EX-99.1 2 d106659dex991.htm EX-99.1 EX-99.1

Exhibit 99.1



Cenovus finishes 2015 with strong balance sheet

Additional budget reductions planned to preserve financial resilience

Calgary, Alberta (February 11, 2016) – Cenovus Energy Inc. (TSX: CVE) (NYSE: CVE) achieved significant sustainable cost savings across its business in 2015 and further strengthened what is now one of the best balance sheets in the North American exploration and production sector. The company is planning additional measures in 2016 to help it remain financially resilient through another year of expected low crude oil and natural gas prices. These measures include reducing 2016 capital, operating and general and administrative (G&A) spending by another $400 million to $500 million.

Planned 2016 measures to maintain financial resilience

    Reduce planned capital spending by $200 million to $300 million to between $1.2 billion and $1.3 billion
    Decrease operating and G&A expenses, including workforce costs, by $200 million
    Reduce first quarter dividend by 69% to $0.05 per share

Key 2015 developments

    Exited 2015 with more than $8 billion in liquidity, including cash, cash equivalents and undrawn credit facilities, as well as a net debt to capitalization ratio of 16%
    Cut capital spending by 44% or $1.3 billion compared with 2014
    Achieved better than expected cost savings of approximately $540 million through capital, operating and G&A spending reductions
    Reduced oil sands non-fuel operating costs by 19% to $7.66/barrel (bbl) from 2014
    Reduced workforce by 24% compared with 2014 levels
    Increased 2015 proved reserves by 7% compared with 2014, while decreasing finding and development (F&D) costs by 60% to $5.31/bbl



2015 production & financial summary


(for the period ended December 31)

Production (before royalties)







   % change   


Full Year



Full Year

   % change

Oil sands (bbls/d)

   139,413    142,213    -2    140,320    128,195    9

Conventional oil1 (bbls/d)

   60,143    73,964    -19    66,627    75,298    -12

Total oil (bbls/d)

   199,556    216,177    -8    206,947    203,493    2

Natural gas (MMcf/d)

   424    479    -11    441    488    -10


($ millions, except per share amounts)


Cash flow2

   275    401    -31    1,691    3,479    -51

Per share diluted

   0.33    0.53         2.07    4.59     

Operating earnings2

   -438    -590       -403    633    -164

Per share diluted

   -0.53    -0.78         -0.49    0.84     

Net earnings

   -641    -472       618    744    -17

Per share diluted

   -0.77    -0.62         0.75    0.98     

Capital investment

   428    786    -46    1,714    3,051    -44

1 Includes natural gas liquids (NGLs).

2 Cash flow and operating earnings are non-GAAP measures as defined in the Advisory.




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In 2015, Cenovus took a number of decisive steps to improve its financial resilience and further reinforce its balance sheet. These measures have left the company in a strong position to face what it believes will be another challenging year for the energy sector with continued volatility and low commodity prices.

“By focusing on the aspects of our business that are within our control, we ended 2015 in an even stronger competitive position than we started it,” said Brian Ferguson, Cenovus President & Chief Executive Officer. “We must remain focused on maintaining our financial resilience through 2016 and beyond, ensuring that we don’t compromise the balance sheet strength we’ve worked so hard to achieve, so that we are well placed to maximize shareholder value when commodity prices improve.”

Maintaining financial resilience

To help maintain its financial position for the year ahead, Cenovus is taking a number of additional steps. These include reducing planned capital spending by $200 million to $300 million compared with the company’s original 2016 budget released in December. Cenovus now plans to spend between $1.2 billion and $1.3 billion, 27% less than in 2015 and 59% below 2014 levels. The company is also targeting additional operating and G&A cost savings of $200 million in 2016 to match expected activity levels.

Planned capital budget reductions for 2016 include lower spending at Cenovus’s Foster Creek and Christina Lake oil sands operations, its emerging oil sands assets and the company’s conventional oil business. The planned capital spending reductions are expected to have minimal impact on the company’s oil sands production for 2016, which is forecast to remain within guidance, at between 144,000 barrels per day (bbls/d) net and 157,000 bbls/d net. Cenovus plans to continue focused investment in technology development to help drive potential cost efficiencies and improvements in environmental performance.

Cenovus has identified further opportunities to reduce operating and G&A expenses by prioritizing repairs and maintenance and cancelling or deferring non-essential work, including the deferral of a scheduled turnaround at Foster Creek until 2017. The company plans to continue optimizing its processes to help realize greater efficiencies and is working with its suppliers and service providers to find additional opportunities to reduce costs and increase productivity.

In 2016, Cenovus also plans to further reduce its workforce and adjust its discretionary spending and compensation programs while continuing to focus on retaining the core capabilities and expertise needed to execute on its business plan. The company is undertaking a thorough evaluation of all its staffing costs to align total compensation with the current business environment. This includes reassessing benefits, allowances and contractor rates. Cash compensation for Cenovus’s President & Chief Executive Officer as well as the company’s four other highest paid executives was reduced in 2015 and will be reduced further in 2016. These workforce measures are expected to account for approximately 40% of the planned $200 million in 2016 operating and G&A cost savings.

Dividend update

To help preserve Cenovus’s financial resilience during this prolonged period of low oil prices, the company is reducing its dividend by 69% from the fourth quarter of 2015. For the first




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quarter of 2016, the Board of Directors has declared a dividend of $0.05 per share, payable on March 31, 2016 to common shareholders of record as of March 15, 2016. Based on the February 10, 2016 closing share price on the Toronto Stock Exchange of $13.52, this represents an annualized yield of about 1.5%. Declaration of dividends is at the sole discretion of the Board and will continue to be evaluated on a quarterly basis.

“Capital discipline and balance sheet strength will remain our top priorities in this extremely challenging oil price environment,” said Ferguson. “We now have some of the fiscal and regulatory clarity at the provincial level necessary to make decisions about future growth. However, we still require additional certainty around federal fiscal and regulatory regimes and sustained cost reductions at our operations before committing to restart deferred projects.”

Guidance update

As a result of its planned capital, operating and G&A cost reductions for 2016, Cenovus has updated its guidance for the year. The revised guidance is available at cenovus.com under “Investors.”

2015 overview

Cenovus had a strong operational year in 2015, increasing its oil sands production by 9% and growing its proved reserves by 7% compared with 2014. At the same time, the company achieved its best-ever safety performance with a total recordable injury frequency (TRIF) of 0.39, a 40% improvement from the previous year.

Balance sheet strength

With the proceeds from the sale of its royalty and fee land business in July and a bought-deal common share issuance in March, the company finished 2015 with cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet of $4.1 billion. Including the cash on hand and $4 billion in undrawn capacity under its committed credit facility, Cenovus has approximately $8 billion in liquidity available today, with no debt maturing until the fourth quarter of 2019. At the end of 2015, the company’s net debt to capitalization ratio was 16% and its net debt to adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was 1.2 times.

In 2015, Cenovus realized substantial reductions of approximately $540 million in capital, operating and G&A costs. These cost savings were more than twice the $200 million in annual savings the company had originally targeted at the beginning of 2015. Of Cenovus’s 2015 savings, approximately 60% came from operating and G&A cost improvements, while the remaining 40% came from capital cost reductions, primarily due to greater capital efficiency.

Cenovus anticipates approximately 60% of its 2015 cost savings will be sustainable over the long term. The cost reductions included savings related to improved drilling efficiency, optimized scheduling and prioritization of repair and maintenance activities as well as reduced chemical costs and better oil sands waste disposal and handling processes. About one-quarter of Cenovus’s 2015 cost savings were the result of work that has been deferred.




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Oil sands growth

Cenovus increased production from its Foster Creek and Christina Lake oil sands projects by 9% in 2015 while significantly reducing per-unit operating costs compared with the previous year. Lower operating costs were the result of decreased natural gas prices, an increase in production volumes and a decrease in facility and well maintenance expenses. Oil sands operating costs declined $3.37/bbl or 25% to $10.13/bbl in 2015. This included a 19% decrease in non-fuel operating costs to $7.66/bbl.

The year-over-year production increase was largely due to the ramp-up of new wells associated with phase F at Foster Creek as well as improved facility performance and the ramp-up of additional sustaining wells at Christina Lake.

With the new production capacity that’s recently come on stream and more nearing completion, Cenovus believes it is well positioned for when commodity prices recover. The recently completed Christina Lake optimization project is expected to ramp up through 2016. Cenovus is now concentrating on delivering its two oil sands expansion projects that are almost complete. The Foster Creek phase G and Christina Lake phase F expansions are on track with first oil from both projects anticipated in the third quarter of 2016. Together, these two expansion projects, plus the Christina Lake optimization, are expected to add approximately 100,000 bbls/d of incremental gross production capacity (50,000 bbls/d net), an increase of about 35% to Cenovus’s current oil sands production capacity.

Financial results

In 2015, the significant decrease in average benchmark commodity prices compared with 2014 resulted in a 50% decrease in Cenovus’s average crude oil sales price and a 33% decline in its average natural gas sales price. This contributed to a more than 40% decrease in the company’s 2015 operating cash flow to $2.4 billion. Upstream operating cash flow was down by nearly 50% to $2.1 billion.

Operating cash flow from refining and marketing grew by almost 80% to $385 million in 2015, primarily due to improved margins on the sale of secondary products such as coke and asphalt, the weakening of the Canadian dollar relative to the U.S. dollar and an increase in average market crack spreads. This was partially offset by higher heavy crude oil feedstock costs relative to the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) benchmark price and higher reported operating costs as a result of exchange rate fluctuation.

Leadership appointments

Cenovus is pleased to announce the hiring of Kieron McFadyen, who will be joining the company as Executive Vice-President & President, Upstream Oil & Gas on April 6. He will be responsible for all of Cenovus’s oil sands and conventional operations. McFadyen most recently held a senior position with a major international integrated oil and gas company. A mechanical engineer by training, he has acquired an impressive breadth of experience in a number of countries and in a variety of roles over his 30-year career.

“We are delighted that Kieron will be joining us,” said Ferguson. “He has a strong technical and operational background, a noteworthy track record of value creation, change leadership and stakeholder management, and will be an excellent addition to the Cenovus Leadership Team.”




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2015 and fourth quarter details

Oil sands

Christina Lake

    Production averaged 74,975 bbls/d net in 2015, 9% more than in 2014, due to incremental volumes from additional wells and improved performance of facilities.
    In the fourth quarter, production averaged 75,733 bbls/d net, a 3% increase from the same period in 2014.
    Operating costs were $8.01/bbl in 2015, a decline of 28% from 2014. Non-fuel operating costs were $5.81/bbl, 22% lower than in 2014.
    The steam to oil ratio (SOR), the amount of steam needed to produce a barrel of oil, was 1.7 in 2015, a slight improvement from 1.8 in 2014.
    Netbacks were $15.05/bbl in 2015, down 65% from 2014.
    In December 2015, Cenovus received regulatory approval from the Alberta Energy Regulator for phase H, a potential future expansion that would add 50,000 bbls/d of incremental gross production capacity.

Foster Creek

    Production averaged 65,345 bbls/d net in 2015, 10% higher than in 2014, due to the ramp-up of volumes from phase F and production from new wells. The gain was partially offset by the impact of a forest fire in the second quarter, which decreased production by approximately 2,600 bbls/d net on an annualized basis.
    Operating costs at Foster Creek decreased 23% to $12.60/bbl in 2015. Non-fuel operating costs were $9.80/bbl, an 18% decline from a year earlier.
    The SOR was 2.5 in 2015, an improvement from 2.6 in 2014.
    Netbacks were $11.74/bbl in 2015, a 74% decline from the previous year.
    New reservoir management techniques Cenovus has been working on over the past couple of years to improve wellbore conformance and well productivity at Foster Creek have yielded excellent results. These enhancements, which include downhole instrumentation and optimization work, as well as steam circulation start-up on new pads, have increased wellbore conformance at Foster Creek from between 70% to 75% previously to approximately 90%, similar to Christina Lake. The improved wellbore conformance has accelerated production from more mature wells, which has led to faster declines at those wells, as expected.
    Unrelated to the improved wellbore conformance, Foster Creek had a higher than average percentage of wells down for servicing at the end of 2015. Cenovus usually expects 3% to 4% of its wells to be down at any given time in a field the size of Foster Creek. Approximately 7% of producing well pairs were offline at the end of the year for a variety of reasons, including pump changes, instrumentation, testing of different completions, regular maintenance and some mechanical issues.
    In accordance with the company’s strategy to focus on value-driven production, Cenovus decided in 2015 not to address well outages as quickly as it would have in a higher price environment. To preserve capital, the company also chose in 2015 to defer some planned new well pads. These decisions, combined with the faster declines due to improved wellbore conformance and well productivity, contributed to lower fourth quarter volumes of 63,680 bbls/d net, a 7% decrease from the same period in 2014.




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    Cenovus expects to increase its maintenance program to return well outages to normal levels. The company plans to bring on up to seven new well pads in 2016, which is expected to increase volumes through the year. Cenovus anticipates production at Foster Creek to average between 60,000 bbls/d and 65,000 bbls/d net in the first half of 2016 and between 65,000 bbls/d and 70,000 bbls/d net in the second half of the year, exiting 2016 above 70,000 bbls/d net.
    Cenovus is focused on driving its sustaining capital and F&D costs lower. The company believes that better wellbore conformance and well productivity at both Foster Creek and Christina Lake will help reduce these costs by providing Cenovus with the potential to enhance its development strategy through the use of longer horizontal wells and wider spacing. In addition, the company expects that Wedge WellTM technology may not be required between all of its well pairs and going forward would be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Conventional oil

    Total conventional oil production decreased 12% to 66,627 bbls/d in 2015 compared with the previous year, primarily due to a deferral of capital spending, expected natural declines, the sale of non-core assets in 2014 and the divestiture of Cenovus’s royalty and fee land business in 2015. The decline was partially offset by successful horizontal well performance in southern Alberta.
    In the fourth quarter, production decreased 19% to 60,143 bbls/d compared with the same period in 2014.
    Operating costs were $15.78/bbl in 2015, 15% lower than in 2014.

Natural gas

    Natural gas production averaged 441 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) in 2015, down 10% from 2014, primarily due to expected natural declines and the company’s 2015 sale of its royalty and fee land business.
    In the fourth quarter, natural gas production declined 11% to 424 MMcf/d, compared with the final quarter of 2014.
    Operating costs fell 2% to $1.20 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) in 2015 compared with 2014.


    Cenovus’s Wood River Refinery in Illinois and Borger Refinery in Texas, which are jointly owned with the operator, Phillips 66, had continued strong performance in 2015. This included:
  ¡    processing a combined average of 419,000 bbls/d gross of crude oil (91% utilization), compared with 423,000 bbls/d gross in 2014
  ¡    processing an average of 200,000 bbls/d gross of heavy oil compared with 199,000 bbls/d gross in 2014
  ¡    producing an average of 444,000 bbls/d gross of refined products, little changed from 445,000 bbls/d gross a year earlier.
    Refinery operating results from the fourth quarter of 2015 included:
  ¡    processing a combined average of 405,000 bbls/d gross of crude oil (88% utilization), compared with 420,000 bbls/d gross in the same period in 2014
  ¡    processing an average of 196,000 bbls/d gross of heavy oil compared with 179,000 bbls/d gross in the year-earlier period




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  ¡    producing an average of 430,000 bbls/d gross of refined products, compared with 442,000 bbls/d gross a year earlier.
    Operating cash flow from refining and marketing was $385 million in 2015, up from $215 million the previous year. This includes a $15 million inventory write-down, compared with a write-down of $113 million in 2014. Cenovus’s refining operating cash flow is calculated on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory accounting basis. Using the last-in, first-out (LIFO) accounting method employed by most U.S. refiners, Cenovus’s operating cash flow from refining would have been $52 million higher in 2015, compared with $101 million higher in 2014.


