EX-99.3 4 v452994_ex99-3.htm EXHIBIT 99.3


Exhibit 99.3


DHX Media Ltd.


Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)





November 14, 2016


Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting


The accompanying unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements of DHX Media Ltd. (the “Company”) are the responsibility of management and have been approved by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (the “Board”). The Board is responsible for ensuring that management fulfills its responsibilities for financial reporting and is ultimately responsible for reviewing and approving the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements. The Board carries out this responsibility through its Audit Committee. The Audit Committee reviews the Company’s unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements and recommends their approval by the Board.


The Audit Committee is appointed by the Board and all of its members are independent directors. It meets with the Company’s management and reviews internal control and financial reporting matters to ensure that management is properly discharging its responsibilities before submitting the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements to the Board for approval.


The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. When alternative methods of accounting exist, management has chosen those it deems most appropriate in the circumstances. The consolidated financial statements include amounts based on informed judgments and estimates of the expected effects of current events and transactions with appropriate consideration to materiality. In addition, in preparing the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements, management must make determinations as to the relevancy of information to be included, and make estimates and assumptions that affect reported information. Actual results in the future may differ materially from our present assessment of this information because future events and circumstances may not occur as expected.


(signed) “Dana Landry”   (signed) “Keith Abriel”
Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer
Halifax, Nova Scotia   Halifax, Nova Scotia





DHX Media Ltd.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at September 30, 2016 and June 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Current assets          
Cash and cash equivalents   71,363    80,446 
Amounts receivable (note 4)   179,865    184,292 
Prepaid expenses and other   10,591    7,779 
Investment in film and television programs (notes 3 and 5)   162,880    239,752 
    424,699    512,269 
Long-term amounts receivable (note 4)   13,101    20,753 
Deferred financing fees   481    526 
Acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)   91,437     
Property and equipment   19,894    17,683 
Intangible assets   141,480    144,610 
Goodwill   205,109    205,342 
    896,201    901,183 
Current liabilities          
Bank indebtedness (note 7)   4,251     
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   117,211    128,444 
Deferred revenue   34,942    27,605 
Interim production financing (note 7)   90,404    92,003 
Current portion of long-term debt and obligations under finance leases (note 7)   11,395    11,567 
    258,203    259,619 
Long-term debt and obligations under finance leases (note 7)   277,956    280,506 
Other liabilities   12,144    15,010 
Deferred income taxes (note 9)   9,206    9,213 
    557,509    564,348 
Shareholders’ Equity   338,692    336,835 
    896,201    901,183 
Commitments and contingencies (note 13)          


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.





DHX Media Ltd.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the three month periods ended September 30, 2016 and 2015

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)


Balance - June 30, 2015   236,757    15,756    (8,355)   17,796    261,954 
Net income for the period               7,524    7,524 
Other comprehensive loss for the period           (3,830)       (3,830)
Comprehensive income for the period           (3,830)   7,524    3,694 
Shares issued pursuant to the employee share purchase plan ("ESPP")   69                69 
Dividends declared               (1,784)   (1,784)
Share-based compensation       1,091            1,091 
Balance - September 30, 2015   236,826    16,847    (12,185)   23,536    265,024 
Balance - June 30, 2016   302,828    20,488    (20,286)   33,805    336,835 
Net income for the period               1,372    1,372 
Other comprehensive income for the period           1,356        1,356 
Comprehensive income for the period           1,356    1,372    2,728 
Shares issued pursuant to the ESPP   50                50 
Stock options exercised   46    (13)           33 
Dividends declared               (2,244)   (2,244)
Share-based compensation       1,290            1,290 
Balance - September 30, 2016   302,924    21,765    (18,930)   32,933    338,692 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.





DHX Media Ltd.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Income

For the three month periods ended September 30, 2016 and 2015

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars, except for amounts per share)


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Revenues (note 17)   53,834    63,910 
Expenses (note 11)          
Direct production costs and expense of film and television produced   22,650    31,451 
Amortization of acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)   3,301     
Amortization of property and equipment and intangible assets   3,825    3,216 
Development expenses and other   626    1,139 
Selling, general and administrative   17,643    17,276 
Finance expense (note 10)   5,742    6,123 
Finance income (note 10)   (1,952)   (4,186)
    51,835    55,019 
Income before income taxes   1,999    8,891 
Provision for (recovery of) income taxes          
Current income taxes (note 9)   535    3,850 
Deferred income taxes (note 9)   92    (2,483)
    627    1,367 
Net income for the period   1,372    7,524 
Basic earnings per common share (note 15)   0.01    0.06 
Diluted earnings per common share (note 15)   0.01    0.06 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.





DHX Media Ltd.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the three months periods ended September 30, 2016 and 2015

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Net income for the period   1,372    7,524 
Other comprehensive income (loss)          
Items that will be subsequently reclassified to the statement of income          
Cumulative translation adjustment   1,356    (3,830)
Comprehensive income for the period   2,728    3,694 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.





DHX Media Ltd.

Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the three month periods ended September 30, 2016 and 2015

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars)


   September 30,   September 30, 
   2016   2015 
   $   $ 
Cash provided by (used in) Operating activities          
Net income for the period   1,372    7,524 
Charges (credits) not involving cash          
Amortization of property and equipment   992    1,016 
Amortization of intangible assets   2,833    2,200 
Amortization of acquired and library content   3,301     
Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain)   1,995    (3,193)
Amortization of deferred financing fees   356    419 
Accretion on tangible benefit obligation   189    228 
Share-based compensation   1,290    1,091 
Amortization of debt premium   56    7 
Movement in the fair value of embedded derivatives   (1,775)   1,500 
Deferred tax expense (recovery)   92    (2,483)
Net investment in film and television programs (note 16)   (18,695)   (30,708)
Net change in non-cash balances related to operations (note 16)   2,980    10,144 
Cash provided by (used in) operating activities   (5,014)   (12,255)
Financing activities          
Proceeds from issuance of common shares related to ESPP and options exercised   83    69 
Proceeds from bank indebtedness   4,251    4,500 
Repayments of interim production financing   (1,599)   (5,951)
Repayment of long-term debt and obligations under finance leases   (2,890)   (3,430)
Cash used in financing activities   (155)   (4,812)
Investing activities          
Acquisition of property and equipment   (2,260)   (478)
Acquisition/cost of intangible assets   (1,816)   (411)
Cash used in investing activities   (4,076)   (889)
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash   162    559 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents during the period   (9,083)   (17,397)
Cash and cash equivalents - Beginning of period   80,446    42,907 
Cash and cash equivalents - End of period   71,363    25,510 


The accompanying notes form an integral part of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


1Nature of business


DHX Media Ltd. (the “Company”) is a public company, and the ultimate parent, whose common shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), admitted on May 19, 2006, under the symbols DHX.A and DHX.B. On June 23, 2015, the Company commenced trading its Variable Voting Shares on the NASDAQ Global Trading Market (“NASDAQ”) under the symbol DHXM. The Company, incorporated on February 12, 2004 under the laws of the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada, and continued on April 25, 2006 under the Canada Business Corporation Act, develops, produces and distributes films and television programs for the domestic and international market, broadcasts films and television programs for the domestic markets, as well, the Company manages copyrights, licensing and brands for third parties. The address of the Company’s head office is 1478 Queen Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3J 2H7.


2Basis of preparation


The Company prepares its consolidated financial statements (the “financial statements”) in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) as set out in the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada Handbook - Accounting - Part 1 (“CPA Canada Handbook”), which incorporates International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”).


These financial statements are in compliance with the International Accounting Standards 34, Interim Financial Reporting ("IAS 34") Accordingly, certain information included in annual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS, issued by IASB, have been omitted or condensed. The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IAS 34, requires the use of critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise judgement in applying the Company's accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the financial statements, have been set out in note 3 of the Company's annual consolidated statements for the year ended June 30, 2016, except for the critical judgments and estimation involved in the adoption of the amendments to IAS 38, Intangible Assets, effective July 1, 2016, which is described in Note 3 to these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements. The financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company's annual financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2016.


These financial statements include all adjustments, composed of normal recurring adjustments, considered necessary by management to fairly state the Company’s results of operations, financial position and cash flows.


These financial statements have been authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors on November 14, 2016.


3Significant accounting policies, judgments and estimation uncertainty


Except as otherwise noted hereunder, these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the same policies and methods as the annual consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2016.  Refer to note 3 of the Company's financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2016 for disclosure on new accounting standards issued and amendments not yet effective.  With the exception of the adoption of the amendments to IAS 38, Intangible Assets, there has been no change to management’s assessment of impact and related disclosures.


Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to expected total annual profit or loss.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


3Significant accounting policies, judgments and estimation uncertainty (continued)

Investment in film and television programs / Acquired and library content


Effective July 1, 2016, the Company adopted the amendment to IAS 38, Intangible Assets, which restricts the use of revenue-based amortization.  Previously, the Company’s policy was to expense investment in  film and television programs using a revenue-based model.  In adopting the amendment, the Company has separated its investment in film and television programs into two categories: productions completed and released and acquired and library content.  Productions completed and released consist of all productions that have current active production or have had recent active production.  This category will continue to be accounted for as inventory and classified as short-term.  Acquired and library content consists of acquired content and library assets that have been transferred from productions completed and released.  This category will be accounted for as an intangible asset and presented separately.   Productions completed and released are expensed using a declining balance method at rates ranging from 50 - 90% at the time of initial episodic delivery and at rates ranging from 10 - 25% annually, which are recognized over the year as the underlying rights are consumed, thereafter.  Acquired and library content is amortized using a declining balance method at rates ranging from 10 - 20% annually.  The amendment to IAS 38 has been adopted on a prospective basis.


