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Washington, D.C. 20549





Certified Shareholder Report of

Registered Management Investment Companies


Investment Company Act File Number: 811-22349




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)


6455 Irvine Center Drive

Irvine, California 92618

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)





Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (213) 486-9200


Date of fiscal year end: October 31


Date of reporting period: October 31, 2015






Courtney R. Taylor

Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

333 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California 90071

(Name and Address of Agent for Service)





ITEM 1 – Reports to Stockholders


Private Client Services FundsSM
Annual Report


For the year ended October 31, 2015




Financial markets
see modest gains
amid uncertainty
over the global


Capital Group Core Municipal FundSM


Capital Group Short-Term Municipal FundSM


Capital Group California Core Municipal FundSM


Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal FundSM


Capital Group Core Bond FundSM


Capital Group Global Equity FundSM


Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity FundSM


Capital Group U.S. Equity FundSM




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Letter to investors

October 31, 2015 (unaudited)


Fellow investors:


Global equities rose modestly in the 12-month period ended October 31, 2015. The U.S. market was paced by consistent job growth, inexpensive imports and lower gas prices. Those forces helped to propel consumer spending and boost the housing market. On the downside, soft global growth and a strong dollar put pressure on the manufacturing sector and weighed on U.S. exports. The energy sector was hurt by sagging crude oil prices, as high production levels overseas offset declining output in the U.S. Elsewhere, concerns about the economic outlook in China drove down global equity markets late in the period following a surprise currency devaluation by the Chinese central bank. Share prices rebounded in October as initial concerns about the slowdown eased. Despite signs of economic improvement, European stocks finished the period down fractionally. In Japan, a rally early in the year helped share prices finish higher even though the country’s economy dipped into recession in the third quarter.


Fixed-income markets in the U.S. moved higher amid the uncertain global economy and turbulence in equity markets. The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note finished the period at 2.14%, down from 2.34% a year earlier. The cloudy economic outlook in China caused the Federal Reserve to delay a long-expected hike in interest rates. The central bank is expected to begin raising rates soon, but policymakers have indicated that they will move cautiously to avoid any disruption to economic momentum.


Equity Commentary


Over the past 12 months, the Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund rose 3.75%, compared with a gain of 5.20% for the S&P 500 index. The Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund gained 0.69%, outpacing its benchmark, the MSCI EAFE Index, which declined 0.07%. The Capital Group Global Equity Fund rose 1.10%, exceeding the 1.77% advance in its benchmark, the MSCI World Index.


Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund


The fund benefited from the steady improvement in the U.S. economy, particularly in the information technology and consumer discretionary sectors. Three of the top 10 contributors to results — Avago Technologies, Jack Henry & Associates and VeriSign — came from the tech sector. Avago was helped by strong sales of the iPhone6, which spurred demand for the company’s semiconductors. Jack Henry & Associates reported better-than-expected third-quarter revenue and issued positive guidance for the future, while VeriSign was helped by growth in website registrations and price increases.


The strengthening economy and uptick in retail spending also aided consumer discretionary companies. Three of the fund’s top contributors — Newell Rubbermaid, Starbucks and Norwegian Cruise Lines — were in this sector. The fund held an overweight position in consumer discretionary stocks compared with the S&P 500.


On the downside, the fund was negatively impacted by energy-related holdings, which suffered as the price of crude oil fell sharply. Four of the top 10 detractors from results were in this field: ConocoPhillips, Noble Energy, Cenovus Energy and Schlumberger. Fund results also were held back by two companies in the industrials sector, Norfork Southern and Eaton.


In light of challenging global economic conditions, some of our portfolio managers adopted a more defensive posture. On the margin, exposure to economically sensitive companies was reduced in favor of holdings in areas such as food and financial services, where consumer demand is likelier to hold up if economic conditions shift. Among financial companies, our managers found opportunities in asset management and other consumer-oriented services. These organizations are poised to benefit from growing demand for savings and investment products, especially as the middle class expands in developing economies.


The fund also sought to take advantage of long-term opportunities created by the fluctuations in energy stocks. It added to positions in Chevron and ConocoPhillips, while establishing new holdings in Exxon and Occidental Petroleum.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Letter to investors

October 31, 2015 (unaudited) (continued)


Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund


Uncertainty about the extent of the economic slowdown in China cast a shadow across many non-U.S. markets. The weakness in China chilled other emerging markets, especially commodity producers confronting falling prices for raw materials. One of the top detractors from results was First Quantum Minerals, a Canadian-based metals and mining company. The fund was also negatively affected by casino operator Wynn Macau. The Chinese government’s ongoing corruption crackdown weighed heavily on casino operators in the Chinese territory, which is the world’s biggest gambling market.


The fund benefited from holdings across a range of sectors, including health care, consumer discretionary and information technology. The top contributor to results was Genmab, whose compound to treat multiple myeloma received priority review status from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Japanese retailer Ryohin Keikaku experienced accelerating sales and a successful store expansion.


Capital Group Global Equity Fund


The fund was helped by strong results from the information technology and financial services sectors, both of which had overweight positions compared with the benchmark. The top contributor to results was Incyte, a biopharmaceutical company primarily focused on drugs for oncology and inflammation. The fund is focused on companies developing innovative treatments that can improve patient outcomes. Health care holdings were shifted during the period, as exposure to companies with high valuations was reduced in favor of those with more-promising drug pipelines. The fund also added selectively to companies in the medical devices industry, such as Medtronic and St. Jude Medical.


The weakness in the global economy negatively impacted consumer discretionary stocks. The Chinese anticorruption crackdown in Macau also weighed on the sector. The fund’s consumer discretionary holdings trailed those of its benchmark index. Nevertheless, some companies bucked the trend to achieve strong results. Three of the fund’s top five contributors were in the consumer discretionary sector: Royal Caribbean Cruises, Newell Rubbermaid and Starbucks.


Fixed-Income Commentary


The volatility in the equity market and continued low rates overseas caused U.S. bond yields to decline over the period. The Capital Group Core Bond, Core Municipal, Short-Term Municipal, California Core Municipal and California Short-Term Municipal bond funds all rose during the period, but each trailed its respective benchmark.


The process by which the Fed will boost interest rates is likely to unfold very slowly, potentially minimizing pressure on bond prices. The Fed’s goals today differ from those in previous tightening cycles. In the past, the central bank raised rates to tamp down rapid economic growth that threatened to unleash inflation. Today, by contrast, the Fed is vigilant about the potential for even moderate tightening to choke off the economy. Instead, it simply wants to move rates away from the artificially low levels that have been in place since the 2008 financial crisis. Other factors also suggest that rates will not shoot up. Central banks in other countries will almost certainly keep their rates low for an extended period to stimulate their own economies, thus helping to temper the size of increases in the U.S.


Capital Group Core Bond Fund


The fund had a total return of 1.25%, trailing the 2.05% return of its benchmark. Given the expectation that interest rates will move higher over time, the fund was positioned conservatively. That included the shortening of duration, which is a broad measurement of a portfolio’s sensitivity to shifting rates. The fund was underweight U.S. Treasuries while being significantly overweight investment-grade corporate bonds. It has a market weight in asset-backed securities whose repayment streams are linked to mortgages, auto loans and credit cards. The credit quality of these securities is enhanced as the strong job market bolsters the ability of borrowers to make payments.


Capital Group Core Municipal Bond Fund and Capital Group Short-Term Core Municipal Bond Fund




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Letter to investors

October 31, 2015 (unaudited) (continued)


The Core Municipal fund had a total return of 1.31%, compared with 1.97% for its benchmark. The fund invests in a range of high-quality revenue bonds, which are issued to finance public-related services such as roads, bridges, airports and schools. Nearly 28% of the fund’s assets were in transportation bonds, more than 19% were in government securities and slightly more than 15% were in health care issues.


The Short-Term Core Municipal fund rose 0.51%, lagging the 1.22% return of its benchmark. The bulk of the fund’s assets, nearly 27%, are in transportation-related bonds. An additional 16% are in education-related holdings, and nearly 16% are in government securities.


Capital Group California Core Municipal Bond Fund and Capital Group California Short-Term Core Municipal Bond Fund


The California Core Municipal fund rose 1.68%, in line with the 2.04% return of its benchmark. One preferred area for the fund was health care, including hospitals, which have benefited as mergers have fortified their balance sheets. Leading medical centers are expected to do well amid the variety of changes buffeting U.S. health care. Given that demand for medical services tends not to fluctuate with the economy, hospitals have some degree of insulation if U.S. growth were to lighten.


The California Short-Term Core Municipal fund had a total return of 0.74%, trailing the 1.27% return of its benchmark. The fund had more than 37% of its assets in government securities. An additional 19% were in utilities bonds and nearly 15% were in education-related holdings.


Volatility in fixed income may spike as the Federal Reserve moves forward with an expected rate hike. That may cause temporary dislocations in certain areas of the bond market, potentially creating opportunities to enhance yield. Regardless of the direction of rates, bonds provide stability during volatile periods when equity prices can swing sharply. During such times, fixed income can help smooth out the inevitable gyrations in the financial markets.


Sincerely yours,



John S. Armour

President and Principal Executive Officer



William L. Robbins

Senior Vice President and Equity Portfolio Manager



John R. Queen

Principal Investment Officer and Fixed-Income Portfolio Manager




Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group Core Municipal Fund grew between April 13, 2010, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – quality ratings*



* Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poors and/or Fitch as an indication of an Issuer’s credit-worthiness. If agency rating differ, securities are put in the highest category consistent with fund investment policies. When securities have not been rated by a rating agency (included in “unrated” at left), the investment advisor performs it’s own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance and fund investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.




Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - 96.7%   Principal
Municipals - 96.6%                
Alabama - 1.0%                
Alabama 21st Century Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021   $ 2,230     $ 2,589  
Alabama Federal Aid Highway Fin. Auth., Highway Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     100       117  
Alabama Public School & College Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,000       1,068  
Univ. of Alabama, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     150       166  
Alaska - 0.2%                
Alaska Housing Fin. Corp., Rev. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2040     585       613  
Arizona - 3.0%                
Arizona Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 02/05/20 @ 100), 1.86%, 20481     3,100       3,170  
Arizona Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2024     300       361  
Glendale Ind. Dev. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.25%, 2018     1,000       1,096  
Maricopa County Ind. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     795       847  
Phoenix Civic Imp. Corp., Port, Airport, & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     2,800       3,256  
Phoenix Civic Imp. Corp., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.50%, 2024     125       140  
Phoenix Ind. Dev. Auth., Misc. Purposes Lease Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     1,000       1,085  
Salt River Project Agricultural Imp. & Power Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2020     160       181  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,093  
Arkansas - 0.2%                
Arkansas Dev. Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 09/01/22 @ 100), 1.56%, 20441     600       594  
California - 11.8%                
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.), 4.00%, 2016     1,500       1,504  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Public Imps. Special Tax Ref. Bonds (CIFG Insured), 5.00%, 2021     990       1,060  
Anaheim Public Fncg. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 4.00%, 2017     100       105  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 05/01/23 @ 100):1                
0.91%, 2045     2,200       2,162  
0.91%, 2047     1,500       1,474  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 10/01/19 @ 100), 0.71%, 20471     1,000       999  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series F (Pre-refunded with FHLMC/FNMA to 04/01/2016 @ 100), 5.00%, 2022     125       128  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
5.00%, 2026     300       357  
5.00%, 2028     315       364  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2019     750       869  
5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,156  
Private Client Services Funds 5

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
California - continued                
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (Mandatory Put 10/15/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 20431   $ 1,800     $ 2,109  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/18 @ 100), 0.29%, 20471     1,000       991  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2 (Mandatory Put 04/03/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20381     1,300       1,294  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds, 2.40%, 2020     1,250       1,250  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     1,000       1,154  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Private Schools Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 06/01/22 @ 100), 1.21%, 20371     1,000       998  
Cathedral City Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2025     620       735  
Chula Vista Muni. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     910       1,042  
City & County of San Francisco, Health Care Imps. Certs. of Part. Lease Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     100       106  
City of Irvine, Special Assessment Ref. Bonds:                
3.125%, 2021     565       592  
4.00%, 2017     1,215       1,285  
5.00%, 2023     900       1,066  
City of Long Beach CA Harbor Rev., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2024     685       846  
Emeryville Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     900       1,056  
Foothill-Eastern Trans. Corridor Agcy., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series B-1 (Mandatory Put 01/15/18 @ 100), 5.00%, 20531     1,000       1,059  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,168  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2019     1,170       1,335  
5.00%, 2020     750       874  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,184  
Hemet Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2029     500       581  
Jurupa Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2030     850       959  
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     100       120  
Los Angeles County Redev. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2020     700       811  
Menlo Park Comm. Dev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2022     800       965  
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-1 (Mandatory Put 03/27/18 @ 100), 0.39%, 20271     1,350       1,347  
Northern California Gas Auth. No. 1, Natural Gas Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 0.848%, 20191     100       98  
Perris Union High School Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2030     1,250       1,379  
San Diego County Regional Trans. Commission, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     250       294  
San Jose Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 4.54%, 2018     200       201  
Santa Ana Comm. Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.25%, 2019     600       681  
Santa Cruz County Redev. Agcy., Special Assessment Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2026     1,825       2,178  
State of California Dept. of Water Res., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AU (Mandatory Put 09/01/17 @ 100), 0.63%, 20351     1,850       1,850  


6 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
California - continued                
State of California, G.O. General Fund Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020   $ 1,500     $ 1,742  
State of California, G.O. Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations 07/01/19 @ 100):                
5.00%, 2020     520       597  
5.25%, 2021     100       116  
Stockton Public Fin. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2023     375       451  
Tuolumne Wind Project Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.25%, 2024     200       224  
Colorado - 2.6%                
City & County of Denver, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.25%, 2028     200       226  
City & County of Denver, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.00%, 2017     300       315  
City & County of Denver, Port, Airport, & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2021     500       592  
Colorado Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2024     1,500       1,714  
5.00%, 2026     2,000       2,265  
Colorado Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 11/15/16 @ 100), 5.125%, 20171     115       121  
Colorado Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     2,000       2,104  
Colorado State Board of Governors, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     645       771  
E-470 Public Highway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds, Series CD (Mandatory Put 06/01/15 @ 100), 1.76%, 20391     475       477  
Regional Trans. Dist., Transit Imps. Cert. of Part. Lease Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,105  
Univ. of Colorado., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     150       176  
District of Columbia - 0.2%                
Dist. of Columbia, Income Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2024     700       868  
Florida - 10.6%                
Brevard County Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2021     500       578  
5.00%, 2022     500       581  
Citizens Prop. Insurance Corp., Cash Flow Mgmt. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A-1:                
5.00%, 2016     700       719  
5.25%, 2017     2,100       2,250  
6.00%, 2016     300       310  
Citizens Prop. Insurance Corp., Misc. Purposes Rev. Bonds, Series A-1:                
5.00%, 2019     2,500       2,823  
5.00%, 2020     1,100       1,269  
Citizens Prop. Insurance Corp., Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A-1, 5.00%, 2019     150       169  
City of Cape Coral, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,110  
City of Clearwater, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2018     100       112  
City of Fort Lauderdale, Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 4.00%, 2016     100       103  
City of Jacksonville, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,149  
City of Tampa, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2016     1,200       1,258  
Private Client Services Funds 7

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Florida - continued                
5.00%, 2017   $ 2,000     $ 2,175  
County of Lee Trans. Facs. Rev., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bond (AGM Insured):                
5.00%, 2021     500       592  
5.00%, 2022     1,300       1,557  
County of Miami-Dade, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2018     1,100       1,227  
County of Saint Johns, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2016     100       103  
Florida Higher Educ. Facs. Financial Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     1,000       1,147  
Florida Housing Fin. Corp., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 5.00%, 2028     435       455  
Florida Housing Fin. Corp., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series B, 4.50%, 2029     660       702  
Florida Housing Fin. Corp., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series B (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.50%, 2029     380       404  
Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Fin. Corp., Misc. Purposes Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     2,700       2,784  
Florida Muni. Power Agcy., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     600       697  
Florida State Board of Edu., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series E, 5.00%, 2016     2,000       2,064  
Florida State Dept. of Environmental Protection, Public Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2019     1,450       1,617  
Florida Water Pollution Control Fncg. Corp., Pollution Control Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2020     300       337  
5.00%, 2022     400       448  
5.00%, 2023     300       335  
Miami-Dade County Expressway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     1,750       2,072  
Miami-Dade County Expressway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Assured GTY Insured), 3.00%, 2016     2,050       2,086  
Miami-Dade County School Board, School Imps. Certs. of Part. Lease Bonds, Series B (AMBAC Insured), 4.00%, 2015     100       100  
Mid-Bay Bridge Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2021     575       653  
Orlando Utils. Commission, Multiple Util. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2017     1,000       1,084  
Orlando Utils. Commission, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2023     400       448  
Palm Beach County Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2027     300       342  
South Broward Hospital Dist., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2021     75       77  
South Broward Hospital Dist., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations 05/01/16 @ 100) (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2021     200       205  
Southeast Overtown Park West Comm Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Local Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-1:2                
5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,101  
5.00%, 2021     785       886  
Tampa Bay Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2018     430       482  
Volusia County Educ. Fac. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B:                
5.00%, 2023     400       473  
5.00%, 2028     1,000       1,138  
Georgia - 2.7%                
Burke County Dev. Auth., Pollution Control Res. Recovery Rev. Bonds, 7.00%, 2023     300       336  
City of Atlanta, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2017     1,250       1,317  
DeKalb County Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.25%, 2020     2,000       2,258  
DeKalb Private Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2024     200       228  
Georgia Housing & Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2044     1,760       1,897  
Georgia State Road & Tollway Auth., Highway Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     400       443  
8 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Georgia - continued                
Gwinnett County Dev. Auth., Certs. of Part. Lease Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2016   $ 100     $ 101  
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 07/01/17 @ 100), 0.31%, 20251     800       798  
Muni. Electric Auth. of Georgia, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,151  
Muni. Electric Auth. of Georgia, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series A, 5.00%, 2021     500       585  
Private Colleges & Universities Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,143  
Guam - 0.4%                
Guam Intl. Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2023     1,200       1,384  
Hawaii - 0.8%                
State of Hawaii, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series DT, 5.00%, 2019     600       692  
State of Hawaii, G.O. Public Imps. Bonds, Series DZ, 5.00%, 2019     1,250       1,445  
State of Hawaii, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     700       816  
Idaho - 0.6%                
Idaho Housing & Fin. Association, Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,155  
5.00%, 2022     1,000       1,181  
Illinois - 7.3%                
Chicago Board of Edu., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2016     100       100  
Chicago O’Hare Intl. Airport, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2021     250       290  
City of Chicago, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2017     1,675       1,740  
City of Chicago, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series C (Assured GTY Insured), 5.25%, 2022     1,000       1,149  
City of Chicago, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2021     500       580  
City of Chicago, Sewer Imps. Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2021     1,000       1,066  
Illinois Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     200       218  
Illinois Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 02/01/19 @ 100), 1.65%, 20251     2,000       2,024  
Illinois Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.125%, 2020     1,070       1,148  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2022     850       1,016  
5.00%, 2027     590       679  
5.00%, 2027     600       677  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2021     500       588  
5.00%, 2027     250       289  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A-3 (Mandatory Put 05/01/19 @ 100), 5.00%, 20301     1,000       1,132  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-1 (Mandatory Put 01/15/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 20301     1,500       1,724  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2030     1,000       1,051  
Private Client Services Funds 9

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Illinois - continued                
Illinois Muni. Electric Agcy., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2027   $ 1,000     $ 1,176  
Illinois State Toll Highway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     500       585  
Regional Trans. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 6.00%, 2020     2,000       2,313  
Regional Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM G.O. of Auth. Insured), 5.00%, 2018     1,200       1,321  
Regional Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.50%, 2020     1,610       1,880  
State of Illinois, G.O. Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.25%, 2021     2,000       2,215  
State of Illinois, G.O. Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2017     300       316  
5.00%, 2021     375       412  
State of Illinois, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     1,500       1,735  
Univ. of Illinois, Transit Imps. Cert. of Part. Lease Bonds, Series A, 5.25%, 2024     30       32  
Univ. of Illinois, Transit Imps. Cert. of Part. Lease Bonds, Series A (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations 10/01/17 @ 100) (AMBAC Insured), 5.25%, 2024     70       76  
Indiana - 1.7%                
City of Whiting, Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 10/01/19 @ 100), 1.85%, 20441     500       505  
Indiana Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2019     500       553  
Indiana Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.50%, 2024     100       114  
Indiana Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2020     1,400       1,419  
Indiana Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series N, 5.00%, 2020     1,200       1,392  
Indiana Fin. Auth., Sewer Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,000       1,082  
Purdue Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series BB-1, 5.00%, 2021     1,050       1,252  
Iowa - 0.3%                
Iowa Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA Insured), 2.15%, 2043     784       728  
Iowa Fin. Auth., Water Util. Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     300       344  
Kansas - 0.2%                
Kansas Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     500       559  
Kentucky - 1.6%                
Kentucky Asset Liability Commission, Public Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2024     1,500       1,791  
Kentucky Housing Corp., St. Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2027     445       471  
Kentucky Public Trans. Infrastructure Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     3,575       3,811  
Louisiana - 2.0%                
Louisiana Office Facs. Corp., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2016     300       305  
Louisiana Public Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.25%, 2027     185       194  
Louisiana Public Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S Treasury Obligations 05/15/2017 @ 100), 5.25%, 2027     65       70  
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition Dist., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     1,500       1,786  
10 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Louisiana - continued                
Parish of St Charles, Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 06/01/22 @ 100), 4.00%, 20401   $ 2,000     $ 2,132  
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2025     1,000       1,014  
5.50%, 2028     1,000       1,075  
5.50%, 2029     1,000       1,101  
Maine - 0.2%                
Maine Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     600       703  
Maryland - 0.2%                
Maryland Comm. Dev. Administration, Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 4.00%, 2044     680       742  
Massachusetts - 2.6%                
City of Boston, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     160       163  
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, G.O. Cash Flow Mgmt. Prop. Tax Notes, Series B, 2.00%, 2016     2,600       2,627  
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, G.O. Cash Flow Mgmt. Prop. Tax Notes, Series C, 2.00%, 2016     1,400       1,416  
Massachusetts Dev. Fin. Agcy., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series M (Mandatory Put 01/30/18 @ 100), 0.56%, 20381     990       989  
Massachusetts Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds, Series N (Mandatory Put 07/01/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20411     1,500       1,499  
Massachusetts Health & Edu. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2025     100       116  
Massachusetts Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 172, 4.00%, 2045     1,470       1,598  
Massachusetts Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 169, 4.00%, 2044     1,175       1,279  
Michigan - 4.6%                
City of Detroit Sewage Disposal System Rev., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 0.818%, 20321     1,500       1,348  
City of Detroit, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 5.375%, 2018     109       109  
Detroit City School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     1,400       1,565  
Detroit City School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.25%, 2032     1,110       1,297  
Michigan Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     2,000       2,190  
5.00%, 2021     700       794  
Michigan Fin. Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series G (NATL-RE Insured), 5.375%, 2018     591       593  
Michigan Fin. Auth., Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2024     1,000       1,170  
Michigan State Housing Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2044     1,750       1,905  
Michigan State Univ., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2017     1,500       1,618  
Michigan Strategic Fund, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.625%, 2020     1,160       1,365  
Univ. of Michigan, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     150       153  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     850       999  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2017     1,500       1,628  
Private Client Services Funds 11

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Michigan - continued                
Wayne State Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2016   $ 700     $ 731  
Minnesota - 0.9%                
Minneapolis-Saint Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     350       369  
Minnesota Housing Fin. Agcy., Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC COLL Insured), 4.25%, 2028     450       470  
Minnesota Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA Insured), 2.25%, 2042     791       766  
Minnesota Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.00%, 2040     475       500  
St. Paul Housing & Redev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     1,000       1,154  
Missouri - 0.0%                
I-470 & 350 Trans. Dev. Dist., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (Radian Insured), 4.60%, 2029     50       50  
Missouri State Environmental Imps. & Energy Ress. Auth, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     100       113  
Nebraska - 0.6%                
Central Plains Energy Project, Natural Gas Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 12/01/19 @ 100), 5.00%, 20391     1,000       1,140  
Nebraska Investment Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2044     470       510  
Nebraska Investment Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured):                
2.50%, 2034     360       365  
3.00%, 2043     355       366  
Nevada - 2.2%                
County of Clark, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2016     325       335  
County of Clark, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2017     1,400       1,502  
5.00%, 2024     2,705       3,265  
County of Clark, Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series B, 4.00%, 2018     2,000       2,160  
Las Vegas Valley Water Dist., G.O. Water Util. Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2019     1,100       1,255  
New Hampshire - 0.2%                
New Hampshire Health & Edu. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2022     575       616  
New Jersey - 4.9%                
Camden County Imp. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2034     590       631  
Garden State Preservation Trust, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
12 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
New Jersey - continued                
5.00%, 2020   $ 1,000     $ 1,150  
5.00%, 2021     200       233  
New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2015     1,000       1,004  
New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     2,000       2,181  
New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series PP, 5.00%, 2025     1,200       1,274  
New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth., School Imps. Rev. Bonds, 0.91%, 20171     1,025       1,012  
New Jersey Higher Edu. Assistance Auth., Student Ln. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1A:                
5.00%, 2015     1,000       1,004  
5.00%, 2017     1,420       1,525  
New Jersey State Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (Mandatory Put 01/01/18 @ 100), 0.69%, 20241     2,050       2,043  
New Jersey State Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series E (Mandatory Put 01/01/18 @ 100), 0.69%, 20241     1,150       1,146  
New Jersey Transit Corp., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     1,300       1,415  
5.00%, 2021     2,000       2,266  
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series J, 5.00%, 2019     525       597  
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.00%, 20413     4,000       1,012  
New Mexico - 0.6%                
City of Farmington, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/20 @ 100), 1.875%, 20291     2,000       2,023  
New Mexico Educ. Assistance Foundation, Student Ln, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2 (GTD St. Lns. Insured), 0.974%, 20281     65       65  
New York - 6.1%                
Build NYC Ress. Corp., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2024     395       473  
City of New York, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     2,000       2,155  
City of New York, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series J-4, 0.56%, 20251     1,000       993  
City of New York, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Rev. Bonds, Series H-1, 4.00%, 2017     100       105  
City of New York, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series A-6, 0.51%, 20311     1,250       1,245  
Long Island Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series F (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2016     1,830       1,873  
Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 1.01%, 20201     2,000       2,008  
Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series A-2 (Mandatory Put 06/01/20 @ 100), 0.59%, 20391     2,000       1,974  
Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2, 5.00%, 2024     2,000       2,409  
New York City Health & Hospital Corp., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     2,000       2,114  
New York City Housing Dev. Corp. Multi-Family Mortgage Rev. Bond (8 Spruce Street), 3.50%, 2048     320       332  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth., School Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series S-5 (St. Aid Withhldg. Insured), 5.00%, 2019     100       113  
New York State Dormitory Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2016     125       128  
New York State Dormitory Auth., Income Tax Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     500       507  
New York State Dormitory Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,000       1,083  
New York State Thruway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     2,500       2,828  
Private Client Services Funds 13

