Exhibit 99.1













Condensed interim financial statements and the report on review of the interim financial information


As of March 31, 2024 and 2023











Index   Page
Earnings release  
Independent auditor’s report   1
Statements of financial position - Assets   3
Statements of financial position - Liabilities and Equity   4
Statements of income for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023   5
Statements of comprehensive income for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023   6
Statements of changes in equity for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023   7
Statements of cash flows for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023   8
Statements of economic value added for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023   9
Note 1 - Background information   10
Note 2 - Basis of preparation   10
Note 3 - Cash and cash equivalents and margin cash   11
Note 4 - Trade accounts receivable   11
Note 5 - Inventories   12
Note 6 - Biological assets   12
Note 7 - Recoverable taxes   12
Note 8 - Related parties transactions   13
Note 9 - Income taxes   16
Note 10 - Investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint venture   19
Note 11 - Property, plant and equipment   20
Note 12 - Leases   21
Note 13 - Intangible assets   23
Note 14 - Goodwill   24
Note 15 - Trade accounts payable   25
Note 16 - Loans and financing   25
Note 17 - Other taxes payable   27
Note 18 - Payroll and social charges   27
Note 19 - Provisions for legal proceedings   28
Note 20 - Equity   29
Note 21 - Net revenue   29
Note 22 - Net finance income (expense)   30
Note 23 - Earnings (losses) per share   31
Note 24 - Operating segments and geographic reporting   31
Note 25 - Expenses by nature   33
Note 26 - Risk management and financial instruments   33
Note 27 - Subsequent events   50
Note 28 - Approval of the financial statements   51








KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda.

Rua Verbo Divino, 1400 - Parte, Chácara Santo Antônio
CEP 04719-911, São Paulo - SP

Caixa Postal 79518 - CEP 04707-970 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Telefone 55 (11) 3940-1500



Report on the review of interim financial information (ITR)


To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of


São Paulo - SP




We have reviewed the accompanying individual and consolidated interim financial information of JBS S.A. (“the Company”) contained in the Quarterly Information Form - ITR for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, which comprises the statement of financial position as of March 31, 2024 and the related statement of income, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the three-month period then ended, including the explanatory notes.


The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation of this individual and consolidated interim financial information in accordance with Technical Pronouncement CPC 21 (R1) – Demonstração Intermediária and the international standard IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board - IASB, as well as for the presentation of this information in accordance with standards issued by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, applicable to the preparation of Quarterly Information Form - ITR. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review.


Scope of review


We conducted our review in accordance with the Brazilian and International standards on review engagements of interim financial information (NBC TR 2410 - Revisão de Informações Intermediárias Executada pelo Auditor da Entidade and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for the financial and accounting matters and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the auditing standards and, consequently, does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Conclusion on the individual and consolidated interim financial information


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying individual and consolidated interim financial information included in the Quarterly Information Form – ITR referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21 (R1) and IAS 34, issued by IASB, applicable to the preparation of Quarterly Information Form - ITR, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários – CVM.


KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda, uma sociedade simples brasileira e firma-membro da rede KPMG de firmas-membro independentes e afiliadas à KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), uma entidade suíça.

KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda, a Brazilian entity and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity.







Other matters


Statements of Value Added


The interim financial information mentioned above includes Statements of Value Added, individual and consolidated, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024, prepared under the responsibility of the Company’s management and presented as supplementary information for the purposes of IAS 34. These statements were submitted to review procedures together with the review of the Quarterly Information, with the objective of concluding whether they are reconciled with the interim financial information and accounting records, as applicable, and whether their form and content are in accordance with the criteria defined in Technical Pronouncement CPC 09 – Demonstração do Valor Adicionado. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that it has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the criteria defined in this Pronouncement and consistent with the individual and consolidated interim financial information taken as a whole.


São Paulo, May 14, 2024


KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda.
CRC 2SP014428/O-6


Original report in Portuguese signed by

Fabian Junqueira Sousa
Accountant CRC 1SP235639/O-0


KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda, uma sociedade simples brasileira e firma-membro da rede KPMG de firmas-membro independentes e afiliadas à KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), uma entidade suíça.

KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda, a Brazilian entity and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity.







Statements of financial position

In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


          Company     Consolidated  
    Note     March 31,
    December 31,
    March 31,
    December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents     3       2,316,628       4,458,670       16,477,431       22,122,405  
Margin cash     3       166,668       64,754       845,054       641,283  
Trade accounts receivable     4       3,077,935       2,575,423       16,679,679       16,416,149  
Inventories     5       4,464,320       4,016,197       26,203,803       24,696,583  
Biological assets     6       -       -       8,587,409       8,289,048  
Recoverable taxes     7       1,610,886       1,537,885       4,458,112       4,449,734  
Derivative assets             29       42,746       216,202       425,043  
Other current assets             152,357       314,282       1,637,647       1,564,678  
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS             11,788,823       13,009,957       75,105,337       78,604,923  
NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                        
Recoverable taxes     7       6,022,452       5,754,089       8,733,709       8,444,560  
Biological assets     6       -       -       2,583,396       2,573,041  
Related party receivables     8       872,670       1,807,878       583,100       573,955  
Deferred income taxes     9       -       -       3,747,257       3,751,335  
Derivative assets             254,621       396,698       254,621       396,698  
Other non-current assets             572,091       568,573       1,624,836       1,545,468  
              7,721,834       8,527,238       17,526,919       17,285,057  
Investments in equity-accounted investees, associates and joint venture     10       42,857,089       41,640,588       229,735       274,021  
Property, plant and equipment     11       13,657,165       13,509,618       63,511,344       62,541,120  
Right of use assets     12.1       142,259       135,801       8,436,941       8,257,855  
Intangible assets     13       194,289       204,312       9,634,664       9,612,859  
Goodwill     14       9,085,970       9,085,970       29,875,626       29,556,234  
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS             73,658,606       73,103,527       129,215,229       127,527,146  
TOTAL ASSETS             85,447,429       86,113,484       204,320,566       206,132,069  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.









Statements of financial position

In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


       Company   Consolidated 
   Note   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                    
CURRENT LIABILITIES                    
Trade accounts payable   15    3,997,429    4,468,136    22,963,539    25,450,974 
Supply chain finance   15    1,841,158    1,466,235    4,713,529    4,589,870 
Loans and financing   16    988,002    1,297,393    3,814,331    4,316,360 
Income taxes   17    -    -    526,729    403,022 
Other taxes payable   17    241,036    238,006    686,632    697,157 
Payroll and social charges   18    1,128,396    1,208,139    6,042,449    6,280,042 
Lease liabilities   12.2    63,585    62,454    1,733,027    1,707,172 
Dividends payable        160    160    1,938    1,938 
Provisions for legal proceedings   19    -    -    1,009,432    955,866 
Derivative liabilities        85,745    42,513    457,443    698,361 
Other current liabilities        1,253,449    1,230,467    2,682,947    2,813,379 
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES        9,598,960    10,013,503    44,631,996    47,914,141 
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                         
Loans and financing   16    10,161,428    11,950,708    92,777,268    92,505,465 
Income and other taxes payable   17    219,982    232,324    451,841    456,865 
Payroll and social charges   18    1,919,672    1,965,664    2,307,326    2,374,674 
Lease liabilities   12    98,216    88,576    7,379,433    7,206,761 
Deferred income taxes   9    3,043,789    3,136,770    6,622,397    6,585,412 
Provisions for legal proceedings   19    575,532    559,310    1,520,467    1,529,624 
Related party payables   8    15,284,988    14,459,311    -    - 
Other non-current liabilities        339,577    356,179    542,730    560,821 
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES        31,643,184    32,748,842    111,601,462    111,219,622 
EQUITY   20                     
Share capital - common shares        23,576,206    23,576,206    23,576,206    23,576,206 
Capital reserve        (754,143)   (773,537)   (754,143)   (773,537)
Other reserves        29,066    30,513    29,066    30,513 
Profit reserves        15,379,953    15,379,953    15,379,953    15,379,953 
Accumulated other comprehensive income        4,326,749    5,138,004    4,326,749    5,138,004 
Retained earnings        1,647,454    -    1,647,454    - 
Attributable to company shareholders        44,205,285    43,351,139    44,205,285    43,351,139 
Attributable to non-controlling interest        -    -    3,881,823    3,647,167 
TOTAL EQUITY        44,205,285    43,351,139    48,087,108    46,998,306 
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY        85,447,429    86,113,484    204,320,566    206,132,069 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.









Statements of income for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


       Company   Consolidated 
   Note   2024   2023   2024   2023 
NET REVENUE   21    13,157,545    11,212,439    89,147,141    86,683,729 
Cost of sales   25    (11,090,987)   (9,754,480)   (77,466,493)   (79,069,560)
GROSS PROFIT        2,066,558    1,457,959    11,680,648    7,614,169 
Selling expenses   25    (1,133,451)   (868,956)   (5,473,633)   (5,775,307)
General and administrative expenses   25    (581,699)   (545,950)   (2,619,931)   (2,670,822)
Other incomes        1,772    5,160    105,038    425,696 
Other expenses        (4,840)   (3,300)   (111,485)   (202,938)
NET OPERATING EXPENSES        (1,718,218)   (1,413,046)   (8,100,011)   (8,223,371)
OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)        348,340    44,913    3,580,637    (609,202)
Finance income   22    218,522    293,042    833,209    631,472 
Finance expense   22    (1,009,111)   (1,148,182)   (2,560,533)   (2,185,571)
FINANCE INCOME (EXPENSE)        (790,589)   (855,140)   (1,727,324)   (1,554,099)
Share of profit of equity-accounted investees, net of tax   10    1,593,256    (676,261)   (32,353)   14,418 
PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES        1,151,007    (1,486,488)   1,820,960    (2,148,883)
Current income taxes   9    402,019    44,302    (18,871)   (34,840)
Deferred income taxes   9    92,981    (10,417)   5,035    754,222 
TOTAL INCOME TAXES        495,000    33,885    (13,836)   719,382 
NET INCOME (LOSS)        1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,807,124    (1,429,501)
ATTRIBUTABLE TO:                         
Company shareholders        1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,646,007    (1,452,603)
Non-controlling interest        -    -    161,117    23,102 
         1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,807,124    (1,429,501)
Basic and diluted earnings (losses) per share - common shares (R$)   23    0.74    (0.65)   0.74    (0.65)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.









Statements of comprehensive income for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


      Company   Consolidated 
   Note  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Net income (loss)      1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,807,124    (1,429,501)
Other comprehensive income                       
Items that are or may be subsequently reclassified to statement of income:                       
Gain (loss) on foreign currency translation adjustments      470,752    (604,437)   541,638    (659,590)
Gain (loss) on net investment in foreign operations      (262,154)   317,938    (262,154)   317,938 
Gain on cash flow hedge  26 c3.1   2,509    6,241    2,509    6,241 
Deferred income tax on cash flow hedge  26 c3.1   (853)   (2,122)   (853)   (2,122)
Valuation adjustments to equity in subsidiaries      (1,035,080)   10,482    (1,035,080)   10,482 
Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to statement of income:                       
Gain associated with pension and other postretirement benefit obligations      18,370    19,485    22,276    23,620 
Income tax on gain associated with pension and other postretirement benefit obligations      (4,799)   (2,841)   (5,819)   (3,438)
Total other comprehensive loss      (811,255)   (255,254)   (737,483)   (306,869)
Comprehensive income (loss)      834,752    (1,707,857)   1,069,641    (1,736,370)
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to:                       
Company shareholders      834,752    (1,707,857)   834,752    (1,707,857)
Non-controlling interest      -    -    234,889    (28,513)
       834,752    (1,707,857)   1,069,641    (1,736,370)


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.









Statements of changes in equity for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


           Capital reserves       Profit reserves   Other comprehensive income                 
   Note   Share
on issue of shares
   Other reserves   Legal   Investments
   VAE   FCTA   Retained
   Total   Non-
BALANCE ON DECEMBER 31, 2022        23,576,206    211,879    (1,050,298)   30,464    36,497    2,801,185    11,848,048    4,003,823    174,904    4,711,458    -    46,344,166    3,464,765    49,808,931 
Net income        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,452,603)   (1,452,603)   23,102    (1,429,501)
Foreign currency translation adjustments        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (604,437)   -    (604,437)   (55,153)   (659,590)
Gain on net investment in foreign operations        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    317,938    -    317,938    -    317,938 
Losses on cash flow hedge, net of tax        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    4,119    -    -    4,119    -    4,119 
Valuation adjustments to equity in subsidiaries        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    10,482    -    -    10,482    -    10,482 
Losses associated with pension and other postretirement benefit obligations, net of tax        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    16,644    -    -    16,644    3,538    20,182 
Total comprehensive income        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    31,245    (286,499)   (1,452,603)   (1,707,857)   (28,513)   (1,736,370)
Share-based compensation        -    -    6,243    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    6,243    1,299    7,542 
Realization of other reserves        -    -    -    -    (1,531)   -    -    -    -    -    1,531    -    -    - 
Dividend to non-controlling        -    -    -    -         -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (12,120)   (12,120)
Others        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (16)   (16)
MARCH 31, 2023        23,576,206    211,879    (1,044,055)   30,464    34,966    2,801,185    11,848,048    4,003,823    206,149    4,424,959    (1,451,072)   44,642,552    3,425,415    48,067,967 
DECEMBER 31, 2023        23,576,206    211,879    (1,015,880)   30,464    30,513    2,801,185    8,477,409    4,101,359    168,866    4,969,138    -    43,351,139    3,647,167    46,998,306 
Net income (loss)        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1,646,007    1,646,007    161,117    1,807,124 
Foreign currency translation adjustments        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    470,752    -    470,752    70,886    541,638 
Gain on net investment in foreign operations (2)        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (262,154)   -    (262,154)   -    (262,154)
Losses on cash flow hedge, net of tax   26 c3.1      -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1,656    -    -    1,656    -    1,656 
Gain associated with pension and other postretirement benefit obligations, net of tax        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    13,571    -    -    13,571    2,886    16,457 
Valuation adjustments to equity in subsidiaries        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,035,080)   -    -    (1,035,080)   -    (1,035,080)
Total comprehensive income        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (1,019,853)   208,598    1,646,007    834,752    234,889    1,069,641 
Share-based compensation        -    -    19,394    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    19,394    4,106    23,500 
Realization of other reserves        -    -    -    -    (1,447)   -    -    -    -    -    1,447    -    -    - 
Dividend to non-controlling        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (3,883)   (3,883)
Others        -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (456)   (456)
MARCH 31, 2024        23,576,206    211,879    (996,486)   30,464    29,066    2,801,185    8,477,409    4,101,359    (850,987)   5,177,736    1,647,454    44,205,285    3,881,823    48,087,108 


(1)Refers to changes in the equity of investees arising from PPC’s share repurchase and share-based compensation.
(2)Refers to the net investment on foreign operations of intercompany balances between JBS S.A. and its indirect subsidiaries JBS Luxembourg S.à.r.l. and JBS Investments Luxembourg S.à.r.l.. Thus, since the balances are an extension of that entity’s investment, they are considered as equity instruments.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.









