6-K 1 ea133813-6k_brasilagro.htm REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER



Washington, D.C. 20549




dated January 25, 2021


(Exact Name as Specified in its Charter)


BrasilAgro – Brazilian Agricultural Real Estate Company

(Translation of Registrant’s Name)


1309 Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 5th floor, São Paulo, São Paulo 01452-002, Brazil

(Address of principal executive offices)


Gustavo Javier Lopez,

Administrative Officer and Investor Relations Officer,

Tel. +55 11 3035 5350, Fax +55 11 3035 5366, ri@brasil-agro.com

1309 Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 5th floor

São Paulo, São Paulo 01452-002, Brazil

(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)


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BrasilAgro - Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


September 30, 2020










BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements


September 30, 2020




Unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements  
Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position 3
Interim condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss 5
Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income 6
Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 7
Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 8
Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial information 9





BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position

(In thousands of reais)


   Note  September 30,
   June 30,
      Unaudited   Audited 
Current assets           
Cash and cash equivalents  5.1   224,169    171,045 
Derivative financial instruments  6   6,728    7,180 
Accounts receivable and others  7   205,714    183,350 
Inventories  8   127,247    138,778 
Biological assets  9   97,515    115,553 
Transactions with related parties  29   916    701 
Total current assets      662,289    616,607 
Noncurrent assets held for sale      -    25,857 
Noncurrent assets             
Biological assets  9   22,939    25,444 
Restricted marketable securities  5.2   5,069    5,044 
Derivative financial instruments  6   760    1,746 
Deferred taxes  17.1   36,846    23,282 
Accounts receivable and others  7   336,173    262,387 
Investment properties  10   872,230    858,261 
Transactions with related parties  29   1,519    1,511 
Investments  11   5,745    5,742 
Property, plant and equipment  12   107,154    115,925 
Intangible assets      1,454    1,469 
Right-of-use of assets  13   89,501    101,093 
Total noncurrent assets      1,479,390    1,401,904 
Total assets      2,141,679    2,044,368 


See accompanying notes.





BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Interim condensed consolidated statements of financial position

(In thousands of reais)


Liabilities and equity  Note  September 30,
   June 30,
      Unaudited   Audited 
Current liabilities           
Trade accounts payable and others  15   113,898    111,170 
Loans, financing and debentures  16   208,061    217,274 
Salaries and payroll obligations      15,577    19,600 
Derivative financial instruments  6   53,494    18,333 
Other liabilities  18   6,471    5,017 
Transactions with related parties  29   2,881    2,849 
Leases payable  14   29,482    25,849 
Total current liabilities      429,864    400,092 
Noncurrent liabilities             
Trade accounts payable and others  15   32,698    28,002 
Loans, financing and debentures  16   247,176    296,839 
Deferred taxes  17.1   39,194    34,031 
Leases payable  14   137,496    126,514 
Derivative financial instruments  6   9,291    1,462 
Provision for legal claims  27   1,535    1,485 
Other liabilities  18   39,893    34,374 
Total noncurrent liabilities      507,283    522,707 
Total liabilities      937,147    922,799 
Capital  19.a   699,811    699,811 
Capital reserves      (34,292)   (34,292)
Treasury shares  19.f   (31,501)   (31,501)
Income reserves      358,606    358,606 
Additional dividends proposed  19.d   13,606    13,606 
Other comprehensive income  19.e   122,648    115,339 
Retained earnings      75,654    - 
Total equity      1,204,532    1,121,569 
Total liabilities and equity      2,141,679    2,044,368 


See accompanying notes.





BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Interim condensed consolidated statements of income

For the three-month period ended September 30

(In thousands of reais, unless stated otherwise)


   Note  2020   2019 
Revenue  21.a   222,214    166,006 
Gain on sale of farms  21.b   5,752    16,572 
Changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural products  9   50,599    38,218 
Adjustment to net realizable value of agricultural products after harvest, net  8,1   2,269    (1,345)
Cost of sales  22   (207,539)   (158,808)
Gross profit      73,295    60,643 
Selling expenses  22   (5,437)   (3,873)
General and administrative expenses  22   (7,908)   (9,186)
Other operating (expenses) income, net  24   (2,813)   446 
Share of loss of a joint venture  11.a   (44)   (40)
Operating income      57,093    47,990 
Financial income (expenses)             
Financial income  25   187,273    71,605 
Financial expenses  25   (171,806)   (70,370)
Profit before income and social contribution taxes      72,560    49,225 
Income and social contribution taxes  17,2   3,094    (8,649)
Net profit for the period      75,654    40,576 
Basic earnings per share - in Brazilian reais  26   1.2749    0.7542 
Diluted earnings per share - in Brazilian reais  26   1.2638    0.7495 


See accompanying notes.





BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Interim condensed consolidated statements of comprehensive income

For the three-month period ended September 30

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


   Notes  2020   2019 
Net income for the period      75,654    40,576 
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to statement of income in subsequent periods:             
Currency translation adjustment of foreign operations  19.e   7,309    16,233 
Total comprehensive income for the period      82,963    56,809 


See accompanying notes.





BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Interim condensed consolidated statements of changes in equity

For the three-month period ended September 30, 2020 and 2019

(In thousands of reais)


          Capital reserves       Income reserves                 
   Note  Capital   Additional
   Reserve for
At June 30, 2019      584,224         -    3,645    (35,208)   25,557    255,495    7,944    38,876    -    880,533 
Share-based compensation plan      -    -    1,510    -    -    -    -    -    -    1,510 
Net profit for the period      -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    40,576    40,576 
Currency translation adjustment of foreign operations  19.e   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    16,233    -    16,233 
At September 30, 2019      584,224    -    5,155    (35,208)   25,557    255,495    7,944    55,109    40,576    938,852 
          Capital reserves       Income reserves                 
   Note  Capital   Additional
   Reserve for
At June 30, 2020      699,811    (33,566)   (726)   (31,501)   31,535    327,071    13,606    115,339    -    1,121,569 
Net profit for the period      -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    75,654    75,654 
Currency translation adjustment of foreign operations  19.e   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    7,309    -    7,309 
At September 30, 2020      699,811    (33,566)   (726)   (31,501)   31,535    327,071    13,606    122,648    75,654    1,204,532 


See accompanying notes.





BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Interim condensed consolidated statements of cash flows

For the three-month period ended September 30

(In thousands of reais)


   Note  2020   2019 
Net profit for the period      75,654    40,576 
Adjustment to reconcile net profit for the period             
Depreciation and amortization  22   29,706    11,972 
Gain on sale of farm  21.b   (5,752)   (16,572)
Residual value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets disposed      3,117    245 
Write-off of capitalized costs in investment properties      108    487 
Share of loss of a joint venture  11.a   44    40 
Unrealized loss on derivatives, net  25   44,445    2,849 
Unrealized foreign exchange loss, monetary variation and financial charges, net      21,422    6,077 
Gain on remeasurement of receivable from sale of farms, net      (89,951)   (10,202)
Effect of share-based incentive plan – ILPA      -    1,510 
Deferred income and social contribution taxes  17,2   (8,401)   3,688 
Changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural products  9   (50,599)   (38,218)
Adjustments to net realizable value of agricultural products after harvest  8,1   (2,269)   1,345 
Allowance for expected credit losses  22   (163)   - 
Provision (reversal of) for legal claims  27   50    (89)
       17,411    3,708 
Changes in working capital             
Trade accounts receivable      19,544    9,696 
Inventories      13,531    4,643 
Biological assets      72,535    56,604 
Recoverable taxes      (3,917)   (3,451)
Derivative financial instruments      (168)   685 
Other receivables      11,227    (9,012)
Trade accounts payable      176    661 
Transactions with related parties      (235)   (163)
Taxes payable      4,293    7,472 
Income and social contribution taxes      -    (4,458)
Salaries and payroll obligations      (4,045)   (6,584)
Advances from customers      1,625    (3,915)
Leases payable      (62)   (7,531)
Other obligations      (2,284)   (34)
Net cash flows from operating activities      129,631    48,321 
Additions to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets      (8,009)   (6,975)
Additions to of investment properties      (9,766)   (3,734)
Redemption of marketable securities, net      1,061    353 
Increase in investments and interest held in associates      -    (2,087)
Acquisition of joint venture Cresca      -    24 
Cash received from sale of farms      5,500    2,698 
Net cash used in investing activities      (11,214)   (9,721)
Proceeds from loans and financing  16   7,856    12,622 
Interest paid on loans, financing and debentures  16   (10,754)   (14,931)
Repayment of loans, financing and debentures  16   (62,458)   (31,906)
Net cash flows used in financing activities      (65,356)   (34,215)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents      53,061    4,385 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period  5,1   171,045    106,627 
Effect of exchange rate variation on cash and cash equivalents      63    1,449 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  5,1   224,169    112,461 


See accompanying notes.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)




BrasilAgro - Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas (“BrasilAgro” or "Company") was incorporated on September 23, 2005 and is headquartered at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1309, in São Paulo with branches in the states of Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Maranhão and Piauí, and in Paraguay, in the state of Boquerón. The ultimate parent company of BrasilAgro is Argentine-based Cresud Sociedad Anónima, Comercial, Inmobiliaria, Financiera y Agropecuaria (“Cresud S.A.C.I.F.Y.A.”).


BrasilAgro corporate purpose includes:


agriculture, cattle raising and forestry activities of any type and nature and rendering directly or indirectly related services;


the import and export of agricultural products and inputs and those related to cattle raising activity;


the purchase, sale and/or rental of properties, land, buildings and real estate in rural and/or urban areas; real estate brokerage involving any type of operations;


holding interest, as a member, in other companies and commercial ventures of any nature, in Brazil and/or abroad, directly or indirectly related to the purposes described herein; and


management of its own and third-party assets.


The Company has sixteen (16) farms in six (6) Brazilian states and one (1) farm in Paraguay, for a total area of 215,330 hectares of own lands and 50,747 hectares of leased lands.


1.1.Sale of Farms


a)Sale of Jatobá IV Farm


On July 11, 2019, the Company signed a purchase and sale agreement for a total area of 1,134 hectares (893 agricultural hectares) of the Jatobá Farm, a rural property located in the city of Jaborandi, state of Bahia, for an amount corresponding to 302 bags of soybean per agricultural hectare, totaling R$23,183 as of September 2, 2019.


On September 2, 2019, the buyer met the contractual conditions to take possession of the Jatobá IV farm upon the down payment of R$2,698. As a result, revenue was recognized in the statement of income (see Note 21.b) and the remaining balance corresponding to 232,000 soybean bags is recorded in accounts receivable from sales of farms, to be received in six annual installments ending in 2025 (Note 7.1.e – Jatobá IV).


b)Sale of Bananal X Farm


On July 31, 2020, the Company concluded the sale of a 2,160-hectare area of the Bananal Farm (“Bananal X”), a property located in the municipality of Luís Eduardo Magalhães (Bahia), with 1,714 hectares of agricultural area and 446 hectares of legal reserve and permanent preservation area. The area sold was owned by the subsidiary Agrifirma, a company acquired on January 27, 2020, and was not part of the Company’s farm portfolio due to the sale commitment signed by the former management.


The agreement was executed on March 22, 2019 for a fixed price of R$28,000 to be paid in seven installments. In the last fiscal year ended June 30, 2020, the farm was maintained as noncurrent asset held for sale due to a disagreement involving the lessor of the area at the time of the sale that impeded the transfer of possession to the buyer. On July 31, 2020, the conditions provided for in the agreement were met and the Company recognized the sale without effect on profit or loss for the period, since the asset was registered at its fair value less selling expenses, as set forth in IFRS 5 – Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


Up to the date of transfer of ownership, the Company received R$7,500 (Note 7.1.e – Bananal X). The amount of R$2,000 refers to installments 1 and 2, which were transferred on February 20, 2019 and March 15, 2019 as advances, while the amount of R$5,500 corresponds to installments 3 and 4 received on July 31, 2020. The remaining balance of R$20,500 will be received in three annual installments ending in 2023.


1.2.COVID-19 Impacts


COVID-19 cases were first reported on December 31, 2019, and since then the disease has spread to various countries, including Brazil and Paraguay, where the Company operates, with reports of numerous deaths caused by the new coronavirus. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic.


In March 2020, the Company developed and implemented a plan with various measures to protect the health of the employees, contribute to containing COVID-19 and mitigate its effects on operations. These measures included:


Creating a Prevention and Risk Committee to continuously assess the overall situation, update preventive measures and actions to minimize risks, and coordinate the implementation of action plans;


Establishing a home office policy for employees who are at risk or who work at the corporate office in São Paulo;


Adoption of various measures and protocols to protect the safety of all persons involved in the Company’s operational context, following the guidelines of the Brazilian Ministry of Health;


Contingency plans to support any possible disruption in the Company’s operations.


The operations in Brazil and Paraguay continued normally and to date the Company has not had any material impact caused by the spread of COVID-19.


COVID-19 could affect the Company’s operations if a significant portion of its workforce cannot work effectively due to the spread of the virus, quarantines, government actions, the shutdown of facilities or other restrictions. Part of the Company’s revenue is generated by the sale of commodities to local clients, but the global market for said commodities relies on an extensive logistics and supply chain, including ports, distribution centers and suppliers. In addition, the high volatility in the U.S. dollar exchange rate and the prices of commodities could result in losses for the Company.


