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Share Class & Ticker
  Class P
  Class D
  Summary Prospectus April 1, 2011    
Allianz Global Investors Solutions Global Allocation Fund

Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund’s statutory prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund’s statutory prospectus and other information about the Fund, including its statement of additional information (SAI) and most recent reports to shareholders, online at www.allianzinvestors.com/prospectuses. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 1-800-498-5413 or by sending an email request to Orders@MySummaryProspectus.com. This Summary Prospectus incorporates by reference the Fund’s entire statutory prospectus and SAI, each dated April 1, 2011, as revised or supplemented from time to time.
 Investment Objective
The Fund seeks after-inflation capital appreciation and current income.
 Fees and Expenses of the Fund
The tables below describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment):  None
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
                            Total Annual
                            Fund Operating
      Acquired Fund
  Total Annual
      Expenses After
  and/or Service
  Fees and
  Fund Operating
Share Class   Fees   (12b-1) Fees   Expenses   Expenses   Expenses   Reductions(1)(2)   Reductions(1)(2)
    0.85 %       None         0.30 %       0.81 %       1.96 %       (1.01) %       0.95 %  
Class P
    0.85         None         0.54         0.81         2.20         (1.15)         1.05    
    0.85         0.25 %       0.27         0.81         2.18         (0.98)         1.20    
Class D
    0.85         0.25         0.31         0.81         2.22         (0.97)         1.25    
(1)  The Manager has contractually agreed to irrevocably waive a portion of its management fee equal to 0.70% of the average daily net assets of the Fund that are attributable to investments in either Underlying Funds or Other Acquired Funds. This waiver with respect to investments in Underlying Funds and Other Acquired Funds for which the Manager or an affiliated person thereof serves as investment adviser is terminable only by the Board of Trustees of the Trust, and the waiver with respect to investments in unaffiliated Other Acquired Funds will continue through at least March 31, 2012.
(2)  The Manager has contractually agreed, until March 31, 2012, to irrevocably waive its management fee, or reimburse the Fund, to the extent that, after the application of the fee waiver described in footnote 1 above, Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses, excluding interest, tax, and extraordinary expenses, Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses and certain credits and other expenses, exceed 0.14%, 0.24%, 0.39%, and 0.44% of the Fund’s average net assets attributable to Institutional Class, Class P, Administrative Class, and Class D shares, respectively. Under the Expense Limitation Agreement, the Manager may recoup waived or reimbursed amounts for three years, provided total expenses, including such recoupment, do not exceed the annual expense limit.
Examples. The Examples are intended to help you compare the cost of investing in shares of the Fund with the costs of investing in other mutual funds. The Examples assume that you invest $10,000 in the noted class of shares for the time periods indicated, your investment has a 5% return each year, and the Fund’s operating expenses remain the same. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, the Examples show what your costs would be based on these assumptions. The Examples are based, for the first year, on Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Expense Reductions and, for all other periods, on Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses.
Share Class   1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   10 Years
  $ 97       $ 517       $ 964       $ 2,204    
Class P
    107         577         1,074         2,444    
    122         588         1,080         2,437    
Class D
    127         601         1,101         2,479    
Portfolio Turnover 
The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2010 was 46% of the average value of its portfolio. High levels of portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes for you if your Fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses or in the Examples above, can adversely affect the Fund’s investment performance.


Allianz Global Investors Solutions Global Allocation Fund

 Principal Investment Strategies

The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by normally investing primarily in certain affiliated mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) sponsored by Allianz and Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”) (the “Underlying Funds”). The Fund may invest without limit in Underlying Funds and may invest significantly in one or a small number of the Underlying Funds. Underlying Funds in turn invest in or have exposure to (i) return-generating assets, such as U.S. and global equities, commodities, real estate, mortgage securities, high yield securities, corporate bonds, emerging market bonds, public securities of infrastructure companies and private equity companies, and alternative investment strategies such as long-short and market neutral strategies and/or (ii) defensive assets, such as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (“TIPS”), short-term U.S. and non-U.S. bonds and core (e.g., investment grade) U.S. and non-U.S. bonds. The Fund may also invest in ETFs and mutual funds and pooled vehicles other than the Underlying Funds (together, “Other Acquired Funds”). The Fund does not currently intend to invest more than 10% of its assets in Other Acquired Funds that are not advised by the Manager or its affiliates. The Fund may also invest significantly in other securities and instruments as a complement or adjustment to its exposure to Underlying Funds and Other Acquired Funds. The Sub-Adviser normally seeks to maintain significant economic exposure to a number of countries outside the U.S., and will invest directly or

