424B3 1 postsup_20200913-135204-0.htm Prospectus Supplement No. 3314

Posting Supplement No. 3314 dated September 13, 2020

to Prospectus dated August 9, 2019

Filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)

Registration Statement No. 333-233190


LendingClub Corporation

Member Payment Dependent Notes


                This Posting Supplement supplements the prospectus dated August 9, 2019 and provides information about requested standard program consumer loans to be facilitated through our platform ("member loans") that may correspond to Member Payment Dependent Notes (the "Notes"). Prospective investors should read this Posting Supplement together with the prospectus dated August 9, 2019 to understand the terms and conditions of the Notes and how they are offered, as well as the risks of investing in Notes.


                The following member loans have been made available today for investing in through our platform, including through Notes. At the time any member loan is issued by the issuing bank and corresponding Notes are issued, the aggregate value of corresponding Notes may not equal the principal balance of the member loan.




Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170567211 was requested on September 13, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $5,417 / month*
Job title: Sales and leasing consultant Debt-to-income ratio: 18.78%
Length of employment: 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 156xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 13, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 660-664 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 09/2008 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 21 Months Since Last Delinquency: 16
Revolving Credit Balance: $10,644.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 53.80% Months Since Last Record: 21
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 16








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170420907 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $13,917 / month*
Job title: CONTROLLER Debt-to-income ratio: 30.63%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 850xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/1988 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 17 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 25 Months Since Last Delinquency: 24
Revolving Credit Balance: $63,891.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 97.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170478890 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,750 / month*
Job title: Probation Supervisor Debt-to-income ratio: 31.09%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 806xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 740-744 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/1999 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 17 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 38 Months Since Last Delinquency: 52
Revolving Credit Balance: $25,888.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 27.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170438316 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $7,500 / month*
Job title: Piercer Debt-to-income ratio: 24.79%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 212xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 680-684 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2010 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 21 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 27 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $22,241.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 65.80% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 2 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170113067 was requested on August 28, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $4,296 / month*
Job title: n/a Debt-to-income ratio: 39.53%
Length of employment: n/a Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 207xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 27, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 675-679 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 08/2014 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 13 Months Since Last Delinquency: 12
Revolving Credit Balance: $8,319.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 72.30% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 16








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170182445 was requested on August 31, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $6,667 / month
Job title: BSN, RN Debt-to-income ratio: 19.29%
Length of employment: 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 620xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 31, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 690-694 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 08/2010 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 23 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 40 Months Since Last Delinquency: 38
Revolving Credit Balance: $18,665.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 40.80% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170440379 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,283 / month*
Job title: HOUSEKEEPING Debt-to-income ratio: 30.52%
Length of employment: 6 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 113xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 715-719 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 06/1999 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 21 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 23 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $20,906.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 32.20% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169713673 was requested on August 26, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $3,083 / month*
Job title: Shipping and receiving Debt-to-income ratio: 33.15%
Length of employment: 4 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 925xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 735-739 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2008 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 22 Months Since Last Delinquency: 56
Revolving Credit Balance: $6,673.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 19.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170535868 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: JOINT
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $3,750 / month*
Job title: Lead Receiving Clerk Debt-to-income ratio: 31.20%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: $7,000 / month*
Joint Debt-to-Income: 26.33%
Location: 282xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 695-699 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2006 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 30 Months Since Last Delinquency: 42
Revolving Credit Balance: $21,196.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 70.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 42








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170340924 was requested on September 5, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $4,583 / month*
Job title: Nursing Assistant Debt-to-income ratio: 20.97%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 992xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 5, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 660-664 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 05/2011 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 8 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 2
Total Credit Lines: 33 Months Since Last Delinquency: 8
Revolving Credit Balance: $10,026.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 63.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170329276 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,904 / month*
Job title: Teacher Debt-to-income ratio: 22.26%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 483xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 4, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 10/2001 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 17 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 2
Total Credit Lines: 33 Months Since Last Delinquency: 20
Revolving Credit Balance: $19,074.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 49.90% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 37