With regards to its business, a fact that merits attention is the strong demand for exports benefited by the appreciation of the U.S. dollar. With regards to the logistics chain, no significant disruptions were noted in the logistics and export operations, as well as in inbound shipments of raw materials and goods, most of which had been acquired prior to the quarantine period in Brazil. With regard to sales commitments for the 2019/20 crop year, the Company has not identified any material changes, since their origination is based on a strong correlation between the way the negotiations are conducted, and the players selected as commercial partners. Therefore, to date, the Company has not observed any matters related to these commitments. Moreover, the Company is well positioned to surmount the effects caused by covid-19, with its main concerns including its cash preservation, leverage ratio and cost and borrowing efficiency, which are aligned with the risk policies adopted by the Company.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


Short and long-term liquidity is preserved, and even any changes in inbound and outbound shipments are scaled to not affect significantly the Company’s financial position. BrasilAgro did not identify significant risks with regards to its capacity to continue operating. Lastly, no material subsequent events related to facts known after June 30, 2020 that should be disclosed were identified. During the quarter ended September 30, 2020, no material impacts were identified, being important to note that:


As of the reporting date, most of the crop already had been shipped; with only the cotton crop partially affected by delays in chain, but without any adverse effect on invoicing;


In terms of logistics, the receipt of inputs is on schedule without adverse effects on the start of planting and the remainder is scheduled to be received in accordance with the Company’s needs for planting over the coming months;


The sugarcane operations continue without any adverse effects, considering that the mills have not interrupted their activities and that prices have recovered, despite the initial volatility; and


In Paraguay, meat packers have reopened and sales of meat have resumed.


2.Basis of preparation and presentation of the consolidated financial statements


The significant accounting policies applied when preparing these Interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with the policies applied as of June 30, 2020.


2.1.Basis of preparation


On December 28, 2020, the Company’s executive board approved these Interim condensed consolidated financial statements and authorized them for issuance.


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of reais (“R$”), which represents the Company’s presentation and functional currency.


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the three-month period ended September 30, 2020 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting.


Non-financial data included in this Interim condensed consolidated financial statements, such as number of hectares owned by the Company, among others, has not been subject to audit procedures, or any review from our independent auditors.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


Basis of consolidation


The interim condensed consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of BrasilAgro and its subsidiaries as of September 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020, as described below.


Subsidiaries and joint ventures (%)  September 30,
   June 30,
Jaborandi Agrícola Ltda. (“Jaborandi Agrícola”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Jaborandi Ltda. (“Jaborandi”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Cremaq Ltda. (“Cremaq”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Engenho Ltda. (“Engenho”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Araucária Ltda. (“Araucária”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Mogno Ltda. (“Mogno”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Cajueiro Ltda. (“Cajueiro”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Ceibo Ltda. (“Ceibo”)   99.99    99.99 
Imobiliária Flamboyant(“Flamboyant”)   99.99    99.99 
Agrifirma Agro Ltda (“Agrifirma”) (**)   99.99    99.99 
Agrifirma Bahia Agropecuária Ltda. (“Bahia”) (*)   99.99    99.99 
I.A. Agro Ltda. (“I.A. Agro”) (*)   99.99    99.99 
GL Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda. (“GL”) (*)   99.99    99.99 
Agrifirma Delaware LLC (“Delaware”) (*)   -    100.00 
Palmeiras S.A. (“Palmeiras”)   99.99    99.99 
Agropecuaria Morotí S.A. (“Moroti”)   99.99    99.99 


(*)Subsidiaries of Agrifirma – indirect control.


(**)The corporate name of the subsidiary Agrifirma, which was acquired on January 27, 2020, was changed from Agrifirma Brasil Agropecuária S.A. to Agrifirma Agro Ltda in the period ended September 30, 2020.


2.2.New standards, amendments and interpretations of standards


The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2020, except for the adoption of new standards effective as of July 1, 2020. The Group has not early adopted any standard, interpretation or amendment that has been issued but is not yet effective.


Several amendments and interpretations apply for the first time in 2020, but do not have an impact on the interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Company. There are no new standards and interpretations issued that caused, according to Management’s analysis, any significant impact on these interim consolidated financial statements.


a.Amendments to IFRS 3 (R1): Definition of a business


In October 2018, the IASB issued amendments to IFRS 3 regarding the definition of a business to help entities to determine if a set of activities and assets acquired is a business or not. They clarify the minimum requirements for a company, eliminate the assessment of if market participants are capable of replacing missing elements, include guidelines to help entities to evaluate if an acquired process is substantive, determine better the definitions of business and outputs and introduce a test of concentration of optional fair value. New illustrative cases were provided with the amendments.


Since the amendments apply prospectively to transactions or other events occurring on the date or after the first-time adoption, the Company will not be affected by these amendments on the transition date.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


b.Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8: Definition of material omission


In October 2018, IASB issued amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors to align the definition of omission in all standards, with the information material if omitting, misstating or obscuring if it could reasonably influence decisions that the primary users of general purpose financial statements make on the basis of those financial statements, which provide financial information about a specific reporting entity


Such amendments are not expected to have a significant impact on Company’s individual and consolidated financial statements.


There are no other standards and interpretations issued and not yet adopted that may, in the opinion of the Management, significantly impact profit or loss or shareholders’ equity disclosed by the Company.


3.Significant accounting estimates and judgments


Accounting estimates and judgments are continuously assessed and based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the current circumstances.


Based on the assumptions, the Company concerning its future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual amounts. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material misstatement to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next year are as follows:




The Company is party to different legal and administrative proceedings, as described in Note 27. Provisions are set up for all the contingencies related to legal claims that are estimated to represent probable losses (present obligations resulting from past events in which an outflow of resources is probable, and amounts can be reliably estimated). The evaluation of the likelihood of loss is responsibility of the Company and includes the opinion of outside legal advisors.


b)Biological assets


The fair value of biological assets recorded in the balance sheet (Note 9) was determined using valuation techniques, including the discounted cash flow method. The inputs for these estimates are based on those observable in the market, whenever possible, and when such inputs are not available, a certain level of judgment is required to estimate the fair value. Judgment includes considerations on data e.g. price, productivity, crop cost and production cost.


Changes in the assumptions on these factors might affect the fair value recognized for biological assets.


An increase or decrease by 1% in the expected productivity of sugarcane and grains/cotton would result in an increase or decrease in biological asset by R$1,002 and an increase or decrease by 1% in the price of sugarcane and grains/cotton would result in an increase or decrease in biological asset by R$1,583.


With regard to cattle, the Company values its stock at fair value based on market price publicly available for the region.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


c)Investment properties


The fair value of investment properties was determined through an appraisal prepared by the Company.


The appraisal was performed by means of standards adopted in the market considering the characteristics, location, type of soil, climate of the region, calculation of improvements, presentation of the elements and calculation of the land value, which may differ based on these variables.


d)Deferred income tax


The Company recognizes deferred income tax assets and liabilities, as described in Note 17, on tax loss carryforwards and temporary differences between the carrying amount and the tax basis of assets and liabilities using statutory rates. The Company regularly assesses if the deferred income tax assets recognized are recoverable, considering the taxable profit generated in the past as well as the expected future taxable profit, in accordance with a technical feasibility study performed by the Company.




The Company analyzes its agreements in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 16 and recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the lease operations under agreements that meet the requirements of the accounting standard. Management considers as the lease component only the minimum fixed lease payments for the purpose of measuring the lease liabilities. The measurement of lease liabilities corresponds to the total future payments of leases and rentals, adjusted to present value, considering the incremental borrowing rate.


f)Non-financial obligations


The Company analyzes its agreements in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 16 and recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the lease operations under agreements that meet the requirements of the accounting standard. The Management of the Company considers as the lease component only the minimum fixed value for the purpose of measuring the lease liabilities. The measurement of lease liabilities corresponds to the total future payments of leases and rentals, adjusted to present value, considering the nominal discount rate which ranges between 4.87% and 8.93%.


For the cases where payments are indexed to the soybean bag, future minimum payments are estimated in number of soybean bags and translated into local currency using the soybean price of each region, on the base date of first-time adoption of IFRS 16, and adjusted to the current price at time of payment. Meanwhile, payments indexed to Consecana are stipulated in tons of sugarcane and translated into local currency based on the Consecana price in effect at the time.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


4.Financial risk management


The financial risk management adopted in the preparation of the consolidated interim financial statements is consistent with that adopted in Note 4 to the annual financial statements for June 30, 2020. Notes 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 to 4.10 disclosed in the annual financial statements for June 30, 2020 did not have significant changes.


4.1.Analysis of exposure to financial asset and liability risks


a)Currency risk


This risk arises from the possibility that the Company may incur losses due to fluctuations in exchange rates, which reduces the nominal amount of assets or increase the amount of liabilities. This risk also arises with respect to commitments to sell products existing in inventories or agricultural products not yet harvested when sales are made at prices to be fixed at a future date, prices which vary depending on the exchange rate.


b)Interest rate and indices risk


This risk arises from the possibility that the Company may incur losses due to fluctuations in the interest rates or indices which increase financial expenses related to certain contracts for the acquisition of farms, indexed by inflation, such as the IGP-M rate ("FGV").


c)Commodities risk


This risk arises from the possibility that the Company may incur losses due to fluctuations in the market prices of agricultural products.


4.2.Estimate of fair value of derivative financial instruments


a)Sensitivity analysis


Management identified for each type of derivative financial instrument the conditions for variation in foreign exchange rates, interest rates or commodities prices which may generate loss on assets and/or liabilities which is being hedged or, in the case of derivative financial instruments related to transactions not recorded in the balance sheet, in the fair value of the contracted derivatives.


The sensitivity analysis shows the impact from the changes in the market variables on the aforementioned financial instruments of the Company, considering all other market indicators comprised. Upon their settlement, such amounts may differ from those stated below, due to the estimates used in their preparation.


This analysis contemplates five distinct scenarios that differ due to the intensity of variation in relation to the current market. At September 30, 2020, as reference for probable scenarios I, II, III and IV, a variation in relation to the current market of 0%, -25%, -50%, +25%, +50%, respectively, was considered.


The preparation of the probable scenario took into consideration the market prices of each one of the reference assets of derivative financial instruments held by the Company at year end. Since all these assets are traded in competitive and open markets, the current market price is a meaningful reference for the expected price of these assets. Accordingly, since the current market price was the reference for the calculation of both book value and the Probable Scenario, it resulted in no mathematical difference.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The assumptions and scenarios are as follows:


   September 30, 2020 
   Scenario I
   Scenario II
   Scenario III
   Scenario IV
Soybean - R$ / bag – November 13, 2020 (CBOT)   118.58    88.94    59.29    148.23    177.87 
Soybean - R$ / bag – December 23, 2020 (CBOT)   127.19    95.39    63.60    158.99    190.79 
Soybean - R$ / bag – December 28, 2020 (CBOT)   127.19    95.39    63.60    158.99    190.79 
Soybean - R$ / bag – February 19, 2021 (CBOT)   126.97    95.23    63.49    158.71    190.46 
Soybean - R$ / bag – February 23, 2021 (CBOT)   126.97    95.23    63.49    158.71    190.46 
Soybean - R$ / bag – June 25, 2021 (CBOT)   127.19    95.39    63.60    158.99    190.79 
Soybean - R$ / bag – July 14, 2021 (CBOT)   127.19    95.39    63.60    158.99    190.79 
Soybean - R$ / bag – November 12, 2021 (CBOT)   120.20    90.15    60.10    150.25    180.30 
Corn - R$ / bag – November 16, 2020 (CBOT)   66.46    49.85    33.23    83.08    99.69 
Corn - R$ / bag – August 27, 2021 (CBOT)   51.73    38.80    25.87    64.66    77.60 
Corn - R$ / bag – September 15, 2021 (CBOT)   56.38    42.29    28.19    70.48    84.57 
Fed Cattle - R$ / @ – October 30, 2020 (BM&F)   256.00    192.00    128.00    320.00    384.00 
Fed Cattle - R$ / @ – November 30, 2020 (BM&F)   258.40    193.80    129.20    323.00    387.60 
Fed Cattle - R$ / @ – December 30, 2020 (BM&F)   257.45    193.09    128.73    321.81    386.18 
Cotton - R$ / @ – November 13, 2020 (CBOT)   122.72    92.04    61.36    153.40    184.08 
Cotton - R$ / @ – December 8, 2020 (CBOT)   122.72    92.04    61.36    153.40    184.08 
Cotton - R$ / @ – November 12, 2021 (CBOT)   122.81    92.11    61.41    153.51    184.22 
Cotton - R$ / @ – December 8, 2021 (CBOT)   122.81    92.11    61.41    153.51    184.22 
USD – November 27, 2020   5.64    4.23    2.82    7.05    8.46 
USD – November 30, 2020   5.64    4.23    2.82    7.05    8.46 
USD – January 26, 2021   5.64    4.23    2.82    7.05    8.46 
USD – June 28, 2021   5.68    4.26    2.84    7.10    8.52 
USD – June 29, 2021   5.68    4.26    2.84    7.10    8.52 
USD – June 30, 2021   5.68    4.26    2.84    7.10    8.52 
USD – July 5, 2021   5.68    4.26    2.84    7.10    8.52 
USD – July 15, 2021   5.68    4.26    2.84    7.10    8.52 
USD – November 16, 2021   5.73    4.30    2.87    7.16    8.60 
USD – November 17, 2021   5.73    4.30    2.87    7.16    8.60 
USD – June 27, 2022   5.87    4.40    2.94    7.34    8.81 
USD – June 28, 2022   5.87    4.40    2.94    7.34    8.81 
Interest (rate%) – August 15, 2023   5.32%   3.99%   2.66%   6.65%   7.98%


   June 30, 2020 
   Scenario I
   Scenario II
   Scenario III
   Scenario IV
Soybean - R$ / bag – July 3, 2020 (CBOT)   106.76    80.07    53.38    133.45    160.14 
Soybean - R$ / bag – November 13, 2020 (CBOT)   106.51    79.88    53.26    133.14    159.77 
Soybean - R$ / bag – December 28, 2020 (CBOT)   106.67    80.00    53.34    133.34    160.01 
Soybean - R$ / bag – February 19, 2021 (CBOT)   106.09    79.57    53.05    132.61    159.14 
Soybean - R$ / bag – June 25, 2021 (CBOT)   106.67    80.00    53.34    133.34    160.01 
Corn - R$ / bag – July 15, 2020 (CBOT)   48.10    36.08    24.05    60.13    72.15 
Corn - R$ / bag – July 16, 2020 (CBOT)   46.26    34.70    23.13    57.83    69.39 
Corn - R$ / bag – September 15, 2020 (CBOT)   46.26    34.70    23.13    57.83    69.39 
Corn - R$ / bag – September 16, 2020 (CBOT)   46.26    34.70    23.13    57.83    69.39 
Corn - R$ / bag – August 27, 2021 (CBOT)   47.44    35.58    23.72    59.30    71.16 
Fed Cattle - R$ / @ – October 30, 2020 (BM&F)   215.85    161.89    107.93    269.81    323.78 
Cotton - R$ / @ – November 13, 2020(CBOT)   110.25    82.69    55.13    137.81    165.38 
Cotton - R$ / @ – December 8, 2020(CBOT)   110.25    82.69    55.13    137.81    165.38 
USD – August 31, 2020   5.45    4.09    2.73    6.81    8.18 
USD – June 28, 2021   5.50    4.13    2.75    6.88    8.25 
USD – June 29, 2021   5.50    4.13    2.75    6.88    8.25 
USD – June 30, 2021   5.50    4.13    2.75    6.88    8.25 
USD – July 15, 2021   5.51    4.13    2.76    6.89    8.27 
USD – November 16, 2021   5.56    4.17    2.78    6.95    8.34 
USD – November 17, 2021   5.56    4.17    2.78    6.95    8.34 
Interest (rate%) – August 15, 2023   4.67%   3.50%   2.34%   5.84%   7.01%


This sensitivity analysis aims to measure the impact of variable market changes on the aforementioned financial instruments of the Company, considering all other market indicators remain unchanged. Estimated amounts below can significantly differ from amount eventually settled.


BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


In addition, the Company presents a summary of possible scenarios for the following 12 months of the Company’s financial instruments. Reliable sources of index disclosure were used for the rates used in the “probable scenario”.


   Amounts in thousands reais R$ 
       Scenario I -   Scenario I - Possible   Scenario II - Remote   Scenario I - Possible   Scenario II - Remote 
(*) annual average rates  At September 30, 2020   Probable   Decrease       Decrease       Increase       Increase     
Operation  Risk  Balance
   Notional   Rate   Balance
Short-term investments  CDI   172,327    -    1.90%   (1,516)   2.78%   (1,206)   2.09%   (2,395)   1.39%   1,206    3.48%   2,395    4.17%
Marketable securities  CDI   5,069    -    1.90%   (45)   2.78%   (35)   2.09%   (70)   1.39%   35    3.48%   70    4.17%
Cash - USD  USD   35,502    6,294    5.64    (442)   5.71    (8,986)   4.28    (17,972)   2.86    8,986    7.14    17,972    8.57 
Total cash and cash equivalents   212,898    6,294         (2,003)        (10,227)        (20,437)        10,227         20,437      
Financing in Paraguay - Palmeiras  USD   (8,731)   (1,548)   5.64    (612)   5.71    12,465    4.28    24,930    2.86    (12,465)   7.14    (24,930)   8.57 
Debentures  CDI   (99,876)   -    1.90%   (879)   2.78%   699    2.09%   1,388    1.39%   (699)   3.48%   (1,388)   4.17%
Financing for agricultural costs  CDI   (40,053)   -    1.90%   (352)   2.78%   280    2.09%   557    1.39%   (280)   3.48%   (557)   4.17%
Financing for working capital  CDI   (77,015)   -    4.91%   -    4.91%   947    3.68%   1,895    2.46%   (947)   6.14%   (1,895)   7.37%
Total financing (b)   (225,675)   (1,548)        (1,843)        14,391         28,770         (14,391)        (28,770)     
Araucária III  Soybean bags   3,924    39,254    103.18    -    103.18    (981)   77.39    (1,962)   51.59    981    128.98    1,962    154.77 
Araucária IV  Soybean bags   7,598    64,749    121.66    -    121.66    (1,900)   91.25    (3,799)   60.83    1,900    152.08    3,799    182.49 
Araucária V  Soybean bags   51,734    450,000    127.70    -    127.70    (12,934)   95.78    (25,867)   63.85    12,934    159.63    25,867    191.56 
Jatobá I  Soybean bags   3,540    30,000    119.80    -    119.80    (885)   89.85    (1,770)   59.90    885    149.76    1,770    179.71 
Jatobá II  Soybean bags   150,096    1,309,497    137.41    -    137.41    (37,524)   103.06    (75,048)   68.71    37,524    171.77    75,048    206.12 
Jatobá III  Soybean bags   58,183    500,194    136.97    -    136.97    (14,546)   102.73    (29,092)   68.48    14,546    171.21    29,092    205.45 
Jatobá IV  Soybean bags   21,601    184,000    136.05    -    136.05    (5,400)   102.04    (10,801)   68.02    5,400    170.06    10,801    204.07 
Jatobá V  Soybean bags   41,613    360,000    140.96    -    140.96    (10,403)   105.72    (20,807)   70.48    10,403    176.19    20,807    211.43 
Alto Taquari I  Soybean bags   4,820    45,312    116.68    -    116.68    (1,205)   87.51    (2,410)   58.34    1,205    145.85    2,410    175.02 
Alto Taquari II  Soybean bags   4,932    32,628    117.48    -    117.48    (1,233)   88.11    (2,466)   58.74    2,694    146.85    2,466    176.22 
Alto Taquari III  Soybean bags   10,774    93,478    133.66    -    133.66    (2,694)   100.25    (5,387)   66.83    1,233    167.08    5,387    176.22 
Total receivables from farms   358,815    3,109,112         -         (89,705)        (179,409)        89,705         179,409      
Operations with derivatives, net  Grains   (36,278)   (5,161,450)   (a)    (36,278)   (a)    21,728    (a)    66,678    (a)    (124,552)   (a)    (214,745)   (a) 
Operations with derivatives, net  USD   (22,082)   (46,690)   (a)    (22,083)   (a)    42,970    (a)    108,022    (a)    (87,136)   (a)    (152,188)   (a) 
Operations with derivatives, net  Cattle   -    (52,140)   (a)    -    (a)    464    (a)    3,805    (a)    (6,219)   (a)    (9,560)   (a) 
Operations with derivatives, net  Cotton   (674)   (4,050,000)   (a)    (674)   (a)    3,348    (a)    7,166    (a)    (5,739)   (a)    (10,888)   (a) 
Operations with derivatives, net  Ethanol   -    (2,550)   (a)    -    (a)    1,212    (a)    2,416    (a)    (1,196)   (a)    (2,400)   (a) 
Operations with derivatives, net  Swap   706    8,967    (a)    706    (a)    983    (a)    1,195    (a)    378    (a)    13    (a) 
Margin - LFT Socopa  SELIC   3,031    -    1.90%   (27)   2.78%   (21)   2.09%   (42)   1.39%   21    3.48%   42    0.04 
Total derivatives (a)   (55,297)             (58,356)        70,684         189,240         (224,443)        (389,726)     
Cresca, net  USD   (1,732)   (307)   5.64    (21)   5.71    438    4.28    877    2.86    (438)   7.14    (877)   8.57 
Helmir, net  USD   443    79    5.64    8    5.71    (113)   4.28    (226)   2.86    113    7.14    226    8.57 
Total related parties   (1,289)   (228)        (13)        325         651         (325)        (651)     
Serra Grande Farm  Soybean bags   (19,159)   162,000    124.88    -    124.88    4,790    93.66    9,580    62.44    (4,790)   156.10    (9,580)   187.32 
Total Acquisitions payable   (19,159)   162,000         -         4,790         9,580         (4,790)        (9,580)     


(*)SOURCE Risks: Bloomberg
(a)For sensitivity analysis of derivative positions, forward rates and prices at each maturity date of the operation were used, according to the table above.
(b)The sensitivity analyses do not consider financing transactions with fixed rate.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


b)Credit risk


Credit risk refers to the risk of the noncompliance by a counterparty of its contractual obligations, leading the Company to incur financial losses. The risk to which the Company is exposed arises from the possibility of not recovering the amounts receivable from the sale of sugarcane, grains, and from the leasing of land.


To reduce credit risk in commercial transactions, the Company adopts the practice of defining credit limits in which it analyzes factors such as: the counterparty’s history, history of its business, commercial references and Credit Protection Institution (Serasa). The Company also constantly monitors the outstanding balances.


Currently, management does not expect losses due to the default of its counterparties and has no significant exposure to any individual counterparty.


c)Liquidity risk


The table below shows the Company’s financial liabilities by maturity. The amounts disclosed in the table are the discounted contractual cash flows, in addition to the net derivative financial instruments, which are recorded at fair value. With respect to payables for the purchase of farms all amounts due at September 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020 are payable upon the fulfillment of certain conditions precedent by the sellers and as a result its payment date cannot be determined and have been considered as payable on demand in the table below and no interest or other financial charges have been considered.


Consolidated financial liabilities  Note  Less than
one year
   From one to
two years
   From three to
five years
   Above five
At September 30, 2020                       
Trade accounts payable  15.1   60,499    -    -    -    60,499 
Derivative financial instruments  6   53,494    9,291    -    -    62,785 
Loans, financing and debentures  16   208,061    198,766    33,574    14,836    455,237 
Lease payables  14   29,482    23,130    65,930    48,436    166,978 
Transactions with related parties  29   2,881    -    -    -    2,881 
Other liabilities  18   6,471    33,584    6,309    -    46,364 
At June 30, 2020                            
Trade accounts payable  15,1   55,603    -    -    -    55,603 
Derivative financial instruments  6   18,333    1,462    -    -    19,795 
Loans, financing and debentures  16   217,274    198,793    82,037    16,009    514,113 
Lease payables  14   25,849    26,200    45,330    54,984    152,363 
Transactions with related parties  29   2,849    -    -    -    2,849 
Other liabilities  18   5,017    29,777    4,597    -    39,391 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


4.3.Capital management


The Company presents net debt of loans, financing and debentures and other liabilities and the financial leverage index:


   September 30,
   June 30,
Total loans, financing and debentures (Note 16)   455,237    514,113 
Total Other liabilities (Note 18)   46,364    39,391 
Total derivatives (Note 6)   55,297    10,869 
    556,898    564,373 
Less: cash and cash equivalents (Note 5.1)   (224,169)   (171,045)
Less: restricted marketable securities (Notes 5.2)   (5,069)   (5,044)
    (229,238)   (176,089)
Net debt   327,660    388,284 
Total equity   1,204,532    1,121,569 
Financial leverage ratio   27.20%   34.62%


4.4.Fair value hierarchy and classification of financial instruments


The carrying amount (less impairment) of trade accounts receivable and payables approximate their fair values. The fair value of financial liabilities, for disclosure purposes, is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate that is available for similar financial instruments.


The Company adopted IFRS 7 and IFRS 13 for financial instruments that are measured in the balance sheet at fair value; this requires disclosure of fair value measurements by level of the following fair value measurement hierarchy:


Quoted (unadjusted) prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (level 1);


Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2);


Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3).



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The following table presents the Company’s assets and liabilities, their classification and the fair value, as well as the level of hierarchy:


   September 30, 2020
Consolidated – R$ thousand  Note  Book value   Fair value   Quoted prices in active markets
(Level 1)
   Significant observable data
(Level 2)
   Significant non-observable data
(Level 3)
Financial assets measured at amortized cost                       
Trade accounts receivable, net  7.1   88,546    88,546    -    88,546    - 
Transactions with related parties  29   916    916    -    916    - 
Transactions with related parties  29   1,519    1,519    -    1,519    - 
Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss                            
Cash and cash equivalents  5.1   172,327    172,327    172,327    -    - 
Receivables from sales of farm, net (c)  7.1   92,492    92,492    -    -    92,492 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   6,728    6,728    6,048    680    - 
Restricted marketable securities  5,2   5,069    5,069    5,069    -    - 
Receivables from sales of farm, net (c)  7.1   307,915    307,915    -    -    307,915 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   760    760    22    738    - 
Non-financial assets measured at fair value                            
Biological assets  9   97,515    97,515    -    6,590    90,925 
Biological assets  9   22,939    22,939    -    22,939    - 
Non-financial assets measured at cost                            
Investment property  10   832,761    1,872,701    -    -    1,872,701 
Total      1,629,487    2,669,427    183,466    121,928    2,364,033 
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost                            
Trade accounts payable  15.1   60,499    60,499    -    60,499    - 
Loans, financing and debentures (a)  16   208,061    208,061    -    208,061    - 
Transactions with related parties  29   2,881    2,881    -    2,881    - 
Loans, financing and debentures (a)  16   247,176    247,176    -    247,176    - 
Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss                            
Leases payable  14   29,482    29,482    -    29,482    - 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   53,494    53,494    34,939    18,555    - 
Payables related to farm acquisition  18   6,471    6,471    -    -    6,471 
Leases payable  14   137,496    137,496    -    137,496    - 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   9,291    9,291    5,052    4,239    - 
Restricted shares  18   14,233    14,233    14,233    -    - 
Warrants – Agrifirma  18   12,162    12,162    -    12,162    - 
Warrant dividends – Agrifirma  18   810    810    -    -    810 
Payables related to farm acquisition  18   12,688    12,688    -    -    12,688 
Total      794,744    794,744    54,224    720,551    19,969 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


