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(Mark One)










For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008
















Date of event requiring this shell company report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .


For the transition period from                       to                        


Commission file number: 001-33858


ChinaEdu Corporation

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)


Not Applicable

(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)


Cayman Islands

(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)


ChinaEdu Corporation

4th Floor-A, GeHua Building

No. 1 QinglongHutong, Dongcheng District

Beijing, 100007 People’s Republic of China

(Address of principal executive offices)


Julia Huang

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

ChinaEdu Corporation

4th Floor-A, GeHua Building

No. 1 QinglongHutong, Dongcheng District

Beijing, 100007 People’s Republic of China

Telephone: 86-10-84186655

Email: julia@chinaedu.net

(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class


Name of each exchange on which registered

American Depositary Shares, each representing three Ordinary Shares, par value US$0.01 per share


NASDAQ Global Market

Ordinary Shares, par value US$0.01 par value per share


NASDAQ Global Market*


*                Application made for listing, not for trading, but only in connection with the registration of the American Depositary Shares pursuant to requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:



(Title of Class)


Table of Contents


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act:



(Title of Class)


Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the annual report.



63,076,129 Ordinary Shares, par value $0.01 per Ordinary Share



Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.

o Yes   x No


If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

o Yes   x No


Note — Checking the box above will not relieve any registrant required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 from their obligations under those Sections.


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

x Yes   o No


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).

o Yes   o No


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.:


Large accelerated filer o


Accelerated filer o


Non-accelerated filer x


Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:




International Financial Reporting Standards as issued
by the International Accounting Standards Board


Other o


If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question, indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow.

o Item 17   o Item 18


If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

o Yes   x No


Table of Contents








Item 1. Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers


Item 2. Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable


Item 3. Key Information


Item 4. Information on the Company


Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects


Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees


Item 7. Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions


Item 8. Financial Information


Item 9. The Offer and Listing


Item 10. Additional Information


Item 11. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk


Item 12. Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities








Item 13. Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies


Item 14. Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds


Item 15. Controls and Procedures


Item 16A. Audit Committee Financial Expert


Item 16B. Code of Ethics


Item 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and Services


Item 16D. Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees


Item 16E. Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers








Item 17. Financial Statements


Item 18. Financial Statements


Item 19. Exhibits



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Unless otherwise indicated and except where the context otherwise requires, references in this annual report on Form 20-F to:


·                  “we,” “us,” “our company” or “our” refers to ChinaEdu Corporation, its predecessor entities and subsidiaries;


·                  “China” or “PRC” refers to the People’s Republic of China, excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau;


·                  “shares,” “ordinary shares,” or “common shares” refers to our common shares;


·                  “ADSs” refers to our American Depositary Shares, each of which represents three common shares, and “ADRs” refers to the American Depositary Receipts that evidence our ADSs;


·                  “RMB” or “Renminbi” refers to the legal currency of China; and


·                  “$,” “dollars,” “US$” or “U.S. dollars” refers to the legal currency of the United States.



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This annual report contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.


You can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “is expected to,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to” or other similar expressions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. These forward-looking statements include:


·                  our anticipated growth strategies;


·                  our future business development, results of operations and financial condition;


·                  expected changes in our revenues and certain cost and expense items;


·                  our ability to increase student enrollments and course fees and expand program, service and product offerings;


·                  competition in the language training, test preparation, primary and secondary education, educational content, software and other technology development and online education markets;


·                  risks associated with our offering of new educational programs, services and products and the expansion of our geographic reach;


·                  risks associated with our existing development projects, including construction delays or cost overruns with respect to our pending campus construction projects and the build out of our learning center network, which may increase project costs, and the failure of the newly developed schools or learning centers to perform as expected;


·                  the expected increase in expenditures on education in China;


·                  PRC laws, regulations and policies relating to private education and providers of private educational services, including recent changes in the government regulatory environment related to our international curriculum program; and


·                  general economic, business and other market conditions in the PRC and worldwide, including the ability of the general global economy to recover timely from the current economic downturn.


You should read thoroughly this annual report and the documents that we refer to herein with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from and/or worse than what we expect. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements. Other sections of this annual report include additional factors which could adversely impact our business and financial performance. Moreover, we operate in an evolving environment. New risk factors emerge from time to time and it is not possible for our management to predict all risk factors, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements.


You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The forward-looking statements made in this annual report relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made in this annual report. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



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Item 1. Identity of Directors, Senior Management and Advisers


Not applicable.


Item 2. Offer Statistics and Expected Timetable


Not applicable.


Item 3. Key Information


A.  Selected Financial Data


Selected Condensed Consolidated Financial Data


The following selected condensed consolidated statement of operations data for the three years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 and selected condensed consolidated balance sheet data as of December 31, 2007 and 2008 have been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements included in this annual report. These consolidated financial statements have been audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., an independent registered public accounting firm. The report of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. on our audited consolidated financial statements for the three years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 and as of December 31, 2007 and 2008 is included in this annual report.  The selected condensed consolidated statement of operations data for the years ended December 31, 2004 and 2005 and selected consolidated balance sheet data as of December 31, 2004, 2005 and 2006 have been derived from our audited consolidated financial statements, which are not included in this annual report. Our audited consolidated financial statements are prepared and presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, or U.S. GAAP. The historical results are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected in any future period.  The selected condensed consolidated financial data should be read in conjunction with, and are qualified in their entirety by reference to, our consolidated financial statements and related notes and “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—A. Operating Results” included elsewhere in this annual report.



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Years ended December 31,
































(In thousands, except per share data)


Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations Data:














Net revenue














Online degree program














International curriculum programs













Online tutoring programs













Private primary and secondary schools













Net revenue














Cost of revenue














Gross profit














Operating expenses














General and administrative














Selling and marketing














Research and development














Goodwill impairment











Intangible assets impairment










Total operating expenses














Income (loss) from operations














Other income











Interest income














Interest expense













Income (loss) before income tax (benefits) provisions and minority interest














Income tax (benefits) provisions










































Total income tax (benefits) provisions














Income (loss) before minority interest














Minority interest, net of taxes














Net income (loss)














Deemed dividends on preferred share









Net income (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders














Adjusted EBITDA(2)














Net income (loss) per ordinary share—basic














Net income (loss) per preferred A share—basic










Net income (loss) per preferred B share—basic










Net income (loss) per preferred C share—basic










Net income (loss) per preferred D share—basic









Net income (loss) per ordinary share—diluted














Net income (loss) per ADS










































Weighted average shares used in calculating basic net income (loss) per ordinary share














Weighted average shares used in calculating diluted net income (loss) per ordinary share
















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Years ended December 31,
































(In thousands)


Share-based compensation expense included in:














Cost of revenue














General and administrative














Selling and marketing












Research and development










































Amortization of intangible assets acquired through business combination included in:














Cost of revenue













Selling and marketing









































(1) The amounts of share-based compensation included in operating expenses for 2006, 2007 and 2008 reflect the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 123 (revised 2004), or SFAS 123(R), “Share-Based Payment,” effective on January 1, 2006. If we had applied the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS 123(R) to prior periods, we would have reported net loss of RMB6.7 million and RMB8.1 million for 2004 and 2005, respectively, and net loss per share (diluted) of 0.57 and 0.50 for 2004 and 2005, respectively.


(2) Adjusted EBITDA represents net (loss) income attributable to ordinary shareholders before deductions for minority interest, deemed dividend, interest income, income taxes, depreciation, amortization, share-based compensation, write-off for  receivables acquired through business acquisition, goodwill and intangibles impairment charges and currency exchange losses. We believe that adjusted EBITDA is useful to investors as a measure of comparative operating performance, as it is less susceptible to variances in actual performance resulting from depreciation, amortization and goodwill and intangible assets impairment, and is more reflective of changes in pricing decisions, cost controls and other factors that affect operating performance. We also present adjusted EBITDA because we believe it is useful to investors as a way to evaluate our ability to incur and service debt, make capital expenditures and meet working capital requirements. Adjusted EBITDA is not intended as a measure of our operating performance, as an alternative to net income or as an alternative to any other performance measure in conformity with U.S. GAAP, or as an alternative to cash flow provided by operating activities as a measure of liquidity. The following is a reconciliation of net (loss) income attributable to ordinary shareholders to adjusted EBITDA:




Years ended December 31,
































(In thousands)


Net (loss) income attributable to ordinary shareholders














Deemed dividends on preferred shares









Minority interest, net of taxes














Income tax (benefits) provision














Interest income and other, net










































Goodwill impairment











Intangible assets impairment










Exchange loss










Accounts receivable write-off











Share-based compensation














Adjusted EBITDA

















Years ended December 31,
































(In thousands)


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet Data:














Cash and cash equivalents














Total assets














Total current liabilities














Total liabilities














Convertible notes










Total shareholders’ equity
















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Exchange Rate Information


The following table sets forth the noon buying rates for U.S. dollars in effect in The City of New York for cable transfers of Renminbi as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Board, for the periods indicated.




Renminbi per U.S. Dollar Noon Buying Rate








































































Previous Six Months










December 2008










January, 2009










February, 2009










March, 2009










April, 2009










May, 2009










June, 2009 (through June 25)











Source: Federal Reserve Board


On June 25, 2009, the noon buying rate was RMB6.8344 to $1.00.


We publish our financial statements in Renminbi. This annual report contains translations of Renminbi amounts into U.S. dollars at specified rates solely for the convenience of the reader. Unless otherwise noted, all translations from Renminbi to U.S. dollars were made at the noon buying rate in The City of New York for cable transfers in Renminbi per U.S. dollar as certified for customs purposes by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as of December 31, 2008, which was RMB6.8225 to $1.00. We make no representation that any Renminbi or U.S. dollar amounts could have been, or could be, converted into U.S. dollars or Renminbi, as the case may be, at any particular rate, the rates stated above, or at all. The PRC government imposes control over its foreign currency reserves in part through direct regulation of the conversion of RMB into foreign exchange and through restrictions on foreign trade.


Since July 2005, the Renminbi is no longer pegged solely to the U.S. dollar. Instead, its value is measured against a basket of currencies, determined by the People’s Bank of China, against which it can rise or fall by as much as 0.3% each day. The Renminbi may appreciate or depreciate significantly in value against the U.S. dollar in the future. See “—D. Risk Factors—Risks Related to the People’s Republic of China—The fluctuation of the Renminbi may materially and adversely affect your investment.”


B.             Capitalization and Indebtedness


Not applicable.


C.  Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds


Not applicable.


D.  Risk Factors


Investing in our securities involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the risks described below, in conjunction with other information and our consolidated financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this annual report, before making an investment decision. Our business, financial condition or results of operations could be affected materially and adversely by any or all of these risks. The trading price of our ADSs could decline due to any or all of these risks, and you may lose all or part of your investment.


Risks Related to Our Business


The education sector, in which all of our businesses are conducted, and the telecommunication sector, upon which we are heavily reliant, each are subject to extensive regulation in China, and our ability to conduct business is highly dependent on our compliance with these regulatory frameworks.


The Chinese government regulates all aspects of the education sector, including licensing of parties to perform various services, pricing of tuition and other fees, curriculum content, standards for the operations of schools and learning centers associated with online degree programs and foreign participation. The Chinese laws and regulations applicable to the education and telecommunication sectors are in some aspects vague and uncertain, and often lack detailed implementing regulations. These laws and regulations also are subject to change, and new laws and regulations may be adopted, some of which may have retroactive application or have a negative effect on our business. Moreover, there is considerable ongoing



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scrutiny of the education sector and its participants.  For a discussion of the regulatory framework for the education system and the telecommunication sectors in China, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation.”


We must comply with China’s extensive regulations on private and foreign participation in the education and telecommunication sectors, and compliance with such restrictions has caused us to adopt complex structural arrangements with our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities. If the relevant Chinese authorities decide that our structural arrangements do not comply with these restrictions, we would be precluded from conducting some or all of our current business and our financial condition, results of operations and business strategy may be materially and adversely affected.


Chinese regulators have broad powers to regulate the tuition and other fees charged by schools and, as a result, can adversely impact the fees we receive from the schools to which we provide services, as well as the returns from the private primary and secondary schools operated by our Chinese affiliated entities. While China’s regulatory framework provides that investors in private schools are entitled to receive a “reasonable return” on their investment, there is no clear guidance in law as to what this term means.


Although our corporate structure and business are designed to comply with the limitations on foreign investment and participation in the education and telecommunication sectors, we cannot assure you that we will not be found to be in violation of any current or future Chinese laws and regulations. See also the risk factors below under “Risks Related to China’s Regulation of the Education and Telecommunication Sectors and Our Corporate Structure.” There are substantial uncertainties regarding the interpretation and application of Chinese laws and regulations. If we or any of our Chinese subsidiaries or Chinese affiliated entities are found to be or to have been in violation of Chinese laws or regulations limiting foreign ownership or participation in the education or telecommunication sectors, the relevant regulatory authorities have broad discretion in dealing with such violation, including but not limited to:


·                  levying fines and confiscating illegal income;


·                  restricting or prohibiting our use of the proceeds from our initial public offering to finance our business and operations in China;


·                  requiring us to restructure the ownership structure or operations of our Chinese subsidiaries or Chinese affiliated entities;


·                  requiring us to discontinue all or a portion of our business; and/or


·                  revoking our business licenses.


Any of these or similar actions could cause significant disruption to our business operations or render us unable to conduct all or a substantial portion of our business operations, and may materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We derive a majority of our revenue by providing services to online degree programs, and any adverse development in this business will materially and adversely affect our overall results of operations.


For fiscal years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, approximately 73.5%, 76.3%, and 80.4%, respectively,  of our net revenue was generated from services provided to online degree programs of Chinese universities. The continued growth of this business line depends on our ability to attract new university customers and the ability of these universities to increase student enrollment for their online degree programs. We face many challenges in our online degree program services business, including:


·                  our structure for this line of business, in which services are provided to our university customers’ online degree programs by one of our Chinese subsidiaries and affiliated entities, may be found by Chinese regulatory authorities to violate restrictions on entities other than universities being responsible for online degree programs;


·                  the demand for online degree programs depends on the social acceptance and perceived attractiveness of degrees offered by these programs, which may decline due to actual or perceived quality problems at online degree programs and the increased availability of alternatives such as traditional degree programs, on-the-job training and overseas programs;


·                  the universities with online degree programs have primary responsibility for these programs and their priorities and objectives may conflict with our own objectives of growing our revenue and profits from servicing these programs; and


·                  each of the universities with online degree programs has been approved by China’s Ministry of Education, or the MOE, to operate these programs as part of the MOE’s pilot program for online education and there is no assurance that the MOE will not restrict, suspend or revoke this program in the future or that any of the currently approved universities, including our university partners, will continue to qualify for this program.


A significant factor affecting the results of our online degree program business is the fees that our university partners are required to pay to independent learning centers. The share of tuition revenue that we receive is after the payment of fees to learning centers. As a result, an increase in the portion of tuition fees paid to the learning centers will result in a decrease in the



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portion of tuition fees that we receive as revenue. In 2007, our university partners paid fees to independent learning centers in amounts ranging from 23% to 56% of the gross tuition revenues received by their online degree programs. In 2008, these same fees ranged in amounts from 23% to 54% of the gross tuition revenues received by their online degree programs. For fiscal years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, the portion of gross tuition fees that our university partners paid in aggregate to independent learning centers was approximately 39%, 40% and 39%, respectively. There can be no assurance that the amounts payable to independent learning centers, as a portion of gross tuition fees, will not increase.


To the extent any of the factors discussed above or other adverse developments occur in the online degree program sector, our revenue and results of operations from our online degree program services business could be adversely affected.


Most of our revenue comes from a limited number of customers, the loss of which could significantly impact our revenue and results of operations.


For fiscal years ended December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008, 67.3%, 68.2% and 67.3%, respectively, of our net revenue was derived from our services to our five largest online degree program customers. Our three largest customers, Renmin University of China, China Agricultural University and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, accounted for 22.1%, 15.2 % and 13.3%, respectively, of our net revenue in 2008.  These same customers accounted for 21.1%, 17.3% and 14.0%, respectively, of our net revenue in 2007.  We will likely continue to rely on a relatively small number of customers for a significant portion of our revenue for the foreseeable future. If for any reason our revenue from any of our significant customers or other online degree programs were to decline or if we were to lose any of our significant customers, our revenue and results of operations would be materially and adversely affected.


We may not succeed in attracting additional university online degree programs as customers and our growth prospects could suffer.


Although our strategy is to increase the number of online degree programs using our services, we may not be able to attract additional university customers. Developing and entering into a relationship with a university requires considerable effort on our part, and we may spend considerable time and still may not be successful in developing a new customer. Our ability to expand our services to additional online degree programs is dependent on our ability to identify potential university partners who can provide course offerings that will be attractive to the target market and to develop a mutually acceptable arrangement with the university for the development of a program. Some of the universities offering online degree programs that do not utilize our services have developed their own technology platforms, and others have entered into service agreements with other service providers. Some of the universities we would like to partner with may not have goals and objectives that are compatible with ours, may be subject to long-term contracts with other service providers, or may have cumbersome decision-making procedures that may delay or prohibit our entering into a service relationship with them. In addition, some of these universities are also being pursued by our competitors. As a result, we cannot predict whether we will be successful in attracting additional universities to which we can provide services. If we are unsuccessful in establishing new service relationships, our strategic growth objectives may not be achieved, thereby adversely impacting our prospects and results of operations.


The tuition charged by online degree programs, the secondary and vocational schools that we provide curriculum programs to and our private primary and secondary schools are all subject to price controls administered by the Chinese government, and our revenue is highly dependent on the level of these tuition charges.


In the year ended December 31, 2008, 80.4% of our net revenue was generated by providing services to online degree programs. Our revenue in this segment comes primarily from service fees that are paid by universities and calculated as a percentage of the tuition revenue of the online degree programs that we provide services to, and the tuition charges for these programs are subject to price controls administered by various price control offices under China’s National Development and Reform Commission, or NDRC. Similarly, our revenue from the curriculum programs that we offer to secondary and vocational schools is also directly dependent on the tuition revenue of those schools, and those tuition charges are subject to administrative price controls. The tuition charges of our private primary and secondary schools are also subject to price controls. In light of the substantial increase in tuitions and other education-related fees in China in recent years, China’s price control authorities may impose stricter price control on tuition charges in the future. If the tuition charges upon which our revenue depends, particularly the tuition charges for online degree programs, were to be decreased or if they were not to increase in line with increases in our costs because of the actions of China’s administrative price controls, our revenue and profitability would be adversely affected.


Our international curriculum programs, which include our Ploytechnic and English language programs, are heavily regulated, and our ability to conduct business in this area is highly dependent on regulatory policies and our compliance with these policies.


Our international post-secondary Polytechnic curriculum program, or BCIT program, has recently been restricted in its ability to contract new schools. In April 2007, the MOE issued the Circular on Further Regulating Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education Programs. The circular directs the local education authorities generally to suspend the approval of any new Chinese-foreign cooperative polytechnic education programs until the end of 2008, and there is no new policy currently being promulgated to revoke the suspension.  To ensure the quality of the Chinese-foreign cooperative education programs, the circular emphasizes the regulatory supervision of these programs and advises local education authorities to closely supervise



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and monitor the existing programs, especially in recruiting materials, advertisements, and issuance of degrees and diplomas, and directs them to report and remedy any non-compliance by existing programs of the applicable regulations. As a result of this circular, our BCIT program has not been able to contract new schools for the program and we do not expect it will in the near future. Although the circular only discusses the suspension of approvals through the end of 2008, we cannot assure you that our BCIT program will be able to contract new schools in 2009 or at any time after that.


In addition, in recent years our English language curriculum program, or FEC program, has faced challenges obtaining certain regulatory approvals. In August 2004, the MOE promulgated the Announcement regarding Re-Approval of Chinese-foreign Cooperative Educational Institutions and Programs, or the Re-Approval Announcement, which requires Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institutions and programs that were established before July 1, 2004 (the effective date of the Re-Approval Announcement) to be re-approved by the MOE. Only four of our 19 contracted schools obtained re-approval from the MOE, and if MOE re-approval is not obtained, the remaining contracted schools may terminate their FEC programs. As a result, in December 2008 we mutually terminated our agreement with Western Institute of Technology at Taranki (“WITT”), a post-secondary education institution based in New Zealand that offers English language programs for overseas students, to serve as the exclusive service provider for all of WITT’s English language programs within China until September 2020. The schools that have been receiving support from us under the FEC program, however, can continue to recruit students under the FEC name even after termination of our agreement with WITT if they desire, since all education related support is provided by us.  However, we cannot assure you that any, or all, of the FEC contracted schools will continue to work with us in the future, and our partner schools may face challenges obtaining re-approvals for replacing WITT with other overseas education institutions with whom we may partner.


Failure to obtain re-approval for a majority of our contracted schools has adversely affected our results of operations and the prospects for our English language programs, and other regulatory actions could have similar adverse effects on our Polytechnic programs. As a result of these developments, we incurred an impairment charge of RMB68.2 million ($10.0 million) related to the international curriculum program segment during the year ended December 31, 2008, of which RMB39.1 million was related to goodwill impairment and RMB29.1 million was related to intangible assets impairment.


Our business is subject to seasonal fluctuations, which may cause our operating results to fluctuate from quarter to quarter. This may result in volatility and adversely affect the price of our ADSs.


We have experienced, and expect to continue to experience, seasonal fluctuations in our revenue and results of operations, primarily due to seasonal changes in the number of students who are enrolled in, or served by, our businesses. Historically, our largest revenue student enrollments occur in the fall, and we generally recognize revenue over the six-month period following these enrollments. As a result, our revenue in the fourth quarter and first quarter of each year, representing the fall semester, have been higher than the other two quarters, which represent the spring semester. Our expenses and costs, however, do not necessarily correspond with changes in our revenue or the number of students who are enrolled in, or served by, our businesses. We expect quarterly fluctuations in our revenue and results of operations to continue. These fluctuations could result in volatility and adversely affect the price of our ADSs. As our revenue grows, these seasonal fluctuations may become more pronounced.


During prior reporting periods, we identified material weaknesses and  significant deficiencies in our internal control over financial reporting. Although we have since remedied these material weaknesses and  significant deficiencies, if we fail to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting, we may not be able to accurately report our financial results or prevent fraud.


We are subject to the reporting obligations under the U.S. federal securities laws. The SEC, as required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, adopted rules that now require every public reporting company to include in its annual report management’s report on internal control over financial reporting, which contains management’s assessment of the effectiveness of such company’s internal control over financial reporting. In addition, certain registrants are required to include an attestation report from an independent registered public accounting firm on the effectiveness of such registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.


Our management assessed the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008 using the criteria set forth in the “Internal Control — Integrated Framework” report published by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (known as COSO) and has concluded that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2008. Pursuant to temporary rules implemented by the SEC, this annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008 does not include an attestation report of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., our independent registered public accounting firm, regarding our internal control over financial reporting.


We previously disclosed in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2007 that we had identified two material weakness and two significant deficiencies. “Material weakness” is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected.  A “significant deficiency” is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects our ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report external financial data reliably in accordance with U.S. GAAP such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of our annual or interim financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected.


During our 2008 fiscal year, we implemented measures to resolve and remediate these material weaknesses and significant deficiencies and to improve our internal and disclosure controls, and we do not believe that the material weaknesses that we previously identified had a pervasive impact on our internal control over financial reporting. See “Item 15. Controls



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and Procedures — Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting.” Nevertheless, we cannot assure you that these measures will continue to be effective and that any significant deficiencies and material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting will not be identified in the future.   Moreover, if we fail to maintain the adequacy of our internal control, we may not be able to conclude that we have effective internal control over financial reporting. Even if we do conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is effective, our independent registered public accounting firm may still issue a report that is qualified if it is not satisfied with our internal control or the level at which our controls are documented, designed, operated or reviewed, or if it interprets the relevant requirements differently from us. Furthermore, effective internal control over financial reporting is necessary for us to produce reliable financial reports and is important to help us to manage the company effectively and prevent fraud. As a result, our failure to achieve and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting could result in a loss of investor confidence in the reliability of our financial statements, which in turn could harm our business and negatively impact the trading price of our ADSs.


Our limited operating history may not serve as an adequate basis to judge our future prospects and results of operations.


We began operations in 1999 and only initiated three of our four lines of business in 2005 and 2006 through acquisitions. Our limited operating history may not provide a meaningful basis on which to evaluate our business. For the year ended December 31, 2008, we incurred a net loss of RMB43.0 million ($6.3 million), primarily due to goodwill and intangible assets impairment losses related to our international curriculum program. We cannot assure you that we will not recognize future impairment charges or incur future losses. We also expect that our operating expenses will increase as we expand. Given our limited operating history and the limited period of time that our management team has worked together, our operating history may not provide you with a sufficient basis upon which to evaluate the ability of our management team to address these risks. If we are not successful in addressing any or all of these risks, our business may be materially and adversely affected.


We are dependent on third parties, particularly the learning centers serving online degree programs, over which we have no control, to perform functions that are critical to the success of our business.


The success of our business in providing services to online degree programs depends in part on the actions of learning centers and universities over which we have limited or no control. The learning centers, principally operated by third parties, perform a number of essential functions for universities that operate the online degree programs (such as marketing, enrollment, administration, tuition collection and testing), but we have no ability to ensure that they adequately perform these functions or comply with the regulations and standards applicable to them. If the learning centers upon which our online degree programs are dependent experience regulatory compliance issues, our results of operations and our ability to attract and retain university customers will be adversely affected. In addition, because a university must obtain regulatory approval, which is generally a time consuming process, to either change learning centers or establish its own learning centers, the learning centers maintain a strong negotiating position and are able to demand substantial compensation for their services.


Because we face significant competition in several of our lines of business, we could lose market share and may need to respond by lowering our prices, which could materially and adversely affect our results of operations.


In addition to our recent collaborative alliance agreement with Guangxi Radio and TV University (discussed elsewhere), we currently serve 18 out of the 67 universities that have been approved to offer online degree programs in China as well as the China Central Radio and TV University, which functions primarily as a distance learning facility. Our revenue from these 18 universities depends on the total cash tuition receipts for these programs. The online degree programs of these 18 universities must compete with the online degree programs of the other 49 universities approved to offer online degree programs, as well as other education and training programs that are seeking to enroll students. While we are trying to enter into agreements with additional universities with respect to their online degree programs, we face competition from other service providers and may not succeed in our efforts.


Our online tutoring and test preparation business competes for students with traditional in-person tutoring services and after school programs, as well as with companies providing online services similar to ours. Our English language programs compete for students with other private schools with English language programs, sister schools, online programs, after school programs and self-study programs. Our Polytechnic programs compete for students with other Chinese-foreign cooperative education programs, sister school programs, distance learning programs, self-study programs and other vocational and technical training programs. Our private primary and secondary schools compete for recruiting students with other schools in their respective areas as well as boarding schools that recruit students on a nationwide basis.


There are also many new entrants seeking to participate in the education sector in China, including for-profit and not-for-profit educational institutions from overseas that are attracted by the education market in China. Although restrictive regulation of the education sector in China may have limited our competition in the past, any deregulation of this industry, or easing of restrictions on foreign participants, could increase the competition we face in one or more lines of business.


Certain of our businesses face relatively low barriers to entry, which could result in even greater competitive pressure and potential loss of market share in the future.


Our online tutoring business and international curriculum program business are characterized by relatively low start-up and fixed costs, modest capital requirements, short start-up lead times and a limited need for significant proprietary technology. As a result, potential market entrants, both in China and from abroad, face relatively low entry barriers to these markets. The online tutoring business requires relatively small amounts of capital and technological capabilities to enter. Similarly, other international programs similar to our international curriculum programs could be initiated by one or more competitors in



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cooperation with international partners. In addition, as the existing penetration rates of these lines of business are relatively low in our markets, competitors could acquire significant numbers of customers and establish significant market share within a relatively short period. For example, we incurred an impairment charge during the year ended December 31, 2008 of RMB68.2 million ($10.0 million) related to our international curriculum program, and we expect the future operating results of our FEC program and our recent partnership with Howe Sound Secondary School to provide English language instruction, which we refer to as our SCC program, to be adversely affected as a result of increasing competition, government regulation, lower student enrollments and lower per student amounts payable to us under our contractual arrangements with participating schools. Increased competition could result in loss of market share and revenue and lower profit margins, which would in turn have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.


We have not received permanent approval to operate our learning centers and our strategy to develop a nationwide network of learning centers will involve substantial costs and may not succeed.


In February 2007, we received provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a trial period of up to 18 months.  Although this provisional approval has since expired, the MOE has not ordered us to terminate operations at these 10 learning centers, although no assurance can be given that the MOE will not.


We have also obtained provincial licenses from the Beijing, Shanghai, and Jiangsu provinces, as well informal approval from the Zhejiang province, to operate a total of 17 learning centers, including the 10 that received provisional approval from the MOE in February 2007. We have also entered into agreements to establish three cooperative learning centers in the provinces of Jilin, Hainan, and Guangdong.  Although these learning centers are not branded under the ChinaEdu name, we derive revenue from them by contributing significantly to their operations.


In addition to the 20 learning centers discussed above, we have also entered into agreements with 32 third party learning centers pursuant to which we provide assistance applying for approval from provincial level education authorities as well as securing additional university online degree programs.  In return, we receive a percentage of the tuition earned by these third party learning centers.


Our strategy to operate learning centers involves various risks and may not succeed. These risks include those related to operating a new business in which we do not have significant experience. To be successful in operating learning centers we will have to obtain new contracts on acceptable terms with the university online degree programs, all of which already have existing relationships with learning centers. We will also have to incur substantial capital expenditures and operating expenses and devote substantial time and other resources to establish and staff these new learning centers. In addition to the risks of entering a new line of business, we also face regulatory risks relating to our plan to expand the scope of our approval to a national scope with an unlimited number of learning centers and to convert our provisional licenses to permanent approvals. Moreover, even in the event we are able to successfully obtain MOE approval to operate learning centers in additional provinces, we will still need to obtain approval from the relevant provincial level education authorities before we are able to establish any new learning center, and there are risks relating to our ability to obtain such provincial level approvals.  Any one of these risks could cause our expansion into the learning center business to be delayed or  unsuccessful and our business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected.


Our ability to attract and retain customers is heavily dependent on our reputation, which in turn relies on our maintaining a high level of service quality.


We need to continue to provide high quality services to our existing customers to maintain and enhance our reputation, and we also need to attract and retain customers for our various lines of business. All of our business lines are highly dependent on existing and potential students perceiving our programs as high quality and worth the investment of time and money that they require of students. If any of the programs we operate or support experience service quality problems, our reputation could be harmed and our results of operations and prospects could be materially and adversely affected.


We rely heavily on our senior management team and key personnel, and the loss of any of their services could severely disrupt our business.


Our future success is highly dependent on the ongoing efforts of our senior management and other key personnel. We rely heavily on their management skills, expertise in the education sector, strategy and marketing skills, as well as the relationships they have with many of the educational institutions with which we do business, and with local and national regulatory authorities. We do not maintain key person life insurance on any of our senior executives or other key personnel. The loss of the services of one or more of our senior executives or other key personnel may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Competition for senior executives and other key personnel in China, such as personnel engaged in software and system development, is intense, and the pool of suitable candidates is very limited. As a result, we may not be able to retain the services of our senior executives or other key personnel, or attract and retain senior executives or other key personnel in the future.


In addition, if any member of our senior management or any of our other key personnel joins a competitor or forms a competing company, we may lose customers, business partners, key professionals and staff members to them. Each of our senior executives and key personnel has entered into an employment agreement with us that contains confidentiality and non-competition provisions. In the event of a dispute between any of our senior executives or other key personnel and us, however, we cannot assure you as to the extent, if any, that these provisions may be enforceable in China due to uncertainties involving the Chinese legal system.



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We may not be able to successfully execute future acquisitions or efficiently manage the businesses we have acquired to date  or may acquire in the future.


Since 2005, we have entered several new lines of business through the acquisition of existing businesses or contractual rights. We may continue to expand, in part, by acquiring complementary businesses. The success of our past acquisitions and any future acquisitions will depend upon several factors, including:


·                  our ability to identify and acquire businesses on a cost-effective basis;


·                  our ability to integrate acquired personnel, operations, products and technologies into our organization effectively;


·                  our ability to retain and motivate key personnel and to retain the customers of the acquired businesses;


·                  unanticipated problems or legal liabilities of the acquired businesses; and


·                  tax or accounting issues relating to the acquired businesses.


Any acquisition may require a significant commitment of management time, capital investment and other resources. For example, our entry into the private primary and secondary school business, which includes our Anqing Foreign Language School (the “Anqing School”), Pingdingshan Wellent Bilingual School (the “Pingdingshan School”) and Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), has required us to invest significant amounts for the acquisition of the rights to operate these schools and for expanding facilities and upgrading the services offered by these schools.


In the case of the Anqing School, we had outstanding capital commitments of approximately RMB38.2 million as of December 31, 2008 associated with acquisition of the Anqing School.  In addition, during the fiscal year ended 2008, we completed Phase I construction of a new campus at the Anqing School and commenced Phase II construction, which we expect to be completed by the fall of 2009.  We anticipate that the additional capital expenditures associated with the construction at the Anqing School will be approximately RMB83.0 million.


In the case of the Pingdingshan School, we acquired all of the rights and interests in the school in 2005.  As of December 31, 2008, we have no outstanding capital commitments associated its acquisition, although we are currently in the process of constructing a new building and making related facility improvements.  We anticipate that the remaining capital expenditures associated with such construction and facility improvements will be approximately RMB4.4 million.


In the case of the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), we initially planned to complete construction of a new campus by the fall 2006 recruiting season, although we have encountered delays obtaining land-use rights for the new campus site as well as delays due to inclement weather experienced in early 2008.  Because of these ongoing delays and the uncertainty as to when they will be resolved, we had outstanding capital commitments of approximately RMB64.8 million as of December 31, 2008 associated with acquisition of the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus).  In addition, we anticipate that our remaining capital expenditures associated with construction of the new campus will be approximately RMB4.0 million.  Delays completing construction of the new campus at Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) have adversely affected revenue from this investment, and we cannot assure you that we will be able to begin construction in time for the fall 2009 recruiting season, or at all.


If we are unable to effectively execute our acquisition strategy or integrate any acquired business, our business, financial condition and results of operations may be materially and adversely affected. In addition, if we use our equity securities as consideration for acquisitions, the value of your ordinary shares or ADSs may be diluted.


If we are unable to attract and locate qualified personnel for our various programs, in particular qualified educators, our business may be materially and adversely affected.


Each of our lines of business is highly dependent on the ability to attract qualified educators to provide services in connection with our programs and the programs we support. The success of our programs and the programs we support, and the differentiating factor between our programs and those of the traditional education sector in China, rely significantly on the quality of the educators we are able to attract to such programs. For example:


·                  the online degree programs that we serve rely to a significant degree on professors to prepare the online courseware;


·                  our international post-secondary programs rely on capable instructors within participating colleges to take part in the training by the overseas post-secondary institutions;


·                  our online tutoring program needs to attract tutors who are perceived to be successful in preparing students for examinations;


·                  our private primary and secondary schools need to attract qualified and experienced teachers and administrators; and


·                  we need to find well-qualified native English speakers to teach in the English language programs and the international post-secondary programs that we support and the private primary and secondary schools operated by our Chinese affiliated entities.



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There are considerable challenges in locating and attracting the personnel we need. There is considerable competition in China to attract strong educators. To the extent we have focused our market for English language programs, international post-secondary education programs and our private primary and secondary schools in second tier cities, we also face challenges in attracting teachers from overseas who are willing to relocate to areas in which there are few, if any, expatriates and the living conditions are markedly different from their home countries. If we are unable to attract and locate well-qualified educators for the various programs, our results of operations could be adversely affected.


If we are not able to respond successfully to technological or industry developments, our business may be materially and adversely affected.


The market for providing services to educational institutions for their online degree programs and the market for online tutoring services are relatively new. These markets are characterized by rapid technological developments, the introduction of new business models, launches of new products and services and changes in customer needs and behavior. For example, the delivery of online degree programs in China is still relatively new and the evolution of these programs from relatively rudimentary systems for delivery of course content to more robust interactive models is taking place on an ongoing basis. As high speed Internet connections become available for more potential users, the expectations of students for online degree programs are likely to require continued devotion of our research and development efforts to maintain our position as a perceived market leader in providing technology services to online degree programs. Our online tutoring programs will likewise face expectations from students for a more stimulating and interactive environment commensurate with their other online experiences. Innovation by our competitors in China and overseas may make our existing services to online degree programs and our online tutoring programs obsolete or less competitive. To respond to these types of developments, we may be required to undertake substantial efforts and incur significant costs. If we do not successfully respond to these types of developments in a timely and cost-effective manner, our business may be materially and adversely affected.


All of the servers used to support our business operations are currently hosted in the same location in Beijing. We do not have a backup location, so we cannot assure you that we will be able to operate if our server location suffers from the effects of fire, floods, typhoons, earthquakes, power loss, telecommunications failures, break-ins, war, terrorist acts or similar events. Any of these events could give rise to server interruptions, breakdowns, system failures, technology platform failures and Internet failures, which could cause the loss or corruption of data or malfunctions of software or hardware. These types of events could adversely affect our ability to provide our services to online degree programs and our online tutoring program and adversely affect our operations. See “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—C. Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, Etc.—Technology.”


If we are unable to achieve or maintain economies of scale with respect to our various lines of business, our results of operations from these businesses may be materially and adversely affected.


Each of our lines of business involves a degree of upfront investment in the development of programs or the acquisition of contract rights to provide services to programs, and our revenue and profitability depend on the number of students in these programs. The online degree programs to which we provide support and services, and from which we derive most of our revenue and profits, require considerable investments of time and resources to develop.  In many cases, these online degree programs also require that we make substantial investments in collaborative alliances, which are the majority owned entities that we form with certain of our university partners to provide services to their online degree programs, as well as provide advance payments to the universities to attract university partners. The profitability of these programs for us depends on the ability of the programs to attract students. Similarly, our revenue from our online tutoring programs, international programs, and private primary and secondary schools depends on our attracting enough students on an ongoing basis. If the programs or schools are unable to recruit enough students to offset the development and operating costs, our results of operations will be adversely affected.


The demand for our online tutoring services may be impacted by parental concern of children spending too much time on online gaming and other non-educational online activities.


Parents and government officials in China have expressed concern that school age children are spending too much time on the Internet playing online games and engaging in other non-productive online activities. As a result, parents may not be supportive of buying computers and other computer resources or Internet access for their children, and this could adversely affect online education programs such as our online tutoring programs. This attitude could adversely affect our ability to expand enrollment in our online tutoring programs and thereby adversely affect our results of operations.


If we are unable to prevent others from using our intellectual property or if we are subject to intellectual property infringement claims by others, our business may be materially and adversely affected.


Our intellectual property has been and will continue to be subject to various forms of infringement, theft and misappropriation. We are also susceptible to others copying our business model and methods. Our courseware and course materials have significant value and could be copied. We devote substantial resources to the development of platform support and courseware for online degree programs, the course materials and systems support for our online tutoring program, and implementation of the Polytechnic programs and the English language programs we support. The legal protection of intellectual property in China is significantly more limited than in the United States and many other countries and may afford us little or no effective protection.



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In addition, we also could face potential claims that we have infringed the intellectual property rights of third parties. For example, with regard to the intellectual property rights to courseware used in online programs from which we derive service revenue, the professors who assisted in developing the courseware could claim that they have rights to such courseware. If such claims are brought against us or the universities conducting the online degree programs, or if we are required to bring litigation to protect our intellectual property, we could face expensive litigation that could divert management resources and materially and adversely affect our results of operations.


Our university customers may be liable for refunds to students, which could adversely affect our revenue.


Most university online degree programs require students to pre-pay for a set number of courses at the outset of their enrollment; however, these students may not enroll in all of these courses in the same period for which they have prepaid tuition. We receive service fees from each university for technology and support services that we render to our university customers during a given semester to support their online degree programs. Our contracts are typically structured so that our service fees are based upon the cash tuition receipts of the university during a given semester. To the extent students request that the universities refund any unused prepaid tuition, our revenue could be adversely affected because the universities are entitled to deduct these refunds from the cash receipts upon which our fees are based. In 2008, the average refund rate, which is refund expressed as a percentage of cash receipts, of the university online degree programs that we service was 1%. Increases in this rate could increase our revenue volatility and adversely affect the profitability of our services.


We rely heavily on our information systems, and if we fail to further develop our technology, or if our systems contain “bugs” or other undetected errors, our operations may be seriously disrupted.


To achieve our strategic objectives and to remain competitive, we must continue to develop and enhance our technology and our use of information that is available within our online systems. This may require us to acquire additional equipment and software and to develop new applications within our online systems. Our success in the development of new service offerings, such as community features and improved student management systems, depends in large part upon our ability to store, retrieve, process and manage substantial amounts of information. Our online systems and the technology platform upon which online degree programs operate, and our other databases, products and systems could contain undetected errors or “bugs” that could adversely affect their performance. In addition, our systems supporting online degree programs and online tutoring programs occasionally experience peak demands during which they are unable to provide the responsiveness expected by students enrolled in these programs. If we encounter errors or other service quality or reliability issues, or if we are unable to design, develop, implement and utilize information systems and the data derived from these systems, our ability to realize our strategic objectives and our profitability could be adversely affected, and this may cause us to lose market share, harm our reputation and brand names, and materially and adversely affect our business.


The successful operation of our business depends upon the performance and reliability of the Internet infrastructure and telecommunications networks in China.


Our services to online degree programs and our online tutoring program depend on the performance and reliability of China’s Internet infrastructure. In China, almost all access to the Internet is maintained through state-owned telecommunication operators under the administrative control and regulatory supervision of China’s Ministry of Information Industry, or the MII. In addition, the national networks in China are connected to the Internet through international gateways controlled by the Chinese government. These international gateways are the only channels through which a user in China can connect to the Internet. We cannot assure you that a more sophisticated Internet infrastructure will be developed in China. We may not have access to alternative networks in the event of disruptions, failures or other problems with China’s Internet infrastructure. In addition, China’s Internet infrastructure may not support the demands associated with continued growth in Internet usage.


We rely on China Telecommunications Corporation, or China Telecom, and China Network Communications Corporation, or China Netcom, to provide us with data communications capacity primarily through local telecommunications lines and their Internet data centers that host our servers. We do not have access to alternative services in the event of disruptions, failures or other problems with the fixed telecommunications networks of China Telecom and China Netcom, or if China Telecom or China Netcom otherwise fail to provide such services. Any unscheduled service interruption could damage our reputation and result in a decrease in our revenue. Furthermore, we have no control over the costs of the services provided by China Telecom and China Netcom. If the prices that we pay for telecommunications and Internet services increase significantly, our profitability could be adversely affected. In addition, if Internet access fees or other charges to Internet users increase, the users of our online tutoring services may find our services less affordable, which may in turn reduce our revenue.


Computer viruses and “hacking” may cause delays or interruptions on our systems and may reduce use of our services and damage our reputation and brand names.


Our online degree program platforms contain substantial information about students, their attendance and performance, and the administration of the entire student life cycle from enrollment to graduation. As such, these online systems and records may become attractive targets for either dissatisfied students, or hackers in general, who seek to access and modify records maintained on these systems, or to disrupt the online degree programs. “Hacking” involves efforts to gain unauthorized access to information or systems or to cause intentional malfunctions, loss or corruption of data, hardware or other computer equipment. Computer viruses and hacking may cause delays or other service interruptions on our systems. In addition, the inadvertent transmission of computer viruses could expose us to a material risk of loss or litigation. Hacking and computer



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viruses could result in significant damage to our systems and databases, disruptions to our business activities, including to our e-mail and other communications systems, breaches of security and the inadvertent disclosure of confidential or sensitive information, interruptions in access to our website and the websites for online degree programs and our online tutoring programs, and other material adverse effects on our operations. We may incur significant costs to protect our systems and equipment against the threat of, and to repair any damage caused by, computer viruses and hacking. Moreover, if a computer virus or hacking affects our systems and is highly publicized, our reputation could be materially damaged and usage of our services may decrease.


We incur increased costs as a result of being a public company.


As a public company, we incur significant legal, accounting and other expenses that we did not incur as a private company prior to our initial public offering in December 2007. Moreover, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as well as new rules subsequently implemented by the SEC and NASDAQ have imposed additional requirements on corporate governance practices of public companies, including Section 404 relating to internal control over financial reporting. These rules and regulations increase our legal and financial compliance costs and make certain corporate activities more time-consuming and costly. It may also be difficult for us to attract and retain qualified persons to serve on our board of directors due to increased risks of liability to our directors under the new rules and regulations.


Although our results of operations, cash flows and financial condition reflected in our consolidated financial statements include all expenses allocable to our business, because of the additional administrative and financial obligations associated with operating as a publicly traded company, they may not be indicative of the results of operations that we would have achieved had we operated as a public entity for all periods presented or of future results that we may achieve as a publicly traded company with our current holding company structure. Such variations may be material to our business.


Risks Related to China’s Regulation of the Education and Telecommunication Sectors and Our Corporate Structure


If the Chinese authorities determine that our organizational structure for operating our business does not comply with Chinese regulations, we could be subject to sanctions, including being required to discontinue all or a portion of our business.


We and our Chinese subsidiaries are considered foreign persons or foreign invested enterprises under Chinese laws, and, as a result, we are required to comply with Chinese laws and regulations applicable to foreign investment, including those restricting foreign participation in the education and telecommunications industries. For example, foreign entities that are not educational institutions, such as our company, cannot operate schools or education programs in China, and all foreign persons, including foreign educational institutions, are precluded from operating primary and middle schools in China, such as our private primary and secondary schools. Similarly, there are limitations on the ability of foreign parties such as our company and our Chinese subsidiaries with regard to owning Internet content provider, or ICP, licenses, which are necessary for the operation of our corporate website and the website for our online tutoring business. Because of these restrictions, we have developed a corporate structure in which we do not have an ownership interest in the entities involved in activities in which foreign entities’ and foreign invested enterprises’ participation is prohibited, and we function as a service provider to Chinese universities with respect to their online degree programs. For a discussion of the limitations on foreign ownership and participation governing our businesses, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation—Limitations on Foreign Ownership of Our Businesses.” For a description of our corporate structure, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—C. Organizational Structure.”


The Chinese laws and regulations applicable to online university degree programs require that the university offering such a program be responsible for the recruitment, operations, curriculum and management of the online program. Because of these restrictions, we provide services to Chinese universities’ online degree programs either through a contractual relationship between the university and us, or through a collaborative alliance established by the university and us specifically to provide services to that university’s online degree program. For some of our university partners, our services also include the licensing of certain of our domain names for their use to operate their online degree programs. If the relevant Chinese regulatory authorities were to find that the services we provide to our university partners, or that our service contract relationships, our collaborative alliance service provider structures or both of these structures, violate the regulations requiring that these online degree programs be controlled by the universities, our business model might require extensive revision or be unworkable and we could be subject to sanctions and be required to discontinue all or a portion of this business. These developments would adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.


If the ICP license for the operation of our business website is suspended or revoked by the MII due to non-compliance with its requirements, we may have to shut the website down, which could have an effect on our business and market perception.


In July 2006, the MII issued the Notice on Strengthening Management of Foreign Investment in Operating Value-Added Telecom Services. The notice prohibits Chinese ICPs engaged in providing value-added telecom services from leasing, transferring or selling their ICP licenses or providing facilities or other resources to foreign investors operating in violation of restrictions on foreign investment. The notice requires that Chinese ICPs must directly own the trademarks and domain names for websites operated by them, as well as servers and other infrastructure used to support these websites. The notice also requires Chinese ICPs to evaluate their compliance with the notice by November 1, 2006 and correct any non-compliance. A Chinese ICP’s failure to complete the procedures by November 1, 2006 could be the basis for revocation of its ICP license. Due to a lack of interpretative materials from the MII, the impact of this circular on us is unclear.  Xiandai Technology holds



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the ICP license for our business website, www.chinaedu.net. We have not transferred the domain name and trademark for www.chinaedu.net to Xiandai Technology, and we may be required to make such transfer in the future.  If we are unable to do so, the ICP license held by Xiandai Technology could be suspended or revoked by MII. If Xiandai Technology’s ICP license is suspended or revoked, we would have to shut down our business website, which may have an adverse effect on our business and market perception.


Some of our university partners for online degree programs have not received all of the required approvals for their websites.


Currently, websites established by universities for their online degree programs approved by the MOE are generally considered by the MII to be not-for-profit operations, and therefore the MII only requires the universities to make an ICP filing, rather than the more burdensome process of obtaining an ICP license, for the operation of the websites related to their online degree programs. The MII could, however, require the universities to obtain ICP licenses in the future. Some of our university partners for online degree programs have not made the required filing with the MII. In addition, our university partners may be required in the future to make other filings or obtain other approvals to maintain their online degree programs. If our university partners fail to make these filings, or obtain these licenses or other approvals, their online degree programs may be sanctioned or suspended, which would have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.


Our online tutoring business was acquired through a transaction that did not comply with applicable Chinese regulations; we may therefore face regulatory challenges, including fines and other sanctions, with respect to this business.


Notwithstanding certain restructuring activities and the acquisition of 100% of the equity interest in Gotop Electronic, the entity that provides our online tutoring services and the ICP services related to such online tutoring services through one of our Chinese affiliated entities, Hongcheng Education, our initial 80% equity interest in Gotop Electronic was originally acquired in 2005 through a separate subsidiary, Hongcheng Liye. That acquisition required approvals from the MII, the MOE and the Ministry of Commerce, and these approvals were not obtained.  Although we acquired the remaining 20% equity interest in Gotop Electronic in 2008, any challenge by the Chinese government to our initial acquisition or the imposition of sanctions against us for our activities before the restructuring could adversely affect our results of operations. In 2008, our online tutoring business accounted for 4.9% of our net revenue.


Certain of our Chinese subsidiaries, Chinese affiliated entities and customers may face regulatory challenges, including fines and other sanctions, as result of their failure to comply with certain licensing and regulatory approval requirements.


When Gotop Electronic, our Chinese affiliated entity that holds the ICP license for our online tutoring business, was approved by relevant Chinese authorities to engage in the ICP business, its registered capital did not meet the minimum requirement specified under Chinese law for ICP license holders. We have since increased the registered capital of Gotop Electronic to satisfy this requirement. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation—Regulations on Internet Information Services.” In addition, two of our Chinese subsidiaries, Gotop Hongcheng and Xuezhi Shidai, were previously engaged in the sale of products and services for our online tutoring program which exceeded the scope of their business licenses. We have subsequently transferred the sales activities to third party distributors and our sales centers which have the required business licenses. There is no assurance that we will not be sanctioned for our non-compliance before these corrective measures were taken. These sanctions can range from monetary fines and penalties to suspension of our licenses or services that we provide to our customers.


Our online tutoring business may be deemed to be engaged in “Internet publishing,” “Internet culture activities” and “broadcasting audio-video programs through the Internet,” which, under Chinese regulations, would require Gotop Electronic to obtain three additional licenses, the online publication license, the Internet culture business operation license and the license for broadcasting audio-video programs through the Internet. At present, there is no official or publicly-available definition of “Internet publishing” or “Internet culture activities.” Based on verbal confirmations from the relevant regulatory authorities, our online tutoring business currently does not fall into the scope of “Internet publishing,” “Internet culture activities” or “broadcasting audio-video programs through the Internet.” However, there is no assurance that Gotop Electronic would not be required to obtain these licenses in the future as a result of changes in interpretation of the relevant rules or changes in position of the relevant authorities. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation—Regulations on Online Publications,” “—Regulations on Internet Culture Activities” and “—Regulations on Broadcasting Audio-Video Programs through the Internet or Other Information Network.” If Gotop is required to obtain these licenses in the future and is unable to do so, we may face regulatory challenges, including fines, suspensions of service and other sanctions, in respect of our online tutoring business.


Our contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities and their shareholders may not be as effective in providing operational control and economic benefits as direct ownership.


We rely on one of our Chinese affiliated entities, Hongcheng Education, to operate our private primary and secondary schools and to provide services to some of our university customers. We rely on another of our Chinese affiliated entities, Xiandai Technology, to hold and maintain certain ICP licenses for operating our websites. Hongcheng Education and Xiandai Technology are each owned by Chinese citizens with whom we have entered into contractual arrangements to provide us with control over and substantially all the economic benefits from these entities. These entities are our variable interest entities, but we have no direct ownership interest in either of them. Our contractual arrangements with these Chinese affiliated entities and the shareholders of these Chinese affiliated entities include technical consulting and services agreements, loan agreements,



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shareholder voting rights entrustment agreements, call option agreements, equity pledge agreements and powers of attorney. For a description of these contractual arrangements, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—C. Organizational Structure—Our Corporate Structure and Contractual Arrangements.” There are considerable uncertainties regarding the interpretation and application of Chinese laws and regulations governing these contractual arrangements. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee that these arrangements will not be challenged by Chinese regulatory authorities or found to violate existing Chinese laws or regulations or new laws and regulations that may be adopted in the future. In addition, under the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or SAFE, regulations, all foreign denominated loans are required to be registered with SAFE. Our U.S. dollar loans to the shareholders of Hongcheng Education to fund the registered capital requirements of Hongcheng Education were not registered with the SAFE at the time they were made. As a result, we could be subject to sanctions for these loans and these loans may not be enforceable under Chinese laws.


Our contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities may not be as effective in providing us with control over them as direct ownership of these entities would be. In addition, our Chinese affiliated entities or their shareholders may breach the contractual arrangements we have with them. For example, our Chinese affiliated entities may distribute dividends to their shareholders who may decide not to remit these dividends to us in accordance with our contractual arrangements. Moreover, our Chinese affiliated entities or their shareholders may refuse to renew these contractual arrangements. In addition, in the event of the death or disability of any of the shareholders of our Chinese affiliated entities, there is uncertainty under Chinese law whether the shareholder voting rights entrustment agreements that we have entered into with them would be enforceable against their legal heirs or assigns. Furthermore, although our loans to shareholders of our Chinese affiliated entities specify that they may only be repaid with the shares of those companies held by the shareholders, it is unclear whether this provision is enforceable under Chinese law. If disputes under these contractual arrangements were to arise, we would have to rely on legal remedies under Chinese law. These remedies may not always be effective, particularly in light of uncertainties in the Chinese legal system, and may be significantly more limited than the legal remedies available in the legal systems of the United States and many other countries. See “—Risks Related to the People’s Republic of China—China’s legal system has inherent uncertainties that could materially and adversely affect us.” If we are unable to enforce our rights, we may be unable to operate certain of our businesses through Xiandai Technology or Hongcheng Education, or we may be unable to receive all of the economic benefits to which we are entitled from these entities.


Our equity pledge agreements with the shareholders of our Chinese affiliated entities may not be enforceable until they are registered with the relevant administration for industry and commerce pursuant to the Chinese Property Rights Law.


Under the equity pledge agreements, the shareholders of the Chinese affiliated entities pledged their equity interests in these entities to Hongcheng Technology, our Chinese subsidiary. These pledges were created by recording the pledge on the shareholder registry of the relevant Chinese affiliated entity in accordance with the then effective Chinese laws. However, according to the Chinese Property Rights Law, which became effective as of October 1, 2007, these pledges may not be enforceable until they are registered with the relevant administration for industry and commerce. Hongcheng Technology applied for such registration, but the application was denied as no registration procedures were yet available. Hongcheng Technology will continue to endeavor to register these pledges when the administration for industry and commerce implements registration procedures in accordance with the Chinese Property Rights Law in the future. But we cannot assure you that Hongcheng Technology will be able to register the pledges, and if Hongcheng Technology is unable to do so, the effectiveness of the pledges may be affected.


The shareholders of our Chinese affiliated entities may have potential conflicts of interest with us, which may materially and adversely affect our business and financial condition.


The shareholders of Hongcheng Education are Mr. Changqing Xie, one of our officers, and Mr. Xueshan Yang, our former director. The shareholders of Xiandai Technology are Mr. Gongquan Wang and Mr. Xueshan Yang, both our former directors. In the case of Mr. Changqing Xie, conflicts of interests between his duties to our company and to Hongcheng Education may arise. In addition, in the case of Mr. Gongquan Wang and Mr. Xueshan Yang, both former directors of our company, they do not owe any fiduciary duty to our company, they have not entered into any non-competition or employment agreements with our company and they do not have any relationship with us or our business except through these contractual arrangements and they are not our shareholders. These individuals may breach or cause our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries to breach or refuse to renew the existing contractual arrangements that allow us to effectively control our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries, and receive economic benefits from them. Currently, we do not have existing arrangements to address potential conflicts of interest between these individuals and our company. We cannot assure you that any or all of these individuals will act in the best interests of our company or that conflicts of interests will be resolved in our favor. If we cannot resolve any conflicts of interest or disputes between us and the owners of our Chinese affiliated entities, we would have to rely on legal proceedings, which could result in disruption of our business and substantial uncertainty as to the outcome of any such legal proceedings.


Our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries may be subject to significant limitations on their ability to operate private schools or make payments to related parties or otherwise be materially and adversely affected by changes in Chinese laws and regulations.


Under the Chinese laws and regulations applicable to private schools, a private school is one that does not require reasonable return unless it elects to be treated as a school that requires reasonable returns. At the end of each fiscal year, every private school is required to allocate a certain amount to its development fund for the construction or maintenance of the school or procurement or upgrade of educational equipment. For a private school that requires reasonable returns, this amount



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must be at least 25% of the school’s annual net income, and for other private schools this amount must be at least 25% of the school’s annual increase in its net assets, if any. Private schools that require reasonable returns must publicly disclose their election of that status and provide additional information required under the regulations such as the school’s tuition and other fees and admission standards. A private school is required to consider factors such as the school’s tuition, ratio of the funds used for education-related activities to the course fees collected, admission standards and educational quality when determining the percentage of the school’s net income to be distributed to investors as reasonable returns. However, none of the current Chinese laws and regulations provides a formula or guidelines for determining “reasonable returns.” When the formula or the guidelines for determining “reasonable returns” are issued by the relevant authorities, they may not permit returns to us that will be commercially reasonable and may limit our expected return on investment in our schools.


Private schools that have not elected to require reasonable returns are entitled to the same preferential tax treatment as public schools, while preferential tax treatment policies applicable to private schools requiring reasonable returns are to be separately formulated by the relevant authorities. To date, however, no separate regulations or policies have been promulgated in this regard. As a result, our private primary and secondary schools are subject to the specific requirements of their respective local tax authorities, which vary from location to location. Our Anqing School was established as a school that requires reasonable returns. We anticipate adopting articles of association for the Pingdingshan School in 2009 in order to designate it as a school that requires reasonable returns. After the completion of the construction of the new campus for our Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), we also plan to adopt articles of association to designate it as a school that requires reasonable returns.


Current laws and regulations governing private education may be amended or replaced by new laws and regulations that (i) impose significant limitations on the ability of our schools to operate their business, charge course fees or make payments to related parties for services received, (ii) specify the formula for calculating “reasonable returns” or (iii) change the preferential tax treatment policies applicable to private schools. We cannot predict the timing and effects of amendments or new laws and regulations. Changes in Chinese laws and regulations governing private education or otherwise affecting our Chinese affiliated entities’ and their subsidiaries’ operations could materially and adversely affect our business prospects and results of operations.


Contractual arrangements among our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries may be subject to scrutiny by the Chinese tax authorities and we or our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries could be required to pay additional taxes, which could substantially reduce our consolidated net income and the value of your investment.


Arrangements and transactions among related parties may be subject to audit or challenge by the Chinese tax authorities. We could face material and adverse tax consequences if the Chinese tax authorities determine that the contractual arrangements among our Chinese subsidiaries and our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries do not represent arm’s-length terms. If this were to occur, the tax authorities could adjust our Chinese affiliated entities’ or any of their subsidiaries’ income in the form of a transfer pricing adjustment. A transfer pricing adjustment could, among other things, result in a reduction, for Chinese tax purposes, of expense deductions recorded by our Chinese affiliated entities or any of their subsidiaries, which could in turn increase their tax liabilities. The Chinese tax authorities could also impose late payment fees and other penalties on our Chinese affiliated entities for under-paid taxes. In addition, any challenge by the Chinese tax authorities may limit the ability of our Chinese affiliated entities to maintain any preferential tax treatments and other financial incentives they currently enjoy. Our consolidated net income may be materially and adversely affected if our Chinese affiliated entities’ tax liabilities increase or if they are found to be subject to late payment fees or other penalties.