Statements of cash flows for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


       Company   Consolidated 
   Notes   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Cash flows from operating activities                    
Net income (loss)        1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,807,124    (1,429,501)
Adjustments for:                         
Depreciation and amortization   6, 12, 13 e 14    229,343    207,601    2,696,922    2,592,830 
Expected credit losses   4    24,662    21,290    22,637    23,280 
Share of profit of equity-accounted investees   10    (1,593,256)   676,261    32,353    (14,418)
(Gain) Loss on sales of assets        (24,680)   2,281    (26,048)   (55,509)
Tax expense (benefit)   9    (495,000)   (33,885)   13,836    (719,382)
Net finance income/expense   22    790,589    855,140    1,727,324    1,554,099 
Share-based compensation        -    -    23,500    7,542 
Provisions for legal proceedings   19    50,948    51,243    70,853    107,999 
Net realizable value inventory adjustments   5    1,926    (12,301)   (44,356)   (10,204)
Antitrust agreements   19    -    -    23,234    71,166 
Impairment of goodwill and property, plant and equipment        -    -    -    107,513 
Fair value adjustment for biological assets   6    -    -    (574,022)   452,924 
         630,539    315,027    5,773,357    2,688,339 
Changes in assets and liabilities:                         
Trade accounts receivable        (414,392)   1,246,042    232,354    1,041,155 
Inventories        (450,048)   181,091    (1,092,152)   (591,851)
Recoverable taxes        (306,405)   (161,651)   (326,870)   (390,074)
Other current and non-current assets        158,352    (58,003)   (335,196)   194,375 
Biological assets        -    -    (313,259)   (695,332)
Trade accounts payable and supply chain finance        (228,520)   (1,044,947)   (3,129,462)   (4,764,504)
Taxes paid in installments        (62,724)   (65,625)   (62,724)   (65,625)
Other current and non-current liabilities        223,502    176,941    (485,414)   (404,561)
Antitrust agreements payment        -    -    (446)   - 
Income taxes paid        -    -    (138,646)   (54,627)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities        (1,080,235)   273,848    (5,651,815)   (5,731,044)
Cash provided by (used in) operating activities        (449,696)   588,875    121,542    (3,042,705)
Interest paid        (365,359)   (292,314)   (1,621,923)   (1,641,781)
Interest received        57,460    52,419    334,386    285,294 
Net cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities        (757,595)   348,980    (1,165,995)   (4,399,192)
Cash flow from investing activities                         
Purchases of property, plant and equipment        (347,978)   (182,041)   (1,407,294)   (1,718,250)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment        29,188    7,480    59,378    72,367 
Proceeds of intangible assets   13    (1,205)   (3,953)   (11,750)   (10,416)
Additional investments in equity-accounted investees        (167,951)   (397,152)   -    - 
Acquisitions/ incorporations, net of cash acquired        -    -    (7,269)   4,617 
Dividends received   10    15,000    7,500    15,000    7,500 
Related party transactions        1,434,425    (2,674,150)   1,290    1,300 
Other        -    -    -    8,306 
Cash provided by (used in) investing activities        961,479    (3,242,316)   (1,350,645)   (1,634,576)
Cash flow from financing activities                         
Proceeds from loans and financings        21,820    4,327,501    348,842    5,127,504 
Payments of loans and financings        (2,312,601)   (1,396,417)   (3,312,015)   (2,571,611)
Derivatives instruments received/settled        (12,133)   12,620    (36,970)   89,851 
Margin cash withdraw/(applied in)        (101,913)   48,776    65,073    38,220 
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest        -    -    (3,883)   (12,120)
Payments of leasing contracts        (19,295)   (9,995)   (524,166)   (550,471)
Cash provided by (used in) financing activities        (2,424,122)   2,982,485    (3,463,119)   2,121,373 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents        78,196    (63,440)   334,785    (305,089)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents        (2,142,042)   25,709    (5,644,974)   (4,217,484)
Cash and cash equivalents beginning of period        4,458,670    2,096,334    22,122,405    13,182,158 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period        2,316,628    2,122,043    16,477,431    8,964,674 


Non-cash transactions:




   Notes   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Non-cash additions to right of use assets and lease liabilities   12    29,553    24,807    735,012    568,202 
Capitalized interests   11    17,350    33,046    54,596    118,688 
Property, plant and equipment transfer        -    -    -    24,493 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.









Statements of economic value added the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2022

In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$


   Company   Consolidated 
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Sales of goods and services   13,430,198    11,439,545    90,218,992    87,557,037 
Other income (expense)   (268)   5,671    1,106    203,088 
Expected credit losses   (24,662)   (21,290)   (22,424)   (23,280)
    13,405,268    11,423,926    90,197,674    87,736,845 
Cost of services and goods sold   (9,677,575)   (8,749,481)   (54,435,689)   (56,503,774)
Materials, energy, services from third parties and others   (1,945,365)   (1,565,311)   (16,248,335)   (17,005,872)
    (11,622,940)   (10,314,792)   (70,684,024)   (73,509,646)
Gross added value   1,782,328    1,109,134    19,513,650    14,227,199 
Depreciation and Amortization   (229,343)   (207,601)   (2,696,922)   (2,592,830)
Net added value generated   1,552,985    901,533    16,816,728    11,634,369 
Net added value by transfer                    
Share of profit of equity-accounted investees, net of tax   1,593,256    (676,261)   (32,353)   14,418 
Financial income   218,522    293,042    833,209    631,472 
Others   1,956    (1,285)   (2,884)   3,299 
    1,813,734    (384,504)   797,972    649,189 
NET ADDED VALUE TOTAL TO DISTRIBUTION   3,366,719    517,029    17,614,700    12,283,558 
Salaries   806,973    608,185    9,609,775    9,009,222 
Benefits   126,351    104,233    2,015,051    1,853,645 
FGTS (Brazilian Labor Social Charge)   54,095    43,682    143,618    121,264 
    987,419    756,100    11,768,444    10,984,131 
Taxes and contribution                    
Federal   (473,592)   (50,875)   393,499    (397,970)
State   231,194    103,321    671,290    382,441 
Municipal   8,601    6,268    8,856    6,633 
    (233,797)   58,714    1,073,645    (8,896)
Capital Remuneration from third parties                    
Interests and exchange variation   896,433    1,119,360    2,432,251    2,128,103 
Rents   9,565    10,903    225,844    214,030 
Others   61,092    24,555    307,392    395,691 
    967,090    1,154,818    2,965,487    2,737,824 
Owned capital remuneration                    
Net income (loss) attributable to company shareholders   1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,646,007    (1,452,603)
Non-controlling interest   -    -    161,117    23,102 
    1,646,007    (1,452,603)   1,807,124    (1,429,501)
ADDED VALUE TOTAL DISTRIBUTED   3,366,719    517,029    17,614,700    12,283,558 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed interim financial statements.








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


1Background Information


JBS S.A (“JBS” or the “Company”), is a corporation with its headquarters office in Brazil, in the City of São Paulo, and is controlled by J&F Investimentos S.A. The Company has its shares publicly traded and listed on the “Novo Mercado” segment of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3 - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias & Futuros) under the ticker symbol “JBSS3”. In addition, American Depository Receipts related to shares issued by JBS are also publicly traded in the United States of America under the symbol “JBSAY”. These individual and consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively, the ‘Company’) for the period ended March 31, 2024 and were authorized by the Board of Directors on May 14, 2024.


The financial statements presented below include, in addition to the individual operations of JBS in Brazil, the activities of its subsidiaries, in Brazil and abroad.


1.1Main operating events that occurred during the period:


1.1.1 New York Civil complaint: On February 28, 2024, the New York Attorney General’s Office filed a civil complaint in the state Supreme Court against the indirect subsidiaries JBS USA Food Company and JBS USA Food Company Holdings. The claim assumes that consumers were misled by statements by the Company that assured commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and striving to achieve Net Zero by 2040. The complaint seeks disgorgement of profits, civil penalties, attorney’s fees and other relief. Based on the opinion of the Company’s legal advisors, we are confident that we will be successful in our defense strategy.


1.1.2 Registration of debts with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC): On March 27, 2024, the Group filed with the securities commission of the United States of America, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) the Offer to Exchange the 13 existing series of debt securities (“Old Bonds”), not registered at the SEC, for new registered debt securities (“New Bonds”).


1.2 Seasonality: In the chicken business, globally, fluctuations are historically greater in the first half of the year, in which the sales volume of some of our special product lines suffers, variations resulting from some holidays, such as Christmas, New Year and Easter. For the beef industry in the United States, during the second and third quarters, the beef industry experiences seasonal demand for beef products that is highest in the summer and fall months in the Northern Hemisphere when weather patterns allow for more activity around the world. outdoors, however in Australia at the end of the fourth quarter a reduction in slaughter was observed due to the lower availability of cattle during the rainy season, which makes transporting the animals difficult. As for the pork sector in the United States and Australia, the greatest demand for pork occurs in the first and fourth quarters, when the availability of pigs combined with holidays increase demand.


2Basis of preparation and presentation of financial statements


The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the standard CPC 21 (R1) - Interim Statements, approved by the Brazilian Accounting Standards Committee and equivalent to International Accounting Standard “IAS” 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Therefore, these Interim Condensed Financial Statements as of March 31, 2024 do not include all footnotes and information required to be considered “complete financial statements” due to redundancy in relation to what is presented in the individual and consolidated annual financial statements (December 31, 2022) prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil (BRGAAP) and with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), approved by the Board of Directors on March 26, 2024. The parent company’s individual financial statements are identified as “Company” and the consolidated financial statements are identified as “Consolidated”.


2.1Functional and presentation currency


These condensed interim financial statements are presented in Brazilian reais (R$), which is the Company’s presentation and functional currency. All financial information is presented in thousands of reais, except when indicated otherwise.


2.2New standards, amendments and interpretations


a.Standards, amendments and interpretations recently issued and adopted by the Company


IAS 7/CPC 26 and IFRS 7/CPC 40 – Supplier financing agreements (“Risk Withdrawn”)


Effective for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024 but not required for any interim period presented within the annual reporting period, the changes aim to increase transparency and comparability of financial information in supplier finance arrangements, which involve financing suppliers through a financial institution. Companies will be required to disclose the terms and conditions of transactions with suppliers, the effects of these arrangements on liabilities and cash flows, and on the exposure to liquidity risk related to these arrangements. The Group is monitoring the changes and will adjust the disclosure in the explanatory notes according to the standard’s requirements by the year-end’s financial statements.


b.New standards, amendments and interpretations that are not yet effective


IAS 21/CPC 02 – IAS 21/CPC 02 – Effect of changes in exchange rates and conversion of financial statements


Starting from January 1, 2025, this amendment establishes accounting requirements for situations where a functional currency cannot be converted into other currencies. In such cases, the Group must use the most recent observable exchange rate to translate the results and financial position of foreign operations into its presentation currency. The entity should also disclose this exchange rate, the date it was observed, and the reasons why the currency is non-exchangeable. The Group is monitoring the changes, and so far, no impacts have been identified.








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


3Cash and cash equivalents and margin cash


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Cash on hand and at banks   135,799    531,461    6,095,582    8,863,520 
CDB (bank certificates of deposit) and National Treasury Bill (Tesouro Selic) (1)   2,180,829    3,927,209    10,381,849    13,258,885 
Cash and cash equivalents total   2,316,628    4,458,670    16,477,431    22,122,405 
Margin cash   -    -    405,012    88,068 
Investments in Treasury bills   166,668    64,754    440,042    553,215 
Margin cash total   166,668    64,754    845,054    641,283 
Total   2,483,296    4,523,424    17,322,485    22,763,688 


(1)CDBs are held at high quality financial institutions and earn interest based on floating rates and are pegged to the Brazilian overnight interbank lending rate (Certificado de Depósito Interbancário - CDI). Tesouro Selic are bonds purchased from financial institutions having conditions and characteristics that are similar to CDB’s.


At March 31, 2024, the availability under Brasil revolving credit facilities was US$450 million (R$2.3 billion at March 31, 2024) and US$450 million (R$2.18 billion at December 31, 2023). In the United States the revolving credit facilities at March 31, 2024, was US$2.9 billion (R$14.5 billion at March 31, 2024) and US$2.9 billion (R$14 billion at December 31, 2023).


4Trade accounts receivable


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Current receivables:                
Domestic sales   1,255,105    746,465    9,115,314    9,296,795 
Foreign sales   1,544,231    1,626,049    4,666,865    4,127,529 
Subtotal   2,799,336    2,372,514    13,782,179    13,424,324 
Overdue receivables:                    
From 1 to 30 days   185,474    155,627    2,104,729    1,925,636 
From 31 to 60 days   47,642    50,765    235,926    451,089 
From 61 to 90 days   36,024    6,018    128,582    142,768 
Above 90 days   263,985    233,938    874,145    911,619 
Expected credit losses   (247,619)   (232,988)   (423,425)   (411,088)
Present value adjustment   (6,907)   (10,451)   (22,457)   (28,199)
Subtotal   278,599    202,909    2,897,500    2,991,825 
Trade accounts receivable, net   3,077,935    2,575,423    16,679,679    16,416,149 


Present value adjustment: The Company discounts its receivables to present value using interest rates directly related to customer credit profiles. The monthly interest rate used to calculate the present value of outstanding receivables on March 31, 2024 was 1.0% per transaction (1.2% per transaction at December 31, 2023).The present value adjustment is recognized as an offset to sales of products and services.


The Company and its subsidiaries enter into credit assignment transactions with financial institutions, where these institutions acquire trade accounts receivable balances held against certain third-party customers in the domestic and foreign markets. The terms of the assignment transactions result in a permanent transfer of the risks and benefits to the financial institutions.


Changes in expected credit losses:  Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   March 31,
   March 31,
   March 31,
Initial balance   (232,988)   (252,719)   (411,088)   (431,170)
Additions   (24,662)   (21,290)   (22,637)   (23,280)
Write-offs/ Reversals   7,809    45,548    11,847    52,625 
Exchange rate variation   2,222    (8,435)   (1,547)   (6,631)
Closing balance   (247,619)   (236,896)   (423,425)   (408,456)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)




   Company   Consolidated 
     March 31,
    December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Finished products   2,799,455    2,514,584    16,279,041    14,990,882 
Work in process   646,527    673,840    2,668,247    2,837,178 
Raw materials   708,104    523,377    3,899,007    3,674,716 
Supplies   310,234    304,396    3,357,508    3,193,807 
    4,464,320    4,016,197    26,203,803    24,696,583 


Changes in the realizable value of inventories is recognized in the financial statements as “Cost of sales” and is presented below:


   Company   Consolidated 
     March 31,
    March 31,
   March 31,
   March 31,
Initial balance   (29,878)   (58,110)   (276,254)   (310,581)
Additions   (1,962)   (35,092)   (62,523)   (149,988)
Write-offs   36    47,393    106,879    160,192 
Exchange rate variation   -    -    (4,917)   2,753 
Closing balance   (31,804)   (45,809)   (236,815)   (297,624)


6Biological assets


Changes in biological assets:


   Current   Non-current 
   March 31,
   March 31,
   March 31,
   March 31,
Initial balance   8,289,048    9,710,693    2,573,041    2,619,066 
Business combination   -    (117,390)   -    - 
Increase by reproduction (born) and cost to reach maturity   14,017,095    16,067,644    1,694,000    1,131,566 
Reduction for slaughter, sale or consumption   (15,480,981)   (17,080,022)   (88,608)   (92,296)
Purchase   520,674    658,953    294,924    213,852 
Decrease by death   (626,861)   (178,972)   (16,984)   (25,393)
Fair value adjustments   574,022    (452,924)   -    - 
Reclassification from non-current to current   1,164,136    416,048    (1,164,136)   (416,048)
Exchange rate variation   130,276    (151,689)   58,191    (50,826)
Changes in fair value (including amortization of breeders)           (767,032)   (714,606)
Closing balance   8,587,409    8,872,341    2,583,396    2,665,315 


7Recoverable taxes


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Value-added tax on sales and services - ICMS/IVA/VAT/GST   1,132,261    1,128,414    4,584,454    4,452,222 
Social contribution on billings - PIS and COFINS   1,690,706    1,751,100    2,306,728    2,432,254 
Withholding income tax - IRRF/IRPJ   4,736,214    4,333,343    6,089,367    5,792,623 
Excise tax - IPI   19,060    22,645    103,329    106,528 
Reintegra   28,745    29,904    42,094    43,111 
Other   26,352    26,568    65,849    67,556 
    7,633,338    7,291,974    13,191,821    12,894,294 
Current Asset   1,610,886    1,537,885    4,458,112    4,449,734 
Non-current Asset   6,022,452    5,754,089    8,733,709    8,444,560 
    7,633,338    7,291,974    13,191,821    12,894,294 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


8Related parties transactions


The main balances of assets and liabilities, as well as the transactions resulting in income (loss) for any period, arise from transactions between related parties at market conditions and prices. Amounts charged include borrowing costs, interest and rate differences, when applicable. The following table includes balances and the net effect on income of intercompany financing transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries:


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Related party receivables   872,670    1,807,878    583,100    573,955 
Related party payables   (15,284,988)   (14,459,311)        
    (14,412,318)   (12,651,433)   583,100    573,955 


         Statement of financial position accounts   Financial income (expense) 
      Transference of costs  March 31,   December 31,         
   Currency  (administrative and funding)  2024   2023   2024   2023 
8.1 Company                      
a) Direct subsidiaries                      
- JBS Investments Luxembourg S.à.r.l  US$  2.52% to 3.64% p.y.   (8,886,476)   (8,057,016)   (66,138)   (70,971)
- JBS Confinamento Ltda.  R$  CDI + 4% p.y.   6,293    (3,784)   144    5,747 
- JBS Embalagens Metálicas Ltda  R$  CDI + 4% p.y.   592    54    1    1 
- Brazservice Ltda.  R$  CDI + 4% p.y.   -    -    -    1,383 
- Enersea Ltda.  R$  CDI + 4% p.y.   -    -    -    3 
b) Indirect subsidiaries                          
- Seara Holding Ltda.  R$  -   (6,398,511)   (6,398,511)   -    - 
- JBS Luxembourg S.à.r.l  US$  1.83% to 7.3% p.y.   -    -    -    (24,409)
- Seara Alimentos Ltda.  R$  CDI + 4%  p.y.   239,093    1,224,227    (4,888)   (379,039)
- JBS Leather Paraguay Srl  GUA  7.00% p.y.   9,897    9,642    111    114 
- JBS Leather Argentina S.A.U.  US$  -   33,694    -    -    - 
8.2 Other related parties                          
- J&F Investimentos S.A. (1)  R$  IPCA   581,329    570,936    10,394    13,151 
- J&F Oklahoma Holdings, Inc.  R$  3.4%   -    -    -    1,876 
- Flora Produtos de Higiene e Limpeza S.A.  R$  Selic   1,771    3,019    41    122 
Total         (14,412,318)   (12,651,433)   (60,335)   (452,022)


(1)It refers to the agreement entered into between JBS S.A. and J&F Investimentos S.A. and some former executives of the Group, which represents the definitive settlement of the dispute subject to Arbitration CAM n° 186/21, whereby J&F undertook to pay the total updated amount of R$581,329, to be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the agreement.