   June 30, 2020
Consolidated - R$ thousand  Note  Book value   Fair value   Quoted prices in active markets (Level 1)   Significant observable data
(Level 2)
   Significant non-observable data
(Level 3)
Financial assets measured at amortized cost                       
Trade accounts receivable, net  7.1   72,014    72,014    -    72,014    - 
Transactions with related parties  29   701    701    -    701    - 
Transactions with related parties  29   1,511    1,511    -    1,511    - 
Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss                            
Cash and cash equivalents  5.1   141,095    141,095    141,095    -    - 
Receivables from sales of farm, net (c)  7,1   73,678    73,678    -    -    73,678 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   7,180    7,180    6,121    1,059    - 
Restricted marketable securities  5,2   5,044    5,044    5,044    -    - 
Receivables from sales of farm, net (c)  7.1   240,074    240,074    -    -    240,074 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   1,746    1,746    305    1,441    - 
Non-financial assets measured at fair value                            
Biological assets  9   115,553    115,553    -    9,037    106,516 
Biological assets  9   25,444    25,444    -    25,444    - 
Non-financial assets measured at cost                            
Investment property  10   814,398    1,872,701    -    -    1,872,701 
Total      1,498,438    2,556,741    152,565    111,207    2,292,969 
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost                            
Trade accounts payable  15.1   55,603    55,603    -    55,603    - 
Loans, financing and debentures (a)  16   217,274    217,274    -    217,274    - 
Transactions with related parties  29   2,849    2,849    -    2,849    - 
Loans, financing and debentures (a)  16   296,839    296,839    -    296,839    - 
Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss                            
Leases payable  14   25,849    25,849    -    25,849    - 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   18,333    18,333    5,900    12,433    - 
Payables related to farm acquisition  18   5,017    5,017    -    -    5,017 
Leases payable  14   126,514    126,514    -    126,514    - 
Derivative financial instruments (b)  6   1,462    1,462    645    817    - 
Restricted shares  18   13,490    13,490    13,490    -    - 
Warrants – Agrifirma  18   10,860    10,860    -    10,860    - 
Warrant dividends - Agrifirma  18   778    778    -    -    778 
Payables related to farm acquisition  18   9,246    9,246    -    -    9,246 
Total      784,114    784,114    20,035    749,038    15,041 


(a)The book value of loans, financing and debentures presented in the financial statements approximates the fair value, since the rates of these instruments are substantially subsidized and there is no intention of early settlement;
(b)The derivative transactions negotiated at active market are measured at fair value at Level 1, over-the-counter transactions are measured at Level 2, as presented in the table above
(c)Due to market volatility, one of the non-observable inputs became significant and the receivables from sales of farms were reclassified from Level 2 to Level 3. The Company’s policy is to recognize transfers from and to Level 3 on the date of the event or change in the circumstances that caused the transfer.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The significant non-observable inputs used in the measurement of the fair value of the credits from the sale of the farm classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy, along with an analysis of quantitative sensitivity at September 30, 2020, are as follows:


Description  Evaluation method  Significant non-observable inputs  Variation of non-observable inputs  Sensitivity of inputs to fair value
Receivables from sales of farms  Discounted cash flow  Premium (or Basis)  0.56 – 0.96 USD/bu  The increase or decrease of 0.20 USD/bu in the premium (or basis) paid for the soybean would result in an impact of R$7,536. An increase or decrease of 1.9% in the receivables from the farm.
Payables due to acquisition of Serra Grande Farm  Discounted cash flow   Premium (or Basis)  0.56 – 0.96 USD/bu  The increase or decrease of 0.20 USD/bu in the premium (or basis) paid for the soybean would result in an impact of R$394,035. An increase or decrease of 2.1% in payables for the farm.


5.Cash and cash equivalents and marketable securities


5.1.Cash and cash equivalents


   CDI*   September 30,
   June 30,
Cash and banks          51,842     29,950 
Repurchase agreements (a)   62%   -    15,446 
Bank deposit certificates   95.5% a 104%   172,327    125,649 
         224,169    171,045 


*Interbank Deposit Certificates


(a)The Company uses this type of investment for funds that will be redeemed in less than 30 days, according to the projected cash flow and also in case of need to invest funds that were received after banking hours.


The Company has R$35,502 (R$27,688 at June 30, 2020), of bank balances denominated in foreign currencies which do not bear any interest.


5.2.Marketable securities


   CDI*   September 30,
   September 30,
Banco do Nordeste (BNB) (a) (b)   99%   5,069    5,044 
Total noncurrent        5,069    5,044 


*Interbank Deposit Certificate;
(a)Indexed to rates from 98% to 99% of the CDI – Interbank Deposit Certificate.
(b)The securities in BNB consist of CDBs provided as collateral for financing from the Bank and must be held up to the end of the contract.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


6.Derivative financial instruments


            September 30, 2020
            Total    Volume / Position
Risk  Maturity  Outstanding derivative instruments  Counterparty  Receivable   Payable   Net
Currency US$  November-20  NDF  Itaú BBA   202    -    202    900    -   US$
Currency US$  November-20  NDF  Itaú BBA/Rabobank/Banco do Brasil   -    (12,088)   (12,088)   (16,400)   -   US$
Currency US$  January-21  NDF  Itaú BBA   -    (66)   (66)   (500)   -   US$
Currency US$  June-21  NDF  Rabobank/Banco do Brasil   -    (5,243)   (5,243)   (11,430)   -   US$
Currency US$  June-21  NDF  OLAM   478    -    478    (1,500)   -   US$
Currency US$  June-21  NDF  Banco do Brasil   -    (38)   (38)   (1,300)   -   US$
Currency US$  July-21  NDF  Banco do Brasil   -    (50)   (50)   (2,000)   -   US$
Currency US$  July-21  NDF  Rabobank/Banco do Brasil   -    (1,070)   (1,070)   (2,890)   -   US$
Currency US$  November-21  NDF  Rabobank   -    (383)   (383)   (890)   -   US$
Currency US$  November-21  NDF  Macquarie   32    -    32    (280)   -   US$
Currency US$  June-22  NDF  Itaú BBA   -    (2,976)   (2,976)   (8,400)   -   US$
Currency US$  June-22  NDF  Cargill        (880)   (880)   (2,000)   -   US$
      Current      680    (18,555)   (17,875)   (35,120)   -   US$
      Noncurrent      32    (4,239)   (4,207)   (11,570)   -   US$
      Total currency risk      712    (22,794)   (22,082)   (46,690)   -   US$
Soybean CBOT  February-21  Soybean options  Trading/Banks/CBOT   17    (6,006)   (5,989)   -    (440,000)  bags
Soybean CBOT  February -21  Soybean options  Trading/ Banks/CBOT   -    (4,508)   (4,508)   -    (735,000)  bags
Soybean CBOT  June-21  Soybean options  Trading/ Banks/CBOT   2,407    (18,639)   (16,232)   -    (1,495,000)  bags
Soybean CBOT  November-21  Soybean futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (4,358)   (4,358)   -    (1,055,000)  bags
Soybean CBOT  July-21  Soybean futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (864)   (864)   -    (185,000)  bags
Soybean CBOT  December-20  Accrual  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (2,099)   (2,099)   -    (185,000)  bags
Soybean CBOT  December -20  Accrual  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (1,102)   (1,102)   -    (185,000)  bags
Corn  August-21  Corn options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   78    (212)   (134)   -    (200,000)  bags
Corn CBOT  August -21  Corn futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (992)   (992)   -    (600,000)  bags
Corn BMF  November -20  Corn futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    -    -    -    (72,450)  bags
Corn BMF  September-21  Corn futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    -    -    -    (9,000)  bags
Fed Cattle BM&F  October-20  Fed cattle futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (42,240)  arroba
Fed Cattle BM&F  November -20  Fed cattle futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (3,300)  arroba
Fed Cattle BM&F  December -20  Fed cattle futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (6,600)  arroba
Cotton  November -20  Cotton options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (517)   (517)   -    (1,400,000)  ton
Cotton  November -21  Cotton options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   22    (499)   (477)   -    -   ton
Cotton  December -20  Cotton futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   515    -    515    -    (2,000,000)  ton
Cotton  December -21  Cotton futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (195)   (195)   -    (650,000)  ton
Ethanol BM&F  October-20  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (750)  m3
Ethanol BM&F  November -20  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (300)  m3
Ethanol BM&F  December -20  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (600)  m3
Ethanol BM&F  January-21  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (600)  m3
Ethanol BM&F  February -21  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (300)  m3
      Current (bags)      2,502    (34,422)   (31,920)   -    (4,106,450)  bags
      Current (arrobas)      -    -    -         (52,140)  arrobas
      Current (tons)      515    (517)   (2)   -    (3,400,000)  tons
      Current (cubic meters)      -    -    -    -    (2,550)  cubic meters
      Noncurrent (bags)      -    (4,358)   (4,358)   -    (1,055,000)  bags
      Noncurrent (tons)      22    (694)   (672)   -    (650,000)  tons
      Total risk with commodities      3,039    (39,991)   (36,952)   -    (9,266,140)   
Interest R$  Auguts-23  Fixed DI SWAP  Banks   706    -    706    8,967    -   BRL
      Noncurrent      706    -    706    8,967    -   BRL
      Total risk with interest      706    -    706    8,967    -   BRL
      Total risks      4,457    (62,785)   (58,328)   (37,723)   (9,266,140)   
      Margin deposit      3,031    -    3,031              
         Current   6,728    (53,494)   (46,766)             
         Noncurrent   760    (9,291)   (8,531)             
         At September 30, 2020 (Note 25)   75,523    (130,472)                  




BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


            June 30, 2020
            Total   Volume / Position
Risk  Maturity  Outstanding derivative instruments  Counterparty  Receivable   Payable   Net
Currency US$  August-20  NDF  Rabobank   141    -    141    (4,600)   -   US$
Currency US$  November-20  NDF  Rabobank   -    (221)   (221)   (1,500)   -   US$
Currency US$  November -20  NDF  Itaú BBA   -    (8,958)   (8,958)   (14,000)   -   US$
Currency US$  June-21  NDF  Rabobank   -    (1,426)   (1,426)   (4,930)   -   US$
Currency US$  June -21  NDF  Banco do Brasil   -    (1,828)   (1,828)   (6,500)   -   US$
Currency US$  June -21  NDF  OLAM   733    -    733    (1,500)   -   US$
Currency US$  June -21  NDF  Banco do Brasil   185    -    185    (1,300)   -   US$
Currency US$  July-21  NDF  Banco do Brasil   106    (311)   (205)   (1,450)   -   US$
Currency US$  July -21  NDF  Rabobank   -    (367)   (367)   (1,440)   -   US$
Currency US$  November -21  NDF  Rabobank   -    (139)   (139)   (520)   -   US$
Currency US$  November -21  NDF  Macquarie   78    -    78    (280)   -   US$
      Current      1,059    (12,433)   (11,374)   (34,330)   -   US$
      Noncurrent      184    (817)   (633)   (3,690)   -   US$
      Total currency risk      1,243    (13,250)   (12,007)   (38,020)   -   US$
Soybean CBOT  July-20  Soybean options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (1)   (1)   -    (83,344)  bags
Soybean CBOT  February-21  Soybean options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   252    (774)   (522)   -    (199,571)  bags
Soybean CBOT  June-21  Soybean options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   1,718    (1,916)   (198)   -    (301,625)  bags
Soybean CBOT  November-20  Soybean futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (16)   (16)   -    (77,107)  bags
Soybean CBOT  December-20  Accrual  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   47    (40)   7    -    (83,911)  bags
Corn BM&F  July -20  Corn options  Itaú BBA   -    (55)   (55)   -    (16,650)  bags
Corn BM&F  September-20  Corn futures  Macquarie   -    (529)   (529)   -    (83,250)  bags
Corn BM&F  September -20  Corn options  BM&F   -    (1,431)   (1,431)   -    (253,350)  bags
Corn BM&F  September -20  Corn options  Itaú BBA   -    (682)   (682)   -    (166,500)  bags
Corn CBOT  August-21  Corn options  FC Stone   178    (130)   48    -    (84,670)  bags
Corn CBOT  September -20  Corn futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   51    (200)   (149)   -    (211,500)  bags
Corn CBOT  August -21  Corn futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (257)   (257)   -    (254,011)  bags
Fed Cattle BM&F  October -20  Fed cattle futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (54,450)  arroba
Cotton  November -20  Cotton options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   -    (256)   (256)   -    (625)  ton.
Cotton  November -21  Cotton options  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   127    (258)   (131)   -    -   ton.
Cotton  December-20  Cotton futures  Trading Companies/Banks/CBOT   1,038    -    1,038    -    (893)  ton.
Ethanol BM&F  August -20  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (150) 
Ethanol BM&F  September -20  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (450) 
Ethanol BM&F  October-20  Ethanol futures  BM&F   -    -    -    -    (150) 
      Current (bags)      2,068    (5,644)   (3,576)   -    (1,476,808)  bags
      Current (arrobas)      -    -    -    -    (54,450)  arrobas
      Current (tons)      1,038    (256)   782    -    (1,518)  tons
      Current (cubic meters)      -    -    -    -    (750)  cubic meters
      Noncurrent (bags)      178    (387)   (209)   -    (338,681)  bags
      Noncurrent (tons)      127    (258)   (131)   -    -   tons
      Total risk with commodities      3,411    (6,545)   (3,134)   -    (1,872,207)   
Interest R$  August-23  Fixed DI SWAP  Bradesco   1,257    -    1,257    11,847    -   BRL
      Noncurrent      1,257    -    1,257    11,847    -   BRL
      Total risk with interest      1,257    -    1,257    11,847    -   BRL
      Total risks      5,911    (19,795)   (13,884)   (26,173)   (1,872,207)   
      Margin deposit      3,015    -    3,015              
         Current   7,180    (18,333)   (11,153)             
         Noncurrent   1,746    (1,462)   284              
         At September 30, 2019 (Note 25)   26,288    (29,031)                  


The Company uses derivative financial instruments such as forward currency contracts and forward commodities contracts to hedge against currency risk and commodities prices, respectively.


The margin deposits in operations with derivatives refer to the so-called margins by counterparties in operations with derivative instruments.


