907-1022     26,754        20.5   $ 44,064        30,554        14.2   $ 46,794        6.2     946   

Memorial Bend


5158 Memorial Drive Suite 402

  GA   30083-3111     41,154        1.7   $ 44,867        41,680        1.3   $ 45,720        1.9     1,456   

Paces Ferry Plaza


1261 West Paces Ferry Road

  Atlanta   GA   30327-2305     30,572        18.8   $ 86,953        33,354        9.1   $ 93,679        7.7     1,081   

Powers Ferry Square


3714 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30342-4417     45,986        23.9   $ 91,681        50,288        9.4   $ 100,070        9.2     1,626   

Powers Ferry Village


6300 Powers Ferry Road NW

  Marietta   GA   30339-2919     23,083        2.2   $ 74,639        23,675        2.6   $ 79,947        7.1     816   

Roswell Village


649 Holcomb Bridge Road

  Roswell   GA   30076-1511     26,047        5.0   $ 77,456        27,252        4.6   $ 84,089        8.6     921   

Sandy Springs Village


6650 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30328-3167     33,089        3.7   $ 76,932        34,150        3.2   $ 81,733        6.2     1,170   

Trowbridge Crossing


7525 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30350-4838     31,697        0.5   $ 74,603        32,281        1.8   $ 78,952        5.8     1,121   

Glenwood Village


2603 Glenwood Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27608-1044     40,768        30.1   $ 55,840        46,732        14.6   $ 59,231        6.1     1,442   



1954 Old Fort Parkway

  Murfreesboro   TN   37129-6900     20,356        55.0   $ 46,243        23,348        14.7   $ 47,814        3.4     720   

Harpeth Village Fieldstone


2020 Fieldstone Parkway

  Franklin   TN   37069-4337     6,929        36.1   $ 93,289        7,977        15.1   $ 99,854        7.0     245   

Peartree Village


210 Franklin Road

  Brentwood   TN   37027-3218     11,770        28.9   $ 102,970        13,073        11.1   $ 109,033        5.9     416   

Merchants Village


520 Folly Road

  Charleston   SC   29412-3019     21,808        9.0   $ 48,464        22,827        4.7   $ 51,806        6.9     771   

Palm Trails Plaza


1101 South Military Trail

  FL   33442-7645     54,476        1.5   $ 47,461        55,830        2.5   $ 50,525        6.5     1,927   

Chamblee Plaza


5528 Peachtree Industrial Blvd

  Chamblee   GA   30341-2218     37,466        6.9   $ 61,052        38,719        3.3   $ 63,739        4.4     1,325   

Mableton Crossing


4875 Floyd Road

  Mableton   GA   30126-1379     19,818        14.9   $ 59,027        21,010        6.0   $ 61,635        4.4     701   

Family Center at Taylorsville


5600 South Redwood Road

  Taylorsville   UT   84123-5323     45,451        6.1   $ 55,036        47,810        5.2   $ 58,292        5.9     1,608   

Family Center at Fort Union


900 East Fort Union Boulevard

  Midvale   UT   84047-1714     47,978        7.1   $ 58,731        50,870        6.0   $ 62,220        5.9     1,697   

Family Center at Riverdale 510


1050 West Riverdale Road

  Riverdale   UT   84405-3721     24,337        6.7   $ 52,393        25,429        4.5   $ 55,703        6.3     861   

Family Center at Orem


130 East University Parkway

  Orem   UT   84058-7686     41,340        19.6   $ 46,709        47,309        14.4   $ 49,748        6.5     1,462   

Family Center at 33rd South


93 West 3300 South

  Salt Lake
  UT   84115-3740     52,063        4.1   $ 42,434        54,507        4.7   $ 44,651        5.2     1,841   

Family Place at Logan


50 East 400 North

  Logan   UT   84321-4021     19,870        20.8   $ 40,067        21,657        9.0   $ 42,390        5.8     703   

Family Center at Las Vegas


2100 West Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-2224     67,391        -1.9   $ 34,671        70,584        4.7   $ 37,141        7.1     2,383   

Family Center at Rapid City


740-780 Mountain View

  Rapid City   SD   57702-2519     22,105        12.3   $ 41,241        23,313        5.5   $ 43,692        5.9     782   

Family Center at Ogden


21 Harrisville Road

  Ogden   UT   84404-3975     22,462        15.2   $ 42,065        24,061        7.1   $ 44,125        4.9     794   

Springfield Commons


1120 South Holland-Sylvania Road

  Toledo   OH   43615-4516     27,670        5.5   $ 45,167        27,921        0.9   $ 46,482        2.9     979   

Oviedo Park Crossing


Red Bug Lake Road

  Oviedo   FL   32765     20,106        21.9   $ 79,856        22,061        9.7   $ 84,900        6.3     711   

Merriam Town Center


5700 Antioch Road

  Merriam   KS   66202-2015     37,581        -0.2   $ 52,514        38,476        2.4   $ 55,180        5.1     1,329   

Candlers Station


3700 Candlers Mountain Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502-2267     12,620        5.9   $ 36,812        13,087        3.7   $ 38,726        5.2     446   

Shoppes at 104


14601 SW 104th Street

  Miami   FL   33186-2905     55,635        13.6   $ 59,757        59,014        6.1   $ 64,047        7.2     1,968   

Highlands Square


1100 Dunn Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32218-4832     16,149        23.5   $ 47,854        17,594        9.0   $ 50,731        6.0     571   



3158 Dixie Highway

  Erlanger   KY   41018-1850     27,770        5.0   $ 55,154        28,640        3.1   $ 57,691        4.6     982   

Plaza at Sunset Hills


10980 Sunset Plaza

  Saint Louis   MO   63127-1229     23,542        -1.2   $ 67,066        23,186        -1.5   $ 70,572        5.2     833   

Promenade at Brentwood


One Brentwood Promenade Court

  Brentwood   MO   63144-1428     50,206        -1.8   $ 57,615        49,398        -1.6   $ 61,120        6.1     1,776   

Keller Plaza


4500 LeMay Ferry Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63129-1614     38,233        2.5   $ 60,358        38,309        0.2   $ 63,752        5.6     1,352   

Gravois Village Plaza


4523 Gravois Village Plaza

  High Ridge   MO   63049-1838     13,833        9.3   $ 67,786        14,309        3.4   $ 72,432        6.9     489   

Southtowne Centre


4621 Chippewa Street

  Saint Louis   MO   63116-1610     83,316        -0.2   $ 40,086        82,913        -0.5   $ 43,100        7.5     2,947   

Northland Square


303 Collins Road NE

  Cedar Rapids   IA   52402-3118     31,941        14.7   $ 54,668        33,751        5.7   $ 57,286        4.8     1,130   

Morris Corners


1425 East Battlefield Street

  Springfield   MO   65804-3701     35,574        8.4   $ 41,263        37,003        4.0   $ 43,352        5.1     1,258   

Olympic Oaks Village


12109 Manchester Road

  Des Peres   MO   63131-4310     20,835        -1.1   $ 85,970        20,528        -1.5   $ 90,293        5.0     737   

Heritage Business Center


9177 Dutton Drive

  Twinsburg   OH   44087-1956     11,707        9.7   $ 79,462        12,007        2.6   $ 84,404        6.2     414   

Hardline Services


180 Lena Drive

  Aurora   OH   44202-9202     7,712        18.9   $ 64,555        8,110        5.2   $ 66,583        3.1     273   

VSA Building


9300 Dutton Drive

  Twinsburg   OH   44087-1968     11,584        9.5   $ 79,666        11,872        2.5   $ 84,635        6.2     410   

Alumax Building


3000 Crane Drive

  Streetsboro   OH   44241     6,947        17.0   $ 61,050        7,261        4.5   $ 62,742        2.8     246   

Steris Building


5960 Heisley Road

  Mentor   OH   44060-1834     19,653        8.4   $ 60,484        20,165        2.6   $ 63,259        4.6     695   

American Plaza


3144 S Kingshighway Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63139-1118     88,167        0.6   $ 39,219        88,022        -0.2   $ 42,166        7.5     3,118   

Norfolk Commerce Center


5365-5505 Robin Hood Road

  Norfolk   VA   23513-2416     39,211        1.0   $ 44,869        39,031        -0.5   $ 48,544        8.2     1,387   



2401 South Brentwood Boulevard

  Brentwood   MO   63144-2301     47,263        -1.9   $ 61,928        46,472        -1.7   $ 65,647        6.0     1,672   

Walgreen’s Plaza

    Saint Louis   MO       29,643        -1.0   $ 67,113        29,248        -1.3   $ 69,774        4.0     1,048   

Home Quarters-Saint Louis


6303 South Lindbergh Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63123-7803     39,331        0.8   $ 57,302        39,108        -0.6   $ 60,400        5.4     1,391   



381 Nesconset Highway

  Hauppauge   NY   11788-2516     25,270        6.7   $ 91,453        25,717        1.8   $ 99,390        8.7     894   



7800 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77055-1024     53,581        9.0   $ 41,870        56,857        6.1   $ 43,837        4.7     1,895   

Mill Avenue 420


420 Mill Avenue

  Tempe   AZ   85281-2828     38,788        7.4   $ 37,490        42,036        8.4   $ 39,761        6.1     1,372   

Mill Avenue 501


501 South Mill Avenue

  Tempe   AZ   85281-3612     43,457        7.3   $ 39,093        47,094        8.4   $ 41,364        5.8     1,537   

Tamarac Town Square


8129-8315 N Pine Island Road

  Tamarac   FL   33321-1543     53,173        2.1   $ 51,406        54,586        2.7   $ 54,811        6.6     1,881   

Riverside Square


8100-8268 Wiles Road

  FL   33067-2061     46,530        7.7   $ 68,386        48,409        4.0   $ 73,994        8.2     1,646   

Charlotte Square


2150 Tamiami Trail

  FL   33948-2136     19,044        5.9   $ 43,343        19,524        2.5   $ 46,692        7.7     674   

Springfield Tower


6825 Bland Street

  Springfield   VA   22150-2613     39,161        6.0   $ 99,278        40,170        2.6   $ 110,087        10.9     1,385   

Kings Court


708 Blossum Hill Road

  Los Gatos   CA   95032-3503     31,847        2.6   $ 107,587        32,723        2.8   $ 114,053        6.0     1,126   

Bellewood Square


3635 Gas Light Curve

  Montgomery   AL   36116-1780     25,886        7.0   $ 45,363        26,465        2.2   $ 46,395        2.3     916   

Treasure Coast Plaza


401-575 21st Street

  Vero Beach   FL   32960-5455     18,023        8.4   $ 43,755        19,115        6.1   $ 45,921        5.0     637   



777 17th Street

  Miami Beach   FL   33139-1854     31,690        -2.9   $ 46,534        31,848        0.5   $ 54,087        16.2     1,121   

Leesburg Plaza


500 East Market Street

  Leesburg   VA   20176-4112     17,096        55.1   $ 99,734        20,333        18.9   $ 113,258        13.6     605   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Glenville 2121


2121 Glenville Drive

  Richardson   TX   75082-4329     31,703        4.0   $ 67,107        33,013        4.1   $ 69,266        3.2     1,121   

Markham West


11400 West Markham Street

  Little Rock   AR   72211-2890     30,738        8.3   $ 54,156        32,094        4.4   $ 58,070        7.2     1,087   

Village Market/Rite Aid


78-80 Oak Meadow Drive

  Pataskala   OH   43062-9208     4,273        19.1   $ 70,522        4,623        8.2   $ 77,382        9.7     151   

Del Alba Plaza


One Dan Fox Drive

  Pittsfield   MA   01201-8231     12,083        -3.7   $ 42,000        11,804        -2.3   $ 45,034        7.2     427   

Metro Business Park III


2320 West Peoria Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85029-4753     61,569        5.1   $ 44,361        65,032        5.6   $ 47,006        6.0     2,178   

Technipark Ten


Interstate 10

  Houston   TX   77001     66,068        14.5   $ 39,822        71,658        8.5   $ 43,614        9.5     2,337   

Pike Creek


4700 Limestone Road

  Wilmington   DE   19808-1928     25,655        3.2   $ 76,303        26,300        2.5   $ 81,734        7.1     907   



4525 Joseph Hardin Drive

  Dallas   TX   75236-1915     27,016        5.6   $ 36,167        28,094        4.0   $ 37,553        3.8     955   

Battlefield Business Park


10110 Battleview Parkway

  Manassas   VA   20109-2334     17,762        16.0   $ 68,320        19,241        8.3   $ 74,868        9.6     628   

Northpointe B


44931 Falcon Place

  Sterling   VA   20166-9500     13,360        23.3   $ 87,423        14,898        11.5   $ 96,141        10.0     473   

Greenbrier Circle Corp. Center


825 Greenbriar Circle

  Chesapeake   VA   23320-2637     36,662        9.1   $ 52,927        38,422        4.8   $ 59,073        11.6     1,297   

Greenbrier Technology Center


814 Greenbrier Circle

  Chesapeake   VA   23320-2643     36,640        9.1   $ 52,858        38,400        4.8   $ 59,000        11.6     1,296   

Athens East


4375 Lexington Road

  Athens   GA   30605-2525     13,912        16.9   $ 31,495        15,128        8.7   $ 33,677        6.9     492   

Brodie Oaks


4006 South Lamar Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78704-8802     48,138        9.4   $ 45,194        51,568        7.1   $ 46,994        4.0     1,703   

Northpointe C


44901 Falcon Place

  Sterling   VA   20166-9531     12,981        24.4   $ 87,681        14,528        11.9   $ 96,449        10.0     459   

Walton Plaza


3629 Walton Way

  Augusta   GA   30909-6485     23,139        3.0   $ 48,606        23,751        2.6   $ 51,478        5.9     818   



3820 Crowfarn Drive

  Memphis   TN   38118     12,314        -6.9   $ 34,732        11,917        -3.2   $ 36,139        4.1     436   

Southwide 2


4569 Old Lamar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38118-6944     21,232        -4.1   $ 37,075        20,802        -2.0   $ 38,265        3.2     751   

Thomas Street


1600 North Thomas Street

  Memphis   TN   38107-1045     23,331        -2.0   $ 24,618        23,212        -0.5   $ 26,017        5.7     825   



10580 Duke Drive

  Alpharetta   GA   30004-4750     24,431        7.5   $ 75,795        25,877        5.9   $ 83,932        10.7     864   

Millcreek Crossing


1950 Buford Mill Drive

  Buford   GA   30519-4381     11,668        54.7   $ 68,166        13,874        18.9   $ 72,694        6.6     413   



7034 Charlotte Pike

  Nashville   TN   37209-4210     13,720        11.0   $ 54,214        14,536        6.0   $ 58,338        7.6     485   

Northwest Square


6670 Sawmill Road

  Columbus   OH   43235-4943     34,491        9.3   $ 69,765        36,149        4.8   $ 72,828        4.4     1,220   

Oak Park Commons


907 Oak Tree Avenue

  NJ   07080-5131     35,293        0.8   $ 89,019        35,506        0.6   $ 97,075        9.0     1,248   

Trolley Station


2665 South Perkins Road

  Memphis   TN   38118-2430     37,374        -2.4   $ 38,806        37,109        -0.7   $ 40,042        3.2     1,322   



1260 Old Country Road

  Westbury   NY   11590-5624     43,240        -1.7   $ 87,573        42,847        -0.9   $ 96,114        9.8     1,529   

Pentagon City


1200 South Fern Street

  Alexandria   VA   22202-2862     89,517        8.9   $ 77,793        93,686        4.7   $ 90,245        16.0     3,166   



81 Willowbrook Boulevard

  Wayne   NJ   07470-7055     23,321        1.9   $ 86,132        23,649        1.4   $ 92,073        6.9     825   

Morena Boulevard


4949 Morena Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92117-3434     69,309        1.6   $ 66,611        71,522        3.2   $ 73,174        9.9     2,451   



1336 Bristol Pike

  Bensalem   PA   19020-5660     43,139        -0.3   $ 55,931        43,106        -0.1   $ 60,764        8.6     1,526   


    Dallas   TX       80,300        5.7   $ 54,189        83,679        4.2   $ 58,127        7.3     2,840   



165 Highland Avenue

  Seekonk   MA   02771-5818     21,339        0.7   $ 52,186        21,451        0.5   $ 57,620        10.4     755   

Stanford Ranch Crossing


6740 Stanford Ranch Road

  Roseville   CA   95678-1907     29,414        37.8   $ 70,879        34,390        16.9   $ 78,449        10.7     1,040   

Towne Center East


2450 Cherry Avenue

  Signal Hill   CA   90755-3706     113,055        2.2   $ 42,922        116,586        3.1   $ 46,946        9.4     3,999   

Fountain Valley


17940 Newhope Street

  CA   92708-5422     63,678        -0.3   $ 74,600        65,001        2.1   $ 82,509        10.6     2,252   

Glen Burnie


587 East Ordnance Road

  MD   21060-6555     21,298        -1.6   $ 51,354        21,137        -0.8   $ 57,983        12.9     753   



9301 Tampa Avenue

  Northridge   CA   91324-2503     67,795        5.3   $ 61,000        70,765        4.4   $ 66,923        9.7     2,398   



1110 West Foothill Boulevard

  Azusa   CA   91702-2818     39,736        2.7   $ 64,734        41,079        3.4   $ 71,692        10.7     1,405   

Carmel Mountain


12294 Carmel Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92128-4600     35,298        10.8   $ 86,624        37,749        6.9   $ 96,375        11.3     1,248   


    Buffalo   NY       52,327        -9.0   $ 30,474        49,458        -5.5   $ 32,595        7.0     1,851   



Stockton Boulevard

  Sacramento   CA   95816     62,146        4.2   $ 42,142        65,442        5.3   $ 46,093        9.4     2,198   



104th Street

  Inglewood   CA   90303     111,019        1.8   $ 39,492        114,231        2.9   $ 43,232        9.5     3,926   

San Juan Capistrano-Retail


33963 Doheny Park Road

  San Jacinto   CA   92675-4835     30,408        4.0   $ 82,799        31,602        3.9   $ 91,619        10.7     1,075   

New Britain


Hillhurst Avenue

  CT   6053     33,175        -0.9   $ 44,273        33,081        -0.3   $ 47,528        7.4     1,173   



2106 Coliseum Drive

  Hampton   VA   23666-5960     32,447        0.7   $ 44,694        32,636        0.6   $ 48,425        8.3     1,148   



3931 West Costco Drive

  Tucson   AZ   85741-2864     20,491        11.0   $ 55,708        21,926        7.0   $ 60,674        8.9     725   

Redwood City


2110 Middlefield Road

  CA   94063-2800     40,896        -2.3   $ 82,450        41,171        0.7   $ 89,559        8.6     1,446   



3050 Middle Country Road

  Smithtown   NY   11767-1072     29,398        4.0   $ 93,224        29,894        1.7   $ 104,295        11.9     1,040   



West Stanford Avenue

  Littleton   CO   80123     38,173        6.3   $ 67,837        39,670        3.9   $ 71,212        5.0     1,350   



South Havana Street

  Aurora   CO   80012     71,059        5.2   $ 47,500        74,002        4.1   $ 49,298        3.8     2,513   

Chula Vista/Rancho del Rey


895 East H Street

  Chula Vista   CA   91910     40,689        28.4   $ 81,735        45,760        12.5   $ 92,739        13.5     1,439   

San Diego/Southeast


620 Gateway Center Drive

  San Diego   CA   92102-4530     88,598        6.2   $ 35,305        93,039        5.0   $ 39,712        12.5     3,134   



Bradshaw Road

  Sacramento   CA   95827     43,541        3.0   $ 55,454        45,321        4.1   $ 60,455        9.0     1,540   

San Diego/Murphy Canyon


3951 Murphy Canyon Road

  San Diego   CA   92123-4406     37,849        7.7   $ 65,531        40,018        5.7   $ 72,458        10.6     1,339   

Solana Beach


533 Stevens Avenue West

  CA   92075-2043     17,214        4.5   $ 99,487        17,983        4.5   $ 111,368        11.9     609   

Rancho San Diego


2516 Jamacha Road

  El Cajon   CA   92019-4363     19,643        5.6   $ 75,783        20,611        4.9   $ 84,816        11.9     695   

River Park


7477 North Blackstone Avenue

  Fresno   CA   93720-4305     41,813        11.4   $ 61,930        45,023        7.7   $ 68,516        10.6     1,479   



2834 Route 73 North

  NJ   08052-1619     32,104        1.5   $ 71,621        32,321        0.7   $ 78,234        9.2     1,135   

Bay Pointe Plaza


5001 34th Street South

  FL   33711-4513     30,098        -0.4   $ 38,024        30,472        1.2   $ 41,612        9.4     1,064   

Columbia Corporate Center


100 Columbia

  Aliso Viejo   CA   92656-4114     50,811        5.4   $ 77,837        52,903        4.1   $ 86,943        11.7     1,797   

Winter Park Business Center


801 South Orlando Avenue

  FL   32789-4867     33,343        2.7   $ 57,119        34,700        4.1   $ 62,701        9.8     1,179   

Washington Business Park


5324-5326 East Washington St

  Phoenix   AZ   85034-2117     38,340        13.6   $ 38,143        41,842        9.1   $ 40,757        6.9     1,356   

DFW-Port America


800 Port America Place

  Grapevine   TX   76051-7617     13,748        17.1   $ 70,452        15,002        9.1   $ 73,274        4.0     486   

Southport Business Park 5


5900 South Loop East

  Houston   TX   77033-1018     48,097        11.5   $ 30,721        51,511        7.1   $ 32,819        6.8     1,701   



1700 Crosspoint

  Houston   TX   77054-3708     43,473        15.9   $ 46,885        47,195        8.6   $ 49,582        5.8     1,538   

Walnut Trails


2630 Walnut Hill Lane

  Dallas   TX   75229-5614     27,843        3.2   $ 41,459        28,709        3.1   $ 42,495        2.5     985   



2650 Northaven Road

  Dallas   TX   75229-2215     27,854        0.5   $ 47,560        28,340        1.7   $ 48,532        2.0     985   

Randol Mill Place


2500 East Randol Mill Road

  Arlington   TX   76011-6350     46,527        1.5   $ 40,001        47,897        2.9   $ 42,112        5.3     1,646   

Cross Pointe Centre


5075 Morganton Road

  Fayetteville   NC   28314-1587     26,683        1.5   $ 43,478        26,954        1.0   $ 45,858        5.5     944   

University Hills


2730 South Colorado Boulevard

  Denver   CO   80222-6628     65,941        -1.6   $ 51,703        66,595        1.0   $ 55,094        6.6     2,332   

Bissonet Center


9801 Bissonnet Street

  Houston   TX   77036-8224     81,069        10.6   $ 35,356        86,366        6.5   $ 37,906        7.2     2,867   

Walden Woods


1802 Jim Redman Parkway

  Plant City   FL   33563-6914     12,679        12.1   $ 47,336        13,645        7.6   $ 51,822        9.5     448   

Centre Point


165 Lennon Lane

  CA   94598-2490     47,080        0.6   $ 74,858        48,465        2.9   $ 81,287        8.6     1,665   

Baytech Park


110-140 Baytech Drive

  San Jose   CA   95134-2302     21,261        28.7   $ 95,517        23,869        12.3   $ 104,460        9.4     752   

Bridgeway Tech


7015/7151 Gateway Boulevard

  Newark   CA   94560-1011     32,869        -3.4   $ 93,931        32,993        0.4   $ 103,563        10.3     1,163   

Interlochen Office Park


310 Interlochen Parkway

  Broomfield   CO   80021-3424     19,739        19.6   $ 81,221        21,665        9.8   $ 88,957        9.5     698   

Junction II Business Center


2051 Junction Avenue

  San Jose   CA   95131-2105     38,769        20.6   $ 87,216        42,665        10.1   $ 94,127        7.9     1,371   

Clyde 485


485 Clyde Avenue

  CA   94043-2245     61,196        -0.5   $ 84,939        62,237        1.7   $ 91,869        8.2     2,164   

Woodmere 107


107 Woodmere Road

  Folsom   CA   95630-4706     24,663        12.7   $ 84,742        26,666        8.1   $ 94,048        11.0     872   

Stewart Plaza


846 Stewart Drive

  Sunnyvale   CA   94085-4522     60,166        1.8   $ 87,810        61,942        3.0   $ 94,727        7.9     2,128   

Alfred 3100


3100 Alfred Street

  Santa Clara   CA   95054-3304     49,338        13.8   $ 84,479        53,121        7.7   $ 91,596        8.4     1,745   

Forest Village


777 Capital Circle SW

  Tallahassee   FL   32310-7465     6,422        8.3   $ 33,138        6,754        5.2   $ 36,409        9.9     227   

Champions Village


5303 FM 1960 Road West

  Houston   TX   77069-4427     33,182        10.5   $ 66,595        35,438        6.8   $ 70,313        5.6     1,174   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Glenville 2121


2121 Glenville Drive

  Richardson   TX   75082-4329     32,265        5.6   $ 67,724        33,983        5.3   $ 69,241        2.2     1,141   

Markham West


11400 West Markham Street

  Little Rock   AR   72211-2890     31,168        10.1   $ 54,834        32,419        4.0   $ 57,801        5.4     1,102   

Village Market/Rite Aid


78-80 Oak Meadow Drive

  Pataskala   OH   43062-9208     4,312        19.6   $ 71,574        4,599        6.7   $ 77,464        8.2     153   

Del Alba Plaza


One Dan Fox Drive

  Pittsfield   MA   01201-8231     12,077        -4.4   $ 42,112        11,680        -3.3   $ 44,134        4.8     427   

Metro Business Park III


2320 West Peoria Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85029-4753     60,866        4.1   $ 45,352        65,184        7.1   $ 47,597        5.0     2,153   

Technipark Ten


Interstate 10

  Houston   TX   77001     67,607        16.9   $ 41,319        72,382        7.1   $ 46,012        11.4     2,391   

Pike Creek


4700 Limestone Road

  Wilmington   DE   19808-1928     25,779        3.0   $ 78,912        26,203        1.6   $ 83,682        6.0     912   



4525 Joseph Hardin Drive

  Dallas   TX   75236-1915     27,812        8.7   $ 36,660        28,945        4.1   $ 37,622        2.6     984   

Battlefield Business Park


10110 Battleview Parkway

  Manassas   VA   20109-2334     17,549        14.7   $ 69,933        19,206        9.4   $ 75,681        8.2     621   

Northpointe B


44931 Falcon Place

  Sterling   VA   20166-9500     13,726        29.2   $ 90,805        15,430        12.4   $ 97,382        7.2     485   

Greenbrier Circle Corp. Center


825 Greenbriar Circle

  Chesapeake   VA   23320-2637     37,056        9.3   $ 55,093        38,226        3.2   $ 60,274        9.4     1,311   

Greenbrier Technology Center


814 Greenbrier Circle

  Chesapeake   VA   23320-2643     37,074        9.3   $ 55,060        38,244        3.2   $ 60,240        9.4     1,311   

Athens East


4375 Lexington Road

  Athens   GA   30605-2525     13,835        17.5   $ 31,112        14,738        6.5   $ 32,482        4.4     489   

Brodie Oaks


4006 South Lamar Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78704-8802     47,208        8.5   $ 46,060        50,393        6.8   $ 47,474        3.1     1,670   

Northpointe C


44901 Falcon Place

  Sterling   VA   20166-9531     13,549        29.7   $ 90,542        15,248        12.5   $ 97,113        7.3     479   

Walton Plaza


3629 Walton Way

  Augusta   GA   30909-6485     22,924        2.5   $ 48,937        23,268        1.5   $ 50,881        4.0     811   



3820 Crowfarn Drive

  Memphis   TN   38118     12,321        -7.3   $ 35,066        11,909        -3.3   $ 35,646        1.7     436   

Southwide 2


4569 Old Lamar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38118-6944     20,947        -5.5   $ 37,380        20,402        -2.6   $ 37,766        1.0     741   

Thomas Street


1600 North Thomas Street

  Memphis   TN   38107-1045     22,469        -4.8   $ 25,122        22,030        -2.0   $ 26,435        5.2     795   



10580 Duke Drive

  Alpharetta   GA   30004-4750     24,568        8.4   $ 78,882        26,026        5.9   $ 85,477        8.4     869   

Millcreek Crossing


1950 Buford Mill Drive

  Buford   GA   30519-4381     12,204        63.8   $ 69,364        13,820        13.2   $ 73,223        5.6     432   



7034 Charlotte Pike

  Nashville   TN   37209-4210     13,689        10.6   $ 55,324        14,305        4.5   $ 58,517        5.8     484   

Northwest Square


6670 Sawmill Road

  Columbus   OH   43235-4943     33,991        9.8   $ 71,276        35,517        4.5   $ 73,863        3.6     1,202   

Oak Park Commons


907 Oak Tree Avenue

  NJ   07080-5131     34,638        -0.5   $ 91,537        34,516        -0.4   $ 98,869        8.0     1,225   

Trolley Station


2665 South Perkins Road

  Memphis   TN   38118-2430     36,750        -4.3   $ 39,245        35,995        -2.1   $ 39,808        1.4     1,300   



1260 Old Country Road

  Westbury   NY   11590-5624     44,550        1.8   $ 90,585        44,458        -0.2   $ 98,232        8.4     1,576   

Pentagon City


1200 South Fern Street

  Alexandria   VA   22202-2862     92,595        12.4   $ 80,376        96,553        4.3   $ 92,265        14.8     3,275   



81 Willowbrook Boulevard

  Wayne   NJ   07470-7055     22,546        -0.2   $ 88,132        22,365        -0.8   $ 93,459        6.0     797   

Morena Boulevard


4949 Morena Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92117-3434     69,747        2.5   $ 68,111        72,364        3.8   $ 74,138        8.8     2,467   



1336 Bristol Pike

  Bensalem   PA   19020-5660     44,223        2.2   $ 57,482        44,436        0.5   $ 61,750        7.4     1,564   


    Dallas   TX       83,824        10.4   $ 55,491        87,172        4.0   $ 59,621        7.4     2,965   



165 Highland Avenue

  Seekonk   MA   02771-5818     20,627        -1.2   $ 53,408        20,298        -1.6   $ 58,126        8.8     730   

Stanford Ranch Crossing


6740 Stanford Ranch Road

  Roseville   CA   95678-1907     34,318        61.4   $ 72,284        41,063        19.7   $ 78,038        8.0     1,214   

Towne Center East


2450 Cherry Avenue

  Signal Hill   CA   90755-3706     113,182        2.5   $ 44,052        115,906        2.4   $ 47,326        7.4     4,003   

Fountain Valley


17940 Newhope Street

  CA   92708-5422     64,154        0.8   $ 76,319        65,614        2.3   $ 83,041        8.8     2,269   

Glen Burnie


587 East Ordnance Road

  MD   21060-6555     21,454        -0.8   $ 53,657        21,242        -1.0   $ 59,292        10.5     759   



9301 Tampa Avenue

  Northridge   CA   91324-2503     68,180        5.7   $ 62,431        70,777        3.8   $ 67,191        7.6     2,411   



1110 West Foothill Boulevard

  Azusa   CA   91702-2818     39,698        2.6   $ 66,708        40,695        2.5   $ 73,312        9.9     1,404   

Carmel Mountain


12294 Carmel Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92128-4600     35,872        13.0   $ 88,683        38,158        6.4   $ 97,974        10.5     1,269   


    Buffalo   NY       52,263        -9.5   $ 31,626        49,562        -5.2   $ 33,257        5.2     1,848   



Stockton Boulevard

  Sacramento   CA   95816     60,171        1.8   $ 42,785        63,278        5.2   $ 46,880        9.6     2,128   



104th Street

  Inglewood   CA   90303     110,687        2.0   $ 40,522        113,111        2.2   $ 43,437        7.2     3,915   

San Juan Capistrano-Retail


33963 Doheny Park Road

  San Jacinto   CA   92675-4835     30,546        4.1   $ 84,881        31,695        3.8   $ 92,553        9.0     1,080   

New Britain


Hillhurst Avenue

  CT   6053     33,136        -0.6   $ 45,632        32,843        -0.9   $ 48,290        5.8     1,172   



2106 Coliseum Drive

  Hampton   VA   23666-5960     31,532        -0.5   $ 45,547        31,229        -1.0   $ 48,474        6.4     1,115   



3931 West Costco Drive

  Tucson   AZ   85741-2864     21,318        14.8   $ 57,571        23,136        8.5   $ 61,462        6.8     754   

Redwood City


2110 Middlefield Road

  CA   94063-2800     41,220        -1.1   $ 84,379        41,466        0.6   $ 89,808        6.4     1,458   



3050 Middle Country Road

  Smithtown   NY   11767-1072     30,194        7.9   $ 95,696        30,862        2.2   $ 105,954        10.7     1,068   



West Stanford Avenue

  Littleton   CO   80123     38,109        6.3   $ 68,437        39,617        4.0   $ 70,846        3.5     1,348   



South Havana Street

  Aurora   CO   80012     69,793        4.3   $ 47,456        73,087        4.7   $ 48,682        2.6     2,468   

Chula Vista/Rancho del Rey


895 East H Street

  Chula Vista   CA   91910     40,637        28.0   $ 84,026        43,292        6.5   $ 93,209        10.9     1,437   

San Diego/Southeast


620 Gateway Center Drive

  San Diego   CA   92102-4530     89,439        7.7   $ 36,279        93,710        4.8   $ 40,468        11.5     3,163   



Bradshaw Road

  Sacramento   CA   95827     43,988        4.4   $ 56,228        46,630        6.0   $ 60,820        8.2     1,556   

San Diego/Murphy Canyon


3951 Murphy Canyon Road

  San Diego   CA   92123-4406     37,869        9.3   $ 67,105        40,109        5.9   $ 73,434        9.4     1,339   

Solana Beach


533 Stevens Avenue West

  CA   92075-2043     17,315        5.5   $ 102,042        18,117        4.6   $ 111,568        9.3     612   

Rancho San Diego


2516 Jamacha Road

  El Cajon   CA   92019-4363     19,460        7.3   $ 78,691        20,544        5.6   $ 86,739        10.2     688   

River Park


7477 North Blackstone Avenue

  Fresno   CA   93720-4305     41,858        11.9   $ 61,118        44,830        7.1   $ 66,184        8.3     1,480   



2834 Route 73 North

  NJ   08052-1619     31,857        1.1   $ 73,487        31,741        -0.4   $ 79,233        7.8     1,127   

Bay Pointe Plaza


5001 34th Street South

  FL   33711-4513     29,824        -1.3   $ 39,003        29,727        -0.3   $ 41,897        7.4     1,055   

Columbia Corporate Center


100 Columbia

  Aliso Viejo   CA   92656-4114     51,410        6.9   $ 79,872        53,820        4.7   $ 88,159        10.4     1,818   

Winter Park Business Center


801 South Orlando Avenue

  FL   32789-4867     32,946        1.8   $ 57,096        34,050        3.4   $ 62,694        9.8     1,165   

Washington Business Park


5324-5326 East Washington St

  Phoenix   AZ   85034-2117     37,691        12.4   $ 38,945        41,302        9.6   $ 41,292        6.0     1,333   

DFW-Port America


800 Port America Place

  Grapevine   TX   76051-7617     13,819        17.6   $ 70,307        15,091        9.2   $ 72,975        3.8     489   

Southport Business Park 5


5900 South Loop East

  Houston   TX   77033-1018     48,739        13.0   $ 32,001        52,191        7.1   $ 34,164        6.8     1,724   



1700 Crosspoint

  Houston   TX   77054-3708     44,061        16.8   $ 48,698        47,613        8.1   $ 52,230        7.3     1,558   

Walnut Trails


2630 Walnut Hill Lane

  Dallas   TX   75229-5614     28,671        6.7   $ 41,777        29,486        2.8   $ 42,449        1.6     1,014   



2650 Northaven Road

  Dallas   TX   75229-2215     28,796        4.3   $ 47,953        29,253        1.6   $ 48,510        1.2     1,018   

Randol Mill Place


2500 East Randol Mill Road

  Arlington   TX   76011-6350     47,638        3.7   $ 40,776        49,979        4.9   $ 42,449        4.1     1,685   

Cross Pointe Centre


5075 Morganton Road

  Fayetteville   NC   28314-1587     27,087        3.0   $ 44,441        27,478        1.4   $ 46,186        3.9     958   

University Hills


2730 South Colorado Boulevard

  Denver   CO   80222-6628     66,792        0.3   $ 52,040        68,575        2.7   $ 54,832        5.4     2,362   

Bissonet Center


9801 Bissonnet Street

  Houston   TX   77036-8224     82,501        11.6   $ 36,765        88,369        7.1   $ 38,740        5.4     2,918   

Walden Woods


1802 Jim Redman Parkway

  Plant City   FL   33563-6914     12,573        11.1   $ 47,642        13,555        7.8   $ 51,826        8.8     445   

Centre Point


165 Lennon Lane

  CA   94598-2490     47,307        0.9   $ 76,659        48,715        3.0   $ 81,825        6.7     1,673   

Baytech Park


110-140 Baytech Drive

  San Jose   CA   95134-2302     23,507        43.3   $ 97,210        25,574        8.8   $ 105,143        8.2     831   

Bridgeway Tech


7015/7151 Gateway Boulevard

  Newark   CA   94560-1011     33,694        -0.8   $ 95,830        34,108        1.2   $ 103,983        8.5     1,192   

Interlochen Office Park


310 Interlochen Parkway

  Broomfield   CO   80021-3424     19,672        21.1   $ 81,220        21,586        9.7   $ 86,936        7.0     696   

Junction II Business Center


2051 Junction Avenue

  San Jose   CA   95131-2105     41,841        31.4   $ 89,635        45,318        8.3   $ 95,764        6.8     1,480   

Clyde 485


485 Clyde Avenue

  CA   94043-2245     62,945        2.5   $ 87,240        64,613        2.7   $ 93,014        6.6     2,226   

Woodmere 107


107 Woodmere Road

  Folsom   CA   95630-4706     24,618        12.9   $ 85,835        26,676        8.4   $ 95,046        10.7     871   

Stewart Plaza


846 Stewart Drive

  Sunnyvale   CA   94085-4522     60,760        3.3   $ 90,049        62,546        2.9   $ 95,841        6.4     2,149   

Alfred 3100


3100 Alfred Street

  Santa Clara   CA   95054-3304     50,609        18.0   $ 87,231        53,576        5.9   $ 93,456        7.1     1,790   

Forest Village


777 Capital Circle SW

  Tallahassee   FL   32310-7465     6,478        7.7   $ 32,898        6,771        4.5   $ 34,919        6.1     229   

Champions Village


5303 FM 1960 Road West

  Houston   TX   77069-4427     30,887        6.3   $ 69,776        32,423        5.0   $ 72,942        4.5     1,092   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Park Promenade


2704 Hiawassee Road

  Orlando   FL   32818-3008     36,414        8.7   $ 45,158        38,757        6.4   $ 48,646        7.7     1,288   

Arrowhead Festival


7350 West Bell Road

  Glendale   AZ   85308-8538     43,547        19.6   $ 70,752        48,049        10.3   $ 76,627        8.3     1,540   

Forum at Olympia Parkway


8370 Agora Parkway

  Selma   TX   78154-1326     19,755        31.6   $ 58,709        22,408        13.4   $ 62,029        5.7     699   

Arden Square


3120 Arden Way

  Sacramento   CA   95825-2002     59,312        -0.1   $ 48,296        60,996        2.8   $ 52,748        9.2     2,098   

West Park Plaza


1333 S Winchester Boulevard

  San Jose   CA   95128-4343     89,430        1.1   $ 76,115        91,805        2.7   $ 82,641        8.6     3,163   

Woodman-Van Nuys


6609 Van Nuys Boulevard

  Van Nuys   CA   91405-4618     111,851        6.0   $ 43,687        116,967        4.6   $ 47,498        8.7     3,956   

Costa Verde Center


8510 Genesee Avenue

  San Diego   CA   92122-1102     35,603        8.7   $ 68,188        37,789        6.1   $ 75,136        10.2     1,259   

Paseo Village


7333 North Via Paseo Del Sur

  Scottsdale   AZ   85258-3743     27,732        3.3   $ 60,019        29,167        5.2   $ 63,560        5.9     981   

Shoppes at Lago Mar


15700 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33193-5059     54,160        12.7   $ 57,810        58,154        7.4   $ 63,741        10.3     1,916   

Orland Park


15701 South Harlem Avenue

  Orland Park   IL   60462-6800     35,315        4.4   $ 72,801        36,297        2.8   $ 78,435        7.7     1,249   

North Michigan Avenue 168


168 North Michigan Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60601-7937     142,447        16.1   $ 61,654        151,507        6.4   $ 66,363        7.6     5,038   

Center of the Hills


7010 Highway 71 West

  Austin   TX   78735-8300     18,749        34.3   $ 75,999        21,490        14.6   $ 80,849        6.4     663   

Juan Tabo


11004 Montgomery Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87111-3962     53,702        11.4   $ 54,776        57,227        6.6   $ 58,531        6.9     1,899   

North Point


530 South Range Line Road

  Joplin   MO   64801-4113     17,786        5.5   $ 35,137        18,532        4.2   $ 38,299        9.0     629   

Santee Town Center


240 Town Center Parkway

  Santee   CA   92071-5803     30,202        0.9   $ 68,639        31,051        2.8   $ 76,565        11.5     1,068   

Concourse Plaza


220 East 161st Street

  Bronx   NY   10451-3543     439,186        4.0   $ 29,166        449,135        2.3   $ 32,519        11.5     15,533   

Village Commons


1400 Village Square Boulevard

  Tallahassee   FL   32312-1250     17,414        25.4   $ 78,935        19,391        11.4   $ 87,870        11.3     616   



6325 Tacoma Drive

  Port Richey   FL   34668-4554     27,029        5.8   $ 33,018        28,706        6.2   $ 36,349        10.1     956   

Palm Plaza


26471 Ynez Road

  Temecula   CA   92591-4654     23,798        73.0   $ 72,399        29,277        23.0   $ 82,301        13.7     842   

Magnolia Square


2005 Crow Canyon Place

  San Ramon   CA   94583-4632     22,841        5.0   $ 124,991        23,908        4.7   $ 134,446        7.6     808   



Five River Walk Mall

  WV   25303-1026     17,827        -6.5   $ 41,360        17,175        -3.7   $ 45,288        9.5     631   

Downers Park


7241 Lemont Road

  IL   60516-3809     43,407        3.5   $ 71,848        44,177        1.8   $ 74,832        4.2     1,535   



6902 Southwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77074-2106     111,419        11.3   $ 39,049        119,034        6.8   $ 41,590        6.5     3,941   

Casa Paloma


7131 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-1520     40,926        15.4   $ 73,499        44,778        9.4   $ 79,122        7.7     1,447   

Town Center Plaza


5000 West 119th Street

  Leawood   KS   66209-1525     30,040        14.9   $ 81,139        32,316        7.6   $ 85,494        5.4     1,062   



55 Spiral Drive

  Florence   KY   41042-1396     22,707        12.2   $ 49,505        24,301        7.0   $ 53,310        7.7     803   

Stow Community Center


4240 Kent Road

  Stow   OH   44224-4325     20,907        3.5   $ 59,474        21,214        1.5   $ 62,693        5.4     739   

Centre at Hagerstown


17850 Garland Groh Boulevard

  Hagerstown   MD   21740-1992     25,207        9.8   $ 41,517        26,609        5.6   $ 45,476        9.5     892   

Williamsburg at Dunwoody


2458 Jett Ferry Road

  Dunwoody   GA   30338-3060     31,890        4.2   $ 74,895        33,096        3.8   $ 78,579        4.9     1,128   

Saucon Valley Square


3679 Route 378

  Bethlehem   PA   18015-5432     24,528        7.4   $ 44,286        25,606        4.4   $ 48,199        8.8     868   

Beneva Village


3428 Clark Road

  Sarasota   FL   34231-8406     33,230        4.3   $ 54,869        34,699        4.4   $ 60,269        9.8     1,175   

Fleming Island I & II


5000 U.S. Highway 17

  Orange Park   FL   32003-8231     8,987        61.0   $ 88,358        10,809        20.3   $ 96,299        9.0     318   

Hinsdale Lake Commons


6300 Kingrey Highway Suite 106

  Willowbrook   IL   60527-2250     39,810        1.3   $ 77,075        40,096        0.7   $ 80,602        4.6     1,408   

Park Place


10 Dillmont Drive

  Columbus   OH   43235-6424     27,299        14.4   $ 69,867        29,192        6.9   $ 73,775        5.6     966   



1000 Johnnie Dodds Blvd #106

  SC   29464-3187     17,325        19.5   $ 69,394        18,849        8.8   $ 75,832        9.3     613   

Southpoint Crossing


202 West NC Highway 54

  Durham   NC   27713-7563     21,920        38.9   $ 64,886        25,264        15.3   $ 67,288        3.7     775   

DFW North


1702 Minters Chapel Road

  Grapevine   TX   76051-4183     11,903        17.2   $ 67,841        12,998        9.2   $ 70,688        4.2     421   

Jackson Creek Crossing


1018 West Baptist Road

  Monument   CO   80921-2402     6,138        100.4   $ 94,135        7,683        25.2   $ 100,350        6.6     217   



3985 Sorrento Valley Blvd

  San Diego   CA   92121-1421     25,541        35.6   $ 81,640        29,282        14.7   $ 93,387        14.4     903   

Waterford Towne Center


5111 Highland Road

  Waterford   MI   48327-1915     24,411        1.8   $ 59,192        24,589        0.7   $ 61,694        4.2     863   

Southeast Commercial Center


4120 Commercial Center Drive

  Austin   TX   78744-1157     51,680        13.7   $ 34,538        55,958        8.3   $ 36,084        4.5     1,828   

Tech Center 29


12200 Tech Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20904-1983     36,365        4.9   $ 76,717        37,240        2.4   $ 85,746        11.8     1,286   

Sherman Plaza


400 South Sherman Street

  Richardson   TX   75081-4022     57,438        1.9   $ 48,983        58,948        2.6   $ 50,609        3.3     2,031   

North East Station Shopping


2500 Pulaski Highway

  North East   MD   21901-2610     4,567        12.7   $ 53,364        4,858        6.4   $ 59,531        11.6     162   

Wilkens Office I/II/III


5517 Ritchie Highway

  Baltimore   MD   21225-3444     29,184        -1.6   $ 45,498        28,961        -0.8   $ 49,574        9.0     1,032   

Little Glen


7565 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3716     32,484        0.5   $ 60,828        32,513        0.1   $ 67,689        11.3     1,149   

Riverdale Village


12921 Riverdale Drive NW

  Coon Rapids   MN   55448-1064     25,457        6.7   $ 65,796        26,388        3.7   $ 69,853        6.2     900   

Clocktower Place


11298 West Florissant

  Florissant   MO   63033-6741     40,043        -3.8   $ 43,616        39,052        -2.5   $ 45,749        4.9     1,416   

Meridian Crossroads


1350 North Eagle Road

  Meridian   ID   83642-2392     32,953        53.1   $ 62,551        39,166        18.9   $ 67,493        7.9     1,165   

Skipper Palms Plaza


2526 East Bears Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33613-5069     39,589        12.4   $ 34,718        42,716        7.9   $ 37,908        9.2     1,400   

El Novillo


7502 NW 79th Street

  Miami   FL   33166-7537     54,124        -4.6   $ 36,615        53,696        -0.8   $ 40,403        10.3     1,914   

Northwest Crossing


1250 West NW Highway

  Garland   TX   75041-5851     46,725        -4.3   $ 42,995        46,521        -0.4   $ 44,465        3.4     1,653   

Melbourne Plaza


900 Melbourne Road

  Hurst   TX   76053-4633     35,468        10.2   $ 55,992        37,829        6.7   $ 59,606        6.5     1,254   



1301 Custer Road

  Plano   TX   75075-7491     36,926        2.4   $ 69,182        38,480        4.2   $ 71,123        2.8     1,306   



2105 Buckingham Road

  Richardson   TX   75081-5459     63,597        2.4   $ 46,402        65,366        2.8   $ 47,833        3.1     2,249   

Lake Saint Charles


6913 US Highway 301 South

  Riverview   FL   33569-4342     25,643        52.1   $ 59,606        30,426        18.7   $ 65,205        9.4     907   

Gulf Breeze Marketplace


3749 Gulf Breeze Parkway

  Gulf Breeze   FL   32563-5717     6,606        20.4   $ 68,623        7,333        11.0   $ 74,281        8.2     234   


    Lawrenceville   GA       30,815        31.9   $ 54,897        35,189        14.2   $ 55,534        1.2     1,090   



733 Pleasant Hill Road NW

  Lilburn   GA   30047-2739     29,954        17.5   $ 51,569        32,973        10.1   $ 52,160        1.1     1,059   

Stockbridge Plaza


599 Highway 138 West

  Stockbridge   GA   30281-4252     19,585        31.3   $ 53,041        22,237        13.5   $ 53,809        1.4     693   

Village at Noble Farms


1145 Peachtree Industrial Blvd

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1975     13,638        70.9   $ 95,456        16,565        21.5   $ 99,217        3.9     482   

Cofer Crossing


4349 Lawrenceville Highway

  Tucker   GA   30084-3700     32,013        5.3   $ 54,063        33,413        4.4   $ 55,818        3.2     1,132   

South Farm Marketplace


4051 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-4447     38,423        12.3   $ 52,156        40,845        6.3   $ 55,322        6.1     1,359   

Metro Station


4708 Robinson Road

  Jackson   MS   39204-3315     17,245        -8.3   $ 28,113        16,189        -6.1   $ 28,895        2.8     610   

Gallipolis Marketplace


2145 Eastern Avenue

  Gallipolis   OH   45631-1873     3,466        0.3   $ 28,403        3,471        0.1   $ 31,072        9.4     123   

Towne Center


1980 Old Fort Parkway

  Murfreesboro   TN   37129-6928     20,562        54.9   $ 44,626        24,664        20.0   $ 47,325        6.0     727   

Francisco Centre


2500 East Desert Inn Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-3611     83,150        -5.7   $ 34,759        81,869        -1.5   $ 36,942        6.3     2,941   

College Park


2021 East Lake Mead Boulevard

  North Las
  NV   89030-7135     67,164        13.5   $ 33,681        71,335        6.2   $ 36,429        8.2     2,375   

Southwide 3


4569 Old Lamar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38118-6944     21,232        -4.1   $ 37,075        20,802        -2.0   $ 38,265        3.2     751   

Southwide 4


Federal Compress Indust. Park

  Memphis   TN   38106     33,463        -6.8   $ 24,322        32,465        -3.0   $ 25,457        4.7     1,184   

River Pointe-Storage


1450 Interstate 45 South

  Conroe   TX   77304-2803     12,388        38.8   $ 43,927        14,404        16.3   $ 47,478        8.1     438   



Belt Line Road

  Grand Prairie   TX   75050     24,012        10.8   $ 40,860        25,559        6.4   $ 42,450        3.9     849   

Levitz Furniture


Loop 610 South

  Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   



8428 Denton Highway

  Watauga   TX   76148-2458     41,046        47.8   $ 82,780        47,822        16.5   $ 89,595        8.2     1,452   

Land-US Highway 380 & 75


US Highway 380/US Highway 75

  McKinney   TX       40,927        42.3   $ 87,431        47,971        17.2   $ 92,717        6.0     1,447   

Deer Park Town Center


20530 North Rand Road

  Deer Park   IL   60010-7233     25,433        3.2   $ 81,652        25,906        1.9   $ 88,025        7.8     900   

Walnut Creek


Cameron Road

  Austin   TX   78723     58,217        3.2   $ 33,357        60,714        4.3   $ 34,728        4.1     2,059   



3709 Promontory Point Drive

  Austin   TX   78744-1112     40,593        15.4   $ 32,822        44,226        9.0   $ 34,093        3.9     1,436   

Wells Branch


2013 Wells Branch Parkway

  Austin   TX   78728-6900     36,231        35.0   $ 61,203        41,505        14.6   $ 64,463        5.3     1,281   

Shoppes at Rivergate


2311 Gallatin Pike North

  Madison   TN   37115-2007     15,158        17.6   $ 44,289        16,446        8.5   $ 46,887        5.9     536   

Crossing at Stonegate


17031 Lincoln Avenue

  Parker   CO   80134-3144     17,971        110.0   $ 87,583        23,104        28.6   $ 92,889        6.1     636   

Bridges at Smoky Hills


20901 East Smoky Hill Road

  Aurora   CO   80015-5184     26,512        59.7   $ 91,400        31,440        18.6   $ 97,369        6.5     938   

Gold Creek


220 Elizabeth Street

  Elizabeth   CO   80107-7553     1,708        11.2   $ 86,036        1,821        6.6   $ 95,964        11.5     60   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Park Promenade


2704 Hiawassee Road

  Orlando   FL   32818-3008     36,229        8.2   $ 45,851        38,828        7.2   $ 48,293        5.3     1,281   

Arrowhead Festival


7350 West Bell Road

  Glendale   AZ   85308-8538     44,377        21.7   $ 72,318        49,655        11.9   $ 77,723        7.5     1,570   

Forum at Olympia Parkway


8370 Agora Parkway

  Selma   TX   78154-1326     21,217        41.1   $ 60,118        23,918        12.7   $ 63,690        5.9     750   

Arden Square


3120 Arden Way

  Sacramento   CA   95825-2002     59,418        0.0   $ 48,740        62,009        4.4   $ 52,829        8.4     2,101   

West Park Plaza


1333 S Winchester Boulevard

  San Jose   CA   95128-4343     90,326        2.2   $ 78,410        92,583        2.5   $ 83,385        6.3     3,195   

Woodman-Van Nuys


6609 Van Nuys Boulevard

  Van Nuys   CA   91405-4618     112,334        6.3   $ 44,724        117,013        4.2   $ 47,635        6.5     3,973   

Costa Verde Center


8510 Genesee Avenue

  San Diego   CA   92122-1102     36,144        9.7   $ 69,854        38,287        5.9   $ 76,498        9.5     1,278   

Paseo Village


7333 North Via Paseo Del Sur

  Scottsdale   AZ   85258-3743     27,313        1.9   $ 61,235        29,021        6.3   $ 64,010        4.5     966   

Shoppes at Lago Mar


15700 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33193-5059     55,441        15.0   $ 58,773        58,979        6.4   $ 63,395        7.9     1,961   

Orland Park


15701 South Harlem Avenue

  Orland Park   IL   60462-6800     34,674        2.8   $ 74,676        35,014        1.0   $ 79,703        6.7     1,226   

North Michigan Avenue 168


168 North Michigan Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60601-7937     149,336        22.1   $ 63,258        155,776        4.3   $ 67,609        6.9     5,282   

Center of the Hills


7010 Highway 71 West

  Austin   TX   78735-8300     18,413        35.9   $ 78,481        20,747        12.7   $ 82,229        4.8     651   

Juan Tabo


11004 Montgomery Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87111-3962     53,926        12.0   $ 56,411        57,553        6.7   $ 59,089        4.7     1,907   

North Point


530 South Range Line Road

  Joplin   MO   64801-4113     18,075        7.5   $ 35,899        18,683        3.4   $ 38,301        6.7     639   

Santee Town Center


240 Town Center Parkway

  Santee   CA   92071-5803     30,369        1.5   $ 70,308        31,437        3.5   $ 78,173        11.2     1,074   

Concourse Plaza


220 East 161st Street

  Bronx   NY   10451-3543     445,416        5.4   $ 30,229        454,144        2.0   $ 33,506        10.8     15,753   

Village Commons


1400 Village Square Boulevard

  Tallahassee   FL   32312-1250     16,708        19.0   $ 77,012        18,103        8.4   $ 84,173        9.3     591   



6325 Tacoma Drive

  Port Richey   FL   34668-4554     26,810        4.9   $ 32,919        28,893        7.8   $ 35,005        6.3     948   

Palm Plaza


26471 Ynez Road

  Temecula   CA   92591-4654     24,738        79.2   $ 72,613        28,713        16.1   $ 80,794        11.3     875   

Magnolia Square


2005 Crow Canyon Place

  San Ramon   CA   94583-4632     23,560        6.4   $ 126,558        24,709        4.9   $ 135,292        6.9     833   



Five River Walk Mall

  WV   25303-1026     17,739        -7.0   $ 42,301        17,005        -4.1   $ 45,305        7.1     627   

Downers Park


7241 Lemont Road

  IL   60516-3809     43,096        2.7   $ 73,929        43,296        0.5   $ 76,967        4.1     1,524   



6902 Southwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77074-2106     111,677        12.0   $ 40,661        119,793        7.3   $ 42,692        5.0     3,950   

Casa Paloma


7131 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-1520     40,342        13.2   $ 75,113        44,672        10.7   $ 80,274        6.9     1,427   

Town Center Plaza


5000 West 119th Street

  Leawood   KS   66209-1525     29,982        15.4   $ 83,222        32,183        7.3   $ 86,662        4.1     1,060   



55 Spiral Drive

  Florence   KY   41042-1396     22,810        14.4   $ 49,809        24,539        7.6   $ 52,314        5.0     807   

Stow Community Center


4240 Kent Road

  Stow   OH   44224-4325     20,556        2.8   $ 60,684        20,579        0.1   $ 63,348        4.4     727   

Centre at Hagerstown


17850 Garland Groh Boulevard

  Hagerstown   MD   21740-1992     25,141        9.6   $ 42,298        25,990        3.4   $ 45,345        7.2     889   

Williamsburg at Dunwoody


2458 Jett Ferry Road

  Dunwoody   GA   30338-3060     31,871        6.4   $ 78,184        33,122        3.9   $ 80,689        3.2     1,127   

Saucon Valley Square


3679 Route 378

  Bethlehem   PA   18015-5432     24,103        6.5   $ 45,568        24,800        2.9   $ 48,881        7.3     852   

Beneva Village


3428 Clark Road

  Sarasota   FL   34231-8406     33,041        4.0   $ 54,418        34,866        5.5   $ 58,230        7.0     1,169   

Fleming Island I & II


5000 U.S. Highway 17

  Orange Park   FL   32003-8231     9,396        62.8   $ 90,446        11,059        17.7   $ 97,819        8.2     332   

Hinsdale Lake Commons


6300 Kingrey Highway Suite 106

  Willowbrook   IL   60527-2250     39,298        1.1   $ 79,417        39,238        -0.2   $ 82,295        3.6     1,390   

Park Place


10 Dillmont Drive

  Columbus   OH   43235-6424     27,230        13.9   $ 71,161        28,959        6.4   $ 74,502        4.7     963   



1000 Johnnie Dodds Blvd #106

  SC   29464-3187     17,757        21.6   $ 71,851        19,335        8.9   $ 78,438        9.2     628   

Southpoint Crossing


202 West NC Highway 54

  Durham   NC   27713-7563     22,565        43.4   $ 66,868        25,477        12.9   $ 69,489        3.9     798   

DFW North


1702 Minters Chapel Road

  Grapevine   TX   76051-4183     11,910        18.1   $ 67,933        13,001        9.2   $ 70,600        3.9     421   

Jackson Creek Crossing


1018 West Baptist Road

  Monument   CO   80921-2402     6,491        103.1   $ 97,169        7,461        14.9   $ 102,761        5.8     230   



3985 Sorrento Valley Blvd

  San Diego   CA   92121-1421     25,203        34.3   $ 82,959        27,717        10.0   $ 92,471        11.5     891   

Waterford Towne Center


5111 Highland Road

  Waterford   MI   48327-1915     23,544        0.0   $ 60,341        23,321        -1.0   $ 62,478        3.5     833   

Southeast Commercial Center


4120 Commercial Center Drive

  Austin   TX   78744-1157     50,619        13.0   $ 35,393        54,657        8.0   $ 36,776        3.9     1,790   

Tech Center 29


12200 Tech Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20904-1983     37,077        7.5   $ 79,151        37,643        1.5   $ 86,391        9.1     1,311   

Sherman Plaza


400 South Sherman Street

  Richardson   TX   75081-4022     57,493        2.8   $ 49,590        58,697        2.1   $ 50,727        2.3     2,033   

North East Station Shopping


2500 Pulaski Highway

  North East   MD   21901-2610     4,679        15.2   $ 55,959        4,940        5.6   $ 61,106        9.2     165   

Wilkens Office I/II/III


5517 Ritchie Highway

  Baltimore   MD   21225-3444     29,424        -1.1   $ 47,170        29,090        -1.1   $ 51,043        8.2     1,041   

Little Glen


7565 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3716     32,801        0.8   $ 62,617        32,719        -0.3   $ 68,330        9.1     1,160   

Riverdale Village


12921 Riverdale Drive NW

  Coon Rapids   MN   55448-1064     25,253        6.7   $ 67,895        26,067        3.2   $ 71,618        5.5     893   

Clocktower Place


11298 West Florissant

  Florissant   MO   63033-6741     39,701        -3.6   $ 43,890        38,646        -2.7   $ 44,978        2.5     1,404   

Meridian Crossroads


1350 North Eagle Road

  Meridian   ID   83642-2392     34,427        61.3   $ 64,361        39,866        15.8   $ 68,883        7.0     1,218   

Skipper Palms Plaza


2526 East Bears Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33613-5069     39,320        12.7   $ 34,506        42,375        7.8   $ 36,504        5.8     1,391   

El Novillo


7502 NW 79th Street

  Miami   FL   33166-7537     54,811        -3.1   $ 36,752        54,960        0.3   $ 39,546        7.6     1,939   

Northwest Crossing


1250 West NW Highway

  Garland   TX   75041-5851     46,824        -3.6   $ 43,483        46,539        -0.6   $ 44,375        2.1     1,656   

Melbourne Plaza


900 Melbourne Road

  Hurst   TX   76053-4633     34,676        8.8   $ 57,023        37,023        6.8   $ 60,471        6.0     1,226   



1301 Custer Road

  Plano   TX   75075-7491     38,775        7.2   $ 70,245        43,253        11.6   $ 72,122        2.7     1,371   



2105 Buckingham Road

  Richardson   TX   75081-5459     64,263        3.9   $ 46,869        65,837        2.5   $ 47,724        1.8     2,273   

Lake Saint Charles


6913 US Highway 301 South

  Riverview   FL   33569-4342     26,639        58.6   $ 60,101        30,225        13.5   $ 65,054        8.2     942   

Gulf Breeze Marketplace


3749 Gulf Breeze Parkway

  Gulf Breeze   FL   32563-5717     6,521        19.2   $ 70,733        7,105        9.0   $ 76,553        8.2     231   


    Lawrenceville   GA       30,642        31.1   $ 56,192        34,833        13.7   $ 56,591        0.7     1,084   



733 Pleasant Hill Road NW

  Lilburn   GA   30047-2739     29,987        16.4   $ 52,743        32,999        10.0   $ 53,049        0.6     1,061   

Stockbridge Plaza


599 Highway 138 West

  Stockbridge   GA   30281-4252     19,042        28.0   $ 54,082        21,140        11.0   $ 54,289        0.4     673   

Village at Noble Farms


1145 Peachtree Industrial Blvd

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1975     13,381        71.5   $ 97,934        15,647        16.9   $ 102,236        4.4     473   

Cofer Crossing


4349 Lawrenceville Highway

  Tucker   GA   30084-3700     31,812        5.9   $ 55,751        33,101        4.1   $ 57,055        2.3     1,125   

South Farm Marketplace


4051 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-4447     38,781        13.4   $ 54,355        41,242        6.4   $ 57,049        5.0     1,372   

Metro Station


4708 Robinson Road

  Jackson   MS   39204-3315     17,452        -8.5   $ 28,681        16,492        -5.5   $ 29,103        1.5     617   

Gallipolis Marketplace


2145 Eastern Avenue

  Gallipolis   OH   45631-1873     3,495        2.2   $ 28,732        3,494        0.0   $ 30,638        6.6     124   

Towne Center


1980 Old Fort Parkway

  Murfreesboro   TN   37129-6928     20,356        55.0   $ 46,243        23,348        14.7   $ 47,814        3.4     720   

Francisco Centre


2500 East Desert Inn Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-3611     84,656        -3.8   $ 36,475        88,057        4.0   $ 38,761        6.3     2,994   

College Park


2021 East Lake Mead Boulevard

  North Las
  NV   89030-7135     62,088        4.5   $ 34,653        66,395        6.9   $ 37,537        8.3     2,196   

Southwide 3


4569 Old Lamar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38118-6944     20,947        -5.5   $ 37,380        20,402        -2.6   $ 37,766        1.0     741   

Southwide 4


Federal Compress Indust. Park

  Memphis   TN   38106     32,751        -8.6   $ 24,677        31,640        -3.4   $ 25,733        4.3     1,158   

River Pointe-Storage


1450 Interstate 45 South

  Conroe   TX   77304-2803     12,689        40.0   $ 44,853        14,866        17.2   $ 48,088        7.2     449   



Belt Line Road

  Grand Prairie   TX   75050     23,989        10.7   $ 41,513        25,427        6.0   $ 42,652        2.7     848   

Levitz Furniture


Loop 610 South

  Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   



8428 Denton Highway

  Watauga   TX   76148-2458     40,850        47.4   $ 85,113        45,648        11.8   $ 90,815        6.7     1,445   

Land-US Highway 380 & 75


US Highway 380/US Highway 75

  McKinney   TX       42,280        47.4   $ 89,223        50,234        18.8   $ 92,887        4.1     1,495   

Deer Park Town Center


20530 North Rand Road

  Deer Park   IL   60010-7233     25,058        1.9   $ 82,856        25,204        0.6   $ 87,637        5.8     886   

Walnut Creek


Cameron Road

  Austin   TX   78723     58,385        2.8   $ 33,879        61,041        4.6   $ 35,402        4.5     2,065   



3709 Promontory Point Drive

  Austin   TX   78744-1112     39,762        13.6   $ 33,524        43,116        8.4   $ 34,651        3.4     1,406   

Wells Branch


2013 Wells Branch Parkway

  Austin   TX   78728-6900     36,116        34.5   $ 63,021        40,531        12.2   $ 65,676        4.2     1,277   

Shoppes at Rivergate


2311 Gallatin Pike North

  Madison   TN   37115-2007     15,303        18.1   $ 44,986        16,424        7.3   $ 46,761        3.9     541   

Crossing at Stonegate


17031 Lincoln Avenue

  Parker   CO   80134-3144     19,179        124.7   $ 91,179        23,353        21.8   $ 94,997        4.2     678   

Bridges at Smoky Hills


20901 East Smoky Hill Road

  Aurora   CO   80015-5184     28,809        73.5   $ 92,327        32,069        11.3   $ 96,581        4.6     1,019   

Gold Creek


220 Elizabeth Street

  Elizabeth   CO   80107-7553     1,681        10.8   $ 84,403        1,768        5.2   $ 91,606        8.5     59   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median



5100 SE 14th Street

  Des Moines   IA   50320-1678     22,005        4.0   $ 45,609        22,594        2.7   $ 48,871        7.2     778   

Bridgewater Promenade


155 Promenade Boulevard

  Bridgewater   NJ   08807-3455     21,455        5.5   $ 75,150        22,185        3.4   $ 83,257        10.8     759   

Cedar Hill Crossing


424 North US Highway 67

  Cedar Hill   TX   75104-2135     19,635        34.7   $ 67,274        22,314        13.6   $ 69,987        4.0     694   

Bell Plaza


5807 West 45th Avenue

  Amarillo   TX   79109-5257     34,691        8.2   $ 52,054        36,496        5.2   $ 57,543        10.5     1,227   

Lake Brandon Plaza


11255 Causeway Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-2903     30,787        42.1   $ 55,772        35,924        16.7   $ 60,934        9.3     1,089   



156 Tom Hill Senior Boulevard

  Macon   GA   31210-1814     11,155        5.8   $ 56,114        11,557        3.6   $ 57,469        2.4     395   

Peachtree City Marketplace


225 Market Place Connector

  Peachtree City   GA   30269-3542     10,368        11.8   $ 80,565        11,047        6.6   $ 84,669        5.1     367   



2204 Shorter Avenue

  Rome   GA   30165-2036     9,891        3.7   $ 38,623        10,195        3.1   $ 41,767        8.1     350   

Cross Creek


1040 Cross Creek Drive

  Saltillo   MS   38866-5765     2,557        9.7   $ 46,394        2,646        3.5   $ 50,052        7.9     90   

Kester Mill Village


4550 Kester Mill Road

  NC   27103-1247     20,785        13.1   $ 51,656        22,374        7.6   $ 53,975        4.5     735   



360 East Main Street

  Hendersonville   TN   37075-2523     16,011        22.4   $ 57,424        17,746        10.8   $ 60,758        5.8     566   

Nacogdoches Marketplace


4608 North Street

  Nacogdoches   TX   75961-1813     8,153        9.0   $ 29,100        8,575        5.2   $ 31,657        8.8     288   

Southgate Marketplace


3355 South 27th Street

  Milwaukee   WI   53215-4303     75,124        -1.5   $ 40,275        74,781        -0.5   $ 42,505        5.5     2,657   



Clay Road

  Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   

Pima Crossing


8740 East Shea Boulevard

  Scottsdale   AZ   85260-6625     31,415        8.5   $ 74,499        33,679        7.2   $ 79,893        7.2     1,111   

Blossom Valley


1750 Miramonte Avenue

  CA   94040-3763     59,657        -0.4   $ 97,427        60,705        1.8   $ 106,204        9.0     2,110   

Country Club-San Ramon


9100 Alcosta Boulevard

  San Ramon   CA   94583-3857     27,005        31.0   $ 104,061        30,673        13.6   $ 114,419        10.0     955   

Diablo Plaza


2455 San Ramon Valley Blvd

  San Ramon   CA   94583-1601     21,214        4.8   $ 122,797        22,216        4.7   $ 132,153        7.6     750   

Encina Grande


2941 Ygnacio Valley Road

  Walnut Creek   CA   94598-3535     42,561        0.6   $ 74,600        43,797        2.9   $ 80,942        8.5     1,505   

Loehmann’s Plaza-San Jose


1603 Hollenbeck Avenue

  Sunnyvale   CA   94087-5402     75,228        0.4   $ 101,355        76,871        2.2   $ 110,543        9.1     2,661   

San Leandro Plaza


265 Davis Street

  San Leandro   CA   94577-2742     53,164        -2.8   $ 56,268        53,482        0.6   $ 61,613        9.5     1,880   

Sequoia Station


1001 El Camino Real

  Redwood City   CA   94063-1692     43,505        -1.9   $ 84,523        43,861        0.8   $ 91,798        8.6     1,539   

Strawflower Village


70 Cabrillo Highway North

  Half Moon
  CA   94019-1664     4,926        8.2   $ 95,094        5,200        5.6   $ 103,822        9.2     174   

Tassajara Crossing


3496 Camino Tassajara

  Danville   CA   94506-4680     18,618        28.9   $ 146,731        20,874        12.1   $ 162,371        10.7     658   



7485 Rush River Drive Ste 600

  Sacramento   CA   95831-5262     28,011        8.0   $ 61,120        29,852        6.6   $ 66,811        9.3     991   

Woodside Central


2545 El Camino Real

  Redwood City   CA   94061-3812     43,030        -2.2   $ 85,670        43,346        0.7   $ 93,005        8.6     1,522   

Bristol and Warner


2130 South Bristol Street Suite A

  Santa Ana   CA   92704-5153     67,790        0.7   $ 54,995        69,505        2.5   $ 60,954        10.8     2,398   

El Camino


23381 Mulholland Drive

  CA   91364-2734     33,828        3.2   $ 90,792        35,093        3.7   $ 99,980        10.1     1,196   

El Norte Parkway Plaza


1032 West El Norte Parkway

  Escondido   CA   92026-3341     40,374        9.4   $ 55,229        42,880        6.2   $ 61,969        12.2     1,428   

Friars Mission Center


5644 Mission Center Road

  San Diego   CA   92108-4328     91,917        3.5   $ 49,636        95,517        3.9   $ 56,566        14.0     3,251   



12711 Hawthorne Boulevard

  Hawthorne   CA   90250-4406     91,221        1.8   $ 46,676        93,891        2.9   $ 51,323        10.0     3,226   

Heritage Plaza


14200 Culver Drive

  Irvine   CA   92604-0312     67,419        39.9   $ 93,895        77,452        14.9   $ 105,155        12.0     2,384   

Morningside Plaza


1088 East Bastanchury Road

  Fullerton   CA   92835-2790     55,034        3.3   $ 66,095        57,045        3.7   $ 72,065        9.0     1,946   

Newland Center


19640 Beach Boulevard

  CA   92648-2905     60,027        3.0   $ 84,608        62,227        3.7   $ 93,137        10.1     2,123   

Oakbrook Plaza


1736 E Avenida De Los Arboles

  CA   91362-1301     25,375        4.9   $ 94,524        26,438        4.2   $ 104,395        10.4     897   

Plaza de Hacienda


1737 North Hacienda Boulevard

  La Puente   CA   91744-1140     56,820        1.7   $ 61,401        58,483        2.9   $ 67,812        10.4     2,010   

Plaza Hermosa


715 Pier Avenue

  CA   90254-3941     74,431        7.0   $ 89,726        78,403        5.3   $ 99,414        10.8     2,632   

Rona Plaza


2003 West First Street

  Santa Ana   CA   92703-3500     78,790        0.2   $ 54,935        80,706        2.4   $ 61,026        11.1     2,787   

Santa Ana Downtown Plaza


301 East First Street

  Santa Ana   CA   92701-5314     77,491        0.5   $ 53,266        79,313        2.4   $ 59,083        10.9     2,741   

Twin Peaks


14823 Pomerado Road

  Poway   CA   92064-2803     34,164        8.4   $ 86,798        36,217        6.0   $ 96,632        11.3     1,208   

Ventura Village


5688 Telephone Road

  Ventura   CA   93003-5326     29,904        6.1   $ 71,031        31,370        4.9   $ 78,688        10.8     1,058   

Boulevard Center


1699 South Colorado Boulevard

  Denver   CO   80222-4036     74,338        -1.9   $ 54,983        74,906        0.8   $ 58,467        6.3     2,629   

Buckley Square


17150 E Iliff Avenue

  Aurora   CO   80013-5869     60,191        19.0   $ 58,458        65,840        9.4   $ 61,150        4.6     2,129   

South Lowry Square


7150 Leetsdale Drive

  Denver   CO   80224-3529     80,870        3.9   $ 47,443        83,645        3.4   $ 49,552        4.4     2,860   

Littleton Square


100 West Littleton Boulevard

  Littleton   CO   80120-2406     37,421        -1.0   $ 55,145        37,917        1.3   $ 57,419        4.1     1,323   

Cherry Park Market


2501 SW Cherry Park Road

  Troutdale   OR   97060-2931     31,135        17.6   $ 50,595        33,720        8.3   $ 55,401        9.5     1,101   

Murrayhill Marketplace


6194 SW Murray Boulevard

  Beaverton   OR   97008-4420     54,768        10.7   $ 56,968        58,291        6.4   $ 61,291        7.6     1,937   

Sherwood Market Center


16030 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd

  Sherwood   OR   97140-8521     12,150        38.5   $ 74,312        13,920        14.6   $ 82,129        10.5     430   

Sunnyside 205


9757 SE Sunnyside Road Suite A

  Clackamas   OR   97015-9744     36,024        14.1   $ 57,144        38,582        7.1   $ 61,982        8.5     1,274   

Walker Center


2612 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard

  Beaverton   OR   97005-1356     49,897        7.1   $ 54,840        52,413        5.0   $ 59,062        7.7     1,765   

West Hills Plaza


7535 SW Barnes Road Suite 109

  Portland   OR   97225-6269     38,250        7.5   $ 63,935        40,159        5.0   $ 68,964        7.9     1,353   

Inglewood Plaza


653 228th Avenue NE

  Redmond   WA   98074-7241     14,429        19.4   $ 125,218        15,648        8.5   $ 136,674        9.1     510   

Lake Meridian


12906 SE Kent Kangley Road

  Kent   WA   98030-7940     27,855        11.0   $ 63,836        29,476        5.8   $ 69,677        9.2     985   

Pine Lake Village


1065 NW Gilman Boulevard

  Issaquah   WA   98027-5304     16,447        26.0   $ 92,725        18,286        11.2   $ 100,411        8.3     582   

Sammamish Highlands


526 228th Avenue NE

  Redmond   WA   98074-7226     14,951        20.3   $ 124,708        16,254        8.7   $ 136,068        9.1     529   

South Point Plaza


10103 Evergreen Way

  Everett   WA   98204-3860     43,642        16.0   $ 52,887        47,207        8.2   $ 57,882        9.4     1,544   

Southcenter Plaza


301 Strander Boulevard

  Tukwila   WA   98188-2971     27,176        5.4   $ 48,463        28,090        3.4   $ 52,944        9.2     961   

Thomas Lake


3202 132nd Street SE

  Bothell   WA   98012-5624     40,194        25.2   $ 70,977        44,636        11.1   $ 77,966        9.8     1,422   

Arapaho Village


819 West Arapaho Road Suite 39

  Richardson   TX   75080-5039     46,452        2.7   $ 56,585        48,050        3.4   $ 58,617        3.6     1,643   

Casa Linda Plaza


1235 South Buckner Boulevard

  Dallas   TX   75217-4306     29,120        0.9   $ 33,706        29,727        2.1   $ 34,778        3.2     1,030   

Champions Forest


16616 Champion Forest Drive

  Spring   TX   77379-7017     31,167        16.2   $ 85,156        33,927        8.9   $ 90,639        6.4     1,102   

Cooper Street Plaza


4601 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76017-5827     40,100        8.6   $ 62,733        42,400        5.7   $ 66,045        5.3     1,418   

Hancock Center


1000 East 41st Street

  Austin   TX   78751-4859     60,092        4.4   $ 34,056        62,991        4.8   $ 35,852        5.3     2,125   

Harwood Hills Village


3300 Harwood Road

  Bedford   TX   76021-3904     49,882        12.2   $ 63,043        53,776        7.8   $ 66,274        5.1     1,764   

Hillcrest Village


6437 Hillcrest Avenue

  Dallas   TX   75205-1852     86,580        0.2   $ 50,455        88,163        1.8   $ 53,831        6.7     3,062   

Market at Preston Forest


11910 Preston Road Suite 200

  Dallas   TX   75230-6161     50,903        2.4   $ 55,012        52,356        2.9   $ 57,992        5.4     1,800   

Market at Round Rock


110 Interstate Highway 35 North

  Round Rock   TX   78681-5003     29,617        44.2   $ 66,610        34,888        17.8   $ 69,913        5.0     1,047   

Mills Pointe


2810 East Trinity Mills Road

  Carrollton   TX   75006-2369     65,181        13.5   $ 59,244        71,272        9.3   $ 61,654        4.1     2,305   

Mockingbird Common


6333 East Mockingbird Lane

  Dallas   TX   75214-2692     73,473        -0.5   $ 47,857        74,564        1.5   $ 49,730        3.9     2,599   

North Hills Town Center


12518 Research Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78759-2250     38,959        15.2   $ 67,333        42,590        9.3   $ 69,768        3.6     1,378   

Northview Plaza


10677 E Northwest Hwy Ste 300

  Dallas   TX   75238-4899     47,461        -1.5   $ 43,950        47,958        1.1   $ 45,562        3.7     1,679   

Preston Park


3316 Preston Road

  Plano   TX   75093-7404     48,448        22.7   $ 88,040        54,707        12.9   $ 91,731        4.2     1,713   

Ridglea Plaza


6387 Camp Bowie Blvd Suite D

  Fort Worth   TX   76116-5442     41,299        13.5   $ 41,524        44,734        8.3   $ 43,616        5.0     1,461   



1900 East Southeast Loop 323

  Tyler   TX   75701-8337     26,023        15.3   $ 43,753        28,123        8.1   $ 46,675        6.7     920   

Valley Ranch Centre I-III


820 South MacArthur Boulevard

  Coppell   TX   75019-4216     25,465        19.7   $ 85,497        27,720        8.9   $ 89,415        4.6     901   



633 West Wheatland Road

  Duncanville   TX   75116-4517     27,528        10.2   $ 49,460        29,220        6.2   $ 51,463        4.0     974   

Crossroads Plaza


Paramount Boulevard

  Los Angeles   CA       137,722        10.5   $ 27,430        147,124        6.8   $ 30,192        10.1     4,871   

Pentagon Row


900 Army Navy Drive

  Arlington   VA   22202-4927     96,941        9.3   $ 78,517        101,586        4.8   $ 91,031        15.9     3,429   



451 Long Beach Boulevard

  Long Beach   CA   90805-2462     86,794        3.5   $ 36,811        90,009        3.7   $ 40,864        11.0     3,070   

Pike at Rainbow Harbor


95 South Pine Avenue

  Long Beach   CA   90802-8158     80,482        3.4   $ 34,880        83,440        3.7   $ 38,922        11.6     2,846   

Oceanside Place Cinemas


401 Mission Avenue

  Oceanside   CA   92054-2827     21,180        2.2   $ 49,043        21,904        3.4   $ 55,808        13.8     749   

Connecticut Commons


292 New Britain Avenue

  Plainville   CT   06062-2056     23,576        -1.8   $ 50,034        23,375        -0.9   $ 54,583        9.1     834   

Cool Springs Pointe


1622 Service Merchandise Blvd

  Brentwood   TN   37027-2925     8,948        31.0   $ 100,481        10,253        14.6   $ 109,680        9.2     316   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



5100 SE 14th Street

  Des Moines   IA   50320-1678     21,991        3.2   $ 46,846        22,700        3.2   $ 49,461        5.6     778   

Bridgewater Promenade


155 Promenade Boulevard

  Bridgewater   NJ   08807-3455     21,263        4.6   $ 76,808        21,507        1.2   $ 83,354        8.5     752   

Cedar Hill Crossing


424 North US Highway 67

  Cedar Hill   TX   75104-2135     19,176        32.8   $ 68,265        21,021        9.6   $ 70,289        3.0     678   

Bell Plaza


5807 West 45th Avenue

  Amarillo   TX   79109-5257     35,137        10.1   $ 55,193        36,580        4.1   $ 60,281        9.2     1,243   

Lake Brandon Plaza


11255 Causeway Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-2903     31,989        46.7   $ 56,867        36,133        13.0   $ 60,992        7.3     1,131   



156 Tom Hill Senior Boulevard

  Macon   GA   31210-1814     11,107        5.3   $ 57,942        11,313        1.9   $ 59,490        2.7     393   

Peachtree City Marketplace


225 Market Place Connector

  Peachtree City   GA   30269-3542     10,468        11.1   $ 83,333        10,968        4.8   $ 86,328        3.6     370   



2204 Shorter Avenue

  Rome   GA   30165-2036     9,930        3.6   $ 38,531        10,087        1.6   $ 40,313        4.6     351   

Cross Creek


1040 Cross Creek Drive

  Saltillo   MS   38866-5765     2,666        14.0   $ 44,389        2,782        4.4   $ 46,206        4.1     94   

Kester Mill Village


4550 Kester Mill Road

  NC   27103-1247     21,125        16.1   $ 52,867        22,542        6.7   $ 54,698        3.5     747   



360 East Main Street

  Hendersonville   TN   37075-2523     16,268        24.2   $ 59,301        17,854        9.8   $ 62,073        4.7     575   

Nacogdoches Marketplace


4608 North Street

  Nacogdoches   TX   75961-1813     8,323        10.5   $ 29,210        8,686        4.4   $ 31,306        7.2     294   

Southgate Marketplace


3355 South 27th Street

  Milwaukee   WI   53215-4303     75,782        -0.3   $ 41,711        75,046        -1.0   $ 43,849        5.1     2,680   



Clay Road

  Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   

Pima Crossing


8740 East Shea Boulevard

  Scottsdale   AZ   85260-6625     30,771        7.1   $ 75,651        33,395        8.5   $ 79,693        5.3     1,088   

Blossom Valley


1750 Miramonte Avenue

  CA   94040-3763     60,778        2.0   $ 99,676        62,263        2.4   $ 106,496        6.8     2,150   

Country Club-San Ramon


9100 Alcosta Boulevard

  San Ramon   CA   94583-3857     26,525        28.1   $ 105,937        29,195        10.1   $ 113,628        7.3     938   

Diablo Plaza


2455 San Ramon Valley Blvd

  San Ramon   CA   94583-1601     21,492        6.2   $ 123,066        22,564        5.0   $ 131,536        6.9     760   

Encina Grande


2941 Ygnacio Valley Road

  Walnut Creek   CA   94598-3535     42,895        1.2   $ 76,334        44,206        3.1   $ 81,561        6.8     1,517   

Loehmann’s Plaza-San Jose


1603 Hollenbeck Avenue

  Sunnyvale   CA   94087-5402     76,073        2.0   $ 103,989        77,926        2.4   $ 111,164        6.9     2,691   

San Leandro Plaza


265 Davis Street

  San Leandro   CA   94577-2742     53,519        -1.8   $ 57,737        53,908        0.7   $ 62,297        7.9     1,893   

Sequoia Station


1001 El Camino Real

  Redwood City   CA   94063-1692     44,169        -0.6   $ 86,665        44,539        0.8   $ 92,333        6.5     1,562   

Strawflower Village


70 Cabrillo Highway North

  Half Moon
  CA   94019-1664     5,053        10.7   $ 97,382        5,344        5.8   $ 104,013        6.8     179   

Tassajara Crossing


3496 Camino Tassajara

  Danville   CA   94506-4680     18,731        28.6   $ 149,536        20,143        7.5   $ 158,336        5.9     662   



7485 Rush River Drive Ste 600

  Sacramento   CA   95831-5262     27,474        5.9   $ 62,030        29,368        6.9   $ 67,365        8.6     972   

Woodside Central


2545 El Camino Real

  Redwood City   CA   94061-3812     43,528        -0.9   $ 87,559        43,813        0.7   $ 93,159        6.4     1,539   

Bristol and Warner


2130 South Bristol Street Suite A

  Santa Ana   CA   92704-5153     67,532        0.7   $ 56,539        69,119        2.4   $ 61,544        8.9     2,388   

El Camino


23381 Mulholland Drive

  CA   91364-2734     34,592        5.6   $ 92,189        35,916        3.8   $ 99,950        8.4     1,223   

El Norte Parkway Plaza


1032 West El Norte Parkway

  Escondido   CA   92026-3341     40,347        9.2   $ 56,131        42,726        5.9   $ 62,162        10.7     1,427   

Friars Mission Center


5644 Mission Center Road

  San Diego   CA   92108-4328     92,953        4.8   $ 51,133        97,150        4.5   $ 57,535        12.5     3,288   



12711 Hawthorne Boulevard

  Hawthorne   CA   90250-4406     91,446        2.3   $ 47,622        93,593        2.4   $ 51,387        7.9     3,234   

Heritage Plaza


14200 Culver Drive

  Irvine   CA   92604-0312     66,752        38.1   $ 96,092        72,913        9.2   $ 105,505        9.8     2,361   

Morningside Plaza


1088 East Bastanchury Road

  Fullerton   CA   92835-2790     54,911        3.7   $ 67,571        56,774        3.4   $ 72,674        7.6     1,942   

Newland Center


19640 Beach Boulevard

  CA   92648-2905     59,818        1.7   $ 86,391        61,387        2.6   $ 94,427        9.3     2,116   

Oakbrook Plaza


1736 E Avenida De Los Arboles

  CA   91362-1301     25,575        5.4   $ 97,593        26,613        4.1   $ 106,616        9.2     905   

Plaza de Hacienda


1737 North Hacienda Boulevard

  La Puente   CA   91744-1140     56,666        1.6   $ 63,065        57,820        2.0   $ 69,012        9.4     2,004   

Plaza Hermosa


715 Pier Avenue

  CA   90254-3941     73,569        6.2   $ 91,888        76,553        4.1   $ 100,735        9.6     2,602   

Rona Plaza


2003 West First Street

  Santa Ana   CA   92703-3500     78,891        0.5   $ 56,386        80,661        2.2   $ 61,487        9.0     2,790   

Santa Ana Downtown Plaza


301 East First Street

  Santa Ana   CA   92701-5314     76,750        -0.1   $ 54,661        78,207        1.9   $ 59,482        8.8     2,714   

Twin Peaks


14823 Pomerado Road

  Poway   CA   92064-2803     34,599        9.4   $ 89,355        36,637        5.9   $ 98,773        10.5     1,224   

Ventura Village


5688 Telephone Road

  Ventura   CA   93003-5326     30,340        7.4   $ 73,272        31,734        4.6   $ 80,405        9.7     1,073   

Boulevard Center


1699 South Colorado Boulevard

  Denver   CO   80222-4036     75,632        -0.1   $ 55,291        77,452        2.4   $ 58,151        5.2     2,675   

Buckley Square


17150 E Iliff Avenue

  Aurora   CO   80013-5869     57,351        13.7   $ 58,190        61,716        7.6   $ 60,110        3.3     2,028   

South Lowry Square


7150 Leetsdale Drive

  Denver   CO   80224-3529     81,743        5.7   $ 47,781        85,280        4.3   $ 49,433        3.5     2,891   

Littleton Square


100 West Littleton Boulevard

  Littleton   CO   80120-2406     37,227        -0.8   $ 54,816        38,498        3.4   $ 57,036        4.0     1,317   

Cherry Park Market


2501 SW Cherry Park Road

  Troutdale   OR   97060-2931     31,467        19.9   $ 51,836        33,780        7.4   $ 55,190        6.5     1,113   

Murrayhill Marketplace


6194 SW Murray Boulevard

  Beaverton   OR   97008-4420     55,612        12.6   $ 58,852        58,807        5.8   $ 62,294        5.8     1,967   

Sherwood Market Center


16030 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd

  Sherwood   OR   97140-8521     11,859        35.9   $ 76,968        13,190        11.2   $ 85,178        10.7     419   

Sunnyside 205


9757 SE Sunnyside Road Suite A

  Clackamas   OR   97015-9744     36,242        15.6   $ 58,952        38,501        6.2   $ 63,173        7.2     1,282   

Walker Center


2612 SW Cedar Hills Boulevard

  Beaverton   OR   97005-1356     50,420        8.8   $ 56,892        52,793        4.7   $ 60,216        5.8     1,783   

West Hills Plaza


7535 SW Barnes Road Suite 109

  Portland   OR   97225-6269     38,632        11.0   $ 66,371        40,469        4.8   $ 70,575        6.3     1,366   

Inglewood Plaza


653 228th Avenue NE

  Redmond   WA   98074-7241     14,252        17.8   $ 125,549        15,126        6.1   $ 138,910        10.6     504   

Lake Meridian


12906 SE Kent Kangley Road

  Kent   WA   98030-7940     28,575        14.7   $ 65,711        30,278        6.0   $ 70,443        7.2     1,011   

Pine Lake Village


1065 NW Gilman Boulevard

  Issaquah   WA   98027-5304     16,758        27.5   $ 94,995        17,808        6.3   $ 101,508        6.9     593   

Sammamish Highlands


526 228th Avenue NE

  Redmond   WA   98074-7226     15,253        19.3   $ 125,649        16,246        6.5   $ 139,005        10.6     539   

South Point Plaza


10103 Evergreen Way

  Everett   WA   98204-3860     44,074        17.0   $ 54,727        47,158        7.0   $ 58,288        6.5     1,559   

Southcenter Plaza


301 Strander Boulevard

  Tukwila   WA   98188-2971     27,617        8.8   $ 49,898        28,777        4.2   $ 53,349        6.9     977   

Thomas Lake


3202 132nd Street SE

  Bothell   WA   98012-5624     40,396        25.4   $ 72,632        43,712        8.2   $ 78,116        7.6     1,429   

Arapaho Village


819 West Arapaho Road Suite 39

  Richardson   TX   75080-5039     46,615        4.5   $ 57,441        48,417        3.9   $ 58,870        2.5     1,649   

Casa Linda Plaza


1235 South Buckner Boulevard

  Dallas   TX   75217-4306     30,496        5.6   $ 34,060        31,472        3.2   $ 34,843        2.3     1,079   

Champions Forest


16616 Champion Forest Drive

  Spring   TX   77379-7017     29,402        10.3   $ 87,883        31,102        5.8   $ 92,620        5.4     1,040   

Cooper Street Plaza


4601 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76017-5827     42,102        13.6   $ 63,797        45,788        8.8   $ 66,503        4.2     1,489   

Hancock Center


1000 East 41st Street

  Austin   TX   78751-4859     60,770        5.4   $ 34,769        63,698        4.8   $ 36,815        5.9     2,149   

Harwood Hills Village


3300 Harwood Road

  Bedford   TX   76021-3904     49,956        11.4   $ 63,980        54,018        8.1   $ 67,184        5.0     1,767   

Hillcrest Village


6437 Hillcrest Avenue

  Dallas   TX   75205-1852     89,134        3.3   $ 52,168        91,116        2.2   $ 55,594        6.6     3,152   

Market at Preston Forest


11910 Preston Road Suite 200

  Dallas   TX   75230-6161     51,934        4.5   $ 56,054        53,334        2.7   $ 58,410        4.2     1,837   

Market at Round Rock


110 Interstate Highway 35 North

  Round Rock   TX   78681-5003     31,914        53.9   $ 68,021        38,120        19.5   $ 70,512        3.7     1,129   

Mills Pointe


2810 East Trinity Mills Road

  Carrollton   TX   75006-2369     67,173        16.7   $ 60,466        75,212        12.0   $ 61,962        2.5     2,376   

Mockingbird Common


6333 East Mockingbird Lane

  Dallas   TX   75214-2692     75,210        2.3   $ 48,765        76,667        1.9   $ 51,072        4.7     2,660   

North Hills Town Center


12518 Research Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78759-2250     39,360        15.4   $ 67,733        43,522        10.6   $ 69,352        2.4     1,392   

Northview Plaza


10677 E Northwest Hwy Ste 300

  Dallas   TX   75238-4899     48,119        0.8   $ 44,641        48,759        1.3   $ 45,889        2.8     1,702   

Preston Park


3316 Preston Road

  Plano   TX   75093-7404     50,073        27.8   $ 90,389        58,885        17.6   $ 93,769        3.7     1,771   

Ridglea Plaza


6387 Camp Bowie Blvd Suite D

  Fort Worth   TX   76116-5442     40,024        10.6   $ 42,319        43,193        7.9   $ 44,219        4.5     1,416   



1900 East Southeast Loop 323

  Tyler   TX   75701-8337     25,976        15.3   $ 44,906        27,616        6.3   $ 47,360        5.5     919   

Valley Ranch Centre I-III


820 South MacArthur Boulevard

  Coppell   TX   75019-4216     24,602        17.1   $ 87,541        26,314        7.0   $ 91,270        4.3     870   



633 West Wheatland Road

  Duncanville   TX   75116-4517     27,934        11.3   $ 49,472        29,188        4.5   $ 50,432        1.9     988   

Crossroads Plaza


Paramount Boulevard

  Los Angeles   CA       136,988        10.3   $ 28,119        143,807        5.0   $ 30,447        8.3     4,845   

Pentagon Row


900 Army Navy Drive

  Arlington   VA   22202-4927     100,978        12.7   $ 81,180        105,443        4.4   $ 93,069        14.6     3,571   



451 Long Beach Boulevard

  Long Beach   CA   90805-2462     86,882        3.5   $ 37,918        89,320        2.8   $ 41,088        8.4     3,073   

Pike at Rainbow Harbor


95 South Pine Avenue

  Long Beach   CA   90802-8158     80,110        3.4   $ 35,819        82,342        2.8   $ 38,974        8.8     2,833   

Oceanside Place Cinemas


401 Mission Avenue

  Oceanside   CA   92054-2827     21,215        2.4   $ 49,994        22,023        3.8   $ 56,606        13.2     750   

Connecticut Commons


292 New Britain Avenue

  Plainville   CT   06062-2056     23,606        -2.0   $ 51,633        23,257        -1.5   $ 55,573        7.6     835   

Cool Springs Pointe


1622 Service Merchandise Blvd

  Brentwood   TN   37027-2925     9,313        34.8   $ 103,356        10,678        14.7   $ 109,754        6.2     329   



Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Gateway Center


One Mystic View Road

  Everett   MA   02149-2428     151,521        0.2   $ 56,008        151,957        0.3   $ 61,613        10.0     5,359   

Dierberg’s Fenton Crossing


450 Old Smizer Mill Road

  Fenton   MO   63026-3553     16,286        8.8   $ 70,285        17,008        4.4   $ 75,596        7.6     576   

Jefferson County Plaza


3840 Vogel Road

  Arnold   MO   63010-3776     14,449        14.1   $ 65,185        15,421        6.7   $ 70,951        8.8     511   

La Frontera Village


120 Sundance Park

  TX   78681-7918     28,613        45.0   $ 65,920        33,547        17.2   $ 69,317        5.2     1,012   

Hermosa Avenue 1221-1227


1221-1227 Hermosa Avenue

  CA   90254-3530     67,655        7.6   $ 93,656        71,431        5.6   $ 104,456        11.5     2,393   

Hollywood Boulevard


7001 Hollywood Boulevard

  CA   90028-6002     148,308        3.7   $ 44,423        154,128        3.9   $ 48,644        9.5     5,245   

Tri-City Plaza


857 West Bay Drive

  Largo   FL   33770-3221     45,492        -1.2   $ 41,652        45,914        0.9   $ 45,076        8.2     1,609   

Hallwood Plaza


4841 Clio Road

  Flint   MI   48504-1806     27,155        -9.0   $ 27,557        25,584        -5.8   $ 27,468        -0.3     960   

South County Center


3901 Lemay Ferry Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63125-4521     40,776        0.8   $ 54,943        40,931        0.4   $ 58,780        7.0     1,442   

Tops Plaza


2383 Maple Road

  Amherst   NY   14221-4038     20,713        8.3   $ 81,138        21,437        3.5   $ 87,024        7.3     733   

Elmwood Plaza


2101 Elmwood Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14207-1908     66,578        -5.1   $ 36,807        64,427        -3.2   $ 39,464        7.2     2,355   

Shops at Seneca


2400 Seneca Street

  Buffalo   NY   14210-2600     40,390        -4.7   $ 38,069        39,052        -3.3   $ 40,934        7.5     1,429   

Market Street 120-122


120 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19106-3015     158,466        -0.8   $ 33,527        157,774        -0.4   $ 36,510        8.9     5,605   

West Market Plaza


1890 West Market Street

  Akron   OH   44313-6940     30,645        -2.1   $ 45,107        30,159        -1.6   $ 46,989        4.2     1,084   

Akron Plaza-Harlem Rd.


2375 Romig Road

  Akron   OH   44320-3824     27,791        -5.3   $ 34,394        26,905        -3.2   $ 36,233        5.3     983   

Akron Plaza-Arlington Road


3200 South Arlington Road

  Akron   OH   44312-5269     11,960        5.8   $ 55,996        12,219        2.2   $ 59,837        6.9     423   

Meadowbrook Square


Northfield Road

  Bedford   OH   44146     21,871        -6.2   $ 43,644        20,962        -4.2   $ 45,630        4.6     774   

Hill’s Plaza-Brooklyn


Memphis Avenue

  Brooklyn   OH   44144     65,915        -8.7   $ 38,048        62,325        -5.5   $ 40,401        6.2     2,331   

Hill’s Plaza-Canton


Atlantic Boulevard

  Canton   OH   44705     25,731        -2.3   $ 38,552        25,362        -1.4   $ 40,802        5.8     910   

Glenway Plaza


6251 Glenway Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45211-6313     41,749        3.1   $ 47,797        42,341        1.4   $ 51,100        6.9     1,477   

South High Plaza


3660 South High Street

  Columbus   OH   43207-6015     12,517        2.6   $ 43,485        12,760        1.9   $ 46,092        6.0     443   

Tops Plaza-Kent


1610 South Water Street

  Kent   OH   44240-4445     14,473        5.1   $ 39,876        14,773        2.1   $ 42,524        6.6     512   

Hill’s Plaza-Middleburg


13363 Smith Road

  Cleveland   OH   44130-7810     35,010        -6.2   $ 50,111        33,634        -3.9   $ 53,325        6.4     1,238   

Willoughby Plaza


36200 Euclid Avenue

  Willoughby   OH   44094-4400     25,523        -0.9   $ 47,822        25,276        -1.0   $ 50,184        4.9     903   

Broadway Plaza-Edmond


2501 South Broadway

  Edmond   OK   73013-4028     26,628        15.3   $ 59,147        28,525        7.1   $ 64,170        8.5     942   

Harrisburg West


3437 Simpson Ferry Road

  Camp Hill   PA   17011-6404     23,943        5.8   $ 60,563        24,670        3.0   $ 66,209        9.3     847   

Tops Plaza-North Olmsted


26662 Brookpark Extended

  OH   44070-3136     24,325        -5.2   $ 65,098        23,501        -3.4   $ 69,045        6.1     860   

Duquesne Plaza


431 Hoffman Boulevard

  Duquesne   PA   15110-1442     39,971        -7.5   $ 33,234        38,126        -4.6   $ 35,787        7.7     1,414   

Beltway Plaza


8300 West Sam Houston Parkway

  Houston   TX   77072-5045     81,150        10.8   $ 34,719        86,444        6.5   $ 36,990        6.5     2,870   



4628 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76017-5842     40,481        8.3   $ 62,738        42,762        5.6   $ 66,045        5.3     1,432   

Manana Center


10702 North Stemmons Freeway

  Dallas   TX   75220-2420     24,507        8.8   $ 39,607        25,802        5.3   $ 40,934        3.4     867   

Newkirk I,II


10610 Newkirk Street

  Dallas   TX   75220-2332     24,993        9.1   $ 39,117        26,330        5.4   $ 40,529        3.6     884   

Northwest Crossing


2152 West NW Highway

  Dallas   TX   75220-4214     23,910        7.0   $ 38,964        25,033        4.7   $ 40,373        3.6     846   

Northeast Crossing


12620 East Northwest Highway

  Dallas   TX   75228-8016     45,870        -5.2   $ 43,379        45,440        -0.9   $ 44,918        3.5     1,622   

Midway Business Center


2101 Midway Road

  Carrollton   TX   75006-4923     72,204        10.4   $ 55,756        77,424        7.2   $ 58,623        5.1     2,554   

Jupiter Business Center


821 Jupiter Road

  Plano   TX   75074-7463     28,443        9.7   $ 70,387        30,462        7.1   $ 72,816        3.5     1,006   

Commons I/II/III/IV


125 East North Point Drive

  Salisbury   MD   21801-2283     6,798        16.1   $ 48,439        7,331        7.8   $ 55,051        13.7     240   

Village Shoppes of Salem


14 Kelly Road

  Salem   NH   03079-3754     15,445        3.1   $ 63,363        15,690        1.6   $ 69,358        9.5     546   

Deer Valley Towne Center


2805 West Aqua Fria Freeway

  Phoenix   AZ   85027-3938     43,871        13.3   $ 55,387        47,630        8.6   $ 59,570        7.6     1,552   

Parker Pavilions


11153 South Parker Road

  Parker   CO   80134-4903     20,737        96.3   $ 90,352        26,307        26.9   $ 95,241        5.4     733   

Pine Island


8800-9200 State Road 84

  Davie   FL   33324-4415     41,124        3.7   $ 62,863        42,878        4.3   $ 68,447        8.9     1,454   

Spring Shadows


10243 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77043-1803     35,601        9.5   $ 43,162        37,727        6.0   $ 45,853        6.2     1,259   

Greenwich Avenue


64 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-5504     25,006        0.5   $ 93,447        25,138        0.5   $ 102,445        9.6     884   

Greenwich Avenue Bld 1


64 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-5504     24,974        0.5   $ 93,541        25,106        0.5   $ 102,570        9.7     883   

Greenwich Avenue 234


234 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-6514     25,119        0.5   $ 91,140        25,239        0.5   $ 99,568        9.2     888   

Greenwich Avenue 252-264


252-264 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-6507     25,276        0.4   $ 89,791        25,390        0.5   $ 98,237        9.4     894   

West Main Street 314-324


314-324 West Main Street

  Avon   CT   06001-3639     8,731        7.2   $ 102,234        9,049        3.6   $ 111,539        9.1     309   

West Main Street 339


339 West Main Street

  Avon   CT   06001-3644     8,768        7.1   $ 102,006        9,088        3.7   $ 111,360        9.2     310   

Farmington Avenue 967


967 Farmington Avenue

  CT   06107-2164     46,243        -0.4   $ 48,316        46,205        -0.1   $ 52,625        8.9     1,636   

Farmington Avenue 970


970 Farmington Avenue

  CT   06107-2139     46,141        -0.4   $ 48,366        46,105        -0.1   $ 52,683        8.9     1,632   

La Salle Road 27-43


27-43 La Salle Road

  CT   06107-2304     45,419        -0.5   $ 48,934        45,385        -0.1   $ 53,441        9.2     1,606   

New Britain Avenue 1253


1253 New Britain Avenue

  CT   06110-1626     38,775        -0.2   $ 56,431        38,815        0.1   $ 61,413        8.8     1,371   

South Main Street 135


135 South Main Street

  CT   06107-3431     45,479        -0.6   $ 49,118        45,426        -0.1   $ 53,750        9.4     1,608   

Ship’s Building


40-44 Post Road East

  Westport   CT   06880-3407     16,806        1.1   $ 114,862        16,961        0.9   $ 125,687        9.4     594   

Main Street 27


27 Main Street

  Westport   CT   06880-3403     16,709        1.1   $ 115,415        16,864        0.9   $ 126,254        9.4     591   

Austin Street 7010


7010 Austin Street

  Forest Hills   NY   11375-4763     308,221        -1.9   $ 50,509        307,460        -0.3   $ 55,773        10.4     10,901   

Forest Hills


108-22 Queens Boulevard

  Forest Hills   NY   11375-4752     301,860        -1.9   $ 50,705        301,184        -0.2   $ 55,988        10.4     10,676   

Sherman Avenue 1706


1706 Sherman Avenue

  Evanston   IL   60201-3713     65,210        -1.7   $ 59,821        64,917        -0.5   $ 64,151        7.2     2,306   

Central Avenue 2106


2106 Central Avenue

  Evanston   IL   60201-5810     52,441        1.4   $ 77,409        53,041        1.1   $ 82,484        6.6     1,855   

East Oak Street 101


101 East Oak Street

  Chicago   IL   60611-1202     163,848        10.2   $ 67,519        170,689        4.2   $ 72,361        7.2     5,795   

Fifth Avenue-Retail


655 Fifth Avenue

  San Diego   CA   92101-6915     68,455        12.0   $ 42,981        73,607        7.5   $ 47,177        9.8     2,421   

Third Street Promenade


1202-1253 Third Street

  CA   90401-1308     78,596        4.0   $ 68,187        81,782        4.1   $ 74,584        9.4     2,780   

Cone Building


200-218 North Park Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32789-3814     35,758        -0.9   $ 54,679        36,570        2.3   $ 59,771        9.3     1,265   



114-118 North Park Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32789-3813     35,697        -0.7   $ 54,602        36,550        2.4   $ 59,732        9.4     1,263   

East Houston Street 301-303


301 East Houston Street

  TX   78205-1802     47,598        -2.6   $ 26,983        47,886        0.6   $ 28,874        7.0     1,683   



Costco Drive

  Tucson   AZ   85741     48,738        6.6   $ 34,976        51,545        5.8   $ 37,733        7.9     1,724   

Redhawk Towne Center


32225 US Highway 79 South

  Temecula   CA   92592-6811     21,096        47.8   $ 93,737        24,944        18.2   $ 107,262        14.4     746   



16751 Fishhawk Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33547-3860     8,330        96.1   $ 88,598        10,444        25.4   $ 97,323        9.8     295   

Ballwin Plaza


11939 Manchester Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63131-4502     22,609        0.9   $ 85,496        22,725        0.5   $ 90,661        6.0     800   

Pembroke Commons


400 North University Drive

  FL   33024-6720     54,914        1.7   $ 54,155        56,522        2.9   $ 59,392        9.7     1,942   

Mandarin Landing


10601 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-8232     25,080        12.5   $ 61,493        27,018        7.7   $ 65,950        7.2     887   

Westlake Village Plaza and Ctr


2725 Agoura Road

  CA   91361-3101     16,087        1.8   $ 95,048        16,552        2.9   $ 104,384        9.8     569   

Long Beach Corporate Square


2600 Pacific Avenue

  Long Beach   CA   90806-2611     91,036        3.1   $ 36,774        94,244        3.5   $ 40,812        11.0     3,220   



1609 South Mountain Avenue

  Monrovia   CA   91016-4205     36,703        3.4   $ 63,932        38,060        3.7   $ 70,607        10.4     1,298   

Rancho Santa Margarita Mrktpl


30511 Avenida De Las Flores

  CA   92688-3941     18,446        6.9   $ 108,183        19,377        5.1   $ 119,937        10.9     652   

Redlands Marketplace


2512 Broadway

  CO   81503-2758     13,048        11.9   $ 45,181        13,941        6.8   $ 51,823        14.7     461   

Fountain Valley


18100 Brookhurst Street

  CA   92708-6737     65,522        0.6   $ 76,971        67,181        2.5   $ 84,843        10.2     2,317   

MacArthur Park-Phase I


MacArthur Boulevard

  Las Colinas   TX   75041     40,103        -4.6   $ 42,491        39,882        -0.6   $ 44,059        3.7     1,418   

Prairie City Crossing


1860 Prairie City Road Ste 100

  Folsom   CA   95630-9588     21,330        27.0   $ 90,945        24,014        12.6   $ 101,353        11.4     754   

Julington Village


450 State Road 13 Suite 109

  Jacksonville   FL   32259-3861     15,153        54.4   $ 101,124        18,033        19.0   $ 112,389        11.1     536   

King’s Crossing


4824 Sun City Center Boulevard

  Sun City
  FL   33573     11,702        21.0   $ 45,295        13,016        11.2   $ 48,696        7.5     414   

Fenton Marketplace


15100 Silver Parkway

  Fenton   MI   48430-3449     10,826        17.3   $ 61,147        11,591        7.1   $ 61,747        1.0     383   

Kroger New Albany Center


5161 Hampsted Village Center Way

  OH   43054-8329     11,310        76.5   $ 88,042        13,693        21.1   $ 94,439        7.3     400   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Gateway Center


One Mystic View Road

  Everett   MA   02149-2428     155,349        3.0   $ 58,037        156,360        0.7   $ 63,218        8.9     5,494   

Dierberg’s Fenton Crossing


450 Old Smizer Mill Road

  Fenton   MO   63026-3553     16,619        9.8   $ 72,115        17,183        3.4   $ 77,397        7.3     588   

Jefferson County Plaza


3840 Vogel Road

  Arnold   MO   63010-3776     14,671        13.9   $ 66,715        15,442        5.3   $ 71,631        7.4     519   

La Frontera Village


120 Sundance Park

  TX   78681-7918     29,593        49.9   $ 67,055        34,760        17.5   $ 69,794        4.1     1,047   

Hermosa Avenue 1221-1227


1221-1227 Hermosa Avenue

  CA   90254-3530     67,199        6.6   $ 95,675        70,051        4.2   $ 105,537        10.3     2,377   

Hollywood Boulevard


7001 Hollywood Boulevard

  CA   90028-6002     147,260        3.4   $ 45,617        151,405        2.8   $ 49,418        8.3     5,208   

Tri-City Plaza


857 West Bay Drive

  Largo   FL   33770-3221     45,595        -1.3   $ 42,481        45,471        -0.3   $ 45,194        6.4     1,613   

Hallwood Plaza


4841 Clio Road

  Flint   MI   48504-1806     26,846        -10.7   $ 28,036        25,180        -6.2   $ 27,950        -0.3     949   

South County Center


3901 Lemay Ferry Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63125-4521     40,466        0.8   $ 55,566        40,240        -0.6   $ 58,682        5.6     1,431   

Tops Plaza


2383 Maple Road

  Amherst   NY   14221-4038     20,535        8.2   $ 83,232        20,932        1.9   $ 88,478        6.3     726   

Elmwood Plaza


2101 Elmwood Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14207-1908     65,632        -6.1   $ 38,076        63,017        -4.0   $ 40,181        5.5     2,321   

Shops at Seneca


2400 Seneca Street

  Buffalo   NY   14210-2600     40,413        -5.0   $ 39,458        38,965        -3.6   $ 41,862        6.1     1,429   

Market Street 120-122


120 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19106-3015     165,327        4.1   $ 34,480        167,886        1.6   $ 37,358        8.3     5,847   

West Market Plaza


1890 West Market Street

  Akron   OH   44313-6940     30,315        -2.3   $ 46,003        29,668        -2.1   $ 47,290        2.8     1,072   

Akron Plaza-Harlem Rd.