Corporate and financial information

    Total cash flow decreased by 51% to nearly $1.7 billion, primarily due to lower crude oil and natural gas sales prices.
    Operating cash flow was $2.4 billion in 2015, down 42% from 2014, largely due to lower crude oil and natural gas sales prices and a decline in natural gas sales volumes. The decrease was partially offset by realized risk management gains of $613 million, excluding refining and marketing, as well as lower royalties and reduced operating expenses.
    In 2015, Cenovus had capital spending of approximately $1.7 billion, nearly 70% of which was directed towards its oil sands assets. Total capital spending for the year was down 44%, or $1.3 billion, from 2014 and was approximately $150 million below the company’s guidance for 2015.
    In 2015, Cenovus invested nearly $1.2 billion in its oil sands assets, 40% lower than in 2014. Investment in conventional oil and natural gas was $245 million, 71% lower than the previous year, while refining and marketing investment was $248 million, a 52% increase. The company also invested $37 million in corporate assets, a 40% decline from 2014.
    For the year, operating cash flow in excess of capital invested was $452 million from the company’s conventional oil business, $293 million from natural gas and $137 million from refining and marketing. Capital investment in Cenovus’s oil sands business exceeded operating cash flow by $138 million.
    In 2015 Cenovus recorded inventory write-downs and asset impairments of $404 million, compared with $779 million in 2014. The 2015 impairments included a $184 million property, plant and equipment impairment charge related to the company’s conventional assets in northern Alberta. The company also recorded exploration expense of approximately $138 million for oil sands and conventional properties deemed not to be commercially viable or technically feasible as well as $66 million in inventory write-downs due to the decline in forward commodity prices.
    After investing approximately $1.7 billion in 2015, Cenovus had a free cash flow shortfall of $23 million compared with free cash flow of $428 million in 2014.
    Net income fell 17% to $618 million in 2015. The decrease was primarily due to a decline in operating earnings, unrealized foreign exchange losses on the company’s U.S.-dollar denominated debt of $1.1 billion and unrealized risk management losses of $195 million compared with gains in 2014. The decrease was offset by an after-tax gain of approximately $1.9 billion from the divestiture of its royalty and fee land business and a deferred tax recovery compared with an expense in 2014.




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    G&A expenses were $335 million in 2015, 12% lower than in 2014. The decrease was primarily due to workforce reductions and lower employee long-term incentive costs driven by the decline in the company’s share price. Lower discretionary spending also contributed to the decrease, partially offset by severance costs of $43 million.
    At December 31, 2015, the company’s net debt to capitalization ratio was 16% and net debt to adjusted EBITDA was 1.2 times. The debt to capitalization ratio was 34% and debt to adjusted EBITDA was 3.1 times. Over the long term, Cenovus continues to target a debt to capitalization ratio of between 30% and 40% and a debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio of between 1.0 and 2.0 times. The company expects these ratios may be outside of the target ranges at different points in the economic cycle.

Commodity price hedging

    Cenovus had realized after-tax hedging gains of $481 million in 2015, as the company’s contract prices exceeded average benchmark prices. The company had unrealized after-tax hedging losses of $141 million in 2015.
    From mid-December 2015 through January 2016, Cenovus added 29,000 bbls/d of Brent fixed-price contracts for the first half of 2016 at an average price of US$39.48/bbl and 10,000 bbls/d of WTI fixed-price contracts for the second half of the year at an average price of US$39.02/bbl. As of January 31, 2016, the company had approximately 24% of its oil production hedged for the remainder of the year at a volume-weighted average floor price of about C$72.31/bbl.
    Including hedging, market access commitments and downstream integration largely provided by the company’s two U.S. refineries, Cenovus has positioned itself to mitigate the impact of swings in the Canadian light-heavy oil price differential for more than 85% of its anticipated 2016 heavy oil production. Together, these mechanisms help to support Cenovus’s financial resilience during this challenging period for the industry.

Reserves and resources

All of Cenovus’s reserves and resources are evaluated each year by independent qualified reserves evaluators (IQREs).

    At year-end 2015, Cenovus had total proved reserves of approximately 2.5 billion BOE, an increase of 7%, or 167 million BOE, compared with 2014.
    Proved bitumen reserves for 2015 rose 11% compared with 2014 to approximately 2.2 billion barrels, while proved plus probable bitumen reserves remained unchanged at approximately 3.3 billion barrels. The increase in proved bitumen reserves was primarily due to Christina Lake proved reserves additions of 234 million barrels from improved reservoir performance and the regulatory approval of the Kirby East area expansion, which converted probable reserves to proved reserves.
    Bitumen best estimate economic contingent resources remained unchanged at 9.3 billion barrels compared with 2014.
    Cenovus’s 2015 proved reserves F&D costs, excluding changes in future development costs, were $5.31/BOE, down 60% from $13.39/BOE in 2014, due to reduced capital spending and higher proved reserves additions in 2015. Three-year average F&D costs were $10.56/BOE, excluding changes in future development costs. The 2015 recycle ratio was 2.7 times.




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    More details about Cenovus’s reserves and contingent resources are available under Oil and Gas Information in the Advisory. Further information about the company’s reserves is also available in Cenovus’s Annual Information Form (AIF), while additional details about its resources can be found in the supplemental Statement of Contingent and Prospective Resources. These documents are available on SEDAR at sedar.com, EDGAR at sec.gov and on Cenovus’s website at cenovus.com.


    In 2015, Cenovus was again recognized as a global leader in sustainable development through its inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index for the sixth consecutive year and the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for the fourth consecutive year. The company was also listed on the CDP Canada 200 Climate Disclosure Leadership Index for the sixth consecutive year.
    Cenovus was also recently included, for the third year in a row, in the RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook. The publication lists the world’s most sustainable companies in each industry as determined by their score in the RobecoSAM annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment, the same assessment used to create the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Series.


Conference Call Today

9 a.m. Mountain Time (11 a.m. Eastern Time)

Cenovus will host a conference call today, February 11, 2016, starting at 9 a.m. MT (11 a.m. ET). To participate, please dial 888-231-8191 (toll-free in North America) or 647-427-7450 approximately 10 minutes prior to the conference call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will also be available via cenovus.com. The webcast will be archived for approximately 90 days.



Basis of Presentation

Cenovus reports financial results in Canadian dollars and presents production volumes on a net to Cenovus before royalties basis, unless otherwise stated. Cenovus prepares its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Reclassification of Employee Stock-Based Compensation Costs

Employee stock-based compensation costs previously included in operating expense have been reclassified to G&A expense to conform to the presentation adopted for the year ended December 31, 2015. As a result, for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, expenses of $21 million and $16 million, respectively, were reclassified. For further information, refer to Cenovus’s 2015 annual Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A).

Non-GAAP Measures

This news release contains references to non-GAAP measures as follows:


Operating cash flow is defined as revenues, less purchased product, transportation and blending, operating expenses, production and mineral taxes plus realized gains,




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less realized losses on risk management activities and is used to provide a consistent measure of the cash generating performance of the company’s assets for comparability of Cenovus’s underlying financial performance between periods. Items within the Corporate and Eliminations segment are excluded from the calculation of operating cash flow.

    Cash flow is defined as cash from operating activities excluding net change in other assets and liabilities and net change in non-cash working capital, both of which are defined on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows in Cenovus’s interim and annual Consolidated Financial Statements. Cash flow is a measure commonly used in the oil and gas industry to assist in measuring a company’s ability to finance its capital programs and meet its financial obligations.
    Free cash flow is defined as cash flow less capital investment.
    Operating earnings is used to provide a consistent measure of the comparability of the company’s underlying financial performance between periods by removing non-operating items. Operating earnings is defined as earnings before income tax excluding gain (loss) on discontinuance, gain on bargain purchase, unrealized risk management gains (losses) on derivative instruments, unrealized foreign exchange gains (losses) on translation of U.S. dollar denominated notes issued from Canada, foreign exchange gains (losses) on settlement of intercompany transactions, gains (losses) on divestiture of assets, less income taxes on operating earnings (loss) before tax, excluding the effect of changes in statutory income tax rates and the recognition of an increase in U.S. tax basis.
    Debt to capitalization, net debt to capitalization, debt to adjusted EBITDA and net debt to adjusted EBITDA are ratios that management uses to steward the company’s overall debt position as measures of the company’s overall financial strength. Debt is defined as short-term borrowings and long-term debt, including the current portion. Net debt is defined as debt net of cash and cash equivalents. Capitalization is defined as debt plus shareholders’ equity. Net debt to capitalization is defined as net debt divided by net debt plus shareholders’ equity. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as earnings before finance costs, interest income, income tax expense, depreciation, depletion and amortization, goodwill and asset impairments, unrealized gains or losses on risk management, foreign exchange gains or losses, gains or losses on divestiture of assets and other income and loss, calculated on a trailing 12-month basis.

These measures do not have a standardized meaning as prescribed by IFRS and therefore are considered non-GAAP measures. These measures may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. These measures have been described and presented in this news release in order to provide shareholders and potential investors with additional information regarding Cenovus’s liquidity and its ability to generate funds to finance its operations. This information should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures prepared in accordance with IFRS. For further information, refer to Cenovus’s most recent Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) available at cenovus.com.


The estimates of reserves and resources data and related information were prepared effective December 31, 2015 by independent qualified reserves evaluators (“IQREs”), based on the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook (the “COGE Handbook”) and in




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compliance with the requirements of National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities. Estimates are presented using McDaniel & Associates Consultants Ltd. (“McDaniel”) January 1, 2016 price forecast.

Resources Information

Best estimate is considered to be the best estimate of the quantity of resources that will actually be recovered. It is equally likely that the actual remaining quantities recovered will be greater or less than the best estimate. Those resources that fall within the best estimate have a 50% probability that the actual quantities recovered will equal or exceed the estimate. Contingent resources are those quantities of bitumen estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations using established technology or technology under development, but which are not currently considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more contingencies. Contingencies may include such factors as economic, legal, environmental, political and regulatory matters or a lack of markets. It is also appropriate to classify as contingent resources the estimated discovered recoverable quantities associated with a project in the early evaluation stage. Contingent resources are further classified in accordance with the level of certainty associated with the estimates and may be sub-classified based on project maturity and/or characterized by their economic status. The McDaniel estimates of contingent resources have not been adjusted for risk based on the chance of development. There is uncertainty that it will be commercially viable to produce any portion of the contingent resources.

Economic contingent resources are those contingent resources that are currently economically recoverable based on specific forecasts of commodity prices and costs. Economic contingent resources are estimated using volumetric calculations of the in-place quantities, combined with performance from analog reservoirs. Existing SAGD projects that are producing from the McMurray-Wabiskaw formations are used as performance analogs at Foster Creek and Christina Lake. Other regional analogs are used for contingent resources estimation in the Cretaceous Grand Rapids formation at the Grand Rapids property in the Greater Pelican region, in the McMurray formation at the Telephone Lake property in the Borealis region and in the Clearwater formation in the Foster Creek region.

Contingencies which must be overcome to enable the reclassification of contingent resources as reserves can be categorized as economic, non-technical and technical. The COGE Handbook identifies non-technical contingencies as legal, environmental, political and regulatory matters or a lack of markets. Technical contingencies include available infrastructure and project justification. The outstanding contingencies applicable to our disclosed economic contingent resources do not include economic contingencies.

Our bitumen contingent resources are located in four general regions: Foster Creek, Christina Lake, Borealis and Greater Pelican. Further information with respect to contingent resources including project descriptions, significant factors relevant to the resource estimates, and contingencies which prevent the classification of contingent resources as reserves is contained in our supplemental Statement of Contingent and Prospective Resources for the year ended December 31, 2015, which is available on SEDAR at sedar.com and the company’s website at cenovus.com.




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Barrels of Oil Equivalent

Certain natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) on the basis of six Mcf to one bbl. BOE may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion ratio of one bbl to six Mcf is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent value equivalency at the wellhead.

Netbacks reported in this news release are calculated as set out in the AIF. Heavy oil prices and transportation and blending costs exclude the costs of purchased condensate, which is blended with heavy oil. For 2015, the cost of condensate on a per barrel of unblended crude oil basis was as follows: Christina Lake - $27.39 and Foster Creek - $25.96.

Finding and Development Costs

Finding and development costs were calculated by dividing the sum of exploration costs and development costs in the particular period by the reserves additions (the sum of extensions and improved recovery, discoveries, technical revisions and economic factors) in that period. The aggregate of the exploration and development costs incurred in a particular period generally will not reflect total finding and development costs related to reserves additions for that period.


This document contains certain forward-looking statements and other information (collectively “forward-looking information”) about Cenovus’s current expectations, estimates and projections, made in light of the company’s experience and perception of historical trends. Forward-looking information in this document is identified by words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “estimate”, “plan”, “forecast” or “F”, “future”, “target”, “guidance”, “budget”, “position”, “priority”, “project”, “capacity”, “could”, “focus”, “potential”, “may”, “strategy”, “forward”, “opportunity”, “on track” or similar expressions and includes suggestions of future outcomes, including statements about: measures planned to help the company remain financially resilient through another year of expected low crude oil and natural gas prices; projections contained in the company’s 2016 guidance; forecast operating and financial results; dividend plans and strategy; expected reserves and resources; forecast commodity prices; the strength of the company’s position to face another challenging year for the energy sector with continued volatility and low commodity prices and when commodity prices recover; planned capital expenditures and reductions, and the expected impact on the company’s upstream production for 2016; expectations regarding improving cost structures, forecast cost savings and the sustainability of cost savings; expected future production, including the timing, stability or growth thereof; future use and development of technology, including expected effects on environmental impact; the company’s plans to continue optimizing its processes and potential to realize greater efficiencies; opportunities to further reduce costs and increase productivity, including the company’s plans for further workforce reductions and adjustments to discretionary spending and compensation programs; Cenovus’s priorities in the challenging commodity price environment; development strategy and related schedules; project capacities; expected future maintenance program and impacts on well outage levels; expected impacts of better wellbore conformance and well productivity, including with respect to future capital and cost structures; expectations regarding future requirements with respect to Wedge WellTM technology and potential impacts to future capital and cost structures; the company’s




  Page 12                     Q4 2015                    

position to mitigate the impact of swings in the Canadian light-heavy oil price differential; and the company’s financial resilience generally. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information as the company’s actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied.