indirectly (through a fund) in instruments that are economically tied to at least three countries (one of which may be the United States). The Fund may have exposure to companies in a broad range of market capitalizations and geographic and industry distributions, as well as to fixed income and convertible instruments with a broad range of credit quality ratings and durations. The Fund may also utilize derivative instruments, such as options, forwards or futures contracts and swap agreements. Normally, the Sub-Adviser will generally seek to maintain an allocation of 65% of the Fund’s assets in return-generating assets and 35% in defensive assets, though may cause the Fund to deviate from these allocations, for example, during periods of significant performance differential between the two categories. The Fund may also deviate from its allocation targets when expected returns are judged to be below or above long-term averages. In these cases, the Sub-Adviser would seek to overweight what it deems to be the undervalued category and underweight the overvalued category. These decisions will normally be within the allocation ranges of 35% to 75% for return-generating assets and 25% to 65% for defensive assets. More information about the Fund, the Fund’s asset allocation and portfolio construction strategy, and the Underlying Funds is available in the Fund’s statutory prospectus. The Fund recently changed its name from “Allianz Global Investors Solutions Core Allocation Fund.”

 Principal Risks

The Fund’s net asset value, yield and total return will be affected by: the allocation determinations, investment decisions and techniques of the Fund’s management; factors, risks and performance specific to the Underlying Funds, Other Acquired Funds, issuers of securities and other instruments in which the Fund invests, including actual or perceived changes in the financial condition or business prospects of such issuers; and factors influencing the U.S. or global economies and securities markets or relevant industries or sectors within them (Management Risk, Allocation Risk, Underlying Fund and Other Acquired Fund Risks, Issuer Risk, Market Risk). Equity securities may react more strongly to changes in an issuer’s financial condition or prospects than other securities of the same issuer, and securities issued by smaller companies may be more volatile and present increased liquidity risk (Equity Securities Risk, Smaller Company Risk). Other principal risks include: Commodity Risk (commodity-linked derivative instruments may increase volatility); Convertible Securities Risk, Credit Risk, Fixed Income Risk, High Yield Risk, Interest Rate Risk (convertible and fixed income (debt) securities, particularly high-yield or junk bonds, are subject to greater levels of credit and liquidity risk, may be speculative and may decline in value due to changes in interest rates or an issuer’s or counterparty’s deterioration or default); Derivatives Risk (derivative instruments are complex, have different characteristics than their underlying assets and are subject to additional risks, including leverage, liquidity and valuation); Focused Investment Risk (focusing on a limited number of issuers, sectors, industries or geographic regions increases risk and volatility); Index Risk (investments in index-linked derivatives are

subject to the risks associated with the applicable index); IPO Risk (securities purchased in initial public offerings have no trading history, limited issuer information and increased volatility); Leveraging Risk (instruments and transactions that constitute leverage magnify gains or losses and increase volatility); Liquidity Risk (the lack of an active market for investments may cause delay in disposition or force a sale below fair value); Mortgage-Related and other Asset-Backed Risk (investing in mortgage- and asset-backed securities involves interest rate, credit, valuation, extension and liquidity risks and the risk that payments on the underlying assets are delayed, prepaid, subordinated or defaulted on); Non-U.S. Investment Risk, Emerging Markets Risk, Currency Risk (non-U.S. securities markets and issuers may be more volatile, smaller, less-liquid, less transparent and subject to less oversight, particularly in emerging markets, and non-U.S. securities values may also fluctuate with currency exchange rates); REIT and Real Estate-Linked Derivatives Risk (adverse changes in the real estate markets may affect the value of REIT investments or real estate-linked derivatives); Short Selling Risk (short selling enhances leveraging risk, involves counterparty risk and may potentially involve the risk of unlimited loss); and Variable Distribution Risk (periodic distributions by investments of variable or floating interest rates vary with fluctuations in market interest rates). Please see “Summary of Principal Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus for a more detailed description of the Fund’s risks. It is possible to lose money on an investment in the Fund. An investment in the Fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.