2375 Romig Road

  Akron   OH   44320-3824     28,041        -5.5   $ 35,044        27,010        -3.7   $ 36,581        4.4     992   

Akron Plaza-Arlington Road


3200 South Arlington Road

  Akron   OH   44312-5269     11,874        5.9   $ 57,389        12,034        1.4   $ 60,790        5.9     420   

Meadowbrook Square


Northfield Road

  Bedford   OH   44146     21,545        -7.2   $ 44,144        20,475        -5.0   $ 45,414        2.9     762   

Hill’s Plaza-Brooklyn


Memphis Avenue

  Brooklyn   OH   44144     65,131        -9.4   $ 38,619        61,243        -6.0   $ 40,345        4.5     2,304   

Hill’s Plaza-Canton


Atlantic Boulevard

  Canton   OH   44705     25,915        -1.9   $ 39,028        25,452        -1.8   $ 40,629        4.1     917   

Glenway Plaza


6251 Glenway Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45211-6313     41,217        1.6   $ 48,565        41,208        0.0   $ 51,026        5.1     1,458   

South High Plaza


3660 South High Street

  Columbus   OH   43207-6015     12,625        3.9   $ 44,799        12,856        1.8   $ 47,041        5.0     447   

Tops Plaza-Kent


1610 South Water Street

  Kent   OH   44240-4445     14,371        5.1   $ 40,641        14,573        1.4   $ 42,997        5.8     508   

Hill’s Plaza-Middleburg


13363 Smith Road

  Cleveland   OH   44130-7810     34,387        -7.2   $ 50,670        32,674        -5.0   $ 53,099        4.8     1,216   

Willoughby Plaza


36200 Euclid Avenue

  Willoughby   OH   44094-4400     25,691        -0.4   $ 49,046        25,407        -1.1   $ 51,112        4.2     909   

Broadway Plaza-Edmond


2501 South Broadway

  Edmond   OK   73013-4028     27,319        17.3   $ 60,006        29,061        6.4   $ 64,742        7.9     966   

Harrisburg West


3437 Simpson Ferry Road

  Camp Hill   PA   17011-6404     23,433        4.2   $ 62,113        23,771        1.4   $ 66,975        7.8     829   

Tops Plaza-North Olmsted


26662 Brookpark Extended

  OH   44070-3136     23,896        -6.0   $ 65,741        22,861        -4.3   $ 69,024        5.0     845   

Duquesne Plaza


431 Hoffman Boulevard

  Duquesne   PA   15110-1442     39,680        -7.6   $ 34,203        37,852        -4.6   $ 36,579        6.9     1,403   

Beltway Plaza


8300 West Sam Houston Parkway

  Houston   TX   77072-5045     81,841        11.7   $ 36,102        87,630        7.1   $ 37,808        4.7     2,895   



4628 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76017-5842     42,396        13.3   $ 63,812        46,077        8.7   $ 66,511        4.2     1,499   

Manana Center


10702 North Stemmons Freeway

  Dallas   TX   75220-2420     25,056        12.4   $ 39,835        26,132        4.3   $ 40,556        1.8     886   

Newkirk I,II


10610 Newkirk Street

  Dallas   TX   75220-2332     26,188        13.5   $ 39,456        27,321        4.3   $ 40,201        1.9     926   

Northwest Crossing


2152 West NW Highway

  Dallas   TX   75220-4214     23,861        10.4   $ 39,389        24,728        3.6   $ 40,259        2.2     844   

Northeast Crossing


12620 East Northwest Highway

  Dallas   TX   75228-8016     46,390        -3.7   $ 43,883        46,102        -0.6   $ 44,911        2.3     1,641   

Midway Business Center


2101 Midway Road

  Carrollton   TX   75006-4923     73,181        12.8   $ 56,999        79,383        8.5   $ 59,069        3.6     2,588   

Jupiter Business Center


821 Jupiter Road

  Plano   TX   75074-7463     29,713        14.8   $ 71,576        33,574        13.0   $ 73,447        2.6     1,051   

Commons I/II/III/IV


125 East North Point Drive

  Salisbury   MD   21801-2283     7,011        20.1   $ 48,505        7,499        7.0   $ 53,228        9.7     248   

Village Shoppes of Salem


14 Kelly Road

  Salem   NH   03079-3754     15,380        2.0   $ 65,276        15,400        0.1   $ 70,050        7.3     544   

Deer Valley Towne Center


2805 West Aqua Fria Freeway

  Phoenix   AZ   85027-3938     42,884        10.6   $ 56,741        46,904        9.4   $ 60,457        6.5     1,517   

Parker Pavilions


11153 South Parker Road

  Parker   CO   80134-4903     21,401        100.5   $ 93,614        26,255        22.7   $ 97,998        4.7     757   

Pine Island


8800-9200 State Road 84

  Davie   FL   33324-4415     39,906        1.8   $ 63,672        40,920        2.5   $ 68,386        7.4     1,411   

Spring Shadows


10243 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77043-1803     35,951        9.8   $ 44,376        38,238        6.4   $ 46,698        5.2     1,272   

Greenwich Avenue


64 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-5504     24,872        1.0   $ 97,344        24,842        -0.1   $ 105,870        8.8     880   

Greenwich Avenue Bld 1


64 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-5504     24,916        1.0   $ 97,460        24,886        -0.1   $ 106,001        8.8     881   

Greenwich Avenue 234


234 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-6514     25,062        1.0   $ 94,615        25,039        -0.1   $ 102,558        8.4     886   

Greenwich Avenue 252-264


252-264 Greenwich Avenue

  Greenwich   CT   06830-6507     25,365        1.0   $ 92,606        25,339        -0.1   $ 100,063        8.1     897   

West Main Street 314-324


314-324 West Main Street

  Avon   CT   06001-3639     8,636        7.1   $ 104,759        8,825        2.2   $ 112,065        7.0     305   

West Main Street 339


339 West Main Street

  Avon   CT   06001-3644     8,883        6.8   $ 104,263        9,068        2.1   $ 111,652        7.1     314   

Farmington Avenue 967


967 Farmington Avenue

  CT   06107-2164     46,124        -0.5   $ 50,114        45,705        -0.9   $ 54,278        8.3     1,631   

Farmington Avenue 970


970 Farmington Avenue

  CT   06107-2139     46,101        -0.5   $ 50,126        45,682        -0.9   $ 54,293        8.3     1,630   

La Salle Road 27-43


27-43 La Salle Road

  CT   06107-2304     45,224        -0.6   $ 51,218        44,789        -1.0   $ 55,391        8.1     1,599   

New Britain Avenue 1253


1253 New Britain Avenue

  CT   06110-1626     39,105        0.4   $ 58,702        38,883        -0.6   $ 63,050        7.4     1,383   

South Main Street 135


135 South Main Street

  CT   06107-3431     45,329        -0.7   $ 51,234        44,872        -1.0   $ 55,471        8.3     1,603   

Ship’s Building


40-44 Post Road East

  Westport   CT   06880-3407     17,038        2.7   $ 118,326        17,139        0.6   $ 128,432        8.5     603   

Main Street 27


27 Main Street

  Westport   CT   06880-3403     16,819        2.7   $ 118,367        16,921        0.6   $ 128,481        8.5     595   

Austin Street 7010


7010 Austin Street

  Forest Hills   NY   11375-4763     311,408        -0.4   $ 52,581        310,566        -0.3   $ 57,230        8.8     11,014   

Forest Hills


108-22 Queens Boulevard

  Forest Hills   NY   11375-4752     305,726        -0.3   $ 52,807        305,084        -0.2   $ 57,472        8.8     10,813   

Sherman Avenue 1706


1706 Sherman Avenue

  Evanston   IL   60201-3713     65,827        -0.5   $ 61,346        65,507        -0.5   $ 64,742        5.5     2,328   

Central Avenue 2106


2106 Central Avenue

  Evanston   IL   60201-5810     53,229        3.3   $ 79,082        53,812        1.1   $ 82,774        4.7     1,883   

East Oak Street 101


101 East Oak Street

  Chicago   IL   60611-1202     170,745        15.1   $ 68,867        176,060        3.1   $ 73,202        6.3     6,039   

Fifth Avenue-Retail


655 Fifth Avenue

  San Diego   CA   92101-6915     70,213        13.7   $ 44,144        74,225        5.7   $ 48,750        10.4     2,483   

Third Street Promenade


1202-1253 Third Street

  CA   90401-1308     77,980        3.6   $ 69,859        80,306        3.0   $ 76,038        8.8     2,758   

Cone Building


200-218 North Park Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32789-3814     35,666        -1.1   $ 54,812        36,397        2.1   $ 59,435        8.4     1,261   



114-118 North Park Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32789-3813     35,724        -1.0   $ 54,624        36,491        2.2   $ 59,297        8.6     1,263   

East Houston Street 301-303


301 East Houston Street

  TX   78205-1802     47,955        -1.8   $ 27,575        48,817        1.8   $ 29,590        7.3     1,696   



Costco Drive

  Tucson   AZ   85741     49,391        7.7   $ 36,382        52,410        6.1   $ 38,522        5.9     1,747   

Redhawk Towne Center


32225 US Highway 79 South

  Temecula   CA   92592-6811     20,775        50.0   $ 96,040        24,501        17.9   $ 109,183        13.7     735   



16751 Fishhawk Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33547-3860     8,489        95.6   $ 89,237        9,627        13.4   $ 98,987        10.9     300   

Ballwin Plaza


11939 Manchester Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63131-4502     22,346        -0.9   $ 86,563        22,033        -1.4   $ 90,924        5.0     790   

Pembroke Commons


400 North University Drive

  FL   33024-6720     54,540        1.0   $ 54,717        55,562        1.9   $ 58,709        7.3     1,929   

Mandarin Landing


10601 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-8232     24,532        11.3   $ 62,826        26,188        6.8   $ 65,997        5.0     868   

Westlake Village Plaza and Ctr


2725 Agoura Road

  CA   91361-3101     15,716        0.1   $ 96,938        15,990        1.7   $ 104,006        7.3     556   

Long Beach Corporate Square


2600 Pacific Avenue

  Long Beach   CA   90806-2611     91,151        3.1   $ 37,899        93,546        2.6   $ 41,061        8.3     3,224   



1609 South Mountain Avenue

  Monrovia   CA   91016-4205     36,727        3.7   $ 65,743        37,850        3.1   $ 72,054        9.6     1,299   

Rancho Santa Margarita Mrktpl


30511 Avenida De Las Flores

  CA   92688-3941     19,507        10.6   $ 110,837        20,713        6.2   $ 122,299        10.3     690   

Redlands Marketplace


2512 Broadway

  CO   81503-2758     13,208        14.2   $ 46,502        14,114        6.9   $ 52,714        13.4     467   

Fountain Valley


18100 Brookhurst Street

  CA   92708-6737     65,384        0.7   $ 78,681        66,858        2.3   $ 85,544        8.7     2,312   

MacArthur Park-Phase I


MacArthur Boulevard

  Las Colinas   TX   75041     39,973        -4.8   $ 42,773        39,534        -1.1   $ 43,738        2.3     1,414   

Prairie City Crossing


1860 Prairie City Road Ste 100

  Folsom   CA   95630-9588     21,154        25.9   $ 92,215        23,502        11.1   $ 102,348        11.0     748   

Julington Village


450 State Road 13 Suite 109

  Jacksonville   FL   32259-3861     15,637        56.0   $ 103,249        18,047        15.4   $ 113,427        9.9     553   

King’s Crossing


4824 Sun City Center Boulevard

  Sun City
  FL   33573     10,915        16.9   $ 45,724        11,970        9.7   $ 48,615        6.3     386   

Fenton Marketplace


15100 Silver Parkway

  Fenton   MI   48430-3449     10,464        14.6   $ 61,846        10,839        3.6   $ 62,670        1.3     370   

Kroger New Albany Center


5161 Hampsted Village Center Way

  OH   43054-8329     12,403        95.5   $ 91,784        13,758        10.9   $ 98,624        7.5     439   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Sherwood Crossroads


20685 SW Roy Rogers Road

  Sherwood   OR   97140-9278     12,053        39.0   $ 73,700        13,822        14.7   $ 81,413        10.5     426   

Hebron Parkway Plaza


3052 Old Denton Road

  Carrollton   TX   75007-4319     37,630        12.5   $ 70,466        40,743        8.3   $ 75,209        6.7     1,331   

Keller Town Center


101 Town Center Lane

  Keller   TX   76248-2115     16,990        58.0   $ 102,558        20,141        18.6   $ 109,920        7.2     601   

MacArthur Park-Phase II


7600 North MacArthur Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75063-7512     22,499        31.5   $ 66,711        25,192        12.0   $ 69,478        4.1     796   

Tarrant Parkway Plaza


8800 North Tarrant Parkway

  TX   76180-1406     22,739        27.4   $ 102,020        25,414        11.8   $ 110,597        8.4     804   

Prestonwood Park I


6509 West Park Boulevard

  Plano   TX   75093-6206     59,740        25.7   $ 64,717        68,191        14.2   $ 67,969        5.0     2,113   

Trophy Club


101 Trophy Lake Drive

  Trophy Club   TX   76262-5233     5,760        27.7   $ 90,935        6,535        13.5   $ 97,089        6.8     204   

Cascade Plaza


7601 Evergreen Way

  Everett   WA   98203-6424     36,029        9.7   $ 53,188        38,105        5.8   $ 58,155        9.3     1,274   

James Center


1850 South Mildred Street

  Tacoma   WA   98465-1608     42,423        3.5   $ 50,216        43,832        3.3   $ 55,586        10.7     1,500   

Dell Range Marketplace


3702 Dell Range Boulevard

  Cheyenne   WY   82009-5453     16,152        7.4   $ 52,266        16,776        3.9   $ 58,304        11.6     571   

Stonehedge Square


950 Walnut Bottom Road

  Carlisle   PA   17013-7636     11,295        8.5   $ 46,780        11,820        4.7   $ 51,402        9.9     399   

Melrose Park


Manheim Road

  IL       123,789        -6.7   $ 40,276        119,665        -3.3   $ 42,935        6.6     4,378   


    Dayton   OH       43,651        -8.6   $ 30,572        41,394        -5.2   $ 31,878        4.3     1,544   



1235 West Warm Springs Road

  Henderson   NV   89014-8740     42,049        29.3   $ 62,432        46,929        11.6   $ 67,105        7.5     1,487   

Saint Charles II


Muegge Road

  MO   63303     29,350        8.3   $ 61,748        30,929        5.4   $ 65,608        6.3     1,038   

Saint Charles


4000 Center Point Road

  Saint Peters   MO   63304-2817     31,095        8.6   $ 72,681        32,749        5.3   $ 77,659        6.8     1,100   

Manhasset Center


1400 Northern Boulevard

  Manhasset   NY   11030-3004     41,661        -0.7   $ 102,638        41,515        -0.4   $ 113,862        10.9     1,473   


    Bel Air   MD       20,652        17.1   $ 79,910        22,151        7.3   $ 88,874        11.2     730   

Green Oaks


4001 West Green Oaks Boulevard

  Arlington   TX   76016-4457     28,518        6.6   $ 70,964        30,049        5.4   $ 74,547        5.0     1,009   

Landmark Station


1317 Bridford Parkway

  Greensboro   NC   27407-2655     27,688        18.2   $ 46,762        30,167        9.0   $ 48,304        3.3     979   

Houma Power Center


1550 Martin Luther King Blvd

  Houma   LA   70360-2404     16,597        9.2   $ 51,517        17,329        4.4   $ 58,415        13.4     587   

Land-Blue Hen

    Dover   DE       10,597        24.6   $ 52,524        11,844        11.8   $ 56,408        7.4     375   

Highland Ridge Plaza


3280 Highland Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45213-2508     54,094        -2.7   $ 45,884        53,306        -1.5   $ 49,323        7.5     1,913   



1822 East Hammer Lane

  Stockton   CA   95210-4117     39,763        13.3   $ 41,098        43,217        8.7   $ 44,383        8.0     1,406   

Regency Plaza


9798 Atlantic Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32225-8223     31,953        14.5   $ 45,377        34,600        8.3   $ 49,209        8.4     1,130   

Chippewa Plaza


2660 Constitution Boulevard

  Beaver Falls   PA   15010-1276     6,655        -2.3   $ 50,661        6,584        -1.1   $ 56,330        11.2     235   

Fort Collins


813 East Harmony Road

  Fort Collins   CO   80525-4877     31,211        22.4   $ 62,362        34,391        10.2   $ 66,132        6.0     1,104   

Fullerton Plaza


7923 Belair Road

  Baltimore   MD   21236-3705     54,642        3.6   $ 59,454        55,805        2.1   $ 64,967        9.3     1,933   



NW Cornell Road

  Hillsboro   OR   97124     48,147        26.6   $ 62,754        53,816        11.8   $ 66,958        6.7     1,703   

Uptown Solon


6025 Kruse Drive

  Solon   OH   44139-2377     9,644        1.0   $ 90,518        9,602        -0.4   $ 96,133        6.2     341   



SR 53 Rohlwing Road

  Addison   IL   60101     30,881        1.3   $ 62,120        31,132        0.8   $ 64,437        3.7     1,092   

Beltline Highway


2600 Homer Adams Parkway

  Alton   IL   62002-5430     15,359        0.4   $ 41,160        15,383        0.2   $ 44,625        8.4     543   

Arlington Heights


600 East Rand Road

  IL   60004-4075     50,553        -3.4   $ 75,285        49,771        -1.6   $ 80,880        7.4     1,788   

Aurora Commons


1250 North Lake Street

  Aurora   IL   60506-2453     38,428        20.7   $ 50,327        41,986        9.3   $ 53,801        6.9     1,359   



7230 Westfield Plaza Drive

  Belleville   IL   62223-3352     13,748        -2.1   $ 45,549        13,598        -1.1   $ 47,972        5.3     486   

South Harlem


7725 South Harlem

  Bridgeview   IL   60455-1318     45,689        -2.5   $ 55,764        45,314        -0.8   $ 59,862        7.3     1,616   

Neil Street


2102 North Neil Street

  Champaign   IL   61820-7830     29,486        8.1   $ 27,922        30,724        4.2   $ 29,817        6.8     1,043   

Peterson Avenue


West Peterson

  Chicago   IL   60659     178,146        -5.0   $ 47,288        173,909        -2.4   $ 50,502        6.8     6,301   

Pulaski Road


4433 South Pulaski Road

  Chicago   IL   60632-4010     92,632        -5.0   $ 42,084        90,552        -2.3   $ 44,782        6.4     3,276   

Crystal Lake


6250 Northwest Highway

  Crystal Lake   IL   60014-7933     20,648        15.9   $ 77,762        22,311        8.1   $ 82,733        6.4     730   



Airport Road

  Elgin   IL   60123     11,488        41.0   $ 75,076        13,219        15.1   $ 79,739        6.2     406   

Bellville Road


6525 North Illinois Street

  IL   62208-2001     10,652        15.0   $ 58,419        11,386        6.9   $ 62,543        7.1     377   



1555 South Lake Street

  Mundelein   IL   60060-4210     22,211        4.9   $ 85,986        22,889        3.1   $ 92,372        7.4     786   



5885 East State Street

  Rockford   IL   61108-2427     27,014        9.5   $ 53,489        28,487        5.5   $ 55,650        4.0     955   

MacArthur Boulevard


2115 South MacArthur Boulevard

  Springfield   IL   62704-4501     38,424        1.2   $ 40,210        38,685        0.7   $ 42,153        4.8     1,359   



960 South Barrington Road

  Streamwood   IL   60107-2289     44,455        -0.5   $ 73,534        44,422        -0.1   $ 78,664        7.0     1,572   



2700 Belvidere Road

  Waukegan   IL   60085-6008     33,122        -0.7   $ 45,926        33,245        0.4   $ 48,720        6.1     1,171   



5802 Grape Road

  Mishawaka   IN   46545-1248     25,016        0.0   $ 45,663        25,193        0.7   $ 48,079        5.3     885   

South Bend


902 Erskine Plaza

  South Bend   IN   46614-3244     18,075        -1.2   $ 41,564        18,066        -0.1   $ 43,332        4.3     639   



2780 John Hawkins Parkway

  Hoover   AL   35244-4001     19,219        17.8   $ 65,656        20,783        8.1   $ 70,259        7.0     680   

Boynton West


9839 South Military Trail

  FL   33436-3202     42,360        13.8   $ 57,496        45,806        8.1   $ 62,269        8.3     1,498   

Miami 3

    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   

Miami 4

    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   

Miami 5

    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   

Chasewood Storage


6250 West Indiantown Road

  Jupiter   FL   33458-3958     20,338        21.0   $ 70,440        22,453        10.4   $ 76,576        8.7     719   

Orland Square


66 Orland Squre Drive

  Orland Park   IL   60462-3207     26,091        6.7   $ 79,034        27,037        3.6   $ 85,054        7.6     923   

Land-Intl Business Park


Beeline Expressway

  Orlando   FL       45,500        10.0   $ 42,280        49,022        7.7   $ 46,028        8.9     1,609   

State Avenue Plaza


4301 State Avenue

  Kansas City   KS   66102-3734     22,222        -9.4   $ 33,471        21,160        -4.8   $ 35,175        5.1     786   

Overland Park


9600 Metcalf Avenue

  KS   66212-2213     38,147        -1.2   $ 59,935        38,405        0.7   $ 62,617        4.5     1,349   

Hinkleville Center


5101 Hinkleville Road

  Paducah   KY   42001-9049     3,009        9.2   $ 56,563        3,126        3.9   $ 62,583        10.6     106   

Laurel II


9606 Fort Meade Road

  Laurel   MD   20707-4404     32,523        8.2   $ 70,155        33,694        3.6   $ 77,335        10.2     1,150   



18501 North Frederick Avenue

  Gaithersburg   MD   20879-3161     50,969        4.6   $ 77,550        52,247        2.5   $ 87,033        12.2     1,803   

Joplin Mall


101 North Range Line Road

  Joplin   MO   64801-4118     16,978        5.9   $ 34,840        17,733        4.5   $ 37,959        9.0     600   



1225 South Kirkwood Road

  Kirkwood   MO   63122-7224     27,530        -0.4   $ 68,317        27,504        -0.1   $ 72,496        6.1     974   



14425 Andersohn Drive

  Manchester   MO   63011-4069     31,674        0.1   $ 77,859        31,544        -0.4   $ 83,234        6.9     1,120   



Walnut Avenue

  Irvine   CA   92604     59,019        42.6   $ 91,246        68,208        15.6   $ 100,309        9.9     2,087   



3101 South Glenstone Avenue

  Springfield   MO   65804-4403     33,026        7.4   $ 40,482        34,583        4.7   $ 42,962        6.1     1,168   

Saint Joseph


North Belt Highway

  Saint Joseph   MO   64506     20,463        2.4   $ 40,129        20,870        2.0   $ 43,046        7.3     724   

King’s Highway


4930 Christy Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63116-1218     82,001        -0.9   $ 40,336        81,835        -0.2   $ 43,841        8.7     2,900   

Latham Farms


579 Troy Schenectady Road

  Latham   NY   12110-2806     14,551        7.4   $ 65,521        15,045        3.4   $ 71,231        8.7     515   

Massapequa Duane Reade


5601 Merrick Road

  Massapequa   NY   11758-6237     41,229        -1.5   $ 84,467        40,810        -1.0   $ 93,058        10.2     1,458   



Everhard Road

  Canton   OH   44701     38,903        -2.9   $ 37,301        38,236        -1.7   $ 39,340        5.5     1,376   

North Park Center


8221 Troy Pike

  OH   45424-1025     15,436        -0.7   $ 54,226        15,321        -0.8   $ 56,675        4.5     546   

Midwest City


5701 East Reno Avenue

  OK   73110-2004     25,852        2.0   $ 36,875        26,351        1.9   $ 40,074        8.7     914   

Carnegie/Scott Township


2200 Washington Pike

  Carnegie   PA   15106     34,008        -4.4   $ 56,373        33,041        -2.8   $ 60,998        8.2     1,203   



111 West Lincoln Hwy

  Exton   PA   19341-2609     15,406        12.8   $ 95,776        16,379        6.3   $ 107,447        12.2     545   

Northside Marketplace


2263 Gallatin Pike North

  Madison   TN   37115-2018     14,926        16.9   $ 44,156        16,148        8.2   $ 46,782        5.9     528   

Hickory Hollow


5320 Hickory Hollow Parkway

  Nashville   TN   37013-3128     26,029        20.6   $ 47,914        28,290        8.7   $ 50,583        5.6     921   

Marketplace at Rivergate


2117 Gallatin Pike N

  Madison   TN   37115-2003     15,141        15.5   $ 43,207        16,299        7.7   $ 45,814        6.0     536   

Center at Baybrook


19801 Gulf Freeway

  Webster   TX   77598-3826     31,219        12.4   $ 58,869        33,556        7.5   $ 62,929        6.9     1,104   

Fairway Plaza


5800 Fairmont Parkway

  Pasadena   TX   77505-3908     27,915        7.1   $ 55,946        29,360        5.2   $ 60,989        9.0     987   

Colonial Heights


1899 Southpark Boulevard

  VA   23834-3607     15,082        3.0   $ 43,627        15,310        1.5   $ 48,016        10.1     533   

Skyline Village Plaza


2035 East Market Street

  Harrisonburg   VA   22801-8880     14,511        13.0   $ 36,931        15,502        6.8   $ 40,187        8.8     513   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code     2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Sherwood Crossroads


20685 SW Roy Rogers Road

  Sherwood   OR     97140-9278        11,670        36.7   $ 75,869        12,999        11.4   $ 84,104        10.9     413   

Hebron Parkway Plaza


3052 Old Denton Road

  Carrollton   TX     75007-4319        40,199        20.1   $ 71,415        44,563        10.9   $ 74,899        4.9     1,422   

Keller Town Center


101 Town Center Lane

  Keller   TX     76248-2115        19,212        77.7   $ 103,685        22,057        14.8   $ 111,664        7.7     679   

MacArthur Park-Phase II


7600 North MacArthur Boulevard

  Irving   TX     75063-7512        22,288        30.7   $ 66,981        24,299        9.0   $ 69,159        3.3     788   

Tarrant Parkway Plaza


8800 North Tarrant Parkway

  TX     76180-1406        24,463        34.2   $ 104,173        27,734        13.4   $ 111,701        7.2     865   

Prestonwood Park I


6509 West Park Boulevard

  Plano   TX     75093-6206        61,775        29.5   $ 66,583        72,167        16.8   $ 68,893        3.5     2,185   

Trophy Club


101 Trophy Lake Drive

  Trophy Club   TX     76262-5233        6,348        40.3   $ 91,891        7,410        16.7   $ 97,920        6.6     225   

Cascade Plaza


7601 Evergreen Way

  Everett   WA     98203-6424        36,544        10.8   $ 54,732        38,454        5.2   $ 58,331        6.6     1,292   

James Center


1850 South Mildred Street

  Tacoma   WA     98465-1608        42,022        3.3   $ 51,989        43,213        2.8   $ 56,091        7.9     1,486   

Dell Range Marketplace


3702 Dell Range Boulevard

  Cheyenne   WY     82009-5453        16,691        11.1   $ 54,155        17,411        4.3   $ 59,989        10.8     590   

Stonehedge Square


950 Walnut Bottom Road

  Carlisle   PA     17013-7636        11,237        8.0   $ 48,202        11,568        3.0   $ 51,913        7.7     397   

Melrose Park


Manheim Road

  IL       123,027        -6.9   $ 41,326        118,911        -3.4   $ 43,590        5.5     4,351   


    Dayton   OH       42,477        -10.1   $ 31,124        40,045        -5.7   $ 32,165        3.3     1,502   



1235 West Warm Springs Road

  Henderson   NV     89014-8740        41,274        27.9   $ 63,131        46,146        11.8   $ 67,906        7.6     1,460   

Saint Charles II


Muegge Road

  MO     63303        29,269        8.7   $ 64,001        31,232        6.7   $ 67,017        4.7     1,035   

Saint Charles


4000 Center Point Road

  Saint Peters   MO     63304-2817        31,362        9.2   $ 74,990        33,574        7.1   $ 79,097        5.5     1,109   

Manhasset Center


1400 Northern Boulevard

  Manhasset   NY     11030-3004        42,916        2.7   $ 106,451        43,105        0.4   $ 114,933        8.0     1,518   


    Bel Air   MD       20,752        16.3   $ 82,921        21,837        5.2   $ 90,928        9.7     734   

Green Oaks


4001 West Green Oaks Boulevard

  Arlington   TX     76016-4457        29,116        9.2   $ 72,692        31,319        7.6   $ 76,568        5.3     1,030   

Landmark Station


1317 Bridford Parkway

  Greensboro   NC     27407-2655        28,209        21.0   $ 47,504        30,436        7.9   $ 48,503        2.1     998   

Houma Power Center


1550 Martin Luther King Blvd

  Houma   LA     70360-2404        16,680        9.0   $ 55,206        17,303        3.7   $ 61,869        12.1     590   

Land-Blue Hen

    Dover   DE       10,891        27.1   $ 56,347        12,035        10.5   $ 60,128        6.7     385   

Highland Ridge Plaza


3280 Highland Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH     45213-2508        54,333        -2.6   $ 46,590        53,343        -1.8   $ 49,477        6.2     1,922   



1822 East Hammer Lane

  Stockton   CA     95210-4117        40,520        15.7   $ 42,529        43,981        8.5   $ 45,289        6.5     1,433   

Regency Plaza


9798 Atlantic Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL     32225-8223        32,164        15.2   $ 46,605        34,585        7.5   $ 49,655        6.5     1,138   

Chippewa Plaza


2660 Constitution Boulevard

  Beaver Falls   PA     15010-1276        6,690        -1.5   $ 52,217        6,574        -1.7   $ 57,271        9.7     237   

Fort Collins


813 East Harmony Road

  Fort Collins   CO     80525-4877        31,555        24.9   $ 63,589        34,417        9.1   $ 66,589        4.7     1,116   

Fullerton Plaza


7923 Belair Road

  Baltimore   MD     21236-3705        53,469        1.2   $ 61,197        53,324        -0.3   $ 66,013        7.9     1,891   



NW Cornell Road

  Hillsboro   OR     97124        49,279        30.5   $ 64,702        54,107        9.8   $ 67,959        5.0     1,743   

Uptown Solon


6025 Kruse Drive

  Solon   OH     44139-2377        9,536        0.8   $ 92,042        9,397        -1.5   $ 97,311        5.7     337   



SR 53 Rohlwing Road

  Addison   IL     60101        30,607        1.2   $ 63,899        30,583        -0.1   $ 65,846        3.0     1,083   

Beltline Highway


2600 Homer Adams Parkway

  Alton   IL     62002-5430        15,271        0.0   $ 41,295        15,171        -0.7   $ 43,741        5.9     540   

Arlington Heights


600 East Rand Road

  IL     60004-4075        50,623        -3.3   $ 77,149        49,704        -1.8   $ 81,681        5.9     1,790   

Aurora Commons


1250 North Lake Street

  Aurora   IL     60506-2453        37,993        19.6   $ 50,654        41,385        8.9   $ 52,997        4.6     1,344   



7230 Westfield Plaza Drive

  Belleville   IL     62223-3352        13,681        -2.4   $ 46,283        13,482        -1.5   $ 48,009        3.7     484   

South Harlem


7725 South Harlem

  Bridgeview   IL     60455-1318        45,469        -2.6   $ 57,272        44,847        -1.4   $ 60,745        6.1     1,608   

Neil Street


2102 North Neil Street

  Champaign   IL     61820-7830        30,121        10.9   $ 28,898        31,218        3.6   $ 30,356        5.0     1,065   

Peterson Avenue


West Peterson

  Chicago   IL     60659        179,536        -4.2   $ 48,438        175,712        -2.1   $ 51,786        6.9     6,350   

Pulaski Road


4433 South Pulaski Road

  Chicago   IL     60632-4010        92,425        -5.0   $ 43,153        90,036        -2.6   $ 45,322        5.0     3,269   

Crystal Lake


6250 Northwest Highway

  Crystal Lake   IL     60014-7933        20,399        15.0   $ 80,746        21,730        6.5   $ 85,138        5.4     721   



Airport Road

  Elgin   IL     60123        11,826        44.7   $ 75,816        13,168        11.4   $ 78,421        3.4     418   

Bellville Road


6525 North Illinois Street

  IL     62208-2001        10,410        14.1   $ 59,664        10,818        3.9   $ 63,408        6.3     368   



1555 South Lake Street

  Mundelein   IL     60060-4210        22,126        5.2   $ 88,169        22,514        1.8   $ 93,260        5.8     783   



5885 East State Street

  Rockford   IL     61108-2427        26,950        9.6   $ 53,514        27,973        3.8   $ 54,688        2.2     953   

MacArthur Boulevard


2115 South MacArthur Boulevard

  Springfield   IL     62704-4501        38,638        1.4   $ 41,870        38,734        0.3   $ 43,448        3.8     1,367   



960 South Barrington Road

  Streamwood   IL     60107-2289        44,037        -1.9   $ 75,272        43,570        -1.1   $ 79,599        5.7     1,557   



2700 Belvidere Road

  Waukegan   IL     60085-6008        33,180        -0.5   $ 46,899        33,110        -0.2   $ 49,016        4.5     1,174   



5802 Grape Road

  Mishawaka   IN     46545-1248        24,909        -0.2   $ 45,537        24,768        -0.6   $ 47,066        3.4     881   

South Bend


902 Erskine Plaza

  South Bend   IN     46614-3244        18,106        -0.2   $ 41,465        17,990        -0.6   $ 42,440        2.4     640   



2780 John Hawkins Parkway

  Hoover   AL     35244-4001        19,357        19.3   $ 67,474        20,789        7.4   $ 70,927        5.1     685   

Boynton West


9839 South Military Trail

  FL     33436-3202        41,722        12.6   $ 58,067        44,632        7.0   $ 62,056        6.9     1,476   

Miami 3

    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   

Miami 4

    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   

Miami 5

    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   

Chasewood Storage


6250 West Indiantown Road

  Jupiter   FL     33458-3958        21,254        25.9   $ 71,234        22,892        7.7   $ 76,899        8.0     752   

Orland Square


66 Orland Squre Drive

  Orland Park   IL     60462-3207        25,827        5.3   $ 81,005        26,334        2.0   $ 86,211        6.4     913   

Land-Intl Business Park


Beeline Expressway

  Orlando   FL       45,410        8.4   $ 42,588        48,574        7.0   $ 46,204        8.5     1,606   

State Avenue Plaza


4301 State Avenue

  Kansas City   KS     66102-3734        22,194        -9.2   $ 33,931        21,296        -4.1   $ 35,379        4.3     785   

Overland Park


9600 Metcalf Avenue

  KS     66212-2213        38,013        -1.3   $ 61,409        38,789        2.0   $ 63,577        3.5     1,344   

Hinkleville Center


5101 Hinkleville Road

  Paducah   KY     42001-9049        3,054        10.5   $ 58,528        3,175        4.0   $ 63,691        8.8     108   

Laurel II


9606 Fort Meade Road

  Laurel   MD     20707-4404        33,265        10.6   $ 71,749        34,266        3.0   $ 78,015        8.7     1,177   



18501 North Frederick Avenue

  Gaithersburg   MD     20879-3161        52,563        7.8   $ 79,968        54,201        3.1   $ 88,040        10.1     1,859   

Joplin Mall


101 North Range Line Road

  Joplin   MO     64801-4118        17,435        8.4   $ 35,580        18,081        3.7   $ 37,998        6.8     617   



1225 South Kirkwood Road

  Kirkwood   MO     63122-7224        27,072        -1.2   $ 69,308        26,659        -1.5   $ 72,928        5.2     957   



14425 Andersohn Drive

  Manchester   MO     63011-4069        30,697        -0.7   $ 78,540        30,327        -1.2   $ 82,904        5.6     1,086   



Walnut Avenue

  Irvine   CA     92604        58,035        40.3   $ 93,769        63,999        10.3   $ 101,983        8.8     2,053   



3101 South Glenstone Avenue

  Springfield   MO     65804-4403        33,440        8.4   $ 41,647        34,786        4.0   $ 43,672        4.9     1,183   

Saint Joseph


North Belt Highway

  Saint Joseph   MO     64506        20,987        5.0   $ 41,497        21,388        1.9   $ 44,020        6.1     742   

King’s Highway


4930 Christy Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO     63116-1218        82,156        -0.3   $ 40,921        81,674        -0.6   $ 43,760        6.9     2,906   

Latham Farms


579 Troy Schenectady Road

  Latham   NY     12110-2806        14,570        6.7   $ 68,839        14,810        1.7   $ 74,754        8.6     515   

Massapequa Duane Reade


5601 Merrick Road

  Massapequa   NY     11758-6237        42,805        2.9   $ 86,566        42,927        0.3   $ 93,729        8.3     1,514   



Everhard Road

  Canton   OH     44701        38,817        -3.0   $ 37,638        37,925        -2.3   $ 38,975        3.6     1,373   

North Park Center


8221 Troy Pike

  OH     45424-1025        15,235        -1.7   $ 54,957        14,919        -2.1   $ 56,704        3.2     539   

Midwest City


5701 East Reno Avenue

  OK     73110-2004        25,637        0.8   $ 37,890        25,933        1.2   $ 40,353        6.5     907   

Carnegie/Scott Township


2200 Washington Pike

  Carnegie   PA     15106        33,568        -4.7   $ 58,027        32,481        -3.2   $ 62,099        7.0     1,187   



111 West Lincoln Hwy

  Exton   PA     19341-2609        15,585        14.5   $ 98,040        16,455        5.6   $ 108,191        10.4     551   

Northside Marketplace


2263 Gallatin Pike North

  Madison   TN     37115-2018        14,986        17.7   $ 44,889        16,060        7.2   $ 46,705        4.0     530   

Hickory Hollow


5320 Hickory Hollow Parkway

  Nashville   TN     37013-3128        25,770        20.0   $ 48,132        27,582        7.0   $ 49,759        3.4     911   

Marketplace at Rivergate


2117 Gallatin Pike N

  Madison   TN     37115-2003        15,529        16.9   $ 44,164        16,588        6.8   $ 45,924        4.0     549   

Center at Baybrook


19801 Gulf Freeway

  Webster   TX     77598-3826        31,711        14.1   $ 60,117        34,057        7.4   $ 63,047        4.9     1,122   

Fairway Plaza


5800 Fairmont Parkway

  Pasadena   TX     77505-3908        27,991        6.2   $ 57,495        29,418        5.1   $ 61,890        7.6     990   

Colonial Heights


1899 Southpark Boulevard

  VA     23834-3607        15,007        2.9   $ 44,778        15,122        0.8   $ 48,571        8.5     531   

Skyline Village Plaza


2035 East Market Street

  Harrisonburg   VA     22801-8880        14,473        13.5   $ 37,893        15,196        5.0   $ 40,788        7.6     512   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Westpark Center


6301 West Broad Street

  Richmond   VA   23230-2009     34,224        -0.7   $ 53,463        34,432        0.6   $ 58,450        9.3     1,210   

Scottsdale Galleria

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Scottsdale City Centre

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Land-Scottsdale Towers

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Blue Moose


7243 East Camelback Road

  Scottsdale   AZ   85251-3319     41,079        2.1   $ 51,891        43,083        4.9   $ 55,789        7.5     1,453   



State Highway 64

  AZ   86023     1,232        20.4   $ 41,574        1,353        9.8   $ 45,684        9.9     44   

Desert Fashion Plaza


123 North Palm Canyon Drive

  Palm Springs   CA   92262-5590     20,377        13.0   $ 45,090        22,467        10.3   $ 49,562        9.9     721   

Land-Four S Ranch

  CA   92128     33,211        12.0   $ 88,818        35,652        7.4   $ 98,530        10.9     1,175   


  CA       483        1.3   $ 43,393        498        3.1   $ 48,700        12.2     17   


    Telluride   CO       79        16.2   $ 80,769        84        6.3   $ 91,071        12.8     3   

Rogers Market


1370 East Johnstown Road

  Gahanna   OH   43230-6830     18,959        30.8   $ 84,958        21,182        11.7   $ 90,931        7.0     671   

Glen Burnie


7319 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3104     29,259        -0.2   $ 59,706        29,169        -0.3   $ 66,422        11.2     1,035   



1450 Almonesson Road

  Deptford   NJ   08096-5205     29,989        8.4   $ 58,393        31,252        4.2   $ 64,049        9.7     1,061   



90 Highway 36

  Eatontown   NJ   07724-2508     24,557        3.8   $ 69,796        25,023        1.9   $ 75,452        8.1     869   

Nassau Park Pavilion


530 Nassau Park Boulevard

  Princeton   NJ   08540-5991     10,261        17.7   $ 109,218        11,009        7.3   $ 119,989        9.9     363   

Toms River


1240 Hooper Avenue

  Toms River   NJ   08753-3324     22,779        6.5   $ 68,345        23,547        3.4   $ 74,057        8.4     806   



4152 Quakerbridge Road

  Trenton   NJ   08648-4703     10,831        15.9   $ 103,151        11,587        7.0   $ 114,038        10.6     383   

Maple Shade


590 Route 28 East

  Maple Shade   NJ   8052     32,421        2.1   $ 67,910        32,772        1.1   $ 73,849        8.7     1,147   

Office Max-Grand Forks


2500 South Columbia Road

  Grand Forks   ND   58201-6033     21,010        5.2   $ 41,659        21,638        3.0   $ 45,144        8.4     743   



1990 Buchholzer Boulevard

  Akron   OH   44310-1808     39,386        0.6   $ 42,179        39,445        0.2   $ 44,124        4.6     1,393   

Kmart Plaza-Stow


4332 Kent Road

  Stow   OH   44224-4331     20,884        3.2   $ 58,105        21,160        1.3   $ 61,367        5.6     739   

Macedonia Commons II


8210 Macedonia Commons

  Macedonia   OH   44056-1850     11,867        7.9   $ 70,838        12,308        3.7   $ 74,787        5.6     420   

Babies R’ Us Plaza


26520 Lorain Avenue

  OH   44070-3203     24,059        -5.7   $ 64,496        23,192        -3.6   $ 68,422        6.1     851   

Great East Plaza


909 Great East Plaza

  Niles   OH   44446-4818     17,222        -5.1   $ 41,458        16,613        -3.5   $ 43,178        4.1     609   

Saint Clairsville


67781 Mall Road

  OH   43950-1701     4,015        3.2   $ 42,470        4,081        1.6   $ 45,439        7.0     142   

South Dayton


8336 Springboro Pike

  Dayton   OH   45342     24,048        2.5   $ 57,270        24,226        0.7   $ 60,228        5.2     851   

Gateway West


10501 Gateway Boulevard West

  El Paso   TX   79925-7934     45,057        1.3   $ 38,188        46,029        2.2   $ 40,375        5.7     1,594   

Creve Coeur


955 Woodcrest Executive Drive

  Creve Coeur   MO   63141-5044     25,931        0.3   $ 67,449        25,985        0.2   $ 71,048        5.3     917   

Newport on the Levee


One Levee Way

  Newport   KY   41071-1652     58,282        -1.7   $ 32,767        57,716        -1.0   $ 35,324        7.8     2,061   

Waverly Woods Village Center


10825 Birmingham Way

  Woodstock   MD   21163-1427     6,567        23.7   $ 131,782        7,235        10.2   $ 147,127        11.6     232   

Custer Park


2929 Custer Road

  Plano   TX   75075-4418     46,379        6.2   $ 74,626        49,258        6.2   $ 77,500        3.9     1,640   



6130 SW 17th Street

  Topeka   KS   66615-1141     22,638        7.4   $ 50,015        23,501        3.8   $ 52,721        5.4     801   

Gibraltar Tech Center

    Sunnyvale   CA       83,416        6.1   $ 64,450        87,355        4.7   $ 68,993        7.0     2,950   

Humboldt Tech Center

    Sunnyvale   CA       83,416        6.1   $ 64,450        87,355        4.7   $ 68,993        7.0     2,950   

Security Square


7005 Security Boulevard

  Baltimore   MD   21244-2533     41,071        1.9   $ 55,750        41,530        1.1   $ 60,794        9.0     1,453   



4023 South Noland Drive

  Independence   MO   64055-6507     29,588        0.2   $ 46,134        29,688        0.3   $ 48,372        4.9     1,046   


    Landover   MD       49,027        1.6   $ 49,323        49,383        0.7   $ 54,659        10.8     1,734   

Willa Springs


5655 Red Bug Lake Road

  FL   32708-5013     25,286        13.5   $ 67,124        27,375        8.3   $ 71,580        6.6     894   



345 Springfield Street

  Dayton   OH   45403-1240     41,459        -6.6   $ 32,047        39,831        -3.9   $ 33,301        3.9     1,466   

Land-Westminster Promenade-XLG

    Westminster   CO       48,753        3.6   $ 59,026        50,265        3.1   $ 62,321        5.6     1,724   


    Farmington   UT       12,610        32.3   $ 77,589        14,344        13.8   $ 85,812        10.6     446   



3125 Towne Boulevard

  Middletown   OH   45044-6299     12,698        8.7   $ 46,968        13,317        4.9   $ 49,492        5.4     449   



3125 Towne Boulevard

  Middletown   OH   45044-6299     12,698        8.7   $ 46,968        13,317        4.9   $ 49,492        5.4     449   

Terre Haute


4701 South US Highway 41

  Terre Haute   IN   47802     8,717        3.1   $ 36,286        8,848        1.5   $ 38,591        6.4     308   

San Diego/Rancho Bernard-Excel


17140 Bernardo Center Drive

  San Diego   CA   92128-2093     27,136        17.4   $ 87,554        29,647        9.3   $ 97,441        11.3     960   

Sedgefield Village


3603 Groometown Road

  Greensboro   NC   27407-6525     20,016        10.2   $ 45,848        21,230        6.1   $ 47,004        2.5     708   

Greenlawn Plaza


777 Pulaski Road

  Greenlawn   NY   11740-1710     26,232        -2.4   $ 104,204        25,808        -1.6   $ 116,411        11.7     928   



2300-2600 Pepperell Parkway

  Opelika   AL   36801-6240     9,714        13.4   $ 38,187        10,404        7.1   $ 41,927        9.8     344   

Scottsboro Marketplace


24833 John P Reid Parkway

  Scottsboro   AL   35768-2340     4,035        0.4   $ 37,133        4,050        0.4   $ 39,854        7.3     143   

Golden Corral


5525 Cortez Road West

  Bradenton   FL   34210-2818     37,405        4.8   $ 42,519        39,327        5.1   $ 45,969        8.1     1,323   

Bradley Park Crossing


1591 Bradley Park Drive

  Columbus   GA   31904-3071     19,791        7.5   $ 49,160        20,367        2.9   $ 54,057        10.0     700   

Douglasville Marketplace


6875 Douglas Boulevard

  Douglasville   GA   30135-7133     15,384        45.0   $ 55,417        18,172        18.1   $ 58,639        5.8     544   

Pinetree Village


6050 Bethelview Road

  Cumming   GA   30040-6316     9,398        105.8   $ 81,342        12,102        28.8   $ 88,021        8.2     332   

Rivercliff Village


4855 Stone Mountain Highway

  Lilburn   GA   30047-4643     16,623        14.3   $ 71,365        18,068        8.7   $ 72,952        2.2     588   

North Ridge


4010 East 53rd Street

  Davenport   IA   52807-3033     17,910        9.1   $ 58,035        18,715        4.5   $ 61,449        5.9     633   

North Park Marketplace


524 West New Circle Road

  Lexington   KY   40511-1833     28,517        -1.6   $ 32,146        28,492        -0.1   $ 33,964        5.7     1,009   

Lawndale Crossing


2641 Lawndale Drive

  Greensboro   NC   27408-8418     34,470        7.9   $ 49,333        36,248        5.2   $ 51,488        4.4     1,219   

Jeffries Crossing


1462 Jeffreys Road

  Rocky Mount   NC   27804-1820     13,645        4.9   $ 39,693        14,226        4.3   $ 43,128        8.7     483   

MacArthur Marketplace


1635 Market Place

  Irving   TX   75063-7239     24,001        29.7   $ 68,773        26,740        11.4   $ 71,448        3.9     849   


    Cartersville   GA       9,359        22.3   $ 44,711        10,344        10.5   $ 46,829        4.7     331   


    Wilmington   NC       30,388        18.0   $ 39,623        33,313        9.6   $ 42,580        7.5     1,075   

Pavillions at San Mateo


4400 Cutler Avenue NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87110-3935     54,953        4.0   $ 34,745        56,952        3.6   $ 37,012        6.5     1,944   

Westminster Promenade-PREN


10655 Westminster Boulevard

  Westminster   CO   80020-4166     40,510        15.2   $ 71,226        43,730        8.0   $ 76,754        7.8     1,433   

Decatur Marketplace


4625 East Maryland Avenue

  Decatur   IL   62521-5092     9,302        -4.0   $ 51,193        9,068        -2.5   $ 55,610        8.6     329   

Bayhill Plaza


7705 Turkey Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32819-5221     15,248        16.8   $ 67,379        16,727        9.7   $ 70,934        5.3     539   

Central Park Avenue 1703


1703 Central Park Avenue

  Yonkers   NY   10710-4901     81,697        0.1   $ 69,552        82,076        0.5   $ 75,943        9.2     2,889   

Munsey Park


2103 Northern Boulevard

  Manhasset   NY   11030-3528     33,539        -2.4   $ 119,378        33,129        -1.2   $ 131,293        10.0     1,186   

Shoppes at Lake Mary


101 North Country Club Road

  Lake Mary   FL   32746-3246     23,922        34.9   $ 58,462        27,388        14.5   $ 62,609        7.1     846   



89 Henry Street

  Freeport   NY   11520-3907     52,315        -4.9   $ 89,440        50,869        -2.8   $ 98,555        10.2     1,850   



101401 Overseas Highway

  Key Largo   FL   33037-4504     3,102        -7.2   $ 63,241        3,005        -3.1   $ 71,268        12.7     110   

North Shore Triangle


77 School Street

  Glen Cove   NY   11542-2511     16,341        -3.0   $ 82,403        16,081        -1.6   $ 91,465        11.0     578   

Lone Star Pavilions


711 Texas Avenue South

  TX   77840-1917     34,076        11.1   $ 26,046        36,467        7.0   $ 28,760        10.4     1,205   

Miramar Out Parcels


18200 Miramar Parkway

  Miramar   FL   33027     18,065        51.8   $ 110,689        21,141        17.0   $ 123,161        11.3     639   

University Place


7080 Youree Drive

  Shreveport   LA   71105-5109     25,740        5.2   $ 44,286        26,412        2.6   $ 46,881        5.9     910   

Siegen Plaza


6885 Siegen Lane

  Baton Rouge   LA   70809-4528     27,767        15.6   $ 57,056        29,398        5.9   $ 60,821        6.6     982   

Fry’s Ellsworth Plaza


2727 East Broadway Road

  Mesa   AZ   85204-1530     56,013        5.4   $ 50,957        59,061        5.4   $ 55,367        8.7     1,981   

Eastern Horizon/


10405 South Eastern Avenue

  Henderson   NV   89052-3958     50,834        92.1   $ 82,871        62,437        22.8   $ 91,025        9.8     1,798   

Losco Corners


11101 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-1159     29,889        18.7   $ 65,550        32,880        10.0   $ 70,860        8.1     1,057   

Regency Park


12055 Metcalf Avenue

  KS   66213-1121     32,517        20.5   $ 89,280        35,545        9.3   $ 94,439        5.8     1,150   

Colerain Towne Center


10152-10240 Colerain Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45251-4902     18,836        3.4   $ 59,743        19,134        1.6   $ 64,615        8.2     666   

Tri-County Commons


600-800 Kemper Commons Circle

  Springdale   OH   45246-2546     15,507        -2.0   $ 49,215        15,222        -1.8   $ 52,153        6.0     548   

CityCenter Englewood


895 West Hampden Avenue

  Englewood   CO   80110-2112     51,107        0.6   $ 47,337        52,162        2.1   $ 49,749        5.1     1,808   

South Mountain


South 14th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85034     25,461        29.7   $ 33,202        28,776        13.0   $ 36,012        8.5     900   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Westpark Center


6301 West Broad Street

  Richmond   VA   23230-2009     34,520        0.2   $ 54,747        34,685        0.5   $ 59,001        7.8     1,221   

Scottsdale Galleria

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Scottsdale City Centre

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Land-Scottsdale Towers

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Blue Moose


7243 East Camelback Road

  Scottsdale   AZ   85251-3319     40,133        -0.2   $ 53,160        42,208        5.2   $ 56,564        6.4     1,419   



State Highway 64

  AZ   86023     1,254        22.8   $ 42,002        1,367        9.0   $ 44,951        7.0     44   

Desert Fashion Plaza


123 North Palm Canyon Drive

  Palm Springs   CA   92262-5590     20,110        11.6   $ 45,031        22,262        10.7   $ 48,523        7.8     711   

Land-Four S Ranch

  CA   92128     33,287        13.0   $ 90,710        35,251        5.9   $ 99,686        9.9     1,177   


  CA       496        2.1   $ 43,946        506        2.0   $ 48,125        9.5     18   


    Telluride   CO       78        14.7   $ 84,615        85        9.0   $ 97,321        15.0     3   

Rogers Market


1370 East Johnstown Road

  Gahanna   OH   43230-6830     20,298        38.3   $ 87,340        21,966        8.2   $ 93,075        6.6     718   

Glen Burnie


7319 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3104     29,316        0.3   $ 61,745        29,182        -0.5   $ 67,330        9.0     1,037   



1450 Almonesson Road

  Deptford   NJ   08096-5205     29,822        7.9   $ 59,798        30,555        2.5   $ 64,655        8.1     1,055   



90 Highway 36

  Eatontown   NJ   07724-2508     24,360        3.2   $ 72,247        24,522        0.7   $ 77,385        7.1     862   

Nassau Park Pavilion


530 Nassau Park Boulevard

  Princeton   NJ   08540-5991     10,181        18.3   $ 112,142        10,758        5.7   $ 122,166        8.9     360   

Toms River


1240 Hooper Avenue

  Toms River   NJ   08753-3324     22,764        6.9   $ 70,439        23,401        2.8   $ 74,889        6.3     805   



4152 Quakerbridge Road

  Trenton   NJ   08648-4703     10,478        14.6   $ 106,438        10,952        4.5   $ 115,794        8.8     371   

Maple Shade


590 Route 28 East

  Maple Shade   NJ   8052     32,154        1.4   $ 69,724        32,075        -0.3   $ 74,826        7.3     1,137   

Office Max-Grand Forks


2500 South Columbia Road

  Grand Forks   ND   58201-6033     20,692        3.8   $ 43,383        20,883        0.9   $ 46,321        6.8     732   



1990 Buchholzer Boulevard

  Akron   OH   44310-1808     38,564        -1.2   $ 43,174        37,936        -1.6   $ 44,519        3.1     1,364   

Kmart Plaza-Stow


4332 Kent Road

  Stow   OH   44224-4331     20,420        2.4   $ 59,000        20,413        0.0   $ 61,733        4.6     722   

Macedonia Commons II


8210 Macedonia Commons

  Macedonia   OH   44056-1850     12,030        8.8   $ 72,214        12,325        2.5   $ 75,788        4.9     425   

Babies R’ Us Plaza


26520 Lorain Avenue

  OH   44070-3203     23,498        -6.6   $ 65,244        22,405        -4.7   $ 68,508        5.0     831   

Great East Plaza


909 Great East Plaza

  Niles   OH   44446-4818     17,069        -6.3   $ 41,646        16,300        -4.5   $ 42,703        2.5     604   

Saint Clairsville


67781 Mall Road

  OH   43950-1701     4,129        6.2   $ 43,793        4,182        1.3   $ 45,950        4.9     146   

South Dayton


8336 Springboro Pike

  Dayton   OH   45342     24,111        2.5   $ 58,154        23,970        -0.6   $ 60,513        4.1     853   

Gateway West


10501 Gateway Boulevard West

  El Paso   TX   79925-7934     44,166        -0.4   $ 38,971        44,959        1.8   $ 40,798        4.7     1,562   

Creve Coeur


955 Woodcrest Executive Drive

  Creve Coeur   MO   63141-5044     25,656        -0.3   $ 67,898        25,384        -1.1   $ 70,087        3.2     907   

Newport on the Levee


One Levee Way

  Newport   KY   41071-1652     58,321        -1.2   $ 33,475        57,813        -0.9   $ 35,904        7.3     2,063   

Waverly Woods Village Center


10825 Birmingham Way

  Woodstock   MD   21163-1427     6,576        26.0   $ 133,987        7,030        6.9   $ 148,348        10.7     233   

Custer Park


2929 Custer Road

  Plano   TX   75075-4418     48,843        11.2   $ 75,833        55,604        13.8   $ 78,394        3.4     1,727   



6130 SW 17th Street

  Topeka   KS   66615-1141     22,722        8.0   $ 51,356        23,397        3.0   $ 53,357        3.9     804   

Gibraltar Tech Center

    Sunnyvale   CA       83,994        7.3   $ 66,307        87,609        4.3   $ 69,979        5.5     2,971   

Humboldt Tech Center

    Sunnyvale   CA       83,994        7.3   $ 66,307        87,609        4.3   $ 69,979        5.5     2,971   

Security Square


7005 Security Boulevard

  Baltimore   MD   21244-2533     40,926        2.2   $ 57,452        41,010        0.2   $ 61,474        7.0     1,447   



4023 South Noland Drive

  Independence   MO   64055-6507     29,478        0.1   $ 47,112        29,505        0.1   $ 48,879        3.8     1,043   


    Landover   MD       48,021        -0.3   $ 50,989        47,529        -1.0   $ 55,944        9.7     1,698   

Willa Springs


5655 Red Bug Lake Road

  FL   32708-5013     23,656        11.7   $ 67,778        25,288        6.9   $ 71,020        4.8     837   



345 Springfield Street

  Dayton   OH   45403-1240     41,051        -6.9   $ 32,513        39,291        -4.3   $ 33,448        2.9     1,452   

Land-Westminster Promenade-XLG

    Westminster   CO       50,092        6.6   $ 60,492        52,277        4.4   $ 62,947        4.1     1,772   


    Farmington   UT       13,504        40.9   $ 80,241        15,304        13.3   $ 86,764        8.1     478   



3125 Towne Boulevard

  Middletown   OH   45044-6299     12,873        9.2   $ 47,542        13,393        4.0   $ 49,250        3.6     455   



3125 Towne Boulevard

  Middletown   OH   45044-6299     12,873        9.2   $ 47,542        13,393        4.0   $ 49,250        3.6     455   

Terre Haute


4701 South US Highway 41

  Terre Haute   IN   47802     9,193        8.0   $ 36,973        9,431        2.6   $ 38,701        4.7     325   

San Diego/Rancho Bernard-Excel


17140 Bernardo Center Drive

  San Diego   CA   92128-2093     28,245        20.7   $ 90,113        30,213        7.0   $ 99,164        10.0     999   

Sedgefield Village


3603 Groometown Road

  Greensboro   NC   27407-6525     20,473        12.7   $ 46,411        21,717        6.1   $ 47,064        1.4     724   

Greenlawn Plaza


777 Pulaski Road

  Greenlawn   NY   11740-1710     27,251        1.5   $ 106,555        27,140        -0.4   $ 116,880        9.7     964   



2300-2600 Pepperell Parkway

  Opelika   AL   36801-6240     10,090        17.5   $ 39,722        10,825        7.3   $ 42,425        6.8     357   

Scottsboro Marketplace


24833 John P Reid Parkway

  Scottsboro   AL   35768-2340     4,277        4.8   $ 37,419        4,331        1.3   $ 39,477        5.5     151   

Golden Corral


5525 Cortez Road West

  Bradenton   FL   34210-2818     36,605        3.3   $ 42,362        38,461        5.1   $ 44,772        5.7     1,295   

Bradley Park Crossing


1591 Bradley Park Drive

  Columbus   GA   31904-3071     20,312        8.9   $ 49,715        20,804        2.4   $ 53,137        6.9     718   

Douglasville Marketplace


6875 Douglas Boulevard

  Douglasville   GA   30135-7133     15,380        45.5   $ 57,272        17,824        15.9   $ 60,188        5.1     544   

Pinetree Village


6050 Bethelview Road

  Cumming   GA   30040-6316     10,160        130.0   $ 81,772        12,284        20.9   $ 88,027        7.6     359   

Rivercliff Village


4855 Stone Mountain Highway

  Lilburn   GA   30047-4643     16,651        14.9   $ 73,156        18,136        8.9   $ 74,386        1.7     589   

North Ridge


4010 East 53rd Street

  Davenport   IA   52807-3033     17,889        10.3   $ 60,313        18,554        3.7   $ 63,111        4.6     633   

North Park Marketplace


524 West New Circle Road

  Lexington   KY   40511-1833     28,767        -0.3   $ 33,310        29,098        1.2   $ 35,415        6.3     1,017   

Lawndale Crossing


2641 Lawndale Drive

  Greensboro   NC   27408-8418     34,375        9.1   $ 50,621        36,002        4.7   $ 52,865        4.4     1,216   

Jeffries Crossing


1462 Jeffreys Road

  Rocky Mount   NC   27804-1820     13,790        6.7   $ 39,295        14,188        2.9   $ 41,277        5.0     488   

MacArthur Marketplace


1635 Market Place

  Irving   TX   75063-7239     23,802        28.7   $ 69,279        25,870        8.7   $ 71,486        3.2     842   


    Cartersville   GA       9,606        25.1   $ 46,380        10,545        9.8   $ 48,376        4.3     340   


    Wilmington   NC       30,891        18.9   $ 40,806        33,405        8.1   $ 43,168        5.8     1,093   

Pavillions at San Mateo


4400 Cutler Avenue NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87110-3935     55,298        4.3   $ 35,922        57,438        3.9   $ 37,893        5.5     1,956   

Westminster Promenade-PREN


10655 Westminster Boulevard

  Westminster   CO   80020-4166     41,190        17.2   $ 72,193        44,239        7.4   $ 76,298        5.7     1,457   

Decatur Marketplace


4625 East Maryland Avenue

  Decatur   IL   62521-5092     9,243        -4.5   $ 52,380        8,971        -2.9   $ 56,301        7.5     327   

Bayhill Plaza


7705 Turkey Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32819-5221     15,136        19.9   $ 66,170        16,547        9.3   $ 68,712        3.8     535   

Central Park Avenue 1703


1703 Central Park Avenue

  Yonkers   NY   10710-4901     82,144        0.5   $ 71,521        81,905        -0.3   $ 77,447        8.3     2,905   

Munsey Park


2103 Northern Boulevard

  Manhasset   NY   11030-3528     35,003        2.0   $ 122,088        34,999        0.0   $ 132,397        8.4     1,238   

Shoppes at Lake Mary


101 North Country Club Road

  Lake Mary   FL   32746-3246     23,314        31.8   $ 59,745        25,779        10.6   $ 63,055        5.5     825   



89 Henry Street

  Freeport   NY   11520-3907     54,714        -0.4   $ 92,378        54,116        -1.1   $ 100,686        9.0     1,935   



101401 Overseas Highway

  Key Largo   FL   33037-4504     2,952        -11.3   $ 62,076        2,786        -5.6   $ 68,261        10.0     104   

North Shore Triangle


77 School Street

  Glen Cove   NY   11542-2511     16,793        0.0   $ 84,930        16,640        -0.9   $ 92,784        9.2     594   

Lone Star Pavilions


711 Texas Avenue South

  TX   77840-1917     34,761        13.2   $ 26,625        37,119        6.8   $ 28,891        8.5     1,229   

Miramar Out Parcels


18200 Miramar Parkway

  Miramar   FL   33027     18,065        53.5   $ 111,095        20,053        11.0   $ 124,548        12.1     639   

University Place


7080 Youree Drive

  Shreveport   LA   71105-5109     25,894        5.4   $ 44,996        26,560        2.6   $ 47,116        4.7     916   

Siegen Plaza


6885 Siegen Lane

  Baton Rouge   LA   70809-4528     27,162        13.4   $ 59,948        28,680        5.6   $ 63,409        5.8     961   

Fry’s Ellsworth Plaza


2727 East Broadway Road

  Mesa   AZ   85204-1530     56,706        6.5   $ 52,292        61,243        8.0   $ 56,128        7.3     2,006   

Eastern Horizon/


10405 South Eastern Avenue

  Henderson   NV   89052-3958     52,076        99.2   $ 83,222        59,602        14.5   $ 91,247        9.6     1,842   

Losco Corners


11101 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-1159     29,981        18.4   $ 67,401        32,343        7.9   $ 71,430        6.0     1,060   

Regency Park


12055 Metcalf Avenue

  KS   66213-1121     32,265        20.7   $ 91,303        35,113        8.8   $ 95,194        4.3     1,141   

Colerain Towne Center


10152-10240 Colerain Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45251-4902     18,752        3.6   $ 60,183        18,895        0.8   $ 63,816        6.0     663   

Tri-County Commons


600-800 Kemper Commons Circle

  Springdale   OH   45246-2546     15,568        0.1   $ 49,888        15,493        -0.5   $ 52,017        4.3     551   

CityCenter Englewood


895 West Hampden Avenue

  Englewood   CO   80110-2112     51,231        0.8   $ 47,502        52,949        3.4   $ 49,700        4.6     1,812   

South Mountain


South 14th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85034     26,124        33.5   $ 34,021        29,832        14.2   $ 36,926        8.5     924   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Stonebridge Center


3630 East Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85206-2561     54,239        13.1   $ 55,049        58,830        8.5   $ 59,645        8.3     1,918   



4050 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-7256     39,914        12.5   $ 76,780        43,226        8.3   $ 82,874        7.9     1,412   



1770 West Carson Street

  Torrance   CA   90501-2821     69,992        5.0   $ 62,474        73,039        4.4   $ 68,706        10.0     2,475   

San Fernando Value Square


12960 Foothill Boulevard

  CA   91340     43,240        6.9   $ 54,847        45,508        5.3   $ 60,667        10.6     1,529   

Santa Margarita Marketplace


30511 Avenida De Las Flores

  CA   92688-3941     18,446        6.9   $ 108,183        19,377        5.1   $ 119,937        10.9     652   

Echelon Village Plaza


1110 White Horse Road

  Voorhees   NJ   08043-2108     31,472        4.4   $ 70,562        32,133        2.1   $ 77,086        9.2     1,113   

Cheshire Station


4215 Cheshire Station Plaza

  Dale City   VA   22193-2217     34,247        21.6   $ 87,829        37,919        10.7   $ 96,656        10.1     1,211   

Rockwall Market Center


2663 Market Center Drive

  Rockwall   TX   75032-6563     11,090        61.4   $ 71,532        13,583        22.5   $ 77,163        7.9     392   

Market at Southside


408 East Michigan Street

  Orlando   FL   32806-4542     49,640        9.5   $ 42,050        53,281        7.3   $ 45,520        8.3     1,756   

Hilltop Plaza


3401 Blume Drive

  Richmond   CA   94806-1935     38,203        5.0   $ 63,411        39,950        4.6   $ 68,763        8.4     1,351   

Valley Central


44707 Valley Central

  Lancaster   CA   93536-6524     27,591        27.4   $ 48,148        30,975        12.3   $ 53,145        10.4     976   

Meridian Village


3930 Guide Meridian Road

  Bellingham   WA   98225-5547     20,929        20.3   $ 39,279        23,001        9.9   $ 42,799        9.0     740   

Plaza at Puente Hills


18271 Gale Avenue

  City Of
  CA   91748-1243     41,197        4.6   $ 69,328        42,964        4.3   $ 76,275        10.0     1,457   

La Mancha


1001-1235 N Harbor Boulevard

  Fullerton   CA   92632-1350     58,299        2.4   $ 61,199        60,189        3.2   $ 67,145        9.7     2,062   

Cameron Park Place


4082 Cameron Park Drive

  CA   95682-8412     8,647        16.9   $ 81,802        9,459        9.4   $ 90,089        10.1     306   

Olympiad Plaza


23002 Alicia Parkway

  CA   92692-1636     46,713        1.9   $ 97,576        48,021        2.8   $ 108,960        11.7     1,652   

Puget Park


520 128th Street SW

  Everett   WA   98204-9362     50,631        22.6   $ 54,829        55,853        10.3   $ 59,696        8.9     1,791   

Richmond City Center


1100 MacDonald Avenue

  Richmond   CA   94801-3116     42,454        1.8   $ 51,341        43,884        3.4   $ 56,418        9.9     1,502   

San Ysidro Village


4558 Camino de la Plaza

  San Ysidro   CA   92173-3104     16,153        9.9   $ 50,849        17,147        6.2   $ 59,427        16.9     571   

Downtown Pleasant Hill


55 Crescent Drive

  CA   94523-5511     54,539        0.8   $ 71,656        56,204        3.1   $ 77,057        7.5     1,929   

Mariners Crossing


4185 Mariner Boulevard

  Spring Hill   FL   34609-2470     21,261        42.2   $ 43,231        24,895        17.1   $ 47,756        10.5     752   

Freehold Market Place II


320 West Main Street

  Freehold   NJ   07728-2524     14,894        10.8   $ 78,264        15,586        4.7   $ 85,411        9.1     527   

Land-San Diego/Pacific Beach


Interstate 5

  San Diego   CA       383        4.9   $ 97,240        398        3.9   $ 110,124        13.2     14   

Braker 2


11002-11006 Metric Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78758-4071     58,312        10.0   $ 49,072        62,405        7.0   $ 51,503        5.0     2,062   

Rutland 10


2012-2036 Centimeter Circle

  Austin   TX   78758-4956     61,109        7.4   $ 46,739        64,790        6.0   $ 48,575        3.9     2,161   

Southpark A,B,C


2205 Woodward Street

  Austin   TX   78744-1074     55,169        12.9   $ 35,158        59,579        8.0   $ 36,832        4.8     1,951   

Northlake Village


5570 Old Hickory Boulevard

  Hermitage   TN   37076-2576     20,479        21.4   $ 53,333        22,439        9.6   $ 57,398        7.6     724   



12122 N Rancho Vistoso Blvd

  Tucson   AZ   85737-1749     11,646        32.8   $ 75,060        13,184        13.2   $ 81,944        9.2     412   



4970 South Alma School Road

  Chandler   AZ   85248-5502     21,187        57.8   $ 73,992        25,425        20.0   $ 81,820        10.6     749   

Campus Marketplace


306 South Twin Oaks Valley Rd

  CA   92078-4333     30,555        52.3   $ 64,658        36,015        17.9   $ 72,012        11.4     1,081   

Corral Hollow


1801 West 11th Street

  Tracy   CA   95376-3727     25,079        36.6   $ 84,975        28,801        14.8   $ 94,647        11.4     887   

El Cerrito Plaza


6060 El Cerrito Plaza

  El Cerrito   CA   94530-4019     56,063        -1.6   $ 66,035        56,865        1.4   $ 71,615        8.5     1,983   

Plaza El Paseo


22215 El Paseo

  CA   92688-5800     27,613        6.5   $ 104,775        28,927        4.8   $ 116,531        11.2     977   

Ocala Corners


800 Ocala Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32304-1669     38,385        14.1   $ 25,107        41,478        8.1   $ 27,693        10.3     1,358   

Shoppes of Pebblebrooke


15275 Collier Boulevard

  Naples   FL   34119-6750     7,056        156.6   $ 76,620        9,295        31.7   $ 85,477        11.6     250   

Ballwin Olde Towne Plaza


1212 South Kirkwood Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63122-7225     27,757        -0.4   $ 68,641        27,730        -0.1   $ 72,832        6.1     982   

Fort Bend Market


9203 Highway Six South Ste 124

  Houston   TX   77083-6387     40,870        22.3   $ 58,298        45,456        11.2   $ 62,568        7.3     1,445   

Lebanon/Legacy Center


4268 Legacy Drive

  Frisco   TX   75034-0812     22,792        133.6   $ 82,641        30,041        31.8   $ 88,434        7.0     806   

Southcenter-Seattle Fur Exchg


400 Strander Boulevard

  Tukwila   WA   98188-2917     28,508        6.0   $ 48,852        29,534        3.6   $ 53,485        9.5     1,008   

Bandera Pointe


11655 Bandera Road

  TX   78250-6818     28,869        47.4   $ 70,563        33,633        16.5   $ 75,197        6.6     1,021   

Shops at Kildeer


20505 North Rand Road

  Barrington   IL   60047-3004     23,298        3.9   $ 83,267        23,816        2.2   $ 89,660        7.7     824   

Aspen Grove


7301 South Santa Fe Drive

  Littleton   CO   80120-2973     31,167        2.7   $ 67,835        32,048        2.8   $ 71,011        4.7     1,102   

Shops at the Old Mill District


545 SW Powerhouse Drive

  Bend   OR   97702-1293     28,196        57.0   $ 50,838        33,870        20.1   $ 58,255        14.6     997   

Scottsdale City Centre

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Vista Balboa


7715-7725 Balboa Avenue

  San Diego   CA   92111-2229     42,396        4.5   $ 58,801        44,176        4.2   $ 65,633        11.6     1,499   

Charleston Plaza


1760 East Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104-1990     75,092        -0.4   $ 32,511        75,683        0.8   $ 34,274        5.4     2,656   

Pavilions Center


31217-31523 Pacific Highway S

  WA   98003-5401     34,486        2.2   $ 59,649        35,184        2.0   $ 65,082        9.1     1,220   

Montebello Town Square


1401 North Montebello Blvd

  Montebello   CA   90640-2584     59,057        2.0   $ 48,898        60,951        3.2   $ 54,591        11.6     2,089   

Covina Towne Square


1430-1460 Azusa Avenue

  Covina   CA   91722-1251     53,209        2.0   $ 60,157        54,774        2.9   $ 66,940        11.3     1,882   

Cherokee North


8800 West 95th Street

  KS   66212-4051     43,706        -0.2   $ 57,291        44,310        1.4   $ 60,091        4.9     1,546   

Devonshire Village


12705 South Mur Len Road

  Olathe   KS   66062-1236     21,078        33.6   $ 78,637        23,775        12.8   $ 85,155        8.3     745   

Ten Quivera Outparcel


West 63rd Street

  KS   66216     33,856        10.8   $ 62,056        35,976        6.3   $ 65,434        5.4     1,197   

Ten Quivera


12230 West 63rd Street

  KS   66216-2759     32,636        8.6   $ 60,721        34,384        5.4   $ 64,027        5.4     1,154   

Brywood Centre


8600 East 63rd Street

  MO   64133-4725     20,998        -3.0   $ 43,699        20,697        -1.4   $ 45,688        4.6     743   

Shops of Willow Creek


101st Terrace

  MO   64114     34,331        -0.8   $ 51,535        34,478        0.4   $ 54,298        5.4     1,214   

Torrance Promenade


19800 Hawthorne Boulevard

  Torrance   CA   90503-1515     96,213        6.0   $ 74,989        100,939        4.9   $ 83,904        11.9     3,403   

Shoppes of North Port


14809 Tamiami Trail

  North Port   FL   34287-2717     14,829        61.2   $ 43,215        17,824        20.2   $ 47,436        9.8     524   

Branhaven Plaza


1060 West Main Street

  Branford   CT   06405-3441     18,540        2.0   $ 62,763        18,789        1.3   $ 68,002        8.3     656   

Elm Plaza


95 Elm Street

  Enfield   CT   06082-3724     15,015        0.8   $ 63,266        15,102        0.6   $ 68,493        8.3     531   

Forest Avenue Shoppers Town


1509 Forest Avenue

  NY   10302-2226     78,039        4.9   $ 62,412        79,929        2.4   $ 67,878        8.8     2,760   

Foxboro Plaza


30 Commercial Street

  Foxboro   MA   02035-2509     10,040        1.1   $ 80,406        10,081        0.4   $ 89,436        11.2     355   

Meadowbrook Commons


256 East Sunrise Highway

  Freeport   NY   11520-3943     53,565        -4.8   $ 89,108        52,118        -2.7   $ 98,203        10.2     1,894   

Merrick Commons


1686 Merrick Road

  Merrick   NY   11566-4538     45,709        -4.5   $ 91,015        44,553        -2.5   $ 100,589        10.5     1,617   

Mill Basin Plaza


5700-5716 Avenue U

  Brooklyn   NY   11234-5210     205,977        0.6   $ 49,262        207,501        0.7   $ 54,557        10.7     7,285   

Millside Plaza


4004 Route 130

  Delran   NJ   08075-2401     21,332        8.9   $ 71,616        22,182        4.0   $ 79,101        10.5     754   

Pensacola Marketplace


4457 West Fairfield Drive

  Pensacola   FL   32506-4101     29,009        0.0   $ 32,789        29,444        1.5   $ 35,393        7.9     1,026   

Eckerd-Specialty Shops


894 Georgia Highway 85 South

  Fayetteville   GA   30215-2001     6,010        17.5   $ 72,186        6,535        8.7   $ 74,854        3.7     213   

Marketplace at Delta Township


8305 West Saginaw Highway

  Lansing   MI   48917-7713     11,322        11.5   $ 52,238        11,832        4.5   $ 52,910        1.3     400   

Erie Marketplace


6660 Peach Street

  Erie   PA   16509-7720     17,087        4.3   $ 47,691        17,431        2.0   $ 50,627        6.2     604   

McKinney Marketplace


3001 South Central Expressway

  McKinney   TX   75070-4345     26,126        109.3   $ 84,099        33,244        27.2   $ 90,935        8.1     924   

Park East Marketplace


4205 Commerce Drive

  Lafayette   IN   47905-3800     18,912        8.0   $ 40,289        19,874        5.1   $ 41,333        2.6     669   

Bridgewood Marketplace


1151 Bridgewood Drive

  Fort Worth   TX   76112-0805     28,373        16.6   $ 39,813        30,982        9.2   $ 42,047        5.6     1,003   



5060 Fayetteville Road

  Lumberton   NC   28358-2108     5,927        7.7   $ 40,694        6,212        4.8   $ 42,452        4.3     210   

Murphy Crossing


280 East FM 544

  Murphy   TX   75094-3450     21,152        122.8   $ 85,751        27,223        28.7   $ 90,123        5.1     748   

McDermott Commons


2031 West McDermott Drive

  Allen   TX   75013-4716     39,753        58.4   $ 101,766        48,008        20.8   $ 107,929        6.1     1,406   

Ambassador Plaza


2863 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy

  Lafayette   LA   70506-5905     23,688        8.1   $ 50,372        24,353        2.8   $ 55,598        10.4     838   

Pine Ridge Square


8220 Wiles Road

  FL   33067-1937     47,084        9.5   $ 67,823        50,026        6.3   $ 75,012        10.6     1,665   

Westland Fair North


4505 West Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-1501     61,451        -0.9   $ 41,228        61,858        0.7   $ 43,105        4.6     2,173   

Killeen Marketplace


3209 East Central Texas Expy

  Killeen   TX   76543-7303     27,255        18.7   $ 44,742        29,889        9.7   $ 49,126        9.8     964   

Interwest Business Park


6804 Alamo Downs Parkway

  TX   78238-4515     33,050        14.2   $ 36,880        35,647        7.9   $ 38,983        5.7     1,169   

O’Connor Road Business Park


12700 O’Connor Road

  TX   78233-5535     38,015        18.3   $ 56,259        41,554        9.3   $ 59,592        5.9     1,345   

Market Place 580


4015 East Castro Valley Blvd

  CA   94552-4820     36,190        -1.9   $ 73,250        36,546        1.0   $ 81,170        10.8     1,280   

Arcade Square


3319 Watt Avenue

  Sacramento   CA   95821-3609     51,909        -1.1   $ 44,282        53,094        2.3   $ 48,011        8.4     1,836   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Stonebridge Center


3630 East Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85206-2561     54,531        13.7   $ 56,113        60,103        10.2   $ 59,992        6.9     1,929   



4050 West Ray Road

  Chandler   AZ   85226-7256     40,182        13.1   $ 78,248        44,271        10.2   $ 83,517        6.7     1,421   



1770 West Carson Street

  Torrance   CA   90501-2821     69,754        4.8   $ 64,012        72,184        3.5   $ 69,329        8.3     2,467   

San Fernando Value Square


12960 Foothill Boulevard

  CA   91340     43,418        7.4   $ 56,610        45,439        4.7   $ 61,701        9.0     1,536   

Santa Margarita Marketplace


30511 Avenida De Las Flores

  CA   92688-3941     19,507        10.6   $ 110,837        20,713        6.2   $ 122,299        10.3     690   

Echelon Village Plaza


1110 White Horse Road

  Voorhees   NJ   08043-2108     32,061        7.3   $ 72,408        32,675        1.9   $ 77,813        7.5     1,134   

Cheshire Station


4215 Cheshire Station Plaza

  Dale City   VA   22193-2217     33,826        20.7   $ 90,264        37,930        12.1   $ 98,150        8.7     1,196   

Rockwall Market Center


2663 Market Center Drive

  Rockwall   TX   75032-6563     10,904        61.1   $ 72,148        13,453        23.4   $ 75,404        4.5     386   

Market at Southside


408 East Michigan Street

  Orlando   FL   32806-4542     49,219        8.9   $ 42,538        52,703        7.1   $ 45,648        7.3     1,741   

Hilltop Plaza


3401 Blume Drive

  Richmond   CA   94806-1935     39,164        8.1   $ 64,405        41,329        5.5   $ 68,805        6.8     1,385   

Valley Central


44707 Valley Central

  Lancaster   CA   93536-6524     27,295        26.4   $ 49,630        29,687        8.8   $ 53,301        7.4     965   

Meridian Village


3930 Guide Meridian Road

  Bellingham   WA   98225-5547     21,393        22.5   $ 39,848        23,101        8.0   $ 42,597        6.9     757   

Plaza at Puente Hills


18271 Gale Avenue

  City Of
  CA   91748-1243     40,614        2.7   $ 71,266        41,663        2.6   $ 77,476        8.7     1,436   

La Mancha


1001-1235 N Harbor Boulevard

  Fullerton   CA   92632-1350     58,386        3.5   $ 62,647        60,222        3.1   $ 67,560        7.8     2,065   

Cameron Park Place


4082 Cameron Park Drive

  CA   95682-8412     8,581        16.9   $ 84,218        9,396        9.5   $ 92,545        9.9     303   

Olympiad Plaza


23002 Alicia Parkway

  CA   92692-1636     46,372        1.6   $ 99,844        47,622        2.7   $ 110,014        10.2     1,640   

Puget Park


520 128th Street SW

  Everett   WA   98204-9362     50,291        23.1   $ 55,889        54,458        8.3   $ 59,263        6.0     1,779   

Richmond City Center


1100 MacDonald Avenue

  Richmond   CA   94801-3116     42,265        1.3   $ 52,766        43,606        3.2   $ 57,336        8.7     1,495   

San Ysidro Village


4558 Camino de la Plaza

  San Ysidro   CA   92173-3104     16,613        11.4   $ 52,421        17,303        4.2   $ 58,699        12.0     588   

Downtown Pleasant Hill


55 Crescent Drive

  CA   94523-5511     53,997        0.6   $ 73,022        55,549        2.9   $ 77,400        6.0     1,910   

Mariners Crossing


4185 Mariner Boulevard

  Spring Hill   FL   34609-2470     21,395        42.8   $ 42,246        24,378        13.9   $ 45,319        7.3     757   

Freehold Market Place II


320 West Main Street

  Freehold   NJ   07728-2524     14,453        9.3   $ 80,131        14,883        3.0   $ 85,888        7.2     511   

Land-San Diego/Pacific Beach


Interstate 5

  San Diego   CA       409        9.7   $ 100,357        437        6.9   $ 112,842        12.4     14   

Braker 2


11002-11006 Metric Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78758-4071     58,054        9.3   $ 49,947        62,063        6.9   $ 52,109        4.3     2,053   

Rutland 10


2012-2036 Centimeter Circle

  Austin   TX   78758-4956     60,664        6.1   $ 47,529        64,208        5.8   $ 49,051        3.2     2,146   

Southpark A,B,C


2205 Woodward Street

  Austin   TX   78744-1074     55,094        11.9   $ 36,253        59,299        7.6   $ 37,642        3.8     1,949   

Northlake Village


5570 Old Hickory Boulevard

  Hermitage   TN   37076-2576     20,998        22.4   $ 54,047        22,732        8.3   $ 57,325        6.1     743   



12122 N Rancho Vistoso Blvd

  Tucson   AZ   85737-1749     12,765        44.9   $ 77,021        14,614        14.5   $ 83,174        8.0     451   



4970 South Alma School Road

  Chandler   AZ   85248-5502     22,369        65.4   $ 75,608        25,548        14.2   $ 82,473        9.1     791   

Campus Marketplace


306 South Twin Oaks Valley Rd

  CA   92078-4333     27,426        40.3   $ 66,659        30,598        11.6   $ 73,523        10.3     970   

Corral Hollow


1801 West 11th Street

  Tracy   CA   95376-3727     25,440        38.8   $ 87,071        28,685        12.8   $ 96,715        11.1     900   

El Cerrito Plaza


6060 El Cerrito Plaza

  El Cerrito   CA   94530-4019     56,110        -1.8   $ 67,118        56,779        1.2   $ 71,745        6.9     1,984   

Plaza El Paseo


22215 El Paseo

  CA   92688-5800     28,215        9.1   $ 107,208        29,809        5.7   $ 117,838        9.9     998   

Ocala Corners


800 Ocala Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32304-1669     38,170        12.6   $ 24,834        40,583        6.3   $ 26,459        6.5     1,350   

Shoppes of Pebblebrooke


15275 Collier Boulevard

  Naples   FL   34119-6750     6,777        153.0   $ 79,067        7,766        14.6   $ 86,189        9.0     240   

Ballwin Olde Towne Plaza


1212 South Kirkwood Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63122-7225     27,325        -1.2   $ 69,563        26,905        -1.5   $ 73,189        5.2     966   

Fort Bend Market


9203 Highway Six South Ste 124

  Houston   TX   77083-6387     41,091        22.9   $ 60,558        45,810        11.5   $ 64,135        5.9     1,453   

Lebanon/Legacy Center


4268 Legacy Drive

  Frisco   TX   75034-0812     21,934        125.7   $ 84,542        26,595        21.3   $ 90,336        6.9     776   

Southcenter-Seattle Fur Exchg


400 Strander Boulevard

  Tukwila   WA   98188-2917     29,625        9.3   $ 50,464        30,920        4.4   $ 54,003        7.0     1,048   

Bandera Pointe


11655 Bandera Road

  TX   78250-6818     29,925        51.8   $ 72,293        33,872        13.2   $ 77,105        6.7     1,058   

Shops at Kildeer


20505 North Rand Road

  Barrington   IL   60047-3004     22,875        2.6   $ 84,478        23,079        0.9   $ 89,270        5.7     809   

Aspen Grove


7301 South Santa Fe Drive

  Littleton   CO   80120-2973     30,821        2.4   $ 68,070        32,121        4.2   $ 70,877        4.1     1,090   

Shops at the Old Mill District


545 SW Powerhouse Drive

  Bend   OR   97702-1293     28,839        60.4   $ 50,245        33,670        16.8   $ 55,442        10.3     1,020   

Scottsdale City Centre

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Vista Balboa


7715-7725 Balboa Avenue

  San Diego   CA   92111-2229     43,505        6.2   $ 60,574        45,636        4.9   $ 66,917        10.5     1,539   

Charleston Plaza


1760 East Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104-1990     72,988        -2.5   $ 33,670        76,230        4.4   $ 35,700        6.0     2,581   

Pavilions Center


31217-31523 Pacific Highway S

  WA   98003-5401     34,802        3.4   $ 61,378        35,505        2.0   $ 65,384        6.5     1,231   

Montebello Town Square


1401 North Montebello Blvd

  Montebello   CA   90640-2584     59,144        2.2   $ 50,324        60,548        2.4   $ 55,375        10.0     2,092   

Covina Towne Square


1430-1460 Azusa Avenue

  Covina   CA   91722-1251     53,258        2.3   $ 61,867        54,534        2.4   $ 68,190        10.2     1,884   

Cherokee North


8800 West 95th Street

  KS   66212-4051     43,935        0.2   $ 59,128        45,161        2.8   $ 61,556        4.1     1,554   

Devonshire Village


12705 South Mur Len Road

  Olathe   KS   66062-1236     21,043        33.9   $ 80,802        22,968        9.2   $ 86,728        7.3     744   

Ten Quivera Outparcel


West 63rd Street

  KS   66216     33,873        11.1   $ 63,959        36,247        7.0   $ 67,293        5.2     1,198   

Ten Quivera


12230 West 63rd Street

  KS   66216-2759     32,849        9.1   $ 62,688        34,923        6.3   $ 65,981        5.3     1,162   

Brywood Centre


8600 East 63rd Street

  MO   64133-4725     20,505        -4.7   $ 44,939        20,111        -1.9   $ 46,281        3.0     725   

Shops of Willow Creek


101st Terrace

  MO   64114     33,779        -2.1   $ 53,074        33,741        -0.1   $ 55,416        4.4     1,195   

Torrance Promenade


19800 Hawthorne Boulevard

  Torrance   CA   90503-1515     95,530        5.2   $ 76,932        99,017        3.7   $ 84,459        9.8     3,379   

Shoppes of North Port


14809 Tamiami Trail

  North Port   FL   34287-2717     14,520        57.6   $ 43,353        16,603        14.4   $ 46,710        7.7     514   

Branhaven Plaza


1060 West Main Street

  Branford   CT   06405-3441     18,436        1.6   $ 64,195        18,422        -0.1   $ 68,792        7.2     652   

Elm Plaza


95 Elm Street

  Enfield   CT   06082-3724     14,711        -0.6   $ 65,045        14,563        -1.0   $ 69,692        7.1     520   

Forest Avenue Shoppers Town


1509 Forest Avenue

  NY   10302-2226     78,954        6.2   $ 65,250        80,595        2.1   $ 70,198        7.6     2,792   

Foxboro Plaza


30 Commercial Street

  Foxboro   MA   02035-2509     10,219        3.6   $ 82,210        10,303        0.8   $ 89,960        9.4     361   

Meadowbrook Commons


256 East Sunrise Highway

  Freeport   NY   11520-3943     55,992        -0.2   $ 91,993        55,418        -1.0   $ 100,200        8.9     1,980   

Merrick Commons


1686 Merrick Road

  Merrick   NY   11566-4538     47,698        0.1   $ 94,103        47,286        -0.9   $ 103,273        9.7     1,687   

Mill Basin Plaza


5700-5716 Avenue U

  Brooklyn   NY   11234-5210     205,740        1.0   $ 50,719        206,304        0.3   $ 55,269        9.0     7,277   

Millside Plaza


4004 Route 130

  Delran   NJ   08075-2401     21,171        8.9   $ 73,598        21,620        2.1   $ 79,992        8.7     749   

Pensacola Marketplace


4457 West Fairfield Drive

  Pensacola   FL   32506-4101     28,086        -2.1   $ 33,124        27,994        -0.3   $ 34,880        5.3     993   

Eckerd-Specialty Shops


894 Georgia Highway 85 South

  Fayetteville   GA   30215-2001     5,983        17.3   $ 74,751        6,398        6.9   $ 77,266        3.4     212   

Marketplace at Delta Township


8305 West Saginaw Highway

  Lansing   MI   48917-7713     11,313        11.1   $ 54,574        11,653        3.0   $ 55,395        1.5     400   

Erie Marketplace


6660 Peach Street

  Erie   PA   16509-7720     17,131        4.7   $ 48,660        17,305        1.0   $ 51,437        5.7     606   

McKinney Marketplace


3001 South Central Expressway

  McKinney   TX   75070-4345     29,615        135.8   $ 86,791        35,903        21.2   $ 91,734        5.7     1,047   

Park East Marketplace


4205 Commerce Drive

  Lafayette   IN   47905-3800     18,810        8.9   $ 41,443        19,620        4.3   $ 42,237        1.9     665   

Bridgewood Marketplace


1151 Bridgewood Drive

  Fort Worth   TX   76112-0805     27,282        12.8   $ 40,600        29,552        8.3   $ 42,556        4.8     965   



5060 Fayetteville Road

  Lumberton   NC   28358-2108     5,917        8.0   $ 41,111        6,127        3.6   $ 42,133        2.5     209   

Murphy Crossing


280 East FM 544

  Murphy   TX   75094-3450     19,925        119.6   $ 86,711        23,653        18.7   $ 91,440        5.5     705   

McDermott Commons


2031 West McDermott Drive

  Allen   TX   75013-4716     41,954        67.1   $ 103,982        50,160        19.6   $ 108,331        4.2     1,484   

Ambassador Plaza


2863 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy

  Lafayette   LA   70506-5905     23,796        8.4   $ 53,082        24,895        4.6   $ 57,598        8.5     842   

Pine Ridge Square


8220 Wiles Road

  FL   33067-1937     46,527        7.8   $ 68,367        48,420        4.1   $ 73,977        8.2     1,646   

Westland Fair North


4505 West Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-1501     60,186        -1.9   $ 42,781        62,953        4.6   $ 44,898        4.9     2,129   

Killeen Marketplace


3209 East Central Texas Expy

  Killeen   TX   76543-7303     27,935        21.8   $ 45,910        30,643        9.7   $ 49,770        8.4     988   

Interwest Business Park


6804 Alamo Downs Parkway

  TX   78238-4515     33,576        17.7   $ 37,428        36,326        8.2   $ 39,128        4.5     1,188   

O’Connor Road Business Park


12700 O’Connor Road

  TX   78233-5535     38,513        19.4   $ 57,042        41,881        8.8   $ 59,661        4.6     1,362   

Market Place 580


4015 East Castro Valley Blvd

  CA   94552-4820     36,320        -1.3   $ 74,623        36,704        1.1   $ 81,311        9.0     1,285   

Arcade Square


3319 Watt Avenue

  Sacramento   CA   95821-3609     52,096        -0.7   $ 44,926        54,219        4.1   $ 48,348        7.6     1,843   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Buena Vista Marketplace


1157 Huntington Drive

  Duarte   CA   91010-2400     32,182        3.2   $ 63,874        33,355        3.6   $ 70,539        10.4     1,138   

Centerwood Plaza


16000 Lakewood Boulevard

  Bellflower   CA   90706-4319     83,118        -0.1   $ 52,008        84,817        2.0   $ 57,925        11.4     2,940   

Creekside Center


3001 Alamo Drive

  Vacaville   CA   95687-6300     24,295        7.2   $ 69,357        25,558        5.2   $ 76,004        9.6     859   

Discovery Plaza


1500 West El Camino Avenue

  Sacramento   CA   95833-1945     48,585        21.1   $ 43,153        53,975        11.1   $ 47,633        10.4     1,718   

Fremont Gateway Plaza


39138 Paseo Padre Parkway

  Fremont   CA   94538-1612     51,965        -1.1   $ 91,315        52,740        1.5   $ 100,640        10.2     1,838   

Hallmark Town Center


2330 West Cleveland Avenue

  Madera   CA   93637-8710     18,267        30.7   $ 40,381        20,817        14.0   $ 44,262        9.6     646   

Menifee Town Center


30123 Antelope Road

  Menifee   CA   92584-8068     16,151        51.3   $ 52,448        19,276        19.4   $ 60,456        15.3     571   

Prospector’s Plaza


3964 Missouri Flat Road

  Placerville   CA   95667-5238     8,379        6.4   $ 49,347        8,850        5.6   $ 54,345        10.1     296   

Ralph’s Center


1413 Hawthorne Boulevard

  CA   90278-3923     102,176        4.9   $ 70,724        106,661        4.4   $ 78,562        11.1     3,614   

San Marcos Plaza


1921 West San Marcos Boulevard

  San Marcos   CA   92078-3906     30,610        45.1   $ 66,712        35,623        16.4   $ 74,126        11.1     1,083   

Shasta Crossroads


1330 Churn Creek Road

  Redding   CA   96003-4087     24,932        12.3   $ 39,208        26,785        7.4   $ 43,220        10.2     882   

Silver Creek Plaza


1705 East Capital Expressway

  San Jose   CA   95121-1561     55,460        8.4   $ 85,678        58,677        5.8   $ 92,707        8.2     1,961   

Southampton Center


800 Southampton Road

  Benicia   CA   94510-1907     15,121        0.7   $ 85,845        15,524        2.7   $ 93,973        9.5     535   

Stony Point Plaza


711 Stony Point Road

  Santa Rosa   CA   95407-6802     38,448        6.2   $ 56,339        40,182        4.5   $ 61,389        9.0     1,360   

Summerhill Plaza


6425 Antelope Road

  CA   95621-1044     55,749        5.8   $ 56,109        58,768        5.4   $ 61,710        10.0     1,972   

Sunset Center


100 Sunset Avenue

  Suisun City   CA   94585-2047     30,028        5.6   $ 61,358        31,482        4.8   $ 67,513        10.0     1,062   

Westminster Center


6633 Westminster Boulevard

  Westminster   CA   92683-3704     60,226        -0.7   $ 67,436        61,387        1.9   $ 73,838        9.5     2,130   

Indian Springs Market Center


Princeton Road

  Hamilton   OH   45011     17,876        7.6   $ 51,728        18,573        3.9   $ 55,722        7.7     632   

Lutz Lake Crossing


1313 South Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33629-5010     42,594        8.2   $ 51,538        45,424        6.6   $ 56,686        10.0     1,506   

Regency Crossing


8601-8655 Regency Park Blvd

  Port Richey   FL   34668-5742     29,795        6.4   $ 33,275        31,730        6.5   $ 36,645        10.1     1,054   

Prien Lake Plaza I


1720 West Prien Lake Road

  LA   70601-8361     16,851        3.8   $ 44,599        17,184        2.0   $ 47,863        7.3     596   

Galleria at Crystal Run


1100 North Galleria Drive

  Middletown   NY   10941-3041     14,452        6.9   $ 55,188        14,988        3.7   $ 60,351        9.4     511   

Glen Burnie


6704 Governor Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-2319     27,645        -1.5   $ 56,192        27,436        -0.8   $ 62,789        11.7     978   

Governor’s Marketplace


1514 Governors Square Blvd

  Tallahassee   FL   32301-3019     31,086        17.8   $ 38,952        33,983        9.3   $ 42,500        9.1     1,099   

Warm Springs Promenade


1245 West Warm Springs Road

  Henderson   NV   89014-8740     42,150        29.2   $ 62,455        47,023        11.6   $ 67,127        7.5     1,491   

Gateway Station I


1173 North Burleson Boulevard

  Burleson   TX   76028-7009     11,549        47.2   $ 57,560        13,582        17.6   $ 61,934        7.6     408   

Peoria Crossings


9350 West Northern Avenue

  Glendale   AZ   85305-1103     26,776        18.7   $ 55,879        29,414        9.9   $ 61,698        10.4     947   

Colonial Plaza


2418 East Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32803-5019     47,304        11.4   $ 46,326        51,179        8.2   $ 50,690        9.4     1,673   

Carefree Marketplace


4815 East Carefree Hwy Ste 124

  Carefree   AZ   85331-4719     6,323        28.2   $ 96,123        7,139        12.9   $ 105,789        10.1     224   

Garden Village


28100 South Western Avenue

  San Pedro   CA   90732-1248     58,656        3.6   $ 55,939        60,871        3.8   $ 61,776        10.4     2,075   

El Dorado Hills Town Center


4500 Post Street

  El Dorado
  CA   95762-7103     8,046        94.8   $ 112,518        10,051        24.9   $ 121,782        8.2     285   

Shoppes of Grande Oak


20301 Grande Oak Shoppes Boulevard

  Estero   FL   33928-7698     6,708        89.1   $ 64,909        8,443        25.9   $ 71,971        10.9     237   

Killian Hill Market & Merchant


4051 Stone Mountain Highway

  Lilburn   GA   30047-8424     19,700        14.5   $ 69,486        21,451        8.9   $ 70,966        2.1     697   

Cherry Street


1707 Cherry Street

  Toledo   OH   43608-2857     44,048        -11.0   $ 28,984        41,195        -6.5   $ 30,549        5.4     1,558   

Tanasbourne Retail Center


18675 NW Tanasbourne Drive

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-7129     44,372        28.7   $ 63,956        49,780        12.2   $ 68,116        6.5     1,569   

Ashburn Farm Market Center


43330 Junction Plaza

  Ashburn   VA   20147-3406     25,027        144.4   $ 117,458        32,695        30.6   $ 128,042        9.0     885   

Amerige Heights Town Center


1951 West Malvern Avenue

  Fullerton   CA   92833-2177     62,463        3.9   $ 61,372        64,860        3.8   $ 67,377        9.8     2,209   

Regency Village I/II


8145 Vineland Avenue

  Orlando   FL   32821-6847     8,801        38.7   $ 62,214        10,252        16.5   $ 66,889        7.5     311   

Manhattan Place


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     42,984        -1.4   $ 44,596        44,128        2.7   $ 48,762        9.3     1,520   

Land-Fountain Valley

  CA       74,833        0.8   $ 53,776        76,792        2.6   $ 59,611        10.9     2,647   



3835 Phelan Boulevard

  Beaumont   TX   77707-2243     24,863        -5.1   $ 39,173        24,319        -2.2   $ 42,094        7.5     879   

Palmilla Center


1561 North Dysart Road

  Avondale   AZ   85323-1230     22,079        96.8   $ 64,564        27,521        24.7   $ 71,268        10.4     781   

Beltway 8 Business Park


11777 South Sam Houston Pkwy W

  Houston   TX   77031-2340     64,828        10.2   $ 37,601        69,111        6.6   $ 40,231        7.0     2,293   

Business Park 610/288


7700 Cannon Street

  Houston   TX   77021-6003     46,995        14.9   $ 33,894        50,954        8.4   $ 36,220        6.9     1,662   

Kempwood I


8090 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77055-1003     55,358        8.7   $ 39,783        58,629        5.9   $ 42,161        6.0     1,958   

Railwood Industrial Park I


9000 Railwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-4518     13,005        7.0   $ 31,120        13,698        5.3   $ 33,269        6.9     460   

Loop 610 and 11th Street II


Loop 610

  Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   

East Sahara Boulevard


East Sahara Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104     81,785        -2.8   $ 35,450        81,420        -0.5   $ 37,758        6.5     2,893   

Pompano Fashion Square Center


One Pompano Square

  FL   33062-1000     42,633        -1.3   $ 46,323        43,482        2.0   $ 50,098        8.1     1,508   

Land-Anaheim Garden Walk


Harbor Boulevard

  Anaheim   CA   92802     66,610        -2.0   $ 54,785        67,378        1.2   $ 60,732        10.9     2,356   

Coto De Caza

  CA       74,833        0.8   $ 53,776        76,792        2.6   $ 59,611        10.9     2,647   

Fairfield Shopping Center


6501 EJ Oliver Boulevard

  Fairfield   AL   35064-1825     23,627        -6.2   $ 32,485        22,811        -3.5   $ 34,595        6.5     836   

Shrewsbury Shopping Center


571 Boston Turnpike

  Shrewsbury   MA   01545-5977     16,336        6.3   $ 74,556        16,834        3.1   $ 82,812        11.1     578   

Crossroads Plaza-NC


401 Crossroads Boulevard

  Cary   NC   27511-6895     26,687        19.5   $ 51,868        29,544        10.7   $ 53,920        4.0     944   

Glenway Crossing


5142 Glencrossing Way

  Cincinnati   OH   45238-3361     50,352        1.1   $ 44,502        50,578        0.5   $ 47,479        6.7     1,781   

Hickory Ridge Commons


3682 Ridgeway Road

  Memphis   TN   38115-5149     37,384        1.7   $ 47,225        37,882        1.3   $ 48,529        2.8     1,322   

Pinetree Plaza


2117 North Prospect Avenue

  Champaign   IL   61822-1238     26,633        10.0   $ 28,974        27,955        5.0   $ 30,970        6.9     942   

Wakefield Crossings I


13200 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8239     10,173        145.8   $ 80,321        13,229        30.0   $ 85,337        6.2     360   

Land-High Park/Orange Township


8704 Owenfield Drive

  Powell   OH   43065-8365     16,780        40.0   $ 84,062        19,305        15.1   $ 90,446        7.6     593   



7534 University Boulevard

  Winter Park   FL   32792-8824     36,363        0.0   $ 47,370        37,315        2.6   $ 51,356        8.4     1,286   

Land-Winchester Plaza I


Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL       30,998        5.7   $ 32,076        32,320        4.3   $ 33,714        5.1     1,096   

Land-Southwest Walgreen’s

    Phoenix   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Westbrook Commons


3063 Wolf Road

  Westchester   IL   60154-5622     34,264        -4.0   $ 77,494        33,648        -1.8   $ 83,086        7.2     1,212   

MacArthur Park-Phase I


812 North MacArthur Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75063-7516     22,807        31.5   $ 67,006        25,531        11.9   $ 69,793        4.2     807   

Oxford Place


2015-2035 University Avenue

  Oxford   MS   38655-3511     8,012        20.3   $ 30,285        8,595        7.3   $ 33,279        9.9     283   

Cool Springs Center


3600 Mallory Lane

  Franklin   TN   37067-2803     13,267        33.1   $ 80,628        15,277        15.2   $ 88,004        9.1     469   

Fayetteville-Specialty Shops


170 South Glynn Street

  Fayetteville   GA   30214-2038     9,918        27.1   $ 68,211        11,093        11.9   $ 70,990        4.1     351   

Land-Peachtree City


Georgia Highway 74

  GA   30269     11,023        11.8   $ 84,418        11,719        6.3   $ 88,936        5.4     390   

Matlock Center


3646 Matlock Road

  Arlington   TX   76015-3605     44,485        3.3   $ 50,247        46,145        3.7   $ 53,307        6.1     1,573   



Cross Creek Drive

  Saltillo   MS   38866     2,613        19.9   $ 45,704        2,798        7.1   $ 48,806        6.8     92   

Land-Lawndale Crossing


Lawndale Drive

  Greensboro   NC   27408     34,618        8.1   $ 48,097        36,443        5.3   $ 49,736        3.4     1,224   

Land-Cool Springs


Cool Springs Boulevard

  Franklin   TN   37067     16,402        32.3   $ 75,405        18,859        15.0   $ 82,832        9.8     580   

Land-Tinwood Hotel Site


International Drive

  Orlando   FL       42,203        10.4   $ 43,049        45,600        8.1   $ 46,980        9.1     1,493   

Redondo Village Center

  CA       137,722        10.5   $ 27,430        147,124        6.8   $ 30,192        10.1     4,871   

Steele Crossing


3533 North Shiloh Drive

  Fayetteville   AR   72703-5359     16,788        30.0   $ 45,495        18,960        12.9   $ 49,248        8.2     594   

Shops at Turner Hill


8200 Mall Parkway

  Lithonia   GA   30038-6983     7,852        40.5   $ 43,604        9,032        15.0   $ 45,264        3.8     278   

Chesterfield Corners


Marketplace Boulevard

  Chesterfield   MI   48051     18,637        13.2   $ 53,765        19,686        5.6   $ 56,114        4.4     659   

Grandville Marketplace


4705 Canal Avenue

  Grandville   MI   49418-8752     18,749        12.7   $ 55,252        19,795        5.6   $ 57,190        3.5     663   

Greensboro North

    Greensboro   NC       34,163        5.4   $ 40,978        35,487        3.9   $ 42,115        2.8     1,208   

McDonough Marketplace


101 Willow Lane

  McDonough   GA   30253-6574     12,397        108.0   $ 54,231        15,792        27.4   $ 56,922        5.0     438   

Reno Riverside


11 North Sierra Street

  Reno   NV   89505-1303     56,019        10.3   $ 39,095        59,917        7.0   $ 41,890        7.1     1,981   

Land-Walnut Creek-Self Storage

  CA       55,864        0.9   $ 71,737        57,550        3.0   $ 77,268        7.7     1,976   


    Anaheim   CA       74,833        0.8   $ 53,776        76,792        2.6   $ 59,611        10.9     2,647   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Buena Vista Marketplace


1157 Huntington Drive

  Duarte   CA   91010-2400     32,357        3.6   $ 65,751        33,329        3.0   $ 72,123        9.7     1,144   

Centerwood Plaza


16000 Lakewood Boulevard

  Bellflower   CA   90706-4319     83,641        0.7   $ 53,448        85,040        1.7   $ 58,407        9.3     2,958   

Creekside Center


3001 Alamo Drive

  Vacaville   CA   95687-6300     24,088        7.0   $ 70,782        25,197        4.6   $ 77,074        8.9     852   

Discovery Plaza


1500 West El Camino Avenue

  Sacramento   CA   95833-1945     48,372        20.7   $ 44,021        52,147        7.8   $ 47,628        8.2     1,711   

Fremont Gateway Plaza


39138 Paseo Padre Parkway

  Fremont   CA   94538-1612     52,995        1.0   $ 93,093        54,069        2.0   $ 101,662        9.2     1,874   

Hallmark Town Center


2330 West Cleveland Avenue

  Madera   CA   93637-8710     18,437        32.0   $ 41,427        20,630        11.9   $ 44,693        7.9     652   

Menifee Town Center


30123 Antelope Road

  Menifee   CA   92584-8068     17,540        65.5   $ 54,411        20,294        15.7   $ 61,233        12.5     620   

Prospector’s Plaza


3964 Missouri Flat Road

  Placerville   CA   95667-5238     8,258        6.5   $ 50,729        8,755        6.0   $ 55,529        9.5     292   

Ralph’s Center


1413 Hawthorne Boulevard

  CA   90278-3923     101,828        4.6   $ 72,112        105,276        3.4   $ 78,912        9.4     3,601   

San Marcos Plaza


1921 West San Marcos Boulevard

  San Marcos   CA   92078-3906     29,445        39.5   $ 69,082        32,628        10.8   $ 75,655        9.5     1,041   

Shasta Crossroads


1330 Churn Creek Road

  Redding   CA   96003-4087     24,753        13.1   $ 39,649        26,345        6.4   $ 42,753        7.8     875   

Silver Creek Plaza


1705 East Capital Expressway

  San Jose   CA   95121-1561     55,570        8.9   $ 88,323        58,336        5.0   $ 94,333        6.8     1,965   

Southampton Center


800 Southampton Road

  Benicia   CA   94510-1907     14,921        -0.4   $ 88,127        15,138        1.5   $ 94,429        7.2     528   

Stony Point Plaza


711 Stony Point Road

  Santa Rosa   CA   95407-6802     38,678        6.5   $ 56,940        40,156        3.8   $ 60,858        6.9     1,368   

Summerhill Plaza


6425 Antelope Road

  CA   95621-1044     55,978        6.2   $ 57,012        60,115        7.4   $ 61,776        8.4     1,980   

Sunset Center


100 Sunset Avenue

  Suisun City   CA   94585-2047     29,592        4.1   $ 62,876        30,601        3.4   $ 67,918        8.0     1,047   

Westminster Center


6633 Westminster Boulevard

  Westminster   CA   92683-3704     60,298        0.1   $ 68,876        61,481        2.0   $ 74,571        8.3     2,133   

Indian Springs Market Center


Princeton Road

  Hamilton   OH   45011     19,211        14.8   $ 54,451        20,150        4.9   $ 58,495        7.4     679   

Lutz Lake Crossing


1313 South Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33629-5010     41,935        6.9   $ 52,307        44,672        6.5   $ 57,056        9.1     1,483   

Regency Crossing


8601-8655 Regency Park Blvd

  Port Richey   FL   34668-5742     29,429        5.6   $ 33,171        31,794        8.0   $ 35,390        6.7     1,041   

Prien Lake Plaza I


1720 West Prien Lake Road

  LA   70601-8361     17,218        5.6   $ 46,243        17,717        2.9   $ 49,185        6.4     609   

Galleria at Crystal Run


1100 North Galleria Drive

  Middletown   NY   10941-3041     14,401        6.9   $ 57,554        14,767        2.5   $ 61,950        7.6     509   

Glen Burnie


6704 Governor Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-2319     27,751        -1.0   $ 58,396        27,469        -1.0   $ 64,024        9.6     981   

Governor’s Marketplace


1514 Governors Square Blvd

  Tallahassee   FL   32301-3019     30,173        15.9   $ 39,065        32,369        7.3   $ 41,551        6.4     1,067   

Warm Springs Promenade


1245 West Warm Springs Road

  Henderson   NV   89014-8740     41,487        27.7   $ 63,187        46,372        11.8   $ 67,962        7.6     1,467   

Gateway Station I


1173 North Burleson Boulevard

  Burleson   TX   76028-7009     11,062        44.8   $ 58,621        12,508        13.1   $ 62,296        6.3     391   

Peoria Crossings


9350 West Northern Avenue

  Glendale   AZ   85305-1103     27,642        22.7   $ 57,295        30,881        11.7   $ 62,922        9.8     978   

Colonial Plaza


2418 East Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32803-5019     47,087        10.9   $ 46,469        50,357        6.9   $ 50,695        9.1     1,665   

Carefree Marketplace


4815 East Carefree Hwy Ste 124

  Carefree   AZ   85331-4719     6,745        34.1   $ 98,430        7,711        14.3   $ 108,634        10.4     239   

Garden Village


28100 South Western Avenue

  San Pedro   CA   90732-1248     58,976        4.0   $ 57,302        60,849        3.2   $ 61,964        8.1     2,086   

El Dorado Hills Town Center


4500 Post Street

  El Dorado
  CA   95762-7103     8,651        106.8   $ 115,196        9,791        13.2   $ 125,356        8.8     306   

Shoppes of Grande Oak


20301 Grande Oak Shoppes Boulevard

  Estero   FL   33928-7698     6,817        92.8   $ 67,999        8,022        17.7   $ 73,534        8.1     241   

Killian Hill Market & Merchant


4051 Stone Mountain Highway

  Lilburn   GA   30047-8424     19,823        15.0   $ 70,981        21,731        9.6   $ 72,354        1.9     701   

Cherry Street


1707 Cherry Street

  Toledo   OH   43608-2857     43,409        -12.2   $ 28,501        40,619        -6.4   $ 29,293        2.8     1,535   

Tanasbourne Retail Center


18675 NW Tanasbourne Drive

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-7129     45,129        32.3   $ 65,947        49,738        10.2   $ 69,107        4.8     1,596   

Ashburn Farm Market Center


43330 Junction Plaza

  Ashburn   VA   20147-3406     25,729        150.8   $ 118,346        31,529        22.5   $ 128,732        8.8     910   

Amerige Heights Town Center


1951 West Malvern Avenue

  Fullerton   CA   92833-2177     63,108        4.8   $ 62,569        65,389        3.6   $ 67,468        7.8     2,232   

Regency Village I/II


8145 Vineland Avenue

  Orlando   FL   32821-6847     9,521        43.3   $ 62,813        10,687        12.3   $ 68,053        8.3     337   

Manhattan Place


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,204        -0.9   $ 45,278        44,182        2.3   $ 48,915        8.0     1,528   

Land-Fountain Valley

  CA       74,557        0.2   $ 55,355        76,101        2.1   $ 60,206        8.8     2,637   



3835 Phelan Boulevard

  Beaumont   TX   77707-2243     25,448        -2.9   $ 41,275        25,003        -1.8   $ 43,710        5.9     900   

Palmilla Center


1561 North Dysart Road

  Avondale   AZ   85323-1230     24,494        118.9   $ 64,560        28,487        16.3   $ 70,339        9.0     866   

Beltway 8 Business Park


11777 South Sam Houston Pkwy W

  Houston   TX   77031-2340     65,868        12.0   $ 39,065        70,923        7.7   $ 41,374        5.9     2,330   

Business Park 610/288


7700 Cannon Street

  Houston   TX   77021-6003     47,518        15.9   $ 35,453        51,190        7.7   $ 37,714        6.4     1,681   

Kempwood I


8090 Kempwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77055-1003     54,369        8.6   $ 41,107        57,613        6.0   $ 43,062        4.8     1,923   

Railwood Industrial Park I


9000 Railwood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-4518     13,277        8.2   $ 32,228        14,057        5.9   $ 34,377        6.7     470   

Loop 610 and 11th Street II


Loop 610

  Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   

East Sahara Boulevard


East Sahara Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104     82,245        -1.4   $ 37,308        86,332        5.0   $ 39,663        6.3     2,909   

Pompano Fashion Square Center


One Pompano Square

  FL   33062-1000     42,161        -2.3   $ 46,725        42,417        0.6   $ 49,612        6.2     1,491   

Land-Anaheim Garden Walk


Harbor Boulevard

  Anaheim   CA   92802     69,149        1.8   $ 56,114        70,960        2.6   $ 60,974        8.7     2,446   

Coto De Caza

  CA       74,557        0.2   $ 55,355        76,101        2.1   $ 60,206        8.8     2,637   

Fairfield Shopping Center


6501 EJ Oliver Boulevard

  Fairfield   AL   35064-1825     23,450        -6.4   $ 33,343        22,598        -3.6   $ 35,200        5.6     829   

Shrewsbury Shopping Center


571 Boston Turnpike

  Shrewsbury   MA   01545-5977     16,323        5.7   $ 77,038        16,551        1.4   $ 85,213        10.6     577   

Crossroads Plaza-NC


401 Crossroads Boulevard

  Cary   NC   27511-6895     27,860        24.3   $ 54,221        31,516        13.1   $ 55,757        2.8     985   

Glenway Crossing


5142 Glencrossing Way

  Cincinnati   OH   45238-3361     49,850        -0.5   $ 45,174        49,387        -0.9   $ 47,226        4.5     1,763   

Hickory Ridge Commons


3682 Ridgeway Road

  Memphis   TN   38115-5149     36,121        -1.4   $ 47,752        35,854        -0.7   $ 48,227        1.0     1,278   

Pinetree Plaza


2117 North Prospect Avenue

  Champaign   IL   61822-1238     27,581        13.6   $ 30,143        28,762        4.3   $ 31,712        5.2     975   

Wakefield Crossings I


13200 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8239     11,878        186.6   $ 80,955        13,734        15.6   $ 87,675        8.3     420   

Land-High Park/Orange Township


8704 Owenfield Drive

  Powell   OH   43065-8365     16,630        39.0   $ 86,339        18,683        12.4   $ 91,654        6.2     588   



7534 University Boulevard

  Winter Park   FL   32792-8824     36,030        -0.9   $ 47,992        37,127        3.0   $ 50,718        5.7     1,274   

Land-Winchester Plaza I


Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL       31,293        7.6   $ 33,125        32,671        4.4   $ 34,372        3.8     1,107   

Land-Southwest Walgreen’s

    Phoenix   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Westbrook Commons


3063 Wolf Road

  Westchester   IL   60154-5622     34,144        -3.8   $ 79,502        33,466        -2.0   $ 84,104        5.8     1,208   

MacArthur Park-Phase I


812 North MacArthur Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75063-7516     22,622        30.7   $ 67,320        24,671        9.1   $ 69,559        3.3     800   

Oxford Place


2015-2035 University Avenue

  Oxford   MS   38655-3511     7,478        12.5   $ 31,548        7,805        4.4   $ 33,993        7.8     264   

Cool Springs Center


3600 Mallory Lane

  Franklin   TN   37067-2803     13,800        37.1   $ 84,989        15,895        15.2   $ 90,758        6.8     488   

Fayetteville-Specialty Shops


170 South Glynn Street

  Fayetteville   GA   30214-2038     10,009        25.9   $ 70,674        10,908        9.0   $ 73,099        3.4     354   

Land-Peachtree City


Georgia Highway 74

  GA   30269     10,939        10.8   $ 86,881        11,406        4.3   $ 90,355        4.0     387   

Matlock Center


3646 Matlock Road

  Arlington   TX   76015-3605     46,302        8.2   $ 51,640        49,476        6.9   $ 54,086        4.7     1,638   



Cross Creek Drive

  Saltillo   MS   38866     2,749        25.5   $ 44,099        2,962        7.8   $ 46,332        5.1     97   

Land-Lawndale Crossing


Lawndale Drive

  Greensboro   NC   27408     34,710        9.1   $ 48,833        36,348        4.7   $ 50,532        3.5     1,228   

Land-Cool Springs


Cool Springs Boulevard

  Franklin   TN   37067     16,538        35.4   $ 79,671        18,992        14.8   $ 85,915        7.8     585   

Land-Tinwood Hotel Site


International Drive

  Orlando   FL       41,965        8.4   $ 43,720        44,853        6.9   $ 47,695        9.1     1,484   

Redondo Village Center

  CA       136,988        10.3   $ 28,119        143,807        5.0   $ 30,447        8.3     4,845   

Steele Crossing


3533 North Shiloh Drive

  Fayetteville   AR   72703-5359     16,810        29.9   $ 46,045        18,559        10.4   $ 48,643        5.6     595   

Shops at Turner Hill


8200 Mall Parkway

  Lithonia   GA   30038-6983     7,992        54.9   $ 45,343        8,785        9.9   $ 46,265        2.0     283   

Chesterfield Corners


Marketplace Boulevard

  Chesterfield   MI   48051     19,074        14.3   $ 53,323        19,926        4.5   $ 55,462        4.0     675   

Grandville Marketplace


4705 Canal Avenue

  Grandville   MI   49418-8752     18,431        12.3   $ 56,277        19,154        3.9   $ 57,974        3.0     652   

Greensboro North

    Greensboro   NC       34,196        7.0   $ 41,606        35,534        3.9   $ 42,292        1.6     1,209   

McDonough Marketplace


101 Willow Lane

  McDonough   GA   30253-6574     12,876        119.0   $ 54,742        15,373        19.4   $ 56,564        3.3     455   

Reno Riverside


11 North Sierra Street

  Reno   NV   89505-1303     54,239        8.5   $ 39,858        57,652        6.3   $ 42,137        5.7     1,918   