4Amounts receivable

   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Trade receivables   93,409    89,746 
Less: Provision for impairment of trade receivables   (6,842)   (6,459)
    86,567    83,287 
Goods and services tax recoverable, net   943    1,144 
Federal and provincial film tax credits and other government assistance   92,355    99,861 
Short-term amounts receivable   179,865    184,292 
Long-term amounts receivable   13,101    20,753 
Total amounts receivable   192,966    205,045 


The aging of trade receivables not impaired is as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Less than 60 days   73,009    74,173 
Between 60 and 90 days   4,622    1,222 
Over 90 days   8,936    7,892 
    86,567    83,287 


The Company does not have security over these balances. All impaired trade receivables are older than 90 days.


Trade receivables, goods and services taxes recoverable and federal and provincial film tax credits and other government assistance are provided for based on estimated recoverable amounts as determined by using a combination of historical default experience, any changes to credit quality and management estimates. Goods and services taxes recoverable and other government assistance do not contain any significant uncertainty.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


4Amounts receivable (continued)


Provision for impairment of trade receivables:


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Opening balance   6,459    5,798 
Provision for receivables   476    2,761 
Receivables written off during the period       (1,039)
Exchange differences   (93)   (1,061)
Closing balance   6,842    6,459 


5Investment in film and television programs


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Development costs   2,091    1,440 
Productions in progress          
Cost, net of government and third party assistance and third party participation   34,980    25,061 
Productions completed and released          
Cost, net of government and third party assistance and third party participation   435,130    429,234 
Accumulated expense   (322,152)   (319,139)
Accumulated write-down of investment in film and television programs   (9,954)   (9,954)
Transfer to acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)   (25,303)    
    77,721    100,141 
Acquired participation rights - theatrical and non-theatrical          
Cost   123,361    123,361 
Accumulated expense   (53,926)   (53,926)
Transfer to acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)   (69,435)    
Program and film rights - broadcasting          
Cost   115,100    104,816 
Accumulated expense   (67,012)   (61,141)
    48,088    43,675 
    162,880    239,752 


All program and film rights - broadcasting, noted above, relate to DHX Television.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


5Investment in film and television programs (continued)


The continuity of investment in film and television programs is as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Net opening investment in film and television programs   239,752    194,226 
Increase (decrease) in development costs   651    150 
Cost of productions (completed and released and productions in progress), net of government assistance and third party contributions   16,644    91,366 
Expense of investment in film and television programs   (3,013)   (75,184)
Write-down in value of certain investment in film and television programs       (1,750)
Increase of program and film rights - broadcasting   10,284    58,810 
Expense of program and film rights - broadcasting   (5,871)   (23,305)
Transfer to acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)   (94,738)    
Exchange differences   (829)   (4,561)
    162,880    239,752 


During the three months ended September 30, 2016 interest of $1,085 (2015 - $798) has been capitalized to investment in film and television programs.


Consolidated Structured Entities


To facilitate the production of two television series (the “Productions”), the Company has entered into two production financing structures whereby entities, in which the Company has no direct ownership interest, will complete the Productions. The Company, through contractual agreements, has creative control of the Productions and must fund any overspend on the Productions. Therefore, the Company has the ability to direct the relevant activities of the entities and can use its power to affect the amount of returns it obtains. Consequently, the Company controls these entities and consolidates them. The underlying assets of the entities at September 30, 2016 were investment in film and television programs, cash, amounts receivable and account payable and liabilities are included in the Company’s consolidated results and totalled assets of $15,746 and liabilities of $15,746 (June 30, 2016 - $18,615 and $18,615 respectively).


6Acquired and library content


   September 30,
Transfer from investment in film and television programs   94,738 
Amortization   (3,301)





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


7Bank indebtedness, interim production financing, long-term debt and obligations under finance leases


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Bank indebtedness   4,251     
Interim production financing   90,404    92,003 
Long-term debt and obligations under finance leases   289,351    292,073 
Interest bearing debt and obligations under finance leases   384,006    384,076 
Amount due within 12 months   (106,050)   (103,570)
Amount due beyond 12 months   277,956    280,506 


Effective July 31, 2014 and commensurate with the closing of the Company’s acquisition of DHX Television, the Company entered into an amended and restated senior secured credit agreement (the “Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Agreement”) with a syndicate of lenders, which amended the existing terms of the Company’s senior secured credit facility.


All amounts borrowed pursuant to the Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Agreement are guaranteed by the Company and certain of its subsidiaries (the “Guarantors”). A first priority security interest in respect of all of the capital stock of certain of the subsidiaries of DHX Media Ltd. has been provided in favour of the syndicate of lenders, as well as all present and after acquired real and personal property of the Guarantors.


a)Bank indebtedness


The Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Agreement provides for a revolving facility (the “Amended Revolving Facility”) and a term facility (the “Amended Term Facility”). The Amended Revolving Facility is available to a maximum amount of $30,000, maturing on July 31, 2019. The Amended Revolving Facility may be drawn down by way of either $CDN bankers acceptances, $CDN prime, $USD base rate, $USD, €EUR and/or £GBP LIBOR advances (the “Drawdown Rate”) and bears interest at a floating rate ranging from the Drawdown Rate + 1.25% to the Drawdown Rate + 4.50% of the outstanding Amended Revolving Facility.