Developing forward-looking information involves reliance on a number of assumptions and consideration of certain risks and uncertainties, some of which are specific to Cenovus and others that apply to the industry generally. The factors or assumptions on which the forward-looking information is based include: assumptions inherent in Cenovus’s current guidance, available at cenovus.com; projected capital investment levels, the flexibility of capital spending plans and the associated source of funding; estimates of quantities of oil, bitumen, natural gas and liquids from properties and other sources not currently classified as proved; the company’s ability to obtain necessary regulatory and partner approvals; the successful and timely implementation of capital projects or stages thereof; the company’s ability to generate sufficient cash flow to meet its current and future obligations; and other risks and uncertainties described from time to time in the filings Cenovus makes with securities regulatory authorities.

2016 guidance (as updated on February 11, 2016), available at cenovus.com, assumes: Brent of US$52.75/bbl, WTI of US$49.00/bbl; WCS of US$34.50/bbl; NYMEX of US$2.50/MMBtu; AECO of $2.50/GJ; Chicago 3-2-1 crack spread of US$12.00/bbl; and an exchange rate of $0.75 US$/C$.

The risk factors and uncertainties that could cause Cenovus’s actual results to differ materially, include: volatility of and assumptions regarding oil and natural gas prices; the effectiveness of the company’s risk management program, including the impact of derivative financial instruments, the success of the company’s hedging strategies and the sufficiency of its liquidity position; the accuracy of cost estimates; commodity prices, currency and interest rates; product supply and demand; market competition, including from alternative energy sources; risks inherent in the company’s marketing operations, including credit risks; exposure to counterparties and partners, including ability and willingness of such parties to satisfy contractual obligations in a timely manner; risks inherent in operation of Cenovus’s crude-by-rail terminal, including health, safety and environmental risks; maintaining desirable ratios of debt to adjusted EBITDA and net debt to adjusted EBITDA as well as debt to capitalization and net debt to capitalization; Cenovus’s ability to access various sources of debt and equity capital, generally, and on terms acceptable to Cenovus; ability to finance growth and sustaining capital expenditures; changes in credit ratings applicable to Cenovus or any of its securities; changes to dividend plans or strategy, including the dividend reinvestment plan; accuracy of reserves, resources and future production estimates; ability to replace and expand oil and gas reserves; the company’s ability to maintain relationships with partners and to successfully manage and operate the company’s integrated business; reliability of assets, including in order to meet production targets; potential disruption or unexpected technical difficulties in developing new products and manufacturing processes; the occurrence of unexpected events such as fires, severe weather conditions, explosions, blow-outs, equipment failures, transportation incidents and other accidents or similar events; refining and marketing margins; inflationary pressures on operating costs, including labour, natural gas and other energy sources used in oil sands processes; potential failure of products to achieve acceptance in the market;




  Page 13                     Q4 2015                    

unexpected cost increases or technical difficulties in constructing or modifying manufacturing or refining facilities; unexpected difficulties in producing, transporting or refining of crude oil into petroleum and chemical products; risks associated with technology and its application to Cenovus’s business; the timing and costs of well and pipeline construction; ability to secure adequate product transportation, including sufficient pipeline, crude-by-rail, marine or other alternate transportation, including to address any gaps caused by constraints in the pipeline system; availability of, and Cenovus’s ability to attract and retain, critical talent; changes in the regulatory framework in any of the locations in which Cenovus operates, including changes to the regulatory approval process and land-use designations, royalty, tax, environmental, greenhouse gas, carbon and other laws or regulations, or changes to the interpretation of such laws and regulations, as adopted or proposed, the impact thereof and the costs associated with compliance; the expected impact and timing of various accounting pronouncements, rule changes and standards on Cenovus’s business, its financial results and its consolidated financial statements; changes in the general economic, market and business conditions; the political and economic conditions in the countries in which Cenovus operates; the occurrence of unexpected events such as war, terrorist threats and the instability resulting therefrom; and risks associated with existing and potential future lawsuits and regulatory actions against the company.

Readers are cautioned that the foregoing lists are not exhaustive and are made as at the date hereof. For a full discussion of Cenovus’s material risk factors, see “Risk Factors” in the company’s AIF or Form 40-F for the period ended December 31, 2015, available on SEDAR at sedar.com, EDGAR at sec.gov and on Cenovus’s website at cenovus.com.

TM denotes a trademark of Cenovus Energy Inc.

Cenovus Energy Inc.

Cenovus Energy Inc. is a Canadian integrated oil company. It is committed to applying fresh, progressive thinking to safely and responsibly unlock energy resources the world needs. Operations include oil sands projects in northern Alberta, which use specialized methods to drill and pump the oil to the surface, and established natural gas and oil production in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The company also has 50% ownership in two U.S. refineries. Cenovus shares trade under the symbol CVE, and are listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges. Its enterprise value is approximately $14 billion. For more information, visit cenovus.com.

Find Cenovus on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.



Investor Relations

Kam Sandhar

Director, Investor Relations




Brett Harris

Media Lead


Graham Ingram

Manager, Investor Relations



Sonja Franklin

Media Advisor





  Page 14                     Q4 2015                    

Michelle Cheyne

Analyst, Investor Relations



General media line





  Page 15                     Q4 2015                    





Cenovus Energy Inc.

Interim Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited)

For the Period Ended December 31, 2015

(Canadian Dollars)


For the period ended December 31, 2015



































































Cenovus Energy Inc.   2   For the period ended December 31, 2015


For the periods ended December 31,

($ millions, except per share amounts)


            Three Months Ended    Twelve Months Ended      
      Notes      2015            2014            2015            2014       



Gross Sales

        2,955            4,338            13,207            20,107      

Less: Royalties

                    31                        100                        143                        465      
        2,924            4,238            13,064            19,642      



Purchased Product

        1,808            2,775            7,374            10,955      

Transportation and Blending

        534            577            2,043            2,477      


        460            488            1,839            2,045      

Production and Mineral Taxes

                  10            18            46      

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

     22         (213)           (567)           (461)           (662)     

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

     7,12         659            531            2,114            1,946      

Goodwill Impairment

     7                   497                      497      

Exploration Expense

     7,11         117            85            138            86      

General and Administrative

        109            65            335            379      

Finance Costs

     4         123            108            482            445      

Interest Income

        (8)           (2)           (28)           (33)     

Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss, Net

     5         204            188            1,036            411      

Research Costs

                            27            15      

(Gain) Loss on Divestiture of Assets

     6                             (2,392)           (156)     

Other (Income) Loss, Net

                    1                        (4)                       2                        (4)     

Earnings (Loss) Before Income Tax

        (882)                       (520)           537            1,195      

Income Tax Expense (Recovery)

     8                     (241)                       (48)                       (81)                       451      

Net Earnings (Loss)

                    (641)                       (472)                       618                        744      

Net Earnings (Loss) Per Share



        $(0.77)           $(0.62)           $0.75            $0.98      


                    $(0.77)                       $(0.62)                       $0.75                        $0.98      


See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited).



For the periods ended December 31,

($ millions)


            Three Months Ended    Twelve Months Ended      
              2015            2014            2015            2014       

Net Earnings (Loss)

        (641)           (472)           618            744      

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Tax


Items That Will Not be Reclassified to Profit or Loss:


Actuarial Gain (Loss) Relating to Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefits

        15            (7)           20            (18)     

Items That May be Reclassified to Profit or Loss:


Change in Value of Available for Sale Financial Assets


Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment

                    124                        107                        587                        215      

Total Other Comprehensive Income, Net of Tax

                    145                        100                        613                        197      

Comprehensive Income (Loss)

                    (496)                       (372)                       1,231                        941      

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited).


Cenovus Energy Inc.   3   For the period ended December 31, 2015


As at

($ millions)


            December 31,         December 31,  
      Notes      2015           2014   





Current Assets


Cash and Cash Equivalents

        4,105           883    

Accounts Receivable and Accrued Revenues

        1,251           1,582    

Income Tax Receivable



     10         810           1,224    

Risk Management

     22,23         301           478    

Current Assets

        6,473           4,195    

Exploration and Evaluation Assets

     1,11         1,575           1,625    

Property, Plant and Equipment, Net

     1,12         17,335           18,563    

Income Tax Receivable


Other Assets

        76           70    


     1,14         242           242    

Total Assets

        25,791           24,695    

Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity


Current Liabilities


Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities

        1,702           2,588    

Income Tax Payable

        133           357    

Risk Management

     22,23         23           12    

Current Liabilities

        1,858           2,957    

Long-Term Debt

     15         6,525           5,458    

Risk Management


Decommissioning Liabilities

     16         2,052           2,616    

Other Liabilities

        142           172    

Deferred Income Taxes

        2,816           3,302    

Total Liabilities

        13,400           14,509    

Shareholders’ Equity

        12,391           10,186    

Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity

        25,791           24,695    



See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited).


Cenovus Energy Inc.   4   For the period ended December 31, 2015


($ millions)










Paid in










           AOCI (1 )            Total   
     (Note 17                  (Note 18     

Balance as at December 31, 2013

     3,857           4,219           1,660           210           9,946   

Net Earnings

     -           -           744           -           744   

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

     -           -           -           197           197   

Total Comprehensive Income (Loss)

     -           -           744           197           941   

Common Shares Issued Under Stock Option Plans

     32           -           -           -           32   

Stock-Based Compensation Expense

     -           72           -           -           72   

Dividends on Common Shares

     -           -           (805        -           (805

Balance as at December 31, 2014

     3,889           4,291           1,599           407           10,186   

Net Earnings

     -           -           618           -           618   

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

     -           -           -           613           613   

Total Comprehensive Income (Loss)

     -           -           618           613           1,231   

Common Shares Issued for Cash

     1,463           -           -           -           1,463   

Common Shares Issued Pursuant to Dividend Reinvestment Plan

     182           -           -           -           182   

Common Shares Issued Under Stock Option Plans

     -           -           -           -           -   

Stock-Based Compensation Expense

     -           39           -           -           39   

Dividends on Common Shares

     -           -           (710        -           (710

Balance as at December 31, 2015

               5,534                     4,330                     1,507                     1,020                     12,391   




(1) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss).

See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited).


Cenovus Energy Inc.   5   For the period ended December 31, 2015


For the periods ended December 31,

($ millions)


            Three Months Ended              Twelve Months Ended  
      Notes                      2015                       2014                       2015                       2014  

Operating Activities


Net Earnings (Loss)

        (641        (472        618           744   

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

     7,12             659           531           2,114           1,946   

Goodwill Impairment

     7             -           497           -           497   

Exploration Expense

     7,11             117           85           138           86   

Deferred Income Taxes

     8             (139        (37        (655        359   

Unrealized (Gain) Loss on Risk Management

     22             26           (416        195           (596

Unrealized Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss

     5             219           190           1,097           411   

(Gain) Loss on Divestiture of Assets

     6             3           1           (2,392        (156

Current Tax on Divestiture of Assets

     6             -           -           391           -   

Unwinding of Discount on Decommissioning Liabilities

     4,16             32           30           126           120   


        (1        (8        59           68   

Net Change in Other Assets and Liabilities

        (26        (38        (107        (135

Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital

        73           505           (110        182   

Cash From Operating Activities

        322           868           1,474           3,526   

Investing Activities


Capital Expenditures – Exploration and Evaluation Assets

     11             (21        (81        (138        (279

Capital Expenditures – Property, Plant and Equipment

     12             (406        (706        (1,576        (2,779


     13             (4        -           (84        -   

Proceeds From Divestiture of Assets

     6             (1        1           3,344           276   

Current Tax on Divestiture of Assets

     6             -           -           (391        -   

Net Change in Investments and Other

        3           (2        3           (1,583

Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital

        (40        (10        (270        15   

Cash From (Used in) Investing Activities

        (469        (798        888           (4,350

Net Cash Provided (Used) Before Financing Activities

        (147        70           2,362           (824

Financing Activities


Net Issuance (Repayment) of Short-Term Borrowings

        (6        (139        (25        (18

Common Shares Issued, Net of Issuance Costs

     17             -           -           1,449           -   

Common Shares Issued Under Stock Option Plans

        -           -           -           28   

Dividends Paid on Common Shares

     9             (132        (201        (528        (805


        -           -           (2        (2

Cash From (Used in) Financing Activities

        (138        (340        894           (797

Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) on Cash and Cash Equivalents Held in Foreign Currency

        (11        (3        (34        52   

Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

        (296        (273        3,222           (1,569

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Beginning of Period

        4,401           1,156           883           2,452   

Cash and Cash Equivalents, End of Period

        4,105           883           4,105           883   



See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited).


Cenovus Energy Inc.   6   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015





Cenovus Energy Inc. and its subsidiaries, (together “Cenovus” or the “Company”) are in the business of developing, producing and marketing crude oil, natural gas liquids (“NGLs”) and natural gas in Canada with marketing activities and refining operations in the United States (“U.S.”).

Cenovus is incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act and its shares are listed on the Toronto (“TSX”) and New York (“NYSE”) stock exchanges. The executive and registered office is located at 2600, 500 Centre Street S.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2G 1A6. Information on the Company’s basis of preparation for these interim Consolidated Financial Statements is found in Note 2.

Management has determined the operating segments based on information regularly reviewed for the purposes of decision making, allocating resources and assessing operational performance by Cenovus’s chief operating decision makers. The Company evaluates the financial performance of its operating segments primarily based on operating cash flow. The Company’s reportable segments are:



Oil Sands, which includes the development and production of bitumen and natural gas in northeast Alberta. Cenovus’s bitumen assets include Foster Creek, Christina Lake and Narrows Lake as well as projects in the early stages of development, such as Grand Rapids and Telephone Lake. Certain of the Company’s operated oil sands properties, notably Foster Creek, Christina Lake and Narrows Lake, are jointly owned with ConocoPhillips, an unrelated U.S. public company.



Conventional, which includes the development and production of conventional crude oil, NGLs and natural gas in Alberta and Saskatchewan, including the heavy oil assets at Pelican Lake, the carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery project at Weyburn and emerging tight oil opportunities.



Refining and Marketing, which is responsible for transporting, selling and refining crude oil into petroleum and chemical products. Cenovus jointly owns two refineries in the U.S. with the operator Phillips 66, an unrelated U.S. public company. In addition, Cenovus owns and operates a crude-by-rail terminal in Alberta. This segment coordinates Cenovus’s marketing and transportation initiatives to optimize product mix, delivery points, transportation commitments and customer diversification. The marketing of crude oil and natural gas sourced from Canada, including physical product sales that settle in the U.S., is considered to be undertaken by a Canadian business. U.S. sourced crude oil and natural gas purchases and sales are attributed to the U.S.



Corporate and Eliminations, which primarily includes unrealized gains and losses recorded on derivative financial instruments, gains and losses on divestiture of assets, as well as other Cenovus-wide costs for general and administrative, financing activities and research costs. As financial instruments are settled, the realized gains and losses are recorded in the operating segment to which the derivative instrument relates. Eliminations relate to sales and operating revenues, and purchased product between segments, recorded at transfer prices based on current market prices, and to unrealized intersegment profits in inventory. The Corporate and Eliminations segment is attributed to Canada, with the exception of unrealized risk management gains and losses, which have been attributed to the country in which the transacting entity resides.