Regulatory agencies could commence investigations of the private primary and secondary schools directly owned and operated by a subsidiary of one of our Chinese affiliated entities, and if the results of the investigations were to be unfavorable to us, we could be subject to fines, penalties, injunctions or other censure that could have an adverse impact on our results of operations.


Chinese laws and regulations currently prohibit foreign ownership of primary and middle schools in China. Through Hongcheng Education and contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities, we own and/or operate private primary and secondary schools. As the provision of private primary and middle school services is heavily regulated in China, our private primary and secondary schools and any new primary schools that our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries may acquire or establish may be subject from time to time to investigations, claims of non-compliance or lawsuits by governmental agencies, which may allege statutory violations or regulatory infractions. If the results of these investigations were to be unfavorable to us, we could be subject to fines, penalties, injunctions or other censure that could have an adverse impact on our results of operations. Even if we were to adequately address any issues raised by a government investigation, we might have to devote significant financial and management resources to resolve these issues, which could harm our business.


We may in the future rely on dividends and other distributions on equity paid by our Chinese subsidiaries to fund any cash and financing requirements we have, and any limitation on the ability of our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities to make payments to us could have a material adverse effect on our ability to conduct our business.


We are a holding company, and we may rely in the future on dividends from our Chinese subsidiaries and service, license and other fees paid to our Chinese subsidiaries by our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries for our cash requirements, including servicing any debt we may incur. Current Chinese regulations permit our Chinese subsidiaries to pay dividends to us only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and



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regulations. In addition, each of our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities (other than our schools, which are subject to different regulations) in China is required to set aside at least 10% of its after-tax profits each year, if any, to fund a statutory reserve until such reserve reaches 50% of its registered capital. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends. Currently, all of our Chinese subsidiaries have to comply with this reserve requirement since none of their statutory reserves have reached 50% of their registered capital. Furthermore, if our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities incur debt on their own behalf in the future, the terms of that debt may restrict their ability to pay dividends or make other payments to us. Moreover, at the end of each fiscal year, every private school in China is required to allocate a certain amount to its development fund for the construction or maintenance of the school or procurement or upgrade of educational equipment. For private schools that require reasonable returns, this amount must be at least 25% of the annual net income of the school, if any. As a result, our return on investment in our private schools will be limited by this reserve requirement. See “—Our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries may be subject to significant limitations on their ability to operate private schools or make payments to related parties or otherwise be materially and adversely affected by changes in Chinese laws and regulations.” Any limitation on the ability of our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities to distribute dividends or other payments to us in the future could materially and adversely limit our ability to grow, make investments or acquisitions that could be beneficial to our businesses, pay dividends, or otherwise fund and conduct our business.


We may be treated as a “resident enterprise” for PRC tax purposes under the Enterprise Income Tax Law, which may subject us to PRC income tax for our income originated both within and outside the PRC.


Under the Enterprise Income Tax Law (the “EIT Law”) that went into effect on January 1, 2008, enterprises established under the laws of non-PRC jurisdictions but whose “de facto management” body is located in the PRC, may be treated as “resident enterprises” for PRC tax purposes. The EIT Law’s implementing rules define “de facto management” as having substantial and overall management and control over the production and operations, personnel, accounting, and properties of the enterprise. Based on our analysis of the current facts, we believe that we and our overseas subsidiaries should not be treated as “resident enterprises” for PRC tax purposes. It remains unclear, however, as to how tax authorities will determine tax residency based on the facts of each case. For the year ended December 31, 2008, our calculation of income taxes generally reflects our status as a non-China tax resident company. If the PRC governmental authorities hold that we and our overseas subsidiaries should be treated as a resident enterprise for PRC tax purposes after January 1, 2008, the effective date of the EIT Law, our worldwide income will be subject to PRC income tax at the 25% uniform tax rate, which could have an impact on our effective tax rate and an adverse effect on our net income and results of operations, although dividends distributed from our PRC subsidiaries to us could be exempt from Chinese dividend withholding tax, since such income is exempted under the new EIT Law to a PRC resident recipient.


If we are treated as a “resident enterprise” under the EIT Law, dividends payable by us to our foreign investors and gain on the sale of our ADSs or ordinary shares may become subject to taxes under PRC tax laws.


Under the EIT Law and implementation regulations issued by the State Council, PRC income tax at the rate of 10% is applicable to dividends payable to investors that are “non-resident enterprises,” which do not have an establishment or place of business in the PRC, or which have such establishment or place of business but the relevant income is not effectively connected with the establishment or place of business, to the extent such dividends have their sources within the PRC. Similarly, any gain realized on the transfer of ADSs or shares by such investors is also subject to 10% PRC income tax if such gain is regarded as income derived from sources within the PRC. If we are considered a PRC “resident enterprise,” it is unclear whether dividends we pay with respect to our ordinary shares or ADSs, or the gain you may realize from the transfer of our ordinary shares or ADSs, would be treated as income derived from sources within the PRC and be subject to PRC tax. If we are required under the EIT Law to withhold PRC income tax on dividends payable to our non-PRC investors that are “non-resident enterprises,” or if you are required to pay PRC income tax on the transfer of our ordinary shares or ADSs, the value of your investment in our ordinary shares or ADSs may be materially and adversely affected.


If we are treated as a “non-resident enterprise” under the EIT Law, dividends that  we receive from our operating subsidiaries located in the PRC may be subject to PRC withholding tax.


Under the EIT Law and its implementation rules, dividends declared on earnings generated after January 1, 2008 and payable by a foreign invested entity (“FIE”) in China to its foreign investors who are non-resident enterprises are subject to a 10% withholding tax, unless any such foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with China that provides for a different withholding arrangement. The Cayman Islands, where we are incorporated, does not have a tax treaty with China.  In the future, our income may be derived from dividends we receive from our operating subsidiaries located in the PRC. Thus, dividends paid to us by our subsidiaries in China may be subject to the 10% income tax if we are considered a “non-resident enterprise” under the EIT Law. If we are required to pay a 10% withholding tax for dividends we may receive from our subsidiaries in the future, it would materially and adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


Chinese regulation of loans and direct investment by offshore holding companies to Chinese entities may delay or prevent us from using the proceeds of our initial public offering to make loans or additional capital contributions to our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities, which could materially and adversely affect our liquidity and our ability to fund and expand our business.


Since we are an offshore holding company for our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities, we may make loans to our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities, or we may make additional capital contributions to our Chinese subsidiaries. Any loans we make to our Chinese subsidiaries or our Chinese affiliated entities are subject to Chinese regulations and approvals. For example:



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·                  loans by us to any of our Chinese subsidiaries, each of which is a FIE, to finance their activities cannot exceed the difference between the total investment amount and the registered capital of the Chinese subsidiary, each as set forth in its articles of association, and must be registered with the SAFE; and


·                  loans by us to our Chinese affiliated entities or their subsidiaries must be approved by the relevant government authorities including, the SAFE and the NDRC, and must also be registered with the SAFE.


We may also decide to finance our Chinese subsidiaries by means of capital contributions. These capital contributions would have to be approved by the Ministry of Commerce or its local counterpart. We cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain these government registrations or approvals on a timely basis, if at all, with respect to future loans or capital contributions by us to our Chinese subsidiaries or our Chinese affiliated entities or any of their respective subsidiaries. If we fail to receive these registrations or approvals, our ability to finance our Chinese operations may be negatively affected, which could materially and adversely affect our liquidity and our ability to fund and expand our business.


If any of our Chinese affiliated entities or their subsidiaries become the subject of a bankruptcy or liquidation proceeding, we may lose the ability to use and enjoy those assets, which could reduce the size of our operations and materially and adversely affect our business, ability to generate revenue and the market price of our ADSs.


To comply with Chinese laws and regulations relating to foreign ownership in the education and telecommunications sectors, we currently conduct our operations in China through contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities and their respective shareholders and subsidiaries. As part of these arrangements, our Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries hold some of the assets that are important to the operation of our business. If any of these entities goes bankrupt and all or part of their assets become subject to liens or rights of third-party creditors, we may be unable to continue some or all of our business activities, which could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. If any of our Chinese affiliated entities or their subsidiaries undergoes a voluntary or involuntary liquidation proceeding, its shareholders or unrelated third-party creditors may claim rights to some or all of these assets, which would hinder our ability to operate our business, which could materially and adversely affect our business, our ability to generate revenue and the market price of our ADSs.


Risks Related to the People’s Republic of China


Our business may be adversely affected by the economic, political and social conditions in China.


Substantially all of our assets are located in China and all of our revenue is derived from our operations in China. Accordingly, our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects are subject, to a significant extent, to economic, political and social developments in China. The Chinese economy differs from the economies of most developed countries in many respects, including the amount of government involvement, level of development, growth rate, control of foreign exchange and allocation of resources. While the Chinese economy has experienced significant growth over the past two decades, growth has been uneven, both geographically and among various sectors of the economy.


The Chinese economy has been transitioning from a planned economy to a more market-oriented economy. Although the Chinese government has implemented measures since the late 1970s emphasizing the utilization of market forces for economic reform, the reduction of state ownership of productive assets and the establishment of improved corporate governance in business enterprises, a substantial portion of productive assets in China is still owned by the Chinese government. The Chinese government also exercises significant control over China’s economic growth through the allocation of resources, controlling payment of foreign currency-denominated obligations, setting monetary policy and providing preferential treatment to particular industries or companies. Since late 2003, the Chinese government implemented a number of measures, such as raising bank reserves against deposit rates to place additional limitations on the ability of commercial banks to make loans and raise interest rates, in order to slow down specific segments of China’s economy that it believed to be overheating. Since the demand for our services is affected by a number of factors, including the spending power of Chinese students and their families on education, which in turn is affected by the condition of the Chinese economy, the foregoing actions, as well as future actions and policies of the Chinese government, could materially affect the demand for our services, our prospects and results of operations.


If preferential tax treatments currently available to us are reduced or repealed, our business and results of operations could suffer.


On January 1, 2008, the EIT Law became effective pursuant to which FIEs, such as our Chinese subsidiaries, and domestic companies are both subject to a uniform statutory tax rate of 25%. Preferential tax treatments will continue to be granted to entities that are classified as “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State” or to entities that conduct business in encouraged sectors, whether FIEs or domestic companies. Pursuant to Circular 172, which was issued on April 14, 2008, in order for applicant enterprises to be classified as “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State” certain requirements must be met, such as ownership of the core intellectual property, products or services within “State-Encouraged High Technology Areas.”  Pursuant to the EIT Law and regulations thereunder, enterprises that were established before March 6, 2007, and were enjoying preferential tax rates according to previous tax laws, administrative regulations, and other circulars with equivalent effect, will have their preferential tax rates gradually transitioned to the new uniform tax rate over a five-year period starting from January 1, 2008. Enterprises that were also enjoying preferential tax exemptions and/or reductions for a specified term, however, will continue to enjoy those exemptions



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and/or reductions at their current applicable rates until the expiration of the applicable term and in accordance with the implementation of transitional preferential tax policies for enterprise income tax.


On April 14, 2008, Measures on the Classification of High and New Technology Enterprises, a discussion and interpretation of the detailed standards applicable to the classification of “high and new technology enterprises” status, was promulgated.  Currently seven of our subsidiaries and affiliated entities have been approved and classified as “high new technology enterprises.”  Each approval is valid for three years, meaning that each classified entity will enjoy the preferential income tax rate of 15% through 2010.  However, as the procedures for obtaining classification as “high and new technology enterprises” are very complicated and time consuming, and the standards for classification as a “high and new technology enterprise” are not easy to achieve, we cannot assure you that any more of our other subsidiaries or affiliated entities that previously enjoyed preferential tax rates will be approved as “high and new technology enterprises” entitled to preferential tax treatment. We also cannot assure you that our entities currently classified as “high and new technology enterprises” will continue to be classified as such after the expiration of the initial three year period.


China’s legal system has inherent uncertainties that could materially and adversely affect us.


We are a holding company, and we conduct our business primarily through our subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities incorporated in China. We and our subsidiaries are generally subject to laws and regulations applicable to foreign investment in China. We depend on our Chinese affiliated entities to honor their agreements with us. Most of our contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities are governed by Chinese law and disputes arising out of these agreements are expected to be decided by arbitration in China.


China’s legal system is based upon written statutes. Prior court decisions may be cited for reference but are not binding on subsequent cases and have limited value as precedents. Since 1979, the Chinese legislative bodies have promulgated laws and regulations dealing with economic and other matters such as foreign investment, corporate organization and governance, commerce, taxation, trade and education. However, China has not developed a fully integrated legal system and the array of new laws and regulations may not be sufficient to cover all aspects of economic and other activities in China. In particular, because these laws and regulations are relatively new, and because of the limited volume of published decisions and their non-binding nature, the interpretation and enforcement of these laws and regulations involve uncertainties. In addition, published governmental policies and internal rules may have retroactive effect and, in some cases, the policies and rules are not published at all. As a result, we may be unaware of our violation of these policies and rules until some time later. See “—Risks Related to China’s Regulation of the Education and Telecommunication Sectors and Our Corporate Structure—If the Chinese authorities determine that our organizational structure for operating our business does not comply with Chinese regulations, we could be subject to sanctions, including being required to discontinue all or a portion of our business.”


Regulation and censorship of information disseminated over the Internet in China may adversely affect our business and subject us to liability for information linked to our websites.


The Chinese government has adopted regulations governing Internet access and the distribution of news and other information over the Internet. Under these regulations, ICPs and Internet publishers are prohibited from posting or displaying over the Internet content that, among other things, violates Chinese laws and regulations, impairs the national dignity of China, or is reactionary, obscene, superstitious, fraudulent or defamatory. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the revocation of licenses to provide Internet content and other licenses and the closure of the concerned websites. In the past, failure to comply with these requirements has resulted in the closure of websites found to be in violation of these regulations. The website operator may also be held liable for such censored information displayed on or linked to the website. There have been instances in which the Chinese government has blocked the access in China to the websites of foreign universities as a result of its concern with regard to the content on such sites, and the same actions could be taken against websites of the online degree programs for which we provide services and derive revenue, as well as our online tutoring program’s website and other websites that form part of our business. In addition, the MII has published regulations that subject website operators to potential liability for content displayed on their websites and the actions of users of their systems, including liability for violations of Chinese laws prohibiting the dissemination of socially destabilizing content. The Ministry of Public Security can order any local Internet service provider to block any Internet website at its sole discretion. From time to time, the Ministry of Public Security has stopped Internet dissemination of information that it believes to be socially destabilizing. The State Secrecy Bureau can also block any website leaking state secrets or failing to meet the relevant regulations relating to the protection of state secrets in the dissemination of online information.


If Chinese regulatory authorities determine that any of our websites or the websites of our university customers providing online degree programs is in violation of law or policy and takes action to close any such website or impose other sanctions, our business, financial condition and results of operations would be materially and adversely affected.


Our insurance coverage may be inadequate to protect us against losses.


The insurance industry in China is still at an early stage of development. Insurance companies in China offer limited business insurance products and do not, to our knowledge, offer business liability insurance or coverage for business interruption. As a result, we do not have any business liability, loss of data or business interruption insurance coverage for our operations in China. If any claims for injury are brought against us, or if we experience any business disruption, litigation or natural disaster, we might incur substantial costs and diversion of resources.



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You may experience difficulties in effecting service of legal process, enforcing foreign judgments or bringing original actions in China based on United States or other foreign laws against us, our management or the experts named in this annual report.


We conduct substantially all of our operations in China and substantially all of our assets are located in China. In addition, the majority of our directors and executive officers and some of the experts named in this annual report reside within China. As a result, it may not be possible to effect service of process within the United States or elsewhere outside China upon us, our directors or executive officers or upon some of the experts named in the annual report. In addition, you may find it difficult or impossible to bring an original action against us or our directors or executive officers in a Chinese court if you believe your rights have been infringed under the U.S. federal securities law or otherwise. Moreover, we have been advised that China does not have treaties with the United States or many other countries providing for the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgment of courts.


Governmental restrictions of currency conversion may limit our ability to receive and use our revenue or financing effectively.


The Chinese government imposes controls on the convertibility of the Renminbi into foreign currencies and, in certain cases, the remittance of currency out of China. Substantially all of our revenue and expenses are denominated in Renminbi, which is currently not freely convertible to the extent of capital account items, such as direct equity investments, loans and repatriation of investment. Under our current structure, substantially all of our income will be derived from dividend payments from our Chinese subsidiaries. Shortages in the availability of foreign currency may restrict the ability of our Chinese subsidiaries to remit sufficient foreign currency to pay dividends to us, or otherwise satisfy their foreign currency dominated obligations. Under existing Chinese foreign exchange regulations, payments of current account items, including profit distributions and interest payments, can be made in foreign currencies without prior approval from SAFE by complying with certain procedural requirements. However, the Chinese government may in the future restrict access to foreign currencies for current account transactions. If we are unable to obtain sufficient foreign currency under the Chinese foreign exchange control system to satisfy our currency demands, we may not be able to pay dividends in foreign currencies to our shareholders, including holders of our ADSs.


Foreign exchange transactions by our subsidiaries in China under the capital account continue to be subject to significant foreign exchange controls and require the approval of, or registration with, Chinese governmental authorities. In particular, if our subsidiaries in China borrow foreign currency loans from us or other foreign lenders, these loans must be registered with the SAFE, and if we finance them by means of additional capital contributions using, for instance, proceeds from our initial public offering these capital contributions must be approved or registered by certain government authorities including the appropriate offices of SAFE and the Ministry of Commerce. These limitations could affect the ability of these entities to obtain foreign exchange through debt or equity financing, and could adversely affect our business and financial condition.


The fluctuation of the Renminbi may materially and adversely affect your investment.


The value of the RMB against the U.S. dollar and other currencies may fluctuate and is affected by, among other things, changes in political and economic conditions. Since July 2005, the Renminbi is no longer pegged solely to the U.S. dollar. Instead, its value is measured against a basket of currencies, determined by the People’s Bank of China. For example, on August 26, 2008, the Renminbi appreciated against the U.S. dollar to approximately RMB6.78 to US$1.00, representing an upward revaluation of 0.99% of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar, as compared to the exchange rate on the previous day.  The Renminbi may appreciate or depreciate significantly in value against the U.S. dollar in the future.  As of June 25, 2009, the Renminbi had continued to appreciate, reaching RMB6.8344 to U.S.$1.00. Fluctuations in the exchange rate will also affect the relative value of any dividend we may issue, which will be exchanged into U.S. dollars, and earnings from and the value of any U.S. dollar-denominated investments we make in the future.


Limited hedging transactions are available in China to reduce our exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. To date, we have not entered into any hedging transactions to reduce our exposure to foreign currency exchange risk. While we may decide to enter into hedging transactions in the future, the availability and effectiveness of these hedges may be limited and we may not be able to successfully hedge our exposure at all. In addition, our currency exchange losses may be magnified by Chinese exchange control regulations that restrict our ability to convert Renminbi into foreign currency.


We face risks related to health epidemics and other outbreaks that could result in school closures or other similar disruptions, which could adversely impact our revenue and results of operations.


Our business could be adversely affected by an outbreak of a contagious disease, such as the H5N1 strain of avian flu, the recent H1N1 strain of swine flu or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.  During the spring of 2003, China experienced an outbreak of SARS that resulted in the closure of schools, Internet cafes, and many office buildings and caused a general slowdown of business activity and the economy. China also reported a number of cases of SARS in April 2004. There have also been recently reported cases of swine flu in China and there are concerns that a pandemic could develop rapidly if the swine flu spreads broadly in China.  A reoccurrence of the SARs epidemic or the occurrence of another epidemic or outbreak could adversely affect the demand for our products and services or our ability to market and service our customers and could require the closure of our private primary and secondary schools. Our business operations could be disrupted if any of our employees is suspected of having SARS, the avian flu, the swine flu or other contagious diseases, which would require that a certain number of our employees be quarantined and/or our offices be disinfected. In addition, our results of operations



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could be adversely affected to the extent that an outbreak of SARS, the avian flu or other contagious diseases harms the Chinese economy in general.


Recent Chinese regulations relating to the establishment of offshore special purpose companies by Chinese residents may subject our Chinese resident shareholders to personal liability and limit our ability to acquire Chinese companies or inject capital into our Chinese subsidiaries, limit our Chinese subsidiaries’ ability to distribute profits to us, or otherwise materially and adversely affect us.


The SAFE issued the Notice on Issues Relating to the Administration of Foreign Exchange in Fund-Raising and Reverse Investment Activities of Domestic Residents Conducted via Offshore Special Purpose Companies in October 2005, which became effective in November 2005, and an implementing rule in May 2007, collectively the SAFE Rules. According to the SAFE Rules, Chinese residents, including both legal persons and natural persons and Chinese citizens and foreign citizens who reside in China, are required to register with the SAFE or its local branch before establishing or controlling any company outside China, referred to in the SAFE rules as an “offshore special purpose company,” for the purpose of financing that offshore company with their ownership interests in the assets of or their interests in any Chinese enterprise. In addition, a Chinese resident that is a shareholder of an offshore special purpose company is required to amend its SAFE registration with the local SAFE branch with respect to that offshore special purpose company in connection with the injection of equity interests or assets of a Chinese enterprise in the offshore company or overseas fund raising by the offshore company, or any other material change in the capital of the offshore company, including any increase or decrease of capital, transfer or swap of share, merger, division, long-term equity or debt investment or creation of any security interest. The SAFE Rules apply retroactively. As a result, Chinese residents who have established or acquired control of offshore companies that have made onshore investments in China in the past were required to complete the relevant registration procedures with the competent local SAFE branch. If any resident of China failed to file its SAFE registration for an existing offshore entity, any dividends remitted by the onshore entity to its overseas parent since April 21, 2005 will be considered to be an evasion of foreign exchange purchase rules, and the payment of the dividend will be illegal. As a result of any illegal action of this type, both the onshore entity and its actual controlling person(s) can be fined. In addition, failure to comply with the registration procedures may result in restrictions on the relevant onshore entity, including prohibitions on the payment of dividends and other distributions to its offshore parent or affiliate and capital inflow from the offshore entity. Chinese resident shareholders of the offshore entity may also be subject to penalties under Chinese foreign exchange administration regulations.


We have asked our shareholders and beneficial owners who are Chinese residents to make the necessary applications and filings as required under Notice 75 and other related rules. However, due to uncertainty concerning the reconciliation of Notice 75 with other approval or registration requirements, it remains unclear how Notice 75, and any future legislation concerning offshore or cross-border transactions, will be interpreted, amended and implemented by the relevant government authorities. We will attempt to comply, and attempt to ensure that our shareholders and beneficial owners who are subject to these rules comply, with the relevant requirements. However, we cannot provide any assurances that all of our shareholders and beneficial owners who are Chinese residents will comply with our request to make or obtain any applicable registrations or comply with other requirements required by Notice 75 or other related rules. In addition, certain of the holders of options to purchase our ordinary shares are Chinese residents. It is unclear under the SAFE Rules whether these optionholders would be deemed to be beneficial owners of our company for purposes of these rules as a result of holding these options. The failure or inability of our Chinese resident shareholders or beneficial owners to register with the SAFE in a timely manner pursuant to the SAFE Rules, or the failure or inability of any future Chinese resident shareholders or beneficial owners to make any required SAFE registration or comply with other requirements under the SAFE Rules, may subject these shareholders or beneficial owners to fines or other sanctions and may also limit our ability to contribute additional capital into or provide loans to our Chinese, limit our Chinese subsidiaries’ ability to pay dividends to us, repay shareholder loans or otherwise distribute profits or proceeds from any reduction in capital, share transfer or liquidation to us, or otherwise adversely affect us.


We may be subject to fines and legal sanctions imposed by SAFE or other Chinese government authorities if we or our Chinese employees fail to comply with recent Chinese regulations relating to employee stock options granted by offshore listed companies to Chinese citizens.


On March 28, 2007, the SAFE issued the Application Procedure of Foreign Exchange Administration for Domestic Individuals Participating in Employee Stock Holding Plan or Stock Option Plan of Overseas-Listed Company, or the Stock Option Rule. Under the Stock Option Rule, Chinese citizens who are granted stock options by an offshore listed company are required, through a Chinese agent or Chinese subsidiary of the offshore listed company, to register with the SAFE and complete certain other procedures. As an offshore listed company, we and our Chinese employees may be subject to fines and legal sanctions imposed by the SAFE or other Chinese government authorities. See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation—Regulation of Foreign Currency Exchange and Dividend Distribution—SAFE regulations on overseas investment of Chinese residents and employee stock options.”



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Risks Related to Our ADSs


The market price for our ADSs may be volatile.


The market price for our ADSs is highly volatile and may be subject to wide fluctuations in response to factors including the following:


·                  actual or anticipated fluctuations in our quarterly operating results;


·                  announcements of new services by us or our competitors;


·                  changes in financial estimates by securities analysts;


·                  changes in the business, regulatory and other conditions in the education services market in China;


·                  significant acquisitions, strategic partnerships, collaborative alliances or capital commitments by us or our competitors;


·                  additions or departures of key personnel;


·                  termination or release of lock-up or other transfer restrictions on our outstanding ADSs or ordinary shares or sales of additional ordinary shares or ADSs;


·                  potential litigation or regulatory investigations;


·                  general economic or political conditions in China;


·                  price fluctuations of publicly traded securities of other China-based companies engaging in similar businesses; and


·                  general economic, business and other market conditions in the global economy.


In addition, a number of Chinese companies and companies with substantial operations in China that offered and sold securities in the United States have experienced significant volatility in their share prices after their initial public offerings due to market fluctuations and other issues. Furthermore, the securities market has from time to time experienced significant price and volume fluctuations that are not related to the operating performance of particular companies. These market fluctuations may also materially and adversely affect the market price of our ADSs.


The future sales, or perceived future sales, by our existing shareholders of a substantial number of our ADSs in the public market could adversely affect the price of our ADSs.


If our shareholders sell, or are perceived as intending to sell, substantial amounts of our ordinary shares or ADSs, including those issued upon the exercise of outstanding options, the market price of our ADSs could fall. Such sales, or perceived potential sales, also might make it more difficult for us to sell equity or equity related securities in the future at a time and price that we deem appropriate. The 20,460,000 ordinary shares represented by 6,820,000 ADSs offered pursuant to our initial public offering in December 2007 (other than those held by our affiliates) were eligible for immediate resale in the public market without restrictions. Ordinary shares held by our existing shareholders and any ADSs held by our affiliates may also be sold in the public market in the future under, and subject to the restrictions contained in, Rule 144 and Rule 701 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Act, and applicable lock-up agreements.


In addition, certain holders of our ordinary have the right to cause us to register the sale of those shares under the Securities Act. Registration of these shares under the Securities Act would result in these shares becoming freely tradable without restriction under the Securities Act immediately upon the effectiveness of that registration. Sales of additional registered shares in the public market could cause the price of our ADSs to decline.


Your right to participate in any future rights offerings may be limited, which may cause dilution of your holdings.


We may from time to time distribute rights to our shareholders, including rights to acquire our securities. Under the deposit agreement, the depositary bank will not offer you those rights unless the distribution to ADS holders of both the rights and any related securities is either registered under the Securities Act or exempt from registration under the Securities Act. We are under no obligation to file a registration statement with respect to any such rights or securities or to endeavor to cause such a registration statement to be declared effective. Moreover, we may not be able to establish an exemption from registration under the Securities Act. Accordingly, you may be unable to participate in our rights offerings and may experience dilution in your holdings.


We may need additional capital and may sell additional ADSs or other equity securities and/or incur indebtedness, which could result in additional dilution to our shareholders or increase our debt service obligations.


We believe that our current cash and cash equivalents, anticipated cash flows from operations will be sufficient to meet our presently anticipated cash needs through the end of fiscal year 2009. We may, however, require additional cash resources due to changed business conditions or other future developments, including any investments or acquisitions we may decide to pursue. If these resources are insufficient to satisfy our cash requirements, we may seek to sell additional equity or debt securities or obtain a credit facility. The sale of additional equity securities could result in additional dilution to our



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shareholders. The incurrence of indebtedness would result in increased debt service obligations and could result in operating and financing covenants that would restrict our operations. We have no current plans to undertake or secure any such equity or debt financing, and we can provide no assurance that any such financing would be available in amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all.


You may not be able to exercise your right to vote.


As a holder of ADSs, you may only exercise voting rights with respect to the underlying ordinary shares in accordance with the provisions of the deposit agreement between us and The Bank of New York, the depositary of our ADSs. Under the deposit agreement, you must vote by giving voting instructions to the depositary. Upon receipt of your voting instructions, the depositary will vote the underlying ordinary shares in accordance with your instructions. Otherwise, you will not be able to exercise your right to vote unless you withdraw the shares from the depositary. Under our fifth amended and restated memorandum and articles of association, the minimum notice period required for convening general shareholders’ meetings is 10 days. When a general shareholders’ meeting is convened, you may not receive sufficient advance notice to withdraw the shares to allow you to vote with respect to any specific matter. If we ask for your instructions, the depositary will notify you of the upcoming vote and will arrange to deliver our voting materials to you. We cannot assure you that you will receive the voting materials in time to ensure that you can instruct the depositary to vote your shares. In addition, the depositary and its agents are not responsible for failing to carry out voting instructions or for the manner of carrying out voting instructions. This means that you may not be able to exercise your right to vote and the shares underlying your ADSs may not be voted as you requested.


You may not receive distributions on ordinary shares or any value for them if it is illegal or impractical to make them available to you.


The depositary of our ADSs has agreed to pay to you the cash dividends or other distributions it or the custodian receives on ordinary shares or other deposited securities after deducting its fees and expenses. You will receive these distributions in proportion to the number of ordinary shares your ADSs represent. However, the depositary is not responsible if it decides that it is inequitable or impractical to make a distribution available to any holders of ADSs. For example, the depositary may determine that it is not feasible to distribute certain property through the mail. Additionally, the value of certain distributions may be less than the cost of mailing them. In these cases, the depositary may determine not to distribute such property. We have no obligation to register under U.S. securities laws any ADSs, ordinary shares, rights or other securities received through such distributions. We also have no obligation to take any other action to permit the distribution of ADSs, ordinary shares, rights or anything else to holders of ADSs. This means that you may not receive any distributions we make on our ordinary shares or any value for them if it is illegal or impractical to make them available to you. These restrictions may have a material adverse effect on the value of your ADSs.


You may be subject to limitations on transfer of your ADSs.


Your ADSs represented by the ADRs are transferable on the books of the depositary. However, the depositary may close its transfer books at any time or from time to time when it deems expedient in connection with the performance of its duties. In addition, the depositary may refuse to deliver, transfer or register transfers of ADSs generally when our books or the books of the depositary are closed, or at any time if we or the depositary thinks it advisable to do so because of any requirement of law or of any government or governmental body, or under any provision of the deposit agreement, or for any other reason.


You may face difficulties in protecting your interests, and your ability to protect your rights through the U.S. federal courts may be limited, because we are incorporated under Cayman Islands law.


We are a company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands, and our corporate affairs are governed by our memorandum and articles of association, the Cayman Islands Companies Law (2007 Revision) and the common law of the Cayman Islands. The rights of shareholders to take action against the directors, actions by minority shareholders and the fiduciary responsibilities of our directors to us under Cayman Islands law are to a large extent governed by the common law of the Cayman Islands. The common law of the Cayman Islands is derived in part from comparatively limited judicial precedent in the Cayman Islands, as well as from English common law, the decisions of whose courts are of persuasive authority, but are not binding on a court in the Cayman Islands. The rights of our shareholders and the fiduciary responsibilities of our directors under Cayman Islands law are not as clearly established as they would be under statutes or judicial precedent in some jurisdictions in the United States. In particular, the Cayman Islands has a less developed body of securities laws as compared to the United States, and some U.S. states, such as Delaware, have more fully developed and judicially interpreted bodies of corporate law. In addition, Cayman Islands companies may not have standing to initiate a shareholder derivative action in a federal court of the United States.


The Cayman Islands courts are also unlikely:


·                  to recognize or enforce against us judgments of courts of the United States based on the civil liability provisions of U.S. securities laws; and


·                  to impose liabilities against us, in original actions brought in the Cayman Islands, based on certain civil liability provisions of U.S. securities laws that are penal in nature.



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There is no statutory recognition in the Cayman Islands of judgments obtained in the United States, although the courts of the Cayman Islands will in certain circumstances recognize and enforce a non-penal judgment of a foreign court of competent jurisdiction without retrial on the merits.


As a result of all of the above, holders of our ADSs may have more difficulty in protecting their interests through actions against our management, directors or major shareholders than they would as shareholders of a U.S. company.


Item 4.  Information on the Company


A.           History and Development of the Company


We were incorporated as an exempted company in the Cayman Islands with limited liability on September 6, 1999 and began our online degree services business in the same year, providing services to Renmin University of China. Since our inception, we have rapidly grown our online degree program services business and have added three new business lines through a series of acquisitions in 2005 (online tutoring, private primary and secondary schools and curriculum services) and in 2006 (vocational post-secondary education programs).


On December 14, 2007, we and certain selling shareholders of our company completed an initial public offering of 6,820,000 ADSs representing 20,460,000 of our ordinary shares.  Our ADSs are listed on the NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol “CEDU.”


Our principal executive offices are located at 4th Floor-A, GeHua Building, No. 1 QinglongHutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100007, People’s Republic of China. Our telephone number at this address is 86-10-84186655. Our registered office in the Cayman Islands is located at the offices of Codan Trust Company (Cayman) Limited at Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681, Grand Cayman KY1-1111, Cayman Islands.


Investor inquiries should be directed to us at the address and telephone number of our principal executive offices set forth above. Our website is www.chinaedu.net. The information contained on our website and our other websites is not a part of this annual report. Our agent for service of process in the United States is CT Corporation System located at 111 Eighth Avenue, 13/F, New York, New York 10011.


For a description of our principal capital expenditures, see “Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects—B. Liquidity and Capital Resources—Capital Expenditures.”


B.             Business Overview


We are a leading educational services provider in China, incorporated as an exempted limited liability company in the Cayman Islands. Established in 1999, our primary business is to provide comprehensive services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities. These services include academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services and finance operations.  Our other lines of businesses include the operation of private primary and secondary schools, online interactive tutoring services, and marketing and support for international curriculum programs. We believe we are the largest service provider to online degree programs in China in terms of the number of higher education institutions that are served and the number of student enrollments supported.  We currently have 13 long-term, exclusive contracts that generally vary from 15 to 50 years in length.  We also perform recruiting services for 15 universities through our nationwide learning center network.


We currently have strategic relationships with 22 universities, 13 of which are under long-term, exclusive contracts that generally vary from 15 to 50 years in length. Ten of our university partners currently operate their own online degree programs and three universities are awaiting regulatory approval to begin their online degree programs. As of December 31, 2008, approximately 243,000 students were registered in the online degree programs that we service through these relationships. These online degree programs are marketed under the brand names of leading Chinese universities, which allows us to benefit from the significant brand equity that these higher education institutions have established.


Our business has experienced significant growth since its inception in 1999. This growth has been driven by the increased number of universities that we serve, the increased enrollment of the online degree programs of our university partners, and our expansion into other education-related lines of business. We generate our revenue from service fees and tuition payments derived from students who are enrolled in, or served by, our businesses. As of December 31, 2008, we provided services to online degree programs that had an aggregate of approximately 243,000 registered students, and we served approximately 44,410 students in our other businesses. Our net revenue increased from RMB213.5 million in 2006 to RMB265.0 million in 2007, and RMB317.7 million ($46.6 million) in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate, or CAGR, of 22.0%. Net revenue from our online degree programs contributed 73.5%, 76.3% and 80.4% of our total net revenue for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


Our income from operations decreased by 29.6% from RMB57.2 million in the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB40.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. Our income from operations decreased from RMB40.3 million in the year ended December 31, 2007 to a loss from operations of RMB13.1 million ($1.9 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008. Our net income attributable to ordinary shareholders declined from RMB25.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB2.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. Our net income attributable to ordinary shareholders also



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declined from RMB2.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to a net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of RMB43.0 million ($6.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008.


The decline in both income from operations and net income attributable to ordinary shareholders from 2006 to 2007 and from 2007 to 2008 was primarily due to goodwill impairment losses of RMB16.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 and to goodwill impairment and intangible assets impairment losses of RMB70.1 million ($10.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008.


Our Strengths


We believe that we possess the following competitive strengths:


·                  Market leadership and proven track record.    We are one of the market leaders in the education services market due to our early mover advantage, proven track record and delivery of innovative services that are in high demand. We believe we are the leading company in China providing comprehensive services, technology, and operating support to universities offering online degree programs, in terms of both number of institutions served and the number of enrollments that we support. Our experienced management team, established technology platform and capabilities, operational expertise and content portfolio allow us to effectively attract and retain customers as well as identify new opportunities in the private education market.


·                  Substantial knowledge of our customers and the Chinese education market.    Through our nine-year operating history, early efforts to develop an online technology platform and comprehensive service offering for Chinese universities, we have acquired substantial knowledge of the Chinese education market and the needs of its consumers. As we have expanded our service offerings, we have been able to take advantage of our market knowledge to address additional areas in which we believe we can leverage our experience, processes and technology to meet the needs of the market. As a result, we have expanded our business to include the distribution and support of international curriculum, private primary and secondary schools and an online tutoring platform.


·                  Provider of premier services for online degree programs.    We believe our products position us as an attractive choice for both academic institutions and students for online degree programs. We have provided comprehensive services and support to universities for their online degree programs since 1999. Our service model and technology platform have proven to be successful, as shown by our leading position in terms of number of institutions served. In addition, we have developed a wide array of proprietary courseware, from which we currently tailor over 1,608 courses for our university partners based on their different requirements. Many of these courses can be used as a basis to develop similar courses when we add new university customers, thus enabling us to benefit from economies of scale. We use this service model with our reliable technology platforms, comprehensive library of courseware and operational and marketing expertise to help universities achieve their academic and financial goals.


·                  Experienced management team with proven track record.    We have an experienced management team with an average of over 10 years of experience in either the education services industry or the online services industry. We have recruited strong leaders with proven skills to serve in key positions within our management team, and our team includes members with substantial experience in education, technology, marketing and finance.


Our Strategy


Our strategy consists of the following key elements:


·                  Expand the penetration of our online degree program services.    We plan to take advantage of our established leadership position and track record to expand the penetration of our services to online degree programs by increasing the number of universities that use our online degree program services and by helping our existing university customers to increase enrollment in their programs. We are actively targeting new universities to become our partners for their online education programs. In addition, we plan to help our existing university customers to increase enrollment in their online programs by helping them to expand their course offerings, to assist them in improving their marketing and recruitment initiatives and to assist them in reducing student attrition. We are also continually working to enhance our technology platform to improve the students’ online learning experience.


·                  Expand our network of learning centers for online degree programs.    To strengthen our ability to assist our customers’ online degree programs in recruiting students and improving student service quality, we are building a network of learning centers, initially in key cities, and, if regulatory approval is obtained, across China. In February 2007, we received provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a trial period of up to 18 months.  Although this provisional approval has since expired, the MOE has not ordered us to terminate operations at these 10 learning centers.  We have also obtained provincial licenses from the Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu education authorities (as well as informal approval from the Zhejiang authorities) to operate a total of 17 learning centers, including the 10 that received provisional approval from the MOE in February 2007. We have also entered into agreements to establish three cooperative learning centers in the provinces of Jilin, Hainan, and Guangdong.  Although these learning centers are not branded under the ChinaEdu name, we derive revenue from them by contributing significantly to their operations. We believe that the opening of these learning centers will allow us to significantly enhance our brand recognition, increase access to potential students for online degree programs and enhance profitability. We also are actively



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seeking to establish strategic relationships with universities that currently are not our online degree program customers to provide our learning center services to their online degree programs.


In addition to the 20 learning centers discussed above, we have also entered into agreements with 32 third party learning centers pursuant to which we provide assistance applying for approval from provincial level education authorities as well as securing additional university online degree programs.  In return, we receive a percentage of the tuition earned by these third party learning centers.


·                  Continue to strengthen our brand name and our reputation.    We are focused on continuing to build our brand name and our reputation among our existing customers, as well as among other Chinese and foreign education institutions. We believe that building our brand and reputation will allow us to attract new schools and students to our current business lines. We are also increasing awareness of our online tutoring program and learning centers by increasing advertising to continue to build brand recognition. We are taking part in a wide range of activities to promote our brand and reputation, such as participating in conferences, sponsoring industry events and publishing articles in education trade journals.


·                  Develop new products and services to further enhance the learning experience of existing students and attract new students.    We plan to increase our research and development efforts to develop new products and services with respect to our online tutoring and online degree programs to introduce more robust online learning programs, to enhance the students’ learning experience and to improve their sense of community. We further plan to enhance our online tutoring program by recruiting additional high quality teachers, expanding the type of programs offered and incorporating more interactive technology to increase student retention and student usage rates for our programs. In addition, we plan to develop new products for children from pre-school age to grade 3 and their parents.


·                  Pursue strategic acquisitions.    During the past several years, we have made strategic acquisitions to broaden our service offerings and to expand into additional segments of the Chinese educational market. We will continue to consider and seek acquisition opportunities that are complementary to our existing lines of business or that can further expand the services that we can provide to our customers.


Our Business


We are a leading educational service provider in China. Our primary business is to provide comprehensive services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities. We also operate primary and secondary schools, market international post-secondary and English language curriculum programs to established learning institutions, and offer online interactive tutoring services to primary and secondary school students.


Online Degree Programs


Our primary business is to assist universities in China to establish, operate and expand their online degree programs. We currently provide services to 18 universities with their online degree programs and to three additional universities awaiting regulatory approval to begin their programs. These online degree programs had approximately 243,000 registered students as of December 31, 2008. The online degree programs we currently service offer associate and bachelor degree programs in a wide range of subjects, including, but not limited to, accounting, marketing, finance, business administration, international business, law, civil engineering, education, computer science, literature, project management, marketing and administrative management. These online degree programs are aimed primarily at working adults who have sufficient economic means to support their studies and who value the flexibility of a self-paced online educational process. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, we generated 73.5%, 76.3% and 80.4 %, respectively, of our net revenue from online degree programs.


In addition to the 18 universities referenced above, we also entered into an exclusive 10-year collaborative alliance agreement with Guangxi Radio and TV University (“GRTU”) in February 2009.  Pursuant to this arrangement, we will provide online education services to GRTU’s students beginning in the spring of 2009.


Online degree programs in China must be approved by the MOE. At present, 67 universities in China have received approvals from the MOE to operate online degree programs, as well as the China Central Radio and TV University, which functions primarily as a distance learning facility. The China Central Radio and TV University delivers its courses to students primarily over satellite and television, and we believe it currently does not compete with the other 67 universities in the online degree program market. As of December 31, 2008, most of these 67 universities had registered students in their online degree programs, and we provided services to 18 out of the 67 universities that have been approved to offer online degree programs in China. Students registered in online degree programs can pursue either associate degrees or bachelors degrees at the university level. They must generally prepay tuition for a minimum number of credits upon admission and subsequent enrollment, which can be applied to credits sought after their initial semester. The total number of credits required to graduate from an online degree program offered by these universities generally ranges from 80 credits for associate degrees to 160 credits for bachelor degrees. The tuition per credit ranges from approximately RMB65 to RMB180. The tuition charged to students is subject to the review and approval of the pricing administration authority and the filing with the relevant education authority.


Learning centers assist universities with a number of vital functions for their online degree programs, including marketing, enrollment administration, student services and tuition collection. Learning centers also provide academic review sessions and technical support for students. The physical presence of learning centers is complementary to online distance



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learning, since it facilitates face-to-face tutorial sessions, student consultations, and course material distribution. Learning centers also ensure the integrity of examinations, as entrance exams and final exams are conducted on site at the learning centers, allowing testing to occur under controlled environments. Learning centers are generally operated by third parties that have entered into agreements with universities. Many learning centers are owned by polytechnic, or vocational, schools, allowing these institutions to leverage their infrastructures to serve the higher education market.


In February 2007, we received provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a trial period of up to 18 months.  Although this provisional approval has since expired, the MOE has not ordered us to terminate operations at these 10 learning centers.  We have also obtained provincial licenses from the Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu education authorities (and informal approval from the Zhejiang authorities)  to operate a total of 17 learning centers, including the 10 that received provisional approval from the MOE in February 2007. We have also entered into agreements to establish three cooperative learning centers in the provinces of Jilin, Hainan, and Guangdong.  Although these learning centers are not branded under the ChinaEdu name, we derive revenue from them by contributing significantly to their operations. We believe that the opening of these learning centers will allow us to significantly enhance our brand recognition, increase access to potential students for online degree programs and enhance profitability. We also are actively seeking to establish strategic relationships with universities that currently are not our online degree program customers to provide our learning center services to their online degree programs.


Our Services


Through collaborative alliances and other revenue-sharing arrangements, we offer a comprehensive service platform to our university customers, including academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services and finance operations. We also provide the initial capital resources needed to establish their online degree programs. We believe we are the only service provider in China that offers a comprehensive set of services to online universities that supports virtually all aspects of a student’s progression through an online degree program. Through these services, we enable our customers to quickly establish an online degree program with a high level of student service quality and to significantly expand or improve existing initiatives with minimal initial investment. Our strategic relationships with universities are based upon long-term contracts that generally vary in length from 15 to 50 years.


Academic Program Development.   Academic program development entails the design and development of instructional materials, multimedia learning materials and quality assurance processes. The overall development time for a single course can range from as little as three weeks to as long as four months, depending on the subject matter and complexity of the course materials. To date, we have developed over 1,608 online courses for our university partners’ programs, all of which are proprietary to us or to our university collaborative alliances. As such, many of our previously developed courses can be used as the basis to develop similar courses when we add new university customers, thus enabling us to benefit from economies of scale.


Technology.   Our technological capabilities consist of a series of proprietary systems and tools, including our Learning Management System, or LMS, which enables the online degree programs to manage the entire student life cycle from application to graduation by providing system support to the student’s learning process and the university staff’s daily management process. We believe that our LMS is one of the most advanced offering systems in the market. This system manages courseware, including multimedia lectures, assignments and quizzes, and provides management information tools supporting the course offerings. We also provide certain customers a learning content creation and management system, which enables the team working on courseware development to bring the courseware from the concept and design stage to production and implementation. Our technology also supports an interactive, community-based learning environment through chat rooms, online forums and bulletin board systems. We also host and support all of the software and hardware and software requirements of our online degree university partners.


Enrollment Marketing.   Our support for universities’ student recruitment efforts includes the development and implementation of online and offline marketing strategies and promotional events, as well as the creation of collateral material to support those efforts. We further assist universities in identifying, retaining and supervising learning centers, including training learning center staff on executing our marketing programs. We constantly revise our marketing programs to maximize demand for our university partners’ programs. Our marketing programs emphasize the unique characteristics of each of our university partners’ offerings.


Student Support Services.   We employ significant resources in developing student support services for our university partners’ programs to assist students in completing their course work and improving retention. Support services that we provide to students include online and offline tutorial resources, academic review sessions, student consultations and mock examinations. We also maintain a dedicated staff of student service counselors whom students may call upon to address any questions they may have regarding the student support services.


Structure and Revenue Model


Our relationships with our university partners are structured either as collaborative alliances or as long-term contractual service arrangements. Each of our university customers pays our collaborative alliances or, in the case of service contracts, pays us, a share of the tuition collected such university, after deducting certain expenses, including learning center fees.


Collaborative Alliances.    Our relationships with 8 of our university partners, including the three universities still seeking regulatory approval to operate their online degree programs, are structured as collaborative alliances. In our



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collaborative alliance structures, we establish a collaborative alliance with the university (or a commercial subsidiary of the university), which in turn provides services and support to the university’s online degree program. The collaborative alliances with our university partners have terms ranging from 15 to 50 years and are exclusive in nature. We have a majority interest in each of these collaborative alliances and treat them as our consolidated subsidiaries. We are generally responsible for contributing the initial capital required for the establishment and startup of the collaborative alliances, which has historically ranged from approximately RMB0.5 million to approximately RMB20.0 million. Our university partner pays to the collaborative alliance a service fee equal to a portion of its tuition revenue from its online degree program, after deducting certain operating expenses, administrative fees paid to the university, fees paid to learning centers for services such as student recruitment and tuition collection and, in some cases, licensing or technical consulting fees paid to us.


In addition to above referenced collaborative alliances, we also entered into an exclusive 10-year arrangement with GRTU in February 2009.  Pursuant to this arrangement, which is also structured as a collaborative alliance, we will provide online education services to GRTU beginning in the spring of 2009.


Long-Term Contractual Service Agreements.    We also have entered into long-term contractual service arrangements with four of our university partners, two of which are exclusive arrangements. Pursuant to these agreements we provide services and technology to support each respective university’s online degree program for a fixed period of time. We receive service fees equal to an agreed portion of tuition collected by the university from students in their online degree programs. The amount of the payments is based on a negotiated formula, which may depend on the number of students in the program or students registered from certain geographic territories.


Recruiting and Technology Agreements.  We have also entered into non-exclusive contractual service arrangements with 15 university partners. Pursuant to these agreements, we provide recruiting services and technology support for a fixed period of time, ranging from 2 to 8 years, through our network of learning centers. We receive service fees equal to an agreed portion of the tuition collected from the students by the learning centers, which are subject to annual re-negotiation.


University Customers


The number of registered students in the online degree programs we service has grown rapidly, from approximately 30,000 registered students at 2002 calendar year-end, when enrollment commenced at our first university customer’s online degree program, to approximately 243,000 registered students at our 18 existing university customers as of December 31, 2008. In February 2009, we continued this growth by entering into an exclusive 10-year collaborative alliance arrangement with GRTU, pursuant to which we will provide online education services to GRTU’s students beginning in the spring of 2009.


We have entered into exclusive 20-year collaborative alliance arrangements with three additional university partners (Central University of Finance and Economics (December 2006); Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (November 2007); and Beijing Forestry University (March 2008)), but these online degree programs are not yet operational, and therefore we are not currently providing online education services to these universities.  In 2006, 2007 and 2008, 67.3%, 68.2% and 67.3%, respectively, of our net revenue was derived from our services to our five largest online degree program customers. Our three largest customers, Renmin University of China, China Agricultural University and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, accounted for 22.1%, 15.2%, 13.3%, respectively, of our net revenue in 2008.


The following map shows our existing university customers:



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Sales and Marketing Strategy


The two key elements of our sales and marketing strategy are increasing the number of university online degree programs utilizing our services and helping our current customers recruit and retain more online degree students. We employ a business development team to establish new relationships with universities, both those with existing online programs and others that are interested in developing new programs. We are in discussions with additional universities regarding their online programs.


The university’s relationship, as well as our relationship, with the learning centers is essential to the sales and marketing of online degree programs to new students. The learning centers assist the online programs with a number of vital functions, including recruitment, marketing and logistic services for such programs. To provide a nationwide physical presence and to strengthen our sales network, we have assisted our university partners in developing relationships with approximately 497 learning centers, which cover most major cities in China. We provide student support training to many learning centers and assist learning centers in advertising to solicit students. The relationships between the learning center operator and the university are typically governed by non-exclusive compensation arrangements that are subject to annual re-negotiation. The majority of the learning centers are owned and operated by independent third parties.


To further expand our access to potential students and enhance the sales and marketing of online degree programs, we are developing our own network of learning centers. In February 2007, we received provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a trial period of up to 18 months.  Although this provisional approval has since expired, the MOE has not ordered us to terminate operations at these 10 learning centers. We have also obtained provincial licenses from the Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu education authorities (and informal approval from the Zhejiang authorities)  to operate a total of 17 learning centers, including the 10 that received provisional approval from the MOE in February 2007. We have also entered into agreements to establish three cooperative learning centers in the provinces of Jilin, Hainan, and Guangdong.  Although these learning centers are not branded under the ChinaEdu name, we derive revenue from them by contributing significantly to their operations. We believe that the opening of these learning centers will allow us to significantly enhance our brand recognition, increase access to potential students for online degree programs and enhance profitability. We also are actively seeking to establish strategic relationships with universities that currently are not our online degree program customers to provide our learning center services to their online degree programs.




There are two main components of competition within the online degree program market: (i) competition among service providers to attract and retain additional university partners; and (ii) competition among online degree programs seeking to enroll students. In addition to GRTU, we currently serve 18 out of the 67 universities that have been approved to offer online degree programs in China and we have contracted with three additional universities that are awaiting regulatory approval to



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start their programs. There are 49 other universities currently offering online degree programs that either independently run their programs or outsource services for their programs to other service providers. While we are trying to establish relationships with additional universities with respect to their online programs, several companies offer services that compete with our service offerings either on a comprehensive basis or, more commonly, on a service-by-service basis. We compete with these companies primarily on the scope and quality of our service offerings to university partners, and to a lesser extent, price.


Our revenue from the online degree programs we service depends on these programs’ total tuition cash receipts. The online degree programs that we service must compete with other online programs, as well as with other education and training programs that are seeking to enroll students. Recruitment of students for online degree programs relies heavily on learning centers, most of which are owned and operated by third parties. Although we have assisted our university customers in developing relationships with approximately 497 learning centers, these learning centers can be subject to varying degrees of customer loyalty due to the strong competitive position they occupy. In addition, many learning centers assist with recruitment on behalf of other online degree programs, and, as a result, the online degree programs that we support face considerable competition for recruiting at the learning centers.


International Curriculum Programs


We distribute and support English language programs to secondary schools and international polytechnic programs to vocational schools in China. We provide all aspects of delivery and support for these programs, including program development and implementation, English teacher recruitment and administration, and other ancillary services. We generate revenue based on the enrollment fees students pay to the participating schools with whom we have entered into revenue sharing arrangements, based either on a fixed fee per student or a percentage of the enrollment fee per student. For the 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 academic years, respectively, approximately 4,700, 5,000, and 4,000 students were enrolled in the international curriculum programs. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, we generated 13.3%, 11.9% and 8.7%, respectively, of our net revenue from international curriculum services.


Although there are many Chinese universities and colleges that have established relationships with foreign schools, we are not aware of any other similarly positioned company in China that has a dedicated business line such as ours focused on distributing and supporting curriculum from established foreign educational institutions.  We compete generally in the market for K-12 students seeking to learn English with other providers of English language training programs. These providers include other private school operators that are offering English language programs, affiliate school programs, after school programs, distance learning programs and self-study materials.


The SCC Program.  We have provided services with respect to English language programs since September 2005.  In February 2009, we entered into a partnership agreement with Howe Sound Secondary School, located in School District No. 48 in British Columbia, Canada, which we refer to as the SCC program.  The SCC program, for which we are currently in the process of signing local high school partners, provides secondary schools in China with high-quality English language instruction programs using native English speakers. Students at schools that participate in the SCC program must choose to be enrolled in the SCC program when applying for admission to the school. The SCC program’s English curriculum typically consists of five hours of class time each week.


The FEC Program.  In 2005, we acquired the right to serve as the exclusive service provider to all of Western Institute of Technology at Taranki’s English language programs within China until September 2020.  We refer to this program as the FEC program.  Western Institute of Technology at Taranki, or WITT, is a government-owned post-secondary education institution based in New Zealand that offers English language programs for overseas students. In December 2008, we mutually terminated our agreement with WITT due to ongoing regulatory challenges.  Schools that have been receiving support from us under the FEC program, however, can continue to recruit students under the FEC name even after termination of our agreement with WITT if they choose, since all education related support is provided by us.  However, we cannot assure you that any or all of the FEC contracted schools will continue to work with us in the future, and our partner schools may face additional challenges obtaining re-approvals for replacing WITT with other overseas education institutions with whom we may partner.  While we believe that some of our existing contracted schools participating in the FEC program may switch to either our newly established SCC program or to other programs that we may provide, there can be no assurance they will.


Despite a reduction in student enrollment and the ongoing regulatory challenges that resulted in the mutual termination of our agreement with WITT, we believe that our English language program has been and, in the case of our SCC program, will continue to be well-received by parents and students due to the high quality of the English language instruction.  We also believe that there is a vast market of students throughout China whose needs for high quality English language instruction are not currently being met by the Chinese public schools. We intend to target schools in the markets where the Chinese public schools do not meet the public need for English language instruction. In addition, a core element of our marketing strategy is highlighting our English language program’s role in enabling students to differentiate themselves for college entrance examinations and to better compete in a competitive education system and job market.


The BCIT Program.    We entered into an exclusive service provider relationship with the British Columbia Institute of Technology, or BCIT, a leading polytechnic institute in Canada, in February 2006. Through this program, we provide services to BCIT in implementing international post-secondary education programs and market these programs to selected polytechnic colleges in China approved by BCIT from time to time, enabling these colleges to offer up-to-date courses across a wide variety of majors and subjects to their students. We are BCIT’s exclusive service provider in China for these selected



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polytechnic colleges until 2020. At present, we provide services to the BCIT programs of six polytechnic colleges approved by BCIT to offer these programs. The BCIT program provides a three-year associate degree program to high school graduates seeking international vocational education within the environment of a Chinese polytechnic college. Through the participating colleges in China, the program offers a wide variety of majors and subjects such as business, computing and information technology, manufacturing, electronics, construction, environment, transportation and health science, all developed by BCIT. The program is unique in that entry-level courses and related course materials are in Chinese, but instruction and course materials for more advanced courses are transitioned to English.


We believe that the BCIT program is highly attractive to students as it offers them the opportunity to pursue a foreign degree and provides them with practical, job-oriented vocational training in English, which enables the students to improve their language skills in their respective professional areas. For participating Chinese polytechnic colleges, the BCIT program enables them to distinguish themselves from their peers by offering an international dual degree program with a world-class polytechnic curriculum and overseas-trained faculty. Such differentiation also enables these colleges to collect higher tuition fees from the students enrolling in the program.


We intend to expand the number of schools offering the BCIT program by actively marketing the programs to polytechnic colleges and secondary schools in China. The market for English language instruction services is highly competitive in China, yet extremely fragmented and localized. We intend to concentrate on adding new schools in the coastal and relatively more affluent regions of China, which include approximately 150 cities. In addition to adding new Chinese polytechnic colleges offering the BCIT program, we plan to increase the number of majors and subjects covered by the international post-secondary education program in order to attract additional students. We also plan to explore strategic relationship opportunities with other polytechnic colleges in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. In the near term, however, our plans to add new polytechnic colleges to our BCIT program and explore strategic relationship with other polytechnic colleges have been postponed until at least the end of 2009 due to the general suspension of approvals for new Chinese-foreign cooperative polytechnic education programs by the MOE. See “—Regulation—Regulations on Operating Private Schools.” See also the risk factor titled “Chinese-foreign cooperative education programs, such as our international curriculum programs, are heavily regulated, and our ability to conduct business in this area is highly dependent on regulatory policies and our compliance with these policies.”


Private Primary and Secondary Schools


The market for private primary and secondary schools in China is growing rapidly. We believe that private primary and secondary schools will play an increasingly important role in providing quality education in China, particularly to the children of the emerging middle class. Parents in China, as in the rest of the world, are continuously searching for the best educational solutions for their children. By acquiring or partnering with leading established institutions, we believe the private primary and secondary school business represents a compelling business opportunity for us. According to the World Bank Study, between 2002 and 2005, China accounted for approximately 70% of global primary and secondary enrollment growth. As a result of this market opportunity, we acquired three private schools in 2005. We believe this market opportunity is attractive, complements our existing sources of revenue and also provides us with opportunities to realize synergies with our other K-12 business lines, specifically our 101 Online School and our newly established SCC program. English language training is a core element of our curriculum at each of our schools and is a central to our strategy of establishing schools with elite reputations. In each of our three schools, we have introduced, or plan to introduce, a performance-based incentive system for teachers and administrators, improved management systems, and enhanced academic offerings. We also provide technical services to enhance their operations. We have also improved, or plan to improve, the existing infrastructure of these schools or to build new facilities to accommodate larger student populations. Our school operations are currently located in: Anqing, Anhui province; Jingzhou, Hubei province; and Pingdingshan, Henan province. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, we generated 5.1%, 5.0% and 6.1%, respectively, of our net revenue from this line of business.


