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Washington, D.C. 20549





Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of September, 2023


Commission File Number 1-34129




(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Rua da Quitanda, 196 – 24th floor,
Centro, CEP 20091-005,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes _______ No___X____







1.   Key Indicators 3
2.   Highlights for the Period 4
3.   Operating Income 5
3.1.   Generation Sector 5
3.2.   Commercialization Sector 7
3.3.   Transmission Sector 9
4.   Consolidated results | IFRS 10
4.1.   Operating Revenue 11
4.2.   Other Revenue 19
4.3.   Operating Costs and Expenses 20
4.4.   Equity Interests 29
4.5.   Financial Result 29
4.6.   EBITDA 31
5.   Debt and receivables 32
5.1.   Holding / Controllership 32
5.2.   Consolidated 32
5.3.   Ratings 34
6.   Financing and Loans Granted (Receivables) 34
6.1.   Holding / Controllership R$ billion 34
6.2.   Consolidated 34
6.3.   RBSE 34
7.   Investments 36
7.1.   Generation 36
7.2.   Transmission 37
8.   General Information 37
8.1.   About Eletrobras 37
8.2.   Analysis of Asset Performance 37
9.   ESG 39
9.1.   Key ESG Indicators for 2Q23 39
9.2.   Transparency and Reporting 39
10.   Annexes 41
10.1.   Annex 1 - Financial Statements 41
10.2.   Annex 2 – Results by Segment 46
10.3.   Annex 3 – Compulsory Loans 47





Earnings Release | 2Q23





Eletrobras discloses results for the 2nd quarter of 2023

Strong level of performance, with significant reduction in operating provisions for compulsory loans

CAPEX totaled R$1,388 million in 2Q23


Rio de Janeiro, August 7, 2023 - Eletrobras (Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A.) [B3: ELET3 and ELET6 – NYSE: EBR and EBR-B – LATIBEX: XELTO and XELTB], the largest company in the electricity sector in Latin America, with operations involving market segments for generation, transmission and commercialization, hereby wishes to disclose its results for the second quarter of 2023.


1.Key Indicators
Highlights 2Q23 2Q22 %

Installed Generation Capacity (MW)


43,015 42,547 1%
Physical Guarantee (MWm) (1) 17,506 16,119 8.6%
Net Generation (GWh) 38,827 44,569 -13%
Energy Sold on ACR (GWh) (2) 8.3 4.6 78.2%
Energy Sold on ACL (GWh) (3) 11.8 10.4 13.9%
Energy Sold Quotas (GWh) (4) 11.5 16.3 -29.5%
Average Price ACR (R$/MWh) 223.82 288.63 -22.5%
Average Price ACL (R$/MWh) 198.26 191.52 -3.5%
Transmission lines (km) 73,732 73,892 -0.2
RAP (R$mi) 277,504 256,488 8.2

(1) includes quotas and considers 100% of Corporate enterprises and SAESA developments. (2) does not include quotas. (3) includes contracts under Federal Law 13182/2015. (4) amounts presented constitute a Physical Guarantee for quotas in GWh.

  2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Financial Indicators (R$ million)
Gross Revenue 11,021 10,516 5% 22,018 20,333 8%
Recurring Gross Revenue 10,984 10,512 4% 22,037 20,261 9%
Net Operating Revenue 9,246 8,856 4% 18,455 17,018 8%
Recurring Net Operating Revenue 9,209 8,860 4% 18,475 16,946 9%
EBITDA 6,595 4,148 59% 11,150 7,545 48%
Recurring EBITDA 5,431 5,319 2% 11,007 10,598 4%
EBITDA Margin 71% 47% 24pp 60% 44% 16.1pp
Recurring EBITDA Margin 59% 60% -1pp 60% 63% -3.0pp
Return on Equity (ROE) 1.4% 5.3% -3.9pp 1.4% 5.3% -3.9pp
Adjusted Gross Debt(1) 57,398 35,263 63% 57,398 35,263 63%
Adjusted Net Debt 38,085 15,142 152% 38,085 15,142 152%
Adjusted Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA LTM 2.0 0.7 129% 2.0 0.7 129%
Net Income 1,619 1,401 16% 2,025 4,117 -51%
CAPEX 1,388 2,548 -46% 2,504 3,050 -18%

(1) includes R$681 million related to the liability balance of Cross Currency Swap (derivative operation) used for exchange rate hedge.


Earnings Release | 2Q23




2.Highlights for the Period


During the second quarter of 2023 (2Q23), Eletrobras’s net income totaled R$1,619 million, 16% higher than the net income of R$1,401 million obtained during the second quarter of 2022 (2Q22).




Net Operating Revenue increased from R$8,856 million during 2Q22 to R$9,246 million in 2Q23, a 4% increase, which was influenced by a corresponding increase in the generation of revenues, particularly by the consolidation of SPE Madeira Energia - MESA (+R$949 million). IFRS EBITDA increased by a total of 57%, moving from R$4,148 million in 2Q22 to R$6,595 million in 2Q23, mainly influenced by growth in revenue, particularly that tied to generation, which exceeded the corresponding increase in expenses and costs, as well as the reversal of operating provisions, with an emphasis on the reversal of contingencies in the amount of R$1,661 million. Adjusted EBITDA grew 2%, moving from R$5,319 million in 2Q22 to R$5,431 million in 2Q23.





Financial results moved from a net expense totaling R$1,457 million to a total net expense of R$3,559 million, mainly influenced by an increased debt burden (+R$741 million), due to the consolidation of SAESA (R$664 million), and fees and adjustments for inflation restatement (IPCA) applied to the outstanding balance of the obligations with CDE and the revitalization of drainage basins (which totaled R$1,229 million in 2Q23). These last two obligations were provided for in new concession agreements entered into in June 2022, for a total period of 30 years.




Earnings Release | 2Q23




3.Operating Income
3.1.Generation Sector
3.1.1.Generation Assets

During 2Q23, Eletrobras operated a total of 101 plants composed of the following facilities: 48 hydroelectric plants, 43 wind power plants, 9 thermal power plants and 1 solar power plant, including Corporate enterprises, companies subject to Shared ownership and ownership interests via SPEs (Special Purpose Companies).


Our installed capacity reached 43,015 MW during the second quarter of 2023, considering Corporate enterprises, companies subject to Shared ownership and ownership interests via SPEs, which represent 22% of the total installed capacity in Brazil, are considered. Approximately 96% of our total installed capacity originates from clean energy sources, that offer a low level of greenhouse gas emissions.


Source Installed Capacity (MW) Physical Guarantee
Acc. Power  Generated (GWh)    
Hydroelectricity (48 plants) 40,653.97 19,687.81 79,890.00    
Thermal (9 plants) 1,645.22 1,341.90 2,374.64    
Wind (43 plants) 714.85 322.61 910.16    
Solar (1 power plant) 0.93 - 0.60    
Total (101 plants) 43,014.96 21,352.31 83,175.40    
3.1.2.System Data

During 2Q23, Eletrobras’s installed capacity in Brazil totaled 193,747.82 MW, 57% of which originated from a hydraulic source, 24% from a thermal source, 13% from wind power, 5% from solar power, and 1% from nuclear power. Eletrobras is responsible for 22.2% of Brazil's total installed capacity.


Source: Operating Results 01/01/2023 to 06/30/2023 – ONS


Earnings Release | 2Q23




3.1.3.Power Generation

Our net generation was 22% lower than in 2Q22 due to the effects of the privatization and deconsolidation of Eletronuclear and the sale of Itaipu, unscheduled maintenance aimed at improvements in performance at the Aparecida and Mauá 3 TPPs, and an increase in the frequency of annual revisions scheduled throughout the year at Santa Cruz TPP.




3.1.4.System Data



    2Q22 2Q23
Market GSF (%) 95.83 94.03
PLD SE (R$/MWh) 55.70 69.04
PLD S (R$/MWh) 55.70 69.04
PLD NE (R$/MWh) 55.70 69.04
PLD N (R$/MWh) 55.70 69.04


GSF (%)




Earnings Release | 2Q23




3.1.5.New Projects

Three projects are currently under construction and will add approximately 330 MW to Eletrobras' installed capacity between 2023 and 2024: (i) the 302.4 MW Coxilha Negra Wind Farm, located in Rio Grande do Sul and (ii) 27 MW Casa Nova B Wind Farm, located in Bahia. On 06/23/2023, ANEEL issued Order No. 1,963, which indefinitely extended commercial operations under the Santa Cruz TPP’s combined cycle.

3.2.Commercialization Sector
3.2.1.Energy Sold in 2Q23

In terms of development within the energy market, Eletrobras Companies sold 31.6 TWh of energy in 2Q23, compared to 31.3 TWh traded during the same period throughout the previous year (+0.9%). These volumes include energy sold by power plants operating under a quota system, which was renewed under Federal Law 12.783/2013, as well as by plants subject to an operational regime (ACL and ACR).



Sales: include projects subject to Federal Law 13.182/15

Note: Average ACR prices presented in the graph do not include O&M. Amazonas-GT is included in amounts presented for Eletronorte. Average ACR prices presented in the graph do not include contracts for PIEs (Independent Energy Producers) and thermal contracts due to unavailability


Earnings Release | 2Q23





3.2.2.Energy Balance

As of 1Q23, Eletrobras began disclosing an Energy Balance, which includes SAESA.


Energy Balance (MWavg) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Resources that do not impact the energy balance (1) 1,419 1,419 1,192 1,192 946
Resources (A) 11,749 13,042 14,312 15,470 16,636
         Company Resources (2) (3) (4) (5) 10,476 11,810 13,113 14,360 15,607
         Energy Purchases 1,273 1,232 1,199 1,110 1,029
Sales (B) 9,571 8,221 6,658 4,945 4,424
         ACL – Bilateral Contracts + implemented MCP (6) 7,059 5,185 4,233 2,520 2,093
         ACR – Except quotas 2,513 3,036 2,425 2,425 2,330
Average Prices Implemented Contracts          
         Average Price for Sales Contracts entered into by 06/30/2023 (ACR and ACL - R$/MWh) 206.37 200.46 182.31 201.17 207.33
 Balance (A - B) 2,178 4,821 7,654 10,525 12,212
 Balance including hedge estimate (7) 738 2,508 5,093 7,716 9,155
     ‘Decontracted’ Energy including hedge estimate (9) 6% 17% 33% 46% 52% 

Contracts entered into as of 06/30/2023. It should be noted that the balance sheet is considering SPE Santo Antônio Energia, consolidated by Furnas as of 3Q22, whether in resources, sales or average prices.

1. Contracts for PIEs (gas thermal plants) stemming from the deverticalization process at Amazonas Distribuidora, contracts for thermal plants related to availability and Quotas for Physical Guarantees are not included in the balance sheet, whether under resources, requirements (sales) or average prices. These resources are presented in order to compose the total resources considered.

2. Company Resources include plants involved in the decoupling of quotas (in the percentage that corresponds to the annual decoupling of quotas) and the total Additional Grants (Sobradinho, Itumbiara, Tucuruí, Curuá-Una and Mascarenhas de Moraes). For hydroelectric projects, an estimate of GFIS2 was considered, that is, the Physical Guarantee considering the Adjustment Factors due to Internal Losses, Losses in the Basic Network and Availability and adjustments due to the particularities of the portfolio.

