6-K 1 agropr3q12_6k.htm EARNINGS RELEASE 3Q12 agropr3q12_6k.htm - Generated by SEC Publisher for SEC Filing


Washington, D.C. 20549


dated November 21, 2012

(Exact Name as Specified in its Charter)

BrasilAgro – Brazilian Agricultural Real Estate Company

U(Translation of Registrant’s Name)

1309 Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 5th floor, São Paulo, São Paulo 01452-002, Brazil

U(Address of principal executive offices)

Julio Cesar de Toledo Piza Neto,

Chief Executive Officer and Investor Relations Officer,

Tel. +55 11 3035 5350, Fax +55 11 3035 5366, ri@brasil-agro.com

1309 Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 5th floor

São Paulo, São Paulo 01452-002, Brazil

U(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)

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Stock Price AGRO3

R$ 9.30 (November 14, 2012)

Investor Relations

Julio Toledo Piza

Ana Paula Ribeiro
Investor Relations


+ 55 (11) 3035 5374



Conference Calls


November 23, 2012
2 p.m. (Brasília) | 11 a.m. (NY)
Telephone: +55 (11) 3127 4971
Code: BrasilAgro


November 23, 2012
3 p.m. (Brasília) | 12 p.m. (NY)
Telephone: + 1 (412) 317 6776
Code: BrasilAgro

Earnings Release

Quarter ended September 30, 2012


São Paulo, November 14, 2012 – BrasilAgro (BM&FBOVESPA: AGRO3) (NYSE: LND), the leader in Brazil in acquiring and developing rural properties with high potential for price appreciation, announces its consolidated results for the quarter ended September 30, 2012. The consolidated annual and quarterly information was prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).




*     Net Revenue of R$49.4 million and Adjusted EBITDA of R$7.2 million.

*     Sale of the Horizontina Farm on October with 100% appreciation compared to the acquisition price.

*     Estimated planted area for the 2012/2013 harvest year of 82,000 hectares.

*     Level 2 ADRs program upgrade and listing on NYSE under the ticker “LND.”










Management’s Comments

We began the 2012/2013 harvest year highly optimistically: we sold a farm with a 100% appreciation compared to the acquisition price, we upgraded to the Level 2 ADRs program and listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and will plant approximately 82,000 hectares.

The sale of the Horizontina Farm is in line with the Company’s business strategy that focuses not only on agricultural production but also on capital gains through the sale of properties. The property was sold for R$75.0 million and had been acquired in 2010 for R$37.7 million. The profit with the sale of the farm will be accounted in the next quarter.

This transaction closes a complete cycle of one of the Company’s projects, in which the acquisition, development, production and sale phases generated an Internal Rate of Return (real estate + production) of approximately 27%.

On November 8, we held a ceremony to celebrate the debut of our American Depositary Receipts (ADR) on Level 2 of the NYSE under the ticker “LND.”

In keeping with its pioneering spirit, the Company, which was the first agricultural production company to list its shares on the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&FBOVESPA, was the first Brazilian agribusiness company to list its ADRs on NYSE. This important step indicates the level of maturity the Company has achieved and aims to increase the Company’s exposure to the universe of investors and to facilitate access to its stock.

We began our operations for the 2012/2013 harvest year, during which we plan to plant approximately 82,000 hectares, divided among soybean, corn (summer and winter crops), sugarcane and pasture. Moreover, in 2012/2013 harvest year, we intend to develop approximately 12,000 hectares.







Operating Performance

In the 2012/2013 harvest year, we intend to plan a total 81,630 hectares, composed of sugarcane, soybean, corn, and pasture. The table below presents a breakdown of planted area by farm: 

Planted Area  Sugarcane  Soybean  Corn  Corn - 2nd
Pasture  Total 
Cremaq Farm    18,840  1,529  3,133    23,502 
Jatobá Farm    11,439  2,942      14,381 
Alto Taquari Farm  3,621          3,621 
Araucária Farm  5,577          5,577 
Chaparral Farm    10,337  667      11,004 
Preferência Farm    201      8,802  9,003 
Horizontina Farm    8,506    895    9,401 
Partnership I Farm    5,141        5,141 


