Washington, D.C. 20549




Report of Foreign Issuer
Pursuant To Rule 13a-16 Or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934


For the month of October 2020


Commission File Number: 1-33659



(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4100, – 16th floor
São Paulo, SP 04538-132 Brazil
(Address of principal executive offices)




Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F:


Form 20-F       Form 40-F 


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):


Yes        No 


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):


Yes        No 










Consolidated statement of financial position 3
Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 5
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 7
Consolidated statement of cash flows 9
Notes to the consolidated financial statements 12



Consolidated statements of financial position

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)


   Note  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Cash and cash equivalents   5.1    10,953,572    8,472,274 
Marketable securities   5.2    2,658,608    3,115,503 
Trade receivables   5.3    1,796,514    1,786,095 
Derivative financial instruments   5.8    219,105    144,422 
Inventories   7    869,598    787,322 
Receivables from related parties   5.4    68,146    58,619 
Income tax receivable        179,003    215,578 
Other current tax receivable   6    1,055,462    950,246 
Dividends receivable        42,217    23,252 
Sector financial assets   12    404,907    —   
Other financial assets        92,475    81,972 
Other current assets        482,110    356,554 
Total current assets        18,821,717    15,991,837 
Trade receivables   5.3    28,558    28,299 
Restricted cash   5.2    42,672    147,910 
Deferred tax assets   14    1,665,304    1,607,566 
Receivables from related parties   5.4    120,190    114,722 
Income taxes receivable        219,291    168,089 
Other non-current tax receivable   6    766,370    726,766 
Judicial deposits   15    823,746    943,457 
Other financial assets        1,168    69,791 
Derivative financial instruments   5.8    9,350,821    3,679,988 
Contract asset   10.4    719,382    600,541 
Dividends receivable        15,725    —   
Other non-current assets        261,370    245,716 
Investments in associates   8.1    374,093    377,707 
Investments in joint ventures   9    7,598,440    7,548,960 
Property, plant and equipment   10.1    12,759,902    12,153,136 
Intangible assets and goodwill   10.2    17,067,413    16,843,659 
Right-of-use assets   10.3    7,883,327    4,469,730 
Total non-current assets        59,697,772    49,726,037 
Total assets        78,519,489    65,717,874 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.




Consolidated statements of financial position

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)


   Note  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Loans, borrowings and debentures   5.5    4,810,360    3,518,225 
Leases   5.6    1,134,841    542,475 
Derivative financial instruments   5.8    11,578    30,784 
Trade payables   5.7    2,377,310    2,190,264 
Employee benefits payables        289,163    381,337 
Income tax payables        193,448    424,138 
Other taxes payable   13    437,755    363,051 
Dividends payable        8,596    214,104 
Sector financial liabilities   12    93,587    —   
Concessions payable   11    111,652    9,847 
Payables to related parties   5.4    398,644    392,458 
Deferred revenue        6,358    7,300 
Other financial liabilities        405,798    543,879 
Other current liabilities        354,482    299,349 
Total current liabilities        10,633,572    8,917,211 
Loans, borrowings and debentures   5.5    34,666,904    25,533,990 
Leases   5.6    6,867,114    4,052,413 
Preferred shareholders payable in
        446,984    611,537 
Derivative financial instruments   5.8    124,401    50,267 
Other taxes payable   13    150,476    155,070 
Provision for legal proceedings   15    1,374,249    1,354,171 
Concessions payable   11    2,851,064    3,445,033 
Payables to related parties   5.4    741    —   
Post-employment benefits   23    715,063    705,003 
Deferred tax liabilities   14    3,609,989    3,883,564 
Sector financial liabilities   12    403,467    —   
Deferred revenue        46,099    48,036 
Other non-current liabilities        778,503    721,098 
Total non-current liabilities        52,035,054    40,560,182 
Total liabilities        62,668,626    49,477,393 
Shareholders' equity   16           
Share capital        5,328    5,328 
Additional paid-in capital        631,031    887,165 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss        (1,590,933)   (805,471)
Retained earnings        5,180,179    5,314,843 
Profit for the period        748,552    —   
Equity attributable to:               
  Owners of the Company        4,974,157    5,401,865 
  Non-controlling interests   8.3    10,876,706    10,838,616 
Total shareholders' equity        15,850,863    16,240,481 
Total shareholders' equity and liabilities        78,519,489    65,717,874 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.



Consolidated statement of profit or loss

and other comprehensive income

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, except earnings per share)



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated) 1


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated) 1

Net sales   18    4,174,911    9,097,417    5,072,851    9,792,758 
Cost of sales   19    (2,793,309)   (6,343,520)   (3,477,315)   (6,946,642)
Gross profit        1,381,602    2,753,897    1,595,536    2,846,116 
Selling expenses   19    (315,013)   (603,618)   (267,902)   (532,032)
General and administrative expenses   19    (316,488)   (611,807)   (281,770)   (539,734)
Other expenses, net   20    214,457    86,595    7,075    5,788 
Operating expenses        (417,044)   (1,128,830)   (542,597)   (1,065,978)
Profit before equity in earnings of investees, finance results and taxes        964,558    1,625,067    1,052,939    1,780,138 
Interest in earnings of associates   8.1    7,180    10,420    6,004    (22,112)
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   9    (221,151)   (29,808)   58,410    362,243 
Equity in earnings of investees        (213,971)   (19,388)   64,414    340,131 
Finance expense        (755,660)   (2,983,294)   (1,120,766)   (1,924,801)
Finance income        61,129    381,062    191,623    318,039 
Foreign exchange, net        (766,358)   (3,967,798)   177,485    106,668 
Derivatives        1,246,203    5,970,945    437,113    666,158 
Finance results, net   21    (214,686)   (599,085)   (314,545)   (833,936)
Profit before taxes        535,901    1,006,594    802,808    1,286,333 
Income taxes   14                     
Current        (242,315)   (404,329)   (253,209)   (405,479)
Deferred        46,272    263,071    (4,167)   66,814 
         (196,043)   (141,258)   (257,376)   (338,665)
Profit from continuing operations        339,858    865,336    545,432    947,668 
Profit (loss) from discontinued operation,
net of tax
   25    —      —      (4,769)   (10,576)
Profit for the period        339,858    865,336    540,663    937,092 
Other comprehensive income                         

Items that may not be reclassified

to profit or loss

Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan        —      4    —      (2)
         —      4    —      (2)

Items that are or may subsequently be reclassified

to profit or loss:

Foreign currency translation effect        (20,417)   (200,027)   (19,152)   (52,246)
Gain on cash flow hedge in joint ventures        (262,828)   (418,462)   27,957    (151,920)
Changes in fair value of financial assets        40    40    65    75 
         (283,205)   (618,449)   8,870    (204,091)

Total other comprehensive (loss) income,

net of tax

        (283,205)   (618,445)   8,870    (204,093)



Consolidated statement of profit or loss

and other comprehensive income

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, except earnings per share)


Comprehensive income   56,653    246,891    549,533    743,575 
Comprehensive income (loss) - Discontinued operation   —      —      —      (10,576)
Total comprehensive income for the period   56,653    246,891    549,533    732,999 
Profit attributable to:                    
Owners of the Company   101,899    748,552    208,401    398,617 
Non-controlling interests   237,959    116,784    332,262    538,475 
    339,858    865,336    540,663    937,092 
Total comprehensive income attributable to:                    
Owners of the Company   (158,798)   (36,910)   228,318    282,294 
Non-controlling interests   215,451    283,801    321,215    450,705 
    56,653    246,891    549,533    732,999 
Earnings per share from continued operation                    
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated interim financial statements.
¹ For details on this restated, see Note 25.




Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)


   Share capital  Additional  paid-in capital  Accumulated other comprehensive loss  Retained earnings  Equity attributable to owners of the Company  Non-controlling interest  Total equity
At December 31, 2019   5,328    887,165    (805,471)   5,314,843    5,401,865    10,838,616    16,240,481 
Net income for the period   —      —      —      748,552    748,552    116,784    865,336 
Other comprehensive income (Note 16):                                   
Loss on cash flow hedge in joint ventures   —      —      (274,029)   —      (274,029)   (144,433)   (418,462)
Foreign currency translation effects   —      —      (511,460)   —      (511,460)   311,433    (200,027)
Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan   —      —      —      —      —      4    4 
  Change in fair value of financial assets   —      —      27    —      27    13    40 
Total comprehensive income for the period   —      —      (785,462)   748,552    (36,910)   283,801    246,891 

Contributions by and distributions to

owners of the Company:

Capital increase in subsidiary   —      —      —      —      —      6,666    6,666 
Dividends - non-controlling interests   —      (6,145)   —      —      (6,145)   (7,516)   (13,661)
Dividends   —      —      —      (134,664)   (134,664)   —      (134,664)
Stock option exercised   —      (12,911)   —      —      (12,911)   (6,539)   (19,450)
Share-based payment transactions   —      34,233    —      —      34,233    7,423    41,656 

Total contributions by and distributions to

owners of the Company

   —      15,177    —      (134,664)   (119,487)   34    (119,453)
Transactions with owners of the Company                                   
Change of shareholding interest in subsidiary   —      (271,311)   —      —      (271,311)   (245,745)   (517,056)
Total transactions with shareholders   —      (271,311)   —      —      (271,311)   (245,745)   (517,056)
At June 30, 2020   5,328    631,031    (1,590,933)   5,928,731    4,974,157    10,876,706    15,850,863 

 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated interim financial statements.



Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)


   Share capital  Additional  paid-in capital  Accumulated other comprehensive loss  Retained earnings  Equity attributable to owners of the Company  Non-controlling interest  Total equity
At December 31, 2018   5,328    3,112,274    (587,173)   4,083,974    6,614,403    11,354,953    17,969,356 
Adjustment on initial application
of IFRS 16, net of tax
   —      —      —      (97,971)   (97,971)   (377,420)   (475,391)
At January 1, 2019   5,328    3,112,274    (587,173)   3,986,003    6,516,432    10,977,533    17,493,965 
Net income for the period   —      —      —      398,617    398,617    538,475    937,092 
Other comprehensive income:                                   
Loss on cash flow hedge in joint ventures   —      —      (91,541)   —      (91,541)   (60,379)   (151,920)
Foreign currency translation effects   —      —      (24,827)   —      (24,827)   (27,419)   (52,246)
Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan   —      —      —      —      —      (2)   (2)
  Change in fair value of financial assets   —      —      45    —      45    30    75 
Total comprehensive income for the period   —      —      (116,323)   398,617    282,294    450,705    732,999 

Contributions by and distributions to

owners of the Company:

Dividends - non-controlling interests   —      (5,667)   —      —      (5,667)   5,667    —   
Share options exercised - Subsidiaries   —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Dividends   —      —      —      —      —      (12,131)   (12,131)
Treasury shares acquired   —      (473,456)   —      —      (473,456)   —      (473,456)
Share-based payment transactions   —      23,502    —      —      23,502    5,587    29,089 

Total contributions by and distributions to

owners of the Company

   —      (455,621)   —      —      (455,621)   (877)   (456,498)
Transactions with owners of the Company                                   
Change of shareholding interest in subsidiary   —      (639,499)   —      —      (639,499)   (939,053)   (1,578,552)
At June 30, 2019   5,328    2,017,154    (703,496)   4,384,620    5,703,606    10,488,308    16,191,914 

 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated interim financial statements.



Consolidated statement of cash flows

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)


   Note  June 30, 2020 

June 30, 2019


Cash flows from operating activities               
Profit before taxes        1,006,595    1,286,333 
Adjustments for:               
Depreciation and amortization        1,244,856    1,118,126 
Lease and concession        (348,319)   —   
Interest in earnings of associates   8.1    (10,420)   22,112 
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   9    29,808    (362,243)
Loss on disposals assets        2,309    7,346 
Share-based payment        35,501    30,091 
Legal proceedings provision        64,101    64,739 
Indexation charges, interest and exchange, net        656,039    912,844 
Sectorial financial assets and liabilities   12    101,812    —   
Deferred revenue        (3,162)   (5,080)
Provisions for employee benefits        64,999    104,351 
Allowance for doubtful accounts        67,699    (6,786)
Contractual obligations for sales of credit rights   20    68,311    —   
Gas paid and not used        —      (91,821)
Recovering tax credits   20    (18,062)   (48,285)
Other        11,048    (45,801)
         2,973,115    2,985,926 
Changes in:               
Trade receivables        181,313    (450,877)
Inventories        (40,621)   (99,728)
Other current tax, net        (59,623)   132,276 
Income tax        (603,065)   (120,840)
Related parties, net        (36,252)   4,578 
Trade payables        4,608    173,007 
Employee benefits        (151,381)   (150,718)
Provision for legal proceedings        (59,183)   (59,298)
Other financial liabilities        (213,886)   (67,244)
Judicial deposits        (7,636)   (36,295)
Discontinued operation   25    —      1,377 
Contractual obligations for sales of credit rights   20    (1,278)   —   
Post-employment benefits        (17,885)   (16,645)
Gas paid and not used        —      161,463 
Concessions payable        —      (7,730)
Other assets and liabilities, net        (190,201)   (250,357)
         (1,195,090)   (787,031)
Net cash (used in) generated by operating activities        1,778,025    2,198,895 
Cash flows from investing activities               
Capital contribution in associates   8.1    (1,142)   (26,045)
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired in consolidated   8.2    (90,247)   (8,785)
Sale (purchase) of marketable securities        497,553    2,071,851 



Consolidated statement of cash flows

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)


Restricted cash        112,954    (52,818)
Dividends received from associates        6,274    8,246 
Dividends received from joint ventures        —      688,120 
Other financial assets        9    —   
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and contract assets        (1,791,888)   (1,315,448)
Net cash from sale of discontinued operations   25    —      1,108 
Discontinued operation        (22,586)   —   
Cash received on sale of fixed assets,
and intangible assets
        —      8,028 
Net cash generated (used) in investing activities        (1,289,073)   1,374,257 
Cash flows from financing activities               
Loans, borrowings and debentures raised   5.5    5,511,144    3,019,872 
Repayment of principal on loans,
borrowings and debentures
   5.5    (2,413,001)   (1,801,878)
Payment of interest on loans,
borrowings and debentures
   5.5    (736,372)   (614,254)
Payment of derivative financial instruments        (39,856)   (93,007)
Receipt of derivative financial instruments        619,595    137,171 
Payment of derivative financial instruments, except debt        (101,461)   —   
Receipt of derivative financial instruments, except debt        106,519    —   
Payment of principal on leases   5.6    (184,578)   (108,214)
Payment of interest on leases   5.6    (254,651)   (85,255)
Equity contribution from non-controlling interest   8.3    75,000    434,000 
Equity contribution from shareholders interest   8.3    6,666    —   
Payments to redeem entity's shares        (318,828)   (473,456)
Non-controlling interest subscription        —      1,192 
Acquisition of non-controlling interests        (269,977)   (2,141,675)
Dividends paid        (341,417)   (171,945)
Dividends paid - Preferential shares        (174,227)   (242,965)
Receipts of consideration assets   8.1    65,478    —   
Discontinued operation   25    —      (10,702)
Share options exercised        (20,431)   —   
Net cash used in financing activities        1,529,603    (2,151,116)
 Decrease (increase) in cash and cash equivalents        2,018,555    1,422,036 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period        8,472,274    3,621,798 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held        462,797    (41,071)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period        10,953,626    5,002,763 
Additional information               
Income tax paid        539,604    115,554 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.

1 For details on this restated, see Note 25.



Consolidated statement of cash flows

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$)



Non-cash transaction


i.At the Cosan Logística subsidiary, provision was made for social security tax assets related to the recovery of credits on the salary limit for contributions on behalf of third parties and taxation of the co-participation expenses of health plans, food vouchers and transportation vouchers, in the amount of R$ 20,022, of the of which R$ 18,062 (Note 20) are recorded under the heading “Recovering tax credits” and R$ 2,014 as “Interest, monetary and exchange variations, net”.


ii.Acquisition of assets for construction of the distribution network with payment in installments in the amount of R$ 24,894, (R$ 60,493 on June 30, 2019).


iii.Contribution of Comgás assets and liabilities, as detailed in note 8.2;



iv.Refinancing of some debts with BNDES.


v.Capital contribution in the subsidiary Payly Soluções de Payments S.A. (“Payly”) in the amount of R$ 10,000, through the capitalization of reimbursable expenses.


vi.Recognition of interest on equity decided by the Raízen Combustíveis S.A. in the amount of R$ 37,500



vii.Recognition of contractual obligations for sales of credit rights, in the amount of R$ 68,311 (Note 20).


viii.Registration of rights of use in the amount of R$ 3,434,832 related to new contracts covered by the lease (Note 5.6).


ix.In the period ended June 30, 2020, the subsidiary controlled by Compass, Comgás, recorded the net sectoral financial liability balance of (R$ 92,747) against net sales (Note 18) and costs and expenses by nature (Note 19).


Disclosure of interest and dividends


The Company discloses the dividends and interest on shareholders' equity received as cash flow from investing activities.


Interest received or paid is classified as cash flow in financing activities.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


1 Operations


Cosan Limited (“Cosan”) was incorporated in Bermuda on April 30, 2007. Cosan’s class A common shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, or “NYSE,” (ticker—CZZ). Mr. Rubens Ometto Silveira Mello is the ultimate controlling shareholder of Cosan. Cosan controls its subsidiaries Cosan S.A. and Cosan Logística S.A. (“Cosan Logística”) through a 66.28% and 73.49% interest, respectively. Cosan, Cosan S.A., Cosan Logística and its subsidiaries are collectively referred to as the “Company.”


On January 14, 2020, the subsidiary Cosan S.A. contributed to the share capital of the subsidiary Compass Gás e Energia S.A. (“Compass Gás e Energia”), the totality of the shares it held in Companhia de Gás de São Paulo - COMGÁS (“Comgás” ), that is, 103,699,333 common shares and 27,682,044 preferred shares equivalent to 99.15% of the share capital, for the amount of R$ 2,861,936. Contributed shareholders' equity was that of December 31, 2019 and, therefore, as of January 1, 2020, Compass Gás e Energia became the holder of its control.


On January 30, 2020, the Company acquired, through its subsidiary Comercializadora de Gás S.A. (“Comercialização”), control of Black River Participações Ltda. (“Black River”), Compass Comercializadora de Energia Ltda., Compass Geração Ltda. and Compass Energia Ltda. jointly called “Compass Trading” for an amount equivalent to R$ 95,000. The purpose of the investment is to enter the electricity trading business.


On March 9, 2020, Cosan S.A. announced the creation of the “Gas and Energy” segment. This segment will integrate the operations of Comgás, TRSP - LNG Regasification Terminal of São Paulo S.A. (“TRSP”), Rota 4 Participações S.A. (“Rota 4”) and Compass Trading. Our new gas and energy segment will be the vehicle through which we will develop the activities of (i) distribution of piped natural gas in part of the State of São Paulo to customers in the industrial, residential, commercial, automotive and cogeneration sectors; (ii) sale of electricity and natural gas; (iii) infrastructure in a regasification terminal and offshore flow pipeline; and (iv) thermal generation through natural gas.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Cybersecurity Incident


On March 11, 2020, the Company, its subsidiaries, jointly controlled and affiliated companies were subject to a ransomware cyberattack that caused a partial and temporary interruption of its operations. The affected entities within our group implemented their contingency plans, continued operating partially during the cyberattack, and have been progressively reconnecting their operating systems since the attack.


Following the incident, we have taken certain additional preventative measures to reduce cyber risks, including engaging a company to carry out a forensic analysis of the cyberattack we suffered, which affected the data center located at our Shared Service Center as well as user desktops and laptops connected to our network. Based on the experience and tools of the company we engaged, interviews with our information technology personnel and technical evidence present in the environment, we identified a number of servers to be examined in more detail. Although the entrance vector of the cyber-attack could not be identified, the process and characteristics of the cyber-attack could be satisfactorily identified. We believe this will assist us in reviewing our information technology systems to prevent further cyber-attacks.


Until June 30, 2020, Cosan Group companies had spent R$ 7,595 in relation to the cyber attack, including the costs of prevention, detection, response and management, implementation of additional cybersecurity technologies and hiring of specialized labor.


Renewal of Malha Paulista’s concession


On May 27, 2020, Cosan Logística, through its subsidiary Rumo Malha Paulista, celebrated with the union through the regulatory agency, the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT), the 2nd amendment to the Rumo Malha Paulista Concession Agreement. The amendment was reviewed and authorized by the TCU - Federal Audit Court according to the order of May 20, 2020, a statement issued under TC 009.032 / 2016-9. As a result, the concession term for Malha Paulista was extended until 2058, through a series of financial commitments, in addition to the operational obligations stipulated in the renewal amendment:


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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


·Payment of an additional grant in the amount of R$ 3,382,030, which is divided into quarterly installments over the term of the contract;

·Resumption of payment of the lease and concession of the original contract, quarterly payments that extend until December 2028;

·Payment of the remaining balance of the meeting of accounts related to the economic imbalance action, in the amount of R$ 1,347,609, in eight annual installments;

·Execution of a set of investment projects to increase capacity and reduce urban conflicts, estimated by the agency at R$ 6,100,000 (updated value until December 2017).