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
New York - continued                
Public Housing Capital Fund Trust I Rev. Bonds (HUD Ln. Insured), 4.50%, 20222   $ 544     $ 574  
Southold Local Dev. Corp., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds, 3.125%, 2025     225       221  
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,850       1,980  
North Carolina - 1.5%                
City of Charlotte, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2023     400       467  
North Carolina Muni. Power Agcy. No. 1, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Pre- refunded with U.S Govt. Securities to 01/01/2018 @ 100), 5.25%, 2020     175       192  
Raleigh Durham Airport Auth., Port, Airport, & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     2,500       2,846  
State of North Carolina, Highway Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2025     1,900       2,300  
North Dakota - 0.1%                
North Dakota Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, 3.75%, 2042     430       453  
Ohio - 4.3%                
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series C (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2017     1,250       1,313  
City of Cleveland, Airport System, Port, Airport, & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2025     1,000       1,129  
County of Hamilton, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2025     400       462  
5.00%, 2027     1,425       1,623  
County of Allen, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B:                
5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,112  
5.00%, 2019     2,000       2,278  
5.00%, 2020     1,030       1,193  
County of Warren, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     200       227  
County of Warren, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     1,220       1,395  
Miami University/Oxford, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2019     800       882  
Ohio Air Quality Dev. Auth., Ind. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 06/01/16 @ 100), 5.75%, 20331     1,000       1,023  
Ohio Air Quality Dev. Auth., Ind. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.625%, 2018     1,000       1,069  
Ohio Air Quality Dev. Auth., Res. Recovery Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.70%, 2020     1,000       1,091  
Ohio State Building Auth., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,500       1,626  
Oklahoma - 0.7%                
Oklahoma Dev. Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S Treasury Obligations to 08/15/2018 @ 100), 5.00%, 2024     200       223  
Oklahoma Muni. Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 08/01/18 @ 100), 0.81%, 20231     1,540       1,537  
Tulsa Airports Imp. Trust, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2020     815       931  
Oregon - 1.5%                
County of Gilliam, Res. Recovery Imps. Rev. Bonds, 1.50%, 2018     1,500       1,505  
14 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Oregon - continued                
Oregon State Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2031   $ 600     $ 676  
Oregon State Lottery, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Moral Obligation Insured), 5.00%, 2023     725       885  
State of Oregon, G.O. Unemployment & Welfare Fndg. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series 94-H, 4.00%, 2044     1,445       1,566  
Tri-County Metropolitan Trans. Dist., Transit Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2017     1,000       1,018  
Pennsylvania - 2.7%                
Allegheny County Higher Edu. Building Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     400       470  
Butler County Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2021     325       357  
Montgomery County Ind. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2025     800       892  
Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     1,500       1,608  
Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2028     855       992  
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds, Series A, 0.69%, 20181     1,500       1,489  
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-1, 0.99%, 20211     950       946  
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.25%, 2025     1,000       1,225  
Univ. of Pittsburgh, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.25%, 2024     200       232  
York County Ind. Dev. Auth., Ind. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 06/01/20 @ 100), 2.55%, 20361     2,000       2,014  
Puerto Rico - 0.5%                
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
3.00%, 2018     500       426  
5.00%, 2016     400       397  
5.00%, 2017     500       491  
5.00%, 2019     710       696  
South Carolina - 1.1%                
South Carolina Jobs-Econ. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     1,025       1,118  
5.00%, 2020     500       576  
South Carolina State Housing Fin. & Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 1 (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.50%, 2030     690       749  
South Carolina State Public Service Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Escrowed to Maturity), 5.00%, 2016     385       388  
South Carolina State Public Service Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,188  
South Dakota - 0.6%                
South Dakota Housing Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series E, 4.00%, 2044     2,200       2,394  


Private Client Services Funds 15

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Tennessee – 1.4%                
City of Memphis, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018   $ 100     $ 113  
Metropolitan Govt. Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educ. Facs. Board, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 10/01/17 @ 100), 0.61%, 20381     1,400       1,397  
Tennessee Housing Dev. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2038     725       771  
4.00%, 2045     1,000       1,094  
4.50%, 2037     640       683  
Tennessee Housing Dev. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 2B, 4.00%, 2046     900       980  
Tennessee Housing Dev. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A-1, 5.00%, 2027     395       411  
Texas - 7.1%                
City of Houston, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.00%, 2025     275       292  
City of Houston, Util. System, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 06/01/17 @ 100), 0.76%, 20341     1,400       1,399  
City of Houston, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2018     1,500       1,687  
City Public Service Board of San Antonio, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     550       582  
City Public Service Board of San Antonio, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 02/01/18 @ 100), 0.39%, 20331     3,150       3,134  
County of Dallas, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2016     100       104  
Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
3.00%, 2017     1,695       1,779  
4.00%, 2016     955       994  
Dallas-Fort Worth Intl. Airport Facs. Imp. Corp., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2023     100       105  
Dallas-Fort Worth Intl. Airport Facs. Imp. Corp., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2020     900       1,057  
Dallas-Fort Worth Intl. Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,174  
Grand Parkway Trans. Corp., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 3.00%, 2016     1,500       1,542  
Harris County Cultural Edu. Facs. Fin. Corp., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2017     445       484  
5.00%, 2018     275       309  
Harris County Cultural Edu. Facs. Fin. Corp., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2023     125       142  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-4 (AGM Insured), 0.41%, 20311     200       200  
Harris County, Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2025     800       990  
Harris County-Houston Sports Auth., Hotel Occupancy Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     400       460  
Houston Higher Edu. Fin. Corp., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Pre-refunded with U.S Govt. Securities to 05/16/2016 @ 100), (Mandatory Put 11/16/17 @ 100), 0.54%, 20481     950       951  
Katy Independent School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series C (PSF-GTD Insured), (Mandatory Put 08/15/19 @ 100), 0.681%, 20361     750       751  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2030     300       342  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Mandatory Put 01/01/19 @ 100), 1.95%, 20381     1,825       1,859  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 6.00%, 2021     15       16  


16 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Texas - continued                
North Texas Tollway Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with FHL Banks/U.S. Treasury Obligations 01/01/18 @ 100), 6.00%, 2021   $ 85     $ 94  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 6.00%, 2019     100       111  
Olmos Park Higher Edu. Facs. Corp., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     980       1,122  
Sam Rayburn Muni. Power Agcy., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     1,180       1,364  
Tarrant County Cultural Educ. Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2029     1,315       1,434  
Tarrant County Cultural Educ. Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S Treasury Obligations to 08/15/2018 @ 100), 5.00%, 2023     170       189  
Tarrant County Cultural Educ. Facs. Fin. Corp., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S Treasury Strips to 08/15/2018 @ 100), 5.00%, 2023     180       200  
Texas Public Fin. Auth., Unemployment & Welfare Fndg. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     1,500       1,513  
Texas Water Dev. Board, Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.25%, 2022     600       646  
Virginia - 0.3%                
City of Chesapeake, Chesapeake Expressway Toll Road Rev., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2019     850       920  
County of Fairfax, G.O. Prop. Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (St. Aid Withhldg. Insured), 5.00%, 2017     200       217  
Washington - 2.1%                
Energy Northwest, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with Agencies/U.S Treasury Obligations to 07/01/2016 @ 100), 5.00%, 2022     15       16  
Energy Northwest, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S. Govt. Securities 07/01/16 @ 100), 5.00%, 2022     85       88  
Energy Northwest, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,000       1,074  
Grays Harbor County Public Util. Dist. No. 1, Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL Insured), 5.00%, 2020     100       105  
Grays Harbor County Public Util. Dist. No. 1, Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Pre- refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations 01/01/17 @ 100) (NATL Insured), 5.00%, 2020     55       58  
Port of Seattle, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2016     1,500       1,542  
Port of Seattle, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A-1, 5.25%, 2027     100       111  
State of Washington, Highway Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     2,000       2,327  
Washington Health Care Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 10/01/21 @ 100), 5.00%, 20421     800       950  
Washington Health Care Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020     1,100       1,282  
5.00%, 2026     500       569  
West Virginia - 0.9%                
County of Mason, Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series L (Mandatory Put 10/01/18 @ 100), 1.625%, 20221     2,500       2,510  
West Virginia Econ. Dev. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/19 @ 100), 1.90%, 20401     1,000       1,009  


Private Client Services Funds 17

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Municipals - continued                
Wisconsin – 1.0%                
County of Milwaukee, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018   $ 1,145     $ 1,270  
Wisconsin Health & Educ. Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.20%, 2018     100       109  
Wisconsin Health & Educ. Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     1,200       1,299  
WPPI Energy, Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     800       933  
Wyoming - 0.5%                
Wyoming Comm. Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 3, 3.00%, 2044     1,710       1,794  
Total municipals             365,965  
Corporate bonds & notes - 0.1%                
Electric - 0.1%                
Southern California Edison Co., 1.125%, 2017     455       455  
Total corporate bonds & notes             455  
Total bonds & notes (cost: $357,364,000)             366,420  
Short-term securities - 3.0%                
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series H, 0.01%, January 15, 20451     2,045       2,045  
City of Irvine, Special Assessment Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, September 02, 20501,2     900       900  
City of Minneapolis Saint Paul Housing & Redev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-1, 0.01%, November 15, 20351     900       900  
City of New York, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series E2, 0.01%, August 01, 20201     1,100       1,100  
City of Valdez, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, December 01, 20331     100       100  
Clarksville Public Building Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, 0.01%, January 01, 20331     720       720  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds, Series A, 0.01%, August 01, 20441     500       500  
Iowa Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 0.01%, February 15, 20351     175       175  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 0.01%, November 01, 20351     1,000       1,000  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series G, 0.01%, November 01, 20351     1,000       1,000  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series L, 0.01%, November 01, 20351     800       800  
Montgomery County Public Building Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds:1                
0.01%, July 01, 2034     940       940  
0.01%, July 01, 2038     640       640  
Univ. of Michigan, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series E (Mandatory Put 04/02/18 @ 100), 0.44%, April 01, 20331     600       600  
Total short-term securities (cost: $11,420,000)             11,420  


18 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Total investment securities (cost: $368,784,000)     377,840  
Other assets less liabilities     1,316  
Net assets   $ 379,156  


1 Coupon rate may change periodically. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
2 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At October 31, 2015, the aggregate market value of these securities amounted to $3,461,000, representing 0.91% of net assets.
3 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviations
Agcy. =   Agency
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation
AMBAC = American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation
Auth. = Authority
BAM = Build America Mutual Assurance Company
CA Mtg. Ins. = California Mortgage Insurance
Certs. of Part.   = Certificates of Participation
CIFG = CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty
COLL = Collateral
Comm. = Community
Comms. = Communities
Corp. = Corporation
Corps. = Corporations
Dept. = Department
Dev. = Development
Dist. = District
Econ. = Economic
Edu. = Education
Educ. = Educational
Facs. = Facilities
FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
FHL = Federal Home Loan
FHLMC = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
Fin. = Finance
Fncg. = Financing
Fndg. = Funding
FNMA = Federal National Mortgage Association
GNMA = Government National Mortgage Association
G.O. = General Obligation
Govt. =   Government
GTD = Guaranteed
GTY = Guaranty
HUD = Housing and Urban Development
Imp. = Improvement
Imps. = Improvements
Ind. = Industrial
Intl. = International
Ln. = Loan
Lns. = Loans
Loc. = Local
Mgmt. = Management
Misc. = Miscellaneous
Muni. = Municipal
NATL-RE            = National Reinsurance
No. = Number
Prop. = Property
PSF = Permanent School Fund
Redev. = Redevelopment
Ref. = Refunding
Res. = Resource
Ress. = Resources
Rev. = Revenue
St. = State
Trans. = Transportation
Univ. = University
Util. = Utility
Utils. = Utilities
Withhldg. = Withholding


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 19

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund grew between April 13, 2010, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – quality ratings*



* Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poors and/or Fitch as an indication of an Issuer’s credit-worthiness. If agency rating differ, securities are put in the highest category consistent with fund investment policies. When securities have not been rated by a rating agency (included in “unrated” at left), the investment advisor performs it’s own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance and fund investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.




Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - 87.7%   Principal
Arizona - 0.8%                
Arizona Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021   $ 300     $ 352  
Phoenix Civic Imp. Corp, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     250       269  
Salt River Project Agricultural Imps. & Power Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2017     550       589  
California - 9.3%                
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 05/01/23 @ 100):1                
0.91%, 2045     1,500       1,474  
0.91%, 2047     550       540  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 04/02/18 @ 100), 1.50%, 20471     625       633  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2022     500       574  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,156  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Mandatory Put 10/15/19 @ 100), 5.00%, 20431     1,000       1,149  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2 (Mandatory Put 04/03/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20381     500       498  
California State Public Works Board, College & Univ. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series G, 4.00%, 2016     600       624  
Glendale Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 4.00%, 2019     200       222  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,143  
La Quinta Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation, Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     600       705  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2020     500       589  
Menlo Park Comm. Dev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     235       276  
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G-2 (Mandatory Put 10/01/17 @ 100), 3.00%, 20371     750       779  
San Diego County Regional Trans. Commission., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     150       166  
State of California Dept. of Water Res., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AU (Mandatory Put 09/01/17 @ 100), 0.63%, 20351     650       650  
State of California Dept. of Water Ress. Power Supply, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series N, 5.00%, 2020     200       235  
State of California, G.O. Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     1,000       1,091  
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 4.00%, 2017     400       424  
Union City Comm. Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     250       298  
Colorado - 0.5%                
Colorado State Board of Governors, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2018     525       565  
Univ. of Colorado., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     150       172  
Connecticut - 2.3%                
Connecticut Housing Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series B-2 (FHA/INS/GTD Insured), 4.00%, 2032     445       477  
Connecticut Housing Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series C-1, 4.00%, 2044     665       722  
Connecticut Housing Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2044     1,205       1,293  


Private Client Services Funds 21

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Connecticut - continued                
Connecticut Housing Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series C-1, 3.50%, 2045   $ 675     $ 724  
District of Columbia - 0.1%                
Dist. of Columbia Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (AGM HUD Ln. Insured), 5.00%, 2016     100       100  
Florida - 5.5%                
Citizens Prop. Insurance Corp., Misc. Purposes Rev. Bonds, Series A-1, 5.00%, 2019     2,100       2,371  
City of Cape Coral, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 3.00%, 2017     600       624  
City of Tampa, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2015     750       752  
Florida Housing Fin. Corp., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A (GNMA/FNMA COLL Insured), 4.50%, 2029     355       377  
Florida Housing Fin. Corp., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series B (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.50%, 2029     205       218  
Florida Muni. Power Agcy., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2017     300       318  
Orange County Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2020     710       768  
Palm Beach County Health Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     500       573  
Tampa Bay Water, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2016     1,250       1,303  
5.00%, 2017     450       488  
Georgia - 4.6%                
Atlanta Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     250       270  
City of Atlanta Dept., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2019     95       107  
City of Atlanta, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,153  
Gainesville & Hall County Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 02/18/20 @ 100), 0.96%, 20351     400       396  
Georgia Housing & Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2044     640       690  
Georgia Housing & Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-1, 3.50%, 2045     200       214  
Georgia State Road & Tollway Auth., Govt. Fndg. Grant Highway Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     1,155       1,314  
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 07/01/17 @ 100), 0.31%, 20251     1,300       1,297  
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 07/01/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20251     1,000       996  
Muni. Electric Auth. of Georgia, Energy Res. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2018     120       131  
Guam - 0.4%                
Territory of Guam, Cash Flow Mgmt., Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     600       629  


22 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   Principal
Hawaii - 0.8%                
State of Hawaii, G.O. Public Imps. Bonds, Series DZ, 5.00%, 2017   $ 1,000     $ 1,091  
Illinois - 6.0%                
City of Chicago, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2016     1,000       1,007  
City of Chicago, Sewer Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
3.00%, 2017     325       332  
5.00%, 2018     200       215  
City of Chicago, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2021     500       559  
City of Chicago, Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 3.00%, 2019     700       720  
Greater Chicago Metropolitan Water Reclamation Dist., G.O. Sewer Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     300       327  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     1,100       1,276  
Illinois Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-1 (Mandatory Put 01/15/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 20301     1,000       1,149  
Illinois State Toll Highway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     500       585  
Illinois State Toll Highway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     1,500       1,629  
State of Illinois, G.O. Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     725       765  
Indiana - 1.0%                
Indiana Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series N, 5.00%, 2016     600       610  
Indiana Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     500       555  
Purdue Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series BB-1, 5.00%, 2020     200       234  
Kentucky - 0.1%                
Kentucky Housing Corp., St. Single Family Housing Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2027     155       164  
Louisiana - 0.7%                
Louisiana Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA COLL Insured), 4.60%, 2028     935       1,008  
Maine - 0.5%                
Maine Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     625       695  
Massachusetts - 2.9%                
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series D-2 (Mandatory Put 08/01/17 @ 100), 0.31%, 20431     1,750       1,745  
Massachusetts Dev. Fin. Agcy., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series K-6, 5.00%, 2016     600       619  
Massachusetts Dev. Fin. Agcy., Rev. Bonds, Series N (Mandatory Put 07/01/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20411     500       500  
Massachusetts Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 171, 4.00%, 2044     960       1,040  


Private Client Services Funds 23

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
Massachusetts - continued                
Massachusetts Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 169, 4.00%, 2044   $ 230     $ 251  
Michigan - 2.4%                
Detroit City School Dist, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,089  
Michigan State Housing Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2044     1,000       1,089  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     300       335  
Wayne County Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G, 5.00%, 2021     300       348  
Wayne State Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2016     550       574  
Minnesota - 0.2%                
Minnesota Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.00%, 2040     230       242  
Missouri - 0.6%                
City of Saint Louis, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     330       354  
Missouri Housing Dev. Commission, Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.25%, 2030     410       443  
Nebraska - 2.4%                
Central Plains Energy Project, Natural Gas Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 12/01/19 @ 100), 5.00%, 20391     1,000       1,140  
Nebraska Investment Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
3.00%, 2044     415       428  
4.00%, 2044     945       1,025  
Nebraska Investment Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 2.50%, 2034     295       299  
Nebraska Investment Fin. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series E (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 3.00%, 2043     515       533  
Nevada - 1.6%                
County of Clark, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series D:                
5.00%, 2016     300       310  
5.00%, 2017     750       804  
County of Clark, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,182  
New Jersey - 4.3%                
Garden State Preservation Trust, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     550       612  
New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series PP, 5.00%, 2019     750       809  
New Jersey Higher Edu. Assistance Auth., Student Ln. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series 1A, 5.00%, 2015     500       502  
New Jersey State Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (Mandatory Put 01/01/18 @ 100), 0.69%, 20241     500       498  


24 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
New Jersey - continued                
New Jersey State Turnpike Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series E (Mandatory Put
01/01/18 @ 100), 0.69%, 20241
  $ 500     $ 498  
New Jersey Transit Corp., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     750       816  
5.00%, 2019     1,500       1,664  
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series J, 5.00%, 2019     225       256  
Tobacco Settlement Fncg. Corp., Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.00%, 20413     2,000       506  
New Mexico - 0.8%                
City of Farmington, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/20 @ 100), 1.875%, 20291     1,000       1,012  
New Mexico Educ. Assistance Foundation, Student Ln, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2 (GTD St. Lns. Insured), 0.974%, 20281     65       64  
New York - 7.7%                
Build NYC Res. Corp., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     525       612  
City of New York Transitional Fin. Auth., Income Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2016     1,000       1,048  
City of New York Transitional Fin. Auth., Public Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     750       864  
City of New York, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series J-4, 0.56%, 20251     2,000       1,987  
Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-3B, 0.91%, 20181     650       652  
Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2020     850       998  
Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series A-2 (Mandatory Put 06/01/20 @100), 0.59%, 20391     2,600       2,567  
New York City Health & Hospital Corp., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     400       406  
New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Building Aid Rev., School Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series S-1A (St. Aid Withhldg. Insured), 5.00%, 2017     500       537  
New York City Trust for Cultural Ress. Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 08/01/17 @ 100), 1.35%, 20361     500       506  
New York State Thruway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     300       339  
Public Housing Capital Fund Trust I Rev. Bonds (HUD Ln. Insured), 4.50%, 20222     403       425  
North Carolina - 0.8%                
State of North Carolina, Govt. Fndg. Grant Highway Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020     400       460  
5.00%, 2021     600       704  
North Dakota - 1.4%                
North Dakota Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds:                
3.75%, 2042     190       201  
4.00%, 2038     1,610       1,754  
Ohio - 2.2%                
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2016     1,660       1,673  


Private Client Services Funds 25

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
Ohio - continued                
City of Cleveland, Airport System Rev., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Assured GTY Insured), 5.00%, 2017   $ 750     $ 788  
County of Warren, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     220       235  
Ohio Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.50%, 2028     415       443  
Oklahoma - 0.4%                
Stillwater Utils. Auth., Power Plants (Non Nuclear) Multiple Util. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2019     150       167  
Tulsa Airports Imps. Trust, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (BAM Insured), 3.00%, 2016     400       405  
Oregon - 3.7%                
County of Gilliam, Res. Recovery Imps. Rev. Bonds, 1.50%, 2018     1,000       1,003  
Oregon State Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 09/15/18 @ 100), 1.01%, 20221     2,225       2,231  
State of Oregon, G.O. Unemployment & Welfare Fndg. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series 94-H, 4.00%, 2044     1,445       1,566  
Tri-County Metropolitan Trans. Dist., Transit Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2017     400       407  
Pennsylvania - 0.2%                
Butler County Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 3.00%, 2018     250       261  
Puerto Rico - 0.6%                
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     350       343  
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2016     250       248  
5.00%, 2017     250       246  
Rhode Island - 0.8%                
Rhode Island Housing & Mortgage Fin. Corp., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2033     1,000       1,077  
South Carolina - 0.3%                
South Carolina State Housing Fin. & Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 1 (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.50%, 2030     415       451  
South Dakota - 0.5%                
South Dakota Health & Educ. Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     250       294  


26 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
South Dakota - continued                
South Dakota Housing Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series E, 4.00%, 2044   $ 410     $ 446  
Tennessee - 3.2%                
Metropolitan Govt. Nashville & Davidson County Health & Educ. Facs. Board, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 10/01/17 @ 100), 0.61%, 20381     700       699  
Tennessee Housing Dev. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2038     365       388  
4.00%, 2045     885       963  
4.00%, 2045     2,000       2,188  
4.50%, 2037     330       352  
Texas - 10.3%                
Central Texas Turnpike System, Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 04/01/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 20421     1,000       1,143  
City of Austin Electric Util., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     1,525       1,812  
City of Houston, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     1,000       1,016  
City of Houston, Util. System, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 06/01/17 @ 100), 0.76%, 20341     600       600  
City of Houston, Util. System, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 08/01/16 @ 100), 0.61%, 20341     1,000       1,000  
City Public Service Board of San Antonio, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     500       529  
City Public Service Board of San Antonio, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 02/01/18 @ 100), 0.39%, 20331     650       647  
County of Harris, Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     400       476  
Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2016     100       104  
Dallas-Fort Worth Intl. Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2018     200       224  
Dallas-Fort Worth Intl. Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2019     500       575  
Grand Parkway Trans. Corp., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 3.00%, 2016     350       360  
Harris County Health Facs. Dev. Corp., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-4 (AGM Insured), 0.41%, 20311     175       175  
Houston Higher Edu. Finance Corp., Charter Sch. Aid, Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (PSF-GTD Insured), 5.00%, 2018     455       496  
Katy Independent School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series C (PSF-GTD Insured), (Mandatory Put 08/15/19 @ 100), 0.681%, 20361     650       651  
North Texas Tollway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Mandatory Put 01/01/19 @100), 1.95%, 20381     600       611  
Olmos Park Higher Edu. Facs. Corp., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     400       458  
State of Texas, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, (Mandatory Put 10/01/18 @ 100), 0.39%,20411     1,000       991  
Texas A&M Univ., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 3.00%, 2016     325       331  
Texas A&M Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2021     450       537  
Texas Dept. of Housing & Comm. Affairs, Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 5.00%, 2029     240       257  
Texas State Univ. System, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     550       638  
Texas Tech Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 3.00%, 2016     500       511  
Texas Trans. Commission State Highway Fund, Highway Imps. Fuel Sales Tax Rev. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 04/01/17 @ 100), 0.36%, 20321     500       500  