3. Revised amounts for Physical Guarantees are taken into consideration as defined in Ordinance No. 709/GM/MME, of November 30, 2022.

4. With the Quota Decoupling process, plants currently operating under a quota regime are now subject to an additional concession under the Independent Energy Producer (PIE) regime, which is being implemented gradually over a 5-year period starting in 2023. The Physical Guarantee values were defined in Ordinance GM/MME No. 544/21.

5. Considering the new concession grants from 2023 for the Sobradinho, Itumbiara, Tucuruí, Curuá-Una and Mascarenhas de Moraes plants, whose Physical Guarantee values were defined in GM/MME Ordinance No. 544/21.

6. It should be noted that, for the contracts in the ACL, there were reductions in the contracted amounts agreed under the aegis of Law 13.182/2015 (Itumbiara HPP), pursuant to §§ 12, 12-A and 12-B of art. 10 of said order, transcribed in Clause 6 of the contracts, which are effective from the years 2023 and 2024. The amounts presented consider, on the one hand, these reductions, but also the volumes of the new contracts already signed.

7. These amounts represent an estimated total ‘decontracted’ energy. For the year 2023, the GSF estimate of 86.1% came from the CCEE Informa Newsletter dated 04/25/2023. For the other years, a historical average value of GSF, from 2017 to 2022, of 80.1% was considered. Source: CCEE, obtained from the CCEE’s website, at the following link: https://www.ccee.org.br/dados-e-analises/dados-geracao, under the MRE option. It should be noted that this amount is merely an estimate, based on past events.


Physical Guarantee Quotas for Hydroelectric Plants (MWavg) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
  Quotas for Physical Guarantees (8) (9) 5,252 3,939 2,626 1,313 0

8. The Physical Guarantee for HPP Jaguari, with a total of 12.7 MWaverage, whose concession is under the provisional administration of Furnas, is not included here.

9. This Decoupling process will be implemented gradually over a period of 5 years starting in 2023. Amounts for the Physical Guarantee taken into consideration beginning in 2023 are those defined under Ordinance GM/MME No. 544/21.


Earnings Release | 2Q23




3.3.Transmission Sector
3.3.1.Transmission lines – Km


We currently have 73,300 km of lines, and 306 substations installed.


Company Company-owned Partnership (1) Total
Chesf 22,036.6 1,810.8 23,847.4
Eletronorte 10,921.2 1,044.9 11,966.1
CGTEletrosul 12,165.1 0.0 12,165.1
Furnas 21,653.2 4,101.0 25,754.2
Total 66,776.1 6,956.7 73,732.7

(1) Partnerships include extensions that are proportional to the capital that Eletrobras Companies have invested in projects.

3.3.2.New Projects

174 large-scale transmission projects are still in the implementation stage (Reinforcements, Improvements and auction projects) with an associated RAP totaling R$846.65 million between 2023-2027, which will provide approximately 62.7 km of additional TL and 3,100 MVA in substations. In June 2023, according to the ONS’s SGPMR system database, there were a total of 8,846 small-scale events under implementation at Eletrobras Companies, 8,012 of which were related to minor improvements, with 834 related to small-scale reinforcements.

3.3.3.Tariff Review

RAP approved for the new 2023/2024 cycle for a total of R$17.6 billion at Eletrobras companies, which represents a 28.3% increase compared to the previous cycle.



Earnings Release | 2Q23





4.Consolidated results | IFRS


Results by company in Excel spreadsheet available on Eletrobras’s IR website.

DRE - Income Statement (R$ million) 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Generation Revenue 6,417 5,227 23% 12,978 10,601 22%
Transmission Revenue 4,591 4,978 -8% 8,807 9,219 -4%
Other income 13 310 -96% 233 512 -54%
Gross Revenue 11,021 10,516 5% 22,018 20,333 8%
Deductions from Revenue -1,775 -1,660 7% -3,563 -3,315 7%
Net Operating Revenue 9,246 8,856 4% 18,455 17,018 8%
Energy resale, grid, fuel and construction -2,596 -1,907 36% -4,885 -3,800 29%
Personnel, Materials, Services and Other (1) -2,475 -2,07 20% -4,427 -3,749 18%
Depreciation and amortization -894 -497 80% -1,798 -998 80%
Operating Provisions 1,714 -2,238 -177% 1,138 -4,265 -127%
Operating Income before Finance Income 4,994 2,144 133% 8,483 4,206 102%
Equity Interests 631 487 30% 1,140 1,113 2%
Other Income and Expenses 73 121 -40% 62 242 -75%
  5,698 2,752 107% 9,685 5,560 74%
Financial Income -3,559 -1,457 144% -6,356 -863 637%
Income/Loss Before Taxes 2,139 1,295 65% 3,328 4,698 -29%
Income tax and social security contributions -524 -793 -34% -972 -1,567 -38%
Net Income from Continued Operations 1,616 502 222% 2,357 3,13 -25%
Net Income from Discontinued Operations 3 899 -100% -332 987 -134%
Consolidated Net Income 1,619 1,401 16% 2,025 4,117 -51%

(1) Includes Donations and contributions


Adjusted Income Statement (R$ million) 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Generation Revenue 6,381 5,223 22% 12,997 10,529 23%
Transmission Revenue 4,591 4,978 -8% 8,807 9,219 -4%
Other income 13 310 -96% 233 512 -54%
Gross Revenue 10,984 10,512 4% 22,037 20,261 9%
Deductions from Revenue -1,775 -1,652 7% -3,563 -3,315 7%
Net Operating Revenue 9,209 8,860 4% 18,475 16,946 9%
Energy resale, grid, fuel and construction -2,596 -1,903 36% -4,885 -3,793 29%
Personnel, Materials, Services and Other (1) -1,922 -1,990 -3% -3,832 -3,608 6%
Depreciation and amortization -894 -497 80% -1,798 -998 80%
  3,796 4,469 -15% 7,960 8,546 -7%
Operating Provisions 110 -134 -182% 110 -59 -288%
Equity Interests 631 487 30% 1,140 1,113 2%
  4,537 4,822 -6% 9,210 9,600 -4%
Finance Income -3,250 -1,417 129% -5,704 -658 767%
Income/Loss Before Taxes 1,287 3,405 -62% 3,505 8,942 -61%
Income tax and social security contributions -524 -1,091 -52% -972 -1,866 -48%
Consolidated Net Income 764 2,313 -67% 2,534 7,076 -64%
(1)Includes donations and contributions

Earnings Release | 2Q23





4.1.Operating Revenue
Gross Revenue 2Q23     
Furnas Chesf CGT Eletrosul Eletronorte Total Disposal Consolidated IFRS    
Procurement 1,788 138 370 1,705 4,001 -65 3,936    
Supply 338 227 0 380 946 0 946    
CCEE 66 84 1 363 515 0 515    
Revenue from operation and maintenance 365 647 0 9 1,020 0 1,020    
Revenue from construction of Plants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    
Itaipu Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    
Generation Revenues 2,558 1,097 371 2,457 6,482 -65 6,417    
Non-recurring items – Adjustments             0    
(-) Reimbursement TPP Santa Rita/ Reimplementation of accounting procedures retroactive to 2016 CCEE Furnas 13 0 0 -50 -36 0 -36    
(-) Generation Construction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    
Adjusted Generation Revenue 2,571 1,097 371 2,407 6,446 -65 6,381    



Earnings Release | 2Q23






Gross Revenue 2Q22     
Furnas Chesf CGT Eletrosul Eletronorte Total Disposal Consolidated IFRS    
Procurement 617 22 452 1,786 2,374 -58 2,818    
Supply 340 201 0 430 971 0 971    
CCEE 122 31 8 170 679 0 333    
Revenue from operation and maintenance 379 709 0 9 1,097 0 1,097    
Revenue from construction of Plants 4 0 0 0 4 0 4    
Itaipu Transfer 0 0 0 0 0 5 5    
Generation Revenues 1,462 963 460 2,396 5,125 -53 5,227    
Non-recurring items – Adjustments             0    
(-) Reversal of Penalties for lack of availability – CCEAR 0 0 65 0 65 0 0    
(-) Generation Construction -4 0 0 0 -4 0 -4    
Adjusted Generation Revenue 1,458 963 525 2,396 5,186 -53 5,223    

Generation Revenue by Contracting Environment


Below, we present Eletrobras' commercialization result by contracting environment.


Volume (MWavg) 2Q22 2Q23 Diff %
Regulated contract 2,156 3,832 1,676 78%
    Ex-SAESA 2,156 2,233 77 4%
    SAESA   1,599 1,599 100%
Hydroelectric membership interests 7,464 5,264 -2,200 -29%
Bilateral contract 4,760 5,420 660 14%
    Ex-SAESA 4,760 4,695 -65 -1%
   SAESA   725 725 100%
MCP (Short-Term Trad. Mark.) Liquidation 1,422 2,551 1,130 79%
Revenue (R$ million) 2Q22 2Q23 Diff %
Regulated contract 1,777 2,587 810 46%
    Ex-SAESA 1,777 1,931 154 9%
   SAESA   656 656 100%
Hydroelectric membership interests 1,097 1,020 -77 -7%
Bilateral contract 2,070 2,360 289 14%
    Ex-SAESA 2,070 1,920 -150 -7%
   SAESA   439 439 100%
CCEE 333 515 183 55%
Other * -50 -65 -14 29%



Earnings Release | 2Q23





Average Price (R$/MWh) 2Q22 2Q23 Diff %
Regulated contract 288.63 223.82 -64.81 -22%
    Ex-SAESA 288.63 299.62 10.99 4%
   SAESA   187.83    
Hydroelectric membership interests 67.31 88.75 21.44 32%
Bilateral contract 191.52 198.26 6.74 4%
    Ex-SAESA 191.52 186.47 -5.05 -3%
   SAESA   274.48    
Liquidation of MCP (PLD) 55.70 69.04 13 24%

* construction revenue, Itaipu financial effect and disposals (accounting adjustments)

Volume and Price per contracting environment

  Volume (MWavg) Average price (R$/MWh
  2Q22 2Q23 Var. 2Q22 2Q23
Regulated contract 2,156 3,832 78% 288.63 223.82
Hydroelectric membership interests 7.464 5,264 -29% 67.31 88.75
Bilateral contract 4.76 5.42 14% 191.52 198.26
Other* N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

* construction revenue, Itaipu financial effect and disposals (accounting adjustments)

Highlights by Contracting Environment

ACR  +R$810 MI Bilateral ACL +R$289 MI CCEE  +R$183 MI
+ R$656 million + R$439 million + R$192 million
SAESA consolidation SAESA consolidation
(+725 MW avg)
Increase in liquidated volume at highest level PLD
+ R$77 million – R$71 million + R$50 million
Contractual adjustments Contract. Termination/Reduction Act 13.182/2015 Reimbursement for the availability of generation TPPs in the State of Amapá
  – R$56 million – R$56 million
  Average reduction in price (excluding SAESA) GFOM Santa Cruz in 2Q22 and reimplementation of accounting procedures

Earnings Release | 2Q23




Procurement Revenue


Definition: revenue obtained from a customer that is not a final consumer, such as distributors and commercialization and generation entities.