The extension of the concession of Rumo Malha Paulista fits as a relevant amendment to a contract registered in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 16. In this context, the present value of the additional grant, as well as the variation of the pre-existing lease due to the recalculation at the rate of implicit interest of the addendum (regulatory WACC), were recorded in lease liabilities against the corresponding use rights asset. In addition, future investments related to the concession contract will be recorded in property, plant and equipment as incurred.




On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared this Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic. Our business has been and will continue to be adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic and, as a consequence, some of our businesses decided to suspend the guidance for 2020.

The Company implemented a contingency plan with the objective of preserving the health and integrity of its employees and partners, in addition to ensuring the safety and continuity of operations considered essential activities, as it is a strategic input in hospitals, safety, food and energy.


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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


Despite the measures taken to curb the progress of Covid-19 and the aid measures announced by governments worldwide, including the Brazilian government, to date, we cannot predict the extent, duration and impacts of these containment measures. or the results of aid measures in the countries where we operate and / or sell our products. Based on the information available, the main assessments and, where applicable, the main effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on our results of operations are:

a)Government assistance measures


Several measures of economic and financial assistance were introduced by the federal entities, with the objective of assisting companies in mitigating the effects of the pandemic, with emphasis on the following, which were adopted by the companies of the Group:

i.Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy No. 139 and No. 150 postponed the term for collecting the following federal taxes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The (a) Social contributions due by employers and domestic employers related to March and April, 2020 should be paid in August and October, 2020, respectively; and (b) PIS/PASEP and COFINS contributions regarding March and April, 2020 were also postponed to August and October, 2020, respectively.
ii.Provisional Measure No. 927 suspended the enforceability of the FGTS payments by employers concerning March, April and May of 2020, with maturity in April, May and June, respectively, which can be paid as from July in up to six installments.
iii.Provisional Measure No. 932. The Provisional Measure No. 932 reduces, until June 30, 2020, the rates of contributions to autonomous social services. The reductions were different for each entity that belongs to autonomous social services, varying from 0.05% to 1.25%.
iv.Federal Decree No. 10,305. The Federal Decree No. 10,305 reduces to zero the tax on financial transactions (Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras), or “IOF,” applicable to credit transactions contracted between April 3 and July 3, 2020.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


v.Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy No. 201. Ordinance No. 201 extended the maturity date of the monthly installments related to the installment programs administered by the Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil (Receita Federal do Brasil), or “RFB,” and by the National Treasury Attorney's Office (Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional), or “PGFN.” As a result, the installments due in May, June and July 2020 are extended until the last business day of August, October and December 2020, respectively.
vi.Commitment signed between Comgás and the Government of the State of São Paulo to maintain the supply of gas to defaulting customers until July 31, 2020.


b)     Impact on interim financial statements


The Company ended the period ended June 30, 2020 with cash of R$10,953,572, positive net working capital of R$ 8,188,145 and a profit of R$ 865,336 million.

In order to preventively reinforce the liquidity level during this period of high volatility, in March to June 2020, financing lines were contracted and used with financial institutions in the amount of R$ 7,697,300, (R$ 2,276,000 contracted by joint ventures) without any financial covenant clauses. Considering the current level of liquidity, the additional initiatives mentioned above, other lines of credit under negotiation and the prospects for the short and medium term, the Company does not foresee a material impairment of its operational and financial capacity that could affect the Company's continuity.

Our covenants are assessed monthly for our need to generate sufficient cash flows to meet indebtedness and our ability to meet the covenants contained in the contracts that govern our indebtedness. As of June 30, 2020, the Company's leverage (gross debt / pro forma EBITDA) was 2.48x (2.3x as of December 31, 2019). As of June 30, 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries have been complying with all restrictive financial clauses.


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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


Amid high market volatility, the Company believes that, at that moment, there will be a shift in cash flow between the months with circulation restrictions for the following months. Additionally, considering the low level of interest rates in Brazil and in the locations of our subsidiaries, we believe that despite the short-term fluctuations in some macroeconomic assumptions due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, our weighted average cost of capital should not change materials.

The Company assessed the circumstances that could indicate the impairment of its non-financial assets and concluded that there were no changes in the circumstances that would indicate an impairment loss. Therefore, the main long-term assumptions applied in the preparation of the cash flow models remain unchanged for the assessment of the impairment indicator. As a conclusion, it was verified that the discounted cash flows when compared to the book value of each segment, would result in a recoverable value higher than the book value. Our tax recovery projections are based on the same scenarios and assumptions above.

Losses due to the non-recoverability of financial assets were calculated based on the credit risk analysis, which includes the history of losses, the individual situation of customers, the situation of the economic group to which they belong, the real guarantees for debts and macroeconomic indicators. , and is considered, on June 30, 2020, sufficient to cover possible losses on the amounts receivable, in addition to a prospective assessment that takes into account the change or expected change in economic factors that affect the expected credit losses, which will be determined based on weighted probabilities and measured at an amount equal to the expected credit loss for life.

The maximum exposure to the Company's credit risk, net of losses due to the non-recoverability of financial assets, is the value of accounts receivable. The credit quality of accounts receivable falling due is considered adequate, and the amount of the effective risk of possible losses in accounts receivable from customers is presented as losses due to the non-recoverability of financial assets. Other counterparty credit risks for cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, restricted cash and derivative financial instruments are determined by rating agencies widely accepted by the market. Balances are allocated to institutions with a minimum grade of “A”. As of June 30, 2020, there was no deterioration in credit risk in these counterparties.


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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


The Company will continue, throughout 2020, its constant monitoring of the market seeking to identify any deterioration, significant drop in demand from the sectors in which we operate, relevant changes in the economy or financial market that lead to an increase in the perception of credit risk on accounts a receive from customers. Eventual changes that deteriorate the economic and business environment, if manifested at a greater intensity than anticipated in the scenarios evaluated by the Company, may result in an additional expected credit loss recognition.

Inventories are valued based on the loweer of the historical acquisition or production cost and the net realizable value. The Company uses the estimated sale price in the normal course of business to estimate the net realizable value, therefore, a decline in the level of activity in the domestic or international markets in which the Company operates, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and measures to contain it, can affect the demand and price of these products and have an adverse effect on the realizable value of inventories. As our inventories are substantially comprised of lubricants, basic oil and materials for the construction of gas pipelines that are products that are not valid or have a long duration, we have identified any indicators of impairment.

To date, there have been no changes in the scope of the Company's leases, no adjustments to the right of use, including adding or terminating the right to use one or more underlying assets, or extending or reducing the term of the contractual lease. We also believe that there has been no change in the consideration for the leases that we are both lessees and lessors.


2 Statement of compliance


The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). They do not include all the information required for a complete set of IFRS financial statements. However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the Company’s financial position and performance since the last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the period ended June 30, 2020.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



These interim financial statements were prepared following the basis of preparation and accounting policies consistent with those adopted in the preparation of the financial statements of December 31, 2019 and should be read together.


The information in the explanatory notes that have not undergone significant changes compared to December 31, 2019 has not been fully presented in this quarterly information.


On December 2, 2019, Cosan S.A. sold its shares in Cosan Biomassa S.A. to Raízen Energia S.A.. The comparative consolidated statement of profit or loss and statements of cash flows have been restated to show the discontinued operation separately from continuing operations (See Note 25).


These consolidated financial statements were authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on August 07, 2020.


3 Accounting policies


These interim consolidated financial statements were prepared based on the preparation basis and accounting policies consistent with those adopted in the preparation of the financial statements as of December 31, 2019. All balances have been rounded to the nearest thousand, except where otherwise indicated.




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


4 Segment information


Segment information is used by the Company's top management (the Chief Operating Decision Maker) to assess the performance of the operating segments and make decisions regarding the allocation of resources. This information is prepared in a manner consistent with the accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial statements. The Company evaluates the performance of its operating segments based on earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA - Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization”).


Reported segments:


i.Raízen Energia: production and marketing of a variety of products derived from sugar cane, including raw sugar (Very High Polarization, or “VHP”), anhydrous and hydrated ethanol, and activities related to energy cogeneration from sugarcane bagasse. In addition, this segment holds interests in companies engaged in research and development on new technology;


ii.Raízen Combustíveis: distribution and marketing of fuels, mainly through a franchised network of service stations under the “Shell” brand throughout Brazil, petroleum refining, the operation of fuel resellers, a convenience store business, the manufacture and sale of automotive and industrial lubricants, and the production and sale of liquefied petroleum gas throughout Argentina;


iii.Gas and Energy: its main activities are: (i) distribution of piped natural gas in part of the State of São Paulo to customers in the industrial, residential, commercial, automotive and cogeneration sectors; and (ii) commercialization of electricity, comprising the purchase and sale of electricity to other traders, to consumers who have a free choice of supplier and to other agents permitted by law.


iv.Logistics: logistics services for rail transportation, storage and port loading of commodities, mainly for grains and sugar, leasing of locomotives, wagons and another railway equipment;



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



v.Moove: production and distribution of lubricants under the Mobil brand in Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, the United States of America and Europe, as well as in the European and Asian markets under the “Comma” trademark and corporate activities;




i.Cosan Corporate: digital wallet platform and other investments, in addition to the corporate activities of the Company. The Cosan corporate segment includes the financing subsidiaries for the Cosan group.


Although Raízen Energia and Raízen Combustíveis are joint ventures recorded under the equity method and are no longer proportionally consolidated, Management continues to review the information by segment. The reconciliation of these segments is shown in the “Deconsolidated effects” column.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020
   Reported segments  Reconciliation  Consolidated
   Raízen Energia  Raízen Combustíveis  Gas and Energy  Moove  Logistics  Cosan Corporate  Deconsolidated effects  Segment elimination   
    Brazil  Argentina 
Statement of profit or loss:                              
Gross sales   5,293,288    14,346,684    2,738,951    2,552,575    1,017,223    1,925,826    228    (22,378,923)   (9,881)   5,485,971 
Domestic market (i)   4,023,825    14,346,684    2,738,951    2,552,575    986,387    1,925,826    228    (21,109,460)   (9,881)   5,455,135 
External market (i)   1,269,463    —      —      —      30,836    —      —      (1,269,463)   —      30,836 
Net sales   4,993,446    13,751,175    1,791,114    1,559,752    796,866    1,827,960    214    (20,535,735)   (9,881)   4,174,911 
Cost of sales   (4,505,679)   (13,432,855)   (1,982,828)   (1,033,876)   (617,878)   (1,150,885)   (551)   19,921,362    9,881    (2,793,309)
Gross profit   487,767    318,320    (191,714)   525,876    178,988    677,075    (337)   (614,373)   —      1,381,602 
Selling expenses   (167,878)   (326,632)   (165,421)   (202,166)   (104,256)   (8,169)   (422)   659,931    —      (315,013)
General and administrative expenses   (162,586)   (105,013)   (41,386)   (107,140)   (57,172)   (86,130)   (66,046)   308,985    —      (316,488)
Other income (expenses), net   (28,916)   53,329    24,189    29,677    688    205,683    (21,591)   (48,602)   —      214,457 
Interest in earnings of associates   —      (275,205)   —      3    —      4,264    71,487    275,205    (68,574)   7,180 
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   (82,759)   518    —      —      —      —      (221,151)   82,241    —      (221,151)
Finance results, net   (178,825)   (49,579)   (4,604)   (45,256)   (30,977)   (201,031)   62,578    233,008    —      (214,686)
Finance expense   (463,470)   (95,977)   (47,768)   (83,117)   (7,653)   (452,400)   (212,490)   607,215    —      (755,660)
Finance income   90,918    47,470    2,218    68,999    6,782    42,217    (56,869)   (140,606)   —      61,129 
Foreign exchange, net   (131,889)   (657,122)   50,386    (48,507)   (41,827)   (389,353)   (286,671)   738,625    —      (766,358)
Derivatives   325,616    656,050    (9,440)   17,369    11,721    598,505    618,608    (972,226)   —      1,246,203 
Income tax (expense)benefit   29,228    48,245    103,731    (70,122)   (905)   (185,182)   60,166    (181,204)   —      (196,043)
Profit for the period   (103,969)   (336,017)   (275,205)   130,872    (13,634)   406,510    (115,316)   715,191    (68,574)   339,858 
Profit (loss) attributable to:                                                  
Owners of the Company   (106,647)   (335,679)   (275,205)   128,408    (10,001)   86,104    (113,856)   717,531    11,244    101,899 
Non-controlling interests   2,678    (338)   —      2,464    (3,633)   320,406    (1,460)   (2,340)   (79,818)   237,959 
    (103,969)   (336,017)   (275,205)   130,872    (13,634)   406,510    (115,316)   715,191    (68,574)   339,858 
Other select data                                                  
Depreciation and amortization   618,630    73,766    172,773    119,518    26,221    532,028    3,963    (865,169)   —      681,730 
EBITDA   664,258    (260,917)   (201,559)   365,768    44,469    1,324,751    (234,097)   (201,782)   (68,574)   1,432,317 
Additions to PP&E, intangible and Contracts assets   574,010    54,912    55,627    234,702    7,219    722,215    7,388    (684,549)   —      971,524 
Reconciliation of EBITDA                                                  
Profit (loss) for the period   (103,969)   (336,017)   (275,205)   130,872    (13,634)   406,510    (115,316)   715,191    (68,574)   339,858 
Income tax and (expense) benefit   (29,228)   (48,245)   (103,731)   70,122    905    185,182    (60,166)   181,204    —      196,043 
Finance results, net   178,825    49,579    4,604    45,256    30,977    201,031    (62,578)   (233,008)   —      214,686 
Depreciation and amortization   618,630    73,766    172,773    119,518    26,221    532,028    3,963    (865,169)   —      681,730 
EBITDA   664,258    (260,917)   (201,559)   365,768    44,469    1,324,751    (234,097)   (201,782)   (68,574)   1,432,317 




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020
   Reported segments  Reconciliation  Consolidated
   Raízen Energia  Raízen Combustíveis  Gas and Energy  Moove  Logistics  Cosan Corporate  Deconsolidated effects  Segment elimination   
   Brazil  Argentina 
Statement of profit or loss:                              
Gross sales   14,748,306    35,957,615    6,926,719    5,651,450    2,331,065    3,424,177    328    (57,632,640)   (17,542)   11,389,478 
Domestic market (i)   8,934,768    35,957,615    6,926,719    5,651,450    2,247,093    3,424,177    328    (51,819,102)   (17,542)   11,305,506 
External market (i)   5,813,538    —      —      —      83,972    —      —      (5,813,538)   —      83,972 
Net sales   13,988,779    34,288,848    4,777,566    4,035,097    1,828,033    3,251,524    305    (53,055,193)   (17,542)   9,097,417 
Cost of sales   (12,685,462)   (33,177,384)   (4,715,762)   (2,714,337)   (1,422,616)   (2,222,053)   (2,056)   50,578,608    17,542    (6,343,520)
Gross profit   1,303,317    1,111,464    61,804    1,320,760    405,417    1,029,471    (1,751)   (2,476,585)   —      2,753,897 
Selling expenses   (377,123)   (695,473)   (356,180)   (360,994)   (223,879)   (17,321)   (1,424)   1,428,776    —      (603,618)
General and administrative expenses   (307,048)   (232,071)   (78,634)   (192,808)   (103,842)   (184,565)   (130,592)   617,753    —      (611,807)
Other income (expenses), net   240,905    166,371    48,678    40,364    29,028    113,781    (96,578)   (455,954)   —      86,595 
Interest in earnings of associates   —      (288,511)   —      8    —      6,684    540,206    288,511    (536,478)   10,420 
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   (87,097)   967    —      —      —      —      (29,808)   86,130    —      (29,808)
Finance results, net   (514,835)   (214,724)   (56,277)   (45,852)   (70,017)   (731,696)   248,480    785,836    —      (599,085)
Finance expense   (691,550)   (374,478)   (71,543)   (172,598)   (15,765)   (1,792,512)   (1,002,419)   1,137,571    —      (2,983,294)
Finance income   188,250    122,628    9,709    124,617    16,769    78,660    161,016    (320,587)   —      381,062 
Foreign exchange, net   (740,100)   (3,536,461)   19,662    (199,787)   (115,840)   (1,965,117)   (1,687,054)   4,256,899    —      (3,967,798)
Derivatives   728,565    3,573,587    (14,105)   201,916    44,819    2,947,273    2,776,937    (4,288,047)   —      5,970,945 
Income tax (expense)benefit   (80,004)   (48,315)   92,098    (253,018)   (14,516)   (86,351)   212,627    36,221    —      (141,258)
Profit for the period   178,115    (200,292)   (288,511)   508,460    22,191    130,003    741,160    310,688    (536,478)   865,336 
Profit (loss) attributable to:                                                  
Owners of the Company   137,736    (198,395)   (288,511)   500,604    15,284    27,060    741,108    349,170    (535,304)   748,752 
Non-controlling interests   40,379    (1,897)   —      7,856    6,907    102,943    52    (38,482)   (1,174)   116,584 
    178,115    (200,292)   (288,511)   508,460    22,191    130,003    741,160    310,688    (536,478)   865,336 
Other select data                                                  
Depreciation and amortization   1,816,150    151,987    315,357    236,280    49,690    951,213    7,673    (2,283,494)   —      1,244,856 
EBITDA   2,589,104    214,734    (8,975)   1,043,610    156,414    1,899,263    287,726    (2,794,863)   (536,478)   2,850,535 
Additions to PP&E, intangible and Contracts assets   1,642,320    129,834    142,999    485,460    10,359    1,283,310    12,759    (1,915,153)   —      1,791,888 
Reconciliation of EBITDA                                                  
Profit (loss) for the period   178,115    (200,292)   (288,511)   508,460    22,191    130,003    741,160    310,688    (536,478)   865,336 
Income tax and (expense) benefit   80,004    48,315    (92,098)   253,018    14,516    86,351    (212,627)   (36,221)   —      141,258 
Finance results, net   514,835    214,724    56,277    45,852    70,017    731,696    (248,480)   (785,836)   —      599,085 
Depreciation and amortization   1,816,150    151,987    315,357    236,280    49,690    951,213    7,673    (2,283,494)   —      1,244,856 
EBITDA   2,589,104    214,734    (8,975)   1,043,610    156,414    1,899,263    287,726    (2,794,863)   (536,478)   2,850,535 


