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Washington, D.C. 20549







Investment Company Act file number: 811-22211




IVA Fiduciary TRUST

(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)


717 Fifth Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10022

(Address of principal executive offices) (zip code)


Michael W. Malafronte

International Value Advisers, LLC

717 Fifth Avenue
10th Floor
New York, NY 10022


(Name and address of agent for service)


Copy to:


Michael S. Caccese, Esq.
K&L Gates LLP
State Street Financial Center
One Lincoln Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02111-2950


Brian F. Link, Esq.
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Mail Code: SFC0805
One Lincoln Street, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02110


Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (212) 584-3570


Date of fiscal year end: September 30 

Date of reporting period: March 31, 2020







Item 1. Report to Shareholders. 












IVA Worldwide Fund

IVA International Fund







Semi-Annual Report

March 31, 2020


Beginning in May 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, paper copies of the Funds’ shareholder reports will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the reports from the Funds or from your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank. Instead, the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.


If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be affected by this change and you need not take any action. You may elect to receive shareholder reports and other communications from the Funds or your financial intermediary electronically by notifying your financial intermediary directly or, if you are a direct investor, by calling (866) 941-4482 or by visiting www.fundreports.com.


You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you invest through a financial intermediary, you can contact your financial intermediary to request that you continue to receive paper copies of your reports. If you invest directly with the Funds, you can call (866) 941-4482 or visit www.fundreports.com. Your election to receive reports in paper will apply to all funds held with IVA Funds or your financial intermediary.




Advised by International Value Advisers, LLC



An investment in the Funds is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.









Contents IVA Funds


  2 An Owner’s Manual
  3 Letter from the President
  4 Letter from the Portfolio Managers
  7 Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance
    IVA Worldwide Fund
  9 Performance
  10 Portfolio Composition
  11 Schedule of Investments
    IVA International Fund
  17 Performance
  18 Portfolio Composition
  19 Schedule of Investments
  26 Statements of Assets and Liabilities
  27 Statements of Operations
  28 Statements of Changes in Net Assets
  29 Financial Highlights
  35 Notes to Financial Statements
  43 Additional Information
  44 Fund Expenses





An Owner’s Manual IVA Funds


An Atypical Investment Strategy


We manage both the IVA Worldwide and IVA International Funds with a dual attempt that is unusual in the mutual fund world: in the short-term (12-18 months), we attempt to preserve capital, while over the longer-term (5-10 years, i.e., over a full economic cycle), we seek to perform better than the MSCI All Country World Index, in the case of your IVA Worldwide Fund, and the MSCI All Country World (ex-U.S.) Index, in the case of your IVA International Fund.


The Worldwide Fund is typically used by investors who are looking for an “all weather fund” where we are given the latitude to decide how much we should have in the U.S. versus outside the U.S. The International Fund is typically used by investors who practice asset allocation and want to decide for themselves how much should be allocated to a domestic manager and how much should be allocated to a pure “international” (i.e., non-U.S.) manager, yet at the same time are looking for a lower risk – and lower volatility – exposure to international markets than may be obtained from a more traditional international fund.


We believe our investment approach is very different from the traditional approach of most mutual funds. We are trying to deliver returns that are as absolute as possible, i.e., returns that try to be as resilient as possible in down markets, while many of our competitors try to deliver good relative performance, i.e., try to beat an index, and thus would be fine with being down 15% if their benchmark is down 20%.


Why do we have such an unusual strategy (which, incidentally, is not easy to carry out)? Because we believe this strategy makes sense for many investors. We are fond of the quote by Mark Twain: “There are two times in a man’s life when he should not speculate: the first time is when he cannot afford to; the second time is when he can.” We realize that many investors cannot tolerate high volatility and appreciate that “life’s bills do not always come at market tops.” This strategy also appeals to us at International Value Advisers since we “eat our own cooking” for a significant part of our savings (invested in IVA products) and we have an extreme aversion to losing money.


An Eclectic Investment Approach


Here is how we try to implement our strategy:


We don’t hug benchmarks. In practical terms, this means we are willing to make big “negative bets,” i.e., having nothing or little in what has become big in the benchmark. Conversely, we will generally seek to avoid overly large positive bets.


We prefer having diversified portfolios (100 to 150 names). Because we invest on a global basis, we believe that diversification helps protect against weak corporate governance or insufficient disclosure, or simply against “unknown unknowns.” We like the flexibility to invest in small, medium and large companies, depending on where we see value.


We attempt to capture equity-type returns through fixed income securities but predominantly when credit markets (or sub-sets of them) are depressed and offer this potential.


We hold some gold, either in bullion form or via gold mining securities, as we believe gold provides a good hedge in either an inflationary or deflationary period, and it can help mitigate currency debasement over time.


We are willing to hold cash when we cannot find enough cheap securities that we like or when we find some, yet the broader market (Mr. Market) seems fully priced. We will seek to use that cash as ammunition for future bargains.


At the individual security level, we ask a lot of questions about “what can go wrong?” and will establish not only a “base case intrinsic value” but also a “worst case scenario” (What could prove us wrong? If we were wrong, are we likely to lose 25%, 30%, or even more of the money invested?). As a result, we will miss some opportunities, yet hopefully, we will also avoid instances where we experience a permanent impairment of value.





Letter from the President IVA Funds




Michael W. Malafronte


Dear Shareholder,


This report covers the six month period ended March 31, 2020. The IVA Worldwide Fund and IVA International Fund (the “Funds”) are now in their twelfth year of operation. The Funds’ investment adviser, International Value Advisers, LLC (“IVA”), is frustrated with the Funds’ performance during the period.


The period began with markets continuing their upward trend with major indices reaching their all-time high in mid-February. Then fear and uncertainty surrounding the unparalleled COVID-19 pandemic sent markets into a tailspin during the last six weeks resulting in one of the worst quarters in history. This abrupt drawdown was difficult for almost all investors and the Funds were not immune capturing more of the downside than they have typically experienced in the past. This is not entirely unexpected when markets react so violently but our experienced team has navigated other crises in the past and will remain diligent in committing capital to future investments. While governments around the world attempt to contain the virus, they and central banks have been responding with even more monetary and fiscal policies to reduce financial disruptions. Since the duration and full impact of the crisis is unknown, our analysts have been running worst-case scenarios on the Funds’ portfolio holdings and feel confident that the current investments can weather the storm.


At IVA, our top priority is protecting the safety and well-being of our clients, employees and communities. We have enacted provisions of our Business Continuity Plan that enable employees to work from home while being fully operational. We have assessed the Funds’ other service providers and feel confident in their ability to provide uninterrupted service. We will continue monitoring the situation as reopening plans are unveiled to ensure we take the necessary steps to keep our employees safe while providing high quality service to our clients without disruption.


I want to offer my thanks to all my colleagues and to our shareholders for their continued support during this difficult time.



Michael W. Malafronte, President





Letter from the Portfolio Managers IVA Funds



Charles de Vaulx




Chuck de Lardemelle


Past performance does not guarantee future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. Returns are shown net of fees and expenses and assume reinvestment of dividends and other income. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed may be worth more or less than the original cost. To obtain performance information current to the most recent monthend, please call 1-866- 941-4482.


May 4, 2020


Dear Shareholder,


Over the first half of this fiscal year (September 30th, 2019 to March 31st, 2019), the IVA Worldwide Class A (no load) was down -14.3% (including reinvested dividends) while the IVA International Class A (no load) was down -17.2% including reinvested dividends. The MSCI All Country World Index (“ACWI”) over the same period was down -14.3%, while the MSCI ACWI (ex-U.S.) was down -16.5%.


The period can be analyzed in two sub segments: the few months leading up to the record set on the S&P 500 on February 19th, 2020, and the period from February 19th, 2020 to March 31st, 2020, where the COVID-19 pandemic hit global markets hard, with one of the quickest ever bear markets on record, as many governments around the world forced most of their populations into confinement, triggering perhaps the deepest global GDP contraction in modern times. As you can see in the following table, while performance had lagged prior to the S&P 500 hitting a record high, your Funds outperformed indices during the rout.


  Sept. 30th, 2019 -
Feb. 19th, 2020
  Feb. 20th -
Mar. 31st, 2020
IVA Worldwide
Class A, at net asset value
4.12%   -17.67%   -14.28%
MSCI ACWI (Net) 11.93%   -23.46%   -14.33%
IVA International
Class A, at net asset value
4.70%   -20.91%   -17.19%
MSCI ACWI (ex-U.S.) (Net) 8.29%   -22.91%   -16.52%


Despite performing better than the indices in the difficult month of March, our equities on a standalone basis captured more downside than the index, and the outperformance since February 20th was due primarily to the large cash and gold (including gold miners) allocation in both Funds. Some of the underperformance in our stock picking was due to a substantial tilt towards consumer discretionary and industrials; cyclicals appeared cheap prior to the outburst of this global pandemic, which triggered a massive global recession. The market was already quite bifurcated prior to COVID-19, with value stocks, as shown in the following chart (MSCI World Value divided by MSCI World Growth, going back to January 1998), having already derated substantially pre-crisis; the trend only accelerated since then, and stands at its most extreme level by historical standards.







Letter from the Portfolio Managers IVA Funds


Last November, we discussed long-term outperformance of Growth vs. Value in a Morningstar podcast available on our website: “Charles de Vaulx: Why Value Investing has Slumped but Will Rebound.”


This pandemic crisis will have lasting and unpredictable consequences on society and the economy, as well as on a number of business models such as travel, hospitality, airlines, catering, retail, or office real estate to name a few. A number of questions relevant to the global economy and the outlook for corporate earnings remain impossible to answer with any certainty at this stage: is this COVID pandemic with us for the next few years? Is the virus going to mutate and become more deadly? Or will it fade into extinction? Are we going to find a reasonably effective cure soon? How is the behavior of consumers going to be affected by this pandemic? Will there be other waves of confinement? Can we develop tests that are cheap, reliable and quick to deliver a diagnostic? Will the pressure of falling incomes and health care costs trigger some social unrest? How fast are taxes going to go up? Will we have a federal sales tax eventually?


This situation makes the valuation of many businesses today quite difficult. This is no ordinary recession.


Even when life normalizes, we could see higher savings rates and therefore less consumption, leading to a difficult and slow economic recovery; companies are slashing capital expenditures across the board; government debt to GDP is soaring to extremely high levels in almost all developed economies; judging by Italy and Japan, this state of affairs seems to lead to anemic economic growth, as households and businesses tend to save more in such circumstances.


Of course bear markets often lead to great buying opportunities; after all one needs to consider price when making investments. How much of the pain and uncertainty is already discounted? Currently the U.S. total market capitalization is roughly 135% of GDP versus the peaks of March 2000 and February 2020 both around 150%. The most recent low in this bear market clocked at 100% market capitalization to GDP, at the end of March 2020, against a low of 60% in 2009. So for now at 135% we believe overall valuations have not reflected the seriousness of the situation.