Land-Walnut Creek-Self Storage

  CA       55,312        0.6   $ 73,089        56,896        2.9   $ 77,636        6.2     1,956   


    Anaheim   CA       74,557        0.2   $ 55,355        76,101        2.1   $ 60,206        8.8     2,637   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Bartlett Towne Center


5995 Stage Road

  Bartlett   TN   38134-8311     28,101        3.1   $ 54,248        28,665        2.0   $ 56,690        4.5     994   

Commons at Dexter Lake


4770 Germantown Road Extended

  Memphis   TN   38141-8529     26,627        11.6   $ 56,231        28,094        5.5   $ 58,820        4.6     942   

Summer Center


4310 Summer Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38122-4000     32,128        -3.1   $ 40,113        31,797        -1.0   $ 42,095        4.9     1,136   

Southaven Commons


1011 Goodman Road East

  Southaven   MS   38671-9505     16,241        63.1   $ 52,229        19,433        19.7   $ 56,152        7.5     574   

Oakbrook Square


11566 US Highway One

  North Palm
  FL   33408-3019     23,321        15.9   $ 63,138        25,469        9.2   $ 68,316        8.2     825   

Bluffs Square


4050 South US Highway One

  Jupiter   FL   33477-1123     12,549        14.3   $ 78,007        13,656        8.8   $ 85,057        9.0     444   

Prosperity Centre


2410-2480 PGA Boulevard

  Palm Beach
  FL   33410-3505     27,970        19.2   $ 64,423        30,865        10.4   $ 69,752        8.3     989   

Marco Town Center


1017-1093 N Collier Boulevard

  Marco Island   FL   34145-2539     8,768        20.0   $ 70,774        9,757        11.3   $ 76,955        8.7     310   

Sawgrass Promenade


1301-1391 South Military Trail

  FL   33442-7634     52,142        2.7   $ 46,264        54,113        3.8   $ 50,133        8.4     1,844   

Boynton Plaza


113-155 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-4209     47,243        10.4   $ 48,780        50,640        7.2   $ 52,640        7.9     1,671   

Boca Village Square


21116-21230 Saint Andrews Blvd

  Boca Raton   FL   33433-2404     39,088        -2.2   $ 69,434        39,573        1.2   $ 74,593        7.4     1,382   

Kirkman Shoppes


4786 South Kirkman Road

  Orlando   FL   32811-3643     40,807        31.7   $ 47,326        46,807        14.7   $ 50,410        6.5     1,443   

Ross Plaza


8404-8787 W Hillsborough Ave

  Tampa   FL   33615-3808     30,805        9.8   $ 49,231        32,947        7.0   $ 53,448        8.6     1,090   

Shoppes of Jonathan’s Landing


3900 Indiantown Road

  Jupiter   FL   33477-5085     15,900        9.1   $ 68,026        16,985        6.8   $ 73,075        7.4     562   

Shoppes at Westbury


9526 SW 137th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33186-2200     62,944        8.2   $ 56,324        66,379        5.5   $ 61,705        9.6     2,226   

Plymouth Park North


1625 North Story Road

  Irving   TX   75061-1929     51,290        -3.8   $ 44,317        51,117        -0.3   $ 45,753        3.2     1,814   

Benbrook Square


8201 Camp Bowie West

  Fort Worth   TX   76116-6317     33,259        18.2   $ 39,941        36,477        9.7   $ 42,072        5.3     1,176   

Townsend Square


901 North Polk Street

  Desoto   TX   75115-4013     20,272        31.0   $ 51,758        22,816        12.6   $ 53,118        2.6     717   

Plymouth Park West


2800 West Irving Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75061-4237     49,091        -4.6   $ 43,945        48,767        -0.7   $ 45,328        3.1     1,736   

Copperfield Crossing


15520 FM 529 Road

  Houston   TX   77041-2704     37,866        23.5   $ 71,190        41,793        10.4   $ 75,790        6.5     1,339   

Augusta Exchange


207 Robert C Daniel Jr Parkway

  Augusta   GA   30909-0800     23,635        4.6   $ 51,021        24,466        3.5   $ 54,602        7.0     836   

Mission Bend Center


6805 Highway Six South

  Houston   TX   77083-3301     46,007        22.1   $ 54,187        50,980        10.8   $ 58,426        7.8     1,627   

Grogan’s Mill Center


536 Sawdust Road

  Spring   TX   77380-2245     17,176        26.2   $ 69,767        19,421        13.1   $ 75,263        7.9     607   

Steeplechase Center


9503 Jones Road

  Houston   TX   77065-4814     34,480        24.9   $ 72,547        38,423        11.4   $ 77,513        6.8     1,219   

Village By The Parks


4115 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76015-4158     42,315        5.4   $ 58,449        44,233        4.5   $ 61,624        5.4     1,497   

Woodforest Center


12620 Woodforest Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77015-3489     28,572        4.5   $ 44,433        29,720        4.0   $ 47,324        6.5     1,011   

Beechcrest Center


10815 Beechnut Street

  Houston   TX   77072-4332     80,802        11.8   $ 36,072        86,380        6.9   $ 38,495        6.7     2,858   

Sterling Plaza


2904 North Beltline Road

  Dallas   TX   75062-5247     42,341        -3.9   $ 44,995        42,149        -0.5   $ 46,434        3.2     1,498   

Plymouth Park South


2440 West Irving Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75061-4255     50,757        -3.9   $ 44,362        50,587        -0.3   $ 45,784        3.2     1,795   

Wurzbach Center


10103 Wurzbach Road

  San Antonio   TX   78230-2215     61,487        17.8   $ 41,394        67,081        9.1   $ 43,225        4.4     2,175   

Plymouth Park East


2200 West Grauwyler Road

  Irving   TX   75061-4350     51,198        -3.8   $ 44,409        51,065        -0.3   $ 45,838        3.2     1,811   

Northwoods Center


1321 County Road 581

  Zephyrhills   FL   33543     14,643        156.6   $ 80,906        19,164        30.9   $ 88,175        9.0     518   

Conn’s Building


301 17th Street

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-7301     23,498        -0.7   $ 35,391        23,444        -0.2   $ 38,069        7.6     831   

Land-I-45 Telephone Road


Telephone Road

  Houston   TX   77023     46,593        8.3   $ 30,360        49,300        5.8   $ 32,572        7.3     1,648   

Old Phoenix National Bank

      OH       15,115        17.6   $ 63,838        16,264        7.6   $ 67,393        5.6     535   

Venice Pines Plaza


1254 Jacaranda Boulevard

  Venice   FL   34292-4508     20,632        21.0   $ 49,661        22,898        11.0   $ 54,692        10.1     730   

White Oak


15 South Dupont Highway

  Dover   DE   19901-7430     17,272        17.3   $ 42,405        18,902        9.4   $ 44,425        4.8     611   

Starke-US 301/SR 100


209 South Temple Avenue

  Starke   FL   32091-3936     3,504        10.4   $ 36,789        3,724        6.3   $ 39,765        8.1     124   

Ridge Road/US Highway One


Ridge Road

  Orlando   FL       42,203        10.4   $ 43,049        45,600        8.1   $ 46,980        9.1     1,493   

Advanced Auto-Covington


2401 Madison Avenue

  Covington   KY   41014-1665     40,890        -0.7   $ 39,353        40,834        -0.1   $ 42,374        7.7     1,446   

Advanced Auto-Elsmere


3715 Dixie Highway

  Elsmere   KY   41018     25,575        4.4   $ 50,180        26,369        3.1   $ 53,967        7.5     905   

Advanced Auto-Newport


2124 Monmouth Road

  Newport   KY   41071-2627     42,284        -1.8   $ 39,767        41,848        -1.0   $ 42,829        7.7     1,495   

Atlantic City


1723 Pacific Avenue

  Atlantic City   NJ   08401-6889     20,317        -1.1   $ 37,178        20,233        -0.4   $ 40,861        9.9     719   

Bayshore & Breakwater


3233 Bayshore Road

  North Cape
  NJ   08204-3709     7,683        -13.7   $ 49,521        6,989        -9.0   $ 56,008        13.1     272   

Regency Milford Center


824 Main Street

  Milford   OH   45150-1726     10,437        5.8   $ 60,897        10,785        3.3   $ 63,876        4.9     369   



1151 Mae Street

  Hummelstown   PA   17036-9186     12,109        8.5   $ 65,049        12,617        4.2   $ 70,538        8.4     428   



1195 Remount Road

  Charleston   SC   29406-3528     14,469        12.1   $ 32,971        15,407        6.5   $ 36,555        10.9     512   



201 North Main Street

  Lancaster   SC   29720-2178     9,045        20.0   $ 30,840        9,922        9.7   $ 31,504        2.2     320   


    Nashville   TN       31,210        0.7   $ 31,664        31,604        1.3   $ 33,911        7.1     1,104   

Nolensville/Thompson Lane


2819 Nolensville Pike

  Nashville   TN   37211-2220     31,409        0.9   $ 36,782        31,896        1.6   $ 39,318        6.9     1,111   

Tulip Grove/Old Hockory


5006 Old Hickory Boulevard

  Nashville   TN   37218-4019     502        14.4   $ 61,789        539        7.4   $ 66,322        7.3     18   

West End Avenue


3010 West End Avenue

  Nashville   TN   37203-1318     41,784        1.8   $ 38,672        42,592        1.9   $ 41,577        7.5     1,478   

Highway 41/Highway 55


701 Hillsboro Boulevard

  Manchester   TN   37355-2021     5,019        15.8   $ 39,270        5,387        7.3   $ 42,267        7.6     178   

Dickson-Highway 46/Highway 70


702 East College Street

  Dickson   TN   37055-2032     6,030        8.4   $ 39,582        6,343        5.2   $ 42,272        6.8     213   



3110 High Street

  Portsmouth   VA   23707-3427     31,777        -0.9   $ 43,704        31,659        -0.4   $ 48,577        11.2     1,124   

Big Bethal/Mercury


3401 West Mercury Boulevard

  Hampton   VA   23666-3704     35,484        1.0   $ 43,764        35,617        0.4   $ 47,748        9.1     1,255   

Harris Crossing


Harris Road

  Wake Forest   NC   27587     9,654        79.3   $ 65,448        11,831        22.6   $ 70,494        7.7     341   

Parkway Pointe


2458 SW Cary Parkway

  Cary   NC   27513-5318     29,500        31.8   $ 87,813        33,680        14.2   $ 93,780        6.8     1,043   

Wakefield Commons


14460 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8227     12,304        137.4   $ 76,307        15,908        29.3   $ 81,906        7.3     435   

Snellville Pavilion


2059 Scenic Highway North

  Snellville   GA   30078-6142     19,472        26.4   $ 74,625        21,903        12.5   $ 76,665        2.7     689   

Wakefield Commons II


10600 Common Oaks Drive

  Raleigh   NC   27614-6824     11,885        140.6   $ 76,945        15,402        29.6   $ 82,425        7.1     420   

Tomball Crossing


22529 State Highway 249

  Houston   TX   77070-1532     25,673        45.7   $ 91,231        29,927        16.6   $ 97,329        6.7     908   

Hillsborough Promenade


315 US Highway 206

  Hillsborough   NJ   08844-4625     13,987        5.1   $ 90,148        14,449        3.3   $ 98,819        9.6     495   

Whataburger Parcel


Interstate 10

  Houston   TX   77084     25,310        30.0   $ 65,605        28,417        12.3   $ 70,118        6.9     895   

Val Vista Towne Center


1475 East Warner Road

  Gilbert   AZ   85296-3142     42,611        66.8   $ 84,561        51,612        21.1   $ 92,504        9.4     1,507   

Lake Pointe Market


8805 Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX   75088-4532     14,552        42.9   $ 79,808        16,967        16.6   $ 84,964        6.5     515   

Red Mountain Gateway


10845 North Tatum Boulevard

  Phoenix   AZ   85028-3055     32,367        5.2   $ 70,206        34,183        5.6   $ 74,621        6.3     1,145   

Thorncreek Crossing


1001 East 120th Avenue

  Thornton   CO   80233-5711     44,447        24.5   $ 65,586        49,696        11.8   $ 68,736        4.8     1,572   

Land-San Diego

    San Diego   CA       383        4.9   $ 97,240        398        3.9   $ 110,124        13.2     14   



1110 West Elliot Road

  Tempe   AZ   85284-1107     50,102        12.4   $ 60,415        54,421        8.6   $ 64,299        6.4     1,772   

Mesa Pavilions


7032 East Hampton Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85208-3303     40,943        28.4   $ 53,582        46,209        12.9   $ 60,022        12.0     1,448   

Boca Lyons Plaza


9082 Glades Road

  Boca Raton   FL   33434-3902     40,773        -3.5   $ 64,482        40,978        0.5   $ 69,839        8.3     1,442   

West Valley Marketplace


1091 Millcreek Road

  Allentown   PA   18106-9157     16,605        46.4   $ 78,023        19,193        15.6   $ 83,978        7.6     587   

Calvine Crossings


8250 Calvine Road

  Sacramento   CA   95826-9313     51,539        20.5   $ 67,117        56,784        10.2   $ 73,920        10.1     1,823   

Mulberry & Lemay Crossing


1250 East Magnolia Street

  Fort Collins   CO   80524-2754     25,358        3.1   $ 38,681        26,198        3.3   $ 40,094        3.7     897   

Marketplace at Towne Center


18855 LBJ Freeway

  Mesquite   TX   75150-6410     34,353        -1.5   $ 47,147        34,623        0.8   $ 48,483        2.8     1,215   

Frisco Marketplace


7010 Preston Road

  Frisco   TX   75034-5869     26,462        145.9   $ 87,482        34,929        32.0   $ 92,373        5.6     936   

Hamilton Marketplace


130 Marketplace Boulevard

  Hamilton   NJ   08691-2123     16,828        7.8   $ 83,828        17,498        4.0   $ 91,359        9.0     595   

Winter Park Corners


1989 Aloma Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32792-3222     37,667        -2.8   $ 50,753        38,137        1.3   $ 55,762        9.9     1,332   

Southgate Village


1944 Montgomery Highway South

  Birmingham   AL   35244-1141     18,511        17.6   $ 62,363        20,063        8.4   $ 66,796        7.1     655   

Trace Crossing


2304 John Hawkins Parkway

  Hoover   AL   35244-3541     8,517        28.2   $ 92,710        9,446        10.9   $ 99,886        7.7     301   

Crossroads Commons


2905 Pearl Street

  Boulder   CO   80301-1130     35,629        -3.7   $ 48,071        35,511        -0.3   $ 50,404        4.9     1,260   

Willow Creek Center


8200 South Quebec Street

  Englewood   CO   80112-4411     35,924        9.5   $ 85,328        38,182        6.3   $ 89,181        4.5     1,271   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Bartlett Towne Center


5995 Stage Road

  Bartlett   TN   38134-8311     27,625        1.6   $ 54,921        27,833        0.8   $ 56,673        3.2     977   

Commons at Dexter Lake


4770 Germantown Road Extended

  Memphis   TN   38141-8529     26,383        10.5   $ 57,258        27,293        3.5   $ 58,920        2.9     933   

Summer Center


4310 Summer Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38122-4000     31,380        -5.3   $ 40,484        30,648        -2.3   $ 42,062        3.9     1,110   

Southaven Commons


1011 Goodman Road East

  Southaven   MS   38671-9505     15,032        51.1   $ 52,340        17,128        13.9   $ 54,323        3.8     532   

Oakbrook Square


11566 US Highway One

  North Palm
  FL   33408-3019     22,920        13.7   $ 63,900        24,494        6.9   $ 68,180        6.7     811   

Bluffs Square


4050 South US Highway One

  Jupiter   FL   33477-1123     13,098        18.0   $ 78,629        14,191        8.3   $ 84,586        7.6     463   

Prosperity Centre


2410-2480 PGA Boulevard

  Palm Beach
  FL   33410-3505     27,668        17.5   $ 65,300        29,737        7.5   $ 69,607        6.6     979   

Marco Town Center


1017-1093 N Collier Boulevard

  Marco Island   FL   34145-2539     8,776        18.7   $ 72,742        9,769        11.3   $ 78,554        8.0     310   

Sawgrass Promenade


1301-1391 South Military Trail

  FL   33442-7634     53,424        3.1   $ 47,175        55,096        3.1   $ 50,457        7.0     1,889   

Boynton Plaza


113-155 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-4209     46,941        9.4   $ 49,399        49,702        5.9   $ 52,699        6.7     1,660   

Boca Village Square


21116-21230 Saint Andrews Blvd

  Boca Raton   FL   33433-2404     39,191        -2.5   $ 69,945        39,732        1.4   $ 73,878        5.6     1,386   

Kirkman Shoppes


4786 South Kirkman Road

  Orlando   FL   32811-3643     40,813        32.7   $ 47,767        45,596        11.7   $ 49,902        4.5     1,443   

Ross Plaza


8404-8787 W Hillsborough Ave

  Tampa   FL   33615-3808     30,774        9.8   $ 49,543        33,014        7.3   $ 52,283        5.5     1,088   

Shoppes of Jonathan’s Landing


3900 Indiantown Road

  Jupiter   FL   33477-5085     16,442        13.3   $ 68,532        17,676        7.5   $ 73,215        6.8     582   

Shoppes at Westbury


9526 SW 137th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33186-2200     64,055        10.3   $ 57,205        67,375        5.2   $ 61,242        7.1     2,265   

Plymouth Park North


1625 North Story Road

  Irving   TX   75061-1929     51,421        -3.4   $ 44,996        51,093        -0.6   $ 45,880        2.0     1,819   

Benbrook Square


8201 Camp Bowie West

  Fort Worth   TX   76116-6317     32,636        15.8   $ 40,927        35,687        9.4   $ 42,775        4.5     1,154   

Townsend Square


901 North Polk Street

  Desoto   TX   75115-4013     20,684        32.9   $ 51,748        22,719        9.8   $ 52,418        1.3     732   

Plymouth Park West


2800 West Irving Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75061-4237     49,120        -4.2   $ 44,462        48,691        -0.9   $ 45,292        1.9     1,737   

Copperfield Crossing


15520 FM 529 Road

  Houston   TX   77041-2704     37,090        21.0   $ 72,371        39,995        7.8   $ 77,078        6.5     1,312   

Augusta Exchange


207 Robert C Daniel Jr Parkway

  Augusta   GA   30909-0800     23,532        4.2   $ 51,534        24,099        2.4   $ 53,973        4.7     832   

Mission Bend Center


6805 Highway Six South

  Houston   TX   77083-3301     47,031        24.0   $ 56,882        51,893        10.3   $ 60,206        5.8     1,663   

Grogan’s Mill Center


536 Sawdust Road

  Spring   TX   77380-2245     17,308        29.3   $ 71,148        19,674        13.7   $ 75,878        6.6     612   

Steeplechase Center


9503 Jones Road

  Houston   TX   77065-4814     32,825        21.4   $ 75,050        35,868        9.3   $ 80,874        7.8     1,161   

Village By The Parks


4115 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76015-4158     43,854        9.7   $ 59,501        47,170        7.6   $ 62,089        4.3     1,551   

Woodforest Center


12620 Woodforest Boulevard

  Houston   TX   77015-3489     28,335        3.6   $ 45,810        29,328        3.5   $ 48,518        5.9     1,002   

Beechcrest Center


10815 Beechnut Street

  Houston   TX   77072-4332     81,415        12.5   $ 37,352        87,452        7.4   $ 39,146        4.8     2,879   

Sterling Plaza


2904 North Beltline Road

  Dallas   TX   75062-5247     42,314        -3.5   $ 45,510        42,107        -0.5   $ 46,427        2.0     1,497   

Plymouth Park South


2440 West Irving Boulevard

  Irving   TX   75061-4255     50,978        -3.6   $ 44,901        50,610        -0.7   $ 45,767        1.9     1,803   

Wurzbach Center


10103 Wurzbach Road

  San Antonio   TX   78230-2215     61,155        16.8   $ 42,055        66,604        8.9   $ 43,516        3.5     2,163   

Plymouth Park East


2200 West Grauwyler Road

  Irving   TX   75061-4350     51,127        -3.5   $ 44,942        50,767        -0.7   $ 45,823        2.0     1,808   

Northwoods Center


1321 County Road 581

  Zephyrhills   FL   33543     14,759        164.5   $ 81,432        17,170        16.3   $ 89,209        9.6     522   

Conn’s Building


301 17th Street

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-7301     24,025        1.4   $ 36,845        24,306        1.2   $ 38,949        5.7     850   

Land-I-45 Telephone Road


Telephone Road

  Houston   TX   77023     47,625        10.7   $ 31,565        50,470        6.0   $ 34,060        7.9     1,684   

Old Phoenix National Bank

      OH       14,928        16.8   $ 65,895        15,841        6.1   $ 69,274        5.1     528   

Venice Pines Plaza


1254 Jacaranda Boulevard

  Venice   FL   34292-4508     20,856        23.6   $ 49,868        23,305        11.7   $ 54,034        8.4     738   

White Oak


15 South Dupont Highway

  Dover   DE   19901-7430     17,198        17.3   $ 44,954        18,656        8.5   $ 47,097        4.8     608   

Starke-US 301/SR 100


209 South Temple Avenue

  Starke   FL   32091-3936     3,365        6.4   $ 38,230        3,480        3.4   $ 40,729        6.5     119   

Ridge Road/US Highway One


Ridge Road

  Orlando   FL       41,965        8.4   $ 43,720        44,853        6.9   $ 47,695        9.1     1,484   

Advanced Auto-Covington


2401 Madison Avenue

  Covington   KY   41014-1665     41,474        1.1   $ 40,325        41,694        0.5   $ 42,948        6.5     1,467   

Advanced Auto-Elsmere


3715 Dixie Highway

  Elsmere   KY   41018     25,980        6.0   $ 51,342        26,941        3.7   $ 53,729        4.6     919   

Advanced Auto-Newport


2124 Monmouth Road

  Newport   KY   41071-2627     42,848        -0.2   $ 40,469        42,744        -0.2   $ 43,011        6.3     1,515   

Atlantic City


1723 Pacific Avenue

  Atlantic City   NJ   08401-6889     20,131        -1.6   $ 37,044        19,944        -0.9   $ 39,875        7.6     712   

Bayshore & Breakwater


3233 Bayshore Road

  North Cape
  NJ   08204-3709     7,857        -12.1   $ 53,067        7,281        -7.3   $ 59,438        12.0     278   

Regency Milford Center


824 Main Street

  Milford   OH   45150-1726     10,551        5.5   $ 64,263        10,744        1.8   $ 67,289        4.7     373   



1151 Mae Street

  Hummelstown   PA   17036-9186     12,341        9.5   $ 66,686        12,690        2.8   $ 71,549        7.3     436   



1195 Remount Road

  Charleston   SC   29406-3528     14,571        12.6   $ 33,890        15,615        7.2   $ 37,134        9.6     515   



201 North Main Street

  Lancaster   SC   29720-2178     9,183        20.9   $ 31,373        10,147        10.5   $ 31,771        1.3     325   


    Nashville   TN       31,471        2.3   $ 32,110        31,750        0.9   $ 34,238        6.6     1,113   

Nolensville/Thompson Lane


2819 Nolensville Pike

  Nashville   TN   37211-2220     32,477        2.3   $ 37,458        32,959        1.5   $ 39,388        5.2     1,149   

Tulip Grove/Old Hockory


5006 Old Hickory Boulevard

  Nashville   TN   37218-4019     522        22.3   $ 61,895        564        8.1   $ 67,276        8.7     18   

West End Avenue


3010 West End Avenue

  Nashville   TN   37203-1318     42,560        3.6   $ 39,102        43,243        1.6   $ 41,800        6.9     1,505   

Highway 41/Highway 55


701 Hillsboro Boulevard

  Manchester   TN   37355-2021     5,221        21.3   $ 38,973        5,596        7.2   $ 40,824        4.7     185   

Dickson-Highway 46/Highway 70


702 East College Street

  Dickson   TN   37055-2032     6,053        9.1   $ 39,925        6,282        3.8   $ 41,758        4.6     214   



3110 High Street

  Portsmouth   VA   23707-3427     31,026        -2.5   $ 45,086        30,391        -2.1   $ 49,810        10.5     1,097   

Big Bethal/Mercury


3401 West Mercury Boulevard

  Hampton   VA   23666-3704     34,918        1.0   $ 45,033        34,796        -0.4   $ 48,423        7.5     1,235   

Harris Crossing


Harris Road

  Wake Forest   NC   27587     9,379        79.1   $ 67,397        10,927        16.5   $ 73,426        8.9     332   

Parkway Pointe


2458 SW Cary Parkway

  Cary   NC   27513-5318     30,825        38.7   $ 90,698        35,186        14.2   $ 96,530        6.4     1,090   

Wakefield Commons


14460 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8227     14,391        172.5   $ 77,878        16,736        16.3   $ 84,832        8.9     509   

Snellville Pavilion


2059 Scenic Highway North

  Snellville   GA   30078-6142     19,582        27.0   $ 76,691        21,903        11.9   $ 78,754        2.7     693   

Wakefield Commons II


10600 Common Oaks Drive

  Raleigh   NC   27614-6824     14,185        182.9   $ 78,522        16,493        16.3   $ 85,363        8.7     502   

Tomball Crossing


22529 State Highway 249

  Houston   TX   77070-1532     24,403        38.4   $ 93,847        26,634        9.1   $ 100,653        7.3     863   

Hillsborough Promenade


315 US Highway 206

  Hillsborough   NJ   08844-4625     13,823        4.4   $ 92,964        14,095        2.0   $ 100,858        8.5     489   

Whataburger Parcel


Interstate 10

  Houston   TX   77084     26,064        33.5   $ 67,678        28,592        9.7   $ 71,583        5.8     922   

Val Vista Towne Center


1475 East Warner Road

  Gilbert   AZ   85296-3142     41,074        60.6   $ 86,614        47,779        16.3   $ 93,898        8.4     1,453   

Lake Pointe Market


8805 Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX   75088-4532     14,273        40.1   $ 80,520        16,152        13.2   $ 84,405        4.8     505   

Red Mountain Gateway


10845 North Tatum Boulevard

  Phoenix   AZ   85028-3055     32,498        5.0   $ 71,582        34,929        7.5   $ 75,710        5.8     1,149   

Thorncreek Crossing


1001 East 120th Avenue

  Thornton   CO   80233-5711     46,560        30.6   $ 66,729        51,964        11.6   $ 70,095        5.0     1,647   

Land-San Diego

    San Diego   CA       409        9.7   $ 100,357        437        6.9   $ 112,842        12.4     14   



1110 West Elliot Road

  Tempe   AZ   85284-1107     48,963        9.3   $ 61,511        53,497        9.3   $ 64,712        5.2     1,732   

Mesa Pavilions


7032 East Hampton Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85208-3303     41,641        30.9   $ 54,819        46,716        12.2   $ 60,045        9.5     1,473   

Boca Lyons Plaza


9082 Glades Road

  Boca Raton   FL   33434-3902     41,691        -2.2   $ 65,332        42,377        1.7   $ 69,751        6.8     1,475   

West Valley Marketplace


1091 Millcreek Road

  Allentown   PA   18106-9157     16,948        45.5   $ 79,412        18,682        10.2   $ 84,698        6.7     599   

Calvine Crossings


8250 Calvine Road

  Sacramento   CA   95826-9313     52,760        22.9   $ 68,068        58,580        11.0   $ 73,795        8.4     1,866   

Mulberry & Lemay Crossing


1250 East Magnolia Street

  Fort Collins   CO   80524-2754     25,727        4.4   $ 39,963        26,773        4.1   $ 41,280        3.3     910   

Marketplace at Towne Center


18855 LBJ Freeway

  Mesquite   TX   75150-6410     34,932        0.2   $ 47,563        35,316        1.1   $ 48,212        1.4     1,235   

Frisco Marketplace


7010 Preston Road

  Frisco   TX   75034-5869     24,369        126.2   $ 89,612        29,773        22.2   $ 94,508        5.5     862   

Hamilton Marketplace


130 Marketplace Boulevard

  Hamilton   NJ   08691-2123     16,803        8.8   $ 86,090        17,272        2.8   $ 93,017        8.0     594   

Winter Park Corners


1989 Aloma Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32792-3222     38,252        -2.0   $ 50,800        38,824        1.5   $ 54,719        7.7     1,353   

Southgate Village


1944 Montgomery Highway South

  Birmingham   AL   35244-1141     18,988        19.6   $ 63,724        20,513        8.0   $ 67,050        5.2     672   

Trace Crossing


2304 John Hawkins Parkway

  Hoover   AL   35244-3541     8,729        29.8   $ 95,453        9,543        9.3   $ 102,094        7.0     309   

Crossroads Commons


2905 Pearl Street

  Boulder   CO   80301-1130     37,511        1.6   $ 49,215        38,387        2.3   $ 51,671        5.0     1,327   

Willow Creek Center


8200 South Quebec Street

  Englewood   CO   80112-4411     37,746        13.9   $ 85,991        41,438        9.8   $ 88,392        2.8     1,335   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Overton Park Plaza


4650 SW Loop 820

  Fort Worth   TX   76109-4429     49,257        18.1   $ 46,890        54,131        9.9   $ 49,130        4.8     1,742   

Countryside Square Village


26583 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33761-4509     48,492        0.4   $ 47,260        49,330        1.7   $ 51,451        8.9     1,715   

Friendship Centre


5333 Wisconsin Avenue NW

  Washington   DC   20015-2050     76,634        3.4   $ 103,451        78,242        2.1   $ 118,479        14.5     2,710   

Johns Creek Towne Center


3620 Peachtree Parkway

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1029     18,590        44.8   $ 131,641        21,799        17.3   $ 143,286        8.8     657   

Pottstown Plaza


799 State Street

  Pottstown   PA   19464-5184     17,353        3.1   $ 52,407        17,638        1.6   $ 57,603        9.9     614   

Oak Hills Industrial Park I/II


5307 Industrial Oaks Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78735-8821     29,486        20.9   $ 65,053        32,746        11.1   $ 67,714        4.1     1,043   

Merchants Walk


3615 South Florida Avenue

  Lakeland   FL   33801-4876     27,516        15.1   $ 47,588        30,052        9.2   $ 52,163        9.6     973   

Plaza at Citrus Park


12601-12897 Citrus Plaza Drive

  Tampa   FL   33625-3008     31,060        27.5   $ 66,324        35,033        12.8   $ 72,522        9.3     1,099   

Brandon Town Center


101-235 Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-5101     29,414        38.7   $ 55,092        34,083        15.9   $ 60,075        9.0     1,040   

New York Square


4332 Fox Valley Center Dr

  Aurora   IL   60504-4115     32,451        20.7   $ 85,701        35,019        7.9   $ 90,040        5.1     1,148   

Wolfchase Galleria


2810 North Germantown Parkway

  Memphis   TN   38133-8149     22,677        17.3   $ 70,446        24,437        7.8   $ 74,879        6.3     802   

Centrum at Crossroads


2370 Walnut Street

  Cary   NC   27511-9210     25,240        19.6   $ 55,244        27,947        10.7   $ 57,323        3.8     893   

Parkway Plaza


520-640 Ed Noble Parkway

  Norman   OK   73072-4875     23,563        8.0   $ 47,571        24,793        5.2   $ 52,117        9.6     833   

Arbor Lakes


12905 Elm Creek Boulevard N

  Maple Grove   MN   55369-7043     19,589        20.5   $ 90,396        21,267        8.6   $ 97,470        7.8     693   

Four Peaks Plaza


16825 East Shea Boulevard

  AZ   85268-6668     7,475        25.7   $ 66,825        8,432        12.8   $ 71,376        6.8     264   

Boswell Towne Center


1201 North Saginaw Boulevard

  Saginaw   TX   76179-1145     14,788        118.2   $ 65,721        18,832        27.4   $ 70,159        6.8     523   

River Marketplace


4313 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy

  Lafayette   LA   70508-6703     21,909        15.4   $ 61,870        23,133        5.6   $ 67,041        8.4     775   



14635 Mount Airy Road

  Shrewsbury   PA   17361-1433     4,598        15.9   $ 64,861        4,949        7.6   $ 69,844        7.7     163   

Sunset Point 19


23674 US Highway 19 N

  Clearwater   FL   33765-1571     45,205        -1.0   $ 45,936        45,662        1.0   $ 49,770        8.3     1,599   

Shops of Huntcrest


1030 Old Peachtree Road NW

  Lawrenceville   GA   30043-3323     18,207        36.2   $ 77,906        20,912        14.9   $ 80,382        3.2     644   

Palm Valley Marketplace


14175 West Indian School Road

  Goodyear   AZ   85338-8407     17,547        115.2   $ 71,553        22,451        28.0   $ 76,649        7.1     621   

Lynn Haven


2310 South Highway 77

  Lynn Haven   FL   32444-4616     14,272        22.5   $ 62,132        15,865        11.2   $ 69,878        12.5     505   

Coles Center


Barker Cypress Road

  Houston   TX   77094     14,521        35.7   $ 84,418        16,615        14.4   $ 89,228        5.7     514   



2212 Bel Air Road

  Fallston   MD   21047-2718     6,709        9.9   $ 87,286        7,044        5.0   $ 96,655        10.7     237   

Oakwood Plaza


3401 Oakwood Boulevard

  Hollywood   FL   33020-7107     44,576        0.5   $ 46,733        45,775        2.7   $ 51,231        9.6     1,577   

Oakwood Business Center


3401 Oakwood Boulevard

  Hollywood   FL   33020-7107     44,576        0.5   $ 46,733        45,775        2.7   $ 51,231        9.6     1,577   

Millenia Plaza


4403 Millenia Plaza Way

  Orlando   FL   32839-2433     45,959        23.8   $ 38,009        51,632        12.3   $ 41,562        9.3     1,625   

Kendale Lakes Plaza


13855 SW 88th Street

  South Miami   FL   33186-1303     66,024        8.4   $ 57,293        69,711        5.6   $ 62,692        9.4     2,335   

Cross County Plaza


4356 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33409-3106     37,382        7.8   $ 37,663        39,637        6.0   $ 40,669        8.0     1,322   

Cypress Creek Station


6305 North Andrews Avenue

  FL   33309-2135     53,402        3.1   $ 46,702        55,449        3.8   $ 50,838        8.9     1,889   

Ryanwood Square


2040 58th Avenue

  Vero Beach   FL   32966-4646     14,487        22.1   $ 44,701        16,164        11.6   $ 48,071        7.5     512   

Hollywood Boulevard 6410


6410 Hollywood Boulevard

  Los Angeles   CA   90028-6204     165,572        4.2   $ 40,176        172,383        4.1   $ 44,231        10.1     5,856   

Saint John

    Saint John   MO       29,962        -0.1   $ 66,390        29,930        -0.1   $ 70,090        5.6     1,060   



4407 Northlake Boulevard

  Palm Beach
  FL   33410-6255     32,258        21.9   $ 54,305        35,848        11.1   $ 59,165        8.9     1,141   



1209 Main Street

  Jupiter   FL   33458-5241     21,163        45.4   $ 72,294        24,745        16.9   $ 78,917        9.2     748   

City Centre


140 Royal Palm Way

  Palm Beach
  FL   33480-4279     19,692        15.0   $ 38,502        21,489        9.1   $ 40,652        5.6     696   

Park Place


2320 Los Rios Boulevard

  Plano   TX   75074-3500     21,688        47.8   $ 71,527        25,738        18.7   $ 76,248        6.6     767   

Oaks Square


6855 Newberry Road

  Gainesville   FL   32605-4314     24,732        18.2   $ 44,287        27,131        9.7   $ 47,667        7.6     875   



470 Greensburg Commons

  Greensburg   IN   47240-9404     4,756        5.3   $ 42,770        4,856        2.1   $ 45,221        5.7     168   

CVS Plaza-Coral Way


2599 SW 147th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33185-4081     39,550        18.2   $ 61,248        43,251        9.4   $ 67,788        10.7     1,399   

Land-San Juan Capistrano

    San Juan
  CA       74,833        0.8   $ 53,776        76,792        2.6   $ 59,611        10.9     2,647   

Land-Shepherd Creek

    Farmington   UT       12,610        32.3   $ 77,589        14,344        13.8   $ 85,812        10.6     446   

Argyle Village


6001 Argyle Forest Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32244-6664     26,051        23.2   $ 51,855        29,162        11.9   $ 56,076        8.1     921   

Carrollwood Center


10025-10235 North Dale Mabry

  Tampa   FL   33618-4409     44,074        8.9   $ 46,776        47,004        6.7   $ 50,371        7.7     1,559   

Lakeland Industrial Center


5004 Great Oak Drive

  Lakeland   FL   33815     3,447        10.8   $ 48,233        3,699        7.3   $ 54,497        13.0     122   

Crescent Drive 6485


6485 Crescent Drive

  Atlanta   GA   30340     36,535        4.5   $ 44,826        38,211        4.6   $ 45,694        1.9     1,292   

Barker Cypress Marketplace


1414 Wirt Road

  Houston   TX   77055-4917     49,541        10.4   $ 47,236        52,833        6.7   $ 49,796        5.4     1,752   

Outland Business Center


4935 Outland Center Drive

  Memphis   TN   38118-6519     27,855        -2.9   $ 37,805        27,573        -1.0   $ 38,935        3.0     985   

Van Ness 1000


1000 Van Ness Avenue

  San Francisco   CA   94109-6914     214,218        2.3   $ 67,488        219,903        2.7   $ 74,092        9.8     7,576   

Park Plaza


820 North Western Avenue

  San Pedro   CA   90732-2426     37,908        2.9   $ 61,576        39,213        3.4   $ 67,469        9.6     1,341   



8703 West 63rd Street

  KS   66202-2817     44,188        1.5   $ 51,858        45,243        2.4   $ 54,602        5.3     1,563   

Shields Plaza


7307 South Shields Boulevard

  OK   73149-1514     31,437        2.2   $ 34,890        32,123        2.2   $ 38,197        9.5     1,112   

Crystal Center


155 Twin City Mall

  Crystal City   MO   63019-1736     7,753        17.5   $ 44,851        8,371        8.0   $ 48,346        7.8     274   

Powell Street Plaza


5795 Christie Avenue

  Emeryville   CA   94608-2412     86,733        2.7   $ 44,246        89,566        3.3   $ 48,281        9.1     3,068   

Sweetwater Plaza


4825 Sweetwater Boulevard

  Sugar Land   TX   77479-3098     24,520        30.8   $ 101,097        28,118        14.7   $ 108,592        7.4     867   

Santee Trolley Square


9846 Mission Gorge Road

  Santee   CA   92071-3834     35,980        0.4   $ 65,245        36,877        2.5   $ 72,522        11.2     1,273   

Westridge Center


26850 The Old Road

  Valencia   CA   91381-0661     22,794        29.7   $ 98,258        25,444        11.6   $ 110,531        12.5     806   



6615 Mahan Drive

  Tallahassee   FL   32308-1400     4,629        22.0   $ 93,364        5,095        10.1   $ 103,717        11.1     164   



2800 Rosewood Drive

  Columbia   SC   29205-3459     30,606        9.3   $ 39,254        32,433        6.0   $ 42,097        7.2     1,082   

Wilde Lake


10451 Twin Rivers Road

  Columbia   MD   21044-2388     29,510        5.6   $ 94,192        30,564        3.6   $ 106,849        13.4     1,044   

Oakland Mills


5865 Robert Oliver Place

  Columbia   MD   21045-3745     35,704        6.1   $ 91,123        37,078        3.9   $ 102,452        12.4     1,263   

Harper’s Choice


5467 Harpers Farm Road

  Columbia   MD   21044-1104     23,213        8.7   $ 96,921        24,296        4.7   $ 111,069        14.6     821   

Long Reach


8775 Cloudleap Court

  Columbia   MD   21045-3044     33,629        11.6   $ 92,945        35,548        5.7   $ 105,519        13.5     1,189   

Hickory Ridge


6420 Freetown Road

  Columbia   MD   21044-4005     28,140        7.3   $ 97,513        29,328        4.2   $ 111,928        14.8     995   

King’s Contrivance


8640 Guilford Road

  Columbia   MD   21046-2655     22,707        5.8   $ 102,258        23,566        3.8   $ 117,441        14.8     803   

Dorsey Search


4715 Dorsey Hall Drive

  Ellicott City   MD   21042-5975     29,587        7.1   $ 91,690        30,794        4.1   $ 103,052        12.4     1,046   

River Hill


6030 Daybreak Circle

  Clarksville   MD   21029-1642     11,955        12.6   $ 122,877        12,700        6.2   $ 140,826        14.6     423   

Dobbin Center


6435 Dobbin Road

  Columbia   MD   21045-5821     33,314        10.0   $ 92,129        35,013        5.1   $ 104,439        13.4     1,178   

Columbia Crossing


6231 Columbia Crossing Drive

  Columbia   MD   21045-8201     31,082        10.7   $ 92,270        32,753        5.4   $ 104,781        13.6     1,099   



7185 Columbia Gateway Drive

  Columbia   MD   21046-2118     25,949        9.0   $ 92,287        27,164        4.7   $ 105,078        13.9     918   



229 Springer Drive

  Bangor   ME   04401-3622     8,692        8.7   $ 37,212        9,051        4.1   $ 40,257        8.2     307   

Fairway Plaza II


5692 Fairmont Parkway

  Pasadena   TX   77505-3904     28,200        6.9   $ 55,020        29,642        5.1   $ 60,035        9.1     997   

New Hope Commons


5428-B New Hope Commons Drive

  Durham   NC   27707-9716     16,220        11.1   $ 61,519        17,359        7.0   $ 65,663        6.7     574   

Hamstra Square


1020 East Pecos Road

  Chandler   AZ   85225-2424     38,953        42.4   $ 71,973        45,330        16.4   $ 79,539        10.5     1,378   

Gilbert Fiesta


115 E Williams Field Road

  Gilbert   AZ   85296-5231     34,188        99.6   $ 88,039        42,909        25.5   $ 96,284        9.4     1,209   

Congressional Plaza-Apts


154 Congressional Lane

  Rockville   MD   20852-1539     49,908        8.1   $ 89,134        51,939        4.1   $ 98,841        10.9     1,765   

Parkwest Crossing


4900 NC Highway 55

  Durham   NC   27713-7806     16,591        47.9   $ 60,947        19,425        17.1   $ 63,095        3.5     587   


  AZ       7        0.0   $ 62,500        7        0.0   $ 65,625        5.0     0   

Pioneer Hills


5400 South Parker Road

  Aurora   CO   80015-1136     30,308        21.8   $ 79,168        33,230        9.6   $ 83,010        4.9     1,072   

Studio B


4460 North Buckboard Trail

  Scottsdale   AZ   85251-3410     41,238        2.1   $ 51,692        43,240        4.9   $ 55,589        7.5     1,458   

Cashmere Corners


906 SW Saint Lucie West Blvd

  Port Saint
  FL   34986-1766     25,284        85.1   $ 48,855        31,725        25.5   $ 54,320        11.2     894   



4906 North Jupiter Road

  Garland   TX   75044-5464     37,390        3.4   $ 65,642        38,680        3.5   $ 68,188        3.9     1,322   



1003 East Commercial Boulevard

  FL   33334-3957     60,748        1.5   $ 49,865        62,797        3.4   $ 55,410        11.1     2,149   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Overton Park Plaza


4650 SW Loop 820

  Fort Worth   TX   76109-4429     47,295        13.5   $ 47,629        51,306        8.5   $ 49,598        4.1     1,673   

Countryside Square Village


26583 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33761-4509     47,131        -2.2   $ 48,213        46,837        -0.6   $ 51,820        7.5     1,667   

Friendship Centre


5333 Wisconsin Avenue NW

  Washington   DC   20015-2050     77,214        4.9   $ 107,887        78,720        2.0   $ 120,153        11.4     2,731   

Johns Creek Towne Center


3620 Peachtree Parkway

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1029     18,197        43.0   $ 136,648        21,160        16.3   $ 148,256        8.5     644   

Pottstown Plaza


799 State Street

  Pottstown   PA   19464-5184     17,168        3.7   $ 54,584        17,311        0.8   $ 59,079        8.2     607   

Oak Hills Industrial Park I/II


5307 Industrial Oaks Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78735-8821     29,107        20.4   $ 66,213        32,058        10.1   $ 68,038        2.8     1,029   

Merchants Walk


3615 South Florida Avenue

  Lakeland   FL   33801-4876     27,772        15.6   $ 47,706        30,315        9.2   $ 50,773        6.4     982   

Plaza at Citrus Park


12601-12897 Citrus Plaza Drive

  Tampa   FL   33625-3008     31,069        26.2   $ 66,716        34,367        10.6   $ 71,723        7.5     1,099   

Brandon Town Center


101-235 Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-5101     30,102        42.3   $ 55,740        33,874        12.5   $ 59,726        7.2     1,065   

New York Square


4332 Fox Valley Center Dr

  Aurora   IL   60504-4115     32,601        21.8   $ 87,965        34,710        6.5   $ 91,966        4.5     1,153   

Wolfchase Galleria


2810 North Germantown Parkway

  Memphis   TN   38133-8149     22,463        16.9   $ 71,079        23,726        5.6   $ 75,198        5.8     794   

Centrum at Crossroads


2370 Walnut Street

  Cary   NC   27511-9210     26,493        24.2   $ 57,054        29,989        13.2   $ 58,605        2.7     937   

Parkway Plaza


520-640 Ed Noble Parkway

  Norman   OK   73072-4875     23,442        7.4   $ 48,714        24,429        4.2   $ 54,241        11.3     829   

Arbor Lakes


12905 Elm Creek Boulevard N

  Maple Grove   MN   55369-7043     19,234        19.6   $ 92,469        20,318        5.6   $ 98,251        6.3     680   

Four Peaks Plaza


16825 East Shea Boulevard

  AZ   85268-6668     7,609        26.3   $ 68,361        8,689        14.2   $ 72,484        6.0     269   

Boswell Towne Center


1201 North Saginaw Boulevard

  Saginaw   TX   76179-1145     15,922        133.1   $ 67,690        18,164        14.1   $ 72,614        7.3     563   

River Marketplace


4313 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy

  Lafayette   LA   70508-6703     21,815        15.7   $ 64,726        23,361        7.1   $ 69,426        7.3     772   



14635 Mount Airy Road

  Shrewsbury   PA   17361-1433     4,728        17.7   $ 66,488        5,047        6.8   $ 70,698        6.3     167   

Sunset Point 19


23674 US Highway 19 N

  Clearwater   FL   33765-1571     44,576        -2.5   $ 46,832        44,278        -0.7   $ 49,992        6.7     1,577   

Shops of Huntcrest


1030 Old Peachtree Road NW

  Lawrenceville   GA   30043-3323     18,803        40.8   $ 80,419        21,350        13.6   $ 82,729        2.9     665   

Palm Valley Marketplace


14175 West Indian School Road

  Goodyear   AZ   85338-8407     19,437        140.1   $ 71,681        22,665        16.6   $ 77,307        7.8     687   

Lynn Haven


2310 South Highway 77

  Lynn Haven   FL   32444-4616     14,058        20.9   $ 62,483        15,385        9.4   $ 69,345        11.0     497   

Coles Center


Barker Cypress Road

  Houston   TX   77094     14,320        35.1   $ 86,107        16,035        12.0   $ 89,473        3.9     506   



2212 Bel Air Road

  Fallston   MD   21047-2718     6,619        9.3   $ 89,837        6,825        3.1   $ 99,159        10.4     234   

Oakwood Plaza


3401 Oakwood Boulevard

  Hollywood   FL   33020-7107     44,682        0.6   $ 47,129        45,553        2.0   $ 50,968        8.1     1,580   

Oakwood Business Center


3401 Oakwood Boulevard

  Hollywood   FL   33020-7107     44,682        0.6   $ 47,129        45,553        2.0   $ 50,968        8.1     1,580   

Millenia Plaza


4403 Millenia Plaza Way

  Orlando   FL   32839-2433     46,347        24.2   $ 38,493        50,941        9.9   $ 40,865        6.2     1,639   

Kendale Lakes Plaza


13855 SW 88th Street

  South Miami   FL   33186-1303     67,121        10.7   $ 58,198        70,663        5.3   $ 62,320        7.1     2,374   

Cross County Plaza


4356 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33409-3106     37,714        9.0   $ 38,281        39,873        5.7   $ 40,150        4.9     1,334   

Cypress Creek Station


6305 North Andrews Avenue

  FL   33309-2135     52,437        1.8   $ 47,152        53,747        2.5   $ 50,285        6.6     1,855   

Ryanwood Square


2040 58th Avenue

  Vero Beach   FL   32966-4646     14,409        22.2   $ 45,042        15,715        9.1   $ 47,540        5.5     510   

Hollywood Boulevard 6410


6410 Hollywood Boulevard

  Los Angeles   CA   90028-6204     164,551        4.0   $ 41,289        169,673        3.1   $ 44,848        8.6     5,820   

Saint John

    Saint John   MO       29,643        -1.0   $ 67,113        29,248        -1.3   $ 69,774        4.0     1,048   



4407 Northlake Boulevard

  Palm Beach
  FL   33410-6255     31,729        19.7   $ 54,818        34,474        8.7   $ 58,978        7.6     1,122   



1209 Main Street

  Jupiter   FL   33458-5241     22,258        48.2   $ 72,541        24,696        11.0   $ 78,156        7.7     787   

City Centre


140 Royal Palm Way

  Palm Beach
  FL   33480-4279     18,473        8.7   $ 39,282        19,397        5.0   $ 41,097        4.6     653   

Park Place


2320 Los Rios Boulevard

  Plano   TX   75074-3500     22,856        51.8   $ 72,513        26,973        18.0   $ 75,615        4.3     808   

Oaks Square


6855 Newberry Road

  Gainesville   FL   32605-4314     25,515        18.7   $ 46,111        27,504        7.8   $ 48,926        6.1     902   



470 Greensburg Commons

  Greensburg   IN   47240-9404     4,837        7.3   $ 43,441        4,936        2.1   $ 45,234        4.1     171   

CVS Plaza-Coral Way


2599 SW 147th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33185-4081     41,354        22.2   $ 62,482        44,248        7.0   $ 67,619        8.2     1,463   

Land-San Juan Capistrano

    San Juan
  CA       74,557        0.2   $ 55,355        76,101        2.1   $ 60,206        8.8     2,637   

Land-Shepherd Creek

    Farmington   UT       13,504        40.9   $ 80,241        15,304        13.3   $ 86,764        8.1     478   

Argyle Village


6001 Argyle Forest Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32244-6664     25,533        23.3   $ 52,862        28,278        10.8   $ 56,113        6.1     903   

Carrollwood Center


10025-10235 North Dale Mabry

  Tampa   FL   33618-4409     42,858        7.2   $ 47,143        45,685        6.6   $ 49,655        5.3     1,516   

Lakeland Industrial Center


5004 Great Oak Drive

  Lakeland   FL   33815     3,326        11.1   $ 49,133        3,588        7.9   $ 54,800        11.5     118   

Crescent Drive 6485


6485 Crescent Drive

  Atlanta   GA   30340     36,257        3.1   $ 45,818        37,603        3.7   $ 46,461        1.4     1,282   

Barker Cypress Marketplace


1414 Wirt Road

  Houston   TX   77055-4917     49,748        11.3   $ 48,610        53,156        6.9   $ 51,393        5.7     1,759   

Outland Business Center


4935 Outland Center Drive

  Memphis   TN   38118-6519     27,046        -5.4   $ 38,231        26,355        -2.6   $ 38,580        0.9     957   

Van Ness 1000


1000 Van Ness Avenue

  San Francisco   CA   94109-6914     224,428        7.3   $ 69,775        233,193        3.9   $ 76,008        8.9     7,938   

Park Plaza


820 North Western Avenue

  San Pedro   CA   90732-2426     37,943        3.4   $ 62,627        39,047        2.9   $ 67,300        7.5     1,342   



8703 West 63rd Street

  KS   66202-2817     43,701        0.2   $ 53,584        44,896        2.7   $ 56,277        5.0     1,546   

Shields Plaza


7307 South Shields Boulevard

  OK   73149-1514     31,639        2.5   $ 36,041        32,211        1.8   $ 38,473        6.7     1,119   

Crystal Center


155 Twin City Mall

  Crystal City   MO   63019-1736     7,888        20.5   $ 46,000        8,390        6.4   $ 48,756        6.0     279   

Powell Street Plaza


5795 Christie Avenue

  Emeryville   CA   94608-2412     87,375        3.4   $ 45,077        89,946        2.9   $ 48,522        7.6     3,090   

Sweetwater Plaza


4825 Sweetwater Boulevard

  Sugar Land   TX   77479-3098     23,709        30.1   $ 104,361        27,588        16.4   $ 110,744        6.1     839   

Santee Trolley Square


9846 Mission Gorge Road

  Santee   CA   92071-3834     36,125        1.0   $ 66,936        37,298        3.3   $ 73,920        10.4     1,278   

Westridge Center


26850 The Old Road

  Valencia   CA   91381-0661     23,212        34.9   $ 99,409        25,104        8.2   $ 108,461        9.1     821   



6615 Mahan Drive

  Tallahassee   FL   32308-1400     4,677        21.5   $ 93,251        5,091        8.9   $ 102,267        9.7     165   



2800 Rosewood Drive

  Columbia   SC   29205-3459     30,970        10.3   $ 40,243        32,829        6.0   $ 43,243        7.5     1,095   

Wilde Lake


10451 Twin Rivers Road

  Columbia   MD   21044-2388     29,406        5.7   $ 95,610        30,029        2.1   $ 105,619        10.5     1,040   

Oakland Mills


5865 Robert Oliver Place

  Columbia   MD   21045-3745     35,224        6.0   $ 92,721        36,025        2.3   $ 101,914        9.9     1,246   

Harper’s Choice


5467 Harpers Farm Road

  Columbia   MD   21044-1104     22,798        7.9   $ 97,782        23,467        2.9   $ 108,833        11.3     806   

Long Reach


8775 Cloudleap Court

  Columbia   MD   21045-3044     33,324        11.3   $ 94,347        34,635        3.9   $ 104,827        11.1     1,179   

Hickory Ridge


6420 Freetown Road

  Columbia   MD   21044-4005     27,987        7.1   $ 98,937        28,687        2.5   $ 110,195        11.4     990   

King’s Contrivance


8640 Guilford Road

  Columbia   MD   21046-2655     22,981        6.6   $ 105,298        23,481        2.2   $ 117,366        11.5     813   

Dorsey Search


4715 Dorsey Hall Drive

  Ellicott City   MD   21042-5975     30,077        8.1   $ 94,148        30,943        2.9   $ 103,622        10.1     1,064   

River Hill


6030 Daybreak Circle

  Clarksville   MD   21029-1642     11,471        11.2   $ 125,177        11,958        4.3   $ 142,555        13.9     406   

Dobbin Center


6435 Dobbin Road

  Columbia   MD   21045-5821     33,065        9.8   $ 93,881        34,189        3.4   $ 104,212        11.0     1,169   

Columbia Crossing


6231 Columbia Crossing Drive

  Columbia   MD   21045-8201     31,120        10.2   $ 93,830        32,217        3.5   $ 104,309        11.2     1,101   



7185 Columbia Gateway Drive

  Columbia   MD   21046-2118     25,649        8.4   $ 93,907        26,413        3.0   $ 104,884        11.7     907   



229 Springer Drive

  Bangor   ME   04401-3622     8,665        8.0   $ 38,395        8,866        2.3   $ 40,188        4.7     306   

Fairway Plaza II


5692 Fairmont Parkway

  Pasadena   TX   77505-3904     28,033        5.9   $ 56,823        29,423        5.0   $ 61,161        7.6     991   

New Hope Commons


5428-B New Hope Commons Drive

  Durham   NC   27707-9716     16,607        14.3   $ 63,011        17,880        7.7   $ 66,350        5.3     587   

Hamstra Square


1020 East Pecos Road

  Chandler   AZ   85225-2424     38,942        42.9   $ 73,563        44,405        14.0   $ 81,010        10.1     1,377   

Gilbert Fiesta


115 E Williams Field Road

  Gilbert   AZ   85296-5231     34,197        99.7   $ 89,710        39,737        16.2   $ 98,074        9.3     1,209   

Congressional Plaza-Apts


154 Congressional Lane

  Rockville   MD   20852-1539     50,465        9.5   $ 91,628        52,373        3.8   $ 99,985        9.1     1,785   

Parkwest Crossing


4900 NC Highway 55

  Durham   NC   27713-7806     17,268        52.9   $ 62,459        19,544        13.2   $ 64,836        3.8     611   


  AZ       7        0.0   $ 50,000        7        0.0   $ 58,333        16.7     0   

Pioneer Hills


5400 South Parker Road

  Aurora   CO   80015-1136     29,659        22.2   $ 79,247        32,161        8.4   $ 82,283        3.8     1,049   

Studio B


4460 North Buckboard Trail

  Scottsdale   AZ   85251-3410     40,475        -0.2   $ 52,985        42,559        5.2   $ 56,417        6.5     1,432   

Cashmere Corners


906 SW Saint Lucie West Blvd

  Port Saint
  FL   34986-1766     24,777        81.0   $ 49,116        29,433        18.8   $ 53,113        8.1     876   



4906 North Jupiter Road

  Garland   TX   75044-5464     37,591        4.5   $ 66,520        38,899        3.5   $ 68,450        2.9     1,330   



1003 East Commercial Boulevard

  FL   33334-3957     59,780        -0.4   $ 50,441        60,695        1.5   $ 55,060        9.2     2,114   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Aurora City Place


14200 East Alameda Avenue

  Aurora   CO   80012-2511     67,666        11.3   $ 44,220        72,093        6.5   $ 45,833        3.6     2,393   

Avent Ferry


3415 Avent Ferry Road

  Raleigh   NC   27606-3645     28,975        27.5   $ 38,843        32,786        13.2   $ 40,628        4.6     1,025   

Capital Square


3151 Capital Boulevard

  Raleigh   NC   27604-3335     34,502        30.8   $ 48,724        39,358        14.1   $ 51,298        5.3     1,220   

High House Crossing


2741 NC Highway 55 West

  Cary   NC   27519-6206     20,564        76.7   $ 104,912        25,191        22.5   $ 113,779        8.5     727   

Mineral Springs Village


3729 Holloway Street

  Durham   NC   27703-3634     10,831        20.9   $ 46,655        11,940        10.2   $ 48,635        4.2     383   

Northwoods Market


973 North Harrison Avenue

  Cary   NC   27513-3904     25,126        22.1   $ 66,321        28,123        11.9   $ 69,918        5.4     889   

Stonehenge Market


7444 Creedmoor Road

  Raleigh   NC   27613-1663     36,544        32.3   $ 64,664        41,964        14.8   $ 66,911        3.5     1,292   

Six Forks Station


5426 Six Forks Road

  Raleigh   NC   27609-4436     28,723        20.6   $ 68,474        32,045        11.6   $ 70,605        3.1     1,016   

Pitman Corners


1301 Custer Road

  Plano   TX   75075-7491     36,926        2.4   $ 69,182        38,480        4.2   $ 71,123        2.8     1,306   

Lakeland Marketplace


3525 Lakeland Highlands Road

  Lakeland   FL   33803-4386     25,465        14.6   $ 49,465        27,748        9.0   $ 54,977        11.1     901   



1901 Highway 138 SW

  Conyers   GA   30094-3117     8,126        17.5   $ 67,524        8,876        9.2   $ 69,344        2.7     287   

Johnson City Marketplace


180 Marketplace Drive

  Johnson City   TN   37604-8912     13,016        12.8   $ 41,931        13,914        6.9   $ 45,001        7.3     460   

Flatacres Marketcenter


11425 South Twenty Mile Road

  Parker   CO   80134-4918     19,159        95.3   $ 91,163        24,271        26.7   $ 96,060        5.4     678   

Overland Pointe Marketplace


8420 West 135th Street

  KS   66223-1158     32,418        39.8   $ 102,498        37,117        14.5   $ 109,037        6.4     1,147   


    Lawrenceville   GA       30,815        31.9   $ 54,897        35,189        14.2   $ 55,534        1.2     1,090   

Land-City Centre (Centerfund)


140 Royal Palm Way

  Palm Beach
  FL   33480-4279     19,692        15.0   $ 38,502        21,489        9.1   $ 40,652        5.6     696   

Georgesville Square


1585 Georgesville Square Road

  Columbus   OH   43228-3777     28,442        11.0   $ 45,018        29,882        5.1   $ 47,578        5.7     1,006   

Dowlen Center


3975 Dowlen Road

  Beaumont   TX   77706-6848     22,034        0.2   $ 45,444        22,140        0.5   $ 48,082        5.8     779   

Salerno Village Square


3320 SE Salerano Road

  Stuart   FL   34997-6719     16,454        15.3   $ 51,678        17,868        8.6   $ 57,583        11.4     582   

Heather Island


7578 SE Maricamp Road

  Ocala   FL   34472-4273     8,133        34.1   $ 36,353        9,363        15.1   $ 39,248        8.0     288   

Blanco Village


1150 NW Loop 1604

  San Antonio   TX   78248-4503     29,086        51.5   $ 87,725        34,303        17.9   $ 93,732        6.8     1,029   


    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   

Hillsboro Market Center


849 NE 25th Street

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-5975     28,637        33.3   $ 66,161        32,481        13.4   $ 71,705        8.4     1,013   

Tall Oaks Village Center


12040 North Shore Drive

  Reston   VA   20190-4987     30,643        7.5   $ 109,579        31,872        4.0   $ 121,870        11.2     1,084   

Woodlands Marketplace


8310 East 71st Street South

  Tulsa   OK   74133-2932     36,757        6.2   $ 57,353        38,206        3.9   $ 61,777        7.7     1,300   

Wellness Center-Hamburg


202 South Third Street

  Hamburg   PA   19526-1845     3,913        6.3   $ 53,369        4,058        3.7   $ 57,991        8.7     138   

Land-West Mifflin

    West Mifflin   PA       85,010        -5.5   $ 32,095        82,321        -3.2   $ 34,505        7.5     3,007   

Islands Plaza


4717 South Padre Island Drive

  TX   78411-4446     47,728        4.1   $ 44,774        48,964        2.6   $ 47,198        5.4     1,688   


      TX       56,290        15.1   $ 48,973        61,122        8.6   $ 54,238        10.8     1,991   



4260 SW 152nd Avenue

  Miami   FL   33185-5252     45,887        18.9   $ 58,420        50,268        9.6   $ 64,832        11.0     1,623   



3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     19,988        47.0   $ 41,232        23,436        17.3   $ 45,155        9.5     707   

Lowry Town Center


200 Quebec Street

  Denver   CO   80230-7144     84,796        7.3   $ 45,870        88,701        4.6   $ 48,452        5.6     2,999   

Land-Hollywood II

    Hollywood   FL       65,442        -1.4   $ 40,571        66,625        1.8   $ 44,016        8.5     2,315   

Westminster Plaza


7353 Federal Boulevard

  Westminster   CO   80030-4903     42,738        -7.6   $ 46,836        41,894        -2.0   $ 48,858        4.3     1,512   


    Leesburg   FL       4,787        43.5   $ 38,837        5,639        17.8   $ 41,864        7.8     169   


    Melbourne   FL       12,410        56.9   $ 73,600        14,677        18.3   $ 82,124        11.6     439   

Lake Washington Square


2447 Wickham Road

  Melbourne   FL   32935-8100     24,729        9.8   $ 49,772        26,357        6.6   $ 55,954        12.4     875   

Valleydale Village


5188 Caldwell Mill Road

  Birmingham   AL   35244-1915     13,149        11.7   $ 80,415        13,993        6.4   $ 86,995        8.2     465   

Shops of San Marco


13860 South Jog Road

  Delray Beach   FL   33446-5902     38,149        10.4   $ 49,747        40,758        6.8   $ 55,371        11.3     1,349   

Murray Landing


2732 North Lake Drive

  Columbia   SC   29212-8733     10,124        13.8   $ 76,236        10,846        7.1   $ 81,717        7.2     358   

Pelham Commons


215 Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615-2546     28,480        8.1   $ 42,785        30,118        5.8   $ 44,750        4.6     1,007   

Main Street Center


309 West Main Street

  Frisco   TX   75034-4305     13,762        443.1   $ 86,900        19,397        41.0   $ 96,563        11.1     487   

Shoppes of Ibis


10130 Northlake Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33412-1101     2,584        43.9   $ 91,753        3,006        16.3   $ 99,686        8.6     91   

Shoppes of Eastwood


1921 South Alafaya Trail

  Orlando   FL   32828-8732     23,866        102.9   $ 73,922        29,953        25.5   $ 81,876        10.8     844   

Tropicana Beltway Center


5060 South Fort Apache Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89148-1716     41,804        70.2   $ 73,509        50,252        20.2   $ 81,527        10.9     1,479   

Lynx Lane Village Center


5430 Lynx Lane

  Columbia   MD   21044-2302     28,306        6.1   $ 94,262        29,352        3.7   $ 107,043        13.6     1,001   

Shopping Center-Chattanooga


2200 Hamilton Place Boulevard

  Chattanooga   TN   37421-6021     16,597        21.8   $ 47,597        18,170        9.5   $ 50,647        6.4     587   

Shopping Center-Jackson


6388 Ridgewood Court Drive

  Jackson   MS   39211-1800     24,319        3.6   $ 46,484        24,630        1.3   $ 48,645        4.6     860   

Shopping Center-Jacksonville


11111 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32223-7946     25,587        14.5   $ 66,305        27,774        8.6   $ 71,140        7.3     905   

Shopping Center-Columbia


7000 Arundel Mills Circle

  Hanover   MD   21076-1282     13,026        15.0   $ 81,966        13,866        6.5   $ 92,893        13.3     461   

Shopping Center-Dallas


11250 North Central Expressway

  Dallas   TX   75243-6702     74,947        1.5   $ 42,512        76,688        2.3   $ 43,988        3.5     2,651   

Shopping Center-Hollywood


1922 South University Drive

  Miramar   FL   33025-2230     53,986        3.1   $ 51,683        55,910        3.6   $ 56,954        10.2     1,909   

Shopping Center-Greensburg


970 East Pittsburgh Street

  Greensburg   PA   15601-3519     17,397        1.1   $ 46,555        17,419        0.1   $ 50,629        8.8     615   

East Windsor Village


72 Princeton-Hightstown Road

  East Windsor   NJ   08520-1935     13,866        7.1   $ 85,104        14,331        3.4   $ 93,898        10.3     490   

Home Depot Center


413 East 23rd Street

  Panama City   FL   32405-4574     19,609        7.4   $ 44,770        20,658        5.4   $ 50,460        12.7     694   

Fossil Creek


4400 Western Center Boulevard

  Fort Worth   TX   76137-2044     37,769        50.2   $ 69,677        44,365        17.5   $ 74,925        7.5     1,336   

Lakepointe Crossing


2460 South Stemmons Freeway

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8755     33,348        31.0   $ 67,467        38,156        14.4   $ 71,552        6.1     1,179   

Harbison Court


278 Harbison Boulevard

  Columbia   SC   29212-2243     19,650        10.9   $ 58,660        21,016        7.0   $ 61,884        5.5     695   

Riverchase Promenade


1765 Montgomery Highway South

  Birmingham   AL   35244-1215     23,318        7.9   $ 65,321        24,286        4.2   $ 69,878        7.0     825   

Eastgate Plaza


8125 East Kellog Drive

  Wichita   KS   67207-1809     31,314        3.7   $ 45,819        32,188        2.8   $ 47,625        3.9     1,108   

Perry Hall Super Fresh


8905 Belair Road

  Nottingham   MD   21236-2406     35,309        10.6   $ 66,810        37,094        5.1   $ 72,946        9.2     1,249   

Cherrydale Point


3251 North Pleasantbur Drive

  Greenville   SC   29609-2900     22,304        4.0   $ 34,505        23,138        3.7   $ 36,844        6.8     789   

Rice Creek Village


4611 Hardscrabble Road

  Columbia   SC   29229-8584     15,416        72.2   $ 73,980        18,633        20.9   $ 79,812        7.9     545   

North Canyon Ranch


8021 North 35th Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85051-5867     72,673        4.3   $ 41,502        76,443        5.2   $ 44,067        6.2     2,570   

Alden Bridge Village


8000 Research Forest Drive

  TX   77382-1504     20,058        67.9   $ 137,703        24,256        20.9   $ 152,700        10.9     709   

Cochran’s Crossing Village


4747 Research Forest Drive

  TX   77381-4912     22,412        34.8   $ 112,968        25,765        15.0   $ 122,788        8.7     793   

Panther Creek Village


4775 West Panther Creek Drive

  TX   77381-3592     20,855        26.0   $ 105,734        23,503        12.7   $ 115,183        8.9     738   

Sterling Ridge Village


6700 Woodlands Parkway

  TX   77382-2575     21,502        62.1   $ 125,817        25,835        20.2   $ 137,584        9.4     760   



225 Brierhill Drive

  Bel Air   MD   21015-4941     21,844        18.3   $ 79,728        23,524        7.7   $ 88,785        11.4     773   

Chino Hills Marketplace


4200 Chino Hills Parkway

  Chino Hills   CA   91709-3776     23,992        7.4   $ 93,717        25,478        6.2   $ 105,831        12.9     849   

Valencia Crossroads


24200 Valencia Boulevard

  Valencia   CA   91355-5391     26,960        23.2   $ 95,697        29,659        10.0   $ 107,854        12.7     954   

Gelson’s Westlake Market Plaza


2734 Townsgate Road

  CA   91361-2906     17,591        2.5   $ 96,946        18,151        3.2   $ 106,740        10.1     622   

Dulles Town Crossing


45575 Dulles Eastern Plaza

  Sterling   VA   20166-8924     29,635        32.3   $ 92,697        34,106        15.1   $ 101,501        9.5     1,048   

Marysville Towne Center


11401 State Avenue

  Marysville   WA   98271-7210     14,819        14.3   $ 63,321        15,928        7.5   $ 69,285        9.4     524   

Franklin Park Mall


5628 North Division

  Spokane   WA   99208-1251     46,673        1.7   $ 38,032        47,615        2.0   $ 41,435        8.9     1,651   



285 Lake Merced Boulevard

  Daly City   CA   94015-3113     61,995        -1.7   $ 75,638        62,586        1.0   $ 83,663        10.6     2,193   

Maple Hill


5050 West Main Street

  Kalamazoo   MI   49009-3310     23,681        7.3   $ 34,407        24,527        3.6   $ 35,271        2.5     838   

Stafford Plaza


11814-11930 Wilcrest Drive

  Houston   TX   77031-1920     51,194        13.3   $ 41,723        55,311        8.0   $ 44,456        6.6     1,811   

Village By The Parks II


4201 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76015-4196     41,594        6.1   $ 60,320        43,596        4.8   $ 63,526        5.3     1,471   

University Park


8801 University Avenue

  Des Moines   IA   50325-6247     38,966        12.8   $ 61,541        41,702        7.0   $ 65,299        6.1     1,378   

Newbury Street 127-129


127 Newbury Street

  Boston   MA   02116-2905     192,655        1.7   $ 52,462        194,876        1.2   $ 58,729        11.9     6,814   

Bleecker Street 387


387 Bleecker Street

  New York   NY   10014-2452     467,678        6.5   $ 70,105        483,132        3.3   $ 79,361        13.2     16,541   

Montgomery Square


1261 Knapp Road

  North Wales   PA   19454-1831     24,929        7.8   $ 78,489        25,830        3.6   $ 86,764        10.5     882   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Aurora City Place


14200 East Alameda Avenue

  Aurora   CO   80012-2511     64,401        6.5   $ 43,957        68,495        6.4   $ 45,023        2.4     2,278   

Avent Ferry


3415 Avent Ferry Road

  Raleigh   NC   27606-3645     30,845        34.9   $ 40,771        35,566        15.3   $ 42,126        3.3     1,091   

Capital Square


3151 Capital Boulevard

  Raleigh   NC   27604-3335     35,896        36.5   $ 49,998        41,620        16.0   $ 51,934        3.9     1,270   

High House Crossing


2741 NC Highway 55 West

  Cary   NC   27519-6206     23,253        97.7   $ 107,326        27,254        17.2   $ 116,380        8.4     822   

Mineral Springs Village


3729 Holloway Street

  Durham   NC   27703-3634     11,368        28.4   $ 48,523        12,577        10.6   $ 50,365        3.8     402   

Northwoods Market


973 North Harrison Avenue

  Cary   NC   27513-3904     26,064        28.1   $ 68,024        29,179        12.0   $ 70,984        4.4     922   

Stonehenge Market


7444 Creedmoor Road

  Raleigh   NC   27613-1663     37,559        37.8   $ 66,326        43,591        16.1   $ 68,257        2.9     1,328   

Six Forks Station


5426 Six Forks Road

  Raleigh   NC   27609-4436     30,149        26.7   $ 70,110        34,585        14.7   $ 71,724        2.3     1,066   

Pitman Corners


1301 Custer Road

  Plano   TX   75075-7491     38,775        7.2   $ 70,245        43,253        11.6   $ 72,122        2.7     1,371   

Lakeland Marketplace


3525 Lakeland Highlands Road

  Lakeland   FL   33803-4386     25,385        14.7   $ 49,810        27,601        8.7   $ 53,929        8.3     898   



1901 Highway 138 SW

  Conyers   GA   30094-3117     8,273        18.8   $ 70,040        8,917        7.8   $ 72,424        3.4     293   

Johnson City Marketplace


180 Marketplace Drive

  Johnson City   TN   37604-8912     13,142        14.6   $ 43,204        13,928        6.0   $ 45,538        5.4     465   

Flatacres Marketcenter


11425 South Twenty Mile Road

  Parker   CO   80134-4918     19,281        98.0   $ 94,126        23,656        22.7   $ 98,554        4.7     682   

Overland Pointe Marketplace


8420 West 135th Street

  KS   66223-1158     33,447        43.2   $ 104,982        37,517        12.2   $ 109,872        4.7     1,183   


    Lawrenceville   GA       30,642        31.1   $ 56,192        34,833        13.7   $ 56,591        0.7     1,084   

Land-City Centre (Centerfund)


140 Royal Palm Way

  Palm Beach
  FL   33480-4279     18,473        8.7   $ 39,282        19,397        5.0   $ 41,097        4.6     653   

Georgesville Square


1585 Georgesville Square Road

  Columbus   OH   43228-3777     29,003        13.5   $ 46,263        30,619        5.6   $ 48,407        4.6     1,026   

Dowlen Center


3975 Dowlen Road

  Beaumont   TX   77706-6848     22,588        2.6   $ 47,491        22,653        0.3   $ 49,729        4.7     799   

Salerno Village Square


3320 SE Salerano Road

  Stuart   FL   34997-6719     16,158        14.8   $ 51,335        17,199        6.4   $ 55,728        8.6     571   

Heather Island


7578 SE Maricamp Road

  Ocala   FL   34472-4273     8,190        34.3   $ 36,906        9,208        12.4   $ 38,415        4.1     290   

Blanco Village


1150 NW Loop 1604

  San Antonio   TX   78248-4503     29,656        55.2   $ 90,086        33,206        12.0   $ 95,343        5.8     1,049   


    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   

Hillsboro Market Center


849 NE 25th Street

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-5975     29,379        37.0   $ 68,186        32,516        10.7   $ 73,620        8.0     1,039   

Tall Oaks Village Center


12040 North Shore Drive

  Reston   VA   20190-4987     30,804        8.4   $ 111,358        31,462        2.1   $ 121,606        9.2     1,089   

Woodlands Marketplace


8310 East 71st Street South

  Tulsa   OK   74133-2932     37,039        8.1   $ 58,503        38,614        4.3   $ 62,294        6.5     1,310   

Wellness Center-Hamburg


202 South Third Street

  Hamburg   PA   19526-1845     3,868        4.7   $ 54,726        3,934        1.7   $ 58,909        7.6     137   

Land-West Mifflin

    West Mifflin   PA       85,000        -5.5   $ 33,098        82,061        -3.5   $ 35,390        6.9     3,006   

Islands Plaza


4717 South Padre Island Drive

  TX   78411-4446     47,986        4.3   $ 46,523        48,822        1.7   $ 48,718        4.7     1,697   


      TX       57,232        17.3   $ 51,025        61,535        7.5   $ 57,667        13.0     2,024   



4260 SW 152nd Avenue

  Miami   FL   33185-5252     47,647        22.5   $ 59,692        51,050        7.1   $ 64,702        8.4     1,685   



3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     20,610        49.2   $ 40,880        22,481        9.1   $ 43,212        5.7     729   

Lowry Town Center


200 Quebec Street

  Denver   CO   80230-7144     87,825        10.9   $ 46,358        91,998        4.8   $ 48,000        3.5     3,106   

Land-Hollywood II

    Hollywood   FL       65,124        -3.2   $ 41,070        65,291        0.3   $ 43,532        6.0     2,303   

Westminster Plaza


7353 Federal Boulevard

  Westminster   CO   80030-4903     44,632        -2.7   $ 47,771        45,507        2.0   $ 49,326        3.3     1,579   


    Leesburg   FL       4,497        35.7   $ 38,803        5,225        16.2   $ 41,219        6.2     159   


    Melbourne   FL       12,047        56.0   $ 74,775        13,785        14.4   $ 81,798        9.4     426   

Lake Washington Square


2447 Wickham Road

  Melbourne   FL   32935-8100     24,288        7.8   $ 50,284        25,542        5.2   $ 55,154        9.7     859   

Valleydale Village


5188 Caldwell Mill Road

  Birmingham   AL   35244-1915     12,822        14.0   $ 84,942        13,754        7.3   $ 89,684        5.6     453   

Shops of San Marco


13860 South Jog Road

  Delray Beach   FL   33446-5902     38,541        11.6   $ 50,428        41,093        6.6   $ 55,336        9.7     1,363   

Murray Landing


2732 North Lake Drive

  Columbia   SC   29212-8733     10,347        17.2   $ 77,591        11,191        8.2   $ 82,186        5.9     366   

Pelham Commons


215 Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615-2546     28,298        9.0   $ 42,979        29,829        5.4   $ 44,252        3.0     1,001   

Main Street Center


309 West Main Street

  Frisco   TX   75034-4305     14,132        454.2   $ 86,672        16,463        16.5   $ 96,343        11.2     500   

Shoppes of Ibis


10130 Northlake Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33412-1101     2,606        40.5   $ 91,970        2,975        14.2   $ 98,703        7.3     92   

Shoppes of Eastwood


1921 South Alafaya Trail

  Orlando   FL   32828-8732     24,688        105.0   $ 74,899        28,459        15.3   $ 82,734        10.5     873   

Tropicana Beltway Center


5060 South Fort Apache Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89148-1716     44,399        79.8   $ 73,987        49,960        12.5   $ 81,694        10.4     1,570   

Lynx Lane Village Center


5430 Lynx Lane

  Columbia   MD   21044-2302     27,733        5.8   $ 95,789        28,334        2.2   $ 105,924        10.6     981   

Shopping Center-Chattanooga


2200 Hamilton Place Boulevard

  Chattanooga   TN   37421-6021     16,575        22.6   $ 48,877        17,831        7.6   $ 51,451        5.3     586   

Shopping Center-Jackson


6388 Ridgewood Court Drive

  Jackson   MS   39211-1800     24,440        3.8   $ 47,692        24,687        1.0   $ 49,381        3.5     864   

Shopping Center-Jacksonville


11111 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32223-7946     25,142        13.6   $ 67,679        26,932        7.1   $ 71,254        5.3     889   

Shopping Center-Columbia


7000 Arundel Mills Circle

  Hanover   MD   21076-1282     13,631        17.5   $ 83,048        14,312        5.0   $ 93,713        12.8     482   

Shopping Center-Dallas


11250 North Central Expressway

  Dallas   TX   75243-6702     76,536        3.0   $ 43,228        78,202        2.2   $ 44,347        2.6     2,707   

Shopping Center-Hollywood


1922 South University Drive

  Miramar   FL   33025-2230     54,582        3.0   $ 52,232        55,907        2.4   $ 55,995        7.2     1,930   

Shopping Center-Greensburg


970 East Pittsburgh Street

  Greensburg   PA   15601-3519     17,190        1.3   $ 47,689        17,101        -0.5   $ 51,144        7.2     608   

East Windsor Village


72 Princeton-Hightstown Road

  East Windsor   NJ   08520-1935     13,961        8.0   $ 87,336        14,337        2.7   $ 94,872        8.6     494   

Home Depot Center


413 East 23rd Street

  Panama City   FL   32405-4574     19,784        9.4   $ 44,585        20,909        5.7   $ 48,781        9.4     700   

Fossil Creek


4400 Western Center Boulevard

  Fort Worth   TX   76137-2044     36,904        47.8   $ 70,209        41,242        11.8   $ 74,569        6.2     1,305   

Lakepointe Crossing


2460 South Stemmons Freeway

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8755     34,442        35.3   $ 69,054        39,564        14.9   $ 71,704        3.8     1,218   

Harbison Court


278 Harbison Boulevard

  Columbia   SC   29212-2243     19,716        13.4   $ 60,246        21,081        6.9   $ 62,696        4.1     697   

Riverchase Promenade


1765 Montgomery Highway South

  Birmingham   AL   35244-1215     24,117        9.2   $ 67,299        25,042        3.8   $ 70,886        5.3     853   

Eastgate Plaza


8125 East Kellog Drive

  Wichita   KS   67207-1809     31,562        4.9   $ 46,244        32,422        2.7   $ 47,441        2.6     1,116   

Perry Hall Super Fresh


8905 Belair Road

  Nottingham   MD   21236-2406     34,775        8.8   $ 68,569        35,449        1.9   $ 74,039        8.0     1,230   

Cherrydale Point


3251 North Pleasantbur Drive

  Greenville   SC   29609-2900     22,208        4.2   $ 34,694        23,011        3.6   $ 36,575        5.4     785   

Rice Creek Village


4611 Hardscrabble Road

  Columbia   SC   29229-8584     15,969        83.8   $ 75,157        18,067        13.1   $ 80,579        7.2     565   

North Canyon Ranch


8021 North 35th Avenue

  Phoenix   AZ   85051-5867     72,424        3.5   $ 42,327        77,363        6.8   $ 44,312        4.7     2,561   

Alden Bridge Village


8000 Research Forest Drive

  TX   77382-1504     19,207        64.3   $ 138,839        22,333        16.3   $ 154,725        11.4     679   

Cochran’s Crossing Village


4747 Research Forest Drive

  TX   77381-4912     23,873        44.3   $ 108,844        27,138        13.7   $ 117,022        7.5     844   

Panther Creek Village


4775 West Panther Creek Drive

  TX   77381-3592     20,469        26.6   $ 108,361        23,218        13.4   $ 117,640        8.6     724   

Sterling Ridge Village


6700 Woodlands Parkway

  TX   77382-2575     21,191        58.1   $ 130,108        24,344        14.9   $ 145,438        11.8     749   



225 Brierhill Drive

  Bel Air   MD   21015-4941     21,452        16.6   $ 82,754        22,601        5.4   $ 91,040        10.0     759   

Chino Hills Marketplace


4200 Chino Hills Parkway

  Chino Hills   CA   91709-3776     25,025        11.6   $ 94,283        26,761        6.9   $ 104,690        11.0     885   

Valencia Crossroads


24200 Valencia Boulevard

  Valencia   CA   91355-5391     28,127        30.2   $ 94,617        30,239        7.5   $ 103,120        9.0     995   

Gelson’s Westlake Market Plaza


2734 Townsgate Road

  CA   91361-2906     17,306        0.8   $ 99,602        17,662        2.1   $ 107,169        7.6     612   

Dulles Town Crossing


45575 Dulles Eastern Plaza

  Sterling   VA   20166-8924     29,624        31.7   $ 94,231        35,228        18.9   $ 100,696        6.9     1,048   

Marysville Towne Center


11401 State Avenue

  Marysville   WA   98271-7210     14,844        14.6   $ 64,591        15,830        6.6   $ 69,669        7.9     525   

Franklin Park Mall


5628 North Division

  Spokane   WA   99208-1251     46,882        2.8   $ 38,992        47,543        1.4   $ 41,735        7.0     1,658   



285 Lake Merced Boulevard

  Daly City   CA   94015-3113     63,521        0.6   $ 78,194        64,592        1.7   $ 85,063        8.8     2,247   

Maple Hill


5050 West Main Street

  Kalamazoo   MI   49009-3310     23,782        7.8   $ 35,578        24,365        2.5   $ 36,520        2.6     841   

Stafford Plaza


11814-11930 Wilcrest Drive

  Houston   TX   77031-1920     52,644        17.1   $ 43,593        57,653        9.5   $ 46,030        5.6     1,862   

Village By The Parks II


4201 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76015-4196     43,267        10.8   $ 61,556        46,703        7.9   $ 64,176        4.3     1,530   

University Park


8801 University Avenue

  Des Moines   IA   50325-6247     38,931        12.9   $ 62,649        41,657        7.0   $ 65,604        4.7     1,377   

Newbury Street 127-129


127 Newbury Street

  Boston   MA   02116-2905     199,412        5.5   $ 54,252        202,023        1.3   $ 60,085        10.8     7,053   

Bleecker Street 387


387 Bleecker Street

  New York   NY   10014-2452     473,455        8.0   $ 72,637        482,822        2.0   $ 82,233        13.2     16,745   

Montgomery Square


1261 Knapp Road

  North Wales   PA   19454-1831     24,590        7.8   $ 80,984        25,201        2.5   $ 88,200        8.9     870   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Fountains on the Lake


12680 Fountain Lake Circle

  Stafford   TX   77477-3704     38,222        17.5   $ 55,487        42,086        10.1   $ 59,651        7.5     1,352   

Paseo Colorado


280 East Colorado Boulevard

  Pasadena   CA   91101-2233     76,811        7.7   $ 61,251        81,105        5.6   $ 67,436        10.1     2,717   

Shops at Tech Ridge


12901 N I H 35

  Austin   TX   78753-1019     42,363        33.0   $ 58,692        48,339        14.1   $ 61,813        5.3     1,498   

Hilltop Village


4243 East 136th Avenue

  Brighton   CO   80602-6916     22,133        45.0   $ 74,295        25,881        16.9   $ 78,284        5.4     783   

Kleinwood Center


7312 Louetta Road

  Spring   TX   77379-6175     30,860        17.8   $ 88,487        33,745        9.4   $ 94,671        7.0     1,091   

Rockwall Town Center


2911 Ridge Road

  Rockwall   TX   75032-5804     12,175        46.9   $ 71,747        14,555        19.6   $ 77,118        7.5     431   

Padden Parkway Market Center


8300 NE 137th Avenue

  Vancouver   WA   98682-3087     24,393        28.1   $ 60,839        27,457        12.6   $ 65,733        8.0     863   


    Norwood   MA   2062     19,898        0.9   $ 82,621        20,016        0.6   $ 91,286        10.5     704   

Saint John Crossings


9000 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Saint John   MO   63114-4246     36,193        -4.2   $ 38,766        35,264        -2.6   $ 40,972        5.7     1,280   

Atascocita Center


3820 Atascocita Road

  Humble   TX   77396-3564     13,032        46.4   $ 73,448        15,218        16.8   $ 80,295        9.3     461   

Los Arcos

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Maplewood Town Center


1885 County Road D E

  Maplewood   MN   55109-5307     24,869        1.9   $ 61,839        25,137        1.1   $ 65,779        6.4     880   

Vizcaya Square


901 North Nob Hill Road

  Plantation   FL   33324-1077     54,961        2.5   $ 56,600        57,058        3.8   $ 62,057        9.6     1,944   

Embassy Lakes


2581 South Hiatus Road

  FL   33325-4811     30,887        5.7   $ 68,780        32,420        5.0   $ 74,841        8.8     1,092   

Falls Pointe


9600 Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-2468     20,273        48.4   $ 73,531        23,955        18.2   $ 77,264        5.1     717   

Centerton Square


62 Centerton Road

  NJ   08054-6102     14,584        8.1   $ 81,158        15,038        3.1   $ 90,672        11.7     516   

Paradise Village Gateway


10665 North Tatum Boulevard

  Phoenix   AZ   85028-3057     31,482        5.2   $ 70,389        33,248        5.6   $ 74,804        6.3     1,113   

Sears Logistics


3700 Southside Industrial Way

  Atlanta   GA   30354-3210     17,590        4.1   $ 31,815        18,306        4.1   $ 33,220        4.4     622   

Holmdel Town Center


2101 State Route 35

  Holmdel   NJ   07733-1085     26,740        1.9   $ 77,134        26,998        1.0   $ 83,885        8.8     946   

Sutton Square


6325 Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-6809     37,287        22.6   $ 56,662        41,764        12.0   $ 59,001        4.1     1,319   

Canyon Pointe


10950 West Charleston Blvd

  Las Vegas   NV   89135-1086     35,378        65.2   $ 83,943        42,147        19.1   $ 93,697        11.6     1,251   

Wind Point


201-491 North Randall Road

  Batavia   IL   60510-9296     17,063        19.6   $ 87,284        18,565        8.8   $ 93,286        6.9     603   

Parkway Supercenter


17470 Southcenter Parkway

  Tukwila   WA   98188-3701     21,834        3.0   $ 48,460        22,340        2.3   $ 53,025        9.4     772   

Shops at Soncy


3000 South Soncy Road

  Amarillo   TX   79124-2008     17,416        7.8   $ 53,182        18,287        5.0   $ 58,454        9.9     616   

Plaza Rios


8602-8702 Skillman Street

  Dallas   TX   75243-8202     70,591        0.2   $ 40,711        71,754        1.7   $ 42,127        3.5     2,497   

Market Square at Montrose


4066 Medina Road

  Copley   OH   44333-2447     10,563        7.1   $ 79,007        10,830        2.5   $ 83,354        5.5     374   

West Ashley Shoppes


946 Orleans Road

  Charleston   SC   29407-4889     22,509        7.5   $ 46,710        23,483        4.3   $ 50,995        9.2     796   

Market Street


9595 Six Pines Drive

  TX   77380-1531     21,188        19.4   $ 74,078        23,547        11.1   $ 80,361        8.5     749   

Avondale Fiesta


11435 West Buckeye Road

  Avondale   AZ   85323-6812     19,118        134.1   $ 53,764        24,403        27.6   $ 60,508        12.5     676   

Maricopa Fiesta


21116 N John Wayne Parkway

  Maricopa   AZ   85239-2931     2,750        464.7   $ 48,081        3,944        43.4   $ 56,909        18.4     97   

Crossroads Center


15082 Crossroads Parkway

  Gulfport   MS   39503-3564     9,428        4.6   $ 41,429        10,474        11.1   $ 44,248        6.8     333   

Seal Beach


901 Pacific Coast Highway

  Seal Beach   CA   90740-6244     33,588        -1.9   $ 72,348        34,007        1.3   $ 80,545        11.3     1,188   

Village Center-Dulles


2445 Centreville Road

  Herndon   VA   20171-3013     29,355        16.8   $ 106,890        31,602        7.7   $ 119,294        11.6     1,038   

Hawthorne & 230th (Strouds)


23000 Hawthorne Boulevard

  Torrance   CA   90505-3703     75,163        4.0   $ 73,868        78,170        4.0   $ 81,999        11.0     2,658   

Gilroy Crossing


6705 Camino Arroyo

  Gilroy   CA   95020-7075     14,722        19.5   $ 71,839        16,105        9.4   $ 77,523        7.9     521   

Slatten Ranch


5849 Lone Tree Way

  Antioch   CA   94531-8586     28,359        47.5   $ 96,773        33,094        16.7   $ 107,447        11.0     1,003   

Vista Village I


25 Main Street

  Vista   CA   92083-5800     41,378        0.6   $ 61,516        42,403        2.5   $ 68,243        10.9     1,463   

Centerplace of Greeley


4200 Centerplace Drive

  Greeley   CO   80634-3716     33,818        25.0   $ 44,494        37,990        12.3   $ 47,402        6.5     1,196   

New Windsor


1520 Main Street

  Windsor   CO   80550-7909     6,988        73.1   $ 71,472        8,608        23.2   $ 78,427        9.7     247   

East Towne Center


13900 County Road 455

  Clermont   FL   34711-9052     5,605        146.2   $ 63,601        7,327        30.7   $ 69,653        9.5     198   

Somerset Crossing


7591 Somerset Crossing Drive

  Gainesville   VA   20155-4873     11,403        201.0   $ 109,359        15,261        33.8   $ 122,495        12.0     403   

Indian Springs Center


10777 Kuykendahl Road

  TX   77382-2774     21,987        52.3   $ 122,481        26,067        18.6   $ 134,136        9.5     778   

Rosecrans & Inglewood


4775 West Rosecrans Avenue

  Hawthorne   CA   90250-6842     98,489        4.0   $ 58,216        102,341        3.9   $ 64,543        10.9     3,483   

Strauss Auto Center


630 West Saint Georges Avenue

  Linden   NJ   07036-5646     58,188        -1.0   $ 59,399        58,107        -0.1   $ 63,316        6.6     2,058   

Northwest Marketplace


13722 Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77040-5202     41,549        8.8   $ 42,522        44,007        5.9   $ 44,825        5.4     1,469   

Mobile Festival Center


3725 Airport Boulevard

  Mobile   AL   36608-1633     29,573        -1.9   $ 37,838        29,405        -0.6   $ 39,944        5.6     1,046   

Crossroads at Mandarin


10550 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-8660     28,816        15.8   $ 62,617        31,397        9.0   $ 67,549        7.9     1,019   

Eastgate Plaza-FL


6933 North Ninth Avenue

  Pensacola   FL   32504-6638     21,992        2.9   $ 44,955        22,686        3.2   $ 47,945        6.7     778   

Hollywood Festival


6775 Taft Street

  Hollywood   FL   33024-3902     50,465        -1.7   $ 49,728        51,255        1.6   $ 54,720        10.0     1,785   

Lake Pointe Centre


6901 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33411-2511     25,445        11.9   $ 38,508        27,338        7.4   $ 43,122        12.0     900   

Lake Washington Crossing


3006-3262 North Wickham Road

  Melbourne   FL   32935-2364     23,239        13.2   $ 53,064        25,023        7.7   $ 59,385        11.9     822   

Oakland Park Festival


3446 North Andrews Avenue

  FL   33309-6060     62,546        2.0   $ 44,653        64,868        3.7   $ 48,503        8.6     2,212   

Square One


3451 NW Federal Highway

  FL   34957-4405     15,609        23.2   $ 48,276        17,524        12.3   $ 52,784        9.3     552   



801 University City Boulevard

  Blacksburg   VA   24060-2732     15,101        6.4   $ 30,599        15,664        3.7   $ 33,623        9.9     534   

Towne Square


1283 Towne Square Boulevard NW

  Roanoke   VA   24012-1600     24,170        3.7   $ 39,235        24,581        1.7   $ 43,133        9.9     855   

Market Square


703 Piney Forest Road

  Danville   VA   24540-2860     14,691        -5.3   $ 32,655        14,200        -3.3   $ 35,143        7.6     520   

Merchant’s Festival


1401 Johnson Ferry Road

  Marietta   GA   30062-6495     21,599        3.3   $ 112,384        22,318        3.3   $ 118,346        5.3     764   

Keysville Square


Route 3 Box 3C

  Keysville   VA   23947-9803     892        5.6   $ 34,831        916        2.7   $ 38,409        10.3     32   

South Cobb Festival


2500 South Cobb Drive SE

  Smyrna   GA   30080-1844     32,136        4.0   $ 47,101        33,369        3.8   $ 49,651        5.4     1,137   

Bolling Creek


2500 West 10th Street

  NC   27870-9293     7,377        -1.7   $ 32,806        7,330        -0.6   $ 34,605        5.5     261   

Food Lion Plaza


2793 South Crater Road

  Petersburg   VA   23805-2472     10,475        -0.9   $ 39,533        10,438        -0.4   $ 43,802        10.8     370   

Dukes Plaza


2173-2359 South Main Street

  Harrisonburg   VA   22801-2683     13,078        12.9   $ 38,351        13,940        6.6   $ 41,527        8.3     463   



425 Lusardi Drive

  Brookneal   VA   24528-3009     828        -9.5   $ 32,108        822        -0.7   $ 34,417        7.2     29   

University Shoppes


2290 US Highway 501 East

  Conway   SC   29526-9523     7,590        58.9   $ 45,354        9,170        20.8   $ 48,838        7.7     268   

Robertson Corners


886 Bells Highway

  Walterboro   SC   29488-2506     4,330        4.4   $ 40,948        4,433        2.4   $ 45,033        10.0     153   

Patriots Plaza


923 Houston Northcutt Blvd

  SC   29464-3448     15,856        16.3   $ 60,954        17,100        7.9   $ 66,699        9.4     561   

Grove Park


1350 Grove Park NE

  Orangeburg   SC   29115-2455     9,526        -1.9   $ 34,117        9,549        0.2   $ 35,818        5.0     337   

Braves Village


5061 Socastee Boulevard

  SC   29588-7339     10,162        49.4   $ 49,417        12,075        18.8   $ 54,065        9.4     359   

Celebration at Six Forks


8701 Six Forks Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-2968     28,727        20.3   $ 67,512        32,025        11.5   $ 69,567        3.0     1,016   

Vegas Pointe Plaza


9155 Las Vegas Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89123-3356     34,985        99.2   $ 67,704        43,405        24.1   $ 71,630        5.8     1,237   

Durham Festival


3457 Hillsborogh Road

  Durham   NC   27705-3008     24,900        6.7   $ 39,392        26,113        4.9   $ 40,903        3.8     881   

Waverly Place


102 New Wavery Place

  Cary   NC   27511-7002     20,908        18.0   $ 83,967        23,048        10.2   $ 88,001        4.8     739   



4031 Wake Forest Road

  Raleigh   NC   27609-6842     39,351        22.2   $ 49,737        43,988        11.8   $ 51,970        4.5     1,392   

University Plaza


913 West Third Street

  Pembroke   NC   28372-9684     3,294        6.7   $ 28,178        3,440        4.4   $ 28,985        2.9     117   

Gateway Plaza


2800 Raleigh Road NW

  Wilson   NC   27896-8656     13,265        11.6   $ 40,387        14,083        6.2   $ 42,421        5.0     469   



3615 New Bern Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27610-1232     26,934        33.4   $ 47,319        30,930        14.8   $ 49,863        5.4     953   

Lenoir Festival


330 Blowing Rock Boulevard

  Lenoir   NC   28645-4406     7,027        -1.7   $ 33,186        7,047        0.3   $ 34,147        2.9     249   

Millpond Village


3434 Kildaire Farm Road

  Cary   NC   27511-2277     11,984        45.8   $ 94,916        14,111        17.8   $ 98,948        4.2     424   

Stanton Square


2400 Stantonsburg Road

  Greenville   NC   27834-7210     10,420        45.8   $ 31,319        12,193        17.0   $ 32,814        4.8     369   

Peak Plaza


6904 Jenks Road

  Apex   NC   27502-9419     18,324        54.7   $ 101,269        21,807        19.0   $ 109,913        8.5     648   

Park Place


9571 Chapel Hill Road

  Cary   NC   27513-2613     30,081        40.5   $ 80,855        34,994        16.3   $ 87,157        7.8     1,064   



1805 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-4727     174,628        -2.7   $ 31,972        172,148        -1.4   $ 34,660        8.4     6,176   



15878 Champions Forest Drive

  Spring   TX   77379-7141     32,989        11.2   $ 82,253        35,354        7.2   $ 87,609        6.5     1,167   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Fountains on the Lake


12680 Fountain Lake Circle

  Stafford   TX   77477-3704     40,098        21.5   $ 57,146        45,012        12.3   $ 61,141        7.0     1,418   

Paseo Colorado


280 East Colorado Boulevard

  Pasadena   CA   91101-2233     75,476        6.4   $ 63,092        78,431        3.9   $ 68,572        8.7     2,669   

Shops at Tech Ridge


12901 N I H 35

  Austin   TX   78753-1019     42,131        33.3   $ 60,080        46,965        11.5   $ 62,437        3.9     1,490   

Hilltop Village


4243 East 136th Avenue

  Brighton   CO   80602-6916     23,255        52.5   $ 76,640        26,537        14.1   $ 80,863        5.5     822   

Kleinwood Center


7312 Louetta Road

  Spring   TX   77379-6175     29,968        13.8   $ 91,401        31,634        5.6   $ 96,856        6.0     1,060   

Rockwall Town Center


2911 Ridge Road

  Rockwall   TX   75032-5804     12,253        47.4   $ 72,788        14,817        20.9   $ 76,100        4.6     433   

Padden Parkway Market Center


8300 NE 137th Avenue

  Vancouver   WA   98682-3087     24,739        29.5   $ 61,357        27,567        11.4   $ 65,309        6.4     875   


    Norwood   MA   2062     19,661        0.3   $ 84,543        19,571        -0.5   $ 92,123        9.0     695   

Saint John Crossings


9000 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Saint John   MO   63114-4246     35,919        -5.0   $ 39,321        34,777        -3.2   $ 40,738        3.6     1,270   

Atascocita Center


3820 Atascocita Road

  Humble   TX   77396-3564     13,120        54.1   $ 75,304        14,560        11.0   $ 80,653        7.1     464   

Los Arcos

    Scottsdale   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Maplewood Town Center


1885 County Road D E

  Maplewood   MN   55109-5307     24,704        1.4   $ 63,122        24,753        0.2   $ 66,108        4.7     874   

Vizcaya Square


901 North Nob Hill Road

  Plantation   FL   33324-1077     54,190        0.6   $ 57,564        55,297        2.0   $ 61,892        7.5     1,917   

Embassy Lakes


2581 South Hiatus Road

  FL   33325-4811     30,538        4.9   $ 69,787        31,706        3.8   $ 75,339        8.0     1,080   

Falls Pointe


9600 Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-2468     21,009        57.2   $ 76,437        24,206        15.2   $ 80,269        5.0     743   

Centerton Square


62 Centerton Road

  NJ   08054-6102     14,929        10.2   $ 83,909        15,315        2.6   $ 92,227        9.9     528   

Paradise Village Gateway


10665 North Tatum Boulevard

  Phoenix   AZ   85028-3057     31,269        5.1   $ 71,823        33,611        7.5   $ 76,040        5.9     1,106   

Sears Logistics


3700 Southside Industrial Way

  Atlanta   GA   30354-3210     17,594        4.5   $ 33,057        18,230        3.6   $ 34,226        3.5     622   

Holmdel Town Center


2101 State Route 35

  Holmdel   NJ   07733-1085     26,656        1.0   $ 79,882        26,572        -0.3   $ 85,436        7.0     943   

Sutton Square


6325 Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-6809     39,172        29.8   $ 58,423        45,128        15.2   $ 60,197        3.0     1,385   

Canyon Pointe


10950 West Charleston Blvd

  Las Vegas   NV   89135-1086     36,239        71.9   $ 84,993        40,974        13.1   $ 94,140        10.8     1,282   

Wind Point


201-491 North Randall Road

  Batavia   IL   60510-9296     17,474        23.5   $ 87,968        19,066        9.1   $ 93,081        5.8     618   

Parkway Supercenter


17470 Southcenter Parkway

  Tukwila   WA   98188-3701     22,610        6.6   $ 49,934        23,385        3.4   $ 53,451        7.0     800   

Shops at Soncy


3000 South Soncy Road

  Amarillo   TX   79124-2008     17,476        9.4   $ 57,961        18,117        3.7   $ 62,489        7.8     618   

Plaza Rios


8602-8702 Skillman Street

  Dallas   TX   75243-8202     71,311        1.7   $ 41,337        72,602        1.8   $ 42,269        2.3     2,522   

Market Square at Montrose


4066 Medina Road

  Copley   OH   44333-2447     10,353        6.6   $ 80,824        10,523        1.6   $ 84,467        4.5     366   

West Ashley Shoppes


946 Orleans Road

  Charleston   SC   29407-4889     22,381        7.3   $ 48,384        23,292        4.1   $ 52,712        8.9     792   

Market Street


9595 Six Pines Drive

  TX   77380-1531     21,659        23.7   $ 76,140        24,464        13.0   $ 81,964        7.6     766   

Avondale Fiesta


11435 West Buckeye Road

  Avondale   AZ   85323-6812     21,320        160.2   $ 54,701        24,765        16.2   $ 59,817        9.4     754   

Maricopa Fiesta


21116 N John Wayne Parkway

  Maricopa   AZ   85239-2931     2,955        564.0   $ 48,941        3,775        27.8   $ 58,886        20.3     105   

Crossroads Center


15082 Crossroads Parkway

  Gulfport   MS   39503-3564     9,498        7.1   $ 43,434        10,104        6.4   $ 45,898        5.7     336   

Seal Beach


901 Pacific Coast Highway

  Seal Beach   CA   90740-6244     33,483        -2.0   $ 73,846        33,738        0.8   $ 81,164        9.9     1,184   

Village Center-Dulles


2445 Centreville Road

  Herndon   VA   20171-3013     31,377        25.4   $ 109,581        33,323        6.2   $ 119,941        9.5     1,110   

Hawthorne & 230th (Strouds)


23000 Hawthorne Boulevard

  Torrance   CA   90505-3703     74,770        3.1   $ 75,632        76,824        2.8   $ 82,479        9.1     2,644   

Gilroy Crossing


6705 Camino Arroyo

  Gilroy   CA   95020-7075     14,862        22.8   $ 72,856        16,196        9.0   $ 77,403        6.2     526   

Slatten Ranch


5849 Lone Tree Way

  Antioch   CA   94531-8586     29,261        51.0   $ 98,808        32,838        12.2   $ 109,431        10.8     1,035   

Vista Village I


25 Main Street

  Vista   CA   92083-5800     42,659        4.3   $ 62,723        44,636        4.6   $ 68,949        9.9     1,509   

Centerplace of Greeley


4200 Centerplace Drive

  Greeley   CO   80634-3716     34,817        28.5   $ 46,547        39,173        12.5   $ 48,860        5.0     1,231   

New Windsor


1520 Main Street

  Windsor   CO   80550-7909     7,165        77.9   $ 75,497        8,547        19.3   $ 83,560        10.7     253   

East Towne Center


13900 County Road 455

  Clermont   FL   34711-9052     5,682        156.3   $ 64,389        6,663        17.3   $ 69,979        8.7     201   

Somerset Crossing


7591 Somerset Crossing Drive

  Gainesville   VA   20155-4873     12,445        227.6   $ 111,260        14,420        15.9   $ 123,927        11.4     440   

Indian Springs Center


10777 Kuykendahl Road

  TX   77382-2774     21,118        46.3   $ 125,403        24,163        14.4   $ 139,988        11.6     747   

Rosecrans & Inglewood


4775 West Rosecrans Avenue

  Hawthorne   CA   90250-6842     98,913        4.6   $ 59,479        102,210        3.3   $ 64,660        8.7     3,498   

Strauss Auto Center


630 West Saint Georges Avenue

  Linden   NJ   07036-5646     58,125        -1.2   $ 61,918        57,556        -1.0   $ 65,233        5.4     2,056   

Northwest Marketplace


13722 Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77040-5202     41,626        8.6   $ 43,751        44,076        5.9   $ 45,550        4.1     1,472   

Mobile Festival Center


3725 Airport Boulevard

  Mobile   AL   36608-1633     29,459        -1.9   $ 39,266        29,114        -1.2   $ 40,924        4.2     1,042   

Crossroads at Mandarin


10550 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32257-8660     28,464        14.5   $ 63,765        30,533        7.3   $ 67,357        5.6     1,007   

Eastgate Plaza-FL


6933 North Ninth Avenue

  Pensacola   FL   32504-6638     22,222        3.3   $ 45,516        22,641        1.9   $ 47,401        4.1     786   

Hollywood Festival


6775 Taft Street

  Hollywood   FL   33024-3902     50,339        -1.6   $ 50,339        50,700        0.7   $ 54,201        7.7     1,780   

Lake Pointe Centre


6901 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33411-2511     26,260        14.2   $ 38,836        27,650        5.3   $ 41,417        6.6     929   

Lake Washington Crossing


3006-3262 North Wickham Road

  Melbourne   FL   32935-2364     22,794        11.4   $ 53,786        24,235        6.3   $ 58,764        9.3     806   

Oakland Park Festival


3446 North Andrews Avenue

  FL   33309-6060     61,896        0.7   $ 45,018        62,650        1.2   $ 48,408        7.5     2,189   

Square One


3451 NW Federal Highway

  FL   34957-4405     15,085        22.0   $ 48,377        16,911        12.1   $ 51,737        6.9     534   



801 University City Boulevard

  Blacksburg   VA   24060-2732     15,627        9.3   $ 31,409        16,149        3.3   $ 33,998        8.2     553   

Towne Square


1283 Towne Square Boulevard NW

  Roanoke   VA   24012-1600     23,903        3.1   $ 39,202        24,013        0.5   $ 41,952        7.0     845   

Market Square


703 Piney Forest Road

  Danville   VA   24540-2860     14,699        -5.6   $ 31,918        14,102        -4.1   $ 33,531        5.1     520   

Merchant’s Festival


1401 Johnson Ferry Road

  Marietta   GA   30062-6495     21,600        3.4   $ 115,439        22,147        2.5   $ 119,923        3.9     764   

Keysville Square


Route 3 Box 3C

  Keysville   VA   23947-9803     893        4.3   $ 35,265        900        0.8   $ 38,153        8.2     32   

South Cobb Festival


2500 South Cobb Drive SE

  Smyrna   GA   30080-1844     32,462        4.6   $ 48,856        33,482        3.1   $ 51,608        5.6     1,148   

Bolling Creek


2500 West 10th Street

  NC   27870-9293     7,505        0.5   $ 32,360        7,469        -0.5   $ 33,288        2.9     265   

Food Lion Plaza


2793 South Crater Road

  Petersburg   VA   23805-2472     10,254        -2.2   $ 40,327        10,033        -2.2   $ 43,765        8.5     363   

Dukes Plaza


2173-2359 South Main Street

  Harrisonburg   VA   22801-2683     13,090        13.6   $ 39,573        13,734        4.9   $ 42,397        7.1     463   



425 Lusardi Drive

  Brookneal   VA   24528-3009     892        -2.2   $ 32,095        876        -1.8   $ 33,443        4.2     32   

University Shoppes


2290 US Highway 501 East

  Conway   SC   29526-9523     7,880        65.7   $ 45,655        9,184        16.6   $ 48,501        6.2     279   

Robertson Corners


886 Bells Highway

  Walterboro   SC   29488-2506     4,574        7.4   $ 40,787        4,683        2.4   $ 44,269        8.5     162   

Patriots Plaza


923 Houston Northcutt Blvd

  SC   29464-3448     16,114        16.4   $ 63,538        17,311        7.4   $ 69,558        9.5     570   

Grove Park


1350 Grove Park NE

  Orangeburg   SC   29115-2455     9,750        -0.6   $ 33,594        9,672        -0.8   $ 34,516        2.7     345   

Braves Village


5061 Socastee Boulevard

  SC   29588-7339     10,645        55.1   $ 50,208        12,362        16.1   $ 54,196        7.9     376   

Celebration at Six Forks


8701 Six Forks Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-2968     29,884        26.2   $ 68,856        34,250        14.6   $ 70,334        2.1     1,057   

Vegas Pointe Plaza


9155 Las Vegas Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89123-3356     36,337        107.9   $ 67,918        41,888        15.3   $ 72,067        6.1     1,285   

Durham Festival


3457 Hillsborogh Road

  Durham   NC   27705-3008     25,993        10.4   $ 41,126        27,688        6.5   $ 42,721        3.9     919   

Waverly Place


102 New Wavery Place

  Cary   NC   27511-7002     21,335        19.7   $ 86,299        23,907        12.1   $ 89,607        3.8     755   



4031 Wake Forest Road

  Raleigh   NC   27609-6842     41,593        28.8   $ 51,459        47,809        14.9   $ 53,009        3.0     1,471   

University Plaza


913 West Third Street

  Pembroke   NC   28372-9684     3,230        5.1   $ 28,088        3,307        2.4   $ 28,200        0.4     114   

Gateway Plaza


2800 Raleigh Road NW

  Wilson   NC   27896-8656     13,629        14.7   $ 41,017        14,401        5.7   $ 42,449        3.5     482   



3615 New Bern Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27610-1232     28,457        39.8   $ 48,568        33,120        16.4   $ 50,585        4.2     1,006   

Lenoir Festival


330 Blowing Rock Boulevard

  Lenoir   NC   28645-4406     7,227        -1.2   $ 33,943        7,189        -0.5   $ 34,872        2.7     256   

Millpond Village


3434 Kildaire Farm Road

  Cary   NC   27511-2277     11,943        48.3   $ 97,040        14,001        17.2   $ 100,865        3.9     422   

Stanton Square


2400 Stantonsburg Road

  Greenville   NC   27834-7210     11,062        56.9   $ 32,364        12,616        14.1   $ 33,274        2.8     391   

Peak Plaza


6904 Jenks Road

  Apex   NC   27502-9419     19,608        64.2   $ 104,632        23,145        18.0   $ 113,978        8.9     693   

Park Place


9571 Chapel Hill Road

  Cary   NC   27513-2613     32,182        51.4   $ 83,539        36,593        13.7   $ 89,020        6.6     1,138   



1805 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-4727     183,043        2.2   $ 32,817        184,684        0.9   $ 35,310        7.6     6,474   



15878 Champions Forest Drive

  Spring   TX   77379-7141     32,168        8.4   $ 84,734        33,989        5.7   $ 89,127        5.2     1,138   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Rancho San Marcos Village


621 South Rancho Santa Fe Road

  San Marcos   CA   92078-3973     29,820        45.5   $ 66,153        34,731        16.5   $ 73,592        11.2     1,055   

Atlanta Industrial Park


3658 Atlanta Industrial Drive NW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-1020     21,782        36.2   $ 38,577        24,918        14.4   $ 41,936        8.7     770   

Outparcel-South Mountain


S 14th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85042     25,746        32.7   $ 36,134        29,303        13.8   $ 39,256        8.6     911   

SMC-Old Monrovia Road 930A


930A Old Monrovia Road

  Huntsville   AL   35806-2500     16,643        13.5   $ 35,444        17,897        7.5   $ 37,899        6.9     589   

SMC-South Torrence 16795


16795 South Torrence

  Lansing   IL   60438-6018     44,282        -5.6   $ 47,816        43,053        -2.8   $ 50,372        5.3     1,566   

SMC-North 43rd Street 10404


10404 North 43rd Street

  Glendale   AZ   85302-2019     65,318        5.4   $ 47,012        69,003        5.6   $ 49,629        5.6     2,310   

SMC-West Southern Avenue 1360


1360 West Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85202-4862     62,985        3.6   $ 46,023        66,048        4.9   $ 49,119        6.7     2,228   

SMC-East Southern Blvd 6233


6233 East Southern Boulevard

  Mesa   AZ   85206-3714     45,210        21.2   $ 52,801        50,160        11.0   $ 58,707        11.2     1,599   

SMC-Golf 1440


1440 Golf Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-4902     31,483        -2.0   $ 68,131        31,233        -0.8   $ 72,271        6.1     1,113   

SMC-Lakehurst 300


300 Lakehurst Road

  Waukegan   IL   60085-6602     22,896        2.1   $ 52,919        23,278        1.7   $ 56,809        7.4     810   

SMC-Pleasant Valley Road 1520


1520 Pleasant Valley Road

  Manchester   CT   06040-1637     22,203        4.3   $ 62,439        22,712        2.3   $ 68,139        9.1     785   

SMC-Berlin Turnpike 3563


3563 Berlin Turnpike

  Newington   CT   06111-5136     25,594        4.9   $ 59,589        26,243        2.5   $ 65,134        9.3     905   

SMC-North Dupont Highway 1380


1380 North Dupont Highway

  Dover   DE   19901-2211     14,901        23.2   $ 43,774        16,600        11.4   $ 46,180        5.5     527   

SMC-Coldwater 5501


5501 Coldwater Road

  Fort Wayne   IN   46825-5448     28,259        0.7   $ 39,939        28,606        1.2   $ 41,385        3.6     999   

SMC-Jimmy Ann Avenue 260


260 Jimmy Ann Avenue

  FL   32114-1318     20,726        1.5   $ 28,187        21,360        3.1   $ 30,419        7.9     733   

SMC-South Highway 441 5415


5415 South Highway 441

  Leesburg   FL   34788     8,198        20.0   $ 39,905        9,140        11.5   $ 43,280        8.5     290   

SMC-East Colonial Drive 2999


2999 East Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32803-5038     47,728        11.4   $ 46,375        51,583        8.1   $ 50,617        9.1     1,688   

SMC-Outer Loop 4601


4601 Outer Loop Road

  Louisville   KY   40219-3970     26,363        2.3   $ 41,088        26,753        1.5   $ 42,969        4.6     932   

SMC-West Colonial Drive 7175


7175 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32818-6742     39,613        15.7   $ 46,649        43,315        9.4   $ 50,548        8.4     1,401   

SMC-Pines Boulevard 11251


11251 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33026-4118     47,419        8.3   $ 60,171        49,999        5.4   $ 66,558        10.6     1,677   