As at September 30, 2016, the Company had undrawn bank indebtedness of $25,749 available.


b)Interim production financing


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Interim production credit facilities with various institutions, bearing interest at bank prime plus 0.5% - 1.0%.  Assignment and direction of specific production financing, licensing contracts receivable and film tax credits receivable with a net book value of approximately $122,990 at September 30, 2016 (June 30, 2016 - $131,169).   90,404    92,003 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


7Bank indebtedness, interim production financing, long-term debt and obligations under finance leases (continued)


b)Interim production financing (continued)


As of September 30, 2016, the Company had $9,502 (June 30, 2016 - $8,477) in undrawn interim production financing pursuant to an agreement entered into on August 5, 2014 with CIBC Commercial Banking to provide a $20,000 demand revolving loan, available by way of an unlimited number of individual loans (the “Segment Loans”) made to finance production expenses related to eligible productions (the “Eligible Productions”). The Segment Loans may be drawn down in either Canadian dollars or US dollars and bear interest of $CDN prime plus 0.75% or $USD base rate plus 0.75%, respectively. Each Segment Loan is secured by the tangible and intangible assets of each Eligible Production, assignment and direction of production financing contracts and tax credits and a subordinated, unsecured guarantee from DHX Media Ltd.


During the three months ended September 30, 2016, the $CDN bank prime rate averaged 2.70% (year ended June 30, 2016 - 2.71%).


Federal and provincial film tax credits receivable (see note 4) are provided as security for the interim production financing. Upon collection of the film tax credits, the related interim production financing is repaid, as required by the financing agreement.


c)Long-term debt and obligations under capital leases


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Amended Term Facility entered into pursuant to the Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Facility Agreement, (note 7 (c)(i)), net of unamortized issuance costs of $1,240 (June 30, 2016 - $1,692)   66,387    67,578 
Senior Unsecured Notes net of issuance costs, fair value of the Redemption Option and the unamortized premium of $5,011 (June 30, 2016 - $5,180) (note 7 (c)(ii))   218,379    219,928 
Obligations under various finance leases, bearing interest at rates ranging from 4.0% to 9.8%, maturing on dates ranging from October 2016 to February 2019   4,585    4,567 
    289,351    292,073 
Less: Current portion   (11,395)   (11,567)
    277,956    280,506 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


7Bank indebtedness, interim production financing, long-term debt and obligations under finance leases (continued)


c)Long-term debt and obligations under capital leases (continued)


(i)Amended Term Facility


The Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Agreement entered into on July 31, 2014, commensurate with the closing of the Company’s acquisition of DHX Television, provided for an Amended Term Facility with an initial principal amount of up to $235,000, maturing on July 31, 2019.


Effective November 13, 2014, commensurate with the closing of the Company’s acquisition of the Echo Bridge assets, the Amended Term Facility was amended to include an additional principal amount of US$12,000, maturing on July 31, 2019.


During the year ended June 30, 2015, and in conjunction with the initial issuance (the "Initial Issuance") of the senior unsecured notes ("Senior Unsecured Notes" or "Notes") (note 7 (c) (ii)), the Company made a principal repayment on the Amended Term Facility of $151,760 and, accordingly, recognized a debt extinguishment charge of $3,913, being a portion of the previously unamortized debt issue costs at the time of repayment.


Effective December 23, 2014, commensurate with the closing of the Company’s acquisition of Nerd Corps, the Amended Term Facility was amended to include an additional principal amount of $20,000, maturing on July 31, 2019.


Effective December 31, 2015, the Amended Term Facility was amended to include additional principal amounts of $20,000 and US$20,000, maturing on July 31, 2019.


During the year ended June 30, 2016, and in conjunction with the additional issuance (the "Additional Issuance") of the Senior Unsecured Notes, the Company made a principal repayment on the Amended Term Facility of $47,016 and, accordingly recognized a debt extinguishment charge of $1,364, being a portion of the previously unamortized debt issue costs at the time of the principal repayment.


The Amended Term Facility is repayable in annual amortization payments (as a percentage of the principal amount of the Amended Term Facility) of 10% annually, payable in equal quarterly installments, which commenced on December 31, 2014, with the remaining balance due on maturity, which is July 31, 2019.


The Amended Term Facility may be drawn down by way of the Drawdown Rate and bears interest at a floating rate ranging from the Drawdown Rate + 1.25% to + 4.50%. All amounts borrowed pursuant to the Senior Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Agreement are guaranteed by the Guarantors. A first priority security interest in respect of all of the capital stock of certain of the subsidiaries of DHX Media Ltd. has been provided in favour of the syndicate of lenders, as well as all present and after acquired real and personal property of the Guarantors of the Amended Term Facility outstanding.