Anqing Foreign Language School


Through our Chinese affiliated entity, Hongcheng Education, we currently operate the Anqing Foreign Language School, or the Anqing School, a private primary school, grades 7 to 9, which has been operational since 2004. The Anqing School is regarded as one of the leading schools in the market that it serves. We completed Phase I construction of the new campus during 2008, and we are in the process of completing Phase II construction to accommodate a larger student population, which we expect to be completed by the fall of 2009. During the 2006-2007 academic year, the Anqing School had an enrollment of approximately 1,400 students, which grew to approximately 1,600 during the 2007-2008 academic year and increased to approximately 2,500 students during the 2008-2009 academic year. In 2007, the Anqing School had the highest exam scores in Anqing for students enrolled in grades 7 and 9. The school is also well regarded for its English language program and foreign English language teachers.


Jingzhou School (Southern Campus)


Through our Chinese affiliated entity, Hongcheng Education, we had plans to construct a new private secondary school, Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), for students in grades 9-12 in Jingzhou, Hubei province. The Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) will be established as a partnership with Jingzhou High School, whereby we will own 54.4% of the new school, our partner, Jingzhou High School, will own 25%, and one minority shareholder will own the remaining 20.6%. Under the cooperation agreement between Hongcheng Education and Jingzhou High School, we will undertake construction of the new



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campus and Jingzhou High School will contribute its brand as well as management and teaching resources to the school.  We initially planned to complete construction of the new campus by the fall 2006 recruiting season, however, we have encountered delays in obtaining the land-use rights for the new campus site, as well as delays due to inclement weather in early 2008, which lead to an increase in construction costs.  As a result, we cannot assure you that we will begin construction in time for enrollment in the fall of 2009, or at all.


Pingdingshan Bilingual School


In 2005, we acquired all of the rights and interests in the Pingdingshan Bilingual School, or Pingdingshan School. The Pingdingshan School is a private primary school, grades 1-9, in Pingdingshan, Henan province. The Pingdingshan School is regarded as one of the leading schools in its market. During each of the 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 academic years, the Pingdingshan School had an enrollment of approximately 1,200 students.


Online Tutoring and Test Preparation Programs


We provide online tutoring and test preparation services to primary and secondary school students in China through a separately branded program known as the “101 Distance Learning Center” or the “101 Online School,” which we acquired 80% of in January 2005 and the remaining 20% equity interest in May 2008. The 101 Online School was originally founded in 1996, and over the past decade has developed a strong reputation as a valuable learning tool with students and teachers alike. The 101 Online School, which currently has over 1 million users, concentrates on the online tutoring and education of pre-kindergarten through high school students in China and is the leading educational website for elementary and middle school students.   The website address for our 101 Online School is www.chinaedu.com.


As of December 31, 2008, the 101 Online School served more than 36,800 revenue students.  In 2006, 2007 and 2008, we generated 8.1%, 6.8% and 4.8%, respectively, of our net revenue from the 101 Online School through subscription fees paid by students for the online tutoring service.


Using our proprietary e-learning platform, the 101 Online School provides interactive tutoring services to primary and secondary school students in virtually all academic subjects offered to these students in China. Our online tutoring and test preparation services also assist secondary school students in preparing for key examinations administered in China, including the national college entrance examination. All of the tutoring and test preparation materials used by our 101 Online School are developed by qualified teachers and subject to review by our quality control staff. By providing tutoring and test preparation services online, the 101 Online School makes the tutoring and test preparation process more convenient and accessible for students, especially those with limited access to traditional tutoring or test preparation services. In addition, we continue to innovate new services designed to attract and retain students for our 101 Online School. Recently, we introduced a new service, “Homework Help,” to assist students online on their homework assignments. In 2008, we also launched a new product series called “Yo-Yo Bear” for children, from pre-school age to grade 3, and their parents.


We currently market our 101 Online School through exclusive regional third-party distributors and our own sales centers in Beijing, Tianjin and other cities and provinces in China. More than 200 distributors located in major cities in China purchase bulk subscriptions to our 101 Online School and resell these subscriptions to students. Bulk subscription sales to distributors accounted for 48.0%, 62.3% and 68.2% of our 101 Online School revenue in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


In addition, we have entered into an arrangement with Lenovo Group Limited, a personal computer manufacturer in China, to distribute our online tutoring services in various lines of Lenovo personal computers.




We have experienced, and expect to continue to experience, seasonal fluctuations in our revenue and results of operations, primarily due to seasonal changes in the number of students who are enrolled in, or served by, our businesses. Historically, our largest revenue student enrollments occur in the fall, and we generally recognize revenue over the six-month period following these enrollments. As a result, our revenue in the fourth quarter and first quarter of each year, representing the fall semester, have been higher than the other two quarters, which represent the spring semester. Our expenses and costs, however, do not necessarily correspond with changes in our revenue or the number of students who are enrolled in, or served by, our businesses. We expect quarterly fluctuations in our revenue and results of operations to continue. As our revenue grows, these seasonal fluctuations may become more pronounced.




The Chinese government regulates the education services industry and the provision of Internet content. This section summarizes the principal Chinese regulations relating to our businesses.


We operate our business in China under a legal framework that consists of the State Council, which is the highest executive authority of the Chinese central government, and several ministries and agencies under its authority, including the Ministry of Education, or MOE, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, or SAFE, the General Administration of Press and Publication, or GAPP, the Ministry of Information Industry, or MII, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, or SAIC, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, or MCA, and their respective authorized local counterparts.



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Regulations on Online Education


Pursuant to the Administrative Regulations on Educational Websites and Online and Distance Education Schools, issued by the MOE in 2000, educational websites and online education schools may provide educational services in relation to higher education, elementary education, pre-school education, teacher education, occupational education, adult education, other education and public educational information services. “Educational websites” refers to organizations providing education or education-related information services to website visitors by means of a database or online education platform connected via the Internet or an educational television station. “Online education schools” refers to education websites that issue educational certificates in connection with their providing academic education services or training services.


On June 29, 2004, the State Council issued the Decision on Setting Down Administrative Licenses for the Administrative Examination and Approval Items Really Necessary to be Retained, which provides that an administrative license is required for “online education schools” that provide degree education to students, but not for “educational websites” that do not provide degree education to students.


The MOE issued Certain Opinions on the Pilot Program of Supporting Certain Higher Education Institutions to Establish Online Education Colleges to Develop Modern Long-Distance Education in 2000 and Certain Opinions regarding the Enhancement of the Administration of Higher Education Institution Online Education Colleges and the Improvement of Education Quality in 2002 to regulate online higher education. And, on March 18, 2009, the MOE issued a Circular on the Student Enrollment of Online Degree Education by the Pilot Universities which are Permitted to Operate Online Degree Education, or the 2009 circular, to regulate the recruitment of online degree students. The 2009 circular prohibits universities from recruiting existing full-time students and instructs schools offering online degrees to recruit only working adults for their programs. The 2009 circular also required universities to tighten their admission criteria for their online programs and to improve the quality of their recruiting materials. As of December 31, 2008, 67 universities and colleges had been approved by the MOE to operate online education programs as part of the MOE pilot program.  Eighteen of the 22 universities to which we currently provide, or have entered into agreements to provide, online degree program services are included within the pilot program. Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing Forestry University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, three other universities that we serve, are not in the pilot program and are currently in the process of applying for the MOE approval to offer online degrees.


To regulate the learning centers that provide services to online degree programs, the MOE issued the Principles on the Establishment and Administration of Modern Distance Education Off-campus Learning Center (Pilot), in January 2002, and, in March 2003, promulgated the Interim Provisions on Administration of Modern Distance Education Off-campus Learning Center. According to these two regulations, learning centers are not authorized to independently carry out activities such as recruiting students, teaching and issuing degrees for modern distance education—all activities that must be done in conjunction with the universities offering the degrees. These regulations also require learning centers not to pursue business that is irrelevant to online education services. Each learning center is required to be associated with at least one educational institution or other entity approved by the MOE to provide online education services, and can only provide logistics services for recruitment and examination administration to educational institution(s).


Each learning center and the educational institution with which it is associated must jointly apply to the education authorities for approval before the learning center can provide services to any online education program. Additional approvals are required for a learning center if it intends to provide support services to additional educational institutions. The education authorities have the authority to supervise, inspect and evaluate the learning centers from time to time. A learning center’s approvals may be withdrawn by the education authorities if during a periodic inspection they determine that the learning center is unqualified to continue operations.


On February 9, 2007, we received a provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in four provinces (Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang) for a trial period of up to 18 months. Upon the receipt of the related approval from the educational authorities of these four provinces, we plan to establish and operate learning centers in those provinces. In August 2007, we received the related provincial-level approval from the Beijing education authorities to operate learning centers in Beijing and opened one learning center in Beijing. In addition, during the first quarter of 2008, after receiving the related provincial-level approval from the Shanghai and Jiangsu education authorities, as well as informal approval from the Zhejiang education authorities, we opened the other nine learning centers.  The MOE has not yet issued to us a final approval to operate learning centers on a nationwide basis in China based on the performance and operation of our learning centers during the trial period.


Regulations on Operating Private Schools


The principal regulations governing private education in China consist of the Education Law of China, The Law for Promoting Private Education (2003), The Implementation Rules for the Law for Promoting Private Education (2004) and the Regulations on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Operating Schools. These regulations are summarized below.


Education Law of China


The Education Law of China, or the Education Law, was enacted on March 18, 1995. The Education Law sets forth provisions relating to the fundamental education systems of China, including a system of pre-school education, primary education, secondary education and higher education, a system of nine-year compulsory education and a system of education certificates. The Education Law requires the government to formulate plans for the development of education and the



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establishment and operation of schools and other education institutions. In principle, enterprises, social organizations and individuals are encouraged to operate schools and other types of educational organizations in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations. Nevertheless, no school or any other educational institution may be established for profit-making purposes. However, private schools may be operated for “reasonable returns,” as described in more detail below.


The Law for Promoting Private Education (2003) and The Implementation Rules for the Law for Promoting Private Education (2004)


The Law for Promoting Private Education (2003) became effective on September 1, 2003, and its implementing regulations, The Implementation Rules for the Law for Promoting Private Education (2004), became effective on April 1, 2004. Under these regulations, “private schools” are defined as schools established by individuals or private social organizations using private funds. Private schools providing degree education, pre-school education, education for self-study aid and other academic education are subject to approval by the education authorities, while private schools engaging in occupational qualification training and occupational skill training are subject to approvals from the authorities in charge of labor and social welfare. An approved private school will be granted an operating permit, and it must be registered with the MCA or its local counterpart as a privately run non-enterprise legal person. Two of our private primary and secondary schools, the Anqing School and the Pingdingshan School, have obtained operating permits and have been registered with the relevant local office of the MCA. We will apply for the permit for operating a private school for the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) when we complete construction of the new southern campus.


The operation of private schools is highly regulated. For example, the types and amounts of fees charged by private schools offering certifications must be approved by the relevant governmental authority and be publicly disclosed, and the types and amounts of fees charged by private schools that do not offer certifications need only be filed with the relevant governmental authority and be publicly disclosed. Our Anqing School and Pingdingshan School currently offer certifications to students, and we expect our Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) to do so once it begins operations.


Private education is treated as a public welfare undertaking under the regulations. Nonetheless, investors in a private school may elect to require “reasonable returns” from the schools. Under the regulations, an election to establish a private school as one requiring reasonable returns must be made in the articles of association of the school. For schools that have made this election, the amount of reasonable return that can be distributed to investors each year is determined based on a percentage of the school’s “operating surplus,” which is equal to the school’s annual net income less the aggregate amount of donations received, government subsidies, if any, the amount required to be reserved for the school’s development fund and other expenses as required by the regulations. This percentage is determined by the school’s board of directors, taking into consideration the following factors: (i) the school’s tuition and other fees, (ii) the ratio of the school’s expenses used for educational activities and improving the educational conditions to the total fees collected; and (iii) the school’s admission standards and educational quality. Information relating to these factors must be publicly disclosed before the school’s board determines the percentage of the school’s annual net balance that can be distributed as reasonable returns. This disclosed information and the decision to distribute reasonable returns must also be filed with the approval authorities within 15 days from the decision made by the board. However, none of the current Chinese laws and regulations provides a formula or other guidelines for determining “reasonable returns.” In addition, none of the current Chinese laws and regulations sets forth different requirements or restrictions on a private school’s ability to operate its education business based on such school’s status as a school that requires reasonable returns or a school that has not made this election. The Anqing School was established as a school that requires reasonable returns. We are in the process of changing the status of the Pingdingshan School to a school that requires reasonable returns. After the completion of the construction of the new campus for the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), we plan to elect to require reasonable returns.


At the end of each fiscal year, private schools are required to allocate a certain amount to their development fund for the construction and maintenance of the school and the procurement and upgrade of educational equipment. For private schools that require reasonable returns, this amount must be no less than 25% of the annual net income or the annual increase in the net assets of the school, while for other private schools, this amount must be no less than 25% of the annual increase in the net assets of the school, if any. Private schools that have not elected to require reasonable returns are entitled to the same preferential tax treatment as public schools. The regulations require that preferential tax treatment policies applicable to private schools requiring reasonable returns to be formulated by the finance authority, taxation authority and other authorities under the State Council, but to date no such regulations have been promulgated by the relevant authorities.


Regulations on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Operating Schools


Chinese-foreign cooperation in the operation of schools and training programs is governed by the Regulations on Operating Chinese-Foreign Schools, issued by the State Council in 2003 in accordance with the Education Law, the Occupational Education Law and the Law for Promoting Private Education.


The Regulations on Operating Chinese-foreign Schools and its implementing regulations, the Implementing Rules for the Regulations on Operating Chinese-foreign Schools, or the Implementing Rules, which were issued by the MOE in 2004, encourage substantive cooperation between overseas educational organizations, which are required to have relevant qualifications and experience in providing high-quality education, and Chinese educational organizations to jointly operate various types of schools in China.


Permits for Chinese-foreign cooperation in operating schools must be obtained from the relevant education authorities or the authorities that regulate labor and social welfare in China. Since all of our private primary and secondary schools are



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operated by our Chinese affiliated entities and not by us, we believe, based on the advice of our Chinese counsel, that we are not required to apply for these permits.


Additionally, the Regulations on Operating Chinese-Foreign Schools and its Implementing Rules require that the foreign party to Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institutions or programs be a “foreign educational institution,” and under those regulations, a for-profit company, such as us, cannot qualify as a foreign educational institution. As a result, we cannot directly operate the SCC, FEC or BCIT programs, and instead we are a service provider to these programs.


In August 2004, the MOE promulgated the Announcement Regarding Re-Approval of Chinese-foreign Cooperative Educational Institutions and Programs, which requires Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institutions and programs that were established before July 1, 2004 (the effective date for the Implementing Rules) to obtain re-approval from the MOE. Only four of our 19 contracted schools have obtained re-approval from the MOE.  If the other 15 schools cannot obtain the MOE’s re-approval, they may have to terminate their FEC programs.


In April 2007, the MOE issued the Circular on Further Regulating Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education Programs. The circular directs the local education authorities generally to suspend the approval of any new Chinese-foreign cooperative polytechnic education programs until the end of 2008. To ensure the quality of the Chinese-foreign education programs, the circular emphasizes the regulatory supervision of these programs and advises local education authorities to closely supervise and monitor the existing programs, especially in recruiting materials, advertisement, and issuance of degrees and diplomas, and directs them to report and remedy any non-compliance by existing programs of the applicable regulations. As a result of this circular, our BCIT program has not been able to contract new schools for the program, and we do not expect it to until at least 2009.  Although the circular only discusses the suspension of approvals through the end of 2008, we cannot assure you that our BCIT program will be able to contract new schools during 2009, or at any time after that.


Regulations on Internet Information Services


Following the State Council’s issuance of the Telecom Regulations and the Internet Information Services Administrative Measures, or the Internet Information Measures, on September 25, 2000, the MII and other regulatory authorities have issued a number of Internet-related regulations, including the Internet Electronic Bulletin Board Service Administrative Measures, or the BBS Measures.


The Internet Information Measures require that commercial Internet content providers, or ICPs, must either obtain a license for Internet information services, or an ICP license, from, or make an ICP filing with, the appropriate telecommunications authorities to carry on any commercial Internet information services in China. Generally, an ICP license is required to provide Internet information services for profit-making purposes, whereas only an ICP filing is required to provide Internet information services on a non-profit basis. The telecommunications authorities generally consider that the online degree programs established by universities are not for profit-making purposes, and the universities are only required to make an ICP filing, rather than obtain an ICP license, for their online degree programs. The telecommunications authorities could, however, require the universities to obtain ICP licenses in the future. In addition, some of our university partners for online degree programs have not made the required filing with the telecommunications authorities. If our university partners fail to make an ICP filing, or obtain an ICP license (if required), these online degree programs may be sanctioned or suspended.


The 101 Online School, a profit-making business, is required to obtain an ICP license. Gotop Electronic, a subsidiary of one of our Chinese affiliated entities, holds the ICP license for our 101 Online School. Before we acquired Gotop Electronic, it had already obtained an ICP license. Following our initial acquisition of Gotop Electronic, our affiliate entity, Xiandai Xingye, directly held an 80% equity interest of Gotop Electronic. Although approvals of the MII, the MOE and the MOC were required for this transaction, we did not apply for or obtain these approvals. Subsequent to the acquisition, we have transferred our equity interests in Gotop Electronic to one of our Chinese affiliated entities. In addition, at the time when Gotop Electronic was approved by relevant Chinese authorities to engage in the ICP business, its registered capital did not meet the minimum requirement specified under Chinese law for ICP license holders. We have subsequently increased the registered capital of Gotop Electronic to satisfy this requirement. As a result, we believe that any regulatory issues relating to our interest in Gotop Electronic have been resolved.


Under the Internet Information Measures, Internet information service providers are prohibited from producing, copying, publishing or distributing information that insults or slanders a third party or that infringes the lawful rights and interests of others. Depending on the nature of a violation, ICPs that violate this provision may face criminal charges or be sanctioned by security authorities. In addition, they may be ordered to temporarily suspend their service, or their licenses may be revoked.


The BBS Measures provide that ICPs engaged in providing online bulletin board services, or BBS, must comply with a special approval process and make a specific filing with the relevant telecommunications industry authorities. ICPs that provide electronic messaging services must not disclose user personal information to any third party without the consent of the user, unless the law otherwise requires that the data be disclosed. The regulations authorize the relevant telecommunications authorities to require ICPs to rectify any unauthorized disclosure. ICPs could be liable if unauthorized disclosure causes damages or losses to users. The Chinese government can require ICPs to provide the government with Internet users’ personal information if the users post any prohibited content or engage in illegal activities on the Internet. Our 101 Online School



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provides BBS or similar services. Gotop Electronic, the ICP license holder and website operator of our 101 Online School, has obtained the BBS license, which is valid until September 24, 2011 and is subject to annual inspection.


In July 2006, the MII issued the Notice on Strengthening Management of Foreign Investment in Operating Value-Added Telecom Services. The notice prohibits Chinese ICPs engaged in providing value-added telecom services from leasing, transferring or selling their ICP licenses or providing facilities or other resources to illegal foreign investors. The notice requires Chinese ICPs to directly own the trademarks and domain names for the websites they operate, as well as servers and other infrastructure used to support these websites. The notice also requires Chinese ICPs to evaluate their compliance with the notice by November 1, 2006 and correct any non-compliance. A Chinese ICP’s failure to complete the procedures by November 1, 2006 could be the basis for revocation of its ICP license.


We operate www.chinaedu.com, the operating website for our 101 Online School, through Gotop Electronic, a subsidiary of Xiandai Technology, our Chinese affiliated entity. Gotop Electronic holds the ICP license for this website. The ICP license is valid until 2011 and is subject to annual inspection. Gotop Electronic passed the annual inspection in 2008. We operate our corporate websites, www.chinaedu.net and www.prcedu.com, through Xiandai Technology, which holds the ICP license for these websites. The ICP license is valid for five years beginning in November 2004 and is subject to annual inspection.  Xiandai Technology passed the annual inspection in 2008.  We intend to renew the ICP license for our www.chinaedu.net and www.prcedu.com websites in 2009. We have not transferred the domain name and trademark for our www.chinaedu.net and www.prcedu.com websites to  Xiandai Technology. We may be required to make such transfer in the future and, if we are unable to do so, the ICP license held by Xiandai Technology may be suspended or revoked by MII.


Regulations on Online Publications


The GAPP and the MII jointly promulgated the Tentative Internet Publishing Administrative Measures, or the Internet Publishing Measures, which took effect on August 1, 2002. The Internet Publishing Measures require Internet publishers to obtain approval from the GAPP. The term “Internet publishing” is defined in these regulations as online dissemination through which Internet information service providers select, edit and process works created by themselves or others (including content from books, newspapers, periodicals, audio and video products, electronic publications, and other sources that have already been formally published or works that have been made public in other media) and subsequently post this content on the Internet or transmit it to users over the Internet for browsing, use or downloading by the public.


Gotop Electronic, our Chinese affiliated entity that operates our 101 Online School, received verbal confirmation from the GAPP that the online content services that it provides do not fall within the scope of “Internet publishing” that would require approval or a license from GAPP. Obtaining an online publication license requires compliance with certain conditions, including having five or more qualified editors, which Gotop Electronic cannot satisfy. However, because there is no further official or publicly-available interpretation of “Internet publishing,” we cannot assure you that Gotop Electronic will not require an online publication license in the future.


Regulations on Internet Culture Activities


The Ministry of Culture of China promulgated the Internet Culture Administration Tentative Measures, or the Internet Culture Measures, on May 10, 2003. These measures became effective on July 1, 2003 and were amended on July 1, 2004. The Internet Culture Measures require ICPs engaging in Internet culture activities to obtain an Internet culture business operations license from the Ministry of Culture in accordance with the Internet Culture Measures. As defined under the Internet Culture Measures, the term “Internet culture activities” includes, among other things, acts of online dissemination of Internet cultural products, such as audio-visual products, games, performances of plays or programs, works of art and cartoons, and the production, reproduction, importation, sale (wholesale or retail), leasing and broadcasting of Internet cultural products.


Gotop Electronic, our Chinese affiliated entity that operates our 101 Online School, is engaged in the distribution of certain audio-visual products through the Internet. Gotop Electronic received verbal confirmation from the Ministry of Culture that its products do not fall within the definition of “Internet culture products” and its operations do not fall within the definition of “Internet culture activities” as defined under the Internet Culture Measures. Accordingly, Gotop Electronic is not required to obtain an Internet culture business operations license. However, because there is no further official or publicly-available interpretation of these definitions, we cannot assure you that Gotop Electronic will not need an Internet culture business operations license in the future.


Regulations relating to Information Security


On December 28, 2000, the National People’s Congress enacted the Decisions Regarding Maintaining Internet Security, which prohibits any use of the Internet that results in a breach of public security, dissemination of socially destabilizing content or divulgence of state secrets. The conduct prohibited is broadly defined under the decisions.


According to other relevant regulations, ICPs must complete mandatory security filing procedures with local public security authorities and must also report any public dissemination of prohibited content. According to the Interim Measures for the Administration of Filings for Commercial Web Sites promulgated by the Beijing Administration of Industry and Commerce, or the Beijing AIC, and other related regulations, we must file and register our websites with Beijing AIC and obtain electronic registration marks. We have filed and registered our websites, www.chinaedu.com, www.chinaedu.net and www.prcedu.com with Beijing AIC and obtained electronic registration marks.



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Regulations on Broadcasting Audio-Video Programs through the Internet or Other Information Network


The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, or SARFT, promulgated the Rules for Administration of Broadcasting of Audio-Video Programs through the Internet and Other Information Networks, or the Broadcasting Rules, which became effective on October 11, 2004. The Broadcasting Rules apply to the activities of broadcasting, integration, transmission, downloading of audio-video programs with computers, televisions or mobile phones as the main terminals and through various types of information networks. Pursuant to the Broadcasting Rules, a permit for broadcasting audio-video programs through an information network is required to engage in these Internet broadcasting activities. On April 13, 2005, the State Council announced a policy on private investments in businesses in China that relate to cultural matters, which prohibits private investments in businesses relating to the dissemination of audio-video programs through information networks. As these regulations are relatively new, there are significant uncertainties relating to their interpretation and implementation, including the definition of “audio-video programs” as specified in these regulations. Gotop Electronic, our Chinese affiliated entity engaging in online tutoring services, does not now possess a permit for broadcasting audio-video programs, and we cannot assure you that it will not be required to obtain one in the future.


Regulations on Protection of the Right of Dissemination through Information Networks


On May 18, 2006, the State Council issued the Regulations on Protection of the Right of Dissemination through Information Networks, and they became effective on July 1, 2006. These regulations require that every organization or individual who disseminates a third party’s work, performance, audio or visual recording products to the public through an information network must obtain permission from, and pay compensation to, the copyright owner of these products, unless otherwise provided under relevant laws and regulations. The copyright owner may take technical measures to protect his or her right of dissemination through information networks and any organization or individual may not intentionally evade, destroy or otherwise assist others in evading these protective measures unless permissible under law. These regulations also provide that permission from and compensation for the copyright owner are not required in the event of limited dissemination to teaching or research staff for the purpose of school teaching or scientific research.


We own the copyrights to all of the educational materials of our 101 Online School, and the copyrights to all of the online courses for our university partners’ online degree programs are either owned by us or by collaborative alliances with the university partners. However, users of our BBS for our 101 Online School may post copyrighted materials from time to time, without our prior knowledge. We actively monitor the contents posted on our BBS and will remove any materials that we believe may infringe the copyrights of third parties.


Regulations on Copyright and Trademark Protection


China has adopted legislation governing intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks. China is a signatory to the main international conventions on intellectual property rights and became a member of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, or TRIPS, upon its accession to the World Trade Organization in December 2001.


Copyright.    The National People’s Congress amended its Copyright Law in 2001 to widen the scope of works and rights that are eligible for copyright protection. The amended Copyright Law extends copyright protection to Internet activities, products disseminated over the Internet and software products. In addition, there is a voluntary registration system administered by the China Copyright Protection Center.


To address the problem of copyright infringement related to content posted or transmitted over the Internet, the National Copyright Administration and the MII jointly issued the Administrative Measures for Copyright Protection Related to the Internet on April 30, 2005. These measures became effective on May 30, 2005.


We own the copyrights to all of the educational materials of our 101 Online School, and the copyrights to all of the online courses for our university partners’ programs are either owned by us or by our university collaborative alliances.


Trademark.    The Chinese Trademark Law, adopted in 1982 and revised in 2001, protects the proprietary rights to registered trademarks. The Trademark Office, which is under the SAIC, handles trademark registrations and grants a ten-year term to registered trademarks, subject to renewal for another ten years. Trademark license agreements must be filed with the Trademark Office for record. We have registered nine trademarks with the Trademark Office and are in the process of registering additional marks. In addition, if a registered trademark is recognized as a well-known trademark, the proprietary right of the trademark holder may be extended beyond the registered sphere of products and services of the trademark.


On November 5, 2004, the MII amended the Measures for Administration of Domain Names for the Chinese Internet, or the Domain Name Measures. The Domain Name Measures regulate the registration of domain names, such as the first tier domain name “.cn.” In February 2006, China Internet Network Information Center, or CINIC, issued the Implementing Rules for Domain Name Registration and the Measures on Domain Name Disputes Resolution, pursuant to which CINIC can authorize a domain name dispute resolution institution to decide disputes. We have registered the domain names for our main websites, www.chinaedu.net, www.chinaedu.com and www.prcedu.com, with CINIC. We are also the registered owner of several other domain names such as www.prc-edu.com, www.ecustmde.com, www.edufe.com.cn, www.edufe.net.cn, www.cmjnu.com.cn, www.cmr.com.cn, www.ruc.com.cn, and www.cmr.net.cn. We license certain of our domain names to some of our university partners for them to operate their online degree programs, and some of our university partners are the registered owners of the domain names under which their programs operate.



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Limitations on Foreign Ownership of Our Businesses


The Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalogue (amended in 2007), the Regulations on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Operating School, the Implementation Measures for the Regulations on Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Operating Schools and other applicable laws and regulations limit foreign ownership in entities, or foreign participation in entities, engaging in specified education activities by:


·                  requiring that the foreign party in any Chinese-foreign cooperation in operating schools be a qualified foreign educational institution;


·                  requiring regulatory approval for any Chinese-foreign cooperation in operating schools;


·                  prohibiting foreign investment in schools providing compulsory education (that is, the first grade through the ninth grade, or primary school and junior high school education); and


·                  restricting foreign investment in educational websites.


Moreover, from a practical perspective, the MOE will not approve any foreign investment or participation in online degree education.


Our corporate structure is designed to comply with current regulatory limitations on foreign ownership and participation while engaging in our core business activities. For details, see “—C. Organizational Structure.”


Compliance with Chinese Regulations on the Education Services Industry, Publishing, Internet Activities and Copyrights and Trademarks


We believe that, except for the online publication license, the Internet culture business operations license and the license for broadcasting audio-video programs through the Internet discussed above, no consent, approval or license other than those already obtained by our Chinese subsidiaries and affiliates is required under any of the existing laws and regulations of China for our business and operations.


Regulation of Foreign Currency Exchange and Dividend Distribution


Foreign currency exchange


The principal regulations governing foreign currency exchange in China are the Foreign Currency Administration Regulations (1996), as amended. Under these regulations, the Renminbi is convertible for current account items, including the distribution of dividends, interest payments, trade and service-related foreign exchange transactions. Conversion of the Renminbi for capital account items, such as direct investment, loans, repatriation of investment and investment in securities outside China, however, is still subject to SAFE approval.


Dividends paid by a subsidiary to its shareholder are deemed income of the shareholder and are taxable in China. Pursuant to the Administration Rules of the Settlement, Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange (1996), foreign-invested enterprises in China may purchase or remit foreign exchange, subject to a cap approved by the SAFE, for settlement of current account transactions without the approval of the SAFE. Foreign exchange transactions under the capital account are still subject to limitations and require approvals from, or registration with, the SAFE and other relevant Chinese governmental authorities.


Dividend distribution


The principal regulations governing distribution of dividends of foreign holding companies include the Foreign Investment Enterprise Law (1986), as amended, and the Administrative Rules under the Foreign Investment Enterprise Law (2001). Under these regulations, foreign investment enterprises, or FIEs, in China may pay dividends only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and regulations. In addition, FIEs in China are required to allocate at least 10% of their accumulated profits each year, if any, to fund certain reserve funds unless these reserves have reached 50% of the registered capital of the enterprises. These reserves are not distributable as cash dividends. Our Chinese subsidiaries, which are all FIEs, are restricted from distributing any dividends to us until they have met the requirements set out in these regulations.


Pursuant to the EIT Law, which became effective on January 1, 2008, and subsequently issued implementation rules and a related circular, dividends payable by a FIE to its foreign investors are subject to a 10% withholding tax, unless the foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with China that provides for a different withholding arrangement. The Cayman Islands, where we are incorporated, does not have a tax treaty with China. Although the new tax law contemplates the possibility of exemptions from withholding taxes for China-sourced income of FIEs, the Chinese tax authorities have not promulgated any related implementation rules and it remains unclear whether we would be able to obtain exemptions from Chinese withholding taxes for future dividends distributed to us by our Chinese subsidiaries.



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SAFE regulations on overseas investment of Chinese residents and employee stock options


The SAFE issued The Notice on Issues Relating to the Administration of Foreign Exchange in Fund-Raising and Reverse Investment Activities of Domestic Residents Conducted via Offshore Special Purpose Companies in October 2005, which became effective in November 2005, and an implementing rule in May 2007, collectively the SAFE Rules. According to the SAFE Rules, Chinese residents, including both legal persons and natural persons and Chinese citizens and foreign citizens who reside in China, are required to register with the SAFE or its local branch before establishing or controlling any company outside China, referred to in the SAFE rules as an “offshore special purpose company,” for the purpose of financing that offshore company with their ownership interests in the assets of or their interests in any Chinese enterprise. In addition, a Chinese resident that is a shareholder of an offshore special purpose company is required to amend its SAFE registration with the local SAFE branch with respect to that offshore special purpose company in connection with the injection of equity interests or assets of a Chinese enterprise in the offshore company or overseas fund raising by the offshore company, or any other material change in the capital of the offshore company, including any increase or decrease of capital, transfer or swap of share, merger, division, long-term equity or debt investment or creation of any security interest. The SAFE Rules apply retroactively. As a result, Chinese residents who have established or acquired control of offshore companies that have made onshore investments in China in the past were required to complete the relevant registration procedures with the competent local SAFE branch. If any resident of China failed to file its SAFE registration for an existing offshore entity, any dividends remitted by the onshore entity to its overseas parent since April 21, 2005 will be considered to be an evasion of foreign exchange purchase rules, and the payment of the dividend will be illegal. As a result of any illegal action of this type, both the onshore entity and its actual controlling person(s) can be fined. In addition, failure to comply with the registration procedures may result in restrictions on the relevant onshore entity, including prohibitions on the payment of dividends and other distributions to its offshore parent or affiliate and capital inflow from the offshore entity. Chinese resident shareholders of the offshore entity may also be subject to penalties under Chinese foreign exchange administration regulations.


We have asked our shareholders and beneficial owners who are Chinese residents to make the necessary applications and filings as required under Notice 75 and other related rules. However, due to uncertainty concerning the reconciliation of Notice 75 with other approval or registration requirements, it remains unclear how Notice 75, and any future legislation concerning offshore or cross-border transactions, will be interpreted, amended and implemented by the relevant government authorities. We will attempt to comply, and attempt to ensure that our shareholders and beneficial owners who are subject to these rules comply, with the relevant requirements. However, we cannot provide any assurances that all of our shareholders and beneficial owners who are Chinese residents will comply with our request to make or obtain any applicable registrations or comply with other requirements required by Notice 75 or other related rules. In addition, certain of the holders of options to purchase our ordinary shares are Chinese residents. We have been advised that it is unclear under the SAFE Rules whether these option holders would be deemed to be beneficial owners of our company for the purposes of these rules as a result of holding these options. We are currently in the process of confirming the beneficial ownership status of these option holders with the SAFE. The failure or inability of our Chinese resident shareholders or beneficial owners to register with the SAFE in a timely manner pursuant to the SAFE Rules, or the failure or inability of any future Chinese resident shareholders or beneficial owners to make any required SAFE registration or comply with other requirements under the SAFE Rules may subject these shareholders or beneficial owners to fines or other sanctions and may also limit our ability to contribute additional capital into or provide loans to our Chinese subsidiaries, limit our Chinese subsidiaries’ ability to pay dividends to us, repay shareholder loans or otherwise distribute profits or proceeds from any reduction in capital, share transfer or liquidation to us, or otherwise adversely affect us.


On March 28, 2007, SAFE promulgated the Application Procedure of Foreign Exchange Administration for Domestic Individuals Participating in Employee Stock Option Holding Plan or Stock Option Plan of Overseas Listed Company, or the Stock Option Rule. The purpose of the Stock Option Rule is to regulate foreign exchange administration of Chinese citizens who participate in employee stock holding plans and stock option plans of offshore listed companies. According to the Stock Option Rule, if a Chinese citizen participates in any employee stock holding plan or stock option plan of an offshore listed company, a Chinese domestic agent or the Chinese subsidiary of the offshore listed company is required to file, on behalf of the individual, an application with the SAFE to obtain approval for an annual allowance with respect to the purchase of foreign exchange in connection with stock holding or stock option exercises. This restriction exists because a Chinese citizen may not directly use offshore funds to purchase stock or exercise stock options. Concurrent with the filing of the required application with the SAFE, the Chinese domestic agent or the Chinese subsidiary must obtain approval from the SAFE to open a special foreign exchange account at a Chinese domestic bank to hold the funds required in connection with the stock purchase or option exercise, any returned principal profits upon sales of stock, any dividends issued on the stock and any other income or expenditures approved by the SAFE. The Chinese domestic agent or the Chinese subsidiary also is required to obtain approval from the SAFE to open an offshore special foreign exchange account at an offshore trust bank to hold offshore funds used in connection with any employee stock holding plans.


All proceeds obtained by a Chinese citizen from dividends acquired from the offshore listed company through employee stock holding plans or stock option plans, or sales of the offshore listed company’s stock acquired through other methods, must be remitted back to China after relevant offshore expenses are deducted. The foreign exchange proceeds from these sales can be converted into Renminbi or transferred to the individuals’ foreign exchange savings account after the proceeds have been remitted back to the special foreign exchange account opened at a Chinese bank. If stock options are exercised in a cashless exercise, the Chinese individuals exercising them are required to remit the proceeds to the special foreign exchange account. Although the Stock Option Rule has been promulgated recently and many issues require further interpretation, we and our Chinese employees who have been granted stock options will be subject to the Stock Option Rule when our company becomes an offshore listed company. If we or our Chinese employees fail to comply with the Stock Option Rule, we and/or our Chinese employees may face sanctions imposed by foreign exchange authority or any other Chinese government authorities.



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Regulation of Merger and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors


On August 8, 2006, six Chinese regulatory agencies, including the Ministry of Commerce, the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Administration for Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the CSRC, and the SAFE, jointly issued the Regulations on Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors, or the New M&A Rule, which became effective on September 8, 2006. Under the New M&A Rule, equity or asset purchases from, and mergers and acquisitions of, Chinese enterprises by foreign investors will be subject to the approval from the Ministry of Commerce. This regulation also includes provisions that require special purpose companies formed for purposes of offshore listing of equity interests in Chinese companies to obtain the approval of the CSRC prior to the listing and trading of their securities on any offshore stock exchange. As defined in the New M&A Rule, a special purpose vehicle is an offshore company that is, directly or indirectly, established or controlled by Chinese entities or individuals for the purposes of an overseas listing.


On September 21, 2006, the CSRC published on its website procedures regarding its approval of offshore listings by special purpose vehicles. These procedures require the filing of a number of documents with the CSRC and it would take several months to complete the approval process. The application of the New M&A Rule with respect to offshore listings of special purpose companies remains unclear with no consensus currently existing among leading Chinese law firms regarding the scope of the applicability of the CSRC approval requirement.


In connection with our initial public offering, our Chinese counsel, Jun He Law Offices advised us that, based on the their understanding of Chinese laws, regulations and rules, including the New M&A Rule and the CSRC procedures announced on September 21, 2006:


·                  Since we had not engaged in any merger or acquisition after the effectiveness of the New M&A Rule, this regulation did not require us to submit an application to the CSRC for its approval prior to the issuance and sale of our ADSs, or the listing and trading of our ADSs on the NASDAQ Global Market; and


·                  The issuance, sale, listing and trading of our ADSs in connection with our initial public offering did not conflict with or violate this new regulation.


C.  Organizational Structure




We were incorporated as an exempted company in the Cayman Islands with limited liability in 1999. We are a holding company, and we conduct our business primarily through our subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities incorporated in China. Chinese laws and regulations limit the ability of foreign-owned entities to participate in the education and telecommunication sectors in China. Our corporate structure is designed to comply with current Chinese limitations on foreign ownership of, and participation in, companies operating in the education and telecommunication sectors in China. For a discussion of these restrictions see “—B. Business Overview—Regulation—Limitations on Foreign Ownership of Our Businesses” and “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Related to China’s Regulation of the Education and Telecommunication Sectors and Our Corporate Structure.”


Our Corporate Structure and Contractual Arrangements


Our primary business is to provide comprehensive services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities. We conduct this business and our international curriculum program business through our three Chinese subsidiaries, except for two online degree programs that are serviced through one of our Chinese affiliated entities. Due to restrictions on the foreign ownership and operation of our online tutoring business and our private primary and secondary school business, we conduct these businesses through arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities. We direct these companies’ business affairs and receive substantially all of their net income through our contractual arrangements. In 2008, 71.3% of our net revenue was derived from businesses conducted by our three principal Chinese subsidiaries.


Our principal subsidiaries in China currently are:


·                  Beijing Hongcheng Liye Technology Co., Ltd, or Hongcheng Liye, our wholly owned subsidiary, which has established collaborative alliances with five Chinese universities to provide services to the universities for the establishment, operation, and expansion of their online degree programs. These collaborative alliances are majority owned subsidiaries of Hongcheng Liye. Hongcheng Liye’s collaborative alliance partners for online degree programs are Beijing Language and Culture University, China Agricultural University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics and Beijing Forestry University. Our service revenue from these five universities in aggregate accounted for 34.2% of our net revenue in 2008. Hongcheng Liye also provides our learning-based products and services, which include our English language training, online tutoring programs and post-secondary vocational educational programs;


·                  Hongcheng Technology Development Co., Ltd., or Hongcheng Technology, our wholly owned subsidiary, which has established three collaborative alliances with Chongqing University, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics and Guangxi Radio and TV University (GRTU) to provide services for the establishment, operation, and expansion of these universities’ online degree programs. Hongcheng Technology also provides services to two



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other universities, Jiangnan University and Nanjing University, for their online degree programs. Our service revenue from these five universities in aggregate accounted for 14.6% of our net revenue in 2008. Hongcheng Technology also operates our 17 learning centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang and three cooperative learning centers in the provinces of Jilin, Hainan, and Guangdong.  In February 2007, we received provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a trial period of up to 18 months. Notwithstanding that this trial period has lapsed, there has been no revocation of the provisional authority granted by the MOE, and we continue to operate these learning centers; and


·                  CMR Web Learning Co., Ltd., or CMR Web, our 70% owned subsidiary, which has established a collaborative alliance with Renmin University of China to provide services to Renmin University of China for the establishment, operation, and expansion of its online degree program. The remaining 30% of CMR Web is owned by Rendashiji Technology Development Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Renmin University of China. Our service revenue from Renmin University of China accounted for 22.5% of our net revenue in 2008.


Our Chinese affiliated entities are:


·                  Beijing Hongcheng Education Technology Co., Ltd., or Hongcheng Education, through which we own and operate three private primary and secondary schools and provide services to Lanzhou University and East China University of Science and Technology for their online degree programs. Our service revenue from these online degree programs in aggregate accounted for 14.6% of our net revenue in 2008; and


·                  Xiandai Xingye Network Technology Co., Ltd., or Xiandai Technology, and its subsidiary, Gotop Electronic, which holds the ICP licenses for the operation of our websites, www.chinaedu.net and www.prcedu.com, and www.chinaedu.com, respectively.


The following diagram illustrates our corporate structure as of December 31, 2008.



We have been, and expect to continue to be, dependent on our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities to conduct our core businesses in China. Through one of our subsidiaries, we have entered into a series of contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities and their shareholders that are intended to provide us with the control over, and the economic benefits enjoyed by, these Chinese affiliated entities. Pursuant to the terms of these contractual arrangements:


·                  we effectively control our Chinese affiliated entities and their respective subsidiaries;


·                  substantially all of the economic benefits of our Chinese affiliated entities are transferred to us; and


·                  our Chinese subsidiaries or their respective designees have an exclusive option to purchase all or substantially all of the equity interests in our Chinese affiliated entities, to the extent permitted by Chinese law.


Technical Consulting and Services Agreements.    Through our wholly owned subsidiary, Hongcheng Technology, we have entered into exclusive technical consulting and service agreements with each of Hongcheng Education and Xiandai Technology. Each of these consulting and service agreements has an initial term of ten years and will be automatically renewed for successive periods of ten years thereafter, unless Hongcheng Technology provides written notice to the other party prior to the expiration of the then current term of its election not to renew the agreement. Under the agreement with



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Hongcheng Education, Hongcheng Technology provides courseware and product development services, website design services, maintenance and security services, employee training services and any other services that may be agreed upon by the parties. Under the agreement with Xiandai Technology, Hongcheng Technology provides network technology development services, website design services, maintenance and security services and employee training services, as well as any other services that may be agreed upon by the parties. Under each of these agreements the fees payable to Hongcheng Technology are based on the gross revenue of the service recipient and are paid once annually within 30 days of the year-end.


We operate three private primary and secondary schools through Hongcheng Education, and have entered into a series of agreements with the shareholders of Hongcheng Education, Mr. Changqing Xie, one of our officers, and Mr. Xueshan Yang, one of our former directors, to maintain effective control over Hongcheng Education. Currently, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang hold 72% and 28%, respectively, of the equity interest in Hongcheng Education.


We have also entered into a series of agreements with the shareholders of Xiandai Technology, our former directors Mr. Gongquan Wang and Mr. Xueshan Yang, to maintain effective control over Xiandai Technology. Currently, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang each hold 50% of the equity interest of Xiandai Technology.


Loan Agreements.    In 2005, we loaned approximately $4.8 million to Mr. Xie and approximately $1.8 million to Mr. Yang to fund the registered capital requirements of Hongcheng Education. The terms of these loans are 20 years and may be extended with the consent of the parties. To the extent permitted by Chinese law, each loan may be repaid only by the transfer by Mr. Xie or Mr. Yang of his equity interests in Hongcheng Education to us or our designee. Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang each have granted us the right to appoint all directors to the board of Hongcheng Education, a right that they otherwise would be entitled to as shareholders.


Similarly, Hongcheng Technology entered into loan agreements with Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang under which Hongcheng Technology loaned them each RMB0.3 million to fund the registered capital requirements of Xiandai Technology. The terms of the loans are 20 years and may be extended with the consent of the parties. To the extent permitted by Chinese law, each loan may be repaid only by the transfer by Mr. Wang or Mr. Yang of his equity interests in Xiandai Technology to Hongcheng Technology or its designee. Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang each have granted Hongcheng Technology the right to appoint all directors to the board of Xiandai Technology, a right that they otherwise would be entitled to as shareholders.


Shareholder Voting Rights Entrustment Agreements.    In connection with the Hongcheng Education loan agreements described above, in 2005, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang entered into shareholder voting rights entrustment agreements with Hongcheng Technology. Pursuant to these agreements, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang each irrevocably entrusted Hongcheng Technology with the right to act as their proxy and vote all of their shares in Hongcheng Education. Each of these agreements will remain effective as long as Mr. Xie or Mr. Yang remains a shareholder in Hongcheng Education.


Similarly, in connection with the Xiandai Technology loans described above, in 2005, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang entered into shareholder voting rights entrustment agreements with Hongcheng Technology. Pursuant to these agreements, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang irrevocably entrusted Hongcheng Technology with the right to act as their proxy and vote all of their shares in Xiandai Technology. Each of these agreements will remain effective as long as Mr. Wang or Mr. Yang remains a shareholder in Xiandai Technology.


Call Option Agreements.    Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang each entered into call option agreements with Hongcheng Technology in 2005. Pursuant to these agreements, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang each granted irrevocable options to purchase all of their respective equity interests in Hongcheng Education to Hongcheng Technology at the lowest price permitted under applicable Chinese laws.


Similarly, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang each entered into call option agreements with Hongcheng Technology under which Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang each granted to Hongcheng Technology or its designee irrevocable options to purchase all of their respective equity interests in Xiandai Technology at the lowest price permitted under applicable Chinese laws.


Equity Pledge Agreements and Powers of Attorney.    As security for their obligations under their call option agreements and shareholder voting rights entrustment agreements with Hongcheng Technology and Hongcheng Education’s obligations under the technical consulting and services agreement with Hongcheng Technology, in 2005, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang entered into equity pledge agreements with Hongcheng Education to pledge all of their equity interests in Hongcheng Education and all distributions arising from those interests to Hongcheng Technology.


Similarly, in 2005, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang entered into equity pledge agreements with Xiandai Technology to pledge all of their equity interests in Xiandai Technology and all distributions arising from those interests to Hongcheng Technology, as security for their obligations under their call option agreements and shareholder voting rights entrustment agreements with Hongcheng Technology and Xiandai Technology’s obligations under the technical consulting and services agreement with Hongcheng Technology.



Table of Contents


Our Significant Subsidiaries


A summary of our subsidiaries and variable interest entities as of December 31, 2008 is as follows:


Name of subsidiaries and/or
variable interest entities


Date of incorporation
or establishment


Percentage of










CMR Web-learning Co., Ltd. (“CMR Web”)


July 29, 1999




Online degree program

Beijing Hongcheng Liye Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Liye”)


April 15, 2003




Online degree program

Beijing Beiyuda Education Technology Co., Ltd.


September 26, 2006




Online degree program

Dalian Dongcai Technology Co., Ltd.


June 4, 2003




Online degree program

Zhong Nongda Networks Development Co., Ltd.
(“Zhongnongda Networks”)


October 30, 2001




Online degree program

Beijing WITT Education Consultant Management Co., Ltd. (“WITT Education”)


July 4, 2003




International curriculum program

Beijing WITT Science Co., Ltd.
(“WITT Science”)


December 26, 2005




International curriculum program

Beijing BCIT Science and Education Management Consulting Limited (“Beijing BCIT”) (PRC)


January 13, 2005




International curriculum program

Beijing Xuezhi Times Education Science Co., Ltd.
(“Beijing Xuezhi”)


October 18, 2001




Online tutoring

Beijing Gotop Education Co., Ltd.
(“Gotop Hongcheng”)


December 26, 2005




Online tutoring

Tianjin Gaotuo Hongcheng Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin Gaotuo Hongcheng”)


June 26, 2006




Online tutoring

Beijing Distance Education Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Yuancheng Education”)


March 31, 2006




Online tutoring

Hongcheng Technology Development Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Technology”)


July 31, 2000




Online degree program

Chongqing Chongda Yuanxing Co., Ltd.


December 24, 2003




Online degree program

Beijing BCIT Science and Education Management Consulting Limited (BVI) (“BJ- BCIT”)


February 10, 2006




International curriculum program



July 4, 2003




International curriculum program

Xiandai Xingye Network Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Xiandai Technology”)


November 7, 2000




Provision of internet content

Beijing Gotop Electronic Science Co., Ltd.
(“Gotop Electronic”)


November 29, 1995




Provision of internet content

Beijing Hongcheng Education Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Education”)


March 7, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Jingzhou Tianchang Investment Co., Ltd.


September 6, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Jingzhou Middle School South Campus
(“South Campus”)


December 28, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Pingdingshan Wellent Bilingual School


September 3, 2002




Private primary and secondary schools

Anqing Foreign Language Middle School
(“Anqing Foreign Language”)


August 2, 2004




Private primary and secondary schools



Table of Contents


Name of subsidiaries and/or
variable interest entities


Date of incorporation
or establishment


Percentage of










Beijing Mingdaoyuan Technology Co., Ltd


March 27, 2007




Online degree program

Shanghai Shangcai Education Technology Co., Ltd


April 18, 2008




Online degree program

Dongcai Online Training Center
(“Dongcai Online”)


July 10, 2008




Online degree program

Beijing Zhonglin Education Technology Co., Ltd


November 3, 2008




Online degree program


(1) PRC regulations currently limit foreign ownership of entities that provide Internet content and engage in primary and junior high school education.  To comply with PRC laws and regulations, we provide such services in China through our variable interest entities, Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, and their respective subsidiaries.


D.  Property, Plants and Equipment


Our principal executive office is located at 4th Floor-A, GeHua Building, No. 1 QinglongHutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100007, People’s Republic of China, where we own approximately 3,450 square meters.  We also lease or own other operating space in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuxi, Chongqing and Dalian. Each of our three schools (Pingdingshan School, Anqing School and Jingzhou School (Southern Campus)) has associated properties that we own or lease. Other than Anqing School and Pingdingshan School, we believe that our existing facilities, together with the facilities under construction, are adequate for our current and foreseeable future operations.


We recently undertook a capital improvements program at our Anqing School and Pingdingshan School. The renovations and improvements include, or will include, a new campus for Anqing School to accommodate larger student populations and general facility upgrades and a new building for Pingdingshan School to improve the level of education. We spent a total of RMB26.0 million ($3.8 million) in 2008 on the renovation of these schools, and we anticipate incurring additional capital expenditures related to such improvements of approximately RMB87.4 million.


In addition, although we initially planned to complete construction of a new campus at the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) by the fall 2006 recruiting season, we have encountered delays obtaining the land-use rights for the new campus site, as well as delays due to inclement weather in early 2008. Although there is RMB4.0 million that remains payable with third-party contractors for the construction of the new campus at the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), there is no assurance we will begin construction in time for the fall 2009 recruiting season, or at all.


In addition to the above capital expenditures, we also had capital commitments related to the acquisition and further expansion of the Anqing School and Jinzhou School (Southern Campus) of RMB38.2 million and RMB65.0 million, respectively, as of December 31, 2008.  For further discussion of these capital expenditures and commitments, please refer to “Item 5.  Operating and Financial Review and Prospects — B. Liquidity and Capital Resources.”


The following table lists the properties that we owned or leased as of December 31, 2008:


Property Address


Use of




Size (m

Suite 501 and503, Tower A, Jin Feng He Office Building,







No. 8 Xinjiekouwai Road, Beijing







Suite 416-2, F4, Tower C, Hui Long Sem







International Enterprise Technology Park, Beijing







Economic and Technology Zone, 18 South West







Ring Road, Beijing







Suite 205, F2, Tower B, Hui Long Sem







International Enterprise Hatch Park, Beijing







Economic and Technology Zone, No. 14 Zhong







He Jie, Beijing







17 F, 19F Renda Technology and Education







Centre, No. 59, Zhongguancun Road, Haidian







District, Beijing







Qingshanwan Rest House, Wuxi, Jiangsu







F2, Gao’na Building, No. 107 Gao’an Road,














R303, No. 1 Suite, No. 2 Building,







Shangdijiayuan, Beijing







R0107, Tower 2, Songzhuang Town, Songjiazhuang, Fengtai
District, Beijing







R 809, Tower C, No. 9, Shangdi Sanjie,







Haidian District, Beijing







R201, No. 10, Xinghuo Road, Science Town,







Fengtai District, Beijing









Table of Contents


No.5, Jinnan Road, Jinzhou District,,Jingzhou, Hubei







F2, F4, No. 83, Shabei Street, Technology Square, Chongqing







Northeast corner, Cross of Qingyuan Road and Qianjiang Road,
Anqing, Anhui







No. 22, Guanyuemiao Street, Anqing, Anhui(1)







Northwest corner, Cross of Nanhuan Road and Yingdu Road,
Jingzhou, Hubei







C809, C810, C811, C812, Tower C, No. 9, Shangdi Sanjie, Haidian
District, Beijing







R3, F2, No.2-3, Qixianling Xuezijie, Gaoxinyuan District, Dalian,







Headquarters—4th Floor-A, GeHua Building, No. 1 QinglongHutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing







R630, Tower 1, No.1, Furong South Road, Tianxin District,
Changsha, Hunan







R307, F3, Tower A, No.1, Zhuzhai North Road, Jinshui District,
Zhengzhou, Henan







R402, Tower 10, Guanting Square, Huilongguan Town, Changping
District, Beijing







No.2000, Huashan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai







F1, F7, Ximatai building, No.193, Jiefang Road, Xuzhou, Jiangsu







F6, Jinluan Building, No.101, Zhongshan South Road, Nanjing,







F3, Tower D, Lantian Building, No.18, Mogan Road, Hangzhou,







R601, 602, 603, No.66, Gongyuan Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu







F11, Longshi Center, No.2, Guangzhou Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu







R609, R610, No.151, Yangyu Alley, Suzhou, Jiangsu







R1303, No.6, Dasha East Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou,







R310, Tower A, Zhongao Business Building, No.124, Hongzehu Road, Suqian, Jiangsu







R2, F1, Greatwall Building, No.62, Zhongguancun East Road,
Haidian District, Beijing







No.7, South Business Room, Cangwu Community, Jinpu District,
Lianyungang, Jiangsu







F4, No.285, Qiannan Middle Road, Nantong, Jiangsu







No.150, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang







G8, G9, F1, Xinfuxiong Building, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou,







No.1596, Ziyou Road, Changchun, Jilin







No653, Suofeiya Warehouse, Wanziying, Heizhuanghu Village,
Chaoyang District, Beijing







R1608, No.11, Maliandao Road, Xuanwu District, Beijing







R6088, Tower 1, No.2, Hengfu Middle Road, Science City, Fengtai
District, Beijing







Zhanhe South Road, Pingdingshan, Henan







Zhanhe South Road, Pingdingshan, Henan







7F, Lawyer Building, No.392, Nanmenwai Road, Nankai District,








(1) In addition to the owned property, the Anqing School pays user fees to the Fourth Middle School of Anqing for certain state-owned campus facilities it uses.


Item 4A.  Unresolved Staff Comments


Not applicable.



Table of Contents


Item 5.  Operating and Financial Review and Prospects


A.           Operating Results


You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this annual report on Form 20-F. This discussion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those set forth under “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this annual report on Form 20-F.




We are a leading educational services provider in China, incorporated as an exempted limited liability company in the Cayman Islands. Established in 1999, our primary business is to provide comprehensive services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities. These services include academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services and finance operations.  Our other lines of businesses include the operation of private primary and secondary schools, online interactive tutoring services, and marketing and support for international curriculum programs. We believe we are the largest service provider to online degree programs in China in terms of the number of higher education institutions that are served and the number of student enrollments supported.  We currently have 13 long-term, exclusive contracts that generally vary from 15 to 50 years in length.  We also perform recruiting services for 15 universities through our nationwide learning center network.


We currently have strategic relationships with 22 universities, 13 of which are under long-term, exclusive contracts that generally vary from 15 to 50 years in length. Ten of our university partners currently operate their own online degree programs and three universities are awaiting regulatory approval to begin their online degree programs. As of December 31, 2008, approximately 243,000 students were registered in the online degree programs that we service through these relationships. These online degree programs are marketed under the brand names of leading Chinese universities, which allow us to benefit from the significant brand equity that these higher education institutions have established.


Our business has experienced significant growth since its inception in 1999. This growth has been driven by the increased number of universities that we serve, the increased enrollment of the online degree programs of our university partners, and our expansion into other education-related lines of business. We generate our revenue from service fees and tuition payments derived from students who are enrolled in, or served by, our businesses. As of December 31, 2008, we provided services to online degree programs that had an aggregate of approximately 243,000 registered students, and we served approximately 44,410 students in our other businesses. Our net revenue increased from RMB213.5 million in 2006 to RMB265.0 million in 2007, and RMB317.7 million ($46.6 million) in 2008, representing a compound annual growth rate, or CAGR, of 22.0%. Net revenue from our online degree programs contributed 73.5%, 76.3% and 80.4% of our total net revenue for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


Our income from operations decreased by 29.6% from RMB57.2 million in the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB40.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. Our income from operations decreased from RMB40.3 million in the year ended December 31, 2007 to a loss from operations of RMB13.1 million ($1.9 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008. Our net income attributable to ordinary shareholders declined from RMB25.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB2.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. Our net income attributable to ordinary shareholders also declined from RMB2.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to a net loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of RMB43.0 million ($6.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008.


The decline in both income from operations and net income attributable to ordinary shareholders from 2006 to 2007 and from 2007 to 2008 was primarily due to goodwill impairment losses of RMB16.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 compared to RMB41.0 million ($6 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008 and intangible assets impairment losses of RMB nil for the year ended December 31, 2007 compared to RMB29.1million ($4.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008.


General Factors Affecting Our Results of Operations


We have benefited greatly from the rapid growth of the Chinese education market. This growth has been driven by several factors, including favorable demographic trends, overall economic growth and the increase in per capita income, the imbalance between supply and demand for traditional post-secondary education, the emphasis that Chinese culture places on higher education and the growing number of Internet users, especially those with broadband access. China’s accelerating integration into the global economy is providing increasing career opportunities for those with post-secondary qualifications, particularly those with English proficiency. These factors have led to significant increases in education spending in China and in the number of people interested in obtaining post-secondary education, including through online degree programs and other forms of private education services. We anticipate that the Chinese education market will continue to grow, including the demand for post-secondary degree programs that can be delivered online. However, any adverse changes in the economic conditions in China may adversely affect the demand for post-secondary degree programs, and regulatory changes could adversely affect the ability of companies such as ours to service this market.



