The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete.
The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete.

Washington, D.C. 20549


OMB Number: 3235-0006
Estimated average burden
hours per response: 23.8

Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 06-30-2024
Check here if Amendment    Amendment Number:
This Amendment (Check only one.):    is a restatement.
   adds new holdings entries.
Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report:
Name: HighTower Advisors, LLC
Address: 200 W. MADISON ST.
SUITE 2500
CHICAGO, IL  60606
Form 13F File Number: 028-13510
CRD Number (if applicable): 000145323
SEC File Number (if applicable): 801-69625

The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form.

Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager:
Name: Claire Gorman
Title: Chief Compliance Officer
Phone: 312-962-3800
Signature, Place, and Date of Signing:
/s/ Claire Gorman ChicagoIL 08-09-2024
[Signature] [City, State] [Date]
Report Type (Check only one.):
   13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.)
   13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).)
X 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).)
List of Other Managers Reporting for this Manager:
[If there are no entries in this list, omit this section.]
Name Form 13F File No. CRD No. (if applicable) SEC File No. (if applicable) CIK
ACR Alpine Capital Research, LLC 028-14059 000110933 801-60694 0001508822
ALLIANCEBERNSTEIN L.P. 028-10562 000108477 801-56720 0001109448
ALTA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC/ 028-05119 000106786 801-50778 0001093589
AMI ASSET MANAGEMENT CORP 028-11962 000110291 801-47318 0001369702
ANCHOR CAPITAL ADVISORS LLC 028-01880 000105540 801-18930 0000813933
Aperio Group, LLC 028-11964 000111616 801-57184 0001364615
Apex Capital Management 028-11050 000107075 801-42460 0001293585
Aristotle Capital Management, LLC 028-02634 000109876 801-60014 0000860644
Ashfield Capital Partners, LLC 028-12481 000142580 801-67426 0001398103
ATALANTA SOSNOFF CAPITAL, LLC 028-01162 000104880 801-16739 0000700529
ATLANTA CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO L L C 028-05936 000116719 801-60673 0001027817
BAHL & GAYNOR INC 028-02825 000106139 801-36951 0000872259
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC 028-12016 000108928 801-56972 0001305227
BRANDES INVESTMENT PARTNERS, LP 028-05620 000105404 801-24896 0001015079
Brookmont Capital Management 028-14438 000145475 801-68533 0001512978
BROWN ADVISORY INC 028-13997 000110181 801-38826 0001345929
CAMBIAR INVESTORS LLC 028-01398 000115093 801-60541 0000823621
CAMPBELL NEWMAN ASSET MANAGEMENT INC 028-02903 000107003 801-8825 0000874791
Capital Innovations LLC 028-15733 000145329 801-72322 0001596076
Chandler Asset Management, Inc. 028-20298 000107287 801-44378 0001665018
COLUMBIA MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT ADVISERS, LLC 028-10477 000108257 801-25943 0001233991
CONGRESS ASSET MANAGEMENT CO /MA 028-03434 000105161 801-23386 0000897378
Dana Investment Advisors, Inc. 028-13023 000105879 801-14828 0001427514
DAVIS SELECTED ADVISERS 028-04121 000108674 801-31648 0001036325
EAGLE ASSET MANAGEMENT INC 028-01666 000110653 801-21343 0000790502
EARNEST PARTNERS LLC 028-05269 000107926 801-56189 0001102578
EATON VANCE MANAGEMENT 028-04139 000104859 801-15930 0001076598
FAYEZ SAROFIM & CO 028-10991 000106584 801-1725 0000937729
FEDERATED INVESTMENT COUNSELING 028-01454 000105325 801-34611 0000819684
FRANKLIN ADVISERS INC 028-03578 000104517 801-26292 0000898420
FRED ALGER MANAGEMENT, LLC 028-00869 000106750 801-6709 0000003520
GLENMEDE TRUST CO NA 028-00126     0000314949
Glovista Investments LLC 028-14929 000146382 801-68843 0001546283
GW&K Investment Management, LLC 028-04145 000121942 801-61559 0001082917
HARDING LOEVNER LP 028-04434 000104543 801-36845 0000928196
HARRIS ASSOCIATES L P 028-02013 000106960 801-50333 0000813917
HUDSON EDGE INVESTMENT PARTNERS INC. 028-01321 000104870 801-19314 0000740272
Horizon Investment Services, LLC 028-12835 000110642 801-63047 0001426940
Invesco Ltd. 028-11246 000105360 801-33949 0000914208
ISTHMUS PARTNERS, LLC 028-16855 000171279 801-79683 0001639666
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 028-00694 000000079 801-3702 0000019617
Karpus Management, Inc. 028-11445 000110275 801-29607 0001048703
KAYNE ANDERSON RUDNICK INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC 028-05792 000104599 801-24241 0001021223