As at September 30, 2016, the Amended Term Facility is fully drawn, and the amount payable in US dollars was US$29,962 (June 30, 2016 - US$30,998); the remainder of the Amended Term Facility is payable in Canadian dollars.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


7Bank indebtedness, interim production financing, long-term debt and obligations under finance leases (continued)


c)Long-term debt and obligations under capital leases (continued)


The Senior Secured Credit Facilities require that the Company comply with certain financial ratios, including but not limited to:


Leverage Ratio, defined as net funded debt (the total of all obligations for borrowed money which bear interest or imputed interest, net of all non-production cash, excluding interim production financing, all capital lease obligations, and any contingent liabilities (“Net Funded Debt”) to consolidated adjusted EBITDA (rolling consolidated adjusted EBITDA, pro-forma last 12 months) less foreign exchange gains or losses on intercompany debt, production-related EBITDA and certain acquisition costs), which must be maintained at less than 3.50.
The Fixed Charge Ratio, defined as consolidated adjusted EBITDA less current income taxes and unfunded capital expenditures to fixed charges (consolidated interest expense and scheduled principal payments on Funded Debt) which must be maintained at greater than 1.5.


As at September 30, 2016, the Company is in compliance with these ratios.


(ii)Senior Unsecured Notes


On December 2, 2014, the Company completed the Initial Issuance, via private placement, of Senior Unsecured Notes due on December 2, 2021, with an aggregate principal amount of $175,000, at a price of $1,000 per $1,000 of principal. The Senior Unsecured Notes bear interest at a rate of 5.875% per annum, payable semi-annually in arrears on June 2 and December 2 of each year until maturity. The first interest payment was paid on June 2, 2015. The Senior Unsecured Notes are guaranteed by the Company and certain of its subsidiaries and are unsecured obligation. The net proceeds of $169,760 from the Initial Issuance of the Senior Unsecured Notes were used to repay debt under the Company's Amended and Restated Senior Secured Credit Agreement, with $18,000 being repaid on the Amended Revolving Facility and $151,760 being repaid on the Amended Term Facility.


On May 13, 2016, the Company completed the Additional Issuance, via private placement, of the Senior Unsecured Notes due on December 2, 2021, with an aggregate principal amount of $50,000 at a price of $975 per $1,000 of principal. The net proceeds of $47,016 from the Additional Issuance of the Senior Unsecured Notes were used to pay debt under the Company's Amended Term Facility.


As at September 30, 2016, the outstanding principal amount due on the Senior Unsecured Notes was $225,000 (June 30, 2016 - $225,000)


The Senior Unsecured Notes contain embedded derivatives (the “Embedded Derivatives”). The Senior Unsecured Notes contain a redemption option (the "Redemption Option") whereby the Company can redeem all or part of the Senior Unsecured Notes. The Senior Unsecured Notes also contain a put option (the “Put Option”) whereby the lender can redeem all or part of the Senior Unsecured Notes upon a change of control of the Company. The Embedded Derivatives are required to be accounted for as separate embedded derivative financial instruments. On initial recognition, the Embedded Derivatives are recorded at their calculated fair values and grouped with the Senior Unsecured Notes. The Embedded Derivatives are adjusted to their fair values at each reporting date and any change in fair value is recorded within finance income/expense in the consolidated statement of income (note 10).


On initial recognition, the carrying value of the Senior Unsecured Notes was reduced by the net fair value of the Embedded Derivatives, and is amortized over the term of the Senior Unsecured Notes.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


7Bank indebtedness, interim production financing, long-term debt and obligations under finance leases (continued)


c)Long-term debt and obligations under capital leases (continued)


The Notes contain non-financial covenants and customary events of default clauses. As of September 30, 2016, the Company was in compliance with the covenants under the Notes.


(iii)Principal repayments and undrawn borrowing facilities


The aggregate amount of principal repayments required in each of the next five years is as follows:


Year ended June 30, 2017     8,946 
2018     11,077 
2019     10,202 
2020     41,901 
2021 and beyond     225,004 


8Share capital and contributed surplus


Common shares


The common shares of the Company are inclusive of Common Voting Shares, Variable Voting Shares and Non-Voting Shares. As at September 30, 2016, the Company had 109,070,336 Common Voting Shares, 24,721,421 Variable Voting Shares and nil Non-Voting Shares issued and Outstanding.


During the three months ended September 30, 2016, the Company issued 7,028 common shares, at an average price of $6.98 as part of the Company’s employee share purchase plan.


During the three months ended September 30, 2016, 10,000 common shares were issued out of treasury at an average price of $3.31 upon exercise of stock options.




During the three months ended September 30, 2016, 10,000 stock options were exercised at an average price of $3.31 per share for total proceeds of $33.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


9Income taxes


Significant components of the Company’s net deferred income tax liability as at September 30, 2016 and June 30, 2016 are as follows:


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Broadcast licenses   (8,984)   (8,984)
Tangible benefit obligation   2,403    3,133 
Leasehold inducement   123    123 
Foreign tax credits   85    85 
Participation payables and finance lease obligations and other liabilities   64    64 
Property and equipment   (1,450)   (1,417)
Share issuance costs and deferred financing fees   1,377    1,526 
Investment in film and television programs   (11,345)   (11,558)
Intangible assets   (6,607)   (7,161)
Non-capital losses and other   15,128    14,976 
Net deferred income tax liability   (9,206)   (9,213)


Deferred income tax liabilities have not been recognized for the withholding tax and other taxes that would be payable on unremitted earnings of certain subsidiaries, as such amounts are permanently reinvested. Unremitted earnings totalled $30,326 at September 30, 2016 (June 30, 2016 - $31,498).