The transactions above refer to working capital funding. Settlement in the future shall be through a capital contribution/ capital reduction or dividends distribution.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


The disclosure of significant intercompany commercial transactions is in accordance with the criteria established by Management, by disclosing individual balances which are equal to or higher than 2% of the total of each transaction (sale of products, purchases, accounts receivable and accounts payable). Additionally, transactions which are below the described criteria will be disclosed if the information is relevant. This analysis is performed for each related party. If any related party has not met this criteria in the past but does in the current period, the comparative balance will be disclosed.


                   Purchases/Services   Sale of products/Services 
   Accounts receivable   Accounts payable   rendered   provided 
COMPANY  March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Direct subsidiaries                                
JBS Confinamento Ltda.   1,344    2,138    47,239    28,021    45,814    185,809    774    3,913 
JBS Toledo N.V.   30,537    11,096                    67,105    92,235 
JBS Chile Limitada   5,087    20,820    20    318    1,015        7,860     
Brazservice Ltda.                       30,034        13,527 
Conceria Priante Srl   20,535    20,443                    16,396    2,485 
Indirect subsidiaries                                        
Seara Alimentos Ltda.   199,190    228,076    53,151    52,593    59,871    55,292    678,313    598,591 
JBS Global UK Limited   93,759    105,667                    97,837    138,645 
JBS Aves Ltda.   5,203    5,658    21,278    20,900    1,818    897    30,571    35,213 
Weddel Limited       5,497                        21,395 
Sampco, LLC   123,909    96,505                    143,676    222,206 
Meat Snacks Partners do Brasil Ltda.   27,745    16,255            4        109,111    100,011 
JBS Asia Limited           326,627    266,286    123,887    43,833         
JBS Leather Asia Limited   107,254    69,532                    135,152    77,800 
JBS USA Holding Lux S.à.r.l.   139,083    260,857    2,772            20    246,762    436,125 
Seara Comércio de Alimentos Ltda.       2,197        3,859        4,811        8,559 
JBS Australia Pty.Ltd.       3,096                        39,123 
Other related parties                                        
Agropecuária Santa Luzia Ltda.       59        122        2,204        3,054 
JBJ Agropecuária Ltda.   3,262    4,252    1,721    1,941    393,188    436,048    6,660    3,943 
Flora Produtos de Higiene e Limpeza S.A   54,668    33,536        2            86,365    73,638 
Eldorado Brasil Celulose S.A.       246                23        1,257 
Banco Original S.A       34                        25 
Prima Foods S.A.       506    97    2,047    3,643    19,094    4    1,809 
Agropecuaria Nelore Parana Ltda           10,185    3,870    33,962             
JBS Australia Pty Limited   8,521        344                20,647     
Guiabolso Pagamentos Ltda            16,723         60,032             
    820,097    886,470    480,157    379,959    723,234    778,065    1,647,233    1,873,554 


Other financial transactions in the Company


The Company and a few of its subsidiaries entered into an agreement in which Banco Original (Related party) acquires trade accounts receivables held against certain of the Company's customers in the domestic and foreign markets. The assignments are measured at market value through a permanent transfer of the risks and benefits to Banco Original of all trade accounts receivable. At March 31, 2024, the unpaid balance of transferred receivables was R$2,719,690 (R$2,664,506 at December 31, 2023) in the Company, and R$5,634,573 (R$5,158,611 at December 31, 2023) in the Consolidated, respectively. For the three month period ended March 31, 2024, the Company incurred financial costs related to this operation in the amount of R$74,874 (R$165,304 at March 31, 2023) in the Company, and R$160,295 (R$375,142 at March 31, 2023) in the Consolidated, respectively, recognized in these interim financial statements as financial expenses.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


At March 31, 2024, the Company and a few of its subsidiaries hold investments with Banco Original, in the amount of R$1,825,588 (R$1,482,874 at December 31, 2023) in the Company and R$4,413,148 (R$3,783,589 at December 31, 2023) in the Consolidated, recognized as cash and cash equivalents, respectively. The short term investments, CDB and similar investments have earnings similar to CDI (Certificado de Depósito Interbancário), according to both maturity and amount established at the start date of the investment, following market practices. For the three month period ended March 31, 2024, the Company earned interest from these investments in the amount of R$17,135 (R$7,478 at March 31, 2023) in the Company, and R$46,797 (R$17,159 at March 31, 2023) in the Consolidated, respectively, recognized in these interim financial statements as financial income.


The Company enters into future delivery agreements for livestock with certain suppliers, including the related party JBJ Agropecuária Ltda.("JBJ"), ensuring a fixed price when purchasing cattle without a cash impact in the Company until the maturity date of these commitments. Based on this contract of future delivery, JBJ already anticipated with the financial institutions in the supply chain finance modality. At March 31, 2024 the balance of this transaction was R$401,100 (R$299.8 at December 31, 2023).


The Company purchases residues generated from cattle slaughter for rendering operations with Prima Foods S.A. (formerly called Mata Boi Alimentos S.A.).


The Company sponsor´s a youth-directed business school, whose mission is to educate future leaders by offering free, high-quality education. During the three month period ended March 31, 2024 the Company made donations in the amount of R$44,915 (R$13,785 at March 31, 2023) recognized in these interim financial statements as general and administrative expenses.


The Company is a member of the JBS Pela Amazônia Fund, a non-profit association whose objective is to promote and finance initiatives and projects aimed at the sustainable development of the Amazon Biome. In the period ended March 31, 2024, the Company made donations in the amount of R$3,600, recorded in the interim financial statements as administrative expenses.


The Company includes the related party Original Corporate Corretora de Seguros Ltda. on the bid for insurance renewal. If hired, the contracts are carried out at market value.


No expected credit losses or bad debts relating to related party transactions were recorded during the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.


Remuneration of key management


The Company's key management is comprised of its Executive Officers and Board of Directors. The aggregate amount of compensation received by the Company’s key management during the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023 is the following:


   2024   2023 
Salaries and wages   8,522    10,156 
Variable cash compensation   82,214    96,000 
    90,736    106,156 


The Chief Executive Officer, the Administrative and Control Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations and the Executive Officers are parties to the Brazilian employment contract regime referred to as CLT (which is the Consolidation of Labor Laws), which follows all the legal prerogatives of payments and benefits.


Except for those described above, the Board of Directors members are not party to any employment contract or any other contracts for additional business benefits such as post-employment benefits or other long-term benefits, termination of work that does not conform to those requested by the CLT.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


9 Income taxes


a. Composition of deferred tax income and social contribution


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Deferred income taxes assets           3,747,257    3,751,335 
Deferred income taxes liabilities   (3,043,789)   (3,136,770)   (6,622,397)   (6,585,412)
    (3,043,789)   (3,136,770)   (2,875,140)   (2,834,077)


   December 31, 2023   Income
   March 31, 2024 
Tax losses and negative basis of social contribution   28,991    (28,991)    
Expected credit losses on trade accounts receivable   81,170    3,718    84,888 
Provisions for contingencies   190,166    5,515    195,681 
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts receivable   3,553    (1,205)   2,348 
Right of use assets   5,178    1,466    6,644 
Goodwill amortization   (3,277,762)       (3,277,762)
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts payable   (4,985)   4,213    (772)
Hedge operations (2)   (134,159)   74,947    (59,212)
Accrued liabilities   162,827    (44,790)   118,037 
Realization of other reserves   (254,252)   745    (253,507)
Cut-off Adjustment       63,116    63,116 
Other temporary differences   62,503    14,247    76,750 
Deferred taxes, net   (3,136,770)   92,981    (3,043,789)


   December 31, 2022   Income
Tax losses and negative basis of social contribution       87,473    87,473 
Expected credit losses on trade accounts receivable   88,021    (5,522)   82,499 
Provisions for contingencies   162,583    13,417    176,000 
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts receivable   3,318    (315)   3,003 
Right of use assets   2,732    338    3,070 
Goodwill amortization   (3,277,762)       (3,277,762)
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts payable   2,090    (2,061)   29 
Hedge operations (2)   61,197    (15,950)   45,247 
Accrued liabilities   184,190    (84,668)   99,522 
Realization of other reserves   (257,332)   789    (256,543)
Other temporary differences   35,849    (3,918)   31,931 
Deferred taxes, net   (2,995,114)   (10,417)   (3,005,531)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


   December 31, 2023   Income
adjustments (1)
   March 31, 2024 
Tax losses and negative basis of social contribution   4,067,527    (149,959)   38,465        3,956,033 
Expected credit losses on trade accounts receivable   184,384    10,566    2,397        197,347 
Provisions for contingencies   607,063    4,840    3,126        615,029 
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts receivable   37,024    7,181            44,205 
Tax credits - Foreign subsidiaries   114,666    (121)   3,667    (119)   118,093 
Labor accidents accruals   38,377    (2,365)   1,207        37,219 
Pension plan   57,882    (2,145)   1,833    (5,528)   52,042 
Accrued liabilities   1,118,141    44,869    29,874        1,192,884 
Non-deductible interests   1,026,154    46,735    33,240        1,106,129 
Right of use assets   123,053    4,039    1,348        128,440 
Goodwill amortization   (4,124,007)   (21,592)   (14,576)       (4,160,175)
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts payable   (29,359)   9,720            (19,639)
Business combination   (2,150,748)   20,194    (62,188)       (2,192,742)
Inventory valuation   (1,002,560)   27,779    (31,844)       (1,006,625)
Hedge and hedge accounting operations (2)   (122,796)   75,076        (853)   (48,573)
Realization of other reserves   (559,848)   3,721            (556,127)
Accelerated depreciation and amortization   (2,489,809)   33,024    (79,373)       (2,536,158)
Cut-off adjustment   2,982    81,774            84,756 
Other temporary differences   267,797    (188,301)   33,226        112,722 
Deferred taxes, net   (2,834,077)   5,035    (39,598)   (6,500)   (2,875,140)


   December 31, 2023   Income
adjustments (1)
   March 31, 2024 
Tax losses and negative basis of social contribution   3,387,144    822,043    (44,653)       4,164,534 
Expected credit losses on trade accounts receivable   164,732    (10,339)   (1,181)       153,212 
Provisions for contingencies   716,633    (47,552)   (5,344)       663,737 
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts receivable   59,095    (8,662)           50,433 
Tax credits - Foreign subsidiaries   68,855    (5,114)   (1,698)   37    62,080 
Labor accidents accruals   32,032    2,088    (889)       33,231 
Pension plan   54,708    5,298    (1,556)   (3,001)   55,449 
Accrued liabilities   1,257,677    (101,724)   (27,098)       1,128,855 
Non-deductible interests   399,481    38,977    (11,369)       427,089 
Right of use assets   117,832    44,439    (2,463)       159,808 
Goodwill amortization   (4,100,891)   (14,496)   11,599        (4,103,788)
Present value adjustment - Trade accounts payable   (42,292)   3,393            (38,899)
Business combination   (2,303,239)   (4,009)   55,395        (2,251,853)
Inventory valuation   (572,398)   (263,567)   20,859        (815,106)
Hedge and hedge accounting operations (2)   42,831    15,862        5,563    64,256 
Realization of other reserves   (575,927)   3,873            (572,054)
Accelerated depreciation and amortization   (3,061,949)   265,648    74,730        (2,721,571)
Other temporary differences   404,874    8,064    (15,823)   10,218    407,333 
Deferred taxes, net   (3,950,802)   754,222    50,509    12,817    (3,133,254)


(1)Changes in the deferred tax balance sheet accounts that do not directly impact profit & loss accounts, are shown in a specific column in the footnotes. These changes refer mainly to the direct subsidiary Brazservice Ltda. incorporated in the Company; deferred taxes on cash flow hedge operations recognized in equity, carried out by the subsidiary Seara Alimentos; gains associated with pension and other postretirement benefit obligations in the United States of America; impacts related to the acquisitions of the King´s group in Italy and Rivalea in Australia.


(2)The hedge and hedge accounting operations are demonstrated in footnote 26 - Risk management and financial instruments.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


b. Reconciliation of income tax and social contribution expense:


   Company   Consolidated 
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Profit (loss) before income taxes (PBT)   1,151,007    (1,486,488)   1,820,960    (2,148,883)
Brazilian statutory corporate tax rate   -34%   -34%   -34%   -34%
Expected tax credit (expense)   (391,342)   505,406    (619,126)   730,620 
Adjustments to reconcile taxable income:                    
Share of profit of equity-accounted investees   541,707    (229,929)   (10,997)   4,902 
Investments grants (3)   144,955    224,989    263,253    692,487 
International rate differences - Foreign subsidiaries           174,910    (92,877)
Net income arising from foreign subsidiaries (4)   181,848    (438,025)   147,351    (438,025)
Transfer pricing adjustment   (12,415)   (7,650)   (12,415)   (7,650)
Unrecognized tax benefits   42,963        (52,974)   (392,450)
Non-taxable interest - Foreign subsidiaries           30,437    173,639 
Donations and social programs (3)   (10,396)   (12,070)   (10,396)   (12,070)
SELIC interests on tax credits   1,606    950    3,642    5,247 
Other permanent differences   (3,926)   (9,786)   72,479    55,559 
Current and deferred income tax (expense) income   495,000    33,885    (13,836)   719,382 
Current income tax   402,019    44,302    (18,871)   (34,840)
Deferred income tax   92,981    (10,417)   5,035    754,222 
    495,000    33,885    (13,836)   719,382 
% IT/PBT   43.01%   2.28%   (0.76)%   33.48%


Additional information: analysis of the variation in the effective rate:


The Company believes that due to the origin and non-recurrence of specific events certain items should not be excluded from the effective tax rate disclosure such as deferred tax effects on goodwill amortization; unrecognized tax benefits and income tax on realization of the other reserves (since it is not relate to the net operating income); and v) effects of investments grants from priors years. Therefore, the adjusted effective rate excluding the aforementioned effects, in the three month period ended at March 31, 2024 and 2023, the adjusted effective rate would be 39,21% and2,23% in the Company and 3,13% and 42,60% in the Consolidated; and in the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the adjusted effective rate would be -6.66% and -0,64% in the Company and -12,37% and -17,35% in Consolidated.


(3)The Company and its subsidiaries recognize investments grants given by state governments as a presumed credit, partial and full reduction of the ICMS calculation base of certain goods in its production chain, in accordance with the regulations of each state. The amounts appropriated from these tax incentives as revenue in the income statement are excluded from the calculation of taxes on income, when the requirements set forth in current legislation are achieved. During the three month period ended March 31, 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded the amount of government subsidies in the amount of 5,4 billion (R$2.1 billion as of the three month period ended March 31, 2023), of which R$2.18 billion of presumed credit (R$2.1 billion as of the three month period ended March 31, 2023) and R$3.22 billion of reduction and exemption from ICMS, (zero as of the three month period ended March 31, 2023) excluded from its calculation basis for income tax and social contribution.