SMC-Frederica 4810


4810 Frederica Street

  Owensboro   KY   42301-7414     17,249        7.9   $ 40,288        17,932        4.0   $ 42,233        4.8     610   

Plaza Cayey


Avenue Jesus T Pinero

  Cayey   PR   736     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

SMC-U.S. 19 10340


10340 U.S. 19

  Port Richey   FL   34668     28,603        5.8   $ 33,987        30,374        6.2   $ 37,607        10.7     1,012   

SMC-Hinkleville 5109


5109 Hinkleville Road

  Paducah   KY   42001-9014     2,997        9.2   $ 56,441        3,115        3.9   $ 62,479        10.7     106   

SMC-66th Street North 2500


2500 66th Street North

  FL   33710-4048     46,084        -4.0   $ 43,000        45,929        -0.3   $ 46,339        7.8     1,630   

SMC-Cortana 9501


9501 Cortana Place

  Baton Rouge   LA   70815-8504     29,527        2.2   $ 39,002        29,565        0.1   $ 40,946        5.0     1,044   

SMC-NW Federal Highway 3257


3257 NW Federal Highway

  Stuart   FL   34957     20,535        12.6   $ 47,076        22,079        7.5   $ 52,270        11.0     726   

SMC-East Texas 2950


2950 East Texas Street

  Bossier City   LA   71111-3265     18,008        7.2   $ 31,933        18,697        3.8   $ 34,236        7.2     637   

SMC-Hillsborough Avenue 4340


4340 Hillsborough Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33614-5560     37,722        7.3   $ 39,684        39,925        5.8   $ 42,906        8.1     1,334   

SMC-Westbank 1500


1500 Westbank Expressway

  Harvey   LA   70058-4467     53,908        -6.5   $ 37,198        58,298        8.1   $ 41,133        10.6     1,907   

SMC-Martin Luther King 1636


1636 Martin Luther King Blvd

  Houma   LA   70360-2406     16,151        10.0   $ 52,771        16,927        4.8   $ 59,664        13.1     571   

Southlake Mall


2075 Market Street

  Duluth   GA   30096-4714     31,047        22.3   $ 49,718        34,692        11.7   $ 50,023        0.6     1,098   

SMC-Johnston 4570


4570 Johnston Street

  Lafayette   LA   70503-4236     27,885        7.9   $ 50,370        28,679        2.9   $ 55,568        10.3     986   

SMC-Veterans Boulevard 6851


6851 Veterans Memorial Blvd

  Metairie   LA   70003-4416     54,277        -4.1   $ 50,667        54,777        0.9   $ 55,672        9.9     1,920   

SMC-Morrow Ind Park 1400


1400 Morrow Industrial Park

  Morrow   GA   30260     26,052        6.5   $ 41,971        27,147        4.2   $ 42,314        0.8     921   

SMC-South La Crosse Ave 7600


7600 La Crosse Avenue

  Burbank   IL   60459-1587     69,231        -5.1   $ 52,233        67,578        -2.4   $ 56,118        7.4     2,449   

SMC-Northwest Highway 5561


5561 Northwest Highway

  Crystal Lake   IL   60014-8015     19,828        14.6   $ 75,545        21,328        7.6   $ 80,448        6.5     701   

SMC-East 70th Street 1750


1750 East 70th Street

  Shreveport   LA   71105-5212     24,853        5.9   $ 46,057        25,581        2.9   $ 48,605        5.5     879   

SMC-Independence Blvd 5809


5809 Independence Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28212-6826     42,660        10.6   $ 45,092        45,748        7.2   $ 46,547        3.2     1,509   

SMC-U.S. 17 Millbrook


4701 Capital Boulevard

  Raleigh   NC   27604-4481     32,171        38.4   $ 52,774        37,262        15.8   $ 55,739        5.6     1,138   

SMC-North West Expressway 5537


5537 NW Expressway

  Warr Acres   OK   73132-5230     35,386        4.6   $ 46,248        36,462        3.0   $ 49,731        7.5     1,252   

SMC-Plantation Road 7303


7303 Plantation Road

  Pensacola   FL   32504-6335     23,145        4.8   $ 39,768        24,076        4.0   $ 42,647        7.2     819   

SMC-Swansea Mall Drive 58


58 Swansea Mall Drive

  Swansea   MA   02777-4115     8,387        3.8   $ 65,359        8,535        1.8   $ 72,560        11.0     297   

SMC-Catasauqua Road 1885


1885 Catasauqua Road

  Allentown   PA   18109-3103     32,822        3.1   $ 44,785        33,645        2.5   $ 48,259        7.8     1,161   

SMC-Jonestown Road 5086


5086 Jonestown Road

  Harrisburg   PA   17112-4907     24,606        2.8   $ 57,905        24,992        1.6   $ 62,283        7.6     870   

SMC-Kidder Street 520


520 Kidder Street

  Wilkes-Barre   PA   18702-6907     30,101        -4.3   $ 35,210        29,406        -2.3   $ 38,642        9.7     1,065   

SMC-West Oaks Drive 43635


43635 West Oaks Drive

  Novi   MI   48377-3305     22,169        17.3   $ 73,797        23,717        7.0   $ 76,954        4.3     784   

SMC-Diamond Lane Three


Three Diamomd Lane

  Columbia   SC   29210-7017     24,930        5.6   $ 39,241        26,015        4.4   $ 41,503        5.8     882   

SMC-Nankin Road 7368


7368 Nankin Road

  Westland   MI   48185     38,821        -8.8   $ 51,067        36,811        -5.2   $ 51,931        1.7     1,373   

SMC-Rivers Avenue 7400


7400 Rivers Avenue

  SC   29406-4644     19,867        20.4   $ 44,146        21,758        9.5   $ 47,740        8.1     703   

SMC-Turtle Creek Drive 1000


1000 Turtle Creek Drive

  Hattiesburg   MS   39402-1145     12,647        21.7   $ 35,150        13,742        8.7   $ 38,343        9.1     447   

SMC-Hickory Hollow Pkwy 5301


5301 Hickory Hollow Parkway

  Antioch   TN   37013-3109     26,483        20.4   $ 47,939        28,769        8.6   $ 50,618        5.6     937   

SMC-Watson Road 9809


9809 Watson Road

  Crestwood   MO   63126-1845     32,924        -0.7   $ 62,604        32,831        -0.3   $ 66,509        6.2     1,164   

SMC-Galleria Boulevard 1735


1735 Galleria Boulevard

  Franklin   TN   37067-1602     9,660        31.6   $ 92,483        11,087        14.8   $ 100,045        8.2     342   

SMC-Kingston Pike 9333


9333 Kingston Pike

  Knoxville   TN   37922-2381     24,150        19.0   $ 62,317        26,304        8.9   $ 66,756        7.1     854   

SMC-Winchester Road 6120


6120 Winchester Road

  Memphis   TN   38115-4014     38,209        0.8   $ 46,745        38,501        0.8   $ 47,975        2.6     1,351   

SMC-West I-20 1530


1530 West I-20

  Arlington   TX   76017     41,443        7.5   $ 60,890        43,644        5.3   $ 64,153        5.4     1,466   

SMC-Airport Boulevard 6500


6500 Airport Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78752-3628     65,742        2.3   $ 37,913        68,226        3.8   $ 39,725        4.8     2,325   

SMC-Huguenot Road 1300


1300 Huguenot Road

  Midlothian   VA   23113-2615     20,109        14.2   $ 84,064        21,569        7.3   $ 91,292        8.6     711   

SMC-Garth Road 6731


6731 Garth Road

  Baytown   TX   77521-9688     10,771        17.2   $ 52,441        11,739        9.0   $ 56,878        8.5     381   

SMC-West Broad 9860


9860 West Broad Street

  Glen Allen   VA   23060-4171     34,011        14.0   $ 65,314        36,402        7.0   $ 70,963        8.6     1,203   

SMC-Plank Road 3545


3545 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22407-6830     17,619        33.4   $ 60,018        20,047        13.8   $ 67,089        11.8     623   

SMC-Tom Ball Parkway 17727


17727 Tom Ball Parkway

  Houston   TX   77064-1010     28,187        22.3   $ 65,916        31,262        10.9   $ 69,330        5.2     997   

SMC-Portsmouth Boulevard 4300


4300 Portsmouth Boulevard

  Chesapeake   VA   23321-2137     18,870        11.9   $ 63,356        19,994        6.0   $ 69,905        10.3     667   

SMC-Lake Woodlands Drive 1410


1410 Lake Woodlands Drive

  TX   77380-3233     19,348        21.6   $ 74,040        21,626        11.8   $ 80,711        9.0     684   

SMC-South West Freeway 15235


15235 South West Freeway

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-3873     28,894        30.5   $ 89,917        33,141        14.7   $ 95,464        6.2     1,022   

SMC-Northwest Loop 410


6161 Northwest Loop 410

  San Antonio   TX   78238-3302     40,372        13.8   $ 40,975        43,475        7.7   $ 43,060        5.1     1,428   

SMC-NW Freeway 12009


12009 NW Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092-4901     53,409        9.3   $ 38,373        56,730        6.2   $ 40,810        6.4     1,889   

SMC-East Beltline 1300


1300 East Beltline

  Richardson   TX   75081-3709     56,504        2.2   $ 49,715        58,022        2.7   $ 51,668        3.9     1,998   

SMC-Highway Six South 2665


2665 Highway Six South

  Houston   TX   77082-1703     43,207        21.0   $ 54,019        47,637        10.3   $ 57,704        6.8     1,528   

SMC-Town East 2021


2021 Town East Boulevard

  Mesquite   TX   75150-4060     39,014        -2.5   $ 45,536        39,134        0.3   $ 46,853        2.9     1,380   

SMC-San Bernado Avenue 5720


5720 San Bernardo Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78041-3010     29,939        20.5   $ 36,128        33,060        10.4   $ 39,750        10.0     1,059   

SMC-U.S. Expressway 83


920 East Expressway 83

  McAllen   TX   78503-1613     26,108        16.2   $ 30,536        28,484        9.1   $ 33,357        9.2     923   

SMC-McCann 3520


3520 McCann Road

  Longview   TX   75605-4420     17,589        9.5   $ 47,845        18,553        5.5   $ 51,128        6.9     622   

SMC-South Stemmons Frwy 2422


2422 South Stemmons Freeway

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8778     33,512        31.0   $ 67,342        38,344        14.4   $ 71,454        6.1     1,185   

Railwood F


9013 Spikewood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-4505     12,758        7.0   $ 31,124        13,444        5.4   $ 33,268        6.9     451   

Shops of Westridge


2158 Highway 20 West

  McDonough   GA   30253-7205     6,290        131.5   $ 59,778        8,166        29.8   $ 63,185        5.7     222   

Land-Hollywood I

    Hollywood   FL       65,442        -1.4   $ 40,571        66,625        1.8   $ 44,016        8.5     2,315   

Webster Square


268 Daniel Webster Highway

  Nashua   NH   03060-5725     13,065        2.7   $ 81,805        13,270        1.6   $ 89,754        9.7     462   

Douglaston-Little Neck


25421 Horace Harding Expy

  Little Neck   NY   11362-1816     86,739        0.4   $ 77,608        87,305        0.7   $ 85,771        10.5     3,068   

Scottsdale I


1290 Scottsdale Mall

  South Bend   IN   46614-3471     15,832        -0.6   $ 42,638        15,847        0.1   $ 44,433        4.2     560   



2133 Route 38

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08002-2045     47,721        0.9   $ 61,352        48,023        0.6   $ 66,971        9.2     1,688   

Potomac Run


46201 Potomac Run Plaza

  Sterling   VA   20164-6609     31,410        26.2   $ 99,641        35,596        13.3   $ 111,050        11.5     1,111   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Rancho San Marcos Village


621 South Rancho Santa Fe Road

  San Marcos   CA   92078-3973     29,175        40.6   $ 68,988        32,331        10.8   $ 75,676        9.7     1,032   

Atlanta Industrial Park


3658 Atlanta Industrial Drive NW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-1020     22,116        39.1   $ 40,443        24,558        11.0   $ 43,725        8.1     782   

Outparcel-South Mountain


S 14th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85042     26,685        36.9   $ 37,166        30,592        14.6   $ 40,265        8.3     944   

SMC-Old Monrovia Road 930A


930A Old Monrovia Road

  Huntsville   AL   35806-2500     17,032        16.9   $ 36,796        18,250        7.2   $ 38,343        4.2     602   

SMC-South Torrence 16795


16795 South Torrence

  Lansing   IL   60438-6018     44,276        -5.4   $ 48,840        43,108        -2.6   $ 50,642        3.7     1,566   

SMC-North 43rd Street 10404


10404 North 43rd Street

  Glendale   AZ   85302-2019     64,343        4.3   $ 48,024        68,939        7.1   $ 50,111        4.3     2,276   

SMC-West Southern Avenue 1360


1360 West Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85202-4862     63,141        3.9   $ 46,947        67,304        6.6   $ 49,595        5.6     2,233   

SMC-East Southern Blvd 6233


6233 East Southern Boulevard

  Mesa   AZ   85206-3714     45,717        23.6   $ 54,014        50,939        11.4   $ 58,867        9.0     1,617   

SMC-Golf 1440


1440 Golf Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-4902     31,638        -1.7   $ 69,587        31,331        -1.0   $ 72,574        4.3     1,119   

SMC-Lakehurst 300


300 Lakehurst Road

  Waukegan   IL   60085-6602     23,023        3.3   $ 54,570        23,336        1.4   $ 57,612        5.6     814   

SMC-Pleasant Valley Road 1520


1520 Pleasant Valley Road

  Manchester   CT   06040-1637     22,343        5.2   $ 64,421        22,635        1.3   $ 69,454        7.8     790   

SMC-Berlin Turnpike 3563


3563 Berlin Turnpike

  Newington   CT   06111-5136     25,472        4.7   $ 60,968        25,785        1.2   $ 65,742        7.8     901   

SMC-North Dupont Highway 1380


1380 North Dupont Highway

  Dover   DE   19901-2211     14,966        24.6   $ 46,730        16,487        10.2   $ 49,432        5.8     529   

SMC-Coldwater 5501


5501 Coldwater Road

  Fort Wayne   IN   46825-5448     28,092        0.4   $ 40,524        28,060        -0.1   $ 41,385        2.1     994   

SMC-Jimmy Ann Avenue 260


260 Jimmy Ann Avenue

  FL   32114-1318     21,080        3.1   $ 28,927        21,663        2.8   $ 30,527        5.5     746   

SMC-South Highway 441 5415


5415 South Highway 441

  Leesburg   FL   34788     8,023        17.0   $ 40,006        9,014        12.4   $ 42,779        6.9     284   

SMC-East Colonial Drive 2999


2999 East Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32803-5038     47,392        11.1   $ 46,479        50,707        7.0   $ 50,485        8.6     1,676   

SMC-Outer Loop 4601


4601 Outer Loop Road

  Louisville   KY   40219-3970     26,104        2.5   $ 42,266        26,380        1.1   $ 43,718        3.4     923   

SMC-West Colonial Drive 7175


7175 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32818-6742     39,064        14.4   $ 47,440        42,627        9.1   $ 50,486        6.4     1,382   

SMC-Pines Boulevard 11251


11251 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33026-4118     48,174        9.8   $ 60,748        50,085        4.0   $ 65,602        8.0     1,704   

SMC-Frederica 4810


4810 Frederica Street

  Owensboro   KY   42301-7414     17,605        9.9   $ 41,128        18,235        3.6   $ 42,500        3.3     623   

Plaza Cayey


Avenue Jesus T Pinero

  Cayey   PR   736     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

SMC-U.S. 19 10340


10340 U.S. 19

  Port Richey   FL   34668     28,535        5.0   $ 33,942        30,766        7.8   $ 36,372        7.2     1,009   

SMC-Hinkleville 5109


5109 Hinkleville Road

  Paducah   KY   42001-9014     3,041        10.5   $ 58,529        3,162        4.0   $ 63,657        8.8     108   

SMC-66th Street North 2500


2500 66th Street North

  FL   33710-4048     45,933        -4.3   $ 43,838        45,137        -1.7   $ 46,690        6.5     1,625   

SMC-Cortana 9501


9501 Cortana Place

  Baton Rouge   LA   70815-8504     28,595        -0.4   $ 41,364        28,731        0.5   $ 43,180        4.4     1,011   

SMC-NW Federal Highway 3257


3257 NW Federal Highway

  Stuart   FL   34957     20,175        12.2   $ 47,215        21,307        5.6   $ 51,099        8.2     714   

SMC-East Texas 2950


2950 East Texas Street

  Bossier City   LA   71111-3265     18,210        7.8   $ 32,763        19,008        4.4   $ 34,371        4.9     644   

SMC-Hillsborough Avenue 4340


4340 Hillsborough Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33614-5560     37,435        6.3   $ 40,013        39,784        6.3   $ 42,331        5.8     1,324   

SMC-Westbank 1500


1500 Westbank Expressway

  Harvey   LA   70058-4467     56,286        -2.4   $ 38,248        59,725        6.1   $ 42,152        10.2     1,991   

SMC-Martin Luther King 1636


1636 Martin Luther King Blvd

  Houma   LA   70360-2406     16,006        9.7   $ 56,327        16,635        3.9   $ 62,945        11.7     566   

Southlake Mall


2075 Market Street

  Duluth   GA   30096-4714     30,858        21.3   $ 51,008        34,291        11.1   $ 51,133        0.2     1,091   

SMC-Johnston 4570


4570 Johnston Street

  Lafayette   LA   70503-4236     27,885        8.4   $ 53,225        29,180        4.6   $ 57,662        8.3     986   

SMC-Veterans Boulevard 6851


6851 Veterans Memorial Blvd

  Metairie   LA   70003-4416     54,342        -4.3   $ 51,745        55,003        1.2   $ 55,587        7.4     1,922   

SMC-Morrow Ind Park 1400


1400 Morrow Industrial Park

  Morrow   GA   30260     26,283        7.7   $ 43,050        27,195        3.5   $ 43,567        1.2     930   

SMC-South La Crosse Ave 7600


7600 La Crosse Avenue

  Burbank   IL   60459-1587     68,674        -5.5   $ 53,707        66,810        -2.7   $ 56,704        5.6     2,429   

SMC-Northwest Highway 5561


5561 Northwest Highway

  Crystal Lake   IL   60014-8015     19,614        13.9   $ 78,442        20,836        6.2   $ 82,649        5.4     694   

SMC-East 70th Street 1750


1750 East 70th Street

  Shreveport   LA   71105-5212     24,840        5.9   $ 46,568        25,524        2.8   $ 48,657        4.5     879   

SMC-Independence Blvd 5809


5809 Independence Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28212-6826     44,554        15.6   $ 45,914        49,171        10.4   $ 47,062        2.5     1,576   

SMC-U.S. 17 Millbrook


4701 Capital Boulevard

  Raleigh   NC   27604-4481     33,461        42.2   $ 54,479        38,913        16.3   $ 56,243        3.2     1,183   

SMC-North West Expressway 5537


5537 NW Expressway

  Warr Acres   OK   73132-5230     35,744        5.0   $ 46,936        36,692        2.7   $ 49,897        6.3     1,264   

SMC-Plantation Road 7303


7303 Plantation Road

  Pensacola   FL   32504-6335     23,066        5.2   $ 40,088        23,663        2.6   $ 41,941        4.6     816   

SMC-Swansea Mall Drive 58


58 Swansea Mall Drive

  Swansea   MA   02777-4115     8,169        2.0   $ 67,353        8,144        -0.3   $ 73,947        9.8     289   

SMC-Catasauqua Road 1885


1885 Catasauqua Road

  Allentown   PA   18109-3103     32,670        3.1   $ 46,183        33,208        1.7   $ 49,071        6.3     1,155   

SMC-Jonestown Road 5086


5086 Jonestown Road

  Harrisburg   PA   17112-4907     24,725        3.6   $ 59,475        24,976        1.0   $ 63,355        6.5     874   

SMC-Kidder Street 520


520 Kidder Street

  Wilkes-Barre   PA   18702-6907     29,845        -4.9   $ 35,679        28,989        -2.9   $ 38,143        6.9     1,056   

SMC-West Oaks Drive 43635


43635 West Oaks Drive

  Novi   MI   48377-3305     21,895        17.6   $ 74,960        23,024        5.2   $ 78,452        4.7     774   

SMC-Diamond Lane Three


Three Diamomd Lane

  Columbia   SC   29210-7017     24,942        5.7   $ 40,051        26,105        4.7   $ 41,775        4.3     882   

SMC-Nankin Road 7368


7368 Nankin Road

  Westland   MI   48185     37,112        -12.7   $ 51,656        34,387        -7.3   $ 52,156        1.0     1,313   

SMC-Rivers Avenue 7400


7400 Rivers Avenue

  SC   29406-4644     20,605        24.6   $ 45,434        22,798        10.6   $ 48,478        6.7     729   

SMC-Turtle Creek Drive 1000


1000 Turtle Creek Drive

  Hattiesburg   MS   39402-1145     13,223        26.8   $ 35,641        14,407        9.0   $ 38,148        7.0     468   

SMC-Hickory Hollow Pkwy 5301


5301 Hickory Hollow Parkway

  Antioch   TN   37013-3109     26,183        19.4   $ 48,053        27,982        6.9   $ 49,689        3.4     926   

SMC-Watson Road 9809


9809 Watson Road

  Crestwood   MO   63126-1845     32,530        -1.4   $ 63,536        32,005        -1.6   $ 66,816        5.2     1,151   

SMC-Galleria Boulevard 1735


1735 Galleria Boulevard

  Franklin   TN   37067-1602     10,128        35.3   $ 96,164        11,625        14.8   $ 101,743        5.8     358   

SMC-Kingston Pike 9333


9333 Kingston Pike

  Knoxville   TN   37922-2381     24,020        19.8   $ 63,506        25,826        7.5   $ 67,175        5.8     850   

SMC-Winchester Road 6120


6120 Winchester Road

  Memphis   TN   38115-4014     36,934        -2.6   $ 47,129        36,470        -1.3   $ 47,533        0.9     1,306   

SMC-West I-20 1530


1530 West I-20

  Arlington   TX   76017     43,344        12.4   $ 61,945        46,983        8.4   $ 64,616        4.3     1,533   

SMC-Airport Boulevard 6500


6500 Airport Boulevard

  Austin   TX   78752-3628     64,892        1.1   $ 38,827        67,359        3.8   $ 40,639        4.7     2,295   

SMC-Huguenot Road 1300


1300 Huguenot Road

  Midlothian   VA   23113-2615     19,962        13.5   $ 85,781        21,059        5.5   $ 92,153        7.4     706   

SMC-Garth Road 6731


6731 Garth Road

  Baytown   TX   77521-9688     11,221        16.8   $ 54,272        12,109        7.9   $ 58,320        7.5     397   

SMC-West Broad 9860


9860 West Broad Street

  Glen Allen   VA   23060-4171     34,502        15.7   $ 67,411        36,510        5.8   $ 72,705        7.9     1,220   

SMC-Plank Road 3545


3545 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22407-6830     17,763        34.6   $ 61,992        19,864        11.8   $ 67,885        9.5     628   

SMC-Tom Ball Parkway 17727


17727 Tom Ball Parkway

  Houston   TX   77064-1010     28,132        24.0   $ 67,194        30,757        9.3   $ 70,003        4.2     995   

SMC-Portsmouth Boulevard 4300


4300 Portsmouth Boulevard

  Chesapeake   VA   23321-2137     18,928        12.0   $ 65,313        19,641        3.8   $ 71,272        9.1     669   

SMC-Lake Woodlands Drive 1410


1410 Lake Woodlands Drive

  TX   77380-3233     19,322        25.0   $ 76,028        21,854        13.1   $ 82,377        8.4     683   

SMC-South West Freeway 15235


15235 South West Freeway

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-3873     29,253        33.8   $ 93,855        34,207        16.9   $ 99,354        5.9     1,035   

SMC-Northwest Loop 410


6161 Northwest Loop 410

  San Antonio   TX   78238-3302     40,560        15.1   $ 41,520        43,539        7.3   $ 43,180        4.0     1,435   

SMC-NW Freeway 12009


12009 NW Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092-4901     53,574        9.5   $ 39,853        56,898        6.2   $ 41,798        4.9     1,895   

SMC-East Beltline 1300


1300 East Beltline

  Richardson   TX   75081-3709     56,599        2.2   $ 49,991        57,673        1.9   $ 51,049        2.1     2,002   

SMC-Highway Six South 2665


2665 Highway Six South

  Houston   TX   77082-1703     43,019        20.9   $ 55,786        47,108        9.5   $ 58,511        4.9     1,521   

SMC-Town East 2021


2021 Town East Boulevard

  Mesquite   TX   75150-4060     39,317        -1.1   $ 46,037        39,516        0.5   $ 46,709        1.5     1,391   

SMC-San Bernado Avenue 5720


5720 San Bernardo Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78041-3010     29,660        19.9   $ 37,812        32,547        9.7   $ 41,156        8.8     1,049   

SMC-U.S. Expressway 83


920 East Expressway 83

  McAllen   TX   78503-1613     26,295        16.9   $ 31,085        28,691        9.1   $ 33,206        6.8     930   

SMC-McCann 3520


3520 McCann Road

  Longview   TX   75605-4420     17,819        9.9   $ 50,121        18,550        4.1   $ 53,594        6.9     630   

SMC-South Stemmons Frwy 2422


2422 South Stemmons Freeway

  Lewisville   TX   75067-8778     34,661        35.2   $ 68,855        39,822        14.9   $ 71,523        3.9     1,226   

Railwood F


9013 Spikewood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078-4505     12,747        8.0   $ 32,338        13,486        5.8   $ 34,545        6.8     451   

Shops of Westridge


2158 Highway 20 West

  McDonough   GA   30253-7205     6,507        146.5   $ 60,147        7,752        19.1   $ 62,188        3.4     230   

Land-Hollywood I

    Hollywood   FL       65,124        -3.2   $ 41,070        65,291        0.3   $ 43,532        6.0     2,303   

Webster Square


268 Daniel Webster Highway

  Nashua   NH   03060-5725     13,128        2.2   $ 83,717        13,140        0.1   $ 90,277        7.8     464   

Douglaston-Little Neck


25421 Horace Harding Expy

  Little Neck   NY   11362-1816     87,331        1.5   $ 80,824        87,623        0.3   $ 88,283        9.2     3,089   

Scottsdale I


1290 Scottsdale Mall

  South Bend   IN   46614-3471     15,994        0.6   $ 42,571        15,949        -0.3   $ 43,553        2.3     566   



2133 Route 38

  Cherry Hill   NJ   08002-2045     47,378        0.7   $ 63,018        47,165        -0.5   $ 67,844        7.7     1,676   

Potomac Run


46201 Potomac Run Plaza

  Sterling   VA   20164-6609     31,309        25.3   $ 102,353        36,641        17.0   $ 110,285        7.7     1,107   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Greenwood Village


9401 East Arapahoe Road

  CO   80112-3632     23,136        4.6   $ 84,352        23,900        3.3   $ 86,259        2.3     818   

Market Street 118


118 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19106-3015     158,337        -0.8   $ 33,542        157,651        -0.4   $ 36,529        8.9     5,600   

Cambridge Crossings


2029 West Maple Road

  Troy   MI   48084-7100     42,705        -0.9   $ 68,220        42,437        -0.6   $ 70,480        3.3     1,510   

Newbury Street 111-115


111 Newbury Street

  Boston   MA   02116-2902     191,452        1.7   $ 52,355        193,688        1.2   $ 58,615        12.0     6,771   

Edgewater Place


1030 North Rogers Lane

  Raleigh   NC   27610-6083     18,193        42.1   $ 56,132        21,237        16.7   $ 59,318        5.7     643   


    Dover   DE       10,597        24.6   $ 52,524        11,844        11.8   $ 56,408        7.4     375   

Frankfort Crossing


362 North La Grange Road

  Frankfort   IL   60423-2008     16,805        40.1   $ 89,672        19,298        14.8   $ 96,360        7.5     594   

McMinnville Market Center


615 SW Keck Drive

  McMinnville   OR   97128     11,236        16.2   $ 46,365        12,126        7.9   $ 49,879        7.6     397   

Pacific Coast Plaza-PCH & 2nd


703 Pier Ave

  CA   90254     72,810        7.2   $ 90,312        76,745        5.4   $ 100,043        10.8     2,575   

Shops at Saint Lucie


870 Saint Lucie West Boulevard

  Port Saint
  FL   34986-1764     25,291        85.0   $ 48,850        31,732        25.5   $ 54,317        11.2     894   

Hollywood Hills Plaza


4400 Hollywood Boulevard

  Hollywood   FL   33021-6610     63,393        -1.9   $ 42,001        64,295        1.4   $ 45,409        8.1     2,242   

Massaro Boulevard 1801


1801 Massaro Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33619-3013     14,271        19.6   $ 41,338        15,764        10.5   $ 45,066        9.0     505   

Ward Parkway Center


8600 Ward Parkway

  Kansas City   MO   64114-2614     40,372        -1.5   $ 56,848        40,429        0.1   $ 59,684        5.0     1,428   

Land-Northwest Freeway


Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092     53,040        8.9   $ 38,461        56,277        6.1   $ 40,953        6.5     1,876   

Land-Southern Ave/Signal Butte


Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85210     60,121        3.6   $ 47,200        62,901        4.6   $ 51,159        8.4     2,126   

Land-70th Street


West 70th Street

  Shreveport   LA   71106     2,006        27.0   $ 124,126        2,219        10.6   $ 131,033        5.6     71   

Hope Valley Farms


3825 South Roxboro Street

  Durham   NC   27713-2799     32,728        20.1   $ 48,710        35,899        9.7   $ 50,703        4.1     1,158   

Family Place at Las Vegas


1155 East Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104-1516     71,173        -0.8   $ 31,882        71,726        0.8   $ 33,636        5.5     2,517   

West Germania 108


108 West Germania Place

  Chicago   IL   60610-1311     190,035        6.8   $ 68,098        195,543        2.9   $ 72,983        7.2     6,721   



1030 Highway 85 North

  Fayetteville   GA   30214-1306     9,185        23.4   $ 66,224        10,172        10.8   $ 68,431        3.3     325   

Pecan Park


3750 Millhaven Road

  Monroe   LA   71203-9032     13,002        -5.2   $ 23,431        12,688        -2.4   $ 24,750        5.6     460   

Land-Regency Village-Outparcel


International Drive

  Orlando   FL       42,203        10.4   $ 43,049        45,600        8.1   $ 46,980        9.1     1,493   

McDonough Marketplace South


815 Industrial Boulevard

  McDonough   GA   30253-6616     11,939        112.4   $ 53,558        15,270        27.9   $ 56,333        5.2     422   

Tamiami Trail Shops


13850 SW 8th Street

  Miami   FL   33184-3033     34,564        15.9   $ 58,632        37,630        8.9   $ 65,049        10.9     1,222   

Lincoln Place II


5905 North Illinois Street

  IL   62208-2710     12,310        16.0   $ 57,780        13,173        7.0   $ 62,037        7.4     435   

Sheridan Plaza


4800 Sheridan Street

  Hollywood   FL   33021-3344     53,525        -0.3   $ 45,296        54,719        2.2   $ 49,098        8.4     1,893   

Butler Creek


3330 Cobb Parkway

  Acworth   GA   30101-8324     16,413        42.8   $ 74,948        18,949        15.5   $ 80,467        7.4     580   

El Cajon


2398 Jamacha Road

  El Cajon   CA   92019-4367     20,219        5.6   $ 74,309        21,205        4.9   $ 83,200        12.0     715   

Morgan Hill


860 East Dunne Avenue

  Morgan Hill   CA   95037-4609     14,022        12.7   $ 97,263        15,070        7.5   $ 105,709        8.7     496   

Metro Center 280


91 Colma Boulevard

  Colma   CA   94014-3231     66,589        -0.4   $ 76,263        67,670        1.6   $ 83,753        9.8     2,355   

Arapahoe Marketplace


8557 East Arapahoe Road

  CO   80112-1401     27,844        3.1   $ 81,686        28,638        2.9   $ 83,785        2.6     985   

West Oaks


43175 Crescent Boulevard

  Novi   MI   48375-1206     21,316        14.7   $ 84,319        22,581        5.9   $ 87,931        4.3     754   

New Braunfels


1050 North IH 35

  TX   78130-3790     16,964        42.9   $ 50,332        19,957        17.6   $ 56,008        11.3     600   

Novato Fair


900 Diablo Avenue

  Novato   CA   94947-7310     18,801        13.1   $ 82,370        20,227        7.6   $ 90,702        10.1     665   

Valencia Road


1800 West Valencia Road

  Tucson   AZ   85746-6554     23,716        11.9   $ 39,409        25,312        6.7   $ 42,416        7.6     839   



10404 Centrum Parkway

  Pineville   NC   28134-8820     24,715        25.4   $ 57,511        27,820        12.6   $ 60,253        4.8     874   

Mashpaug Commons


850 Manton Avenue

  Providence   RI   02909-5649     64,678        -0.1   $ 36,727        64,568        -0.2   $ 40,599        10.5     2,288   

Center at Westbank


1601 Westbank Expressway

  Harvey   LA   70058-4312     53,972        -7.0   $ 37,788        58,408        8.2   $ 41,772        10.5     1,909   

Scottsdale II


1290 Scottsdale Mall

  South Bend   IN   46614-3471     18,456        -1.5   $ 41,740        18,424        -0.2   $ 43,514        4.3     653   

Hazel Dell Town Center


8801 NE Hazel Dell Avenue

  Vancouver   WA   98665-8145     29,983        16.3   $ 60,335        32,579        8.7   $ 65,151        8.0     1,060   

Lakes Crossings


5695 Harvey Street

  Muskegon   MI   49444-7735     5,801        14.6   $ 54,021        6,192        6.7   $ 55,085        2.0     205   

Bethesda Avenue 4929


4929 Bethesda Avenue

  Bethesda   MD   20814-5290     56,552        2.5   $ 126,414        57,626        1.9   $ 139,888        10.7     2,000   

Mt Vernon/SValley/Richmond Hwy


9622 Main Street

  Fairfax   VA   22031-3733     39,440        2.5   $ 105,675        40,068        1.6   $ 117,638        11.3     1,395   

Land-Huntcrest Outparcel

    Lawrenceville   GA       30,815        31.9   $ 54,897        35,189        14.2   $ 55,534        1.2     1,090   

Development-Gulf Breeze


1459 Tiger Park Lane

  Gulf Breeze   FL   32563-5720     6,335        21.3   $ 67,542        7,051        11.3   $ 73,029        8.1     224   

Addison Town Center


3770 Belt Line Road

  Addison   TX   75001-4301     62,239        5.4   $ 54,913        64,987        4.4   $ 57,923        5.5     2,201   

Market at Opitz Crossing


2042 Daniel Stuart Square

  Woodbridge   VA   22191-3315     26,052        26.5   $ 70,142        29,321        12.6   $ 77,688        10.8     921   

Beaver Creek Commons


1335 West Williams Street

  Apex   NC   27502-2188     17,139        49.9   $ 96,557        20,240        18.1   $ 104,310        8.0     606   

Phenix Crossing


5408 Summerville Highway

  Phenix City   AL   36867-7400     11,241        13.2   $ 48,598        11,941        6.2   $ 53,498        10.1     398   

Vista Village II


425 Vista Village Drive

  Vista   CA   92083-4993     42,069        0.7   $ 61,669        43,122        2.5   $ 68,426        11.0     1,488   

Presidential Markets


1905 Scenic Highway

  Snellville   GA   30078-5633     20,953        32.7   $ 76,478        23,918        14.2   $ 78,822        3.1     741   

Thousand Oaks Center


2915 Thousand Oaks Drive

  San Antonio   TX   78247-3312     33,421        18.4   $ 66,175        36,568        9.4   $ 69,981        5.8     1,182   

Hunter's Creek


4001 Town Center Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32837     20,465        33.4   $ 61,319        23,422        14.5   $ 65,872        7.4     724   

Durham Festival


3457 Hillsborough Road

  Durham   NC   27705-3008     24,900        6.7   $ 39,392        26,113        4.9   $ 40,903        3.8     881   

Fiesta Trails


12635 West IH 10

  San Antonio   TX   78230-1023     41,750        28.5   $ 48,828        46,892        12.3   $ 50,995        4.4     1,477   

Siempre Viva Business Park


2660 Sarnen Street

  San Diego   CA   92154-6216     1,313        672.4   $ 120,257        1,881        43.3   $ 135,583        12.7     46   

Primrose Marketplace II


3308 South Glenstone Avenue

  Springfield   MO   65804-4408     30,926        8.4   $ 41,377        32,522        5.2   $ 43,869        6.0     1,094   

Land-Wakefield Crossings


13150 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8286     10,077        145.1   $ 80,522        13,101        30.0   $ 85,516        6.2     356   



3371 US Highway One

  Lawrenceville   NJ   08648-1307     11,447        16.5   $ 102,240        12,259        7.1   $ 113,199        10.7     405   

Marana Ina Road


4075 West Ina Road

  Tucson   AZ   85741-2204     23,099        10.8   $ 56,711        24,702        6.9   $ 61,469        8.4     817   

Streets of Woodfield


601 North Martingale Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-5903     33,471        -2.6   $ 67,647        33,064        -1.2   $ 71,776        6.1     1,184   

Turfway Crossing


1336 Hansel Drive

  Florence   KY   41042-4802     20,641        8.3   $ 47,679        21,760        5.4   $ 50,842        6.6     730   

Montgomery Plaza-TX


301 Carroll Street

  Fort Worth   TX   76107-1956     30,131        5.4   $ 39,199        31,686        5.2   $ 41,897        6.9     1,066   

Triangle Mall


600 Triangle Shopping Center

  Longview   WA   98632-4667     21,059        3.1   $ 39,218        21,581        2.5   $ 41,394        5.5     745   

Inverness Heights Market


5025 Highway 280

  Birmingham   AL   35242     13,986        28.8   $ 83,340        15,665        12.0   $ 90,860        9.0     495   

Gateway Station II


1125 North Burleson Boulevard

  Burleson   TX   76028-7009     11,867        48.2   $ 57,845        13,983        17.8   $ 62,234        7.6     420   

Key Bank Building


66 South Pearl Street

  Albany   NY   12207-1501     43,287        0.2   $ 36,524        43,281        0.0   $ 39,995        9.5     1,531   

South Towne Crossing


220 SE Hidden Creek Parkway

  Burleson   TX   76028-5743     13,388        59.4   $ 58,752        16,084        20.1   $ 63,192        7.6     474   

Clinton Bank


7600 Old Branch Avenue

  Clinton   MD   20735-1603     17,744        1.2   $ 80,852        17,817        0.4   $ 89,135        10.2     628   

Villages at Urbana


3530 Sugarloaf Parkway

  Frederick   MD   21704-7909     2,322        94.8   $ 95,953        2,884        24.2   $ 108,855        13.4     82   

Overton Park Plaza


4820 SW Loop 820

  Fort Worth   TX   76109-4420     48,252        18.6   $ 47,511        53,124        10.1   $ 49,769        4.8     1,707   

Sandy Plains Exchange


1860 Sandy Plains Road

  Marietta   GA   30066-6578     23,708        8.1   $ 67,765        25,016        5.5   $ 70,888        4.6     838   

Highlands Ranch


9366 South Colorado Boulevard

  Littleton   CO   80126-5256     35,905        12.7   $ 93,941        38,900        8.3   $ 98,652        5.0     1,270   

Westland Terrace Plaza


7649 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32818-6631     38,450        17.0   $ 49,037        42,208        9.8   $ 53,574        9.3     1,360   

Laveen Village Market


5140 West Baseline Road

  Laveen   AZ   85339-2971     11,060        342.2   $ 58,119        15,353        38.8   $ 64,654        11.2     391   

Plaza del Mercado


2211 Bel Pre Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20906-2204     38,058        2.9   $ 77,509        38,778        1.9   $ 86,340        11.4     1,346   

Bear Creek


36010 Hidden Springs Road

  Wildomar   CA   92595-7622     17,040        54.4   $ 78,746        20,448        20.0   $ 88,794        12.8     603   

Centerplace of Greeley II


4500-4626 Centerplace Drive

  Greeley   CO   80634-3748     27,860        31.0   $ 49,839        31,711        13.8   $ 53,687        7.7     985   

John’s Creek Center


2845 County Road 210 West

  Jacksonville   FL   32259-2016     2,695        237.7   $ 83,375        3,697        37.2   $ 90,113        8.1     95   

Shoppes at Fort Wright


Kentucky Highway 17

  Fort Wright   KY   41017     23,298        4.1   $ 58,909        23,912        2.6   $ 63,096        7.1     824   

Independence Square


5590 Sashabaw Road

  Independence   MI   48346-3146     15,787        3.9   $ 72,968        16,059        1.7   $ 76,065        4.2     558   

Land-Thornydale Crossing

    Tucson   AZ       43,756        3.8   $ 33,658        45,631        4.3   $ 36,127        7.3     1,548   

North First Street One


One North First Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85004-2357     35,274        8.1   $ 30,206        37,707        6.9   $ 32,369        7.2     1,248   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Greenwood Village


9401 East Arapahoe Road

  CO   80112-3632     23,915        11.4   $ 83,900        25,470        6.5   $ 85,027        1.3     846   

Market Street 118


118 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19106-3015     165,170        4.1   $ 34,513        167,745        1.6   $ 37,396        8.4     5,842   

Cambridge Crossings


2029 West Maple Road

  Troy   MI   48084-7100     42,269        -1.8   $ 69,265        41,535        -1.7   $ 71,006        2.5     1,495   

Newbury Street 111-115


111 Newbury Street

  Boston   MA   02116-2902     198,107        5.6   $ 54,199        200,757        1.3   $ 60,025        10.7     7,007   

Edgewater Place


1030 North Rogers Lane

  Raleigh   NC   27610-6083     18,973        50.7   $ 58,010        22,350        17.8   $ 60,164        3.7     671   


    Dover   DE       10,891        27.1   $ 56,347        12,035        10.5   $ 60,128        6.7     385   

Frankfort Crossing


362 North La Grange Road

  Frankfort   IL   60423-2008     16,954        40.4   $ 92,559        19,212        13.3   $ 99,778        7.8     600   

McMinnville Market Center


615 SW Keck Drive

  McMinnville   OR   97128     11,428        18.8   $ 47,574        12,261        7.3   $ 50,596        6.4     404   

Pacific Coast Plaza-PCH & 2nd


703 Pier Ave

  CA   90254     72,254        6.3   $ 92,196        75,230        4.1   $ 101,116        9.7     2,555   

Shops at Saint Lucie


870 Saint Lucie West Boulevard

  Port Saint
  FL   34986-1764     24,777        81.0   $ 49,116        29,433        18.8   $ 53,113        8.1     876   

Hollywood Hills Plaza


4400 Hollywood Boulevard

  Hollywood   FL   33021-6610     63,459        -2.2   $ 42,391        63,842        0.6   $ 44,935        6.0     2,244   

Massaro Boulevard 1801


1801 Massaro Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33619-3013     14,400        21.1   $ 42,117        15,770        9.5   $ 45,022        6.9     509   

Ward Parkway Center


8600 Ward Parkway

  Kansas City   MO   64114-2614     39,653        -2.9   $ 58,455        39,585        -0.2   $ 60,961        4.3     1,402   

Land-Northwest Freeway


Northwest Freeway

  Houston   TX   77092     53,203        9.4   $ 39,991        56,488        6.2   $ 42,043        5.1     1,882   

Land-Southern Ave/Signal Butte


Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85210     60,408        3.8   $ 47,966        64,437        6.7   $ 51,393        7.1     2,136   

Land-70th Street


West 70th Street

  Shreveport   LA   71106     2,046        27.5   $ 124,360        2,246        9.8   $ 132,837        6.8     72   

Hope Valley Farms


3825 South Roxboro Street

  Durham   NC   27713-2799     33,137        23.4   $ 50,493        36,408        9.9   $ 52,845        4.7     1,172   

Family Place at Las Vegas


1155 East Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104-1516     69,524        -3.1   $ 33,122        72,441        4.2   $ 34,982        5.6     2,459   

West Germania 108


108 West Germania Place

  Chicago   IL   60610-1311     196,948        10.7   $ 69,561        201,905        2.5   $ 73,903        6.2     6,966   



1030 Highway 85 North

  Fayetteville   GA   30214-1306     9,226        21.7   $ 68,876        9,980        8.2   $ 70,661        2.6     326   

Pecan Park


3750 Millhaven Road

  Monroe   LA   71203-9032     12,974        -5.1   $ 24,124        12,735        -1.8   $ 25,315        4.9     459   

Land-Regency Village-Outparcel


International Drive

  Orlando   FL       41,965        8.4   $ 43,720        44,853        6.9   $ 47,695        9.1     1,484   

McDonough Marketplace South


815 Industrial Boulevard

  McDonough   GA   30253-6616     12,577        123.8   $ 54,532        15,003        19.3   $ 56,370        3.4     445   

Tamiami Trail Shops


13850 SW 8th Street

  Miami   FL   33184-3033     36,187        19.8   $ 59,767        38,486        6.4   $ 64,642        8.2     1,280   

Lincoln Place II


5905 North Illinois Street

  IL   62208-2710     12,220        16.3   $ 59,205        12,819        4.9   $ 62,855        6.2     432   

Sheridan Plaza


4800 Sheridan Street

  Hollywood   FL   33021-3344     52,836        -0.6   $ 45,896        53,553        1.4   $ 49,043        6.9     1,869   

Butler Creek


3330 Cobb Parkway

  Acworth   GA   30101-8324     16,486        44.2   $ 78,305        18,539        12.5   $ 83,923        7.2     583   

El Cajon


2398 Jamacha Road

  El Cajon   CA   92019-4367     20,474        7.4   $ 76,410        21,630        5.7   $ 84,453        10.5     724   

Morgan Hill


860 East Dunne Avenue

  Morgan Hill   CA   95037-4609     14,392        15.2   $ 99,386        15,452        7.4   $ 106,019        6.7     509   

Metro Center 280


91 Colma Boulevard

  Colma   CA   94014-3231     67,954        1.4   $ 78,297        69,245        1.9   $ 84,678        8.1     2,403   

Arapahoe Marketplace


8557 East Arapahoe Road

  CO   80112-1401     29,710        10.0   $ 80,475        31,670        6.6   $ 81,843        1.7     1,051   

West Oaks


43175 Crescent Boulevard

  Novi   MI   48375-1206     21,504        15.1   $ 85,668        22,455        4.4   $ 89,230        4.2     761   

New Braunfels


1050 North IH 35

  TX   78130-3790     16,466        41.9   $ 51,995        18,973        15.2   $ 57,033        9.7     582   

Novato Fair


900 Diablo Avenue

  Novato   CA   94947-7310     18,425        11.0   $ 85,804        19,468        5.7   $ 93,543        9.0     652   

Valencia Road


1800 West Valencia Road

  Tucson   AZ   85746-6554     24,502        15.4   $ 40,556        26,642        8.7   $ 43,353        6.9     867   



10404 Centrum Parkway

  Pineville   NC   28134-8820     25,439        29.5   $ 58,816        28,526        12.1   $ 60,925        3.6     900   

Mashpaug Commons


850 Manton Avenue

  Providence   RI   02909-5649     64,291        -0.6   $ 37,688        63,461        -1.3   $ 40,801        8.3     2,274   

Center at Westbank


1601 Westbank Expressway

  Harvey   LA   70058-4312     56,021        -2.8   $ 38,919        59,402        6.0   $ 42,867        10.1     1,981   

Scottsdale II


1290 Scottsdale Mall

  South Bend   IN   46614-3471     18,599        -0.4   $ 41,652        18,465        -0.7   $ 42,640        2.4     658   

Hazel Dell Town Center


8801 NE Hazel Dell Avenue

  Vancouver   WA   98665-8145     29,808        16.0   $ 61,309        32,233        8.1   $ 65,333        6.6     1,054   

Lakes Crossings


5695 Harvey Street

  Muskegon   MI   49444-7735     5,867        15.8   $ 54,828        6,148        4.8   $ 56,128        2.4     208   

Bethesda Avenue 4929


4929 Bethesda Avenue

  Bethesda   MD   20814-5290     57,052        4.0   $ 129,319        58,007        1.7   $ 142,363        10.1     2,018   

Mt Vernon/SValley/
Richmond Hwy


9622 Main Street

  Fairfax   VA   22031-3733     39,825        3.6   $ 109,109        40,434        1.5   $ 119,535        9.6     1,409   

Land-Huntcrest Outparcel

    Lawrenceville   GA       30,642        31.1   $ 56,192        34,833        13.7   $ 56,591        0.7     1,084   

Development-Gulf Breeze


1459 Tiger Park Lane

  Gulf Breeze   FL   32563-5720     6,632        20.1   $ 70,156        7,240        9.2   $ 75,682        7.9     235   

Addison Town Center


3770 Belt Line Road

  Addison   TX   75001-4301     63,604        7.3   $ 55,858        66,660        4.8   $ 58,230        4.2     2,250   

Market at Opitz Crossing


2042 Daniel Stuart Square

  Woodbridge   VA   22191-3315     26,156        27.5   $ 72,282        29,314        12.1   $ 78,998        9.3     925   

Beaver Creek Commons


1335 West Williams Street

  Apex   NC   27502-2188     18,331        58.8   $ 99,504        21,757        18.7   $ 108,623        9.2     648   

Phenix Crossing


5408 Summerville Highway

  Phenix City   AL   36867-7400     11,278        15.4   $ 48,703        11,914        5.6   $ 52,472        7.7     399   

Vista Village II


425 Vista Village Drive

  Vista   CA   92083-4993     43,343        4.5   $ 62,886        45,373        4.7   $ 69,137        9.9     1,533   

Presidential Markets


1905 Scenic Highway

  Snellville   GA   30078-5633     20,847        33.2   $ 78,790        23,429        12.4   $ 81,199        3.1     737   

Thousand Oaks Center


2915 Thousand Oaks Drive

  San Antonio   TX   78247-3312     33,131        17.8   $ 66,948        36,145        9.1   $ 70,366        5.1     1,172   

Hunter’s Creek


4001 Town Center Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32837     21,402        37.1   $ 61,574        24,451        14.3   $ 65,301        6.1     757   

Durham Festival


3457 Hillsborough Road

  Durham   NC   27705-3008     25,993        10.4   $ 41,126        27,688        6.5   $ 42,721        3.9     919   

Fiesta Trails


12635 West IH 10

  San Antonio   TX   78230-1023     41,011        28.1   $ 49,762        45,699        11.4   $ 52,229        5.0     1,450   

Siempre Viva Business Park


2660 Sarnen Street

  San Diego   CA   92154-6216     1,310        693.9   $ 122,606        1,467        12.0   $ 144,387        17.8     46   

Primrose Marketplace II


3308 South Glenstone Avenue

  Springfield   MO   65804-4408     31,125        9.5   $ 42,556        32,497        4.4   $ 44,559        4.7     1,101   

Land-Wakefield Crossings


13150 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8286     11,761        186.8   $ 81,213        13,591        15.6   $ 87,915        8.3     416   



3371 US Highway One

  Lawrenceville   NJ   08648-1307     10,717        15.8   $ 106,129        11,237        4.9   $ 115,923        9.2     379   

Marana Ina Road


4075 West Ina Road

  Tucson   AZ   85741-2204     23,973        14.3   $ 58,315        26,013        8.5   $ 62,117        6.5     848   

Streets of Woodfield


601 North Martingale Road

  Schaumburg   IL   60173-5903     32,979        -2.7   $ 69,256        32,504        -1.4   $ 72,264        4.3     1,166   

Turfway Crossing


1336 Hansel Drive

  Florence   KY   41042-4802     21,003        10.9   $ 48,213        22,339        6.4   $ 50,201        4.1     743   

Montgomery Plaza-TX


301 Carroll Street

  Fort Worth   TX   76107-1956     29,344        2.6   $ 40,268        30,722        4.7   $ 43,504        8.0     1,038   

Triangle Mall


600 Triangle Shopping Center

  Longview   WA   98632-4667     21,115        3.6   $ 40,297        21,454        1.6   $ 41,911        4.0     747   

Inverness Heights Market


5025 Highway 280

  Birmingham   AL   35242     14,475        31.2   $ 86,835        16,231        12.1   $ 93,380        7.5     512   

Gateway Station II


1125 North Burleson Boulevard

  Burleson   TX   76028-7009     11,547        46.1   $ 59,030        13,071        13.2   $ 62,731        6.3     408   

Key Bank Building


66 South Pearl Street

  Albany   NY   12207-1501     43,143        -0.4   $ 38,715        42,597        -1.3   $ 41,546        7.3     1,526   

South Towne Crossing


220 SE Hidden Creek Parkway

  Burleson   TX   76028-5743     13,644        59.9   $ 60,179        15,613        14.4   $ 64,004        6.4     483   

Clinton Bank


7600 Old Branch Avenue

  Clinton   MD   20735-1603     17,195        -1.0   $ 83,568        16,940        -1.5   $ 90,801        8.7     608   

Villages at Urbana


3530 Sugarloaf Parkway

  Frederick   MD   21704-7909     2,756        123.2   $ 98,417        2,963        7.5   $ 110,690        12.5     97   

Overton Park Plaza


4820 SW Loop 820

  Fort Worth   TX   76109-4420     46,275        14.1   $ 48,195        50,281        8.7   $ 50,301        4.4     1,637   

Sandy Plains Exchange


1860 Sandy Plains Road

  Marietta   GA   30066-6578     24,123        9.8   $ 69,871        25,259        4.7   $ 72,655        4.0     853   

Highlands Ranch


9366 South Colorado Boulevard

  Littleton   CO   80126-5256     36,708        15.3   $ 95,664        41,202        12.2   $ 99,431        3.9     1,298   

Westland Terrace Plaza


7649 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32818-6631     37,913        15.7   $ 49,730        41,524        9.5   $ 53,376        7.3     1,341   

Laveen Village Market


5140 West Baseline Road

  Laveen   AZ   85339-2971     11,599        356.8   $ 59,759        13,212        13.9   $ 65,873        10.2     410   

Plaza del Mercado


2211 Bel Pre Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20906-2204     38,409        4.2   $ 79,672        39,082        1.8   $ 86,621        8.7     1,358   

Bear Creek


36010 Hidden Springs Road

  Wildomar   CA   92595-7622     17,612        58.8   $ 79,423        20,662        17.3   $ 88,240        11.1     623   

Centerplace of Greeley II


4500-4626 Centerplace Drive

  Greeley   CO   80634-3748     28,553        34.5   $ 52,707        32,247        12.9   $ 55,812        5.9     1,010   

John’s Creek Center


2845 County Road 210 West

  Jacksonville   FL   32259-2016     3,271        242.5   $ 89,178        3,867        18.2   $ 99,826        11.9     116   

Shoppes at Fort Wright


Kentucky Highway 17

  Fort Wright   KY   41017     23,169        4.4   $ 60,957        23,703        2.3   $ 64,397        5.6     819   

Independence Square


5590 Sashabaw Road

  Independence   MI   48346-3146     15,425        2.9   $ 74,153        15,473        0.3   $ 76,716        3.5     546   

Land-Thornydale Crossing

    Tucson   AZ       45,158        5.1   $ 34,500        47,428        5.0   $ 36,769        6.6     1,597   

North First Street One


One North First Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85004-2357     35,249        8.3   $ 30,810        38,197        8.4   $ 32,853        6.6     1,247   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median




3760 Sixes Road

  Canton   GA   30114-8194     14,105        71.6   $ 77,900        17,404        23.4   $ 80,311        3.1     499   

Clinton Park


8899 Woodyard Road

  Clinton   MD   20735-2754     14,885        5.7   $ 86,167        15,251        2.5   $ 94,677        9.9     526   

Signal Hill


9560 Liberia Avenue

  Manassas   VA   20110-1719     23,870        10.8   $ 80,476        25,285        5.9   $ 89,494        11.2     844   

Hamilton Ridge


3300 Hamilton Mill Road

  Buford   GA   30519-4080     11,499        115.3   $ 78,876        14,636        27.3   $ 82,762        4.9     407   

Belfair Towne Village


125 Towne Drive

  Bluffton   SC   29910-4203     6,781        116.1   $ 61,485        8,706        28.4   $ 66,392        8.0     240   

Middle Beach


11220 Middle Beach Road

  Panama City   FL   32407-3718     6,812        57.5   $ 55,479        8,173        20.0   $ 61,667        11.2     241   

Publix at Woodruff


1750 Woodruff Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-5933     17,742        42.0   $ 70,726        20,584        16.0   $ 74,448        5.3     627   

Flatiron Marketplace


One West Flatiron Circle

  Broomfield   CO   80021-8881     12,662        16.8   $ 83,880        13,787        8.9   $ 92,127        9.8     448   

Publix at Laguna Isles


19441 Sheridan Street

  FL   33332-1653     14,963        14.4   $ 112,078        16,102        7.6   $ 124,203        10.8     529   

University Palms


4250 Alafaya Trail

  Oviedo   FL   32765-9412     25,211        20.8   $ 61,430        27,928        10.8   $ 66,992        9.1     892   

Brookwood Square


3999 Austell Road

  Austell   GA   30106-1100     21,382        9.5   $ 57,431        22,591        5.7   $ 59,904        4.3     756   

West Jordan Town Center


7000 South Redwood Road

  West Jordan   UT   84084-3421     39,219        10.6   $ 58,663        41,809        6.6   $ 62,844        7.1     1,387   

Taylorsville Town Center


1818 W 4700 S

  Taylorsville   UT   84118-1104     47,169        5.4   $ 49,493        49,257        4.4   $ 53,018        7.1     1,668   

Westgate Business Center


19408 Park Row

  Houston   TX   77084-4949     26,553        35.1   $ 78,521        30,237        13.9   $ 84,162        7.2     939   

Regency Commons


11255 Reed Hartman Highway

  Blue Ash   OH   45242-2417     18,720        -1.3   $ 78,610        18,632        -0.5   $ 84,726        7.8     662   

Totem Lakes Mall


12632 120th Avenue NE

  Kirkland   WA   98034-7502     38,783        7.7   $ 81,246        40,634        4.8   $ 89,226        9.8     1,372   

Shoppes at Amelia Concourse


Chester Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32217     3,998        51.3   $ 57,647        4,768        19.3   $ 63,899        10.8     141   

Alameda Bridgeside


2671 Blanding Avenue

  Alameda   CA   94501-1587     90,763        -0.3   $ 51,679        92,561        2.0   $ 57,093        10.5     3,210   

Clayton Valley


5424 Ygnacio Valley Road

  Concord   CA   94521-3836     22,214        2.1   $ 88,359        22,951        3.3   $ 96,129        8.8     786   

Falcon Ridge I & II


15262 Summit Avenue

  Fontana   CA   92336-0231     18,013        77.7   $ 89,354        22,077        22.6   $ 101,647        13.8     637   

Hasley Canyon Village


31786 The Old Road

  Castaic   CA   91384-3039     4,636        41.6   $ 114,302        5,325        14.9   $ 127,357        11.4     164   

Victoria Gateway Center


12489 Foothill Boulevard

  CA   91739-9320     29,956        46.7   $ 82,307        35,166        17.4   $ 92,377        12.2     1,059   

Signature Plaza


9720 Coit Road

  Plano   TX   75025-5833     40,299        85.6   $ 101,737        50,543        25.4   $ 107,438        5.6     1,425   

Spring West


1532 Spring Cypress Road

  Spring   TX   77388-3608     15,154        41.2   $ 78,658        17,609        16.2   $ 84,737        7.7     536   

Hollymead Town Center


312 Connor Drive

  Charlottesville   VA   22911-5605     4,796        25.0   $ 82,455        5,276        10.0   $ 90,844        10.2     170   

Paseo del Sol


3759 State Street

  Santa Barbara   CA   93105-3116     32,320        0.1   $ 66,733        32,880        1.7   $ 73,988        10.9     1,143   

Anthem Marketplace


3655 West Anthem Way

  Anthem   AZ   85086-0430     6,559        370.2   $ 88,841        8,980        36.9   $ 98,055        10.4     232   

Shops at Arizona


3434 West Anthem Way

  Anthem   AZ   85086-0448     6,820        367.8   $ 88,246        9,338        36.9   $ 97,344        10.3     241   



871 Vanderbilt Beach Road

  Naples   FL   34108-8710     21,396        32.6   $ 69,413        24,619        15.1   $ 74,678        7.6     757   

Greenhouse Marketplace


1499 Washington Avenue

  San Leandro   CA   94577-3647     53,243        -2.8   $ 56,834        53,536        0.6   $ 62,158        9.4     1,883   

Leesville Town Centre


9810 Leesville Road

  Raleigh   NC   27613-7536     19,291        44.0   $ 74,738        22,714        17.7   $ 77,862        4.2     682   

Harrison Pointe


270 Grande Heights Drive

  Cary   NC   27513-3925     23,644        23.0   $ 66,835        26,529        12.2   $ 70,611        5.6     836   

Festival at Hyannis


1070 Iyannough Road

  Hyannis   MA   02601-1871     11,500        -3.6   $ 50,706        11,159        -3.0   $ 56,193        10.8     407   

Shops at the Pond


739 Donald Lynch Boulevard

  Marlborough   MA   01752-4727     7,674        10.8   $ 84,354        8,046        4.9   $ 92,374        9.5     271   

Temple Town Center


2112 SW H K Dodgen Loop

  Temple   TX   76504-7004     17,775        6.6   $ 43,350        18,715        5.3   $ 47,466        9.5     629   

Camden Square


US Route 13

  Dover   DE   19901     11,855        23.2   $ 50,408        13,196        11.3   $ 54,289        7.7     419   

Parmer Crossing


12707 North Mo Pac Expressway

  Austin   TX   78727-4206     42,074        24.6   $ 57,686        47,272        12.4   $ 60,318        4.6     1,488   



10480 Kenai Spur Highway

  Kenai   AK   99611-7855     2,588        16.2   $ 55,684        2,784        7.6   $ 61,089        9.7     92   



2505 El Camino Real

  Tustin   CA   92782-8920     64,163        24.4   $ 91,553        71,144        10.9   $ 103,514        13.1     2,269   



1013 Riley Street

  Folsom   CA   95630-3513     28,118        21.3   $ 88,481        31,193        10.9   $ 98,296        11.1     994   

Oakland Commons


2203 East Oakland Avenue

  Bloomington   IL   61701-5760     32,420        9.3   $ 48,003        34,043        5.0   $ 51,109        6.5     1,147   

Holiday Center


3755 William Penn Highway

  Monroeville   PA   15146-2125     24,524        -5.3   $ 45,684        23,649        -3.6   $ 48,865        7.0     867   

Lake Worth Towne Crossing


6360 Lake Worth Boulevard

  Fort Worth   TX   76135-3604     14,644        27.3   $ 40,323        16,453        12.4   $ 43,554        8.0     518   

Cypress Town Center


Spring-Cypress Road

  Cypress   TX   77429     17,958        58.6   $ 102,209        21,458        19.5   $ 111,790        9.4     635   

Mount Nebo Pointe


289 Mount Nebo Road

  Pittsburgh   PA   15237-1313     23,287        -2.3   $ 53,385        22,909        -1.6   $ 58,792        10.1     824   

Shoppes at Deer Creek


804 South Crowley Road

  Crowley   TX   76036-3665     14,876        63.5   $ 57,359        17,960        20.7   $ 61,247        6.8     526   

Towson Place


1238 Putty Hill Avenue

  Towson   MD   21286-5844     58,986        0.6   $ 55,751        59,355        0.6   $ 61,203        9.8     2,086   

First Colony Commons


15505 SW Freeway

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-3830     28,705        30.4   $ 90,379        32,918        14.7   $ 95,956        6.2     1,015   

TJ Maxx Plaza


7480 SW 117th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33183-3806     59,683        0.1   $ 57,983        60,850        2.0   $ 63,107        8.8     2,111   

Tates Creek Centre


3349 Tates Creek Road

  Lexington   KY   40502-3467     37,740        10.2   $ 49,689        39,833        5.6   $ 52,519        5.7     1,335   

Largo Mall


10500 Ulmerton Road

  Largo   FL   33778-1633     49,446        -1.7   $ 42,613        49,696        0.5   $ 46,071        8.1     1,749   

Christown Spectrum Mall


1703 West Bethany Home Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85015-2566     77,762        5.9   $ 39,168        82,510        6.1   $ 41,964        7.1     2,750   

Creekside Plaza


2350 SE Green Oaks Boulevard

  Arlington   TX   76018-0917     30,354        35.2   $ 66,601        34,611        14.0   $ 70,691        6.1     1,074   

Village Center


2110 East Southlake Boulevard

  Southlake   TX   76092-6527     19,238        16.7   $ 92,471        20,934        8.8   $ 97,647        5.6     680   



1600 Saratoga Avenue

  San Jose   CA   95129-5101     74,921        2.1   $ 90,262        77,202        3.0   $ 97,307        7.8     2,650   

Arlington Plaza


926 Arlington Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32211-5956     36,012        7.5   $ 43,117        38,004        5.5   $ 46,179        7.1     1,274   

Highlands Plaza


2228 Lakeland Highlands Road

  Lakeland   FL   33803     25,798        12.1   $ 45,952        27,897        8.1   $ 49,963        8.7     912   



950 Blanding Boulevard

  Orange Park   FL   32065-5910     15,377        23.3   $ 61,224        17,305        12.5   $ 65,715        7.3     544   

Horizon Park


3908 West Hillsborough Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33614-5628     39,053        7.0   $ 38,780        41,274        5.7   $ 42,089        8.5     1,381   

Home Depot Center-Orland Park


15800 South Harlem Avenue

  Orland Park   IL   60462-5212     35,554        4.7   $ 73,101        36,591        2.9   $ 78,772        7.8     1,257   



6825 Burlington Pike

  Florence   KY   41042-1616     22,849        9.6   $ 48,997        24,176        5.8   $ 52,453        7.1     808   



246 Versailles Road

  Frankfort   KY   40601-3271     10,818        1.4   $ 43,893        10,861        0.4   $ 46,617        6.2     383   

Outer Loop Plaza


7505 Outer Loop

  Louisville   KY   40228-1726     23,499        16.9   $ 54,411        25,264        7.5   $ 57,612        5.9     831   

Green Ridge Square II


3410 Alpine Avenue NW

  Grand Rapids   MI   49544-1686     21,559        0.8   $ 43,274        21,725        0.8   $ 44,311        2.4     762   

Mooresville Consumer Square


355 West Plaza Drive

  Mooresville   NC   28117-6821     9,672        36.6   $ 62,178        11,122        15.0   $ 67,835        9.1     342   

Union Town Center


Independence Boulevard (US 74)

  Indian Trail   NC   28079     12,720        104.1   $ 63,219        16,256        27.8   $ 68,296        8.0     450   

North Charleston Center


5900 Rivers Avenue

  SC   29406-6054     17,869        12.7   $ 34,820        19,045        6.6   $ 38,506        10.6     632   

Wrangleboro Consumer Square


2300 Wrangleboro Road

  Mays Landing   NJ   8330     7,158        48.0   $ 62,256        8,295        15.9   $ 66,968        7.6     253   

Fairview Square


2909 Memorial Avenue

  Lynchburg   VA   24501-2627     18,977        1.4   $ 30,993        19,367        2.1   $ 32,707        5.5     671   

Hamilton Commons


4215 Black Horse Pike

  Mays Landing   NJ   08330-3136     7,897        48.4   $ 62,414        9,154        15.9   $ 67,393        8.0     279   

BJ’s Wholesale Club


1785 Airport Road

  Allentown   PA   18109-9528     35,827        2.1   $ 41,735        36,545        2.0   $ 44,875        7.5     1,267   

Tops Plaza-Erie


1520 West 25th Street

  Erie   PA   16502-2215     42,187        -0.1   $ 35,706        42,075        -0.3   $ 38,215        7.0     1,492   

Consumer Center-W Long Branch


310 State Route 36

  West Long
  NJ   07764-1026     32,012        3.0   $ 62,329        32,510        1.6   $ 67,512        8.3     1,132   

Dick’s-North Towne Commons


851 West Alexis Road

  Toledo   OH   43612-4303     30,287        -2.4   $ 44,179        29,751        -1.8   $ 46,568        5.4     1,071   

Consumer Square West


3630 Soldano Boulevard

  Columbus   OH   43228-1422     41,935        2.7   $ 41,739        42,591        1.6   $ 44,134        5.7     1,483   

Ashtabula Commons


1144 West Prospect Road

  Ashtabula   OH   44004-6521     11,408        -6.1   $ 34,382        11,003        -3.6   $ 36,374        5.8     403   

Williamsville Place


5395 Sheridan Drive

  Williamsville   NY   14221-3600     28,191        1.5   $ 68,280        28,203        0.0   $ 72,935        6.8     997   

Sheridan/Harlem Plaza


4990 Harlem Road

  Amherst   NY   14226-2560     46,173        -4.0   $ 51,768        44,853        -2.9   $ 55,668        7.5     1,633   

Seneca Ridge Plaza


3531 Seneca Street

  West Seneca   NY   14224     34,366        -2.4   $ 47,245        33,747        -1.8   $ 50,776        7.5     1,215   

Home Depot Plaza-West Seneca


1881 Ridge Road

  West Seneca   NY   14224-3334     37,297        -3.0   $ 45,025        36,508        -2.1   $ 48,202        7.1     1,319   

Tops Plaza-Warsaw


2382 State Route 19 North

  Warsaw   NY   14569-9356     1,868        -1.4   $ 44,872        1,855        -0.7   $ 51,157        14.0     66   

Victor Square


2 Commerce Drive

  Victor   NY   14564     4,804        19.4   $ 95,229        5,185        7.9   $ 100,142        5.2     170   

Tops Plaza-Mohawk Street


1122 Mohawk Street

  Utica   NY   13501-3750     26,282        -2.4   $ 31,012        25,898        -1.5   $ 33,568        8.2     930   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



3760 Sixes Road

  Canton   GA   30114-8194     13,514        74.3   $ 80,279        16,055        18.8   $ 82,857        3.2     478   

Clinton Park


8899 Woodyard Road

  Clinton   MD   20735-2754     14,793        2.2   $ 87,676        14,804        0.1   $ 95,692        9.1     523   

Signal Hill


9560 Liberia Avenue

  Manassas   VA   20110-1719     23,774        10.5   $ 83,185        25,067        5.4   $ 91,554        10.1     841   

Hamilton Ridge


3300 Hamilton Mill Road

  Buford   GA   30519-4080     11,127        121.3   $ 81,147        12,856        15.5   $ 85,157        4.9     394   

Belfair Towne Village


125 Towne Drive

  Bluffton   SC   29910-4203     7,053        122.6   $ 62,131        8,271        17.3   $ 66,586        7.2     249   

Middle Beach


11220 Middle Beach Road

  Panama City   FL   32407-3718     7,056        57.4   $ 55,379        7,834        11.0   $ 60,380        9.0     250   

Publix at Woodruff


1750 Woodruff Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-5933     19,223        51.0   $ 70,984        21,818        13.5   $ 73,616        3.7     680   

Flatiron Marketplace


One West Flatiron Circle

  Broomfield   CO   80021-8881     13,291        24.1   $ 83,676        14,636        10.1   $ 89,875        7.4     470   

Publix at Laguna Isles


19441 Sheridan Street

  FL   33332-1653     14,687        14.8   $ 112,009        15,739        7.2   $ 125,373        11.9     519   

University Palms


4250 Alafaya Trail

  Oviedo   FL   32765-9412     25,599        23.0   $ 62,477        28,391        10.9   $ 67,389        7.9     905   

Brookwood Square


3999 Austell Road

  Austell   GA   30106-1100     20,715        9.7   $ 60,225        21,772        5.1   $ 62,282        3.4     733   

West Jordan Town Center


7000 South Redwood Road

  West Jordan   UT   84084-3421     39,876        12.2   $ 59,945        42,663        7.0   $ 63,495        5.9     1,410   

Taylorsville Town Center


1818 W 4700 S

  Taylorsville   UT   84118-1104     47,001        5.7   $ 50,602        49,463        5.2   $ 53,631        6.0     1,662   

Westgate Business Center


19408 Park Row

  Houston   TX   77084-4949     26,285        33.7   $ 80,684        29,321        11.6   $ 85,650        6.2     930   

Regency Commons


11255 Reed Hartman Highway

  Blue Ash   OH   45242-2417     19,475        3.4   $ 79,218        19,655        0.9   $ 83,789        5.8     689   

Totem Lakes Mall


12632 120th Avenue NE

  Kirkland   WA   98034-7502     39,157        8.7   $ 83,429        40,830        4.3   $ 90,803        8.8     1,385   

Shoppes at Amelia Concourse


Chester Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32217     3,825        54.8   $ 59,945        4,392        14.8   $ 66,416        10.8     135   

Alameda Bridgeside


2671 Blanding Avenue

  Alameda   CA   94501-1587     92,441        0.9   $ 52,959        94,063        1.8   $ 57,661        8.9     3,269   

Clayton Valley


5424 Ygnacio Valley Road

  Concord   CA   94521-3836     22,560        3.4   $ 90,042        23,498        4.2   $ 96,335        7.0     798   

Falcon Ridge I & II


15262 Summit Avenue

  Fontana   CA   92336-0231     18,383        82.8   $ 90,222        20,876        13.6   $ 102,233        13.3     650   

Hasley Canyon Village


31786 The Old Road

  Castaic   CA   91384-3039     4,419        46.3   $ 116,154        5,031        13.9   $ 132,108        13.7     156   

Victoria Gateway Center


12489 Foothill Boulevard

  CA   91739-9320     30,761        49.5   $ 81,934        34,752        13.0   $ 90,539        10.5     1,088   

Signature Plaza


9720 Coit Road

  Plano   TX   75025-5833     41,515        90.7   $ 103,953        50,378        21.4   $ 108,766        4.6     1,468   

Spring West


1532 Spring Cypress Road

  Spring   TX   77388-3608     14,836        43.8   $ 81,872        16,562        11.6   $ 87,496        6.9     525   

Hollymead Town Center


312 Connor Drive

  Charlottesville   VA   22911-5605     4,752        24.7   $ 85,084        5,173        8.9   $ 93,550        10.0     168   

Paseo del Sol


3759 State Street

  Santa Barbara   CA   93105-3116     32,536        0.5   $ 68,514        33,017        1.5   $ 74,989        9.5     1,151   

Anthem Marketplace


3655 West Anthem Way

  Anthem   AZ   85086-0430     7,226        417.3   $ 91,974        8,233        13.9   $ 103,674        12.7     256   

Shops at Arizona


3434 West Anthem Way

  Anthem   AZ   85086-0448     7,799        401.5   $ 89,408        8,906        14.2   $ 100,227        12.1     276   



871 Vanderbilt Beach Road

  Naples   FL   34108-8710     21,134        30.6   $ 70,837        23,944        13.3   $ 75,578        6.7     747   

Greenhouse Marketplace


1499 Washington Avenue

  San Leandro   CA   94577-3647     53,733        -1.8   $ 58,275        54,121        0.7   $ 62,829        7.8     1,900   

Leesville Town Centre


9810 Leesville Road

  Raleigh   NC   27613-7536     20,112        50.0   $ 76,792        23,457        16.6   $ 80,057        4.3     711   

Harrison Pointe


270 Grande Heights Drive

  Cary   NC   27513-3925     24,912        28.9   $ 68,679        27,905        12.0   $ 71,798        4.5     881   

Festival at Hyannis


1070 Iyannough Road

  Hyannis   MA   02601-1871     11,366        -5.2   $ 51,076        10,913        -4.0   $ 54,988        7.7     402   

Shops at the Pond


739 Donald Lynch Boulevard

  Marlborough   MA   01752-4727     7,615        11.1   $ 87,680        7,893        3.7   $ 94,773        8.1     269   

Temple Town Center


2112 SW H K Dodgen Loop

  Temple   TX   76504-7004     17,594        5.4   $ 44,535        18,668        6.1   $ 47,997        7.8     622   

Camden Square


US Route 13

  Dover   DE   19901     12,342        24.3   $ 53,967        13,559        9.9   $ 57,727        7.0     437   

Parmer Crossing


12707 North Mo Pac Expressway

  Austin   TX   78727-4206     42,503        24.8   $ 59,491        47,181        11.0   $ 61,531        3.4     1,503   



10480 Kenai Spur Highway

  Kenai   AK   99611-7855     2,572        16.2   $ 55,179        2,716        5.6   $ 58,881        6.7     91   



2505 El Camino Real

  Tustin   CA   92782-8920     63,755        24.3   $ 93,303        68,201        7.0   $ 103,300        10.7     2,255   



1013 Riley Street

  Folsom   CA   95630-3513     27,557        19.5   $ 89,409        30,285        9.9   $ 99,140        10.9     975   

Oakland Commons


2203 East Oakland Avenue

  Bloomington   IL   61701-5760     32,387        10.0   $ 49,274        33,680        4.0   $ 51,964        5.5     1,145   

Holiday Center


3755 William Penn Highway

  Monroeville   PA   15146-2125     24,474        -5.3   $ 47,054        23,572        -3.7   $ 49,471        5.1     866   

Lake Worth Towne Crossing


6360 Lake Worth Boulevard

  Fort Worth   TX   76135-3604     15,011        30.7   $ 41,533        16,370        9.1   $ 44,005        6.0     531   

Cypress Town Center


Spring-Cypress Road

  Cypress   TX   77429     17,395        52.2   $ 104,340        18,946        8.9   $ 112,335        7.7     615   

Mount Nebo Pointe


289 Mount Nebo Road

  Pittsburgh   PA   15237-1313     23,156        -2.4   $ 55,248        22,638        -2.2   $ 60,117        8.8     819   

Shoppes at Deer Creek


804 South Crowley Road

  Crowley   TX   76036-3665     15,571        72.8   $ 58,441        17,908        15.0   $ 61,756        5.7     551   

Towson Place


1238 Putty Hill Avenue

  Towson   MD   21286-5844     57,900        -1.0   $ 57,552        57,208        -1.2   $ 62,196        8.1     2,048   

First Colony Commons


15505 SW Freeway

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-3830     28,970        33.1   $ 94,816        33,865        16.9   $ 100,384        5.9     1,025   

TJ Maxx Plaza


7480 SW 117th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33183-3806     61,053        2.2   $ 58,820        62,458        2.3   $ 62,690        6.6     2,159   

Tates Creek Centre


3349 Tates Creek Road

  Lexington   KY   40502-3467     37,876        10.9   $ 51,714        39,979        5.6   $ 54,157        4.7     1,340   

Largo Mall


10500 Ulmerton Road

  Largo   FL   33778-1633     49,326        -1.8   $ 43,452        49,095        -0.5   $ 46,131        6.2     1,745   

Christown Spectrum Mall


1703 West Bethany Home Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85015-2566     76,774        5.1   $ 39,942        82,470        7.4   $ 42,290        5.9     2,715   

Creekside Plaza


2350 SE Green Oaks Boulevard

  Arlington   TX   76018-0917     31,734        40.5   $ 67,832        35,074        10.5   $ 71,013        4.7     1,122   

Village Center


2110 East Southlake Boulevard

  Southlake   TX   76092-6527     19,505        18.8   $ 94,429        21,455        10.0   $ 99,961        5.9     690   



1600 Saratoga Avenue

  San Jose   CA   95129-5101     75,791        4.1   $ 92,639        78,326        3.3   $ 98,404        6.2     2,681   

Arlington Plaza


926 Arlington Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32211-5956     35,886        6.2   $ 43,959        37,618        4.8   $ 46,078        4.8     1,269   

Highlands Plaza


2228 Lakeland Highlands Road

  Lakeland   FL   33803     25,462        12.5   $ 46,326        27,513        8.1   $ 49,229        6.3     901   



950 Blanding Boulevard

  Orange Park   FL   32065-5910     15,061        21.8   $ 62,268        16,780        11.4   $ 65,796        5.7     533   

Horizon Park


3908 West Hillsborough Avenue

  Tampa   FL   33614-5628     38,424        5.7   $ 39,156        40,745        6.0   $ 41,651        6.4     1,359   

Home Depot Center-Orland Park


15800 South Harlem Avenue

  Orland Park   IL   60462-5212     34,891        3.2   $ 75,099        35,286        1.1   $ 80,151        6.7     1,234   



6825 Burlington Pike

  Florence   KY   41042-1616     23,296        11.9   $ 49,525        24,837        6.6   $ 51,883        4.8     824   



246 Versailles Road

  Frankfort   KY   40601-3271     11,084        4.5   $ 45,418        11,228        1.3   $ 47,847        5.3     392   

Outer Loop Plaza


7505 Outer Loop

  Louisville   KY   40228-1726     23,458        18.5   $ 55,210        24,867        6.0   $ 57,891        4.9     830   

Green Ridge Square II


3410 Alpine Avenue NW

  Grand Rapids   MI   49544-1686     21,300        0.4   $ 43,831        21,245        -0.3   $ 44,397        1.3     753   

Mooresville Consumer Square


355 West Plaza Drive

  Mooresville   NC   28117-6821     9,399        34.2   $ 62,268        10,445        11.1   $ 67,345        8.2     332   

Union Town Center


Independence Boulevard (US 74)

  Indian Trail   NC   28079     13,368        111.3   $ 64,247        16,120        20.6   $ 68,317        6.3     473   

North Charleston Center


5900 Rivers Avenue

  SC   29406-6054     17,987        13.1   $ 36,146        19,295        7.3   $ 39,207        8.5     636   

Wrangleboro Consumer Square


2300 Wrangleboro Road

  Mays Landing   NJ   8330     6,994        44.9   $ 62,479        7,752        10.8   $ 65,595        5.0     247   

Fairview Square


2909 Memorial Avenue

  Lynchburg   VA   24501-2627     18,851        1.0   $ 32,303        19,177        1.7   $ 33,841        4.8     667   

Hamilton Commons


4215 Black Horse Pike

  Mays Landing   NJ   08330-3136     7,768        46.2   $ 62,625        8,620        11.0   $ 66,030        5.4     275   

BJ’s Wholesale Club


1785 Airport Road

  Allentown   PA   18109-9528     35,495        1.9   $ 43,011        35,908        1.2   $ 45,556        5.9     1,255   

Tops Plaza-Erie


1520 West 25th Street

  Erie   PA   16502-2215     42,513        0.5   $ 36,754        42,180        -0.8   $ 38,656        5.2     1,504   

Consumer Center-W Long Branch


310 State Route 36

  West Long
  NJ   07764-1026     32,108        3.2   $ 64,564        32,334        0.7   $ 68,735        6.5     1,136   

Dick’s-North Towne Commons


851 West Alexis Road

  Toledo   OH   43612-4303     29,657        -3.7   $ 43,774        28,796        -2.9   $ 45,113        3.1     1,049   

Consumer Square West


3630 Soldano Boulevard

  Columbus   OH   43228-1422     42,134        3.4   $ 42,942        43,062        2.2   $ 44,963        4.7     1,490   

Ashtabula Commons


1144 West Prospect Road

  Ashtabula   OH   44004-6521     11,469        -5.9   $ 35,405        11,009        -4.0   $ 37,287        5.3     406   

Williamsville Place


5395 Sheridan Drive

  Williamsville   NY   14221-3600     28,008        1.1   $ 69,825        27,744        -0.9   $ 73,999        6.0     991   

Sheridan/Harlem Plaza


4990 Harlem Road

  Amherst   NY   14226-2560     45,977        -4.1   $ 53,201        44,509        -3.2   $ 56,367        6.0     1,626   

Seneca Ridge Plaza


3531 Seneca Street

  West Seneca   NY   14224     34,415        -2.7   $ 48,793        33,536        -2.6   $ 52,101        6.8     1,217   

Home Depot Plaza-West Seneca


1881 Ridge Road

  West Seneca   NY   14224-3334     36,971        -3.5   $ 46,422        35,878        -3.0   $ 49,224        6.0     1,308   

Tops Plaza-Warsaw


2382 State Route 19 North

  Warsaw   NY   14569-9356     1,846        -2.6   $ 45,297        1,797        -2.7   $ 50,269        11.0     65   

Victor Square


2 Commerce Drive

  Victor   NY   14564     4,678        20.9   $ 96,026        4,929        5.4   $ 100,395        4.5     165   

Tops Plaza-Mohawk Street


1122 Mohawk Street

  Utica   NY   13501-3750     26,293        -2.3   $ 31,602        25,799        -1.9   $ 33,421        5.8     930   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Office Depot Plaza-Tonawanda


2309 Eggert Road

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-9200     61,235        -4.7   $ 46,752        59,248        -3.2   $ 49,477        5.8     2,166   

Del-Ton Plaza


4264 Delaware Avenue

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-6130     42,072        -6.2   $ 45,244        40,364        -4.1   $ 48,130        6.4     1,488   

Tops Plaza-Alden


12775 Broadway Street

  Alden   NY   14004-9569     2,940        1.1   $ 56,880        2,937        -0.1   $ 60,961        7.2     104   

Youngmann Plaza


750 Young Street

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-4101     45,346        -5.9   $ 45,364        43,566        -3.9   $ 48,185        6.2     1,604   

Sheridan-Delaware Plaza


1692 Sheridan Drive

  Buffalo   NY   14223-1210     59,523        -4.8   $ 42,034        57,632        -3.2   $ 44,691        6.3     2,105   

Tops Plaza-Tonawanda


150 Niagra Street

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-1001     29,295        -4.8   $ 45,242        28,417        -3.0   $ 48,284        6.7     1,036   

Bear Road Plaza


709 North Main Street

  NY   13212-1669     18,076        3.2   $ 57,786        18,323        1.4   $ 62,560        8.3     639   

Springville Plaza


184 South Cascade Drive

  Springville   NY   14141-9705     2,275        -0.7   $ 45,709        2,259        -0.7   $ 49,121        7.5     80   

Tops Plaza-Robinson Road


3035 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-1600     25,165        -2.3   $ 48,487        24,744        -1.7   $ 52,262        7.8     890   

Panorama Plaza


1601 Penfield Road

  Rochester   NY   14625-2322     21,574        -2.0   $ 65,384        21,395        -0.8   $ 69,028        5.6     763   

Tops Plaza-Transit Commons


9660 Transit Road

  East Amherst   NY   14051-1484     13,167        14.8   $ 93,772        13,934        5.8   $ 99,475        6.1     466   

Henrietta Plaza


1100 Jefferson Plaza

  Rochester   NY   14623-3135     20,276        4.3   $ 53,960        20,644        1.8   $ 57,745        7.0     717   

University Plaza


3500 Main Street

  Amherst   NY   14226-3120     71,204        -5.8   $ 42,369        68,579        -3.7   $ 45,009        6.2     2,518   

Plattsburgh Consumer Square


77 Consumer Square

  Plattsburgh   NY   12901-6532     10,802        8.0   $ 38,012        11,185        3.6   $ 41,690        9.7     382   

Transit Road 7370


7370 Transit Road

  Buffalo   NY   14221-6020     17,961        5.3   $ 69,889        18,344        2.1   $ 74,736        6.9     635   

Crossroads Centre


3245 Southwestern Boulevard

  Orchard Park   NY   14127-1241     18,079        1.5   $ 60,641        18,150        0.4   $ 65,379        7.8     639   

Tops Plaza-Ontario


6272 Furnace Road

  Ontario   NY   14519-8974     3,172        8.3   $ 58,000        3,286        3.6   $ 62,352        7.5     112   

Boulevard Consumer Square


1641 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-2704     41,941        -4.5   $ 48,605        40,642        -3.1   $ 51,940        6.9     1,483   

Burlington Plaza-Amherst


1551 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-2703     42,970        -4.5   $ 49,386        41,656        -3.1   $ 52,906        7.1     1,520   



3142 West State Street

  Olean   NY   14760     7,199        -4.4   $ 37,022        6,953        -3.4   $ 40,821        10.3     255   

Tops Plaza-Norwich


54 East Main Street

  Norwich   NY   13815-1851     4,389        -0.2   $ 37,204        4,344        -1.0   $ 40,885        9.9     155   

Mohawk Commons


402 Balltown Road

  Schenectady   NY   12304-2245     25,856        2.9   $ 58,702        26,395        2.1   $ 65,084        10.9     914   

Dick’s Sporting Goods-Amherst


281 Meyer Road

  Amherst   NY   14226-1035     41,605        -4.1   $ 51,421        40,375        -3.0   $ 55,212        7.4     1,471   

Pine Plaza


8329 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Niagara Falls   NY   14304-4708     14,868        1.3   $ 44,003        14,917        0.3   $ 46,670        6.1     526   

Tops Plaza-Arcade


658 Main Street

  Arcade   NY   14009-1037     2,049        -5.8   $ 43,794        2,041        -0.4   $ 47,299        8.0     72   

Regal Cinemas-Niagara Falls


750 Builders Way

  Niagara Falls   NY   14304-2103     21,661        -3.7   $ 33,980        21,189        -2.2   $ 36,407        7.1     766   

Tops Plaza-Avon


270 East Main Street

  Avon   NY   14414-1422     2,211        -1.2   $ 49,643        2,214        0.1   $ 53,351        7.5     78   

Tops Plaza-Batavia


8351 Lewiston Road

  Batavia   NY   14020-4002     7,260        -3.9   $ 39,167        7,079        -2.5   $ 42,273        7.9     257   

Consumer Square


4725 Commercial Drive

  NY   13413-6211     20,265        1.2   $ 43,612        20,338        0.4   $ 47,388        8.7     717   

BJ’s Plaza-Batavia


8326 Lewiston Road

  Batavia   NY   14020-1252     7,219        -4.0   $ 39,151        7,038        -2.5   $ 42,246        7.9     255   

Hannaford Plaza-Kellogg Road


40 Kellogg Road

  NY   13413-2850     14,269        0.4   $ 46,300        14,272        0.0   $ 49,826        7.6     505   

Batavia Commons


419 West Main Street

  Batavia   NY   14020-1284     7,258        -3.9   $ 39,159        7,077        -2.5   $ 42,260        7.9     257   

Mid-City Plaza


955 Payne Avenue

  NY   14120-3213     21,750        0.4   $ 48,122        21,658        -0.4   $ 52,065        8.2     769   

Big Flats Consumer Square


830 County Road 64

  Elmira   NY   14903-9719     5,616        1.8   $ 49,281        5,656        0.7   $ 52,805        7.2     199   

Tops Plaza-Portage Road


1000 Portage Road

  Niagara Falls   NY   14301-1120     15,981        -8.7   $ 25,560        15,145        -5.2   $ 27,143        6.2     565   

Tops Plaza-Medina


11200 Maple Ridge Road

  Medina   NY   14103-1844     3,211        -3.1   $ 37,953        3,131        -2.5   $ 40,788        7.5     114   

McKinley Mall OP-Pier 1


3701 McKinley Parkway

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2695     20,642        -1.3   $ 47,367        20,380        -1.3   $ 51,021        7.7     730   

Delaware Consumer Square


2636 Delaware Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14216-1740     73,017        -5.0   $ 37,049        70,662        -3.2   $ 39,670        7.1     2,582   

Elmwood Regal Center


1951 Elmwood Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14207     70,218        -5.4   $ 35,262        67,881        -3.3   $ 37,948        7.6     2,483   

Marshall’s Plaza


2150 Delaware Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14216     83,315        -6.0   $ 33,161        80,107        -3.9   $ 35,350        6.6     2,947   

Thruway Plaza


2195 Harlem Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225     51,069        -8.8   $ 31,725        48,366        -5.3   $ 33,839        6.7     1,806   

Tops Plaza-Lockport


5839 South Transit Road

  Lockport   NY   14094-6317     14,033        -0.3   $ 42,849        13,983        -0.4   $ 45,401        6.0     496   

Tops Plaza-Union


3825 Union Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225     38,009        -6.7   $ 40,427        36,496        -4.0   $ 43,090        6.6     1,344   

Tops Plaza-Le Roy


128 West Main Street

  Le Roy   NY   14482-1300     2,633        -4.5   $ 48,279        2,573        -2.3   $ 51,789        7.3     93   

Regal Center


2001 Elmwood Ave

  Buffalo   NY   14207-1903     21,083        1.6   $ 60,496        21,093        0.1   $ 65,205        7.8     746   

Borders Books-Walden


2015 Walden Avenue

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-5113     42,269        -6.5   $ 37,098        40,408        -4.4   $ 39,908        7.6     1,495   

Dick’s Plaza-Union


3637 Union Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-5100     39,614        -6.3   $ 39,428        38,037        -4.0   $ 42,162        6.9     1,401   

Tops Plaza-Jamestown


75 Washington Street

  Jamestown   NY   14701     16,053        -5.2   $ 31,856        15,472        -3.6   $ 34,009        6.8     568   

Walden Consumer Square


1700 Walden Avenue

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225     48,194        -7.7   $ 34,588        45,892        -4.8   $ 37,227        7.6     1,705   

Southside Plaza


788 Foote Avenue

  Jamestown   NY   14701-9387     14,779        -5.2   $ 31,203        14,223        -3.8   $ 33,272        6.6     523   

Walden Place


2130 Walden Avenue

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-5126     40,619        -6.2   $ 38,775        38,954        -4.1   $ 41,569        7.2     1,437   

Kmart Plaza


800 Paul Road

  Rochester   NY   14624-4421     12,147        3.7   $ 62,457        12,364        1.8   $ 65,688        5.2     430   

Tops Plaza-Ithaca


614 South Meadow Street

  Ithaca   NY   14850-5319     15,940        7.0   $ 34,365        16,437        3.1   $ 37,212        8.3     564   

Ridgeview Place


850 Ridge Road East

  Rochester   NY   14621-1711     58,203        -6.3   $ 32,635        56,194        -3.5   $ 34,013        4.2     2,059   

Eastgate Plaza


5033 Transit Road

  Williamsville   NY   14221-4132     19,562        7.3   $ 79,250        20,187        3.2   $ 85,094        7.4     692   

JoAnn Plaza-Transit


4101 Transit Road

  Williamsville   NY   14221-7243     20,153        2.9   $ 62,798        20,315        0.8   $ 67,523        7.5     713   

Culver Ridge Plaza


2255 Ridge Road East

  Irondequoit   NY   14622-2611     40,441        -4.4   $ 40,177        39,445        -2.5   $ 42,221        5.1     1,430   

Henrietta Jefferson Plaza


400 Jefferson Road

  Rochester   NY   14623-2430     14,784        2.4   $ 46,059        14,941        1.1   $ 48,823        6.0     523   

Tops Plaza-Cortland


3918 State Route 281

  Cortland   NY   13045-8851     9,940        1.1   $ 34,758        9,929        -0.1   $ 38,395        10.5     352   

Tops Plaza-Dansville


23 Franklin Plaza

  Dansville   NY   14437-9221     2,411        -8.6   $ 39,809        2,285        -5.2   $ 42,674        7.2     85   

Tops Plaza-Depew


5175 Broadway

  Depew   NY   14043-4010     25,349        0.3   $ 57,380        25,218        -0.5   $ 62,148        8.3     897   

Tops Plaza-Hamlin


1800 Lake Road

  Hamlin   NY   14464-9514     2,759        -1.2   $ 59,613        2,730        -1.1   $ 63,231        6.1     98   

Dewitt Commons


3401 Erie Boulevard East

  De Witt   NY   13214-1635     26,180        -1.1   $ 46,884        25,975        -0.8   $ 50,352        7.4     926   

McKinley-Milestrip Plaza


3540 McKinley Parkway

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2600     21,081        -2.1   $ 46,137        20,749        -1.6   $ 49,521        7.3     746   



3133 Erie Boulevard East

  De Witt   NY   13214-1201     30,216        -2.0   $ 41,923        29,805        -1.4   $ 44,963        7.3     1,069   

Tops Plaza-Elmira


299 South Main Street

  Elmira   NY   14904-1393     16,780        -3.5   $ 35,670        16,358        -2.5   $ 37,912        6.3     593   

Mckinley Milestrip-Home Depot


4405 Milestrip Road

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2000     20,946        -2.2   $ 45,979        20,613        -1.6   $ 49,361        7.4     741   

Westgate Plaza


2000 Chili Avenue

  Gates   NY   14624-3424     24,266        -4.8   $ 43,473        23,597        -2.8   $ 45,376        4.4     858   

Hamburg Village Square


140 Pine Street

  Hamburg   NY   14075-5154     10,948        2.0   $ 60,608        11,017        0.6   $ 65,128        7.5     387   

Jo-Ann/Petsmart Plaza


3042 West Ridge Road

  Greece   NY   14626-1676     22,831        0.5   $ 54,562        22,786        -0.2   $ 58,141        6.6     807   

Tops Plaza-Southpark


6150 South Park Avenue

  Hamburg   NY   14075-3810     13,021        2.7   $ 60,371        13,148        1.0   $ 64,936        7.6     461   

BJ’s Plaza-Hamburg


4408 Milestrip Road

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2553     21,307        -2.5   $ 45,393        20,928        -1.8   $ 48,745        7.4     754   



535 Tamiami Trail

  Venice   FL   34285-2927     20,064        17.6   $ 45,814        22,127        10.3   $ 49,253        7.5     710   

Sparkleberry Square


10136 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29229-4389     17,550        53.9   $ 72,906        20,704        18.0   $ 77,869        6.8     621   

Two Guys Auto Glass-Brooklyn


302 McGuinness Boulevard

  Brooklyn   NY   11222-1821     561,663        2.2   $ 59,280        570,899        1.6   $ 66,173        11.6     19,865   

American Muffler-Oceanside


203 Merrick Road

  Oceanside   NY   11572-1431     64,675        -4.9   $ 85,353        62,887        -2.8   $ 94,139        10.3     2,287   

Land-New Ridge

      MD       14,636        13.4   $ 83,353        15,504        5.9   $ 94,004        12.8     518   



2981 Ocean Avenue

  Brooklyn   NY   11235-3432     179,551        -0.9   $ 44,389        179,546        0.0   $ 48,798        9.9     6,350   

Windy Hill


3500 Highway 17 South

  North Myrtle
  SC   29582-4963     5,009        31.7   $ 39,594        5,757        14.9   $ 41,703        5.3     177   

Meadows Square


4753 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-7940     41,082        13.8   $ 48,058        44,435        8.2   $ 52,679        9.6     1,453   

Rotonda Plaza


5855 Placida Road

  Englewood   FL   34224-9536     7,006        19.5   $ 48,181        7,681        9.6   $ 53,318        10.7     248   

Tops Plaza-Canandaigua


5150 North Street

  Canandaigua   NY   14424-1091     6,275        4.2   $ 45,562        6,403        2.0   $ 49,595        8.9     222   

Union Consumer Square


3733 Union Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-4297     39,613        -6.5   $ 39,375        38,027        -4.0   $ 42,062        6.8     1,401   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Office Depot Plaza-Tonawanda


2309 Eggert Road

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-9200     60,846        -5.0   $ 47,998        58,660        -3.6   $ 50,271        4.7     2,152   

Del-Ton Plaza


4264 Delaware Avenue

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-6130     42,082        -6.4   $ 46,432        40,323        -4.2   $ 48,821        5.1     1,488   

Tops Plaza-Alden


12775 Broadway Street

  Alden   NY   14004-9569     2,936        0.7   $ 58,608        2,905        -1.1   $ 62,570        6.8     104   

Youngmann Plaza


750 Young Street

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-4101     45,110        -6.1   $ 46,460        43,273        -4.1   $ 48,762        5.0     1,595   

Sheridan-Delaware Plaza


1692 Sheridan Drive

  Buffalo   NY   14223-1210     59,193        -5.3   $ 43,303        57,002        -3.7   $ 45,410        4.9     2,094   

Tops Plaza-Tonawanda


150 Niagra Street

  Tonawanda   NY   14150-1001     29,164        -5.0   $ 46,230        28,155        -3.5   $ 48,731        5.4     1,031   

Bear Road Plaza


709 North Main Street

  NY   13212-1669     18,107        3.7   $ 59,355        18,211        0.6   $ 63,441        6.9     640   

Springville Plaza


184 South Cascade Drive

  Springville   NY   14141-9705     2,238        -1.5   $ 46,993        2,190        -2.1   $ 50,309        7.1     79   

Tops Plaza-Robinson Road


3035 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-1600     25,259        -2.0   $ 49,347        24,730        -2.1   $ 52,588        6.6     893   

Panorama Plaza


1601 Penfield Road

  Rochester   NY   14625-2322     22,078        -1.0   $ 66,831        21,809        -1.2   $ 69,994        4.7     781   

Tops Plaza-Transit Commons


9660 Transit Road

  East Amherst   NY   14051-1484     13,181        14.9   $ 96,196        13,736        4.2   $ 101,648        5.7     466   

Henrietta Plaza


1100 Jefferson Plaza

  Rochester   NY   14623-3135     20,338        5.1   $ 55,226        20,573        1.2   $ 58,343        5.6     719   

University Plaza


3500 Main Street

  Amherst   NY   14226-3120     70,797        -6.1   $ 43,548        67,968        -4.0   $ 45,638        4.8     2,504   

Plattsburgh Consumer Square


77 Consumer Square

  Plattsburgh   NY   12901-6532     10,695        7.2   $ 39,664        10,873        1.7   $ 42,919        8.2     378   

Transit Road 7370


7370 Transit Road

  Buffalo   NY   14221-6020     17,762        5.3   $ 71,564        17,912        0.8   $ 76,081        6.3     628   

Crossroads Centre


3245 Southwestern Boulevard

  Orchard Park   NY   14127-1241     18,011        1.2   $ 62,263        17,867        -0.8   $ 66,606        7.0     637   

Tops Plaza-Ontario


6272 Furnace Road

  Ontario   NY   14519-8974     3,210        9.7   $ 59,064        3,306        3.0   $ 62,479        5.8     114   

Boulevard Consumer Square


1641 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-2704     42,111        -4.5   $ 49,974        40,692        -3.4   $ 53,006        6.1     1,489   

Burlington Plaza-Amherst


1551 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-2703     42,865        -4.7   $ 50,829        41,371        -3.5   $ 53,873        6.0     1,516   



3142 West State Street

  Olean   NY   14760     7,082        -5.8   $ 37,720        6,786        -4.2   $ 40,916        8.5     250   

Tops Plaza-Norwich


54 East Main Street

  Norwich   NY   13815-1851     4,283        -1.4   $ 38,379        4,204        -1.8   $ 41,338        7.7     151   

Mohawk Commons


402 Balltown Road

  Schenectady   NY   12304-2245     26,013        3.0   $ 59,918        26,240        0.9   $ 65,139        8.7     920   

Dick’s Sporting Goods-Amherst


281 Meyer Road

  Amherst   NY   14226-1035     41,562        -4.3   $ 52,891        40,195        -3.3   $ 56,007        5.9     1,470   

Pine Plaza


8329 Niagara Falls Boulevard

  Niagara Falls   NY   14304-4708     14,916        1.5   $ 45,052        14,862        -0.4   $ 47,250        4.9     528   

Tops Plaza-Arcade


658 Main Street

  Arcade   NY   14009-1037     2,028        -5.8   $ 44,611        1,946        -4.0   $ 47,549        6.6     72   

Regal Cinemas-Niagara Falls


750 Builders Way

  Niagara Falls   NY   14304-2103     21,681        -3.8   $ 34,727        21,113        -2.6   $ 36,693        5.7     767   

Tops Plaza-Avon


270 East Main Street

  Avon   NY   14414-1422     2,230        0.2   $ 50,427        2,209        -0.9   $ 53,148        5.4     79   

Tops Plaza-Batavia


8351 Lewiston Road

  Batavia   NY   14020-4002     7,244        -3.8   $ 39,435        7,031        -2.9   $ 41,517        5.3     256   

Consumer Square


4725 Commercial Drive

  NY   13413-6211     19,947        0.3   $ 44,444        19,790        -0.8   $ 47,321        6.5     705   

BJ’s Plaza-Batavia


8326 Lewiston Road

  Batavia   NY   14020-1252     7,226        -3.8   $ 39,473        7,011        -3.0   $ 41,559        5.3     256   

Hannaford Plaza-Kellogg Road


40 Kellogg Road

  NY   13413-2850     14,080        -0.5   $ 46,749        13,920        -1.1   $ 49,429        5.7     498   

Batavia Commons


419 West Main Street

  Batavia   NY   14020-1284     7,244        -3.8   $ 39,435        7,031        -2.9   $ 41,517        5.3     256   

Mid-City Plaza


955 Payne Avenue

  NY   14120-3213     21,721        0.6   $ 49,211        21,536        -0.9   $ 52,864        7.4     768   

Big Flats Consumer Square


830 County Road 64

  Elmira   NY   14903-9719     5,627        2.7   $ 50,479        5,632        0.1   $ 53,505        6.0     199   

Tops Plaza-Portage Road


1000 Portage Road

  Niagara Falls   NY   14301-1120     15,901        -8.5   $ 26,157        15,158        -4.7   $ 27,208        4.0     562   

Tops Plaza-Medina


11200 Maple Ridge Road

  Medina   NY   14103-1844     3,178        -4.4   $ 38,776        3,067        -3.5   $ 40,946        5.6     112   

McKinley Mall OP-Pier 1


3701 McKinley Parkway

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2695     20,728        -1.1   $ 48,808        20,360        -1.8   $ 52,467        7.5     733   

Delaware Consumer Square


2636 Delaware Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14216-1740     72,424        -6.0   $ 38,318        69,588        -3.9   $ 40,380        5.4     2,561   

Elmwood Regal Center


1951 Elmwood Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14207     68,946        -6.5   $ 36,546        66,104        -4.1   $ 38,653        5.8     2,438   

Marshall’s Plaza


2150 Delaware Avenue

  Buffalo   NY   14216     81,877        -7.0   $ 34,199        78,370        -4.3   $ 36,081        5.5     2,896   

Thruway Plaza


2195 Harlem Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225     50,312        -9.2   $ 32,632        47,758        -5.1   $ 34,167        4.7     1,779   

Tops Plaza-Lockport


5839 South Transit Road

  Lockport   NY   14094-6317     13,955        -0.9   $ 43,836        13,784        -1.2   $ 45,694        4.2     494   

Tops Plaza-Union


3825 Union Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225     37,852        -6.7   $ 41,746        36,259        -4.2   $ 43,769        4.8     1,339   

Tops Plaza-Le Roy


128 West Main Street

  Le Roy   NY   14482-1300     2,638        -3.7   $ 48,469        2,557        -3.1   $ 50,804        4.8     93   

Regal Center


2001 Elmwood Ave

  Buffalo   NY   14207-1903     21,152        2.0   $ 61,925        21,046        -0.5   $ 65,973        6.5     748   

Borders Books-Walden


2015 Walden Avenue

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-5113     41,856        -7.1   $ 38,336        40,036        -4.4   $ 40,363        5.3     1,480   

Dick’s Plaza-Union


3637 Union Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-5100     39,307        -6.5   $ 40,777        37,681        -4.1   $ 42,824        5.0     1,390   

Tops Plaza-Jamestown


75 Washington Street

  Jamestown   NY   14701     15,993        -5.8   $ 32,278        15,384        -3.8   $ 33,762        4.6     566   

Walden Consumer Square


1700 Walden Avenue

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225     48,079        -8.1   $ 35,929        45,820        -4.7   $ 37,888        5.5     1,700   

Southside Plaza


788 Foote Avenue

  Jamestown   NY   14701-9387     14,670        -5.8   $ 31,578        14,112        -3.8   $ 32,967        4.4     519   

Walden Place


2130 Walden Avenue

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-5126     40,105        -6.4   $ 40,073        38,488        -4.0   $ 42,140        5.2     1,418   

Kmart Plaza


800 Paul Road

  Rochester   NY   14624-4421     12,033        3.5   $ 63,807        12,071        0.3   $ 66,523        4.3     426   

Tops Plaza-Ithaca


614 South Meadow Street

  Ithaca   NY   14850-5319     16,084        7.4   $ 36,175        16,425        2.1   $ 39,155        8.2     569   

Ridgeview Place


850 Ridge Road East

  Rochester   NY   14621-1711     58,196        -5.5   $ 33,295        56,277        -3.3   $ 34,147        2.6     2,058   

Eastgate Plaza


5033 Transit Road

  Williamsville   NY   14221-4132     19,566        7.2   $ 81,419        19,872        1.6   $ 86,641        6.4     692   

JoAnn Plaza-Transit


4101 Transit Road

  Williamsville   NY   14221-7243     20,292        3.1   $ 64,210        20,283        0.0   $ 68,333        6.4     718   

Culver Ridge Plaza


2255 Ridge Road East

  Irondequoit   NY   14622-2611     41,155        -3.2   $ 41,204        40,193        -2.3   $ 42,718        3.7     1,456   

Henrietta Jefferson Plaza


400 Jefferson Road

  Rochester   NY   14623-2430     15,267        2.8   $ 46,889        15,304        0.2   $ 49,033        4.6     540   

Tops Plaza-Cortland


3918 State Route 281

  Cortland   NY   13045-8851     9,942        0.8   $ 37,093        9,849        -0.9   $ 40,356        8.8     352   

Tops Plaza-Dansville


23 Franklin Plaza

  Dansville   NY   14437-9221     2,468        -6.0   $ 40,166        2,373        -3.9   $ 41,875        4.3     87   

Tops Plaza-Depew


5175 Broadway

  Depew   NY   14043-4010     25,509        1.3   $ 58,825        25,309        -0.8   $ 63,200        7.4     902   

Tops Plaza-Hamlin


1800 Lake Road

  Hamlin   NY   14464-9514     2,682        -1.2   $ 61,175        2,643        -1.5   $ 64,873        6.0     95   

Dewitt Commons


3401 Erie Boulevard East

  De Witt   NY   13214-1635     25,940        -1.5   $ 47,917        25,514        -1.6   $ 50,558        5.5     917   

McKinley-Milestrip Plaza


3540 McKinley Parkway

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2600     21,087        -2.0   $ 47,447        20,631        -2.2   $ 50,696        6.8     746   



3133 Erie Boulevard East

  De Witt   NY   13214-1201     30,020        -2.5   $ 42,955        29,384        -2.1   $ 45,273        5.4     1,062   

Tops Plaza-Elmira


299 South Main Street

  Elmira   NY   14904-1393     16,731        -3.8   $ 36,314        16,257        -2.8   $ 38,049        4.8     592   

Mckinley Milestrip-Home Depot


4405 Milestrip Road

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2000     21,015        -2.1   $ 47,223        20,555        -2.2   $ 50,399        6.7     743   

Westgate Plaza


2000 Chili Avenue

  Gates   NY   14624-3424     23,809        -4.9   $ 44,228        23,059        -3.2   $ 45,433        2.7     842   

Hamburg Village Square


140 Pine Street

  Hamburg   NY   14075-5154     10,792        1.4   $ 62,200        10,716        -0.7   $ 66,473        6.9     382   

Jo-Ann/Petsmart Plaza


3042 West Ridge Road

  Greece   NY   14626-1676     22,925        1.5   $ 55,807        22,848        -0.3   $ 58,664        5.1     811   

Tops Plaza-Southpark


6150 South Park Avenue

  Hamburg   NY   14075-3810     12,982        2.3   $ 61,973        12,946        -0.3   $ 66,183        6.8     459   

BJ’s Plaza-Hamburg


4408 Milestrip Road

  Buffalo   NY   14219-2553     21,256        -2.4   $ 46,710        20,760        -2.3   $ 49,768        6.5     752   



535 Tamiami Trail

  Venice   FL   34285-2927     19,427        14.6   $ 45,631        21,237        9.3   $ 48,259        5.8     687   

Sparkleberry Square


10136 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29229-4389     17,670        57.1   $ 74,009        19,801        12.1   $ 78,211        5.7     625   

Two Guys Auto Glass-Brooklyn


302 McGuinness Boulevard

  Brooklyn   NY   11222-1821     569,352        3.7   $ 61,253        575,843        1.1   $ 67,676        10.5     20,137   

American Muffler-Oceanside


203 Merrick Road

  Oceanside   NY   11572-1431     67,729        -0.1   $ 88,118        67,075        -1.0   $ 95,903        8.8     2,395   

Land-New Ridge

      MD       14,317        14.5   $ 86,183        14,999        4.8   $ 96,106        11.5     506   



2981 Ocean Avenue

  Brooklyn   NY   11235-3432     180,288        -0.1   $ 45,603        179,917        -0.2   $ 49,509        8.6     6,376   

Windy Hill


3500 Highway 17 South

  North Myrtle
  SC   29582-4963     5,278        38.5   $ 39,783        6,067        15.0   $ 40,462        1.7     187   

Meadows Square


4753 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-7940     41,227        13.8   $ 48,443        43,844        6.4   $ 52,008        7.4     1,458   

Rotonda Plaza


5855 Placida Road

  Englewood   FL   34224-9536     6,730        16.9   $ 48,636        7,214        7.2   $ 53,355        9.7     238   

Tops Plaza-Canandaigua


5150 North Street

  Canandaigua   NY   14424-1091     6,247        4.4   $ 46,406        6,340        1.5   $ 49,198        6.0     221   

Union Consumer Square


3733 Union Road

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-4297     39,162        -6.7   $ 40,745        37,510        -4.2   $ 42,761        4.9     1,385   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Wegmans Plaza-Niagra Falls


3135 Niagra Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-1640     24,245        -2.1   $ 49,064        23,861        -1.6   $ 53,030        8.1     857   

Freedom Plaza


205 Erie Boulevard West

  Rome   NY   13440-6586     11,785        -2.1   $ 39,041        11,633        -1.3   $ 42,888        9.9     417   

Premier Place


7864 Transit Road

  Williamsville   NY   14221-4122     19,873        7.3   $ 79,414        20,508        3.2   $ 85,265        7.4     703   

Las Tiendas Plaza


708 East Expressway 83

  McAllen   TX   78503-1609     25,542        15.4   $ 30,230        27,788        8.8   $ 33,020        9.2     903   



4005 North 10th Street

  McAllen   TX   78504-3002     34,612        30.4   $ 43,328        39,320        13.6   $ 47,406        9.4     1,224   

HEB South


900 South 10th Street

  McAllen   TX   78501-5000     28,879        15.3   $ 31,925        31,410        8.8   $ 34,660        8.6     1,021   

Braemar Village Center


12821 Braemar Village Plaza

  Bristow   VA   20136-5502     9,657        186.1   $ 111,874        12,741        31.9   $ 126,790        13.3     342   

Shops at Midtown Miami


3401 North Miami Avenue

  Miami   FL   33127-3525     81,549        20.2   $ 23,462        89,900        10.2   $ 25,873        10.3     2,884   

Wal-Mart Mathews


4876 Highway One

  Mathews   LA   70375-2043     2,306        8.7   $ 49,813        2,393        3.8   $ 55,960        12.3     82   

Sutherland Lumber


2510 North Highway 281

  Marble Falls   TX   78654-3806     698        18.3   $ 52,132        763        9.3   $ 56,686        8.7     25   

Outparcel-Tarrant Parkway


North Tarrant Parkway

  TX   76180     30,265        35.5   $ 88,855        34,457        13.9   $ 95,926        8.0     1,070   



Rancho Vistoso Boulevard

  Tucson   AZ   85737     6,882        40.3   $ 66,992        7,895        14.7   $ 72,325        8.0     243   

El Camino Promenade


216 North El Camino Real

  Encinitas   CA   92024-2847     29,544        9.5   $ 88,573        31,390        6.3   $ 98,309        11.0     1,045   

Medical & Merchants


14444 Beach Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32224-2079     29,684        20.3   $ 67,086        32,798        10.5   $ 72,586        8.2     1,050   

Westgate Marketplace


1330 Fry Road

  Houston   TX   77084-5809     30,303        31.5   $ 80,029        34,232        13.0   $ 85,829        7.2     1,072   

Holmdel Commons II


2130 State Route 35

  Holmdel   NJ   07733-3116     26,939        1.7   $ 76,159        27,183        0.9   $ 82,854        8.8     953   

Linda Mar


1221 Linda Mar Boulevard

  Pacifica   CA   94044     7,057        -2.5   $ 93,466        7,093        0.5   $ 102,482        9.6     250   

Village Shoppes of Sugarloaf


3370 Sugarloaf Parkway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-5485     22,888        29.0   $ 68,234        25,816        12.8   $ 70,125        2.8     809   

Southside Industrial Parkway


3550 Southside Industrial Parkway SE

  Atlanta   GA   30354-3221     18,360        4.8   $ 31,183        19,174        4.4   $ 32,631        4.6     649   

Golden Beach Marketplace


7451 North Beach Street

  Fort Worth   TX   76137-5159     39,261        61.6   $ 73,081        46,900        19.5   $ 79,466        8.7     1,389   

Green Valley Ranch Towne Ctr


18605 East 48th Avenue

  Denver   CO   80249-6663     14,375        63.3   $ 59,522        17,220        19.8   $ 63,675        7.0     508   

Alpine Valley Center


608 West Main Street

  UT   84003-9762     14,443        36.8   $ 66,115        16,683        15.5   $ 72,253        9.3     511   

Spokane Valley


9950 North Newport Highway

  Spokane   WA   99218-1366     21,761        11.8   $ 44,024        23,167        6.5   $ 47,890        8.8     770   

