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Publicly Held Company with Authorized Capital
CNPJ/MF nº 90.400.888/0001-42
NIRE 35.300.332.067
BANCO SANTANDER (BRASIL) S.A. ("Santander Brasil"), in response to OFFICIAL LETTER/CVM/SEP/GEA-1/Nº 393/2014 received on July 29, 2014, requesting clarification about the news disclosed by the website “Estadã” on said date, titled “Santander Brazil negotiates the acquisition of Banco Bonsucesso, says source”, disclosing that Santander Brasil would be on the final stages of negotiating to the acquisition of Banco Bonsucesso, clarifies that Santander Brasil is analyzing the alternatives in order to develop its activities on the payroll loans segment and, therefore, Banco Santander is negotiating with Banco Bonsucesso. However, until the present moment, no linked document has been firmed.
Santander Brasil will keep informed its shareholders and the market about any other material fact relating to such negotiation.
São Paulo, July 30, 2014.
Angel Santodomingo Martell
Investors’ Relations Officer
Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A.
Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. | ||
By: |
/S/ Amancio Acurcio Gouveia
Amancio Acurcio Gouveia Officer Without Specific Designation |
By: |
/S/ Angel Santodomingo Martell
Angel Santodomingo Martell Vice - President Executive Officer |