The exclusion of this tax benefit from the income tax and social contribution calculation base on net income reflected a tax gain on the fiscal year of 2024 of R$263 million referring to the presumed credit.


On June 12, 2023, the ruling on Special Appeals n. 1,945,110 and 1,987,158 (Repetitive Topic 1182), which discusses the requirement for IRPJ and CSLL on amounts related to ICMS tax incentives, different from those granted in the form of presumed credits. The ruling in question stated that the taxes in question are not due, as long as the requirements of article 30 of Law no. 12,973/2014, given that the Company recorded the profit reserve referred to in article 195-A of Law no. 6,404/76. On August 31, 2023, Provisional Measure No. 1185/23 was published, which changed the investment subsidy regime for tax purposes and revoked article 30 of Law No. 12,973/14, which was converted into Law on December 29, 2023 through Law No. 14,789, the effects of which will be observed for the year 2024.


(4)According to Law No. 12,973/14, the income from foreign subsidiaries must be taxed at the Brazilian statutory tax rate of 34%, and the income tax paid abroad by these subsidiaries may be used to compensate income taxes to be paid in Brazil. The results obtained from foreign subsidiaries are subject to taxation by the countries where they are based, according to applicable rates and legislation (profits taxed by-foreign jurisdictions included in the reconciliation of income tax and social contribution expense). The Group analyzes the results of each subsidiary for the application of its income tax legislation, in order to respect the treaties signed by Brazil and avoid double taxation.


(5)Refers to the donations made by the Company, as described in Note 25 – Expenses by nature.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Global Minimum Tax:


From 2024, Pillar II rules come into force in several countries, impacting multinationals operating in these jurisdictions.


The Company, as it is subject to such global Pillar II standards, decided to apply the exception for recognition and disclosure of information on deferred tax assets and liabilities, as well as estimated additional payment related to income tax due to measurement uncertainties and impacts.


We emphasize that the Company and its subsidiaries are monitoring potential impacts that this new rule could bring to the Group.


10  Investments in equity-accounted investees, associates and joint venture


Changes in the Company's investments:


   December 31, 2023   Addition (disposal)   Exchange rate variation   Changes in the equity
of investees (1)
share of
income (loss)
   March 31, 2024 
JBS Embalagens Metálicas Ltda.   80,639                (613)   80,026 
JBS Confinamento Ltda.   346,365                (13,188)   333,177 
Conceria Priante Srl   93,959        808        (1,148)   93,619 
JBS Leather International B.V.   550,351        17,917    41,649    (6,360)   603,557 
Meat Snacks Partners, LLC. (2)   188,431    (15,000)   6,179    (5,721)   (39,144)   134,745 
JBS Asset Management Corporation   94,604        2,986        (4,694)   92,896 
JBS Investments Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (3)   40,061,058    167,951    1,278,166    (1,871,855)   1,652,626    41,287,946 
JBS Toledo N.V.   202,936        1,775        5,103    209,814 
JBS Chile Limitada   21,935        (1,620)       674    20,989 
JBS Finance Luxembourg S.à.r.l.   310        10            320 
Total   41,640,588    152,951    1,306,221    (1,835,927)   1,593,256    42,857,089 


(1)Refers to changes in the equity of investees arising from subsidiaries of the functional currency dollar of the direct subsidiary JBS Investments Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (JBS Investments Lux) to the functional currency of its subsidiaries, such as Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Pound sterling, Euro, Mexican peso, among others.


(2)The joint venture Meat Snacks Partners LLC distributed profits to the Company.


(3)The Company sent cash to the direct subsidiary JBS Investments Lux.


Changes in the Consolidated's investments:


Refers to investments in associate and joint venture:


   Participation   December 31, 2023   Profit distribution   Changes in the equity
of investees
share of
   March 31, 2024 
Meat Snacks Partners, LLC.(4)   50%   188,431    (15,000)   458    (39,144)   134,745 
JBS Foods Ontario, Inc.   100%   77,430        2,536    6,845    86,811 
Birla Societá Agricola Srl   20%   8,160        73    (54)   8,179 
Total        274,021    (15,000)   3,067    (32,353)   229,735 








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


11Property, plant and equipment


Changes in property, plant and equipment:


   December 31,   Additions net of       Depreciation   March 31, 
Company  2023   transferences (1)   Disposals   expense   2024 
Buildings   3,787,295    21,720    (18)   (49,071)   3,759,926 
Land   2,278,266    221    -    -    2,278,487 
Machinery and equipment   3,136,140    86,725    (567)   (81,995)   3,140,303 
Facilities   1,926,755    52,160    (1)   (32,175)   1,946,739 
Computer equipment   75,093    4,458    (60)   (4,485)   75,006 
Vehicles (land and air)   707,698    1,339    (3,816)   (24,641)   680,580 
Construction in progress   1,528,857    175,271    -    -    1,704,128 
Other   69,514    6,559    (46)   (4,031)   71,996 
    13,509,618    348,453    (4,508)   (196,398)   13,657,165 


   December 31,   Additions net of       Depreciation   March 31, 
Company  2022   transferences (1)   Disposals   expense   2023 
Buildings   3,580,188    22,884        (61,899)   3,541,173 
Land   1,749,340    4,179    (81)       1,753,438 
Machinery and equipment   3,066,247    91,158    (1,149)   (77,810)   3,078,446 
Facilities   1,797,795    114,557    (3)   (28,410)   1,883,939 
Computer equipment   41,814    2,369    (79)   (3,935)   40,169 
Vehicles (land and air)   515,344    101,661    (8,391)   (20,469)   588,145 
Construction in progress   2,214,667    (124,509)           2,090,158 
Other   62,468    2,788    (58)   (3,004)   62,194 
    13,027,863    215,087    (9,761)   (195,527)   13,037,662 


   December 31,   Additions net of       Depreciation   Exchange   March 31, 
Consolidated  2023   transferences (1)   Disposals   expense   rate variation   2024 
Buildings   20,842,498    545,422    (11,594)   (316,111)   309,511    21,369,726 
Land   5,856,709    62,465    (3,566)       53,990    5,969,598 
Machinery and equipment   20,868,860    871,538    (7,018)   (763,173)   357,866    21,328,073 
Facilities   3,698,925    202,188    (45)   (63,800)   3,968    3,841,236 
Computer equipment   805,067    83,782    (195)   (60,445)   18,935    847,144 
Vehicles (land and air)   1,320,041    59,400    (9,675)   (55,708)   6,547    1,320,605 
Construction in progress   7,923,847    (495,873)   (971)       84,860    7,511,863 
Other   1,225,173    116,093    (266)   (47,722)   29,821    1,323,099 
    62,541,120    1,445,015    (33,330)   (1,306,959)   865,498    63,511,344 


   December 31,   Additions net of       Depreciation   Exchange   March 31, 
Consolidated  2022   transferences (1)   Disposals   expense   rate variation   2023 
Buildings   19,722,714    1,362,023    (7,223)   (318,404)   (321,054)   20,438,056 
Land   5,512,969    4,242    (160)       (72,315)   5,444,736 
Machinery and equipment   19,998,538    1,796,168    (84,330)   (745,539)   (357,652)   20,607,185 
Facilities   3,001,689    570,658    (29)   (52,327)   (192)   3,519,799 
Computer equipment   606,623    43,874    (1,640)   (47,848)   (9,449)   591,560 
Vehicles (land and air)   1,121,272    168,675    (10,876)   (50,510)   (19,254)   1,209,307 
Construction in progress   11,084,915    (2,150,976)           (131,836)   8,802,103 
Other   1,122,072    42,274    (44,606)   (44,774)   (17,685)   1,057,281 
    62,170,792    1,836,938    (148,864)   (1,259,402)   (929,437)   61,670,027 


(1)Additions for each category includes transfer from construction in progress during the period.


For three month period ended March 31, 2024, the amount of capitalized interest added to construction in progress and included in additions in the Company was R$17.350 (R$33.046 at December 31, 2023) and R$54.596 (R$116.688 at December 31, 2023) in the Consolidated. The capitalization rate used at March 31, 2024 was 9.29% p.y., in the Company and 4.90% p.y. in the Consolidated (8,41% p.y., in The Company and 4.40% p.y. in the Consolidated at December 31, 2023)


Annually, the Company tests the recoverability of its assets that were identified as having any indicator of impairment using the concept of value in use through discounted cash flow models). The tests for recoverability of assets are applied at the end of each fiscal year on December 31, follow by indications of impairment during the course of the year.








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)




The Company uses the optional exemption to not recognize a right of use asset and lease liability for short term (less than 12 months) and low value leases. The average discount rate used for the present value’s calculation of the lease provision of the identified assets and, consequently, for the monthly accrual of financial interest were 12.62% p.y. in the Company and 8.22% p.y. in the Consolidated, in accordance with the term of each lease agreement and the economic policy of each subsidiary’s domicile.


12.1Right of use asset


Changes in the right of use assets:


   December 31,       Terminated       March 31, 
Company  2023   Additions (1)   contracts   Amortization   2024 
Buildings   22,633    5,439        (5,225)   22,847 
Computer equipment   51,240            (7,914)   43,326 
Machinery and equipment   37,956    11,180    (1,378)   (5,633)   42,125 
Operating plants   11,999            (1,357)   10,642 
Land   505            (95)   410 
Vehicles (land)   11,468    12,934        (1,493)   22,909 
    135,801    29,553    (1,378)   (21,717)   142,259 

   December 31,           March 31, 
Company  2022   Additions (1)   Amortization   2023 
Buildings   30,041    444    (3,819)   26,666 
Computer equipment   10,728        (1,952)   8,776 
Machinery and equipment   12,747    5,921    (2,309)   16,359 
Operating plants   623    16,958    (1,101)   16,480 
Land   253    575    (148)   680 
Vehicles (land)   272    895    (99)   1,068 
    54,664    24,793    (9,428)   70,029 


   December 31,       Terminated       Exchange rate   March 31, 
Consolidated  2023   Additions (1)   contracts   Amortization   variation   2024 
Growing facilities   3,899,030    194,101    (106,250)   (203,106)   60,701    3,844,476 
Buildings   2,576,093    368,286    (67,170)   (111,171)   24,910    2,790,948 
Computer equipment   75,203    284        (11,736)       63,751 
Machinery and equipment   436,204    87,504    (8,107)   (54,700)   6,275    467,176 
Operating plants   95,348    2,917        (7,331)   157    91,091 
Land   92,882    846        (3,209)   (312)   90,207 
Vehicles (land, air and sea)   1,083,095    74,124    (382)   (92,502)   24,957    1,089,292 
    8,257,855    728,062    (181,909)   (483,755)   116,688    8,436,941 


   December 31,       Terminated       Exchange rate   March 31, 
Consolidated  2022   Additions (1)   contracts   Amortization   variation   2023 
Growing facilities   4,299,324    160,344    (37,872)   (204,651)   (62,275)   4,154,870 
Buildings   2,227,940    264,357    (6,769)   (95,381)   (35,621)   2,354,526 
Computer equipment   48,089        (284)   (5,174)   (1)   42,630 
Machinery and equipment   547,282    30,993    (400)   (67,552)   (9,847)   500,476 
Operating plants   97,601    18,023        (7,864)   (152)   107,608 
Land   102,478    862        (3,214)   (2,925)   97,201 
Vehicles (land, air and sea)   1,052,178    86,133    (4,208)   (99,417)   (28,855)   1,005,831 
    8,374,892    560,712    (49,533)   (483,253)   (139,676)   8,263,142 


(1)Additions for each category includes PIS and COFINS to be paid.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


12.2Lease liabilities

   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Undiscounted lease payments   180,442    168,452    11,202,682    10,953,118 
Present value adjustment   (18,641)   (17,422)   (2,090,222)   (2,039,185)
    161,801    151,030    9,112,460    8,913,933 
Current liabilities   63,585    62,454    1,733,027    1,707,172 
Non-current liabilities   98,216    88,576    7,379,433    7,206,761 
    161,801    151,030    9,112,460    8,913,933 


Changes in the lease liabilities:


   December 31,       Interest       Terminated   March 31, 
Company  2023   Additions   accrual   Payments   contracts   2024 
Lease liabilities   151,030    29,553    2,307    (19,295)   (1,794)   161,801 


   December 31,       Interest       March 31, 
Company  2022   Additions   accrual   Payments   2023 
Lease liabilities   62,698    24,807    1,547    (9,995)   79,057 


   December 31,        Interest       Terminated   Exchange
   March 31, 
Consolidated  2023   Additions   accrual   Payments   contracts   variation   2024 
Lease liabilities   8,913,933    735,012    126,512    (583,356)   (198,246)   118,605    9,112,460 


   December 31,       Interest       Terminated   Exchange
   March 31, 
Consolidated  2022   Additions   accrual   Payments   contracts   variation   2023 
Lease liabilities   8,984,008    568,202    118,833    (606,640)   (43,768)   (146,083)   8,874,552 


The amounts recognized as lease expense are shown below:


   Company   Consolidated 
   2024   2024   2024   2023 
Variable lease payments   2,793    2,404    621,906    681,281 
Short term lease liability   6,356    4,945    184,702    191,708 
Non-material lease liability   788    1,604    1,386    6,821 
    9,937    8,953    807,994    879,810 


The non-current portion of the lease liabilities schedule is as follows:


   March 31, 2024 
   Company   Consolidated 
2025   32,931    1,429,137 
2026   30,610    1,222,575 
2027   22,428    963,471 
2028   18,688    745,023 
2029   579    657,135 
Maturities thereafter 2029   3,151    4,012,168 
Total Future Minimum Lease Payments   108,387    9,029,509 
Present Value of Lease Liabilities   (10,171)   (1,650,076)
Leases payable - non-current   98,216    7,379,433 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


13Intangible assets


Changes in intangible assets:


Company  December 31,
   Additions   Amortization expenses   March 31,
Trademarks   171,628        (9,831)   161,797 
Softwares   30,448    1,205    (1,397)   30,256 
Others   2,236            2,236 
    204,312    1,205    (11,228)   194,289 


Company  December 31,
   Additions   Amortization expenses   March 31,
Trademarks   10,487        (1,240)   9,247 
Softwares   20,534    3,953    (1,406)   23,081 
    31,021    3,953    (2,646)   32,328 


Consolidated  December 31,
   Additions   Amortization expenses   Exchange
   March 31,
Trademarks   1,651,771    1,005    (37,377)   18,504    1,633,903 
Softwares   120,746    8,861    (6,034)   100    123,673 
Customer relationships   2,353,676        (90,712)   59,466    2,322,430 
Supplier contract   135,931        (4,748)   1,482    132,665 
Others   5,049    83    (305)   80    4,907 
Trademarks   5,290,539    1,801        68,534    5,360,874 
Water rights   55,147            1,065    56,212 
    9,612,859    11,750    (139,176)   149,231    9,634,664 


Consolidated  December 31,
   Additions   Disposals   Amortization expenses   Exchange
   March 31,
Trademarks   1,648,336            (28,911)   (96,953)   1,522,472 
Softwares   109,985    10,618    (292)   (6,182)   (253)   113,876 
Customer relationships   2,868,194            (95,239)   (57,161)   2,715,794 
Supplier contract   159,187            (4,886)   (1,584)   152,717 
Others   4,345    128    (146)   (351)   (98)   3,878 
Trademarks   5,479,137    108            (20,196)   5,459,049 
Water rights   59,205                (1,741)   57,464 
    10,328,389    10,854    (438)   (135,569)   (177,986)   10,025,250 


Impairment test:


Annualy, the Company tests the recoverability of its assets using the concept of value in use through cash flow models and at the three month period ended March 31, 2024, there were no indications of impairment.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)




In the Company, goodwill is recognized under the caption “Investments in subsidiaries, associate and joint venture” because for the investor it is part of its investment in the subsidiary’s acquisition; and as goodwill, in the Consolidated because it refers to expectation of future earnings from the acquired subsidiary, which assets and liabilities are consolidated with the Company’s. Therefore, in the Company there is only goodwill from incorporations in the amount of R$9,085,970 and in the Consolidated all goodwill are recognized as intangible. For tax purposes, all the goodwill recorded in the Company was fully amortized in the year ended December 31, 2021.


