* Physician Institution Leading Opinion Leaders René Verdonk, MD, PhDPeter Verdonk, MD, PhDFredrik Almqvist, MD, PhD Gent University Hospital Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery & TraumatologyGent, Belgium One of the most highly respected orthopedic/sports medicine research centers in Europe Prof. René Verdonk was inducted into the Hall of Fame for the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, one of the highest honors given to a member of this American society Willem van der Merwe, MDCape Town, South Africa Sport Science Institute of South AfricaCape Town, South Africa The Sports Science Institute is a leading center in sports medicine for South AfricaDr. van der Merwe is a member of the ACL Study group, a peer-selected international group focused on advanced ACL treatments Maurilio Marcacci, MDStefano Zaffagnini, MD Instituti Ortopedici Rizzoli - Bologna University Sports Traumatology Dept. Bologna, Italy One of the most highly respected orthopedic/sports medicine research centers in Europe Considered to be the top orthopedic center in Italy Ramón Cugat, MD, PhDMontserrat García-Balletbó, MD, PhD Hospital Quirón Artroscopia GCBarcelona, Spain Dr. Cugat is orthopedic consultant for FC Barcelona and medical assessor for the Catalan Football Federation (130,000 players in the Catalan region)Considered one of the top ACL clinicians in Spain Martin Lind, MD, PhDPeter Faunoe, MD Aarhus University HospitalDept. of Orthopaedic Surgery & TraumatologyAarhus, Denmark Dr. Lind is responsible for the Scandinavian ACL Registry in DenmarkScandinavian ACL Registry is recognized as one of the most comprehensive ACL registries Kees van Egmond, MDRutger Zuurmond, MD Isala KliniekenDepartment of Orthopaedic SurgeryZwolle, Netherlands The Isala Klinieken is the leading training center in the Netherlands for orthopedic surgeons Pedro Guillen, MD Clínica CemtroOrthopaedic Surgery & TraumatologyMadrid, Spain Clinica Cemtro is a private hospital founded by Prof. Guillen which performs over 1,000 ACL reconstructions annuallyConsidered one of the top ACL clinicians in Spain CE Trial Investigators & Sites