9,198  54,464  5,138  4,028  8,802  81,630 






Property Portfolio

Propperties  Location  Acquisition Date  Project  Total Area
Arable Area
Cremaq Farm  Baixa Grande do Ribeiro/PI  Oct / 06  Grains  32,702  21,823 
Jatobá Farm  Barreiras/BA  Mar / 07  Grains and cotton  31,606  24,254 
Alto Taquari Farm  Alto Taquari/MT  Aug / 07  Sugarcane  5,186  3,666 
Araucária Farm  Mineiros/GO  Apr / 07  Sugarcane  9,682  7,205 
Chaparral Farm  Correntina/BA  Nov / 07  Grains and cotton  37,182  27,414 
Nova Buriti Farm  Januária/MG  Dec / 07  Forest  24,247  19,004 
Preferência Farm  Barreiras/BA  Sep / 08  Cattle  17,799  14,237 
Parceria I Farm  Jaborandi/BA  Sep / 11(1)  Grains  7,699  5,725 


      166,104  123,328 


(1) BrasilAgro has purchase option in the "Partnership I Farm" with fixed price.


On October 10, 2012, we sold the Horizontina Farm, rural property located in Tasso Fragoso, Maranhão state, which has a total area of 14,359 hectares, of which approximately 8,500 hectares are arable land. The farm had been acquired by the Company in April 2010 for R$37.7 million and  in the last two and a half years the farm was improved, with the planted area increasing from 2,000 hectares to approximately 8,000 hectares for the upcoming harvest year.

The sale price was R$75.0 million. The purchaser made an initial payment of R$1.0 million, with the balance to be paid in two installments. The first amount was paid in October in the value of R$26.0 million and the second, amounting of R$48.0 million, is due upon transfer of title of ownership in January 2013. As part of its business, the Company will continue to operate the farm until July 2013, through a lease agreement.

As a point of reference, the sale price of R$75.0 million represents an appreciation of 100% compared to the acquisition price and an appreciation of 40% compared to the latest independent appraisal conducted by Deloitte in December 2010. From an accounting point of view, on September 30, 2012, the farm’s value under the Company’s assets totaled R$48.0 million (acquisition + investments net of depreciation).

This transaction closes a complete cycle of one of the Company’s projects, in which the acquisition, development, production and sale phases generated an Internal Rate of Return (real estate + production) of approximately 27%.

The revenue from the sale of Horizontina Farm will be accounted in the next quarter.

Currently, BrasilAgro’s property portfolio totals 166,104 hectares, with an arable area of 123,328 hectares.





Financial Performance

The consolidated financial statements were prepared and are being presented in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA

EBITDA (R$ thousand)  1Q13  1Q12  Change 

Gross profit 

11,844  16,722  -29% 

Selling expenses 

(1,994)  (402)  35% 

General and administrative 

(6,672)  (5,740)  43% 

Other operating revenue 

43  -  n.a 


6,722  5,378  34% 
EBITDA  9,943  15,958  -38% 
Adjusted EBITDA (R$ thousand)  1Q13  1Q12  Change 

Gross profit 

11,844  16,722  -29% 

Elimination of gains on biological assets (grains and sugarcane planted) 

(1,575)  (4,914)  -68% 

Selling expenses 

(1,994)  (402)  396% 

General and administrative 

(6,672)  (5,740)  16% 

Other operating revenue 

43  -  n.a. 

Hedge results 

(20)  1,606  n.a. 


5,589  6,279  -11% 
Adjusted EBITDA  7,215  13,551  -47% 

EBITDA is calculated as gross profit adjusted for general, administrative, and selling expenses, other operating revenue and depreciation expenses, including: the depreciation of fixed assets at farms and administrative facilities, of developed areas and permanent crops. Adjusted EBITDA was calculated by excluding the gains from biological assets in progress (sugarcane and grains) and adjusted for the harvest’s derivative results.






Income Statement

Statement of Operations (R$ thousand)  1Q13  1Q12  Change 

Revenues from Grains 

20,146  10,335  95% 

Revenues from Sugarcane 

20,701  22,937  -10% 

Leasing Revenues 

215  52  313% 

Gain on farm sale 

-  12,987  -100% 

Gain/loss on biological assets 

9,802  (3,786)  n.a. 