 Performance Information

The performance information below provides some indication of the risks of investing in the Fund by showing changes in its total return from year to year and by comparing the Fund’s average annual total

returns with those of two broad-based market indexes, a custom-blended index and a performance average of similar mutual funds. The bar chart and the information to its right show performance of

Summary Prospectus


the Fund’s Institutional Class shares. Class P, Administrative Class and Class D performance would be lower than Institutional Class performance because of the lower expenses paid by Institutional Class shares. For periods prior to the inception date of a share class, performance information shown for such class may be based on the performance of an older class of shares that dates back to the Fund’s inception, as adjusted to reflect certain fees and expenses paid by the newer class. Similarly, for periods prior to a reorganization of the Fund, in which a predecessor fund was merged into the Fund, the performance information is based on the performance of the predecessor fund, adjusted to reflect certain fees and expenses paid

by the particular share class of the Fund. These adjustments generally result in estimated performance results for the newer class that are higher or lower than the actual results of the predecessor class and/or the predecessor fund, as the case may be, due to differing levels of fees and expenses paid. Details regarding the calculation of the Fund’s class-by-class performance, including a discussion of any performance adjustments, are provided under “Additional Performance Information” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus and SAI. Past performance, before and after taxes, is not necessarily predictive of future performance. Visit www.allianzinvestors.com for more current performance information.

Calendar Year Total Returns — Institutional Class
(BAR CHART)     
  Highest and Lowest Quarter Returns
(for periods shown in the bar chart)
  Highest 04/01/2009–06/30/2009   14.89%
  Lowest 10/01/2008–12/31/2008   -12.46%
Average Annual Total Returns (for periods ended 12/31/10)
                Fund Inception
    1 Year   5 Years   10 Years   (9/30/98)
Institutional Class — Before Taxes
    15.10 %       5.53 %       5.31 %       6.60 %  
Institutional Class — After Taxes on Distributions
    13.49 %       3.14 %       3.60 %       4.55 %  
Institutional Class — After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares
    9.76 %       3.34 %       3.57 %       4.49 %  
Class P
    14.97 %       5.25 %       5.04 %       6.29 %  
Administrative Class
    14.74 %       5.10 %       4.88 %       6.14 %  
Class D
    14.67 %       5.04 %       4.83 %       6.08 %  
MSCI AC World Index
    12.67 %       3.44 %       3.20 %       4.92 %  
Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index
    6.54 %       5.80 %       5.84 %       5.64 %  
    10.77 %       4.88 %       4.67 %       5.61 %  
Lipper Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate Funds Average
    11.25 %       3.57 %       3.54 %       4.64 %  
After-tax returns are estimated using the highest historical individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold Fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. In some cases the return after taxes may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of Fund shares at the end of the measurement period. After-tax returns are for Institutional Class shares only. After-tax returns for other share classes will vary.

 Management of the Fund
Investment Manager
Allianz Global Investors Fund Management LLC
Allianz Global Investors Solutions LLC (“AGI Solutions”)
Portfolio Managers
Stephen Sexauer has been the Chief Investment Officer of AGI Solutions since inception in June, 2008 and has managed the Fund since inception in 2009. Mr. Sexauer has overall responsibility for all investment functions at AGI Solutions and is directly responsible for portfolio risk profiles, asset allocation and fund selection.

Paul Pietranico, CFA has been a senior portfolio manager with AGI Solutions since inception in June, 2008 and has managed the Fund since inception in 2009. Mr. Pietranico, with Stephen Sexauer, is directly responsible for portfolio risk profiles, asset allocation and fund selection.
James Macey, CFA has been a portfolio manager with AGI Solutions and has managed the Fund since January, 2011. Mr. Macey is responsible for portfolio implementation and trading and the coordination of the investment team’s due diligence research on underlying managers.
 Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
You may purchase or sell (redeem) shares of the Fund on any business day through a broker, dealer, or other financial intermediary,