The reconciliation of income taxes computed at the statutory tax rates to income tax expense (recovery) is as follows:


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Income tax expense based on combined federal and provincial tax rates of 31% (September 30, 2015 - 31%)   620    2,757 
Income taxes increased (reduced) by:          
Share-based compensation   400    338 
Tax rate differential   (578)   (1,165)
Other   185    (563)
Provision for income taxes   627    1,367 


The Company operates in multiple jurisdictions with differing tax rates. The Company’s effective tax rates are dependent on the jurisdiction to which income relates.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


10Finance income and finance expense


Finance income and finance expense are comprised of the following:


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Finance income          
Interest income   177    84 
Net foreign exchange gain       4,102 
Movement in fair value of the Embedded Derivatives on the Senior Unsecured Notes (note 7)   1,775     
    1,952    4,186 
Finance expense          
Interest expense on bank indebtedness   27    89 
Accretion of tangible benefit obligation   189    228 
Interest on long-term debt, obligations under finance leases and other   4,442    4,299 
Movement in fair value of the Embedded Derivatives on the Senior Unsecured Notes (note 7)       1,500 
Amortization of debt premium on Senior Unsecured Notes (note 7)   56    7 
Net foreign exchange loss   1,028     
    5,742    6,123 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


11Expenses by nature and employee benefit expense


The following sets out the expenses by nature:


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Investment in film and television programs          
Direct production and new media costs   13,766    4,398 
Expense of film and television programs   3,013    14,871 
Expense of film and broadcast rights for broadcasting   5,871    8,980 
Expense of acquired library       3,202 
Development expenses and other   626    1,139 
Amortization of acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)   3,301     
Office and administrative   6,427    6,544 
Finance expense, net   3,790    1,937 
Investor relations and marketing   372    224 
Professional and regulatory   982    1,227 
Amortization of property and equipment and intangible assets   3,825    3,216 
    41,973    45,738 


The following sets out the components of employee benefits expense:                


Salaries and employee benefits   8,572    8,190 
Share-based compensation   1,290    1,091 
    9,862    9,281 
    51,835    55,019 


12Financial instruments


Financial instruments recorded at fair value on the consolidated balance sheet are classified using a fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. The value hierarchy has the following levels:


Level 1 - valuation based on quoted prices observed in active markets for identical assets and liabilities.
Level 2 - valuation techniques based on inputs that are quoted prices of similar instruments in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active; inputs other than quoted prices used in a valuation model that are observable for that instrument, and inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means.
Level 3 - valuation techniques with significant unobservable market inputs.


A financial instrument is classified to the lowest of the hierarchy for which a significant input has been considered in measuring fair value.


Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time based on relevant market information. These are estimates and involve uncertainties and matters of significant judgment and cannot be determined with precision. Change in assumptions and estimates could significantly affect fair values.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


12Financial instruments (continued)


Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value


   As at 
   September 30, 2016   June 30, 2016 
   Fair value
   Fair value
   Fair value
   Fair value
Embedded Derivatives (2)   Level 2    (193)   Level 2    (1,968)
Foreign currency forwards(3)   Level 2    58    Level 2    (182)


(1) The Company values its derivatives using valuations that are calibrated to the initial trade prices.  Subsequent valuations are based on observable inputs to the valuation model.
(2) The fair values of the Embedded Derivatives are determined using valuation models.
(3) The fair value of forward currency contracts is determined using prevailing exchange rates.


Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value


The carrying amounts reported on the financial statements for cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables and accounts payable and accrued liabilities all approximate their fair values due to their immediate or short-term nature. Bank indebtedness was renegotiated during the previous year to reflect current interest rates; therefore, management believes the carrying amounts also approximate their fair values.


The following table summarizes the fair value and carrying value of other financial assets and liabilities that are not recognized at fair value on a recurring basis on the consolidated balance sheets:


   As at 
   September 30, 2016   June 30, 2016 
   Fair value
   Fair value
Amended Term Facility (1)   Level 2    (66,387)   (66,387)   Level 2    (67,578)   (67,578)
Senior Secured Notes (2)   Level 2    (226,125)   (218,379)   Level 2    (221,625)   (219,928)
Obligations under finance leases (3)   Level 2    (4,585)   (4,585)   Level 2    (4,567)   (4,567)
Interim production financing (4)   Level 2    (90,404)   (90,404)   Level 2    (92,003)   (92,003)
Other liabilities (5)   Level 3    (12,144)   (12,144)   Level 3    (15,010)   (15,010)