Changes in goodwill:


   March 31,
   March 31,
Initial balance   29,556,234    30,412,362 
Business combination adjustments       64,206 
Exchange rate variation   319,392    (920,334)
Closing balance   29,875,626    29,556,234 


CGU  March 31,
   December 31,
Brazil Beef   9,069,926    9,069,926 
Seara   3,713,518    3,713,132 
Moy Park   3,849,522    3,764,512 
USA Pork   3,470,031    3,362,447 
Australia Meat   1,343,748    1,359,994 
Australia Smallgoods   1,485,735    1,503,698 
Pilgrim’s Food Masters (PFM)   1,660,018    1,629,983 
Others CGUs without significant goodwill   5,283,128    5,152,542 
Total   29,875,626    29,556,234 


The Company tests annually. For the three month period ended March 31, 2024 there were no indications that goodwill within any CGU was impaired.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


15Trade accounts payable


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Commodities   2,085,778    2,613,599    6,638,897    8,527,807 
Materials and services   1,344,555    1,103,675    14,852,095    15,120,057 
Finished products   250,324    251,126    184,854    184,266 
Present value adjustment   (12,647)   (36,772)   (57,895)   (95,094)
    3,668,010    3,931,628    21,617,951    23,737,036 
Commodities       55,948    35,990    151,795 
Materials and services   329,399    480,235    1,299,606    1,552,561 
Finished products   20    325    9,992    9,582 
    329,419    536,508    1,345,588    1,713,938 
Total trade accounts payable   3,997,429    4,468,136    22,963,539    25,450,974 
Supply chain finance (1)                    
Domestic   1,841,158    1,466,235    4,677,189    4,552,484 
Foreign           36,340    37,386 
Total supply chain finance   1,841,158    1,466,235    4,713,529    4,589,870 
Total   5,838,587    5,934,371    27,677,068    30,040,844 


(1)The Company and its indirect subsidiary Seara Alimentos carry out transactions with financial institutions that allow the suppliers to anticipate their receivables in the domestic market. It should be emphasized, operationally and commercially, there are no identifiable changes to the conditions applied in the negotiations with suppliers such as price or flexibility on payment terms. In addition, this operation did not bring any other cost to the Group and all financial costs of the operation are the responsibility of the suppliers.


The Company enters into purchase agreements for livestock with certain suppliers ensuring a fixed price, or to fix, when purchasing cattle, without a cash impact in the Company until the receiving the cattle or maturity date of these commitments. Based on this future commitment contract, JBJ has already advanced this operation with the banks under the supply chain finance modality. At March 31, 2024 the balance of this transaction was R$509,341 (R$358,139 at December 31, 2023).


16Loans and financing


   annual      Index on       Current   Non-current 
   interest      variable   Payment   March 31,   December 31,    March 31,   December 31, 
Type  rate   Currency  rate loans   terms   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Foreign currency                                      
ACC   8.40%  USD       2024        252,514         
Prepayment   7.38%  USD   SOFR    2024 - 27        26,776        844,059 
FINIMP   6.48%  USD e EUR   Euribor    2025    89,981    151,490    1,249    3,131 
Working capital - American Dollar   8.97%  USD   SOFR    2024 - 30    1,821    1,751    12,359    12,359 
CRA   4.92%  USD       2028    4,533    2,139    192,113    186,218 
                      96,335    434,670    205,721    1,045,767 
Local currency                                      
Credit note - export   14.20%  BRL   CDI    2024 - 30    1,615    11,066    4,817    1,035,206 
CRA   10.38%  BRL   CDI e IPCA    2024 - 37    778,625    721,645    9,915,942    9,746,977 
Working capital - Brazilian Reais   17.45%  BRL   TJLP    2023 - 28        24,597        79,061 
CDC   15.97%  BRL       2024 - 28    109,859    103,101    34,948    43,670 
FINAME   5.98%  BRL       2024 - 25    1,568    2,314        27 
                      891,667    862,723    9,955,707    10,904,941 
                      988,002    1,297,393    10,161,428    11,950,708 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


   Average            Current   Non-current 
   annual         Payment  March 31,   December 31,   March 31,   December 31, 
Type  interest rate   Currency  Indexer  terms  2024   2023   2024   2023 
Foreign currency                             
ACC   8.40%  USD    2024       252,514         
Prepayment   7.38%  USD  SOFR  2024 - 27       26,776        844,059 
FINIMP   6.48%  USD e EUR  Euribor  2025   89,981    151,490    1,249    3,131 
White Stripe credit facility   8.45%  USD e CAD    -       14,001         
Working capital - American Dollar   8.97%  USD  SOFR  2024 - 30   1,821    1,751    12,359    12,359 
CRA   4.92%  USD    2028   4,533    2,139    192,113    186,218 
Scott credit facilities   2.20%  USD    2023               8,787 
Others   7.70%  USD    2024   22,852             
                  119,187    448,671    205,721    1,054,554 
Local currency                                  
FINAME   5.98%  BRL    2024 - 25   1,568    2,314        27 
Prepayment   8.22%  GBP, USD  BoE, SOFR  2024 - 25   69,488    265,814        290,478 
Notes 2,50% JBS Lux 2027   2.50%  USD    2027   26,370    55,878    4,932,474    4,774,587 
Notes 5,13% JBS Lux 2028   5.13%  USD    2028   38,411    93,045    4,431,275    4,291,318 
Notes 6,50% JBS Lux 2029   6.50%  USD    2029   11,676    5,248    389,149    377,065 
Notes 3,00% JBS Lux 2029   3.00%  USD    2029   14,739    36,106    2,932,185    2,838,018 
Notes 5,50% JBS Lux 2030   5.50%  USD    2030   72,515    154,486    6,195,473    6,002,878 
Notes 3,75% JBS Lux 2031   3.75%  USD    2031   31,226    7,567    2,440,859    2,398,080 
Notes 3,00% JBS Lux 2032   3.00%  USD    2032   56,622    18,557    4,901,907    4,746,125 
Notes 3,63% JBS Lux 2032   3.63%  USD    2032   38,236    80,990    4,767,804    4,766,124 
Notes 5,75% JBS Lux 2033   5.75%  USD    2033   294,466    142,668    10,002,773    9,687,901 
Notes 6.75% JBS Lux 2034   6.75%  USD    2034   23,982    149,596    7,877,914    7,630,203 
Notes 4,38% JBS Lux 2052   4.38%  USD    2052   32,240    78,957    4,433,383    4,295,380 
Notes 6,50% JBS Lux 2052   6.50%  USD    2052   167,787    40,648    7,621,764    7,394,040 
Notes 7.25% JBS Lux 2053   7.25%  USD    2053   173,868    90,382    4,414,113    4,275,904 
Notes 4,25% PPC 2031   4.25%  USD    2031   97,911    43,436    4,920,943    4,765,795 
Notes 3,50% PPC 2032   3.50%  USD    2032   13,115    50,834    4,453,868    4,314,489 
Notes 6,25% PPC 2033   6.25%  USD    2033   78,066    212,649    4,918,475    4,763,926 
Notes 6,88% PPC 2034   6.88%  USD    2034   80,624    36,983    2,422,862    2,345,983 
Working capital - Brazilian Reais   17.45%  BRL  TJLP  2024 - 28       24,597        79,061 
Working capital - Euros   3.10%  EUR  Euribor  2024 - 28   80,776    83,507    49,449    49,314 
Credit note - export   14.20%  BRL  CDI  2024 - 30   5,051    14,103    8,511    1,039,597 
CDC   15.97%  BRL    2024 - 28   109,859    103,101    34,948    43,670 
Rural - Credit note - Prefixed   10.73%  BRL    2024   1,196,835    1,176,088         
CRA   10.38%  BRL  CDI e IPCA  2024 - 37   778,625    721,645    9,915,942    9,746,977 
Scott credit facilities   7.69%  USD, EUR    2025       97,247        2,561 
Beardstown Pace credit facilities   3.65%  USD    2050       32,383        313,232 
JBS Australia feedlot   2.76%  AUD    2028       4,807        164,861 
Others   4.68%  Several  Several  2031   201,088    44,053    505,476    53,317 
                  3,695,144    3,867,689    92,571,547    91,450,911 
                  3,814,331    4,316,360    92,777,268    92,505,465 


Average annual interest rate: Refers to the weighted average nominal cost of interest at the reporting date. The loans and financings are fixed by a fixed rate or indexed to rates: CDI, LIBOR, Euribor, SOFR, IPCA, TJLP, among others.


At March 31, 2024, the availability under Brasil revolving credit facilities was US$450 million (R$2.3 billion at March 31, 2024) and US$450 million (R$2.18 billion at December 31, 2023). In the United States the revolving credit facilities at March 31, 2024, was US$2.9 billion (R$14.5 billion at March 31, 2024) and US$2.9 billion (R$14 billion at December 31, 2023).









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


The non-current portion of the principal payment schedule of loans and financing is as follows:


   March 31, 2024 
Maturity  Company   Consolidated 
2025   34,609    101,074 
2026   7,507    76,868 
2027   467,180    5,418,597 
2028   880,362    5,491,445 
2029   168,822    3,527,308 
Maturities thereafter 2029   8,602,948    78,161,976 
    10,161,428    92,777,268 


16.1Guarantees and contractual restrictions (“covenants”)


The Company was in compliance with all of its debt covenant restrictions at March 31, 2024 and until the date that these interim financial statements were approved.


17Other taxes payable


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Taxes payable in installments   277,301    288,891    316,437    329,110 
PIS / COFINS tax payable   48,562    74,531    136,129    158,964 
ICMS / VAT / GST tax payable   52,651    52,630    182,237    171,067 
Withholding income taxes   77,909    48,137    81,120    50,966 
Others   4,595    6,141    422,550    443,915 
Subtotal   461,018    470,330    1,138,473    1,154,022 
Income taxes payable           526,729    403,022 
Total   461,018    470,330    1,665,202    1,557,044 
Current liabilities   241,036    238,006    1,213,361    1,100,179 
Non-current liabilities   219,982    232,324    451,841    456,865 
    461,018    470,330    1,665,202    1,557,044 


18Payroll and social charges


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Social charges in installments   2,292,937    2,344,071    2,317,706    2,369,913 
Bonus and vacation along with related social charges   413,610    335,059    3,477,558    3,563,866 
Salaries and related social charges   324,506    478,270    2,232,742    2,437,111 
Others   17,015    16,403    321,769    283,826 
    3,048,068    3,173,803    8,349,775    8,654,716 
Current liabilities   1,128,396    1,208,139    6,042,449    6,280,042 
Non-current liabilities   1,919,672    1,965,664    2,307,326    2,374,674 
    3,048,068    3,173,803    8,349,775    8,654,716 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Labor taxes payable in installments: In December 2022, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) in a decision favorable to the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI No. 4,395), declared that was unconstitutional the subrogation of the collection of social security contributions referring to the Assistance Fund for Rural Workers (FUNRURAL) to slaughterhouses, consumer companies, consignees or cooperatives purchasing production. The Company is also waiting for the approval of the minute of judgment and the decision by the STF that will define the period for which the decision will take effect. On March 31, 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries have recognized under “Social charges in installments” the amount of R$1.62 billion, in the Company and R$1.69 billion, in the Consolidated related to the FUNRURAL. For the three month period ended March 31, 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries paid installments in cash and offset with the balance of recoverable taxes the amount of R$1.25 billion, in the Company and R$1.17 billion in the Consolidated.


19Provisions for legal proceedings


The Company is part of several lawsuits arising in the ordinary course of business for which provisions are recognized based on estimated costs determined by Management as follows:


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Labor   250,141    252,703    519,754    522,881 
Civil   137,723    128,135    1,377,109    1,311,937 
Tax and Social Security   187,668    178,472    633,036    650,672 
Total   575,532    559,310    2,529,899    2,485,490 
Current liabilities           1,009,432    955,866 
Non-current liabilities   575,532    559,310    1,520,467    1,529,624 
    575,532    559,310    2,529,899    2,485,490 


Changes in provisions:


          Additions, disposals                    
    December 31, 2023     and changes in prognosis     Payments     Monetary
    March 31, 2024  
Labor     252,703       26,784       (33,194 )     3,848       250,141  
Civil     128,135       19,266       (14,366 )     4,688       137,723  
Tax and social security     178,472       4,898             4,298       187,668  
Total     559,310       50,948       (47,560 )     12,834       575,532  


   December 31, 2022   Additions,
and changes
in prognosis
   Payments   Monetary correction   March 31, 2023 
Labor   252,392    29,537    (33,080)   8,519    257,368 
Civil   77,765    16,345    (3,378)   8,290    99,022 
Tax and social security   148,028    5,361        7,868    161,257 
Total   478,185    51,243    (36,458)   24,677    517,647 


   December 31, 2023   Additions,
and changes
in prognosis
   Payments   Monetary correction   Exchange rate variation   March 31, 2024 
Labor  522,881   64,148   (77,291)   10,003   13   519,754 
Civil   1,311,937    53,016    (29,708)   11,082    30,782    1,377,109 
Tax and social security   650,672    (23,077)   (1,376)   6,750    67    633,036 
Total   2,485,490    94,087    (108,375)   27,835    30,862    2,529,899 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


   December 31, 2022   Additions,
and changes
in prognosis
   Payments   Monetary correction   Exchange rate variation   March 31, 2023 
Labor   517,958    57,217    (70,361)   16,137    (31)   520,920 
Civil   1,162,505    109,832    (22,454)   20,699    (25,489)   1,245,093 
Tax and social security   550,049    12,116    (463)   26,887    (54)   588,535 
Total   2,230,512    179,165    (93,278)   63,723    (25,574)   2,354,548 


In the subsidiary JBS USA:


a. Civil Proceedings: Refers to several class action lawsuits, alleging violations of federal and state antitrust, unfair competition, unfair enrichment, deceptive trade practice, and consumer protection laws on sales of beef, pork and chicken. For the three month period ended March 31, 2024 the indirect subsidiary JBS USA recognized an accrual in the amount of U$4,700 (R$23,482 at March 31, 2024). Also at March 31, 2024, were paid U$90 (R$450 at March 31, 2024). At March 31, 2024, the remaining accrual is U$202,040 (R$1,009,432 at March 31, 2024).


The Company, together with its legal department and hired external offices, continues to monitor the developments of the antitrust proceedings and understand that the accounting provisions measured and known up to the date of approval of these financial statements are sufficient for risk coverage.




a.  Share capital: Share capital on March 31, 2024 was R$23,576,206 (R$23,576,206 at December 31, 2023), represented by 2,218,116,370 common shares, having no nominal value.


b.  Tax incentive reserve: The Company and its subsidiaries have grants granted by state governments, such as partial and full reduction of the tax base of certain goods in its production chain, in accordance with the regulations of each state and presumed ICMS tax credits. The appropriated amounts of these tax incentives as income in income are excluded in the calculation of taxes on income when the requirements set forth in current legislation are met.


At the three month period ended March 31, 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries calculated the amount of government grants totaling R$7,97 billion, of which R$3,87 billion will be recognized in the tax incentive reserve at the year-end financial statements, as the Company calculates enough accumulated profit.


21Net revenue


   Company   Consolidated 
   2023   2022   2023   2022 
GROSS REVENUE                
Sales of products and services                
Domestic sales   7,988,098    7,167,445    69,942,161    69,430,842 
Export sales   5,883,765    4,713,589    22,418,286    20,220,041 
    13,871,863    11,881,034    92,360,447    89,650,883 
SALES DEDUCTION                    
Returns and discounts   (441,665)   (441,489)   (2,141,454)   (2,093,846)
Sales taxes   (272,653)   (227,106)   (1,071,852)   (873,308)
    (714,318)   (668,595)   (3,213,306)   (2,967,154)
NET REVENUE   13,157,545    11,212,439    89,147,141    86,683,729 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


22.1Customer contract balances


Customer contract liabilities relate to payments received in advance of satisfying the performance obligation under the contract. A contract liability is recognized when the Company has an obligation to transfer products to a customer from whom the consideration has already been received. The recognition of the contractual liability occurs at the time when the consideration is received and settled. The Company recognizes revenue upon fulfilling the related performance obligation. Contract liabilities are presented as advances from customers in the balance sheet.