Employee stock-based compensation costs previously included in operating expense have been reclassified to general and administrative expense to conform to the presentation adopted for the year ended December 31, 2015. As a result, for the three months and year ended December 31, 2014, a recovery of $2 million and an expense of $21 million, respectively, were reclassified.

The following tabular financial information presents the segmented information first by segment, then by product and geographic location.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   7   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


A) Results of Operations – Segment and Operational Information

     Oil Sands        Conventional        Refining and Marketing
For the three months ended December 31,    2015            2014          2015            2014            2015            2014   



Gross Sales

           651             1,064                 351                 657             2,030             2,773   

Less: Royalties

   3         55         28         45         -          -    
   648         1,009         323         612         2,030         2,773   



Purchased Product

   -          -          -          -          1,883         2,931   

Transportation and Blending

   478         494         58         83         -          -    


   129         145         130         162         203         183   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          2         10         -          -    

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (152)        (97)        (71)        (36)        (16)        (18)  

Operating Cash Flow

   193         467         204         393         (40)        (323)  

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

   189         166         403         303         51         40   

Goodwill Impairment

   -          -          -          497         -          -    

Exploration Expense

   67         3         50         82         -          -    

Segment Income (Loss)

   (63)        298         (249)        (489)        (91)        (363)  
                       Corporate and Eliminations        Consolidated
For the three months ended December 31,                          2015            2014            2015            2014   



Gross Sales

             (77)        (156)        2,955         4,338   

Less: Royalties

             -          -          31         100   
             (77)        (156)        2,924         4,238   



Purchased Product

             (75)        (156)        1,808         2,775   

Transportation and Blending

             (2)        -          534         577   


             (2)        (2)        460         488   

Production and Mineral Taxes

             -          -          2         10   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

             26         (416)        (213)        (567)  

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

             16         22         659         531   

Goodwill Impairment

             -          -          -          497   

Exploration Expense

             -          -          117         85   

Segment Income (Loss)

             (40)        396         (443)        (158)  

General and Administrative

             109         65         109         65   

Finance Costs

             123         108         123         108   

Interest Income

             (8)        (2)        (8)        (2)  

Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss, Net

             204         188         204         188   

Research Costs

             7         6         7         6   

(Gain) Loss on Divestiture of Assets

             3         1         3         1   

Other (Income) Loss, Net

             1         (4)        1         (4)  
             439         362         439         362   

Earnings (Loss) Before Income Tax

                       (882)        (520)  

Income Tax Expense (Recovery)

                       (241)        (48)  

Net Earnings (Loss)

                       (641)        (472)  


Cenovus Energy Inc.   8   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


B) Financial Results by Upstream Product


     Crude Oil (1)
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the three months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   





Gross Sales

               644                 1,054                 239                 478                 883                 1,532   

Less: Royalties

   3         53         25         43         28         96   
   641         1,001         214         435         855         1,436   



Transportation and Blending

   478         494         53         77         531         571   


   124         140         84         111         208         251   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          2         9         2         9   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (151)        (97)        (57)        (34)        (208)        (131)  

Operating Cash Flow

   190         464         132         272         322         736   

(1) Includes NGLs.

     Natural Gas
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the three months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   





Gross Sales

   5         9         104         164         109         173   

Less: Royalties

   -          2         3         2         3         4   
   5         7         101         162         106         169   



Transportation and Blending

   -          -          5         6         5         6   


   3         4         44         48         47         52   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          -          1         -          1   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (1)        -          (14)        (2)        (15)        (2)  

Operating Cash Flow

   3         3         66         109         69         112   
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the three months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   





Gross Sales

   2         1         8         15         10         16   

Less: Royalties

   -          -          -          -          -          -    
   2         1         8         15         10         16   



Transportation and Blending

   -          -          -          -          -          -    


   2         1         2         3         4         4   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          -          -          -          -    

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   -          -          -          -          -          -    

Operating Cash Flow

   -          -          6         12         6         12   
     Total Upstream
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the three months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   





Gross Sales

   651         1,064         351         657         1,002         1,721   

Less: Royalties

   3         55         28         45         31         100   
   648         1,009         323         612         971         1,621   



Transportation and Blending

   478         494         58         83         536         577   


   129         145         130         162         259         307   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          2         10         2         10   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (152)        (97)        (71)        (36)        (223)        (133)  

Operating Cash Flow

   193         467         204         393         397         860   


Cenovus Energy Inc.   9   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


C) Geographic Information


     Canada        United States        Consolidated
For the three months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   





Gross Sales

           1,398                 2,269                 1,557                 2,069                 2,955                 4,338   

Less: Royalties

   31         100         -          -          31         100   
   1,367         2,169         1,557         2,069         2,924         4,238   



Purchased Product

   380         541         1,428         2,234         1,808         2,775   

Transportation and Blending

   534         577         -          -          534         577   


   277         313         183         175         460         488   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   2         10         -          -          2         10   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (208)        (543)        (5)        (24)        (213)        (567)  

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

   609         490         50         41         659         531   

Goodwill Impairment

   -          497         -          -          -          497   

Exploration Expense

   117         85         -          -          117         85   

Segment Income (Loss)

   (344)        199         (99)        (357)        (443)        (158)  


Cenovus Energy Inc.   10   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


D) Results of Operations – Segment and Operational Information


     Oil Sands        Conventional        Refining and Marketing
For the twelve months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014



Gross Sales

           3,030                 5,036                 1,709                 3,225                 8,805                 12,658   

Less: Royalties

   29         236        114         229         -          -    
   3,001         4,800         1,595         2,996         8,805         12,658   



Purchased Product

   -          -          -          -          7,709         11,767   

Transportation and Blending

   1,815         2,131         230         346         -          -    


   531         639         561         709         754         703   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          18         46         -          -    

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (404)        (38)        (209)        (1)        (43)        (27)  

Operating Cash Flow

   1,059         2,068         995         1,896         385         215   

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

   697         625         1,148         1,082         191         156   

Goodwill Impairment

   -          -         -          497         -          -    

Exploration Expense

   67         4         71         82         -          -    

Segment Income (Loss)

   295         1,439         (224)        235         194         59   

Corporate and


For the twelve months ended December 31,                          2015            2014            2015            2014   



Gross Sales

             (337)        (812)        13,207         20,107   

Less: Royalties

             -          -          143         465   
             (337)        (812)        13,064         19,642   



Purchased Product

             (335)        (812)        7,374         10,955   

Transportation and Blending

             (2)        -          2,043      2,477   


             (7)        (6)        1,839         2,045   

Production and Mineral Taxes

             -          -          18         46   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

             195         (596)        (461)        (662)  

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

             78         83         2,114         1,946   

Goodwill Impairment

             -          -          -          497   

Exploration Expense

             -          -          138         86   

Segment Income (Loss)

             (266)        519         (1)        2,252   

General and Administrative

             335         379         335         379   

Finance Costs

             482         445         482         445   

Interest Income

             (28)        (33)        (28)        (33)  

Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss, Net

             1,036         411         1,036         411   

Research Costs

             27         15         27         15   

(Gain) Loss on Divestiture of Assets

             (2,392)        (156)        (2,392)        (156)  

Other (Income) Loss, Net

             2         (4)        2         (4)  
             (538)        1,057         (538)        1,057   

Earnings Before Income Tax

                       537         1,195   

Income Tax Expense (Recovery)

                       (81)        451   

Net Earnings

                       618         744   


Cenovus Energy Inc.   11   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


E) Financial Results by Upstream Product


     Crude Oil (1)
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the twelve months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   



Gross Sales

           3,000                 4,963                 1,239                 2,456                 4,239                 7,419   

Less: Royalties

   29         233         103         217         132         450   
   2,971         4,730         1,136         2,239         4,107         6,969   



Transportation and Blending

   1,814         2,130         213         326         2,027         2,456   


   511         615         381         505         892         1,120   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          16         37         16         37   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (400)        (38)         (157)        4         (557)        (34)  

Operating Cash Flow

   1,046         2,023         683         1,367         1,729         3,390   

(1) Includes NGLs.

     Natural Gas   
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the twelve months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   



Gross Sales

   22         67         450         744         472         811   

Less: Royalties

   -          3         11         12         11         15   
   22         64         439         732         461         796   



Transportation and Blending

   1         1         17         20         18         21   


   15         17         175         198         190         215   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          2         9         2         9   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (4)        -          (52)        (5)        (56)        (5)  

Operating Cash Flow

   10         46         297         510         307         556   
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the twelve months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015         2014   



Gross Sales

   8         6         20         25         28         31   

Less: Royalties

   -          -          -          -          -          -    
   8         6         20         25         28         31   



Transportation and Blending

   -          -          -          -          -          -    


   5         7         5         6         10         13   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          -          -          -          -    

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   -          -          -          -          -          -    

Operating Cash Flow

   3         (1)        15         19         18         18   
     Total Upstream
     Oil Sands        Conventional        Total
For the twelve months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   



Gross Sales

   3,030         5,036         1,709         3,225         4,739         8,261   

Less: Royalties

   29         236         114         229         143         465   
   3,001         4,800         1,595         2,996         4,596         7,796   



Transportation and Blending

   1,815         2,131         230         346         2,045         2,477   


   531         639         561         709         1,092         1,348   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   -          -          18         46         18         46   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (404)        (38)        (209)        (1)        (613)        (39)  

Operating Cash Flow

   1,059         2,068         995         1,896         2,054         3,964   


Cenovus Energy Inc.   12   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


F) Geographic Information


     Canada        United States        Consolidated
For the twelve months ended December 31,    2015            2014            2015            2014            2015            2014   




Gross Sales

     6,407         10,604           6,800           9,503         13,207         20,107   

Less: Royalties

   143         465         -          -          143         465   
   6,264         10,139         6,800         9,503         13,064         19,642   



Purchased Product

   1,607         2,310         5,767         8,645         7,374         10,955   

Transportation and Blending

   2,043         2,477         -          -          2,043         2,477   


   1,129         1,367         710         678         1,839         2,045   

Production and Mineral Taxes

   18         46         -          -          18         46   

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

   (435)        (625)        (26)        (37)        (461)        (662)  

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

   1,925         1,790         189         156         2,114         1,946   

Goodwill Impairment

   -          497         -          -          -          497   

Exploration Expense

   138         86         -          -          138         86   


Segment Income (Loss)

   (161)        2,191         160         61         (1)        2,252   

G) Joint Operations

A significant portion of the operating cash flows from the Oil Sands, and Refining and Marketing segments are derived through jointly controlled entities, FCCL Partnership (“FCCL”) and WRB Refining LP (“WRB”), respectively. These joint arrangements, in which Cenovus has a 50 percent ownership interest, are classified as joint operations and, as such, Cenovus recognizes its share of the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.

FCCL, which is involved in the development and production of crude oil in Canada, is jointly controlled with ConocoPhillips and operated by Cenovus. WRB has two refineries in the U.S. and focuses on the refining of crude oil into petroleum and chemical products. WRB is jointly controlled with and operated by Phillips 66. Cenovus’s share of operating cash flow from FCCL and WRB for the three months ended December 31, 2015 was $37 million and $(44) million, respectively (three months ended December 31, 2014 – $382 million and $(321) million). Cenovus’s share of operating cash flow from FCCL and WRB for the year ended December 31, 2015 was $656 million and $367 million, respectively (year ended December 31, 2014 – $1,939 million and $214 million).

H) Exploration and Evaluation Assets, Property, Plant and Equipment, Goodwill and Total Assets

By Segment


     E&E (1)        PP&E (2)
     December 31,          December 31,          December 31,          December 31,  
As at    2015            2014            2015            2014   


Oil Sands

   1,560         1,540         8,907         8,606   


   15         85         3,720         6,038   

Refining and Marketing

   -          -          4,398         3,568   

Corporate and Eliminations

   -          -          310         351   


   1,575         1,625         17,335         18,563   
     Goodwill        Total Assets
     December 31,          December 31,          December 31,          December 31,  
As at    2015            2014            2015            2014   


Oil Sands

   242         242         11,069         11,024   


   -          -          3,830         6,211   

Refining and Marketing

   -          -          5,844         5,520   

Corporate and Eliminations

   -          -          5,048         1,940   


   242         242         25,791         24,695   

(1) Exploration and evaluation (“E&E”) assets.

(2) Property, plant and equipment (“PP&E”).


Cenovus Energy Inc.   13   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


By Geographic Region


    E&E       PP&E
    December 31,        December 31,        December 31,        December 31, 
As at   2015          2014          2015          2014  



  1,575       1,625       13,028       14,999  

United States

  -       -       4,307       3,564  


  1,575       1,625       17,335       18,563  
    Goodwill       Total Assets
    December 31,        December 31,        December 31,        December 31, 
As at   2015          2014          2015          2014  



  242       242       20,627       20,231  

United States

  -       -       5,164       4,464  


  242       242       25,791       24,695  

I) Capital Expenditures (1)

    Three Months Ended       Twelve Months Ended
For the periods ended December 31,   2015          2014          2015          2014  




Oil Sands

  239       494       1,185       1,986  


  87       219       244       840  

Refining and Marketing

  89       52       248       163  


  13       21       37       62  
  428       786       1,714       3,051  

Acquisition Capital


Oil Sands

  3       -       3       15  


  -       1       1       3  

Refining and Marketing

  -       -       83       -  
  431       787       1,801       3,069  

(1) Includes expenditures on PP&E and E&E.



In these interim Consolidated Financial Statements, unless otherwise indicated, all dollars are expressed in Canadian dollars. All references to C$ or $ are to Canadian dollars and references to US$ are to U.S. dollars.

These interim Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) applicable to the preparation of interim financial statements, including International Accounting Standard 34, “Interim Financial Reporting” (“IAS 34”), and have been prepared following the same accounting policies and methods of computation as the annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, except for income taxes. Income taxes on earnings or loss in the interim periods are accrued using the income tax rate that would be applicable to the expected total annual earnings or loss. The disclosures provided are incremental to those included with the annual Consolidated Financial Statements. Certain information and disclosures normally included in the notes to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements have been condensed or have been disclosed on an annual basis only. Accordingly, these interim Consolidated Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.

To conform to the presentation adopted during the fourth quarter of 2015, separate Consolidated Statements of Earnings and Comprehensive Income have been presented.

These interim Consolidated Financial Statements of Cenovus were approved by the Audit Committee effective February 10, 2016.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   14   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015




A) New and Amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations Adopted

There were no new or amended accounting standards or interpretations adopted during the year ended December 31, 2015.

B) New Accounting Standards and Interpretations not yet Adopted


On January 13, 2016, the IASB issued IFRS 16, “Leases” (“IFRS 16”), which requires entities to recognize lease assets and lease obligations on the balance sheet. For lessees, IFRS 16 removes the classification of leases as either operating leases or finance leases, effectively treating all leases as finance leases. Certain short-term leases (less than 12 months) and leases of low-value assets are exempt from the requirements, and may continue to be treated as operating leases.

Lessors will continue with a dual lease classification model. Classification will determine how and when a lessor will recognize lease revenue, and what assets would be recorded.