There are certainly major differences from the Great Financial Crisis of 2009. The Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are providing ample liquidity. Interest rates are lower today, corporate taxes are lower as well, which pushes the valuations up. Also, the most valuable companies today in the U.S. are global technology companies, and comparing those market capitalizations to the U.S. GDP alone (as opposed to global GDP) may skew the ratio slightly higher than it should be. Nevertheless, even accounting for these changes over time, it remains difficult to argue that markets are cheap on an absolute basis. Certainly we may not reach the lows of 2009 in terms of valuations, as this crisis is much more of an earnings recession rather than a liquidity problem (for now at least). Banks are much better capitalized today versus 2009, especially in the U.S. Interest rates are so low, and liquidity so plentiful, that investors are being pushed into equities, where even low dividend yields easily surpass the income provided by 10-year Treasury Bonds. Some will argue, that in fact, government debt is much more risky than equities today, since the upside of investing in government bonds is so limited, while the downside of owning government debt over time will be large if interest rates ever rise again.


While this may be a valid argument, we note that earnings per share estimates for 2020 and particularly 2021 remain too high in our opinion, both on individual stocks and indices; sell side analysts are reluctant to take their estimates down without ‘guidance’ from companies; executives themselves are unwilling to provide these estimates, leading to seriously flawed ratios. Finally the high quality non-cyclical companies (such as food and beverage, subscription software companies…) offer little upside in our opinion given nosebleed valuations.





Letter from the Portfolio Managers IVA Funds


So how do we deal with this situation? Forget 2020. We are busy valuing companies on the basis of reasonable multiples of our own 2021 earnings estimates; we model such estimates assuming that the world economy in the year 2021 remains in a severe recession versus 2019. We also make sure to take into account any balance sheet deterioration between now and then. We continue to favor well capitalized companies.


Under these assumptions, opportunities appear scarce. We believe that, with a three-year view, many cyclicals we own are substantially undervalued today, and may provide attractive absolute returns compared to more fully valued defensive or growth equities as the world economy comes out of the funk sometime in the future; yet this is no classic recession, with so many unknowns. We are therefore treading carefully.


Finally, bear markets typically do not last one month. Powerful rallies tend to lure investors back in; bear markets can even trough at low multiples of depressed earnings. It is possible however, that the combination of extremely low interest rates and a clear focus by central banks to avoid deflation, could lend support to the multiples of trough earnings. We stand ready to take advantage of investment opportunities when they present themselves.


Your Funds remain cautiously positioned with cash and gold (including miners) representing 40.7% of assets for Worldwide and 30.1% of assets for International as of March 31st, 2020.


We appreciate your continued confidence and thank you for your support.



Charles de Vaulx, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager



Chuck de Lardemelle, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager





Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA Worldwide Fund


The IVA Worldwide Fund Class A, at net asset value, returned -14.28% over the six-month period ended March 31, 2020 compared to the MSCI All Country World Index (Net) (the “Index”) return of -14.33% over the same period.


The Fund was flat versus the Index for the period. Our gold and gold mining stocks had a positive 5.6% return for the period and our allocation to cash helped dampen the impact from equities which were down -24.0% over the period, compared to those in the Index* which were down -14.3%. Our names in the United States and France detracted -5.5% and -2.4% from performance, respectively. Japan and China contributed a total of 0.6%. Our names in industrials and consumer discretionary detracted a total of -7.2%. Health care was the only positive contributing equity sector, adding 0.1%.


The top five individual equity contributors to return this period were: Z Holdings Corp. (Japan, communication services), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (South Korea, technology), Astellas Pharma, Inc. (Japan, health care), Clear Media Ltd. (China, communication services), Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (U.S., financials). The top five individual equity detractors were: AIB Group Plc (Ireland, financials), Airbus SE (Netherlands, industrials), Astronics Corp. (U.S., industrials), Sodexo SA (France, consumer discretionary), Cimarex Energy Co. (U.S., energy).


Fixed income detracted -0.9% whereas gold and gold mining stocks contributed 0.2%. In an effort to neutralize part of our foreign exchange risk, we were partially hedged against several currencies over the period which contributed 0.2%. We eliminated our hedges on the Australian dollar and Japanese yen, and initiated a new hedge on the Chinese yuan. At the end of the period, our currency hedges were: 11% British pound, 70% Chinese yuan, 10% euro; 74% South Korean won, and 86% Thai baht.


IVA International Fund


The IVA International Fund Class A, at net asset value, returned -17.19% over the six-month period ended March 31, 2020 compared to the MSCI All Country World Index (ex-U.S.) (Net) (the “Index”) return of -16.52% over the same period.


The Fund lagged the Index for the period due to poor results for several of our larger equities. Our gold and gold mining stocks had a positive 6.1% return for the period and our allocation to cash helped dampen the impact from equities which were down -23.0% over the period, compared to those in the Index* which were down -16.5%. Equity performance was hurt the most by our names in consumer discretionary and industrials, which together detracted -8.1%. France, Ireland, and the Netherlands detracted -6.8% while China and Uruguay contributed a total of 0.5%.


The top five individual equity contributors to return this period were: Clear Media Ltd. (China, communication services), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (South Korea, technology), Z Holdings Corp. (Japan, communication services), Astellas Pharma, Inc. (Japan, health care), Springland International Holdings Ltd. (China, consumer staples). The top five individual equity detractors were: AIB Group Plc (Ireland, financials), Airbus SE (Netherlands, industrials), Sodexo SA (France, consumer discretionary), Compagnie Financière Richemont SA (Switzerland, consumer discretionary), Kangwon Land Inc. (South Korea, consumer discretionary).


Collectively, Fixed Income detracted -1.1% whereas gold and gold mining stocks contributed 0.4%. In an effort to neutralize part of our foreign exchange risk, we were partially hedged against several currencies over the period which contributed 0.4%. We eliminated our hedges on the Australian dollar and Japanese yen, and initiated a new





Management's Discussion of Fund Performance (unaudited) IVA Funds


hedge on the Chinese yuan. At the end of the period, our currency hedges were: 10% British pound, 75% Chinese yuan, 10% euro; 74% South Korean won, and 86% Thai baht.


Investment Risks: There are risks associated with investing in securities of foreign countries, such as erratic market conditions, economic and political instability and fluctuations in currency exchange rates. Value-based investments are subject to the risk that the broad market may not recognize their intrinsic value.


*The Index equity return excludes gold mining stocks.





IVA Worldwide Fund IVA Funds
Performance (unaudited) As of March 31, 2020


Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2020   Six
Class A   -14.28%   -14.43%   -0.52%   3.39%   5.47%
Class A (with a 5% maximum initial sales charge)   -18.58%   -18.72%   -1.53%   2.86%   5.00%
Class C   -14.62%   -15.09%   -1.27%   2.62%   4.68%
Class I   -14.17%   -14.22%   -0.27%   3.65%   5.73%
MSCI All Country World Index (Net)(c)   -14.33%   -11.26%   2.85%   5.88%   5.78%
Consumer Price Index(d)   0.62%   1.50%   1.82%   1.73%   1.44%


Growth of a $10,000 Initial Investment





(a)Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
(b)The Fund commenced investment operations on October 1, 2008.
(c)The MSCI All Country World Index (Net) is an unmanaged, free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index composed of stocks of companies located in countries throughout the world. It is designed to measure equity market performance in global developed and emerging markets. The index includes reinvestment of dividends, net of foreign withholding taxes. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
(d)The Consumer Price Index examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food and medical care. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
(e)Hypothetical illustration of $10,000 invested in Class A shares on April 1, 2010, assuming the deduction of the maximum initial sales charge of 5% at the time of investment for Class A shares and the reinvestment of all distributions, including returns of capital, if any, at net asset value through March 31, 2020. The performance of the Fund’s other classes may be greater or less than the Class A shares’ performance indicated on this chart depending on whether greater or lesser sales charges and fees were incurred by shareholders investing in the other classes.


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. The returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. To obtain performance information current to the most recent month-end, please call 866-941-4482.


The maximum sales charge for Class A shares is 5.00%. Class C shares may include a 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge for the first year only. Amounts redeemed within 30 days of purchase are subject to a 2.00% fee. The expense ratios for the Fund are as follows: 1.16% (Class A shares); 1.91% (Class C shares); and 0.91% (Class I shares). These expense ratios are as stated in the most recent Prospectus dated January 31, 2020. More recent expense ratios can be found in the Financial Highlights section of this Semi-Annual Report.





IVA Worldwide Fund IVA Funds
Portfolio Composition (unaudited) As of March 31, 2020


Asset Allocation (As a Percent of Total Net Assets)



Sector Allocation (As a Percent of Total Net Assets)



Top 10 Positions (As a Percent of Total Net Assets)(b)


Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class ‘A’, Class ‘B’ 6.4%
Astellas Pharma Inc. 3.1%
Compagnie Financière Richemont SA 2.9%
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 2.7%
Gold Bullion 2.6%
Sodexo SA 2.4%
LKQ Corp. 2.4%
Miraca Holdings Inc. 2.1%
Bureau Veritas SA 2.0%
Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 1.7%


Top 10 positions represent 28.3% of total net assets. 

(a)Other represents unrealized gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts and other assets and liabilities.
(b)Short-Term Investments are not included.





IVA Worldwide Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020


   Shares   Description  Fair Value 
COMMON STOCKS – 60.1%             
Australia | 0.1%             
    245,222   Newcrest Mining Ltd.  $3,445,546 
Belgium | 1.2%             
    1,001,195   Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV   44,461,378 
Bermuda | 0.7%             
    1,119,700   Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd.   24,784,482 
Canada | 0.7%             
    1,452,312   Barrick Gold Corp.   26,606,356 
China | 1.3%             
    88,467   Baidu Inc., ADR (a)   8,916,589 
    23,448,640   Clear Media Ltd.   21,175,295 
    629,584   SINA Corp. (a)   20,045,954 
France | 8.6%             
    16,600,922   Bolloré SA   45,729,255 
    3,877,065   Bureau Veritas SA   73,693,727 
    605,961   Criteo SA, ADR (a)   4,817,390 
    29,511   Dassault Aviation SA   24,285,247 
    23,738   Financière de l’Odet SA   13,957,979 
    177,796   Ipsos SA   3,763,622 
    1,627,954   Publicis Groupe SA   46,706,038 
    1,347,758   Sodexo SA   91,327,666 
    242,772   Wendel SA   19,421,278 
Germany | 2.7%             
    1,960,409   Bayerische Motoren Werke AG   102,921,551 
Hong Kong | 0.1%             
    6,990,658   Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels Ltd.   5,564,662 
Ireland | 1.4%             
    45,882,924   AIB Group Plc   51,451,972 
Japan | 7.8%             
    96,900   ASKUL Corp.   2,868,283 
    7,547,000   Astellas Pharma Inc.   116,828,811 
    390,800   Benesse Holdings Inc.   9,953,106 
    1,053,700   Fan Communications Inc.   4,034,430 
    178,400   Medikit Co., Ltd.   5,052,501 
    3,692,000   Miraca Holdings Inc. (b)   77,894,357 
    2,600   Morinaga & Co., Ltd.   106,517 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA Worldwide Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020