Summary Prospectus


or directly from the Fund’s transfer agent by mail (Allianz Institutional Funds, P.O. Box 219968, Kansas City, MO 64121-9968), as further described in the Fund’s statutory prospectus and SAI. To avoid delays in a purchase or redemption, please call 1-800-498-5413 with any questions about the requirements before submitting a request. Generally, purchase and redemption orders for Fund shares are processed at the net asset value (NAV) next calculated after an order is received by the distributor or an authorized intermediary. NAVs are determined only on days when the New York Stock Exchange is open for regular trading. For Institutional Class, Class P and Administrative Class shares, the minimum initial investment in the Fund is $1 million, though minimums may be modified for certain financial intermediaries that aggregate trades on behalf of investors. For Class D shares, the minimum initial investment in the Fund is $1,000 and the minimum subsequent investment is $50, though financial service firms offering these shares may impose different minimums.

 Tax Information
The Fund’s distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, unless you are investing through a tax-deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account.
 Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the Fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Fund, its distributor, its investment manager or their affiliates may pay the intermediary for the sale of Fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s Web site for more information.

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Share Class & Ticker
  Class A
  Class B
  Class C
  Class R
  Summary Prospectus April 1, 2011    
Allianz Global Investors Solutions Global Allocation Fund

Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund’s statutory prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund’s statutory prospectus and other information about the Fund, including its statement of additional information (SAI) and most recent reports to shareholders, online at www.allianzinvestors.com/prospectuses. You can also get this information at no cost by calling 1-800-988-8380 or by sending an email request to Orders@MySummaryProspectus.com. This Summary Prospectus incorporates by reference the Fund’s entire statutory prospectus and SAI, each dated April 1, 2011, as revised or supplemented from time to time.
 Investment Objective
The Fund seeks after-inflation capital appreciation and current income.
 Fees and Expenses of the Fund
The tables below describe the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund. You may qualify for sales charge discounts if you and your family invest, or agree to invest in the future, at least $50,000 in Class A Shares of eligible funds that are part of the family of mutual funds sponsored by Allianz. More information about these and other discounts is available in the “Classes of Shares” section beginning on page 152 of the Fund’s statutory prospectus or from your financial advisor.
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
    Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed
  Maximum Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC) (Load)
Share Class   on Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)   (as a percentage of the lower of original purchase price or NAV)(1)
Class A
    5.50 %       1 %  
Class B
    None         5 %  
Class C
    None         1 %  
Class R
    None         None    
Annual Fund Operating Expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
                            Total Annual
                            Fund Operating
      Acquired Fund
  Total Annual
      Expenses After
  and/or Service
  Fees and
  Fund Operating
Share Class   Fees   (12b-1) Fees   Expenses   Expenses   Expenses   Reductions(2)(3)   Reductions(2)(3)
Class A
    0.85 %       0.25 %       0.32 %       0.81 %       2.23 %       (0.98) %       1.25 %  
Class B
    0.85         1.00         0.34         0.81         3.00         (1.00)         2.00    
Class C
    0.85         1.00         0.31         0.81         2.97         (0.97)         2.00    
Class R
    0.85         0.50         0.29         0.81         2.45         (0.95)         1.50    
(1)  For Class A shares, the CDSC is imposed only in certain circumstances where shares are purchased without a front-end sales charge at the time of purchase. For Class B shares, the maximum CDSC is imposed on shares redeemed in the first year, with CDSCs decreasing over time to zero for shares held longer. For Class C shares, the CDSC is imposed only on shares redeemed in the first year.
(2)  The Manager has contractually agreed to irrevocably waive a portion of its management fee equal to 0.70% of the average daily net assets of the Fund that are attributable to investments in either Underlying Funds or Other Acquired Funds. This waiver with respect to investments in Underlying Funds and Other Acquired Funds for which the Manager or an affiliated person thereof serves as investment adviser is terminable only by the Board of Trustees of the Trust, and the waiver with respect to investments in unaffiliated Other Acquired Funds will continue through at least March 31, 2012.
(3)  The Manager has contractually agreed, until March 31, 2012, to irrevocably waive its management fee, or reimburse the Fund, to the extent that, after the application of the fee waiver described in footnote 2 above, Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses, excluding interest, tax, and extraordinary expenses, Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses and certain credits and other expenses, exceed 0.44%, 1.19%, 1.19%, and 0.69% of the Fund’s average net assets attributable to Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class R shares, respectively. Under the Expense Limitation Agreement, the Manager may recoup waived or reimbursed amounts for three years, provided total expenses, including such recoupment, do not exceed the annual expense limit.
Examples. The Examples are intended to help you compare the cost of investing in shares of the Fund with the costs of investing in other mutual funds. The Examples assume that you invest $10,000 in the noted class of shares for the time periods indicated, your investment has a 5% return each year, and the Fund’s operating expenses remain the same. The Examples also assume conversion of Class B shares to Class A shares after seven years. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, the Examples show what your costs would be based on these