IFRS 16 is effective for years beginning on or after January 1, 2019, with early adoption permitted if IFRS 15 “Revenue From Contracts With Customers” has been adopted. The standard may be applied retrospectively or using a modified retrospective approach. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of adopting IFRS 16 on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Revenue Recognition

On May 28, 2014, the IASB issued IFRS 15, “Revenue From Contracts With Customers” (“IFRS 15”) replacing IAS 11, “Construction Contracts”, IAS 18, “Revenue” and several revenue-related interpretations. IFRS 15 establishes a single revenue recognition framework that applies to contracts with customers. The standard requires an entity to recognize revenue to reflect the transfer of goods and services for the amount it expects to receive, when control is transferred to the purchaser. Disclosure requirements have also been expanded.

IFRS 15 is effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Early adoption is permitted. The standard may be applied retrospectively or using a modified retrospective approach. The Company is currently evaluating the impact of adopting IFRS 15 on the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Additional Standards

A description of additional accounting standards and interpretations that will be adopted by the Company in future periods can be found in the notes to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014.




    Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended
For the periods ended December 31,                 2015                       2014                       2015                     2014 

Interest Expense – Short-Term Borrowings and Long-Term Debt

  85      73      328      285 

Unwinding of Discount on Decommissioning Liabilities (Note 16)

  32      30      126      120 


          28      18 

Interest Expense – Partnership Contribution Payable (1)

  -       -       -       22 
                123                    108                    482                    445 


(1) On March 28, 2014, Cenovus repaid the remaining principal and accrued interest due under the Partnership Contribution Payable.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   15   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015



    Three Months Ended         Twelve Months Ended
For the periods ended December 31,               2015                      2014                      2015                    2014  

Unrealized Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss on Translation of:


U.S. Dollar Debt Issued From Canada

  212       186       1,064       458  


  7       4       33       (47) 

Unrealized Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss

  219       190       1,097       411  

Realized Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss

  (15)      (2)      (61)      -   
  204       188       1,036       411  



On July 29, 2015, the Company completed the sale of Heritage Royalty Limited Partnership (“HRP”), a wholly-owned subsidiary, to a third party for gross cash proceeds of $3.3 billion, resulting in a gain of $2.4 billion. HRP is a royalty business consisting of approximately 4.8 million gross acres of royalty interest and mineral fee title lands in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Cenovus entered into lease agreements with HRP on the fee lands from which it currently has working interest production.

In addition, HRP has a Gross Overriding Royalty on production from Cenovus’s Pelican Lake and Weyburn assets. These assets and results of operations were reported in the Conventional segment.

The divestiture gave rise to a taxable gain for which the Company has recognized current tax expense of $391 million. The majority of HRP’s assets had been acquired at a nominal cost and, as such, had minimal benefit from tax depreciation in prior years. For this reason, the current tax expense associated with the divestiture is specifically identifiable; therefore, it has been classified as an investing activity in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

In the first quarter of 2015, the Company divested an office building, recording a gain of $16 million.

In the third quarter of 2014, the Company completed the sale of certain Wainwright properties to a third party for net proceeds of $234 million, resulting in a gain of $137 million. These assets and results of operations were reported in the Conventional segment.

In the second quarter of 2014, the Company completed the sale of certain Bakken properties to a third party for net proceeds of $35 million, resulting in a gain of $16 million. The Company also completed the sale of certain non-core properties and recorded a total gain of $4 million. These assets and results of operations were reported in the Conventional segment.



A) Cash-Generating Unit (“CGU”) Impairments

As indicators of impairment were noted due to the significant decline in forward commodity prices, the Company has tested its upstream CGUs for impairment.

Key Assumptions

As at December 31, 2015, the recoverable amounts of Cenovus’s upstream CGUs were determined based on fair value less costs of disposal or an evaluation of comparable asset transactions. Key assumptions in the determination of future cash flows from reserves include crude oil and natural gas prices, costs to develop and the discount rate. All reserves have been evaluated as at December 31, 2015 by independent qualified reserves evaluators.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   16   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices

The forward prices used to determine future cash flows from crude oil and natural gas reserves are:


     2016          2017          2018          2019          2020         


Annual %  

Change to  


WTI (US$/barrel) (1)

          45.00               53.60               62.40               69.00               73.10       3.8%  


WCS (C$/barrel) (2)

  46.40       54.40       59.70       66.30       68.20       3.9%  


AECO (C$/Mcf) (3) (4)

  2.70       3.20       3.55       3.85       3.95       4.0%  



West Texas Intermediate (“WTI”) crude oil.


Western Canadian Select (“WCS”) crude oil blend.


Alberta Energy Company (“AECO”) natural gas.


Assumes gas heating value of one million British Thermal Units per thousand cubic feet.

Discount and Inflation Rates

Evaluations of discounted future cash flows are initiated using the discount rate of 10 percent and inflation is estimated at two percent, which is common industry practice and used by Cenovus’s independent qualified reserves evaluators in preparing their reserves reports. Based on the individual characteristics of the asset, other economic and operating factors are also considered, which may increase or decrease the implied discount rate.

2015 Impairments

As at December 31, 2015, the Company determined that the carrying amount of the Northern Alberta CGU exceeded its recoverable amount, resulting in an impairment loss of $184 million. The impairment was recorded as additional DD&A in the Conventional segment. The Northern Alberta CGU includes the Pelican Lake and Elk Point producing assets and other emerging assets in the exploration and evaluation stage. Future cash flows for the CGU declined due to lower forward crude oil prices, a decline in reserves estimates and a slowing down of the development plan. This was partially offset by lower future development and operating costs.

The recoverable amount was determined using fair value less costs of disposal. The fair value for producing properties was calculated based on discounted after-tax cash flows of proved and probable reserves using forward prices and cost estimates, consistent with Cenovus’s independent qualified reserves evaluators (Level 3). Future cash flows were estimated using a two percent inflation rate and discounted using a rate of 10 percent. As at December 31, 2015, the recoverable amount of the Northern Alberta CGU was estimated to be approximately $1.5 billion.

For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to the CGU to which it relates. There were no impairments of goodwill in the year ended December 31, 2015.


Changes to the assumed discount rate or forward price estimates over the life of the reserves independently would have the following impact on the 2015 impairment of the Northern Alberta CGU:



One Percent  

 Increase in the  

Discount Rate  


Five Percent  

 Decrease in the  

Forward Price  


Increase to Impairment of PP&E

  157       336  

2014 Impairments

As at December 31, 2014, the Company determined that the carrying amount of the Northern Alberta CGU exceeded its recoverable amount and the full amount of the impairment was attributed to goodwill. An impairment loss of $497 million was recorded as goodwill impairment on the Consolidated Statements of Earnings. The operating results of the CGU are included in the Conventional segment. Future cash flows for the CGU declined due to lower crude oil prices and a slowing down of the Pelican Lake development plan.

The recoverable amount was determined using fair value less costs of disposal. The fair value for producing properties was calculated based on discounted after-tax cash flows of proved and probable reserves using forward prices and cost estimates, consistent with Cenovus’s independent qualified reserves evaluators (Level 3). The fair value of E&E assets was determined using market comparable transactions (Level 3). Future cash flows were estimated using a two percent inflation rate and discounted using a rate of 11 percent. To assess reasonableness, an evaluation of fair value based on comparable asset transactions was also completed. As at December 31, 2014, the recoverable amount of the Northern Alberta CGU was estimated to be $2.3 billion.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   17   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


B) Asset Impairments

Exploration and Evaluation Assets

During the fourth quarter of 2015, $117 million of previously capitalized E&E costs were deemed not to be technically feasible and commercially viable, and were recorded as exploration expense. This impairment loss included $67 million and $50 million within the Oil Sands and Conventional segments, respectively.

During the second quarter of 2015, $21 million of previously capitalized E&E costs were deemed not to be technically feasible and commercially viable, and were recorded as exploration expense in the Conventional segment.

In 2014, $82 million of previously capitalized E&E costs were deemed not to be technically feasible and commercially viable, and were recorded as exploration expense in the Conventional segment. In addition, $4 million of costs related to the expiry of leases in the Borealis CGU were recorded as exploration expense in the Oil Sands segment.

Property, Plant and Equipment, Net

In addition to the impairments recorded at the CGU level, DD&A expense includes the following asset impairments:


    Three Months Ended   Twelve Months Ended
For the periods ended December 31,                   2015                          2014                          2015                        2014  

Development and Production (Note 12)

  16       52       16       65  
  16       52       16       65  

During the fourth quarter of 2015, the Company impaired a sulphur recovery facility for $16 million, which was recorded in the Oil Sands segment. The Company did not have future plans for the assets and did not believe it would recover the carrying amount through a sale.

In 2014, the Company impaired equipment for $52 million. The Company did not have future plans for the equipment and did not believe it would recover the carrying amount through a sale. The asset was written down to fair value less costs of disposal. Additionally, a minor natural gas property was shut-in and abandonment commenced, resulting in an impairment of $13 million. These impairments were recorded in the Conventional segment.



The provision for income taxes is:


    Three Months Ended   Twelve Months Ended
For the periods ended December 31,                 2015                        2014                        2015                        2014  

Current Tax



  (100)      12       586       94  

United States

  (2)      (23)      (12)      (2) 

Total Current Tax Expense (Recovery)

  (102)      (11)      574       92  

Deferred Tax Expense (Recovery)

  (139)      (37)      (655)      359  
  (241)      (48)      (81)      451  

In 2015, the Company recorded a deferred tax recovery of $415 million arising from an adjustment to the tax basis of the Company’s refining assets. The increase in tax basis was a result of the Company’s partner recognizing a taxable gain on its interest in WRB which, due to an election filed with the U.S. tax authorities, was added to the tax basis of WRB’s assets.

The Alberta government enacted a two percent increase in the corporate income tax rate effective July 1, 2015, increasing the statutory tax rate for the year to 26.1 percent. As a result, the Company’s deferred income tax liability increased by $161 million for the year ended December 31, 2015. The Canadian statutory tax rate as at December 31, 2015 was 27.0 percent. The U.S. statutory tax rate has decreased to 38.0 percent from 38.1 percent in 2014.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   18   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


The following table reconciles income taxes calculated at the Canadian statutory rate with the recorded income taxes:


                      Twelve Months Ended  
For the periods ended December 31,                         2015          2014   

Earnings Before Income Tax

          537         1,195    

Canadian Statutory Rate

                          26.1%                     25.2%    

Expected Income Tax

          140         301    

Effect of Taxes Resulting From:


Foreign Tax Rate Differential

          (41)        (43)   

Non-Deductible Stock-Based Compensation

          7         13    

Non-Taxable Capital Losses

          137         74    

Unrecognized Capital Losses Arising From Unrealized Foreign Exchange

          135         50    

Adjustments Arising From Prior Year Tax Filings

          (55)        (16)   

Derecognition (Recognition) of Capital Losses

          (149)        (9)   

Recognition of U.S. Tax Basis


Change in Statutory Rate


Foreign Exchange Gains (Losses) not Included in Net Earnings

          -         (13)   

Goodwill Impairment

          -         125    


          (1)        (31)   

Total Tax

          (81)        451    

Effective Tax Rate

              (15.1)%               37.7%    




A) Net Earnings Per Share

    Three Months Ended           Twelve Months Ended  
For the periods ended December 31,               2015                      2014                       2015                  2014  

Net Earnings (Loss) – Basic and Diluted ($ millions)

  (641)        (472)        618         744   

Basic – Weighted Average Number of Shares (millions)

  833.3         757.1         818.7         756.9   

Dilutive Effect of Cenovus TSARs (1)

  -                -         0.7   

Dilutive Effect of Cenovus NSRs (2)

  -                -         -   

Diluted – Weighted Average Number of Shares

                  833.3         757.1         818.7         757.6   

Net Earnings (Loss) Per Share ($)



  $(0.77)        $(0.62)        $0.75         $0.98   


  $(0.77)        $(0.62)        $0.75         $0.98   

Tandem stock appreciation rights (“TSARs”).


Net settlement rights (“NSRs”).

B) Dividends Per Share

For the three months ended December 31, 2015, the Company paid dividends of $0.16 per share (three months ended December 31, 2014 – $0.2662 per share). For the year ended December 31, 2015, the Company paid dividends of $710 million, including cash dividends of $528 million (year ended December 31, 2014 – $805 million, all of which was paid in cash). The Cenovus Board of Directors declared a first quarter dividend of $0.05 per share, payable on March 31, 2016, to common shareholders of record as of March 15, 2016. While the dividend reinvestment plan (“DRIP”) remains in place, the discount has been discontinued.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   19   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015





    December 31,        December 31,  
As at   2015          2014   



Refining and Marketing

  591         972     

Oil Sands

  158         182     


  11         28     

Parts and Supplies

  50         42     
  810         1,224     


As a result of a decline in commodity prices, Cenovus recorded a write-down of its product inventory of $66 million from cost to net realizable value as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – $131 million).








As at December 31, 2013




Transfers to PP&E (Note 12)


Exploration Expense (Note 7)




Change in Decommissioning Liabilities


As at December 31, 2014






Transfers to PP&E (Note 12)


Exploration Expense (Note 7)


Change in Decommissioning Liabilities


As at December 31, 2015


E&E assets consist of the Company’s projects which are pending determination of technical feasibility and commercial viability.



Cenovus Energy Inc.   20   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015





     Upstream Assets                             
& Production
                   Other (1)                        Total  



As at December 31, 2013

     29,390           286           3,654           849           34,179   


     2,522           43           162           63           2,790   

Transfers From E&E Assets (Note 11)

     53           -           -           -           53   

Transfers to Assets Held for Sale

     (55        -           -           -           (55

Change in Decommissioning Liabilities

     264           -           (3        -           261   

Exchange Rate Movements and Other

     1           -           338           -           339   


     (474        -           -           (2        (476

As at December 31, 2014

     31,701           329           4,151           910           37,091   


     1,289           2           240           45           1,576   

Acquisition (Note 13)

     1           -           -           83           84   

Transfers From E&E Assets (Note 11)

     49           -           -           -           49   

Change in Decommissioning Liabilities

     (635        -           1           (1        (635

Exchange Rate Movements and Other

     (1        -           814           -           813   


     (923        -           -           -           (923

As at December 31, 2015

     31,481           331           5,206           1,037           38,055   



As at December 31, 2013

     15,791           193           386           475           16,845   

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

     1,602           40           156           83           1,881   

Transfers to Assets Held for Sale

     (27        -           -           -           (27

Impairment Losses (Note 7)

     65           -           -           -           65   

Exchange Rate Movements and Other

     38           -           42           -           80   


     (316        -           -           -           (316

As at December 31, 2014

     17,153           233           584           558           18,528   

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

     1,601           44           189           80           1,914   

Impairment Losses (Note 7)

     200           -           -           -           200   

Exchange Rate Movements and Other

     (1        -           123           1           123   


     (45        -           -           -           (45

As at December 31, 2015

     18,908           277           896           639           20,720   



As at December 31, 2013

     13,599           93           3,268           374           17,334   

As at December 31, 2014

     14,548           96           3,567           352           18,563   

As at December 31, 2015

     12,573           54           4,310           398           17,335   

(1) Includes crude-by-rail terminal, office furniture, fixtures, leasehold improvements, information technology and aircraft.