Gain/loss on agricultural products 

590  889  -34% 

Other revenues 

61  1  6,000% 

Deductions from Gross Revenue 

(2,119)  (1,614)  31% 

Net Revenue from Sales 

49,396  41,801  18% 

Cost of sales 

(37,552)  (25,079)  50% 
Gross profit (loss)  11,844  16,722  -29% 

*     Net Revenue from Sales

In 1Q13, net revenue from sales totaled R$49.4 million, an increase of 18% over the same quarter the previous year.

In 1Q13, grain revenues increased 95% over the previous year, from R$10.3 million (which represents the sale of 15,000 tons of grains) to R$20.1 million (which represents the sale of 38,000 tons).

In 1Q13, revenue from sugarcane sales to ETH decreased by 10% year on year, from R$22.9 million in the prior year (which represents the sale of 453,000 tons) to R$20.7 million (which represents the sale of 355,000 tons).





*     Biological Assets

The biological assets of the Company and its subsidiaries correspond mainly to the grain, cotton and sugarcane crops and are measured at fair value.

Gains or losses from variations of the fair value of biological assets are determined by the difference between the fair value and the book value. The book value includes investments and costs incurred up to the date of the appraisal.

In the period ended September 30, 2012, the Company recorded R$9.8 million gain in biological assets and agricultural products. The table below gives a breakdown of grains and sugarcane:

  Current Non Current   
Biological Assets (R$ thousand)  Grains  Sugarcane  Total  Sugarcane 

Gain/loss on
biological assets

Fair value variation  6,503  -  6,503    3,299    9,802 

*     Inventories 

Agricultural product inventories are measured at fair value considering the market prices at the time of harvest. We measured the fair value of agricultural products in inventory in accordance with the accounting standard that is considering the average harvest price. The provision to adjust inventories at the net realized value of agricultural products is constituted when the fair value of the inventory is higher than the realized value. The realization value is the sales price estimated during the normal course of the businesses minus the estimated selling expenses. The adjustment at realizable value is booked in the period’s income statement under “Impairment of agricultural products after harvest.”

On September 30, 2012, the amount recognized in impairment of inventories was R$590,000.





*     Cost of Goods Sold

In 1Q13, cost of goods sold amounted to R$37.5 million, 50% higher than in 1Q12. This increase is a result of the increase in the corn sales volume and the increase of the soybean and sugarcane prices.


    1Q13      1Q12      Change   
  Tons    COGS  Tons    COGS  Tons    COGS 
  thousand    R$/ton  thousand    R$/ton       
Soybean  8.8    688.00  9.2    578.00  -4%    19% 
Corn  28.8    308.00  5.8    367.00  397%    -16% 
Sugarcane  355.0    55.00  453.0    49.00  -22%    12% 




*     Expenses

Statement of Operations (R$ thousand)  1Q13  1Q12  Change 
Selling expenses  (1,994)  (402)  396% 
General and administrative  (6,672)  (5,740)  16% 

Depreciations and amortizations 

(304)  (274)  11% 


(3,538)  (3,230)  10% 


(1,281)  (645)  99% 

Others sales 

(1,549)  (1,591)  -3% 

In the quarter ended September 30, 2012, we booked selling expenses of R$1.9 million, an increase of 396% in relation to the previous year. This increase refers to the upturn in production and, consequently, the sale of agricultural products.

In 1Q13, general and administrative expenses came to R$6.7 million, 16.2% up on the R$5.7 million recorded in same period in the previous year.

This increase is mainly due to the increase in services expenses related to lawyers and auditor’s fees for following the Level 2 ADRs program upgrade. The increase in personnel expenses was due to the 8% annual wage increase and the booking of R$210,000 in share-based compensation related to the stock option plan for the Company’s executives.






*     Financial Result


Financial Result (R$ thousand)  1Q13  1Q12  Change 
Financial income  4,270  13,412  -68% 

Interest on Financial Investments 

1,767  4,821  -63% 

Interest on assets 

349  3  11533% 

Monetary variations 

-  455  -100% 

Foreign exchange variations on liabilities 

-  486  -100% 

Gain (loss) on receivables of farms sales 

2,154  867  148% 

Realized results with derivatives 

-  495  -100% 

Unrialized results with derivatives 

-  6,285  -100% 
Financial expenses  (12,260)  (2,225)  451% 

Bank charges 

(156)  (235)  -34% 

Interest on liabilities 

(2,492)  (1,990)  25% 

Realized results with derivatives 

(279)  -  n.a. 

Unrialized results with derivatives 

(8,902)  -  n.a. 