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170348345 was requested on September 5, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $12,921 / month*
Job title: Team member Debt-to-income ratio: 12.01%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 275xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 5, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 720-724 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 07/2008 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 43 Months Since Last Delinquency: 42
Revolving Credit Balance: $1,670.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 3.80% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 42








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170207547 was requested on September 7, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $10,300 / month*
Job title: Global Account Manager Debt-to-income ratio: 31.52%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 986xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 31, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 780-784 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/2001 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 24 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 70 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $41,644.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 8.30% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 4 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170401079 was requested on September 8, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,333 / month
Job title: Sales Associate Debt-to-income ratio: 16.06%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 903xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 695-699 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2007 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 8 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 21 Months Since Last Delinquency: 25
Revolving Credit Balance: $5,587.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 58.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 39








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170530229 was requested on September 11, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $2,253 / month*
Job title: SECRETARY Debt-to-income ratio: 10.70%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 792xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 11, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/2011 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 4 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 9 Months Since Last Delinquency: 38
Revolving Credit Balance: $6,331.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 50.60% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 38








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169789375 was requested on September 1, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $17,500 / month*
Job title: Director Debt-to-income ratio: 24.44%
Length of employment: 9 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 333xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 17, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 675-679 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 01/2007 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 27 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 58 Months Since Last Delinquency: 10
Revolving Credit Balance: $29,129.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 25.60% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 2 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170270468 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $3,750 / month*
Job title: Delivery Driver Debt-to-income ratio: 23.09%
Length of employment: 6 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 644xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 2, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 680-684 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2001 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 7 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 13 Months Since Last Delinquency: 41
Revolving Credit Balance: $7,620.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 97.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170221062 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $5,667 / month
Job title: General Merchandise Manager Debt-to-income ratio: 7.48%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 850xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 1, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2001 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 5 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 10 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $7,289.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 28.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 79








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170464394 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $9,583 / month*
Job title: Jr Underwriter/Processor Debt-to-income ratio: 29.08%
Length of employment: 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 320xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 720-724 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2006 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 23 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 55 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $37,084.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 48.90% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169669944 was requested on August 14, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $10,000 / month
Job title: RRS Debt-to-income ratio: 6.41%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 549xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 11, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2007 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 9 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 3
Total Credit Lines: 35 Months Since Last Delinquency: 15
Revolving Credit Balance: $8,309.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 40.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 2 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 72








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170378882 was requested on September 7, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $8,333 / month*
Job title: Foreman Debt-to-income ratio: 24.29%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 795xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 7, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 05/2008 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 21 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 45 Months Since Last Delinquency: 16
Revolving Credit Balance: $21,653.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 68.30% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170386446 was requested on September 7, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $3,083 / month
Job title: Nail Technicians Debt-to-income ratio: 16.64%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 558xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 7, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/1999 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 2
Total Credit Lines: 56 Months Since Last Delinquency: 10
Revolving Credit Balance: $9,669.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 35.50% Months Since Last Record: 58
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 10