¾Regulated Contracting Environment (ACR)
§Furnas: seasonality and price adjustments for ACR contracts totaling +R$15 million. Consolidation of SPE SAESA: R$657 million, without any relevant even in 2Q22 given that Furnas was consolidated in 3Q22.
§Eletronorte: reduction of 17% in revenue from the sale of Bilateral Contracts for plants located in the Interior region (-R$9 million) and 1% in revenue from the sale of Bilateral Contracts for Capital PIEs (-R$3.72 million) due to a change in the ICMS tax rate in the State of Amazonas from 25% to 18% and 25% to 20%, respectively, resulting in a change in prices for contracts referring to the portion of natural gas. There was also a total of R$37.7 million in credit from Amazonas reversed due to inclusion of ICMS related to contracts for Interior PIES and specific legislation for the interior region of the State of Amazonas exempt from collecting these taxes. These relevant factors in the ACR were partially offset by: (i) a R$77 million increase in revenue from sale of the ACR due to increased contract prices (2Q22 R$626.99/MWh X 2Q23 R$726.45/MWh) referring to a 19.14% adjustment in fixed revenue from the corresponding inflexible portion (90% - IPCA and 10% adjustment in the sales price for natural gas in the futures market (NYMEX- NG1)); (ii) an increase of R$22 million and R$19 million, respectively, due to a total increase of 67 MWavg sold with regards to Tucuruí and Balbina.
§CGT Eletrosul: Increase in the average sales price for ACR contract due to an adjustment in the IPCA (R$275/MWh in 2Q22 and R$299/MWh in 2Q23), partly offset by a drop in variable revenue originating from reserve energy contracts measured in 2022 totaling R$128.5 thousand, which was not repeated in 2023.
¾Free Contracting Environment (ACL)
§Furnas: Increased amount of energy contracted within the ACL (moving from 1,589 GWh in 2022 to 2,338 GWh in 2023), representing a R$107 million increase. Consolidation of Santo Antônio – MESA: R$382.3 million, without relevant events occurring in 2Q22.
§Eletronorte: 26% reduction in ACL sales, which corresponds to R$147 million (2Q22 R$557 million X 2Q23 R$410 million), due to a 41% reduction in MWavg sold (2Q22 1,613.7 MWavg X 2Q23 948.97 MWavg ) stemming from de-contracting totaling 495MWavg.
§Chesf: Increase of 337 MWavg sold within the ACL in 2Q23, for a total of R$116 million, influenced by an increase in energy made available for commercialization within the ACL, due to a gradual process of decoupling Plants subject to Quotas (20% per year).
§CGT Eletrosul: R$109 million reduction due to a 58% reduction in prices within the ACL (2Q22 R$291 x 2Q23 R$120), which was partially offset by a R$11 million n increase in energy sold within the ACL.

Earnings Release | 2Q23




Procurement Revenue

¾Free Contracting Environment (ACL)

Furnas: -R$2 million

§Entry of new ACL Supply contracts, representing a R$15 million increase, which was offset by the unilateral cancellation of rights held by the buyer (according to Federal Law 13.182/15) linked to the Itumbiara HPP (moving from 1,626 GWh to 1,207 GWh), resulting in a reduction totaling 191 MWavg and -R$57 million during the period. It is also important to note that the physical guarantee for HPP Itumbiara was revised from 964.30 MWm to 948.90 MWm. There was, however, no impact on revenue since such data refers to ballast.
§Consolidation of Santo Antônio (TABLE): R$56 million under ACL, without relevant events occurring in 2Q22 referring to the composition of supply revenue.


Eletronorte: -R$50 million

§(i) Reduction in Albrás' revenue totaling R$48 million (R$391 million in 2Q22 X 344 million in 2Q23), due to variations in parameters defined under the contract used to calculate the final sale price: Dollar, Sector Fees, and a 28% drop in average aluminum prices (US$3,223.89 2Q22 X US$2,324.23 2Q23), an effect that led to a reduction in average net price totaling 12% (2Q22 R$223.94/MWh X 2Q23 R$196.6/MWh).
§(ii) Seasonal effects totaling R$4 million (2Q22 R$8.03 million X 2Q23 4.06 million), (15MWavg 2Q22 x 7.2MWavg 2Q23);
§These effects were partially offset by positive variation totaling R$1.47 million due to adjustments in consumer prices (2Q22 R$225.65/MWh X 2Q23 R$236.88/MWh).


Chesf: + R$27 million

§Net increase of 58 MWavg due to the contracting of 85 MWavg of free consumer energy, partially offset by the effects of a reduction in the Physical Guarantee from plants beginning in Jan/2023 and consequent reduction of contract with industrial consumers implemented under Federal Law 13.182/2015 in 2Q23.


CCEE Revenue


Eletronorte: +R$193 million

§(i) Increase totaling 69.5% in MCP revenue, corresponding to R$139 million (2Q22 R$200 million X 2Q23 R$339 million), due to variation totaling 54% in the surplus for physical guarantees (2Q22 1,267.41 MWavg X 2Q23 1,953.76 MWavg), due to 495 MWavg obtained through long-term de-contracting and 11.89 MWavg from decoupling Coaracy Nunes HPP from quotas totaling 20%;
§(ii) 24% increase in PLD, which corresponds to R$13.3 million (2Q22 R$55.7/MWh X 2Q23 R$69.04/MWh);
§These effects were partially offset by a reduction in MCP revenue at the Balbina HPP, corresponding to R$4.9 million (2Q22 R$5.3 million X 2Q23 R$0.36 million), due to flat seasonality under the Balbina HPP contract in 2023.



Earnings Release | 2Q23




§Non-recurring – Financial reimbursements totaling R$50 million under MME Ordinance No. 406/2020, referring to generation at the Thermoelectric Plants – Santa Rita TPP, Santana II TPP and Santana TPP, being made available to the State of Amapá, received via Charges aimed at covering System Service Costs.

Chesf: +R$53 million

§Increase in liquidated MCP energy as a result of the decoupling of plants from quotas and a change in the average PLD, moving from R$55.70/MWh (in 2Q22) to R$69.04/MWh (in 2Q23).

Furnas: -R$56 million

§Despite an increase in PLD (moving from R$59.24 in 2022 to R$69.04 in 2023) and minor variation in the GSF for the period (average of 96% in 2022 and 94% in 2023), this difference can be explained by the GFOM (Generation Outside Order of Merit) at Santa Cruz TPP, which occurred during the previous period (April 2022) and resulted in a difference in the receiving of charges, leading to a higher Short-Term Trading Market result for the period in 2022.
§Non-Recurring: Reimplementation of accounting procedures for MCP referring to 2016, with a total of R$13.3 million that had been unduly credited by CCEE in May/22.

Operation and Maintenance Revenue - Plants Renewed under Federal Law 12.783/2013
(quota regime)

§The observed negative variation is mainly due to the start of the process of gradually decoupling Plants subject to Quotas (20% in each year), mitigated by the effects of the annual RAG adjustment totaling approximately 14%, according to Homologation Resolution No. 3.068/2022 (2022-2023 cycle), which impacted on Eletronorte, Chesf, and Furnas.
Transmission Operating Revenue (R$ million) 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Transmission Revenue 4,591 4,978 -8% 8,807 9,219 -4%
Revenue from operation and maintenance 1,997 1,588 26% 3,630 3,111 17%
Construction Revenue 600 261 129% 883 409 116%
Contractual Revenue – Transmission 1,994 3,129 -36% 4,293 5,699 -25%
Non-recurring items – Adjustments            
Adjusted Transmission Operating Revenue 4,591 4,978 -8% 8,807 9,219 -4%



Revenue breakdown by company is available in the financial statements disclosed on the IR website.


Earnings Release | 2Q23





IFRS x Regulatory

IFRS x Regulatory

(R$ milhões)

2Q23 2Q22 Variação Regulatório
IFRS Adjustments Regulatory IFRS Adjustments Regulatory
Furnas 1,706 99 1,607 1,895 -568 1,327 21.2%
Chesf 1,397 82 1,315 1,633 -511 1,122 17.2%
CGT Eletrosul 494 49 445 665 -253 412 8.0%
Eletronorte 1,077 189 888 856 -253 603 47.4%
Deletions -83 -75 -8 -69 69 0 -
TOTAL 4,591 344 4,247 4,978 -1,514 3,464 22.6%



The increase in regulatory transmission revenue is explained by (i) the increase caused by the RBSE reprofiling of approximately R$219 million; (ii) the monetary restatement by the IPCA inflation index (most contracts) and the IGPM index, of approximately R$419 million; and (iii) the Reinforcements and Improvements of R$36 million.

O&M Revenue


Review of the replacement of tariff cycles according to Homologation Resolution 3,067/2022, effective starting in July/2022, mainly due to an increase in the RBSE’s financial component due to the reprofiling implemented during the 2020/21 cycle. Highlights from the period include:

Furnas: +R$53 million

§Positive variation, being (i) R$67.1 million referring to CT 062-2001 in the amount of R$67.09 million and Other Contracts in the amount of R$8.5 million, particularly for the purposes of Resolution 3067 under the IPCA (11.73%) or IGP-M (10.72%) indexes, depending on the contract; (ii) Incorporation of Contract 028/2009 for the former TGO (approx. R$1.5 million/month) by Furnas. These effects were partially offset by: (iii) a decrease of approximately -R$13 million (4%) in the collection at Furnas in the form of CDE under the AVC (Credit Notice) issued by ONS.

Eletronorte: + R$99 million

§Increase totaling R$97 million in O&M revenue under the renewed contract (058/2001), due to (i) R$158.6 million increase in invoiced revenue due to adjustment in RAP for contract 058/2001 totaling 22% according to Resolution 3067; (ii) reduction totaling R$61.6 million due to an increase in amortization stemming from tariff adjustments in 2022.
§R$1 million increase in O&M revenue from contracts subject to bidding due to a R$12.5 million increase in revenue collected under the adjustment totaling approximately 11.73% for all contract RAPs (Resolution 3067). However, the installment for adjustments under the previous contract cycle 010/2009 (PVTE) and Variable Installment under contract 012/2009 (ETE) had a negatively impact totaling R$15.6 million during the period, which was partially offset by the positive effect totaling R$4.4 million in Advance (012/2009 and 021/2009) and Variable Installments (021/2009).


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Chesf: +R$46 million

§Effects of the referred to homologation review totaling 19.97%, which resulted in an increase in RAP totaling R$19 million during the cycle;
§Tariff adjustment for the 22/23 cycle for other contracts not subject to review, as well as recognition of small-scale reinforcement RAPs without previously established revenue, which resulted in an increase in revenue in the amount of R$13 million for the 2022/2023 cycle.
§Reduction in the Variable Portion penalty of contract 061/2001, from R$11 million in 2Q22 to R$5 million in 2Q23;

CGT Eletrosul: -R$9 million

§Reduction totaling R$13.3 million in the RAP referring to the tariff review for the 2018-2023 cycle under concession 057/2001 given the evaluation of efficient operating costs among transmission companies. During this period, CGT’s RAP was reduced in order to be adjusted to the efficient regulatory PMSO;
§Reduction totaling R$9.2 million in Installments for Calculation Adjustments and other adjustments.
§These effects were partially offset by a R$14.5 million increase in the annual RAP adjustment for the 2022/2023 cycle totaling 11.73%.

Construction Revenue

Construction revenue for the periods is directly related to investments made (appropriated and allocated) in transmission projects currently underway.