PP&E includes the following amounts in respect of assets under construction and not subject to depreciation, depletion and amortization (“DD&A”):




                                      December 31,            December 31,    
As at                                           2015              2014     

Development and Production

                    537              478      

Refining Equipment

                    265              159      
                    802              637      


Cenovus Energy Inc.   21   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015




On August 31, 2015, the Company completed the acquisition of a crude-by-rail terminal for cash consideration of $75 million, plus adjustments. The transaction was accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting. In connection with the acquisition, the Company assumed an associated decommissioning liability of $4 million, working capital of $1 million and net transportation commitments of $92 million. Transaction costs associated with the acquisition have been expensed. These assets and results of operations are reported in the Refining and Marketing segment.




            December 31,          December 31,  
As at            2015            2014   

Carrying Value, Beginning of Year

      242         739   

Impairment Losses (Note 7)

      -         (497)  

Carrying Value, End of Year

      242         242   


All of the Company’s goodwill arose in 2002 upon the formation of the predecessor corporation. As at December 31, 2015 and 2014, the carrying amount of goodwill was associated with the Company’s Primrose (Foster Creek) CGU.



            December 31,          December 31,  
As at   US$ Principal          2015            2014   

Revolving Term Debt (1)

  -       -         -   

U.S. Dollar Denominated Unsecured Notes

  4,750       6,574         5,510   

Total Debt Principal

      6,574         5,510   

Debt Discounts and Transaction Costs

      (49)        (52)  
      6,525         5,458   

(1) Revolving term debt may include bankers’ acceptances, LIBOR loans, prime rate loans and U.S. base rate loans.

During the second quarter of 2015, Cenovus renegotiated its existing $3.0 billion committed credit facility, extending the maturity date to November 30, 2019. In addition, a new $1.0 billion tranche was established under the same facility, maturing on November 30, 2017. As at December 31, 2015, the Company had $4.0 billion available on its committed credit facility.

As at December 31, 2015, the Company is in compliance with all of the terms of its debt agreements.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   22   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015




The decommissioning provision represents the present value of the expected future costs associated with the retirement of upstream crude oil and natural gas assets, refining facilities and the crude-by-rail terminal. The aggregate carrying amount of the obligation is:


                       December 31,         December 31,     
As at                          2015           2014      

Decommissioning Liabilities, Beginning of Year

             2,616        2,370      

Liabilities Incurred

             10        48      

Liabilities Acquired

             4        -      

Liabilities Settled

             (62)       (93)    

Liabilities Divested

             -         (60)    

Transfers and Reclassifications

             -         (9)    

Change in Estimated Future Cash Flows

             (70)       115     

Change in Discount Rate

             (579)       122     

Unwinding of Discount on Decommissioning Liabilities

             126        120     

Foreign Currency Translation

             7        3     

Decommissioning Liabilities, End of Year

             2,052        2,616     


The undiscounted amount of estimated future cash flows required to settle the obligation has been discounted using a credit-adjusted risk-free rate of 6.4 percent as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – 4.9 percent).




A) Authorized


Cenovus is authorized to issue an unlimited number of common shares, and first and second preferred shares not exceeding, in aggregate, 20 percent of the number of issued and outstanding common shares. The first and second preferred shares may be issued in one or more series with rights and conditions to be determined by the Company’s Board of Directors prior to issuance and subject to the Company’s articles.


B) Issued and Outstanding


     December 31, 2015        December 31, 2014
As at   

Number of   





Number of   





Outstanding, Beginning of Year

   757,103         3,889         756,046        3,857   

Common Shares Issued, Net of Issuance Costs

   67,500         1,463         -        -   

Common Shares Issued Pursuant to Dividend
Reinvestment Plan

   8,687         182         -        -   

Common Shares Issued Under Stock Option Plans

   -         -         1,057        32   

Outstanding, End of Year

   833,290         5,534         757,103        3,889   

On March 3, 2015, Cenovus issued 67.5 million common shares at a price of $22.25 per common share.

The Company has a DRIP, whereby holders of common shares may reinvest all or a portion of the cash dividends payable on their common shares in additional common shares. At the discretion of the Company, the additional common shares may be issued from treasury of the Company or purchased on the market. During the year ended December 31, 2015, the Company issued 8.7 million common shares from treasury under the DRIP.

There were no preferred shares outstanding as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – nil).

As at December 31, 2015, there were 12 million (December 31, 2014 – 13 million) common shares available for future issuance under the stock option plan.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   23   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015





Benefit Plan


for Sale


As at December 31, 2013

     (12      212          10           210   

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Before Tax

     (24      215          -           191   

Income Tax

     6         -          -           6   

As at December 31, 2014

     (30      427          10           407   

Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Before Tax

     28         587          8           623   

Income Tax

     (8      -          (2        (10

As at December 31, 2015

     (10      1,014          16           1,020   



In response to the low-price environment and to align with the Company’s more moderate growth plan, the Company reduced its workforce in 2015. Employee termination benefits of $31 million and $43 million were recorded as incurred in the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2015, respectively.



A) Employee Stock Option Plan

Cenovus has an Employee Stock Option Plan that provides employees with the opportunity to exercise an option to purchase a common share of the Company. Options issued under the plan have associated TSARs or NSRs.

The following table is a summary of the options outstanding at the end of the period:


As at December 31, 2015    Issued   








Life (Years)  





Price ($)




Price ($)


Number of  





   On or After February 24, 2011      7         4.33          31.65           17.50         42,114  


   On or After February 17, 2010      7           1.19            26.72             17.50           3,645  


The weighted average unit fair value of NSRs granted during the year ended December 31, 2015 was $3.58 before considering forfeitures, which are considered in determining total cost for the period. The fair value of each NSR was estimated on its grant date using the Black-Scholes-Merton valuation model.

The following table summarizes information related to the NSRs:


As at December 31, 2015   

Number of







Price ($)  

Outstanding, Beginning of Year

     40,549         32.63  


     4,106         22.25  


     -         -  


     (2,541      32.19  

Outstanding, End of Year

     42,114         31.65  

Exercisable, End of Year

     23,484         34.46  


The Company has recorded a liability of $1 million as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – $8 million) in the Consolidated Balance Sheets based on the fair value of each TSAR held by Cenovus employees. The intrinsic value of vested TSARs held by Cenovus employees as at December 31, 2015 was $nil (December 31, 2014 – $nil).


Cenovus Energy Inc.   24   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


The following table summarizes information related to the TSARs held by Cenovus employees:


As at December 31, 2015   

Number of   







Price ($)   


Outstanding, Beginning of Year

   3,862         26.72   

Exercised for Cash Payment

   -         -   

Exercised as Options for Common Shares

   -         -   


   (144)        27.06   


   (73)        25.89   

Outstanding, End of Year

   3,645         26.72   

Exercisable, End of Year

   3,645         26.72   


B) Performance Share Units


The Company has recorded a liability of $49 million as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – $109 million) in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for performance share units (“PSUs”) based on the market value of Cenovus’s common shares as at December 31, 2015. As PSUs are paid out upon vesting, the intrinsic value of vested PSUs was $nil as at December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014.


The following table summarizes the information related to the PSUs held by Cenovus employees:


As at December 31, 2015              

   Number of   




Outstanding, Beginning of Year




Vested and Paid Out




Units in Lieu of Dividends


Outstanding, End of Year



C) Restricted Share Units


Cenovus has granted restricted share units (“RSUs”) to certain employees under its Restricted Share Unit Plan for Employees. RSUs are whole share units and entitle employees to receive, upon vesting, either a common share of Cenovus or a cash payment equal to the value of a Cenovus common share. RSUs vest after three years.


RSUs are accounted for as liability instruments and are measured at fair value based on the market value of Cenovus’s common shares at each period end. The fair value is recognized as compensation costs over the vesting period. Fluctuations in the fair value are recognized as compensation costs in the period they occur.


The Company has recorded a liability of $11 million as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – $1 million) in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for RSUs based on the market value of Cenovus’s common shares as at December 31, 2015. As RSUs are paid out upon vesting, the intrinsic value of vested RSUs was $nil as at December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014.


The following table summarizes the information related to the RSUs held by Cenovus employees:


As at December 31, 2015              

   Number of   




Outstanding, Beginning of Year




Vested and Paid Out




Units in Lieu of Dividends


Outstanding, End of Year



Cenovus Energy Inc.   25  

For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


D) Deferred Share Units

The Company has recorded a liability of $26 million as at December 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014 – $31 million) in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for deferred share units (“DSUs”) based on the market value of Cenovus’s common shares as at December 31, 2015. The intrinsic value of vested DSUs equals the carrying value as DSUs vest at the time of grant.

The following table summarizes the information related to the DSUs held by Cenovus directors, officers and employees:


As at December 31, 2015  

     Number of   



Outstanding, Beginning of Year


Granted to Directors




Units in Lieu of Dividends




Outstanding, End of Year


E) Total Stock-Based Compensation Expense (Recovery)

The following table summarizes the stock-based compensation expense (recovery) recorded for all plans within general and administrative expense in the Consolidated Statements of Earnings:


     Three Months Ended        Twelve Months Ended
For the periods ended December 31,                    2015                           2014                           2015                               2014  


   7        8        27        41  


   (1)       (7)       (5)       (10) 


   (6)       (15)       (13)       34  


   1        -        6        -  


   (4)       (7)       (5)       (5) 

Stock-Based Compensation Expense (Recovery)

   (3)       (21)       10        60  



Cenovus’s capital structure objectives and targets have remained unchanged from previous periods. Cenovus’s capital structure consists of Shareholders’ Equity plus Debt. Debt is defined as short-term borrowings, and the current and long-term portions of long-term debt. Net debt includes the Company’s short-term borrowings, and the current and long-term portions of long-term debt, net of cash and cash equivalents. Cenovus’s objectives when managing its capital structure are to maintain financial flexibility, preserve access to capital markets, ensure its ability to finance internally generated growth and to fund potential acquisitions while maintaining the ability to meet the Company’s financial obligations as they come due.

Cenovus monitors its capital structure and financing requirements using, among other things, non-GAAP financial metrics consisting of Debt to Capitalization and Debt to Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes and DD&A (“Adjusted EBITDA”). These metrics are used to steward Cenovus’s overall debt position as measures of Cenovus’s overall financial strength.

Over the long term, Cenovus targets a Debt to Capitalization ratio of between 30 and 40 percent and a Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio of between 1.0 and 2.0 times. At different points within the economic cycle, Cenovus expects these ratios may periodically be outside of the target range.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   26   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


A) Debt to Capitalization and Net Debt to Capitalization


      December 31,         December 31,  
As at   2015           2014   




  6,525        5,458   

Add (Deduct):


Cash and Cash Equivalents

  (4,105)       (883)  

Net Debt

  2,420        4,575   


  6,525        5,458   

Shareholders’ Equity

  12,391        10,186   
  18,916        15,644   

Debt to Capitalization

  34%        35%   

Net Debt

  2,420        4,575   

Shareholders’ Equity

  12,391        10,186   
  14,811        14,761   

Net Debt to Capitalization

  16%        31%   
B) Debt to Adjusted EBITDA and Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA      
    December 31,         December 31,  
As at   2015           2014   


  6,525        5,458   

Net Debt

  2,420        4,575   

Net Earnings

  618        744   

Add (Deduct):


Finance Costs

  482        445   

Interest Income

  (28)       (33)  

Income Tax Expense (Recovery)

  (81)       451   

Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization

  2,114        1,946   

Goodwill Impairment

  -        497   

E&E Impairment

  138        86   

Unrealized (Gain) Loss on Risk Management

  195        (596)  

Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss, Net

  1,036        411   

(Gain) Loss on Divestitures of Assets

  (2,392)       (156)  

Other (Income) Loss, Net

  2        (4)  

Adjusted EBITDA

  2,084        3,791   

Debt to Adjusted EBITDA

  3.1x        1.4x   

Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA

  1.2x        1.2x   

Cenovus will maintain a high level of capital discipline and manage its capital structure to ensure sufficient liquidity through all stages of the economic cycle. To manage its capital structure, Cenovus may, among other actions, adjust capital and operating spending, adjust dividends paid to shareholders, purchase shares for cancellation pursuant to normal course issuer bids, issue new shares, issue new debt, draw down on its credit facilities or repay existing debt.

As at December 31, 2015, Cenovus had $4.0 billion available on its committed credit facility. In addition, Cenovus had in place a $1.5 billion Canadian base shelf prospectus and a US$2.0 billion U.S. base shelf prospectus, the availability of which are dependent on market conditions.

Under the committed credit facility, the Company is required to maintain a debt to capitalization ratio, not to exceed 65 percent. The Company is well below this limit.

As at December 31, 2015, Cenovus is in compliance with all of the terms of its debt agreements.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   27   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015




Cenovus’s consolidated financial assets and financial liabilities consist of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable and accrued revenues, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, risk management assets and liabilities, available for sale financial assets, long-term receivables, short-term borrowings and long-term debt. Risk management assets and liabilities arise from the use of derivative financial instruments.

A) Fair Value of Non-Derivative Financial Instruments

The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable and accrued revenues, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, and short-term borrowings approximate their carrying amount due to the short-term maturity of those instruments.

The fair values of long-term receivables approximate their carrying amount due to the specific non-tradeable nature of these instruments.

Long-term debt is carried at amortized cost. The estimated fair values of long-term borrowings have been determined based on period-end trading prices of long-term borrowings on the secondary market (Level 2). As at December 31, 2015, the carrying value of Cenovus’s long-term debt was $6,525 million and the fair value was $6,050 million (December 31, 2014 carrying value – $5,458 million, fair value – $5,726 million).

Available for sale financial assets comprise private equity investments. These assets are carried at fair value on the Consolidated Balance Sheets in other assets. Fair value is determined based on recent private placement transactions (Level 3) when available. The following table provides a reconciliation of changes in the fair value of available for sale financial assets:


     December 31,          December 31,  
As at    2015            2014   

Fair Value, Beginning of Year

   32         32   

Acquisition of Investments

   2         4   

Reclassification of Equity Investments

   -         (4)  

Change in Fair Value (1)

   8         -   

Fair Value, End of Year

   42         32   


(1) Unrealized gains and losses on available for sale financial assets are recorded in other comprehensive income.

B) Fair Value of Risk Management Assets and Liabilities

The Company’s risk management assets and liabilities consist of crude oil, condensate, natural gas and power purchase contracts, as well as interest rate swaps. Crude oil, condensate and natural gas contracts are recorded at their estimated fair value based on the difference between the contracted price and the period-end forward price for the same commodity, using quoted market prices or the period-end forward price for the same commodity extrapolated to the end of the term of the contract (Level 2). The fair value of power purchase contracts are calculated internally based on observable and unobservable inputs such as forward power prices in less active markets (Level 3). The unobservable inputs are obtained from third parties whenever possible and reviewed by the Company for reasonableness. The forward prices used in the determination of the fair value of the power purchase contracts as at December 31, 2015 range from $30.00 to $41.00 per megawatt hour. The fair value of interest rate swaps are calculated using external valuation models which incorporate observable market data, including quoted market prices and interest rate yield curves (Level 2).