The total fair value of a derivative is classified as non-current assets or liabilities if the remaining maturity of the derivative is over 12 months, and as current assets or liabilities if the remaining maturity of the derivative is less than 12 months.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


7.Accounts receivable and others


   Note  September 30,
   June 30,
Trade accounts receivable  7.1   181,038    145,692 
Recoverable taxes  7.2   7,514    9,305 
Advances to suppliers      8,691    20,609 
Other receivables      8,471    7,744 
Total current      205,714    183,350 
Trade accounts receivable  7.1   308,082    240,407 
Recoverable taxes  7.2   26,382    20,274 
Judicial deposits  27   1,709    1,706 
Total noncurrent      336,173    262,387 


7.1Trade accounts receivable


   September 30,
   June 30,
Sales of sugarcane   51,910    30,031 
Sales of grains   31,532    36,777 
Sales of cattle   127    636 
Leases and rentals   5,280    4,868 
Sales of machinery   913    918 
Sales of farms   92,492    73,678 
    182,254    146,908 
Allowance for expected credit losses   (1,216)   (1,216)
Total current   181,038    145,692 
Sales of machinery   167    333 
Sales of farms   307,915    240,074 
Total noncurrent   308,082    240,407 


a)Changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts:


At June 30, 2020   1,216 
At September 30, 2020   1,216 


b)Breakdown of receivables by maturity


   September 30,
   June 30,
Falling due:        
Up to 30 days   66,478    57,188 
31 to 90 days   7,582    44,424 
91 to 180 days   20,054    8,748 
181 to 360 days   86,273    34,954 
Over 360 days   308,082    240,407 
Past due:          
Up to 30 days   -    378 
31 to 90 days   651    - 
181 to 360 days   51    - 
Over 360 days   1,165    1,216 
    490,336    387,315 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


c)Sale of sugarcane


The Company has two sugarcane supply agreements. The first agreement was with Brenco Companhia Brasileira de Energia Renovável and the second agreement is included in the partnership Agreement IV, as mentioned in the Explanatory Note on Commitments, whose credit risks are assessed in accordance with the internal policy as presented in Note 4.2b.


No expected credit allowance was noted at September 30, 2020, and there is no record of default until the date of disclosure of these Financial Statements.


d)Sale of grains


For the period ended September 30, 2020, corn and soybean were sold mainly to the clients Cargill, ADM do Brasil, and Bunge Alimentos, respectively.


e)Receivables from sales of farms


Total amounts sold, collected and receivables from sale of farms are as follows:


   Araucária III   Araucária IV   Araucária V   Jatobá I   Jatobá II   Jatobá III   Jatobá IV   Jatobá V   Alto Taquari I   Alto Taquari II   Alto Taquari III   Bananal IX   Bananal X   Consolidated 
At June 30, 2020   3,336    7,258    37,504    2,569    129,741    47,384    15,481    33,029    3,545    3,554    7,946    22,405    -    313,752 
Accrual   -    -    -    -    2,904    3,885    -    -    -    -    -    -    26,858    33,647 
Receipts   -    (1,750)   -    -    (23,309)   (9,038)   -    (3,550)   -    -    -    -    (7,500)   (45,147)
Fair value adjustment   588    2,090    14,230    971    40,760    15,952    6,120    12,134    1,275    1,378    2,828    94    (265)   98,155 
At September 30, 2020   3,924    7,598    51,734    3,540    150,096    58,183    21,601    41,613    4,820    4,932    10,774    22,499    19,093    400,407 
Current   3,924    3,826    14,629    3,540    30,722    11,909    4,565    7,144    2,446    1,668    830    7,289    -    92,492 
Noncurrent   -    3,772    37,105    -    119,374    46,274    17,036    34,469    2,374    3,264    9,944    15,210    19,093    307,915 


*Of the R$7,500 received, the amount of R$2,000 was received in the period ended December 31, 2019 as advances from customers.


Information on sales and the amounts received in the period ended September 30, 2020 is presented in Notes 1.1 and 21.b.


Variable consideration


In the case of sales for which official measurement during or upon termination of the agreement is mandatory, the Company adopts the variable consideration concept set forth in IFRS 15 – Revenue and does not recognize 2.3% of the sale until the measurement is made. This percentage, whose calculation is based on the highest historical deviation plus a safety margin, represents the risk of proportional reversion upon sale recognition if there is any difference between the area negotiated and the area delivered. The Company has never delivered a narrower area than the negotiated area and recognizes the 2.3% of revenue from sale after the official measurement.


The following table provides a breakdown of credits with the variable consideration element:


   Jatobá II   Jatobá III   Jatobá IV   Jatobá V   Alto Taquari I   June 30,
June 30, 2020   129,741    47,384    15,481    33,029    3,545    229,180 
Variable consideration (2.3%)   3,054    1,115    364    778    83    5,394 
Total   132,795    48,499    15,845    33,807    3,628    234,574 


   Jatobá II   Jatobá III   Jatobá IV   Jatobá V   Alto Taquari I   September 30,
September 30, 2020       -    58,183    21,601    41,613    4,820    126,217 
Variable consideration (2.3%)   -    1,370    509    980    113    2,972 
Total   -    59,553    22,110    42,593    4,933    129,189 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


7.2Recoverable taxes


   September 30,
   June 30,
Withholding income tax (IRRF) on financial investments to be offset   3,764    3,508 
Income tax losses and social contribution carryforwards   -    3,155 
Other taxes and contributions to be offset   1,068    977 
Tax on value added - IVA – (Paraguay)   2,682    1,665 
Total current   7,514    9,305 
ICMS recoverable   12,715    9,786 
ICMS recoverable on property, plant and equipment   59    83 
Non-cumulative PIS and COFINS to be offset   5,522    1,486 
IRRF on financial investments to be offset   517    454 
INSS recoverable   6    - 
Tax on value added - IVA – (Paraguay)   7,563    8,465 
Total noncurrent   26,382    20,274 




   September 30,
   June 30,
Soybean   8,606    68,975 
Corn   30,959    37,223 
Bean   673    3,279 
Cotton   23,766    3,500 
Other harvests   1,021    340 
Agricultural products   65,025    113,317 
Raw materials   62,222    25,461 
    127,247    138,778 


8.1Adjustment to recoverable amount of inventories of agricultural products


At June 30, 2020   (2,661)
Reversal of provision for impairment of agricultural products   2,269 
Write-offs   392 
At September 30, 2020   - 


9.Biological assets


   September 30,
   June 30,
Food cattle   6,590    9,037 
Production cattle   22,939    25,444 
Grain plantation   22,215    20,749 
Cotton plantation   -    13,724 
Sugarcane plantation   68,710    72,043 
Total   120,454    140,997 
Current   97,515    115,553 
Noncurrent   22,939    25,444 


The amounts of expenditures with plantation and tilling of crops are substantially represented by expenditures with the formation of harvest such as: seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, depreciation and manpower used in the crops.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The area (hectares) to be harvested corresponding to the biological assets is as follows:


   Planted area (Hectares) 
   September 30,
   June 30,
Grains (i)   -    9,836 
Cotton   -    1,404 
Sugarcane (ii)   24,508    26,959 
    24,508    38,199 


(i)Grain crops do not include the hectares planted in the quarter because planting is in progress and the balances recognized as biological assets refer to initial planting costs and apportionments of direct and indirect costs.


(ii)For sugarcane the area considered above refers to the total of unharvested sugarcane to be harvested, considered in the cash flow for calculation of fair value of biological assets. This area includes the hectares leased from Brenco, under the agreement signed on May 8, 2015, and the hectares referring to Partnership IV, according to contracts executed on February 7, 2017.


Changes in agricultural activity


   Current   Current   Current 
   Grains   Cotton   Sugarcane 
Balance at June 30, 2020   20,749    13,724    72,043 
Expenditures with plantation   22,360    5,819    - 
Expenditures with tilling   -    -    70,313 
Fair value variation   7,634    3,031    37,016 
Harvest of agricultural produce   (28,575)   (22,574)   (110,662)
Effect of conversion   47    -    - 
Balance at September 30, 2020   22,215    -    68,710 


Changes in cattle raising activity


   Heads of cattle
(in number)
At June 30, 2020   15,064    34,481 
Acquisition/birth costs   649    1,138 
Handling costs   -    3,582 
Sales   (5,431)   (12,613)
Deaths   (30)   (66)
Consumption   (6)   (17)
Effect of conversion   -    106 
Change in fair value   -    2,918 
At September 30, 2020   10,246    29,529 


Quantitative data about cattle raising activity, expressed in heads of cattle


   Consumable cattle   Production cattle 
At June 30, 2020   2,624    12,440 
At September 30, 2020   1,116    9,130 


Fair value hierarchy at September 30, 2020


   Amount   Fair value
Sugarcane   68,710   Level 3
Cattle   29,529   Level 2
Grains   22,215   Level 3



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The significant non-observable inputs used in the measurement of the fair value of sugarcane, grains and cotton classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy, along with an analysis of quantitative sensitivity at September 30, 2020, are as follows:


Description   Evaluation method   Significant non-observable inputs   Variation of non-observable inputs   Increase in inputs   Decrease in inputs
Biological Asset - sugarcane   Discounted cash flow   - Yield   Yield: 45.0 to 115 tons per hectare.   An increase in yield generates a positive result in the fair value of biological assets.   A decrease in yield generates a negative result in the fair value of biological assets.
        - TRS (Kg of sugar per ton of sugarcane)   Total recoverable sugar: TRS 134 to 152 per ton of cane   An increase in TRS generates a positive result in the fair value of biological assets.   A decrease in TRS generates a negative result in the fair value of biological assets.


There were no reclassifications among the levels during the period.


Changes in fair value recorded in income


   September 30,
   September 30,
Grains   7,634    670 
Cotton   3,031    498 
Sugarcane   37,016    38,261 
Cattle   2,918    (1,211)
    50,599    38,218 


10.Investment properties – noncurrent


   Land – Farms   Buildings and improvements   Opening of area   Total in operation   Construction in progress   September 30,
At September 30, 2020                        
Opening balance   686,051    56,995    104,533    847,579    10,682    858,261 
Acquisitions   -    3    -    3    9,763    9,766 
Disposals   (341)   -    (556)   (897)   -    (897)
Transfers   -    548    573    1,121    (1,121)   - 
(-) Depreciation / amortization   -    (730)   (2,106)   (2,836)   -    (2,836)
Effect of conversion   5,723    426    1,614    7,763    173    7,936 
Net book balance   691,433    57,242    104,058    852,733    19,497    872,230 
At September 30, 2020                              
Total cost   691,433    71,503    179,005    941,941    19,497    961,438 
Accumulated depreciation   -    (14,261)   (74,947)   (89,208)   -    (89,208)
Net book balance   691,433    57,242    104,058    852,733    19,497    872,230 
Annual depreciation rates (weighted average) - %        4-20    05-20                


Four farms owned by the Company are held as guarantee for loans and financing according to Note 15, representing, in the consolidated, 28% of total investment properties.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The table below shows the fair value of investment properties are as follows:


      Hectares         Fair value *   Cost Value ** 
Farm  State  September 30,
   June 30,
   Real estate  Acquisition  September 30,
   June 30,
   September 30,
   June 30,
Jatobá  Bahia   14,930    14,930   Jaborandi Ltda  Mar-07   242,504    242,504    31,575    28,352 
Alto Taquari  Mato Grosso   5,103    5,103   Mogno Ltda  Aug-07   194,504    194,504    33,228    33,259 
Araucária  Goiás   5,534    5,534   Araucária Ltda  Apr-07   190,276    190,276    45,460    45,488 
Chaparral  Bahia   37,182    37,182   Cajueiro Ltda  Nov-07   417,660    417,660    89,875    89,558 
Nova Buriti  Minas Gerais   24,212    24,212   Flamboyant Ltda  Dec-07   35,313    35,313    23,455    23,454 
Preferência  Bahia   17,799    17,799   Cajueiro Ltda  Sep-08   68,160    68,160    26,794    27,067 
São José  Maranhão   17,566    17,566   Ceibo Ltda  Feb-17   247,572    247,572    111,082    110,443 
Marangatu y Udra Farm  Boqueron Paraguay   59,585    59,585   Agropecuária Moroti S/A  feb-18   235,270    235,270    239,585    232,976 
Arrojadinho Farm  Bahia   16,642    16,642   Agrifirma Agro Ltda  Jan-20   88,482    88,482    84,825    84,825 
Rio do Meio Farm  Bahia   12,288    12,288   Agrifirma Agro Ltda  Jan-20   122,687    122,687    120,791    120,791 
Serra Grande Farm  Piauí   4,489    4,489   Imobiliária Cremaq  Apr-20   30,273    30,273    26,091    26,091 
       215,330    215,330          1,872,701    1,872,701    832,761    822,304 


(*)The fair value of the investment property at September 30, 2020 was R$1,872,701 (R$1,872,701 at June 30, 2019). The fair value was determined based on a comparative market approach and was prepared by the Company’s specialists. The comparable sales value of investment properties is adjusted considering the specific aspects of each property, where the price per hectare is the most relevant assumption. The fair value presented is considered as level 3 in the fair value hierarchy and there were no reclassifications among levels in the period.