The following variation was observed in companies:

§Furnas +R$231 million: CT 062-2001, in the amount of R$227.14 million (reflection of investments in fixed assets;
§Eletronorte +78 million: R$70.5 million under the renewed contract 058/2001;
§Chesf +R$50 million: 26% negative construction margin, with transmission construction revenue totaling R$163 million and construction costs of R$221 million due to new estimates for development of transmission projects currently underway;
§CGT Eletrosul - R$21 million: DIT (Remaining Transmission Facilities) transfer to Energisa MS Distribuidora totaling approximately R$13 million.

Contractual Revenue

Contractual (finance) revenue is associated with the application of inflation indexes to outstanding balances for contractual assets under each concession. The accumulated IPCA applied in order to measure contractual revenue between April and June 2022 totaled 3.15%, while the IPCA applied as part of measurements for the same period in 2023 totaled 1.55% (50.79% reduction). With regards to the IGPM, the respective percentage varied from 2.88% to -2.74% (reduction of 195.13%). Although there was an increase in the value of contractual assets resulting from the positive effects of the Periodic Tariff Review/2022, in the amount of R$365.2 million, in addition to the effects of tariff adjustments under remaining concession contracts, the increase in the value of contractual assets (with inflation % used as a incidence base) was not sufficient in generating contractual revenue exceeding that of the same period during the previous year, due to the reduction in inflation percentages.


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The following variation was observed in companies:

§Furnas: -R$473 million
§Chesf: -R$332 million
§Eletronorte: -R$189 million
§CGT Eletrosul: -R$140 million

This effect stemmed from application of IFRS rules and differs from regulatory revenue, which was adjusted according to ReH no. 3067/22, in July 2022.

4.2.Other Revenue


Other Operating Revenue

(R$ million)

2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Other income 13 310 -96% 233 512 -54%


Furnas: +R$3 million

§Consolidation Santo Antônio - MESA (2Q23 R$100 thousand): R$147 thousand in Other Revenue, R$-16 thousand in PIS/COFINS/ICMS Deductions, -R$31 thousand in Loss on disposal of assets and rights.
§In addition to SAESA, the change observed in Furnas was mainly due to (i) a R$0.6 million increase in revenue from the Provision of communication services; and (ii) a R$1 million increase resulting from the non-onerous transfer of replacement materials from LTTE and Xingú.

Eletronorte: -R$123 million

§R$114 million related to CDE + PROINFA that composed the Other Revenue account in 2Q22 were allocated to O&M Revenue in 2Q23.
§A R$10.7 million reduction was also observed, which consisted of the following factors: (i) R$5.7 million in other services, mostly due to the R$3.7 million payment received in June 2022 from PIE RAESA, stemming from the generated credit paid to Eletronorte after the ONS has recalculated losses under the basic network, a cost for which PIE RAESA will be reimbursed for migrating from the Isolated System to the Interconnected System due to Manaus’s Isolated System being connected to SIN in 2013; (ii) R$2.5 million in telecommunications revenue, and (iii) R$2.5 million in rental leasing.


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Chesf: -R$5 million

§A R$2.9 million increase in revenue from engineering services may be highlighted, which was completely offset by a R$6.4 million reduction in revenue from telecommunications services and R$0.8 million in revenue from operation and maintenance services and miscellaneous items.

CGT Eletrosul: -R$4 million

§R$2.1 million received in 2Q22 referring to retroactive rental amounts, without relevant events occurring in 2Q23, in addition to a reduction in the provision of services under various contracts in the amount of R$1.5 million.

Holding: -R$40 million

§A R$43 million decrease in Procel revenues partially offset by a R$4.7 million increase in other miscellaneous revenues.

4.3.Operating Costs and Expenses


Operating Costs and Expenses
(R$ million)
2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Energy purchased for resale -641 -557 15% -1,279 -1,040 23%
Charges for use of power grid -812 -572 42% -1,622 -1,149 41%
Fuel for electricity production -488 -461 6% -930 -1,098 -15%
Construction -656 -317 107% -1,054 -512 106%
Personnel, Materials, Services and Other -2,475 -2,070 20% -4,427 -3,749 18%
Depreciation and amortization -894 -497 80% -1,798 -998 80%
Operating Provisions 1,714 -2,238 -177% 1,138 -4,265 -127%
Costs and Expenses -4,252 -6,712 -37% -9,972 -12,812 -22%
Non-recurring events            
(-) Non-recurring PMSO events 553 80 595% 595 141 323%
(-) Non-recurring provisions -1,604 2,104 -176% -1,028 4,206 -124%
(-) Generation Construction 0 4 -100% 0 7 -100%
Recurring Costs and Expenses -5,303 -4,524 17% -10,405 -8,458 23%
4.3.1.Energy Purchased for Resale

Furnas: +R$94 million

§Consolidation of Santo Antônio (SAESA) as of 3Q22, with an impact of R$140 million in increased costs, being R$5.7 million in CCEE and +R$146.2 million in Energy purchased for resale, with no comparison vs 2Q22;
§Reduction of R$24 million due to a decrease in the average price of the total amount contracted (from R$283.00 in 2Q22 to R$259.00 in 2Q23).


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Chesf: -R$6 million

§Variation due to a reduction totaling 11.23 MWavg in electricity purchased for resale over the short term related to previous long-term contracts, as a result of shareholders' agreement obligations with Jirau and SINOP SPEs.

4.3.2.Fuel used in Electricity Production


Eletronorte: +R$54 million

§R$85.9 million increase due to the annual contractual adjustment of the price of natural gas and a 21.6% increase in natural gas consumption at TPP Mauá 3, due to shutdown for maintenance of Steam Turbine in 2Q23, resulting in the plant start operations under an open cycle using the two natural gas turbines, which increased consumption;
§R$667 thousand increase related to reversal of ICMS on sales of energy produced by TPP Mauá 3 due to the consumption of natural gas;
§R$33 million (-20.65%) reduction related to ancillary natural gas expenses (Transport Ship or Pay and Margin) due to an 8.7% increase in natural gas consumption stemming from the Mauá 3 TPP. Given that ancillary expenses are inversely proportional to the increase in the consumption of natural gas, the occurrence of such expenses was reduced.

Furnas: -R$18 million

§Reduced dispatch at the Santa Cruz Plant, resulting from combined cycle tests totaling 48 GWh in 2Q23 and 58 GWh in 2Q22.

CGT Eletrosul: -R$5 million

§R$9.5 million increase in costs due to the 16% adjustment in coal used in the Candiota Plant’s operations;
§R$18 million increase related to other inputs needed for energy production, which are now allocated to fuel expenses, due to an improvement in the accounting classification process of these expenses, which in 2Q22 were registered to materials.
§Offset by a R$23 million reduction related to fuel reimbursement increase, according to ANEEL Order No. 2.2023/2022.

4.3.3.Charges for Use of Network


Furnas: +R$206 million

§Santo Antônio Consolidation (SAESA): R$212 million in charges for the use of electrical networks (TUST) and R$20.2 million in PIS/COFINS credits.
§R$34 million increase due to (i) a 15% adjustment to the EUST in relation to the previous tariff cycle according to ANEEL Approval Resolution 3066/2022; (ii) fines and penalties for exceeding HPP Itumbiara’s MUST (Total Amount for Use of Transmission System) in 2Q23 totaling approximately R$5.2 million. Plants are subject to a contract signed with ONS for connection to the transmission network, which is known as the CUST. The MUST is one of this contract’s main parameters and is a means of measuring total power. Upon delivering energy to the transmission network, whenever a plant exceeds this power -- or, in other words, exceeds the MUST - it will be penalized during accounting procedures carried out by ONS.


Earnings Release | 2Q23




Chesf: +R$36 million

Adjustment totaling approximately 15.09% of the TUST defined under ANEEL Approval Resolution No. 3.066/2022 (2022-2023 cycle).

Eletronorte: +R$13 million

§(i) R$31.5 million in Charges for Use of the Electrical Transmission Network due to a ˜15% price adjustment; (ii) R$1.3 million increase in Charges for Use of the Electric Distribution Network, partially offset by the (iii) R$19.4 million reduction in Cofins and Pasep Credits, with no counterpart in 2Q22; (iv) around R$18 million that comprised the Charges account in 2Q22 were adjusted to Third-party services in 2Q23, thus reducing the impact on this account.



Furnas: +R$226 million

§The variation in CT 062-RBNI totaling R$226 million reflects investments linked to CT062.

Chesf: +R$37 million

§R$44 million and R$15 million increase for CTT 017/2009 and CTT 061/2001, respectively.

Eletronorte: +R$78 million

§Increase totaling (i) R$70.2 million for renewed contract 058/2001; (ii) R$3.9 million for new contract 013/2022 (Caladinho Sub. Stn.); and (iii) R$2.9 million for contract 010/2009 (Porto Velho TPP);
§R$2.0 million reduction in construction expenses for 001/2009 (Ribeiro Gonçalves–Balsas TL).

CGT Eletrosul: -R$18 million

§Reduced investment due to transfer of DIT (Other Transmission Facilities) to Energisa MS Distribuidora in the amount of R$13 million.


Earnings Release | 2Q23








(R$ million)

Eletrobras Furnas Chesf CGT Eletrosul Eletronorte ELETROPAR Total Disposal Consolidated IFRS  
Personnel -135 -291 -234 -130 -272 -0,4 -1,062 0 -1,062  
Consensual Resignation Plan (PDC) – Provision -40 -125 -99 -67 -176 0 -508 0 -508  
Material -1 -15 -8 -4 -29 -0,01 -56 0 -56  
Services -143 -196 -93 -64 -113 -1 -610 0 -610  
Other -45 -52 -91 3 -25 6 -203 -32 -239  
PMSO -364 -679 -525 -261 -615 5 -2,443 -32 -2,475  
Non-recurring events                    
Personnel: Incentive Plans (PAE, PDC) 40 125 99 67 176 0 508 0 508  
Services: Expenses incurred through contracting of consultancies associated with the transformation plan (“TMO”) 54 0 0 0 0 0 54 0 54  
Other: Legal Fees
(except labor)
0 0 0 -9 0 0 -9 0 -9  
Recurring PMSO -269 -554 -426 -203 -439 5 -1,890 -32 -1,922  





(R$ million)

Eletrobras Furnas Chesf CGT Eletrosul Eletronorte ELETROPAR Total Disposal Consolidated IFRS  
Personnel -90 -312 -325 -144 -338 0 -1,209 0 -1,209  
Consensual Resignation Plan (PDC) – Provision 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
Material 0 -11 -8 -24 -17 0 -61 0 -61  
Services -76 -154 -76 -48 -74 -3 -432 0 -432  
Other -67 -106 -180 -23 -53 0 -429 61 -368  
PMSO -233 -584 -589 -239 -482 -3 -2,131 61 -2,070  
Non-recurring events                    
Personnel: Compensatory Health Insurance Advance 0 0 17 0 0 0 17 0 17  

Personnel: Furnas Labor Claims/ ACT Provision 2021


0 22 0 0 0 0 22 0 22  
Services: Expenses incurred through contracting of consultancies associated with transformation 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 14  
Other: Indemnities, losses and damages: CAEFE (2022)/ Losses associated with non-reversible assets Furnas 0 26 0 0 0 0 26 0 26  
Recurring PMSO -219 -536 -572 -239 -482 -3 -2,051 61 -1,990  



Earnings Release | 2Q23






Impact of SAESA Consolidation on PMSO


SAESA Personnel, Materials, Services and Other  
(R$ million)
2Q23 1H23
Personnel 26 49
Material 6 13
Services 37 73
Other 6 13
PMSO 76 148



Consolidated: reduction of R$134 million

§Savings totaling R$213 million related to termination of employment contracts under 1st Voluntary Dismissal Program, which reduced the company's workforce from 10,508 workers in 2Q22 to 8,438 in 2Q23 and was partially offset by:
§Total impact of R$51 million referring to the 12.13% adjustment related to Collective Bargaining Agreement (ACT) 22/23 which had an impact beginning in May/22 and the 4.18% ACT 23/24, with impacts starting in May/23;
§Consolidation of SAESA: +R$26 million.