Rockville Town Square


141 Gibbs Street

  Rockville   MD   20850-0333     36,501        19.9   $ 97,527        39,543        8.3   $ 109,115        11.9     1,291   

Roswell Corners


1125 Woodstock Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-8220     17,197        14.2   $ 112,674        18,633        8.4   $ 120,754        7.2     608   

Western Plaza


539 Gravois Road

  Fenton   MO   63026-4117     14,917        7.2   $ 67,548        15,438        3.5   $ 72,195        6.9     528   

Monte Vista Village Center


5137 East Baseline Road

  Gilbert   AZ   85234-2967     44,868        28.7   $ 63,200        50,794        13.2   $ 68,897        9.0     1,587   

Waterford Village


US Highway 74/76

  Leland   NC   28451     4,991        66.0   $ 46,084        6,122        22.7   $ 49,762        8.0     177   

Rivergate Station


2205 Gallatin Pike North

  Madison   TN   37115-2028     14,901        16.0   $ 43,698        16,064        7.8   $ 46,325        6.0     527   



263 Depot Street

  VT   05255-9194     1,487        7.0   $ 61,849        1,536        3.3   $ 67,544        9.2     53   

Centre at Copperfield


7026 Highway Six North

  Houston   TX   77095-2506     38,199        24.4   $ 71,310        42,260        10.6   $ 76,008        6.6     1,351   

Valley View


1910 Valley View Boulevard NW

  Roanoke   VA   24012-2024     29,093        1.3   $ 37,269        29,222        0.4   $ 41,046        10.1     1,029   

Mission Bell


12701 North Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33618-2801     43,693        10.4   $ 53,328        46,890        7.3   $ 57,966        8.7     1,545   

Belleview Square


4910 South Yosemite Street

  CO   80111-1383     35,671        5.8   $ 64,902        37,110        4.0   $ 67,563        4.1     1,262   

Fortuna Center Plaza


4174 Fortuna Center Plaza

  Dumfries   VA   22025-1536     22,893        33.3   $ 78,319        26,158        14.3   $ 87,335        11.5     810   

Westover Marketplace


Intersection of State Highway 151

  San Antonio   TX   78227     30,049        21.0   $ 42,917        33,077        10.1   $ 45,497        6.0     1,063   

Freehold Marketplace

    Freehold   NJ   7728     15,020        11.9   $ 72,899        15,760        4.9   $ 79,508        9.1     531   

Stearns Crossing


1003 West Stearns Road

  Bartlett   IL   60103-4509     20,072        10.5   $ 87,637        20,988        4.6   $ 93,406        6.6     710   

Deer Grove Centre


663 East Dundee Road

  Palatine   IL   60074-2817     37,606        0.9   $ 76,522        37,922        0.8   $ 82,593        7.9     1,330   

Shorewood Crossing


680 Brook Forest Avenue

  Shorewood   IL   60404     23,823        68.6   $ 75,076        28,803        20.9   $ 80,473        7.2     843   

Fox Lake Crossing


1258 South US Highway 12

  Fox Lake   IL   60020-1950     11,971        17.4   $ 69,423        12,902        7.8   $ 75,512        8.8     423   

Baker Hill Center


880 Roosevelt Road

  Glen Ellyn   IL   60137-6057     39,079        -0.4   $ 72,132        39,015        -0.2   $ 74,884        3.8     1,382   

Geneva Crossing


560 South Schmale Road

  Carol Stream   IL   60188-2419     38,884        -0.9   $ 73,224        38,612        -0.7   $ 76,323        4.2     1,375   

Cameron Village


1900 Cameron Street

  Raleigh   NC   27605-1307     39,372        20.4   $ 41,819        43,818        11.3   $ 44,123        5.5     1,392   

King Farm Village Center


302 King Farm Boulevard

  Rockville   MD   20850-5920     37,879        17.2   $ 86,928        40,654        7.3   $ 97,329        12.0     1,340   

Cambridge Star Market


699 Mount Auburn Street

  Cambridge   MA   02138-4520     148,645        -1.8   $ 66,210        147,598        -0.7   $ 72,323        9.2     5,257   

Medford Shaw's Supermarket


61 Locust Street

  Medford   MA   02155-5713     130,448        -1.4   $ 59,676        129,817        -0.5   $ 65,257        9.4     4,614   

Quincy Star Market


130 Granite Street

  Quincy   MA   02169-5060     51,263        5.0   $ 63,789        52,503        2.4   $ 70,075        9.9     1,813   

Swampscott Whole Foods


331 Paradise Road

  Swampscott   MA   01907-2928     46,024        -2.4   $ 51,671        45,463        -1.2   $ 56,325        9.0     1,628   

West Roxbury Shaw's Plaza


75 Spring Street

  MA   02132-4335     47,018        -1.3   $ 69,844        46,877        -0.3   $ 77,022        10.3     1,663   

Plymouth Shaw's Supermarket


2260 State Road

  Plymouth   MA   02360-5177     9,730        0.7   $ 63,457        9,755        0.3   $ 69,990        10.3     344   

North Creek Plaza


7609 San Dario Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78045-7273     21,008        34.6   $ 52,255        24,046        14.5   $ 57,233        9.5     743   

Plantation Centre


7811 McPherson Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78045-2802     18,276        38.2   $ 58,783        21,117        15.5   $ 64,176        9.2     646   

Northtown Plaza


106 North University Avenue

  Lubbock   TX   79415-2812     23,291        3.5   $ 29,628        23,961        2.9   $ 32,315        9.1     824   

Pleasant Shops


10 Pleasant Street

  MA   02190-2408     20,898        2.7   $ 69,978        21,218        1.5   $ 77,228        10.4     739   

Campus Plaza


179 Broad Street

  Bridgewater   MA   02324-1749     9,568        4.8   $ 80,366        9,762        2.0   $ 89,210        11.0     338   

Glenwood Meadows


3216 South Glen Avenue

  CO   81601-4285     3,568        17.7   $ 56,365        3,925        10.0   $ 63,347        12.4     126   

Heritage Station


3638 Rogers Road

  Wake Forest   NC   27587-9306     10,856        103.4   $ 70,513        13,672        25.9   $ 75,743        7.4     384   

Round Rock Town Centre


2051 Gattis School Road

  Round Rock   TX   78664-7441     30,882        55.6   $ 65,878        36,968        19.7   $ 69,530        5.5     1,092   

Palm Aire Marketplace


277 South Pompano Parkway

  FL   33069-3005     46,403        2.3   $ 45,554        47,994        3.4   $ 49,368        8.4     1,641   



1106 North Saint Augustine Rd

  Valdosta   GA   31601-3545     11,885        10.0   $ 32,802        12,605        6.1   $ 34,864        6.3     420   

White Plains


100 Mamaroneck Avenue

  White Plains   NY   10601-4263     40,287        5.8   $ 82,792        41,461        2.9   $ 89,850        8.5     1,425   

University Commons


Western Alamance Loop

  Burlington   NC   27215     3,437        26.1   $ 47,587        3,835        11.6   $ 48,748        2.4     122   

Land-Chandler Auto Mall


South Gilbert Road

  Chandler   AZ   85225     56,081        26.7   $ 69,898        63,166        12.6   $ 76,484        9.4     1,983   

Turtle Creek Crossing


1000 Turtle Creek Drive

  Hattiesburg   MS   39402-1145     12,884        21.4   $ 35,302        13,988        8.6   $ 38,468        9.0     456   



5506 San Bernardo Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78041-3008     30,631        19.3   $ 35,114        33,711        10.1   $ 38,641        10.0     1,083   



125 East Swedesford Road

  Wayne   PA   19087-1463     17,728        1.3   $ 90,313        17,974        1.4   $ 98,761        9.4     627   

French Valley Village Center


NEC Winchester Road

  Winchester   CA   92596     9,629        255.2   $ 78,947        13,079        35.8   $ 90,169        14.2     341   

Plaza del Sol


725 Avenue West Main

  Bayamon   PR   00961-4470     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza del Norte


506 Calle Truncado

  Hatillo   PR   00659-2701     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Escorial


5891 Avenue 65 Infanteria

  Carolina   PR   987     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Rio Hondo


Highway 22

  Bayamon   PR   961     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Palma Real


State Road 3

  Humacao   PR   791     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Cayey


8000 Avenue Jesus T Pinero

  Cayey   PR   00736-5578     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Isabela


3535 Military Avenue

  Isabela   PR   00662-5909     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Fajardo


150 Carr 940

  Fajardo   PR   738     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza del Oeste/Camino Real


311 Avenue Casto Perez

  San German   PR   00683-4700     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza del Atlantico


PR 2 Hato Abajo Ward

  Arecibo   PR       0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Senorial Plaza


Calle Parana

  Rio Piedras   PR   926     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Vega Baja


J1 Carr 155

  Vega Baja   PR   00693-4678     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Wal-Mart


Avenue Los Veteranos

  Guayama   PR   784     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Rexville Plaza


PR Route 199

  Bayamon   PR   956     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     



210 East Pleasant Run Road

  Desoto   TX   75115-3938     21,465        29.5   $ 55,597        24,087        12.2   $ 57,227        2.9     759   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Wegmans Plaza-Niagra Falls


3135 Niagra Falls Boulevard

  Amherst   NY   14228-1640     24,186        -1.6   $ 50,234        23,726        -1.9   $ 53,756        7.0     855   

Freedom Plaza


205 Erie Boulevard West

  Rome   NY   13440-6586     11,699        -2.4   $ 39,850        11,458        -2.1   $ 42,932        7.7     414   

Premier Place


7864 Transit Road

  Williamsville   NY   14221-4122     19,826        7.2   $ 81,489        20,140        1.6   $ 86,705        6.4     701   

Las Tiendas Plaza


708 East Expressway 83

  McAllen   TX   78503-1609     25,564        16.0   $ 30,795        27,838        8.9   $ 32,881        6.8     904   



4005 North 10th Street

  McAllen   TX   78504-3002     34,814        31.2   $ 43,973        38,820        11.5   $ 46,828        6.5     1,231   

HEB South


900 South 10th Street

  McAllen   TX   78501-5000     29,180        16.9   $ 32,415        31,868        9.2   $ 34,528        6.5     1,032   

Braemar Village Center


12821 Braemar Village Plaza

  Bristow   VA   20136-5502     10,112        194.5   $ 113,536        11,737        16.1   $ 128,062        12.8     358   

Shops at Midtown Miami


3401 North Miami Avenue

  Miami   FL   33127-3525     79,109        16.5   $ 23,402        83,711        5.8   $ 25,006        6.9     2,798   

Wal-Mart Mathews


4876 Highway One

  Mathews   LA   70375-2043     2,267        6.7   $ 54,639        2,334        3.0   $ 60,801        11.3     80   

Sutherland Lumber


2510 North Highway 281

  Marble Falls   TX   78654-3806     670        24.5   $ 52,453        736        9.9   $ 56,515        7.7     24   

Outparcel-Tarrant Parkway


North Tarrant Parkway

  TX   76180     31,716        40.1   $ 92,135        35,481        11.9   $ 98,761        7.2     1,122   



Rancho Vistoso Boulevard

  Tucson   AZ   85737     7,464        52.6   $ 68,648        8,629        15.6   $ 74,022        7.8     264   

El Camino Promenade


216 North El Camino Real

  Encinitas   CA   92024-2847     30,268        12.5   $ 90,366        32,337        6.8   $ 99,243        9.8     1,071   

Medical & Merchants


14444 Beach Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32224-2079     29,462        19.8   $ 68,646        32,219        9.4   $ 74,084        7.9     1,042   

Westgate Marketplace


1330 Fry Road

  Houston   TX   77084-5809     29,964        29.5   $ 81,841        33,207        10.8   $ 86,853        6.1     1,060   

Holmdel Commons II


2130 State Route 35

  Holmdel   NJ   07733-3116     26,638        0.7   $ 79,119        26,519        -0.5   $ 84,651        7.0     942   

Linda Mar


1221 Linda Mar Boulevard

  Pacifica   CA   94044     7,109        -1.8   $ 95,192        7,125        0.2   $ 102,587        7.8     251   

Village Shoppes of Sugarloaf


3370 Sugarloaf Parkway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-5485     23,918        31.9   $ 69,074        26,892        12.4   $ 70,445        2.0     846   

Southside Industrial Parkway


3550 Southside Industrial Parkway SE

  Atlanta   GA   30354-3221     18,418        5.4   $ 32,485        19,156        4.0   $ 33,672        3.7     651   

Golden Beach Marketplace


7451 North Beach Street

  Fort Worth   TX   76137-5159     38,792        61.7   $ 74,642        43,421        11.9   $ 80,063        7.3     1,372   

Green Valley Ranch Towne Ctr


18605 East 48th Avenue

  Denver   CO   80249-6663     15,011        70.9   $ 60,626        16,767        11.7   $ 62,883        3.7     531   

Alpine Valley Center


608 West Main Street

  UT   84003-9762     16,203        53.6   $ 67,218        19,245        18.8   $ 73,084        8.7     573   

Spokane Valley


9950 North Newport Highway

  Spokane   WA   99218-1366     22,355        15.0   $ 45,417        23,556        5.4   $ 48,539        6.9     791   

Rockville Town Square


141 Gibbs Street

  Rockville   MD   20850-0333     36,609        20.6   $ 100,401        38,967        6.4   $ 110,121        9.7     1,295   

Roswell Corners


1125 Woodstock Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-8220     17,150        14.8   $ 116,728        18,445        7.6   $ 123,659        5.9     607   

Western Plaza


539 Gravois Road

  Fenton   MO   63026-4117     14,839        7.5   $ 68,561        15,220        2.6   $ 72,759        6.1     525   

Monte Vista Village Center


5137 East Baseline Road

  Gilbert   AZ   85234-2967     44,542        28.1   $ 63,909        50,174        12.6   $ 68,557        7.3     1,575   

Waterford Village


US Highway 74/76

  Leland   NC   28451     5,250        76.7   $ 48,332        6,213        18.3   $ 52,899        9.4     186   

Rivergate Station


2205 Gallatin Pike North

  Madison   TN   37115-2028     15,027        17.1   $ 44,374        16,065        6.9   $ 46,146        4.0     531   



263 Depot Street

  VT   05255-9194     1,511        7.2   $ 62,231        1,540        1.9   $ 67,228        8.0     53   

Centre at Copperfield


7026 Highway Six North

  Houston   TX   77095-2506     37,291        21.9   $ 72,287        40,233        7.9   $ 77,001        6.5     1,319   

Valley View


1910 Valley View Boulevard NW

  Roanoke   VA   24012-2024     29,069        0.9   $ 37,486        28,918        -0.5   $ 40,200        7.2     1,028   

Mission Bell


12701 North Dale Mabry Highway

  Tampa   FL   33618-2801     43,049        8.4   $ 53,838        46,098        7.1   $ 57,197        6.2     1,523   

Belleview Square


4910 South Yosemite Street

  CO   80111-1383     36,050        9.3   $ 64,345        38,101        5.7   $ 66,075        2.7     1,275   

Fortuna Center Plaza


4174 Fortuna Center Plaza

  Dumfries   VA   22025-1536     22,452        32.0   $ 80,015        25,551        13.8   $ 88,162        10.2     794   

Westover Marketplace


Intersection of State Highway 151

  San Antonio   TX   78227     31,185        25.3   $ 43,726        34,009        9.1   $ 45,596        4.3     1,103   

Freehold Marketplace

    Freehold   NJ   7728     14,805        10.4   $ 74,985        15,313        3.4   $ 80,501        7.4     524   

Stearns Crossing


1003 West Stearns Road

  Bartlett   IL   60103-4509     20,194        11.5   $ 90,071        20,976        3.9   $ 95,573        6.1     714   

Deer Grove Centre


663 East Dundee Road

  Palatine   IL   60074-2817     37,321        0.3   $ 78,193        37,258        -0.2   $ 83,020        6.2     1,320   

Shorewood Crossing


680 Brook Forest Avenue

  Shorewood   IL   60404     23,633        68.4   $ 78,350        26,925        13.9   $ 82,460        5.2     836   

Fox Lake Crossing


1258 South US Highway 12

  Fox Lake   IL   60020-1950     12,202        20.6   $ 70,657        12,746        4.5   $ 75,295        6.6     432   

Baker Hill Center


880 Roosevelt Road

  Glen Ellyn   IL   60137-6057     38,630        -1.0   $ 74,122        38,203        -1.1   $ 76,918        3.8     1,366   

Geneva Crossing


560 South Schmale Road

  Carol Stream   IL   60188-2419     38,737        -0.9   $ 75,349        38,335        -1.0   $ 78,428        4.1     1,370   

Cameron Village


1900 Cameron Street

  Raleigh   NC   27605-1307     41,039        26.9   $ 43,524        46,838        14.1   $ 45,912        5.5     1,451   

King Farm Village Center


302 King Farm Boulevard

  Rockville   MD   20850-5920     38,620        19.8   $ 88,905        40,964        6.1   $ 97,792        10.0     1,366   

Cambridge Star Market


699 Mount Auburn Street

  Cambridge   MA   02138-4520     151,780        0.3   $ 68,100        151,258        -0.3   $ 73,759        8.3     5,368   

Medford Shaw's Supermarket


61 Locust Street

  Medford   MA   02155-5713     132,378        0.6   $ 61,858        132,133        -0.2   $ 67,123        8.5     4,682   

Quincy Star Market


130 Granite Street

  Quincy   MA   02169-5060     50,806        5.2   $ 65,491        51,617        1.6   $ 70,923        8.3     1,797   

Swampscott Whole Foods


331 Paradise Road

  Swampscott   MA   01907-2928     46,320        -1.7   $ 53,748        45,710        -1.3   $ 57,821        7.6     1,638   

West Roxbury Shaw's Plaza


75 Spring Street

  MA   02132-4335     48,439        2.1   $ 71,720        48,383        -0.1   $ 78,301        9.2     1,713   

Plymouth Shaw's Supermarket


2260 State Road

  Plymouth   MA   02360-5177     9,808        -0.3   $ 65,520        9,716        -0.9   $ 71,533        9.2     347   

North Creek Plaza


7609 San Dario Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78045-7273     21,381        36.0   $ 54,563        24,045        12.5   $ 58,989        8.1     756   

Plantation Centre


7811 McPherson Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78045-2802     18,790        41.5   $ 61,233        21,161        12.6   $ 66,444        8.5     665   

Northtown Plaza


106 North University Avenue

  Lubbock   TX   79415-2812     23,423        4.3   $ 30,413        24,231        3.5   $ 32,991        8.5     828   

Pleasant Shops


10 Pleasant Street

  MA   02190-2408     20,673        2.5   $ 72,300        20,762        0.4   $ 78,615        8.7     731   

Campus Plaza


179 Broad Street

  Bridgewater   MA   02324-1749     9,631        5.5   $ 82,917        9,789        1.6   $ 91,997        11.0     341   

Glenwood Meadows


3216 South Glen Avenue

  CO   81601-4285     3,578        18.0   $ 60,698        3,897        8.9   $ 67,189        10.7     127   

Heritage Station


3638 Rogers Road

  Wake Forest   NC   27587-9306     11,987        126.3   $ 73,565        14,022        17.0   $ 80,150        9.0     424   

Round Rock Town Centre


2051 Gattis School Road

  Round Rock   TX   78664-7441     31,548        58.7   $ 66,848        37,406        18.6   $ 69,293        3.7     1,116   

Palm Aire Marketplace


277 South Pompano Parkway

  FL   33069-3005     45,917        1.9   $ 45,968        47,079        2.5   $ 48,801        6.2     1,624   



1106 North Saint Augustine Rd

  Valdosta   GA   31601-3545     12,437        15.0   $ 33,803        13,343        7.3   $ 35,613        5.4     440   

White Plains


100 Mamaroneck Avenue

  White Plains   NY   10601-4263     40,326        5.7   $ 85,057        41,033        1.8   $ 91,168        7.2     1,426   

University Commons


Western Alamance Loop

  Burlington   NC   27215     3,753        37.1   $ 48,444        4,182        11.4   $ 49,444        2.1     133   

Land-Chandler Auto Mall


South Gilbert Road

  Chandler   AZ   85225     55,520        25.8   $ 70,752        62,921        13.3   $ 76,813        8.6     1,964   

Turtle Creek Crossing


1000 Turtle Creek Drive

  Hattiesburg   MS   39402-1145     13,429        26.5   $ 35,817        14,624        8.9   $ 38,303        6.9     475   



5506 San Bernardo Avenue

  Laredo   TX   78041-3008     30,300        18.3   $ 36,677        33,165        9.5   $ 39,990        9.0     1,072   



125 East Swedesford Road

  Wayne   PA   19087-1463     17,602        1.4   $ 93,172        17,707        0.6   $ 99,983        7.3     623   

French Valley Village Center


NEC Winchester Road

  Winchester   CA   92596     10,070        279.6   $ 79,847        11,684        16.0   $ 88,662        11.0     356   

Plaza del Sol


725 Avenue West Main

  Bayamon   PR   00961-4470     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza del Norte


506 Calle Truncado

  Hatillo   PR   00659-2701     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Escorial


5891 Avenue 65 Infanteria

  Carolina   PR   987     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Rio Hondo


Highway 22

  Bayamon   PR   961     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Palma Real


State Road 3

  Humacao   PR   791     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Cayey


8000 Avenue Jesus T Pinero

  Cayey   PR   00736-5578     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Isabela


3535 Military Avenue

  Isabela   PR   00662-5909     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Fajardo


150 Carr 940

  Fajardo   PR   738     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza del Oeste/Camino Real


311 Avenue Casto Perez

  San German   PR   00683-4700     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza del Atlantico


PR 2 Hato Abajo Ward

  Arecibo   PR       0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Senorial Plaza


Calle Parana

  Rio Piedras   PR   926     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Vega Baja


J1 Carr 155

  Vega Baja   PR   00693-4678     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Plaza Wal-Mart


Avenue Los Veteranos

  Guayama   PR   784     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Rexville Plaza


PR Route 199

  Bayamon   PR   956     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     



210 East Pleasant Run Road

  Desoto   TX   75115-3938     21,795        31.2   $ 56,466        23,961        9.9   $ 57,227        1.3     771   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Buena Park Downtown


8308 On The Mall

  Buena Park   CA   90620-3211     77,346        0.6   $ 54,882        79,198        2.4   $ 60,458        10.2     2,736   

Atlantic Plaza


265 Main Street

  MA   01864-1386     8,855        1.9   $ 101,630        8,946        1.0   $ 110,830        9.1     313   

Westport Plaza


6525 Nova Drive

  Davie   FL   33317-7401     34,566        2.7   $ 53,111        35,856        3.7   $ 58,399        10.0     1,223   

Factoria Mall


4053 Factoria Square Mall SE

  Bellevue   WA   98006-1286     38,005        12.7   $ 84,148        40,551        6.7   $ 91,327        8.5     1,344   

Curlew Crossing


30144 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33761-1057     47,868        2.5   $ 50,862        49,235        2.9   $ 55,602        9.3     1,693   

Putty Hill Plaza


7968 Belair Road

  Baltimore   MD   21236-3706     54,398        3.8   $ 59,994        55,615        2.2   $ 65,532        9.2     1,924   

Rockford Crossings


281 Deane Drive

  Rockford   IL   61107-5897     18,337        16.9   $ 61,926        19,828        8.1   $ 64,109        3.5     649   

Central Islip Town Center


160 North Research Place

  Central Islip   NY   11722-4458     31,791        -0.8   $ 74,884        31,558        -0.7   $ 82,831        10.6     1,124   

Plaza at Cottonwood


10248 Coors Bypass NW

  Albuquerque   NM   87114-4088     26,153        46.9   $ 63,569        30,462        16.5   $ 68,557        7.8     925   

Grayson Commons


1911 Grayson Highway

  Grayson   GA   30017-4917     15,416        81.0   $ 70,761        19,005        23.3   $ 73,152        3.4     545   

Old Navy


1815 South 10th Street

  McAllen   TX   78503-5401     23,982        13.9   $ 30,644        25,933        8.1   $ 33,439        9.1     848   

Lynnwood Collection


6300 Creedmoor Road

  Raleigh   NC   27612-6730     42,851        32.8   $ 62,283        49,262        15.0   $ 64,662        3.8     1,516   

Festival at Jefferson Court


4515 Outer Loop

  Louisville   KY   40219-3856     26,359        2.2   $ 41,012        26,743        1.5   $ 42,892        4.6     932   

Beaver Creek Crossings


1335 West Williams Street

  Apex   NC   27502-2188     17,142        49.9   $ 96,550        20,244        18.1   $ 104,314        8.0     606   

Plantation Plaza


2750 Race Track Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32259-4231     14,951        68.0   $ 98,799        18,138        21.3   $ 110,348        11.7     529   

Trowbridge Crossing


7525 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30350-4838     31,427        -1.6   $ 72,212        31,961        1.7   $ 77,358        7.1     1,112   

Cobb Center


2148 South Cobb Drive SE

  Smyrna   GA   30080-1348     30,342        2.1   $ 44,145        31,221        2.9   $ 46,451        5.2     1,073   

Thomas Crossroads


3150 East Highway 34

  Newnan   GA   30265-2122     7,983        31.3   $ 75,463        9,115        14.2   $ 79,999        6.0     282   

Coweta Crossing


370 Bullsboro Drive

  Newnan   GA   30263-1069     11,413        51.8   $ 50,560        13,559        18.8   $ 53,516        5.8     404   

Fairview Market


655 Fairview Road

  Simpsonville   SC   29680-6777     12,180        28.4   $ 59,985        13,714        12.6   $ 64,285        7.2     431   

Fuquay Crossing


961 East Broad Street

  NC   27526-1960     8,963        70.8   $ 58,262        10,927        21.9   $ 61,686        5.9     317   

Greystone Village


7713 Lead Mine Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-4805     36,072        24.2   $ 64,993        40,602        12.6   $ 67,210        3.4     1,276   

Holcomb 400


1475 Holcomb Bridge Road

  Roswell   GA   30076-2139     27,914        2.5   $ 73,199        29,002        3.9   $ 81,052        10.7     987   

Howell Mill Village


2020 Howell Mill Road NW

  Atlanta   GA   30318-1732     51,709        35.6   $ 65,211        59,203        14.5   $ 71,277        9.3     1,829   

Lindbergh Crossing


2360 Cheshire Bridge Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30324-3724     73,262        20.3   $ 68,841        80,569        10.0   $ 74,745        8.6     2,591   

Woodstock Crossing


12050 Highway 92

  Woodstock   GA   30188-4287     19,396        42.3   $ 67,127        22,787        17.5   $ 67,493        0.5     686   

Market Place


9301 Kingston Pike

  Knoxville   TN   37922-2320     24,593        18.8   $ 61,621        26,772        8.9   $ 66,056        7.2     870   

North Pointe


10128 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29223-4384     17,322        51.6   $ 72,776        20,353        17.5   $ 77,696        6.8     613   

Bethesda Walk


3059 Lawrenceville Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-6426     32,059        26.0   $ 56,114        36,107        12.6   $ 56,652        1.0     1,134   

Braelinn Village


1101 North Peachtree Parkway

  GA   30269-4209     9,533        31.9   $ 84,353        10,779        13.1   $ 88,751        5.2     337   

Roswell Crossing


625 West Crossville Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-7503     18,826        12.1   $ 107,225        20,268        7.7   $ 116,272        8.4     666   

Brookwood Village


Brighton Road

  Atlanta   GA   30309     78,213        33.1   $ 60,446        89,026        13.8   $ 66,416        9.9     2,766   

Rose Creek


4403 Towne Lake Parkway

  Woodstock   GA   30189-8132     16,990        27.3   $ 78,213        19,309        13.7   $ 81,178        3.8     601   

Northlake Promenade


4805 Briarcliff Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30345-2701     34,688        1.8   $ 61,447        35,508        2.4   $ 64,386        4.8     1,227   

Buckhead Crossing


2625 Piedmont Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30324-3086     66,980        22.3   $ 73,273        74,132        10.7   $ 80,929        10.4     2,369   

Peachtree Parkway Plaza


5450 Peachtree Parkway

  Norcross   GA   30092-2557     24,376        11.4   $ 66,275        26,288        7.8   $ 67,882        2.4     862   

Poplar Springs


2153 East Main Street

  Duncan   SC   29334-8724     4,837        34.0   $ 59,052        5,494        13.6   $ 62,391        5.7     171   

Publix Plaza


6131 South Norcross Tucker Rd

  Norcross   GA   30093-5536     36,899        6.2   $ 47,416        38,876        5.4   $ 48,160        1.6     1,305   

Powers Ferry Kroger


1122 Powers Ferry Road

  Marietta   GA   30067-5753     33,032        -0.7   $ 54,320        33,605        1.7   $ 57,251        5.4     1,168   



State Road 54

  Lutz   FL   33558     9,546        156.3   $ 66,399        12,601        32.0   $ 71,905        8.3     338   

Allegheny Hospital


320 East North Avenue

  Pittsburgh   PA   15212-4756     61,599        -6.8   $ 30,441        59,153        -4.0   $ 32,785        7.7     2,179   

Main Street at Anthem


39508 N Daisy Mountain Drive

  Anthem   AZ   85086-6056     7,914        377.3   $ 88,349        10,851        37.1   $ 97,437        10.3     280   

Land-Asante Retail Center

    Surprise   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Festival at Woodholme


1809 Reisterstown Road

  Baltimore   MD   21208-6321     37,440        5.1   $ 61,236        38,456        2.7   $ 66,877        9.2     1,324   

Brea Marketplace


835 East Birch Street

  Brea   CA   92821-5735     40,723        3.9   $ 72,108        42,345        4.0   $ 79,345        10.0     1,440   

Granada Village


10823 Zelzah Avenue

  Granada Hills   CA   91344-4433     46,681        4.1   $ 77,755        48,487        3.9   $ 86,478        11.2     1,651   

Laguna Niguel Plaza


29941 Alicia Parkway

  CA   92677-2091     37,205        1.9   $ 98,423        38,307        3.0   $ 109,040        10.8     1,316   

Lake Forest Village


24251 Muirlands Boulevard

  Lake Forest   CA   92630-3001     47,726        -2.8   $ 73,728        48,008        0.6   $ 81,147        10.1     1,688   

Silverado Plaza


611 Trancas Street

  Napa   CA   94558-3084     26,495        3.5   $ 63,226        27,566        4.0   $ 69,107        9.3     937   

Twin Oaks


5727 Kanan Road

  Agoura Hills   CA   91301-1601     16,162        9.9   $ 107,468        17,196        6.4   $ 118,985        10.7     572   

Auburn Village


2222 Grass Valley Highway

  Auburn   CA   95603-2536     11,123        2.5   $ 49,231        11,659        4.8   $ 52,998        7.7     393   

Stanford Ranch Village


2341 Sunset Boulevard

  Rocklin   CA   95765-4337     22,726        44.0   $ 80,370        26,897        18.4   $ 88,662        10.3     804   



8650 Lake Murray Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92119-2828     46,884        -0.5   $ 61,673        47,866        2.1   $ 68,281        10.7     1,658   

Point Loma Plaza


3645 Midway Drive

  San Diego   CA   92110-5202     47,074        1.4   $ 60,127        48,502        3.0   $ 67,112        11.6     1,665   

Rancho San Diego Village


3681 Avocado Boulevard

  La Mesa   CA   91941-7337     33,559        0.8   $ 64,556        34,433        2.6   $ 71,353        10.5     1,187   



851 Cherry Avenue

  San Bruno   CA   94066-2900     43,654        1.1   $ 78,308        44,689        2.4   $ 85,176        8.8     1,544   

Pleasant Hill


560 Contra Costa Boulevard

  Pleasant Hill   CA   94523-1216     46,130        0.0   $ 67,228        47,223        2.4   $ 72,470        7.8     1,632   

Ygnacio Plaza


1881 Ygnacio Valley Road

  Walnut Creek   CA   94598-3214     47,884        1.1   $ 76,674        49,414        3.2   $ 83,189        8.5     1,694   

Whitnall Square


4698 South Whitnall Avenue

  Milwaukee   WI   53235-6052     31,729        1.0   $ 47,183        32,009        0.9   $ 49,572        5.1     1,122   

Racine Centre


5201 Washington Avenue

  Racine   WI   53406-4242     34,077        2.5   $ 43,529        34,494        1.2   $ 45,417        4.3     1,205   

Cudahy Center


5851 South Packard Avenue

  Cudahy   WI   53110-2615     23,324        2.1   $ 47,708        23,641        1.4   $ 50,116        5.0     825   

Overlake Fashion Plaza


2150 148th Avenue NE

  Redmond   WA   98052-5534     41,310        10.4   $ 70,928        43,660        5.7   $ 76,593        8.0     1,461   

Eastgate Plaza


15100 Southeast 38th Street

  Bellevue   WA   98006-1728     32,150        8.7   $ 86,631        33,822        5.2   $ 94,178        8.7     1,137   

Aurora Marketplace


23632 Highway 99

  Edmonds   WA   98026-9211     48,798        1.7   $ 61,367        49,879        2.2   $ 66,607        8.5     1,726   

Snell & Branham Plaza


179 Branham Lane

  San Jose   CA   95136-2300     64,028        8.2   $ 82,582        67,722        5.8   $ 88,914        7.7     2,265   



2760 Homestead Road

  Santa Clara   CA   95051-5353     83,591        3.6   $ 82,225        86,686        3.7   $ 88,770        8.0     2,956   

Willston Centre II


6118 Arlington Boulevard

  Falls Church   VA   22044-2901     85,312        3.5   $ 86,914        87,476        2.5   $ 98,528        13.4     3,017   

Willston Centre I


6164 Arlington Boulevard

  Falls Church   VA   22044-2902     79,970        2.7   $ 88,287        81,720        2.2   $ 99,823        13.1     2,828   

Five Points


3943 State Street

  Santa Barbara   CA   93105-3113     29,832        0.2   $ 69,418        30,421        2.0   $ 77,483        11.6     1,055   

Arapahoe Village


2798 Arapahoe Avenue

  Boulder   CO   80302-6714     36,913        -4.1   $ 48,997        36,679        -0.6   $ 51,615        5.3     1,306   

Town Center at Sterling


21800 Towncenter Plaza

  Sterling   VA   20164-1897     35,811        19.4   $ 109,740        39,545        10.4   $ 120,892        10.2     1,267   



3400 Youngfield Street

  Wheat Ridge   CO   80033-5245     25,054        0.7   $ 54,383        25,188        0.5   $ 57,548        5.8     886   

Cherrywood Square


7575 South University Blvd

  Centennial   CO   80122-3180     37,734        -3.3   $ 81,448        37,879        0.4   $ 85,288        4.7     1,335   



8074 Rolling Road

  Springfield   VA   22153-2928     30,172        15.2   $ 106,276        32,242        6.9   $ 119,819        12.7     1,067   

Ralston Square


12350 West 64th Avenue

  Arvada   CO   80004-4016     33,290        10.7   $ 64,521        35,089        5.4   $ 68,633        6.4     1,177   

Kings Park


8970 Burke Lake Road

  Springfield   VA   22151-1004     39,622        -3.9   $ 107,558        38,989        -1.6   $ 119,535        11.1     1,401   

Kamp Washington


11054 Lee Highway

  Fairfax   VA   22030-5014     32,235        15.3   $ 101,198        34,381        6.7   $ 113,746        12.4     1,140   

Colonial Square-Wayzata


1151 Wayzata Boulevard East

  Wayzata   MN   55391-1935     14,327        0.7   $ 87,663        14,433        0.7   $ 93,015        6.1     507   

Rockford Road Plaza


4190 Vinewood Lane North

  Plymouth   MN   55442-1735     24,846        10.2   $ 89,519        26,054        4.9   $ 96,566        7.9     879   

Greenbriar Town Center


13043 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy

  Fairfax   VA   22033-2001     32,714        18.7   $ 121,914        35,235        7.7   $ 134,669        10.5     1,157   

Plaza Square


689 Hamburg Turnpike

  Wayne   NJ   07470-2098     29,236        1.2   $ 78,329        29,547        1.1   $ 83,769        6.9     1,034   

Haddon Commons


316 West Cuthbert Boulevard

  Westmont   NJ   08108-3325     56,270        -0.5   $ 54,121        56,224        -0.1   $ 59,546        10.0     1,990   

Corbin's Corner


1445 New Britain Avenue

  Hartford   CT   06110-1659     28,900        0.6   $ 64,046        29,050        0.5   $ 69,460        8.5     1,022   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Buena Park Downtown


8308 On The Mall

  Buena Park   CA   90620-3211     78,508        2.1   $ 56,198        80,711        2.8   $ 60,632        7.9     2,777   

Atlantic Plaza


265 Main Street

  MA   01864-1386     9,739        13.6   $ 104,051        10,206        4.8   $ 112,193        7.8     344   

Westport Plaza


6525 Nova Drive

  Davie   FL   33317-7401     33,876        1.6   $ 53,965        34,698        2.4   $ 58,049        7.6     1,198   

Factoria Mall


4053 Factoria Square Mall SE

  Bellevue   WA   98006-1286     37,263        11.7   $ 85,821        38,911        4.4   $ 91,890        7.1     1,318   

Curlew Crossing


30144 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33761-1057     46,689        0.2   $ 52,200        46,850        0.3   $ 55,981        7.2     1,651   

Putty Hill Plaza


7968 Belair Road

  Baltimore   MD   21236-3706     52,948        1.5   $ 61,793        52,883        -0.1   $ 66,645        7.9     1,873   

Rockford Crossings


281 Deane Drive

  Rockford   IL   61107-5897     18,318        17.7   $ 62,202        19,493        6.4   $ 63,524        2.1     648   

Central Islip Town Center


160 North Research Place

  Central Islip   NY   11722-4458     33,600        4.6   $ 76,805        33,858        0.8   $ 82,925        8.0     1,188   

Plaza at Cottonwood


10248 Coors Bypass NW

  Albuquerque   NM   87114-4088     27,000        50.6   $ 65,348        30,329        12.3   $ 69,985        7.1     955   

Grayson Commons


1911 Grayson Highway

  Grayson   GA   30017-4917     15,875        86.1   $ 72,220        18,225        14.8   $ 74,641        3.4     561   

Old Navy


1815 South 10th Street

  McAllen   TX   78503-5401     24,665        16.4   $ 31,258        26,851        8.9   $ 33,506        7.2     872   

Lynnwood Collection


6300 Creedmoor Road

  Raleigh   NC   27612-6730     45,117        39.6   $ 63,862        52,448        16.3   $ 65,868        3.1     1,596   

Festival at Jefferson Court


4515 Outer Loop

  Louisville   KY   40219-3856     26,106        2.4   $ 42,252        26,378        1.0   $ 43,702        3.4     923   

Beaver Creek Crossings


1335 West Williams Street

  Apex   NC   27502-2188     18,331        58.8   $ 99,504        21,757        18.7   $ 108,623        9.2     648   

Plantation Plaza


2750 Race Track Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32259-4231     15,797        75.0   $ 102,092        18,457        16.8   $ 113,181        10.9     559   

Trowbridge Crossing


7525 Roswell Road

  Atlanta   GA   30350-4838     31,646        0.5   $ 74,568        32,228        1.8   $ 78,898        5.8     1,119   

Cobb Center


2148 South Cobb Drive SE

  Smyrna   GA   30080-1348     30,542        3.7   $ 45,968        31,389        2.8   $ 48,062        4.6     1,080   

Thomas Crossroads


3150 East Highway 34

  Newnan   GA   30265-2122     7,999        31.1   $ 78,401        9,042        13.0   $ 82,553        5.3     283   

Coweta Crossing


370 Bullsboro Drive

  Newnan   GA   30263-1069     11,772        57.2   $ 51,921        13,695        16.3   $ 54,331        4.6     416   

Fairview Market


655 Fairview Road

  Simpsonville   SC   29680-6777     12,813        35.5   $ 60,542        14,335        11.9   $ 63,810        5.4     453   

Fuquay Crossing


961 East Broad Street

  NC   27526-1960     9,228        79.3   $ 60,568        10,954        18.7   $ 64,686        6.8     326   

Greystone Village


7713 Lead Mine Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-4805     37,792        30.9   $ 66,878        43,593        15.4   $ 68,659        2.7     1,337   

Holcomb 400


1475 Holcomb Bridge Road

  Roswell   GA   30076-2139     27,810        3.4   $ 76,047        28,911        4.0   $ 82,737        8.8     984   

Howell Mill Village


2020 Howell Mill Road NW

  Atlanta   GA   30318-1732     52,359        38.2   $ 68,189        58,603        11.9   $ 74,938        9.9     1,852   

Lindbergh Crossing


2360 Cheshire Bridge Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30324-3724     75,447        23.7   $ 71,801        82,246        9.0   $ 78,749        9.7     2,668   

Woodstock Crossing


12050 Highway 92

  Woodstock   GA   30188-4287     19,284        40.5   $ 69,736        21,808        13.1   $ 70,013        0.4     682   

Market Place


9301 Kingston Pike

  Knoxville   TN   37922-2320     25,174        19.5   $ 62,456        27,052        7.5   $ 66,067        5.8     890   

North Pointe


10128 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29223-4384     17,513        55.5   $ 73,949        19,614        12.0   $ 78,113        5.6     619   

Bethesda Walk


3059 Lawrenceville Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-6426     31,675        24.9   $ 57,337        35,612        12.4   $ 57,593        0.4     1,120   

Braelinn Village


1101 North Peachtree Parkway

  GA   30269-4209     9,671        29.9   $ 86,780        10,563        9.2   $ 90,416        4.2     342   

Roswell Crossing


625 West Crossville Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-7503     19,066        12.8   $ 110,388        20,409        7.0   $ 118,395        7.3     674   

Brookwood Village


Brighton Road

  Atlanta   GA   30309     79,922        35.7   $ 63,437        89,190        11.6   $ 70,153        10.6     2,827   

Rose Creek


4403 Towne Lake Parkway

  Woodstock   GA   30189-8132     17,328        30.3   $ 79,927        20,042        15.7   $ 82,378        3.1     613   

Northlake Promenade


4805 Briarcliff Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30345-2701     35,025        2.8   $ 62,917        35,647        1.8   $ 65,398        3.9     1,239   

Buckhead Crossing


2625 Piedmont Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30324-3086     69,182        26.1   $ 76,993        75,924        9.8   $ 85,005        10.4     2,447   

Peachtree Parkway Plaza


5450 Peachtree Parkway

  Norcross   GA   30092-2557     23,879        10.0   $ 67,406        25,724        7.7   $ 69,021        2.4     845   

Poplar Springs


2153 East Main Street

  Duncan   SC   29334-8724     4,954        36.6   $ 60,542        5,533        11.7   $ 63,498        4.9     175   

Publix Plaza


6131 South Norcross Tucker Rd

  Norcross   GA   30093-5536     36,966        6.4   $ 48,323        38,945        5.4   $ 48,875        1.1     1,307   

Powers Ferry Kroger


1122 Powers Ferry Road

  Marietta   GA   30067-5753     33,757        0.8   $ 56,648        34,255        1.5   $ 58,882        3.9     1,194   



State Road 54

  Lutz   FL   33558     10,133        149.1   $ 67,533        11,725        15.7   $ 74,528        10.4     358   

Allegheny Hospital


320 East North Avenue

  Pittsburgh   PA   15212-4756     60,861        -7.4   $ 31,429        58,206        -4.4   $ 33,556        6.8     2,153   

Main Street at Anthem


39508 N Daisy Mountain Drive

  Anthem   AZ   85086-6056     9,246        415.1   $ 90,035        10,557        14.2   $ 101,085        12.3     327   

Land-Asante Retail Center

    Surprise   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Festival at Woodholme


1809 Reisterstown Road

  Baltimore   MD   21208-6321     36,818        4.0   $ 62,908        37,145        0.9   $ 67,530        7.3     1,302   

Brea Marketplace


835 East Birch Street

  Brea   CA   92821-5735     40,581        3.9   $ 73,812        42,028        3.6   $ 80,499        9.1     1,435   

Granada Village


10823 Zelzah Avenue

  Granada Hills   CA   91344-4433     46,740        5.0   $ 80,036        48,263        3.3   $ 87,125        8.9     1,653   

Laguna Niguel Plaza


29941 Alicia Parkway

  CA   92677-2091     37,687        4.1   $ 100,812        39,092        3.7   $ 110,496        9.6     1,333   

Lake Forest Village


24251 Muirlands Boulevard

  Lake Forest   CA   92630-3001     47,666        -2.6   $ 75,321        48,122        1.0   $ 81,911        8.7     1,686   

Silverado Plaza


611 Trancas Street

  Napa   CA   94558-3084     26,494        3.9   $ 65,332        27,556        4.0   $ 70,580        8.0     937   

Twin Oaks


5727 Kanan Road

  Agoura Hills   CA   91301-1601     15,839        7.9   $ 108,796        16,609        4.9   $ 117,413        7.9     560   

Auburn Village


2222 Grass Valley Highway

  Auburn   CA   95603-2536     10,867        0.6   $ 49,908        11,882        9.3   $ 54,019        8.2     384   

Stanford Ranch Village


2341 Sunset Boulevard

  Rocklin   CA   95765-4337     28,252        74.6   $ 81,281        34,024        20.4   $ 87,602        7.8     999   



8650 Lake Murray Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92119-2828     47,314        0.6   $ 63,255        48,714        3.0   $ 69,345        9.6     1,673   

Point Loma Plaza


3645 Midway Drive

  San Diego   CA   92110-5202     47,388        2.8   $ 60,540        48,975        3.4   $ 66,611        10.0     1,676   

Rancho San Diego Village


3681 Avocado Boulevard

  La Mesa   CA   91941-7337     34,049        2.3   $ 66,597        35,295        3.7   $ 72,807        9.3     1,204   



851 Cherry Avenue

  San Bruno   CA   94066-2900     44,255        2.2   $ 80,244        45,187        2.1   $ 86,065        7.3     1,565   

Pleasant Hill


560 Contra Costa Boulevard

  Pleasant Hill   CA   94523-1216     45,890        -0.4   $ 68,564        47,034        2.5   $ 72,847        6.2     1,623   

Ygnacio Plaza


1881 Ygnacio Valley Road

  Walnut Creek   CA   94598-3214     47,668        1.3   $ 78,473        49,170        3.2   $ 83,739        6.7     1,686   

Whitnall Square


4698 South Whitnall Avenue

  Milwaukee   WI   53235-6052     31,748        2.2   $ 48,926        31,792        0.1   $ 51,801        5.9     1,123   

Racine Centre


5201 Washington Avenue

  Racine   WI   53406-4242     34,777        5.6   $ 44,692        35,342        1.6   $ 46,198        3.4     1,230   

Cudahy Center


5851 South Packard Avenue

  Cudahy   WI   53110-2615     23,308        1.7   $ 49,199        23,283        -0.1   $ 51,972        5.6     824   

Overlake Fashion Plaza


2150 148th Avenue NE

  Redmond   WA   98052-5534     41,372        10.9   $ 72,127        43,049        4.1   $ 77,235        7.1     1,463   

Eastgate Plaza


15100 Southeast 38th Street

  Bellevue   WA   98006-1728     31,519        8.4   $ 88,554        32,743        3.9   $ 94,672        6.9     1,115   

Aurora Marketplace


23632 Highway 99

  Edmonds   WA   98026-9211     48,605        1.1   $ 62,650        49,317        1.5   $ 66,706        6.5     1,719   

Snell & Branham Plaza


179 Branham Lane

  San Jose   CA   95136-2300     64,882        10.1   $ 84,762        68,378        5.4   $ 89,811        6.0     2,295   



2760 Homestead Road

  Santa Clara   CA   95051-5353     83,837        4.1   $ 84,606        86,534        3.2   $ 90,024        6.4     2,965   

Willston Centre II


6118 Arlington Boulevard

  Falls Church   VA   22044-2901     86,722        4.5   $ 89,158        88,383        1.9   $ 99,865        12.0     3,067   

Willston Centre I


6164 Arlington Boulevard

  Falls Church   VA   22044-2902     79,549        3.3   $ 90,809        80,722        1.5   $ 101,659        11.9     2,813   

Five Points


3943 State Street

  Santa Barbara   CA   93105-3113     29,891        0.6   $ 71,372        30,354        1.6   $ 78,928        10.6     1,057   

Arapahoe Village


2798 Arapahoe Avenue

  Boulder   CO   80302-6714     38,915        1.1   $ 50,243        39,745        2.1   $ 52,851        5.2     1,376   

Town Center at Sterling


21800 Towncenter Plaza

  Sterling   VA   20164-1897     35,027        18.3   $ 110,728        39,565        13.0   $ 118,941        7.4     1,239   



3400 Youngfield Street

  Wheat Ridge   CO   80033-5245     25,591        1.4   $ 55,460        25,671        0.3   $ 57,812        4.2     905   

Cherrywood Square


7575 South University Blvd

  Centennial   CO   80122-3180     39,008        0.3   $ 81,116        41,107        5.4   $ 84,104        3.7     1,380   



8074 Rolling Road

  Springfield   VA   22153-2928     29,117        11.5   $ 105,790        30,235        3.8   $ 116,200        9.8     1,030   

Ralston Square


12350 West 64th Avenue

  Arvada   CO   80004-4016     33,232        11.3   $ 65,846        34,594        4.1   $ 69,117        5.0     1,175   

Kings Park


8970 Burke Lake Road

  Springfield   VA   22151-1004     39,959        -4.3   $ 109,818        39,193        -1.9   $ 120,013        9.3     1,413   

Kamp Washington


11054 Lee Highway

  Fairfax   VA   22030-5014     33,857        21.4   $ 104,757        35,781        5.7   $ 115,325        10.1     1,197   

Colonial Square-Wayzata


1151 Wayzata Boulevard East

  Wayzata   MN   55391-1935     14,163        -1.0   $ 89,773        14,123        -0.3   $ 94,098        4.8     501   

Rockford Road Plaza


4190 Vinewood Lane North

  Plymouth   MN   55442-1735     24,797        11.2   $ 91,770        25,675        3.5   $ 97,461        6.2     877   

Greenbriar Town Center


13043 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy

  Fairfax   VA   22033-2001     34,238        25.7   $ 125,085        36,686        7.2   $ 138,232        10.5     1,211   

Plaza Square


689 Hamburg Turnpike

  Wayne   NJ   07470-2098     28,792        0.0   $ 79,769        28,655        -0.5   $ 84,328        5.7     1,018   

Haddon Commons


316 West Cuthbert Boulevard

  Westmont   NJ   08108-3325     56,058        0.0   $ 55,581        55,678        -0.7   $ 60,129        8.2     1,983   

Corbin's Corner


1445 New Britain Avenue

  Hartford   CT   06110-1659     29,144        1.7   $ 65,914        29,148        0.0   $ 70,871        7.5     1,031   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Shoppes of Kildaire


167 SE Cary Parkway

  Cary   NC   27511-7701     27,439        13.0   $ 70,639        29,781        8.5   $ 73,755        4.4     970   

Fox Mill


2531 John Milton Drive

  Herndon   VA   20171-2527     35,391        13.9   $ 113,903        37,610        6.3   $ 126,150        10.8     1,252   

First State Plaza


1600 West Newport Pike

  Stanton   DE   19804-3500     24,761        -2.4   $ 54,472        24,728        -0.1   $ 57,770        6.1     876   

Greenway Town Center


12220 SW Scholls Ferry Road

  Tigard   OR   97223-3354     54,672        15.3   $ 61,444        59,076        8.1   $ 66,070        7.5     1,934   



501 Newark Shopping Center

  Newark   DE   19711-7305     22,774        4.4   $ 58,678        23,416        2.8   $ 62,283        6.1     805   

Festival at Manchester Lakes


7005 Manchester Boulevard

  Alexandria   VA   22310-3205     34,279        10.6   $ 96,967        36,018        5.1   $ 109,976        13.4     1,212   

Shoppes of Graylyn


1732 Marsh Road

  Wilmington   DE   19810-4606     33,978        1.4   $ 68,673        34,444        1.4   $ 72,852        6.1     1,202   

Centre Ridge Marketplace


6335 Multiplex Drive

  Centreville   VA   20121-5327     30,694        12.4   $ 105,999        32,470        5.8   $ 119,232        12.5     1,086   

Allen Street


1421 West Allen Street

  Allentown   PA   18102-2188     50,493        1.5   $ 38,986        51,380        1.8   $ 41,527        6.5     1,786   

Spring Valley


4851 Massachusetts Avenue NW

  Washington   DC   20016-2065     69,892        3.0   $ 113,810        71,274        2.0   $ 128,691        13.1     2,472   

Brafferton Center


325 Garrisonville Road

  Stafford   VA   22554-1544     14,998        37.2   $ 84,488        17,208        14.7   $ 93,740        11.0     530   

Stefko Boulevard


1880 Stefko Boulevard

  Bethlehem   PA   18017-6263     32,445        6.8   $ 48,970        33,757        4.0   $ 53,936        10.1     1,148   

Village Commons


701 Village Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33409-1924     41,116        10.5   $ 36,403        44,145        7.4   $ 39,327        8.0     1,454   

City Avenue


6200 Algon Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19111-5801     126,403        -4.2   $ 40,872        123,663        -2.2   $ 43,708        6.9     4,471   

Willow Lake West


2902 West 86th Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46268-5900     24,556        5.1   $ 55,690        25,359        3.3   $ 59,677        7.2     868   

Ashburn Farm Village Center


43761 Parkhurst Plaza

  Ashburn   VA   20147-5470     25,027        144.4   $ 117,458        32,695        30.6   $ 128,042        9.0     885   

Willow Lake


2550 Lake Circle Drive

  Indianapolis   IN   46268-4220     24,787        4.7   $ 56,632        25,556        3.1   $ 60,589        7.0     877   

King Street 601


601 King Street

  Alexandria   VA   22314-3105     53,775        2.6   $ 81,566        54,858        2.0   $ 93,008        14.0     1,902   



6420 Frankford Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19135-3005     103,268        -4.4   $ 41,400        100,880        -2.3   $ 44,339        7.1     3,652   



7029 Three Chopt Road

  Richmond   VA   23226     30,809        -1.9   $ 56,574        30,827        0.1   $ 61,189        8.2     1,090   

Brentwood Commons


1047-1145 South York Road

  Bensenville   IL   60106-3600     30,446        -2.0   $ 62,212        30,199        -0.8   $ 65,256        4.9     1,077   

Mercer Square


73 Old Dublin Pike

  Doylestown   PA   18901-2491     13,497        6.5   $ 86,207        13,877        2.8   $ 94,168        9.2     477   

Civic Center Plaza


7801 North Waukegan Road

  Niles   IL   60714-3217     60,942        -2.2   $ 68,818        60,450        -0.8   $ 72,937        6.0     2,155   

Laburnum Square


4816 South Laburnum Avenue

  Richmond   VA   23231-2714     18,146        9.1   $ 44,327        19,074        5.1   $ 47,347        6.8     642   

Newtown Square


3500 West Chester Pike

  PA   19073-4101     15,644        1.0   $ 83,731        15,757        0.7   $ 90,871        8.5     553   

Laburnum Park


4334 South Laburnum Avenue

  Richmond   VA   23231-2418     21,702        6.8   $ 41,803        22,581        4.1   $ 45,068        7.8     768   

Hanover Village


7019 Mechanicsville Turnpike

  Mechanicsville   VA   23111-7100     11,649        17.0   $ 66,583        12,616        8.3   $ 72,881        9.5     412   

Glen Lea Centre


3808 Mechanicsville Pike

  Richmond   VA   23223-1114     28,551        1.8   $ 36,523        29,035        1.7   $ 40,489        10.9     1,010   

Towamencin Village


1758 Allentown Road

  Lansdale   PA   19446-4053     23,262        4.9   $ 72,499        23,844        2.5   $ 79,950        10.3     823   

Warwick Square


2395 York Road

  Jamison   PA   18929-1071     12,379        17.8   $ 91,823        13,293        7.4   $ 99,680        8.6     438   

Kenhorst Plaza


440 Kenhorst Plaza

  Shillington   PA   19607-3646     27,938        0.9   $ 40,570        28,297        1.3   $ 43,369        6.9     988   

Mallard Creek


722 East Rollins Road

  Round Lake
  IL   60073-1337     26,700        25.7   $ 75,144        29,300        9.7   $ 81,244        8.1     944   

Colonial Square-York


976 South George Street

  York   PA   17403-3708     32,168        2.2   $ 40,015        32,816        2.0   $ 43,001        7.5     1,138   

McHenry Commons


2000 North Richmond Road

  McHenry   IL   60050-1419     13,695        20.6   $ 63,922        15,045        9.9   $ 67,368        5.4     484   

First Colony Marketplace


4610 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-5214     29,095        32.6   $ 93,401        33,529        15.2   $ 99,100        6.1     1,029   

Memorial Collection


14640 Memorial Drive

  Houston   TX   77079-7517     51,797        18.1   $ 60,977        56,773        9.6   $ 64,333        5.5     1,832   

Riverside Square & Edge Plaza


3145 South Ashland Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60608-6251     120,821        2.9   $ 34,446        122,614        1.5   $ 37,430        8.7     4,273   

Weslayan Plaza West


5586 Weslayan Street

  Houston   TX   77005-1942     87,084        12.4   $ 66,050        93,519        7.4   $ 70,962        7.4     3,080   

Riverview Plaza


3322-3358 North Western Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60618-6213     258,752        -2.7   $ 53,312        255,789        -1.2   $ 57,953        8.7     9,151   

Westheimer Marketplace


12555 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77077-5807     72,530        19.4   $ 51,725        79,614        9.8   $ 55,590        7.5     2,565   

Stonebrook Plaza


3243 West 115th Street

  IL   60803-4555     56,589        -5.2   $ 57,330        55,187        -2.5   $ 61,524        7.3     2,001   

Woodway Collection


1407 South Voss Road

  Houston   TX   77057-1025     83,445        12.3   $ 52,540        89,569        7.3   $ 57,063        8.6     2,951   



1555 Lee Street

  Des Plaines   IL   60018-1518     42,245        -3.8   $ 60,457        41,534        -1.7   $ 64,330        6.4     1,494   

Gayton Crossing


9782 Gayton Road

  Richmond   VA   23238-4907     33,149        7.3   $ 68,103        34,622        4.4   $ 72,893        7.0     1,172   

Elkridge Corners


7270 Montgomery Road

  Elkridge   MD   21075-5268     11,922        16.3   $ 90,251        12,727        6.8   $ 102,541        13.6     422   



10141 Colesville Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20901-2457     67,513        0.4   $ 68,685        67,843        0.5   $ 75,949        10.6     2,388   

Watkins Park Plaza


50 Watkins Park Drive

  MD   20774-1628     18,632        20.6   $ 99,327        20,088        7.8   $ 110,510        11.3     659   



670 Old Mill Road

  Millersville   MD   21108-1355     25,451        2.4   $ 67,245        25,733        1.1   $ 74,803        11.2     900   

Takoma Park


6875 New Hampshire Avenue

  Takoma Park   MD   20912-4800     90,984        -0.7   $ 57,253        90,869        -0.1   $ 63,745        11.3     3,218   



7709 Harford Road

  Baltimore   MD   21234-6403     68,176        0.6   $ 54,017        68,663        0.7   $ 59,420        10.0     2,411   



3265 Brinkley Road

  Temple Hills   MD   20748-6301     39,817        0.3   $ 62,206        39,787        -0.1   $ 67,868        9.1     1,408   

Southside Marketplace


857 East Fort Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21230-5117     83,275        -2.2   $ 32,322        82,681        -0.7   $ 35,639        10.3     2,945   

Penn Station


5800 Silver Hill Road

  MD   20747-1103     52,311        -1.5   $ 52,890        51,857        -0.9   $ 58,485        10.6     1,850   

Valley Centre


9616 Reisterstown Road

  Owings Mills   MD   21117-4139     27,505        15.5   $ 68,365        29,368        6.8   $ 74,563        9.1     973   

Mitchellville Plaza


12100 Central Avenue

  Mitchellville   MD   20721-1916     18,706        19.6   $ 97,986        20,108        7.5   $ 108,854        11.1     662   

Bowie Plaza


13320 Laurel Bowie Road

  Laurel   MD   20708-1508     26,211        5.3   $ 65,010        26,793        2.2   $ 70,775        8.9     927   

Goshen Plaza


9140 Rothbury Drive

  Gaithersburg   MD   20886-1400     33,069        3.6   $ 85,110        33,716        2.0   $ 94,781        11.4     1,170   

Clinton Square


6439 Old Alexandria Ferry Road

  Clinton   MD   20735-1736     17,553        1.3   $ 80,712        17,625        0.4   $ 89,034        10.3     621   



531 Quince Orchard Road

  Gaithersburg   MD   20878-1405     50,333        6.0   $ 81,004        51,879        3.1   $ 90,943        12.3     1,780   

Cloppers Mill Village


18080 Mateny Road

  Germantown   MD   20874-2112     31,335        15.9   $ 88,204        33,496        6.9   $ 98,698        11.9     1,108   

Homestead Gas Station


13690 SW 288th Street

  Homestead   FL   33033-1905     19,250        46.8   $ 41,271        22,570        17.3   $ 45,166        9.4     681   

4S Commons Town Center


10525 4S Commons Drive

  San Diego   CA   92127-3512     18,975        30.9   $ 88,652        21,534        13.5   $ 99,155        11.8     671   

4S Fitness Center

    San Diego   CA       383        4.9   $ 97,240        398        3.9   $ 110,124        13.2     14   

Clovis Commons


695 West Herndon

  Clovis   CA   93612-0104     50,584        25.7   $ 57,343        56,807        12.3   $ 65,045        13.4     1,789   

Greenwood Springs


1133 North Emerson Avenue

  Greenwood   IN   46143-9763     25,725        16.3   $ 50,393        27,761        7.9   $ 53,314        5.8     910   


    Amherst   NH   3031     4,174        9.5   $ 110,742        4,349        4.2   $ 122,519        10.6     148   

Merrimack Village Center


Seven Continental Boulevard

  Merrimack   NH   03054-4339     7,402        9.5   $ 86,173        7,739        4.6   $ 94,814        10.0     262   

Anthem Highlands


Bicentennial Road

  Henderson   NV   89044-4474     11,939        549.2   $ 103,807        16,476        38.0   $ 116,614        12.3     422   

Harding Place Mall


4040 Nolensville Pike

  Nashville   TN   37211-4516     34,303        4.2   $ 42,791        35,356        3.1   $ 45,214        5.7     1,213   

Orchards Market Center I


11505 NE Fourth Plain Road

  Vancouver   WA   98662-6313     25,649        29.0   $ 58,213        28,929        12.8   $ 62,719        7.7     907   

Assembly Square


Five Middlesex Avenue

  Somerville   MA   02145-1102     173,295        0.0   $ 57,918        173,583        0.2   $ 63,642        9.9     6,129   

Kennesaw 75


3850 Kennesaw 75 Parkway NW

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-6405     29,082        35.9   $ 70,368        33,260        14.4   $ 74,017        5.2     1,029   

Bleecker Street 367-369


367 Bleecker Street

  New York   NY   10014-3209     466,053        6.5   $ 69,808        481,545        3.3   $ 78,970        13.1     16,483   

Bayonne Broadway


517 Broadway

  Bayonne   NJ   07002-3713     59,946        -0.7   $ 51,716        59,717        -0.4   $ 57,521        11.2     2,120   



436 86th Street

  Brooklyn   NY   11209-4708     202,946        1.2   $ 43,279        204,919        1.0   $ 47,462        9.7     7,178   



2410 Merrick Road

  Bellmore   NY   11710-5701     46,461        -3.9   $ 94,535        45,417        -2.3   $ 105,349        11.4     1,643   

Maspeth Queens-Duane Reade


6556 Grand Avenue

  Maspeth   NY   11378-2423     350,875        -1.2   $ 44,591        351,236        0.1   $ 48,575        8.9     12,410   



4250 Jerusalem Avenue

  NY   11758-3315     59,124        -2.6   $ 94,585        58,288        -1.4   $ 105,291        11.3     2,091   



1445 Hempstead Turnpike

  Elmont   NY   11003-2404     95,542        -2.6   $ 82,343        94,546        -1.0   $ 90,652        10.1     3,379   

Franklin Square


710 Franklin Avenue

  NY   11010-1111     82,860        -4.1   $ 83,620        81,078        -2.2   $ 92,115        10.2     2,931   



265 North Broadway

  Hicksville   NY   11801-2933     41,414        -1.9   $ 95,235        41,022        -1.0   $ 106,030        11.3     1,465   

Homeport-Ralph Avenue


2265 Ralph Avenue

  Brooklyn   NY   11234-5611     256,534        0.8   $ 44,814        258,717        0.9   $ 48,764        8.8     9,073   

Kings Highway


1401 Kings Highway

  Brooklyn   NY   11229-2093     334,126        -0.5   $ 43,596        334,749        0.2   $ 47,812        9.7     11,817   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Shoppes of Kildaire


167 SE Cary Parkway

  Cary   NC   27511-7701     28,250        16.0   $ 72,435        31,381        11.1   $ 74,946        3.5     999   

Fox Mill


2531 John Milton Drive

  Herndon   VA   20171-2527     37,206        20.1   $ 115,575        39,042        4.9   $ 127,057        9.9     1,316   

First State Plaza


1600 West Newport Pike

  Stanton   DE   19804-3500     24,444        -2.1   $ 56,137        24,265        -0.7   $ 58,854        4.8     865   

Greenway Town Center


12220 SW Scholls Ferry Road

  Tigard   OR   97223-3354     54,693        15.8   $ 63,182        58,357        6.7   $ 67,171        6.3     1,934   



501 Newark Shopping Center

  Newark   DE   19711-7305     22,648        4.9   $ 60,048        23,172        2.3   $ 62,965        4.9     801   

Festival at Manchester Lakes


7005 Manchester Boulevard

  Alexandria   VA   22310-3205     34,037        9.8   $ 99,018        35,398        4.0   $ 110,111        11.2     1,204   

Shoppes of Graylyn


1732 Marsh Road

  Wilmington   DE   19810-4606     33,977        1.3   $ 70,455        34,164        0.6   $ 74,266        5.4     1,202   

Centre Ridge Marketplace


6335 Multiplex Drive

  Centreville   VA   20121-5327     30,383        11.9   $ 109,561        31,590        4.0   $ 121,080        10.5     1,075   

Allen Street


1421 West Allen Street

  Allentown   PA   18102-2188     50,804        2.1   $ 40,300        51,382        1.1   $ 42,170        4.6     1,797   

Spring Valley


4851 Massachusetts Avenue NW

  Washington   DC   20016-2065     70,542        4.5   $ 117,041        71,808        1.8   $ 130,099        11.2     2,495   

Brafferton Center


325 Garrisonville Road

  Stafford   VA   22554-1544     14,715        37.9   $ 86,009        16,552        12.5   $ 93,467        8.7     520   

Stefko Boulevard


1880 Stefko Boulevard

  Bethlehem   PA   18017-6263     31,797        5.4   $ 49,542        32,569        2.4   $ 53,720        8.4     1,125   

Village Commons


701 Village Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33409-1924     41,356        10.7   $ 37,142        43,907        6.2   $ 39,148        5.4     1,463   

City Avenue


6200 Algon Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19111-5801     130,485        -0.9   $ 41,706        130,113        -0.3   $ 43,844        5.1     4,615   

Willow Lake West


2902 West 86th Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46268-5900     25,023        6.9   $ 55,690        25,871        3.4   $ 58,536        5.1     885   

Ashburn Farm Village Center


43761 Parkhurst Plaza

  Ashburn   VA   20147-5470     25,729        150.8   $ 118,346        31,529        22.5   $ 128,732        8.8     910   

Willow Lake


2550 Lake Circle Drive

  Indianapolis   IN   46268-4220     25,085        6.2   $ 56,225        25,858        3.1   $ 58,999        4.9     887   

King Street 601


601 King Street

  Alexandria   VA   22314-3105     54,608        4.5   $ 84,610        55,418        1.5   $ 95,701        13.1     1,931   



6420 Frankford Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19135-3005     106,628        -1.0   $ 42,242        106,261        -0.3   $ 44,466        5.3     3,771   



7029 Three Chopt Road

  Richmond   VA   23226     30,394        -1.7   $ 57,961        30,302        -0.3   $ 61,926        6.8     1,075   

Brentwood Commons


1047-1145 South York Road

  Bensenville   IL   60106-3600     30,370        -1.6   $ 64,034        30,004        -1.2   $ 66,783        4.3     1,074   

Mercer Square


73 Old Dublin Pike

  Doylestown   PA   18901-2491     13,538        6.4   $ 89,702        13,806        2.0   $ 97,161        8.3     479   

Civic Center Plaza


7801 North Waukegan Road

  Niles   IL   60714-3217     60,594        -1.9   $ 70,323        59,895        -1.2   $ 73,784        4.9     2,143   

Laburnum Square


4816 South Laburnum Avenue

  Richmond   VA   23231-2714     17,962        9.8   $ 45,390        18,748        4.4   $ 47,878        5.5     635   

Newtown Square


3500 West Chester Pike

  PA   19073-4101     15,540        0.9   $ 86,241        15,517        -0.2   $ 92,660        7.4     550   

Laburnum Park


4334 South Laburnum Avenue

  Richmond   VA   23231-2418     21,945        7.4   $ 43,115        22,691        3.4   $ 45,898        6.5     776   

Hanover Village


7019 Mechanicsville Turnpike

  Mechanicsville   VA   23111-7100     11,456        17.0   $ 68,132        12,151        6.1   $ 72,754        6.8     405   

Glen Lea Centre


3808 Mechanicsville Pike

  Richmond   VA   23223-1114     27,872        0.8   $ 37,060        28,025        0.6   $ 40,265        8.6     986   

Towamencin Village


1758 Allentown Road

  Lansdale   PA   19446-4053     23,040        3.9   $ 74,870        23,272        1.0   $ 82,016        9.5     815   

Warwick Square


2395 York Road

  Jamison   PA   18929-1071     12,598        19.7   $ 95,042        13,308        5.6   $ 102,771        8.1     446   

Kenhorst Plaza


440 Kenhorst Plaza

  Shillington   PA   19607-3646     27,860        0.9   $ 41,605        27,849        0.0   $ 43,567        4.7     985   

Mallard Creek


722 East Rollins Road

  Round Lake
  IL   60073-1337     26,333        24.9   $ 76,901        28,353        7.7   $ 82,488        7.3     931   

Colonial Square-York


976 South George Street

  York   PA   17403-3708     32,359        2.8   $ 41,034        32,765        1.3   $ 43,216        5.3     1,144   

McHenry Commons


2000 North Richmond Road

  McHenry   IL   60050-1419     13,540        19.1   $ 66,223        14,639        8.1   $ 69,403        4.8     479   

First Colony Marketplace


4610 Highway Six

  Sugar Land   TX   77478-5214     28,840        35.3   $ 96,989        33,756        17.1   $ 102,966        6.2     1,020   

Memorial Collection


14640 Memorial Drive

  Houston   TX   77079-7517     51,972        18.9   $ 62,511        56,626        9.0   $ 64,884        3.8     1,838   

Riverside Square & Edge Plaza


3145 South Ashland Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60608-6251     121,953        4.4   $ 35,709        121,768        -0.2   $ 38,529        7.9     4,313   

Weslayan Plaza West


5586 Weslayan Street

  Houston   TX   77005-1942     87,223        14.0   $ 68,930        93,875        7.6   $ 74,207        7.7     3,085   

Riverview Plaza


3322-3358 North Western Avenue

  Chicago   IL   60618-6213     261,071        -1.7   $ 55,109        258,493        -1.0   $ 59,595        8.1     9,233   

Westheimer Marketplace


12555 Westheimer Road

  Houston   TX   77077-5807     72,980        19.7   $ 53,566        79,717        9.2   $ 56,467        5.4     2,581   

Stonebrook Plaza


3243 West 115th Street

  IL   60803-4555     56,368        -5.3   $ 58,946        54,899        -2.6   $ 62,367        5.8     1,994   

Woodway Collection


1407 South Voss Road

  Houston   TX   77057-1025     85,748        13.4   $ 54,302        92,182        7.5   $ 58,096        7.0     3,033   



1555 Lee Street

  Des Plaines   IL   60018-1518     42,492        -3.1   $ 61,901        41,842        -1.5   $ 64,842        4.8     1,503   

Gayton Crossing


9782 Gayton Road

  Richmond   VA   23238-4907     33,284        7.4   $ 69,592        34,546        3.8   $ 73,958        6.3     1,177   

Elkridge Corners


7270 Montgomery Road

  Elkridge   MD   21075-5268     12,124        18.4   $ 93,114        12,870        6.2   $ 104,682        12.4     429   



10141 Colesville Road

  Silver Spring   MD   20901-2457     68,955        2.5   $ 70,819        69,628        1.0   $ 77,959        10.1     2,439   

Watkins Park Plaza


50 Watkins Park Drive

  MD   20774-1628     18,579        18.8   $ 102,592        19,475        4.8   $ 112,772        9.9     657   



670 Old Mill Road

  Millersville   MD   21108-1355     25,527        2.3   $ 69,280        25,630        0.4   $ 76,031        9.7     903   

Takoma Park


6875 New Hampshire Avenue

  Takoma Park   MD   20912-4800     90,697        -0.5   $ 59,485        90,028        -0.7   $ 65,429        10.0     3,208   



7709 Harford Road

  Baltimore   MD   21234-6403     66,275        -1.8   $ 55,708        65,223        -1.6   $ 60,281        8.2     2,344   



3265 Brinkley Road

  Temple Hills   MD   20748-6301     38,390        -2.6   $ 63,743        37,495        -2.3   $ 68,550        7.5     1,358   

Southside Marketplace


857 East Fort Avenue

  Baltimore   MD   21230-5117     83,996        -1.2   $ 33,760        82,824        -1.4   $ 37,294        10.5     2,971   

Penn Station


5800 Silver Hill Road

  MD   20747-1103     50,752        -4.0   $ 55,080        49,391        -2.7   $ 60,043        9.0     1,795   

Valley Centre


9616 Reisterstown Road

  Owings Mills   MD   21117-4139     26,955        13.9   $ 69,612        28,102        4.3   $ 74,483        7.0     953   

Mitchellville Plaza


12100 Central Avenue

  Mitchellville   MD   20721-1916     18,617        17.7   $ 101,279        19,475        4.6   $ 111,487        10.1     658   

Bowie Plaza


13320 Laurel Bowie Road

  Laurel   MD   20708-1508     27,222        8.0   $ 66,625        27,710        1.8   $ 71,394        7.2     963   

Goshen Plaza


9140 Rothbury Drive

  Gaithersburg   MD   20886-1400     34,190        6.9   $ 87,657        35,194        2.9   $ 96,328        9.9     1,209   

Clinton Square


6439 Old Alexandria Ferry Road

  Clinton   MD   20735-1736     17,121        -1.1   $ 83,547        16,864        -1.5   $ 90,808        8.7     606   



531 Quince Orchard Road

  Gaithersburg   MD   20878-1405     51,871        9.5   $ 83,140        53,721        3.6   $ 91,667        10.3     1,835   

Cloppers Mill Village


18080 Mateny Road

  Germantown   MD   20874-2112     32,323        19.8   $ 90,448        34,255        6.0   $ 99,547        10.1     1,143   

Homestead Gas Station


13690 SW 288th Street

  Homestead   FL   33033-1905     19,840        49.6   $ 40,981        21,644        9.1   $ 43,288        5.6     702   

4S Commons Town Center


10525 4S Commons Drive

  San Diego   CA   92127-3512     19,507        35.2   $ 90,982        21,207        8.7   $ 100,791        10.8     690   

4S Fitness Center

    San Diego   CA       409        9.7   $ 100,357        437        6.9   $ 112,842        12.4     14   

Clovis Commons


695 West Herndon

  Clovis   CA   93612-0104     50,445        27.3   $ 57,260        55,396        9.8   $ 63,031        10.1     1,784   

Greenwood Springs


1133 North Emerson Avenue

  Greenwood   IN   46143-9763     25,973        17.4   $ 50,940        27,600        6.3   $ 52,981        4.0     919   


    Amherst   NH   3031     4,254        9.5   $ 114,054        4,389        3.2   $ 125,576        10.1     150   

Merrimack Village Center


Seven Continental Boulevard

  Merrimack   NH   03054-4339     6,857        9.0   $ 88,377        7,051        2.8   $ 95,559        8.1     243   

Anthem Highlands


Bicentennial Road

  Henderson   NV   89044-4474     12,292        555.6   $ 104,908        14,234        15.8   $ 120,201        14.6     435   

Harding Place Mall


4040 Nolensville Pike

  Nashville   TN   37211-4516     34,082        3.7   $ 43,335        34,764        2.0   $ 45,052        4.0     1,205   

Orchards Market Center I


11505 NE Fourth Plain Road

  Vancouver   WA   98662-6313     25,131        28.6   $ 59,182        27,960        11.3   $ 62,761        6.0     889   

Assembly Square


Five Middlesex Avenue

  Somerville   MA   02145-1102     178,385        3.3   $ 60,041        179,635        0.7   $ 65,566        9.2     6,309   

Kennesaw 75


3850 Kennesaw 75 Parkway NW

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-6405     28,869        36.1   $ 73,229        32,119        11.3   $ 77,272        5.5     1,021   

Bleecker Street 367-369


367 Bleecker Street

  New York   NY   10014-3209     471,378        8.1   $ 72,224        480,846        2.0   $ 81,718        13.1     16,672   

Bayonne Broadway


517 Broadway

  Bayonne   NJ   07002-3713     60,065        -0.5   $ 54,483        59,811        -0.4   $ 59,709        9.6     2,124   



436 86th Street

  Brooklyn   NY   11209-4708     204,783        2.7   $ 44,725        206,668        0.9   $ 48,384        8.2     7,243   



2410 Merrick Road

  Bellmore   NY   11710-5701     48,295        0.4   $ 97,769        47,943        -0.7   $ 107,961        10.4     1,708   

Maspeth Queens-Duane Reade


6556 Grand Avenue

  Maspeth   NY   11378-2423     356,229        0.6   $ 46,185        356,577        0.1   $ 49,850        7.9     12,599   



4250 Jerusalem Avenue

  NY   11758-3315     60,753        0.7   $ 97,808        60,396        -0.6   $ 107,831        10.2     2,149   



1445 Hempstead Turnpike

  Elmont   NY   11003-2404     98,370        0.4   $ 85,315        97,930        -0.5   $ 93,338        9.4     3,479   

Franklin Square


710 Franklin Avenue

  NY   11010-1111     86,272        0.1   $ 86,450        85,607        -0.8   $ 94,334        9.1     3,051   



265 North Broadway

  Hicksville   NY   11801-2933     42,551        1.1   $ 97,978        42,359        -0.5   $ 107,444        9.7     1,505   

Homeport-Ralph Avenue


2265 Ralph Avenue

  Brooklyn   NY   11234-5611     257,794        1.5   $ 46,048        258,961        0.5   $ 49,202        6.8     9,118   

Kings Highway


1401 Kings Highway

  Brooklyn   NY   11229-2093     336,383        0.4   $ 44,861        336,394        0.0   $ 48,441        8.0     11,897   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Coral Way Plaza


8855 SW 24th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-2010     65,814        0.0   $ 46,852        67,164        2.1   $ 50,866        8.6     2,328   

Huntington Plaza


Weaver Road

  Huntington   WV   25704     2,364        5.5   $ 42,245        2,408        1.9   $ 46,549        10.2     84   

Midway Plantation


7106 US Highway 64 East

  Knightdale   NC   27545-9265     7,414        22.0   $ 59,807        8,253        11.3   $ 63,260        5.8     262   

Chillicothe Place-Lowes


867 North Bridge Street

  Chillicothe   OH   45601-1704     10,115        0.1   $ 36,723        10,127        0.1   $ 38,684        5.3     358   

Land-MacArthur Park


MacArthur Boulevard

  Las Colinas   TX   75041     40,109        -4.6   $ 42,493        39,889        -0.6   $ 44,062        3.7     1,419   

Flamingo Pines


170 South Flamingo Road

  FL   33027-1720     44,138        11.0   $ 64,476        46,990        6.5   $ 71,479        10.9     1,561   

Caprock Center Outparcel


2801 50th Street

  Lubbock   TX   79413-4328     44,555        4.7   $ 39,273        46,033        3.3   $ 43,020        9.5     1,576   

Ravenstone Commons


121 Sherron Road

  Durham   NC   27703-9515     6,091        26.5   $ 55,840        6,825        12.1   $ 57,975        3.8     215   



4037 Route 130

  Delran   NJ   08075-2415     20,980        10.1   $ 70,197        21,908        4.4   $ 77,156        9.9     742   

Poway City Centre


13630 Poway Road

  Poway   CA   92064-4704     19,289        6.8   $ 95,460        20,312        5.3   $ 107,983        13.1     682   



256 US Highway 206

  Hillsborough   NJ   08844-4681     14,953        6.0   $ 82,177        15,509        3.7   $ 90,496        10.1     529   

Chambersburg Crossing


900 Norland Avenue

  Chambersburg   PA   17201     12,790        9.8   $ 41,896        13,476        5.4   $ 45,124        7.7     452   

Sorensen Park Plaza


715 South 72nd Street

  Omaha   NE   68114-4613     1,489        15.1   $ 76,054        1,575        5.8   $ 82,872        9.0     53   

Dowlen Center II

    Beaumont   TX       2,943        -6.1   $ 29,974        2,873        -2.4   $ 31,928        6.5     104   

Pinecrest Plaza


One Pinecrest Plaza

  NC   28387-4301     10,010        26.3   $ 51,978        11,172        11.6   $ 56,898        9.5     354   

Thompson Bridge Commons


3630 Thompson Bridge Road

  Gainesville   GA   30506-1519     5,438        33.1   $ 62,331        6,238        14.7   $ 65,976        5.8     192   

Best in the West


2050 North Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89108-7049     70,788        5.2   $ 52,675        73,150        3.3   $ 56,159        6.6     2,504   

Starr Plaza


6583 East US Highway 83

  Rio Grande
  TX   78582-6156     1,243        18.0   $ 22,774        1,342        8.0   $ 25,755        13.1     44   

Merriam Village


5828 M Antioch Road

  Merriam   KS   66202-2017     37,989        1.5   $ 51,102        38,832        2.2   $ 53,900        5.5     1,344   

Winchester Plaza


2246 Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL   35811-8861     4,856        27.4   $ 63,118        5,442        12.1   $ 68,274        8.2     172   

Heritage Plaza


720 West Army Trail Road

  Carol Stream   IL   60188-9297     27,146        3.1   $ 85,129        27,596        1.7   $ 89,463        5.1     960   

Shaw’s Plaza


Three North Main Street

  Carver   MA   02330-1102     3,487        4.6   $ 78,004        3,592        3.0   $ 85,570        9.7     123   

Ridge Plaza


9000 West State Road 84

  Davie   FL   33324-4417     40,750        3.7   $ 62,691        42,494        4.3   $ 68,264        8.9     1,441   

Young Circle


1735 East Young Circle

  Hollywood   FL   33020-6824     61,788        -0.4   $ 41,897        63,212        2.3   $ 45,752        9.2     2,185   

Shops at Highland Village


FM 2499

  TX   75077     17,883        38.0   $ 113,019        20,811        16.4   $ 122,413        8.3     632   

Columbia Crossing Road 6201


6201 Columbia Crossing Road

  Columbia   MD   21045-8201     30,824        10.5   $ 92,403        32,466        5.3   $ 104,971        13.6     1,090   

Johnston Road Plaza


10106 Johnston Road

  Charlotte   NC   28210-8299     29,793        19.3   $ 61,904        32,956        10.6   $ 64,372        4.0     1,054   

Fremont Hub


39201 Fremont Boulevard

  Fremont   CA   94538-1301     54,589        -1.4   $ 90,358        55,311        1.3   $ 99,397        10.0     1,931   

Grove at Lakeland


3530 US Highway 98 North

  Lakeland   FL   33809-3840     20,129        17.3   $ 36,982        22,120        9.9   $ 40,765        10.2     712   

Glenn Square


Gleen Highway

  Anchorage   AK   99501     31,737        3.4   $ 53,661        32,578        2.7   $ 58,984        9.9     1,122   


    Hanover   MD       10,251        3.9   $ 117,595        10,472        2.2   $ 131,016        11.4     363   

Plantation Crossing


Branan Field Road

  Middleburg   FL   32068     7,438        57.2   $ 58,482        8,931        20.1   $ 63,233        8.1     263   

Treasure Valley Marketplace


16300 North Market Place Boulevard

  Nampa   ID   83687-7910     15,359        53.0   $ 40,939        18,374        19.6   $ 44,502        8.7     543   

Las Tiendas


US 77 Expressway

  Brownsville   TX   78520     21,502        49.3   $ 34,293        25,226        17.3   $ 36,472        6.4     760   

Town Center at Timber Springs


Timber Springs Boulevard

  Orlando   FL       42,203        10.4   $ 43,049        45,600        8.1   $ 46,980        9.1     1,493   

Hoover Development

    Hoover   AL       33,875        -5.5   $ 26,321        32,983        -2.6   $ 28,299        7.5     1,198   

Shops at Fox River


3340 Shoppers Drive

  McHenry   IL   60051-5405     12,229        19.0   $ 62,913        13,369        9.3   $ 66,337        5.4     433   

Seabrook Town Center


Lafayette Road

  Seabrook   NH       6,487        8.4   $ 59,710        6,724        3.7   $ 65,837        10.3     229   

Southern Tier Crossing


Ann Page Road

  Horseheads   NY   14845     7,151        0.3   $ 43,645        7,130        -0.3   $ 46,159        5.8     253   

North Alma School Road 2992


2992 North Alma School Road

  Chandler   AZ   85224-1999     52,747        12.7   $ 65,004        57,054        8.2   $ 69,769        7.3     1,866   

Superstition Springs


6505 East Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85206-3711     44,028        22.7   $ 52,640        49,041        11.4   $ 58,783        11.7     1,557   

Deer Valley Center


4255 West Thunderbird Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85053-5343     59,372        5.1   $ 53,039        62,627        5.5   $ 56,658        6.8     2,100   

Silver Creek Plaza


4710 East Ray Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85044-6225     35,235        16.1   $ 74,997        38,641        9.7   $ 80,794        7.7     1,246   

Santa Cruz Plaza


3660 South 16th Avenue

  Tucson   AZ   85713-6001     32,333        10.9   $ 31,497        34,465        6.6   $ 33,847        7.5     1,144   

Anaheim Hills Festival


8100 East Santa Ana Canyon Road

  Anaheim   CA   92808-1111     30,507        9.4   $ 112,518        32,421        6.3   $ 123,234        9.5     1,079   

Somersville Road 2602


2602 Somersville Road

  Antioch   CA   94509-4428     27,575        2.7   $ 56,209        28,553        3.6   $ 61,149        8.8     975   

Northridge Plaza


8800 Corbin Avenue

  Northridge   CA   91324-3309     77,562        5.7   $ 57,277        81,085        4.5   $ 63,164        10.3     2,743   

Westfield Parkway


565 Fletcher Parkway

  El Cajon   CA   92020     55,239        -1.1   $ 51,778        56,133        1.6   $ 58,250        12.5     1,954   

Westfield Solano


1451 Gateway Boulevard

  Fairfield   CA   94533-6909     31,420        6.9   $ 63,529        33,126        5.4   $ 69,879        10.0     1,111   

Folsom Square


1010 East Bidwell Street

  Folsom   CA   95630-5552     25,843        31.4   $ 92,195        29,434        13.9   $ 102,937        11.7     914   

Garden Grove


13092 Harbor Boulevard

  Garden Grove   CA   92843-1744     73,327        -1.4   $ 54,436        74,493        1.6   $ 60,223        10.6     2,593   

Mission Plaza


1600 North H Street

  Lompoc   CA   93436-2819     15,303        2.7   $ 49,778        15,764        3.0   $ 55,782        12.1     541   

Southland Plaza


575 Saturn Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92154-4731     45,269        -0.2   $ 45,827        46,167        2.0   $ 50,540        10.3     1,601   

Town Center


201 Town Center West

  Santa Maria   CA   93458-5075     25,220        15.7   $ 45,872        27,242        8.0   $ 50,393        9.9     892   

Santa Rosa Plaza


600 Santa Rosa Plaza

  Santa Rosa   CA   95401-6373     48,265        6.0   $ 58,958        50,433        4.5   $ 64,115        8.7     1,707   

Slatten Ranch


5849 Lone Tree Way

  Antioch   CA   94531-8586     29,431        51.5   $ 91,501        34,562        17.4   $ 100,361        9.7     1,041   

Sonora Crossroads


1151 Sanguinetti Road

  Sonora   CA   95370-6214     2,103        6.8   $ 47,113        2,211        5.1   $ 53,138        12.8     74   

Tulare Pavilion


1675 Hillman Street

  Tulare   CA   93274-1634     17,070        22.5   $ 42,382        19,021        11.4   $ 45,824        8.1     604   

Pear Tree Center


437 North Orchard Avenue

  Ukiah   CA   95482-4540     8,970        -0.7   $ 43,068        9,068        1.1   $ 46,344        7.6     317   

Westfield Eastland


2753 East Eastland Center Drive

  West Covina   CA   91791-6612     47,983        1.7   $ 67,284        49,363        2.9   $ 74,477        10.7     1,697   

Former Mervyn’s


3871 South Carson Street

  Carson City   NV   89701-5538     9,955        1.4   $ 55,734        10,170        2.2   $ 61,986        11.2     352   

Nellis Crossing


1300 South Nellis Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104-5782     65,259        6.9   $ 45,602        67,452        3.4   $ 48,719        6.8     2,308   

Grand Canyon Parkway


4265 South Grand Canyon Drive

  Las Vegas   NV   89147-7124     50,361        66.7   $ 72,933        60,296        19.7   $ 81,230        11.4     1,781   

Loma Vista


4700 Meadows Lane

  Las Vegas   NV   89107-2957     63,202        1.5   $ 42,657        64,366        1.8   $ 44,621        4.6     2,235   

Sierra Town Center


6895 Sierra Center Parkway

  Reno   NV   89511-2214     27,266        15.8   $ 47,244        29,723        9.0   $ 51,087        8.1     964   

Shops at County Center


Hoadly Road

  Manassas   VA   20112     23,483        23.5   $ 95,654        26,134        11.3   $ 106,717        11.6     831   

Banco Popular


1550 NE Miami Gardens Drive

  Miami   FL   33179-4836     71,277        0.7   $ 40,075        72,821        2.2   $ 43,299        8.0     2,521   

River Green


State Highway 20

  Canton   GA   30114     8,147        138.1   $ 58,631        10,678        31.1   $ 61,188        4.4     288   

Marigold Center


3900 Broad Street

  San Luis
  CA   93401-7015     13,608        6.4   $ 49,253        14,260        4.8   $ 55,776        13.2     481   

Laband Village


14230 Chino Hills Parkway

  Chino Hills   CA   91709-4881     25,355        1.9   $ 99,468        26,268        3.6   $ 112,353        13.0     897   

Plaza di Northridge


19500 Plummer Street

  Northridge   CA   91324-2144     65,906        5.7   $ 61,714        68,898        4.5   $ 67,682        9.7     2,331   

North Quincy


475 Hancock Street

  Quincy   MA   02171-2429     60,310        4.0   $ 60,335        61,582        2.1   $ 66,534        10.3     2,133   

Riverside Centre


220 State Road 312

  FL   32086-4241     13,824        18.7   $ 42,049        15,439        11.7   $ 45,472        8.1     489   

Stafford Marketplace


1505 Stafford Market Place

  Stafford   VA   22556-4528     16,077        38.7   $ 84,881        18,507        15.1   $ 94,282        11.1     569   

Yorkshire Plaza


4400 East New York Street

  Aurora   IL   60504-4128     32,399        16.6   $ 84,331        34,529        6.6   $ 88,582        5.0     1,146   



4735 West 29th Street

  Greeley   CO   80634-8363     23,808        35.3   $ 50,684        27,351        14.9   $ 54,295        7.1     842   

Riverview at Dobson


837 North Dobson

  Mesa   AZ   85201-7585     52,318        5.3   $ 38,886        55,447        6.0   $ 41,678        7.2     1,850   

Mesa Riverview


North Dobson Road

  Mesa   AZ   85201     48,782        4.2   $ 39,995        51,391        5.4   $ 42,831        7.1     1,725   

Millpond Center


3650 Boston Road

  Lexington   KY   40514-1569     28,808        14.3   $ 56,945        30,836        7.0   $ 60,299        5.9     1,019   

Central Plano Business Park


801 Klein Road

  Plano   TX   75074-3702     25,576        20.9   $ 71,457        28,447        11.2   $ 74,813        4.7     905   

Freeport Business Center


13215 North Promenade Boulevard

  Stafford   TX   77477-3957     36,965        18.4   $ 54,539        40,766        10.3   $ 58,892        8.0     1,307   

Village at Liberty Lake


21701 East Country Vista Drive

  Liberty Lake   WA   99019-7674     8,312        31.4   $ 57,675        9,339        12.4   $ 63,428        10.0     294   

Jetton Village


19815 Northcove Road

  Cornelius   NC   28031-6445     14,775        75.5   $ 77,881        18,229        23.4   $ 81,140        4.2     523   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Coral Way Plaza


8855 SW 24th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-2010     66,424        1.1   $ 47,542        67,860        2.2   $ 51,028        7.3     2,349   

Huntington Plaza


Weaver Road

  Huntington   WV   25704     2,285        2.9   $ 42,102        2,283        -0.1   $ 45,696        8.5     81   

Midway Plantation


7106 US Highway 64 East

  Knightdale   NC   27545-9265     7,709        31.6   $ 61,287        8,821        14.4   $ 64,309        4.9     273   

Chillicothe Place-Lowes


867 North Bridge Street

  Chillicothe   OH   45601-1704     10,336        0.3   $ 37,135        10,269        -0.7   $ 38,249        3.0     366   

Land-MacArthur Park


MacArthur Boulevard

  Las Colinas   TX   75041     40,136        -4.8   $ 42,807        39,697        -1.1   $ 43,778        2.3     1,420   

Flamingo Pines


170 South Flamingo Road

  FL   33027-1720     44,880        13.3   $ 64,878        47,024        4.8   $ 70,498        8.7     1,587   

Caprock Center Outparcel


2801 50th Street

  Lubbock   TX   79413-4328     44,665        5.3   $ 40,236        46,284        3.6   $ 43,469        8.0     1,580   

Ravenstone Commons


121 Sherron Road

  Durham   NC   27703-9515     6,295        36.8   $ 58,291        7,114        13.0   $ 60,040        3.0     223   



4037 Route 130

  Delran   NJ   08075-2415     20,795        9.9   $ 72,070        21,311        2.5   $ 78,007        8.2     735   

Poway City Centre


13630 Poway Road

  Poway   CA   92064-4704     20,043        8.1   $ 98,466        21,248        6.0   $ 110,486        12.2     709   



256 US Highway 206

  Hillsborough   NJ   08844-4681     14,785        5.6   $ 84,430        15,126        2.3   $ 91,445        8.3     523   

Chambersburg Crossing


900 Norland Avenue

  Chambersburg   PA   17201     13,170        12.6   $ 44,537        13,790        4.7   $ 47,424        6.5     466   

Sorensen Park Plaza


715 South 72nd Street

  Omaha   NE   68114-4613     1,478        12.1   $ 77,472        1,556        5.3   $ 84,130        8.6     52   

Dowlen Center II

    Beaumont   TX       2,841        -7.2   $ 31,837        2,726        -4.1   $ 33,434        5.0     100   

Pinecrest Plaza


One Pinecrest Plaza

  NC   28387-4301     10,225        30.5   $ 50,921        11,203        9.6   $ 54,221        6.5     362   

Thompson Bridge Commons


3630 Thompson Bridge Road

  Gainesville   GA   30506-1519     5,425        32.3   $ 63,420        6,074        12.0   $ 66,301        4.5     192   

Best in the West


2050 North Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89108-7049     69,806        3.7   $ 54,195        74,798        7.2   $ 57,884        6.8     2,469   

Starr Plaza


6583 East US Highway 83

  Rio Grande
  TX   78582-6156     1,341        18.4   $ 23,759        1,451        8.2   $ 26,103        9.9     47   

Merriam Village


5828 M Antioch Road

  Merriam   KS   66202-2017     37,674        0.4   $ 52,836        38,674        2.7   $ 55,544        5.1     1,332   

Winchester Plaza


2246 Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL   35811-8861     4,626        27.1   $ 65,406        5,085        9.9   $ 71,256        8.9     164   

Heritage Plaza


720 West Army Trail Road

  Carol Stream   IL   60188-9297     27,288        4.2   $ 87,552        27,629        1.3   $ 91,970        5.0     965   

Shaw’s Plaza


Three North Main Street

  Carver   MA   02330-1102     3,344        3.2   $ 80,123        3,364        0.6   $ 87,658        9.4     118   

Ridge Plaza


9000 West State Road 84

  Davie   FL   33324-4417     39,911        1.7   $ 63,734        40,905        2.5   $ 68,436        7.4     1,412   

Young Circle


1735 East Young Circle

  Hollywood   FL   33020-6824     62,592        0.1   $ 42,170        63,683        1.7   $ 45,384        7.6     2,214   

Shops at Highland Village


FM 2499

  TX   75077     18,160        45.1   $ 114,269        21,479        18.3   $ 122,819        7.5     642   

Columbia Crossing Road 6201


6201 Columbia Crossing Road

  Columbia   MD   21045-8201     30,312        10.1   $ 94,241        31,371        3.5   $ 104,861        11.3     1,072   

Johnston Road Plaza


10106 Johnston Road

  Charlotte   NC   28210-8299     30,766        22.9   $ 63,297        34,361        11.7   $ 65,447        3.4     1,088   

Fremont Hub


39201 Fremont Boulevard

  Fremont   CA   94538-1301     55,267        0.6   $ 91,859        56,322        1.9   $ 100,062        8.9     1,955   

Grove at Lakeland


3530 US Highway 98 North

  Lakeland   FL   33809-3840     19,984        17.2   $ 37,082        21,850        9.3   $ 39,772        7.3     707   

Glenn Square


Gleen Highway

  Anchorage   AK   99501     31,924        4.2   $ 56,433        32,407        1.5   $ 61,397        8.8     1,129   


    Hanover   MD       10,242        4.4   $ 121,019        10,381        1.4   $ 133,853        10.6     362   

Plantation Crossing


Branan Field Road

  Middleburg   FL   32068     6,954        57.4   $ 60,085        8,126        16.9   $ 64,311        7.0     246   

Treasure Valley Marketplace


16300 North Market Place Boulevard

  Nampa   ID   83687-7910     16,289        61.6   $ 41,912        18,929        16.2   $ 44,482        6.1     576   

Las Tiendas


US 77 Expressway

  Brownsville   TX   78520     22,028        51.6   $ 34,694        24,600        11.7   $ 36,441        5.0     779   

Town Center at Timber Springs


Timber Springs Boulevard

  Orlando   FL       41,965        8.4   $ 43,720        44,853        6.9   $ 47,695        9.1     1,484   

Hoover Development

    Hoover   AL       33,642        -5.8   $ 27,066        32,602        -3.1   $ 28,663        5.9     1,190   

Shops at Fox River


3340 Shoppers Drive

  McHenry   IL   60051-5405     12,041        17.8   $ 65,122        12,988        7.9   $ 68,293        4.9     426   

Seabrook Town Center


Lafayette Road

  Seabrook   NH       6,539        7.8   $ 61,081        6,702        2.5   $ 66,356        8.6     231   

Southern Tier Crossing


Ann Page Road

  Horseheads   NY   14845     7,169        1.4   $ 44,334        7,134        -0.5   $ 46,287        4.4     254   

North Alma School Road 2992


2992 North Alma School Road

  Chandler   AZ   85224-1999     53,127        13.1   $ 65,932        58,498        10.1   $ 69,840        5.9     1,879   

Superstition Springs


6505 East Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85206-3711     44,927        25.2   $ 53,822        50,124        11.6   $ 58,889        9.4     1,589   

Deer Valley Center


4255 West Thunderbird Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85053-5343     58,398        3.6   $ 54,448        62,391        6.8   $ 57,316        5.3     2,065   

Silver Creek Plaza


4710 East Ray Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85044-6225     34,754        13.7   $ 76,551        38,539        10.9   $ 81,451        6.4     1,229   

Santa Cruz Plaza


3660 South 16th Avenue

  Tucson   AZ   85713-6001     33,166        13.7   $ 32,399        35,946        8.4   $ 34,674        7.0     1,173   

Anaheim Hills Festival


8100 East Santa Ana Canyon Road

  Anaheim   CA   92808-1111     30,512        10.1   $ 113,688        32,349        6.0   $ 123,652        8.8     1,079   

Somersville Road 2602


2602 Somersville Road

  Antioch   CA   94509-4428     27,773        3.7   $ 57,500        28,921        4.1   $ 61,415        6.8     982   

Northridge Plaza


8800 Corbin Avenue

  Northridge   CA   91324-3309     77,566        5.9   $ 58,753        80,602        3.9   $ 63,494        8.1     2,743   

Westfield Parkway


565 Fletcher Parkway

  El Cajon   CA   92020     55,765        -0.2   $ 53,435        57,238        2.6   $ 59,360        11.1     1,972   

Westfield Solano


1451 Gateway Boulevard

  Fairfield   CA   94533-6909     31,071        5.9   $ 65,236        32,332        4.1   $ 70,486        8.0     1,099   

Folsom Square


1010 East Bidwell Street

  Folsom   CA   95630-5552     26,020        30.6   $ 93,521        29,033        11.6   $ 103,979        11.2     920   

Garden Grove


13092 Harbor Boulevard

  Garden Grove   CA   92843-1744     74,509        0.6   $ 55,846        76,091        2.1   $ 60,661        8.6     2,635   

Mission Plaza


1600 North H Street

  Lompoc   CA   93436-2819     15,629        5.2   $ 51,534        16,169        3.5   $ 56,486        9.6     553   

Southland Plaza


575 Saturn Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92154-4731     46,061        2.0   $ 46,876        47,765        3.7   $ 51,114        9.0     1,629   

Town Center


201 Town Center West

  Santa Maria   CA   93458-5075     25,868        19.0   $ 47,084        27,777        7.4   $ 51,326        9.0     915   

Santa Rosa Plaza


600 Santa Rosa Plaza

  Santa Rosa   CA   95401-6373     48,882        7.0   $ 59,469        50,845        4.0   $ 63,426        6.7     1,729   

Slatten Ranch


5849 Lone Tree Way

  Antioch   CA   94531-8586     30,629        56.3   $ 93,738        34,517        12.7   $ 103,277        10.2     1,083   

Sonora Crossroads


1151 Sanguinetti Road

  Sonora   CA   95370-6214     2,112        7.6   $ 45,957        2,197        4.0   $ 50,840        10.6     75   

Tulare Pavilion


1675 Hillman Street

  Tulare   CA   93274-1634     17,218        24.1   $ 44,077        18,965        10.2   $ 47,253        7.2     609   

Pear Tree Center


437 North Orchard Avenue

  Ukiah   CA   95482-4540     8,953        -0.8   $ 44,050        8,993        0.5   $ 46,669        5.9     317   

Westfield Eastland


2753 East Eastland Center Drive

  West Covina   CA   91791-6612     48,027        2.0   $ 68,957        49,115        2.3   $ 75,388        9.3     1,699   

Former Mervyn’s


3871 South Carson Street

  Carson City   NV   89701-5538     10,041        1.8   $ 55,671        10,080        0.4   $ 60,447        8.6     355   

Nellis Crossing


1300 South Nellis Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89104-5782     66,926        10.6   $ 47,471        72,073        7.7   $ 50,760        6.9     2,367   

Grand Canyon Parkway


4265 South Grand Canyon Drive

  Las Vegas   NV   89147-7124     52,245        75.2   $ 74,245        58,778        12.5   $ 82,118        10.6     1,848   

Loma Vista


4700 Meadows Lane

  Las Vegas   NV   89107-2957     61,596        -0.7   $ 44,215        64,819        5.2   $ 46,535        5.2     2,179   

Sierra Town Center


6895 Sierra Center Parkway

  Reno   NV   89511-2214     27,589        17.8   $ 48,653        29,639        7.4   $ 51,936        6.7     976   

Shops at County Center


Hoadly Road

  Manassas   VA   20112     23,155        22.3   $ 97,757        26,091        12.7   $ 108,049        10.5     819   

Banco Popular


1550 NE Miami Gardens Drive

  Miami   FL   33179-4836     72,420        1.4   $ 40,485        74,188        2.4   $ 42,614        5.3     2,561   

River Green


State Highway 20

  Canton   GA   30114     8,462        168.2   $ 60,556        10,027        18.5   $ 62,554        3.3     299   

Marigold Center


3900 Broad Street

  San Luis
  CA   93401-7015     13,749        7.5   $ 50,471        14,358        4.4   $ 56,418        11.8     486   

Laband Village


14230 Chino Hills Parkway

  Chino Hills   CA   91709-4881     25,855        4.6   $ 100,887        26,985        4.4   $ 111,708        10.7     914   

Plaza di Northridge


19500 Plummer Street

  Northridge   CA   91324-2144     65,585        6.1   $ 63,105        68,152        3.9   $ 67,826        7.5     2,320   

North Quincy


475 Hancock Street

  Quincy   MA   02171-2429     59,960        4.4   $ 61,983        60,646        1.1   $ 67,224        8.5     2,121   

Riverside Centre


220 State Road 312

  FL   32086-4241     13,943        19.5   $ 43,219        16,010        14.8   $ 46,145        6.8     493   

Stafford Marketplace


1505 Stafford Market Place

  Stafford   VA   22556-4528     16,174        42.0   $ 86,232        18,224        12.7   $ 93,948        8.9     572   

Yorkshire Plaza


4400 East New York Street

  Aurora   IL   60504-4128     32,816        17.6   $ 86,759        34,622        5.5   $ 90,622        4.5     1,161   



4735 West 29th Street

  Greeley   CO   80634-8363     24,190        38.2   $ 53,297        27,346        13.1   $ 56,201        5.4     856   

Riverview at Dobson


837 North Dobson

  Mesa   AZ   85201-7585     51,735        4.7   $ 39,842        55,354        7.0   $ 42,292        6.1     1,830   

Mesa Riverview


North Dobson Road

  Mesa   AZ   85201     48,671        4.0   $ 40,843        51,912        6.7   $ 43,336        6.1     1,721   

Millpond Center


3650 Boston Road

  Lexington   KY   40514-1569     29,298        15.5   $ 59,511        31,366        7.1   $ 62,404        4.9     1,036   

Central Plano Business Park


801 Klein Road

  Plano   TX   75074-3702     27,299        29.2   $ 73,516        31,222        14.4   $ 75,988        3.4     966   

Freeport Business Center


13215 North Promenade Boulevard

  Stafford   TX   77477-3957     38,758        23.6   $ 56,724        43,631        12.6   $ 60,847        7.3     1,371   

Village at Liberty Lake


21701 East Country Vista Drive

  Liberty Lake   WA   99019-7674     8,450        35.9   $ 59,452        9,330        10.4   $ 64,610        8.7     299   

Jetton Village


19815 Northcove Road

  Cornelius   NC   28031-6445     14,052        69.5   $ 79,098        16,155        15.0   $ 83,626        5.7     497   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Santa Maria Commons


310 East McCoy Lane

  Santa Maria   CA   93455-1341     20,372        13.3   $ 48,494        21,860        7.3   $ 54,483        12.3     721   

Fort Collins Center


135 Bockman Drive

  Fort Collins   CO   80525-5901     36,611        14.7   $ 57,007        39,432        7.7   $ 60,284        5.7     1,295   

Longmont Center


955 South Hover Road

  Longmont   CO   80501-7908     20,042        13.0   $ 60,197        21,280        6.2   $ 65,327        8.5     709   



950 East Eisenhower Boulevard

  Loveland   CO   80537-3922     23,613        25.5   $ 49,403        26,286        11.3   $ 51,736        4.7     835   

Santana Row-Building 4 Condos


400 South Winchester Boulevard

  San Jose   CA   95128     91,906        3.4   $ 72,893        95,174        3.6   $ 78,849        8.2     3,251   

Nampa Gateway Center


1200 North Happy Valley Road

  Nampa   ID   83687-5132     11,901        41.8   $ 45,097        13,911        16.9   $ 49,125        8.9     421   

Village at Stone Oak


22610 US Highway 281 North

  San Antonio   TX   78258-7561     11,760        143.9   $ 97,716        15,224        29.5   $ 104,529        7.0     416   

Homestead Pavilion


2455 NE 10th Court

  Homestead   FL   33033-4720     31,937        71.0   $ 36,372        38,685        21.1   $ 40,388        11.0     1,130   

Kleinwood Center II


7312 Louetta Road

  Spring   TX   77379-6175     30,860        17.8   $ 88,487        33,745        9.4   $ 94,671        7.0     1,091   

Weslayan Plaza East


5586 Weslayan Street

  Houston   TX   77005-1942     87,082        12.4   $ 66,040        93,517        7.4   $ 70,951        7.4     3,080   

King Farm Village Apartments


801 Pleasant Drive

  Rockville   MD   20850-5830     38,160        17.9   $ 88,361        41,047        7.6   $ 98,843        11.9     1,350   

Hairston Center


2532 South Hairston Road

  Decatur   GA   30035-2946     27,756        8.5   $ 52,667        29,114        4.9   $ 54,484        3.4     982   



2660 Hylan Boulevard

  NY   10306-4336     61,623        8.7   $ 69,875        64,247        4.3   $ 75,939        8.7     2,179   

Airport Plaza


230 Airport Plaza Boulevard

  Farmingdale   NY   11735-3946     27,608        0.2   $ 79,269        27,562        -0.2   $ 87,408        10.3     976   

Dolphin Village


4655 Gulf Boulevard

  Saint Pete
  FL   33706-2405     20,504        3.3   $ 49,631        21,142        3.1   $ 54,910        10.6     725   

Crow Canyon Commons


3181 Crow Canyon Place

  San Ramon   CA   94583-1325     22,820        5.9   $ 124,979        23,975        5.1   $ 134,558        7.7     807   

Miramar Town Center


Red Road

  Miramar   FL   33025-4071     54,323        14.8   $ 55,292        58,681        8.0   $ 61,691        11.6     1,921   

Avenues Walk


Interstate 95

  Jacksonville   FL   32207     23,545        46.1   $ 69,041        27,512        16.9   $ 75,379        9.2     833   

Brookside Plaza


34 Hazard Avenue

  Enfield   CT   06082-3733     15,068        0.8   $ 63,210        15,143        0.5   $ 68,447        8.3     533   

Portfolio-Tampa East


1841 Massaro Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33619-3013     14,103        19.1   $ 41,328        15,556        10.3   $ 45,055        9.0     499   

Southpoint I & II


4655 East Shelby Drive

  Memphis   TN   38118-7434     13,852        -6.3   $ 34,404        13,441        -3.0   $ 35,533        3.3     490   

Isom Business Park


919 Isom Road

  San Antonio   TX   78216-4136     41,570        11.3   $ 44,713        44,472        7.0   $ 46,839        4.8     1,470   

Shoppes at Bartram Park


13820 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32258-2448     10,744        65.9   $ 83,876        12,988        20.9   $ 91,745        9.4     380   

Five Points Plaza


2665 North Dixie Highway

  FL   33334     64,853        3.1   $ 47,276        67,638        4.3   $ 51,715        9.4     2,294   

Rio Vista Town Center


Landau Boulevard

  CA   92234     16,197        23.2   $ 55,217        18,264        12.8   $ 62,278        12.8     573   

Vine at Castaic


31675 Castaic Road

  Castaic   CA   91384-3939     4,605        41.6   $ 114,766        5,295        15.0   $ 127,797        11.4     163   

Falcon Marketplace


East Woodmen Road

  Peyton   CO   80831     3,174        123.1   $ 82,691        4,064        28.0   $ 90,173        9.0     112   

Chapel Hill Centre


4900 Stewart Mill Road

  Douglasville   GA   30135-6724     16,499        44.4   $ 58,181        19,458        17.9   $ 61,222        5.2     584   

Village at Lee Airport


Maryland Route Two

  Edgewater   MD   21037     12,875        14.0   $ 86,298        13,663        6.1   $ 96,401        11.7     455   

Wadsworth Crossing


1065 Williams Reserve Boulevard

  Wadsworth   OH   44281-9316     10,849        12.1   $ 56,679        11,454        5.6   $ 59,925        5.7     384   

Silver Spring Square


Carlisle Pike

  PA   17575     18,253        13.3   $ 68,335        19,391        6.2   $ 74,724        9.3     646   

South Shore Marketplace


South Shore Boulevard

  League City   TX   77573     20,784        40.1   $ 70,163        23,833        14.7   $ 76,433        8.9     735   

Carlisle Marketplace


230 South Spring Garden Street

  Carlisle   PA   17013-2553     13,928        9.0   $ 49,009        14,588        4.7   $ 54,618        11.4     493   

Horsham Point


314 Horsham Road

  Horsham   PA   19044-2109     29,260        1.9   $ 65,207        29,557        1.0   $ 70,467        8.1     1,035   

Doc Stone Commons


317 Worth Avenue

  Stafford   VA   22556-1538     14,883        36.8   $ 84,178        17,067        14.7   $ 93,387        10.9     526   

MacArthur Towne Center


2540 MacArthur Road

  Whitehall   PA   18052-3815     36,034        2.4   $ 41,197        36,840        2.2   $ 44,138        7.1     1,274   

Center at East Northport


4097 Jericho Turnpike

  NY   11731-6211     24,082        -1.9   $ 106,297        23,747        -1.4   $ 118,033        11.0     852   

Parker Plaza


1801 West Parker Road

  Plano   TX   75023-7502     47,052        6.9   $ 73,189        50,096        6.5   $ 75,587        3.3     1,664   

Castle Hill Plaza


1190 Castle Hill Avenue

  Bronx   NY   10462-4810     220,507        3.4   $ 33,921        224,401        1.8   $ 37,113        9.4     7,799   

New London


295 Newport Road

  NH   03257-5422     1,761        13.2   $ 79,190        1,868        6.1   $ 89,194        12.6     62   

Forest Avenue 1520


1520 Forest Avenue

  NY   10302-2225     77,875        4.9   $ 62,427        79,758        2.4   $ 67,895        8.8     2,754   

Fulton Marketplace


1407 Fulton Road

  Santa Rosa   CA   95403-1809     28,427        6.4   $ 59,980        29,781        4.8   $ 64,999        8.4     1,005   

Lander Marketplace


1631 Lander Avenue

  Turlock   CA   95380-6200     17,420        7.9   $ 44,722        18,590        6.7   $ 48,616        8.7     616   

Village at Weber Ranch


7506 Pacific Avenue

  Stockton   CA   95207-1929     56,085        14.4   $ 46,137        61,328        9.4   $ 49,781        7.9     1,984   

Gold Country


781 South State Highway 49

  Jackson   CA   95642-2621     2,212        9.7   $ 55,938        2,362        6.8   $ 62,751        12.2     78   

Union Square


1280 West Lathrop Road

  Manteca   CA   95336-9671     24,170        30.9   $ 59,408        27,590        14.2   $ 64,998        9.4     855   

Truckee Crossroads


11399 Deerfield Drive

  Truckee   CA   96161-0505     3,655        18.1   $ 73,724        3,984        9.0   $ 83,322        13.0     129   

Crème De La Crème-Colleyville


6805 Colleyville Boulevard

  Colleyville   TX   76034-6243     19,061        16.9   $ 122,554        20,691        8.6   $ 130,424        6.4     674   

Del Monte Plaza


6137 South Virginia Street

  Reno   NV   89502-6027     28,836        10.7   $ 46,096        30,890        7.1   $ 49,288        6.9     1,020   

Crème De La Crème-Allen


1207 West McDermott Drive

  Allen   TX   75013-6305     33,359        61.1   $ 88,184        40,331        20.9   $ 93,536        6.1     1,180   

East Avenue Marketplace


1354 East Avenue

  Chico   CA   95926-7387     35,565        9.8   $ 39,685        37,845        6.4   $ 44,169        11.3     1,258   



6407 South Virginia Street

  Reno   NV   89511-1104     28,018        11.8   $ 46,347        30,126        7.5   $ 49,583        7.0     991   

Copperwood Village


6501 Highway Six North

  Houston   TX   77084-1311     38,043        21.5   $ 71,549        41,803        9.9   $ 76,254        6.6     1,345   

Waterman Village


9385 Elk Grove Boulevard

  Elk Grove   CA   95624-4496     16,974        39.3   $ 84,735        19,627        15.6   $ 94,587        11.6     600   

Elk Grove Village


8539 Elk Grove Boulevard

  Elk Grove   CA   95624-1777     31,644        58.8   $ 86,110        37,970        20.0   $ 95,442        10.8     1,119   

North Point Plaza


201 Lake Boulevard

  Redding   CA   96003-2506     18,431        12.8   $ 37,536        19,835        7.6   $ 41,496        10.5     652   