Foreign exchange variations on liabilities 

(18)  -  n.a. 

Monetary variations 

(413)  -  n.a. 
Total  (7,990)  11,187  n.a. 

The consolidated financial result is composed of the following items: (i) returns on financial investments; (ii) the monetary variation on the amount payable for the acquisition of the Jatobá Farm; (iii) the monetary variation on the amount payable for the purchase of the Alto Taquari and Nova Buriti Farms, (iv) result of hedge operations, (v) interest on tax on Grupo Maeda (Vanguarda Agro), (vi) bank fees and expenses, and (vii) interest on financing.

*     Derivative Operations

Our risk policy primarily aims to hedge the company’s cash flow. In this context, we are concerned not only with the main components of our revenue, but also the main components of our production costs.  We therefore monitor on a daily basis: a) the international prices of the main agricultural commodities produced by the company, usually expressed in U.S. dollars; b) the base premium, i.e. the difference between the international and domestic prices of commodities; c) exchange rates; and d) the prices of the main components such as freight, fertilizers and chemicals, which can significantly impact costs.

Following are the points considered while deciding on the strategy and the tools to be used to hedge prices and margins:

•          Gross margin estimated based on the current price scenario.





•          Standard deviation from the gross margin estimated for different scenarios for the pricing strategy.

•          Analysis of the gross margin estimated in stress scenarios for different hedge strategies.

•          Comparison between current estimates and the company’s budget.

•          Comparison of the estimated gross margin and the historical average.

•          Market expectations and trends.

•          Tax aspects.

In line with our policy, in the first half of 2012 the Company began to build up hedge positions for the 2012/13 harvest year, involving basically the physical purchase of fertilizers and the sale of soybean and dollar futures.

Since the beginning of the building up of these positions, soybean prices have increased significantly, generating negative unrealized hedge results that impacted our Income Statement. Fertilizer prices also increased significantly since the acquisition, though they remain booked under costs in the Balance Sheet.

Hedge position on November 08, 2012.

Crop Soybean FX
% hedge¹  Price (USD/bu.)  % hedge²  BRL/USD 
12/13  63.61%  13.47  61.33%  2.00 
¹ Percentage of volume in tons of soybean fixed.       
² Percentage of expected revenue in USD.       







Balance Sheet

Properties for Investment

The fundamental pillars of the Company’s business strategy are the acquisition, development, exploration and sale of rural properties suitable for agricultural activities.  The Company acquires rural properties with significant potential for generating value, subsequently holding them and carrying out profitable agricultural activities on them. Once we acquire our rural properties, we start cultivating high value-added crops and transform these rural properties by investing in infrastructure and technology, while also entering into lease agreements with third parties. According to our strategy, when we consider that a rural property has reached its optimum value, we sell it to obtain capital gains.

The rural properties acquired by the Company are booked at their acquisition cost, which does not exceed their realized net value, and are shown under “Non-Current Assets.”

Properties for investment are evaluated at their historical cost, plus investments in buildings, improvements and clearing of new areas, minus the depreciation accrued according to the same criteria detailed for fixed assets.

Farm  Acquisition value  Investments  Properties for
Investment - Total
Cremaq  42,030  37,506  79,536 
Jatobá  33,012  24,237  57,249 
Alto Taquari (1)  33,224  37  33,261 
Araucária (1)  70,392  1,364  71,756 
Chaparral  47,877  13,327  61,204 
Nova Buriti  21,649  381  22,030 
Preferência  9,562  12,077  21,639 
Parceria I  -  904  904 
Horizontina (2)  37,749  10,387  48,136 
  295,495  100,220  395,715 
(1) not included sugarcane investment     
(2) Horizontina farm was sold and leased untill the end of 2012/2013 harvest. 






The table below shows BrasilAgro’s short- and long-term loans and financing on September 30, 2012 and June 30, 2011.