(1) The interest rates on the Amended Term Facility resets every 90 days; therefore, the fair value, using a market approach approximates the carrying value.
(2) Management estimates the fair value using a market approach, based on publicly disclosed trades between arm's length parties.
(3) Management estimates the fair value using a discounted cash flow analysis, based on discount rates that reflect current conditions.
(4) Interim production financing bears interest rates at variable rates, therefore management believes the fair value approximates the carrying value.
(5) The fair value of other liabilities, which includes the tangible benefit obligation and the long-term portion of certain other contractual liabilities, was estimated based on discounting the expected future cash flows at 6%.  The key unobservable assumptions in calculating the fair value are the timing of the payments over the next five years related to the tangible benefit obligation included in other liabilities, and the discount rate used for discounting the other liabilities.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


13Commitments and contingencies




The Company has entered into various operating leases for operating premises and equipment. The future aggregate minimum payments are as follows:


Year ended June 30, 2017     5,875 
2018     7,585 
2019     6,174 
2020     4,997 
Beyond 2020     27,881 


The Company has entered into various contracts to buy broadcast rights with future commitments totalling $38,559.




The Company is, from time-to-time, involved in various claims, legal proceedings and complaints arising in the normal course of business and as such, provisions have been recorded where appropriate. Management does not believe that the final determination of these claims will have a material adverse effect on the financial position or results of operations of the Company. The maximum exposure at September 30, 2016, related to the above matters is estimated at $400.


14Capital disclosures


The Company’s objectives when managing capital are to provide an adequate return to shareholders, safeguard its assets, maintain a competitive cost structure and continue as a going concern in order to pursue the development, production, distribution and licensing of its film and television properties and broadcast operations. During the three months ended September 30, 2016, the Company declared dividends totalling $2,408 (September 30, 2015 - $1,862), of which the cash portion is accrued in these financial statements and paid subsequent to September 30, 2016. The balance of the Company’s cash is being used to maximize ongoing development and growth effort.


The Company’s capital is summarized in the table below:


   September 30,
   June 30,
   $   $ 
Total bank indebtedness, long-term debt and obligations under capital leases   293,602    292,073 
Less: Cash   (71,363)   (80,446)
Net debt   222,239    211,627 
Total Shareholders’ equity   338,692    336,835 
    560,931    548,462 


To facilitate the management of its capital structure, the Company prepares annual expenditure operating budgets that are updated as necessary depending on various factors including industry conditions and operating cash flow. The annual and updated budgets are reviewed by the Board of Directors.





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


15Earnings per common share




Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net income by the weighted average number of common shares in issue during the period.


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Net income   1,372    7,524 
Weighted average number of common shares   133,787,883    123,987,381 
Basic earnings per share   0.01    0.06 




Diluted earnings per common share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of common shares outstanding to assume conversion of all potentially dilutive instruments which are convertible into common shares. The Company has two categories of potentially dilutive instruments which are convertible into common shares: stock options and warrants. For both the stock options and the warrants, a calculation is completed to determine the number of common shares that could have been acquired at fair value (determined as the average market price of the Company’s outstanding common shares for the period), based on the monetary value of the subscription rights attached to the stock options and warrants. The number of shares calculated above is compared with the number of shares that would have been issued assuming exercises of the warrants and stock options.


For the three months ended September 30, 2016 the weighted average number of potentially dilutive instruments, comprised of shares issuable in respect of warrants and stock options, was 941,691 (September 30, 2015 - 2,302,456).


   Three months ended 
   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Net income   1,372    7,524 
Weighted average number of common shares   134,729,574    126,289,837 
Diluted earnings per share   0.01    0.06 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


16Net change in non-cash balances related to operations


   Three months ended 
   September 30,   September 30, 
   2016   2015 
   $   $ 
Decrease (increase) in amounts receivable   5,783    (3,990)
Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses and deposits   (2,812)   3,412 
Decrease (increase) in long-term amounts receivable   7,652    1,152 
Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities   (12,091)   19,937 
Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue   7,337    (8,274)
Tangible benefit obligation payments   (2,889)   (2,093)
    2,980    10,144 


During the period, the Company paid and received the following:


   $   $ 
Interest paid   1,863    5,942 
Interest received   177    84 
Taxes paid   3,264    2,007 


Net investment in film and television programs


   Three months ended 
   September 30,   September 30, 
   2016   2015 
   $   $ 
Decrease (increase) in development   (651)   (379)
Decrease (increase) in productions in progress   (9,919)   (2,954)
Decrease (increase) in productions completed and released   (6,725)   (29,349)
Expense of film and television programs   3,013    14,871 
Expense of acquired library       3,202 
Decrease (increase) in program and film rights - broadcasting   (10,284)   (25,079)
Expense of film and broadcast rights for broadcasting   5,871    8,980 
    (18,695)   (30,708)


Cash and cash equivalents


   September 30,   June 30, 
   2016   2016 
   $   $ 
Cash   60,462    69,725 
Cash equivalents   10,901    10,721 
    71,363    80,446 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


17Revenues and segmented information


The Company operates production entities and offices throughout Canada, the United States and Europe. In measuring performance, the Company does not distinguish or group its production, distribution and merchandising operations ("Content Business") on a geographic basis. The Company has determined that it has three reportable segments being the Content Business, CPLG, which manages copyrights, licensing and brands for third parties and DHX Television.