   Shares   Description  Fair Value 
Japan | 7.8% (continued)             
    95,000   Nitto Kohki Co., Ltd.  $1,504,424 
    123,300   Okinawa Cellular Telephone Co.   4,108,666 
    2,357,100   Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   64,608,563 
    227,300   Techno Medica Co., Ltd.   3,948,192 
Malaysia | 0.2%             
    14,977,700   Genting Malaysia Berhad   6,908,034 
Mexico | 1.2%             
    15,863,620   Grupo México SAB de CV, Series ‘B’   29,416,826 
    1,785,637   Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV, Series ‘A’   11,981,024 
    475,743   Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV, Series ‘L’   2,506,813 
Netherlands | 2.3%             
    738,123   Airbus SE   47,891,793 
    2,222,698   Royal Boskalis Westminster NV   40,136,136 
Singapore | 0.5%             
    20,825,899   First Resources Ltd.   17,647,471 
South Africa | 0.2%             
    2,644,224   Net 1 U.E.P.S. Technologies Inc. (a)   7,694,692 
South Korea | 3.9%             
    591,648   Daou Technology Inc.   7,094,960 
    229,910   Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.   31,660,873 
    457,588   Hyundai Motor Co.   32,971,398 
    2,476,688   Kangwon Land Inc.   39,813,384 
    81,178   KIWOOM Securities Co., Ltd.   4,623,726 
    481,315   KT&G Corp.   29,311,492 
Spain | 0.7%             
    230,392   Aena SME, SA   25,143,154 
Switzerland | 4.4%             
    2,000,110   Compagnie Financière Richemont SA   109,615,252 
    263,644   Nestlé SA   27,173,319 
    2,872,110   UBS Group AG   26,844,029 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA Worldwide Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020



   Shares   Description  Fair Value 
Thailand | 0.8%             
    9,997,500   Bangkok Bank PCL, NVDR  $30,608,197 
    14,284,800   Thaicom PCL   990,408 
United Kingdom | 1.9%             
    1,346,556   Inchcape Plc   7,226,014 
    1,218,857   Newmont Corp.   55,189,845 
    1,257,658   WPP Plc   8,569,307 
United States | 19.4%             
    405,429   Acuity Brands Inc.   34,729,048 
    2,261,603   Adtalem Global Education Inc. (a)   60,588,344 
    16,027   Alphabet Inc., Class ‘A’ (a)   18,622,573 
    28,956   Alphabet Inc., Class ‘C’ (a)   33,670,326 
    2,154,327   Astronics Corp. (a)(b)   19,776,722 
    474   Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class ‘A’ (a)   128,928,000 
    613,759   Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Class ‘B’ (a)   112,213,558 
    1,086,460   CDK Global Inc.   35,690,211 
    1,226,454   Cimarex Energy Co.   20,641,221 
    9,900   Dollar Tree Inc. (a)   727,353 
    3,259,620   Gruma SAB de CV, Series ‘B’   25,072,520 
    4,329,648   LKQ Corp. (a)   88,801,081 
    79,626   Mastercard Inc., Class ‘A’   19,234,457 
    22,953   News Corp., Class ‘B’   206,347 
    774,542   Oracle Corp.   37,433,615 
    2,399,401   Qurate Retail, Inc., Series ‘A’ (a)   14,648,343 
    1,300,745   Schlumberger Ltd.   17,547,050 
    3,123,629   Western Union Co.   56,631,394 
        (Cost — $2,696,487,272)   2,250,164,147 
CORPORATE NOTES & BONDS – 2.0%         
South Africa | 0.9%             
    35,068,000 USD  Gold Fields Orogen Holding (BVI) Ltd., 4.875% due 10/7/2020 (c)   33,924,783 
United Kingdom | 0.3%             
    16,650,000 USD 

Valaris Plc:

    4.875% due 6/1/2022



See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA Worldwide Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020

United Kingdom | 0.3% (continued)              
    26,709,000  USD  7.75% due 2/1/2026  $2,672,903 
    35,108,000  USD  5.75% due 10/1/2044   2,710,162 
United States | 0.8%              
    19,997,000  USD  Era Group Inc., 7.75% due 12/15/2022   19,222,116 
    11,472,408  USD  Tidewater Inc., 8% due 8/1/2022   10,307,224 
         (Cost — $109,342,845)   72,599,023 
CONVERTIBLE BONDS – 0.0%              
United Kingdom | 0.0%              
          Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd.,     
    4,587,000  USD  3% due 1/31/2024   1,261,420 
         (Cost — $4,917,877)   1,261,420 
COMMODITIES | 2.6%              
    62,075    Gold Bullion (a)   97,892,154 
(Cost — $100,518,700)
SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS – 34.9%          
Commercial Paper | 7.1%              
         Boeing Co.:     
    50,000,000  USD  1.6% due 4/1/2020 (c)   49,995,816 
    40,000,000  USD  1.81% due 4/1/2020 (c)   39,996,652 
         Engie SA:     
    50,000,000  USD  1.31% due 4/2/2020 (c)   49,999,739 
    72,000,000  USD  1.37% due 4/8/2020 (c)   71,990,704 
         Honeywell International Inc.,     
    53,200,000  USD  1.15% due 4/13/2020 (c)   53,181,038 
Investment Company |  27.7%              
    1,036,000,000  USD  Dreyfus Treasury Prime Cash Management Fund, 0.44% (d)   1,036,000,000 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA Worldwide Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020

Treasury Bills | 0.1%              
    5,000,000  USD  U.S. Treasury Bill, due 6/4/2020 (e)  $4,999,156 
         (Cost — $1,306,150,519)   1,306,163,105 
         TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 99.6%     
         (Cost — $4,217,417,213)   3,728,079,849 
         Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities — 0.4%   15,096,516 
         TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%  $3,743,176,365 


The IVA Worldwide Fund had the following open forward foreign currency contracts at March 31, 2020:


Contracts to Sell:                              
British pound     State Street Bank & Trust Co.       06/09/2020           GBP 1,214,000       $     1,561,027         $     1,509,773         $     51,254  
Chinese yuan     State Street Bank & Trust Co.       03/09/2021          CNH 248,942,000         35,551,780           34,967,742           584,038  
euro       State Street Bank & Trust Co.       06/09/2020           EUR 53,530,000         60,183,631           59,192,484           991,147  
South Korean won   State Street Bank & Trust Co.       04/09/2020       KRW 130,449,000,000         111,303,437           107,143,209           4,160,228  
Thai baht       State Street Bank & Trust Co.       06/09/2020           THB 892,068,000         28,212,394           27,190,356           1,022,038  
Net Unrealized Appreciation on Open Forward Foreign Currency Contracts           $ 6,808,705  


Abbreviations used in this schedule:


ADR American Depositary Receipt
CNH Chinese yuan
EUR euro
GBP British pound
KRW South Korean won
NVDR Non-voting Depositary Receipt
THB Thai baht
USD United States dollar


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA Worldwide Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020



(a)Non-income producing investment.
(b)Issuer of the security is an affiliate of the IVA Worldwide Fund as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940. An affiliate is deemed as a company in which the IVA Worldwide Fund indirectly or directly has ownership of at least 5% of the company’s outstanding voting securities. See Schedule of Affiliates below for additional information.

Schedule of Affiliates                                
30, 2019
Astronics Corp.   1,297,449    885,714    28,836    2,154,327   $19,776,722   $(75,015)  $(39,856,626)    
Miraca Holdings Inc.   3,639,600    179,900    127,500    3,692,000    77,894,357    (429,740)   (5,930,281)  $2,220,290 
Net 1 U.E.P.S. Technologies Inc.**   2,986,316    81,081    423,173    2,644,224        (2,493,924)        
Total                      $97,671,079   $(2,998,679)  $(45,786,907)  $2,220,290 


*Dividend income is gross of withholding taxes.
**Non-affiliated at March 31, 2020.
(c)Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”). Any resale of these securities must generally be effected through a sale that is registered under the 1933 Act or otherwise exempted from such registration requirements.
(d)Rate disclosed is the daily yield on March 31, 2020.
(e)This security is held at the custodian as collateral for forward foreign currency contracts sold. As of March 31, 2020, portfolio securities valued at $4,999,156 were segregated.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund IVA Funds
Performance (unaudited) As of March 31, 2020


Average Annual Total Returns as of March 31, 2020   Six
Class A   -17.19%   -18.09%   -2.12%   2.74%   4.55%
Class A (with a 5% maximum initial sales charge)   -21.34%   -22.21%   -3.12%   2.22%   4.09%
Class C   -17.49%   -18.69%   -2.85%   1.98%   3.77%
Class I   -17.12%   -17.92%   -1.88%   3.00%   4.82%
MSCI All Country World (ex-U.S.) Index (Net)(c)   -16.52%   -15.57%   -0.64%   2.05%   2.76%
Consumer Price Index(d)   0.62%   1.50%   1.82%   1.73%   1.44%


Growth of a $10,000 Initial Investment



(a)Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.
(b)The Fund commenced investment operations on October 1, 2008.
(c)The MSCI All Country World (ex-U.S.) Index (Net) is an unmanaged, free float-adjusted, market capitalization weighted index composed of stocks of companies located in countries throughout the world, excluding the United States. It is designed to measure equity market performance in global developed and emerging markets outside the United States. The index includes reinvestment of dividends, net of foreign withholding taxes. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
(d)The Consumer Price Index examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food and medical care. Please note that an investor cannot invest directly in an index.
(e)Hypothetical illustration of $10,000 invested in Class A shares on April 1, 2010, assuming the deduction of the maximum initial sales charge of 5% at the time of investment for Class A shares and the reinvestment of all distributions, including returns of capital, if any, at net asset value through March 31, 2020. The performance of the Fund’s other classes may be greater or less than the Class A shares’ performance indicated on this chart depending on whether greater or lesser sales charges and fees were incurred by shareholders investing in the other classes.


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The performance data quoted represents past performance and current returns may be lower or higher. The investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. The returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on Fund distributions or the redemption of Fund shares. To obtain performance information current to the most recent month-end, please call 866-941-4482.


The maximum sales charge for Class A shares is 5.00%. Class C shares may include a 1.00% contingent deferred sales charge for the first year only. Amounts redeemed within 30 days of purchase are subject to a 2.00% fee. The expense ratios for the Fund are as follows: 1.17% (Class A shares); 1.92% (Class C shares); and 0.92% (Class I shares). These expense ratios are as stated in the most recent Prospectus dated January 31, 2020. More recent expense ratios can be found in the Financial Highlights section of this Semi-Annual Report.





IVA International Fund IVA Funds
Portfolio Composition (unaudited) As of March 31, 2020


Asset Allocation (As a Percent of Total Net Assets)



Sector Allocation (As a Percent of Total Net Assets)



Top 10 Positions (As a Percent of Total Net Assets)(b)  
Gold Bullion 4.0%
Astellas Pharma Inc. 3.5%
Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 3.1%
Compagnie Financière Richemont SA 3.0%
Sodexo SA 2.6%
Miraca Holdings Inc. 2.5%
Bureau Veritas SA 2.4%
Haw Par Corp. Ltd. 2.1%
Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 2.1%
Royal Boskalis Westminster NV 1.9%


Top 10 positions represent 27.2% of total net assets.

(a) Other represents unrealized gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts and other assets and liabilities.