South Napa Market Place


205 Soscol Avenue

  Napa   CA   94559-4007     19,525        4.0   $ 57,310        20,346        4.2   $ 63,087        10.1     691   

Power Inn

    Sacramento   CA       54,626        0.9   $ 52,773        56,414        3.3   $ 57,863        9.6     1,932   

Red Bluff


1065 South Main Street

  Red Bluff   CA   96080-4360     7,768        6.1   $ 36,931        8,165        5.1   $ 41,115        11.3     275   

Olive Tree Plaza


680 Edith Avenue

  Corning   CA   96021-2349     3,403        2.0   $ 35,234        3,504        3.0   $ 39,636        12.5     120   

Jackson Creek


515 South State Highway 49

  Jackson   CA   95642-2534     2,232        9.7   $ 55,833        2,384        6.8   $ 62,693        12.3     79   

Kihei Center


1215 South Kihei Road

  Kihei   HI   96753-5220     7,484        20.8   $ 59,423        8,159        9.0   $ 65,709        10.6     265   

Yosemite North


3558 G Street

  Merced   CA   95340-0692     22,700        22.2   $ 43,537        25,379        11.8   $ 47,650        9.4     803   

Pony Express


Sly Park Road

  CA   95726     217        10.2   $ 62,061        231        6.5   $ 67,373        8.6     8   

Timonium Parcel


2151 York Road

  Timonium   MD   21093-3156     28,420        4.9   $ 66,699        29,162        2.6   $ 72,441        8.6     1,005   



North Rogers Lane

  Raleigh   NC   27610     9,100        51.7   $ 48,392        10,858        19.3   $ 50,049        3.4     322   

Land-High Park/Orange Township


Owenfield Drive

  Powell   OH   43065     11,297        71.4   $ 112,333        13,747        21.7   $ 120,015        6.8     400   

Land-Cypress Town Center


Spring-Cypress Road

  Cypress   TX   77429     15,656        76.3   $ 105,208        19,155        22.4   $ 114,447        8.8     554   

Land-Treasure Valley

    Nampa   ID       11,698        87.0   $ 40,944        14,686        25.5   $ 43,889        7.2     414   

Land-Turtle Creek


Turtle Creek Drive

  Hattiesburg   MS   39402     2,757        46.0   $ 70,819        3,194        15.9   $ 80,417        13.6     98   

Land-Central Islip Town Center

    Central Islip   NY   11722     26,976        -0.6   $ 76,790        26,835        -0.5   $ 84,846        10.5     954   


    Burleson   TX       35,890        -2.8   $ 45,520        35,984        0.3   $ 47,032        3.3     1,269   



Chester Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32217     22,927        8.0   $ 46,483        24,320        6.1   $ 49,573        6.6     811   

Land-Lake Worth Towne Crossing


Lake Worth Boulevard

  Fort Worth   TX   76135     5,851        34.6   $ 50,401        6,698        14.5   $ 54,679        8.5     207   

Treasure Valley Crossings


Cherry Lane

  Nampa   ID   83687     14,389        59.7   $ 41,986        17,407        21.0   $ 45,531        8.4     509   

Land-Peoria Crossings


West Northern Avenue

  Glendale   AZ   85305     27,274        18.7   $ 55,753        29,963        9.9   $ 61,528        10.4     965   

Family Center at Riverdale 526


1050 West Riverdale Road

  Riverdale   UT   84405-3721     23,880        4.4   $ 51,863        24,819        3.9   $ 56,324        8.6     845   

Laurel Walk Apartments


908 Summit Walk Drive

  Charlotte   NC   28270-5915     32,538        13.3   $ 72,505        35,231        8.3   $ 74,836        3.2     1,151   

Land-Rock Prairie Marketplace


Rock Prairie Road

  TX   77845     8,044        58.5   $ 87,135        9,484        17.9   $ 96,419        10.7     284   

River Pointe-Residential II


1600 River Pointe Drive

  Conroe   TX   77304-2690     14,164        38.6   $ 42,107        16,474        16.3   $ 45,576        8.2     501   

Sharyland Towne Crossing


Shary Road

  Mission   TX   78572     23,093        35.4   $ 36,454        26,544        14.9   $ 40,933        12.3     817   

Phillips Landing


Turkey Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32819     12,122        12.5   $ 73,425        13,078        7.9   $ 80,082        9.1     429   

Piedmont Peachtree Crossing


3330 Piedmont Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30305-1726     54,468        18.5   $ 75,540        59,587        9.4   $ 83,876        11.0     1,926   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Santa Maria Commons


310 East McCoy Lane

  Santa Maria   CA   93455-1341     20,777        14.9   $ 49,836        22,133        6.5   $ 55,520        11.4     735   

Fort Collins Center


135 Bockman Drive

  Fort Collins   CO   80525-5901     36,681        15.8   $ 58,278        39,420        7.5   $ 60,846        4.4     1,297   

Longmont Center


955 South Hover Road

  Longmont   CO   80501-7908     21,376        20.4   $ 61,797        22,451        5.0   $ 65,837        6.5     756   



950 East Eisenhower Boulevard

  Loveland   CO   80537-3922     23,525        25.0   $ 50,803        25,910        10.1   $ 52,761        3.9     832   

Santana Row-Building 4 Condos


400 South Winchester Boulevard

  San Jose   CA   95128     92,218        4.0   $ 74,684        95,131        3.2   $ 79,790        6.8     3,262   

Nampa Gateway Center


1200 North Happy Valley Road

  Nampa   ID   83687-5132     12,278        47.9   $ 46,268        14,151        15.3   $ 49,499        7.0     434   

Village at Stone Oak


22610 US Highway 281 North

  San Antonio   TX   78258-7561     12,243        154.7   $ 99,895        13,990        14.3   $ 106,516        6.6     433   

Homestead Pavilion


2455 NE 10th Court

  Homestead   FL   33033-4720     30,273        62.8   $ 37,092        33,327        10.1   $ 39,479        6.4     1,071   

Kleinwood Center II


7312 Louetta Road

  Spring   TX   77379-6175     29,968        13.8   $ 91,401        31,634        5.6   $ 96,856        6.0     1,060   

Weslayan Plaza East


5586 Weslayan Street

  Houston   TX   77005-1942     87,217        14.0   $ 68,919        93,868        7.6   $ 74,195        7.7     3,085   

King Farm Village Apartments


801 Pleasant Drive

  Rockville   MD   20850-5830     38,874        20.5   $ 90,219        41,311        6.3   $ 99,201        10.0     1,375   

Hairston Center


2532 South Hairston Road

  Decatur   GA   30035-2946     27,345        8.1   $ 53,586        28,366        3.7   $ 54,565        1.8     967   



2660 Hylan Boulevard

  NY   10306-4336     62,070        10.0   $ 72,734        64,216        3.5   $ 79,002        8.6     2,195   

Airport Plaza


230 Airport Plaza Boulevard

  Farmingdale   NY   11735-3946     28,940        4.9   $ 81,813        29,239        1.0   $ 88,391        8.0     1,024   

Dolphin Village


4655 Gulf Boulevard

  Saint Pete
  FL   33706-2405     20,333        2.3   $ 51,064        20,583        1.2   $ 55,814        9.3     719   

Crow Canyon Commons


3181 Crow Canyon Place

  San Ramon   CA   94583-1325     22,540        7.3   $ 124,123        23,700        5.2   $ 132,782        7.0     797   

Miramar Town Center


Red Road

  Miramar   FL   33025-4071     54,925        15.8   $ 55,856        57,915        5.4   $ 60,700        8.7     1,943   

Avenues Walk


Interstate 95

  Jacksonville   FL   32207     24,561        46.4   $ 70,326        27,368        11.4   $ 76,616        8.9     869   

Brookside Plaza


34 Hazard Avenue

  Enfield   CT   06082-3733     14,863        -0.4   $ 65,023        14,726        -0.9   $ 69,648        7.1     526   

Portfolio-Tampa East


1841 Massaro Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33619-3013     14,418        21.2   $ 42,109        15,791        9.5   $ 45,010        6.9     510   

Southpoint I & II


4655 East Shelby Drive

  Memphis   TN   38118-7434     13,689        -6.7   $ 34,823        13,249        -3.2   $ 35,263        1.3     484   

Isom Business Park


919 Isom Road

  San Antonio   TX   78216-4136     41,842        11.3   $ 45,676        44,835        7.2   $ 47,463        3.9     1,480   

Shoppes at Bartram Park


13820 Saint Augustine Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32258-2448     10,486        67.4   $ 85,572        11,914        13.6   $ 93,433        9.2     371   

Five Points Plaza


2665 North Dixie Highway

  FL   33334     63,506        1.2   $ 47,805        64,406        1.4   $ 52,053        8.9     2,246   

Rio Vista Town Center


Landau Boulevard

  CA   92234     15,993        22.5   $ 55,563        18,198        13.8   $ 61,612        10.9     566   

Vine at Castaic


31675 Castaic Road

  Castaic   CA   91384-3939     4,476        45.9   $ 116,341        5,094        13.8   $ 132,337        13.7     158   

Falcon Marketplace


East Woodmen Road

  Peyton   CO   80831     3,178        112.2   $ 89,153        3,596        13.2   $ 96,184        7.9     112   

Chapel Hill Centre


4900 Stewart Mill Road

  Douglasville   GA   30135-6724     16,739        45.1   $ 59,321        19,402        15.9   $ 62,041        4.6     592   

Village at Lee Airport


Maryland Route Two

  Edgewater   MD   21037     13,249        15.9   $ 88,545        13,973        5.5   $ 97,638        10.3     469   

Wadsworth Crossing


1065 Williams Reserve Boulevard

  Wadsworth   OH   44281-9316     10,923        13.5   $ 58,854        11,413        4.5   $ 61,919        5.2     386   

Silver Spring Square


Carlisle Pike

  PA   17575     18,208        14.7   $ 70,273        19,101        4.9   $ 76,515        8.9     644   

South Shore Marketplace


South Shore Boulevard

  League City   TX   77573     20,847        41.3   $ 73,839        23,597        13.2   $ 80,149        8.5     737   

Carlisle Marketplace


230 South Spring Garden Street

  Carlisle   PA   17013-2553     13,949        8.6   $ 50,561        14,402        3.3   $ 55,197        9.2     493   

Horsham Point


314 Horsham Road

  Horsham   PA   19044-2109     29,086        1.3   $ 67,367        29,044        -0.1   $ 71,798        6.6     1,029   

Doc Stone Commons


317 Worth Avenue

  Stafford   VA   22556-1538     14,732        37.5   $ 85,896        16,575        12.5   $ 93,327        8.7     521   

MacArthur Towne Center


2540 MacArthur Road

  Whitehall   PA   18052-3815     35,862        2.2   $ 42,545        36,320        1.3   $ 44,892        5.5     1,268   

Center at East Northport


4097 Jericho Turnpike

  NY   11731-6211     24,736        1.6   $ 108,705        24,642        -0.4   $ 118,975        9.4     875   

Parker Plaza


1801 West Parker Road

  Plano   TX   75023-7502     49,550        11.7   $ 74,581        56,502        14.0   $ 76,992        3.2     1,752   

Castle Hill Plaza


1190 Castle Hill Avenue

  Bronx   NY   10462-4810     222,555        5.1   $ 34,699        226,332        1.7   $ 37,376        7.7     7,871   

New London


295 Newport Road

  NH   03257-5422     1,713        10.7   $ 83,649        1,770        3.3   $ 92,814        11.0     61   

Forest Avenue 1520


1520 Forest Avenue

  NY   10302-2225     78,523        6.2   $ 65,269        80,147        2.1   $ 70,221        7.6     2,777   

Fulton Marketplace


1407 Fulton Road

  Santa Rosa   CA   95403-1809     28,803        7.7   $ 60,343        30,036        4.3   $ 64,046        6.1     1,019   

Lander Marketplace


1631 Lander Avenue

  Turlock   CA   95380-6200     17,975        11.5   $ 45,558        19,402        7.9   $ 48,706        6.9     636   

Village at Weber Ranch


7506 Pacific Avenue

  Stockton   CA   95207-1929     56,365        14.9   $ 47,531        61,209        8.6   $ 50,576        6.4     1,994   

Gold Country


781 South State Highway 49

  Jackson   CA   95642-2621     2,324        11.4   $ 56,577        2,466        6.1   $ 62,291        10.1     82   

Union Square


1280 West Lathrop Road

  Manteca   CA   95336-9671     23,188        26.0   $ 59,747        26,332        13.6   $ 64,304        7.6     820   

Truckee Crossroads


11399 Deerfield Drive

  Truckee   CA   96161-0505     3,684        19.6   $ 73,384        4,009        8.8   $ 81,267        10.7     130   

Crème De La Crème-Colleyville


6805 Colleyville Boulevard

  Colleyville   TX   76034-6243     19,402        18.8   $ 125,377        21,422        10.4   $ 132,796        5.9     686   

Del Monte Plaza


6137 South Virginia Street

  Reno   NV   89502-6027     28,676        10.8   $ 46,983        30,692        7.0   $ 49,653        5.7     1,014   

Crème De La Crème-Allen


1207 West McDermott Drive

  Allen   TX   75013-6305     34,574        67.1   $ 90,297        41,571        20.2   $ 93,948        4.0     1,223   

East Avenue Marketplace


1354 East Avenue

  Chico   CA   95926-7387     36,009        11.3   $ 40,457        38,043        5.7   $ 44,116        9.0     1,274   



6407 South Virginia Street

  Reno   NV   89511-1104     28,563        13.8   $ 47,915        30,661        7.4   $ 50,866        6.2     1,010   

Copperwood Village


6501 Highway Six North

  Houston   TX   77084-1311     37,385        20.1   $ 73,592        40,210        7.6   $ 78,564        6.8     1,322   

Waterman Village


9385 Elk Grove Boulevard

  Elk Grove   CA   95624-4496     17,580        44.5   $ 85,868        19,670        11.9   $ 94,223        9.7     622   

Elk Grove Village


8539 Elk Grove Boulevard

  Elk Grove   CA   95624-1777     35,305        74.7   $ 87,707        39,787        12.7   $ 96,015        9.5     1,249   

North Point Plaza


201 Lake Boulevard

  Redding   CA   96003-2506     18,419        13.8   $ 38,217        19,654        6.7   $ 41,366        8.2     651   

South Napa Market Place


205 Soscol Avenue

  Napa   CA   94559-4007     19,523        4.1   $ 59,292        20,211        3.5   $ 64,443        8.7     690   

Power Inn

    Sacramento   CA       54,588        1.0   $ 53,678        57,208        4.8   $ 58,217        8.5     1,931   

Red Bluff


1065 South Main Street

  Red Bluff   CA   96080-4360     7,773        6.3   $ 35,323        8,136        4.7   $ 37,694        6.7     275   

Olive Tree Plaza


680 Edith Avenue

  Corning   CA   96021-2349     3,526        6.0   $ 34,337        3,689        4.6   $ 37,145        8.2     125   

Jackson Creek


515 South State Highway 49

  Jackson   CA   95642-2534     2,259        11.8   $ 56,837        2,400        6.2   $ 62,500        10.0     80   

Kihei Center


1215 South Kihei Road

  Kihei   HI   96753-5220     7,821        26.2   $ 61,344        8,501        8.7   $ 66,845        9.0     277   

Yosemite North


3558 G Street

  Merced   CA   95340-0692     22,662        21.7   $ 43,599        24,624        8.7   $ 46,193        5.9     802   

Pony Express


Sly Park Road

  CA   95726     249        6.0   $ 63,654        263        5.6   $ 68,077        6.9     9   

Timonium Parcel


2151 York Road

  Timonium   MD   21093-3156     27,628        4.0   $ 67,794        27,854        0.8   $ 72,088        6.3     977   



North Rogers Lane

  Raleigh   NC   27610     9,218        59.4   $ 50,150        10,761        16.7   $ 52,065        3.8     326   

Land-High Park/Orange Township


Owenfield Drive

  Powell   OH   43065     11,855        79.4   $ 109,741        13,691        15.5   $ 115,839        5.6     419   

Land-Cypress Town Center


Spring-Cypress Road

  Cypress   TX   77429     14,866        72.3   $ 107,704        16,371        10.1   $ 115,990        7.7     526   

Land-Treasure Valley

    Nampa   ID       12,321        95.3   $ 41,792        14,528        17.9   $ 44,145        5.6     436   

Land-Turtle Creek


Turtle Creek Drive

  Hattiesburg   MS   39402     3,006        54.3   $ 72,584        3,352        11.5   $ 81,237        11.9     106   

Land-Central Islip Town Center

    Central Islip   NY   11722     28,638        4.8   $ 78,976        28,861        0.8   $ 85,181        7.9     1,013   


    Burleson   TX       35,916        -2.2   $ 46,044        35,780        -0.4   $ 46,937        1.9     1,270   



Chester Avenue

  Jacksonville   FL   32217     24,086        11.6   $ 47,879        25,234        4.8   $ 49,905        4.2     852   

Land-Lake Worth Towne Crossing


Lake Worth Boulevard

  Fort Worth   TX   76135     5,905        40.2   $ 51,284        6,486        9.8   $ 55,099        7.4     209   

Treasure Valley Crossings


Cherry Lane

  Nampa   ID   83687     15,459        69.6   $ 42,958        18,042        16.7   $ 45,560        6.1     547   

Land-Peoria Crossings


West Northern Avenue

  Glendale   AZ   85305     28,512        22.6   $ 56,980        31,862        11.8   $ 62,538        9.8     1,008   

Family Center at Riverdale 526


1050 West Riverdale Road

  Riverdale   UT   84405-3721     24,337        6.7   $ 52,393        25,429        4.5   $ 55,703        6.3     861   

Laurel Walk Apartments


908 Summit Walk Drive

  Charlotte   NC   28270-5915     33,795        17.5   $ 73,397        37,480        10.9   $ 75,798        3.3     1,195   

Land-Rock Prairie Marketplace


Rock Prairie Road

  TX   77845     8,330        68.4   $ 89,137        9,274        11.3   $ 98,034        10.0     295   

River Pointe-Residential II


1600 River Pointe Drive

  Conroe   TX   77304-2690     14,384        39.1   $ 43,278        16,856        17.2   $ 46,465        7.4     509   

Sharyland Towne Crossing


Shary Road

  Mission   TX   78572     23,163        35.3   $ 36,926        26,120        12.8   $ 40,982        11.0     819   

Phillips Landing


Turkey Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32819     11,606        10.3   $ 74,652        12,528        7.9   $ 80,859        8.3     410   

Piedmont Peachtree Crossing


3330 Piedmont Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30305-1726     56,435        22.6   $ 79,468        61,525        9.0   $ 87,315        9.9     1,996   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Plaza Centro


Avenue Rafael Cordero

  Caguas   PR   725     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Land-Atascocita Shell Station

    Atascocita   TX   77346     16,600        57.1   $ 87,358        19,834        19.5   $ 93,237        6.7     587   

Land-Phenix Crossing


5408 Summerville Highway

  Phenix City   AL   36867-7400     11,241        13.2   $ 48,598        11,941        6.2   $ 53,498        10.1     398   

Apple Valley Square


7666 150th Street West

  Apple Valley   MN   55124-7102     30,758        14.7   $ 81,194        32,916        7.0   $ 86,836        6.9     1,088   

Cupertino Village


10983 North Wolfe Road

  Cupertino   CA   95014-0619     87,192        1.9   $ 95,010        89,699        2.9   $ 102,769        8.2     3,084   

Westbank Market


3300 Bee Cave Road

  West Lake
  TX   78746-6600     29,515        5.3   $ 62,083        30,991        5.0   $ 65,205        5.0     1,044   

Los Colobos I/II


Interstate PR-3

  Carolina   PR   983     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Edgewater Commons


477 River Road

  Edgewater   NJ   07020-1145     381,490        3.5   $ 54,300        390,024        2.2   $ 61,038        12.4     13,492   

Long Gate


4390 Montgomery Road

  Ellicott City   MD   21043-6068     27,846        10.8   $ 93,773        29,393        5.6   $ 105,761        12.8     985   

Clackamas Promenade


8658 SE Sunnyside Road

  Clackamas   OR   97015-7776     40,040        9.7   $ 54,282        42,235        5.5   $ 58,965        8.6     1,416   

Tyler Street Plaza


3870 Tyler Street

  Riverside   CA   92503-3431     39,130        12.9   $ 52,991        42,780        9.3   $ 59,532        12.3     1,384   

Market at Bay Shore


1851 Sunrise Highway

  Bay Shore   NY   11706-6024     31,924        -2.2   $ 75,943        31,434        -1.5   $ 84,154        10.8     1,129   



2150 Middle Country Road

  Centereach   NY   11720-3519     33,055        2.6   $ 87,388        33,418        1.1   $ 96,965        11.0     1,169   

Cypress Lakes Town Center


1327 South State Road Seven

  FL   33068-4023     59,485        1.0   $ 45,606        61,198        2.9   $ 49,232        8.0     2,104   

Sunset Valley


5400 Brodie Lane

  Austin   TX   78745-2500     41,405        14.1   $ 53,221        44,989        8.7   $ 55,679        4.6     1,464   

Land-Westridge 1

    McDonough   GA   30253     13,447        97.4   $ 55,866        16,969        26.2   $ 58,372        4.5     476   

Prosperity Office


2400 PGA Boulevard

  Palm Beach
  FL   33410-3504     27,467        18.7   $ 64,273        30,263        10.2   $ 69,614        8.3     971   

Twin City Plaza


22 McGrath Highway

  Somerville   MA   02143-4508     180,199        1.0   $ 56,523        181,496        0.7   $ 62,443        10.5     6,373   

Strauss-East 14th Street


644 East 14th Street

  New York   NY   10009-3300     494,597        5.7   $ 65,623        509,933        3.1   $ 73,389        11.8     17,493   

Strauss-Jamaica Avenue


21450 Jamaica Avenue

  NY   11428-1727     141,033        -0.4   $ 67,633        141,674        0.5   $ 73,709        9.0     4,988   

Liberty Avenue


16808 Liberty Avenue

  Jamaica   NY   11433-1244     210,672        0.1   $ 56,849        212,437        0.8   $ 62,322        9.6     7,451   

Strauss-Romaine Avenue


28 Romaine Avenue

  Yonkers   NY   10705-2336     118,554        -0.8   $ 48,518        118,338        -0.2   $ 52,998        9.2     4,193   

Utica Avenue


519 Utica Avenue 29

  Brooklyn   NY   11203-1916     417,597        1.6   $ 41,240        422,812        1.3   $ 45,125        9.4     14,769   

Washington Avenue


1700 Washington Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19146-3020     154,021        -2.1   $ 33,564        152,286        -1.1   $ 36,540        8.9     5,447   



17137 Dumfries Road

  Dumfries   VA   22025-1930     18,064        39.8   $ 76,581        20,922        15.8   $ 85,576        11.7     639   

Chipolte Mexican Grill


3051 Plank road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4951     18,515        27.4   $ 56,459        20,732        12.0   $ 63,650        12.7     655   

Chuck E Cheese


1280 Central Park Boulevard

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4912     18,515        27.4   $ 56,459        20,732        12.0   $ 63,650        12.7     655   

Cracker Barrel


1971 Carl D Silver Parkway

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4968     18,515        27.4   $ 56,459        20,732        12.0   $ 63,650        12.7     655   

Fredericksburg 9

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   



2831 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4947     18,515        27.4   $ 56,459        20,732        12.0   $ 63,650        12.7     655   

Joe’s Crab Shack


2805 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4947     18,515        27.4   $ 56,459        20,732        12.0   $ 63,650        12.7     655   

Fredericksburg 12

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 13

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 14

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 15

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 16

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 18

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 19

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 22

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 23

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 25

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 26

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 27

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 28

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 30

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 31

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 32

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 33

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 34

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 36

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   

Fredericksburg 37

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,262        -0.2   $ 108,528        56,640        0.7   $ 123,049        13.4     1,990   



North Parham Road

  Richmond   VA   23229     38,870        5.5   $ 61,285        40,327        3.8   $ 65,815        7.4     1,375   

Stafford 1

    Stafford   VA       5,134        58.5   $ 89,978        6,108        19.0   $ 100,943        12.2     182   

Ruby Tuesday’s


2844 Jefferson Davis Highway

  Stafford   VA   22554-1784     16,444        38.7   $ 85,525        18,928        15.1   $ 95,042        11.1     582   

Stafford 3

    Stafford   VA       5,134        58.5   $ 89,978        6,108        19.0   $ 100,943        12.2     182   

Dairy Queen

    Stafford   VA       5,134        58.5   $ 89,978        6,108        19.0   $ 100,943        12.2     182   

Greenwich Street Plaza


37 Greenwich Street

  New York   NY   10004     345,898        6.8   $ 64,807        357,985        3.5   $ 72,733        12.2     12,234   

Second Street Plaza


71 East Second Street

  New York   NY   10003-9267     478,708        7.5   $ 66,473        497,077        3.8   $ 74,392        11.9     16,931   

Christopher Street Plaza


82 Christopher Street

  New York   NY   10014-4252     464,805        6.7   $ 69,331        480,529        3.4   $ 78,331        13.0     16,439   

Perry Street Plaza


92 Perry Street

  New York   NY   10014-5512     466,931        6.5   $ 70,049        482,382        3.3   $ 79,290        13.2     16,514   

West Long Branch Plaza


359 Monmouth Road

  West Long
  NJ   07764-1205     29,607        3.1   $ 59,779        30,092        1.6   $ 64,921        8.6     1,047   

Ballwin Plaza

    Ballwin   MO       29,962        -0.1   $ 66,390        29,930        -0.1   $ 70,090        5.6     1,060   

Bricktown Plaza


Brick Boulevard

  Bricktown   NJ   8723     27,200        5.4   $ 57,135        28,012        3.0   $ 62,357        9.1     962   

Waukegan Plaza


1301 North Lewis Avenue

  Waukegan   IL   60085-1755     32,440        0.6   $ 47,836        32,812        1.2   $ 50,967        6.5     1,147   

Stop & Shop-Staten Island


Forest Avenue Plaza

  Staten Island   NY       78,363        5.0   $ 62,544        80,287        2.5   $ 68,010        8.7     2,772   

Bridgewater Plaza


Highway 202 South

  Bridgewater   NJ   8807     14,451        8.0   $ 98,275        15,140        4.8   $ 109,387        11.3     511   

Brookhaven Plaza


4703 Edgemont Avenue

  Brookhaven   PA   19015     41,611        -0.3   $ 50,996        41,659        0.1   $ 55,609        9.0     1,472   

Canton Township Plaza


Ford Road

  Canton   MI   48188     30,894        1.2   $ 80,316        30,927        0.1   $ 83,779        4.3     1,093   

Clinton Township Plaza


Hall Road

  MI   48038     42,326        13.2   $ 62,701        44,807        5.9   $ 63,144        0.7     1,497   

Sea Girt Plaza


2176 Highway 35

  Sea Girt   NJ   08750-1008     19,435        2.9   $ 86,926        19,745        1.6   $ 95,781        10.2     687   

Round Lake Beach


North Highway 83

  Round Lake
  IL   60073     26,037        23.3   $ 75,399        28,417        9.1   $ 81,529        8.1     921   

County Line Plaza


715 Route 113

  Souderton   PA   18964-1000     15,703        5.8   $ 64,948        16,170        3.0   $ 71,181        9.6     555   

Philadelphia Plaza


1501 North Broad Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19122-3319     158,991        -2.8   $ 29,573        156,658        -1.5   $ 32,115        8.6     5,623   

Dearborn Heights Plaza


Michigan Avenue

  MI   48125     44,381        -12.3   $ 50,009        41,145        -7.3   $ 51,118        2.2     1,570   

Owings Mills Plaza


10550 Reistertown Road

  Owings Mills   MD   21117     28,197        19.5   $ 70,211        30,508        8.2   $ 76,930        9.6     997   

Deptford Plaza


Deptford Center Road

  Deptford   NJ   8096     28,673        8.6   $ 59,298        29,913        4.3   $ 65,021        9.7     1,014   

Eden Prairie Plaza


Glen Lane

  Eden Prairie   MN   55344     20,211        7.4   $ 86,528        21,013        4.0   $ 91,929        6.2     715   

Elmont Plaza


1633 Dutch Broadway

  Elmont   NY   11003-5008     103,273        -2.8   $ 78,869        102,089        -1.2   $ 86,725        10.0     3,653   

Naperville Plaza


116 West Gartner Road

  Naperville   IL   60540-7545     37,115        5.0   $ 96,866        38,095        2.6   $ 101,529        4.8     1,313   

Exton Plaza


West Lincoln Highway

  Exton   PA   19341     15,799        13.6   $ 95,886        16,844        6.6   $ 107,504        12.1     559   

Montgomery Plaza-OH


Montgomery Road

  Cincinnati   OH   45242     17,457        1.7   $ 85,255        17,632        1.0   $ 91,662        7.5     617   

Farmington Plaza


Scott Swamp Road

  Farmington   CT   6032     22,965        1.2   $ 62,641        23,203        1.0   $ 68,022        8.6     812   

Florence Plaza

    Florence   KY   41042     24,684        25.0   $ 54,919        27,512        11.5   $ 59,299        8.0     873   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Plaza Centro


Avenue Rafael Cordero

  Caguas   PR   725     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Land-Atascocita Shell Station

    Atascocita   TX   77346     16,448        54.4   $ 89,564        18,314        11.3   $ 94,826        5.9     582   

Land-Phenix Crossing


5408 Summerville Highway

  Phenix City   AL   36867-7400     11,278        15.4   $ 48,703        11,914        5.6   $ 52,472        7.7     399   

Apple Valley Square


7666 150th Street West

  Apple Valley   MN   55124-7102     30,592        14.1   $ 82,187        32,091        4.9   $ 86,556        5.3     1,082   

Cupertino Village


10983 North Wolfe Road

  Cupertino   CA   95014-0619     87,816        3.1   $ 97,683        90,374        2.9   $ 104,402        6.9     3,106   

Westbank Market


3300 Bee Cave Road

  West Lake
  TX   78746-6600     29,617        5.2   $ 63,279        31,143        5.2   $ 66,652        5.3     1,047   

Los Colobos I/II


Interstate PR-3

  Carolina   PR   983     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Edgewater Commons


477 River Road

  Edgewater   NJ   07020-1145     383,941        4.0   $ 56,787        389,559        1.5   $ 63,305        11.5     13,579   

Long Gate


4390 Montgomery Road

  Ellicott City   MD   21043-6068     27,733        11.6   $ 96,474        28,876        4.1   $ 107,192        11.1     981   

Clackamas Promenade


8658 SE Sunnyside Road

  Clackamas   OR   97015-7776     40,237        10.8   $ 56,199        42,250        5.0   $ 60,309        7.3     1,423   

Tyler Street Plaza


3870 Tyler Street

  Riverside   CA   92503-3431     38,861        13.4   $ 53,093        43,118        11.0   $ 58,115        9.5     1,374   

Market at Bay Shore


1851 Sunrise Highway

  Bay Shore   NY   11706-6024     33,670        3.2   $ 78,049        33,747        0.2   $ 84,681        8.5     1,191   



2150 Middle Country Road

  Centereach   NY   11720-3519     34,111        6.2   $ 89,628        34,640        1.6   $ 98,305        9.7     1,206   

Cypress Lakes Town Center


1327 South State Road Seven

  FL   33068-4023     59,472        0.6   $ 46,215        60,686        2.0   $ 48,806        5.6     2,103   

Sunset Valley


5400 Brodie Lane

  Austin   TX   78745-2500     41,309        13.6   $ 54,450        44,832        8.5   $ 56,149        3.1     1,461   

Land-Westridge 1

    McDonough   GA   30253     14,008        105.7   $ 56,468        16,764        19.7   $ 58,364        3.4     495   

Prosperity Office


2400 PGA Boulevard

  Palm Beach
  FL   33410-3504     27,085        16.6   $ 65,157        29,071        7.3   $ 69,487        6.6     958   

Twin City Plaza


22 McGrath Highway

  Somerville   MA   02143-4508     186,432        4.9   $ 58,572        188,572        1.2   $ 64,225        9.7     6,594   

Strauss-East 14th Street


644 East 14th Street

  New York   NY   10009-3300     503,119        7.7   $ 67,876        514,213        2.2   $ 75,315        11.0     17,794   

Strauss-Jamaica Avenue


21450 Jamaica Avenue

  NY   11428-1727     141,968        1.0   $ 70,044        142,318        0.3   $ 75,810        8.2     5,021   

Liberty Avenue


16808 Liberty Avenue

  Jamaica   NY   11433-1244     212,674        1.3   $ 58,964        213,799        0.5   $ 63,915        8.4     7,522   

Strauss-Romaine Avenue


28 Romaine Avenue

  Yonkers   NY   10705-2336     119,665        0.4   $ 49,730        119,343        -0.3   $ 53,651        7.9     4,232   

Utica Avenue


519 Utica Avenue 29

  Brooklyn   NY   11203-1916     422,688        3.0   $ 42,535        427,460        1.1   $ 45,872        7.8     14,950   

Washington Avenue


1700 Washington Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19146-3020     161,606        3.0   $ 34,423        163,512        1.2   $ 37,289        8.3     5,716   



17137 Dumfries Road

  Dumfries   VA   22025-1930     18,287        40.9   $ 79,017        21,024        15.0   $ 87,921        11.3     647   

Chipolte Mexican Grill


3051 Plank road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4951     18,458        28.5   $ 57,675        20,429        10.7   $ 63,981        10.9     653   

Chuck E Cheese


1280 Central Park Boulevard

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4912     18,458        28.5   $ 57,675        20,429        10.7   $ 63,981        10.9     653   

Cracker Barrel


1971 Carl D Silver Parkway

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4968     18,458        28.5   $ 57,675        20,429        10.7   $ 63,981        10.9     653   

Fredericksburg 9

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   



2831 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4947     18,458        28.5   $ 57,675        20,429        10.7   $ 63,981        10.9     653   

Joe’s Crab Shack


2805 Plank Road

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4947     18,458        28.5   $ 57,675        20,429        10.7   $ 63,981        10.9     653   

Fredericksburg 12

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 13

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 14

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 15

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 16

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 18

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 19

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 22

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 23

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 25

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 26

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 27

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 28

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 30

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 31

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 32

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 33

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 34

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 36

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   

Fredericksburg 37

    Fredericksburg   VA       56,565        0.6   $ 110,449        56,881        0.6   $ 123,334        11.7     2,001   



North Parham Road

  Richmond   VA   23229     38,602        5.7   $ 62,893        39,789        3.1   $ 66,962        6.5     1,365   

Stafford 1

    Stafford   VA       5,269        65.3   $ 91,406        5,977        13.4   $ 101,190        10.7     186   

Ruby Tuesday’s


2844 Jefferson Davis Highway

  Stafford   VA   22554-1784     16,903        41.0   $ 87,478        19,024        12.6   $ 95,419        9.1     598   

Stafford 3

    Stafford   VA       5,269        65.3   $ 91,406        5,977        13.4   $ 101,190        10.7     186   

Dairy Queen

    Stafford   VA       5,269        65.3   $ 91,406        5,977        13.4   $ 101,190        10.7     186   

Greenwich Street Plaza


37 Greenwich Street

  New York   NY   10004     350,473        8.4   $ 67,765        358,114        2.2   $ 75,932        12.1     12,395   

Second Street Plaza


71 East Second Street

  New York   NY   10003-9267     485,714        9.4   $ 68,679        497,906        2.5   $ 76,822        11.9     17,179   

Christopher Street Plaza


82 Christopher Street

  New York   NY   10014-4252     470,598        8.3   $ 71,888        480,382        2.1   $ 81,280        13.1     16,644   

Perry Street Plaza


92 Perry Street

  New York   NY   10014-5512     472,258        8.0   $ 72,560        481,633        2.0   $ 82,138        13.2     16,703   

West Long Branch Plaza


359 Monmouth Road

  West Long
  NJ   07764-1205     29,822        3.4   $ 61,928        30,073        0.8   $ 66,074        6.7     1,055   

Ballwin Plaza

    Ballwin   MO       29,643        -1.0   $ 67,113        29,248        -1.3   $ 69,774        4.0     1,048   

Bricktown Plaza


Brick Boulevard

  Bricktown   NJ   8723     27,130        5.0   $ 59,044        27,719        2.2   $ 63,557        7.6     960   

Waukegan Plaza


1301 North Lewis Avenue

  Waukegan   IL   60085-1755     32,374        1.2   $ 48,857        32,519        0.5   $ 51,195        4.8     1,145   

Stop & Shop-Staten Island


Forest Avenue Plaza

  Staten Island   NY       79,026        6.3   $ 65,407        80,680        2.1   $ 70,351        7.6     2,795   

Bridgewater Plaza


Highway 202 South

  Bridgewater   NJ   8807     14,242        7.6   $ 99,896        14,701        3.2   $ 108,981        9.1     504   

Brookhaven Plaza


4703 Edgemont Avenue

  Brookhaven   PA   19015     41,410        -0.5   $ 53,034        41,098        -0.8   $ 57,151        7.8     1,465   

Canton Township Plaza


Ford Road

  Canton   MI   48188     29,699        -2.2   $ 81,577        28,816        -3.0   $ 84,795        3.9     1,050   

Clinton Township Plaza


Hall Road

  MI   48038     42,033        12.5   $ 63,042        43,876        4.4   $ 63,347        0.5     1,487   

Sea Girt Plaza


2176 Highway 35

  Sea Girt   NJ   08750-1008     19,204        2.1   $ 89,586        19,258        0.3   $ 98,384        9.8     679   

Round Lake Beach


North Highway 83

  Round Lake
  IL   60073     25,671        22.2   $ 77,094        27,537        7.3   $ 82,616        7.2     908   

County Line Plaza


715 Route 113

  Souderton   PA   18964-1000     15,765        6.5   $ 67,387        16,068        1.9   $ 73,579        9.2     558   

Philadelphia Plaza


1501 North Broad Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19122-3319     166,010        1.6   $ 30,444        167,080        0.6   $ 32,729        7.5     5,871   

Dearborn Heights Plaza


Michigan Avenue

  MI   48125     42,622        -15.7   $ 50,710        38,886        -8.8   $ 51,433        1.4     1,507   

Owings Mills Plaza


10550 Reistertown Road

  Owings Mills   MD   21117     27,657        18.4   $ 71,620        29,240        5.7   $ 77,466        8.2     978   

Deptford Plaza


Deptford Center Road

  Deptford   NJ   8096     28,366        8.2   $ 60,734        29,076        2.5   $ 65,661        8.1     1,003   

Eden Prairie Plaza


Glen Lane

  Eden Prairie   MN   55344     20,281        8.4   $ 88,850        20,989        3.5   $ 93,444        5.2     717   

Elmont Plaza


1633 Dutch Broadway

  Elmont   NY   11003-5008     106,626        0.5   $ 81,861        106,238        -0.4   $ 89,108        8.9     3,771   

Naperville Plaza


116 West Gartner Road

  Naperville   IL   60540-7545     37,201        5.4   $ 99,242        37,984        2.1   $ 103,317        4.1     1,316   

Exton Plaza


West Lincoln Highway

  Exton   PA   19341     16,089        15.4   $ 98,013        17,023        5.8   $ 108,161        10.4     569   

Montgomery Plaza-OH


Montgomery Road

  Cincinnati   OH   45242     18,085        5.9   $ 86,035        18,416        1.8   $ 91,007        5.8     640   

Farmington Plaza


Scott Swamp Road

  Farmington   CT   6032     22,717        0.7   $ 64,842        22,608        -0.5   $ 69,567        7.3     803   

Florence Plaza

    Florence   KY   41042     25,658        28.4   $ 55,664        28,404        10.7   $ 58,297        4.7     907   



Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median



1061 North Dobson Road

  Mesa   AZ   85201-7576     49,275        4.7   $ 39,828        52,052        5.6   $ 42,663        7.1     1,743   

Merrillville Plaza


8001 Delaware Place

  Merrillville   IN   46410-5641     12,439        16.3   $ 57,884        13,348        7.3   $ 60,720        4.9     440   

Hazlet Plaza

    Hazlet   NJ   7730     26,423        2.6   $ 73,931        26,772        1.3   $ 80,479        8.9     935   

Libertyville Plaza

    Libertyville   IL   60048     12,785        9.6   $ 101,620        13,424        5.0   $ 110,218        8.5     452   

Highland Plaza


Highland Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45213     54,132        -2.6   $ 45,699        53,355        -1.4   $ 49,124        7.5     1,915   

Lansing Plaza


1315 West Holmes Road

  Lansing   MI   48910-3391     34,676        -2.7   $ 39,965        34,121        -1.6   $ 41,611        4.1     1,226   

Hillside Plaza

    Hillside   IL   60162     40,203        -4.8   $ 63,571        39,299        -2.3   $ 67,405        6.0     1,422   

Lake Zurich Plaza


One First Bank Plaza

  Lake Zurich   IL   60047-2362     14,373        12.0   $ 112,861        15,212        5.8   $ 120,187        6.5     508   

Howell Plaza


4250 US Highway 9

  Howell   NJ   07731-3317     12,662        4.6   $ 87,411        12,903        1.9   $ 94,707        8.3     448   

Kenville Plaza


Route 46

  Kenvil   NJ   7847     12,471        5.8   $ 90,472        12,823        2.8   $ 98,956        9.4     441   

Land-Shoppes at Caveness Farms


Caveness Farms Avenue

  NC   27587     10,255        93.2   $ 70,201        12,777        24.6   $ 75,856        8.1     363   

Market at Nolana


29th Street at Nolana Loop

  McAllen   TX   78504     34,613        28.6   $ 44,871        39,093        12.9   $ 49,244        9.7     1,224   

Coursey Commons


14241 Coursey Boulevard

  LA   70817-1368     27,423        14.8   $ 57,028        28,944        5.6   $ 60,383        5.9     970   

Santana Row Condos


400 South Winchester Boulevard

  San Jose   CA   95128     91,906        3.4   $ 72,893        95,174        3.6   $ 78,849        8.2     3,251   

Highlands Square


1815 Highland Avenue

  Clearwater   FL   33755-2100     43,759        -4.1   $ 41,591        43,444        -0.7   $ 45,095        8.4     1,548   

Oxbridge Square


9901 Hull Street Road

  Richmond   VA   23236-1412     17,030        18.9   $ 67,465        18,539        8.9   $ 72,554        7.5     602   

Freedom Ford


24825 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33763-3902     47,821        -0.1   $ 45,529        48,583        1.6   $ 49,335        8.4     1,691   

Cutler Ridge

  FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   



500 New Haven Avenue

  Derby   CT   06418-2527     20,487        3.8   $ 65,057        20,899        2.0   $ 70,991        9.1     725   


    Glenville   NY   12302     5,224        6.0   $ 74,257        5,397        3.3   $ 82,320        10.9     185   


    Jacksonville   FL       20,719        1.6   $ 44,179        21,359        3.1   $ 47,062        6.5     733   

Miami 1

    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   

Miami 2

    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   

Miami 3

    Miami   FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   



3331 Grant Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19114-2629     66,805        -3.5   $ 49,404        65,663        -1.7   $ 53,693        8.7     2,363   


    Phoenix   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Land-Laveen Village


5140 West Baseline Road

  Laveen   AZ   85339-2971     11,040        342.0   $ 58,083        15,325        38.8   $ 64,622        11.3     390   

Land-Port Arthur


Ninth Avenue

  Port Arthur   TX   77642     18,788        -7.5   $ 36,763        18,063        -3.9   $ 39,357        7.1     664   

Bradenton Plaza


4902 West Cortez Road

  Bradenton   FL   34210-2805     40,939        4.6   $ 41,473        42,936        4.9   $ 44,922        8.3     1,448   

Western Plaza


PR Route 2

  Mayaguez   PR   680     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Ponce Town Center


Avenue Baramaya

  Ponce   PR   728     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Rexville Town Center


725 West Main Avenue

  Bayamon   PR   00961-4470     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Trujillo Alto Plaza


200 Carr 181

  PR   00976-3600     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Alafaya Village


5524 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32808-7612     40,591        13.5   $ 40,905        44,116        8.7   $ 44,254        8.2     1,436   



3058 College Avenue East

  Ruskin   FL   33570-5220     12,664        35.0   $ 42,057        14,601        15.3   $ 45,126        7.3     448   

Chapel Trail Plaza


10818 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33026-5205     49,518        7.9   $ 59,363        52,145        5.3   $ 65,653        10.6     1,751   

Fairplain Plaza


1000 East Napier Avenue

  MI   49022-3928     13,894        -2.7   $ 32,347        13,656        -1.7   $ 33,595        3.9     491   

Watters Creek


West Bethany Drive

  Allen   TX   75013     35,336        54.8   $ 84,191        42,267        19.6   $ 89,405        6.2     1,250   

Barcroft Plaza


6345 Columbia Pike

  VA   22041     80,905        2.8   $ 73,170        82,657        2.2   $ 82,862        13.2     2,861   

Indian Harbour Place


270 East Eau Gallie Boulevard

  FL   32937-4874     15,514        1.3   $ 55,695        15,925        2.7   $ 61,141        9.8     549   

Freedom Centre


2010 Freedom Boulevard

  Freedom   CA   95019-2834     17,384        8.1   $ 47,925        18,238        4.9   $ 51,970        8.4     615   

Shoppes of Parkland


5901 West Hillsboro Boulevard

  Parkland   FL   33067-4542     37,124        12.3   $ 71,869        39,698        6.9   $ 79,046        10.0     1,313   

Pinellas Park


4701 Park Boulevard

  FL   33781-3533     43,305        -2.0   $ 40,439        43,482        0.4   $ 44,042        8.9     1,532   

Las Cruces


2532 East Lohman Avenue

  Las Cruces   NM   88001-8414     29,400        18.9   $ 33,332        32,160        9.4   $ 36,023        8.1     1,040   

Shops at Santa Barbara


Santa Barbara Boulevard

  Cape Coral   FL   33991     32,338        54.4   $ 55,564        38,882        20.2   $ 61,868        11.3     1,144   

Center at Hobbs Brook


110 Charlton Road

  Sturbridge   MA   01566-1538     3,823        13.8   $ 68,672        4,038        5.6   $ 75,590        10.1     135   

Great Northeast Plaza


7300 Bustleton Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19152-4300     111,098        -4.3   $ 42,816        108,600        -2.3   $ 45,860        7.1     3,929   

Mallside Plaza


198 Maine Mall Road

  ME   04106-2305     12,382        1.8   $ 48,108        12,482        0.8   $ 52,947        10.1     438   

Tomball Marketplace


FM 2920

  Tomball   TX   77375     6,362        22.2   $ 56,638        7,012        10.2   $ 61,328        8.3     225   

Raintree Ranch


Ray Road at Price Road

  Chandler   AZ   85224     46,185        13.0   $ 70,936        50,039        8.3   $ 76,120        7.3     1,633   

Land-Northwest Crossing


5760 Hollister Street

  Houston   TX   77040-5716     43,972        8.1   $ 40,825        46,448        5.6   $ 43,052        5.5     1,555   

Harpeth Village


Highway 100

  Bellevue   TN   37221     13,260        24.0   $ 73,074        14,672        10.7   $ 78,580        7.5     469   

Land-Union city

    Fairburn   GA   30213     5,475        138.7   $ 50,102        7,036        28.5   $ 55,248        10.3     194   

Linden Square


165 Linden Street

  Wellesley   MA   02482-7909     18,716        0.6   $ 117,195        18,783        0.4   $ 128,207        9.4     662   

Chelsea Commons


1100 Revere Beach Parkway

  Chelsea   MA   02150-1456     97,418        4.7   $ 49,497        99,638        2.3   $ 55,236        11.6     3,445   

North Dartmouth


55 Faunce Corner Road

  MA   02747-1210     17,769        1.2   $ 42,112        17,837        0.4   $ 46,220        9.8     628   

Brookwood Marketplace


3265 Peachtree Parkway

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1036     17,829        50.2   $ 130,963        21,134        18.5   $ 142,474        8.8     631   

Publix at Princeton Lakes


3730 Carmia Drive SW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-6258     18,197        16.7   $ 43,256        19,852        9.1   $ 47,029        8.7     644   

Lakeside Marketplace


3378 Cobb Parkway NW

  Acworth   GA   30101-8358     15,135        41.7   $ 74,183        17,424        15.1   $ 79,639        7.4     535   

Camp Creek Marketplace II


3755 Carmia Drive SW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-6252     18,512        16.2   $ 43,279        20,168        9.0   $ 47,041        8.7     655   

Marketplace @ Seminole Twn Ctr


2201 WP Ball Boulevard

  Sanford   FL   32771-7213     16,642        83.8   $ 70,253        20,584        23.7   $ 75,285        7.2     589   

Bloomfield Park


Telegraph Road

  MI   48302     15,820        -2.7   $ 124,727        15,519        -1.9   $ 127,084        1.9     560   

Shops at Saugus


334 Broadway Route 1

  Saugus   MA   1906     33,166        1.4   $ 70,147        33,470        0.9   $ 76,356        8.9     1,173   

Old Town Village


9650 Main Street

  Fairfax   VA   22031-3748     39,539        2.6   $ 105,519        40,180        1.6   $ 117,496        11.4     1,398   



42100 Jackson Street

  Indio   CA   92203-9736     18,521        63.5   $ 45,697        22,459        21.3   $ 52,241        14.3     655   

Alafaya Square


21 Alafaya Woods Boulevard

  Oviedo   FL   32765-6233     19,965        22.3   $ 77,149        22,121        10.8   $ 83,906        8.8     706   

Marketplace at Dr. Phillips


7600 Dr. Phillips Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32819-7231     13,416        14.6   $ 81,056        14,572        8.6   $ 87,183        7.6     474   

East Lake Woodlands


3400 East Lake Road

  FL   34685-2401     24,204        8.1   $ 64,167        25,420        5.0   $ 69,931        9.0     856   

International Drive Value Ctr


5400 Touchstone Drive

  Orlando   FL   32819-9453     26,526        23.4   $ 44,120        29,753        12.2   $ 46,919        6.3     938   

Kendall Corners


12955 SW 88th Street

  Miami   FL   33186-1747     69,975        4.5   $ 54,904        72,759        4.0   $ 59,993        9.3     2,475   

Palm Lakes Plaza


7230 West Atlantic Boulevard

  Margate   FL   33063-4236     70,008        0.1   $ 49,287        71,699        2.4   $ 54,289        10.1     2,476   

South Dade


18437 South Dixie Highway

  Miami   FL   33157-6815     41,041        7.8   $ 52,738        43,311        5.5   $ 57,515        9.1     1,452   

Riverwalk Marketplace


6030 State Bridge Road

  Duluth   GA   30097-2483     23,288        17.3   $ 91,761        25,538        9.7   $ 96,955        5.7     824   

Camelia Center


5718 Folsom Boulevard

  Sacramento   CA   95819-4608     69,214        3.9   $ 43,713        72,781        5.2   $ 47,734        9.2     2,448   

Plaza Centro Mall/Retail


Avenue Rafael Cordero

  Caguas   PR   725     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Western Plaza I


Route 142

  Mayaguez   PR   680     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Los Colobos Builders Square



  Carolina   PR   983     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Los Colobos-Kmart


State Road PR 874

  Carolina   PR   983     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Shops at Kildeer


20505 Rand Road

  Kildeer   IL   60047-3004     10,983        15.7   $ 121,380        11,764        7.1   $ 129,412        6.6     388   

Dallas Commons


455 Nathan Dean Boulevard

  Dallas   GA   30132-4921     9,225        80.9   $ 44,572        11,668        26.5   $ 46,881        5.2     326   

Quesada Commons


19451 Cochran Boulevard

  FL   33948     16,733        18.5   $ 44,192        18,250        9.1   $ 49,094        11.1     592   

Metro Crossings


3512 Metro Drive

  IA   51501-7744     23,984        0.8   $ 34,697        24,192        0.9   $ 37,818        9.0     848   

Shoppes of Port Charlotte


US Highway 41

  FL   33948     16,918        16.2   $ 43,726        18,309        8.2   $ 48,504        10.9     598   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



1061 North Dobson Road

  Mesa   AZ   85201-7576     48,806        4.4   $ 40,856        52,145        6.8   $ 43,360        6.1     1,726   

Merrillville Plaza


8001 Delaware Place

  Merrillville   IN   46410-5641     12,743        20.3   $ 58,855        13,547        6.3   $ 60,886        3.5     451   

Hazlet Plaza

    Hazlet   NJ   7730     25,953        1.3   $ 77,097        25,894        -0.2   $ 82,662        7.2     918   

Libertyville Plaza

    Libertyville   IL   60048     13,107        13.2   $ 104,938        13,675        4.3   $ 111,123        5.9     464   

Highland Plaza


Highland Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45213     54,323        -2.6   $ 46,388        53,324        -1.8   $ 49,252        6.2     1,921   

Lansing Plaza


1315 West Holmes Road

  Lansing   MI   48910-3391     34,519        -3.1   $ 40,510        33,608        -2.6   $ 41,535        2.5     1,221   

Hillside Plaza

    Hillside   IL   60162     39,989        -5.1   $ 65,005        38,961        -2.6   $ 68,006        4.6     1,414   

Lake Zurich Plaza


One First Bank Plaza

  Lake Zurich   IL   60047-2362     14,528        12.4   $ 113,255        15,186        4.5   $ 118,286        4.4     514   

Howell Plaza


4250 US Highway 9

  Howell   NJ   07731-3317     12,527        4.8   $ 89,571        12,715        1.5   $ 95,934        7.1     443   

Kenville Plaza


Route 46

  Kenvil   NJ   7847     12,410        4.5   $ 93,187        12,530        1.0   $ 100,687        8.0     439   

Land-Shoppes at Caveness Farms


Caveness Farms Avenue

  NC   27587     10,891        103.5   $ 72,937        12,633        16.0   $ 80,721        10.7     385   

Market at Nolana


29th Street at Nolana Loop

  McAllen   TX   78504     35,021        30.1   $ 45,294        39,089        11.6   $ 48,347        6.7     1,239   

Coursey Commons


14241 Coursey Boulevard

  LA   70817-1368     27,345        13.8   $ 59,874        28,893        5.7   $ 62,752        4.8     967   

Santana Row Condos


400 South Winchester Boulevard

  San Jose   CA   95128     92,218        4.0   $ 74,684        95,131        3.2   $ 79,790        6.8     3,262   

Highlands Square


1815 Highland Avenue

  Clearwater   FL   33755-2100     43,029        -5.1   $ 42,304        42,239        -1.8   $ 45,261        7.0     1,522   

Oxbridge Square


9901 Hull Street Road

  Richmond   VA   23236-1412     17,096        18.5   $ 68,790        18,507        8.3   $ 72,885        6.0     605   

Freedom Ford


24825 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33763-3902     46,603        -2.3   $ 46,434        46,311        -0.6   $ 49,574        6.8     1,648   

Cutler Ridge

  FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   



500 New Haven Avenue

  Derby   CT   06418-2527     20,358        2.4   $ 66,794        20,426        0.3   $ 71,909        7.7     720   


    Glenville   NY   12302     5,151        7.0   $ 74,637        5,289        2.7   $ 81,456        9.1     182   


    Jacksonville   FL       20,442        0.3   $ 44,898        20,925        2.4   $ 46,983        4.6     723   

Miami 1

    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   

Miami 2

    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   

Miami 3

    Miami   FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   



3331 Grant Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19114-2629     69,043        0.0   $ 50,422        69,099        0.1   $ 54,238        7.6     2,442   


    Phoenix   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Land-Laveen Village


5140 West Baseline Road

  Laveen   AZ   85339-2971     11,628        357.1   $ 59,658        13,245        13.9   $ 65,775        10.3     411   

Land-Port Arthur


Ninth Avenue

  Port Arthur   TX   77642     18,940        -6.3   $ 38,720        18,298        -3.4   $ 41,352        6.8     670   

Bradenton Plaza


4902 West Cortez Road

  Bradenton   FL   34210-2805     40,188        2.9   $ 41,321        42,165        4.9   $ 43,730        5.8     1,421   

Western Plaza


PR Route 2

  Mayaguez   PR   680     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Ponce Town Center


Avenue Baramaya

  Ponce   PR   728     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Rexville Town Center


725 West Main Avenue

  Bayamon   PR   00961-4470     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Trujillo Alto Plaza


200 Carr 181

  PR   00976-3600     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Alafaya Village


5524 West Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32808-7612     39,393        11.0   $ 41,271        42,545        8.0   $ 43,801        6.1     1,393   



3058 College Avenue East

  Ruskin   FL   33570-5220     12,253        34.6   $ 42,326        13,612        11.1   $ 45,193        6.8     433   

Chapel Trail Plaza


10818 Pines Boulevard

  FL   33026-5205     50,169        9.2   $ 59,898        52,121        3.9   $ 64,603        7.9     1,774   

Fairplain Plaza


1000 East Napier Avenue

  MI   49022-3928     13,702        -2.8   $ 32,460        13,419        -2.1   $ 33,302        2.6     485   

Watters Creek


West Bethany Drive

  Allen   TX   75013     36,465        60.8   $ 85,837        43,698        19.8   $ 89,287        4.0     1,290   

Barcroft Plaza


6345 Columbia Pike

  VA   22041     80,984        2.6   $ 75,508        82,031        1.3   $ 84,445        11.8     2,864   

Indian Harbour Place


270 East Eau Gallie Boulevard

  FL   32937-4874     15,473        0.2   $ 56,146        15,786        2.0   $ 60,201        7.2     547   

Freedom Centre


2010 Freedom Boulevard

  Freedom   CA   95019-2834     18,040        11.0   $ 49,419        18,960        5.1   $ 52,993        7.2     638   

Shoppes of Parkland


5901 West Hillsboro Boulevard

  Parkland   FL   33067-4542     36,693        11.2   $ 71,966        38,982        6.2   $ 78,212        8.7     1,298   

Pinellas Park


4701 Park Boulevard

  FL   33781-3533     42,786        -2.3   $ 41,490        42,477        -0.7   $ 44,517        7.3     1,513   

Las Cruces


2532 East Lohman Avenue

  Las Cruces   NM   88001-8414     28,507        15.1   $ 34,326        30,465        6.9   $ 36,570        6.5     1,008   

Shops at Santa Barbara


Santa Barbara Boulevard

  Cape Coral   FL   33991     29,928        43.5   $ 56,495        35,276        17.9   $ 61,977        9.7     1,058   

Center at Hobbs Brook


110 Charlton Road

  Sturbridge   MA   01566-1538     3,710        10.3   $ 70,827        3,832        3.3   $ 77,452        9.4     131   

Great Northeast Plaza


7300 Bustleton Avenue

  Philadelphia   PA   19152-4300     115,061        -0.8   $ 43,653        114,799        -0.2   $ 46,061        5.5     4,069   

Mallside Plaza


198 Maine Mall Road

  ME   04106-2305     12,134        2.4   $ 48,292        12,144        0.1   $ 51,526        6.7     429   

Tomball Marketplace


FM 2920

  Tomball   TX   77375     6,076        17.7   $ 57,946        6,544        7.7   $ 63,137        9.0     215   

Raintree Ranch


Ray Road at Price Road

  Chandler   AZ   85224     46,864        14.8   $ 72,182        51,795        10.5   $ 76,791        6.4     1,657   

Land-Northwest Crossing


5760 Hollister Street

  Houston   TX   77040-5716     43,825        7.7   $ 42,295        46,258        5.6   $ 44,016        4.1     1,550   

Harpeth Village


Highway 100

  Bellevue   TN   37221     13,250        27.6   $ 73,605        14,517        9.6   $ 77,910        5.8     469   

Land-Union city

    Fairburn   GA   30213     5,659        143.3   $ 52,939        6,491        14.7   $ 56,760        7.2     200   

Linden Square


165 Linden Street

  Wellesley   MA   02482-7909     18,850        1.6   $ 119,282        18,887        0.2   $ 128,000        7.3     667   

Chelsea Commons


1100 Revere Beach Parkway

  Chelsea   MA   02150-1456     100,182        8.0   $ 51,028        102,549        2.4   $ 55,989        9.7     3,543   

North Dartmouth


55 Faunce Corner Road

  MA   02747-1210     17,854        3.0   $ 43,336        17,891        0.2   $ 46,786        8.0     631   

Brookwood Marketplace


3265 Peachtree Parkway

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1036     17,586        48.3   $ 136,007        20,600        17.1   $ 147,697        8.6     622   

Publix at Princeton Lakes


3730 Carmia Drive SW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-6258     18,857        22.5   $ 44,559        20,520        8.8   $ 47,623        6.9     667   

Lakeside Marketplace


3378 Cobb Parkway NW

  Acworth   GA   30101-8358     15,361        43.6   $ 77,728        17,263        12.4   $ 83,317        7.2     543   

Camp Creek Marketplace II


3755 Carmia Drive SW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-6252     19,194        22.1   $ 44,653        20,873        8.8   $ 47,732        6.9     679   

Marketplace @ Seminole Twn Ctr


2201 WP Ball Boulevard

  Sanford   FL   32771-7213     16,616        84.1   $ 71,528        18,972        14.2   $ 76,899        7.5     588   

Bloomfield Park


Telegraph Road

  MI   48302     15,567        -3.2   $ 123,345        15,193        -2.4   $ 122,904        -0.4     551   

Shops at Saugus


334 Broadway Route 1

  Saugus   MA   1906     33,069        1.8   $ 72,164        33,168        0.3   $ 78,101        8.2     1,170   

Old Town Village


9650 Main Street

  Fairfax   VA   22031-3748     39,787        3.9   $ 108,648        40,432        1.6   $ 119,090        9.6     1,407   



42100 Jackson Street

  Indio   CA   92203-9736     17,698        59.1   $ 46,600        20,570        16.2   $ 52,514        12.7     626   

Alafaya Square


21 Alafaya Woods Boulevard

  Oviedo   FL   32765-6233     20,331        24.0   $ 78,836        22,434        10.3   $ 85,044        7.9     719   

Marketplace at Dr. Phillips


7600 Dr. Phillips Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32819-7231     13,037        13.2   $ 81,551        14,216        9.0   $ 86,888        6.5     461   

East Lake Woodlands


3400 East Lake Road

  FL   34685-2401     23,802        6.1   $ 65,395        24,468        2.8   $ 70,543        7.9     842   

International Drive Value Ctr


5400 Touchstone Drive

  Orlando   FL   32819-9453     27,681        28.3   $ 44,406        30,369        9.7   $ 46,033        3.7     979   

Kendall Corners


12955 SW 88th Street

  Miami   FL   33186-1747     71,258        6.5   $ 55,690        74,150        4.1   $ 59,420        6.7     2,520   

Palm Lakes Plaza


7230 West Atlantic Boulevard

  Margate   FL   33063-4236     69,829        -0.3   $ 49,584        70,988        1.7   $ 53,191        7.3     2,470   

South Dade


18437 South Dixie Highway

  Miami   FL   33157-6815     42,029        11.7   $ 53,062        44,013        4.7   $ 57,270        7.9     1,486   

Riverwalk Marketplace


6030 State Bridge Road

  Duluth   GA   30097-2483     23,285        17.2   $ 93,141        25,580        9.9   $ 97,231        4.4     824   

Camelia Center


5718 Folsom Boulevard

  Sacramento   CA   95819-4608     67,680        1.7   $ 44,236        71,154        5.1   $ 48,113        8.8     2,394   

Plaza Centro Mall/Retail


Avenue Rafael Cordero

  Caguas   PR   725     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Western Plaza I


Route 142

  Mayaguez   PR   680     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Los Colobos Builders Square



  Carolina   PR   983     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Los Colobos-Kmart


State Road PR 874

  Carolina   PR   983     0        0.0   $ 0        0        0.0   $ 0        #DIV/0!        —     

Shops at Kildeer


20505 Rand Road

  Kildeer   IL   60047-3004     10,811        14.3   $ 121,648        11,379        5.3   $ 128,500        5.6     382   

Dallas Commons


455 Nathan Dean Boulevard

  Dallas   GA   30132-4921     8,778        75.0   $ 45,000        10,708        22.0   $ 46,069        2.4     310   

Quesada Commons


19451 Cochran Boulevard

  FL   33948     16,520        17.4   $ 44,846        17,227        4.3   $ 48,540        8.2     584   

Metro Crossings


3512 Metro Drive

  IA   51501-7744     23,628        -0.6   $ 35,342        23,686        0.3   $ 37,732        6.8     836   

Shoppes of Port Charlotte


US Highway 41

  FL   33948     16,725        14.9   $ 44,316        17,388        4.0   $ 47,940        8.2     592   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

River Oaks


24235 Magic Mountain Parkway

  Valencia   CA   91355-3401     27,383        21.1   $ 96,183        29,930        9.3   $ 108,154        12.4     968   

Preston Lebanon Crossing


Preston Road

  Frisco   TX   75034     32,615        131.9   $ 91,614        42,709        31.0   $ 96,625        5.5     1,154   

Little Brier Creek


10251 Little Briar Creek Lane

  Raleigh   NC   27617-4268     6,877        90.1   $ 80,855        8,616        25.3   $ 84,743        4.8     243   

Gardens on Havana


South Havana Street

  Aurora   CO   80012     78,765        7.1   $ 45,973        82,608        4.9   $ 47,663        3.7     2,786   

North Reno Plaza


1901 Silverada Boulevard

  Reno   NV   89512-2134     45,488        9.8   $ 37,465        48,477        6.6   $ 40,122        7.1     1,609   

Troutdale Market Center


3240 South Troutdale Road

  Troutdale   OR   97060-9403     26,215        18.9   $ 54,912        28,537        8.9   $ 59,706        8.7     927   

Silverdale Plaza


2850 NW Bucklin Hill Road

  Silverdale   WA   98383-8513     12,793        4.2   $ 63,680        13,128        2.6   $ 69,325        8.9     452   

Country Fair


12059 Central Avenue

  Chino   CA   91710-1908     49,674        9.0   $ 59,065        53,116        6.9   $ 66,006        11.8     1,757   

Date Palm Center


35-780 Date Palm Drive

  CA   92234-6653     20,569        20.2   $ 53,967        23,047        12.1   $ 61,498        14.0     727   

Fire Mountain Center


2598 Vista Way

  Oceanside   CA   92054-6173     41,282        3.0   $ 57,856        42,886        3.9   $ 64,718        11.9     1,460   

Fullerton Town Center


1100 South Harbor Boulevard

  Fullerton   CA   92832-3029     66,366        1.3   $ 54,277        68,202        2.8   $ 60,122        10.8     2,347   

Gardena Gateway Center


1208 West Redondo Beach Blvd

  Gardena   CA   90247-3411     75,152        2.4   $ 46,091        77,533        3.2   $ 50,222        9.0     2,658   

Sam’s Club-Downey


11111 Florence Avenue

  Downey   CA   90241-3141     62,732        0.3   $ 58,379        64,078        2.2   $ 64,382        10.3     2,219   



5850 South Vermont Avenue

  Los Angeles   CA   90044-3712     131,847        4.1   $ 31,543        137,095        4.0   $ 34,801        10.3     4,663   

Angel’s Camp Town Center


260 South Main Street

  CA   95222     1,652        14.8   $ 46,508        1,798        8.8   $ 52,908        13.8     58   

Blossom Valley Plaza


2900 Geer Road

  Turlock   CA   95382-1142     24,395        22.0   $ 49,124        27,162        11.3   $ 55,128        12.2     863   

Canal Farms


1337 East Pacheco Boulevard

  Los Banos   CA   93635-4335     10,779        36.1   $ 59,384        12,377        14.8   $ 66,938        12.7     381   

Caughlin Ranch


3310 South Mccarran Boulevard

  Reno   NV   89502-6442     19,174        10.3   $ 44,260        20,463        6.7   $ 47,566        7.5     678   



110 Hartnell Avenue

  Redding   CA   96002-1842     26,178        11.8   $ 40,223        28,084        7.3   $ 44,209        9.9     926   

Commonwealth Square


715 East Bidwell Street

  Folsom   CA   95630-3341     27,098        26.5   $ 90,173        30,469        12.4   $ 100,349        11.3     958   

Country Gables


6845 Douglas Boulevard

  Granite Bay   CA   95746-6258     9,508        9.7   $ 109,510        10,165        6.9   $ 119,538        9.2     336   

Eagle Station


3701 South Carson Street

  Carson City   NV   89701-5534     10,217        0.8   $ 54,148        10,417        2.0   $ 60,505        11.7     361   

Eastridge Plaza


50 West Olive Avenue

  Porterville   CA   93257-4750     17,218        7.9   $ 35,807        18,288        6.2   $ 38,979        8.9     609   

Elko Junction


2511 Mountain City Highway

  Elko   NV   89801-4496     6,524        1.4   $ 59,602        6,658        2.1   $ 65,207        9.4     231   

Elverta Crossing


8049 Watt Avenue

  Antelope   CA   95843-9101     26,807        13.3   $ 62,002        28,997        8.2   $ 68,283        10.1     948   

Heritage Park


270 Sunset Avenue

  Suisun City   CA   94585-1766     31,190        6.2   $ 62,259        32,783        5.1   $ 68,530        10.1     1,103   

Heritage Place


110 East Cross Avenue

  Tulare   CA   93274-2850     17,946        22.5   $ 42,325        19,992        11.4   $ 45,836        8.3     635   



5200 Stockton Boulevard

  Sacramento   CA   95820-5455     57,005        1.3   $ 40,435        59,113        3.7   $ 44,108        9.1     2,016   

Mission Ridge


1187 South Main Street

  Manteca   CA   95337-5747     22,564        31.6   $ 56,898        25,832        14.5   $ 62,356        9.6     798   



4840 San Juan Avenue

  Fair Oaks   CA   95628-4719     53,308        0.4   $ 57,299        54,863        2.9   $ 62,594        9.2     1,885   

Park Place


4300 Sonoma Boulevard

  Vallejo   CA   94589-2200     31,500        4.2   $ 57,684        32,613        3.5   $ 63,413        9.9     1,114   

Pine Creek


692 Freeman Lane

  Grass Valley   CA   95949-9616     9,333        5.8   $ 41,054        9,722        4.2   $ 44,953        9.5     330   

Plaza 580


4408 Las Positas Road

  Livermore   CA   94551-9593     22,420        8.4   $ 90,868        23,690        5.7   $ 99,574        9.6     793   

Sky Park Plaza


2485 Notre Dame Blvd Suite 200

  Chico   CA   95928-7165     16,022        12.4   $ 41,342        17,243        7.6   $ 45,892        11.0     567   

Ukiah Crossroads


1315 North State Street

  Ukiah   CA   95482-3419     8,592        -1.1   $ 43,568        8,678        1.0   $ 46,825        7.5     304   

Victorian Walk


3795 West Shields Avenue

  Fresno   CA   93722-5247     35,493        9.7   $ 43,548        37,909        6.8   $ 47,954        10.1     1,255   

West Town


1125 West Winnemucca Boulevard

  Winnemucca   NV   89445-3636     3,510        10.5   $ 59,509        3,713        5.8   $ 64,418        8.2     124   

Yreka Juncion


1840 Fort Jones Road

  Yreka   CA   96097-9531     3,567        6.1   $ 34,699        3,711        4.0   $ 39,381        13.5     126   

La Verne Towne Center


2340 Foothill Boulevard

  La Verne   CA   91750-3026     35,832        5.0   $ 72,364        37,449        4.5   $ 80,989        11.9     1,267   

Gresham Town Fair


300 NW Eastman Parkway

  Gresham   OR   97030-7250     44,989        15.6   $ 51,148        48,414        7.6   $ 55,868        9.2     1,591   

Chico Crossroads


2031 Whitman Avenue #2

  Chico   CA   95928-6773     24,440        9.2   $ 36,573        25,993        6.4   $ 41,348        13.1     864   

Monterey Plaza


951 Blossom Hill Road

  San Jose   CA   95123-1203     67,822        6.1   $ 90,943        71,067        4.8   $ 97,427        7.1     2,399   

Melrose Village Plaza


1601 South Melrose Drive

  Vista   CA   92081-5471     34,790        6.4   $ 62,158        36,528        5.0   $ 69,114        11.2     1,230   

Vineyard Village


2415 South Vineyard Avenue

  Ontario   CA   91761-6479     22,560        6.5   $ 64,328        23,931        6.1   $ 71,181        10.7     798   

Vineyard Village East


2401 South Vineyard Avenue

  Ontario   CA   91761-6470     22,648        6.4   $ 64,199        24,020        6.1   $ 71,043        10.7     801   

Cheyenne Commons


3021 North Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89108-4577     67,359        10.0   $ 58,824        70,883        5.2   $ 62,817        6.8     2,382   

Sahara Pavilion North


4610 West Sahara Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-3796     57,867        -2.6   $ 41,069        57,826        -0.1   $ 43,025        4.8     2,047   

Sahara Pavilion South


2640 South Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-8519     56,830        -2.9   $ 41,823        56,696        -0.2   $ 43,763        4.6     2,010   

Green Valley Town & Country


2851 North Green Valley Pkwy

  Henderson   NV   89014-0402     54,341        9.2   $ 57,890        56,736        4.4   $ 61,361        6.0     1,922   

Winterwood Pavilion


4610 West Sahara Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-3796     57,867        -2.6   $ 41,069        57,826        -0.1   $ 43,025        4.8     2,047   

Sunset Square


1001 E Sunset Drive

  Bellingham   WA   98226-3510     28,138        18.1   $ 41,938        30,671        9.0   $ 45,440        8.4     995   

Tanasbourne Village


2021 NW 185th Avenue

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-7073     47,791        26.8   $ 62,895        53,444        11.8   $ 67,110        6.7     1,690   

Olympia Square


3520 Pacific Avenue SE

  Olympia   WA   98501-2121     28,335        14.3   $ 51,160        30,485        7.6   $ 56,105        9.7     1,002   

Canyon Ridge Plaza


26117 104th Avenue SE

  Kent   WA   98030-7674     33,009        6.4   $ 55,592        34,343        4.0   $ 60,422        8.7     1,167   

Maysville Marketsquare


381 Market Square Drive

  Maysville   KY   41056-8721     4,023        7.8   $ 35,866        4,171        3.7   $ 39,824        11.0     142   

Memphis Retail Center


4330 Winchester Road

  Memphis   TN   38118-6243     24,917        -3.6   $ 35,755        24,590        -1.3   $ 36,965        3.4     881   

Country Club Center


3301 Southern Boulevard SE

  Rio Rancho   NM   87124-2085     27,036        51.9   $ 59,300        32,099        18.7   $ 64,009        7.9     956   

Rainbow Promenade


2201 N Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89108-7054     70,252        5.5   $ 53,563        72,694        3.5   $ 57,134        6.7     2,485   

Olympia West Center


1530 Black Lake Boulevard SW

  Olympia   WA   98502-5612     18,757        8.1   $ 49,893        19,735        5.2   $ 54,570        9.4     663   

Frontier Village


621 SR Nine

  WA   98258-8525     13,388        28.3   $ 77,824        14,952        11.7   $ 86,140        10.7     474   

Palmdale Center


222 East Palmdale Boulevard

  Palmdale   CA   93550-4515     19,397        16.4   $ 47,602        21,058        8.6   $ 52,731        10.8     686   

Brookvale Center


35820 Fremont Boulevard

  Fremont   CA   94536-3422     60,296        -0.9   $ 90,471        61,201        1.5   $ 99,434        9.9     2,133   

Bear Creek Plaza


990 Biddle Road

  Medford   OR   97504-6118     31,216        15.3   $ 42,929        33,639        7.8   $ 46,374        8.0     1,104   



10406 Silverdale Way NW

  Silverdale   WA   98383-9462     13,262        4.1   $ 62,050        13,613        2.7   $ 67,632        9.0     469   

Milwaukie Marketplace


10830 SE Oak Street

  Milwaukie   OR   97222-6694     45,916        2.7   $ 52,159        47,098        2.6   $ 56,878        9.0     1,624   

Powell Valley Junction


19201 SE Division Street

  Gresham   OR   97030-5227     48,774        13.0   $ 47,468        52,013        6.6   $ 51,101        7.7     1,725   

Manteca Marketplace


1245 West Yosemite Avenue

  Manteca   CA   95337-5125     24,172        32.1   $ 57,697        27,698        14.6   $ 63,161        9.5     855   

North County Plaza


1834 Marron Road

  Carlsbad   CA   92008-1172     36,835        3.2   $ 58,035        38,328        4.1   $ 64,877        11.8     1,303   

Vineyards Marketplace


11358 Kenyon Way

  CA   91701-9231     38,490        38.3   $ 84,186        44,533        15.7   $ 94,215        11.9     1,361   

Shops at Bakersfield


4949 Buckley Way

  Bakersfield   CA   93309-4881     53,693        13.5   $ 44,841        58,597        9.1   $ 48,830        8.9     1,899   

Southpointe Plaza


6251 Mack Road

  Sacramento   CA   95823-4667     50,193        8.5   $ 48,603        53,276        6.1   $ 54,031        11.2     1,775   

Mineral King


4207 West Mineral King Avenue

  Visalia   CA   93277-1633     31,246        25.0   $ 49,049        35,092        12.3   $ 54,508        11.1     1,105   

Creekside Center


31049 Mission Boulevard

  Hayward   CA   94544-7601     36,686        0.8   $ 78,506        37,531        2.3   $ 86,838        10.6     1,298   

Panther Lake


20518 108th Avenue SE

  Kent   WA   98031-1542     30,448        7.0   $ 65,374        31,749        4.3   $ 70,698        8.1     1,077   

Fashion Faire Place


15100 Hesperian Boulevard

  San Leandro   CA   94579-3600     62,334        -4.4   $ 63,054        62,136        -0.3   $ 68,773        9.1     2,205   

Pacific Commons


17002 Pacific Avenue South

  Spanaway   WA   98387-8253     16,444        14.1   $ 57,632        17,694        7.6   $ 63,260        9.8     582   

North Mountain Village


3409 West Thunderbird Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85053-5651     56,074        5.1   $ 50,095        59,178        5.5   $ 53,772        7.3     1,983   

Mountain Square


250 South Mountain Avenue

  Upland   CA   91786-7000     55,511        2.6   $ 50,296        57,930        4.4   $ 56,335        12.0     1,963   

Blaine International Center


1733 H Street

  Blaine   WA   98230-5156     2,275        28.9   $ 49,609        2,537        11.5   $ 56,563        14.0     80   

Oregon Trail


2101 NE Burnside Road

  Gresham   OR   97030-7994     36,259        17.8   $ 55,987        39,331        8.5   $ 60,586        8.2     1,282   

Hood River


1867 12th Street

  Hood River   OR   97031-9536     5,323        8.4   $ 49,516        5,585        4.9   $ 55,652        12.4     188   

Hermiston Plaza


990 South Highway 395

  Hermiston   OR   97838-2623     7,315        11.8   $ 42,671        7,764        6.1   $ 45,035        5.5     259   

Mira Loma


3310 South McCarran Boulevard

  Reno   NV   89502-6442     19,174        10.3   $ 44,260        20,463        6.7   $ 47,566        7.5     678   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

River Oaks


24235 Magic Mountain Parkway

  Valencia   CA   91355-3401     29,039        28.9   $ 96,819        31,141        7.2   $ 105,712        9.2     1,027   

Preston Lebanon Crossing


Preston Road

  Frisco   TX   75034     31,218        122.0   $ 94,021        38,042        21.9   $ 99,101        5.4     1,104   

Little Brier Creek


10251 Little Briar Creek Lane

  Raleigh   NC   27617-4268     8,168        128.6   $ 87,868        9,384        14.9   $ 93,990        7.0     289   

Gardens on Havana


South Havana Street

  Aurora   CO   80012     76,950        5.4   $ 46,042        80,815        5.0   $ 47,230        2.6     2,722   

North Reno Plaza


1901 Silverada Boulevard

  Reno   NV   89512-2134     44,401        7.6   $ 38,133        47,058        6.0   $ 40,314        5.7     1,570   

Troutdale Market Center


3240 South Troutdale Road

  Troutdale   OR   97060-9403     26,724        21.2   $ 56,100        28,781        7.7   $ 59,550        6.1     945   

Silverdale Plaza


2850 NW Bucklin Hill Road

  Silverdale   WA   98383-8513     12,232        1.3   $ 65,414        12,280        0.4   $ 70,371        7.6     433   

Country Fair


12059 Central Avenue

  Chino   CA   91710-1908     50,055        9.8   $ 59,382        53,433        6.8   $ 65,043        9.5     1,770   

Date Palm Center


35-780 Date Palm Drive

  CA   92234-6653     20,553        19.6   $ 54,220        23,237        13.1   $ 60,639        11.8     727   

Fire Mountain Center


2598 Vista Way

  Oceanside   CA   92054-6173     40,977        2.5   $ 59,215        42,578        3.9   $ 65,446        10.5     1,449   

Fullerton Town Center


1100 South Harbor Boulevard

  Fullerton   CA   92832-3029     67,397        3.2   $ 55,673        69,472        3.1   $ 60,266        8.2     2,384   

Gardena Gateway Center


1208 West Redondo Beach Blvd

  Gardena   CA   90247-3411     75,116        2.7   $ 46,944        77,049        2.6   $ 50,220        7.0     2,657   

Sam’s Club-Downey


11111 Florence Avenue

  Downey   CA   90241-3141     63,547        1.3   $ 59,789        64,818        2.0   $ 65,080        8.8     2,248   



5850 South Vermont Avenue

  Los Angeles   CA   90044-3712     130,285        3.0   $ 32,347        133,856        2.7   $ 35,276        9.1     4,608   

Angel’s Camp Town Center


260 South Main Street

  CA   95222     1,640        13.6   $ 48,596        1,756        7.1   $ 55,190        13.6     58   

Blossom Valley Plaza


2900 Geer Road

  Turlock   CA   95382-1142     24,990        25.4   $ 49,998        27,465        9.9   $ 55,450        10.9     884   

Canal Farms


1337 East Pacheco Boulevard

  Los Banos   CA   93635-4335     11,397        42.9   $ 60,333        12,964        13.8   $ 67,219        11.4     403   

Caughlin Ranch


3310 South Mccarran Boulevard

  Reno   NV   89502-6442     19,081        11.0   $ 45,354        20,339        6.6   $ 48,073        6.0     675   



110 Hartnell Avenue

  Redding   CA   96002-1842     26,463        12.5   $ 40,781        28,123        6.3   $ 43,757        7.3     936   

Commonwealth Square


715 East Bidwell Street

  Folsom   CA   95630-3341     26,443        24.0   $ 91,093        29,291        10.8   $ 101,176        11.1     935   

Country Gables


6845 Douglas Boulevard

  Granite Bay   CA   95746-6258     9,386        9.1   $ 111,544        10,488        11.7   $ 121,182        8.6     332   

Eagle Station


3701 South Carson Street

  Carson City   NV   89701-5534     10,371        1.3   $ 53,907        10,386        0.1   $ 58,792        9.1     367   

Eastridge Plaza


50 West Olive Avenue

  Porterville   CA   93257-4750     17,055        6.8   $ 37,277        17,931        5.1   $ 40,222        7.9     603   

Elko Junction


2511 Mountain City Highway

  Elko   NV   89801-4496     6,554        1.7   $ 62,440        6,676        1.9   $ 67,986        8.9     232   

Elverta Crossing


8049 Watt Avenue

  Antelope   CA   95843-9101     26,801        14.7   $ 62,643        29,356        9.5   $ 67,941        8.5     948   

Heritage Park


270 Sunset Avenue

  Suisun City   CA   94585-1766     30,763        4.9   $ 63,805        31,897        3.7   $ 68,986        8.1     1,088   

Heritage Place


110 East Cross Avenue

  Tulare   CA   93274-2850     18,068        23.5   $ 43,986        19,901        10.2   $ 47,200        7.3     639   



5200 Stockton Boulevard

  Sacramento   CA   95820-5455     56,428        0.6   $ 40,687        59,026        4.6   $ 43,908        7.9     1,996   

Mission Ridge


1187 South Main Street

  Manteca   CA   95337-5747     22,911        34.1   $ 58,750        26,048        13.7   $ 63,368        7.9     810   



4840 San Juan Avenue

  Fair Oaks   CA   95628-4719     53,366        0.7   $ 57,988        55,905        4.8   $ 62,892        8.5     1,887   

Park Place


4300 Sonoma Boulevard

  Vallejo   CA   94589-2200     31,431        4.1   $ 59,863        32,208        2.5   $ 64,822        8.3     1,112   

Pine Creek


692 Freeman Lane

  Grass Valley   CA   95949-9616     9,264        4.8   $ 40,144        9,554        3.1   $ 42,658        6.3     328   

Plaza 580


4408 Las Positas Road

  Livermore   CA   94551-9593     22,758        10.1   $ 92,576        24,028        5.6   $ 99,833        7.8     805   

Sky Park Plaza


2485 Notre Dame Blvd Suite 200

  Chico   CA   95928-7165     16,252        13.5   $ 42,194        17,291        6.4   $ 45,931        8.9     575   

Ukiah Crossroads


1315 North State Street

  Ukiah   CA   95482-3419     8,605        -1.4   $ 44,555        8,618        0.2   $ 47,184        5.9     304   

Victorian Walk


3795 West Shields Avenue

  Fresno   CA   93722-5247     35,929        11.2   $ 43,101        38,400        6.9   $ 46,286        7.4     1,271   

West Town


1125 West Winnemucca Boulevard

  Winnemucca   NV   89445-3636     3,602        14.9   $ 61,262        3,840        6.6   $ 65,548        7.0     127   

Yreka Juncion


1840 Fort Jones Road

  Yreka   CA   96097-9531     3,590        6.2   $ 34,618        3,711        3.4   $ 37,862        9.4     127   

La Verne Towne Center


2340 Foothill Boulevard

  La Verne   CA   91750-3026     36,227        6.2   $ 74,197        37,690        4.0   $ 82,131        10.7     1,281   

Gresham Town Fair


300 NW Eastman Parkway

  Gresham   OR   97030-7250     45,926        17.6   $ 52,575        49,050        6.8   $ 56,002        6.5     1,624   

Chico Crossroads


2031 Whitman Avenue #2

  Chico   CA   95928-6773     24,539        10.4   $ 37,497        25,860        5.4   $ 41,320        10.2     868   

Monterey Plaza


951 Blossom Hill Road

  San Jose   CA   95123-1203     68,514        7.4   $ 93,262        71,579        4.5   $ 98,501        5.6     2,423   

Melrose Village Plaza


1601 South Melrose Drive

  Vista   CA   92081-5471     35,500        8.5   $ 63,498        37,572        5.8   $ 69,930        10.1     1,256   

Vineyard Village


2415 South Vineyard Avenue

  Ontario   CA   91761-6479     22,820        7.9   $ 64,269        24,243        6.2   $ 70,084        9.0     807   

Vineyard Village East


2401 South Vineyard Avenue

  Ontario   CA   91761-6470     22,886        7.9   $ 64,206        24,310        6.2   $ 70,020        9.1     809   

Cheyenne Commons


3021 North Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89108-4577     65,970        8.0   $ 59,947        71,703        8.7   $ 64,083        6.9     2,333   

Sahara Pavilion North


4610 West Sahara Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-3796     57,973        -2.3   $ 42,642        60,542        4.4   $ 44,790        5.0     2,050   

Sahara Pavilion South


2640 South Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-8519     56,777        -2.3   $ 43,399        59,295        4.4   $ 45,576        5.0     2,008   

Green Valley Town & Country


2851 North Green Valley Pkwy

  Henderson   NV   89014-0402     54,696        10.7   $ 59,213        59,445        8.7   $ 63,271        6.9     1,934   

Winterwood Pavilion


4610 West Sahara Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-3796     57,973        -2.3   $ 42,642        60,542        4.4   $ 44,790        5.0     2,050   

Sunset Square


1001 E Sunset Drive

  Bellingham   WA   98226-3510     28,729        20.1   $ 42,574        30,920        7.6   $ 45,233        6.2     1,016   

Tanasbourne Village


2021 NW 185th Avenue

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-7073     48,979        30.6   $ 64,717        53,785        9.8   $ 67,974        5.0     1,732   

Olympia Square


3520 Pacific Avenue SE

  Olympia   WA   98501-2121     28,387        15.9   $ 52,970        30,435        7.2   $ 57,156        7.9     1,004   

Canyon Ridge Plaza


26117 104th Avenue SE

  Kent   WA   98030-7674     33,664        9.4   $ 57,287        35,193        4.5   $ 61,112        6.7     1,191   

Maysville Marketsquare


381 Market Square Drive

  Maysville   KY   41056-8721     4,024        9.0   $ 36,826        4,158        3.3   $ 40,027        8.7     142   

Memphis Retail Center


4330 Winchester Road

  Memphis   TN   38118-6243     24,250        -5.3   $ 36,209        23,649        -2.5   $ 36,637        1.2     858   

Country Club Center


3301 Southern Boulevard SE

  Rio Rancho   NM   87124-2085     27,498        55.2   $ 61,415        31,805        15.7   $ 65,521        6.7     973   

Rainbow Promenade


2201 N Rainbow Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89108-7054     69,399        4.0   $ 54,938        74,439        7.3   $ 58,692        6.8     2,454   

Olympia West Center


1530 Black Lake Boulevard SW

  Olympia   WA   98502-5612     19,092        9.8   $ 51,509        20,113        5.4   $ 55,295        7.4     675   

Frontier Village


621 SR Nine

  WA   98258-8525     13,832        31.3   $ 79,871        15,246        10.2   $ 87,952        10.1     489   

Palmdale Center


222 East Palmdale Boulevard

  Palmdale   CA   93550-4515     19,339        16.3   $ 48,436        20,772        7.4   $ 52,151        7.7     684   

Brookvale Center


35820 Fremont Boulevard

  Fremont   CA   94536-3422     61,846        2.2   $ 92,249        63,356        2.4   $ 100,288        8.7     2,187   

Bear Creek Plaza


990 Biddle Road

  Medford   OR   97504-6118     31,061        15.3   $ 42,290        33,068        6.5   $ 44,265        4.7     1,099   



10406 Silverdale Way NW

  Silverdale   WA   98383-9462     12,778        1.2   $ 63,525        12,820        0.3   $ 68,324        7.6     452   

Milwaukie Marketplace


10830 SE Oak Street

  Milwaukie   OR   97222-6694     46,065        3.9   $ 54,067        47,143        2.3   $ 58,401        8.0     1,629   

Powell Valley Junction


19201 SE Division Street

  Gresham   OR   97030-5227     49,050        14.7   $ 48,648        51,990        6.0   $ 51,521        5.9     1,735   

Manteca Marketplace


1245 West Yosemite Avenue

  Manteca   CA   95337-5125     24,474        33.7   $ 59,410        27,821        13.7   $ 64,049        7.8     866   

North County Plaza


1834 Marron Road

  Carlsbad   CA   92008-1172     36,468        2.7   $ 59,709        37,914        4.0   $ 65,997        10.5     1,290   

Vineyards Marketplace


11358 Kenyon Way

  CA   91701-9231     38,274        39.0   $ 84,285        42,769        11.7   $ 92,812        10.1     1,354   

Shops at Bakersfield


4949 Buckley Way

  Bakersfield   CA   93309-4881     54,256        14.8   $ 44,972        59,493        9.7   $ 47,831        6.4     1,919   

Southpointe Plaza


6251 Mack Road

  Sacramento   CA   95823-4667     51,497        10.3   $ 49,399        55,394        7.6   $ 53,989        9.3     1,821   

Mineral King


4207 West Mineral King Avenue

  Visalia   CA   93277-1633     32,277        29.2   $ 51,246        35,672        10.5   $ 56,146        9.6     1,142   

Creekside Center


31049 Mission Boulevard

  Hayward   CA   94544-7601     37,933        4.5   $ 80,848        39,182        3.3   $ 88,422        9.4     1,342   

Panther Lake


20518 108th Avenue SE

  Kent   WA   98031-1542     31,188        9.8   $ 66,931        32,646        4.7   $ 71,364        6.6     1,103   

Fashion Faire Place


15100 Hesperian Boulevard

  San Leandro   CA   94579-3600     62,862        -3.5   $ 64,390        62,821        -0.1   $ 69,207        7.5     2,223   

Pacific Commons


17002 Pacific Avenue South

  Spanaway   WA   98387-8253     16,960        16.8   $ 59,413        18,086        6.6   $ 64,398        8.4     600   

North Mountain Village


3409 West Thunderbird Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85053-5651     55,479        3.8   $ 51,407        59,301        6.9   $ 54,334        5.7     1,962   

Mountain Square


250 South Mountain Avenue

  Upland   CA   91786-7000     55,734        3.4   $ 50,371        58,157        4.4   $ 54,806        8.8     1,971   

Blaine International Center


1733 H Street

  Blaine   WA   98230-5156     2,408        34.1   $ 51,138        2,679        11.3   $ 57,009        11.5     85   

Oregon Trail


2101 NE Burnside Road

  Gresham   OR   97030-7994     37,032        20.4   $ 57,096        39,839        7.6   $ 60,403        5.8     1,310   

Hood River


1867 12th Street

  Hood River   OR   97031-9536     5,486        11.8   $ 50,741        5,744        4.7   $ 56,147        10.7     194   

Hermiston Plaza


990 South Highway 395

  Hermiston   OR   97838-2623     7,499        15.0   $ 45,385        7,933        5.8   $ 47,971        5.7     265   

Mira Loma


3310 South McCarran Boulevard

  Reno   NV   89502-6442     19,081        11.0   $ 45,354        20,339        6.6   $ 48,073        6.0     675   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Sunset Mall


13485 NW Cornell Road

  Portland   OR   97229-5819     44,219        17.6   $ 64,291        48,164        8.9   $ 69,269        7.7     1,564   

Sandy Marketplace


36701 Highway 26

  Sandy   OR   97055-7211     5,823        39.2   $ 56,309        6,678        14.7   $ 59,754        6.1     206   



10319 SE 82nd Avenue

  Portland   OR   97266-7309     46,278        8.2   $ 51,672        48,480        4.8   $ 56,565        9.5     1,637   

Oregon City


1900 Mclouglin Boulevard

  Oregon City   OR   97045-1086     29,763        11.4   $ 60,568        31,703        6.5   $ 65,094        7.5     1,053   

Marina Village


5922 Edinger Avenue

  CA   92649-1706     53,994        0.8   $ 72,488        55,406        2.6   $ 79,995        10.4     1,910   

Auburn North


1347 Auburn Way North

  Auburn   WA   98002-4110     24,461        12.8   $ 54,475        26,059        6.5   $ 59,694        9.6     865   

Olympia Place


1201 Locust Street

  CA   94596-4509     43,369        2.0   $ 79,359        44,845        3.4   $ 86,020        8.4     1,534   

Rancho Las Palmas


42424 Bob Hope Drive

  CA   92270-4470     19,890        16.2   $ 56,889        22,094        11.1   $ 62,988        10.7     703   

Canyon Square Plaza


27631 Bouquet Canyon Road

  Santa Clarita   CA   91350-1793     27,446        20.6   $ 96,746        29,992        9.3   $ 109,363        13.0     971   

Cable Park


8861 Greenback Lane

  Orangevale   CA   95662-4058     35,530        -0.5   $ 70,858        36,392        2.4   $ 77,431        9.3     1,257   

Shops at Lincoln School


1801 H Street

  Modesto   CA   95354-1221     46,671        -1.0   $ 43,359        47,962        2.8   $ 47,067        8.6     1,651   

North Coast Health Center


134 North El Camino Real

  Encinitas   CA   92024-2801     28,632        9.3   $ 89,653        30,390        6.1   $ 99,446        10.9     1,013   



7886 Dublin Boulevard

  Dublin   CA   94568-2924     27,051        26.9   $ 102,012        30,355        12.2   $ 112,617        10.4     957   

Sycamore Plaza


1131 N State College Boulevard

  Anaheim   CA   92806-2704     60,609        -0.3   $ 54,430        61,844        2.0   $ 60,095        10.4     2,144   

Granary Square


27760 McBean Parkway

  Valencia   CA   91354-1430     22,557        31.0   $ 99,317        25,262        12.0   $ 111,566        12.3     798   



8700 La Riviera Drive

  Sacramento   CA   95826-1808     48,153        1.7   $ 53,988        49,938        3.7   $ 59,031        9.3     1,703   

East Burnside Plaza


5544 East Burnside Street

  Portland   OR   97215-1259     85,775        1.9   $ 49,969        87,544        2.1   $ 54,820        9.7     3,034   

Menlo Park


12335 NE Glisan Street

  Portland   OR   97230-2118     60,190        7.0   $ 44,763        62,708        4.2   $ 47,825        6.8     2,129   

Rockwood Plaza


2400 SE 182nd Avenue

  Portland   OR   97233-5612     49,677        13.3   $ 47,290        52,998        6.7   $ 50,835        7.5     1,757   



13314 Bothell Everett Highway

  Mill Creek   WA   98012-5509     48,092        25.1   $ 64,334        53,427        11.1   $ 69,915        8.7     1,701   

Brookhurst Center


915 South Brookhurst Street

  Anaheim   CA   92804-4304     81,481        -0.6   $ 52,404        82,961        1.8   $ 58,049        10.8     2,882   

Canby Square


1025 SW First Avenue

  Canby   OR   97013-3827     7,311        21.3   $ 57,740        7,997        9.4   $ 62,924        9.0     259   

Garrison Square


8000 East Mill Plain Boulevard

  Vancouver   WA   98664-2002     36,477        13.7   $ 44,697        39,373        7.9   $ 47,576        6.4     1,290   

Bixby Hacienda Plaza


17120 Colima Road

  CA   91745-6768     38,272        4.6   $ 67,650        39,920        4.3   $ 74,410        10.0     1,354   

Sunset Esplanade


2525 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy

  Hillsboro   OR   97123-7935     26,482        30.2   $ 64,985        29,806        12.6   $ 70,340        8.2     937   

Decatur Meadows


320 South Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89107-2804     63,135        1.3   $ 43,122        64,247        1.8   $ 45,057        4.5     2,233   

Larwin Square


550 East First Street

  Tustin   CA   92780-3313     61,897        5.7   $ 67,784        64,659        4.5   $ 74,592        10.0     2,189   

Gordon Ranch


2569 Chino Hills Parkway

  Chino Hills   CA   91709-5120     21,211        1.6   $ 101,517        21,984        3.6   $ 115,725        14.0     750   

Pavilions Place


16400 Beach Boulevard

  Westminster   CA   92683-7858     71,134        1.3   $ 71,865        73,163        2.9   $ 79,459        10.6     2,516   

Oceanside Crossing


1737 Oceanside Boulevard

  Oceanside   CA   92054-3453     32,574        3.2   $ 52,659        33,841        3.9   $ 59,520        13.0     1,152   

Del Norte Plaza


330 West El Norte Parkway

  Escondido   CA   92026-1925     45,109        7.1   $ 53,875        47,503        5.3   $ 60,398        12.1     1,595   

Anaheim Plaza


530 North Euclid Avenue

  Anaheim   CA   92801-5510     77,185        0.0   $ 51,244        78,835        2.1   $ 56,992        11.2     2,730   

Foothill Marketplace


12689 Foothill Boulevard

  CA   91739-9318     26,735        50.5   $ 84,824        31,597        18.2   $ 95,193        12.2     946   

Palomar Village


30520 Rancho California Road

  Temecula   CA   92591-3282     27,425        54.2   $ 84,246        32,855        19.8   $ 95,021        12.8     970   

Bel Air Village


8435 Elk Grove Florin Road

  Elk Grove   CA   95624-9518     32,448        36.8   $ 76,989        37,241        14.8   $ 85,911        11.6     1,148   

Laguna Park Village


6628 Laguna Boulevard

  Elk Grove   CA   95758-5264     42,115        58.9   $ 81,139        50,552        20.0   $ 90,444        11.5     1,490   

Emerald Place


Hacienda Drive

  Dublin   CA   94568     32,499        29.2   $ 105,679        36,622        12.7   $ 116,216        10.0     1,149   

Alamosa Plaza


2885 East Desert Inn Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-3603     85,102        -5.5   $ 35,882        83,778        -1.6   $ 38,097        6.2     3,010   

Renaissance West


4001 South Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89103-5860     54,323        -2.3   $ 43,195        54,503        0.3   $ 45,329        4.9     1,921   

Harbor Towne Center


32199 SR 20

  Oak Harbor   WA   98277-3774     10,596        18.8   $ 48,718        11,526        8.8   $ 54,189        11.2     375   

Jess Ranch Marketplace


Bear Valley Road

  Apple Valley   CA   92308     16,616        38.2   $ 56,565        19,278        16.0   $ 63,091        11.5     588   

Gateway Station


McAlister Road

  Burleson   TX   76028     14,220        58.9   $ 55,502        17,070        20.0   $ 59,193        6.7     503   

Land-Westover Square


Ingram Road

  San Antonio   TX   78228     30,682        26.7   $ 45,486        34,312        11.8   $ 48,323        6.2     1,085   

Phillips Crossing


Sand Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32819     13,750        15.4   $ 69,833        14,999        9.1   $ 74,020        6.0     486   

Milestone Plaza


3619 Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615-5002     19,644        23.5   $ 66,370        21,838        11.2   $ 69,871        5.3     695   

Shoppes at Quail Roost


2001 SW 127th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33175     54,501        8.7   $ 54,214        57,736        5.9   $ 60,296        11.2     1,928   

Coral Reef


14965 South Dixie Highway

  FL   33157-7929     29,417        -2.4   $ 79,582        29,750        1.1   $ 87,064        9.4     1,040   

Land-River Green II


Highway 20

  Canton   GA       12,286        89.8   $ 70,985        15,501        26.2   $ 73,361        3.3     435   

Lorton Station Marketplace


Lorton Market Street

  Lorton   VA   22079     16,949        23.1   $ 90,965        18,624        9.9   $ 102,916        13.1     599   

Lorton Station Town Center


Lorton Station Boulevard

  Lorton   VA   22079     17,571        20.4   $ 98,163        19,098        8.7   $ 112,880        15.0     621   

Speedway Plaza


290 Turnpike Road

  Westborough   MA   01581-2843     11,114        3.7   $ 91,140        11,299        1.7   $ 101,802        11.7     393   

Sutton Square


6325 Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-6809     37,288        22.6   $ 56,663        41,764        12.0   $ 59,000        4.1     1,319   

Mendocino Crossings


Ford Road

  Ukiah   CA   95482     8,367        -1.2   $ 43,428        8,453        1.0   $ 46,685        7.5     296   



834 Walt Whitman Road

  Melville   NY   11747-2214     17,748        5.1   $ 103,988        18,079        1.9   $ 115,575        11.1     628   

Golden Hills Promenade


Golden Hills Road

  Paso Robles   CA   93446     10,617        23.5   $ 53,800        11,782        11.0   $ 60,516        12.5     375   

First Street Village


2160 McGregor Boulevard

  Fort Myers   FL   33901-3417     23,716        21.6   $ 35,146        26,618        12.2   $ 38,721        10.2     839   

Augusta Center


6220 US Highway Six

  Portage   IN   46368-5057     17,385        13.3   $ 53,955        18,536        6.6   $ 56,546        4.8     615   

Red Bank Village


Red Bank Road

  Cincinnati   OH   45227     37,896        -1.1   $ 52,710        37,701        -0.5   $ 57,947        9.9     1,340   

Tanasbourne Market


19200 NW Cornell Road

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-9231     47,055        29.1   $ 63,273        52,838        12.3   $ 67,446        6.6     1,664   

State Street Crossing


Michigan Avenue

  Pittsfield   MI   48108     7,085        25.5   $ 95,279        7,761        9.5   $ 101,220        6.2     251   

Westwood Village


32858 FM 2978 Road

  Magnolia   TX   77354     11,749        141.2   $ 125,639        15,210        29.5   $ 137,760        9.6     416   



One Chandler Drive

  Bath   ME   04530-1522     3,014        1.6   $ 46,420        3,015        0.0   $ 50,835        9.5     107   

Riverside Plaza


350 Winchester Street

  Keene   NH   03431-3936     9,091        2.1   $ 45,069        9,197        1.2   $ 48,708        8.1     322   

Key Road Plaza


63 Key Road

  Keene   NH   03431-3925     9,069        2.1   $ 45,020        9,178        1.2   $ 48,652        8.1     321   

Meridian Town Center


16120 Meridian East

  Puyallup   WA   98375-6200     24,095        48.8   $ 71,759        28,158        16.9   $ 79,581        10.9     852   

Mukilteo Speedway Center


13619 Mukilteo Speedway

  Lynnwood   WA   98087-1626     44,883        24.4   $ 57,403        49,747        10.8   $ 62,214        8.4     1,587   

Rainer Square Plaza


3820 Rainier Avenue South

  Seattle   WA   98118-1159     41,886        9.9   $ 51,327        44,105        5.3   $ 56,532        10.1     1,481   

South Hill Center


4102 Meridian Street South

  Puyallup   WA   98373-5962     28,000        19.8   $ 64,583        30,595        9.3   $ 70,514        9.2     990   

Clackamas Square


11310 SE 82nd Avenue

  Portland   OR   97086-7637     44,685        8.5   $ 52,867        46,882        4.9   $ 57,681        9.1     1,580   

Raleigh Hills Plaza


7280 SW Beaverton Hillsdale

  Portland   OR   97225-2008     44,341        4.0   $ 59,085        45,898        3.5   $ 63,457        7.4     1,568   

Webster Plaza


70 Worcester Road

  Webster   MA   01570-2158     10,807        2.5   $ 52,641        10,950        1.3   $ 58,530        11.2     382   

Oaktree Plaza


11575-11585 US Highway One

  North Palm
  FL   33408-3033     23,575        16.2   $ 63,290        25,773        9.3   $ 68,499        8.2     834   

Midpoint Center


2522 Santa Barbara Boulevard

  Cape Coral   FL   33914-4483     33,728        52.6   $ 55,292        40,445        19.9   $ 61,546        11.3     1,193   

Land-Creedmoor/Crabtree Valley


Crabtree Valley Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27612     34,729        37.1   $ 63,369        40,300        16.0   $ 65,761        3.8     1,228   

Freeport Commerce Center


9155 Sterling Street

  Irving   TX   75063-2436     7,269        16.9   $ 92,664        7,845        7.9   $ 96,584        4.2     257   

Midpoint I-20


3751 New York Avenue

  Arlington   TX   76014-4404     41,483        9.5   $ 51,459        44,014        6.1   $ 54,909        6.7     1,467   



1201 Old Hopwell Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33619-2608     15,898        24.5   $ 42,677        17,788        11.9   $ 46,349        8.6     562   



1848 Galleria Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28270-2475     28,202        18.3   $ 60,582        31,026        10.0   $ 62,730        3.5     997   

Charleston Commons


41 North Nellis Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89110-5330     65,537        6.2   $ 45,249        67,668        3.3   $ 48,338        6.8     2,318   

Lakeland Industrial Park I


2125 Interstate Drive

  Lakeland   FL   33805-2353     21,005        11.6   $ 33,131        22,647        7.8   $ 36,263        9.5     743   

North Loop West 1919


1919 North Loop West

  Houston   TX   77008-1374     47,922        10.6   $ 45,332        51,137        6.7   $ 48,429        6.8     1,695   

Middle Creek Commons


7281 North Carolina Highway 42

  Raleigh   NC   27603-7386     5,151        40.7   $ 66,345        5,995        16.4   $ 71,183        7.3     182   

Kulpsville Village Center


Sumneytown Pike

  Kulpsville   PA   19443     19,894        5.7   $ 78,876        20,452        2.8   $ 87,123        10.5     704   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Sunset Mall


13485 NW Cornell Road

  Portland   OR   97229-5819     45,333        20.2   $ 65,963        48,829        7.7   $ 69,969        6.1     1,603   

Sandy Marketplace


36701 Highway 26

  Sandy   OR   97055-7211     5,789        37.9   $ 58,246        6,359        9.9   $ 61,644        5.8     205   



10319 SE 82nd Avenue

  Portland   OR   97266-7309     46,359        8.9   $ 53,362        48,347        4.3   $ 57,688        8.1     1,640   

Oregon City


1900 Mclouglin Boulevard

  Oregon City   OR   97045-1086     29,932        12.8   $ 62,621        31,651        5.7   $ 66,761        6.6     1,059   

Marina Village


5922 Edinger Avenue

  CA   92649-1706     53,689        0.6   $ 73,816        54,844        2.2   $ 80,171        8.6     1,899   

Auburn North


1347 Auburn Way North

  Auburn   WA   98002-4110     24,471        14.2   $ 56,846        25,889        5.8   $ 60,909        7.1     865   

Olympia Place


1201 Locust Street

  CA   94596-4509     42,793        2.5   $ 81,340        44,367        3.7   $ 86,584        6.4     1,513   

Rancho Las Palmas


42424 Bob Hope Drive

  CA   92270-4470     19,461        14.4   $ 56,648        21,751        11.8   $ 61,019        7.7     688   

Canyon Square Plaza


27631 Bouquet Canyon Road

  Santa Clarita   CA   91350-1793     29,465        29.4   $ 98,566        31,875        8.2   $ 109,867        11.5     1,042   

Cable Park


8861 Greenback Lane

  Orangevale   CA   95662-4058     35,408        -0.5   $ 71,945        36,937        4.3   $ 78,580        9.2     1,252   

Shops at Lincoln School


1801 H Street

  Modesto   CA   95354-1221     46,954        -0.9   $ 43,760        48,367        3.0   $ 46,527        6.3     1,661   

North Coast Health Center


134 North El Camino Real

  Encinitas   CA   92024-2801     29,497        12.6   $ 91,548        31,507        6.8   $ 100,630        9.9     1,043   



7886 Dublin Boulevard

  Dublin   CA   94568-2924     26,677        24.7   $ 104,284        29,015        8.8   $ 112,182        7.6     944   

Sycamore Plaza


1131 N State College Boulevard

  Anaheim   CA   92806-2704     62,463        2.5   $ 55,837        64,348        3.0   $ 60,438        8.2     2,209   

Granary Square


27760 McBean Parkway

  Valencia   CA   91354-1430     23,663        38.0   $ 100,072        25,636        8.3   $ 109,789        9.7     837   



8700 La Riviera Drive

  Sacramento   CA   95826-1808     48,237        1.6   $ 54,899        50,661        5.0   $ 59,419        8.2     1,706   

East Burnside Plaza


5544 East Burnside Street

  Portland   OR   97215-1259     86,937        3.7   $ 51,562        88,645        2.0   $ 55,926        8.5     3,075   

Menlo Park


12335 NE Glisan Street

  Portland   OR   97230-2118     60,752        8.5   $ 45,824        63,166        4.0   $ 48,104        5.0     2,149   

Rockwood Plaza


2400 SE 182nd Avenue

  Portland   OR   97233-5612     50,283        14.9   $ 48,408        53,337        6.1   $ 51,148        5.7     1,778   



13314 Bothell Everett Highway

  Mill Creek   WA   98012-5509     48,498        26.5   $ 65,782        52,632        8.5   $ 69,884        6.2     1,715   

Brookhurst Center


915 South Brookhurst Street

  Anaheim   CA   92804-4304     82,914        1.4   $ 53,673        85,080        2.6   $ 58,205        8.4     2,932   

Canby Square


1025 SW First Avenue

  Canby   OR   97013-3827     7,462        23.0   $ 60,254        8,128        8.9   $ 64,584        7.2     264   

Garrison Square


8000 East Mill Plain Boulevard

  Vancouver   WA   98664-2002     37,133        15.4   $ 45,335        39,963        7.6   $ 47,328        4.4     1,313   

Bixby Hacienda Plaza


17120 Colima Road

  CA   91745-6768     37,379        2.7   $ 69,653        38,342        2.6   $ 75,818        8.9     1,322   

Sunset Esplanade


2525 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy

  Hillsboro   OR   97123-7935     26,827        33.5   $ 66,741        29,566        10.2   $ 71,879        7.7     949   

Decatur Meadows


320 South Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89107-2804     62,009        -0.7   $ 44,677        65,230        5.2   $ 46,987        5.2     2,193   

Larwin Square


550 East First Street

  Tustin   CA   92780-3313     61,742        6.0   $ 69,346        63,605        3.0   $ 74,838        7.9     2,184   

Gordon Ranch


2569 Chino Hills Parkway

  Chino Hills   CA   91709-5120     21,990        5.5   $ 102,009        23,134        5.2   $ 113,604        11.4     778   

Pavilions Place


16400 Beach Boulevard

  Westminster   CA   92683-7858     71,352        1.4   $ 73,194        73,173        2.6   $ 79,974        9.3     2,524   

Oceanside Crossing


1737 Oceanside Boulevard

  Oceanside   CA   92054-3453     33,084        3.0   $ 53,848        34,426        4.1   $ 60,160        11.7     1,170   

Del Norte Plaza


330 West El Norte Parkway

  Escondido   CA   92026-1925     45,445        7.7   $ 55,342        47,950        5.5   $ 61,211        10.6     1,607   

Anaheim Plaza


530 North Euclid Avenue

  Anaheim   CA   92801-5510     78,267        2.1   $ 52,551        80,544        2.9   $ 57,053        8.6     2,768   

Foothill Marketplace


12689 Foothill Boulevard

  CA   91739-9318     27,419        54.9   $ 83,803        31,043        13.2   $ 92,680        10.6     970   

Palomar Village


30520 Rancho California Road

  Temecula   CA   92591-3282     28,399        59.8   $ 84,786        33,114        16.6   $ 94,783        11.8     1,004   

Bel Air Village


8435 Elk Grove Florin Road

  Elk Grove   CA   95624-9518     33,625        42.4   $ 78,436        37,943        12.8   $ 86,109        9.8     1,189   

Laguna Park Village


6628 Laguna Boulevard

  Elk Grove   CA   95758-5264     43,453        65.1   $ 82,162        49,175        13.2   $ 90,062        9.6     1,537   

Emerald Place


Hacienda Drive

  Dublin   CA   94568     31,639        27.4   $ 107,284        34,286        8.4   $ 115,385        7.6     1,119   

Alamosa Plaza


2885 East Desert Inn Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-3603     87,185        -3.4   $ 37,873        90,750        4.1   $ 40,212        6.2     3,084   

Renaissance West


4001 South Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89103-5860     54,242        -0.9   $ 45,120        57,031        5.1   $ 47,637        5.6     1,918   

Harbor Towne Center


32199 SR 20

  Oak Harbor   WA   98277-3774     10,744        18.6   $ 48,389        11,503        7.1   $ 52,105        7.7     380   

Jess Ranch Marketplace


Bear Valley Road

  Apple Valley   CA   92308     16,400        36.8   $ 56,664        18,430        12.4   $ 62,255        9.9     580   

Gateway Station


McAlister Road

  Burleson   TX   76028     15,081        68.2   $ 56,252        17,359        15.1   $ 59,395        5.6     533   

Land-Westover Square


Ingram Road

  San Antonio   TX   78228     31,439        29.8   $ 46,008        34,523        9.8   $ 48,001        4.3     1,112   

Phillips Crossing


Sand Lake Road

  Orlando   FL   32819     13,766        16.2   $ 68,892        14,999        9.0   $ 72,216        4.8     487   

Milestone Plaza


3619 Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615-5002     19,908        26.9   $ 67,188        21,963        10.3   $ 69,482        3.4     704   

Shoppes at Quail Roost


2001 SW 127th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33175     56,448        11.4   $ 55,311        59,016        4.6   $ 59,912        8.3     1,996   

Coral Reef


14965 South Dixie Highway

  FL   33157-7929     30,491        0.2   $ 79,142        31,027        1.8   $ 84,933        7.3     1,078   

Land-River Green II


Highway 20

  Canton   GA       12,304        96.8   $ 74,129        14,559        18.3   $ 76,644        3.4     435   

Lorton Station Marketplace


Lorton Market Street

  Lorton   VA   22079     17,501        27.1   $ 90,176        18,716        6.9   $ 99,300        10.1     619   

Lorton Station Town Center


Lorton Station Boulevard

  Lorton   VA   22079     17,938        23.3   $ 96,598        18,916        5.5   $ 107,369        11.2     634   

Speedway Plaza


290 Turnpike Road

  Westborough   MA   01581-2843     11,180        4.4   $ 93,428        11,299        1.1   $ 103,889        11.2     395   

Sutton Square


6325 Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615-6809     39,172        29.8   $ 58,423        45,128        15.2   $ 60,197        3.0     1,385   

Mendocino Crossings


Ford Road

  Ukiah   CA   95482     8,355        -1.6   $ 44,429        8,361        0.1   $ 47,088        6.0     295   



834 Walt Whitman Road

  Melville   NY   11747-2214     18,576        11.2   $ 106,275        19,009        2.3   $ 114,802        8.0     657   

Golden Hills Promenade


Golden Hills Road

  Paso Robles   CA   93446     10,555        22.8   $ 55,600        11,485        8.8   $ 61,377        10.4     373   

First Street Village


2160 McGregor Boulevard

  Fort Myers   FL   33901-3417     23,036        18.9   $ 35,638        26,258        14.0   $ 38,534        8.1     815   