Voluntary Dismissal Program

§Non-recurring – Provision in the amount of R$513 million, related to estimated expenses associated with the registration of 1,475 employees under Eletrobras’ 2nd Voluntary Dismissal Program, which was implemented in July 2023 and has been finalized, as well as a supplement totaling R$5 million related to the 1st PDV 2022 due to the need to adjust estimates. The expected annual savings for this 2nd PDV is approximately R$688 million, with an 8.7-month payback.
PDV 2 2Q23
Eletrobras Furnas Chesf CGT Eletrosul Eletronorte Total
Expense -44 -125 -97 -60 -187 -513

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Eletronorte: +R$12 million

§R$10.9 million in operational maintenance materials due to an increase in demand during the period;
§R$1.2 million for fleet maintenance and work safety.

CGT Eletrosul: -R$19 million

§Decrease of R$18 million related to other inputs needed to generate energy that, in 2Q23, were allocated to the fuel account as a result of an improvement in the classification process, since in 2022 these expenses were allocated to materials.

Furnas: +R$3 million

§Consolidation of SAESA: +R$6 million in 2Q23 without counterpart in 2Q22;
§R$3 million reduction in costs and expenses associated with materials at Furnas with an emphasis on reduction in Operational Maintenance materials totaling approximately R$2.4 million, and Fuel and Lubricants (except production) totaling approximately R$774 thousand due to the reduction in the number of vehicles.


Holding: +R$67 million

§R$12 million increase related to IT Technical Services – Software;
§R$11 million increase related to institutional advertising;
§Non-recurring: R$54 million in consulting expenses associated with the Transformation Plan (TMO) in 2Q23;
§Non-recurring: R$14 million in fees paid to banks for the approval of the change in control for the capitalization in 2Q22.

Furnas: +R$41 million

§Consolidation of SAESA: +R$37 million, R$16 million of which refers to General Operation Services, R$9.4 million to Consulting, R$3.6 million to River Drainage, R$4.1 million to General Services, R$2.1 million to Engineering, R$1.5 million to Asset Surveillance, with no considered provided in 2Q22.

Eletronorte: +R$38 million

§R$19.4 million increase in Cofins and Pasep credits, with no equivalent entry in 2Q22. Approximately R$18 million that constituted the tax account in 2Q22 were allocated to the services account in 2Q23;
§R$10.2 million increase in maintenance of operational assets, mostly due to large-scale maintenance being implemented at thermal power plants in 2023;
§R$3.7 million increase in administrative technical services and consultancies, mostly due to reimbursements of advisory services at the Holding level;


Earnings Release | 2Q23




§R$3.7 million increase in personnel transportation and surveillance, mostly due to the demand for displacement generated under emergency air transport contracts in order to respond to tower collapses;
§R$3.6 million increase in legal services, mostly due to provision of payments for successful claims;
§R$2.8 million increase in electrical installations and electricity consumption;
§Conversely, there was a R$4.5 million reduction in various services and the environment (due to changes in the budget for environmental costing related to investments).

Chesf: +R$17 million

§R$4 million increase in expenses associated with cleaning and conservation of properties and facilities;
§R$2 million increase associated with surveillance services;
§R$4 million increase associated with maintenance of operating assets;
§R$4 million increase in expenses associated with utilities and services;
§R$3 million increase associated with technical and administrative services.

CGT Eletrosul: +R$16 million

§R$8.6 million increase due to repair of turbogenerator blades at TPP Candiota III;
§R$3.3 million increase related to logistics, IT, environment and security services;
§Retroactive R$2.7 million increase for 2022 regarding building maintenance, particularly cleaning services;
§R$1.5 million increase in addition to the performance of various services involved in operational maintenance.



CHESF: -R$89 million

§Reclassification to the other expenses account, in 2Q22, of amounts related to January through March 2022 referring to benefits to retired personnel in the amount of R$66 million;
§Reduction in the payment of judicial costs in the amount of R$7.8 million, insurance of R$3.3 million.

CGT Eletrosul: -R$23 million

§R$9 million reduction in other revenues, related to the sale of scrap;
§R$8.6 million decrease in the recovery of expenses with lime related to import statements opened in 2022.

Holding: -R$22 million

§Lower expenses recovery when compared to 2Q22, mainly due to the transfer of the fund management related to the Itaipu Account and other Government programs to ENBPar, totaling approximately R$14 million.


Earnings Release | 2Q23




Furnas: -R$33 million

§R$16 million reduction due to the recording of judicial indemnifications in 2Q22 with no counterpart in 2Q23, when such expenses were allocated to Operating Provisions;
§R$6.7 million increase in the expense recovery account (creditor);
§R$11 million increase in expenses with donations and contributions, mainly due to the amount associated with the CEPEL contribution being higher in 2023: R$2.41 million/month in 2022 compared to R$6.03 million/month in 2023;
§Consolidation of SAESA: +R$6 million in 2Q23;
§Non-recurring: Indemnities, losses and damages: CAEFE in the amount of R$26 million in 2Q22.

Other Costs and Expenses (R$ million) 2Q23 2Q22 %
Insurance -3 -54 -95%
Taxes -2 -45 -96%
Recovery of expenses 32 47 -33%
Civil indemnities -31 -1 4043%
Taxes (excluding deductions from operating income) -14 -45 -69%
Indemnities for losses and damages -0.4 -33 -99%
Bank-issued guarantees -21 -14 52%
Retirement benefits -85 -141 -40%
Other 14 -26 -155%
1. Other Expenses (Total) -111 -332 -67%
2. Other Costs -76 -17 344%
3. Donations and Contributions -52 -40 32%
Total for Other Costs and Expenses (1+2+3) -239 -389 -39%

Depreciation and Amortization and Provisions





(Initially recognized)

2Q23 Amortization Result
Chesf 28,338 57.2
Eletronorte 26,285 21.2
Furnas 20,399 72.4
Total 75,021 344.8



Earnings Release | 2Q23





Operating Provisions


Operating Provisions (R$ million) 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %    
Operating Provisions / Reversals 1.714 -2.238 -177% 1.138 -4.265 -127%    
Non-recurring items/ Adjustments                
Provision/Reversal for Litigation 1,661 -707 -335% 1,111 -1,363 -182%    
PECLD - Financing and loans -9 -453 -98% -13 -816 -98%    
PECLD: Estimated prospective credit losses (CPC 48) ELN + 0 -250   0 -1,307      
Onerous contracts 0 291 -100% 0 291 -100%    
Estimated losses on investments -30 -890 -97% -30 -906 -97%    
Impairment 0 -66 -100% 0 -66 -100%    
Provision for Implementation of Shares - Compulsory Loan -19 -30 -38% -40 -41 -1%    
Unadjusted provisions/reversals                
PCLD Consumers and resellers (excluding Prospective PCLD estimates of prospective credit loss (CPC 48) and writing off of credits from Chesf customers) 68 8 750% 11 168 -94%    
Improvements in GAG 38 -60 -164% 72 -135 -153%    
Other 4 -82 -105% 28 -92 -131%    
Adjusted provisions/reversals 110 -134 -182% 110 -59 -288%    

The positive amounts presented in this table mean reversal of provisions.

§Provision for Litigation changed from a R$821 million provision in 2Q22 to a reversal of provision of R$1,611 million in 2Q23, mainly due to the end of legal agreements related to the compulsory loan processes, which changed from a provision totaling R$242 million in 2Q22 to a reversal totaling R$1,477 million in 2Q23, related to lawsuits that discuss the monetary restatement of book-entry credits (2nd phase), in particular due to the discounts obtained with the negotiations.
§The total balance of compulsory loan provisions saw a R$2.1 billion reduction in 2Q23, for a total of R$22.1 billion, which was mainly due to discounts under agreements and a R$624 million reduction as a result of payments made within the scope of agreements for which the respective judicial approvals have already been granted under an appropriate final and unappealable decision.
§Reversal of Improvements to GAG Provision in the amount of R$38 million in 2Q23, compared to a R$60 million provision in 2Q22. Reversal of the provision provided in 2Q23 was due to the start of the decoupling generation revenue from quotas (Federal Law 14.182/2021) at a total of 20% each year beginning in 2023.
§Reversal in PCLD in the amount of R$60 million in 2Q23, with an emphasis on the reversal of R$110 million related to Amazonas Energia’s current energy supply due to the monthly payments made by Amazonas, which are partially offset by a R$33.7 million provision related to current energy supply - Other clients.



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4.4.Equity Interests


Equity Interests

(R$ million)

2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Highlighted Subsidiaries            
Eletronuclear 232 -8 -3155% 201 -8 -2752%
Itaipu 0 5 -100% 0 120 -100%
CTEEP 247 246 1% 510 436 17%
Cemar 56 10 458% 54 53 1%
Lajeado Energia 30 25 17% 30 49 -40%
Highlighted SPEs            
BMTE 56 0 - 101 0 -
Serra do Facão 61 0 - 64 -8 -910%
Norte Energia -90 -90 1% -151 -172 -12%
ESBR Jirau 1 -18 -108% 13 -34 -139%
IE Madeira 64 82 -22% 124 161 -23%
Other Equity -27 235 -111% 195 515 -62%
Total 631 487 30% 1,140 1,113 2%
4.5.Financial Result


Financial Results

(R$ million)

2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %  
Finance Revenue              
Revenue from interest, fines, commissions and fees 7 317 -98% 153 532 -71%  
Revenue from financial investments 522 557 -6% 1,308 886 48%  
Addition of moratorium on electricity 30 123 -75% 87 235 -63%  
Revenue from Interest on Dividends 0 0 - 0 0 -  
Other finance income 107 66 62% 257 120 115%  
(-) Taxation on Finance Revenue -57 0 - -123 0 -  
Finance Expenses              
Debt burden -1,690 -948 78% -3,542 -1,802 97%  
Charges from obligations with CDE -567 0 - -1,121 0 -  
Charges for revitalization of drainage basins -87 0 - -175 0 -  
Adjustment for inflation - CDE -477 -107 346% -1,081 -107 911%  
Adjustment for inflation - river basins -98 -19 404% -225 -19 1059%  
Other financial expenses -238 -433 -45% -419 -522 -20%  
Net Financial Items              
Monetary fluctuations -371 -124 201% -765 -317 141%  
Exchange rate changes 28 -625 -104% 191 425 -55%  
Variation in the fair value of the hedged debt, net of derivatives -467 0 - -467 0 -