(b) Short-Term Investments are not included.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020


COMMON STOCKS – 68.9%             
Argentina | 0.3%             
    1,513,697   Loma Negra Companía Industrial Argentina SA, ADR (a)  $5,373,624 
Australia | 0.2%             
    115,873   Newcrest Mining Ltd.   1,628,099 
    23,637,033   WPP AUNZ Ltd.   3,011,245 
Belgium | 1.4%             
    566,243   Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV   25,145,895 
Bermuda | 0.7%             
    593,426   Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd.   13,135,443 
Canada | 0.7%             
    736,324   Barrick Gold Corp.   13,489,456 
China | 2.8%             
    89,946   Baidu Inc., ADR (a)   9,065,657 
    24,772,030   Clear Media Ltd. (b)   22,370,382 
    24,500   Health & Happiness (H&H) International Holdings Ltd.   90,235 
    46,310,000   Phoenix Media Investment (Holdings) Ltd.   2,384,137 
    3,425,499   Phoenix New Media Ltd., ADR   4,240,768 
    387,675   SINA Corp. (a)   12,343,572 
France | 11.4%             
    9,466,744   Bolloré SA   26,077,296 
    2,282,261   Bureau Veritas SA   43,380,319 
    473,958   Criteo SA, ADR (a)   3,767,966 
    18,811   Dassault Aviation SA   15,479,983 
    21,442   Financière de l’Odet SA   12,607,927 
    1,015,125   Groupe SFPI SA   1,135,153 
    374,243   Ipsos SA   7,922,051 
    926,888   Publicis Groupe SA   26,592,439 
    682,556   Sodexo SA   46,251,810 
    448,075   Vicat SA   11,398,473 
    146,196   Wendel SA   11,695,390 
Germany | 3.1%             
    1,058,250   Bayerische Motoren Werke AG   55,558,168 
Hong Kong | 1.2%             
    53,297,000   APT Satellite Holdings Ltd. (b)   16,784,655 
    6,871,416   Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels Ltd.   5,469,744 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020


India | 0.4%             
    295,988   Bajaj Holdings and Investment Ltd.  $7,041,711 
Indonesia | 0.1%             
    204,047,500   PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (a)   1,232,450 
Ireland | 1.1%             
    17,363,176   AIB Group Plc   19,470,635 
Japan | 13.6%             
    296,670   Arcland Sakamoto Co., Ltd.   2,679,928 
    69,300   ASKUL Corp.   2,051,310 
    4,116,900   Astellas Pharma Inc.   63,730,294 
    288,200   Benesse Holdings Inc.   7,340,034 
    391,600   Doshisha Co., Ltd.   4,646,029 
    1,873,800   Fan Communications Inc.   7,174,447 
    705,100   Fujitec Co., Ltd.   9,086,564 
    811,400   Hi-Lex Corp.   9,208,840 
    111,100   Medikit Co., Ltd.   3,146,484 
    2,136,600   Miraca Holdings Inc.   45,078,300 
    139,700   Nitto Kohki Co., Ltd.   2,212,295 
    115,600   Okinawa Cellular Telephone Co.   3,852,083 
    342,900   Retail Partners Co., Ltd.   2,004,484 
    1,404,000   Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   38,483,909 
    371,600   San-A Co., Ltd.   15,522,102 
    416,475   Shingakukai Holdings Co., Ltd.   1,710,303 
    162,450   Shofu Inc.   2,650,471 
    800   SK Kaken Co., Ltd.   273,926 
    220,800   Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co., Ltd.   5,442,578 
    464,400   Techno Medica Co., Ltd. (b)   8,066,611 
    149,100   Transcosmos Inc.   2,641,097 
    527,300   Yondoshi Holdings Inc.   9,493,189 
Malaysia | 0.3%             
    13,916,100   Genting Malaysia Berhad   6,418,402 
Mexico | 4.0%             
    1,928,586   Corporativo Fragua, SAB de CV   19,511,461 
    15,660,730   Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV   16,556,902 
    7,879,490   Grupo México SAB de CV, Series ‘B’   14,611,393 
    1,746,868   Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV, Series ‘A’   11,720,897 
    554,907   Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV, Series ‘L’   2,923,949 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020


Mexico | 4.0% (continued)             
    2,256,100   Quálitas Controladora, SAB de CV  $5,767,095 
    447,300   Regional SAB de CV   1,176,584 
Netherlands | 3.4%             
    407,276   Airbus SE   26,425,376 
    1,894,832   Royal Boskalis Westminster NV   34,215,730 
    9,054   Unilever NV   446,090 
Philippines | 0.0%             
    444,500   Alliance Global Group Inc. (a)   60,751 
Singapore | 3.4%             
    26,477,500   First Resources Ltd.   22,436,531 
    5,350,720   Haw Par Corp. Ltd.   38,574,443 
South Africa | 0.3%             
    1,774,561   Net 1 U.E.P.S. Technologies Inc. (a)   5,163,972 
South Korea | 8.2%             
    846,471   Daou Technology Inc.   10,150,762 
    180,868   DONGKOOK Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   11,454,477 
    30,514   Fursys Inc.   689,142 
    160,633   Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.   22,120,747 
    301,566   Hyundai Motor Co.   21,729,269 
    1,894,510   Kangwon Land Inc.   30,454,726 
    93,878   KIWOOM Securities Co., Ltd.   5,347,091 
    368,310   KT&G Corp.   22,429,626 
    1,323,378   Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (b)   7,974,596 
    1,313,861   WHANIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (b)   15,814,067 
Spain | 1.0%             
    166,964   Aena SME, SA   18,221,125 
Switzerland | 5.2%             
    1,003,790   Compagnie Financière Richemont SA   55,012,322 
    220,808   Nestlé SA   22,758,288 
    1,776,436   UBS Group AG   16,603,368 
Thailand | 1.3%             
    7,193,700   Bangkok Bank PCL, NVDR   22,024,124 
    14,977,000   Thaicom PCL   1,038,401 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020


United Arab Emirates | 0.5%             
    30,226,042   Emaar Malls PJSC  $8,628,644 
United Kingdom | 2.8%             
    32,962,172   Avanti Communications Group Plc (a)    
    1,827,771   Inchcape Plc   9,808,354 
    6,765,348   Mitie Group Plc   5,455,451 
    684,181   Newmont Corp.   30,979,716 
    766,619   WPP Plc   5,223,514 
United States | 1.5%             
    2,013,525   Gruma SAB de CV, Series ‘B’   15,487,740 
    869,589   Schlumberger Ltd.   11,730,755 
        (Cost — $1,672,328,135)   1,247,785,842 
PREFERRED STOCKS – 1.1%             
Chile | 0.3%             
    2,354,581   Embotelladora Andina SA, Series ‘B’   5,221,398 
Germany | 0.8%             
    64,441   KSB SE & Co. KgaA Vorzug   14,340,927 
        (Cost — $30,220,645)   19,562,325 
CORPORATE NOTES & BONDS – 1.3%         
South Africa | 0.9%             
        Gold Fields Orogen Holding (BVI) Ltd.,     
    17,291,000 USD  4.875% due 10/7/2020 (c)   16,727,313 
United Kingdom | 0.4%             
        Avanti Communications Group Plc,     
    6,716,923 USD  9% due 10/1/2022 (9% PIK) (c)(d)   1,410,554 
        Valaris Plc:     
    8,078,000 USD  4.875% due 6/1/2022   1,825,111 
    19,144,000 USD  7.75% due 2/1/2026   1,915,836 
    24,837,000 USD  5.75% due 10/1/2044   1,917,292 
        TOTAL CORPORATE NOTES & BONDS (Cost — $51,545,420)   23,796,106 
CONVERTIBLE BONDS – 0.1%             
United Kingdom | 0.1%             
    7,330,000 USD  Ensco Jersey Finance Ltd., 3% due 1/31/2024   2,015,741 
(Cost — $9,323,256)


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments

March 31, 2020



Luxembourg | 0.2%              
         European Investment Bank,     
    35,500,000  NOK  1.125% due 5/15/2020  $3,415,822 
         (Cost — $4,302,584)   3,415,822 
COMMODITIES – 4.0%              
    45,628    Gold Bullion (a)   71,955,214 
         (Cost — $74,806,366)   71,955,214 
Commercial Paper | 1.4%              
    25,000,000  USD  Engie SA, 1.37% due 4/8/2020 (c)   24,996,772 
Investment Company | 21.1%
    383,300,000  USD  Dreyfus Treasury Prime Cash Management Fund, 0.44% (e)   383,300,000 
Treasury Bills | 0.2%              
    4,000,000  USD  U.S. Treasury Bill, due 6/4/2020 (f)   3,999,325 
         (Cost — $412,286,869)   412,296,097 
         TOTAL INVESTMENTS — 98.3%     
         (Cost — $2,254,813,275)   1,780,827,147 
         Other Assets In Excess of Liabilities — 1.7%   30,350,942 
         TOTAL NET ASSETS — 100.0%  $1,811,178,089 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments
March 31, 2020


The IVA International Fund had the following open forward foreign currency contracts at March 31, 2020:


MARCH 31, 2020
Contracts to Sell:                     
British pound  State Street Bank & Trust Co.   06/09/2020    GBP 1,566,000  $2,113,515   $1,947,533   $165,982 
Chinese yuan  State Street Bank & Trust Co.   03/09/2021    CNH 358,996,000   51,348,056    50,371,926    976,130 
euro    State Street Bank & Trust Co.   06/09/2020    EUR 33,387,000   37,691,741    36,918,727    773,014 
South Korean won  State Street Bank & Trust Co.   04/09/2020  KRW 132,775,000,000   113,794,808    109,053,650    4,741,158 
Thai baht  State Street Bank & Trust Co.   06/09/2020    THB 651,191,000   20,646,493    19,848,392    798,101 
Net Unrealized Appreciation on Open Forward Foreign Currency Contracts   $7,454,385 


Abbreviations used in this schedule:


ADR American Depositary Receipt
CNH Chinese yuan
EUR euro
GBP British pound
KRW South Korean won
NOK Norwegian krone
NVDR Non-voting Depositary Receipt
PIK Payment-in-kind
THB Thai baht
USD United States dollar


See Notes to Financial Statements.





IVA International Fund (unaudited) IVA Funds


Schedule of Investments
March 31, 2020


(a)Non-income producing investment.
(b)Issuer of the security is an affiliate of the IVA International Fund as defined by the Investment Company Act of 1940. An affiliate is deemed as a company in which the IVA International Fund indirectly or directly has ownership of at least 5% of the company’s outstanding voting securities. See Schedule of Affiliates below for additional information.


Schedule of Affiliates
30, 2019
APT Satellite Holdings Ltd.   54,595,000        1,298,000    53,297,000   $16,784,655   $(719,294)  $(4,022,036)    
Clear Media Ltd.   31,530,030        6,758,000    24,772,030    22,370,382    911,886    11,057,083     
Fan Communications Inc.**   3,887,400        2,013,600    1,873,800        (4,304,739)      $476,209 
Kyung Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   1,429,632        106,254    1,323,378    7,974,596    (406,074)   (201,513)   455,748 
Phoenix New Media Ltd., ADR**   3,713,463    102,564    390,528    3,425,499        (1,412,248)       5,017,631 
Techno Medica Co., Ltd.   513,800        49,400    464,400    8,066,611    178,587    (2,219,145)   201,941 
WHANIN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   1,625,926        312,065    1,313,861    15,814,067    (2,911,250)   619,195    393,695 
Total                      $71,010,311   $(8,663,132)  $5,233,584   $6,545,224 


*Dividend income is gross of withholding taxes.
**Non-affiliated at March 31, 2020.