Augusta Center


6220 US Highway Six

  Portage   IN   46368-5057     17,559        14.6   $ 55,033        18,518        5.5   $ 57,014        3.6     621   

Red Bank Village


Red Bank Road

  Cincinnati   OH   45227     37,565        -1.4   $ 53,601        37,059        -1.4   $ 58,223        8.6     1,329   

Tanasbourne Market


19200 NW Cornell Road

  Hillsboro   OR   97124-9231     48,348        32.9   $ 65,191        53,289        10.2   $ 68,360        4.9     1,710   

State Street Crossing


Michigan Avenue

  Pittsfield   MI   48108     7,244        27.9   $ 93,658        7,767        7.2   $ 97,576        4.2     256   

Westwood Village


32858 FM 2978 Road

  Magnolia   TX   77354     11,468        137.3   $ 133,951        13,540        18.1   $ 152,984        14.2     406   



One Chandler Drive

  Bath   ME   04530-1522     2,907        1.3   $ 47,327        2,887        -0.7   $ 50,559        6.8     103   

Riverside Plaza


350 Winchester Street

  Keene   NH   03431-3936     8,959        -0.1   $ 45,261        8,852        -1.2   $ 47,561        5.1     317   

Key Road Plaza


63 Key Road

  Keene   NH   03431-3925     8,962        -0.1   $ 45,289        8,855        -1.2   $ 47,569        5.0     317   

Meridian Town Center


16120 Meridian East

  Puyallup   WA   98375-6200     25,300        53.7   $ 73,667        28,327        12.0   $ 80,784        9.7     895   

Mukilteo Speedway Center


13619 Mukilteo Speedway

  Lynnwood   WA   98087-1626     44,966        25.6   $ 58,508        48,958        8.9   $ 61,908        5.8     1,590   

Rainer Square Plaza


3820 Rainier Avenue South

  Seattle   WA   98118-1159     42,344        11.3   $ 52,868        44,442        5.0   $ 57,972        9.7     1,498   

South Hill Center


4102 Meridian Street South

  Puyallup   WA   98373-5962     28,090        20.4   $ 66,159        30,511        8.6   $ 71,136        7.5     993   

Clackamas Square


11310 SE 82nd Avenue

  Portland   OR   97086-7637     44,633        9.4   $ 54,750        46,648        4.5   $ 59,030        7.8     1,579   

Raleigh Hills Plaza


7280 SW Beaverton Hillsdale

  Portland   OR   97225-2008     44,590        6.5   $ 61,267        46,208        3.6   $ 64,954        6.0     1,577   

Webster Plaza


70 Worcester Road

  Webster   MA   01570-2158     10,829        1.8   $ 54,993        10,820        -0.1   $ 60,551        10.1     383   

Oaktree Plaza


11575-11585 US Highway One

  North Palm
  FL   33408-3033     22,901        13.7   $ 63,991        24,479        6.9   $ 68,273        6.7     810   

Midpoint Center


2522 Santa Barbara Boulevard

  Cape Coral   FL   33914-4483     31,492        42.0   $ 56,290        37,050        17.7   $ 61,677        9.6     1,114   

Land-Creedmoor/Crabtree Valley


Crabtree Valley Avenue

  Raleigh   NC   27612     36,644        44.8   $ 65,141        42,819        16.9   $ 67,381        3.4     1,296   

Freeport Commerce Center


9155 Sterling Street

  Irving   TX   75063-2436     6,864        14.1   $ 94,813        7,285        6.1   $ 98,323        3.7     243   

Midpoint I-20


3751 New York Avenue

  Arlington   TX   76014-4404     42,823        12.4   $ 52,160        46,064        7.6   $ 54,615        4.7     1,515   



1201 Old Hopwell Boulevard

  Tampa   FL   33619-2608     15,992        25.7   $ 43,291        17,657        10.4   $ 46,190        6.7     566   



1848 Galleria Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28270-2475     29,063        21.7   $ 61,351        32,549        12.0   $ 63,104        2.9     1,028   

Charleston Commons


41 North Nellis Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89110-5330     66,217        7.8   $ 47,061        71,243        7.6   $ 50,260        6.8     2,342   

Lakeland Industrial Park I


2125 Interstate Drive

  Lakeland   FL   33805-2353     21,455        12.4   $ 33,349        23,154        7.9   $ 35,552        6.6     759   

North Loop West 1919


1919 North Loop West

  Houston   TX   77008-1374     48,359        12.1   $ 46,972        51,660        6.8   $ 50,365        7.2     1,710   

Middle Creek Commons


7281 North Carolina Highway 42

  Raleigh   NC   27603-7386     5,294        45.8   $ 69,308        6,101        15.2   $ 75,000        8.2     187   

Kulpsville Village Center


Sumneytown Pike

  Kulpsville   PA   19443     19,755        4.7   $ 82,025        20,016        1.3   $ 89,852        9.5     699   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009

    2009 Median

    2014 Median


Applegate Ranch


Applegate Road

  Atwater   CA   95301-9568     10,951        14.9   $ 46,271        11,923        8.9   $ 50,335        8.8     387   

Corvallis Market Center


NW 9th Street

  Corvallis   OR   97330     20,370        8.1   $ 39,110        21,295        4.5   $ 41,163        5.2     720   



1584 Central Avenue

  Summerville   SC   29483-5528     11,923        39.2   $ 56,417        13,956        17.1   $ 61,836        9.6     422   

Hickory Creek Plaza


Hickory Creek Road

  Denton   TX   76210     15,864        89.0   $ 85,253        19,827        25.0   $ 92,979        9.1     561   

Canopy Oak Center


8075 SW Highway 200

  Ocala   FL   34481-7756     14,681        54.3   $ 42,371        17,604        19.9   $ 46,178        9.0     519   

Land-East San Marco


Hendricks Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32207     26,016        3.1   $ 42,243        26,991        3.8   $ 45,174        6.9     920   

Marley Creek Square


179th Street

  Orland Park   IL   60467     24,289        27.4   $ 86,086        26,990        11.1   $ 92,670        7.6     859   

Conroe Marketplace


2900 Interstate 45 North

  Conroe   TX   77303-7900     12,506        38.5   $ 43,081        14,533        16.2   $ 46,746        8.5     442   


    McMinnville   OR   97128     5,121        29.5   $ 52,708        5,742        12.1   $ 57,269        8.7     181   

Land-Marana Retail Center

    Marana   AZ   85653     1,062        13.0   $ 44,868        1,140        7.3   $ 49,542        10.4     38   

Market at Haynes Bridge


3000 Old Alabama Road

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-5860  




    17.3   $ 114,328        30,044        9.5   $ 124,216        8.6     970   

Southlake Oaks I & II


Southlake Boulevard

  Southlake   TX   76092     11,540        24.1   $ 143,745        12,769        10.7   $ 157,046        9.3     408   

Woodbury Centre


43 Centre Drive

  Central Valley   NY   10917-6501     9,571        28.2   $ 62,153        10,608        10.8   $ 66,719        7.3     339   

Germantown Collection


7810 Poplar avenue

  Germantown   TN   38138-3906     23,248        1.8   $ 81,683        23,549        1.3   $ 84,078        2.9     822   

Main Street Marketplace


10250 Main Street

  Fairfax   VA   22030-2404     27,254        17.9   $ 106,300        29,296        7.5   $ 118,223        11.2     964   

Preston Forest Village


11661 Preston Road

  Dallas   TX   75230-2745     52,638        1.2   $ 50,347        53,775        2.2   $ 53,207        5.7     1,862   



220 North Frederick Avenue

  Gaithersburg   MD   20877-2409     46,820        5.9   $ 82,339        48,233        3.0   $ 92,345        12.2     1,656   

Southwood Village


22226 Palos Verdes Boulevard

  Torrance   CA   90505-2017     74,819        3.8   $ 73,229        77,721        3.9   $ 81,144        10.8     2,646   

Teakwood Plaza


Burnet Road

  Austin   TX   78756     58,002        3.1   $ 44,938        60,364        4.1   $ 46,746        4.0     2,051   

Wexford Plaza


Perry Highway

  Pittsburgh   PA   15229     10,349        5.2   $ 93,513        10,501        1.5   $ 101,717        8.8     366   

Hastings Marketplace


Highway 55

  Hastings   MN   55033     7,785        24.0   $ 65,258        8,601        10.5   $ 70,547        8.1     275   

Battlefield Marketplace


1079 Edwards Ferry Road NE

  Leesburg   VA   20176-3347     16,036        60.6   $ 96,762        19,337        20.6   $ 111,530        15.3     567   

Fountains at Arbor Lakes


11201 Fountains Drive

  Osseo   MN   55369-7201     22,769        8.2   $ 75,199        23,667        3.9   $ 81,455        8.3     805   

Shoppes of Andros Isles


8989 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33411-1826     18,662        54.8   $ 61,121        22,183        18.9   $ 67,489        10.4     660   

South Point Center


4125 Nine Street SW

  Vero Beach   FL   32968-4880     13,354        27.3   $ 50,736        15,101        13.1   $ 55,383        9.2     472   

Shops at Hampton Oaks


7580 Spring Box Drive

  Fairburn   GA   30213     4,074        252.7   $ 59,242        5,517        35.4   $ 64,355        8.6     144   

Land-Saint Lucie


Becker Road

  Port Saint
  FL   34953     26,679        137.4   $ 55,703        34,957        31.0   $ 61,574        10.5     944   

Surf City Crossing


NC Highway 210

  Surf City   NC   28445     2,240        53.7   $ 49,252        2,665        19.0   $ 53,234        8.1     79   

Land-Village at Liberty Lake


Liberty Lake Road

  Liberty Lake   WA   99019     3,273        51.3   $ 75,807        3,808        16.4   $ 84,059        10.9     116   

Land-Tomball Marketplace

    Tomball   TX       56,290        15.1   $ 48,973        61,122        8.6   $ 54,238        10.8     1,991   

Land-Lake Pointe Market I


Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX       77,827        6.3   $ 54,458        81,262        4.4   $ 58,473        7.4     2,753   

Riverpoint at Sheridan


Highway 85

  Englewood   CO   80110     50,946        0.9   $ 47,498        52,053        2.2   $ 49,885        5.0     1,802   

Ridgeway Trace I/II


SEC Poplar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38117     31,752        0.7   $ 53,064        32,114        1.1   $ 54,599        2.9     1,123   

Land-South Fulton Crossing


South Fulton Parkway

  Union City   GA   30291     14,734        59.5   $ 46,060        17,577        19.3   $ 49,374        7.2     521   

Westwood Center


Loop 1604

  San Antonio   TX   78254     21,663        47.4   $ 64,095        25,198        16.3   $ 69,207        8.0     766   

Shoppes at Parkwood Ranch I/II


Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85210     31,137        41.5   $ 53,347        36,259        16.5   $ 61,306        14.9     1,101   

North Towne Plaza


US 77

  Brownsville   TX   78521     28,311        36.8   $ 31,828        32,385        14.4   $ 33,848        6.3     1,001   

Land-Leslie Road


Leslie Road

  Helotes   TX   78023     641        7.9   $ 91,748        676        5.5   $ 98,214        7.0     23   

Merchants Square


7333-7407 Gall Boulevard

  Zephyrhills   FL   33541-4372     14,800        17.2   $ 37,143        16,330        10.3   $ 41,382        11.4     523   

Lake Walden Square


105-240 West Alexander Street

  Plant City   FL   33566-7155     12,353        12.1   $ 47,882        13,287        7.6   $ 52,486        9.6     437   

Town Center Commons


725 Ernest Barrett Parkway NW

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-6866     17,616        32.9   $ 54,491        20,074        14.0   $ 56,833        4.3     623   

Boynton Commons


333 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-3415     48,222        10.4   $ 48,837        51,688        7.2   $ 52,744        8.0     1,706   

Lake Olympia Square


1501 East Silverstar Road

  Ocoee   FL   34761     22,956        21.5   $ 57,931        25,536        11.2   $ 62,548        8.0     812   

Bridgewater Marketplace


13180 East Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32826     28,390        56.4   $ 62,803        33,821        19.1   $ 70,190        11.8     1,004   

Bartow Marketplace


215 Market Place Boulevard

  Cartersville   GA   30121-2235     8,868        20.1   $ 41,847        9,736        9.8   $ 43,805        4.7     314   

Countryside Shoppes


4025 Santa Barbara Boulevard

  Naples   FL   34104     24,065        25.8   $ 52,149        27,139        12.8   $ 57,054        9.4     851   

Casselberry Commons


1455 South Semoran Boulevard

  Casselberry   FL   32707-6514     38,611        -0.4   $ 53,568        39,500        2.3   $ 57,952        8.2     1,366   

Conway Plaza


4400 Curry Ford Road

  Orlando   FL   32812-2709     58,403        13.3   $ 44,753        63,542        8.8   $ 48,156        7.6     2,066   

Gateway Market Center


7751 Ninth Street North

  FL   33702-1102     41,957        1.7   $ 42,616        42,876        2.2   $ 46,308        8.7     1,484   

Pleasant Hill Square


2205 Pleasant Hill Road

  Duluth   GA   30096-2324     31,103        20.5   $ 50,109        34,568        11.1   $ 50,513        0.8     1,100   

Universal Plaza


7730 West Commercial

  Lauderhill   FL   33351-4301     73,570        2.9   $ 43,258        76,351        3.8   $ 46,705        8.0     2,602   

Acworth Avenue


3345 Cobb Parkway NW

  Acworth   GA   30101-3914     14,312        40.4   $ 73,607        16,425        14.8   $ 78,981        7.3     506   

Columbia Promenade


1910 North John Young Parkway

  Kissimmee   FL   34741     25,479        33.3   $ 38,700        29,542        16.0   $ 41,805        8.0     901   

Lowe's-Warner Robins


2704 Watson Boulevard

  GA   31093-2948     22,108        21.2   $ 51,102        24,327        10.0   $ 55,604        8.8     782   



1901 Paul Walsh Drive

  Macon   GA   31206     22,675        -6.8   $ 23,264        21,988        -3.0   $ 23,434        0.7     802   

Sand Lake Commons


8111 South John Young Parkway

  Orlando   FL   32819-9039     14,108        3.5   $ 36,967        14,718        4.3   $ 39,637        7.2     499   

West Oaks Towne Center


9537 West Colonial Drive

  Ocoee   FL   34761-6948     26,816        24.2   $ 63,753        30,035        12.0   $ 69,351        8.8     948   



2130 Gunbarrel Road

  Chattanooga   TN   37421-2607     17,759        22.6   $ 49,800        19,491        9.8   $ 53,924        8.3     628   

PetsMart-Daytona Beach


1900 W International Speedway Blvd

  FL   32114-1257     15,515        4.0   $ 29,803        16,178        4.3   $ 32,055        7.6     549   



1421 Carl D. Silver Parkway

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4922     16,382        29.2   $ 55,444        18,430        12.5   $ 62,474        12.7     579   

Jo-Ann Fabrics-Alpharetta


965 North Point Drive

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-8266     26,917        20.2   $ 87,506        29,717        10.4   $ 95,874        9.6     952   

Woodstock Square


120 Woodstock Square

  Woodstock   GA   30189-6500     23,407        24.4   $ 67,554        26,312        12.4   $ 68,613        1.6     828   

KB Homes-Daytona


1610 West International Speedway

  FL   32114-1446     22,305        2.3   $ 29,155        23,061        3.4   $ 31,511        8.1     789   

Skyview Plaza


7801 S Orange Blossom Trail

  Orlando   FL   32809     20,026        2.9   $ 37,599        20,804        3.9   $ 40,428        7.5     708   

Chickasaw Trails


2300 South Chickasaw Trail

  Orlando   FL   32825-8416     38,921        20.0   $ 45,072        43,052        10.6   $ 48,478        7.6     1,377   

Rite Aid-Greenville


3679 Augusta Road

  Greenville   SC   29605     19,057        4.6   $ 39,010        19,834        4.1   $ 41,322        5.9     674   

Rite Aid-Spartanburg Pine St


780 North Pine Street

  Spartanburg   SC   29303-3173     18,252        -2.4   $ 28,248        18,411        0.9   $ 29,330        3.8     646   

Rite Aid-Blackstock


1510 WO Ezell Boulevard

  Spartanburg   SC   29301-2616     16,241        6.3   $ 35,628        16,925        4.2   $ 37,286        4.7     574   

Rite Aid-Raleigh


7505 Louisburg Road

  Raleigh   NC   27616-6452     17,363        72.4   $ 61,048        21,151        21.8   $ 64,816        6.2     614   

Shoppes of Citrus Hills


2601 North Forest Ridge Boulevard

  Hernando   FL   34442-5123     10,215        21.9   $ 37,871        11,363        11.2   $ 41,298        9.0     361   

Steeplechase Plaza


8585 SW Highway 200

  Ocala   FL   34481-9644     13,930        53.8   $ 42,013        16,690        19.8   $ 45,791        9.0     493   

Stonebridge Square


610-20 Crossville Road

  Roswell   GA   30075     19,370        11.8   $ 105,651        20,835        7.6   $ 114,742        8.6     685   

Aberdeen Square


4966 Le Chalet Boulevard

  FL   33436-1406     42,362        16.3   $ 57,582        46,144        8.9   $ 62,774        9.0     1,498   

Creekwood Crossing


7395 52nd Place East

  Bradenton   FL   34203-8915     12,297        58.0   $ 77,751        14,693        19.5   $ 84,991        9.3     435   

Brandon Boulevard Shoppes


1930 State Road 60 East

  Valrico   FL   33594-3624     26,179        23.3   $ 63,022        29,180        11.5   $ 68,422        8.6     926   

Eisenhower Crossing I/II


4685 Presidential Parkway

  Macon   GA   31206-8712     14,781        -1.5   $ 27,745        14,726        -0.4   $ 28,011        1.0     523   

Shoppes At Golden Acres


9750 Little Road

  New Port
  FL   34654     28,400        7.6   $ 35,205        30,369        6.9   $ 39,313        11.7     1,004   

Anderson Central


651 Highway 28 Bypass

  Anderson   SC   29624-3009     12,488        0.2   $ 28,308        12,659        1.4   $ 29,763        5.1     442   

Abernathy Square


6500 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30328-3114     32,378        1.0   $ 74,450        33,374        3.1   $ 80,623        8.3     1,145   

Douglasville Pavilion


2900 Chapel Hill Road

  Douglasville   GA   30135-1708     17,104        45.5   $ 56,959        20,214        18.2   $ 59,970        5.3     605   

Venture Point


2050 West Liddell Road

  Duluth   GA   30096-4528     31,361        17.8   $ 48,568        34,578        10.3   $ 48,825        0.5     1,109   

Southlake Pavilion


1912 Mount Zion Road

  Morrow   GA   30260-3316     25,438        11.3   $ 44,286        26,955        6.0   $ 44,588        0.7     900   

Pavilion of Turkey Creek


10936 Parkside Drive

  Knoxville   TN   37934-1958     12,189        17.3   $ 74,547        13,199        8.3   $ 80,475        8.0     431   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Applegate Ranch


Applegate Road

  Atwater   CA   95301-9568     10,866        14.2   $ 46,536        11,825        8.8   $ 49,603        6.6     384   

Corvallis Market Center


NW 9th Street

  Corvallis   OR   97330     20,153        7.5   $ 41,076        20,774        3.1   $ 43,021        4.7     713   



1584 Central Avenue

  Summerville   SC   29483-5528     11,766        37.2   $ 59,462        13,526        15.0   $ 64,866        9.1     416   

Hickory Creek Plaza


Hickory Creek Road

  Denton   TX   76210     16,457        103.4   $ 89,067        19,570        18.9   $ 97,384        9.3     582   

Canopy Oak Center


8075 SW Highway 200

  Ocala   FL   34481-7756     14,514        54.4   $ 43,046        16,869        16.2   $ 46,179        7.3     513   

Land-East San Marco


Hendricks Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32207     25,737        3.1   $ 42,692        26,555        3.2   $ 45,044        5.5     910   

Marley Creek Square


179th Street

  Orland Park   IL   60467     24,003        25.7   $ 88,312        26,108        8.8   $ 94,793        7.3     849   

Conroe Marketplace


2900 Interstate 45 North

  Conroe   TX   77303-7900     12,876        42.3   $ 44,688        15,064        17.0   $ 47,904        7.2     455   


    McMinnville   OR   97128     5,352        32.6   $ 54,265        5,919        10.6   $ 58,297        7.4     189   

Land-Marana Retail Center

    Marana   AZ   85653     1,061        14.3   $ 46,299        1,145        7.9   $ 52,694        13.8     38   

Market at Haynes Bridge


3000 Old Alabama Road

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-5860     27,473        17.2   $ 118,091        29,916        8.9   $ 127,645        8.1     972   

Southlake Oaks I & II


Southlake Boulevard

  Southlake   TX   76092     12,279        34.1   $ 147,672        13,964        13.7   $ 160,832        8.9     434   

Woodbury Centre


43 Centre Drive

  Central Valley   NY   10917-6501     9,656        32.8   $ 66,902        10,545        9.2   $ 71,920        7.5     342   

Germantown Collection


7810 Poplar avenue

  Germantown   TN   38138-3906     23,709        4.4   $ 82,644        24,060        1.5   $ 84,636        2.4     839   

Main Street Marketplace


10250 Main Street

  Fairfax   VA   22030-2404     28,708        24.7   $ 108,579        30,493        6.2   $ 118,925        9.5     1,015   

Preston Forest Village


11661 Preston Road

  Dallas   TX   75230-2745     53,787        3.7   $ 51,413        55,070        2.4   $ 53,445        4.0     1,902   



220 North Frederick Avenue

  Gaithersburg   MD   20877-2409     48,628        9.5   $ 84,652        50,254        3.3   $ 93,213        10.1     1,720   

Southwood Village


22226 Palos Verdes Boulevard

  Torrance   CA   90505-2017     74,044        2.9   $ 74,885        76,018        2.7   $ 81,546        8.9     2,619   

Teakwood Plaza


Burnet Road

  Austin   TX   78756     57,258        1.9   $ 46,098        59,653        4.2   $ 47,735        3.6     2,025   

Wexford Plaza


Perry Highway

  Pittsburgh   PA   15229     10,496        6.4   $ 96,232        10,591        0.9   $ 104,216        8.3     371   

Hastings Marketplace


Highway 55

  Hastings   MN   55033     8,079        29.5   $ 65,655        8,928        10.5   $ 69,640        6.1     286   

Battlefield Marketplace


1079 Edwards Ferry Road NE

  Leesburg   VA   20176-3347     16,452        66.1   $ 99,132        19,626        19.3   $ 112,642        13.6     582   

Fountains at Arbor Lakes


11201 Fountains Drive

  Osseo   MN   55369-7201     22,613        8.6   $ 77,709        23,329        3.2   $ 82,661        6.4     800   

Shoppes of Andros Isles


8989 Okeechobee Boulevard

  West Palm
  FL   33411-1826     17,775        48.1   $ 61,683        19,493        9.7   $ 65,897        6.8     629   

South Point Center


4125 Nine Street SW

  Vero Beach   FL   32968-4880     13,432        27.0   $ 50,925        14,926        11.1   $ 54,214        6.5     475   

Shops at Hampton Oaks


7580 Spring Box Drive

  Fairburn   GA   30213     4,165        264.4   $ 61,817        4,728        13.5   $ 65,549        6.0     147   

Land-Saint Lucie


Becker Road

  Port Saint
  FL   34953     26,639        136.4   $ 56,416        31,901        19.8   $ 61,484        9.0     942   

Surf City Crossing


NC Highway 210

  Surf City   NC   28445     2,231        53.9   $ 49,418        2,573        15.3   $ 52,647        6.5     79   

Land-Village at Liberty Lake


Liberty Lake Road

  Liberty Lake   WA   99019     3,234        59.7   $ 78,851        3,667        13.4   $ 86,576        9.8     114   

Land-Tomball Marketplace

    Tomball   TX       57,232        17.3   $ 51,025        61,535        7.5   $ 57,667        13.0     2,024   

Land-Lake Pointe Market I


Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX       81,459        11.4   $ 55,673        84,896        4.2   $ 59,863        7.5     2,881   

Riverpoint at Sheridan


Highway 85

  Englewood   CO   80110     50,709        0.8   $ 47,588        52,405        3.3   $ 49,736        4.5     1,793   

Ridgeway Trace I/II


SEC Poplar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38117     30,993        -1.6   $ 53,930        30,736        -0.8   $ 54,999        2.0     1,096   

Land-South Fulton Crossing


South Fulton Parkway

  Union City   GA   30291     15,254        67.7   $ 47,547        17,511        14.8   $ 49,759        4.7     539   

Westwood Center


Loop 1604

  San Antonio   TX   78254     22,935        54.6   $ 65,499        25,480        11.1   $ 69,477        6.1     811   

Shoppes at Parkwood Ranch I/II


Southern Avenue

  Mesa   AZ   85210     31,489        43.8   $ 55,029        36,584        16.2   $ 61,170        11.2     1,114   

North Towne Plaza


US 77

  Brownsville   TX   78521     28,637        38.1   $ 32,312        31,549        10.2   $ 33,804        4.6     1,013   

Land-Leslie Road


Leslie Road

  Helotes   TX   78023     1,063        40.4   $ 95,014        1,213        14.1   $ 103,811        9.3     38   

Merchants Square


7333-7407 Gall Boulevard

  Zephyrhills   FL   33541-4372     14,874        16.3   $ 37,425        16,623        11.8   $ 41,225        10.2     526   

Lake Walden Square


105-240 West Alexander Street

  Plant City   FL   33566-7155     12,364        11.2   $ 48,210        13,334        7.9   $ 52,534        9.0     437   

Town Center Commons


725 Ernest Barrett Parkway NW

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-6866     18,118        36.7   $ 56,577        19,875        9.7   $ 58,049        2.6     641   

Boynton Commons


333 North Congress Avenue

  FL   33426-3415     47,861        9.5   $ 49,437        50,698        5.9   $ 52,780        6.8     1,693   

Lake Olympia Square


1501 East Silverstar Road

  Ocoee   FL   34761     22,539        20.0   $ 58,689        25,008        11.0   $ 62,757        6.9     797   

Bridgewater Marketplace


13180 East Colonial Drive

  Orlando   FL   32826     30,163        61.5   $ 64,289        34,231        13.5   $ 70,950        10.4     1,067   

Bartow Marketplace


215 Market Place Boulevard

  Cartersville   GA   30121-2235     9,095        23.9   $ 43,409        9,949        9.4   $ 45,069        3.8     322   

Countryside Shoppes


4025 Santa Barbara Boulevard

  Naples   FL   34104     24,000        24.0   $ 54,008        26,732        11.4   $ 57,963        7.3     849   

Casselberry Commons


1455 South Semoran Boulevard

  Casselberry   FL   32707-6514     37,571        -2.1   $ 54,516        38,353        2.1   $ 57,679        5.8     1,329   

Conway Plaza


4400 Curry Ford Road

  Orlando   FL   32812-2709     56,447        10.0   $ 45,292        60,793        7.7   $ 48,026        6.0     1,996   

Gateway Market Center


7751 Ninth Street North

  FL   33702-1102     42,000        1.9   $ 43,495        42,445        1.1   $ 46,509        6.9     1,485   

Pleasant Hill Square


2205 Pleasant Hill Road

  Duluth   GA   30096-2324     31,829        20.8   $ 51,587        35,329        11.0   $ 51,742        0.3     1,126   

Universal Plaza


7730 West Commercial

  Lauderhill   FL   33351-4301     71,772        1.0   $ 43,862        73,326        2.2   $ 46,281        5.5     2,538   

Acworth Avenue


3345 Cobb Parkway NW

  Acworth   GA   30101-3914     14,107        41.7   $ 75,921        15,828        12.2   $ 81,543        7.4     499   

Columbia Promenade


1910 North John Young Parkway

  Kissimmee   FL   34741     25,571        33.8   $ 38,581        29,960        17.2   $ 40,418        4.8     904   

Lowe's-Warner Robins


2704 Watson Boulevard

  GA   31093-2948     22,239        22.1   $ 52,649        24,155        8.6   $ 56,530        7.4     787   



1901 Paul Walsh Drive

  Macon   GA   31206     22,963        -5.8   $ 24,306        22,336        -2.7   $ 24,577        1.1     812   

Sand Lake Commons


8111 South John Young Parkway

  Orlando   FL   32819-9039     14,790        8.9   $ 37,131        15,632        5.7   $ 38,421        3.5     523   

West Oaks Towne Center


9537 West Colonial Drive

  Ocoee   FL   34761-6948     26,624        23.3   $ 64,588        29,517        10.9   $ 69,000        6.8     942   



2130 Gunbarrel Road

  Chattanooga   TN   37421-2607     18,048        23.7   $ 51,564        19,468        7.9   $ 54,672        6.0     638   

PetsMart-Daytona Beach


1900 W International Speedway Blvd

  FL   32114-1257     15,778        5.8   $ 30,534        16,385        3.9   $ 32,175        5.4     558   



1421 Carl D. Silver Parkway

  Fredericksburg   VA   22401-4922     16,608        30.3   $ 57,222        18,449        11.1   $ 63,297        10.6     587   

Jo-Ann Fabrics-Alpharetta


965 North Point Drive

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-8266     26,568        20.5   $ 91,406        29,061        9.4   $ 98,904        8.2     940   

Woodstock Square


120 Woodstock Square

  Woodstock   GA   30189-6500     22,981        21.8   $ 70,059        25,483        10.9   $ 71,051        1.4     813   

KB Homes-Daytona


1610 West International Speedway

  FL   32114-1446     22,506        3.6   $ 29,927        23,174        3.0   $ 31,678        5.9     796   

Skyview Plaza


7801 S Orange Blossom Trail

  Orlando   FL   32809     20,535        5.7   $ 37,901        21,706        5.7   $ 39,542        4.3     726   

Chickasaw Trails


2300 South Chickasaw Trail

  Orlando   FL   32825-8416     39,038        19.5   $ 46,012        42,867        9.8   $ 48,395        5.2     1,381   

Rite Aid-Greenville


3679 Augusta Road

  Greenville   SC   29605     19,095        4.8   $ 39,504        19,833        3.9   $ 41,373        4.7     675   

Rite Aid-Spartanburg Pine St


780 North Pine Street

  Spartanburg   SC   29303-3173     18,782        -0.1   $ 29,156        18,940        0.8   $ 29,893        2.5     664   

Rite Aid-Blackstock


1510 WO Ezell Boulevard

  Spartanburg   SC   29301-2616     16,412        10.1   $ 36,382        17,193        4.8   $ 37,579        3.3     580   

Rite Aid-Raleigh


7505 Louisburg Road

  Raleigh   NC   27616-6452     17,810        77.4   $ 63,041        20,820        16.9   $ 65,889        4.5     630   

Shoppes of Citrus Hills


2601 North Forest Ridge Boulevard

  Hernando   FL   34442-5123     10,402        23.4   $ 38,998        11,380        9.4   $ 41,805        7.2     368   

Steeplechase Plaza


8585 SW Highway 200

  Ocala   FL   34481-9644     13,774        53.9   $ 42,730        16,007        16.2   $ 45,834        7.3     487   

Stonebridge Square


610-20 Crossville Road

  Roswell   GA   30075     19,526        12.7   $ 109,245        20,897        7.0   $ 117,317        7.4     691   

Aberdeen Square


4966 Le Chalet Boulevard

  FL   33436-1406     42,318        15.8   $ 58,274        45,342        7.2   $ 62,638        7.5     1,497   

Creekwood Crossing


7395 52nd Place East

  Bradenton   FL   34203-8915     12,534        57.0   $ 78,376        14,344        14.4   $ 86,121        9.9     443   

Brandon Boulevard Shoppes


1930 State Road 60 East

  Valrico   FL   33594-3624     25,595        22.0   $ 63,638        28,213        10.2   $ 68,474        7.6     905   

Eisenhower Crossing I/II


4685 Presidential Parkway

  Macon   GA   31206-8712     14,882        -1.0   $ 29,051        14,780        -0.7   $ 29,398        1.2     526   

Shoppes At Golden Acres


9750 Little Road

  New Port
  FL   34654     28,348        7.0   $ 35,126        30,766        8.5   $ 38,148        8.6     1,003   

Anderson Central


651 Highway 28 Bypass

  Anderson   SC   29624-3009     12,675        1.5   $ 29,351        12,802        1.0   $ 30,503        3.9     448   

Abernathy Square


6500 Roswell Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30328-3114     33,518        3.7   $ 76,891        34,615        3.3   $ 81,809        6.4     1,185   

Douglasville Pavilion


2900 Chapel Hill Road

  Douglasville   GA   30135-1708     17,010        45.6   $ 58,535        19,722        15.9   $ 61,247        4.6     602   

Venture Point


2050 West Liddell Road

  Duluth   GA   30096-4528     31,213        17.6   $ 49,470        34,417        10.3   $ 49,494        0.0     1,104   

Southlake Pavilion


1912 Mount Zion Road

  Morrow   GA   30260-3316     26,521        12.3   $ 45,063        27,853        5.0   $ 45,464        0.9     938   

Pavilion of Turkey Creek


10936 Parkside Drive

  Knoxville   TN   37934-1958     12,534        19.6   $ 76,129        13,476        7.5   $ 81,046        6.5     443   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Fayetteville Pavilion


2061 Skibo Road

  Fayetteville   NC   28314-2207     28,517        2.9   $ 44,297        29,080        2.0   $ 46,648        5.3     1,009   

Sarasota Pavilion


6511 South Tamiami Trail

  Sarasota   FL   34231-4827     24,183        -1.5   $ 57,335        24,574        1.6   $ 62,858        9.6     855   

Newnan Pavilion


1074 Bullsboro Drive

  Newnan   GA   30265-1320     8,964        61.2   $ 60,728        10,844        21.0   $ 63,658        4.8     317   

Westside Centre


6275 University Drive NW

  Huntsville   AL   35806-1776     12,814        23.1   $ 47,207        14,164        10.5   $ 49,676        5.2     453   

Target Center


10204 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29229-4386     17,835        59.0   $ 72,991        21,220        19.0   $ 78,033        6.9     631   

Sharon Greens


1595 Peachtree Parkway

  Cumming   GA   30041-9584     11,425        84.4   $ 117,819        14,270        24.9   $ 127,740        8.4     404   

Shoppes of Augusta


254 Robert C. Daniels Parkway

  Augusta   GA   30909     22,203        4.2   $ 50,472        22,949        3.4   $ 54,006        7.0     785   

Covington Corners


782 North Highway 190

  Covington   LA   70433-5141     10,815        30.6   $ 69,436        12,149        12.3   $ 77,066        11.0     383   

Hairston Crossing


2075 South Hairston Road

  Decatur   GA   30035-2504     29,501        10.1   $ 52,281        31,111        5.5   $ 53,993        3.3     1,043   

Crystal Springs


6760 West Gulf to Lake Highway

  Crystal River   FL   34429-9348     5,836        17.4   $ 40,865        6,421        10.0   $ 44,301        8.4     206   

Rite Aid-Concord


1560 Highway 29 North

  Concord   NC   28025-8047     16,595        15.7   $ 41,148        18,121        9.2   $ 42,697        3.8     587   

Rite Aid-Fort Mill


2907 Highway 160 West

  Fort Mill   SC   29708-8491     7,348        46.3   $ 67,636        8,660        17.9   $ 74,017        9.4     260   

Riverstone Plaza


1451 Riverstone Parkway

  Canton   GA   30114-5624     7,349        124.5   $ 47,686        9,467        28.8   $ 50,310        5.5     260   

Southampton Village


1512 Highway 74 North

  Tyrone   GA   30290     9,530        32.1   $ 84,368        10,788        13.2   $ 88,744        5.2     337   



1301 South Babcock Street

  Melbourne   FL   32901-3068     19,130        16.6   $ 39,313        20,928        9.4   $ 43,273        10.1     677   

Sycamore Commons


10530 Northeast Parkway

  Matthews   NC   28105     16,296        27.3   $ 65,746        18,387        12.8   $ 68,372        4.0     576   

Hillsboro Square


150 South Federal Highway

  FL   33441-4128     41,136        2.0   $ 50,251        42,622        3.6   $ 55,209        9.9     1,455   

Midway Plaza


5881 North University Drive

  Tamarac   FL   33321-4618     73,616        3.7   $ 43,792        76,662        4.1   $ 47,229        7.8     2,604   

Northpoint Marketplace


8642 Asheville Highway

  Spartanburg   SC   29316-4606     7,555        10.2   $ 38,043        7,995        5.8   $ 40,036        5.2     267   



3804 Oleander Drive

  Wilmington   NC   28403-6715     33,560        15.4   $ 34,980        36,492        8.7   $ 37,943        8.5     1,187   

Hampton Point


3033 Wade Hampton Boulevard

  Taylors   SC   29687-2779     22,579        8.6   $ 49,314        23,867        5.7   $ 52,321        6.1     799   

Martha Berry Highway NE 2700


2700 Martha Berry Highway NE

  Rome   GA   30165-7751     5,305        2.1   $ 35,143        5,413        2.0   $ 38,541        9.7     188   

20th Street 6560


6560 20th Street

  Vero Beach   FL   32966-1031     11,834        24.3   $ 45,004        13,301        12.4   $ 48,327        7.4     419   

Ward’s Crossing


4024 Wards Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502-2944     9,039        9.5   $ 41,713        9,498        5.1   $ 44,148        5.8     320   

Rite Aid-Woodruff


121 North Main Street

  Woodruff   SC   29388-1845     2,761        -1.3   $ 34,835        2,780        0.7   $ 36,431        4.6     98   

Southwood Village


3551 Blair Stone Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32301     21,503        18.2   $ 37,369        23,534        9.5   $ 40,935        9.5     761   

West Colonial Center


751 Good Homes Road

  Orlando   FL   32818-6607     31,768        20.2   $ 59,199        35,248        11.0   $ 64,310        8.6     1,124   

McFarland Plaza


2600 McFarland Boulevard East

  Tuscaloosa   AL   35405-1814     26,357        14.1   $ 28,173        28,283        7.3   $ 30,432        8.0     932   

Walk at Highwood Preserve I&II


18001 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy

  Tampa   FL   33647-1761     12,726        103.1   $ 77,337        16,113        26.6   $ 83,711        8.2     450   

Center Pointe Plaza


6525 Calhoun Memorial Highway

  Easley   SC   29640     11,050        12.3   $ 43,967        11,755        6.4   $ 47,119        7.2     391   

Chesterfield Crossing


12200 Chattanooga Plaza

  Midlothian   VA   23112-4865     16,622        24.8   $ 69,448        18,366        10.5   $ 74,980        8.0     588   

Bass Pro Outdoor World


200 Gulf Stream Way

  Dania   FL   33004-2117     36,459        1.5   $ 48,715        37,644        3.3   $ 54,122        11.1     1,289   

Sexton Commons


1420 North Main Street

  NC   27526-7226     8,654        68.0   $ 59,074        10,516        21.5   $ 62,556        5.9     306   

City Crossing


2620 Watson Boulevard

  GA   31093     22,700        20.4   $ 50,184        24,920        9.8   $ 54,670        8.9     803   

Cox Creek Centre


374 Cox Creek Parkway

  Florence   AL   35630-1540     11,120        5.4   $ 33,528        11,482        3.3   $ 35,169        4.9     393   

Forestdale Plaza


118 West Main Street

  Jamestown   NC   27282     15,235        23.1   $ 61,805        16,855        10.6   $ 64,327        4.1     539   

Wakefield Crossing


13200 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8239     10,227        146.0   $ 80,154        13,301        30.1   $ 85,200        6.3     362   

Shoppes Of Lake Mary


4155 West Lake Mary Boulevard

  Lake Mary   FL   32746-2410     21,539        31.1   $ 70,656        24,451        13.5   $ 75,398        6.7     762   

Shops on the Circle


3500 Ross Clark Circle

  Dothan   AL   36303-5905     15,648        13.1   $ 42,352        16,724        6.9   $ 45,423        7.3     553   

Clayton Corners


US Highway 70 West

  Clayton   NC   27520     7,399        37.5   $ 48,797        8,556        15.6   $ 50,575        3.6     262   

H.H. Greg-Cary


1401 Piney Plains Road

  Cary   NC   27518-6849     26,513        18.4   $ 55,624        29,256        10.4   $ 57,727        3.8     938   

Forest Hills Centre


1700 Raleigh Road NW

  Wilson   NC   27896-2093     15,640        8.0   $ 35,318        16,424        5.0   $ 37,575        6.4     553   

Golden Gate


2268 Golden Gate Drive

  Greensboro   NC   27405-4302     32,479        6.7   $ 37,526        33,995        4.7   $ 39,180        4.4     1,149   

Shops at The Fresh Market


20601 Torrence Chapel Road

  Cornelius   NC   28031-6394     15,081        74.6   $ 76,338        18,553        23.0   $ 79,741        4.5     533   



9911 Rose Commons Drive

  Huntersville   NC   28078-0323     14,051        78.2   $ 82,380        17,249        22.8   $ 86,678        5.2     497   

Rite Aid-Amherst


2545 Millersport Highway

  Getzville   NY   14068-1445     22,524        2.1   $ 68,698        22,651        0.6   $ 73,155        6.5     797   

Rite Aid-Erie (East 26th St)


404 East 26th Street

  Erie   PA   16504-2802     43,933        0.5   $ 33,821        43,966        0.1   $ 36,037        6.6     1,554   

Rite Aid-Weirton


1360 Cove Road

  Weirton   WV   26062-4205     8,749        -3.7   $ 42,266        8,450        -3.4   $ 45,865        8.5     309   

Rite Aid-Broadway


1625 Broadway Street

  Buffalo   NY   14212-2042     62,780        -9.0   $ 27,550        59,510        -5.2   $ 29,466        7.0     2,220   

Rite Aid-Erie (East 6th St)


353 East 6th Street

  Erie   PA   16507-1609     36,868        -0.1   $ 31,244        36,808        -0.2   $ 33,097        5.9     1,304   

Rite Aid-Genesee


2401 Genesee Street

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-2805     63,432        -8.6   $ 32,496        60,051        -5.3   $ 34,592        6.5     2,243   

Gateway Plaza-Jacksonville


1305 Western Boulevard

  Jacksonville   NC   28546-6663     16,482        12.9   $ 40,415        17,438        5.8   $ 44,150        9.2     583   

Rite Aid-Erie (West 12th St)


2184 West 12th Street

  Erie   PA   16505-4805     32,339        0.1   $ 37,412        32,310        -0.1   $ 39,850        6.5     1,144   

Rite Aid-Pittsburgh (Golden)


1804 Golden Mile Highway

  Pittsburgh   PA   15239-2828     13,953        -1.6   $ 62,144        13,787        -1.2   $ 67,096        8.0     493   

Rite Aid-Central


1166 Central Avenue

  Dunkirk   NY   14048-3603     10,009        -0.7   $ 37,700        9,922        -0.9   $ 40,976        8.7     354   

Rite Aid-Pittsburgh (Saw Mill)


2501 Saw Mill Run Boulevard

  Pittsburgh   PA   15234-3110     58,403        -7.4   $ 45,346        55,819        -4.4   $ 48,725        7.5     2,066   

Rite Aid-Erie (Peach Street)


5440 Peach Street

  Erie   PA   16509     28,662        1.4   $ 42,259        28,797        0.5   $ 44,975        6.4     1,014   

Rite Aid-Cheswick


1200 Pittsburgh Street

  Cheswick   PA   15024-1445     14,146        -5.3   $ 45,722        13,707        -3.1   $ 49,649        8.6     500   

Rite Aid-Irwin


3550 Route 130

  Irwin   PA   15642-1497     9,114        5.4   $ 62,137        9,301        2.1   $ 68,848        10.8     322   

Rite Aid-Erie (Buffalo Road)


4145 Buffalo Road

  Erie   PA   16510-2109     17,503        0.9   $ 42,362        17,566        0.4   $ 45,363        7.1     619   

Rite Aid-New Castle


31 North Jefferson Street

  New Castle   PA   16101-3903     15,472        -5.3   $ 35,094        14,970        -3.2   $ 38,468        9.6     547   

Rite Aid-Connellsville


100 Memorial Boulevard

  Connellsville   PA   15425-2652     7,553        -5.4   $ 30,263        7,359        -2.6   $ 32,311        6.8     267   

Rite Aid-Monroeville (WM Penn)


4111 William Penn Highway

  Monroeville   PA   15146-2601     18,664        -4.6   $ 48,310        18,111        -3.0   $ 52,429        8.5     660   

Rite Aid-Monroeville (Jamison)


2604 Monroeville Boulevard

  Monroeville   PA   15146-2364     23,847        -5.4   $ 45,583        22,980        -3.6   $ 48,790        7.0     843   

River Ridge


4610 Highway 280 South

  Birmingham   AL   35242-5028     16,269        20.1   $ 72,700        17,781        9.3   $ 78,625        8.1     575   

North Aiken Bi-Lo Center


1149 York Street NE

  Aiken   SC   29801     7,835        4.2   $ 35,352        8,081        3.1   $ 38,019        7.5     277   

Jefferson Plaza


12131 Jefferson Avenue

  VA   23602-6916     33,370        10.5   $ 54,716        34,745        4.1   $ 61,086        11.6     1,180   

Rowlett Plaza


8800 Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX   75088-4498     14,509        42.8   $ 79,786        16,911        16.6   $ 84,947        6.5     513   

Duvall Village


4825 Glenn Dale Road

  Bowie   MD   20720-3585     20,045        14.3   $ 94,334        21,179        5.7   $ 104,488        10.8     709   

Harundale Plaza


7440 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3115     31,405        0.1   $ 60,054        31,358        -0.2   $ 66,812        11.3     1,111   

Lakewood Ranch Plaza


1755 Lakewood Ranch Boulevard

  Bradenton   FL   34211-4906     5,330        96.3   $ 82,170        6,640        24.6   $ 90,189        9.8     189   

Market Place at Mill Creek


1695 Mall of Georgia Boulevard

  Buford   GA   30519-4929     13,095        71.4   $ 77,674        15,930        21.7   $ 81,180        4.5     463   

Stonecrest Marketplace


8150 Mall Parkway

  Lithonia   GA   30038-2545     7,387        43.5   $ 44,105        8,550        15.7   $ 45,901        4.1     261   

Jones Bridge Square


5075 Peachtree Parkway

  Norcross   GA   30092-6508     21,355        14.1   $ 88,797        23,223        8.8   $ 92,921        4.6     755   

Shoppes at Citiside


4430 The Plaza

  Charlotte   NC   28215     35,470        7.6   $ 37,574        37,467        5.6   $ 39,172        4.3     1,254   

Shoppes on the Ridge


23965 US Highway 27

  Lake Wales   FL   33859-7812     5,526        11.8   $ 32,921        5,954        7.8   $ 35,614        8.2     195   

Plant City Crossing


2515 Thonotosassa Road

  Plant City   FL   33563-1464     13,725        9.5   $ 45,384        14,650        6.7   $ 49,464        9.0     485   

Lakeview Plaza


2340 Fortune Road

  Kissimmee   FL   34744     21,171        51.9   $ 49,320        25,519        20.5   $ 53,598        8.7     749   

Winter Park Palms


4270 Aloma Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32792-9424     37,250        -2.7   $ 50,951        37,730        1.3   $ 55,899        9.7     1,317   

Presidential Commons


1630-1708 Scenic Highway

  Snellville   GA   30078-5647     20,283        33.7   $ 77,293        23,200        14.4   $ 79,592        3.0     717   

Market Square


9503 Highway Five

  Douglasville   GA   30135-1515     14,118        41.6   $ 56,897        16,561        17.3   $ 60,125        5.7     499   

Village Square at Golf


3775 West Woodbright Road

  FL   33436     43,979        12.6   $ 56,739        47,378        7.7   $ 61,633        8.6     1,555   

Camp Hill Center


3414 Simpson Ferry Road

  Camp Hill   PA   17011     24,341        5.5   $ 60,597        25,056        2.9   $ 66,253        9.3     861   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Fayetteville Pavilion


2061 Skibo Road

  Fayetteville   NC   28314-2207     29,027        4.5   $ 45,294        29,612        2.0   $ 47,011        3.8     1,027   

Sarasota Pavilion


6511 South Tamiami Trail

  Sarasota   FL   34231-4827     24,166        -2.0   $ 57,038        24,950        3.2   $ 61,182        7.3     855   

Newnan Pavilion


1074 Bullsboro Drive

  Newnan   GA   30265-1320     8,729        57.9   $ 62,802        10,132        16.1   $ 65,396        4.1     309   

Westside Centre


6275 University Drive NW

  Huntsville   AL   35806-1776     13,174        27.9   $ 48,258        14,484        9.9   $ 50,275        4.2     466   

Target Center


10204 Two Notch Road

  Columbia   SC   29229-4386     18,489        63.5   $ 74,064        20,781        12.4   $ 78,404        5.9     654   

Sharon Greens


1595 Peachtree Parkway

  Cumming   GA   30041-9584     12,073        97.5   $ 117,918        14,645        21.3   $ 128,673        9.1     427   

Shoppes of Augusta


254 Robert C. Daniels Parkway

  Augusta   GA   30909     22,537        4.5   $ 51,023        23,075        2.4   $ 53,516        4.9     797   

Covington Corners


782 North Highway 190

  Covington   LA   70433-5141     11,015        31.4   $ 69,792        12,144        10.3   $ 76,030        8.9     390   

Hairston Crossing


2075 South Hairston Road

  Decatur   GA   30035-2504     29,290        9.5   $ 53,327        30,511        4.2   $ 54,092        1.4     1,036   

Crystal Springs


6760 West Gulf to Lake Highway

  Crystal River   FL   34429-9348     5,834        18.8   $ 41,578        6,325        8.4   $ 44,125        6.1     206   

Rite Aid-Concord


1560 Highway 29 North

  Concord   NC   28025-8047     17,230        19.1   $ 42,880        19,082        10.8   $ 44,405        3.6     609   

Rite Aid-Fort Mill


2907 Highway 160 West

  Fort Mill   SC   29708-8491     8,608        71.7   $ 67,097        9,933        15.4   $ 72,295        7.7     304   

Riverstone Plaza


1451 Riverstone Parkway

  Canton   GA   30114-5624     7,093        110.9   $ 49,156        8,495        19.8   $ 52,162        6.1     251   

Southampton Village


1512 Highway 74 North

  Tyrone   GA   30290     9,270        31.7   $ 87,055        10,166        9.7   $ 90,697        4.2     328   



1301 South Babcock Street

  Melbourne   FL   32901-3068     19,022        15.3   $ 40,007        20,254        6.5   $ 43,092        7.7     673   

Sycamore Commons


10530 Northeast Parkway

  Matthews   NC   28105     16,124        27.5   $ 66,831        18,300        13.5   $ 69,184        3.5     570   

Hillsboro Square


150 South Federal Highway

  FL   33441-4128     40,935        1.5   $ 50,654        41,996        2.6   $ 54,676        7.9     1,448   

Midway Plaza


5881 North University Drive

  Tamarac   FL   33321-4618     72,054        2.2   $ 44,413        73,978        2.7   $ 46,790        5.4     2,548   

Northpoint Marketplace


8642 Asheville Highway

  Spartanburg   SC   29316-4606     7,697        12.7   $ 39,406        8,133        5.7   $ 40,897        3.8     272   



3804 Oleander Drive

  Wilmington   NC   28403-6715     33,931        16.1   $ 36,395        36,395        7.3   $ 38,943        7.0     1,200   

Hampton Point


3033 Wade Hampton Boulevard

  Taylors   SC   29687-2779     22,492        9.4   $ 49,911        23,749        5.6   $ 52,037        4.3     795   

Martha Berry Highway NE 2700


2700 Martha Berry Highway NE

  Rome   GA   30165-7751     5,259        2.6   $ 34,894        5,311        1.0   $ 37,539        7.6     186   

20th Street 6560


6560 20th Street

  Vero Beach   FL   32966-1031     11,814        24.9   $ 45,249        12,951        9.6   $ 47,765        5.6     418   

Ward’s Crossing


4024 Wards Road

  Lynchburg   VA   24502-2944     9,523        13.8   $ 43,469        10,071        5.8   $ 45,716        5.2     337   

Rite Aid-Woodruff


121 North Main Street

  Woodruff   SC   29388-1845     2,798        1.1   $ 35,556        2,836        1.4   $ 36,854        3.7     99   

Southwood Village


3551 Blair Stone Road

  Tallahassee   FL   32301     21,187        16.8   $ 37,357        22,677        7.0   $ 39,761        6.4     749   

West Colonial Center


751 Good Homes Road

  Orlando   FL   32818-6607     31,766        19.1   $ 59,785        35,035        10.3   $ 63,817        6.7     1,123   

McFarland Plaza


2600 McFarland Boulevard East

  Tuscaloosa   AL   35405-1814     26,705        16.2   $ 29,296        28,314        6.0   $ 31,174        6.4     944   

Walk at Highwood Preserve I&II


18001 Highwoods Preserve Pkwy

  Tampa   FL   33647-1761     13,309        106.6   $ 79,113        15,329        15.2   $ 82,962        4.9     471   

Center Pointe Plaza


6525 Calhoun Memorial Highway

  Easley   SC   29640     11,457        14.7   $ 44,369        12,108        5.7   $ 46,563        4.9     405   

Chesterfield Crossing


12200 Chattanooga Plaza

  Midlothian   VA   23112-4865     16,230        22.3   $ 70,225        17,769        9.5   $ 74,655        6.3     574   

Bass Pro Outdoor World


200 Gulf Stream Way

  Dania   FL   33004-2117     36,357        1.4   $ 48,977        37,104        2.1   $ 53,650        9.5     1,286   

Sexton Commons


1420 North Main Street

  NC   27526-7226     8,958        75.7   $ 61,237        10,616        18.5   $ 65,404        6.8     317   

City Crossing


2620 Watson Boulevard

  GA   31093     22,661        21.1   $ 51,942        24,570        8.4   $ 55,806        7.4     801   

Cox Creek Centre


374 Cox Creek Parkway

  Florence   AL   35630-1540     11,159        6.7   $ 33,831        11,438        2.5   $ 34,777        2.8     395   

Forestdale Plaza


118 West Main Street

  Jamestown   NC   27282     15,699        26.7   $ 63,283        17,104        9.0   $ 65,448        3.4     555   

Wakefield Crossing


13200 New Falls of Neuse Road

  Raleigh   NC   27614-8239     11,844        189.7   $ 80,695        13,706        15.7   $ 87,441        8.4     419   

Shoppes Of Lake Mary


4155 West Lake Mary Boulevard

  Lake Mary   FL   32746-2410     21,639        30.3   $ 72,749        23,863        10.3   $ 77,298        6.3     765   

Shops on the Circle


3500 Ross Clark Circle

  Dothan   AL   36303-5905     15,822        14.2   $ 43,642        16,680        5.4   $ 46,127        5.7     560   

Clayton Corners


US Highway 70 West

  Clayton   NC   27520     7,626        40.7   $ 51,610        8,760        14.9   $ 53,339        3.4     270   

H.H. Greg-Cary


1401 Piney Plains Road

  Cary   NC   27518-6849     27,557        22.7   $ 57,085        31,076        12.8   $ 58,685        2.8     975   

Forest Hills Centre


1700 Raleigh Road NW

  Wilson   NC   27896-2093     15,949        10.8   $ 36,071        16,657        4.4   $ 37,745        4.6     564   

Golden Gate


2268 Golden Gate Drive

  Greensboro   NC   27405-4302     33,235        9.1   $ 38,246        34,764        4.6   $ 39,645        3.7     1,175   

Shops at The Fresh Market


20601 Torrence Chapel Road

  Cornelius   NC   28031-6394     14,531        69.5   $ 77,763        16,731        15.1   $ 82,704        6.4     514   



9911 Rose Commons Drive

  Huntersville   NC   28078-0323     14,869        89.1   $ 84,342        17,378        16.9   $ 89,711        6.4     526   

Rite Aid-Amherst


2545 Millersport Highway

  Getzville   NY   14068-1445     21,932        2.0   $ 70,335        21,803        -0.6   $ 74,116        5.4     776   

Rite Aid-Erie (East 26th St)


404 East 26th Street

  Erie   PA   16504-2802     44,177        1.1   $ 34,648        43,942        -0.5   $ 36,521        5.4     1,562   

Rite Aid-Weirton


1360 Cove Road

  Weirton   WV   26062-4205     8,605        -4.1   $ 42,544        8,308        -3.5   $ 44,983        5.7     304   

Rite Aid-Broadway


1625 Broadway Street

  Buffalo   NY   14212-2042     62,443        -9.6   $ 28,524        59,190        -5.2   $ 30,028        5.3     2,208   

Rite Aid-Erie (East 6th St)


353 East 6th Street

  Erie   PA   16507-1609     36,938        0.5   $ 32,012        36,644        -0.8   $ 33,388        4.3     1,306   

Rite Aid-Genesee


2401 Genesee Street

  Cheektowaga   NY   14225-2805     63,026        -9.3   $ 33,466        59,746        -5.2   $ 35,020        4.6     2,229   

Gateway Plaza-Jacksonville


1305 Western Boulevard

  Jacksonville   NC   28546-6663     16,363        13.3   $ 42,562        17,090        4.4   $ 45,796        7.6     579   

Rite Aid-Erie (West 12th St)


2184 West 12th Street

  Erie   PA   16505-4805     32,210        0.7   $ 38,620        32,001        -0.7   $ 40,491        4.8     1,139   

Rite Aid-Pittsburgh (Golden)


1804 Golden Mile Highway

  Pittsburgh   PA   15239-2828     14,128        -1.2   $ 63,440        13,891        -1.7   $ 67,061        5.7     500   

Rite Aid-Central


1166 Central Avenue

  Dunkirk   NY   14048-3603     9,957        -1.2   $ 38,435        9,806        -1.5   $ 41,078        6.9     352   

Rite Aid-Pittsburgh (Saw Mill)


2501 Saw Mill Run Boulevard

  Pittsburgh   PA   15234-3110     57,900        -7.7   $ 46,622        55,230        -4.6   $ 49,564        6.3     2,048   

Rite Aid-Erie (Peach Street)


5440 Peach Street

  Erie   PA   16509     28,957        2.5   $ 43,312        28,969        0.0   $ 45,538        5.1     1,024   

Rite Aid-Cheswick


1200 Pittsburgh Street

  Cheswick   PA   15024-1445     13,881        -5.5   $ 46,892        13,375        -3.7   $ 50,609        7.9     491   

Rite Aid-Irwin


3550 Route 130

  Irwin   PA   15642-1497     9,002        5.3   $ 63,495        9,103        1.1   $ 69,606        9.6     318   

Rite Aid-Erie (Buffalo Road)


4145 Buffalo Road

  Erie   PA   16510-2109     17,548        1.2   $ 43,459        17,460        -0.5   $ 46,027        5.9     621   

Rite Aid-New Castle


31 North Jefferson Street

  New Castle   PA   16101-3903     15,183        -5.7   $ 35,721        14,607        -3.8   $ 38,301        7.2     537   

Rite Aid-Connellsville


100 Memorial Boulevard

  Connellsville   PA   15425-2652     7,593        -5.6   $ 31,163        7,329        -3.5   $ 32,835        5.4     269   

Rite Aid-Monroeville (WM Penn)


4111 William Penn Highway

  Monroeville   PA   15146-2601     18,576        -4.3   $ 49,685        17,976        -3.2   $ 53,040        6.8     657   

Rite Aid-Monroeville (Jamison)


2604 Monroeville Boulevard

  Monroeville   PA   15146-2364     23,787        -5.5   $ 46,965        22,893        -3.8   $ 49,431        5.3     841   

River Ridge


4610 Highway 280 South

  Birmingham   AL   35242-5028     16,301        21.9   $ 74,259        17,768        9.0   $ 79,144        6.6     577   

North Aiken Bi-Lo Center


1149 York Street NE

  Aiken   SC   29801     7,757        3.5   $ 34,643        7,912        2.0   $ 36,181        4.4     274   

Jefferson Plaza


12131 Jefferson Avenue

  VA   23602-6916     34,645        13.8   $ 57,056        36,240        4.6   $ 62,846        10.1     1,225   

Rowlett Plaza


8800 Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX   75088-4498     14,268        40.1   $ 80,518        16,146        13.2   $ 84,404        4.8     505   

Duvall Village


4825 Glenn Dale Road

  Bowie   MD   20720-3585     19,772        11.9   $ 96,962        20,236        2.4   $ 105,909        9.2     699   

Harundale Plaza


7440 Ritchie Highway

  Glen Burnie   MD   21061-3115     31,976        0.6   $ 62,306        31,868        -0.3   $ 67,994        9.1     1,131   

Lakewood Ranch Plaza


1755 Lakewood Ranch Boulevard

  Bradenton   FL   34211-4906     5,903        109.6   $ 80,433        6,805        15.3   $ 89,796        11.6     209   

Market Place at Mill Creek


1695 Mall of Georgia Boulevard

  Buford   GA   30519-4929     14,259        75.9   $ 79,691        16,436        15.3   $ 83,271        4.5     504   

Stonecrest Marketplace


8150 Mall Parkway

  Lithonia   GA   30038-2545     7,773        58.5   $ 45,724        8,576        10.3   $ 46,661        2.0     275   

Jones Bridge Square


5075 Peachtree Parkway

  Norcross   GA   30092-6508     21,035        13.7   $ 91,815        22,899        8.9   $ 95,484        4.0     744   

Shoppes at Citiside


4430 The Plaza

  Charlotte   NC   28215     37,222        12.7   $ 38,255        40,685        9.3   $ 39,686        3.7     1,316   

Shoppes on the Ridge


23965 US Highway 27

  Lake Wales   FL   33859-7812     5,181        3.5   $ 33,100        5,415        4.5   $ 35,362        6.8     183   

Plant City Crossing


2515 Thonotosassa Road

  Plant City   FL   33563-1464     13,708        8.4   $ 45,972        14,669        7.0   $ 49,856        8.4     485   

Lakeview Plaza


2340 Fortune Road

  Kissimmee   FL   34744     21,266        52.7   $ 48,536        25,439        19.6   $ 51,003        5.1     752   

Winter Park Palms


4270 Aloma Avenue

  Winter Park   FL   32792-9424     37,363        -1.9   $ 51,244        37,924        1.5   $ 55,084        7.5     1,321   

Presidential Commons


1630-1708 Scenic Highway

  Snellville   GA   30078-5647     20,358        34.0   $ 79,561        22,895        12.5   $ 81,968        3.0     720   

Market Square


9503 Highway Five

  Douglasville   GA   30135-1515     14,118        42.1   $ 57,975        16,304        15.5   $ 60,847        5.0     499   

Village Square at Golf


3775 West Woodbright Road

  FL   33436     43,622        11.5   $ 57,455        46,589        6.8   $ 61,673        7.3     1,543   

Camp Hill Center


3414 Simpson Ferry Road

  Camp Hill   PA   17011     23,565        3.8   $ 62,156        23,868        1.3   $ 67,002        7.8     833   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Chatham Crossing


14215 US Highway 64 West

  Siler City   NC   27344     4,047        17.0   $ 32,863        4,409        8.9   $ 33,364        1.5     143   

Gateway Plaza-Conway


2701 Church Street

  Conway   SC   29526-4422     6,299        22.8   $ 36,334        7,059        12.1   $ 39,534        8.8     223   

Rite Aid-Gaffney


1320 West Floyd Baker Boulevard

  Gaffney   SC   29341-1416     7,961        -0.7   $ 33,797        8,139        2.2   $ 35,767        5.8     282   

Wendover Village I


4203 West Wendover Avenue

  Greensboro   NC   27407-1919     30,384        15.2   $ 46,178        32,775        7.9   $ 47,651        3.2     1,075   

Springfield Park


665 Duluth Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30045-3328     24,291        25.0   $ 63,652        27,098        11.6   $ 65,342        2.7     859   

Paradise Place


4075 Haverhill Road

  West Palm
  FL   33417-8115     34,788        15.6   $ 39,319        37,944        9.1   $ 42,836        8.9     1,230   

Paradise Promenade


5949-6029 Stirling Road

  Davie   FL   33314-7225     43,494        0.5   $ 50,589        44,635        2.6   $ 55,625        10.0     1,538   

Paradise Shoppes of Ellenwood


2828 East Atlanta Road

  Ellenwood   GA   30294-2780     11,328        41.5   $ 61,609        13,143        16.0   $ 63,646        3.3     401   

Plaza Del Paraiso


12100 SW 127th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33186-4663     49,958        7.9   $ 62,529        52,655        5.4   $ 67,846        8.5     1,767   

Shoppes at Lake Dow


900 Highway 81 East

  McDonough   GA   30252-2978     10,808        111.6   $ 56,103        13,873        28.4   $ 58,689        4.6     382   

Shoppes at Lithia


3461 Lithia Pinecrest Road

  Valrico   FL   33596-6302     22,189        25.9   $ 80,420        24,896        12.2   $ 88,016        9.4     785   

Shoppes at Paradise Pointe


251 Miracle Strip Parkway SE

  Fort Walton
  FL   32548-5853     13,710        1.5   $ 48,671        14,039        2.4   $ 54,551        12.1     485   

Oakley Plaza


807 Fairview Road

  Asheville   NC   28803     13,851        8.0   $ 41,748        14,560        5.1   $ 45,052        7.9     490   

Meadowmont Village Center


116 West Barbee Chapel Road

  Chapel Hill   NC   27517-8119     17,691        13.1   $ 48,358        19,083        7.9   $ 51,951        7.4     626   

Creeks at Virginia Center


9830 Brook Road

  Glen Allen   VA   23059-4529     14,894        20.4   $ 66,599        16,266        9.2   $ 72,870        9.4     527   

Columbiana Station


1110 Bower Parkway

  Columbia   SC   29212     19,095        9.0   $ 57,689        20,267        6.1   $ 60,797        5.4     675   

Garland Plaza


3265 Broadway Boulevard

  Garland   TX   75043-1530     38,590        -1.5   $ 47,494        38,915        0.8   $ 49,228        3.7     1,365   

Commonwealth Center


4600 Commonwealth Center Parkway

  Midlothian   VA   23112-8686     13,839        28.2   $ 82,065        15,463        11.7   $ 88,701        8.1     489   

Shoppes at New Tampa


1920 County Road 581

  FL   33544-9262     13,374        158.2   $ 81,303        17,513        31.0   $ 88,893        9.3     473   

Tequesta Shoppes Plaza


105 North US Highway One

  Tequesta   FL   33469-2737     14,119        7.3   $ 70,245        14,954        5.9   $ 76,049        8.3     499   

Rite Aid-Piedmont


915 Anderson Street

  Piedmont   SC   29673-1418     4,551        16.2   $ 42,578        4,915        8.0   $ 44,379        4.2     161   



801 South University Drive

  Plantation   FL   33324-3336     48,686        2.2   $ 56,313        50,381        3.5   $ 61,966        10.0     1,722   

Overlook at King of Prussia


301 Goddard Boulevard

  King Of
  PA   19406     23,460        0.7   $ 73,767        23,584        0.5   $ 81,276        10.2     830   

Brooker Creek


36301 East Lake Road

  Palm Harbor   FL   34685-3200     17,229        10.0   $ 74,680        18,195        5.6   $ 83,177        11.4     609   

Concord Crossing


595 Highway 601 Bypass South

  Concord   NC   28025     12,953        11.2   $ 42,458        13,925        7.5   $ 44,243        4.2     458   



1620 East Roosevelt Highway

  Monroe   NC   28112     6,818        14.8   $ 43,457        7,448        9.2   $ 46,502        7.0     241   

Paraiso Plaza


3300 West 80th Street

  Hialeah   FL   33018     39,765        3.7   $ 47,651        41,193        3.6   $ 53,105        11.4     1,406   

Sheridan Square


401 East Sheridan Street

  Dania   FL   33004-4603     44,514        -0.3   $ 43,984        45,577        2.4   $ 47,850        8.8     1,574   

Valley Park Commons


1520 Wesel Boulevard

  Hagerstown   MD   21740     20,736        9.3   $ 39,343        21,856        5.4   $ 43,144        9.7     733   

Windsor Court


1095 Kennedy Road

  Windsor   CT   06095-1339     11,087        5.2   $ 69,254        11,392        2.8   $ 74,514        7.6     392   

Capital Crossing


2900 East Millbrook Road

  Raleigh   NC   27604-2816     32,800        36.9   $ 52,500        37,873        15.5   $ 55,407        5.5     1,160   

Bardmoore Promenade


10801 Starkey Road

  Largo   FL   33777-1159     42,279        -0.3   $ 43,291        42,805        1.2   $ 46,748        8.0     1,495   

Watercolor Crossing


110 Watercolor Way

  Santa Rosa
  FL   32459-7354     1,086        97.8   $ 52,638        1,382        27.3   $ 60,638        15.2     38   

Village Center


5500 Washington Avenue

  Racine   WI   53406     31,667        4.5   $ 45,493        32,353        2.2   $ 47,529        4.5     1,120   

Carlisle Commons


60 Noble Boulevard

  Carlisle   PA   17013-4119     13,345        9.0   $ 48,710        13,982        4.8   $ 54,193        11.3     472   

Cedar Springs Crossing


2199 Southport Road

  Spartanburg   SC   29302     11,100        -2.2   $ 38,921        11,140        0.4   $ 40,380        3.7     393   

Largo Towne Center


950 Largo Center Drive

  MD   20774-3704     30,704        10.0   $ 74,358        31,975        4.1   $ 82,212        10.6     1,086   

Lexington Place


100 Old Cherokee Road

  Lexington   SC   29072-9316     10,861        44.1   $ 71,529        12,535        15.4   $ 76,649        7.2     384   

Suwanee Crossroads


3255 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd

  Suwanee   GA   30024     17,711        52.2   $ 87,020        20,867        17.8   $ 90,313        3.8     626   

Commons 440


440 State Route 440

  Jersey City   NJ   07305-4813     75,807        -2.2   $ 47,168        75,051        -1.0   $ 52,871        12.1     2,681   

Edgewater Towne Center


905 River Road

  Edgewater   NJ   07020-1389     352,578        3.0   $ 44,233        359,408        1.9   $ 49,020        10.8     12,470   

Brick Center Plaza


51 Chambersbridge Road

  Brick   NJ   08723-4168     30,721        5.3   $ 55,697        31,599        2.9   $ 60,703        9.0     1,087   

East Hanover Plaza


154 State Route 10

  East Hanover   NJ   7936     12,906        9.0   $ 105,874        13,465        4.3   $ 116,219        9.8     456   

Route 22


2700 US Highway 22 East

  Union   NJ   07083-8513     46,029        -2.6   $ 81,074        45,583        -1.0   $ 87,093        7.4     1,628   

Loews Theatre Complex


145 State Route 10

  East Hanover   NJ   07936-2104     12,746        9.5   $ 105,458        13,315        4.5   $ 115,741        9.8     451   

West Falls Plaza


1730 Route 46

  NJ   07424-1716     40,286        -0.4   $ 66,552        40,410        0.3   $ 70,753        6.3     1,425   

Glenmark Center


889 Venture Drive

  Morgantown   WV   26508-7307     10,169        13.7   $ 42,325        10,669        4.9   $ 48,095        13.6     360   

Downtown Short Pump


11500 West Broad Street

  Richmond   VA   23233-1003     24,844        27.6   $ 86,174        27,586        11.0   $ 93,479        8.5     879   

Flamingo Falls Town Center


2000-2216 North Flamingo Road

  FL   33028-3500     41,163        4.2   $ 67,294        42,765        3.9   $ 74,152        10.2     1,456   

River Run


9951 Miramar Parkway

  Miramar   FL   33025-2397     55,677        11.3   $ 52,522        59,483        6.8   $ 58,451        11.3     1,969   

Bi-Lo Asheville


511 Smokey Park Highway

  Candler   NC   28715     9,369        11.0   $ 40,963        9,966        6.4   $ 43,504        6.2     331   

Southern Pines Marketplace


10564 US Highway 15-501

  NC   28387     9,466        25.8   $ 49,770        10,551        11.5   $ 54,544        9.6     335   

Costco Plaza


9919 Pulaski Highway

  Baltimore   MD   21220-1411     26,131        8.1   $ 57,326        27,160        3.9   $ 63,273        10.4     924   

Village Crossing


5507 West Touhy Avenue

  Skokie   IL   60077-3235     69,037        -0.7   $ 65,145        68,994        -0.1   $ 69,177        6.2     2,442   

North Hill Commons


3521 Clemson Boulevard

  Anderson   SC   29621-1312     11,270        11.4   $ 45,023        11,949        6.0   $ 47,167        4.8     399   

BJ’s Wholesale Club


6030 East Independence Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28212-6830     41,672        10.8   $ 45,517        44,718        7.3   $ 46,975        3.2     1,474   

Bi-Lo Shelmore


774 South Shelmore Boulevard

  SC   29464-6656     15,899        19.3   $ 69,558        17,291        8.8   $ 76,091        9.4     562   



2630 Georgetown Drive

  Augusta   GA   30906-7002     18,684        -0.6   $ 36,058        18,676        0.0   $ 37,956        5.3     661   

Oak Summit


344 East Hanes Mill Road

  NC   27105-9135     11,677        7.9   $ 38,159        12,298        5.3   $ 39,126        2.5     413   

Squire Wood Village


115 West Highway 25/70

  Dandridge   TN   37725     2,565        29.9   $ 44,076        2,881        12.3   $ 47,333        7.4     91   

Town & Country Commons


8925 Town and Country Circle

  Knoxville   TN   37923-4931     28,514        8.6   $ 30,330        30,018        5.3   $ 32,420        6.9     1,008   

Wytheville Commons


215 Commonwealth Drive

  Wytheville   VA   24382-1180     4,053        7.4   $ 35,419        4,151        2.4   $ 39,430        11.3     143   

Barrett Pavilion I-IV


740 Barrett Parkway

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-6860     17,795        32.0   $ 54,718        20,233        13.7   $ 57,006        4.2     629   

Heritage Pavilion


2540 Cumberland Boulevard

  Smyrna   GA   30080     38,684        6.1   $ 56,879        40,530        4.8   $ 60,781        6.9     1,368   

Hiram Pavilion


5220 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway

  Hiram   GA   30141-2739     8,968        71.3   $ 50,770        11,186        24.7   $ 54,192        6.7     317   

CVS-Dallas (Main Street)


6749 Main Street

  The Colony   TX   75056     15,393        66.4   $ 83,307        18,850        22.5   $ 91,254        9.5     544   

CVS-Fort Worth (Sycamore)


4551 Sycamore School Road

  Fort Worth   TX   76133     38,265        29.1   $ 52,802        43,091        12.6   $ 56,291        6.6     1,353   

CVS-Wichita Falls (Fairway)


4600 SouthWest Parkway

  Wichita Falls   TX   76310-3215     16,006        2.4   $ 45,600        16,304        1.9   $ 48,430        6.2     566   

CVS-Wichita Falls (38th St)


3601 Jacksboro Highway

  Wichita Falls   TX   76302-1638     19,600        -3.5   $ 34,227        19,327        -1.4   $ 37,255        8.8     693   

CVS-Lake Worth


6640 Lake Worth Boulevard

  Lake Worth   TX   76135-3000     11,616        32.8   $ 42,779        13,241        14.0   $ 45,898        7.3     411   



1710 West Gentry Parkway

  Tyler   TX   75702-3926     14,776        7.7   $ 32,378        15,536        5.1   $ 34,883        7.7     523   

CVS-Fort Worth (Jacksbor)


2706 Jacksboro Highway

  Fort Worth   TX   76114-1945     25,511        10.2   $ 36,622        27,247        6.8   $ 39,393        7.6     902   

CVS-Richardson (Arapaho)


2090 East Arapaho Road

  Richardson   TX   75081-3145     38,307        3.4   $ 64,487        39,640        3.5   $ 66,872        3.7     1,355   

CVS-River Oaks


5301 River Oaks Boulevard

  River Oaks   TX   76114-3302     29,950        6.7   $ 38,627        31,560        5.4   $ 41,001        6.1     1,059   

CVS-Richardson (Buckingham)


1425 Buckingham Road

  Richardson   TX   75081-5324     54,208        0.6   $ 47,630        55,356        2.1   $ 49,049        3.0     1,917   



6401 West Parker Road

  Plano   TX   75093-7919     40,857        37.4   $ 70,017        47,975        17.4   $ 73,313        4.7     1,445   

CVS-Richland Hills (David)


4808 Davis Boulevard

  TX   76180-7001     38,632        9.5   $ 56,590        41,092        6.4   $ 60,115        6.2     1,366   

Rite Aid-Marietta


731 Whitlock Avenue SW

  Marietta   GA   30064-3033     20,461        11.4   $ 48,060        21,842        6.8   $ 51,223        6.6     724   

Rite Aid-Lawrenceville


1545 Lawrenceville Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-4604     25,955        26.5   $ 64,297        29,115        12.2   $ 65,628        2.1     918   

Rite Aid-Gainsville


599 South Enota Drive

  Gainesville   GA   30501     13,933        24.6   $ 39,523        15,612        12.1   $ 41,972        6.2     493   

Rite Aid-Snellville


3295 Centerville Highway

  Snellville   GA   30039-6113     17,561        31.7   $ 65,259        20,047        14.2   $ 66,075        1.3     621   

CVS-Oklahoma City


2323 North Martin Luther King Avenue

  OK   73111-2405     16,757        2.7   $ 28,160        17,107        2.1   $ 30,739        9.2     593   



3300 South Orange Blossom Trail

  Kissimmee   FL   34746-6552     9,129        34.0   $ 40,763        10,573        15.8   $ 44,073        8.1     323   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Chatham Crossing


14215 US Highway 64 West

  Siler City   NC   27344     4,190        22.2   $ 35,395        4,614        10.1   $ 35,965        1.6     148   

Gateway Plaza-Conway


2701 Church Street

  Conway   SC   29526-4422     6,550        28.1   $ 36,650        7,473        14.1   $ 39,200        7.0     232   

Rite Aid-Gaffney


1320 West Floyd Baker Boulevard

  Gaffney   SC   29341-1416     8,222        2.5   $ 32,931        8,271        0.6   $ 33,805        2.7     291   

Wendover Village I


4203 West Wendover Avenue

  Greensboro   NC   27407-1919     31,019        18.0   $ 46,959        33,219        7.1   $ 47,954        2.1     1,097   

Springfield Park


665 Duluth Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30045-3328     24,337        26.8   $ 64,207        27,171        11.6   $ 65,697        2.3     861   

Paradise Place


4075 Haverhill Road

  West Palm
  FL   33417-8115     35,561        17.6   $ 40,340        38,257        7.6   $ 42,502        5.4     1,258   

Paradise Promenade


5949-6029 Stirling Road

  Davie   FL   33314-7225     44,119        1.1   $ 50,930        45,069        2.2   $ 54,953        7.9     1,560   

Paradise Shoppes of Ellenwood


2828 East Atlanta Road

  Ellenwood   GA   30294-2780     11,723        43.1   $ 62,860        13,514        15.3   $ 64,441        2.5     415   

Plaza Del Paraiso


12100 SW 127th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33186-4663     51,027        10.3   $ 63,306        53,571        5.0   $ 67,336        6.4     1,805   

Shoppes at Lake Dow


900 Highway 81 East

  McDonough   GA   30252-2978     11,242        117.7   $ 57,948        13,424        19.4   $ 60,164        3.8     398   

Shoppes at Lithia


3461 Lithia Pinecrest Road

  Valrico   FL   33596-6302     22,060        24.9   $ 81,136        24,626        11.6   $ 87,987        8.4     780   

Shoppes at Paradise Pointe


251 Miracle Strip Parkway SE

  Fort Walton
  FL   32548-5853     13,753        0.3   $ 49,409        13,891        1.0   $ 54,473        10.2     486   

Oakley Plaza


807 Fairview Road

  Asheville   NC   28803     14,057        8.7   $ 42,247        14,607        3.9   $ 44,890        6.3     497   

Meadowmont Village Center


116 West Barbee Chapel Road

  Chapel Hill   NC   27517-8119     17,991        15.8   $ 49,271        19,315        7.4   $ 53,117        7.8     636   

Creeks at Virginia Center


9830 Brook Road

  Glen Allen   VA   23059-4529     14,715        20.4   $ 67,582        15,820        7.5   $ 73,711        9.1     520   

Columbiana Station


1110 Bower Parkway

  Columbia   SC   29212     19,828        11.2   $ 58,529        21,068        6.3   $ 60,944        4.1     701   

Garland Plaza


3265 Broadway Boulevard

  Garland   TX   75043-1530     38,303        -2.1   $ 47,933        38,356        0.1   $ 49,256        2.8     1,355   

Commonwealth Center


4600 Commonwealth Center Parkway

  Midlothian   VA   23112-8686     14,188        31.7   $ 83,011        15,443        8.9   $ 88,493        6.6     502   

Shoppes at New Tampa


1920 County Road 581

  FL   33544-9262     13,518        164.7   $ 81,037        15,776        16.7   $ 89,400        10.3     478   

Tequesta Shoppes Plaza


105 North US Highway One

  Tequesta   FL   33469-2737     14,353        10.5   $ 70,822        15,289        6.5   $ 76,234        7.6     508   

Rite Aid-Piedmont


915 Anderson Street

  Piedmont   SC   29673-1418     4,520        15.6   $ 43,324        4,838        7.0   $ 44,523        2.8     160   



801 South University Drive

  Plantation   FL   33324-3336     47,791        0.1   $ 57,118        48,677        1.9   $ 61,559        7.8     1,690   

Overlook at King of Prussia


301 Goddard Boulevard

  King Of
  PA   19406     23,294        0.7   $ 76,130        23,251        -0.2   $ 82,458        8.3     824   

Brooker Creek


36301 East Lake Road

  Palm Harbor   FL   34685-3200     16,814        8.1   $ 76,385        17,402        3.5   $ 84,741        10.9     595   

Concord Crossing


595 Highway 601 Bypass South

  Concord   NC   28025     13,510        16.5   $ 44,011        14,756        9.2   $ 45,807        4.1     478   



1620 East Roosevelt Highway

  Monroe   NC   28112     6,745        15.9   $ 43,694        7,698        14.1   $ 46,260        5.9     239   

Paraiso Plaza


3300 West 80th Street

  Hialeah   FL   33018     40,456        4.7   $ 48,343        41,889        3.5   $ 52,777        9.2     1,431   

Sheridan Square


401 East Sheridan Street

  Dania   FL   33004-4603     45,369        -0.3   $ 44,359        46,059        1.5   $ 47,644        7.4     1,605   

Valley Park Commons


1520 Wesel Boulevard

  Hagerstown   MD   21740     20,336        9.1   $ 39,947        20,987        3.2   $ 42,802        7.1     719   

Windsor Court


1095 Kennedy Road

  Windsor   CT   06095-1339     11,185        4.9   $ 71,279        11,342        1.4   $ 75,461        5.9     396   

Capital Crossing


2900 East Millbrook Road

  Raleigh   NC   27604-2816     33,958        40.9   $ 54,121        39,438        16.1   $ 55,844        3.2     1,201   

Bardmoore Promenade


10801 Starkey Road

  Largo   FL   33777-1159     41,845        -2.4   $ 44,043        41,538        -0.7   $ 46,729        6.1     1,480   

Watercolor Crossing


110 Watercolor Way

  Santa Rosa
  FL   32459-7354     1,255        96.4   $ 54,112        1,485        18.3   $ 61,512        13.7     44   

Village Center


5500 Washington Avenue

  Racine   WI   53406     32,255        7.6   $ 46,860        33,001        2.3   $ 48,509        3.5     1,141   

Carlisle Commons


60 Noble Boulevard

  Carlisle   PA   17013-4119     13,296        8.6   $ 50,128        13,724        3.2   $ 54,669        9.1     470   

Cedar Springs Crossing


2199 Southport Road

  Spartanburg   SC   29302     11,309        -0.2   $ 40,117        11,398        0.8   $ 41,231        2.8     400   

Largo Towne Center


950 Largo Center Drive

  MD   20774-3704     29,770        6.9   $ 76,163        30,186        1.4   $ 83,310        9.4     1,053   

Lexington Place


100 Old Cherokee Road

  Lexington   SC   29072-9316     11,427        54.8   $ 73,260        13,007        13.8   $ 77,978        6.4     404   

Suwanee Crossroads


3255 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd

  Suwanee   GA   30024     19,184        55.9   $ 89,790        22,169        15.6   $ 92,985        3.6     678   

Commons 440


440 State Route 440

  Jersey City   NJ   07305-4813     74,462        -3.5   $ 49,132        73,271        -1.6   $ 54,795        11.5     2,634   

Edgewater Towne Center


905 River Road

  Edgewater   NJ   07020-1389     352,410        3.5   $ 45,969        357,291        1.4   $ 50,987        10.9     12,464   

Brick Center Plaza


51 Chambersbridge Road

  Brick   NJ   08723-4168     30,401        4.6   $ 57,515        31,007        2.0   $ 61,856        7.5     1,075   

East Hanover Plaza


154 State Route 10

  East Hanover   NJ   7936     12,682        7.5   $ 108,249        12,963        2.2   $ 116,132        7.3     449   

Route 22


2700 US Highway 22 East

  Union   NJ   07083-8513     45,831        -2.7   $ 84,530        45,032        -1.7   $ 90,694        7.3     1,621   

Loews Theatre Complex


145 State Route 10

  East Hanover   NJ   07936-2104     12,457        7.9   $ 107,786        12,752        2.4   $ 115,589        7.2     441   

West Falls Plaza


1730 Route 46

  NJ   07424-1716     40,228        -0.4   $ 67,998        39,934        -0.7   $ 71,667        5.4     1,423   

Glenmark Center


889 Venture Drive

  Morgantown   WV   26508-7307     10,622        17.9   $ 42,633        11,206        5.5   $ 47,534        11.5     376   

Downtown Short Pump


11500 West Broad Street

  Richmond   VA   23233-1003     25,813        31.3   $ 88,665        27,915        8.1   $ 95,448        7.7     913   

Flamingo Falls Town Center


2000-2216 North Flamingo Road

  FL   33028-3500     41,673        6.4   $ 67,373        43,192        3.7   $ 72,901        8.2     1,474   

River Run


9951 Miramar Parkway

  Miramar   FL   33025-2397     55,372        11.4   $ 53,088        57,806        4.4   $ 57,338        8.0     1,958   

Bi-Lo Asheville


511 Smokey Park Highway

  Candler   NC   28715     9,677        13.7   $ 41,763        10,184        5.2   $ 43,767        4.8     342   

Southern Pines Marketplace


10564 US Highway 15-501

  NC   28387     9,696        29.6   $ 48,797        10,602        9.3   $ 51,431        5.4     343   

Costco Plaza


9919 Pulaski Highway

  Baltimore   MD   21220-1411     26,170        8.8   $ 58,583        26,865        2.7   $ 63,857        9.0     926   

Village Crossing


5507 West Touhy Avenue

  Skokie   IL   60077-3235     68,953        -0.5   $ 66,550        68,574        -0.6   $ 69,886        5.0     2,439   

North Hill Commons


3521 Clemson Boulevard

  Anderson   SC   29621-1312     11,583        14.3   $ 46,104        12,261        5.9   $ 48,248        4.7     410   

BJ’s Wholesale Club


6030 East Independence Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28212-6830     43,839        15.7   $ 46,276        48,394        10.4   $ 47,419        2.5     1,550   

Bi-Lo Shelmore


774 South Shelmore Boulevard

  SC   29464-6656     16,294        20.9   $ 71,899        17,712        8.7   $ 78,545        9.2     576   



2630 Georgetown Drive

  Augusta   GA   30906-7002     18,661        0.3   $ 36,337        18,673        0.1   $ 37,538        3.3     660   

Oak Summit


344 East Hanes Mill Road

  NC   27105-9135     12,141        9.1   $ 38,515        12,692        4.5   $ 39,040        1.4     429   

Squire Wood Village


115 West Highway 25/70

  Dandridge   TN   37725     2,704        38.8   $ 44,630        3,028        12.0   $ 47,279        5.9     96   

Town & Country Commons


8925 Town and Country Circle

  Knoxville   TN   37923-4931     28,410        9.7   $ 30,918        29,627        4.3   $ 32,473        5.0     1,005   

Wytheville Commons


215 Commonwealth Drive

  Wytheville   VA   24382-1180     4,146        9.3   $ 34,688        4,273        3.1   $ 37,357        7.7     147   

Barrett Pavilion I-IV


740 Barrett Parkway

  Kennesaw   GA   30144-6860     18,213        35.2   $ 56,732        19,951        9.5   $ 58,195        2.6     644   

Heritage Pavilion


2540 Cumberland Boulevard

  Smyrna   GA   30080     39,129        6.2   $ 59,657        40,621        3.8   $ 62,970        5.6     1,384   

Hiram Pavilion


5220 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway

  Hiram   GA   30141-2739     8,849        69.8   $ 51,719        10,794        22.0   $ 53,746        3.9     313   

CVS-Dallas (Main Street)


6749 Main Street

  The Colony   TX   75056     14,620        60.2   $ 84,881        17,348        18.7   $ 92,300        8.7     517   

CVS-Fort Worth (Sycamore)


4551 Sycamore School Road

  Fort Worth   TX   76133     37,757        27.4   $ 54,005        41,739        10.6   $ 56,438        4.5     1,335   

CVS-Wichita Falls (Fairway)


4600 SouthWest Parkway

  Wichita Falls   TX   76310-3215     15,678        2.2   $ 47,949        15,714        0.2   $ 51,270        6.9     554   

CVS-Wichita Falls (38th St)


3601 Jacksboro Highway

  Wichita Falls   TX   76302-1638     19,690        -3.3   $ 36,274        19,283        -2.1   $ 39,360        8.5     696   

CVS-Lake Worth


6640 Lake Worth Boulevard

  Lake Worth   TX   76135-3000     12,096        36.9   $ 44,152        13,237        9.4   $ 46,596        5.5     428   



1710 West Gentry Parkway

  Tyler   TX   75702-3926     14,615        7.2   $ 33,209        15,173        3.8   $ 35,315        6.3     517   

CVS-Fort Worth (Jacksbor)


2706 Jacksboro Highway

  Fort Worth   TX   76114-1945     25,457        9.6   $ 37,682        27,098        6.5   $ 40,268        6.9     900   

CVS-Richardson (Arapaho)


2090 East Arapaho Road

  Richardson   TX   75081-3145     38,560        4.4   $ 65,142        39,851        3.4   $ 66,797        2.5     1,364   

CVS-River Oaks


5301 River Oaks Boulevard

  River Oaks   TX   76114-3302     29,440        4.8   $ 39,410        31,114        5.7   $ 41,860        6.2     1,041   

CVS-Richardson (Buckingham)


1425 Buckingham Road

  Richardson   TX   75081-5324     54,116        0.8   $ 47,899        54,821        1.3   $ 48,582        1.4     1,914   



6401 West Parker Road

  Plano   TX   75093-7919     43,004        43.3   $ 71,966        50,785        18.1   $ 74,216        3.1     1,521   

CVS-Richland Hills (David)


4808 Davis Boulevard

  TX   76180-7001     38,535        8.6   $ 57,762        41,226        7.0   $ 61,218        6.0     1,363   

Rite Aid-Marietta


731 Whitlock Avenue SW

  Marietta   GA   30064-3033     21,297        16.8   $ 50,143        22,578        6.0   $ 53,202        6.1     753   

Rite Aid-Lawrenceville


1545 Lawrenceville Highway

  Lawrenceville   GA   30044-4604     25,661        27.7   $ 65,244        28,883        12.6   $ 66,248        1.5     908   

Rite Aid-Gainsville


599 South Enota Drive

  Gainesville   GA   30501     14,323        28.2   $ 39,934        15,920        11.2   $ 41,593        4.2     507   

Rite Aid-Snellville


3295 Centerville Highway

  Snellville   GA   30039-6113     17,765        32.9   $ 66,164        20,051        12.9   $ 66,763        0.9     628   

CVS-Oklahoma City


2323 North Martin Luther King Avenue

  OK   73111-2405     16,708        2.9   $ 29,198        16,947        1.4   $ 31,466        7.8     591   



3300 South Orange Blossom Trail

  Kissimmee   FL   34746-6552     8,992        33.7   $ 40,513        10,536        17.2   $ 42,916        5.9     318   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Birkdale Village


8712 Lindholm Drive

  Huntersville   NC   28078-1870     18,222        85.1   $ 81,244        22,682        24.5   $ 84,761        4.3     644   

Sandy Plains Village


4661 Woodstock Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-1640     17,616        16.6   $ 105,309        19,240        9.2   $ 111,004        5.4     623   

Bi-Lo Sylvania


1129 West Ogeechee Street

  Sylvania   GA   30467-8626     1,792        -5.9   $ 34,775        1,756        -2.0   $ 37,666        8.3     63   

Park Place at Cascades Mktpl


21050 Southbank Street

  Sterling   VA   20165-7273     31,497        28.6   $ 99,989        35,943        14.1   $ 111,872        11.9     1,114   

Redbud Commons


2601 South New Hope Road

  Gastonia   NC   28056     18,115        16.4   $ 49,065        19,558        8.0   $ 50,655        3.2     641   

Walgreen’s-Port Huron


1617 Tenth Street

  Port Huron   MI   48060-5844     12,760        -0.8   $ 31,549        12,646        -0.9   $ 31,615        0.2     451   

Shops at Oliver Crossing


5034 Peters Creek Parkway

  NC   27127     8,689        25.6   $ 54,130        9,633        10.9   $ 56,009        3.5     307   

Kensington Place


1761 South Rutherford Blvd

  Murfreesboro   TN   37130     16,366        35.0   $ 39,364        18,822        15.0   $ 41,568        5.6     579   

Naugatuck Valley


950 Wolcott Street

  Waterbury   CT   6705     37,394        0.1   $ 38,761        37,460        0.2   $ 42,001        8.4     1,323   

Waterfront Market Amity


149 West Bridge Street

  Homestead   PA   15120-5042     52,546        -5.6   $ 40,046        50,705        -3.5   $ 43,295        8.1     1,858   

Denbigh Village


14346 Warwick Boulevard

  VA   23602-3814     31,711        9.5   $ 51,979        32,815        3.5   $ 57,370        10.4     1,122   

Camfield Corners


8620 Camfield Street

  Charlotte   NC   28277-2396     27,917        72.4   $ 91,036        34,232        22.6   $ 95,621        5.0     987   

Pointe at Tampa Palms


17002 Palms Pointe Drive

  Tampa   FL   33647     13,614        79.8   $ 67,723        16,823        23.6   $ 73,040        7.9     481   



6401 Colerain Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45239-5535     38,301        2.8   $ 49,753        38,793        1.3   $ 54,396        9.3     1,355   

Kroger-Grand Prairie


2525 West Interstate 20

  Grand Prairie   TX   75052-3929     34,893        31.1   $ 62,370        39,400        12.9   $ 65,721        5.4     1,234   



2815 Capital Mall Drive SW

  Olympia   WA   98502-8633     18,836        8.7   $ 50,472        19,881        5.6   $ 55,311        9.6     666   



5660 Sepulveda Boulevard

  Culver City   CA   90230-6122     106,345        5.1   $ 57,331        111,057        4.4   $ 63,529        10.8     3,761   



1451 Woodruff Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-5741     17,978        37.7   $ 65,120        20,684        15.1   $ 68,573        5.3     636   



2700 West State Street

  Alliance   OH   44601-5611     10,236        -1.6   $ 37,759        10,119        -1.1   $ 40,133        6.3     362   



4550 Kester Mill Road

  NC   27103-1247     20,785        13.1   $ 51,656        22,374        7.6   $ 53,975        4.5     735   

Sam’s Club-Worcester


301 Barber Avenue

  Worcester   MA   01606-2475     43,950        1.1   $ 45,427        44,232        0.6   $ 49,493        9.0     1,554   



4115 Mall Drive

  Steubenville   OH   43952-3007     10,814        -5.0   $ 35,631        10,466        -3.2   $ 40,052        12.4     382   



5002 Garth Road

  Baytown   TX   77521-2135     16,225        12.1   $ 47,758        17,395        7.2   $ 51,531        7.9     574   

Kroger-West Chester


7172 Cincinnati-Dayton Road

  West Chester   OH   45069     15,677        10.1   $ 87,429        16,430        4.8   $ 92,878        6.2     554   

Cortez Plaza


6030 14th Street West

  Bradenton   FL   34207-4104     34,715        3.5   $ 36,500        36,313        4.6   $ 39,978        9.5     1,228   

Houston Square


207 Russell Parkway

  GA   31088     21,134        16.5   $ 49,320        22,946        8.6   $ 53,633        8.7     747   

Manchester Broad Street


286 Broad Street

  Manchester   CT   06040-4034     26,305        3.2   $ 61,847        26,783        1.8   $ 67,256        8.7     930   

Clearwater Crossing


7380 Spout Springs Road

  GA   30542-7541     6,401        103.9   $ 75,947        8,042        25.6   $ 81,254        7.0     226   

Middletown Village


1315 West Main Road

  Middletown   RI   02842-6355     12,364        -6.3   $ 56,864        11,936        -3.5   $ 63,116        11.0     437   

Crossroads Plaza-NJ


1520 Route 38

  Lumberton   NJ   08048-2904     14,298        12.8   $ 76,214        15,010        5.0   $ 84,748        11.2     506   

Winslow Bay Commons


594 River Highway

  Mooresville   NC   28117     7,097        61.7   $ 71,323        8,508        19.9   $ 77,107        8.1     251   

Riverdale Shops


935 Riverdale Street

  MA   01089-4656     36,177        -1.7   $ 34,598        35,834        -1.0   $ 37,151        7.4     1,279   

Albertsons at Bloomingdale Hls


10817 Bloomingdale Avenue

  Riverview   FL   33578-3616     29,790        46.9   $ 58,695        35,031        17.6   $ 63,815        8.7     1,054   

Aiken Exchange


2560 Whiskey Road

  Aiken   SC   29803-9664     11,831        20.8   $ 65,566        12,941        9.4   $ 69,657        6.2     418   

Cypress Trace


13300 South Cleveland Avenue

  Fort Myers   FL   33907-3886     30,654        24.7   $ 47,900        34,827        13.6   $ 52,644        9.9     1,084   

Mooresville Marketplace


219-247 East Plaza Drive

  Mooresville   NC   28115     10,319        24.6   $ 54,690        11,531        11.8   $ 59,680        9.1     365   

Piedmont Plaza


2302 Semoran Boulevard

  Apopka   FL   32703-5803     26,289        10.7   $ 60,142        28,158        7.1   $ 64,868        7.9     930   

Warwick Center


1324 Bald Hill Road

  Warwick   RI   2886     28,949        2.3   $ 53,286        29,126        0.6   $ 58,441        9.7     1,024   

Adams Farm


5710 High Point Road

  Greensboro   NC   27407-7061     17,384        18.0   $ 58,153        18,939        9.0   $ 60,244        3.6     615   

Market Square


13300 South Cleveland Avenue

  Fort Myers   FL   33907-3886     30,654        24.7   $ 47,900        34,827        13.6   $ 52,644        9.9     1,084   

Mill Pond Village


3434 Kildaire Farm Road

  Cary   NC   27518-2277     12,115        45.6   $ 94,783        14,259        17.7   $ 98,817        4.3     428   

Thompson Square


68 Thompson Square

  Monticello   NY   12701     981        10.2   $ 51,946        1,038        5.8   $ 59,013        13.6     35   

Capital Plaza


11825 Retail Drive

  Wake Forest   NC   27587-7352     11,752        102.6   $ 70,124        14,777        25.7   $ 75,790        8.1     416   

So Good Beauty & Bridal


3480 Steve Reynolds Boulevard

  Duluth   GA   30096-4510     31,814        19.4   $ 48,746        35,257        10.8   $ 49,004        0.5     1,125   

David’s Bridal


4685 Presidential Parkway

  Macon   GA   31206-8712     14,301        -1.2   $ 27,599        14,262        -0.3   $ 27,800        0.7     506   

Oakland Market Place


7256 Highway 64

  Oakland   TN   38060     2,453        109.5   $ 57,002        3,151        28.5   $ 62,081        8.9     87   

South Square


4001 Durham Chapel Hill Boulevard

  Durham   NC   27707-2569     22,693        13.1   $ 47,169        24,374        7.4   $ 49,052        4.0     803   

North Hampton Market


6019 Wade Hampton Boulevard

  Taylors   SC   29687-5334     15,269        24.9   $ 47,499        17,014        11.4   $ 49,733        4.7     540   

Heather Island


7578 SE Maricamp Road

  Ocala   FL   34472-4273     7,964        34.5   $ 36,271        9,179        15.3   $ 39,174        8.0     282   



2821 Montgomery Highway

  Dothan   AL   36303-2605     15,318        11.2   $ 40,103        16,264        6.2   $ 42,886        6.9     542   

Wendover Village II


4203 West Wendover Avenue

  Greensboro   NC   27407-1919     30,358        15.7   $ 46,320        32,792        8.0   $ 47,818        3.2     1,074   

Clearwater Collection


21688 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33765-2834     38,598        -3.3   $ 45,584        38,462        -0.4   $ 49,476        8.5     1,365   

Walgreen’s-Dearborn Heights


8706 North Telegraph Road

  MI   48127-1457     47,899        -9.3   $ 45,476        45,461        -5.1   $ 46,035        1.2     1,694   



29200 Six Mile Road

  Livonia   MI   48152-5010     33,969        -8.9   $ 54,876        32,186        -5.3   $ 56,123        2.3     1,201   



2525 South Alpine Road

  Rockford   IL   61108-7812     31,106        4.3   $ 42,457        32,146        3.3   $ 43,775        3.1     1,100   

American Way


4075 American Way

  Memphis   TN   38118-8302     36,319        -3.0   $ 34,335        35,922        -1.1   $ 35,513        3.4     1,285   

Brookhaven Plaza


3974 Peachtree Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30319-5253     54,120        13.6   $ 68,494        58,170        7.5   $ 73,869        7.8     1,914   

Cascade Corners


3425 Cascade Road SW

  Atlanta   GA   30311-3676     25,377        20.0   $ 40,778        28,045        10.5   $ 44,362        8.8     898   

Cascade Crossing


3695 Cascade Road SW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-2146     22,630        23.5   $ 45,227        25,253        11.6   $ 49,111        8.6     800   

Deshon Plaza


380 North Deshon Road

  GA   30087-4797     16,043        33.2   $ 66,742        18,109        12.9   $ 68,205        2.2     567   

Flat Shoals Crossing


3649 Flakes Mill Road

  Decatur   GA   30034-5218     22,096        23.5   $ 61,355        24,335        10.1   $ 63,892        4.1     781   

Glenlake Plaza


2629 East 65th Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46220-1507     32,796        0.9   $ 59,189        33,211        1.3   $ 62,331        5.3     1,160   

Hickory Flat Village


6175 Hickory Flat Highway

  Canton   GA   30115-7207     4,960        59.7   $ 78,598        6,014        21.3   $ 81,689        3.9     175   

Kroger Plaza


1800 Republic Road

  VA   23454-4542     27,127        -0.7   $ 54,514        27,094        -0.1   $ 60,767        11.5     959   

Milan Plaza


531 West Main Street

  Milan   MI   48160-9559     3,047        22.2   $ 59,992        3,316        8.8   $ 63,043        5.1     108   

Shops at Johns Creek


4090 Johns Creek Parkway

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1260     17,994        46.1   $ 131,942        21,155        17.6   $ 143,598        8.8     636   

Waynesboro Commons


109 Lew Dewitt Boulevard

  Waynesboro   VA   22980-1660     8,462        12.1   $ 50,410        8,952        5.8   $ 54,282        7.7     299   

Willowbrook Commons


61 East Thompson Lane

  Nashville   TN   37211-2513     26,529        2.0   $ 36,488        27,091        2.1   $ 38,798        6.3     938   

Crossroads Square


130 Terrace Lane

  Morristown   TN   37813-1999     11,680        7.3   $ 30,985        12,209        4.5   $ 32,510        4.9     413   



1140 Woodruff Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-4172     18,665        31.1   $ 56,917        21,217        13.7   $ 59,951        5.3     660   

Avenue at White Marsh


8141 Honeygo Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-8202     36,659        10.7   $ 62,285        38,477        5.0   $ 68,110        9.4     1,297   

White Marsh Plaza


7944 Honeygo Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-4919     38,146        9.9   $ 62,960        39,949        4.7   $ 68,779        9.2     1,349   

Shoppes at Nottingham Square


5300 Campbell Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-4922     27,379        12.7   $ 61,917        28,944        5.7   $ 68,106        10.0     968   

Greenwich Street 19


19 Greenwich Street

  New York   NY   10004     342,257        6.7   $ 64,858        354,161        3.5   $ 72,772        12.2     12,105   

Entrada de Oro


7951 North Oracle Road

  Tucson   AZ   85704-6346     17,227        8.4   $ 58,915        18,329        6.4   $ 62,837        6.7     609   

Madera Village


9125 East Tanque Verde Road

  Tucson   AZ   85749-8820     27,794        12.0   $ 58,077        29,923        7.7   $ 62,292        7.3     983   

Oracle Crossings


7785 North Oracle Road

  Tucson   AZ   85704-6312     17,895        8.1   $ 57,754        19,021        6.3   $ 61,627        6.7     633   

Oracle Wetmore


4302 North Oracle Road

  Tucson   AZ   85705-1634     45,121        7.6   $ 31,852        47,862        6.1   $ 34,061        6.9     1,596   

Shoppes at Bears Path


8800 East Tanque Verde Road

  Tucson   AZ   85749-9607     29,277        11.6   $ 56,260        31,493        7.6   $ 60,369        7.3     1,035   

Scottsdale Horizon


14858 North Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard

  Scottsdale   AZ   85260-2216     23,858        20.9   $ 79,687        26,553        11.3   $ 85,620        7.4     844   

Flagler Park Plaza


8309 West Flagler Street

  Miami   FL   33144-2071     58,667        2.5   $ 43,961        60,561        3.2   $ 47,640        8.4     2,075   

Centennial Crossroads Plaza


6460 Sky Pointe Drive

  Las Vegas   NV   89131-4038     28,618        103.5   $ 77,078        35,532        24.2   $ 83,817        8.7     1,012   

Land-Harmon Town Crossing



  Fort Worth   TX   76131     14,431        118.4   $ 69,145        18,374        27.3   $ 74,810        8.2     510   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH  Income
    2015 Median

Birkdale Village


8712 Lindholm Drive

  Huntersville   NC   28078-1870     17,990        85.3   $ 83,205        20,847        15.9   $ 87,685        5.4     636   

Sandy Plains Village


4661 Woodstock Road

  Roswell   GA   30075-1640     18,009        17.8   $ 107,373        19,489        8.2   $ 111,523        3.9     637   

Bi-Lo Sylvania


1129 West Ogeechee Street

  Sylvania   GA   30467-8626     1,919        -4.3   $ 35,660        1,885        -1.8   $ 37,736        5.8     68   

Park Place at Cascades Mktpl


21050 Southbank Street

  Sterling   VA   20165-7273     32,093        28.1   $ 103,731        37,867        18.0   $ 112,092        8.1     1,135   

Redbud Commons


2601 South New Hope Road

  Gastonia   NC   28056     18,076        16.6   $ 51,196        19,404        7.4   $ 52,990        3.5     639   

Walgreen’s-Port Huron


1617 Tenth Street

  Port Huron   MI   48060-5844     12,760        -1.6   $ 32,868        12,493        -2.1   $ 33,048        0.5     451   

Shops at Oliver Crossing


5034 Peters Creek Parkway

  NC   27127     9,075        31.2   $ 54,986        9,940        9.5   $ 56,577        2.9     321   

Kensington Place


1761 South Rutherford Blvd

  Murfreesboro   TN   37130     16,054        32.4   $ 40,746        18,321        14.1   $ 42,670        4.7     568   

Naugatuck Valley


950 Wolcott Street

  Waterbury   CT   6705     37,735        0.5   $ 39,752        37,536        -0.5   $ 41,876        5.3     1,335   

Waterfront Market Amity


149 West Bridge Street

  Homestead   PA   15120-5042     52,680        -5.5   $ 41,375        50,786        -3.6   $ 44,282        7.0     1,863   

Denbigh Village


14346 Warwick Boulevard

  VA   23602-3814     32,203        12.1   $ 54,335        33,470        3.9   $ 59,160        8.9     1,139   

Camfield Corners


8620 Camfield Street

  Charlotte   NC   28277-2396     28,899        82.4   $ 93,321        33,591        16.2   $ 97,722        4.7     1,022   

Pointe at Tampa Palms


17002 Palms Pointe Drive

  Tampa   FL   33647     14,486        89.1   $ 68,027        16,576        14.4   $ 70,960        4.3     512   



6401 Colerain Avenue

  Cincinnati   OH   45239-5535     37,636        2.0   $ 50,685        37,702        0.2   $ 54,222        7.0     1,331   

Kroger-Grand Prairie


2525 West Interstate 20

  Grand Prairie   TX   75052-3929     35,265        32.1   $ 63,075        38,737        9.9   $ 65,307        3.5     1,247   



2815 Capital Mall Drive SW

  Olympia   WA   98502-8633     18,833        10.4   $ 52,260        19,881        5.6   $ 56,188        7.5     666   



5660 Sepulveda Boulevard

  Culver City   CA   90230-6122     107,429        6.0   $ 58,943        110,884        3.2   $ 64,219        9.0     3,800   



1451 Woodruff Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-5741     19,375        47.1   $ 65,577        21,894        13.0   $ 67,795        3.4     685   



2700 West State Street

  Alliance   OH   44601-5611     10,273        -0.8   $ 38,081        10,144        -1.3   $ 39,747        4.4     363   



4550 Kester Mill Road

  NC   27103-1247     21,125        16.1   $ 52,867        22,542        6.7   $ 54,698        3.5     747   

Sam’s Club-Worcester


301 Barber Avenue

  Worcester   MA   01606-2475     44,656        2.9   $ 47,232        44,777        0.3   $ 51,381        8.8     1,579   



4115 Mall Drive

  Steubenville   OH   43952-3007     10,794        -4.2   $ 35,237        10,450        -3.2   $ 38,297        8.7     382   



5002 Garth Road

  Baytown   TX   77521-2135     15,935        12.5   $ 49,215        17,011        6.8   $ 52,976        7.6     564   

Kroger-West Chester


7172 Cincinnati-Dayton Road

  West Chester   OH   45069     16,051        13.8   $ 88,043        16,753        4.4   $ 92,433        5.0     568   

Cortez Plaza


6030 14th Street West

  Bradenton   FL   34207-4104     32,942        0.5   $ 35,861        34,259        4.0   $ 38,211        6.6     1,165   

Houston Square


207 Russell Parkway

  GA   31088     21,669        18.3   $ 50,928        23,477        8.3   $ 55,069        8.1     766   

Manchester Broad Street


286 Broad Street

  Manchester   CT   06040-4034     26,358        3.9   $ 63,612        26,575        0.8   $ 68,448        7.6     932   

Clearwater Crossing


7380 Spout Springs Road

  GA   30542-7541     6,089        119.8   $ 77,480        7,038        15.6   $ 83,201        7.4     215   

Middletown Village


1315 West Main Road

  Middletown   RI   02842-6355     12,057        -8.5   $ 59,498        11,387        -5.6   $ 65,141        9.5     426   

Crossroads Plaza-NJ


1520 Route 38

  Lumberton   NJ   08048-2904     14,480        13.9   $ 78,582        15,038        3.9   $ 86,718        10.4     512   

Winslow Bay Commons


594 River Highway

  Mooresville   NC   28117     7,045        60.8   $ 71,809        8,066        14.5   $ 76,717        6.8     249   

Riverdale Shops


935 Riverdale Street

  MA   01089-4656     35,994        -1.7   $ 35,642        35,389        -1.7   $ 37,678        5.7     1,273   

Albertsons at Bloomingdale Hls


10817 Bloomingdale Avenue

  Riverview   FL   33578-3616     30,595        52.4   $ 58,935        34,624        13.2   $ 63,320        7.4     1,082   

Aiken Exchange


2560 Whiskey Road

  Aiken   SC   29803-9664     12,003        22.4   $ 64,759        12,882        7.3   $ 67,472        4.2     425   

Cypress Trace


13300 South Cleveland Avenue

  Fort Myers   FL   33907-3886     30,329        23.8   $ 48,650        34,747        14.6   $ 52,471        7.9     1,073   

Mooresville Marketplace


219-247 East Plaza Drive

  Mooresville   NC   28115     10,160        23.2   $ 54,161        11,157        9.8   $ 58,347        7.7     359   

Piedmont Plaza


2302 Semoran Boulevard

  Apopka   FL   32703-5803     26,261        9.7   $ 61,334        28,118        7.1   $ 65,301        6.5     929   

Warwick Center


1324 Bald Hill Road

  Warwick   RI   2886     28,708        1.8   $ 55,456        28,613        -0.3   $ 60,251        8.6     1,015   

Adams Farm


5710 High Point Road

  Greensboro   NC   27407-7061     17,506        19.2   $ 59,264        18,871        7.8   $ 60,913        2.8     619   

Market Square


13300 South Cleveland Avenue

  Fort Myers   FL   33907-3886     30,329        23.8   $ 48,650        34,747        14.6   $ 52,471        7.9     1,073   

Mill Pond Village


3434 Kildaire Farm Road

  Cary   NC   27518-2277     12,038        48.3   $ 96,598        14,111        17.2   $ 100,388        3.9     426   

Thompson Square


68 Thompson Square

  Monticello   NY   12701     962        8.5   $ 53,697        985        2.4   $ 59,244        10.3     34   

Capital Plaza


11825 Retail Drive

  Wake Forest   NC   27587-7352     12,309        121.2   $ 72,814        14,281        16.0   $ 80,617        10.7     435   

So Good Beauty & Bridal


3480 Steve Reynolds Boulevard

  Duluth   GA   30096-4510     30,848        18.2   $ 49,511        34,064        10.4   $ 49,513        0.0     1,091   

David’s Bridal


4685 Presidential Parkway

  Macon   GA   31206-8712     14,365        -0.7   $ 28,882        14,280        -0.6   $ 29,137        0.9     508   

Oakland Market Place


7256 Highway 64

  Oakland   TN   38060     2,535        112.5   $ 59,851        2,969        17.1   $ 64,738        8.2     90   

South Square


4001 Durham Chapel Hill Boulevard

  Durham   NC   27707-2569     23,034        16.1   $ 48,547        24,978        8.4   $ 50,467        4.0     815   

North Hampton Market


6019 Wade Hampton Boulevard

  Taylors   SC   29687-5334     15,259        26.4   $ 47,898        16,844        10.4   $ 49,508        3.4     540   

Heather Island


7578 SE Maricamp Road

  Ocala   FL   34472-4273     7,961        34.8   $ 36,870        8,956        12.5   $ 38,375        4.1     282   



2821 Montgomery Highway

  Dothan   AL   36303-2605     15,158        11.4   $ 40,905        15,873        4.7   $ 43,059        5.3     536   

Wendover Village II


4203 West Wendover Avenue

  Greensboro   NC   27407-1919     30,791        18.1   $ 47,077        32,993        7.2   $ 48,077        2.1     1,089   

Clearwater Collection


21688 US Highway 19 North

  Clearwater   FL   33765-2834     38,259        -4.3   $ 46,374        37,733        -1.4   $ 49,536        6.8     1,353   

Walgreen’s-Dearborn Heights


8706 North Telegraph Road

  MI   48127-1457     46,398        -11.8   $ 45,823        43,130        -7.0   $ 46,022        0.4     1,641   



29200 Six Mile Road

  Livonia   MI   48152-5010     32,620        -12.6   $ 55,501        30,231        -7.3   $ 56,240        1.3     1,154   



2525 South Alpine Road

  Rockford   IL   61108-7812     31,098        4.3   $ 42,539        31,711        2.0   $ 43,085        1.3     1,100   

American Way


4075 American Way

  Memphis   TN   38118-8302     35,587        -4.8   $ 34,730        34,781        -2.3   $ 35,395        1.9     1,259   

Brookhaven Plaza


3974 Peachtree Road NE

  Atlanta   GA   30319-5253     55,889        17.3   $ 70,905        59,751        6.9   $ 76,567        8.0     1,977   

Cascade Corners


3425 Cascade Road SW

  Atlanta   GA   30311-3676     25,454        23.0   $ 42,140        28,105        10.4   $ 44,942        6.6     900   

Cascade Crossing


3695 Cascade Road SW

  Atlanta   GA   30331-2146     22,939        26.1   $ 46,538        25,462        11.0   $ 49,615        6.6     811   

Deshon Plaza


380 North Deshon Road

  GA   30087-4797     15,904        32.3   $ 68,172        17,712        11.4   $ 68,625        0.7     562   

Flat Shoals Crossing


3649 Flakes Mill Road

  Decatur   GA   30034-5218     22,620        24.2   $ 61,987        24,561        8.6   $ 63,838        3.0     800   

Glenlake Plaza


2629 East 65th Street

  Indianapolis   IN   46220-1507     32,606        0.2   $ 58,801        32,652        0.1   $ 61,053        3.8     1,153   