Variation in the derivative financial instrument not connected to debt hedge -201 -210 -4% -434 -290 50%  
Advanced financial discount – ENBpar 0 -54 -100% 0 -4 -100%  
Financial Results -3,559 -1,457 144% -6,356 -863 637%  
(-) Revenue from Distributor Cos. + AIC -30 -196 -85% -65 -360 -82%  
(-) Compulsory adjustments for inflation 338 478 -29% 716 840 -15%  
(-) Interest and changes in exchange rate on sale of ITAIPU to ENBPar 0 -242 -100% 0 -242 -100%  
(-) Reversal of Penalties for lack of availability - CGT Eletrosul 0 0 - 0 -34 -100%  
Adjusted Financial Results -3,250 -1417 129% -5,704 -658 767%  



Earnings Release | 2Q23






The main variations seen in financial results for the quarter included:

§Eletrobras’ debt burden increased from R$948 million in 2Q22 to R$1,690 million in 2Q23, with an emphasis on consolidation of the SPE SAESA, which recorded an expense totaling R$664 million. Of this amount allocated to SAESA, financial charges and FNO represent R$484 million and charges on debentures R$180 million.
§Changes in exchange rate represented a negative impact of R$625 million in 2Q22 compared to a positive net impact of R$28 million in 2Q23, mainly due to the Cross Currency Swap operation (a derivative operation, detailed below), and the variation in the exchange rate (US dollar) during the compared period. For more details, see the respective item in the table above.
§Variation in the fair value of the hedged debt, net of derivatives: In 2Q23, Eletrobras recorded variation totaling R$467 million referring to variation in the fair value for debt linked to the CDI. In April 2023, the Company contracted a derivative operation known as Cross Currency Swap in the notional amount of R$6,325 million in order to protect bonds issued in relation to changes in exchange rate, assuming a liability position in reals and a change in the value of the liability linked to the variable interest curve in reals (CDI).
§Variation in the derivative financial instrument not connected to debt hedge: At Eletronorte, earnings from derivatives totaled R$9 million, the results for which refer to Embedded Derivatives provided under contracts that consist of updating the following variables: amount of energy, macroeconomic indices (dollar and Selic) and projection of the LME (London Metal Exchange) price for 18 months (remaining contractual period).
§Charges for obligations associated with CDE and CDE monetary restatements (IPCA Financial Expenses + Charges on the outstanding balance for CDE obligations collected at 7.6% per year) totaled R$1,044 million in 2Q23. These obligations were established under Federal Law 14.182/21 (which privatized Eletrobras), as a key condition for obtaining additional electric power generation concession grants for a further 30 years. Charges were calculated based on data published in CNPE Resolution 015/2021: (i) obligation’s current value; (ii) future flow of payments; and (iii) the payment period.
§Charges for the revitalization of drainage basins (charge totaling 5.67%) totaling R$87 million in 2Q23, and Adjustments for inflation - drainage basins totaling R$98 million, with no consideration provided in 2Q22. These obligations were established under Federal Law 14.182/21 (which privatized Eletrobras), as a key condition for obtaining additional electric power generation concession grants for a further 30 years. Charges were calculated based on data published in CNPE Resolution 015/2021: (i) obligation’s current value; (ii) future flow of payments; and (iii) the payment period.

Earnings Release | 2Q23




§Monetary restatement (Selic) applied to the provision for contingencies related to compulsory loans in the amount of -R$338 million in 2Q23, compared to -R$478 million in 2Q22 due to the reduction in the provisions balance and Selic variation.


Charges associated with CDE and Projects -
Federal Law 14.182/2021
2nd Quarter 2023 - In R$ million
Furnas Chesf Eletronorte Totals
Debt burden - CDE obligations 163 237 167 567
Debt burden - Revitalization of drainage basins 23 35 29 87
Liabilities related to adjustment for inflation - CDE obligations 137 199 140 477
Liabilities related to adjustment for inflation - Revitalization of drainage basins 26 39 33 98
Total charges for CDE and Projects - Federal Law 14.182/2021 349 511 370 1,229
4.6.1.Consolidated EBITDA


Consolidated EBITDA (R$ million) 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %    
Income for the Period 1,619 1,401 16% 2,025 4,117 -51%    
 + Provision for Income Tax and Social Contribution 524 793 -34% 972 1,567 -38%    
 + Financial Result 3,559 1,457 144% 6,356 863 637%    
 + Amortization and Depreciation 894 497 80% 1,798 998 80%    
EBITDA 6,595 4,148 59% 11,150 7,545 48%    
Revenue Adjustments (pp. 7, 11 and 13) -36 8 -582% 20 -65 -130%    
Cost and Expense Adjustments (pp. 14 and 17) 553 80 595% 595 141 323%    
Provision Adjustments (page 22) -1,604 2,104 -176% -1,028 4,206 -124%    
Equity adjustments (page 23) 0 0 - 0 0 -    
Adjustments Other Revenue and Expenses (page 26) -73 -121 -40% -62 -242 -75%    
Adjustments for Discontinued Operation  (page 26) -3 -899 -100% 332 -987 -134%    
Adjusted EBITDA 5,431 5,319 2% 11,007 10,598 4%    

Earnings Release | 2Q23





4.6.2.Cash Generation – Adjustment for RAP Transmission


Approximate Cash  Generation
(R$ million)
2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
1. Recurring EBITDA 5,431 5,319 2% 11,007 10,598 4%
2.(-) IFRS Transmission Revenue 4,591 4,978 -8% 8,807 9,219 -4%
Revenue from operation and maintenance 1,997 1,588 26% 3,630 3,111 17%
Construction Revenue 600 261 129% 883 409 116%
Contractual Revenue – Transmission 1,994 3,129 -36% 4,293 5,699 -25%
3.(+) Total RAP Received 4,247 3,415 24% 8,176 6,763 21%
Receipt of RAP and indemnities 4,247 3,415 24% 8,176 6,763 21%
4. (+) Transmission Construction Expenses 656 313 109% 1,054 505 109%
Approximate Cash Generation 5,744  4,069  41%  11,431  8,647  32% 
5.Debt and receivables
5.1.Holding / Controllership
5.1.1.Loans and financing payable – R$ billion

5.2.1.Loans and financing payable – R$ billion

5.2.2.Net Debt
Net Debt (R$ million) 06/30/2023 3/31/2023
(+) Gross Debt 56,717 58,038
(+) Net Derivatives (foreign exchange hedge) 681 0
(-) (Cash and Cash Equivalents + Current Securities) 18,626 20,145
(-) Financing Receivable 428 867
(-) Net balance of Itaipu Financial Assets 1 260 309
Net Debt 38,085 36,717

1 See Note 18b to these Financial Statements.

Highlight: Since 3ITR22, Eletrobras' debt has been substantially affected by the consolidation of SAESA's gross debt.


Earnings Release | 2Q23





5.2.3.Debt Composition


Creditor Indexer Average Cost (per year) Total Balance
(R$ thousand)
Participation in Total (%)
Debentures, FIDC and other securities CDI CDI + 1.00% to 2.75% p.a.,
108% to 117.6% CDI
11,509,506 20.29%
Debentures and other securities IPCA IPCA + 3.75% to 7.49% p.a. 10,368,874 18.28%
Pre-established rate
TJLP to TJLP + 3.28% p.a.,
TLP + 3.90% p.a., 3.50% p.a.
7,797,415 13.75%
Banco do Brasil TJLP, TLP (IPCA), CDI TJLP + 2.13% p.a, CDI + 1.65% to 2.25% p.a., 107.5% to 125.5% CDI, TLP + 4.7% p.a. 4,937,912 8.71%
Petrobras / Vibra Energia Selic Selic 3,430,219 6.05%
Caixa Econômica Federal CDI, TLP (IPCA) 113.7% CDI,
TLP + 4.7% p.a.
2,401,844 4.23%
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil IPCA, TLP (IPCA),
TFC (IPCA), Fixed rate
IPCA + 2.74% p.a., TLP + 4.70% p.a., 2.94% to 8.62% p.a., TFC + 2.7382% to 3.3467% p.a. 4,937,912 8.71%
Other creditors CDI, TLP (IPCA), TJLP + 5.00% p.a., Pre-established rate TLP + 4.70% p.a., CDI + 1.60% to 2.62% p.a., 122.84% CDI, 2.94% to 8.5% p.a. 4,459,091 7.86%
Foreign Currency - Bonuses and other debts USD 2.41% to 4.63% p.a., SOFR 6,662,884 11.75%
Foreign Currency - other debts EUR 2.00% to 4.50% p.a. 211,292 0.37%
TOTAL 56,716,949 100%


5.2.4.Foreign Currency Exposure


Foreign Exchange Exposure

(US$ million)

2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 After 2028 Total
Asset 29.62 9.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.50
Liabilities 19.46 11.90 11.901 11.90 11.90 10.34 26.09 103.47
Foreign Exchange Exposure 10.17 -2.02 -11.90 -11.90 -11.90 -10.34 -26.09 -63.97

Earnings Release | 2Q23






Agency National Classification/Perspective Most Recent Report
Moody's Global Scale “Ba2”: / Stable 07/15/2022
Moody's SACP “Ba2” 07/15/2022
Fitch - Foreign and Local Currency (Long Term) “BB-”: / Negative 06/16/2023
Fitch - National (Long-Term) AA(bra) / Negative 06/16/2023
S&P Global Scale BB-/Stable 06/15/2022
S&P SACP bb- 06/15/2022
S&P Brazil National Scale brAAA/brA-1+ Stable 06/15/2022



6.Financing and Loans Granted (Receivables)
6.1.Holding / Controllership R$ billion

In billions of reals



In billions of reals



Receivables from Itaipu's financial assets in the amount of R$259.5 million, PCLD in the amount of R$3,989 million and current charges are not included.


In June 2022, the National Electric Energy Agency’s (“ANEEL”) Office of the Superintendent for Tariff Management (“SGT”) published Technical Note No. 085/2022, which revisited requests for reconsideration filed within the scope of payment of the financial component and reprofiling of RBSE – Basic Existing System Network. On 04/28/2023, Technical Note No. 85/2023 was issued by SGT/ ANEEL, which presented statements regarding the calculations presented within the scope of payment of the RBSE’s financial component in Technical Note No. 085/2022-SGT/ANEEL, of June 2, 2022, and in Circular Letter No. 23/2022-SGT/ANEEL, of August 16, 2022. The abovementioned document does not constitute a decision from ANEEL and therefore does not produce practical effects as of the date on which this document was disclosed, given that it depends on a decision from ANEEL’s executive body. This document therefore did not impact Homologation Resolution 3.216, which established RAPs for the 2023-2024 cycle.


Earnings Release | 2Q23




RBSE Flow (R$ milhões) 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-28
Re-profiled Financial Component with Social Costs          
Chesf 1,913 1,913 1,913 1,913 1,913
Eletronorte 893 893 893 893 893
CGT Eletrosul 418 418 418 418 418
Furnas 3,060 3,060 3,060 3,060 3,060
Total 6,284 6,284 6,284 6,284 6,284
Economic Component
with Social Costs
Chesf 1,262 258 760 760 760
Eletronorte 649 -87 281 281 281
CGT Eletrosul 213 -52 81 81 81
Furnas 2,051 587 1,319 1,319 1,319
Total 4,175 706 2,441 2,441 2,441
RBSE Total          
Chesf 3,175 2,171 2,673 2,673 2,673
Eletronorte 1,542 806 1,174 1,174 1,174
CGT Eletrosul 631 366 499 499 499
Furnas 5,111 3,647 4,379 4,379 4,379
Total 10,459 6,990 8,725 8,725 8,725

The above amounts include TFSEE (Inspection Fees for Electricity Services) charges and resources for R&D and Energy Efficiency, and do not include PIS and Cofins. Additionally, data refer to the tariff cycle (July to July of each year) and not to the calendar year (January to December). Amounts approved during reprofiling were updated using the IPCA.