       Company   Consolidated 
   Note   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Trade accounts receivable   4    3,077,935    2,575,423    16,679,679    16,416,149 
Contract liabilities        (676,581)   (652,228)   (920,806)   (1,571,478)
Total customer contract revenue        2,401,354    1,923,195    15,758,873    14,844,671 


22Net finance income (expense)


   Company   Consolidated 
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Exchange rate variation   96,332    101,143    385,773    280,188 
Fair value adjustments on derivatives   (240,161)   62,357    (376,893)   (76,505)
Interest expense (1)   (656,832)   (1,114,769)   (2,078,845)   (2,052,626)
Interest income (2)   122,190    129,542    447,436    351,284 
Bank fees and others   (112,118)   (33,413)   (104,795)   (56,440)
    (790,589)   (855,140)   (1,727,324)   (1,554,099)
Financial income   218,522    293,042    833,209    631,472 
Financial expense   (1,009,111)   (1,148,182)   (2,560,533)   (2,185,571)
    (790,589)   (855,140)   (1,727,324)   (1,554,099)


(1)For the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the amounts of R$337,205 and R$432,527, respectively, in the Company and R$1,489,398 and R$1,457,887, in the Consolidated refers to interest expenses from loans and financings expenses recognized under the caption “Interest expense”.


(2)For the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023, the amounts of R$37,251 and R$30,668, respectively, in the Company and R$137,567 and R$90,718, respectively, in the Consolidated refers to interest income from short investments recognized under the caption “Interest income”.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


23Earnings (loss) per share


Basic and diluted: There were no changes in the basic earnings (loss) per share calculation assumptions since the disclosed financial statements from December 31, 2023.


   2024   2023 
Net income attributable to Company shareholders   1,646,007    (1,452,603)
Weighted average common shares outstanding   2,218,116,370    2,218,116,370 
Weighted average - common shares outstanding   2,218,116,370    2,218,116,370 
Basic earnings (losses) per share - (R$)   0.74    (0.65)


24Operating segments and information by geographic area


There are no changes in the structure of operating segments and geographic reporting since the disclosed financial statements from December 31, 2023.


The information by consolidated operational segments is as follows:


   Brazil   Seara   Beef North America   Pork USA   Pilgrim’s Pride   Australia   Others   Total reportable segments   Elimination (1)   Total 
Net revenue   14,234,329    10,317,526    27,643,034    9,461,917    21,585,607    7,163,802    815,450    91,221,665    (2,074,524)   89,147,141 
Adjusted EBITDA (2)   643,319    1,191,974    (48,598)   1,551,747    2,479,691    614,010    70    6,432,213    (3,364)   6,428,849 


   Brazil   Seara   Beef North America   Pork USA   Pilgrim’s Pride   Australia   Others   Total reportable segments   Elimination (1)   Total 
Net revenue   12,199,593    10,329,562    27,356,840    9,392,635    21,620,618    7,244,949    1,270,387    89,414,584    (2,730,855)   86,683,729 
Adjusted EBITDA (2)   296,573    146,954    115,840    231,680    1,395,792    (17,662)   (3,811)   2,165,366    (3,011)   2,162,355 


(1)Includes intercompany and intersegment transactions.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


(2)The Adjusted EBITDA is reconciled with the consolidated operating profit, as follows below:


   Operating profit (loss) 
   2024    2023 
Operating profit (loss)   3,580,637    (609,202)
Depreciation and amortization   2,696,922    2,592,830 
Antitrust agreements (1)   23,237    71,166 
Donations and social programs (2)   48,515    14,186 
Impairment assets       108,189 
Restructuring (3)   79,334    53,018 
Other operating income (expense), net (4)   204    (67,832)
Total Adjusted EBITDA for operating segments - with elimination   6,428,849    2,162,355 
Elimination reversal   3,364    3,011 
Total Adjusted EBITDA for reportable segments   6,432,213    2,165,366 


(1)Refers to the agreements entered by JBS USA and its subsidiaries as described in Note 19 – Provisions for legal proceedings.


(2)Refers to the donations, as described in Note 25 – Expenses by nature.


(3)Refers to the project to implement multiple restructuring initiatives mainly at the indirect subsidiary Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (PPC). Refers to the project to implement multiple restructuring initiatives at the indirect subsidiary Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (PPC).


(4)Refers to several adjustments basically in JBS USA’s jurisdiction such as third-party advisory expenses acquisitions, marketing of social programs, insurance claims, among others.


For additional information, the net revenue and total assets are present below segregated by geographic area.


   North and Central America (2)   South America   Australia   Europe   Others   Total reportable segments   Intercompany elimination (1)   Total 
Net revenue   52,345,448    24,877,247    6,521,555    7,246,404    401,239    91,391,893    (2,244,752)   89,147,141 
Total assets   96,353,840    82,677,348    18,806,806    26,454,723    10,495,276    234,787,993    (30,467,427)   204,320,566 


   North and Central America (2)   South America   Australia   Europe   Others   Total reportable segments   Intercompany elimination (1)   Total 
Net revenue   51,257,679    20,755,122    7,244,949    7,427,316    315,797    87,000,863    (317,134)   86,683,729 
Total assets   95,082,776    85,569,078    18,223,728    25,648,160    10,110,309    234,634,051    (28,501,982)   206,132,069 


(1)Includes intercompany and intersegment transactions.


(2)Including the holdings located in Europe that are part of the North American operation.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


25Expenses by nature


The Company’s policy is to present expenses by function on the consolidated statement of income (loss). Expenses by nature are disclosed below:


   Company   Consolidated 
   2024   2023   2022   2021 
Cost of sales                
Cost of inventories, raw materials and production inputs   (10,147,189)   (9,065,236)   (65,064,309)   (67,512,613)
Salaries and benefits   (782,953)   (574,356)   (10,020,280)   (9,297,514)
Depreciation and amortization   (160,845)   (114,888)   (2,381,904)   (2,259,433)
    (11,090,987)   (9,754,480)   (77,466,493)   (79,069,560)
Freights and selling expenses   (920,760)   (710,151)   (4,544,309)   (4,905,105)
Salaries and benefits   (123,092)   (107,662)   (394,238)   (359,951)
Depreciation and amortization   (7,664)   (27,968)   (67,854)   (86,400)
Advertising and marketing   (36,008)   (38,187)   (379,578)   (396,113)
Commissions   (28,448)   (7,800)   (75,562)   (55,641)
Net impairment losses   (17,479)   22,812    (12,092)   27,903 
    (1,133,451)   (868,956)   (5,473,633)   (5,775,307)
General and administrative                    
Salaries and benefits   (270,503)   (226,876)   (1,525,250)   (1,459,234)
Fees, services held and general expenses   (201,847)   (240,143)   (775,765)   (879,239)
Depreciation and amortization   (60,834)   (64,745)   (247,164)   (246,997)
DOJ and Antitrust agreements           (23,237)   (71,166)
Donations and social programs (1)   (48,515)   (14,186)   (48,515)   (14,186)
    (581,699)   (545,950)   (2,619,931)   (2,670,822)


(1)Refers to donations made to Instituto J&F regarding improvements on school’s building, the social program “Fazer o Bem Faz Bem” created by the company to support actions for social transformation where the Company is present and donations to the JBS Fund For The Amazon.


As of March 31, 2024 in the Company and Consolidated, other income (expenses) includes gain (losses) of sale of assets, insurance claim, asset impairment expenses, restructuring expenses, among others.


The Company incurred expenses with internal research and development, in the amount of R$1,072 (R$1,426 at March 31, 2023), in the Company and R$36,114 (R$42,922 at March 31, 2023), in the Consolidated.


26Risk management and financial instruments


Financial instruments are recognized in the consolidated financial statements as follows:


      Company   Consolidated 
   Notes  March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Fair value through profit or loss (1)                   
Financial investments  3   1,939,567    3,594,468    9,834,601    12,791,962 
National treasury bills  3   407,930    397,495    987,290    1,020,138 
Derivative assets      254,650    439,444    470,823    821,741 
Loans and receivables at amortized cost (2)                       
Cash at banks  3   135,799    531,461    6,095,582    8,863,520 
Margin cash  3           405,012    88,068 
Trade accounts receivable  4   3,077,935    2,575,423    16,679,679    16,416,149 
Related party receivables  8   872,670    1,807,877    583,100    573,955 
Total      6,688,551    9,346,168    35,056,087    40,575,533 
Amortized cost                       
Loans and financing  16   (11,149,430)   (13,248,101)   (96,591,599)   (96,821,824)
Trade accounts payable and supply chain finance  15   (5,838,586)   (5,934,371)   (27,677,061)   (30,040,842)
Related party payables  8   (6,398,511)   (6,402,295)        
Lease liabilities  12   (161,801)   (151,030)   (9,112,461)   (8,913,935)
Other financial liabilities (3)      (479,375)   (473,930)   (509,147)   (503,702)
Fair value through profit or loss                       
Derivative liabilities      (85,745)   (42,513)   (457,443)   (698,361)
Total      (24,113,448)   (26,252,240)   (134,347,711)   (136,978,664)


(1)CDBs are updated at the effective rate but have a really short-term and negotiated with financial institutions, and their recognition is similar to fair value; (ii) national treasury bill is recognized according to market value.
(2)Loans and receivables are classified as amortized cost, but without any change in their nature or business model; (ii) the accounts receivable are short-term and net from expected losses.
(3)The balances are related to commitments with third parties for investment.








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Fair value of assets and liabilities through profit or loss: The Company and its subsidiaries determine fair value measurements in accordance with the hierarchical levels that reflect the significance of the inputs used in the measurement, with the exception of those maturing at short term, equity instruments without an active market and contracts with discretionary characteristics that the fair value can not be measured reliably, according to the following levels:


Level 1 - Quoted prices in active markets (unadjusted) for identical assets or liabilities;


Level 2 - Inputs other than Level 1, in which prices are quoted for similar assets and liabilities, either directly by obtaining prices in active markets or indirectly through valuation techniques that use data from active markets;


Level 3 - Inputs used for fair value calculations which are not derived from an active market. The Company and its subsidiaries do not have any financial instruments that utilize level 3 inputs.


   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
   Level 1   Level 2   Total   Level 1   Level 2   Total 
Financial assets                        
Financial investments   -    1,939,567    1,939,567    1,000,451    2,594,017    3,594,468 
National treasury bills   407,930    -    407,930    397,495    -    397,495 
Derivative assets   -    254,650    254,650    -    439,444    439,444 
Financial liabilities                              

Derivative liabilities

   -    85,745    85,745    -    42,513    42,513 


   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
   Level 1   Level 2   Total   Level 1   Level 2   Total 
Financial assets                        
Financial investments   -    9,834,601    9,834,601    1,000,451    11,791,511    12,791,962 
National treasury bills   987,290    -    987,290    1,020,138    -    1,020,138 
Derivative assets   -    470,823    470,823    -    821,741    821,741 
Financial liabilities                              
Derivative liabilities   -    457,443    457,443    -    698,361    698,361 


Fair value of assets and liabilities carried at amortized cost: The fair value of the Notes under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, are estimated using the closing sale price of these securities informed by a financial newswire on March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, considering there is an active market for these financial instruments. The book value of the remaining fixed-rate loans approximates fair value since the interest rate market, the Company’s credit quality, and other market factors have not significantly changed since entering into the loans. The book value of variable-rate loans and financings approximates fair value given the interest rates adjust for changes in market conditions and the quality of the Company’s credit rating has not substantially changed. For all other financial assets and liabilities, book value approximates fair value due to the short duration of the instruments. The following details the estimated fair value of loans and financings: 


   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
           Market Value           Market Value 
Description  Principal   Price (% of the Principal)   of the Principal   Principal   Price (% of the Principal)   of the Principal 
Notes 2,50% JBS Lux 2027   4,996,200    92.25%   4,608,745    4,841,300    92.10%   4,458,643 
Notes 5,13% JBS Lux 2028   4,495,281    98.51%   4,428,077    4,357,170    99.66%   4,342,312 
Notes 3,00% JBS Lux 2029   2,997,720    88.62%   2,656,610    2,904,780    88.24%   2,563,178 
Notes 6,5% JBS Lux 2029   389,569    101.08%   393,792    377,491    99.27%   374,746 
Notes 5,5% JBS Lux 2030   6,243,677    98.65%   6,159,137    6,051,625    98.55%   5,963,876 
Notes 3,75% JBS Lux 2031   2,463,127    86.83%   2,138,610    2,420,650    86.45%   2,092,652 
Notes 3,00% JBS Lux 2032   4,996,200    81.61%   4,077,249    4,841,300    81.66%   3,953,212 
Notes 3,625% JBS Lux 2032   4,841,818    85.59%   4,143,918    4,841,300    85.60%   4,144,298 
Notes 5,75% JBS Lux 2033   10,240,552    98.63%   10,100,052    9,924,665    99.35%   9,860,452 
Notes 6,75% JBS Lux 2034   7,993,921    105.12%   8,403,449    7,746,080    105.27%   8,154,530 
Notes 4,375% JBS Lux 2052   4,496,580    72.81%   3,273,780    4,357,170    74.36%   3,239,817 
Notes 6,50% JBS Lux 2052   7,734,118    99.05%   7,660,257    7,504,015    100.71%   7,557,218 
Notes 7.25% JBS Lux 2053   4,496,580    107.28%   4,823,931    4,357,170    109.34%   4,764,129 
Notes 4,25% PPC 2031   4,996,200    90.14%   4,503,625    4,841,300    90.27%   4,369,999 
Notes 3,5% PPC 2032   4,496,580    84.96%   3,820,385    4,357,170    84.47%   3,680,371 
Notes 6,25% PPC 2033   4,996,200    102.44%   5,117,958    4,841,300    102.90%   4,981,794 
Notes 6,875% PPC 2034   2,498,100    106.82%   2,668,396    2,420,646    108.05%   2,615,416 
    83,372,423         78,977,971    80,985,132         77,116,643 








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Risk management:



The Company during the regular course of its operations is exposed to a variety of financial risks that include the effects of changes in market prices, (including foreign exchange, interest rate risk and commodity price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. Such risks are fully disclosed in the financials statements at December 31, 2023. There were no changes in the nature of these risks in the current period. Below are the risks and operations to which the Company is exposed and a sensitivity analysis for each type of risk, consisting in the presentation of the effects in the finance income (expense), net, when subjected to possible changes, of 25% to 50%, in the relevant variables for each risk. For each probable scenario, the Company utilizes the Value at Risk Methodology (VaR),for the confidence interval (C.I.) of 99% and a horizon of one day.


a.Interest rate risk


The Company understands that the quantitative data referring to the Company's interest rate exposure risk on March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, are in accordance with the Financial and Commodity Risk Management Policy and are representative of the exposure incurred during the period. For informational purposes and in accordance with our Financial and Commodities Risk Management Policy, the notional amounts of assets and liabilities exposed to floating interest rates are presented below:


   Company   Consolidated 
   March 31,
   December 31,
   March 31,
   December 31,
Net exposure to the CDI rate:                
CDB-DI (Bank certificates of deposit)   2,347,497    75,631    6,677,515    4,567,894 
Margin cash   166,668    64,754    562,467    152,822 
Related party transactions   247,749    1,223,516    6,662    3,019 
Credit note - export   (6,433)   (1,046,272)   (13,563)   (1,053,700)
CRA - Agribusiness Credit Receivable Certificates   (286,793)   (293,753)   (286,793)   (293,753)
Rural - Credit note           (3,343)   (5,847)
Subtotal   2,468,688    23,876    6,942,945    3,370,435 
Derivatives (Swap)   (6,125,032)   (5,992,578)   (7,066,895)   (6,910,347)
Total   (3,656,344)   (5,968,702)   (123,950)   (3,539,912)
Liabilities exposure to the LIBOR rate:                    
Margin cash           305,985    250,540 
CRA - Agribusiness Credit Receivable Certificates   (10,407,774)   (10,174,868)   (10,407,774)   (10,174,868)
Related party transactions   581,329    570,935    581,329    570,935 
Treasury bills               134,183 
Subtotal   (9,826,445)   (9,603,933)   (9,520,460)   (9,219,210)
Derivatives (Swap)   6,893,519    6,892,396    6,893,520    6,892,397 
Total   (2,932,926)   (2,711,537)   (2,626,940)   (2,326,813)
Net exposure to the IPCA rate:                    

Working capital - Reais

       (3,734)       (3,734)
Total       (3,734)       (3,734)
Liabilities exposure to the SOFR rate:                    
Prepayment       (870,835)       (1,360,264)
Working capital - USD   (14,180)   (14,110)   (14,180)   (14,110)
Total   (14,180)   (884,945)   (14,180)   (1,374,374)
Assets exposure to the CPI rate:                    