(**)At September 30, 2020 the cost value of R$832,761 (R$822,304 at June 30, 2020) is not comparable to that disclosed in the “Investment properties” note, since the note contemplates investments made in certain partnerships (leased farms), which are not an integral part of the Company’s portfolio of owned farms.




a)Changes in investments


   June 30,
   Capital increase   Dividends   Equity pickup   Effect from conversion   September 30,
Cresca   1,615         -         -    (44)   47    1,618 
Agrofy   4,127    -    -    -    -    4,127 
    5,742    -    -    (44)   47    5,745 


b)Interest in joint venture


Cresca’s summarized financial information, based on the financial statements prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil and with IFRS, and the reconciliation with the book value of the investment in the consolidated financial statements are presented below at fair value on the acquisition date up to September 30, 2020:


   September 30,
   June 30,
Assets   3,500    3,489 
Current   3,457    3,447 
Cash and cash equivalents   176    175 
Accounts receivable, inventories and other receivables   3,281    3,272 
Noncurrent   43    42 
Other noncurrent assets   43    42 
Liabilities   264    260 
Current   264    260 
Trade accounts payable, taxes and loans   264    260 
Total net assets   3,236    3,229 
Company’s interest – 50%   50%   50%
Company’s interest in net assets at estimated fair value   1,618    1,615 


   September 30,
   June 30,
Administrative expenses   (2)   (1)
Finance costs   (86)   (79)
Profit (loss) before income tax   (88)   (80)
Profit (loss) for the period   (88)   (80)
Company’s interest – 50%   (44)   (40)



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


12.Property, plant and equipment


   Buildings and improvements   Equipment and facilities   Agricultural vehicles and machinery   Furniture and fixtures   Total in operation   Property, plant and equipment in progress   Sugarcane   Total property, plant and equipment 
At June 30, 2020                                
Opening balance   111    13,774    11,022    1,044    25,951    -    81,901    107,852 
Acquisitions   -    1,391    2,519    238    4,148    96    20,508    24,752 
Acquisitions – business combination   -    -    14,279    1,356    15,635    -    -    15,635 
Disposals   -    (115)   (4,968)   (10)   (5,093)   -    -    (5,093)
Transfers   108    92    -    -    200    (96)   (104)   - 
Depreciation   (47)   (1,817)   (5,294)   (235)   (7,393)   -    (20,740)   (28,133)
Effect of conversion   -    87    776    49    912    -    -    912 
Accounting balance, net   172    13,412    18,334    2,442    34,360    -    81,565    115,925 
At June 30, 2020                                        
Total cost   1,041    19,540    46,668    4,065    71,314    -    152,403    223,717 
Accumulated depreciation   (869)   (6,128)   (28,334)   (1,623)   (36,954)   -    (70,838)   (107,792)
Accounting balance, net   172    13,412    18,334    2,442    34,360    -    81,565    115,925 
At September 30, 2020                                        
Opening balance   172    13,412    18,334    2,442    34,360    -    81,565    115,925 
Acquisitions   -    790    5,464    563    6,817    276    808    7,901 
Disposals   -    (292)   (2,825)   -    (3,117)   -    -    (3,117)
Transfers   -    276    -    -    276    (276)   -    - 
Depreciation   (12)   (988)   (1,142)   (627)   (2,769)   -    (10,874)   (13,643)
Effect of conversion   -    2    77    9    88    -    -    88 
Accounting balance, net   160    13,200    19,908    2,387    35,655    -    71,499    107,154 
At September 30, 2020                                        
Total cost   1,041    20,852    49,384    4,149    75,426    -    154,808    230,234 
Accumulated depreciation   (881)   (7,652)   (29,476)   (1,762)   (39,771)   -    (83,309)   (123,080)
Accounting balance, net   160    13,200    19,908    2,387    35,655    -    71,499    107,154 
Annual depreciation rates (weighted average) - %   2-25    10    13-20    10              16-27      


13.Right-of-use asset


   Land – Farms   Buildings and improvements   Vehicles and Agricultural Machinery   Right-of-use Total 
At September 30, 2020                
Opening balance   99,363    292    1,438    101,093 
New contracts   -    -    2,730    2,730 
(-) Depreciation / Amortization   (13,568)   (118)   (660)   (14,346)
Effect of conversion   16    5    3    24 
    85,811    179    3,511    89,501 
At September 30, 2020                    
Total cost   120,166    877    5,894    126,937 
Cumulative depreciation   (34,355)   (698)   (2,383)   (37,436)
Book balance, net   85,811    179    3,511    89,501 
    10-25    50    50      



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


14.Leases payable


   Nature  September 30,
   June 30,
Finance lease sugarcane fields  Parceria III   -    287 
Operating leases - IFRS 16      29,482    25,562 
       29,482    25,849 
Finance lease sugarcane fields  Parceria IV   42,613    34,011 
Operating leases - IFRS 16  -   94,883    92,503 
       137,496    126,514 
       166,978    152,363 


Changes in leases


   June 30,
   Exchange differences   Monetary variation   Payments   New contracts   September 30,
Finance lease sugarcane fields - Parceria III   287    -    -    (287)   -    - 
Finance lease sugarcane fields - Parceria IV   34,011    -    8,602    -    -    42,613 
Operating leases - IFRS 16   118,065    (24)   4,098    (504)   2,730    124,365 
    152,363    (24)   12,700    (791)   2,730    166,978 


As of September 30, 2020, the Company’s main contracts subject to IFRS 16 are related to agricultural partnership and land lease operations, as well as other less relevant contracts that involve leases of machinery, vehicles and properties.


Changes in lease liabilities occur upon effective payment of the lease as well as periodic restatement by variation in the soybean or sugarcane price and adjustment to present value. The impacts from adjustment to present value are recognized under financial income (loss), net in the income statement.


As of September 30, 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries held the following agreements for leases from third parties:


      Lease liabilities
Description  Location  Currency  September 30,
Partnership II  Ribeiro Gonçalves - PI  R$   14,636 
Partnership III  Alto Taquari - MT  R$   39,739 
Partnership IV – Cane field leases  São Raimundo de Mangabeira  R$   42,612 
Partnership V  São Félix do Xingu - MT  R$   35,992 
Araucária  Mineiros - GO  R$   2,272 
Partnership VII  Baixa Grande do Ribeiro - PI  R$   27,147 
Vehicle lease  N.A.  R$   447 
Services with identified assets  N.A.  R$   3,798 
Lease of vehicles and office in Paraguay  Asunción - Paraguay  R$   335 
      R$   166,978 


The above lease liabilities, which are under IFRS 16, represent a discount rate that ranges from 4.87% to 8.93%.


The lease agreements with third parties of the Company are indexed to the price of the soybean bag in the region where each unit is located, except for Parceria III and Headquarters, where the price is determined via Consecana and fixed payments, respectively. For the cases where payments are indexed to the soybean bag, future minimum payments are estimated in number of soybean bags and translated into local currency using the soybean price of each region, on the base date of first-time adoption of IFRS 16, and adjusted to the current price at time of payment. Meanwhile, payments indexed to Consecana are determined in tons of sugarcane and translated into local currency based on the Consecana price in effect at the time.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


With regard to the lease agreements of third parties, we also inform:


(i)they contain no contingent payment clause;
(ii)the lease agreements of Parceria II, V and Araucária are, for the most part, indexed to the variation in the soybean bag price, and, in the case of Parceria II, there is a clause for adjustment of payment for yield bonus;
(iii)there are no restrictions imposed, such as those related to dividends and interest on equity, additional debt or any other that requires additional disclosure.


The future minimum lease payments of the aforementioned leases are detailed below:


1 year   29,482 
2 years   23,130 
3 years   23,216 
4 years   26,378 
5 years   16,336 
Above 5 years   48,436 


15.Trade accounts payable and other liabilities


   Note  September 30,
   June 30,
Trade accounts payable  15.1   60,499    55,603 
Taxes payable      14,198    12,396 
Dividends payable      28,394    28,394 
Advances to customers      9,875    10,249 
Other liabilities      932    4,528 
Total current      113,898    111,170 
Taxes payable      29,154    25,770 
Other payables      3,544    2,232 
Total noncurrent      32,698    28,002 


15.1Trade accounts payable


At September 30, 2020, the Company’s balance of trade accounts payable is as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
Raw materials and services   60,499    55,603 
    60,499    55,603 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


16.Loans, financing and debentures


      Annual interest rates and charges - %     
   Index  September 30,
   June 30,
   September 30,
   June 30,
Financing for agricultural costs                   
   Fixed rate + CDI   1.80% + 100%   1.80% + 100%   40,053    40,568 
   Fixed rate   3.24%   -    7,865    - 
   Fixed rate   3.90%   3.90%   9,162    9,072 
   Fixed rate   6.30%   6.30%   106,539    108,057 
   Fixed rate   6.34%   6.34%   3,055    3,251 
   Fixed rate   7.64%   7.64%   9,248    9,076 
                 175,922    170,024 
Financing for agricultural costs (USD)                       
   Fixed rate   7.00%   7.00%   2,870    2,787 
   Fixed rate   8.50%   8.50%   5,861    5,573 
                 8,731    8,360 
Financing for agricultural costs (PYG)                       
   Fixed rate   8.00%   8.00%   7,795    7,940 
   Fixed rate   8.25%   8.25%   19,439    19,749 
                 27,234    27,689 
Bahia Project Financing                       
   Fixed rate   3.50%   3.50%   10,113    10,023 
   Fixed rate   -    6.50%   -    66 
   Fixed rate   -    7.50%   -    165 
                 10,113    10,254 
Financing of working capital                       
   Fixed rate + CDI   2% + 100%    2% + 100%    77,015    77,516 
                 77,015    77,516 
   Fixed rate   -    7.22%   -    230 
                 -    230 
Financing of sugarcane                       
   Fixed rate   6.76%   6.76%   1,869    2,447 
   Fixed rate   6.14%   6.14%   25,367    40,857 
   Fixed rate   6.34%   6.34%   30,465    29,986 
                 57,701    73,290 
   CDI   106.50%   106.50%   56,984    88,884 
   CDI   110.00%   110.00%   42,892    59,548 
                 99,876    148,432 
(-) Transaction costs                (1,355)   (1,682)
                 455,237    514,113 
Current                208,061    217,274 
Noncurrent                247,176    296,839 



TJLP – Long Term Interest Rate

FINAME – Financing of Machinery and Equipment (BNDES)

BNB – Banco do Nordeste

PYG – Paraguayan currency (Guarani)



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


Breakdown of debt by index


   September 30,
   June 30,
Fixed rate   238,293    247,597 
CDI   216,944    266,516 
    455,237    514,113 


Maturities of short- and long-term loans, financing and debentures are broken down as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
1 year   208,061    217,274 
2 years   198,766    198,793 
3 years   24,079    51,670 
4 years   3,406    22,098 
5 years   6,089    8,269 
Above 5 years   14,836    16,009 
    455,237    514,113 


Changes in loans, financing and debentures


   June 30,
   Contracting   Payment of principal   Payment Interest   Appropriation of interest   Foreign exchange differences   September 30,
Agricultural Cost Financing   170,024    7,856    (3,235)   (1,102)   2,379    -    175,922 
Agricultural Cost Financing Overseas   36,049    -    -    (1,268)   786    398    35,965 
Bahia Project Financing (*)   10,254    -    (226)   (8)   93    -    10,113 
Working Capital Financing   77,516    -    -    (1,295)   794    -    77,015 
Financing of Machinery and Equipment - FINAME   230    -    (222)   (8)   4    (4)   - 
Sugarcane financing   73,290    -    (16,128)   (516)   1,055    -    57,701 
Debentures   148,432    -    (42,647)   (6,557)   648    -    99,876 
Transaction costs   (1,682)   -    -    -    327    -    (1,355)
    514,113    7,856    (62,458)   (10,754)   6,086    394    455,237 


(*)Financing to raise funds for opening of areas and improvements in Jatobá and Chaparral farms.


(a)Loans and Financing




All loans and financing contracts above are in Reais and have specific terms and conditions defined in the respective contracts with governmental economic and development agencies that directly or indirectly grant those loans. At September 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020, the Company’s financial agreements did not require compliance with financial covenants, but rather only operating covenants, on which the Company is in compliance.




On May 25, 2018, one hundred forty-two thousand, two hundred (142,200) non-convertible debentures were subscribed to and paid in, with security interest, in the total of R$142,200 (R$85,200 for the first series and R$57,000 for the second).



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The maturity date of the first-series debentures is August 1, 2022 (“maturity date of the first series”) and their unit face value will be paid in three (3) annual installments, the first on July 30, 2020 and the final on the maturity date of the first series. Compensatory interest corresponding to one hundred six point fifty percent (106.50%) of the DI rate will be accrued on the unit face value of first-series debentures, which will be paid on July 30 of each year or on the maturity date of the first series. The maturity date of the second-series debentures is July 31, 2023 (“maturity date of the second series”) and their unit face value will be paid in four (4) annual installments, the first on July 30, 2020 and the final on the maturity date of the second series. Compensatory interest corresponding to one hundred ten percent (110.00%) of the overnight DI rate will be accrued on the unit face value of second-series debentures, which will be paid on July 30 of each year or on the maturity date of the second series.


The Debentures were linked to a securitization transaction, serving as guarantee for the issue of Certificates of Agribusiness Receivables (“CRA”) pursuant to Law No. 11076/2004 and CVM Ruling No. 414/2004, which were the object of a public distribution offer with restricted efforts, under CVM Ruling No. 476/2009 (“Restricted Offer”).


The Debentures are backed by security interest in the form of fiduciary sale of properties owned by the Company and registered under No. 6254, 6267 and 6405, all of which at the Property Records Office of Correntina in the state of Bahia.




The debentures have covenants related to the maintenance of certain financial indicators, based on the ratio of net debt to fair value of properties for investment. Failure by the Company to attain these indicators during the term of the debentures may entail advance maturity of the debt.


At September 30, 2020, the Company is in compliance with the covenants described above.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


17.Income and social contribution taxes


17.1.Deferred taxes


Deferred income and social contribution tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legal right to offset tax credits against tax liabilities, and provided that they refer to the same tax authority and the same legal entity.


The fiscal year for income tax and social contribution calculation purposes is different from that adopted by the Company for the preparation of its consolidated financial statements, which ends June 30 of each year.