(c)Security is exempt from registration under Rule 144A or Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “1933 Act”). Any resale of these securities must generally be effected through a sale that is registered under the 1933 Act or otherwise exempted from such registration requirements.
(d)Payment-in-kind security for which the issuer may pay interest with additional debt securities or cash.
(e)Rate disclosed is the daily yield on March 31, 2020.
(f)This security is held at the custodian as collateral for forward foreign currency contracts sold. As of March 31, 2020, portfolio securities valued at $3,999,325 were segregated.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Statement of Assets and Liabilities (unaudited) IVA Funds


March 31, 2020



Long-term investments, at cost:          
Non-affiliated securities  $2,639,158,436   $1,676,617,514 
Affiliated securities   171,589,558    91,102,526 
Commodities   100,518,700    74,806,366 
Short-term investments, at cost   1,301,158,608    408,293,340 
Collateral for open foreign forward currency contracts, at cost   4,991,911    3,993,529 
Long-term investments, at fair value:          
Non-affiliated securities  $2,226,353,511   $1,225,565,525 
Affiliated securities   97,671,079    71,010,311 
Commodities   97,892,154    71,955,214 
Short-term investments, at fair value   1,301,163,949    408,296,772 
Collateral for open foreign forward currency contracts, at fair value   4,999,156    3,999,325 
Cash   288,408    259,218 
Receivable for investments sold   28,890,603    14,135,185 
Dividends and interest receivable   19,848,629    14,198,586 
Receivable for fund shares sold   7,785,866    2,911,216 
Unrealized appreciation on open forward foreign currency contracts   6,808,705    7,454,385 
Prepaid expenses and other assets   103,058    45,690 
Total assets  $3,791,805,118   $1,819,831,427 
Payable for fund shares repurchased  $44,121,126   $6,575,492 
Accrued investment advisory fees   2,824,118    1,368,782 
Accrued distribution and service fees   364,139    33,215 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities   1,319,370    675,849 
Total liabilities   48,628,753    8,653,338 
Net Assets  $3,743,176,365   $1,811,178,089 
Net Assets Consist of:          
Par value ($0.001 per share)  $277,510   $148,025 
Additional paid-in-capital   3,989,869,445    2,297,982,273 
Total distributable earnings   (246,970,590)   (486,952,209)
Net Assets  $3,743,176,365   $1,811,178,089 
Net Asset Value Per Share:          
Class A          
Net assets  $688,899,407   $75,784,375 
Shares outstanding   51,134,645    6,202,312 
Net asset value per share  $13.47   $12.22 
Maximum offering price per share (with a maximum initial sales
charge of 5.00%)
  $14.18   $12.86 
Class C          
Net assets  $227,751,110   $14,680,494 
Shares outstanding   17,340,114    1,225,883 
Net asset value per share  $13.13   $11.98 
Class I          
Net assets  $2,826,525,848   $1,720,713,220 
Shares outstanding   209,034,878    140,596,580 
Net asset value per share  $13.52   $12.24 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Statement of Operations (unaudited) IVA Funds


For the Six Months Ended March 31, 2020



Investment Income:          
Interest  $22,086,125   $7,160,026 
Non-affiliated securities   26,613,618    17,203,635 
Affiliated securities   2,220,290    6,545,224 
Other income   33,752     
Less: Foreign taxes withheld   (2,363,047)   (1,998,645)
Total income   48,590,738    28,910,240 
Investment advisory fees   20,952,867    10,285,591 
Distribution and service fees:          
Class A   1,126,446    158,079 
Class C   1,628,518    106,286 
Transfer agent and shareholder service fees   1,740,287    579,778 
Trustee fees   144,269    68,660 
Other expenses   1,550,638    1,019,900 
Total expenses   27,143,025    12,218,294 
Net investment income   21,447,713    16,691,946 
Net Realized and Change in Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments and Foreign Currency including Forward Foreign Currency Contracts:          
Net realized gain (loss) on:          
Non-affiliated securities   247,888,833    15,581,432 
Affiliated securities   (2,998,679)   (8,663,132)
Commodities   644,571    2,514,480 
Forward foreign currency contracts and other foreign currency transactions   1,706,835    2,136,261 
Net realized gain   247,241,560    11,569,041 
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) from:          
Investments from:          
Non-affiliated investments   (874,863,105)   (431,430,941)
Affiliated investments   (45,786,907)   5,233,584 
Forward foreign currency contracts and other foreign currency translation   4,929,756    5,084,335 
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)   (915,720,256)   (421,113,022)
Net realized and change in unrealized gain (loss) on investments and foreign currency including forward foreign currency contracts   (668,478,696)   (409,543,981)
Decrease in net assets resulting from operations  $(647,030,983)  $(392,852,035)


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Statement of Changes in Net Assets (unaudited) IVA Funds


   IVA Worldwide Fund   IVA International Fund 
   Six Months Ended
March 31,
   Year Ended
September 30,
   Six Months Ended
March 31,
   Year Ended
September 30,
Net investment income  $21,447,713   $80,890,827   $16,691,946   $51,254,307 
Net realized gain   247,241,560    559,550,303    11,569,041    113,396,371 
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)   (915,720,256)   (867,538,077)   (421,113,022)   (346,311,638)
Decrease in net assets resulting from operations   (647,030,983)   (227,096,947)   (392,852,035)   (181,660,960)
Decrease in net assets resulting from distributions   (384,114,149)   (639,448,284)   (106,038,250)   (234,693,218)
Capital Share Transactions:                    
Proceeds from shares sold   419,184,784    1,214,622,428    240,513,987    611,893,146 
Reinvestment of distributions   324,649,462    530,777,658    89,674,675    203,877,710 
Cost of shares repurchased   (1,798,970,770)   (3,066,709,013)   (822,913,902)   (1,445,674,304)
Decrease in net assets from capital share transactions   (1,055,136,524)   (1,321,308,927)   (492,725,240)   (629,903,448)
Decrease in net assets   (2,086,281,656)   (2,187,854,158)   (991,615,525)   (1,046,257,626)
Net Assets:                    
Beginning of period  $5,829,458,021   $8,017,312,179   $2,802,793,614   $3,849,051,240 
End of period  $3,743,176,365   $5,829,458,021   $1,811,178,089   $2,802,793,614 


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Financial Highlights (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA Worldwide Fund — Class A


For a share of each class of beneficial interest outstanding:


   Six Months Ended   Year Ended September 30, 
   March 31, 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $16.84   $18.97   $18.96   $17.26   $16.87   $18.54 
Increase (decrease) from investment operations:(a)                              
Net investment income(b)   0.06    0.19    0.08    0.04    0.09    0.02 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (2.24)   (0.72)   0.53    1.86    1.01    (0.77)
Increase (decrease) from investment operations   (2.18)   (0.53)   0.61    1.90    1.10    (0.75)
Decrease from distributions:                              
Net investment income   (0.21)   (0.15)   (0.03)       (0.23)   (0.21)
Net realized gain on investments   (0.98)   (1.45)   (0.57)   (0.20)   (0.48)   (0.71)
Decrease from distributions   (1.19)   (1.60)   (0.60)   (0.20)   (0.71)   (0.92)
Net asset value, end
of period
  $13.47   $16.84   $18.97   $18.96   $17.26   $16.87 
Total return(c)   (14.28)%   (2.48)%   3.25%   11.12%   6.75%   (4.21)%
Ratios to average net assets:                              
Operating expenses   1.18%(d)   1.23%   1.25%   1.25%   1.25%   1.25%
Net investment income   0.69%(d)   1.09%   0.41%   0.21%   0.52%   0.09%
Supplemental data:                              
Portfolio turnover rate   32.9%   39.9%   25.0%   13.9%   29.7%   30.3%
Net assets, end of
period (000’s)
  $688,899   $950,298   $1,159,022   $1,512,543   $1,587,209   $1,815,439 

(a)The amounts shown for a share outstanding may not correlate with the Statements of Operations for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of fund shares in relation to income earned and/or gains (losses) both realized and unrealized during the period.
(b)Calculated using average daily shares outstanding.
(c)Total return assumes reinvestment of all distributions and does not reflect an initial sales charge. Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Financial Highlights (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA Worldwide Fund — Class C


For a share of each class of beneficial interest outstanding:


   Six Months Ended   Year Ended September 30, 
   March 31, 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $16.38   $18.48   $18.59   $17.05   $16.67   $18.33 
Increase (decrease) from investment operations:(a)                              
Net investment income
   (0.01)   0.05    (0.06)   (0.10)   (0.04)   (0.12)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (2.19)   (0.68)   0.52    1.84    1.00    (0.76)
Increase (decrease) from investment operations   (2.20)   (0.63)   0.46    1.74    0.96    (0.88)
Decrease from distributions:                              
Net investment income   (0.07)   (0.02)           (0.10)   (0.07)
Net realized gain on investments   (0.98)   (1.45)   (0.57)   (0.20)   (0.48)   (0.71)
Decrease from distributions   (1.05)   (1.47)   (0.57)   (0.20)   (0.58)   (0.78)
Net asset value, end
of period
  $13.13   $16.38   $18.48   $18.59   $17.05   $16.67 
Total return(c)   (14.62)%   (3.18)%   2.47%   10.31%   5.93%   (4.96)%
Ratios to average net assets:                              
Operating expenses   1.93%(d)   1.98%   2.00%   2.00%   2.00%   2.00%
Net investment income (loss)   (0.09)% (d)   0.29%   (0.32)%   (0.55)%   (0.23)%   (0.67)%
Supplemental data:                              
Portfolio turnover rate   32.9%   39.9%   25.0%   13.9%   29.7%   30.3%
Net assets, end of
period (000’s)
  $227,751   $379,243   $691,501   $856,801   $1,037,758   $1,201,687 

(a)The amounts shown for a share outstanding may not correlate with the Statements of Operations for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of fund shares in relation to income earned and/or gains (losses) both realized and unrealized during the period.
(b)Calculated using average daily shares outstanding.
(c)Total return assumes reinvestment of all distributions and does not reflect a contingent deferred sales charge. Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Financial Highlights (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA Worldwide Fund — Class I


For a share of each class of beneficial interest outstanding:


   Six Months Ended   Year Ended September 30, 
   March 31, 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $16.92   $19.05   $19.04   $17.28   $16.90   $18.57 
Increase (decrease) from investment operations:(a)                              
Net investment income(b)   0.08    0.23    0.13    0.08    0.13    0.06 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (2.25)   (0.71)   0.53    1.88    1.00    (0.77)
Increase (decrease) from investment operations   (2.17)   (0.48)   0.66    1.96    1.13    (0.71)
Decrease from distributions:                              
Net investment income   (0.25)   (0.20)   (0.08)       (0.27)   (0.25)
Net realized gain on investments   (0.98)   (1.45)   (0.57)   (0.20)   (0.48)   (0.71)
Decrease from distributions   (1.23)   (1.65)   (0.65)   (0.20)   (0.75)   (0.96)
Net asset value, end
of period
  $13.52   $16.92   $19.05   $19.04   $17.28   $16.90 
Total return(c)   (14.17)%   (2.21)%   3.48%   11.46%   6.96%   (3.95)%
Ratios to average net assets:                              
Operating expenses   0.93%(d)   0.98%   1.00%   1.00%   1.00%   1.00%
Net investment income   0.92%(d)   1.32%   0.70%   0.47%   0.77%   0.34%
Supplemental data:                              
Portfolio turnover rate   32.9%   39.9%   25.0%   13.9%   29.7%   30.3%
Net assets, end of
period (000’s)
  $2,826,526   $4,499,917   $6,166,789   $5,861,001   $5,651,971   $6,068,916 