   Three months ended September 30, 2016 
   $   $   $   $ 
Revenues   5,900    15,438    32,496    53,834 
Direct production cost and expenses, general and administrative expenses   3,912    10,646    25,735    40,293 
Segment profit   1,988    4,792    6,761    13,541 
Reconciliation to income before taxes                    
Amortization of property and equipment and intangible assets                  3,825 
Finance expense, net                  3,790 
Amortization of acquired and library content                  3,301 
Other expense, net                  626 
Income before income taxes                  1,999 


   As at September 30, 2016 
Non-current assets                    
Long-term amounts receivable           13,101    13,101 
Deferred financing fees           481    481 
Acquired and library content (notes 3 and 6)           91,437    91,437 
Property and equipment   318    461    19,115    19,894 
Intangible assets   7,658    72,361    61,461    141,480 
Goodwill       29,864    175,245    205,109 
    7,976    102,686    360,840    471,502 


   As at September 30, 2016 
Current liabilities                    
Bank indebtedness           4,251    4,251 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   10,564    13,260    93,387    117,211 
Deferred revenue   2,416        32,526    34,942 
Interim production financing           90,404    90,404 
Current portion of long-term debt and obligations under finance leases           11,395    11,395 
    12,980    13,260    231,963    258,203 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


17Revenues and segmented information (continued)


   Three months ended September 30, 2015 
   $   $   $   $ 
Revenues   6,707    18,820    38,383    63,910 
Direct production cost and expenses, general and administrative expenses   3,431    12,602    32,694    48,727 
Segment profit   3,276    6,218    5,689    15,183 
Reconciliation to income before taxes                    
Amortization of property and equipment and intangible assets                  3,216 
Finance expense, net                  1,937 
Other expense, net                  1,139 
Income before income taxes                  8,891 


   As at June 30, 2016 
Non-current assets                    
Long-term amounts receivable           20,753    20,753 
Deferred financing fees           526    526 
Property and equipment   323    548    16,812    17,683 
Intangible assets   8,055    72,507    64,048    144,610 
Goodwill       29,864    175,478    205,342 
    8,378    102,919    277,617    388,914 


   As at June 30, 2016 
Current liabilities                    
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities   10,778    15,762    101,904    128,444 
Deferred revenue   2,696        24,909    27,605 
Interim production financing           92,003    92,003 
Current portion of long-term debt and obligations under finance leases           11,567    11,567 
    13,474    15,762    230,383    259,619 





DHX Media Ltd.

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2016

(expressed in thousands of Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, except for amounts per share)


17Revenues and segmented information (continued)


The following table presents further components of revenue derived from the following areas:


   September 30,
   September 30,
   $   $ 
Content Business          
Production revenue   3,498    4,102 
Distribution revenue   14,682    14,030 
Merchandising and licensing and other revenue   3,902    5,947 
Producer and service fee revenue   10,414    14,304 
    32,496    38,383 
DHX Television revenue          
Subscriber revenue   13,945    16,778 
Promotion and advertising revenue   1,493    2,042 
    15,438    18,820 
Third party brand representation revenue   5,900    6,707 
    53,834    63,910 


Of the Company’s $53,834 in revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2016, (September 30, 2015 - $63,910), $37,482 was attributable to the Company’s entities based in Canada (September 30, 2015 - $44,644), $408 (September 30, 2015 -$2,283) was attributable to the Company’s entities based in the USA and $15,944 (September 30, 2015 -$16,983) was attributable to the Companies entities based outside of Canada and the USA.


As at September 30, 2016, the following non-current assets were attributable to the Company’s entities based in the USA: $82 of property and equipment, $194 of intangible assets, and $910 of goodwill (June 30, 2016 - $101, $209, and $896, respectively). As at September 30, 2016, the following non-current assets were attributable to the Company’s entities based outside of Canada and the USA: $1,700 of property and equipment, $36,478 of intangible assets and $3,803 of goodwill (June 30, 2016 - $431, $37,755, and $3,846 respectively). All other non-current assets were attributable to the Company’s entities based in Canada.


18Subsequent events


Subsequent to September 30, 2016, 20,000 options were exercised by an employee to acquire common shares for proceeds of $17.


On October 3, 2016, 1,232,400 options were issued at $7.02 per share, vesting over four years, expiring on October 2, 2023.


On December 16, 2015, the Company's Shareholders approved a Performance Share Unit Plan for eligible employees of the Company. Under the plan, performance share units ("PSU's") are granted at the discretion of the Board based on a notional equity value of the Company tied to a specified formula. The number of PSUs that vest under an each grant is dependent on time and the achievement of specific performance measures. On the vesting date, each employee will receive shares as settlement. Subsequent to September 30, 2016, 497,700 PSU's were approved for issue and distributed to employees at a price of $7.02 per unit.