Margin cash

           247,167    237,921 
Total           247,167    237,921 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Sensitivity analysis:


          Scenario (I) VaR 99% I.C. 1 day   Scenario (II) Interest rate variation - 50%   Scenario (III) Interest rate variation - 100% 
              Effect on income       Effect on income       Effect on income 
Contracts exposure  Risk  Current scenario   Rate   Company   Consolidated   Rate   Company   Consolidated   Rate   Company   Consolidated 
CDI  Increase   10.65%   10.69%   (1,455)   (49)   15.98%   (194,700)   (6,494)   21.30%   (389,401)   (12,988)
                 (1,455)   (49)        (194,700)   (6,494)        (389,401)   (12,988)


          Scenario (I) VaR 99% I.C. 1 day   Scenario (II) Interest rate variation - 25%   Scenario (III) Interest rate variation - 50% 
              Effect on income       Effect on income       Effect on income 
Contracts exposure  Risk  Current scenario   Rate   Company   Consolidated   Rate   Company   Consolidated   Rate   Company   Consolidated 
IPCA  Increase  4.50%  4.51%  (309)  (268)  5.63%  (32,995)  (28,613)  6.75%  (65,991)  (57,226)
SOFR  Increase   5.34%   5.34%           6.68%   (189)   (189)   8.01%   (379)   (379)
CPI  Decrease   3.20%   3.19%       (17)   2.40%       (1,977)   1.60%       (3,955)
                 (309)   (285)        (33,184)   (30,779)        (66,370)   (61,560)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Maturity  Notional   Fair value (Asset) - R$   Fair value (Liability) - R$   Fair value   Notional   Fair value (Asset) - R$  

Fair value (Liability) - R$

   Fair value 
   IPCA  2024   537,534    708,152    (554,035)   154,117    537,534    689,751    (540,408)   149,343 
   IPCA  2027   387,000    464,395    (424,175)   40,220    387,000    457,602    (413,456)   44,146 
   IPCA  2028   442,000    532,971    (496,772)   36,199    442,000    526,622    (484,293)   42,329 
   IPCA  2030   1,400,000    1,705,488    (1,630,628)   74,860    1,400,000    1,697,548    (1,590,808)   106,740 
Swap  IPCA  2031   1,392,904    1,614,452    (1,612,543)   1,909    1,398,524    1,616,904    (1,578,406)   38,498 
   IPCA  2032   425,166    502,592    (524,853)   (22,261)   425,166    501,657    (510,557)   (8,900)
   IPCA  2036   91,135    112,138    (122,468)   (10,330)   91,135    113,710    (119,336)   (5,626)
   IPCA  2037   1,022,507    1,253,332    (1,313,592)   (60,260)   1,040,017    1,288,602    (1,295,723)   (7,121)
          5,698,246    6,893,520    (6,679,066)   214,454    5,721,376    6,892,396    (6,532,987)   359,409 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais) 

         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Maturity  Notional   Fair value (Asset) - R$   Fair value (Liability) - R$   Fair value   Notional   Fair value (Asset) - R$  

Fair value (Liability) - R$

   Fair value 
   CDI  2024   880,000    939,041    (941,863)   (2,822)   880,000    915,329    (917,770)   (2,441)
   IPCA  2024   537,534    708,152    (554,035)   154,117    537,534    689,751    (540,408)   149,343 
   IPCA  2027   387,000    464,395    (424,175)   40,220    387,000    457,602    (413,456)   44,146 
   IPCA  2028   442,000    532,971    (496,772)   36,199    442,000    526,622    (484,293)   42,329 
Swap  IPCA  2030   1,400,000    1,705,488    (1,630,628)   74,860    1,400,000    1,697,548    (1,590,808)   106,740 
   IPCA  2031   1,392,904    1,614,452    (1,612,543)   1,909    1,398,524    1,616,904    (1,578,406)   38,498 
   IPCA  2032   425,166    502,592    (524,853)   (22,261)   425,166    501,657    (510,557)   (8,900)
   IPCA  2036   91,135    112,138    (122,468)   (10,330)   91,135    113,710    (119,336)   (5,626)
   IPCA  2037   1,022,508    1,253,332    (1,313,593)   (60,261)   1,040,017    1,288,602    (1,295,723)   (7,121)
          6,578,247    7,832,561    (7,620,930)   211,631    6,601,376    7,807,725    (7,450,757)   356,968 


b.Exchange rate risk:


Below are presented the risks related to the most significant exchange rates fluctuation given the relevance of these currencies in the Company's operations and the stress analysis scenarios and VaR to measure the total exposure as well as the cash flow risk with B3 and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In the Consolidated, the Company discloses these exposures considering the fluctuations of a exchange rate in particular towards the functional currency of each subsidiary. 


   USD   EUR   GBP 
   March 31, 2024   December  31,
   March 31, 2024   December 31,
   March 31, 2024   December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents   1,811,344    2,767,180    146,785    161,775    14,750    16,901 
Trade accounts receivable   1,412,030    1,530,322    325,870    237,649    35,586    38,864 
Sales orders   2,605,856    2,345,443    232,166    257,417    65,826    81,782 
Trade accounts payable   (286,495)   (246,588)   (35,232)   (27,667)   (6)   (237)
Operating subtotal   5,542,735    6,396,357    669,589    629,174    116,156    137,310 
Advances to customers   -    (512,091)   -    (52,330)   -     
Loans and financing   (296,345)   (1,464,859)   (5,710)   (15,579)        
Financial subtotal   (296,345)   (1,976,950)   (5,710)   (67,909)        
Operating financial subtotal   5,246,390    4,419,407    663,879    561,265    116,156    137,310 
Total exposure   5,246,390    4,419,407    663,879    561,265    116,156    137,310 
Future contracts   (333,591)   697,909    (688,502)   (481,644)   (155,911)   (152,117)
Non-Deliverable Forwards (NDF´s)   (4,696,428)   (3,582,562)                
Total derivatives   (5,030,019)   (2,884,653)   (688,502)   (481,644)   (155,911)   (152,117)
NET EXPOSURE IN R$   216,371    1,534,754    (24,623)   79,621    (39,755)   (14,807)
Net debt in foreign subsidiaries (1)   (75,102,428)   (71,531,166)   -    -    -    - 








Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


   USD   EUR   GBP   MXN   AUD 
   March 31,   December 31,   March 31,   December 31,   March 31,   December 31,   March 31,   December 31,   March 31,   December 31, 
   2024   2023   2024   2023   2024   2023   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Cash and cash equivalents   6,253,174    7,604,779    255,966    329,956    81,672    97,319    1,785,682    1,314,427        203 
Trade accounts receivable   4,628,483    2,806,266    705,999    715,733    293,139    240,823    680,433    649,281    2,243    1,167 
Sales orders   5,090,752    4,437,512    527,144    356,147    907,736    1,053,024                 
Trade accounts payable   (722,879)   (846,168)   (425,894)   (362,919)   (72,126)   (76,715)   (1,606,423)   (1,294,723)   (949)   (1,549)
Purchase orders   (350,116)   (274,549)   (102,162)   (87,203)                        
Operating subtotal   14,899,414    13,727,840    961,053    951,714    1,210,421    1,314,451    859,692    668,985    1,294    (179)
Advances to customers   (16,446)   (539,165)   (2,783)   (61,100)   (473)   (2,474)                
Loans and financing   (318,463)   (1,485,299)   (5,710)   (15,579)   (69,488)                    
Financial subtotal   (334,909)   (2,024,464)   (8,493)   (76,679)   (69,961)   (2,474)                
Operating financial subtotal   14,564,505    11,703,376    952,560    875,035    1,140,460    1,311,977    859,692    668,985    1,294    (179)
Total exposure   14,564,505    11,703,376    952,560    875,035    1,140,460    1,311,977    859,692    668,985    1,294    (179)
Future contracts   (402,690)   (1,214,139)   (791,602)   (663,598)   (219,033)   (213,703)                
Deliverable Forwards (DF´s)   (4,286,685)   (1,926,954)   269,555    325,834    (63,876)   (69,565)   485        13,315    13,778 
Non-Deliverable Forwards (NDF´s)   (9,103,501)   (6,326,417)   (6,420)   24,550    (409,129)   (470,206)                
Total derivatives   (13,792,876)   (9,467,510)   (528,467)   (313,214)   (692,038)   (753,474)   485        13,315    13,778 
NET EXPOSURE IN R$   771,629    2,235,866    424,093    561,821    448,422    558,503    860,177    668,985    14,609    13,599 
Net debt in foreign subsidiaries (1)   (75,102,428)   (71,531,166)                                


(1)For currency hedging purposes, the Company includes in its exposure the net debt of foreign subsidiaries. Although these debts do not generate currency exposure in the Company's results (since they are abroad, and in the functional currency of each country), these debts in the consolidation are affected by the exchange rate, impacting shareholders' equity as exchange variation on investment, influencing the consolidated debt of the Company, and consequently the leverage indicators.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


b1. Sensitivity analysis and derivative financial instruments breakdown:


b1.1 USD - American dollars (amounts in thousands of R$):


      Closing   Scenario (I) VaR 99% I.C. 1 day   Scenario (II) Interest rate
variation - 25%
   Scenario (III) Interest rate variation - 50% 
      exchange   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income 
Exposure of R$  Risk  rate   Rate   Company   Consolidated   Rate   Company   Consolidated   Rate   Company   Consolidated 
Operating  Appreciation   4.9962    4.9220    (82,306)   (221,246)   3.7472    (1,385,684)   (3,724,853)   2.4981    (2,771,367)   (7,449,707)
Financial  Depreciation   4.9962    4.9220    4,401    (42,632)   3.7472    74,086    (717,751)   2.4981    148,173    (1,435,501)
Derivatives  Depreciation   4.9962    4.9220    74,692    204,814    3.7472    1,257,505    3,448,219    2.4981    2,515,009    6,896,438 
                 (3,213)   (59,064)        (54,093)   (994,385)        (108,185)   (1,988,770)


      Closing   Scenario (I) VaR 99% I.C. 1 day   Scenario (II) Interest rate variation - 25%   Scenario (III) Interest rate variation - 50% 
      exchange   Exchange    Effect on   Exchange   Effect on    Exchange   Effect on  
Exposure of R$  Risk  rate   rate   income   rate   income   rate   income 
Net debt in foreign subsidiaries  Depreciation   4.9962    5.0704    (1,115,217)   6.2453    (18,775,607)   7.4943    (37,551,214)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023     
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Quantity   Notional (R$)   Fair value   Quantity   Notional (R$)   Fair value 
Future Contract  American dollar  Short   (6,672)   (333,591)   (7,180)   13,958    697,909    (467)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023     
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Quantity   Notional (R$)   Fair value   Quantity   Notional (R$)   Fair value 
Future Contract  American dollar  Short   (5,290)   (402,690)   (9,126)   52,199    (1,214,139)   (10,061)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Quantity   Notional
   Fair value   Quantity   Notional
   Fair value 
Non-Deliverable Forwards  American dollar  Short   (940,000)   (4,696,428)   (40,035)   (740,000)   (3,582,562)   35,174 


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Notional
   Fair value   Notional
   Fair value 
Deliverable Forwards  American dollar  Short   (857,989)   (4,286,685)   1,704    (398,024)   (1,926,954)   141,124 
Non-Deliverable Forwards  American dollar  Short   (1,822,085)   (9,103,501)   (78,842)   (1,306,760)   (6,326,417)   67,656 


b1.2 EUR - EURO (amounts in thousands of R$):


          Scenario (i)
VaR 99% I.C. 1 day
   Scenario (ii)
Interest rate variation - 25%
   Scenario (iii)
Interest rate variation - 50%
Exposure     Closing
   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income 
of R$  Risk  rate   rate   Company   Consolidated   rate   Company   Consolidated   rate   Company   Consolidated 
Operating  Appreciation   5.3979    5.3221    (9,401)   (13,494)   4.0484    (167,397)   (240,263)   2.6990    (334,795)   (480,527)
Financial  Depreciation   5.3979    5.3221    80    119    4.0484    1,428    2,123    2.6990    2,855    4,247 
Derivatives  Depreciation   5.3979    5.3221    9,667    7,420    4.0484    172,125    132,116    2.6990    344,251    264,234 
                 346    (5,955)        6,156    (106,024)        12,311    (212,046)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Quantity   Notional
   Fair value   Quantity   Notional
   Fair value 
Future Contract  Euro  Long   (12,755)   (688,502)   2,269    (9,000)   (481,644)   1,805 


       March 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Notional
   Fair value  



   Fair value 
Future Contract  Euro  Short   (10,845)   (791,602)   2,609    (5,600)   (663,598)   2,486 
Deliverable Forwards  Euro  Long   49,937    269,555    590    60,885    325,834    (9,126)
Non-Deliverable Forwards  Euro  Short   (1,189)   (6,420)   25    4,587    24,550    (3,157)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


b1.3 GBP - British Pound (amounts in thousands of R$):


      Closing   Scenario (i)
VaR 99% I.C. 1 day
   Scenario (ii)
Interest rate variation - 25%
   Scenario (iii)
Interest rate variation -50%
     exchange   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income 
Exposure of R$  Risk  rate   rate   Company   Consolidated   rate   Company   Consolidated   rate   Company   Consolidated 
Operating  Appreciation   6.3122    6.2206    (1,685)   (17,563)   4.7342    (29,039)   (302,605)   3.1561    (58,078)   (605,210)
Financial  Depreciation   6.3122    6.2206        1,015    4.7342        17,490    3.1561        34,981 
Derivatives  Depreciation   6.3122    6.2206    2,262    10,041    4.7342    38,978    173,010    3.1561    77,956    346,019 
                 577    (6,507)        9,939    (112,105)        19,878    (224,210)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Notional
   Fair value   Notional
   Fair value 
Future Contract  British pound  Long   (2,470)   (155,911)   175    (2,470)   (152,117)   761 


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Notional


   Fair value   Notional


   Fair value 
Future Contract  British pound  Long   (1,470)   (219,033)   246    (1,470)   (213,703)   1,069 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
         Notional   Notional       Notional   Notional     
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  (GBP)   (R$)   Fair value   (GBP)   (R$)   Fair value 
Deliverable Forwards  British pound  Short   (10,120)   (63,876)   75    (11,296)   (69,565)   978 
Non-Deliverable Forwards  British pound  Short   (64,816)   (409,129)   (5,446)   (76,350)   (470,206)   315 


b1.4 MXN - Mexican Peso (amounts in thousands of R$):


          Scenario (i)   Scenario (ii)    Scenario (iii) 
      Closing   VaR 99% I.C. 1 day   Interest rate variation - 25%   Interest rate variation - 50% 
      exchange   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income   Exchange   Effect on income 
Exposure of R$  Risk  rate   rate   Consolidated   rate   Consolidated   rate   Consolidated 
Operating  Appreciation   0.3008    0.2970    (10,803)   0.2256    (214,923)   0.1504    (429,846)
Derivatives  Appreciation   0.3008    0.2970    (6)   0.2256    (121)   0.1504    (242)
                 (10,809)        (215,044)        (430,088)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
         Notional   Notional       Notional   Notional     
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  (MXN)   (R$)   Fair value   (MXN)   (R$)   Fair value 
Deliverable Forwards  Mexican peso  Long   1,611    485    -    -    -        - 


b1.5AUD - Australian Dollar (amounts in thousands of R$):


          Scenario (i)
VaR 99% I.C. 1 day
   Scenario (ii)
Interest rate variation - 25%
   Scenario (iii)
Interest rate variation - 50%
      Closing       Effect on income       Effect on income       Effect on income 
Exposure of R$  Risk  exchange rate   Exchange rate   Consolidated   Exchange rate   Consolidated   Exchange rate   Consolidated 
Operating   Appreciation   3.2600    3.2133    (19)   2.4450    (324)   1.6300    (647)
Derivatives  Appreciation   3.2600    3.2133    (191)   2.4450    (3,329)   1.6300    (6,657)
             (210)       (3,653)       (7,304)


