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Exhibit 99.7


This Voting Rights Proxy Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into in Huainan City, Shaanxi Province, People’s Republic of China (“PRC” or “China”) as of August 9, 2010 by and among Orient New Energy (Xi’an) Co., Ltd. (“Party A”) and the undersigned shareholders (the “Shareholders”) of Xi’an Orient Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. (“Xi’an Orient”).  Party A and the Shareholders are each referred to in this Agreement as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”. Xi’an Orient is made a party to this Agreement for the purpose of acknowledging the Agreement.

本《投票权代理协议》(“本协议”)于2010年8月9日在中华人民共和国(“PRC”或“中国”)陕西省西安市,由东方新能源(西安)有限公司(“甲方”)以及以下签字的西安东方石油集团有限公司(“西安东方”)的股东(“股东”)签署。甲ਬ 1;和股东总称为“各方”。西安东方以下签字是为认可本协议。

1.           Party A, a company incorporated in the PRC as a foreign investment enterprise, specializes in the research and development of chemicals and consulting service, and Xi’an Orient is engaged in the wholesale of gas, coal oil, diesel oil; the sale and wholesale of lubricating oil, residual oil, fuel oil, naphtha, paraffin wax, asphaltum and wax-bearing oil; and the sale and wholesale of chemicals (excluding inflammable, explosive, hazardous chemicals) and petroleum special equipment. (collectively the “Business”). Party A and Xi’an Orient have entered into a certain Consulting Services Agreement dated August 9, 2010 (the “Consulting Services Agreement”) in connection with the Business.
甲方为根据中国法成立的外商独资企业,专业开展化学制品研发和咨询业务,同时乙方主要从事汽油、煤油、柴油的批发;润滑油、渣油、燃料油、石脑油、石蜡、沥青、蜡油的批发、零售;化工原料(不含易燃易爆危险品和专营)、石油ߎ 7;用设备和器材的批发、零售业务(总称为“业务”)。甲方与乙方在2010年8月9日签订了有关业务的《咨询服务协议》(“服务协议”)。
2           The Shareholders are shareholders of the Xi’an Orient, each legally holding such amount of equity interest of Xi’an Orient as set forth on the signature page of this Agreement and collectively holding 100% of the issued and outstanding equity interests of the Xi’an Orient (collectively the “Equity Interest”).



3.           In connection with the Consulting Services Agreement, the Parties have entered into a certain Operating Agreement dated August 9, 2010, pursuant to which the Shareholders now desire to grant to Party A a proxy to vote the Equity Interest for the maximum period of time permitted by law in consideration of Party A’s obligations thereunder.


NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:


1.           The Shareholders hereby agree to irrevocably grant and entrust Party A, for the maximum period of time permitted by law, with all of their voting rights as shareholders of the Xi’an Orient.  Party A shall exercise such rights in accordance with and within the parameters of the laws of the PRC and the Articles of Association of the Xi’an Orient.


2.           Party A may establish and amend rules to govern how Party A shall exercise the powers granted by the Shareholders herein, including, but not limited to, the number or percentage of directors of Party A which shall be required to authorize the exercise of the voting rights granted by the Shareholders, and Party A shall only proceed in accordance with such rules.


3.           The Shareholders shall not transfer or cause to be transferred the Equity Interest to any party (other than Party A or such designee of Party A).  Each Shareholder acknowledges that it will continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement even if one or more of other Shareholders no longer hold any part of the Equity Interest.


Proxy Agreement

4.           This Proxy Agreement has been duly executed by the Parties as of the date first set forth above, and in the event that a Party is not a natural person, then such Party’s action has been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or other action and executed and delivered by such Party’s duly authorized representatives.  This Agreement shall take effect upon the execution of this Agreement.


5.           Each Shareholder represents and warrants to Party A that such Shareholder owns such amount of the Equity Interest as set forth next to its name on the signature page below, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, and such Shareholder has not granted to any party, other than Party A, a power of attorney or proxy over any of such amount of the Equity Interest or any of such Shareholder’s rights as a shareholder of Xi’an Orient.  Each Shareholder further represents and warrants that the execution and delivery of this Agreement by such Shareholder shall not violate any law, regulations, judicial or administrative order, arbitration award, agreement, contract or covenant applicable to such Shareholder.

每位股东向甲方陈述和保证:该股东拥有所有在签字页姓名以下显示的股权数额,并且没有任何担保和权利负担。该股东未向除甲方以外的任何人授予任何股权和作为西安东方股东的权利的授权书或委托书。每位股东进一步陈述和保证它签&# 32626;或交付本协议不违反适用于股东的法律、法规、司法决定、行政命令、仲裁裁决、合同或契约。

6.           This Agreement may not be terminated without the unanimous consent of all Parties, except that Party A may, by giving a thirty (30) day prior written notice to the Shareholders, terminate this Agreement, with or without cause.


7.           Any amendment to and/or rescission of this Agreement shall be in writing by the Parties.


8.           The execution, validity, creation and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of PRC.


Proxy Agreement

9.           This Agreement shall be executed in four (4) duplicate originals in English, and each Party shall receive one (1) duplicate original, each of which shall be equally valid.


10.           The Parties agree that in the event a dispute shall arise from this Agreement, the Parties shall settle their dispute through amicable negotiations.  If the Parties cannot reach a settlement within 45 days following the negotiations, the dispute shall be submitted to be determined by arbitration through China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) Shanghai Branch in accordance with CIETAC arbitration rules.  The determination of CIETAC shall be conclusively binding upon the Parties and shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction.

如果因本协议产生争议,双方同意通过协商解决。如果双方不能在协商45日后达成一致,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会依据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决对各方具有最终约束效力,能够在具有管辖权的任Ë 09;法院执行。


Proxy Agreement


IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement is duly executed by each Party or its legal representatives.


Orient New Energy (Xi’an) Co., Ltd.
Legal/Authorized Representative: /s/ YAO Anping
Name: YAO Anping
姓名: 姚安平
Title: Legal Representative
职务: 法定代表人
Proxy Agreement


Shareholders of Xi’an Orient Petroleum Group
/s/ YAO Anping    
YAO Anping
ID Card No.: __________________
Owns 92.0% of Xi’an Orient
/s/ TIAN Songling    
TIAN Songling
ID Card No.: __________________
Owns 3.0% of Xi’an Orient
Xi’an Sea Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd
Owns 5.0% of Xi’an Orient

Proxy Agreement

Xi’an Orient Petroleum Group Co., Ltd.
Legal/Authorized Representative: /s/ YAO Anping
Name: YAO Anping
姓名: 姚安平
Title: Legal Representative
职务: 法定代表人
Proxy Agreement