(i) Domestic markets: sales within the countries where each entity is located; external markets: sales export.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019
   Reported segments  Reconciliation  Consolidated
   Raízen Energia  Raízen Combustíveis  Gas and Energy  Moove  Logistics  Cosan Corporate  Deconsolidated effects  Segment elimination   
   Brazil  Argentina 
Statement of profit or loss:                              
Gross sales   6,414,950    23,106,912    4,361,663    2,956,167    1,255,566    1,821,590    —      (33,883,525)   828    6,034,151 
Domestic market (i)   5,322,458    23,106,912    4,361,663    2,956,167    1,239,762    1,821,590    —      (32,791,033)   828    6,018,347 
External market (i)   1,092,492    —      —      —      15,804    —      —      (1,092,492)   —      15,804 
Net sales   6,084,101    22,026,216    3,084,782    2,338,800    1,004,483    1,728,740    —      (31,195,099)   828    5,072,851 
Cost of sales   (5,690,189)   (21,209,525)   (2,806,390)   (1,550,871)   (784,921)   (1,140,694)   (1)   29,706,104    (828)   (3,477,315)
Gross profit   393,912    816,691    278,392    787,929    219,562    588,046    (1)   (1,488,995)   —      1,595,536 
Selling expenses   (172,208)   (386,104)   (166,731)   (152,088)   (120,743)   7,258    (2,329)   725,043    —      (267,902)
General and administrative expenses   (150,989)   (121,047)   (31,390)   (89,503)   (39,713)   (88,385)   (64,169)   303,426    —      (281,770)
Other income (expenses), net   423    117,241    28,825    17,450    (972)   (5,489)   (3,914)   (146,489)   —      7,075 
Interest in earnings of associates   —      51,242    —      —      (774)   3,825    655,127    (51,242)   (652,174)   6,004 
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   (8,947)   —      —      —      —      —      58,410    8,947    —      58,410 
Finance results, net   (243,951)   (106,568)   (19,125)   (36,898)   13,049    (258,617)   (32,079)   369,644    —      (314,545)
Finance expense   (443,947)   (295,372)   (14,614)   (100,418)   (15,793)   (624,910)   (379,645)   753,933    —      (1,120,766)
Finance income   122,308    89,958    7,106    63,480    14,647    45,354    68,142    (219,372)   —      191,623 
Foreign exchange, net   27,268    127,255    21,498    9,232    20,685    86,300    61,268    (176,021)   —      177,485 
Derivatives   50,420    (28,409)   (33,115)   (9,192)   (6,490)   234,639    218,156    11,104    —      437,113 
Income tax (expense)benefit   56,939    (94,478)   (38,729)   (180,473)   (17,560)   (61,621)   2,278    76,268    —      (257,376)
Profit (loss) from continuing operations   (124,821)   276,977    51,242    346,417    52,849    185,017    613,323    (203,398)   (652,174)   545,432 
Loss from discontinued operations   —      —      —      —      —      —      (4,769)   —      —      (4,769)
Profit (loss) attributable to:                                                  
Owners of the Company   (138,456)   262,621    51,242    335,897    36,302    50,751    606,418    (175,407)   (820,967)   208,401 
Non-controlling interests   13,635    14,356    —      10,520    16,547    134,266    2,136    (27,991)   168,793    332,262 
    (124,821)   276,977    51,242    346,417    52,849    185,017    608,554    (203,398)   (652,174)   540,663 
Other select data                                                  
Depreciation and amortization   626,195    67,620    119,623    115,211    20,597    416,978    3,368    (813,438)   —      556,154 
EBITDA   688,386    545,643    228,719    678,999    77,957    922,233    646,492    (1,462,748)   (652,174)   1,673,507 
Additions to PP&E, intangible and Contracts assets   629,734    66,391    145,082    174,205    6,119    438,729    2,787    (841,207)   —      621,840 
Reconciliation of EBITDA                                                  
Profit (loss) for the period, continuing operations   (124,821)   276,977    51,242    346,417    52,849    185,017    613,323    (203,398)   (652,174)   545,432 
Income tax and (expense) benefit   (56,939)   94,478    38,729    180,473    17,560    61,621    (2,278)   (76,268)   —      257,376 
Finance results, net   243,951    106,568    19,125    36,898    (13,049)   258,617    32,079    (369,644)   —      314,545 
Depreciation and amortization   626,195    67,620    119,623    115,211    20,597    416,978    3,368    (813,438)   —      556,154 
EBITDA   688,386    545,643    228,719    678,999    77,957    922,233    646,492    (1,462,748)   (652,174)   1,673,507 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019
   Reported segments  Reconciliation  Consolidated
   Raízen Energia  Raízen Combustíveis  Gas and Energy  Moove  Logistics  Cosan Corporate  Deconsolidated effects  Segment elimination   
   Brazil  Argentina 
Statement of profit or loss:                              
Gross sales   13,975,948    44,180,317    8,752,357    5,563,600    2,537,914    3,544,027    3    (66,908,622)   (8,604)   11,636,940 
Domestic market (i)   11,071,665    44,180,317    8,752,357    5,563,600    2,512,321    3,544,027    3    (64,004,339)   (8,604)   11,611,347 
External market (i)   2,904,283    —      —      —      25,593    —      —      (2,904,283)   —      25,593 
Net sales   13,204,129    42,059,356    6,212,905    4,398,851    2,038,823    3,363,686    2    (61,476,390)   (8,604)   9,792,758 
Cost of sales   (12,341,464)   (40,329,972)   (5,585,410)   (3,049,798)   (1,611,279)   (2,294,168)   (1)   58,256,846    8,604    (6,946,642)
Gross profit   862,665    1,729,384    627,495    1,349,053    427,544    1,069,518    1    (3,219,544)   —      2,846,116 
Selling expenses   (407,658)   (729,049)   (330,344)   (301,326)   (232,767)   4,416    (2,355)   1,467,051    —      (532,032)
General and administrative expenses   (275,426)   (251,744)   (63,264)   (173,110)   (77,356)   (171,610)   (117,658)   590,434    —      (539,734)
Other income (expenses), net   48,453    377,873    48,830    20,919    72    (27,015)   11,812    (475,156)   —      5,788 
Interest in earnings of associates   —      161,986    —      —      951    8,575    1,017,766    (161,986)   (1,049,404)   (22,112)
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   (4,258)   1    1    —      —      —      362,243    4,256    —      362,243 
Finance results, net   (399,001)   (72,700)   (124,033)   (89,375)   9,930    (583,062)   (171,429)   595,734    —      (833,936)
Finance expense   (760,252)   (472,174)   (31,905)   (199,457)   (26,496)   (1,060,028)   (638,820)   1,264,331    —      (1,924,801)
Finance income   247,679    151,653    12,379    110,114    18,156    87,229    102,540    (411,711)   —      318,039 
Foreign exchange, net   53,756    185,961    (71,392)   5,916    11,433    59,355    29,964    (168,325)   —      106,668 
Derivatives   59,816    61,860    (33,115)   (5,948)   6,837    330,382    334,887    (88,561)   —      666,158 
Income tax (expense)benefit   63,829    (319,948)   3,301    (279,805)   (32,930)   (89,431)   63,501    252,818    —      (338,665)
Profit (loss) from continuing operations   (111,396)   895,803    161,986    526,356    95,444    211,391    1,163,881    (946,393)   (1,049,404)   947,668 
Loss from discontinued operations   —      —      —      —      —      —      (10,576)   —      —      (10,576)
Profit (loss) attributable to:                                                  
Owners of the Company   (125,811)   860,635    161,986    495,728    65,693    57,730    1,158,280    (896,810)   (1,378,814)   398,617 
Non-controlling interests   14,415    35,168    —      30,629    29,751    153,661    (4,976)   (49,583)   329,410    538,475 
    (111,396)   895,803    161,986    526,357    95,444    211,391    1,153,304    (946,393)   (1,049,404)   937,092 
Other select data                                                  
Depreciation and amortization   1,354,792    150,935    222,153    230,605    41,078    839,432    7,011    (1,727,880)   —      1,118,126 
EBITDA   1,578,568    1,439,386    504,871    1,126,141    159,522    1,723,316    1,278,820    (3,522,825)   (1,049,404)   3,238,395 
Additions to PP&E, intangible and Contracts assets   1,707,755    139,386    163,562    320,387    9,401    981,337    4,323    (2,010,703)   —      1,315,448 
Reconciliation of EBITDA                                                  
Profit (loss) for the period, continuing operations   (111,396)   895,803    161,986    526,356    95,444    211,391    1,163,881    (946,393)   (1,049,404)   947,668 
Income tax and (expense) benefit   (63,829)   319,948    (3,301)   279,805    32,930    89,431    (63,501)   (252,818)   —      338,665 
Finance results, net   399,001    72,700    124,033    89,375    (9,930)   583,062    171,429    (595,734)   —      833,936 
Depreciation and amortization   1,354,792    150,935    222,153    230,605    41,078    839,432    7,011    (1,727,880)   —      1,118,126 
EBITDA   1,578,568    1,439,386    504,871    1,126,141    159,522    1,723,316    1,278,820    (3,522,825)   (1,049,404)   3,238,395 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020
   Reported segments  Reconciliation  Consolidated
   Raízen Energia  Raízen Combustíveis  Gas and Energy  Moove  Logístics  Cosan Corporate  Deconsolidated effects  Segment elimination   
   Brazil  Argentina 
Statement of financial position:                              
Cash and cash equivalents   4,725,142    900,239    338,587    2,435,638    850,984    5,472,459    2,194,491    (5,963,968)   —      10,953,572 
Marketable securities   —      —      —      1,011,180    136,022    404,289    1,107,117    —      —      2,658,608 
Trade receivables   1,041,650    1,877,915    277,716    937,810    405,608    481,604    50    (3,197,281)   —      1,825,072 
Derivative financial instruments   5,098,514    3,447,669    —      589,830    64,342    4,577,814    4,337,940    (8,546,183)   —      9,569,926 
Inventories   3,314,212    2,434,004    1,334,341    118,346    471,852    279,195    205    (7,082,557)   —      869,598 
Sectorial financial assets   —      —      —      404,907    —      —      —      —      —      404,907 
Other financial assets   489,328    —      —      —      70,375    —      23,268    (489,328)   —      93,643 
Other current assets   4,047,930    3,464,107    962,113    324,087    242,751    648,721    1,164,398    (8,474,150)   (553,019)   1,826,938 
Other non-current assets   5,515,217    4,176,914    108,577    89,758    250,516    2,552,016    1,360,898    (9,800,708)   (338,520)   3,914,668 
Investments in associates   —      3,269,149    375    —      350    45,310    13,674,413    (3,269,524)   (13,345,980)   374,093 
Investments in joint ventures   521,544    739,546    —      —      —      —      7,598,440    (1,261,090)   —      7,598,440 
Biological assets   1,035,981    —      —      —      —      —      —      (1,035,981)   —      —   
Contract asset   —      —      —      710,290    9,092    —      —      —      —      719,382 
Right-of-use assets   4,363,427    126,233    539,981    10,614    40,374    7,797,233    35,106    (5,029,641)   —      7,883,327 
Property, plant and equipment   12,386,191    2,553,751    4,287,440    5,797    328,321    12,346,973    78,811    (19,227,382)   —      12,759,902 
Intangible assets and goodwill   3,610,737    2,531,372    11,032    8,468,538    1,259,221    7,317,067    22,587    (6,153,141)   —      17,067,413 
Loans, borrowings and debentures   (18,844,883)   (7,715,335)   (1,285,892)   (7,336,786)   (881,134)   (17,878,557)   (13,380,787)   27,846,110    —      (39,477,264)
Derivative financial instruments   (4,049,558)   (361,956)   (6,991)   (8,906)   (2,671)   —      (124,402)   4,418,505    —      (135,979)
Trade payables   (4,080,912)   (3,433,845)   (638,401)   (1,271,962)   (524,069)   (577,816)   (3,463)   8,153,158    —      (2,377,310)
Employee benefits payable   (538,807)   (138,756)   (71,319)   (52,899)   (59,452)   (152,043)   (24,769)   748,882    —      (289,163)
Sectorial financial liabilities   —      —      —      (497,054)   —      —      —      —      —      (497,054)
Other current liabilities   (3,088,771)   (2,515,628)   (1,280,063)   (440,318)   (263,789)   (736,831)   (540,568)   6,884,462    64,773    (1,916,733)
Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries   —      —      —      —      —      —      (446,984)   —      —      (446,984)
Leases   (3,798,443)   (135,955)   (494,126)   (11,409)   (43,325)   (7,908,724)   (38,497)   4,428,524    —      (8,001,955)
Other non-current liabilities   (1,840,973)   (5,495,402)   (813,846)   (2,016,750)   (535,593)   (5,912,196)   (1,888,411)   8,150,221    826,766    (9,526,184)
Total assets (net of liabilities) allocated by segment   9,907,526    5,724,022    3,269,524    3,470,711    1,819,775    8,756,514    15,149,843    (18,901,072)   (13,345,980)   15,850,863 
Total assets   46,149,873    25,520,899    7,860,162    15,106,795    4,129,808    41,922,681    31,597,724    (79,530,934)   (14,237,519)   78,519,489 
Shareholders' equity attributable to:                                                  
Equity attributable to owners of the Company   9,800,838    5,464,994    3,269,524    3,408,949    1,266,602    1,775,657    4,974,157    (18,535,356)   (6,451,208)   4,974,157 
Non-controlling interests   106,688    259,028    —      61,762    553,173    6,980,857    10,175,686    (365,716)   (6,894,772)   10,876,706 
Total shareholders' equity   9,907,526    5,724,022    3,269,524    3,470,711    1,819,775    8,756,514    15,149,843    (18,901,072)   (13,345,980)   15,850,863 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   December 31, 2019
   Reported segments  Reconciliation   
   Raízen Energia  Raízen Combustíveis  Gas and Energy  Moove  Logistics  Cosan Corporate  Deconsolidated effects  Segment elimination  Consolidated
   Brazil  Argentina 
Statement of financial position:                              
Cash and cash equivalents   2,715,055    1,036,151    266,309    1,083,410    610,605    1,963,018    4,815,241    (4,017,515)   —      8,472,274 
Marketable securities   —      —      —      200,233    43,856    1,751,853    1,119,561    —      —      3,115,503 
Trade receivables   1,135,079    2,455,365    442,204    987,397    427,714    399,249    34    (4,032,648)   —      1,814,394 
Derivative financial instruments   2,139,240    911,874    5,165    374,730    17,005    1,624,023    1,808,652    (3,056,279)   —      3,824,410 
Inventories   4,592,428    3,007,893    1,099,632    89,586    449,211    248,456    69    (8,699,953)   —      787,322 
Other financial assets   602,542    —      —      —      134,636    —      17,127    (602,542)   —      151,763 
Other current assets   7,125,332    4,026,776    882,624    315,744    165,070    604,988    1,307,714    (12,034,732)   (789,267)   1,604,249 
Other non-current assets   4,196,166    4,231,350    62,869    90,662    150,683    2,638,286    1,562,822    (8,490,385)   (488,227)   3,954,226 
Investments in associates   —      2,612,576    276    —      365    52,012    12,760,443    (2,612,852)   (12,435,113)   377,707 
Investments in joint ventures   577,008    727,936    —      —      —      —      7,548,960    (1,304,944)   —      7,548,960 
Biological assets   734,495    —      —      —      —      —      —      (734,495)   —      —   
Contract asset   —      —      —      594,602    5,939    —      —      —      —      600,541 
Right-of-use assets   4,017,503    97,374    476,251    10,128    22,592    4,410,952    26,058    (4,591,128)   —      4,469,730 
Property, plant and equipment   11,342,326    2,595,878    3,304,040    —      310,007    11,770,168    72,961    (17,242,244)   —      12,153,136 
Intangible assets and goodwill   3,666,186    2,548,927    9,637    8,291,608    1,161,426    7,375,033    15,592    (6,224,750)   —      16,843,659 
Loans, borrowings and debentures   (15,653,705)   (5,745,735)   (912,807)   (5,244,942)   (670,263)   (11,720,477)   (11,416,533)   22,312,247    —      (29,052,215)
Derivative financial instruments   (1,422,923)   (325,018)   —      —      (1,801)   (482)   (78,768)   1,747,941    —      (81,051)
Trade payables   (5,101,474)   (2,568,885)   (943,789)   (1,154,206)   (515,759)   (513,325)   (6,974)   8,614,148    —      (2,190,264)
Employee benefits payable   (360,414)   (77,692)   (48,752)   (59,928)   (70,068)   (216,685)   (34,656)   486,858    —      (381,337)
Other current liabilities   (4,317,609)   (5,859,807)   (856,185)   (683,555)   (217,706)   (711,305)   (1,113,182)   11,033,601    471,622    (2,254,126)
Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries   —      —      —      —      —      —      (611,537)   —      —      (611,537)
Leases   (3,504,501)   (103,807)   (439,860)   (10,843)   (27,431)   (4,529,139)   (27,475)   4,048,168    —      (4,594,888)
Other non-current liabilities   (2,046,961)   (4,492,725)   (734,762)   (1,998,107)   (408,385)   (6,531,054)   (2,180,301)   7,274,448    805,872    (10,311,975)
Total assets (net of liabilities) allocated by segment   10,435,773    5,078,431    2,612,852    2,886,519    1,587,696    8,615,571    15,585,808    (18,127,056)   (12,435,113)   16,240,481 
Total assets   42,843,360    24,252,100    6,549,007    12,038,100    3,499,109    32,838,038    31,055,234    (73,644,467)   (13,712,607)   65,717,874 
Equity attributable to owners of the Company   10,358,052    4,808,076    2,612,852    2,861,954    1,107,137    1,746,668    5,401,864    (17,778,980)   (5,715,758)   5,401,865 
Non-controlling interests   77,721    270,355    —      24,565    480,559    6,868,903    10,183,944    (348,076)   (6,719,355)   10,838,616 
Total shareholders’ equity   10,435,773    5,078,431    2,612,852    2,886,519    1,587,696    8,615,571    15,585,808    (18,127,056)   (12,435,113)   16,240,481 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


4.1 Net sales by segment



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

Reported segment                    
Raízen Energia                    
  Ethanol   2,087,864    5,757,665    1,912,101    4,862,646 
  Sugar   1,085,080    3,387,961    751,317    2,332,914 
  Gas   196,147    1,020,194    731,409    1,354,939 
  Diesel   1,095,068    2,607,602    1,736,908    2,936,184 
  Cogeneration   437,989    1,105,270    911,268    1,647,148 
  Other   91,298    110,087    41,098    70,298 
    4,993,446    13,988,779    6,084,101    13,204,129 
Raízen Combustíveis                    
  Fuels   15,350,786    38,591,263    24,745,688    47,551,699 
  Other   191,503    475,151    365,310    720,562 
    15,542,289    39,066,414    25,110,998    48,272,261 
Gas and Energy                    
Distribution of natural gas                    
  Industrial   758,015    2,245,829    1,512,161    2,900,568 
  Residential   309,596    620,736    308,026    518,953 
  Cogeneration   55,740    149,935    110,597    214,120 
  Automotive   26,783    103,078    87,980    167,950 
  Commercial   36,710    163,022    125,582    229,508 
  Construction revenue   219,098    416,319    182,114    342,050 
  Other   8,696    22,289    12,340    25,702 
Electricity trading   145,114    313,889    —      —   
    1,559,752    4,035,097    2,338,800    4,398,851 
  Finished goods   735,814    1,689,164    839,959    1,810,948 
  Basic oil   36,230    87,624    155,676    212,261 
  Services   24,822    51,245    8,848    15,614 
    796,866    1,828,033    1,004,483    2,038,823 
  North operations   1,383,083    2,468,044    1,283,959    2,523,962 
  South operations   386,188    654,067    371,811    700,233 
  Container operations   58,689    129,413    72,970    139,491 
    1,827,960    3,251,524    1,728,740    3,363,686 
Cosan Corporate   214    305    —      2 
Deconsolidated effects and eliminations   (20,545,616)   (53,072,735)   (31,194,271)   (61,484,994)
Total   4,174,911    9,097,417    5,072,851    9,792,758 




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


5 Financial assets and liabilities


The carrying amount of financial assets and financial liabilities are as follows:


   Note  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
  Fair value through profit or loss               
    Cash and cash equivalents   5.1    2,051,887    3,279,170 
    Marketable securities   5.2    2,658,608    3,115,503 
    Other financial assets        93,643    134,637 
    Derivate financial instruments   5.8    9,569,926    3,824,410 
         14,374,064    10,353,720 
 Amortized cost               
    Cash and cash equivalents   5.1    8,901,685    5,193,104 
    Trade receivables   5.3    1,825,072    1,814,394 
    Restricted cash   5.2    42,672    147,910 
    Receivables from related parties   5.4    188,336    173,341 
    Sector financial assets   12    404,907    —   
    Dividends receivable        57,942    23,252 
         11,420,614    7,352,001 
Total assets        25,794,678    17,705,721 
    Note    June 30, 2020    December 31, 2019 
  Amortized cost               
    Loans, borrowings and debentures   5.5    16,250,050    12,682,049 
    Leases   5.6    8,001,955    4,594,888 
    Trade payables   5.7    2,377,310    2,190,264 
    Other financial liabilities        405,798    543,879 
    Payables to related parties   5.4    399,385    392,458 
    Preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries        446,984    611,537 
    Dividends payable        8,596    214,104 
    Sector financial liabilities   12    497,054    —   
    Tax installments - REFIS   13    204,281    213,360 
         28,591,413    21,442,539 
  Fair value through profit or loss               
    Loans, borrowings and debentures   5.5    23,227,214    16,370,166 
    Consideration payable        219,362    184,370 
    Derivative financial instruments   5.8    135,979    81,051 
         23,582,555    16,635,587 
Total liabilities        52,173,968    38,078,126 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


5.1 Cash and cash equivalents


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Cash and bank accounts   872,518    364,151 
Savings account   1,219,980    885,740 
Financial investments   8,861,074    7,222,383 
    10,953,572    8,472,274 


Financial investments are composed as follows:


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Investment fund          
Repurchase agreements   477,736    2,799,706 
Bank certificate of deposits - CDB   1,574,151    479,464 
    2,051,887    3,279,170 
Bank investments          
Repurchase agreements   1,305,833    1,400,735 
Bank certificate of deposits - CDB   5,429,059    2,339,058 
Other   74,295    203,420 
    6,809,187    3,943,213 
    8,861,074    7,222,383 


The Company’s onshore financial investments are remunerated at rates around 97% of the Brazilian interbank offering rate (Certificado de Depósito Interbancário), or “CDI,” at June 30, 2020 (100% of CDI in 2019) and offshore financial investments are remunerated at rates around 100% of Fed Funds. The sensitivity analysis on interest rate risks is in Note 22.






Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


5.2 Marketable securities and restricted cash


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Marketable securities          
Government security (i)   2,544,394    2,719,630 
Bank certificate of deposit - CDB   83,698    125,413 
Repurchase agreements   30,516    270,460 
    2,658,608    3,115,503 
Restricted cash          
Investments linked to loans   —      86,681 
Securities pledged as collateral   42,672    61,229 
    42,672    147,910 


(i)       Government securities have stated interest connected to Special System for Settlement and Custody (Sistema Especial de Liquidação e de Custódia), or “SELIC”.


5.3 Trade receivables


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Domestic – Local currency   1,952,961    1,874,400 
Export – Foreign currency   56,915    60,401 
    2,009,876    1,934,801 
Expected credit losses (i)   (184,804)   (120,407)
    1,825,072    1,814,394 
Current   1,796,514    1,786,095 
Non-current   28,558    28,299 
    1,825,072    1,814,394 


(i)Of the total recognized, approximately R$ 54,000 was added to the subsidiary Comgás due to higher defaults due to the COVID-19 pandemic.






Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


5.4 Related parties


a)Summary of balances to related parties


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Current asset          
Corporate operation / Agreements          
Raízen Energia S.A. (i)   63,002    50,296 
Aguassanta Participações S.A.   626    444 
Raízen Combustíveis S.A. (i)   4,334    7,588 
Other   184    291 
    68,146    58,619 
Total current assets   68,146    58,619 
Non-current assets          
Corporate operation / Agreements          
Raízen Combustíveis S.A. (i)   41,277    36,410 
Other   460    —   
    41,737    36,410 
Preferred shares          
Raízen Energia S.A. (i)   78,304    78,304 
Janus Brasil Participações S.A   8    8 
Raízen Combustíveis S.A. (i)   141    —   
    78,453    78,312 
Total non-current assets   120,190    114,722 
Total assets   188,336    173,341 






Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Current liabilities          
Corporate operations / agreements          
Raízen Energia S.A. (i)   260,025    262,612 
Raízen Combustíveis S.A. (i)   137,099    127,773 
Radar Propriedades Agrícolas S.A.   —      150 
Other   1,520    1,923 
Total current liabilities   398,644    392,458 
Non-current liabilities          
Corporate operations / agreements          
Other   741    —   
Total non-current liabilities   741    —   



Current and non-current assets receivable from Raízen Energia and Raízen Combustíveis are, primarily, tax credits which will be reimbursed to the Company when realized. The preferred shares are used to Raízen reimburse Cosan, with preferential dividends, when the net operating loss is consumed in Raízen. 


Current liabilities represent reimburse to Raízen Energia and Raízen Combustíveis related to expenses regarding legal disputes and other liabilities, generated before the formation of joint ventures, which are responsibility of Cosan S.A..



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


b)Related party transactions



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restatement)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restatement)

Product sales                    
Raízen Energia S.A.   63,493    174,327    68,954    176,758 
Raízen Combustíveis S.A   34,622    77,728    56,125    105,909 
Other   550    818    2,265    6,204 
    98,665    252,873    127,344    288,871 
Purchase of goods / inputs                    
Raízen Energia S.A.   —      —      (2,204)   (2,400)
Raízen Combustíveis S.A   (250,514)   (501,411)   (300,038)   (578,372)
Other   (14)   (27)   (256)   (256)
    (250,528)   (501,438)   (302,498)   (581,028)
    —      —      —      (133)
Shared expense                    
Raízen Energia S.A.   (20,040)   (43,476)   (17,992)   (37,026)
    (20,040)   (43,476)   (17,992)   (37,026)
Financial result                    
Usina Santa Luiza   —      —      —      (41)
Raízen Energia S.A.   4    5    —      —   
Raízen Combustíveis S.A   1,946    4,013    1,392    2,760 
Other   4    4    (101)   (130)
    1,954    4,022    1,291    2,589 


c)Officers’ and directors’ compensation


The Company has a compensation policy approved by the Board of Directors. Compensation of the Company’s key management personnel includes salaries, non-cash benefits and contributions to a post-employment defined benefit plan.



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019

Short-term benefits to officers and directors   10,780    30,199    29,017    52,290 
Share-based payment transactions   1,652    6,591    5,224    7,758 
Post-employment benefits   215    431    307    476 
Other long-term benefits   —      —      547    547 
Benefits from termination of employment contract   —      —      1,193    1,193 
    12,647    37,221    36,288    62,264 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


5.5 Loans, borrowings and debentures


Description  Index  Annual interest rate  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019  Maturity  Objective
With guarantee                          
  BNDES  URTJLP   7.41%   3,495,824    2,213,704    Dec-29   Expansion project
   Fixed   5.59%   740,650    834,039    Jan-25   Expansion project
   TJ462   7.89%   —      144,573    Oct-20   Investment
   Selic   5.52%   —      73,540    Oct-20   Investment
   Selic   5.68%   —      52,031    Jun-23   Investment
   TJLP   7.09%   —      83,174    Jun-23   Investment
   TJLP   5.09%   —      1,667    Jun-23   Investment
   Selic   3.52%   371    1,118    Sep-20   Expansion project
   Fixed   3.50%   1,251    1,426    Jan-24   Expansion project
   IPCA   9.48%   1,591    1,528    Nov-21   Expansion project
   URTJLP   7.10%   2,001    4,952    Mar-22   Expansion project
  Export credit agreement (ECA)  Euribor + 0.58%   0.58%   104,733    79,528    Sep-26   Investment
  EIB  U.S.$   3.88%   —      31,770    Jun-20   Investment
   U.S.$   2.94%   19,864    29,081    Sep-20   Investment
   U.S.$ + LIBOR   1.11%   65,308    71,129    May-21   Investment
   U.S.$ + LIBOR   1.35%   92,051    89,336    Sep-21   Investment
            4,523,644    3,712,596         
Without guarantee                          
  Foreign loans  GBP + Libor   1.29%   135,549    106,643    Dec-21   Acquisition
   GBP + Libor   1.84%   237,264    186,604    Dec-22   Acquisition
   GBP + Libor   2.05%   170,605    150,253    Jul-21   Acquisition
   Fixed   1.16%   3,342    3,561    Mar-22   Investment
  NCE  CDI + 0,80%   2.97%   508,166    512,078    Dec-23   Working capital
   CDI + 1,03%   3.63%   80,974    —      Feb-23   Working capital
   CDI + 3,05%   5.27%   203,280    —      Mar-21   Working capital
   CDI + 3,15%   5.37%   455,501    —      Mar-21   Working capital
  Perpetual Notes  U.S.$   8.25%   2,772,510    2,040,752    Nov-40   Acquisition
  Resolution 4131  U.S.$   4.79%   13,411    20,688    Oct-20   Working capital
   U.S.$ + Libor   2.90%   —      81,107    Feb-20   Working capital
   U.S.$   3.67%   439,848    313,493    May-23   Working capital
   U.S.$   1.36%   514,716    217,537    Nov-22   Working capital
   U.S.$   1.59%   408,013    —      Apr-21   Working capital
   CDI   4.86%   201,707    —      Apr-21   Working capital
  Senior Notes Due 2023  U.S.$   5.00%   602,861    438,985    Mar-23   Acquisition
  Senior Notes Due 2027  U.S.$   7.00%   4,565,361    3,234,647    Jan-27   Acquisition
  Senior Notes Due 2024  U.S.$   7.38%   5,033,761    3,318,895    Feb-24   Acquisition
  Senior Notes Due 2024  U.S.$   5.95%   1,297,701    903,636    Sep-24   Acquisition
  Senior Notes Due 2025  U.S.$   5.88%   3,290,398    2,182,089    Jan-25   Acquisition
  Senior Notes Due 2029  Fixed   5.50%   4,142,356    3,071,052    Sep-29   Acquisition
  Guaranteed account  122% of CDI   2.69%   3,120    —      Aug-20   Working capital
   125.5% of CDI   5.53%   —      740    Jan-20   Working capital
  Prepayment   U.S.$+Libor   4.87%   55,442    —      Mar-21   Working capital
   100% Libor   1.43%   109,734    80,932    Nov-21   Working capital
   100% Libor 0,76%   2.72%   55,739    40,474    Oct-20   Working capital
  Debentures  IGPM + 6,10%   12.23%   252,248    240,900    May-28   Working capital
   IPCA + 5.57%   7.29%   110,106    108,133    Sep-20   Working capital
   IPCA + 7.14%   8.89%   331,762    318,412    Dec-20   Working capital
   IPCA + 7.48%   9.23%   298,734    286,271    Dec-22   Working capital
   IPCA + 7.36%   9.11%   98,418    94,367    Dec-25   Working capital
   IPCA + 5.87%   7.60%   903,517    859,996    Dec-23   Working capital
   IPCA + 4.33%   6.03%   444,278    431,817    Oct-24   Working capital
   IPCA + 4.68%   6.39%   578,955    570,098    Feb-26   Working capital
   IPCA + 4.50%   6.20%   677,168    668,034    Feb-29   Working capital



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



     IPCA + 3,90%   5.59%   977,971    895,249    Oct-29   Working capital
     IPCA + 4,00%   5.70%   239,466    219,466    Oct-29   Working capital
     IPCA - 3.25% base 252   4.93%   540,663    —      Apr-29   BNDES
     IPCA - 4.10% base 252   5.80%   184,920    —      Apr-29   BNDES
     CDI - 2.75%   4.96%   100,047    —      Jun-22   Working capital
      IPCA + 6,80%   8.54%   766,952    —      Apr-30   Debentures
     CDI - 3.00% base 252   5.21%   584,914    —      Apr-21   Promissory note
      CDI - 3.40% base 252   5.62%   505,689    —      Apr-21   Promissory note
     106 % of CDI   4.67%   —      1,727,459    Feb-21   Acquisition (i)
     100% CDI + 0,50%   2.66%   2,056,453    2,015,251    Oct-22   Working capital
              34,953,620    25,339,619      
 Total            39,477,264    29,052,215      
 Current            4,810,360    3,518,225      
 Non-current            34,666,904    25,533,990      


(i)On December 20, 2019, Cosan S.A. announced a tender offer with an optional early redemption of the debentures from its second issuance of non-convertible, single series, unsecured debentures issued in February 28, 2019 and due on February 28, 2021. The optional early full redemption took place on January 16, 2020. Cosan S.A. redeemed debentures in aggregate amount of R$1,735,203.


The Company used the annual average rate of the CDI of 2.15% and Brazilian long-term interest rate (taxa de juros de longo prazo), or “TJLP,” of 4.94 %.


Non-current borrowings are scheduled to fall due as follows:


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
 13 to 24 months    1,903,483    1,813,849 
 25 to 36 months    4,502,025    3,240,861 
 37 to 48 months    6,747,001    2,294,198 
 49 to 60 months    5,653,443    5,032,388 
 61 to 72 months    715,662    2,520,671 
 73 to 84 months    5,104,217    456,983 
 85 to 96 months    1,276,692    3,821,149 
 Thereafter    8,764,381    6,353,891 
      34,666,904    25,533,990 


The carrying amounts of loans, borrowings and debentures are denominated in the following currencies:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Brazilian reais (R$)   15,346,697    12,360,022 
U.S. Dollar (U.S.$)   23,479,073    16,165,604 
British pound (GBP)   543,419    443,500 
Euro (EUR)   108,075    83,089 
    39,477,264    29,052,215 



Below are the movements that occurred for the period ended June 30, 2020:


At December 31, 2019   29,052,215 
Raised   5,511,144 
Amortization of principal   (2,413,001)
Payment of interest   (736,372)
Interest, exchange rate and fair value   8,063,278 
June 30, 2020   39,477,264 




Some financing agreements with the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social), or “BNDES,” of the subsidiaries Comgás and Rumo, are guaranteed by bank guarantee, or by real guarantees (assets) and escrow account. On June 30, 2020, the balance of bank guarantees contracted was R$180,464 with an average cost of 0.99% p.a. (R$532,558 as of December 31, 2019).


b)Available credit line


As of June 30, 2020 and on December 31, 2019, the subsidiary Rumo S.A. had available credit lines from BNDES, which were not used, in the total amount of R$1,946,194.


At June 30, 2020, the subsidiary Cosan S.A. had available credit lines from financial institutions AA, which were not used, in the total amount of R$501,000.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


The use of these credit lines is subject to certain contractual conditions.


c)Financial covenants


Under the terms of the major borrowing facilities, the Company and its subsidiaries are required to comply with the following financial covenants:


Debt  Triggers  Ratios
Debenture 3rd and 4th Issue – Comgás  Short-term indebtedness / Total indebtedness cannot exceed 0.6   0.31 
Debenture 3rd to 8th Issue – Comgás  Net debt / EBITDA cannot exceed 4.00   1.40 
BNDES  Net debt / EBITDA cannot exceed 4.00   1.40 
Loan 4131  Net debt / EBITDA cannot exceed 4.00   1.40 
Promissory note  Net debt / EBITDA cannot exceed 4.00   1.40 
Senior Notes 2027 - Cosan S.A.  Net debt (i)/ EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.5   2.39 
Senior Notes Due 2024 – Cosan Limited  Net debt (i)/ EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.5   2.30 
Senior Notes Due 2029 – Cosan Limited  Net debt (i)/ EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.5   2.30 
Senior Notes Due 2024 – Rumo  Net debt / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.3   1.97 
Senior Notes Due 2025 - Rumo  Net debt / EBITDA not higher than or equal to 3.3   1.97 
BNDES - Rumo  Net debt / EBITDA not lower than or equal 3.3x in December 2020   1.97 
BNDES - Rumo  EBITDA / Consolidated Financial Result not lower than or equal 2.0x in December 2020   9.68 


(i)     Net debt and EBITDA pro forma, including joint ventures numbers;

(ii)    Net debt consists of current and non-current debt (including preferred shareholders payable in subsidiaries), net of cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities and derivatives on debt recorded in our consolidated financial statements as other non-current assets. Net debt is a non-GAAP measure.

(iii)  Net debt consists of current and non-current loans and financing, net of cash and cash equivalents and of securities and securities recorded in these interim financial statements;

(iv)  The effects of initial recognition of IFRS 16 are not part of triggers measures for financial covenants purposes.


For the other loans, borrowings and debentures of the Company there are no financial clauses.


The loan terms include provisions for cross-default.


As of June 30, 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries were in compliance with all restrictive financial clauses.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



d)Fair value and exposure to financial risk


The fair value of the loans is based on the discounted cash flow using its implicit discount rate. They are classified as a level 2 fair value in the hierarchy (Note 5.9) due to the use of unobservable data, including own credit risk.


The details of the Company’s exposure to risks arising from loans are shown in Note 22.


5.6 Leases


The balance sheet shows the following amounts relating to leases:








At January 1, 2020   429,591    4,165,297    4,594,888 
Recognition of interest   —      1,849    1,849 
Transfer of liabilities (i)   31,795    307,906    339,701 
Payment of principal   (50,420)   (134,158)   (184,578)
Payment of interest   (31,080)   (223,624)   (254,704)
Additions   87,976    3,416,823    3,504,799 
At June 30, 2020   467,862    7,534,093    8,001,955 
Current   257,931    876,910    1,134,841 
Non-current   210,282    6,656,832    6,867,114 
    468,213    7,533,742    8,001,955 


(i)               Transfer of parcels under litigation to lease and concessions (Note 11).


The lease agreements have varying expirations, with last due to expire in June 2043. The amounts are adjusted annually for inflation rates (General Market Price Index (Índice Geral de Preços – Mercado), or “IGP-M,” or Extended National Consumer Price Index (Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo), or “IPCA”) or may incur interest based on the TJLP) or CDI and some contracts have renewal or purchase options that were considered in determining the classification as lease.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



In addition to the amortization and appropriation of interest and exchange variation highlighted in the previous tables, the following impacts on income during the period ended June 30, 2020 were recorded for other lease agreements that were not included in the measurement of lease liabilities:


   June 30, 2020
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities   11,567 
Expenses relating to short-term leases   498 
Expenses relating to leases of low-value assets, excluding short-term leases of low-value assets   23,552 


Additional Information


The Company, in full compliance with the rules, in measuring and remeasuring its lease liabilities and the right to use, proceeded to discount the present value of future lease installments without projecting the projected future inflation in the installments to be discounted.


The incremental interest rate (nominal) used by the Company and its subsidiaries was determined based on the interest rates to which the Company has access, adjusted to the Brazilian market and the terms of its contracts. Rates between 10.9% and 14.2% were used, according to the term of each contract.


5.7 Trade payables


The carrying amounts of trade and other payables are the same as their fair values, due to their short-term nature.




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Materials and service suppliers   1,274,379    1,356,978 
Natural gas suppliers   1,001,351    815,798 
Other   101,580    17,488 
    2,377,310    2,190,264 


5.8 Derivative financial instruments


Accounting policy (new operations)


Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value on the date a derivative contract is entered into and are subsequently remeasured at fair value at the end of each reporting period. The accounting for subsequent changes in fair value depends on whether the derivative is designated as a hedge instrument and, if so, the nature of the hedged item. The Company designates certain derivatives as:


(i)       fair value hedge of recognized assets or liabilities or a firm commitment (fair value hedge); or

(ii)       hedge of a particular risk associated with cash flows from recognized assets and liabilities and highly probable forecast transactions (cash flow hedge).


At the beginning of the hedge relationship, the Company documents the economic relationship between the hedge instruments and the hedged items, including changes in the cash flows of the hedge instruments, which should offset the changes in the cash flows of the hedged items. The Company documents its risk management objective and strategy for carrying out its hedge operations. Changes in the fair value of any derivative instrument that does not qualify for hedge accounting are recognized immediately in the income statement and are included in other gains / (losses).


The fair values of the derivative financial instruments designated in hedge relationships are disclosed below. The total fair value of a hedge derivative is classified as a non-current asset or liability when the remaining maturity of the hedged item is greater than 12 months; it is classified as a current asset or liability when the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months.


Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


The Company makes an assessment, both at the beginning of the hedge relationship and on an ongoing basis, on whether the hedge instruments should be highly effective in offsetting changes in fair value or in the cash flows of the respective attributable hedged items. For the hedged risk, and if the actual results of each hedge are within a range of 60% to 140%.


The Company has a portfolio of energy contracts (purchase and sale) aimed at meeting demands and offers for consumption or supply of energy. In addition, there is a portfolio of contracts that comprises forward positions, usually short-term. For this portfolio, there is no purchase commitment with a sales contract.


The Company has the flexibility to manage the contracts in this portfolio in order to obtain gains from variations in market prices, considering its policies and risk limits. Contracts in this portfolio can be settled at the net cash value or by another financial instrument (for example: entering into a clearing contract with the counterparty; or “undoing its position” of the contract before its exercise or prescription; or shortly after purchase) , make a sale for the purpose of generating profit through short-term price fluctuations or gain with resale margin).


Such energy purchase and sale transactions are traded on an active market and meet the definition of financial instruments, due to the fact that they are settled at the net cash value, and are readily convertible into cash. Such contracts are accounted for as derivatives and are recognized in the balance sheet at fair value, on the date the derivative is entered into, and are revalued at fair value on the balance sheet date.


Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount is shown in the balance sheet when there is a legal right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle them on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The legal right must not be contingent on future events and must be applicable in the normal course of business and in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy of the company or the counterparty.


The fair value of these derivatives is estimated based, in part, on price quotes published in active markets, insofar as such observable market data exist, and, in part, by the use of valuation techniques, which considers: (i ) prices established in recent purchase and sale operations, (ii) risk margin in supply and (iii) projected market price in the availability period. Whenever the fair value at initial recognition for these contracts differs from the transaction price, a gain in fair value or loss in fair value is recognized on the base date.




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





   Notional  Fair value
   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Fuel derivative agreements                    
  Forward agreements (i)   13,422    —      (2,671)   —   
Energy derivative agreements                    
  Forward agreements (ii)   450,357    —      31,353    —   
Exchange rate derivatives                    
  Forward agreements   1,626,880    1,542,535    95,561    (30,784)
Interest rate and exchange rate risk                    
  Swap agreements (shares) (iii)   600,000    —      34,284    —   
  Swap agreements (interest rate)   2,284,808    2,633,796    724,272    692,642 
  Swap agreements (exchange and interest rate)   12,032,704    10,888,474    8,551,148    3,081,501 
    14,917,512    13,522,270    9,309,704    3,774,143 
Total financial instruments             9,433,947    3,743,359 
Assets             9,569,926    3,824,410 
Liabilities             (135,979)   (81,051)


(i)Forward contracts for fuels contracted by the subsidiary Moove, which seek to reduce possible impacts on the price fluctuation of the commodity that interferes with our lubricant costs.
(ii)The subsidiary Compass Gás e Energia has a portfolio of energy contracts (purchase and sale) aimed at meeting demands and offers for consumption or supply of energy. In addition, there is a portfolio of contracts that comprises forward positions, usually short-term. For this portfolio, there is no purchase commitment with a sales contract.
(iii)On April 9, 2020, the Company entered into a shares purchase and derivatives negotiation plan, or the Total Return Swap, with Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. – Cayman Branch and Santander Fundo de Investimento Amazonas Multimercado Crédito Privado Investimento no Exterior. Pursuant to the Total Return Swap, the Santander Fund will be able to purchase, on its own behalf, common shares issued by Cosan S.A., and Santander Cayman will be able to enter into equity swap transactions on its own behalf and on our behalf in connection with such shares. The maximum aggregate amount of derivatives which may be negotiated pursuant to the Total Return Swap and the maximum aggregate number of underlying Cosan S.A. shares thereunder are R$600,000 and 19,500,000, respectively.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Debt derivative financial instruments are used only for economic hedge purposes and not as speculative investments.