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Notional (AUD)   Notional (R$)   Fair value   Notional (AUD)   Notional (R$)   Fair value 
Deliverable Forwards  Australian dollar  Long   4,084    13,315    30    4,190    13,778    (5)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


c.Commodity price risk


The Company operates globally (the entire livestock protein chain and related business) and during the regular course of its operations is exposed to price fluctuations in feeder cattle, live cattle, lean hogs, corn, soybeans, and energy, especially in the North American, Australian and Brazilian markets. Commodity markets are characterized by volatility arising from external factors including climate, supply levels, transportation costs, agricultural policies and storage costs, among others. The Risk Management Department is responsible for mapping the exposures to commodity prices of the Company and proposing strategies to the Risk Management Committee, in order to mitigate such exposures.


c1.Position balance in commodities (cattle) contracts of the Company:


EXPOSURE in Commodities (Cattle)  March 31,
   December 31,
Future contracts   (75)   (491)
Subtotal   (75)   (491)
NET EXPOSURE   (75)   (491)


Sensitivity analysis:


       Scenario (i) VaR 99% I.C. 1 day   Scenario (ii) @ Variation - 25%   Scenario (ii) @ Variation - 50% 
    Closing   Effect on income   Effect on income   Effect on income 
Exposure  Risk  price   price   Company   Price   Company   Price   Company 
Derivatives  Cattle arroba depreciation   232.30    242.16    (3)   290.37    (19)   348.45    (38)
                 (3)        (19)        (38)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Derivatives financial instruments breakdown:


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Quantity   Notional   Fair value   Quantity   Notional   Fair value 
Future Contracts  Commodities (Cattle)  Short   (1)   (75)   1    (6)   (491)   1 


c2. Position balance in commodities (grain) derivatives financial instruments of Seara Alimentos:


   Seara Alimentos 
EXPOSURE in Commodities (Grain)  March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Purchase orders   339,538    552,376 
Subtotal   339,538    552,376 
Future contracts   246,441     
Subtotal   246,441     
NET EXPOSURE   585,979    552,376 


Sensitivity analysis:


      Scenario (i)
VaR 99% I.C. 1 day
(ii) Price variation - 25%
   Scenario (ii)
Price variation - 50%
          Effect on income       Effect on income       Effect on income 
Exposure  Risk  Price   Seara Alimentos   Price   Seara Alimentos   Price   Seara Alimentos 
Operating  Depreciation   (1.95)%   (6,618)   (25.00)%   (84,885)   (50.00)%   (169,769)
Derivatives  Depreciation   (1.95)%   (4,803)   (25.00)%   (61,610)   (50.00)%   (123,221)
            (11,421)        (146,495)        (292,990)


Derivatives financial instruments breakdown:


         Seara Alimentos 
         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Quantity   Notional   Fair value   Quantity   Notional   Fair value 
Future contracts  Commodities (Grains)  Long   9,067    246,441    3,014    -    -    - 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


c3. Hedge accounting of Seara Alimentos:


From the third quarter of 2021, the indirect subsidiary Seara Alimentos reviewed its hedge policies and started to apply hedge accounting in grain operations, aiming at bringing stability to the subsidiary’s results. The designation of these instruments is based on the guidelines outlined in the Financial and Commodity Risk Management Policy defined by the Risk Management Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.


Financial instruments designated for hedge accounting were classified as cash flow hedge. The effective amount of the instrument’s gain or loss is recognized under “Other comprehensive income (expense)” and the ineffective amount under “Financial income (expense), net”, and the accumulated gains and losses are reclassified to profit and loss or to the balance sheet when the object is recognized, adjusting the item in which the hedged object was recorded.


In these hedge relationships, the main sources of ineffectiveness are the effect of the counterparties and the Company’s own credit risk on the fair value of the forward foreign exchange contracts, which is not reflected in the change in the fair value of the hedged cash flows attributable to the change in exchange rates; and changes in the timing of the hedged transactions.


The derivative financial instruments designated at the March 31, 2024, as hedge accounting, according to the cash flow method, to protect the operating results in relation to the price of commodities are:


Hedge accounting - Derivative instruments  Risk factor  Quantity   Notional   Fair value 
Future contracts  Commodities   9,067    246,441    3,014 


Seara Alimentos also designates derivatives to hedge the fair value of debt instruments with floating interest rates through swaps of fixed interest rates, measured in accordance with fair value hedge accounting.


c3.1. Hedge accounting:


Below is shown the effects on income for the period, on other comprehensive income and on the balance sheet of derivative financial instruments contracted for hedging exchange rates, commodity prices and interest rates (cash flow and fair value hedges):


   Seara Alimentos 
Income statement:  2024   2023 
Cost of sales before hedge accounting adoption   (9,033,673)   (9,053,797)
Derivatives operating income (loss)   6,809    6,809 
Currency   (55)   (55)
Commodities   6,864    6,864 
Cost of sales with hedge accounting   (9,026,864)   (9,046,988)
Financial income (expense), net excluding derivatives   (74,513)   (100,559)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Derivatives financial income (expense), net   (137,046)   (137,046)
Currency   (14,341)   (14,341)
Commodities   (38,920)   (38,920)
Interests   (83,785)   (83,785)
Financial income (expense), net   (211,559)   (237,605)


Below are the effects on other comprehensive income (expense), after the adoption of hedge accounting:


   Seara Alimentos 
   2024   2023 
Statements of other comprehensive income (expense):        
Financial instruments designated as hedge accounting:   (152)   (152)
Currency   1    1 
Commodities   (153)   (153)
Other comprehensive income   2,509    2,509 


  December 31,
   OCI   March 31,
Cash Flow Hedge Movement            
Hedge accounting operations at Company Seara   (2,660)   2,509    (151)
Deferred income tax on hedge accounting   905    (853)   52 
Total of other comprehensive income (expense)   (1,755)   1,656    (99)


Below are the effects on the balance sheet, after the adoption of hedge accounting:


   Seara Alimentos 
   March 31,
   December 31,
Balance sheet:        
Derivative (liabilities)/assets   3,014     
Financial instruments designated as hedge accounting:          
Commodities   3,014     
Derivative (liabilities)/assets   (42,994)   21,656 
Financial instruments not designated as hedge accounting:          
Commodities   (40,173)   24,097 
Interests   (2,821)   (2,441)
Other comprehensive income (expense)   (152)   (2,660)
Currency   1    191 
Commodities   (153)   (2,851)
Inventories   1,737    31,845 
Currency   (14)   660 
Commodities   1,751    31,185 









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


Open balance sheet position of derivative assets and liabilities:


   Seara Alimentos 
   March 31,
   December 31,
Designated as hedge accounting   3,014    24,097 
Commodities   3,014     
Not designated as hedge accounting          
Currency       24,097 
Current assets   3,014    24,097 
Not designated as hedge accounting   42,993    2,441 
Currency   40,172     
Interests   2,821    2,441 
Current liabilities   42,993    2,441 


c4. Position balance in commodities derivatives financial instruments of JBS USA:


EXPOSURE in Commodities  March 31,
   December 31, 2023 
Firm contracts of cattle purchase   14,515,811    15,639,117 
Subtotal   14,515,811    15,639,117 
Deliverable Forwards   (6,259,460)   1,883,895 
Subtotal   (6,259,460)   1,883,895 
NET EXPOSURE   8,256,351    17,523,012 


Sensitivity analysis:


      Scenario (i)
VaR 99% I.C. 1 day
   Scenario (ii)
Price variation - 25%
   Scenario (iii)
Price variation - 50%
          Effect on income       Effect on income       Effect on income 
Exposure  Risk  Price   JBS USA   Price   JBS USA   Price   JBS USA 
Operating  Depreciation   (1.93)%   (279,720)   (25.00)%   (3,628,953)   (50.00)%   (7,257,905)
Derivatives  Appreciation   (1.93)%   120,620    (25.00)%   1,564,865    (50.00)%   3,129,730 
            (159,100)        (2,064,088)        (4,128,175)


Derivatives financial instruments breakdown:


         March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Instrument  Risk factor  Nature  Notional
   Fair value   Notional
   Fair value 
Deliverable Forwards  Commodities (Cattle)  Short   (1,252,844)   (6,259,460)   (86,954)   389,130    1,883,895    (9,595)









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


d. Liquidity risk


The table below shows the contractual obligation amounts from financial liabilities of the Company according to their maturities:


   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
   Less than 1 year   Between
1 and 3 years
4 and 5 years
   More than 5 years   Total   Less than 1 year   Between
1 and 3 years
4 and 5 years
   More than 5 years   Total 
Trade accounts payable and supply chain finance   5,838,587                5,838,587    5,934,371                5,934,371 
Loans and financing   988,002    158,912    1,272,953    8,729,565    11,149,432    1,297,393    434,060    1,020,575    10,496,073    13,248,101 
Estimated interest on loans and financing (1)   626,690    1,191,093    1,107,637    2,131,098    5,056,518                     
Derivatives liabilities   85,745                85,745    42,513                42,513 
Payments of leases   63,585    62,659    32,307    3,250    161,801    53,037    41,810    38,596    17,587    151,030 
Other financial liabilities   180,625    298,750            479,375    72,680    101,250        300,000    473,930 


   March 31, 2024   December 31, 2023 
   Less than 1 year   Between
1 and 3 years
4 and 5 years
   More than 5 years   Total   Less than 1 year   Between
1 and 3 years
4 and 5 years
   More than 5 years   Total 
Trade accounts payable and supply chain finance   27,677,068                27,677,068    30,040,844                30,040,844 
Loans and financing   3,814,331    101,074    5,495,465    87,180,729    96,591,599    4,316,360    828,968    5,870,259    85,806,238    96,821,825 
Estimated interest on loans and financing (1)   6,253,806    4,362,922    8,848,128    35,498,573    54,963,429    6,598,186    5,095,409    9,247,444    35,778,473    56,719,512 
Derivatives liabilities   457,443                457,443    698,361                698,361 
Payments of leases   1,733,027    1,168,044    1,786,671    4,424,718    9,112,460    (13,537)   1,420,650    2,141,172    5,365,648    8,913,933 
Other financial liabilities   210,397    298,750            509,147    102,452    101,250        300,000    503,702 


(1)Includes interest on all loans and financing outstanding. Payments are estimated for variable rate debt based on effective interest rates at March 31, 2024 an December 31, 2023. Payments in foreign currencies are estimated using the March 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 exchange rates.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


The Company has future commitment for purchase of grains and cattle whose balances at March 31, 2024 in the amount of R$509,341 (R$442,817 at December 31, 2023), in the Company and R$181.3 billion (R$172.4 billion at December 31, 2023), in the Consolidated.


The Company has securities pledged as collateral for derivative transactions with the commodities and futures whose balance at March 31, 2024 is R$166,668 (R$64,754 at December 31, 2023). This guarantee is larger than its collateral.


The indirect subsidiary JBS USA and its subsidiaries, has securities pledged as collateral for derivative transactions with the commodities and futures whose balance at March 31, 2024 is R$594,833 (R$325,989 at December 31, 2023). This guarantee is larger than its collateral.


Also, the direct subsidiary Seara Alimentos has securities pledged as collateral for derivative transactions with the commodities and futures whose balance at March 31, 2024 is R$83,553 (R$250,540 in 31 de dezembro de 2023). This guarantee is larger than its collateral.


The Company has a bank loan that contains a loan covenant. A future breach of covenant may require the Company to repay the loan earlier than indicated in the above table.


The interest payments on variable interest rate loans and bond issues in the table above reflect market forward interest rates at the reporting date and these amounts may change as market interest rates change. The future cash flows on contingent consideration and derivative instruments may be different from the amount in the above table as interest rates and exchange rates or the relevant conditions underlying the contingency change. Except for these financial liabilities, it is not expected that the cash flows included in the maturity analysis could occur significantly earlier, or at significantly different amounts.


e. Risks linked to climate change and the sustainability strategy


In view the Company’s operations, there is inherent exposure to risks related to climate change. Certain Company assets, which are mainly biological assets that can be measured at fair value, may be impacted by climate change and are considered in the preparation process of these interim financial statements.


For the three-month period ended March 31, 2024, Management considered as main risk the data and assumptions highlighted below:


(i)possible impacts on the determination of fair value in biological assets due to the effects of climate change, such as temperature rise, scarcity of water resources, may impact some assumptions used in accounting estimates related to the Company’s biological assets, as follows:


losses of biological assets due to heat waves and droughts which occur with greater frequency and intensity;


reduction in the expected growth of our biological assets due to natural disasters, fires, pandemics or changes in rainfall patterns; and


interruption in the production chain due to adverse weather events, causing power outages, fuel shortages, disruption of transportation channels, among other things.


(ii)structural changes and their impacts on the business, such as:


regulatory and legal: regulation and legislation arising from Brazilian and/or international authorities that encourage the transition to a low-carbon economy and/or with greater biodiversity and that increase the risk of litigation and/or commercial restrictions related to the alleged contribution, even if indirect, for the intensification of climate change;


reputational: related to customers’ perceptions and the society in general regarding the positive or negative contribution of an organization to a low carbon economy.









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023

(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


27Subsequent events


a. In reference to the floods that occurred in Rio Grande do Sul, the Company is monitoring the evolution, development and potential impacts on its operations. Our poultry and swine units in Rio Grande do Sul were not significantly impacted by the rains and are already operating. The initial impacts suffered in these units were a consequence of flooding and logistical disruption in the region, which we are managing to overcome thanks to the efforts of our team and the State.


The Company is providing support to the families and our employees affected by the tragedy through the donation of food, emergency items and the anticipation of the 13th salary to employees in Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, all our units in Brazil came together to collect and donate inputs to our employees and local communities, through the “Fazer o Bem Faz Bem” program.


b. On May 13, 2024, the Company announced settlements for early redemption of CRA debts due in April of 2028, December of 2031 and December of 2036 and the extraordinary amortization of the series due in November of 2027, totaling the approximate amount of R$1.9 billion to be settled in May of 2024.



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Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)


28Approval of the financial statements


The issuance of these individual and condensed interim financial statements was approved by the Board of Directors on May 14, 2024.






Board Member:

Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Independent Board Member:

Jeremiah Alphonsus O’Callaghan

José Batista Sobrinho

Wesley Mendonça Batista

Joesley Mendonça Batista

Alba Pettengill

Gelson Luiz Merisio

Cledorvino Belini

Francisco Turra

Carlos Hamilton Vasconcelos Araújo

Kátia Regina de Abreu Gomes

Paulo Bernardo Silva






The Statutory Audit Committee reviewed the individual and consolidated condensed interim financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024, at May 13, 2024. Based on the procedures performed, also considering KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda. review report, as well as the information and clarifications received during the period, the Committee recommends that these documents are in a position to be considered by the Board of Directors.




Chairman: Carlos Hamilton Vasconcelos Araújo
Committee Member: Paulo Sérgio Cruz Dortas Matos
Committee Member: Gelson Luiz Merisio









Notes to the condensed financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024 and 2023
(Expressed in thousands of Brazilian reais)




The Fiscal Council, in the use of its legal and statutory attributions, examined and discussed with the Administration the earnings release and the Company’s individual and consolidated condensed interim financial statements including the proposal for the earning allocation for the three month period ended March 31, 2024, at May 14, 2024, and validated these financial condensed interim financial statements approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on this date.


Based on our review, the information and clarifications received during this period and considering KPMG Auditores Independentes Ltda. audit report on the individual and consolidated financial statements, without reservations, issued on this date, the Fiscal Council was not aware of any additional fact that would lead us to believe that the aforementioned financial statements do not reflect in all material respects the information contained therein and that are in a position to be disclosed by the Company.




Chairman: Adrian Lima da Hora
Council Member: Demetrius Nichele Macei
Council Member: José Paulo da Silva Filho
Council Member: Orlando Octávio de Freitas Júnior
Council Member: Patrícia da Silva Barros






The Company’s Officers declare at May 14, 2024, for the purposes of Article 25, paragraph 1, item V and VI of CVM Instruction No. 480 of December 7, 2009, that:


(i)They reviewed, discussed and agreed with the independent auditors report on the individual and consolidated condensed interim financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024, and


(ii)They reviewed, discussed and agreed with the condensed interim financial statements for the three month period ended March 31, 2024.


Global Chief Executive Officer: Gilberto Tomazoni
Administrative and Control Officer: Eliseo Santiago Perez Fernandez
Chief Financial Officer: Guilherme Perboyre Cavalcanti
Officer: Jeremiah Alphonsus O’Callaghan
Global Chief Operating Officer: Wesley Mendonça Batista Filho
Accounting Director: Agnaldo dos Santos Moreira Jr. (CRC SP: 244207/O-4)


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