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169751607 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $6,417 / month
Job title: Lead machinist Debt-to-income ratio: 12.13%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 852xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 15, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/2011 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 12 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $10,545.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 72.20% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170425346 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $6,667 / month*
Job title: Office Manager Debt-to-income ratio: 38.97%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 956xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/2006 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 19 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 25 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $28,614.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 48.90% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170388748 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,333 / month*
Job title: n/a Debt-to-income ratio: 31.57%
Length of employment: n/a Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 233xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 7, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 725-729 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 09/1998 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 23 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 44 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $53,499.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 41.30% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170345866 was requested on September 5, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $10,000 / month*
Job title: technician Debt-to-income ratio: 16.68%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 191xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 5, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2012 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 14 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 22 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $63,582.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 64.20% Months Since Last Record: 97
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170531098 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $2,250 / month
Job title: Driver/Helper Debt-to-income ratio: 15.02%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 295xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 06/2012 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 4 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 6 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $5,026.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 77.30% Months Since Last Record: 103
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170317591 was requested on September 4, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,038 / month*
Job title: Inside Sales Debt-to-income ratio: 26.03%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 077xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 4, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 07/2007 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 17 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 54 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $28,012.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 32.80% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170536732 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $6,250 / month*
Job title: Mechanical Engineer Debt-to-income ratio: 24.84%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 337xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2010 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 16 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $28,507.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 51.90% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170461854 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $6,667 / month
Job title: Specialist Debt-to-income ratio: 15.51%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 907xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 660-664 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 05/2015 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 11 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 17 Months Since Last Delinquency: 30
Revolving Credit Balance: $12,293.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 49.20% Months Since Last Record: 97
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 30








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170207901 was requested on September 5, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $12,500 / month
Job title: Controller Debt-to-income ratio: 19.88%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 024xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 1, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 695-699 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 10/1997 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 15 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 31 Months Since Last Delinquency: 35
Revolving Credit Balance: $111,958.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 61.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169963161 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $3,417 / month*
Job title: Metal finishing technician Debt-to-income ratio: 29.89%
Length of employment: 2 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 275xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 22, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 01/1998 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 36 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $6,700.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 19.30% Months Since Last Record: 29
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170182044 was requested on August 31, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $14,683 / month*
Job title: Program Analyst Debt-to-income ratio: 26.95%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 254xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 31, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 10/2005 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 22 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 49 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $71,216.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 93.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170431377 was requested on September 8, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $6,667 / month*
Job title: Consultant Debt-to-income ratio: 28.20%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 770xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 690-694 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/2005 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 16 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 35 Months Since Last Delinquency: 59
Revolving Credit Balance: $20,580.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 58.80% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 59








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170562320 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $7,800 / month
Job title: Software Engineer Debt-to-income ratio: 29.44%
Length of employment: 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 070xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 705-709 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 10/2010 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 21 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 27 Months Since Last Delinquency: 68
Revolving Credit Balance: $18,287.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 28.30% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170356379 was requested on September 5, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,333 / month*
Job title: Equipment operator Debt-to-income ratio: 0.00%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 855xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 5, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 800-804 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/2006 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 6 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 19 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $0.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 0.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170237977 was requested on September 1, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,333 / month*
Job title: Emergency Management Debt-to-income ratio: 33.75%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 450xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 1, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2001 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 16 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 3
Total Credit Lines: 25 Months Since Last Delinquency: 10
Revolving Credit Balance: $25,342.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 80.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170532247 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $6,333 / month*
Job title: Research Associate Debt-to-income ratio: 28.90%
Length of employment: 2 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 554xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 11, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 730-734 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/2007 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 46 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $21,644.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 36.70% Months Since Last Record: 112
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170537710 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $7,462 / month*
Job title: Registered Nurse Debt-to-income ratio: 12.81%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 376xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 10/1999 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 6 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 3
Total Credit Lines: 14 Months Since Last Delinquency: 6
Revolving Credit Balance: $0.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 0.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 6








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170356450 was requested on September 5, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,333 / month
Job title: Manager/Crop Consultant Debt-to-income ratio: 12.71%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 982xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 5, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 695-699 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/1994 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 8 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 22 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $26,653.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 77.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170533103 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $4,917 / month*
Job title: Head custodian Debt-to-income ratio: 19.67%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 125xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 660-664 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 09/2005 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 26 Months Since Last Delinquency: 2
Revolving Credit Balance: $3,981.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 39.80% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170536429 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $5,000 / month*
Job title: Financial Advisor Debt-to-income ratio: 8.54%
Length of employment: 6 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 930xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 675-679 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/1997 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 7 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 2
Total Credit Lines: 23 Months Since Last Delinquency: 20
Revolving Credit Balance: $11,008.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 48.90% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 34