Allianz Global Investors Solutions Global Allocation Fund

assumptions. The Examples are based, for the first year, on Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Expense Reductions and, for all other periods, on Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses.
    Example: Assuming you redeem your shares at the end of each period   Example: Assuming you do not redeem your shares
Share Class   1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   10 Years   1 Year   3 Years   5 Years   10 Years
Class A
  $ 670       $ 1,120       $ 1,595       $ 2,901       $ 670       $ 1,120       $ 1,595       $ 2,901    
Class B
    703         1,133         1,689         2,899         203         833         1,489         2,899    
Class C
    303         827         1,477         3,221         203         827         1,477         3,221    
Class R
    153         673         1,220         2,714         153         673         1,220         2,714    
Portfolio Turnover 
The Fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or “turns over” its portfolio). The Fund’s portfolio turnover rate for the fiscal year ended November 30, 2010 was 46% of the average value of its portfolio. High levels of portfolio turnover may indicate higher transaction costs and may result in higher taxes for you if your Fund shares are held in a taxable account. These costs, which are not reflected in Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses or in the Examples above, can adversely affect the Fund’s investment performance.
 Principal Investment Strategies

The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by normally investing primarily in certain affiliated mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) sponsored by Allianz and Pacific Investment Management Company LLC (“PIMCO”) (the “Underlying Funds”). The Fund may invest without limit in Underlying Funds and may invest significantly in one or a small number of the Underlying Funds. Underlying Funds in turn invest in or have exposure to (i) return-generating assets, such as U.S. and global equities, commodities, real estate, mortgage securities, high yield securities, corporate bonds, emerging market bonds, public securities of infrastructure companies and private equity companies, and alternative investment strategies such as long-short and market neutral strategies and/or (ii) defensive assets, such as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (“TIPS”), short-term U.S. and non-U.S. bonds and core (e.g., investment grade) U.S. and non-U.S. bonds. The Fund may also invest in ETFs and mutual funds and pooled vehicles other than the Underlying Funds (together, “Other Acquired Funds”). The Fund does not currently intend to invest more than 10% of its assets in Other Acquired Funds that are not advised by the Manager or its affiliates. The Fund may also invest significantly in other securities and instruments as a complement or adjustment to its exposure to Underlying Funds and Other Acquired Funds. The Sub-Adviser normally seeks to maintain significant economic exposure to a number of countries outside the U.S., and will invest directly or

indirectly (through a fund) in instruments that are economically tied to at least three countries (one of which may be the United States). The Fund may have exposure to companies in a broad range of market capitalizations and geographic and industry distributions, as well as to fixed income and convertible instruments with a broad range of credit quality ratings and durations. The Fund may also utilize derivative instruments, such as options, forwards or futures contracts and swap agreements. Normally, the Sub-Adviser will generally seek to maintain an allocation of 65% of the Fund’s assets in return-generating assets and 35% in defensive assets, though may cause the Fund to deviate from these allocations, for example, during periods of significant performance differential between the two categories. The Fund may also deviate from its allocation targets when expected returns are judged to be below or above long-term averages. In these cases, the Sub-Adviser would seek to overweight what it deems to be the undervalued category and underweight the overvalued category. These decisions will normally be within the allocation ranges of 35% to 75% for return-generating assets and 25% to 65% for defensive assets. More information about the Fund, the Fund’s asset allocation and portfolio construction strategy, and the Underlying Funds is available in the Fund’s statutory prospectus. The Fund recently changed its name from “Allianz Global Investors Solutions Core Allocation Fund.”