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Specific Factors Affecting Our Results of Operations


While the general factors affecting the Chinese education market influence us, we believe that company specific and regulatory factors more directly affect our business. Company specific factors include the number of online degree programs we service, the number of registered students and the number of revenue students in the programs that we service, the amount of tuition fees these programs can charge, the amount of fees that we can derive from tuition fees collected by these programs, the amount of expenses paid by our university partners for their online degree programs, particularly fees they pay to learning centers, and our cost of revenue and operating expenses. Because the online degree programs that we service, which constitute our largest business segment, are operated by our university partners to whom we provide services, the number of student enrollments, the number of revenue students and tuition fees, are largely driven by the demand for the course offerings and recruitment efforts of our partners. We do, however, provide a technology and service platform that helps drive enrollment through the quality of the course offerings and we assist in enrollment marketing for the university programs.


Regulatory factors include the number of additional universities that may be authorized by the MOE to offer online degree programs, the timing of any such approvals by the MOE, regulations related to student recruiting activities, whether our establishment of particular learning centers, which have been approved by the MOE, may be delayed or restricted by local authorities, and whether the MOE will approve and facilitate future cooperative arrangements between Chinese and foreign educational institutions. In addition, the tuition fees for all the programs we provide services to, as well as the tuition fees for our private schools, are subject to direct regulation by China’s price control authorities. Furthermore, any increase in the tax rates applicable to, or the loss of preferential tax treatments enjoyed by, our Chinese subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities as a result of changes in Chinese tax laws will adversely affect our results of operations. See “—Taxation.”


We expect to expand the penetration of our online degree program services by increasing the number of universities that use our online degree program services. We believe that our ability to attract additional partners will be driven principally by the continued strengthening of our brand name and reputation and our development of new services. We are actively targeting other universities to become our partners for their online education programs. The targeted universities include both those already offering online degree programs and those planning to offer online degree programs.


We also plan to increase total student enrollment and revenue student numbers in the online degree programs we service by assisting our partners in recruiting more students and expanding their course offerings, as well as through expansion of our learning center network, which is currently comprised of 52 learning centers.


A significant factor affecting the results of our online degree program segment is the fees that our university partners are required to pay to independent learning centers. The learning centers play an important role in the recruitment of students and provide other student guidance and testing services for online degree programs. The share of tuition revenue that we receive, through the collaborative alliances with our university partners, is after the payment of fees to learning center. As a result, an increase in the portion of tuition fees paid to the learning centers will result in a decrease in the portion of tuition fees that we receive as revenue.  In 2007, our university partners paid fees to independent learning centers in amounts ranging from 23% to 56% of the gross tuition revenues received by their online degree programs. In 2008, these same fees ranged in amounts from 23% to 54% of the gross tuition revenues received by their online degree programs.  For fiscal years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, the portion of gross tuition fees that our university partners in aggregate paid to independent learning centers was approximately 39%, 40% and 39%, respectively. There can be no assurance that the amounts payable to independent learning centers, as a portion of gross tuition fees, will not increase.


To strengthen our ability to assist our university partners to recruit students and improve student service quality, we are building a network of learning centers, initially in key cities and, if regulatory approval is obtained, across China. We believe building a national network of learning centers will enable us to significantly enhance our brand recognition and increase access to potential students for online degree programs. In February 2007, we received provisional approval from the MOE to operate 10 learning centers in the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang for a trial period of up to 18 months.  Although this provisional approval has since expired, the MOE has not ordered us to terminate operations at these 10 learning centers, although no assurance can be given that the MOE will not.


We have also obtained provincial licenses from the Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu provinces, as well as informal approval from the Zhejiang province, to operate a total of 17 learning centers, including the 10 that received provisional approval from the MOE in February 2007. We have also entered into agreements to establish three cooperative learning centers in the provinces of Jilin, Hainan, and Guangdong.  Although these learning centers are not branded under the ChinaEdu name, we derive revenue from them by contributing significantly to their operations.


In addition to the 20 learning centers discussed above, we have also entered into agreements with 32 third party learning centers pursuant to which we provide assistance applying for approval from provincial level education authorities as well as securing additional university online degree programs.  In return, we receive a percentage of the tuition earned by these third party learning centers.


The results of operations of our international curriculum programs will depend significantly on the number of schools and students enrolled in these programs and the amount per student that we receive. Due to recent developments, discussed below, we expect the future results for our international curriculum programs to be adversely affected. Our net revenue from our FEC program has been below our previous expectations as a result of lower student numbers and lower per student amounts payable to us under our contractual arrangements with participating schools. In addition, the MOE issued a circular in April 2007 directing provincial governments generally to suspend the approval of any new Chinese-foreign cooperative polytechnic educational programs until the end of 2008. As a result, our BCIT program has not been able to contract new schools for the program, and we cannot assure you that our BCIT program will be able to contract new schools in 2009 or at



Table of Contents


any time after that. Because of these factors, we expect the future financial results for our international curriculum programs to be adversely affected.


The results of operations of our private primary and secondary schools will depend significantly upon our ability to timely complete the construction of our Anqing School and Jingzhou School (Southern Campus). We completed Phase I construction of the new campus at Anqing School in 2008 and are in the process of completing Phase II construction, which we expect will occur by the fall of 2009. We had initially planned to complete construction of a new campus for Jingzhou School, however, we have encountered delays in obtaining the land-use rights for the new campus site, as well as delays due to inclement weather in early 2008, thereby causing an increase in construction costs.  As a result, we cannot assure you that we will begin construction in time for enrollment in the fall of 2009, or at all.


The future results of operations of our online tutoring services will depend significantly upon our ability to increase awareness of our online tutoring program, to improve effectiveness and efficiency of our sales channel and to develop new products and services to further enhance the learning experience of existing students and attract new students.


Our cost of revenue and operating costs principally consist of the salaries, academic program development costs, rent, marketing expenses, administrative costs and, to a lesser extent, depreciation and amortization costs relating to our growing business.




In the fiscal years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, we generated net revenue of  RMB213.5 million, RMB265.0 million and RMB317.7.0 million ($46.6 million), respectively, representing a CAGR of 22.0%. Our revenue is net of Chinese business taxes and related surcharges. Our net revenue from servicing the online degree programs is net of certain expenses paid by our university partners relating to their online degree programs, including fees they pay to learning centers, and any tuition refunds paid by our university partners to students. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, the percentage of gross tuition fees paid by our university partners to learning centers was 39%, 40% and 39%, respectively.


Until 2005, we derived all of our revenue from the provision of services to online degree programs of universities in China. In 2005, we added three new lines of business (online tutoring, private primary and secondary schools and our FEC program), and in 2006 we added our BCIT program. The revenue from these programs is driven by the number of participating universities or schools, the number of revenue students and the fees charged for each student.


A significant portion of our revenue is derived from a small number of customers. For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, 67.3%, 68.2% and 67.3%, respectively, of our net revenue was derived from services to our five largest customers. Our three largest customers, Renmin University of China, China Agricultural University and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, accounted for 21.1%, 17.3% and 14.0%, respectively, of our net revenue for the year ended December 31, 2007 and 22.1%, 15.2% and 13.3%, respectively, of our net revenue for the year ended December 31, 2008.


Segment Information


We operate through four reporting segments that offer distinct educational services: online degree programs, international curriculum programs, online tutoring and private primary and secondary schools. The international curriculum program segment includes both English language programs and international polytechnic curriculum programs.


The following table sets forth the net revenue for each segment and as a percentage of net revenue for the periods indicated.




Years ended December 31,














% of net




% of net






% of net




(In thousands, except percentages)


Net revenue:
















Online degree programs
















International curriculum program
















Online tutoring programs
















Private primary and secondary schools

































Online degree program revenue.    We generate our online degree program revenue through various collaborative alliances and contractual arrangements with universities in China. We expect that we will continue to earn the substantial majority of our revenue and profits from this segment. Through collaborative alliances and other revenue-sharing arrangements, we provide a comprehensive service platform to our university customers, including academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services and finance operations. We currently provide services to 22 universities, nine of which are structured as collaborative alliances (including three additional universities awaiting regulatory approval) and four of which are structured as contractual service arrangements. Our collaborative alliances and service arrangements are based on long-term contracts that generally vary from 15 years to 50 years.



Table of Contents


As of December 31, 2008, our university partners had, in the aggregate, approximately 243,000 revenue students.  Our service fees are determined by the agreements we have with each university, as well as the terms of the agreements that each university negotiates annually with the learning centers that provide certain essential services to students for their online degree programs. University online degree programs generally require students to prepay tuition fees for a set number of courses at the outset of their enrollment. The prepaid tuition fees may cover courses to be taken by the students beyond the particular six-month semester in which the fees are paid and may cover courses to be taken over a period of one year or longer. Under our service contracts with the universities, our service fees for each semester are calculated based upon on a share of actual cash tuition received by the university for such semester, including tuition pre-payments for courses to be taken in the future, after deducting certain expenses of the university for such semester, which consist of service fees paid to learning centers as well as any tuition refunds due to students and administrative expenses. We provide technology and support services to our university partners’ online degree programs rather than directly to students. We are not responsible for academic instructional support and its associated costs. As a result, we recognize these service fees as revenue over the course of the relevant six-month academic semester for which we provide services to our university customers rather than over the period the universities provide services and support to their students.


International curriculum programs revenue.    We combine our English language, or FEC program, and our international polytechnic education, or BCIT program, business lines into our international curriculum segment.  Historically, we generated our revenue in this segment through a contractual arrangement with WITT, to provide the FEC program that we offer to secondary schools in China, and a contractual arrangement with BCIT, to provide the BCIT program that we offer to polytechnic colleges in China. We acquired our interest in the FEC program in September 2005 and our interest in the BCIT program in February 2006. We are the exclusive supplier to BCIT for the BCIT programs of selected polytechnic colleges in China approved by BCIT from time to time until January 2020. Our revenue in this segment depends upon the number of schools participating in the international curriculum programs, the fees charged for the programs and the number of students enrolled in the programs During the 2007-2008 academic year, approximately 5,000 students were enrolled, and for the 2008-2009 academic year, approximately 4,000 students were enrolled in the international curriculum programs. Our service fees from the FEC and BCIT programs are received from schools in the fall of each year on the basis of the number of students enrolled in the program at each school for the upcoming academic year and are recognized ratably over the twelve-month period as our services are delivered.


We have significantly reduced our profitability forecast with respect to the international curriculum program due to adverse changes in the government regulatory environment and the resulting early mutual termination of our agreement with WITT.  As a result of these developments, we incurred an impairment charge during the year ended December 31, 2008 of RMB68.2 million ($10.0 million) related to the international curriculum program, of which RMB39.1 million was related to goodwill impairment and RMB29.1 million was related to intangible assets impairment. However, in February 2009 we entered into a partnership agreement with Howe Sound Secondary School, located in School District No. 48 in British Columbia, Canada, which we refer to as the SCC program and, notwithstanding the goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges incurred during the year ended December 31, 2008, management continues to believe in the long-term prospect of the international curriculum program given our belief that we are well positioned to continue distributing and supporting curriculum from established foreign educational institutions and that our English language program has historically been well-received by parents and students due to the high quality of the English language instruction.  We also believe that there is a vast market of students throughout China whose needs for high quality English language instruction are not currently being met by the Chinese public schools.


Online tutoring revenue.    We generate our online tutoring and test preparation services revenue from the sale to students and their parents, most of which are made through distributors, of a tutoring and test preparation program known as the 101 Online School. After paying a subscription fee based on the desired use period, a student has direct access to online tutoring materials. Our service fees from this business line depend upon the number of students enrolled in the online tutoring and test preparation programs and the level of fees charged. Our service fees from the online tutoring and test preparation programs are collected in advance of the student receiving services and are typically paid for a minimum initial period of three months. We recognize this revenue ratably over the applicable period that we provide services.


Private primary and secondary schools revenue.    In 2005, we acquired three private primary and secondary schools in medium-sized cities in China: the Anqing Foreign Language School in Anqing, Anhui province, or Anqing School; the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) in Jingzhou, Hubei province; and the Pingdingshan Bilingual School in Pingdingshan, Henan province, or Pingdingshan School. Two of our schools, Anqing School and Pingdingshan School, are operational. Our revenue from these schools is based on the number of students enrolled and tuition fees charged. The Anqing School had approximately 1,600 students enrolled in the 2007-2008 academic year and approximately 2,500 students for 2008-2009 academic year. The Pingdingshan School had an enrollment of approximately 1,250 students in the 2007-2008 academic year and approximately 1,150 students in the 2008-2009 academic year.


Our operation of the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) will begin only after we complete the building of a new Southern Campus (we do not own or operate the Northern campus).  As disclosed above, construction of Jingzhou School’s Southern Campus has been delayed, and as a result there is no definite expected enrollment period.  Because of these delays, the total goodwill amount of RMB1.9 million ($0.3 million) for the private primary and secondary school program was impaired in 2008.



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The tuition payments for each of our private primary and secondary schools are received in advance on a semester basis, and revenue is recognized ratably over the applicable period as education services are delivered. As is the case with most private schools in China, our tuition rates are subject to review and approval by the pricing authority and education authority is set for a particular entering class of students and remain the same through completion of the students’ studies.


Net Revenue


Our revenue is reported net of business taxes and related surcharges that are levied on our total revenue. Most of our revenue, except from primary and secondary schools, is subject to Chinese business tax at rates of up to 5.5%. Our primary and secondary schools are exempted from business tax. A small percentage of revenue from our online degree program services is subject to value-added taxes. Such value-added tax rebates are granted to us as part of the PRC government’s strategy to encourage high technology development in the PRC and are recorded as a component of revenue when the relevant compliance requirements are met and there are no further obligations or future refunds or reimbursements. We incurred business taxes of RMB6.2 million, RMB7.4 million and RMB11.0 million ($1.6 million) in the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


Cost of Revenue


We record cost of revenue separately for each of our operating segments. The following table sets forth our cost of revenue for each segment and as a percentage of our net revenue for the periods indicated.




Years ended December 31,














% of net




% of net






% of net




(In thousands, except percentages)


Cost of revenue:
















Online degree programs
















International curriculum programs
















Online tutoring programs
















Private primary and secondary schools

































The share-based compensation cost for employees directly engaged in revenue generation is included in our cost of revenue. Those costs were RMB0.5 million in 2006, RMB0.35 million in 2007 and RMB0.5 million ($0.07 million) in 2008, representing 0.6%, 0.4% and 0.4% of our total cost of revenue in each of these periods, respectively.


The amortization of intangible assets acquired through business combinations directly used in revenue generation is included in our cost of revenue. Those costs from the amortization of intangible assets were RMB4.2 million in 2006, RMB4.0 million in 2007, and RMB4.0 million ($0.58 million) in 2008, representing 5.2%, 4.1% and 3.4% of our total cost of revenue in each of these periods, respectively.


Online degree programs.    Cost of revenue for our online degree services consists primarily of employee compensation and benefits, including performance-based compensation, for our project management teams and technical personnel that directly support our university partners’ programs. The performance-based compensation is payable by the collaborative alliance to its management annually if certain annual performance targets set by the board of the collaborative alliance are met. Our cost of revenue also includes rent, academic program development and other direct costs associated with maintaining our service offerings. Depreciation of facilities and equipment and amortization of intangible assets acquired through business combination are also included in cost of revenue for this segment.


International curriculum programs.    Cost of revenue for international curriculum program services consists primarily of compensation and benefits for the native English-speaking teachers contracted for the program and licensing and registration fees payable to WITT and BCIT. The licensing fees payable to WITT are generally determined on the basis of a fixed fee for each participating student. The registration fees that we pay to BCIT are determined on the basis of the number of students enrolled in the program, and the licensing fees we pay to BCIT are based on the number and selection of subjects provided to the polytechnic schools. We also incur travel and lodging costs of students participating in the summer and winter programs abroad and travel and lodging related to training for senior employees in our BCIT program and our FEC program, as well as costs associated with the amortization of intangible assets acquired through business combination.


Online tutoring.    Cost of revenue for our online tutoring and test preparation services consists primarily of employee compensation and benefits for our employees working in this line of business (including these involved in courseware development and maintenance) and outsourcing fees we pay to non-employee contract teachers developing courseware and related materials, as well as costs associated with the amortization of intangible assets acquired through business combination.


Private primary and secondary schools.    Cost of revenue for our private primary and secondary schools consists primarily of employee compensation and benefits for the teachers and administrative staff employed at the schools, depreciation for the facilities and equipment and lease payments for premises and payments of user fees for the use by our Anqing School of certain facilities of the Fourth Middle School of Anqing.



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Operating Expenses


Our operating expenses consist of general and administrative expenses, selling and marketing expenses, research and development expenses, and share-based compensation is allocated to each item based on the nature of the service rendered by the employees who received the benefit. The following table sets forth our operating expenses for each item and as a percentage of net revenue for the periods indicated.




Years ended December 31,














% of net




% of net






% of net




(In thousands, except percentages)


Operating expenses
















General and administrative
















Selling and marketing
















Research and development
















Goodwill impairment














Intangible assets impairment





























General and administrative


Our general and administrative expenses consist primarily of employee compensation and benefits, rent, administrative office expenses and depreciation. Our general and administrative expenses also include deferred share-based compensation expense for employees not directly engaged in revenue generation. Our share-based compensation expense included in general and administrative expenses was RMB1.9 million in 2006, RMB3.0 million in 2007 and RMB4.1 million ($0.60 million) in 2008, representing 4.0%, 3.8% and 4.7% of our total general and administrative expenses in these periods, respectively.  We expect that our overall general and administrative expenses will increase due to the continued expansion of our business and the various additional legal, accounting and other requirements that are applicable to us as a public company listed in the United States.


Selling and marketing


Our selling and marketing expenses consist primarily of employee compensation and benefits, advertising, industry conferences and travel. Other significant components include marketing activities and research, consulting fees and costs of maintaining sales and distribution offices.


Our selling and marketing expenses include the share-based compensation expense for employees working in sales and marketing. Our share-based compensation expense included in selling and marketing expenses was RMB0.2 million, RMB0.2 million and RMB0.5 million ($0.07 million) in each of the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, representing 1.6%, 1.6% and 1.7% of our total selling and marketing expenses in these periods, respectively.


Our selling and marketing expenses also include the amortization of intangible assets acquired through business combinations, which benefited our sales and marketing efforts. Those costs were RMB3.3 million in 2006, RMB3.3 million in 2007, and RMB3.3 million ($0.48 million) in 2008, representing 25.4%, 23.0% and 10.9% of our total selling and marketing expenses in each of these periods, respectively.


Research and development


Our research and development expenses consist primarily of employee compensation and benefits and other personnel-related costs associated with development of new or enhanced technologies, products and services. Our research and development expenses also include share-based compensation expense for employees working in research and development. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, our research and development expenses largely have related to our online degree programs. We expense all research and development costs when incurred.


Our share-based compensation expenses included in research and development were RMB0.1 million, RMB0.1 million, and RMB0.2 million ($0.03 million) in the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. These amounts represent less than 1% of our total research and development expenses in each of these periods.


Goodwill impairment and intangible assets impairment


In fiscal year 2008, we recorded total goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges of RMB70.1 million ($10.3 million) compared to RMB nil in 2006 and RMB16.2 million related to goodwill impairment in 2007.  Of the RMB70.1 million ($10.3 million) impairment recorded in 2008, RMB41.0 million ($6.0 million) related to goodwill impairment and RMB29.1 million ($4.3 million) related to intangible assets impairment.


Goodwill impairment.    We did not record any goodwill impairment losses in the year ended December 31, 2006.  Based on annual goodwill impairment assessments performed by management as of December 31, 2007 and 2008, we recorded goodwill impairment losses of RMB16.2 million and RMB41.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively. The goodwill impairment charge for the year ended December 31, 2007 was due to management’s significantly reduced profit forecast for our FEC program, which is a component of our international curriculum program.  Of the RMB41.0 goodwill impairment loss for the year ended December 31, 2008, RMB39.1 was related to our



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international curriculum program, for which management significantly reduced its profitability forecast due to adverse changes in the PRC government regulatory environment and the resulting early mutual termination of our agreement with WITT. The remaining goodwill impairment charge of RMB1.9 million  ($0.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008, which was taken in the fourth quarter, related to a goodwill impairment charge for our private primary and secondary school program, primarily due to management’s assessment that construction of Jingzhou School’s South campus would be further delayed, and as a result there is no definite expected enrollment period.


Intangible assets impairment.   No impairment of intangible assets was recorded in fiscal years 2006 or 2007. For fiscal year 2008, we recorded an impairment loss of intangible assets of RMB29.1 ($4.3 million).  The intangible assets impairment loss for the year ended December 31, 2008 was also related to our international curriculum program, for which we have significantly reduced our profitability forecast due to the adverse changes in the PRC government regulatory environment and the resulting mutual termination of our agreement with WITT.


Despite the goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges related to our international curriculum program, management continues to believe in the long-term prospects of the program, given our belief that we are well positioned to continue distributing and supporting curriculum from established foreign educational institutions and that our English language program has historically been well-received by parents and students due to the high quality of the English language instruction.  We also believe that there is a vast market of students throughout China whose needs for high quality English language instruction are not currently being met by the Chinese public schools.


Share-Based Compensation Expenses


We grant share options to our employees, officers and directors. Prior to January 1, 2006, we accounted for employee share-based compensation in accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees, or APB Opinion 25, and its related interpretations which required us to record a compensation charge for the excess of the fair value for the share at the grant date over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the share. The compensation expense is recognized on a straight-line basis over the applicable service period, which is usually the vesting period.


In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, or FASB, issued Statements of Financial Accounting Standard No. 123R, or SFAS No. 123R, which is a revision of SFAS No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, and supersedes APB Opinion No. 25. Effective January 1, 2006, we adopted SFAS No. 123R and recognized compensation cost on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period which is the vesting period. We used the prospective method. Under this method, share-based compensation expense recognized includes: compensation expense for all share-based compensation awards granted prior to, but not yet vested as of January 1, 2006 based on the intrinsic value as of the grant date, and compensation expense for all share-based compensation awards granted on or subsequent to January 1, 2006, based on grant-date fair value.


For share-based compensation awards that were granted prior to January 1, 2006 that are not yet vested and continue to be reported under APB Opinion 25, the following is our pro forma net income that would have been reported if such awards were accounted for under SFAS No. 123R:




Years ended December 31,






















(In thousands)


Net income (loss), as reported










Add: Share-based compensation as reported










Less: Share-based compensation determined using the fair value method










Pro forma net income (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders











We had share-based compensation expenses of RMB2.7 million, RMB3.6 million and RMB5.2 million ($0.8 million) for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. At December 31, 2008, our unrecognized share-based compensation costs totaled RMB9.1 million ($1.33 million), which is expected to be recognized over a weighted average vesting period of 1.87 years.


Our share-based compensation charges have been allocated to cost of revenue, general and administrative, selling and marketing and research and development expenses in line with the nature of the service rendered by the employee who received the benefit.


The allocation of share-based compensation expenses is listed in the table below:



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Years ended December 31,














% of net




% of net






% of net




(In thousands, except percentages)


Share-based compensation expenses:
















Cost of revenue
















General and administrative
















Selling and marketing
















Research and development


































Cayman Islands


We are incorporated in the Cayman Islands. Under the current laws of the Cayman Islands, we are not subject to tax on income or capital gain. In addition, upon payments of dividends by us to our shareholders, no Cayman Islands withholding tax will be imposed.




Our subsidiaries and variable interest entities incorporated in the PRC are governed by the EIT Law, which went into effect on January 1, 2008.  Prior to January 1, 2008, the statutory income tax rate was 33%. Effective January 1, 2008, the EIT Law now imposes a unified income tax rate of 25% on all domestic enterprises and FIEs, except for entities that enjoy a tax holiday or preferential tax treatment.


The EIT Law permits companies to continue to enjoy their existing preferential tax treatment until those treatments expire in accordance with their current terms. Under the EIT Law, “high and new technology enterprises” specially supported by the Chinese government continue to enjoy a reduced national enterprise tax rate of 15%.  Pursuant to Circular 172, which was issued on April 14, 2008, in order for applicant enterprises to be classified as “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State” certain requirements must be met, such as ownership of the core intellectual property, products or services within “State-Encouraged High Technology Areas.”


From January 1, 2008, seven of our Chinese subsidiaries and variable interest entities have been re-approved and classified as “high and new technology enterprises” and, therefore, enjoy a preferential income tax rate of 15%. Each approval is valid for three years, meaning that each classified entity will enjoy the preferential income tax rate of 15% through 2010. As described in the table below, four of these subsidiaries, Hongcheng Liye, Hongcheng Education, Gotop Hongcheng and Beiyuda, will continue to enjoy full exemptions for 3 years starting from the commencement of their respective tax holidays, followed by a 50% reduction for the next 3 years, according to the previous treatment and transition rules.  The remaining three subsidiaries, CMR WEB, Zhongcai and ZhongNongda Network, are also subject to a preferential income tax rate of 15%.






Concession from


Year of



statutory income


Chinese statutory



PRC entity


tax rate (%)


income tax


of tax holiday








Hongcheng Liye




Full exemption for 3 years







starting from the commencement







of tax holiday followed by a 50%







reduction for the next 3 years thereafter










Hongcheng Education




Full exemption for 3 years







starting from the commencement







of tax holiday followed by a 50%







reduction for the next 3 years thereafter










Gotop Hongcheng




Full exemption for 3 years







starting from the commencement







of tax holiday followed by a 50%







reduction for the next 3 years thereafter














Full exemption for 3 years







starting from the commencement







of tax holiday followed by a 50%







reduction for the next 3 years thereafter





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These seven subsidiaries have used the reduced applicable tax rate in calculations of deferred tax balances related to the acquired intangible assets for the foreseeable future. While the certificates granted to these entities are valid for three years, we believe we will be able to successfully reapply for renewal of them as we believe these entities continue to meet the published criteria.


In addition, one of the company’s majority owned subsidiaries, Chongda, qualified as a “software enterprise” and was granted a two-year income tax exemption by the relevant tax authorities for 2006 and 2007, followed by a 50% reduction in tax rates for 2008, 2009 and 2010.


The procedures for obtaining classification as “high and new technology enterprises” are very complicated and time consuming, and the standards for classification as a “high and new technology enterprise” are not easy to achieve.  We cannot assure you that any more of our other subsidiaries or affiliated entities that previously enjoyed preferential tax rates will be approved as “high and new technology enterprises” entitled to preferential tax treatment. We also cannot assure you that our entities currently classified as “high and new technology enterprises” will continue to be classified as such after the expiration of the initial three year period. Preferential tax treatments granted to our Chinese entities by Chinese governmental authorities are subject to review and may be adjusted or revoked at any time. If our subsidiaries and affiliated entities fail to maintain their preferential tax treatments, they will be subject to the 25% unified enterprise income tax rate.


The amount of income tax payable by our Chinese subsidiaries in the future will depend on various factors, including, among other things, their results of operations and taxable income, and the statutory tax rate. Our effective tax rate depends in part on the extent of each of our subsidiaries’ relative contribution to our consolidated taxable income. As our business expands, we may establish new entities from time to time that, depending on applicable law, may be entitled to certain tax incentives, including reduced tax rates. We intend to continue to explore opportunities to take advantage of available tax incentives. In addition, the expiration of our remaining tax exemptions and recognition of more share-based compensation expense in the future will cause our effective tax rate to increase, since share-based compensation is not deductible for Chinese tax purposes.


We have net operating loss carryforwards of RMB12.5 million from our PRC subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 2008 that will expire on various dates between December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2013. As of December 31, 2008, a valuation allowance of RMB2.5 million was provided against deferred tax assets arising from net operating loss carryforwards of certain of our PRC subsidiaries and variable interest entities due to our determination that it is more likely than not that these deferred tax assets related to the respective entities will not be realized.  Adjustments will be made to the valuation allowance if events occur in the future that indicate changes in the amount of deferred tax assets that may be realized. We operate through multiple subsidiaries and variable interest entities and the valuation allowances are considered separately for each subsidiary and variable interest entity.  We do not file consolidated tax returns, and, therefore, losses and deferred taxes from one subsidiary or variable interest entity may not be used to offset another subsidiary’s or variable interest entity’s earnings or deferred taxes. To the extent permitted by Chinese tax rules, we will seek to undertake further reorganizations or transactions among our subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities or with third parties to utilize some or all of these tax loss carryforwards before they expire, or qualify for additional tax benefits, but there is no assurance we will be able to do so.


In addition, under PRC tax laws in effect prior to January 1, 2008, dividends paid to foreign investors by FIEs, such as dividends paid to overseas holding companies by PRC subsidiaries, were exempt from PRC withholding tax.  Under the EIT Law, which became effective on January 1, 2008, and its implementation rules, dividends declared on earnings generated after January 1, 2008 and payable by a FIE in China to its foreign investors who are non-resident enterprises are subject to a 10% withholding tax, unless any such foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with China that provides for a different withholding arrangement. The Cayman Islands, where we are incorporated, does not have a tax treaty with China.  Pursuant to additional guidance released by the Chinese government on April 22, 2009, we do not believe that our legal entities organized outside China should be characterized as China tax residents for EIT Law purposes. If we are required to pay a 10% withholding tax for dividends we receive from our subsidiaries, it will materially and adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations.


Furthermore, the EIT Law includes a provision specifying that legal entities organized outside of China will be considered residents for Chinese income tax purposes if their place of effective management or control is within China.  If legal entities organized outside of China were considered residents for Chinese income tax purpose, they would become subject to the EIT Law on their worldwide income.  This would cause income earned by such legal entities organized outside of China to be subject to China’s 25% EIT.  The EIT Law’s implementation rules provide that non-resident legal entities will be considered China residents if substantial and overall management and control over the manufacturing and business operations, personnel, accounting, properties, etc. reside within China.  Pursuant to additional guidance released by the Chinese government on April 22, 2009, management does not believe that the legal entities organized outside of China should be characterized as China tax residents for EIT Law purposes. It remains unclear, however, how tax authorities will determine tax residency based on the facts of each case. For the year ended December 31, 2008, our calculation of income taxes generally reflects our status as a non-China tax resident company. If the Chinese tax authorities determine that we are a Chinese “resident enterprise” after the effective date of the new tax law, we will be subject to Chinese income tax at the rate of 25% on our worldwide income, and our results of operations would be adversely affected.



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Critical Accounting Policies


We prepare financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP, which requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the financial reporting period. We continually evaluate these estimates and assumptions based on the most recently available information, our own historical experience and various other assumptions that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Since the use of estimates is an integral component of the financial reporting process, actual results could differ from those estimates. Some of our accounting policies require higher degrees of judgment than others in their application. We believe the following accounting policies involve the most significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of our financial statements.


Since we generate all of our revenue from customers in China, we do not account for our results of operations on a geographical basis.


Revenue Recognition


Our revenue is principally derived from four primary sources: (i) the provision of bundled online education technical and consulting services; (ii) the provision of traditional classroom education services; (iii) the provision of online tutoring services; and (iv) the licensing of online education technology platform and courseware for online education purposes. Revenue is recognized when earned and is reported net of business taxes which totaled RMB6.2 million, RMB7.4 million and RMB11.0 million ($1.6 million) for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


Online education technical and consulting services


Our primary business is to provide online education technical and consulting services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities. These services include academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services, and finance operations. Since each of the services does not have a stand-alone value to the universities, these services are accounted for as one unit of accounting and the related revenue is recognized ratably over the service period. We primarily host the online education technology on our system and provide access to the universities to whom we provide services and their students. Any universities that prefer hosting the online education platform or courseware on their own systems must enter into separate arrangements with us.


We receive service fees from the universities each semester covering services to be provided to the universities during that semester. The amount of service fees to be received by us is derived from tuition fees the universities collect from their students at the beginning of each semester adjusted for the universities’ costs and expenses such as refunds to students, fees to other service providers, and other operating costs and expenses.


Fees received are initially recorded as deferred revenue and are recognized as revenue ratably over the six-month school semester during which we provide the services. The semesters generally begin in April and October of each calendar year. We do not provide services directly to the students and do not have obligations to the students.


Traditional classroom education services


We operate a number of private primary and secondary schools, market and support international post-secondary and English language curriculum programs to established learning institutions. Fees from private primary and secondary schools operations are initially recorded as deferred revenue at the time the students register for their classes and we receive payments. Students must register and pay for their classes at the beginning of each semester. Revenue is recognized ratably over the service period, which is six months for each school semester, as the education services are delivered. If a student withdraws from a class, any collected but unearned portion of the fee is recognized at that time unless the student is entitled to a refund under limited circumstances.


For the international post-secondary and English language curriculum programs, students must register and pay for their classes at the beginning of each semester. Fees collected from the provision of teaching and other support services to the learning institutions are recognized when such services are provided, or recognized on a straight-line basis over the service period, which is typically the six-month school semester.


Online tutoring services


We offer online interactive tutoring services to primary and secondary students. These services allow the customers access to the online education services over a fixed period of time, generally ranging from one month to three years, through the use of prepaid cards. The prepaid cards are sold to distributors, from whom we collect payments when the prepaid cards are delivered to the distributors. The distributors then resell the cards to end users. All prepaid fees received from distributors are initially recognized as deferred revenue and revenue is recognized ratably over the applicable period that we provide services.


Licensing of online education technology platform and courseware


We license our online education technology platform and courseware to universities and other education companies and also provide post contract customer support, or PCS, which includes telephone support and unspecified upgrades on a when-



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and-if available basis. We recognize revenue from licensing of online education technology platform and courseware when persuasive evidence of an agreement exists, delivery of the services has occurred, the fee is fixed or determinable, and collectability is probable. As we do not have vendor-specific objective evidence to establish the fair values of the undelivered elements, we recognize revenue from the licensing of online education technology platform and courseware over the PCS period, which is typically 12 months.


Revenue from the online education technical and consulting services and the licensing of online education technology network platform and courseware also includes the rebate of value-added taxes.  Such value-added tax rebates are granted to us as part of the PRC government’s strategy to encourage high technology development in the PRC and are recorded as a component of revenue when the relevant compliance requirements are met, and there are no further obligations or future refunds or reimbursements. Rebates granted to us during 2006, 2007 and 2008 were RMB1.7 million, RMB2.4 million and RMB9.9 million, respectively.


Net Revenue from Related Parties


A majority of our revenue is revenue from related parties. Our revenue from related parties is derived primarily from providing services to the online degree programs of universities in China. We currently have service contracts with four universities whereby we have formed a subsidiary with a minority interest held by the universities, which in turn provides services to the universities’ online degree programs. Because these universities are the minority shareholders of our subsidiaries, these universities are considered related parties to us, and we record the revenue received by the subsidiaries that provide services to such universities’ online degree programs as revenue from related parties.


Income Taxes


We account for income taxes under the provisions of SFAS No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes, with the required disclosures as described in Note 14 to our consolidated financial statements. Accordingly, our deferred income taxes are recognized for temporary differences between the tax basis of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the consolidated financial statements, net operating loss carryforwards, and credits by applying enacted statutory tax rates applicable to future years. Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. Current income taxes are provided for in accordance with the laws of the relevant taxing authorities. As of December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, valuation allowances recognized were RMB0.7 million, RMB0.4 million and RMB2.5 million, respectively. Valuation allowances were provided for because it was more likely than not that we would not be able to utilize certain tax loss carryforwards generated by our subsidiaries and consolidated variable interest entities before expiration. As of December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, we have recorded deferred tax assets, net of valuation allowances, of RMB7.4 million, RMB10.9 million and RMB6.1 million, respectively.  We do not believe any further valuation allowances to reduce our net deferred tax assets are necessary as we currently anticipate future taxable profits that will allow us to fully utilize our net deferred tax assets in the foreseeable future. If a future event not currently contemplated were to occur and prevent us from realizing all or part of our net deferred tax assets in the future, an adjustment to the valuation allowance will decrease our net income when those events occur.


In June 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes - an interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109” (“FIN 48”), which prescribes a recognition threshold and measurement attribute for the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return.  As a result of our adoption of FIN 48 on January 1, 2007, the accumulated unrecognized tax benefits were RMB4.3 million and RMB5.5 million as of December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively.  We recognized RMB3.7 million accumulated impact of unrecognized tax benefit to accumulated deficits as of January 1, 2007. We has adopted the accounting policy that interest recognized in accordance with paragraph 15 of FIN48 and penalties recognized in accordance with paragraph 16 of FIN 48 are classified as part of its income taxes.  RMB269 interest and RMB nil penalties were recognized in the consolidated financial statements for the year the ended December 31, 2008.


Under applicable accounting principles, a deferred tax liability should be recorded for taxable temporary differences attributable to the excess of carrying amount over tax basis, including those differences attributable to a more than 50% interest in a domestic subsidiary.  However, recognition is not required in situations where the tax law provides a means by which reported amounts of such interest investment can be recovered tax-free and the enterprise expects that it will ultimately use that means.  We have not recorded any such deferred tax liability attributable to the financial interest in its variable interest entities because the variable interest entities were in an accumulated loss position as of December 31, 2008.


Share-Based Compensation


Effective January 1, 2006, we adopted the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123R, using the prospective transition method. Under this method, share-based compensation expense recognized beginning January 1, 2006 includes: compensation expense for all share-based compensation awards granted prior to, but not yet vested as of, January 1, 2006 based on the intrinsic value as of the grant date under APB 25, and compensation expense for all share-based compensation awards granted on or subsequent to January 1, 2006 based on grant-date fair value under SFAS No. 123R. We recognize share-based compensation costs on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period which is generally the vesting period. For share-based compensation awards that were granted before we became a public company and are not yet vested, the fair value is measured using the minimum value method and we continue to report these options under APB 25. We accounted for share options granted and vested prior to January 1, 2006 in accordance with APB 25.



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The fair value of the option award was estimated on the date of grant or the date of modification using the Black-Scholes option pricing model that uses assumptions, including fair value of the ordinary shares underlying to the options, risk free interest rate, expected life, expected dividend yield and expected volatility. The Black-Scholes model is one of the most commonly used models that meet the criteria required by SFAS No. 123R in estimating fair value of employee share options.


We have historically used the following assumptions:


















Option granted to employees:








Weighted average risk-free interest rate








Weighted average expected option life (years)








Weighted average volatility rate








Weighted average dividend yield






(a)  Volatility


The volatility of the underlying ordinary shares during the life of the options was estimated based on the historical stock price volatility of our ordinary shares and listed shares of comparable companies over a period similar to the expected term of the options. Most of the options were granted prior to our IPO or during the year ended December 31, 2007 when we had limited historical data on the price of our publicly traded shares. Therefore we did not have sufficient company specific information regarding the volatility of our share price on which to base an estimate of expected volatility. As such, we based our estimate of expected volatility on the historical volatility of comparable entities whose share prices are publicly available.


Since our IPO in December 2007, we have had slightly less than one and a half years of historical market price data for our ADSs, the historical share price data of our ADSs was limited. The average historical volatility of the market price of our ADSs over the period from December 2007 to May 31, 2009 was 58.5%. For future grants, we will consider all relevant information in determining an appropriate volatility assumption.


(b) Risk-free interest rate


Risk-free interest rate was estimated based on the yield, as of the grant date, to maturity of treasury bonds of the United States with a maturity period close to the expected term of the options.


(c) Expected term


As we did not have sufficient historical data on the exercise of share options, we estimated the expected term with reference to the average between the weighted average vesting period of the options and the contractual term. Of the 9,892,800 options outstanding as of December 31, 2008, 8,660,500 options were granted prior to the IPO, representing 87.5% of the total. We did not believe we had sufficient historical information as at grant date of the options to make a refined estimate of expected term. Therefore, we used the simplified method explained in Staff Accounting Bulletin No.107 to estimate the expected life as the simple average of the vesting term and the contractual term. In the future, should more detailed information be available to us, we would consider adoption a different method of estimating expected term.


(d) Dividend yield


We assumed a zero dividend yield based on our expected dividend policy over the expected term of the options.  We anticipate growing our business with internally generated cash and do not expect to pay dividends in the foreseeable future, nor have we paid any dividends to date.


(e) Exercise price


The exercise price of the options was determined by our board of directors.


(f) Fair value of underlying ordinary shares


When estimating the fair value of the ordinary shares on the grant dates before the IPO, we considered a number of factors, including the results of our equity transactions, while taking into account standard valuation methods and the achievement of certain events.  After the IPO, we used the closing market price of our ADSs as of the grant date as the fair value of the underlying ordinary shares on that date.


As of December 31, 2008, there were options outstanding for the purchase of 9,892,800 ordinary shares and options for the purchase of 565,685 ordinary shares available for future grant under our equity incentive plan. The share-based compensation expenses arising from the options we have granted is being recognized over the applicable vesting period, which typically is three years.


Our share-based compensation expenses have been allocated to cost of revenue, general and administrative, selling and marketing and research and development expenses in line with the nature of the services rendered by the employee who received the benefit.



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Basis for Consolidation and Our Relationships with Our Chinese Affiliated Entities


Substantially all of our operations are conducted in China through our three principal Chinese subsidiaries and through contractual arrangements with our Chinese affiliated entities. Our corporate structure is designed to comply with current Chinese limitations on foreign ownership of, and participation in, companies engaging in the education and telecommunication sectors in China. We consolidate 100% of the interests of our subsidiaries and Chinese affiliated entities.


We conduct some of our operations through two Chinese affiliated entities, Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, in which we do not directly hold any equity interest. We entered into contractual arrangements with these entities and their shareholders pursuant to which we maintain effective control over these entities, bear all of their economic risk and receive substantially all of their economic rewards. In our consolidated financial statements, we have consolidated all of the interests of Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education under FASB Interpretation No. 46 (Revised), Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities, an Interpretation of ARB No. 51, or FIN 46R.


FIN 46R requires a “variable interest entity” to be consolidated by the primary beneficiary of such entity. An entity is considered to be a variable interest entity if certain conditions are present, including where the equity investors in the entity do not have the characteristics of a controlling financial interest or do not have sufficient equity at risk for the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support from other parties. As a result of our various agreements with Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education and their respective shareholders and our ability to assume substantially all of their net income through the technical service and consulting agreements and our ability to control the declaration and receive dividends, we are considered the primary beneficiary of these two entities and all of their interests, including their subsidiaries, have been consolidated in our financial statements. All significant transactions and balances between us, our subsidiaries, Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education have been eliminated upon consolidation.


For additional information with respect to our relationships with Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—C. Organizational Structure.”


Long-lived Assets


Our accounting for long-lived assets, including property and equipment, is described in Note 2 to our consolidated financial statements included in this annual report. The recorded value of long-lived assets is affected by a number of management estimates, including estimated useful lives, residual values and impairment charges. We assess impairment for long-lived assets whenever the net book value for these assets is more than the estimated future undiscounted cash flows attributable to them.


Business Combinations, Goodwill and Intangible Assets


We account for business combinations in accordance with SFAS No. 141, Business Combinations, which requires that the purchase method of accounting be used for all business combinations. SFAS 141 requires intangible assets acquired in a business combination to be recognized and reported separately from goodwill.


Goodwill represents the cost of the acquired businesses in excess of the fair value of identifiable tangible and intangible net assets purchased. We generally seek the assistance of independent valuation experts in determining the fair value of the identifiable tangible and intangible net assets of the acquired business. We assign all the assets and liabilities of the acquired business, including goodwill, to reporting units in accordance with SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.


We test goodwill for impairment on an annual basis. In this process, we rely on a number of factors including operating results, business plans and future cash flows. Recoverability of goodwill is evaluated using a two-step process. The first step involves a comparison of the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying value. If the carrying amount of the reporting unit exceeds its fair value, the second step of the process involves a comparison of the fair value and carrying value of the goodwill of that reporting unit. If the carrying value of the goodwill of a reporting unit exceeds the fair value of that goodwill, an impairment loss is recognized in an amount equal to the excess. Goodwill of a reporting unit will be tested for impairment between annual tests if an event occurs or circumstances change that would more likely than not reduce the fair value of the reporting unit below its carrying amount.


The fair values of the reporting units were established using a combination of market approach and income approach valuation methodologies.  The discounted cash flows for each reporting unit were based on discrete five year financial forecasts developed by management for planning purposes.  Cash flows beyond the discrete five year forecast were estimated using a terminal value calculation, which incorporated historical and forecasted financial trends for each reporting unit and considered long-term earnings growth rates for publicly traded peer companies.  Specifically, the income approach valuations included reporting unit cash flow discount rate at approximately 24%, 20% and 23.5%, and a terminal value growth rate at 3% for the international curriculum program, online degree and online tutoring, respectively.  Publicly available information regarding the our market capitalization was also considered in assessing the reasonableness of the cumulative fair values of the reporting units estimated using the discounted cash flow methodology.


We amortize intangible assets (other than trade names, which are discussed below) over their respective individual estimated useful lives in proportion to the economic benefits consumed in each period. Our estimates of the useful lives of identified intangible assets are based on a number of factors, including the effects of obsolescence, demand, competition, and other economic factors (such as the stability of the industry, and known technological advances), and the level of maintenance expenditures required to obtain the expected future undiscounted cash flows from the asset. We determined that our trade



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names do not have determinable useful lives. Consequently, the carrying amounts of trade names are not amortized but are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or circumstances indicate that the asset may be impaired.


We evaluate intangible assets for recoverability whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to the future undiscounted net cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If these assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying value of the assets exceeds the fair value of the assets.


In evaluating goodwill and intangible assets for impairment, we may seek the assistance of independent valuation experts, perform internal valuation analyses and consider other information that is publicly available. The results of our evaluation may be dependent on a number of factors, including estimates of future market growth and trends, forecasted revenue and costs, discount rates and other variables. While we use assumptions that we believe are fair and reasonable, actual future results may differ from the estimates arrived at using the assumptions.


In the fiscal year 2008, we recognized total goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges of RMB70.1 million ($10.3 million).  Of this amount, RMB68.2 million ($10.0 million) of impairment loss was related to the international curriculum program, which management has significantly reduced profitability forecast due to adverse change in government regulatory environment.  Despite the goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges, management continues to believe in the long-term prospects of the program.  The total goodwill impairment charge of RMB1.9 million ($0.3 million) for the private primary and secondary school program was taken in the fourth quarter of 2008, and is primarily due to management’s assessment that construction of Jingzhou School’s South campus will be further delayed, and as a result there is no definite expected enrollment period.


Royalty Fees


Royalty fees payable to a middle school increases each year from the 2005 calendar year to the 2024 calendar year. Royalty fees during this period were aggregated and recognized as royalty expense on a straight-line basis. The difference between royalty fees paid and the amount reported as expenses was included as a component of accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the consolidated financial statements.


Results of Operations


The following table sets forth selected data from our consolidated statements of operations for the periods indicated.




Years ended December 31,














% of net




% of net






% of net




(In thousands, except for percentages)


Net revenue:
















Online degree programs
















International curriculum programs
















Online tutoring programs
















Private primary and secondary schools
















Total net revenue
















Cost of revenue:
















Online degree programs
















International curriculum programs
















Online tutoring programs
















Private primary and secondary schools
















Total cost of revenue
















Gross profit:
















Online degree programs
















International curriculum programs
















Online tutoring programs
















Private primary and secondary schools
















Total gross profit
















Gross profit margin:
















Online degree programs













International curriculum programs













Online tutoring programs













Private primary and secondary schools













Total gross profit margin













Operating expenses:
















General and administrative
















Selling and marketing
















Research and development
















Goodwill impairment














Intangible assets impairment












Total operating expenses
















Income (loss) from operations
















Operating margin














Other income














Interest income
















Interest expense
















Income (loss) before income tax provisions and minority interest
















Income tax provisions
















Minority interest, net of taxes
















Net income (loss)


















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Year ended December 31, 2008 compared to the year ended December 31, 2007


Net Revenue. Our total net revenue for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 was RMB317.7 million ($46.6 million), representing a 19.9% increase, compared to RMB265.0 million for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007.


Online degree programs. Net revenue from online degree programs for the fiscal year 2008 was RMB255.4 million ($37.4 million), representing a 26.3% increase from RMB202.2 million for the fiscal year 2007.  This increase was attributable primarily to the solid enrollment growth at our university partners’ online degree programs in fiscal year 2008 as compared to fiscal year 2007.  In the aggregate, our university partners had approximately 243,000 revenue students during fiscal year 2008, representing a 27% increase from approximately 192,000 revenue students in fiscal year 2007.


International curriculum programs.    Net revenue from our international curriculum programs decreased approximately 12.2% from RMB31.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to RMB27.6 million ($4.0 million) for the same period in 2008. This decrease was mainly attributable to the decrease in student enrollment resulting from the shrinkage of our operations in this business line in fiscal year 2008 as compared to fiscal year 2007 due to adverse changes in the governmental regulatory environment and the related termination of our agreement with WITT. Students participating in the BCIT program decreased slightly from 1,026 for the year ended December 31, 2007 to 1,022 for the year ended December 31, 2008, while students participating in our FEC program decreased from 4,014 for the year ended December 31, 2007 to 2,941 for the same period in 2008.


Private primary and secondary schools.    Net revenue for this business line increased approximately 44.4% from RMB13.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to RMB19.3 million ($2.8 million) for the same period in 2008.  This was primarily due to a 14.3% increase in enrollments at our Anqing School for the 2007-2008 academic year and a 56.2% increase in enrollments at our Anqing School for the 2008-2009 academic year.


Online tutoring.    Net revenue from our online tutoring business decreased approximately 14.3% from RMB18.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to RMB15.4 million ($2.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008. The decrease was mostly attributable to a change in distribution channels, which resulted in short-term negative impact on net revenue.


Cost of Revenue. Total cost of revenue for fiscal year 2008 was RMB117.7 million ($17.3 million), representing a 22.2% increase from RMB96.3 million for fiscal year 2007. Cost of revenue as a percentage of net revenue increased to 37.1% in 2008 from 36.4% in 2007, primarily due to an increase in cost of revenue for the expansion of our learning centers, new courseware development and hardware upgrades in 2008 as compared to 2007. The increase in cost of revenue is discussed below.


Online degree programs. The cost of revenue from our online degree programs for fiscal year 2008 was RMB76.2 million ($11.2 million), representing a 31.4% increase from RMB58.0 million in fiscal year 2007.  The increase was attributable primarily to the following factors:


·                      Enrollment growth: In fiscal year 2008, the number of revenue students enrolled in our university partners’ online degree programs increased by 27% to approximately 243,000 from approximately 192,000 revenue students in fiscal year 2007, which resulted in an increase in recruiting-related expenses.


·                      Learning center operation: In 2008, we significantly expanded our learning center network, increasing the number of learning centers from one operational learning center at the end of 2007 to 37 as of fiscal year end 2008.  As a result of this significant expansion, cost of revenue related to learning centers operations was approximately RMB3.5 million for fiscal year 2008, while cost of revenue related to our learning centers operations was insignificant in 2007.


·                      Courseware development and technology upgrade: We invested in new courseware development and hardware upgrades at our collaborative alliances in the fourth quarter of 2008 and in connection therewith recorded approximately RMB3.2 million in increased cost of revenue.


·                      Non-degree online education: In the second half of 2008, one of our university collaborative alliances incurred approximately RMB1.0 million in cost of revenue related to developing post secondary online education opportunities in the non-degree education market.


International curriculum programs.    Our cost of revenue for our international curriculum programs decreased approximately 15.2% from RMB23.5 million in the year ended December 31, 2007 to RMB19.9 million ($2.9 million) for the same period in 2008. This decrease was primarily attributable to the decrease in the related operational costs associated with the decrease in student enrollment.


Online tutoring programs.    Our cost of revenue for our online tutoring program increased approximately 3.7% from RMB3.9 million in the year ended December 31, 2007 to RMB4.0 million ($0.6 million) in the year ended December 31, 2008. This slight increase was the result of new product development costs incurred during the year ended December 31, 2008.



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Private primary and secondary schools.    Our cost of revenue for our private primary and secondary schools increased approximately 60.6% from RMB10.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2007 to RMB17.6 million ($2.6 million) for the same period in 2008. This was mostly attributable to the completion Phase I construction at the Anqing School’s new campus, which resulted in increased faculty and facility costs, and depreciation of property and equipment as we commenced enrollment at the Anqing School’s new campus.


Gross Profit and Gross Margin. Gross profit increased by 18.6% to RMB200.0 million ($29.3 million) in 2008 from RMB168.6 million in 2007. Our gross margin decreased slightly to 62.9% in 2008 from 63.6% in 2007.


Operating Expenses. Total operating expenses for the fiscal year 2008 were RMB213.0 million ($31.2 million), representing a 65.9% increase from RMB128.4 million for fiscal year 2007. Operating expenses, as a percentage of net revenue, increased to 67.1% in 2008 from 48.4% in 2007. This increase was attributable primarily to the factors discussed below:


General and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses for the fiscal year 2008 were RMB86.9 million ($12.7 million), representing a 13.0% increase from RMB76.9 million for fiscal year 2007.  Our general and administrative expenses, as a percentage of net revenue, decreased to 27.4% in 2008 from 29.0% in 2007. The overall increase was primarily due to expenses associated with being a new U.S. publicly listed company.  In particular, in 2008 we incurred an increase of approximately RMB6.0 million in professional fees paid to auditors, lawyers, consultants assisting in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and other third-party service providers that provide advice and guidance regarding compliance with the regulatory requirements of a publicly listed company.


Selling and marketing expenses. Selling and marketing expenses for the fiscal year 2008 were RMB29.9 million ($4.4 million) as compared to RMB14.3 million for the fiscal year 2007.  Our selling and marketing expenses, as a percentage of net revenue, increased to 9.4% in 2008 from 5.4% in 2007.  The increase is attributable primarily to the following factors:


·                  Learning center network expansion: We recorded approximately RMB8.4 million in selling and marketing expenses in connection with the expansion of, and related marketing expenses related to, our learning center network in fiscal year 2008.  Selling and marketing expenses related to our learning centers were insignificant in 2007.


·                  Online tutoring program: We incurred an additional RMB3.6 million in selling and marketing expenses for our online tutoring program during fiscal year 2008.


·                  Non-degree online education: One of our university collaborative alliances incurred approximately RMB1.1 million in selling and marketing related expenses during fiscal year 2008 due to promoting post secondary online education opportunities in the non-degree education market.


Research and development. Research and development expenses for the fiscal year 2008 were RMB26.2 million ($3.8 million), representing a 24.6% increase from RMB21.0 million for the fiscal year 2007. Our research and development expenses, as a percentage of net revenue, increased to 8.2% in 2008 from 7.9% in 2007. This increase was attributable primarily to technology platform upgrade and reconfiguration activities in some of our collaborative alliances in order to further enhance and support our online degree programs.


Goodwill impairment and intangible assets impairment. In fiscal year 2008, we recorded total goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges of RMB70.1 million ($10.3 million) compared to RMB16.2 million related solely to goodwill impairment in 2007.  Of the RMB70.1 million ($10.3 million) impairment recorded in 2008, RMB41.0 million ($6.0 million) related to goodwill impairment and RMB29.1 million ($4.3 million) related to intangible assets impairment. Goodwill and intangible assets impairment, as a percentage of net revenue, increased to 22.1% in 2008 from 6.1% in 2007.


Goodwill impairment.    Based on management’s annual goodwill impairment assessments performed as of December 31, 2007 and 2008, we recorded goodwill impairment losses of RMB16.2 million and RMB41.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively. The goodwill impairment charge for the year ended December 31, 2007 was due to management’s significantly reduced profit forecast for our FEC program, which is a component of our international curriculum program.  Of the RMB41.0 goodwill impairment loss for the year ended December 31, 2008, RMB39.1 was related to our international curriculum program, for which management significantly reduced its profitability forecast due to adverse changes in the PRC government regulatory environment and the resulting early mutual termination of our agreement with WITT. The remaining goodwill impairment charge of RMB1.9 million ($0.3 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008, which was taken in the fourth quarter, related to a total goodwill impairment charge for our private primary and secondary school program, primarily due to management’s assessment that construction of Jingzhou School’s South campus would be further delayed, and as a result there is no definite expected enrollment period.


Intangible assets impairment.   No impairment of intangible assets was recorded in fiscal years 2006 or 2007. For fiscal year 2008, we recorded an impairment loss of intangible assets of RMB29.1 ($4.3 million).  The intangible assets impairment loss for the year ended December 31, 2008 was also related to our international curriculum



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program, for which we have significantly reduced our profitability forecast due to the adverse changes in the PRC government regulatory environment and the resulting mutual termination of our agreement with WITT.


Despite the goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges related to our international curriculum program, management continues to believe in the long-term prospects of the program.


Income (loss) from operations. Loss from operations for fiscal year 2008 was RMB13.1 million ($1.9 million) as compared to income from operations of RMB40.3 million for the fiscal year 2007. The resulting loss from operations during fiscal the year ended 2008 versus 2007 is attributable to the factors discussed above regarding the overall increases in our cost of revenue and operating expenses, in particular the impairment losses recorded.


Interest income.   Interest income increased by 158.7% to RMB10.7 million ($1.6 million) in the fiscal year 2008, as compared to RMB4.1 million in the fiscal year 2007. This increase was attributable primarily to the interest income earned on the net proceeds from our IPO completed in December 2007.


Income tax provision  Income tax expense for the fiscal year 2008 was RMB3.5 million ($0.5 million), representing a significant decrease from RMB15.0 million for the fiscal year 2007. This was attributable primarily to the fact that, in the fourth quarter of 2008, seven of our subsidiaries and affiliate companies applied and qualified for the “high and new technology enterprise” status under the EIT Law, which came into effect on January 1, 2008.  Under the new tax regulation, the statutory tax rate for all enterprises in China is 25%, except for enterprises who have obtained the newly implemented “new and high technology enterprise” status. As a result of their qualification as “high and new technology enterprises”, these seven subsidiaries received certain tax exemptions and a preferential statutory tax rate of 15%, which resulted in a decrease in our deferred tax liabilities. In addition, as a result of the intangible assets impairment loss from our international curriculum programs, the related deferred tax liabilities recorded were reversed, which reduced our income tax expense for the fiscal year ended 2008.


Minority interest, net of taxes.  Minority interest was RMB36.4 million ($5.3 million) in the fiscal year 2008, representing a 44.8% increase, as compared to RMB25.1 million in the corresponding period in 2007, which was primarily attributable to the increased profitability of our collaborative alliances.


Net income (loss).    As a result of the above factors, most notably the goodwill and intangible assets impairment charges, we had a net loss of RMB43.0 million ($6.3 million) in 2008 compared to net income of RMB2.5 million in 2007.


Year ended December 31, 2007 compared to the year ended December 31, 2006


Net Revenue.    Our net revenue increased 24.1% from RMB213.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB265.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007.


Online degree programs.    Our net revenue from online degree programs increased 28.9% from RMB156.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB202.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. This increase was mainly attributable to following factors:


·                  Our university partners’ online degree programs experienced significant growth in revenue students in the year ended December 31, 2007 as compared to the year ended December 31, 2006. In aggregate, our university customers had approximately 51,000 more paying students during the year ended December 31, 2007 than during the same period in 2006, representing a 36% increase over such period. This growth was primarily attributable to more extensive marketing and recruiting efforts by our university partners to recruit new students and to encourage inactive students to renew their studies. This growth in revenue students was partially offset by increased payments to independent learning centers by our university partners. The aggregate payment to third-party learning centers by our university partners in 2007 increased to 40% of gross tuition receipts in 2007, from 39% in 2006. This increase was attributable mainly to increases in demand by universities for services provided by a limited number of learning centers.


·                  A non-recurring RMB8.4 million compensation by our university partners during the fourth quarter for the over spending by the online education colleges, which in turn reduced the tuition fees payable to us during the previous years.