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170561274 was requested on September 12, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $6,417 / month*
Job title: Lab Mgr. Debt-to-income ratio: 14.57%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 377xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2005 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 12 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 17 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $21,410.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 81.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170487161 was requested on September 11, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $12,917 / month
Job title: Business broker Debt-to-income ratio: 11.24%
Length of employment: 9 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 370xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 715-719 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2001 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 14 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 27 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $10,545.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 22.80% Months Since Last Record: 108
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170419833 was requested on September 13, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $8,417 / month*
Job title: Software Engineer Debt-to-income ratio: 18.51%
Length of employment: 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 910xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 01/2011 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 24 Months Since Last Delinquency: 8
Revolving Credit Balance: $36,627.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 50.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170364788 was requested on September 6, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $14,583 / month
Job title: Advisor Debt-to-income ratio: 28.47%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 336xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 6, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 705-709 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 06/2002 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 18 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 58 Months Since Last Delinquency: 55
Revolving Credit Balance: $50,649.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 41.60% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170074998 was requested on September 2, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $5,667 / month*
Job title: General Manager Debt-to-income ratio: 37.91%
Length of employment: 2 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 018xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 26, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 685-689 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 06/1971 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 18 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 28 Months Since Last Delinquency: 68
Revolving Credit Balance: $31,573.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 57.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 68








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170462449 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $5,417 / month*
Job title: Customer service representative Debt-to-income ratio: 20.55%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 894xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2012 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 11 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 21 Months Since Last Delinquency: 22
Revolving Credit Balance: $16,879.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 77.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170480624 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $4,167 / month*
Job title: Wholesale parts manager Debt-to-income ratio: 13.11%
Length of employment: 6 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 800xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 730-734 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/2015 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 5 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 17 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $983.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 16.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170483189 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: JOINT
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $3,000 / month*
Job title: AP Debt-to-income ratio: 30.87%
Length of employment: 7 years Joint Gross Income: $6,276 / month*
Joint Debt-to-Income: 16.94%
Location: 238xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2010 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 12 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 29 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $1,808.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 9.20% Months Since Last Record: 46
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170424907 was requested on September 11, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $10,000 / month*
Job title: Register Nurse Debt-to-income ratio: 18.94%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 278xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 735-739 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 06/1992 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 27 Months Since Last Delinquency: 11
Revolving Credit Balance: $1,084.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 4.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 11








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169691518 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $4,667 / month
Job title: n/a Debt-to-income ratio: 9.13%
Length of employment: n/a Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 346xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 12, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 675-679 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/2012 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 20 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $5,332.00 Public Records On File: 1
Revolving Line Utilization: 22.70% Months Since Last Record: 77
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 169488511 was requested on August 4, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $8,333 / month
Job title: Driver Debt-to-income ratio: 15.61%
Length of employment: 7 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 770xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on July 27, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 11/2004 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 11 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 16 Months Since Last Delinquency: 16
Revolving Credit Balance: $9,832.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 57.50% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 2 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170461903 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $9,833 / month*
Job title: Senior Product Manager Debt-to-income ratio: 33.01%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 850xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 680-684 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 08/1998 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 50 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $14,362.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 52.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170360001 was requested on September 6, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $13,083 / month
Job title: Director Debt-to-income ratio: 10.50%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 481xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 6, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 745-749 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 10/1997 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 10 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 22 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $36,451.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 47.50% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170455234 was requested on September 11, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $3,750 / month*
Job title: Advacate Debt-to-income ratio: 25.68%
Length of employment: 5 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 824xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 720-724 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 08/2004 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 52 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $10,716.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 20.70% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170490439 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,417 / month*
Job title: Accounting Associate Debt-to-income ratio: 25.02%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 928xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 660-664 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 05/2006 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 11 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 27 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $27,533.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 70.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 2 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170520519 was requested on September 11, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $3,417 / month*
Job title: Internal Audit Debt-to-income ratio: 30.15%
Length of employment: 3 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 450xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 11, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 700-704 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 05/1988 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 11 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 32 Months Since Last Delinquency: 14
Revolving Credit Balance: $10,345.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 37.90% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170119890 was requested on September 1, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,167 / month
Job title: Multilingual Representative Debt-to-income ratio: 14.39%
Length of employment: < 1 year Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 770xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 27, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 08/2014 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 17 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 2
Total Credit Lines: 23 Months Since Last Delinquency: 21
Revolving Credit Balance: $5,672.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 45.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 21