(a)The amounts shown for a share outstanding may not correlate with the Statements of Operations for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of fund shares in relation to income earned and/or gains (losses) both realized and unrealized during the period.
(b)Calculated using average daily shares outstanding.
(c)Total return assumes reinvestment of all distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Financial Highlights (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA International Fund — Class A


For a share of each class of beneficial interest outstanding:


   Six Months Ended   Year Ended September 30, 
   March 31, 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $15.32   $17.23   $18.02   $16.28   $16.39   $17.84 
Increase (decrease) from investment operations:(a)                              
Net investment income(b)   0.08    0.23    0.12    0.08    0.07    0.12 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (2.58)   (1.05)   (0.30)   1.86    0.86    (0.55)
Increase (decrease) from investment operations   (2.50)   (0.82)   (0.18)   1.94    0.93    (0.43)
Decrease from distributions:                              
Net investment income   (0.29)   (0.21)   (0.24)   (0.03)   (0.41)   (0.47)
Net realized gain on investments   (0.31)   (0.88)   (0.37)   (0.17)   (0.63)   (0.55)
Decrease from distributions   (0.60)   (1.09)   (0.61)   (0.20)   (1.04)   (1.02)
Net asset value, end
of period
  $12.22   $15.32   $17.23   $18.02   $16.28   $16.39 
Total return(c)   (17.19)%   (4.51)%   (1.07)%   12.09%   5.93%   (2.37)%
Ratios to average net assets:                              
Operating expenses   1.18%(d)   1.23%   1.25%   1.25%   1.24%   1.25%
Net investment income   1.05%(d)   1.45%   0.67%   0.48%   0.41%   0.70%
Supplemental data:                              
Portfolio turnover rate   17.3%   25.3%   19.4%   22.7%   34.9%   27.6%
Net assets, end of
period (000’s)
  $75,784   $133,269   $181,209   $269,160   $282,567   $466,336 

(a)The amounts shown for a share outstanding may not correlate with the Statements of Operations for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of fund shares in relation to income earned and/or gains (losses) both realized and unrealized during the period.
(b)Calculated using average daily shares outstanding.
(c)Total return assumes reinvestment of all distributions and does not reflect an initial sales charge. Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Financial Highlights (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA International Fund — Class C


For a share of each class of beneficial interest outstanding:


   Six Months Ended   Year Ended September 30, 
   March 31, 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $14.97   $16.85   $17.64   $16.03   $16.14   $17.58 
Increase (decrease) from investment operations:(a)                              
Net investment income (loss)(b)   0.02    0.09    (0.01)   (0.05)   (0.03)   (0.02)
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (2.53)   (1.00)   (0.30)   1.83    0.83    (0.53)
Increase (decrease) from investment operations   (2.51)   (0.91)   (0.31)   1.78    0.80    (0.55)
Decrease from distributions:                              
Net investment income   (0.17)   (0.09)   (0.11)       (0.28)   (0.34)
Net realized gain on investments   (0.31)   (0.88)   (0.37)   (0.17)   (0.63)   (0.55)
Decrease from distributions   (0.48)   (0.97)   (0.48)   (0.17)   (0.91)   (0.89)
Net asset value, end
of period
  $11.98   $14.97   $16.85   $17.64   $16.03   $16.14 
Total return(c)   (17.49)%   (5.19)%   (1.82)%   11.24%   5.17%   (3.14)%
Ratios to average net assets:                              
Operating expenses   1.93%(d)   1.99%   2.00%   2.00%   1.99%   2.00%
Net investment income (loss)   0.31%(d)   0.62%   (0.04)%   (0.29)%   (0.19)%   (0.11)%
Supplemental data:                              
Portfolio turnover rate   17.3%   25.3%   19.4%   22.7%   34.9%   27.6%
Net assets, end of
period (000’s)
  $14,680   $23,777   $40,509   $59,467   $68,878   $73,818 

(a)The amounts shown for a share outstanding may not correlate with the Statements of Operations for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of fund shares in relation to income earned and/or gains (losses) both realized and unrealized during the period.
(b)Calculated using average daily shares outstanding.
(c)Total return assumes reinvestment of all distributions and does not reflect a contingent deferred sales charge. Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Financial Highlights (unaudited) IVA Funds


IVA International Fund — Class I


For a share of each class of beneficial interest outstanding:


   Six Months Ended   Year Ended September 30, 
   March 31, 2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015 
Net asset value, beginning of period  $15.37   $17.28   $18.06   $16.32   $16.43   $17.89 
Increase (decrease) from investment operations:(a)                              
Net investment income(b)   0.10    0.26    0.18    0.12    0.13    0.16 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (2.59)   (1.04)   (0.30)   1.86    0.84    (0.55)
Increase (decrease) from investment operations   (2.49)   (0.78)   (0.12)   1.98    0.97    (0.39)
Decrease from distributions:                              
Net investment income   (0.33)   (0.25)   (0.29)   (0.07)   (0.45)   (0.52)
Net realized gain on investments   (0.31)   (0.88)   (0.37)   (0.17)   (0.63)   (0.55)
Decrease from distributions   (0.64)   (1.13)   (0.66)   (0.24)   (1.08)   (1.07)
Net asset value, end
of period
  $12.24   $15.37   $17.28   $18.06   $16.32   $16.43 
Total return(c)   (17.12)%   (4.25)%   (0.77)%   12.34%   6.20%   (2.16)%
Ratios to average net assets:                              
Operating expenses   0.93%(d)   0.99%   1.00%   1.00%   0.99%   1.00%
Net investment income   1.32%(d)   1.64%   1.00%   0.74%   0.85%   0.92%
Supplemental data:                              
Portfolio turnover rate   17.3%   25.3%   19.4%   22.7%   34.9%   27.6%
Net assets, end of
period (000’s)
  $1,720,713   $2,645,748   $3,627,334   $3,874,426   $3,639,098   $3,164,053 

(a)The amounts shown for a share outstanding may not correlate with the Statements of Operations for the period due to the timing of sales and repurchases of fund shares in relation to income earned and/or gains (losses) both realized and unrealized during the period.
(b)Calculated using average daily shares outstanding.
(c)Total return assumes reinvestment of all distributions. Total returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.


See Notes to Financial Statements.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


Note 1 – Organization and Significant Accounting Policies


IVA Fiduciary Trust (the “Trust”) consists of the IVA Worldwide Fund (the “Worldwide Fund”) and IVA International Fund (the “International Fund”) (each, a “Fund” and, together, the “Funds”). The Worldwide Fund and the International Fund are each a diversified investment portfolio of the Trust, an open-end series management investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”), and organized as a Massachusetts business trust. The Funds commenced investment operations on October 1, 2008. The Worldwide Fund seeks long-term growth of capital by investing in a range of securities and asset classes from markets around the world, including U.S. markets. The International Fund seeks long-term growth of capital by investing in a range of securities and asset classes from markets around the world.


The following are significant accounting policies followed by the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). In accordance with U.S. GAAP, each Fund has been defined as an investment company and as such complies with investment company and reporting guidance of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. As of result, there are no changes to measurement or disclosure required in the Funds’ financial statements.


Use of Estimates. Preparation of these financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires the Funds’ management to make estimates and assumptions that may affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and related notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates.


Valuation of the Funds. The net asset value per share (“NAV”) of a Fund’s shares of a particular class is calculated each day that the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) is open.


Listed equity securities are generally valued at the last sale price on the exchange that is the primary market for such securities. Equity securities listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange (“NASDAQ”) are generally valued using the NASDAQ Official Closing Price (“NOCP”). If no sales or NOCPs are reported during the day, equity securities are generally valued at the mean of the last available bid and asked quotations on the exchange or market on which the security is primarily traded, or using other market information obtained from a quotation reporting system, established market makers, or pricing services. If there is only a bid or only an asked price on such date, valuation will be at such bid or asked price for long and short positions, respectively. Over-the-counter (“OTC”) equity securities not listed on NASDAQ are generally valued at the mean of the last available bid and asked quotations on the market on which the security is primarily traded, or using other market information obtained from a quotation reporting system, established market makers or pricing services. If there is only a bid or only an asked price on such date, valuation will be at such bid or asked price for long or short positions, respectively.


Precious metals, including gold bullion, are valued at the spot price at the time trading on the NYSE closes (normally 4:00 p.m. E.S.T.).


Debt securities, other than commercial paper, for which market quotations are readily available are generally valued at the evaluated mean primarily based on the last bid and asked prices received from an independent pricing service. When no asked price is available, debt securities are valued at the evaluated bid price alone. Commercial paper is generally valued at the evaluated bid price provided by an independent pricing service. An evaluated price may include a variety of factors including the issue’s coupon rate, maturity, credit rating, yield, trade data, quoted prices of similar fixed income securities, and any other relevant market or security specific information.


Short-term investments in other open-end investment companies registered under the 1940 Act are valued at such investment companies’ NAVs as of March 31,2020.


Forward foreign currency contracts are valued at the current cost of offsetting such contracts.


The value of any investment that is listed or traded on more than one exchange or market is based on the exchange or market determined by International Value Advisers, LLC (the “Adviser”) to be the primary trading venue for that investment. A quotation from the exchange or market deemed by the Adviser to be the secondary trading venue for a particular investment may be relied upon in instances where a quotation is not available on the primary exchange or market.






Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


The Board of Trustees of the Trust (the “Board”) has established a Pricing and Fair Valuation Committee (the “Committee”) comprised of officers of the Adviser to which it has delegated the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the Funds’ valuation procedures and fair value determinations made on behalf of the Board. The Committee may determine that market quotations are not readily available due to events relating to a single issuer (e.g., corporate actions or announcements) or events relating to multiple issuers (e.g., governmental actions or natural disasters). The Committee may determine that there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity for an asset or liability whereby transactions or quoted prices may not be determinative of fair value. The Committee may determine the fair value of investments based on information provided by pricing services and other third parties, including broker-dealers and other market intermediaries, which may recommend fair value prices or adjustments with reference to other securities, indices or assets. For securities that do not trade during NYSE hours or securities for which there is a foreign market holiday when the NYSE is open, fair valuation determinations are based on analyses of market movements after the close of those securities’ primary markets, and include reviews of developments in foreign markets, the performance of U.S. securities markets, and the performance of instruments trading in U.S. markets that represent foreign securities or baskets of foreign securities. Fair value pricing may require subjective determinations about the value of an asset or liability. Fair values used to determine the Funds’ NAVs may differ from quoted or published prices, or from prices that are used by others, for the same investments. The use of fair value pricing may not always result in adjustments to the prices of securities or other assets or liabilities held by the Funds.


Fair Value Measurement. The Funds adhere to U.S. GAAP fair value accounting standards that establish a single definition of fair value, create a three-tier hierarchy as a framework for measuring fair value based on inputs used to value the Funds’ assets and liabilities, and require additional disclosure about fair value. The hierarchy of inputs is summarized below:


Level 1 – last traded/quoted prices in active markets for identical unrestricted investments


Level 2 – other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar or identical investments, amortized cost, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, other observable market data, etc.)