International curriculum programs.    Net revenue from our international curriculum programs increased approximately 10.6% from RMB28.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB31.4 million for the same period in 2007. This increase was mainly attributable to the increase in student enrollment due to an expansion of our operations in this business line and an increase in the number of overseas student academic tours in fiscal year 2007 as compared to fiscal year 2006. Students participating in the BCIT program increased from 633 for the year ended December 31, 2006 to 1,026 for the year ended December 31, 2007, while students participating in our FEC program decreased slightly from 4,069 for the year ended December 31, 2006 to 4,014 for the same period in 2007.


Private primary and secondary schools.    Net revenue for this business line increased approximately 22.8% from RMB10.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB13.4 million for the same period in 2007. This was primarily due to an increase in enrollments at our Anqing School as a result of including an additional grade 9 to the school for the 2006-2007 academic year.


Online tutoring.    Net revenue from our online tutoring business increased approximately 3.6% from RMB17.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB18.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. The increase was mostly



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attributable to the development of a sales channel for our online tutoring services through Lenovo Group Limited, a personal computer manufacturer in China, whereby Lenovo will distribute these services through various lines of Lenovo personal computers.


Cost of Revenue.    Our total cost of revenue increased approximately 20% from RMB80.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB96.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. This increase was primarily due to increased costs associated with our international curriculum programs, private primary and secondary schools and online tutoring program.


Online degree programs.    The cost of revenue for our online degree programs increased approximately 13.3% from RMB51.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB58.0 million for the same period in December 31, 2007. The increase was attributable primarily to an increase in the number of students enrolled in our university partners’ online degree programs and increased student recruiting-related expenses.  Our cost of revenue, which primarily comprises personnel related expenses, did not increase to the same extent as our revenues did because our cost of revenue is more closely related to the number of online degree programs we service and the number of courses those online degree programs offer than the number of students who are enrolled in those online degree programs. In contrast to our cost of revenue, our service fees and revenue for online degree programs are directly associated with the number of students in our customers’ online degree programs.


International curriculum programs.    Our cost of revenue for our English curriculum programs increased approximately 36.6% from RMB17.2 million in the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB23.5 million for the same period in 2007. This increase was primarily attributable to the following: (i) we organized overseas training tours for the teachers and the senior management of the participating schools in the year ended December 31, 2007, while no such tours were conducted in the year ended December 31, 2006; (ii) we paid higher registration fees to BCIT in response to the higher number of participating students; and (iii) in response to more students enrolled in the programs, we hired additional native English speaking teachers.


Online tutoring programs.    Our cost of revenue for our online tutoring program increased approximately 12.3% from RMB3.5 million in the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB3.9 million in the year ended December 31, 2007. This increase was the result of our hiring of additional personnel and the payment of higher employee benefits during the year ended December 31, 2007 than during the same period in 2006.


Private primary and secondary schools.    Our cost of revenue for our private primary and secondary schools increased approximately 29.8% from RMB8.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB10.9 million for the same period in 2007. This was mostly attributable to the growth in headcount of teachers in our Anqing School.


Operating Expenses.    Our operating expenses consist of general and administrative expenses, selling and marketing expenses, and research and development expenses. Our operating expenses increased approximately 68.9% from RMB76.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB128.4 million for the year ended December 31, 2007.


General and administrative expenses.    Our general and administrative expenses increased approximately 57.4% from RMB48.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB76.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. The increase was mainly attributable to our hiring of additional personnel due to expansion of our business and the demands imposed by the annual audit of our financial statements. To better manage and control our diversified and geographically dispersed business lines, we significantly increased the size of our accounting staff and hired more senior management in accounting.


Selling and marketing expenses.    Our selling and marketing expenses increased approximately 10.7% from RMB12.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB14.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. The increase was mainly attributable to an increase in the number of sales and marketing personnel in fiscal year 2007 in response to the continuous expansion of our business. The average headcount grew from 54 personnel in 2006 to 75 in 2007.


Research and development.    Our research and development expenses increased approximately 47.4% from RMB14.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB21.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. The growth was driven primarily by increased research and development activities in some of the Company’s collaborative alliances, and increased bonus and compensation paid to research and development personnel.


Goodwill impairment.  During the year ended December 31, 2007, we incurred a goodwill impairment charge of RMB16.2 million. This impairment charge related to our FEC program, as our management significantly adjusted downward our profitability forecast for this portion of our business. We expect future net revenue from our FEC program to be lower than previously forecast as a result of lower student enrollment and lower per student amounts payable to us under our contractual arrangements with participating schools. These developments are the result of increased competition, increased bargaining power of the schools participating in the program and our expansion of the program into less affluent areas of China, where tuition fees tend to be lower. In addition to these charges, we expect that these developments will adversely affect the future financial results for our FEC program.


Interest income.    We recorded RMB4.1 million in interest income in the year ended December 31, 2007 as compared to RMB1.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2006.



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Income tax provision.    Our income tax provision increased by approximately 114.5% from RMB7.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB15.0 million for the same period in 2007. This increase was mainly attributable to following:


·                  Change in permanent tax rate used to calculate long-term tax liabilities. On March 16, 2007, China adopted the EIT Law, which became effective on January 1, 2008, pursuant to which the statutory tax rate for all enterprises in China is 25% except for “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State,” which enjoy a favorable tax rate of 15%. Most of our subsidiaries and affiliate companies were qualified under prior tax laws and regulations as “high and new technology enterprises,” and therefore were subject to only a 15% rate. However, as the procedures for obtaining classification as “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State” have not yet been finalized, we cannot assure you that any of our subsidiaries or affiliated companies currently enjoying preferential tax rates will be approved as “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State” entitled to preferential tax treatments. We expect that our applicable subsidiaries and affiliated companies will re-apply for the “high and new technology enterprises strongly supported by the State” status once the approval procedure is promulgated. Under applicable accounting rules, however, until these subsidiaries and affiliated companies receive official approval for this status, they must use the statutory 25% tax rate in their calculation of their deferred tax balances.


·                  The adoption of FIN48 resulted in a total tax provision of RMB0.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2007.


Decrease in income.   Our income from operations decreased by approximately 29.6%from RMB57.2 million in the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB40.3 million in the year ended December 31, 2007. This decrease was primarily attributable to a goodwill impairment loss of RMB16.2 million and an accounts receivable write-off of RMB7.0 million in the year ended 2007.


Minority interest.    Our minority interest increased by 6.6% from RMB23.6 million in the year ended December 31, 2006 to RMB25.1 million in the year ended December 31, 2007.  This increase was primarily due to improved performance of our majority owned subsidiaries.


B.             Liquidity and Capital Resources


To date, we have financed our operations primarily through cash flows from operations, convertible debt and equity contributions by our shareholders. As of December 31, 2008, we had RMB353.9 million ($51.9 million) in cash and cash equivalents, respectively, and no borrowings. Our cash and cash equivalents primarily consist of cash on hand, demand deposits and term deposits with remaining maturities of three months or less at the time of purchase that are placed with banks and other financial institutions. A portion of the cash balances of our two Chinese affiliated entities and their subsidiaries may be paid to us pursuant to our contractual arrangements with these two entities and their subsidiaries for our technical and teaching support, enrollment system and other services. We may fund the cash needs of our Chinese affiliated entities from time to time through loan arrangements with intermediary banks, which provide loans to the Chinese affiliated entities in amounts equal to corresponding cash deposits that we make with the banks.


We anticipate that our future capital expenditures will be approximately RMB91.4 million and will be primarily for the construction of new campuses and related improvements at our Anqing School, Pingdingshan School and Jinzhou School (Southern Campus).  We have not encountered any difficulties meeting our cash obligations to date.  Since we do not expect making additional significant capital expenditures through the end of 2010, we believe that our current cash and cash equivalents and anticipated future cash flows from operations, including revenue from increased student enrollment at our Anqing School beginning in the fall of 2009, will be sufficient to meet our presently anticipated cash needs.  We may, however, require additional cash due to changing business conditions or other future developments, including any investments or acquisitions we may decide to pursue. If our existing cash is insufficient to meet our requirements, we may seek to sell additional equity securities or debt securities or borrow from lending institutions.


We had capital commitments related to the acquisition and further expansion at our Anqing School (approximately RMB38.2 million) and Jinzhou School (Southern Campus) (approximately RMB64.8 million) as of December 31, 2008.   We anticipate funding the outstanding capital commitment related to our Anqing School over the next 36 months.  However, due to the ongoing delays that have prevented construction at our Jinzhou School (Southern Campus), we are currently unable to estimate when the outstanding RMB64.8 million capital commitment will be paid.



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The following table sets forth a summary of our cash flows for the periods indicated:




Years ended December 31,






















(In thousands)


Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities










Net cash (used in) investing activities










Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities










Effect of exchange rate changes










Net changes in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period










Cash and cash equivalents at end of period











Operating Activities


In the year ended December 31, 2008, we generated positive cash flow from operating activities of RMB54.7 million ($8.0 million), which was primarily due to our net loss of RMB43.0 million, adjusted by the add-back of non-cash items RMB127.8 million from a number of factors, including minority interest of RMB36.4 million, share-based compensation expenses of RMB5.2 million, depreciation of RMB12.2 million, goodwill and intangible assets impairment of RMB70.1 million, and amortization of acquired intangible assets of RMB8.7 million. These positive cash flows were also offset by aggregate changes in our current assets and liabilities of RMB30.1 million, which included a RMB10.0 million increase in accrued expenses and other current liabilities due to the growth of our business and increased accrued employee payroll and welfare benefits, a RMB10.8 million increase in income tax and other taxes payable due to increased profitability of several of our subsidiaries, such as CMR Web and Dongcai, and a RMB15.2 million increase in deferred revenue due to an increase in revenue. Those positive factors were partially offset by changes in growth in amounts due from related parties of RMB45.0 million and a RMB14.7 increase in accounts receivable.  The increase in amounts due from related parties reflected higher service fees payable to us by our university partners in the year ended December 31, 2008 than those paid to us in the same period in 2007.


In the year ended December 31, 2007, we generated positive cash flow from operating activities of RMB83.1 million, which was primarily derived from our net income of RMB2.5 million, plus additional positive cash flow of RMB70.5 million from a number of factors, including minority interest of RMB25.1 million, share-based compensation expenses of RMB3.6 million, depreciation of RMB8.2 million, goodwill impairment of RMB16.2 million, and amortization of acquired intangible assets of RMB8.5 million. These positive cash flows were also derived from aggregate changes in our current assets and liabilities of RMB10.1 million, which included a RMB20.9 million increase in accrued expenses and other current liabilities, a RMB25.0 million increase in amounts due to related parties, a RMB7.9 million increase in deferred revenue and a RMB11.3 decrease in accounts receivable. Those positive factors were partially offset by changes in growth in amounts due from related parties of RMB52.5 millionThe increase in amounts due from related parties reflected higher service fees payable to us by our university partners in the year ended December 31, 2007 than those paid to us in the same period in 2006.


In the year ended December 31, 2006, we generated positive cash flow from operating activities of RMB82.8 million. This increase in net cash provided by operating activities was attributable to our net income of RMB25.5 million, adjusted positively by RMB43.0 million for a number of factors, including primarily share-based compensation of RMB2.7 million, depreciation of RMB8.2 million and amortization of RMB8.8 million. Cash provided by operating activities was further increased by aggregate changes in our current assets and liabilities of RMB14.3 million, including primarily increases in our deferred revenue due to higher service fees we received from our university partners in 2006 as compared to 2005 and increases in our income tax payables and accounts payables, which were offset in part by other factors including decreases in our accounts receivables and deferred tax liabilities. Our amortization and depreciation expenses were higher than in the previous year, primarily because of our increased amortizable and depreciable assets following the acquisition of our interest in the collaborative alliance with China Agricultural University online degree program in November 2005, our acquisitions of the FEC program in September 2006 and our acquisition of the BCIT program in February 2006.


Investing Activities


In the year ended December 31, 2008, net cash used in investing activities was RMB110.5 million ($16.2 million), which is primarily related to our purchase of additional term deposit products in the total amount of RMB57.5 million, our acquisition of additional equity interests in our subsidiaries in the amount of RMB6.7 million, our deposits paid for acquisition of property and equipment in amount of RMB8.7 million, and our investment in purchase of property and equipment in the amount of RMB36.3 million.


In the year ended December 31, 2007, net cash used in investing activities was RMB95.9 million, which is primarily related to our purchase of office space for our new headquarters in the amount of RMB31 million, to our acquisition of additional equity interests in our subsidiaries in the amount of RMB22.5 million and to our investment in the construction of our Anqing School in the amount of RMB27.1 million.



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Net cash used in investing activities was RMB82.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2006.  Net cash used in investing activities in 2006 related primarily to our purchase of business, net of cash acquired of RMB30.7 million, which related to our acquisition of interests in the China Agricultural University online degree program and our FEC program as well as our purchase of land use rights and property and equipment of RMB37.6 million, primarily in connection with our private primary and secondary schools.


Financing Activities


Net cash used by financing activities was RMB68.2 million ($10.0 million) for the year ended December 31, 2008. This is attributable primarily to the repurchase of ordinary shares in the amount of RMB34.2 million and repayment of a long term loan in the amount of RMB25.7 million and cash dividends paid to minority shareholders RMB11.3 million during this period. Net cash provided by financing activities was RMB366.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2007. This is attributable primarily to the RMB348.8 million in net proceeds that we received from our initial public offering, which was completed in this period. Net cash used in financing activities was RMB6.8 million for the year ended December 31, 2006.  Net cash used in financing activities in 2006 was primarily attributable to cash dividends of RMB12.9 million paid to some of our shareholders, which was partially offset by capital contributions of RMB6.0 million by other shareholders.


Capital Expenditures


We made capital expenditures of RMB37.6 million, RMB71.9million and RMB36.5 million ($5.3 million) for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. These capital expenditures were primarily for the acquisition of land and buildings at our Pingdingshan School, Anqing School and Jingzhou School (Southern Campus), for additional office space relating to our online degree programs and for a new office building to house our corporate headquarters. Each of our three private schools (Pingdingshan School, Anqing School and Jingzhou School (Southern Campus)) has associated properties that we either own or lease. We estimate that capital expenditures for the remainder of fiscal year 2009 will be approximately RMB41.0 million for new campuses and improvements at our Anqing School (RMB37.3million) and Pingdingshan School (RMB3.7million).  As discussed above, because of the ongoing delays that have prevented construction at our Jinzhou School (Southern Campus), we do not currently anticipate incurring any capital expenditures during the remainder of fiscal year 2009 at the Jinzhou School (Southern Campus).


C.             Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, etc.


Intellectual Property and Proprietary Rights


We regard our copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights as critical to our business. We rely on trademark and copyright law, trade secret protection, non-competition and confidentiality and/or licensing agreements with our executive officers, clients, contractors and others to protect our intellectual property rights. We have registered our chinaedu.com, prcedu.com and chinaedu.net Internet domain names, some of which are held by our Chinese affiliated entities.


We have directly, or indirectly through our Chinese affiliated entities, registered for trademark protection for certain intellectual property relating to our brand and our websites with the Trademark Office of the Chinese State Administration for Industry and Commerce. We have also registered some of the computer software that we have developed for copyright protection with the Chinese National Copyright Office.


We, together with our university customers, have developed courseware for our university partners’ online degree programs. All of this courseware is proprietary to us or the collaborative alliances we form with these universities.


Our intellectual property is subject to risks of theft and other unauthorized use, and our ability to protect our intellectual property from unauthorized use is limited. In addition, we may be subject to claims that we have infringed the intellectual property rights of others. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Related to Our Business—If we are unable to prevent others from using our intellectual property, our business may be materially and adversely affected” and “—We may be exposed to infringement or misappropriation claims by third parties, which, if successful, could cause us to pay significant damage awards.”




We provide end-to-end technology solutions to our customers providing online degree programs. Our technology consists of a series of systems and tools, including our Learning Management System, which enables the online universities to manage the entire student lifecycle from student application to graduation by providing system support to the student’s learning process and the university staff’s daily management process. We also provide a learning content creation and management system, which enables the team working on courseware development to bring the courseware from the concept and design stage to production and implementation, as well as manage courseware content, and various delivery and management systems and tools. Our strategy is to develop, integrate and deliver the most suitable, stable, efficient and cost-effective systems to our customers in the online education market in China. Our in-depth understanding of the online education market and the operational model of online education programs helps us develop technology solutions suited to the needs of our current and future customers. Our accumulated experience and proprietary technology have further strengthened our leading position in the online education service market.



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Our technology is based on a Microsoft platform. Microsoft technologies are utilized and deployed according to architecture and usage models. Application software and databases are further supported by storage and back-up technologies. In addition to providing software solutions, along with maintenance support and customized development, we provide centralized system and network management services to our online degree program customers. Our production servers are hosted at a data center operated by China Telecom. In addition to the services provided by the data center (such as uninterrupted power supply), the servers are supported by advanced technologies to ensure security, scalability, reliability and expandability. Additionally, our bandwidth is scalable to accommodate spikes in user activity.


Using advanced technologies, our system can identify errors and isolate failed servers automatically to minimize the interruption of our customers’ access to our services. Our websites are hosted at a third party facility in Beijing. This facility provides redundant utility systems, a back-up electric generator and 24-hour server support. All our servers have redundant power supplies to maximize system and date availability. We regularly back-up our database on a server hosted at an Internet data center to minimize the impact of data loss due to system failures and we maintain back-up files offsite to facilitate disaster recovery.


D.            Trend Information


Other than as disclosed elsewhere in this annual report, we are not aware of any trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events that are reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on our net revenues, income, profitability, liquidity or capital resources, or that caused the disclosed financial information to be not necessarily indicative of future operating results or financial conditions.


E.              Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements


We have not entered into any financial guarantees or other commitments to guarantee the payment obligations of any third parties. Other than the warrants, we have not entered into any other derivative contracts that are indexed to our own shares and classified as shareholders’ equity, or that are not reflected in our consolidated financial statements. In addition, we do not have any retained or contingent interest in assets transferred to an unconsolidated entity that serves as credit, liquidity or market risk support to such entity. Furthermore, we do not have any variable interest in any unconsolidated entity that provides financing, liquidity, market risk or credit support to us or engages in leasing, hedging or research and development services with us.


FIN 46R requires a variable interest entity to be consolidated by the primary beneficiary of such entity. An entity is considered to be a variable interest entity if certain conditions are present, including where the equity investors in the entity do not have the characteristics of a controlling financial interest or do not have sufficient equity at risk for the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support from other parties. As a result of our various agreements with Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education and their respective shareholders, we are considered the primary beneficiary of Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, and these companies and all their subsidiaries have been consolidated in our financial statements. All significant transactions and balances between us, our subsidiaries, Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education have been eliminated upon consolidation.


F.              Tabular Disclosure of Contractual Obligations


Contractual Obligations


The following table sets forth our contractual obligations and commercial commitments as of December 31, 2008.




Payment Due by December 31




















(In RMB thousands)


Operating lease obligations














Funding obligations to university partners(1)











Facility fees to a middle school(2)
















Capital obligations for private primary and secondary schools(3)












Unrecognized tax benefits(4)











(1)  We estimate that this amount will be required to fund the operating cost for our collaborative alliances with university partners. We are not obligated to make any payments at specific times, so we are unable to estimate when we will be required to make these contributions.

(2)  These amounts represent the user fees that our Anqing School will pay to the Fourth Middle School of Anqing for the use of certain facilities of the Fourth Middle School of Anqing over the period set out in the related agreement.

(3)  These amounts represent the remaining portion of our capital commitments to the Anqing government and the Jingzhou government for the expansion of the Anqing School (approximately RMB38.2 million) and the Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) (approximately RMB64.8 million), respectively, of which RMB7.7 million has been contracted for with third-party contractors in 2008. Since we do not know when construction will begin at the Jingzhou School, we are unable to reasonably estimate the timing of the capital commitment for the Jingzhou School.

(4)  This amount represents unrecognized tax benefits pursuant to FIN 48. Since there is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the timing of future cash outflows, we are unable to make reasonable estimates regarding the timing of settlement with the respective tax authority.


Other than the contractual obligations set forth above, we do not have any other long-term debt obligations, operating lease obligations, purchase obligations or other long-term liabilities.



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G.             Safe Harbor


This annual report contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.


You can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “is expected to,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to” or other similar expressions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. These forward-looking statements include:


·                  our anticipated growth strategies;


·                  our future business development, results of operations and financial condition;


·                  expected changes in our revenues and certain cost and expense items;


·                  our ability to increase student enrollments and course fees and expand program, service and product offerings;


·                  competition in the language training, test preparation, primary and secondary education, educational content, software and other technology development and online education markets;


·                  risks associated with our offering of new educational programs, services and products and the expansion of our geographic reach;


·                  the expected increase in expenditures on education in China; and


·                  PRC laws, regulations and policies relating to private education and providers of private educational services, including recent changes in the government regulatory environment related to our international curriculum program; and


·                  general economic, business and other market conditions in the PRC and worldwide, including the ability of the general global economy to recover timely from the current economic downturn..


You should read thoroughly this annual report and the documents that we refer to herein with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from and/or worse than what we expect. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements. Other sections of this annual report include additional factors which could adversely impact our business and financial performance. Moreover, we operate in an evolving environment. New risk factors emerge from time to time and it is not possible for our management to predict all risk factors, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements.


This annual report also contains third-party data relating to the education market in China that includes projections based on a number of assumptions. The education market may not grow at the rates projected by market data, or at all. The failure of this market to grow at the projected rates may have a material adverse effect on our business and the market price of our ADSs. Furthermore, if any one or more of the assumptions underlying the market data turns out to be incorrect, actual results may differ from the projections based on these assumptions. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.


You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The forward-looking statements made in this annual report relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made in this annual report. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Item 6.  Directors, Senior Management and Employees


A.  Directors and Senior Management


Directors and Executive Officers


Members of our board of directors are elected by our shareholders. Our executive officers are appointed by, and serve at the discretion of, our board of directors.


The following table sets forth information concerning our directors and executive officers. The business address of each of our directors and executive officers listed below is 4th Floor-A, GeHua Building, No. 1 QinglongHutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100007, People’s Republic of China.



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Julia Huang




Chairman, Chief Executive Officer

Shawn Ding




Director, President and Chief Operating Officer

Zonglian Gu





Samuel Yen





Min Fan





Amol Shah





Tianwen Liu





Lily Liu




Chief Financial Officer

Changqing Xie




Vice President


Julia Huang has served as our chairman since September 2007 and as our chief executive officer since June 2000. Prior to joining us, she was a senior manager at Ernst & Young Management Consulting (New York) Group from 1996 to 1999. Ms. Huang also served as a project manager at Merck & Co. from 1993 to 1995. Ms. Huang holds an MBA from Columbia Business School with concentrations in finance and international business and a master’s degree in chemical engineering and microbiology from University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


Shawn Ding has served as our director, president and chief operating officer since December 2004. Mr. Ding joined us in July 2001 as our chief technology officer. From 2000 to 2001, Mr. Ding was the chief technology officer of Infostream Technologies Inc., a U.S. company specializing in the development and implementation of packaged and customized enterprise resource planning software. He also served as a director of Internet application development at Automatic Data Processing, Inc. from 1999 to 2000 and was a director of system architecture at Prudential Insurance Company of America from 1992 to 1998. Mr. Ding received a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Peking University, a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Rutgers University, and a master’s degree in computer science from New Jersey Institute of Technology.


Zonglian Gu has served as one of our directors since March 2005. Mr. Gu joined CMR Web as general manager in November 2001. Mr. Gu also currently serves as the dean of Renmin University of China’s Online Education College, and was previously a professor at Renmin University of China and served as the vice dean of Renmin University of China Online Education College and vice dean of the Adult Education College Department of Renmin University of China. Mr. Gu holds a bachelor’s degree in international politics from Renmin University of China and has over 19 years of experience in the public education sector.


Samuel Yen was elected as a director of our company in October 2007. Mr. Yen is the vice president of finance at Alibaba Group, a leading e-commerce company operating online marketplaces for businesses and consumers. From 2004 to 2005, Mr. Yen served as financial controller and company secretary of Dynasty Fine Wines Group Limited and prior to that Mr. Yen served in various positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Arthur Andersen & Co., lastly as a senior manager. Mr. Yen received a bachelor’s degree in commerce from the University of Toronto and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Certified Management Accountants and the CFA Institute.


Min Fan was elected as a director of our company in October 2007. Mr. Fan is one of the co-founders and the current chief executive officer of Ctrip.com International Ltd., a leading travel services firm in China. From 2000 to 2004, Mr. Fan served as Ctrip’s chief operating officer and executive vice president. Prior to founding Ctrip in 1999, Mr. Fan was the chief executive officer of Shanghai Travel Service Company, a leading domestic travel agency in China, and from 1990 to 1997 served in a number of senior management positions at Shanghai New Asia Hotel Management Company. Mr. Fan holds a master’s and a bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and has studied at the Lausanne Hotel Management School of Switzerland.


Amol Shah is Senior Vice President of Global Strategy for the McGraw-Hill Companies. He oversees strategy development for the McGraw-Hill Companies and its business units. Mr. Shah also serves as Vice President of McGraw-Hill Ventures, which makes equity investments in innovative, high growth companies that are complementary to McGraw-Hill’s traditional business lines. Prior to joining the McGraw-Hill Companies, he served as a Managing Director at Novantas LLC, a strategy consulting firm, where he served as a leading advisor on growth strategies. Earlier in his career, Mr. Shah worked as a consultant specializing in financial services strategy for First Manhattan Consulting Group. Mr. Shah earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and The Wharton School with a dual degree in engineering and economics through the Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology. Mr. Shah also earned a MBA in finance from the Columbia Business School.


Tianwen Liu was elected as a director of our company in September 2008. Mr. Liu is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of iSoftStone Information Service Corporation. Mr. Liu founded iSoftStone, one of the fastest growing IT outsourcing companies in China. He has over 20 years of experience in the IT sector. Prior to iSoftStone, Mr. Liu co-founded AsiaEC.com in 1999, and led the effort to build the company from the ground up and grow it to become China’s largest on-line office supply and services provider. Prior to AsiaEC.com, Mr. Liu served as the General Manager of Siemens Business Services and Siemens Nixdorf Information Technologies from 1996-1999, where he was responsible for IT consulting, system integration, and outsourcing businesses in China. Before that, Mr. Liu worked for several consulting and IT companies in the U.S.,



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including Bechtel and DEC. Mr. Liu holds a MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts.


Lily Liu joined our company as Chief Financial Officer in October 2008. Prior to joining, she served as the Chief Financial Officer of MainOne Inc., a Vice President at Lehman Brothers in Hong Kong, and an Associate at Lehman Brothers in New York and Hong Kong. From 2000 to 2001, Ms. Liu was Vice President and Founder of Trulycustom Construction Inc. in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Liu received a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Economics from Dartmouth College, and a MBA from Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Changqing Xie has served as a vice president of our company since February 2005. Prior to joining us, Mr. Xie was the chief executive officer of Wellent Institute of Education International (Asia) Limited from January 2001 to January 2005. He served as a manager of Oriental Patron Financial Services Group from August 1997 to December 2000. From January 1988 to August 1993, Mr. Xie was a lecturer at Peking University. Mr. Xie received a master’s degree in geography from Peking University and a MBA degree from the University of Georgia.


Employment Agreements


We have entered into employment agreements with each of our executive officers. The terms of these agreements are substantially similar to each other. Under these agreements, we have agreed to employ each of our executive officers for a period of three years, provided that their respective employment relationship with our company may be terminated by us or the executive officer under certain circumstances. These agreements do not provide for any special termination or severance benefits beyond what is required under the relevant laws of China, nor do we have other arrangements with these executive officers regarding such matters. Under these agreements, each executive officer has agreed not to disclose our confidential information and to abide by certain non-competition restrictions during his or her tenure with our company and for a period of two years thereafter.


B.  Compensation


Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers


For the year ended December 31, 2008, we paid aggregate cash compensation of approximately RMB3.2 million ($0.46 million) to our executive officers as a group, which includes all salary, cash bonuses, and housing allowances paid by us. Other than the grant of options to purchase an aggregate of 8,922,560 of our ordinary shares, we did not provide any other non-cash compensation to our executive officers as a group. See “—Share-Based Compensation Plans” for additional information with respect to these option grants. For the year ended December 31, 2008, we paid aggregate cash compensation of approximately RMB0.2 million to our three independent directors for serving as directors.  Other than the grant of options to purchase an aggregate of 60,000 of our ordinary shares, we did not provide any other non-cash compensation to our non-executive or independent directors.


Stock-Based Compensation Plans


We amended our Equity Incentive Plan (as amended, the “Amended Equity Incentive Plan”) by holding an Extraordinary General Meeting on March 6, 2009. Our Amended Equity Incentive Plan  replaced the equity incentive plan adopted by us in November 2007, which had amended and restated our original stock option plan adopted in March 2007. The Amended Equity Incentive Plan provides for the grant of options as well as restricted shares and restricted stock units, referred to as “awards.” The purpose of the plan is to attract and retain the best available personnel for positions of substantial responsibility, provide additional incentive to employees, directors and consultants, and promote the success of our business.


Administration.    According to the amendments to our Amended Equity Incentive Plan, which were approved by our shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting on March 6, 2009, the compensation committee of our board of directors will administer the plan.  Subject to the provisions of the Amended Equity Incentive Plan, the compensation committee has the authority, in its sole discretion to, among other things, amend or modify outstanding awards under the plan, only in ways that will not be adverse to the award/option holder, including, without limitation, the repricing of “underwater” options (i.e., options with an exercise price that is higher than the current trading price of our common shares) or the replacement of an option with cash or other award type that would be treated as a repricing under the rules of the stock exchange on which the shares are listed.  In addition, our shareholders also approved an amendment to the plan that eliminated the requirement that subsequent amendments to the Amended Equity Incentive Plan be submitted for shareholder approval (to the extent such shareholder approval would have been required under the stock exchange on which our securities are listed).


Option Terms.    Share options granted under our Amended Equity Incentive Plan may be incentive share options, or ISOs, which are intended to qualify for favorable U.S. federal income tax treatment under the provisions of Section 422 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or non-qualified share options, or NSOs, which do not so qualify. Under our Amended Equity Incentive Plan, the exercise price of ISOs cannot be less than the fair market value of our ordinary shares on the date of grant. However, in the case of an ISO granted to a grantee who at the time of grant owned shares possessing more than 10.0% of the combined voting power of all classes of our share capital (including any equity of any of our Chinese subsidiaries), the option price may not be less than 110.0% of the fair market value of our ordinary shares on the date of grant of such ISO and the option period may not be greater than five years from the date of grant. The exercise price for NSOs is determined by the board of directors but may not be less than the fair market value of ordinary shares on the date of grant.



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Eligibility.    Under our Amended Equity Incentive Plan, awards may be issued to employees, non-employee directors or consultants of our company or our Chinese subsidiaries, although ISOs may only be issued to our employees or the employees of our Chinese subsidiaries.


Option Exercise and Termination of Awards.    Share options granted under the plan may be exercised within the option period specified by our board of directors or the compensation committee (after it is established), which shall not be more than ten years from the date of option grant. If an option holder’s service terminates due to the option holder’s death or disability, the unvested portion of a share option is forfeited and the vested portion is still exercisable for a period of one year following the option holder’s death or disability or until the expiration of the option period (if sooner). If an option holder’s service ends for reasons other than death or disability, the unvested portion of a share option will be forfeited and the vested portion will be exercisable for a period of ninety days following the option holder’s termination or until the expiration of the option period (if sooner). Awards of restricted stock or restricted stock units that are unvested will be forfeited at the time of termination of service.


Third Party Acquisition.    If a third party acquires us through a merger or consolidation transaction in which we are not the surviving corporation, all outstanding share options will be substituted by the surviving or resulting corporation. We are authorized to cancel any outstanding options upon the effective date of any such transaction, provided that we notify each option holder of our intention to do so at least 30 days prior to the effective date of the transaction and permit the optionees to exercise their options in full during this period. We are also authorized to cancel any outstanding awards and pay or deliver to the holder an amount in cash or securities having a value equal to the formula or fixed price per share paid to shareholders in the case of restricted stock or restricted stock units. In the case of options, the holder will receive an amount equal to the product of the number of shares subject to the option multiplied by the amount, if any, by which the formula or fixed price per share paid to shareholders in the transaction exceeds the option exercise price applicable to such award.


Amendment and Termination of Plan.    Our board of directors may at any time amend, suspend or terminate the Amended Equity Incentive Plan without shareholder approval. However, any amendment, suspension or termination of the plan may not adversely affect awards already granted without consent of the recipient of such awards. Unless terminated earlier, the Amended Equity Incentive Plan shall continue in effect for a term of ten years from the date of adoption.


As of the date of this annual report, our board of directors has authorized the issuance of up to 15,116,083 ordinary shares upon exercise of awards granted under our equity incentive plan, with an increase each year equal to two percent of the outstanding number of shares as of the immediately preceding year ended December 31. As of the date of this annual report, options to purchase 10,142,537 ordinary shares were outstanding and options to purchase 1,283,698 ordinary shares remained available for future option grants. The following table summarizes, as of the date of this annual report, the option grants made to our directors and executive officers pursuant to our March 2007, November 2007 and March 2009 option plans:




Ordinary Shares Underlying Option





Grant Date


Expiration Date


Julia Huang







April 23, 2007


April 23, 2017









March 19, 2008


March 19, 2018









May 18, 2009


May 18, 2019


Shawn Ding







April 23, 2007


April 23, 2017









March 19, 2008


March 19, 2018









May 18, 2009


May 18, 2019


Zonglian Gu







April 23, 2007


April 23, 2017


Changqing Xie







March 19, 2008


March 19, 2018


Samuel Yen







December 14, 2007


December 14, 2017


Min Fan







December 14, 2007


December 14, 2017


Lily Liu







August 15, 2008


August 15, 2018









May 18, 2009


May 18, 2019


Tianwen Liu







September 9 2008


September 9, 2018



*  Director or officer beneficially owns less than 1% of our ordinary shares outstanding as of the date of this annual report, including ordinary shares convertible from our preferred shares, as well as the ordinary shares underlying options exercisable by such person within 60 days.

(1)  Ms. Huang designated the stock options that she beneficially owns to South Lead Technology Limited, a British Virgin Islands company.

(2)  Mr. Ding designated the stock options that he beneficially owns to Moral Known Industrial Limited, a British Virgin Islands company.

(3)  Ms. Liu designated the stock options that she beneficially owns to Meritlink Group Limited, a British Virgin Islands company.

(4)  Exercise price was re-priced to $1.8 per share at the fair market value on May 18, 2009.


Pension and Similar Benefits


Full time employees of our company in the PRC participate in a government-mandated multi-employer defined contribution plan pursuant to which certain pension benefits, medical care, unemployment insurance, employee housing fund and other welfare benefits are provided to employees. Chinese labor regulations require the Group to accrue for these benefits based on certain percentages of the employees’ salaries. The total amount we have accrued under such employee benefits plans as of December 31, 2008 was approximately RMB20.2 million ($3.0 million).



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C.  Board Practices


Board Composition


Our board of directors consists of seven directors, three of whom satisfy the “independence” requirements of the NASDAQ corporate governance rules and the SEC regulations. We will rely on a NASDAQ rule that permits a foreign private issuer to be exempted from the requirement that a majority of its board of directors must be “independent.” We intend to comply, however, with the other NASDAQ corporate governance rules, in particular, the independence requirements for the relevant board committees discussed below.  There are no family relationships between any of our directors and executive officers.


Committees of the Board of Directors


To enhance our corporate governance, we have established three committees under the board of directors: the audit committee, the compensation committee and the nominating committee. We adopted charters for each of these committees. The committees have the following functions and members:


Audit Committee


Our audit committee charter requires that the members of the audit committee satisfy applicable NASDAQ corporate governance rules on independence. Our audit committee consists of Samuel Yen, Min Fan and Tianwen Liu, each of whom is considered independent.  Mr. Yen serves as chairman of the committee.


Our audit committee is responsible for, among other things:


·                  the appointment, evaluation, compensation, oversight and termination of the work of our independent registered public accounting firm (including the resolution of disagreements between our management and the independent registered public accounting firm regarding financial reporting);


·                  ensuring that it receives from our independent registered public accounting firm a formal written statement attesting to the registered public accounting firm’s independence and describing all relationships between our independent registered public accounting firm and us;


·                  pre-approving both audit and non-audit services, including tax services, to be provided by our independent registered public accounting firm in accordance with NASDAQ rules;


·                  reviewing our annual audited financial statements and, if deemed appropriate by the audit committee, other publicly disclosed financial information;


·                  reviewing with our independent registered public accounting firm all critical accounting policies and practices to be used by us in preparing our financial statements, all alternative treatments of financial information within U.S. GAAP, and other material communications between our independent registered public accounting firm and management;


·                  reviewing our policies with respect to risk assessment and risk management;


·                  reviewing, with management and counsel, any legal matters that may have a material impact on us and any material reports or inquiries from regulatory or governmental agencies; and


·                  ensuring that we have established procedures for the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters or potential violations of law, and the confidential, anonymous submission by our employees of concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters or potential violations of law.


Compensation Committee


Our compensation committee charter requires that the members of the compensation committee satisfy applicable NASDAQ corporate governance rules on independence. Our compensation committee consists of Samuel Yen, Min Fan and Tianwen Liu, each of whom is considered independent.  Tianwen Liu serves as chairman of the committee.  Our compensation committee assists the board in reviewing and approving the compensation structure of our directors and executive officers, including all forms of compensation to be provided to our directors and executive officers. In addition, the compensation committee reviews stock compensation arrangements for all of our other employees. Members of the compensation committee will not be prohibited from direct involvement in determining their own compensation. Our chief executive officer is not permitted to be present at any committee meeting during which his or her compensation is deliberated. Our compensation committee is responsible for, among other things:


·                  approving and overseeing the total compensation package for our executives;


·                  reviewing and making recommendations to the board with respect to the compensation of our directors;



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·                  reviewing and approving corporate goals and objectives relevant to the compensation of our chief executive officer, evaluating the performance of our chief executive officer in light of those goals and objectives, and setting the compensation level of our chief executive officer based on this evaluation;


·                  reviewing the results of, and procedures for, the evaluation of the performance of other executive officers;


·                  reviewing periodically and making recommendations to the board regarding any long-term incentive compensation or equity plans, programs or similar arrangements, and administering these plans;


·                  reviewing and making recommendations to the board regarding all new employment, consulting, retirement and severance agreements and arrangements proposed for our executives; and


·                  selecting peer groups of companies to be used for purposes of determining competitive compensation packages.


Nominating Committee


Our nominating committee charter requires that the members of the nominating and corporate governance committee satisfy applicable NASDAQ corporate governance rules on independence. Our nominating and corporate governance committee consists of Samuel Yen, Min Fan and Tianwen Liu, each of whom is considered independent.  Min Fan serves as chairman of the committee. The nominating committee assists the board in selecting individuals qualified to become our directors and in determining the composition of the board and its committees. Our nominating committee is responsible for, among other things:


·                  selecting and recommending to the board nominees for election or re-election to the board; and


·                  reviewing annually with the board the current composition of the board with regards to characteristics such as independence, skills, experience, age and availability of service to us.


Code of Business Conduct and Ethics


Our board of directors has adopted a code of business conduct and ethics, which will be applicable to all of our directors, officers and employees. We have made our code of business conduct and ethics publicly available on our website at www.chinaedu.net.


Duties of Directors


Under Cayman Islands law, our directors have a duty to act honestly, in good faith and with a view to our best interests. Our directors also have a duty to exercise the care, diligence and skills that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. In fulfilling their duty of care to us, our directors must ensure compliance with our memorandum and articles of association. We have the right to seek damages if a duty owed by our directors is breached.


The functions and powers of our board of directors include, among others:


·                  supervising and directing the business and affairs of our company in the interest, and for the benefit, of our shareholders in order to enhance shareholder value over the long term;


·                  exercising its business judgment to act in a manner which it reasonably believes to be in the best interests of our company and shareholders consistent with its fiduciary duties;


·                  reviewing and, where appropriate, approving our major strategic, financial and business objectives, plans and actions;


·                  establishing policies and principles for the selection, and possible succession planning, of directors, the chief executive officer and other senior management officers;


·                  convening shareholders’ annual general meetings and reporting its work to shareholders at such meetings;


·                  declaring dividends and distributions;


·                  appointing officers and determining the term of office of the officers;


·                  exercising the borrowing powers of our company and mortgaging the property of our company; and


·                  approving the transfer of shares in our company, including the registering of such shares in our share register.


Interested Transactions


A director may vote in respect of any contract or transaction in which he is interested, provided that the nature and extent of the interest of any director in any such contract or transaction shall be disclosed by him at or prior to the consideration and any vote on that matter. A general notice or disclosure to the directors or otherwise contained in the minutes of a meeting or a written resolution of the directors or any committee of directors that a director is a shareholder of any



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specified firm or company and is to be regarded as interested in any transaction with such firm or company will be sufficient disclosure, and, after such general notice, it will not be necessary to give special notice relating to any particular transaction.


Remuneration and Borrowing


The directors may determine remuneration to be paid to the directors. The compensation committee will assist the directors in reviewing and approving the compensation structure for the directors. Subject to certain restrictions, the directors may exercise all the powers of our company to borrow money and to mortgage or charge our undertaking, property and uncalled capital or any part thereof and to issue debentures, debenture stock and other securities whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of our company or of any third party.




A director is not required to hold any shares in our company in order to serve as a director.


Terms of Directors and Executive Officers


At each annual general meeting of the shareholders of our company, one-third of our directors at such time are required to retire from office and are eligible for re-election. All of these directors will retain office until the close of such general meeting.


D.  Employees


We had 813 employees, 1,078 employees and 1,434 employees as of December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.  The increase in the number of our employees from 2006 to 2008 was primarily due to our acquisition of new businesses, establishment of collaborative alliances with new university partners, the increase in learning centers and the increase in general and administrative employees as a result of becoming a public reporting company.  The following table sets forth the number of our employees categorized by function and the percentage of each category of our total employees as of December 31, 2008.








Operations and program support






Management and administration






Research and development






Selling and marketing






Total number of employees







We believe that our relations with our employees are good, and we have not experienced any significant labor disputes. Our employees are not represented by any collective bargaining agreements or labor unions.


We are required by PRC law to participate in various government sponsored benefit and pension programs for our employees. We are required to accrue a portion of the salaries, bonuses and certain other payments to our employees for these benefits. The total amount we have accrued under our employee benefits plans for the twelve months ended December 31, 2008 was approximately RMB20.2 million ($3.0 million).


Under our equity incentive plan, we granted certain employees options to purchase our ordinary shares. For a description of our equity incentive plan, see “—B. Compensation—Share-Based Compensation Plans.”


E.  Share Ownership


The following table sets forth information, as of June 25, 2009, with respect to the beneficial ownership of our ordinary shares held by:


·                  each person known to us to own beneficially more than 5% of our ordinary shares; and


·                  each of our directors and executive officers.


Beneficial ownership is determined in accordance with the rules of the SEC and includes voting or investment power with respect to securities. Except as indicated below, and subject to applicable community property laws, the persons named in the table below have sole voting and investment power with respect to all ordinary shares beneficially owned by them. A shareholder is also deemed to be, as of any date, the beneficial owner of all securities that such shareholder has the right to acquire within 60 days after that date through (a) the exercise of any option, warrant or right, (b) the conversion of a security, (c) the power to revoke a trust, discretionary account or similar arrangement, or (d) the automatic termination of a trust, discretionary account or similar arrangement.



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Ordinary Shares Beneficially Owned








Directors and Executive Officers






Julia Huang(3)






Shawn Ding(4)






Zonglian Gu(5)






Amol Shah(6)






Tianwen Liu






Samuel Yen






Min Fan






Lily Liu






Changqing Xie






All directors and executive officers as a group (9 persons)







*  Director or executive officer who beneficially owns less than 1% of our ordinary shares.

(1)  Beneficial ownership of each listed person includes the shares such person has the right to acquire within 60 days.

(2)  Percentage of beneficial ownership of each listed person is based on 48,325,987 ordinary shares outstanding as of June 25, 2009 and the ordinary shares underlying options and warrants exercisable by such person within 60 days.

(3)  Represents ordinary shares underlying stock options exercisable within 60 days beneficially owned by Ms. Huang that have been designated to South Lead Technology Limited, a British Virgin Islands Company.

(4)  Represents ordinary shares underlying stock options exercisable within 60 days beneficially owned by Mr. Ding that have been designated to Moral Known Industrial Limited, a British Virgin Islands Company.

(5)  Represents 1,745,000 ordinary shares held by Rendashiji Technology Development Co., Ltd. Mr. Gu disclaims beneficial ownership of all of the shares held by Rendashiji Technology Development Co., Ltd., except to the extent of his pecuniary interest therein.

(6)  Represents 3,377,336 ordinary shares held by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Mr. Shah is senior vice president of the China division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Mr. Shah disclaims beneficial ownership of all of our shares held by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., except to the extent of his pecuniary interest therein.


As of June 25, 2009, warrants to purchase 486,486 of our ordinary shares that are exercisable within 60 days are held by record holders in the United States, which represents 0.85% of our total share capital. We have a total of 14 record holders in the United States.


None of our existing shareholders has voting rights that differ from the voting rights of other shareholders after the closing of our initial public offering.


Item 7.  Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions


A.  Major Shareholders


Please refer to “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees — E. Share Ownership.”


B.  Related Party Transactions


Share Repurchase Agreement


Pursuant to the November 2008 share repurchase agreement with Tiger Global, we agreed to purchase from Tiger Global an aggregate of 8,364,634 ordinary shares (2,788,211 ADSs) at US$1.3167 per ordinary share (US$3.95 per ADS) for an aggregate purchase price of RMB75.3 million ($11.0 million).  The agreement also stipulated that all warrants held by Tiger Global, which represented the right to purchase an aggregate of 1,768,300 ordinary shares, would be cancelled.  As of December 31, 2008, we repurchased and cancelled 1,518,949 ordinary shares and 321,109 warrants for an aggregate consideration of RMB13.7 million ($2.0 million).  Subsequent to December 31, 2008, we repurchased and cancelled 6,845,685 ordinary shares and 1,447,191warrants for an aggregate consideration of RMB61.6 million ($9.0 million) in January 2009.


Contractual Arrangements Relating to Certain Affiliated Entities


Due to the Chinese regulatory restrictions on foreign investment in the Internet and K-12 education sectors, we entered into a series of agreements with Hongcheng Education and Xiandai Technology, our Chinese affiliated entities in which we do not have a direct ownership interest, for us to maintain effective control over and receive the economic benefits of those entities. For the regulatory restrictions, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation.”


Contractual Arrangements with Respect to Hongcheng Education


Under the current Chinese legal framework, foreign invested companies are not permitted to invest in K-12 schools in China. We operate the three private primary and secondary schools through Hongcheng Education, and have entered into a series of agreements with Hongcheng Education and its shareholders, Mr. Changqing Xie, one of our officers, and Mr. Xueshan Yang, one of our directors, to maintain effective control over and receive the economic benefits of Hongcheng Education. Currently, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang hold 72% and 28% of the equity interest in Hongcheng Education, respectively. The material agreements that currently govern the relationship and economic arrangements between Hongcheng Education and us are described in greater detail below.



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ChinaEdu and Changqing Xie Loan Agreement.    We entered into a loan agreement with Mr. Xie on January 3, 2005 (and amended such agreement on July 12, 2005 and July 18, 2007), pursuant to which we loaned Mr. Xie approximately $4.8 million to fund the registered capital requirements of Hongcheng Education. The term of the loan is 20 years and may be extended with the consent of the parties. To the extent permitted by Chinese law, the loan may only be repaid by Mr. Xie transferring all of his equity interests in Hongcheng Education to us (or our designee). Mr. Xie has agreed that we have the right to appoint all directors to the board of directors of Hongcheng Education that Mr. Xie is entitled to appoint in his capacity as a shareholder of the entity.


ChinaEdu and Xueshan Yang Loan Agreement.    We entered into a loan agreement with Mr. Yang on January 3, 2005 (and amended such agreement in June 2005 and July 18, 2007), pursuant to which we loaned Mr. Yang approximately $1.8 million to fund the registered capital requirements of Hongcheng Education. The term of the loan is 20 years and may be extended with the consent of the parties. To the extent permitted by Chinese law, the loan may only be repaid by Mr. Yang transferring all of his equity interests in Hongcheng Education to us (or our designee). Mr. Yang has agreed that we have the right to appoint all directors to the board of directors of Hongcheng Education that Mr. Yang is entitled to appoint in his capacity as a shareholder of the entity.


Hongcheng Education, Changqing Xie, Xueshan Yang and Hongcheng Technology Shareholder’s Voting Rights Entrustment Agreement.    Hongcheng Education, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang and Hongcheng Technology entered into a shareholder’s voting rights entrustment agreement dated on July 12, 2005, pursuant to which Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang irrevocably entrusted Hongcheng Technology with the right to act as their proxies and vote their shares in Hongcheng Education. Mr. Xie entered into a second similar agreement with Hongcheng Education and Hongcheng Technology on December 20, 2005. These agreements will remain effective as long as Mr. Xie or Mr. Yang, respectively, remains a shareholder in Hongcheng Education.


Changqing Xie, Xueshan Yang and Hongcheng Technology Call Option Agreement.    Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang entered into a call option agreement with Hongcheng Technology on July 12, 2005 pursuant to which Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang each granted irrevocable options to purchase all or, in the case of Mr. Xie, a portion, of their respective equity interests in Hongcheng Education to Hongcheng Technology at the lowest price permitted under applicable Chinese laws. Mr. Xie entered into a second similar call option agreement with Hongcheng Technology on December 20, 2005 granting similar rights to Hongcheng Technology with respect to shares in Hongcheng Education held by Mr. Xie that were not covered under the original call option agreement.


Changqing Xie, Xueshan Yang and Hongcheng Technology Equity Pledge Agreement.    As security for Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang’s obligations under their Call Option Agreements and Shareholder Voting Rights Entrustment Agreements with Hongcheng Technology and Hongcheng Education’s obligations under the technical consulting and services agreement with Hongcheng Technology, Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang pledged all of their equity interests in Hongcheng Education and all distributions arising from those interests to Hongcheng Technology under equity pledge agreements dated July 12, 2005 and December 20, 2005, as amended on July 18, 2007.


Power of Attorney by Changqing Xie and Xueshan Yang.    For purposes of securing their performance under the various agreements that they have entered into with us and Hongcheng Technology, both Mr. Xie and Mr. Yang have irrevocably appointed Hongcheng Technology as their attorneys-in-fact and have authorized Hongcheng Technology to take all actions on their behalf (as shareholders of Hongcheng Education) that are deemed appropriate by Hongcheng Technology.


Hongcheng Technology and Hongcheng Education Exclusive Technical Consulting and Services Agreement.    In July 2007, we, through our wholly owned subsidiary Hongcheng Technology, entered into an exclusive technical consulting and services agreement with Hongcheng Education. Under this agreement Hongcheng Technology provides courseware and product development services, website design services, maintenance and security services, employee training services and any other services that may be agreed upon by the parties to Hongcheng Education. As consideration for these services Hongcheng Education pays Hongcheng Technology a service fee equal to 80% of its annual gross revenue.


Contractual Arrangements with Respect to Xiandai Technology


On July 12, 2005, we entered into a series of agreements with Xiandai Technology, the ICP license holder for operating our website www.chinaedu.net, and its shareholders, our former director Mr. Gongquan Wang and current director Mr. Xueshan Yang, to maintain effective control over and receive the economic benefits of Xiandai Technology and satisfy the Chinese regulatory restrictions on foreign investment in the ICP sector. Currently, Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang each hold 50% of the equity interest in Xiandai Technology. The material agreements that currently govern the relationship and economic arrangements between Hongcheng Technology and Xiandai Technology are described in greater detail below.


Hongcheng Technology and Gongquan Wang Loan Agreement.    Hongcheng Technology and Mr. Wang entered into a loan agreement on July 12, 2005 (and amended such agreement on August 30, 2006) under which Hongcheng Technology loaned Mr. Wang RMB0.3 million to fund the registered capital requirements of Xiandai Technology. The term of the loan is 20 years and may be extended with the consent of the parties. To the extent permitted by Chinese law, the loan may be repaid by Mr. Wang using the proceeds from the transfer all of his equity interests in Xiandai Technology to Hongcheng Technology or its designee. The parties have agreed that Hongcheng Technology has the right to appoint all directors to the board of directors of Xiandai Technology that Mr. Wang is entitled to appoint in his capacity as a shareholder of the entity.



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Hongcheng Technology and Xueshan Yang Loan Agreement.    Hongcheng Technology and Mr. Yang entered into a loan agreement on July 12, 2005 (and amended such agreement on August 30, 2006) under which Hongcheng Technology loaned Mr. Yang RMB0.3 million to fund the registered capital requirements of Xiandai Technology. The term of the loan is 20 years and may be extended with the consent of the parties. To the extent permitted by Chinese law, the loan may be repaid by Mr. Yang using the proceeds from the transfer all of his equity interests in Xiandai Technology to Hongcheng Technology or its designee. The parties have agreed that Hongcheng Technology has the right to appoint all directors to the board of directors of Xiandai Technology that Mr. Yang is entitled to appoint in his capacity as a shareholder of the entity.


Xiandai Technology, Gongquan Wang, Xueshan Yang and Hongcheng Technology Shareholders’ Voting Rights Entrustment Agreement.    Xiandai Technology, Mr. Wang, Mr. Yang and Hongcheng Technology entered into a shareholder’s voting rights entrustment agreement pursuant to which Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang irrevocably entrusted Hongcheng Technology with the right to act as their proxies and vote all of their shares in Xiandai Technology. This agreement will remain effective as long as either of Messrs. Wang or Yang remains a shareholder in Xiandai Technology.


Gongquan Wang, Xueshan Yang and Hongcheng Technology Call Option Agreement.    Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang also entered into call option agreements with Hongcheng Technology under which each of them granted to Hongcheng Technology or its designee irrevocable options to purchase all of their respective equity interests in Xiandai Technology at the lowest price permitted under applicable Chinese laws.


Gongquan Wang, Xueshan Yang and Hongcheng Technology Equity Pledge Agreement.    Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang also pledged all of their equity interests in Xiandai Technology and all distributions arising from those interests to Hongcheng Technology under equity pledge agreements dated July 12, 2005, as amended on July 18, 2007, to secure their performance under their Call Option Agreements and Shareholder Voting Rights Entrustment Agreements with Hongcheng Technology and the performance of Xiandai Technology under the Technical Consulting and Services Agreement with Hongcheng Technology.


Power of Attorney by Gongquan Wang and Xueshan Yang.    Each of Mr. Wang and Mr. Yang has appointed Hongcheng Technology as his attorney-in-fact with and has authorized Hongcheng Technology to take all the actions on his behalf (as a shareholder of Xiandai Technology) that are deemed appropriate by Hongcheng Technology.


Hongcheng Technology and Xiandai Technology Exclusive Technical Consulting and Services Agreement.    We, through our wholly owned subsidiary Hongcheng Technology, entered into an exclusive technical consulting and services agreement with Xiandai Technology. Under this agreement Hongcheng Technology provides network technology development services, website design services, maintenance and security services, employee training services and any other services that may be agreed upon by the parties to Xiandai Technology. Under the Technical Consulting and Services Agreement, Hongcheng Technology has the sole discretion to charge Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education fees that represent substantially all of the variable interest entities’ net income.


Stock Option Grants


We have granted options to purchase our ordinary shares to certain of our employees, directors and officers under our equity incentive plan. As of the date of this annual report, there were outstanding options to purchase an aggregate of  10,142,537 ordinary shares.  For a description of our equity incentive plan and these option grants, see “Item 6.  Directors, Senior Management and Employees Management—B. Compensation—Stock-Based Compensation Plans.”


Registration Rights


Pursuant to our fourth amended and restated registration rights agreement entered into in March 2007, we have granted certain registration rights to holders of our registrable securities, which include our preferred shares and ordinary shares converted from our preferred shares as well as ordinary shares owned by certain of our early shareholders, or founders, as of August 18, 2000. Since December 31, 2007, the holders of an aggregate of 29,536,862 ordinary shares are entitled to the registration rights provided under this registration rights agreement. Set forth below is a description of the registration rights granted under the agreement.


Demand Registration Rights.    Holders of at least 25% of registrable securities (excluding for such purposes the shares held by the founders) have the right to demand that we file a registration statement covering the offer and sale of their securities as long as the securities to be registered have an aggregate offering price of at least $5.0 million. We, however, are not obligated to effect a demand registration (1) if we have already effected two demand registrations, (2) during the period beginning on the 60th day prior to our good faith estimate of the filing date of, and ending on the 180th day after the effective date of, a public offering of our securities initiated by us, or (3) if the securities to be registered can be immediately registered on Form S-3 or Form F-3, as applicable. We have the right to defer filing of a registration statement for up to 60 days if our board of directors determine in good faith that filing of a registration will be detrimental to us, but we cannot exercise the deferral right more than once in any 12 month period.


Form F-3 or S-3 Registration Rights.    When we are eligible to register our shares using Form F-3 or Form S-3, holders of registrable securities then outstanding have the right to request that we file a registration statement under Form F-3 or Form S-3 as long as the aggregate amount of securities to be sold under the registration statement exceeds $1.50 million. We may defer filing of a registration statement on Form F-3 or Form S-3 for up to 60 days if our board of directors determine in good faith that filing such a registration statement will be detrimental to us and our shareholders, provided that we cannot exercise the deferral right more than once in any 12 month period. We are not obligated to file a registration statement on Form F-3 or



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Form S-3 if we have already effected two registrations on Form F-3 or Form S-3 within the 18 month period preceding the date of such request.


Piggyback Registration Rights.    If we propose to file a registration statement for a public offering of our securities other than as required by the agreement granting holders of our registrable securities the registration rights or pursuant to a registration statement relating to the sale or issuance of securities under an employee benefit plan or in connection with a corporate reorganization, then we must offer holders of registrable securities an opportunity to include in such registration all or any part of their registrable securities. We must use our best effort to cause the underwriters in any underwritten offering to permit these shareholders who so requested to include their shares on the same terms and conditions as our securities to be registered.


Expenses of Registration.    We will pay all expenses relating to any demand, piggyback or F-3 or S-3 registration other than underwriting commissions and discounts, and fees and disbursements for counsel for selling shareholders, if applicable.


Indemnification.    We are required to indemnify any selling holders of our registrable securities and any underwriters engaged in connection with sales of our ordinary shares pursuant to these registration rights.


Employment Agreements


See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employee—A. Directors and Senior Management” for a description of the employment agreements we have entered into with our senior executive officers.


Share Incentives


See “Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employee—B. Compensation—Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers” for a description of share options and stock purchase rights we have granted to our directors, officers and other individuals as a group.


C. Interests of Experts and Counsel


Not applicable.


Item 8.  Financial Information


A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information


Please refer to Item 18 for a list of our annual consolidated financial statements filed as part of this annual report. The financial statements contained in this annual report begin on page F-1.


Dividend Policy


Since the incorporation of our company in 1999, we have not declared or paid any dividends on our ordinary shares or ADSs. We have no present plan to declare or pay any dividends on our ordinary shares or ADSs in the foreseeable future. We currently intend to retain most, if not all, of our available funds and any future earnings to operate and expand our business.


We are a holding company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. Although we have not received any to date, we may in the future rely on dividends from our subsidiaries in China. Current Chinese regulations permit our subsidiaries to pay dividends to us only out of their accumulated profits, if any, determined in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and regulations. In addition, our subsidiaries in China are required to set aside a certain amount of their accumulated after-tax profits each year, if any, to fund certain statutory reserves. These reserves may not be distributed as cash dividends. Further, if our subsidiaries in China incur debt on their own behalf, the instruments governing the debt may restrict their ability to pay dividends or make other payments to us.


Under the previous Chinese tax law, dividend payments to foreign investors made by FIEs, such as our Chinese subsidiaries, were exempt from PRC withholding tax. Pursuant to the EIT Law that became effective on January 1, 2008, as well as the related implementation rules and other recently issued regulations, dividends payable by an FIE to its foreign investors are subject to a 10% withholding tax (unless the foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with China that provides for a different withholding arrangement).  Distributions made from pre-January 1, 2008 retained earnings will not be subject to the withholding tax.