KENNEDY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 028-03133 000105834 801-15323 0000884589
LAFFER TENGLER INVESTMENTS, INC. 028-10975 000108068 801-56953 0001307878
LAZARD ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC 028-10469 000122836 801-61701 0001207017
LONDON CO OF VIRGINIA 028-10665 000106654 801-46604 0001259887
LOOMIS SAYLES & CO L P 028-00398 000105377 801-170 0000312348
LORD, ABBETT & CO. LLC 028-00413 000110391 801-6997 0000728100
M.D. Sass, LLC 028-04057 000110590 801-8663 0000922940
MASSACHUSETTS FINANCIAL SERVICES CO /MA/ 028-04968 000110045 801-17352 0000912938
MILLER HOWARD INVESTMENTS INC /NY 028-03692 000105800 801-28170 0000903947
MONTAG & CALDWELL, LLC 028-00288 000104841 801-15398 0000067698
NEUBERGER BERMAN LLC 028-00454 000002908 801-3908 0000728774
NUANCE INVESTMENTS, LLC 028-13833 000148534 801-69682 0001473182
Nuveen Asset Management, LLC 028-14498 000155584 801-71957 0001521019
NWQ INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC 028-01474 000121876 801-61379 0000763848
OAK RIDGE INVESTMENTS LLC 028-06668 000107066 801-35529 0001054554
O'SHAUGHNESSY ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC 028-12966 000144594 801-68177 0001423442
PACIFIC INCOME ADVISERS INC 028-05248 000104719 801-27828 0001008870
PACIFIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CO LLC 028-10952 000104559 801-48187 0001163368
PARAMETRIC PORTFOLIO ASSOCIATES LLC 028-04558 000114310 801-60485 0000932859
POLEN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 028-03687 000106093 801-15180 0001034524
PRINCIPAL GLOBAL INVESTORS 028-01549 000109002 801-55959 0000769734
RENAISSANCE GROUP LLC 028-04884 000105916 801-50177 0000944234
Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC 028-14643 000153577 801-71501 0001528214
SCHAFER CULLEN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC 028-04691 000105799 801-18407 0001056593
Select Equity Group, L.P. 028-16000 000168496 801-78977 0001592643
SHELTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT 028-05709 000104720 801-25205 0001002784
SOUTHERNSUN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC 028-03489 000154572 801-71849 0001089755
Stonebridge Capital Advisors LLC 028-16094 000111447 801-53760 0001600035
STRATEGY ASSET MANAGERS LLC 028-10030 000109939 801-60049 0001166716
SYSTEMATIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LP 028-05015 000106146 801-48908 0001085936
TCW INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Co LLC 028-06683 000106546 801-29075 0001145263
THOMAS WHITE INTERNATIONAL LTD 028-05601 000106165 801-41896 0001092351
THOMPSON SIEGEL & WALMSLEY LLC 028-04041 000105726 801-6273 0001008322
THORNBURG INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT INC 028-06605 000106357 801-17853 0001145020
TRAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, L.P. 028-05358 000107049 801-9747 0001009262
VANGUARD GROUP INC 028-06408 000105958 801-11953 0000102909
VICTORY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC 028-06354 000106189 801-46878 0001040188
VOYA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC 028-07292 000108934 801-55232 0001068837
Wakefield Asset Management LLLP 028-18951 000143720 801-68152 0001600435
WCM INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC 028-07104 000104702 801-11916 0001061186
WEDGEWOOD PARTNERS INC 028-05973 000021923 801-31746 0000859804
Wellesley Asset Management 028-14868 000116176 801-61288 0001533551
WestEnd Advisors, LLC 028-11741 000133279 801-63626 0001351731
Winslow Capital Management, LLC 028-03676 000106940 801-41316 0000900973
WILLIAM BLAIR INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, LLC 028-17022 000173961 801-80640 0001644956
EQUITY INVESTMENT CORP 028-17617 000283930 801-107945 0001685771
REAVES W H & CO INC 028-01347 000003140 801-13457 0000740913
RIVERBRIDGE PARTNERS LLC 028-05655 000108074 801-57432 0001112325
RNC CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 028-00970 000108618 801-55484 0000051762
Form 13F Summary Page
Report Summary:
Number of Other Included Managers: 0
Form 13F Information Table Entry Total: 3,667
Form 13F Information Table Value Total: 64,685,519,734
(round to nearest dollar)
List of Other Included Managers:
Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F file number(s) of all institutional investment managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report.
[If there are no entries in this list, state “NONE” and omit the column headings and list entries.]