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170441180 was requested on September 9, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,786 / month*
Job title: Technical Support Engineer Debt-to-income ratio: 28.97%
Length of employment: 4 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 441xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 9, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 740-744 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 02/1998 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 14 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 21 Months Since Last Delinquency: 59
Revolving Credit Balance: $3.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 0.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 59








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170161117 was requested on August 29, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $8,333 / month*
Job title: Technician Debt-to-income ratio: 20.69%
Length of employment: 6 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 371xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on August 29, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 665-669 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 04/2005 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 6 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 31 Months Since Last Delinquency: 45
Revolving Credit Balance: $17,294.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 99.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170360158 was requested on September 6, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $6,083 / month
Job title: n/a Debt-to-income ratio: 26.76%
Length of employment: n/a Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 405xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 5, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 725-729 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 05/2004 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 15 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 35 Months Since Last Delinquency: 20
Revolving Credit Balance: $54,201.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 53.00% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170496339 was requested on September 11, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: OWN Gross income: $12,500 / month*
Job title: Sales manager Debt-to-income ratio: 26.14%
Length of employment: 2 years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 462xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 780-784 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 03/2004 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 34 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 63 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $49,475.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 15.30% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 1 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Five years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170404565 was requested on September 8, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $5,000 / month*
Job title: Director of Operations Debt-to-income ratio: 39.20%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 042xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 740-744 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 04/1994 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 13 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 37 Months Since Last Delinquency: 63
Revolving Credit Balance: $29,995.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 36.40% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170416854 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: INDIVIDUAL
Home ownership: MORTGAGE Gross income: $9,000 / month
Job title: Corporate Operator Debt-to-income ratio: 16.04%
Length of employment: 10+ years Joint Gross Income: n/a
Joint Debt-to-Income: n/a
Location: 481xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 8, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 670-674 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 12/2005 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 14 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 1
Total Credit Lines: 34 Months Since Last Delinquency: 9
Revolving Credit Balance: $12,280.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 58.50% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory 9








Member Loan ID

Maximum aggregate principal amount of Notes offered

Stated interest rate

Note Service Charge

Initial maturity

Final maturity





Three years after issuance

Five years after issuance


                Member loan 170477910 was requested on September 10, 2020 by a borrower with the following characteristics, which have not been verified unless noted with an "*":


Application Type: JOINT
Home ownership: RENT Gross income: $4,000 / month
Job title: Bartender Debt-to-income ratio: 22.10%
Length of employment: 6 years Joint Gross Income: $6,500 / month
Joint Debt-to-Income: 16.62%
Location: 410xx




A credit bureau reported the following information about this borrower that affects their member loan on September 10, 2020:


Credit Score Range: 780-784 Accounts Now Delinquent: 0
Earliest Credit Line: 06/2014 Delinquent Amount: $0.00
Open Credit Lines: 15 Delinquencies (Last 2 yrs): 0
Total Credit Lines: 19 Months Since Last Delinquency: n/a
Revolving Credit Balance: $24.00 Public Records On File: 0
Revolving Line Utilization: 0.10% Months Since Last Record: n/a
Inquiries in the Last 6 Months: 0 Months Since Last Major Derogatory n/a



Posting Report Supplement No. 3314 dated September 13, 2020