Our board of directors has complete discretion as to whether to distribute dividends, subject to the approval of our shareholders. Even if our board of directors decides to pay dividends, the form, frequency and amount will depend upon our future operations and earnings, capital requirements and surplus, our general financial condition, contractual restrictions and other factors that the board of directors may deem relevant. If we pay any dividends, we will pay our ADS holders to the same extent as holders of our ordinary shares, subject to the terms of the deposit agreement, including the fees and expenses payable thereunder. Cash dividends on our ADSs and ordinary shares, if any, will be paid in U.S. dollars.


Legal Proceedings


There are no material legal proceedings, regulatory inquiries or investigations pending, or to our knowledge, threatened against us.



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Item 9.  The Offer and Listing


A. Offering and Listing Details


Not applicable.


B. Plan of Distribution


Not applicable.


C. Markets


Our ADSs, each representing three of our ordinary shares, have been listed on the NASDAQ Global Market since December 14, 2007.  Our ADSs trade under the symbol “CEDU.”  For the period from December 14, 2007, the date of our initial public offering, to June 25, 2009, the trading price of our ADSs on the NASDAQ Global Market has ranged from US$2.97 to US$9.20 per ADS. The following table provides the high and low trading prices for our ADSs on the NASDAQ Global Market for each of the months since our initial public offering:




Trading Price














Monthly Highs and Lows












December (from December 14)
























































































































June (through June 25)







D. Selling Shareholders


Not applicable.


E. Dilution


Not applicable.


F. Expenses of the Issue


Not applicable.


Item 10.  Additional Information


A. Share Capital


Not applicable.


B. Memorandum and Articles of Association


We have incorporated by reference into this annual report our fifth amended and restated memorandum of association and our fifth amended and restated articles of association, both of which became effective upon the closing of our initial public



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offering, filed as Exhibits 3.1 and 3.2, respectively, to our F-1 registration statement (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007.


C. Material Contracts


We have not entered into any material contracts other than in the ordinary course of business and other than those described in “Item 4. Information on the Company” and “Item 7.  Major Shareholders and Related Party Transactions—B. Related Party Transactions” or elsewhere in this annual report on Form 20-F.


D. Exchange Controls


See “Item 4. Information on the Company—B. Business Overview—Regulation—Regulation of Foreign Currency Exchange and Dividend Distribution.”


E. Taxation


Cayman Islands Taxation


The Cayman Islands currently levy no taxes on individuals or corporations based upon profits, income, gains or appreciation and there is no taxation in the nature of inheritance tax or estate duty. There are no other taxes likely to be material to our company levied by the Government of the Cayman Islands except for stamp duties that may be applicable on instruments executed in, or after execution brought within the jurisdiction of, the Cayman Islands. The Cayman Islands are not party to any double taxation treaties. There are no exchange control regulations or currency restrictions in the Cayman Islands.


United States Federal Income Taxation


The following is a discussion of material U.S. federal income tax consequences of purchasing, owning and disposing of shares and ADSs. This discussion does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all of the U.S. tax considerations that may be relevant to a particular person’s decision to acquire the shares or ADSs (including any state, local or non-U.S. tax consequences of the ownership of the shares or ADSs).




This discussion applies to only to those investors that hold shares or ADSs as capital assets for U.S. tax purposes (generally, for investment). This section does not apply to holders that may be subject to special tax rules, including but not limited to:


·                  a dealer in securities or currencies;


·                  a trader in securities that elects to use a mark-to-market method of accounting for your securities holdings;


·                  a bank, insurance company or other financial institution;


·                  a tax-exempt organization;


·                  a holder liable for alternative minimum tax;


·                  a holder that actually or constructively owns 10% or more by voting power or value of our stock;


·                  a holder that holds equity shares or ADSs as part of a straddle, hedging or conversion transaction; or


·                  a U.S. holder whose functional currency is not the U.S. Dollar.


This section is based on the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the Code, its legislative history, existing and proposed U.S. Treasury regulations, published rulings and other administrative guidance of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and court decisions, all as in effect on the date hereof. These laws are subject to change or different interpretation by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or a court, possibly on a retroactive basis.


You are a “U.S. holder” if you are a beneficial owner of shares or ADSs and you are:


·                  a citizen or resident individual of the United States;


·                  a U.S. domestic corporation, or other entity treated as a domestic corporation for U.S. federal income tax purposes;


·                  an estate whose income is subject to U.S. federal income tax regardless of its source; or



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·                  a trust if a U.S. court can exercise primary supervision over the trust’s administration and one or more U.S. persons are authorized to control all substantial decisions of the trust or if the trust has a valid election in effect under applicable U.S. Treasury regulations to be treated as a United States person.


If a partnership (including for this purpose any entity treated as a partnership for U.S. tax purposes) is a beneficial owner of the shares or ADSs, the U.S. tax treatment of a partner in the partnership generally will depend on the status of the partner and the activities of the partnership. A holder of the shares or ADSs that is a partnership and partners in such a partnership should consult their own tax advisors about the U.S. federal income tax consequences of holding and disposing of the shares or ADSs.


A “non-U.S. holder” is a beneficial owner of shares or ADSs that is not a U.S. person for U.S. federal income tax purposes.


For U.S. federal income tax purposes, holders of ADSs will be treated as the owners of shares represented by such ADSs.


Taxation of Dividends


U.S. Holders.    Subject to the passive foreign investment company (“PFIC”) rules referred to below, under the U.S. federal income tax laws, if you are a U.S. holder, you must include in your gross income the gross amount of any dividend paid by us out of our current or accumulated earnings and profits (as determined for U.S. Federal income tax purposes). The dividend is ordinary income that you must include in income when you receive the dividend, actually or constructively. Dividends received by a non-corporate taxpayer during taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011 will be taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, where certain holding period and other requirements are satisfied, if such dividends constitute qualified dividend income. Qualified dividend income includes dividends paid by a “qualified foreign corporation” (as defined in the Code), and we believe that we are, and will continue to be, a Qualified Foreign Corporation.


Dividends will not be eligible for the dividends-received deduction generally allowed to U.S. corporations in respect of dividends received from other U.S. corporations. If we distribute non-cash property as a dividend (other than pro rata distributions of our shares), you generally will include in income an amount equal to the fair market value of the property, in U.S. Dollars, on the date that it is distributed.


Distributions in excess of current and accumulated earnings and profits, as determined for U.S. federal income tax purposes, will be treated as a non-taxable return of capital to the extent of your basis in the equity shares and ADSs and thereafter as capital gain. However, we do not plan on calculating our earnings and profits for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and U.S. holders therefore should generally assume that any distributions paid by us are paid out of our earnings and profits for this purpose.


Non-U.S. Holders.    Dividends paid to non-U.S. holders generally will not be subject to U.S. income tax unless the dividends are “effectively connected” with your conduct of a trade or business within the United States, and the dividends are attributable to a permanent establishment (or in the case of an individual, a fixed place of business) that you maintain in the United States if that is required by an applicable income tax treaty as a condition for subjecting you to U.S. taxation on a net income basis. In such cases, you generally will be taxed in the same manner as a U.S. holder, and will not be subject to U.S. Federal withholding tax. If you are a corporate non-U.S. holder, “effectively connected” dividends may, under certain circumstances, be subject to an additional “branch profits tax” at a 30% rate or a lower rate if you are eligible for the benefits of an income tax treaty that provides for a lower rate.


Taxation of Capital Gains


U.S. Holders.    Subject to the PFIC rules referred to below, if you are a U.S. holder and you sell or otherwise dispose of your shares or ADSs, you will recognize capital gain or loss for U.S. Federal income tax purposes equal to the difference between the U.S. Dollar value of the amount that you realize and your tax basis, determined in U.S. Dollars, in your shares or ADSs. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 2011, capital gains of a non-corporate U.S. holder are generally taxed at a maximum rate of 15% where the property is held for more than one year. The gain or loss will generally be income or loss from sources within the United States for foreign tax credit limitation purposes, unless it is attributable to an office or other fixed place of business outside the United States and certain other conditions are met. Your ability to deduct capital losses is subject to limitations.


Non-U.S. Holders.    If you are a non-U.S. holder, you will not be subject to U.S. federal income tax on gain recognized on the sale or other disposition of your shares or ADSs unless:


·                  the gain is “effectively connected” with your conduct of a trade or business in the United States, and the gain is attributable to a permanent establishment (or in the case of an individual, a fixed place of business) that you maintain in the United States if that is required by an applicable income tax treaty as a condition for subjecting you to U.S. taxation on a net income basis; or


·                  you are an individual, you are present in the United States for 183 or more days in the taxable year of the sale and certain other conditions are met.



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In the first case, the non-U.S. holder will be taxed in the same manner as a U.S. holder. In the second case, the non-U.S. holder will be subject to U.S. Federal income tax at a rate of 30% on the amount by which the non-U.S. holder’s U.S.-source capital gains exceed such non-U.S. holder’s U.S.-source capital losses.


If you are a corporate non-U.S. holder, “effectively connected” gains that you recognize may also, under certain circumstances, be subject to an additional “branch profits tax” at a 30% rate or at a lower rate if you are eligible for the benefits of an income tax treaty that provides for a lower rate.


PFIC Rules


We believe that our shares and ADSs will not be treated as stock of a PFIC for U.S. federal income tax purposes for the current tax year, and we do not expect to become a PFIC in the foreseeable future, although we can provide no assurances in this regard for the reasons discussed below. The determination of whether or not we are a PFIC in respect of any of our taxable years is a factual determination that cannot be made until the close of the applicable tax year and that is based on the types of income we earn and the value of our assets (including goodwill), both of which are subject to change. In calculating goodwill for this purpose, we will determine the total value of our assets by reference to the then-current market price of the equity and ADSs, and will make determinations regarding the amount of this total value allocable to goodwill. The value of our goodwill, and the total value of our assets, therefore will change as the market prices of our shares and ADSs change. Therefore, we can make no assurances that we will not be a PFIC in respect of our current taxable year or in the future.


In general, if you are a U.S. holder, we will be a PFIC with respect to you if for any taxable year in which you held the equity shares or ADSs:


·                  at least 75% of our gross income for the taxable year is passive income; or


·                  at least 50% of the value, determined on the basis of a quarterly average, of our assets, is attributable to assets that produce or are held for the production of passive income.


Passive income generally includes dividends, interest, royalties, rents (other than certain rents and royalties derived in the active conduct of a trade or business), the excess of gains over losses from certain types of transactions in commodities, annuities and gains from assets that produce passive income. If a foreign corporation owns at least 25% by value of the stock of another corporation, the foreign corporation is treated for purposes of the PFIC tests as owning its proportionate share of the assets of the other corporation, and as receiving directly its proportionate share of the other corporation’s income.


If we are treated as a PFIC, and you are a U.S. holder that did not make a mark-to-market election, as described below, you will be subject to special rules with respect to:


·                  any gain you realize on the sale or other disposition of your shares or ADSs; and


·                  any excess distribution that we make to you (generally, any distributions to you during a single taxable year that are greater than 125% of the average annual distributions received by you in respect of the shares or ADSs during the three preceding taxable years or, if shorter, your holding period for the shares or ADSs).


Under these rules:


·                  the gain or excess distribution will be allocated ratably over your holding period for the shares and ADSs;


·                  the amount allocated to the taxable year in which you realized the gain or excess distribution will be taxed as ordinary income;


·                  the amount allocated to each prior year in respect of which we were, or were treated as, a PFIC generally will be taxed at the highest tax rate in effect for that year; and


·                  the interest charge generally applicable to underpayments of tax will be imposed in respect of the tax attributable to each such year.


Special rules apply for calculating the amount of the foreign tax credit with respect to excess distributions by a PFIC.


If you own shares in a PFIC that are treated as marketable stock, you may make a mark-to-market election. If you make this election in a timely fashion, you will not be subject to the PFIC rules described above. Instead, in general, you will include as ordinary income each year the excess, if any, of the fair market value of your equity shares and ADSs at the end of the taxable year over your adjusted basis in your shares and ADSs. You will also be allowed to take an ordinary loss in respect of the excess, if any, of the adjusted basis of your shares and ADSs over the fair market value at the end of the taxable year (but only to the extent of the net amount of previously included income as a result of the mark-to-market election). Your basis in the shares and ADSs will be adjusted to reflect any such income or loss amounts.


We do not intend to furnish you with the information that you would need in order to make a “qualified electing fund” election to include your share of its income on a current basis.



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If you own shares or ADSs during any year that we are a PFIC, you must file U.S. Internal Revenue Service Form 8621 that describes the distribution received on the equity shares or ADSs and the gain realized on the disposition of the shares or ADSs. The reduced tax rate for dividend income, discussed in “Taxation of Dividends,” is not applicable to dividends paid by a PFIC.


Information Reporting and Backup Withholding


In general, information reporting requirements will apply to dividends in respect of shares or ADSs or the proceeds received on the sale, exchange or redemption of shares or ADSs paid within the United States (and, in certain cases, outside the United States) to U.S. holders other than certain exempt recipients, such as corporations, and backup withholding tax at the rate of 28% may apply to such amounts if the U.S. holder fails to provide an accurate taxpayer identification number (or to otherwise establish, in the manner provided by law, an exemption from backup withholding) or to report dividends required to be shown on the U.S. holder’s U.S. federal income tax returns.


Backup withholding is not an additional income tax, and the amount of any backup withholding from a payment to a U.S. holder will be allowed as credit against the U.S. holder’s U.S. Federal income tax liability provided that the appropriate returns are filed.


A Non-U.S. holder generally may eliminate any requirement for information reporting and backup withholding by providing certification of its foreign status to the payer, under penalties of perjury, on IRS Form W-8BEN.


F. Dividends and Paying Agents


Not applicable.


G. Statement by Experts


Not applicable.


H. Documents on Display


We have filed with the SEC our registration statement on Form F-1(File No. 333-147620), including relevant exhibits, under the Securities Act, with respect to our underlying ordinary shares represented by the ADSs.


We are subject to the periodic reporting and other informational requirements of the Exchange Act. Under the Exchange Act, we are required to file reports and other information with the SEC. Specifically, we are required to file annually a Form 20-F no later than six months after the close of each fiscal year, which is December 31. Copies of reports and other information, when so filed, may be inspected without charge and may be obtained at prescribed rates at the public reference facilities maintained by the SEC at 100 F Street, N.E., Room 1580, Washington, D.C. 20549. The public may obtain information regarding the Washington, D.C. Public Reference Room by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The SEC also maintains a web site at www.sec.gov that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding registrants that make electronic filings with the SEC using its EDGAR system. As a foreign private issuer, we are exempt from the rules under the Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of quarterly reports and proxy statements, and officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and short-swing profit recovery provisions contained in Section 16 of the Exchange Act.


We will furnish The Bank of New York, the depositary of our ADSs, with our annual reports, which will include a review of operations and annual audited consolidated financial statements prepared in conformity with U.S. GAAP, and all notices of shareholders’ meetings and other reports and communications that are made generally available to our shareholders. The depositary will make such notices, reports and communications available to holders of ADSs and, upon our request, will mail to all record holders of ADSs the information contained in any notice of a shareholders’ meeting received by the depositary from us.


I.  Subsidiary Information


For a listing of our subsidiaries, see “Item 4. Information on the Company—C. Organizational Structure” and Exhibit 8.1, filed herewith.


Item 11.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk


Interest Rate Risk


Our exposure to interest rate risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to the interest receipts of excess cash deposited in banks. As of December 31, 2008, we had cash and cash equivalents of RMB353.9 million ($51.9 million).  Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and in banks.


We have not been exposed to nor do we anticipate being exposed to material risks due to changes in interest rates, although our future interest income may fluctuate in line with changes in interest rates. The risk associated with fluctuating interest rates is principally confined to our cash deposits in banks, and, therefore, our exposure to interest rate risk is minimal. We currently do not use any derivative financial instruments to hedge interest rate risk.



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Credit Risk


The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents, term deposits, accounts receivable and amount due from related parties represent our principal exposure to credit risk in relation to our financial assets. As of December 31, 2008, substantially all of our cash and cash equivalents were held in uninsured accounts at major financial institutions located in China and Hong Kong that we believe are of acceptable credit quality. We have not used any derivative financial instruments to hedge interest rate risk.


Foreign Exchange Risk


Substantially all of our revenue generating operations are transacted in Renminbi, which is not fully convertible into foreign currencies and substantially all of our assets and liabilities are denominated in Renminbi. As a result, the conversion of our revenue into foreign currencies is subject to PRC regulatory restrictions on currency conversion and we are exposed to risks posed by fluctuations in the foreign exchange market. The value of the RMB against the U.S. dollar and other currencies may fluctuate and is affected by, among other things, changes in China’s political and economic conditions. The conversion of RMB into foreign currencies, including U.S. dollars, has been based on rates set by the People’s Bank of China. On July 21, 2005, the PRC government changed its decade-old policy of pegging the value of the RMB to the U.S. dollar. Under the new policy, the RMB is permitted to fluctuate within a narrow and managed band against a basket of certain foreign currencies. This change in policy has resulted in an approximately 21% appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar as of December 31, 2008. There remains significant international pressure on the PRC government to adopt an even more flexible currency policy, which could result in a further and more significant appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar. To the extent we hold assets denominated in U.S. dollars through our PRC entities, any further appreciation of the Renminbi against the U.S. dollar could result in a charge to our income statement and a reduction in the RMB value of our U.S. dollar denominated assets.


We have not used any forward contracts or currency borrowings to hedge our exposure to foreign currency risk. See “Item 3. Key Information—D. Risk Factors—Risks Related to the People’s Republic of China—The fluctuation of the Renminbi may materially and adversely affect your investment.”


Inflation and Monetary Risk


Inflation in China has not had a material impact on our results of operations in recent years. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the change in Consumer Price Index in China was 1.5%, 4.8% and 5.9% in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


In September 2006, FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements” (“SFAS 157”).  Effective January 1, 2008, we adopted the measurement and disclosure other than those requirements related to nonfinancial assets and liabilities in accordance with guidance from FASB Staff Position 157-2, “Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 157,” which delayed the effective date of SFAS 157 for all nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities, except for items that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements on a recurring basis (at least annually), until the beginning of fiscal year 2009.  We do not expect the adoption of SFAS 157 for nonfinancial assets and liabilities will have a significant effect on our consolidated financial statements.


In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, Business Combinations: (Revised 2007) (“SFAS 141R”).  SFAS 141R is relevant to all transactions or events in which one entity obtains control over one or more other businesses.  SFAS 141R requires an acquirer to recognize any assets and noncontrolling interest acquired and liabilities assumed to be measured at fair value as of the acquisition date.  Liabilities related to contingent consideration are recognized and measured at fair value on the date of acquisition rather than at a later date when the amount of the consideration may be resolved beyond a reasonable doubt.  This revised approach replaces SFAS 141’s cost allocation process in which the cost of an acquisition was allocated to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their respective fair value.  SFAS 141R requires any acquisition-related costs and restructuring costs to be expensed as incurred as opposed to allocating such costs to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed as previously required by SFAS 141.  Under SFAS 141R, an acquirer recognizes liabilities for a restructuring plan in purchase accounting only if the requirements of SFAS 146, Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities, are met.  SFAS 141R allows for the recognition of pre-acquisition contingencies at fair value only if these contingencies are likely to materialize.  If this criterion is not met at the acquisition date, then the acquirer accounts for the non-contractual contingency in accordance with recognition criteria set forth under SFAS 5, Accounting for Contingencies, in which case no amount should be recognized in purchase accounting.  SFAS 141R is effective as of the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after December 15, 2008.  The adoption of SFAS 141R is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On April 1, 2009, the FASB issued FSP FAS 141(R)-1, which amends the guidance in FASB Statement No. 141(R), Business Combinations, to establish a model for pre-acquisition contingencies that is similar to the entities used under Statement 141.  The FSP is effective for business combinations whose acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after December 15, 2008.  The adoption of FSP FAS 141(R)-1 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements - An Amendment of ARB No. 51 (“SFAS 160”).  This Statement amends ARB 51 to establish accounting and reporting standards



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for the noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary.  It clarifies that a noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary is an ownership interest in the consolidated entity and should be reported as equity on the financial statements.  SFAS 160 requires consolidated net income to be reported at amounts that include the amounts attributable to both the parent and the noncontrolling interest.  Furthermore, disclosure of the amounts of consolidated net income attributable to the parent and to the noncontrolling interest is required on the face of the financial statements.  SFAS 160 is effective as of the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after December 15, 2008.  The adoption of SFAS 160 did not have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations, other than the reclassification of minority interests to shareholder’s equity on January 1, 2009.


In April 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position FAS142-3, Determination of the Useful Life of Intangible Assets.  This FSP amends the factors that should be considered in developing renewal or extension assumptions used to determine the useful life of a recognized intangible asset under FASB Statement No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.  This FSP is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, and interim periods within those fiscal years.  Early adoption is prohibited.  The guidance for determining the useful life of a recognized intangible asset in this FSP shall be applied prospectively to intangible assets acquired after the effective date.  The adoption of FAS 142-3 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


In June 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position EITF 03-6-1, Determining Whether Instruments Granted in Share-Based Payment Transactions Are Participating Securities.  This FSP gives guidance on the computation of earnings per share and the impact of share-based instruments that contain certain nonforfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents.  The FSP is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2008 and early application is prohibited.  The adoption of FSP 03-6-1 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


At a November 24, 2008 meeting, the FASB ratified the consensus reached by the Task Force in Issue No. 08-6: Equity Method Investment Accounting Considerations (“EITF 08-6”).  Because of the significant changes to the guidance on subsidiary acquisitions and subsidiary equity transactions and the increased use of fair value measurements as a result of SFAS141R and 160, questions have arisen regarding the application of that accounting guidance to equity method investments.  EITF 08-6 provides guidance for entities that acquire or hold investments accounted for under the equity method.  This issue is effective for transactions occurring in fiscal years and interim periods beginning on or after December 15, 2008.  Early adoption is not permitted.  The adoption of EITF 08-6 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On April 9, 2009, the FASB issued the FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 157-4, Determining Fair Value When the Volume and Level of Activity for the Asset or Liability Have Significant Decreased and Identifying Transactions That Are Not Orderly.  This statement provides additional guidance for estimating fair value measurement in accordance with FAS 157 when the volume and level of activity for the asset or liability have significantly decreased and provides guidance on identifying circumstances that indicate a transaction is not orderly.  It emphasizes that despite significant decreases in volume and level of activity and regardless of the valuation technique(s) used for the asset or liability, the fair value measurement stay the same.  Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction (that is, not a forced liquidation or distressed sale) between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions.  This issue is effective prospectively for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009.  Early adoption is permitted for periods ending after March 15, 2009.  The adoption of FSP FAS 157-4 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On April 9, 2009, the FASB issued the FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 107-1 and APB 28-1, Interim Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments.  This Statement amends FAS 107 to require entities to disclose, among other things, the methods and significant assumptions used to estimate the fair value of financial instruments in both interim and annual financial statements and amends APB Opinion No. 28 to require those disclosures in summarized financial information at interim reporting periods.  This FSP applies to all financial instruments within the scope of FAS 107 held by publicly traded companies, as defined in Opinion 28.  This issue is effective for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009.  Early adoption is permitted for periods ending after March 15, 2009 only if a reporting entity also early adopts FAS 157-4, FAS115-2 and FAS 124-2.  The adoption of FSP FAS 107-1 and APB 28-1 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On April 9, 2009, the FASB issued the FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2, Recognition and Presentation of Other-Than-Temporary Impairments (“OTTI”).  This Statement amends the OTTI guidance for debt securities to make the guidance more operational and to improve the presentation and disclosure of OTTI on debt and equity securities in the financial statements.  This FSP does not amend existing recognition and measurement guidance related to OTTI of equity securities.  It gives guidance on the evaluation whether an impairment of a debt security is other-than-temporary and the determination of amount of an OTTI recognized in earnings and other comprehensive income.  The adoption of FSP FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2 is not expected to have a material effect on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On June 12, 2009, the FASB issued SFAS 166, Accounting for Transfers of Financial Assets (“SFAS 166”). SFAS 166 amends the derecognition guidance in Statement 140 and eliminates the exemption from consolidation for qualifying special-purpose entities (QSPEs). As a result, a transferor will need to evaluate all existing QSPEs to determine whether they must now be consolidated in accordance with Statement 167. Statement 166 is effective is for financial asset transfers occurring after the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2009. We are in the process of assessing the potential impact the adoption of SFAS 166 may have on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On June 12, 2009, the FASB issued SFAS 167, Amendments to FASB Interpretation No. 46(R) (“SFAS 167”). SFAS 167 amends the consolidation guidance applicable to variable interest entities. The amendments will significantly affect the



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overall consolidation analysis under Interpretation 46(R). While the Board’s discussion leading up to the issuance of Statement 167 focused extensively on structured finance entities, the amendments to the consolidation guidance affect all entities and enterprises currently within the scope of Interpretations 46(R), as well as QSPEs that are currently excluded from the scope of Interpretation 46(R). The Statement is effective as of the beginning of the first fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2009. We are in the process of assessing the potential impact the adoption of SFAS 167 may have on our consolidated financial position or results of operations.


Item 12.  Description of Securities Other than Equity Securities


Not Applicable.



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Item 13.  Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies




Item 14.  Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds


The following “Use of Proceeds” information relates to the registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620) (the “Registration Statement”) for our initial public offering of 6,820,000 ADSs (including 1,364,000 ADSs being sold by certain selling shareholders), for an aggregate offering price of $68,200,000, which Registration Statement was declared effective by the SEC on December 10, 2007 and was terminated after all of the registered securities were sold.


We received net proceeds of approximately $47.8 million from our initial public offering, after deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses. We did not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of ADSs by the selling shareholders. None of the transaction expenses for the offering included payments to directors or officers of our company or their associates, persons owning more than 10% or more of our equity securities or our affiliates.


We have used or intend to use the net proceeds received from our initial public offering for the following purposes:


·                  approximately $5 million to expand our existing lines of business, including the funding of new collaborative alliances with university partners, approximately $0.7 million of which had been used as of June 25, 2009;


·                  approximately $5 million to develop our own initial network of learning centers, of which approximately $2.2 million has been used as of June 25, 2009 in connection with the opening of 53  learning centers;


·                  approximately $15 million to complete the construction of the new campuses at our Jingzhou School (Southern Campus) and Anqing School, of which approximately $8.2 million has been used as of June 25, 2009;


·                  approximately $1.0 million to fund our acquisition of the remaining 20% minority interest in 101 online school, all of which was used in May 2008;


·                  approximately $3.7 million to repay the loan incurred in connection with the acquisition of the new office building for our headquarters, which amounts were paid in July 2008;


·                  approximately $11.0 million to repurchase ordinary shares from Tiger Global, a former majority shareholder, and approximately $3.0 million to repurchase ordinary shares according to our share repurchase plan from July 2008 to December 2008; and


·                  the balance of approximately $4.1 million for general corporate purposes, including:


·                  expanding our sales efforts;

·                  opening new offices; and

·                  developing new or enhanced technologies, products and services.


The allocation of approximately $14.0 million in net proceeds for the repurchase of ordinary shares was not specifically described in the use of proceeds section to the Registration Statement.  Nevertheless, we determined to use a portion of the IPO proceeds for this purpose given our belief that the trading price of our ADSs has not reflected the company’s potential value, especially in light of the recent economic downturn. Our management team and board of directors believe the share repurchase transactions are in the best interests of the company and its shareholders.  The repurchase decisions also demonstrate management’s confidence in our long-term growth and profitability.


As of June 25, 2009, approximately $29.8 million of the net offering proceeds from our initial public offering had been applied.


Item 15.  Controls and Procedures


Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures


Our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Exchange Act as of the end of the period covered by this annual report. They have concluded that, as of the end of the fiscal year covered by this annual report, our disclosure controls and procedures were designed, and were effective, to give reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by us in reports that we file under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC, and were also effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.



Table of Contents


Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting


Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act for our company. Internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of a company’s assets, (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that a company’s receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorizations of a company’s management and directors, and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of a company’s assets that could have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements.


Because of its inherent limitations, a system of internal control over financial reporting can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to consolidated financial statement preparation and presentation, and may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies and procedures may deteriorate.


As required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and related rules as promulgated by the SEC, our management assessed the effectiveness of the internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2008 using criteria established in Internal Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.


Based on this evaluation, our management has concluded that the internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2008 based on the criteria established in Internal Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission.


This Form 20-F annual report does not include an attestation report of our registered public accounting firm, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., regarding our internal control over financial reporting. Management’s report was not subject to attestation by the Company’s registered public accounting firm pursuant to temporary rules of the SEC that permit us to provide only management’s report in this annual report on Form 20-F.


Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting


We previously disclosed in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2007 that we had identified material weaknesses and significant deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting.  The following summarizes the material weaknesses and significant deficiencies reported as of December 31, 2007:


·                      Inadequate financial reporting and accounting resources with a good understanding of U.S. GAAP and SEC reporting requirements. In particular, our independent registered public accounting firm determined that we had insufficient resources in the accounting department to properly analyze transactions and prepare financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP. We have experienced difficulties obtaining timely and consistent financial information from our subsidiaries, and we have limited resources to monitor the accounting policies and financial activities of each subsidiary. As a result, a significant number of audit adjustments have been made to our management financial statements.


·                      The lack of a comprehensive set of accounting policies and procedures in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and inadequate guidance as to how transactions should be accounted for under U.S. GAAP. This has resulted in a significant number of audit adjustments in the past, and can cause material accounting and reporting errors not being detected in a timely manner.


The significant deficiencies that we identified were that we did not have a qualified internal tax team to address our income tax accounting and compliance matters from a U.S. GAAP perspective, and we had certain significant deficiencies with respect to our management information systems.


In response to the above outlined material weaknesses and significant deficiencies identified in our 2007 filing, in cooperation with our Board and under the supervision of our Audit Committee, we have been actively engaged in a number of actions to remediate the material weaknesses and significant deficiencies described above, including:


·                      Acquired additional resources in the financial reporting function with appropriate knowledge and experience in the application of U.S. GAAP to enhance controls over monitoring accounting policies and preparing financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP. A U.S. GAAP reporting team consisted of 3 personnel with rich U.S. GAAP working experiences and practices, under the leadership of our Chief Financial Officer, has been formed.


·                      Standardized the month-end closing checklist as well as the reporting package across all subsidiaries with specific timing and content requirements. Key accounting functions such as U.S. GAAP reporting for a number of key subsidiaries have been centralized in Company headquarter.



Table of Contents


·                      Established a comprehensive accounting policies and accounting manual in accordance with U.S. GAAP as well as PRC GAAP to provide guidance on the day-to-day operations of accounting and finance personnel across all subsidiaries.


·                      Arranged training for financial and accounting personnel on a periodic basis to furnish them with adequate knowledge of U.S. GAAP and SEC rules and disclosure requirements.


·                      Hired a professional consulting firm to work with our internal audit and IT resources in evaluating,  implementing and testing of internal control over financial reporting on a full scale. This contributed a great deal in helping the Company in remediating control deficiencies identified in all areas, especially deficiencies with respect to our management information systems.


As of December 31, 2008, management determined that the applicable controls were effectively designed and operating so as to enable management to conclude that the aforementioned material weaknesses and significant deficiencies have been remediated.


Except for the remedial measures described above, there have been no significant changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the year ended December 31, 2008 that have materially affected, or a reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.


Item 16A. Audit Committee Financial Expert


Our board of directors has determined that Tianwen Liu, a member of our audit committee, is an audit committee financial expert as defined by the rules and regulations of the SEC. Tianwen Liu is an independent director as defined by NASDAQ Marketplace Rule 4200(a)(15) and under Rule 10A-3 of the Exchange Act.


Item 16B. Code of Ethics


Our board of directors has adopted a code of ethics that applies to our directors, officers, employees and agents, including certain provisions that specifically apply to our chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief operating officer, chief technology officer, vice presidents and any other persons who perform similar functions for us.  Our code of business conduct and ethics is publicly available on our internet website at  http://ir.chinaedu.net and refer to “Corporate Governance — Governance Policies”.


Item 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and Services


The following table sets forth the aggregate fees by categories specified below in connection with certain professional services rendered by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., our independent registered public accounting firm, for the periods indicated. We did not pay any other fees to our independent registered public accounting firm during the periods indicated below.




Years ended December 31,










(In thousands, in RMB)

Audit fees(1)






Audit-related fees(2)




Tax fees(3)





All other fees(4)





(1)  “Audit fees” means the aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. for the audit of our annual financial statements and the review of our comparative interim financial statements, which also included the issuance of the audit and review of financial statements and other assurance services rendered in connection with our initial public offering in 2008.

(2)  “Audit-related fees” represents aggregate fees billed for professional services rendered by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. for the assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of our financial statements and are not reported under “Audit fees.”

(3)  “Tax fees” represents the aggregated fees billed for professional services rendered by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. for tax compliance, tax advice, and tax planning.

(4) “All other fees” comprise fees for all other services provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., other than those services covered in footnotes (1) to (3) above.


The policy of our audit committee is to pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd., including audit services, audit-related services, tax services and other services as described above.  All audit and non-audit services disclosed in the table above were pre-approved by the audit committee, or the full board of directors in the event such services were pre-approved prior to the formation of the audit committee.


Item 16D.  Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees


Not applicable.



Table of Contents


Item 16E.  Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers




Number of


Price Paid
per Share


Number of
Purchased as
Part of
Plans or


Number of
Shares that
May Yet Be
the Plans or


January 1, 2008 — January 31, 2008






February 1, 2008 — February 28, 2008






March 1, 2008 — March 31, 2008






April 1, 2008 — April 30, 2008






May 1, 2008 — May 31, 2008






June 1, 2008 — June 30, 2008






July 1, 2008 — July 31, 2008










August 1, 2008 — August 31, 2008










September 1, 2008 — September 30, 2008










October 1, 2008 — October 31, 2008










November 1, 2008 — November 30, 2008(1)










December 1, 2008 — December 31, 2008





















(1)          Pursuant to a share repurchase agreement entered into with Tiger Global in November 2008, we agreed to purchase from Tiger Global an aggregate of 8,364,634 ordinary shares (2,788,211 ADSs) at US$1.3167 per ordinary share (US$3.95 per ADS), for an aggregate purchase price of RMB75.3 million  ($11.0 million).  The agreement also stipulated that all warrants held by Tiger Global, which represented the right to purchase an aggregate of 1,768,300 ordinary shares, would be cancelled.  As of December 31, 2008, we had repurchased and cancelled 1,518,949 ordinary shares and 321,109 warrants for an aggregate consideration of RMB13.7 million ($2.0 million).  Subsequent to December 31, 2008, we repurchased and cancelled 6,845,685 ordinary shares and 1,447,191warrants for an aggregate consideration of RMB61.6 million ($9.0 million) in January 2009.


(2)          In June 2008, our board of directors approved a share repurchase program over a period of 12 months for the repurchase up to $5 million of our outstanding ADSs.  The share repurchase program terminated in June 2009.


Item 16F.  Change in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant


Not applicable.


Item 16G.  Corporate Governance


We are incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands. Our ADSs are registered with the SEC and listed on the NASDAQ Global Market. However, certain of the corporate governance rules of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules do not apply to us as a “foreign private issuer,” and we are permitted to follow the corporate governance practices in the Cayman Islands in lieu of most corporate governance standards contained in the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules.  Rule 5615(a)(3) of the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules requires foreign private issuers listed on the NASDAQ to disclose each requirement that it does not follow and include a brief statement of the home country practice that the company follows in lieu of such corporate governance requirement(s).  Set forth below a brief summary of such significant differences.


Board and Committee Independence


While the NASDAQ Marketplace Rules require U.S. domestic issuers to have a majority of independent directors, we are not subject to this requirement. Three of our seven directors are independent non-executive directors.


The NASDAQ Marketplace Rules require U.S. domestic issuers to regularly schedule executive sessions to be attended by only independent directors. We are not subject to such requirement and our independent directors are entitled to attend all of our board meetings.



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Shareholder Approval


The NASDAQ Marketplace Rules require shareholder approval prior to the issuance of securities when a stock option or purchase plan is to be established or materially amended or other equity compensation arrangement made or materially amended, pursuant to which stock may be acquired by officers, directors, employees, or consultants.  Our stockholders have approved an amendment to our existing equity incentive plan to permit our board of directors at any time to amend, suspend or terminate our equity incentive plan. Any amendment, suspension or termination of our equity incentive plan must not adversely affect awards already granted without consent of the recipient of such awards.




Item 17.  Financial Statements


We have elected to provide the financial statements and related information specified in Item 18.


Item 18. Financial Statements


The consolidated financial statements of ChinaEdu Corporation are included in this annual report beginning on page F-1.


Item 19. Exhibits




Description of Document






Form of Fifth Amended and Restated Memorandum of Association (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






Form of Fifth Amended and Restated Articles of Association (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






Form of Deposit Agreement among Registrant, depositary and holders of the American Depositary Receipts (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






Registrant’s Specimen Certificate for Ordinary Shares (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






Registrant’s Specimen American Depositary Receipt (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Shareholder’s Voting Rights Entrustment Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Yang Xueshan, Wang Gongquan and Xiandai Technology dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.21 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Shareholder’s Voting Rights Entrustment Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Yang Xueshan, Xie Changqing and Hongcheng Education dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.22 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)




3. 3


English Translation of Shareholder’s Voting Rights Entrustment Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Xie Changqing and Hongcheng Education dated December 20, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.23 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






Form of Amended Equity Incentive Plan, dated March 2009, approved by shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting on March 6, 2009






Form of Indemnification Agreement between the Registrant and its officers and directors (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






Form of Employment Agreement between the Registrant and a Senior Executive Officer of the Registrant (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.3 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)



Table of Contents




Description of Document






Fourth Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Loan Agreement between Registrant and Xie Changqing dated July 15, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Loan Agreement between Registrant and Xie Changqing dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.6 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Amended and Renewed Loan Agreement between Registrant and Xie Changqing dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.7 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Amended and Renewed Loan Agreement between Registrant and Xie Changqing dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.8 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Amended and Renewed Loan Agreement between Registrant and Yang Xueshan dated June 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.9 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Amended and Renewed Loan Agreement between Registrant and Yang Xueshan dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.10 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Loan Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Wang Gongquan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.11 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), w as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Loan Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Wang Gongquan dated August 30, 2006 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.12 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Loan Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Yang Xueshan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.13 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Loan Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Yang Xueshan dated August 30, 2006 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.14 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Equity Pledge Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Xie Changqing and Yang Xueshan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.15 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Equity Pledge Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Xie Changqing and Yang Xueshan dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.16 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Equity Pledge Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Wang Gongquan and Yang Xueshan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.17 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Equity Pledge Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Wang Gongquan and Yang Xueshan dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.18 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Equity Pledge Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Xie Changqing dated December 20, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.19 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)



Table of Contents




Description of Document



English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Equity Pledge Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Xie Changqing dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.20 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Call Option Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Yang Xueshan and Xie Changqing dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.24 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Call Option Agreement among Hongcheng Technology, Yang Xueshan and Wang Gongquan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.25 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Call Option Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Xie Changqing dated December 20, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.26 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Power of Attorney executed by Yang Xueshan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.27 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Power of Attorney executed by Wang Gongquan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.28 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Power of Attorney executed by Yang Xueshan dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.29 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Power of Attorney executed by Xie Changqing dated July 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.30 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Power of Attorney executed by Xie Changqing dated December 20, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.31 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Technical Consulting and Services Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Xiandai Technology dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.32 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Technical Consulting and Services Agreement between Hongcheng Technology and Hongcheng Education dated July 18, 2007 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.33 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Collaborative Alliance Contract between the Company and Renda Century dated October 22, 2002 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.34 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Technology Development Agreement between Renda Online School and CMR dated July 15, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.35 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Service Agreement between Renda Online School and CMR dated March 31, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.36 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Memorandum of Understanding (Regarding Service Fee Payment) between Renda Online School and CMR dated May 16, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.37 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Memorandum of Understanding between Renda Online School, CMR, Renda Century and the Company dated March 31, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.38 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Memorandum of Understanding (Regarding Service Fee Alteration) between Renda Online School and CMR dated May 16, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.39 from our



Table of Contents




Description of Document



registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Collaborative Alliance Contract among China Agriculture University, Hongcheng Liye, Shanghai SVA Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing CAU Technological Enterprise Incubator Co., Ltd. dated April 28, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.40 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Cooperation Agreement between Zhong Nongda Networks Development Co., Ltd. and China Agriculture University dated December 12, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.41 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Service Agreement between China Agriculture University and Zhong Nongda Networks Development Co., Ltd dated April 28, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.42 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Memorandum of Service Agreement between China Agriculture University and Zhong Nongda Networks Development Co., Ltd. dated April 28, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.43 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Collaborative Alliance Contract between Hongcheng Liye and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics dated May, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.44 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Supplementary Agreement to Collaborative Alliance Contract between Hongcheng Liye and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics dated May, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.45 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Service Agreement between Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and Dalian Dongcai Technology Development Co., Ltd. dated June 26, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.46 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






English Translation of Licensing Agreement between Dalian Dongcai Technology Development Co., Ltd, and Hongcheng Technology Development Co., Ltd. dated September 18, 2003 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.47 from our registration statement on Form F-1 (File No. 333-147620), as amended, initially filed with the SEC on November 26, 2007)






List of subsidiaries of ChinaEdu Corporation






Certification of Chief Executive Officer required by Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) under the Exchange Act, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002






Certification of Chief Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) under the Exchange Act, as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002






Certification of Chief Executive Officer required by Rule 13a-14(b)/15d-14(b) under the Exchange Act, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002






Certification of Chief Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14(b)/15d-14(b) under the Exchange Act, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002






Consent of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd.


*   Filed herewith



Table of Contents




The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this annual report on its behalf.










/s/ Julia Huang



Julia Huang



Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Date: June 30, 2009



Table of Contents




Report of Independent Registered

Public Accounting Firm and

Consolidated Financial Statements

For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008



Table of Contents







We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of ChinaEdu Corporation (the “Company”), its subsidiaries, and its variable interest entities (collectively, the “Group”) as of December 31, 2007 and 2008 and the related consolidated statements of operations, shareholders’ equity and comprehensive income (loss), and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2008, and the related financial statement schedule included in Schedule 1.  These financial statements and the related financial statement schedule are the responsibility of the Group’s management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements and the related financial statement schedule based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  The Group is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over financial reporting.  Our audits include consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control over financial reporting.  Accordingly, we express no such opinion.  An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Group as of December 31, 2007 and 2008 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2008 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.  Also, in our opinion, the related financial statement schedule, when considered in relation to the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole, presents fairly in all material respects, the information set forth therein.


As described in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements, effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted the recognition and measurement methods under Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes - An Interpretation of FASB Statement No.109”.


Our audits also comprehended the translation of Renminbi amounts into United States dollar amounts and, in our opinion, such translation has been made in conformity with the basis stated in Note 2.  Such United States dollar amounts are presented solely for the convenience of the readers.


Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd.

Beijing, the People’s Republic of China

June 26, 2009



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(In thousands, except share-related data)




December 31,


































Current assets:








Cash and cash equivalents








Accounts receivable, net








Term deposits








Prepaid expenses and other current assets








Amounts due from related parties








Deferred tax assets








Total current assets
















Cost method investment








Land use rights, net








Property and equipment, net








Deposits paid for acquisition of property and equipment








Intangible assets, net








Deferred tax assets








Rental deposits
















Total assets
















Liabilities, minority interest and shareholders’ equity
















Current liabilities:








Accounts payable








Deferred revenues (including deferred revenue from related parties of RMB47,407 and RMB55,615 in 2007 and 2008, respectively)








Accrued expenses and other current liabilities








Amounts due to related parties








Income taxes payable








Other taxes payable








Total current liabilities








Long-term debt






Deferred revenue








Deferred tax liabilities








Unrecognized tax benefit








Total liabilities










Table of Contents





(In thousands, except share-related data)




December 31,


















Commitments (Note 20)
















Minority interest








Shareholders’ equity








Ordinary shares (RMB0.08 (US$0.01) par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized; 58,434,407 shares issued and outstanding in 2007; 63,076,129 shares issued and outstanding in 2008)








Additional paid-in capital
















Statutory reserves








Accumulated deficits








Accumulated other comprehensive loss








Total shareholders’ equity








Total liabilities, minority interest, and shareholders’ equity









The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents





(In thousands, except share-related data)




Years ended December 31,






















Net revenue










Sales to third parties










Sales to related parties










Net revenue










Cost of revenue - third parties (including share-based compensation of RMB300, RMB55 and RMB133 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Cost of revenue - related parties (including share-based compensation of RMB168, RMB291 and RMB341 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Total cost of revenue










Gross profit










Operating expenses:










General and administrative (including share-based compensation of RMB1,942, RMB2,960 and RMB4,073 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Selling and marketing (including share-based compensation of RMB205, RMB222 and RMB506 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Research and development (including share-based compensation of RMB96, RMB115 and RMB178 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Goodwill impairment









Intangible assets impairment








Total operating expenses










Income (loss) from operations










Other income









Interest income










Interest expense










Income (loss) before income tax provisions and minority interest










Income tax provisions:










- Current










- Deferred










Total income tax provisions










Income (loss) before minority interest










Minority interest, net of taxes










Net income (loss)










Net income (loss) per ordinary share-basic










Net income (loss) per preferred A share-basic








Net income (loss) per preferred B share-basic








Net income (loss) per preferred C share-basic








Net income (loss) per preferred D share-basic







Net income (loss) per ordinary share-diluted










Weighted average shares used in calculating ordinary basic net income per share










Weighted average shares used in calculating preferred A basic net income per share








Weighted average shares used in calculating preferred B basic net income per share








Weighted average shares used in calculating preferred C basic net income per share








Weighted average shares used in calculating preferred D basic net income per share







Weighted average shares used in calculating ordinary diluted net income per share











The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Table of Contents





(In thousands, except share-related data)















































































Series A convertible


Series B convertible


Series C convertible


Series D convertible
























preferred shares


preferred shares


preferred shares


preferred shares


Ordinary shares


















































income (loss)




income (loss)








































Balance at January 1, 2006



































Issuance of ordinary shares for purchase of a subsidiary

























Exercise of share options

























Amortization of share-based compensation























Foreign currency translation adjustments























Net income























Balance at December 31, 2006











































































Issuance of Series D convertible preferred shares

























Repurchase of ordinary share as treasury stock

























Issuance of treasury share to new shareholders

























Collection of subscriptions receivable























Amortization of share-based compensation























Accumulated adjustment of unrecognized tax benefit























Repurchase and cancellation of ordinary share

























Repurchase and cancellation of Series B convertible preferred share

























Exercise of warrants for Series A convertible preferred shares


























Exercise warrants for ordinary shares


























Conversion of series A, B, C, D preferred shares































Issuance of ordinary shares on IPO (net of issuance cost of RMB25,665)

























Provision for statutory reserves























Foreign currency translation adjustments























Net income























Balance at December 31, 2007



































































Common shares converted to ADS shares for future exercise of share options (note 1)






















Repurchase of ordinary shares and forfeiture of warrants


























Exercise of stock options (note 1)
























Amortization of share-based compensation























Transfer statutory reserve























Provision for statutory reserves























Foreign currency translation adjustments























Net loss























Balance at December 31, 2008











































































The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)




Years ended December 31,






















Cash flows from operating activities:










Net income (loss)










Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities:










Minority interest










Share-based compensation










Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment










Amortization of land use rights










Amortization of intangible assets










Goodwill and intangible assets impairment









Provision for amounts due from related parties









Property and equipment write down







Gain on conversion of warrants of series D convertible preferred shares







Interest expenses








Loss (gain) from disposal of property and equipment










Deferred income taxes










Changes in assets and liabilities:










Accounts receivable










Prepaid expenses and other current assets










Amounts due from related parties










Accounts payable










Deferred revenue










Accrued expenses and other current liabilities










Amounts due to related parties










Unrecognized tax benefit









Income taxes payable










Rental deposits










Other taxes payable










Net cash provided by operating activities




















Cash flows from investing activities:










Purchase of businesses, net of cash acquired of RMB1,330, RMB625 and RMB nil in 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively










Payment of contingent consideration







Purchase of land use rights










Purchase of property and equipment










Deposits paid for acquisition of property and equipment









Purchase of term deposits










Purchase of contractual rights










Purchase of cost method investment







Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment









Net cash used in investing activities












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(In thousands, except share-related data)




Years ended December 31,






















Cash flows from financing activities:










Proceeds from Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) (net of issuance cost of RMB25,665)







Cash dividends paid to minority shareholders










Capital contribution by minority shareholders










Proceeds from issuance of Series D convertible preferred shares (net of issuance costs of RMB2,598)







Proceeds from exercise of warrants







Repurchase of Series B convertible preferred shares







Repurchase and cancellation of ordinary shares









Issuance of convertible notes






Repayment of convertible notes







Repayment of long-term debts









Collection of subscription receivable







Proceeds from exercise of share options








Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities










Effect of exchange rate changes










Net increase in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year










Cash and cash equivalents, end of year










Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information










Income taxes paid










Interest paid









Supplemental disclosure of non-cash financing activities:










Receivable for the issuance of ordinary shares upon exercise of share options by employees







Issuance of ordinary shares for purchases of subsidiaries







Conversion of convertible note into Series D preferred shares







Purchase of building financed by mortgage loan







Conversion of Series A, B, C, D preferred shares into ordinary shares








The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


1.                                      ORGANIZATION AND PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES


ChinaEdu Corporation (the “Company”) was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on September 6, 1999.  The Company, its subsidiaries, and its variable interest entities are collectively referred to hereinafter as the “Group”.  The Group principally provides online educational technical and consulting services to schools and universities that provide online education services, and traditional classroom and online education services in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”).


In June 2008, the Company transferred 8,344,305 ordinary shares to its depositary bank representing 2,781,435 ADSs, to be issued to employees and non-employees upon the exercise of their vested share options. As of December 31, 2008, 306,825 common shares out of these 8,344,305 common shares had been issued to employees and non-employees upon the exercise of their share options. 8,037,480 common shares remain for future issuance.


A summary of the Company’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities as of December 31, 2008 is as follows:




Date of incorporation


Percentage of




Name of subsidiaries and variable interest entities


or establishment




Principal activities










CMR Web-learning Co., Ltd. (“CMR Web”)


July 29, 1999




Online degree program










Beijing Hongcheng Liye Technology Co., Ltd. (“Hongcheng Liye”)


April 15, 2003




Online degree program










Beijing Beiyuda Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Beiyuda”)


September 26, 2006




Online degree program










Dalian Dongcai Technology Co., Ltd. (“Dongcai”)


June 4, 2003




Online degree program










Zhong Nongda Networks Development Co., Ltd. (“Zhongnongda Networks”)


October 30, 2001




Online degree program










Beijing WITT Education Consultant Management Co., Ltd. (“WITT Education”)


July 4, 2003




International curriculum program










Beijing WITT Science Co., Ltd. (“WITT Science”)


December 26, 2005




International curriculum program










Beijing BCIT Science and Education Management Consulting Limited (“Beijing BCIT”) (PRC)


January 13, 2005




International curriculum program










Beijing Xuezhi Times Education Science Co., Ltd. (“Beijing Xuezhi”)


October 18, 2001




Online tutoring










Beijing Gotop Education Co., Ltd. (“Gotop Hongcheng”)


December 26, 2005




Online tutoring










Tianjin Gaotuo Hongcheng Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin Gaotuo Hongcheng”)


June 26, 2006




Online tutoring










Beijing Distance Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Yuancheng Education”)


March 31, 2006




Online tutoring










Hongcheng Technology Development Co., Ltd. (“Hongcheng Technology”)


July 31, 2000




Online degree program










Chongqing Chongda Yuanxing Co., Ltd. (“Chongda”)


December 24, 2003




Online degree program










Beijing BCIT Science and Education Management Consulting Limited (BVI) (“BJ-BCIT”)


February 10, 2006




International curriculum program












July 4, 2003




International curriculum program










Xiandai Xingye Network Technology Co., Ltd. (“Xiandai Technology”)


November 7, 2000




Provision of internet content










Beijing Gotop Electronic Science Co., Ltd. (“Gotop Electronic”)


November 29, 1995




Provision of internet content




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(In thousands, except share-related data)


1.                                      ORGANIZATION AND PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES - continued




Date of incorporation


Percentage of




Name of subsidiaries and variable interest entities


or establishment




Principal activities










Beijing Hongcheng Education Technology Co., Ltd. (“Hongcheng Education”)


March 7, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools










Jingzhou Tianchang Investment Co., Ltd. (“Tianchang”)


September 6, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools










Jingzhou Middle School South Campus (“South Campus”)


December 28, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools










Pingdingshan Wellent Bilingual School (“Pingdingshan”)


September 3, 2002




Private primary and secondary schools










Anqing Foreign Language Middle School (“Anqing Foreign Language”)


August 2, 2004




Private primary and secondary schools










Beijing Mingdaoyuan Technology Co., Ltd (“Beijing Mingdao”)


March 27, 2007




Online degree program


Shanghai Shangcai Education Technology Co., Ltd (“Shanghai Shangcai”)


April 18, 2008




Online degree program










Dongcai Online Training Center (“Dongcai Online”)


July 10, 2008




Online degree program










Beijing Zhonglin Technology Co., Ltd (“Zhonglin”)


November 3, 2008




Online degree program



*                                         PRC regulations currently limit foreign ownership of entities that provide Internet content and engage in primary and junior high school education.  To comply with PRC laws and regulations, the Company provides such services in China through its variable interest entities, Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, and their respective subsidiaries.


PRC regulations currently limit foreign ownership of entities providing Internet content and engaging in primary and junior high school education.  To comply with PRC laws and regulations, the Company provides such services in China through its variable interest entities, Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, and their related subsidiaries.


Xiandai Technology was established by two of the Company’s former directors on November 7, 2000, and it holds certain Internet content provider licenses and operates the website www.chinaedu.net on behalf of the Group.  The initial capital contributions from the two former directors were obtained from Hongcheng Technology in the form of non-interest bearing loans totaling RMB600.  The loans were eliminated upon consolidation.  A summary of the key terms in the loan agreements and the related pledge agreements is as follows:



Proceeds from the loans are to be used solely for the investments in Xiandai Technology;


The loans can only be repaid by a transfer of the equity ownership interest in Xiandai Technology to Hongcheng Technology;


Ownership interest in Xiandai Technology cannot be transferred to other parties without the approval of Hongcheng Technology;


Hongcheng Technology has the right to appoint all directors and senior management personnel of Xiandai Technology;


All ownership rights, including voting rights and rights to declare and rights to pay dividends, are assigned to Hongcheng Technology for an indefinite term; and


Hongcheng Technology has the right to acquire all of the ownership interests in Xiandai Technology at any time, when permitted by the PRC law.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


1.                                      ORGANIZATION AND PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES - continued


In addition, the Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Hongcheng Technology, entered into an exclusive technical consulting and services agreement with Xiandai Technology.  Under this agreement Hongcheng Technology provides network technology development services, website design services, maintenance and security services, employee training services and any other services that may be agreed upon by the parties to Xiandai Technology.  As consideration for these services Xiandai Technology pays Hongcheng Technology a service fee, which represents substantially all of its net income.


Hongcheng Education was established on March 7, 2005 by one of the Company’s management personnel and a former director of the Company, and it holds certain education licenses on behalf of the Group.  The initial capital contributions from the two equity owners were obtained from the Company in the form of non-interest bearing loans totaling RMB54,200.  The loans were eliminated upon consolidation.  A summary of the key terms in the loan agreements and the related pledge agreements is as follows:



Proceeds from the loans are to be used solely for the investments in Hongcheng Education;


The loans can only be repaid by a transfer of the equity ownership interest in Hongcheng Education to the Company;


Ownership interest in Hongcheng Education cannot be transferred to other parties without the approval of the Company;


The Company has the right to appoint all directors and senior management personnel of Hongcheng Education;


All ownership rights, including voting rights and rights to declare and rights to pay dividends, are assigned to the Group for an indefinite term; and


The Company has the right to acquire all of the ownership interests in Hongcheng Education at any time, when permitted by the PRC law.


The Company, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Hongcheng Technology, also entered into an exclusive technical consulting and services agreement with Hongcheng Education.  Under this agreement Hongcheng Technology provides courseware and product development services, website design services, maintenance and security services, employee training services and any other services that may be agreed upon by the parties to Hongcheng Education.  As consideration for these services Hongcheng Education pays Hongcheng Technology a service fee, which represents substantially all of its net income.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


1.                                      ORGANIZATION AND PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES - continued


The Group had elected to adopt Financial Accounting Standard Board (“FASB”) Interpretation No. 46 (revised) “Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities-an Interpretation of ARB No. 51” (“FIN 46R”) from its inception.  Through the contractual agreements described above, both Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education are considered to be variable interest entities in accordance with FIN 46R because the equity owners lack the ability to make operating and financial decisions about Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education’s activities that have a significant effect on their success and substantially all of Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education’s businesses are conducted on behalf of Hongcheng Technology and the Company, respectively.  Under the Technical Consulting and Services Agreements, Hongcheng Technology has the sole discretion to charge Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education fees that represent substantially all of the variable interest entities’ net income.  In addition, the Company has assumed all of the voting rights of both the board of directors and shareholders of Hongcheng Education, and Hongcheng Technology has assumed all of the voting rights of both the board of directors and shareholders of Xiandai Technology.  The assumption of these rights gives the Company and Hongcheng Technology the rights to declare and pay dividends or other forms of distribution.  Since the Company is the sole variable interest holder of Hongcheng Education, and Hongcheng Technology is the sole variable interest holder of Xiandai Technology, the Company and Hongcheng Technology are the primary beneficiaries of such variable interest entities.  Furthermore, because Hongcheng Technology and the Company are the primary beneficiaries of Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education, respectively, the accounts of Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education are included in the accompanying consolidated financial statements effective as of the date of the above agreements.


The following total assets, total liabilities, net revenue and income (loss) of Xiandai Technology and Hongcheng Education were included in the accompanying consolidated financial statements:




December 31,




















Total assets












Total liabilities









Years ended December 31,


























Net revenue








Income (loss)










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(In thousands, except share-related data)


2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES


Basis of presentation


The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“US GAAP”).  The accompanying consolidated financial statements of the Group are stated in Renminbi (“RMB”).  The presentation of the amounts in United States dollar (“US$”) is included solely for the convenience of the reader and were converted at a rate of RMB6.8225 to US$1.00, the approximate rate of exchange at December 31, 2008.  Such translation should not be construed to be the amounts that would have been reported under US GAAP.


Basis of consolidation


The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of the Company, its subsidiaries, and its variable interest entities.  All inter-company transactions and balances have been eliminated upon consolidation.


Cash and cash equivalents


Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand and demand deposits which are unrestricted as to withdrawal or use, and have remaining maturities of three months or less when purchased.


Term deposits


Term deposits consist of deposits placed with financial institutions with original maturity terms of greater than three months but less than one year.


Fair value


The Group adopted SFAS No. 157 “Fair Value Measurements” on January 1, 2008 for all financial assets and liabilities and nonfinancial assets and liabilities that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements on a recurring basis (at least annually).  SFAS No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements.


SFAS 157 defines fair value as the price that would be received from selling an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.  When determining the fair value measurements for assets and liabilities required or permitted to be recorded at fair value, the Company considers the principal or most advantageous market in which it would transact and it considers assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Fair value - continued


SFAS 157 establishes a fair value hierarchy that requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value.  A financial instrument’s categorization within the fair value hierarchy is based upon the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement.  SFAS 157 establishes three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value:


Level 1


Level 1 applies to assets or liabilities for which there are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.


Level 2


Level 2 applies to assets or liabilities for which there are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in markets with insufficient volume or infrequent transactions (less active markets); or model-derived valuations in which significant inputs are observable or can be derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data.


Level 3


Level 3 applies to assets or liabilities for which there are unobservable inputs to the valuation methodology that are significant to the measurement of the fair value of the assets or liabilities.