Summary of Unrealized Risk Management Positions


     December 31, 2015        December 31, 2014
     Risk Management    Risk Management
As at    Asset              Liability           Net            Asset            Liability            Net   

Commodity Prices


Crude Oil

   301         15         286         423         7         416   

Natural Gas

   -         -         -         55         -         55   


   -         13         (13)        -         9         (9)  
   301         28         273         478         16         462   

Interest Rate

   -         2         (2)        -         -         -   

Total Fair Value

                 301                      30                       271                     478                       16                     462   


Cenovus Energy Inc.   28   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


The following table presents the Company’s fair value hierarchy for risk management assets and liabilities carried at fair value:


        December 31,             December 31,  

As at

   2015          2014   



Prices Sourced From Observable Data or Market Corroboration (Level 2)

   284        471   

Prices Determined From Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)

   (13)       (9)  
                   271                        462   

Prices sourced from observable data or market corroboration refers to the fair value of contracts valued in part using active quotes and in part using observable, market-corroborated data. Prices determined from unobservable inputs refers to the fair value of contracts valued using data that is both unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement.

The following table provides a reconciliation of changes in the fair value of Cenovus’s risk management assets and liabilities from January 1 to December 31:


                      2015                               2014   



Fair Value of Contracts, Beginning of Year

   462        (129)  

Fair Value of Contracts Realized During the Year (1)

   (656)       (66)  

Change in Fair Value of Contracts in Place at Beginning of Year and Contracts Entered Into During the Year (2)

   461        662   

Unrealized Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) on U.S. Dollar Contracts

   4        (5)  

Fair Value of Contracts, End of Year

                       271                         462   

(1) Includes a realized loss of $10 million related to the power contracts (2014 – $4 million gain).

(2) Includes a decrease of $14 million related to the power contracts (2014 – $10 million decrease).

C) Earnings Impact of (Gains) Losses From Risk Management Positions


     Three Months Ended    Twelve Months Ended  

For the periods ended December 31,

     2015                           2014                           2015                             2014   

Realized (Gain) Loss (1)

     (239        (151        (656        (66

Unrealized (Gain) Loss (2)

                       26           (416        195           (596

(Gain) Loss on Risk Management

     (213        (567        (461        (662

(1) Realized gains and losses on risk management are recorded in the operating segment to which the derivative instrument relates.

(2) Unrealized gains and losses on risk management are recorded in the Corporate and Eliminations segment.



The Company is exposed to financial risks, including market risk related to commodity prices, foreign exchange rates, interest rates as well as credit risk and liquidity risk. A description of the nature and extent of risks arising from the Company’s financial assets and liabilities can be found in the notes to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements as at December 31, 2014. The Company’s exposure to these risks has not changed significantly since December 31, 2014. To manage the Company’s exposure to interest rate volatility, during the fourth quarter of 2015 the Company entered into interest rate swap contracts related to future debt issuances. As at December 31, 2015, the Company had a notional amount of US$300 million in forward swaps.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   29   For the period ended December 31, 2015


All amounts in $ millions, unless otherwise indicated

For the period ended December 31, 2015


Net Fair Value of Risk Management Positions


As at December 31, 2015                   Notional Volumes          Terms              Average Price                  Fair Value  

Crude Oil Contracts


Fixed Price Contracts


Brent Fixed Price

    17,000 bbls/d          January – June 2016                  $75.80/bbl              64    

Brent Fixed Price

    33,000 bbls/d          January – June 2016                  US$47.59/bbl              65    

Brent Fixed Price

    10,000 bbls/d          January – December 2016                  US$66.93/bbl              127    

Brent Fixed Price

    5,000 bbls/d          July – December 2016                  $75.46/bbl              13    

WCS Differential (1)

    31,600 bbls/d          January – December 2016                  US$(13.96)/bbl              (9)   

Brent Collars

    10,000 bbls/d          July – December 2016                 
US$45.55 –    

Other Financial Positions (2)


Crude Oil Fair Value Position


Condensate Purchase Contracts


Mont Belvieu Fixed Price

    3,000 bbls/d          January – December 2016                  US$39.20/bbl          (2)   

Power Purchase Contracts


Power Fair Value Position


Interest Rate Swaps




Cenovus entered into fixed-price swaps to protect against widening light/heavy price differential for heavy crudes.


Other financial positions are part of ongoing operations to market the Company’s production.

Sensitivities – Risk Management Positions

The following table summarizes the sensitivity of the fair value of Cenovus’s risk management positions to fluctuations in commodity prices or interest rates, with all other variables held constant. Management believes the price and interest rate fluctuations identified in the table below are a reasonable measure of volatility. The impact of fluctuating commodity prices and interest rates on the Company’s open risk management positions could have resulted in unrealized gains (losses) impacting earnings before income tax based on the risk management positions in place as follows:

Risk Management Positions in Place as at December 31, 2015


      Sensitivity Range         Increase                Decrease  

Crude Oil Commodity Price


± US$10 per bbl Applied to Brent and WTI Hedges

  (243)      245  

Crude Oil Differential Price


± US$5 per bbl Applied to Differential Hedges Tied to Production

  80       (80) 

Condensate Commodity Price


± US$10 per bbl Applied to Condensate Hedges

  23       (23) 

Power Commodity Price


± $25 per MWHr Applied to Power Hedge

  19       (19) 

Interest Rate Swaps


± 50 Basis Points

  38       (46) 



A) Commitments

Cenovus has entered into various commitments in the normal course of operations primarily related to demand charges on firm transportation agreements. In addition, the Company has commitments related to its risk management program and an obligation to fund its defined benefit pension and other post-employment benefit plans. Additional information related to the Company’s commitments can be found in the notes to the annual Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014. In the third quarter of 2015, net transportation commitments of $92 million were assumed upon the acquisition of the Company’s crude-by-rail terminal. The Company did not enter into any other new material contracts for the year ended December 31, 2015.

B) Legal Proceedings

Cenovus is involved in a limited number of legal claims associated with the normal course of operations. Cenovus believes it has made adequate provisions for such legal claims. There are no individually or collectively significant claims.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   30   For the period ended December 31, 2015



Cenovus Energy Inc.

Interim Supplemental Information



For the period ended December 31, 2015


(Canadian Dollars)


Financial Statistics

($ millions, except per share amounts)










      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  


Gross Sales



   4,739      1,002      1,152      1,410      1,175           8,261      1,721      2,147      2,295      2,098  

Refining and Marketing

   8,805      2,030      2,242      2,437      2,096           12,658      2,773      3,144      3,483      3,258  

Corporate and Eliminations

   (337)     (77)     (86)     (68)     (106)          (812)     (156)     (197)     (218)     (241) 

Less: Royalties

   143      31      35      53      24           465      100      124      138      103  


           13,064              2,924              3,273              3,726              3,141                   19,642              4,238              4,970              5,422              5,012  




Operating Cash Flow








      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids


Foster Creek

   454      72      168      130      84           969      227      298      230      214  

Christina Lake

   592      118      159      199      116           1,054      237      308      293      216  


   683      132      163      223      165           1,367      272      353      391      351  

Natural Gas

   307      69      79      78      81           556      112      129      163      152  

Other Upstream Operations

   18      6      3      2      7           18      12      -      5     


   2,054      397      572      632      453           3,964      860      1,088      1,082      934  

Refining and Marketing

   385      (40)     30      300      95           215      (323)     68      223      247  

Operating Cash Flow (1) (2)

   2,439      357      602      932      548           4,179      537      1,156      1,305      1,181  




Cash Flow








      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Cash from Operating Activities

   1,474      322      542      335      275           3,526      868      1,092      1,109      457  

Deduct (Add Back):


Net Change in Other Assets and Liabilities

   (107)     (26)     (13)     (14)     (54)          (135)     (38)     (28)     (27)     (42) 

Net Change in Non-Cash Working Capital

   (110)     73      111      (128)     (166)          182      505      135      (53)     (405) 

Cash Flow (3)

   1,691      275      444      477      495           3,479      401      985      1,189      904  

Per Share     - Basic

   2.07      0.33      0.53      0.58      0.64           4.60      0.53      1.30      1.57      1.20  

     - Diluted

   2.07      0.33      0.53      0.58      0.64           4.59      0.53      1.30      1.57      1.19  












      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Operating Earnings (Loss) (4)

   (403)     (438)     (28)     151      (88)          633      (590)     372      473      378  

Per Share     - Diluted

   (0.49)     (0.53)     (0.03)     0.18      (0.11)          0.84      (0.78)     0.49      0.62      0.50  

Net Earnings (Loss)

   618      (641)     1,801      126      (668)          744      (472)     354      615      247  

Per Share     - Basic

   0.75      (0.77)     2.16      0.15      (0.86)          0.98      (0.62)     0.47      0.81      0.33  

     - Diluted

   0.75      (0.77)     2.16      0.15      (0.86)          0.98      (0.62)     0.47      0.81      0.33  




Tax & Exchange Rates








      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Effective Tax Rates Using:


Net Earnings (5)

   (15.1)%                      37.7%             

Operating Earnings, Excluding Divestitures

   32.4%                      29.7%             

Canadian Statutory Rate (6)

   26.1%                      25.2%             

U.S. Statutory Rate

   38.0%                      38.1%             

Foreign Exchange Rates (US$ per C$1)



   0.782      0.749      0.764      0.813      0.806           0.905      0.881      0.918      0.917      0.906  

Period End

   0.723      0.723      0.747      0.802      0.789           0.862      0.862      0.892      0.937      0.905  



Operating Cash Flow is a non-GAAP measure defined as revenues less purchased product, transportation and blending, operating expenses and production and mineral taxes plus realized gains less realized losses on risk management activities. Items within the Corporate and Eliminations segment are excluded from the calculation of Operating Cash Flow.


For all periods presented, employee long-term incentive costs were reclassified from operating expenses to general and administrative costs. There were no changes to Cash Flow, Operating Earnings or Net Earnings.


Cash Flow is a non-GAAP measure defined as cash from operating activities excluding net change in other assets and liabilities and net change in non-cash working capital, both of which are defined on the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.


Operating Earnings (Loss) is a non-GAAP measure that is used to provide a consistent measure of the comparability of our underlying financial performance between periods by removing non-operating items. Operating Earnings (Loss) is defined as Earnings (Loss) Before Income Tax excluding gain (loss) on discontinuance, gain on bargain purchase, unrealized risk management gains (losses) on derivative instruments, unrealized foreign exchange gains (losses) on translation of U.S. dollar denominated notes issued from Canada, foreign exchange gains (losses) on settlement of intercompany transactions, gains (losses) on divestiture of assets, less income taxes on Operating Earnings (Loss) before tax, excluding the effect of changes in statutory income tax rates and the recognition of an increase in U.S. tax basis.


The 2015 effective tax rate reflects an increase to the tax basis of Cenovus’s U.S. assets, the two percent increase in the Alberta corporate income tax rate and the benefit from recognition of previously unrecognized capital losses.


On June 29, 2015, the Alberta government enacted a two percent increase in the corporate income tax rate. The rate increase is effective July 1, 2015.


Financial Metrics (Non-GAAP measures)    2015          2014
      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  


Net Debt to Capitalization (1) (2)
































Debt to Capitalization (3) (4)
































Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA (1) (5)
































Debt to Adjusted EBITDA (3) (5)
































Return on Capital Employed (6)
































Return on Common Equity (7)

































Net debt includes the Company’s short-term borrowings, and the current and long-term portions of long-term debt, net of cash and cash equivalents.


Net debt to capitalization is defined as net debt divided by net debt plus shareholders’ equity.


Debt includes the Company’s short-term borrowings and the current and long-term portions of long-term debt.


Capitalization is a non-GAAP measure defined as debt plus shareholders’ equity.


Adjusted EBITDA is defined as earnings before finance costs, interest income, income tax expense, depreciation, depletion and amortization, asset impairments, unrealized gains (losses) on risk management, foreign exchange gains (losses), gains (losses) on divestiture of assets and other income (loss), net, calculated on a trailing twelve-month basis.


Return on capital employed is calculated, on a trailing twelve-month basis, as net earnings before after-tax interest divided by average shareholders’ equity plus average debt.


Return on common equity is calculated, on a trailing twelve-month basis, as net earnings divided by average shareholders’ equity.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   1  

Supplemental Information

for the period ended December 31, 2015


Financial Statistics (continued)


Common Share Information





      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1           



   Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Common Shares Outstanding (millions)


Period End

   833.3      833.3      833.3      833.3      828.5           757.1      757.1      757.1      757.0      756.9  

Average - Basic

   818.7      833.3      833.3      828.6      778.9           756.9      757.1      757.1      756.9      756.4  

Average - Diluted

   818.7      833.3      833.3      828.6      778.9           757.6      757.1      758.8      758.0      757.3  

Price Range ($ per share)


TSX - C$



   26.42      22.35      20.91      24.28      26.42           34.79      30.13      34.79      34.70      32.02  


   15.75      16.85      15.75      19.53      20.45           18.72      18.72      29.77      30.80      28.25  


   17.50      17.50      20.24      19.98      21.35           23.97      23.97      30.13      34.59      31.97  




   21.12      17.23      15.97      19.72      21.12           32.64      26.89      32.64      32.44      28.96  


   11.85      12.10      11.85      15.69      16.29           16.11      16.11      26.57      28.35      25.52  


   12.62      12.62      15.16      16.01      16.88           20.62      20.62      26.88      32.37      28.96  

Dividends ($ per share)

   0.8524              0.1600              0.1600              0.2662              0.2662                   1.0648              0.2662              0.2662              0.2662              0.2662  

Share Volume Traded (millions)

           1,691.2      377.1      483.3      388.7      442.1           803.8      333.1      147.7      152.7      170.3  

Net Capital Investment





      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1           



   Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Capital Investment ($ millions)


Oil Sands


Foster Creek

   403      85      96      73      149           796      159      207      209      221  

Christina Lake

   647      132      147      161      207           794      231      198      183      182  


   1,050      217      243      234      356           1,590      390      405      392      403  

Other Oil Sands

   135      22      29      26      58           396      104      89      79      124  
   1,185      239      272      260      414           1,986      494      494      471      527  


   244      87      55      36      66           840      219      198      153      270  

Refining and Marketing

   248      89      67      48      44           163      52      42      46      23  


   37      13      6      13      5           62      21      16      16      9  

Capital Investment

   1,714      428      400      357      529           3,051      786      750      686      829  

Acquisitions (1)

   87      3      84      -      -           18      1      -      16      1  


   (3,344)     1      (3,329)     -      (16)          (277)     (1)     (235)     (39)     (2) 

Net Acquisition and Divestiture Activity

   (3,257)     4      (3,245)     -      (16)          (259)        (235)     (23)     (1) 

Net Capital Investment

   (1,543)     432      (2,845)     357        513           2,792      786      515      663      828  


(1)  Q2 2014 asset acquisition includes the assumption of a decommissioning liability of $10 million.