Deferred income tax and social contribution tax assets and liabilities as of September 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020 are as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
Tax losses   39,186    63,066 
Biological assets   77    1,389 
Finance lease   22,547    13,886 
Contingency, bonuses and fair value   7,461    4,794 
Derivative financial instruments   19,832    4,720 
Allowance for expected credit losses   835    890 
Difference in cost of farms   170    170 
Provision of other accounts payable   2,193    2,550 
Subscription warrant   1,064    358 
    93,365    91,823 
Biological assets   25,060    27,735 
Surplus on investment   1,733    1,733 
Costs of transaction   461    570 
Provision of residual value and useful life of PPE assets   1,075    981 
Accelerated depreciation of assets for rural activity   40,727    44,606 
Deferred taxes on surplus value of PPE and investment property – Deferred taxes on surplus value of PPE and investment property – Acquisition of Agrifirma   26,657    26,947 
    95,713    102,572 
Deferred assets, net   36,846    23,282 
Deferred liabilities, net   (39,194)   (34,031)
Net balance   (2,348)   (10,749)



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The net change in deferred income tax is as follows:


At June 30, 2019   20,510 
Tax losses   8,511 
Biological assets   (21,075)
Finance lease   10,501 
Provision for legal claims, bonus, share-based compensation, present value and fair value adjustments   (4,580)
Hedge   2,535 
Costs of transactions   (44)
Allowance for doubtful accounts   402 
Provision for other accounts payable   82 
Accelerated depreciation of assets for rural activity   (1,002)
Subscription warrant   358 
Acquisition of Agrifirma   (27,731)
Deferred taxes on surplus value   784 
At June 30, 2020   (10,749)
Tax losses   (23,880)
Biological assets   1,363 
Finance lease   8,661 
Provision for legal claims, bonus, share-based compensation, present value and fair value adjustments   2,667 
Hedge   15,112 
Costs of transactions   109 
Allowance for doubtful accounts   (55)
Provision for other accounts payable   (357)
Accelerated depreciation of assets for rural activity   3,785 
Subscription warrant   706 
Deferred taxes on surplus value of PPE and investment property – Acquisition of Agrifirma   290 
At September 30, 2020   (2,348)


The estimated years of realization of deferred tax assets are as follows:


   September 30,
2021   45,017 
2022   7,382 
2023   4,613 
2024   4,487 
2025 to 2030   31,866 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


17.2.Income and social contribution tax expenses


   September 30,
   September 30,
Income before income and social contribution taxes   72,560    49,225 
Combined nominal rate of income and social contribution taxes – %   34%   34%
    (24,670)   (16,737)
Equity pickup/Investment losses   (15)   (14)
Management bonuses   (18)   (30)
Share-based incentive plan - ILPA   -    126 
Non-deductible expenses   (3)   - 
Net effect of profits taxes abroad   -    6 
Net effect of subsidiaries taxed whose profit is computed as a percentage of gross revenue (*)   29,829    8,179 
Other permanent addition   (2,029)   (179)
Income and social contribution taxes for the period   3,094    (8,649)
Current   (5,307)   (4,961)
Deferred   8,401    (3,688)
    3,094    (8,649)
Effective rate   4%   -18%


(*)For some of our real estate subsidiaries, profit tax is measured based on the regime whereby profit is computed as a percentage of gross revenue, i.e., income tax is determined on a simplified base to calculate the taxable profit (32% for lease revenues, 8% for sale of farms and 100% for other earnings). This results effectively in taxing the profit of subsidiaries at a rate lower than if taxable income were based on accounting records.


18.Other liabilities


   September 30,
   June 30,
Accounts payable for acquisition of Serra Grande Farm (a)   19,159    14,263 
Variable consideration for acquisition of Agrifirma (b)   27,205    25,128 
    46,364    39,391 
Current   6,471    5,017 
Noncurrent   39,893    34,374 


a)On April 20, 2020, the Company acquired 4,489 hectares of Serra Grande Farm for R$25,047. At September 30, 2020, the liability refers to the delivery of 162,000 bags of soybean divided into three annual installments of 54,000 bags each. The Company maintains its liability measured at fair value through profit or loss.


b)The consideration transferred in exchange for control of Agrifirma is divided into four classes, classified in the financial statement in accordance with their characteristics. Restricted shares, Agrifirma Warrants and Agrifirma Warrant Dividends, given their variation factor, were classified as financial liability and are measured at fair value through profit or loss. The impact of this variation in profit or loss at September 30, 2020 was R$2,077.


The breakdown of the consideration transferred in exchange for the control of Agrifirma is shown below:


   September 30,
   June 30,
Restricted shares   14,233    13,490 
Warrants   12,162    10,860 
Warrant dividends   810    778 
Total   27,205    25,128 


The maturities of accounts payable due to acquisition of Serra Grande Farm are broken down as follows:


1 year   6,471 
2 years   33,584 
3 years   6,309 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)




a)Capital (number of shares)


   Number of shares 
   September 30,
   June 30,
Cresud S.A.C.I.F.Y.A.   19,910,800    19,910,800 
Board of Directors   190,800    192,800 
Executive Board   253,653    263,453 
Officers   444,453    456,253 
Treasury   2,761,820    2,761,820 
Other   38,987,228    38,975,428 
Total shares of paid-up capital   62,104,301    62,104,301 
Total outstanding shares   38,987,228    38,975,428 
Outstanding shares as percentage of total shares (%)   63    63 


At September 30, 2020 and June 30, 2020, the Company’s subscribed and paid-up capital amounted to R$699,811. The Company is authorized to increase its capital, regardless of amendments to the articles of incorporation, up to the limit of R$3,000,000, as determined by the Board of Directors.


b)Capital reserve


Capital Reserves are composed of amounts received by the company that are not registered under profit or loss as revenue, since they refer to amounts allocated to capital reinforcement, which did not involve any effort from the company in delivering the goods or services.


Goodwill on share issue


The reserve recorded as of September 30, 2020 is related to the acquisition of the subsidiary Agrifirma on January 27, 2020, a transaction conducted via exchange of shares that generated a difference between the amount of the capital increase and the consideration transferred related to the unrestricted shares, as shown below:


   Number of shares   Amount 
Unrestricted shares   4,402,404    97,569 
Restricted shares (*)   812,981    18,018 
Shares issued in the initial exchange ratio / Capital increase   5,215,385    115,587 
Unrestricted shares (final exchange ratio) / Capital increase   4,044,654    82,021 
Reserve of goodwill on share issue        (33,566)


(*)Shares with restrictions on sale do not meet the definition of equity instruments and are registered as financial liabilities.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


c)Income reserves


Legal reserve


Pursuant to article 193 of Law No. 6404/76 and article 36, item (a), 5% (five per cent) of the Company’s net income at the end of each year must, before any other allocation, be used to set up a legal reserve, which shall not exceed 20% (twenty percent) of share capital.


The Company is allowed not to set up the legal reserve for the financial year in which the reserve balance, plus the amount of capital reserve addressed in item 1, of article 182, of Law No. 6404/76, exceeds 30% (thirty per cent) of capital. The legal reserve aims at assuring the integrity of the Company’s capital and may only be used to offset loss and increase capital.


Reserve for investment and expansion


According to article 36, item (c), of the Company’s articles of incorporation and article 196 of Law No. 6404/76, the Company may allocate the remaining portion of adjusted net income for the year ended, to reserve for investment and expansion, subject to approval on the General Shareholders’ Meeting.


The balance of the retained profits reserve, except for the reserves of unrealized profit and reserves for contingencies, may not exceed the amount of capital. Once this maximum limit is reached, the General Meeting may resolve on the investment of the exceeding portion in the payment, increase of capital or in dividend distribution.




On October 16, 2020, the Company approved the payment of dividends at the Annual Shareholders Meeting, which included mandatory minimum dividends of R$28,394 and additional dividends proposed of R$13,606. In accordance with article 40 of the Articles of Incorporation, dividends not received or claimed will be time-barred within three (3) years from the date they were made available to the shareholder and will revert to the Company.


e)Other comprehensive income


At September 30, 2020, the effects from foreign exchange rate differences arising from the translation of Cresca, Palmeiras and Moroti financial statements amounted to R$7,309 (positive R$16,233 at September 30, 2019), and the accumulated effect reached R$122,648 (R$55,109 at September 30, 2019).


f)Treasury shares


Under article 20, item XII of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company, the Board of Directors is responsible, among other responsibilities established therein of by law, for deliberating on the acquisition by the Company of shares issued itself, to be held in treasury and/or for later cancellation or sale.


The Company approved three (3) Share Repurchase Programs at the Board of Directors’ meetings held on: (i) September 2, 2013; (ii) June 25, 2016; and, lastly (iii) the last Share Repurchase Program of the Company, approved at the Board of Directors’ meeting held on September 20, 2016, whose term of eighteen (18) months ended on March 21, 2018. Currently there is no Share Repurchase Program in force, and the number of treasury shares at September 30, 2020 is 2,761,820, corresponding to R$31,501.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


20.Segment information


Segment information is presented consistently with the internal report provided by the chief operating decision maker that is the Executive Board, responsible for allocating resources, assessing the performance of the operating segments, and for making the Company’s strategic decisions.


Segment information is based on information used by BrasilAgro executive board to assess the performance of the operating segments and to make decisions on the investment of funds. The Company has six segments, namely: (i) real estate, (ii) grains, (iii) sugarcane, (iv) cattle raising, (v) cotton and (vi) other. The operating assets related to these segments are located only in Brazil. The main activity of the grains segment is the production and sale of soybean and corn.


The Sugarcane segment includes the sale of the raw product.


The Real Estate segment presents the P&L from operations carried out in the Company’s subsidiaries.


The cattle raising segment consists of producing and selling beef calves after weaning, which characterizes the activity as breeding and fattening of cattle.


The cotton segment is engaged primarily in the production and sale of cotton lint and seed.


The selected P&L and assets information by segment, which were measured in accordance with the same accounting practices used in the preparation of the financial statements, are as follows:


   September 30, 2020 
           Agricultural activity         
   Total   Real estate   Grains   Cotton   Sugarcane   Cattle raising   Other   Not allocated 
Revenue   222,214    (575)   110,128    1,629    97,723    13,426    (117)   - 
Gain from sale of farm   5,752    5,752    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural products   50,599    -    7,665    3,031    37,016    2,918    (31)   - 
Adjustment to net realizable value of agricultural products after harvest, net   2,269    -    2,269    -    -    -    -    - 
Cost of sales   (207,539)   (530)   (100,866)   (1,969)   (88,751)   (12,101)   (3,322)   - 
Gross profit (loss)   73,295    4,647    19,196    2,691    45,988    4,243    (3,470)   - 
Selling expenses   (5,437)   -    (5,280)   -    -    (157)   -    - 
General and administrative expenses   (7,908)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (7,908)
Other operating income   (2,813)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (2,813)
Share of loss of a joint venture   (44)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (44)
Operating income (loss)   57,093    4,647    13,916    2,691    45,988    4,086    (3,470)   (10,765)
Net financial income                                        
Financial income   187,273    106,874    29,145    -    5,654    3,601    6,154    35,845 
Financial expenses   (171,806)   (26,769)   (34,398)   -    (5,771)   (5,771)   (18,623)   (80,474)
Net income (loss) before income and social contribution taxes   72,560    84,752    8,663    2,691    45,871    1,916    (15,939)   (55,394)
Income and social contribution taxes   3,094    (4,627)   (2,945)   (915)   (15,596)   (651)   5,419    22,409 
Net profit (loss) for the period   75,654    80,125    5,718    1,776    30,275    1,265    (10,520)   (32,985)
Total assets   2,141,679    1,277,917    146,630    23,890    173,654    30,434    63,945    425,209 
Total liabilities   937,147    206,871    228,093    -    57,701    -    -    444,482 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


   September 30, 2019 
           Agricultural activity         
   Total   Real estate   Grains   Cotton   Sugarcane   Cattle raising   Other   Not allocated 
Revenue   166,006    2,061    60,825    5,226    91,936    5,980    (22)   - 
Gain from sale of farm   16,572    16,572    -    -    -    -    -    - 
Changes in fair value of biological assets and agricultural products (Note 9)   38,218    (1,719)   692    485    39,326    (477)   (89)   - 
Adjustment to net realizable value of agricultural products after harvest, net   (1,345)   -    (496)   (849)   -    -    -    - 
Cost of sales   (158,808)   (351)   (55,740)   (5,939)   (90,862)   (6,203)   287    - 
Gross profit   60,643    16,563    5,281    (1,077)   40,400    (700)   176    - 
Selling expenses   (3,873)   -    (3,816)   -    -    (57)   -    - 
General and administrative expenses   (9,186)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (9,186)
Other operating (expense) income, net   446    -    -    -    -    -    -    446 
Share of loss of a joint venture   (40)   -    -    -    -    -    -    (40)
Operating income (loss)   47,990    16,563    1,465    (1,077)   40,400    (757)   176    (8,780)
Net financial income                                        
Financial income   71,605    39,775    5,244    -    834    -    365    25,387 
Financial expenses   (70,370)   (29,557)   (265)   -    (3,386)   -    (8,086)   (29,076)
Profit (loss) before income and social contribution taxes   49,225    26,781    6,444    (1,077)   37,848    (757)   (7,545)   (12,469)
Income and social contribution taxes   (8,649)   (1,433)   (2,191)   -    (12,868)   257    2,565    5,021 
Net Profit (loss) for the period   40,576    25,348    4,253    (1,077)   24,980    (500)   (4,980)   (7,448)
Total assets   1,473,756    791,106    114,446    11,408    172,850    38,820    57,089    288,037 
Total liabilities   534,904    -    63,045    -    46,708    -    -    425,151 


The statement of financial position accounts are represented by “Accounts receivable and others”, “Biological assets”, “Inventories of agricultural products” and “Investment properties”.


a)Information on concentration of customers


In the period ended September 30, 2020, the Company has four customers individually representing 10% or more of the revenues from the sugarcane, grains and cotton segments, representing 68.4% of the total sales of the Company. Of these four customers, two account for 100% of the revenues from the sugarcane segment and two account for 48.5% of the revenues from the grains/cotton segment.


b)Consolidated geographic information


Revenues and noncurrent assets, excluding financial instruments, income and social contribution taxes, deferred assets, post-employment benefits and rights arising from insurance contracts of the Consolidated, are distributed as follows:


   In Brazil   Subsidiaries abroad 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   September 30,
   September 30,
Net income   214,087    160,473    8,127    5,533 


   In Brazil   Subsidiaries abroad 
   September 30,
   June 30,
   September 30,
   June 30,
Noncurrent assets   843,966    853,957    283,147    275,957 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


21.Revenues from contracts with customers


a)Operating sales


   September 30,
   September 30,
Sales of grains   112,099    61,744 
Sales of cotton   1,656    5,260 
Sales of sugarcane   97,726    91,937 
Revenue from cattle sales   13,910    6,263 
Revenue from leases   3,571    2,603 
Other revenues   327    137 
Gross operating revenue   229,289    167,944 
Sales deductions          
Taxes on sales   (7,075)   (1,938)
Revenue   222,214    166,006 


b)Sale of farms


   September 30,
   September 30,
Sale of farm   36,406    22,650 
Adjustment to present value   (2,776)   (3,676)
Gross revenue from sale of farm   33,630    18,974 
Sales taxes   (248)   (693)
Cost of sale of farm   (27,630)   (1,709)
Gain from sale of farm   5,752    16,572 
Income and social contribution taxes   (209)   (584)
Net profit from sale of farm   5,543    15,988 


The meeting of certain obligations related to prior-year sales enabled the recognition of the revenues pending on the execution date. Of the total gross Revenue from the sale of farms, R$3,885 refers to the delivery of a 133-hectare area of Cerrado biome negotiated in the sale of Jatobá II, a condition related to the variable consideration concept provided for in IFRS 15 – Revenue from contracts with customers, mentioned in Note 7.1(e).