As of December 31, 2008, the Group did not have any financial assets and liabilities or nonfinancial assets and liabilities that were measured or recognized at fair value on a recurring basis.


Use of estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and revenue and expenses in the financial statements and the accompanying notes.  Significant accounting estimates reflected in the Group’s financial statements include the allowance of doubtful debts, the useful lives and impairment of property and equipment, and intangible assets with definite lives; valuation allowance for deferred tax assets; impairment of goodwill and indefinite life intangible assets; purchase price allocation relating to the businesses acquired; and share-based compensation.  Actual results could differ from those estimates.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Land use rights, net


Land use rights are recorded at cost less accumulated amortization.  Amortization is provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives, which is generally 50 years and represents the shorter of the estimated usage periods or the terms of the agreements.


Property and equipment, net


Property and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization.  Assets under construction are not depreciated until they are ready for their intended use.  Depreciation and amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives:




20 years


Furniture, fixtures and equipment


3-5 years


Motor vehicles


5 years


Leasehold improvements


Shorter of the lease term or the estimated useful lives



Acquired intangible assets, net


Acquired intangible assets other than goodwill consist of trade names, copyrights, customer base, software platform, contractual rights and prepaid operating contracts, and are carried at cost, less accumulated amortization and impairment.  Amortization of acquired intangible assets (other than trade names, which are discussed below) is calculated on a straight-line basis over the shorter of the contractual terms or the expected useful lives of the acquired assets.  The weighted average amortization periods by major intangible assets class are as follows:


Service agreements with universities and high schools


26 years


Operating platforms


6 years


Customer base


4 years


Online coursewares


3 years


Agency agreements


5 years


Contractual rights


16 years


Prepaid operating contracts


22 years



Management has determined that the Group’s trade names do not have determinable useful lives.  Consequently, the carrying amounts of trade names are not amortized but are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if events or circumstances indicate that the asset may be impaired.  Such impairment test consists of a comparison of the fair values of the trade names with their carrying amounts and an impairment loss is recognized if and when the carrying amounts of the trade names exceed their fair values.  The estimates of fair values of intangible assets not subject to amortization are determined using various discounted cash flow valuation methodologies.  Significant assumptions are inherent in this process, including estimates of discount rates.  Discount rate assumptions are based on an assessment of the risk inherent in the respective intangible assets.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Impairment of long-lived assets


The Group reviews its long-lived assets for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may no longer be recoverable.  When these events occur, the Group measures impairment by comparing the carrying value of the long-lived assets to the estimated undiscounted future cash flows expected to result from the use of the assets and their eventual disposition.  If the sum of the expected undiscounted cash flow is less than the carrying amount of the assets, the Group would recognize an impairment loss based on the fair value of the assets.




Goodwill is not amortized but is evaluated at least annually for impairment following a two-step process.  The first step compares the fair values of each reporting unit to its carrying amount, including goodwill.  If the fair value of each reporting unit exceeds its carrying amount, goodwill is not considered to be impaired and the second step will not be required.  If the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value, the second step compares the implied fair value of goodwill to the carrying value of a reporting unit’s goodwill.  The implied fair value of goodwill is determined in a manner similar to accounting for a business combination with the allocation of the assessed fair value determined in the first step to the assets and liabilities of the reporting unit.  The excess of the fair value of the reporting unit over the amounts assigned to the assets and liabilities is the implied fair value of goodwill.  An impairment loss is recognized for any excess in the carrying value of goodwill over the implied fair value of goodwill.


Revenue recognition


The Group’s revenue is principally derived from four primary sources: (i) the provision of bundled online education technical and consulting services; (ii) the provision of traditional classroom education services; (iii) the provision of online tutoring services; and (iv) the licensing of online education technology platform and courseware for online education purposes.  Revenue is recognized when earned and is reported net of business taxes, which totaled RMB6,247, RMB7,354 and RMB10,974 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


(i)                                  Online education technical and consulting services


The Group’s primary business is to provide online education technical and consulting services to the online degree programs of leading Chinese universities.  These services include academic program development, technology services, enrollment marketing, student support services, and finance operations.  Since each of the services does not have a stand-alone value to the universities, these services are accounted for as one unit of accounting and the related revenue is recognized ratably over the service period.  The Group primarily hosts the online education technology on its system and provides access to the universities to whom the Group provides services and their students.  Any universities that prefer hosting the online education platform or courseware on their own systems must enter into separate arrangements with the Group (see Revenue recognition, “(iv) Licensing of online education technology platform and courseware” below).


The Group receives service fees from the universities each semester covering services to be provided to the universities during that semester.  The amount of service fees to be received by the Group is derived from tuition fees collected by the universities from their students at the beginning of each semester, as adjusted for the universities’ costs and expenses, such as refunds to students, fees to other service providers, and other operating costs and expenses.


Fees received are initially recorded as deferred revenue and are recognized as revenue ratably over the six-month school semester during which the Group provides the services.  The semesters generally begin in April and October of each calendar year.  The Group does not provide services directly to the students and does not have obligations to the students.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Revenue recognition - continued


(ii)                              Traditional classroom education services


The Group operates a number of private primary and secondary schools, and markets and supports international post-secondary and English language curriculum programs to established learning institutions.  Students must register and pay for their classes at the beginning of each semester.  Fees collected from private primary and secondary schools operations upfront are initially recorded as deferred revenue at the time the students register for their classes and the Group receives payments.  Revenue is recognized ratably over the service period, which is six months for each school semester, as the education services are delivered.  If a student withdraws from a class, any collected but unearned portion of the fee is recognized at that time unless the student is entitled to a refund under limited circumstances.


For the international post-secondary and English language curriculum programs, students must register and pay for their classes at the beginning of each semester.  Fees collected from the provision of teaching and other support services to the learning institutions are recognized either when such services are provided, or on a straight-line basis over the service period, which is typically the six-month school semester.


(iii)                          Online tutoring services


The Group offers online interactive tutoring services to primary and secondary students.  These services allow the customers access to the online education services over a fixed period of time, generally ranging from one month to three years, through the use of prepaid cards.  The prepaid cards are sold to distributors, from whom the Group collects payments when the prepaid cards are delivered to the distributors.  The distributors then resell the cards to end users.  All prepaid fees received from distributors are initially recognized as deferred revenue and revenue is recognized ratably over the applicable period that the Group provides services to the end users.


(iv)                            Licensing of online education technology platform and courseware


The Group licenses its online education technology platform and courseware to universities and other education companies and also provides post contract customer support (“PCS”), which includes telephone support and unspecified upgrades on a when-and-if available basis.  The Group recognizes revenue from licensing of online education technology platform and courseware when persuasive evidence of an agreement exists, delivery of the services has occurred, the fee is fixed or determinable, and collectability is probable.  As the Group does not have vendor-specific objective evidence to establish the fair values of the undelivered elements, the Group recognizes revenue from the licensing of online education technology platform and courseware over the PCS period, which is typically 12 months.


Revenue from the online education technical and consulting services and the licensing of online education technology network platform and courseware also includes the rebate of value-added taxes.  Such value-added taxes rebates are granted to the Group as part of the PRC government’s strategy to encourage high technology development in the PRC, and are recorded as a component of revenue when the relevant compliance requirements are met and that, there are no further obligations, nor subject to future refunds or reimbursements.  Rebates granted to the Group during 2006, 2007 and 2008 were RMB1,669, RMB2,405 and RMB9,870, respectively.


Accounts receivable


Accounts receivable relate to the online education technical and consulting services provided to certain university customers.  Accounts receivable are recorded at amounts that are presently due based on the service agreement, which are net of allowance for doubtful accounts.


The Company writes off accounts receivable when it becomes apparent based upon age or customer circumstances that such amounts will not be collected.



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2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Cost method investment


For investment in an investee over which the Group does not have significant influence, the Group carries the investment at cost and recognizes income as any dividends received from the distribution of the investee’s earnings.  The Group reviews the cost investment for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may no longer be recoverable.  An impairment loss is recognized in earnings equal to the difference between the investment’s cost and its fair value at the balance sheet date of the reporting period for which the assessment is made.  The fair value of the investment would then become the new cost basis of the investment.  No impairment charges were recorded during the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008.


Concentration of credit risk


Financial instruments that potentially expose the Group to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash and cash equivalents, term deposits, accounts receivable and amount due from related parties.  The Group places its cash and cash equivalents and term deposits with financial institutions with high-credit ratings and quality.


The Group conducts credit evaluations of its customers and generally does not require collateral or other security from them.  To date, the Group has not experienced significant losses from uncollectible accounts.  An allowance for doubtful accounts amounting to RMB7,049 and RMB1,215 was recorded in 2007 and 2008, respectively, These amounts were written-off in the same year. Management will continue to evaluate the Group’s collection experience and will provide for an allowance for doubtful accounts as appropriate.


A summary of the customers who accounted for 10% or more of the Group’s consolidated net revenues was as follows:




Years ended December 31,



























































A summary of the customers who accounted for 10% or more of the Group’s consolidated accounts receivable was as follows:






December 31,



































































*                                         Represented less than 10% of consolidated revenue or accounts receivable balances.



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2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Research and development


Research and development expenses include payroll, employee benefits, and other headcount-related costs associated with the development of online education technology platform and courseware.  The Group expenses all research and development costs when incurred.


Advertising costs


Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.  The Group incurred advertising costs totaling RMB4,704, RMB5,575 and RMB8,216 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, which were recorded as a component of selling and marketing expenses in the  accompanying consolidated statements of operations.


Royalty fees


Royalty fees payable to a middle school increase each year from the 2005 calendar year to the 2024 calendar year.  Royalty fees during this period were aggregated and recognized as royalty expense on a straight-line basis.  The difference between royalty fees paid and the amount reported as expenses was included as a component of accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.


Foreign currency translation


The functional currency of the Company, BJ-BCIT and BJ-WITT is the US$.  The functional currency of all entities within the Group, excluding the Company, BJ-BCIT and BJ-WITT, is the RMB.  Transactions in other currencies are recorded in each relevant entity’s functional currency at the rates of exchange prevailing when the transactions occur.  Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies are translated into the applicable functional currencies at rates of exchange in effect at the balance sheet dates.  Nonmonetary assets and liabilities are remeasured into the applicable functional currencies at historical exchange rates and transactions denominated in other currencies are converted at the applicable rates of exchange prevailing when the transactions occur.  Exchange gains and losses are recorded in the consolidated statements of operations.


The Company’s reporting currency is the RMB.  Currency translation involves translating from the functional currency of PRC entities of RMB into the Company’s functional currency of US$ followed by a translation from US$ to the reporting currency of RMB.  Assets and liabilities are translated at the exchange rates at the balance sheet date, equity amounts are translated at historical exchange rates and revenues, expenses, gains, and losses are translated using the average rate for the year.  Translation adjustments are reported as cumulative translation adjustments and are shown as a separate component of other comprehensive loss in the consolidated statements of shareholders’ equity.


Foreign currency risk


The RMB is not a freely convertible currency.  The State Administration for Foreign Exchange, under the authority of the People’s Bank of China, controls the conversion of RMB into foreign currencies.  The value of the RMB is subject to changes in central government policies and to international economic and political developments affecting supply and demand in the China Foreign Exchange Trading System market.  Cash and cash equivalents and term deposits of the Group included aggregate amounts of RMB171,831 and RMB266,760 at December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively, which were denominated in RMB.



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2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Income taxes


Deferred income taxes are recognized for temporary differences between the tax basis of assets and liabilities and their reported amounts in the financial statements, net operating loss carry forwards and credits, by applying enacted statutory tax rates applicable to future years.  Deferred tax assets are reduced by a valuation allowance when, in the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized.  Current income taxes are provided in accordance with the laws of the relevant taxing authorities.


On January 1, 2007, the Group adopted FASB Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes - an interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109” (“FIN 48”).  As a result of the implementation of FIN 48, the accumulated unrecognized tax benefits were RMB4,332 and RMB5,473 as of December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively.  The Group recognized RMB3,744 accumulated impacts to accumulated deficits as of January 1, 2007.  The Group recognizes interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions in income tax expense, and the Group recognized RMB269 and RMB nil of accrued interest and penalties, respectively, related to uncertain tax positions as of December 31, 2008.  The Group is primarily subject to taxation in China.


Comprehensive income (loss)


Comprehensive income (loss) includes net income and foreign currency translation adjustments.  Comprehensive income (loss) is reported as a component of the consolidated statements of shareholders’ equity.


Fair value of financial instruments


Financial instruments include cash and cash equivalents, term deposits, accounts receivable, accounts payable, long-term debt, long-term investment, and amounts due from and due to related parties.  The carrying values of cash and cash equivalents, term deposits, accounts receivable, accounts payable and amounts due from and to related parties approximate their fair values due to their short-term maturities.


The fair value of the long-term investment is not disclosed because it is not readily determinable.


Net income (loss) per share


The Group had determined that its convertible preferred shares were participating securities as the preferred shares participate in undistributed earnings on an as-if-converted basis.  The holders of the preferred shares were entitled to receive dividends on a pro rata basis, as if their shares had been converted into ordinary shares.  Accordingly, the Group used the two-class method of computing net income (loss) per share, for ordinary and preferred shares according to participation rights in undistributed earnings.  Under this method, net income applicable to holders of ordinary shares was allocated on a pro rata basis to the ordinary and preferred shares to the extent that each class may share income for the period; whereas undistributed net loss was allocated to ordinary shares because preferred shares were not contractually obligated to share the loss.


To calculate the number of shares for diluted net income (loss) per share, convertible preferred shares were computed using the if-converted method.  The effect of the warrants and stock options were computed using the treasury stock method.



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2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Share-based compensation


The Group grants stock options to its employees and directors.  Prior to January 1, 2006, the Group accounted for employee share-based compensation in accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, “Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees” (“APB Opinion 25”), and its related interpretations, which required the Group to record a compensation charge for the excess of the fair value for the ordinary shares at the grant date over the amount an employee must pay to acquire the ordinary shares.  The compensation expense is recognized on a straight-line basis over the applicable service period, which is usually the vesting period.


In December 2004, the FASB issued Statements of Financial Accounting Standard (“SFAS”) No. 123R, which is a revision of SFAS No. 123, “Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation” and supersedes APB Opinion No. 25.  Effective January 1, 2006, the Group adopted SFAS No. 123R and recognized compensation cost on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period which is the vesting period.  The Group used the prospective method.  Under this method, share-based compensation expense recognized includes: (a) compensation expense for all share-based compensation awards granted prior to, but not yet vested as of, January 1, 2006, based on the intrinsic value as of the grant date; and (b) compensation expense for all share-based compensation awards granted on or subsequent to January 1, 2006, based on the grant-date fair value, estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model.


SFAS 123R requires companies to estimate the fair value of share-based payment awards on the date of grant using an option-pricing model.  The value of the portion of the award that is ultimately expected to vest is recognized as expense ratably over the requisite service periods.  The Company has estimated the fair value of share options as of the date of grant or assumption using the Black-Scholes option pricing model, which was developed for use in estimating the value of traded options that have no vesting restrictions and that are freely transferable.  The Black-Scholes model considers, among other factors, the expected life of the award and the expected volatility of stock price.


Recently issued accounting standards


In September 2006, FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements” (“SFAS 157”).  Effective January 1, 2008, the Company adopted the measurement and disclosure other than those requirements related to nonfinancial assets and liabilities in accordance with guidance from FASB Staff Position 157-2, “Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 157,” which delayed the effective date of SFAS 157 for all nonfinancial assets and nonfinancial liabilities, except for items that are recognized or disclosed at fair value in the financial statements on a recurring basis (at least annually), until the beginning of fiscal year 2009.  The Group does not expect the adoption of SFAS 157 for nonfinancial assets and liabilities will have a significant effect on the Group’s consolidated financial statements.


In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 141, Business Combinations: (Revised 2007) (“SFAS 141R”).  SFAS 141R is relevant to all transactions or events in which one entity obtains control over one or more other businesses.  SFAS 141R requires an acquirer to recognize any assets and noncontrolling interest acquired and liabilities assumed to be measured at fair value as of the acquisition date.  Liabilities related to contingent consideration are recognized and measured at fair value on the date of acquisition rather than at a later date when the amount of the consideration may be resolved beyond a reasonable doubt.  This revised approach replaces SFAS 141’s cost allocation process in which the cost of an acquisition was allocated to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their respective fair value.  SFAS 141R requires any acquisition-related costs and restructuring costs to be expensed as incurred as opposed to allocating such costs to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed as previously required by SFAS 141.  Under SFAS 141R, an acquirer recognizes liabilities for a restructuring plan in purchase accounting only if the requirements of SFAS 146, Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities, are met.  SFAS 141R allows for the recognition of pre-acquisition contingencies at fair value only if these contingencies are likely to materialize.  If this criterion is not met at the acquisition date, then the acquirer accounts for the non-contractual contingency in accordance with recognition criteria set forth under SFAS 5, Accounting for Contingencies, in which case no amount should be recognized in purchase accounting.  SFAS 141R is effective as of the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after December 15, 2008.  The adoption of SFAS 141R is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.



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2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Recently issued accounting standards - continued


On April 1, 2009, the FASB issued FSP FAS 141(R)-1, which amends the guidance in FASB Statement No. 141(R), Business Combinations, to establish a model for pre-acquisition contingencies that is similar to the one entity used under Statement 141.  The FSP is effective for business combinations whose acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period beginning on or after December 15, 2008.  The adoption of FSP FAS 141(R)-1 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.


In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements - An Amendment of ARB No. 51 (“SFAS 160”).  This Statement amends ARB 51 to establish accounting and reporting standards for the noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary.  It clarifies that a noncontrolling interest in a subsidiary is an ownership interest in the consolidated entity and should be reported as equity on the financial statements.  SFAS 160 requires consolidated net income to be reported at amounts that include the amounts attributable to both the parent and the noncontrolling interest.  Furthermore, disclosure of the amounts of consolidated net income attributable to the parent and to the noncontrolling interest is required on the face of the financial statements.  SFAS 160 is effective as of the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after December 15, 2008.  The Group’s adoption of SFAS 160 did not have a material effect on its consolidated financial position or results of operations, other than the reclassification of minority interests to shareholder’s equity on January 1, 2009.


In April 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position FAS142-3, Determination of the Useful Life of Intangible Assets.  This FSP amends the factors that should be considered in developing renewal or extension assumptions used to determine the useful life of a recognized intangible asset under FASB Statement No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets.  This FSP is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2008, and interim periods within those fiscal years.  Early adoption is prohibited.  The guidance for determining the useful life of a recognized intangible asset in this FSP shall be applied prospectively to intangible assets acquired after the effective date.  The adoption of FAS 142-3 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.


In June 2008, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position EITF 03-6-1, Determining Whether Instruments Granted in Share-Based Payment Transactions Are Participating Securities.  This FSP gives guidance on the computation of earnings per share and the impact of share-based instruments that contain certain nonforfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents.  The FSP is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2008 and early application is prohibited.  The adoption of FSP 03-6-1 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.


At a November 24, 2008 meeting, the FASB ratified the consensus reached by the Task Force in Issue No. 08-6: Equity Method Investment Accounting Considerations (“EITF 08-6”).  Because of the significant changes to the guidance on subsidiary acquisitions and subsidiary equity transactions and the increased use of fair value measurements as a result of SFAS141R and 160, questions have arisen regarding the application of that accounting guidance to equity method investments.  EITF 08-6 provides guidance for entities that acquire or hold investments accounted for under the equity method.  This issue is effective for transactions occurring in fiscal years and interim periods beginning on or after December 15, 2008.  Early adoption is not permitted.  The adoption of EITF 08-6 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.



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2.                                      SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES - continued


Recently issued accounting standards - continued


On April 9, 2009, the FASB issued the FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 157-4, Determining Fair Value When the Volume and Level of Activity for the Asset or Liability Have Significant Decreased and Identifying Transactions That Are Not Orderly.  This statement provides additional guidance for estimating fair value measurement in accordance with FAS 157 when the volume and level of activity for the asset or liability have significantly decreased and provides guidance on identifying circumstances that indicate a transaction is not orderly.  It emphasizes that despite significant decreases in volume and level of activity and regardless of the valuation technique(s) used for the asset or liability, the fair value measurement stay the same.  Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction (that is, not a forced liquidation or distressed sale) between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions.  This issue is effective prospectively for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009.  Early adoption is permitted for periods ending after March 15, 2009.  The adoption of FSP FAS 157-4 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On April 9, 2009, the FASB issued the FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 107-1 and APB 28-1, Interim Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments.  This Statement amends FAS 107 to require entities to disclose, among other things, the methods and significant assumptions used to estimate the fair value of financial instruments in both interim and annual financial statements and amends APB Opinion No. 28 to require those disclosures in summarized financial information at interim reporting periods.  This FSP applies to all financial instruments within the scope of FAS 107 held by publicly traded companies, as defined in Opinion 28.  This issue is effective for interim and annual periods ending after June 15, 2009.  Early adoption is permitted for periods ending after March 15, 2009 only if a reporting entity also early adopts FAS 157-4, FAS115-2 and FAS 124-2.  The adoption of FSP FAS 107-1 and APB 28-1 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On April 9, 2009, the FASB issued the FASB Staff Position FSP FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2, Recognition and Presentation of Other-Than-Temporary Impairments (“OTTI”).  This Statement amends the OTTI guidance for debt securities to make the guidance more operational and to improve the presentation and disclosure of OTTI on debt and equity securities in the financial statements.  This FSP does not amend existing recognition and measurement guidance related to OTTI of equity securities.  It gives guidance on the evaluation whether an impairment of a debt security is other-than-temporary and the determination of amount of an OTTI recognized in earnings and other comprehensive income.  The adoption of FSP FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2 is not expected to have a material effect on the Group’s consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On June 12, 2009, the FASB issued SFAS 166, Accounting for Transfers of Financial Assets (“SFAS 166”). SFAS 166 amends the derecognition guidance in Statement 140 and eliminates the exemption from consolidation for qualifying special-purpose entities (QSPEs). As a result, a transfer will need to evaluate all existing QSPEs to determine whether they must now be consolidated in accordance with Statement 167. Statement 166 is effective is for financial asset transfers occurring after the beginning of an entity’s first fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2009. The Group is in the process of assessing the potential impact the adoption of SFAS 166 may have on its consolidated financial position or results of operations.


On June 12, 2009, the FASB issued SFAS 167, Amendments to FASB Interpretation No. 46(R) (“SFAS 167”). SFAS 167 amends the consolidation guidance applicable to variable interest entities. The amendments will significantly affect the overall consolidation analysis under Interpretation 46(R). While the Board’s discussion leading up to the issuance of Statement 167 focused extensively on structured finance entities, the amendments to the consolidation guidance affect all entities and enterprises currently within the scope of Interpretations 46(R), as well as QSPEs that are currently excluded from the scope of Interpretation 46(R). The Statement is effective as of the beginning of the first fiscal year that begins after November 15, 2009. The Group is in the process of assessing the potential impact the adoption of SFAS 167 may have on its consolidated financial position or results of operations.



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3.                                      ACQUISITIONS


During the periods from 2006 to 2008, in order to enhance its leading online degree education service offerings, and to diversify its service offerings under the private primary and secondary schools, online tutoring, and international curriculum programs, the Group consummated the acquisitions set forth below.  Because the acquirees’ business models are similar to that of the Group, the combination of their operations with the Group is expected to strengthen the Group’s position in the respective service offerings.  These transactions were recorded using the purchase method of accounting, and accordingly, the acquired assets and liabilities were recorded at their estimated fair values on the acquisition date.


(a)                                  In May 2007, the Group acquired the remaining 20% equity interest in WITT Education for cash consideration of RMB12,800 (US$1,654), and WITT Education became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group.  In addition, the Group paid an additional RMB6,000 to the original shareholder in 2007 since WITT Education met the operating performance target set forth in the purchase agreement, consequently increasing the goodwill by RMB6,000.


The purchase price for this 20% minority interest was allocated based on the fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities on the date of the acquisition.


The purchase price was allocated based on the fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities as follows:












average remaining






amortization period


Intangible assets:






Service agreement with a high school




18.7 years


Service agreements with other high schools




13.7 years


Total intangible assets




15.6 years


Deferred tax liabilities relating to intangible assets acquired






Goodwill (allocated to the international curriculum program segment)













(b)                                 On February 13, 2007, Hongcheng Education acquired an additional 10% equity interest in Tianchang for cash consideration of RMB3,520.  After the acquisition, the equity interest in Tianchang increased to 72.5%.


The purchase price for the extra 10% equity interest was allocated based on the fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities on the date of the acquisition.  The following allocation of purchase price is preliminary and may be revised as further information becomes available to management.










Cash and cash equivalents




Accounts receivable




Amounts due from related parties




Property and equipment




Land use right




Amounts due to related parties




Net assets acquired




Goodwill (allocated to private primary and secondary schools segment)










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(In thousands, except share-related data)


3.             ACQUISITIONS - - continued


(c)                                  On February 23, 2006, Hongcheng Liye acquired an 80% equity interest in Beijing BCIT by issuing 2,025,061 ordinary shares with a fair value of US$3,746 (an equivalent of RMB30,158) on the acquisition date.  Beijing BCIT provides international polytechnic education services (“BCIT program”).


The purchase price was allocated based on the fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities as follows:






Weighted average






amortization period


Cash and cash equivalents






Accounts receivable






Prepaid expenses






Property and equipment






Accounts payable






Accrued expenses






Deferred revenue






Net tangible assets acquired






Minority interest






Intangible assets:






Service agreement with a university




30 years


Service agreements with other universities




15 years


Total intangible assets




28.2 years


Deferred tax liabilities relating to intangible assets acquired






Goodwill (allocated to the international curriculum program segment)













The fair values of the ordinary shares issued in connection with these acquisitions were determined by a retrospective valuation.  The valuation analysis utilizes and considers generally accepted valuation methodologies such as the income, market, cost and actual transaction of the Group.  The Group has incorporated certain assumptions, which include projected cash flows and replacement costs.


The Group purchased the remaining 20% of the minority interest in Beijing BCIT for no additional consideration because Beijing BCIT did not meet the operating performance targets as stated in the original purchase agreement.  This transaction was completed in May 2007 and Beijing BCIT became wholly owned by the Group thereafter.  The Group incurred RMB200 transaction costs in connection with the acquisition of Beijing BCIT.



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3.             ACQUISITIONS - - continued


(d)                                 In May 2008, the Group acquired the remaining 20% equity interest in Gotop Electronic and Beijing Xuezhi from Tianjin Tianxingjian Co Lts., (“Tianxingjian”), which were engaged in providing online tutoring service, for an aggregate purchase price a cash consideration of RMB6,700 (US$982) and Gotop Electronic and Beijing Xuezhi became wholly owned by the Group.


The purchase price for this 20% minority interest was allocated based on the fair value of the acquired assets and liabilities on the date of acquisition.












average remaining






amortization period


Intangible assets:






Trade name




indefinite life


Online courseware




2 years


Agency agreements




5 years


Operation platform




5 years


Total intangible assets






Deferred tax liabilities relating to intangible assets acquired






Goodwill (allocated to the online tutoring segment)













The following unaudited pro forma information summarizes the results of operations for the Group for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008  assuming that all significant acquisitions during the year ended December 31, 2006 occurred as of January 1, 2006; assuming that the significant acquisitions during the year ended December 31, 2007 occurred as of January 1, 2006 and 2007, respectively; and assuming that the significant acquisitions during the year ended December 31, 2008 occurred as of January 1, 2007 and 2008, respectively.  The pro forma results have been prepared for comparative purposes only and do not purport to be indicative of the results of operations that would have resulted had the significant acquisitions occurred as of January 1, 2006, nor are they indicative of future operating results.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


3.             ACQUISITIONS - - continued




Years ended December 31,


































Pro forma net revenues








Pro forma net income (loss)








Pro forma net income (loss) per ordinary shares-basic








Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred A share shares-basic







Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred B share shares-basic







Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred C share shares-basic







Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred D share shares-basic






Income (loss) per share-diluted










4.                                      ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, NET


Accounts receivable, net consisted of the following:




December 31,




















Accounts receivable






Less: allowance for doubtful accounts




Accounts receivable, net







Movement of allowance for doubtful accounts was as follow:




December 31,




















Balance as of January 1




Charged to expenses






Written off






Balances as of December 31






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(In thousands, except share-related data)


5.                                      PREPAID EXPENSES AND OTHER CURRENT ASSETS


Prepaid expenses and other current assets consisted of:




December 31,




















Staff advances






Advance to an online school






Prepaid expenses






Advances to suppliers






Interest receivables





Value-added tax rebate receivable












Advance to an online school represented amount loaned to an online education alliance program to fund its operations.  Advance to an online school is non-interest bearing and is payable on demand.  Value-added tax rebate receivable represented the accrued value added tax rebate from online degree programs which will be received in 2009.


6.                                      COST METHOD INVESTMENT


In June 2004, the Group obtained a 10% equity interest in Hongcheng Xueyuan Technology Development Co., Ltd. (“Hongcheng Xueyuan”), a company established in the PRC that is engaged in the provision of education services in the PRC, for consideration of RMB100.  In December 2006, the Group increased its equity interest in Hongcheng Xueyuan to 19% by acquiring an additional 9% equity interest for cash consideration of RMB1,110.


7.                                      LAND USE RIGHTS, NET


Land use rights, net consisted of the following:




December 31,




















Land use rights






Less: accumulated amortization






Land use rights, net







Amortization expenses for land use rights totaled RMB518, RMB533 and RMB606 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively.  Future amortization expenses are RMB604 per year for each of the next five years through December 31, 2013.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


8.                                      PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, NET


Property and equipment, net consisted of the following:




December 31,


























Furniture, fixtures and equipment






Motor vehicles






Leasehold improvements












Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization












Construction in progress













Depreciation and amortization expenses for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 were RMB8,157, RMB8,206 and RMB12,212, respectively.


9.                                      INTANGIBLE ASSETS, NET


Intangible assets, net including those acquired as part of business combination consisted of the following:




Years Ended December 31,
























































































Intangible assets with definite lives
















Service agreements with universities and high schools
















Operating platforms















Customer base















Online coursewares















Agency agreements















Contract rights















Prepaid operating contracts















Total intangible assets definite lives
















Intangible assets with indefinite lives Trade name































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(In thousands, except share-related data)


9.                                      INTANGIBLE ASSETS, NET - continued


The carrying amount of intangible assets, net by operating segment was as follows:




December 31,




















Online degree programs






Private primary and secondary schools






Online tutoring program






International curriculum program













Amortization expenses of intangible assets with definite lives were RMB8,294, RMB8,548 and RMB8,746 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.  Amortization expenses for intangible assets with definite lives for the next five years are follows:


Years ending December 31,





























10.          IMPAIRMENT


(a)                                  Intangible assets impairment


No impairment of intangible assets with definite lives was recorded in 2006 or 2007. The Group recorded impairment loss of intangible assets with definite lives of RMB29,057 for the year ended December 31, 2008.  The impairment loss is related to the international curriculum program, for which management has significantly reduced its profitability forecast due to adverse changes in the government regulatory environment and the resulting early termination of an agreement with a previous overseas partner of the Group.


(b)                                 Goodwill impairment


Management performed the annual goodwill test as of December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008.  No impairment losses were recorded in 2006.  Based on the impairment assessment performed by management, the Company incurred a goodwill impairment charge of RMB16,192 and RMB41,036 for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


The impairment for the year ended December 31, 2007 charge relates to the Friendly Experimental Class program reporting unit (the “FEC program”) which is a component of the international curriculum program operating segment, as management has significantly adjusted downward the profitability forecast for this portion of the Company’s business.


Of the RMB41,036 impairment charge for the year ended December 31, 2008, RMB39,112 is related to the international curriculum program operating segment, for which management has significantly reduced its profitability forecast due to adverse change in government regulatory environment and the resulting early termination of its agreement with an overseas partner. The remaining impairment charge of RMB1,924 is related to the impairment charge taken for the private primary and secondary school program operating segment in 2008 and is primarily due to management’s assessment that construction of Jingzhou School’s South campus will be further delayed, and as a result there is no definite expected enrollment period.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


10.          IMPAIRMENT - - continued


(b)                                 Goodwill impairment - continued


The fair values of the reporting units were established using a combination of market approach and income approach valuation methodology.  The discounted cash flows for each reporting unit were based on discrete five year financial forecasts developed by management for planning purposes.  Cash flows beyond the five year discrete forecast were estimated using a terminal value calculation, which incorporated historical and forecasted financial trends for each reporting unit and considered long-term earnings growth rates for publicly traded peer companies.  Specifically, the income approach valuations included reporting unit cash flow discount rate at approximately 24%, 20% and 23.5%, and a terminal value growth rate at 3% for the international curriculum program, online degree and online tutoring respectively.  Publicly available information regarding the market capitalization of the Company was also considered in assessing the reasonableness of the cumulative fair values of the reporting units estimated using the discounted cash flow methodology.


The changes in the carrying amount of goodwill by operating segments for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008 were as follows:






Private primary












and secondary












































Balance as of January 1, 2007












Goodwill acquired during the year










Goodwill impairment during the year









Balance as of December 31, 2007












Goodwill acquired during the year









Goodwill impairment during the year










Balance as of December 31, 2008














Accrued expenses and other current liabilities consisted of the following:




December 31,




















Advances from students






Accrued expenses






Accrued professional fees






Accrued employee payroll and welfare benefits






Other payables













Advances from students represented amounts received for books and materials, which the Group collected from students on behalf of third party vendors.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


12.                               OTHER TAXES PAYABLE


Other taxes payable consisted of the following:




December 31,




















Value-added taxes payable






Business taxes payable






Individual income taxes payable






Real estate tax













The Group is subject to business taxes at a rate of 5% to 5.5%, which are applied to service revenue generated from online education programs.  The Group is also required to withhold PRC individual income taxes on employees’ payroll for remittance to the tax authorities.


13.                               SHARE OPTION PLAN


The Group’s original employee share option plan (the “Original Plan”) was effective on August 10, 2000 and allowed the Group to offer a variety of incentive awards to employees and non-employee directors of the Group and any consultant who performs services for the Group.  Pursuant to the Original Plan, an incentive option could only be granted to employees and a non-qualified option could be granted to employees, non-employee directors and consultants.  The number of option shares granted under the Original Plan was not permitted to exceed 15% of the aggregate number of the issued and outstanding shares of the Company, calculated on a fully-diluted basis.  Under the terms of the Original Plan, the exercise price for an incentive option shall not be less than 100% of the fair market value of the ordinary share on the date of grant.  Option vesting schedule shall be more than three years and no acceleration for option vesting schedule shall be permitted, unless approved by Board of Directors.  On December 13, 2004, an Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan (the “Amended Plan”) became effective, and replaced the Original Plan.  Under the Amended Plan, options to purchase ordinary shares increased to 12,846,621.


In March 2007, the Company adopted the Second Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan (the “Second Amended Plan”), which replaced the Amended Plan and provided for the grant of restricted shares as well as options.  Under the Second Amended Plan, the Company was permitted to grant options to purchase up to 12,846,621 ordinary shares to the Group’s employees, directors and consultants.  The minimum option vesting period for any option grants under the Second Amended Plan was three years and acceleration of option vesting was not permitted, unless approved by the Board of Directors.


The terms of the Second Amended Plan did not permit incentive stock options to be granted to greater than 10% shareholders unless the exercise price equaled at least 110% of the fair market value.


The Group adopted the equity incentive plan (the “Equity Incentive Plan”) in November 2007.  The Equity Incentive Plan replaced the Second Amended Plan adopted in March 2007.  The Equity Incentive Plan allows the Group to offer a variety of incentive awards to employees and non-employee directors of the Group and any consultant who performs services for the Group.  Pursuant to the Equity Incentive Plan, an incentive share option (“ISO”) may only be granted to employees and a non-qualified option may be granted to employees, non-employee directors and consultants.  Not more than 12,846,621 shares may be issued under the Equity Incentive Plan; provided, however, that there shall be an annual increase on January 1 of each year in an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the total number of the Company’s outstanding shares at December 31 of the preceding calendar year.  Under the terms of the Equity Incentive Plan, the exercise price for an ISO shall not be less than 100% of the fair market value per share on the grant date.  However, in the case of an ISO awarded to a grantee who at the time of grant owned shares representing more than 10% of the combined voting power of all classes of the Company’s share capital (including any equity of any of the Company’s Chinese subsidiaries), the exercise price of option may not be less than 110% of the fair market value of the ordinary shares on the date of grant of such ISO and the option period may not be greater than five years from the date of grant.  The minimum option vesting period for any option grant is three years and acceleration of vesting is not permitted, unless approved by the Board of Directors.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


13.                               SHARE OPTION PLAN - continued


All options granted will vest over periods ranging from immediately to four years and any unexercised options will expire ten years from the date of grant.  As of December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively, options to purchase 9,435,000 and 9,892,800 ordinary shares were outstanding, and options to purchase 161,621 and 565,685 ordinary shares remained available for future grants.


Options to employees


Through December 31, 2008, the Group had granted to its employees, officers, and directors an accumulated total of 14,354,400 share options to purchase ordinary shares, all of which were exercisable in US$.


For the share options granted after January 1, 2006, the Group recorded compensation expense under the fair value method according to SFAS No. 123R, estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model.  The Group recorded a total compensation expense of RMB2,677, RMB3,643 and RMB5,226 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


The following assumptions were used in the employee option pricing model:


















Weighted average risk-free interest rate








Weighted average expected option life (years)








Weighted average volatility rate








Weighted average dividend yield






Options to non-employees


On May 20, 2004, the Group granted 5,000 share options with an exercise price of US$1.09 (RMB9.02) per share to a legal advisor for the settlement of prior services rendered to the Group, which options were fully vested in 2006.  On January 21, 2008, the Group granted 4,000 share options with an exercise price of US$2.07 (RMB14.12) per share to two consultants.  The Group recorded compensation expense of RMB34, RMBnil and RMB5 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, estimated using the Black-Scholes option pricing model.


The following assumptions were used in the non-employee option pricing model:














Weighted average risk-free interest rate






Weighted average expected option life (years)






Weighted average volatility rate






Weighted average dividend yield






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(In thousands, except share-related data)


13.                               SHARE OPTION PLAN - continued


The following assumptions were used in the employee and non-employee option pricing model:


(1)                                  Volatility


The volatility of the underlying ordinary shares during the life of the options was estimated based on the historical stock price volatility of the Company’s ordinary shares and listed shares of comparable companies over a period comparable to the expected term of the options.


(2)                                  Risk-free interest rate


Risk-free interest rate was estimated based on the yield to maturity of treasury bonds of the United States with a maturity period close to the expected term of the options.


(3)                                  Expected term


As the Company did not have sufficient historical data on the exercise of share options, it estimated the expected term as the average between the weighted average vesting period of the options and the contractual term.


(4)                                  Dividend yield


The Company assumed a zero dividend yield based on its expected dividend policy over the expected term of the options.  The Company anticipates growing its business with internally generated cash and does not expect to pay dividends in the foreseeable future, nor has it paid any dividends to date.


(5)                                  Exercise price


The exercise price of the options was determined by the Board of Directors.


(6)                                  Fair value of underlying ordinary shares


When estimating the fair value of the ordinary shares on the grant dates before the Company’s initial public offering (“IPO”), management considered a number of factors, including the result of equity transactions of the Company, while taking into account standard valuation methods and the achievement of certain events.  After the IPO, the closing market price of the Company’s ordinary shares as of the grant date was used as the fair value of the underlying ordinary shares on that date.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


13.                               SHARE OPTION PLAN - continued


Summary of share options to employees and non-employee


A summary of the share option activity, including grants to both employees and non-employees, was as follows.  Each of the fair value of the ordinary shares, intrinsic value and exercise prices set forth in the tables below are denominated in US$ because the share options are exercisable in US$.




Outstanding options








Weighted average




Number of


average exercise








price per share


fair value


















Outstanding at January 1, 2006
































Outstanding at December 31, 2006





























Outstanding at December 31, 2007








































Outstanding at December 31, 2008









The weighted average per share fair values of options as of their respective grant dates were as follows:




December 31,




































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(In thousands, except share-related data)


13.                               SHARE OPTION PLAN - continued


Summary of share options to employees and non-employee - continued


The following table summarizes information regarding options issued within the 12-month period prior to December 31, 2008:








Fair value of


Intrinsic value


Grant date


No. of shares


Exercise price


ordinary shares


at grant date












January 21, 2008











March 18, 2008









August 15, 2008









September 9, 2008










*                                         Determined based on the closing market price of the ADS, as quoted on the NASDAQ Global Market on the grant date, divided by three.


The following table summarizes information with respect to employee and non-employee share options outstanding at December 31, 2008:




Options outstanding


Options exercisable




























































contractual life


exercise price






contractual life


exercise price








































Average exercise price:








































3.72 years








3.72 years










5.90 years








5.90 years










2.32 years








2.32 years










6.45 years








6.18 years










9.20 years













8.36 years







8.36 years









6.24 years








5.62 years







The weighted average intrinsic value in the table above represents the difference between the Company’s estimated fair value as of December 31, 2008 and the weighted average exercise price.


Total intrinsic value of options exercised for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008 was RMB365, RMB nil and RMB1,629, respectively.


As of December 31, 2008, there was RMB9,095 unrecognized share-based compensation cost related to share options.  That deferred cost is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average vesting period of 1.87 years.  To the extent the actual forfeiture rate is different from the Company’s original estimate, the actual share-based compensation cost related to these awards may differ from such estimate.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


13.                               SHARE OPTION PLAN - continued


Summary of share options to employees and non-employees - continued


For share-based compensation awards that were granted to employees prior to January 1, 2006 that are not yet vested and continue to be reported under APB Opinion 25, the following is the Group’s pro forma net income (loss) that would have been reported if such awards were accounted for under SFAS No. 123R:


























Net income (loss), as reported








Add: Share-based compensation as reported








Less: Share-based compensation determined using the fair value method








Pro forma net income (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders








Basic income (loss) per share:








As reported








Pro forma








Diluted income (loss) per share:








As reported








Pro forma









14.                               INCOME TAXES


The Company is a tax-exempt entity incorporated in the Cayman Islands.


BJ-BCIT and BJ-WITT are tax exempt entities incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.


The Company’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities incorporated in the PRC are governed by the Enterprise Income Tax Law (the “EIT Law”) of the PRC that went into effect January 1, 2008.  Prior to January 1, 2008, the statutory income tax rate was 33%. Pursuant to the EIT Law, the PRC enterprises are now subject to income tax at a statutory rate of 25% on PRC taxable income, except for entities that enjoy a tax holiday or preferential tax treatment.


From January 1, 2008, seven of the Company’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities have been reapproved and classified as “high and new technology enterprises” and, therefore, enjoy a preferential income tax rate of 15%. Four of these subsidiaries (Hongcheng Liye, Hongcheng Education, Gotop Hongcheng and Beiyuda) will continue to enjoy full exemptions for 3 years starting from the commencement of their respective tax holidays, followed by a 50% reduction for the next 3 years, according to the previous treatment and transitional rules (see table below).  The remaining three subsidiaries (CMR WEB, Zhongcai and ZhongNongda Network) are also subject to a preferential income tax rate of 15%. While the certificates granted to these entities are valid for three years, the Company believes it will be able to successfully reapply for their renewal as the Company believes these entities will continue to meet the published criteria. These seven subsidiaries have used the reduced applicable tax rate in calculations of deferred tax balances related to the acquired intangible assets for the foreseeable future.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


14.                               INCOME TAXES - continued


PRC Entity


Statutory income
tax rate


Concession from
Chinese Statutory
income tax


Year of
of tax holiday















Hongcheng Liye




Full exemption for 3 years starting from the commencement of tax holiday followed by a 50% reduction for the next 3 years thereafter










Hongcheng Education




Full exemption for 3 years starting from the commencement of tax holiday followed by a 50% reduction for the next 3 years thereafter










Gotop Hongcheng




Full exemption for 3 years starting from the commencement of tax holiday followed by a 50% reduction for the next 3 years thereafter














Full exemption for 3 years starting from the commencement of tax holiday followed by a 50% reduction for the next 3 years thereafter




One of the Company’s majority owned subsidiaries, Chongda, qualified as a “software enterprise” and was granted a two-year income tax exemption by the relevant tax authorities for 2006 and 2007, followed by a 50% reduction in tax rates for 2008, 2009 and 2010.


The current and deferred components of the income tax expense appearing in the consolidated statements of operation are as follows:




Year ended December 31,


























Current tax








Deferred tax


















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(In thousands, except share-related data)


14.                               INCOME TAXES - continued


The principal components of the Group’s deferred income tax assets and liabilities are as follows:




December 31,




















Current deferred tax assets






Deferred revenue






Net current deferred tax assets






Non-current deferred tax assets






Intangible assets






Deferred revenue






Net operating loss carryforwards






Total non-current deferred taxes






Less: valuation allowance on deferred tax assets






Total non-current deferred taxes






Non-current deferred tax liabilities






Property and equipment






Intangible assets






Total deferred tax liabilities







The Group has net operating loss carryforwards of RMB12,515 from its PRC subsidiaries for the year ended December 31, 2008 that will expire on various dates between December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2013.


As of December 31, 2008, a valuation allowance of RMB2,456 was provided against deferred tax assets arising from net operating loss carryforwards of certain of the Group’s PRC subsidiaries and variable interest entities due to the Group’s determination that it is more likely than not that these deferred tax assets related to the respective entities will not be realized.  Adjustments will be made to the valuation allowance if events occur in the future that indicate changes in the amount of deferred tax assets that may be realized.


The Group operates through multiple subsidiaries and variable interest entities and the valuation allowances are considered separately for each subsidiary and variable interest entity.  The Group does not file consolidated tax returns, and, therefore, losses and deferred taxes from one subsidiary or variable interest entity may not be used to offset another subsidiary’s or variable interest entity’s earnings or deferred taxes.


Reconciliation between total income tax expense and the amount computed by applying the statutory income tax rate to income before income taxes is as follows:




Years ended December 31,


























Statutory rate








Tax holiday








Effect on tax rates in different tax jurisdiction








Permanent book-tax differences








Changes in valuation allowance







Increased in unrecognized tax benefit







Effect of new tax law






Effective tax rates










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(In thousands, except share-related data)


14.                               INCOME TAXES - continued


For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, if the Company’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities in the PRC had not been awarded tax holidays or received special tax concessions, provision for income taxes, net income (loss), and net income (loss) per share would have been as follows:




Years ended December 31,


























Net income (loss), as reported








Less: Increase in provision for income taxes








Pro forma net income (loss)








Pro forma net income (loss) per ordinary share-basic







Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred A share-basic





Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred B share-basic





Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred C share-basic





Pro forma net income (loss) per preferred D share-basic





Pro forma net income (loss) per ordinary share-diluted








In June 2006, the FASB issued FIN 48, which prescribes a recognition threshold and measurement attribute for the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return.  As a result of the Group’s adoption of FIN 48 on January 1, 2007, the accumulated unrecognized tax benefits was RMB4,332 and RMB5,473 as of December 31, 2007 and 2008, respectively.  The Group recognized RMB3,744 accumulated impact of unrecognized tax benefit to accumulated deficits as of January 1, 2007.


The Group has adopted the accounting policy that interest recognized in accordance with paragraph 15 of FIN 48 and penalties recognized in accordance with paragraph 16 of FIN 48 are classified as part of its income taxes.  RMB269 interest and RMB nil penalties were recognized in the consolidated financial statements for the year the ended December 31, 2008.


A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits is as follows:






Balance at January 1, 2007




Additions based on tax positions related to the current year



Additions for tax positions of prior years



Reductions for tax positions of current year



Audit settlement paid in current year



Other - interest and penalty




Balance at January 1, 2008




Additions based on tax positions related to the current year




Additions for tax positions of prior years



Reductions for tax positions of current year



Audit settlement paid in current year



Other - interest and penalty




Balance at December 31, 2008





The Group’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities are subject to taxation in China.  There are no ongoing examinations by taxing authorities at this time.  Tax years of each of the Company’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities from 2003 through 2008 remain subject to review and potential recourse by the PRC.


The Group does not anticipate any significant change within 12 months of this reporting date of its uncertain tax positions.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


14.          INCOME TAXES - continued


Under PRC tax laws in effect prior to January 1, 2008, dividends paid to foreign investors by foreign-invested enterprises, such as dividends paid to overseas holding companies by PRC subsidiaries, were exempt from PRC withholding tax.  Under the EIT Law and its implementation rules which became effective on January 1, 2008, dividends declared on earnings generated after January 1, 2008 and payable by a foreign-invested enterprise in China to its foreign investors who are non-resident enterprises are subject to a 10% withholding tax, unless any such foreign investor’s jurisdiction of incorporation has a tax treaty with China that provides for a different withholding arrangement.  The Cayman Islands, where the Company is incorporated, does not have a tax treaty with China.


Since the Group’s subsidiaries located in the PRC had aggregate accumulated losses of approximately RMB4,351 as of December 31, 2008, no provision has been made for the Chinese dividend withholding taxes that would be payable upon the distribution of those amounts to the Company under APB opinion No.23, Accounting for Income Taxes-Special Areas.  Accordingly, no deferred tax liability has been accrued for the Chinese dividend withholding taxes that would be payable upon the distribution of those amounts to the Company as of December 31, 2008.


Under applicable accounting principles, a deferred tax liability should be recorded for taxable temporary differences attributable to the excess of carrying amount over tax basis, including those differences attributable to a more than 50% interest in a domestic subsidiary.  However, recognition is not required in situations where the tax law provides a means by which reported amounts of such interest investment can be recovered tax-free and the enterprise expects that it will ultimately use that means.  The Group has not recorded any such deferred tax liability attributable to the financial interest in its variable interest entities because the variable interest entities were in an accumulated loss position as of December 31, 2008.


Furthermore, the EIT Law includes a provision specifying that legal entities organized outside China will be considered residents for Chinese income tax purposes if their place of effective management or control is within China.  If legal entities organized outside China were considered residents for Chinese income tax purpose, they would become subject to the EIT Law on their worldwide income.  This would cause income any legal entities organized outside China earned to be subject to China’s 25% EIT.  The Implementation Rules to EIT Law provide that non-resident legal entities will be considered China residents if substantial and overall management and control over the manufacturing and business operations, personnel, accounting, properties, etc. resides within China.  Pursuant to the additional guidance released by the Chinese government on April 22, 2009, management does not believe that the legal entities organized outside China should be characterized as China tax residents for EIT Law purposes.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


15.                               NET INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE


The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net income (loss) per share for the periods indicated:




Years ended December 31,


























Net income (loss)-basic (numerator):








Net income (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders








Net income allocated to Series A preferred shares







Net income allocated to Series B preferred shares







Net income allocated to Series C preferred shares







Net income allocated to Series D preferred shares






Net income (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders-diluted (numerator)








Shares (denominator):








Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding used in computing basic net income (loss) per share








Weighted average preferred A shares using if-converted method







Weighted average preferred B shares using if-converted method







Weighted average preferred C shares using if-converted method







Weighted average preferred D shares using if-converted method






Incremental weighted average ordinary shares from assumed conversions of stock option and warrants using treasury stock method:








Employee options (treasury share effect)







Non-employee options (treasury share effect)







Warrants (treasury share effect)







Weighted average ordinary shares outstanding used in computing diluted net income (loss) per share








Net income (loss) per ordinary share-basic








Net income (loss) per preferred A share-basic







Net income (loss) per preferred B share-basic







Net income (loss) per preferred C share-basic







Net income (loss) per preferred D share-basic






Net income (loss) per ordinary share-diluted









Ordinary share equivalents of options and warrants are calculated using the treasury stock method.  Under the treasury stock method, the proceeds from the assumed conversion of options and warrants are used to repurchase outstanding ordinary shares using the average fair value for the period.  The Group has determined that its convertible preferred shares are participating securities as the preferred shares participate in undistributed earnings on an as-if-converted basis.  The holders of the preferred shares are entitled to receive dividends on a pro rata basis, as if their shares had been converted into ordinary shares.  Accordingly, the Group uses the two-class method of computing net income per share, for ordinary and preferred shares according to participation rights in undistributed earnings.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


15.                               NET INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE - continued


For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007, and 2008, the Company had the following securities outstanding, which could potentially dilute basic net income per share in the future, but were excluded from the computation of diluted net income (loss) per share in 2006, 2007 and 2008 because their effect would be anti-dilutive:




Years ended December 31,


















Preferred A shares





Preferred B shares





Preferred C shares





Outstanding employee options to purchase ordinary shares






Outstanding warrants to purchase ordinary shares







16.          LONG-TERM DEBT


During the year ended December 31, 2007, the Group purchased office space for RMB55,773, including RMB26,430 pursuant to a mortgage loan from a commercial bank, which loan had a repayment term of 5 years and bore interest at a rate of 13% per annum.  This mortgage loan was fully repaid during the year ended December 31, 2008.


17.          WARRANTS


In conjunction with the issuance of convertible notes in 2002, the Company also issued to the convertible note holder a stock purchase warrant providing for the right to purchase 300,000 shares of Series A preferred shares of the Company at US$1.00 per share.  The stock purchase warrants expired five years from the date of grant.  The fair value and the allocated value of the warrants were approximately RMB1,452 (US$175) and RMB1,235 (US$149), respectively, at the grant date.  The Company issued 300,000 shares of Series A preferred shares upon exercise of the stock purchase warrant in September 2007.


Pursuant to the terms of a Series B preferred share agreement dated December 13, 2004, the Company granted warrants to one of its Series B preferred shareholder, Tiger Global Private Investment Partners II, L.P. and Tiger Global II, L.P. (collectively, “Tiger Global”), to purchase up to 1,768,300 ordinary shares.  These warrants have an exercise price of US$1.48 per share and are exercisable at any time prior to December 13, 2009.  The fair value and the allocated value of the warrants were approximately RMB4,719 (US$570) and RMB4,487 (US$542) at the grant date, respectively.


In November 2008, the Company entered into a share repurchase agreement with Tiger Global.  The share repurchase agreement stipulated that the 1,768,300 warrants held by Tiger Global, which represented the right to purchase an aggregate of 1,768,300 ordinary shares, would be cancelled.  The Company recorded the first batch of cancelled warrants in November 2008, representing 321,109 underlying ordinary shares, and has recorded the second batch of cancelled warrants in January 2009, representing an additional 1,447,191 underlying ordinary shares.


Pursuant to the terms of a Series C preferred share agreement dated July 14, 2005, the Company granted warrants to Series C preferred shareholders to purchase up to 608,108 ordinary shares.  The warrants have an exercise price of US$1.85 per share and are exercisable commencing on July 14, 2005 and ending on August 12, 2010.  The fair value and the allocated value of the warrants were approximately RMB2,459 (US$305) and RMB2,353 (US$292), respectively, at the grant date.


Up to the end of 2008, 121,622 warrants were exercised at US$1.85 to purchase the same number of ordinary shares, the fair value of the exercised warrants was approximately RMB471 (US$65).


As of December 31, 2008, the total number of shares underlying the above referenced warrants was 1,933,677.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)




Pursuant to the November 2008 share repurchase agreement with Tiger Global (discussed in Note 17), the Company agreed to purchase from Tiger Global an aggregate of 8,364,634 ordinary shares (2,788,211 ADSs) at US$1.3167 per ordinary share (US$3.95 per ADS), for an aggregate purchase price of RMB75,315 (US$11,014).  The agreement also stipulated that all warrants held by Tiger Global, which represented the right to purchase an aggregate of 1,768,300 ordinary shares, would be cancelled.  Up to December 31, 2008, the Company has repurchased and cancelled 1,518,949 ordinary shares and 321,109 warrants for an aggregate consideration of RMB13,668 (US$2,000).  Subsequent to December 31, 2008, the Company has repurchased and cancelled 6,845,685 ordinary shares and 1,447,191 warrants for an aggregate consideration of RMB61,647 (US$9,014) in January 2009.


In addition, the Company has in place a share repurchase plan.  Pursuant to this plan, the Company repurchased an aggregate of 2,183,634 ordinary shares in open market transactions conducted between July 2008 and December 2008 for cash consideration of RMB20,522 (US$3,002).  The repurchases were made at an average price of US$1.37 per ordinary share (US$4.11 per ADS).




Full time employees of the Group in the PRC participate in a government-mandated multi-employer defined contribution plan pursuant to which certain pension benefits, medical care, unemployment insurance, employee housing fund and other welfare benefits are provided to employees.  Chinese labor regulations require the Group to accrue for these benefits based on certain percentages of the employees’ salaries.  Total provisions for such employee benefits were RMB8,267, RMB14,659 and RMB20,225 for the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively.


20.          COMMITMENTS


(a)           Pursuant to a contract signed between Hongcheng Technology and another university, Hongcheng Technology has committed to contribute RMB35,000 for the use of the university’s education resources.  As of December 31, 2008, the remaining commitment is approximately RMB5,000, which is expected to be paid within the next two years.


(b)                                 Pursuant to a contract signed between Hongcheng Education and a middle school for the use of the school’s education resources, Hongcheng Education has committed to pay a royalty fee of RMB650 per annum from 2005 to 2007, RMB1,000 per annum from 2008 to 2010, and RMB1,200 per annum from 2011 to 2024.  The aggregate of the fees committed through 2024 were recognized as expenses on a straight-line basis with the difference between the amount paid and the amount recognized reported as deferred commitment fees.  For the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2008, the amounts reported as expenses were RMB1,088 during both periods.  The amounts recorded as deferred commitment fees as of December 31, 2007 and 2008 were RMB1,313 and RMB1,400, respectively.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


20.                               COMMITMENTS - continued


(c)                                  The Group leases certain office premises under non-cancelable operating leases through 2012.  Rent expenses under operating leases for 2006, 2007, and 2008 were RMB7,264, RMB9,088, and RMB10,814, respectively.


Future minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating leases agreements are as follows:


Years ending December 31,





























(d)                                 As of December 31, 2008, the Group had commitments totaling RMB102,926 for the expansion of the schools in Anqing and Jingzhou, which included capital commitments for on-going construction in progress of RMB7,704.  Since the construction of Jinzhou School is delayed, the Company is unable to make reasonable estimates regarding the timing of capital commitments for Jingzhou School.  The capital commitments of Anqing are expected to be paid within the next two years.




The Group has been organized as four business units:


(i)            Online degree program, which enables leading higher education institutions in the PRC to operate and grow their online degree-granting programs.  The Group provides online education technical and consulting services to these institutions.  In addition, the Group also licenses online education technology platform and courseware to them.


(ii)           Private primary and secondary schools, which provide educational services to the students through traditional classroom education.


(iii)          Online tutoring program, which provides online tutoring services for students to obtain review course help through the online program.


(iv)          International curriculum program, which includes an integrated English language learning service for high schools in the PRC and international polytechnic curriculum programs through traditional classroom education.


The Group’s chief operating decision maker is its chief executive officer.  Segment information provided to the chief operating decision maker is prepared using US GAAP.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


21.                               SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION - continued


The following sets forth the relevant information for the Group’s operating segments:




December 31,




















Online degree program






Private primary and secondary schools






Online tutoring program






International curriculum program






Reconciling amounts






Total assets












Significant reconciling item:






Corporate assets


















Online degree program






Private primary and secondary schools






Online tutoring program






International curriculum program






Reconciling amounts






Total liabilities












Significant reconciling item:






Corporate liabilities









Years ended December 31,


































Online degree program








Private primary and secondary schools








Online tutoring program








International curriculum program








Total revenue
















Cost of revenue








Online degree program








Private primary and secondary schools








Online tutoring program








International curriculum program








Total cost of revenue
















Gross profit








Online degree program








Private primary and secondary schools








Online tutoring program








International curriculum program








Total gross profit










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(In thousands, except share-related data)


21.                               SEGMENT AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION - continued


The Company does not allocate operating expenses to individual segments when making decisions about allocating resources to such segments and assessing their performance.  The Group primarily operates in the PRC.  All of the Group’s long-lived assets are located in the PRC.