Hickory Flat Village


6175 Hickory Flat Highway

  Canton   GA   30115-7207     5,253        69.3   $ 82,071        6,256        19.1   $ 85,256        3.9     186   

Kroger Plaza


1800 Republic Road

  VA   23454-4542     26,944        -1.4   $ 57,131        26,648        -1.1   $ 62,437        9.3     953   

Milan Plaza


531 West Main Street

  Milan   MI   48160-9559     2,970        20.8   $ 60,351        3,172        6.8   $ 62,578        3.7     105   

Shops at Johns Creek


4090 Johns Creek Parkway

  Suwanee   GA   30024-1260     17,911        44.2   $ 136,834        20,870        16.5   $ 148,477        8.5     633   

Waynesboro Commons


109 Lew Dewitt Boulevard

  Waynesboro   VA   22980-1660     8,664        15.4   $ 51,824        9,142        5.5   $ 55,023        6.2     306   

Willowbrook Commons


61 East Thompson Lane

  Nashville   TN   37211-2513     26,753        2.2   $ 37,073        27,120        1.4   $ 38,703        4.4     946   

Crossroads Square


130 Terrace Lane

  Morristown   TN   37813-1999     11,605        8.0   $ 31,869        11,997        3.4   $ 33,233        4.3     410   



1140 Woodruff Road

  Greenville   SC   29607-4172     20,162        39.2   $ 56,749        22,568        11.9   $ 58,406        2.9     713   

Avenue at White Marsh


8141 Honeygo Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-8202     36,650        10.5   $ 63,552        37,649        2.7   $ 68,552        7.9     1,296   

White Marsh Plaza


7944 Honeygo Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-4919     37,934        9.3   $ 64,224        38,866        2.5   $ 69,235        7.8     1,342   

Shoppes at Nottingham Square


5300 Campbell Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-4922     27,980        13.8   $ 63,386        29,001        3.7   $ 68,793        8.5     990   

Greenwich Street 19


19 Greenwich Street

  New York   NY   10004     346,455        8.3   $ 67,693        353,974        2.2   $ 75,812        12.0     12,253   

Entrada de Oro


7951 North Oracle Road

  Tucson   AZ   85704-6346     17,983        11.8   $ 59,869        19,344        7.6   $ 63,335        5.8     636   

Madera Village


9125 East Tanque Verde Road

  Tucson   AZ   85749-8820     27,983        13.1   $ 59,781        30,280        8.2   $ 63,943        7.0     990   

Oracle Crossings


7785 North Oracle Road

  Tucson   AZ   85704-6312     18,344        10.9   $ 59,066        19,686        7.3   $ 62,469        5.8     649   

Oracle Wetmore


4302 North Oracle Road

  Tucson   AZ   85705-1634     45,362        8.3   $ 32,766        48,257        6.4   $ 34,694        5.9     1,604   

Shoppes at Bears Path


8800 East Tanque Verde Road

  Tucson   AZ   85749-9607     29,321        12.8   $ 57,685        31,690        8.1   $ 61,615        6.8     1,037   

Scottsdale Horizon


14858 North Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard

  Scottsdale   AZ   85260-2216     23,652        20.0   $ 81,478        26,550        12.3   $ 85,809        5.3     837   

Flagler Park Plaza


8309 West Flagler Street

  Miami   FL   33144-2071     58,867        2.7   $ 44,558        60,570        2.9   $ 47,706        7.1     2,082   

Centennial Crossroads Plaza


6460 Sky Pointe Drive

  Las Vegas   NV   89131-4038     29,454        110.5   $ 77,032        33,832        14.9   $ 82,759        7.4     1,042   

Land-Harmon Town Crossing



  Fort Worth   TX   76131     15,472        134.3   $ 71,178        17,634        14.0   $ 77,320        8.6     547   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Union Crescent Marketplace


Springfield Avenue

  Union   NJ       57,606        -4.8   $ 72,908        56,218        -2.4   $ 78,896        8.2     2,037   

Cherokee Plaza


1745 Peachtree Street NE

  Atlanta   GA   30309-2410     72,412        31.7   $ 62,434        82,171        13.5   $ 68,543        9.8     2,561   

Sunrise West


West Commercial Boulevard

  Sunrise   FL   33351     60,071        5.0   $ 45,499        62,854        4.6   $ 49,098        7.9     2,125   

Cole Park Plaza


15-501 US Highway

  Chapel Hill   NC   27517-6036     5,559        40.2   $ 66,863        6,423        15.5   $ 70,191        5.0     197   

New Tampa Commons


Bruce B Downs Boulevard

  New Tampa   FL   33647     12,649        98.1   $ 76,859        15,945        26.1   $ 83,269        8.3     447   

East Lloyd Commons


6300 East Lloyd Expressway

  Evansville   IN   47715-2720     22,696        1.9   $ 43,936        23,017        1.4   $ 46,239        5.2     803   



7210 North Middlebelt Road

  Westland   MI   48185-2502     48,397        -11.2   $ 51,370        45,241        -6.5   $ 52,375        2.0     1,712   

Patterson Place


3616 Witherspoon Boulevard

  Durham   NC   27707-6857     18,641        14.2   $ 60,018        20,153        8.1   $ 63,547        5.9     659   

Alexander Pointe


850 Jake Alexander Boulevard

  Salisbury   NC   28147-1224     11,771        2.8   $ 39,692        12,079        2.6   $ 43,399        9.3     416   

Harper Hill Commons


5049 Country Club Road

  NC   27104-4513     19,444        14.0   $ 55,181        20,972        7.9   $ 57,756        4.7     688   

Plaza At Carolina Forest


3735 Renee Drive

  Myrtle Beach   SC   29579-4109     8,450        88.3   $ 45,897        10,640        25.9   $ 48,985        6.7     299   



950 South Koeller Street

  Oshkosh   WI   54902-6175     23,372        6.0   $ 45,744        24,086        3.1   $ 48,815        6.7     827   

Shoppers' World


100 Shoppers World Court

  Charlottesville   VA   22901-7407     18,751        6.6   $ 50,130        19,516        4.1   $ 56,446        12.6     663   

D'Andrea Marketplace


2888 Vista Boulevard

  Sparks   NV   89434-8042     24,407        36.2   $ 62,735        27,899        14.3   $ 68,856        9.8     863   

Black Mountain Village


9172 Mira Mesa Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92126-4804     40,186        8.4   $ 92,078        42,506        5.8   $ 103,617        12.5     1,421   

Byron Station


8601 Honeygo Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-2524     33,369        12.9   $ 64,126        35,314        5.8   $ 70,175        9.4     1,180   

White Marsh


8200 Perry Hall Blvd

  White Marsh   MD   21236     38,793        9.2   $ 62,862        40,539        4.5   $ 68,637        9.2     1,372   

Free State


6832 Race Track Road

  Bowie   MD   20715-3011     15,554        1.7   $ 93,766        15,638        0.5   $ 103,451        10.3     550   

Arcadia Biltmore Plaza


4440 North 36th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85018-3588     55,957        9.0   $ 42,788        60,146        7.5   $ 45,727        6.9     1,979   

Land-Lake Pointe Market II


Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX       77,827        6.3   $ 54,458        81,262        4.4   $ 58,473        7.4     2,753   

Land-Boswell Towne Center


1201 North Saginaw Boulevard

  Saginaw   TX   76179-1145     14,420        114.6   $ 65,601        18,308        27.0   $ 69,985        6.7     510   

Land-Southern Pines Place


US Highway 15-501

  NC   28387     7,112        20.7   $ 45,513        7,825        10.0   $ 48,849        7.3     252   

Wakefield Commons II-Expansion


10600 Common Oaks Drive

  Raleigh   NC   27614-6824     11,875        140.6   $ 76,947        15,388        29.6   $ 82,431        7.1     420   

Dowlen Center I

    Beaumont   TX   77706     22,388        -0.4   $ 46,388        22,412        0.1   $ 48,909        5.4     792   

Sequoia & Tower Plaza


3303 Mooney Boulevard

  Visalia   CA   93277-7771     28,935        21.1   $ 50,877        32,145        11.1   $ 56,363        10.8     1,023   

Cranberry Commons


1671 Route 28

  PA   16066     10,368        21.1   $ 89,535        11,200        8.0   $ 99,232        10.8     367   

Westgate Plaza


12000 Anderson Road

  Tampa   FL   33625-5682     35,497        15.5   $ 58,153        38,781        9.3   $ 62,759        7.9     1,255   

Hillsboro-Sports Authority


18085 NW Evergreen Parkway

  Hillsboro   OR   97006-7440     46,330        26.4   $ 63,088        51,773        11.8   $ 67,282        6.6     1,639   

Buckwalter Village


103 Buckwalter Place Boulevard

  Bluffton   SC   29910     5,579        140.8   $ 59,961        7,310        31.0   $ 64,496        7.6     197   



Interstate 459

  Hoover   AL   35244     12,488        22.7   $ 82,511        13,673        9.5   $ 89,014        7.9     442   

Rancho Penasquitos I


13255 Black Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92129-2658     35,632        14.5   $ 102,004        38,483        8.0   $ 116,576        14.3     1,260   

Redfield Promenade


4983 South Virginia Street

  Reno   NV   89502-6086     34,977        7.7   $ 45,707        37,075        6.0   $ 48,891        7.0     1,237   

Corsica Square


15771 SW 152nd Street

  Miami   FL   33196-5417     21,168        25.9   $ 70,965        23,617        11.6   $ 77,779        9.6     749   

Suburban Square


40 West Montgomery Avenue

  Ardmore   PA   19003-1409     41,938        -2.7   $ 82,324        41,346        -1.4   $ 89,645        8.9     1,483   

Granite City


3100 Madison Avenue

  Granite City   IL   62040-3651     15,813        0.0   $ 44,756        15,783        -0.2   $ 48,143        7.6     559   

Mansell Crossing II


7121 North Point Parkway

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-8255     26,389        14.2   $ 79,604        28,612        8.4   $ 87,753        10.2     933   

Pineapple Commons


2555 NW Federal Highway

  Stuart   FL   34994-9315     13,990        15.0   $ 51,387        15,268        9.1   $ 57,723        12.3     495   

Preston Shephard Place


1701 Preston Road

  Plano   TX   75093-5281     56,257        18.8   $ 72,321        63,029        12.0   $ 74,253        2.7     1,990   

Eisenhower Annex


4685 Presidential Parkway

  Macon   GA   31206-8712     13,910        -0.8   $ 27,844        13,891        -0.1   $ 28,038        0.7     492   

Oak Grove Market Center


15029 SE McLoughlin Boulevard

  Milwaukie   OR   97267-2800     36,940        2.7   $ 59,171        37,957        2.8   $ 63,430        7.2     1,306   

Countryside Centre


2541 Countryside Boulevard

  Clearwater   FL   33763-3504     48,299        0.6   $ 47,557        49,165        1.8   $ 51,855        9.0     1,708   

Town & Country Commerce Center


10811 South Westview Circle Drive

  Houston   TX   77043-2739     45,792        9.0   $ 59,101        48,609        6.2   $ 62,655        6.0     1,620   

Prien Lake Plaza


1720 West Prien Lake Road

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-8361     17,161        3.2   $ 43,748        17,451        1.7   $ 46,963        7.3     607   

Enterchange-Northlake A


11900 North Lakeridge Parkway

  Ashland   VA   23005-8062     4,573        12.6   $ 57,241        4,877        6.7   $ 63,302        10.6     162   

Enterchange-Walthall D


1700-1798 Ruffin Mill Road

  VA   23834-5934     9,262        21.0   $ 62,248        10,108        9.1   $ 67,290        8.1     328   

Enterchange-Northlake C


11800-11890 North Lakeridge Parkway

  Ashland   VA   23005-8149     4,448        12.2   $ 56,067        4,739        6.5   $ 62,127        10.8     157   

Interport Business Center B


4700-4790 Eubank Road

  Richmond   VA   23231-4406     15,739        10.5   $ 46,086        16,624        5.6   $ 49,197        6.8     557   

Clermont Landing


US Highway 27

  Clermont   FL   34711     15,082        98.6   $ 60,537        19,017        26.1   $ 66,715        10.2     533   

Palm Coast Center


Belle Terre Parkway

  Palm Coast   FL   32164     7,366        192.7   $ 41,332        10,109        37.2   $ 43,351        4.9     261   

Mohave Crossroads I/II


Bullhead Parkway

  Bullhead City   AZ   86442     5,326        41.1   $ 44,323        6,186        16.2   $ 48,137        8.6     188   

Land-Stevens Ranch


Potranco Road

  San Antonio   TX   78245     11,655        55.0   $ 55,598        13,781        18.2   $ 59,023        6.2     412   

Horne Street Market


Interstate 30

  Fort Worth   TX   76107     37,805        11.7   $ 42,677        40,703        7.7   $ 44,962        5.4     1,337   

Houston Cold Storage


7080 Express Lane

  Houston   TX   77078-4520     13,286        7.9   $ 32,181        14,031        5.6   $ 34,317        6.6     470   

Land-Surprise Spectrum


Grand Avenue

  Surprise   AZ   85374     34,083        84.8   $ 59,482        42,052        23.4   $ 66,118        11.2     1,205   

Pensacola-S&S Gonzales

    Pensacola   FL       20,510        5.3   $ 38,152        21,356        4.1   $ 41,418        8.6     725   

Gun Hill Road 801-849


801 East Gun Hill Road

  Bronx   NY   10467-6109     301,970        0.6   $ 39,505        303,513        0.5   $ 42,894        8.6     10,680   

West 125th Street 301-303


301 West 125th Street

  New York   NY   10027-3616     508,485        2.3   $ 48,393        516,820        1.6   $ 54,335        12.3     17,984   

Lincoln Hills Town Center


445 Highway 65

  Lincoln   CA   95648-9323     18,151        266.1   $ 71,573        25,002        37.7   $ 79,362        10.9     642   

Rancho Penasquitos II


13255 Black Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92129-2658     35,632        14.5   $ 102,004        38,483        8.0   $ 116,576        14.3     1,260   

Gateway at Donner Pass


11260 Donner Pass Road

  Truckee   CA   96161-4848     3,766        18.0   $ 73,828        4,102        8.9   $ 83,485        13.1     133   

Galena Junction


18250 Wedge Parkway

  Reno   NV   89511-8136     6,415        25.1   $ 92,200        7,121        11.0   $ 99,621        8.0     227   



10342 Fairfax Boulevard

  Fairfax   VA   22030-2248     34,857        8.8   $ 105,194        36,367        4.3   $ 117,924        12.1     1,233   

Shorewood Crossing II


689 Brook Forest Avenue

  Shorewood   IL   60404     23,827        68.6   $ 75,081        28,808        20.9   $ 80,478        7.2     843   

Shoppes of Sunset I


9743 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33173-4615     47,726        -2.6   $ 57,292        47,990        0.6   $ 62,344        8.8     1,688   

Land-Shops at Hampton Oaks


Campbellton-Fairburn Road

  Atlanta   GA       56,009        26.9   $ 77,920        62,810        12.1   $ 86,438        10.9     1,981   

Walnut Street 1628


1628 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-5403     172,297        -2.5   $ 32,106        170,015        -1.3   $ 34,827        8.5     6,094   

Walnut Street 1701


1701 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-5235     173,345        -2.5   $ 32,040        170,973        -1.4   $ 34,746        8.4     6,131   

Horton's Corner


Pacetti Road

  FL   32092     3,218        395.1   $ 63,226        4,586        42.5   $ 70,139        10.9     114   

Deer Springs Town Center


Fifth Street North

  North Las
  NV   89030     27,026        334.9   $ 61,595        36,824        36.3   $ 70,831        15.0     956   

Waterside Marketplace


8003-8019 West Grand Parkway South

  Richmond   TX   77407-8600     5,972        79.0   $ 96,996        7,426        24.4   $ 104,738        8.0     211   

Mooresville Crossing


591 River Highway

  Mooresville   NC   28117-6829     7,431        63.6   $ 77,857        8,900        19.8   $ 84,304        8.3     263   

Corona Hills Marketplace


563 North McKinley Street

  Corona   CA   92879-1297     31,666        12.1   $ 67,755        34,543        9.1   $ 74,558        10.0     1,120   



East Jericho Turnpike

  Mineola   NY   11501     41,157        -2.5   $ 95,403        40,551        -1.5   $ 105,951        11.1     1,456   

Land-Young Pines/Curry Ford Rd


Curry Ford Road

  Orlando   FL   32806     48,543        11.8   $ 45,863        52,554        8.3   $ 49,557        8.1     1,717   

Guilford Commons


3850 North Gloster

  Guilford   CT   6437     5,869        7.7   $ 103,774        6,081        3.6   $ 115,074        10.9     208   

Birchwood Plaza North


499 North Broadway

  Jericho   NY   11753-2107     29,643        -2.4   $ 99,352        29,330        -1.1   $ 111,668        12.4     1,048   

Kissena Boulevard


4615 Kissena Boulevard

  Flushing   NY   11355-3436     239,944        -1.4   $ 55,317        240,071        0.1   $ 60,859        10.0     8,486   

North Broadway 501


501 North Broadway

  Jericho   NY   11753-2107     29,643        -2.4   $ 99,352        29,330        -1.1   $ 111,668        12.4     1,048   

Merry Lane Parking Lot


Merry Lane

  Jericho   NY   11753     29,199        -2.2   $ 101,541        28,901        -1.0   $ 113,822        12.1     1,033   

Walt Whitman Road 100


100 Walt Whitman Road

  NY   11746-4100     20,652        1.1   $ 110,354        20,653        0.0   $ 122,283        10.8     730   

Walt Whitman Road 100


100 Walt Whitman Road

  NY   11746-4100     20,652        1.1   $ 110,354        20,653        0.0   $ 122,283        10.8     730   

Land-Birchwood Park Drive


Birchwood Park Drive

  Middle Island   NY   11953     12,430        11.5   $ 73,408        13,036        4.9   $ 82,020        11.7     440   

Birchwood Commack Plaza


2185-2201 Jericho Tpke

  Commack   NY   11725-2904     22,800        -1.3   $ 107,197        22,583        -1.0   $ 119,151        11.2     806   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH  Income
    2015 Median

Union Crescent Marketplace


Springfield Avenue

  Union   NJ       57,195        -4.9   $ 75,843        55,534        -2.9   $ 81,753        7.8     2,023   

Cherokee Plaza


1745 Peachtree Street NE

  Atlanta   GA   30309-2410     73,415        34.0   $ 65,679        81,882        11.5   $ 72,490        10.4     2,597   

Sunrise West


West Commercial Boulevard

  Sunrise   FL   33351     59,221        3.3   $ 45,956        61,078        3.1   $ 48,526        5.6     2,095   

Cole Park Plaza


15-501 US Highway

  Chapel Hill   NC   27517-6036     5,786        46.3   $ 69,739        6,488        12.1   $ 74,261        6.5     205   

New Tampa Commons


Bruce B Downs Boulevard

  New Tampa   FL   33647     11,946        107.5   $ 77,955        13,733        15.0   $ 81,567        4.6     423   

East Lloyd Commons


6300 East Lloyd Expressway

  Evansville   IN   47715-2720     22,849        2.6   $ 44,113        22,961        0.5   $ 45,607        3.4     808   



7210 North Middlebelt Road

  Westland   MI   48185-2502     46,193        -15.1   $ 52,006        42,281        -8.5   $ 52,540        1.0     1,634   

Patterson Place


3616 Witherspoon Boulevard

  Durham   NC   27707-6857     19,476        17.6   $ 61,695        21,156        8.6   $ 64,714        4.9     689   

Alexander Pointe


850 Jake Alexander Boulevard

  Salisbury   NC   28147-1224     11,920        2.7   $ 38,931        12,093        1.5   $ 41,265        6.0     422   

Harper Hill Commons


5049 Country Club Road

  NC   27104-4513     19,791        16.3   $ 56,560        21,140        6.8   $ 58,641        3.7     700   

Plaza At Carolina Forest


3735 Renee Drive

  Myrtle Beach   SC   29579-4109     9,129        100.2   $ 45,745        10,670        16.9   $ 48,391        5.8     323   



950 South Koeller Street

  Oshkosh   WI   54902-6175     22,879        4.0   $ 47,011        23,108        1.0   $ 49,602        5.5     809   

Shoppers' World


100 Shoppers World Court

  Charlottesville   VA   22901-7407     18,836        6.9   $ 52,228        19,343        2.7   $ 56,982        9.1     666   

D'Andrea Marketplace


2888 Vista Boulevard

  Sparks   NV   89434-8042     23,911        33.5   $ 64,062        26,206        9.6   $ 68,865        7.5     846   

Black Mountain Village


9172 Mira Mesa Boulevard

  San Diego   CA   92126-4804     41,004        9.9   $ 94,702        43,753        6.7   $ 105,918        11.8     1,450   

Byron Station


8601 Honeygo Boulevard

  Nottingham   MD   21236-2524     33,077        12.9   $ 65,689        34,179        3.3   $ 70,961        8.0     1,170   

White Marsh


8200 Perry Hall Blvd

  White Marsh   MD   21236     38,590        9.1   $ 64,268        39,505        2.4   $ 69,298        7.8     1,365   

Free State


6832 Race Track Road

  Bowie   MD   20715-3011     15,878        3.6   $ 95,852        15,874        0.0   $ 104,039        8.5     562   

Arcadia Biltmore Plaza


4440 North 36th Street

  Phoenix   AZ   85018-3588     56,043        8.3   $ 43,466        60,732        8.4   $ 46,200        6.3     1,982   

Land-Lake Pointe Market II


Lakeview Parkway

  Rowlett   TX       81,459        11.4   $ 55,673        84,896        4.2   $ 59,863        7.5     2,881   

Land-Boswell Towne Center


1201 North Saginaw Boulevard

  Saginaw   TX   76179-1145     15,519        130.6   $ 67,434        17,704        14.1   $ 72,311        7.2     549   

Land-Southern Pines Place


US Highway 15-501

  NC   28387     7,353        23.6   $ 44,727        7,943        8.0   $ 46,623        4.2     260   

Wakefield Commons II-Expansion


10600 Common Oaks Drive

  Raleigh   NC   27614-6824     14,185        182.9   $ 78,522        16,493        16.3   $ 85,363        8.7     502   

Dowlen Center I

    Beaumont   TX   77706     22,993        2.1   $ 48,383        23,009        0.1   $ 50,682        4.8     813   

Sequoia & Tower Plaza


3303 Mooney Boulevard

  Visalia   CA   93277-7771     29,708        25.0   $ 53,170        32,819        10.5   $ 57,890        8.9     1,051   

Cranberry Commons


1671 Route 28

  PA   16066     10,839        25.3   $ 92,795        11,589        6.9   $ 103,098        11.1     383   

Westgate Plaza


12000 Anderson Road

  Tampa   FL   33625-5682     34,691        14.1   $ 58,500        37,696        8.7   $ 61,887        5.8     1,227   

Hillsboro-Sports Authority


18085 NW Evergreen Parkway

  Hillsboro   OR   97006-7440     47,747        30.3   $ 64,863        52,433        9.8   $ 68,097        5.0     1,689   

Buckwalter Village


103 Buckwalter Place Boulevard

  Bluffton   SC   29910     6,339        170.7   $ 61,029        7,400        16.7   $ 65,128        6.7     224   



Interstate 459

  Hoover   AL   35244     12,710        24.3   $ 84,932        13,773        8.4   $ 90,436        6.5     450   

Rancho Penasquitos I


13255 Black Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92129-2658     35,009        15.8   $ 105,641        37,658        7.6   $ 118,632        12.3     1,238   

Redfield Promenade


4983 South Virginia Street

  Reno   NV   89502-6086     35,112        8.3   $ 46,789        37,309        6.3   $ 49,491        5.8     1,242   

Corsica Square


15771 SW 152nd Street

  Miami   FL   33196-5417     21,539        27.8   $ 71,715        23,798        10.5   $ 77,453        8.0     762   

Suburban Square


40 West Montgomery Avenue

  Ardmore   PA   19003-1409     41,865        -2.9   $ 84,894        41,057        -1.9   $ 91,159        7.4     1,481   

Granite City


3100 Madison Avenue

  Granite City   IL   62040-3651     15,856        0.2   $ 44,964        15,769        -0.6   $ 47,162        4.9     561   

Mansell Crossing II


7121 North Point Parkway

  Alpharetta   GA   30022-8255     26,992        14.6   $ 82,874        29,096        7.8   $ 89,727        8.3     955   

Pineapple Commons


2555 NW Federal Highway

  Stuart   FL   34994-9315     13,650        13.3   $ 51,492        14,722        7.9   $ 56,458        9.6     483   

Preston Shephard Place


1701 Preston Road

  Plano   TX   75093-5281     57,387        21.6   $ 73,841        66,909        16.6   $ 76,168        3.2     2,030   

Eisenhower Annex


4685 Presidential Parkway

  Macon   GA   31206-8712     14,005        -0.4   $ 29,081        13,941        -0.5   $ 29,320        0.8     495   

Oak Grove Market Center


15029 SE McLoughlin Boulevard

  Milwaukie   OR   97267-2800     37,339        4.1   $ 60,894        38,295        2.6   $ 64,373        5.7     1,321   

Countryside Centre


2541 Countryside Boulevard

  Clearwater   FL   33763-3504     46,794        -2.1   $ 48,464        46,516        -0.6   $ 52,155        7.6     1,655   

Town & Country Commerce Center


10811 South Westview Circle Drive

  Houston   TX   77043-2739     46,205        10.5   $ 60,479        49,284        6.7   $ 63,307        4.7     1,634   

Prien Lake Plaza


1720 West Prien Lake Road

  Lake Charles   LA   70601-8361     17,604        5.0   $ 45,462        18,074        2.7   $ 48,343        6.3     623   

Enterchange-Northlake A


11900 North Lakeridge Parkway

  Ashland   VA   23005-8062     4,564        11.5   $ 59,247        4,776        4.7   $ 64,581        9.0     161   

Enterchange-Walthall D


1700-1798 Ruffin Mill Road

  VA   23834-5934     9,419        22.4   $ 63,822        10,217        8.5   $ 68,302        7.0     333   

Enterchange-Northlake C


11800-11890 North Lakeridge Parkway

  Ashland   VA   23005-8149     4,485        10.9   $ 58,422        4,685        4.5   $ 63,696        9.0     159   

Interport Business Center B


4700-4790 Eubank Road

  Richmond   VA   23231-4406     15,672        11.4   $ 47,203        16,441        4.9   $ 49,801        5.5     554   

Clermont Landing


US Highway 27

  Clermont   FL   34711     14,911        99.9   $ 60,658        17,483        17.3   $ 65,907        8.7     527   

Palm Coast Center


Belle Terre Parkway

  Palm Coast   FL   32164     7,429        201.9   $ 42,864        9,360        26.0   $ 44,098        2.9     263   

Mohave Crossroads I/II


Bullhead Parkway

  Bullhead City   AZ   86442     5,370        40.4   $ 44,700        6,059        12.8   $ 47,797        6.9     190   

Land-Stevens Ranch


Potranco Road

  San Antonio   TX   78245     11,915        60.1   $ 55,998        13,404        12.5   $ 58,355        4.2     421   

Horne Street Market


Interstate 30

  Fort Worth   TX   76107     36,722        8.5   $ 43,641        39,315        7.1   $ 45,859        5.1     1,299   

Houston Cold Storage


7080 Express Lane

  Houston   TX   77078-4520     13,442        8.9   $ 33,224        14,254        6.0   $ 35,398        6.5     475   

Land-Surprise Spectrum


Grand Avenue

  Surprise   AZ   85374     38,203        107.4   $ 61,780        43,399        13.6   $ 67,945        10.0     1,351   

Pensacola-S&S Gonzales

    Pensacola   FL       20,030        4.8   $ 38,619        20,546        2.6   $ 40,986        6.1     708   

Gun Hill Road 801-849


801 East Gun Hill Road

  Bronx   NY   10467-6109     305,281        1.9   $ 40,433        306,841        0.5   $ 43,158        6.7     10,797   

West 125th Street 301-303


301 West 125th Street

  New York   NY   10027-3616     510,692        3.2   $ 49,998        516,730        1.2   $ 56,189        12.4     18,062   

Lincoln Hills Town Center


445 Highway 65

  Lincoln   CA   95648-9323     16,418        222.3   $ 84,066        19,630        19.6   $ 92,896        10.5     581   

Rancho Penasquitos II


13255 Black Mountain Road

  San Diego   CA   92129-2658     35,009        15.8   $ 105,641        37,658        7.6   $ 118,632        12.3     1,238   

Gateway at Donner Pass


11260 Donner Pass Road

  Truckee   CA   96161-4848     3,775        19.7   $ 73,475        4,107        8.8   $ 81,300        10.6     134   

Galena Junction


18250 Wedge Parkway

  Reno   NV   89511-8136     6,713        27.3   $ 92,404        7,295        8.7   $ 99,929        8.1     237   



10342 Fairfax Boulevard

  Fairfax   VA   22030-2248     36,445        12.6   $ 108,875        37,828        3.8   $ 119,844        10.1     1,289   

Shorewood Crossing II


689 Brook Forest Avenue

  Shorewood   IL   60404     23,739        68.5   $ 78,402        27,046        13.9   $ 82,519        5.3     840   

Shoppes of Sunset I


9743 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33173-4615     49,107        0.0   $ 57,934        49,955        1.7   $ 61,898        6.8     1,737   

Land-Shops at Hampton Oaks


Campbellton-Fairburn Road

  Atlanta   GA       57,797        31.3   $ 82,318        64,328        11.3   $ 90,382        9.8     2,044   

Walnut Street 1628


1628 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-5403     180,636        2.4   $ 32,966        182,427        1.0   $ 35,539        7.8     6,389   

Walnut Street 1701


1701 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-5235     181,663        2.4   $ 32,877        183,414        1.0   $ 35,413        7.7     6,425   

Horton's Corner


Pacetti Road

  FL   32092     4,951        510.5   $ 64,878        5,783        16.8   $ 72,593        11.9     175   

Deer Springs Town Center


Fifth Street North

  North Las
  NV   89030     27,025        340.6   $ 64,634        31,434        16.3   $ 72,395        12.0     956   

Waterside Marketplace


8003-8019 West Grand Parkway South

  Richmond   TX   77407-8600     5,464        63.5   $ 102,597        6,417        17.4   $ 111,369        8.5     193   

Mooresville Crossing


591 River Highway

  Mooresville   NC   28117-6829     7,432        66.6   $ 77,998        8,525        14.7   $ 83,541        7.1     263   

Corona Hills Marketplace


563 North McKinley Street

  Corona   CA   92879-1297     31,691        11.8   $ 68,474        34,916        10.2   $ 74,068        8.2     1,121   



East Jericho Turnpike

  Mineola   NY   11501     42,924        1.5   $ 98,725        42,819        -0.2   $ 108,231        9.6     1,518   

Land-Young Pines/Curry Ford Rd


Curry Ford Road

  Orlando   FL   32806     47,911        9.7   $ 46,206        51,440        7.4   $ 49,590        7.3     1,695   

Guilford Commons


3850 North Gloster

  Guilford   CT   6437     5,827        6.7   $ 105,597        5,951        2.1   $ 115,279        9.2     206   

Birchwood Plaza North


499 North Broadway

  Jericho   NY   11753-2107     30,425        0.6   $ 102,736        30,222        -0.7   $ 112,653        9.7     1,076   

Kissena Boulevard


4615 Kissena Boulevard

  Flushing   NY   11355-3436     241,613        -0.4   $ 57,394        240,992        -0.3   $ 62,330        8.6     8,545   

North Broadway 501


501 North Broadway

  Jericho   NY   11753-2107     30,425        0.6   $ 102,736        30,222        -0.7   $ 112,653        9.7     1,076   

Merry Lane Parking Lot


Merry Lane

  Jericho   NY   11753     30,188        0.6   $ 104,940        29,995        -0.6   $ 114,853        9.4     1,068   

Walt Whitman Road 100


100 Walt Whitman Road

  NY   11746-4100     21,702        6.0   $ 111,890        21,853        0.7   $ 121,836        8.9     768   

Walt Whitman Road 100


100 Walt Whitman Road

  NY   11746-4100     21,702        6.0   $ 111,890        21,853        0.7   $ 121,836        8.9     768   

Land-Birchwood Park Drive


Birchwood Park Drive

  Middle Island   NY   11953     12,855        15.6   $ 76,551        13,439        4.5   $ 84,241        10.0     455   

Birchwood Commack Plaza


2185-2201 Jericho Tpke

  Commack   NY   11725-2904     23,624        2.1   $ 109,366        23,590        -0.1   $ 119,665        9.4     836   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median



325 Patchogue Holbrook Road

  Holtsville   NY   11742-2251     29,461        3.0   $ 85,799        29,781        1.1   $ 95,456        11.3     1,042   

West 231st Street 322


322 West 231st Street

  Bronx   NY   10463-3805     279,802        0.3   $ 35,878        280,948        0.4   $ 39,575        10.3     9,896   

Broadway 4452


4452 Broadway

  New York   NY   10040-2939     358,978        2.4   $ 32,762        364,178        1.5   $ 36,351        11.0     12,696   

Lewandowski Commons


434 Lewandowski Street

  Lyndhurst   NJ   07071-2500     50,955        -2.8   $ 66,142        50,276        -1.3   $ 71,968        8.8     1,802   

Commonwealth Avenue 493-497


493 Commonwealth Avenue

  Boston   MA   2115     197,624        1.5   $ 53,069        199,732        1.1   $ 59,211        11.6     6,990   

Walnut Street 1401


1401 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19102-3128     174,887        -2.5   $ 31,753        172,580        -1.3   $ 34,467        8.5     6,185   

Chestnut Street 1831


1831 Chestnut street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-3713     179,457        -3.1   $ 31,635        176,622        -1.6   $ 34,290        8.4     6,347   

Market Street 242-244


242 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19106-2817     161,266        -1.1   $ 32,959        160,339        -0.6   $ 35,835        8.7     5,704   

Land-Winchester Plaza II


Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL       30,998        5.7   $ 32,076        32,320        4.3   $ 33,714        5.1     1,096   

Northgate Square


3939 Van Dyke Road

  Lutz   FL   33558-8001     18,621        17.3   $ 69,494        20,411        9.6   $ 75,564        8.7     659   

Puyallup-JC Penney


3700 South Meridian

  Puyallup   WA   98373-3706     28,549        19.4   $ 63,616        31,153        9.1   $ 69,415        9.1     1,010   

Shoppes at South Semoran


4556 South Semoran Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32822-2408     52,586        17.5   $ 45,341        57,837        10.0   $ 48,578        7.1     1,860   

Tully Corners


1958 Tully Road

  San Jose   CA   95122-1889     64,218        7.5   $ 77,531        67,679        5.4   $ 84,101        8.5     2,271   

Southpark 3075


3075 Southpark Boulevard

  Ellenwood   GA   30294-6101     12,415        32.7   $ 52,585        14,008        12.8   $ 54,601        3.8     439   

Westlake 125


125 Westlake Parkway

  Atlanta   GA   30336-2091     6,206        58.7   $ 73,605        7,458        20.2   $ 81,678        11.0     219   

Paradise Key


4421 Commons Drive East

  Destin   FL   32541-3484     3,902        42.5   $ 73,673        4,558        16.8   $ 81,743        11.0     138   



5885 Fulton Industrial Boulevard

  Atlanta   GA   30336-2719     5,158        55.6   $ 71,847        6,181        19.8   $ 79,592        10.8     182   

Land-Gladden Farms


Tangerine Farms Road

  Marana   AZ   85658     971        186.4   $ 59,628        1,286        32.4   $ 64,769        8.6     34   

Shackelford Center


1160 Shackelford Road

  Florissant   MO   63031-4369     31,870        -1.4   $ 55,590        31,581        -0.9   $ 58,956        6.1     1,127   

Carbondale Center


915 West Main Street

  Carbondale   IL   62901-2330     10,907        3.9   $ 20,389        11,063        1.4   $ 22,065        8.2     386   

Brentwood Plaza


8800 Manchester Road

  Brentwood   MO   63144-2602     47,197        -1.3   $ 61,334        46,756        -0.9   $ 65,665        7.1     1,669   

Plaza 94


48 Plaza 94 Drive

  Saint Peters   MO   63376-7405     31,916        8.6   $ 72,316        33,622        5.4   $ 77,213        6.8     1,129   

Crestwood Commons


9540 Watson Road

  Crestwood   MO   63126-1515     33,858        -0.2   $ 59,257        33,820        -0.1   $ 63,027        6.4     1,197   

Dardenne Crossing


3029 Highway K

  O’Fallon   MO   63368-8696     25,998        47.8   $ 81,586        30,261        16.4   $ 88,691        8.7     919   

Affton Plaza


10070 Gravois Road

  Affton   MO   63123-4024     51,805        -0.7   $ 49,920        51,570        -0.5   $ 53,721        7.6     1,832   



11253 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Bridgeton   MO   63044-2702     12,368        -1.4   $ 54,510        12,314        -0.4   $ 58,001        6.4     437   

Twin Oaks


1393 Big Bend Road

  Twin Oaks   MO   63021-7601     24,212        1.0   $ 76,544        24,288        0.3   $ 82,701        8.0     856   

Montvale Commons


2811 Chatham Road

  Springfield   IL   62704     34,244        4.0   $ 44,623        34,949        2.1   $ 46,850        5.0     1,211   

Wentzville Commons


1960 Wentzville Parkway

  Wentzville   MO   63385-3453     10,836        159.9   $ 64,922        14,195        31.0   $ 69,665        7.3     383   

Sierra Vista Plaza


1589 Sierra Vista Plaza

  Saint Louis   MO   63138-2040     10,427        -4.3   $ 41,698        10,189        -2.3   $ 43,531        4.4     369   

Lake Saint Louis


101 Civic Center Drive

  Lake Saint
  MO   63367-3027     9,533        49.9   $ 71,853        11,206        17.6   $ 77,967        8.5     337   

University City Square


6920 Olive Boulevard

  MO   63130-2544     52,361        -1.7   $ 44,086        51,791        -1.1   $ 46,687        5.9     1,852   

Evansville West Center


4500 West Lloyd Expressway

  Evansville   IN   47712-6515     3,195        17.6   $ 53,490        3,454        8.1   $ 57,488        7.5     113   

City Plaza


3431 Union Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63115-1142     55,456        -4.0   $ 26,780        54,366        -2.0   $ 29,119        8.7     1,961   

Kirkwood Commons


1204 South Kirkwood Road

  Kirkwood   MO   63122     26,229        0.1   $ 75,702        26,248        0.1   $ 81,184        7.2     928   

Swansea Plaza


2665 North Illinois Street

  Swansea   IL   62226-2302     24,604        0.2   $ 44,984        24,638        0.1   $ 48,096        6.9     870   

Washington Crossing


2073 Washington Crossing

  Washington   MO   63090-5285     6,839        10.6   $ 51,735        7,202        5.3   $ 54,987        6.3     242   

Zumbehl Commons


1950 Zumbehl Road

  Saint Charles   MO   63303-2721     24,007        11.4   $ 65,969        25,619        6.7   $ 69,981        6.1     849   

Wildwood Crossing


16580 Manchester Road

  Wildwood   MO   63040-1217     9,689        7.7   $ 98,129        10,015        3.4   $ 104,693        6.7     343   

Dorsett Village


2030 Dorsett Village Road

  MO   63043-2208     21,048        -1.1   $ 56,759        20,843        -1.0   $ 60,519        6.6     744   

Butler Hill Centre


4333 Butler Hill Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63128-3717     29,454        3.9   $ 64,325        30,017        1.9   $ 68,606        6.7     1,042   

Richardson Crossing


3900 Vogel Road

  Arnold   MO   63010-6204     17,060        10.5   $ 63,876        17,958        5.3   $ 69,487        8.8     603   

Burbank Station


South Cicero Avenue

  Burbank   IL   60459     65,943        -5.1   $ 53,459        64,402        -2.3   $ 57,335        7.3     2,332   

Urbana Crossing


114 North Vine Street

  Urbana   IL   61802-2700     7,025        5.0   $ 38,639        7,210        2.6   $ 41,156        6.5     248   

Kyle Marketplace


5401 South Farm to Market 1626

  Kyle   TX   78640-6038     8,717        226.6   $ 64,396        11,807        35.5   $ 71,326        10.8     308   

Shoppes of Sunset II


10005 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33173-4623     49,343        -2.4   $ 57,352        49,659        0.6   $ 62,377        8.8     1,745   

Land-Commonwealth Outparcel

    Jacksonville   FL       2,213        124.0   $ 56,060        2,877        30.0   $ 63,445        13.2     78   

Land-Shelby Plaza Outparcel


1641 East Dixon Boulevard

  Shelby   NC   28152-6949     9,009        0.6   $ 31,774        9,131        1.4   $ 32,542        2.4     319   

Land-Decatur 215


North Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89130     50,090        67.4   $ 67,216        59,804        19.4   $ 72,756        8.2     1,772   

Fairview Plaza


130 Old York Road

  PA   17070-2443     21,655        1.9   $ 45,200        21,905        1.2   $ 48,904        8.2     766   

Halifax Plaza


3777 Peters Mountain Road

  Halifax   PA   17032-8605     1,626        1.8   $ 50,350        1,662        2.2   $ 53,898        7.0     58   

Loyal Plaza


1915 East Third Street

  Williamsport   PA   17701-3901     14,079        -3.0   $ 36,842        13,754        -2.3   $ 40,081        8.8     498   

Newport Plaza


12 Newport Place

  Newport   PA   17074-8736     1,972        2.0   $ 46,007        2,027        2.8   $ 49,041        6.6     70   



Business Route One

  Morrisville   PA   19067     33,114        -3.0   $ 52,114        32,620        -1.5   $ 56,305        8.0     1,171   

Bonita Grande Crossings


12900 Trade Way Four

  Bonita Springs   FL   34135-6983     10,109        54.0   $ 55,384        12,090        19.6   $ 61,947        11.8     358   

Stoneridge Mall 1400


1400 Stoneridge Mall

  Pleasanton   CA   94588-3215     27,375        23.3   $ 102,282        30,399        11.1   $ 112,754        10.2     968   

Fashion Valley Road 270


270 Fashion Valley Road

  San Diego   CA   92108-1204     93,519        3.2   $ 48,150        97,107        3.8   $ 54,438        13.1     3,308   


    Pueblo   CO       29,402        1.9   $ 32,544        30,129        2.5   $ 34,891        7.2     1,040   

Coral Pointe


1631 Del Prado Boulevard South

  Cape Coral   FL   33990-6739     28,341        39.1   $ 55,051        33,164        17.0   $ 61,062        10.9     1,002   

Addison Publix


16130 Jog Road

  Delray Beach   FL   33446-2319     36,015        5.9   $ 51,726        37,894        5.2   $ 57,315        10.8     1,274   

Sanibel Beach Place


20321 Summerlin Road

  Fort Myers   FL   33908-3706     11,385        24.3   $ 44,610        12,908        13.4   $ 48,565        8.9     403   

Duval Station


731 Duval Station Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32218-0800     6,012        50.9   $ 49,588        7,129        18.6   $ 54,279        9.5     213   

Centre of Merritt


1850 North Courtenay Parkway

  Merritt Island   FL   32953-2629     15,293        0.8   $ 47,497        15,753        3.0   $ 52,410        10.3     541   

Miller West


15755 SW 56th Street

  Miami   FL   33185-3879     45,977        18.4   $ 58,138        50,286        9.4   $ 64,601        11.1     1,626   

Riverside Landings


1801 East Broadway Street

  Oviedo   FL   32765-8597     13,823        24.5   $ 75,430        15,371        11.2   $ 82,933        9.9     489   

Publix at Northridge


5100 Clark Road

  Sarasota   FL   34233-3226     26,837        11.4   $ 55,614        28,820        7.4   $ 61,148        10.0     949   

Albany Grocery Outlet


1950 14th Avenue SE

  Albany   OR   97322-8504     18,385        18.5   $ 44,627        19,950        8.5   $ 48,349        8.3     650   

Nassau Mall


3501 Hempstead Turnpike

  Levittown   NY   11756-1314     58,650        -2.3   $ 88,494        57,895        -1.3   $ 97,472        10.1     2,074   

Epic Village


State Road 207

  FL   32086     10,802        19.9   $ 39,664        12,071        11.8   $ 42,954        8.3     382   

Land-El Mirage

    El Mirage   AZ   85335     22,070        76.7   $ 45,731        27,242        23.4   $ 52,248        14.3     781   

Broadway 5959


5959 Broadway

  Bronx   NY   10463-2410     260,381        -0.1   $ 37,511        260,992        0.2   $ 41,061        9.5     9,209   

Hendersonville Plaza

    Hendersonville   TN   37075     9,407        28.2   $ 58,397        10,592        12.6   $ 62,019        6.2     333   

Suncoast Crossing 1


Spring Hill Drive

  Brooksville   FL   34604     11,207        77.7   $ 49,659        13,829        23.4   $ 56,677        14.1     396   

Highland Crossing


28015 Greenspot Road

  Highland   CA   92346-4339     17,433        12.5   $ 64,234        18,900        8.4   $ 71,412        11.2     617   

Suncoast Crossing 2


Spring Hill Drive

  Brooksville   FL   34604     11,207        77.7   $ 49,659        13,829        23.4   $ 56,677        14.1     396   

Nocatee Town Center


120 Marketside Avenue

  Ponte Vedra
  FL   32081-0574     620        205.4   $ 73,966        861        38.9   $ 90,705        22.6     22   

Lower Nazareth Commons


Nazareth Pike

  Nazareth   PA   18064     13,732        25.5   $ 68,959        15,181        10.6   $ 76,774        11.3     486   

Railwood G


Spikewood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078     12,991        7.0   $ 31,106        13,683        5.3   $ 33,244        6.9     459   

Claypoint Distribution Park


8760 Clay Road

  Houston   TX   77080-1859     49,197        9.1   $ 39,771        52,146        6.0   $ 42,135        5.9     1,740   

Land-West Town Center 300


South 300 West

  Salt Lake City   UT   84101     53,562        0.7   $ 37,953        55,119        2.9   $ 40,475        6.6     1,894   

Hibernia Pavilion


865 Hibernia Road

  Fleming Island   FL   32003-8707     4,914        66.8   $ 86,189        5,976        21.6   $ 94,432        9.6     174   

Del Mar Village


7024 Beracasa Way

  Boca Raton   FL   33433-3447     47,178        -2.6   $ 60,553        47,601        0.9   $ 65,451        8.1     1,669   

Shoppes at Fairhope Village


22530 US Highway 98

  Fairhope   AL   36532-6332     5,154        37.0   $ 56,905        5,914        14.8   $ 62,211        9.3     182   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median



325 Patchogue Holbrook Road

  Holtsville   NY   11742-2251     30,548        7.0   $ 87,786        31,129        1.9   $ 96,775        10.2     1,080   

West 231st Street 322


322 West 231st Street

  Bronx   NY   10463-3805     281,890        1.5   $ 36,994        283,015        0.4   $ 40,165        8.6     9,970   

Broadway 4452


4452 Broadway

  New York   NY   10040-2939     363,407        3.9   $ 33,792        368,272        1.3   $ 37,192        10.1     12,853   

Lewandowski Commons


434 Lewandowski Street

  Lyndhurst   NJ   07071-2500     50,969        -2.3   $ 68,226        50,186        -1.5   $ 73,470        7.7     1,803   

Commonwealth Avenue 493-497


493 Commonwealth Avenue

  Boston   MA   2115     205,146        5.4   $ 54,710        207,690        1.2   $ 60,338        10.3     7,256   

Walnut Street 1401


1401 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19102-3128     183,073        2.3   $ 32,610        184,788        0.9   $ 35,118        7.7     6,475   

Chestnut Street 1831


1831 Chestnut street

  Philadelphia   PA   19103-3713     187,663        1.7   $ 32,472        189,049        0.7   $ 34,863        7.4     6,637   

Market Street 242-244


242 Market Street

  Philadelphia   PA   19106-2817     168,960        3.8   $ 33,824        171,410        1.5   $ 36,580        8.1     5,976   

Land-Winchester Plaza II


Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL       31,293        7.6   $ 33,125        32,671        4.4   $ 34,372        3.8     1,107   

Northgate Square


3939 Van Dyke Road

  Lutz   FL   33558-8001     18,178        14.7   $ 69,897        19,753        8.7   $ 75,576        8.1     643   

Puyallup-JC Penney


3700 South Meridian

  Puyallup   WA   98373-3706     28,987        20.4   $ 65,044        31,466        8.6   $ 69,925        7.5     1,025   

Shoppes at South Semoran


4556 South Semoran Boulevard

  Orlando   FL   32822-2408     51,297        14.8   $ 45,973        55,899        9.0   $ 48,427        5.3     1,814   

Tully Corners


1958 Tully Road

  San Jose   CA   95122-1889     64,141        8.2   $ 79,649        67,208        4.8   $ 85,179        6.9     2,269   

Southpark 3075


3075 Southpark Boulevard

  Ellenwood   GA   30294-6101     12,775        36.5   $ 54,227        14,171        10.9   $ 55,991        3.3     452   

Westlake 125


125 Westlake Parkway

  Atlanta   GA   30336-2091     6,378        56.5   $ 77,843        7,259        13.8   $ 85,502        9.8     226   

Paradise Key


4421 Commons Drive East

  Destin   FL   32541-3484     3,784        38.4   $ 75,748        4,261        12.6   $ 83,321        10.0     134   



5885 Fulton Industrial Boulevard

  Atlanta   GA   30336-2719     4,950        54.4   $ 75,184        5,599        13.1   $ 83,338        10.8     175   

Land-Gladden Farms


Tangerine Farms Road

  Marana   AZ   85658     1,037        195.4   $ 60,938        1,185        14.3   $ 66,882        9.8     37   

Shackelford Center


1160 Shackelford Road

  Florissant   MO   63031-4369     31,744        -1.5   $ 56,303        31,224        -1.6   $ 58,736        4.3     1,123   

Carbondale Center


915 West Main Street

  Carbondale   IL   62901-2330     10,959        4.5   $ 21,259        10,981        0.2   $ 22,760        7.1     388   

Brentwood Plaza


8800 Manchester Road

  Brentwood   MO   63144-2602     47,016        -2.0   $ 62,025        46,212        -1.7   $ 65,713        5.9     1,663   

Plaza 94


48 Plaza 94 Drive

  Saint Peters   MO   63376-7405     32,246        9.3   $ 74,656        34,530        7.1   $ 78,708        5.4     1,140   

Crestwood Commons


9540 Watson Road

  Crestwood   MO   63126-1515     33,443        -0.8   $ 60,066        33,010        -1.3   $ 63,189        5.2     1,183   

Dardenne Crossing


3029 Highway K

  O’Fallon   MO   63368-8696     26,090        48.0   $ 84,402        29,700        13.8   $ 90,921        7.7     923   

Affton Plaza


10070 Gravois Road

  Affton   MO   63123-4024     51,505        -0.3   $ 50,726        50,986        -1.0   $ 53,658        5.8     1,822   



11253 Saint Charles Rock Road

  Bridgeton   MO   63044-2702     12,226        -2.8   $ 55,149        12,020        -1.7   $ 57,483        4.2     432   

Twin Oaks


1393 Big Bend Road

  Twin Oaks   MO   63021-7601     24,277        1.4   $ 78,325        24,219        -0.2   $ 83,855        7.1     859   

Montvale Commons


2811 Chatham Road

  Springfield   IL   62704     34,451        4.7   $ 46,257        34,940        1.4   $ 48,064        3.9     1,218   

Wentzville Commons


1960 Wentzville Parkway

  Wentzville   MO   63385-3453     10,751        157.0   $ 66,870        12,234        13.8   $ 71,934        7.6     380   

Sierra Vista Plaza


1589 Sierra Vista Plaza

  Saint Louis   MO   63138-2040     10,498        -4.1   $ 41,934        10,200        -2.8   $ 42,657        1.7     371   

Lake Saint Louis


101 Civic Center Drive

  Lake Saint
  MO   63367-3027     10,016        60.2   $ 73,935        11,515        15.0   $ 79,583        7.6     354   

University City Square


6920 Olive Boulevard

  MO   63130-2544     52,399        -1.8   $ 44,553        51,582        -1.6   $ 46,373        4.1     1,853   

Evansville West Center


4500 West Lloyd Expressway

  Evansville   IN   47712-6515     2,987        14.6   $ 53,864        3,135        5.0   $ 58,037        7.7     106   

City Plaza


3431 Union Boulevard

  Saint Louis   MO   63115-1142     55,820        -3.2   $ 27,101        54,762        -1.9   $ 28,769        6.2     1,974   

Kirkwood Commons


1204 South Kirkwood Road

  Kirkwood   MO   63122     25,598        -1.5   $ 76,791        25,172        -1.7   $ 81,464        6.1     905   

Swansea Plaza


2665 North Illinois Street

  Swansea   IL   62226-2302     24,573        0.2   $ 45,861        24,483        -0.4   $ 48,168        5.0     869   

Washington Crossing


2073 Washington Crossing

  Washington   MO   63090-5285     7,003        12.8   $ 51,510        7,312        4.4   $ 53,224        3.3     248   

Zumbehl Commons


1950 Zumbehl Road

  Saint Charles   MO   63303-2721     23,599        9.6   $ 67,444        25,297        7.2   $ 70,572        4.6     835   

Wildwood Crossing


16580 Manchester Road

  Wildwood   MO   63040-1217     9,870        9.8   $ 99,546        10,178        3.1   $ 104,796        5.3     349   

Dorsett Village


2030 Dorsett Village Road

  MO   63043-2208     20,900        -2.8   $ 57,338        20,474        -2.0   $ 59,990        4.6     739   

Butler Hill Centre


4333 Butler Hill Road

  Saint Louis   MO   63128-3717     28,976        3.7   $ 65,199        29,195        0.8   $ 68,971        5.8     1,025   

Richardson Crossing


3900 Vogel Road

  Arnold   MO   63010-6204     17,011        10.3   $ 64,959        17,685        4.0   $ 69,680        7.3     602   

Burbank Station


South Cicero Avenue

  Burbank   IL   60459     65,171        -5.5   $ 55,038        63,412        -2.7   $ 58,046        5.5     2,305   

Urbana Crossing


114 North Vine Street

  Urbana   IL   61802-2700     6,842        2.7   $ 39,656        6,892        0.7   $ 41,417        4.4     242   

Kyle Marketplace


5401 South Farm to Market 1626

  Kyle   TX   78640-6038     8,455        251.1   $ 64,884        10,049        18.9   $ 71,658        10.4     299   

Shoppes of Sunset II


10005 SW 72nd Street

  Miami   FL   33173-4623     50,764        0.2   $ 58,100        51,675        1.8   $ 62,023        6.8     1,795   

Land-Commonwealth Outparcel

    Jacksonville   FL       2,335        136.1   $ 58,200        2,793        19.6   $ 66,519        14.3     83   

Land-Shelby Plaza Outparcel


1641 East Dixon Boulevard

  Shelby   NC   28152-6949     9,181        2.5   $ 32,305        9,288        1.2   $ 32,994        2.1     325   

Land-Decatur 215


North Decatur Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89130     47,406        57.9   $ 68,583        53,640        13.2   $ 73,171        6.7     1,677   

Fairview Plaza


130 Old York Road

  PA   17070-2443     21,457        1.5   $ 46,294        21,529        0.3   $ 49,159        6.2     759   

Halifax Plaza


3777 Peters Mountain Road

  Halifax   PA   17032-8605     1,583        2.9   $ 51,941        1,596        0.8   $ 55,783        7.4     56   

Loyal Plaza


1915 East Third Street

  Williamsport   PA   17701-3901     14,020        -2.6   $ 37,523        13,688        -2.4   $ 40,003        6.6     496   

Newport Plaza


12 Newport Place

  Newport   PA   17074-8736     1,955        3.3   $ 47,553        1,963        0.4   $ 50,682        6.6     69   



Business Route One

  Morrisville   PA   19067     33,326        -2.2   $ 54,178        32,774        -1.7   $ 57,450        6.0     1,179   

Bonita Grande Crossings


12900 Trade Way Four

  Bonita Springs   FL   34135-6983     10,956        61.6   $ 57,133        12,672        15.7   $ 62,868        10.0     387   

Stoneridge Mall 1400


1400 Stoneridge Mall

  Pleasanton   CA   94588-3215     26,818        20.7   $ 104,328        28,988        8.1   $ 112,161        7.5     948   

Fashion Valley Road 270


270 Fashion Valley Road

  San Diego   CA   92108-1204     94,624        4.6   $ 49,249        98,836        4.5   $ 55,294        12.3     3,347   


    Pueblo   CO       29,568        2.8   $ 32,910        30,448        3.0   $ 34,748        5.6     1,046   

Coral Pointe


1631 Del Prado Boulevard South

  Cape Coral   FL   33990-6739     26,597        30.2   $ 56,147        31,075        16.8   $ 61,569        9.7     941   

Addison Publix


16130 Jog Road

  Delray Beach   FL   33446-2319     36,300        7.1   $ 52,322        38,166        5.1   $ 56,921        8.8     1,284   

Sanibel Beach Place


20321 Summerlin Road

  Fort Myers   FL   33908-3706     11,241        22.0   $ 45,484        12,894        14.7   $ 49,242        8.3     398   

Duval Station


731 Duval Station Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32218-0800     6,116        53.5   $ 51,484        6,977        14.1   $ 56,439        9.6     216   

Centre of Merritt


1850 North Courtenay Parkway

  Merritt Island   FL   32953-2629     15,361        0.9   $ 47,699        15,724        2.4   $ 51,476        7.9     543   

Miller West


15755 SW 56th Street

  Miami   FL   33185-3879     47,202        21.7   $ 59,478        50,641        7.3   $ 64,556        8.5     1,669   

Riverside Landings


1801 East Broadway Street

  Oviedo   FL   32765-8597     14,519        28.3   $ 77,636        15,980        10.1   $ 85,175        9.7     514   

Publix at Northridge


5100 Clark Road

  Sarasota   FL   34233-3226     26,716        11.7   $ 55,144        28,808        7.8   $ 58,914        6.8     945   

Albany Grocery Outlet


1950 14th Avenue SE

  Albany   OR   97322-8504     18,442        19.6   $ 45,385        19,700        6.8   $ 48,178        6.2     652   

Nassau Mall


3501 Hempstead Turnpike

  Levittown   NY   11756-1314     60,532        0.9   $ 91,487        60,171        -0.6   $ 99,715        9.0     2,141   

Epic Village


State Road 207

  FL   32086     10,750        20.5   $ 40,820        12,382        15.2   $ 43,632        6.9     380   

Land-El Mirage

    El Mirage   AZ   85335     22,113        76.3   $ 49,340        24,810        12.2   $ 54,878        11.2     782   

Broadway 5959


5959 Broadway

  Bronx   NY   10463-2410     262,350        1.1   $ 38,590        262,887        0.2   $ 41,528        7.6     9,279   

Hendersonville Plaza

    Hendersonville   TN   37075     9,487        30.8   $ 60,757        10,554        11.3   $ 63,968        5.3     336   

Suncoast Crossing 1


Spring Hill Drive

  Brooksville   FL   34604     11,637        83.4   $ 48,776        13,482        15.9   $ 53,828        10.4     412   

Highland Crossing


28015 Greenspot Road

  Highland   CA   92346-4339     17,571        12.7   $ 64,450        18,927        7.7   $ 70,185        8.9     621   

Suncoast Crossing 2


Spring Hill Drive

  Brooksville   FL   34604     11,637        83.4   $ 48,776        13,482        15.9   $ 53,828        10.4     412   

Nocatee Town Center


120 Marketside Avenue

  Ponte Vedra
  FL   32081-0574     1,021        315.0   $ 82,328        1,199        17.4   $ 94,318        14.6     36   

Lower Nazareth Commons


Nazareth Pike

  Nazareth   PA   18064     13,865        27.6   $ 70,862        14,855        7.1   $ 77,824        9.8     490   

Railwood G


Spikewood Drive

  Houston   TX   77078     13,239        8.2   $ 32,216        14,016        5.9   $ 34,393        6.8     468   

Claypoint Distribution Park


8760 Clay Road

  Houston   TX   77080-1859     49,636        9.1   $ 41,274        52,677        6.1   $ 43,194        4.7     1,756   

Land-West Town Center 300


South 300 West

  Salt Lake City   UT   84101     54,207        1.6   $ 38,920        56,117        3.5   $ 41,435        6.5     1,917   

Hibernia Pavilion


865 Hibernia Road

  Fleming Island   FL   32003-8707     4,895        67.7   $ 87,948        5,812        18.7   $ 95,746        8.9     173   

Del Mar Village


7024 Beracasa Way

  Boca Raton   FL   33433-3447     47,676        -2.3   $ 60,831        48,350        1.4   $ 64,585        6.2     1,686   

Shoppes at Fairhope Village


22530 US Highway 98

  Fairhope   AL   36532-6332     5,021        35.7   $ 58,696        5,562        10.8   $ 62,000        5.6     178   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Shops at Quail Creek


West 136th Avenue

  Broomfield   CO   80023     24,685        39.0   $ 82,141        28,682        16.2   $ 89,597        9.1     873   


    Bronx   NY       435,573        1.6   $ 32,543        439,944        1.0   $ 35,656        9.6     15,405   

Penn Dutch Plaza


3201 North State Road Seven

  Margate   FL   33063-7097     54,151        3.6   $ 53,813        56,276        3.9   $ 60,024        11.5     1,915   

Plantation Marketplace


7007 West Broward Boulevard

  Plantation   FL   33317-2208     57,152        -0.2   $ 47,685        58,623        2.6   $ 52,280        9.6     2,021   

Corporate Boulevard 1900/2000


1900 NW Corporate Boulevard

  Boca Raton   FL   33431-8502     34,956        -1.1   $ 70,157        35,666        2.0   $ 75,163        7.1     1,236   

Courtyard Shops


13880 Wellington Trace

  Wellington   FL   33414-8553     17,221        31.8   $ 78,720        19,528        13.4   $ 84,794        7.7     609   

Gateway Station


1107 North Burleson Boulevard

  Burleson   TX   76028-7009     13,813        57.2   $ 55,952        16,536        19.7   $ 59,687        6.7     489   

Murrieta Marketplace


Winchester Road

  Murrieta   CA   92563     9,323        264.5   $ 79,661        12,693        36.2   $ 90,770        13.9     330   

Jacaranda Plaza


1687 US Highway 41 Bypass South

  Venice   FL   34293-1034     23,841        15.2   $ 46,203        26,057        9.3   $ 49,622        7.4     843   

Burlington Plaza


3753 Austell Road

  Austell   GA   30106-1106     22,315        8.5   $ 57,399        23,465        5.2   $ 59,971        4.5     789   

Kmart Plaza-Cleveland


14901 Lorain Avenue

  Cleveland   OH   44111-3107     63,508        -8.4   $ 43,656        60,106        -5.4   $ 45,984        5.3     2,246   

Sears Solon


6221 Som Center Road

  Solon   OH   44139-2912     9,101        1.2   $ 94,439        9,078        -0.3   $ 100,305        6.2     322   



3515 Maple Avenue North

  Zanesville   OH   43701-1017     8,488        0.4   $ 39,827        8,489        0.0   $ 42,386        6.4     300   

Kmart Plaza-Enid


4010 West Owen K Garriot Road

  Enid   OK   73703-4803     12,092        2.5   $ 46,039        12,311        1.8   $ 51,104        11.0     428   



2200 East High Street

  Pottstown   PA   19464-3216     17,286        8.5   $ 57,194        17,980        4.0   $ 63,346        10.8     611   

Kmart-Willow Grove


2620 West Moreland Road

  PA   19090-4010     32,078        -2.3   $ 68,319        31,703        -1.2   $ 74,101        8.5     1,135   



515 North Dupont Highway

  Dover   DE   19901-3960     15,977        18.7   $ 42,423        17,561        9.9   $ 44,587        5.1     565   



1000 Missouri Avenue North

  Largo   FL   33770-1814     46,997        -1.3   $ 40,826        47,343        0.7   $ 44,059        7.9     1,662   

Land-Shoppes at Nottingham Sq


Campbell Boulevard

  MD   21162     9,091        22.3   $ 78,247        9,930        9.2   $ 87,090        11.3     322   

Land-White Marsh I

  MD       18,008        8.9   $ 64,472        18,776        4.3   $ 70,542        9.4     637   

Land-White Marsh II

  MD       18,008        8.9   $ 64,472        18,776        4.3   $ 70,542        9.4     637   

Land-North Dartmouth


Faunce Corner Road

  MA   2747     5,655        6.0   $ 56,563        5,802        2.6   $ 63,214        11.8     200   

Marina Shores


6550 Pacific Coast Highway

  CA   90803-4207     47,893        -1.5   $ 67,482        48,534        1.3   $ 73,763        9.3     1,694   

Gateway 101


1771 East Bayshore Road

  East Palo
  CA   94303-2523     39,304        3.1   $ 85,589        40,584        3.3   $ 92,245        7.8     1,390   

Colorado Boulevard


14 Fair Oaks Avenue North

  Pasadena   CA   91103-3616     76,445        7.8   $ 60,061        80,757        5.6   $ 66,263        10.3     2,704   

NorthGate Village


71st Avenue

  Greeley   CO   80634     10,948        49.2   $ 65,245        12,894        17.8   $ 69,161        6.0     387   

Slauson & Central


Slauson Avenue

  CA   90011     109,485        5.3   $ 31,000        114,413        4.5   $ 34,379        10.9     3,872   

Centerplace of Greeley III


4578 Centerplace Drive

  Greeley   CO   80634-3747     27,355        30.8   $ 50,059        31,125        13.8   $ 53,948        7.8     967   

Orchards Market Center II


NE 112th Avenue

  Vancouver   WA   98684     42,995        22.1   $ 55,625        47,592        10.7   $ 60,178        8.2     1,521   

Kmart Plaza-Saint Petersburg


3951 34th Street South

  FL   33711-4360     35,929        -0.7   $ 37,035        36,311        1.1   $ 40,695        9.9     1,271   

Eustis Village


2840 David Walker Drive

  Eustis   FL   32726-6172     12,747        23.3   $ 37,514        14,394        12.9   $ 40,395        7.7     451   

Land-Ambassador D

    Lafayette   LA       30,579        3.8   $ 40,535        30,942        1.2   $ 43,779        8.0     1,082   

Land-York Plaza

    Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   

Fiesta Market Place


Quitman Street Fulton Street

  Houston   TX   77009     55,793        14.8   $ 38,529        60,571        8.6   $ 42,520        10.4     1,973   

Land-Stanford Court

    Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   

Festival Plaza

    Helotes   TX       55,361        -0.2   $ 32,969        56,402        1.9   $ 34,760        5.4     1,958   

Wirt Road/Interstate10


Wirt Road

  Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   

Land-Harrison Pointe Pad

    Cary   NC       38,338        21.3   $ 43,858        42,802        11.6   $ 46,115        5.1     1,356   

Land-South Semoran Pad

    Orlando   FL       45,500        10.0   $ 42,280        49,022        7.7   $ 46,028        8.9     1,609   

Fiesta Center


Blalock Road

  Houston   TX   77055     52,806        8.2   $ 55,923        55,857        5.8   $ 59,810        7.0     1,868   


    Phoenix   AZ       66,774        8.7   $ 40,588        71,705        7.4   $ 43,465        7.1     2,362   

Land-Lockwood Drive

    Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   


    Houston   TX       73,839        18.7   $ 66,585        81,050        9.8   $ 71,515        7.4     2,612   


    Texas City   TX       9,185        13.7   $ 36,094        9,831        7.0   $ 38,735        7.3     325   

Westland Fair II


4505 West Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-1501     61,451        -0.9   $ 41,228        61,858        0.7   $ 43,105        4.6     2,173   

Land-Palm Coast Landing II


Belle Terre Parkway

  Palm Coast   FL   32164     7,366        192.7   $ 41,332        10,109        37.2   $ 43,351        4.9     261   

Land-Bear Valley Road II


Bear Valley Road

  CA       12,629        8.8   $ 53,091        13,526        7.1   $ 59,829        12.7     447   

Land-Bear Valley Road III


Bear Valley Road

  CA       12,629        8.8   $ 53,091        13,526        7.1   $ 59,829        12.7     447   

Land-Mississippi Havana

    Aurora   CO       31,627        11.4   $ 50,937        33,790        6.8   $ 53,824        5.7     1,119   

Land-US Highway 17/74/76


US Highway 17

  Leland   NC       831        46.6   $ 43,054        987        18.8   $ 46,473        7.9     29   

Land-Highway 17/Highway 210


Highway 17

  Surf City   NC       11,555        9.2   $ 38,209        12,051        4.3   $ 42,082        10.1     409   

Land-Culebra Road/WestwoodLoop


Culebra Road

  TX       55,361        -0.2   $ 32,969        56,402        1.9   $ 34,760        5.4     1,958   

Land-FM 2920/Future 249

    Tomball   TX       56,290        15.1   $ 48,973        61,122        8.6   $ 54,238        10.8     1,991   

Waterstone-Pollo Tropical


3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     19,995        47.0   $ 41,228        23,444        17.3   $ 45,147        9.5     707   

Winchester Plaza-McDonald


2246 Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL   35811-6800     4,860        27.4   $ 63,118        5,446        12.1   $ 68,288        8.2     172   

Glengary Shoppes


4010 South Tamiami Trail

  Sarasota   FL   34231-3624     33,475        -1.5   $ 49,861        34,117        1.9   $ 54,977        10.3     1,184   

Hammocks Town Center


10201 Hammocks Boulevard

  Miami   FL   33196-4712     47,790        11.6   $ 58,264        51,080        6.9   $ 63,879        9.6     1,690   

Magnolia Shoppes


9745 Westview Drive

  FL   33076     34,331        12.1   $ 72,527        36,822        7.3   $ 81,826        12.8     1,214   

Sunrise Town Center


3426 North University Drive

  FL   33351-6720     76,798        0.7   $ 43,455        78,968        2.8   $ 46,940        8.0     2,716   

Dublin Village


1100 Hillcrest Parkway

  Dublin   GA   31021-4366     7,479        6.5   $ 34,137        7,778        4.0   $ 36,687        7.5     265   

Freehome Village


12424 Cumming Highway

  Canton   GA   30115-7778     3,526        44.9   $ 70,839        4,176        18.4   $ 75,093        6.0     125   

Golden Park Village


4840 Golden Parkway

  Buford   GA   30518-5843     7,235        50.0   $ 66,910        8,564        18.4   $ 71,151        6.3     256   

Governors Town Square


6110 Cedarcrest Road NW

  Acworth   GA   30101-9539     5,503        48.6   $ 64,015        6,485        17.8   $ 69,572        8.7     195   

Grayson Village


2715 Loganville Highway

  Loganville   GA   30052     12,247        105.0   $ 69,311        15,487        26.5   $ 71,225        2.8     433   

Keith Bridge Commons


2655 Freedom Parkway

  Cumming   GA   30041-9177     5,948        48.2   $ 67,650        7,106        19.5   $ 72,657        7.4     210   

Loganville Town Center


4325 Atlanta Highway

  Loganville   GA   30052-2341     9,386        79.2   $ 61,363        11,583        23.4   $ 63,256        3.1     332   

Salem Road Station


13015 Brown Bridge Road

  Covington   GA   30016-9111     14,688        76.2   $ 56,870        18,173        23.7   $ 59,194        4.1     519   

Shops at Lake Tuscaloosa


4851 Rice Mine Road NE

  Tuscaloosa   AL   35406-3547     7,771        17.2   $ 48,924        8,406        8.2   $ 54,523        11.4     275   

Vineyards at Chateau Elan


2095 Highway 211 NW

  Braselton   GA   30517-3402     15,407        90.1   $ 82,014        19,137        24.2   $ 85,281        4.0     545   

Wilmington Island


155 Johnny Mercer Boulevard

  Savannah   GA   31410-2118     9,509        11.0   $ 72,972        10,115        6.4   $ 78,343        7.4     336   

South Plaza


45205 Worth Avenue

  California   MD   20619-2422     6,827        26.4   $ 78,165        7,604        11.4   $ 87,036        11.3     241   

Brawley Commons


631 Brawley School Road

  Mooresville   NC   28117-6204     8,375        49.2   $ 71,158        9,800        17.0   $ 77,188        8.5     296   

Carolina Pavilion


9541 South Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28273-6901     25,704        13.4   $ 50,882        27,878        8.5   $ 52,526        3.2     909   

Whitaker Square


1955 Peace Haven Road

  NC   27106-4850     23,922        6.5   $ 55,292        25,024        4.6   $ 58,004        4.9     846   

Greensboro Village


1483 Nashville Pike

  Gallatin   TN   37066-7144     6,232        34.3   $ 51,834        7,110        14.1   $ 55,016        6.1     220   



3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     19,988        47.0   $ 41,232        23,436        17.3   $ 45,155        9.5     707   

Waterstone-Bank of America


3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     19,988        47.0   $ 41,232        23,436        17.3   $ 45,155        9.5     707   



7512 Bluebonnet Boulevard

  LA   70809     26,018        15.1   $ 55,828        27,486        5.6   $ 59,597        6.8     920   

Paradise Marketplace-Smith's


3830 East Flamingo Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-6234     71,369        -0.1   $ 41,856        71,528        0.2   $ 44,109        5.4     2,524   

Tropicana Marketplace


6130 West Tropicana Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89103-4604     48,552        4.6   $ 48,631        50,115        3.2   $ 51,847        6.6     1,717   

Manhattan Place-IHOP


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,387        -1.4   $ 44,465        44,570        2.7   $ 48,622        9.3     1,535   

Manhattan Place-Chili's


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,387        -1.4   $ 44,465        44,570        2.7   $ 48,622        9.3     1,535   

Land-SR 207


Rolling Hills Drive

  FL   32086     1,883        29.2   $ 50,926        2,171        15.3   $ 57,881        13.7     67   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Shops at Quail Creek


West 136th Avenue

  Broomfield   CO   80023     25,380        43.5   $ 81,467        29,039        14.4   $ 87,156        7.0     898   


    Bronx   NY       441,513        3.3   $ 33,472        446,270        1.1   $ 36,238        8.3     15,615   

Penn Dutch Plaza


3201 North State Road Seven

  Margate   FL   33063-7097     53,964        3.7   $ 54,422        55,670        3.2   $ 59,385        9.1     1,909   

Plantation Marketplace


7007 West Broward Boulevard

  Plantation   FL   33317-2208     56,536        -2.3   $ 47,849        56,945        0.7   $ 51,057        6.7     2,000   

Corporate Boulevard 1900/2000


1900 NW Corporate Boulevard

  Boca Raton   FL   33431-8502     34,724        -2.4   $ 70,918        35,256        1.5   $ 74,897        5.6     1,228   

Courtyard Shops


13880 Wellington Trace

  Wellington   FL   33414-8553     14,677        12.2   $ 79,344        15,773        7.5   $ 83,728        5.5     519   

Gateway Station


1107 North Burleson Boulevard

  Burleson   TX   76028-7009     14,918        67.9   $ 56,750        17,170        15.1   $ 59,933        5.6     528   

Murrieta Marketplace


Winchester Road

  Murrieta   CA   92563     9,874        292.9   $ 80,955        11,445        15.9   $ 89,887        11.0     349   

Jacaranda Plaza


1687 US Highway 41 Bypass South

  Venice   FL   34293-1034     23,754        14.9   $ 46,174        26,021        9.5   $ 48,826        5.7     840   

Burlington Plaza


3753 Austell Road

  Austell   GA   30106-1106     22,241        8.4   $ 59,777        23,265        4.6   $ 61,825        3.4     787   

Kmart Plaza-Cleveland


14901 Lorain Avenue

  Cleveland   OH   44111-3107     62,291        -9.0   $ 44,227        58,699        -5.8   $ 45,939        3.9     2,203   

Sears Solon


6221 Som Center Road

  Solon   OH   44139-2912     9,281        1.3   $ 95,818        9,169        -1.2   $ 101,483        5.9     328   



3515 Maple Avenue North

  Zanesville   OH   43701-1017     8,447        0.1   $ 40,544        8,369        -0.9   $ 42,193        4.1     299   

Kmart Plaza-Enid


4010 West Owen K Garriot Road

  Enid   OK   73703-4803     12,292        4.3   $ 46,730        12,529        1.9   $ 50,880        8.9     435   



2200 East High Street

  Pottstown   PA   19464-3216     17,436        10.0   $ 59,913        17,917        2.8   $ 65,238        8.9     617   

Kmart-Willow Grove


2620 West Moreland Road

  PA   19090-4010     32,004        -2.3   $ 70,492        31,431        -1.8   $ 75,505        7.1     1,132   



515 North Dupont Highway

  Dover   DE   19901-3960     15,917        18.4   $ 45,026        17,318        8.8   $ 47,392        5.3     563   



1000 Missouri Avenue North

  Largo   FL   33770-1814     46,838        -1.3   $ 41,641        46,746        -0.2   $ 44,187        6.1     1,657   

Land-Shoppes at Nottingham Sq


Campbell Boulevard

  MD   21162     8,844        25.8   $ 81,624        9,294        5.1   $ 90,195        10.5     313   

Land-White Marsh I

  MD       17,975        8.1   $ 65,878        18,290        1.8   $ 70,359        6.8     636   

Land-White Marsh II

  MD       17,975        8.1   $ 65,878        18,290        1.8   $ 70,359        6.8     636   

Land-North Dartmouth


Faunce Corner Road

  MA   2747     5,742        12.8   $ 57,542        5,968        3.9   $ 62,831        9.2     203   

Marina Shores


6550 Pacific Coast Highway

  CA   90803-4207     47,746        -1.3   $ 69,116        48,216        1.0   $ 74,533        7.8     1,689   

Gateway 101


1771 East Bayshore Road

  East Palo
  CA   94303-2523     39,746        4.6   $ 87,885        40,934        3.0   $ 93,224        6.1     1,406   

Colorado Boulevard


14 Fair Oaks Avenue North

  Pasadena   CA   91103-3616     75,324        6.5   $ 61,917        78,312        4.0   $ 67,396        8.8     2,664   

NorthGate Village


71st Avenue

  Greeley   CO   80634     11,362        57.0   $ 67,439        13,113        15.4   $ 70,772        4.9     402   

Slauson & Central


Slauson Avenue

  CA   90011     107,729        3.7   $ 31,797        111,010        3.1   $ 34,848        9.6     3,810   

Centerplace of Greeley III


4578 Centerplace Drive

  Greeley   CO   80634-3747     28,004        34.3   $ 52,838        31,617        12.9   $ 55,954        5.9     990   

Orchards Market Center II


NE 112th Avenue

  Vancouver   WA   98684     43,284        23.3   $ 56,440        47,564        9.9   $ 59,957        6.2     1,531   

Kmart Plaza-Saint Petersburg


3951 34th Street South

  FL   33711-4360     35,615        -1.4   $ 38,000        35,487        -0.4   $ 40,953        7.8     1,260   

Eustis Village


2840 David Walker Drive

  Eustis   FL   32726-6172     12,469        21.2   $ 37,211        14,104        13.1   $ 39,208        5.4     441   

Land-Ambassador D

    Lafayette   LA       30,488        3.7   $ 42,354        31,358        2.9   $ 45,222        6.8     1,078   

Land-York Plaza

    Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   

Fiesta Market Place


Quitman Street Fulton Street

  Houston   TX   77009     56,715        16.6   $ 40,254        60,629        6.9   $ 45,105        12.1     2,006   

Land-Stanford Court

    Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   

Festival Plaza

    Helotes   TX       55,293        -0.2   $ 33,613        56,721        2.6   $ 35,487        5.6     1,956   

Wirt Road/Interstate10


Wirt Road

  Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   

Land-Harrison Pointe Pad

    Cary   NC       40,179        27.8   $ 45,679        45,921        14.3   $ 47,996        5.1     1,421   

Land-South Semoran Pad

    Orlando   FL       45,410        8.4   $ 42,588        48,574        7.0   $ 46,204        8.5     1,606   

Fiesta Center


Blalock Road

  Houston   TX   77055     53,804        9.0   $ 57,687        57,107        6.1   $ 61,282        6.2     1,903   


    Phoenix   AZ       66,549        7.9   $ 41,358        72,096        8.3   $ 44,030        6.5     2,354   

Land-Lockwood Drive

    Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   


    Houston   TX       74,803        20.9   $ 68,522        81,220        8.6   $ 74,858        9.2     2,646   


    Texas City   TX       9,426        16.6   $ 38,032        10,320        9.5   $ 40,581        6.7     333   

Westland Fair II


4505 West Charleston Boulevard

  Las Vegas   NV   89102-1501     60,186        -1.9   $ 42,781        62,953        4.6   $ 44,898        4.9     2,129   

Land-Palm Coast Landing II


Belle Terre Parkway

  Palm Coast   FL   32164     7,429        201.9   $ 42,864        9,360        26.0   $ 44,098        2.9     263   

Land-Bear Valley Road II


Bear Valley Road

  CA       12,697        13.0   $ 53,677        13,695        7.9   $ 58,976        9.9     449   

Land-Bear Valley Road III


Bear Valley Road

  CA       12,697        13.0   $ 53,677        13,695        7.9   $ 58,976        9.9     449   

Land-Mississippi Havana

    Aurora   CO       33,308        17.9   $ 52,708        36,072        8.3   $ 55,127        4.6     1,178   

Land-US Highway 17/74/76


US Highway 17

  Leland   NC       763        49.3   $ 44,541        906        18.7   $ 48,550        9.0     27   

Land-Highway 17/Highway 210


Highway 17

  Surf City   NC       11,310        7.5   $ 40,487        11,724        3.7   $ 44,021        8.7     400   

Land-Culebra Road/WestwoodLoop


Culebra Road

  TX       55,293        -0.2   $ 33,613        56,721        2.6   $ 35,487        5.6     1,956   

Land-FM 2920/Future 249

    Tomball   TX       57,232        17.3   $ 51,025        61,535        7.5   $ 57,667        13.0     2,024   

Waterstone-Pollo Tropical


3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     20,631        49.2   $ 40,912        22,503        9.1   $ 43,240        5.7     730   

Winchester Plaza-McDonald


2246 Winchester Road NE

  Huntsville   AL   35811-6800     4,626        27.1   $ 65,406        5,085        9.9   $ 71,256        8.9     164   

Glengary Shoppes


4010 South Tamiami Trail

  Sarasota   FL   34231-3624     33,405        -1.8   $ 49,655        34,537        3.4   $ 53,277        7.3     1,181   

Hammocks Town Center


10201 Hammocks Boulevard

  Miami   FL   33196-4712     48,616        13.1   $ 59,131        51,661        6.3   $ 63,505        7.4     1,719   

Magnolia Shoppes


9745 Westview Drive

  FL   33076     33,311        9.4   $ 73,445        34,636        4.0   $ 80,263        9.3     1,178   

Sunrise Town Center


3426 North University Drive

  FL   33351-6720     75,585        -1.2   $ 43,889        76,459        1.2   $ 46,336        5.6     2,673   

Dublin Village


1100 Hillcrest Parkway

  Dublin   GA   31021-4366     7,823        12.4   $ 34,249        8,205        4.9   $ 35,579        3.9     277   

Freehome Village


12424 Cumming Highway

  Canton   GA   30115-7778     3,575        53.6   $ 72,392        4,278        19.7   $ 76,437        5.6     126   

Golden Park Village


4840 Golden Parkway

  Buford   GA   30518-5843     6,935        49.2   $ 67,529        7,805        12.6   $ 71,044        5.2     245   

Governors Town Square


6110 Cedarcrest Road NW

  Acworth   GA   30101-9539     6,209        58.8   $ 69,664        7,137        15.0   $ 75,562        8.5     220   

Grayson Village


2715 Loganville Highway

  Loganville   GA   30052     12,337        106.7   $ 70,977        14,299        15.9   $ 73,011        2.9     436   

Keith Bridge Commons


2655 Freedom Parkway

  Cumming   GA   30041-9177     6,335        52.8   $ 69,066        7,664        21.0   $ 72,152        4.5     224   

Loganville Town Center


4325 Atlanta Highway

  Loganville   GA   30052-2341     9,886        85.7   $ 62,595        11,577        17.1   $ 64,329        2.8     350   

Salem Road Station


13015 Brown Bridge Road

  Covington   GA   30016-9111     15,288        76.1   $ 59,055        17,849        16.8   $ 61,603        4.3     541   

Shops at Lake Tuscaloosa


4851 Rice Mine Road NE

  Tuscaloosa   AL   35406-3547     7,861        18.0   $ 51,014        8,314        5.8   $ 56,228        10.2     278   

Vineyards at Chateau Elan


2095 Highway 211 NW

  Braselton   GA   30517-3402     15,113        89.0   $ 84,217        17,492        15.7   $ 87,954        4.4     535   

Wilmington Island


155 Johnny Mercer Boulevard

  Savannah   GA   31410-2118     9,201        7.8   $ 73,811        9,690        5.3   $ 78,221        6.0     325   

South Plaza


45205 Worth Avenue

  California   MD   20619-2422     6,989        28.8   $ 80,708        7,626        9.1   $ 88,460        9.6     247   

Brawley Commons


631 Brawley School Road

  Mooresville   NC   28117-6204     8,433        49.9   $ 71,490        9,568        13.5   $ 76,711        7.3     298   

Carolina Pavilion


9541 South Boulevard

  Charlotte   NC   28273-6901     26,722        17.8   $ 52,504        29,665        11.0   $ 54,072        3.0     945   

Whitaker Square


1955 Peace Haven Road

  NC   27106-4850     23,856        9.0   $ 57,442        24,907        4.4   $ 59,653        3.8     844   

Greensboro Village


1483 Nashville Pike

  Gallatin   TN   37066-7144     6,576        40.5   $ 53,892        7,242        10.1   $ 56,266        4.4     233   



3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     20,610        49.2   $ 40,880        22,481        9.1   $ 43,212        5.7     729   

Waterstone-Bank of America


3070 NE 41 Terrace

  Homestead   FL   33033     20,610        49.2   $ 40,880        22,481        9.1   $ 43,212        5.7     729   



7512 Bluebonnet Boulevard

  LA   70809     25,602        15.1   $ 58,590        27,062        5.7   $ 61,947        5.7     905   

Paradise Marketplace-Smith's


3830 East Flamingo Road

  Las Vegas   NV   89121-6234     73,116        3.9   $ 43,682        77,321        5.8   $ 46,143        5.6     2,586   

Tropicana Marketplace


6130 West Tropicana Avenue

  Las Vegas   NV   89103-4604     49,995        8.2   $ 50,366        53,758        7.5   $ 54,271        7.8     1,768   

Manhattan Place-IHOP


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,644        -0.8   $ 45,235        44,650        2.3   $ 48,883        8.1     1,544   

Manhattan Place-Chili's


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,644        -0.8   $ 45,235        44,650        2.3   $ 48,883        8.1     1,544   

Land-SR 207


Rolling Hills Drive

  FL   32086     1,822        30.6   $ 52,813        2,157        18.4   $ 58,813        11.4     64   




Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2009
    2009 Median
    2014 Median

Land-Ridgeway Trace


Poplar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38103     27,087        -0.6   $ 24,066        27,149        0.2   $ 25,550        6.2     958   

Land-US 77/83


US 77

  Brownsville   TX       2,036        24.4   $ 41,969        2,274        11.7   $ 44,282        5.5     72   

Land-Nolana Avenue/29th Street


Nolana Avenue

  McAllen   TX   78504     20,972        44.5   $ 55,865        24,569        17.2   $ 61,384        9.9     742   

Land-Bullhead Parkway


Bullhead Parkway

  AZ   86429     1,556        86.4   $ 44,083        1,937        24.5   $ 47,554        7.9     55   

Seminole Shoppes


630 Atlantic Boulevard

  FL   32266-4026     20,619        5.5   $ 54,623        21,626        4.9   $ 59,194        8.4     729   

Plaza del Sol I


3223 West Indian School Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85017-4070     65,873        3.6   $ 34,576        68,926        4.6   $ 37,251        7.7     2,330   

Pearl Arts I


1260 East Altamonte Drive

  FL   32701-5010     34,474        0.8   $ 50,099        35,473        2.9   $ 53,994        7.8     1,219   

Westbury Plaza


1220 Old Country Road

  Westbury   NY   11590-5624     46,666        -2.4   $ 81,132        46,031        -1.4   $ 89,134        9.9     1,650   

Milestone-Jack in the Box


3619 Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615-5002     18,656        26.0   $ 69,571        20,867        11.9   $ 73,066        5.0     660   

Willowdaile I


3823 Guess Road

  Durham   NC   27705-1533     18,252        12.4   $ 48,859        19,605        7.4   $ 49,942        2.2     646   

Land-Westbury Long Island


900 Old Country Road

  Westbury   NY   11590-5513     47,989        -2.4   $ 79,935        47,326        -1.4   $ 87,982        10.1     1,697   

Market at Colonnade


Six Forks Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615     29,028        20.3   $ 67,407        32,364        11.5   $ 69,465        3.1     1,027   

East Washington Place


East Washington Street

  Petaluma   CA   94952     408        -3.1   $ 63,322        387        -5.2   $ 68,836        8.7     14   

Macedonia Commons II


8210 Macedonia Commons Boulevard

  Macedonia   OH   44056-1850     12,845        7.1   $ 70,430        13,270        3.3   $ 74,346        5.6     454   

South Farm Marketplace


4051 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-4433     37,987        12.5   $ 52,230        40,406        6.4   $ 55,406        6.1     1,344   

Wyoming-Black Angus


2244 Wyoming Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87112-2620     66,595        5.3   $ 40,207        69,316        4.1   $ 42,521        5.8     2,355   

Manhattan Place-Raising Canes


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,585        -1.4   $ 44,395        44,785        2.8   $ 48,555        9.4     1,542   

Manhattan Place-Regions Bank


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,585        -1.4   $ 44,395        44,785        2.8   $ 48,555        9.4     1,542   


  FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   



Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615     23,912        20.5   $ 57,712        26,368        10.3   $ 60,755        5.3     846   



2599 SW 147th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33185-4081     39,550        18.2   $ 61,248        43,251        9.4   $ 67,788        10.7     1,399   

Fort Caroline-McDonald


Fort Caroline Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32277     24,407        10.3   $ 45,882        26,063        6.8   $ 49,238        7.3     863   


      FL       65,442        -1.4   $ 40,571        66,625        1.8   $ 44,016        8.5     2,315   

Copps Hill Plaza


125 Danbury Road

  Ridgefield   CT   06877-4139     7,288        -0.9   $ 124,879        7,251        -0.5   $ 136,145        9.0     258   

Bradenton Plaza


4902 Cortez Road West

  Brandon   FL       40,926        4.6   $ 41,465        42,930        4.9   $ 44,910        8.3     1,447   

Shoppes @ Mount Carmel


1405 East Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-5563     30,990        23.9   $ 61,451        34,644        11.8   $ 66,447        8.1     1,096   

Lake Wales

    Lake Wales   FL       7,146        11.7   $ 44,107        7,677        7.4   $ 47,533        7.8     253   


    Auburndale   FL       7,146        11.7   $ 44,107        7,677        7.4   $ 47,533        7.8     253   

Shoppes at Lake Bryan


13605 S Apopka Vineland Road

  Orlando   FL   32821-6343     6,663        55.9   $ 55,997        8,051        20.8   $ 60,370        7.8     236   

Providence Commons


10616 Providence Road

  Charlotte   NC   28277-0233     21,165        52.6   $ 101,044        25,125        18.7   $ 105,906        4.8     749   

Veranda Shoppes


500 North Pine Island Road

  Plantation   FL   33324-1308     57,623        0.4   $ 51,954        59,225        2.8   $ 57,492        10.7     2,038   

Land-Lee Vista

    Orlando   FL       45,500        10.0   $ 42,280        49,022        7.7   $ 46,028        8.9     1,609   

Cooper Street Plaza Center


4605 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76017-5827     40,234        8.6   $ 62,431        42,538        5.7   $ 65,736        5.3     1,423   

Foothills Mall


7401 North La Cholla Boulevard

  Tucson   AZ   85741-2308     27,151        9.1   $ 55,738        28,929        6.6   $ 60,201        8.0     960   

Gateway Plaza


2745 NE 193rd Street

  Aventura   FL   33180-2305     69,062        3.5   $ 41,503        71,549        3.6   $ 45,041        8.5     2,443   

Land-Coral Reef

  FL       62,527        5.9   $ 39,685        65,486        4.7   $ 42,879        8.0     2,211   


    Vero Beach   FL       11,384        24.8   $ 43,199        12,841        12.8   $ 47,180        9.2     403   



3 Serramonte Center

  Daly City   CA   94015-2345     58,712        -0.4   $ 77,302        59,630        1.6   $ 84,607        9.4     2,077   

Plaza Escuela


1251 South Main Street

  CA   94596-5116     43,348        1.9   $ 78,979        44,854        3.5   $ 85,623        8.4     1,533   



1975 Diamond Boulevard

  Concord   CA   94520-5792     53,416        0.4   $ 67,883        54,826        2.6   $ 73,087        7.7     1,889   

Sutter Street 222


222 Sutter Street

  CA   94108-4445     181,510        3.4   $ 64,103        187,266        3.2   $ 70,533        10.0     6,420   



1411 West Covell Street

  Davis   CA   95616-5934     22,443        6.2   $ 54,023        23,779        6.0   $ 61,772        14.3     794   



1121 L Street

  Sacramento   CA   95814-3926     60,637        7.7   $ 43,741        64,707        6.7   $ 47,974        9.7     2,145   

Colorado Building


595 Colorado Boulevard

  Pasadena   CA   91101-2039     76,457        7.7   $ 62,549        80,736        5.6   $ 68,724        9.9     2,704   

Pacific Financial Center


800 West Sixth Street

  Los Angeles   CA   90017-2704     171,201        10.1   $ 26,355        182,506        6.6   $ 29,073        10.3     6,055   

Park Plaza


1303 J Street

  Sacramento   CA   95814-2932     61,245        7.0   $ 43,832        65,196        6.5   $ 47,997        9.5     2,166   

Third Street


625 Third Street

  CA   94107-1901     175,682        3.5   $ 62,373        181,404        3.3   $ 68,729        10.2     6,213   

Parnassus Heights


350 Parnassus Avenue

  CA   94117-3608     240,763        -1.1   $ 73,886        243,465        1.1   $ 82,489        11.6     8,515   

Danville San Ramon Medical Cnt


915 San Ramon Valley Boulevard

  Danville   CA   94526-4062     16,455        -4.0   $ 126,879        16,484        0.2   $ 136,186        7.3     582   



641 East Colorado Boulevard

  Pasadena   CA   91101-2005     76,435        7.7   $ 62,734        80,705        5.6   $ 68,912        9.8     2,703   

Orchard at Slatten Ranch

    Antioch   CA       55,864        0.9   $ 71,737        57,550        3.0   $ 77,268        7.7     1,976   

South Figueroa Street


2455 South Figuero Street

  Los Angeles   CA   90007     176,239        9.1   $ 25,998        187,106        6.2   $ 28,754        10.6     6,233   

South Farm Marketplace


4051 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-4447     38,423        12.3   $ 52,156        40,845        6.3   $ 55,322        6.1     1,359   

Newbury Street 111-115/127-129


111 Newbury Street

  Boston   MA   02116-2902     191,547        1.7   $ 52,385        193,776        1.2   $ 58,644        11.9     6,775   

Huntington Square


4000 Jericho Turnpike

  NY   11731-6285     23,919        -1.9   $ 105,987        23,590        -1.4   $ 117,685        11.0     846   

Plaza Alegre-Outparcel


14630 SW 26th Street

  Miami   FL   33175-8065     54,144        10.4   $ 58,802        57,677        6.5   $ 64,948        10.5     1,915   

Land-Town & Country

    Kissimmee   FL       26,307        33.8   $ 39,076        30,530        16.1   $ 42,197        8.0     930   

Tamarac Town Square-Outparcel


North Pine Island Road

  Kissimmee   FL       825        32.2   $ 41,429        945        14.6   $ 44,007        6.2     29   

Crosswinds Distribution Center


11826 Tech Com Road

  San Antonio   TX   78233-6012     37,426        11.4   $ 51,063        40,008        6.9   $ 54,377        6.5     1,324   

Southgate-Controlled Fluids


2220 Calder Street

  Beaumont   TX   77701-1582     21,846        -8.9   $ 33,319        20,895        -4.4   $ 35,664        7.0     773   



Wilcrest Drive

  Houston   TX   77099     61,169        10.8   $ 39,660        65,360        6.9   $ 42,083        6.1     2,163   

Jess Ranch-Bank of America


Bear Valley Road

  CA   92308     16,734        38.2   $ 56,657        19,416        16.0   $ 63,184        11.5     592   

Tate's Creek Centre-McDonald's


Tates Creek Road

  Lexington   KY   40502     36,917        10.4   $ 49,626        38,998        5.6   $ 52,468        5.7     1,306   

Jess Ranch-Red Robin


Bear Valley Road

  CA   92308     16,562        39.4   $ 57,020        19,263        16.3   $ 63,528        11.4     586   

Los Angeles

    Los Angeles   CA       69,321        1.9   $ 42,959        71,330        2.9   $ 47,507        10.6     2,452   



2260 Broadway

  New York   NY   10024-5403     543,773        2.8   $ 66,768        553,653        1.8   $ 73,970        10.8     19,232   

Glen Oak Plaza


1407 Waukegan Road

  Glenview   IL   60025-2120     32,341        3.2   $ 82,920        32,849        1.6   $ 87,754        5.8     1,144   

Country Walk Plaza


13707 SW 152nd Street

  Miami   FL   33177-1106     33,476        19.7   $ 68,102        36,676        9.6   $ 74,118        8.8     1,184   

Westbird Plaza


11495 SW 40th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-3311     64,919        2.4   $ 53,047        66,996        3.2   $ 58,408        10.1     2,296   

Pablo Plaza


1822 3rd Street South

  Jacksonville   FL   32250-4013     17,994        12.4   $ 65,185        19,454        8.1   $ 70,696        8.5     636   



11111 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32223-7946     26,346        15.2   $ 66,667        28,678        8.9   $ 71,610        7.4     932   

Third Avenue 1175


1175 Third Avenue

  New York   NY   10065-5700     623,121        2.3   $ 69,662        633,790        1.7   $ 77,747        11.6     22,038   

Las Palmas Marketplace


1331 George Dieter Drive

  El Paso   TX   79936-7400     32,614        15.0   $ 40,983        35,024        7.4   $ 44,016        7.4     1,153   

Shoppes of Coronado


State Road 44

  FL   32168     3,291        23.5   $ 48,537        3,691        12.2   $ 51,859        6.8     116   

Hope Valley Commons


1125 West North Carolina Highway 54

  Durham   NC   27707-5715     22,379        33.6   $ 63,009        25,504        14.0   $ 65,492        3.9     791   

Jupiter Business Park


800-820 Jupiter Road

  Plano   TX   75074-7461     27,887        10.3   $ 70,271        29,947        7.4   $ 72,723        3.5     986   



27100 Eucalyptus Avenue

  CA   92551-4522     20,057        37.6   $ 61,240        23,290        16.1   $ 67,839        10.8     709   

Desert Village


23251 North Pima Road

  Scottsdale   AZ   85255-4315     11,099        58.0   $ 107,496        13,254        19.4   $ 113,527        5.6     393   


Property Name



  City   State   Zip Code   2010
    2010 Median
HH Income
    2015 Median

Land-Ridgeway Trace


Poplar Avenue

  Memphis   TN   38103     26,442        -2.6   $ 24,530        26,235        -0.8   $ 26,122        6.5     935   

Land-US 77/83


US 77

  Brownsville   TX       2,044        24.0   $ 42,955        2,259        10.5   $ 45,191        5.2     72   

Land-Nolana Avenue/29th Street


Nolana Avenue

  McAllen   TX   78504     21,634        47.2   $ 56,664        24,577        13.6   $ 60,600        6.9     765   

Land-Bullhead Parkway


Bullhead Parkway

  AZ   86429     1,831        90.3   $ 43,893        2,116        15.6   $ 47,177        7.5     65   

Seminole Shoppes


630 Atlantic Boulevard

  FL   32266-4026     20,029        2.9   $ 55,980        20,730        3.5   $ 60,038        7.2     708   

Plaza del Sol I


3223 West Indian School Road

  Phoenix   AZ   85017-4070     65,647        3.3   $ 35,282        70,105        6.8   $ 37,349        5.9     2,322   

Pearl Arts I


1260 East Altamonte Drive

  FL   32701-5010     33,907        0.4   $ 51,281        34,837        2.7   $ 54,168        5.6     1,199   

Westbury Plaza


1220 Old Country Road

  Westbury   NY   11590-5624     48,073        1.5   $ 84,455        47,929        -0.3   $ 91,412        8.2     1,700   

Milestone-Jack in the Box


3619 Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615-5002     18,719        29.3   $ 70,187        20,749        10.8   $ 72,539        3.4     662   

Willowdaile I


3823 Guess Road

  Durham   NC   27705-1533     18,712        16.1   $ 50,600        20,300        8.5   $ 52,085        2.9     662   

Land-Westbury Long Island


900 Old Country Road

  Westbury   NY   11590-5513     49,732        1.6   $ 82,978        49,599        -0.3   $ 89,965        8.4     1,759   

Market at Colonnade


Six Forks Road

  Raleigh   NC   27615     30,393        26.4   $ 68,744        34,843        14.6   $ 70,242        2.2     1,075   

East Washington Place


East Washington Street

  Petaluma   CA   94952     414        0.0   $ 63,980        420        1.5   $ 68,182        6.6     15   

Macedonia Commons II


8210 Macedonia Commons Boulevard

  Macedonia   OH   44056-1850     12,895        8.1   $ 71,671        13,179        2.2   $ 75,123        4.8     456   

South Farm Marketplace


4051 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-4433     38,327        13.5   $ 54,324        40,772        6.4   $ 57,031        5.0     1,356   

Wyoming-Black Angus


2244 Wyoming Boulevard NE

  Albuquerque   NM   87112-2620     66,504        5.8   $ 41,425        69,569        4.6   $ 43,194        4.3     2,352   

Manhattan Place-Raising Canes


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,968        -0.8   $ 45,165        45,001        2.4   $ 48,811        8.1     1,555   

Manhattan Place-Regions Bank


1731 Manhattan Boulevard

  Harvey   LA   70058-3409     43,968        -0.8   $ 45,165        45,001        2.4   $ 48,811        8.1     1,555   


  FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   



Pelham Road

  Greenville   SC   29615     24,831        23.5   $ 57,831        27,205        9.6   $ 59,547        3.0     878   



2599 SW 147th Avenue

  Miami   FL   33185-4081     41,354        22.2   $ 62,482        44,248        7.0   $ 67,619        8.2     1,463   

Fort Caroline-McDonald


Fort Caroline Road

  Jacksonville   FL   32277     23,717        8.0   $ 46,816        25,011        5.5   $ 49,106        4.9     839   


      FL       65,124        -3.2   $ 41,070        65,291        0.3   $ 43,532        6.0     2,303   

Copps Hill Plaza


125 Danbury Road

  Ridgefield   CT   06877-4139     7,324        1.1   $ 128,620        7,307        -0.2   $ 137,614        7.0     259   

Bradenton Plaza


4902 Cortez Road West

  Brandon   FL       40,262        2.9   $ 41,275        42,244        4.9   $ 43,683        5.8     1,424   

Shoppes @ Mount Carmel


1405 East Brandon Boulevard

  Brandon   FL   33511-5563     31,068        22.9   $ 61,795        34,385        10.7   $ 65,947        6.7     1,099   

Lake Wales

    Lake Wales   FL       7,076        11.8   $ 44,699        7,633        7.9   $ 47,476        6.2     250   


    Auburndale   FL       7,076        11.8   $ 44,699        7,633        7.9   $ 47,476        6.2     250   

Shoppes at Lake Bryan


13605 S Apopka Vineland Road

  Orlando   FL   32821-6343     7,234        60.7   $ 57,233        8,351        15.4   $ 61,997        8.3     256   

Providence Commons


10616 Providence Road

  Charlotte   NC   28277-0233     22,067        61.3   $ 102,808        25,665        16.3   $ 106,893        4.0     780   

Veranda Shoppes


500 North Pine Island Road

  Plantation   FL   33324-1308     56,637        -1.7   $ 52,692        57,173        1.0   $ 56,951        8.1     2,003   

Land-Lee Vista

    Orlando   FL       45,410        8.4   $ 42,588        48,574        7.0   $ 46,204        8.5     1,606   

Cooper Street Plaza Center


4605 South Cooper Street

  Arlington   TX   76017-5827     42,073        13.7   $ 63,488        45,767        8.8   $ 66,192        4.3     1,488   

Foothills Mall


7401 North La Cholla Boulevard

  Tucson   AZ   85741-2308     27,637        11.7   $ 57,234        29,747        7.6   $ 60,920        6.4     977   

Gateway Plaza


2745 NE 193rd Street

  Aventura   FL   33180-2305     68,759        4.0   $ 41,958        71,200        3.6   $ 44,727        6.6     2,432   

Land-Coral Reef

  FL       61,332        3.8   $ 40,638        63,432        3.4   $ 43,424        6.9     2,169   


    Vero Beach   FL       11,371        25.2   $ 43,747        12,402        9.1   $ 46,709        6.8     402   



3 Serramonte Center

  Daly City   CA   94015-2345     59,272        1.1   $ 79,363        60,275        1.7   $ 85,503        7.7     2,096   

Plaza Escuela


1251 South Main Street

  CA   94596-5116     43,867        1.9   $ 80,650        45,393        3.5   $ 85,994        6.6     1,551   



1975 Diamond Boulevard

  Concord   CA   94520-5792     53,373        0.6   $ 69,159        54,923        2.9   $ 73,395        6.1     1,888   

Sutter Street 222


222 Sutter Street

  CA   94108-4445     190,960        8.7   $ 66,348        199,215        4.3   $ 72,221        8.9     6,754   



1411 West Covell Street

  Davis   CA   95616-5934     22,350        5.9   $ 52,645        23,873        6.8   $ 59,998        14.0     790   



1121 L Street

  Sacramento   CA   95814-3926     59,929        6.3   $ 44,522        63,654        6.2   $ 48,605        9.2     2,120   

Colorado Building


595 Colorado Boulevard

  Pasadena   CA   91101-2039     75,495        6.4   $ 64,438        78,444        3.9   $ 69,920        8.5     2,670   

Pacific Financial Center


800 West Sixth Street

  Los Angeles   CA   90017-2704     170,847        10.3   $ 27,056        179,617        5.1   $ 29,335        8.4     6,042   

Park Plaza


1303 J Street

  Sacramento   CA   95814-2932     60,481        5.8   $ 44,753        64,142        6.1   $ 48,838        9.1     2,139   

Third Street


625 Third Street

  CA   94107-1901     184,587        9.0   $ 64,577        192,732        4.4   $ 70,308        8.9     6,528   

Parnassus Heights


350 Parnassus Avenue

  CA   94117-3608     250,651        3.2   $ 76,759        258,104        3.0   $ 84,667        10.3     8,865   

Danville San Ramon Medical Cnt


915 San Ramon Valley Boulevard

  Danville   CA   94526-4062     16,591        -3.5   $ 127,493        16,800        1.3   $ 135,571        6.3     587   



641 East Colorado Boulevard

  Pasadena   CA   91101-2005     75,159        6.3   $ 64,519        78,073        3.9   $ 69,986        8.5     2,658   

Orchard at Slatten Ranch

    Antioch   CA       55,312        0.6   $ 73,089        56,896        2.9   $ 77,636        6.2     1,956   

South Figueroa Street


2455 South Figuero Street

  Los Angeles   CA   90007     175,574        8.9   $ 26,705        183,837        4.7   $ 29,121        9.0     6,210   

South Farm Marketplace


4051 Nicholasville Road

  Lexington   KY   40503-4447     38,781        13.4   $ 54,355        41,242        6.4   $ 57,049        5.0     1,372   

Newbury Street 111-115/127-129


111 Newbury Street

  Boston   MA   02116-2902     198,359        5.6   $ 54,233        201,007        1.3   $ 60,060        10.7     7,016   

Huntington Square


4000 Jericho Turnpike

  NY   11731-6285     24,652        1.5   $ 108,312        24,550        -0.4   $ 118,494        9.4     872   

Plaza Alegre-Outparcel


14630 SW 26th Street

  Miami   FL   33175-8065     55,885        13.8   $ 59,873        58,752        5.1   $ 64,643        8.0     1,977   

Land-Town & Country

    Kissimmee   FL       26,203        34.0   $ 38,765        30,726        17.3   $ 40,615        4.8     927   

Tamarac Town Square-Outparcel


North Pine Island Road

  Kissimmee   FL       822        24.6   $ 41,520        921        12.0   $ 43,534        4.9     29   

Crosswinds Distribution Center


11826 Tech Com Road

  San Antonio   TX   78233-6012     37,985        11.7   $ 51,469        40,626        7.0   $ 53,990        4.9     1,343   

Southgate-Controlled Fluids


2220 Calder Street

  Beaumont   TX   77701-1582     22,071        -7.4   $ 34,837        21,234        -3.8   $ 37,560        7.8     781   



Wilcrest Drive

  Houston   TX   77099     62,346        12.7   $ 41,124        67,446        8.2   $ 43,080        4.8     2,205   

Jess Ranch-Bank of America


Bear Valley Road

  CA   92308     16,330        36.9   $ 56,932        18,350        12.4   $ 62,556        9.9     578   

Tate's Creek Centre-McDonald's


Tates Creek Road

  Lexington   KY   40502     37,243        11.2   $ 51,633        39,349        5.7   $ 54,102        4.8     1,317   

Jess Ranch-Red Robin


Bear Valley Road

  CA   92308     16,595        38.5   $ 56,823        18,682        12.6   $ 62,441        9.9     587   

Los Angeles

    Los Angeles   CA       69,246        2.1   $ 44,144        70,897        2.4   $ 48,579        10.0     2,449   



2260 Broadway

  New York   NY   10024-5403     548,454        3.7   $ 69,195        554,947        1.2   $ 76,293        10.3     19,398   

Glen Oak Plaza


1407 Waukegan Road

  Glenview   IL   60025-2120     32,192        3.2   $ 84,505        32,066        -0.4   $ 88,681        4.9     1,139   

Country Walk Plaza


13707 SW 152nd Street

  Miami   FL   33177-1106     34,862        22.6   $ 68,753        37,830        8.5   $ 73,773        7.3     1,233   

Westbird Plaza


11495 SW 40th Street

  Miami   FL   33165-3311     66,124        4.4   $ 54,012        68,006        2.9   $ 58,124        7.6     2,339   

Pablo Plaza


1822 3rd Street South

  Jacksonville   FL   32250-4013     17,744        10.5   $ 66,657        19,136        7.8   $ 72,072        8.1     628   



11111 San Jose Boulevard

  Jacksonville   FL   32223-7946     25,490        13.9   $ 67,847        27,316        7.2   $ 71,458        5.3     902   

Third Avenue 1175


1175 Third Avenue

  New York   NY   10065-5700     627,312        3.4   $ 71,974        633,997        1.1   $ 80,053        11.2     22,187   

Las Palmas Marketplace


1331 George Dieter Drive

  El Paso   TX   79936-7400     31,189        9.7   $ 41,626        32,690        4.8   $ 44,182        6.1     1,103   

Shoppes of Coronado


State Road 44

  FL   32168     3,337        23.2   $ 50,120        3,654        9.5   $ 53,960        7.7     118   

Hope Valley Commons


1125 West North Carolina Highway 54

  Durham   NC   27707-5715     22,903        38.5   $ 65,247        25,752        12.4   $ 67,942        4.1     810   

Jupiter Business Park


800-820 Jupiter Road

  Plano   TX   75074-7461     29,041        15.4   $ 71,397        32,840        13.1   $ 73,257        2.6     1,027   



27100 Eucalyptus Avenue

  CA   92551-4522     20,407        41.9   $ 61,434        23,404        14.7   $ 66,318        7.9     722   

Desert Village


23251 North Pima Road

  Scottsdale   AZ   85255-4315     11,635        61.6   $ 108,095        13,763        18.3   $ 110,667        2.4     412   





Appendix B - Property Data



Property Name

































Carmel Country Plaza   12750-12950 Carmel Country Road   San Diego     CA      Del Mar/Solana Beach/Rancho Santa Fe     0.9     1,627,049        1.1     1,627,049        2.5     1,627,049        3.4     1,627,049   
Carmel Mountain Plaza   11602-11744 Carmel Mountain Road   San Diego     CA      Carmel Mountain Ranch     0.3     1,497,190        1.7     1,497,190        7.1     1,497,190        7.0     1,497,190   
South Bay Marketplace   Highway 54 & Highland Avenue   National
    CA      National City/Paradise Hills     6.6     1,409,477        4.1     1,409,477        5.5     1,409,477        8.6     1,260,090   
Rancho Carmel Plaza   I-56 & Rancho Carmel Drive   San Diego     CA      Carmel Mountain Ranch     0.3     1,497,190        1.7     1,497,190        7.1     1,497,190        7.0     1,497,190   
Lomas Santa Fe Plaza   I-5 & Lomas Santa Fe Drive   Solana
    CA      Del Mar/Solana Beach/Rancho Santa Fe     0.9     1,627,049        1.1     1,627,049        2.5     1,627,049        3.4     1,627,049   
Solana Beach Towne Center   I-5 & Lomas Santa Fe Drive   Solana
    CA      Del Mar/Solana Beach/Rancho Santa Fe     0.9     1,627,049        1.1     1,627,049        2.5     1,627,049        3.4     1,627,049   
The Shops at Kalakaua   2150 Kalakaua Avenue   Honolulu     HI      Oahu     2.3     9,551,443        2.9     9,551,443        2.5     9,551,443        3.0     9,571,343   
Waikele Center   94-849 Lumiaina Street   Honolulu     HI      Oahu     2.3     9,551,443        2.9     9,551,443        2.5     9,551,443        3.0     9,571,343   
Waikiki Beach Walk   Lewers Street & Kalakaua Avenue   Honolulu     HI      Oahu     2.3     9,551,443        2.9     9,551,443        2.5     9,551,443        3.0     9,571,343   
Alamo Quarry   255 East Basse Road   San
    TX      San Antonio     8.6     41,355,000        9.0     45,309,000        10.1     46,709,000        9.1     47,419,000   

Property Name

























Torrey Reserve   11452-11682 El Camino Real   San Diego     CA      Del Mar Heights     8.7     4,189,008        20.0     4,351,530        21.6     4,351,584        18.8     4,351,584   
Solana Beach Corporate Centre   380-462 Stevens Avenue   Solana
    CA      North Beach Cities     9.6     1,212,043        17.4     1,211,385        18.0     1,277,111        15.4     1,277,120   
Landmark   1 Market Street   San
    CA      SOMA Financial District     7.7     22,294,256        10.9     23,162,801        10.2     23,162,801        10.2     23,162,801   
160 King   160 King Street   San
    CA      South Beach/Rincon Hill     11.0     2,412,962        10.5     2,412,962        16.5     2,412,962        15.2     2,412,962   
Valencia Corporate Center   28470-28490 Avenue Stanford   Santa
    CA      Valencia/Newhall     12.4     1,617,964        26.0     1,821,964        22.0     1,921,964        24.1     1,921,964   

Property Name

























Torrey Reserve   11452-11682 El Camino Real   San Diego     CA      Mid-City     10.1     16,054,056        19.5     16,285,938        20.3     16,038,541        18.4     16,118,294   
Solana Beach Corporate Centre   380-462 Stevens Avenue   Solana
    CA      North County     18.9     6,872,260        23.6     6,939,442        26.4     7,026,333        26.7     7,101,551   
Landmark   1 Market Street   San
    CA      Financial District     8.0     47,025,706        11.6     48,084,287        12.9     48,039,287        12.9     49,158,053   
160 King   160 King Street   San
    CA      SOMA/South Beach/Rincon Hill     11.5     7,093,088        18.0     7,673,460        25.1     7,779,190        26.8     8,170,515   
Valencia Corporate Center   28470-28490 Avenue Stanford   Santa
    CA      Valencia/Newhall     12.4     1,617,964        26.0     1,821,964        22.0     1,921,964        24.1     1,921,964   




Appendix C - California Data



     3Q10 Vacancy Rate     3Q10 Rent      3Q10 Inventory  

California Office

     19.9   $ 26.79         635,766,500   

California Retail

     8.3   $ 26.30         554,371,949   

California Multifamily

     7.2     -10.87% YTD 3Q10         n/a   




Appendix D -National Retail Data



    1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004     2005     2006     2007     2008     2009     2010f     2011f     2012f     2013f     2014f  

National Retail Vacancy Rate

    7.1%        7.1%        7.0%        7.8%        7.6%        7.3%        7.2%        6.9%        7.3%        7.6%        8.7%        9.3%        8.9%        8.5%        8.3%        8.0%   