Operating Statistics - Before Royalties    


Upstream Production Volumes      2015          2014
      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1           



   Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (bbls/d)     


Oil Sands    


Foster Creek  

   65,345      63,680      71,414      58,363      67,901           59,172      68,377      56,631      56,852      54,706  

Christina Lake    

   74,975      75,733      75,329      72,371      76,471           69,023      73,836      68,458      67,975      65,738  
   140,320      139,413      146,743      130,734      144,372           128,195      142,213      125,089      124,827      120,444  



Heavy Oil    

   34,888      32,363      33,997      36,099      37,155           39,546      38,021      39,096      40,304      40,799  

Light and Medium Oil  

   30,486      26,625      28,491      31,809      35,135           34,531      34,661      33,548      35,329      34,598  

Natural Gas Liquids (1)   

   1,253      1,155      1,191      1,312      1,358           1,221      1,282      1,356      1,228      1,013  
     66,627      60,143      63,679      69,220      73,648           75,298      73,964      74,000      76,861      76,410  

Total Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids

   206,947      199,556      210,422      199,954      218,020           203,493      216,177      199,089      201,688      196,854  

Natural Gas (MMcf/d)


Oil Sands

   19      19      19      21      20           22      22      23      23      19  


   422      405      411      429      442           466      457      466      484      457  

Total Natural Gas

   441      424      430      450      462           488      479      489      507      476  

Total Production (BOE/d)

   280,447      270,223      282,089      274,954      295,020           284,826      296,010      280,589      286,188      276,187  


(1)  Natural gas liquids include condensate volumes.


Average Royalty Rates
(Excluding Impact of Realized Gain (Loss) on Risk
   2015          2014
      Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1            Year      Q4      Q3      Q2      Q1  

Oil Sands


Foster Creek (1)

   1.9%     0.7%     0.8%     5.0%     (1.2)%          8.8%     11.2%     7.2%     9.3%     8.1% 

Christina Lake

   2.8%     1.9%     3.7%     2.5%     3.1%          7.5%     7.2%     7.9%     7.7%     7.1% 



Pelican Lake

   9.0%     8.1%     4.7%     14.3%     6.0%          7.5%     8.4%     7.1%     8.0%     6.9% 


   17.7%     17.0%     18.7%     18.4%     16.5%          21.9%     19.0%     24.0%     24.4%     19.4% 


   5.2%     12.2%     8.2%     1.2%     3.5%          5.9%     6.7%     6.5%     5.5%     4.9% 

Natural Gas Liquids

   5.6%     12.8%     7.1%     2.2%     2.3%          2.1%     2.6%     1.6%     2.2%     2.2% 

Natural Gas

   2.5%     3.8%     3.7%     1.2%     1.6%          1.9%     2.5%     2.0%     2.0%     1.4% 


(1)  In Q1 2015, regulatory approval was received to include certain capital costs incurred in previous years in the royalty calculation which has resulted in a negative rate. Excluding the credit, the Q1 2015 and year-to-date royalty rate would have been 5.9 percent and 3.1 percent, respectively.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   2  

Supplemental Information

for the period ended December 31, 2015


Operating Statistics - Before Royalties (continued)


Refining    2015          2014






























Refinery Operations (1)


Crude Oil Capacity (Mbbls/d)

   460      460      460      460      460           460      460      460      460      460  

Crude Oil Runs (Mbbls/d)

   419      405      394      441      439           423      420      407      466      400  

Heavy Oil

   200      196      186      200      220           199      179      201      221      195  


   219      209      208      241      219           224      241      206      245      205  

Crude Utilization

   91%     88%     86%     96%     95%          92%     91%     88%     101%     87% 

Refined Products (Mbbls/d)

   444      430      414      462      469           445      442      429      489      420  


(1)  Represents 100% of the Wood River and Borger refinery operations.

Selected Average Benchmark Prices    2015         
































Crude Oil Prices (US$/bbl)



           53.64            44.71      51.17      63.50      55.17           99.51      76.98      103.39      109.77      107.90  

West Texas Intermediate (“WTI”)

   48.80      42.18      46.43      57.94      48.63           93.00      73.15      97.17      102.99      98.68  

Differential Brent - WTI

   4.84      2.53      4.74      5.56      6.54           6.51      3.83      6.22      6.78      9.22  

Western Canadian Select (“WCS”)

   35.28      27.69      33.16      46.35      33.90           73.60      58.91      76.99      82.95      75.55  

Differential WTI - WCS

   13.52      14.49      13.27      11.59      14.73           19.40      14.24      20.18      20.04      23.13  

Condensate (C5 @ Edmonton)

   47.36      41.67      44.21      57.94      45.62           92.95      70.57      93.45      105.15      102.64  

Differential WTI - Condensate (Premium)/Discount

   1.44      0.51      2.22      -      3.01           0.05      2.58      3.72      (2.16)     (3.96) 

Refining Margins 3-2-1 Crack Spreads (1) (US$/bbl)



   19.11      14.47              24.67              20.77              16.53                   17.61              14.60              17.57              19.72              18.55  

Group 3

   18.16      13.82      22.03      19.34      17.46           16.27      13.28      16.65      17.75      17.41  

Natural Gas Prices


AECO (C$/Mcf)

   2.77      2.65      2.80      2.67      2.95           4.42      4.01      4.22      4.67      4.76  


   2.66      2.27      2.77      2.64      2.98           4.42      4.00      4.06      4.67      4.94  

Differential NYMEX - AECO (US$/Mcf)

   0.49      0.27      0.61      0.50      0.57           0.40      0.44      0.16      0.40      0.60  



The 3-2-1 crack spread is an indicator of the refining margin generated by converting three barrels of crude oil into two barrels of regular unleaded gasoline and one barrel of ultra-low sulphur diesel using current month WTI based crude oil feedstock prices and on a last in, first out accounting basis (“LIFO”).

Per-unit Results

(Excluding Impact of Realized Gain (Loss) on Risk Management)    2015          2014






























Heavy Oil - Foster Creek (1) (2) ($/bbl)




   33.65      25.09      33.35      48.25      29.42           69.43      51.95      76.82      79.77      71.44  


   0.47      0.12      0.20      1.97      (0.25)          5.95      5.67      5.40      7.14      5.71  

Transportation and Blending

   8.84      8.53      8.50      9.04      9.39           1.98      1.85      2.17      3.10      0.78  

Operating (3)

   12.60      11.66      11.27      13.29      14.50           16.35      13.73      14.67      18.90      18.72  


   11.74      4.78      13.38      23.95      5.78           45.15      30.70      54.58      50.63      46.23  

Heavy Oil - Christina Lake (1) (2) ($/bbl)




   28.45      21.34      27.46      43.36      23.30           61.57      47.21      67.62      72.25      59.89  


   0.67      0.30      0.83      0.99      0.61           4.40      3.14      5.07      5.37      4.04  

Transportation and Blending

   4.72      5.40      5.00      4.29      4.17           3.53      4.14      3.75      3.14      3.02  

Operating (3)

   8.01      7.80      7.80      8.20      8.24           11.09      9.34      10.34      11.85      13.12  


   15.05      7.84      13.83      29.88      10.28           42.55      30.59      48.46      51.89      39.71  

Total Heavy Oil - Oil Sands (1) (2) ($/bbl)




   30.88      23.08      30.35      45.61      26.04           65.18      49.44      71.82      75.65      65.19  


   0.58      0.22      0.52      1.44      0.22           5.11      4.33      5.22      6.17      4.80  

Transportation and Blending

   6.64      6.85      6.72      6.48      6.50           2.82      3.06      3.03      3.12      1.99  

Operating (3)

   10.13      9.59      9.46      10.57      10.99           13.50      11.41      12.32      14.98      15.72  


   13.53      6.42      13.65      27.12      8.33           43.75      30.64      51.25      51.38      42.68  

Heavy Oil - Conventional (1) (2) ($/bbl)




   39.95      32.84      37.09      52.63      35.85           76.25      60.25      81.30      83.29      78.52  


   2.97      2.24      1.73      5.34      2.34           7.09      6.85      7.72      7.76      6.01  

Transportation and Blending

   3.36      3.63      3.36      3.09      3.42           3.29      3.22      3.40      3.44      3.09  

Operating (3)

   15.92      15.20      15.59      15.45      17.30           20.51      18.41      19.94      20.27      23.16  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   0.04      (0.03)     0.07      0.08      0.02           0.18      0.03      0.24      0.32      0.13  


   17.66      11.80      16.34      28.67      12.77           45.18      31.74      50.00      51.50      46.13  

Total Heavy Oil (1) (2) ($/bbl)




   32.73      24.87      31.63      47.24      28.15           67.83      51.74      73.99      77.63      68.64  


   1.07      0.59      0.75      2.35      0.68           5.59      4.87      5.79      6.58      5.12  

Transportation and Blending

   5.97      6.26      6.08      5.69      5.83           2.93      3.09      3.11      3.20      2.28  

Operating (3)

   11.31      10.62      10.62      11.70      12.35           15.18      12.90      14.06      16.35      17.65  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   0.01      (0.01)    0.01      0.02      -           0.04      0.01      0.05      0.08      0.03  


   14.37      7.41      14.17      27.48      9.29           44.09      30.87      50.98      51.42      43.56  



The netbacks do not reflect non-cash write-downs of product inventory.


Heavy oil price, and transportation and blending costs exclude the costs of purchased condensate, which is blended with the heavy oil. On a per-barrel of unblended crude oil basis, the cost of condensate is as follows:

 Cost of Condensate per Barrel of Unblended Crude Oil ($/bbl)

 Foster Creek

   27.44      25.96      24.20      29.82      30.57           42.01      35.45      38.50      47.28      48.35  

 Christina Lake

   29.50      27.39      26.42      32.90      31.60           45.45      38.23      42.57      49.30      52.81  

 Heavy Oil - Oil Sands

   28.54      26.72      25.33      31.48      31.14           43.87      36.92      40.71      48.39      50.77  

 Heavy Oil - Conventional

   10.94      9.99      9.56      12.42      11.50           15.71      13.98      13.25      17.70      17.56  

 Total Heavy Oil

   24.94      23.64      22.34      27.06      26.91           37.13      32.04      34.42      40.44      42.17  



For all periods presented, employee long-term incentive costs were reclassified from operating expenses to general and administrative costs.



Cenovus Energy Inc.   3  

Supplemental Information

for the period ended December 31, 2015


Operating Statistics - Before Royalties (continued)


Per-unit Results


(Excluding Impact of Realized Gain (Loss) on Risk Management)    2015            2014  






























Light and Medium Oil ($/bbl)                                   



           50.64            45.35              49.57              61.66              45.81                   88.30              71.10              89.85              98.27              94.18  


   5.66      6.97      7.02      5.67      3.56           9.15      6.12      10.36      11.37      8.78  

Transportation and Blending

   2.91      2.80      2.88      3.06      2.88           3.34      2.89      3.06      3.31      4.11  

Operating (1)

   16.27      17.37      15.92      15.90      16.04           16.98      16.06      17.23      16.75      17.94  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   1.41      0.76      1.60      1.95      1.28           2.70      2.59      2.99      2.97      2.23  


   24.39      17.45      22.15      35.08      22.05           56.13      43.44      56.21      63.87      61.12  
Total Crude Oil (2) ($/bbl)                                   



   35.41      27.62      34.08      49.55      31.09           71.39      55.05      76.64      81.35      73.15  


   1.75      1.44      1.60      2.88      1.16           6.21      5.08      6.56      7.45      5.76  

Transportation and Blending

   5.51      5.79      5.64      5.27      5.34           3.00      3.06      3.10      3.22      2.60  

Operating (1)

   12.05      11.52      11.35      12.37      12.97           15.49      13.44      14.59      16.42      17.70  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   0.22      0.10      0.23      0.33      0.22           0.50      0.45      0.54      0.60      0.42  


   15.88      8.77      15.26      28.70      11.40           46.19      33.02      51.85      53.66      46.67  
Natural Gas Liquids ($/bbl)                                   



   30.98      30.70      24.57      39.64      28.51           65.55      50.82      66.70      78.38      67.31  


   1.74      3.94      1.75      0.87      0.66           1.38      1.34      1.07      1.70      1.48  


   29.24      26.76      22.82      38.77      27.85           64.17      49.48      65.63      76.68      65.83  
Total Liquids (2) ($/bbl)                                   



   35.38      27.63      34.03      49.48      31.08           71.35      55.02      76.57      81.33      73.12  


   1.75      1.46      1.60      2.86      1.16           6.18      5.06      6.52      7.41      5.74  

Transportation and Blending

   5.48      5.76      5.61      5.24      5.31           2.98      3.04      3.08      3.20      2.59  

Operating (1)

   11.98      11.46      11.28      12.29      12.89           15.40      13.36      14.50      16.32      17.61  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   0.22      0.10      0.23      0.33      0.22           0.50      0.44      0.54      0.60      0.42  






















Total Natural Gas ($/Mcf)                                   



   2.92      2.78      3.00      2.82      3.05           4.37      3.89      4.22      4.87      4.47  


   0.07      0.10      0.11      0.03      0.05           0.08      0.09      0.08      0.09      0.06  

Transportation and Blending

   0.11      0.11      0.10      0.10      0.12           0.12      0.13      0.11      0.11      0.11  

Operating (1)

   1.20      1.25      1.16      1.14      1.26           1.22      1.21      1.23      1.20      1.24  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   0.01      0.02      0.01      0.02      0.01           0.05      0.03      0.05      0.13      (0.01) 


   1.53      1.30      1.62      1.53      1.61           2.90      2.43      2.75      3.34      3.07  
Total (2) (3) ($/BOE)                                   



   30.67      24.78      29.95      40.50      27.73           58.29      46.14      61.85      65.71      59.68  


   1.40      1.23      1.36      2.13      0.93           4.53      3.80      4.79      5.36      4.19  

Transportation and Blending

   4.21      4.43      4.35      3.95      4.11           2.32      2.40      2.39      2.45      2.03  

Operating (1)

   10.72      10.43      10.18      10.78      11.49           13.06      11.66      12.45      13.59      14.65  

Production and Mineral Taxes

   0.18      0.10      0.19      0.27      0.17           0.44      0.36      0.48      0.65      0.28  


   14.16      8.59      13.87      23.37      11.03           37.94      27.92      41.74      43.66      38.53  

Impact of Realized Gain (Loss) on Risk Management


Liquids ($/bbl)

   7.51      11.39      10.07      1.75      6.58           0.50      7.06      (0.45)     (2.94)     (2.00) 

Natural Gas ($/Mcf)

   0.37      0.42      0.37      0.39      0.29           0.04      0.05      0.11      (0.02)     -  

Total (3) ($/BOE)

   6.11      9.08      8.07      1.92      5.31           0.42      5.17      (0.13)     (2.09)     (1.42) 



For all periods presented, employee long-term incentive costs were reclassified from operating expenses to general and administrative costs.


The netbacks do not reflect non-cash write-downs of product inventory.


Natural gas volumes have been converted to barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) on the basis of six thousand cubic feet (Mcf) to one barrel (bbl). BOE may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A conversion ratio of one bbl to six Mcf is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent value equivalency at the wellhead. Given that the value ratio based on the current price of crude oil compared to natural gas is significantly different from the energy equivalency conversion ratio of 6:1, utilizing a conversion on a 6:1 basis is not an accurate reflection of value.


Cenovus Energy Inc.   4  

Supplemental Information

for the period ended December 31, 2015