Loans and Financiing (R$ thousand)   Annual Interest Tax - % 09/30/2012  06/30/2012  Variation 
Short term         
Financiamento de Custeio Agrícola - BNB and Itaú  9.54 and TJLP + to 3,10 30,155  29,432  2% 
Financiamento Projeto Cremaq e Jaborandi - BNB  7.23  6,296  10,941  -42% 
Financiamento de Máquinas e Equipamentos - FINAME 5.5 to 10 and TJLP + 1.95 to 3.10 2,737  2,694  2% 
    39,188  43,067  -9% 
Long term         
Financiamento de Safra - Itaú  TJLP + 1.95 to 3.10  5,588  7,869  -29% 
Financiamento de Máquinas e Equipamentos - FINAME 5.50 to  4,927  5,358  -8% 
Financiamento Projeto Cremaq e Jaborandi - BNB  7.23  42,117  38,067  11% 
    52,632  51,294  3% 
Total    91,820  94,361  -3% 

The bulk of the Company’s debt comprises loans and financing from development banks and/or government development agencies, through direct and indirect lending, at interest rates that are cheaper than the market rates.

On September 30, 2012 and June 30, 2012, the balance of loans and financing stood at R$91.8 million and R$94.4 million, respectively.

In addition, the balance of accounts payable on acquisitions on September 30, 2012 was R$41.9 million, an increase of 3% in compare witch June 30, 2012, due to the he adjustment of the values ​​of the parcels, which are adjusted by IGPM, CDI and dollar.

Acquisitions payable (R$ thousand)  09/30/2012  06/30/2012  Variation 
Jatobá Farm  1,983  1,974  0.5% 
Alto Taquari Farm  22,709  22,296  1.9% 
Nova Buriti Farm  17,222  16,588  3.8% 
Total  41,914  40,858  2.6% 




*     Capital Markets

On November 8, 2012, we held a ceremony to celebrate the debut of American Depositary Receipts (ADR) at Level 2 of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker “LND.”

In keeping with its pioneering spirit, the Company, which was the first agricultural production company to list its shares on the Novo Mercado segment of the BM&FBOVESPA, was the first Brazilian agribusiness company to list its ADRs on NYSE. This important step indicates the level of maturity the Company has achieved and aims to increase its exposure to the universe of investors and to facilitate access to its stock.

In addition to CEO Julio Toledo Piza, the Chairman of the Board of Directors Eduardo Elsztain, the Board members andthe entire Executive officers attended the ceremony.








1Q12 – the quarter ended September 30, 2011.

2011/2012 Harvest Year – fiscal year started on July 1, 2011 and ended on June 30, 2012.

1Q13 – the quarter ended September 30, 2012.

2012/2013 Harvest Year –  fiscal year started on July 1, 2012 and ended on June 30, 2013.





The statements contained in this document related to the prospects for BrasilAgro’s businesses, projected operating and financial income and growth are merely projections, and as such are based exclusively on management’s expectations. These expectations depend materially on market conditions, the performance of the Brazilian economy, the industry and international markets, and therefore are subject to change without prior notice











Statement of Operations (R$ thousand)  1Q13  1Q12  Change 

Revenues from Grains 

20,146  10,335  95% 

Revenues from Sugarcane 

20,701  22,937  -10% 

Leasing Revenues 

215  52  313% 

Gain on farm sale 

-  12,987  -100% 

Gain/loss on biological assets 

9,802  (3,786)  n.a. 

Gain/loss on agricultural products 

590  889  -34% 

Other revenues 

61  1  6000% 

Deductions from Gross Revenue 

(2,119)  (1,614)  31% 

Net Revenue from Sales 

49,396  41,801  18% 

Cost of sales 

(37,552)  (25,079)  50% 
Gross profit (loss)  11,844  16,722  -29% 

Selling expenses 

(1,994)  (402)  396% 

General and administrative 

(6,672)  (5,740)  16% 

Depreciations and amortizations 

(304)  (274)  11% 


(3,538)  (3,230)  10% 


(1,281)  (645)  99% 

Others sales 

(1,549)  (1,591)  -3% 

Other operating revenue 

43  -  n.a. 
Financial result       

Financial income 

4,270  13,412  -68% 

Interest on Financial Investments 

1,767  4,821  -63% 

Interest on assets 

349  3  11533% 

Monetary variations 

-  455  -100% 

Foreign exchange variations on liabilities 

-  486  -100% 

Gain (loss) on receivables of farms sales 

2,154  867  148% 

Realized results with derivatives 

-  495  -100% 

Unrialized results with derivatives 

-  6,285  -100% 

Financial expenses 

(12,260)  (2,225)  451% 

Bank charges 

(156)  (235)  -34% 

Interest on liabilities 

(2,492)  (1,990)  25% 

Realized results with derivatives 

(279)  -  n.a. 