Level 3 – significant unobservable inputs (including the Funds’ own assumptions in determining the fair value of investments)


The following is a summary of the inputs used in valuing the Worldwide Fund’s assets and liabilities at fair value:


ASSETS  Last Traded/
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Unrestricted
Investments (Level 1)
  Other Significant
Inputs (Level 2)
Inputs (Level 3)
Common stocks:              
Foreign  $167,175,489  $1,357,826,495    $1,525,001,984  
United States  725,162,163      725,162,163  
Corporate notes & bonds    72,599,023    72,599,023  
Convertible bonds    1,261,420    1,261,420  
Commodities  97,892,154      97,892,154  
Short-term investments  1,036,000,000  270,163,105    1,306,163,105  
Unrealized appreciation on open forward foreign currency contracts    6,808,705    6,808,705  
Total assets  $2,026,229,806  $1,708,658,748    $3,734,888,554  


For the six months ended March 31, 2020 and the year ended September 30, 2019, there were no Level 3 assets or liabilities held in the Worldwide Fund.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


The following is a summary of the inputs used in valuing the International Fund’s assets and liabilities at fair value:


ASSETS  Last Traded/
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Unrestricted
Investments (Level 1)
  Other Significant
Inputs (Level 2)
Inputs (Level 3)
Common stocks:              
Foreign  $156,693,012  $1,063,874,335    $1,220,567,347  
United States  27,218,495      27,218,495  
Preferred stocks  5,221,398  14,340,927    19,562,325  
Corporate notes & bonds    23,796,106    23,796,106  
Convertible bonds    2,015,741    2,015,741  
Supranational bonds    3,415,822    3,415,822  
Commodities  71,955,214      71,955,214  
Short-term investments  383,300,000  28,996,097    412,296,097  
Unrealized appreciation on open forward foreign currency contracts    7,454,385    7,454,385  
Total assets  $644,388,119  $1,143,893,413    $1,788,281,532  


For the six months ended March 31, 2020 and the year ended September 30, 2019, there were no Level 3 assets or liabilities held in the International Fund.


Foreign Currency Translation. Portfolio securities and other assets and liabilities initially valued in currencies other than the U.S. dollar are translated to U.S. dollars using exchange rates obtained from pricing services.


The Funds do not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in market prices of investments held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and change in unrealized gain or loss on investments.


Net realized gains or losses on foreign currency transactions arise from sales of foreign currencies, including gains and losses on forward foreign currency contracts, currency gains or losses realized between the trade and settlement dates on securities transactions, and the difference between the amounts of dividends, interest, and foreign withholding taxes recorded on each Fund’s books and the U.S. dollar equivalent of the amounts actually received or paid. Net change in unrealized gains and losses from foreign currency translation arise from changes in the fair values of assets and liabilities, other than investments, at the date of valuation, resulting from changes in exchange rates.


Portfolio Transactions and Investment Income. Portfolio transactions are recorded on a trade date basis. Interest income, adjusted for amortization of premium and accretion of discount, is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend date. Realized gains and losses on investment transactions are determined by the specific identification method.


Class Allocation. Investment income, realized and unrealized gains and losses, and Fund expenses are allocated daily to the various classes of each Fund pro rata on the basis of relative net assets. Each class bears certain expenses unique to that class. Differences in class-level expenses may result in payment of different per share dividends by each share class.


Distributions to Shareholders. Distributions are recorded on the ex-dividend date and are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP. Accordingly, the nature of distributions and composition of net assets for tax purposes differ from those reflected in the accompanying financial statements.


Federal and Other Taxes. It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the federal income and excise tax requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated investment companies. Accordingly, each Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its taxable income and net realized gains, if any, to shareholders each year. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required in the Funds’ financial statements.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


The Funds follow the Financial Accounting Standards Board accounting standard for accounting for uncertainty in income taxes. This standard defines the threshold for recognizing tax positions in the financial statements as “more-likely-than-not” to be sustained by the applicable taxing authority and requires measurement of a tax position meeting the “more-likely-than-not” criterion, based on the largest benefit that is more than fifty percent realized. Management has analyzed each Fund’s tax positions taken on federal and state tax returns for all open tax years (generally the current and the prior three tax years) and determined that no provision for income tax would be required in the Funds’ financial statements. Tax-related interest or penalties, if applicable, are to be disclosed in the Statements of Operations. For the six months ended March 31, 2020, the Funds did not incur any tax-related interest or penalties.


Under the applicable foreign tax laws, a withholding tax may be imposed on interest, dividends and capital gains at various rates. Dividend and interest withholding taxes and capital gains taxes incurred, for the six months ended March 31, 2020, can be found in the Statements of Operations.


Forward Foreign Currency Contracts. Each Fund engages in buying and selling forward foreign currency contracts to seek to manage the exposure of investments denominated in non-U.S. currencies against fluctuations in relative value. A forward foreign currency contract involves a privately negotiated obligation to purchase or sell (with delivery generally required) a specific currency at a future date, at a price set at the time of the contract.


Transactions with Affiliates. The Funds are permitted to purchase and sell securities (“cross-trade”) from and to other entities managed by the Adviser pursuant to procedures approved by the Board in compliance with Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act. In compliance with these provisions of Rule 17a-7, each cross-trade is executed at the current market price with no remuneration paid in connection with the transaction. During the six months ended March 31, 2020, the Worldwide Fund had $979,164 in purchases related to cross-trades and no sales related to cross-trades. During the six months ended March 31, 2020, the International Fund had $254,577 in purchases related to cross-trades and no sales related to cross-trades.


Foreign Investment Risk. Each Fund invests in foreign investments. Foreign investments can involve additional risks relating to political, economic or regulatory conditions in foreign countries. These risks include fluctuations in foreign currencies; withholding or other taxes; trading, settlement, custodial, and other operational risks; and the less stringent investor protection and disclosure standards of some foreign markets. Since foreign exchanges may be open on days when a Fund does not price its shares, the value of the investments in such Fund’s portfolio may change on days when shareholders will not be able to purchase or sell the Fund’s shares.


Beginning in January 2020, global financial markets have experienced, and may continue to experience, significant volatility resulting from the spread of a virus known as COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted in travel and border restrictions, quarantines, supply chain disruptions, lower consumer demand, and general market uncertainty. The effects of COVID-19 have adversely affected, and may continue to adversely affect, the global economy, the economies of certain nations, and individual issuers, all of which may negatively impact the Funds’ performance.


Custodian Risk. Cash is held at the Funds’ custodian, State Street Bank and Trust Company (the “Custodian”). The Funds are subject to credit risk on any cash balance that exceeds the amount insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to the extent that the Custodian may be unable to return cash held.


Indemnification. Under the Trust’s organizational documents, its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liability arising out of the performance of their duties to the Funds. The Funds have a variety of indemnification obligations under contracts with their service providers. The Funds’ maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown. However, the Funds have not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expect the risk of loss to be remote.


Note 2 – Investment Advisory Agreement and Distribution Agreement


International Value Advisers, LLC is the investment adviser of the Funds. The Adviser’s primary business is to provide investment management services to a variety of investment vehicles, including the Funds. The Adviser is responsible for all business activities and oversight of the investment decisions made for the Funds.


In return for providing investment advisory services to the Funds, each Fund pays the Adviser an investment advisory fee, calculated daily and paid monthly, at an annual rate of 0.80% of each Fund’s average daily net assets annually up to $5 billion per Fund; 0.75% on average daily net assets annually between $5 billion and $10 billion per Fund; and 0.70% on average daily net assets annually greater than $10 billion per Fund. Investment advisory fees paid for the six months ended March 31, 2020 are disclosed in the Statements of Operations.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


The Funds have adopted Distribution and Services Plans (“12b-1 Plans”), pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the 1940 Act. Under those 12b-1 Plans, the Funds pay a distribution fee with respect to Class A and C shares calculated at the annual rate of 0.25% and 0.75%, respectively, of the average daily net assets of each respective class. The Funds also pay a service fee with respect to Class C shares calculated at the annual rate of 0.25% of the average daily net assets. Class I shares do not participate in 12b-1 Plans. Fees paid under the 12b-1 Plans for the six months ended March 31, 2020 are disclosed in the Statements of Operations.


Foreside Financial Services, LLC serves as the Funds’ sole and exclusive distributor.


There is a maximum initial sales charge of 5.00% for Class A shares. Class A shares may be subject to a contingent deferred sales charge (“CDSC”) of 0.75% if $1,000,000 or more of Class A shares were initially purchased, a “finder’s fee” was paid to the dealer of record, and the Class A shares were subsequently redeemed within 18 months.


Class C shares may be subject to a CDSC of 1.00% if shares are redeemed within the first 12 months after purchase.


Note 3 – Investments


For the six months ended March 31, 2020, the aggregate cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of investments (excluding short-term investments) were as follows:


Purchases  $1,116,481,598   $357,253,409 
Sales  $2,012,748,123   $926,530,022 


The cost basis of investments and derivatives for federal income tax purposes is substantially similar to the cost basis under U.S. GAAP. The following information is as of March 31, 2020.


Cost basis of investments and derivatives  $4,217,417,213   $2,254,813,275 
Gross unrealized appreciation  $286,104,496   $114,137,283 
Gross unrealized depreciation  $(768,633,155)  $(580,669,026)
Net unrealized depreciation and derivatives  $(482,528,659)  $(466,531,743)


Note 4 – Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities


The Funds enter into transactions involving derivative financial instruments in connection with their investing activities. During the six months ended March 31, 2020, these instruments included forward foreign currency contracts. These instruments are subject to various risks similar to non-derivative instruments including market, credit and liquidity risks.


The use of derivative instruments may involve risks different from, or potentially greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in investments. Specifically, derivative instruments expose a Fund to the risk that the counterparty to an OTC derivatives contract will be unable or unwilling to make timely settlement payments or otherwise to honor its obligations. OTC derivatives transactions typically can only be closed out with the other party to the transaction. If the counterparty defaults, a Fund will have contractual remedies, but there is no assurance that the counterparty will meet its contractual obligations or that, in the event of default, a Fund will succeed in enforcing them. During the six months ended March 31, 2020, the Funds had exposure to OTC derivatives in the form of forward foreign currency contracts.


Forward foreign currency contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amounts reflected in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. The Funds bear the risk of an unfavorable change in the foreign exchange rate underlying the forward foreign currency contract, movements in foreign investment security values and changes in interest rates. Credit risks may also arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts.


The following summary of derivative instruments and hedging activity for each Fund is grouped by risk-type and provides information about the fair value and location of derivatives within the Statements of Assets and Liabilities at March 31, 2020.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


Worldwide Fund


Risk-Type Category  Statements of Assets
and Liabilities Location
  Fair Value 
Foreign exchange  Unrealized appreciation on open forward foreign currency contracts  $6,808,705 


International Fund


Risk-Type Category  Statements of Assets
and Liabilities Location
  Fair Value 
Foreign exchange  Unrealized appreciation on open forward foreign currency contracts  $7,454,385 


The following is a summary for each Fund grouped by risk-type that provides information about the effect of derivatives and hedging activities on the Funds’ Statements of Operations for the six months ended March 31, 2020.


Worldwide Fund


Risk-Type Category  Derivative Instrument  Realized Gain  Change in
Foreign exchange  Forward foreign currency contracts  $400,971  $5,053,987


International Fund


Risk-Type Category  Derivative Instrument  Realized Gain  Change in
Foreign exchange  Forward foreign currency contracts  $748,787  $5,246,625


During the six months ended March 31, 2020, the Worldwide Fund had average notional values of $403,822,527 on forward foreign currency contracts to sell.


During the six months ended March 31, 2020, the International Fund had average notional values of $369,201,214 on forward foreign currency contracts to sell.