Fair value hedge


Currently the Company has adopted the hedge accounting of fair value for some its operations that both the hedging instruments and the hedged items are accounted for at fair value through profit or loss.






Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


The effects of the foreign currency-related hedging instruments and interest rate swaps on the Company’s financial position and performance are as follows:


      Book value  Accumulated fair value adjustment
   Notional  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Loans, financing and debentures                         
   Designated items                         
     Debenture 3rd issue - 3rd series (Comgás)   79,299    (110,106)   (108,133)   (1,749)   (14,822)
     Debenture 5th issue - single series (Comgás)   684,501    (903,517)   (859,996)   (34,899)   (90,110)
     Senior notes 2023 (Cosan S.A.)   547,600    (602,861)   (438,985)   (208,263)   (99,541)
     Senior notes 2024 (Rumo S.A.)   4,107,000    (5,033,761)   (3,318,895)   (1,834,922)   (471,159)
     Senior notes 2025 (Rumo S.A.)   2,738,000    (3,290,398)   (2,182,089)   (1,169,094)   (295,208)
     Senior notes 2024 (Cosan Limited)   1,095,200    (1,297,701)   (903,636)   (13,453)   (865,908)
Total debt   9,251,600    (11,238,344)   (7,811,734)   (3,262,380)   (1,836,748)
Derivative financial instruments                         
   Hedge instruments                         
     Debenture 3rd issue swaps - 3rd series (Comgás)   (79,299)   27,161    24,842    2,319    5,510 
     Debenture 5th issue swaps - single series (Comgás)   (684,501)   205,778    175,262    30,516    88,583 
     Senior swaps notes 2023 (Cosan S.A.)   (547,600)   431,091    227,315    30,981    128,357 
     Senior swaps notes 2024 (Rumo S.A.)   (4,107,000)   2,618,855    989,022    1,657,767    340,264 
     Senior swaps notes 2025 (Rumo S.A.)   (2,738,000)   1,553,448    479,481    1,074,801    201,679 
     Senior swaps notes 2024 (Cosan Limited)   (1,095,200)   537,876    154,523    83,345    805,312 
Derivative total   (9,251,600)   5,374,209    2,050,445    2,879,729    1,569,705 
Total   —      (5,864,135)   (5,761,289)   (382,651)   (267,043)


There is an economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedge instrument, since the terms of the interest rate and exchange rate swap correspond to the terms of the fixed rate loan, that is, notional amount, term and payment. The Company established a 1: 1 hedge ratio for hedging relationships, since the underlying risk of the interest rate and exchange rate swap is identical to the hedged risk component. To test the effectiveness of the hedge, the Company uses the discounted cash flow method and compares the changes in the fair value of the hedge instrument with the changes in the fair value of the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk.





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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


5.9 Recognized fair value measurements


The market value of the Senior Notes are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (Note 5.5) is based on their quoted market price are as follows:


   Company  June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Senior notes 2023  Cosan S.A   99.73%   101.46%
Senior notes 2024  Rumo S.A   105.41%   107.90%
Senior notes 2024  Cosan Limited   102.53%   105.18%
Senior notes 2025  Rumo S.A   105.56%   107.27%
Senior notes 2027  Cosan S.A   105.30%   109.18%
Senior notes 2029  Cosan Limited   95.53%   104.48%
Perpetual notes  Cosan S.A   100.73%   104.06%


All of the resulting fair value estimates are included in level 2 except for a contingent consideration payable where the fair values have been determined based on present values and the discount rates used were adjusted for counterparty or own credit risk.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The carrying amounts and fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities are as follows:


      Carrying amount  Assets and liabilities measured at fair value
      June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019  June 30, 2020 

December 31,


Assets  Note        Level 1  Level 2  Level 3  Level 1  Level 2  Level 3
  Investment funds   5.1    2,051,887    3,279,170    —      2,051,887    —      —      3,279,170    —   
  Marketable securities   5.2    2,658,608    3,115,503    —      2,658,608    —      —      3,115,503    —   
  Other financial assets        93,643    134,637    93,643    —      —      134,637    —      —   
  Derivate financial instruments   5.8    9,569,926    3,824,410    —      9,569,926    —      —      3,824,410    —   
Total        14,374,064    10,353,720    93,643    14,280,421    —      134,637    10,219,083    —   
  Loans, borrowings and debentures   5.5    (23,227,214)   (16,370,166)   —      (23,227,214)   —      —      (16,370,166)   —   
  Consideration payable (i)        (219,362)   (184,370)   —      (202,246)   (17,116)   —      (158,275)   (26,095)
  Derivative financial instruments   5.8    (135,979)   (81,051)   —      (135,979)   —      —      (81,051)   —   
Total        (23,582,555)   (16,635,587)   —      (23,565,439)   (17,116)   —      (16,609,492)   (26,095)



(i)Composed of: (i) consideration payable related to the intangible asset of the contract with ExxonMobil in the amount of R$202,246 (level 2); and (ii) variable contingent consideration payable of R$17,116 (level 3), which considers the present value of the expected payment discounted, using a risk-adjusted discount rate. The expected payment is determined considering the most likely scenario of revenue and projected EBITDA, which, in turn, determine the cash generation capacity. Significant unobservable inputs are the expected annual growth rate of revenue, the expected EBITDA margin and the 9,41% risk-adjusted discount rate.




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


6 Other tax receivables


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
COFINS - Revenue tax   784,075    706,165 
ICMS - State VAT   638,674    602,127 
ICMS CIAP - State VAT   133,045    141,514 
PIS - Revenue tax   171,647    150,099 
Credit installment   41,919    41,516 
Other   52,472    35,591 
    1,821,832    1,677,012 
Current   1,055,462    950,246 
Non-current   766,370    726,766 


7 Inventories


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Finished goods   483,590    457,447 
Spare parts and accessories   244,860    236,347 
Raw material for construction process   117,636    55,347 
Warehouse and other   15,699    31,287 
Fuels and lubricants   7,813    6,894 
    869,598    787,322 




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


8 Investments in associates


8.1 Investments in subsidiaries and associates


Cosan’s subsidiaries are listed below:


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Directly owned subsidiaries          
Cosan Logística S.A.   73.49%   73.49%
Cosan S.A. (iii)   66.28%   64.59%
Cosan Limited Partners Brasil Consultoria Ltda.   60.00%   60.00%
Sinlog Tecnologia em Logística S.A.   64.52%   47.62%
Interest of Cosan S.A. in its subsidiaries          
Comgás   —      99.15%
Compass Gás e Energia   99.01%   —   
Cosan Lubes Investments Limited (CLI) (i)   70.00%   70.00%
Cosan Cayman II Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Global Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Investimentos e Participações S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Luxembourg S.A. (ii)   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Overseas Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Pasadena Empreendimentos e Participações S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
Payly Soluções de Pagamentos S.A.   75.00%   75.00%
Rumo S.A.   1.71%   1.71%
Cosan Logística S.A.   0.10%   0.10%
Interest of Cosan Lubes Investments Limited in its subsidiaries          
Cosan Cinco S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Lubrificantes e Especialidades S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
Moove Lubricants Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Stanbridge Group Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Wessesx Petroleum Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Airport Energy Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Airport Energy Services Limited   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Lubrificantes S.R.L.   100.00%   100.00%
Lubrigrupo II - Comércio e Distribuição de Lubrificantes S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
Commercial Lubricants Moove Corp   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan Paraguay S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
Cosan US, Inc.   100.00%   100.00%
Ilha Terminal Distribuição de Produtos Químicos   100.00%   100.00%
Zip Lube S.A.   100.00%   100.00%
TTA – SAS Techniques et Technologie Appliquées   75.00%   75.00%



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Interest of Cosan Logística S.A. in its subsidiaries          
Rumo S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Rumo Malha Oeste S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Rumo Malha Paulista S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Rumo Malha Sul S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Rumo Malha Norte S.A.   28.40%   28.40%
Rumo Malha Central S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Elevações Portuárias S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Logispot Armazéns Gerais S.A.   14.52%   14.52%
Rumo Luxembourg Sarl   28.47%   28.47%
Rumo Intermodal S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Boswells S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
ALL Argentina S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
Paranaguá S.A.   28.47%   28.47%
ALL Armazéns Gerais Ltda.   28.47%   28.47%
Portofer Ltda.   28.47%   28.47%
ALL Mesopotâmica S.A.   20.09%   20.09%
ALL Central S.A.   20.94%   20.94%
Servicios de Inversión Logística Integrales S.A   28.47%   28.47%
Brado Logística e Participações S.A.   17.71%   17.71%
Brado Logística S.A.   17.71%   17.71%


(i)On March 31, 2020, Cosan Lubes Investments Limited (“CLI”) received R$65,478 due to the satisfaction of conditions precedent on December 31, 2019, as a result and pursuant to the terms of the investment agreement between the CLI and CVC Fund VII (“CVC”).


(ii) Management concluded that there are no material uncertainties that put the subsidiaries' operational continuity in doubt. Despite presenting on June 30, 2020 a combined investment amount with an unsecured liability of R$ 413,988, as shown below, no events or conditions were identified that, individually or collectively, could raise significant doubts as to the ability to maintain their continuity operational. The subsidiaries have the financial support of the Company.


(iii) On June 30, 2020, 6,291,200 shares were repurchased ordinary shares in the amount of R$ 318,828, with a maximum unit cost of R$ 61.24, a minimum unit cost of R$ 47.37 and an average unit cost of R$ 52.01. These shares represent 4.87% of Cosan's issued and outstanding common shares.


Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Set out below are the associates as at June 30, 2020 which are material to the Company:


   Shares issued by the associate  Shares held by Cosan  Cosan ownership interest  Economic benefit (%)
Radar II Propriedades Agrícolas S.A.   81,440,222    24,920,708    51.00%   3.00%
Radar Propriedades Agrícolas S.A.   1,735,703    531,125    51.00%   2.51%
Tellus Brasil Participações S.A.   120,920,492    61,359,624    50.74%   5.00%
Janus Brasil Participações S.A.   136,928,272    69,361,678    50.77%   5.00%


   At January 1, 2020  Interest in earnings of subsidiaries  Other comprehensive income  Dividends  Increase of capital  Other  At June 30, 2020
Tellus Brasil Participações S.A.   102,342    1,768    —      (1,126)   —      —      102,984 
Janus Brasil Participações S.A.   126,087    426    —      (2,148)   1,132    —      125,497 
Radar Propriedades Agrícolas S.A   59,861    706    32    —      —      —      60,599 
Radar II Propriedades Agrícolas S.A   31,976    438    6    —      —      —      32,420 
Other   57,441    7,082    1,267    (7,184)   10    (6,023)   52,593 
    377,707    10,420    1,305    (10,458)   1,142    (6,023)   374,093 




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


8.2 Acquisition of subsidiaries


On January 30, 2020, the subsidiary Cosan completed the acquisition of 100% of the capital of the following companies:


Acquired name Description of the operation
Compass Comercializadora de Energia Ltda Commercialization of natural gas and electricity
Compass Geração Ltda Commercialization of natural gas and electricity
Compass Energia Ltda No operation
Black River Participações Ltda No operation


The acquisition aims to reinforce the strategy of expansion and consolidation of the gas and energy operation, which tends to grow significantly.


The fair value on the acquisition date of the consideration transferred from the three combined businesses totaled R$ 95,000 with cash payment, without additional installments (fixed or variable).


Accurate and reliable estimates of the purchase price were made to determine the amount of goodwill paid on the transaction. Goodwill is the difference between the value of the net assets acquired and the price paid for the shares.


The Company, through independent consultants, assessed whether the fair value of all assets and liabilities in the opening balance sheet is different from the declared book value. Assets and liabilities assessed include fixed assets, customer portfolios, brands and, possibly, also long-term loans. No material differences were identified between fair value and book value, and the net price paid was fully allocated to goodwill.


The balances of the acquired entities are substantially composed of assets and liabilities measured at fair value and, therefore, no adjustment should be made.




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


a)Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed


The fair value of the assets and liabilities acquired is shown below:

   Compass Comercializadora  Compass Geração  Compass Energia  Total
Cash and cash equivalents   4,539    177    37    4,753 
Trade receivables   12,384    149,163    —      161,547 
Advance of suppliers   15    —      —      15 
Other current tax receivable   134    89    31    254 
Derivative financial instruments   1,377    —      —      1,377 
Investments in associates   9    28    —      37 
Property, plant and equipment   69    —      —      69 
Trade payables   (13,585)   (83,669)   —      (97,254)
Other taxes payable   —      (162)   —      (162)
Other current liabilities   (97)   —      —      (97)
Other financial liabilities   —      (48.007)   —      (48,007)
Dividends payable   —      (508)   —      (508)
Payables to related parties   —      (17,063)   —      (17,063)
Deferred tax liabilities   (468)   —      —      (468)
Total identifiable assets, net   4,377    48    68    4,493 



b)Preliminary goodwill


The fair value on the date of acquisition of goodwill consisted of the following:


Total net assets acquired and liabilities assumed at fair value   4,493 
Consideration transferred (i) (ii)   95,000 
Preliminary goodwill   90,507 


(i)                Effect of consideration transferred net of acquired cash R$ 90,247.

(ii)               On July 17, 2020, the subsidiary Compass made an additional payment for the acquisition of Compass Trading in the amount of R$ 4,385, as provided for in the contract.


Information obtained about facts and circumstances existing on the acquisition date may result in adjustments to the allocation of goodwill. The goodwill of R$ 90,507 comprises the amount of future economic benefits from the acquisition.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



  Nature   Evaluation methodology Fair value Useful life
Goodwill It represents the part of the purchase price greater than the sum of the net fair value of all assets acquired in the acquisition and the liabilities assumed in the process. Discounted cash flow 90,507   Undefined



If the acquired subsidiaries had been consolidated since January 1, 2020, the subsidiary Cosan SA in its consolidated statement of income for the period on June 30, 2020, would have net income of R$ 5,951,670 and a loss of R$ 58,954 .


8.3 Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries


Set out below is summarized financial information for each subsidiary that has non-controlling interests that are material to the group. The amounts disclosed for each subsidiary are before inter-company elimination.


   Shares issued by the subsidiary  Shares held by non-controlling shareholders  Non-controlling interest
Compass Gás e Energia   628,487,690    5,402,779    0.99%
Comgás   132,520,587    1,124,363    0.85%
Logispot   2,040,816    1,000,000    49.00%
Rumo   1,559,015,898    1,115,164,072    71.53%
Brado Participações   12,962,963    4,897,407    37.78%
Rumo Malha Norte   1,189,412,363    3,144,187    0.26%
Cosan Lubes   34,963,764    10,489,129    30.00%
Cosan S.A.   394,210,000    132,924,458    33.72%
Cosan Logística S.A.   463,224,241    122,813,171    26.51%
Payly   44,861,170    11,215,293    25.00%
Sinlog Tecnologia em Logística S.A.   21,000    10,000    35.48%
TTA   10,521    2,630    25.00%


The following table summarizes the information relating to each of the Company’s subsidiaries that has material non-controlling interests, before any intra-group elimination.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   At January 1, 2020  Interest in earnings of subsidiaries  Sales or purchase of interests  Other comprehensive income  Dividends 


Capital increase

  Other  At June 30, 2020
Cosan S.A.   3,604,875    1,564    (276,335)   91,760    —      —      (3,849)   3,418,015 
Cosan Logística S.A.   630,185    9,767    159    618    —      —      135    640,864 
Comgás   24,569    4,236    —      15    (1,158)   —      14    27,676 
Compass Gás e Energia (i)   —      3,620    30,431    —      —      —      35    34,086 
Cosan Lubes   470,497    6,550    —      62,141    —      —      —      539,188 
Rumo S.A.   6,058,973    90,245    —      5,850    (2,262)   —      4,513    6,157,319 
Logispot Armazéns   34,218    385    —      —      —      —      —      34,603 
Other   15,299    417    —      6,633    (4,096)   6,666    36    24,955 
    10,838,616    116,784    (245,745)   167,017    (7,516)   6,666    884    10,876,706 


(i)On January 30, 2020, a capital increase was made at Compass Gás e Energia, through the subscription of 6,222,650 registered shares in favor of non-controlling shareholders, totaling a total amount of R$ 75,000 (equivalent to 0 , 99% of the share capital of Compass Gás e Energia), generating a equity gain in the subsidiary Cosan S.A. of R$ 44,569.


9 Investments in joint ventures


Changes to investments in joint ventures were as follows:


   Raízen Combustíveis S.A.  Raízen Energia S.A.  Total
Shares issued by the joint venture   1,661,418,472    7,243,283,198      
Shares held by Cosan   830,709,236    3,621,641,599      
Cosan ownership interest   50%   50%     
Interest in earnings of joint ventures
as at June 30, 2019
   425,897    (63,654)   362,243 
At January 1, 2020   3,212,601    4,336,359    7,548,960 
Interest in earnings of joint ventures   (98,330)   68,522    (29,808)
Other comprehensive (losses) income   465,702    (348,497)   117,205 
Interest on capital (i)   (37,500)   —      (37,500)
Dividends   —      (417)   (417)
At June 30, 2020   3,542,473    4,055,967    7,598,440 


(i)               Amount proposed but not paid in the period.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


According to the terms of the jointly-controlled subsidiary - Raizen, the subsidiary Cosan is responsible for certain legal proceedings that existed before the formation of Raízen, net of judicial deposits on April 1, 2011, as well as tax installments under the terms of the tax amnesty and Refinancing program recorded in “Other taxes payable”. In addition, Cosan granted Raízen access to a credit line (stand-by) in the amount of US$ 350,000 thousand, unused on June 30, 2020.

The statement of financial position and statement of profit or loss of the joint ventures are disclosed in Note 4 – Segment information.


As of June 30, 2020, the Company was in compliance with the convenants of the contracts that govern the respective joint ventures.


10 Property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, goodwill, right-of-use assets and contract asset


10.1 Property, plant and equipment


a)Reconciliation of carrying amount
   Land, buildings and improvements  Machinery, equipment and facilities  Railcars and locomotives (i)  Permanent railways  Construction in progress  Other  Total
At December 31, 2019   1,186,365    1,163,862    6,000,272    6,724,322    1,509,025    434,555    17,018,401 
Additions   61    1,438    8,459    2,281    1,350,336    752    1,363,327 
Business combinations (ii)   —      69    —      —      —      —      69 
Disposals   (44)   (806)   (65,918)   —      (123)   (4,464)   (71,355)
Transfers (iii)   20,919    63,444    402,622    254,970    (809,566)   38,963    (28,648)
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations   17,280    26,412    —      —      349    14,818    58,859 
At June 30, 2020   1,224,581    1,254,419    6,345,435    6,981,573    2,050,021    484,624    18,340,653 
Depreciation and impairment losses                                   
At December 31, 2019   (360,434)   (532,019)   (1,914,789)   (2,020,767)   (6,870)   (30,386)   (4,865,265)
Additions   (30,557)   (69,771)   (286,352)   (253,962)   —      (16,258)   (656,900)
Disposals   7    562    62,336    —      —      3,783    66,688 
Transfers (iii)   —      —      7,941    —      75    1    8,017 
Impairment   (2,811)   (8,614)   (27,391)   (52,224)   (19,364)   4,264    (106,140)
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations   (6,190)   (13,394)   —      —      —      (7,567)   (27,151)
At June 30, 2020   (399,985)   (623,236)   (2,158,255)   (2,326,953)   (26,159)   (46,163)   (5,580,751)
At December 31, 2019   825,931    631,843    4,085,483    4,703,555    1,502,155    404,169    12,153,136 
At June 30, 2020   824,596    631,183    4,187,180    4,654,620    2,023,862    438,461    12,759,902 



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


(i)On June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, wagons and locomotives in the amount of R$ 745,203 were pledged to guarantee bank loans. (Note 5.5);


(ii)For more details, see Note 8.2.