Private Client Services Funds 27

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
Virginia - 1.5%                
Northern Virginia Trans. Auth., Transit Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020   $ 250     $ 293  
Virginia Commonwealth Trans. Board, Govt. Fndg. Grant Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2019     600       690  
5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,163  
Washington - 3.5%                
Grant County Public Util. Dist. No. 2, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 3.00%, 2017     300       309  
Port of Seattle, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     600       665  
State of Washington, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series R-2012A, 5.00%, 2016     1,000       1,032  
State of Washington, Highway Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     1,500       1,668  
5.00%, 2019     900       1,029  
Washington St. Housing Fin. Commission, Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series A (GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC Insured), 4.50%, 2029     295       313  
West Virginia - 1.2%                
West Virginia Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 10/01/19 @ 100), 0.54%, 20411     1,750       1,737  
Wisconsin - 1.1%                
Wisconsin Health & Educ. Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 05/30/19 @ 100), 4.00%, 20431     1,000       1,101  
Wisconsin Health & Educ. Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 3.00%, 2016     500       511  
Wyoming - 0.5%                
Wyoming Comm. Dev. Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, Series 3, 3.00%, 2044     730       766  
Total bonds & notes (cost: $123,807,000)             124,839  
Short-term securities - 12.0%                
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 0.01%, July 01, 20411     1,100       1,100  
California Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, 20261     2,100       2,100  
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series H, 0.01%, January 15, 20451     1,000       1,000  
City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge, Ind. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, November 01, 20191     1,105       1,105  
City of New York, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series E2, 0.01%, August 01, 20201     400       400  
City of Valdez, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, December 01, 20331     1,300       1,300  
Clarksville Public Building Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, 0.01%, February 01, 20381     785       785  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 0.01%, December 01, 20301     1,000       1,000  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series E, 0.01%, December 01, 20301     1,000       1,000  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series G, 0.01%, November 01, 20351     1,000       1,000  
Mississippi Business Fin. Corp., Ind. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series L, 0.01%, November 01, 20351     800       800  


28 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Short-term securities - continued   amount
Montgomery County Public Building Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, 0.01%, July 01, 20381   $ 565     $ 565  
New Hampshire Health & Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 0.01%, June 01, 20411     2,500       2,500  
Syracuse Ind. Dev. Agcy., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-1, 0.01%, July 01, 20371     1,935       1,935  
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series B-2, 0.01%, January 01, 20321     500       500  
Total short-term securities (cost: $17,090,000)             17,090  
Total investment securities (cost: $140,897,000)             141,929  
Other assets less liabilities             382  
Net assets           $ 142,311  
1 Coupon rate may change periodically. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
2 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At October 31, 2015, the aggregate market value of these securities amounted to $425,000, representing 0.30% of net assets.
3 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviations


Agcy. =   Agency
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation
Auth. = Authority
BAM = Build America Mutual Assurance Company
COLL = Collateral
Comm. = Community
Corp. = Corporation
Dept. = Department
Dev. = Development
Dist. = District
Econ. = Economic
Edu. = Education
Educ. = Educational
Facs. = Facilities
FHA = Federal Housing Administration
FHLMC = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
Fin. = Finance
Fncg. = Financing
Fndg. = Funding
FNMA = Federal National Mortgage Association
GNMA = Government National Mortgage Association
G.O. = General Obligation
Govt. = Government
GTD = Guaranteed
GTY = Guaranty
HUD = Housing and Urban Development
Imp. = Improvement
Imps. = Improvements
Ind. = Industrial
Ln. = Loan
Lns. = Loans
Loc. = Local
Mgmt. = Management
Misc. = Miscellaneous
Muni. = Municipal
No. = Number
Prop. = Property
PSF = Permanent School Fund
Redev. = Redevelopment
Ref. = Refunding
Res. = Resource
Ress. = Resources
Rev. = Revenue
St. = State
Trans. = Transportation
Univ. = University
Util. = Utility
Utils. = Utilities
Withhldg. = Withholding


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 29

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund grew between April 13, 2010, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.




1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – quality ratings*




* Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poors and/or Fitch as an indication of an Issuer’s credit-worthiness. If agency rating differ, securities are put in the highest category consistent with fund investment policies. When securities have not been rated by a rating agency (included in “unrated” at left), the investment advisor performs it’s own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance and fund investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.




Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - 95.4%   amount
California - 90.9%                
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020   $ 1,000     $ 1,125  
5.00%, 2020     715       794  
5.00%, 2021     495       552  
5.00%, 2022     1,000       1,120  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
4.00%, 2016     1,500       1,504  
5.125%, 2020     1,500       1,644  
5.25%, 2020     885       972  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
5.00%, 2019     400       453  
5.00%, 2020     550       636  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Public Imps. Special Tax Ref. Bonds (CIFG Insured):                
5.00%, 2021     600       642  
5.00%, 2022     225       240  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2023     375       450  
5.00%, 2024     400       482  
5.00%, 2025     515       614  
Alameda Corridor Trans. Auth., Port, Airport & Marina. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2021     1,250       1,493  
5.00%, 2022     975       1,179  
Alameda County Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2019     875       968  
Aliso Viejo Comm. Fac. Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2024     455       534  
5.00%, 2025     425       491  
Anaheim Public Fncg. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 4.00%, 2017     575       602  
Anaheim Public Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     300       320  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/24 @ 100), 1.11%, 20451     4,200       4,152  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 05/01/23 @ 100), 0.91%, 20451     2,800       2,752  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 08/01/17 @ 100), 1.45%, 20451     1,500       1,515  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 04/02/18 @ 100), 1.50%, 20471     650       659  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series F-1 (Pre-refunded with U.S. Govt. Securities to 04/01/19 @ 100), 5.00%, 2021     100       114  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G (Mandatory Put 04/01/20 @ 100), 0.61%, 20341     1,000       992  
Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agcy., Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2023     500       618  
Bonita Canyon Public Facs. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2021     700       729  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2019     1,150       1,301  
5.00%, 2021     550       639  
5.00%, 2021     700       833  
5.00%, 2021     525       525  
5.50%, 2029     300       344  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     125       137  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020     165       195  
5.00%, 2025     1,000       1,200  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
4.00%, 2021     560       628  
4.00%, 2022     500       554  


Private Client Services Funds 31

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
4.50%, 2017   $ 335     $ 360  
5.00%, 2021     535       626  
5.00%, 2024     100       113  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2016     710       728  
5.00%, 2018     1,100       1,227  
5.00%, 2025     400       487  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     275       308  
5.00%, 2022     770       861  
5.00%, 2024     150       176  
5.00%, 2025     375       437  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2020     1,325       1,561  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series G, 5.50%, 2025     100       111  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
5.00%, 2020     1,005       1,154  
5.00%, 2022     175       207  
5.00%, 2023     135       160  
5.00%, 2025     130       157  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2019     525       608  
5.00%, 2020     675       778  
5.00%, 2020     500       591  
5.00%, 2021     350       415  
5.00%, 2023     1,000       1,192  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B:                
4.00%, 2019     400       446  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,004  
5.375%, 2021     1,500       1,506  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Mandatory Put 10/15/19 @ 100), 5.00%, 20431     1,750       2,011  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 10/01/18 @ 100), 6.25%, 2028     200       232  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (Mandatory Put 10/15/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 20431     250       293  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/18 @100), 0.29%, 20471     1,000       991  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2 (Mandatory Put 04/03/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20381     2,500       2,488  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Private Schools Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 06/01/22 @ 100), 1.21%, 20371     1,000       998  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds:                
4.50%, 2025     100       111  
4.50%, 2026     100       111  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Rec. Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     100       108  
5.00%, 2019     100       108  
California Muni. Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     320       370  
California Muni. Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.625%, 2023     465       505  
California Muni. Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 4.00%, 2017     150       160  
California Muni. Fin. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/02/18 @ 100), 0.51%, 20451     1,325       1,317  
California Muni. Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
32 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
5.00%, 2022   $ 885     $ 1,037  
5.00%, 2025     500       588  
California Muni., Fin., Auth., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2030     1,000       1,135  
California State Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 2.75%, 2020     750       799  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series G-11:                
4.875%, 2018     200       221  
5.00%, 2018     2,000       2,219  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series H (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2017     100       107  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series K, 5.00%, 2018     225       250  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series L, 5.00%, 2021     75       87  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series L (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 05/01/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 2021     125       147  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series N, 5.00%, 2018     1,250       1,387  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     100       111  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AE:                
4.50%, 2016     525       549  
5.00%, 2022     70       78  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AE (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 06/01/18 @ 100), 5.00%, 2023     200       222  
California State Public Works Board, College & Univ. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     300       326  
California State Public Works Board, College & Univ. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series B-1, 5.00%, 2018     1,350       1,483  
California State Public Works Board, Correctional Fac. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2023     790       956  
California State Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series H, 5.00%, 2023     600       726  
California State Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     750       846  
5.00%, 2023     250       309  
5.00%, 2025     1,500       1,888  
California State Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2021     955       955  
California State Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 11/01/15 @ 100) (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2021     1,645       1,645  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,113  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 4.625%, 2021     100       110  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     600       684  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series C (AGM Insured), 5.25%, 2016     1,100       1,135  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds, 2.10%, 2019     2,000       2,001  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
2.50%, 2020     700       709  
3.00%, 2021     600       609  
5.00%, 2025     300       364  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2016     15       15  
5.00%, 2019     600       674  
5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,142  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,148  
Private Client Services Funds 33

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
5.00%, 2023   $ 1,100     $ 1,265  
5.00%, 2024     300       342  
5.00%, 2025     750       893  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2023     500       588  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2021     1,100       1,284  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2020     210       246  
Carson Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     1,625       1,914  
Cathedral City Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     745       896  
Cathedral City Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2024     260       315  
Cerritos Public Fncg. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AMBAC Insured):                
5.00%, 2019     2,000       2,194  
5.00%, 2024     600       651  
Chino Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2020     500       586  
5.00%, 2022     450       539  
5.00%, 2025     665       797  
Chula Vista Muni. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2021     485       562  
5.00%, 2022     1,355       1,572  
City & County of San Francisco, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     1,350       1,588  
City of Carlsbad California, Special Assessment Ref. Bonds:                
3.00%, 2018     325       336  
3.15%, 2021     570       592  
3.55%, 2023     350       366  
City of Chula Vista, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 1.65%, 2018     1,150       1,151  
City of Fontana California, Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     535       618  
City of Irvine California, Special Assessment Ref. Bonds:                
2.50%, 2019     1,230       1,259  
3.00%, 2020     1,250       1,333  
3.25%, 2022     700       754  
3.375%, 2023     850       889  
4.00%, 2018     500       540  
4.00%, 2022     400       450  
5.00%, 2021     500       587  
5.00%, 2028     500       566  
City of Irvine, Special Assessment Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     1,455       1,723  
City of Long Beach, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2019     275       308  
5.00%, 2020     400       456  
City of Long Beach, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     100       118  
City of Long Beach, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2024     500       618  
City of Long Beach, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 3.00%, 2018     2,250       2,404  
City of Manhattan Beach, Public Imps. Special Assessment Bonds, 4.375%, 2017     120       123  
City of Roseville, Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2016     2,000       2,041  
City of Sacramento California, Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2028     1,235       1,409  
City of San Jose, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A-2, 5.00%, 2018     700       768  
Compton Comm. College Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2026     800       953  
Concord Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2020     500       577  


34 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes – continued   amount
California – continued                
5.00%, 2023   $ 450     $ 537  
Contra Costa County Public Fncg. Auth., Public Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2021     180       191  
Contra Costa County Public Fncg. Auth., Public Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 06/01/17 @ 100) (NATL-RE Insured), 5.00%, 2021     95       102  
County of El Dorado, Special Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2022     1,295       1,524  
5.00%, 2024     860       993  
County of San Diego, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Certs. of Part. Bonds, 4.00%, 2016     490       501  
County of San Diego, Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2023     625       697  
5.00%, 2022     200       237  
El Centro Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured):                
5.00%, 2026     530       630  
5.00%, 2027     500       588  
5.00%, 2030     1,000       1,148  
Elk Grove Fin. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2025     580       693  
Elk Grove Fin. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2030     735       848  
Emeryville Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured):                
5.00%, 2022     1,700       2,052  
5.00%, 2026     1,000       1,191  
Foothill-Eastern Trans. Corridor Agcy., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series B-1 (Mandatory Put 01/15/18 @ 100), 5.00%, 20531     2,000       2,117  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2020     1,200       1,402  
5.00%, 2021     1,200       1,421  
Hemet Unified School Dist. Fncg. Auth., Misc. Purposes Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2026     600       674  
5.00%, 2028     720       796  
Hemet Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2029     500       581  
Imperial Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2017     100       109  
5.25%, 2025     100       112  
Imperial Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2022     700       808  
Irvine Ranch Water Dist., Water Rev. Certs. of Part. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2017     100       106  
Jurupa Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2023     500       593  
5.00%, 2029     710       806  
La Quinta Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2019     500       554  
5.00%, 2019     200       227  
Lake Elsinore Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2028     2,000       2,211  
Lincoln Public Fncg. Auth., Public Imps. Special Tax Bonds, Series A (AMBAC Insured), 4.50%, 2021     840       878  
Long Beach Bond Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2020     750       847  
5.00%, 2021     500       596  
Long Beach Comm., College Dist., G.O. Univ. & College Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 06/01/18 @ 100), 5.00%, 2022     15       17  
Long Beach Comm., College Dist., G.O. Univ. & College Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     85       94  
Los Angeles Comm. Facs. Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                


Private Client Services Funds 35

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes – continued   amount
California – continued                
5.00%, 2020   $ 600     $ 691  
5.00%, 2023     700       831  
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2016     500       516  
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     2,685       3,167  
Los Angeles County Redev. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured):                
5.00%, 2022     1,190       1,432  
5.00%, 2024     1,000       1,223  
Los Angeles County Redev. Auth., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,137  
Los Angeles County Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     3,000       3,527  
Los Angeles County Regional Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Repayment of Bank Loan Rev. Bonds, Series B-3 (CA Mtg. Ins.), 2.50%, 2020     420       421  
Los Angeles Dept. of Airports, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2029     200       225  
Los Angeles Dept. of Airports, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2019     850       973  
Los Angeles Dept. of Airports, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     700       819  
Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A-2, 4.00%, 2016     1,000       1,026  
Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
4.00%, 2019     1,000       1,113  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,203  
Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Water Util. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,146  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2019     2,175       2,497  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-1, 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,178  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series I, 5.00%, 2024     100       114  
Los Rios Comm. College Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     900       1,059  
Manhattan Beach Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series C (NATL-RE Insured), 0.00%, 20242     1,000       797  
Merced Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2022     500       592  
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-1 (Mandatory Put 03/27/18 @ 100), 0.39%, 20271     500       499  
Modesto Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     400       430  
Moreno Valley Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 5.25%, 2019     380       440  
Mountain View Shoreline Regional Park Comm., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2019     420       478  
5.00%, 2020     375       436  
Natomas Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     500       597  
North Natomas Comm. Facs. Dist. No. 4, Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series E, 5.00%, 2021     1,050       1,223  
Northern California Power Agcy., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2016     750       772  
5.50%, 2021     1,000       1,158  
Northern California Power Agcy., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2017     200       215  
5.00%, 2019     200       230  
Oakland Redev. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     500       555  
Oakland Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2029     500       572  
Ohlone Comm. College Dist., G.O. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2023     550       670  
5.00%, 2024     1,000       1,214  
Orange Comm. Facs. Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2020     385       426  
4.00%, 2021     1,485       1,650  
Orange Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020     770       896  


36 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
5.00%, 2021   $ 375     $ 440  
Oxnard Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     750       875  
Palomar Comm. College Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2029     1,000       1,192  
Perris Union High School Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2024     1,000       1,133  
Poway Unified School Dist. Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
3.375%, 2017     500       518  
3.75%, 2018     770       799  
4.00%, 2022     440       489  
5.00%, 2020     600       691  
Poway Unified School Dist. Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2022     850       975  
Poway Unified School Dist. Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series B (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2022     500       588  
Rancho Cucamonga Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured):                
5.00%, 2020     775       911  
5.00%, 2025     750       907  
5.00%, 2026     600       716  
5.00%, 2028     800       937  
Rio Elementary School Dist. Comm. Facs. Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     400       453  
Riverside Cnty. Public Fncg. Auth., Tax Increment Allocation Misc. Purposes Rev. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2023     1,075       1,277  
Riverside Cnty. Public Fncg. Auth., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2023     500       595  
Riverside Cnty. Redev. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2020     405       468  
5.00%, 2021     1,040       1,219  
Riverside Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
3.00%, 2016     1,120       1,145  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,189  
Riverside Unified School Dist. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2025     350       420  
5.00%, 2026     400       474  
Sacramento City Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2028     500       586  
Sacramento County Sanitation Dist. Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2025     1,190       1,453  
Sacramento Muni. Util. Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     475       513  
Sacramento Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2025     585       704  
5.00%, 2028     250       290  
Sacramento Regional Transit Dist., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     615       700  
San Bernardino City Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2020     725       850  
San Diego Comm. College Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,120  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2023     225       273  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     850       940  
5.00%, 2020     700       813  
San Diego County Regional Trans. Commission, Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     500       600  
San Diego County Water Auth., Water Rev. Certs. of Part. Ref. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.25%, 2018     700       779  
San Diego County Water Auth., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series S-1, 5.00%, 2016     475       489  


Private Client Services Funds 37

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
San Diego Public Facs. Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2022   $ 100     $ 114  
San Diego Public Facs. Fncg. Auth., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2020     100       108  
San Diego Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series R-4, 5.00%, 2026     1,475       1,816  
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Dist., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     800       932  
San Francisco City & County Airports Commission, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series E, 5.25%, 2024     100       114  
San Francisco City & County Airports Commission, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2019     400       458  
San Francisco City & County Airports Commission, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C2, 5.00%, 2021     300       339  
San Francisco City & County Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2022     305       367  
San Francisco City & County Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Series C:                
4.75%, 2017     265       282  
5.00%, 2018     275       303  
5.25%, 2019     290       331  
San Francisco City & County Redev. Successor Agcy., Public Imps. Special Tax Bonds, 3.25%, 2021     500       525  
San Francisco City & County Redev. Successor Agcy., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2020     800       907  
San Francisco Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     1,150       1,318  
San Jose Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     500       564  
San Jose Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 4.54%, 2018     400       401  
San Jose Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (AMBAC Insured), 5.00%, 2018     800       857  
San Mateo Joint Powers Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2022     650       746  
5.00%, 2020     500       588  
5.00%, 2022     500       606  
San Mateo Joint Powers Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.25%, 2023     200       229  
Santa Ana Community Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 6.00%, 2020     750       892  
Santa Clara County Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2022     285       317  
Santa Cruz County Redev. Agcy., Special Assessment Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2026     1,475       1,761  
Santa Margarita Water Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2022     310       353  
5.00%, 2024     530       609  
5.00%, 2025     375       424  
Santaluz Community Facs. Dist. No 2, Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2020     995       1,145  
Signal Hill Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2021     250       296  
5.00%, 2023     500       604  
Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit Dist., Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     1,000       1,191  
South Orange County Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A (AMBAC Insured), 5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,003  
South Placer Wastewater Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.34%, 20171     1,625       1,615  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     200       223  
5.00%, 2020     1,550       1,821  
5.00%, 2023     800       938  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2021     500       555  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     350       390  
5.00%, 2021     750       901  


38 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2019   $ 1,000     $ 1,148  
5.00%, 2020     245       288  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2023     100       112  
State of California Dept. of Water Res., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AU (Mandatory Put 09/01/17 @ 100), 0.63%, 20351     1,475       1,475  
State of California, G.O. Correctional Facs. Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, 5.25%, 2020     100       116  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Public Imps. Bonds (Mandatory Put 12/01/17 @ 100), 4.00%, 20271     750       790  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2020     1,175       1,332  
5.00%, 2019     2,000       2,265  
5.00%, 2019     600       683  
5.00%, 2020     2,700       3,135  
5.00%, 2020     1,000       1,178  
5.00%, 2024     800       970  
5.25%, 2020     650       756  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Ref. Notes, 2.00%, 2016     1,000       1,014  
State of California, G.O. Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 1.35%, 2019     1,125       1,129  
State of California, G.O. Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 05/01/18 @ 100), 0.46%, 20331     2,900       2,892  
State of California, G.O. Public Imps. General Fund Bonds, 5.50%, 2018     100       111  
State of California, G.O. Public Imps. Misc. Tax Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 6.00%, 2020     5       5  
State of California, G.O. Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     950       1,022  
State of California, G.O. Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations 07/01/19 @ 100), 5.25%, 2021     1,060       1,227  
Stockton Public Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     750       885  
Successor Agcy. to the Richmond County Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2025     200       235  
Suisun City Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2022     400       479  
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2027     1,720       2,015  
Tuolumne Wind Project Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2022     1,500       1,674  
5.25%, 2024     100       112  
Turlock Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     500       546  
5.00%, 2020     610       706  
5.00%, 2022     700       812  
Tustin Unified School Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2022     375       446  
Union City Comm. Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2023     375       456  
5.00%, 2025     335       412  
Univ. of California, College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series D (Pre-refunded with St. & Loc. Govt. Series to 05/15/16 @ 101) (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.00%, 2023     130       135  
Univ. of California, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series E, 5.00%, 2020     500       587  
Vista Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B1 (AGM Insured):                
4.00%, 2025     400       453  
5.00%, 2022     340       406  


Private Client Services Funds 39

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
District of Columbia - 0.0%                
Metropolitan Washington Airports Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2017   $ 100     $ 108  
Florida - 0.2%                
Citizens Prop. Insurance Corp., Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A-1, 5.00%, 2019     500       565  
Guam - 0.8%                
Guam Intl. Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2021     350       404  
5.00%, 2022     710       826  
Guam Intl. Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2023     1,100       1,269  
Iowa - 0.1%                
State of Iowa, General Fund Public Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2027     100       113  
Michigan - 0.0%                
Michigan State Hospital Fin. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.25%, 2024     100       112  
Missouri - 0.1%                
Missouri Housing Dev. Commission, Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds, (GNMA/FNMA Insured), 3.75%, 2038     350       379  
Oregon - 0.4%                
Oregon State Facs. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 09/15/18 @ 100), 1.01%, 20221     1,000       1,002  
Tri-County Metropolitan Trans. Dist., Transit Imps. Misc. Taxes Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2017     100       102  
Puerto Rico - 1.8%                
Puerto Rico Highways & Trans. Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series BB (AGM Insured), 5.25%, 2022     435       454  
Puerto Rico Highways & Trans. Auth., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AA-1 (AGM Insured), 4.95%, 2026     1,405       1,403  
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
3.00%, 2018     355       302  
5.00%, 2016     350       347  
5.00%, 2017     500       491  
5.00%, 2019     500       491  
5.00%, 2021     1,000       980  


40 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
Puerto Rico - continued                
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017   $ 1,000     $ 1,021  
Texas - 0.4%                
City of Houston, Util. System, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 06/01/17 @ 100), 0.76%, 20341     1,100       1,099  
City of San Antonio, Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A (Pre-refunded with U.S. Treasury Obligations to 02/01/16 @ 100), 5.00%, 2024     100       101  
U. S. Virgin Islands - 0.7%                
Virgin Islands Public Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2024     500       566  
Virgin Islands Public Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2019     1,400       1,571  
Total bonds & notes (cost: $282,612,000)             290,870  
Short-term securities - 3.5%                
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 0.01%, July 01, 20411     1,000       1,000  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Special Assessment Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, September 01, 20381     500       500  
California Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, November 01, 20261     2,500       2,500  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 0.01%, August 15, 20271     325       325  
City of Irvine California, Public Imps. Special Assessment Bonds, Series A, 0.01%, September 02, 20291     603       603  
City of Irvine California, Public Imps. Special Assessment Bonds, Series B, 0.01%, September 02, 20291     1,104       1,104  
Illinois Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Bonds, 0.01%, August 01, 20441     1,700       1,700  
Irvine Unified School Dist., Special Tax. School Imps. Bonds, 0.01%, September 01, 20511     2,493       2,493  
Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series B-6, 0.01%, July 01, 20341     300       300  
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-3, 0.01%, July 01, 20351     150       150  
Total short-term securities (cost: $10,675,000)             10,675  
Total investment securities (cost: $293,287,000)             301,545  
Other assets less liabilities             3,449  
Net assets           $ 304,994  


1 Coupon rate may change periodically. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.


Private Client Services Funds 41

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


2 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviations
Agcy. = Agency
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation
AMBAC = American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation
Auth. = Authority
BAM = Build America Mutual Assurance Company
CA Mtg. Ins. = California Mortgage Insurance
Certs. of Part. = Certificates of Participation
CIFG = CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty
Comm. = Community
Comms. = Communities
Corp. = Corporation
Corps. = Corporations
Dept. = Department
Dev. = Development
Dist. = District
Econ. = Economic
Educ. = Educational
Facs. = Facilities
FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
Fin. = Finance
Fncg. = Financing
FNMA = Federal National Mortgage Association
GNMA = Government National Mortgage Association
G.O. = General Obligation
Govt. = Government
GTD = Guaranteed
Imps. = Improvements
Ind. = Industrial
Intl. = International
Loc. = Local
Misc. = Miscellaneous
Muni. = Municipal
NATL-RE = National Reinsurance
Prop. = Property
Rec. = Recreational
Redev. = Redevelopment
Ref. = Refunding
Res. = Resource
Ress. = Resources
Rev. = Revenue
St. = State
Trans. = Transportation
Univ. = University
Util. = Utility


See Notes to Financial Statements


42 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund grew between April 13, 2010, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – quality ratings*




* Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poors and/or Fitch as an indication of an Issuer’s credit-worthiness. If agency rating differ, securities are put in the highest category consistent with fund investment policies. When securities have not been rated by a rating agency (included in “unrated” at left), the investment advisor performs it’s own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance and fund investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.




Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - 95.4%   amount
California - 92.4%                
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.), 4.00%, 2016   $ 500     $ 501  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2016     200       207  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
4.00%, 2016     400       406  
5.00%, 2018     250       275  
Abag Fin. Auth. for Nonprofit Corps., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2019     525       582  
Alameda County Trans. Auth., Transit Imps. Rev. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     500       540  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 05/01/23 @ 100):1                
0.91%, 2045     500       491  
0.91%, 2047     250       246  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 08/01/17 @ 100), 1.45%, 20451     750       758  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds (Mandatory Put 10/01/19 @ 100), 0.71%, 20471     800       799  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 04/02/18 @ 100), 1.50%, 20471     600       608  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2018     250       271  
5.00%, 2017     400       426  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G (Mandatory Put 04/01/20 @ 100), 0.61%, 20341     250       248  
Bay Area Toll Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series H (Mandatory Put 04/01/21 @ 100), 0.71%, 20341     250       247  
Brea Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     700       800  
Burbank Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2020     700       825  
5.00%, 2022     500       605  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2016     75       77  
4.00%, 2017     100       104  
5.00%, 2016     250       261  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 3.00%, 2016     400       410  
California Educ. Facs. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2016     300       305  
4.00%, 2017     200       210  
4.00%, 2018     400       433  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2017     510       548  
5.00%, 2018     500       558  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2016     200       208  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2016     225       226  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.):                
4.00%, 2018     425       454  
5.00%, 2019     500       560  
5.00%, 2019     200       227  
5.00%, 2020     150       173  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
4.00%, 2018     200       214  
4.00%, 2019     500       544  
4.00%, 2020     625       697  
5.00%, 2016     250       262  
5.00%, 2018     500       562  
5.00%, 2019     525       608  
5.00%, 2019     300       345  


44 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-3, 4.00%, 2015   $ 150     $ 150  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (Mandatory Put 10/17/17 @ 100), 5.00%, 20431     1,075       1,164  
California Health Facs. Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D (Mandatory Put 10/15/20 @ 100), 5.00%, 20431     500       586  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds (Mandatory Put 04/01/18 @ 100), 0.29%, 20471     500       496  
California Infrastructure & Econ. Dev. Bank, Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A-2 (Mandatory Put 04/03/17 @ 100), 0.29%, 20381     1,100       1,095  
California Muni. Fin. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 4.00%, 2016     200       207  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series H (AGM Insured), 4.50%, 2017     200       212  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series N, 5.00%, 2018     500       555  
California State Dept. of Water Ress., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AM, 5.00%, 2018     160       181  
California State Public Works Board, Public Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
4.00%, 2019     400       440  
5.00%, 2018     400       441  
California State Public Works Board, Public Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series I:                
4.00%, 2017     210       224  
4.00%, 2019     500       557  
California State Public Works Board, College & Univ. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     475       516  
California State Public Works Board, College & Univ. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series B-1, 4.00%, 2016     400       405  
California State Public Works Board, College & Univ. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series C-1, 5.00%, 2016     500       508  
California State Public Works Board, Correctional Fac. Imps. Lease Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     250       279  
5.00%, 2020     700       816  
California State Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     425       460  
California State Public Works Board, Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.00%, 2016     240       250  
California State Univ., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2016     400       419  
5.00%, 2017     475       517  
5.00%, 2018     400       451  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series C (AGM Insured), 5.25%, 2016     500       516  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series C (Mandatory Put 05/01/17 @ 100), 5.00%, 20291     600       641  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Nursing Homes Rev. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.), 2.50%, 2020     1,100       1,114  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2015     300       300  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds (CA Mtg. Ins.), 4.00%, 2019     160       178  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Health Care Facs. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2020     625       722  
California Statewide Comms. Dev. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2019     280       322  
Carson Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     700       775  
Chino Public Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 4.00%, 2021     500       554  
Chino Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2017     500       539  


Private Client Services Funds 45

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California – continued                
City & County of San Francisco, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018   $ 1,745     $ 1,944  
5.00%, 2019     380       436  
City & County of San Francisco, Sewer Rev. Ref Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     500       563  
City of Chula Vista, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 1.65%, 2018     1,100       1,101  
City of Irvine California, Special Assessment Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2018     500       540  
4.00%, 2019     300       330  
City of Long Beach, Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 4.00%, 2018     225       244  
City of Long Beach, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 3.00%, 2018     1,425       1,522  
City of Los Angeles Dept. of Airports, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     250       284  
City of Los Angeles, Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2016     100       102  
City of Santa Clara, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     500       557  
Concord Redv. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2017     700       741  
5.00%, 2018     600       657  
County of El Dorado, Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2018     450       485  
5.00%, 2020     545       627  
Desert Comm. College Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     700       762  
Elk Grove Fin. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2021     450       528  
Emeryville Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     500       558  
5.00%, 2019     600       689  
Glendale Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured):                
4.00%, 2019     600       666  
5.00%, 2020     500       587  
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2018     500       554  
5.00%, 2019     500       571  
Golden West Schools Fncg. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE Insured), 0.00%, 20202     1,100       994  
Hemet Unified School Dist, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,114  
Imperial Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C:                
5.00%, 2016     300       315  
5.00%, 2018     425       479  
La Quinta Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     500       543  
Long Beach Bond Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     700       786  
Los Angeles County Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series S, 5.00%, 2019     1,000       1,148  
Los Angeles County Redev. Auth., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     1,100       1,237  
5.00%, 2019     700       808  
Los Angeles County Regional Fncg. Auth., Health Care Facs. Repayment of Bank Loan Rev. Bonds, Series B-3 (CA Mtg. Ins.), 2.50%, 2020     245       246  
Los Angeles County Sanitation Dists. Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     770       837  
Los Angeles Dept. of Airports, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2021     400       475  
Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A-2, 4.00%, 2016     1,000       1,026  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2019     1,100       1,263  
Los Angeles Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series I, 5.00%, 2018     500       557  
Merced Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (AGM Insured), 4.00%, 2019     600       661  


46 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-1 (Mandatory Put 03/27/18 @ 100), 0.39%, 20271   $ 500     $ 499  
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series G-2 (Mandatory Put 10/01/17 @ 100), 3.00%, 20371     700       727  
Milpitas Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2017     750       797  
Oakland Redev. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     500       555  
Orange Comm. Facs. Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds:                
3.00%, 2017     360       374  
4.00%, 2018     300       324  
Orange Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     375       417  
5.00%, 2019     200       229  
5.00%, 2021     200       235  
Oxnard Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     350       408  
Rancho Cucamonga Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     370       426  
Riverside County Redev. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2019     275       313  
Riverside County Redev. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (AGM Insured), 4.00%, 2018     500       540  
Riverside Redev. Successor Agcy., Tax Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2019     850       978  
Riverside Unified School Dist. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     285       337  
Sacramento County Sanitation Dist. Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     500       564  
Sacramento Muni. Util. Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     225       243  
Sacramento Muni. Util. Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series X, 5.00%, 2017     250       270  
Sacramento Regional Transit Dist., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     250       272  
San Bernardino County Trans. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 4.00%, 2018     500       540  
San Diego Comm. College Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2017     400       425  
5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,120  
San Diego County Regional Airport Auth., Port, Airport & Marina Imps. Rev. Bonds, Sub-Series A:                
5.00%, 2016     250       258  
5.00%, 2017     650       697  
5.00%, 2018     100       111  
San Diego County Regional Trans. Commission., Sales Tax Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     300       332  
San Diego County Water Auth., Water Rev. Certs. of Part. Ref. Bonds, Series A (NATL-RE FGIC Insured), 5.25%, 2018     500       556  
San Diego County Water Auth., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     850       909  
San Diego County Water Auth., Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series S-1, 5.00%, 2016     175       180  
San Francisco City & County Airports Commission, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2016     200       205  
San Francisco City & County Airports Commission, Port, Airport & Marina Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series D, 5.00%, 2018     500       554  
San Francisco City & County Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series C, 5.00%, 2020     500       585  
San Francisco Municipal Trans. Agcy., Transit Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     245       264  
San Francisco Unified School Dist., G.O. School Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     500       557  
San Jose Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2016     300       308  
San Jose Unified School Dist., G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2018     300       327  
4.00%, 2019     475       529  
San Mateo Joint Powers Fncg. Auth., Lease Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2020     775       876  
San Ramon Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Sub-Series A (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     340       400  


Private Client Services Funds 47

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit Dist. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018   $ 750     $ 826  
South Placer Wastewater Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.34%, 20171     1,075       1,068  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2016     200       206  
5.00%, 2017     750       807  
5.00%, 2018     200       223  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series A:                
4.00%, 2016     150       154  
5.00%, 2017     775       833  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     350       390  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A:                
5.00%, 2016     705       728  
5.00%, 2019     600       689  
Southern California Public Power Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2018     300       334  
State of California Dept. of Water Res., Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series AU (Mandatory Put 09/01/17 @ 100), 0.63%, 20351     1,050       1,050  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Public Imps. Bonds (Mandatory Put 12/01/17 @ 100), 4.00%, 20271     500       526  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Public Imps. Bonds, Series E (Mandatory Put 12/03/18 @ 100), 0.965%, 20291     500       503  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2018     1,000       1,097  
5.00%, 2019     650       736  
5.00%, 2021     500       597  
State of California, G.O. General Fund Ref. Notes:                
2.00%, 2016     1,000       1,014  
5.00%, 2019     900       1,043  
State of California, G.O. Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 1.35%, 2019     425       426  
State of California, G.O. Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A (Mandatory Put 05/01/18 @ 100), 0.46%, 20331     1,500       1,496  
State of California, G.O. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds, Series B, 0.76%, 20171     400       402  
State of California, G.O. Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2018     570       622  
5.50%, 2019     2,050       2,366  
Stockton Public Fncg. Auth., Sewer Rev. Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2020     500       583  
Successor Agcy. Rancho Mirage Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured):                
4.00%, 2016     340       345  
4.00%, 2017     350       365  
Successor Agcy. to the Richmond County Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Ref. Bonds, Series A (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2019     525       595  
Suisun City Redev. Agcy., Tax Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (BAM Insured):                
5.00%, 2019     675       775  
5.00%, 2021     500       591  
Temecula Valley Unified School Dist. Fncg. Auth., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2021     515       610  
Turlock Irrigation Dist., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
4.00%, 2018     250       268  
5.00%, 2017     300       316  
Tustin Unified School Dist., Special Tax Ref. Bonds (BAM Insured), 5.00%, 2020     275       319  
Union City Comm. Redev. Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2021     235       280  
Univ. of California, College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series E, 5.00%, 2016     200       205  


48 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds & notes - continued   amount
California - continued                
Vista Redev. Agcy. Successor Agcy., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B1 (AGM Insured):                
5.00%, 2020   $ 275     $ 321  
5.00%, 2021     265       314  
Walnut Energy Center Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 4.00%, 2018     300       321  
Guam - 0.3%                
Territory of Guam, Cash Flow Mgmt., Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 5.00%, 2017     300       314  
Illinois - 0.5%                
Illinois State Toll Highway Auth., Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 5.00%, 2017     500       543  
Louisiana - 0.1%                
Louisiana Housing Fin. Agcy., Loc. or GTD Housing Rev. Bonds (GNMA/FNMA COLL Insured),                
4.60%, 2028     125       135  
Massachusetts - 0.2%                
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, G.O. Misc. Tax Public Imps. Rev. Bonds, Series D, 0.44%, 20181     175       174  
Puerto Rico - 1.1%                
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., College & Univ. Imps. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 5.00%, 2018     800       785  
Puerto Rico Ind. Tourist Educ. Medical & Environmental Control Facs. Fncg. Auth., College & Univ. Rev. Ref. Bonds:                
5.00%, 2016     200       198  
5.00%, 2017     250       246  
U. S. Virgin Islands - 0.8%                
Virgin Islands Public Fin. Auth., Misc. Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2019     800       898  
Total bonds & notes (cost: $105,509,000)             106,826  
Short-term securities - 3.0%                
California Pollution Control Fncg. Auth., Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 0.01%, 20261     2,800       2,800  
City of Irvine California, Public Imps. Special Assessment Bonds, Series A, 0.01%, September 02, 20291     500       500  


Private Client Services Funds 49

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Short-term securities - continued   amount
Metropolitan Water Dist. of Southern California, Water Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B-3, 0.01%, July 01, 20351   $ 100     $ 100  
Total short-term securities (cost: $3,400,000)             3,400  
Total investment securities (cost: $108,909,000)             110,226  
Other assets less liabilities             1,775  
Net assets           $ 112,001  


1 Coupon rate may change periodically. For short-term securities, the date of the next scheduled coupon rate change is considered to be the maturity date.
2 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviations
Agcy. = Agency
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation
Auth. = Authority
BAM = Build America Mutual Assurance Company
CA Mtg. Ins. = California Mortgage Insurance
Certs. of Part. = Certificates of Participation
COLL = Collateral
Comm. = Community
Comms. = Communities
Corp. = Corporation
Corps. = Corporations
Dept. = Department
Dev. = Development
Dist. = District
Econ. = Economic
Educ. = Educational
Facs. = Facilities
FGIC = Financial Guaranty Insurance Company
Fin. = Finance
Fncg. = Financing
FNMA = Federal National Mortgage Association
GNMA = Government National Mortgage Association
G.O. = General Obligation
GTD = Guaranteed
Imps. = Improvements
Ind. = Industrial
Loc. = Local
Mgmt. = Management
Misc. = Miscellaneous
Muni. = Municipal
NATL-RE = National Reinsurance
Prop. = Property
Redev. = Redevelopment
Ref. = Refunding
Res. = Resource
Ress. = Resources
Rev. = Revenue
Trans. = Transportation
Univ. = University
Util. = Utility


See Notes to Financial Statements


50 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group Core Bond Fund grew between April 13, 2010, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – quality ratings*



* Bond ratings, which typically range from Aaa/AAA (highest to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Moody’s, Standard & Poors and/or Fitch as an indication of an Issuer’s credit-worthiness. If agency rating differ, securities are put in the highest category consistent with fund investment policies. When securities have not been rated by a rating agency (included in “unrated” at left), the investment advisor performs it’s own credit analysis and assigns comparable ratings that are used for compliance and fund investment policies. The ratings are not covered by the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.



Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments

October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - 88.7%   Principal
U.S. government & government agency bonds & notes - 45.8%                
Fannie Mae:                
0.375%, 2016   $ 1,000     $ 1,000  
1.25%, 2016     1,000       1,007  
1.00%, 2017     4,645       4,646  
0.875%, 2018     500       499  
1.75%, 2019     1,545       1,567  
2.625%, 2024     430       441  
Federal Home Loan Banks:                
1.00%, 2017     600       603  
0.625%, 2017     1,225       1,221  
1.875%, 2020     2,910       2,955  
Freddie Mac:                
4.75%, 2016     2,000       2,019  
2.50%, 2016     1,000       1,012  
1.00%, 2017     350       352  
1.00%, 2017     145       145  
U.S. Treasury Bonds:                
7.625%, 2025     750       1,102  
3.625%, 2044     1,000       1,144  
U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed Bonds:                
0.25%, 2025     1,006       969  
2.00%, 2026     600       676  
0.75%, 2045     203       180  
U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed Notes:                
0.125%, 2016     1,074       1,068  
2.375%, 2017     390       401  
0.125%, 2020     11,688       11,611  
0.375%, 2023     512       505  
0.375%, 2025     8,427       8,234  
U.S. Treasury Notes:                
4.50%, 2016     500       506  
2.625%, 2016     5,075       5,116  
1.50%, 2016     3,650       3,680  
0.625%, 2016     1,000       1,002  
1.00%, 2016     1,000       1,005  
4.625%, 2017     4,000       4,209  
1.00%, 2017     1,000       1,006  
0.875%, 2017     1,000       1,004  
4.50%, 2017     26,110       27,659  
8.75%, 2017     490       551  
0.875%, 2017     1,000       1,003  
0.75%, 2018     500       498  
3.875%, 2018     1,000       1,075  
1.375%, 2018     250       253  
1.25%, 2018     500       503  
3.75%, 2018     3,800       4,109  
1.50%, 2018     1,000       1,012  
1.25%, 2019     500       501  
1.50%, 2019     2,750       2,775  
1.625%, 2019     1,000       1,012  
1.625%, 2019     750       759  
1.00%, 2019     500       494  
1.75%, 2019     2,000       2,032  


52 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued     amount
U.S. government & government agency bonds & notes - continued                
1.50%, 2019   $ 1,000     $ 1,006  
1.625%, 2019     500       505  
1.375%, 2020     4,615       4,600  
1.375%, 2020     1,000       995  
1.625%, 2020     3,215       3,235  
1.375%, 2020     8,130       8,088  
2.00%, 2020     1,000       1,021  
3.125%, 2021     2,000       2,153  
1.875%, 2021     500       503  
2.125%, 2021     1,000       1,019  
1.50%, 2022     1,750       1,718  
1.75%, 2022     2,000       1,990  
1.875%, 2022     2,000       2,003  
2.125%, 2022     3,000       3,051  
2.00%, 2023     2,000       2,011  
1.75%, 2023     1,000       984  
2.50%, 2023     1,050       1,090  
2.75%, 2023     2,250       2,376  
2.75%, 2024     5,000       5,274  
2.25%, 2024     500       506  
2.00%, 2025     2,000       1,978  
2.00%, 2025     2,000       1,975  
Total U.S. government & government agency bonds & notes             153,202  
Mortgage-backed obligations - 12.0%                
Federal agency mortgage-backed obligations - 7.1%                
Fannie Mae:                
4.50%, 2019     52       54  
4.50%, 2020     318       332  
3.50%, 2025     3,417       3,613  
5.50%, 2037     13       15  
5.50%, 2038     693       776  
5.00%, 2041     1,084       1,206  
5.00%, 2041     275       305  
6.00%, 2045, TBA     250       283  
Freddie Mac:                
1.873%, 2018     50       50  
3.974%, 2021     524       574  
2.791%, 2022     1,320       1,360  
2.373%, 2022     500       504  
2.811%, 2025     710       717  
3.50%, 2034     2,839       2,975  
3.00%, 2035     365       377  
3.00%, 2035     2,665       2,728  
6.00%, 2037     41       47  
3.50%, 2045, TBA     2,000       2,077  
Ginnie Mae:                
4.50%, 2040     110       120  
4.00%, 2044     2,793       2,976  
5.616%, 2059     339       353  
1.203%, 20621     677       683  
5.075%, 2064     283       300  


Private Client Services Funds 53

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued     amount
Mortgage-backed obligations - continued                
Federal agency mortgage-backed obligations - continued                
6.64%, 2064   $ 1,150     $ 1,230  
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - 4.9%                
Commercial Mortgage Trust, 5.292%, 2046     327       338  
Core Industrial Trust, Series 144A, 3.04%, 20342     1,335       1,357  
Credit Suisse Commercial Mortgage Trust:                
5.467%, 2039     1,191       1,214  
5.695%, 20401     696       727  
DBUBS Mortgage Trust, Series 144A:2                
3.386%, 2044     606       611  
3.742%, 2046     456       458  
Freddie Mac Structured Agency Credit Risk Debt Notes:1                
1.197%, 2024     206       206  
1.297%, 2025     242       241  
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp., 5.444%, 2039     296       307  
Hilton USA Trust, Series 144A:2                
2.662%, 2030     480       481  
3.367%, 2030     725       728  
JPMorgan Chase Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust:                
5.44%, 2045     650       666  
5.695%, 20491     646       675  
5.85%, 20511     315       336  
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust:                
5.387%, 2040     621       650  
5.493%, 20401     680       707  
5.854%, 20441     312       331  
6.162%, 20451     500       542  
Merrill Lynch Mortgage Trust, 5.8373%, 20501     730       760  
ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust, 5.8772%, 20491     550       579  
Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust, 3.383%, 2048     675       696  
Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust, 5.319%, 2043     432       446  
Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Trust:                
5.342%, 2043     1,650       1,707  
5.466%, 20451     510       511  
5.591%, 20471     510       534  
5.713%, 20491     725       753  
Total mortgage-backed obligations             40,216  
Corporate bonds & notes - 22.5%                
Banks - 2.8%                
Bank of America Corp.:                
2.625%, 2020     735       733  
3.875%, 2025     1,430       1,458  
Barclays Bank PLC, 2.50%, 2019     1,100       1,118  
BB&T Corp.:                
2.05%, 2018     500       504  


54 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued     amount
Corporate bonds & notes - continued                
Banks - continued                
2.625%, 2020   $ 385     $ 391  
BNP Paribas SA, 0.8143%, 20171     520       520  
Citigroup, Inc.:                
2.65%, 2020     510       509  
4.45%, 2027     390       392  
JP Morgan Chase & Co.:                
3.20%, 2023     125       125  
3.90%, 2025     775       796  
Morgan Stanley:                
2.125%, 2018     300       303  
4.00%, 2025     440       454  
The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., 2.10%, 2019     500       504  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.:                
2.60%, 2020     510       512  
3.75%, 2025     690       696  
4.25%, 2025     290       292  
4.75%, 2045     175       178  
Electric - 2.4%                
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co., 5.75%, 2018     300       330  
CMS Energy Corp., 3.875%, 2024     400       413  
Duke Energy Corp.:                
3.95%, 2023     165       173  
3.75%, 2024     730       756  
Exelon Corp., 3.95%, 2025     960       971  
Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 2.45%, 2022     300       288  
PacifiCorp, 5.65%, 2018     755       833  
Progress Energy, Inc., 7.05%, 2019     930       1,070  
PSEG Power LLC, 2.75%, 2016     250       254  
Public Service Co. of Colorado, 3.20%, 2020     300       313  
Southern California Edison Co., 1.125%, 2017     430       430  
Tampa Electric Co., 2.60%, 2022     350       340  
Virginia Electric and Power Co.:                
1.20%, 2018     620       616  
2.95%, 2022     300       302  
3.10%, 2025     1,020       1,023  
Pharmaceuticals - 2.2%                
Abbvie, Inc.:                
2.50%, 2020     1,215       1,203  
2.90%, 2022     175       170  
3.20%, 2022     165       164  
3.60%, 2025     720       710  
Actavis Funding SCS:                
3.00%, 2020     485       489  
3.45%, 2022     840       836  
3.80%, 2025     850       844  
EMD Finance LLC, Series 144A, 3.25%, 20252     1,165       1,128  


Private Client Services Funds 55

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued   amount
Corporate bonds & notes - continued                
Pharmaceuticals - continued                
Mckesson Corp.:                
0.95%, 2015   $ 45     $ 45  
3.25%, 2016     310       312  
Merck & Co., Inc.:                
1.10%, 2018     250       250  
2.80%, 2023     250       252  
Novartis Securities Investment Ltd., 5.125%, 2019     300       333  
Pfizer, Inc., 0.6372%, 20181     500       499  
Oil & gas - 1.7%                
Anadarko Petroleum Corp., 6.375%, 2017     250       269  
Chevron Corp.:                
0.889%, 2016     500       501  
2.411%, 2022     475       471  
Devon Energy Corp., 2.25%, 2018     225       225  
Ensco PLC, 5.20%, 2025     50       42  
Exxon Mobil Corp., 0.4872%, 20191     1,115       1,111  
Husky Energy, Inc., 7.25%, 2019     250       286  
Noble Holding International Ltd., 5.95%, 2025     430       346  
Phillips 66, 4.30%, 2022     290       308  
Shell International Finance BV, 2.125%, 2020     860       863  
Statoil ASA:                
2.45%, 2023     540       522  
3.25%, 2024     280       280  
Total Capital International SA, 2.875%, 2022     230       232  
Woodside Finance Ltd., Series 144A, 4.60%, 20212     185       191  
Pipelines - 1.6%                
Boardwalk Pipelines LP, 4.95%, 2024     460       422  
Enbridge Energy Partners LP:                
4.375%, 2020     605       613  
5.875%, 2025     230       232  
Enbridge, Inc.:                
5.60%, 2017     790       823  
4.00%, 2023     505       467  
EnLink Midstream Partners LP, 4.40%, 2024     220       207  
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 3.70%, 2026     80       76  
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 4.25%, 2024     430       385  
Kinder Morgan, Inc., 4.30%, 2025     750       681  
Spectra Energy Partners LP, 2.95%, 2018     500       505  
TC PipeLines LP, 4.375%, 2025     415       392  
Williams Partners LP, 4.50%, 2023     535       490  
Insurance - 1.5%                
ACE INA Holdings, Inc.:                
2.30%, 2020     275       275  