Revenue from each type of services the Group provides was as follows:




Years ended December 31,


























Third parties:








Online education technical and consulting services








Traditional classroom education services








Online tutoring services








Licensing of online education technology platform and courseware














Related parties:








Online education technical and consulting services








Traditional classroom education services





Online tutoring services





Licensing of online education technology platform and courseware






















The carrying amounts of goodwill and intangible assets by operating segment were as follows:




December 31,














Intangible assets, net:






Online degree program






Private primary and secondary schools






Online tutoring program






International curriculum program


















Online degree program






Private primary and secondary schools





Online tutoring program






International curriculum program














Table of Contents






(In thousands, except share-related data)




The minority shareholders of a number of the Group’s majority owned subsidiaries are universities that also purchase exclusive online education technical and consulting services from the Group.  These universities are considered related parties of the Group.  Revenue generated from services provided to these universities was as follows:




Years ended December 31,


























Online education technical and consulting services:








Online Education School of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics








Online Education School of Renmin University of China








Online Education School of Chongqing University








Online Education School of China Agricultural University








Online Education School of Beijing Language and Culture University







Online Education School of Central University of Finance and Economics















Deferred revenue associated with services provided to related parties was as follows:




December 31,




















Online Education School of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics






Online Education School of Renmin University of China






Online Education School of Chongqing University






Online Education School of China Agricultural University






Online Education School of Beijing Language and Culture University














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(In thousands, except share-related data)


22.                               RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS - continued


As of December 31, 2007 and 2008, the following balances were due from related parties:




December 31,




















Schools owned by the minority shareholders of the Company’s subsidiaries:






Online Education School of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (ii)






Online Education School of Renmin University of China (ii)






Online Education School of Chongqing University (ii)






Online Education School of China Agricultural University of China (ii)






Online Education School of Beijing Language and Culture University (ii)(iii)






Online Education School of Central University of Finance and Economics (ii)





Minority shareholders of the Company’s majority-owned subsidiaries:






Shanghai Guangdian Communication Network Co., Ltd. (i)






Company owned by shareholder or management:






Wellent Institute of Education International (Asia) Limited (i)






Equity owners of the Company’s subsidiaries:






Wu Jiayong (i)





Liu Xin












(i)                                     The amounts represent cash advances that are expected to be collected in 2009.


(ii)                                  The fees for services provided to the online schools are collected on a periodic basis.  The excess amount of revenue recognized over the cash collection is recorded as amounts due from related parties.


(iii)                               In 2007, the Group wrote off RMB2,918 in uncollectible amounts due to a dispute with Beijing Language and Culture University.


All of the amounts due from related parties are unsecured and non-interest bearing.  The Group expects the amounts to be received within the next 12 months.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)


22.          RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS - continued


As of December 31, 2007 and 2008, the following balances were due to related parties:




December 31,














Former owner of an entity consolidated by the Company:






Fourth Middle School of Anqing (ii)






Schools owned by the minority shareholders of the Company’s subsidiaries:






Online Education School of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (i)






Online Education School of Chongqing University (i)






Online Education School of Central University of Finance and Economics (i)












(i)                                     The amounts represented cash collected on behalf of the related parties.


(ii)                                  The amount primarily represents service fees to be paid for utilizing the school’s teaching resources.


All the amounts due to related parties are non-interest bearing and unsecured.  The Group expects the amounts to be repaid within one year.




PRC legal restrictions permit payments of dividends by the Company’s PRC subsidiaries only out of their retained earnings, if any, determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations.  Prior to payment of dividends, pursuant to the laws applicable to the PRC’s Foreign Investment Enterprises, the Company’s subsidiaries and variable interest entities in the PRC must make appropriations from after-tax profit to non-distributable reserve funds as determined by the Board of Directors of each company.  These reserves include (i) general reserve, (ii) enterprise expansion reserve, and (iii) a staff bonus and welfare reserve.


Subject to certain cumulative limits, the general reserve requires annual appropriations of 10% of after-tax profits (as determined under generally accepted accounting principles in the PRC (“PRC GAAP”) at each year-end); the other reserve appropriations are at the Company’s discretion.  These reserves can only be used for specific purposes of enterprise expansion and are not distributable as cash dividends.  For the years ended December 31, 2006, 2007 and 2008, the Company’s PRC subsidiaries and variable interest entities made appropriations to the general reserve of RMB nil, RMB7,540 and RMB2,700 respectively. For the year ended December 31, 2008, general reserve of RMB5,264 was used as additional capital injection into one of the Group’s subsidiaries, as permitted by PRC law.


The PRC subsidiaries and variable interest entities elected not to make any appropriations to the enterprise expansion reserve in any of the years presented.  As a result of these PRC laws and regulations, the PRC subsidiaries are restricted from transferring a portion of their net assets to the Company.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)




Relevant PRC statutory laws and regulations restrict the payments of dividends by the Company’s PRC subsidiaries and variable interest entities from their retained earnings, if any, as determined in accordance with PRC accounting standards and regulations.  In addition, general reserve (see Note 23) requires annual appropriations of 10% of after-tax profit should be set aside prior to the payment of dividends.  As a result of these PRC laws and regulations, the Company’s PRC subsidiaries and variable interest entities are restricted in their ability to transfer a portion of their net assets to the Company.  As of December 31, 2007 and 2008, the amounts of restricted net assets were approximately RMB227,995 and RMB341,505, respectively.




a.                                       Formation of Subsidiary with Guangxi Radio and TV University


To further expand its online education services, in February 2009, the Company, through Hongcheng Technology, entered into an exclusive 10-year joint venture agreement with Guangxi Radio and TV University (“GRTU”) to provide online education services to GRTU.  Under the agreement, the Company holds a 51% equity interest and will provide the development and delivery of online education services to GRTU’s students beginning in the spring semester of 2009.


b.                                      Equity Incentive Plan amendment


The Company’s shareholders approved certain amendments to its Equity Incentive Plan (as amended, the “Amended Equity Incentive Plan”) at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on March 6, 2009.  The amendments (i) provide for the administration of the Amended Equity Incentive Plan by the Compensation Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors; (ii) delegate to the Compensation Committee authority to, among other things, amend or modify outstanding awards under the Amended Equity Incentive Plan, including the repricing of “underwater” options; and (iii) eliminate the requirement that subsequent amendments to the Amended Equity Incentive Plan be submitted for shareholder approval.


c.                                       Option Re-pricing


On May 18, 2009, the Compensation Committee authorized the Company to reprice 1,255,500 “underwater” options at the fair market value on the approval date.  The Compensation Committee authorized this in order to enhance the Company’s ability to retain and incentivize its employees, directors and consultants.



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(In thousands, except share-related data)




December 31,


































Current assets:








Cash and cash equivalents








Prepaid expenses and other current assets








Amounts due from related parties








Total current assets








Investments in subsidiaries and variable interest entities








Total assets
















Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
















Current liabilities:








Accrued expenses and other current liabilities








Amount due to related parties








Total current liabilities








Deferred other income







Total liabilities
















Shareholders’ equity:








Ordinary shares (RMB0.08 (US$0.01) par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized; 58,434,407 shares issued and outstanding in 2007; 63,076,129 shares issued and outstanding in 2008)








Additional paid-in capital
















Accumulated deficits








Accumulated other comprehensive loss








Total shareholders’ equity








Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity










Table of Contents







(In thousands, except share-related data)




Years ended December 31,






















Operating expenses:










General and administrative (including share-based compensation of RMB2,586, RMB1,225, and RMB2,603 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Loss from operations










Other income









Interest income










Interest expense








Equity in earnings of subsidiaries and variable interest entities (including share-based compensation of RMB125, RMB2,418 and RMB2,628 for 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively)










Net income (loss)












Table of Contents







(In thousands, except share-related data)








































Series A convertible


Series B convertible


Series C convertible


Series D convertible






















preferred shares


preferred shares


preferred shares


preferred shares


Ordinary shares














































income (loss)




income (loss)










































































Balance at January 1, 2006

































Issuance of ordinary shares for purchase of a subsidiary
























Exercise of share options

























Amortization of share-based compensation






















Foreign currency translation adjustments






















Net income


























































Balance at December 31, 2006







































































Issuance of Series D convertible preferred shares
























Repurchase of ordinary share as treasury stock
























Issuance of treasury shares to new shareholders
























Collection of subscriptions receivable






















Amortization of share-based compensation






















Accumulated adjustment of unrecognized tax benefit






















Repurchase and cancellation of ordinary shares
























Repurchase and cancellation of Series B convertible preferred shares
























Exercise of warrants for Series A convertible preferred shares

























Exercise warrants for ordinary shares

























Conversion of series A, B, C, D preferred shares






























Issuance of ordinary shares on IPO (net of insurance cost of RMB25,665)
























Foreign currency translation adjustments






















Net income


























































Balance at December 31, 2007































































Common shares converted to ADS shares for future exercise of share options





















Amortization of share-based compensation






















Repurchase of ordinary shares and forfeiture of warrants

























Excise of share options
























Foreign currency translation adjustments






















Net loss


























































Balance at December 31, 2008







































































Table of Contents







(In thousands, except share-related data)




Years ended December 31,






















Cash flows from operating activities:










Net income (loss)










Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash used in operating activities:










Share based compensation










Gain on conversion of warrants of series D convertible preferred shares







Interest expense








Equity in earnings of subsidiaries and variable interest entities










Changes in assets and liabilities:










Prepaid expenses and other current assets










Amounts due from related parties









Accrued expense and other liabilities










Amount due to a related party









Deferred revenue


















Net cash used in operating activities




















Cash flows from investing activities:










Investments in subsidiaries and variable interest entities



















Net cash used in investing activities



















Cash flows from financing activities:










Proceeds from IPO (net of issuance cost of RMB25,665)







Proceeds from issuance of Series D convertible preferred shares (net of issuance costs of RMB2,598)







Proceeds from exercise of warrants







Repurchase of Series B convertible preferred shares







Repurchase of ordinary shares









Repayment of convertible notes







Collection of subscription receivable







Exercise of share options


















Net cash used in financing activities



















Effect of exchange rate changes




















Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents










Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year




















Cash and cash equivalents, end of year




















Supplemental disclosure of non-cash financing activities:










Conversion of convertible notes into Series B preferred shares






Receivable for the issuance of ordinary shares upon exercise of share options by employees







Issuance of ordinary shares for purchases of subsidiaries







Conversion of convertible notes into Series D preferred shares







Conversion of Series A,B,C,D preferred shares into ordinary shares









Table of Contents






(In thousands, except share-related data)


1.                                      BASIS FOR PREPARATION


The condensed financial information of the Company has been prepared using the same accounting policies as set out in the Company’s consolidated financial statements, except that the Company used the equity method to account for investments in its subsidiaries and variable interest entities.




The Company and its subsidiaries and variable interest entities are included in the consolidated financial statements where the inter-company balances and transactions are eliminated upon consolidation.  For the purpose of the Company’s stand-alone financial statements, its investments in subsidiaries and variable interest entities are reported using the equity method of accounting.  The Company’s share of income and losses from its subsidiaries and variable interest entities is reported as earnings from subsidiaries and variable interest entities in the accompanying condensed financial information of the parent company.


3.                                      INCOME TAXES


The Company is a Cayman Islands company, and therefore is not subject to income taxes for all the years presented.


4.                                      RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS


The following represents related party balances as of December 31, 2007 and 2008:




December 31,














Amounts due from related parties:






Former director-Yan Xueshan (i)






Vice President-Xie Changqing (i)






CMR (ii)






Hongcheng Liye





























Amount due to related parties:






Hongcheng Technology

























(i)                                     The amounts represent loans to the two equity owners of Hongcheng Education.

(ii)                                  The amount represents the receivable of profit distribution from a subsidiary company.



EX-4.1 2 a09-17164_1ex4d1.htm EX-4.1

Exhibit 4.1










The purpose of this Equity Incentive Plan (the “Plan”) is to attract qualified personnel and to and retain their service with CHINAEDU Corporation (the “Company”) and its Subsidiaries (hereinafter defined), and to provide such persons with an ownership interest in the Company through the granting of stock options, restricted stock and restricted stock units that will:


(a)                                  increase the interest of the employees, non-employee directors and consultants in the Company’s and its Subsidiaries’ welfare;

(b)                                 furnish an incentive to those employees, non-employee directors and consultants to continue their services for the Company; and

(c)                                  provide a means through which the Company and its Subsidiaries may attract able persons to provide services to them.






For the purpose of the Plan, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:




With respect to the Company, any company or other trade or business that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Company within the meaning of Rule 405 of Regulation C under the Securities Act, including, without limitation, any Subsidiary. For purposes of granting stock options, an entity may not be considered an Affiliate unless the Company holds a “controlling interest” in such entity, where the term “controlling interest” has the same meaning as provided in Treasury Regulation 1.414(c)-2(b)(2)(i), provided that the language “at least 50 percent” is used instead of “at least 80 percent” and, provided further, that where granting of stock options is based upon a legitimate business criteria, the language “at least 20 percent” is used instead of “at least 80 percent” each place it appears in Treasury Regulation 1.414(c)-2(b)(2)(i)



“American Depositary Receipts” or “ADRs”


A physical certificate evidencing ownership in American Depositary Shares, issued by the Depositary and listed on an established national or regional stock exchange or is publicly traded on an established securities market in the United States




“American Depositary Shares” or “ADSs”


An equity right representing the means an equity right representing one or more Shares of the Company, or a fraction of a Share of the Company, held on deposit by the Custodian, which carries the corporate and economic rights of the Shares of the Company, subject to the terms specified on the American Depositary Receipt




“Applicable Laws”


The legal requirements relating to the Plan and the Awards under applicable provisions of the corporate, securities, tax and other laws, rules, regulations and government orders, and the rules of any applicable stock exchange or national market system, of any jurisdiction applicable to Awards granted to residents therein






A grant of an Option, Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Unit under the Plan




“Award Agreement”


The Agreement between the Company and a Grantee that evidences and sets out the terms of a Grant




“Benefit Arrangement”


Shall have the meaning set forth in Article 27






The Board of Directors of the Company




“Change of Control”


(i) the dissolution or liquidation of the Company or a merger, consolidation, or reorganization of the Company with one or more other entities in which the Company is not the surviving entity, (ii) a sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company to another person or entity, or (iii) any transaction (including without limitation a merger or reorganization in






which the Company is the surviving entity) which results in any person or entity owning 50% or more of the combined voting power of all classes of shares of the Company






means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now in effect or as hereafter amended






CHINAEDU Corporation




“Compensation Committee”


The Compensation Committee established in accordance with Article 2.8 of the Fourth Amended and Restated Shareholders Agreement, which Compensation Committee shall be comprised of independent directors in accordance with NASDAQ rules.






Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Corporation Limited or such other bank appointed by the Company to hold any ADSs on deposit upon or after a public offering of the Shares




“Grant Date”


The date on which Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units or an Option is granted by resolutions of the Directors






The Bank of New York or such other U.S. bank appointed by the Company to issues any ADRs upon or after a public offering of the Shares






The Grantee is unable to perform each of the essential duties of such Grantee’s position by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which is potentially permanent in character or which can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months; provided, however, that, with respect to rules regarding expiration of an Incentive Stock Option following termination of the Grantee’s Service, Disability shall mean the Grantee is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental






impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months




“Effective Date”


November 20, 2007, the date the Plan was approved and adopted by the Board




“Exchange Act”


The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as now in effect or as hereafter amended




“Fair Market Value”


The value of a Share, determined as follows: if on the Grant Date or other determination date the Shares are listed on an established national or regional stock exchange, or are publicly traded on an established securities market, the Fair Market Value of a Share shall be the closing price of a Share on such exchange or in such market (if there is more than one such exchange or market the Compensation Committee shall determine the appropriate exchange or market) on the Grant Date or such other determination date (or if there is no such reported closing price, the Fair Market Value shall be the mean between the highest bid and lowest asked prices or between the high and low sale prices on such trading day) or, if no sale of Shares is reported for such trading day, on the next preceding day on which any sale shall have been reported. If the Shares are not listed on such an exchange, or traded on such a market, Fair Market Value shall be the value of the Shares as determined by the Compensation Committee by the reasonable application of a reasonable valuation method in a manner consistent with Code Section 409A






An award of an Option, Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units under the Plan




“Grant Date”


As determined by the Compensation Committee, the latest to occur of (i) the date as of which the Compensation Committee approves a Grant, (ii) the date






on which the recipient of a Grant first becomes eligible to receive a Grant or (iii) such other date as may be specified by the Compensation Committee.






Person who receives or holds a Grant under the Plan




“Incentive Stock Option”


An “incentive stock option” within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code, or the corresponding provision of any subsequently enacted tax statute, as amended from time to time






The initial sale to the general public of the Shares pursuant to a registration statement filed with and declared effective by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission




“Nonqualified Stock Option”


A stock option that is not an Incentive Stock Option






An option to purchase one or more Shares pursuant to the Plan




“Option Period”


The period that the Option may be exercised as specified by the Compensation Committee




“Option Price”


The price per Share payable on the exercise of an Option, such price as from time to time specified by resolutions of the Directors




“Other Agreement”


Shall have the meaning set forth in Article 27






This CHINAEDU Corporation Third Amended and Restated Stock Option Plan, in its present form or as from time to time amended in accordance with the provisions hereof and subject to the provisions of the Shareholders Agreement




“Purchase Price”


The purchase price for each share of Stock pursuant to a grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Unit




“Reporting Person”


A person who is required to file reports under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act




“Restricted Stock”


Shares awarded to a Grantee pursuant to this Plan, that are subject to restrictions and to a risk of forfeiture




“Restricted Stock Unit”


A bookkeeping entry representing the equivalent of one Share awarded to a Grantee




“Securities Act”


The Securities Act of 1933, as now in effect or as hereafter amended






Service as an employee, officer, director or other Service Provider of the Company or an Affiliate. Unless otherwise stated in the applicable Award Agreement, a Grantee’s change in position or duties shall not result in interrupted or terminated Service, so long as such Grantee continues to be an employee, officer, director or other Service Provider of the Company or an Affiliate. Subject to the preceding sentence, whether a termination of Service shall have occurred for purposes of the plan shall be determined by the Compensation Committee, which determination shall be final, binding and conclusive




“Shareholders Agreement”


The Fourth Amended and Restated Shareholders Agreement entered into by and among the Company and various shareholders of the Company on or about March 9, 2007






The ordinary shares, $.01 par value per share, of the Company. Upon an IPO, “Shares” shall also mean the ADSs to be issued by the Company in satisfaction of awards over Shares granted under the Plan






Any corporation, association or other business entity of which securities representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the combined voting power of the total voting stock (or in the case of an association or other business entity which






is not a corporation, more than fifty percent (50%) of the equity interest) is at the time owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Company or one or more Subsidiaries of the Company or a combination thereof




“Ten-Percent Shareholder”


An individual who owns more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of outstanding shares of the Company, its parents or any of its Subsidiaries. In determining share ownership, the attribution rules of Section 424(d) of the Code shall be applied




“U.S. Grantee”


Any Grantee who is or becomes a taxpayer in the United States






The Plan shall be administered by the Compensation Committee. Each determination, interpretation or other action made or taken by the Compensation Committee pursuant to the provisions of the Plan will be conclusive and binding for all purposes and on all persons.  In the event that the Plan, any Grant or any Award Agreement entered into hereunder provides for any action to be taken by or determination to be made by the Compensation Committee, such action may be taken by or such determination may be made by the full Board.  To the extent permitted by law, the Compensation Committee may upon resolution delegate some or all of its authority and powers with respect to the administration of the Plan to one or more members of the Board pursuant to such conditions or limitations as the Compensation Committee may establish in such resolution


Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Compensation Committee may be filled by appointment by the Board in accordance with Article 2.8 of the Shareholders Agreement.  The Compensation Committee shall select one of its members to act as its Chairman and shall make such rules and regulations for its operation, as it deems appropriate. Not less than half the total numbers of directors appointed to the Compensation Committee present shall constitute a quorum, and the act of a majority of the members of the Compensation Committee present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee shall determine and designate from time the employees to whom Awards will be granted (including the number of shares subject to each Award), interpret the Plan, prescribe, amend, and rescind any rules and regulations necessary or appropriate for the administration of the Plan, and make such other determinations and take such other action as it deems necessary or advisable. Any interpretation, determination, or other action made or taken by the Compensation Committee shall be final, binding, and conclusive on all interested parties.


Furthermore, if the Company is required to prepare an accounting restatement due to the material noncompliance of the Company, as a result of misconduct, with any financial reporting requirement




under the securities laws, the individuals subject to automatic forfeiture under Section 304 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and any Grantee who knowingly engaged in the misconduct, was grossly negligent in engaging in the misconduct, knowingly failed to prevent the misconduct or was grossly negligent in failing to prevent the misconduct, shall reimburse the Company the amount of any payment in settlement of an Award earned or accrued during the twelve (12) month period following the first public issuance or filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (whichever first occurred) of the financial document that contained such material noncompliance.


In order to assure the viability of Awards granted to Grantees employed in various jurisdictions, the Compensation Committee may provide for such special terms as it may consider necessary or appropriate to accommodate differences in local law, tax policy, or custom applicable in the jurisdiction in which the Grantee resides or is employed.  Moreover, the Compensation Committee may approve such supplements to, or amendments, restatements, or alternative versions of, the Plan as it may consider necessary or appropriate for such purposes without thereby affecting the terms of the Plan in effect for any other purpose; provided, however, that no such supplements, amendments, restatements, or alternative versions shall increase the share limitations contained in Article 5 of the Plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Compensation Committee may not take any actions hereunder, and no Awards shall be granted, that would violate any Applicable Laws.


Authority of the Compensation Committee


Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Compensation Committee shall have the full authority, in its sole discretion, to take any actions it deems necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan. Such actions shall include:


(i) selecting Participants who are to receive Awards under the Plan;


(ii) determining the exercise price for any Options and the Fair Market Value;


(iii) determining the type, number, Grant Date, vesting requirements, duration and other features and conditions of such Awards;


(iv) approving the forms of agreements to be used under the Plan;


(v) amending or modifying any outstanding Awards, but only in ways that will not be adverse to the award/option holder, including, without limitation, the repricing of an Option by reduction of the exercise price of an Option or the replacement of an Option with cash or other award type that would be treated as a repricing under the rules of the stock exchange on which the Shares are listed;


(vi) accelerating the vesting, or extending the post-termination exercise term, of Awards at any time and under such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate;


(vii) interpreting the Plan and any Award Agreement;


(viii) correcting any defect, supplying any omission or reconciling any inconsistency in the Plan or any Award Agreement;


(ix) adopting such rules or guidelines as it deems appropriate to implement the Plan;




(x) authorizing any person to execute on behalf of the Company any instrument required to effect the grant of an Award previously authorized by the Committee;


(xi) making all other decisions relating to the operation of the Plan; and


(xii) adopting such plans or subplans as may be deemed necessary or appropriate to comply with the laws of certain countries, allow for tax-preferred treatment of the Awards or otherwise provide for the participation by Participants who reside in such countries.


The Compensation Committee’s determinations under the Plan shall be final and binding on all persons.






Any employee and non-employee director of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, as well as any consultant who performs Services for the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, whose judgment, initiative and efforts contributed or may be expected to contribute to a successful performance of the Company or any of the Subsidiaries of the Company is eligible to participate in the Plan.  However, An Incentive Stock Option may only be granted to employees and a Nonqualified Stock Option may be granted to employees, non-employee directors and consultants.






Not more than 12,846,621 Shares may be issued under this Plan (subject to this paragraph and Article 20(b) below), provided however that there shall be an annual increase to be added on January 1st each year in an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the total number of shares of Shares of the Company outstanding on December 31st of the preceding calendar year (rounded down to the nearest whole share). The number of Shares that are subject to Options at any time under this Plan shall not exceed the number of Shares that then remain available for issuance under this Plan.  The Company, during the term of the Plan, shall at all times reserve and keep available sufficient Shares to satisfy the requirements of this Plan.  Shares offered under this Plan may be authorized but unissued Shares or treasury Shares.  In the event that Shares previously issued under the Plan are reacquired by the Company, such Shares shall be added to the number of Shares then available for issuance under this Plan.  In the event that an outstanding Option for any reason expires or is canceled, the Shares allocable to the unexercised portion of such Option shall be added to the number of Shares then available for issuance under this Plan.






No Incentive Stock Option may be granted under this Plan which would result in the aggregate number




of Shares issued or issuable or which may be issuable under this Plan to exceed ten per cent (10%) of the issued share capital of the Company at the time of granting of the Option (excluding any shares to be issued upon exercise of the Options; provided, however, that this limitation will not apply if the exercise price is at least 110% of the fair market value of the Share on the Grant Date and the Option Period is not greater than five years from the Grant Date).


Nonqualified Stock Options are not subject to the restrictions set forth in this Article.






Subject to the terms of the Plan, the Compensation Committee shall determine the provisions, terms, and conditions of each Option including, but not limited to, the Option vesting schedule, forfeiture provisions, form of payment upon settlement of the Option, payment contingencies, and satisfaction of any performance criteria, provided, however; that unless approved by the Compensation Committee (i) no Option vesting schedule shall be less than three (3) years and (ii) no acceleration for Option vesting schedule shall be permitted.  The performance criteria established by the Compensation Committee may be based on any one of, or combination of, increase in share price, earnings per share, total shareholder return, return on equity, return on assets, return on investment, net operating income, cash flow, revenue, economic value added, personal management objectives, or other measure of performance selected by the Compensation Committee.






The grant of an Option to a Grantee shall not be deemed either to entitle the Grantee to, or to disqualify the Grantee from, participation in any other grant of Options under the Plan.






All Options under the Plan shall be granted by the Compensation Committee.  The grant of Options shall be evidenced by stock option agreements setting forth the total number of shares subject to the Option, the exercise price, the term of the Option, the Grant Date, and such other terms and provisions as are approved by the Compensation Committee.  Options may be granted in different classes. The Company shall execute appropriate stock option agreements with the Grantees after approval of the issuance of stock option grants.








The exercise price for an Option shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value per share of the Share on the Grant Date. The Compensation Committee shall determine the Fair Market Value of the Share on the Grant Date and shall set forth the determination in its minutes.






Each Option shall terminate upon the expiration of ten years from the Grant Date, or under such circumstances and on such date prior thereto as is set forth in the Plan or as may be fixed by the Compensation Committee and stated in the Award Agreement relating to such Option; provided, however, that in the event that the Grantee is a Ten-Percent Shareholder, an Option granted to such Grantee that is intended to be an Incentive Stock Option shall not be exercisable after the expiration of five years from its Grant Date.  No Option granted under the Plan may be exercised at any time after the Option Period.







In the event a Grantee shall cease to provide Services to the Company or its Subsidiaries, such Grantee’s Options shall be terminated as follows:


(a)          Death. In the event of death while the Grantees are providing services, the Option may be exercised, for a period of one (1) year after the Grantee’s death or until expiration of the Option Period (if sooner) to the extent of the shares with respect to which the Option could have been exercised by the Grantee on the date of the Grantee’s death; such Option may only be exercised by the personal representative of the Grantee’s estate or by the person who acquired the right to exercise the Option by bequest or inheritance or by reason of the Grantee’s death.


(b)         Disability.  In the event of termination of services due to Disability, the Option may be exercised by the Grantee or his or her guardian for a period of one (1) year after such termination or until expiration of the Option Period (if sooner), to the extent of the shares with respect to which the Option could have been exercised by the Grantee on the date of such termination.


(c)          Termination for Other Reasons.  In the event of termination of services for reasons other than as set forth in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above, the Option may be exercised by Grantee for a period of 90 days after the Grantee’s termination or until expiration of the Option Period (if sooner), to the extent of the shares with respect to which the Option could have been vested by the Grantee on the date of termination.




Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Compensation Committee may grant Options not subject to the termination provisions in the Articles.  In addition, the Compensation Committee may waive the requirements set forth in this Article with respect to any Grantee.






Options granted under the Plan may be exercised during the Option Period, at such times and in such amounts, in accordance with the terms and conditions and subject to such restrictions as are set forth in the applicable Agreements.  Subject to Article 7 hereof, if the Compensation Committee imposes conditions upon exercise, then subsequent to the Grant Date the Compensation Committee may, also in its sole discretion, accelerate the date on which all or any portion of the Options may be exercised.






An Option granted to a Grantee may not be transferred or assigned other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution.  If the Grantee attempts to alienate, assign, pledge, hypothecate or otherwise dispose of his Option or any right thereunder, except as provided for in this Plan or the stock option agreement, or in the event of any levy, attachment, execution or similar process upon the right or interest conferred by this Plan or the stock option agreement, the Compensation Committee may terminate the Grantee’s Option by notice to him, and it shall thereupon become null and void.






(a)                 The Compensation Committee may from time to time grant Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units to Grantees, subject to such restrictions, conditions and other terms as the Compensation Committee may determine.


(b)                At the time an award of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units is made under this Plan, the Compensation Committee shall establish a restriction period applicable to such Award.  Each Grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units may be subject to a different restriction period.  The Compensation Committee may, in its sole discretion, at the time a Grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units is made, prescribe conditions that must be satisfied prior to the expiration of the restriction period, including the satisfaction of corporate or individual performance objectives or the continued provision of Service, in order that all or any portion of the Award shall vest.


The Compensation Committee also may, in its sole discretion, shorten or terminate the restriction period or waive any of the conditions applicable to all or a portion of the Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units.  The Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged or otherwise encumbered or disposed of during the restriction period or prior to the satisfaction of any other conditions prescribed by the Compensation Committee with respect to such Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units.




(c)                 The Company shall issue, in the name of each Grantee to whom Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units has been granted, share certificates representing the total number of shares of Restricted Stock granted to the Grantee, as soon as reasonably practicable after the Grant Date.  The Compensation Committee may provide in the Award Agreement that either (i) the Secretary of the Company shall hold such certificates for the Grantee’s benefit until such time as the Restricted Stock is forfeited to the Company, or the restrictions lapse, or (ii) such certificates shall be delivered to the Grantee, provided, however, that such certificates shall bear a legend or legends that complies with the applicable securities laws and regulations and makes appropriate reference to the restrictions imposed under the Plan and the Award Agreement.


(d)                Unless the Compensation Committee otherwise provides in an Award Agreement, holders of Restricted Stock shall have the right to vote such Shares and the right to receive any dividends declared or paid with respect to such Shares.  The Compensation Committee may provide that any dividends paid on Restricted Stock must be reinvested in Shares, which may or may not be subject to the same vesting conditions and restrictions applicable to such Restricted Stock.  All distributions, if any, received by a Grantee with respect to Restricted Stock as a result of any stock split, stock dividend, combination of shares, or other similar transaction shall be subject to the restrictions applicable to the original Grant.


(e)                 Holders of Restricted Stock Units shall have no rights as shareholders of the Company.  The Compensation Committee may provide in an Award Agreement evidencing a grant of Restricted Stock Units that the holder of such Restricted Stock Units shall be entitled to receive, upon the Company’s payment of a cash dividend on its outstanding Shares, a cash payment for each Restricted Stock Unit held equal to the per-share dividend paid on the Share.   Such Award Agreement may also provide that such cash payment will be deemed reinvested in additional Restricted Stock Units at a price per unit equal to the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date that such dividend is paid.  A holder of Restricted Stock Units shall have no right other than those of a general creditor of the Company.  Restricted Stock Units represent an unfounded and unsecured obligation of the Company, subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Award Agreement.


(f)                   Unless otherwise provided by the Compensation Committee in the applicable Award Agreement, upon the termination of a Grantee’s provision of Service to the Company or an affiliate of the Company, any shares of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units held by such Grantee that have not vested, or with respect to which all applicable restrictions and conditions have not lapsed, shall immediately be deemed forfeited.  Upon forfeiture of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, the Grantee shall have no further rights with respect to such Grant, including but not limited to any right to vote Restricted Stock or any right to receive dividends with respect to shares of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units.


(f)                   The Grantee shall be required to purchase the Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units from the Company at a Purchase Price equal to the greater of (i) the aggregate par value of the shares of Stock represented by such Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units or (ii) the Purchase Price, if any, specified in the Award Agreement relating to such Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units.  The Purchase Price shall be payable in the form of cash or cash equivalents acceptable to the Company or, in the discretion of the Compensation Committee, in consideration for past Services rendered to the Company or an affiliate of the Company.


Upon the expiration or termination of the restriction period and the satisfaction of any other conditions prescribed by the Compensation Committee, having properly paid the Purchase Price,




the restrictions applicable to shares of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units shall lapse, and, unless otherwise provided in the Award Agreement, a stock certificate for such Shares shall be delivered, free of all such restrictions, to the Grantee or the Grantee’s beneficiary or estate, as the case may be.






No Shares may be issued until full payment of the Option Price or Purchase Price therefor has been made, and a Grantee will have none of the rights of a shareholder until Shares are issued to him.


The Compensation Committee shall determine the methods by which the exercise price of an Option may be paid, the form of payment, including, without limitation (i) cash or check denominated in U.S. Dollars, (ii) to the extent permissible under Applicable Laws, cash or check in Chinese Renminbi, (iii) cash or check denominated in any other local currency as approved by the Compensation Committee, (iv) Shares held for such period of time as may be required by the Compensation Committee in order to avoid adverse financial accounting consequences and having a Fair Market Value on the date of delivery equal to the aggregate Exercise Price of the Option or exercised portion thereof, (v) after an IPO the delivery of a notice that the Grantee has placed a market sell order with a broker with respect to Shares then issuable upon exercise of the Option, and that the broker has been directed to pay a sufficient portion of the net proceeds of the sale to the Company in satisfaction of the Exercise Price; provided that payment of such proceeds is then made to the Company upon settlement of such sale, (vi) other property acceptable to the Compensation Committee with a Fair Market Value equal to the exercise price, (vii) cashless exercise (as set forth below); or (viii) any combination of the foregoing.  Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, no Grantee who is a member of the Board or an “executive officer” of the Company within the meaning of Section 13(k) of the Exchange Act shall be permitted to pay the Exercise Price in any method which would violate Section 13(k) of the Exchange Act.


The Compensation Committee may, at the time it grants Options, grant to the Grantees rights to exercise their Options without cash, provided that the Shares or any securities representing the Shares are publicly traded.  After the Company’s Shares or securities representing the Shares are publicly traded, Grantees who are eligible to exercise their Options without cash may give a cashless exercise notice to the Company, specifying the number of shares to be sold and the desired selling prices for such shares, and the Company will designate a broker to sell such Options on behalf of the Grantees.  The amounts representing the difference between the Option Prices and the prices at which the underlying Shares for such Options are sold will be used as follows: (i) the amounts will first be used to pay all expenses, including the brokerage commission and other selling expenses, (ii) the Company will then deduct from the amounts applicable taxes in accordance with Article 26 below, and (iii) the remaining amounts will be paid to the Grantee exercising such Options.


Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary and in accordance with Article 3 of the Plan, if you are resident for tax purposes in the Peoples Republic of China, a Grantee may exercise an Option only by placing a market sell order with a broker with respect to Shares then issuable upon exercise.


The Compensation Committee may provide for exercise of Options immediately or in installments and upon such other terms, conditions and restrictions as it may determine, including granting the




Company the right to repurchase shares issued upon exercise of Options.  If the Shares are listed on an established national or regional stock exchange or is publicly traded in an established securities market, the Company’s repurchase rights shall terminate as of the first date that the Shares are so listed, quoted or publicly traded.


A Grantee may be required to provide evidence that any currency used to pay the exercise price of any Award were acquired and taken out of the jurisdiction in which the Grantee resides in accordance with Applicable Laws, including foreign exchange control laws and regulations.  In the event the Exercise Price or Purchase Price for an Award is paid in Chinese Renminbi or other foreign currency, as permitted by the Compensation Committee, the amount payable will be determined by conversion from U.S. Dollars at the official rate promulgated by the People’s Bank of China for Chinese Renminbi, or for jurisdictions other than the Peoples Republic of China, the exchange rate as selected by the Compensation Committee on the date of exercise.






Subject to provisions in the Shareholders Agreement or the Second Amended and Restated Articles of Association, the Plan may be amended or discontinued by the Board without the approval of the shareholders of the Company.  No amendment may adversely affect an outstanding Award without the consent of the Grantee.






Neither the adoption of this Plan nor any action of the Board or the Compensation Committee shall be deemed to give any officer or employee any right to be granted an Option to purchase Shares of the Company or any other rights except as may be evidenced by an Award Agreement, or any amendment thereto, duly authorized by the Compensation Committee and executed on behalf of the Company and then only to the extent and upon the terms and conditions expressly set forth therein.






Unless sooner terminated by action of the Board, the Plan will terminate on November 20, 2017, but Awards granted before the date will continue to be effective in accordance with their terms and conditions.






(a)                The existence of this Plan and Awards granted hereunder shall not affect in any way the right or power of the Company or its shareholders to make or authorize any or all adjustments,




recapitalizations, reorganizations or other changes in the Company’s capital structure and its business, or any merger or consolidation of the Company, or any issue of bonds, debentures, preferred or preference stocks ranking prior to or otherwise affecting the Shares or the rights thereof (or any rights, options or warrants to purchase same), or the dissolution or liquidation of the Company, or any sale or transfer of all or any part of its assets or business, or any other corporate act or proceeding, whether of a similar character or otherwise.


(b)               The number of Shares available under the Plan described in Article 5, the number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to Awards granted under the Plan, and the consideration payable per Share upon exercise, shall be proportionately adjusted by the Compensation Committee for any increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares resulting from a subdivision or consolidation of Shares or other capital adjustment, or the payment of a stock dividend or other increase or decrease in such Shares, effected without receipt of consideration by the Company; provided, however, that any fractional Shares resulting from any such adjustment shall be eliminated for the purposes of such adjustment.


(c)                Subject to any required action by the shareholders, if the Company shall be the surviving or resulting corporation in any merger or consolidation, any Award granted hereunder shall pertain to and apply to the securities or rights (including cash, property or assets) to which a holder of such Grant would have been entitled.


(d)               In the event of any merger or consolidation pursuant to which the Company is not the surviving or resulting corporation, there shall be substituted for each share of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units or Shares subject to the unexercised portions of such outstanding Options, that number of shares of each class of stock or other securities or that amount of cash, property or assets of the surviving or consolidated company which were distributed or distributable to the shareholders of the Company in respect to Shares held by them, such outstanding Options to be thereafter exercisable (subject to appropriate adjustment, if appropriate, as to the per share exercise prices for such stock, securities, cash or property, as determined under subsection b above) in accordance with their terms.  Subject to any contrary language in an Award Agreement evidencing a Grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, any restriction applicable to such Grant shall apply as well to any replacement shares received by the Grantee as a result of the merger or consolidation.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, all Options may be canceled by the Company as of the effective date of any such reorganization, merger or consolidation or of any dissolution or liquidation of the Company by giving notice to each holder thereof or his personal representative of its intention to do so and by permitting the purchase during the thirty (30) day period next preceding such effective date of all of the shares subject to such outstanding options.  The Compensation Committee may elect, in its sole discretion, to cancel any outstanding Awards and pay or deliver, or cause to be paid or delivered, to the holder thereof an amount in cash or securities having a value (as determined by the Compensation Committee acting in good faith), in the case of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units, equal to the formula or fixed price per share paid to shareholders and, in the case of Options, equal to the product of the number of Shares subject to the Option (the “Award Shares”) multiplied by the amount, if any, by which (I) the formula or fixed price per share paid to shareholders pursuant to such transaction exceeds (II) the Option Price applicable to such Award Shares.


(e)               In the event that either sufficient Shares are purchased, or any tender, exchange or similar offer is commenced which would, if successful (i) result in the events that will materially alter the structure or business of the Company, then, notwithstanding any other provision in its Plan to the




contrary, all unmatured installments of Options outstanding shall thereupon automatically be accelerated and exercisable in full and any right the Company may have to repurchase shares issued upon exercise of Options shall terminate.  All unvested Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units shall fully and immediately vest.  The determination of the Compensation Committee that any of the foregoing conditions has been met shall be binding and conclusive on all parties.


(f)                 Except as hereinbefore expressly provided, the issue by the Company of shares of stock of any class, or securities convertible into shares of stock of any class, for cash or property, or for labor or services either upon direct sale or upon the exercise of rights or warrants to subscribe therefor, or upon conversion of shares or obligations of the Company convertible into such shares or other securities, shall not affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to, the number or price of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units or Shares subject to Options granted pursuant to this Plan.


(g)              Upon the occurrence of each event requiring an adjustment of the price or the number of shares purchasable pursuant to Options granted pursuant to the terms of this Plan, the Company shall mail forthwith to each Grantee a copy of its computation of such adjustment, which shall be conclusive and shall be binding upon each such Grantee.






In case the Company shall, at any time while any Award under this Plan shall be in force and remain unexpired, (i) sell all or substantially all its property, or (ii) dissolve, liquidate, or wind up its affairs, then each Grantee may thereafter receive upon exercise hereof (in lieu of each Share of the Company which such Grantee would have been entitled to receive) the same kind and amount of any securities or assets as may be issuable, distributable or payable upon any such sale, dissolution, liquidation, or winding up with respect to each Share of the Company.  If the Company shall, at any time prior to the expiration of any Award, make any partial distribution of its assets, in the nature of a partial liquidation, whether payable in cash or in kind (but excluding the distribution of a cash dividend payable out of earned surplus and designated as such) then in such event each Option Price or Purchase Price shall be reduced, on the payment date of such distribution, in proportion to the percentage reduction in the tangible book value of the Shares (determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) resulting by reason of such distribution.







Awards may be granted under the Plan from time to time in substitution for such options, restricted stock, or restricted stock units held by employees of a corporation who become or are about to become employees of the Company or its Subsidiaries as the result of a merger or consolidation of the employing entity with the Company or the acquisition by the Company of stock of the employing




entity.  The terms and conditions of the substitute Awards so granted may vary from the terms and conditions set forth in this Plan to such extent as the Compensation Committee at the time of grant may deem appropriate to conform, in whole or in part, to the provisions of the options in substitution for which they are granted.






The Company may require that there be presented to and filed with it by any Grantee under the Plan, such evidence as it may deem necessary to establish that the Shares underlying the Awards to be purchased or transferred are being acquired for investment and not with a view to their distribution.






No provision in the Plan or in any Grant or Award Agreement shall be construed to confer upon any individual the right to remain in the employ or service of the Company or any Affiliate, or to interfere in any way with any contractual or other right or authority of the Company either to increase or decrease the compensation or other payments to any individual at any time, or to terminate any employment or other relationship between any individual and the Company or any Affiliate.  The obligation of the Company to pay any benefits pursuant to this Plan shall be interpreted as a contractual obligation to pay only those amounts described herein, in the manner and under conditions prescribed herein.  The Plan shall in no way be interpreted to require the Company to transfer any amounts to a third party trustee or otherwise hold any amounts in trust or escrow for payment to any participant or beneficiary under the terms of the Plan.






No member of the Board or the Compensation Committee, nor any officer or employee of the Company acting on behalf of the Board or the Compensation Committee, shall be personally liable for any action, determination, or interpretation taken or made in good faith with respect to the Plan, and all members of the Board or the Compensation Committee and each and any officer or employee of the Company acting on their behalf shall, to the extent permitted by law, be fully indemnified and protected by the Company in respect of any such action, determination or interpretation.  This obligation shall survive any termination of this Plan.






No Shares will be delivered under the Plan to any Grantee until such Grantee has made arrangements




acceptable to the Compensation Committee for the satisfaction of any income and employment tax withholding obligations under Applicable Laws.  The Company shall have the authority and the right to deduct or withhold, or require a Grantee to remit to the Company, an amount sufficient to satisfy federal, state, local and foreign taxes (including the Grantee’s payroll tax obligations) required or permitted by law to be withheld with respect to any taxable event concerning a Grantee arising as a result of this Plan.  The employee receiving Shares issued upon the grant of Restricted Stock, Restricted Stock Units or the exercise of any Option shall be required to pay the Company the amount of any taxes, which the Company is required to withhold with respect to such Shares.  Such payment may be made in cash, by check, or through the delivery of Shares owned by the employee (which may be effected by the actual delivery of Shares by the employee or by the Company’s withholding a number of Shares to be issued upon the exercise of the Option), which Shares have an aggregate Fair Market Value equal to the required withholding payment, or any combination thereof.  Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, the number of Shares which may be withheld with respect to the issuance, vesting, exercise or payment of any Award (or which may be repurchased from the Grantee of such Award after such Shares were acquired by the Grantee from the Company) in order to satisfy the Grantee’s federal, state, local and foreign income and payroll tax liabilities with respect to the issuance, vesting, exercise or payment of the Award shall, unless specifically approved by the Compensation Committee, be limited to the number of Shares which have a Fair Market Value on the date of withholding or repurchase equal to the aggregate amount of such liabilities based on the minimum statutory withholding rates for federal, state, local and foreign income tax and payroll tax purposes that are applicable to such supplemental taxable income.






Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, unless an agreement, contract or understanding heretofore or hereafter entered into by a U.S. Grantee with the Company on any Affiliate (an “Other Agreement”) directly or indirectly modifies or excludes application of this paragraph, including by specifically addressing Section 280G of the Code and/or the treatment with respect to any payment or benefit to the U.S. Grantee that could be considered a “parachute payment” within the meaning of Section 280G(b)(2) of the Code as then in effect (a “Parachute Payment”), if the U.S. Grantee is a “disqualified individual.” As defined in Section 280G(c) of the Code, any Grants held by that U.S. Grantee and any right to receive any payment or other benefit under this Plan shall not become exercisable or vested (i) to the extent that such right to exercise, vesting, payment, or benefit, taking into account all other rights, payments, or benefits to or for the U.S. Grantee under this Plan, all Other Agreements, and any formal or informal plan or other arrangement for the direct or indirect provision of compensation to the U.S. Grantee (including groups or classes of participants or beneficiaries of which the U.S. Grantee is a member), whether or not such compensation is deferred, is in cash, or is in the form of a benefit to or for the U.S. Grantee (a “Benefit Arrangement”), would cause any payment or benefit to the U.S. Grantee under this Plan to be considered a Parachute Payment and (ii), if, as a result of receiving a Parachute Payment, the aggregate after-tax amounts received by the U.S. Grantee from the Company under this Plan, all Other Agreements, and all Benefit Arrangements would be less than the maximum after-tax amount that could be received by the U.S. Grantee without causing any such payment or benefit to be considered a Parachute Payment.  In the event that the receipt of any such right to exercise, vesting, payment, or benefit under this Plan in conjunction with all other rights, payments, or benefits to or for the U.S. Grantee under any Other Agreement or any Benefit Arrangement would cause the U.S. Grantee to be considered to have received a Parachute Payment




under this Plan that would have the effect of decreasing the after-tax amount received by the U.S. Grantee as described in clause (ii) of the preceding sentence, then the U.S. Grantee shall have the right, in the U.S. Grantee’s sole discretion, to designate those rights, payments, or benefits under this Plan, any Other Agreements, and any Benefit Arrangements that should be reduced or eliminated so as to avoid having the payment or benefit to the U.S. Grantee under this Plan be deemed to be a Parachute Payment.






The Company shall not be required to sell or issue any Shares under any Grant if the sale or issuance of such Shares would constitute a violation by the Grantee, any other individual exercising a right emanating from such Grant, or the Company of any provision of any law or regulation of any governmental authority, including without limitation any federal or state securities laws or regulations.  If at any time the Company shall determine, in its discretion, that the listing, registration or qualification of any shares subject to a Grant upon any securities exchange or under any governmental regulatory body is necessary or desirable as a condition or of in connection with, the issuance or purchase of shares hereunder, no Shares may be issued or sold to the Grantee or any other individual exercising an Option pursuant to such Grant unless such listing, registration, qualification, consent or approval shall been effected or obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to the Company, and any delay caused thereby shall in no way affect the date of termination of the Grant.  Specifically, in connection with the Securities Act, upon the exercise of any right emanating from such Grant, unless a registration statement under the Securities Act is in effect with respect to the Shares covered by such Grant, the Company shall not be required to sell or issue such shares unless the Compensation Committee has received evidence satisfactory to it that the Grantee or any other individual exercising an Option or the vesting of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units may acquire such Shares pursuant to the Plan to comply with any law or regulation of any governmental authority.  As to any jurisdiction that expressly imposes the requirement that an Option shall not be exercisable or Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units shall not vest until the Shares covered by such Option, Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units are registered or are exempt from registration, the exercise of such Option or the vesting of such Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units (under circumstances in which the laws of such jurisdiction apply) shall be deemed conditioned upon the effectiveness of such registration or the availability of such an exemption.


During any time when the Company has a class of equity security registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act, it is the intent of the Company that Grants pursuant to the Plan and the exercise of Options and the vesting of Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units granted hereunder will qualify for the exemption provided by Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act.  To the extent that any provision of the Plan or action by the Compensation Committee does not comply with the requirements of Section 16b-3, it shall deemed inoperative to the extent permitted by law and deemed advisable by the Compensation Committee, and shall not affect the validity of the Plan.  In the event that Rule 16b-3 is revised or replaced, the Compensation Committee may exercise its discretion to modify the plan in any respect necessary to satisfy the requirements of, or to take advantage of any features of, the revised exemption or its replacement.


To the extent required by applicable law, not less often than annually, the Company shall furnish to Grantees summary financial information including a balance sheet regarding the Company’s financial




condition and results of operations, unless such Grantees have duties with the Company that assure them access to equivalent information.  Such financial statements need not be audited.






Neither the adoption of the Plan nor submission of the Plan to the shareholders of the Company for approval shall be construed as creating any limitations upon the right and authority of the Compensation Committee to adopt such other incentive compensation arrangements (which arrangements may be applicable either generally to a class or classes of individuals or specifically to a particular individual or particular individuals) as the Compensation Committee in its discretion determines desirable, including, without limitation, the granting of stock options otherwise than under the Plan.






The use of captions in this Plan or any Award Agreement s for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning of any provision of the Plan or such Award Agreement.






Each Grant awarded under the Plan may contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the Plan as may be determined by the Compensation Committee, in its sole discretion.






With respect to words used in this Plan, the singular form shall include the plural form, the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender, etc., as the context requires.






If any provision of the Plan or any Award Agreement shall be determined to be illegal or unenforceable by any court of law in any jurisdiction, the remaining provisions hereof and thereof shall be severable and enforceable in accordance with their terms, and all provisions shall remain enforceable in any other jurisdiction.








The Plan and all Awards granted hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Cayman Islands.






The Compensation Committee intends to comply with Section 409A of the Code, or an exemption to Section 409A of the Code, with regard to Grants to U.S. Grantees hereunder that constitute nonqualified deferred compensation within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code.  To the extent that the Compensation Committee determines that the U.S. Grantee would be subject to the additional 20% tax imposed on certain nonqualified deferred compensation plans pursuant to Section 409A of the Code as a result of any provision of any Grant granted under this Plan, such provision shall be deemed amended to the minimum extent necessary to avoid application of the additional tax.  The nature of any such amendment shall be determined by the Compensation Committee.




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this instrument to be executed as of the effective date, by its Chief Executive Officer pursuant to prior action taken by the Board.








Julia Huang



Chief Executive Officer



EX-8.1 3 a09-17164_1ex8d1.htm EX-8.1

Exhibit 8.1


Significant Subsidiaries


The following table sets forth our significant subsidiaries and variable interest entities as of the date of this annual report.


Name of subsidiary and/or variable interest


Date of
or establishment


Percentage of



CMR Web-learning Co., Ltd.
(“CMR Web”)


July 29, 1999




Online degree program

Beijing Hongcheng Liye
Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Liye”)


April 15, 2003




Online degree program

Beijing Beiyuda Education
Technology Co., Ltd.


September 26, 2006




Online degree program

Dalian Dongcai Technology
Co., Ltd. (“Dongcai”)


June 4, 2003




Online degree program

Zhong Nongda Networks
Development Co., Ltd.
(“Zhongnongda Networks”)


October 30, 2001




Online degree program

Beijing WITT Education
Consultant Management Co.,
Ltd. (“WITT Education”)


July 4, 2003




International curriculum program

Beijing WITT Science Co., Ltd.
(“WITT Science”)


December 26, 2005




International curriculum program

Beijing BCIT Science and
Education Management
Consulting Limited
(“Beijing BCIT”) (PRC)


January 13, 2005




International curriculum program

Beijing Xuezhi Times
Education Science Co., Ltd.
(“Beijing Xuezhi”)


October 18, 2001




Online tutoring

Beijing Gotop Education Co.,
Ltd. (“Gotop Hongcheng”)


December 26, 2005




Online tutoring

Tianjin Gaotuo Hongcheng
Education Technology Co.,
Ltd. (“Tianjin Gaotuo


June 26, 2006




Online tutoring

Beijing Distance Education
Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Yuancheng Education”)


March 31, 2006




Online tutoring

Hongcheng Technology
Development Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Technology”)


July 31, 2000




Online degree program



Name of subsidiary and/or variable interest


Date of
or establishment


Percentage of



Chongqing Chongda Yuanxing
Co., Ltd. (“Chongda”)


December 24, 2003




Online degree program

Beijing BCIT Science and
Education Management
Consulting Limited (BVI) (“BJ-


February 10, 2006




International curriculum program



July 4, 2003




International curriculum program

Xiandai Xingye Network
Technology Co., Ltd. (“Xiandai


November 7, 2000




Provision of internet content

Beijing Gotop Electronic
Science Co., Ltd. (“Gotop


November 29, 1995




Provision of internet content

Beijing Hongcheng Education
Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Education”)


March 7, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Jingzhou Tianchang Investment
Co., Ltd. (“Tianchang”)


September 6, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Jingzhou Middle School South
Campus (“South Campus”)


December 28, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Pingdingshan Wellent Bilingual
School (“Pingdingshan”)


September 3, 2002




Private primary and secondary schools

Anqing Foreign Language
Middle School (“Anqing
Foreign Language”)


August 2, 2004




Private primary and secondary schools

Beijing Mingdaoyuan Technology Co., Ltd (“Zhongcai”)


March 27, 2007




Online degree program

Shanghai Shangcai Education Technology Co., Ltd (“Shangcai”)


April 18, 2008




Online degree program

Dongcai Online Training Center (“Dongcai Online”)


July 10, 2008




Online degree program

Beijing Zhonglin Education Technology Co., Ltd (“Zhonglin”)


November 3, 2008




Online degree program



Name of subsidiaries:


Date of
or establishment


Percentage of



CMR Web-learning Co., Ltd.
(“CMR Web”)


July 29, 1999




Online degree program

Beijing Hongcheng Liye
Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Liye”)


April 15, 2003




Online degree program

Beijing Beiyuda Education
Technology Co., Ltd.


September 26, 2006




Online degree program

Dalian Dongcai Technology
Co., Ltd. (“Dongcai”)


June 4, 2003




Online degree program

Zhong Nongda Networks
Development Co., Ltd.
(“Zhongnongda Networks”)


October 30, 2001




Online degree program

Beijing WITT Education
Consultant Management Co.,
Ltd. (“WITT Education”)


July 4, 2003




International curriculum program

Beijing WITT Science Co., Ltd.
(“WITT Science”)


December 26, 2005




International curriculum program

Beijing BCIT Science and
Education Management
Consulting Limited
(“Beijing BCIT”) (PRC)


January 13, 2005




International curriculum program

Beijing Xuezhi Times
Education Science Co., Ltd.
(“Beijing Xuezhi”)


October 18, 2001




Online tutoring

Beijing Gotop Education Co.,
Ltd. (“Gotop Hongcheng”)


December 26, 2005




Online tutoring

Tianjin Gaotuo Hongcheng
Education Technology Co.,
Ltd. (“Tianjin Gaotuo


June 26, 2006




Online tutoring

Beijing Distance Education
Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Yuancheng Education”)


March 31, 2006




Online tutoring

Hongcheng Technology
Development Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Technology”)


July 31, 2000




Online degree program

Chongqing Chongda Yuanxing
Co., Ltd. (“Chongda”)


December 24, 2003




Online degree program

Beijing BCIT Science and
Education Management
Consulting Limited (BVI) (“BJ-


February 10, 2006




International curriculum program



Name of subsidiaries:


Date of
or establishment


Percentage of





July 4, 2003




International curriculum program

Xiandai Xingye Network
Technology Co., Ltd. (“Xiandai


November 7, 2000




Provision of internet content

Beijing Gotop Electronic
Science Co., Ltd. (“Gotop


November 29, 1995




Provision of internet content

Beijing Hongcheng Education
Technology Co., Ltd.
(“Hongcheng Education”)


March 7, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Jingzhou Tianchang Investment
Co., Ltd. (“Tianchang”)


September 6, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Jingzhou Middle School South
Campus (“South Campus”)


December 28, 2005




Private primary and secondary schools

Pingdingshan Wellent Bilingual
School (“Pingdingshan”)


September 3, 2002




Private primary and secondary schools

Anqing Foreign Language
Middle School (“Anqing
Foreign Language”)


August 2, 2004




Private primary and secondary schools

Beijing Mingdaoyuan Technology Co., Ltd


March 27, 2007




Online degree program

Shanghai Shangcai Education Technology Co., Ltd  (“Shangcai”)


April 18, 2008




Online degree program

Dongcai Online Training Center (“Dongcai Online”)


July 10, 2008




Online degree program

Beijing Zhonglin Education Technology Co., Ltd  (“Zhonglin”)


November 3, 2008




Online degree program

Guang Xi Hongcheng Times Technology Development Co., Ltd  (“Guangxi  Hongcheng”)


February 10, 2009




Online degree program


EX-12.1 4 a09-17164_1ex12d1.htm EX-12.1

Exhibit 12.1



PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a)


I, Julia Huang, certify that:


1.                                       I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of ChinaEdu Corporation (the “Company”);


2.                                       Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3.                                       Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4.                                       The Company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the Company and we have:


(a)                                  Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b)                                 Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c)                                  Evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


(d)                                 Disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5.                                       The Company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of Company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


(a)                                  All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


(b)                                 Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date: June 30, 2009



/s/ Julia Huang


Julia Huang


Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


EX-12.2 5 a09-17164_1ex12d2.htm EX-12.2

Exhibit 12.2



PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a)


I, Lily Liu, certify that:


1.                                       I have reviewed this annual report on Form 20-F of ChinaEdu Corporation (the “Company”);


2.                                       Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;


3.                                       Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;


4.                                       The Company’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the Company and we have:


(a)                                  Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;


(b)                                 Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;


(c)                                  Evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and


(d)                                 Disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting; and


5.                                       The Company’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of Company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):


(a)                                  All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and


(b)                                 Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.


Date: June 30, 2009



/s/ Lily Liu


Lily Liu


Chief Financial Officer


EX-13.1 6 a09-17164_1ex13d1.htm EX-13.1

Exhibit 13.1


Certification of Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002


The undersigned, the Chief Executive Officer of ChinaEdu Corporation (the “Company”), hereby certifies that, pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, to her knowledge on the date hereof:


(a)                                                          the Form 20-F of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 filed on the date hereof with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and


(b)                                                         the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.




/s/ Julia Huang


Julia Huang


Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


June 30, 2009


EX-13.2 7 a09-17164_1ex13d2.htm EX-13.2

Exhibit 13.2


Certification of Chief Financial Officer

Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002


The undersigned, the Chief Financial Officer of ChinaEdu Corporation (the “Company”), hereby certifies that, pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, to her knowledge on the date hereof:


(c)                                                          the Form 20-F of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008 filed on the date hereof with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended; and


(d)                                                         the information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company.




/s/ Lily Liu


Lily Liu


Chief Financial Officer


June 30, 2009


EX-15.1 8 a09-17164_1ex15d1.htm EX-15.1

Exhibit 15.1




We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statement No. 333-151165 on Form S-8 of our report dated June 26, 2009 (which report expresses an unqualified opinion and includes explanatory paragraphs relating to the convenience translation of Renminbi amounts into U.S. dollar amounts in the financial statements, and the adoption of the recognition and measurement methods under Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 48, “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes- An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109”, effective on January 1, 2007), relating to the consolidated financial statements and the related financial statement schedule of ChinaEdu Corporation and its subsidiaries and variable interest entities (“the Group”), appearing in this Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2008.





Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd.

Beijing, the People’s Republic of China

June 26, 2009


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