 Principal Risks

The Fund’s net asset value, yield and total return will be affected by: the allocation determinations, investment decisions and techniques of the Fund’s management; factors, risks and performance specific to the Underlying Funds, Other Acquired Funds, issuers of securities and other instruments in which the Fund invests, including actual or perceived changes in the financial condition or business prospects of such issuers; and factors influencing the U.S. or global economies and securities markets or relevant industries or sectors within them (Management Risk, Allocation Risk, Underlying Fund and Other Acquired Fund Risks, Issuer Risk, Market Risk). Equity securities may react more strongly to changes in an issuer’s financial condition or prospects than other securities of the same issuer, and securities issued by smaller companies may be more volatile and present increased liquidity risk (Equity Securities Risk, Smaller Company Risk). Other principal risks include: Commodity Risk (commodity-linked derivative instruments may increase volatility); Convertible Securities Risk, Credit Risk, Fixed Income Risk, High Yield Risk,

Interest Rate Risk (convertible and fixed income (debt) securities, particularly high-yield or junk bonds, are subject to greater levels of credit and liquidity risk, may be speculative and may decline in value due to changes in interest rates or an issuer’s or counterparty’s deterioration or default); Derivatives Risk (derivative instruments are complex, have different characteristics than their underlying assets and are subject to additional risks, including leverage, liquidity and valuation); Focused Investment Risk (focusing on a limited number of issuers, sectors, industries or geographic regions increases risk and volatility); Index Risk (investments in index-linked derivatives are subject to the risks associated with the applicable index); IPO Risk (securities purchased in initial public offerings have no trading history, limited issuer information and increased volatility); Leveraging Risk (instruments and transactions that constitute leverage magnify gains or losses and increase volatility); Liquidity Risk (the lack of an active market for investments may cause delay in disposition or force a sale below fair value); Mortgage-Related and other Asset-Backed Risk

Summary Prospectus


(investing in mortgage- and asset-backed securities involves interest rate, credit, valuation, extension and liquidity risks and the risk that payments on the underlying assets are delayed, prepaid, subordinated or defaulted on); Non-U.S. Investment Risk, Emerging Markets Risk, Currency Risk (non-U.S. securities markets and issuers may be more volatile, smaller, less-liquid, less transparent and subject to less oversight, particularly in emerging markets, and non-U.S. securities values may also fluctuate with currency exchange rates); REIT and Real Estate-Linked Derivatives Risk (adverse changes in the real estate markets may affect the value of REIT investments or real

estate-linked derivatives); Short Selling Risk (short selling enhances leveraging risk, involves counterparty risk and may potentially involve the risk of unlimited loss); and Variable Distribution Risk (periodic distributions by investments of variable or floating interest rates vary with fluctuations in market interest rates). Please see “Summary of Principal Risks” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus for a more detailed description of the Fund’s risks. It is possible to lose money on an investment in the Fund. An investment in the Fund is not a deposit of a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency.

 Performance Information

The performance information below provides some indication of the risks of investing in the Fund by showing changes in its total return from year to year and by comparing the Fund’s average annual total returns with those of two broad-based market indexes, a custom-blended index and a performance average of similar mutual funds. The bar chart and the information to its right show performance of the Fund’s Class A shares, but do not reflect the impact of sales charges (loads). If they did, returns would be lower than those shown. Class B, Class C and Class R performance would be lower than Class A performance because of the lower expenses paid by Class A shares. Performance in the Average Annual Total Returns table reflects the impact of sales charges. For periods prior to the inception date of a share class, performance information shown for such class may be based on the performance of an older class of shares that dates back to the Fund’s inception, as adjusted to reflect certain fees and

expenses paid by the newer class. Similarly, for periods prior to a reorganization of the Fund, in which a predecessor fund was merged into the Fund, the performance information is based on the performance of the predecessor fund, adjusted to reflect certain fees and expenses paid by the particular share class of the Fund. These adjustments generally result in estimated performance results for the newer class that are higher or lower than the actual results of the predecessor class and/or the predecessor fund, as the case may be, due to differing levels of fees and expenses paid. Details regarding the calculation of the Fund’s class-by-class performance, including a discussion of any performance adjustments, are provided under “Additional Performance Information” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus and SAI. Past performance, before and after taxes, is not necessarily predictive of future performance. Visit www.allianzinvestors.com for more current performance information.