56 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued     amount
Corporate bonds & notes - continued                
Insurance - continued                
2.875%, 2022   $ 145     $ 145  
3.35%, 2024     400       404  
3.35%, 2026     150       151  
4.35%, 2045     205       209  
American International Group, Inc.:                
2.30%, 2019     495       499  
4.125%, 2024     360       381  
Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp., 2.00%, 2018     750       765  
Prudential Financial, Inc.:                
1.101%, 20181     570       572  
2.30%, 2018     350       356  
QBE Insurance Group Ltd., Series 144A, 2.40%, 20182     1,125       1,130  
REITS - 1.1%                
Corporate Office Properties LP, 5.25%, 2024     225       230  
DCT Industrial Operating Partnership LP, 4.50%, 2023     500       504  
DDR Corp.:                
3.625%, 2025     300       285  
4.25%, 2026     375       374  
ERP Operating LP, 4.625%, 2021     350       382  
Essex Portfolio LP, 3.50%, 2025     490       476  
Kimco Realty Corp.:                
5.584%, 2015     325       326  
3.40%, 2022     90       90  
Prologis LP:                
2.75%, 2019     360       366  
3.75%, 2025     335       333  
UDR, Inc., 3.70%, 2020     400       416  
Auto Manufacturers - 1.0%                
Daimler Finance North America LLC, Series 144A:2                
1.189%, 20181     350       349  
3.30%, 2025     250       247  
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC:                
3.157%, 2020     550       557  
3.219%, 2022     205       204  
General Motors Co., 4.00%, 2025     235       231  
General Motors Financial Co., Inc.:                
3.10%, 2019     975       980  
4.30%, 2025     535       546  
Toyota Motor Credit Corp., 1.45%, 2018     350       351  
Agriculture - 0.8%                
Altria Group, Inc.:                
2.85%, 2022     250       247  
2.95%, 2023     200       197  


Private Client Services Funds 57

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued   amount
Corporate bonds & notes - continued                
Agriculture - continued                
4.00%, 2024   $ 580     $ 612  
Philip Morris International, Inc., 3.375%, 2025     630       644  
Reynolds American, Inc.:                
2.30%, 2018     120       122  
4.00%, 2022     70       73  
4.45%, 2025     430       451  
5.70%, 2035     30       33  
5.85%, 2045     220       245  
Media - 0.8%                
21st Century Fox America, Inc.:                
4.50%, 2021     350       380  
3.70%, 20252     205       205  
CBS Corp., 1.95%, 2017     200       201  
Comcast Corp., 3.375%, 2025     300       306  
NBCUniversal Media LLC, 5.15%, 2020     350       396  
The Walt Disney Co., 5.50%, 2019     300       337  
Viacom, Inc.:                
2.50%, 2018     350       352  
3.875%, 2024     380       361  
Diversified financial services - 0.7%                
American Express Co., 0.9191%, 20181     500       500  
GE Capital International Funding Co., Series 144A, 0.964%, 20162     838       838  
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., 4.00%, 2023     970       1,004  
Healthcare-services - 0.7%                
Aetna, Inc., 1.50%, 2017     350       351  
Anthem, Inc.:                
2.30%, 2018     285       286  
4.35%, 2020     300       320  
Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings, 4.70%, 2045     210       194  
UnitedHealth Group, Inc.:                
1.40%, 2017     250       251  
3.35%, 2022     380       394  
3.75%, 2025     460       480  
Healthcare-products - 0.6%                
Becton Dickinson & Co., 3.734%, 2024     390       400  
Medtronic, Inc., 3.50%, 2025     500       513  
St. Jude Medical, Inc., 3.875%, 2025     130       132  
Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.:                
3.15%, 2022     470       467  


58 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued   amount
Corporate bonds & notes - continued                
Healthcare-products - continued                
3.55%, 2025   $ 610     $ 602  
Beverages - 0.6%                
Pernod-Ricard SA, Series 144A, 2.95%, 20172     800       813  
SABMiller Holdings, Inc., Series 144A, 2.45%, 20172     745       754  
The Coca-Cola Co., 1.50%, 2015     350       350  
Biotechnology - 0.6%                
Celgene Corp.:                
2.125%, 2018     200       202  
2.875%, 2020     120       121  
3.55%, 2022     90       91  
3.625%, 2024     155       155  
3.875%, 2025     600       603  
Gilead Sciences, Inc.:                
3.05%, 2016     80       82  
3.25%, 2022     325       331  
3.50%, 2025     320       324  
Real Estate - 0.6%                
American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP:                
3.75%, 2023     300       296  
4.125%, 2024     400       400  
Scentre Group Trust 1 / Scentre Group Trust 2, Series 144A:2                
2.375%, 2019     100       99  
3.50%, 2025     250       243  
WEA Finance LLC, Series 144A:2                
2.70%, 2019     475       474  
3.25%, 2020     355       359  
Telecommunications - 0.5%                
AT&T, Inc., 2.40%, 2016     200       203  
Verizon Communications, Inc.:                
5.15%, 2023     940       1,048  
4.272%, 2036     500       457  
Computers - 0.5%                
Apple, Inc.:                
2.00%, 2020     800       803  
2.70%, 2022     800       808  


Private Client Services Funds 59

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued   amount
Corporate bonds & notes – continued                
Retail - 0.5%                
CVS Health Corp., 4.00%, 2023   $ 200     $ 212  
Starbucks Corp., 2.00%, 2018     190       193  
Target Corp., 6.00%, 2018     705       776  
The Home Depot, Inc., 4.40%, 2021     350       389  
Cosmetics/Personal Care - 0.2%                
The Procter & Gamble Co., 1.80%, 2015     790       790  
Software - 0.2%                
Oracle Corp.:                
1.20%, 2017     250       251  
2.375%, 2019     500       510  
Environmental Control - 0.2%                
Republic Services, Inc., 5.00%, 2020     350       387  
Waste Management, Inc., 4.60%, 2021     300       327  
Aerospace/Defense - 0.2%                
Airbus Finance BV, Series 144A, 2.70%, 20232     300       292  
The Boeing Co., 0.95%, 2018     350       347  
Chemicals - 0.1%                
Ecolab, Inc., 3.00%, 2016     180       184  
Ei Du Pont De Nemours & Co., 2.80%, 2023     350       338  
Miscellaneous manufacturing - 0.1%                
Danaher Corp., 2.30%, 2016     200       202  
General Electric Co., 2.70%, 2022     300       301  
Commercial Services - 0.1%                
Catholic Health Initiatives, 1.60%, 2017     350       350  
Office/Business Equip - 0.1%                
Xerox Corp., 2.95%, 2017     250       253  


60 Private Client Services Funds


Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued   amount
Corporate bonds & notes - continued                
Mining - 0.1%                
Teck Resources Ltd., 3.15%, 2017   $ 260     $ 248  
Transportation - 0.0%                
Canadian National Railway Co., 5.55%, 2018     50       55  
Total corporate bonds & notes             75,221  
Municipals - 2.3%                
City of Detroit, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Bonds (NATL-RE Insured), 5.375%, 2018     109       109  
City of Detroit, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2016     8       8  
City of Detroit, G.O. Public Imps. Prop. Tax Ref. Bonds (Assured GTY Insured), 5.00%, 2022     8       8  
County of Harris, Highway Tolls Rev. Ref. Bonds, 1.061%, 2016     1,000       1,001  
Energy Northwest, Energy Res. Auth. Rev. Ref. Bonds, 2.814%, 2024     500       497  
Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Fin. Corp., Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series A, 2.995%, 2020     3,000       3,060  
Industry Public Facs. Auth., Tax Increment Allocation Rev. Ref. Bonds (AGM Insured):                
2.203%, 2018     500       503  
3.139%, 2020     805       818  
Michigan Fin. Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series G (AGM Insured), 5.00%, 2016     42       42  
Michigan Fin. Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series G (Assured GTY Insured), 5.00%, 2022     42       44  
Michigan Fin. Auth., Public Imps. Misc. Rev. Bonds, Series G (NATL-RE Insured), 5.375%, 2018     591       593  
New Jersey Econ. Dev. Auth., Appropriations Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series YY, 4.447%, 2020     650       651  
New Jersey Trans. Trust Fund Auth., Appropriations Rev. Ref. Bonds, Series B, 1.758%, 2018     350       343  
Total municipals             7,677  
Government & government agency bonds & notes outside the U.S. - 0.6%                
Sovereign - 0.6%                
Mexico Government International Bond, 4.00%, 2023     450       466  
Province of Manitoba Canada, 3.05%, 2024     200       205  
Province of Ontario Canada, 3.20%, 2024     500       522  
Ukraine Government AID Bonds, 1.844%, 2019     875       884  
Total government & government agency bonds & notes outside the U.S.             2,077  
Asset-backed obligations - 5.5%                
AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust, 1.15%, 2019     355       354  
Avis Budget Rental Car Funding AESOP LLC, Series 144A:2                
1.92%, 2019     1,000       995  
2.97%, 2020     1,340       1,380  
2.50%, 2021     770       773  
California Republic Auto Receivables Trust:                
1.82%, 2020     775       775  
2.51%, 2021     270       270  
Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust, 1.60%, 2021     580       582  
CarMax Auto Owner Trust:                
1.16%, 2019     500       499  


Private Client Services Funds 61

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Bonds, notes & other debt investments - continued   amount
Asset-backed obligations - continued                
1.38%, 2019   $ 655     $ 655  
1.37%, 2020     450       449  
Chase Issuance Trust, 0.6258%, 20201     480       480  
Chesapeake Funding LLC, Series 144A, 0.6138%, 20261,2     162       162  
Chrysler Capital Auto Receivables Trust, Series 144A, 1.22%, 20192     640       640  
Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust, 1.3448%, 20201     540       549  
Discover Card Execution Note Trust:                
0.546%, 20201     1,165       1,162  
2.12%, 2021     655       663  
Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 144A, 0.93%, 20172     509       509  
Enterprise Fleet Financing LLC, Series 144A, 1.05%, 20202     668       666  
Ford Credit Auto Lease Trust, 1.10%, 2017     165       165  
Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust, Series 144A:2                
2.26%, 2025     565       571  
2.12%, 2026     315       317  
Hertz Fleet Lease Funding LP, Series 144A:1,2                
0.597%, 2028     438       437  
0.953%, 2028     300       299  
Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC, 2.73%, 2021     1,048       1,052  
Hertz Vehicle Financing LLC, Series 144A, 1.12%, 20172     1,600       1,597  
Octagon Investment Partners XV Ltd., Series 144A, 1.6052%, 20251,2     800       792  
Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust:                
0.87%, 2018     183       182  
1.27%, 2019     775       775  
Trade MAPS 1 Ltd., Series 144A:1,2                
0.896%, 2018     430       429  
1.446%, 2018     250       249  
Total asset-backed obligations             18,428  
Total bonds, notes & other debt investments (cost: $295,466,000)             296,821  
Short-term securities - 9.3%                
Chariot Funding LLC, 0.39%, December 8, 20153     2,200       2,199  
Chevron Corp., 0.17%, January 19, 20163     7,200       7,196  
Federal National Mortgage Association, 0.15%, November 17, 20153     7,000       7,000  
General Electric Co., 0.08%, November 2, 20153     5,000       5,000  
National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corp., 0.14%, November 23, 20153     4,400       4,400  
United Technologies, 0.20%, November 25, 20153     2,500       2,500  
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 0.09%, November 16, 20153     2,600       2,600  
Total short-term securities (cost: $30,895,000)             30,895  
Total investment securities (cost: $326,361,000)             327,716  
Other assets less liabilities             6,838  
Net assets           $ 334,554  


1 Indicates a variable rate security. The interest rate shown reflects the rate in effect at October 31, 2015.


62 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


2 Acquired in a transaction exempt from registration under Rule 144A or section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933. May be resold in the U.S. in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. At October 31, 2015, the aggregate market value of these securities amounted to $20,573,000, representing 6.15% of net assets.
3 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviations
AGM = Assured Guaranty Municipal Corporation
Auth. = Authority
Co. = Company
Corp. = Corporation
Econ. = Economic
Facs. = Facilities
G.O. = General Obligation
GTY = Guaranty
Imps. = Improvements
Inc. = Incorporated
Ltd. = Limited
Misc. = Miscellaneous
NATL-RE = National Reinsurance
Prop. = Property
Ref. = Refunding
REITS = Real Estate Investment Trusts
Rev. = Revenue
TBA = To be announced


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 63

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group Global Equity Fund grew between April 1, 2011, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses. Index returns are net of foreign withholding dividends.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – sector diversification



* Other includes short-term securities and other assets less liabilities




Capital Group Global Equity Fund

October 31, 2015


Investment portfolio - country diversification


Country   (percent of net assets)
United States     45.3 %
Britain     13.0  
Japan     8.1  
France     6.8  
Switzerland     5.6  
Hong Kong     3.1  
Singapore     2.1  
Germany     1.9  
Denmark     1.7  
Finland     1.6  
Netherlands     1.6  
Sweden     1.5  
Ireland     1.3  
Taiwan     0.8  
Canada     0.8  
Spain     0.6  
India     0.5  
Luxembourg     0.2  
Norway     0.2  
Australia     0.2  
Macau     0.1  
Short-term securities & other assets less liabilities     3.0  




Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - 97.0%   Shares     Value
Financials - 17.6%                
Sampo Oyj, A Shares     161,177     $ 7,863  
AIA Group Ltd.     1,267,400       7,393  
CME Group, Inc.     68,000       6,424  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.     31,600       5,925  
American Tower Corp.     44,800       4,580  
Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.     81,600       4,549  
Moody’s Corp.     41,900       4,029  
Wells Fargo & Co.     72,080       3,903  
Deutsche Wohnen AG     124,888       3,522  
JPMorgan Chase & Co.     52,300       3,360  
Lloyds Banking Group PLC     2,738,100       3,107  
Iron Mountain, Inc.     95,670       2,931  
PacWest Bancorp     57,890       2,607  
HDFC Bank Ltd. (ADR)     41,500       2,537  
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.     26,900       2,428  
CaixaBank SA     591,407       2,265  
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC     422,100       2,252  
ACE Ltd.     19,770       2,245  
DBS Group Holdings Ltd.     174,975       2,155  
BNP Paribas SA     34,973       2,121  
Mercury General Corp.     38,750       2,093  
Svenska Handelsbanken AB, A Shares     149,259       2,024  
Crown Castle International Corp.     22,750       1,944  
Aon PLC     19,600       1,829  
DNB ASA     80,566       1,022  
Credit Suisse Group AG1     40,410       1,006  
Prudential PLC     42,900       1,001  
UBS Group AG1     21,927       438  
Information Technology - 16.7%                
Keyence Corp.1     15,000       7,785  
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.     38,000       5,389  
Visa, Inc., A Shares     66,800       5,182  
ASML Holding NV     54,416       5,045  
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.     181,400       4,638  
Avago Technologies Ltd.     34,900       4,297  
Microsoft Corp.     78,900       4,153  
Apple, Inc.     34,694       4,146  
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ADR)     178,680       3,924  
Texas Instruments, Inc.     66,115       3,750  
Paychex, Inc.     69,570       3,588  
Xilinx, Inc.     70,600       3,362  
Alphabet, Inc., Class C1     4,422       3,143  
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.     40,511       3,133  
Gemalto NV     44,172       2,768  
VeriSign, Inc.1     31,775       2,561  
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.     29,342       2,552  
Broadcom Corp., Class A     44,600       2,292  
Jabil Circuit, Inc.     97,700       2,245  
Alphabet, Inc., Class A1     2,460       1,814  
VTech Holdings Ltd.     138,000       1,670  
66 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Information Technology - continued                
Trend Micro, Inc.     38,200     $ 1,484  
Accenture PLC, Class A     12,800       1,372  
Amadeus IT Holding SA, A Shares     21,965       935  
Oracle Corp.     42       1,778  
Industrials - 14.6%                
Safran SA     87,236       6,620  
Nielsen Holdings PLC     114,700       5,449  
FANUC Corp.     30,000       5,279  
The Boeing Co.     33,200       4,916  
SMC Corp.     17,900       4,588  
China Everbright International Ltd.     2,733,080       4,382  
Eaton Corp. PLC     76,300       4,266  
Hexcel Corp.     85,630       3,966  
Assa Abloy AB, Class B     187,827       3,725  
Danaher Corp.     36,300       3,387  
Siemens AG     26,617       2,677  
Towers Watson & Co., Class A     18,959       2,343  
BAE Systems PLC     338,530       2,293  
Norfolk Southern Corp.     26,210       2,098  
Meggitt PLC     381,009       2,074  
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.     36,000       1,953  
IDEX Corp.     23,300       1,789  
FedEx Corp.     9,600       1,498  
3M Co.     8,530       1,341  
AA PLC1     256,484       1,092  
Airbus Group SE     15,279       1,062  
DKSH Holding AG Ltd.1     16,262       990  
Schneider Electric SE     16,197       979  
Sydney Airport     200,847       924  
United Technologies Corp.     9,200       905  
Zodiac Aerospace     34,367       869  
Waste Management, Inc.     13,990       752  
Caterpillar, Inc.     9,100       664  
Health Care - 14.3%                
AstraZeneca PLC     158,330       10,106  
Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B     163,259       8,648  
Novartis AG     68,186       6,182  
Incyte Corp.1     48,500       5,700  
Gilead Sciences, Inc.1     52,192       5,644  
Roche Holding AG     16,603       4,497  
Essilor International SA     30,710       4,030  
Cerner Corp.1     59,700       3,957  
Eli Lilly & Co.     41,710       3,402  
Pfizer, Inc.     86,500       2,925  
AmerisourceBergen Corp.     24,700       2,384  
Express Scripts Holding Co.1     27,600       2,384  
Bayer AG     16,492       2,201  
Illumina, Inc.1     13,005       1,863  
Private Client Services Funds 67

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Health Care - continued                
Sysmex Corp.     32,400     $ 1,852  
AbbVie, Inc.     20,900       1,245  
St. Jude Medical, Inc.     19,300       1,232  
DaVita HealthCare Partners, Inc.1     14,900       1,155  
Medtronic PLC     14,240       1,053  
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.     7,925       523  
Consumer Discretionary - 11.4%                
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.     49,000       4,819  
Starbucks Corp.     70,800       4,430  
Las Vegas Sands Corp.     88,110       4,362  
Liberty Global PLC, Class A1     95,730       4,262  
Cie Financiere Richemont SA     48,982       4,189  
Newell Rubbermaid, Inc.     91,273       3,873  
Comcast Corp., Class A     57,870       3,624  
Viacom, Inc., Class B     65,800       3,245  
Yum! Brands, Inc.     39,865       2,827  
Greene King PLC     216,900       2,683  
Scripps Networks Interactive, Inc., Class A     42,670       2,564  
Marks & Spencer Group PLC     295,700       2,335  
Sirius XM Holdings, Inc.1     531,400       2,168  
Electrolux AB, Series B     61,286       1,801  
Denso Corp.     34,300       1,588  
Delphi Automotive PLC     16,700       1,389  
BCA Marketplace PLC1     484,800       1,319  
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG     11,492       1,180  
SES SA     39,009       1,152  
Samsonite International SA     281,100       829  
Wynn Macau Ltd.     490,000       672  
Charter Communications, Inc., Class A1     3,000       573  
The Home Depot, Inc.     4,485       554  
Liberty Global PLC, Series C1     5,100       217  
Consumer Staples - 10.3%                
Imperial Tobacco Group PLC     134,914       7,267  
Unilever PLC     156,000       6,928  
Nestle SA     89,179       6,808  
Pernod Ricard SA     50,629       5,960  
L’Oreal SA     27,170       4,950  
The Procter & Gamble Co.     55,295       4,223  
Philip Morris International, Inc.     34,100       3,015  
Danone SA     42,193       2,938  
The Coca-Cola Co.     63,240       2,678  
Tate & Lyle PLC     251,500       2,312  
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.     60,000       1,332  
British American Tobacco PLC     18,000       1,068  
Diageo PLC     26,180       757  
CVS Health Corp.     7,165       708  
68 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Consumer Staples - continued                
Nestle SA (ADR)     7,600     $ 579  
Energy - 5.0%                
Chevron Corp.     52,610       4,781  
Enbridge, Inc.     87,700       3,748  
Exxon Mobil Corp.     44,945       3,719  
Schlumberger Ltd.     35,686       2,789  
Occidental Petroleum Corp.     36,695       2,735  
Total SA     54,791       2,655  
Kinder Morgan, Inc.     58,265       1,594  
EOG Resources, Inc.     18,145       1,558  
ConocoPhillips     24,980       1,333  
Telecommunication Services - 2.9%                
NTT DOCOMO, Inc.     52,900       1,039  
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.     1,333,000       3,773  
SoftBank Group Corp.     75,500       4,202  
Verizon Communications, Inc.     66,300       3,108  
Vodafone Group PLC     746,835       2,462  
Materials - 2.5%                
The Dow Chemical Co.     41,000       2,118  
Monsanto Co.     20,700       1,930  
LyondellBasell Industries NV, Class A     19,270       1,790  
Praxair, Inc.     15,475       1,719  
Air Liquide SA     11,632       1,505  
Nucor Corp.     32,900       1,392  
Givaudan SA1     555       992  
Rio Tinto PLC     27,142       984  
Utilities - 1.7%                
National Grid PLC     282,700       4,024  
SSE PLC     121,900       2,843  
Sempra Energy     13,615       1,394  
Total common stocks (cost: $403,450,000)             482,788  
Short-term securities - 3.0%   Principal
AstraZeneca PLC, 0.18%, November 09, 20152   $ 600       600  
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp., 0.20%, November 18, 20152     10,400       10,399  
Private Client Services Funds 69

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Short-term securities - continued   Principal
Thunder Bay Funding LLC, 0.40%, December 17, 20152   $ 4,050     $ 4,049  
Total short-term securities (cost: $15,047,000)             15,048  
Total investment securities (cost: $418,497,000)             497,836  
Other assets less liabilities             (155 )
Net assets           $ 497,681  


1 Non-income producing security.
2 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviation

ADR - American Depositary Receipts


See Notes to Financial Statements


70 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund grew between April 1, 2011, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses. Index returns are net of foreign withholding dividends.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – sector diversification



* Other includes short-term securities and other assets less liabilities




Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

October 31, 2015


Investment portfolio - country diversification


Country   (percent of net assets)
Japan     22.6 %
Britain     17.6  
France     12.0  
Switzerland     10.4  
Hong Kong     5.0  
Denmark     4.4  
Germany     3.6  
Netherlands     3.1  
Sweden     2.6  
Finland     2.2  
Spain     1.8  
Canada     1.4  
Australia     1.4  
Luxembourg     1.3  
Singapore     1.2  
Taiwan     1.2  
India     0.7  
Ireland     0.7  
United States     0.6  
Norway     0.4  
Macau     0.2  
Short-term securities & other assets less liabilities     5.6  




Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - 94.4%   Shares     Value
Industrials - 16.6%                
SMC Corp.     100,800     $ 25,838  
FANUC Corp.     139,100       24,479  
Assa Abloy AB, Class B     1,182,516       23,452  
China Everbright International Ltd.     13,199,390       21,160  
Safran SA     271,370       20,594  
Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd.     263,300       14,282  
Sydney Airport     2,159,392       9,935  
AA PLC1     2,290,115       9,753  
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.     2,443,000       9,750  
Zodiac Aerospace     370,124       9,359  
Marubeni Corp.     1,429,100       8,231  
Airbus Group SE     115,290       8,011  
DKSH Holding AG Ltd.1     98,054       5,969  
Meggitt PLC     1,025,309       5,581  
Schneider Electric SE     78,813       4,765  
Nidec Corp.     57,200       4,298  
Canadian National Railway Co.     68,200       4,166  
Kubota Corp.     266,000       4,101  
Siemens AG     35,257       3,546  
Mitsubishi Corp.     195,600       3,543  
Health Care - 15.0%                
Novo Nordisk A/S, Class B     752,628       39,870  
Roche Holding AG     120,584       32,662  
Novartis AG     258,624       23,448  
AstraZeneca PLC     343,890       21,950  
Genmab A/S1     196,231       19,293  
Sysmex Corp.     334,300       19,104  
Essilor International SA     114,434       15,017  
Bayer AG     82,621       11,028  
Medtronic PLC     123,000       9,092  
Grifols SA, Class B     224,587       7,800  
Financials - 14.9%                
AIA Group Ltd.     5,332,200       31,102  
Sampo Oyj, A Shares     593,440       28,952  
Lloyds Banking Group PLC     19,635,500       22,280  
Deutsche Wohnen AG     709,248       19,999  
Prudential PLC     811,440       18,940  
BNP Paribas SA     178,858       10,848  
DBS Group Holdings Ltd.     782,582       9,636  
CaixaBank SA     2,513,558       9,628  
HDFC Bank Ltd. (ADR)     149,300       9,128  
UBS Group AG1     349,670       6,979  
Svenska Handelsbanken AB, A Shares     463,452       6,285  
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc.     126,400       5,025  
DNB ASA     385,986       4,897  
Credit Suisse Group AG1     171,579       4,272  
ING Groep NV     261,805       3,797  
Henderson Group PLC     770,810       3,403  
Private Client Services Funds 73

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Financials - continued                
Julius Baer Group Ltd.1     57,496     $ 2,849  
Information Technology - 13.2%                
Keyence Corp.1     69,400       36,020  
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.     1,155,400       29,538  
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd.     205,000       29,070  
ASML Holding NV     201,331       18,664  
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (ADR)     722,200       15,859  
Gemalto NV     243,598       15,266  
Trend Micro, Inc.     268,300       10,420  
Oracle Corp.     170,500       7,737  
SAP SE     89,742       7,095  
Amadeus IT Holding SA, A Shares     162,900       6,932  
Consumer Staples - 12.0%                
Pernod Ricard SA     196,064       23,079  
L’Oreal SA     123,723       22,542  
Nestle SA     284,235       21,699  
Imperial Tobacco Group PLC     394,359       21,243  
British American Tobacco PLC     247,060       14,664  
Diageo PLC     456,645       13,196  
Danone SA     183,959       12,807  
Unilever PLC     281,900       12,519  
Associated British Foods PLC     130,270       6,928  
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.     259,000       5,749  
Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC     56,600       5,522  
Consumer Discretionary - 11.3%                
Cie Financiere Richemont SA     253,125       21,650  
Liberty Global PLC, Class A1     476,075       21,195  
Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd.     105,100       21,064  
Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.     1,837,900       19,068  
SES SA     584,310       17,253  
BCA Marketplace PLC1     3,072,911       8,363  
Samsonite International SA     2,489,700       7,344  
The Swatch Group AG     89,123       6,434  
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG     59,819       6,141  
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE     31,227       5,810  
Denso Corp.     104,400       4,833  
Electrolux AB, Series B     142,076       4,176  
Greene King PLC     257,550       3,186  
Wynn Macau Ltd.     1,754,800       2,405  
Liberty Global PLC, Series C1     37,700       1,608  
Telecommunication Services - 4.6%                
SoftBank Group Corp.     323,400       18,000  
74 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Telecommunication Services - continued                
Vodafone Group PLC     4,662,690     $ 15,371  
NTT DOCOMO, Inc.     524,000       10,286  
Singapore Telecommunications Ltd.     2,348,300       6,647  
KDDI Corp.     229,200       5,536  
Swisscom AG     10,374       5,342  
Energy - 3.7%                
Total SA     433,426       21,004  
Enbridge, Inc.     353,700       15,118  
Oil Search Ltd.     1,603,919       8,952  
BG Group PLC     308,500       4,859  
Materials - 1.6%                
Givaudan SA1     4,030       7,203  
Air Liquide SA     45,858       5,932  
Koninklijke DSM NV     78,035       4,155  
Rio Tinto PLC     98,290       3,565  
Utilities - 1.5%                
National Grid PLC     1,440,590       20,504  
Total common stocks (cost: $1,128,820,000)             1,257,650  
Short-term securities - 5.8%   Principal
Apple, Inc., 0.15%, December 14, 20152   $ 10,100       10,098  
Chevron Corp., 0.14%, December 29, 20152     3,700       3,699  
Federal Home Loan Bank:2                
0.18%, December 15, 2015     20,000       19,999  
0.20%, November 03, 2015     3,100       3,100  
General Electric Co., 0.08%, November 02, 20152     8,900       8,900  
International Business Machines Corp., 0.17%, December 28, 20152     11,600       11,598  
Paccar Financial Corp., 0.12%, November 17, 20152     4,000       3,999  
United Parcel Service, Inc., 0.16%, November 05, 20152     16,600       16,600  
Total short-term securities (cost: $77,989,000)             77,993  
Private Client Services Funds 75

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Total investment securities (cost: $1,206,809,000)     1,335,643  
Other assets less liabilities     (2,825 )
Net assets   $ 1,332,818  


1 Non-income producing security.
2 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


Key to abbreviation

ADR - American Depositary Receipts


See Notes to Financial Statements


76 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

October 31, 2015


Growth of $25,000 investment


Here’s how a $25,000 investment in the Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund grew between April 1, 2011, when the fund began operations, and October 31, 2015, the end of the fund’s fiscal year.