(iii)They are substantially transfers from property, plant and equipment under construction as a result of the capitalization of said assets.



In the period ended June 30, 2020, the Company identified impairment indicators for the cash generating unit represented by the Rumo Malha Oeste concession: i) the network recorded a significant reduction in the volume transported due to operational problems on the road caused by the strong rains in the first quarter, causing management to seek alternatives to perform certain contracted volumes, volumes that supported the cash flow projection of that cash-generating unit until then; ii) the Management's decision to file the request for re-bidding creates uncertainty about the period in which Malha will be the operator, since it depends on the progress of the process. Accordingly, the Company recorded a provision for impairment of R$ 107,106 (of which R$ 106,041 related to fixed assets and R$ 996 related to the right to use, equivalent to the remaining balance of the permanent assets of this cash-generating unit. as a counterpart to “Other net income (expenses)”.

The determination of the recoverability of the assets depends on certain key assumptions, as described above, which are influenced by the market, technological and economic conditions in force at the time that this recovery is tested and, therefore, it is not possible to determine whether further losses by reduction recovery will occur in the future and, if they occur, whether they would be material.


Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


10.2 Intangible assets and goodwill


   Goodwill  Concession rights  Operating license  Trademarks  Customer relationships  Other  Total
At December 31, 2019   904,977    18,024,518    435,795    46,170    829,091    387,278    20,627,829 
Additions   3,778    1,078    —      —      36,715    7,926    49,497 
Business combination (i)   90,507    —      —      —      —      —      90,507 
Disposals   —      (18,052)   —      —      (80)   (2,525)   (20,657)
Transfers   —      241,024    —      —      (11,377)   65,891    295,538 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations   65,547    —      —      11,045    54,472    13,250    144,314 
At June 30, 2020   1,064,809    18,248,568    435,795    57,215    908,821    471,820    21,187,028 
Amortization and Impairment:                                   
At December 31, 2019   —      (2,884,699)   (236,122)   (9,201)   (410,449)   (243,699)   (3,784,170)
Additions   —      (246,443)   (5,887)   —      (40,741)   (42,637)   (335,708)
Disposals   —      12,572    —      —      67    2,269    14,908 
Transfers   —      (10)   —      —      4,853    842    5,685 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations   —      —      —      —      (13,787)   (6,543)   (20,330)
At June 30, 2020   —      (3,118,580)   (242,009)   (9,201)   (460,057)   (289,768)   (4,119,615)
At December 31, 2019   904,977    15,139,819    199,673    36,969    418,642    143,579    16,843,659 
At June 30, 2020   1,064,809    15,129,988    193,786    48,014    448,764    182,052    17,067,413 


(i)               For more details, see Note 8.2.


a)               Capitalization of borrowing costs


Capitalized borrowing costs for the period ended June 30, 2020, R$ 23,621 was capitalized at an average rate of 6,12% p.a. (R$3,202 and 8.60 % p.a. on December 31, 2019).









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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


b)               Amortization methods and useful lives


Intangible assets (excluding goodwill) Annual rate of amortization   June 30, 2020   December 31, 2019
Comgás (i) During the term of the concession and extension of this date   8,179,565   8,129,822
Rumo(ii)   6,944,536   7,009,997
      15,124,101   15,139,819
Operating license for port terminal (iii) 4.00%   199,674   199,673
  Comma Undefined   48,014   36,969
      48,014   36,969
Customers relationship:          
  Comgás 20.00%   167,858   161,786
Moove 6.00%   280,906   256,856
      448,764   418,642
Software license 20.00%   126,845   81,669
Other     55,206   61,910
      182,051   143,579
Total     16,002,604   15,938,682


(i)   Refers to the intangible asset for the public gas distribution service concession, which represents the right to charge users for the supply of gas, comprised of: (i) the concession rights recognized in the business combination and (ii) concession assets;
(ii)   Refers to the concession right agreement of Rumo Malha Norte S.A., which will be amortized until the end of the concession in 2079;
(iii)   Port operating license and customer relationships of Rumo S.A., from the business combination.


c)               Impairment testing of cash-generating units (“CGU”) goodwill


The Company annually tests the recoverable amounts of goodwill arising from business combinations. Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with finite lives that are subject to depreciation and amortization are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable.


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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


For the purpose of impairment analysis, concession contracts were defined as cash generating units, each recorded on separated legal entities. The basis for annual assessment and testing on September 30, 2020.


During the period ended June 30, 2020, we did not identify any provisions for impairment indicators, so that no impairment test was necessary for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with a defined useful life.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


10.3 Right-of-use assets



   Land, buildings and improvements  Machinery, equipment and facilities  Railcars and locomotives  Software  Vehicles  Port and rail infrastructure  Total
At December 31, 2019   247,430    10,718    1,038,641    66,931    14,259    3,803,954    5,181,933 
Additions (i)   96,652    4,479    —      —      —      3,406,560    3,507,691 
Contractual adjustments   17,212    8,234    1,450    14,219    (176)   13,830    54,769 
Disposals   (203)   —      —      —      —      —      (203)
Currency translation adjustments   3,500    1,173    —      —      —      —      4,673 
At June 30, 2020   364,591    24,604    1,040,091    81,150    14,083    7,224,344    8,748,863 
At December 31, 2019   (78,965)   (3,074)   (365,657)   (7,594)   (6,457)   (250,456)   (712,203)
Additions   (12,233)   (3,473)   (25,394)   (1,638)   (6,392)   (97,068)   (146,198)
Transfers   (44)   —      —      —      —      —      (44)
Impairment   —      (1,643)   —      —      —      (966)   (2,609)
Currency translation adjustments   (3,415)   (58)   (4,123)   —      3,114    —      (4,482)
At June 30, 2020   (94,657)   (8,248)   (395,174)   (9,232)   (9,735)   (348,490)   (865,536)
At December 31, 2019   168,465    7,644    672,984    59,337    7,802    3,553,498    4,469,730 
At June 30, 2020   269,934    16,356    644,917    71,918    4,348    6,875,854    7,883,327 


(i)               Recognition of the grant amount and update of the lease, by renewing the concession contract of the subsidiary Rumo Malha Paulista S.A.


10.4 Contract asset


Accounting policy


Contract assets are measured at acquisition cost, including capitalized borrowing costs. When the assets enter into operation, the depreciable amounts in the concession contract are transferred to intangible assets. Comgás reassesses the useful life, whenever this assessment indicates that the amortization period will exceed the term of the concession contract, part of the asset is converted into a financial asset, as it represents an accounts receivable from the granting authority. This classification is in accordance with IFRIC 12 - Concession Contracts.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)






At December 31, 2019   600,541 
Additions   419,473 
Transfer to intangible (i)   (300,632)
At June 30, 2020   719,382 


(i)               The amount of the transfers also includes a portion of the intangible asset that was reclassified to a financial asset in accordance with IFRIC 12.


11 Concessions payable


Accounting policy:


The Company records in this account the balance of the lease installments involved in disputes with the Granting Authority. The initial registration takes place at the amount of the installment at maturity, by transferring the “Liabilities for lease” account. Subsequently, the values are corrected by Selic.


Balances in installments with the Granting Authority are maintained in this account. The initial registration takes place at the amount that was left over from the resolution of the dispute. The amounts are corrected by Selic until payment.


Balances payable as a concession for concession rights (“Concessions”) are also recorded in this account, initially recorded against intangible assets. Subsequent measurement occurs at the effective rate.


The Company, through its subsidiaries, is a party to sub-concession and lease agreements with the Government. The main liabilities and provisions generated by the contracts are:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



a)Installment of leases and concessions under litigation



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Lease and concession in dispute:          
Rumo Malha Paulista   151,727    1,870,018 
Rumo Malha Oeste   1,578,684    1,528,238 
    1,730,411    3,398,256 
Installment leases:          
Rumo Malha Paulista   1,174,703    —   
    1,174,703    —   
Rumo Malha Sul   36,423    36,621 
Rumo Malha Paulista   21,179    20,003 
    57,602    56,624 
Total   2,962,716    3,454,880 
Current   111,652    9,847 
Non-current   2,851,064    3,445,033 
    2,962,716    3,454,880 


Lease and concession under litigation:


Rumo Malha Oeste pleads for the reestablishment of the economic and financial balance, lost due to the cancellation of transportation contracts existing at the time of privatization, constituting a change in the regulatory scenario and conditions established in the Privatization Notice - besides, the growth forecasts that defined the value of the business did not materialize. The lawsuit is pending before the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region. The amount referring to the Company's overdue installments was guaranteed by the acquisition of public debt securities (Financial Treasury Bills - FTB). In March 2008, the Company obtained authorization to replace the guarantee with a bank guarantee and in May 2008 the Company redeemed the amounts. In December 2014, a decision was handed down that upheld the lawsuit, recognizing the occurrence of economic and financial imbalance in the contracts. In December 2015, a request for replacement of letters of guarantee presented by the Company with guarantee insurance was granted. An appeal judgment is pending before the TRF. Management, supported by the opinion of its lawyers, assesses the chances of success as probable but maintains the record of the liability because it is a contractual obligation not yet withdrawn from the Company and because the amount is still pending.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



Also in the context of the disputes involving the Western Network, in January 2020, the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) decided to initiate an Ordinary Administrative Process to generate a conclusive report as to the suitability, or not, of the declaration of expiry of the concession of the Malha Oeste by the Union. The analysis will be conducted by a commission to be appointed by the Infrastructure and Railroad Cargo Transport Services area. Management, supported by the opinion of its lawyers, assesses the risk of loss as possible.


Judicial deposits at June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019 concerning the above claims totaled:


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
  Rumo Malha Paulista S.A.   —      119,806 
  Rumo Malha Oeste S.A.   22,119    21,703 
    22,119    141,509 


The judicial deposits of the Subsidiary Rumo Malha Paulista linked to the balance in litigation on rebalancing the lease and concession contract were converted in favor of the Brazilian Federal Government in the offsetting of balances resulting from the agreement signed between the parties in the process of renewing the contract.


Installment leases:


As a condition for entering into the renewal amendment for Malha Paulista, there was a need for the Company to resolve the dispute involving the economic and financial rebalancing of the original contract. To this end, an agreement was signed between Rumo Malha Paulista, Brazilian Federal Government and ANTT, in which it was agreed: i) a credit in favor of the Company related to labor liens paid up to 2005; ii) the conversion of existing judicial deposits in favor of the Union; iii) an uncontroversial balance in favor of the Federal Government, divided into eight annual installments adjusted by Selic (balance transferred from the “Lease and concession under litigation” account to “Leased installments”); iv) a portion of liabilities to be offset against potential credits in favor of the Company, these credits, subject to the assessment to be carried out by a working group involving the parties (balance maintained in the “Lease and concession under litigation” account).



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The effects of the offsetting of balances were updated up to the registration date and resulted in a reversal of R$ 479,563 (R$ 348,319 in other expenses and income and R$ 131,243 in the financial result).


As a result of the agreement, suspensions of the proceedings for return lawsuits filed by Rumo against the Brazilian Federal Government were required to determine labor claims that were not part of the agreement (from 2005) and which will be the subject of an investigation to be carried out by working group involving the parties. In parallel, the parties will submit a request for judicial approval of the agreement in the records of the economic and financial rebalancing action of the contract.








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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


b)Leases and grants under IFRS16


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Rumo Malha Sul   516,304    532,496 
Rumo Malha Paulista   416,961    377,944 
Rumo Malha Oeste   218,989    216,096 
Elevações Portuárias   78,303    74,584 
Portofer   13,470    13,435 
    1,244,027    1,214,555 
Rumo Malha Paulista (renewal)   3,321,964    —   
Malha Central   2,721,916    2,728,931 
    6,043,880    2,728,931 
Total   7,287,907    3,943,486 
Current   821,295    402,991 
Non-current   6,466,612    3,540,495 
    7,287,907    3,943,486 


c)Investment commitments


Sub-concession contracts to which the Company, through its subsidiaries, is a party, often includes commitments to execute investments with certain characteristics during the term of the contract. Can be highlighted:


The renewal addendum to the concession of Malha Paulista, which foresees the execution of a set of investment projects to increase capacity and reduce urban conflicts, estimated by the agency at R$ 6,100,000 (value updated until December 2017).


The Malha Central sub-concession contract provides for investments with a fixed term (one to three years from the signing of the contract), estimated by ANTT at R$ 620,050. As of June 30, 2020, the subsidiary’s investments for R$ 178,972.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


The Elevações Portuárias concession and lease agreement provide for investments aimed at improving and modernizing the facilities and equipment allocated therein, estimated for R$ 340,000. At the balance sheet date, the subsidiary had made investments for R$ 261,506.


12 Sectorial financial assets and liabilities


Accounting policy


The sectorial financial assets and liabilities are intended to neutralize the economic impacts on the result of the subsidiary Comgás, due to the difference between the cost of gas and rates contained in the ordinances issued by ARSESP (Sanitation and Energy Regulatory Agency of the State of São Paulo), and those effectively included in the tariff, at each tariff adjustment / review.


These differences between the real cost and the cost considered in the tariff adjustments generate a right to the extent that the realized cost is greater than that contemplated in the tariff, or an obligation, when the costs are lower than those contemplated in the tariff. The differences are considered by ARSESP in the subsequent tariff adjustment, and are now included in the Company's tariff adjustment index.


On June 10, 2020, ARSESP published Resolution No. 1,010, which provides for the mechanism for updating the weighted average cost of gas and transportation in piped gas tariffs and the mechanism for recovering the balance of the graphic account, due to variations the price of gas and transport. This mechanism aims at monthly calculation by segment of users and considering the recovery installments previously established and in the process of compensation. As provided in such ordinance, any balances in the graphic accounts existing at the end of the concession will be indemnified to the subsidiary Comgás or returned to users within 12 months before the end of the concession period. The balance consists of: (i) the previous cycle (in amortization), which represents the balance approved by ARSESP already included in the tariff and (ii) by the cycle being constituted, which are the differences that will be approved by ARSESP in the next tariff adjustment.


In addition, this resolution dealt with the balance contained in the current account of taxes, which accumulated amounts related to tax credits taken advantage of by Comgás, but which essentially are part of the tariff composition and must subsequently be transferred via the tariff.


With the advent of this resolution, the subsidiary Comgás understands that there is no longer significant uncertainty that would hinder the recognition of sectorial financial assets and liabilities as amounts actually receivable or payable. Accordingly, as of June 10, 2020, it recognizes the sectorial financial assets and liabilities in its financial statements. In the period ended June 30, 2020, the subsidiary Comgás recorded a net sectoral financial liability balance of (R$ 92,147), of which (R$ 101,812) against net operating revenue and cost of products sold, and R$ 9,665 against the financial result.




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)





The balance of the net sectorial financial asset (liability) is shown below:


   At June 30, 2020
 Cost of gas    404,907 
 Credits of taxes    (497,054)
 Total    (92,147)


The change in the net sectorial financial liability (liability) for the period ended June 30, 2020 was as follows:


   Assets Sectorial  Liabilities Sectorial  Total
At January 1, 2020   —      —      —   
Cost of gas (i)   368,297    —      368,297 
Credits of taxes (ii)   —      (497,054)   (497,054)
Monetary variation (iii)   9,665    —      9,665 
Other revenue (iv)   26,945    —      26,945 
At June 30, 2020   404,907    (497,054)   (92,147)



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



 Current    404,907    (93,587)   311,320 
 Non-current    —      (403,467)   (403,467)
      404,907    (497,054)   (92,147)
(i)Refers to the cost of gas purchased in excess of the ordinance that will be collected from consumers.
(ii)Credits, mainly, from the exclusion of ICMS on the basis of PIS and COFINS that will be returned to consumers when the lawsuit is final.
(iii)Monetary update on the cost of gas
(iv)Reimbursement of expenses with regulatory losses in accordance with Resolution ARSESP 977 of April 8, 2020 that will be collected from consumers.


13 Other taxes payable


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Tax amnesty and refinancing program - REFIS   204,281    213,360 
ICMS – State VAT   144,179    161,254 
COFINS – Revenue tax   139,405    84,953 
PIS – Revenue tax   33,031    19,426 
Social Security Charges   34,621    10,513 
Withholding Income Tax   3,930    4,941 
ISS – Service tax   769    578 
IOF – Financial tax   309    309 
Other   27,706    22,787 
    588,231    518,121 
Current   437,755    363,051 
Non-current   150,476    155,070 





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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


14 Income tax and social contribution


a)    Reconciliation of income and social contribution tax expenses



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

Profit before taxes   535,901    1,006,594    802,808    1,286,333 
Income tax and social contribution nominal rate (34%)   (182,206)   (342,242)   (272,955)   (437,353)
Adjustments to determine the effective rate                    
Interest in earnings of investees (non-taxable income)   (72,557)   (6,398)   23,891    120,058 
Differences in tax rates on
earnings / losses of overseas companies
   48,818    223,248    (27,159)   (38,656)
Granted income tax incentive   37,744    37,744    44,129    72,103 
Share-based payment transactions   7,165    8,024    (276)   (553)
Interest on shareholders’ equity   (6,290)   (12,750)   (6,800)   (14,790)
Non-deductible expenses (donations, gifts, etc.)   (5,018)   (738)   (3,029)   (7,686)
Tax losses not recorded (i)   (29,157)   (63,520)   (28,964)   (68,377)
Goodwill amortization effect   318    635    317    635 
Other   5,140    14,739    13,470    35,954 

Income tax and social contribution benefit

(expense) - current and deferred

   (196,043)   (141,258)   (257,376)   (338,665)
Effective rate - %   36.58%   14.03%   32.25%   26.55%


(i)Refers mainly to tax losses not recorded in subsidiaries of Rumo which under current conditions do not attend the requirements of future taxable profits that justify the recognition of the deferred tax assets. In accordance with Brazilian Federal Taxes rules those losses do not expire.









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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


b)   Deferred income tax assets and liabilities


The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to significant portions of the Company’s deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented below:


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Assets credit of:          
Income tax loss carry forwards   2,548,689    2,136,077 
Social contribution tax loss carry forwards   932,101    779,252 
Temporary differences          
Foreign exchange - Loans and borrowings   2,245,310    921,811 
Legal proceedings provision   309,900    305,473 
Impairment provision   227,934    203,057 
Provisions for employee benefits   221,620    214,496 
Allowance for doubtful accounts   45,478    26,969 
Regulatory asset (liability)   —      53,875 
Impairment of tax credit   81,613    79,928 
Share-based payment transactions   13,566    9,879 
Profit sharing   14,808    63,987 
Interest on preferred shareholders
payable in subsidiaries
   125,654    89,931 
Property, plant and equipment - useful life review   405,661    408,581 
Miscellaneous provisions   353,373    348,212 
Other   186,384    112,240 
Total   7,712,091    5,753,768 
(-) Deferred taxes assets net not recognized   (2,255,335)   (2,198,164)
Liabilities credit of:          
Temporary differences          
Business combination - property, plant and equipment   18,090    27,666 
Tax deductible goodwill   (390,249)   (390,249)
Leases   (45,927)   (36,347)
Unrealized gains on derivatives instruments   (2,576,338)   (923,672)
Fair value option in loans   534,678    174,596 
Income on formation of joint ventures   (1,135,036)   (1,135,036)
Business combination - Intangible asset   (3,634,100)   (3,663,085)
Provision for realization - Goodwill recorded in equity (i)   (449,155)   —   
Other   276,596    114,525 
Total   (7,401,441)   (5,831,602)
Total of deferred taxes recorded   (1,944,685)   (2,275,998)
Deferred income tax - Assets   1,665,304    1,607,566 
Deferred income tax - Liabilities   (3,609,989)   (3,883,564)



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



(i)In January 2020, Cosan subsidiary contributed to the capital of the subsidiary Compass Gás e Energia the investment it held in the subsidiary Comgás. As a result, the costs recorded in shareholders' equity, derived from the goodwill paid on the acquisitions of Comgás shares in voluntary tender offer occurred during the year 2019, totaling R$ 1,321,000 capital loss. Associated with this amount, a deferred income tax loss of R$ 449,000 was recorded. On the other hand, deferred income tax liabilities were recorded, canceling the effect of the result in the accounting, to be reversed when the future write-off of said goodwill.


c)    Analytical movement in deferred tax


Assets  Tax loss and negative basis  Post-employment obligations  Employee benefits  Provisions  Property  Other  Unregistered credits  Total
 Balance on January 1, 2020   2,915,329    214,496    73,866    963,639    408,581    1,177,857    (2,218,619)   3,535,149 
Credited to the profit for period   564,413    7,124    (45,492)   54,659    (2,920)   (11,412)   —      566,372 
 Other comprehensive income (loss)   1,048    —      —      —      —      67,404    —      68,452 
 Exchange differences   —      —      —      —      —      1,323,499    (57,171)   1,266,328 
 Balance on June 30, 2020   3,480,790    221,620    28,374    1,018,298    405,661    2,557,348    (2,275,790)   5,436,301 


Liabilities  Effects on the formation of jointly-owned subsidiaries  Intangible  Unrealized income from derivatives  Leases  Debt Fair Value Adjustment  Other  Unregistered credits  Total
 Balance on January 1, 2020   (1,135,036)   (3,663,085)   (923,672)   (36,347)   174,596    (248,058)   20,455    (5,811,147)
Credited to the profit for period   —      28,985    (1,652,666)   (9,801)   360,082    (296,231)   2    (1,569,629)
Other comprehensive income (loss)   —      —      —      221    —      (429)   (2)   (210)
Business combination   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
 Balance on June 30, 2020   (1,135,036)   (3,634,100)   (2,576,338)   (45,927)   534,678    (544,718)   20,455    (7,380,986)


The Company expects to realize the full deferred tax on tax losses and social contribution.