The sale of the Bananal X Farm (Note 1.1.b) did not affect the Gain from sale of farms because the asset was recognized at its fair value less selling expenses, as set forth in IFRS 5 – Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, as shown below:


   September 30,
Sale of farm   28,000 
Present value adjustment   (1,159)
Gross revenue from sale of farms   26,841 
Cost of sale   (25,231)
Commission on sale   (1,610)
Gain from sale of farms   - 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


22.Expenses by nature


   Cost of sales   Selling expenses   General and administrative expenses   Total 
Depreciation and amortization   29,337    -    369    29,706 
Personnel expenses   6,773    692    4,571    12,036 
Expenses with service providers   63,578    -    1,342    64,920 
Leases and rentals   (2,674)   -    15    (2,659)
Cost of raw material   53,758    -    -    53,758 
Fair value of cost of agricultural products   52,683    -    -    52,683 
Freight and storage   -    4,908    -    4,908 
(Reversal) set-up of allowance for doubtful accounts   -    (163)   -    (163)
Maintenance, travel expenses and other   4,084    -    1,611    5,695 
At September 30, 2020   207,539    5,437    7,908    220,884 
Depreciation and amortization   11,648    -    324    11,972 
Personnel expenses   8,239    529    6,018    14,786 
Expenses with service providers   63,488    -    1,098    64,586 
Leases and rentals   14,295    -    89    14,384 
Cost of raw material   25,388    -    -    25,388 
Fair value of cost of agricultural products   31,581    -    -    31,581 
Freight and storage   -    3,344    -    3,344 
Maintenance, travel expenses and other   4,169    -    1,657    5,826 
At September 30, 2019   158,808    3,873    9,186    171,867 


23.Management compensation and share-based compensation


The expenses with Management compensation were recorded under “General and administrative expenses”, as follows:


   September 30,
   September 30,
Board of directors and executive board compensation   854    679 
Bonus   52    89 
Overall compensation   906    768 
Share grants   -    965 
Total   906    1,733 


The total compensation of the Company’s officers and members of the Board of Directors, for the period ended September 30, 2020 in the amount of R$14,082, was approved at the Annual General Meeting held on October 16, 2020.


a)Share-based compensation


On October 2, 2017, the Shareholders Meeting approved the creation of the Long-term Share-based Incentive Plan (“ILPA Plan”). Under the terms of the ILPA Plan, participants will be entitled to receive a certain number of shares if they remain in the Company for a vesting period and achieve certain key performance indicators (“KPIs”). The ILPA Plan establishes that the Board of Directors will have broad powers to implement the ILPA Plan and take all measures necessary for it. The shares to be granted under the ILPA Plan may not exceed, at any time, the maximum and cumulative limit of 2% of the shares issued by the Company.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


The first grant of incentives was approved by the Board of Directors on June 18, 2018, when the 1st ILPA Program was approved and the beneficiaries, number of shares to be granted, vesting period and KPIs to be achieved were defined.


The vesting period for the 1st ILPA Program is the period between October 2, 2017 and October 2, 2019, and participants were selected from among those who were Company employees at the start of the vesting period, considering their category and compensation on that date.


Shares will be granted to participants only if they remain in the Company until the end of the vesting period and achieve certain KPIs. One of the KPIs is a certain percentage of appreciation of the price of the AGRO3 stock in the vesting period; if such percentage is not reached, participants will not have the right to receive any shares. If the KPI of stock appreciation is achieved, the number of shares to be granted will vary in three ranges, depending on the level of achievement of three other KPIs, and will be adjusted by the dividends per share distributed in the vesting period, and will increase by an amount established in case the share appreciation exceeds the floor price.


The fair value of the benefit was estimated at R$8.96.To measure the fair value of the benefit, the Company considered the price of the AGRO3 stock on the date of the grant and projected the probable range of stock price at the end of the vesting period based on the past performance of the stock price in a period of 1 year and 4 months (compatible with the period between the grant in June 2018 and the end of the vesting period in October 2018). Considering the volatility of the AGRO3 stock, the Company determined the probability of the stock price at the end of the vesting period reaching the value necessary to achieve the appreciation KPI.


To determine the number of shares and the compensation expense, in each fiscal year the Management determines the estimated number of shares to be granted based on its best judgment of the portion of each of the three KPIs that does not depend on the stock price and the dividends to be paid in the vesting period. The expense amount is adjusted on account of such revision and the effects are recognized prospectively. The estimated expense is recognized upon the grant, in June 2018 being appropriated linearly during the vesting period, between October 2, 2017 and October 2, 2019.


In the period ended September 30, 2019, expenses with compensation amounted to R$1,510, with the cumulative amount R$4,002.


The program was terminated in January 2020, with profit or loss in the period ended September 30, 2020 not affected by the plan.


24.Other operating income (expenses), net


   September 30,
   September 30,
Gain (loss) on sale of PPE   (231)   585 
Set-up (reversal) of provision for legal claims   (50)   88 
Warrants and restricted shares (a)   (2,077)   - 
Other   (455)   (227)
    (2,813)   446 


(a)In the acquisition of Agrifirma, BrasilAgro issued warrants as part of the consideration paid, which correspond to rights that entitle the selling shareholders to acquire 601,302 shares for R$0.01. The obligation was recognized as financial liabilities and continues to be measured at fair value due to compliance with certain conditions that could change the number of shares to be transferred.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


25.Finance income (expenses)


   Note  September 30,
   September 30,
Finance income           
Interest on marketable securities      995    1,757 
Interest receivable      62    156 
Monetary variation (i)      -    - 
Foreign exchange variation (ii)      3,819    2,795 
Gain on remeasurement of leases (iii)      2,895    834 
Gain on remeasurement of receivables from sale of farms (iv)      103,979    39,775 
Realized profit from derivative transactions (v)  6   39,678    4,812 
Unrealized profit from derivative transactions (vi)  6   35,845    21,476 
       187,273    71,605 
Finance expenses             
Marketable securities charges      (327)   (83)
Bank charges      (190)   (147)
Interest payable      (6,726)   (4,879)
Monetary variation (i)      (183)   - 
Foreign exchange variation (ii)      (7,139)   (1,380)
Loss on remeasurement of leases (iii)      (14,818)   (5,293)
Loss on remeasurement of receivables from sale of farms (iv)      (11,951)   (29,557)
Realized loss from derivative financial transactions (v)  6   (50,182)   (4,706)
Unrealized loss from derivative financial transactions (vi)  6   (80,290)   (24,325)
       (171,806)   (70,370)
Finance income (expense), net      15,467    1,235 


Net balances are as follows:


   September 30,
   September 30,
Monetary variation (i)   (183)   - 
Foreign exchange differences (ii)   (3,320)   1,415 
Restatement of leases (iii)   (11,923)   (4,459)
Restatement of receivables from farm value (iv)   92,028    10,218 
Income from derivatives (v)   (10,504)   106 
Unrealized income from derivatives (vi)   (44,445)   (2,849)
    21,653    4,431 


26.Earnings per share


   September 30,
   September 30,
Net profit attributed to controlling shareholders   75,654    40,576 
Weighted average number of common shares issued   59,342    53,802 
Effect from dilution – shares (in thousands)   521    338 
Weighted average number of common shares issued adjusted by the dilution effect   59,863    54,140 
Basic earnings per share   1.2749    0.7542 
Diluted earnings per share   1.2638    0.7495 



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


27.Provision for legal claims


The Company and its subsidiaries are involved in civil, labor, environmental and tax lawsuits and administrative proceedings. The provision for probable losses arising from these lawsuits are determined and updated by management, supported by the opinion of the Company’s external legal advisors.


Probable risks


   Labor   Civil   Environ.   Total 
At June 30, 2020   1,018    67    400    1,485 
Additions   382    -    -    382 
Monetary variation   32    2    4    38 
Reversal/payments   (299)   (69)   (2)   (370)
At September 30, 2020   1,133    -    402    1,535 


Possible risks


The Company and its subsidiaries are parties to legal suits of civil, labor, environmental and tax natures, and administrative tax proceedings for which no provisions were set up, since they involve risk of loss classified as possible by the Company and its external legal advisors. The contingencies are as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
Civil   9,681    9,532 
Tax   4,534    4,511 
Labor   1,840    3,389 
Environmental   193    193 
    16,248    17,625 


Judicial deposits


   September 30,
   June 30,
Labor   377    378 
Tax   1,182    1,178 
Civil   150    150 
(Note 7)   1,709    1,706 




a)Contracts of sugarcane supply between BrasilAgro and Brenco


For the period ended September 30, 2020, net sugarcane sales of BrasilAgro to Brenco came to R$46.9 million, representing 21.1% of the Company’s total net revenue.


   September 30,
   September 30,
   Amount   Number
Net revenue from sugarcane   438,956    46,852    477,626    49,290 


The price of sugarcane ton delivered was calculated on Total Sugar Recoverable (ATR) assessed on the sales date.


There is a future balance of sugarcane to be delivered, the estimated quantity and amounts of which are difficult to be established considering the scenarios of fluctuating market value and crop productivity.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)


b)Sugarcane agricultural partnership agreement (IV)


On February 7, 2017, the Company entered into an agricultural partnership agreement involving a property in São Raimundo das Mangabeiras, in the state of Maranhão, named Partnership IV.


The agreement deals with sugarcane supply, in which the parties aim to regulate the price and conditions of supply, as well as the obligations of each party in a cyclical system, which involves the need to supply sugarcane, in a certain delivery frequency and schedule that is consistent with buyer’s receipt and production capacity.


For the period ended September 30, 2020, net sugarcane sales to Partnership IV came to R$50.9 million, representing 22.9% of the Company’s total net revenue.


   September 30,
   September 30,
   Amount   Quantity
Gross sugarcane sales Partnership IV   527,072    50,871    514,510    42,646 


29.Transactions with related parties


   September 30,
   June 30,
Current assets        
Accounts receivable   -    - 
Dividends receivable (a)   -    - 
Helmir (b)   443    314 
Cresud (b)   261    176 
Other (d)   212    211 
    916    701 
Noncurrent assets          
Other (d)   1,519    1,511 
    1,519    1,511 
Current liabilities – trade accounts payable          
Accounts payable – Cresca (c)   1,732    1,724 
Cresud (b)   830    814 
Moroti   -    - 
Other   319    311 
    2,881    2,849 


a)Dividends receivable from its subsidiaries Jaborandi, Araucária, Cajueiro, Mogno and Ceibo, in the amounts of R$85,483, R$7,445, R$500, R$5,251 and R$5,000, respectively;


b)Expenses and revenue related to Due Diligence of new acquisitions and implementation of the budget and controls system and reimbursement of general expenses;


c)Acquisition of biological assets and other items related to the Palmeiras operation;


d)The amounts substantially refer to the total shares exercised under the Second and Third Programs, as detailed in Note 19.



BrasilAgro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas


Notes to the interim condensed consolidated financial statements

September 30, 2020

(In thousands of reais, unless otherwise stated)




The Company and its subsidiaries maintain (i) civil liability insurance for all employees working at the farms, (ii) insurance for machinery, (iii) life insurance for all the employees, as well as (iv) insurance for Directors and Officers (D&O) and for other Board members. The coverage amount is considered sufficient by management to cover risks, if any, over its assets and/or liabilities. The Company assessed the risk of farm buildings and facilities owned by the Group, as well as its inventories and biological assets, concluding that there is no need for other types of insurance due to low likelihood of risks.


Below is the table of the liabilities covered by insurance and the related amounts at September 30, 2020:


Insurance type  Coverage R$ 
Civil liability (D&O)   20,000 
Civil, professional and general liability   10,641 
Machinery/Automobiles   16,532 
Fire/lightning/explosion/electrical damage   7,262 
Rural multi-risk   21,400 







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: January 25, 2021  
  By: /s/ Gustavo Javier Lopez
    Name: Gustavo Javier Lopez

Administrative Officer and

Investor Relations Officer