1 The index is unmanaged, and its results include reinvested distributions but do not reflect the effect of sales charges, commissions, or expenses.
2 Includes reinvested dividends and capital gain distributions.


Results are for past periods and are not predictive of results for future periods. Current and future results may be lower or higher than those shown. Share price and returns will vary so investors may lose money. The results shown are before taxes on fund distributions and sale of fund shares.


Investment portfolio – sector diversification



* Other includes short-term securities and other assets less liabilities




Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - 94.7%   Shares     Value
Consumer Discretionary - 15.9%                
Newell Rubbermaid, Inc.     107,400     $ 4,557  
Comcast Corp., Class A     71,450       4,474  
The Home Depot, Inc.     23,500       2,906  
Starbucks Corp.     41,200       2,578  
Charter Communications, Inc., Class A1     11,500       2,196  
Panera Bread Co., Class A1     12,145       2,154  
NIKE, Inc., Class B     14,500       1,900  
Yum! Brands, Inc.     22,400       1,588  
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.1     22,300       1,419  
Sirius XM Holdings, Inc.1     314,700       1,284  
Carnival Corp.     21,650       1,171  
Scripps Networks Interactive, Inc., Class A     18,694       1,123  
The Priceline Group, Inc.1     620       902  
Las Vegas Sands Corp.     18,040       893  
Delphi Automotive PLC     9,400       782  
Daimler AG (ADR)     7,310       634  
Time Warner Cable, Inc.     3,050       578  
Viacom, Inc., Class B     7,510       370  
Industrials - 15.7%                
Nielsen Holdings PLC     83,200       3,953  
The Boeing Co.     24,275       3,594  
Waste Connections, Inc.     57,500       3,133  
Towers Watson & Co., Class A     24,700       3,052  
Danaher Corp.     32,155       3,000  
Eaton Corp. PLC     46,900       2,622  
United Technologies Corp.     26,365       2,595  
Norfolk Southern Corp.     30,905       2,473  
Hexcel Corp.     49,000       2,270  
IDEX Corp.     15,800       1,213  
Caterpillar, Inc.     13,400       978  
Waste Management, Inc.     14,740       792  
Siemens AG (ADR)     7,120       716  
B/E Aerospace, Inc.     14,800       695  
Information Technology - 15.3%                
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.     52,700       4,076  
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.     42,200       3,671  
Texas Instruments, Inc.     50,900       2,887  
Visa, Inc., A Shares     36,800       2,855  
Microsoft Corp.     49,215       2,591  
Apple, Inc.     18,665       2,230  
Avago Technologies Ltd.     16,455       2,026  
Alphabet, Inc., Class C1     2,627       1,867  
Broadcom Corp., Class A     34,700       1,784  
VeriSign, Inc.1     21,115       1,702  
Jabil Circuit, Inc.     71,055       1,633  
Accenture PLC, Class A     12,825       1,375  
Alphabet, Inc., Class A1     1,150       848  
78 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Information Technology - continued                
Oracle Corp.     18,625     $ 723  
Financials - 14.8%                
Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc.     69,600       3,879  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.     16,900       3,169  
Wells Fargo & Co.     56,960       3,084  
CME Group, Inc.     30,425       2,874  
JPMorgan Chase & Co.     41,900       2,692  
Discover Financial Services     39,875       2,242  
American Tower Corp.     18,600       1,901  
The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.     20,325       1,835  
ACE Ltd.     15,765       1,790  
Iron Mountain, Inc.     54,430       1,668  
Aon PLC     16,200       1,512  
Moody’s Corp.     11,900       1,144  
PacWest Bancorp     17,800       802  
Crown Castle International Corp.     8,700       743  
Health Care - 13.4%                
Gilead Sciences, Inc.     31,900       3,449  
Express Scripts Holding Co.1     38,700       3,343  
St. Jude Medical, Inc.     41,720       2,662  
Medtronic PLC     31,965       2,363  
Eli Lilly & Co.     28,125       2,294  
Cerner Corp.1     33,500       2,221  
AmerisourceBergen Corp.     22,300       2,152  
AstraZeneca PLC (ADR)     57,455       1,832  
Incyte Corp.1     14,600       1,716  
Novo Nordisk A/S (ADR)     23,200       1,234  
AbbVie, Inc.     19,300       1,149  
UnitedHealth Group, Inc.     9,500       1,119  
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.     8,385       553  
Illumina, Inc.1     3,850       552  
Consumer Staples - 8.0%                
The Procter & Gamble Co.     48,200       3,682  
Philip Morris International, Inc.     31,905       2,820  
Diageo PLC (ADR)     22,665       2,608  
Unilever PLC (ADR)     49,700       2,209  
Nestle SA (ADR)     28,100       2,142  
CVS Health Corp.     7,700       761  
Mondelez International, Inc.     13,000       600  
The Coca-Cola Co.     12,495       529  
Mead Johnson Nutrition Co.     4,900       402  
Private Client Services Funds 79

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Common Stocks - continued   Shares     Value
Energy - 7.2%                
Schlumberger Ltd.     39,000     $ 3,048  
Kinder Morgan, Inc.     76,070       2,080  
Chevron Corp.     22,140       2,012  
Exxon Mobil Corp.     17,000       1,407  
ConocoPhillips     25,580       1,365  
EOG Resources, Inc.     13,965       1,199  
Columbia Pipeline Group, Inc.     43,940       913  
Occidental Petroleum Corp.     11,745       875  
Halliburton Co.     20,400       783  
Enbridge, Inc.     12,000       512  
Materials - 2.9%                
Praxair, Inc.     17,910       1,989  
Monsanto Co.     20,100       1,874  
The Dow Chemical Co.     34,700       1,793  
Telecommunication Services - 1.1%                
Verizon Communications, Inc.     47,100       2,208  
Utilities - 0.4%                
National Grid PLC (ADR)     11,500       824  
Total common stocks (cost: $140,356,000)             187,472  
Short-term securities - 5.0%     Principal
Federal Home Loan Bank, 0.17%, November 19, 20152   $ 1,800       1,800  
General Electric Co., 0.08%, November 02, 20152     1,400       1,400  
Pfizer, Inc., 0.14%, November 16, 20152     3,000       3,000  
The Walt Disney Co., 0.16%, November 09, 20152     3,800       3,800  
Total short-term securities (cost: $10,000,000)             10,000  
Total investment securities (cost: $150,356,000)             197,472  
Other assets less liabilities             502  
Net assets           $ 197,974  


1 Non-income producing security.
2 Zero coupon bond; interest rate represents current yield to maturity.


80 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Schedule of investments
October 31, 2015


Key to abbreviation

ADR - American Depositary Receipts


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 81

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities
at October 31, 2015


(dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $357,364)           $ 366,420  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $11,420)             11,420  
Receivables for:                
Sales of fund’s shares     65          
Interest     4,125          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     6          
Prepaid expenses     *        
Total assets             382,036  
Due to custodian             375  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     2,316          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     2          
Investment advisory services     112          
Other accrued expenses     75          
Total liabilities             2,880  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 379,156  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 369,797  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized gain             303  
Net unrealized appreciation             9,056  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 379,156  
Shares outstanding:             36,147  
Net asset value per share:           $ 10.49  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


82 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Statement of operations
for the year ended October 31, 2015


(dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Interest           $ 8,627  
Fees and expenses:                
Investment advisory services     1,272          
Administrative and accounting services     102          
Registration fees     30          
Audit and tax fees     40          
Transfer agent services     20          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Other     16          
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     1,509          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     53          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             1,456  
Net investment income             7,171  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments:                
Net realized gain on investments             460  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (2,748 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments             (2,288 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 4,883  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 83

Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Statements of changes in net assets


(dollars in thousands)


    For the year
ended 10/31/15
    For the year
ended 10/31/14
Net investment income   $ 7,171     $ 6,346  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments     460       (116 )
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments     (2,748 )     3,611  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     4,883       9,841  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (7,173 )     (6,345 )
Total dividends and distributions     (7,173 )     (6,345 )
Net capital share transactions     40,374       39,061  
Total increase in net assets     38,084       42,557  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     341,072       298,515  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $– and $1, respectively.)   $ 379,156     $ 341,072  


See Notes to Financial Statements


84 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $123,807)           $ 124,839  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $17,090)             17,090  
Cash             449  
Receivables for:                
Sales of fund’s shares     141          
Interest     1,294          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     10          
Prepaid expenses     *        
Total assets             143,823  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     1,401          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     6          
Investment advisory services     43          
Other accrued expenses     62          
Total liabilities             1,512  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 142,311  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 141,258  
Accumulated in undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized gain             21  
Net unrealized appreciation             1,032  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 142,311  
Shares outstanding:             14,056  
Net asset value per share:           $ 10.12  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 85

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Interest           $ 2,337  
Fees and expenses:                
Investment advisory services     529          
Administrative and accounting services     42          
Registration fees     26          
Audit and tax fees     41          
Transfer agent services     19          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Other     11          
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     697          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     91          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             606  
Net investment income             1,731  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments:                
Net realized gain on investments             45  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (903 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments             (858 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 873  


See Notes to Financial Statements


86 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 1,731     $ 1,756  
Net realized gain on investments     45       87  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments     (903 )     (245 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     873       1,598  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (1,733 )     (1,754 )
Distributions from capital gain     (67 )     (212 )
Total dividends and distributions     (1,800 )     (1,966 )
Net capital share transactions     (12,105 )     19,381  
Total (decrease) increase in net assets     (13,032 )     19,013  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     155,343       136,330  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $— and $2, respectively.)   $ 142,311     $ 155,343  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 87

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $282,612)           $ 290,870  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $10,675)             10,675  
Cash             2,742  
Receivables for:                
Sales of fund’s shares     98          
Interest     2,939          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     6          
Prepaid expenses     *        
Total assets             307,330  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     2,167          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     13          
Investment advisory services     90          
Other accrued expenses     66          
Total liabilities             2,336  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 304,994  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 296,789  
Accumulated in undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized loss             (53 )
Net unrealized appreciation             8,258  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 304,994  
Shares outstanding:             28,799  
Net asset value per share:           $ 10.59  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


88 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Interest           $ 6,933  
Fees and expenses:                
Investment advisory services     1,030          
Administrative and accounting services     82          
Registration fees     7          
Audit and tax fees     41          
Transfer agent services     19          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Other     16          
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     1,224          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     44          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             1,180  
Net investment income             5,753  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments:                
Net realized gain on investments             107  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (978 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments             (871 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 4,882  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 89

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 5,753     $ 4,726  
Net realized gain on investments     107       171  
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments     (978 )     4,891  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     4,882       9,788  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (5,756 )     (4,723 )
Total dividends and distributions     (5,756 )     (4,723 )
Net capital share transactions     25,954       47,706  
Total increase in net assets     25,080       52,771  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     279,914       227,143  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $— and $3, respectively.)   $ 304,994     $ 279,914  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


90 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $105,509)           $ 106,826  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $3,400)             3,400  
Cash             207  
Receivables for:                
Sales of investments     830          
Interest     1,111          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     9          
Prepaid expenses     *        
Total assets             112,383  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     281          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     8          
Investment advisory services     34          
Other accrued expenses     59          
Total liabilities             382  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 112,001  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 110,561  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized gain             123  
Net unrealized appreciation             1,317  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 112,001  
Shares outstanding:             10,897  
Net asset value per share:           $ 10.28  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 91

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Interest           $ 1,764  
Fees and expenses:                
Investment advisory services     447          
Administrative and accounting services     36          
Registration fees     5          
Audit and tax fees     41          
Transfer agent services     19          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Other     11          
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     588          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     75          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             513  
Net investment income             1,251  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments:                
Net realized gain on investments             162  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (535 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments             (373 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 878  


See Notes to Financial Statements


92 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 1,251     $ 1,113  
Net realized gain on investments     162       61  
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments     (535 )     316  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     878       1,490  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (1,252 )     (1,112 )
Distributions from capital gain     (48 )     (13 )
Total dividends and distributions     (1,300 )     (1,125 )
Net capital share transactions     (25,883 )     23,288  
Total (decrease) increase in net assets     (26,305 )     23,653  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     138,306       114,653  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $— and $1, respectively.)   $ 112,001     $ 138,306  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 93

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $295,466)           $ 296,821  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $30,895)             30,895  
Cash             107  
Receivables for:                
Sales of investments     12,406          
Interest     1,908          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     8          
Total assets             342,145  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     7,413          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     7          
Investment advisory services     99          
Other accrued expenses     72          
Total liabilities             7,591  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 334,554  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 332,314  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income             62  
Accumulated net realized gain             823  
Net unrealized appreciation             1,355  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 334,554  
Shares outstanding:             32,830  
Net asset value per share:           $ 10.19  


See Notes to Financial Statements


94 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Interest           $ 6,413  
Fees and expenses:                
Investment advisory services     1,128          
Administrative and accounting services     90          
Registration fees     27          
Audit and tax fees     41          
Transfer agent services     20          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Other     13          
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     1,348          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     59          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             1,289  
Net investment income             5,124  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments:                
Net realized gain on investments             1,005  
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (2,161 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments             (1,156 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 3,968  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 95

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 5,124     $ 4,762  
Net realized gain on investments     1,005       822  
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments     (2,161 )     279  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     3,968       5,863  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (5,130 )     (4,774 )
Distributions from capital gain     (748 )     (753 )
Total dividends and distributions     (5,878 )     (5,527 )
Net capital share transactions     26,219       13,549  
Total increase in net assets     24,309       13,885  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     310,245       296,360  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $62 and $3, respectively.)   $ 334,554     $ 310,245  


See Notes to Financial Statements


96 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $403,450)           $ 482,788  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $15,047)             15,048  
Cash             107  
Foreign currency, at value (cost: $—*)             *
Receivables for:                
Sales of investments     2          
Sales of fund’s shares     7          
Dividends     861          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     4          
Prepaid expenses     *        
Total assets             498,817  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     756          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     21          
Unified Management fees     353          
Other accrued expenses     6          
Total liabilities             1,136  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 497,681  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 397,271  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income             5,672  
Accumulated net realized gain             15,418  
Net unrealized appreciation             79,320  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 497,681  
Shares outstanding:             37,894  
Net asset value per share:           $ 13.13  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 97

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Dividends (net of non-U.S. taxes of $534)   $ 11,180          
Interest     28       11,208  
Fees and expenses:                
Unified Management fees     4,358          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Legal fees     2          
Other     *        
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     4,389          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     31          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             4,358  
Net investment income             6,850  
Net realized gain (loss) and unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments and currency:                
Net realized gain on investments             17,649  
Net realized loss on currency             (48 )
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (18,493 )
Net unrealized appreciation on currency translations             18  
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments and currency             (874 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 5,976  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


98 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 6,850     $ 5,093  
Net realized gain on investments and currency     17,601       11,042  
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments and currency     (18,475 )     17,218  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     5,976       33,353  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (5,230 )     (3,426 )
Distributions from capital gain     (5,575 )      
Total dividends and distributions     (10,805 )     (3,426 )
Net capital share transactions     (7,650 )     67,793  
Total (decrease) increase in net assets     (12,479 )     97,720  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     510,160       412,440  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $5,672 and $4,480, respectively.)   $ 497,681     $ 510,160  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 99

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $1,128,820)           $ 1,257,650  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $77,989)             77,993  
Cash             75  
Foreign currency, at value (cost: $—*)             *
Receivables for:                
Sales of investments     829          
Sales of fund’s shares     949          
Dividends     3,530          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     4          
Prepaid expenses     *        
Total assets             1,341,030  
Payables for:                
Purchases of investments     6,774          
Repurchases of fund’s shares     487          
Unified Management fees     944          
Other accrued expenses     7          
Total liabilities             8,212  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 1,332,818  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 1,246,450  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income             14,909  
Accumulated net realized loss             (57,224 )
Net unrealized appreciation             128,683  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 1,332,818  
Shares outstanding:             115,913  
Net asset value per share:           $ 11.50  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


100 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Dividends (net of non-U.S. taxes of $2,729)   $ 27,540          
Interest     75       27,615  
Fees and expenses:                
Unified Management fees     12,005          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Legal fees     2          
Other     *        
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     12,036          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     31          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             12,005  
Net investment income             15,610  
Net realized loss and unrealized appreciation on investments and currency:                
Net realized loss on investments             (28,908 )
Net realized loss on currency             (31 )
Net unrealized appreciation on investments             23,664  
Net unrealized appreciation on currency translations             107  
Net realized loss and unrealized appreciation on investments and currency             (5,168 )
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 10,442  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 101

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 15,610     $ 19,662  
Net realized loss on investments and currency     (28,939 )     (18,488 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and currency     23,771       (13,928 )
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations     10,442       (12,754 )
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (19,733 )     (8,308 )
Total dividends and distributions     (19,733 )     (8,308 )
Net capital share transactions     (309,785 )     684,060  
Total (decrease) increase in net assets     (319,076 )     662,998  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     1,651,894       988,896  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $14,909 and $19,062, respectively.)   $ 1,332,818     $ 1,651,894  


See Notes to Financial Statements


102 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Statement of assets and liabilities

at October 31, 2015 (dollars and shares in thousands, except per share amounts)


Investment securities, at value (cost: $140,356)           $ 187,472  
Short-term investments, at value (cost: $10,000)             10,000  
Cash             62  
Receivables for:                
Sales of fund’s shares     256          
Dividends     293          
Reimbursement from investment adviser     4          
Total assets             198,087  
Payables for:                
Unified Management fees     106          
Other accrued expenses     7          
Total liabilities             113  
Net assets at October 31, 2015:           $ 197,974  
Net assets consist of:                
Capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest           $ 144,368  
Accumulated undistributed net investment income              
Accumulated net realized gain             6,490  
Net unrealized appreciation             47,116  
Net assets at October 31, 2015           $ 197,974  
Shares outstanding:             9,957  
Net asset value per share:           $ 19.88  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 103

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Statement of operations

for the year ended October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands)


Investment income:                
Dividends (net of non-U.S. taxes of $48)   $ 3,849          
Interest     12       3,861  
Fees and expenses:                
Unified Management fees     1,279          
Trustees’ compensation     29          
Legal fees     2          
Other     *        
Total fees and expenses before reimbursements     1,310          
Less reimbursements of fees and expenses     31          
Total fees and expenses after reimbursements             1,279  
Net investment income             2,582  
Net realized gain (loss) and unrealized depreciation on investments and currency:                
Net realized gain on investments             6,821  
Net realized loss on currency             (— )*
Net unrealized depreciation on investments             (1,849 )
Net realized gain and unrealized depreciation on investments and currency             4,972  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations           $ 7,554  


* Amount less than one thousand.


See Notes to Financial Statements


104 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Statements of changes in net assets

(dollars in thousands)


    For the year     For the year  
    ended 10/31/15     ended 10/31/14  
Net investment income   $ 2,582     $ 2,338  
Net realized gain on investments and currency     6,821       7,218  
Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on investments     (1,849 )     11,985  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations     7,554       21,541  
Dividends and distributions to shareholders:                
Dividends from net investment income     (2,369 )     (2,244 )
Distributions from capital gain     (6,835 )     (2,564 )
Total dividends and distributions     (9,204 )     (4,808 )
Net capital share transactions     7,361       8,601  
Total increase in net assets     5,711       25,334  
Net assets:                
Beginning of year     192,263       166,929  
End of year (including undistributed net investment income: $— and $160, respectively.)   $ 197,974     $ 192,263  


See Notes to Financial Statements


Private Client Services Funds 105

Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements


1. Organization


Capital Group Private Client Services Funds (the “Trust”) is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end, diversified management investment company. The Trust has five fixed-income funds (Capital Group Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund and Capital Group Core Bond Fund) and three equity funds (Capital Group Global Equity Fund, Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund and Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund) (each a “fund”, collectively the “funds”).


Capital Group Core Municipal Fund seeks to provide current income exempt from federal income tax and to preserve capital. Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund seeks to preserve capital and secondarily to provide current income exempt from federal income tax. Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund seeks to provide current income exempt from federal and California income taxes and to preserve capital. Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund seeks to preserve capital and secondarily to provide current income exempt from federal and California income taxes. Capital Group Core Bond Fund seeks to provide current income and to preserve capital. Capital Group Global Equity Fund and Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund seek to preserve capital while providing growth and Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund also seeks to preserve capital while providing growth and secondarily seeks to provide income.


Effective as of January 1, 2016, Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund will modify its fund name to Capital Group International Equity Fund.


2. Significant accounting policies


Each fund is an investment company that applies the accounting and reporting guidance issued in Topic 946 by the U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board. The financial statements have been prepared to comply with U.S generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”). These principles require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts and disclosures. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The funds follow the significant accounting policies described below, as well as the valuation policies described in the next section on valuation.


Security transactions and related investment income – Security transactions are recorded by the funds as of the date the trades are executed with brokers. Realized gains and losses from security transactions are determined based on the specific identified cost of the securities. In the event a security is purchased with a delayed payment date, the funds will segregate liquid assets sufficient to meet their payment obligations. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date and interest income is recognized on an accrual basis. Market discounts, premiums and original issue discounts on fixed-income securities are amortized daily over the expected life of the security.


Dividends and distributions to shareholders – Dividend and distributions paid to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date.


Currency translation – Assets and liabilities, including investment securities, denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates supplied by one or more pricing vendors on the valuation date. Purchases and sales of investment securities and income and expenses are translated into U.S. dollars at the exchange rates on the dates of such transactions. The effects of changes in exchange rates on investment securities are included with the net realized gain or loss and net unrealized appreciation or depreciation on investments in the funds’ statement of operations. The realized gain or loss and unrealized appreciation or depreciation resulting from all other transactions denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars are disclosed separately.


3. Valuation


Capital Guardian Trust Company (“CGTC”), the funds’ investment adviser, values the funds’ investments at fair value as defined by U.S. GAAP. The net asset value of each fund is generally determined as of approximately 4:00 p.m. New York time each day the New York Stock Exchange is open.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


Methods and inputs – The funds’ investment adviser uses the following methods and inputs to establish the fair value of their assets and liabilities. Use of particular methods and inputs may vary over time based on availability and relevance as market and economic conditions evolve.