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


15 Provision for legal proceedings and judicial deposits


The Company had provision for legal proceedings and judicial deposits recorded in the financial position at June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019 in respect of:


    Provision for legal proceedings         Judicial deposit      
    June 30, 2020    December 31, 2019    June 30, 2020    December 31, 2019 
Tax   591,819    589,180    459,077    476,706 
Civil, environmental and regulatory   365,449    332,527    99,512    220,933 
Labor   416,981    432,464    265,157    245,818 
    1,374,249    1,354,171    823,746    943,457 


Changes in provision for legal proceedings:


   Tax  Civil, environmental and regulatory  Labor  Total
At December 31, 2019   589,180    332,527    432,464    1,354,171 
Provisions   1,322    29,155    29,286    59,763 
Settlement / Write-offs   (2,373)   (14,600)   (57,372)   (74,345)
Exchange rate   —      —      92    92 
Interest and exchange variation (i)   3,690    18,367    12,511    34,568 
At June 30, 2020   591,819    365,449    416,981    1,374,249 


(i)Includes interest reversal.


The Company’s debts with legal proceedings are secured by assets, cash deposit, bank guarantee or insurance guarantee.


The subsidiary Cosan S.A. has indemnity actions in addition to those mentioned, which, since they are considered probable, were not recorded because they represent contingent assets.


a)Probable losses


Tax: The principal tax proceedings for which the risk of loss is probable are described below:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Compensation with FINSOCIAL   295,337    293,291 
INSS - Social security   96,697    95,979 
State VAT - ICMS credit   98,533    97,534 
PIS and COFINS   2,764    2,889 
IPI - Excise tax credit - NT   53,980    53,693 
Federal income taxes   1,352    1,707 
Other   43,156    44,087 
    591,819    589,180 


Civil, regulatory, environmental and other claims: Company and its subsidiaries are parties to a number of civil legal claims related to (i) indemnity for material and moral damages; (ii) termination of different kinds of agreements (iii) public civil claims related to sugarcane stubble burning; and (iv) compliance with terms of conduct adjustment, among other issues.


Labor claims: Cosan and its subsidiaries are also parties to a number of labor claims filed by former employees and service providers challenging, among other matters, the payment of overtime, night shift premiums and risk premiums, the recognition of employment relationships and the reimbursement of discounts from payroll, such as social contribution and trade union charges. Additionally, we are involved in several labor administrative and judicial proceedings such as labor investigations and class actions filed by the labor prosecutor’s office regarding alleged non-compliance with certain labor regulations, including work and safety rules, labor conditions and work environment, and social assistance plans. Moreover, we entered into certain consent orders (Termos de Ajustamento de Conduta) with Brazilian authorities and in the event, we fail to comply with such consent orders, we could be subject to fines.


b)Possible losses


The principal proceedings for which we deem the risk of loss as possible are described below:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
 Civil    3,570,891    3,493,260 
 Labor     960,608    968,426 
 Tax    13,048,541    11,382,113 
 Regulatory    850,794    860,025 
 Environmental    702,421    679,621 
      19,133,255    17,383,445 



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
ICMS - State VAT   2,900,516    2,869,089 
Federal income taxes (i)   4,980,690    3,619,834 
IRRF - Withholding tax   1,219,876    1,030,981 
PIS and COFINS - Revenue taxes   1,579,802    1,529,885 
INSS - Social security and other   213,876    226,857 
Goodwill Rumo   84,524    83,734 
IPI - Excise tax credit - NT   454,921    451,781 
Penalties related to tax positions   489,761    483,577 
MP 470 - Tax installments   307,231    304,961 
Foreign financial operation   28,983    28,701 
Compensation with IPI - IN 67/98   182,906    181,655 
Stock option   70,741    70,072 
Financial transactions tax on loan   54,144    53,765 
Other   480,570    447,221 
    13,048,541    11,382,113 



(i)On February 14, 2020, the subsidiary Comgás received tax assessment notices from the Brazilian tax authorities, for the years ended in 2015 and 2016, related to the amortization of the goodwill paid for the acquisition in the reverse merger of Provence Participações S.A., in the amount of R$ 1,228,416.

The Company's lawyers assessed the probability of loss as possible, with a remote loss bias and, therefore, no provision was recorded in accordance with IAS 37. ”


In addition, the effects of IFRIC 23 - Uncertain Tax Position that could affect the accounting policies of the Company and its subsidiaries and these interim financial statements were not identified.





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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


c)Contingent assets


(i)On March 15, 2017, the Federal Supreme Court (“STF”) concluded the judgment of Extraordinary Appeal No. 574,706 and, under the system of general repercussion, established the thesis that the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (“ICMS” ) does not compose the basis for calculating the Social Integration Program (“PIS”) and the Contribution for the Financing of Social Security (“COFINS”), since this amount does not constitute company revenue / billing. That is, taxpayers have the right to exclude the amount related to ICMS highlighted in the invoice of the PIS / COFINS calculation base. There is still an approximate amount of R$ 932,000 in Comgás, related to the exclusion of ICMS on the basis of PIS and COFINS, arising from the period prior to the decision of the STF and without final judgment, which remains a contingent asset.


(ii)On December 6, 2019, ARSESP published Resolution 933, for the purpose of non-tariff compensation to the Concessionaire, in the amount of R$ 697,233 in April 2018 currency, before monetary restatements, as a result of the 3rd Ordinary Tariff Review, a be applied in the form that may be defined by the Granting Authority until May 31, 2020. With the publication of the aforementioned Resolution, there are no more tariff discussions related to previous periods with the Regulatory Agency. The amount indicated in the resolution was not recognized in these interim financial statements for not complying with the accounting criteria.

On May 27, 2020, in continuation of Resolution 933, ARSESP approved, by means of Resolution 995, the amount of R$ 683,358 plus monetary restatement since April 2018, as a result of the Third Ordinary Tariff Review, to be applied to value of assets returned by Comgás, at the end of the concession, or any amount payable by the subsidiary Comgás, if the concession is renewed or in connection with any renewal of the concession contract.




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


(iii)The Company has an action for damages due to the economic and financial imbalance of the Concession Agreement, with regard to tariff reviews. The right to recomposition is the result of mistaken criteria regarding the tariff review. The updated value of the share is R$ 419,900 as an economic-financial rebalancing of Comgás.


16 Shareholders’ equity


a)Share capital


At June 30, 2020, Cosan Limited’s share capital is composed of the following:


Shareholders - Common shares  Class A common shares  %  Class B common shares  %
Controlling group   20,603,636    13.61%   96,332,044    100%
Renaissance Technologies LLC   9,228,442    6.10%   —      —   
Free Float   104,873,623    69.30%   —      —   
Total shares outstanding   134,705,701    89.01%   96,332,044    100%
Treasury shares   16,638,275    10.99%   —      —   
Total   151,343,976    100.00%   96,332,044    100%


b)Treasury shares


The Company holds 16,638,275 Class A treasury shares on June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, with a market value of US$ 15.06 and US$ 22.84 respectively.


c)Other comprehensive (loss) income


   December 31, 2019  Comprehensive (loss) income  June 30, 2020
Loss on cash flow hedge in joint ventures   (790,403)   (418,462)   (1,208,865)
Foreign currency translation effects   49,281    (200,027)   (150,746)
Actuarial loss on defined benefit plan   (180,958)   4    (180,954)
Financial instruments with subsidiaries   15,000    —      15,000 
Change in fair values of financial assets   1,277    40    1,317 
Total   (905,803)   (618,445)   (1,524,248)
Attributable to:               

  Owners of the Company   (805,471)   (785,462)   (1,590,933)
Non-controlling interests   (100,332)   167,017    66,685 



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




17 Earnings per share


The Company’s subsidiaries have two categories of potential dilutive effects: share options and put options. For the share options, a calculation is done to determine the effect of the dilution in the profit attributable to shareholders of the parent due the exercise of the share options at subsidiaries. For the put option, is assumed to have been converted into ordinary shares, and the profit attributable to shareholders of the parent is adjusted.


The following table sets forth the calculation of earnings per share (in thousands of Brazilian reais, except per share amounts):



April 1, 2020

to June 30,



January 1,

2020 to

June 30,



April 1, 2019

to June 30,

2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019

to June 30,

2019 (Restated)

Profit attributable from to ordinary equity
holders for basic earnings - basic
   101,899    748,552    208,401    398,617 
Profit attributable from to ordinary equity
holders for basic earnings - continued operation - basic
   101,899    748,552    213,170    409,193 
Effect of dilution:                    
Dilutive effect of subsidiary's stock option plan   (901)   (1,947)   (967)   (1,685)

Profit attributable to ordinary equity

holders adjusted for the effect of dilution

   100,998    746,605    207,434    396,932 

Profit attributable to ordinary equity

holders adjusted for the effect of dilution - Continued operation

   101,899    746,605    212,203    409,193 

Weighted-average number of shares

outstanding (In thousands of shares)

Basic   221,809    221,809    230,448    230,692 
Dilutive effect of stock option plan   7,844    7,844    8,964    9,206 
Dilutive   229,653    229,653    239,412    239,898 
Earnings per share                    
Basic earnings per share   R$ 0.4594    R$ 3.3748    R$ 0.9043    R$ 1.7279 
Diluted earnings per share   R$ 0.4594    R$ 3.2510    R$ 0.8664    R$ 1.6546 
Earnings per share from continued operation                    
Basic earnings per share   R$ 0.4398    R$ 3.3748    R$ 0.9250    R$ 1.7738 
Diluted earnings per share   R$ 0.4437    R$ 3.2510    R$ 0.8864    R$ 1.7057 



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



18 Net sales


Accounting policy (new operations)


The Company recognizes revenue from the supply and supply of electricity at the fair value of the consideration, through the delivery of electricity in a given period. The volume of energy delivered to the buyer is determined on a monthly basis. Customers obtain control of electricity from the moment they consume it. Invoices are issued monthly and are usually paid within 30 days of being issued.


Revenue from energy commercialization is recorded based on bilateral contracts signed with market agents and duly registered with the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (“CCEE”).


Revenue is recognized based on the energy sold and at prices specified under the terms of supply and supply contracts. The subsidiary will be able to sell the energy in two environments: (i) in the Free Contracting Environment (FCE), where the sale of electric energy occurs through the free negotiation of prices and conditions between the parties, through bilateral contracts; and (ii) at Regulated Contracting Environment (RCE), where electricity is sold to distribution agents.


(a) Short-term market


The Company recognizes revenue at the fair value of the consideration receivable when transactions in the short-term market occur. The price of energy in these operations is characterized by the link with the Differences Settlement Price – PLD (short-term price).


(b) Trading operations


Energy trading operations are traded on an active market and, for accounting measurement purposes, they meet the definition of financial instruments at fair value.


The subsidiary recognizes revenue when the energy is delivered to the customer at the fair value of the consideration. In addition, unrealized net gains resulting from mark-to-market - difference between contracted and market prices - from open net contracted operations on the date of the financial statements are recognized as revenue.




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



 The following is an analysis of the Company's revenue for the period from continuing operations:



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

Gross revenue from sales of products
and services
   5,266,874    10,973,158    5,852,037    11,294,889 
Construction revenue   219,098    416,319    182,114    342,050 
Indirect taxes and deductions   (1,311,061)   (2,292,060)   (961,300)   (1,844,181)
Net sales   4,174,911    9,097,417    5,072,851    9,792,758 


In the following table, revenue is disaggregated by products and service lines and timing of revenue recognition:








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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)




April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

At a point in time                    
Gas distribution   1,186,845    3,282,600    2,144,345    4,031,099 
Commercialization of energy   145,114    313,889    —      —   
Lubricants and basic oil   772,044    1,776,788    995,634    2,023,209 
    2,104,003    5,373,277    3,139,979    6,054,308 
Over time                    
Transportation   1,723,999    3,084,403    1,654,735    3,223,160 
Port elevation   92,431    155,590    74,005    140,526 
Construction revenue   219,098    416,319    182,114    342,050 
Other services   45,260    85,370    21,172    41,300 
    2,080,788    3,741,682    1,932,026    3,747,036 
Elimination   (9,880)   (17,542)   846    (8,586)
Total of net sales   4,174,911    9,097,417    5,072,851    9,792,758 






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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


19 Costs and expenses by nature


The costs and expenses are presented in the statement of profit and loss by function. The reconciliation of income by nature/purpose is as follows:



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

Raw materials   (474,152)   (1,060,973)   (617,805)   (1,277,776)
Cost of gas and electricity (i)   (814,770)   (2,298,018)   (1,368,757)   (2,707,748)
Transportation expenses   (592,526)   (1,159,870)   (624,063)   (1,232,275)
Depreciation and amortization   (525,997)   (1,064,917)   (555,343)   (1,117,991)
Salaries and wages   (382,252)   (781,531)   (408,468)   (783,348)
Construction cost   (219,098)   (416,319)   (182,114)   (342,050)
Expenses with third-party services   (170,565)   (330,326)   (148,012)   (288,240)
Selling expenses   (5,582)   (10,558)   (11,314)   (20,178)
Other   (239,868)   (436,433)   (111,111)   (248,802)
    (3,424,810)   (7,558,945)   (4,026,987)   (8,018,408)
Cost of sales   (2,793,309)   (6,343,520)   (3,477,315)   (6,946,642)
Selling expenses   (315,013)   (603,618)   (267,902)   (532,032)
General and administrative expenses   (316,488)   (611,807)   (281,770)   (539,734)
    (3,424,810)   (7,558,945)   (4,026,987)   (8,018,408)


(i)Includes the amount of R$ 368,297 resulting from the recognition of the financial sectorial asset and liabilities, Note 12.





Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


20 Other income (expenses), net



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

Contractual obligations for sales of credit rights (ii)   —      (68,311)   —      —   
Recovering tax credits   7,587    18,062    38,847    48,285 
Revenue from sale of scrap   9,634    16,885    5,264    14,498 
Loss from impairment (v)   (107,106)   (107,106)   —      50,284 
Gain (loss) from port operations   (5,139)   (3,532)   —      —   
Reimbursement of losses in the gas process (iv)   26,945    26,945    —      —   
Loss on disposal of non-current assets and intangibles   (1,638)   (1,693)   (2,140)   (7,212)
Depreciation of right-of-use (i)   (24,206)   (48,413)   —      —   
Settlement of disputes in the renewal process (iii)   348,319    278,496    —      —   
Net effect of legal proceedings, recoverable and tax installments   (35,908)   (61,730)   (19,014)   (64,739)
Other   (4,031)   36,992    (15,882)   (35,328)
    214,457    86,595    7,075    5,788 


(i)Depreciation cost of the grant of "Malha Central" (subsidiary in pre-operating phase).



On December 21, 2017, the subsidiary Cosa S.A. entered into a “Credit Rights Assignment and Other Covenants Agreement”. In return, it received R$ 1,340,000 (“acquisition price”), resulting from certain indemnity actions. In addition to the acquisition price, Cosan S.A. will be entitled to additional payments related to these credit rights, provided that its result is positive. The additional payment will be determined by applying 95% of the difference between the net amount received from the Union's credit rights by the transferee, less the return of the transferees. Being recognized in the results only upon receipt.


In September and December 2019, there was an assignment of the additional payment mentioned in the previous paragraph, plus credit related to the portion of the controversial share of the action of Açucareiro Corona S.A.


In both contracts there are clauses of the Company's obligations towards buyers, in the event of any discounts, retentions or compensations that may be promoted by Copersucar, higher than certain percentages, in which the Company will indemnify buyers.




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


On January 2, 2020, the first installment of the second precatory and second installment of the first precatory was received, with Copersucar retaining the amount referring to taxes, expenses and other withholdings. The Company indemnified the Buyers at R$ 132,200 on February 11, 2020, as represented in the cash flow statement, comprising: (i) R$ 28,700 taxes and expenses; (ii) R$ 103,500 other retentions, R$ 130,922 was received on April 2, 2020. Copersucar retained the credit for Corona's share to cover the interest that will be incurred.


In relation to the other retentions, accounts receivable were created against Copersucar, referring to the reimbursement of the installments received from the court orders, totaling R$ 134,903, consisting of: (i) the first installment of the first court order R$ 31,403 recorded in May 2019; and (ii) first installment of the second precatory and second installment of the first precatory in the total amount of R$ 103,500 recorded in February 2020.


On March 31, 2020, the Company made a provision of R$ 68,311 related to the taxes and expenses of the installments falling due that the Company will have to indemnify the Fund for the remaining installments of the first precatory and the second precatory.


(iii)R$ 348,319 with a positive effect related to the reversal of lease liabilities in litigation registered in May and R$ 69,823 of negative effect recorded in January due to administrative and judicial disputes involving the Granting Authority and Malha Paulista, whose discussion the Company gave up as a prerequisite for the conclusion of the concession's early renewal process, one of the requirements imposed by TCU - Federal Audit Court.


(iv)Reimbursement of expenses with regulatory losses in accordance with Resolution ARSESP 977 of April 8, 2020, which was recognized, as detailed in note 12 .


(v)Details note 10.2



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


21 Finance results



Foreign currency gains and losses on financial assets and financial liabilities are reported on a net basis as either finance income or finance cost depending on whether the net foreign currency fluctuations result in a gain or loss position.


Details of finance income and costs are as follows:



April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020


April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)


January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)

Cost of gross debt                    
Interest on debt   (426,705)   (862,550)   (414,739)   (777,024)
Monetary and exchange rate variation   (761,439)   (3,919,288)   168,567    96,921 
Derivatives and fair value measurement   983,082    4,393,001    635    65,225 
Amortization of borrowing costs   (13,469)   (28,811)   (9,533)   (23,846)
Finance and warranties on debt   (13,152)   (22,478)   (20,426)   (40,217)
    (231,683)   (440,126)   (275,496)   (678,941)
Income from financial investment and exchange rate in cash and cash equivalents   74,734    153,963    95,726    183,853 
    74,734    153,963    95,726    183,853 
Cost of debt, net   (156,949)   (286,163)   (179,770)   (495,088)
Other charges and monetary variations                    
Interest on other receivables   31,563    68,926    79,527    101,546 
Interest on other liabilities   (2,276)   (9,673)   (17,858)   (33,274)
Monetary variation on leases and concessions agreements   83,362    9,802    (49,780)   (98,391)
Monetary variation on leases   (159,717)   (295,381)   (89,087)   (137,521)
Interest on shareholders' equity   —      —      (925)   (925)
Interest on contingencies and contracts   (43,744)   (84,618)   (40,628)   (129,634)
Bank charges and other   2,535    (18,992)   (24,942)   (49,651)
Exchange variation and non-debt derivatives   30,540    17,014    8,918    9,002 
    (57,737)   (312,922)   (134,775)   (338,848)
Finance results, net   (214,686)   (599,085)   (314,545)   (833,936)
Finance expense   (755,660)   (2,983,294)   (1,120,766)   (1,924,801)
Finance income   61,129    381,062    191,623    318,039 
Foreign exchange, net   (766,358)   (3,967,798)   177,485    106,668 
Derivatives   1,246,203    5,970,945    437,113    666,158 
Finance results, net   (214,686)   (599,085)   (314,545)   (833,936)




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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


22 Financial risk management


a)Market risk


The objective of market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimizing the return.


The Company uses derivatives to manage market risks. All such transactions are carried out within the guidelines set by the risk management committee. Generally, the Company seeks to apply hedge accounting to manage volatility in profit or loss.


i.Foreign exchange risk


At June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, the Company had the following net exposure to the exchange rate variations on assets and liabilities denominated in U.S.Dollar (U.S.$.) and Euro (EUR):


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Cash and cash equivalents   3,431,801    901,718 
Trade receivables   27,564    22,771 
Trade payables   (107,877)   (86,732)
Loans, borrowings and debentures   (23,587,148)   (16,245,131)
Leases   (101,337)   (65,348)
Consideration payable   (219,362)   (184,370)
Derivative financial instruments (notional)   19,803,476    13,621,791 
Foreign exchange exposure, net   (752,883)   (2,035,301)


The sensitivity of profit or loss to changes in the exchange rates arises mainly from U.S. Dollar denominated financial instruments and the impact on other components of equity arises from foreign forward exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges though its joint ventures.