Unrialized results with derivatives 

(8,902)  -  n.a. 

Foreign exchange variations on liabilities 

(18)  -  n.a. 

Monetary variations 

(413)  -  n.a. 

Result before income tax and social contribution 

(4,769)  21,767  n.a. 

Income tax and social contribution 

2,089  (4,109)  n.a. 
Net income (loss) for the year  (2,680)  17,658  n.a. 

Atributted to the 


Company's Stockholders 

(2,680)  17,789   

Minority interest 

-  (131)   
Outstanding shares at the end of the period  58,422,400  58,422,400   
Net income (loss) basic and diluted per share - R$  (0.05)  0.30   







Balance sheet (R$ ‘000)

Assets  09/30/2012  06/30/2012  Change 
Current assets       

Cash and Cash equivalents 

53,824  67,464  -20% 

Trade accounts receivable 

28,098  60,655  -54% 


73,595  72,558  1% 

Biologial assets 

21,323  4,111  419% 

Fiscal and tax credits 

9,602  9,331  3% 

Transactions with derivatives 

22,138  4,327  412% 

Other assets 

817  710  15% 
  209,397  219,156  -4% 
No current assets       

Biological assets 

26,423  31,931  -17% 

Markable securities 

23,621  23,197  2% 

Fiscal and tax credits 

23,676  22,803  4% 

Deferred taxes 

18,149  14,960  21% 

Credits for sale of farm 

13,496  12,759  6% 

Properties for investment 

395,715  391,907  1% 

Other assets 

592  268  121% 
  501,672  497,825  1% 


410  410  0% 

Property, plant and euipment 

15,305  15,764  -3% 

Intagible assets 

2,588  2,607  -1% 
  519,975  516,606  1% 
Total assets  729,372  735,762  -1% 





Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity  09/30/2012  06/30/2012  Change 
Current liabilitie       


2,711  4,151  -35% 

Loans and financing 

39,188  43,067  -9% 

Labor obligations 

3,997  7,436  -46% 

Taxes payable 

3,427  3,102  10% 

Dividends proposed 

2  2  0% 


-  8,307  -100% 

Acquisitions payable 

41,914  40,858  3% 

Advance from customers 

5,849  4,490  30% 
  97,088  111,413  -13% 
No current liabilities       

Loans and financing 

52,632  51,294  3% 

Deferred taxes 

2,668  2,695  -1% 

Transactions with derivatives 

19,378  10,209  90% 

Provisions for legal claims 

1,108  1,183  -6% 
  75,786  65,381  16% 
Stockholders' equity capital and reserves attributed to       
the parent company stockholders'       


584,224  584,224  0% 

Capital reserves 

2,344  2,134  10% 

Others reserves 

(6,920)  (6,920)  0% 

Accumulated losses 

(23,150)  (20,470)  13% 
  556,498  558,968  0% 
Total stockholders' equity  556,498  558,968  0% 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity  729,372  735,762  -1% 
  23.7%  24.0%  -1% 







Weights and measures used in agruculture   
1 ton  1.000 kg   
1 kg  2,20462 lb   
1 lb  0,45359 kg   
1 acre  0,40469 hectares   
1 acre  0,1840 alqueire   
1 hectare (ha)  2,47105 acres   
1 hectare (ha)  10.000 m²   
1 alqueire  5,4363 acres   
1 bushel of soy  60 lb  27,2155 kg 
1 bushel of soy  60 kg  2,20462 bushels 
1 bushel/acre  67,25 kg/ha   
1.00 US$/bushel  2.3621 US$/sack   
1 bushel of corn  56 lb  2.,4012 kg 
1 sack de corn  60 kg  2.36210 bushels 
1 bushel/acre  62.77 kg/ha   
1.00 US$/bushel  2.3621 US$/sack   
1 fardo  480 lb  217.72 kg 
1 arroba  14.68 kg   
ATR - Açucar Total Recuperável (Total Recoverable Sugar)   







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 21, 2012.












/s/ Julio Cesar de Toledo Piza Neto




Julio Cesar de Toledo Piza Neto




Chief Executive Officer and Investor Relations Officer


Date: November 21, 2012.




/s/ Gustavo Javier Lopez




Gustavo Javier Lopez




Chief Administrative Officer