Equity securities are generally valued at the official closing price of, or the last reported sale price on, the exchange or market on which such securities are traded, as of the close of business on the day the securities are being valued or, lacking any sales, at the last available bid price. Prices for each security are taken from the principal exchange or market on which the security trades.


Fixed-income securities, including short-term securities, are generally valued at prices obtained from one or more pricing vendors. Vendors value such securities based on one or more of the inputs described in the following table. The table provides examples of inputs that are commonly relevant for valuing particular classes of fixed-income securities in which the funds are authorized to invest. However, these classifications are not exclusive and any of the inputs may be used to value any other class of fixed-income security.


Fixed-income class   Examples of standard inputs
All   Benchmark yields, transactions, bids, offers, quotations from dealers and trading systems, new issues, spreads and other relationships observed in the markets among comparable securities; and proprietary pricing models such as yield measures calculated using factors such as cash flows, financial or collateral performance and other reference data (collectively referred to as “standard inputs”)
Corporate bonds & notes; convertible securities   Standard inputs and underlying equity of the issuer
Bonds & notes of governments & government agencies   Standard inputs and interest rate volatilities
Mortgage-backed; asset-backed obligations   Standard inputs and cash flows, prepayment information, default rates, delinquency and loss assumptions, collateral characteristics, credit enhancements and specific deal information
Municipal securities   Standard inputs and, for certain distressed securities, cash flows or liquidation values using a net present value calculation based on inputs that include, but are not limited to, financial statements and debt contracts


When the funds’ investment adviser deems it appropriate to do so (such as when vendor prices are unavailable or not deemed to be representative), fixed-income securities will be valued in good faith at the mean quoted bid and ask prices that are reasonably and timely available (or bid prices, if asked prices are not available) or at prices for securities of comparable maturity, quality and type. Some securities may be valued based on their effective maturity or average life, which may be shorter than the stated maturity.


Securities with both fixed-income and equity characteristics, or equity securities traded principally among fixed-income dealers, are generally valued in the manner described for either equity or fixed-income securities, depending on which method is deemed most appropriate by the funds’ investment adviser.


Securities and other assets for which representative market quotations are not readily available or are considered unreliable by the funds’ investment adviser are fair valued as determined in good faith under fair valuation guidelines adopted by authority of the funds’ board of trustees as further described. The funds’ investment adviser follows fair valuation guidelines, consistent with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules and guidance, to consider relevant principles and factors when making fair value determinations. The funds’ investment adviser considers relevant indications of value that are reasonably and timely available to it in determining the fair value to be assigned to a particular security, such as, the type and cost of the security; contractual or legal restrictions on resale of the security; relevant financial or business developments of the issuer; actively traded similar or related securities; conversion or exchange rights on the security; related corporate actions; significant events occurring after the close of trading in the security; and changes in overall market conditions. In addition, the closing prices of equity securities that




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


trade in markets outside U.S. time zones may be adjusted to reflect significant events that occur after the close of local trading but before the net asset value of each share class of the fund is determined. Fair valuations and valuations of investments that are not actively trading involve judgment and may differ materially from valuations that would have been used had greater market activity occurred.


Processes and structure – The funds’ board of trustees has delegated authority to the funds’ investment adviser to make fair value determinations, subject to board oversight. The funds’ investment adviser has established a Joint Fair Valuation Committee (the “Fair Valuation Committee”) to administer, implement and oversee the fair value process, and to make fair value decisions. The Fair Valuation Committee regularly reviews its own fair value decisions, as well as decisions made under its standing instructions to the funds’ investment adviser’s valuation teams. The Fair Valuation Committee reviews changes in fair value measurements from period to period and may, as deemed appropriate, update the fair valuation guidelines to better reflect the results of back testing and address new or evolving issues. The Fair Valuation Committee reports any changes to the fair valuation guidelines to the board of trustees with supplemental information to support the changes. The Funds’ board and audit committee also regularly review reports that describe fair value determinations and methods.


The funds’ investment adviser has also established a Fixed-Income Pricing Review Group to administer and oversee the fixed-income valuation process, including the use of fixed-income pricing vendors. This group regularly reviews pricing vendor information and market data. Pricing decisions, processes, and controls over security valuation are also subject to additional internal reviews including an annual control self-evaluation program facilitated by the funds’ investment adviser’s compliance group.


Classifications – The funds’ investment adviser classifies the funds’ assets and liabilities into three levels based on the inputs used to value the assets or liabilities. Level 1 values are based on quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. Level 2 values are based on significant observable market inputs, such as quoted prices for similar securities and quoted prices in inactive markets. Certain securities trading outside the U.S. may transfer between Level 1 and Level 2 due to valuation adjustments resulting from significant market movements following the close of local trading. Level 3 values are based on significant unobservable inputs that reflect the funds’ investment adviser’s determination of assumptions that market participants might reasonably use in valuing the securities. The valuation levels are not necessarily an indication of the risk or liquidity associated with the underlying investment. For example, U.S. government securities are reflected as Level 2 because the inputs used to determine fair value may not always be quoted prices in an active market. The following table presents the funds’ valuation levels as of October 31, 2015 (dollars in thousands):


Investment securities   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund                                
Bonds & notes                                
Municipals   $     $ 365,965     $     $ 365,965  
Corporate bonds & notes           455             455  
Short-term securities           11,420             11,420  
Total   $     $ 377,840     $     $ 377,840  
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund                                
Bonds & notes   $     $ 124,839     $     $ 124,839  
Short-term securities           17,090             17,090  
Total   $     $ 141,929     $     $ 141,929  




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


Investment securities   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund                                
Bonds & notes   $     $ 290,870     $     $ 290,870  
Short-term securities           10,675             10,675  
Total   $     $ 301,545     $     $ 301,545  
Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund                                
Bonds & notes   $     $ 106,826     $     $ 106,826  
Short-term securities           3,400             3,400  
Total   $     $ 110,226     $     $ 110,226  
Capital Group Core Bond Fund                                
Bonds, notes & other debt investments U.S. government & government agency bonds & notes   $     $ 153,202     $     $ 153,202  
Mortgage-backed obligations           40,216             40,216  
Corporate bonds & notes           75,221             75,221  
Municipals           7,677             7,677  
Government & government agency bonds & notes outside the U.S.           2,077             2,077  
Asset-backed obligations           18,428             18,428  
Short-term securities           30,895             30,895  
Total   $     $ 327,716     $     $ 327,716  
Capital Group Global Equity Fund                                
Common Stocks1                                
Financials   $ 51,384     $ 36,169     $     $ 87,553  
Information Technology     52,357       30,649             83,006  
Industrials     33,374       39,507             72,881  
Health Care     33,467       37,516             70,983  
Consumer Discretionary     38,907       17,748             56,655  
Consumer Staples     11,203       40,320             51,523  
Energy     22,257       2,655             24,912  
Telecommunication Services     3,108       11,476             14,584  
Materials     8,949       3,481             12,430  
Utilities     1,394       6,867             8,261  
Short-term securities           15,048             15,048  
Total   $ 256,400     $ 241,436     $     $ 497,836  
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund                                
Common Stocks2                                
Industrials   $ 4,166     $ 216,647     $     $ 220,813  
Health Care     9,092       190,172             199,264  
Financials     9,128       188,892             198,020  
Information Technology     15,859       160,742             176,601  
Consumer Staples           159,948             159,948  
Consumer Discretionary     22,803       127,727             150,530  




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


Investment securities   Level 1     Level 2     Level 3     Total  
Telecommunication Services           61,182             61,182  
Energy     15,118       34,815             49,933  
Materials           20,855             20,855  
Utilities           20,504             20,504  
Short-term securities           77,993             77,993  
Total   $ 76,166     $ 1,259,477     $     $ 1,335,643  
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund                                
Common Stocks3   $ 187,472     $     $     $ 187,472  
Short-term securities           10,000             10,000  
Total   $ 187,472     $ 10,000     $     $ 197,472  


1 Investment securities with a value of $190,409,000, which represented 38.30% of the net assets of the fund, transferred from Level 1 to Level 2 since the prior fiscal year-end, primarily due to significant market movements following the close of local trading. Level 2 includes investment securities with an aggregate value of $226,388,000, which represented 45.49% of the net assets of the fund, that were fair valued under guidelines adopted by authority of the fund’s investment advisor as a result of significant market movements following the close of local trading.
2 Investment securities with a value of $1,020,242,000, which represented 76.60% of the net assets of the fund, transferred from Level 1 to Level 2 since the prior fiscal year-end, primarily due to significant market movements following the close of local trading. Level 2 includes investment securities with an aggregate value of $1,181,484,000, which represented 88.65% of the net assets of the fund, that were fair valued under guidelines adopted by authority of the fund’s investment advisor as a result of significant market movements following the close of local trading.
3 The level classification by major category of investments is the same as the category presentation in the Schedule of investments.


4. Risk factors


Investing in the funds may involve certain risks including, but not limited to, those described below.


Market conditions – The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline – sometimes rapidly or unpredictably – due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental or governmental agency responses to economic conditions; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.


Issuer risks The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer’s goods or services, poor management performance and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives.


Investing in debt instruments – The prices of, and the income generated by, bonds and other debt securities held by the fund may be affected by changing interest rates and by changes in the effective maturities and credit ratings of these securities.


Rising interest rates will generally cause the prices of bonds and other debt securities to fall. Falling interest rates may cause an issuer to redeem, call or refinance a debt security before its stated maturity, which may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities. Longer maturity debt securities generally have greater sensitivity to changes in interest rates and may be subject to greater price fluctuations than shorter maturity debt securities.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


Bonds and other debt securities are also subject to credit risk, which is the possibility that the credit strength of an issuer will weaken and/or an issuer of a debt security will fail to make timely payments of principal or interest and the security will go into default. Credit risk is gauged, in part, by the credit ratings of the debt securities in which the fund invests. However, ratings are only the opinions of the rating agencies issuing them and are not guarantees as to credit quality or an evaluation of market risk. The fund’s investment adviser relies on its own credit analysts to research issuers and issues in seeking to mitigate various credit and default risks.


Investing in growth-oriented stocks – Growth-oriented common stocks and other equity-type securities (such as preferred stocks, convertible preferred stocks and convertible bonds) may involve larger price swings and greater potential for loss than other types of investments.


Investing in income-oriented stocks – Income provided by the fund may be reduced by changes in the dividend policies of, and the capital resources available for dividend payments at, the companies in which the fund invests.


Credit and liquidity support Changes in the credit quality of banks and financial institutions providing credit and liquidity support features with respect to securities held by the fund could cause the values of these securities to decline.


Investing in lower rated debt instruments – Lower rated bonds and other lower rated debt securities generally have higher rates of interest and involve greater risk of default or price declines due to changes in the issuer’s creditworthiness than those of higher quality debt securities. The market prices of these securities may fluctuate more than the prices of higher quality debt securities and may decline significantly in periods of general economic difficulty.


Thinly traded securities – There may be little trading in the secondary market for particular bonds or other debt securities, which may make them more difficult to value, acquire or sell.


Investing in similar municipal bonds – Investing significantly in municipal obligations of issuers in the same state or backed by revenues of similar types of projects or industries may make the fund more susceptible to certain economic, political or regulatory occurrences. As a result, the potential for fluctuations in the fund’s share price may increase.


Investing in municipal bonds of issuers within the state of California – Because Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund and Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund invest primarily in securities of issuers within the state of California, these funds are more susceptible to factors adversely affecting issuers of California securities than a comparable municipal bond mutual fund that does concentrate its investments in a single state. For example, in the past, California voters have passed amendments to the state’s constitution and other measures that limit the taxing and spending authority of California governmental entities, and future voter initiatives may adversely affect California municipal bonds.


Investing in mortgage-related and other asset-backed securities – Mortgage-related securities, such as mortgage-backed securities, and other asset-backed securities, include debt obligations that represent interests in pools of mortgages or other income-bearing assets, such as consumer loans or receivables. Such securities often involve risks that are different from or more acute than the risks associated with investing in other types of debt securities. Mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are subject to changes in the payment patterns of borrowers of the underlying debt. When interest rates fall, borrowers are more likely to refinance or prepay their debt before its stated maturity. This may result in the fund having to reinvest the proceeds in lower yielding securities, effectively reducing the fund’s income. Conversely, if interest rates rise and borrowers repay their debt more slowly than expected, the time in which the mortgage-backed and other asset-backed securities are paid off could be extended, reducing the fund’s cash available for reinvestment in higher yielding securities.


Investing in securities backed by the U.S. government – Securities backed by the U.S. Treasury or the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. Accordingly, the current market values for these securities will fluctuate with changes in interest rates. Securities issued by government-sponsored entities and federal agencies and instrumentalities that are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government are neither issued nor guaranteed by the U.S. government.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


Investing outside the United States – Securities of issuers domiciled outside the United States, or with significant operations or revenues outside the United States, may lose value because of adverse political, social, economic or market developments (including social instability, regional conflicts, terrorism and war) in the countries or regions in which the issuers operate or generate revenue. These securities may also lose value due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar and/or currencies of other countries. Issuers of these securities may be more susceptible to actions of foreign governments, such as the imposition of price controls or punitive taxes, that could adversely impact revenues. Securities markets in certain countries may be more volatile and/or less liquid than those in the United States. Investments outside the United States may also be subject to different accounting practices and different regulatory, legal and reporting standards and practices, and may be more difficult to value, than those in the United States. In addition, the value of investments outside the United States may be reduced by foreign taxes, including foreign withholding taxes on interest and dividends. Further, there may be increased risks of delayed settlement of securities purchased or sold by the fund. The risks of investing outside the United States may be heightened in connection with investments in emerging markets.


Management – The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund’s investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses employed by the investment adviser in this process may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.


5. Certain investment techniques


Mortgage dollar rolls – Capital Group Core Bond Fund has entered into mortgage dollar roll transactions in which the fund sells a mortgage-backed security to a counterparty and simultaneously enters into an agreement with the same counterparty to buy back a similar security on a specific future date at a predetermined price. Mortgage dollar rolls are accounted for as purchase and sale transactions, which may increase the fund’s portfolio turnover rate.


6. Taxation and distributions


Federal income taxation – The funds comply with the requirements under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to mutual funds and intend to distribute substantially all of their net taxable income and net capital gains each year. The funds are not subject to income taxes to the extent such distributions are made. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. Generally, income earned by Capital Group Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund and Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund is exempt from federal income taxes; however, these funds may earn taxable income from certain investments.


As of and during the year ended October 31, 2015, the funds did not have a liability for any unrecognized tax benefits. The funds recognized interest and penalties, if any, related to unrecognized tax benefit as income tax expense in the statement of operations. During the year, the funds did not incur any interest or penalties.


Capital Group Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund and Capital Group Core Bond Fund are not subject to examination by U.S. federal tax authorities for tax years before 2011 and by state tax authorities for tax years before 2010, the year the funds commenced operations.


Capital Group Global Equity Fund, Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund and Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund are not subject to examination by U.S. federal and state tax authorities for tax years before 2011, the year the funds commenced operations.


Non-U.S. Taxation – Dividend and interest income are recorded net of non-U.S. taxes paid. The fund may file withholding tax reclaims in certain jurisdictions to recover a portion of amounts previously withheld. As a result of rulings from European courts, the fund filed for additional reclaims related to prior years. These reclaims are recorded when the amount is known and there are no significant uncertainties on collectability. Gains realized by the fund on the sale of securities in certain countries are subject to non-U.S. taxes. The fund records a liability based on unrealized gains to provide for potential non-U.S. taxes payable upon the sale of these securities.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


Distributions – Distributions paid to shareholders are based on net investment income and net realized gains determined on a tax basis, which may differ from net investment income and net realized gains for financial reporting purposes. These differences are due primarily to different treatment for items such as currency gains and losses; short-term capital gains and losses; capital losses related to sales of certain securities within 30 days of purchase; net capital losses; cost of investments sold; and amortization of discounts. The fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may differ from the year in which the net investment income and net realized gains are recorded by the funds for financial reporting purposes.


As indicated in the table below, some of the funds had capital loss carryforwards available at October 31, 2015. These will be used to offset any capital gains realized by the funds in future years. Funds with capital loss carryforwards will not make distributions from capital gains while capital loss carryforwards remain.


The components of distributable earnings on a tax basis are reported as of the funds’ most recent year-end. As of October 31, 2015 the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows (dollars in thousands):


          Capital     Capital     Group                          
    Capital     Group     Group     California     Capital     Capital     Capital     Capital  
    Group     Short-     California     Short-     Group     Group     Group     Group  
    Core     Term     Core     Term     Core     Global     Non-U.S.     U.S.  
    Municipal     Municipal     Municipal     Municipal     Bond     Equity     Equity     Equity  
    Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund  
As of October 31, 2015:                                                                
Undistributed tax-exempt income   $     $     $     $     $     $     $     $  
Undistributed ordinary income                             385       5,674       14,922        
Undistributed long-term capital gain     303       21             123       617       15,930             6,581  
Capital loss carryforward No expiration                 (54 )                       (51,961 )      
    $     $     $ (54 )   $     $     $     $ (51,961 )   $  
Capital loss carryforwards utilized   $ 123     $     $ 106     $     $     $     $     $  




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


As of October 31, 2015, the tax-basis unrealized appreciation (depreciation) and cost of investment securities were as follows (dollars in thousands):


          Capital     Capital     Group                          
    Capital     Group     Group     California     Capital     Capital           Capital  
    Group     Short-     California     Short-     Group     Group     Capital     Group  
    Core     Term     Core     Term     Core     Global     Group Non-     U.S.  
    Municipal     Municipal     Municipal     Municipal     Bond     Equity     U.S. Equity     Equity  
    Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund     Fund  
Reclassification (from) to distributions in excess of/undistributed net investment income (to) from accumulated net realized loss/undistributed net realized gain   $ 1     $   *   $        $ (— )*   $ 65     $ (428 )   $ (30 )   $ (373 )
Reclassification to (from) distributions in excess of/undistributed net investment income (to) from capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest                 *                              
Reclassification (from) to accumulated net realized loss (to) from capital paid in on shares of beneficial interest     (33 )     (24 )           (39 )     (73 )     (1,400 )           (403 )
Gross unrealized appreciation on investment securities   $ 9,739     $ 1,285     $ 8,898     $ 1,424     $ 3,338     $ 92,147     $ 160,032     $ 49,520  
Gross unrealized depreciation on investment securities     (683 )     (253 )     (640 )     (107 )     (2,082 )     (13,320 )     (36,460 )     (2,496 )
Net unrealized appreciation on investment securities   $ 9,056     $ 1,032     $ 8,258     $ 1,317     $ 1,256     $ 78,827     $ 123,572     $ 47,024  
Cost of investments securities   $ 368,784     $ 140,897     $ 293,287     $ 108,909     $ 326,460     $ 419,009     $ 1,212,071     $ 150,448  


* Amount less than one thousand.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


The tax character of distributions paid during the funds’ year ended October 31, 2015 and the funds’ year ended

October 31, 2014, the most recently completed tax year, were as follows (dollars in thousands):


    Year ended October 31, 2015     Year ended October 31, 2014  
                Long-Term                 Long-Term  
          Ordinary     Capital           Ordinary     Capital  
    Tax-Exempt     Income     Gains     Tax-Exempt     Income     Gains  
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund   $ 7,158     $ 14     $ 1     $ 6,338     $ 7     $  
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund     1,733       *     67       1,754       *     212  
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund     5,748       8             4,712       11        
Capital Group California Short- Term Municipal Fund     1,252       *     48       1,112       *     13  
Capital Group Core Bond Fund           5,500       379             4,774       753  
Capital Group Global Equity Fund           5,230       5,575             3,426        
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund           19,733                   8,308        
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund           2,369       6,835             2,244       2,564  


* Amount less than one thousand.


7. Fees and transactions with related parties


CGTC serves as investment adviser to the funds and other funds. CGTC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Capital Group International, Inc. Expense limitations have been imposed through January 1, 2017, to limit the funds’ total annual fund operating expenses to the following rates (as a percentage of average daily net assets):


Fund Limitation
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund 0.40%
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund 0.40%
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund 0.40%
Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund 0.40%
Capital Group Core Bond Fund 0.40%
Capital Group Global Equity Fund 0.85%
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund 0.85%
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund 0.65%


CGTC does not intend to recoup any reimbursed expenses from a prior year under expense limitations then in effect for the funds.


Investment advisory services – The funds have an investment advisory and service agreement with CGTC that provides for monthly fees accrued daily. The fee for each fixed income fund is 0.35% of the average daily net assets of the fund. For the services it provides to Capital Group Global Equity Fund, Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund and Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund, CGTC receives a unified management fee based on a percentage of the average daily net assets of the funds. The unified management fee for Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund is 0.65% of the average




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


daily net assets of the fund. The unified management fee for Capital Group Global Equity Fund and Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund is 0.85% of the average daily net assets of each fund.


For the equity funds, all managing and operating expenses are paid by CGTC from the unified management fees except brokerage expenses, taxes, interest, compensation, fees and expenses of the independent trustees (including legal counsel fees) and extraordinary expenses, such as litigation expenses. These expenses which are not paid by CGTC from the unified management fee are paid by the funds, which are currently reimbursed by the advisor. A portion of the funds’ management fee is paid by CGTC to unaffiliated third parties which provide recordkeeping and administrative services.


Distribution services – American funds Distributors, ® Inc. (the “Distributor”) is the principal underwriter of each fund’s shares. The Distributor does not receive any compensation related to the sale of shares of the funds.


Affiliated officers and trustees – Officers and certain trustees of the Trust are or may be considered to be affiliated with CGTC. No affiliated officers or trustees received any compensation directly from the Trust.


8. Capital share transactions


Capital share transactions in the funds were as follows (dollars and shares in thousands):


    Sales     Reinvestment of
Dividends and
    Repurchases     Net Increase/(Decrease)  
Fund   Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares  
Year ended October 31, 2015                                                
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund   $ 75,222       7,157     $ 4,593       438     $ (39,441 )     (3,755 )   $ 40,374       3,840  
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund     63,240       6,239       1,303       129       (76,648 )     (7,563 )     (12,105 )     (1,195 )
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund     58,998       5,571       3,673       347       (36,717 )     (3,471 )     25,954       2,447  
Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund     38,075       3,703       1,004       98       (64,962 )     (6,323 )     (25,883 )     (2,522 )
Capital Group Core Bond Fund     62,706       6,117       4,272       417       (40,759 )     (3,980 )     26,219       2,554  
Capital Group Global Equity Fund     73,619       5,498       8,308       632       (89,577 )     (6,692 )     (7,650 )     (562 )
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund     495,615       42,405       1,930       169       (807,330 )     (69,521 )     (309,785 )     (26,947 )
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund     28,864       1,453       8,247       424       (29,750 )     (1,481 )     7,361       396  




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


    Sales     Reinvestment of
Dividends and
    Repurchases     Net Increase/(Decrease)  
Fund   Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares     Amount     Shares  
Year ended October 31, 2014                                                
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund   $ 79,163       7,544     $ 3,913       373     $ (44,015 )     (4,202 )   $ 39,061       3,715  
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund     56,054       5,497       1,446       142       (38,119 )     (3,738 )     19,381       1,901  
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund     70,225       6,670       2,921       278       (25,440 )     (2,428 )     47,706       4,520  
Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund     60,388       5,864       875       85       (37,975 )     (3,692 )     23,288       2,257  
Capital Group Core Bond Fund     45,206       4,427       3,996       392       (35,653 )     (3,487 )     13,549       1,332  
Capital Group Global Equity Fund     134,023       10,395       2,602       203       (68,832 )     (5,334 )     67,793       5,264  
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund     971,687       82,973       996       84       (288,623 )     (24,574 )     684,060       58,483  
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund     29,516       1,539       4,349       232       (25,264 )     (1,316 )     8,601       455  


The fund’s Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of beneficial interest (without par value).




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Notes to financial statements (continued)


9. Investment transactions


The funds made purchases and sales of investment securities, excluding short-term securities and U.S. government obligations, if any, during the funds’ year ended October 31, 2015, as follows (dollars in thousands):


    Cost of
Investments Purchased
    Proceeds from
Investments Sold
Fund   U.S. Government
Agency Obligations
    Other Investments     U.S. Government
Agency Obligations
    Other Investments  
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund   $     $ 94,564     $     $ 55,103  
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund           36,678             46,326  
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund           74,432             36,703  
Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund           27,152             35,374  
Capital Group Core Bond Fund     320,985       66,186       329,455       54,817  
Capital Group Global Equity Fund           197,308             189,831  
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund           452,937             697,904  
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund           55,540             53,470  




Capital Group Core Municipal Fund

Financial highlights

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/11  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 10.56     $ 10.44     $ 10.64     $ 10.29     $ 10.27  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income1     0.21       0.21       0.21       0.21       0.21  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.07 )     0.12       (0.20 )     0.35       0.04  
Total from investment operations     0.14       0.33       0.01       0.56       0.25  
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )
Distributions from capital gain                             (0.02 )
Total dividends and distributions     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.23 )
Net asset value, end of year   $ 10.49     $ 10.56     $ 10.44     $ 10.64     $ 10.29  
Total return2     1.31 %     3.18 %     0.10 %     5.46 %     2.56 %
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 379     $ 341     $ 299     $ 292     $ 250  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.42 %     0.41 %     0.41 %     0.42 %     0.42 %
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement2     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets2     1.97 %     2.00 %     2.00 %     1.98 %     2.10 %
Portfolio turnover rate     16 %     9 %     18 %     13 %     19 %


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.