A reasonably possible strengthening (weakening) of the real to U.S. dollar and Euro at December 31, 2020 would have affected the measurement of financial instruments denominated in a foreign currency and affected equity and profit or loss by the amounts shown below. This analysis assumes that all other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant and ignores any impact of forecast sales and purchases. Stressed scenarios (positive and negative effects, before tax effects) were defined based on changes of a 25% and 50% to the U.S. dollar and Euro exchange rates used in the probable scenario. The Company’s exposure to foreign currency changes for all other currencies is not material.



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



            Variation scenario                
Instrument  Risk factor   Probable    25%   50%   -25%   -50%
Cash and cash equivalents  Currency fluctuation   42,172    69,489    97,180    14,668    (12,837)
Trade receivables  Currency fluctuation   15,558    22,165    28,772    8,952    2,345 
Trade payables  Currency fluctuation   (100,945)   (126,783)   (152,536)   (75,279)   (49,527)
Derivative financial instruments (Notional)  Currency fluctuation   1,775,675    5,937,018    10,013,564    (2,216,074)   (6,292,622)
Loans, borrowings and debentures  Currency fluctuation   748,299    (3,642,870)   (8,012,976)   5,033,612    9,382,475 
Leases  Currency fluctuation   4,182    (20,106)   (44,394)   28,471    52,759 
Consideration payable  Currency fluctuation   (210,310)   (262,887)   (315,465)   (157,733)   (105,155)
Impacts on profit or loss      2,274,631    1,976,026    1,614,145    2,636,617    2,977,438 


The probable scenario considers the estimated exchange rates, made by a specialized third part, at the due date of the transactions for the companies with functional currency Real (positive and negative, before tax effects), as follows:


   Exchange rate sensitivity analysis (R$/U.S.$) and (R$/Euro)
      June 30, 2020    Probable    25%   50%   -25%   -50%
 U.S.$    5.4760    5.2500    6.5625    7.8750    3.9375    2.6250 
 Euro    6.1539    5.9300    7.4125    8.8950    4.4475    2.9650 


ii.Interest rate risk


The Company and its subsidiaries monitor the fluctuations in variable interest rates in connection with its borrowings, especially those that accrue interest using LIBOR, and uses derivative instruments in order to minimize variable interest rate fluctuation risks.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


A sensitivity analysis on the interest rates on loans and borrowings in compensation for the CDI investments with pre-tax increases and decreases of 25% and 50% is presented below:


         Variation scenario                
Exposure interest rate   Probable    25%   50%   -25%   -50%
Cash and cash equivalents   218,020    272,090    327,031    (70,379)   (124,884)
Marketable securities   57,160    71,450    85,740    25,486    11,196 
Consideration asset   65,163    81,454    97,745    48,872    32,582 
Restricted cash   917    1,147    1,376    (1,147)   (1,376)
Other financial assets   (6,073)   (7,591)   (9,110)   7,591    9,110 
Leases   (821,151)   (788,729)   (790,447)   (785,295)   (783,577)
Derivative financial instruments   64,342    2,038,682    2,256,996    546,300    (17,638)
Loans, borrowings and debentures   (1,710,606)   (314,503)   (432,460)   (78,592)   39,365 
Impacts on profit or loss   (2,132,228)   1,353,999    1,536,871    (307,164)   (835,222)


The probable scenario considers the estimated interest rate, made by a specialized third part and Central Bank of Brazil (Banco Central do Brasil), or BACEN, as follows:


    Probable    25%   50%   -25%   -50%
SELIC   2.15%   2.69%   3.23%   1.61%   1.08%
CDI   2.15%   2.69%   3.23%   1.61%   1.08%
TJLP462 (TJLP + 1% p.a.)   5.80%   7.00%   8.20%   4.60%   3.40%
TJLP   4.80%   6.00%   7.20%   3.60%   2.40%
IGPM   3.84%   4.80%   5.75%   2.88%   1.92%
IPCA   3.07%   3.83%   4.60%   2.30%   1.53%
Fed Funds   0.15%   0.19%   0.23%   0.11%   0.08%
Libor   0.61%   0.76%   0.92%   0.46%   0.31%


iii.Price risk


As of January 2020, the Company entered the energy trading market, with the objective of obtaining results with variations in the price of energy, within the limits of risk and pre-established counterparties by Management, exposing the Company to risk price of this commodity.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


Equity position and unrealized gains on energy trading operations, net. Trading operations are traded on an active market and recognized at fair value through profit or loss, based on the difference between the contracted price and the market price of the open contracts on the balance sheet date.


This fair value is estimated, in large part, in the price quotations used in the active over-the-counter market, insofar as such observable market data exist, and, to a lesser extent, by the use of valuation techniques that consider prices established in operations of purchase and sale and market prices projected by specialized entities, in the period of availability of this information.


The equity balances referring to the open trading transactions are shown below.


         June 30, 2020
   Assets  Liabilities  Net gain
Trading operations   40,260    (8,906)   31,354 


The main risk factor that impacts the pricing of trading operations is exposure to energy market prices. The scenarios for sensitivity analysis for this factor are prepared using market data and specialized sources, considering future prices, applied to the market curves of June 30, 2020, as follows:


         Variation scenario                
    Probable    25%   50%   -25%   -50%
Unrealized gains on trading operations   31,354    (53,140)   (137,633)   115,847    200,340 
    31,354    (53,140)   (137,633)   115,847    200,340 


b)Credit risk


The Company’s regular operations expose it to potential defaults when customers, suppliers and counterparties are unable to comply with their financial or other commitments. The Company seeks to mitigate this risk by entering into transactions with a diverse pool of counterparties. However, the Company continues to remain subject to unexpected third party financial failures that could disrupt its operations. The exposure to credit risk was as follows:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Cash and cash equivalents   10,953,572    8,472,274 
Trade receivables   1,825,072    3,115,503 
Marketable securities   2,658,608    1,814,394 
Derivative financial instruments   9,569,926    3,824,410 
Receivables from related parties   188,336    173,341 
Dividends receivable   57,942    23,252 
Restricted cash   42,672    147,910 
    25,296,128    17,571,084 


The Company is also exposed to risks in connection with its cash management activities and temporary investments.


Liquid assets are invested primarily in government security and other investments in Banks with a minimum grade of “A.” Credit risk from balances with banks and financial institutions is managed by the Company’s treasury department in accordance with the Company’s policy.


Investments of surplus funds are made only with approved counterparties and within credit limits assigned to each counterparty. Counterparty credit limits are reviewed on an annual basis and may be updated throughout the period. The limits are set to minimize the concentration of risks and therefore mitigate financial loss through potential counterparty’s failure to make payments. The credit risk on cash and cash equivalents, marketable securities, restricted cash and derivative financial instruments are determined by rating instruments widely accepted by the market and are arranged as follows:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
 AAA    18,823,518    11,538,846 
 AA    4,378,190    4,021,251 
 B-    23,070    —   
      23,224,778    15,560,097 


c)Liquidity risk


The Company’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when they are due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Company’s reputation.


The financial liabilities of the Company sorted by due dates (based on undiscounted cash flows contracted) are as follows:



   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
   Up to 1 year  1 - 2 years  3 - 5 years  More than 5 years  Total  Total
Loans, borrowings and debentures   (6,440,102)   (3,967,672)   (23,372,652)   (19,711,336)   (53,491,762)   (42,443,289)
Trade payables   (2,377,234)   —      —      —      (2,377,234)   (2,190,264)
Other financial liabilities   (405,798)   —      —      —      (405,798)   (543,879)
Tax installments - REFIS   (8,441)   (4,553)   (9,271)   (183,939)   (206,204)   (207,416)
Leases   (1,266,908)   (1,032,579)   (3,018,545)   (20,024,275)   (25,342,307)   (11,666,959)
Payables to related parties   (402,610)   (741)   —      —      (403,351)   (392,458)
Dividends payable   (21,590)   —      —      —      (21,590)   (214,104)
Preferred shareholders payable   —      (446,984)   —      —      (446,984)   (611,537)
    (10,922,683)   (5,452,529)   (26,400,468)   (39,919,550)   (82,695,230)   (58,269,906)






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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


23 Post-employment benefits


   June 30, 2020  December 31, 2019
Defined contribution          
Futura II   437    361 
Defined benefit          
Futura   75,567    74,093 
Comgás   639,059    630,549 
    715,063    705,003 


During the period ended June 30, 2020, the amount of sponsor contributions to the plans was R$ 21,153 (R$ 8,462 on December 31, 2019).


24 Share-based payment


The plans have been administered by the Board of Directors, at its option, by a Committee, within the limits established in the guidelines for the elaboration and structuring of each plan and in the applicable legislation.


The detail of plans, including the quantity of granted shares and expected life in years is as follow:


a)Description of share-based payment arrangements


According to the plan, eligible employees can receive common shares annually without payment in cash. The number of shares issued to program participants is the value of the offer divided by the weighted average price at which the Company's shares are traded on the Stock Exchange.


For share-based compensation settled with shares, the expense is based on the date of granting the fair value of the premiums that must be acquired during the grace period. For awards with graduated vesting, the fair value of each tranche is recognized during the respective grace period. At the end of each reporting period, the Company reassesses its estimates of the number of premiums that must be acquired and recognizes the impact of the revisions in the income statement.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



The Black-Scholes methodology was used to calculate the fair value under the terms of the Share-Based Compensation Plan.


Type of award / Grant date  Company  Expected life (years)  Granted  Exercised / canceled / transferred  Available
Stock grant programs                       
April 27, 2017  Cosan S.A.   5    274,000    (76,900)   197,100 
July 31, 2017  Cosan S.A.   5    298,107    (78,948)   219,159 
July 31, 2018  Cosan S.A.   5    210,602    —      210,602 
July 31, 2019  Cosan S.A.   5    31,031    —      31,031 
            813,740    (155,848)   657,892 
April 20, 2017  Comgás   5    61,300    (4,725)   56,575 
August 12, 2017  Comgás   5    97,780    (6,000)   91,780 
August 1, 2018  Comgás   5    96,787    —      96,787 
July 31, 2019  Comgás   5    83,683    —      83,683 
February 01, 2020  Compass Gás e Energia   5    1,858,959    —      1,858,959 
            2,198,509    (10,725)   2,187,784 
October 1, 2015  Rumo S.A   5    1,485,900    (258,300)   1,227,600 
January 2, 2017  Rumo S.A   5    1,476,000    (226,900)   1,249,100 
September 1, 2017  Rumo S.A   5    870,900    (131,300)   739,600 
August 1, 2018  Rumo S.A   5    1,149,544    (155,621)   993,923 
August 15, 2019  Rumo S.A   5    843,152    (19,956)   823,196 
            5,825,496    (792,077)   5,033,419 
August 18, 2017  Cosan Limited   5    3,530,163    (3,530,163)   —   
Stock grant - Modification                       
August 18, 2011 - (B) (iii)  Cosan S.A.   1 to 12    1,501,626    (1,276,283)   225,343 
December 12, 2012 - (C)  Cosan S.A.   1 to 7    24,647    (24,647)   —   
April 24, 2013 (i)  Cosan S.A.   5 to 7    122,123    (116,802)   5,321 
April 25, 2014 (ii)  Cosan S.A.   5 to 7    283,808    (273,056)   10,752 
August 31, 2015  Cosan S.A.   5 to 7    463,906    (157,242)   306,664 
            2,396,110    (1,848,030)   548,080 
August 18, 2011 - (B)  Cosan Logística   1 to 12    162,464    (162,464)   —   
December 12, 2012 - (C)  Cosan Logística   1 to 7    277    (277)   —   
April 24, 2013  Cosan Logística   5 to 7    1,926    (1,806)   120 
April 25, 2014  Cosan Logística   5 to 7    23,682    (22,396)   1,286 
            188,349    (186,943)   1,406 
Cash-settled transactions                       
September 21, 2017  Cosan Limited   5    255,000    (255,000)   —   
July  31, 2019  Moove   5    132,670    —      132,670 
Total           15,340,037    (6,778,786)   8,561,251 



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Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


(i)On January 23, 2020, 9,579 shares were delivered, equivalent to the amount of R$ 333.
(ii)On March 5, 2020, 21,504 shares were delivered, equivalent to the amount of R$ 748.
(iii)On April 30, 2020, 225,531 shares were settled in cash in the amount of R $ 20,281.


b)Reconciliation of outstanding share options


The movement in the number of awards outstanding and their related weighted-average exercise prices are as follows:


   Stock option programs  Stock grant programs  Total
 At December 31, 2019    150,662    7,501,866    7,652,528 
 Granted     —      1,858,959    1,858,959 
 Vested    —      (435,160)   (435,160)
 Cancelled    (51,311)   (364,414)   (415,725)
 At June 30, 2020    99,351    8,561,251    8,660,602 


c)Expense recognized in profit or loss


Share-based compensation expense included in the statement of profit and loss for the period ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 was as follows:


   Stock option programs  Stock grant programs  Total
 June 30, 2019    1,627    29,279    30,906 
 At June 30, 2020    7,271    37,304    44,575 



(i)               Incremental cost was recognized in income for the period.



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


25 Operation discontinued


On December 2, 2019, the subsidiary Cosan S.A. sold its interest in Cosan Biomassa S.A. to the joint venture Raízen Energia S.A. for R$ 1 (One Real). Considering the unsecured liability of R$47,531, plus the 11-month result of this entity of R$ 15,386 and other transaction expenses of R$21,124, generating a gain in the amount of R$11,021.


Accordingly, as presented below and also required by IFRS 5 - Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations -, the Company is changing the presentation of its income statements and cash flow statements for the period ended on June 2019.


   April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Published)  Discontinued operation  April 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)  January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Published)  Discontinued operation  January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)
Gross profit   1,595,513    23    1,595,536    2,846,398    (282)   2,846,116 
 Selling, general and administrative expenses   (550,601)   929    (549,672)   (1,073,108)   1,342    (1,071,766)
 Other income (expenses), net   3,384    3,691    7,075    (1,684)   7,472    5,788 

Profit before equity in earnings of investees,

finance results and taxes

   1,048,296    4,643    1,052,939    1,771,606    8,532    1,780,138 
  Interest in earnings of associates   7,086    (1,082)   6,004    (19,712)   (2,400)   (22,112)
  Interest in earnings of joint ventures   58,410    —      58,410    362,243    —      362,243 
 Equity in earnings of investees   65,496    (1,082)   64,414    342,531    (2,400)   340,131 
  Finance results, net   (315,753)   1,208    (314,545)   (838,380)   4,444    (833,936)
 Profit before taxes   798,039    4,769    802,808    1,275,757    10,576    1,286,333 
 Income taxes   (257,376)   —      (257,376)   (338,665)   —      (338,665)
 Profit from continuing operations   540,663    4,769    545,432    937,092    10,576    947,668 
 Loss from discontinued operations, net of taxes   —      (4,769)   (4,769)   —      (10,576)   (10,576)
 Profit for the period   540,663    —      540,663    937,092    —      937,092 
 Profit attributable to:                              
  Owners of the Company   208,401    —      208,401    398,617    —      398,617 
  Non-controlling interests   332,262    —      332,262    538,475    —      538,475 
    540,663    —      540,663    937,092    —      937,092 




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)



   January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Published)  Discontinued operation  January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019 (Restated)
Cash flows from operating activities               
Profit before taxes   1,275,757    10,576    1,286,333 
 Adjustments for:               
 Depreciation and amortization   1,118,653    (527)   1,118,126 
 Interest in earnings of associates   19,712    2,400    22,112 
 Interest in earnings of joint ventures   (362,243)   —      (362,243)
 Indexation charges, interest and exchange, net   918,090    (5,246)   912,844 
 Provisions for employee benefits   104,333    18    104,351 
 Other   (94,946)   (651)   (95,597)
    2,979,356    6,570    2,985,926 
 Changes in:               
 Trade receivables   (442,819)   (8,058)   (450,877)
 Inventories   (98,383)   (1,345)   (99,728)
Current tax, net   10,414    1,022    11,436 
 Related parties, net   8,333    (3,755)   4,578 
 Trade payables   170,589    2,418    173,007 
 Employee benefits   (151,489)   771    (150,718)
 Other assets and liabilities, net   (259,087)   8,730    (250,357)
 Discontinued operation   —      1,377    1,377 
 Other   (18,019)   (7,730)   (25,749)
Net cash generated by operating activities   2,198,895    —      2,198,895 
 Marketable securities   2,073,212    (1,361)   2,071,851 
 Additions to property, plant and equipment, intangible assets,
contract assets and right to use
   (1,315,701)   253    (1,315,448)
 Discontinued operation   —      1,108    1,108 
 Other   616,746    —      616,746 
Net cash used in investing activities   1,374,257    —      1,374,257 
 Loans, borrowings and debentures raised   3,020,332    (460)   3,019,872 
 Amortization of principal on loans, financing and debentures   (1,809,575)   (100,517)   (1,910,092)
 Payment of interest on loans, borrowings and debentures   (618,364)   (81,145)   (699,509)
 Derivative financial instruments, net   44,816    (44,816)   —   
 Discontinued operation   —      (10,702)   (10,702)
 Other   (2,788,325)   237,640    (2,550,685)
 Cash flow from financing activities   (2,151,116)   —      (2,151,116)
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   1,422,036    —      1,422,036 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   3,621,798    —      3,621,798 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held   (41,071)   —      (41,071)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   5,002,763    —      5,002,763 




Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


26 Subsequent events


26.1 Cosan S.A.


Corporate reorganization


The Boards of Directors of Cosan S.A., Cosan Logística S.A. and Cosan Limited approved the start of the study of a corporate restructuring proposal that will result in Cosan S.A. as the only holding company in the entire group. Such corporate restructuring aims to simplify the Cosan Group's structure, unifying and consolidating the various free floats of the Companies, increasing the liquidity of their securities, as well as unlocking the value that exists within the Cosan Group.


The corporate reorganization will consist of the merger of companies under common control, whereby Cosan Limited and Cosan Logística S.A. will be merged into Cosan S.A.


Deliberations OGM


According to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting held on July 29, 2020, we present below the main resolutions:


i.Cancellation of 4,694,353 treasury shares issued by the subsidiary Cosan S.A .;
ii.Approval of the capital increase of the subsidiary Cosan S.A in the amount of R $ 682,264 without the issue of new shares;
iii.Approval of the increase in the authorized capital of the subsidiary Cosan S.A to up to R $ 7,000,000.


IPO Compass Gás e Energia

Approved at the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the subsidiary Compass held on July 30, 2020, request for registration of the public offering of primary distribution of common shares, together with the submission of:



Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


i.application for membership of Compass to the special listing segment of the Novo Mercado of B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão; and
ii.application for registration as an issuer of “Category A” securities with the CVM.


26.2 Cosan Logística


Issue Green Notes


On July 1, 2020, the Company completed the raising of USD 500,000 thousand, by the subsidiary Rumo Luxemburgo Sarl, through the issuance of Green Notes, with an interest rate of 5.25% p.a. and maturity on January 10, 2028.


The funds raised through the issuance of Notes will be used to finance new investments in eligible “Green Projects”, according to the Green Bond Framework issued with Second Party Opinion by Sustainalytics and certification by the CBI - Climate Bond Initiative.


Re-bidding process of Malha Oeste


On July 21, 2020, the Company filed with the National Land Transportation Agency (ANTT), a request for adherence to a re-bidding process related to the object of the Concession Contract signed between Malha Oeste and the Union, through the Ministry of Transport ( “Relicitation Process”), pursuant to Law No. 13,448 of June 5, 2017 and regulated by Decree No. 9,957 of August 7, 2019.


Public offering of shares of subsidiary Rumo


On August 13, 2020, the subsidiary Rumo S.A. has announced a primary public offering of shares, through which it intends to sell 235,000,000 shares, a volume that can be increased by 35%, for a capital increase, whose authorized limit is R$ 7,000.000.





Table of Contents

Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements

(In thousands of Brazilian Reais - R$, unless otherwise stated)


Debenture issuance


On August 13, 2020, the Board of Directors approved the 1st issuance of simple unsecured debentures, not convertible into shares, with an additional personal guarantee, in a single series, of the Company, in the total amount of up to R$ 1,740,000. The proceeds will be used in the public offering of shares of the subsidiary Rumo S.A.








Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: October 2, 2020


By:   /s/ Marcelo Eduardo Martins

Name: Marcelo Eduardo Martins

Title: Chief Financial Officer


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