The following tables present, by counterparty, gross amounts of derivatives eligible for offsetting, gross amounts offset in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities and related collateral received and/or pledged, if any, that the Funds have elected to offset under their legally enforceable ISDA Master Netting Agreement with such counterparty. An ISDA Master Netting Agreement is an agreement between the Fund and the counterparty that governs the terms of certain transactions and reduces the counterparty risk associated with relevant transactions by specifying offsetting mechanisms and collateral arrangements, if any. Offsetting mechanisms allow the Funds to pay or receive the net amount of all forward foreign currency contracts outstanding on a given settlement date. At March 31, 2020, the Funds did not elect to offset forward foreign currency contracts on the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


Worldwide Fund


Counterparty  Gross Amount of
  Gross Amount
Offset in the
Statements of
Assets and Liabilities
  Net Exposure
Presented in the
Statements of Assets
and Liabilities
Forward foreign currency contracts
State Street Bank & Trust Co.
  $6,808,705      $6,808,705


International Fund


Counterparty  Gross Amount of
  Gross Amount
Offset in the
Statements of
Assets and Liabilities
  Net Exposure
Presented in the
Statements of Assets
and Liabilities
Forward foreign currency contracts
State Street Bank & Trust Co.
  $7,454,385      $7,454,385


Note 5 – Shares of Beneficial Interest


At March 31, 2020, the Trust had an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest authorized with a par value of $0.001 per share. The Funds have the ability to issue multiple classes of shares. Each share of a class represents an identical interest and has the same rights, except that each class bears certain direct expenses specifically related to the distribution of its shares.





Notes to Financial Statements (unaudited) IVA Funds


Transactions in shares of each class of the Worldwide Fund were as follows:


Worldwide Fund


   Six Months Ended
March 31, 2020
   Year Ended
September 30, 2019
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount 
Class A                    
Shares sold   5,078,331   $81,788,826    11,231,971   $189,770,701 
Shares reinvested   3,344,291    55,481,795    4,987,878    81,053,021 
Shares repurchased   (13,719,543)   (217,745,468)   (20,897,120)   (353,920,725)
Net Decrease   (5,296,921)  $(80,474,847)   (4,677,271)  $(83,097,003)
Class C                    
Shares sold   539,558   $8,539,172    1,769,750   $28,898,343 
Shares reinvested   1,001,247    16,230,211    2,535,020    40,306,819 
Shares repurchased   (7,356,160)   (117,112,797)   (18,568,669)   (306,771,845)
Net Decrease   (5,815,355)  $(92,343,414)   (14,263,899)  $(237,566,683)
Class I                    
Shares sold   21,057,332   $328,856,786    59,069,326   $995,953,384 
Shares reinvested   15,200,568    252,937,456    25,133,077    409,417,818 
Shares repurchased   (93,190,197)   (1,464,112,505)   (141,948,468)   (2,406,016,443)
Net Decrease   (56,932,297)  $(882,318,263)   (57,746,065)  $(1,000,645,241)


Transactions in shares of each class of the International Fund were as follows:


International Fund


   Six Months Ended
March 31, 2020
   Year Ended
September 30, 2019
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount 
Class A                    
Shares sold   668,492   $10,155,760    3,287,250   $48,825,398 
Shares reinvested   275,332    4,347,491    542,162    8,040,267 
Shares repurchased   (3,439,028)   (48,276,325)   (5,650,309)   (88,119,341)
Net Decrease   (2,495,204)  $(33,773,074)   (1,820,897)  $(31,253,676)
Class C                    
Shares sold   179,831   $2,596,559    692,881   $9,872,774 
Shares reinvested   34,343    532,655    122,641    1,786,878 
Shares repurchased   (576,716)   (8,441,118)   (1,631,010)   (24,650,653)
Net Decrease   (362,542)  $(5,311,904)   (815,488)  $(12,991,001)
Class I                    
Shares sold   16,127,934   $227,761,668    35,903,924   $553,194,974 
Shares reinvested   5,363,347    84,794,529    13,076,184    194,050,565 
Shares repurchased   (53,075,572)   (766,196,459)   (86,764,349)   (1,332,904,310)
Net Decrease   (31,584,291)  $(453,640,262)   (37,784,241)  $(585,658,771)


Redemption Fees. The Funds impose a redemption fee of 2% of the total redemption amount on the Funds’ shares redeemed within 30 days of buying them or acquiring them by exchange. The redemption fee is credited to the applicable Fund. The purpose of the redemption fee is to deter excessive, short-term trading and other abusive trading practices, and to help offset the costs associated with the sale of portfolio securities to satisfy redemption and exchange requests made by “market timers” and other short-term shareholders, thereby insulating longer-term shareholders from such costs.





Additional Information (unaudited) IVA Funds


Proxy Voting. Information on how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the prior 12-month period ended June 30th of each year and a description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio transactions are available (1) without charge, upon request, by calling 866-941-4482, and (2) on the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) website at www.sec.gov by accessing the Funds’ Form N-PX and Statement of Additional Information in the Funds’ registration statement on Form N-1A.


Schedules of Portfolio Holdings. The Funds file their complete schedules of portfolio holdings with the SEC for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-PORT. The Funds’ Form N-PORT is available on the SEC’s website at www. sec.gov. The Funds’ Form N-PORT may be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington, D.C., and information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 800-SEC-0330. To obtain the Funds’ Form N-PORT, shareholders can call 866-941-4482.


Trustees and Officers of the Funds. Additional information about Trustees and officers of the Funds is included in the Statement of Additional Information which is available, without charge, upon request, by calling 866-941-4482.





Fund Expenses (unaudited) IVA Funds


As a shareholder of the Funds, you may incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including initial sales charges and/or redemption fees; and (2) ongoing costs, including investment advisory fees, distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees and other operating fund expenses. The information on this page is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs of investing in the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.


This example is based on an investment of $1,000 invested on October 1, 2019 and held for the six months ended March 31, 2020.




The table below titled “Based on Actual Total Return” provides information about actual account values and actual expenses. You may use the information provided in this table, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. To estimate the expenses you paid on your account, divide your ending account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 ending account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6), then multiply the result by the number under the heading titled “Expenses Paid During the Period.”




Account Value
Account Value
Expense Ratio
Paid During
the Period(b)
Worldwide Fund  
Class A  -14.28%  $1,000.00  $857.20  1.18%  $5.48  
Class C  -14.62%  1,000.00  853.80  1.93%  8.94  
Class I  -14.17%  1,000.00  858.30  0.93%  4.32  
International Fund  
Class A  -17.19%  $1,000.00  $828.10  1.18%  $5.39  
Class C  -17.49%  1,000.00  825.10  1.93%  8.81  
Class I  -17.12%  1,000.00  828.80  0.93%  4.25  




The table below titled “Based on Hypothetical Total Return” provides information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which are not the Funds’ actual returns. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account values and expenses you paid for the period. You may use the information provided in this table to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Funds and other funds. To do so, compare the 5% hypothetical example relating to the Funds with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of other funds.


Please note that expenses shown in the table below are meant to highlight your ongoing costs and do not reflect any transactional costs, such as initial sales charges (loads) or redemption fees, if any. Therefore, the table is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine your relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transactional costs were included, your costs would have been higher.




Total Return
Account Value
Account Value
Expense Ratio
Paid During
the Period(b)
Worldwide Fund  
Class A  5.00%  $1,000.00  $1,019.10  1.18%  $5.96  
Class C  5.00%  1,000.00  1,015.35  1.93%  9.72  
Class I  5.00%  1,000.00  1,020.35  0.93%  4.70  
International Fund  
Class A  5.00%  $1,000.00  $1,019.10  1.18%  $5.96  
Class C  5.00%  1,000.00  1,015.35  1.93%  9.72  
Class I  5.00%  1,000.00  1,020.35  0.93%  4.70  


(a)Assumes reinvestment of all dividends and capital gain distributions, if any.
(b)Expenses are equal to the Funds’ respective annualized expense ratio multiplied by the average account value over the period, multiplied by 183 days in the most recent fiscal half-year, then divided by 366.





  IVA Funds




Investment Adviser

International Value Advisers, LLC

717 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10022



Foreside Fund Services, LLC

3 Canal Plaza, Suite 100

Portland, ME 04101



State Street Bank and Trust Company

One Heritage Drive

Quincy, MA 02171-2105


Transfer Agent

DST Asset Manager Solutions, Inc.

430 W 7th Street

STE 219061

Kansas City, MO 64105-1407



K&L Gates LLP

State Street Financial Center

One Lincoln Street

Boston, MA 02111-2950


Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

Ernst & Young LLP

200 Clarendon Street

Boston, MA 02116-5072


This report is submitted for the general information of the Funds’ shareholders. The report is not authorized for distribution to prospective investors in the Funds unless it is accompanied or preceded by the Funds’ current prospectus, which includes information regarding the Funds’ risks, objectives, fees and expenses, experience of its management, and other information.


The commentary within An Owner’s Manual, the Letter from the President, the Letter from the Portfolio Managers, and the Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance reflects their current views and opinions as of the date of this report. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and IVA Funds disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice and, because investment decisions are based on numerous factors, may not be relied on as an indication of trading intent. References to specific securities should not be construed as recommendations or investment advice.






Item 2. Code of Ethics.


Not applicable.


Item 3. Audit Committee Financial Expert.


Not applicable.


Item 4. Principal Accountant Fees and Services.


Not applicable.


Item 5. Audit Committee of Listed Registrants.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 6. Investments.


(a) The audited schedules of investments are included in the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this Form N-CSR.


(b) Not applicable.


Item 7. Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 8. Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 9. Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and Affiliated Purchasers.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 10. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


The registrant does not have procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s Board of Trustees. The Nominating and Governance Committee may, in its sole discretion, consider nominees recommended by each Fund’s shareholders.  





Item 11. Controls and Procedures.


(a) Within the most recent fiscal half-year of the filing date of this Form N-CSR, Michael W. Malafronte, the registrant’s President and Chief Executive Officer, and Stefanie J. Hempstead, the registrant’s Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, reviewed the registrant’s Disclosure Controls and Procedures and Internal Control over Financial Reporting (the “Procedures”) (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”)) and evaluated their effectiveness. Based on their review, Mr. Malafronte and Ms. Hempstead determined that the Procedures are reasonably designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the registrant on Form N-CSR is accumulated and communicated to the registrant’s management to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


(b) There were no changes in the registrant’s Procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s Procedures.


Item 12. Disclosure of Securities Lending Activities for Closed-End Investment Companies.


Not applicable to the registrant.


Item 13. Exhibits.


(a)(1) Not applicable.


(a)(2) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(a) of the 1940 Act and Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (“Sarbanes-Oxley Act”) are filed herewith.


(a)(3) Not applicable.


(b) The certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are filed herewith.


The certifications provided pursuant to Rule 30a-2(b) of the 1940 Act and Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are not deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certifications will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates them by reference.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.




By: /s/ Michael W. Malafronte  
  Michael W. Malafronte  
  President and Chief Executive Officer  
Date: May 28, 2020  


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.


By: /s/ Michael W. Malafronte  
  Michael W. Malafronte  
  President and Chief Executive Officer  
Date: May 28, 2020  
By: /s/ Stefanie J. Hempstead  
  Stefanie J. Hempstead  
  Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer  
Date: May 28, 2020