6.3.1.RBSE Amortization (R$ million)


Chesf CGT Eletrosul Eletronorte Furnas Total
      1.102                           223          534       1.657       3.515

Earnings Release | 2Q23







Investments (R$ million)





Budgeted 2Q23 (%) Implemented 2Q23
Corporate Generation 476 525 683 77%
Implementation /Expansion 274 223 204 109%
Maintenance 202 302 479 63%
Corporate Transmission 473 718 729 99%
Expansion 30 46 48 95%
Reinforcements and Improvements 181 481 469 103%
Maintenance 261 191 211 90%
Infrastructure and Other Items 67 97 182 53%
SPEs 101 48 27 181%
Generation – Contributions 29 27 27 100%
Generation – Acquisition 64 0.3 - -
Transmission - Contributions 7 21 - -
Other SPES (Furnas) - - - -
Total 1,116 1,388 1,620 86%



§Furnas provided R$181 million as part of Combined Cycle Generation commissioning at Santa Cruz TPP;
§CGT Eletrosul provided R$279 million for materials used at the Coxilha Negra Wind Farm;
§Chesf provided R$29 million with an emphasis on Casa Nova B.



§Chesf provided R$336 million in maintenance, with an emphasis on the replacement of equipment at Paulo Afonso IV and Sobradinho;
§Eletronorte provided R$80 million with an emphasis on the Tucuruí and Ute Mauá 3 plants;
§Furnas provided R$51 million, with an emphasis on the Luiz Carlos Barreto de Carvalho, Serra da Mesa and Porto Colombia HPPs.


Earnings Release | 2Q23






Reinforcements and Improvements and Maintenance

§Chesf provided R$556 million in reinforcements, improvements and maintenance, with an emphasis on completion of the 230kV Ibiapina II – Sobral II C1 TL as part of efforts to provide continuity for the substation video-monitoring project;
§Furnas provided R$316 million as part of several reinforcement, improvement and maintenance projects;
§Eletronorte provided R$163 million in reinforcements and maintenance.

8.General Information
8.1.About Eletrobras


Corporate Structure – June/2023

8.2.Analysis of Asset Performance
B3 – ELET3 and ELET6
Price and Volume

ELET3 (R$)

Comm. Shares (ON)

ELET6 (R$)

Pref. Shares (PN)

IBOV (pts.)


IEE (pts.)


Closing Quotation on 06/30/2023 39.75 44.52 118,087 91,090
Maximum during quarter 40.08 44.92 120,420 91,090
Average during quarter 35.84 39.52 109,908 82,922
Minimum during quarter 32.51 34.26 100,822 74,244
Variation during 2Q23 20.2% 27.7% 15.9% 21.7%
Variation during last 12 months -13.4% -0.8% 19.8% 15.6%
Average Daily Volume Traded 2Q23 (R$ million) 410.47 111.82 - -
Equity Value per Share (R$) 48.29 48.29 - -
Price/Profit (P/E) (1) 53.84 60.30 - -
Price/Book Value (P/B) (2) 0.82 0.92 - -

(1)     Closing price for shares of preferred and common stock at the end of the period / Net Profit per share. For the purposes of this calculation, the accumulated net income for the last 12 months was taken into consideration;

(2)     Closing price for shares of preferred and common stock at the end of the period /Book Value per share at the end of the period.




Earnings Release | 2Q23





8.2.2.ADR Programs
Price and Volume





Closing Price on 06/30/2023 8.27 9.43
Maximum Price in the quarter 8.32 9.51
Average Price in the quarter 7.23 8.15
Minimum Price in the quarter 6.51 7.11
Variation in 2Q23 24.7% 29.5%
Variation in the last 12 months -6.8% 6.1%
Average Daily Traded Volume in 2Q23 (US$ 000) 9,783 247
8.2.3.Latibex – Madrid Stock Exchange
Price and Volume





Closing Price on 06/30/2023 7.25 8.45
Maximum Price in the quarter 10.40 8.55
Average Price in the quarter 6.81 7.59
Minimum Price in the quarter 6.10 6.80
Variation in 2Q23 7.25 8.45
Variation in the last 12 months 10.40 8.55
Average Daily Traded Volume in 2Q23 (US$ 000) 6.81 7.59

Earnings Release | 2Q23




9.1.Key ESG Indicators for 2Q23


PILLAR INDICATOR 2Q23 2Q22 Variation Analysis of Results
Prosperity Investment in Technology and Innovation  R$247.1 mi  R$228.2 mi 8.3% Investment targets achieved during the calculation period, taking the established target for allocation of 1.4% of NOR in investments in Technology and Innovation.
Planet Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) (tCO2e) 2,589,504 2,934,356 -11.8% Set to achieve Net Zero commitment by 2030.
People Accident Frequency - company employees (time lost) 2.66 3.46 -23.1% 1H22: 38 accidents.
1H23: 26 accidents.
Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) initiatives such as: implementation of OSH governance processes, preventive tools, risk factor training and critical risk management.
Women in the workforce (%) 18.0% 18.9% -4.3% Variation due to termination of employ. contr. under PDV
Management Positions Held by Women (%) 23.7% 23.5% 0.6% Variation due to termination of employ. contr. under PDV
Governance Risk Management Maturity Level 3 3 0.0% The target for 2022 goal involving reaching level 3 maturity in risk management. The Company was able to reach this target. The target was raised to level 4 for 2023 up to a maximum level 5.
Complaints investigated by deadline (%) 90% 98% -8.2% Results in line with annual target of 90%

Note: The amounts presented are partial and preliminary in nature and not guaranteed, and may be adjusted according to processes for calculation, verification and updating of data.


9.2.Transparency and Reporting
§Publication of the 15th edition of the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Eletrobras Companies. Highlights of the Inventory include a 32% reduction in the company's total emissions in 2022 and a 100% reduction in scope 2 emissions related to energy consumption within the distribution network through the use of renewable energy certificates (I-REC and RECFY). Click here to access the inventory on our website.

Earnings Release | 2Q23




§Release of the SDG Booklet for the second consecutive year, which continues to be used to measure and disseminate the progress of contributions to the UN 2030 Agenda. This publication presents the development of targets, results and commitments related to the nine Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) prioritized by Eletrobras. Click here to view the Booklet


Earnings Release | 2Q23




10.1.Annex 1 - Financial Statements
10.1.1.Balance Sheet
 ASSET   06/30/2023   12/31/2022   06/30/2023   12/31/2022
   Cash and cash equivalents   4,227,186   4,927,871   11,428,566   10,739,126
   Restricted cash   1,378,378   2,917,849   1,567,591   3,098,401
   Securities and bonds   2,514,006   3,611,904   7,197,301   12,193,654
   Clients   5,331   462,628   4,525,786   4,794,924
   Contractual asset transmission   -      -      9,925,048   9,349,126
   Financing and loans   1,104,347   1,524,088   372,567   692,839
   Remuneration of equity interests   1,697,100   3,028,085   473,302   707,875
   Taxes and Social Security Contributions   693,959   857,466   1,022,823   1,135,913
   Income tax and social security contribution   852,038   261,321   2,032,253   1,749,225
   Right to compensation   1,083,257   1,186,214   1,123,848   1,216,928
   Warehouse   223   262   465,961   429,310
   Receivables - ENBPAR   -      40,743   -      40,743
   Derivative financial instruments   -      -      371,791   501,355
   Other   1,172,418   926,061   2,601,084   2,285,349
    14,728,243   19,744,492   43,107,921   48,934,768
   Assets held for sale   320,691   320,691   641,302   688,359
    15,048,934   20,065,183   43,749,223   49,623,127
   Restricted cash   -      -      1,615,384   1,306,138
   Right to Reimbursement   1,702,619   2,048,517   1,842,311   2,124,907
   Financing and loans   6,946,595   3,366,460   55,015   328,806
   Customers   -      -      688,248   703,055
   Receivables - ENBPAR   -      1,223,316   -      1,223,316
   Securities and bonds   421,517   411,705   697,373   412,093
   Taxes and Social Security Contributions   4,582   3,705   444,090   439,196
   Deferred income tax and social contribution   -      -      3,475,864   3,541,162
   Bonds and Linked Deposits   6,247,809   6,402,122   8,575,991   8,558,013
   Contractual asset transmission   -      -      51,696,424   51,703,084
   Derivative financial instruments   -      -      181,17   485,507
   Advances for future capital increase   -      20,596,029   -      -   
   Other   1,633,644   1,755,305   1,089,571   1,063,250
    16,956,766   35,807,159   70,361,441   71,888,527
   Assessed through the equity method   130,853,289   112,079,558   33,240,575   32,224,264
   Held at fair value   1,898,850   1,657,261   1,963,517   1,761,258
    132,752,139   113,736,819   35,204,092   33,985,522
FIXED ASSETS   230,923   231,883   34,905,323   34,739,705
INTANGIBLE ASSETS   83,503   67,857   79,243,962   79,980,581
    150,023,331   149,843,718   219,714,818   220,594,335
TOTAL ASSETS   165,072,265   169,908,901   263,464,041   270,217,462



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  06/30/2023   12/31/2022   06/30/2023   12/31/2022
Loans, financing and debentures 11,707,121   3,682,702   14,871,949   7,524,770
Compulsory loan 1,344,012   1,289,602   1,344,012   1,289,602
Suppliers 267,038   994,922   2,019,798   3,517,173
Advances 3,366   1,486,222   162,794   1,653,122
Taxes and Social Security Contributions 46,529   370,739   602   1,271,700
Remuneration to shareholders 42,578   913,018   48,771   924,644
Obligations with personnel 184,873   166,337   1,826,345   2,318,554
Reimbursement obligations 2,505,748   1,912,423   2,505,748   1,912,423
Post-employment benefit -   -   298,133   246,437
Provisions for litigation 2,226,066   2,646,711   2,474,572   2,709,161
Sectoral charges -   -   977,617   996.61
Obligations of Law 14.182/2021 -   -   2,066,070   1,472,662
Leases 10.9   8.71   230,554   224,319
Other 74,545   74,919   378,683   209,251
  18,412,776   13,546,305   29,807,046   26,270,428
Liabilities associated with assets held for sale -   -   33.26   170,448
  18,412,776   13,546,305   29,840,306   26,440,876
Loans, financing and debentures 12,674,353   22,269,941   41,845,000   51,581,752
Advances -   -   138,852   213,921
Provisions for litigation 20,330,522   22,084,048   28,835,506   30,623,558
Post-employment benefit 670,681   680,399   4,813,721   4,947,234
Obligations of Law 14.182/2021 -   -   35,691,356   35,186,792
Onerous contracts -   -   209,099   209,099
Leases 30,354   32,571   421,876   528,849
Concessions payable - Use of the public good -   -   379,904   372.42
Advances for future capital increase 92,567   86,919   92,567   86,919
Derivative financial instruments 681,211   -   681,211   -
Sectoral charges -   -   476,624   464,358
Taxes and Social Security Contributions -   -   660,946   723,716
Deferred income tax and social contribution 505,919   427.39   6,498,058   6,294,347
Other 272,042   276,532   1,414,611   1,514,985
  35,257,649   45,857,800   122,159,331   132,747,950
Share capital 69,991,640   69,705,554   69,991,640   69,705,554
Capital Reserves and Granted Equity Instruments 13,872,866   13,867,170   13,872,866   13,867,170
Treasury shares (1,980,261)   -   (1,980,261)   -
Profit reserves 33,910,233   33,910,233   33,910,233   33,910,233
Proposed dividend -   -   -   -
Retained earnings 2,195,099   -   2,195,099   -
Other accumulated comprehensive income (6,587,737)   (6,978,161)   (6,587,737)   (6,978,161)
Amounts recognized in ORA classified as held for sale -   -   -   -
Controlling shareholders’ stake 111,401,840   110,504,796   111,401,840   110,504,796
Non-controlling shareholders’ stake -   -   62,564   523.84
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 111,401,840   110,504,796   111,464,404   111,028,636
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 165,072,265   169,908,901   263,464,041   270,217,462