Private Client Services Funds 119

Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund

Financial highlights

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/11  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 10.19     $ 10.21     $ 10.32     $ 10.19     $ 10.17  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income1     0.12       0.13       0.14       0.14       0.11  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.07 )     (0.01 )     (0.07 )     0.13       0.02  
Total from investment operations     0.05       0.12       0.07       0.27       0.13  
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.12 )     (0.13 )     (0.14 )     (0.14 )     (0.10 )
Distributions from capital gain     2     (0.01 )     (0.04 )           (0.01 )
Total dividends and distributions     (0.12 )     (0.14 )     (0.18 )     (0.14 )     (0.11 )
Net asset value, end of year   $ 10.12     $ 10.19     $ 10.21     $ 10.32     $ 10.19  
Total return3     0.51 %     1.20 %     0.66 %     2.63 %     1.33 %
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 142     $ 155     $ 136     $ 124     $ 138  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.46 %     0.45 %     0.44 %     0.46 %     0.46 %
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement3     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets3     1.15 %     1.24 %     1.34 %     1.32 %     1.04 %
Portfolio turnover rate     27 %     20 %     18 %     25 %     15 %


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount less than $0.01.
3 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.


120 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund

Financial highlights

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/11  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 10.62     $ 10.40     $ 10.65     $ 10.25     $ 10.19  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income1     0.21       0.20       0.20       0.21       0.20  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.03 )     0.22       (0.20 )     0.40       0.06  
Total from investment operations     0.18       0.42             0.61       0.26  
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.21 )     (0.20 )     (0.21 )     (0.21 )     (0.20 )
Distributions from capital gain                 (0.04 )     2     2
Total dividends and distributions     (0.21 )     (0.20 )     (0.25 )     (0.21 )     (0.20 )
Net asset value, end of year   $ 10.59     $ 10.62     $ 10.40     $ 10.65     $ 10.25  
Total return3     1.68 %     4.08 %     (0.04 )%     5.99 %     2.61 %
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 305     $ 280     $ 227     $ 208     $ 158  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.42 %     0.41 %     0.41 %     0.42 %     0.42 %
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement3     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets3     1.95 %     1.92 %     1.93 %     1.99 %     1.98 %
Portfolio turnover rate     13 %     18 %     17 %     21 %     24 %


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount less than $0.01.
3 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.


Private Client Services Funds 121

Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund

Financial highlights

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/11  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 10.31     $ 10.27     $ 10.32     $ 10.12     $ 10.13  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income1     0.10       0.09       0.09       0.09       0.08  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.03 )     0.04       (0.04 )     0.20       (0.01 )
Total from investment operations     0.07       0.13       0.05       0.29       0.07  
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.10 )     (0.09 )     (0.09 )     (0.09 )     (0.08 )
Distributions from capital gain     2     2     (0.01 )     2      
Total dividends and distributions     (0.10 )     (0.09 )     (0.10 )     (0.09 )     (0.08 )
Net asset value, end of year   $ 10.28     $ 10.31     $ 10.27     $ 10.32     $ 10.12  
Total return3     0.74 %     1.30 %     0.48 %     2.96 %     0.72 %
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 112     $ 138     $ 115     $ 107     $ 77  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.46 %     0.44 %     0.44 %     0.47 %     0.49 %
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement3     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets3     0.98 %     0.89 %     0.91 %     0.92 %     0.83 %
Portfolio turnover rate     23 %     19 %     9 %     14 %     20 %


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount less than $0.01.
3 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.


122 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Core Bond Fund

Financial highlights

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/11  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 10.25     $ 10.24     $ 10.62     $ 10.40     $ 10.45  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income1     0.16       0.16       0.15       0.17       0.19  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.04 )     0.04       (0.22 )     0.23       0.09  
Total from investment operations     0.12       0.20       (0.07 )     0.40       0.28  
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.16 )     (0.16 )     (0.15 )     (0.17 )     (0.20 )
Distributions from capital gain     (0.02 )     (0.03 )     (0.16 )     (0.01 )     (0.13 )
Total dividends and distributions     (0.18 )     (0.19 )     (0.31 )     (0.18 )     (0.33 )
Net asset value, end of year   $ 10.19     $ 10.25     $ 10.24     $ 10.62     $ 10.40  
Total return2     1.25 %     1.95 %     (0.69 )%     3.92 %     2.80 %
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 335     $ 310     $ 296     $ 296     $ 280  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.42 %     0.41 %     0.41 %     0.42 %     0.42 %
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement2     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %     0.40 %
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets2     1.59 %     1.57 %     1.43 %     1.63 %     1.82 %
Portfolio turnover rate3:                                        
Including mortgage dollar roll transactions     126 %     137 %     192 %     134 %     118 %
Excluding mortgage dollar roll transactions     87 %     4     4     4     4


1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.
3 Refer to Note 5 for more information on mortgage dollar rolls.
4 Not available.


Private Client Services Funds 123

Capital Group Global Equity Fund

Financial highlights1

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/112  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 13.27     $ 12.43     $ 9.99     $ 9.18     $ 10.00  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income3     0.18       0.14       0.12       0.14       0.05  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.03 )     0.80       2.45       0.71       (0.87 )
Total from investment operations     0.15       0.94       2.57       0.85       (0.82 )
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.14 )     (0.10 )     (0.13 )     (0.04 )      
Distributions from capital gain     (0.15 )                        
Total dividends and distributions     (0.29 )     (0.10 )     (0.13 )     (0.04 )      
Net asset value, end of year   $ 13.13     $ 13.27     $ 12.43     $ 9.99     $ 9.18  
Total return4     1.10 %     7.60 %     26.10 %     9.19 %     (8.20 )%
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 498     $ 510     $ 412     $ 205     $ 125  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.86 %     0.85 %     0.86 %     0.86 %     0.87 %5
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement4     0.85 %6     0.85 %6     0.85 %     0.85 %     0.85 %5
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets4     1.34 %     1.09 %     1.09 %     1.47 %     0.94 %5
Portfolio turnover rate     39 %     29 %     25 %     35 %     15 %7


1 Based on operations for the period shown (unless otherwise noted) and, accordingly, may not be representative of a full year.
2 The fund commenced operations on April 1, 2011.
3 Based on average shares outstanding.
4 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.
5 Annualized.
6 Reimbursement was less than $0.005.
7 Not annualized for periods less than one year.


124 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund

Financial highlights1

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


    For the year ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/112  
Selected per share data:                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 11.56     $ 11.72     $ 9.74     $ 9.08     $ 10.00  
Income from investment operations:                                        
Net investment income3     0.13       0.16       0.15       0.13       0.07  
Net realized and unrealized (losses) gains on securities     (0.05 )     (0.23 )     1.88       0.58       (0.99 )
Total from investment operations     0.08       (0.07 )     2.03       0.71       (0.92 )
Dividends and distributions:                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.14 )     (0.09 )     (0.05 )     (0.05 )      
Total dividends and distributions     (0.14 )     (0.09 )     (0.05 )     (0.05 )      
Net asset value, end of year   $ 11.50     $ 11.56     $ 11.72     $ 9.74     $ 9.08  
Total return4     0.69 %     (0.62 )%     20.93 %     7.91 %     (9.20 )%
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 1,333     $ 1,652     $ 989     $ 256     $ 50  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.85 %     0.85 %     0.85 %     0.86 %     0.89 %5
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement4     0.85 %6     0.85 %6     0.85 %6     0.85 %     0.85 %5
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets4     1.11 %     1.35 %     1.44 %     1.38 %     1.32 %5
Portfolio turnover rate     34 %     33 %     25 %     17 %     20 %7


1 Based on operations for the period shown (unless otherwise noted) and, accordingly, may not be representative of a full year.
2 The fund commenced operations on April 1, 2011.
3 Based on average shares outstanding.
4 Reflects the impact of certain reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company.
5 Annualized.
6 Reimbursement was less than $0.005.
7 Not annualized for periods less than one year.


Private Client Services Funds 125

Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund

Financial highlights1

(for a share outstanding throughout each year)


                                  For the        
                                  eight     For the  
                                  months     year  
    For the year ended     ended     ended  
    10/31/15     10/31/14     10/31/13     10/31/12     10/31/112     3/31/11     7/31/10  
Selected per share data:                                                        
Net asset value, beginning of year   $ 20.11     $ 18.33     $ 14.75     $ 14.32     $ 15.33     $ 13.09     $ 11.78  
Income from investment operations:                                                        
Net investment income3     0.26       0.25       0.20       0.22       0.10       0.16       0.22  
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on securities and currency     0.46       2.05       3.61       1.20       (1.02 )     2.28       1.30  
Total from investment operations     0.72       2.30       3.81       1.42       (0.92 )     2.44       1.52  
Dividends and distributions:                                                        
Dividends from net investment income     (0.24 )     (0.24 )     (0.22 )     (0.17 )     (0.09 )     (0.20 )     (0.21 )
Distributions from capital gain     (0.71 )     (0.28 )     (0.01 )     (0.82 )                  
Total dividends and distributions     (0.95 )     (0.52 )     (0.23 )     (0.99 )     (0.09 )     (0.20 )     (0.21 )
Net asset value, end of year   $ 19.88     $ 20.11     $ 18.33     $ 14.75     $ 14.32     $ 15.33     $ 13.09  
Total Return4     3.75 %     12.78 %     26.06 %     10.81 %     (6.42 )%     18.72 %     12.91 %
Net assets, end of year (in millions)   $ 198     $ 192     $ 167     $ 103     $ 74     $ 86     $ 75  
Ratios / Supplemental Data:                                                        
Ratio of expenses to average net assets before reimbursement     0.67 %     0.66 %     0.66 %     0.67 %     0.67 %5     1.04 %5     0.79 %
Ratio of expenses to average net assets after reimbursement4     0.65 %     0.65 %     0.65 %     0.65 %     0.65 %5     0.75 %5     0.75 %
Ratio of net investment income to average net assets4     1.31 %     1.30 %     1.22 %     1.52 %     1.13 %5     1.67 %5     1.72 %
Portfolio turnover rate     29 %     27 %     25 %     53 %     82 %6     7 %6     22 %


1 Based on operations for the period shown (unless otherwise noted) and, accordingly, may not be representative of a full year.
2 Endowments – Growth and Income Portfolio was reorganized into the Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund at the close of business effective April 1, 2011.
3 Based on average shares outstanding.
4 Reflects the impact, if any, of certain waivers or reimbursements by Capital Guardian Trust Company or Capital Research and Management Company, the previous adviser.
5 Annualized.
6 Not annualized for periods of less than one year.


126 Private Client Services Funds

Capital Group Private Client Services Funds




To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of
Capital Group Private Client Services Funds:


We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities of Capital Group Private Client Services Funds (the “Trust”) comprising the Capital Group Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund, Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund, Capital Group Core Bond Fund, Capital Group Global Equity Fund, Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund, and Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund, including the schedule of investments, as of October 31, 2015, and the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Trust’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Trust is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Trust’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of October 31, 2015, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers; where replies were not received from brokers, we performed other auditing procedures. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, such financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Capital Group Private Client Services Funds as of October 31, 2015, the results of their operations for the year then ended, the changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the periods presented, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.




Costa Mesa, California
December 15, 2015




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Tax Information (unaudited)


We are required to advise you of the federal tax status of certain distributions received by shareholders during the fiscal year. The Funds hereby designate the following amounts for the year ended October 31, 2015.


    Group Core     Capital Group     Capital Group     Capital Group  
    Municipal     Short-Term     California Core     California Short-  
    Fund     Municipal Fund     Municipal Fund     Term Municipal Fund  
Long-term capital gains   $ 34,000     $ 91,000     $     $ 59,000  
Exempt Interest dividends     99.80 %     99.98 %     99.87 %     100 %
    Capital           Capital Group        
    Group Core     Capital Group     Non-U.S. Equity     Capital Group U.S.  
    Bond Fund     Global Equity Fund     Fund     Equity Fund  
Long-term capital gains   $ 379,000     $ 6,987,000     $     $ 7,094,000  
Foreign taxes (per share)           0.01       0.02        
Foreign source income (per share)           0.19       0.26        
Qualified dividend income           100 %     100 %     100 %
Corporate dividends received deduction         $ 3,676,000             100 %


Individual shareholders should refer to their Form 1099 or other tax information, which will be mailed in January 2016, to determine the calendar year amounts to be included on their 2015 tax returns. Shareholders should consult their tax advisors.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Expense example (unaudited)


As a shareholder of the funds, you incur ongoing costs, including management fees and other expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the funds so you can compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds. The example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested at the beginning of the period and held for the entire period (May 1, 2015 through October 31, 2015).


Actual expenses:

The first line of each fund in the table provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information in this line, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. Simply divide your account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number in the first line under the heading entitled “Expenses paid during period” to estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period.


Hypothetical example for comparison purposes:

The second line of each fund in the table provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio for the funds and an assumed rate of return of 5.00% per year before expenses, which is not the actual return of the funds. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the funds and other funds. To do so, compare this 5.00% hypothetical example with the 5.00% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.



Shareholders of the funds may be subject to an additional fee charged by Capital Guardian Trust Company’s Capital Group Private Client Services division for the ongoing services provided to the shareholder. You can estimate the impact of these fees by adding the amount of the fees to the total estimated expenses you paid on your account during the period as calculated above. In addition, your ending account value would be lower by the amount of these fees. Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight your ongoing costs only. The second line of each fund in the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds.


    Beginning     Ending     Expenses        
    account     account     paid     Annualized  
    value     value     during     expense  
    5/1/2015     10/31/2015     period*     ratio  
Capital Group Core Municipal Fund                                
actual return   $ 1,000.00     $ 1,010.00     $ 2.03       0.40 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,023.20       2.04       0.40 %
Capital Group Short-Term Municipal Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       1,005.90       2.02       0.40 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,023.20       2.04       0.40 %
Capital Group California Core Municipal Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       1,010.90       2.03       0.40 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,023.20       2.04       0.40 %
Capital Group California Short-Term Municipal Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       1,007.20       2.02       0.40 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,023.20       2.04       0.40 %
Capital Group Core Bond Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       998.80       2.02       0.40 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,023.20       2.04       0.40 %
Capital Group Global Equity Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       952.10       4.18       0.85 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,020.90       4.33       0.85 %




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Expense example (unaudited) (continued)


    Beginning     Ending     Expenses        
    account     account     paid     Annualized  
    value     value     during     expense  
    5/1/2015     10/31/2015     period*     ratio  
Capital Group Non-U.S. Equity Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       923.00       4.12       0.85 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,020.90       4.33       0.85 %
Capital Group U.S. Equity Fund                                
actual return     1,000.00       990.20       3.26       0.65 %
assumed 5% return     1,000.00       1,021.90       3.31       0.65 %


* Expenses are equal to the fund’s annualized expense ratio as indicated, multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Trustees and other officers


“Independent” Trustees1


Name, year of birth
and position with
  Year first
elected as a
  Principal occupation(s)
during the past five
  Number of
portfolios overseen
in fund complex
by trustee
held by trustee
Joseph C.
Berenato, 1946
  2015   Former Chairman and CEO, Ducommun Incorporated (aerospace components manufacturer)   15   Ducommun Incorporated
Vanessa C. L.
Chang, 1952
  2015   Director, EL & EL Investments (real estate)   16   Edison International; Transocean Ltd.
Richard G.
Capen, Jr., 1934
Lead Independent
  2009   Corporate director and author   9   Former director of 16 American Funds portfolios, former director of Carnival Corporation
H. Frederick Christie,
  2009   Private investor   9   Former director of 45 American Funds portfolios; former director of Valero; former director of SouthWest Water Company; former director of AECOM Technology Corporation; former director of DineEquity, Inc.; former director of Ducommun Incorporated
Richard G. Newman,
  2009   Founder and Chairman Emeritus, AECOM2 Technology Corporation (global engineering, consulting and professional technical services)   9   Former director of 15 American Funds portfolios; former director of Sempra Energy; former director of SouthWest Water Company




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Trustees and other officers


“Interested” trustees4


Interested trustees have similar qualifications, skills and attributes as the independent trustees. Interested trustees are senior executive officers of Capital Guardian Trust Company or its affiliates. This management role with the funds’ service providers also permits them to make a significant contribution to the funds’ board.


Name, year of birth
and position with
  Year first
elected as a
  Principal occupation(s)
during the past five years
and positions held with
affiliated entities or the
Principal Underwriter of the
  Number of
overseen in
fund complex
by trustee
held by trustee
Paul F. Roye, 1953
Chairman of the Board
  2009   Senior Vice President – Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company6   12   None




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds

Trustees and other officers


Other officers5


Name, year of birth and
position with funds
  Year first
elected an
  Principal occupation(s) during the past five years and positions held
with affiliated entities or the Principal Underwriter of the funds
John S. Armour, 1957
  2013   Senior Vice President – Capital Guardian Trust Company; President – Private Client Services Division, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Chairman of the Board and President, Capital Guardian Trust Company, a Nevada Corporation6
John R. Queen, 1965
Senior Vice President
  2009   Senior Vice President – Private Client Services Division, Capital Guardian Trust Company; Vice President – Capital Fixed Income Investors, Capital Research and Management Company6
William L. Robbins, 1968
Senior Vice President
  2014   Partner – Capital International Investors, Capital Research and Management Company6
Timothy W. McHale, 1978
Vice President
  2009   Vice President and Associate Counsel – Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company6; Secretary – American Funds Distributors, Inc.6
Courtney R. Taylor, 1975
  2009   Assistant Vice President – Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company6
Gregory F. Niland, 1971
  2014   Vice President – Investment Operations, Capital Research and Management Company6
Susan K. Countess, 1966
Assistant Secretary
  2012   Associate – Fund Business Management Group, Capital Research and Management Company6
Brian Janssen, 1972
Assistant Treasurer
  2014   Vice President – Investment Operations, Capital Research and Management Company6


1 The term “independent” trustee refers to a trustee who is not an “interested person” of the funds within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
2 Trustees and officers of the funds serve until their resignation, removal or retirement.
3 This includes all directorships (other than the funds) that are held by each trustee as a director of a public company or a registered investment company. Unless otherwise noted, all directorships are current.
4 The term “interested” trustee refers to a trustee who is an “interested person” of the funds within the meaning of the 1940 Act, on the basis of his or her affiliation with the funds’ investment adviser, Capital Guardian Trust Company, or affiliated entities (including the funds’ principal underwriter).
5 All of the officers listed, except William L. Robbins, are officers of one or more of the other funds for which Capital Guardian Trust Company serves as Investment Adviser.
6 Company affiliated with Capital Guardian Trust Company.


The funds’ statement of additional information includes further details about fund trustees and is available without charge upon request by calling Capital Group Private Client Services at 800-421-4996 or by visiting the funds website at capitalpcsfunds.com. The address for all trustees and officers of the funds is 333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071, Attention: Secretary.




Capital Group Private Client Services Funds


Offices of the funds

Capital Guardian Trust Company

6455 Irvine Center Drive

Irvine, CA 92618


Offices of the investment adviser

Capital Guardian Trust Company

333 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


Custodian of assets

State Street Bank and Trust Company

One Lincoln Street

Boston, MA 02111


Fund accounting and administration

State Street Bank and Trust Company

One Lincoln Street

Boston, MA 02111


Independent registered public accounting firm

Deloitte & Touche LLP

695 Town Center Drive

Costa Mesa, CA 92626


Transfer agent

State Street Bank and Trust Company

One Lincoln Street

Boston, MA 02111



Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

300 South Grand Avenue, Twenty-Second Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90071-3132


Principal underwriter

American Funds Distributors, Inc.

333 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, CA 90071-1406


Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of Capital Group Private Client Services Funds. This and other important information is contained in the funds’ prospectus, which can be obtained from your Capital Group Private Client Services representative and should be read carefully before investing. You may also call Capital Group Private Client Services at 800-421-4996 to obtain a copy of the prospectus.


The proxy voting procedures and principles of Capital Group Private Client Services Funds, which describe how we vote proxies relating to portfolio securities, is available upon request by calling Capital Group Private Client Services at 800-421-4996. The funds file their proxy voting records with the SEC for the 12 months ended June 30 by August 31. The report also is available on the SEC website at http://www.sec.gov or by calling Capital Group Private Client Services at 800-421-4996.


Capital Group Private Client Services Funds files a complete list of its portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. The funds’ forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov. You may also review or, for a fee, copy this filing at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C. Additional information regarding the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy at 800-SEC-0330. Additionally, the list of portfolio holdings is available by calling Capital Group Private Client Services at 800-421-4996.






ITEM 2 – Code of Ethics


The Registrant has adopted a Code of Ethics that applies to its Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer. The Registrant undertakes to provide to any person without charge, upon request, a copy of the Code of Ethics. Such request can be made to American Funds Service Company at 800/421-9225 or to the Secretary of the Registrant, 6455 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, California 92618.



ITEM 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert


The Registrant’s board has determined that Vanessa C. L. Chang, a member of the Registrant’s audit committee, is an “audit committee financial expert” and "independent," as such terms are defined in this Item. This designation will not increase the designee’s duties, obligations or liability as compared to his or her duties, obligations and liability as a member of the audit committee and of the board, nor will it reduce the responsibility of the other audit committee members. There may be other individuals who, through education or experience, would qualify as "audit committee financial experts" if the board had designated them as such. Most importantly, the board believes each member of the audit committee contributes significantly to the effective oversight of the Registrant’s financial statements and condition.



ITEM 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services


    a)  Audit Fees:
      2014 $164,951
      2015 $252,000
    b)  Audit-Related Fees:
      2014 None
      2015 None
    c)  Tax Fees:
      2014 35,715
      2015 56,000
      The tax fees consist of professional services relating to the review of the Registrant’s tax returns.
    d)  All Other Fees:
      2014 None
      2015 None

  Adviser and affiliates (includes only fees for non-audit services billed to the adviser and affiliates for engagements that relate directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant and were subject to the pre-approval policies described below):
    a)  Audit Fees:
      Not Applicable
    b)  Audit-Related Fees:
      2014 $288,925
      2015 $323,000
    c)  Tax Fees:
      Not Applicable
    d)  All Other Fees:
      Not Applicable



All audit and permissible non-audit services that the Registrant’s audit committee considers compatible with maintaining the independent registered public accounting firm’s independence are required to be pre-approved by the committee. The pre-approval requirement will extend to all non-audit services provided to the Registrant, the investment adviser, and any entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the investment adviser that provides ongoing services to the Registrant, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the Registrant. The committee will not delegate its responsibility to pre-approve these services to the investment adviser. The committee may delegate to one or more committee members the authority to review and pre-approve audit and permissible non-audit services. Actions taken under any such delegation will be reported to the full committee at its next meeting. The pre-approval requirement is waived with respect to non-audit services if certain conditions are met. The pre-approval requirement was not waived for any of the non-audit services listed above provided to the Registrant, adviser and affiliates.


Aggregate non-audit fees paid to the Registrant’s auditors, including fees for all services billed to the Registrant, adviser and affiliates that provide ongoing services to the Registrant, were $185,000 for fiscal year 2014 and $461,000 for fiscal year 2015. The non-audit services represented by these amounts were brought to the attention of the committee and considered to be compatible with maintaining the auditors’ independence.



ITEM 5 – Audit Committee of Listed Registrants


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a listed issuer as defined in Rule 10A-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.



ITEM 6 – Schedule of Investments


Not applicable, insofar as the schedule is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.



ITEM 7 – Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.



ITEM 8 – Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.



ITEM 9 – Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers


Not applicable to this Registrant, insofar as the Registrant is not a closed-end management investment company.



ITEM 10 – Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the Registrant’s board of trustees since the Registrant last submitted a proxy statement to its shareholders. The procedures are as follows. The Registrant has a nominating committee comprised solely of persons who are not considered ‘‘interested persons’’ of the Registrant within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. The committee periodically reviews such issues as the board’s composition, responsibilities, committees, compensation and other relevant issues, and recommends any appropriate changes to the full board of trustees. While the committee normally is able to identify from its own resources an ample number of qualified candidates, it will consider shareholder suggestions of persons to be considered as nominees to fill future vacancies on the board. Such suggestions must be sent in writing to the nominating committee of the Registrant, c/o the Registrant’s Secretary, and must be accompanied by complete biographical and occupational data on the prospective nominee, along with a written consent of the prospective nominee for consideration of his or her name by the nominating committee.



ITEM 11 – Controls and Procedures


(a) The Registrant’s Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer have concluded, based on their evaluation of the Registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rule 30a-3 under the Investment Company Act of 1940), that such controls and procedures are adequate and reasonably designed to achieve the purposes described in paragraph (c) of such rule.
(b) There were no changes in the Registrant’s internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) that occurred during the Registrant’s second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.



ITEM 12 – Exhibits


(a)(1) The Code of Ethics that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2 is attached as an exhibit hereto.
(a)(2) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and Sections 302 and 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 are attached as exhibits hereto.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.





  By _/s/_John S. Armour_____________________

John S. Armour, President and

Principal Executive Officer

  Date: December 31, 2015




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.



By _/s/_John S. Armour_____________________

John S. Armour, President and

Principal Executive Officer

Date: December 31, 2015




By _/s/_Gregory F. Niland_____________________

Gregory F. Niland, Treasurer and

Principal Financial Officer

Date: December 31, 2015