Calendar Year Total Returns — Class A
(BAR CHART)     
  Highest and Lowest Quarter Returns
(for periods shown in the bar chart)
  Highest 04/01/2009–06/30/2009   14.79%
  Lowest 10/01/2008–12/31/2008   -12.62%
Average Annual Total Returns (for periods ended 12/31/10)
                Fund Inception
    1 Year   5 Years   10 Years   (9/30/98)
Class A — Before Taxes
    8.47 %       3.85 %       4.22 %       5.58 %  
Class A — After Taxes on Distributions
    7.05 %       1.74 %       2.73 %       3.76 %  
Class A — After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares
    5.46 %       2.07 %       2.76 %       3.73 %  
Class B
    8.84 %       3.92 %       4.26 %       5.62 %  
Class C
    12.78 %       4.25 %       4.02 %       5.28 %  
Class R
    14.46 %       4.78 %       4.57 %       5.82 %  
MSCI AC World Index
    12.67 %       3.44 %       3.20 %       4.92 %  
Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index
    6.54 %       5.80 %       5.84 %       5.64 %  
    10.77 %       4.88 %       4.67 %       5.61 %  
Lipper Mixed-Asset Target Allocation Moderate Funds Average
    11.25 %       3.57 %       3.54 %       4.64 %  
After-tax returns are estimated using the highest historical individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes. Actual after-tax returns depend on an investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. After-tax returns are not relevant to investors who hold Fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. In some cases the

Summary Prospectus


return after taxes may exceed the return before taxes due to an assumed tax benefit from any losses on a sale of Fund shares at the end of the measurement period. After-tax returns are for Class A shares only. After-tax returns for other share classes will vary.

 Management of the Fund
Investment Manager
Allianz Global Investors Fund Management LLC
Allianz Global Investors Solutions LLC (“AGI Solutions”)
Portfolio Managers
Stephen Sexauer has been the Chief Investment Officer of AGI Solutions since inception in June, 2008 and has managed the Fund since inception in 2009. Mr. Sexauer has overall responsibility for all investment functions at AGI Solutions and is directly responsible for portfolio risk profiles, asset allocation and fund selection.
Paul Pietranico, CFA has been a senior portfolio manager with AGI Solutions since inception in June, 2008 and has managed the Fund since inception in 2009. Mr. Pietranico, with Stephen Sexauer, is directly responsible for portfolio risk profiles, asset allocation and fund selection.
James Macey, CFA has been a portfolio manager with AGI Solutions and has managed the Fund since January, 2011. Mr. Macey is responsible for portfolio implementation and trading and the coordination of the investment team’s due diligence research on underlying managers.
 Purchase and Sale of Fund Shares
You may purchase or sell (redeem) shares of the Fund on any business day through a broker, dealer, or other financial intermediary, or directly from the Fund’s distributor by mail (Allianz Global Investors Distributors LLC, P.O. Box 8050, Boston, MA 02266-8050), as further described in the Fund’s statutory prospectus and SAI. To avoid delays

in a purchase or redemption, please call 1-800-988-8380 with any questions about the requirements before submitting a request. Generally, purchase and redemption orders for Fund shares are processed at the net asset value (NAV) next calculated after an order is received by the distributor or an authorized intermediary. NAVs are determined only on days when the New York Stock Exchange is open for regular trading. For Class A and Class C shares, the minimum initial investment in the Fund is $1,000 and the minimum subsequent investment is $50. For Class R shares, specified benefit plans may establish various minimum investment and account size requirements; ask your plan administrator for more information. Class B shares are no longer available for purchase, except through exchanges and dividend reinvestments as described under “Sales of Class B Shares” in the Fund’s statutory prospectus.
 Tax Information
The Fund’s distributions are generally taxable to you as ordinary income or capital gains, unless you are investing through a tax-deferred arrangement, such as a 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account.
 Payments to Broker-Dealers and Other Financial Intermediaries
If you purchase shares of the Fund through a broker-dealer or other financial intermediary (such as a bank), the Fund, its distributor, its investment manager or their affiliates may pay the intermediary for the sale of Fund shares and related services. These payments may create a conflict of interest by influencing the broker-dealer or intermediary and your salesperson to recommend the Fund over another investment. Ask your salesperson or visit your financial intermediary’s Web site for more information.

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