Earnings Release | 2Q23




10.1.2.Income Statement


  06/30/2023   06/30/2022   06/30/2023   06/30/2022
Net operating revenue 63,971   101,414   18,455,363   17,017,865
Operating costs -49   -16,548   (8,426,123)   (6,409,952)
GROSS INCOME 63,922   84,866   10,029,240   10,607,913
Operating expenses 777,557   (1,891,282)   (1,545,829)   (6,402,253)
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE FINANCIAL INCOME 841,479   (1,806,416)   8,483,411   4,205,660
FINANCIAL INCOME (1,510,752)   214,268   (6,356,033)   -862,611
INCOME BEFORE EQUITY INVESTMENTS -669,273   (1,592,148)   2,127,378   3,343,049
Income from equity investments 3,187,486   4,472,407   1,139,565   1,112,585
Other income and expenses -12,963   574,658   61,534   242,062
OPERATING INCOME BEFORE TAXES 2,505,250   3,454,917   3,328,477   4,697,696
Current income tax and social contribution 608   -335,819   -799,734   (1,346,888)
Deferred income tax and social contribution -   -   -171,862   -220,500
NET PROFIT FROM CONTINUED OPERATIONS 2,505,858   3,119,098   2,356,881   3,130,308
Portion attributed to the controllers 2,505,858   3,119,098   2,505,858   3,119,098
Portion attributed to non-controlling shareholders -   -   -148,977   11,210
NET PROFIT FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATION -332,014   986,785   -332,014   986,785
Portion attributed to the controllers -332,014   986,785   -332,014   986,785
Portion Attributed to non-Controlling Shareholders -   -   -   -
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 2,173,844   4,105,883   2,024,867   4,117,093
Portion attributed to the controllers 2,173,844   4,105,883   2,173,844   4,105,883
Portion Attributed to non-Controlling Shareholders -   -   -148,977   11,210
EARNINGS PER SHARE              
Earnings per share - basic (ON) R$0.94   R$2.63   R$0.94   R$2.63
Earnings per share - basic (PN) R$1.03   R$2.90   R$1.03   R$2.90
Earnings per share - diluted (ON) R$0.93   R$2.58   R$0.93   R$2.58
Earnings per share - diluted (PN) R$1.01   R$2.85   R$1.01   R$2.85

Earnings Release | 2Q23





10.1.3.Statement of Cash Flows


  06/30/2023   06/30/2022   06/30/2023   06/30/2022
Income for the period before income tax and social contribution          2,505,250             3,454,917            3,328,477            4,697,697
Adjustments to reconcile profit with cash generated by operations:            
Depreciation and amortization                 6,725                    5,628            1,797,589               998,232
Net exchange and monetary variations             517,006                 (73,836)            1,880,335                 19,140
Financial charges             449,631               (375,159)            3,377,112               378,379
Income from the equity method        (3,187,486)            (4,472,407)          (1,139,565)          (1,112,585)
Other income and expenses               12,963               (574,658)               (61,534)             (242,062)
Transmission revenues                         -                            -          (8,806,713)          (9,219,342)
Construction cost - transmission                         -                            -            1,054,158               505,131
Operating provisions (reversals)        (1,388,151)             1,459,218          (1,138,077)            4,264,994
Result of protected debt (hedge) and derivatives             466,996                            -               900,897               289,553
Other             480,963               (157,862)               473,923               (96,859)
         (2,641,353)            (4,189,077)          (1,661,875)          (4,215,419)
(Accruals)/decreases in operating assets              
Customers                 2,527                            -             (153,163)             (423,996)
Right to Reimbursement             342,860                   (4,098)               157,947                   1,974
Other             463,794             1,252,166               583,056            1,207,561
              809,181             1,248,068               587,840               785,539
Accruals/(decreases) in operating liabilities              
Suppliers             (87,982)                 (13,102)             (788,678)             (469,462)
Advances               (3,243)                            -               (49,500)               (43,205)
Obligations with personnel               18,536                    7,573             (300,488)                 12,007
Sectoral charges                         -                            -               (12,762)               141,255
Other           (329,087)               (107,244)             (247,084)             (285,309)
            (401,776)               (112,773)          (1,398,512)             (644,714)
Payment of financial charges        (1,261,577)               (742,622)          (3,058,448)          (1,318,331)
Receipt of the permitted annual revenue - RAP                         -                            -            8,176,055            6,762,887
Receipt of financial charges             503,290                318,037               145,618               151,269
Receipt of compensation for investments in equity investments          2,134,590             2,126,054               619,039               778,040
Payment of disputes        (1,135,031)               (930,340)          (1,233,554)          (1,027,465)
Bonds and earmarked deposits           (556,878)               (351,999)             (707,536)             (678,550)
Payment of income tax and social contribution           (141,261)                 (85,402)          (1,019,898)          (1,505,506)
Payment of supplementary pension plan               (9,718)                 (26,393)             (290,050)             (181,653)
Net cash from (used in) operating activities of continuing operations           (195,283)                708,471            3,487,156            3,603,794
Net cash from operating activities of discontinued operations               19,990                            -                 19,990          (2,908,844)
Net cash from (used in) operating activities           (175,293)                708,471            3,507,146               694,950
Loans and financing and debentures obtained                         -                  44,746               853,898            2,544,746

Earnings Release | 2Q23





Payments for loans and financing and debentures - principal        (1,175,327)            (2,851,964)          (3,238,480)          (4,120,536)
Payment of remuneration to shareholders           (863,403)                      (241)             (768,615)                 (8,484)
Payment to dissenting shareholders - incorporation of shares                  (212)                            -             (224,740)                           -
Repurchase of shares        (1,823,729)                            -          (1,823,729)                           -
Payment of obligations before CDE and revitalization of basins - principal                         -                            -          (1,433,737)                           -
Payment of leases - principal             (10,460)                            -             (389,484)             (359,789)
Other                         -                            -             (134,774)                           -
Net cash (used in) financing activities of continuing operations        (3,873,131)            (2,807,458)          (7,159,661)          (1,944,063)
Net cash (used in) financing activities of discontinued operations                         -                            -                           -             (174,814)
Net cash (used in) financing activities        (3,873,131)            (2,807,458)          (7,159,661)          (2,118,877)
Provision of advance for future capital increase                         -          (26,597,749)                           -                           -
Payment of share capital             26,287,340              26,287,340
Receipt of loans and financing          1,262,647             1,815,470               749,945            1,164,663
Acquisition of fixed assets                  (605)                   (2,153)          (1,306,144)             (322,009)
Acquisition of intangible assets             (15,652)                            -               (48,021)        (28,150,288)
Net financial investments (securities)          1,097,899               (429,857)            5,203,881            2,636,563
Transmission infrastructure - contractual asset                         -                            -          (1,037,778)             (486,582)
Acquisition/Capital Contribution in Equity Interests               (2,108)                 (54,523)             (121,110)          (1,671,756)
Disposal of investments in equity interests               73,512             1,103,398                 73,512            1,103,398
Other                         -                            -             (104,376)                 13,521
Net cash from investment activities of continuing operations          2,415,694             2,121,927            3,409,909               574,850
Net cash (used in) investment activities of discontinued operations             932,046                            -               932,046            3,079,754
Net cash from (used in) investing activities          3,347,740             2,121,927            4,341,955            3,654,604
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents           (700,685)                  22,939               689,440            2,230,677
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period          4,927,871                    7,384          10,739,126               192,659
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period          4,227,186                  30,323          11,428,566            2,427,240
(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations                         -                            -                           -                 (3,904)
            (700,685)                  22,939               689,440            2,230,677



Earnings Release | 2Q23





10.2.Annex 2 – Results by Segment
R$ million 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Net Operating Revenue 51 82 -38% 65 102 -36%
Operating costs 0 -4 -99% 0 -21 -100%
Operating expenses 1,060 -1,047 -201% 781 -1,891 -141%
Income from operations before financial income (expenses)   1,111 -969 -215% 846 -1,810 -147%
R$ million 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Net Operating Revenue 5,394 4,733 14% 10,943 9,186 19%
Operating costs -3,356 -2,520 33% -6,613 -5,149 28%
Operating expenses -313 -1,367 -77% -883 -2,858 -69%
Income from operations before financial income (expenses)    1,725 847 104% 3,447 1,179 192%
R$ million 2Q23 2Q22 % 1H23 1H22 %
Net Operating Revenue 3,969 4,177 -5% 7,756 7,989 -3%
Operating costs -1,205 -796 51% -2,097 -1,487 41%
Operating expenses -607 -1,114 -46% -1,469 -1,665 -12%
Income from operations before financial income (expenses)   2,158 2,267 -5% 4,190 4,837 -13%

Earnings Release | 2Q23





10.3.Annex 3 – Compulsory Loans


Within the scope of the compulsory electricity loans (ECE), the Company has been taking measures to mitigate its risks.The Compulsory Loans Executive Committee was created as part of these efforts, with the goal of seeking judicial agreements through discounts and full settlement of these lawsuits. As a result of these negotiations, Eletrobras was able to reduce the balance of provisions for this contingency in 2Q23 by R$2.1 billion, to R$22.1 billion, being R$1,477 million in reversal of provision in the period, related to legal processes that discuss the monetary restatement of book-entry credits (2nd phase), in particular due to the discounts obtained with the negotiations that positively impacted the Company’s results. The main factor behind such a performance were the discounts obtained under these agreements that have already been signed by Eletrobras and submitted for court approval.

As part of financial results, the monetary restatement decreased from -R$478 million in 2Q22 to –R$338 million in 2Q23 due to the abovementioned reduction in the balance of provisions, as well as to the Selic rate variation in the period.

Since 3Q22, when the negotiations on compulsory loans started, the reduction in the balance of provisions reached R$3.7 billion.





Earnings Release | 2Q23












Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: September 13, 2023


/SElvira Baracuhy Cavalcanti Presta


Elvira Baracuhy Cavalcanti Presta

Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations






This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.